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Answer 1

With the rapid advancement of technology, almost every business today feels the effects of its
use. Today's businesses rely heavily on technology, whether it's a problem that affects just one
department or an issue that affects the whole organisation. As a result, small enterprises in India
are unable to take online payments or send goods across the country. Small firms in the United
States contribute far more to economic growth than in most other nations. In order to compete,
small enterprises may need an enterprise resource management system.
Concept and Application
This phrase may be shortened to "ERP" (enterprise resource planning). Companies that have
implemented CRP have been able to organise and manage a broad range of important operational
components with exceptional efficiency. Small and medium-sized businesses may benefit from
the adoption of software programmes that help them manage their resources more efficiently by
consolidating all of their important operations onto a single device. Both established companies
and newcomers are vying for the attention of the Indian customer. In these kinds of scenarios, it's
important to think about how your organisation may help others obtain a competitive edge.
ERP has a number of advantages for Indian businesses.
In order to effectively serve the Indian people and economy, small and medium-sized businesses
(SMEs) should be supported and encouraged to grow. However, they are confused about how to
proceed in the growth process of their company. Apparently, a large percentage of Indians have
never ever heard of ERP or its many advantages (ERP). Today's culture places a high value on
the capacity to learn, regardless of one's occupation. ERP software is critical to the expansion of
a company's operations while also ensuring that financial management and control are not
compromised. Some of the perks include:

It's a good thing to have more production capacity available.

Using ERP software may help an organisation manage its data more effectively. This is a great
way to distribute data throughout different departments of a company. As a consequence, each
department's willingness and ability to invest time and risk in Excel spreadsheets is drastically

With the usage of a report-structured ERP system, production data may be altered. All of a user's
information may be found in a single area. A vital part of the system's operation depends on the
accuracy and completeness of the information it collects and processes. Using this method, you'll
be able to keep the whole records chart.
A more efficient approach to protecting sensitive data
Data security is a major issue for any business owner. Using an enterprise resource planning
system may allow a company to more swiftly and securely migrate data to the cloud. Enterprise
resource planning (ERP) solutions are becoming more popular in the workplace. Data quality
and consistency are just as critical as system security when it comes to protecting a cloud-based
ERP system.

Put the plan into action Obstacles

In order to successfully implement an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, a firm must
take into account all aspects of its operations. To get the most out of the company's enterprise
resource planning system, personnel must be able to communicate their thoughts and ideas to
one another.
Restructuring the company's functional divisions is one of the most difficult aspects of deploying
an ERP system in India. Before introducing a new product, each company must first assemble a
task force to ensure that the software would be advantageous to the whole organisation. The
organisation will need solid project management skills as well as strong leadership skills to make
it through the transformation effectively.

By using agency resource planning, an organization's many computer systems may be kept in
sync. Departments may use organisational resource planning software to customise their
processes and boost efficiency. On the other hand, a single piece of software may have control to
all of the network's computers. The ERP system has simplified data management. There are
several benefits to using a centralised records management platform. A government agency may
access an enterprise resource planning system through one webpage or a phone app (ERP).

Answer 2

In order to maintain track of present and future customers and clients, businesses may turn to
social networking operating systems that seem to be open to anybody and everyone. This
information may be utilised by merchants to attempt to determine where their products or
services will be advertised in relation to the values preferences of the company-focused
audience, which may include sports, as well as demographics of the target population in
question. In recent years, it seems that the younger population is getting more active in social
networking sites. Social media, knowledge, opinion, and even decision-making are becoming
more accessible via digital networks, which people are increasingly relying on. Through the use
of this technology, statistics may be shared, developed, and pushed around the world. People are
more inclined to purchase things when they are marketed on the internet. Through the use of
virtual advertising, consumers and prospective customers may establish a more personal
relationship with a company. Observe how aggressive marketing is being turned around in this
Concept and Application
Aside from supplying knowledge and expertise that is not often broadcast by national media,
customers and supporters might employ language that holds the aggressors responsible for their
actions. Additionally, these folks may be able to contribute crucial information and insight that
the national media might otherwise miss. Online marketing is vital since it attracts more high-
quality visitors than any other strategy. They seem to have a variety of options from their
employer's point of view To increase the amount of visitors who are interested, utilise the layout
to target certain prospects. Users have the ability to target customers based on certain attributes.
Because to technical improvements, businesses may continue operating even during tough
economic times. Furthermore, contemporary technology facilitates and expedites the process of
seeking job. Automating record extraction, processing, and submission is possible with the usage
of a document management platform

As a consequence of the internet and social media, consumer and business behaviour has
changed. Advertising on the internet and social media may save firms money while
simultaneously boosting brand recognition and revenue. Digital marketing and the usage of
negative technological expression are two instances of potential stumbling obstacles. Internet and
social media specialists from across the world have contributed to this article. It included themes
such as digital truth advertising, electronic document strategic planning, smartphone
advertising/promotion/business-to-business brand management, and system learning, among
other things.

Activists and corporations alike are concerned about the practise of remarketing on the internet.
Businesses are unable to keep end users' personally identifiable information private due to
technical restrictions. In terms of mobile social networking, smartphone social media
applications have supplanted all others. Until recently, all it took for a user to go to a website was
a simple click on a link. This, however, has changed. In the future, people will utilise their
mobile devices while shopping. Because smartphones are more portable than desktop computers,
social media platforms on them are more critical and time-sensitive. The pace at which data is
acquired and processed differentiates the four types of mobile social networking sites. The usage
of social media marketing is on the rise, particularly now that Android devices can access several
of the most popular social networking sites. Mobile marketing has grown in popularity in recent
years. A customer's friends and relatives may be informed of special offers from their favourite
stores, clubs, and pubs through SMS and email.

It is possible for organisations to remove geographical and temporal boundaries between

themselves and their online customers via the use of digital marketing, particularly through
internet sites. When it comes to digital marketing, social networking has led to the establishment
of online communities, which have shown to be very powerful tools. Customers, organisations,
and citizens are all natural participants in a transaction since they are all persons who are
involved in the transaction itself. There would be no need for advertising if no one was interested
in acquiring or consuming items, services, or ideas. Individuals generate markets, thus the
capacity of law enforcement to sell effectively is vital.

Client groups with many of the same characteristics might be created by site designers based on
the data. Customers who visit to a business or system of websites using the relatively similar
Chrome browser might be targeted by marketers. As more people are attracted by customised
advertising, marketers may be able to charge more for these ads. A variety of segmentation
techniques, including as geographic, demographic, and site content, may be used with
remarketing to create a more precise target audience. Audience identification is often referred to
as this technique.

Answer 3a

Managing a chemical agency in the real world requires the use of technology transfer. The
importance of this chemical sector was just recently realised. As a result of advances in cutting-
edge technology, the chemical industry is now more known in the marketplace. Chemical
industry technology or systems are shown in this picture.

There has been a dramatic rise in the importance of technology. As a consequence, cutting-edge
technology is becoming more important in modern chemistry. Competitive markets need that a
chemical firm adopt new technologies or methods to stay on top of their game.
Cloud storage systems have become practicable in labs due to the rise in computer usage and the
growing interest from chemical companies in managing cloud storage systems. Customers may
access a wide range of information from this cloud-based data storage device thanks to the use of
modern technology and computers. Cloud storage on a personal computer may help chemical
companies better manage their data (PC). The number of people who store their data on the
cloud has increased substantially in the last few years.
For us, "supercomputing" is the most advanced computers used by the genuine chemical agency
to do scientific study. In this way, the operations of the chemical firm, which significantly
depend on technology, are routed via this activity. This technology enables a real-time transition
between jobs. This method is used by these student groups to become involved in extracurricular
activities outside of the school day. the classroom.
To safeguard its digital assets, the chemical industry has created a cutting-edge cyber security
gadget. This method may be used to keep sensitive data from leaking out of certain devices.
Using virtual strategic principles, the organisation can keep even the most complex procedures
running smoothly. Using the internet, chemists may stay in touch with suppliers and discover
more about their own pasts. Increasing client interaction with the company's goods and services
is facilitated by new online platforms. As a result, the real-life chemical company's activities
have grown more intertwined.

A well-known chemical corporation has made technology innovation a component of its business
strategy. Even if significant technological advances have contributed to the prestige of the
chemical firm, In today's highly competitive business environment, innovative enterprises may
have an advantage.
Ans 3b
The chemical firm plans to contribute to the continued development of the main computer sector
by increasing its usage of computer-based solutions. The prototype computer system was built
from the bottom up to handle both conventional and online commercial transactions. In the
chemical sector, ERP adoption may have the potential to improve e-business.

Since chemical businesses have been able to boost production levels dramatically as a result of
technical advancements, The whole chemical industry is aiming to develop a strong
computerised infrastructure in order to increase the PC-friendly sector. Chemical-specific firms
that have extensive experience with this kind of computer equipment are more likely to acquire
customers. These gadgets are a need in the world of online business. Being successful in the
world of online business means having access to the latest computer-based technologies. True
chemical companies want to have computer-controlled systems across their whole organisation
as their ultimate objective.
Every pharmacist aspires to have an ERP system in the future (ERP). We've been able to do
more thanks to technological improvement. It is hoped that the software they've developed for
the company would help the organisation produce resources. In response, customers are
increasingly demanding firms to include such software in the goods and services they buy.
Because of this choice, it is expected that this chemical company's e-commerce performance
would be improved. Using this planning tool, the organisation may be able to increase the
security of its data. A statistical expert is not required to gather and analyse data.
If a company has a strong supply chain, it can serve a huge number of customers while still
offering excellent service. Competitive enterprises may be able to aid the chemical sector by
using the resources of another company to design their own supply chains. Successful business
strategies are frequently the driving force behind the growth of huge corporations. Commercial
activities and procedures could not be digitalized prior to the use of this planning solution. In the
chemical sector, ERP adoption may have the potential to improve e-business.

Customers may be able to increase their online sales volume by using a business-friendly ERP
system. Using business resource software will help an organisation achieve its goals. The more
technologically advanced an organization's IT systems are, the more likely it is to attract new

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