Reflection Essay 1

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Garza 1

Lisa Garza

Professor Powers

English 1301

27 April 2022

Reflection Essay

Essay 1 helped me a lot with essay 3 because it helped me get a feel of what professor powers

wanted in each of the essays since they were all pretty similar. Essay 2 helped me with essay 3

because it led me to go into more detail with each of the essays. In essay 1 I wrote about the U.S.

Constitution which was the total opposite of essay 3 because essay 3 was about technology

affecting children. In essay 2 I learned more about social media whereas essay 3 was about

technology with children. Something that I learned in essay 3 that can be applied to other courses

would be being direct with my thesis and staying organized. I learned about technology having

an effect on children so I do not think that would be something I would need to know for other

courses. My writing strengths would probably be organization whereas my writing weaknesses

would probably be that I am not very direct with my thesis. I believe that these strengths and

weaknesses have been consistent throughout all of my three essays in my English class. The

most challenging aspect of this essay was probably trying to find an article that actually

interested me. The least challenging was staying organized since I always tend to do an outline

before my essays.

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