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Ecole des hautes Etudes commercial

The First term Business English Exam

Master g: 11 tronc commun Miss Benarb
Name: Chiahi Amina Malek
Timing :24 hours School year: 2021/2022

Part one:
1- Give a short definition to these two terminologies:
a- Business: is a word that is commonly used in many different languages . It is exchange
or trade for things people wanted or needs .
Today it has more technical definition. Is the production , distribution , and sale of goods and
services for a profit .
b- Commerce: is the exchange or buying and selling of commodities on a large scale involving
transportation from place to place , Synonyms of the word commerce are : business- market place
trade – traffic

2-In two sentence explain what differs business from commerce

-While business can be an entity, commerce refers to trade and trade-related activities

-Commerce focuses on buying and selling part of a business whereas there is much more to a
business than just buying and selling.

3- What is vision statement‫؟‬

vision statement: is a short description of who you are , what you plan to sell or offer ,
why and to whom , your business goals and key selling points .

4- In your opinion what does vision statement include‫؟‬

for me vision statement should include: the values of the company, the mission of the
company, the culture of the company and more important the strategic and future goals and
the vision statement should be concise, clear ,stable and most importantly challenging and
Part two:
A business plan is a written document[strategy] that describe the business’s future. You
need to write a it down to better understand your competition and customer and determine
your financial needs and the most impotently to attract investors partners and even employees,
business plan also help to reduce the risk of pursuing the wrong opportunity and uncover new
opportunities. The business plan should include: First an executive summary which is an over
view of the business you want to start. It’s all about getting your investor excited in 5 minutes,
keep it short and to the point, it’s must cover (who are you, what you sell, how big and
profitable it can get, how much you need). Second the business vision and ideas that provides
a concrete way for stakeholders, especially employees, to understand the meaning and
purpose of your business. Then you need to show that you have identified the best channels to
use to target your customers ( eg: pricing , distribution and promotion ) that means your
marketing and sales strategy . After that you need to identify your key team members and
founders, this section should highlight the strengths and skills of each team member and how
they are working together to lead the company into the future. Fifth step is operations: this
section is where you get into the details of how your company will operate your premises,
production facilities, your management information systems and it. And last but not least is
the level of financial data needs to be included and may vary depending on the audience
reviewing your business plan, you will want to ensure that you have a financial forecast, cash
flow statement, balance sheet, income statement and any planned capital expenditures.

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