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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Teachers: Mia Davis Subject and Grade level:

Biology / 9th Grade

State Standards:
HS-LS1-1. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the structure of DNA
determines the structure of proteins, which carry out the essential functions of life
through systems of specialized cells.
HS-LS3-2. Make and defend a claim based on evidence about the natural world that
reflects scientific knowledge, and student-generated evidence.
inheritable genetic variations may result from (1) new genetic combinations through
meiosis, (2) viable errors occurring during replication, and/or (3) mutations caused by
environmental factors.

Objective (Explicit):
Students will illustrate their understanding of the structure of DNA by creating a model
based on a rubric provided to them.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

Include a copy of the lesson assessment.
Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
Assign value to each portion of the response.

Students will have the options to design their DNA model using candy and toothpicks or pipe
cleaners and papers. Students will be expected to include the five major components of the
structure of DNA: the sugar phosphate backbone and all four bases with correct pairings
(guanime, thymine, adenine, cytosine). This will be a 20 point assignment. Ten points for each
major component present (2x5), 5 points for a correct and understandable key, 5 points for
model presentability. Theses are some examples of acceptable models:

Sub-Objectives (SWBAT: sequenced from basic Formative Assessment:

to complex) : Students' formative assessment
Will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons? will be the construction of the
What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson’s explicit
objective? DNA model.
How is this lesson relative to students, their lives, and/or the real world?

Students will engage in discussion about the video on genetic testing to reinforce the understanding
about the importance of DNA.
Students will examine how DNA plays a role in our health.
Students will apply concepts of DNA mutation and damage to health risks like cancer.
Students will use their prior knowledge to construct a DNA structure model in the medium they choose
based on the rubric provided to them.

Key Vocabulary: Materials:

- Model - Poster paper
- Key - Pipe cleaners
- Bases - Scissors
- Base Pairs - Twizzlers
- Sugar Phosphate Backbone - Toothpicks
- Adenine - Gumdrops
- Thymine - Gummy Bears
- Guanine - Markers
- Cytosine - Student science binders
- Mutation
- Damage
- Genetic Testing

How will you introduce the learning? State objectives, connect to previous learning, make learning relevant to real life, etc.
How will you activate student interest?
How will you connect to past learning?
How will you present information in an engaging and student-friendly way?

Open by talking about cell division. We have been talking about how normal cell division can turn into
cancer cell division. This happens when DNA is damaged or mutated during cell division. Now that we
have covered the stages of mitosis all all the checkpoints cells go through during division. We are going
to review the structure of DNA and its importance in life. The structure concept is reviewed from the
previous unit we talked about all the things DNA can be used for and tell us yesterday. This helped us
get a good understanding of how important it is for DNA to not be damaged.

Instructional Input:
How will you model/explain/demonstrate all knowledge/skills required to master the objective?
What types of visuals will you use to present instruction (i.e. slide deck, video clip, ppt, etc.)?
How will you check for understanding? What questions will you ask to engage the learner?
Provide details in this section so that another person could facilitate this lesson.

Instruc. Teacher will: Student will:

Input - Ask students to list takeaways from the - List takeaways from the
video they watched yesterday (should be video
along the lines of all the different things - Voice their opinions on
DNA is used for) DNA and genetic testing
- Talk about how important it is for DNA to like 23andMe (good, bad,
remain undamaged and mutated in the
neutral, etc)
cell because DNA is the building blocks
- Continue to build on the
of life.
- Ask students if they remember the concept that DNA damage
structure of DNA (they will list parts like is detrimental to our health
A goes to T, etc) and function
- Write parts on the board - Recall DNA structure from
- Begin to transition into the guided last unit
practice by explaining that today we will
be doing a review activity of DNA

Co-teaching strategies:
One Teach, One Observe

Differentiation strategies:
Both visual and verbal learning will be utilized for this portion. Students can access
exit ticket from the day before to help jog their memory on the video.

Guided Practice:
How will you ensure that all students have multiple opportunities to practice new content/skills?
What types of questions can you ask students as you are observing them practice?
How/when will you check for understanding?
Provide details in this section so that another person could facilitate this lesson.

Guided Teacher will: Students will:

Prac. Explain the learning goal and activity for the Observe teacher’s examples and
independent practice: be an active listener during the
- Learning Goal: To review and directions and expectations
understand the Structure of DNA and the delivery.
effects of damaged DNA.
- Activity: Students will be constructing a
model of DNA structure. This model
must have a model key, which will be
checked before students are distributed
materials for the model itself. This model
must have the 5 major components of
DNA structure for full credit (the four
bases and the sugar phosphate
Guide students through an example of making a
model key by assigning materials to a structure
component (ex: green gummy bear is thymine).
Lead an example of model building.
Reiterate the directions and expectations (as
stated above) for the independent practice
activity. Students must finish this by the end of
class. Students will be proved a rubric in person
and on google classroom which demonstrates
how this model will be graded.

Co-teaching strategies:
One Teach, One Observe

Differentiation strategies:
Directions and examples will be verbally stated as well as visually shown on the
board and/or doc camera. All instructions will also be available to each student on
google classroom to refer back to at any time.

Independent Practice:
What activity will students complete (independently or small groups)?
How will you plan to coach and correct students during this practice?
How will you provide opportunities for remediation and extension?
Provide details in this section so that another person could facilitate this lesson.

Indep. Teacher will: Students will:

Prac. Pass out candy supplies once students present a Create a legible key for the model
legible and logical model key. and its required components.
Walk around the classroom and monitor student Build DNA model according to
engagement, behavior, group contribution, answer rubric.
questions etc.

Co-teaching strategies:
One Teach, One Support

Differentiation strategies:
Students will have the option of using 3 different options for building the DNA models:
1. Online
2. Paper and Pipe Cleaners
3. Candy
This caters to students with potential allergies or preferences about mode of learning.

May include student reflection, real-life connections, assessment, exit-ticket, discussion, etc.
How will students summarize and state the significance of what they learned?
Why will students be engaged?

Students will turn in their DNA models as their daily assessment grade. The learning goal will
be reinstated as we transition into talking about our next topic on tumor suppressors and how
DNA connects and affects suppressors.

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