The Prince 12-10-21 2

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The Prince

Unedited Bonus Chapters

Chapter One

“You know, it won’t bring her back if you wear a hole in the rug, and out of all the things I like
in the palace, that rug is by far my favorite.” I stopped walking and looked up. It was still a horror and
shock to see myself leaning against the doorframe with a look I’d never made before. I shook my head
as Cadian’s melody reached me. I’d honestly heard it enough for a lifetime.
“This rug is your favorite thing in this palace?” I said standing up tall and placing my hands
comfortably behind my back. I tilted my head to the side questioning him. He moved from the
doorframe and ran fingers through MY hair then put my hands on my hips. I shook my head I needed
to get over the fact that I was not inside my own body, but inside my brothers. Need to get over that
my brother—and my corrupt brother, as I’d always been taught to believe, was in my body.
“Wow a little possessive brother. Didn’t mother ever teach you to share?” Cadian said with a
smirk that was so him I didn’t even see myself anymore.
“Stop reading my melody.” I turned my back to him clutching my chin and began to pace
once more. I had to think of a way to fix this. Emma and I, we had to be together there was just no
other option.
“You have plenty of options, just yesterday a lady Corrine was talking about how handsome I
looked, or well—you I guess—blast this is getting confusing eh?” I turned to look at him.
“Please leave Cadian I’m busy”
“Yes, I see that.” He cleared his throat and I tried to ignore him, he just wanted to irritate
people that was all he knew. Was this him being bored? He was no longer chained up. He was a free
man and I could sense from his melody having no task made him uneasy. Spending years in a dungeon
probably created a fear of boredom. I must have pushed through his melody too far because his next
words were cutting and so was the picture he sent to me.
“I also know how to kiss beautiful women. And they always come back for more.” He showed
me a picture of Emma on top of him kissing him, I inwardly groaned as he took his shirt off. Well, that
would explain how Emma knew Cade also had scars from being whipped on his body. She had made
him take his shirt of while kissing him. I tried to bite down the jealousy, it was beneath me. Incredibly
deep twenty feet below me in the cold damp earth. Emma only kissed Cade to save me. She only took
his shirt off because she believed the necklace was the only way to do that. I let myself grip my hands
tight for a moment then relaxed. Cade was only trying to irritate me. I wouldn't let him use Emma in
that way. She didn’t deserve that.
“Sorry Shad that just slipped out,” his voice was full of no remorse whatsoever.
“Again, dearest brother, leave” I huffed feeling my calm slipping.
“I will leave only if you promise to stop pacing like that—I told you I love that rug and—“
Stop it with the blasted rug Cade!” I shouted walking to him and pinning him against the wall.
“Curse the rug all the way to the corruptor and back again” I seethed clutching his jacket. Cade merely
smiled and I shoved at him before stepping away smoothing my own jacket.
“Perfect, there it is,” Cade said as I glared at him
“Where what is? You want me angry?”
“I mean you're always so calm it’s annoying and frankly brother, if I’m being honest
“Being calm is how I get things done, solve problems and find solutions. Nothing is
accomplished well when done in anger. That’s when mistakes are made.”
“Mm” he said, cupping his chin overly dramatic as if in thought. “You know Shad we are more
alike than you may think. I may possibly be incredibly talented—no id say—gifted at calculating
situations and acquiring the desired outcome.”
“So are you telling me brother” I used his mocking tone as he always said brother. “That you
desired to be locked up by Ryker, held prisoner and beaten?” Cade smiled and it was incredibly strange
to see my face make that smile.
“Yes actually.” I shook my head and started pacing before I stopped and looked down at the
blue and silver embroidered rug. I was sure he didn’t care about the rug at all but as I stared at it I
realized for maybe the first time in my life that this rug was not just the silver woods, but there were
two figures in the woods. Two boys holding swords and wearing crowns. I shook my head to look at
“It’s us.” Cade said softly and low I wasn’t sure I heard him.
“I’ve never noticed it before, I thought you were being—“
“Irritating? While I’ll agree I do I enjoy ruffling feathers, I always have a goal and a purpose.”
“Ah calculated, yes you are that. And here?” I motioned to the rug. I was confused at why he
would care about the rug in my room, and a rug of two princes, us no less. Was he sentimental?
“Well, other than the ridiculous waste of a perfectly good woven rug, I rather enjoy my
likeness being engraved for all time into something. Also, your horrible use of my rather desirable
stride is appalling.” He pretended to flick a piece of lint from his shoulder and I had a feeling as his soul
reached mine that he was putting on a show again,for his purposes. Perhaps being pompous and
irritating to me helped serve one of his plans. I’d let him believe I wasn’t aware of his act for the
moment. But I knew there was more to him than what he appeared to show the world. Emma had seen
that too hadn’t she?
“And being beaten was helpful to you?”
“Yes—“ he said slowly, dragging the s out as he looked at his cuff. I was sure then, as his
melody flickered, being that he wasn’t trained in shielding his soul very well, I could sense that Cade
hid behind his over the top behavior. I shook my head not wanting to deal with my long lost twin at
the moment, I couldn’t be distracted when I needed to find Emma, and needed to figure a way for us
to be together.
“I wanted to come to Terra. What better way than with the lot of you?” I looked at him, my
golden eyes staring at my borrowed ones. “As handsome as I am Shad, and really I am sorry I am the
more attractive twin, but as much fun as it is to look at myself—“ he motioned towards me, in his
body. Acting the part of conceited rather well. “I would also like to help you help Emma, because,
among other things, I would like my body back.”
“I don’t need your help.”
“Strange, but here I am anyway to offer my assistance.”
“You would only compromise any plans I had.”
“I would improve them”
“Ruin them”
“I’d get the difficult things accomplished and you perfect brother wouldn’t need to get those
precious hands dirty. Oh wait—well perhaps you will have to do the dirty work—you're the one with
my hands.”
“Cadian truly I appreciate your desire to help hut—“
“It’s purely selfish”
“Be that as it may”
“I’m not like you”
“Yes I know and because of that I don’t need your help”
“Let me be extremely clear, I want to help because it suits my needs, it’s that earth saying; if
you want something done right you have to do it yourself.”
“I am suitable for the task.” I said, crossing my arms across my chest.
“Is this what Emma finds so attractive? You lying about your abilities?”
“I do not lie.”
“I mean, I guess if you believe it—then you would believe that it isn’t a lie— even if we all
know the truth.” He paused and put his hands on his hips. “Wow, that is actually quite brilliant
Shadtict. I'll be using that in the future.”
“As much fun as it’s been chatting with you—i must be leaving” I started walking past Cade
when he held out a hand to stop me.
“Read my melody, I can help you and I swear we have the same goal.” His melody curled
around mine and I read it. He wanted his body back and he wanted to help me. It was all there so
crystal clear but why was I leery then? Another thought popped in, he wanted to help Emma. Almost
as soon as it came it went away I would haven believe I made it up if it wasn’t for the look on his face
of being uncomfortable. I felt bad for him, he had a rough life with our farher I should be more
understanding, Emma was.
“Fine you may help me, but you must do as I ask.”
“For the most part”
“When you are correct”
“What? If you are about to walk off the edge of a cliff wouldnt you like me to tell you?” I rolled
my eyes.
“Of course” I huffed, walking past him and into the hall. I wanted to find my mother and ask
her about the rug in my room.
“So it’s settled!” Cadian nearly shouted.
“If you will follow my lead” I put up a hand turning to face him before he would say anything
“unless I’m about to fall from a cliff” Cade chuckled touched my shoulder and said;
“You have a deal brother. But you have to agree to stop pacing and not ruin that rug.”
“Fine—“ I sighed he removed his hand from my shoulder and stood beside me.
“But there is a rather hideous rug in rowan’s room, it’s horrid and you are welcome to go in
there and pace to your princely hearts content.” He smirked.
“When were you in Rowan’s room?”
“When we first arrived—I check out every room in the castle didn’t you? It’s important to
know where you lay your head at night.”
“But this is home”
“For you, for you it is home, I have no memory of this place.”

Chapter two

I walked down the hall quickly. Passing empty hallways every able bodied man was down in
the fields being trained. The palace felt more empty then he remembered. I walked down the corridors
with purposeful strides although I didnt know what to do. Through the glass he could see a Thea. His
sister her long black blue hair and tan skin in her signature blue gown. She had grown maybe not in her
looks, as terrans age slow but she had to take a lot on while I had been on earth, she seemed just more
capable than ever before and that was saying something because Thea was always capable. I almost
turned away to continue to my destination, I really needed to gather enough supplies and talk to Keil
when I saw a man touch a stand of her hair tucking it behind her ear.
Nope I don’t like that. His back was facing me but from his uniform he was a knight. And I
wondered what he was doing there and not on the field. I decided I didn’t want to be found staring so
I made myself known standing onto the terrace.
“Shad!” Thea called in surprise and the knight turned to me. I was prepared to tell Keil his
name and get all the information I could about him, only I knew who he was, and I didn’t need
information about him. It was Rowan. He had light brown hair and blue eyes. He bowed to show
respect then stood tall beside my sister.
“Rowan, Thea nice to see you.” I said
“Good to see you prince” Rowan said.
Rowan had been at the palace for as long as I could remember, he’d received basic training as a
guardian knight in the fourth kingdom, and like usual was sent to an ancient heir to become guardian
too. The path doesn’t usually happen for years later, but the friendship is one of the most important
parts of having a guardian knight, they know you well, sometimes better than yourself. I got along
with Rowan just fine. We spoke and played the regular games in our youth, but when the time came
for him to take his vows I didn’t want it. I just wanted him to be my friend and I didn’t want him to be
sworn to me forever without a choice. I’d gone through enough of my life without a choice with my
father, I didn’t want to be him, didn’t want to bind someone to me.
To Rowan it was a slight, he was looked down on as not good enough. So while he was my
Guardian knight who never was, why was he so close to Thea?
“Oh yes we’ll Rowan and I were just enjoying a break before we do more planning. It gets so
dreadfully stuffy in there, Rowan just told me the funniest joke.” She turned to look at Rowan as if to
tell it. Rowan shook his head.
“Well, I’ll go see if I’m needed.” Thea slipped from the terrace before I could protest.
“Rowan, you’ve stayed here all this time?”
“I feel as if it were my home, I have lived here longer than anywhere else.”
“It is your home of course Rowan.” I placed a hand on his shoulder. “But if you so much as
hurt a hair on my little sisters head—“
“Oh no—no of course not.” His cheeks darkened.
“Rowan, I saw flirting.” I placed my hands behind my back standing tall.
“Your highness—“
“Please drop the formalities, my friend”
“Well, Shadrict, Thea is so smart, kind, brave and strong. How would one not be able to flirt
with her if in the same room?”
“My sister is remarkable, so all I’m wanting is for you to be the man she deserves. There's no
doubt she enjoys your company.”
“I promise Shadrict we are only friends.”
“Friends are a fabulous way to start something wonderful.”
“Indeed” Rowan said.
“So now that you’ve been warned I’ll make you a soulless myself if you ever harm my sister,
I’m wondering if you’d like to go on a quest with me.
“A quest?”
“Yes, one that we need a noble knight for, one such as yourself.”
“I will do as you desire Shadrict.”
“What do you desire? For, I won’t have you come if you prefer to stay.”
“I will be at your side if you wish it.”
“Wonderful–then we are off to find a way to break a bond.”
“A bond, your highness?” He asked. I looked away from him for a moment picturing Emma
and Ryker together in my mind. I closed my eyes trying to imagine something else–anything else.
“Yes, a bond. I will have Emma no matter what it takes.”

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