What A Character Lesson Plan

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What A Character!

Subject: Drama 1 Date: 09/01/1989

T opic: Improv/Charactarization Lesson # 24601

Lesson Focus and Goals:

Familiarize students with basics of character development

Introduce vocal differentiation and characterization through improv

Materials Needed: Learning Objectives:

Slips of paper TH:Cr3.1.I.b: Explore physical, vocal and

Writing Instruments physiological choices to develop a

2 hats, bowls, or other holding apparatuses performance that is believable, authentic,

Dr. Seuss Book (i.e. Fox in Socks) and relevant to a drama/theatre work.

Structure / Activity:
Integrate into space with preestablished ritual

Begin with a padlet asking students their favorite cartoon characters

Ask if any students can do impressions of any of the characters

Lead that into a discussion of characterization through voice

Discuss how voice, tone, and emotion can play a role in shaping a character

Talk about why certain cartoon characters have the voice they do, and how that aids in

painting a picture of the character (i.e. Patrick Star has a slow, low voice because he

is dumb)

Have students write emotions on slips of paper and put in a hat

In another hat, put slips of voices and dialects (Yoda, Batman, British, Valley Girl

Go around the room and have each student pull out an emotion and a voice, and do their

best to create a character

Go around twice, the first time allow them to improv for 30ish seconds, the second

time, they must distill it down to one word/noise

Debrief as to how the students felt, what went well, what didn't go well

If there is time, bring out a Dr. Seuss book and have students go around and speed read it

page, each page with a different student and a different character/voice

Integrate out and break for day

Break students into groups of 3-4

Have them each draw a voice and a situation (that will also be written on a slip)

Give them half the class to devise a piece that has a beginning, middle and end,

implementing the voices and creating clear characters

Perform pieces for the rest of the class during second half

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