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UWP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Name: Heather Krause Grade Level: 10

Target Content/Lesson Topic: World Literature/ The Tempest Date: 3/18/22

This lesson is for a(n) __x___ whole class _____ small group _____ individual

Essential Question What do we learn about Prospero’s character and forgiveness by comparing him to Napoleon Bonaparte?
- What is the essential question that
this lesson addresses? In order to answer this question and acquire the deeper learning that is established in the learning standard,
- What is the core purpose of the students will highlight different words or phrases that describe Napoleon in the article, they will compare these
lesson that includes the strategies descriptions with Prospero’s character using The Tempest, specifically the scene where Prospero is asking for
and skills necessary to accomplish forgiveness, and then students will discuss how Prospero’s actions may be equatable with Napoleon’s actions
the deeper learning in the standard? and therefore debate whether Prospero is forgivable and the consequences or the human necessitites that come
with that.

Sequencing In this unit, students are focusing on forgiveness and the complexities that go along with it especially when
- How does this lesson fit into the there is an unequal balance of power. By students thinking about how people like Prospero have existed and
larger unit of study? still exist today, it is preparing them to think about the real-life implications that exist when dealing with people
- Focus on a logical/hierarchical like Prospero. Now that the students have read The Tempest in it’s entirety, they are ready to break down
sequencing of skills (e.g., main ideas different aspects of his character and using a real life historical figure as an example may make it easier to
before details, similarities before identify the flaws or qualities of Prospero’s character.
State Learning Standards R.9-10.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases, including figurative and connotative meanings. Analyze
List the complete, relevant grade- the impact of specific word choices on meaning, tone, and mood. Examine technical or key terms and how
level standard(s). language differs across genres. (RI&RL)
Learning Target(s) and Learning Students will be able to identify the qualities of Napoleon Bonaparte’s character from the history article and
Objective(s) then compare these characteristics with Prospero’s character.

September 2021
- Choose your learning target(s) and
objective(s) based on the relevant
state learning standard(s).
- Write focused targets and
objectives that describe the specific
learning outcome (what students
should be able to do as a result of
the lesson).
- Be sure they are stated in
observable and measurable terms
(e.g., ABCD+T).
Grouping Reading Strategy Portion
Describe how and why students are (I do) Students will be in a whole group at the beginning of class when I am modeling the annotation strategy
grouped based on to them. (We do it together) Students will still be in a whole group still as I go through the strategy with them
- homogeneous, heterogeneous, with another example. (You do it with my support)After that I will invite students to split into groups of
randomized their choosing as I walk around and scaffold annotations ideas. (You do it alone) I will then ask students to
- ability, interest, IEP goals, social or work individually to formulate annotations so they are ready for the discussion activity.
social-emotional, behavioral,
language acquisition Discussion Activity
I will have students break into groups and re-read Prospero’s final speech.
We will come together and annotate parts of the speech that describe his character
We will stay as a whole group to take part in the class discussion
Co-Teaching Strategy One Teach, One Assist. Since my class of sophomores are often distracted by their phones or reluctant to
Does this lesson involve co- participate, my mentor teacher will be helping me encourage participation and scaffolding discussion.
teaching? If not, state N/A. If yes,
identify the co-teaching model and
what role each teacher will play.
-One Teach, One Observe; One
Teach, One Assist; Station Teaching;
Parallel Teaching; Supplemental;
Alternative; Team Teaching

September 2021
Differentiation Content: All students are familiar with The Tempest. However, Napoleon Bonaparte and The French Revolution
Describe how you will meet is most likely new information. So, in order to not overwhelm the students, I am going to give a brief
individual students’ needs by background of Napoleon Bonaparte so they will be more prepared to make connections between him and
adjusting the content, process, Prospero.
product, and environment based on
their readiness, interests, and learning
preferences. Process: Since practicing the annotation strategy is the point of this specific assignment, students will be using
that. However, when analyzing Prospero’s speech, I am going to let them use whatever method they wish to
analyze the important words or terms that let us know the intentions about his character.

Product: All students in this class period are capable of reading, annotating, and discussing. However, since
Napoleon Bonaparte is a new introduced person, I am only expecting them to make at least three connections
between Prospero and Napoleon. They are going to see what connections can be evoked from Prospero’s
apology and therefore assess his character.

Environment: Students will be doing this assignment in the classroom, as guidance from my mentor teacher
and I may be needed.

IEP Goals Relevant to Lesson (Add rows as necessary.)

Student IEP Goal

Accommodations and/or Modifications Required for Students in Special Education (Add rows as necessary.)
Student(s) Required Accommodation/Modification

September 2021
Supports for English Language Learners (Add rows as necessary.)
Student Necessary Supports (e.g., Sheltered English strategies, grouping strategies)

Formative Assessment I will monitor student learning throughout the lesson by making sure that students are annotating words and
- How will you monitor student phrases that describe Napoleon in terms of intentions, power and leadership when he is exiled to Elba.
learning throughout the lesson?
- Be specific about how your practice Through students making these annotations and identifying Napoleon’s qualities, it is allowing them to
assessments connect directly with the accomplish the higher order thinking of comparing Napoleon and Prospero in order to think about
lesson objective. forgiveness.
Formative Evaluation Criteria
- What material(s) will you use to
evaluate learning? Formative
Assessment Rubric EDU 412.docx
- Attach a copy of your checklist,
rubric, observation criteria, or other
Summative Assessment The students will have demonstrated mastery of the standard by writing an essay using this prompt: Step 1:
How will students demonstrate Choose 1 Character and take a position: The character SHOULD forgive the character who has
mastery of the standard? wronged them OR the character SHOULD NOT forgive them.
Note: This assessment does not have
to occur during/after this lesson but Step 2: Using the articles we have read in class OR your own experiences make a connection to
in upcoming lessons. the characters to strengthen your analysis.

Summative Evaluation Criteria

- What material(s) will you use to
evaluate learning? EDU 412 Strategy
Summative Assessment Rubric .docx

September 2021
- Attach a copy of your checklist,
rubric, observation criteria, or other

Opening: Introduction and - I will introduce the learning target and why we are analyzing the actions of Napoleon Bonaparte.
Connection to Previous Learning - I will ask students if they know anything about the French Revolution specifically Napoleon Bonaparte,
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) and then I will introduce some of the policies he enforced during that time period.
● Activate prior knowledge. - I will then tell them about how he got exiled from France and explain that that is what the article is
● Be sure students understand going to be about.
procedures and instructions for - I will then introduce the annotation strategy and model how to use it using this graphic organizer:
the lesson. -
● Establish clear expectations.
● Model concept. EDU 412 Strategy
The groupings/instruction/lesson Organizer .docx
progression may look different in different -I will demonstrate how to use the strategy by putting a star next to the phrase that says, “At
parts of the lesson! intervals…he seemed to relapse into a kind of reverie”
During: Lesson Progression (we do) I will continue reading the article aloud, asking students to help me annotate another phrase
In this portion of the lesson, you will After they practiced with me I will ask them to get into groups and to annotate some words or phrases
be letting go and letting students together (you do it with my support.) I will circulate around the room to scaffold annotation ideas
engage in productive struggle; and my mentor teacher will assist me in this.
engaging in gradual release (“I do, we I will then have students work alone (you do it alone) I will then circulate around the room and make
do, you do”), inquiry, guided or sure that students are annotating at least three words, excerpts or phrases that describe Napoleon’s
independent practice, or other character in terms of leadership, intentions, and power.
learning methods. Please write what If students need help, I will help probe thinking by asking them what they think of Prospero’s character
you are looking for in terms of: in terms of leadership, intentions and power and then see if they can apply that to Napoleon Bonaparte.
● Students’ thinking and how After students have found their annotations, I will ask them to volunteer what they found, and I will
they will start the lesson. write them on the board.
● Provide appropriate support
(not explaining how to do it).

September 2021
● Provide worthwhile This during lesson progression is preparing students for the sense making of comparing Napoleon and
extensions. Prospero so they can grapple with these figures when it comes to forgiveness.
● Provide opportunities for
students to engage in using
the academic language.
This is where you will be suggesting
or modeling specific strategies
and helping students choose which
strategy makes sense to them.
However, you must make sure ideas
come from students.
Closing: Wrap-Up and Extension -To wrap up the lesson, students will get in groups and re-read the final passage of The Tempest in which
End the lesson with a final review of Prospero apologizes to the other characters and to the audience.
key ideas and knowledge. This is -We will come together and annotate words or phrases that describe the nature of Prospero’s character and
where you have students talk about compare and contrast the nature of Napoleon’s character with Prospero’s character.
their thinking and share strategies - By making comparisons of these figures, the students will be able to see how people dealt with a powerful
with the whole class. It’s important figure in real life and discuss how the characters could have gone about forgiving Prospero and the effects that
to name strategies and use academic may have happened when forgiving or not forgiving Prospero. This will ultimately lead them and me to
vocabulary here, extending the lesson discuss what it really means to forgive someone and what it means to be sorry and how you can forgive
to broader ideas. someone but still look out for the world around you.
● Promote a community of
learners. This document has some of the discussion questions:
● Listen actively and probe
thinking without evaluating
EDU 412 After
or telling them how you Strategy Activity .docx
would do it.
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be
-This is allowing the students to create their own meaning of forgiveness based off of the context and be
able to solve using the thinking you
educated about how different aspects of Prospero’s character connects to the world around them.
have discussed. Provide a brief
preview of what the next lesson will

September 2021
Curricular and Instructional -The Tempest student online version
Resources or Materials How Napoleon Plotted One of History’s Greatest Prison Breaks - HISTORY This the article about Napoleon ruling
- List and provide a brief rationale in Elba
for all necessary lesson resources and
materials. If not original, cite the
- Attach/link a copy of all materials EDU 412 Strategy
Organizer .docx
the teacher and students will use
during the lesson; e.g., handouts,
questions to answer, slides, EDU 412 After
worksheets, and so on. Strategy Activity .docx
This document of questions may be handed out or written on the board.
I will use this google slideshow to guide the lesson.

Supplies, Equipment and Student chromebook, pens or pencils

- List all other supplies that need to
be available.

September 2021

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