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VSD information

1. General Information

Yaskawa A1000 converter

Printed Matter Number : 2946 1662 02
Applicable to : GA7-75VSD+

2. Document Overview
This document covers the following subjects:
1. General Information ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Document Overview ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
3. Safety first .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
4. DriveWizard Plus software ........................................................................................................................................... 3
4.1. Install DriveWizard Plus. .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Via Airport .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Via Yaskawa website ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2. Setup databases DriveWizard Plus. ........................................................................................................................ 4
5. Connect to Yaskawa converter. ................................................................................................................................... 4
5.1. Connection cable. .................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.2. Install USB driver. .................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.3. Make connection with Yaskawa converter ............................................................................................................... 6
6. Parameter files ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
6.1. Where to find the parameter files? ........................................................................................................................... 7
6.2. How to open an parameter file? ............................................................................................................................... 7
6.3. How to write parameters to the converter? .............................................................................................................. 8
6.4. Compare parameter files ......................................................................................................................................... 9
7. Parameters – Fault history ........................................................................................................................................... 9
7.1. How to see fault codes without display on the converter? ....................................................................................... 9
7.2. Password for “Factory level” access ...................................................................................................................... 10
7.3. Monitor parameters................................................................................................................................................ 10
7.4. Monitor parameter values at time previous fault occurred ..................................................................................... 10
7.5. Fault history ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
8. How to run in manual control? (there is no “service switch”) ...................................................................................... 11

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3. Safety first

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4. DriveWizard Plus software

4.1. Install DriveWizard Plus.

Via Airport

• Unzip the file “Yaskawa A1000 software and instruction” your computer / laptop

• Open folder DriveWizard Plus software and start program Setup.exe

• Follow the steps in the installation process the this is finished.

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Via Yaskawa website
You can find all latest information also on the Yaskawa website.
Do a search “by inverter drives”. Converter used in this GAVSD+ range is A1000

4.2. Setup databases DriveWizard Plus.

• Open DriveWizard Plus database utility.

• Add the 2 databases “mdb” files which you can find in the zip file “Yaskawa A1000 software and instruction”U from the
Elektronikon database.

• First time when you now start DriveWizard Plus you need to do “run” this as Administrator
to completely install the new databases into DriveWizard Plus software.

5. Connect to Yaskawa converter.

5.1. Connection cable.

USB A-B cable is needed.

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Atlas Copco partnumber USB cable: 1088 0021 02

5.2. Install USB driver.

• Connect drive to computer with USB cable
• Power-up drive
• Wait until Windows reports that it is not able to find the driver.
• Click Windows Start button and right mouse click on "Computer", select properties.
• Click on Device Manager and the device manager window opens.
• Next select the COSMOS Series Inverter, right mouse click and select Update Driver Software

• Click on Browse my Computer for Driver Software

• Select location of the driver files and click next

Drivers can be found in the zip file from the Airport

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• Install driver

• Important Note: If the driver is installed incorrectly you need to uninstall the driver before you install again.
Follow these step A through D in case the driver did not install properly or Windows automatically selected another driver.
Step A: Right mouse click on the COSMOS Series Inverter or AC Drive USB Device and select Uninstall.

Step B: Next click Ok in the dialog box.

Step C: Unplug the USB cable from your computer and wait 10 sec then plug the USB cable back in.
Step D: Repeat complete installation of USB driver.

5.3. Make connection with Yaskawa converter

• Open DriveWizard Plus and Select USB communication interface.

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• Remark: When you receive below error message see section 4.2 Setup databases DriveWizard Plus.

• If you are connected to de converter this is marked by the blue bar in the DriveWizard Plus software

6. Parameter files

6.1. Where to find the parameter files?

Parameter files can be found on the Airport .

6.2. How to open an parameter file?

Open project file.

Select the correct parameter (project) file.

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Remark: When you receive below error message see section 4.2 Setup databases DriveWizard Plus.

6.3. How to write parameters to the converter?

New converters ordered with the Atlas Copco part numbers mentioned section 8. Converter part numbers and tools are
delivered with the correct parameters programmed.
• If you want to write parameters to the converter you need to be connected to the converter. see section 5.3 Make
connection with Yaskawa converter.
• Open parameter file as described in section 6.2 How to open parameter file

Parameter file is open Connected to converter

! When you stand in parameter edit section you the icons to write parameters will come active !

• Use “write all parameters” button.

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6.4. Compare parameter files
With the compare function you can compare 2 parameter files.
Or you can compare a file to the parameters in the converter if you are connected to a converter.

7. Parameters – Fault history

7.1. How to see fault codes without display on the converter?

The converter in a VSD+ is delivered without an operator panel. You can order an operator panel with the part number
indicated in section 8. Converter part numbers and tools.
Or connect the laptop/computer to the converter and use the DriveWizard Plus software as described in above sections.
The fault parameters can be found in the monitor section.

Parameters U2-xx and U3-xx are fault history information as described in section 7.4 and 7.5
The monitor parameters can be exported by the export function shown below. Select the monitor setting file, and the file
name & folder to save this information.

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Some fault codes are grouped and shown on the Mk5 elektronikon protections screen. For this you wil find more information
in section 7.6 Fault information shown on Elektronikon Mk5

7.2. Password for “Factory level” access

• Password need to be entered in parameter A1-04

• Password = “0616”
• Then “Factory Level” can be selected in parameter A1-01

7.3. Monitor parameters

Parameter Name Description Unit

U1-01 Frequency Monitors the frequency reference. Hz

U1-02 Output Frequency Displays the output frequency. Hz
U1-03 Output Current Displays the output current. A
U1-05 Motor Speed Displays the motor speed feedback. Hz
U1-06 Output Voltage Displays the output voltage. Vac
U1-07 DC Bus Voltage Displays the DC bus voltage. Vdc
U1-08 Output Power Displays the output power kW
(this value is calculated internally).
U1-09 Torque Reference Monitors the internal torque reference. %

7.4. Monitor parameter values at time previous fault occurred

Parameter Name Description Unit

U2-01 Current fault Displays the current fault /

U2-02 Previous fault Displays the previous fault /
U2-03 Information at the Displays the information of inputs/outputs and /
to time of the previous references at the time of the previous fault.

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7.5. Fault history

Parameter Name Description Unit

U3-01 Recent faults Displays the 10 most recent faults /
U3-11 Operation time Displays the cumulative operation time h
to between faults between faults

8. How to run in manual control? (there is no “service


To run the converter you can run it in manual control but for this you need an operator panel (1089 9662 38) shown in
section 8.3 Operator panel

The converter can be set on local control by changing parameters:

• B1-01 (reference frequency selection)
From 2 (serial communication)  0 (operator panel)
• B1-02 (run command)
From 2 (serial communication)  0 (operator panel)

Go to parameter B1-01 and B1-02 and change the vallue by using the arrows and enter button.

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Press escape (ESC) to return to main screen.
Press enter in main screen to set reference frequency ( For example 2000RPM)


Now you can start and stop the converter with the “RUN” and “STOP” button. And the converter will go to and run on the
reference frequency set.

Remark: In this case the unit will only run for +/-20 seconds, and then say DNE = Drive Not Enabled.
This because the drive enable contact is not closed (see service diagram the contact to the converter). To overcome this you
can bridge the run enable contact. Or push the start button on the Mk5 while you push “RUN” on the operator panel.

Afterwards you need to set the B1-01 and B1-02 back to the original setting.
• B1-01 (reference frequency selection)
2 (serial communication)
• B1-02 (run command)
2 (serial communication)

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