Level 2 Expository

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Whales and Fish Whales and fish both live in the water, but they are different in many ways. Whales are large animals that live in the water. Even though whales live in the water, they must come to the top of the water to get air. When they come to the top of the water, whales breathe in air through a hole in the top of their heads. At the same time, they blow out old air. Whales don’t get air like fish. Fish take in air from the water. Mother whales give birth to live whales. The baby whale must come to the top of the water right away for air. The baby drinks milk from its mother for about a year. Then it finds its own food. Fish have babies in a different way. Most mother fish lay eggs. The babies are born when the eggs hatch. Right after they are born, the baby fish must find their own food. Whales and fish are alike in some ways too. Whales and fish have flippers on their sides. They also have fins on their tails. Flippers and fins help whales and fish swim. Fins move and push the water away. Level: Two Expository Concept Questions: ow do whales breaths? hgh lh tp ther ead: oh dh Howl: 2: gh a ae tough ther ead 1: duh gl) Through a blewh~l eo. ‘What doc “bby animals ying et her other” canto you? ht he babes ned ha mtr oe sue 2: seg wth smother ebay geting od om is mae: lng wt ar ther) The mother keeps her by sake. ae ge | tow ase by ih bor? om tha atch: 2 hey hac It the wae don't know __ : ox G_P= GIs Z Fant (= 55%)_ UNTA Seo ‘Noe Undertined won aren he fist or scond grade sows. Whales and Fish hale an ish both tve im the wate ut they ae |. ferent in many ways. Whales are ae anials Hheagh that live in the water. Even shetigh whales lve in the water, they must come to the top of the water air, When they come to the top of the water, Haugh St he in aie through a hole in the top of toget 204 secon 10/ G27 Te Mitr werd Lnsan Love Dirt old their heads. At the same time, they blow out oft sit, Whales dont get ir like fish. Fish take in ai from the water, beoath ‘Mother whales give birth to live whales. The whales baby whale must come tothe top ofthe water right thee away for air. The baby drinks milk from jis mother for about a year. Then it finds its own food. Fish have babies in ilferen vy Most mote fish lay eggs. The babies are born when the exgs hatch. Right after they are bora, the baby fish must find their own food. wake Whales and fis are like in some ways too. ‘Whales and fish have flippers on thei sides. They slo have fins on theit tls. Flippers and fins help whales and fish swim. Fins move and push the water ay: (198 words) ante at newn? amber of ening Cg iss Coa eegem Toa Acurcy Ta Asepiity etmisas_tienden_ 0-4 nes s-20micus £4 secon! 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Whales breathe in ae through a hole inthe top oftheir heads. _____ atthe same time, they blow out ol air Fis take ina from the water = Mother whales give bith to live whales. = The bay wiale comes othe top ofthe water right away frat The baby drinks mil fom ts mother for about yet. Most mother fish ay eggs The babies are born when the exgs batch TT Reght afer they are born, the baby fish must Find their own food Main ke Whales an fish re alike in some ways too Details Whales and fish have flippers on their sides FF they have ins on their tails Rippers and fins help whales and fish swim. Fins move and push the water away Questions for “Whales and Fish” 1. What is this pasage mainly about? Ample: hows whales and fish are alike and dif ae Comparing Whales to Fish. 2, Acconling tothe passage, how are whalesand | fish deren? | splice: whales brethe alt, and fish take In ait foorn the water whale give bin to live babies, snd ish lay eggs; baby whales get fod from their ‘mother and baby fish have wo gett for themselves heles have blawholes and Fish olen. 3. Accoringto the passage, name another way tht whales ad fish ae dferen, Expt anyother ofthe above answers Fish have e995 ond whales have babies. cen terest renee ssentstc cme: Q) WisansFen 205 Level: Two 44. What part ofthe whale i like our nose? Implicit the air hole or the hole in the whales head The blowhgle, 5. Why does a baby whale stay with its mother for Implicit gets fod from ts mother T4 needs food 6. What part of whales and fish ar alike? Explicit: fins or flippers They hove. Fins 7. Where are fins found on fish and whales? Explicit: on the tail At the end. 8. Why might a mother fish not know her baby? Implicit: the mother does not see the babies when they are born; or the babies hatch from eggs LZ don't know. to move. ter one Ble _22 Number Core inp: Taal Inn coe E rai 6 cre rari 0m Q core 02 nentseintettconpemtte deren 206 ston 10/7 Tes Mitr hr Litre Let Dayo ses

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