Zambia Association For Mathematics Education Provincial Conference

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Zambia Association for Mathematics Education

Provincial Conference

PROVINCE: Northern Province

VENUE: Mpulungu Boarding Secondary School
DATE: 3rd to 4th June
BY Chaiwa Justine
The Zambia Association for Mathematics Education (ZAME)
provincial conference was held under the theme; Enhancing
Quality of Teaching and Learning through Research,
Innovation, Production of Teaching Materials, Practical
Skills ,Maintenance, Training and Curriculum Support.
This important and high profile conference was supported by
the PEO Northern Province and spearheaded and managed by the
SESO Mathematics and the former ZAME Executive committee.

 To review the grade 9 and 12 final examination results
for 2018 to 2020
 To come up of strategies to improve results in the 2021
final examinations
 To orient teachers of mathematics and computer studies
on the dos and don’ts learners should make when
answering questions in exams
 To select the New ZAME Executive committee

 Opening prayer
 National anthem
 Welcoming remarks
 Roll call
 Official opening
 Key note address
 Program over view
 Highlights from the grade 9 and 12 final examination
 Strategies to improve results in the 2021 ECZ final
 Common mistakes in the 2020 ECZ final exams
 Financial report
 Provincial elections
Opening prayer
The Zambia Association for Mathematics Education (ZAME)
provincial conference started with a prayer that was given
by the PEC secretary.
Welcoming remarks
The PEC Chairperson welcomed the teachers of mathematics and
computer studies to the Zambia Association for Mathematics
Education provincial conference .In his remarks, encouraged
the members of tentorium to participate fully and contribute
positively in all deliberations, the PEC chairperson also
reminded the old and new members of ZAME to make sure they
register their presence as they came for such an important
Roll call
Roll call was successfully conducted by the chairperson and
all the provinces were represented. However it was observed
that teachers of computer were very few, hence the PESO
called for support from school managers.
Official opening
On behalf of the PEO the PESO welcomed the teachers of
mathematics and computer studies to the Zambia Association
for Mathematics Education (ZAME) provincial conference and
thanked them for attending such an important meeting, in his
remarks, he deliberated on the number of issues .In a nut
shell ,the PESO talked about the need to support ICT teacher
to attend ZAME , encouraged hard working in teachers ,
implement the plans that teachers make in line with
improving in final examination results and finally asked
teachers not participating in political campaigns and
always remain none partisans.
Key note address
The SESO mathematics also took time to welcome the teachers
to ZAME conference And presented the key notes were she
talked about the importance of that gathering, the need to
affiliate as members of ZAME and the need to improve the
results for 2021 so that Northern Province scores the first
Program over view
The PED secretary took the house through the program.
Highlights from the grade 9 and 12 final examination results
The DEC chairpersons /secretaries from the 12 districts
presented on the following:
 Learner performance trend analysis in the past 3 years
:2018 ,2019 and 2020 ECZ Examinations
 Ranking of schools and subjects in mathematics and
computer studies in past 3 years ECZ Examinations
 Cases of trends
 Solutions from each districts
 Observations from PEO
Strategies to improve results in the 2021 ECZ final
After the presentation on the trends of final Examination
results for 2018 to 2020, the PESO and his entourage
bemoaned the poor results and advised teachers to come up
with strategies that will bring back Northern Province to
its first position in terms of performance of pupils.
Therefore them PEC and the DEC the assigned each district to
come up with strategies to improve results in the 2021 ECZ
final examinations. After discussions the following were
some strategies suggested:
 Complete the syllabus by term 2 to allow more time
for revision
 Enhance remedial work for slow learners

 Revise at least 5 past papers before the children

sit for the exams
 Educate learners on the importance of mathematics

 Teach learners skills on how to study

mathematics/computer studies
 Encourage learners to study mathematics on a daily
 HODs to enhance local monitoring and ensure teachers
teach the right materials
 Enhance supervised prep

 Group learners and give them group assignments using

gifted learners as group leaders and they should
defend their work
 Break the stigma barriers that exist among learners
to encourage team work
Common mistakes in the 2020 ECZ final exams
The SENGA DEC was given time to point out on some common
mistakes in the 2020 ECZ final exanimations exams, and the
following were the mistakes found:
 Erasing answers using pieces of chalk
 Writing correct answers on wrong numbers answer pages
 Poor numbering of answers
1. Expressing as a single fraction
Inner brackets are very essential. Most of the candidates
omits inner brackets on the denominator resulting in loss of
Symbols when opening the brackets on the enumerator

( ) ( )
( )( )

2. Dividing line on quadratic equation formula

Dividing line should start immediately after the equal sign
covering the numerator. Most of the learners write a short
line which denies them marks. E.g
Learners make mistakes on substitution especially when

negatives are involved

Instead learners write

Financial report
Financial report was not given because the one responsible
was unwell.
Provincial elections
The new executive management committee for ZAME were elected
and the following were the members:
1. Chairperson :Mr Kalota (kasama)
2. Vice ,Chairperson .Mr chipimo (Luwingu)
3. Secretary general : Lekanzya Thomas (Lunte)
4. Vice secretary tertiary , :Kalungama Peter (KACE)
5. Vice secretary (Primary and secondary) :Lungu Eneless
6. Treasurer Patricia Ngosa (kasama skills)
7. Editor Tuseko Amos (Mbala )
LUPOSOSHI DEC invited the SESO to present closing remarks,
in her closing remarks the SESO thanked all the teachers for
attending the conference. Wished them God’s blessings as
they travel back to their respective schools.

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