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UWP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Name: Tijanne Ross Grade Level: 6

Target Content/Lesson Topic: Help from Cognates (11.18) Date: March 24, 2022

This lesson is for a(n) __X__ whole class _____ small group _____ individual

Essential Question What are volcanoes?
- What is the essential question that
this lesson addresses?
- What is the core purpose of the
lesson that includes the strategies
and skills necessary to accomplish
the deeper learning in the standard?
Sequencing For this lesson, students will be reading an article about volcanoes. Students will be learning the “Help from
- How does this lesson fit into the Cognates” strategy (11.18). This is where students use their prior knowledge in their home language to assist
larger unit of study? them when coming across unknown words in English. This is a great strategy for Spanish-speaking students
- Focus on a logical/hierarchical because there are many cognates in Spanish and English.
sequencing of skills (e.g., main ideas
before details, similarities before The students in my placement are in 6th-grade and are ESL. I choose a second-grade standard for this lesson
differences). because the students in my placement are reading at a second to third-grade reading level. The reading
curriculum they are working on in my placement is at a second to third-grade reading level. I made sure to
choose an article that would not be too challenging for these students to read. Since my placement is focused
on small group intervention, I developed this lesson with this in mind.
Recently the 6th-grade students in my placement have been learning about natural disasters, and volcanoes
were a focus for a week. For this assignment, students will be reading an introductory article all about
volcanoes. If I was doing a unit on natural disasters, I would section the unit off into earthquakes, volcanoes,
tornados, and tsunamis. I would teach students a different vocabulary and comprehension strategy when
reading about each natural disaster. This is a great opportunity to integrate vocabulary, reading, and
comprehension into a lesson that relates to our science curriculum.

September 2021
State Learning Standards RF.2.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
List the complete, relevant grade- c. Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.
level standard(s).
Learning Target(s) and Learning Learning Targets:
Objective(s) I can use my prior vocabulary knowledge to build a better understanding about volcanoes.
- Choose your learning target(s) and
objective(s) based on the relevant Learning Objectives:
state learning standard(s). Student will be able to use their prior vocabulary knowledge to build a better understanding about volcanoes.
- Write focused targets and
objectives that describe the specific
learning outcome (what students
should be able to do as a result of
the lesson).
- Be sure they are stated in
observable and measurable terms
(e.g., ABCD+T).
Grouping Whole/Small: My ESL placement consists of small class/group sizes. Therefore, throughout this activity
Describe how and why students are students will already be in a small group setting. During our lesson, students will be communicating with one
grouped based on another and helping one another when needed. Students will be developing communication skills and building
- homogeneous, heterogeneous, new vocabulary.
- ability, interest, IEP goals, social or Individual: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of our learned strategy through the completion of our
social-emotional, behavioral, graphic organizer. Students will be working individually so that I can see where students are at and where we
language acquisition need to go from here. I will also be able to see if the strategy is effective for this group of students.
Co-Teaching Strategy N/A- not taught in this field
Does this lesson involve co-
teaching? If not, state N/A. If yes,
identify the co-teaching model and
what role each teacher will play.
-One Teach, One Observe; One
Teach, One Assist; Station Teaching;
Parallel Teaching; Supplemental;
Alternative; Team Teaching

September 2021
Differentiation Content: Since this is an ESL classroom, the student I am working with are at a second to third-grade reading
Describe how you will meet level. I developed this lesson, accordingly, creating engaging lessons for a sixth grader, while still reading about
individual students’ needs by content that is appropriate for their reading level. This lesson focuses on connecting students’ prior Spanish
adjusting the content, process, knowledge and abilities to English. Students will be learning how many Spanish words are similar or the same
product, and environment based on in English. Student will be able to see an unknown English word and connect its meaning or sound to a known
their readiness, interests, and learning Spanish word. Students will be able to use this strategy to better understand what they are reading. This lesson
preferences. can be adapted to other languages if needed. Not all languages have cognates, so this strategy would not be
appropriate to use for all languages. However, the students in my ESL placement are mostly Spanish speakers,
so I developed this lesson with that in mind. Throughout this lesson, students receive lots of active modeling,
and opportunities to show what they know in multiple different ways.
Process: I understand that not all students learn the same way. Depending on the needs of students, I can
adapt and rearrange my lesson to meet their needs and expectations after the first lesson. This lesson is
students’ first lesson about volcanoes. Students are learning new vocabulary words and connecting them to
their prior Spanish vocabulary knowledge. As students are completing their graphic organizers for this lesson,
students will be able to use their chrome books for listening to the article and completing their graphic
organizer. Students will also be able to have a scribe, or the teacher read the article allowed to them. If students
do not complete this lesson during this block of time, we can break this lesson up over two days. If students
need one-on-one assistance, that will be available to students.
Product: Students are being evaluated on their ability to complete this graphic organizer using words from our
article about volcanoes. Students will be using the learned strategy regarding using Spanish prior knowledge
vocabulary to assist students’ overall knowledge of new English vocabulary. This assists students with overall
comprehension and introduces students to a strategy they will be able to use in the classroom and in their
everyday life.
Environment: Prior to this activity, I will have made sure students feel comfortable and safe. Since this is an
ESL classroom and the groups are small, the atmosphere is already very quiet. We will be working together to
make each other feel included and ready to learn. We will be working in a whole group, and individually to
meet each student’s needs and abilities.

IEP Goals Relevant to Lesson (Add rows as necessary.)

Student IEP Goal

September 2021
ESL/SPED Students Student will read article using text to speech, or teacher will read aloud to student. Student will complete graphic
ESL/LD Students organizer on their chrome book with speech to text, or a scribe.

Accommodations and/or Modifications Required for Students in Special Education (Add rows as necessary.)

Student(s) Required Accommodation/Modification

ESL/SPED Students Text to speech, speech to text, scribe, reader, chrome book, extra time, one-on-one assistance.
ESL/LD Students

Supports for English Language Learners (Add rows as necessary.)

Student Necessary Supports (e.g., Sheltered English strategies, grouping strategies)

All students Text to speech, read aloud, translations

Formative Assessment Students will be reading through the volcano article and filling out the graphic organizer as they are reading.
- How will you monitor student The goal is for students to recognize that this strategy (cognates) can be used in school and in their everyday
learning throughout the lesson? life. As students are using this strategy they are being introduced to our new unit about volcanoes. Students are
- Be specific about how your practice using their prior knowledge in Spanish and connecting this to English. The goal is for students to complete a
assessments connect directly with the graphic organizer for 2-3 words. If students complete more that’s great!
lesson objective.
Formative Evaluation Criteria Assessment Rubric Attached
- What material(s) will you use to Graphic Organizer Attached
evaluate learning?
- Attach a copy of your checklist,
rubric, observation criteria, or other

September 2021
Summative Assessment At the end of this unit, students will be creating a poster about natural disasters. On this poster, there will be
How will students demonstrate four different sections that include volcanoes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. For each section of this
mastery of the standard? unit, we will be completing an activity similar to this one, where students will be learning a new strategy to use
Note: This assessment does not have for developing new vocabulary words, and overall comprehension. On students’ completed posters there will
to occur during/after this lesson but be a spot under each natural disaster where students will be gluing in the new vocabulary words they learned
in upcoming lessons. using different strategies.

Summative Evaluation Criteria Assessment Rubric Attached

- What material(s) will you use to
evaluate learning?
- Attach a copy of your checklist,
rubric, observation criteria, or other

Opening: Introduction and Introduction: At the beginning of the year, we will have gone over rules and expectations regarding
Connection to Previous Learning appropriate behavior when we are working in small groups, whole class, partners or individually. Participation
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) expectations will also be discussed at the beginning of the year and created together. The class rules and
● Activate prior knowledge. expectations will be presented for all students to see. We will develop goals for ourselves and our classroom for
● Be sure students understand this unit. These goals could be “staying focused” or “assisting my peers when they need help”, etc.
procedures and instructions for The goal of this lesson is for students to use learned fluency/comprehension skill to assist them throughout
the lesson. their reading today, and in future lesson.
● Establish clear expectations.
Step 1 (5 minutes): Activate Prior Knowledge. Teacher will introduce today’s topic, volcanoes. First, teacher
● Model concept.
will start by activating prior knowledge. Teacher will ask students questions:
The groupings/instruction/lesson
progression may look different in different • What is a volcano?
parts of the lesson! • Tell me what you know about volcanoes
• Have you ever seen a volcano?
• Tell me about what volcanoes do
As students are discussing their prior knowledge of volcanoes, teacher will be recording students’ thoughts on a
white board for everyone to see.

September 2021
Once students are finished brainstorming about volcanoes, teacher will put pictures on the board to help
students build a better understanding. Once teacher has placed pictures of volcanoes on the board, teacher will
ask if there are any words or new ideas that come to mind about volcanoes after seeing these pictures. If
students have any ideas, teacher will record these on the board as well. Throughout this part of our lesson,
teacher will not be giving students ideas. The goal is to collect prior understanding of topic so that students can
learn more information as they are reading our article later in the lesson.

Examples of pictures:

Step 3 (5-10 minutes): Introducing Strategy. As teacher is explaining strategy, teacher will be using different
text, that is still related to natural disasters (under materials). In our previous lesson we will have learned about
tornados. Teacher will be using an article about tornados to introduce strategy.

Teacher will explain that the strategy they are using will assist them with learning vocabulary and overall
comprehension. This strategy uses cognates, which means words in Spanish that look, sound, or mean the
same thing in English. Teacher will give some examples that students would know...

Example of Words:
Agenda → Agenda
Chocolate → Chocolate
September 2021
Animal → Animal

Teacher will explain that we can use our prior knowledge and abilities in Spanish to assist us when learning in
English. Although this strategy does not work all the time, this is a great way to check your understanding as
you are reading. Stop and ask yourself, have I heard this word before? If so, what does it mean in Spanish?

Step 4 (5 minutes): Introduce graphic organizer and article. Now teacher will introduce graphic organizer
students will use as they are reading and using our new strategy. As students are reading through the article,
they will have a graphic organizer they will complete for each word they come across that is similar or the same
as Spanish. Teacher will show and hand out graphic organizer, explaining each section. Students will be writing
the English version of the word, the similar/same Spanish word, both the meanings, and drawing a picture to
represent the words.

Teacher will now up tornado article, which student have already read in a previous lesson about tornados. Since
this is a very familiar topic and read, students will comprehend the article and connection to the strategy much
easier. Teacher will start by actively modeling as they are reading the tornado article allowed. When teacher
comes across a word that sounds similar to Spanish, teacher will stop and think allowed, asking students for
assistance. As teacher is reading, they will be using the same graphic organizer students will be using.

Prompts to use/ask as reading:

- Do you know a word in another language that looks like this?
- Do you know a word that sounds like this?
- Think about what the word means in another language.
- Now, what do you think this word means in English.
- Even if the word does not mean the same thing, does it mean something similar?

English to Spanish (tornado article)

- Tornado → Tornado
- Atmosphere → atmosfera
- Cyclone → ciclon
- Tropical → tropico
During: Lesson Progression Step 5 (2 minutes): Introducing the text. Now teacher will introduce the article students will be reading on
In this portion of the lesson, you will chrome books. Teacher and students will walk through the website together. Teacher will explain how to read
be letting go and letting students an article online, what to do when there are popups, and what links not to touch. This article is short, but for
engage in productive struggle; students reading levels, and ability to stay focused, this article is the perfect length.
September 2021
engaging in gradual release (“I do, we Step 6 (15-20 minutes): Students use strategy. Now students will be putting this strategy to work. Students
do, you do”), inquiry, guided or will be reading through article and filling out graphic organizer as they are reading. Students will complete one
independent practice, or other graphic organizer pure word. Some examples of words from the article students may use:
learning methods. Please write what - Active → activo/active
you are looking for in terms of: - Explosive → explosiva/explosivo
● Students’ thinking and how - Volcano → volcan
they will start the lesson. - Mountain → montana
● Provide appropriate support
(not explaining how to do it). The goal is for students to recognize that this strategy can be used in school and in their everyday life. As
● Provide worthwhile students are using this strategy they are being introduced to our new unit about volcanoes, and building prior
extensions. knowledge needed for future lessons. The goal is for students to complete a graphic organizer for 2-3 words. If
● Provide opportunities for students complete more that’s great!
students to engage in using
the academic language. As students are working, teacher will be walking around the classroom, assisting students when needed.
This is where you will be suggesting Teacher will be encouraging students and using prompts/questions from earlier to grow students’ abilities:
or modeling specific strategies - Do you know a word in another language that looks like this?
and helping students choose which - Do you know a word that sounds like this?
strategy makes sense to them. - Think about what the word means in another language.
However, you must make sure ideas - Now, what do you think this word means in English.
come from students. - Even if the word does not mean the same thing, does it mean something similar?
Closing: Wrap-Up and Extension Step 7 (5 minutes): Sharing experience. Once students have completed the reading and using our learned
End the lesson with a final review of strategy to fill out graphic organizer, students will now have an opportunity to share their experience while
key ideas and knowledge. This is learning this strategy. Will they be using this strategy in their other classes? Was this strategy helpful to
where you have students talk about understanding the article? What words from the article did you find had similar or the same meaning as
their thinking and share strategies Spanish? What words sounded similar to Spanish? Etc.
with the whole class. It’s important
to name strategies and use academic
vocabulary here, extending the lesson
to broader ideas.
● Promote a community of
● Listen actively and probe
thinking without evaluating

September 2021
or telling them how you
would do it.
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be
able to solve using the thinking you
have discussed. Provide a brief
preview of what the next lesson will
Curricular and Instructional Digital Text:
Resources or Materials Teacher example for digital text:
- List and provide a brief rationale tornadoes
for all necessary lesson resources and Graphic organizer (Attached)
materials. If not original, cite the Volcano pictures:
- Attach/link a copy of all materials
the teacher and students will use
during the lesson; e.g., handouts,
questions to answer, slides,
worksheets, and so on.

Supplies, Equipment and Paper

Technology Pencil
- List all other supplies that need to Graphic organizer
be available. Chrome Book
Text to speech app

September 2021
English Word: Similar/Same Spanish Word:


Meaning: Meaning:
Formative Assessment: Graphic Organizer

Name: Description Exceptional (3 Proficient (2 Approaching (1

points) points) point)
English→ 3 or more words 2-3 words 0-1 word
recorded on
from article
Meaning Recorded in depth Recorded Did not record
meaning/definition meaning/definition meaning/definition
for English and for English and for English and
Spanish word Spanish word Spanish word, or
but used little
detail or they were
Picture Student drew a Student drew a Student did not
picture related to picture related to draw a picture or
the words the words drew a picture, or it
recorded, using recorded, that will was not related to
detail that will assist them in the words recorded
assist them in understanding the or lacked detail to
understanding the word. assist them in fully
word. understanding the

Summative Assessment: Poster

Name: Description Exceptional (3 Proficient (2 Approaching (1

points) points) point)
Four learned 4 strategies are 3 strategies are 0-2 strategies
vocabulary and glued onto glued onto are glued onto
comprehension poster poster poster
strategies are
glued onto each
section or
poster. These
are the graphic
completed in
class (volcanoes,
tornados, and
Poster is divided Poster is divided Poster is divided Poster is not
into four into four into sections but divided into
sections with sections is not organized sections, or lacks
the title (volcanoes, organization
“Natural tornadoes,
Disasters” earthquakes,
and tsunamis)
Information - inclusion of - inclusion of - No definition
under each definition for definition for for each natural
section each natural each natural disaster on
disaster on disaster on poster or
poster poster (3 out of definitions or
- provided 2-3 4) not accurate
examples for - provided 1-2 - provided 0-1
each natural examples for examples for
disaster each natural each natural
- includes disaster disaster
pictures/labeled - includes - does not
pictures if pictures/labeled include pictures
appropriate for pictures if or labeled
each natural appropriate pictures if
disaster appropriate

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