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~:~.,_HOI.Y BIBLE,
conraiajpg the 0 Id
Teftament and
the New•.

f .4utborifeJanJ appoin.,teJ to bt ~'

rt..4in Chw·ches:l '~

~imprinted at London
by ~obtrt ', Printct
•. to the ~nus moll
accllcnt Maicfiie:--

AMMO 160:1.
M Ianuary hath xxxj. dayes.

~The Moone xxx.

· ~rifech ~ ~7.mi.34 3 ~
[Sunn · hour · ~Morning ~ Eucning
· falleth +.mi~i~ ~ Prayer. Prayer.
J J r. Lc!lon. J 2. Leffon, 11.LcHon. J 1.Leffon.
.ti. Jm>ntt.t.
w• Ii lb Jttt( Jao.J Jill I(!!;cn£f.t. l®attb.i. Ja;m.ii. 131\om.t.
It lilt !Jflo, J
\~ Jlitt !ttt Jti ltitt Jn
~bi 14: lb IP~in •.eo.1 ilitii Jb ltti lb& 1111
b 15 IC \ I l[U lliit
lbti Jbill litil
16 If lbtit jlll.I Epiphan_ic i\b& Jcefai.l;t. lll..utu.1ii. Jefai.;tlt;t. l'JJ~ol)~n-.t~t.
•-;tJ-ii+-17-Jg Jb1t 'jJtl.J Il>U I<5cn£.o:-:-\~~attlJ. b.[ <5cn.,;ii. Il\om.b.
ii \s I ~\bt 'jJb,J 1Lum111. I btia l;ttii lbt ltiitt lbt
·j J9 lb lb jj'O,J Jtt ;tb lbii ltbt lbll
t J10 it lttti ']Jn.J Iit :~ti lbitt ltbtit lbm
iu ill lttt '.Jll.J P:rt \;rt;r Jt;r I~ lt;-;r- -
tlJti1l12 IC IPlill.'.jll.I Sol inAquario I :tti l~tt l,t lnii l:r
bii 1•3 If I ldus. I ~PlblCli. Ii:tlti 1.t.tlit lti l;t;tiiii l:tl
!14 Jg Int ~l.I jfrbzuartt. 11i.:uu lt:tb l:tti J;r:rbt ltt•
ib-115 I 4l:tbtil 1111.1 ll:rb l:t.tbtt l;tiii l;t;tbiit l:tili
mi 116 lb l:tbtt lat.I ll:rtn l:r:rt:i___l;ttiit Im l.tt_ni__
111 It Jtiit 1tu.1 ~:tbii ltm ltb l:rmt J:ru /
1rn 11s ill ltb ~t.I ~itrca. 1J:rbiit ltt;ttii 1.tbt l~:r:rmt l:tbt
L_\19 Jt \iitii 1u.1 ro: ltt:rb l.tlltt ltt:tbit ~o:.i. ,,-
- 110 If l:rtit 1t\t.1 · jfabtan. In l~~bttt l.tbitt lm:,r //ii /
it111 Jg !tit ~t.J ~gms. lit~ I.ti lt1:r / ltt~"_,,---
112 kitl:ti l.i\t. I tltnccnt. Ifmi ltUt l:r.t /.tlUf fli1i
\ rhli 123 lb 1:r 'l\l.I :rnn;t11i1i l~i L11l> lb
· Uf114 It 10: 1t\t.I I r~iii ~bi lttil //~lb1i Jbi _
!15 Ill lllitt 1t\l.I ~onu£d.~aut. \lttb ll9tltl.b. 1~ccs:aii. ! /~trs.16.

- .rrJi.9 I 11.1ttt ~1.1 I µii ttli / !~tbt lb It

( nt \30 lb !tit ~l.I I m lb\Y lttbii ltntt lti
I "'ii I ~ 1 \t l\l:tll. Jt\l,\ llt lit l~but It i,ru
., I I I I / I I I I ___ _
:ll 2
. . ~ ll
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:j ~.( l H ~l ~- r~ ir; ..
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o;; 1
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·- .. -
M Februarie hath xxviij. dayes.

~ The Moone xxix.

I •· Leilon. I 2,Lelfon. I 1. LcUon. /2.Ldfon,

11 lb I l\.alend •. J jaft. i1 lt2etD.ti. !Sll9arlui. llftDb.µt. J1.€01.1J.
tur12 le ritii Jao.1 t'unhcac,ot Mary. iit Iii 'ID9tlb.12. ltitii
1u 13 If ltii Jao.1 2l5taftf. riff 112ero.Jitt. /tit l~ro.1+ ltb
I+ /g lp11t1.~o.1 11 ltb littt ltbi l.rbi
!!!!_ 15 1;a I Nonas. I ~gatt)e. lli l~ti lb .rbiti /iU!oi.t.
n 16 lb lbw '.JD.I lbt1 Jro: lbi lir /1i
17 it llltt 'lJb.I ibiti Im lbtt It~ lilt
r 1s 1n l\lt 'JD.I Irr 1nm lbttt 1nuu ltttt
\9 \C lb 'jjt>.I It lmti lit ltniii lb
:tbm\10 If ltttt ')b.I n mttit It llLeut.1s. lbi
DU In lg !tit 'Jjll.I Sol in Pi lei bus. ltii IJL.rut.,:t:t. lti In: lbii
112 i~ 1Pltb.'Jb.I ~ft lnbt l:tli IJFlum.n. fbttt
=tb=--.e:l1:=-3-+o\b~I..:...-ta-.-u-"'s.,__,1"------t-:-r1=11t~:l'--.~um.12. 1µ11 liitt 1-¢.---

m 11_~~_1gitt 1111~\rbu Im l:tbt lmt 1:nt

rr_111 If 1titt. 'i\l.i lrbiit l~tt IJ! lmttt ltiti
=-11s-lg1rtt-Jal.I'-----,~ Intl lbi.t. ltibit--i~arar
itll? 11:a !rt 'Jitt.1 rt Im 10 lmt lit
M March hath xxxj. dayes.

~ The Moone xxx.

rifech ~
\6.mi.18 ~

tit 1
hour~ ~ i ~ i\rlorning
( ~.mi.42 µ
ID I Kalend. I m>autb.
1.LelTon. I J.Ldfon. '1.
~ Euc1img
Leffon. 12.Leffon.
m: m>mt. tbt.IJLukc;tit. m>rut.17. f~pl)rf.b{,
bili 12 It lbt Jflo.j €£bllc. lit ltbtti l;rnt l;tt;t IWtlit.t.

ll I~ I l~ttt jflo.1 I !ma l;t;tb ltllt lnllt ltm

16 lb jp11n.~o.1 I!b !ntnt ltbli frtt>tii !((otot1.
nn 17 It I 10£rpcruc. libt lm;r l:tbiti Im lit
ns l'b lt>iit ~b. ltm lmt l;ti;t ln:rtt Jill
19 c Jllti ')n.1 'bm !mitt l;t;t l;tt;tittt IUii
~ \10 If !bi 'JD.I I ilt l~ofaa.1. l;t;tt 1']Jofua.1t 11.1:l)cf.1.
In lo ill jit1.! It lut i:t~i litli !tt
tbtttl12 I 2tltttt 'jjb. I <10ngo:1c. f tt It> lt;titt 1bi ltti
bn I• 3 lb ltit in.1 Sol in A11m. I rn lbit l;t;ttlit lbiit Inti
114 it 1iutn. 'jn.I I rm I~ i'Jobnt. It lb
n> l•S lb I Idus. I !rnu lmtt Iii lmtu fit.3!:1Jcf.t.
ilit \16 It \;rbit BL. :apnlts. ,rt> jlung.t. ltti 1'.)ung.u. 111 /
i \17 If ;tbl ••• :rlll \iii lit ii ltiit /Iii /
int l1s lg l:tb 'JLtt.\ E'btbatb. 11nm Ill lb bi Jt.~1111.1.
i 19 li~~tii -.1.1 1:r1m1 lbtt lbi lbtit kt.tit.
j10 lb l~it Jal.t !.r1r li;t Illli ~ / ltlli
at 2.1 \t '~t '!ti.I JScnclltct. Iin: !:rt lbiti ,rii / lb
I l.2 lb !;tt ')at.I lr:rt µti t;r l.r\iK lbi

1>1 \24 \f itt •1.1 faft. rr111 ltbtt ~ / ;tbfu ltt

1~ lg ibll& ~I.\ Annun.ot Mmt'. lltttm /tii / fectlc.tit. ltit

tt !29 \O ltiti ~I. lrttmdillt 7 ;tlli It.Ja.tng. •· lt0tJttcm.

-\30 1e 111t Jal.I 1mr l;tbU ltti lll)cb2.t.
~t \31 If \p~tn. lt\I.\ lr~r 1iifi \tb1i1 lb Iii
.~,,,. ~•., ,.. ;~ '>' . ~-
~ [~c ~~"£"
41 •~
•:r~ ~~~ll~f!'"'Aj"i

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lt.i:i:~ ~·
il .., ~,~ ~~ r
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40 ....,.. ~'-'~~;~

M Aprill hath xxx.dayes.

--- .

1" The Moone xxix.

, . ..
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. ~

~Polf"-~P_'l'IM,.. ·-;; -..~~~P_'I"' _..... ,,1p-.(\· --,,,. ~:k

\>:~:~=~-4imir·.t~~-t'9'1i!J'~ffi'\).::.ti ~ 1 1.~·.~--~i.",l;qi;,(,",lm,(,., l\,"L•m~··" ~- ~;;. ..
~riferh ~
js.mi,11 ~
Sunn .hour ~Morning ,- Euening
falleth ( 6.mi.4~ en

Prayer. Prayer.
J1.Lci'i"on. I 2.Ldion. I I. Ldlon. ji.Ldfon.
bttt I• lg Kaknd. f. 'l\1ng. bil~OiJn. ~~. i.111ng.bliTl)tbJe.nt
j?. f i itU ~o. Ii btU n ~ llttl
b 3 'lb tit ~o. JKtd)atb. ... i Int A lb
4 IC p~iO.,So.j ~mbJOft. Uli ~tt l:lctes.t. ~
tt lbtl

r.111 ~ 11> .-·Nonas. b ~
ll j6 1£ btu 'JJD.I bl ibi tit l~ii lbtit
17 If !bit 'jib. bU. ~btii liitt ~ Ii~
IS \g lbt 'jb. \HU n b Im 1in
I°\9 i'3\b jib. n: ,~,
lbt lmu
tbit\10 \b-lt~U Jb.\ lntUt lbU l~b ltU
ttti In Ic lttt 'JO.
112. 10 lpitb. ·~n.
Sol in T auro. 'na
J;I nbi
111amcs. t.
di [13 It I iJus. I ~ii Int ~ 1= ltt
tm Ir+ It ltbttt u1.1 iW)att. tttll 1u.111tng.t. ~ 1i.1.\tng.2.·nt
11~ lg ltbii Jal.I tb tit ltii Utt ltUt
,m lu> 31Wf •t.I r\lt b :~ lbi lb
i 117 b tb Jltl.I tbtt bti ~tt bUt /t.'Stt.f.

,, \ri c
'j~ ~it
\201e 'nt w.1
tbiU ¢
~t ~

tbt1 \11 If I~ 1!\t. m ~ I~ l~bt lb
b\ In lm It ~1.1 mi tbft ~ t\JW ltt.0tt.•.
= \1.3 12' ltt lbl. ~.(5toJac. ftlU ~ ~ n Iii
,nut li+ f6 \bttt 11St.1 nun 1m ~ nit ltU
fil_\l.~ Jt_\bti 11\1.j ~.irke Euang, nb 1ecc1c.uu. nit l~tclt.b. Jt_.:JJol). t.
- 1n \b-t-.1.1
!26 m>t Ii:atn. 23. n«t ?..1!.\tn.24.IU -
tr"li7 ltlt1 11.\t.I ttl>U J.Jttng.i. t~"' ~:l\tng. ii.liil
=- l2S If itttt 'Jal.I rrbtit,lttt itb ltiit liitt
cit 129 jg lttt 1111.1 mr b . ttbt bl fb
bin j30 !'.! IPltb. 1ltl.1 ttt bU n\>U bite l?..3."'.iotJ.
M May hath xxxj.dayes.

~The Moone xxx.

rferh ~hour44.mi.36
,: .
§- ~ Mornmg ~Euenmg ·
Prayer. Prayer.
fallech 7.m1,i4 .~
I .1.uflon. I 2.Leffon. I 1.Ldfon. ! 2.D!lUn.
Ir lb Ii Kaknd. Philip and lacob. t ccctr.bii. J'.llns.bili. JjJunr-:i:-
rbt J2 le !bl flo.1 ii 3••tng.r1. ln:biit liii.Jamg.iJl.1\om.1.
b 13 Ill lb ,feo.111nurn.of tbt ctotrt. in In l~attlJ.i. l~ In
I+ It ltlli Jao.I lill 1.tiit ltt 1.rtttt Iiti
nu 15 If litt Jflo.1 b .tb ltti l.tbi /ilil
II [6 lg \pitn.~o. ·19obn ~uana. ~bl l.tbit ltiii l.tbttt lb
-17 Ill Nonas. I bll ,tl,t lb In: ]bi
.r IS lb btii ~n.1 bill 1.rn lbt Inti lbti
.rb1i1 \9 It btt ~b.I U- liiit.ktng.t. [btt l+.~ing.2.lbiii
bli 110 lb lbi 'Jb.I ~ ltti ibtit litii lt,t
In It lb ·~ b. rt lb
lt.t lbi l.t
Il2 11 litit ·~ b. Sol m Gemini, lcn lbii l.t lbtti In
.tb 1•3 lg lttt '·lb. lr1i1 lt.r In .t i.ttl
Ult I•+ 121lPiib.~1b.I lttm I.rt l,tii J,tii l,ttit
I lrs lb ldus. tb I.tilt l.ttii l,titti /,ttui
Itit \16 IC l.tblt ~l.J ·.:1untt. tbl :,tb l.ttiit l.tbi l,tb
~ h7 lb ,tbi 'BL rh1i l.tbit l.tb l.tbili ltbi
hS It l,tb ')at. um,r l,tbi l:t.t l1.C1>z.1.
o: \19 If !J:itti 1LU.I m>unoanr. tit l~t l.tbti Inti
l~ilii liit
!10 I~ .rttt 'Bl. rr ln:lit l.tbitt
run \11 13 .tit 'JLtl. l'ti ln:b I.rt~ /i.CfUv.t. litlt
bi !22 1b I.ti 'Bl.\
\21 It I~ '$1.\
rril li.€£b1.tti. '"
,rrm lb In:•
liili /b
\bi /'

t1i1t 12.+ lb It~ 1fll. trtttt lbti lf.tli /ti /btt /

Iii \25 le \bitt 1$1.I ttb li.~ll)J.t. 1~,;1il ltt.~fb:.ti. \tlftP
12.6 If lbta '$1.l :.!ugufttnc. Ubl litti j~,rttU lb JJj(
•rt\m lbt Jn:b lbttl /It
J:i \27lg lbi bl.\
l~llt In

l:t /
l2S ~lb 1&1.I lrr\11il, ·~
\2.9 \b 11tti 'BLI rrtt jµil J l.trlltt l~fl}.'tr.t. Im
Jlt 'jtJ17 \~btti 1r1tt
-• \30 It ttt m ~tit \~arllc.t. 1b 1~111---
ibt 1~ 1 In p1tn. ~1.1 ,;it
I I I I I I / I I
M lune hath xxx.dayes.
-- - -

~~1:•t_;'- ~·~ ~~~~~'""' '"XI~~~~···&.

~~-·-"-"""- - -~-

~ The Nloone xxx.

. ~

rifech ~ ~3.ffiI.34 i:-i 1==~;:::;;;;:;;;;::::=;=:=::;~;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;::;;;:

Sunne hour · §- ~Morning ,- Euening
Jfallech 8.mi.26 ~ Prayer. Prayer,
I t.Ldlon. j 2.Leifon. I 1.Ldfon.j1.Lclfon.
b le (' Kalcnd.
11 l l«llller.6. lmlJarkett. lfllller.7. 1.<o1.1~.
Ii If llttl Jao. at bUi ttt It~ J~t
~/3 lg ltu Jlio.1 Jaicbomrbe. 111 l~ob.f. tttt ltt.<ozJ.
u I+ I~ IP:tD..flo.I 1m iii lb lltif /u
I~ lb I Nanas. I !SOnttace. U b bi, bf ltit
t /6 It bni 'jJD.j bi lbtt bia lbU1 IUli
rum 17 1n lbtt 'Jb.\ bii l•i lbtOlb I~
\lttl!_Je lbt 'J~b·:.i.,.l_ _ _ _ _.;-r;~b;.;.;.m;. . ·-:l'~ci.;---l•i l~il lbf
\9 If lb Jn. \lit Jiti Ii l~iit lbU
110 \a \ittt 'jib. t lib Ji ltbt lbttf
;r\l In 11'.! lttt ')b.I llSamabr. tr ~ccle.t. 2ltts.~ilU. lfftdr.tU. l~tts.1~.
mt 112 lb \p:t'O. '.JD.I Sol m Cancro. tit l'1tob.11.18 ~i~. l~ob.~~. /tt.«oz.i~.
113 It I I Solll:iti.zfi:iuum.
Ictus. tlll J,t l~U J~ Ii
nl1+ lif ltbttt JLtl.1 'lJum. lrttii lntt lnat lntta ld--,-.- -
t !1~ le l~bit •t·I .tb ~it.p;,a:b. '11 m>~b. iti

it 117 lg l~b 11LI tblt m 11LttltJ. int <Oata.t.

\1%111 µiit 1!1.I ltbiti ~' ti matt u
tbit \19 \b l~tt. 1111.1 Ii•! l~ttt lf11 lmb ltte
u1 120 It \nl 1Lt\.I 11enwarn. b:r li:r~t lii11 J.ttt>tt llftt
-'-c --' 10 I~ Jal.I tr& mbttt b I~ 1J
rtiii lu It Ir 111.I t,tn ti lbC !~II - lJf
•.1.t 123 If it-= ~\.I :faft. Itt1ii ~ii bti. tezoa.t. eu(Je. t.-
_l i+ lg \btti Jal,\ Iohn BJpriil. tttlli l~ut. flPattl),3. l~al.Ut. j~at.mtl:
rt 'f'-5 111 \bU 1L\1.I rrb lll'ZOU.ii. JJlalte.s. llt\ ICDUrf.tC-
6 lbt Jal.I t:tbt mt •~ lb m -
• '-Z dliGi

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M Iuly hath xxxj.dayes.

~-- - ~ -11"~--~"~~0)",-~.-
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~~ li.3 - " - _"'_.._.,.::. ..= #4 ~ ~!. ;. ~~..:.. .:_ '°'1~~ ~

~ The Moone xxx.

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)rifech ~ ~+.mi.18 "'O

l7.mi.42 .
9i" Mornmg
~Euening I
Prayer. I


I Ir. Ldlon. 2. Ldfon. I i.Lc!Ton. I 2.Ldfon.

.. b 11 lg l Kalend. ·I itaGtat.of~arp. i lt0zon.:ttt. llLnkr :tilt. It010. :tt1t. ltatt' .i-.
12 1.~lllt jflo.1 ii l:tiiit IJ:itii l:tll lti
µit 13 lb lb Jao.I - !]0arttn. iU l.tlli l:tb /tbti lut
ti I+ It lttit flo.1 [lilt l:tbiti ltbi lit.t !i~i.i
15 lb ltil ~0.1 1111 In /.rllti f:tri 1€o;·J:~1.
~ 16 le IPlt'b.J]lo.1 Wognapcs. llt lr~t ltbiti l,t;titi lti
t\JUQ7 If I Nonas. I lbti lt:tiiit lttt l;t:tll litt
bli 18 Ig Illtii 'jjb. I /ibitt lttlli l;t;t Lttbtt Ililt
19 illbh 'jb.l Itt lttbiit I:rti lt:ti:t 11.£111:1".!.
\10 lb llli 'JD.I t Irot lt;t:ii ll!erclc.t. lti
~ 111 \C Ill jfD.I rt le!ecclc.ii. 1.ttiit lilt lttl
it ii \12. lb littt 'lJb. I Sol in Leone. rm 1101 ~.tilii lb Itilt
113 c llii 'jb.j Inn \bi !'jjOl)n i, Ibit lb
:ti 11+ If pitn. jJll. I tlttl lbttt ltt lit /·.E. 3J:l)ef.i.
litt [!!--
\15 lg! ldus. I ff> UJtttl~mc. ll!b It ltt
~ \16 I:a ltbit la.I. L · :llugulti. ~tbi l:tit
l.rllti !' lb
litti l11trc.t.
\17 lb. i:tlli ••·I
l1S it ltU 1LU.\ ltlliti ltttt lbt lb lti.Ot. I
tbit \19 Ill l:ttttt 1.Ltl. I kt [bl lbtt /btl 1~•" I
bt I20 le l:tttt Jld.I · ~argarrt. I l\ltU lbiti lt.t Ill
12.1 If ltU .. 1L\t.1 Ii t It lit IP \li'
~tit In lg lltl.\ ·~agnatcn. It ii l:tti l:t /;tlii ( 'r-
J11o·, "
tll \:z.3 11211t - ~1.1 jfaft. 24. llritti l:tiiil I~ l.tb it(
12+ lb lit lltl.\ lames Ai)ol1\e, - i; · lrrtiii>t ltii l.tb1t ltti - -

~l.j I \l 1.ecc1c.t.rt. lt1ii l(!Etclc,23. \tUi

rt 12.5 It lbttt

n.r \2.6 10 1utt Jal,\ 'ltnnc. ln1li l'JJcrc.1s. /;tltii 11! crc, 19. l):1tu5 !.
bitt \2.7 It 1l>t la.I.I 1 llt l:tr /rb Ir.rt IH.u.
~ \2.S If lb Jal.I rrtbiiil:t:tii ' j~lli l.t:tiii IWIWem.
I ltbii I
,Jbt 12.9 lg \tttt 11\t.I run,; lntiii I ln:b 1~£ll2.i.
-130 ~\ttt 11\t.I Jml~bt I \~\ltit rnu1t In
b- 131 \b IPitn. 'JL{t.\ 1.t.rb!tt l:tt:t l.t:ti~ liti
I \ I
.. '

M Augu{l hath xxxj.dayes.

,- The Moone xxx.

~ ~rifeth ~ ( 4.mi.34 - ~
Sunne hourej 3 ,- Morniilg ~ Euening
falleth (1.rni.26 ~ Prayet. Prayer.
1-· I' 1.LcITon. I 2.LclTon. I 1,Lcffon. lz.Lclfon.
u::::- ll. 1n litii ~0.1 •t 1n~t1. Int lmttt lb
-13 le jut ~0.1 •tt l~n1tfi l~ctes.t. mb lbt
Ir- 1+ It IP:tn. ~0.1 mt In~ll& tt lmtut lbil
lui 16 b1Jbiit ~.11ttantttgutatton. bt ~ itU ~t If~
-17 \b \bit 'Jb.IJaamcof']Jefus. l·1>tcl~ltt lb l~lttt l'-.t_ _
- IS it lbt 'jt>.1 lt>iU l~ttu lbi 1 ~b.~lbi. In

Jn If litt ']Jt>.1 -S-ol m v1rgmc. I1ti Ii li.t lit j']James. i.

tLJg._lg lp:fo. ')0.1 I.rte IJLamen.i.J.t IJ!.amen.u u
..- J13 111. Idus. I lltiti !tit I.ti llttt ili

11+ \b 1.rt.t - lL\t.I ~cptemb:is. 11p1it lb .rtt ~;cit.ii. ltiU

o: 115-lc):~~tt]at.1 l1:tt1 1~;c1s.i1t. 11:1t lb
- j 16 lb l:tblt lL\1.I ll!W lbii 1.rttti l.tiit lt.~et.f.
i:bul1'7 le ltbt lat.I lrrt>tt l.tttti lw lil>tu 1u
bt \IS If It\> 1.\LI I :tbiit lmttt l.tbt lmttti liit

r1 ll.3 10 It -.1.1 .fall. lttiit I~ lni .t 1m

m_j:?.4\~ It~ Jal,\ _Sarchol.ArofHc. 1r11tnle!eette.2s. l~i 1ecctc.29. ~:~olJ.t,
biti l:?.1 ILlbttt 1.\1.I nb m>ant•.tt. l~tu
im>an.,rtt. Ill
--1,_6 \g lbti 'lit~I tnbt 1nu l.tnitt•tt rut
lr\n11.7 l lllbt 1£\1.I Tltibii l~fe.i. lnb l© liiU
~ lb lb 1l\l.l 21uguntnc. r:t:biu iitt .tibt lb
-1,_9 It lttit 1l\l,\!5cl)eab. of:tobno mr btt l~'btt. lbut l1.3:1'Jou.
I~ ~llUt /~u~
ll---'o-'---130_10 \iit

le lp:iD. ~I.I
'"" n ~attb.t r•
AA September hath xxx. daycs.

~The Moone xxix.

. ~rifech ~ ~s.mi.36 ~ !======================:=.

Sunne houre 5"" 1" n·1.orning 1" Eucnin3
faJlleth . 6.mi.24 ~ Prayer. Prayer.
! 1.Lcflon. j 1.Lelfon. I 1.Lcflon. 11. Lcffon.
u Ii If I Kalcnd, I C15ples. Ii lflDfr.~ttt. !®at.ii. l~fe.t(ttr. JIL\on1.1t.
littt Jiio.I
11 111 (i liJlia-i.-ltit 13Jocl o. liti
~-13 iPflttt Ja~.1 . *ii ltii littt l~mos t. li=ttt_ _
,ibili"/+ lb lpzm•.eo.1 m l:llmo~lr-lb ___ ltti lb
1.111 s It I Nonas. m>ognapesrnb. b litU lbt lb lbi
16 n lbw ·11b.I \Jt lbt lbtt it>tt Jbli
17 le ibU 310.1 .eanatt.of Cli3ff. fbn llttt lb1tt t:t lbUa

~lJtt ll6 jg ltbt 'l\I. Autumnalc. tl.ll liU l:tl>U ~ODIJ.i. 11. ('01.i.
lli 117 ~ ltt> lllL lL.antbttt. ilm •opl).ti. l:tblU . IUi 111 •
l1S b l:titit Jal.I ttn:t l'.lgge.t. l:t•:t l~gge. o. /m ~
nn 19 It l:tiit. ll\l. rit zad).t. l:t:t Izar.ii.1ir. !nit

_111 _le I~ ••· !:>. Macrhcwc:. nt llfcr1r,3s. lntt !~:-~~·__,...-./~bt-.---

tt 121 If l:t 1tu.1 t~t 1zat1J. btt.lmtt rzac. but. lbtt
tit 13 g li:t lltl.I rrttt t:t l~Ut I~ lbiii
lllti 114 ::..11. lbiti lltl. rriilr l:tt rJ:tb lr~t . ltt
116 le lbi lltl.I QJ:vp:tan. tt,rba ~ala. i. f.r,t1'ii ,/ l~ata. ti. l:ti

.., .,, .,. ~

AA06tober hath xxxj. dayes.

~The ~1oonc xxx .

Jrifeth ~houre~6.mi.35 ::J~
..... ~ Eucni1~3
falleth" 1.mi.21 ~ Prayer.
1· c. on. 11.Ldfon.11. -'· o:~· jz. Ldfon.

t Ii lb [lli ~o.[ lllti lb [btti [2. €01.1.

[3 It Ill ~o.I ··-- -----Er;;;---+le:..,.i.t_ _-+-fb,-,-t:-_+-1.t..,__--;lc:..:.,ti_ _
rbm 14 [n litlt ~o.[ _ ~ lllii f,ttt liii

16 If ltmn. o.[ jfatttJ. 1:1Jubit.i. l•.t I untt.u. lb

r\) 17 \g \ I [tU It [itit lbi

19 !ll \bti ')n.1 m>mnts. lbtt l.tti btti [bttt

t [II [ti b )JtJ.I ,tt [,ttttt j,ttf [t

I16 lb ~tt 'JL\I.[ [b [ii lbi Iii

· 11-,- It ltbi 'Bl. btt tu lliU. ~--

120 \f ltlii 1.lll. ~ [bt 1.tif lb•

>:"i 121 [g ,tti -1~
!~~1 lntt [bit [.tiftc l~~P___,b-.ef...,...i,-
r::: 122 I ~Jn 'i\l.[ 1rni IJb l.tbtlt>ttt fit
123 lb It -=-.-=-1.+-1-----..;.,.11r...,..r1-1l-""1~..,,--,-ii---'-;-l•:--.t----t::1.t=b1=tt--~;;;t;-1--,.---

i) ll.7 If lbt 1.\l,[ ~aft. n:bu lbt [,tttt ll>it lt01Jit. i.

~--tl2;--;;:Sflg~llubu--~1L\~l.1-I_s_1m_o..:.:.n.:.:.1n:.:.a.::.:.:1ild~e.....-~I i=tyii1]1)ob.14.1s. IJiiU l'Job~tt. [ii
7·r'._!~T.l2:::-91t[ IUittu;--:'lt~l.1-I_ _ _ _ _ rr1.r 1eutt.s. ltb

·· [30 lb lttt 11lLJ rri:__ ,t ibt

l~tclt. i.t. 11u
I~ ttit /.

-fJ3'--1-'rltl'"'lp~'--1b_.=1.L\='·r-'---=~~aft~. _ _ ! i~. ltU ,tbtt l,ttti

1_ I I I I , -~ ·; I I I I
M Noue1nber hath xxx.dayes.

. \rifech ~ ~7.mi.34 ~
SunneJ houre 3 ,- Morning ,- Euening
~fallcch _4.mi.26 ~ Prayer. Prayer.
I I 1.Ldt'on. j 2,Leifon. I 1.Ldl"on. 12.Leffon.
lls=-a..,'""'l1t-lmi0l.itt. IIi,cb.n.pi.lmtfb.b. IJacucl.19.
It e tttt .flo. ftt I~ttle.t+· IU.ukc is. IC!l:cde. tb. ll!Cotolf. 2.
;cbtiil3 liit Jao. 1Ut :Cllt l~:C /;cbU !tit
~ I:a Nanas. l> ltt Im ltn lt.1:brf.i.
\6 b bttt o. JL.ronatb. l,bt !nit \:trit lmit ;ti
uli 17 It lbii ')n.1 J:i,.• l~~tt 1t;ci1t 1:c;cb 1"'••1 itt
1s 10 111• jln.1 1btu IJJ:lltt 1:cnut lnll•U \t1tt 1

~ 19 le 111 jib~I iw-ff"~:c--l']lobiiLlt~ 1u

lliolf-lilli 310;1 IJl;c;ctt lit imtt Iii. 3turr,r
t.t In lg iii 'JO.I I~ ln;citt liti ln;ct1it Iii _ _
f12. I P?tb. 'Jb.\ I t lmb liiti l:cnbi \tit
113 lb I · ldus. I 2l5mc. ttii \;cnbU Ill lmt>in 11.3tm1.1.
tblt Ir+ Ic \tllm Jal. I IDecemb~iS. I ~tu lt:C.tlt lllt l:cl /it.itc:..:..i._ _
bC\I~ -,b-ltbtCl.tU.l-Slll)att)Utc. l~l~t lbtt liUt littt
~r161e1tbl•t:1 _ 1rt>• l~ttt lbttt 1:c1ttu ru=---
~ttt I1'7 If ltb 'JL\l.I lnitium r ni FJiz.i. ltbit l~b li:C ltl\lt l\li
ttt \1s lg ltttti JSt.I cbtil lt1Uit It ltlUlli it.1:tm.t.
119 I ~Htnt lat. I IttJ; ltltt IP 11 lit
ti 120 lb !:tit ~I.I cenmunn Jatng. l~ \Ii Jµl l!Barut.t. Jtii
t¢ 111 It In ••·I Im l~it /iii ltUt_ _
bttt In lb It-Jal I €tctlir• lmt ~iit 1µ11t /t.J
jlffap.t. lit.tu.
11Cttust. I

~I1+ ir\bttt Jal.I

:tbt !1~ l!J !bu •..
J13 \c l1l'. Jal.I «tnmnt.
, Jaatuermr.
I~ lbt
l.tJb riiil
ItiiiU l:tUI

b l16 I -1llbt 'l\t.1 ltJbt bi JU
\1716 b 1LU.I Itibtt llbttt -lti:t 1t;t lit•
titt l1S le ittt , Itniiil~ l:tt In Itilt
tt . l'-9 \t> ttt 'ltl.j .f,111. 1= l~ii Im l:tiit /b
i ho \e IPztt'I. '1\1.I .Andrew Aeottlc. Im: 119zou.;c;c. l:<lttcst.>t
1*.*I ;faott,tl)at tbrbcgtnntng oftfJe ~\lt.CJRptrt Of CfCclcftaltttUS ~ vnco ~ Bue when
. . one is,&c. muct bt rcan U1ttf) tbe ;c~t>.€l)aptcr.
M December hath xx.xj.dayes.

~The Moonexxx.

rfech (
rffii, 12

a- ·-;Morning

-; Euening
fallerh · ~.mi.48 .en I.

I i.Lcit"on.
1,LefTon. 1,[ci'ron,
I• If I Kaknd. I i l41Lmti.~iti l::ltts.U. l€£at.Jb. lti,eb1.7.
tbili 12 lg ltut . Jao.1 ki l~t tti l~ti lbttt
bil 13 I~ lin Jflo.1 •u l~tit tlll :ti:t lt:t
I+ lb IPntJ.flo.1 mi 1n.nt. lb l~i It
~\l I~ It I Nonas. l b 1mu bt matt I~
tllt \6 \b lbttt 'jib.I etct)otas11Stftlop. 1\11 m lbt.btf. l~t Itit
\7 \e \\lit ')n.1 bit l~llit lbt. btt. l~biit ltttt
pt \S if \bt jll>.I <tonccp.of ~arte. bitt lm:t lbtit Im J'jfam.t.
t \9 \g \\l 11n.1 Iii'. ltm tt l~tit lit
\10 I.a \Utt '110.\ ln::titt l:t lmUti /tu
i.~_I!!_[!!__lttt '.Jb. I
- \n. \c \p:tn:')n.\ Sol in Capri.
~ 1mb
ltit l~.tbti
lmbtti lb

ti ti n:Jt:t !:tilt ~ li.~ct.t.

\14 \t \ti~ •'·I
rbit \13 lb I Idus. I JLuctcbtrgtne.

bt JI~ If \,rbtii '}ltl.I

')anuartt. I ttii
tb l~itt
l:tlt µm
Iitti \16 ILl~i!!U.LU~I SlDfaptentta. rbt ~b :tbi ltlbi ltitt
iii \17-l:ii l:tbt lLU.I mu l:ttbtt · lrbit l~ltiiit lb
\IS lb lrb 'Ja.1.I 1rt;Ji(t l:tli:t ltbitt I fti.t0ct. t.
ii \19 It \rtttt 'Jll.I ltlt fli ri.t lit lti
~It \lo Jb \tti\ '$1.J :Jfalt. tr lltti Ir.: llliti IUi
\11 \e ltii 1\1.I 'IhomasAe~ m \J)~o.13. .1~ J@10U.2+. /t.jJDb.t.
biit lu If I~ ll\1. r-- b:itt 1Cfra1. tb-:-I~• 1erat. 56. lit
\23 Jg \:t lat.I m 1lbil ~ lbftt ftU
,tbt 12+ l'JI lt:t 1$1.i :traft. ltntii ui ~m ~ IUU
\l 115 llf lbtU 1$1.I Chrillmu. rTb Erat.1~. IJLu1t.t1. 1era.1>u. 11Ctr.tu.
116 It lbtt 11\t.\ s.~tcucn. t'.r.lJi J):o.1s. l~rtS.6.7. 1erc1e.4. 1~rts.7•
tilt \27 Jb lbt 'Bl.I S.Iohn. rt\l(i ecd.b. 11\cucl.t. lt!rclc.6. fltcu. u.
ii \2.S IC 'b "Bl.I Innocents- n-hfo 'iJetC. 31. l:art.S,1.5• mon.c. 11. •. ol). 5•
\1.9 If ittu 11\t.J 1rrtt 1crai.lit. lnbi erat.l,tit Ii. •ob.
Ir. \30 jg liii 1111.1 rt'r llttti r;tbU fltftti IJ-'.~ OlJ.
Ii• ·~ IP~fb. 1.l\l.I ~tlucftcnscfl)op. rrf'. I~ lr.:bUt l~i 1·11ubc.t.
I I I I ~1

M &Almanacke.
g~ E ~ ;:i c
..... . a, ...;
::r P- ['TJ ~~ 0... ::;i..
» i=i'
(/.) >
r:: P-
n » n(J'q ::r :sP- C1Ic:
;.. ;: 13 C'l 3 Q..
t'T'l 3 c::: ~-~ n ~ ~ ::::i
. 0 .., '11

"" !"'n- ~
c!Jn nQ.

C1I ;ii;- ....
() 5· :::::. ":< ~ \
--:::IU ...
-. ;:J
:s ~
• :i 0
16011u1 j\1i ID I~. Jrcb111. ii~. JfrbJ. I12. '!pi ii.
118. 91811il. lni.Sl9ali, tm.'Trlait. \19.mourm.
IOOljUll fcbll 1~ In. :Janu. 117 14 1r ltill ittlli Ir~
160110111 I nbm I 15 !20,Jfrb1. j9.\il!lartfl, 1•4 lnr l»]URll, 11 z. ]111111. luou
160'1l't ]IC 1ac 15 Jn,JfEbJUd.ltl ltltll 117.'l@au. 127.'l@.UI. \z. Orcrmb.
16c5jt jrr I Jf )27. 31anu. I•~ In .~.1rt11. 1111 l•r Im \1
1606Jr.1 11 (c j16.1'tb). j5.~,1rc11. l20,\lp11C \rtb1 ln•r 1s.1un11. 110.Mouem.
1607/m JI I I iD 1 118,Jfrb)U, 15 Ir•
•. 111111 l•+f0au. lntr
1608/rtll Jn.11 j&b 24. ]an. 110 127.~arcb.111 Jb lrb 1111111
16091rm1 l•lll I !1 Jn.Jfl'bJ, i 1.9l8arcl1. I16.ip11I. lrni lrrb \4. :Jlunn. \~.Ommb.
16101c11 Jiii I@ 14 121.Jl'Cb)UJ.18 IIIUI lrllU 127.~an. 111
1611 lrot jrr111 i Jf \20.]anu. 16 I24. ~warcil. I29, !;lp11J. 111 \m 11
161 ifo1111 Juli Cllll11 •.f"E(l)U, j25 J1i.\:\p11l. I18, 'l@an. IHI rn1 J29. mourm.
1-61 2jrtJ1i 1r.in1 I er: hi.'.llanuw. In 14 r lr•i1 \mu \rtlllli
1614lr1 11m I lli \20,Jfrb1u. j9.918arc11, l•4 lrrr J>. ]lunn. J12.]1m11, itibtl
161511 In .I 'A js l21.Jfru1ua.J9 Jru \18. llll}au. 118.~Jll. 11- Dcrr111b
161 lijn 1r•ll .m t 1J2~. I14 \l 1. 'i!!1nrrn. 1u1 l1r jrtJ Ii
16111u /'ll I i/j; 16. Jr.-~1. J7.~Jctu. \10.ae1111. 1ri111 lmr 13· ]unu. 110.~our.
1'•()4!''" it Ill \D;r J18.Jfrb111•.l5 !tr lmu 12+6@111. lrrti
11'.>1111u jIC<1 I<. \14,]larm. Ito l>~.!:'@dtc'I. IUI 1111 /ru1 lrr1m1
rtncjui I"' ii~ ~Jq.JF•ll, J1.btl.1rn1. jl6.!il>1'11, 1rm lttb j4.:.f1un11. l;.Dmmb.
lblljOll 1u11 /o 1•8.:JIJnu. j14 •.f;~u. 11 Ir l•o, llf)a1:. jtt
1S.2[uli1 lri1Ji··1 , \17 •.IFCU), j6.91&arrh. 121 Jtrbll '"' ltrr ,,. :lillllll. It
I h; 'fll 11c I i/j; 19.jfCb), 11 (>. ·~ (l;Jll. J. l Im ttm ii i 'o.Jfl~urrr
''"'lit 1rJ 1;)~\25,:J1dRU, 111 \2!i.llf~atch. J111. u1a11. h 110.~ ..u. lttllut
1 ·.,~1i•1
[1"i•7tt ..
Jt:t , ..
Ii I ~,, IH· JF•bJ. '"~J'CIJ. \17
I <Mt I <.'I) I u. ·]ann. 17
J21.1f, f'l'I. '"
[tl\.~~ilt\"11. ho. A~1111,
15. '.Junu. 1rruu
i,8.~an. 11.Dmmb,
Inn lti
I 64dl'C~M ,... llf ¢l10,JFct1111.1.1•1 .111.!il•nn. Ir->. lil•HI. ltcti \1..iunn. 110,J/iOUCtl'.
16•91111 • ''" I cJ I \18 1~ 111 In 11 I '4·lil!:l•ll. Ienc
r 6l.0~'1f 1rrn1 I ~ 124. :) \10 \ 0 8.>ltJ.urb. Im jlJI lrll• /l,Ulll
10111su11 1un l i.> Jo. Jfcb1, 111 110.!il!LU. ltbl Jere rem l1tllll
:l'i·,.lri•l'I 1~w·1 1~e 129.'.J'dl'u, !20 \1 11111 Ir Ire 12.0ccrmo,
IC>~ jl>I 1cc·t I ;i j 17• .lf•b)U. jo.'l@ortlJ. j2 i.!ilp)U, \nun lrre j9-<Ul:Q, ju

~ Ofthe Golden nnmber.

~c dMDtn numhfr i9 fo t.'lfln, hecaurc ittDll11D)lttm ill t[Jc ltalmbtr tDitb ltttrrs 0£!JOfOt, ti«lJt at tbt bap \Dberron dJt ~aant roan'
T gcu : aunic is tl)t fpacc of 19 pmn, in dJe llllJicb tbe ll@oone rrtumctb ro t{Je fdfc ramebap oftbt peneoflbtiilunne: anoll;mfo1e
lt fsalfo caU10 tbe I!: pelt oCtbe 9@oone, in tilt blbitbtbe ~ol!ticcs ann ¢quinmtals 110 murne to all one point in tbe. 2ouiequr. .
l:o lln11e ic euerp pmc ,poll mull abbr one pttttto t1)c pem of (;h)ltl (fo~ etl;~it? ll>H b~nr one pea:eof tbt 19 alteaoppaa) d;rn omflle dJe
lllboltbp 19, 11111 ~atlDbirb reaecfJ, ill tbe eo111mnumbtt fol d,Jatp«re: if t~m be no furptura!lt, It ill~ 19,

~ ThcEpad'.
Paaz hcmerz in@mkt, notb lignille in «tnitlifb, bapesfrt betblrmr, anu d)mfoie tbe 11bapell81111 J baurd!fla111te aDbtb to tf)eprrre
E of tbe <;'19Dtlllt, are calleu Epaetz, 1111u are a11uru to ma\e lf;Je prcrc of d,Je 91!toonr, blbicll i• but 3 H uapl'9, tua wt1b rbr pnrroft!le feunnt,
lllbicb ba1b 36 s napes anu riaarm. .
(!;o llnDe out lbC G:patt ofcctJpmc, batbUIS : ~o tbt ¢pace oftbepem dJatLia blrnt brfo1e11Jat pert fa, 111bull po111Doulu 6noe Cht G:pacc,
abue 11,llllD fmnme ordJefumo make tilt \!!:pace, 3lrit rurmount ; o, tbn1 take 3o out, 111111 llJat blbitb rdlrcl) aboue 3°, ill !lie ¢part pou
~ Thevfc of the Epad'.
ID lmlltD !)obi oloe tbl ~ i111t 1119 dmr foirurr llptbe ~pact, bo tl)lit: ;MlrtmtotfirDll"'°rpourmonrd)IDIJmin poutDoulo lmobl
T 1bt•. Ille ¢pan, 11111111 manp bl!IH inoe a111re 1nonetl,Js from ~aitb co tbat monrll),intlllDill« bolb m!lllCllJf, om of !be lllbid.J rubararc
30 •often aa pou map, d}r age ~emalnetb : if no1tjlng;ie1111tne, dJ~oonr tbqet~ tlhlt nap. .
.foHIJr mti)u4l'e ur tbe lReam. lilt haur placro bm ourcan lllmana11tr, induliuelP compJrhruDin~, not Olldp '°Ill to 6n11e tbc ~pace
foJtl)r !fan of 30 pmnu tome:, bat .UO tbr t8lo1Dtn numbet afo!t fprcifteD , t111Jtt~rr lllllb tilt Domlattdl letter, I.tape pem, llllb Trum
gtbtt moueable fellls,01 uape11 ill cbc peen, 11urin£ tbe 14me timr,u map illlP'arc.
~=@olllal munller 8l1b Dommlrilll lttcrr llOttb rlJlllClt rurrp prerr tbr flrC! bap ar :Jlanuatfe, 11111 tbe 4fpmeflc6rt! DllP of
lf)a Un'+ natc alfo, 11,JU Ille prctr of OIU LD!ll beitillntdl tbU~b. Up of ~dttb, Ifie lime D.!p fuppartD CO be tlJt 6ra111p 1lPDD
lDllidJ* 1M'f~D~111ltbpt~roamutDintlJemombeofltf1llrglla'Jarp.
B ~ 'A Prologue
~':>~~~~~~~~~<flt~~~~"':>~~~ .~~~~
~tth~~~~~~~~~~h1~ .• ~~1'~J'~
~9t?'.!.~.jSj:&,_~~t~t~3t~Jt~~$~~~ ~ ~

A Prologue or Preface made by Thomas

Cranmer, fomecime Archbifhop of
~:;="'~~~~=;;=:i Oncerning cwo fundrie forces of people, it feemeth much
nccdrartc tlJatfomctlJtng be ram tn tbc entrte of tbts boolle bp
" ttJc lbap of a t01cfate oi t0zologue, lbbtrtbl' bcteaftct tt map
be botl) tbe better acccptcn of tbtm lbbtd.> bittJcrto coulb not
rur11 bcarc tt, anb alfo bcttet l>feb of tbcm lbbtc{l berctofo:c
uaue mtfufen tt. JFoJ ttuelp rome tbereare (bat betoo tlonie,
anb neebc tbe fpunc : fome otl)er fccme too qutme, anb nccbe
mo:e of tbe bztble: fome loofe tbtit game bp (l)o:t (l)oottng,
fomc bp ouer Cl)oottng: fomclbalkc too mutb on tbe left banl>,
.E;;;;=~~=;;;;;;;;;;=ifometoomuctJ ontl)niglJt.'JnttJefo:mctfo:tbealltbcptlJat
rcfufc to rcab, OJ to ti care rcan tlJe ..trlpture in ti.le bulgar tongnc,mutb lbozrc tl)cp tbat
let alfo 01 nifcourage tl)e otl)cr from tile reatling oz l)cartug tbcreof. 'Jn tbe latter fozt be
tl)ep tblltd) bp tf)cir tno:ntnate rcantng, lmbtfcrctefpcalUng, tontentlousbtrputing, OJ o,;
tlJcrruifcbV tlJctr htcntious ltutng, fianbct ant> btn'Der tl)c \bo:n of<l.?Ob moll of au otl)cr,
tblJcrof tlJcp ruoulb fccme to be grcatcll furt1Jerers.1tUefe t\bo fozts,atbett tl)ep be mofJ: · -
f arrc bnlikc tf)c one to tf)c otl)cr, pet tbtp botl.) nefcrue in effett ltke rep:ocl) : ncttber ran
'1J UJcll tcll lblJctlJcr of rl)cm 'jJ map tubge t(Je mo:e offettbet, bim tbat'bott) obOinntcl!
rrfufe fo gontp nnn goo'Olp lmorurengc: o: Ulm tl)at fo llngoblp anb fo lmgooblp botb a·
tmfc tlJc fame. :itnn astoucbtng tlJe fo:mer, '.lJ ruoulb maruen mutll tl)at ail! man fiJoulb
be fo mnn,as to refufc in narkcncffc,ltgbt: tn \lunger ,foon : in ro1ne,fire: fo: tile lbo:be of
rr:11. 119. Gob iS lig\)t: Lucerna pedibu~ ~eis verbum_tuum. ~tJplllOZ~ ts a lanterne l>~to mp fccte.
105. ']JttSfOOb: Non in folopanevm1t homo,fedmomm verbo De1. ®an Cballnot bue bpblC(\tJ
~latt H· OtlCIV,bUtbp CUttiC ltlOlb Of <.'50t'I. ']'Jt iS titt: Jgnem veni mitterein terram, & quid volo, nifi
Luke • vr ardeat ?']Jam cometofcnb fire ontf)e cartlJ,anb\blJat ts mp Dcfire, but tl)nt ttbtkin:::
• ntcb ~ 1J ruouln marucite (] fapattbts) faue tl)at lJ rottlit>tr Uo\b mucb cuaome anb ~
fage map boc. ~o tljat iftbcre ltlerc a people as fome lb:&te,de Cymerijs,\bbtdJ neucr falb
tbe ~unne, bp rearon tbat tl)ep be fituatcn farce tolbartJ tbe ~oztb pole, ann be tnclofcn
nnn ouctfi)allolbcb lbitl) ljtgl) mountain es :it is rrcbible ann like rnougl), tl.1at if bp tbc
ponier anb rum of <5ob, tbe mountaincs Cl)onlb finke non1ne, anb gtuc place, tbat tl)c
ligbt of tf)c funne mtglJt l)auc entrance to tl)cm, at tlJc firtl fome of tlJem llloulb be offent
llcll tlJerUJttl). ~ntJ ttJc 010 pzouerbe atfirmetb,ttiac after tillage of ro~ne lbasfirO fount>,
manp'beligbtcb moze to fccne of milflc ann aroJncs, ltl1Jcrelb1tb tbep l)ab becne acmfto:s
mcn,tl)cn to catc bicatJ mane of goon co:ne. •urlJ ts tl)c nature ofntllomc,tbattt caufttlJ
b.s to bcarc an tl)tngs rueu anti camp U1betelbttlj rue baue bcne acmaomcb,anb to be of::
frnncn lllttlJ an tl)jngs tl)creunto contrarie. :itnb tl)ercfo1e 'jJ can lbcll tf)inkc tbem lboz,;
tlJV parnon, llllltcb nt ti.le romming abzontJ of •rrtptun, noubtcn antJ nzeruebame. !Sue
f utlJ as \bil pcrfict tlill in tl)ctr \bilfulnetre,') mun neebs iubge noe onlp fooliCl),frolbarn,
nno obOinatc: but atfo pccuifiJ, pcrucrfc, an'b tntJurate. ::!nn pet, tf tbc matter lbou1n be
ttpcb bp runomc, \bee migl)t alfo auenge mflomefoHbc reabtng of tl)c ,S)crtpture in tbe-
butgattonguc, antJ p1cfctibc tl)c mozc anctent cunome. f oz tttsnot murb aboue one uu~
'bicttJ per cs agoc,finte fmptute 1)atf) not bcne arrullomcb to be rta'b in tbe bnlgartonguc
lbitlJin t\lis Bcatme, ann manp l)unnzetb pucs bcfo~e tbat, ft IDati trannatcb ann rcan
m tbe ~atons tongue ll.lbitb at tlJat tttuc lbas our motl)et tongue, lbtJercof tbcrc re:::
mainc vctbturrs coptes'founb tatclp tn otn ~bbeps,offudl antique maner of lllzfting ann
fpcaktug,tl)at fe\be mennolb be able to ttabe ann l>ntletllann tl)em. ~nn ltllJm tbts Ian::
guagttba~cn otb anb out of common bfage,bccaufefolkt Cl)oultJ uor latketbe fttur ofrca,;
btng, tt \bas agatne ttannatcb into tbe ne\bet language, lbbcceof pet manp topics re::
matnc,ano be bailt'founb.
:zsut no lb to let patre cuaomc. anb to llJetgU? as lbtfe men eucr Cl)oul'b, tlJe tbing in IJts
on1ne nature : let bs lJcrc bifcuffe lbl)at it aua1let1J .fi)crtptutt to be Uab anb nab of ft)e
lap anb butgat people. ~nb to tbis qucllton 'J tntcnn l)cre to fap nottJtng, but tban\Jas
~~- f po ken anll lb~!fl~~~!!e~l_c noctour anb moll mozan b_!~.Gl. Iohn Chry follol:l!e u.t
The Prologue.
l)iStbttb Jerman de Lazaro, atbett'.J lbtll btfometbtng fi)o:tcr, anb gatbet tl)e matter in~ s ci
to fewer tbo:bs anb ldfc _roomc t\)cn l)e boctb tben, bccaufc '.J Uloutn not be tebtous. Ji.le ;.~a 0~
c.rbo:tctt> tl)cre tJtS autncncc, tbat tucrp man tlJoutn reanc bp bimfctfc at l)omc tn ttJc
meanc bapes anb rtme,betwcene fermon ant> fermon,to tlJc intent tl)cp miglJt botb mo~c
p:ofounblP in tl)ctr mtnbcs anll mcmoiits tl)at bee ban fatn befo:e bpon fuel) u.rtes,
tblJcrcupon l)te f)ab atrcabp p:cacf)eb: ann atro tl)at tl)ep migl)t l)aue tl)ctt mtnbcs tlJc
mo:e rrabtc anb bttter p1cparell to rctctuc ann pcrcctne tlJat U>IJiclJ IJce fi)oal'D fap from
tl)cnccfo:tlJ tn l)ts ~crmons, tJpon fuel) tc.rtcs as l)ccl)ab not pct bctlnrcn ann p:cacl)cb
lJpon: tt)ercfo:c fapttJ IJcc tl)erc, ~P common bfage ts to gtuc pou lbarntng bcfo:c, tblJat
mattct '.J mtcnb after to mtrcat bpon,tl)llt pou pour felucs tn tl)e mcanc take
ttlc bookc in uann,rcan,lllciglJ,anb pcrcciuc tl)c fummc ann effect of tl)c matter,~ mar kc
UllJatl)atl) becnc ncclarcb, anb tbl)at rcmatnetlJ pct to be ncctareo, fo tl)at tl)errbp pour
mtnb map be tlJc mo:c furntfi)cb to Ucarc tl)c rcll tlJat tl)albc fatn. ~nn tlJat JI c.rl)on pou
{faptl) IJcJ ant> cucr l)auc anb tbillc.rlJo:t pou, tlJatpou (not onelp tJcrc tn ttJc €tJnrcb>
,. ft(uc care to tl)at tlJat ts fapb bp tt>c t0icat\)er: but tl)at alfo lb(Jcn pou be at !Jome in pout
l)oufcs,pc applp pourfclucs from time to ttmc to tl)c rcantng of tJolp ~crtpturcs: lb\lttlJ
tl)ing alfo '.J ncucr unto beat into tlJe cnrcs oft1Jcm tbatbe mp fammars, ~ U>ttlJ lbl)omc
'.J IJauc p:tuati acqnaintance ann conucrfatton. no man matu c,rcufc ann fap, (faptlJ
lle)3f am bu lien about matters of tl)e common\bcaltlJ,JI bcarctbts officr.,oz tllat, ']I am
a m1ftcfman, 'JI mull applp mtnc occupatton, '.J l)auc a llltfc,mp cl)ilnzcn mun be fc o, mp
l)ouU)olb mull '.JI p~ouibe foz, b:tcftp '.]Jam a man of tlJc tbo:tn, tt ts not foz me to rcan tl)c
~crtpturcs, tl)at bclongctb to tlJcm tlJat l)aue btnbcn tl)c lbo:tn farcll>dl, tblJttb uuc in
fotttartndfe, nnn contemplation, ant> f)auc becnc b:oug{Jtbp ann conttnuallp nu;tcn tn
learning ann rchgton. 3to tl)is anftllcring, D9l)at fapcll tl)ou man (faptl) l)c t) 'jls tt not
foz ttJee to nuntc ant> to ttab tlJc .G>crtpturc,bccaufc tbon art encumbzen ann btarart tbtrlJ
cares anti buftneffc t ~o muctJ ttJe mo1eittsbc1Jooncfull fo: tbec to baut ncfcnce of fcrip::
turcs, Uotb mucl) tbouart tl)e mo:c btllrdfcn \n tbo:lblp nangcrs.3tl)ep tbat be free ann
farrc fcom trouble ant> tntermcbhng of\lloztblp tbtngs,huctn fafcgarn mtb tranquthttc,
ann tn tbt catmc, 01 Ulitl)tn a furc (Jaucn. 3t:l)ou art tn tbe nunncll of tlJc fea of UJozlnlp
rutckebndfe, ann tUercfoze tUou necncll tl)c mozc of gl)oatp ruccour ann comfo:t. 3tlJep
fit farrc from tlJe llrokcs of batten, ant> faire out of gun tl)ot, ann tl)crefozc tl)cp be but
fctnomc ruounnen. 'JCl)ou tl)at llanncft in ti.le fo:cfi;ontof tt)e l)ollc, ann ntgl)cll to tl)unc
enemies,nmll ncc'M take nolll ann tl)cn manp llrollcs, ann be grteuouap Ulounncn, ann
tl)crcfoic tl)ou ball moll nccnc to l)auc tl)p rcmcntcs ann melltctnc.s at IJann. Jr:IJp nnfc
p:ouokctl) tl)ce to anger, tlJV cl)tlbc gtuctl) tl)ce occafion to take fo1otb ann pcnliuc11cffc,
tl)tnc enemies Ipc in tbatt foi tlJtc, tl)pfrtcnb (as tlJou takeftl)im) fomcttme mutctl) ti) cc,
tl)vnctgl)bour mtfrcpoitctl) tl)cc,01ptcltct1J quarcts againtl tlJce,ttJpmatc 01 partner tm~
bermtnct\) tbec, tlJp Io:n,tuogc, DHUlltcc tl)1catnet1J tfJte, poucrttc tspaincfull tmro roee,
tl)c loffc oftl)pncare ann lllelbelouen caufetl) tl)ec to mournc,p:ofperitic eiauctO tf)er ,an::
ucrfittc b~tngctl) tUcc tolb :bztcflp, fo btuer.s ann fo manifoln occaflons of cares, tribuh1tc::
ons, ann temptations bcfct tl)ee, anll befiegt ti.Jee rounb about. l19l)erc cana tf)on lJaur:
arm om: o: fo1treffc agatnll thine atrautts t l19l)crc canll tlJou 1Jaue ra1ues foi tf)p fo:c!,
bntof IJotr ~crtpturc 11!:1Jp flcfl) mull neens be p:onc nnn fubtcctto fteUJIF 1uacs,llll)tcl)
natlp tballttll ann artconucrfant among tbomcn, fcclttUctr bcautic fct fooitb t~ tbc cpc,
bcarcft tl)etr ntcc ann wanton lllozns,fmcllcll tl)cir balmc, ctuct, ann mufkc, ~ttl) manp
otl}cr ltltc p:onocations ann thrnngs: ctccpt tbou l)aO: in a rcantnctrc n.JJJctctbltb to fup:::
p:ctrc ann auotb tbcm, tlll)tcl) cannot elfttbf)crc be l)an, but oncJv out ~f tl)c l)olp ~crtp:::
turcs. 1Lct bs rcane ann feckc au nmcnits tUattbc can,~ an tl)all be Itttlc pnougl). ~oru
tl)au tbc tlJcn noc,tf lbc futfcr ann take natlp ruounns, ann rul)cn .rucc bane none,, llltll fie
nm, ann rcarctJ fo: no mcncnncs 1;r>octl tl)ou not marile auo confiner IJolll ttl cfnntb ,ma:::
fon, OHarpcnter oi anp otl)cr banbicraftes man, tbl)at nccn fotucr IJc be tn, lll(lat other
llJtftfocuer l)cc n1akc, bee rum not fell no: lap toptcngc tlJt toolcs _of IJt~ occupation: _fot
tl)m l)o\b tl)outn l)e ruo:kt bts fcat,o: get l)isliuing tl)ercbp-t j)f ltkc mmn ann affecnon
ougbttbtbctoruarnsUolp ~mpture. jfo:asmaucts, bammcrs, fatb£S, clJcfils, aies,
anb l)atd)ets be tl)c to oles of tl)ctr occupation: fo be tl)c bo~kcs of tl)c 10iop{lcts an~ :ll~
polttcs, ann nn ttotp Ul21ters tnfpircb bi' tbt bolp <l5bolt,tl)c mllrumcnts of our faruataon.
mllcrcfo:e let bs not lhcke to bup ann p:outnc bg t~ c215ib~c, tbaus to fap, tbc bookcs of
l)otp ~tti\lturc ,anti let bs tl)tnbc that to be a better actbell an our l)ourc, tbcn titl)ct gotnc
~~ r.1t ..... -6." Ii& .. "'"' •h ........ ,,. h ...... "'1. .... ~fT,'fnlt """ hnnft> ruh~t'~ th~" b-nt1\h ttl h~ nnnl'I llr1
The Prologue.
--mour ann arttllcrtc: fo lbf)crcfocttct tl)cfc botp an'b gl)olllp bookcsbe ormptc'b,tf)cre net~
t{lcr tl>c ncmn no~ none of Ut.s angcts nan tome nccrc. 3nn tbcptbat occupie OJ cm bt tn
mucb fnfcgarD, ann uauc a grcatconfolation, ant> be tl)ncat>pet bnto an gootmcffc,tl)c
fiolbct tmto au cum:ano iftl)cp bauc bone anp tbing amttTc,anon euen bp tUc figbt of tl)c
books tbcir ronfcicnccsbe anmonillJc'b,ann t\Jcp nm~cfoiie ann a«Jamcn oftl)c fart.\0ct~
nnucnturc tOcr ll.lil rap lmto me, "oru ann iflllc bnberllanb not tUat lbc tca'b,tbat ts conc.:
tciUCD in t{Je bOOkCS ~DIJl)at tl)cn ~ -"uppofe tlJOU bn'bcrllanb ttOt tf)c 'btqlt anb p~OfOUUb
mpllcrlc.s of ~crtpturcs, pct ran it not be but ttJat mudJ frutt ~ bolindfe muft come ann
groruc bnto tl)cc bp tbc nantng: to: it cannot be tbat tUou ll)oulbcll be ignoiant tn au
tbings alittc. Mo: tlJclJolp <115l)oll l)ntl) fo o:ncren ann attcmpercn ti.le ~mptures,tbat in
tl)cm alUJcll pnblicancs, ftCl)crs,ann fi)cpl)earbs map nnn tl)cir cntticatton, as grcatnoc~
tois tl)cir crunttton •.f o: tlJofe booltcs lllcrc not mane to baincgto:ic, like as Ulen tl)e ru:t::
tings of tl)c gcnttlc ~l)ilofopl)crs ann ltbttoitnans, to tbctnttn~ tl)c lnakcrs lbouU.l be
uan in anmitatton foi tl)cir l)tgb Chics ann obfcure mancr ann nmttng, lbllcreof notl)ing
tan be bnncrllanncn lbttl)out a maetcr oz an c~pofitoz: muttl)e :lpomcs an'b t0zoptJets
ruzotc ti) cir boottcs ro, tl)at tUeir fpectall intent ann purpofc mtgbt be bnncrtlannen ann
pcrcctucn of cncrr rcancr, llll)tdJ was notl)tng but tf)c cnificatton of amcunmcnt of tbe
life of t1Jc111 tl)at rcanc o: I) care tt. twbo ts tt tl)at rcantng o: Uenrmg ren'b tn tbe ~ofpet,
Blelfed are they that be meeke, Ble!fed are they that be merciful!, Ble!fed are they that be of cleane
heart, (ffuclJ ot\1cr 111\c places, can pcrcciuc notl)fng c~ccptt)c bauc a mancr to tea cl) l)tm
illlJat it mcanctl)~ J/..ikcllltfc tbc ftgns ann mtraclcs,\bitb auotbcr bifto:tcs of tl)c notngs
or<l!tmll oz f)ts ~polllc.S,\bl)o ts ttJcrc of fo fimplc lbtt ann capacttte,but l)e map be able to
pcrcctuc nnn bnbcrllann tf)cm~ 1tlJcfc be but c~mfes ann cloltes to: tbc ratnc ,tf coucrings
of tbctr oumc fiotl)fulneffc.115ut nm pc rum fap ,'J mnnot tmncrllann tt.wl)at maructtc 1
~o\b Cl)oulnc It tl)ou bnncrllanb,tf t\)ou lbttt not reab no11001te bpon tt13Cakc tllc books
into tlJtnc banns, reanc tbc ll.ll)olc llo:tc,anb tl)at tl)ou bnbcrllannctl kccpc tt rucn in mc:i:
moztc:tl)at tbou tmncrllanneet notrcan 1t againe,ann againc: if tbou can ncitbcr fo come
bl' it, counfcll \bitb fomc otl)cr tbat ts better lcarncn. <15octo tlJp<ucate anb 10~cadJcr,
fl>clll tl)p rctfc to be ncurous to knoru nnn1carnc : ann '.J bo"bt not but <Don fcttng tlJV bt,:
ltgmcc anti tcal:Jindfe (tfno man clfc tcatb tUcc) lllll Utmfdfc boutbfafe ll>tff) bis IJolp fpi::
ttt to mumtnatc tbcc, an'b to open bnto tbcc tl)at lbl)tcb rua.u lock ell from tbcc. Jacmcm::
bcr tl)ceumul) of Canda~e iluccne ofetf)topta, lblJicfJ albctt l)c rua.s a man of a lbilb ann
barbarous countrcp ,attn one occuptcn ll.lttb ruoi1n,1r cares ann bufineffc, rct rtbing tn bis
dJate~,l)c \bas rca'btng tbc ~crtpturc. ~oll.J confiner, tf tlJisman pafftng in IJis tournrp
lllns fo llihgcnt as to rean tf)c ~crtpturc: llll)at tbinketl tf)ou of hftc ruas l)c ruont to boc
fitting at l)omc 13gntnc,1Jc tl)at lettcn not to rcan,atbcit l)c bib not bnncrctann : llllJat lli1.l
l)c tbcn trolllclt tbou after tf)at, lblJcn IJc !Jal> learn en ann gotten lm'bcrtlanntng-: .froz
tf)at tl)on mapcft ~cll ltnolll tl)atl)cbnncrtloon not llllJat l)cc rcan, l)carltc.n llll)at Philip
faptl) t{)crc bnto l)m1, V nderflandell: thou what thou read ell:~ 3nb l)ce notl)ing RllJamctJ to
confc{fc l)ISigno:ancc, anflllcteb, How ~ould I vnderlland, hauing no body to lhew me the
way? l!.O llllJtn IJc latkC1.l one to Cl)Clb l)IUI tlJC lllap, ti to cipoun'b to t)tm tbc $Cripturt.S
rctDfb l)c rcanc: nnn tl)crcfo:c <5ob tl)c rattler pzoutncn fo: IJtm a gutnc of ibc lbar, tlJai
tangl)t l)tm to bnticrllann tt. <!5on percctuc'b IJts lbtlltng ann tolbarn minb, ann rUcrcfozc
l)c fcnt l)tm a tcndJcr br an'b bp.1tl)erfo~c let no man be negligent aboutUts oll.lnc bcaltb
ant> ra1uatton.1t1Jougb tl)ou bauc not Philip atruatcsllll)cntbou llloul'bcll,tlJtbolr .obotl
lbl)tclJ tlJm mooucn anb llirren bP, Philip, rum be reabic an'b not failc tl.ltt, tf tUou boc tbp
Dtltgcnce acrn:t>tugtr. ~lUbcfc t\)mgs be nntttcn bnto bS fo: ouc cntficanon ann amcnn~
~ncnt,\bl)iclJ be bome tolbarb tbc latter cnll of tl)c ruo.11D.1tllc ~cantng of tl)e ~crtpturrs
1s a gteat ann nrong bullbarkc o: fo:tretrc agmnll linnc: tile 1gno:ancc of tbc fame is a
greater rutnt ann ncctrncnon of tllem tl)at rum nor knolb tr. 1tl)at ts tbc t\ling t11at bzin~
gctb mIJctcfic, tl)at is it tbat caufctlJ au co:rupt ann pcrucrfc liuing, tl)at is it tbRt b:in::
gctb ~u tlJmgs out of goon o:ncr.
J»&UJetto au tbat ']J l)aue rarn,'J l)auc taken ann gatl)crcn out oftbc fo1cfa1b $trmon
of tl)1s l)oll' botto: s. Iohn ChryfoO:ome. ~oll.l tf 'Jj fi)oulll tn Ukc man er b:tng fo~tb lbl)at
tbc fclfcfame noctol rpcnketl) tn otl)cr places, ann lblJat otl)cr nocto:s tl umter.s fap con~
ccrmng tf)c famepurpore, 3J mtgf)t fcemc to pou to lb:ltc anotUct l6tblc, tntl)cr tbcn to
make a10lcface to_ tlJe 2J51blc. Dl.ll)crefo:e tn fclb lllo:bs to comp:eUcnb tbc largcnctrc ann
bt1ht1c of tlJe §i)mptures, \)o\b it contatnctb fcuttfull inOruttton anb ctutlitton foi cucrv
~~- ~ man,1!.!_~ ~~~!b~t1~cc~~~ !O be 1eamcn, oUUc J)olp .fDt!iptnr_c ll.lce map lcarnc ~· jJf
The Prologue.
falOJOOb flJalbc np~ooucb, tl)crcoftbc map gatl)crlb{Jcrclllitball. 'jfanp tl)tngbc to be
coirectcn anb amcnncn,tftl)crc nccn anp nbo~tatton o~ confotntton, oftlJc §i>mprurc UJe
map lbcll lcamc.']Jn tlJe fcrtpturc.s be t\)c fat pallures of tl)efoule,tl)crtn is no bcncmous
mcat,no ba11)0Iefomc tlJing,tl)cp be tl)c tnrp bainuc anb pure fccbing.~c t{lnt ts tgno~ant
fi)llll ftnbctl)crc lbl)at Uc ll)oul'O 1carnc: be tl)at ts a pcructfc finner, Cl) alt tlJcrc ftnbe !)is
namnatton,to make lJtm t~ t~cmblc fo~ feare~~c tJ)at labourcttJ ro rcrnc <ll?on, UJall ftnnc
tl)crc 1)1.s gtoir,, tl)c piom1tTton.s ofctei:na1t 11fc, c,;l)o~tmg bim moic bihgcntlp to labour.
~crctn m~l:' pitnccs Jcarnc (JoW to goucrnc tl)etr fub1ccts:fubiccts obctlicmc,1ouc,tJ tman
to ti) ctr p:mm~: lJuftJanbs {lolll ttJcp Cl)oull'I bcl)auc tf)cm bnto tl)ctr lbiucs tJolb to cnu~
cntc ti) ctr c{lllbien anti fcruants: anti contrarp,tl)c tbtucs,cbilb~cn,~ fcruanrs map knotll
tbetr nutte to tl)cir l)ufoann.s,parcnt.s,anb maaers. ~ere an ma nee orpcrfon; men tbo~
men,poung,oroc,lcarncb,bnlcarneb,rtclJ,pooic,p~icfts,1ap mcn,lo~tJ.S,la'lltc.s offtccr.S u~
nant.s,' mcanc men,t>trgtn.S,tbtuc.s,rutnoruc.s ,laruper.s,mercbnnt.s,11rt1ttccr.s IJ ufllm1n::
mcn,ann at maner ofperfons,oflllbat ellate oi conbltlon foeuer tl)ep be,mar 111 tlJis book
lcarnc au tl)lngs lbl)at tl)cp o~gl)t to b.clec~c, lll{lat tl)cp ougl)t to boc, ann lb\Jnt tlJep
lboulb not noc, al\\lcll conccrnmg ~lnngl)tte <10on, aiJ atfo concerning tl)emfclucs an11 nu
ottJcr • ~:tcftp, to tbc nantng of tl)c ~crtpturc none can be cnemie, but tf)ilt ettbcr be ro
ficts tlJr.t ti) er touc not to I) care ofanp mctltctnc, o: elfc tl)at be ro tgnoiant tl)at tlJer lmo\l.l
not ~tripture to bet tl)C moll t)CAltl)fUll nttbtcinc. 3tl)crcfOJe il.$ toucl)tng t}JiS fomrer cone'
part,jlllltl \)ere conclube,(f take it fo:a conctullon,fuffictcntlp netcrmtncn ann appointell, i:""·
'3t1Jat it ts conuenicnt (f goon, tbc ~cripturcS'to be cean of an foJtS' anti llinM of people,
anb tn tl)ebulgar tongue, \llttUout furtl)cr allegations o: p:obatton.s fo: tl)c fame, Ul~icl)
tlJall not mcb ,fincc tl)at tlJiS one place of~. Cohn Chryfof!ome ts pnougl) ,ann fuffl cicnt to
pcrrruanc au tl)cm bcnotfrolbarnlp ann perucrnp fet tn tf)ctr orune lbllfuu opinion,
fpcctallp no\b ttHlt tlJc ~in gs t)tgl)ndfc being fup:cmc tJcab nc,tt bnncr ¢Jma of tl)ts i 1ie K
<!:IJurclJ ofiengtanb, l)atl) appioucb Ulttl) lJts copall amnt tbc fctttng fo:tlJ tJcrcof,lblJidJ l'ig:'"
onclpto au trnc ann obentcntfubtccts ougbt to be a futftctent rcafon fo~ tl)callolbancc of :~·, 's~
tl)C fame, lbitl)out futtl)cr bclap,rcclamatiOU Ol tdiftame,alt!}ougl) tlJCte lb ere no \0Jc:: 1 c,• 1

face, o~ ot]Jcr reafon !Jcrctn c~p:cffcn. :~ .r"J

'3t1Jcrcfo:c no\ll to come to tlJt fcconn o: latter part ofmp purpofc :~ere is notl)(ng ro
goon tn tlJiS lbo11n,but tt map be abufcb,anb turncn from bnburtfun ann \lll)olcfomc, to There
l)urtfun ann no pfomc. ua)Jat ts ti) ere abouc better tt)en tlJc ~unnc ,tlJc et9onnc, ann tllc ::'.',','~~
ftarccSdilct\bastl)crctlJattookc occafion bp tl)c great bcautfc anb llertue of tlJcm,to nar~ lbur<.
l)ononc <!5on,nnn to ticftlc tllcmrc1ueslbtt1J tnotati;tc,gtutng tl)c bonouc of tbc Uutnu <5oti
anl'I crcatol ofau tl)tngs,to fuel) tlJtngsas !Jc l)Rl> crcatcn.ool)at t.s tl)erc I) ere bcncatl) llcr~
tcrt\)cn nrc,lbatcc,mcatrs,nitnhes, mcttatsofgotnc, filucr, r:on, nnn ftcctc1 Vet lllc fee
na!lp great{Jarmc ann mucl) mifcl)icfe bone bp cucrp one of t)Jcfc, aflbcn foi lmlic ofllnf;
bomc ann p:outncncc ofti) cm tlJatfuffer cum, as bp tl)c maucc of tlJcm cl) at tboJitc tlJc
rum. '£bus to t!Jem tbat be cum oftlJ emfclues, cncrv tbtng fcttctlJ fo:ruarn ano in er ca~
fetb tl)ctr cutll,bc it of bts o\llnc nature a tl)tng neucr fo go ob: llltc as contrariIV, to tUrm
tl)at nunte anb tnncuour tl)cmfeluc..s to goobncffc, cuerp tl)tng p:cnatletf) tlJcm,an~ pzo::
fttctb bnto go ob, be it of bt.s o\llnc nature a tl)tng neuer fo bab, a..s ~. Paul favtlJ, His qui Rom
diligunt Deum, omni a cooperanmr in hon um. ~II tilings t>oc bJing goon fumffc to fut~ RS
boc tone <10on,cucn as out of molt llcncmou.s lbozms ts mane triactc,tUt moafoucrmgne
mcbtctnc fol tl)e piercruation of mans bcaltlJ tn ttJc «me ofnangcr. wocrcfo:c 31 ruoulb
anutfc rou an tl)at come to rue rcantng o: !)caring oftl)ts book, lblJicb ts tlJc UJ01b of <Sob,
tbc mollpicctous ielbell ann moft{)olp nuquc tl)at rcmatnctlJ t>poneartlJ, tbat pee bttnrr
lbttb pou tbc fcarc of <50b,ann t{lat re boc it \llttb au nue rcucrcnrc, ann bfe pour lmolb~
lebgetl)crcof,notto llnincgto:tc offrtuolous nffputation: butto tUc \)ono~r of <lDob, m~
trrafe of bcrtuc,ann ebtficatton botb ofpour ftlucs attn otlJcrs. ~nn.t~ tlJe tntcnt ti) at mp
ruoibs ma'P be tl)c mote rcgarncn,']J rum llfctn tl)l.S partfVe auttJo:ttlC of~.G~egorie Na-
zianzene ltltc as tntl)c otIJcr '.J bit> of~. Ioh n Chryfoilome. ':lf t appearctl) tlJAt m IJiS tintC
tl1erclbcrcfomc(as']J fcarc me there bcalfonolb attf)cfcnapes a great number) rulJidJ
l\lcrc tblt bzabtcrs anb tamers ofttJc ~cripturc out of fenfou (f au goon 01t1rr, ann unto~
out anr tncnafe of bcrtuc,o: ~ample ofgoon liutng:to tl)cm l)c lbtitetb nll lli.S firll boo kc

de Thcologia. lllhctCfolC '.]J Cl) all b:tctlp gatlJCt tl)C lll\)01£ dfctt, 'tCCitC it l)erc \JlltO VOit.
1:bcrt be fomc (fattl) l)c) \lllJofcnot onclp cares ann tongues,but atfo ti) cir fills be lbiJct~
ten antl uanv bent an to contcntton anb bnpiofitablc ntfputatiott,Ulbomc
.n. .. .- ....... _,__ .. c... .. - .. •• .-...
. -.. ..1 ...... _ .............................................. - - - .... - ............. ~
'JJ ruoulb lblU>
... •-··--· r- •'"'••"'""'"' .. ..,..,
,,,~,., ~ te""~"''
The Prologue.
ann piactiuc to noe goon nee~s. ll?Ut fo:afinutlJ as tbtf fubuctting tlJe oincr ofall gonlt::
uclfe, l)aucrcfpcct on Iv to ttlt.s tl)mg, 1'olb tlJcp map bmnc ann loofe fubtile qucOlons, fo
tbnt nolb cucrv market plate, cncrp alcl)oufc ann tauernc, cuctpfcaOboufc,b:icfl! cuctp
companic ofmcu, cucrp alfcmblp of lbomcn, is fillcb lbttlJ fntlJ tattle: .-,ince t\)c mattct
ts fo (f,WtlJ l)c) nn'O tbat out fattb ann \)olp religion of €\Utll bcgtnnctlJ to lba~e notbing
ctrc but as it ll:lcrc a foplJiflric o: atatking traft, '.J tan no ldfe no butfap fomtUtng tUerc:::
unto. 'jlt cs not fit cfapttJ lJtc) foi cu err man to ntrputc tl)c tJiglJ qucotons ofniutnutc, net:::
t[Jcr is it to be none at au times, ncitbct in cuetp aubicme muo lbe tltfmlfe euerp noubt:
but llJc mu ft tmoru IDIJcn,to lbl)omc,ann l)olb fa rte lbc ougl)tto enter into futb matters•
.f1rll,tt i!l not fo: cucrp man,but it is fo: futlJ as be of cxatt,anb cxqutfitc tubgnnents,anb
fmlJ as hmac fpcut tbctt ttmc bcfo:e in llubtc ann contemplation, ann fut{) as befoie baue
tlrnfcn tlJcmfclucs arrucu in route as bobp, o: at Icall enncuourcn tlJemfclucs to be mane
c1c11nc. JFo: it tsnangcrous (faptU l)ce> fo: tl)c tmclcanc to toucb tbat tf)tng lbl)tcb ts moa
clcanc, like as tlJ cfo:e ere tattetb l)arme bp 1001ttaig bpon tbc ~unne.~cconnartlp ,not at
au tttncs, but Ull)cn llle be rcpofcn, ann at rcll from au outruartl n:egs anti trouble, anb
llll)rn tlJat our l)eansbe not encumb)ttl Ulitb ott>er tbo~lblp ann ruann:tng tmaotnattons:
as lfa man fiJoulb mingle balme ann ntrt togctber.:Jro: Uc tl)at tlJall iubge ann betcrminc
fuel> 11n1tters ann noubts of ~ctipturcs,mutl take l)ts ttme lb\) en be map applp bis lbttS
tbcrcunto,tl)at lJc mar tlJerebp tl)e better fee \J bifcernc lllbat ts tructl). l!:tJirblp ,lb{) ere,
aun in UJIJat auntcnce. 3t1Jcrc ann among tlJofe tl)at {)aue bcnc anntous to learnc: ann
not among fuel) ns l)auc pteafurc to trifle lbitb fuclJ matters, as lb\tb otUcr tbtngs of pa~
nunc, IDl)idJ repute fo: tbctr d)tefe neucaus, tt>c bifputatton of Utgb qucntons, to tl)elbc
tlJcit \btts,lcarning,ann eloquence tn reafontng ofl)igl) mattcrs.fourtblp,itiS to be con~
ffocrcn IJolll f(urc to \babe tn futlJ matccrg ofntfficultte. Jao furtl)cr(fattb l.)e)but as cue:::
rte mans onmc capacitie rum fcruc btm, ann agatne no furtbct tbcn ttJc ll>cakendfc o: tn:::
tclligence of tUe otbcr aunicntc mar bearc. :JFo: like as too great nopfe Unrtctb tlJe care,
too mud) mcatc l)urtct{l tlJC mans bob)?, l)cauie bUttlCUS l)Utt tbe bearers Of tl)Cnt, too
mucl) ratnc noctlJ moie Ou rt tbm goon to tbe grountl: b:teftp in au things too mucb ts
uopous: cum ro rucatte lbtt.s, ann ruealtc confclemcs, map foonc be oppzctfctl lllitb ouer
lJm:n quclltons. '.]J far notttwno ntffuanc men from tbe lmolblttlgc of <5on,ann ttaning
o: nunrtng of tlJc ~crtptute: jfo: 'J fap tl)at it ts as ncctlfartc fo: tlJchfc of mansfoule,
as fot t\lt bonr to b~eat\)c. :itnn tf it lb ere pofftblc fo to hue, 'J 1\loulb tl)inbc it goon fo: a
man to fpcnn all lJiS lifc tn tl)at, ann noe none otUcr tlJing. 'jj commcnn tUc jLaUJc lbtJltb
btnnctlJ to mcbitatc ann llunp tbc ~cripturcs allbaies bot() nigl)t ann nap,ann fermons
ann p:racl)tngsto be mane botlJ mo1ning,noonc,ann cuentitle, anti <5on to be launen ann
btdfco in au umcs,to benll.larn,from ben,in ourtournics,antl tnau ot(Jcr UJO~llcs. 31 fozi::
bib notto rrnn,but 'J fozbtb to rcafon : ncttl)cr fo:btn 'J to reafon fo farrc as ts goon ann
gob Ip: but') auoru not tl)at is none out offcafon, ann out ofmcafurc ann goon Olntr. ~
man map cat too nmdJ ofl)ontc be it neuer fo f\bcct,antl there is ttmc fo: eucrp tbing anb
t\)attl)ing tbatis goon ts not goon tfit be bngoblp nonc.cteuen as a ftoure tn ll>intet ts ouc
of feafon. ann as a UJomans apparcu bccommctb not a man,ncttl)cr contrarlll' tbt mans
tllc Uloman, ncltlJct is lllccptng conuentcnt at a b:ti:lcalc, ncitbcr taug{)&ng at a bunau.
Jao\\J tf Ulc tan obfcruc ann ttcepe tl)at ts comclp ann timclp tn au otbet tlJUtDS: fbal not
lllc tlJcn tllc ratl)et noc tl)c fame tn l)olp ~crtpturcs" jLetbs not runnc fo:tlJ as it lbcrc
\btlll lJo:fcs,tl)at can fuffct ncttl)ct bttlllc in tl.)ctr moutt)cs,no:fittct on ti) ctr backs. 1!.tt
bs kccpc bs in our bounns,ann nettbcr let tJs goc too fat on tbc one fine, lcall lbe returnt
into cegl'Pt, ncttlJct too fat oucr tlJc ott)cr, lcall lbc be cartcb aniar to JSabplon. 1Lct bs
not fing tl)c fong of our JLoin tn nnrange lann, ts to fap, let bs not ntrputc tbc ruo,b
of <5ob at an aoucnturcs,asll.lcll UllJerc it ts not to be rcafoncb as lbl)ere tt ts,aun arrueu
tn tl)c cares of tl)cm tl)atbe not fit tUctcfozc,as of ttJem ti) at be. 'jflbe can tn no lbtfe fo::::
bcarc,but tlJat Ult mult nccnsnifpute,tct bs fozbcare tl)us mucl) attl)e lean, to noe tt out
of tlmc anb place conucnient: anD let l>S entreat of tbofc tbings tbat be l)olp ,IJoltlp: ann
bpon tlJofe tl)tngs tbat be mpllitall, mpeticaup: ann not to brtet tbc biutne mpllcrtcs itt
tl)c cares bnlbo:tlJtc to 1Jc11rc tl)em,but let ~s knoru UJl)at.ts comelp,as lbell tn ourfilcnce
ann talkmg, as mout garments lbeartng,m out fcentng,m our geOurc, in our gotngs in
au our ~tbcr bdJautng. 'ltlJis contention ann bebatcs about ,G)crtptuns f ooubts tlJcre:::
of (fpcnaup. lbl)tn futU asnoe p:etcnn to be tbe fauourers ann ounent.s tlJercof, cannot
agree lbtthm tlJemfctucs) ootl) moo butt to ourfelucs, nu'O to tlJefnrtbtting oftbc caure
.. !llb QUiltCIS tl)at lbe llJOUlll {)aue furttJercb abone RU OtlJCt tbtngS'. ~llb Ult tn thi~_favdl
The Prologue.
bc,be not tmhkc to ti) em tl)at bctng nutb,fct ti) ctr on1nc l)oufcs on tirc,ann ti.) at navtlJeir
olbne cl)tlbien,o: beat tfJctr onmc parc~ts.'.) marucnc mucb(faptb l)e)to recount llll)crc::::
of cottnnctl) au tlJtS bdirc of t>aincglo:tt, llll)ercof commetb au tl)iS tongue ttdJ, ti) at lllc
f)auc fo muc(J bcligl)t to talltcann c111ttcr 1 :itnb llll)crcin ts our commutlicatlon 1 ~ot in
t~c commmbat1on of bcrtuous anb goob nccncs, ofbofpttalitttic, oflout bctlbccnc (bit~
than b:otl)er ann b:otl)er, oflouc.bctllleenc mananb llnfc,ofbtrgtnttie anb cbalttttc, nnn
of a1111cs toll.larbtllc poo:c: not m ~falnusann gonlpfongs, not tn lamenting fo: our
anncs,nottn rep:cffing tf)c alfccttonsof tl)e bobp, nottn Plapcrs to(5on. wee talkc of
~crtpturc, but tn tbc meant ttmeruc fubbuc not our ftcll) bp fatltng,lbatcl)tng ann ruee::
ping, rue make not tl)i.$ llfea menitatton ofbcat1J ,tllec noc not ftrtuc to be loins oucr our
appetites ann alfcmons,rue got not about to pull notllne our pzoun anb bigl) mtnnes to
abate our fumifi) ann ranco1ous ftomacks, to teftratne our lull ann bo'Ollp t1clcctattor1s
our bnntfcrctc Co:olllcs, our Iafctutous mirtb,our tno:ntnate looking, onr tnfattablc l)cn~
ring of bani tics, our fpcakingtllitbout mcafure, our incom1cntent t1Jougbts, ann b~icftp
to refom1e our life ann mancr~: but au our f)olincffe c~nnactf) in talklng. ~nn rut cpar~
non catb otl)cr from au goon lmmg, fo tl)at ruce map Rttkc fall togctl)cr tu argumcntatt~
on,as tlJougl) t1)crc Were no moe ll>apts to f)cauen but tlJis alonc,tbc t1Jal offpeculation 1

ann knotlllengc (as tl)cp take it) buun bcrr been itls ratl)er tlJe ruar of fupcrftuous cow
tentton anti foplJttlication.
~itf)erto l)aue 'JJ rcdtcb tbcminll of Gregcrie Nazianzenein tlJatboobe tlll)icl)JJ fpilltt
of bcfo:c. 3tbe fame autl)oz fait1) alfo in anotl)cr place, 3tl)at tbt trarntng of a ~IJidtiau
man ougl)t to begin of nlc fearc of 0'ob, to cnn in matters of l)tglJ fpcmlatton :ann not
contrartlp to begin n1itb fpcculatton,anbto enb tnfcarc. JFoi fpcculntion (fottlJ l)e)citl)ct
bigb cunning oz knotlJlebgc; tf itbc not llarcn tlltt1) tl)e bztnle of fearc to offcnb Goo, 1s
nangerous, ann pnougl) to tumble a man bcanlong no rune tl)e f)tlL 1tOcrcfoie, fattf) {Jc,
tl)e fcan of(J!;oll mull be tl)efirllbcginntng,ann astt n1cre an::ll.25.~. oz an 1ntrozmct1on
to au tl)em tbat fiJall enter into tbt bcrr true ann mon fruitful knolblebgc of IJolp .a>mp:<
tures.1191.)cre as ts tUe bolp fcare of «l5ob, tl)crc ts cnwtb l)e) tbe keeping of tbe conmu1n~
nemcnts: ann tlll)cre as tS tbt keeping of tl)e commaunnemrnts, t(Jere ts tlJt cteanftng
of tl)c ttcll) : tlll)icl) ftcClJ is a cloun befo:e tlJe routes epe, ann futferctlJ it not purclp to fce
tl)e bcamc oftl)e l)eauenlp Ugl)t. U81Jtre as ts tbe cteanfing of tbc ftell) ,t(Jerc ts tl)c mu mi::::
nation of tbe bolr <15l)otl,tbc cnb ofau our bcfircs,anb tl)e bcrp liglJt tlllJcrcbp tlJe 1lcr1tic
of~trtptures ts fecne ann pcrcctucn.1t1JtS ts tbc mtnb,anb almoet tl)c ruoibs of Gregory
Nazianzene, bOttOJ oftl)t ClDtecltC €1Jurcl),of tlll)om .G>.lerome fattl),1tl)atbnto tl)iS time
tl)e J!,.attne C!CIJurclJ l)an no lll:ttcr able to be comparcn, anb to malte an eucn matd) tlJttlJ
IJim. 3tl)crcfo:e to conclube tf)ts tatter pilrt,llfncey man tl)at commctb to tf)e rcantng of
tbts botr boolte, ougl)t to bting \bitb l)tm llrll ann fo:moll tbi.S feare of~lmigl)t1c <L?oD,
aun tlJen urn, aftrme ann llablc purpofc to rcfo~mc l)ts ot\lnefelfe acco:ntng tlJercunto,
ann fo to ronttnuc,p:oceeb,anb p:ofpcr from ttmc to time, fiJClbing l)tmfelfc to be a fober
ann fruitfnll IJcarcr ann learner: tlJbidJ if be noe, IJec Cl)nll p:oouc at ltngtlJ u1c11 ab!c to
teacl),tl)ouglJ not tlJitb IJts moutl), pct lbltl) l)is llutng anb goon ~ample, tlJl)rc!l ig fure
tbt mo ft uuclp anll effcctuous fozme ann maner of tcacl)ing. ~cc tf)at otl)crUJifc mtcr~
nuntetlJ llJitbtlJiSbookc, let {Jim beaffarcn tUatoucel)e11Jall make arcoun.ttlJ~rcfo:~,
lllbcn Uc fi)all l)auefaib to l)im asittS lb:ittcn tn tl)e ~:opf)et Dauid, Peccarou dic1t Deus,
&c. Unto tl)e bngoblp fapbe «l5Db, U8UP noetl tl)ou p:cacl) mr 1arues, anti takell mp ~tll~
mcnt in tlJp moutf) 't U8l)creas tl)ou bateflto be rcfo:meb,anb uan bcnc pilttallcr tlJttlJ a~
butterers. 3tl)ou f)atl let tbl' montb fpcake tlltckennerre, ann rutttJ tbvlltonnguc tlJou IJaa
fet fooztb necctt. 3tt)ou fatell ann fpakcft againft tb1' b:otl)er, anti l)a anncrcb tlJint
otbne motl)ers fonnc. 1tbtfc tbtngs f)aet tlJon bone, ann '.J ueroc mp tongue, anb thou
tbonglJtefl rutckcblp, tl)at 3J am eucn fucb aone as tlJr rem~: JSu~'JJ tlltll rcpzoonc tlJcr,
anbfet befo:e tf)cc tile tt.Jtng~tf)at tbou l)an none. i1D confiDtt tb1S, rec tbat fo:gct <15ob,
Iran 'J ptuckc vou atllap anb tberc be none co bcliucr rou. llilbo fo .offerctlJ me tW1nttcs
anb pzatfe,lJc lJonouretb ine:ann to btm tJ)at o:bcictb IJIS' conuctfatton ttgbt,\bil 'JI 0Jtll1
tbc fatuatton of ©on.
1[ l haue here (~endc Readcr)brforethis Tranllation of the BiblC', anherequcfi of ~iuris learned, fc:t downe this nota-
ble Prcfacc,1 containing both the neceffarie,and alfo thC' profitable vfeofthe Scrtptutes)as well for the godly exhor-
tations, and louing admonitions therein giuen, as alfo forrc:ceining amongfivs the lncmoric of that cxcclknt 3nd
. . .'
~ • • - M
• • • • ··~~ ·~~·~1~ I :~

· :· ;r' • • . ~~ ~~L.
~~The vvhole Scripture of the Bible is diuided
into tv-vo T dl:aments, che Olde Tefiament and the Ne\!ve,
"11hich boof<.! is ofdiutrs natures, Jome LegaO,fame HifloricaU,Jome SapientiaU,and
fomc Propheticall. The old teacheth by figures and ceremonies, that the Lawe was giuen
terribly in lightning and thundring, to induce the people to the obfcruance thereof bv feare.
The new T efiament came in more glorioufly with the gentle name of the Gofpd,
and good tidings, to induce men to obferue 11by loue•
ll)idJ DodJ tmtc of dJe begi1mi11g of tlJClllO)lU,81111 of all creaturr11,or dJC Dcluge,of Jaocli (bip,
Gendis. S illtD dJC c011fufionoftongues, ofdJe c!cct&onoff@oDs people, 8111Joft!Jegoing DOUlllCOftbe

Ir l• people into ~ gppt. ~~aptcrs so.

( L•g 111 • be fo na. ~bclllctb of tile tm pla!!llfil of ~arao, lltllJ of t!Jc urparti111t of t!Je d)11b1m of Jrtad out of e1n1pt,of

~ed, wh~r~l~~he Exodus. dJC ttll ~CCtptll 81111 iUDgemclltS, anb of dJc itttlructiou Of <@ODii people, or t\Jtatkc or ®ODii COUCll31lt,
awn anf GIU d,,be· anoofd}c tabmtadc,ortl}ealtar,81111 org.,ronl'lbdllltCll. ltbaplttSI 40,
mentso o e.)
pronounced by"'l .. 5 311 DDtlJ ttcatr ofracriflcc11 anD oblations to btoffrntJ, of t!Je pot, ann oftbc udlurell or !laton, ofdJC O)'
his owne mouth, 1 cumcus. lDet811Dtnittillmeord)el.cuitcll,ltbap1cr1117,
and they bee fiuc

I book cs whi'h is N
to fay:'
. {lit ttcatctlJ of ti.Jc numb)ing ofdJcpcople of dJC tnbell of 3!ftad,of ti.Jc p1opbccic of'l511Llam,of ll)c 111811<
umen. (ious i11bli1Dm1dfc ltbaptcrs J6.

I Deuteron. { Ootl,mpO)t agai11c lfJarc d)ill!!ll tlJatllJcreboncin d)efO)mcr fourcbookfs.1tbapttr1134.

Wbicb DocdJ trcatc of dJc palfing auer tlJc llooD of l!O!blUlc, anD af tl)cfubucrtio11 of d}e kiugnomc• lfJat

I lofua,
1 bl ere tbe 31ctucsaDU£tfaticS, of d)c b)inging ill or GiJODS people ittto tl)c lilllll orZcbe1l,llllll of dJc lliui•
(ion ar dJC lauD. !IL baptcrSI 24,

II r Judges. {U!ll.JicfJ ttMttd)of~!illrcs illlll 31ubgcs, llllll of dJCllcfaucof dJcpcaplcof 31rtat1, 8lllloftlleit COllqUCll
ann tri11111pbcsban a!Jaild?d]ciuucmtES. ~~aptcrs u, .
I Ruth, { Wbic!J trcaicd) of d]e matrimonfc btllll~ Zoos anDlaud;l,ofbJfJom «Cb1ilhiD !"piing. ~baptcrS 4o

1 ~auI,
[_; I I Samuel
Wbicb trcatctb of t!Jc gouemante of lbcpcaplt of JJli:ad bp JIUblf,_, \t of d)e dcctton orkin!J
ofbill !JOllm1811CC,of bis acttS, 81111 of biSDratl}, Qaptcrll 31,
- ')

~ I Kings,
1 Wbfcll ttratcd.J bow killg DauiD !JOumtttJ t!Jcpeople, 8111:1 of bisuceuc11. ~baptttll 24'
J ~rcacttb of lainit Dauiu ncatb, mu of tl.Jcfucccffiot1 of billtule,
otl)er kingll of JUba ann 31rrac1, qtbapttrll 2 2.
ann of j@o!omons artt11, allb of

{ 4 i)f d)e rail of dJC kingbomc of !UD& 81111 ]frat! rO) t!Je CitmCllof d,Jtir lltit!lff, or tl)ccaptit1iltc of d)c
\ people, lllD oft1Jcount1J1otu ofdJc~itie anu ~cmplc. fLbapttrll is•
r I lt tteamt, of d)t genca!o!Jic of kinit DauiD, b.lbcrc jjl al!G a rd)earfall of bis election, of bill gottct•

1 IParalipo.
~ naitce, auDor bisactes. flbapcn11 i9.
2 rn1Jerei11 ill tdJmrfl"ll agai11c tbc itouernancc of tbe people bp i&olomon, 811D otl)cr kit1g11 of :IUD&
1 l anD Jlfratl.
Hilloticall, be Co
callcd,VI herein hi-
I ~~apccrs 6,
r mbidJ ttr&!tdJ bo\11 dJC people Of
Iinllructio11 of d)epcoplc fo rct11t1teD bp
I l'fr~cl bJrrt b!OUIIIJt OUt or CllptiuiUC from'!Sa!Jploll,lllUI ofdJC
¢1b~as Doctour of tile lames. ~baptcrs 1 o.
·lfiories of diuen 2 rat1ofe autlJant is ll!dJtnml'I, lllbidJ ~tatttl} of die bwlDiug agaiuc of tlJC lllallell, 8llll of rbr €ilic of
alb be nprclfcd,
and there bee of ID•crufalcm' lllllJ of t!JC CO!t«lloll of cwUmCll, 811D of t!Je Dil'O!Dtts t!lat arorc i111!1c abfnueof n~c.
them bookcs J 9. 1mia,g, (!JaptcrS I 3,
Efdras, ~ J mbidJ bookds (lpadJ!ipb1111, 1Dbctcit1 bmpcatttlJ t!Jingg odJrrt»berebl)ittnt about d)ecapliuitit of
l;abplonm tile tune of ]olias,fome t!Jmgi c!Jat. clJawl(CD.ill d)e li!nt ofilJ1Dbabcl 81111 ¢°'1U~llD t!Jete
I is alfo 1folwio11 to a cmailte qlldlion, ~tcrs 9•
4 Ul(ljcfl booke ill nlfo llpocbµpbWI, llll)eretn be put ctrtainc bilionll lllD ~talt1Cll ouer dJt people of

l t!Jc llrlllls , of d)m Deliunic , an11 dJeit capliuitic, ano of tl)crdlo!illg of ctre -et:cmplc ill lpicrufdun.
flbapttts 16,
WIJidJ r:rcatcd.J of bis \l!Oualion 81lb ulucroerrut11, oflte mtnifttric of llapbatl ll)c !llrcllmgcl, of t!JC
ToliL { iallrurtion of bis cb1lDc,anD oft!lebonrlfCcef ma1rimonie, ~tcrs 14,
j' Wl.JidJ bod.J create of d)e btlit(tin!J or ltJimlfalm, llllb ofd.le people or 3ifrad,of 11Je ~011dlica1111 bcrtue
Iudith, l of :JIUbidj,of d)ellauglitrr of l\lolopbct11C11,1111Dbrliunicoft1Jepcoplt of31fml. l!L:baptcrs 1 6,
of dJe midlie ofit>runan, 8l1IJ ofl)is billl!J!llg, ro ~OClltCD bp t{)e P!UDCllCt 111\D bumtlilie
Elllm. {ofm~icll.tttatcdJ
~ll{lrt, taQ af dJCP!DnlOtlU!J Of QJ}atDDdJCUf, at!DDthuttie ordJe Jletues, l!Cbapters I 6,

mtiid.J treaced,J of die patfmruf :Jlob. anD Di• Dffputatioll d)at be ~aD lllidJ bis f'rimD11, of@oDll P!oui•
{ Dctm, 111D of dJclallnling qa111e. fL~apms •P·
1 t411JidJ trtaltdJ or dJtbattailcs {1£t1Dee1tt·ll)e ]:tblrll, 811D dJe people or~ttlia, 811D orllJc tJfliUctie of

f rl}e pegple, bp ~adJadJWl,:ilUDIS, :i:onacllas, illlll !ilimon, ~aptttll 1~.

~ ~min llmpucr11 a1Jainc Comt dJin£111D•idJbcm t!Jeflrlf bollkt, lllD of rbc trffmllltiori of tile peo-
ple, or 11Jcco1d?1111rie of tile ftuen b)etWm. llllllof 1~elt
L111111 ~adJab21111. ¢~apm• r s.
llDD of dJe Ddi11er~ of tflc prople bp :JIU.
(Proucrbcs. { UlbfrfJ llod) treale Of iulltutlion 1111~ lltltMC oflitcl) as begin ID rcruc ©oD. l[bapttts ; 1,
E"lcliafics.{ W~ic!J treatct!l of l\Je1Jmt:icof tl>cbJo!llJ,of t!Jcb .. tc co bite, llllD of dJt !lOiugf~watD i11Q301111tuapt1J,
rsapicnriall. !Kc fo II
'alled,forin~hem C .
<bapca~ t 2 • .

{mb•dJ trcared) of die prtfrctum or rbe rfg!Jttous man, of dJetonmnplation ar a bolp rouk, lllD or d)e
prude~an tru•1 antic1cs, coniunnionof CCb)illanDot brflC:butdJ.<ltbaptttll 8,
I wifdom 11 caught,
and there bee of Sapience. {Wbirheatttb~Dhl P1rlattll Oiou!D IJOUttnr, llllllaf llJr confrruatian of iuOirt,lllllOf tbnifp)aife of
diem bookcs f. 1cole11, of Ille tomm1111t llllll pallloll af i:t!J!t!l, lllbrdJ Ill t~ttrutluifllome, C:bapttrs 19,
EcdcfiaAi- { m!Jirl} tteatedJ or tlJe obeDimre offubitcts, or t1lttEfcriprim or 1too11 man,r11,of1bc1:Uo1t1Jil1tlliofllllf•
Lcus. hlnt,azlll of lbHamrMIDal101I or lJerlllOut mcrr. ~ baprer11 p.
I' P!i 1 {WbidJ rrcntctb of d)c lliuinitit of qJ;biin, of billbumanitfe,llllll aii ot!m: mpfteriruf tbr fame, ano of
I a rcr,
Diutt11 popntll of ctb)iaian rd•!lion. anD be in nwnber 1 so,
5 Wbicb iruredJ orlbe faultlf of tbe Jell!cs.or llI:b)ilru tncamation,anb Of bidpaltion, ortlloocation of
Efai. 1 d)e 18euakir,of dJrnigne of JuDa anlJ Jlftacl, lll:baptns 66.
I r lcremic. { WbidJ ireattdJ oflfJe captiuitir of tbc 1dllt!I, allD of 1~2 bdh:Uction of l\lirn1r~1nn,af bill Lnnmtariou
roi "eodltattiollof d)cqtrar. €bsptttll p. ~!JeLammtaeton~ IJitlb ftlJftptrr~ 5•
~1 {mbicll rrutrd) of d)elllD)DCll !IJbidJ be rca'tl ta tbe raptiucs il110a~plo11, Low 11croictoloe t{Jmcurnc of
J . Baruch. d.leJltlllei,lllllofd)ritltdlfo1t1111c11, etbapttrS6.
j" l:WJkfJ tnarct~ of ~l! lliliaul!, m10 or t!Jc ]tlllc• Ci11nt11, oflbc fall of ~itrufalem, a110 of dJtirnpatj?,
E:r.ccbicl, l lion, etbi1pettl!48.

I Daniel. {m'lltWi!lcflkil1!Jbome,of
1td.l 1tcatcd.I of tbclbtmonarcbfnft{Jrb.101111, ftRD of cl.le tbsn!Je of times.of ti.Jc polDtt 1111D mn1ilic of
no1ic of lia>ufmma, ofd.Jenetmrciion of $d,IUlll of1beD1agon.q[;J1apta:a , 4,
j" m~id) cdltllJ oh&t illolattie of 11J£pt0\)lcor 31fratl, £igureD bp a connnon batlot, of d)c oucrflo\lleof
Ofcc, l linntl!,aUllofd)clllarning ofdJc]ellltll ta tumt ta d1c@on of J1frad.q[;baptm114,
j mll~icfJ fpeakrd) of tl)e 'tld!rucnon of tbc prople of Jifml,bp d)e ~atrrpilln,tbe eraDJoppcr,1U1lJ 1(Je
! Prophcricall, !Kc IocL l Locull, of tbeir iDDucmtcnt to pettance,11111 or tbc hp of llaome. q[;baplttl! >.
fuch wherein arc
lhcwod&proph•~ Amos 5 l\ltl\leakctb of t!Jc(hmel!Df tl)c 31tlllellanD cSmnteii,of CfloDS ID!RdJ to fall bpon dmn, an'tl of moouinit
cicd afore rhings ' l t!Jemtapt11811U, llllll~op~ecitlb of d.Jellnallrdhtulion.iltbaptrrs 9,
ro come, & rhcrc Abd"
bee in numb or of i. { ml)frt apetl) 0111 atlll d.11camct1J rbe Delltuccioii of 4?Dotn Rllll of f?Cali. ~bapltr r.
; lthcfc bookcs 18, 5 ~t fpca\rtb of tbe llJiplll!ackt,RllD m11Jb1 figuring brfo)e tbepa1I"1011 of €)nia.brcallttf.J barftc c~c 11101111
Ion11. l to tqicnta11cU111DCrt11e11111ne of Jaini11e, 11111p1dig11mb d)claluatiou ofdJc '81tnnlrs. oltboptcrs 1•
mt!Jirb P!OPbeticdJ of tfJelldh:uction of ~nmario, lllllJ of die raptiuilie aob DtlfrllrtiOll of rl)c clJicfe mm
{ of ]frad, 11118 of dJe tidfc p1opl)et11, m10 of d1e 1J1lkillb11tll'c atlll m.111ce ofd)nn. fll:baptcrs 7•
5 mt~•dJ fpeallttb of <@obs ID)atfJ, anl! ef liis !tt'fnrous \Jmgeancr agaiulf Jfl iniuc, bJbidJ bib pmJnrc ra~
Naum. l 11Jnrlinneuttbewear1.Jiu!f oflona11,nftcrlllatDd)epblere~approu1itteac offmm1. ~bep1m ; •
I u!UJidJ fprakedJ of d)nffputalion\lllJirlJ ll;c ~op~et bRll of <@on mlll of d)idlllo)ln, mlb liolll tbat !fOOll
Abacuc. 't mmbe1to11mDomne,anbl!Jrckebmrn~ofpcr, €1Japters 16,
. j mlbirlJ fpeakedJ of die iUblJCIU£111 of l@Oll IJ!aildt d)c l!tllltf 81ID ID llrilll!ICURlions, 111111 or tbrn111fo!·
Sopboort, } ling oftbe pcoplt or l!fml, q[;bapters J•
•1 . j' ll)e p1apbcdtdJ or d)muerlion of tl)c people of tfle lel.ues,anlJ of ll)c bwlDing a11aine of tbe ~nnplt,anll
lAggci, l ofd)t callln!fbaclte111ainc or1bc(Cifir. lll:bapttrth,
. { tmlJidJ rpc~krd) ofd.!t11diunieoftfJt'.lle\»tll.RnD of11JeitpU11ill)mn1cbp d)titt11(111its,anD of d1ebumi·
Zachant• litit of Q1tae11 comming,111111 ofblll palllon. ~baptcrs 14,
. j mbo fpcaktdJof tile abiecllon of ~rpt11pk of Jfratl, anti ef t1.J£it facr1ftcef, mlll of C:Jnillrs comming.
Mala,h1t. l ~apcas 4 ,
i::[!IJetrin paul botlmuokc tl)c Rom"itrll from ti.Jc mo)d of tlic iernulcll, trclanr.g ti.Jc "lbtt of ll;c!r
Romancs, { 1unllication, wbat ll)ou1Dp1omb,a11owbat lbou!D foll~w tbeir 1unllica1io11.11tbqmrs 16.
f .. 1 i::i!Jbmin be bod.J caO backt fame tbat mm btcrilltb off&lfc !llp0Qlf1 an111l3b1lofop1.Jcr11 bp tbrirrlo·
~qumcc, Come mbic!J lllcrc11rrriwb bp tbc]ubaitallobfrruatienof tbtlahlc, be callid} tl)cmbad1r to true
I 1
Corm1h - taitb, anb to tbchlifDDlllt ofl@ob, fl:IJaptttll 16,
i Wbctcin].eaulbpon tl)cir conutrlion anll npmtancc,[J)aprctb mtb romfo)ttdJ tbtr11.ftbaptcrii 13.

II tmbrrtin lFluuI called.I !.Jome a~ainc fucb ns bltre llccd1ull bp falfc 1J1opbrtl, ti.Jae tbrp flJoulD rctumc
Gabthians, bacllr to ti.Jc la\JJr ano to 1bcircmmo11ic11, a1101Dtll£tbtbem to comcagaincto
pd. etl.Japtftll 6,
f,1111.J of ti.JC @of.

Ephdians. 5
imlJcrtin ti.le !llpotll£ P!aifttb tbc l!fpbclian11,'lllbid.J DiD pcrfia conllantlp in tilt faitb of tbr 11.'ofpd mti•
ur11, l!tbap1tr116,
Philippi- {ml.Jercin tlJc !llpootc p1aifrtl.J tbc 113bilippiatui, fo) tbat after tl}ep ball rmlbe11 dieblopi of ttul\J, tl.lcp
ans, bib not rmiuc tbc falfc apolllcll. E:~i!ptftll 4•
Cololli 0 5 5 mtbmin l13aul blamed) tbe f!Colotrimtll f01 t!Jepl»crc feDuteD bp dJt falfc apolllt11, 8lllJ rPJO)~
'" 'l tl.Jmt to rcnm1eto ~c ucrinc of tbc (ilofpd. eLbaptftf 4•

1 Wbcrein bcootb commmo tlJc ~bctralo1uau~bid.I rrctiuiltgd}f lD0111 of ttuetb,tb~ dJrp ru&
fmD perfcru1io11 of tbtit oblnckinttD, peubQl\io ptt1iltin lllt flidJ, 1101111ou1Dmciuctbc falfeapG<
Thetralo- .<_ ltltll,l/l:bapterp4.
mans, I ~ imJIJertin the gpoalc innructttb dJcm or ti.Jc 1aa rime11, of t!Jc cornmlnU, anur dJe pmccurto11 or
l !llnriclJ!ill, of bill at1ua11cemc11tanb oucriwom. l!t~aptttll 3.
f Sapieniiall,be na-
med 1h•fic I
... ,whrrc• T'1rno1 h'1e.
~·. atb~~ni;i11111 inQructctb IJitn of d.lcD)bct anti office of ~illJopll anll Dcacon11, lllb of all ¢cddta.
aitallDtfctplinc, l!tbaptrrll 6,

Iin 1h_ew11dome of
~hrifi Jj nprcf".,.I
led by examples')
and precepts of! Titus.
godly liuing, gi-
2 ~Jcrtin }l3aul ood) ci;IJD}t bim to dJecrolllnc ofmanp)Domc,mllJ nodJ info1mc him of an d)e tules of
II.Jc f!Cntl)oliqueberilic,lllll> lllbatli.Jalbebo1te in d)elall baptll, IDlb of bill ob.11tefutfering,~"8ptn114.
{ m~crrm}l3au
1, . ...., . ,._, "". ~· iii·ctpuo
IDDn•Jlll•m•Ct..,1CU11~1sll r. f... '""'
ano ofall fpiticuaO co11ucrfario11,11111J of tl.Jc eftlltll>ing ofbmtiqurs.l/l:baptttll ; •
·.-,.. ""ID
· f Jl311uKpD)"' etll,

uen by his Apo-I Ph"!1 SWbttrintl.Jc QpaatcconnnmDctb}l3~iletnD110fbill faidJ1o~b1iO,anbof1.Ji11d)atilictod)cgoolp,aun

emoo. l brp1apctb bim tobealrga1dplllitb llDnrtillnlll billfmwtt,ano to n1tcrtainebim ftiallJlp.
fllc1,& be bookcs
' lHcbrucs,
~ mbcrrin ti.Ir QpoQ{c llJC\llttlJ tbc ll>cakcnctrr aJllJ d.lcaboli()Jmrnt of lill)orc11 Iable, atUI dJc pctftctimt of
tlJc Doctrine of tl}c Qi5ofpd, atlD 11.Jat fl:b1ilt ill ttue l@oD aillJ man,anD a meDiatout betlllrme CIDOll llllD
r mm1. l!CbiptCtll 13,

I lames.
ml)crcin JlantCll giuctl.J ri;IJ~tation btltO parifllt rufrttittg, 8lllJ tllat d)etc Ill no qcrptilm of pcrfon11 fie.
foic Qiloo : illtD bodJ aim open tbr IJuttfll d.lmome b!' an CUil! toll!Uf, ~££ fO)biDoetlJ lllnnct llllll Dillinlit
01111, be tcbukctb tile ticl.J d}acfJc bndJaicablc, aallJ oodJ Oimmm to bcrtue. €bapttrs 5.
1 C!lllbtttin ~cccr giuedJ d.lanltnnto 1800, IDl}ir~ bp dJnead.I of bill fomu: Dill marifidlp fauc an nwi.
ltinb, iullJ l>otl) inilruct to goon life 11fucr11 Qacr11 ofmm. fl:baptcrll 5.
g~ Peter.
JQ I ,, 31nwbirb tbcQpo!lltinaucctl) d)ebdttuerdtobolD lf)etturfaitb, IJCl)otl}110teanb cmurnnnctl)cfal!'t·
nell£ of bctetiqucll, ai1b nod.I 11crmuc ti.Jr feronn ramming of etbiill. ill:baptrtll 3.
1 '.l;n bllJicb ~. Jiolm ooetl.J tdlific of tl.Jc ll>O)D of truetl.J nnb life, CJl.loilinl! mn1 to confrlrt t!Jtir 1imtt•,
alfitminlJ t!Jatb.lce IJauc ]ie'.u11 l!Cb!ill an abuocar:r blit!J tbc fad}er, bi!!'w.lbing men ftom tbc lour of tbe

I lohn.
lllD)ID, anD pctflllaDilll! tbnn to lout eoo aJID d)cirntilfljbOutll. el:b,ptml 5•
i C![1bmin bee cammmbctlJ t!Jc dm Lallp anll IJrr fo11ne11, ano ootl) ~boit tbnn to b1otbrrlF louc,lllllJ
botl) lllJtnDllifiJ tl.Jcm to cfcl.Jew bcmiquc11. etl.Japtcr 1,
I l
( 3 1n t!Jidl)ccwaifrtb t11c gooli11eltcof 1.Jis bdouro Qilaius, blbirb ~cc ci;ttttbCDb11toOrqer11,at11J brc
ooct!J r~D}t bim to perreuerc Qill ilt 1bat go111i11clfc aul> Mlllloing. (:baptct 1.

I liude.
3intbr'wbidJ tlJc !llpollleboll) a11mo11in1 an men of t1Jtiro11me falualiD11,at1Dbnott1Jb1ingin bp d)cltlq
ti.Jc altmanon tbat wall bct1111~t "1cbad 8llb dJc bcwll, a11b 11ocdJ omQ tile life of tbc bnctiquc11.
f!C~apttt 1,

l Prophetican,
A al
m'lbicb tteatetlJ of 1Rcuelatiol11111Jducbb11to 31obn bp an !llngclin tbe '.lie of ~adJmoll, of d)clribuLui·

onll mlilc\J d)c <ICIJutcl.J of ia;lnllf DID dJm fulfrt, \f p)opbccictb alfo of fucb trmdatianll mbidJ t!lt ftburcll
{ poc yps. 11.Jall futrrr betcafltt, allb efpcriaOp illllJt time of Qntid»lll, Bu.If Cllc puaiQ!lrlCIU Of &litn1 bl~idJ he
Dntn11co, anlJ of tbc tcb.larouf d)c lflccr. etbA\llttJ u,

tts This
~This Ta~le feccech out to the eye the Genealogie of Adam,
fo pafsmg by the Patriarches, ~u%es, Kings, Prophets and Priefts,
and the Fathers of thCir umc, continuing in lineall
dcfccntto Chrift our Sauiour.
l< • S"h 'IDU begotten bp l!oam In tDt1;0 prrrt or bi~ ~fr, 1"bm !1ll
'a'•brb arbomutro one bant:11i:n rrrr1, mbcrnn ~D1m:mD.:CUi. cLD bc't:lla
1•llcl•Conruro aa111r. ecn1nts.;.

N. Noelnrbr Oct bUnbJID Plll't Dlbldlllc,bpon !bnngroltbr '1111trro m1Dr f.

Qrlt.r bp Oooe montclon unrnr1 pttnabrfo~e 1 anDtlJt lllatms rncrraOn~ up.Jn 1
c&rtb,bp tbr t1rl111ncnc1ortt1rr&Jnc, lDblcb contfnurD toJtpttapesanD foJtr 111g:b1
.· tut:~foJrp!rr~ oapra,bcCrnr
1 1 1
n~~~~ &:~t~:af:~~:O ~ .~~~b,b.~~~:;~~1~ ~~[~~~c',~.~~' :;~!

a 9.aurn,anb artrr tbar,a lJOn

Dour, u!utJiintJ'tDUIJa
1. C•m 11110bUlbannman,111nbdn1 of ~llHt 111 brrmc.ucb. Q.1111 In r~t rrum anD ['DJrntlCtb nap or1brlrconn mo11c1~,
Dtrplufco tbat b(l!I otrrn1111 tllnc rrp~oos came oat of tbr "lr1r.r~ rtu: Cllfrfarm nap afttr the rn1olntb111 of t~I rure,tl,rar hr 1
ntD, anD not bl• bJotbcr abt11,(1lt~ou1b tnD,anbl;J&b ;ra11m1 l)lm [Dlltflt~, r,i:crottnB tbrbt~n tlll:nm, a11i1 lnnlOtD
brmaurbokrDo!~oD foi blunuu) 01111 alrar, anll racttfictb tCI OoD. anD Coll bldftD lltm thar IJl RJOulD 1rol11c fUlb 1mlf
t11ab1or1J1r, anDol'enill!:b rcumfolo rbrcc• pip, anD b11D tb• fi'1nl ot1hr ralnrbolD 11nrn btm, oe a rokrn tbat c~c WoJl!:> 11l0t
bp. l!fln tbat, bu IDH rulDll !UB1tl11c bcao IJID)rourrllotacn bJttb ftoob. ~rr Eld! pl111u11,nntr, annUM1 Dlt1Rkt11 'w
••U Dlpbcino npan di• Httll r 1111 bu
IDIU<WtliD of @oD, lllb 11111 r1111nfolD1
the kltnr rhntor, anti lDa• rcoJnctJ of bl a ronnc <!:~am, Wbo wrtco b1ui. illD blc a
O'btl(OMll, IRD(D DMD, tJ'ncllJ 9.29.

11ntfbrD bntu tbc {cncnUt gcntratlon.
. 110nn1 mu rcurn rolnu Jf•I !lrll, brc
I ROI ngbllpDlulDc: fllonDI!, ~I CM(•
1Dhl1 bi•ll)I• : ro1r111p, b• Dmlrfubrtllp: ~Herc at Noc doth end the lir!l: agr, hauing ycem ""o
"11rt-1P, Ill ltlll1D b1m:llfllr,-• 11Ubbnm1p
llcnlcb 111 Q~rlp, (IOr(p1lnD :fcucntblp, ding 101hcHcbrcwes, 16s6, •nd occordingtotl
bnnl ronDanntn,bt rrpenrrD nar.ecn4.
11. 1tbl• .ztlln 'lmllh• a.a llallblt of tb• Sepiuagiota, 211i.
=::::;1~r 1~~:.i:.~:,~r.r.nm::~:.~~!
nu1111 ann fpo1lc. <1>1111114-•7·
The eight ages ofthe world.
c. rlh<I nro mr1t 11t111rc rDc
•cp~c1rt11 calJgµ1uco be rra•
;:\I~~~~~. ~r.::,~::
b11llli11 rti• fiorlll• of Jb•lll•
••D tbt Haclln •'klDI. """"'
Dn1g to tbtlr agunn quallm,
anD DIBDtWD• lbllll A(tlllDlt.

D. lulal 11111 !bl rotbft or

tbrm 1111i1tb run1 In M•P• IRD
DJlflRJ, net einDU of tblttn•
lrumcnc"' but 111umtn of •bir:
1n of mnOclte, co cbr Intent:
lb,11 tbc 11J1p1Jrarbi labou,.
INl!flt bl fD11Umb1t t1UtallD:
••I lltltllll lbllrt ur mulkkl
...... n111r, (IEC grau•b tbc
lDllDlc ldmcc In 11110 pillar..
t~ ~.-::.·:ti::~:.'~~
* Afm 1he llood,(pr3ng vp fourc prin-
cipal I kingdom es.
lllllllltbtln. ecnc1114.i1.
Slfl'p1ftni urtbCl!!:aQ, 'lllbrrt 'llJrlut 'lllU !IJ< artt kins.
•rctonloJDIDOf tbl CCJra, llJ!Jrr<lealal<UB\Dlllbl 6rJl kfnl
IL 'N>olain lHll !DC llrtl imlcntttof <!!Jlll!!bll at«, anD Of lflDlnl 'IDOJ\c In met•
1111 : bp 11111.rc notng, ]lllbal Dlf bJotbn 11awn1 Dli«tatton IR tb• lounl ol Dll " -
•n, '11111 ti)• ftt~ cvat lltllllCD IJ!OPOltlUIU • lllb D•-•ICI rp.1111111110111011111111.
wrptbtlntoflhl 1ilo1rb, mhrr< fllnu•'IDlltbr 6rll llrn1.
ellrPt1an•of tbc 4!><urb, mbcu l'lilm1111 '111u nrm IWlg,
Clllldll4,u, 111:• tbff 1'rluf fumrDcb 'l!Drm1rmts !Ii mrro, 'ID~onln c••tlfftltr1'abplon'
Cbh:rl of btl ktngllomr, CO IDbarn ~m111{uCtlfDtb' lDtJo'tlNla:tbrllrutftr gf lbol1
maklnt an 1maia:e to bt•fatlJ~ tr bis DCPlttatt, ana tau[rtJ tr ro bl bo1
tcb ofall mc11a l}c allnfncD call in tbc IJcau Utp, Rtnmr, he rct1n1D
11Cb1a<I•, Dr 1"U tbr 1 '!ie•!l<k• • ••b 111110 tbc Cmru libn
1rtcsinrlltopfllan1. onto rorbJltkr, btbrRtoprbnltnurnn
booltl. Wirer bhn ruccnDtD 1rDanapa.luf, •nDaficr blm,Qtbaua, 'mJJa rra1:l
ttD tbll llngDDlnt to rec ecori. oner bJbOID rct1nr• i[ff11g11 t IDblifCDIUlb
'IDH llllfcto rlll IEl>l"'rof!Strill• of'lll,DIR(PflRl!.\!;?Ju1, 'IDbo cenqumn aar
gu r atm ... DCltt,J:>OtlUf, lll<la&,.fAlam, lcl&lllD, 111t1i lbt C8!b Cr111J1 I
from tort• cb1Jaimur Rae. nocl\Jlfnl 72 llftltmfunll: or Japbrt H, or Ch•
30, of4'rm •7:1D~ltA'lD.Hfp111DUDIU1ltbt'lllbDIC 'lllo,llJ. •1111ubrtlnlb110
(ltbftm afrf"• Japbn @arepa, rffa:t le, tl)C ftD.ltb 11art. 'E~t gn1rr11rlon of ifii
~allll [UllolllcD 1ntbll1C11Calo11r,fl!lol 1~catl11tt110 rp1au 11 1~e@rntilts.

* No1e,1hat wh<rc in any circle ye finde two numbers, rhe vpp•

lbcwc1hhow many ycctcs he liued, the vndcr number fhe"
cth how manyyccres he iudgcd orrcigncJ, Not< alfo, th:
wh~rc thorow thefr: Tables any pcrfon or deed is memionc
not in ihc very words ofthe Scripture, they may be aduo1
chcdour of hiAorir:' Ecclefiatlicall, and other good and :u
cicnt autho1itics.
Chriftes linc. C
Chriil:cs line.

1- - - - -

r.;o. a111..._ ..... Jfdclt1k-.-1t1n1111111!1o u1111e111urar. vr=-.ruo.

Chriftcs line:
p,!pm. . . . . _ _ , . . ........ fta(fn" :Tf.llrlhllattm

,,. ...........
fOJ diH
Chriiles line.

~M1!111tm fol1011rl11111hu11t1 to bnnttnan\J tric\Jffvofl,g•!

•1111 Lr1uru bp faun quartru oflbc \llollnc etiont 1bt ~rllrm
w:..a IDBI ]11l:!aelJ:nrlJ74600.of\DLJl'lrnt Cbt CIJttfttrJH A11:t<01
•tJo•tbfln, tbclDbolr number lDH 1864co. ~01.Dar'Dr~r4Jri1
l:tmbritb46~00. fl11brlngn11:nQffJHnockr, of mhc1nu11r ct1<
n.r,11n111bourb1m 'ilMHU1cr•tottJtn11111lntl11 the m11(llt 181cx
'llllrD tl)C CiI1IQ tm• ~Pb•ahn tDlrb 4 o\oo. mrn.. of n.•!1 ~r.u !t>
L (anncorCE• I J. Smlar OtllH Ort 4?11r1r111111 nJp:b11ntoOlm tncn ottJcra 'blf11c1J l:Ilcrtht tbt k!~;::ilr r<
tar b1111t11ig i:(rrnt ~t!llr ta IJunDJrth ISbU!l?htu 1DlrDl(Jc"11'fbllHDan. t111tD71700. mm, tbt btab O• tDb
~~:1: ;g:::;::,.~".,'I~~~~:~:~~~ ~~r~~~~rr~~rb~i,f~.~7c0:,~1
:LalDto! f>J\J. llt\J!l!\J_I 't1nrbanc&an. hn Dr• 1
~t~lt (i>1ft1\!tct0 ft!t~l r111\JrD th• ]lrrallll"-
IC 1Dltll rbr 'tD~1nrn af (111r 11ftrr ltf• orath tbcl" r111r rtr IJDftt 1mou11UD to c-oo~~o. mrn. 'Utbr Lrultu 'tlmt 1
IJ"1'mhtrt!J! 4'Hl1 l:d!Ub [i1111rll apua« eoD.lnfl IDll~ln lb• Dlf'" tttbos, ann all tb•l•putbl\J tbdr rmu •boul ti
11 imdlro, her a 1!J btll tbmfo,c 111&1< afHt<llb di, IHPfl(llllb, ftUAl.:i..l·.liUllllDll lllr11I!, ill:~DUJ 17·
ru <mcu:tt ~:trllu fo) !lD!n!lo Pltlll bp @>b
If. 011111.21. 1.u. far• , la 1D~or. tllu1
11trota 1DH lntlDeb of
t,r•illln11r i:>illllll:,

l<. Debora \!Ill• lo

'J!lacak • u;llo(Jll•t•lf•,
rara, anb8tnb11nbp
l'a<l t\ie IDl!c oftl;lrbar,
an'D ru11 brr caundr, ti'
cbr 1"n\J bH ttll tonc!lr
1nn• : 1ftn tD"'orr
\J'8t\itb• Jlmlll1• nn.
nco ft1ta1nft ®ota, ano
tbrrdo~t tnr:n bllla1111
rtb into Cbr tilnbU of
81Jilblen rrurn ?HrElll.
~:u~:~~I ~I o'\;~ll~
001, anD lbc 11up~

L O<deon ratutl\J ti
lb• !lngd, bl £acr16ct\J
1oeob brtDtran «.lkr,
1Dflo !01 orllrortn; tb1
atnr of 'J!lall 11111 cal•
(CD locobaal. bH bllD.
Ogn• in o lkm tbll
tb ID D IDDUIO DtllUlr
]j(racl trp bt11 hannr, In
lDbOfc !1111• Sli!mur!us
1naDr tbc\..utc,anb
<US !h1 l&lc10 IDOi bull•
orb ~~o. "''" b1ro1•
rb• 11Umpli. JuD311

M. Ahimtl<Ck Cornn
of tb'111on Dur 70. or
bit llillb!IU bpon 0111
rtonr In ant 1'ar,pct ]lo.
rotticmoanramu. an'D
fp.Rll.t t~E 1Jlltllb\I D' tblt
lllhll, of tM fllJP
tnt. o! tb• Wac •••
IMl<dl - !lrlUn
illl1.&.11. .
Cllriftes line.
..., lllbrn b•111mc
~~·~~ ~:~~.,~'\:~:
c ] ) Oii bll <lokr, anb Oto
1 r1n1 llttb rbe rm11111rr
of th• p10pl!Dltb1<!::111•
Juel- gcs. 01 'IBcrbtl, 101 !bat tbc
/ fl-.ops .. nr•t Ol lletklDr<b IDOUID
' 11kr lsn, bcr 1n11mn
l>. Ahtnnns
lllt\ lo 11111 DP lcrb ro bll
nrs:t lulfane.11 1~at mu
DIPllllD·llutb.3.14. l
oltb< 1rtb1 of
lUlll, !Dbkb A. 'rhola for1nrofli3bll8,
tnD11D ]llrall Dnrlrto llbinulrtb, of.II•, /'
rrurn perru! ratbRr., 1ulcb 1bc people
btr b•Dllltrrtt
ronnu lllD ;o
nau1brrr.•, ~
marr1ro tbrrn
all, tn lDb•f•
111n1l13ar11 ti'
I •;. '''"'' ] 1.:
mu• m&ntb •• litroP. I
. II lllbO[I •• , •• )::j~..

uilb•D Qrlrna, B. l•hi• (DbllD tb• plO•

ano tbc ru;r ~Ir,1
oftaarl1 luae· 1• tulltlrr ttmr QLanncn•
bUllDID 01113•·Ill DID Uno• •b• 11.allnc
rtt : tn b1 11 ,
lcuru.. anD tbc Ctl:Jur of
rtlllD pmblH . C~nhogo lD&J builDCD ol
fitrop rakm,s : ·I (1;•111•11·
~~~ 01;~~~ !'
llil'O t'.11 firft 11
!IDUmpta.:rbf c. l<('IC Oballlhl~•·
cb• 4i>LC(l8111 laDltr. ••P•ll•D bp bll M• S2ul lon1 £ttkln1 £01 tbl llllitof blHarlltr,anb D11Dlnst~rmnc1 •
~oJ tlu: g10~1c' 'fJ.IDtb1reaaabaltarD1but m11111n lllamarba•. D1bo~o11>1n a b1Dll t111f 01 or1r bpcr ~IJ lJCU,innA..
of thrlr amo• j ; afmlDorDc maD• 1uln ro1•l•B·•nD 1rlaut1111J1t• PJftlJltlbl I001ir1111rlon of bl• at0"1H•
r1r hr1111 rb llUcrttJr ealabuu, ana r1pol1b1• or Ba•btl •I.ti lb• !Dk• of "ab;boi. tbl lrc.nDatitr blllol ~,,,.
ftott tbr llmlf ' Purr blG
~~~~·r.?::i :t: fbf'!l.i.~1~.3,b: ~m"~
11111Mn : ' puro
:l"J.: ~;~~~:1:~·:; 1e'1~f!'"' DI PIOPDtrllD 111111111 tDcm IIDllDIPlll~
ot tb• cbl!Dirn •I 1rm1. ftn ---..., . ,I ~
raprlbltr• or i bo'lll 10 @ob on'llliC•lr• 11111 clmro ano aMopnrrn. ) t AWd I
1i;rop, llfll< 11luDg.11.30. 1i.111 eaul alb odl•" rb• L. f11tcit....,,~
tbat, tbrp no- mm ol Jabllb 41ala1D rrom Ahicl. f•P 1s !II!!
un tbc ttmu 1
flll• !be 11\tag pf '"' tllil•a· fCl~ln of ..
•"•1D1n110 ji I Jotrr•, anDagalnrlDH conli.1• 16:11 rir nm
niibrtDf li)ll< F. HclyJuD11ttn:>1tdl,
lrlvmulalJtit•. tn co)rrUCn1 tQ rtDa
111tD of ••1111111 In Oolgalate 1.111111•111'
llftmbnr, 1111 · fonn'" !Cpbnt ann
:taomanca na1111 I ·hH1berpa1cktlp,1J:lJU•
:~~~cl~~~~= I i~(r"~:~:~:~~ :t~~~ a~
::~~r:~::. :::.:.:.~:t
II• king, lllbo D1Dtln1 apl ult

IRDllOln~ lacrlllt• apmlltb•

llbl<!l l!t!U

""from rbc / i bPlb• f,b!llltinr1,bcfelll =•P~;lll:,~ ";,~ 911111111,

~l~~:~l:~1~'. :t~:~~,:~·:~k~;~ :.'1~ I bfm : Gliblrl )DDI•
lbll brcaofr '' b•D
cbJliltln mcu 1 tn ta~orc t1mr li!MlUilll ratm or 1~1 bMP
no.trn tbr" , 'lllollkllllOftD1 l.allnr-. comb• 1111nft rbc


111n1 IDOn1 lb• 1 "°'lllltlan, IDOUlb

fl•llnfrie or b• DID 11 t1n11ant1r.
~r:~llp~~ }~~ Hrlcban• carm ort.1UI 11111 f)MDlp fall.ID
fronr n111b, nottoltbllanDthg
tbc t8PtlRIClC I . bnt ,P(uar 1nD Qtf)OJt,
afarof,trl1· 11'1:Dbltb b•D UDO tD'IUU,
ucb ~neat ;. · "1nn1, anD l)bcnrna, or ~'::.. i::r:::~~~ri:.f ~:.~~
urr. tn '$la• in~tctt anne ~re btg:REC
,)lf.bbHC tell• 14N:ntUcl tlJC lalopltlf, (
111•1 thr ling al llmal!tbl•
galnlll'I PlttlPIOf@OblllD
'l!lalllWI, (tl!DDIJll lbal 'Ill•
lono. Snnei *
nc OI 'jma, ,
I'181Jom1 lllr DID iidHc bp,
~=) ~b~r:i~:-:1:~:rI;= ~g~~:, ~:~~
·n1D b•!OI• blln
ilanus,S.nnn1 s, BJl'D &r.1t11DfflrCD ~Im tip

linlll I about
1 1
PicLB,siiuiusLa~\ 1neuo.1.1111.1. nlDIGj 1l1ng, lllb <rP/OGll!D
. .Id, fDJ 'llllltlb £1UO eanl
N. Abio<r fOllllC of
arrlklDl<ll•"· anD lnim 1-clmof
lptng IDfrb •b• IDlllU• llbrolom. 1.Parg.
1so. prncf,at btb prrfrcutc DNDcontlnn· lnn1or ianul, ll1adtC- t6.5.1t1Jo1t1 fii'u•'
ttllt tlAit An- lllP: bol CRAii! •aul 1Dttfl PIOOUrD et l!bofrrl!, lomon DID 0111, '
thcnor bUilDtn blllbJCC fonnu, J ' tobnnrponbrwnrro!tg.2. fo11tat 1 P amtn&Dab, anD Sl1)f i)nllltl, anll 'bull pan• tu tcn:n•aur.D1b
l.t1 1 P-aua, loa•llala• ort11c IS ft1Dl111rb bnn:onDlll b1noro krivr bit
fn rlJ• monnralnH of bh! llrparrmi f1n111 ~OUflE 1110 noc ro
1.Kr1,;1.2,ll. Jn•lll• llmei 1:71111Ulrm, brrlDal D1part rbr 1un111
lfmlli'Vll!ISC,14DASlrsPlll flalncofJoab anDll· •PPOl'l'[ID lilm
IHQD, ; btf.11, brunre trr baD In i:,rnuralim
11111ro 111.ut. 1.ar1• IDbrrb •fmr~irc
:i,27, I rmro bit Iran[•
1rr111n a•D tkD
rl ~llb. i· 11111<
1 2,56,37, l


f, Ail on lllbBlll tbl
ptc11J\t unnt punf,
J UD!:t'' 13. in lDtlofe
tmu 2 e:mninon klng:
Oi '10~Ctnf, lmD "3c·
11tlau0 of
There a.

:1~ in
pen> ft•
mcm: bf
(ore a
411' Herc at Dauid endeth the third age, and it
conu:ineth yccrcs iozo. and within this age
in thcyecrc 3699.from the creation of
the world, the children oflfracl went
out of Egypt, and ioy-
ning the yceres from A-
dam vnto Dauid, there
were 4204yecrcs.

5olomoo 'llllf conllllll!Cll Blttl of Jfmt o! btl la•
fflcr l)i1Ut1J., tDlJO Que bll buitbn "Donlat, 1ne1
31 1811, 1nn4tn111t: mrlo1noleon1hcg1lt ef1D1I•·
Dame gaac 1 n1111btr lungca1mro• 1n1 Utlou <btl
n1m.'manc tbr gcmpl1&!th1'r1P• or 111P14'" 1·1
(clltft PfH"ll, ana Ccum monttl)ft ann the tcnrtl na~
or•"'"""'' DID con(rmtc 11. b1oulbt lht II rk1
Dfjljotllnrorbc &naplt, nnlatD bonourablP rhr
lDannUf . . bl,1111DltlbC!•ll11HllD bllolnnuc
.,, thl lount 1110mlft•••• bpd!c lllollfllpplng or J·
no!H, ann 11Jmfo11 tbr ...,,. ,.,.,. 11111 bn ll!ouln
Ratilll ff blT ~ DClllDUll"nunom•from tb• tan•• of••• ronn1.
D•lllD 1Dopn11»11111 bl• lllDl!UthcbaD ulgo•Dfo•nl•""'"·"'-1111·
fllllll , btl tml hDC 8&• rl!D In d)c U1l1 o! DeDID. J.Jlt1.11.41.
llJan 1•• 1111111'•·
~:J ~~~agr~~.~
Dll DdlOllfl ' " Q1lcr,
:Jn tht HIM of 4tolomon • 'IJ1111tH tb1
Conoto! JotaDI ••• nd<t ooxttbc boll•.•••
noclJ ann 1u1rtH 1D1tt li31t1au. "71Uo1 anu
.ia•aclol3arno! ••Ira 1Dm•cnbc•: Jr·
i.Bc;.1;.J. r1p1J1t tDIB K"OJDU 1 i,1111& Connt: of A.i
tt)an !DH Ct:t Dtlt'r tfJ1:!11 'mbUl)ltfdltb tt:t
l<llll 1Jllfall 911lllrD o! fbf booll: llDU•
1•111Cltoun111• m1111111. 3.l\15.:i.;."-

A. """"' IDH lllfmntnt oan llJC IJltt•llff of Dma. 11tom Jolfl

llllllC!UCl'llllOnllC• 1~ulou<0Umbiaan1blm.2.JUpo.9 •

•.!:_ ~1'111Aud111Hl!=i ~'" ODlft In filming, lllbom 111mrr tDt


c. 'l:tiUOlb!DlfDlnllD•liraimt.lllbOIDftc~lnllf!flDoe
:i..:~·t~~lllllCDllbac•itcr.11D10f8'r, mlbkfeof

D. AbiUl-'lllltliDllllDID!Jmllnleak lllll?ltc foa<t 11111111·

1 ·~~,!r-llltbt.1Dofeaullnbl10no•.•bom1J11Doa1Dblacll1~
111,-1-111oat11•lliltru 111m. 1.B•1.2,,6.

L 1'!tfllllC1bDDIN-t!J1fonncDfDl1111,lbtlllfrlllnt Dr!U!IDrD,
='i::::"•11C1Ulllllsr.ao1111, lllD ro IDlnl no111n1111•urlll*
(:brutes line. BS
Chriftes line.

I Prophtts rh11
k<rrin 1htrimt1
ofcbt Xft.p of
Juda indlls(~
..... Wv.

·Prophets ·in
the times of
the King5of


c. All"• ~lb rf«bt

blfOll tbr 1.1>)1, bee
£upp111Tro tbr f!U•.,
IRDll lbl <ounl<ll of
a,.,,.. <br J.\11•·
Ullln~r, :::;~~~~lr~~~::
B111toU!loD, ;.il.t!. t~.28,
Pblt, bl D<llt0!<b al I, Eula !11DQ!W ~rl IDlf fllPDDlll Of Jrba tec ..
lbt IDDlt &nD lDDDDI pbrl,aftttbc baD bullDrBlilamaa111nllll1,uili
• 1bat blf rac&ir uu un bp llrn•baa, llra ~I• frtlllll 01111,ano 11111 IMllll
11110<1 but afllr, ro1 'Ebarra. ;.111c1.1s-g.
tb•t b< IDU confcDr•
rau 1D11b 1Jcnanao K, Htl• rultD rull!, \llbl ID IJIH11111knutdll• 1
tbl 1111•1 of <bt 111£1" fl11ln1 In ~harf.a of ;1mvt, brtng bran caprafhrDf"9
~.~1:, ~c.:.a: ~C!:; ~ llffJl;ioJfmrr,anc ;,1mn bt1np- l:lcOrqrD ll! a:nm. •
D1an:rca bt ~" 01 ttlla•O. ~.R<p6.16. '"'
b• put m tb• llo1krf,
1no ro !01100~1 @•D. t. ,...,; tbirc11m•be'.ou~rll1Dnlenr,b1Dlllll"'
IGD DllD oft~ PllDC IDltb e:!Pl~nt tbcl'""'' ot ematD :alter be blDbUWlll
Ii bll!trt<, IDD!itJI •A111&cl1Dl1D. 3-11.!g. 16.lB.
renne r1tgne11 lfur
-, ,,,....- D. loliopbot bpan
t~unoalioo or IJIU•

:_)._ Idol. nontu tnca tbcl1nD

of ]uoa , rrcctueD
ComfUll Df !VJU! tfJC
li1111•b•t In tb• rm~
p11,!a!ln1 to blm,ID
].YOI IRD ~erura.•
lcm,rearc not,~c. ~c
call<D; placr lDIJm

0':! t:'1
]lkael 'IDill fpo•hD,

it'lflblPt( H'lrlll•
!l<lbr l!llOpbEI falb
-... bllOIC)lDlllDlll<DI•
'<Din llllongabcr. 3.
Z«hariu(. il.1«,>z.4S,
'- E. lomnmm:rtcD
totnlf.r 1111 nau1!1Jrrr
of 11"'8b •••10111·
ml,, bp QI• 1oun!1ll
lntrhun, tree 'CDU
fl rllun 111tt) an tnw•
table n1!11!r,1!11I bit
b•llclt DlpDrtiDfrli
him: "1•1Dl•bumo
In tb<Clt-, of D.wlll,
butnot In llJ< !rpn(•

G <llu1 of lbt ll111111.

•• Odxn.;., bib
to hlOtfHt achalla
ct;ie b•lllbtu Of !I•
'l'!lb" 1Dblc• P~DUO·
••Dbhucn.. 111111
lx!o1llb<L111D, b11
!ou&b• lDlth ] • - Thefc kings '
ILl•I or ]!rut bll of Syria were
~i~~::~i chry \\hich
:r J.:.~bi:~=
D• ""'•lllllu.lobolc
did much
fpoyle 1hc
blolbrr•4l. ]1buu
tll< !Im• runt lloc: kmgdomc
1Q1UU tbr Jhop1JCt of lfrael.
ll•tllllll. 4-lltS.J.
Chrillcs line.
N. M•noonh'/llfolngntbaaf1nDtla•


~c::.~.~ ~: ~.::~.i:ir~~~;:;; ~:~:


P11111111not•ttfolla1Dln1blm, 1t1rn1n :(
llftrr•arn1111polu1 rbllaR~•n1rrb11'
E, l02than~ ef llll!Jla, •lllJ ID Rl'Dutrlbd r DID Dlgn~
\ Dell th ;an oflbc ttr,bin 'tDlrn bpon rtdr bo'Dc'rru, rucn
.... c,ClblU. 1Dbm •rnn11hcrtb lDOf
1trmplc Ulbl<b 18
caucn ll!auurull, t
of rbr Cb1au1111
tlll•D la ~ 1t•lllPI• of'" .....tbll•
D)tll, . ,... D118ntn1111111 fnraJuo•a
CllllD, 1t~c gatcaf tnro 111lnl1,1ll 111' amllcs 1111111 nrllror•
]oa•b•n 1 01 or~cr, ca. 4-1111.IMS•
~be IDlDll 01 lbl
cra1 tb• ra 11p1K1
lalllC lft• Co1D DI•
ring. llnDtbrll3ia•
pb1111 .011111 anl
IUr<bllll, b111n II
Pl•Pbllls. 4, Iii 11,
F. Ach>z blllDC
bi. Conn• 101ou1b
rbr fin. ht: 'tDH be•
OcqcD ofRaUn,anD o. Fgc< th ronnr or Bomdlll DfD
IJ3b1111,a11D lDDulD notcrDa 1D<l1tn11 ol t~I llffPllDN lnD<•
nor l•ll•lll tlJ• coun• llroptnm;altOrrountrr' [Jcpc;nb 1c.ina1u,
fdlolCl?lif, bHfDI• llltb tllcrllloC:tibrsonn 101 balk: bccc
(aokt: eab, lll'D DClll
llto!ID tb• OJ... blllllR "' Dtl!rll<IUIR O[ tbl 1111 ~llllJI,
plr. 4-'ibg.16.1,i. /
ana Ill lb .. rnanl r
••, .. 1111111.- \


l '

Chritlcs Jine.


c. Std<cbias'lll~llr!llni11U119'1•
Eicdiicl, 111an1u, buns 111111iou11nr t11r1 of au lb&
1111..tnu 1tuin b11111 "mbp lblr.131~11,
'llllf b•lk!ID of BallllcllOBono 1, anD llD
~llnDc1n10 15abtl•n, anD 1~cr1 DyrD a
Qiamcfall Dlllt1111D . . . tlllsiea.>

~ Here cndcth the founh age, ~a~

uingyecres as the Hcbrucswme
47 3. Afi:er chcfeucntie 4 8 S·
And from Adam to Scdc,hia5


Bilhops. Chrifl:esline. Kings ofthe Perfians.

I Prophets.

8 If. Xttfr:s
rrr111111 1tUtr 9.rt1
fa1bmlllomonrib1: 1f!rr lll~cn
lnDI (lt1 (ann17, mflnlltit.. arrtl
lln• ronntD1tll1t'c1Urb'ihllat b
tnDrr1Db'1m Cnpt lann rrcntu
113t11Jnns 1ofm blf Dll!IJ, rrlgr
(ti OJ ilfatrut. blflorrlpnrtl flDll
l~r Jll~llOlilPbll Illa• fllt.11111,

J, Anbtnt

baD marrlrD
mllUD bpi I
rol(rollJm trnor blllbllDll
fttatt1Drflru tD11JJalrrti to1Jo1
1111~rr ro rbr blgb JJJlrll In 1;>111
Db:rrpr rbf1 ftr(Hoi a pnpuual
t>rarrs.14, llb••llbllllmr,lil
~au &llllo n1oln1.

ltb!C. Ill• tbr

.1111m1• of rbr cf.
Solima.l.ch1, Be.
thd , l~ofolima • N. Antiocbus'Friphann.Aftrr ~I
Gcbu,Hcli.J,Hic- t~c btatbof bis farbtr atH) co1J.la1
rW1lcm 1 Ind SI.
b'orbn,ttctngp!r:igratBomt, f1
l<m. 11tr.ap.11nDlllu rrm1nb1nrD cu
r1uor •r,10, ~r1111r101bc1:n111
.1 11011 11r Japun, anti con1p&UiD [

F. Ptolom.., ~C ronnr af Liii, bnDn

a 181aur of faatDdn1, mtt1D ~rufalaa I
11111 fotDllllR!CIPllUU8f Jaru111De ..
C. ]'n Sj.
· llklmrimc, 'Trfus:
IUIDltb< boob<
Df 4U"1Untc 1 G. Ptolomt11•
IDllf<b II <al~D Phibdrlpllu1 brfn:
&c1r6'1.iaG, or u grrat lourr o
lllblr~ 'ilhno11 llaollll IRD trar
bl lll•kfl. lbrH . nRir,,..1trtbcta11i1
11111111011. rrn of Drmr1r1 ...
anD Qrtlrall'., br
tfncreo no000
ltllllf. anD loln
<l<b of tbrm lo An1h«us

D. Oniasp,l11l
~~~· r.~·t:,f ~', Thto1.
o~l-lnto I~•
fonn1 ef 'ft:imon gftllllbor eor.
rbllUll, IOI !1i( flq l't(llmD !bl
.....111< of an• 'JO· .....,,,.... ,
llodnlf • grm 1n 1U11ann11a br·
mtctn ,

onb itm I• l••~'I" tti"' ~'"b

DID I 1"rnrpll
l!Jlctl, tllllri cllf!t lalftllllll!lon, IDf)lrfl
11~110 U11Du,
liU DODCln70, DIPll,flcr &11111illlllieml
!DbtC~ l!lilln• llliclJ grrtt nmo1n1, '" mnrtlCD
tRDUUD nrrn.,111or 11111. _ , colllellillllkll
2~0. '""'
tbtttmc of&(•Ill •f Ccmplr.
paRan 1br ern•
11rro11r. 'tDbo bs•
Chrifles line.
_.__.,_ ,,, _ ...., "' tmnort)I blab ll3111n.11m brr
I t.. Mmmn~• ,.,1 1m 1n_..1 •bet ID~ICb cD111pcltDlbl pccpll
11!11.b Oa1111tb1 mlflc111rr1 or a.nctorlfr•t D• tiaeOamc t 1 Jc•llltbt
ot ]lr1111onmm&t1t1gl1trlr, anD on rbf1lt1r IJHti lllttblha1( 1Clng1or
011 cb1ID1rn, 1nD IDl!ll Olblrl mb 1tbl eabbatb Dip, b<I lllllbl ,,._
ni;i,Dt of ttra1all rbGrD1n[acr1ftcr ~g 1 r1rrDeon 1 annti111brnulat1
111 caurrr.110 en t100D•,aut1 -.pcin ~u Gf ,._, fat~cra. ll1D1or1• rt1c
re ttrr atmour, anD .rt«o,ttD 1h11,l• '9llDJm tblt tlltH nor CUnmKU:Cbw
nltarol ~' IDolrt,drrnnulkD 1111 aammr u111rna1111Dm1&bl La'8
ollD tOllll•D Dlll DC•lb ~ ...Dll I 10 bl i£1nuco.1...c. a.1.
1ildrenof Mathuhin.
1u Mac~htw
lll~o OaD nl•
lu: brfoJC no.i
arr lDoJhCI \Jc
tbl bookc or
~bru: otrtr
In Drfenrc of
if ~ID D,bc
is 1111rn·1 ro

mh:., noonr
1iD D,burat
r \D1111 guile•
Ill: tDllb bll
u~ Df £,rp,

lupulant 1be
, 111~och10I
arlrb a;1na•
HAii rb/OUSb
,. k1Utng: IQ
I, ftllCD r~e
, lD~ltll blO
llmro oraro.

The Prcfidcots of Syria.

Empcrours ofRomc.

, Anu~eTIUI tilt
at anltobUldlf,
, hrlu1 ol L,rant•
! ncubt'llt, 'DJotnf•
:Jartbtant 1000.
1r1 ann ~oo. Ult•
f. ro tlllloar blm
thC ll(RlbDml 8•
r:r.11JbU billlt\11
., tt]ouf3n11 1ntn of
190.rthiitnll, t.ltfir•
, rbc lunll of lh•
rttJtan1 concttttma
otl •ttcar11.

Chriftcs lin~.
'HccreattbeNariui1ie of CHRIST ender~
fifth ago, intbc 4z. yccrcofOC\auian 1he J
pcrour, and it conteincrh ycc1es fiuc hun 1
fourc fcore and lixe, whcrcun10 ifyou ioyn 1
yccrcs from Adam to Cl11ifics binh , the
moum tofiuc thoufand one hundred ninety
Cb rill: r our nine ycrcs, and Co bcginnerh the focragc, w
lo)b IDaSI bo1nr lhall cou1inuc 10 the day ofiudgcment.
tbe41 pereoftbt
~mpireofAugu· H. Pontm Pilore 1111 11111llr11'1ocac1tea1 of Jut11 bp T•
c.r.,,1Dbo••anln110 ]nulaltm \ll0111bb1Ul tb1imag1 ot
flus, in l~e
prtrt of Herod
iOl ~=~~~'1!/l,'C::rnr~a':'J~~':!/:f.16.'C:~ig~:~~ ~~~.~
10 ·~ ;!;nnplc 1b11m&l!CUI 1111emnlt1,1onrr11pra1uc1
tbe king; on tbe tbr 11'me•.ann rt)cmanrp rrtd!llDIDta Codivruim, cttau1,
i:/i)unbap 11 ni«!Jr, Btllt\Dbrntnl:Da• pactl)t:otfrrm11ef rl;lt lfbu:rttrotrJr 1
ring O( lbC 1tcn1pl... nD 1llil of tflc~rafun boo[r,lD~mh
(tin1~e 1 ~ prreof
Tiberiui, Chnl\ :ii:~:.b~=~~~:~g:r:~~-::~~~: ,~::~;:.~
bCOllD to 011 Cl1111c. ]obn 19.
bll9 30 pmuof
age. 1. oa.•....,, 01 Aui;un,. c.r,. arm ore came 10 tlic <!!:rt
fOWIDpauthb tbc mtlot~'tDD)!~1 1nn tbuefo1ctic DcOnn ru1
lDbal Hrl!lona,lllbar \Ctrtct,m111r <!(;10llJ,..,bat '111iag11,
mrn tDtre llnDu: '11 ~mph:c .. fu~ brr ban c~r ride Dt Jl;u: 1
:"J~~I ::i~~~.~,,C~~=~~;1~~1~D~•:nc~;:'~~b:::
bullD anotabl• 1"•1m , bl 1>oulu •nulD bolD Ions tt IQault
Uauc, anD bib a.nnatu from tit!IJl.lla tbat u lboun1 rnD1
''"' rtll a iill tglRI QloulD b1lnu fD)tb I tb1lD1. \!lb mu pan IJ
lrth It Etcmum, tbat If.. l!Cuirlanans: lSut bnngbo,
• 4ll1g1nt,rlic ~11<1 hllDolDat,lDbm"f,on be bal!Dcuan
ann !a)ILllb 11m of bt11ulc, be numblCD tbo ptoplc 111 Iii
anD tbn1 lllfn fo1mDninnf1 rtmtt: d)'ri 'anD~tD ttiouU;nD.
roan r101c 1bour111u GftD liftOunD!ID men. 11.1.i.1 l 1.
It, TiberiGslnHtOtranntof Aui;:uflutanDDf Juli41 IJIB1:Dtrr
fJtD ll:DORflJbt'ttt1., ont of htt(onnctalt1b Tibt1r1 anD anotl
h11 blDt~CfflllrD G•iui 1 be lDoalD baut [UbQ1rurto afrrr btt
fonnr Df l)f1 Umnr, 'blbmnbllD'Ulb brrtu., but HerodApirra 1
llttt1r G:1i'..u, 1nb'mlt'b1t1 Mm to ht'ltm11nour1 fo~ \UfJ1cl) 'b>
pat !Ono• In PJUon. In tbc ftfrtt:ntb pun of b1.1 rt11J11t
~=.~:~i;~, gi:lr:;;~~:ia::&1':.pi~ : ~~~,:~:~~:~:'
1 1

F. Coqioniii'- ~lffol101D11f,ln lblfUnt,IDtrc lill•

cuntoUNOt :Judi Uht11Componins 'tDallRa:Dt 'fB1ocuta•
to•r af )Adt-bf Au~CNr I afttctf)at A1chrl1m 111111!1
·rtltD,1>b•btta111'c rbc~am1r1tuacunt11D In lb• nlgbl
mca ]tcafalrm, anD ro tlit 1tmplt, ano DID 1-11t tb•
ban110ftbclluD men aballr tilt 1t1mpl1, •1 comma•·
nrn tb• 1•'1• of tli• 1trmplc ro bt lllut Dntill lbt nap,
tDIJolftnl)f-i-1tam1to1lomc, M1rcus tD•tfcnt: a~n
l)f1 rrtnrnt: 'ID81 rmr Almiw fluffia • in laboft D.,H crrn
11111a.1nt, 1r1111Dbamv11aUis-rcm111bcll3ioaua- ChriAes

tour or'.JIQdt.
O. v,1";"' ft '5!Cll< &01nt. a1t11Hraab1 )plotarl!OOr
~:la~:!~~~i:~:~us~~[n :~Ur:ri,~ ~:rr~":n1:b:c"11uP
,,,,.,, tbl Ianni or Anna<. ann arm arcr1 Drpof1D bnn.
anD appo&nttD SimtGn, btbom )Jn alCo bcp1tucn afu:r1
~:.:~1~~b::Ui~~Al~1t:.·W:~~':::l::.':!~~ c;:;:
fookt Jurie. IDD ntumtll hi Rome, a'ru • Tiberias(tm:
Ponciu• Pll.ace,bnDri: 'b:lbom tkrcd Ai:;npp:1, to tbt tonoru: of
1ibcriusCzr.,,,bullDtD t111 clrl• of TibO'i.u. llft111bt nmt
Herod Ali:o!onit.1, tbc 1111111u~ic of ttlt: lltnsaome Dfrt11
JrlD,. lDH DlulDcD lnro 1111opartcobP ror
Rome 1 anD mu part tua" 1turn to_ArchclaustmDu rte
~lmC rll UJt 'l::•tr•rd•, t•at , ... of lune anb ldumu, anD ti
lDu 1»-CrD 01n1. tbal 110• DID 1D•o11aur. b• QloulD lw
'lllDI kin~. llnlllh!C pate \llU blUIDID lnl• llDO ~··
tran:IJI, anD one part ltJErtDf lDll a1urn II Hnod .&:n.npu
oacr tb• rl1ICI: , -Golilcc , 1110 to bi. ll!O!Otr Pmhrru•

r.m.,1Datl!lllCOlbl1tlllat<~!OfAbilmc. l.u&cJ.I.fC.
M. PIUllntlirfuonD!Cm lrDR1Chnl.,Dcatli, 'llllll)p
mtait11 conncruo to ttcflllD : ln rii<t"rrrrntb rcon
Plv.laaDBambattlln Db:ltDcD in Anrioch, aaD lmmtnpto
~~:;':'!r :::::~~~~~1=~~~:~ ~:CDU::&::~

0 ·-
~ (--.)
The C1cacion Chap.j. of rhevvorld.

~~The firfl: Booke of Mofes)called

, ~!a!lf,!n
111< ~c11nn1n1. in Hebrevve a Berefchirh, and in
qree~, b Genefis. ~.~~~~'.~;~
------------------------------- "'"""""
The 6rG Chapter.

!A currp!
Thecrcarionof man, and Genefis. : She is feduced. l
I T.h: earth curfcd. Chap.iiij. Habel fiainc. 2

IJ)oulbeO:not eatt ofit:'
u ant1a1>amfal;'b.~e'rooman\Di,om'd)ou
~a co be 'rottfJ am, fi.Je gam me of tl;Je tne,anl>
3111tl!eat. ·
13 anbt1Je:rt-oit1 ~obfi1pbbntotf;Je\\loma11,
1191JF )Jail ti.Jou bone tl]ts 1 anb tl]e \lloman fail!,
~e Cttpmt fbe1Uilel:J me, anti~ bib eat.
14 illlbtlJe )L,oJl:J c3ot1far1:1 llnto tlJe~t,
l5ecaUfe tl,Jou )JaO: bone tl)fs ; ti.Jou art cUtMI
aboueau aitten, anb about euccy beatl ot't.te
I fielD: bporr tlJt' bellr malt tl.)ou go, anti bUtl tTJalt
~ 1[hccontt• tl;Joueatant1Je1>are~oftl,Jplife.
I' 11uallftlbtb" 1 s 'JI \Dill alro put~ enmitie bet\1m1te tl]ee
1 tlD1rt•1tan
nnDtlJI rbtl•
anl:J tlJebloman, betbleent tlJF !eeb anti l:Jer feeb:
n,mofeoD. anti t it fi.Jall treab bo'ame tlJF l}rtlll, anti tlJOU
f tChrill.
h eu1111!i1D
fi.Jalt treatl bpon l)iS h )Jule.
•illlllflbc 16 l5ut bnto tl}e \Doman lJee rail:J, ~n naulti'
~;:1·:r:i11 plptng, '.)) blill multiplr tlJr JoJo\1.J ano tl)r con·
nat DDlrt1mr ceptions. ]n ro~o\D i t{Jou malt b#ng foo~tlJ clJil'
i @oDlott9
tiien : tlJr befire !hall be to tl)r lJUCbantl, anD l)e
tlltrrfoJ•P"' fl.Jan l)aue tl]e rule or tlJee. ,
11111lllbnlllo 17 illlnto a1:1am lJee fapb, 16ecaure t110111Jaff
rour.m1u111r l)earkmrl:l bnto tlJe borce of dJr 'roifc, anb 11a11
Dp, rt.II lltr
carnbrl•Ub eatm oftl:Je tree concerning tlJe tolJicl) '.]!com,
nc!li. mallbcl:J tl;lcc., faptng, ~ou Cl.nllt not eate ofit:
curre1:1 i~ tl}e groun11 fo~ tlJr rake, tn ro1obl P.Jals
tl:Joueatorit all tl)e !:Jape~ ortlJr life.
1 s '4n}ome auo anb tlJillle n1all tt b#ng foitf,J
te tlJee, anl:J t1Jou f!Jalt eat tl)e 11earbe of tl}e fielll.
19 ~n tlJe rmeat or tlJr face OJalt t(Jou eate
b1eat1, ttn ttJou be tumtb agatneinto tlJe groiill,
roi out of it \»aft ttJou tal!en : fo1 lluct tlJou art,
anti into bull tlJalttlJoubc tumellagaine.
20 anti Qllam callcl:J [Ji~totuesname $eua,
becanre flie toa~ tl)e motl)er orall liutng. ·.
21 utnto a1Jam alfo, anti to IJi~ 1Dtfe, ll(D tf1e
:rt-oib ~ob mnc garmmt~ of mtm1CJS. anti 1.Je
:u gnb tl)e 'JLoib ~ob rar'lle, '6el)otbe, tlJis
~11111nr· maui)lbccome a.G one ofbS, ·kin lmo\1.Jinggoob
b11111·~·~::~ an11 eutll : an11 nom Ieatl pcrllbuertture lJcc put
~...:.~~: fooitlJ lJi~l,JanD, anlltaliealfoorttJe treeofltfe,
bP 11mi eat anb liue foi cucr:
111 1111111
•mblrum. • 2 3 ~l)eref~t tl:Jt )L,OJl> ~Ob fcnt (Jftt1 f001dJ
from tlJe garnen of <eocn, to 111ca-c ttJc grounb
'rolJmcelJe\'o11~ tafim. ·
24 annrol)en,oue outman,anl> attl)eettft
Qbe of tl)e gartlen of Cfbm, l)e fet cJPJerubim~,
anl:J a ficrr t\tlo. cbgcll two11>, to licepe tl)c wa~ of
tfJctrecomre. · · ·· ·
Theiiij.Chitpter. . .. :
8 Cainkillech his righteous brother }:iabc:I, I I Cain
is curfed, and dcfpairech. 17 Tbegenerarionof
Enoch,Mc:rhufacl, 1 ubal, Lam«b,.Sc:tb and Enos
•'llr1~1raao1 • .
e111toreon, frlW a1:111mlint1:»-1)!ual)i~ll>flt,
. • • .
~11••11irp111· · · "\D"o~onccunn~, ba~~am, fllt"··.
•nben IDblct
mg,,. ;1i 11J11ue•goH..·naniano;ft"
,, • 'J I'll h
,...., ·
~~- ~~~
at•1 lbot11a
bJ,.ltrrl•frr· ,, . "'"nb
HJ P'OCtetlflt""
~ »• b,o.. a11t.
r.:;i:-· · rooitlJ lJiis biotlJet J)abcl.. anb l)a~d \\laf a
PJollll'1.aren qtr oe ft)ccpc' but ¢tltn 'tOllJ!l 8 tiUer of tl)e
:·:~i:~i:t; !PUrib. . ' .'.: :! ~ .
~mc~::J,\:b 3 anti in pJoctll'e ofl:lare.~ ft camttol1d~
bit <llllDun In ~at ctafn b~l]t Of tlJC fntitOftlJe; !lfOUQD) 'Sn.
'~' knollll•D1• b b',.tf
or ea•. ••• 0 IQ on b tlJe:', 'ii,..,o:b. .. , _ ..
.." '; '.
;~:.b,•b~r::~ + ~abel alfo f.#ou~t of ~fi'rffti~ of fjf~
?~:r.·~':!~:. llJeepe,anb or~ ra~ tl)rreaf: am tl)~ 1.-oiD *1)all
· Heb" 11.4. ~rttinto]9a~~t;ant1tobtJ!IO!Jflittorr. "
• s '.16utbnto€stnant1_fo~.!it&Jlngfje.1Jab
Arke. Noah enrrethinco ic. Chap.vjj. Thevvorld drovvned.
booie or tl}e ame lbalt dJou ret in dJe ffile tl}err, 14 ~l)cp, hanD ~ be~ll after lJiB kin'D,ann ~. 11~,b:;~;.0; 1
or. utidJ tl11ee loft~ one aboue anodJer tl)alt an tl)e c:attell after t1Je1r lnnb : yea, anl:I cu~ };~,;:::~b~:,~'
dJOU mafle It. mo~me ti.Jae creepet:IJ t>pon tf)e grounD after1J111 ""'""'"~'
17 !ln'Dbel,Jolbe,c9J, cuen'.]Jboeb~tngatloob llll~b, anl'l euecy tltrb after lJiis liinl:I, anb euecy 1'"1"' 111'"·
or tllattrs t>pon tlJe rartfJ , to beftrOF all tlelb fll?lll§ an'D fe:atherell fo\lJir.
\lllJerein is dJe b~eat{J of ltfe bn'Der 1Jeauen, ano 1 5 :Inn tlJer came bnto ~oaf) tnto tlJc arlic,
euap tlJingtl)atts in tlJe eartl) tIJallperifb. ttll~ ann ttuo of au ocn1 \UIJerein Its tlJe bieatiJ
1 s IWitl) t1Jee alfo to1ll 'l mafle ml? c:ouenant: or life.
~.ft·~~;~~;:, anb dJou OJalt. come into tl!e a~ tlJ~ anb tlJl? 16 anntIJcti cnmng in, came tnaleanbtc,
"rt""~:,i~1 i Conncs.tlJr 'ro1fc ~ tlJl? ronnes 'romesunt;IJ tllee. malt oraII lle:!h , a11 ®ob iJal'l co1mnanllell l}tm:
!~~~- rbou sb~
1 9 ilm Of £uert' ltuing tl:Jing Of all fleftJ, a anb 113ob 11Jutl)itn in roum about.
unpoll'iblt· paitt ofcuecy one 11.Jalt tl}ou bJinginto tl)e arfle.. 17 ann tl}e tlooll came ro~tie: Dares bpon t;IJe:
to lieepe tl}em aliue toit1J tl)ee,tlJer a1an be male eartlJ, anll t{Je 'roaterB b3ere tncrcafcb, anb bare
anl:ICemalr. bp tl)c arl!c, 'roiJicf) \Ua~ lift bp about t{Je eartlJ.
20 ~f feat;IJercb fo\Ules alfo after tlJeit: liinl:I, . is ~lJf'tllater~alCotllatcbllrong, amtoere
anll ofall cattelaftet dJm klm: of£Uetl!toO~me incrcafeb e:rceellmglp bpon tlJe cart!): anll ro tlJe:
or tl)e eartl) after lJiis llinbe, ttllo of cuecy roit .\lrke tlltllt bpon t{Je: bpper face oftl)e: b3aters.
ll.Jall c:ome bnto tl)ee. to lieepe them aliae. 19 ilnb tlJc tllattrs p:euaile:b crccellinr;Jll? bP'
21 anb take tlJou'roitlJ d)eeofall meat tlJat on tl)e earttJ, anb all tlJe iJtglJ l)tlle15 tl)at are bll'
is eaten, anb tlJoulbaltlap itbp toitlJ tl)ee, tlJat lier t{Je tlltlole IJeaucn, 'roere couercb.
it mar be meat foi tlJee anb tlJem. 2 o fiftcene rubits bp'roarb bib d)e \\laters
22 JaoalJ tlJerefoJe bil:I acc:oibing bnto an tl)at weuaile, co t{Jat tlJe mountaines mere concre'D.
<ll}olJ ,01nmanbtb l]tm, cucn (O lltll l]e. 21 •anllaUtlc11Jpert11Je:D,tl)atmoouebbpon sap.10. 4.

Thevij. Chapter. tlJe eartl),tnfo\\lte,tn rattet. inlleall..anb in enc,

I Noah withthcmth:itwcrewithhim, entrcthinto
cy \\loime tl)at mepetl) bpon tl)e cartlJ, rca,anb
euecy man alfo.
the Arkc. 20 The Rood dc!lroyeth all the rcfi vp· • 22 '5>o t{J11t•11Rt1Jat1Jall ttJebleathofliftin ; 1 ;;;~,;;/g·•
on the earth,
IJ•IS no~lis, t{Jo~o\\lout an tl)at \\lass in tlJt k 1m ~. ;;;,;~~~,',1:
• .
Jr.l J0 ""e
• 'A,o•,.
t>nto ~o"h
. ""'' lanll, Daell. "'""' b1 \ll
2 3 .antJ cuecy rubftance \\las bellropeD tI:Jat "·
1 1
bmrlll1 eon 'ifA' <!tome dJOU anb •all tlJr {JoUfe tnto
=~=~:.~~. ~ tl}e ame : fo~ t{Jee l)aue 91 rune remaincD, anb tl)at mas in tl)e bpper part of tile
~D~:~~k':. riMteouis llefo:e me tn tlJts gene, groUnll, botlJ man anll rattcll, anu 1llDlmC, ano
~ ration. tl)e fo'tllle or tlJe l)caucn ' tfJer 'ronc !ltllropcll
2 flDf euel1' 'Ieane beatl t{Jou ll)alt talie toitlJ from oft tl)e cartl}, anb 1~oal} onetr rcmaineil lbr.ntJatD[1 <t~n• ID•

b Aotrrarn tlJce bfcucn anbfeurn. tl)e male anb l)iis fttnale: altue , ann tlJcy tlJat 'roere tllitlJ l}im in tlJc loll.lrD that tatra:r
~~~:i!:Af:· but of tmdeane mttell, t\Uo, tl}e male anll lJiJS ar11e. tbcn tiJCOIU
u1nce. female. 24 ll3utt{Je mater pieuatle:ll t>pon tl)c eartiJ, tnnt:~
o( 1b1
3 flDf fotolcs alfo oft;IJe aircreuen anb reuen, anIJunl:l~banb fiftp bape:is.
tlJe maleanb t{Je female, to keepe feel> altuebpon Thcviij. Chapter.
tl)e face of au tl)e \\llJoleeartlJ. 3 The waters of the Rood being diminHl1ed, Koah
~:::.':::~~b 4 1fo: after' reuen Dares, 1 \Dill rainc bpon fcndcth forth rhe Rauen & the Doue. 16 N olh go·
1t1nJ. 1
~;:: 11~ ~~~~:. tl)ceartl) fo:t11 baresrnnn fo:~ n~IJts : an11au ethoucofthe Arke,and offercth facrifice vnto God.
fubllance tl)at 1 IJaue mabe,\\ltU ']l lletlror from
d}e bpper fac:e of t1Je eartl). 1f.}J0 $oll•ttmcinb,1rb ~oall ann ;,~~:,:,~;

d ~«lhlbno1
mnkr floll)
s ~o,llJ tlJerf'o1c nin acco~lling tmto an tljat
$ob commanbel:l f)im.
6 :Jnb ~oaiJ \Ua!S J fi,.:e fJUnll~ell rems ol?le
thcUolJu:rto \UIJen tl}c tloobJS of\Uater 'amebpon tlJe eart:IJ,
7 gnb ~oal) c:ame, am 1Jiis fonneis, anb l:liJS
'roil£, anl:l IJis fonnes toiueis \\litlJ {Jim, to t;IJc 'roillDO\lJC'
amc, llecaurcot ttJetoatcris oftlJe 60011. •
,~ enerr beatl. anll .au rtJc cattcu t!Jat I ~:,;'~~·~;:;'~
'roa' 'nJttl} (Jtm Ill tlJC gr11c : illl!I l<nDrrb rue
©ob mabc b a \Uinbc to patrc tip on ~:r~;~nc'~';
t{Je eartIJ, anb tl1c matcr.£i crafcll. ~'~~bJ:~
~IJe fountainel5 alfo of tlJr !Jcepc, ano tile ii,~~~'.~::'~
Of (Jeauen \\letC ilopptb, 1111ll tlJC rtorhnr.OI
• nvt~rrca
'"'"" <)

s ©f ctcanelleallis,anb bncieane beatlis,111111 3 .anb t{Je 'roateris from t{Jc cartl.mturnell, ~::'.~ .~~:
of' fototes, anb of cucrr fuel) ass mepetlJ bpon g('ttng anb commin~ ~r;Jainc : ano after tlJc enlJ !'~~'~"~~::
tl)ecartll, of tl}e {Junll~Ctl anD fifttc 11t1rc.£i, tl)c 'roateris toerc
rr ~!ti:.~~:· 9 ~ere c cauie ttoo a11b ttoo bnto ~oaf) in' abate:b. .
i:~ :?i"~~~~i to tl)e male anl:I d)e ftmate,ais <ll}oll l)ab 4 .anb in tlJe, fcumtlJ monc~m tl)e fcucn, ;.,~!~'r.~
"'"'"'· commanbcll~oal). ttentl) Mr of tlJe monct{J, .tlJe arlierclklJ bpon a"'"" 1:
1 o anb fo it came to patrc arterreuen t1areis, C1Jtmo1mtaine)lorgnncn1a. . t~1~~~,;;~~
tl)at tl)e \\laterlS Of tl)C floOO \\Jere bpon t:IJC s ann tl)e \1.1atcr~ were g~n~ anb bctrca~ ~::~~1·,~:~ 1

cartiJ. . fin1 t1ntill tl)c ttntIJ 1nonct1J: 1n ~e tenth 1no:: ~'t'a'::t,~~

11 '.]\tttlJe fi,:elJ~ll 11eere of Jaoa(}islafe, tn nett), an'D in tl)e urtl 111111 of ttJe fame monctl], •b• "'"""
:J."0lb~~::~1 tl)e rfeconl:I monctIJ, tl)e fcuentecntlJ liar of tl}e \1Jete tlJe top~ Oftl:JCtn0ttl1talne~ fcCllC, of !l:cnibi
6 ~nn aftrr tl)e enb off~tie llarcs. it came
:~:."~~~;.~. m9net1J , in tl)c fame Dab11 ~er~ al!!~et! f!!_~n, to pa[C chat ~oaf) opencll tlJe 'toinbo\\l of ti.Jr
r1nr,1brnrb11 tatllCS Oftl)egreatbcepe ~OneU "p''""' .,e wnl'
~!~'.".' • bo\Ues ofl)cauen tom openell. afbt 1t11Jic1J lJe l]ab mabe:.
t.-:t:.•: 1~:b, 1 2 anb t;IJe rainc \\lalS tipon tlJc cant) CoJtie ollt,7 gomg ~nb l)e rent fo~tlJ amauen, tobich turnt
~~::.~:;.~. llares anb fo~tie niglJtis. ~oitl), anti returning, bntill tile \lla,
Ho\ll.on~al!o 1 3 -J\n tl)e felfe falUC llSr Cntrcb ~OalJ, lltlb ter1nX1ctebi1e1:1 bp bpon ttJc eartlJ.
:~~~ ~::;::,;. ~cm. am~am. ann '.]laplJetlJ, t{Jtfonnesof
s am agatne (Jee rent foo~tl) a ;10ouc from
rrDDolD111 • jQolll), SnllJfloalJIS\\life. aniltlJetl)JCt\ViuelOf (Jiln, tlJat lJc migl]t fee if tl}e mattris tllert aba,
l)i!I (OntlCll 'mttl) tl)e:tn, into dJC irfli. tell fromtlJe bpptt face of Cl)e grounb.
\J' oah goeth oucof the Arke. Genefis. Couenant and Rainbovv.
anbtllcWouc founb norrttr~:~cfolcof d91.rcqutrc: at tlJc l)antl of euetl' teal wm 91 re, ~.,~%~~-"" 1

foot, anb fbtc returnelJ tmto into t11t
ame :fo~ tbe'a!aters werein tlJe bpper face ef tlJe
quirut, anllattl)e1Jant1ofman, attlJel)anllof
mans~ b~ot{ltt'IDlll '.JI requiret{lc life orman. ~or, ncigh-
i;~;.~~~~" 'a!IJoJecarilJ. ~enlJeputro~tlJ dl.Jantl,ann
""·'" 1,,.1,, toofie IJcr anD pufleD (Jcr to tnm into ti.Jc !lrlle."
"'s 6 tl9(Jofo 11Jtlllltt:l.Unan~ blool>, bp man fball bo ur.
l:li~ bloob be 11.Jeb, foJ intIJc iniagc of dfSob mane
~'~~;;'~~'~;i, 1 o anii 11ce abolJe ret ot1JcrfeuenlJ8'peS, anb {Jcmm.
;~~""~~';;~~·· &game lJe fent fo~tlJ tlJC ~OUC Out Of tl)e itrfie: 1 '3ut be fruitfull.ant> multiplic rou, b1ccb
,; , ,~~;~"
11 .anti tl)e wouc 'ame to IJim in tlJC eum, in ti.Jc eartl;J,anb im:rcafc tlJmln. ·
1',",\i;'5;~~· tibt, anD loc, in her moutl) was an flr>Jiuc lcafc s ~ol> fpalie bnto t.loab, Rnb to bi~ ronncis
:n~orr11. tl)atl1JCC IJabplUCkt, tol,)erebpJF.}oalJ bib ltnO'al 'IDitlJ IJtm, Capin~
,~1~c~.{1~;1~ka tl}at t11c mater~ \\ltteabateb 1.lpon ~c cartlJ. ? l5c"11o[l>e, ~·cum] lfablil'b mp coumant
u~t.~~~~fir. 12 lntll)£ abobt T£tot~erftuenbape~, anti 'alttlJ pott, anb WttlJ c po~ ~ccb arter you: . ;.~~; ~~;1~!:"
;l~'~,r_ 1 i\~~,. rent roo~tl} tl)c ~ouc, wl}iclJ rctumeb not 1mto 10 anti tottlJ cuerp ltmng 'rrature tlJRt ll! Pltbom,m
• 1~~~1:f:~r~1 ,t• 1Jtm any mo~e. . mitl]pou, infob>I£, in,attelf, ineuerpbealtof ~~~~~~·~~'. 0
1•m1. 1 3 anti tt mme to patre in tlJc arc 1Junb1ct1 tlJc cartlJ, tolJic:IJ iis 'alitlJ rou, oran tIJat goc out ::~~%~::~;.
ann one rcerc. tn tl)e firllmonedJ, tl)efirft day of ~ftlJc ~rile, tol}atrocuerliuingtlJing oftJJe eartl,) <b 111•
t(Jc monetl), tl}ematersmere b#el> bp from tl)c ttbe.
cartlJ , anl> jF,2oafJ rcmoouel> tIJc c:oucrtng of tlJc u ~nb1ftt' couenant ']!make toitlJ pou, tlJat
ame, an1> loohCiJ, anl> bcl.Jo[l>c, tl)c 1Jpper face of from l)cn,cro1t1J all flcll.J be not rootcl> out \tlttlJ
t11e grounn was b~iel> bp. tlJe toatrrs of a floot1 , ncitJJcr OJall tl)erc be a
14 ann in tlJc fcconb monetf), in ti.Jc feuen floob to btlh'o ptl)e cartl) anr mo1c.
anll t'alcntictIJ nap ortl)t monetl},'alaS3 ti.Jc cartl) u 9nl> dfSoJ> rayJ>, -al;IJi~ ts ttJe tofirn oftlJe co,
b~ictl. umant lt>l)ic:IJ ~ mafie bet'mcenemecant1rou,
15 ~ntl <15ot> fpakc bnto Jf;)oalJ, faying, an11 cucrr ltutng creature tfJat i~ 'alitlJ rou foi
~;~~1 ~," l 6 <1lESo fo1tl.J of tlJe athe. tl)ou, anti tlJt' \titre. cucr.
"'""""b tlJF fonnc)'I, anb tl.Jpfonncs\tltucsmitlJ tfJee: 13 '.)boctttmr ffJowintJJc c:Ioun,anllttfl.Jall IUccaln;:
bO'tl:lis nalD
noa~es. 17 ant>b)ingfo1tl}mttl)t1Jeeeu~bcalftl}at be fo1 a token bettuccne me anb tlJe cartfJ. tin'tUli!.btl

ti:> 'a!itfJ t]Jec, or au flellJ, botlJ fo\Dle anti mttcU, •+ *an~itll.Jall come to patre, dJatb>IJcn1 fi!nto!olll•b•
anb eu: fl' \tlo~mc tlJat crccpcdJ bpon tl}c cartl}, b~in1.t a doUiJ bpon t11c cartl}, ti.Jc bow alfo il.Jall Ecclu.41.
tIJat tlJeF mar b~cel> in tl)c eartl) anti b,tng fo1t1J be feenc in tlJc fame cloUiJ, 12• •

fruit, anti multtplie bponeartl). • J a111> '.I b'Jtll tlJinkc bpon 1tll coucnant
1 s gm ro ~oa[J cante fo1tlJ, anti IJt~ ronnc~. b'Jl)ic!J iss betrottnc mec 11nt1 rou, anti eueey Ii,
1.JiS3 tDifc anll IJIS3 Connel! \Utuc~mitl) I.Jim: utn1 acaturc in an ftellJ : anb it 11JaH no rno1e
19 lfucry bcall atro, anb cucrr mo1me. euttr come to paJTc , tl}at matcrss mafle a lloob to be,
\D:,~1:~:;~~' fom!e, anb mIJatfocuer accpetb bpon tl)c cartl), aror an ttcfb,
:; ~~~·,~;~~'.'r' aftcc tll cir mnbcs, ment out of tlJc arke. 16 ann t(Jc bo'b.111.Jan be in tfJe c:loUlJ , anll 1
•n«w""'' ::io anJ>Jl;loalJbUil'!>ebanaltattllltothC1L01l>, mm loo kc bpon it, tIJat jJ map tlJinkc bpon ti.Jc
";:\:i'D:~~ anl'J tookc Of eucrr clcane bealt • anJ> of cucrr euerlalting coumsnt bcttuemc 0ob anb curry
1 1 1
'.~'. 1'11 .;,·, ,;~ ' clcanc fo'Wlc, f anb oftcrcl> a 'tl'll}olc burnt effe, ltutn11 i;rcaturc,tn al ftefb tl!at ts bpon tlJe card).
;~r~;t~;;,~ ring on tl.Jc altar.
. 17 .ann 0oll fayD bnto Jl:)oaiJ, -al;IJi.a is tfJe to 0

I nr. fi19ulb 2 I anb t{J£ Jl,0,b flUtllCJ> a ('Q)£et Or qu1cr f((, hen of tl;Jc rouenant 'albidJ jj (Jauc maoc bc 0

~~·.~· 1:1~~"' uour, anl> tlJc JL,o,ib rarb iniJ1S31Jeart. jl 'aJill not

t'alccne me anti au flcllJ tl)at is bpon carttJ.
~;~'. .1:1~~~ IJcnccfo~tl.J curfc tl}c grountl anp mo1e fo~ mans 18 ~I.Jc ronncs of Jf;)oal) going foo,tlJ of tIJe
~·;rg~~~~Q rake, fo, tl}e tmafi_\ination of mans bcart iS3 cum arhc, 'mere ~em, 'am, anti '.J]apl)ctlJ, anb 'am
! 111:·"~.rr. from bisroutl.J: ncitlJer \utll'.]!fmttca11pmo1c •stlJcfatl}erof~4rl]anaan. tHcbr, Ke.
,,'~ t~.;\;',~~ . cuerr tIJing liuing,as ']] bauc l>onc.
19 ~IJcrc arc tl)c t1J1cc fonnc.a of~oah, anti nl30,
,'.~~,:,7;:.' 22 ~cttl,Jerefo~c fiJall notgfo'1lingtime anb oftIJem was tIJc tulJolc cartl) ouerfprcan."
:,1~:~~1~ 1, ;~,. !Jaruca. coll> alllJ l)eat, rummer anti minter, nap
io jf.}oafJ alCo bc{Jan to be an~ IJUCbanbman, t Hrbr,a
,~~ 1~ir~· 0 • anti nt!rtlt, 'care an tIJc t1arcs or tl)c eartlJ. antlplanttbabtnerarl>. n1>n ofche
The ix. Chapter. u anbl)ec, tlJinkill~OftlJctllinc, b'JaSb~Ull' racch.
1 God blcffi:th Noah and his lonnes. 3 God giueth
flcn,an1> g bncouereb 'al•tlJin bi.a tent. . !ri~::':i~];~?
21 ilnb,am, t1Jcfatl)erof4t(Janaan, fccrng h"'"'"'·""o
libmic of mC.1ts, & forbiddeth the eating of blood· tlJc nahebncffc of IJilS fatlJcr, tolllc bil$ t'alo Inc, ~:'!. ~':~b~~;,
9 He promifcth no more to dcllroy rhc world with t[J~en 'll:litbout. ' nu~u.
water, 13 and giucth the Raine-bow for a rokcn
. 2 3. anti ~e1n \f ~apl)etlJ taJdtt\l a gannent,
thereof. lapl> 1t bpon tl)nr ll.JoUliJtts.anb comm mg bacfl,
marl>, c:ouereb tIJe nalltllndfe of tl)eir fatl}cr,
na1nelp their face• bct111 tumeb a'IDap, lctltlJcr ~"9,~~':;,o;~·
llJoU[lJ fee tIJeirfatl)mmallebnetr~. . ~~~:~·.~i~~
2+ a111> Jeoaf1 a\'llofu~ from IJ•• 'almc ' anll <.':l>ol110'1Q,!D

flnem \DIJat IJt• roonger ro11nc IJab Done bnto ~~~:~~~:t'::•r•

IJita. (i;;b4111,
111 l)h r, .. ""•-rA.. hb ""•
2 f aR _,C.tlfu' .._... ...., C...,41ana11n, a fer, IllOr,p•r·
\,. 3 d<.
uantOfrt.ruants11JaU(Jcbcbntol)1sbJcttmn. ; W••rrt.utt1>
26 De fapb mo1COUtr, l61ctrclJ br tl)c "JLo~l> ~~:: ~~~1:"·

cDob of~em.anb 4rbanaantl.JalbcfJis fcruant. 't':~~~~~;,.

:i. 7 <Bob RJallU enlarge• ~aplJctlJ, aniJIJe ""all r.P"•"b """"'
...£U m ' foh Knts of~
WJc "" ;iwcm.anl> '1rh
"'l':'anaan ll)albc
"' '~' >!;bnrrt,
11iou:o h• •• ;.
~i_, rmiane. . ~ ~~~ 1~~ ~~~~-~t

as Jeoal) lmeurtcr d;Jc flootl , tl)~ee (Junb.1 cb ~~ 1~.~~g~:

ll1b firtv rems. . r~:~~~~'~'~t
29 ~lib'
Noahs generations. _Chap.x.xj. Confufion of tongues. 4
:i. 9 antl all tljc Daiess of ji)oal), \llerc ntnel)un, ll)a1armauet1J,anll '.]lcralJ,
n~enant1tnttcpmess,1mt1 IJe Dien. 21 ano ~at1oiam,ant1 lll.lfal,ann ~icla,
2 8 ®bal alfo~anll abimael,alll.l ~eba,
The x. Chapcer.
""' 9 an11 fWpl)ir, ano ll)auitalJ, anll ]obab: all
1.The increafe of manldndc by Noah and his fonnes.
1 o The beginning of Cities, Co1umeys, ancl Na-
..,ere 'tllere tIJc c(Jilb~en of]actan.
cions,aficr die Flood. 3° anb tlJctr b\llelling \\'las from Sll!)cfa, a13
tl)ou goctl bnto ~cplJar,a mount or tl)c <fact.

ll)efe are tIJc generationf5 of tlJe . 3 r ~IJefe arc tl)e ct)tlo~cn of~em.after tlJeir
fonnci> of@oalJ, §!Dem, 11.)am, anti ktnren15 ann tongues, tn tlJeir 1ant121 ~nations.
~ap1Jct1J:ant1 bnto tlJem 'cl ere cl}il> P anoro tl)efearc tl)e: liinrtllSS ott(Jr dJil~~en
~mbomeafter tl)eflooll. or Jaolll]raftcr tl}cir generations, '" tl)cirpco'
1.Chro.r • 1 2 * ~l)e '1,JllD~en of '.Jl!Y'IJet'I): pless: anti of tlJefe \\'Jere tl)e nationss lliuttltll in
!ii:bife cbH· a ~omer,anD ~llgog, Mii 9il)Rllai, Billi ]auan, tl)e eartf] after tl)e: flooll.
:::~r:~·.:~,. ano '4rl)ubal, ~cfetl),ann '4rl]iras. .
ru,1Dblcb•r- 3 '4r'l)ecl)1lt1zenof~onm::Qfffena~ant11S1> The xj. Chapcer.
;~·.~a;:~:;. patl),antl qogarma. 3 The building of the Tower ofBabcl. 7 Thecon-
•f"'"~"· 4 '4r'l)e cl}tlDJen of'.)auan: cflilit, 110ll '4r'l)ar, fufion of tongues. 10 The generation ofSem the
rtf5,11Utt1Jim. anti ~ollanim. fonne of No~h vnto Abram, which goeth with
b a111an~• ~· 5 ~ttl)efe \llere tl)e b'.)!1£ss of tl)c cl3entile;J llt. Lat to Haran,
r~:~i.b1: t• 1rillell inti) ctr 1a11t1-. euerp one aftcrl)iSS tongue, ~~, Ja :J0 all tlJt\lllJOlt cartlp \\'1421 of • 11t~1onm
~~;~~·:~~[f;. anti afttr l)iSS ldnrell, in tl)eir nattonss. 'ii (;,; one language, anti like~ fpe:acl}. ~'.'.':.~~:;~~...
6 '4r'l)e cl}illl~en of$am: 4C1Ju;i,ant1 i!liltaim,
anl.I 101Jut,antl 4ltbanaa1T.
7 9ntl tl)e cl)illl~en of 4ltl)uss: ~eba, an?> fl) a,
mlal), anti ~alltlJlllJ, anti maamal}, ant1 ~ab,
s ~e cl.)itt1ienormaamat1: ~eba, anJJ ~e,
ban: Gtbuss atfo begat ~imrotl.
l - z gntl\lllJenbtl)ey\llmtfo,t(J ~Or, word,

· tnt(Jelanncof~tnar, antltljerc :~~~~~·~~~.·

t1Jev abo1>e. '"'·
3 .ant1:1: 011Cfallle tO llllOtl)tr, ~omc, f.etb;l tHcbr,Mar
p~eµare b~tcke, ann bume tl)em in tl]e fire. anb i.iu co nis
rrom tlJecfaft,tlJcp f.ounll a plainc f,;~ ~A~ ,~,~~

tlJer (Jan ~iclie fo1 ftonel3 , anl> Oimc !jail tl)ep tn n' i gli bour.
0 1

9 'Gl:~e fame began to bemigl)tp in tlJc eartl), tlcao ofmo~ter.

•"ru•1 P••• fo~ IJce was amigl)tic' l)unter befoic t;lle JL,o~ll: 4 gntl tiJep fait1,cl30 to, ltt b.S buitn bl! a ctttc
~;:~~.·~ OOIJercf.o~c it ill fRitie, (fuen a15 d Jaimroi> tl}c anti a to\llcr, \UfJofe top mapreac:IJ bnto l]cauen,
re.·:~~m miglJtie l)untcr bef'o~e t'l)c )Lo~'b. ant1ltttismaliebsaname.lctlperat1ucnturcltle
tb• ur11 ••11101
ohp,11.nulf: 1 o ~heIJ bca;·nnin" of hi"'
l) Y II liingllome \Ua"'
f' :l5a• be fc:atterell abtOall bpon tlJe DIJOIC ttlrtll.
Dlllln.. 101~. beI,anll (frc • ant1Qcat1, tlnll ctalnelJ,tntlJe 5 '5ut tl)e JL,o~n ' came Do\llne to fee tl)t citF
:::~.~i'~ tanll Of ~inar. anti to\\'lcr,\\'ll)iclJ tIJe tl)illlmt or mm butloco.
• b•. 11 ©utoftllatlant1ca:meatrur,ant1buillleb , 6 gnl.ltlJeJLwllfatoe, ::0cl)olllc, dtl)epcople ~.~1~.h;,~:~:~
Ior, 1he Jaincuc, anll ttie citic II 1Sel)obottJ, anti !lralalJ, l.IJ onc,anb tl)ep {Jane aUonc language: anti tl)lll ·~· ctrm, 1hni

ilrmes of 12 Jllefcn alfo bettoccne Jaincue anti ctalal}, tlJeybcgin to no, neit{Jer ill tlJcre anr lctto tl)cm ~.~~·::.~\:!'.
chccirir. antlitif5agreatcitie. from all tlJofc t{Jingssml)icl) tl)er l)auc imagtnctl ~;~1:.:rt,"'
• mnHfOf I 3 < SJ@JlfaJm bt_gatt )LUtJilU , anti ammfm, to lJoe. ~"~~~ rvu·
~·:~:::~:" anti Jl.,e1Jabtm,ant1 Jaep(Jtl}uim, 7 ~omton,lctbssgolJo\\'ltJC..
. l ..r..
a;ti~~ 1~:.0r
14 J'atl_nuam alfo, anll ~afltil)im ( otrtoe fiounl> tl)ctr anguagc, ..,at eucrr one pcrmuc "'"'1' "·"~
U1(Jom came 191Jilitliim) anll ctaptIJo~im. not IJis ncigl)bourf! lµcacIJ. ~~~f~p~~·.1111
15 ctl]anaan bcgatc ~illon (Jtl5 ura bome s ano ro tlJc JLo:n rcattereb tl)em from tIJat
f 'IU1trrum
n11hns t~~l 1
fonnc, anti rll)etlJ, placcbponan tl)c eart1J:an1>t1Jer leftoff tobuilZI
t1n111f1tJr~t, 16 anti '.]lcbufi,an'b <f!no~i.anb cl3irgarl, tf]at "tie.
9 attll tf,Jercfo~ ts tl)e name of it caUcll 1Ba,
17 .anll 191ut alfo,antl 9rki, anti ~int,
~~~·~~~1: :r 18 ilnD !.lnutbt ,anti ~cmari, ant1 ll)amat1Ji: bcl,becaUfetl)e JL.,010 tlil> t(Jm conrounll tlJe Jan,
anb aftertuarn to ere tl}e binrelll5 oftl}e Gtl)anaa• guage or an tl)e eartlJ: anti from tlJrncc lltll tile
nitessfp~ca?I ab~oa'b. JL0:11 fc:atter tf]em ab1oat1 bpon tl]c race or all
11 qebo~oer oftiJc Gt(Janaamte.s, tuaf5 from tl)e eartlJ.
~itlon, a.s t(Jou commca to <115erar, bnto a1atJ, 1o *'G!:IJcfC art tlJe gcncrationf5 Of~em.~cm 1.Chron.1
anti ais t{Jou goea tmto ~ot1oma anti <115omo~ra, ma;i anl)unt11c1> recress oUle, anD begat arpl)a~, 17.
ann anama,anl> ~eboim,cuen bnto )Lefa. all t\Uo recreis after dJe 1flooD.
20 '4rl)cfe are tl}e c1J1lt11cn ofll)am in tlJeir flin' 1 1 9nll ~cm ltuell arm 1Jec begate arp(Ja~'
ret111, in tl)eir tongucl5, countric~ anti in tl)eir all, tiuc 1J11nt11ct1 rce:rc)l, anD begatt fonnes anti
nation)l. 1>aug1Jtcrss. ~h, •
Hn11rnoc11 21 ~nto ~Ctn alfo tlJ£ s fatlJer of alltlJcc'bll• 22 9rpl)BJ8llliUCllfiueanD ..,trttc Fet:c~atlZI
~::f,~:~11, 111cn of ll)cbcr , anti clllcr b~otl)cr of 9Jap1Jet1J, bcgatc~clalJ. . /
:m.~:::~.r tl)cre mere dJilb~cn bo~nc. 13 anD grptJa~al> lmeD after IJee begat e•
~::~~: :~ 0 2 2 ~{Jc d)tlllim of ~em: <flam, anti ~ur, talJ , foure l)unn:eb anti tlJ~ce remss, an egatc
~?::.:b~~·· !d.rpl)a~ao,an.11 JLUll,anll aram. ronnef5anb11a~g1Jterss~ .
"''"' ino111• 2 3 ~e ct)tlll~en of aram: ~S5, ant1 ll)ul, cl3e• 1 4 ~clalJ ltuetl t1J1me rmes, ll begatc
lira•· t{Jer,anll ~as. $cbcr. _
24 Qrpl)a~all begatc~claf1, antJ ~daf.Jbe' .Qnb ~claf1 lrutb after 11 t«ate ll)eber,
gate ll)Cber. rourc l.)unll:Cll anti tlJ1Cercre;1Jnt1 begat
2 s ll!J.nto ll)eber afro \\'Jere bo,nc tt»o Conness: anbllSUgbttt:.IJ, / 1,Chron, 1
t(Je name of one \lla2119c1eg,fo~ mi,is t1aic1nHs 16 "'.anti ll)ebcr Uueb fodft an11 ti.Jim£ rerr~. 25.
_. t1Jetart1Jbtuit1ct1, ant1 l}ill b~otlJerss name was anbbqatc tBeteg. / , .::!: b:" r1 ~!11
17 atlll c ll)ebcrliuctarm bee begatc 10drg,
]attan. 1n:1L•rt.1 J1·n·
[Ill (o~Ul.111 of
2 6 ']lactan be~ate: !Jlmoball , attb ~artplJ, fourc 1Junt11et1 ann ,ilirtte rrcrcs , an!J bcgarc ·t·~1'flll(t\.

rarahs generations. Genefis. Abran1 goeth into Egypt.
fonncs anll llaulPJtcrts. an11 tntotl}e lant1 of €1)anaan tlJer aime.
1 s anll ll)clcg ltucll tl}trtiercm~mib bcgatc 6 ab~~md PaltC1Jtl)1ou!d}d:}elanD,bnto tl)e ~.~.:D~~~~·D
llieu. b P!a'! of ~itlJctm,tm!f tb~ pllitue oHlll)o.ieJJ.lnll ~~~~~~·r:'.:~~"
19 ann~elcgliue11arter1Je egatcmm,t\1Jo t.,t'llo11anaam ewas...,enm tllel(ln!l, lfEtltn~ placr
IJunlJJcll anll ninepcms,anb begatefonncss ann 1 anb t]JC JLQJb Bl!PCaring brtto a~am,faf!l, ~,~&:~e,~~ '~·
!laughter%. . . unt.o tiJl? feellc lDill '.Jl giue tl)is laniJ : ann tlJm ~1i'1\~ 1~\.~··
z o Qn!l lllen liuell two anb tfJtrtie rccrc%,ann e bUllllebtl l)tttl;ltl altar tmto tlJe :JL01n \t!IJlcl) ap' ;.?~:i~!re'.
begate ~erug. peareb n o.,un. .. wam1omo1•
z r .aull l5CU ltUCll artcr(JC bcgat ~crag, t\DO s ann remoutng tl)ence tmto amountatne ~;Pb~:~.~~.
IJunllJetlJ ann reurn rcmss, ann begate Conness t]Jat\1la% _CleaftlDEab from lBttl)d..IJepitd)et:J lJis ~~~:::~ri~~~
an11 llaug1Jtcrs. fCUt,f}tlUJtlg l'5etl)eJ 00 tl)C lli)£fl fibe,anll bai On b! outlnatD
2: Qnll ~crug liuen tlJirttc rcrcss, anll llegat
,... .m: a:anu
..,c111.oa .. t".,m.Je
.. bmlbmganaltatbntotIJe
. . "7 """'bl•
~ac{JoJ. Jl,o~t1,tlill '8ll bpon tlJe ~ame of tl)e )Lo~n.
13 gun ~etug Uuen after be begate ~ac{Jo~ . 9 a1~!lab:amtoolie1Ji1Sioumey,goinganll
t'roo fJunn:eo rccress, anll llegate fonness ann toumcpmg to\tlarb t.-ie ~oUtl).
t>augl.Jterss. • o :anll tl)cn t{Jere lDas afa'nine tn tlJat lann,
24 ann ~actJoiliuennineano tn'lentr rmss, ann tf,Jerero1e went awam nowne into lfgppt,
ann begate ~ara{J. tl)at lJee m1~t f~toumc tlJm: fo1 tl}ere mau
15 ano i1:lac{Jo~ ttucn after be bcgate ~ara(J, (Jneuou~ ramme mt)Je lann.
an 1Juno1en anll ninctcrne rems, anti bcgate 11 annm~ml)c\tlass come neere to rntcrm.
fomms ann nau~tcrss. to Cfgrpt, l)e faib bnto ~arat 1Jis \ll ifc, l5el)Olll,
::1uon.1. 2 6 • ~aralJ ltUeil feurntie recress,antlbegatc '.l\ llnome ttJat t11ou art a faire blomantotoorre
·.iafu.14. f ablam, ~ac{Jo1, anti 'aran. bpon:
1r·1011•m 17 ~ere are tlJe gencrationss of ~araJJ : ~a, 12 ~~erefoJe llJallitconttto patre,tl.Jatttibrn
ral) lJcrrate » g ab1am,~a'1)01,anll taran: taran tlJc <ll:grpttans fee ttJee,tl.Jer llJall fap,~lJe iSS 1Jts
11"'' h• u. begatnlot. miff, ami t~ey lDtu hill mee, but ttJer Mil faue
H~!~'~;, 2 s ann ~aran tJiell in tl)c p:errnce of l)ts fa, tl)ee aliue:
~'~~~r~;~. tlJn: ~aral) in ti.Jc lanD oflJt~ mptiuittc, in mr of 1' ~ap,'] PJaptl)ec, t1Jatt1Jouartmr rufter: f ~'llltalt·
tl)at '3l map fare niell ro: tlJl:' falie, ano ~at mr faltb
; 1~~1~_i 0 · tl)e ~tJatoeess. tpiun"
In 1b11,rb1tbc
z9 abJam anll j!;lacl)oi tool'tctlmn miues: tf:)e roule mar liue t1J1oug1J tlJl? occafion. nlnbnl•lllllll
name of :ttbiams wtfc was ~arat, ann tf:)e name 1 4 .ano ro '!»{Jen ab1am \Dass come into Cf, [IDCli!O'llllll mcan11fal11
Of ~ac[JOJfS lDife was ~ilcl}a, tlJe llaUgbtct Of gppc., tlJe Cfgppttanis bel)d!le tlJe '1'Joman, ~ fbe blr.
ll}aran, t{Je fatiJcr or f@llc[Ja, ano t~e fatlJct of toass berr fatn.
'lifctJa. 1 s ~t1ep1inccss alfo of-lJarao fa\tlc 1Jcr,an1>
~~.~;~:~" 30 :lBut~araf\tlaSShbarrrn,~bannod)ilne. commenllell lJcr btfoie 101Jarao: 11n11 tf:)e woman
·~~c'~~ ; 0 "
31 9.nb ~aral) toolle !Atnam l)is fonttt ann 'mas ta hen into ~]Jaraos 1Jourc.
'"'"ten~ )lot tl}c ronne of ll)atan l)iS fonneis fonnc, ano 16 gni> {Jc entreatell ~Unam \t!el fo~ f)cr rarte:
~ ~~r. ~~- ~atai l}iis baugtiter in lalDe l)tis Connc !lb~ams ann be IJall n,eepc, ano oim, anll l)ee atrcs,men
' • 'roife..ann ttler ne:parten togetlJcr from tar of tlJe rcmantl'.l , anll maroc fmlantss, 11.Jee a[~ anl>
~alncess, tl:)at tlJcr migtjt goe into tl)e tann of camclss.
or,Cha. atIJanaan: an!l tl)er came bnto II Jl)atan, ano 1 7 :13~t tlJe JLo~b plagueo 101.Jarao llnll bis
lD, ntodt tl)cre. {Joure lllatlJ grcntplaguess, became of~arat_a,
p an11t[Jet1arcisor~ara1J, \litre t\tlo i,un' b:amsroifr.
ll~ell ann fiuerecres: ann -m;atal:J birb in ~arau. 18 911ll~iJaraocaHingab1am, ratoe, 11011r
Thexij.Chapcer. IJalf ti.Jou llotte tl)is bnto me:" ·
1 9 110llr lliol:lcll t{Jou notten me tf:)nt me was
t Abram is blc[ecl of God, and gocrh with Lot to tlJr \llifc-: 1101Jr rarnea tlJou, ~IJee tssmr ft Iler,
the land of Chanaan, which God promifcd to giue anu fo '] s mtg1Jt1Jaue tal1en l)er to be m11 \titre~
to him and to his fccdc. 1 o Abram go.::th into E. ~omc t1)erefo1r be]Jol!lc, t[Jm ts tf:)p totfe, take Inn b~~:::~rn
De mt rouct>•
gypr. 13 His wife callerh her !cite his filler, for lJcr,anllgoc tlJr \liar. lng: a1mnn:pcr
rhh1 f,JCr o~
whom Pharao is plagued. 20 Anl:l 101.Jarao gaue bi~ mm cotmnan1>e, Pbarao brcl1•
Mies 7,1. ~.. · ' a lii' tl)e * Jl.,01ll fatlleiltltO abia,n, mmt concemtn{J l)im : anlJ dJer '01rucpct1 (Jim 0[rttfl~O#tDprion. thar tu•
COUttbJU foll
J,1!:;~: 'i::i. 1· ,,'~' ~ettl}ee a out ~ftlJr countrey' tlnb roo1tf:),an1:11Jts totrt.ann an tl)at I.Jc l)al:I.
111:,r,wm;c; • 'llJG:, outoftlJrnatton,an'bfromtfJrfa, Thexiij.Chapcer.
"""· · · 'tf:)mibonfe,bntoalanlltlJat'.J)\llil
1 Abram and Lot depart out of~ypc. 8 Abram di.
flJelD tIJcc.
2 lilnb ']mm mallc of ttJce a great people.. uidc:ch the: land and caucJ1 with Lot his brothers
an11 'nltu blflfe tl)er, anb malie tlJr name great, fonnc. 14 The promifcmade to Abram is renuc:J.
tlJl\t t!Jou llJalt be a blerring.

~'bfo.ab~mgatclJim bpoutof Ge,
~ 'JI 'mil alfo blelfetl:)nn t{JatbldretlJee, anb gppt, l]e anlJ IJifS '1'1ife , anll all tl)at
c~ .. c~mtl)atcurre tl)ee:anllin tllcen1all all 11e f]all, anll )Lot 'nlidJ l,Jtm, to'roarll
b '1.:h~iR.thr:
f"tlof '"'1hH,
limnlls u: tl)c eartfJ be b bltlteb. tl)c!J!;>outl).
l:J;rn1, b\dl'rb al 4 :Anti h ~b1am bepattcll, ais d;Je JL,o1'b l)ab :a 9l1b .awam wassberr :i: ricIJ rn b h
nDs oft~r rpoflcn bnto tnn, a~ll ·Lot 'ment'1'1ttlJ l)im: ann tncatttU.inl'llucr,anlllr.golll. uy or• laden,
· •a·
ittb~amlDasr~nttean11 tluereere• ol'be\lll}rn 3 .ant1 l}e lDmt roitIJ on IJiS loumer from tl)c
~e neyartttl out ir~atan. §!Dout{J, to'1'Jar11 '3etlJcl, bnto tlJc place '1'11Jere
c afurhtua "'nb nb•am
'~" m•• •••• 5 "' "' • ·tooke ~atat lJifS '1'Jife anb IJfs tent l)ab b~nc at tl)c bclinning bettDunc
~1·~~~·{~~:1:. J..ot l)ts b:otlJ~s Conic, an11 all tlJm MJfia'ii,e '6ctlJelant1$a1: ,
tl)at tl)ep l)all in p~lteil'l.Jn, an11 tl)e foul£# d,Jat 4 Unto tbe •~Cl of t:IJUltal','1'Jl)td) )Jc bttlJ ~;~~~ ,;.~b0 "
tl]ep I.Jan be~tm in ~ann, an11 tl)e:p tlepartell, manetbereattl)ctlrlt, anb tlJm ~b~am mne11 lbolrplm•
tl)at tl)ctl mtgl)t 'om£ into flt lanb of 4t11anaan: on tbe jaame of tbe )l,QJ!), :i~·;.~b.'l ,r
5 JL.,otl
Abram and Lor depart . Chap.xiiij. Lot is taken prifoner. 5


The xiiij. Chapter.

tt Lot after the fpoilc of Sodomc is taken prifonor.
16 Abram dcliucreth him. 18 Mclchifcdc:c.offc·
reth gifts to Abram •
JtltJitcamuopatl'£ 111 dJe Dare• of
IOr,Baby- .amraplJd kingofH~imtt,~rtoA1
Ion. lrin!l of ltlafar. Gti10b0118omttlriq
IOr,PrrC.a. or11g ctlam an~ '4n,lillal ktna GUIJe
•l]tUnmt • '
1111en...111U • •nation~. . ·
:i:.~.1::: 2 ThclcmallewammttlJ~erakingof~·
~=...... lloQ1e,ant1 wltlJ l6ttfa flin1or11Jomom.>e.ann
· 'llli~ ~tnab llini.t or :Itlma, anti \DitlJ ~£mebtt
fling oi•wonm.antJ wltlJ C1Jeflinil o06ela,t1Je
~i-~oar. . . ·
3 QUtl)cfe1llere i~ne!> to1edJerint11ebale
or~tbl>i1n,'al1Jn-enowtl)eC11Jt-.a~. ·· .. :
. 4 ~oi ttllelue p~~ \Deft .d,ief rubtecua
tnng ~ot1oilaomet, anti tn ttJe:dJtd:mld):tna
tebdlel>. . .,
·5· !lnll in dwf'otwtttntlJNi~«:anat QotJO~
_~ ____..,I _ . - - - . . . - . ; . ; ; ; ' " - - -
Abram iufi:ified byfaich. Genefis. Hagar giuen co Abram.
i\.bran1 called Abraham. Chap.xvij.xviij. He is circumcifed. 6
Thexvij.Chapter. iQun1rl11
5 Ab12miscallcdAbraham. 8 ThelandofChanaan lllnt CID(llH
is promifrd vmo Abraham the lifetime. 12 Cir- tbr <bllnmo of
cumcifionisordcincd. 15 SaraiisnamcdSara. 16 tbcr11tt1t:ann
lDnb tbr t1111.
Jfahac is promifed againe vnco Abraham. 2 3 A- 11Jrnot11Kura.
bralum circumcifcth himfclfc,Ifm;icl,and his houf. ltmpoJallpJD·
bold feruams. plm to l~

ftDt oftD!Dnl•
Chrifi promifed: Genefis. Lot receiueth nNo Angels.
1Dl.Jicl) '!Das bd)inl:Je: (Jim. 32 .an111Jec faiMD let not mr )l.o~ll be angcy,
11 ab.iaIJam anl:I ~ara \t'Jcrc botlJ o~c, anb ano 9111>111 (IJeaflc tct but tlJiSJ once: nel)at if ten
\1.lcU tlrichcn in age: anti it«~D to be t111tl.J ~a' OJalbc founll ti.Jere-: ~e anf\tlcrtD, ~ tllill not DC•
ra,aftn tl)e: man er aSJ tt iSJ ·anti) \D~~m. llrOl! chem fOi tmntSfaflc.
12 ~ara IauglJe:tJ \DitlJtnlJ~ fclf'c, 3 3 !iln'll tIJe Jl..~1D.b.l~1t lJilS\»ar a[oonc ais IJe
rartng.~o\lle:] am\ll11r£ll olllc, fl.Jail] giue: mp l)aD left commumngb.l1~ ab.ial]am: anb ab.ta'
rc1re: to 1ua,anD my lo.tD ollle alfo:' [1am alfo rcturneb bnto l)tl!I place.
1 3 anD ~oil ftltDe tmto .ab~alJam, D91Jcrefo~c
Din ~ara lau!JIJ , raping, ~ban ~ of a rurcne The xix. Chapter.
bcarc a c(JilDc, tll[licl.J am ollle::' 3 Lot rccciuerh two Angels into his houre. 4 The fil-
t Hcbr, 14 '.J))j 1101' t{Jing:l:bnpolTlbletOcllJOll:' !lCCO,?• thy lu!lsofthc Sodomites. 24 Sodom is defiroicd
!ling to tfJC time appotntcb \Dill 'l rcturne bnto ~tltllerccamc t\tlo angc1is to ~0'

tflcc,ir'.j! ltuc: anll~ara fhaillJauc 11ronnc. nomcat eucn,anb JLotratc at tlJc
1 s ~gen ~ara ncntcll it, fapin!J, ') laU!JIJCll aate of ~ol:lomc: anti 'Jl.ot fecinll
not: fo1fl.Jc1Das afraill. an111Jcrat1:J,'.]iuis not ro, them, rofc bp to mcetc t1Jcm, anll l)e:
but t1Jou lllllt1cll l11u!JIJ. bo\Dcl! !Jim fclfc \DitlJ t)iJS face to·
1 6 anti tbe: men, rtfin!J bp from tlJcncc, loo· 'alatD the grounn.
lien to"lllarb ~obom: anti ab.ial]am \Dent \DitlJ 2 9nll l]ce fatoc, ©lJ mr lLoiti~. turne in, CJ\
tl)cni to b.itng tl:Jem on tl)e \Dar. piar rou, into pour rcruantis 1Joure, an11 tan? an
t 7 anti tl:Je faille, ~IJall '.)J IJibc from ,a. nfgtJt, anti b.lallJ rour fectc, anti rec 113aU rtrc bp
bial.Jam ~at ti.Jing tol)ic(J '.l] l:lo, · earIr to go tnrour b.larcis. IW{JiclJ faiM~ap : but
I 8 ~Crlll!J tlJ11t ab.ial111m {IJ8lt fUtdl:' IJCC 8 1Dc \Dill bflie in tl.Jc itrccte au nt~(Jt,
iireat anl:I a mig{Jtie nation, anti an tl)e nationis 3 J .ann I.Jee p~etren 1.lpon tl)cm ~'ecbtnglr:
of ti.Jc eartlJ tl)albe blc[etJ in l)im:' ano tl.Jrr returning in bnto IJtm, cntrcll into ()iJS -- .
19 '31 rmo\D tlli!S alfo, tl)at IJe:e: \»ill commant1 l)oure: anti llcc mane tl.Jcm a feall, anll nto bake (

1Ji$$ ctJllD.tCn llnll IJi!S IJOU11JOUIC arttr l}tm, tl}at 1mlcaucnet1 bJcan,anll tl}cp lliD catc.
tlJep ltccpe: t11eb.l11p of tlJe JLo~D. anb to Do tuthcc 4 ant1bcro1ctIJcrlllcnt to rc11, tfJc men of
ano iUllgcmcnt, tlJat tf}c JLoin map b.iing bpon ti.Jc citic,euen tf}e men of ~ollome compaffcll ti.Jc
:a:b.till)am t(Jllt IJC l.Jatl) fpolicn lmtO IJim. l)oUfe rounnc about, , bot{J olllc ahtl tong, all • l!la1n1nu11
· <'5onhnn b:· 20 anti tlJe 'JLO.tll fatDC, c '3ccaure: Cl.JC Crt' Of people from all quarters. . ~~~: ~b~~~ . ~
~~~~;it";:~,;:. ~ollome ano de'.omo:rIJc i!S great, anti bccaurc 5 ano tl)et caning tnto :a.ot,faib bnto llim, &~;~:i~~,.~, I
~i.~'. ~~~'~'•""' tl.Jcir finnc is c.rccelling grieuous: b JWIJcrc are tIJe men b.llJiclJ came in to ti.Jee ·tlJiS :!~.~~~'~ru'. I
~~~:~:.~~i;:·1 2 r 'l b.lill!Joc l:lo\1mc no'o.le, a~D fee \DIJetl.Jer mgl.Jt ~ bi mg tl)cm out bnto 111$ > tlJat \tJ£C mar tUI Ill [D)tl. I
~';.~'!';~Wn.. t11cr IJa.uc room~ altoge:tl)cr accoiilm~ to .tlJat 'rr rmom tlJcm. ~.,~:::1:~~
{'on,••• ,;;. ll'l{JtcO is come bnto me: anD tf not, '.JI \Dtl rtno'lD. 6 .an1> JLot\»ent out at tlJc noo1e bnto tlJcm, ~:,:::4a':i'i;~,
~~,;,~~;;~~:'; ni 2 2 :tlnll Cl.Jc men beparteo tIJencc,anll b.lcnt to aUb fIJUt tlJC llOoic after IJtm, c~c nuc.
~~~:·;~~.~~~:;• ~onomcwaro: butabialJam aoobe pet befo1e: 1 .ant1 fain,~ar,'.J p,anoubictlJ~cn,tio not
,111n ro•<nB'' tl)C )),01tl, fo \1)f(:liC'lllp,
a.m. 2 3 anti ruJ.taltamt11e\1J neere, llllbfaibC,119tlt 8 '5e1Joltle, ~f]anet11'lo tiau~IJtcrs, \tl{JiclJ
ti.Jou alfo bettro~ tl}e t.i@teous'lDftlJ tl)e\Diclietl:' 1Jaue linohlen no man, t1Jc1n b.lcll ] biing out
:1or,pmd- 24 R]ftl)crebce sftftierfgl)teouis\Dftl)tntIJe TIO'ID 1.lnto 1:'0U, anlJ 'llOC\Dit{J tlJcm 81$ it fcctncth • llrncnr.
ucmurc. citte., '\Dilt tlJOU DcftrOl', anb not fpare tlJe Pla'c go~b tn rour crcs : one:Ip bnto tf}cfc mm Doe no• ~~~;:.~"11ar
~ro':~,~~ ro.i tlJe fiftie:rigl)tcouSJtl.Jatare tf}erein:' tlJrng: fo.i tl.Jcrefoic came tl.Jcp tml:Jci: ti.Jc llJabo'al ~~~~~:~:~~~
~~!%~.'r~c.~, 25 ~atbcfarftomtIJce, tIJattl)ou11Joulnca of ml' roofe. lbrmlllasuot
9 danlJtlJcpfaiDC, ~tantll:Jacfle: anti tlJCl' ~ ~i1t1Dti,rn
·~:~~~:~~1a 110 aftt:r tl)ilS maner,anll Oat. tlJe: rtgl)tcouSJ 1Dit1J
01 •.Jlnr• ti.Jc 'o.ltefieD, llllb tIJat tlJc riglJtCOU!S fiJOUID bee ra~ll agafne,~ce came in sis one to rotoumc, ano ~~~~r~~~;::;
' ' ~ "I0 · ais tf}c \Dfcltell , tl)at bee farrc from tl)cc: ~lJaU
111 11
b.lill l)ee be no"lll a '.]lu1.1gc ~ to cc \Dill rurdp neale 1• 111 «·
not ti.Jc '.}luo~e of all ti.Jc 1Do,1ll lloc acco1t1in!J to \Do~rc \DitfJ tf}ce t1Je:n 'mitb tl.Jcm. ano t~cy
rtgl)t:' p~ea[cl:l fo~c 1.lpon tlJe man, cuen JLot, ann came
2 6 iUb ti.Jc JL01t1 faille:.']f'J finbcin ~obomc to bie:alie bp Cl.Jc lloo~c.
b eo• ,•• ,11• fiftic tigl)tCOUS ~itlJin ti.Jc Citic,'.l] "llltl h fparc all 1 o l6ut ~c men put foo~tf} tl.Jeti: f]aUbc, am
b~;.~;:~ 1 ·~. ~e place roi t1Je1r fakes. pullctl)l.,otmto tfJe l)ourc to tl}em,ann lbut to
••'.~"" 2 7 ant1alna\lamanftoertng, ratn, '6elJollle, tl)CD001e.
ttJ(~\ID(o ~t t {j ft <. to foh ·~
~,..., m'"' j\ (Jauc talten bpon me D pea. tc un •.,.e ,..,011:1, 1 t ann tlJe men tl)at '1lm at tlJe: tiooic or tf}c
cbl:1·~rir~ 'tol)fclJ ambutbuflllnll anJCSJ: lJoUfe, tl)cy rmote \DttlJ blinDene1fe bortJ flnall
2 s 'Jif tl)erc l'IJaDlacfJcfiuc offiftte rt!JIJteous, a1_1b great: ro tlJat tl)cy 'mere \DeartclJ tn~fcc, rncb.fia.
'milt tl}OU bCltrOj all tl)C cine foi fackc Of fiue-; rnng tl)Uoo.ic. ding,
anbl.)tfaib, ']f'.JI f[nlJC tJJercfotn:tleanbfiuc,'.]j 12 a:l?> ttJemen fatD tlnto :Lot.,alt tlJou IJerc
ill notbcllrop tl]nn. anp bcfiocs-: c ronne tn fa'lll,anl! tlJr ronncs.anD • 4'o1rn.,..
, '-9 llnb 1}ee pioceellctl to fpealic bnto 1Ji1na• · Cf)~ llau~ttrfi, anD 'llllJr"!.'.ocucr d]oul}all int~c ~:~b".:\mr~1~rr
, 1tatne, nnb faille, UBlJattftlJcrc flJaUbee ruuruc crtte,b~mgtl)cmouto t.,tSl;l1ace: p"'''""°'"'
foui1~ tl)ere ~ ll)c anf\Dcrtb. '.I b.ltD natDoettf01 1 3 ojfOJ \lle \Dtn Dearot tl)tS placc,becaurc tl)c r::,'r~.~; '~:l
, ~Cake. CfieOftl)etnil!l!Jtcat bCf0~£ tl)CfaCeOf<iJOl) • foi ~llBDODOIOC.
~0 ll)cc faibe bnto l)tm agaim, ~ lttnot ntl? ~c JLo.iD (1aCI) rent f 11S to bcltrop it. • r 11nrt1• m•r
.· be a~ tl}at 'l1 lilcalie: UBIJat Ud)erc OJall 14 a~ JLot men~ out, a~1ll fP.alJc bnto Iris :::~i;;~~~
tll~rtt':"ll~ LOUllll tl}cn:' a11111Jc ratb 1 tDtllbo no· ronncs m lam, 'mlridJ marrico l)rs llaugIJtcrs ..... s101•ro.
tlJin§ lf J finbc tl}irtte tlJtte , . rapt~, ~tanbtlp, gecpeoutoftlJtsplace, roi
31 ll)e: . tb againt.. © rcC: 'J (Jauc tarltn bpOt1 t1Jc'Lo1D blill otltftl.J.iO\Dtl)tscttte. lDutl)efcc,
mte to fpt no\1.lealro hnto mp JLoib: 18l)at if 1,llC'b as t1Joug1J l)e haD mockc'b bnto IJtis ro1mr~
t(JcttOJa ermmttt fount1 tlJm"' l)eeanC\uc• mlalD.
rcb, 'J 'tlltl ~ellrov rhcm foi rmetittts fl1fle. 15 am \D(Jm tlJemoJniug atort, tile Qngrts
I f.'.::. , .
cautro 1
Lots daughters. Chap.xx. Abin1clcchreproued. 7--I
catlfcDJU>ttogfpttlllJim. raring. ~tanllbp, raifcbprtcbofour fatlJrr. 9ntJt1Jermallct1Jcir ·
t.aflc dJF lDtft. $ tlJr t'IDo naugl)tcris 'IDIJiclJ be at fatlJrrti~inhe 'mine tl)atnigf.Jt alro.
1Jant1: 1eatl)Ouperifb in tIJe II !inne oftlJe c:itte. 35 9:nll tlle rongrr arorc, anti lar 'mitb ()im:
16 ilntlastJcc p:olongetl tlJe time. tlJe men ami(Jecprrctiuetl itnot, nrit1Jer'ID(Jet1ft.Jeelar
caugllt botlJ lJim, his \lltfc, anll IJis t'IDO llaugl.J• tlo'nlne.. ntittJer 'nllletlflicrorc bp.
tctsbr tl:Jcl}atllltf. tlJc ll.ozll l.lcini;Jmemruu bn• ?6 ~us 'nlere .; botl) t)Jc t1aug1Jter~ or ll.ot ~.~.~~:;;,~~.
to (Jim: anti t1Jcp b~ougl)t ~im Co1t1J, anti fctl}im mrtl) cbtllle bp tl)cirfatl)er. . ~~.r~.~ 1~·~~
\Dttl)out tl)c citic. 37 anll tlJe elnn- bare a ronne, anti callell tn~ ~~:~.~:!~~~·~:
~,f:,~r,~~~ Anil ~~~~;~tt~~~~~~~~:'eo;;tbhc~ ~~~:b~~~~jl1~;~mc as tl)e rattJer oftIJc ~oa, =~~~H~.~r1,
ri'~{:f:, lJinOe tlJCC, 11ettiJcr tarrp tlJOU in all tl}iS plaine 38. anD the ponger bare a fonne alfo, anti Ca(, "'' onmomi
~~fr~.::.:~. ~unrrey =.11 ~aue tiJr felfc in tiJc mountaine, lcll lrtl l}iSS nanw ll3cnammi : tlJc rame is tl)e fatl]tt
~o,, ff,c for ..,ou perIll). of ti]e ctJiltl~cn ofammon bnto tlJi!S t1ar.
,hyfclfc. 18 9nllJLotrartlbntot1Jcm, SlDl}notfO, mr Thcx:x.Chapter. .
pr,cfc•rc lo1ins.
io1othchil. 19 :J6c}Joll>e, tlWftruantl}atlJllluntJgrscein 1 Abraham dwclleth as a fiungcr in 1hc land of
t}Jpugl)t, antltl)ou l)atl magntfleb tiJr mmie Gcrar.
'ID}Jltt} tl)OU lJSft llJt\lleb bnto fneC in fautni_t mf .~I) abia}Jam 3 l:JCpartCll t()CnCC tO' ' ~nD DID rbni
:.~~!r'i.~~; tuartl tl)c ~outlJ countrcr, ~ ll'IDCI• ~'.·~.~·~,;: ~··
life:' l8e{Jolbe, ']\ ran notbefauetJ in tl)e moun'
rat!ll,no~;••• taint, fC(l [Olne l)artne fall bpOn me, 8Ul:J ')\ tliC. fell btt\llCCnC ([atlCjS allll ~ur, anti RrillgH bctr·
f;~~i;.::,b·~, 20 l6c1Jolll, IJeret' a atpbp,to fltt bnCo,eucn foioum~tl in ©erar.
e~~i:!~~~. ronllctlttleone: il[)IJlctmecr.:apettJit11rr:']~it 2 anll !tlb~atJam fllftl or~ara

• · not a lttle one. anti mr roulc lballliue :' l)i' tuift. ~IJc is mr fillrr: anti abtmelccIJ btng ~.~,&~;~~~~
21 ana l)e faptl 1mto IJim, ~cc, '.]l IJauc recci, orcBrrar Cent,anD fet ~ara a'map. u'"" 1' "'°"
*Heb. face. ue11 tlJp i. miuca, 4' concerning tiJi~ tlJing. t)Jat 3 '6ut'5ol> camc to abimelcclJ bp nigl}tin a ~~~;:,~1·,~'r.
' jJ 'Will not ouertl}1otu t}Ji' at:e fo~ t~c 'IDlJitlJ t11calne, ant1fapt1to1.Jim, ~cc, 'tlJouartbuta ~~·,g:~~rnrnu
tIJou l)aa Q:Jolien. bcatl man fo1 tlJe momans rake 'ID\JttlJ ttJou l!all 1,~1~:·1 ,·:·~~
1or,tfcapc 22 $aflc tl)ec, anti~ befauetl t}Jere: fofJl c:an talien atuar: fo1 O,e is a mans 'mtfe. . ~"" 1 ""•1·
'bithcrfafc. nonotlJfugtilltl)oubc c::ontctl)itlJer. anot11ere' 4 '6utabimelectJl1atl not rettouclJetl l)cr: ig;'~~rg;••·
fo~ct1Jenameoft1Jecitri~~oaT. ant1 l1u faptl, lloJtl, \llilt t'Jou aar riglJtcouis
2 j a1lll tIJc ~unne \Das no\D rifen bpon ti.Jc pcoiile -1
eartlJ, antr,IL,ottuas entretl tnto $!!oar. s ~ara not be bnto me , ;,l}e ts mr filler:'
24 ~{Jen t{Jc JL,oit1 rain el> bpon $S)otlome anti re11.anb fbe hni'elft fatb,ll}c ts mp Inotl)cr : b.Ji tlJ .
cl3omo~rIJe b#mUone anb ure, from thc".ll..-O:ti aJ~ngk1Jcart,ant1innocent1lant1sl]aue]t1one ~~·.~~v~::,
out oi(Jeaucn: · · tl)lS. . . :'.~11 ;r~~·; 1;~;.
2 s ann oucrtlJJc\\l tlJorc citicJS, anti au tlJat 6 anti rJ!Jol> rarb bnto 1J1m 111 a t1Jca1ne. 'J! °'11" ",.,,.
plaine region, anti an tl)at tl'Wdlctl in tlJe citic~. 'mote 'melt tt)at t1Jou llitlfl it in t:tJc fmglrnc!Tc of tu••·
anti tlJat t{Jat gre\D bpon ti.Jc earttJ. tlJp heart : '.]\ lt~t ti.Jee auo tt1at t}Jou fiJOUlOclt
2 iS l5ut Jl,,ots wife follo\Ding llim, loofictl be• not finnc againlhne. anti t11rrro)c fuflcrcll 'J\ not
~1111D~~";";~~.' 1Jint11J~b,an~ k\Da~tumcll into a pilla~~rrattA. t:tJce to toucl) IJer.
••D•bl•l•u 27 ;u ~a.,am rttmgbp rnrc1r. (\ot.,tmto •.,c 7 J~otut()ercfo~e, tlcliucrt{Jcmanl)i!S\uife
~=,~·,~~ ·.r· place 'ID}Jere I.Jc ttootl l.lcroJe tf1ep1ercnce of fll5oll.
agatne: fo~ IJe tp a 10Jop1Jct, anll l)e a,aUp)ap fo)
~~~~\,'!~'· 2 8 ano lookeb tomaro ~otlom ~ <111omoir1Jt, tlJee tlJat tl}ou mare aliuc: l5ut ant11f ti.Jou t1cli,
DlloblD•••"· anti tomartl all tl}e lanll of tl)at plaine countrtp. uer l)ernot againe • bee rure tiJattIJou fiJalt bie
anb bcl.Jeltl, anti toe, the rmoltc of tl)c countrcr a• tlJe tlcatl),both thou anti au ttJattl)ou l]atl.
rorc.astl)cfmol;eofafurnacc. 8 ~lJerro)e abimctectJrffingbp betimcisin
2 9 anti it ramc to patre , tl)at '1111cn ©otl be• ttJc mo1niug, calltll all lJis reruantp,ano to lo all
I eoDDttll• llrcveb tIJec:iticisof tl)atre~on. '1Jc tl)ou~t bP' tl}efc rarinrus in tl)eirnire~ : anti tlJC mm toerr
b:~~~ ;~:. on ab:abam, anti rent Lot out from tbc mil:lbell ro~c afraf 1:1.
~1~~·,~~D~1:~:· of t{Je ouertl)to'rO,'IDIJcn l)c ouertl.J~e\u t1Jc citieP, 9 ~hen ibimelcct} callcb ab~atJam • a~
:fo',:'~~~ inoneoftl)e'IDl)iclJJl,,otb'IDeUctl. fapbbntol)im, tWlJatl)aa t11ou ooncbntob~.
11111. 30 anbJLott1epartct1outof~oar. anbbtucl, anl:I tullatl)aur.'.]loffenncatt1ce. tl)attl1ou IJall
lcll in tl}e mountaine, \Dit}J lJltf t'\Do llauglJttt~ : b~ougtjt on me anl:I on mr 0 ilingllomc fo great a .~.!~',:~
ro fl•he
•J rcarcll to ta...,
'l' in -oaT
;:::v , but tl\lleUetl in a finnc"• ..i.ou
WJ haa t1one oceos bnto me tl)at ougl.Jt 1uinrr111
&J tn1.1rh•uo11e.
cauc,~e anti f]i!S t\Do llauglJtttd. not to be bone. lllb•lm•••
~Or, fie Cl 31 anl! t)JC ~ £lllet faf?J bntO tlJC fOOn!_ttr, IO anti 'abfmelect} faill bRfO !llbtlllJ8m,1191)8t
borne. mjj[}Ut fatbcr t~ oltlc, anti tlJtte is not a 1nan in ratucft tl}ou, tl)at dJOU 1Jall 1Jonc t1J11S tlJtng ~
;';.~/,ljl~i~~· tl)C CBTtlJ COIDC ill bUtO bP after tl)cmanerof I I atnaIJam !lttfl.11trCll, fO~ 'Ji i t{JouglJtthus, UOr,fay~
&~c''bu\"1~ alltlJetuo:It1. ~unlr.t11cftarcof<li5ollt~notmt1J1~place:anb
P1•ii'"'""' $2 ~omc let b' giue our fatlJtt \uine to t1Jer11Jallf1111'mefotmr1D.iucisrakc. .
r ~!!nflcf, antliie\UitlJl)lm. tl)at 'Q.1ec marifitUe
auU Ourfat{Jtr,
12 }?ctinberrt1ccoaJct~mpfllltt: fo~ CIJcup
tl}e!laugtlterofm}' ratiJtr, tl)ougl)fl)ebenottl)e
*Hobr, ~o H anti fo tl)er gaui tl)eir fatlJct mine to oaugl)tttofmpmoti)er, ~tl)cbccamcmptoifc.
kcepc. ahuc, b1inlie tl)at ni§lJt : anti tlJe ctoer t1augl1ter \uent 1 3 an11 aftet ~oo caufeb me to \\lanller out of
or qiutkca, an!> lap \uit"IJ l}er fatlJcr: anll {Jt peruiuell it not. Inf ratller~ boufc • '] faptl bnto t:Jer, ~lJi~ hillll'
ndttJet \Dl}cntl)C lap t10'1Duc, nritl)er 'll.11)cn tl)ee nelfe 11Jalt tl}ou fl)e\D bnto mun al placeis toI) ere
rofcbp. \DC come. ttJattbou_rat Ofmt, l;lc issmpbtotlJrr.
34 Qnt1ont11uno1otu cqeelberfat?JbntotlJc 14 ~en tooftc abtmelrcl.J ftJeept anb oren.
ronger. '5d)oloc. rcacrni~lJt lap'.] 'IDitlJ mp fa, men rcruant~. artb 1Domen fttuant~. ano ~aue
tl}er:letb•mallel}ttntlUllhc'IDinetl}i,nilfJtal• 1hembntO abJS11am, anti tlcliuerctl{lim ~ara
ro. tlnll IJl!e ttiou anti lie mitll IJim..tlJat tutt ma);' {}i~ 'mife againe.
lfahac is borne. Genefis. Abraham andAbirnelech.
1 5 anb abimclcrn raib,l5cl:Jolll,ntl? lanb ltctlJ
bcfo1c tl)cc,b\Udl to~crc it plcafd:IJ t(Jcc belt.
16 l6ut tinto ~ara (Jc rapn, ~ce, 1! IJaue af,
ucn tlJ1' b~otJJcr a tlJoufanll.Ptcre.f oUilucr : 6e,
IJolnc, it ilS a L'.oumng ortl)inc cpclS bnto au tfJat
arc 1'DitiJ tlJee, anll to an other: anb tlJU!!I aJe \Dass
r eon amrre f fM"OOUCll
kn11 torrp1our
'1'~ • "'" "' ma .. b to ..
I 7 gnn ro ~~a.,,am r~ pc... n IUO'b : anb
:~~;1:f~~:::t $oil (Jealcll abimetcc;IJ , anti lJt~ \Difc , anb IJt~
~~~.b¥b~~... matllenlS, !!1~.f!!Cb1!Ea!e cltiilflbicn.
~rrb••<nrr. 181['0,~.,c....,..1 .,a.., cc;1OCbbpalltlJC\DDmbSS
~.~:~.m.~. of'tlJe l]ourc of abtmelcel.J, lm;aurc of a1>1a1Jam~
'""'"b' ~·n wife•
of "1nctll11111. Th . h
CXXJ.C ap.ter.
3 I[ahac is borne. 14 Hagar is call out, with her
yoong fonnc Ifmacl. 17 The Angel comfortcth
$cJL01b biritcb~ara, a.fl]cef1ab

..BoDJ \DJfll
D ·piomiftb, anbbib bntol)rra"01'
bing alS IJc l)ab fpokm.
z 11'01 ~ara concetueb,anb bare
9:b~a1Jam a ronne in l)iss oll>c age,
tl)c fame rearon \DIJiclJ t1Jc 'fl.,01b !Jab appotntcb.
3 .an1:1 .!AbialJam • callclJ IJtlS Conness name
t11lJ at \USlS b0.1UC bntO "im, &J \D"'lC'° A-ara bare
IJ 6J "?I
"'" p1om1r1, l}tm, +']1 fa:l}ac.

':i:~~,~~~t 4 ·~nll ab1a1Jam c:ircumcifetl l]i-Conne jjfa,

~.l:'.ID b, •., llac:, 'rolJcn !Jc wass +cig{Jtl:laress oil:!, ass <5otl com'
i Hcb,1itf. mantlell IJim.
ch 3 c. 5 annab1a!Jamuiassan l]unt1ie1:1rere1Sol1:1,
~Heb. rre \UlJcn lJilS Connc ')fal}ac \tJlllS bome tmto l}tm.
6 '5ut~arafail:l,<5olll]at1Jmalle+ me tore'
~,~:t,~.'t~s. iopce, ro tl)atalltl)atl}eare, \DilhorwttIJmr.
mealaugh. 7 ~l)efapllalfo, U9lJO\DOUlbl.Jauefapl:lbt1'
rer. to ab~alJam,tlJat $1:i)ara ilJOUll> b l)BUC giuen Cl]ll'
~ul,:i;r','ti~ ll~enruc:ke ~ l'o1']1t.Jaueboi11c himafonncinl)i~
'"°""'·" 111• olne age.
~",~1,;~~;·:1: s ~t)e clJtltle gre\D, aul:I \DalS uieaneb : am
~Hr:,:s'.'b.I· lb1a:l}am mallc a great fcaft tlJc tame 1:1ar tlJat
]fal.)11' Wais weancn.
9 $1:i)ara caw alfo ti:Je ronne of'll:}agar ~e If,
gpptian, bllJiclJft.Jtl)allbomebntoab~alJam, co
' :rrmnrl m•« be a c mocker.
kcn.e>onspJO· h #: (i rt
1111f• mm ro I 0 tl9.,cre~0~£ flJ£C llptl bntO ~b~lllJBm, (['.Qft
lb :~·::Wi':'~~1 outtlJilSbontl tvoman , anb lier fonne: foi tlJe

:::~~J.~1:::;. ronne or tlJi~ bonll woman ilJall mt bee (Jeire

•9. 'Wtt:IJ mr ronne ']]fal}ac.
11 gnll tl)ts raring was tierr grteuoustna,
bJalJams figl:Jt,bei:aure ofl)l.donne.
n !lnll'3ol:lfapllbntoabJalJam, 'fl.,etttnot
be grteuous in tlJr figlJt, bec;aurc or tlJc lab, ann
of tl)e bonb \Doman: 'JI n all tJJat $1:i)ara l]atlJ faib
bnto t1Jce,1:Jeare l}er boic;c: fo~ in ']lfal:Jac II.Jal tlJr
reel! be callel:I.
1 3 ~o~eoue.r, of tl]e fonne or tlJc bonti '\llo,
man 'will 'JI make a nation : lJtcaure t)ce ilS tlJr
:,"~~~~;:,~ . 14 anb ro d ab~a{Jam rore bp earir in tIJe mo~,
r.:~:::.~;1,1~ ~'· nmg,am toohe b~eab,an1:1.a b~ttlc of\Dater,anb
nuura1 atltc· gaue tt bnto t)agar, pUtutll It on lJCt llJOU(llet,
~ t:t:.':~~· . . n a~ll ttie Ian alfo, ann rent l)er a\Uap : \'D(}o lltpar•

• shcba. tmg,'lllamcrcn bp an!J 1lo1'Dnc in tJJe \'DJlbetnctTe

• ofi l5ecr-fcba.
15 anb tl)c 'water 'ala~ fptnt fn tlJe bottle,anb
llJc tal't tlJt latl tinnerrome ont ort(}e treti:
1'D~l?· l1$Ht'll:lereabo'ale11Jootoff:foin>ecarn. '.)
~tll not ££e t(}e llcatl) oftl)c cl)&lllt. QJte an11 ac.
ttng llo'ome ontl)e otIJnmic, urt bpl)cnauc
at111 'alept. '
3 '(][;Ucn)
f Abrahan1s faith tried. Chap.xxiij. Sara diech. s
3 .~m ab1a1Ja~ rore bp camp in tlJe bare alro ~cbalJ, anb c5alJam, ~(JalJass, anD
mo~mn11, ann ranlrb lJllS atrc, anl:I tnokc t\118 of ~aact}tL
tJtss ron« mm mttlJ (Jtm, a nn ')faJJac ~· ronne, ...
snll douc moon f'oJ tl)e 'm(Jolc 1nm1t offcrtng, Thcxx111. Ch~pter.
anl:I rorc bp, rmil 11ot IJim to tlJC place 'ml1fc(J <l!Joll I Abraham bewaile[h Saras deatli. 6 H~ buycth the
IJ&Dappotntcll lnm. fie~d for he~ burilll ofEphroo the Hcth1te. 19 Sa-
4 ~ tl)irb 118}' abtalJatn lif'tbp l)i• CfCjS.. ra IS layedm grauc.
anll fa'al tl)e place afa~c off: . . a r a Ula~ an* lJUnbJCll ttfcurn anti +Hrb. ar
5 anofapbbnto(Jusroongmm, '31bd)eCtC t'mmfyfttCOlb (fo longliucllllJC.) hundmh
\Dltl) t}Jc alfc, anti']\ anti tl)c lab 'mtll (lot ronlltr 2 'Inll~ara bieb in l!lirtat()-ar• ymc,~n·
anll mo~Oiip, anti come againc te rou.
ba, ttJe fame iss $ebion tn t(Jc lantJ ;~:n;~d
6 anti ab,al)am tOOhe t(Je 'tDOOb Oftl)cb.ll,Jole Of C)anaan : anti ab:alJam Came fcuc~ ycr
burnt otfe~g. l;l lal?b it bpo~ 'Jlfa(Jac: IJil fonne: •to moumc fot ~ara.. anb to \tJccpe ro: l)rr. :n.~:: ~.~~'.
!Or fword. bu~l)ec 1J1mrelfctoeflc lire mlJUS(Janb, ll&nb a . 3 !lntl !lb~a(Jam flooll bp from tlJt fi!11Jtof rorbat ''"'
' knife: anb tlley 'mcnt botlJ of t(Jtm togct(Jer~ lJtS .coarrc, anb tallicl> \llitlJ tiJe romreis of ~ctl), ~;;i;::.~~
7 ~1Jenf!J.afic'J1 fal)acbnto.ab181Jaml)1isca' fap1ng, . ~·:~',::/~~
tlJer.ttfapll,£@FfattJcr. anl11Jcanftocre11,~ere 4 ]amaarangcr an11aro1oumcr amongll n1""''"''1
am']! ml? ronne. ~c rarD, ~ec, IJtre is fire anD rou : giue mcc a potreltion to burr in \tJitlJ rou, i:::o~'r. •
iEbr. Iamb. \llootJ: but\lll)crc tst(Jc"' beallfo~ a \lll)olcbumt t(Jat] mar blirp mp coarrc out of mp f1gl)t.
racrificc ~ 5 ann t(Jc c(JiltJ,cn of $cdJ anf'mcm ab,a•
s ab~al)am anf'mtrell, ~F ronnc.. cl!5oll mm '1am,fal?ing bnto IJim,
woui11eabcall ro~a'tDtJole bumcramficc: anl:I 6 'carcb•mpJL,o:ti,~ouartabl!):inctof b;\fbM"·
ro d)cp \llenc botlJ toget(Jcr. CIJoll amongll !> tlJc clJiefefl of our fqlulctncts ~:11.~;.'t,a,
9 ~nll \lllJcn t(Jepcalll£ to tlJc place b.llJidJ bllfl:'tbpllea11:noneofb•ll)attro~~il>t1Jce1Jisfe, ~~:.~i~:~~.
<liJotJ ()all llJe'tDeb f1im , ab~af)am built an altar pulciJ~ but t()ou marctl bllfl:' tlJl? bt'al> tlJmin. ~~~ ~;~:~~

t}Jm, anti ll1eU"eb tl)c 'alootJ, anti bount> '.)lfa!Jac 7 aJnatJam flootJe bp , anti bo'tDcb bimfelfc bl•.
IJi• ronne, anb larn IJim on t(Je altar abouc IJpon bcfoic ti.le people of t(Jc lanll, diatis, tl)e d}iI111rn
tlJc 'tDooll. of'~ctiJ.
IO QnlJab1al)am {fr£.tcfJftlgfOO~t1Jl)iSSfJ8n'I), . 8 af1bfJ£.C:0mtnUllC!l\l)jt(Jt{)em, fa)?ing,'.J;f
toolictl)c ltmfc to l)aue fullcll l}11S ronne. ttbe pour tm111n t(Jat ']] flJoullJ burp mp tJcatJ out 1~1<.in yo
l l anl> tl)e angel Of tlJC Jl.O~b CilllCll bntO mm Of mp figiJt, l,Jearc mce, anl> fpCS!iC fO~ IUC.C to ~' Coulcs,
from l)eaurn, rarmg, ab~a}Jam,ab1a1Jam. anti plnon tlJc ronnc of ~oar,
(JC fapll, ~ere am '.]!, . 9 ~f.)at IJC m8l? giUC me tlJC caue Of fl g&,}ac:IJ• ll Or,doul:
n .anl> (Je fapb, ' not tl,nne (Jann bpon tlJe pclalJ, \tJIJicl) (Jee IJatlJ in tlJc entl ofhi• lirlll: but
dJtltJe, neit()cr Doe anr t(Jing tinto f.Jim: fO~ no\ll ro~ ais much money as iti• \Do~tlJ,IIJaH l)c giuc it
e:;i~0~N:: l c linob.l tlJat tiJon rcarefl ©Ob, ann lJaU foJ mr me fo1 a polfemon to bury in among« pou.
b1•~'"'m11, falicnotfparclltIJtnronelrronnc. 10 (ijfo1 <fpl)ion \ 'll\\icllel> amongll tbc cl,J11' ~or,fate.
::i~-.t.ioio I 3 Qnll QbJal,Jam lifting bp lJiS CFC•, IOObcll, IJ~CU Of ~et(J.) an!) lfp}J~On dJC ~Ctl)iteanf\DC•
anb bcl,Joll>e, be}Jinllc him t(Jert'IDilSS a l&amme rcb ab:al)am in t(Jc aullieme of tile d)illltm of
caugl,Jt bp tlJe l)omc£S in a t1Jicfiet: ann ab~()am ~etlJ, anll of au tl.Jat' 'tDrnt in at t(Jq~atci or11ts :1,~:~, .~~

'alent, anl> toofie tl)e lliam,anl> otfcrel> (Jim tip foJ citit, fa ping, ~:·:,!"b•ill·
a\ll(JolcbumtofferingmtlJeUealloflJtsronnc. l 1 r.;lotromrl,,e,11,(Jearcmc :~c l'idtJgiue ·
14 anll ab~alJam callcb t(Jc name of t(Jc place, 11 t(Ju., ant> tl)e caue ti.Jet tlJtrcin tis, giue 1l ti.Jee
[i!bjlhi'~ r-ai::l}cJ!,,oJtJ \tJill ftt. anti tti~farll tl)i~nar, ']Jn alfo, in tiJc p:crenccof tiJcfonnrJSofmppcoplc
...:;:,:~ ~''"P tl}e mount \tJiH tl}c Jl,ozn be rtcnc. p '] it ti.Jee: burp t(Jp llca11.
~.'!, ,'~~~~
1 s .ann tl)c angel of tl)c Jl,oJl> crtell bnto abis· 1 :z. ann ~am bomct> l)imfclft brfo:c tlJc
m~~~.~~:; l)amfrom(JettUftl, tlJertconl> time, pcopleoft(Jelanl>, . .
~\·,~::~::!' 16 ~nl> rarn, l6p mpfelft l}auc j[ f'ID01nc..rar• 1 3 aun fpaflc tinto Cfpl)~on m. tlJc autncncc
0 1'"'· . et(J tlJe JL.01?1 , s l6ccaure tl}ou l}all llonc t1.11• of tlJcpeoplc of tl'Je countrcy, farmg, '.JlftfJou
~.~~~.1/,~~'r~ t(Jing, anl> (Jail not (parCll tl}inc onrip ronnc, milt giue ic, tllcn '.]! pµir tllee I) care mer. 1 \\i~U
:1~::.~:~: . 17 ~atinblclling, 'J1 'mtllblctrc t(Jl'4', an'tl in gtuettluerfoHIJe lidb, tafie it of me, anll] b>tll
r,;::,:::;&• mttltiplping, ']I mill multiplp t1Jr rtell ass tlJc bllfl:'mpt>eabtllcrein. ,
not IOI. tbl ~~. flarreis Oft:Jeaucn,anb ~ tl)c fanb b.l~ii;IJ iS!I bpon 14 Cfplnon anf\lltrClJ abJalJam, rar111g tmto
tit or r IDO/kt. tile fca ubc,anb tlJr fceb flJallpotrclfc tlJe gatts Of IJim, .
l)i~ mcmicis. .
18 .ann in tlJr reeb 11iaU au tl)e natio~ or tlJc
1 s i!}ftl.o~b. f)carltm bnto me: ~e lanll
\'Do01t1J tourc l)unll~cll d ocrcs of ~lucr, wl)at tis
t• • ~brn"'
eartlj bee llle[cll, bccaurc tlJou (Jatl l;Jcarb mr t1Jatbet\1Jt~tt(Jecant1mrr-: bunet1Jcrcro1et11F ~~·•
boicc. beal!. . ~~.~\~;
r9 ~o turneb ab1al)ain againt bnto IJiS 16 «inll ab~alJam IJcarltme~ bnto ~J,J:on, li.6.. a.o.i
pong men: ann tlJcr rorc bp, anti \'Dent togctJJcr anti \'DetglJen (Jim tf}c ti111tr \lllJtcb IJe 1Ja11 fatil> in ~~i~· <b•
to l6tCt·feba, anll ab:alJatn 11\lldt atl6cer-feba. tlJC 8UbiCtlCC Of tlJC fonnc• Of ectlJ, CUtn foure
2 o ann after t(Jefc tl)tngs,one tolb <Ib~a1Ja1n, l)Un'lltcl:I Oluer ucle• of currant moncp among
faring, '3e1Jolll !l@1lcl)a,0Je l.Jat}J alCo t101nc $1• t(Je mcrcl)antg. . .
b~cn bnto till' b;iotlJtr JaadJo;i. . 17 anll tf1t fle{l) Of cfJ>lnon Ill ~ai;bpclalJ,
tH A :u i)u~ l:JiS cllldlfonne,annlaut 1J1• 1J1otl,)cr, \'D1J1d.I was befo;ie Ql)a~e, cumtfJe ftclll, anll
m~· Ri~~· anll <Bmucl tiJe flltl}cr of tlJc ;§!Dr~tan•, . t11e caue tl}a~\llas tl)emu, annan tl.Je trttss tJJat
h ~~ .......•• 21 ano €1Jcfcll, anll ~a!o. ann i&illlatlJ, anti \lltre 1n tl)e ficl'll • anb tl)at mere in all t(Je llo~,
~t,~a:.::.~i '.]!clllallb,anll l6et(Jucl. Dcr!S rountJ about, 'l:l)q mabc run .
:;:~~r~1.~· • 2 3~nll l6etlJUd be:gat; Jllcbma. ¢\JtfceiglJt l 8 ll!J~to ab1!1Jam fornpo(fe[ion tn tl)c CiglJC
n.~ ~·'•h•o, blll Sill.)tk(Ja beare to .taadJo;i ab~tJam• b~otlJtr. of tiJe '11~m ofll:}etl.J,bcro:c all t(Jat'mcnt tu at
~~: ~'!.:,:~· 2 ~ !ln'tl h l)ts c:oncubtne c:allcl> l&cumalJ, tJJec tlJe gate• ofl)is ritie.
)6 2 l9 ~1ft£t I
\.brahams feruant. Genefis. and Rebecca.
'Abrahams feruanr. Chap.xxv. Rebecca mceteth lfahac. 9
anll totnf ltinni>,(l tafiea wtfebnto mp Conne. ss ann tlJCt' callell foo1t1J Mecca, anll fapll
39 ann 'JI rapll bnto mp mailer, 10ttallum• bnto l)cr, 119ilt tl}ou go witlJ d.Jis man 1 anll HJe
ture dJc woman wtll not follow me. anfulerCb, 'Jl will go.
40 anll l}c anftomllmc, '4r-1Je"JL01ll, bcfoic 59 ~ot1Jeylet1Rebeccat1Jeirfiftcr~,anll1Jcr
WlJo 'J walkc,llnll fmtl l)ts ange:I widJ tl}ce.,anll nurre,enll <ab1al}am~ Ceruant,anll lJt!S mm.
p.ioCpcr tl)p toumep : \l tl)ou flJalt tafica wife fo~ 60 am tlJep blerreo 1Rebecra,(l fapll bnto l)cr,
tnl' ronnc of mp mmcll,anll of mp fatlJct~ l}ourc. ~l}ou art out filler, grow into t(Joutanll tl)ou,
41 ~mll)alttl)oubcfrceftomtl}isotl:J made Canlls:\ttlJl?ftell""offdTc
~ ~ .....
~ egateoP•il!lenemtes.
Y •m~r•
tome, 'OJl}cntl)oucommcfltomrllinrcll: anllif 6 r ""nll llicbc.cca arofe,antl lJct llanlfels, (I gat Hun•• brrn
tlJcy ~uenottl)cconc:. tIJouUJaltbecfrccfrom tl}em bp bpon ti.Jc cainds,anll folO\lltll tl}e man: ;::~~·· oun·
tlJi~ otlJ made to me. anti tlJeferuant toollelliebcua,(I 'meml)tswar.
42 anll Co '3l came tlJi$$ llap tmto tfJe wen, anll 62 anll']lfal}ac\\las commin~ fromtl)e\llap
h litbotl«llbC
tapll, h © ·t.01ll, tlJe l!l>oll ofmp mal?cr ab.ial}am, oftIJe wen of tl)e liuing anllfecmg me: ro~ l)ec
DCD tblt
an tf it bee ro now tl)at tIJou mafletl 111!' ioumep owctt tn tl)e ~outlJ countrcy.
wl}itlJ '] go p.iorpcrou$$, . 6 3 anll '.]\falJ~c \\lal!I gont out to p1ap in tlJe ~b•~~~':,~::,
btatt IUIDC
robtmtn bUI
lournrp,pct bC 4 3 )BctJolll, '.31 tlantl bt' tl}c wen orwatcr: anti fi:elll at tlJt euenttllc: anll (Je lirtbp l)is eye~ ann •b• e•n'' t•• 1
p11rct11 nm•
wl}en a bir~n commctl} foo.itlJ to t1.ia1t1 water, fa\lJ tfJe camels comming. ;~:.;:~~~ ~~
anll ')Cap to l)cr, l!l>iue me, I pray thee, a Citic wa• 64 anll JRebecca lift bp l)cr epcl!I , anti wl}en ~:. ;,~;::~

tcroftlJppitct]crto ll#nkt: II.Jc caw ljjfal}ac, 11.Je ligfJtell oft tlJe camd. ~~;~~:~::T
44 ann fIJe rap to mc,Wiinlle tl)ou,anll] will 6 s (1f01 OJe faptl bnto tlJe Ceruant, UDl)at man ''' r•mc.
alfo 11.iato fo.i tlJp €111nel$$ : let tl}e Came be tl}c is tl)iss tl)at commetlJ \\lalftin_g ~ainl? b~ in tl)e
\lloman wl)om tlJe JLo.it1 l]atlJ p.ieparcll fo~ mp flelll 1 .anti t1Je rmiant rapb, 'J t is mr man er:) ~
maaer~ ronnc. t1Jctefo1e f(Je toolie l)cr Pbaile,anil coucrcll lJer. ~!.~:~~"~
45 anll] IJall malle an mll ofCpcalling 66 ann t(Je f£ruant tolllc ')Cal)ac all tlJings ~~~~~~~.
in mine lJeart,bel)olll, Eellecca catne ro.itIJ, \l l}ct tl}at l)e IJall llone. . . ~:~~~~~"~
pitc(Jcr on (Jer n.ioulller : anll llJCC went 'Downe 67 anll'.]!Cal)at; b10Ugl}t IJtr JntOIJJ$$lUOt{Jct urnn,tntok1
bnto tfJe weU, anll ll1ew water: ann '3l Carn bn• ~araistent,anll toolie lliebecca, anll 11.Je became ~~~.'~.~~~;
to lJct, lll>iuenrell1inbr, '] P1aP tIJcc. l}iis 1Dift, anll l)elouell IJct : anti co ]fal)acrecct< 11in"11•
46 ant111Jcmallcl}afte, ann toobcllo'a:mel)cr ue1>comfo1tafter1Jt~mod.)cr.
lJitcl}ct f"rom l)ct !houldcr, anti Capll, J0.itnlle,anll The xxv. Chapter.
'JI wit ~ue tlJp camclfJ ll.iinllc alfo.~o 9\ ll.ianke, I Abraham taketh Cctura to wife,and bcgettcth ma.
anll IJ)e gaue tlJe ~amcls ll#nlic alfo.
47 Anll '.Jl antcll l)er, raptng, UDl}ofe batlgl}tcr nic children. 5 The patrimonic giuen tolfahac,
artt(Jou~ ~IJcanf\Dcrcll, ~l)ct1aug1Jtcrofl6c• :ind gifts ro the children of his concubines. 24 The
tl}ucl,~actJoJS Connc, w~om ~ilcl)a bare timo birth oflacob and Efau.
Ubouc her (Jim: anll 9] put tlJC earmng t bpon (Jer face, anti l51al)ampiocccllcll furtl}er,(I toolic
nofi<ils. tl}e b.iacelet£S bpon (Jer l)anlls. ~ lJim anotl}ermife,callcll ~etura.
; 111t11111J11111 48 ann i')bo\\lcll mpCetre, (l\llo.il1Jippellt1Je 2 Dl:)ictJ bare IJim '5imran..antl
:~~~~:::~,. ·iotb, anb blctreb ~e JLo~n <IESon of mr mallef a~ 9]ocfan, a1lll91.)ellan, anti ~illian,
~:~.':: b~: b.ialJam, .1Dl}ictJ l.Jatl b~ougl}tme t(Jc rigl}tmar, • ann 9\etbac. anll ~ual).
••D••ubc to take mr maaers b~otl)crf;l llaugl}tcr bnto IJts 3 ]ortanbegat~cbaanllWenan. amtl)t
1.o,a. conne. ronncs ofl0et1an \llcreacrurtm, annJL,etuum,
49 ~o1D alfo tfrouwtu confcnt to llcalc mer• JLeummim.
~.\\'~~~~b ~runr anti cruetp \llitlJ mr.maacr,tell me: kanll 4 anti tf.1donnef:l or ~tbian, Cl?plJalJ, anti
~~.~:~.~"'~~. tf riot, tell me atro, tIJat '.31 map tume me to tl)e <fplJer,anll l\)anocl.J,anll aoilla,Alltl lflllaa(J: all
malnrn, 111\:,. I riPtl)an"!I, 01 tO t:llC (Cft, tl)demere tl)e dJtlll1en of '1::ctura.
~:!:,~:.-:;,. 50 QJcn ailfwereD Jl.,aban ant1 l5etl.Juel, Cap• S anti ab.ial.Jam gatlt all l)iS gOOlll!I bnto
::~':.\'.~;· ing, -at:f;li~ caring wocCClletlJ of tl)c lLo~ll: we can '.l!Caf1ac: .
::::~~b~ 1 , notfap bnto tl}cc cttlJcr g~oll o: ball. 6 ~ut bnto tf.1e ronne~ of tl)e conmbmc~
. pormco, ace 51 )6ebollle' 1Rebecca IS btfo1e tbee, talle (Jct \llhicl) atnallam lJall, I.Jet gaue. gtftiJ : _anb fcnt ~.1.~3:.~~
~~C~~. t1I ann go,tlfatfl)cmap betlJp matters Conne~ wtf"£. tl}em a1l'llll? frOm ~falJa' IJ1$$ Connc ('OJIJJIC l)c pct ::~:,'e"ri:Zti
.~!u~c'i~' euenaisl!l>otllJat(JCapll. liucll) CfatlttJarll, tlnto t(Je Cfaft countrep. :~~~~~~.~::.
•''»bm. 52 gnll \lll)tn abiatJattl)1 femant lJCatll tl)cir 7 inn tl}eCe are t(Je nape~ of tt)e rmcl!I or _a,
1 'tllo1ll$$, l:Je \\1o~a1ippct1 tl)e lLo~ll. bomiq IJim> bJal)ams life mlJtctJ 1.Jt Ituco, an lJunll~cll, t1J1ec.
felfe towartl tl)e cartl.J. Ceo~ anti fiftcene pcereiJ.
tvc!fcis. 53 gun tl)c feruant toolle fo:t1J :t: te1De~ offil• s !lnll tl)m ab1111.Jamtnarittg awar,tiicll in
uer, anti tewtlS ofgollle, anllratment, anti gaue aciutttage, bcinganolt1cman, 'OJlJ~nl}elJallli•
tl)nn to J!tebeml, anll to IJcr b.iotl)er, anll to IJer uetl enoug1',anll b wa£S_gatf)erell to 1)1.s people. . ~b~Jt~~~~
*precious motl}ctl}e gaue +coltlp ~ft!$. 9 ann IJt' ronncis ]fa!Jac anll ]fmaet, bun• ., ril• 11:011'
fruits. 54 annt1Jcyt1it1 cacan~llitnlie, ~otl)IJ~ann etl l}im in tl)e noublc ceuc ill tlJe fttltl of <fpl)ion ;:;,;:;r~.'i
t1Jemm tl}atwcre witlJ l)tm. \l tanell allnt(d)t: tl}e C011tlC of ~oar tf)e f!}ctlJtte. bcfOJc Sll!latme, ~~~~~~;~
ann ml.Jen tlJcp roce bp tn ti.Jc moming, IJctapll, 1 a UDl)t'1J lldll atmdJmn bo~ of tl)e Conne~ ~:·i:i~:,nt.:
lLct me tlepart bnto mr mallet. Ofl\)etf.1: t(Jm \llaSJ ab1a1Jambt1rtcll, tlUll ~ara "'"' '""
s~ t)cr btotl)er anll lJtt motl)er anf\l>ertb, olnc.

JL.ct tlJenamreu abille mitlJ b!S, anti it be butten u ~utcrdJe t1eatl) ofab.ial)am, ~oll bktlell
~irat11crt llaptS,anll tl}en U1all 11Je go.
lJiS Conne '.J:falJac:, anb ~falJac tl\1.lellctl bp tfJc
••t11••1t,,..1br 56 ll)e fa ill buto tl}em, ll)inllet: me not:bcl)olll, wenonnnng anti fe.cing me.
~~:~.~·~.~- tl}e lLD.ill l)atlJ p:ofpcrcll mp ioumey: fenll me a• u ~IJcfC arc tlJe generations of '.]Ifmad g,
r~~.~~:~:~11• \llap t:l1trefo~e,tl)at '.)map «a to mp maaci. bial)amo ronnc ? \Dl:Jom $agar tl}e cegwtian
or, her
11 57 attl!tl)cyCapll, m1JDewtllmlltl)CllamCc0, $lMr8$$ lJl1nllmmt1 bart bnta ab.ialJam.
conf•n•. ann enciutrc 11 attJer moutlJ. 1 3 anti tl)e.fc arc tl}e nantt$$ of ttJe ronrtt5' oc
)5 ~ ·J,fmad. I
~f au and Jacob borne. Genefis. Ifahac and Abin1elech.
']fmael. acco~Di~o tl)e na,nc!iS ~tlJeirhinreb:
ti)e elbea ronne ofjifmatl, f.}atJawtlJ, anl> Gre•
Dar, anD :llbbeel, anl> S}rbfam.
1 an1:1 ~tftna, antl ~,anti SD!)atra, ~11·
a lllrhllnn•
4 or «>uartllnr
nar,anb €:1Jcm11, luh,aHbe
, 5 'J!etur. ~apf)i~. ¢c!Jma. aons•D!~·
gppt J;l~•ll•
16 '<l[;flcre arc tl]e ronneis of'.Jjfmad, anti t1Jerc •91.
are their name~ 1:1r tfJf:ir ~o·ame~ anD ~atllc~,
t'on Id trm c t\lleluc p~in«~ of tl}CU IJOUllJOltl~.
1~;~,~ir;~:z, ,7 .ani:I t1Jere are dJe rm~ of d)e life of']lrma•
,·,·~~~~,\~~r.· c1, d an l}unt1.1cl>, anb tlJirtie anb ccuen rem is:
t.i, 1111 ,n ,. an!J IJC ma,ring a\'Dap, c Dieb, llnb \!S lareD 1>n,
ur-16 ' " " to IJl.£l people.
~~'. " • :a· , s ~nD tiJCF Dt\ltlleb fro ll)amlalJ bnto ~ur,

~;·:r~,y~; tlJat i!S bp tlJe botDtt of lfi,nipt, ais t{Jou~oea to•

11 i1m· 'Ulan acrur, anti (Je t1iet1 tn t(Jc p¢cnceoraUl]i!S
19 anD t{Jcrc are tlJe gmerationisof'lfaf;Jac
lbJtllJnmis loom~: ab~alJam l:Je~ate '.llfalJac.
2 a anb 'J,falJac: \1.lais ro~tp rcmis oltlt, \1.llJen
flee toolte mebecca to \, t1Je DaugfJttr of 15~
1»dan tl)ucltbe ~p~tan +oHil~eropotamia, anb utter
ram. to )l.,aban t{Jc~p~ian.
21 !tlnll ]fal}tlc:: mane intmetrion tmto tlJc
rn the pre· )l.,o~D+ro~IJi.S\,e\ barren: anti
·nee of hrs tl}c '_4.,o~l> \!SiUUcatetl Cf(Jim,anD J!iebec::c::a l.Ji!5
~."; uiou1a \ conceiuen •
.:cb 1 ~• 11 b• 11 '.ilnl:I tfJe c"ilt11 en flrOUe totretlJer \1.lid)in
crcdc of t~c •J ~ • .»
001,rccor. hcr\tlombc: tlJttfo~c llJcfatb, 9!C1t befo,\1.llJpam
,'~~"~~~·~/~ ']! I tlJU.fl: \lllJerefo,c OJc \1.lcnt co & affle tl}e JLo,b.
~rm. 2 3 lntl tl}c ·.11..0,D fapD l>nto l]cr. ~I.Jere arc
,~, ~u;{,,~~ t\lJomanerofpcopletnt(Jp\1.lombe.anllt'aJona•

~1i" lllrn; tions llJalbc DJUt!Jcll out oft!Jp llo\1.lclis : anti tl.Je
~:;;~~r~;~:'. one nation fi)albc miglJtier tl}cn tl}c od)er: antl
;;•,:,~:.~m· t{Jccl1Jcrf1Jalbercruantbntotl}erongcr.
mr.,1111«· 24 ~crcCo~e,\1.llJtnlJtttime\1.laisco,nctobe
'"· 1Jtli1tercll, bcbollle, tl:)ere \1.lerc t'aJo t'lllimSin (Jcr
2 s sttnb l)eetIJat came out firtl. wasmb, anti
tuai:s an
l ouer
ass it tutl!tf'
ere a l)aine garment:
·"r"'"'"'" anl>tl}cpcal e11.,115name"".au.
,:iiim~~:· ~ 6 ann after IJim came lJi!S biodJtt out, anb
~i15 l)anl> l)oltling !ffau br tl}e l}cclc, \l lJiS name
~~j (~~~J{!~ \1.1aSS calkb 1acob : anti 1faf;Jar; lDa~i tlJ~tr,oic

~~.';'\!,',,~',';; rccrel'J ol!Jc, tul}en tl}cr \1.lere boine.

,~u•1•11. '-7 g:nnti)cboreisgte\1.l, anti crrautJec:amta
tAmanof cunningl,lunter, anba+\l:Jtll>cma~:llut~arob
rhe field. \lla!5 II nperfect man, an!J tl\1.lellel> mtmts.
I: Or ,G•npk 18 '.Jjal}fac loll£ll !ffau, bec:aure l)e :I= tlltltat or
1Vcn1fon m {Ji):! benifOll: bUtJliebtCc::aloUel> '.]\acotJ.
his mouth. 2 9 'Jjacob roll pottage : anll lffau Ctl\t1C from
t Wearir. tlJe fielJJ,anll \1.ltl!S :t: faint.
3a 9nl> lffaufapt1tojiacob, !ffecllme, 'Jlp1ar
tIJce,\1.litlJ tl)at rame retl potta;e: ro~ 1 am faint.
am tl)etero,e 'lllS!5 l)i!S name callcD <f'!lom.
31 anti ]atobrart1. ~di mect:IJIJS DaptlJ!
birttntgl)t. . .
32 lffaurartl, 'JLoi, 'J)amattl}epomttobte,
an!> tohat piofit llJall tl}iis btrtl)1i~t tlo to me:
33 ']lacob ant\llerell,~\1.leare to me tl}cn tlJi!S
nar. allll l)cftoarc to !Jim, !Jfolbc f;Jis birtlJ1igl;Jt
bnto 'J,acob.
34 ~l)en ']acob gaue cffau b~catl anti pot•
t Lyntds. ta~t oft rtct, anti l)e bitl eatantll>1inlic. anti rolk
btJ, a!lll\\l_entl)t15\1.lar: allll ceraulittentarDctl
l)llS btrt(J1tgl)t.
The: nvj.Chaptc:r.
9 Abimelechrehukcth lfahac for callinghis wife his
lifter. 28 The atonement bctwecnc Abimclcch
Efa u fe nt for venifon. Chap.xxvij. Ifahac bleffeth lacob. IO

I Sitnah. foitJJatal(o: \t IJCc;ll[leb tfJCnamCOf jtt Ctnnify. 7 lS~ing me bcnifon, anti mafie mee tJaintie
:u tl}cn I.Jee Dqiartcll t(Jcnce, anti 1:1tg!JCll meat, tlJat 1 mar ratc,anb btc!l'e tl)ec beflm~ tl)e
anotf]cr wcl. toi tlJe \DI*{) tIJer ftroue not:tfJcr' '.1L07n,afo1c mr tJratlJ.
I Rehoboth (01£ allltb lJC tt t roUmtiJ, faring, ~C JL,o,i:l lJSt:IJ . 8 ~O'm tlJnfOZC mp fOPtle, b IJCllfC mp bOiCC, b 'i>hc rrrlrD
maDc bS nouironmc, tl)at we mar cnmafe bp, mtlJat \Dl)iclJ 'JI co.mmatmll tl)ec, ~~~~~.:.~~~
on tl.Jetart:IJ. 9 <l5ct tl)ee to tlJC tloclie,anb b~tng tllC tlJCtl«' ~~·,"b~•'i:,•,"0 '
2 3 .ano 1Jc \Dent bp tl)cncc to ~mrcba. t\Do goob mos Crom tl}c go ate~, ann 91 wil mahc i:~ 1••11h•ra1
24 ilnl:I tlJc JLo,b appcarcb bnto (Jtm tlJc fame of tlJem pleafant mcat111 ro1 tlJr ratl]er. Cucl) as IJf
i~::.·.~:'in'~ ntg{Jt. anl:I rat1:1, 'JI am tfJe s <!301:10HU1,a1Jam tlJr louetf:I.
:~D:~.G'~~rb, b~~cr~!tare not. Co~'.]\ am \DttlJ tfJcc., anb will I 0 anti tl}OU ll)a(t bJlng fttO tlJr fatlJ£r, tf.Jat
,,,,,,1rr 1111•• ~c •.,cc,anb mUltiplr tlJr £cell,~ mr Ccruant IJ~ map eate, anti tlJat (Jee map blcfi'c ttJce bcfo1c
10 a1111D1m. ab,atJams fahc. l:Jtsbeat:IJ.
h ~· 0111118< 2 5 an1:111e builbeb an h altar tlJcrc,anll mlleb 11 ~IJen faitJ ]acob to i&cbecca IJi!il motlJcr,
::i::.~~:::b~~ bpon tlJe name of the JLo~b.anbpiUf.Jet11Jtstcnt, l6c1Jolt1e, lffau mp b~otlJcr i• a (Jaine man, anti
~:~·.'r'~~~~. anti ti] ere ]fa(Jacs Ce~nt!il ntggeo .a \Dell. '.JI am fmootl]:
•brrlllll1bam. l6 ~ell' came abtmefea)tO IJlm from<f3£• n Slll}p fatlJer 11.Jall pttabucnture fcelc me,
;.~~~~~~~·· rar, anti atJaial,J ()is mcn1:1, anl:l l&(.Jicol t:IJe cap' anb '.Jl llJaU fectne ~nto IJim as tlJoulJl:l 91 \Dent a-
:~;;:::~ taine or IJis armte. bout to begmle 1]1m, anti fo 11Jall '.J bJlng a mrrc
2 7 .anb jjfal.Jac rarbe bnto tlJcm, ml}crcfo~c bponme,anll not a bletring.
come re to me, rmngree l)atc me, anb l}auc put 1:; ann IJis motl}er fain tmto IJtm,' ~von me ~rl~~:~~:~::
me a'roll!' from pou 1 bC tlJ£ rurft,tnr fonne ! Onlr ()£are IUf b0lC£,QUt) raaDI bet l>olD,

1 rn fuing 2 8 lWlJidJ anftucrrb, i mie fa'll motl certatnlp goe ll1lb fetcl) me tlJcm.
we rawo. , tl}at tl]e lLO,ll \ua!il 'rottlJ tlJcc,anl:l 'ro Cfaille, )Let r 4 .an~ Iacob wrnt, a rct t(Jem, anll bJOUl\~t
tlJcre be no\D an otl)c betmi.rt b)'S, cum bet\Di~ tf)em to IJt.IS mot(Jrr, anb IJis motlJer mabc pica,
bS anb tllec.anl:l let bS make a league \llitlJ ti.Jee: rant meat.fudJ as 11.Je lmc'mc bi~ fatlJer loucb.
29 ~1Jatt1Jou11Joulncllt1oe bsnol}urt,aswe I~ an1:111icbecca fetllgooblp raiment, ofl}er IOr,coftly.
{1aue not touc(Jeb tl}cc.. \t as um IJaue none bnto elilcft ronne cefau, wl}iclJ were mtl)e tJoure \DitlJ
tlJce notl)ing but goob, anti frnt tlJte a'\'Dar in l:Jct:, \t puttlJem bpon]acob ()er rongcrfonnc:
peaa: ro1 tIJou art now tl}c blefi'cn of tlJe JLo~tJc. 16 9.ntJOJeputdJe fhins ortl)ekil>sbpon l}is
3o ant11Je matJc tlJcm a feaft,antJ tlJer lltb eat l}anb!ll. anti bpon tl)e fmootIJ orlJi.IS neclic.
ant11mnke. r 7 aoo 11.Je put tl]atpleafant 1neat anri b~call,
3 r anb tlJcp rore bp betimes in tl)e tno~ntn~, wl}tcl) Cl.Jc lJab p~CJJllftb,in tlJc ~anti oCIJcr ronne
anl:I f\Dare one to anot1Jcr:ant1 'J]falm rcntttJcm ~acob.
awar. anll tlJer nepartco from IJim in peace. 18 U9l}enl}ee came to l}ts tad.Jn, r,c ratll, ~F
!Or,othe. 3 2 anti tlJCCsme tlap ]fal'JatjSferuantjS came, fat(Jcr1 ant11Je anf\llcrcll, ~ere am'.]! :11liJO art
~ ::i.:~~:r l1t1b to~e l}tm or a well "lllhtctJ tgcp (Jan lliggetJ, dJoumrronne:
t. '"~",..; anti fatn bnto {1nn, we l:Jaue rounl> \Dater. 19 ann '31acob faille bnto l)ts ratf:ler, d '3l am d n• r.M.,
l:l~::.~·:. 3 3 .anil l:Je callell tt ~ ~ebalJ: anti tl)c name of QZCsn tlJ1' cll:Jcllfonnc,'] l}aue none acco~t1t1111 as ::~i:".~r1~.''
IBm,awcl: tlJe citieii'$ calleb k II :l5cer-fcba bnto tlJi!il l>ll!'. t1Jot1bat1efl me: anre, '31 p,ar t(Jee, flt.anb tat of ~~~:~~,~~~
!~~:· •n H CfCsu \DaS f~Urtic peems 0U1,anll tJe t~ofte mp bentron,tl]at tIJr r-0ule mar ~Ie!Tc me. ~J~~;~~,;~1~:::
I .b; a~lnlrle 8 \DtfC called '.J\Ulltt)J, tl}£ baugi)tl?f Of :l6ccn 8U 20 9.nb '.]lfal.Jac fal'bC bnto (JIS fonne' ~O\D uroirbp: bur I
of lbl bn10Dlp 0etlJlt£,antJ )5af£tn111} tlJ£ i)8Ugl:Jtcr Of ceJon 8" commetl) it t(Jat tfJou IJafl rounn it ro quiclilp, ~~ ~r,:~.~1:~
~~.:fJ~~:,· ~et}Jite alfo, mrronne1 l)eeanODmtJ, ~elLOJiJC tlJr <5ori ~::~,;~1{~rr
~Ehr. difo. 35 1tIDIJtclJ were ta grterc or intnb bnto ]fa, blOU~IJt ttto mp tJanns. ~~~~·.~;,~;W.'
l>rdicni. 1}11£ anb Jllcbecca. :n ~hcnfaib ~faIJac bnto'.)acob,Cltomencrc,
anti 91 \ll11Heele tl]ce, mr ronne, \Dl}et{Jer tl)ou
Thexxvij.Chapter. bcmr berrfom1e irrau,o, not.
r lacob llcaleth his fathers blellfog from Efau by his 22 ~lJen \Dent'J]acob bnto 11rar,ac ~i'$ ratf}cr,
motherscounfell. 41 Efau hateth lacob. 43 Re- anti (Jee fcltl}tm,anb rapl>e, ~c botcc Ill ']acob•
bcccafrndcth lacobaway into Haran to hisvnclc: boice,butt1Jel}ant1sarctlJc1Jan11sor ctrau. 1:,1 , i
Lab~n. 11
23 anll (Jc lmc\D l)im notbemufe In~IJanllS b•n•11D'
0 :: '
~ti it came to pa(['c, tIJat wl,Jcn '.ll• 'Were {1airtc,as l)iSb1o~er cerau~ i)anl>s : anD ro ~•Duccm.
Ca(Jac: \Da~b 01D,ant11;Ji" cpe" \llm l}c blctTeb IJim.
llimmc,£o tl)at,tJe coulb not fee,l:Jee 24 .annl}eat'fieb(Jim, arttf}oumr Conne I?·
calleb <ll'!fau In" ellleft fonne, anti rau:ant11.Jcfait1,~at'.)J am.
raitl bnto l}im, ~ ronne '! ann l,Je 2 5 ~enraiblJe, ~:tngme, mtblctmeeatof

fail> bnto IJim, ~ere am '.JI. 111! Conness bcntron, tl)at mr route map bldfc
2 ant11Jc ratt1,:l6c1Jolb,'Jl amno\Dollle, anti tlJcc. an1:1 ~ee wouglJt IJim.anb l)ec ate :anti l)ce
Imow nottl)c tar of mr !Jeatti. WOUglJt fJtm \Dine alfo, StlD l;JC bJanfie,
3 jflo\D tl}crcfoic talie, 'J\ p~ar tl}ec,tl)r 'IDea' 2 6 .an1:1 bi!il f'atl)cr '.Jjfal]ac fapllc bnto ()im,
pon", tiw ciutuer, anti .tlJr bo'roe,ann get tlJ~ to rCltome ncere,anb bllTc me, mp Coni:ie. . [,r,~:,~:!'h':'!
tlJe uelb,t(Jat tl)ou matea tallc me romebcniCon. 2
7 .ant1l)ecmmtt1ntol}tm,(tfliae?Jl)tm:ant1 ii ........ b
l)Cfmelle!J ..,CoaUO"'
1,.. 0 fht'tt.rat' t, •••ng1n111.a
nlCU 8J1blJ(elfCtl 11ir P""'"'°'
4 !.lnb malle me \Ddl tatting_meat.Cucl) as '.JI ';I I'

I ~bf C.Unl\I louc, annb•ingtttomec, tllat] map eat, a ctJat (Jtm,astn ratb, ~cc, ti!~ fmeU or mr fonnc ts aSl ~.~1~~:;:.~.
1r.h" bib
mp toulc mar ~ ., "'4'I
blefi'e tl)cc bclOJlh..,at <'.II •
3J bit. tl)c rmcll of~ fielb \DlJtctJ tl)r. JL.oitJ I:Jatl) blcfi'tb. ~:~\':;~::.:"
:::~~~~~::!~, 5 lf5Ut Jliebecca (Jcarb \tllJctt j\f~SGfpafiCtO 28 ~Ob gtUC tfJeeg Of tlJC ~'Q) Of lJP4UCtl, anti :•r.','~~; r!t'
~r.:•::~ <ffaulJtsronne: anti 1era~ w~nt into t11efidt1e orttJc~tnctl'eoftlJccart(J, anl>plcntic of co~nc ;::·~1;,,~~'.:, 1
~~~·.:=.~:~. to l)unt bcntron,ann to bJtng tt. anll 'ltltne. ...r.... •'nb>
•t•J •h• roor.. 6 anti Jliebecca fptl[iC bnto 9jacob IJer Cotmt, 29 19coplebcttwCtruant!il.antJttation• bo\D f;~;~~;.~''."
::;i~;~·r.i~. fal?ing,l!Stl)olll,'J\ i)auc 1Jrart1 tb1' fatl)ettaUdng to tlJcc: be loJbc ouer tf:1r b,ctl},cn..anl:I tl)F mo,
\tltt:l:J Cffau tlll? b~otl)er, anti faring, tlJcrS cl)tlb,en ftoupc witb reucrence bnto mrc:
J5 4 mrrco 1
Efau rhreatnech Jacob. Genefis. Iacob flee ch, and drean1eth.
curfcb be {Jc tl)at currct:IJ tl)ee, allll bldfcb be ~cc .The xxviij. Chapter.
It11atbl£1Tetl) tl)ee. · I Ifahacforb1ddethlacob tot:ikc awife of the Cha-
3o !al! roone afS 'Jlfaf1ac {Jab mllbc an mtlc Of naanitcs. 18 lacob fcacth vp a pillar , and ma-
blc!Tin11 'Jlacob , an!I jjacob ~afS fc:atU 1one out kcth a vowc.
fro tl,1e pJefence of'31ra1Jac IJ•~ fatlJn, t11m 'a1ne
irrau1Jil.'lb~ot1Jerfi'om 1Juntmg. J\ln f~ '.J\f~ac mllcn ']acob, \t • blcC' ~~'~:~~;nb
, r '.An!l lJec alfo IJa!I mabc a plcafant mcate, feb 1}1m,ann ctJatetcb IJim, ann fain ji,~~·r;,:b,
ann b,ougl.Jt tt tmto IJifS fatlJ n,anb fatb tmto IJil.'I bnto IJim , ~ee tl)ou take not a ltn b! llJouln
~ f*"" n -
fat:IJrr,JL,ct mr fatl)cr artfe,anb tat ofl)i.IS ronness \Dt.eo ..,e au»", ...~sof€l]anaan: rbink• •bot bto
brnffon,tt1atttwfoulcmapbldfcme. • :a artrc, ann get tlJceto +gjl)tfo, l:.~.W:.C bg:~;
32 "1rilm lit.IS fatl}er ]ral)a' faille tlnto l)tm, potamta, to tl)e (Joure of '5etlJUel tlJp motl)ns i'P'";j· A
w{Jo artt~ou1 ~eeantmcren, '.ll amtl)rfonnc, fatl)a,anbtl)netakea1llifeoCtl}enaU11Jter,1Sof m.: an -
tlJr uni bomc <ffau. JL,aban tby motl)ttl.'I b~otl)a. ·
33 9llll '.J)fatm tDa.IS grcatlr atlonten out of 3 Q.n'D <3ob almilJl)tte ble(fc tl)ee, ann make
mcafurc, anb rattl, U9bicl} is he,anb ml}ere il.'l l)ce tl)ce to encreare, anb multiplr t11ee , tl:Jat tl)ou
tlJen, t{Jat (Jatl) l)unteb llenifonanb~oulf)ttt marcttbeanumberofpeopk:
mee,ann '.JI l)aue eaten ofall bcf01e tl)ou mmea1 4 anti giue tl)e bleaing or abial;Jam bnto
m~•t e>on• ann {Jane blelTen l)im, yea,h anb l}c 11.Jalbe blea'eb. tlJee, ann to tlJ r run 'mid) ti) ee, tl)at tiJou mapea
:;:•f;'r~.:1 •· 34 ne(Jm &u (Jearn tl)etsoinss ofl}iss fatl)er, rccetne to inl;Jmte tl)e lanne 'mlJCt'Ctn tl)ou art a
0 1 11
" • ' 11r• IJe crien aloUbe an'b bitterly about mcarun, an'b ftt'anger, 'ml)tcl.J <13on gaue bnto a1>1~a1u.
r.,,. fatnc tmto IJf.IS fatl}ei, :l61c[c met,~ atro am thy ~ ~us ']\fal)ac rent foo~tl) '.]larob, ann l)ec
fonnc,@mpfatl)er. \Dent tomani !l)cropotamia,bntolaban,fonne
3> tIDIJo am'nlmn, ~Y b~otl)a came tDttlJ of'5etl)Ud tl)e ~~ian,ann b~otlJn to lltebcua,
fubtiltie,ann {Jatl) taken atDay thy ble1Tin1o '.l]acob ann fiauss motl)er.
36 ann IJcfatn again, 'JJ.IS notl)e rtgl}tly namcn 6 U9l)mllefaufa'o.Je tl)at '.Jlfal}ac(JabbldTetl
or, fop. 11'.Jlacob:'foHJeel}atl)tlnnmninen menotD cmo lacob, ann rent l}tm to ~cropotamta to fetclJ
tan;cr. timcss: Fir!l l)c toolie amap mp bif!l)itgl}t, \t rec, l)im a \Iltfe from tl)cnce, ano tl)at ass l)te bldTcll
nom l)atll lJcc taken amap my blelTmg alro. ann I:Jtm, bee gaue l)im a cl}ar!:Je, rartng, ~I:Jou flJalt
{Jee ratn, fl)atl tl)ou kept neun a bleffing fo~ mc1 not tlllie a mtfe of tl)e naugI:Jtcr.IS of €l]anaan,
37 '.J1 ral)ac ammmn,ann ratn llnto cerau,l5e, 1 ann tl)at '.)acob l)atJ obcpeo IJi.IS fatl)er ano
l)olnr,'JI 1Jauc mane l}tm tlJl:' lo,b,anb all l)tfS b1e' motl)tt,anb 'a.Jass gone to ~efopotamia:
ttucn l)aue 'jJ malle IJi.IS rcruant~ : ~oieoutt, s anb &uerctng alro tl)at tl.')e naugl}teris
'nlit1' co~ne anti tDtne IJaue ~ tlabltll)eb I.Jim : of ~anaan pleafeb not '.]\fal)ac (Jt~fatl}er:
'lll(Jat 11.Jall 'JI tJo tlnto tl)ec notD,mr ronne 1 9 ~lJm mmt Cffau llnto ']\fmael, ann coolie
38 annlfraufaibbnto 1Ji!$ fatlJn,~atltfJou bnto tile llltueis which he had gJ)alalJ b tiltnaugl}, ~b•~~~.~~..
but tllat one blclTtng, mp fatl)tt1 '5le1Te mte. 'Jl ta. of'.)t\nael~llnalJamjSfonne,tfJeriacr
" ., .,, ',;,, of~e' rrcontrh•btm·
am alfo chy fonnc, ©mp fatl)n. ~o lifall tip If. bSlot.,, to uC .,t~ mt~. rbn, 11at111
.;;;~,', ~;'1~·n rau tJifS bopcc, i anb \Dept. 1 o '.]lacob l>Cparten from '6cerf£ba,ann \llent ~:~:~."':.·~··
olfco,pnt~<p 39 ~en ]fal)ac l}t!$ fatl)er anrmnen. anti tomarb $aran. ~:~c::1·~~bC
:~:~;~,;;:.~. ratb bnto lJim, '5et)oln,k tllr bmelliqplace ClJal• II ann l}e mmctlnto a certainc place, anti ta' ••11 1.
'~i1dutntu bee tl)e fatnetre Of tlJe eattl}, ann Of tl)e ne\lle Of rten tl)m all nigl)t, bccaufe tl}e ~unne mas
~~ ~~,1 ~~~~,0;f~ l)eauen ~om abouc. Domnc: anti tooke of tl)e tloneis of tl}e place, anb
~~',"~,',~~',',"', 4°n !annb ttJ1tlougl}b £9.P f\11,.~~ 11.Jtllt tlJ~'ltue, put hntln IJi.IS {Jean, ann lal:'b l}im nomne in tl)c
iCJ•tb1ttrma. attn Jll1t ce Jl' ~o..,er21..,.uant: anbttfl.Jall ramtplacetoOecpe.
come to µatTe, tl)at t~ou «Jalt gettbcmaftene, 12 ann l}e n~eamen,antl bel)olb,~ Ito on 'a ~, 1 :: ~~ 1~~~'
anb tl)ou flJaltloofe l)tispofie from offtlJr neckc. labbtfbpon*"'cea'*"'
"''J •MJ' anbtl)£ topofJtfea"""cn "IJ
tton 1lt 1rac11
41 :am <frau{JatctJ ~acob,becaure of t(Jc blcf• bp tO t:Jeauen: an'b fee, ti)£ ange1$5 of <il50n \11Cnt toait Doll>nr ro
ling tl)attJfl.'I rat11crblcffet11Jtm mitl}all: ann Cf, bp ann bo1llne bpon it: ~:,·p:;i!:~.
rau fain in (Jil.'ll)eart, ~e napeis orro1ro'min{Ifo1 1 3 }!?ea, ann <3ob from abouc leauetl tlpon it, ~C:::C~~:::
' ~b• \utc1.1n mr fa ti) er arc at l)anb, tl)en mtll 'jJ 1nap mr b10, anb rain, '.ll am tl)e 'Jl,o,b <3ob of ati,al)am t1J! fa• ~";r..~mmt·
;1'~,~~~ ~o" !~~~~ tlJet 91acob. a, anb tlJe <3ob of']fa(Jac, d tl)e lanbe 'mlJiclJ ••rtrnr 111 bt«·
:~~:;~~'~ :. 4 i an'D tlJeCe tD01DcfS of cerau btt tllltt ronne m OU 0cep..-b *"" -fi Dn1bt1ronnr,
u. pon,\Uhl .::II gme ...,nan!! .':It' cell. rrnnlnn•D
'1 (l[ ,

mere tolne to iaebecca: anti fl.Jee rent. ann callell 1.;. anti tlJl' Ceeb RJalbe as tl}e nu1loft1Jt earttJ, :r:.;n;!"~:.
']acob lJtt yonettt fonne, anb fatb tmto (Jim,'5e· ~ tl)ou fbalt fP1Cb ab~oatJ to tJJe IJ9~to tl]c lfR~. f~b~~~.i:·.,
lJoIll c, tlJp b1otl)cr 'l00lo,a!$ toucl}m11 tlJec,noetl) to tl)c ~01t1J,~ to tl)c ~outl): ann m tl)ee,am m ·~· 1p;r11n11
coinfo~t lJimfelfc,full purpoling to Jnll tl)ee. c tl)p run,11Jal al tl)c kinren21 of~ mtlJ be blea'cb. ~·~·~~i4:a.
4 3 ~o'nl t(Jeref01C mp ronne,IJcare mp bopcc: xs ann rec , 'JI am mitl) tl)ee, ann au bee ttw m1r.1.
mahctl)ce reabr, anb flee to JL.aban mp b1otber ktcper, ann in all places \DJJitiJtr tlJOU goctf, ann
atll)aran: 'a.Jill b~tng t:tJee agalne tnto t1Ji$S lanll : fo1 l '1Till
44 ant1tarr'olitll 1Jim11tDIJtle, tlnttn tl)f ~· llOtflcaUCtlJU, tmttll gj IJ&Ue malJC gOO'D tfJat r euOt•~rtb
tlJcrs ftercen~c bt f'nlqetl, tvl.JiclJ 'JI l)auep1omife'D tlJtt. . :i ti1~'.~~:r::~n

45 am bntil tlJl' bJotl)n~ m~atlJ tume abtap 16 Dl'Jm jja,ob \Val! amaken out ortmsaecp "'"'' r.,11,nt
m f 01tb• 'ID!" from ti}ec, ant1 l)tt foJ~t ti,.e tl'Jtnp 'a>l)td) tlJOU 1Jc ram. -melr, tl}e JL01b tss in tl)iss place, anzi j •b•m.
~~r~ :;;~~~~~~ {Jatt bo11t to l)im: tt)m 'nllO 'l fmlle:. 8l1b fitdJe tmem it not.
:\'~~~ ~:1•,1;~ tl}ec a'olap from tlJmce: m 'o.JlJf OJOUlll i be DtfO• 17 .an"D 1Jee11las artaib, ann Caib,$0\\'I tlJcab,
, .. 111 •• " II•!" late of vou bot!) in one b!lt'"' ru1U• tlJi• plRA: '! 9\t ts none otl)er, but ti.Jc
~:~·;,'~,:.~'" 4 6 2lnb 1Rebccca fatt1to1ra1Jac 1 ambtearp sl,JoUft ofcllob,llnlJiti• tl)e gate.ori,rauen. g e:Jbrn ~·n
~i.e, :·~.~~'.' of mv llft." fo~ tlJc !laugl)rcr$'1 of~tttJ: ir1acob
18 ann~acob rofe bpcarlp1n tl)emozmnir appmrrbbf
nr;~ ""',"'•·
11)( l.11Ub
tallc ll \lllfC

bBU'""t""'"' f mi...-. I'. ...., "'"'
. , ~l-~ Q VJ''""'I' •Mw:I U,., ..- too- eIto""
QllU &.. ""at tJ- "ab laru,. bllllet'
''""Ml 'Ho ., · IJtis
>;>' <b• '"'""''"'
ot llngtllOJ
~:,~'; ~;~,'~• tlJtfe which are of tlJ~ ~tttis Of dJt• lanlle. IJellb .• ano pttcl}eb itllp onanenne,anbpom1ell ;~"i;::~::::•g
""'"'"·"· 'llll1atgoo!lfl1allmpl1ft !lot met oylc in tlJe top om. ~~'.:'i!l." rain
Iacob commeth to Laban: Chap.xxix. Lea giuen him for R~CheI~-
19 an111.Jcca11£Dtl)cnamcoft1Je place~·
£1: bUt tl)ctUU11£ of d}e atte mass mllell Jl,Ula,be·
f'o,ettmr. c '111 an ~'PPI•
:z o anti lacob bo\tJcll a bo'rot,fariuiJ,'llr <5otl cmr,tieb.ub
'altRbe'alitlJ me, Btlb 'roil ltcq>emee in tl)t~iour• U(prct to blS
ney in \tJbiclJ '.ll goe, anD 'o.ltll giue mec b1eaD to 1bcmarrlaQ'f,
cate,antl cf.otl)cs to put on, Df~lltl3u~I,•
21 ~o tl)at ~ come ai;Jaine bnto '~ fat(Jcr!S
l}oure in Cafctte,tl;Jm ll>all tl)c 'Jl,01t1 be mr <501>:
2 z ilnD dJtS flone 'allJtclJ '.]I IJauc rec bpon an d lltblfat~IU
ao:baUni In
ml>,11,JaUJe <BotlS(Joufr.: anti of al tl)at tl)ou llJalt martagt af Qtl
!Jiuc me, '.]l 'alil Curelp giuc t{Je tentl;J bnto tl)ce, :May goe

in vnto her.
Thexxix. Chapter.
13 Iacob commeth co his vncle Laban, and fcruech
himfeuenyceresfor hisdaughterRachc:I. 23 Lea
was brought to his bed in !lead of Rachel.
tl'fi hi• 'en '.)!acob :I= mmton(1t!Sioumey,
r••:•. vp an1> came into tl)e lanll of tl)c '*' pco•
tChildrcn. b pleof'tl)ecfafl.
' 2 ilnll as l)Cc lookell about. be•
' flolllc,dJcre uas a uen in tt)e fielll,
an1> 1oe,tt_ucc ftocflelS offtJecpc lat t(Jere~: fo~ at
tl}at tocll tocrc tl)c tlockc!S toatercll : anti tlJcrc
toas a !JtCat ftone bpon tlJc \lJcllcss moutlJ.
3 anll tlJidJcr tocre au tl)c aoch!S b1ou1J1Jt.
anD tlJer rolleb tl)c tlo11t from tl)c tocl!S moutlJ,
anti 'O.latcrcll tlJc ll)ccpe,anll put tl)c ftonc a1111inc
bpon t(Jr toms moutl) bnto l)i!Splace.
4 an1> 'J;acobfaillC bUto tl)ctn,~p b~tl.JJCtl,
toIJcncc be re-: anb tlJer fain, ©f ~aran arc me.
s ilnl11Jccfat1>cbntotl)cm. llno'lllrcJL.aban
tf)c ronnc of JaadJo~ '! ~IJcr fail>, ll9c tmoto (Jim.
· tPem10 6 !itnll l)ecfa1Dcbntotl)cm,'.]!15~1Jecingooll
~ him. l)caltb ~anti tlJ£! faill, ~e iss in go ob l]caltlJ : anti
, belJolll,l)i!S ba~crlliadJdcommetl)\l.lttlJ t(Jc
~ ll}cep~ It (i • "Of lo • • --+W,f<a'fAt
: tG1eatday. 1 .ftntl"'e atJJ, J1,NC,1t1sretag..... ~ .. "'"''"" o
: niglJt, ncitlJtr il5 it time tl)at tbc cattcl llJoulll be
gatl)trcl> to11et1Jcr:\llaterpctlJc RJcepe, ant> IJDC
s anll dJcr fafll, ll9cc map not. bntill all tlJc
flomOcbiouglJttogetl]er, anti till tl.Jcp roll tlJc
tlonc from t(Je \l.lclless moutl),antl fo \lice toatcr
our ll)ecpc. ·
9 Delril£ l)cc pct ta1Tlcll 'rottlJ tlJmt, fiad,Jcl
came 1llitlJ IJcr fatllcrss llJecpc: fo~ fl)e l'icpt tbcm.
10 QU'ooneass'.)acobCa'lll Sacl)d t(JCbaUIJIJ•
ttt ofJl,aban lJi!S modJcr!S biot(Jcr, anb dJe fl)ccp
of'Jl,aban{liss motl)ctf.'I b~otlJct,']acob mmt.ann
rollct1t(Je1lonc from tl}ctoellf.'I moUtl),anll\tJa•
tcrcl> tl)c llotkc ofJl.,aban l)t!S motl)mi wotl)tr.
II Qnll ]atOb flilf£1) Jlia'1}£l' llJ1l> lift bp IJi!S
bopce anti tocpt.
12 anti j\acob tolbc maclJd tl)at l]cc toaii l]cr
~~~?.·~11 fatlJcrts • b1ot1Jcr, ann ttJat l)ce \"OBIS mromaii
~::::••b1•· Conne:tl)creroieranncllJe,anntollldJttfatl)tt.
1 3 !itn1> 'lll1Jcn l.aba11 l)earb ccrtafndr tell of'
1acob1Ji• fiftcr!S ComlC.IJc ran to meetl}tm,' im-
lnaCCZI IJim, anll kilfcD !Jim, anti biou(Jf1tl)1m to
~i=:~~; l}tJllJoufe: an1:1 (Jctolb JL.aban ball tl)tfc t(Ji.ngs.
:~~~~:,:~·· 14 -ato'albomJL.abanfalb,D9cU. t~ou~mp
:;~·-. _,, boncant1 mp flcllJ. an1> l)ec abotlc 1llltlJ l)im tl)c
· fpaccofamonctl).
1 ~ !a.nt1JL.abanfaiDbnto'.)ac:Db,'Gtl)oql]t1Jou
be my b~otlJct, f(JoUfllcll tl)ou tlJctcfoicrmie me
f1J1 noug!Jt ~~cl me, 'd.ll)at OJ all tl)p \tJqcf.'I be'!
16 JL.abanl)ab t'IDot1aug1'tcrtJ: tl)celllcrcai.
lelJ JL.ea.anb tl)c p~,BaclJcL
11 )!..ea '11¥ tmlltt epctl : but llladJd \Dass
beautiful[ anti 'rocll fauourell.
Bilha,Zilpha. Genefis. lacobs fpotted lamb es.
3 ~en11JefattJ,IJ)n-c t~111l' marll '5tll)a: go . "1 ~o ml)om ll.aban anrmcrrll, ~ pJar tlJer,
" :ttom rt· ft1 bntO i)tr anll 11Je11Ja0 b bearc bpOn mp liRCCS, lf'.]l l)aut founo fauom in tl;Jp Ci~lJt, my: ( foi 1
~~',~,' ~~~~,;~~ Cl,Jat '.ll mar'alfo :t: l}auc dJllll~en bF IJer, . l)aue p1ooucll tt;Jat ctfJe JL,~b blefiell mee fOJ dJt'
~b~i·~:~:::i~~. 4 anll OJe gauc l}inp3ill)a IJer IJ&nllmaptl to fake)
!f;';·buili \tlifc: anll jlacob blrnt11.1 bnto IJer, 2 s ~uro l)u faille, gppoint ml)at tf1F rematn
by her. 5 anll ll)illJil tOtlCCIUCll, anti bllrt '.]lacob a llJall be. anll 91 \DO giue it thee.
ronnr. 2 9 '5ut lJee faille t>nto l)im, ~ou Jmo'metl
6 ~rn faille Jllad)cl, <l3ot11Jat11 gtuen fen, \ul)atrerutce'.]11.Jauellone t:IJu, anDinwl)at ta'
tencc omnr ft!Je, anll 1Jat11 alfo IJcatn 1t1l' t>opt~ king tlJt' mttel IJaue bcne bnllet nu:
anll 1J11tl.J gtuen me a ronnc.~cref'o~e callct111Jcc 3o 11'01 tlJatlittle to{Jid) tlJou l)al.111 bero1ci ] *My face.
1 Judge- flim"'l0an. came, i~ no\tle inc:reafell bnto a muttitulle, anll
mcm. . 7 gnn l8ill)a JllaclJe~ marllc conceiuctl 8• t(Je )l,010 IJatl;J bll'!Tell ti.Jee t1Jioug1Ji:mp ttauailc: *My foo1c.
gatnc,anll bare 1acob anotl)erfonnc. but no\tl \tllJcn lllall 'JI make p~ouifion toi mine
~or,earncfi. 8 gnn Jllad)cl taill, 119it(J II golllF 'm~lllin~ o'mne l]oufc alfo~
. l]auc 1 miatllcll 'mitf:.J mr Cilier, atlll i)aue gotten
1 Nephrati, t{Je bppct IJatl'll. ,gnn llJc caRell 1Jif5 name +~eplJ'
31 anll l)e raill, l191Jat nia1191 tlJen giue tl)cc1
anll ]acob anf\tlmll. ~ou fi.Jalt gtue mee no•
tha1 is, my tl}alt. tlJtngatall: tftl;Jou'11iltlloc t1Ji~t1Jing(W1me,
wraflhng. 9 119lJen JLea fame t(Jat {I.Jee 1Jat1 left beating d)cn'Jl)tll 1\ tumc agatne, fccllc ti.Jr {l.Jeepe, ann
c(Ji~cn,OJe too1tc'Jtlp1Ja1JetmailJ,anll gauel)er lteepe tl1l'111.
'J;acob to \tltt'c. 32 'JI \tltlgoeaboutalltlJp flocflistl;Ji~llar,anll
1 o !Clnll ~tlplJa JL.ta~ marbe bare ]acob a fcpatatc from tl;Jem au tlJt c:attell ttJat ate rpot,
fonnc. tell, anti ofbtucr~ 'olour.e: anll an ttJe blamta'
II Or ,a com- l l ~en faille JLca, H0ooll luckc: anti cailell mong t!Je llJeepe, anll tfJe partie anll Q>ottell a·
r•ny cam. 1Jif5 name :lo d5aD. mongtl)e liit1lle~,1he fame 11.Jalbc mp re\tlarll.
meih: mea. 12 llnll~tlphaJL,£ais m8"lle bare1"21acobano• 33 ~o aian mr rillbteoUfnelTe anrwcre fo~
nmg ,of ? •J r: .JJ
children. tlJ£rfOlttl£. me +tntimeto c:omc: fo1ittl)aH c:omefo1mrrc• tTomo-
t A compa· I 3 ~IJCllf'1il>JLta,19appp am 1:roJ tlJC~!JBuglJ• \llarll bero~c tlJr face. anti eUetF 011£ tl)at i!1 not row:
nU:. terj1 'will c:all m£c ble[ell: anti caUfn lJJlS name fpecftctl ti partie among« tl;Jc goateis, anti bladte
!Or,wo- iarer. a1uon!lft tlJc OJecpe., let it be counttll tl)eftin me.
mrn. 14 gntl Jliabrn 111cnt DUt intl:Je llaFC$$ of the 34 inti ll.aban faille., Cli5oc to, 'Jl)oultl Cli5oll it
t Happie. \tll.Jeatt l}aructt,anll foutlll S!)atll1Jago1ais in tlJe migl)t be acc:oining to tlJl? raring.
ffdlle, atlll b~ouglJt tlJrm bnto lJiSS motlJer 3s ~eref'o1c IJe toofic out tlJe ramnar tlJe
mJmfaill mact:iet to :tea, <l!Jtue me.l p1at tl]cc, i,u goateis tl}at mere rtngllrllkell, anll ontucrs
oftf.Jp ronne.t'I ~ano~ago~alS. colours.anllal tl]e OJcc goatr.1$ tfJat \DereQ>ottcll
l 5 ~o 'wl)om JLea anrmereD, ~is it not inougi) all'll colourell, atl'll all t(Jat ljaD \'DlJitt in tl;Jcm,
tlJ8t tl)ou {Jail taken a'mal? mr lJUfbanllc: but anll au tfJe black£ amongtl tlJe fbttpc, anti put
t1.1oulllll t(Jou tall£ a\\lap tnt'fonncss ~anll~ago• tlJem tn t:IJe Jteeping of ()is fonnc.1$,
ra.t'I alfo1 ~l:)cn faille iaac1Jd,ll9c1l,let lJtm Oecpe 36 !Clntlfet ~J£eDape$S ioumcybet'ali~IJim•
\\litlJ t{Jcc tlJiss ntgl)t roi t:IJr fonneis ~atl'll~a' retr.e ania 1acob:anll ro 'Jjacob kept tl]c rra ofJLa,
go~as. banis 11Jcepr.
16 Qnll ']acob came from ti.Jc fiellle at men, 37 hj]acob tooJtc roll~ or~eenepopuler, lJ&' ~.Jr~lr~:1
anll "A.ea 'ment out to mcetc lJitn, anD falD.~ou ~cl:,!nll dJe«enu~tree~ anti p1Ue1> ~lrttc llrakc~ ~;·~~.~,::;~~ .
ll)alt c:ome in to mee: foi ']l l:Jaue bougi)t tl;Jec in '" ~11em.t1 malle ...,c m.,tte apµcarc mt.,e roll~ lnlnnt: !b<rl• '
!I relic \\litlJ rnr fonne~ ~anl!Jago~~ anll fJec 3s ann put t:IJe rolls \'DlJiclJ 1Jce 1Jat1 pillcM1c' ~~~~',:,,. ·
Ocpt 'mitlJ Iler tl)at rame nii,Wt. fo1e t:tJe 11.Jrepe , m tlJC gutterl! atl'll \tlatering ::~:~~~~~:
17 g11t1 ll5oll l}earll JLea, tl)at IIJeeconc:etuell, ttougl.Jeis \tl{Jcn tlJe llJecpc came to llJinll~ tlJat 1uo11. :
'•h1bo•n11~ 811'11 bare]acob tl}e fift(J ronnc. t{Jcy tlJoulD conceiue 'm1Jcn tlJcp came to n~inbt. '
nnD mal:ctb
18 ~henfail>ll.ea
"J f'l1 ,
IJ "'! »•-n 39 anll tile f!Jccpe conc:etneDbefo1ettJcrot1s.
'~"' ro11ic marll ' beraurc .31 gauc m.r mapllrn to mp IJuf• anll biou,g(Jt rooitlJ lamb~ ringllralsel>, fpottcZt,
~.~~:~.~~n. banMlnlJ 11Jc caoeo 1Jim ~ 'Jlfac:{Jar. anll partte.
lllhlhafh- 19 anoJLea concetuell tct againt, anll bare 40 an!J '.]Jacob llil> fcpatate tf1cfc lambc,t'l,anb
co:,thatis,a ')!acobtl;Jefi~fonne. ; turnell tlJe fa of ti.Jc OJccpc, 'ml.JidJ 'mere in ;01ara11111e i
reward, 2o anlJ JLca faiD, <l!Joll {JatlJ mlluel11nu \'Dit(J t~r. ttoclle of JLaban ~ to\Darb tlJcCc rinQfttaflctJ~ :~r.~~~= ~
agoo1> llo''m wil mp IJutban?J ll'mell 'mitll ano all mancr or blache: anl> ro put 1J1is o\' mwii.\~:~~t
mcc, becaUfc] IJaue bo~ne !Jim fire fonne~: anD tloc1tes bp tflcmrctueis, anD put tlJem not 'mttlJ r1111 b•to•'
t Zebulon• 'Blltl) tJii5 name i ~abUIOtt, JLaban~ cattell. ~:.~~,·:i:.. i
ding. 2 1 Qftcr that f!Jee batea llaugl)ter,anb caHell 41 anti in euerr concciutng time of tl}e llro11, ro1 ...u.
>Judge- l)ttname1:~ina. ger, ]acob faptl tlJC rolls befoic U,e cress of
m•nt. !anll 11!5otl remcmb1ell JliacIJel, anll <l!Joll
d ..'J. I d)e cattcl in d)e pittcr.t'I. namely tl.Jat tlJep miglJt
11tart1 IJct, anl.l +mallel:Jrr fntitfuU, conceiue bet"o1r tfJe: rot1s.
1:~::~~:... bi ~o tlJat OJce concciucll anobarcaronne:
4 2 :15utllll;Jm tlJe rate.en \'Deref.e:eble, (Jee pttt
nu1n. an .atll,lll5oll l)atl) taken awarml? rebulle. Cl,Jcm netin: anll fo tlJe feebler \Vere ll.abans,
+Opened 2 4 Slnb fl)re calletl IJiS name :J: ~ofcplJ,fat'tng, aim tl)e llrongtr '.ljacobis.
~~~"tnbe. ~eJL.~b'6ttltmefctanotl)erfonnc. 43 ~Dt1Jcman•increafct1~cccbinglp,8t1ll k ~,<11<1,, '
, fl,,.'~.~- l~ ~alfoontasmacl)ell)atlboine1ofep'1,')a• l)allmUCIJ cattell, anll mapllt fcruantf5, anll ftr• ~:~!!~P~::;. ~
f.::!'J:'~~ cobfatllc bnto'Jl..ab~n, ~mbemtt a\lat. ~at uant-.antl camcllS, anb affc~. ~:~~ '"
1ip1110. 'JI map goe bnto nunc O\JJne plau anb ta mr Thcxxxj.Chapter.
countrep. •
, ric1Jab•0111 26 <13tuemttmp \tliucs anbmp c1Jil11im. foi I Labans children doc grudge againU bcobswcalth.
~1:~~~-::.:.~~ \'DlJom 'JI J:Jaue fmltll tl)ee .' anb lttmu igoe : fo1 19 Rachel ficalcth her fathers gods. 2 3 Laban
r.t'""· rtl)oullno'cDdlml)at femtce') l)auebone t(Jec. purfocth Iacob.
Jacob recurnech home. Chap.xxxj. Laban purfuechhim. n I
:~~~:~~~~~~· • ~b l)e l)earb l:l)c \uo~bSS Of •JL.abanss 2 3 ~m l)e£toofle l)ISS h ~CtiJ1tll mttl) l)im. ~hrp IDoulD h
..cou• ....... "!AJ Conness, Captng, '.]Jacob IJatlJ tafim anbfollo\lJellaftermmreum Daress tournr, anli ~~rt."~:. ~~;'"
~:r~~'r.r. ~ · amar an tl)at \Das our fatl)erss,anb ouenoohc l)tm at tlJe mount <13ileab. ~~::~, ~:: 1~b~:~1· :
r.?~.:.t~:.'· . of ou.r fatlJerss goods l)atiJ 1.Je gotten 24 .anb ;Cll5ob came to )Laban tl)e ~~tan in ~:~1!..~"'
alllJlS glOJp. a b~eame br ntglJt,anb raib bnta l.Jtm.~aliC l)ecb ~.i~:~.?i.'~"
:z .QnD ]acob bcf,Jelb tl:Je countmame ofJL.a• tl}at ti.Jou lpealie not to 111acob ouglJt tfaue goob. ""'' '"'~'r"
..h '" "t"'
ban,anDb....,OwC,1 w8SS110 t"'""' "h' + tt't
wwaru1;1111l.,.a..,1 ,... b..,~b
25 ."'11 ~ anOUcrtoOflt31 ~
"ll 1UOb:anb_,;aCOb
31 1~mub,.
wassmontta be. IJa~ ptt~l)eb l)tSS tent in tIJe mount, anb l!.aban f~~6~ood
1 As yeOcr. 3 anb b ti.Jc JLo~b Caib bnto ']Jacob, ~ume a• m1t1J IJ•s b~etl)~cn pitc:l)el:l alfo in tl]e mount ol 10 bad
day· ~~~ gainc into tlJelann of tfW ratIJcris,anD to tlJr liin• $tleab. ·
~: y• • - reb,anb '] \tlill betDitlJ tlJee.
26 Slnb JLaban Caib to ]i!cob,tWllatlJall tlJOU
b ti.oa.b Do 4 ~l.Jcrefo:e ]a,ob rmt., ann caUeb SaclJcl l:lo~e-: tjfo~ tiJou !Jail rtolltn amar mp IJeart, anl:I
r.:~·:::~;. anb Jl.,ea to tIJe fielD, bnto l)iis floclle: caneb atuar mr .l:laulJIJter~, ass tIJouglJ tIJer l)ab
~::r'. ~~~D~' s anl:l faill~b~~ tl)cm, ']lfeepoUT~tlJerSS benctahcncapttuelDitlJtlJtfto~b.
onr eono DI COUntenanCC, tlJRtJtl$S tlOt fOtDaril me 8SS It Ulil~ 2 7 D9{JtrefO~e \lJCnte(t tlJoU a\uap fCtr£tlf
~~~... ' \lJOnt to be: but t{Jc Cl3ob or mr fatlJcrlJatlJ benc *b.nflnotDen to me,k anb bibll nottcll mc,ttJat 'l +o\nd harl
\lJttlJ tnc. 1mg1Jt l)aue let tllee go tlJr \tlap 'lllitlJ mtrtl} anti fiollcn m<.
6 anDreimo\ll l)o\lJ 'JI 11aueCeruet111ourfa• r-ongs,'alttlJtimb~ell anti tJarpe, ~:.~;; ;~:'.·

tlJer to tl]e bell ormr power. 2 8 9nb l)all not Cuffrrb me to flilTc mr ronnc~ ""'·'"''"' b•
7 l3ut ronr mtIJer l)at:IJ bcceiueb mec, anl:I anb 1tll' naugl)teris-: ~oumaft a roolc no\llc m ~~.~~:,~~ ~·
:.=~:1 ~angeb mp tDageSS c ten titnclS: but <l3ob Cuffrcb Co Doing. ~·;~~:l~f~
roian DTICll• l.Jtm notto l.JUrt me. 2 9 1f0~ it iis in I mr *IJanb tlJ:ouglJ Cl3oiHO Doe ~~~:'w11 run
'11'•'",,','. "'" s d'"'" -hm 1;h1 .... "~1·0.,
i.a .., - .. "pott"b
""'!"''; .. n..allb""
"' .... th" .,i"Ot1
i hurt : b.ut t1J c"""
., ~ &~f-h 11 11 etJ nto b>•
......obo,pour""WJcrapa •• 1,.. '
~.'&.·:i:::~.a magess: tllcn all tlJt 11Jeepe bare fpottcb. an1:1 mrpellemtgl)t, fapmg, ~ahc IJecne tf)at tlJou 1rn • 1•.
::~ :;.~~ ~~:111 \lJl]en l)cc fatbe, ~e ringllraliell 11Jall be tlJr re'
1 fpcalie not to ']lacob ougl)t raue go ob-: *BY man·
:~~l!~:N:;,, \Darb: tl)cn bare all t{Je llJeepe rmg(lrakcb. 3 o Qtnl:l notD ttJou~ ti.Jou moulbell nccb~ br hood.
bnrwt '"''"'' 9 ~SS l)atl) <l3ob taken awap tl)e cnmare gone away, becaurc tl)ou ro:e Iongcrt after tlJr
~:~~··:ur 11
ofpourfatIJerslloche,anb~uentttome. fatl.Jerss IJoure, pct\lJIJcrefo~e IJact t~ou aonen
10 l3ut in ramming time'.]] liften bp mine mr gob~'!
ere~, anti ramein an,eame, anD belJolbe, tiJe 3 r jjacob anf\lJercllanll fapbe to '.!Laban, )13c,
t rt fignifi. ;ra1mness teapeb bpon tlJe fl)ecpc tf;Jat \lJcrc ring• caure ~ \lJa)'l afraib, anti tfJouglJt char pcrabuen,
rih ihe hec ctraflell,Cpotteb,8nl:l partte. ture tlJOU \llOUl!JeU talie a\lJap tl)p baug{Jtcril
gomlfo: a• l I .!lnb tlJe angel or©ob fµalte bnto me, in a rrom me.
arc comei- lJ,came, "' .
,arang, 31acob"'• "'nl:l
I'll r:t
31 ft nr\Deren, 1.7Cre
"ll '1.'I
....,ut ~'ti)
3:i. ""' h.....t:
wl tD.,u1mOCUer tfJ OU #i"llbi::11o
...n. tlJF
ncd the am ']l. \!OilSS, let {Jim l:ltr. ~ere befo:e our b)etl)Jen, fech
•o3tcs. 12 ann I.Jc faille, JLi~ tip no\» tlJine ere~, anl:l 1·qat tl)inc i~ br me,anb take it to tl)cc: 1l3ut '.]a,
reeall tiJc ramme~ Iraptng bpon tbe OJeer.r mat cob 'mill not tIJatlllactJel m l)an ltollcn tl]em. ;.b1.'.~:t::~·

are nngtlralieb, rpottcb, ann partie: ro~ 'Ji l).iuc . 33 ~l)cn went JL~an into ']\acob~ tent, ann ~~~:~~:~::;
[,::~tt.~b- < ftcne all tlJat )Laban bOetlJ blltO tlJCC. l1lto ".fLCSSS tent, anlJ tnf.O tl)C t\lJOntalb femantil Racb•l • <tcs 0

~~~~~~:1~ 1 2 3 1 am t}Je ©oll orl3etl)el, tDlJerc ti1cu an, tent~: but roun'O tlJcmnot. ~lJen ment l)ce out •bm-
1•011. norntel:lll tlJe ftonc fee vp on an cndc, mtil 'l!li;cre or JLcass tent, anD enttel:l into Sac}Jcl)'l tCllt.
t1JoubotDc1:1a: atiotoc bntomce :no\i:J tl]ercfo~e 34 anD SacIJel (Jab taflen tl)c image~, anb
arirc, anti get ti.Jee out of tl'liSS countrer, ant; re, put tl)em in t(Jc ~amets llra\lJc, anb fate no\tmc
tUTne bnto tlJe lanb \lJIJcre tl)ou mall bo~nc. bpon tf)etn, anb Jl.,aban tocrcb bp an tl)c tent, but
14 ~IJm anf'tocrcb macl)cl,an'O, m•ilfain fou111:1 tl)cmnot.
tmto (Jtm, ~aue me llab ass pet anr po~tton o~ in, 3; ~l)en Capbc llJcc to IJcr fatl)cr, i11l)p Io~ne,
(Jmtance in our ratl)er~ IJoufe '! be not angrie tl)at ']\ cannot rife bp bero~e tlJce:
1 5 ~oetl) not l)e count us mm as ara1113cr~:' fo: tIJe cutlome of \»omen t~ 'ome bpon me. :a>o
foi l)eIJatiJ Colb bSS, SnD t.Jatl.J quttc ileuourcll alfo ftarctJeb (Jc, but" foUnb nottl)ofe ~magcg. . ~.~~,::,~~~~·
ourmonep, )6 ilnb ']acob was miotl), anl:l d]OlJC \DltlJ rnalllfQ UI JO•
1 6 ~1Jcrcro1e au tl}e rtd)css 'll:llJiclJ <l3el:l l.Jatl) Laban : 1acob alfo anf\Dcreb, annrarbe to ~~~:.~~~ ~:.m 1

tallm rrom our father, tIJat iss ours anb our clJil• l)im, 119(Jat l)aue '.]! trefpatTeb :' o, W(Jat haue 1, ~~~;~~~ 01
n:mss: noto t{Jen tol]atfoeucr <l3ob l]at}J raib bn• offe11t1ct1 ti.Jee, tl)at t(Jou tiocll ro~e purrue arter
to tl)ee,tl)atlloc. mee'! .
2 7 ~l)en ']acob rofe bp, anb ret t.Jiis Connc~ 37 ~ou IJaCf to ere bbp au mr auffc, ~ \lJIJ~t
ann \Diues bp bpon camel~: J:Jatl tl)ou rounD of all tlJl' 1Jou11Joln llulfc • put tt
18 ann cartcn atoar all IJiss fioclis, annau f.Jis l)cre befoze tlJp biet1J1en, anD mr b,etl)~m. tlJat
rubtlance mbiclJ l)e l)ab p,ocuren, tl)e increare of tlJer map tubge bcttoi~ bSS botfJ.
+Padan A- IJiss catteU \lJIJi'b ()cc !Jan gotten in; ~cropota' 38 l5d)olb, tlJiS t'11enttc rercs l.Jaue 91 bemt
ram. mia,foHo go to 3]fa1Jac IJiS fatl)er, bnto tl)c lanl:l tuitl) ttJee, t1Jr 11JccpC ann tiJF goateS IJaue not • ~hid,,,.. 0

of Qt(Janaan. btene barren, anl:l tl}e rams of t1J11 ftoclie (Jaue ~ ~~:::::.~~·
19 lBut'JLaban mass gone to 111eare IJIS llJtcpe: not eaten. ~:i·1~!~·
~~~:~. 8nD Jllac;hef '"'ab tlollen !}er fathers f image~. 39 WlJatfoeucr bias tome ofbcafis,!Ji b:ougIJt lake: l 11acob [D
1""' ~
lllm~~~f)t 20 ann ., '."]\aCOb g ftafC alIJap tl)C ~£8tt0 f.., Jl.>il' i't not t111to ..., ..., but mal:lc. it. "Ooh
foh"", 'I' u ....., .. 10. ·.of ~"'"11.
•Ht fi"l"" • ""~
~~~~1; ban t(Je ~r:ian, in tIJat 1Jee tollJc IJtm not tl)at mr 1.Janl:l l:lillllelf tIJou reqmn It tlJat \Das ftonm
'""'"Deoa•. (Jeefleb. iwt1arourigl1t.
~ ~~;~*: 21 ~ofle1:11Jce,annantbat1Je1Jan,ant1mat1c 40 '.]ltua)'lin fUc(Jca1'e, tlJat ht bar tl}ef}eatc
:~~:;i:m,.. l)tmfclfe reatip, atlb patreb oucr tlJc nuer,anb rct 'onrumcn me, ~t,l)efrott btntgt,it, anomp aeepc
::~~·"' '°"' l}ts fa'e llraig(Jt totoarb tlJe mount ~ileab. DeparteD from mtne crcs.
22 1111pontl)et'lJtrh 1:1ar after, was tttolDeJL.a• 41 ~J.Jus lJaue ~ brmc tlllmtnccresin tllr
bantl}at']lacobfleb. l)ouCc.anb fcmebt(Jeefourttrne reeres fo~ tlJl'
t\llO I

Jacobs and La bans couenanr. Genefis. Iacobs prayer.

s ~11'11 l)auto,:m, a1£eis, anlJ {IJcepc, mm £et,
uantf, anb \tlomm ftruants: anb 11auc rent to
r 0o:lb:mntD ll)e'o.le ic m-e ~b, tl]at '.]!ma,, finnc m-are in tlJtt
figl)t. t » ..
mnitlllau:i. 6 ann tl)e meife:ngetis tame a(Jatne to '.]ia,
cob, faptng, 119ee tame to tl}p b~otl}er lffau.anJ)
1Jee comrnetlJ to meetc tl,)ec., anb [Jatl} faun l}un'
1ncn men \Dttl} {Jnn.
7 '3ut ']a cob 'Wais (Jreatlr afratbe, anll \Din
not \tlbicfJ \llar to turnc [Jtmfelrt, anb btutllcb
tl)epeoplc tl,)at \Das \Did! [Jtm, an'btl)£flJtepe,
anll o,:en,anb ca1ncl~, tnto t\Do companies:
8 gnnfaille, ']f cierau cometotl}eonepart,
anll fmite it,tl)c otl,)er fl.lall fauc tt felfc.
9 ann']acobfaibeagainc,clJD<115otJofmpfa, f 1t~•bli
tlJer fil>~ai;lam , anti 13ob of mr tatl)er 1,~ac, ~~~.:~:~::
JLo~b \DlJiclJ fail)« bnto mee, Jlletumc tmto tlJP ~~~t~,~~~·
ro~mttey, an'll to tlJp Jtinre'b, 81111 jJ \DIH 'boc well ~~f,~
'o.litlJ tl}cc:
10 '.]! am t not \DOJt\Jr of tl}c kall of all t[Je t Jam 1c1rc.
d ancrcics anll tructlJ ~hid.J d,Jou IJatl tbc1Ilell ~!g~:.
bnto t1)p feruant: fo~ 'o.ltt[J mp ftaffc tame'] oua ofbttmmc
..Ht·,1$'.,10~l:lane,an1Jno'al .,auc r.z31 (JOm-u
11 ,.._,,
t\tlo com, brmual11cc
r r Weliucr mec from tiJc l)anlJ or mr b~otl)et
llffau: foJ ~ fearc [Jim,ldl IJe 'lllil come anll fmite
me, yea the motl)tt\llitl) tl}c c[Jilll~cn.
12 im;tJou ratna, ] 'llltll rurelp bee tl}cc gool:I,
anb malle tlJr fcelJc as ttJe fanb of tl}e fea, "mlJicfJ
cannot be numi)Jeb foi multttullc.
13 9:11'11l)ectaricbtl)etct1Jatfamcnigbt, anlJ
toolleo~tbat1Ill)tcl) cametoIJanJ)e,c ap1ermt~ ~~~.'r':f!.t
cerau l)Jl,1 b~OtlJCf, pnfm1D1DIC
14 ~too l)tmlJJelJ 11Jce goattlS, anlJ t\llenttc ~:~::
IJcc goatts, t'lllo l}unll~eb llJeepe, anb t'o.lcntic b•~.':o'r.~·
rammel5, h1<0rfr11<1,,
~ • -'1"'1 "'" ~ '"'11 ll4o • I conunlttr~
I 5 ....,.,nttl? ........, ann.. tp WIWJ WJClr ro ~ lbdumll'lll
fouttp frine,anb ttn bul$J, t.wentic ll1ce a1£e1S,anb eo1.
ten foalcs:
16 ann 11ctiuttcll tiJcm into ttJe IJllnlJ~ of[Jiis
reruantlS, cuccy D1oue bp t1Je111rctucis,ant1 ratbc
bnto IJi• fcruantis, 00 Co1t1J befo~emc, anb puta
tpacc bct'llltrt lJ~oue anb t11oue.
17 9.nlJ l:JcronnnanlJelJ ti}e fomto(l,faping, jlf
~rau mp b~otlJcr mecte tlJee, anti arlle tl)ec, rar,
in~, 119l:Jofc att tl}ou :' anll \lll)tdJer (JOtll ttJou:'
anb 'Wl)ofe are t(Jefc rhar goe bcfO~ t[Jcc1
1 s ~tJou llJalt rap, ~IJey bee tlJl' rcruant 1Ja,
cobs, anb it i!S a picrmt rent bnto mp ~ll lfrau:
anb btlJolb,IJc {JimfeUe commctl) arter
19 anb ro commanlleb l;Jec t1Jc f£conb,an'll tl}e
dJirlle, anti an ti,11t follo'o.leb tl}e oioues..r11rtng,
©ntl,)is maner fee tl}at rou fpeafle bnto lffau
'tlllJen re mcetc 1'im.
20 !ln6£apmoieouer, ~elJolllc, tbpreruant
The xxxij.Chaprer.
1 GodcnmfortethlacobbyavifionofAn&cls. 24 la- ']Jacob airo c:ommetlJ arttrbs: fo1 l)e faib, 11 totll

, eoblllo11to
m. cob wrdtlcth with the Angel, who named him lfr~el.

ell il!Jt '.JlllCOb 'o.lettt fOO~tf1 Onl)i~ tour'
. ~ . ntr, anb • tl}e annc1s or 13ob came
appcafe t IJts \DµitlJ tutti} dJe p1efent dJat go• t His face.
etl) bcro~c mce, an'b artmuarbe ~ 'llltU ftl?1Jhn
mr rc1re, pcraoumt11re I.Jct "min re'enit t\nu to t My rice. '
21 §!Do"mmttl}e p~crent bcfoJcl)fm:anblJr.t
tnthrfuu tie
11J.11t110111:1au. · .llnb'o.ll)ett '.Iac:obfa'o.l tlJtm,
,r,. .. 2 tmeb aa t1Jatmg1Jt in tl}e comp81lf.
__,... .,erai'll,~isfJScl'lobSIJol, anb cat> 2 2 ~l)ce rore tip tlJHame niil)t,anlJ toDlrt
~.~:::·~:·n'" ten tl.Jc name ortl)e rameplau b S)al)anaim.
camp•. 3 .ll!tb'3\acobrcnt mctrm(letS beflne IJCmto
. lf~au l)t• biotl)ci, bnto tl)e lantle of
nor,r•g•on. ~ ficllle or cfbom:
l)t• lDna, allb l:Ji• t"lllo mat be r~anb l:JiS
deUet1 rom1cs,allb "mcnt oUff tl}e foo~lJ iabOC'.
23 anbl)etooftctl}em,anbfettlJemoucrdJe r t;l11'aulflll
ituer,anll fent ouer t1Jat1Je1Ja1J. 1~·:~:.1"
4 atn11Jct OOIUm&nbtb tl)em, fa!it11 ~Hiii
flJal t'~ fpcalie to int loib cerau. ~ etruSnt']la•
24 anD ]acob \U8'I ~ 11imfef~ r alotlr.1111'11 =:.~:~
tl}erc"a>~Cllleb a tnan4cDitt}IJtm, 1JntOSI)£ b~' Q1m.t~ra•·
cob£111tl}t1Juis.11Jauebenea~ "l»itlfJI.. , btng oftl}e bap. :'!~~~~~~"
ban,att'll l}aue llatieb tl)ttebnto tl)tis':me, a 2 ~ anD "l»IJm bee fa'ale ttJat IJee ooullle not ~:.%':'.".fr.
Jacob is called Ifrael. Chap.xxxiij .xxxiiij. Dina rauifhed. q
flno'alcll tlJatt{Jcc;IJilll~n arc ttnllcr, ~ tlJHmau
rutll. gr~nt rattcll \llitlJ poni bnllcr tnF 1Jan1:1cs,
llllJtclJ 1rmen fboullJ oucrtmuc but cucn one Mp,
au tfJc floc;flc tuill tJic.
14 ®lJ let mp lo~l'J goc befo~c l)ts rcruant,anb
'.J tuil ~iue faire anl'J roftlp,ac;c;o~lling as tf)c mt,
tel tl)at gortl) bcfo~c me, anll tl}c c;l)illl~cnbc able
2e~llure, J tmtill '.] come tmto mp lo~lle bnto
d ~r p1omtfcb
tb" lDhU~ btt
rrunDlD&ll UO£
s- ann i:rau faf'll, 'JI mill Itauc romc or mp 1pprmtbaf.
foJlie 'tDtllJ ~cc.an11 be anf\llcrtll, 1191Jat nccllctl) 1er1;111ro,
it. '.31 flJall Cinll grac;c in tl)c Cigl}t ofmp loJl>.
16 ~o ctrau went IJts \llap againc tl}atramc
1181' ~cir. .
17 ~nll '.]Jac~b to,olic l)i~ tourncr to\lJarl> ~u'
c!Jot{J , tmn bmlt l)tm an IJourc, ~ mab'ebootIJe~
roi l)rs cattcµ: anll t{Jmfo~c is tt ~at tl)c name
of tlJe place is tallcll c ~Utl)otfJ, • 1um ".
8 9n'l:l]acobc;amc to~ale, ac;ftieor f!S>i' ~'"'"'-e"'"''•
c;lmn, \Dl)ic;IJ ts tn tl)c lanil of <lrlJanaan, after :,:,:;;,~':[~:~~'~:
tlJatlJctuaiHomefrom ~ffopotmnia, anlJpit; f2]:";~!i1cu
c;l)e?J.bcfo~ctlJccttic, fol"''•"
ilp~bou~lJtaparc;cUofgrounll, \DIJercl]c · •
100 4
. '9
Pttc;l)cl> l)tlrtcnt oftl}c tlJil'D~cn of l,)emo~ ~~ c tirnnrrh
clJems fatf)cr,foi an l}un'O~cll pimss or moncp. :~:.~i~\,~~·1:
2 o 9;nl> lJc mane tlJtte an altar,g an'O c;allcn it, :~::1'.'1',~:·~~·~
.D "'f
©oil of~rracl.
.3J h•' ""~1"11i
Dtllmnc ~1111.

Thexxxiiij Chapter.
I The rauifl1ing ofDina lacobs daughter by S ichcm
thefonneofHemor 8 \l\'horcquircth her in m2-
ri3ge for his fonne. 1 3 The fonnes of Iacob doe
. J ... ~ ;,
~uilefolly require the Sichemites to bee circumci-
ied. 2 5 The whorcdome is reuengcd by Sime•
on and Leui lacobs tonnes. 30 Jacob reprooueth
'Jl 1111 tlJc batm{Jtcr of lta. \lJ'fJic;IJ
OJce bare bnto ]acob, 1:ocnt out to
rec tl}c 'Oau~tcrs ortlJc Iann.
2 UDbomc 'rol}cn ~ic~cm tilt
J:ie~~ COnnc of $cmo~ tlJc l.~euftc loJll or
ti.Jc 'ountrp ra\tl,lJc toolic l}cr, an?J tar \lJitlJ IJcr,
anll *l>cftlcl'J{Jcr. tHurnblrd.
3 anl> lJi!S 1Jcart Iarc bnto )Dina t}Jc l'JauglJ'
tcr of '.ll atob,antllJCC louc'l:I tl)at Damfell, \t fpalic
t fiinl'JIJ? tmto l)cr. i r her

4 anl> ~tc;l)cm rpaliC tmto (Ji~ fatlJCt ~C' hrnr.

mo:,rartn~,<3et me tlJiss maillcn bnto m1.1 tDtr~.
5 an'l:I '.]lacob l]carlJ t!Jnt IJte ~an llclilcll W.l'
na lJiS nau~l1tcr (IJt!S ronncss bccmg. \llttfJ ti} err
cattd tn f41c HJ rt ell>) anti ll1acob'
"'J lJtUI IJri~ peace bn, r•bt!:bt~ ,..~
ttn tfJCF \llcrc come. Brld<,nno not
6 b an!l ll)emOJ tfJC fatf:Jcr D~ ~i,f'lctn, \\lent ~~~·,~~.~;::
out bnto 3)acob to c;ommunc \llrtlJ lJmt. . :"a'~b,,r,.
7 anll \l:l]Jm tlJC fOJtt~C~ of'.Jf a;otlJb (COffi"!UlJ ~%\.,~;~c~n
outoftl}c ficlDJ 1Jcarl11t. itgncucu cm, \t ..JCf o"r'"'"""''
\l:lCtc 00 ta little Ul~DtlJ,bccat1fC IJC IJS~ \UiougiJt mcco,
follp in'.]!fracl, in t{lat be 1)11!1 Jrcn \lltth '.)Jacob~
naugIJtcr, wfJiclJ t(Jtng ougl)tnot .to be llonc.
s .lilull l!}cino~ communcll. \llttfJ tlJcm, rar,
tng, 'lln)e roule of mr ronnc ~tdJcm longct{J fo~
rour 11aug1Jtcr:'JI p~ar rou'(t!Uc.t:Jer bun to Uiife, , <rhl• P"''
9 ~n'O 1nahc mamage~ \tlttlJ b~~ anb giue ~:,~~,~~~~ ~r'.
pour Mugbttr!S tmto biJ, an'l:I tafu~ our l>auglJ, Ii',';\~'.:,;:?;:;·
tcr~tmtorou. :~;\~~~~1'."'
I0 anll FCC man lJ1Dcll \lJit{J b~, anti tlJc lanl'Jc DIO111 oblcrur!t
11Jall.Jcbc[o~CfOU :l'JlDCll, llllb l'JOCt'OUrbufmc!Tc " "" •

tl}crcin, anll ~11uc po!frtTtonis tlJcrcin.

1 1 ann ~mt:Jem ra111 bnto l}cr fatlJrr anll tmto
!Jet b'ccmcn,'Jl.ctmc Cini> grace in pour rrcis,anl'I
mIJatfocucr pc appoint me, tIJat'roill ']\ !:.(iuc.
(It I 2 !AC°llC l __ _
The Sichem!tes circumcifed. Genefis. God bleiTeth la cob.
e:b• "7<bi•u n ~Ubdredp of me bod1 d 110\D~ie llt1l> ltftSS.
::i• ~~:l:"b anti 'JI \Dill gtuc a"o1binQ: as 1'£ ~l' tinto mee, Co
'.~~:i"t'.:':.~ tl;Jat re giuc me tt;Jnamfcll to tr11ft.
'"'P'"""[ 1 '5uttl;Jeronncs0f'.Jacobanfulcrcbto~f,
rr•1<11n1cr. cl)etn3 anti 'Cluo; (Ji.el Catl;Jcr • taUliug amongtl
tlJC!nfclUCS beceitfUU!': b"aufc I.Jee IJ&D bcfilcb
m>ina tl;Jcir filler.
, 4 .anb CIJey raiD bnto tf:)~, nece cannot boc
tl;Jts tl;Jitt!J, tl;Jat tncc lbottlb «Jltt om ntt.crto on_e
ucn11•• 11 ti} at iSJ •tmcirrumafetl: Co~ t11at \Dcrc an abomt,
~~:r:.t~~'.tm natlonbnto tJ~.
'rsrlllittbclr I S '5llt ill d:JiS \DIR itlCC pOU ! if
~~'.~en re \»ill be as tue be, anD all tl;Je ~males amongtl
h11drm ron be 1ctrcumcifctl:
,;'fm ~:i~ 16 ~en wm \Dec giue our baugiJttrlS tn~o
'"'·"''"''·'g "OU,
:r4~rrt:blU~ c anb take "Our
l: Dau""ttrJS
~IJ to 1>15, anti 'Will
at <rfp1<t, b\lltlf\llitlJ p0U,80b b£ 011£ p£0., ...,
~:.~1'." 1 7 l5utanb if re \lliH not l,Jcarkrn t>nto ts to
bclirrumctreo, tl;Jen\DtHtuctahcourbauglJtct,
anb goe our tuarrs. .
13 '~{)ctr 'l:tlo~ll!S plcafen ,cmo~,ann ~rn,mi
{)is fonne.
19 auntl}c rongman bc!cmbnot foitoboc
file tl;Jing,bccaure IJe l)aD 11 IUllto ')acobJtla~,
tcr :lJC 'tt.rns atromoll rct bl of al tl)at mas tn lJtl!
fathers l)oure.
:i.o ~Jen~cmoi~~icl)cmt:Jfsfonnc, \\lent
bnto tl)c g gate or tlJctr citr anb communcl> \1Jitl)
JDgtlDCTitl tt}c men of tl)cir dtic,!apin!J,
21 ~cfemct1liucpeeceablpamougb~, anD
11nctbcn t11
b• gau101
111u. t1'1)cll in ttJe lantJ,ano noe dltir occupation d:Jct,
in: ~ bcl)olb, rt.Jc lanD ii! large enou!JlJ ro, tl)cm,
'Ille will tabe tl,Jeirnaugl)tcrs to U>lucs,anD gtuc
tlJcm our Mu~tcrs.
21 ©nr.lp tJmin tuillfilcy conrcntbnto bis,
foz to ll'nlcll U>itlJ b" anll to be one people, '.)fall
ti}c mains ttJat arc among 1>55 be cirrumctfeil, lll5
tl)cr arc circumtifcD.
2 3 ~IJal not tl)eit l.lOObUnb tf}cirt'ublance,
~.~~! ~.~.~~~ anb au tl)eit cattdl h be ou~s ~ let \>JS ~nclv ton'

:~!·~~,·:::b· ttnt bnto tl)cm,anb tl)ep tntll ll'!lJell tnt~ bl!.

b•tl•••Mt• :i. 4 9.nllbnto ~cmo~ ann~ttlJetn lJtsronnc,
0111 11111
"" • l)catltenen aUtl1at\\1entoutat t)Je gate oftl)c a.
rte: anti all tl)c males \1)ert circum"fell, \Dl}atro'
cucr 'll>ent out at tt}e gate of tl)c tttic.
:i. s ~ntl file tlJfrtl nap \DlJllcl! tlJcp tucre roic,
t\tlo of tl)c fonncs of·]acob, ~intton anti JI.tut,
~.~~~!~~:t• :mitnas ·1.11ct1ncn,tooliC citl)cr of tl)em lJisfulo111.
'~' b•no. anD went into tt}c titic bolblp, ano aetu au tlJe
k tihrm;i1J1'
ur;i.m1n1111c 26 anb acme alfo \9cmo~ aub k~it{)cmlJts
ts pun1(bn1
0\90TI&lllbE rom1c \llitlJ tlJe cbgc of tl}e f'alo)ll, anD coolie Ji1>i,
µc:avtt. na out of ~icl}ems IJoUfc, anti 'mmt ttJcir \Dar.
21 anb tlle fonnes of')l,acob commtng bpon
t Thevn- tl)ci ncaD, 1rpoiltb tl;Jecitie, bcmufc tl.)cy(Jall be,
: ~·,~~'"" ri'.cll t1Jcir Cillcr,

~"'"ll"''" 28 ant1too1tctl)cir OJC£pe,oi:cn, anbtl;Jeirar•

~~~'~?.~;,•b·, res, anti tol}atfocucr \llas mtfJe citie, anD alfo in
~·1~~,~i;~~~··· tl)t fitlbS.
2 9 9.nb alltf.Jeir «OOtll!,anb aO tl;Jeirc~ltlDtm,
anbtlJmtotucs, tooketl;Jer mptiuc, anbmaDe
l)auothe of aUtl)nt\Dasin tl}e l)ourc.
3° l5nt 'J\acob falb to ~nneon anll JL,cut., pc
no Rinke l)auettoutlcbmc.,anb mane mcetot-bU~o~·
~aif,b~:r~' rcb oftllcinl)abittt!S of tl)e lanb of d:Je ~·
~~~~::";,~.~~:' mtc ~ tlJc l!)tJtre}ite: anti ~being rt\D mnum,
"''"""uutb•· bcr, lltl)cy llJllll 1i;atgtt
rUV'tllJOn (o • n..... ffl .......alU""" -,-er 8'
"'";fl-UHC:. IN '-'liiJ' "°WJ
""'"'·"""" ~am mec. anti ....pmee, antlfoftJall anbmp
~~~~! f.~;:~·r 1Jourc be t1cllropct1.
•••got; so•1r. 3r 9.ntl tl)tp anfy.ltteb, ~lJoulb ml)eebeale
\llftf.J our flllcra15 tottl) an l)attot :'
20 ant11
Efa u dcparcech fron1 la cob~ Chap. xxxvj. Efaus generations. 14
~no~~1{1':r~~(· 9nD jacob h ret bps tloncon mb bponf)er
r11111<~1!.b" ~: \lllJ•dJ ii! mllcll l!iacl)Cf.6 grauctlone bn•
~~;~.~'.~:«,. to t1.1tis oar.
("~:~~':".-. 21 ano ~tract 1llcntt:l)ttlct, ano pttdJeD IJifJ
:,",~.·:~,~ tent bqono t\JttowcrefCfber.
hrrD,.... 22 aoo ass 1rrae1 t11lldt tn d.Jc Iantt, Subm

,::r; ;~. 1llmt llnb ilapc tDftb l6ill}a l)iss fad.Jerss

::~:i~ii:... binc: anD it came to jfradl care. ~lJe forum or
'.)arob wen ttDcluc mmnnbcr.
l 3 ~c Conness of JL,ca : JllUbm 9j1uobis flrtl
bo1nc Connc,anll ~imeon,ann :lLeui,llnb 'J!Ulla,
anD ]fattJar,anD '.Jabulon•
. 24; ~lJcfonncfJ ofJlla&l]cl:'J!ofcplJ anblf5m•
~ 5 aoo ti.Jc ronneis of l5111Ja lladJdSI l)atlll•
maiD : Jl:!)an anb ~eplJtlJalt.
2 6 anb t~c ConnefJ of ~lJa JL,eafJIJenllmaib:
d3a1:1 anll arer. ~de are tf.Je Conness of '.}lacob,
- .,, Dau"'"' \tllJid.J \tlere bo~nc lJim in ~cropotamia.
~:.::':, 2 7 9:nb ro 1acob came k bnto ']fa!Jac lJilS fa•
1:;~.~.':1:':. dJrr to ~amrc, bnto ftliriatll-arba, 1\tllJiCIJ ifJ
!ll~~.::.~.D ~eb~on, UJlJm atnlliJam anti ]falJac lfmclt.
I JllDUlr• 28 antJtf,JClJ8frfJOf'J!falJ8Ctlletr8n l}Un!11etl
:!i1~~··'• 11nl1 rourercoJcrcereSI.
;.~~,:~~:: l 9 an11 ')falJac llecaret1 au:iar, anlltlitll, ann
m1111·~~1 ~, 1llaSI larD bnto lJifJ people, bceini,; olD anD full of
~':', 'i..1n•'' llapcfJ: anll 1Jif5 fonncf5 <ffaU anb m '.31acob buTICD
=:11~~~?"' IJim.
The xxxvi. Chapter.
2 The wiues of Efau. 7 Jacob and Efau arc enri-
ched. 8 Efaudcparteth from lacob,and dwellcth
in mount Scir. 9 The pctigrec of Efau.
~cfc are tl}e gcncrattonf5 of lfCau,

.., •.,11-
"'••birt11hrr D 2
ocrau toohe lJiSI tDiucis of d.Je
llauglJttrSI of €1Janaan: •aoa tlJe
tJaug(Jtcroflflonan l!}etlJitt, anb
•'*-"· al)oltbama tl.J£ t1augf)ter or ana tl)c t1aug1Jter
or ~ibeonanl!}cutte:
3 ant1 JaafcmalJ '.l\CmaclSI llauglJm, anti a,
i:: SU.inr b~n
totlUtlt lUll h
d>oa1 t1rt111c•
1bt piooraiuu
ffcr Of ~ebaiotfJ. rwrrnrrbi:ar
auo cUcaa.irc.
r,Chr.1.19, 4 ant1 .. at1abarrbntolffaU, lfliplJaSl:anb
18afmtalJ bare 1.liclmtL
s .anti at)olibama bare ]c(Juis,anl> ~alam.,
anti <o~lllJ. ~cfc arc tl)e ronnrSI of cicrau UJl}icl}
\Den bo:ne him in tlJe lan'll of QI:l}anaan.
6 ann crrau tooliclJis \tliucs,anb bis ronnrs
an'll llauglJtttS, anb au d.Jc foultSI of IJiSS l)oUfe,
lJis ~oollSI anll au ~ts mttdl, If au lJis Cubttance
'IDIJ1d1 IJe (Jab got an d.Je lanllC of ~lJanaan: anb
1llent into a countrey amap from tfJe face of IJifJ
b~otlJer ]acob.
1 f 01 tl:Jc'ir ricfJtf5 \\l11S1 mua,, anti tlJtf cOUlll
not lltucll togrtlJcr: anll tlJ£ lanbe 1DIJamt tlJCF
\tlerettrangerscoulllnot rcmucd.Jms, boolurc
~~'::~. s ~s t11llclt <ffau bin mount ~cir, d.Jc
":"~ IDhm Came caauiss ~llom.
,..,. ~:"". 9 ~efeanti,cgcnerationf5of fiau.fatl.Jtt
::,;::i~. of tlJt CfDomittsin mount ~tir.
~::::~be· ~ o 9ntl tl)cfc an tf.Jc names o~ cffaus romuSI:
~" •;ro~ lflqilJas u,c Connc of aoa tl}e nnfe of fiau, anD
n. • IRel)uel tl)cConnc of ~arenta!J tlJe 1llif'e of llC!au.
11 anb tl,le fonucSI of cfliplJaSI, 1llerc ~t,
man,l!Dmar, ~cplJo, anb C!15at1Jam, anb ~ma1.
1 i anD ~imna tuas concubine to lfliplJas
lffaus fonnc, anD bare bnto Q?ltpl)aS amale':
anll ttJere be tl)e connesi or 9lla ceraufJ\uifr.
13 !ilnb tlJman tl)e ronncsiof1!1elJUel:~tt'
IJatb. anb ~mlJ, ~amltla, anll Q!l~1a: tfJeCc
C[ 2 ~9 'dnD I
lofephs dream es. His Genefis. brethren fell him.
39 anb after tlJC b.catlJ or ~aal7l)anan tl)e too10 agatnc• .\lnllfo !Jc rcntlJtm out of tIJe bale
ronnc ofacIJboJ, 'abar rcigm~n mIJ•S ~t1b:.an1> of 'ebJon, anb l)c came to ~tc:IJean
_ tl}c name of IJl!'!l citic tua.ES ~au, ann l)tS 'Wtut!S l 5 gnb a urtainc man foumc l)tm, anb be•
~.i;::;~«::~:D' name i ill\)elJctabel, tlJt naugl}ter or Sl@atrtll,tl}e lJoloe,l)cc 'Wais 'Wanllitng out of IJis map in tl)c
~;.~·::)mm 1>augl)tcr of ~naIJab. ficlt1,a1lb tf)e man atHcb l)im,uel)at feelicll tl)ou':'
,, g'"'1 ''"" 4a ~()ere are tIJe k namess or tl)c llulies tl)at 16 'cc anCmercn, l fceflc mp g b1etl1Jm: tell g,:111~:.!:~"
:~:~:~~. .b• Qf. came of ~rau, ac:c:oJl>ing to tl)etr lltnrells, pla• me, '.JI piap tl)ei:, 'Wl)cre tl)ep lmpccatccll. a:i• m1n11e1.
~~~~1;~1,tbmk ccis,anil nJmc!'!l:l>uftc ~imnalJ,tJulie aluaIJ,tlulie 17 .ann tf)c manfarllc, iat;l)ep arc bepartcb
~:·~~ii;'.'~1::· ]cttetlJ, . . l)ence: fo, '.ll l.)aue l)earb tlJcm fap,"Jl..ct bs go tm•
4 1 ~ufic ~(Joltbanm,bulie <fialJ, tlUftc l&mon, to 1I!lot()an. ~IJuis went ~ofcpl) after l}i~ b~c·
4 2 ~ufic ~enai»llUlie ~cman,nulic ~ibfar, t[J,cn, anll founo tl;Jcm in Wotl)an.
4 3 ~ulic !!@agbtcl,bube '.]Jrmu. ~l}cfc tee tl)c 1 s .anll 'w}Jcn ttJcr falDe I.Jim ararrc off.bcro,c
lluliri.l of ~tlom, acco~ning to t(Jcir habiti.<t.onti IJc '8me attiJcin,tl)ep tooh 'ounfcU again'1l}im,
in tlJe lanil of tbeirpoffemons: t(Ji!'!l <ll:Cau iis ttc toflaflJim:
CatlJcr or tIJc <irnomtte)'!l. 19 !ff"o~onc Carbtoanotl.Jcr.'5c1Jolll,tf)is*no• • enalr~ftll.
The xxxvij. Chapter. table i:l~camrr commetf). !~~.~~~f,::<;
2 O €01UC 110\lJe tl)Crefoic atJ?J Jct bl$ aar l}im, In Oaug~l<t.
5 lofcph tellcthhis drcames, and is hated of his bre- ann;callhimintofomepit,~'Qlc'GlillCap,~omc ~ Ma!lcrof
thren. 34 Iacob bccingperfivaded that his fonnc naugl)ticbealtl]atl} bcuourell l]im: anll 'We llJall 1:.:~~.
loleph was dead, bewailcthhim. fee U'll)at will come oflJiS:S nicamtis. ~.b:;:~·;
7'~~.2J~·'i:~M"lcob nwelt in tiJc lanll 'Wf)erin IJiis 2l ~IJcn lRuben l}carb t()at, f)cc tin l)tm out ~:'.ao1
tr· . ~ ~fatl)cr 'ala~a llranier,inti)elano~ oftfJctt' ganns,am1 faiO,lctbSttoti fitlll}im. +Sirikehim
Cff~,. ~: of~ganaan. • . 22 anlJ lRubcn rapoc mo~eoucr tmto tlJcm, inthcfoulc.
• ~hromd ~ ~%~ i ~ere arc t1Je gcncrat1onss ~}Jcb no lJiootJ,bm catl IJim into tlJiSS pit tlJat i!S
~~·:1,;i;~:~~~~· 1 ~ ·~~ of]ac::ob:U'lf)cn '.]JofeplJ 'ala~ fcU£n, mtf)c 'Willlen1etre, ann larc no IJanll tpon 1Jt1n:
.: :i:ocou. tcenrret.:is olb,lJe lleptaicep \tlttlJ t)t~ b~ctf.J~en, th is be faid tl)at (Jee miglJt tillllc l.Jim out of ti)dr
ann tl)c lall '1la~ '1litl) ti.Jc fonnc.15 of "5illJa, ann t.Janni;s,anlJ beliuet IJim to l)i~ Catl}cr againc.
'alitlJ tIJc ronmis of '5ilplJa, IJiis fatl]crs '1liuca: ii gno lDIJcn 'JioCeplJ wais come tnto i)i~ b~c,
b (!ritbrr o! anti 'Ji ofcplJ b~OUg1Jt1llltO lJi!S fatlJCT b tl)eirtUil! tlJJcn,tl)rr ftript IJtm out of IJiis coatc, tJiis partie
~~ 1 :~ 1~ 1~1 ~~'tm11 repo~t.
1 1 colourcri coat;, tl)at'WaisbpontJtm.
''°''~';""' ' 3 l5ut '.3)Crael loucll lofeplJ mo~c tl]cn an 24 !.lnntl)crtool!clJim,annk catll)iminto an k ~&'"""
g;~'~.:~·~',',•· tJt~ mtlll ten, bccaufc {)cc begatclJim in 1Ji.ll c oloe cmptieptt,'1llJmin 'ala.IS no toater. =~:t.i.
2 5 itnll ti)ey fatt tl)cm bo\llntto eatt b~atl : ~~~~'::llr
~<{;[ \DnHl1'n age; ano'l]c malJelJitn a coat or manr :\: colouris,
?u'h::,'};r'ii'u 4 gnll '1?1JCll {Jl.IS b~ctlJ~en ra'W tlJat tf.Jcirfa, anb ais u,ep lift bp cJJeir epcunn Iookell about, ~°C°"'11m
., "'""" tl)£r loucll f.J1m moJe tl)cn all l,)t.15 b~c®cn, t}Jcp IJel)OJbC, tlJCfC C8tl1C a COtnpaUiC Of ']lfmaditeS •nrmDb11,
i l'1ecos. l)atetl f)itu, anil coulb not Cpcalle pcaceablp bnto from<13ilcall: anb tlJcir camel.IS lallcn 'WitlJ rptn~· ~~~:' 1,:ti.
l)im. rie,baulme,anl:J mrirIJe,ann 'Wcre going tlotrme cnt••tfioor.
" uc "'""" 5 Sl@o~coucr, ~lJc\l ]oCcpl) dlJ~ll llicamc~ a to carp it h> (fgypt.
tha' "'"' rro l:J~emnc, l)c tolll lt 1)1~ lnCtl)JC!l, 'Wl)tCIJ 1Jatt1> l}tm 26 .anb ]~Iba rapll bnto IJtss b~ct:inen, UDl)at
eon,t);\'b nu. ~
~nlnr ncm, pct tl)c mo~c. mauatlctlJ lt tf 'we aar our b~otiJcr,antl licepe lJis all Rnnrr1'"~Dllfll;o:,ID
::~:~fc'i:~r.o 6 anb IJc faib bnto tl)cm, ~care'.] p~ap rou bloon fccrct :' m~artoaaa•
Dllll Dot~ linnl
rro•n•t~tr. tf.Ji~tl~cfime \Dl)iclJ '.Jj JJaµc llJCamclJ. 27 ~omc on.anl:JTctbSSfrnlJimtotl)ejjlinae, 1llln1:
1 l5cf.Jolll, tucc mm bmlling OJcaue~ in tlJc ~ttc$J,attb let not our1Janlll3 be bpon IJim: ro, l,)cc
fl ell>, nnll lol'., m~ rr1cafc arofc ano llooo bpJigtJt, l?OUrb1otl)cr,an1JOUrtle11J. anti IJiS b,ctmcn
nun bc[JGU1, pour llJcaur.ll !loon rounn about,ann were content.
mal:lr otc:fancc to nw fiJeafc. l 8 ~i1cn a.IS tlJc ~a'i:lianittis ntml)ant men
s .'<Zo tulJomc l)iS b~ctlmn Cail>, ~lJalt t[Jcu palTeti ur. tlJcp t11ctuc anti lift 'J;ofqilJ out of tl)c
, ,, .. ~-"' brrnf;ing.if'!ilCcllconbs:'o~llJalt t[Jou mncc.lle µtt,ann Coll> {Jim bnto tl]c ]fmaciitc~ foi tb:ien,
'- ·;' '.r. !-,,me tlonnmon om·r bi.l '." e anti tl)cp {Jatcil IJnn tic pitccis of Citucr: 9nll tf)t}' b~ougl)t'.)ofeplJ in'
'. -:,' <;;~r;.~~: rct tlJc mo~c, becaucc or [Ji!S 11-~cames, anll of IJii.l to <ll!gppt.
~"ll·J''°· \\lo~na. 29 ~(Jentlicubcn came againe bnto tl)cpit,
9 !ilnn IJc n~eamc~ rrt
anotlJer n~came, anll anb bc)Jolilc, ')iofcplJ was not in tl)e pit: tl)cn l)cc
tctti it l)i~ b~etllJcn, rarmg, l6e]Jol1>, '.Jl l)aue IJall rcntlJiis clotl)cs,
one illcame mo Jc, anll bc1Jol1>, t~c ~unne, anll 30 am1 went againcb11to1Ji~b1ct1J,cn, fap·
tl)c \ll3oonc, nnn clcucn ~tamsi mabe oiler• ing, ~[le latl is not yonder, 'Woe iSS m~ 'WlJitl)cr
ranee to me. . fl.Jall]goc:'
. t 0 ann tol)Cnl)c lJatl toltl it to !Ji.IS fatl)cr anti 31 guri tlJcr tooT1c ']JortplJS coat, anll liificll a
IJta b1cuuc11, bi.ES fatl)et rwu11ct1 llim, anri fayllc JiiD,anri llippcll tlJc 'oat in tl)e~looll.
r 'lli.thr ~.1,r1 bnto lJtm' tIDIJat i~ t[Ji!S i)~camc tl)at tl)ou t.Jall 32 Qnb tl)er rent tlJat parnc coroui:cri 'oate,
~~:r.C;':':::;;t. nicamc'll:' ~lJaU 131 antl tl]p motl)cr anll tl;JF bJC• ann cauren ittobee 11,ou1Jl)t bnto tl)e1r fatl)cr.,
•let.~ .. "'· 11 tlJ~cn Ill tlccti come to bo\Dc to tlJcc :' anti faib, ~i~ IJaue \Uc founri,rce bll}ct~n: it be
;,::.~;~·~~.coc ti 11 !ltn'lltits b' cnuicll[Jim:butl)t,fa, tlJp ronne..a coat.o' no.
'-"' •otlllal JCtllO CtltlJC fa~ing 33 .ano11cdlnetuc it.faying, ]ti~ mp Cornics
•<•o. I 2 l;>i~ bzctt)~rn Q{{O \Dent f0 (lCqJC IJi• fa• roate. a~ticbcalllJati,l>ctJomeb ~tm, 'Jo•
tl;cr)J cattcU tn ~tclJcm. fqJIJ ts 'Wrtbout boubt rcnttn ptccc•.
3, 1a~1t1 ~1rrac~ faill ~nto 'Jlofcpl), Jt'>oe not ltl' 3t anb'.)acobrcntl)i.ll'lottJc~ aunput rack,
b2ctu,c.1 r.ccpc m ~ttlJtm:'comc anll '.] 11liU dot11 about IJiS lopncs, ano moumcb ro, 1Jil3
rcnntl1rc to tl)cm. '
'1- ~c anftnm1>, l\lti:c '.l\ am. anti bt faib bn• 35 ~l01t1§f.eaU
fonne h~.!1-Co ,,,,,. " Uh. • ~'' rrfufcD
A.•U R .,,,. nn..,. anu a 1;1t.IS bllU(!;lJ· llDID!p<Om•
to ~un, <lloc, I pray thee, rec tol)ctt)cr It be 'Wrll ters rofc bp to comfoJt tJtm: nettcrtl)clc[c n !Jee ~~:.i~r::--·
\lltth till' bicttncn anti tile cattcll. anb b#n11 ntcc tuottll>C notbrc comfoJt£D,but fa)!De, ']l '1ltll gor eon.

- bo'1.111r1
1uda and Thamar. Chap.xxxviij. xxxix. lofeph is fold. 15
~9 illtUI 11Jegate1JtrtJp.anb 'a>~nt..a1111 putlJn
baile from 1Jet,anb put on IJet'\Daoows rmmrnt.
10 ~nb ]Ulla ltnt ~e kibtle br IJiS fftmtl Ill),
DoUam,foJ to r£«iUt IJispltbge againe from tl}e
womans 1Ja1111 : but 1Je Counb IJtr not.
1_1 ~m afbt1>1Jetf)emmoft1Jcfameplacr,
fapJng, IJ9l]et'£ lS ti.JC f hl1flottlJ8t ratt 0pCJ1l1' bf I Vlbr l)cM
tl)c 'a>11p rtbc t ~er antmercD, ~l)cn is no 1Jar, ~~~~.grn.'~" 1
lot t.Jm. r.~n:::i<Y..:
19ttcamt tOll!' .... "ll.11' IJiHh 8Jlb itnofQLn~ Ir~
.22 bnto
"lllltle IJ"tm, 1°"'ettfo•C
Ml • _JJuun-.., ""''.
camiot flllbc l]ct: anb alfo tl}e 1111
mm of tl]e P*c fa~tle,tlJat tl]erc tvas no bllrlot "·
2 3 antl~UDaraib, 'A,ct1Jertal!eitto1Jer, skll ; "'mrr•

'alee be 11.Jamcb: bcl}olb,] rent tl}c htb, lll1b tl)ou :•ti:.!~.~~~

l)all not fo~ntl IJcr. ~~!;,:~r.1'"
24 !illtb 1t came to patre, after t1J1ec monetlJJS, eoo. 11o0 ~1 0

one tolb '.)Ulla,faptng,~IJamar tlJr naugtJter in ~·m.

la'a>e IJ~tlJ plapell tl}e l)anot. \t 'a>iti) plaring t1Je
IJ~tl~ become great 'a>ttlJ tlJitDe. ann ']luoa
rain, l8~mg1JcrfoJt1J,t1Jat11Je mar be burnt.
"5 Sinn 'll>IJcn tlJer b101ag1Jt tm ro1th, OJc rent
tol:lerfatIJcrtnla\Ve,Captng, lOrtlJcman bnto
'a>l}ome tlJefe tl)tngs pmainc am ']1 toitlJ ci)tlbe :
111111 Captle atro. JLookc 1 PJal' tl}ee, \'ollofc arc
t1JcCe.t1Jis tta1t.t1Jts btaulct,anb tl)i~ tlaftc.
16 anti '.}lUDa actmo'!Dletlgttl tlJcm. ano rapb,
h~IJelJatlJ bmc moze tig!Jttous tl)m ]:bccaure ha.''"'"'A
1 ~ IJe:t not ~cialJ mr ronnc. ann l)ce 1are :~:::;,;;;·~
~b!::~ h',."'
tD1t1J IJci no mote.
17 lOut tDIJ?I tlJe time bias romc tIJat f'IJtc ~·:·,:~;.~~'..,
11.l~ltl b~ l:Jeltucreb, bel)olbe, tl,Jcrt bias ra>o ~~ "':"", 1'

:,:~ :, :!,'. P•
t\1'1nncis m11cr \Dombe.
28 ~ntl\lll)ma1eetrauaClell, tlJeoneputout
1Jts l}ant1. a1111 tlJe milltvife too fl anti bouno ano
th reed about It. faptng, Q)iJS ilS come out firfi,
19 anti S,epluckel> IJiS 1Ja11t1 bacl! againe, anti
belJol?IJ:JIStm>tlJer camt out.anti 11.Je rattl,lli)lJcr,
foJe IJaftd)ourmtB mltbpon ti.Jee~ anti CElllctl
IJiS name 1&11ares.
30 after\Dafb '8111C out IJiJS biotlJcr tl)at Qan
tl)e tt.llte dJteeb abouc l}ls 1Jant1: anti (Jtis name
'a11¥cal1CO jaral}.
Thcxxxix. Chapter.
1 Iofcphisfolde10Pu1iphar. 1 Godprofpmthlo
fcph, s and bldfcrb Puciphar for lolrphs fake.
7 Iofcph docth withlland th• tempr.uion of lm
millrclfe. 1 3 He i1 fa!ily accufcd and call into pri-
fon, 11 where Godfhcwcchhimfauour•
4'.>CeplJ -.biouabt bnto ctgrµt:
an'll-utiplJar, a f~D of l!)IJaraos_,
anti l)is dJiek aewar1:1. an ltgfpti<
an. bougl)t l}nuofdJc ~rmad1tes
• 'GIJiC:lJ IJall woug!Jt l]tm d)tdJer.
s 9llb 0ob tDaJS tDitlJ 1orcp1J,anD l)e be.came
a• ltrdsie man. c:onctnuinil in tl}e lJOUfe Of l,Jts • llll1n1m
mafter$~tian, ::~~ :D

3 9nt1 11ts maacr C81» tl,Jat b '8otl blal \DitlJ ::::'.·,~11~

1 n. anb,,.."'t C3ot1m11DeaU tl]&th"tlibto P'OC'
i. 1 r1u1iueat1b
1:1' • ..,.. ~ ~ lllC~ID l• cu
per In IJilSIJanb. . ~·-.. b•111o11
4 anzi 1jofq>f,1 fountle !lf8U ml)tlmatfctJS of. "'ID I~
fi@t. ant1rerueol}im: anb1Jeemat1e1Jlmoucr• ~~:~~~~·
rmot11'1Sf1ou£e,.ant1putaU tlJatl)c IJaDm IJiJS
IJanl:I. .
s 911D1tc:ametopaffe.fromt1Jetimct1Jatf,1c
IJllZI ma11e1Jimouttrm ofl)t• IJoUfc,anb ouer all
UJatlJu IJO, tlJe' i.o~e bl£1feb ttJe e~tians ' .. b•PP''
))oufef01 '0feplJ•Clllle:a1111 dJe blell"tngort'tJc
i.o~ lDQ l!Pon au tl}ac IJtc IJO In ti.le IJoUfe,
'1"' or ~ID.
anb mt1)e fldll.
Iofeph cempced coadulcery. Genefis. He expoundech dream es. '
\1.anaifes & Ephrain1 borne •. Genefis. Simeon is im prifon ed.
fatlJn: anti maoe IJtm ruin ouei au d}e lan'b of
<Jejl?l't. .
44 ant1mo1c0Utt -ijarao falllbnto~ofq>f'I,
.~~.:::~rill!, m ] am 1$1)arao~ anti wtt11ont tl)u OJall no man
I~ '(;,'l,;~i~.' n lift bp l:JiJ l)anll 01 foot in all tlJl! lanD of Cfi;J1?pt,
,~~~\~:i:• 1 · 45 .anll 101Jarao mUcD '.J,o~eplJjS na~ :i: ~aplJ•
,,r,. natlJ 10ancaa,.an111Jl! gattt 1J1m to 0 aft .arnadJ
A man 10 tl)e lla~IJtct of potipl}etalJ II piictt Of f>n.~{Jm
•homfc- 'almt'J]ofep(JouetdJelanlJof~t.
e>led. 46 (an!llJetDaJtl)lt,..,
. ~f tutclS Ollletl>"m"tt
Y .,
11.1n~ 1n. !10011bdo~101.Jaiao Iring of~:)anll ~ofqJIJ
,'.~~~~'.~.~ Dcparttn(J from the p~ct of tl)l]arao, \llent
':,~;;;.':ii~. t1Jo1omo~t tl)r. lan'b of <emit.
1»nn1ny1•. 47 anll m tl}e fmtnplmtcou• rtttJS, tl)eeartfJ
Or,pnncr, b1ougl)t fo1t1J gnat lloiefoi to la! bp.
48 .ann 1Je 1at1JereD bp al CIJdooD ofttJt reucn
plmteouis rcereis blbidJ toert tn tl)e lanD of Cf,
grpt,anD IBl?l> bp tl)c footJ in tlJt ~iticJS: tlJt fOOD
ort()criclllJStlJatgnto rounll about euerp 4titie,
laiD (Je bp in t()c fame.
49 anlJ '.]lofeplJ laill b!HOjtlt in fttl~e like bnto
t{Jc ranb of tlJe rca.. in multitulle out Of meatun,
bntin l}ce lert numb1tng: foJ tt \1111JS UlidJouc
so ann tnto ljjofepl) t>erc bomc tlllo fonnts
bcfo'c t()c rercis of famine came: "1'11Jicl) arnatlJ
tl)r bauglJttt of -otipl.)era)1 p~tctt of i!Dn bare
bttto l}im.
s1 ann ']!ofcpi, caUe'b d)e name or tl)c firtl
Forgciful- fonne +~anatrcl!I: foi <301> faid he l.)atlJ mallemc
eifc. fo1gct al mp labour,anb al mp fatl)crs IJDUflJOlb.
rncr~a- Sl 'fil;{JC natnC Of ti)e fCCOllll '81lcll be :i: Gepl_ua,
ngs. im: ro, <5011 faid he IJat11 caUfeD me to be fmitfull
in tf}elantJ ofmptronblt.
s3 ann toIJcn tl)e rcum rcmis of plenteouf·
ncn-c t()at was tn t()elanb of lfm>t. Ulm mnen,
s+ ~l)m came tl)cfeumreml!I of llearttJ, ac·
co~llin!;J ass ]ofeplJ IJall faill, allll tl)e l>eartl) was
in all lanbcis: but tn all tl)e lan'b of ci?grpt Ulal!I
tl)etc foobe.
ss anll wl)cn tl)c lan'b of Cfmt atre began·to
l}unger,~ people men to l&IJarao ro, b~cab. ann
ll)l)arao rain bnto all tlJe Cfgvptians, <5oe tmto
']ortplJ: anll ml)atl}e raitlJ to rou, tlJat l>oe.
56 anl> tl)c ncartfJ \1Jal!I tl)o.zotoout an tlJc
lanb: anb ']lofepl) oprnco an tlJe bameis 'tDl)mn
\llal!l COJne,anb folD bnto t{Je lf«rptianl!I: fo) dJe
famine tl'Ja~cb ro,c in tlJc lantJ or lfgppt.
s7 ann all countricis came into cegvpt to ~o·
fepl) foi to bUp corneJmaurc tlJat tl)c famin '11ais
ro foJe in all lanllJS,
t Jacob rendeth Iofephs brethren into Egyptto 1.iuy
come. 7 lofeph knowcrhthcm,andtricth them.
14 Simeon rcmaineth in prifon. 19 The other
r~turnc to theirfatherro fetch Beniamin. 39 I:r.cob
is loth to let Bcniamin goc, buratlall he isconrenr.
g:,~~.~:ll111i, ~,, ' ~~"' .m ~ •'Jlacob feeing ttJat ttJcre mas
au 11111111 f-'~iA'
a:aunnua '~
i to•ne
in cttmnt
1'l't" .,
£111?1> bnto "J"'
&J ~
br eooo t,i•· , fonm'IS, DIJp gape pc one bpon an•
~~~ii~~r~,o~l~br ;2Y_~~ . OtlJtt~
~~~·::,.,~. ~~G -i. !111'b~tClliD,'5djOlb,11)11Ut
lBrcakin • l)e?tll tt)attl)tre&sstoJnetn CflJTilt~ttpoubo\tln
s tlJtt!Je;r,anb bllt' bss come fromtl)mce tl)at'\llee
map ltue,all'b not bit. •
3 ~o ~mt l\ofe:plJIS tenbJcttnm llO\Vne to
bup come tn lfimJt.
4 l5ut l5cman~in 1ofe:p1Jss bJotlJer \Doull>
not 1\acob £mll lb 1J1s otl)er ~ittl)~en : foJ l)c raCD,
11..ell pcrnllumtuu beltruct1on coinc bpon btm.
:Iofcphs brethren bring · Chap.xliij. . Beniarnin to lofeph. 1
_ t~ gwel}is '! .i~ll aG one of tl)em .opene~ IJts raclie, ~oi ~oull:l \De bl' anr meane linollle tlJat l}e moulll

I[,,;'Ji'il~;~~:~·~ alfe piouen~erm tl}e gjlnm.,IJe eqtten rav, :15,tng rour biot(Jer Dolllne with you
:,,~ ~~;0;i:~c;1j 1J113monep,fo,11~)Dasm1J1sfame15moatl):
s "1[;(Jen ratD jlunatmto ]ftael IJi~ fat(Jcr,

"''~'· 2 ~ am1 IJe fatbe bnto l}t$ b~ctIJien, ~mo' ~en'll tl)c la'll 'mitlJ me, tl]atme mar artfe ~ goe, . • ...
nep is reltoien t~ me agatne, fo1(oc, tt is tn ·mr anll tl)at me mar Hur., anD not Die, rea botl) wee
t W•n• facbe. ln~ tlJetr~cartt faileD tl}cm, anti tlJer allll tl)ou;an'll alfo our II meanie. 1: o-.c1"1 ·
foonh. mere aftomcll,~> one to anotl}er, t19lW l)atl) · ·9 ] trJ_tllbe ruretp fo~ IJim, ofmr {Jan'O liJnlt drrn.
(Jl5oD tlJUS Dcalt'IDttl) bS:' . - tl}o~rcqmre l)im: if'Ji b~tngl)imnot bnto tl}cc
29 ~nl:l tl}er came bnta jjacob tlJcir fatl.Jer, agame, anti fet l)im beto,e t(Jinc errs, t(Jen l£t
bnto tlJc Iantl of llrl}ana:in.. anD to11l 1Jim all tl.Jat me bcare tl)e blame ro~ cucr.
bercll 1mto tl)cm, fapitlg, 1 0. ~ruelr,e.rcept\llclJat1 mane tlJis tarrtng,
30 ~tmnan who is tl)e loil:I oftl)c lanl:I, fparte bp tl)1s \De f}ab retumeb tl)e recom time. I
rougl}Ip to bs, ann toohe btJ ro,rptes ortl)e coun, . u an1:1 tfJetr f'atl:Jer 'J\frae1 rain bnto tflcm, '] f i
trer. 1t mun necbe~ be fo,nom tlJcn boc tlm~: ~arrr cf:
h itr1ri 1<11 31 ~ntl "tuefaill bntol)i1n.tl9emcanctruely, ti:)~+ bctt frutts of ttJc!an'tl in rourbcffr!~, r;:i~ :
~~~~·h:~ ' \De neucrtucrerpies.
b~mg tl)e man b a p~crcnt,a curtnc oflJatmr, 1m: ·
f~;\'r,:,~·~;::, 32 ooe be t\Detue b~ctlJ~rn. romte~ of o.m fa, a c:urtfle ofl)onp,fpiccs,anomur~c,mtt~ nnb ,,I
bon•lll• •no t(J~ r: one t~ a'lllar, anD tf1e rongell ts tl)ttJ liar monn~.
r..... w1tl) our fatl}er in a,e lantl of CltlJanaai~. . 12 !Anl> tahe Muble 'moncp in pour !JantJ,an. ,
33 :Annt1JcJLoi1>oftl)ec:ountrer ra1Daga1ne tlJe moncr tl)at ma~ tJiougtJt agamc in rrnr :
bnto bs, ~crebp 11,Jall 'J fmo'tDe tt;at pee mcane faclic~, tahc it againc \lJ ttIJ rou, pcrnl:Jucnttir:: 1t ~ '·
turelp: JLcaue one of pour b~etlnen 11~e 'mitlJ 'Illa~ fame ouerngtJt. ;!·,: .
mc,aniltalJefoodto putamartl)e rammefi:om . 13 '(];affcatro~our b~ot(Jcrmit{J rou, an!l<:, ~'·;;:.
r our1Jon11Jol!IS. an!I get rou a\llar, nfe,anll goe agame bnto tl)e man. , ,,
34 .ann b~in~ ponrvongca b,otl)er bnto me, . 14 ~nn d ©oD almtglJtr giuc roumcrcr in !l;c :,~·,'"_ '
tbat 9i map fino\Uctl)at fOU areno !pteiJ, but figi)toftl}eman, tl)at~cmayilcliucq,ouyom-::i,
mcanc trueir:ro 'tDtl 1 l>elmerroupour b~ot(Jcr, tl:Jrr b~ot(Jer, anb tljts l5cmamin: an'11 tlJl!~ :J
anl> re fl.Jan otc:upicln tIJ_e lanl>.. am a~ 011e ti,Jat tss quite robcn oflJi~ clJiiil.icn. ·
35 .am111f! tl)ep cmpttclJ tl)cn: faeltel!, bel)otzi, 1 > ~IJu~ toofic tl;cr tlJc picfent, anllt\t1ifc re
euctl' man)l bunble or moncp b.1813 in l)is fttchc: mq:ci] mo~e moncr in t(Jcir lJanll , 1DitlJ l5m!",
~,r~~:~:;;~"t gn'll \lll:Jrn botlJ tIJcr ann tl)elr i fatl}er fa\\lc tl)c mirr,anb rorc bp,anl> went Downe to <ll:f!!'P t, sa;:i
1," •:1"J"' 't' bunillcs of moncr, tf)ep nicreafratn. l'too1> bero~e ]ofcplJ.
:."!:~::~: 36 !ani:I 'Jacob tl)cir fatl)cr ~tne bnto tlJcm, 1 6 twIJm '.])ofepll fa'W l5tniantin mitlJ ti;rnt,
~~:~~ir;'~~~~ k ~el)aae fct:obb~D of mp tlJilb~en: '.]Jofepl) iss i)c faiD to t{Jerulcr oflJt~ l)ourc,l5#ng tflcfc m:n
~t~~~·,t;iro a'IDat', iJ ~uneomss atoar,anbpe blil t:alie l5en, l)om~, anti Oar, anll mafic rcaDp: foi tlJcic men
::J~·~;~v~ltb tamina'l»ap:-all~tl}tngsarea~amllme. tliaU*l>tne'1)tt()mcatnoonc. · ,r:·
0°~••vrn• .37 lliubcnCatDbntolli~t:atlJer,~Iarmrtmo 17 .Qnn tl)c man bii:I ass 'J:ofcpl) ba'Oc, n:~D
~::io~~~:P. ronneis, if j\ biingl)im not to t{Jce agatne: Deli' b,ou1,J{Jtt{Jemt11to 'j\ofep{J$ l)oure.
~b':t':::: ~~'?.t uertntn to mr lJanl:J,ant> l blll b~tng l}im to tl)ee 18 IW{Jen tIJe men were b~oug{Jt into ']lorcplJfS
1 1
1° cc1ro. Sl\&tm. . (Jaure, •tlJcpmcrc afraill, ~ratn,l5ecaurcoftl1c ..
3s 9:111> IJe ratl:J, ~r Conne lb all not go l>o'tDnc 1uoncr tl.')at ra:me in oar fac11c)1 moutl)ef5 nt tfa: ;'i'
'mitlJ rou, fo11Jts. b1otlJer tsneal:J, ~nn l}e iis left firil t~mc are. \ue lnougf)t!n. tl]at f}e mar 1 rec lie t ;:: ,
alone:jfl)eftrurtton,ome bpon (Jim br tlJe mar omlfionagamll b~,ani) b1ole11t!p lap (Jan!Jr:> 1Ji:, crro'i r
iul)tt{J regoe, re11JaRb1i11g mp grar l]catJ bliti} on b)1, to b#ng b)1 in bon!lage,ann ouraU'rfS eifc. 1;,a;;,: _·
foioniimtotl.')c grauc. · 19 ~tJercroJecame t(Jep to t{Je m1111 tlJat \tla.(.> v"
" u·· Ch
Th ex. tlJe ruler oner 3]ofcp()!l 1Joufc, anil c:ommunril 1
_11. . apter. . . . 'IDttlJ l)imattlJc l>Oo:e of t(Je l}oufc,
I 3. Iacob fuffcrcthBcniamm [O depart with h1sch1I- 20 anl>fal!J, ©()fir, 'IDe came Downe l}itf)cr at
Clrcn. t(Je urll ttmeto bup fooilc •
!a~ tlJUeatt:IJ blaf great intlJe 21 anl>a13\l1eecame toanj;nnc, \llreoµmetl
lanll. our faclie)1, am1 belJol!I, cucrr man.a monrr \Da)l
:a ~n~ it came to pam~ bl{Jcn in tl)emoutl) of{JilS faclie, cucn our mollCF !It full
ti)cp ball eaten bJJ tl)c come bll}iclJ 'Wat1JlJt: anl> wee l)aue bJottgIJt 1t agmnc mour
• tlJep ()all b~ougl)t out of tl)e lanD of (Jann.
q~pt, cgeir rat{JerflliD bnto t\Jetn, (Jl5oc a1Jaine 2: anl:I otbcr moncp 11aue mrc bJougIJt alfo
andbUr_bsalfrfe fOOi), inourl}antleSto bUF foollc: but\rJCCi.lllttOttCU
3 ]una anf'Wercll lJim,anll faille, ~e man ml}o put our moner in our racflc~.
l:liD folemnctp p~otcll bnto b~,faptn~,!'cfl)al not 2 3 ann l}e fatll,~rncc be bnto rou, fcarcnQt:
fee mr fate, e.rceptrour b.iotl}cr be 'tD1tlJ rou. rour f ©oo, ano tl}e@oo of rour fat{Jer, (Jatl.) gt, ~i;:~,:;,
4 ']lf tl.Jou \\liltfenn ourbµitl)cr 'tDttlJ tis,ble uen rou t(Jat trcarure mr~ur faclis:] {Jan rour ~,~'b; .. ,,,
mill goe l>o'IDne anti bur tl}ee fool>. . moncr .a111> lJe b10tt«llt ~nncon out to tlJem. 1",, , ,,,
s laut if tl)oub>iltnotfmtl lJitn, toe \Dtl not ~4 2n:o tl)c 1nan teo tl.Jem tnto ~ ofepl)S IJourc, ~ 1~'.~;:·d; 1• _;:,~~,.
goe llo\llnc: ro1 tl}c man faib bnto bS, ~c fl.Jal not ano.gaue tIJcm toater to \'llilfiJ tlJeir fectc, \l gaur :~~:\'.~~~..
rec mr fac~ ercept pour b1ot1Jer be mitlJ rou. tf;Jctr atrc~ p~ouen!Jcr. . .
6 gno 'J1rraclfaio, na11erer01eoettre ro cru, :15 ano tl)ep maDe rcanp t~etrwcrcnt agaml1
~ '19t.1.nh•«,
thong~ tbt!
clip mttlJ •me, as to tdl t{Je man tl;lat re tJaD ret jjofe:plJ came at no one: ro1 tl)cy IJeat·ll fay ti.;111
b.UcD f~Clt ab10tfler:' ttJer fl1oult1 catc b~eaD tlJere.
b101bn, rtt
ttJc,~011ID 1 ~eranrmere'll, ~emanafllellbSStlraft, 2 6 IWiJtf'! 'JlorcpIJ came IJomc, tiler b~ougl1t ~mua
•11a. l~ of *our !lace anti of our htnre!J,faytng, 'JS rour tfle p~cfent mto t!Je lJourc to lJim, trJl)icb \llt1:'i :n
i Of vs. fat)Jetpetaltue:'l)aue re not :mother biottJer:'l!ntl ClJCi.r (JaJ.l'lllS, (l bo'11el> tl)cmfclm:% to tf]C Q.fOUlll:l I
i l\louth. "tlletollJ lJimacc;o~l311113 to piteno~ of tbd'cmo1l3%: bef~e l}tm.
'. ()feph vvceperh fecrecly. Genefis. luda fpeaketh for Beniamin.
"~·icc· 2 7 ano l)eaffu~DtfJemottfJcit :;111elfare, anD
faiD, ']ls rour fatlJcr,tlJat olDe man 'Q)btdJ ye toll>
me of, tn gooD IJealtfJ 1anD mpct altue.
~IJtF anl\11er~D ~ ~ fmlant our fatl)tt
2 s
· -:~nu~•e i11in gooD lJCR(tlJ, (f lS pct llhut, an'b d)er gb01ll'
:';:,:,~:.;; ing t1Jcmrciues. maDc tl)eit obctran"•
.:::;~'.OCklD 29 gnDIJClifting bplJisepcs, bet,Jdb IJfSSb!O'
tlJtt'3eniamin lJis motl)'b Cai'b, '.Jl~
tl}ts pour roungei: bz~tIJtt of \tll)om pee rpabc
unto mce-: anD IJc fa1D, ~OD be mmifuU tinto
tl)ec, mp ronuc.
:~owcls. 30 anl19\ofcpfJmal:lcfJa1k(fo~ IJi~:;f)cartl:liD
melt tipon ~isb10~1Jttj~fougl}twherc to umpc,
1anil entrcl:J mto IJ•s ctJambcr, anD \tlcpttl)m.
31 .anti fJc toaOJcD IJis fa'e anD came out, anll
rcfratmll IJimCclfc,anD faiD, ~et on b~eaD.
32 ann tlJer p1eparell fo11Jin1 br IJimfclf, mm
fo~ tl)em bp t}Jemfelues, ant> fo~ tfJc Cfgpptians
'U)(Ji clJ Dill catc UJitlJ f)lm,br tl)cmfelues:bcmurc
tlJc ~gyptian~ map not eatc b~call \tlltl) tl)c i!}c,
-::'""'"" b~c\J.Jes, fOJtlJRtiis an b abominationtmto tl)e
~ ~ ~~~ ~0 1·. ~grptian~.
1 1 1

· ':,~\ 1 ~/ 11 33 anntfJcrratcbero~cfJim, tl)c firct bome..

•· •tuco. accoiDtng to l)iss age, anll tl)e rongell, acco~Ding
. •hntah" to l)tssroutl): anD tiJe +mcnmarutilebamong
::o"· tl)cmieluess.
. :incmnr 34 :.d:n1Jllefentrel»afDC~bntotl}cmfrombe'
.·JJnofi~· fn~e lJimfclfe : but '5eniamin$5 part \tlass flue
>.'"~~.~· ti mess fo muclJ ~ anr of tl)tirss:anb ti.Jct' 'D~unll,
•·. ·.: ~~':::,1 anll were mane+ merr \J.JitiJ l}im.
:vnot The xliiij. Chapter.
2 Iofrph commandcth his cup to be put in the facke
ofBcniamin. s The cup is foundinthcfackcof
Beniamin. n lofcph accufeth his brethren of
their. 33 Iuda offercthhimfclfc to be bound for hi~
brother Bcniamin .
@b l}ecommanbebtl)e.rutttorms
l}oure.. ca11ing,fiUtlJtmcnssraGfiS
toitfJ Coon, RI!! mui;IJ ass tl.Jep can ca,
rie, ano put euerr manss moner in
• l}i~ facke~ moutl] .
. ' :.!l•.~;r.~~· :dnll put mp cup' mp muer cup, tn tile
2 a
··'( ~~r u.1~ •11· fntlie~ tnoutl) oft(Je ~oungect, ano ht~ co:nc1no~

';;:~.~~~·.. ncr alfo. ann ~e lliD accoining to tlJe \llo~llc tlJat

· ,:~~~";,;.;1~ ]ofcpl} ball. fatb. . .
:.::1µ11rtn•. 3 :lnll m tl)e mommg a-" roone ass it \tlajS
IlglJt, tl)c mm tocre let goe, t!Jer,anll tl)eir atres.
4 :dnll 'llllJcn tlJcp \J.Jcre out oft1Jccitie, anll
not pet farrc a\"Oap,'Jiofcpl)faiD bnto tlJcrukrof
(Jis l)oufe,~p,an:o folloto arttt tlJe men: a \DI.Jen
tl)ou lloelt ouertahc them, tl)ou lllalt tap tmto
dJciu, ua~mro~c (Jaue pee rc\lJarDeD cuill fo~
.5 ·J~ not tl)att(Jc rup in t(Jc \lll}iclJ nip lo~b
, :'~,i~~·~;' 1
~~tnlictlJ: anD in tl)c tol)ta) l)c b wop~cfietf)-: ~c
"~"';',','. cJUUC tUtilllonttl]atpel)aue Done•
.',;\;,,'.';-:;,'., 6 2nll wl)enl)e oumooJtc tl.Jcm, lJefaiD t}Jc
"'cp,;, ramcmo~~ bnto tl)etn.
•v,,,,,,ri. 7 2ttll tl)cr anl'wercD l:lim, JW(Jerefoic tattlJ
mr Io~b futl) 'mo~!leis-: ·~011 rowto tiJat t1Jr Ccr·
:tant~ n1oul!l bot ro.
8 leegolb,tl}e money 'ml}itll me foU11b in om
ratlirl! moutl)c~, '1lc b~ougl)t agatue tinto tf,Jee
out of tl)e lRnll Of ~anann: lJo\11 tlJtn rtioulD \UC
~calc out. of tlJl? loill$ l)ourc titlJer filUtr ~~ID~
9 110ttlJ \lllJo.mrocutt of tl)r cm111nui 1t bee
founb, let lJun b1c, aub toe alfo 'llltll be mp loiD!S
bonnmen. ·
• lnlllJrfaiD, fi)o\llc alfoletttbeaao~in«

onto rout \llo?llcl!: bee \tlttl) 'mlJom it t,s rounll.

Jfeph bevvrayethhimfelfe. Chap.xlv.xlvj. Iacobisfenrfor. 18
;2 '1fot'J tlJr rcruant became rurttp fo1 ttJe arccome.antJttplrafebl01Jarao\Utll,11nbalfJi~
laD bc~emr fat:IJ~, anll fatbe, '.]If '.J b~tn11i,tm Ccruant~ I

r, lhall not bntO tl}ee agamt.11 '.J llJa(l bean tfJC blame I 7 anb f~('.larao fpabe ilRtO '.)Ofep(J,~ap bn' '
f ll:bUlDlf I
1c, or be bQto mp fad.Jct att 1Ul Uft IOll!J. to tlJp b~etl)~n, ~JS lJOC pee,labe fOUT bcalleS, hlo)1U: foJ ttl ~obt fln~ulat

tiy of 33 JF.!o'a1 tl)ertro:e, ~ p:ar t(Jet, let meetlJr 11nb gocand returnc bnto t(Je lanl> of ¢1Jana11n: cou:o <lE1IJ11Jtto1;1
not nl1tbt
ac. rmumt btlJe ~~ f01 t(Je lab, ann bu my 1o1nes 1 s ~akc rourfatlJcr, antJ pour lJOUllJolDes, t~c
::,:: s b01'$1nan, dh!l let t(Jc fall goc tJp lVttfJ IJiJS b~e· anti come i:lnto me : anll '.]\ 'ald !Jluc rou tf:Jc go ob
rfilk•" t1J1en. .. · or tiJelanD of cfmpt, anll re n1au eate tlJefat of
='• 34- <jfo~ lJo\tJ cart 'Jl goc 1lp to mp fatlJer, if t(Jc t(Jc lanll.
1111. lab bcnot \lJltfJ 1nc,bnletrc'.JI toouln fee tl)c wm• 19 9nll t(Jou auo R)att commanll t(Jem, ~iJS
cl}etmctre tl)atfl)all come on mr fatl)er:' Doe pee, talie cl)arct,ss \DitfJ pou out of ttJe lanll of
Thexlv.Chap·ter. ctgpp~ fo:rourc:IJtlb~cn,ann fo~ rour 'llliue~,
anlJ b,mg pour fatl:Jer,anll come.
I Jofcph maJ.eth himfclfc kn0wcn to his brethren. 5 20 aJfO l te!Jatb not J?OUtftUffe: fO~ t(JC !JOOIJ
He cornforccrh them, and fhcweth that he was fent Of all tl1e lanb of <fgn>t iS pours. yl.)ur eyes
thither by Gods prouidence. 2 I anll ttJetlJlll>Jen of']\lracl bitm1c11 Co: anll q:nre your

·""m·q ilDfepl:J COUllJOO(ongtrrtfralntbe< ']\Ofcpl:J !JllUe tlJtm Cf.]arctS, acco~btng to tlJC vdkls.
> ·~ fo,£ all tlJE'ln ttJat aoobc bl.' IJtm: i ~ommaunDcment of 101Jarao, anD gaue tf)cm
~.;",m.',11 i,~ ·. , ma\'Dl)ncrtocfo ~ueo~~crr.ane~,t~"4r.r"at~~u1,!FD

~ 8 btctuanatrotofpenllbptJ:Je\tJap.
~1 anll fJe gaue bnto ccfJ of ttJcm cl)ange or
' =a.
.. ... u "" ......... '"'
~ '° no mantottl:J l)im, to~tlc '.)loCq:ih
bttcrl'll l:Jimfdft bnto IJUS b1etfJ1en.
l>Jcll pieces or mucr, anll flue cl)angc of raiment.
i int11Je \llcpt alOUlJ: ann tl}e Cfgrptl8n)1, 2 3 ann bnto 1Jt)1 fatlJcr IJc rent, after t11c came
anb t(Je IJourc of191Jarao 1Jcan. maner, t~n :alfes la Den wit() gooll out of cfgppt,
3 ann 1ofcpl:J faill bnto IJtS bJr:t(JJen, 1 am anb ten fbc ~l!c,g lab en mit(J comc,anll btcan ann
'.)ofeplJ, DoetfJmpfatlJcr r~tUuc:' anti tJil b~e· mcatc roi 1J1i:s rati)cr, bp tl)c\lJar.
thtcncou1t1notanf'alerc1Jfln,t1Jey \'Dercfoaba• 24 ~orcml)etJis b;cnnrn awar, anti tiler
flJcDatfJi~p~erence. bcpartcll: anlll:ICfainbnto tlJem, ~re tl)atl!cc
4 .anb ']ofeplJ faib bnto triSS b1ct(J1cn, €omc g fall to no arffe on tlJc war. g ~uln! I"
ltUh IJ,10 I(•
nme to me,'1 p:ar rou. anll tlJer came ncerc. 2 5 .~l:Jer bcpartell tl:JerefoJC from lfgrpt, anb m1rrrJ rltt
ann l}e ratll, 1 am ']]ofeplJ poutb1otl]er, to(Jom can~e mto tl]e lanne of ~anaan, tmro ]acob llJ;11!tJ rc.1ma blm,~t

re folb into lf:gppt. tl)eir fnd)cr, 110[

lbat rhrv
5 Jilo\ll tl.)crefoJe, be not grteucll IJere\tJtt:f:J, 2 6, !dr.n tolllc l)im,faring,']lofcpfJ t~ret allue,
(bOUID blainr
accnrc one
ncit(Jcr let tt fccme a crucll ttJing in rour ercs an!l is goucrnour ourr an ttJe lanbe of' ~grpt. omorbtr. tWas loo-
tl}atrc Colll me 1Jitl]er:ro,<ll5otl bib rcnll me l'lefo~e an11 ']acobi:s l)cart +waumD: f'o1 l)cc bclccucb frd.
routo pieremettft. tIJcm not.
6 f 01 t(Jil iJS t(Je rcconb reere ofllcarttJ tn the 17 !Ann tl'Jcr totnc I1im an ttJe 'llloJbcs of ']' o'
Iann: anll l\ue moic arc bc()tntJe, in tqc bllJicl) CeplJ,tolJicl) Ile IJab rail! bnto tl)em: gnll 'ml)en be
ti.Jere rtJall ncttlJer be earing, 1101 hamett. Cato tile marcti:s 'llllJicl) 'jofcplJ ila?I rmt to carric
7 m[Jercf~c,<ll5oll fcntmebef'oic rou,to pzc, IJlm, tile Cpirtt of ']\acob tl)cit fatl)ct rrniuen.
r, icm- fcrueroua II potlcritictn tl)e cartt.J, anti to raue l 8 gun '.l\fraelfaill, I hauepnouglJ, tl1at'.Io'
'· rour Uueisbr a great nctimrance. Cqi(J mr fonne iJS rct aliue: I] 'roil go anll fee l}irn,
s $:bo no to, it \'Das not pee tIJat fcnt mce llf, ~·er tl)at] 'Die.
;:,~. t:f:Jtr, bbut<!f'Soll, \'D[Jic(1 IJatlJ manemeafatl}erto The xlvj.Chapter.
ri~'10 191Jarao,anb lo~!J of alllJis fJourc, ano ruler tl)o•
111 _.~ • ro'tllout all ti)c lanb of Qfgppt. 2 God alTurcrh bcob of h:s iourncy inro Egypt.
i::: 9 ~allepou,anngoebp tompfatlJer,anb tel p, ..,,~ ~racl toofie hii3ioumrr1'llit(J all
=t:I. lJim, ~UIS rattl) ttw fonne '.l\ofe:pll, <!ESoll IJatlJ ' . tlJat IJI'.' lJaD .anll camr to lBrcr-Ccb11,
~:'n., mabe1nelo1bof c aUlfmpt,comebo'il'lnc tlJetC• 6-.:;',8, ~ an!I• offmll offrinm:i bntot(Je©on .wr·n,,,;,.
.lJ?~~ ~~ of IJiJS fat11cr ji rat1ac. :~. ~.~~ br 'r ,.
P" 1111 fo1r. bnto mc,tarr not.
11:.C.11 10 ilnbtl'loullJaltll'mcUtntl)clanllofH<!f'So• ~ 2 anoeot1Cpalicbnto1fracl ~~~~·:,:~,~~·;,
=::,":, rm. ann be anci«f)bour bntO me, ttJou, am tlJr in a 'Diflon bl! niglJt, raring, jlacob, jlacob. ann f~t'.~" 1r'h"o"~~~·
~...... '1Jilll1cn,anll tlJr cfJtlll~cns tl)itllien. tl)r llJeepe, (Jc anftoerco, ~ere am')]. ,,.1,rr bl•
lllhmrn' anllthl?beattf, anti alltlJattlJOUl}alt. 3 anll he Cai?I, 'JI am'<!ESon, tl)C©OD Of tllp fa, 1011111"'·
:~:~ 11 anti tl]cte \'Dlll 'Jl p:ouil>C tfJte fUllcnancc tl)£r, b ttarenot to goe l>O'rDllC into <egrpt; fO~ '.J! b .foubuar.t
· (foi t:l)erercmainerct fiuercerei:s or1>eanlJ)1tan \llill t(Jereumfic of tl)ce a great ~~':'!""
tl)OU, anbtl)p(JOUfiJOlb,811i) ailtIJat ti)OU fJall, 4 '.)rotllgoc OO'lllt1C\DitlJ tlJCClllt0.4fgppt: f~i;,~,\!'1\~:,?.'.
come to pourrtte. anll 'Jl \\ltl furetr malie tlJcc come bp agame, allb Nmo11,tbrn
[ i gnlJbC]:JOlb, pour cpcSS 'llOC {Ce,Sllb tlJe etes ']ofeph OJall put IJtJSlJanb bpon tlJlllC Cl!eJS, f~~:·:.~:~11,
t:k"", alro of mr wotlJcr l5cniamin, tl)at c mine otonc s a1111 '])acob rore bp from l5ccr-fcba: anb
-~~~~. moutfJ Cpcaftetl] bnto rou. tl)c ronncJS of '}ft'ael caricD 'j\acob tllcir fatlJ£r,
13 ~berefoteten mr fatl)er ofan mrg1o~r tn anll tbeir clJtlDJcn, anll tllc1r\DmeJS, m tl)e cl)a•
(f\1fpt, anll ofau tIJat rou hauc reenc, an11 mallc rets 'till)icfl lfll)arao (Jan fmt to carte IJim.
(Jalle, anti b~ingttll'fat(Jer IJitlJcr. . 6 '.iJnD tl)cr toolic tfJetr cattet,ann tire goob21
14 ann IJe frt on l}ts biot(Jerl6cmamtnJSncck, \'Dl:)idJ tfler llao gotten m tl}c lanb of QU)anaan,
at1t1\llcpt:anol5cniami11'rDcpton1Jtancclie. anD can!e m,to crgrpt, bot:lJ '.]Jacob anti al1 l)i13
I s ~oicouer, l)c lltlfc'b au IJiS b~n, at1ll CeelJC \DltlJ (Jmt;
tocpt bpon t(Jcm: ann after ttJat, l:Jis bJctl]~en 7 ~iJS romtc~, anb IJis ro1mcfj fonncs 'lllitl1
talficll 'mit(J lJim. IJtln.. IJiS ?augl)teri:s, anb lJi~ Conncf.l na~()ttt,,
16 ~ntl tl'!c fame thereof 'rDalS f.Jell\11 in ~IJtt' ano all (}TS Cccllc bJougl)t IJce \tJitlJ IJim mto GL"
raolJGIJoure. to ttJnt tlJer ratti. •]loCcpl1s b:c.:..tfJ::.:J..:..en.:_:_.:.::g~pp::....t_.-----------.,.,----,-.,.,...--,.,...:-----
~ ·w.:11rfr•
I Iacobandlofephmeete. Genefis. Ia cob and Pharao.
s ~ere arc ti.Jc na~ of tl)c cl)tlbien ofl.f,
rael trJl}iclJ came into <!egvpt,borh ~acob anb 1)1s
Num. icS. r. roruwf', Jllubcn •'.)a,obs llnl b01nc.
9 ~e '1JilDJct1 of~ubcn: 'ano~, '~)Jal•
lu,'ckon, anb CltfJanm.
1.Chr...,24 1 o "CJcdJilD~Of~imeon!]cmucl, anb
~.~~~;"~~:~; 9)amtn, 11nn '~JJatl, anti ]acl)tn, ant> ~ofjar,
:f:: "l,i;t:0:;:n anti ~au I tlJc ronnc ofa ~l)anaanitiflJ 'tlloman.
b•••~ 1Dao· 11 ~c cl}illl~m ofJL.,cui:c3crron, <1tt1Jat1J,ant1
DUI' "'· 111l}erart.
u ~e cl)tlb~cn of]ut1a:~r,ant1 flDnan,~e,
Ia1J,anl>~1Jarcs,ant1 '5arail: but~antl©nnn
nrcll in ti.Jc Ianl>c of <ltl)anaim. ~l}c rtlilt11cn of Thcxlvij.Chapter.
i Choe Cron. ~l)arcs alfo were :t. $cfton anll '$amul. 1 Iacob comnieth before Pharao, u to whom Pha-
rao giueth the land ofGofen.
1.Chro.7.1 I 3 .. anti tlJC tlJilll~cn Of]f11Cl)ar; ~l)ola,11\U'
©fcplJ came tf}crefoic, (ttoln ~l)a·

ual},anl> ]ob, anll ~tmron.
14 ~c cllilD~CtJ of~abuicn: ~crcll, anti If, rao, anJJ failJ, ~ fatl)er anti mp
lon,anll '.]lal)clcl. b:ctl):en, tl)ctr &Jeep,antl tl)m rat,
15 ~IJcfc bctf)eclJilll~enofJL.,ca, tolJiclJ rtcr tell, anl:l an tl)at tl)ep l)aue , are
bare bnto '.]lacob in ~cfopotamia , \l)ftt) l)i::J come out of tl)c lanll of <ltf:lanaan: .,
t:or,perfons lltlUgl)tcr)l!)tna.~U tlJC [[foules ofl)i~ fOllllCS ,mo anti bcl)olo, tlJCF arc in tl}c lanll ofc3ofcn. ,.·
" Iatob m11R trnfl
be WlllHt.D o~ l>8"»•Jtcrs ma c
k d tn.,n:· tIC anl> tnyitc. 2 ~nll '.]JofeplJ toolic +of tbe mcanelt or l)ip t oribt'
~~~:.~J,~~~~•b< 16 ~i)e cl)illl~cn ot$all: ~ipl)ion, anti ~ag, b1CtlJ1cn, CUCn fiUCmCll, 8tllJ P,CfCUfflJ tlJ£m bll' ttCIJICpi.
"''~/ 1~ :,;0 gi,~uni,anll <ffbon,ctn,anll :arolli,anll £Ircli. to 10IJarao. . ·
g;~o~rt~• 17 '$\Jc cl)ilo~en of arcr : c '.]mnal) , ano 3 .am ~lJarao raill 1mto lJi~ b~ctlJ~mlJat ..
~'~i""''r. ~' f']lifual),anll 'llfm.ant1'3eria1J,ano~craIJ tl]cir ts pour occupation:' anti tlJcy anf'Qlmll ~lJa'
}\','~~',~,~~·:~ !ill er. ~nil tl)e i;IJilll~cn o08crialJ : · lf)cbcr, anll rao, ~t' reruant~ are• liceper,6 of rattdl, botlJ , 1:1c, _
::;','1':!li:~'~.~;, Slealcl'Jicl. tric, anll alfo our ratl}ers. ~~~=-
~um.:6. 18 ~hcfe arc tl)cfonnc~ of'5tlpfja,\l>l)om Jl.,a, 4 . ~lJcr.raioc mo,eoucr 1.mto ~f;Jarao. f 01 ~~~· •.
ban gauc to :JL,ea l)i~ ilaugl)tn::anll tl]cfc fl.Jc bare to fotournc m tl}e lanl> are tocc;omc: fo~ tlJt' fer, """· ~ ~-:
\Jmo '.]Jacob, cuen urtccnc roulc~. rmnt~ l)aue no pafturc fo~ tlJeir cattcll, ro fo~e l,6 111r1t11. ~ •
~ "'r"rn r. 19 'nJCcl)ifllJen ofmacIJcl '.}acob~ s totf.c:'.]lo' toe f'amtnc in tIJe lantl of ca,anaan: Y.lo\\1 tIJm• '"
:~.~~·~/!l~r"I~:~· fq.if) anD J5cntamtn. . fo,e let tlJt' feruantomclhn tIJe lanD ofb<JJofcn. b 11 - . ':
~~u·~ 11;~:~'' 20 ano lmto '.]ofepIJ tntl)e fan~e or lll!.gppt, 4 .anJJ 101Jarao fain bnto '.)ofepfJ, ~r fatljer ~:: .·
11•.11 ,,,o 11011• roere boinc +~anaffc~.ano <fplnann,\l>lJtdJ ~> anll tlJF b:ctl)icn arc come bnto tl)ce. er... •:
r,~,~~:~~~.~1~' renal) tl)c Mugl)tcr of ~otipIJcra ~~ica of j[)n 6 €1}e lanoe of <emit is bcfo~c tf}cc: in tl)e ~~:;:
~rn. bare bnto l)im. bell place of tl)c lanll maJte bot:IJ t}Jp fatl)tr am ::;::••.::
11;;,~~a- 2 1 -m;l)c cl)illlJcn of'3cntamln: :Wcla,an~ l5c• tlJt' bicttncn ll'tlleU, cucn in dJe lanJJe of a5ofcn :
cl}cr, anti 9.Cbcl, <!5era, ann f,2aaman, ltl)i, anD let tl)cm tltocll.~o,couer, tftIJou fmo\llcft anp -
l!io~.~uppim,ann ~uppim, ann ~rDc. manofamultieamongtttl]em, malie tl]cm ru,
n -atl}erc arc tl)ccl)ilo1cn of1a&cl)cl \lllJlcI:J n1c Ier• oner mp cattcll,
bare bnto ']lacob.fourtcene foulc~ altoget}Jcr. 7 ~ntl ]ofcplJ b~ou~t in f)Jacob l)i~ fatl)cr,
2 3 9.nll tf)c cl)illl~cn of~an: l~ufnn. anti rct l)tm bcfoic t&IJarao: ant1 '.)la,ob biclTcll :-
2 4 ~c c;Ji!llJcn of acpl)tlJali: '.JiniJfcd, anll J)l)arao. , ..
<!5uni, 'jcfcr,anll ~iltcm. 8 gnD~lJaraofaitlbnto]acob, 'o\\l+olllc trhc4 · ·
2 s ~l)cfc arc tl)r fonnc~ oO!>IUJtt, \\ll)icl) n.a, arc tl)ou:' of thcr .
bangaucbntolliacl)cl IJi~ Mug{Jter,anll OJcbarc 9 . ]11.cobfaine bnto l()~arao, ~{Jc tlapcsof ofthyl.;:
tl)cfc bnto Jatob, altogctlm rcum foulc~. mpptlgnmagcarc anl)unll,rllnnll t(Jirtp pert,6: ~~
26 2nllfo au tlJe roulcn tlJat came uiitlJ j\a, <jfc\llcanll euml)auc tl)c bares of mp lift becne.. ··~·
cob into <fgppt, \ulJfclJ came out of (Ji~ loyncis, anll' (Jauc not attamcn bnto tl)e pcres oft(Je life .,. 11111 , :
befille~ '.]Jacobn fonnc~ \llmcn, were altogctl)cr of my fat(Jcr~, in tlJc ?Japes of' t1Jeirpilgrimagc.1·· :::.
tl)mfco~c anl:l nrc roule•. 1° .anll jjacobblefi'cb1&1Jarao,an1J'tllmtout bll ·t
'27 gnll tlJc rons of']\ofcp(J trJIJiclJ mere bomc of l)ts p1efrmc. .:~" ;
l)im in <fgppt, \ucrc t\llo routes: ro tlJat au tlJc u g:un'.]]ofepJ:J1nr.pare1Jt1\Ddlinpfo~IJisra' .., ~,
h )'r 1nmr roulcn of tl)c llourc or']lacob,1l!l}iclJ came into 11L" ttJcr, ant11Jisbict1J1m anngaue tlJcm pofi'cm, ~~
""" loct .. 11 gppt, were h tl)~cefco1c anll ten: ons i~ ttJc lantl of crmit. tn t.lJC bcfl of tIJe lant1, ~~
r.';~;'i:;:~·,, 28 anti Ile (tllt']]Ulltl bcfo~clJimtmto ']!ofcp(), cuen tn tl)c lanll or d Jllamcfcs, as J&lJarao IJal:l d tmflll: .
~:~~· .·;·i~,~·; II to nimtIJi,g face t>nto 1115ofen, anb tgcy came in, commaunllell. aruJul'•'"
:·.;;~;·~~~·,~· to tbc lanll of (J3ofen. . . 12 anb~orr.p1Jmat1cw~fionf'o,llistatl}rr r.... ;·~
;c~'''· 29 :ano '.]\ofcplJ matlc rcallte 1J1• c1J11rct, anl:l ant11Jts b,cdnm. anb alll)t• fatl)crs lJoUflJofDc, ~!:
\, or.• pre 'Olcntbp •to mcetc]fracll)is fatl)n:bnto ~ofcn, tuttlJ b1eaD, c men to tl)c nwutlJcs of tl)c roung • oi~ .•.

puefo1 him a b
'" Gafcn.
re . ·
·~ P~C ntcb lJ1mfclfe b~to l)ma: anll lJC ~•. on
&ft I
t1Jt1bJtn. r~:::.~, ·~'.
',,,,.,~"'"' l)t~nccftc, nnb \'DrptonlJ1s ncckeagooll'\tll.nlc. 13 .cn;fJm\Da~ ~o bicatl tnan ti.Jc lant1:ro, tlJe :J11u, \ ·
3° an11 ]rrac1 ratt1 bnto j]ofeplJ, ~otn am 1 t1eartl) tnas ~ctltng foJc, ro tl.Jat tl)c lanllc of · .~.
::::,~·,·1~,','.' conttntto llie, in ro muci}a• ']1 (Jauercme tl)p r Cfgppt, anti all tl)c lantl Of ~anaan \llcre farni• r- ~ ':,·
k ' " tirn•or facc,anllbccnurct(Jouartpetaltue. 11Jcllbprearonoft1Jct1eartl). .,,D r.1~ \~
""''.Ht ofrtu( 3I ~
3i cp.,
1• fa'
tbc lmto (Jl,il• b1•a.,1en,
..... Qttb 14 ~nb j!ofr.plJ bJ~ugl)t togcttJcran tl)c ino- r,~g;.~ ~
~ ,': ~;;~~.:·~, bnto I.JUI fatl)crB lJoutc., k 1 '\tliH goc bp,anb fl.JC\ll ncr tl)at mas roun1>c m tJJc lanll of cegrpc, ann wm. '1 ~
:f ~.~,~~~ 1;, ~IJarao, anll tclll.)im, !llf.)p bicttnen, anD till' fa•
, 11 • of 4tf,Jan~an,foi tlJ~ com~ \tllJi'1J tl}ey bougt.Jt: ·~·\
11'"'"" .... ctcr~ IJourc, tn(Jacl) 'mere tn tl)c 1ant1e of 4tf,Jana' anti IJt lalD bp tlJe mo11er tf.l 1&1Jaraos l)ourc. ' ·~
~"''· an.arccomcbntomc. 1r ~IJwmoueyfatleb in tl)efanll oflfgrpt, ·
I ano:
!Land fold for bread. Chap.xlviij. iacob is f1cke. 19

a111of e11anaan, alltl;Je~1m1tianscamc iinto . , , f.tndJ£fell££Zlcs,oneto111~!lfqJIJ,

~rep1J,an11 fatll.• <13iuc bs lmall : 'tll1Jmo1c fUlt• 5'A_~ '5£1Jolll, t11r fatlJtt is ridlc: anti l)c

~ c:tJo'!.bS to biC btfo~ tiJec, 'tlllJm om montt' ~ " toobc \tlitl) lJim ins ttoo ronncss,
1~pmt. . ~anatrcsan'b eplJ~aim.
1.1:r,N:... 1 6 ~m faill 7iofr~ , g l51ing \:'Out ca~U:~ · 2 ~en dJis mctragc mas tic·
-rs~ or.:' 1 tr'Ugrue roufo,. rourn1ttdl, ifmoner fa1k. tlllt"eo bnto jjacob '15cl)o1Dc, dJt' ronnc 9\ofcplJ
:,.;.·~.. Tl !tlnll ttJep bJou!P)t tl)cir catteU tmto ']lo' cfitnctiJbmot1Jrc.atUJ9jfradtooln:lJi~th'cngtlJ
~:::".: ~~ fcp~:an11'.]!ofqllJ gaue ttem b~all til11'01res,ant1 bnto bim, am1 rate bpon tt:Jc bcn.
•~ i.par 11Jctpc,ann ~en, an11 sacs, ann fct1t1c tiJcni \Vttt} 3 an11•']acob raitl unto 1orcp1J,<ll5o'b allnig(J· tir 1 pnrtu.~.

b1nt1 fo1 all tf:Jcir cattcll t:11at rmc. tic appcarctl bnto me at 1u~ in tlJt lan'b of Qtl}a• rnp·1r Drth Jdcvti '.1
t11mf~l1 C"

d '15ut 'mlJentl;Jatrcrc was mt1ct1,t1Jer came naan, anti lllc!fct:unc, amfaitl tmto me, l)o:
!O !~jC
ptClp'c, frc1;.!

b~to IJim ~c ~ert rmc, anti rail! bnto lJim, 119£ 4 ll3c!Jolt1c, 'JI \tltn make tiJcc fruitfUU, anll rnr hr

tD1U.notl}1t1e it frommp lo~tlc IJo'ID ti)at our mo' caure ttJce to mutttplr, anb 'mill make a great, o:D Ur ~ Vi: -
ncp IS C~mt.. mr lo~ll alfo IJab our (Jear11s or i::at' number orpeople of tl)ce, anti 'lllil giuc tlJiS lanll clit 'Wlltrl• :·:
grrar Qlo; J
cdl:amtl;JeristlJereouglJtleftintl)cfig(Jtofmp bntotljr ffclle afteitlJcc, tmto an cucrldtng ~•n. m·g:l>ta:;ci:.::
lo1t1, but cucn our botlieS; anti our lantls. potrctrion. ·
r 9 IWl}ercfo~e lctteff tl)ou l'IS Irie beroic tl}ine > anll no'W tlJt' rroo romtti:s ~analTes 1111D
h 41!oD pm1I• eres, botlJ toe \f our lantl 1 hbUr b!S a~tl our lano <fplnaim, \tllJitlJ were llomc bnto tl)ce in tlJc
fOib1cat1,anD botll\llc(fourlanl:ltotllbcbounll tant1e or lfgrpt, bcro~c 'Jl came bnto nm into
lli1Unn1111 \Into ~l}arao: onelp giuc bS recllc, ttJat\tle map <ll!gppt,are mine, euenas Jliubm anti ~imeon
•an11r. ltue \l not t1tc,ant1 tlJat ttJc lantl goc not to wane. arc mine:
20 Qllil']ofq>l) boug(Jt ailt1Jelan1>orGegrpt 6 .ant1t1Jc cl)tlt1:cn'W1Jic1Jt1Jou IJall gotten
foil01Jarao: foitlJc cfgrptiansroltleuerpman aftcrtl}em, RJall b~tlJine o\tlnc, anti bfiJall lJc b whrn•!•
IJis poa-emons, becaure tfJc t1cartl) \llas ro fo~ ~alle& .afttt tlJc namci:s or tl;Jcit b1ctl.J~C11 tn t!Jcir ~':,",'~Ji~~·
bpon tl)cm: anll ro tlJe Ian'b brlamc ~l}araoi:s. ml}cntance. ~~~i'i''i'.~:.;;:~·
, : 1 l)e U!_Ufetl tIJc people to ~miooue from 7 .ano.\tllJm l came fro1~ • ~eropotamia, '":".'" ~:~ , . · .·
cine to cttlC. fro one fitlc of <Ieg\'pttnto tlJc ottJcr. c JllacfJel liteti upon mp {Jantl m tl)e Ianll of C[IJa· ~~ ~,:;,~;; ;·;"'
2: d>nclr tl}c lanD of tlJe p1ietls bougl.Jt l}ec naan bl' tlJe war, \tllJcn ttJere \tlai:s but a ftclt1cis ~~.;:~::"
not: fo~tlJel&~ieftsl)alla poJtionaatgnclltlJem bJeatlliJtocomcbnto lfpluatbn: anb 'Jl bunrt Gcn.;5 19
or )91Jarao, anti bill eatc tJJetr pomon 'tlllJii::l) Iler tbercintl)c mar to Cft,J{J~atlja, tl)e fame i!J '.,,'rr:;r:::~;
lDIJarao gaue tJ;Jmi: \Dl}erfo1c tJJcp ro11:1 not tl]eir l5etiJ1£1Jem. h~~~~,':;:;r~'
lantls, 8 ano ']lC"racl bel)clll '.lfofcpl]s foam~, anll re O~tf l)oJG
23 '~m 9\orcplJ ratll bnto tl)Holfic, l6efJolll, rato, 1191.Jat arc tl)cfc :' w• "

'JI l}auc boug}Jt rou t:IJis oar, ann rour lanll fo: 9 '3'.orcplJ faill bnto !Jill fal:lJer, 'ltl]cr amnr
lDIJarao : JL,oc, l]erc iJ5 Cecile fo~ you, anti rec llJal ronnef$ 'IDIJiclJ <ll5ot1 l)at1J gtuen me I.Jere. 9.ntl IJe
rowctiJclanD. rart1l\', ©IJ b~tngtl)emtomcc,antl lctmcblctrc
~r.=~~~b 24 anti of tfJc incrcafc rou ttal gtue tl)e ;fiftlJ tl)em. .
" 111 " 111r~~· pan bnto 101Jarao, aniJ fourepart!S llJall be pour 1 o ( !Jnll tl}e eyes of .'J1fracl U1ere Dtmmc fo~
~:'~.·;..1 o\llncro: fectle of CIJe ftclll, anll foi you anti tlJem age,fo tl)atl)e coulll not well rec.)~ntl l)c IJ~ougl)t 111• ofrom ljouOJolllf$, an'b fo~ pour rtlilb:cn to eate. tl.Jcm to l}tm, anll lJC lldfcll tIJcm, ano imb:acctl
2s .ann tlJer anr\llerctl, -q;~oul)aaraueb our tl;Jrni.!l finll grace in tlJt flgl]t ofmp lo1t1,ant1 u !Jnll 'Jlfrad Carll bnto '.]lofcplJ, 'Jl ball not
tDc will be lDIJaraos reruanti:s. tl)oug(Jt to tJaue ftmc tl)r race: anl:I pct lOc, d <!I5ob d t:r' gr~!v 1
2 6 .ann ~orcplJ maoe it a Ia'me ouer tlJc lanb {Jat:I) llle\tlcll me alfo tlJr reellc. ri~.'~':;.~~',';~'.
ofcf1M1tbntot1Jits1>ar,t1.Jat)91Jaraof1Joul111Jauc u anti '.]loreplJ took~ tlJem atoar .from lJi)j :;:~;~',,~;~, ·
tlJe ftftlJ part,e~ccpt tl)e lan'b of tiJe ~1icn~ onlr, lappc, anti tJce bome1> 1Jimrc1cc \tl1t1J l)ts face to, ;~g~'.~ ;~~ ,;
\lllJidJ 'mll!S not lDIJaraos. 'IDllftl tl)eeart:I;. .
27 am ')lrraclll\tlelttn lfgn.t, in tl)c C0Ut1' 13 ~cntookc'.]!otfplJtlJcm botlJ, cepb.1atm
hl' of 15ocen, 1111n tlJcr l)all tl)cir potreatonis tlJtt• 'WttlJ his rigl}t 1Jant1 tott1art1 ']lfrarls left ImnD,
fn, an~~eto,an'b mUltiplietl eyceet1inglp. anll ~anarrcs 'tllitlJ l.JtJ5 lcrt l1a11t1 to\tl. ar.11 j]fra·
is ~o:eouer, 'Jlai::obliucll tn t:l)c lanb of cf, cli:srtg(Jt(Janll, ant1b1ougl}tt1Jcmbnto1J1m.
· \lt'Pt rcumtecnc reeres, ro ttJat ttJe \tll)olc age or 14 anti 1rracl arettl)cll out 1Jiis nITT!t l]antl,
~ !l•cob uun ]acob mais an k 1Jun1>:et1 anD foumc anll rcurn anb laitl tt bpon CfplJ:aimf$ l)eatl, 'Ltl(JICIJ \Das tl}c
"1.=::n~. reercts. ron~: anti l:Jis left IJanD upon ~analfcs l)call,
'':,~,~::.~· 29 U91Jct1tl)etimcll1c'Wnig(Jtl)at']tradmuft ·~11ing IJis lJanll mittinglr: 1fo, Wana[t!S • ~b•bO'r
:i'~~~~~~n llit, IJcrentfoilJtsromtt 'Jlofepl:J,anbfaillebnto 'tllastlJcfiitl tJ;:imc. . . ~~~.~&·~~~·:
:i::.'c" !!· lJim, '.)Jf] (Jaue fountl grace in tlJr rtgl.Jt olJ put 1 s ann I:Jc blell'cn '.]!oCeplJ, anD ra1t1, r <ll5o'll m i"~ 01 , ~ 1 ,r.
17. me d)r l)an'll bnller mp ttJiglJ an'll btale mtti::ffuUp l'OlJOfC flgfJt mp fatl)~ gbµllJ11m am lralJac nns commri~
1 •1t11oaro an'lltrud"\Di..,me'hou burtc 1 mcnot in nib \llallte, ~otJ\DIJidJ lJatlJ rco mec all mp life :~:~,~:.~:b,
kr by[ I 'C HJ ,.,._, W} Jo "' to"'1t,.tJat1 pmbitho··Lr
1111Lnir:t:.' ll?grpt. ng .,n HJ ,, t ' . lJ . """'""';,;"
.ro"'rcrr.:r * 3o l6Ut] fiJailattpc '11itlJ mr fatl}er15;, anti 16 anti g tl)cangcl\DlJIC l)atl} lleliucrell me ~~~. •b• 1••
=' .:1
tl)oUllJaltcartcmeoutof «fgrpt,anobunemu
in tl)cirburtall ant1 l}e anftDcrcll j mtll lloc a~
from all euill, ~ldfc tIJcrc la11t1rs, anbhletmr
name be namellln tlJtm, anD tl)e name of mp fa,
~.L'• """""'
::.,:~::. tiJoul.Jaftfaill. • , tl}crs gb~aIJaman'll '_JJal}a~~ antltlJ~ttl)crmar ~,~:,~~·g;
;:i:~:11i: 31 !lnb(Je faille,~'l\leare l>ntome. 'Jnb l)e i ~o\tlc mtoa multltulle in tl,Jemitl'bt!l or tlJr ~~:,:,~.~~'nnc
11111 C'\tlare bnto l)tm an'b ro '.)jrracl :lo \DO~OJippcll to· cai1f1. "''"""''·
*B~vv•d '1lail:ltl)cbellts1Jeall · 1 7 nalJm ]ofepl) rab3et1Jatbis fatl)crlaroc t_lhfi w:'"
himfclfc, • •.. l)tis rig1't .lJanll t>pon tlJc(Jcall of Crpl)~aim. ittJtf 1ign• ''.''.·.,
The xlv111. Chapter. ptcaeto 1)1m: anti ~c lift bp IJis fatllcrs hantl, to ~ fi:ri'.' 11
1 lofcph with his nvo fonncs vifitc1h bis fickcfathcr. 1Jaue .rcmOOUl''ll lt from cfpl:J,aimf$ l)cao \JlltO
1 Iacob rchcarfcth Gods promifcs. Ql)ana((eJ5 l)call.
l w
Iacob bleffethhis Genefis. {onnes, and dieth.
1 s anti ']!ofirli raibc tmto l.JifS fatlJ~, fr.lot ro
; J!r! oll>DUf mn "ath£r •f'o• ffS ifS ti.JC fffB b01UC : 1 put tlJp
ft"l!m•m .c '' ., • " • h D
not robuarr. n~tlJanb bponlJtfS.,CS • .
~~~0.~,r.:'. 0 " 19 an'lll'lifSfatlJcrtooulbnot,_bUtfafbe, • ~
k 111 eo•• rmo-w r·t-c·U m"r fotme.~nbjj lmOl» It \Dell, l)e fl.lall
mlnlDn b•
be alfo a people, allD llJcu• cgrca t•.,,._
.,.,. pon'
:,~~~~~cu. ger btotlJcr 11.Jalbe greater tl)cn IJc, anti lJffS feebe
II.Jail becomt aarcatpcople. . 1
11!\0Ufl!Htr JO Qnl:llJeblctTC'lltl)em t1Jat'Dar,anbfatb, ln

P<IU In tb1ft t1Jcelct1fiaclblc1Tean'llfar,<5ob.maflc tiJcc ~s

t1Do,thaUl)c: cept:natm anll 41 ~anl1{fe:f5: anlJ J;Je Cct ~l}~atm
ptoplt 11iou10
r:ikc rEJrnu a befo:e Sll!)analTl~fS.
Cf:tT~ : ~l cir 11 an'll '.)fracl raf'll tinto ']lorq:il), l6c{Jolllc, 1.

Die,allD <5ob 11JaU be b:Jitl) rou, anti ll~in~ rou a'
gatnc bnto tIJe lanb of po~ fatl)crfS.
t shoulder. u ~01coucr,jl l)aue gium bnto ~cca tpo~'
tion or lanb abouc tlJt' bictIJ:cn, b:JlJtcl.J '.J1 ~ate
out or tlJe l)an'D of ti.Jc amo~ttc in mr iwoin, anti
in me bo\tle.
The xliL Chapter. •
1 Tacob blc!Tcth all his fonnes by name, andlhe\Veth
them what is to come. 29 He appointcth the place
ofhis buriall.
~~~~A~~"l ~ W ')acob calleb foi llifS Conness.
~· '~~' anb rar'lle, ctome togctlJer, tlJat '.JI
71R:,. mar tell rou b:JIJat llJall come on
""''o1r.:~=.=.. pou in tl.Je 1aa Dares.
:6115 1 <5atl)cr re togetl.Jcr,anb l)carc
l'ee ronncss ot ]acob, l)tarkcn tinto jjfrad rour
fatlJtr. .
3 mubcn mr firff boinc,tl.Jou art mr nu~t.
anb tl}c IJcgtnntng of mp arengtl],tlJc nobtencil'c
ofllignitic,an'b tile nolllencffc of po\Dci.
4 il!1nftalllc SfS \Dater, tl)ou fiJalt not bee ti.Jc
ctJiefcll, llecaurc tlJou \Dente« bp to tl)p fat:btrfS
1: or, Thy IJcll:fo~ II tl)enDcfileDi tl)ou m! wud}b:Jitl;J go'
J~gni,ic 1s injbp. . ,
!;011 •· ~ ~imeon anb JLtUt bietlJicn,an cruclhn•
armnentss tn tlJeitlJabitationfS.
, ~t11ttt11 6 • ilD mp foule, come not t:IJOU fnto tlJeir fC•
:::'~~"~:,~~~~ acts, ntitlJtr into ttJcir con.gregationss let mine
~'bi1~';::J::i. l)onom be bmtell: fot tn ttJctr b:J.tatlJ tlJer aew a
mo. man, \'l in tl)cir ftl£-b:Jil ttJep lliggell tlo'a:ln a mal.
1 Gturfe'll be tlJeir ·nnad.J,fot it'l'Dass mamclrss,
an'D tlJrir ftemnccrc, ro~ it mass cruell: 11 'llllll Iii•
u1'11c tIJem in '.]Jacob, allb rcattcr tlJcm in ']frael.
s j\U'lla,tl)ou artlJc 'l'DIJom ti.Jr btctlltm llJaI
t ~. W3S ve- p1atrc: ~r tJanb fl)al be tn tbc netlie Of tlJtnc C•
"Ii' d in ncmtcfS. tlJl' fatl)erss 'billlten flJaU t. aoupc bcfoµ:
Dou1d and tlJCC,
c1t 11 r+. 9 ']\U'llaisal!AonstDIJelpe: ft'omtllefpoplt
~ .~::,k';'J;,, mp ronnc, t1Jou art come on l)igl): h ll)c lapb lJim
~:~ .~ ;r,: ~"
1 11
11o'll.lnc, an'D couctJctJ lJimfclfe as a)!.,Ion, am a~
;::~~,'~.~r~~:, a1l..ioneffc: 'O.ll)o toill airre lJim bp '!
b;~:.~:::;,~ ro rm;l)cfccpttr(l)all not llcpa~ from ]Uba,
' 11 "tD '"bu' anb a la'll.l giucr from betmccnt IJtfS fectc, bntill
~,:"Pun• +~i!ocomc:ann tintol}im flJaU tl}c gatl}mng
!~\:;~~;11 ., oft:l)epeoplebc. ·
or tit< trtht Of I I \\)l't llJall binbe IJiS Coale c bnto tilt bine,
~;~:~·,glr:"' anti 1Ji1rnrre13 colt bnto t:l)cll:ancl.J: l)c b:JaOicn l)iS
~'£~::; 111m garmtnt m\lline,an'll lJifS doli}CfS in li}c blooll or
:i~::: ~~:~1;· grapes. . .
auou1101• 12 ll)tl$ C!ClS !ball be tCbbt b:JftlJ \Dfne, 8tlD ~fS
nr,d >n, tcctl) \Dl')itttoitlJ tttillie.
' ll\B oonir1 I 3 ~abulon fiJaU d btoen btfibe t(Jc ~aum of
~;.~.~i,n::~~· tlJc rca, ann nil#! tl)e l)aum or llJipfS tJ•fS llotbct
::~:rr:•r:;;,p 11Jalbc tmto :i: ~.tt1no11. •
~·6~~~\.~~~p r4'])ITadJat is ·a :i: llton1u1rc, couc1.Jtn1 l)fm
t of great tlob:Jnt bct\l'Jccne t'mo butbc1113,
bon<S, 15 ant1fatotl)atrcll\lla!3goob, anb tl)clanb
lacob is buried. Chap.j. Iofeph dieth. lo

1Dn111GdJ dJe em!lauminQ lallJ 1111!1 d)t ee;rptt. lJim to tnmclJt• fad)a. as Coone ais l)t IJaD bun·
:.~.~.:..:: a11j5' mourmD fo111iln ttnur~ anb tmDal't._ tDl.Jitn.
'" 1..... , •• , 4 QnD UilJm tl)c Dapc15 of mourning \Dttt I 5 gnll tolJC ~oftpbSI lnetfl1tt1 fa'ID tlJat tf)cit am
•· mbeb,~ofcpl} f.pallctmto tl)e IJourtof 1&l}ara0, 11
fatl)tt 'IDaS lltaD,dJcp rarD. c 'jofcptJ map prta"()' r11r.:'.~" I
rapin~ ]f '] l)auc four.D fauour in fOUI" CfCIS. ucnrun l:Jatt bS, anti retDarll bs agame au tilt ;~:,~'.'"!~:
Qm1k 1 P~P rou in tlJt cam oftMJarao,Csping, eu1ll mlJttlJ toe !Jill bnto I.Jim. ~~,~~~~~
5 ~P fatlJer 111aDc me tmcm.anDfaiD, "JL.oc. 1_6 .Qllb ttJcptltDfcnD amdTagcbttto ']ofcph,
~ ll1t.burtc me in ttJr grauc tDIJiclJ '] l}auc carmig, ~P fa ti) er llill commaunll befo~ I.Jc lit,
mnn tile lano of C(l)anaan. ~otD t1Jn'tfo1eltt CD.faptnig,
mt goc bp, 'll p~ar tl)u.anD bUf! 1np fatl)er, anb .11 mJis 'mifc OJanrc rart:Jnto1ofepl.l, ~oz,
tl)m mill']\ come againc. gaue, '.JI ~ap tlJcc, t{Jc trcfpatrc of tl:Wb~ed}~m,
6 ano Jl)l)arao faiD, 0oe bp, anD bU1ic dJt' anll tlJm Cmnc: ro~ tf.Jcp re\DarDeD dlec cutl.anD
~,~=:.~•:,. fatl)cr, J acco~Ding ais IJc maoe tl)cc Cmcare. nom 'Wee p~ap tllcc fo~giuc tile trcfpa[c of tt:ic
, b!~':~a':' 7 anil ~oCcptJ \?lent bp to burp l)i• fadJcr., Cmumts ror tl)e <5oD oftfJr fatlJcr . .ano ]ofcplJ ~r~~i.:~,~
o:Dt. 81lb \DitlJ tmn 'IDcntall tl)e fm&antf Of Jl)l)aTao 'o.lcptUll}m tlJcp fpaltcbnto mm. oa1111un1
tl)atmcrc tlJc clDcris of IJil fJOUfe, anball tl)c C[. I 8 9lf0 lJi,IS b~tl)~£n C8tnr btlfO l)tm, llnll fell be UIWml
Dcris of tile lanll of ~gvµt: flat bcfo~e IJts facc,rapm~,JBctJolll, me be t1Jt rrr,
8 .allb all tl)c lJoilft of '.)ofq>JJ, anl:l l]ilS btc' uantis.
tl_um.anD IJiS fatlJcr• ~: onlp tlJcir cl)ilDJm, 19 ~o \»l,JOtn 1,oCcp() rarMf carcnot, II am '.Ji ~ Or,in rl
anD tl)cir OJccp,anD tl)ctr 'attdl,lcft tlJcp bclJinD <ifJOD:' plmof
in tlJt lanD of <5ofen. zo Fe tl}ou~(Jt cmlagain« mt, butei5all g tur, ~~~~u.
9 !ilnD tl)cre wmt witlJ }Jim alfo cJJarcts anb ncll it bnto gooll,to lmng to pafi"c as it ts tlJiis ~~~:·,b~~·
f.Jozfcmtn : ano it was an c,:ctcllin« !!feat com, Dap,anD tofauemucl)pcoplcalmc. chm~·'"
panic. z l !tfcarcnot tl)crcfo~, tui\D mill'] nourin1 l::'~~~r,e&
1 o ano tlJep camt to tiJt co~nc fioo;c or atan, rou ano rour ct)ilD~et1. anll l)c cemfo~rcn ti.Jan, '" '1"' 111•
'WIJiclJ ts bcponD '.J1 o~llm, ano tlJcrc tlJcp maoe a anb fpllflc; kinlllr bnto tf)cm. 1Ta 1hr
i;p-cat anti cmelling ro~c lament.anon: al1b l,Jcc 22 ']\ofep()D'IDcltin Cfarpt,IJc ant11Jisfatllcrs hrm•.
moumcD ro~ his fatl)cr rcucn DafEl5. f1oure: ani:I ]ofrpl.J liucn r. an iJunti~cll ann tcnnc ::~;:~;;
11 gnll 'IDlJm tlJc illlJallitcrs of tlJc laUb, cuc:n t'C£tt$. ~1101·:~rH
tlJc <ltlJanaamteiJ.fa\D ti.Jc mourning in tlJc 'omc 2 3 an1:11orcpb raw <flllnaim.£J c::l1ill1m1 bnto v~~;~;:.:;.
~\;;·~;1~:. :
floo~c of ltall, ti.Jct' Capll, «lJi.G i.G n great 111our' t}Jc tlJlrll generation: lt bnto g[!Ja,llir tile fo1u1'
ning bnto ttJe lfgpptia11s:ll91Jcrfoze me name of ofi1@11t1atrcs mcrcd)1'il~cn 1J bomc on '.lc:fl}JiJiJ,
tl.Jcplaceiscallcll, ~tJemounungoftl)e lfm'P' fmrcs. 'I' ornc
t1a11s,ano it i.G bcponll '.)lo~llanr. 24 al1b jlofcpb faiD bnto IJi!!I b~rtfncn., '.Ji i:lir: I ilml,

1 2 anll bis ronnes ll1D tmto IJim tt«M1i11g ais ano ®'ob 'IDillfunlr biut rou, ani:I b~mgrouout
f}c l,Jao commanDcll tl)cm. or tl)us lanD,bnto rtJe lanll 'IDl)icl) l.Jt f'alnrc tmto
• 3 f o~ l.Jis ranncs carieD I.Jim into tlJt lanD of :lb~al)atn, ]faa"anll ]acob.
lltlJanaan, ani:I bUTiet> lJim in tlJc cauc of tile 2 5 ann ]\ofrplJ tOOllC an Ot\JC Of tlJC cl)tlb~rn . f) I I
li:cID mJ)a~pelatl, \DlJicf) ficUI .ab~am bo~t of~rrael, Capmg, 13oll '1Dill not •failc but biOtc ;h,M:~.0
.to be a !J!acc to bUTi£ m of ci.eptnon tllC V)ct1Ju·e, [DU., anD t cc 11.Jall mric mp boncs IJmcc. ano ro :~\~;r,!, :
bcfo~e W,Jamre. ]ofcpll llicll w)Jcn l]ce\llais an l)unDJetl allb tm ~~~i'~!,:,::
14 ani:l]ofcpl)rcturnei:I tntccfgppt againc, rmiJ 011:1: .~nll t\J£t' c~baumril l)im 'IDitlJ fpims, ~.'~~ !'/,~
I.Jee anll l)ts btctlJ~cn. ano 1111 tl}at lllcnt bp tDitl) putnng l)tm ma cl)ell m <?g!·pt. 011'""•"

.. . ~~~~~i@i~~~~~~~{~~~
t~~~~~ ~ t~_J:t~;t~ ~..--t~:~t~~"J'~.J(t~~

H, lllbld)tf,
The fecond booke ofMofes,in Larine vvich
;~::-~'!:, a Greeke word called Exodus, and in He brew YeUejchemoth.
:~.~~~:"· -----------------0-f-~-a-co_b_,_\Il_e-re-reu_rn_n_c_:_ _ _ _ __
f:'/, ~~.;.
Thefirll: Chapter. 6 '5ut 'J,ofcp(J'IDaS in .tgrpt alrenDp. anD
r:,\\~;:_.r;c:~ The children of fa cob which came into Egypt. 8
I ]iofe:pl) Ditll,anll allf.Jis b,ctf.ncn, anll a( tl}at gc·
~i:."::.."C:!'' The new Pharao gocth aboutioopprcfJc thc:min ncration.
t:'l~··r vaine,byouerburdcning ofihem, by murde~ing_and 7 • .QnD tf]c cl)illlu:n of'.]Jfracl1Dtttfruitful, M.t.s 7.:
drowningofrhcirmcnchrldren. 17 Thcm1dw1ues *tn'1"cafcb, multiplicll, anl:J '\tla,:cb e,:ccelltng tAsfill1
haue pitic on rhcm,and be rewarded of God. mi«IJC1,anll tl)c • lanll 'ID;U fuHoftl,Jcm. wonnc
~!D[§:l!:::ii.J $£fc are ~names or ~e 'lril' 8. ~ut tl)m arorc bp a nc\11 liing in cfgnit.
D~m of• '.}ftacl , lll~icl) camt 'W()tclJ finem not 'Jlofep~ : i.S::·~·c.
into lfgppttoitlJ ]acob,eucrp 9 ilnll !Jc~mll bnto b1sf0Ute,'5£(tolb,t(Jc pro· ~••~~:~.~
man mmctDitlJ 1J1s 1Jout1JoUJ: \plc of tl}e cl)1lll~cn of '.3'1fracl, are' greater anll 0°"'~··
, muben, ~imeon, lroi, migbticr tlJcn we. r,:;:~~:·i
ano]uDa: I •0 l[omco~ ll'tbSllealc\Dittilp \DithtfJcm, :~~:·~~
• ., 3 . '.J\U:ac(Jar,';abulon.anD !~11 tl)ep multtplp, ano left tt.:omc to paU"c. tl)at ~~~:.~~b!1
112..:z::m~~ '5cmanun, 11£t1Jcrc be a~p\Darrc, tlJtt' iopne tl)cmfclucs bn' 11"••1.
4 ~an,ant> frlepbtlJali,<li5aD,anD arer. /to our cncnnes, ano fi!Jl)t againa ti.IS, ano ro get
s au tl)e foults tlJat came out or tbe Iofncs 1tlJem bp out Of tl)e lanll.
_ _L I I 'i'!t"l1CtC(OlC1
\lofesis borne. Exodus. Heflecth to Madian. i I

I 1 ~1Jcrcro1c lltb t{Jcp cct tamcmaacris otru anD tlJcmatb ran anlJ callell tte c cl)iU:lismotl.Jn. , ••• Dc-
~cm, to kecpc tIJcm bnlla wttlJ b.u~cnlS .: ann ? ~o llllJom t&IJaraof.'I nau11l)tcr rarD, ~a~c ;:~~~~
tl.Jcp built tin to f0f;Jarao trtarurc ,,CMS, ~1t1)om tlJ•~ cl}tl!_atlla~~te nurrc itfo~ me,anD '.JI totll :.~~.~~:~
anUllaam:re15. rc\DarD ,,.,re. .Qm11 tlJc woman toollc tl}c ct)iUlc, r•l>ll•1 ra
12 l5ut tl]c moJc tlJtr 1n~rct1 tfJcm, tf)c mo~c anDnurftDitbpr P•"·
(!lob IDDll• tl)ep d multiplicll ani:I grew : fo tl)at ti.Jct tlblJ01' 1° ~e cl}tlbe !Jte\Dc,anb ll>c btougl)tft bnto
rr11Up en•
ca(Uh bll ren at tlJr CigfJt of tJJc ctJillnen or'.]lrracl. 10{laraois Dau~ttr. ann it l»a15 ntal>c l)cr ronnc.
burcb In
C~[DtlDlll. 13 ann tfJc C!!!gppttanis l)clll ~e ct,Jilt>~cn of]!C, a1111 ftJe callCD tl)c name of It t-S!)oreis: becaufc t Mofeh.
rad in bonnagc tortl)out merac, faid Chee '.JI toofie 11im out ortlJc l»atcr.
1 4 .an11 tlJep mane tlJcir liuc15 bitter tmto 11 anD In tlJofe t>apcis, \lJIJcn ~ores toass
tl)nu in ttJat crucll bonlla!Jc, in clap,ant> bii,lic, \Darell great, d l)ce 'Went out bnto lJilS b1ctl)1~
ann all manner or \lJ01flc in tl)c ftcllle: foi all ant1Iookellont1Jeirbur1>£nss,anllfpieban(f!Jpp, ~.~~.~~::1 •
t[Jcirbonlltlg~\\Jl)crctn tlJcp fcrttel> tl,)em, \Dall! tianfmitinganl)etne\D 'tDl)ictJ wais oncofl}i!S ~~:~~'~:t11,
fulloftr~amne. bletlnen: ;:~~1101
i!:PJlll!I trp 15 gfl!) flJI?. Jdllg orcfgppt e fpaJ1C bntO tl)C I2 gtllJ IJC lo,qfittJ l'OUnlJ abOUt, anti \Df1et1 l)C •
~~~~irm. ~ill\Diucis or tl}e il)cll~c\Dcis \\Jomcri: Cof \JJ(Jii;IJ fa\D no man bp, c 6c fie\D tl}e <egrptian, anti IJit> ·, -s, eob•
1um. ttJcone wall! namcn ~iplJ~alJ,ant> tl:)c otl}cr l&U' lJim in tl)e rau11. ~J:~.';,"~•t,
al}) ann faib, 1 3 ant> \lJIJen l)ec \tla~ctonc out anottJenap, ~~\I~~ ~~~
16 Wl)cn re lloe tfJe olfic.e or a ~il>\Difc to tl)c bclJoltlc., t\Do men of tf)e ~cb~e'Wcis tlrouc toge, .....m2ir..
cares, ~wOmCtlOh.,C .. ,... JI\ · tlJ C ++ b'rt(J
~eb~C'WC~, anll {iCC lll t foh r» "'h '""'' "'
·,CCM1ttl unto.,tm
'h' •.,atllltl• tlJ C\lJ~Ong,
foh oft~< l!Vbl!
time ttJatiti~ a bop, rcfl.Jallfiillit: IJUtif tt Ilea l191}ttero~rmtttflt1Jout1Jpfello\tl:' u~ 11 •11o11s1.
naugl}ter, itaiarnuc. 14 ll)ec anf\Ucret>, m>l)o mall£tl)eeamanor
17 Jaot\tlitl)l'fanoing, tl)e il;lill\\liue~ ·rcaccb 4utlJ01itic anll aittll!Je oucr M :' +intcnl>cft tlJou ~Spcakell.
t1Das&t1· ©ot>, f anl:l llib not ai;s tlJe lling oflf~t tonnnan, to r1ill mcc, af.'I tl)ou liillelll? tiJe cfgppttan'." .ann
~~;.~.'~, llcll tlJcm, but raucl:I ttJc men ct)illllcn altue. ~ofcll! rcartn,ann rart1, i!D r a rumte t1Ji)1 t~ing
1 s Snt> ttJe fling or Cfgppt caUcl> ro~ tl)e ~ill- iis fmo\tlm.
\\Jiucss, anti catn bnto tl)cm, twl)p l)aue rec llCalt 15 gml ~(.Jataol]carll oftt, r anll \Dent about r mo1llll•
on tl)i~ mancr, ann l)nue rauen ttJc men cf)illllm to oar ~ofell!• .ann gi)ofcll! ftecing from dJc fa~ trDabltfolo•rrh afttntl>C
aliue :' of ll)l)arao,t>\Delt in tl}c lanll Of Sllf)atJian: anll J:Je tQmolr1u.
goDlp notn1
19 .ant> tl)e ~in'IDiuc~ anrmcrcn ~arao, fatcllo\\Jnrbptl)e'Wcllell! fibe.
tlJat ttJc 'eb~ncis \Domcn are not a~ tl)c niomcn 16 ~e II piicll of ~at>tan l)all rcucn t>augf1' ~ Pcincc,or
or ctmipt: fo~ tlJCF are mm buelp \\Jomcn, ant> ttf,S,tl)e \lltJicf1 came anllt>JC\DC warer, anti fillet> head.
are llcltumll pcr tlJe Q9il>\JJ iuclS come at tlJetn. tl:Je trDUgi,ell! foi to \\Jater tl)cir fatl;Jrris fiJCepe.
l!)rnlDm 20 !tln'O g <ll5ot> llcalt: \»CU ttJcrcro:e \DidJ tl)c 17 anD tl)e flJcplJrart>~camc anll D~ tl.'JCm
,:·t~~:~a·~~; ~io\l:Jiuc~: anll tfJe people multtplicll,anll \tlaJ;' atoap:but)]J!lo~ t?oon t:Jp anti f1elpcta tl)cm, anlJ
;w;~:; ,1. co berp mi~{Jtie. 'WatercD t{Jcir tlJupe.
,~~'.""~;;~. '21 an1:11t tame to pa(['c,tbat bccaure tl)c~tll, 18 all'll \lllJm tf:ley came to llla!JUCI tlJeit fa,
t~1 ra1110111 'WiUCIS feareb(lf5Db, h l}emat>C tl:JtmlJDUfefS, tl)tt,lJCC fatlle, ~\"O c:ame tttO paffe d}at rec arc
~~·s.~;ii, u ann 10l)atao mar~eD al l)i~ people,fa~ing, come fo roone to lisp~
;~i::::.~ i~·. au tl)e men cl)tln~m tl)at ar~ bomc, c:.aa into tl:Je r 9 QnD tter amblcren, a man or Cfm>t l:lcfi,
!:~·:..~:~~ riu~r, ann rauc tl)e nUlttlc tl)1lllml a11ue. utrcl:J bit! from tbc lJant>s or tl)e 11Jep1Jcarb1S, anll
11rimanu. Th 1.. Ch fO ~ blC\lJ blS \tlater, anl:l 'alatttcll tl)C fiJecpe. f Htb.
e J• apter· 20 l!)ecarne t>nto IJis naug(Jterf.'I, ann 'W(Jere drawing he
on fo1 ~If
1mt!l(ai:t 1 Mofes is bornc,andcall into the flagges. 6 Hee is iSSlJcc~\tllJp ~aucpce ro 1£fttl}cman:' Cltalll)im, drew.that
1 ICba"~
taken vp of Pharaos daughter, and dcliucred to his ttJat lJC mar cat bJeab. is,whhdi-
omrbr af1111 ownc mother to be nurlcd. 21 !lnD SJlaOft$.'l\lllltsc.t1ntcntto tl'o.JCIWitfJ tl,tc ligrn,e&
1crtO!l OftP• labour he
l:l)tt!..rutrc ti~ ~(J ~ ~ t(Jcrc \\lent ' a mnn out of ttJc man: ~ IJe 11auc ~0Cr1t1 ~epl10,a IJilS lJaUglJttr, d1cw.
Ja& callcl'J ~I~Y~ l)oure of JLcut, anb toolle to wife a 2 2 n&lJicl1 bm:e (Jim a ronnc, anl:l l)e callcll IJi~
i.umD'Jo• .• ~. t1atrg1JttrofJLmi. name ©crftJom:ro~IJrc rarne, s'.)llJauellemea ,.:e•••11••·
abiD, Cil\,1,6 0
1u(,20. G,.~.157.6 .., :z. .Qnll tl)c 'alifeconc:eiucll,~ bare «raunger in a tlrangc Ianll. """'D"'"'"
~{tlf " a""'{ ronne:l1J anll \\Jl)en flJc ram ttJat
I).,. I)· ti) """'
it 1 3 ~no in p~o,rar ortinte. tlJe ki""' or :i:~~~~~:i~
~ce monc..,s.
'h · •99 i:U' ofrbt dJdDJtn
\\la~ a piopcr ••,i l:J, c lu im llt'Cll,attll t.,c i;ijtl1>icn of]fraclfiglJtilbp tiJc rta• or1rracl0111•f
3 ann \D(Jcn 11Jc c:oultl no longer l)ilJC IJtin,nJc ron of h bon\lagc, anll crprn. ~.m~~Vl~oni•·
tOO[iC a bnrnet made DfbUll ru11Je15, anl> baubct> it 24 ann tl~Clr c:omplaintcamtbp. bnto d!JDlJ fu~ ~·~~·a ••111o
'1litlJ atmc anll pttclJ, an1:1 Iai11 tl,tc cl)tlbe ttJcrrtn, tile bonna11c: ann ©ot> l)earD tl.Jc~r moue, ann ~:1~:·:13,~.
anti put it in ttJe ftam~cs bp tlJe rtucrs bi11,tlic. ©on rcmcmbicn llis coumant w1t1J ab.ta~am, .,.,t~a1 ,.,.,
· 4 9.111> tJtis filler nooll a farrc off, to 'nltt 'lll(Jat '.j\fal)ac, ann '.)lacob. :~·:~~.'~:.~·
'2 5 anti ©oll looflcll bpDll dJe clJ•lb~cn of '.)f, ~lU'~ =:.~::.
woulti com't: oftt.
~ anll ttie llaU!J{Jtcr of -l}arao ca1nc bo\l'lnc rad,anb d!JoD l}all rcfpctttmto tiJcm.
to'll.lallJ 1Jetre1te in ttiertucr, anD l)er maibcns h h
'1la~'balon~bpt1Jcrtuerri!le:anllb.11Jm11Jefa\lJ T c iij. C apter.
tl}eballrctamon!&tl)e flagn-css ll)cfentl.)crmatllc

I Mofes liceperh the lbccpe of Icchro his f.ithcr in
to ftti;lJ It. D ' law. 2 God appcarcth to him in a bulb, 10 and
6 . anll "all)cn nie }Jab OlJ(ltCb it,tlJC fa\11 it \Ua• fcndcth him to deliucr the children of lfrad.
El t:l)lllle: ~ti bc~olll, tlJt babe 'tDept. Qnll lbCl)b Sl!>fc~ fl.epttl)C fiJ£Cpt Of ']Jctl)~o ht.S
b C)m •Pvt•· " rompnmon on tt, anti fail! I'll ti"' one of tlJe cs - fatl,lcr m Ia', p,1£ft of ~allian:
~:~~.'~1 ~~:·: biucf.'I 'llilll~en. ' ~ "' anll IJc llioue ti.Jc tloaic to tl)c bacftc
~~·::.~~:b':'" 7 ~cnfaii:JIJi1S!Hlcttol£)1Jaraost1augl)tcr, ~ fille oft1J.c11ercrt, anti came to tl}c •i!rt•'·~11 ,.,.,
"''" """"" ~l,lall ']\ goc anti call to tbce a nutre of tlJ£ ~e. mountaane or.11!5ol:J • +ll)o~rb. ~!\',':;~: .~~:
b~UCS 'l»omcn, to nutrc tl)ee tl)e tl)ilb:' :I, ~nb tl)e angcll orttJe lLD~ll llppcarco bnto tlm Pill of 1!
s l&l)araos naugl)tcr anf'1letell lJtt. '1!Sor. l)iminaflamr.offtreoutoftl)entibtiesofabutli: *Corcb•h.
I anD1
I Gods name lehouah. Chap.iiij. The three fignes. 21

king of Cfgppt, anti fa'P bnto IJitn, ~c JLo~t1c

<115obof~l)eb;mt~~Umtt'mitl)bMnbno'm I Or,•PP'
~ b• goe, \DC br:ftt'1J tl)te, tmcc b~IS toutney reJ to vs.
lnto tl1e \Dilllcmdfe , anb 1bOC ntmficc bnto tl)e •11murr <
)L~b DUt <13Db. :rf~:i':,~i:
19 anb ~ am rurc tl)at tl)eliing of !fgrpt 'mffi ~~~~~
notlet pou goe, II no not in a migl1tie l:)anb. . ~:.·;-~.::~
2 0 !llnb '] \Dtll llrl'tctJ Ollt ml' ~anti:, anb fmttc rrr11t b•m
~ITT'P~ 'mitl) au mp 'monllet• 'mlJtcll '.JI 'mtll 1>0 in !io~~buc
tl}cnub!!tl)trof: anb aftcttl)at(Je'mtl ktrougo. alhong
. 2 1 Qlnb m']I 'mill get tlJilS people faUOtlt in tl)C hand.
n~ of tlJc <1?1mltia11~ ro tl)at mIJcn re 11oe, rec ;7.,:,•i \:,
0J8U J10t lJ0£rmpti£ : Of tCI ma1l
2 il6Ut £Ul'f1' 'mife OJaU bOJO'mC 0£\ll't ncigl:)' troll mcm
bout, anb orher ttJatroioumctIJ in IJer l:)oure..
i IC\DclS Of filutr, (I ie'mclS Of ~Olb, anb raiment: f y clfcls
anb re flllll put tlJmt on pour ronnrs anti baugi)•
tm1, anb flJaU robbc tile ct~m>ttans.
Theiiij. Chapcer.
1 God giucth three ligncs vnto Mores, which doc dc-
clarc rhn he was fcntof God. 18 Moksrakc:thhis
kauc of his father in law.
~res ann»crcll anti faibe, • ~cc, • !!'bo•~~

. t:l)cp 'oJiU not belecuc mc..1101 l}car' ~1,i.1cu11•
rrnm1 .ln!I:
tlcn tinto mp tJotcc: but wm r11p, ~OD! :.,II:
~·rr Dtfi ::11lr
; 'i ~ ) ~e 'Jl,o~b l:)atl:) not nppcarcn bnto Uinrof LrL1
b~ta ~un 1m
~ tf)er.
2 anb tl}c JL,o~bfaib tinto l1im, mI11t ii'! t!1at
which is1ntl}inehanll :'lF,)cannrmn, a II roDtr. : Or,l1ie,
3 .Qnb l}e faitl, 4t aa it Oil tl,JC grounb. fl lib llC herds lh1
caa it on ttJe gtonnb, nnb it became a rrrpcm :
anb ~ores Hen from t{Jr frg(Jt of it.
4 g nb tfJc ·JloJb faib bnto ~ores, tBut fo~tlJ
t!Jinc lJanb,an'O tahc itbp tl)c tailc. :tlntJ tl)crfo~c
l}eputto~tl)(Jisl}11nt1, annmugIJtit, anb it be,
came a rob in l:)ts 1,Jant1.
5 b 1BptlJiStlJing 11Jall thcp bctceuc,tl1attl}c b 11n1boi1t1
)Lo~b c!JOtl Of tl}cit fllt:l)l't!S, tl)e a'JOb o{gbJal)am, r.'~~·~ \:::R,
the <ll5ob of'.)fal)ac, anll tl)e <ll5ob of ~acob, l]atlJ ~:!:hi:~;,"
appearcb bnto tiJer. ~"""'" .,
6 anti tIJc JLo~ll rain rartIJmnoic bnto IJim, b~:·~·~~;·;.~
-at,IJiutl tl)ine l)anb into tlJl' borom.anb l}c unun
IJiis l}anb into l}is bofomc: anb wl,Jen IJc tooltc it
out again, bd)olb IJii'! l}ab was lep~ous as rno\\1.
7 anti (JC raibC, l&Ut tlJtne {Janb into tlJF bo'
romr qain. anti {Jeput l)i!S {Janb into l}i!S bofom
againe, anti plmhcb it out oflJii'! borom£,al1b be'
l:)olll, it was tumtb ai;tainc ai'! IJi!S other ftCIYJ,
8 ~mfo~e tftl}cy wil notbelccue tl)re,nct'
tlJet{Jeatct:l)rl!bOUC oftl}cfirtJCignc,pet\Dll tlJef •Or, rhc
bcleeuc fOJ t{Jc bOict Oftl:)e fcCOnb fignr. words c-o
9 lBut a.nb tr tlJtp \Dtll not belrtu~ tlJcCe t\Do firmed bi
figncis, neitl}cr l}earflcn tmto.tlJp borcc : tf)o~ 1hc fir1t
flJalttaheof tl)ewatcroftlJcnucr, antlpo'onett figoc.
bpon t1JC bJP lantJ, anb tlJe tvatcr wl)i~ tl)ou ta•
kcft out of tlJc rtuer, OJall be tutncb mto blootl
bpon dJc b'.!it lanb.
I 0 gi.Jorr• faib tJnto tf1C )LO]t>' iDIJ mr JLoib,
1flam n£itl)cr pdmDap, nin 'l'l't rctterbap, a 10,, ,v•
man tloqumt, nrttlJct On~ tlJou l:)all l'pohcn nmr elo
1mto tlJ'l' reruanc: but l am no\'U mouts,ell, anti quem.
Oo'al tonpD.
1 1 ann tlJc l.-o~b faibc bnto 11im, tl91)o ltatlJ
mallc mans mouttr.' OJ 'mlJo makct:IJ tlJe btnnbc,
o~ llcarc, tIJcfcting,oi ~eblinll111auc notjl, tl}c
12 anti now 10,anb 1 'mil be t»itl) tl)p moutlJ,
anb trad) ~c 'oJ11at t:l)ou fbalt rap.
13 ll)era11l.• El>l1mr·J1.o~b, rcnb'Ji p~art1Jecbp
tlJe l}anb ofl)tm, 'oJIJom tl)ou 'milt rcnll.
\ bloodie husband. Exodus.'··· ·1rraels bondage encreafed.- ·
14 an?J tlJc JL..o:ll \Da.o an!m' \DltlJ ~ofe15,att11
)fL<ui. ram,~oenot'.l) rmo\11 *
iiSrontlJr biotl.Jer tlJe
·.uuttt, tIJatlJc amfpc11J1e '! ~o~ loeil)e '°1l1ll1td)
fo~tlJ to mccte t1Jee: anll \DfJcn l}c reed) tl}ee, l)e
\11111 be g[all In lJtS (Jcart.
1 5 ~f)ercroic t11ou OJalt rpeakc bnto IJ(m,anD
litlJOU ill>lt put e tlJ£f£\U01lJ.IJ jp l.Jif5 mOUtlJ, 8nlJ] \Dtll ·b£e
~~:~ & ~ \DitfJ tfJ!' moutlJ, anD \Ditl) l)t.o moutl}, anb \Dill

tcaclJ rou 'llll}at re ougl,Jt to Doc.

16 ~n?J l}e flJalbe tlJl' fpolitrman bntc tl)e prti'
pie, anD l}e flJllH be, cu en lJC llJal be to t:IJct in Uc&D
)r,hclhal ofll amoutl), anDtlJOUflJaltbetol}imtn d lleab
1hein1cr- of~OD.
etcr,and J 7 ann tl]ou Oialt take ti,issron in tlW l}an?J,
ou !halt \Dl}m1»itlJ tl)ou CIJaltlJoemfraclcs.
;~:1~~.1 d• 1 s ~erefo~e ~ores \Dent ann rctmnclJ to
~:~:~~r~ 1.etlno lJis fatl.Jer in la\D agatne, anD fatne bnto
1nr111n,ano 1}1m, )Lctmegoe 'JI p1ar tfJCC no\U, anlJ tumca'
;~~."· • gaine bnto mr b1ettncn \llfJiclJ arc in lfgppt,ann

!cc tulJetlJer tlJcr be rec aliue. anb '.}letl)~o CatD to

~ores, ©oc in peace.
19 QnlJ tl)e )Lo~tl fain bnto Sl@ofc!S in il@abf.
an, ©oe anti rcturne againe into crgypt , roi
cekc 1hy alltl,JcmcnareDeaD \lllJitlJ\llentabout tot liill
Jc. tiJec,
2 o .anb ~ores toollc !)is \Dif.c , anti l)is
Conness, anD put tlJtm on an arre, an?J \Dent a•
gaine to <tgrpt:anll~orcs too be tl)c roll or ©oD
m lJiS l}ann.
2 1 anD ti.Jc )Lo~ne faille bnto ~ores, ueben
tl)ou art entrell ann rome into lfgppt againe,
rec tlJat tl)ou noe an tJJe \llomers befo~e l&l)a'
~~~01,~r1'~~. rao, 'lllf)icl) '3l 1Ja11e put in tl)r IJanD: c but'] \llill
''"· lDhm ,,, IJarncn 1)1151Jeart, an'b IJtc 11.Jall not let tl)c people
:&b~~~1~~~~· goe.
:~;:,n-~.\~'" 22 anD tl,)ou ffJalt rar bnto101Jarao, 'GtlJUfS
1~~·1•w 1 n: faitl,) tl)c JL,o~lle, ]Crael ts m11 fonne,cucn tnl! firtl
.m:'.nnn bomc.
2 3 att11 '.Ji faille bnto tl)CC, tl)at tlJOU let. mt'
ronne goe, tIJat l)c map rcrue me: anti if tl)ou r~
lll!Jt1n1n1, fUfC to let l)im goe,bcl)Oll>, '.JI DOC fl1ap t(Wfonne,
~~ti~~' eum tlJ! fitltbOJnt.
:i.4 anb it came to paffe bp tlJc \Dap , in tl)c
1]nne, tl)at tl)eJl,o~lle mctl)im, ann \\Joulll 1Jaue
;.~·;:;~~·. ~· g lttlleD IJim.
tnmctrro bl• 2 5 anti ~cpl)o1a toolie a none., anti cut a\Dap
~ :~~~:~,~a. tlJe foieOlin ofl)er ronnc, anti call it at f)is rcctc,

anll raiti,a bloobtc IJutoann art tIJou tmto me.

~i:;:.~~:~~· !~I :l. 6 ~en h l}e lct l:Jim ~oe, anti ltic CatD a bloo'

1oou1n """ Die )JuOJatlb: becaure of tl)c circumctnon.

~· • ~
11 0
2 7 ~en faille tl)e JL01ne bnto iiSron, ©oe
tneete ~OfCS in tl,)e \DilDcrnecrc. anD l)e \Dent
ann met IJim tn tl)c mount of ~oll, anb kttrcb
:i. s anb ~ores tolbe aaron all d)e \tlo~lles of
tb,c "JLo111 'WlJitlJ IJall rent l)im, anll an ti.Jc fignes
'Wl)i~ 1.Je clJargen {Jim \llitl}all.
19 ~o \\lent ~orrsanb9aron, an1>1:111t1J~
rel! an tl)e elbers of tl)e cbilll~en of ]CraeL
3° !!nUatontolbcaUC:l)etDo1lles\Dl)t£1Jt1Je
JLoi~ 1Jat1 fp~l!en bnto ~ores, anll llill tl)emira•
~.:"~.~b~.':'' clCS tn tlJe ri!ll)t ot tlJe people.
' ~~~'~,~::.~ ; 31,, ~~ ttl)~e pJLotople' btleeucll: am \1)fJen tflcy
lbst bl fllOYIO Ci1fu HJ8 £ illt l)al) bifit£D tl.Je d)ffil1111 Of
b::r: ~~:~,;~:: rrael, anll ab loo hell bpon tlJdr tribulation.
\ 1r:!:.~"~11 tlJtl? bo\tletl tl)emrctues,an1:1 'Woiltiippcil.
The v. Chapter.
1 Mofcs and Aaron doc their mctlagc to Pharao who
will noc fuftcr the people oflfracl to depart: b~top·
prdfcth chem more and more.
V ncircun1cifed lips. Chap.vj;yjj. Mbfes Pharaos God. ll

• <1Lb•1 mff•
n1D3IHI l!IODf 21 .anb faib
, bnto .."Yi.em, d• ~i..e
"J 'fl O'lllOOJie ~'
141 ,. 16 qerc ateo an tlJt r:iame.s of tl)e clJilJJ.1en
''""be •b• onpoti.anb tUbge f:"GU.. b:JfJJdJ IJaue mabe tlJC a' d Of 1Lnll in thcif nrneratton.S: <115crfon, 81111 <ltt> d lt • 11111
&t:i'.:,::i~:·· uour of bS i to bee abf}oz rel:I in tl)e cpc.s of l&ba, .._ ~.,
,,atl:J,anll ~ttart »
. h .
1111 .,UnbitD, ~it<
k 1•wen,rb11
.:~i;.~~\~'i'.~' rao, anil in the cpc.s of l'Jf.s rcruant.s, anl:l IJaut tie,am rcucn recres. ~m~~·~~:~.~
l'r~'ii,~k'~. puta~~i~int1Jcir1Janbtooap11.s.
.seort•lmb" u
.....,.,o.cs.rctumell lmto tl)t Jl,o~l:l,anl:I tll,
_17 «<:lJe ronnr~ of 0trron: )L,ibnt, anl:I ~i· '.l~.·;bi:i<;: ''
mt,bp ttJctr 1tinrc11.s. . norkc,
~:%~:r~.~~" lLo~ll. lDIJcrfo~c IJatl t(Jou ro mill cnttcatcl:I tlJi.S 18 -Gtl)c c{Jilll~en of <1re1Jat1J:anrram,\f ']lllJar,
,, ,..""'' peoplc1 .anll\UIJcrcto~e IJttll tl)oufcrttme1 anl:I ~cb~on, anD illlfiel. anD <ltcf.Jatl) liueD an
romp1,1n«h 11tlCC ~
4 oi /;
2 3 :.11 .Jl '8t11£ to l&IJarao to fpca fiC Jn
. i,unDitMlJirttc,ann time rccre.s.
::f.~~·b~t.~. tlJl' name, IJcc (JatlJ farcn routc 'roitlJ tl)i.s folke: 19 ~lJHl:Jil~~cnofg))crari: ~al.Jli,\i~Ufi:
~,:~•m... anllpct t{Jou IJall notlleltucrcn tlJp people at all. tl}crc are tl)e bmrcl:l.s of 1Leui bp d)eir ~cnera,
The vj.Chapcer.
20. amr11mtootte]oc1Jcbct1 •lJi~fatlJer.SCifter ~ 1 :,~i!:.k
3 God rrncwcth his promile concerning the deliue.
ranee of 1he lfraclitcs. · to \\1tfe,a1~b nie ban l:Jttn aaron anll.~orc.s:anl:I ~:r.:m~1,~
.lmtam ltuell an IJunD~ell, anti tlJtrtic. anl> re' b1nn•n,1.1u11
~en tl]c JLozl:lc rapnc tmto ~ores, uenpemis. .s.u.

U a
outoftlJi.s JanD.
~otu fiJalt t{Jou fee 'rolJat ~ wall
lice t:Jnto ll)(Jarao: foi In a migl)t:c
llanl:I flJall (Jec let t{Jem goc. anl:I in
migl:Jtiel]anD 11.Jsll l]e l:l1iuc tl}etn
anD ~ol:I fpalie bnto ~ores, anl:I faptl bn,
to {Jim, 'J1 am t!Jc JLoil:I.
:i.1 a_nl:I ~t ciJil!l~m 0£']11.Jar:~o~alJ,eeplJeg,
anl:I ~tct.J~r.
2 2 ~~ cfJl1t11m of:iaCiel: ~ifact,tfltaplJan,
anD "5tt1JJ1.
z ~ ilnl:I aaron tooke r <flifcba, bau(JlJtu of ~:!rii:, 1lll
a1mnaDalJ anl:I fllltrOf ~aaron tO b:JifC, \ll)1iclJ <rib<ollulMI
bare 1J1m ~al:lab, ann abil]u, llelca1ar, anll '.]\'
3 'Jl appcarcl:I imto ab~alJatn, 'Jjfa{Ja,, 81111 tl)amar.
'.31acob, aJ an almigl)tic ©oD : but tn mp name 24 ~e c1Jilt1ien of' ~o~alJ: Qffir.ann ~lrana,
:,~ft:~~ • '.Jjef]oua1' w!U$ 'JI• notlmo\l.1c1t tmto tl)~m.
anll Q.blafaplJ: tl]cfc arc ti]e 11tnrells of tlJc tlto,
::h~~·.;c.;. 1 . 4 ~oieourr, '] mabc a coucnant 'rottlJ t(Je1n, ra{Jiteis.
~r~'.':.":::•• to 1Pue.t1Je~n tlJe lanDe of. <ll:l)anaan, t(Je lame or 2 s lflcaiar ~aron~ ronnc toolic l)tm one of
nmr oprnlD tl]en: ptlgrimage, b:J(Jerem tl}ep were tlrangers. tlJt t1aug1Jtcrs of teuticl to b.Jtfr, 'llll1icl1 lnm
:~~~::..::• s .anl:I tl)crefoic 'JI (Jauc atro l]earl> tl)e gro• l)int ~l)inecis: (t t(Jcfe arc tlJc p~incipall fatlJml
tJDoru. mng of tl)c cl;Jilbim of ']\frael,'nil)omc tlJe ~JI' of tl)e JL,cuitc.S,tlJ,zougbout tIJeir fnnrtll~.
tian;i r1ecpe tn bonnagc:anl:l IJauc rcmcmbJeD 2 6 ~iis iJ tlJst aaron anll ~ores to 'rolJomc .
mp coucnant. tile 1LO~lle rapllc. II 'J!.,callc ti.Jc 'IJtlDicn of j)ft'acl II Or,c•n-.
6 tl9(Jerfoic Cap bnto t~c cl)tlDzcn of '.]fracl, · f tIJe (8nl:lo ......
outo ~""
gppt, a'roiDmgto · g Jl'oirhrlr f,
tl)etr~ar• """" mm1
] am tl}e JLoJl:le.. ] 'roill lJJing rou out from tlJe mieis. ~~.';~;'~:;:~
burlJmJ of tl}c tfgppttanJ, alll:I will rill rou out 27 ~crcan:t1Jat.~ore11an1:1 aaron, wl)kl) r~,:~"''""
oftl)eir bonl:la~ anl> \lltlllleltuerrouin a lh:ct, fpalic to ll)l)arao lnng of Cfgppt, tl]at t tllep n1;ght101
cIJctl out arme, anD in great itlllgemcntJ. mig{Jt biing tl]e 'iJilD1en of ']\li'acl out of er, goc.
1 anl:I '.) will take pou fOJ mr people. anD grpt.
'1.lill be totoua0ot1:an1:1pee11Jall kno'ro tlJat'.]l 2 8 anll in tl:Jc 11111' 'rolJtn tlJC 'tl.O~l'l fpllftc bnto
am t:IJe JL,oil:I pour ©oil,mJrtdJ biingctlJ rou out ~ores in t:l)c lanD of lltgypt,
Crom tl)e butbmn of t!Jc lfg'pptian~. 29 ~efpaJie\lntolJimfaptng,j\ am tl]eJLo~ll:
s .anll 'Jl will bitng rou into tlJe lanl:lc 'on• rpealtc tt]ou bnto ~l:Jarao tt]c liing of <lfgppt au
IOr.lwcarc. ~cmingtl)c \Ut}lci) '.]! l:lib Jlliftbp mp IJanl:I to giue ttJat] rap t:Jnto ti.Jee.
ttlmto .abiaJJam, '.]!fal)acanl:l 'Jlatab, anD wtll 30 ano ~orcisraill bcfo~ctl}ell.011:1. :>BctJo!D,
giue it bnto rou foi a porrcmon : for] am tlJe 'JI amofbnctrammrcll lips, anD l}ow 11.i11UJlHJl1'
JL.01D. rao giue me au1:1tcnce ~
& 9 9'.nb Q!tofess tollle tbe c::IJiltiien of !]lfrad The vij.Chapcer.
'"'~:,~~:~: cucn ro:but tlJcpblJcarJicnel:I notbnto Qf)orc.s
~:~,:~~~~~·· foi angttillJ of rpirtte, anl:I fo~ ,men bonllage.
r Mofes and Aaron fpcake to Pharao. 10 They curnc
l~l!tO!li. I 0 anD tllc 1LoiDc fpalit bnto ~oreis,raring,
the rodde into a fcrpenr, and che water inco blood,
11 0oe in. anD Cpealte bnto 1t11Jarao king of
and Pharaos force re rs doe chc like, I 3 And Pha.
lf~tl)at l}e let tl]e ciJilD1en of '.]!frael goe out raohs heart is hardened the more.
~D tlJC :£.oJll rari:I bnto ll@ofets,15£;

Of lJIS lantl.
12 9nl:I ~o(e~ fpalic befOJC tlJt lLO~tl, faping, (Joll:I , 'JI (Jaue mane t:fJec t&IJarao.s <!.'!
l5t1Jolt1,t1Je ciJilllien of])frael l}carfien not bnto •©oD: anD aaron ti.JP b1ot1Jer flJall ~irca~~,~~r. 1111

me : $ow tl]cn llJall lJ)IJarao IJcare mee, w)JldJ be ttw ~~opl}ct. ·~~:;·g~tl:"
iOr,which amcfllbmirrumdfclllip.s1 2 ~IJOU llJS[tfpcafie 8ll ti.Jet ')\ ~•mtniacrs.
h3u• an in~- 13 anl:I c t!Je )L,OJtl fpil(iC bnto SD)Ofc~ anti ~n· commaunb tl}ce, ano aaron ~P biotl)er 11)1111
pcdimcntrn to aaron, anl:I !l_ilUC tt]cm 8 ct.Jarge ronccmtng qicafie bnto 1£1~arao,t1Jat {Jc ftnl'l ti.Jc dJill>~cn of
:Y.~·~~:'. ~c dJtltmn of ']\frac(, anD conccrn~ng l&IJatao 'l)fracl out ofl)l.IJ tantl.
• 1upp11rub htngof <fgppt, II tl]at tlJcp ll)oull:I b~mg tl)e ciJtl• 3 anti 'JI 'ro~ll l:JarDtn ll)l)araois l)eatt. anti
~~!~~.·:. ~;mt D~en of']\li'atl out of tllc lanD of Gegrpc. multiplpmymtrades, anDmp wontlttll in tt;c
"«"w •'
'«Jru11mnctr •1•e "tllD"
14 'Gtllefe b""'4J '! ~ ~ fa•herS
1il of...... W:f "oufcis.
rant of l!rgrpc.
=~:\'::, ~,ec1Jfll:l1m of lliubm tl:Je tirtlbome ronnc of 4 l3ut ~l:Jarao fban not l)rarllen bnto you,

unw1m•«. •nb 'l\£rael.arc ~ere: ~anod),anl:l l&IJallu.. ~erron, t(Jat 'Jl.inap rc~mr tJanl:l t>pon Q?gppt, anD b~ing
:~:ri~ft.~' anD Cltllanni: tl]cre be tlJe clJill:IJen of lliuben. outmmcarmmi, antlnq,pcoplc tl)ccIJdll.ttn of b!l';•~ .. ,~,,
1or,1icc 15 ~cclJilb~rnof~imeon:']enurd. anll 'J]Cracl out or tlJe lanl:I of <fgppt bin great tungc, ~J·;.i:~;1;,
fhould Jee 'J;amitt. ©)Jab, anD ']acl}in; ~ol)at, 8nl:I ~aul 1ncnt~. ·'9'"·' "'"1
go•. tiJc ronne of tlJe <lttJanaanitiUJ b:Joman:tl)de are 5 anD t:IJe Cl!~ptiants 11.iammow that j am :~;·:1~::.~~ .~:~ 0

tl)cmnrei:J.Sof ~imeon. tilt ·.11.orb, \lltlcn] (trctclJ fo:tl'I mine l!anll bpon ~~::.~~~·~·
~he fidl: plague. Exodus. The fecond plague.

="""==-------------------------- 1Jano1
The third,fourrh, Chap.ix. fift~and fixr plague.
I lJanDwttJJlJi.s robbe,ann fmote tlJe bull ortlJe
eardJ, anti t{Je:rc tllereltct in man anti bcall: ro
U'e)l,o~D faibbntog[3oreis, <1!5octn
'n.'"'-/) 'bnto 19lJarao, a1ro tlJou OJalt tell

tlJataH tlJe tlull oftlJe lanll tllais ltcc,tlJ~U!Jl)out ~ l)iln, -ai;IJu.s faptlJ tlJe )l,o~tle <3011 of
alltlJelanlloflfgppt. . ~ • t1Jc~ebicU1tJ5, JL,ctmp peoplegoc,
twroughr. 18 anll tl)e enc}Janter)1 t atrapcb ti'kcblife tbat ttiep m1p fcruc me.
d Don,.,,. tDitlJ tlJefr eml)antnicnt.s. tob:1ngfoo,tlJ lice, 2 ]f ttJou rcfufc to let tl)em g:oc, anll \lltlt
fmrnD<D rbrl< J but tlJtp COUil) not: anb tl)e: lice WettbOtlJ bpon l)Olll t(Jem thll,
::, ::.'::~:~·~,
men ano beall.s. 3 lBelJoll:le,tl)e l)anll of tl)c 1Lo~ll i~ bi;on tlJp
~~l~1m•a 19 -ai;tJcn rarnc tfJt enclJaunttt~ to~(Jarao, flocfie tlllJicl) its in tile ficlb: for bpotl lJO~f£.S,bpon
· ~is .ts the finger of ~on. ani) l&l)arao~ heart a[tJ5,bpon camcl.s,bpon orcn, anti bpon OJecpe,
remameo obtlmatc,anll l,Jcc l}earbcnco not lmto tlJtre man be a mti;tlJttc great murrainc.
tlJcni,n~HIJc JLo~ll (Jao fatb. . 4 .anll tl.Je ·lLo~tlc llJall tloc tllonlll'rfuUp be'
2 o 9.nll t(Jc '.!La~ll fa flit bnto ~ores, iliifc bp t\»cenc t}Jc beaa11 of 1 rracl, anll tl)c bea!ll5 ofQe,
earll' in tl)c momtng, anll llahl:I befo,e t&IJarao, gwt, ro tl.Jat tlJcrc 11iau notl)tng nrc or all t(Jat
lot, l)e \lltll rnme fo~tl) bntci tlJe\Vatcr, anb t(Jou pcrtainetl) to tt.Je 'lJilli,cn of•]rrael.
11ialtfarbntoIJtm,~f)u)1fait1JtlJeJLoit1,J!.,ctmr 5 anlltl)e JLo~oc appointcllatimc, raping, Th lifih
µcop le goc, tl'lilt tl)ep map fcruc me. 'Qro mo,otll tl:Jc :JL,01t1 il:Jall fmill.J t(Ji~ too~tl in tl)e pla:u:.
2' lifll'.!,tftl)outlltltnotlctmrpcoplcgoe,llc· lanll. • ij;,. rpm
1sworme (Joltl,'J! UlillfcnD +an mantltrOf Hrcis,botlJ bpon 6 anll ttc JLoibc bill tllat tl)ing on tl)emo, ~:;~~~:r~~~'.
ofllycs. t!Jcc anil tl,Jp f~ruantlS, anll tl)p people, anti mto rotll,anD • alltl)ccattcl Of Cll:gppUptll:but of tl)c brr,ou~cruo!
t(Jp f)oufeis: anll tlJc l)oufcis ohi]c llrgpptians 'attclloftllHlJiltl~cnof~Cradorconotonc. part.
llJall be full of flpcs, anlJ t(Je grouni) UJlJcrcon 7 ann t&lJatao rent, anll be{Jolbc, ti) ere toal'$
tl)ep are. not one of tile cattell of tl.Jc 'l]lraclite11 ncab: gun
22 ann t(Jdantic or ~ofcn \Dl)cremypeople t1Jcl)cartoft&l)araotllal'$1Jartlentll, anll(Jec ntti
~ 0 ,, frp•· are, tllill '.JI II caufeto be tllonllcrfulltn tl)at oar, not lttt(Je people goc.
fo tl)at t(Jcre 11Jall no fires bee tlJcre: tlll)erebr s anll t(Jc )].,o~o raill 1.mto ~ofcts anll aaron,
tiJOU n1alt lmo\tl tl,Jat'.] am tl)c )l..o~o in t(Jcmitl' -ai;aficrour l:)anti.sful of afuel! out oftl,1c furnace,
ncrtoft(JeeartfJ. anll ~ore~ fiJall fpJtnflle itbp intotl)c ar;c m
*Redemp· 23 gnll1 toillputa :1:lJiuiuonbct1Dccttemr t1Jeugl)tof pl:)arao:
1ion. pcoµJc ann tl)inc: ann to c mowtllc fiJalltlJiS mi, 9 .anbit 11Jal be lluain all tt.Jc fllnll of ll~rpt,
;..~:~"~~,;~" rac!e llc none. . ant111Jall bcftllelltng ro~cis n:iit(J blainr~ bott1 on
"P"'"""· 1 24 :lntl tlJC 1Lo~tlc llti) fo, anti r tfJttc 'amc an
man anti br.all tl)~ougl)out all ti.Jc fanlle of cl'
i1c toun ' intoUcrable ftvanne of flpcs into tlJt l)oufe of gppt,
r;r.~~lml< ~tmrao,anll into l}is rcruant» fjoUfrS, attn into I0 !ilnll tl)ey toofie ailJC~ out of tiJe fumacc,
:i:~~:~~ 1 an t(1c Janll or ~~nit: anll tt.Je iano tlla~ co~rupt anti floob befo~c ~IJarao, anll S1.9ofe~ fp~infilcn The lixth
D1ran11ot1•1 tvitl.J tlJefc llicts. itbp into tl)e ar~e:anl:I tl)ere toerc fmcllmg fo~c~ plague,
'°00'" 2 5 gnn ~iiarao caTic'tl fo~ 9@ofets anti aaron, tllit(J blames, botiJ in mm anD in bean~:
anllftlii:J,©oeanllllccra,riftcctmtorour ©otlill 11 anll tlJe bfo~cercr~. conlllnot 11.inDllefo~c b l![.~•r•w·
t(Ji.Sfanll. ~ofc!1 becanCl' of tl)e blatn)'l, fo~ t1Jcre \11crc bet, g•:,~~f~,';~;
26 ant1~0Cc11anf\tlerct1,jitits11otmcctt1Jat cbt~ tiponll}c m'~ant~~. an1Jbponalltl)c <1!! ~~~.;,i;,•;-;, 1 , 0

G.f'Oltblllt'• \l)Cf0ll0C: fo~ tlJ~ ~U(l Offer~llf0 tfJt )L02lJC Ottr !JfptJaU~, r~:J.":~i~~"
1rp111n• ID•!· <Jl50ll,flJSt wh1Ch IH an 8b011ttntltl0tl btltO tl)C <il'.' U anlJ fflt )!,.,O~tl l)ati:Jtnl'll f~£ lJtart Of ~fla, .:irm 11 ""'''
:~.r~~.~·:~ rtnitian)1. J!.,oc, if tott racnficc tl)at tlllJicl} iis an ra().~ l}e(Jcarficmn not tinto tl)cm, as tl.Je )l.O!tlC Q:~:~;.~~~:'
~·.~~~:::,;' abomination bnto t{Jc ~gpptianis bcfo~c t~cir i:)lib fap_ll bnto ~ofc13. . _
Cf£)5, \Dill tl)cp not llOnC b)1 ~ 1 ~ !AlllJ tl)f Jl.O~lJC f8fbC \'ltltO ~0f£f3, JJ\tfC bp
BOD Jupuntn
z, ooee ttldl goc tf)1cc llarc.s iourncy into tl)e
Dcfcrt, anll racrillce bntotfJc )l,ozll om:®oll,a)'l
carlp in tl)c tttoming, anll llanll betcm l!)l)arao,
anlltl)ou11Jalt tefil:)tm, ~uisrarct(JttJeJL,o~!lc
::·.~·:;i~"· IJC 1Jat1J commaunnctl blS. · ©oll of Cl)c l!)cb~etos, )Let mp people go t(JattlJcp
eoo. "' l 8 anll tNJarao ratn, j\ bliU let rou goc, tJ:Jat map rcrue me ;
rcemapfamficcbtttotbfll,,0~1l pour'15oll itHIJe 14 GD~ctrc 1 'Win at t~isHimc ren11can mr
~~~~1~~:~ willJernetTc,but go not hfam a\Day:war fo~ me. plagues bpon t(Jinc 'iJrart.~ bpon tlJp rmiantJ5, ~~'~i~:~I~."'
~~t!~:.~· 2 9 anti ~ore~ Carne, ll'W,olll, jl \Dill!Joc out anll on tIJr people: tlJat t}Jou mar en tmo\tlc tlJat ~;'.·~~~~:,0;;
from tl)ec, ano p~ar bnto tlJt )1..-0~ZJ, tl)attl)c flteis tl)cre i)1 none lilie me in all tlJC cartlJ. "~~'"'"•De
~1 ~11Jinsot. map 11cpart rrom ~l:)arao, ann from IJl.S fer, 1 5 <jfo~nowj)roillftrctcljoutmplJanb, iUloniau".
uants, anti from }JI~ people to mo~oUl:butlet ']lmarfmttctheca11nt1JrpeoplcUJ1tlJpcthlente,
1&1.Jarno from 1m1ccfo~t(J Dealt be,eitrullr no ann t11ou llJaltpcrifiJ Crom tl)c ca.rtlJ. ,.
1no~c.tlJatl:)c\utu11QtlcttlJcpeoplcgoctofam, 16 anotn brtr llccbcdfo; t1J11S came ~auc1 :.~,'~.~~~~,_.
lice bnto tbc '/Lolli . i licpttiJce, fo~toOJc'lllc ttiee mppotocr,a,?tl~at 11>att'""1"
0 ann"'1lofcJ5°tllcnt out from~~arao, anti ml? name mar bee llcclarcll tlJ.zou~lJoUtalltlJe ~~~~~;,~·~:m.
p111peb bnto"'>'tlJc Jl..oill : tll01 Ill · . '"'""'"'
""r" ""''".
31 ann tIJz ·,11.o~lle l:lib acco~nlng to t11c fal?ing 1 7 l?ct cralt~ t(Jou tlJr felftaiJ~rnlhnr peo, 1'~1~:~~ thee
of~ofeis.ann tLJtflicis Dcpartcll from ~l:larao, plc,tl)attl,JontlltltnotlrtttJct_ttlJ~C. . ri.nd.
anll from (JI~ fcruant.s,anll rrom IJilS pcople,ann 1 8 ~el)olor,. to mo1oto tlJt~ ttmc l \11111 fmtl
tlJcrc rcmatnco not one. llotll.nea mtglltte grcatl)aplc, f~d;I a one a~ tlla~
32 anll l!)l)arao IJarllcnen l)iis l)cart once 110.t mlfgppt ft~ce tl)e founnatton tl.Jercor toa~
mo~catt(Jiisttmc,annnillnotlcttlJepeoptegoe. latl:l,b!!!.o~is!:~roze no~ a ,, , <41 tlJr , c)rn\ll•rrr
. h 19 ?'£ HJ • lU' nu ga..,tr tbcu1b ()o"8
T he ix. C apter. '"'"'llis,anD
alltlJat tlJouhaftin
.., ""'effcll:I:
WJ . bP' UJi••l>b<
1]'01 11°·
1 The murrainc ofbcalls. 10 The plagues of bot· on al ~c men an11 ~e beans \\11J1cl:) arc rouno m "rnrr•'"'
chcs and fores. z 3 The horrible: hailc, thunder, tfJe fielllc, anti not b~ougl)t l)ome, OJall t~e l)arlr :·~~:~·:,~::· 0

and lightnings. fall.ano tlJtl' OJaU nic. '"""''"·

~he feuenth plague. Exodus. The eight plague.
10 ann as manr as rtarcD tlJc tuo~De of tlJe 3 ann ~o giJofes anD aaron came in to 19lJa'
Jl.,o~nc among« tIJc reruants of iGlJara~, mane rao, an'D fatb tmto lJftn, ~IJUS raietl) tIJc )J.,o~bc
tlJcir rcruants anD d}eir bcaaes flee mto tlJe '3o'D of tlJe ~elnucss, t)o'al long tuilt tIJou b re- ~r~~.i;:i.n1~
IJoUfcs. rure to rubmit tlJt' rctrc11nco me~ Jl..ct mr people f~i~:i:.:••
2l :J5Ut IJC tJ:lat rcgarbCD not tl.JC.\DO~b ~f tlJC goe, tlJat t(Jcp map fmlc me. rrarr1p1n•
"iotD 1crt J:lti; reruants ~ tJrs bcallss mtlJe flel'D. 4 SJDrctrc if tt)ou.rtfur~ to let mp people goc, ~~~::r~r~:~
;2 'g nll tlJc 11.oiDcfaiD bnto m!)orcss, ~ttctdJ bcl)olD,to mo,ow mill b~1ng c3ral1Joppcrs into
ro~tlJ tbF f]anD 11nto )Jeaum, tlJat tlJcremar bcr tlJP coaaes:
bailc t1i au tlJe IanD or ~mipt,bpon man, anti bP' 1 an'D tlJcr llJall coucr tile face of t}Jc cartlJ,
on bcaacs, anD bpon all t:tJc IJcams of tlJc ftcl'Dc, it cannot be recnc: anll tl)cp l1Jal cate tl)uc,
tIJ~ougtJout tlJc lant1 of ~grpt. fiDuc ltll.JidJ remainctl.J lmto rou, ann is cCmpcD
he feucrh 2 3 .anD m!)oreis arcttlJeD fo~tlJ 1Jil5 rol.lbc bnto from tlJc IJallc: anb tl)tr UJall cattcucrt grccnc
tagur. llcaum, anti ttJe ·Lo~b tlJunl.licn anD IJaple'D, anti tree tl)at bcarctlJ rou fnntin tlJcficltl.
t1Je fire rannc along bpon tl)e grounta , anD tlJe 6 aun tlJcr OJall rm tlJr l)out:e!'S, anb au t'br
·,11..o~n 1Japlct1 in tlJc tanD of ~rpt. . rcruantis IJoufcss,ann t}Jc lJOUCcs ofall tlJe <egrp'
24 ~ot1Jere\tlaf51Jaitc,anDfircmin!IJ{cl.l\t11tlJ tians, after ruelJ a manner, as ncitlJtrtlJf fa'
tfJe IJatlc, ro grteuous, anti ruclJ as ti) ere ~as tlJer~. no~ tlJr fatlJcrs fatl)ers l)aue recne, fincc
none t~~ougIJout all tile lannc of Q?irPt. fince t)1c time tlJcr \llcrc bpon tl)c eartl), bnto tbif5
pcoplcmlJabitcl.l it. Dap.ann l)ctumeb l)imfclfe about,an'D \Dent out
15 anti tlJt l]ap(e Cmote tl)JOU~OUt afitf;Je froml0l.'Jarao.
lanlJ of ~mipt, all tIJat wass in tl}e ucttic, botll 1 anti l&lJarao~ rmiantJ$ ratne: tmto l.'Jim,
man anti bcaft: ann tl}e l}artc fmote au tlJe 'o\DlongtlJalll_'Je:bet1Jnrtfullbntobs1'JlrttlJt t Arum,
l}carbc~ of tl}e ficltie, ann b~ollc all tIJe trees of men go, ti,at tl}cp mar rcruc t}JeJl.,oJtl tlJcir <3otl:
t!Je ficlti. kno\llctf t1Jou not ret t}Jat <f!Jl!Pt if5 Ildlropcn~
2 6 ©nclp in tl)c lantie of '15ofcn, '1ll)crc tl)c s anti ~ores ann aaron mere b~ougl)t a,
ctJilD~cn of 'j\fracl \llere, \Das tl)rrc no l]aptc. gainc bnto l&l)arao, ann (Jc fain bnto tIJcm, cl3oe
27 anti 191Jarao rent, anti callel.l fo~ ~ores annecmetl)e',ll,.,o~t1rour<ll5ot1: but\lJ~oaretlJcr
anti aaron,ann rain bnto tl)cm, 1 iJaue noltl fin, tIJat UJal1 goc ~
ncn: tlJc J'l.o~n is rigl}teou~,ani:I '3l anti mr people 9 ann 1.11!)0Cc!'S anfwcrcb, JWc\l'lill goc \uitlJ
arc bngotilr. our pong, anti \llttlJ our olD. anD '1litl1 our rons,
2 s li.)~ar re tmto t1J cJl..oin, t(Jat tlJcfe t1Junt1e, anti \tlitlJ our nauglJters, anD \Dtt:IJ our tl)ccpc,
ring~ of ©otl anti (Jailc map be ruffiricnt :anD '.JI anti 1DitlJ our o~cn me mull go: fo~ we mull (Joto
\Dill let rou goe,antl pc 11Jall tarp no longer. a fcallbnto tl)e Jl.,o~D.
r tiribrlllrtb 29 sni?ofcisfapiletmto lJitn, r aLToontaS'J am 10 ~nbl]t faille bnto t1Jl'1n, c JLct t}Je l!.O~b c ~b•ll•,J
:~~,~.~1~~·c outoftt)c,itie, '.JI \llillfp~canabtoaDmp l}anncs befo\'uitl) rouas'.Jl\tliD let rou goe, anlJ rour ::~~1:.:::..0
~~\\~~~~,:~'. b• bnto tfJe Jl..o~nc, anti tl)e tlJttnner l1Jall ccarc,nej:. clJllD1cn: tabc l)eene:,'*' foHe J;Jaucrome mtrcl)tcfe :;~:~~~..
~l.mbl~lll ~' tl1cr ll)all tl)crebcc anr mo~el}aptc: tbat tl)ou infJanD. lbcnJ am
lD,~. marell tmo\ll l)oll'I tl)at tlJc rartlJ is tfJc JLoibS. 11 ~ap, notfo, but goc re men. anll Ccruc tl)c ~~,~~.'

30 l5Ut] tmotoc tlJat tl)ouanb tl)p (Cl'Uants Jl..O~b : ro~ t(Jat\llas pour Defirc, d anti tlJcp \litre Hor cuill i1
g !l901re1 tct fearc not tl)e g fate O( t(Jt 'JL01D <li50tJ, ttnua OUt of 191Jarao~ p1eCcme. before yow
g:;~,~~r;;,, 31 anD ro tlJe flare anti t(Jc barlcp tucrc lmit' 12 ~n'D tl}e JL01D raiD bnto ~ofc)'S, ~ttctd) !a~~.. 1•
~~,...~rn ~.. ten, fa~ t(Jc barter was ftJot bp, anti tlJc fla~ \lla$$ ~ut tIJtne IJ!nn ~.ucr tl)c lanD of <fm'E! filao~ graff, ~~~;1 ~:;

s•Dlinelfl. bOllcb: .,opptrf5, t.,at tyey mar come bpon •yC nDe 0 Dcmcn11mail
3'· l5utt1Je \lll)eat anti tl)c rpc\llcrcnotrmit: <fg1:1pt.ann eateau tt.JcIJcarbcs oft(JelantJ, allb :~r.i:::~;::",
t Hied.:. tm,fo1 tlJcp \llerc late >fotuen. aU t(Jat tlJe llaile lcftbcl)in'D. . g:g:~~b/~1•
3 3 !Jnl.l £1\lorc11 tocnt out of ti.Jc citic from 13 ant1 ~cfc~aretc(JeDfottlJbt~ ronbeoucr .e.... ':.l.
l91Jarao, anl.l i:p,ean ab~oan IJts l)anlls bnto t(Je t}Je lanD of lfgppt, \t tlJi: Jl..011.l b,ougl)t an• ~aft :~~·,::.., ..
·_a,o,l.l: anti ttle tlJunllcr anD l)ailcceareb, neit!Jcr bJ?On tI:Jc lan~c all tlJat I.lap" anll au tl)at }1h~~i·hi .
. rainetl it bpon ttJe eart(J. ntght: \t m tlJe mommg tlJc Cfafl \lJtn'Dc bµ>UglJt plague':
34 anD \ll{Jcn 191Jarao rato tl)at t(Jc rainc,anl.l tl)e <3raftJoppcr~. • 11,1rrcbp i;:
tlJe lJaile, anti t(Junllcr \llerc ccafeD;IJc finncll pct 14 anti: f)c '3rallJopper~ \Dent bp oucr al tlJc ~:;::::: 111
mo~c, anti IJarbmeD l)ts {)cart, l)ec ann lli'-1 fer, of ~grpt, anti rematneb in an quarters ~b°••:i::,J':t
uant~: of <fgrpt tmr gticuonar: b~fo1e tl)cm mm ;:~·.·,:~bfD
35 anD t1Jcl1cartof ~lJarao\Das l)arbcneb, tl)creno ruc~©ral1)opper11,nntlJ£r artcr t11cm 1uo111nmur
ncitl)cr 1DouUI l)c let tl)eC1Jiln1cn of ]frael goc, fl.Jail be. ~:~:~~~;111
a15 tl)C"Jl..o~tJ l}alJ fatD bp ttJc lJann of l'.l@ores. 1 1 f o, tlJep couercb alld]e face of ~e earliJ, ""''·
The x. Chapter. fotl)attl}ctant1\llasname.an1:1t1JcrDtD entean
13 }he p_lari;1c of Gr:iChoppcrs. i 6 Pharao confef- t(Jt tJcarbcS of' tl)c lanD, anD all tl]e fruttcs Of tlJC
. hh tree~ t111Jatrot0cr tlJe (Jatlc !Jab lrfc: tlJcre \llas
.ct IS mne. 28 Pharao forbiddc1h Mofes to 110gtl'l'UC tlJinl lctt intlJC trees anll iJcrbes of
come :my more in his prefcncc. tlJc licll:I, ttnoU@aR tl]e lanD of' <fgptJt.

~b tlJc'JLo:nral'btbnto ~res. ~oc 16 ~mro~c l&IJarao ·calleD fo~ ~ore~ anti
tn to ~l)Elrao: foi j\ IJauc l)arlll'm'D aaronmlJaac;anD CatD, 911Jauefinncn agatna
l)1s {)cart, allb tlJc 1Jcart or l)iJI ftt• tl]c Jl,,0~1:1 rour ©oD, ar0 againlf rou.
a ~O'O!llf;{rs:• uantis, ttiat'Jl migl)t:fbc\lJttlJCfc 1n'P 17 a111:1 notufo:gtucmcmpfinnconcJptlJis
tliEI bu fa
a:ru•.,tl'Jat figms bcfo~c l)im, ontt. anD p:ar bnto tlJc l-o~D rour $oD tlJat l)ec
tbtp uu~bt ta 2
9nlltl}att1Joutcn •intticatlllimceoftlJF marta1tcatuapfrotnmet1J1sDcat1Jonclp.
bccfpg,km of
fDJ ntct::ltlf) fonne, ann _of tl}p fonncs ronnc, \ll{Jat tl)I~ 1 18 S:lnb Mofcs tuent out from Jl)l)arao anti
paunrt111tJ hauc bone m<fg'PJ!t, anti tl)c miracles tnl)td:J 91 p:apcb bnto tlJc Jl.,o~. '
£i1nrttofbtlt l}aue 1:1oncamong1t tl)cm, tlJatrccmapknotuc 19 9;nD tlJc ll;-o:De tumcn a migbttc lfron
lJo\ll tl)at 1 am tlle 1Lo2D. t19ctltllmb, anl.l tt tookc atoar tlJc 0raaioppcrs~
an DI
The. ninth plague. Chap.xj.xij. The Paffeouer. 2
anti call tlJetn tnto tl)e rell rea : Co t11at tl)ere tull$S tiotonc bnto me, at111 fallbrfott nw, ann rap, <act
not one !JfallJoppcr in au tl}e coa1t15 of ~t. t1'cc out, anll all tf)c people tlJat arc bnncr t11ee:
20 an11 t1Je:Lo,111Jarllcncb l&(Jarao151Jeart,fo anll tlJm 1Dil '.JI llepart• .anD IJC 1Dcnt from 1911a'
tIJatlJc tuoulll not let tl)e '1Jil1>1en of ~t'facl «OC· rao HtDid)anangrrcounttnanre. llOr in a
"' .at111 tlJe Jl,o~ rail> bnto !IJl!)ofelJ; ~~ 9 91ttl tlJC JL,0111 fllt'll tmto SJll)ofCfS, ~IJarao grca~angcr.
outtlJr 1Jat111bnto1Jeauen,tl}at ttJere map b£ bp• llJal not IJettrc ron, d)atmr toonncrss map bee
on tf}c lanb ofctgnitt1arfme15 tulJidJ mapbcftlt. IWltipltcll in t11e lanll of ~gppt.
Thrnin1h 2l iltltl S!@OfCjS ttrctt1J£ll fo1t1J IJtfS fJSOll bntO 1° !Jnb ~ofessanb aaron Dill8B tf.lcfe 'O.lon·
plague. l)cauen: anb tl]crc 1DafS a :i: t(Jic:ke 11ar1tmetrc bp• llttlS 1:Jefo1e lMJarao : \t tl)c JL,o:ll l1at1>mcD 1&11a'
l Palpable on all tile tanll of<fgrpttlnecnarcss. · raol511catt, ro tlJat (Jc toou111 not let tlJc d;lilll1tfl
daikcndl<, 2 3 ~o man fatuc anotf.Jcr, ncitlJtt ro~ bp of'.31ftt1CI goe out ofl.Jil!I lanll.
from ttJc place tDIJcrt (Jee \UafS bit tl)c Cpt.ce of
t~1rc oaress: '5ut an tlJe ct.Jilb1en or]rrad )Jail The xij.Chapter.
liglJtml}ere tl)ey t1'mcllc1>. . 2ThcLordordaineththePaffcouer. 37 Thcnilm-
24 .Qnll l&IJarao mUeb f.oJ SJll)orcd, anD rarti, ben~at ".'cnt out of Egypt, and howc long they
<!Poe, anll Ceruc tt:Jc Jl,oJtl: ortclp let rom: tlJeepe concmuem Egypt.
antipourorenabillc, aunanD lct pour dJt~cn ~@'Aj~ ~b tl)c '.6.01bc fpalic bnto Sl@ofcl5
11Dc UiitlJ rou. '.1A-' an~ aaron in t11c lant>c of lfttrpt,
iemr,111111 2 5 f .anti tmofclJfa"ll, ~onmulf giur bSS al'
• _ _, t ·- ~
m rartng,
"'"""tmrut~ fo famrtcc an!I 'm(Jolc buntt o'"'~mp,,oHo lloe 2 '<l];lJissmonctIJ llJalbc bnto pou
~=·,::b~f~~ ramfttc bnto tl)e lLOJll om: 13oll. tl}c beginning or monttlJIS: ann tiJe
' :: :~:,~~~.
26 ®ur c:attcl alrD 11JaR g~ 'WitlJ 1>1.Unb tIJcrc fir It monttJJ of ti.Jc pen lbal it be tmto tou.
OJalnotoncl]oorcbcleftbd)mtl: fo1t1Jcrofmulf 3 ~P~ltcrcc bntoau ttJe congregation of
\uctahctorcruc t1JcJL0Jt1 ourll3'oll: nci~crDoc 1Cracl.,fapmg, 1n tlJetmt11 nar of tl}i.tS monctl),
toe hnotu 1Ditb tl'l)Jat wee mull tioc fermre tmto euerp man take tmto l)ima •lambc, acco:ntng to • ~•rnM·
tlJc ·,11,.,01D.tmttn blt come tiJitlJcr. tte l)ouft of tlJeir fat1Jcr1S,a lambctfJiou~out c, ii;~ 1~·: ~~t'.',
2 7 '5ut tlJc Jl,oJD 1Jar1>e1ret1 1&1Jarao15 l}cart, uerr IJoure. ~:;~~~·~~d,:'
anti l1t tooulb notlet tlJcm goc. 4 '.l\ftl)cl)ou11Jolbbectoolittkfo~t1Jctambe. ,.. c••
E•bellftllb, 28 sanl> 19IJ8r80 fapb blltO l}illl, <3Ct tl)ee ltt IJim tafic 11115 nriglJbour \l.llJiclJ iss nc,:t llnto
:,~\ti:l:~:~r from me, anb ttlllt (Jcell ebnto tlJr felfe, tf)at t11ou IJtss 1Joute,auo1Ditt« to tl)enumber or tbc rourc,s,
: ::~:1~! fcctl mr fare 110 moic: foJ, lDIJmfocucrtJJou com· cunp ottt of rou auo111tng to IJilS eating UJaU
: c;••l~<b•r mca in mr ug(Jt, t1101111Jalt ntc. mafic r9ur count fo1 a tambe.
- 11c~1':rr~·11 29 gtltl ~orcss fain, JL,ct itbec~ tl}ou ball s an11 let pour lambc be 1Dit1Jotrt blmti11.1, a
, , ~":~:: faill,] 1DiU fee tfJr ra'c no moie. male or a pcrcolb,whichpcc 11.Jal tafte out from a·
'-"°"'· ThCXJ.. Ch apter. mongtl)cmecpc,anb Crom amongtl]c goates.
6 ann pee tl)all kecpe l)im in bntil tlJc foure'
2 ThcLordcommandeththe Hebruestorob rheE- tccntlJ llar ofd:Je fame monctlJ: anti encrr a!fem'
gyptians. 4 Thedeathofthefirfibomeofalthings blr of tlJc tongngatton of ']frael t1Jall llil lJ\m a•
in Egypt is fignified. bOUt~eum. iOr cwi-
~l'N.c!IK ~ti tl)c Jl,01t1 rain bnto Ql)orcss, Eet 7 b .Qnll tfJct' IIJaltallc or tl)c bloon,anb tlrifie 11gh;.
'alill '.Jl b~ing one plague moJt bpon iton~ct'mofide poftcss, anbontIJcllpp~l>ooic ~.~~J.~~:'.ci,
l&IJarao, ant> bpon ctgppt, anllaf• poll,in tl)c IJoufcs '1Dl1erc tlJcp t1Jal eatc 1111n. 111•0 r""' ''"
~· tcr tl)at !Jee 1DiU let rou goc (Jenee: s 9nb tlJer OJal catc t!Jc flellJ tl)e ra1ne ni~t, ~t':~,'t~~c'1i :.1 0

< t111Jcn1Jec tIJalllctpou !lDC quite, l}ec rot?e 1Dttb fire, anti 1DitlJ bnleauenell b~eall, anD ~~:: ~t~;r
.. fl.JaUbttttlrDJiucrou IJmcc. 'alitl1 fo'OJ~e 1Jcrbcl5 d)ey fl.Jal ettte it. ~:0'ti"'"
c •&11•rm111no1 2 ·~pcaftct1Jout(Jttfo1c tntf)eearcss ortbc 9 ~cc t(Jat rce eatc not tl)creofralD noi foll•
~· :'~f~:~~.~ pcoplc,tl)at tuct1:' man boiow of IJiss nciglJbour, lien 1DitlJ \tlatcr, but roac 1DitfJ fire: tl)c I) call,
; :r':f.!~.~:: anl> eucrp \Doman of l}cr nclglJbonr, iclDelfS or feetc,anb purtcnancc tl)mof.
·==~~"f.: U1l1er,anl:l
• *11•11pun1t1J·
fc\llc{jS Of!IOID. .
3 gun tfJc Jl,0Jt>llJall 11uedJc peopkfauour
10 ann re OJal let notlJing or it rcmainc tmto
t11c m~ning: ~11at1DIJiclJ rcmainetl] ofttllnnl
: =~~«:· tn tf)e Q§i1t of tlJc lfgrp~nsr.Qtl~coucr.~orcs
~11.39.q. toaisallerr great man mtl}elanb ofcJegppt, in
tl)e mo:otu,IJJal pc burnt 1Ditl1 fire.
11 lIDftlJi.tSmancrOJal rcceattit, 119itfJ pour
., tl)c Cigl)t of l&l)araoss rcruantss, ann in tlJc CiglJt loines girtieb,anb rour OJoocs on pour fretc..?~ll .
oft1'c people. pour fta~ t!) pOUtlJanb, c anD pee 11)80 eatelt Ill o!r~~~~,,~;
4 .am ~of£15 faib, ~u~ taitf) tlJe JL,01t1, lJatle: toJ it 11!1 tile )J..01D~ ~alfcoucr. tb• l•'""'L"
i at mt1>ni~t tum '.JI goe out tna> tlJc millllcll of 12 !lfo: 311DiUptt!fc ttJ~ouglJ tlJC lanD of <fgppt t~,'m ;.•'f:
1 11

<f(Jppt. . tlJil!lfamentgl)t, anti \l.'JiUfmtteall tlJe ftrltbo:ne ~g~,i·;.~:··

s aun aTI tl)c urlf boJne in aU tf)e lanD of le, of Cfgrpt, from man to tiealf, a~ll bpon all t11e 1 ~~ s. ·•
imJt lbllll Die from t!Je ura bomc of l&lJatao tl)at t gobSS Of cf«PPt] 1Dtll crccutc IUD~l'nt : ')\ t Prinm,o 1

flttetl1 on IJiss reatc, bnto tiJc tirll .home of tlJe am tlJC JL,o~ll. idoks,
maincrcruanttlJat tss bclJinn tl)cm1l, ann au tiJc 13 .ann tl)e blool> llJRH be llnto pou a toltcn in
urll gCOllJtll oftlJc cattel, t11cl1oufel5'tDlJminpou arc: anti 1DlJen ']fee the
6 ant1 tl)ere malbc a ~cat me t~iouglJout btooD,] mtllpatrcoucrrou.ant1tlJcplalJUefl.Jal
an tiJc lanD ofefgrpt, fttdJ ass t1Jere uass ncun notbcbponpou to Ddlroppou, \\llJen '.Ji fmitc
t~c tanl> of lf!JPPt.
none liflc.. noi llJalbc.
1 4 .QnD t1'•J llapllJllll llct bnto rou a ttmcm,
b Pharmrir. 7 '5ut amongll an tlJc r.1Jilb1m or1rrael, b~ncc: anti pou llJall ltecpeitan lJolp ftaftbn,
. r.~~~1, ~~:· OJaHnot at1011mooue1Ji.1S tongue. from a man

. :::e:.~''.b1., bntoabcan~ tlJat pee m11r1tno1D l}o\l.'JtIJatdJ~ ta tl)e J!.,oinc .tlJ~ouVout pour gmerattonjJ., ~,~!ir~~r~~
~...i;:,~;~. JLo1Dputtttl:I atnffmncebettucenc t11c ~U· ,,ou fl.Jail hecpe it l)olr foi an o~llinancc fo~ """ ''"" · ·
Jcuer. ~. ~:·r~~: '
' ~l.H111HIAID 8111!18nb]fracL '

· ~~~~;r~~;~· s b inn tl)cfc tbl? rcruauntl!I llJaU all romt is ~cutn bat'tl$ fbaU ret ettte bnlraucnrll ·~·~~ ".' ·•
_ \-
. ti~ca1>,-1- -
The Paffeouer inhituted. Exodus. \IV ho !hall eat of it.
birao,ro tt.JattlJc firflbap pc put a\DaF JeuCn out tuitlJ FOU u tee l,Jaue tarbe: ano bepart, a11t1
of rourl)ourcs: ~oi 'l»l)ofoeuercated) lcaueneb blc[emt.
b~eao, from tlJe firilDar 11nnut1Jcf£UC11tl.Jbllf, 33 ~llb tlJe cem>ttanl!I f'olub tl)c people,tl)at
tl]at foUlc ttJaUbc roottD out of '.)lfrad. tlJer mi«IJt rmt1 tlJem out Of tl)e 1annc mlJallc:
16 ~e firil Dl11! tlJall be an lJolti i:onuocation fo, d:}cr falD, me be au but bean men.
tmtorou, anD ttJe remntlJ bar nian bcanl,Jolr H .QnbtlJtpeo~toollettJeitnougl)bcfoicit
cotwoi:attontmto rou: tl)cre 11.JaU bcnomanntt 'tllas fo\1:11ct1 , 'ml)tefJ tlJer 1Jat1 tn aoic, bccin«
of 'l»o,11e Done in tlJem. rauc about tlJat cnetr boun'D in clotlJes,~on t:lJtif 11Jou1t1ers.
'l»IJict.J cucrpmanmuacat,tlJatonlr mar reno. 3s ann tiJc cl)tlb,en of '.]Jftael lrin 1mo1t1ing
17 .anD pee ll)aH obrtrue tl.Je rcaa of imteaue' to tlJcfapin~ ofSl@ofeis: anb tlJer boio'alcn oftl,Jc
nei) 11,eab : fo, tlJI~ fame bar l,Jaue ~ b.zougl)t <egpp~nl!l it'l»ell!I of mucr, ann letutlsS of goltl,
pour armic~ out of tl)c lanb of lfgppt, t11crcfo1e anti raiment.
rec f!JaU obferuc tl.Jil!lbar, anb au rum '1:JilD1et1 36 anntl)c )l.oibc gaue tl)c people rauom in
artrr rou, bran eucflalhng bcmc. tlJc figl)t of .tl.Je ll?gpptians, ro t1Jat tlJcr II graun' 0or,lcnc
1 s ~l)e firft monetl), anti tlJe romucnttJ Mr ten fudJ t~mrus as tlJcr rcquircb: atlb tl}cr rob< ihcm.
• ~bi l'•'ll!U ~f tI:Jc monetIJ •at euen rec llJiJll ~at bnlcaumc'D bell tlJc <egnitianl!l •
ceununrlllb" l.12e3lJ 1J11t0 the One tln'D t'l»E:JttJtHt tJat> Of tl)e
gtnntmur r!Jt . ' '1 ~ "'"' c
. 37 ann dJe c1Jilt1ien or ~fracl tooltc tlJcir
r,~~;~·;r~:·,~:i, fame monetl) at curn agamc. rounter fromJaamcu~ to ~ucotiJ, hfi~e l}unb~Cb ~~=re
°''"''''r.m1 19 ~eucn narcs malltfJttebce no tcaucneb tlJ ourann men offootc.befibe dJilD~n. ~:~er=
"'"'' b1cat1founD inrour l)oufel!l:anb'ml)ofceucrca, 3s.anti a ~eat multitube of runnw otlJcr na' • .~. •
tctl) Icaucnctl b,catl, tl)at route. OJall bee. rootcb tion~ 'men~ a1ro 'mitlJ t~cm,ann (beep, anti o~. :~~~.\...
out from tl}c congregation of ')frael, ul,Jetl)er anb eiccetimg mucll cattcll. ~li:i i.::::.
l)c be 1trnn11cr, oi boJnc in tljc lan'D. . ,.
39.,...ann tl)ep babcll 1Jlllcaucneb i:alit!S of ""'c
w.h ·.-ft *"'
~OIJf,lblt Cil
WJ, '111111 mcrali
r 131 '""'" 1, 2 o f Etc (ball cate no leaucncn b,eab : but m ...OU1w W•Jl•., •Ytr b:ougf1t OUt or lfgppt, fo1 Jt b••~Qurcti
mra ramnp·
r.011,mlJtt or .. "0Ut
all t h&bitationl!l OJall ~cc
&.) t eatc t>nleaucnttl Ula~ not fo'm,cb: fo: tlJcr 'mere tl.J:ull out of Cf. =~•
ur~ 01 Domine. b~Catl. mipt,antl COUlbnottarp, neitl,Jcrl)atl tlJcp Wei>a' !in.
21 ~en gi_:)ofcis calleb ro~ all tlJc lfl'Dttl!l of rco foi ti) emfclues anr woulfion of meat. .
'llfrael, an'D rarnc lmto t11em, ~tJoorc out,~ take 40 ~e b'aJelling of tlJe i;l)iltl:en or ~fml
rou to cucrr l)oUllJolDc of rou aJLatnbe,antl lttll \Ul)id) tl)epbtucllel:I inlfgppt, 'maSifourcl)un, 11nm1111
tlJt 19all'eoucr. , .. t11ct1 anti tl)irtie peerel!l. :.:~::;
2 2 anti talic abuncfJ oflwfopc,anb bqipe tt m 41 anti \Dl}en ti)c fourc l)Unb:ebanbtl.Jfrtic ~~~=­
tl)c tfooi:l tilat ll!l In tlJt bafon, an'D ltrikc tlJt bP' pCertl!l'lllert cypireD,cuen tl)efelfcfamebapbe< :i~i
pct pollc of tl]c boo~e, anti tl)c tmo filltpoacs, parun all tl)e lJOlltl!l of tlJe JLo:b out of tl}c lanbe: ;:"'emi
'1litiJ ttc blootl tlJat i~ in tile bafon: anti none of Of cegpyt. ri:~
rou gi;c out at tl)e noo~e of lJifS l)oure biltiU d)c 4 2 'Jlt il!l anig!Jt to be obfmlcll bnto tiJe: :Lo1b,
mo~litng. In tl)e'1llJicl) iJe b~ouglJt tlJem out of tl)e: lanti of
2 3 ijf o~ t~e )l.o,bc 'mfllpa[c ouu to t\nfte tlJc ll?111!Pt: ~t:Jts ts t1Jat nigIJt or tl]e ·.11.-o:t1, 11>1Jid:J
~gn.Jtians: anti '1llJcn l)eefcettJ tl;Je bloob tipon au ~lJe dJtlb~ of ]fracl mua ltcei> tl:_nougJJout
. , t~e bpper'Doo~e µoft, anti tl)e flDO fine potfc!J, lJte tlJttr generations. ·
toil pa!fc OUCr ft}C '0001C, \t 'mtl llOtfUtfet g tlJtDi• 4 3ann tfJt JL01t1 raib bnto Sl@orts anti aaron,
n•~." 11 ' 1 ~ 111 llrorer to come mto rour 1Joure13 to plague pou. ~ts i~ tt:Je la'l»c or 19111fcoucr : tl:}cre llJllll no
11o1-1c. l4 ~l}ercfo~e fiJaU rec obferuc tlJil!' tlJini& roi llrangcr2atctl:}ereot
an o~nimmce to tl)cc an'D to tlJr ronnciJ fo~ cuer. 44 ll\uteuerrferuanttl)at isbougf:Jtfo:mo'
2 s !ann 'ml.Jen rec be come to tlJe lann 'l»l)icl) ner, after tlJat t:l}ou JJaft arrumctreb l}im, l1Jall
tl)c JLc?D 'lllil giue rou,acco1t11ng aisl)e l,)atl) p~o· cate: tIJercof.
mifctl, re UJaU l!ccpc ttJilS f£ruicc. 4s a flraunger anti an l.Jircllftruant llJaU not
2 G 5.:tnb \lJ!)cn vour clJilD~cn arne pou, mljat rate t:l}creo r.
manner of rcruicc is tl)iS tlJat re noe: 4.~ '.]\none {Joufe lbaUit be eaten. tl)outlJalt
2 7 1)?c nianrar,'JltiS tl)c racrirlce of tfJc)l.oiM cane none or tlJe flcOJ out of tl)cl)OUfc, neitlJer
~all'couct, '1llJicl) pacrcn ouer tl)c l)ourc15 or tIJc llJall pc b:eartca bone tl]ereof.
cl)il'D1m of 'Jlfrael in lfgpµt, anti be rmote tl)e oe, 41 ~ll tl)e €ongicgatfon of itmc1 P.Jall ob,
grptiams,anllfaucn our l)oufc!J, ~nntlJepcople rmieic.
bO'OJCb tl)cmftlUCl!l,anb '1l01fiJfppi;D. 48 '3\r a flraungcr alfo b\l'lcD among rou,anti
28 ann tl)c c{Jilll1en or]rracl 'l»mt anti Dill 'l»ill l)o ltlc 10a[couer llnto t11e: Jl,oib, let IJim cif,
as tl)c'Lo1t1 l)aD 'ommatltlttl gi_:)ofcs anti aaron, cumme all tl)at bcmalcl!l,anb tlJen lctlJim come
(o bibtl)Cf. an11 obCcruclt, ttlJc11Jallbel$onec1Jati.dbomc
rhwmh 29 U1111 at mit1nigl)ttlJe 11.o~bc flnote tl)c firll in tfJe lann: ro~ no bnmrum~ pcrron fl.Jan cat
rb;;uc. bomcintl)clanocof ~grpt, rromtbcfililbomc ttJereof.
of ~lJarao t{Jat rate on lJtl!l rcate, 1mtiU tl}c firtl 49 ©ncmruuroffa\1111.JaUbc tintol)imtl)at
l.l?mc of tl)c caµtiuc tl}at 'Illas:; in wifon, anD is home in ttJe lanD. anD llnto d}c llrangeru,ac ·
all tl)c firll bo~nc of cattcll. D'l»cllctl) amongiiou.
3° 'tlni:l~lJaraorofeintheniglJt, l)c anti lJtl!I 5o .an11 all tl)e: ~ilt11cn or 'Jlftael llib as tl)c
fcruam!l,a1,1t1 au t\'lt a.:grvtiams, ar.D tJ:Jerc 11>&1!1 JL,oJD c;omman11ct1 ~ofel!l tt aaron. ro DiD t11er
a great tll ml!?gwt: fo~ ttJm 'l»sl!l not a l,JoUfe 51 gnDtlJe re1rcrameDap bib tl}e:JLo,DbJiOg
tll}Jcrc t!Jcrc'nla~ not one bl'ab. tlJe cl)ilb,cn of l frael out of tl)c lall1Je of G?gppt,
y 9nti.tJccral~bbnto~ofel!I anD aaronbr 'l»iCIJ tl,)ctr arin~ ·
mgl)t. rarmg, 11ltfcbp, anb gee rouout rroma• Thexiij. Chapter.
mongll mp people, botl)pou, anb alfo tl)e i;lJJ1'
nicnor j\fracl:anbgoc, an1>rcruc tlJe)l..o,nc,• 2 The firn borne arc fanailic:d vnro the Lord. 8 Chil-
re l)auc ratb. dren mun be taught how their fathers were dcliue.
3 2 anb tallc rour flJell!c anb 110ur b10UCl!I redoucof EgypL
~ JL02ll.1
'he Egyptians dro'\ivned . Exodus. A fang ofdeliuerance.
Jl.0111 \DlJtelJ l)cc \Dil fl)eto to pou tlJiS nap: to1 Ftt
tlJat l}auc rrme tl)r <r11ppti111t~ tl}i~ 11ap, tl)al rec
tlJcmno mo,t to: cuer.
:rim 1111 1 4 ''<ln)e JL,o~~ 11Jalfig1Jt fo1 rou, ann !C o,an
,·.·:~. ~·· fJolllc rourpeac.c.
,~.~~h~~~1 i 5anll tl,Je JL,o,llfSFll tmto ~Oft~,
~'.':b'.~' J c.rie« t.fJou bnto me 1fi~p\Dcabt bnto tl)e d}tln1cn
hruµ ttgt· of'.))frad tf]at t1Jcpgo o, a111:
:~,~~~r,, 16 '5utlirtt1Joubpt:IJpronne, anJJtlmctJout
;.~~~~r tlJF l}anllc ouer tlJe ~ea, anll lliutllc it afunllu,
rou11nor an11 lct t(Jcd)illlienof ~rraelgoeon111rgrounll
~."ii::,~~· tlnou«IJ t.IJe mi1111e~ or tl)c ~ea.
1 7 J nil bc{Jolll, ],cucn '.) \DJl l)arllen tl}e l)eart
of tl}c <tgpptian~. ~ tiJl'l! t1Jal fOio'tll arttt t11cm:
ano '.ll \tlil get me l]onour bpon J&l)arao,ann bp•
011 alfJi~ l)ollc, anb bpon l.Ji~ djant~. ann bpon
IJi>' l)OJfemrn•
~~~·~~:,:~,~; I 8 e anl:I tfJC lf_grptian~ flJ81fln0\D tJ18t 1j am
. 11 •• •·
:1m tl)e JL01t1 tDl)en 'Jl l)aue gottcmne (Jonounpon
:~~.h~J'gi. lf)IJarao, 't>pon f.Ji~ cl)aret~, ann bpon IJt~ 1Jo1Ce•
,~I ~anO, 1U£n,
z9 anti tl)c angel of ~on \Dl)kl1 \Dent befoJe
tlJt l)oltc of'.]ifrael, rnnooatb,8nll \Dent bcl)tnoc
tIJnn, anl:I tl)c pillar of tl)c doullc \Dent from ~c·
ro~c tl)clr face, anll ttoon bclrinbe tlJcm,
10 ann came bet\Dtene tl}c tcntcss of tlJc Cl?•
gpptta1115, 81111 tlJc tenteis of')Cracl, anllitmass
a rlouilc anll ll8tlmctre, ano (Jauc li~t bl! nigl)t:
an~ all tlJe nigl)t long d,Je one mme not at tJJc
2 r ~nll £I!) ore~ rtrctd)cti out IJis 1Ja1uie oucr
t1Jt ~ca. ano tlJe lLo~ll caurco ttJe ~ea t~ goe
bacllc bra 1mr ttrong ceaa 'eJtnllc al tl)8tmgl)t,
anll mane tlJe ~call1F Iand,antl tl)c \llatcrss \Dcrc
22 anti tl]c c[Jilo1cn of 1\Craet \Dtnt into d)c
mil:I ~ of d)e ~ca bpon tlJe D1F ground, 8nl> tbe
'ltlatttss \Due a \Dall bnto tl)cm on tlJcit rigbt
1J8nll, ant> on d)eit kft lJ8nll.
1 3 ann tlJc lfgppttans folotoell, an?J \tlmt in

~:i·.~~,',~~'r"' ~tcttlJc~r~tl)c..~tll~c~ of tlJc ~.c~ ~~1all

lbt ungoDIP!O p•J8r80$S ':10~'Cj5, ..,!JI t..,8r£tjS, 81111..,ljS .,OJ"°11tttl.
~~~~«~~\~~.~·· 14 anll In tl)c mo1ning \Date~, tlJc :t..0~11100,
m!Hgol !~lit {i('i) bt1t0 tlJC l)Cft£ Of tlJC ltgfPflllllil 0Uf0ft(JC
o:un• aims•'· pillar ot tl)c fire anll of tl)c tloubc, ~ ttoUbleI> tl)e
lJoltc of tl)c Qfgpptians,
2 5 .ann tooltc offl)is cl)imt \tlf)cctes, 11nb ca·
ticll tlJtm atoar biolcntlp: ~o tl)at tl)e ~ti·
~.~:~,~i~1r'~'· ani:s fap~c, s JL~t blJS flclc !ro!!! d)c fat~ or ]ft8cl:
Mllb< •'-QOD• to1 tlJC JI.OJI) ug ttq 'Ol WJ£m 818lDft tlJ£ <f,
::·~~'~:~~!"' t gppttan)).
'' • 26 Qnb tlJ£·A.0111ra1111cbnto Sl)orc~.~trctclJ
out tlJF IJanD oucr d)c ~ea,tl,at tl}c\tlaters mar
come ag11tne bpon tl)e cfgrPtians , bpon tf)eir
ctJarcts,anb bpon tilcir 1Jo,rcmcn.
The !all l 7 ~llD ~OfCIS arctd)Cll foitl) lJiS lJSUD OUtt
p\Ji;ue. tl)e rca, an11 it came againeto bis courft earlp tn
ttJc moming, at111 tl}c <ll%nitiams llen qatna it:
anb tl)e "JLo~b oumtne'tllc tbc cfgppttans in tl)e
mlbbcss OfttJcrca.
s !lllb tt)c \tinter retumcb, anti coucrcn tlje
dJaretss, anb tt)cl)o~rcmen anb 81ltbt1Jolcof
l01Jatao tl)at tamt into tl)e'rca after t1Jmt, ro
tlJat tl)ercnmamc11 not one of tl)cm.
9 :16ut tl)c c\Jllll~ of ]ftad \tl8lbcb bpon
ll~F land t{JJOUll) tl}c miblS of tl)l' rc11,a11l> tl)c \tla•
ttt'S tocrc a 'mall tlntottJcmon t1.1ertg'1tlJ8nil of
tlJ tm, anil on tl)c left,
3° ~UJJ tl)e ·n.o1n bl'liuerc111ftatl tl)c tclfe
ramc oap out of tlJc IJ~nb of ttJc lf!lpptianl!I: 811b
'J\fraet fa\tl tl)ee!grptutn15 bcab bpon tl}cfea flbt.
Birccr\lvarers f\iveer. Chap.xv3. Quailes and Nlanna. 26
·u1D ~t tl)e lllam• of tl)c rca bpon tf)em: inya agatntl tlJc Jl.,oJb: ~nil \tllJat an \tier:, tlJat
l8ut dJet:f.Ji111Jmof91rael\Dcm on nip land ill t11e pc aue munnurcn agamft bS:'
miDDe• oftlJc rca. . :Atlll ~oecs rapne, ~t cum flJal ~e 1-0~1>
20 Qtlll Sll!Jaey a wopl]ttct:re, tile alter or ait• giuc rou fle11J to eate, anll m tl)c moJmng tnca11
ron, took£ a timb~cl in{Jcr {Jann, atlll al tl)e UlO• pnoUgtJ: foJ t{Jc 1.-0Jll lJatl) lJt!lrb ri;iurmunnu'
, e1111ir11•1 men rame out after l)er \DitlJ ' ttmtnd.G anll rings 'lllbicb pc murmurc aganlll l)tm: foJ \D])at
:::;:;::.:~; Daunu•. arc \tlce:' !?our munmm~ arc nota1111i111t bS,
;.~~~~:·:.~~ 21 gun Sll!Jatl' fan~ l.1efo~c tlJetn, ~tng rt bn• but againa tlJe ll..oil!.
::,1~:t.'~:'.':~. to tlJe JLo~IJ , ro~ IJcc {JatlJ triumplJcb 111o,ioUOp: · 9 anl! Sll!Jores rparic bnto aaron, ~ap bnto
;~i::':.1!!' ,. tl)c 1)01fc anll l)ii;s rtl.lcr IJatlJ IJtc oumtJ10'11cn m al t{Je Clrongregatton or t:l)e tb1ln1cn of ']lfrael,
bl ulokdo! tl)e ~ca. <!tome roo:tl) bcfoJc tlJc JL0~11: foi tjee l)atl) l;Jcarll
:::,:.••on n a.ti> fO ~OfC):S b~OU_g\Jt '.]\ftatl from tlJC rourgrubgmgg,
rel> rca, lltlll tl)cp \Dent out mto tlJe \tltlbcme• or • o ann as aaron fpartc bnto tl)e m(Jole Gron,
~ur: anb tlJcp \Dent tluce napci;s in t:IJe \DilDer• 11".£1Jatton oftlJc tlJilDJcn of ]frael, tlJcp looliclJ!J foun!J no tuatcrs. to'lllarb tl}e \tlilDcrncs, anl! bcl)olt>e, tlJe glOJP of
2 3 gnl> tulJcn tlJcp ramc to coulll JLo~n appcarclJ tn t{Je dout>c.
• Jr 1m111u not D~inrte of tlJc tuatcrs of d il}amlJ, toi t:IJey 11 anl! t(Jc JL,oill rpalic bnto ~ores, raping,
::;~1~:.:;. \Dm bitter: t1Jcrtro1e tl}e name of tiJc plate '11111.0 1 J '.]J (Jauc ])carD tile mtmnurtnll):S of t{Je Clltl'
~~'~;:::.~~ callcb ~ara}J. lJltnOf 'J)fracl:tcll tlJtm tlJcrcfO~C, 11111! faf, at
~~~:~n"/11,h :14 c ann tlJcpcoplc murmutcll a11ainlt ~o· men pc OJal catc flcOJ,ann in tlJe moming l'C Cl}al
:·;~~~~~"'· rc.e,rapC11g, 11&1Jatlhalt1ll;.!'1~n~c1 ..,.h .,, .. bee Cillell 'lllltfJ b~calJ:' anll pee 11Jallmo\11 tl)atj\ • eoblDaik•"
"''"''°",,. i ~ !lnll lJe cnc!J bnto ..,e ,.....,11> : anu ..,e ...,o~u am tt:Je JLoin pour <l!SolJ. :!~',~~~ :~:::1
:::~~=:~:~•b *flJc\tlc?J IJim a me,1lll#ct) \11tlcn (Je l)all call into 1 3 ant111t men tl)c ~uatlc~ came bJ.J, anb c;o, :;~~:1~ t;:: 10
t;~::~,~~· · tlJc \tlattri:s,tlJe \tlateri:s \llere mal!t f\tlcete: t{Jm ucrcn tl)e tents: ano in tlJe mo ming tl)c llt\tl lap ~~~~.~',',k1~1 ."'
, ~,~,::,~,r l)e 1na1Jc tlJ~ an ointnancc ann a la\11,anl! tl)tre rounll about tl)c 11olle. m"'"'..
1111nmu•• !Jewouen lJim. 14 anD \tllJcn t(Jc Dt\D \llll.S gone., bcl)olllt, bp'
.::,b,'::!·:· 26 anti ratilc, l)ftl)ou \llilt l}camcn bnto d)e on t{Jc groumi tn ttic 'a.liltlernes t{Jere tap 11 rmal
:O~TJ:O~~· bopce of t{Je "ll.oJll tlJI' ©ob, anlJ \tlilt tloe tljat roun11c ~in~, a~ futal ass tl)c tioarc frolt on tl)c
:;:..~~~.. 'lDIJict) ti:s n111Jt in IJiss filllJt. \I milt llfur care bnto 11rou11D.
11<11111na•r. lJiS <IJ:omman!Jcmenti:s,anl! Im.pc al l)iS o:t>inan• 15 an1> b:J(Jcn tbc dJ1lllm1 of'.]ft'aelfa'a.lcit..
*raught. tes: t}Jen \'oill 1 put none of t{Jerc tJtrrorri:s bpon tl)ey fatb cuerp onctol)t.encigl)bo~,'.Jt iis;~an' t Man,
tl)ee, tubictJ ] l)auc b:oug!Jt hpon t{Jc <fgppti' na:f01t:(Jeytuta not \ll(Jattt\tlas. anll~orcis "hich1ig-
ans: ro~ '.]\ am tlJe JLo:I> tlJat l:)calctl) tlJec. raiDe hnto ~cm, ~iS ti ti.JC b:eall tulJtcl) tl)c nifierh gifr.
27 ant> tl)c ct)illl:en orJ!rracl tame to cetimi )Lo_zll IJatlJ «ium pou to catc. ~.,~.~·~·;g;~·,
\tl{Jcrc mere t\tlelm~ \tlcll.S of \tlater, anti tIJ:cc, 16 ~i.eti:s tfJc \tlo,ll m(JiclJ tl)cJLo:tl ball com, ~~~~~:~~i"'
fto:e ann ten pal me trcci;s, ann tl)rp pitt:IJcn tl)eir inanllel>: d gattJcr of tt mcrp man ro~ IJimrdfc ~~~~·r~~'r';:.•,
tcnti:stl)mbptl)c'alater.s. fo~ to catc,a \IDomcr fUl fol eucrp man,acco:!Jmg r••.,,,,, 11iou11
The xvj.Chapcer. to tl)c number of pour roulc~, ant> take cuerr ~·,~,~·~:~~·.~'
manfoi ti)cm 'a.lhicfJ art in l)i~ tents. men.
1 Thc:lfradires come intoclic dclcrt of Sin. 32 Mlnna 17 ant>tlJcclJilbien of'J,rracl lltb fo, arm ga,
is rcfcrued for a remcmbranccvncochcir poficricic. t1Jm1> romc mo~e.,fomc lc!fr.
tl)ey toof;eti,ctr iourney from 18 ann tulJcn tl)rp bib mete it \llitlJ 11 ©omcr,

~lint, anl! all tlJc conll".cgation of bnto l)im tf)at gat}JerclJ mutb , rcmaincll no'
tlJC ct)tll!Jrll Of ]frael tame to tlJe tl)ing oucr,ann bnto {Jim tlJat 1Jat1 gatl]mn fttlc
\tlil!1cmetre of ~in, \Ilhict) is be, mass ttJcre no Iaclic: cuerp man gatl)mll rumci,
tU:lcenc lflim anti ~inai, tlJc fff cnt fol lJi.S eating. , ~bi.~"·
cccnttJ l!ap of tlJc rcconn monetl) after tl)ctr lie, 19 an11 ~Ofc.Ofllill bnto tl)rtn, '~l'C tl}at no "'"arro P<I•
partitt!! out of ti) clano or (fgppt. man let ougl)t rcmainc to tflc mo~ning. ~~:·~~"~~~·
2 an11 t{Je 'a.ll)olc Gr onll".cgatlon of the cbil• 20 ~otU:litlJlt.anbing,tfJcr IJenrhcneD notbtt, ~:,~ ~~:,r;r.:,
n:cn or 'Jifrad nmnnurcn againll ~OfCIS ann to S®~rcs : but rome or them tcrtoht b11t1U tfJ' ~;·~;!~~:~
!iaron in tl)e 'lllil~erncs. m01m11g, an!!t ~aEll rut of r~~ti.JIU~~amnlJ COl' f'~~ e~:~
3 ann tl)e thilllJrn oflrtad faib bnto tl)em. mptet>:antl ""'" ...asangcy wl •.,.. • ll•ftJ<tbrh<m
DoUllJto©oll \tier IJab bicl\bpt])ctJant>coCti:Jc 2 r anb tl)ey gatl)crcll al mo~ntngs cucrp man ~~~~~~~~:~
:0.••-•ra • JL0:1>i11 tlJt lanl> of l!egppt, Wl:Jm\llefatca bp ti)e as mu"' "I
as fufficen.g,,,Co: "'tS
eatmg:· anl:I It
ai:s foone rlrn~ •••h
rrto 11!h[lro\!Jm
'""3,~~·"~' ,. fle01 poti;s, \I 'mlJen wee !Jill catt b:tab our bellies BStf)e(JcStcOftlJC?UllnCC:lllttC.,ltlllOU • rlch1Banno1
;'.'',~\~"!~~:: ful: ro: pc l)aucb:ougl:)t hSS out into tl)tss tui~l" 2 1 anlJ tlJc firtlJ MP t{Jcr gatfJeretJ tU:lifc as ~~·~~~;~:;
:=.:t.:' ·
11 ' ncs to kif tl:)ti:s \D}Jolc multitubc 'mitlJ l)unger.
4 rat:llm fain t}Jc )Lo ill \mto gJJorcs,l5C1Jol1>,
muc:1J b~cab , t\'oo ~omers fo~ one man : anl) all
tl)e ruler- of tiJe Cltongrcganon came an1> tollle

']\will ratnc bicall from IJcauen to pou: !l"b tlJt Sll!Jofti:s. . .

people ll.Jal goe out, ann gat1Jcr ac:crtanu ratt 2 3 »,le fail> b11to t11cm. ~St.S tlJat\Df}ich tl1c
euerp bap,tlJat] may p~ouc tlJem,'lDIJetlJertlJep 'JL,011> 1Jat1Jratt1, -ai;o mo~o\D ts tticrctl oftllc IJolr
totl \tlalke in mp JLa\ll OJ no. ~abbotlJ hnto ti.Jc JLo~b, baJJc t1J11t 'alflidl rou
s '4tbc firtlJ oar tl)ey OJalpJeparc ro~ tlJcm• mill baliC to anll fcetlJc tbat pee 'alil rcctf)e,
fcluea tl)at tulJitl) tlJcp \llil bJing'D let tt be anti t{Jat \Dl.Jt'l.J rcmarnetlJ, lap bp till tlJe moi·
t\Difeaa mud) ass tlJey gatba tn naplp. ning. .
6 aUIJ g(!}ofCS llnlJ aaron fai!Je bnto aU tlJC 24 !lnlltl.Jcp lllfCl>_lt bp ttll tl)c mo~ning al)
dJ ilb.ttn of 11racl.. Qt cum re OJal rmotu tl)at it is ~ores bllllc: anl'I tt tltb not to1rupt, nciti)cr Inell
b l.11 ••••t""" tile l.oJIJ 'llllJitlJ b1oql)t pou out of tilt latlllc of
tl)m anr\Do~mei:s tl)crctn.
b::.~ca;~:, ~l\'pt. , . 2; ano ~orci:s faill, lfntc tlJat to Mr. ro: it i~
•mmn•nb.btn 7 antJtn tlJemo,mUgl:'CllJBlfcetlJC~l:'Or tlJe ~a~bot(J ~nto ti)£ JL01n : to nappce OJaU not
~;~~. • 110"'' '
1 1
t:l)eJLoil>, becaurc bee IJatlJ blJearlJpour gruDg• fin!Je tt tn tl)e fictlJc.
:Hi ~IT!!_ __
Manna kept in the Arke. Exodus. Amalekis ouercomc.
:6· ~i:i;ellares fee aiang11t1Jerit,an~int1Je
reumt~ 1111r tolJidJ ts
tl}e ~abbottJ, in tt d1tte
01albe none. .
2 7 ~ottoitfJllanlltpg,tfJmtoent out fome of
ti.Jc people in t(Je reucntlJ Dar fo~ to gatf:Jer, ann
t~er rounll none. .
2 s .l.lnll tl}e JL,o~ll fatD bnto 911.Jorts,,oto long
rerun~ pe to 11Ccpc mr ~ommanDemtnt!S ann mr
z 9 ~cr,tl)e ~oin ~atlJ giucn rou a ~abbotfJ,
tJ.JerefO)£ (Jee ~IU£tl} FOU t!Je a:i;tfJ bl11' b~eaD fOl
two i:lapc~: bti:lc tf)crcro:e e:uerp man atf]ome,
ani:l lct no man goc outOflJi!Splarerl}ercucntlJ
3o .an11 t!Jc people refteb tlJe rcuentfJ bat'.
31 an11 tlJe lJoUfe ol ~rrael calleb t11e name
:. l;;::~~~nn ttJcrof ~anna: ann it was li~es ~o~i~nner ru11,
'"''"'~'~"· anll WIJttc: anil tlJe tatle ofit 1Das ltkc\llaftt'
"1icn.r •. ,. tnllilC toit:IJ bDRl!o
32 !ilnb ~ore~ faibe, ~biis tis tl}at 1Dl;lidt tl)e
ll..oiil 'ommanlletl}, ~m a <1!5omer of it, \lllJi~
mar bee lirpt foi rour Cf;Jilbien after rou, tl)at
tlJcr mar rec t{Je l.l~eab b.lbere\tlitl} '31 l)aue feillle
vou in tlJe wi111crn£1Ic, \tll)en '.JI bJouglJt rou out
of tlJ ctm111 or lfgwt.
33 ~nil ~ore~ rpalie bnto aaron.~alicapot,
m1l1 put a <1!5omer full of £1!)anna tIJerein, anb
tar it bµ befoic t{Je )l,o~ll, to bellcptfo: rourdJil'
H a~ t{Je JLo:b commanben ~orc~,ro aaron
lapii it bp befoie tl)e ttllimonie to be kept.
3~ ~nll tl)e dJilbJen of'.]!frael bill eat SJl!)anua
fourtic i·ecreis, bntill tlJ~ came to a lanll infJabt'
tcll,anll fo tl}ep !lib cate Sll!Janna. tmtil tl)er came
:1r ,~~::,~:~:;1; bnto the bO~ller~ or tl}e lanll Of cJl:ll8naan.

',~;~""' P0'' 36 .a <1!5omer ti:s tIJe tentl) part of an h ctplJIT.

The xvij.Chaprer.
r The lfraclitcs come into Raphidim. I I Moles hol-
deth vp his handcs in prayer, and the Amalckites
arc ouercome.
Jrlll an t'hc cJI:ogrcgation of tl}e ~11,
n.ien of']fracl \\lent on tlJetr four,
, ncre11from tlle'n1ill:lerneis of~in,
, rricr" '"" (l ,~~.,. · after: tl)c <Jrommanllemcnt of tlJe
rvµ!ut'11bru "" ""J~ 't0 f' ., an'tl~itcl)ril • inll1ap1Jtllim
lLo•il • '
nip ""'P'"' tlJCfC \lJ8!1 nO Water fDl Cpeople tO bJtnflC,
::,t~;::~,·,:lbo(r '1. anb tl)e people titll ,l)ibe 'IDitlJ ~ore11.ann
r~~:~,~i~'1: raiilc.,~iue bl1 water to ll~tnhe. ~orc11faib bnto
~:·:,'~ 10a. tl)cni,t101Jp cl)i!le pouwitlJ 1nc :' tl91Jertfo~bo l!C
tempt ttJc JL.o:n :'
3 ~ere tl)e people tl)itlleb fot 'Water, ann
tl)e pco1Jle munnureD againll SJl!)ofc11,an11 faille,
110l)ercro~e {Jail tIJou tl)us biougl)t bl1 out or If,
'!l'pt,to kill b!1, anll our c;l}illl;en, anll our c;atten
'mttlJ tbirll :'
4 ~nb Sl@orc11 rricb bnto t!Je ·,11,.,o:b, faring,
119\Jat UJall 'Jl bo bnto dJi!S people, t!Jep be almoll
rca1117 to llone me.
5 an11 tIJe "Jl.o~ll tatb bnto SJl!)ore11,\13oc befo:c
W! P£oplc, an11 tahc 'IDitl) tl)ce of tlJe <lellltt11 of
31•rac1:anb t~w rob 'ml)ere'rottl) tl:)ou fulot:ell tl:)e
nuct:,tahe tt tll tl)tnt [JanD,allll llDe.
lklJ_oltl, 'll totn llant1 befo,e d)ee tJpontl)e
rocltc tlJatts m ~oicb, a1111 tlJoU 11.JRlt rmttt d)c
rocftc, anb tlJttc llJaU come 'mamoutd)mor.
b 11top11n1 tl}at tl)e people tna17 bnnl!t anti Sll\)Ofel1Dlbf0
:~·::;~~~~. bcro1etlJe eyes of tl;Jc lflbtt~·of']\fraet
~:;~~.:;~.~: 7 gnll IJe ~lltll tile name of tlJe place b ~af·
•• r.r:,•:0:•r- fal], llnll Sll\)mbalJ, becaUft of tl;Je c)Jibtn!J oftile
''" ... c1Jt111ien of'.)ttacl, allll becaurc tl;Jey tmQJtell tlJt
Iudgesappoinced. Chap.xix. The people fanB:ified. i7
:..Cf:.~:~:· I 0 gnJ) ')etlno raibe. d :l61ctreD bee tl.Je l..-Otb fa tl)c dJtrbmoncttJ,\DIJcn tlled.}tl•



1DIJid.JIJadJ Dcttuutll pououtof tl)el)anll aftl)e
=:.i:.. ~ttans, \f out of tl}c 1Jan1> ofl&IJarao, \DIJid1
(Jad) alfo ~cliuercb l}isptoplefrom tl)e"8nll of
•rrtt 111• d)e Cftn!pttan-.
u iaom 11 lmolrle tl)at tl)c JL.lnb is& lJl'tllttl'
~en al gobs: fat tn t1Jt tlJing mlJetbl' tl)tp Dealt
~1!:.:V.,,':" WDQlllp lrlitl) tlJf,c were rhcy dcltroycd rhcmfclucs.
U 2
Dtcn of'.)frael were gone out of tlJt ·
lanll of lfgppt. tlJe Came Dar '4mt
tlJcp into t1Je \Dilllemctre Of ~i'
f 01 tl)ep -mere Dcpattctl from EaplJttlim,
ann'IDcrecomcto tile Dcrcrtof~tnai, anDl)ab
~tel.Jell tl)etr tents in tl:Je tuilbenUtlt, anll tl)crc
<ll<IUlrn•r]I· J:l antJ]etl)JO~OfefJ fatl)ct tnlatlJe, tOOflt ]trad campCD bcfo1e tl:Jc mount.
~:::..:.r:nn. \Dl)olc bumt offnings altb faaifices&, to otftr to 3 l6ut ~ores \Dent bp bnto <ifJoll, anll tl:Je
;:~~·in• '501> : anl> aaron \fan ttJc CIOOJ~ of 1rrae1 '8111C ·~o~n cailcll tmto (Jim out of tl)c tnountainc, far,
to cate bteall lrlitlJ •ores fatl}cr in Jiitllt befote 1ng, ~bUSSflJalt ttJou rarbnto t1Jcf1oufe of]a•
<30b. cob,anD ttil tl:Je clJiltl~n of ']\frad,
1 3 ilnb on tlJe mo:o\De gi)ofcs rate to tllllgc . 4 !'e l)aut recnc tlll)at ']\ Dill bnto tl)c <fin'P'
t11e people: an1>t1Jepcop1eaooDeaboutS)ores, ttans, anll too fie rou bp bpon • <fa~~ 'IDingJS, ;.:f.~: W
from motnin« bnto cum. anlll)auebiougl:Jttioubmomrfelfe. ''"~""'"'
14 alJl) \DIJm il@orcs fa$r in Lm fa\Dc au 5 Jeom tlJctefoJe iftic'IDtlliJcaremp boiccin 1:.~:~~i
tl)at l)e l>iD bnto d)c people. IJe fail>. 1101Jat is tlJis Dcel:l,atlb flcepc mr coucnant, pe fllal bcas a Deare :::~·b~'.~'~:
tl)at d)ou lloclt bJ1to d)e peoplt:'D91W fitteJt d)ou t- ttcaf?fe ~nto me llbouc all nations: foJ all tl}c :~::ti.-~
d)p Cclfc alont,llnil al t1Je people nano about ti) cc Cartl}tSSmtne, 111..1Dnm
from momt•t« bnto cucn '! 6 ~ i::;CIJ)all bccbntomccalCo a JnJCltlp . ktRg'. ~-·
1 s an1> il!:)orcs Cain to IJts Cetllcr in lab>, ll5c' tlomc., (I an l)Olf people. anb tl)cfc arc tlJC 'IDOlD.6 lr~r~.:,·,~~i:
caurc tl)c people conu bnto me to rcchc counfcll of b>btcl) tl)ou flJalt rar tmto tiJe c{J~cn of ]r, ~~~.'~~:
©ob. racL "'"'1"'"·
1 6 1101Jcn Cl)cpl)auc a matter, tflcp come bnto 7 ~ores cantt anll calleb fo~ tfJt dl>erss oftl)c t "drnc
me, ann] iUllgc bet\llccnc cucrp man anD l:Jis pcovlc. ano latD befo~e t1Jc1r faces al tl}eCc 'IDo,Ds :1:,~~ :;,

ncigIJbour,anll ClJe'lll d)m tl)e Otllinan,cJS of '5ob \Ul:JKIJ tl)e JL,o:t1 commanl:lcll l)im. mcn"i;m
ano iJts iawrss. 8 ann tl)c people anC'1Dcrct1 all togctlJcr,anb 1y dr1ircJ
17 ann ~orcss fat:IJcrinlatll ratn bnto IJim, fafl:I, all tl}att{Je :JL,o:t11Jat1J faib, 'IDC 'IDllibo.!lnl>
rm-1111~'" '.)lt is not r\»ell that thouDocft. ~ofes& btOUgl:JttlJc lllo~IJS oftf:}cpeople bnto tl)c
=.~~..6\ : 1
18 ~ou botl) -meartcll tiJr fclfc, 8nl> tlJis Jl,OJll.
=1~·:~~.~ i. people tlJatts 'IDitl) tl)cc:fot tl)tss tlJtng is of mote 9 an11 tl.Jc Jl,oJb fapllc bnto s11!)orcg, )Loe, 1
~.~.:." :• <maigl:Jt tl)cn t1Jou art able to pcrfo~mc d:Jr fcift contt bnto tl)ce in a tlJime clouDc , tl)at tbc Pct!'
btmfllrcff,.. alone. pie mar IJcarc me talbtn~ \DitlJ tl)ec,anl> bcfcrue
::~b\~~·: i.~· 19 $care tf.Jcrefo:c no'ID mr boice, anll '.]!-mm d)ec ro, cucr. ill!)oCcs fi]c\Dcl> ti.Jc 1r10~1>ts& of tl)c
:::.w~·""" gtuc ti.Jee counfell, anl> '5ol:I fl.Jail llc\Dttl) tl}cc: people bmo ti]c )Lo~D.
r. t~r..= l5ce tl:)ou bnto. tl)c people sto <!150b\Uarl>, tlJat I 0 !JO'b tl)e Jl,.O~D fafD b0t0 !J@OfCS, ~Oe \lnto
m~tcb11n11or tl)OU mapeft b:tng tl)C CaUfe~ bnto 11150D: tl)c people, anD b Canctifie tl)cm to 11ar anll to mo• b ~mh it
~~:~·r~.l.~~~· 1 20 .ano tl)ou 11.Jalt tcacl) tl)cm 0:1>tnanccs anti ro\U,anll lcttl)em \Dtlll.J tl)ctr clotlJcs, ~~:~~ f~:~,
muo eo~. la'IDcS, anD 11.Je\»e tl)cm tl)c 'map 'ID(Jcrein ti]cp 11 am bee rca- arratnll ..itc """irb ba,,. fo• !b•lD ibtn1·
, "'r ~ , "'JI "" ~ • ~ fduc• out·
mull \Ualflc. ano tl)e 'IDo~hc tl)at t(Jcr mull Doe. tl)ctl)trb 'bal! ~ tl)CJL.oJll \»1llcomcDo\Dnc mt11c ""''''"•
21 SJll)oJcouer,tiJou n1altfeekcoutamong an figl:Jt of all ti.Jc people bpon mount ~inai. ~?ih.1\11~;
tl)e people men ofcourage and Cucl) as fearc C3ob, 12 c anll"tllOU ll)alt fct bOUnbl5 bnto tl)e pco' will come
true men, l)atlng couctoufnc[e, anD place of pltrounllabout. annfap, -a:;ahc l:Jccbcto pout downc,lc
there oucr tl)c people rulers of tl)oura1111s, ru, felUCSJ,tl)at tJC ~0 not bp into tl)C mDUOt,CJ tOUCfl I "oil c.>i
ters ofl)unt1;ebss, rulers ornrttcrs, ano rulers of '""cbo111erofit·'Qlhofoc1'Cftouchc•h..itcmount,
"'::JI , • 61 .., "'=' HJ cdownr.
~m muE
tcnnes. (ball rurclp DIC. rr• bolDtt In
2 2 9.nll lct tl)cm tullgc tlJc people at au rca' 1 3 ~ere ll)aU not an 1J11nt1 toucl} tt, crii l)cc ~:~~~~:~;
rons : anb CUtfP great matter d)at rommctlJ, ClJaU bee Uoncb, 01 flJot tl)o10\Dc: \DfJctlJcr it bee ~~~::-~:;
let tl)cm b~tng bnto t{Jcc, but let tl)cm iu!lgc bcatt,o~ man. tt OJ an not liue: ttllJcn tJJc l ~, :i:;!r.m;
au rmau caurcs tl)emfeiucss, ann ro fl.Jail it be ca, pct blo'alctl.J long, tfJcn mar ti) er come tip mto !Do••.
ficr ro: ti.Jr rctre, anti tlJcp OJaD bcarc a burden tl)cmountainc. [!Jr,corn
'IDitlJ tlJCC. 14 .anb SJll)orcs b>cnt llo'IDne from tfJc mount
23 ]ftl)ou ClJalt t1oc tt.Jts ti.Jing~ anti 111Jot1 tmto tl)c people, ann ranctifieb ti)cm, anD tl.Jer
cl)argc tl)cc tottl)al, t1Jou flJalt be able to cnbUrt. \Da(l)cb t{JciT clotlJeg,
anti pct tlJc people QJall come to d)cit place in I 5 ann l)efaiD bnto tl)C pCOpJe' l5CC r£8bt' 4,
peace. llaina tbe tlJirl> llap,anb 'omc not at your llltucs.
~~~:~~~,. 24. h an1>ro ~~res ~cpt~t!!::Fii~oflJid ca, 16 anb tl)c tl}irl> ?lap in tlJc mo1mng tlJere
10 btco;!° 0
tlJer ln la\11,anl> Dtl:I a •.,a .,c., Btu. \Das t1Jut111er anD ttgJJtning, anll atl)imc clouDe
tJpon tl)cmount,anD tlJe boice of tlJt trumpet~'
:~1bb[~· 2s an1> SJll)ores dJofe mmofcouragc outof
:~~r~ ,;:~ all ]frad,anl>mabc tl)cm as l}cabd oucr tl)cpe°' ceeDing loU11, co ~at all ttJc people tl)at \tlas in
i.uomlD!ootr. pie rulcr"'Of'""oufanb"' rttlerl50fhU~CtlJS,ru' tl)e IJolle \Das afra11:1.
~ "' ~
romr mllruc• ' p,
1ran.,1D1Jaro1· I~ offiftlcs,ann rulers oftenncs, 17 ann i!Jorc~ b:ougJ:Jt t:IJc people out of ti.Jc
~~:.!~~~~ :i.6 anb tlJcp 1U11get1 tlJe people at au rearonss: tcntg to mectc w1tb .'501>. anti tfJcr t1:ooD at tl)e d fl•D ~ 01
rutnDr. but btougl}t tl:}e l)arD caws bnto SJll)ofes, anll netl)ct part oftl)cl)tU. •b•kfrm1
18 anD mount ~inlli \Dass alto~etl:Jcr on a ~~;::1 ~,~
. tullgel.I au rmau matttrSS tlJrnifeluts.
:.w:~: ~~: 27 antHl@orcss •let IJtss fad.Jn in lab> t1cpan: rmolle. bccaurc tl}e Jl,o;IJ brfccnlleb bo'IDne bpon ~::~~~~.~
9- anlll}e\DcnttntolJts otllnclanD. ltinflrc, 8ltb ti.Jc fmOllctiJcreof afcenDcbbp as :~~:'::.~\
tl)Cfmokeofafumacc, anbaUtl)emount dqua, moan; ..
The xix. Chapter. kell crccebinglp. :~~':!~~
10 The people arc commanded robe fanaificd. 111 am \Ubcn tf)c boice of tl)e trumpctble\llc ::~~°''"
"'he Law is giuen. Exodus. The altar. Judicial
1 s · ~OUOJaltnoth fteale. ~::~::
16 ~OU l!Jaltnot bean faire 1l>kntJ5 agatnft 00
• """""·.,
tlJl! nci«(Jbour. ~:~:r~
17 ~ou OJalt not court f1Jt! migl)bo~151Jourr.. :.":~.a':"~
ne&tlJer 11.Jalt tlJon c:ouet tf1l' ndllbbourJS \l'Jtfe. ~~.~;:~:;
no~ l)~JSmanrmaant. ~l)ts matD~ no~ IJiJS 0 ~, 11D1r,,ouco.
noi lJll!I affe,n~ anp t11t111 tl)atiJS dJt' nti~bo2is.
. 18 ~nlJ aft tlJe people fcnu tl)e tlJUnb~&n!.l, anb
11~tmn~,an1> tlJ~ noire of t(Je trwnpet, anl> t(Jc
mountamc rmolnq: anb 1l>l)m tl:Je people OOD
1t, t(Jey nmoueb,atlll ftoolJ afam off,
19 ann ratlJ tinto ~ores, ~aDletlJou mitlJ
bl5: ann tvcc'alift IJeare: :laut let not 11501> taUJe
tvitlJ tJJS, lell \llellit.
20 .QnlJ~ofcJSfapbtmto tl}epcople. feare
not. foi <5otl t• come to ~ouc rou. anti tl}at lJis
fearemat' be bcro1e pour cres,tlJatre rttme not.
20 .inn tf)e tJeople ftootl afam off.anti !dl!Jofes
\llent tnto t(Je t(Jtcllc doUllc, tDl)m <15otl tvais.
2 2 anti d.Je )l.,o~lJ faill bnto ~OfeJS. ~is t(Jou
OJaltfal? bntO t:l)e d;Jt~m o~ ]ft'ael. lecc l}auc
rccnc tl.Jat ]IJaue talfleb tllttlJrou Crom outof
23 J?ecfl.lallnotntalic t(Jerfo1e1Ditb me1ot115
of filucr,ncitlJerfl.lall tcmafle re gotl!S ofgolb.
24 an altarofeart(J t:l)ouf1Jatt make bnto me,
anb ttJercon offer tlJl! \DIJok burnt olkrtn~
attlJ d:lr peace ofrertngss,tlJp llJCCtJc. anti tf11nc ~'
en: ~n au placcl!I \Dl;Jere ~ UJaD put t:l)tremmt•
b~ance of mt name, tlJttlJer ] tutu c;omc bnto
tl}cc,ami bl?lfe tl)ce.
25 .inb iftl;lounnltmalicnttsttauat oraone.
rce ttJou mabc tt not of l;Jctllm aonc: e.,tf u,ou
lift bp ttw too le bpon it,tlJou l)attpoUUtcll it.
26 ~eitlJer QJalttlJou goebp bl' tfeppefbnto
mim altar , d)at tlJF fl OJame bee not PJe\VCll Ior,fil1hi-
t1;1ercon. ncffc.
Thcxxj. Chapter.
1 ludiciall and ciuill ordinances appoinrcd by God.
couching fcruirude,fic:tling ofmen, manllaughrer,
curling of parents, brauling, punifbmetlt of lile
with like, and ofa go:aring oxe1and fuch like:.
'ere •arc tl)e la\DtfS \DfJlclJ tf)ou • ~~·'"·~·

D OJalt rec bcto,e dJem.

• 2
*'JftIJoubup 11 rcruanttl)at ~~~:::,~r;,
~an ll)cwnb ~\D!: ~:re r~clJss ~ flJ au ~~'.~:!:':!'.
aerut,8 ln ...,tatuCOWJ' C11J81go 01bmt•km
out free payingnotl,ltng. ~~~~::i::·
3 'jjf1Jeec:a1nealonc,1Jec11JaRgoeoutalone: ''""' 1111'"· 12
an?I tf !:Jee c:amc mamclJ, l)iJS \llife 11.JaU goe out Dcu. s·
\Ditl:J ~im. b 111111111DDD
4 .ant1ifl:Jtssmalfer1J11uegtum1Jima\l'Jift, ;::=:~r
anbilJttlJaue bome I.Jim ronncs 01. baugl,ltcrf: =•~rrr•
ttJmCf.)eblife anD l)erc1JiUJ1m O,,aUbeel}cr ma' ••bpt•• ~~.
lltrfS, an?l l)c llJaU goe out alOne: ~,~t·~·~:=..
s ~nDiftl.Jcfcrusnt rap,]lom llQ'maller, .:'ii~~.~::
mt \DlfC,SOD mp c;IJiUJ1en,1 UJJ1 not go OUtfrcc: g•n,..,,,
6 $ii mailer (bal b;tng l}im bnta tlJe iUbgef, 111::.:_n••k"'
anD fet IJim to t:f1eD001e. OJ tlJe boo~ pofl, anb
l)il mailer fbaD bo1e 11tl ean UJo,iotDc \tlitlJ an
aule, atlll l,Je Qiall be IJil!I reruant fOt. curr.
7 • ~nDif a man relli,t.d oaugtJttttobu fer,
uant, "1C flJaD not goe out a• UJe men feruant1
s 1ra1te pleafe not (Jc~ mafm. \l'JIJo l.Jat(J
aow womifeb IJ£f maria~e. t)Jm QJaU f;Jce let IJcr
rcoceme IJef felfe: ¢'o rdl IJrr bnto a th'ange
natton a1all 1Je l)aue no potDer, reetng IJccllefpi,
9 ')f(Jc (Jauc WDnrifelJ IJtt' bnto 1Jt1 fonnc to
and ciuil ordinances. Chap.xxij. Of rhefcanddamage,&c. 2

'cDift.IJe 11Jlllt1calnDidJ IJcr as men Do tlltd} tl}m uct it not, anti an OJ? 01 anatre fall tlJmin:
~ 34 ~C'O\l'lncr or dJt pit IIJall n'lllke it goob,
10 anDfflJ~taflcl:Jimanod}ermift, ~ctl:Jtt anngtucmoney tmtod}etrmattcr, an1>tl)nea11
rooD,IJ~.raimmt,anD Duene of matrtagc lbal lJc bca1t ll)albc l)iis•
• ~ 11111.,,r notmtntnJ. 35 1ronc1nansOJ?fJmt8not11er,tIJat1Jct1tr:
o""""" ...,. u anD irlJc Do not' tIJcrc ttnu bnto tJcr,tl,Jm tlJm tl}cp OJaUcl tl)c lluc oJ;c,anD DiuiDc tl)nno,
~lr~'.~:~::-, lbal tlJe goe out rm.. anb pap na money. ney,anl> ti,e l>eab o~alfo tl)ey llJal bluil>e.
~~.;::.!.~' ~,, l)e !!Jat rmttetlJ a man dJat IJec bte, flJal be 36 ~Hfit bee tmo'Qltn tl}attl:JC oi;e {JatlJ bfrl>
brifclrrour al aamcront. t~ puflJ in tinte pan.anll 1Jil5 maner JJatl1 not ficpt
"'"DA••· l 3 '.]If a man lap not a\l'lait. but ~obbeliuer 1J1m: JJccOJall pap ore fo~oJ:F.. ant1tl)C11cl1b{IJall
. him into IJts l}anD, tlJm j 'aliD point t(Jet a place be {J115 o'alne. ,
1Sam!tuu1e +'cD(Jtthcr (JC tl.Jal fltt.
appoinird 14 1ramancomCtJJcfumptUou1l! bpon IJiS Thexxij.Chapter.
forplaccof ndg(Jbour, to aar IJtm 'cDitlJ IPlif.C, d,Joulbalt I Thc~awcsofGodconcc:mingthcfi:, s damage, 7

rrfogr. tahcf]imrrotnmincaltar,tl)atl)eDfe. lc?dmg, 14 borowing, 16 cncilingofmaidcs, l 8
1 s t)ctl}atfmitctl;ll;li- fal;IJU~l;IJl!lmotl]cr, wuchcrafr, 19 Idolacric, ll fupporcingofwidowcs,
IDicthc lctl)nuibcOaintfoiit. flrangcrs,and fathcrleffe, 2 5 vfuric 28 rcucreocc
duih, i 6 1!3ec tl]attlcalctlJ a man,ml'll felktlJl)im,if to Magillratcs. '
l;lc be PJOUeD bpon l;ltm,tlJalbc tlatncfo~ it. f •a man (tcale an ore oz a fl.Jetpe, !,r,:';,~
17 gnl> IJe tl)at rutfetl;I IJii:s fatl]cr o~ motl.Jcr, anD flil it, o~ Cell it : (Jee ti.Jal rcllo~ tticC11n,
OJalbe put to 1>cat1;1 roi It. fiue orm fo~ an ore , rourc IIJeqic
i or harm• 18 t ]f men tftiuc tO!.lCtlJcr, anll one fmitc Co~ a lbccpt.
done by oc- II anotl)cr 'cDttlJ atone, 01 'cDitlJ IJil!I fill,ann l)c Die 1 ')f o tl)ecrc be founb bJeafltng
cdion of not, but lictlJ {n l)iS bcD: bp,anll be fmtttm tf}at l;le Die:Cl)cre 11.Jal no blOOD
~~;~~:· 19 ]f(Jccrife againe, anll 'alalflc 'cDitl;lout bp• bee f!Jr:ll fo~ bim.
nci~hbour, on IJiS aaffe' tIJcn lb all hec t(Jat rmotc l;limgoe ~ '6ut if t(Je ~unnc be bpon him,tlJm tlJcre
d 1a11icrr d· QUtte,Cauc onctr (Jc tlJal bearc l:Jis c11argcsi fo1 b fl.Jalbc blooD mell fo1 (Jim, fo~ l)ce fiJoUlll maJ1c n,
~.::,~::~::, ring IJis timc,allll ll>al pap ro11JiJi l;lealing. llttution: if(Jcc l;lauc not 'all;ltre\Ditl), l)cc 11Jnlbc
~J:C~~':,' ~o anll tra man fmitclJiSSfcrUant 01 l)issmaiD Colli foi IJiSS tlJcft.
rr!::i,::,•:c. 'cDitlJ !l tol>llt,anll ~Cl' Die bllOer IJiS IJanb,!JC llJal 4 1f tlJC t11ert bee fOUnb in IJiSSIJSnlle 11liuc,
co111n1 .._ r~c be gncuouQp pUntOJCll. 'tDIJet:IJcrit bC O~C, OJ atTC,O~ ll)ccpc,lJe fbOI n~a~e
:~::.~. 21 .anll if 1Jee continue a Mr oi t'alo, d it RJall boublc.
:::~~zb~~~· not bercuen!.lcll, foi (Je is lJiis mon,r. s ~ra manbo ~urt IUID ~ tlineparll-anl> put
::,~:::. b:, rai 22 ~f men fhiuc, anl> f]urt a 'aloman 'alitlJ in bis bcatl to feell m anotIJer mans fiefllc, or tlJe
rDcrtmc. ~IJilDC. ro t1Jat1Jer f'ruttllepartfromtJcr, anllpct bctl off]is O\Dnef1dl>, anll oftl)ebeaofl]iso\Dne
nobctlructionfollo'11: tl}enl)ec 11JalibeCo1c pu' bineyarll,Oiall:iemaficreffttution.
nill)eb, acco1bin1J as tl)c 'tDomansi lJUfbanl> 'alill 6 ~ffire b~calie outanll catcl) in tlJc ttroJnes.
laF to IJiss c11ar~e, ann l)te llJall par a~ tl)e l>llt'cs anl> ttrc ffochess of come. o~ tIJt ttantitnu coJne, o~
men 'alil llPJ'DintlJint. ftelil be cortfumell tl)crc'alitl): IJc tl]at llttlblcil tl)c
;'I> 2 3 anll tf anr Deftruction c follow, ti.Jen !Jee firc,fbal mafic rethtution.
:::~8":!,b.~~ flJall{!;ittc llfcfo1lifc, 1 '.llf a II manl>cltuct l)iS netgtlbourmonrv ~A Jay
.l'•1D1unrc 24 •Cf[C roi CpC, tOOtl;I roi tOOtfJ, l}all'bCfO, 01auffetOkecpt,1Jitbeetf11llcnoUtOflJifll)OUrt, 1hings
=~'::~.••lol- l}anll, rootc fol footc, tf tlJC tl}cft be fOUnll, let l;Jim pap l>OUblc: ia cutir
Matt. S· H· 2. S l5umin!.l fo, bumtn«,'alomlb Col 'alounll, 8 ~nD iftl)C t(Jcrtbenot founll,t(Jent(Jc goob
(tfipefo1 Ctrtpc. man oftl)cl}oure fl)albe lnouglJtllnto ~ 1uD1Jrfl,
26 anll if a man Cmitc IJtsifcruant,o, IJts main t(Jat it map bee hno'Wm b llllJctlJer IJcc i)aucput ~b~::i
in tl)c eye,tIJat it pcrillJ,lJe 11Jall 1tt tlJcm goc free 1Jil5 )Janll tmto tits nctglJbours goo!I. 1111" ~·1
foi tl)c eves faflc. 9 anll tn al mancr orcrcrpatre; tt11Jet11erttbe
27 ~uro if bee fmitc out l)is man~ reruant o, foJ ore, acre. oi 11Jccpc, raimmt o' anp mancr_of
1Jil5 mapM tootl), t:Jc OJall let t(Jcm go out rrcc
t(Jc tootlJeS fake.
ro, lofl t(JinfJ, 'tDIJicl1 anotl)cr ciJallcngttlJ to be hrs:
tl)c caurc of botl;I parties ftJaH come befo~e tlJc
Hr>ulh, or 28 '.Jiran OJ:CillJOJC 81nan,01a'aloman, tl.Jat ~lllllJCfl, anll 'tDIJom tIJe ~uDgrsconllemnc,(ct
f111i1c with tl)ep llic,tl)cn tlJc OJ;C 11)80 be ftoneb,Snl>.l;liSS tleflJ l)iRl par Double bnto (JiS 11£ig1Jb~ur. .
his horncs. flJSI not be eaten : but tlJc o\l'lncr of tlJr: OJ:t 11>011 lo '.] f a man l>tliucr bnto fJJSS ne1gl)bour to
(lac Quite. hccpc,atTc,oJ:c, fl)ccpe, o~ 'cDf]atrocucr beaa it_bc:
29 ']f tl)e ore mere \l'lont to pull) 1l:litlJ IJiS ant1itllie,~bcl;lurt,01tallcna'llla)!bpcninncs,
IJome in time pact, anll itlJ!ltlJ benc toll> bis ma' anD no man rec it: ·
aer, anti i)e IJatlJ not hCJ!t f}1m, but tr,at l;lce hatlJ u QJcn Dial an otlJe of tlJtlL~ll be bet\tlcme
r ••1&on klllcllaman~a'aloman:rtlJmtlJcorcfi.JaUbec t(Jcm, tf]atl)ec IJatlJ notput1Jts1Jan1>ebntobis
llllllllb Do b(j
ti bnbctl1n1t ftDllCZl,anl> IJis o'alncr (!Jalllie alCo. nci~bours gooD: anD tlJc o'alnu ofit llJal talie
ham blrno111
1mattrrut1 3o ]ft:1Jcrcb~cfettol;limar~cof1~~· tfJtod,J,anD tl)cotlJcrtlJal not1na11titgoo1>.
IOJl'lpmanro tl}cn IJec 11Jall g1uero~ tl)e rr!lccmmg or1J1slife, u ~nll.trit~edoDcn rtoml)im.,tl)cn !Jee 11Jal
'cD(Jatfocun ts lapD bponl:Jim. mafie rcft!tut.Jon bnto tlJe o\lmcr tl1crcor. '.Jf'tt
31 ann wlJet:IJct f]ec 1Jauc !ilOJtD a ronnc 0.1 a bee toine mptcces, tlJm lttlJtm' Mngrcco~n of • '11 ,,
Daugl)tcr,auo1tiing to tiJcCsmc iUDgcmmt fl)all tfJe tcaring,anll (Je OJalnot make tt goob. ~J:~
it be none tmto IJim. l 3 ant11f a manboJro'mc ougt}t of IJis netgIJ•
3i l!Sutifit bee a man remant,01amatbe, bour, ant11t becl)un, OJClstnc, anlltlJcoumcr
t1Jatt1Jeore1Jat1Jgo~. t1Jm1JccRJal1giuebnto tf]creofbc~otbp,IJccOJal'::fimalleitgool:I.
Gcnc.~ 1 • tlJctr matm tlJirtie*ficlc~,anlltl)c~cll.Jallbce 14 lauttftl)co\\mcrtlJ beby,IJellJalnot
•s. tlonco. make itgoob: '.)fitbcani,irtD tlJing, itcamcf01
B 1famsnopmatoet,o~ lli!J«C11pit.ant1co• '------'fJ_iJi"""lJ_ir_~_ _
_euerence magifuates. Exodus. Three folen1ne feafl:s.
! The Elders fee God. Cha p.xxiiij .xxv. TheTefhmonie. 29
nittl. anll tlJe l)ctlJittis bcfo~ tfJet. r 4 lanll fapll bnto ti.Jc elllers, ~arnc lJcre bn'
29 JamertfJddfe,~ 'lllil net call tl}mi out be, tin llle come a1Jafne bnto rou: l3el)ot11e, (Jere ts
Co~ tIJce in one FCt'C. l£fl tile lam gro1D to a 1Dit aaronanD$mmit1Jrou. :t.'.]lfanrmanl)auea, rncb.w
Dmd, an11 tfJcbeaa of tlJe fiellJ muttiplte a, nrmatterstol:lo, letlJim(;omctottJcm. "arnall<
1,1ainllt1Jec. I5 anll~OfcjSmCU£1JpJntodJCm0tIDt, 8t1i) of words.
3o ll5p little am little, '.)! mtu D~iut tl)nn out a clouD couerell tlJe 1)11L
btro1e tlJee,bntiU tl}ou be tnaeafeD, am inlJerit 16 ann tlJe glo~r or tlJe l-OJb aboDe bpon tlJc
tl}elanD. mount $i>tnat,ano the cloull couerell it fi~ narcs:
3r anD]'llltn make tlJFcoatle~ ftomtl}crell am tl)e feumtlJ liar {Jee callell bnto ~orcis out
rea.. bnto tlJe Cea or dJe J&l)tltatneis, anll Crom tl}c of tlJc mills or tlJe doUD.
~,~·:11:!: :;: ll~ bnto ttJertuer : foi '.]I mill beliucr tl)e tn,
. I 7 anti tl)C Qgi)t Oftl)C glo~p oftlJC 'JLoib,'ala~
"~.~~uQ!:•· lJa_biteris or t)Jc lam into tlJr l)anll, \t tl)ou flJalt hke confUmtng fire on tl)c top of tlJc {Jill, in t{Jc
i~ DllUC tlJcm outbtf~ t)Jcc. eyes oftl)e ctJiUl~m Of']lfracl.
32 ~ou lhaltmakeno coumant 'd>ttl} tl)em, rs anll smlofcs 'lllmt into tlJe mlbbc~ of ttJe
noi 'mitlJ tIJctr gollis, cloUll,anl:I gate IJim bp into tl}c mountainc: anb
3 3 ~citl}er let tlJcm D'lllell itt tf11' lan'll , tea * ~ofej1 'Illas in tlJcmount foitt narc~, atlll fo~, Deur.M
tlJer make tlJec fin qainl! me : toi tf tlJOU rerue ttmglJts.
tl)eirgoll~, it'alillfmdpbetlJFbecap. The xxv. Chapter.
Thcxxiiij.Chaptcr. The volumarie gifis for making of the Tabernacle.
s Mofes offered vp fa crifice vmo the Lord,and fprink- ~(J Jf.l ~ tlJe )l.,oill fpalic bnto Sl@ofr~,
led the pc:ople with the blood of the coucnanc. 7 "'iii\\~raping,
The people promife obc:diencevnto the Lord. • 'CJ.\, • i ~peahe bnto ti.Jc c1Jilt1icn of
@D 1Jerapll bnto ~ore~, ctome bp · ..:.(; ''.Jlfracl, t1Jatt1Jeywingmeanolfc,
bnto ti.Jc lLo~D. tl)ou, am aaron, ring:peellJaUtallcitofmcrp man
J~aDab, anD abilJu. anD t)Je tl_nec, tlJat gtuettJ tt 1Dillin«tr wttlJ l)is {)cart.
rco1eanbtm elDer~of]rtad, ano 3 ~IJis i~ tlJc offering tDlJictJ ~e niaU talie of
• ~e 11)aU 'alo~01ip afarre off. tlJem,«301!1,anll flluer,anll warre,
:i. ~nD~oree {Jimfelft alonellJaUgocbnto 4 .!lnll ble'lll purple,anb fcariet,ann
tbe l.-o~D : but tlJCF !ball not come niglJ, neitlJer 'aJIJitc fllflc, anti goats hairc,
IIJall tbcpeoplc r;,to bp 'lllltlJ 1Ji111. 5 anll rammesrmnncs tr,at arc rctl, ann tlJt
J ~nb ~ore~ came, anb tollle tl)e people an fflinncis of¢aJU~anll ~itttm wooll,
tlJe wo~D~ oftlJc JL,o~b, anb all tbc iubgcmmt~: 6 ©tle roi liglJt , fpices foJ anointing oile,
anll an tlJe people anf'rocrcll mitlJ one boice, anb anti fo~ Cmcet renc:e:
fapll, au tlJe 'alo~lle~ 'llll]ic)J t{Jc Jl,o~ll l.JatlJ faro, 7 ©nn aones,anll aonc~ to beret in tljc cf,
mill me Do. pl)oll, anti tn tlJe b~cll plate.
4 am Sl@ofe)'S wiett all the 'lll~De~ of tl)c s an11 tct tlJem maltc me aranctuarr, tl)at
·JL0111, ano rorc bp earclp, an!I fet bp analtartm, '.JI mar b'OJcll amongll tl)em.
Der tJJe I.Jill, ann t\tleluc aones, acco~t1tn1J to ti.Jc 9 ilnll accoilling to all tl)at 'JI tl)c'OJc tl}cc,
t'lllelttcmbes of]fracl, bot() after ti.Jc faff) ion of ti.Jc ~abernaclc, anil af,
s anllfentroon{Jmeu oftlJe mtl!l~nof]f, tertlJe faflJion oftlJc omaments t1Jmor, ro ll)all
rad, w{Ji'IJ biougf)t mllole burnt offerin~,anb pcmakett.
offcrcll peace offering,s of e~en bnto tlJe Jl,oiD. 1 o ano d}cp OJall make an .arhe of ~ittim
6 anti ~ore~ toolie {Jalfe oftlJc • blooll, anll lllooll , tmo cubit~ anll a lJalfe long, acubtt anti
·.~~rn1ron put it in baron~, anll t{Jc ot1Jer{Jalfe l)eCpiinklcb an fJalfc tnoat1,an1:111 cubit atlll a l}alfc )J1glJ.
~.~.·;::ii.i:= on tlJe altar. n anti tbou flJalt ouerlap it 'alitlJ pure golilc,
~:~,":,~~::. 7 am {Jee toofte tl]c boolle or tlJe couenant, toftlJinanb \tlitl)outllJalt ti.Jou oucrtarit, anll
' 111·z0 • anb rtaD it in.ti.Jc auoienceof tl)e people: anll OJalt malic an l}i~ bpon it, a~ cro\tlne of golDt //Or,bo1de1
tlJCF ra pll, an tlJat tl)e Jl,o~n l)atlJ fapD, mm \\lee rounb about.
llo, anti be obellicnt. 12 anti ti.Jou 11.Jalt ,aarourc nn~ or goll:lc roi
s .anD smlofcs toollc tl)e blooll,am fp1inhlcll it, anti put tlJcm in tiJe foure co1ucrs tlJercof:
it on tlJe people, anti rarD , l3elJoUle, tlJis ts t{Je t\tlo ring~ llJall be in tlJe one co~ncr, anti two m • ~.01mon1r
blooll of tlJc coucnant ml'Jtd) tIJe )LQJllc l:Jatl) ti.Jc otl)er. . ~,~::~~·~.~~::
1uat1c 'lllitl) rou bpon all t{Jefe moill~. I 3 antJ ti.JOU f!Jaft maJtC barre~ Of ~fftitn ~,:~,;~·~,~':
9 ~l:Jen \\lent smlofes anll 9.aron, flallab, 'alOOb am COUer tfJCIU blitlJgOUlC: •!!Cr~ rbrnn
am l.lbi{Ju, anll d}e t1J1ecrco~ anb ten eltlers of I 4- anti put tlJt: batreS intO tfJC rin(U! along ;;:~~~:~~~'~;,,
')]frael bp. bp tfJe noes or tiJc arrie, tf)at tf)c arhe mar bee ;~:,~','(;,~~~.
10 ann tl)cyfa'al tiJc~oll of'.)ttacl: anb tlJere bo~ne'IXlitlJtIJmi. '."!'· .
toais bnller l)iis feet. as it mm, a mo1Ite of a ~a, IS 9:nll tljebartCSIT.J8llbt:fntl)CtltlgSOftl]C [Or,propi-
plJirettone,allll as tt \tlerc tlJe f)caucn \tJIJenitis 9:rke,8nll fiJaUnotbctaben rromit. ~'~~':'~·hm
cleare. 16 am .tlJou a1a1t p~t in tlJ£ amc, •ti.Jc ttat, l; :~;,;~,';~~~
b "•nntit11cr 11 9:nDh"ee 1 -e1>notl:Ji~1Janll llpond}eno•
"I ""t'
mol i'" mht.... 111
K- ,ll)
11.laH 2:.n-1ue tlJtt,
., .....,
,, ,~, fcirh"•
I' ·r~l•)rt!t!Jti
btllrolrtlttlrrr ..ti:r
r:~ll!•m•a blai bles of ti.Jc c1)illl~en of'.]\ frael:anll tlJcr fa'llhvOb, 17 anlltlJou~altmabcal mercpfeatof purc ;(,;"~.:,~.~1~r'
•'• b.':::~J~;,. anD lril> eat anu1inlle. !JOllle: two cubitis anll a l}alfe long, anl:l a cubit b•1·'" -..:;,,t
anll a 1Jalfe b~oall. ~~. ~:;~;:~~·,
PIDplt, 12 anD fl1C Jl,O~D f8fb bnto Q;}Oft~ 4Jt0n1C bp
to me into the l:Jtll, am be tlJere, anb l mill gittc 18 am tlJouflJlllt mafiehttoo C,erubimis of ~~\;,~;:::,~b
:b:t~~1.:r~· tlJee' tables of (lone, anll a la'lll anll commame' -n-nlDe:..... cucnllofa'all)ole \tlo•ltcllJalttiJoumalie ""r'"bft•"'
•t ••• bm11, ment11 ml)id)] IJaue m~itt.en, tlJattlJOU mapetl d)em,m ...,e ,,._
• wO enu~ .. Of tl)e mercp feat. "'{"" '"'"
h>lh brmc
~~r~.i~ .,~. tcacl.J tIJem. 19 9nll tlJc one ct~erubtm OJalt ttJOU malic ~· 0 ~·.b .. ,.

~,~::~~l~"" 13 anll ~ofCjStofebp, am l)fisminifter1o' on t:IJC one cnD, amtl)e ot.J:Jer on tl]e otflcr cnlJ of wirh ham-
rptm. futl!J: an) ~ofts ment bp into ttJe lJtU of ~011, tlJe fame merqifeatfl)aU remakeGI:IJcrttbimS in mrn.
. tt.c
'he table and candlefi:icke. Exodus. The three couerings.
l1]c t\Do enl:l~ tf)creof'. . ll)ou Oialt make dJt tabttnacte \DitlJ
20 ann tlJe GCIJerubim~ n1al ar~ctJ f'oJtlJ tlJ~r tm cunanus or \DlJitt t11nne1:1 filllt,
\Uinp ab~ofli> oucr Rn l)i~,co~ermg tl)c mernc anbbleb> lftlle, anbpurple, ann fcllT'
fti:t "l»itl) ttJrir 11Jing~. 111lD ttc1r races ll.Jal loobe let : ann m UJem tiJOU'llJalt mallc
one to anotIJer : to t1JC mercprcat\llaro flJall t:l.)c Grl)mlbimss orb~ol:ltrel:l '\lloifie.
faces of tiJe c0Jcmlll111~ be. 2 ~l)e lengt:IJ or one ruttaine lball bee dglJt
21 an11 t:l}ou 11Jalt put tIJc mercy aboue an.1:1 rwentic cubit~, anb tlJe ~eatitt.J or one tut•
bµon ~ arfie, anll in ~c arfie tl)ou ll1alt put tlJt tame, fourc mbtts: an11 merr oneorttJecur,
,tcfij. II toitnclfc tl]at'J: n1an gme tl)cc. .. tamtis n1all l)auc one meanm.
nu· •. l z .anti from tl)encc] '\llill tcffffie bnto tIJee, 3 !fiuc curtaines fhall be coupltb togctl)rr
anl:l ]i 'lllill commune \Ditl} tlJtt from bpon tl.Je one to anotl}cr, anbothc:r fiue runaine1U1Jall1Jc
mmp feat, from bct'\lleenc ttJe rwo Clrl)erubims touptel:I one to anotl}er.
\llllich are bpon tl]c arlle of\Ditnes, ofall tlJin«S 4 .an1:1 tIJou flJaltmahe loops oflllnll filltt a·
\lll)ictJ 'JI \Dill giue tlJte in comman?Jement tmto longbr tlJtel:lge of tl;Je one rurtainewhichis in
tlJc c:fJilD~cn of '.]frael. tlJc ftlueDgc of tl'Jc coupImg curtaine : anb lifie,
13 'at:l}ou OJalt alfO maltc a table of ~tttim '\llffc ll}alt .tlJoumafie int1:1e engeof tlJe bttrrmoll
'CJogl:l,of tmo cubits lon!!J, anD one cubit b~oab, eurtatne, m tl]e fcconl:I coupling.
.anl> acubit anti a i)alfe i)1gb. 5 1fiffy loops OJalt t}Jou mabe in tf,)e one cur'
24 anJ> tl)ou llJalt couer it 'alit(J pure goll>e, tamc,anl> fiftp loops 01aft t}Jou malle in tl}e el:lgc
anl:l malic t:IJcrcto a cro\llnc ofgoll> rounb about. oftlJc curtaine tl,1at ts to be coupl£1:1 tl)crc'\llitlJ
2 5 anomallr:bnto t(Jatanl)oope ocrourcfin, ontl,1cot}Jcrftoe, ti}att}Je loopl5map takc}Joll>e
~crli bJoan rounn about , anll malie a golnm one or anotl,1er.
cro'lllne alfo to tl)e i)oope rouno about. . 6 gnD t~ouU:Jalt mafic fif.tic tad]es of goloc,
16 .annmahc foi itfourertngssofgoll:lc, ant> an1> coup[~ tlJc rurtaittts togctt;er \Uitl,J tlJt ta,
put tIJc tin(U! tn ttJe co,mrss tl)at are on tl]e foure d]c~: anl> ttfbalbe one tabernacle.
fttt tl)creor. 7 .a11t1 tl)ou fl)alt maflc curtaines or goatis
21 Oner aixaintt tIJe !Joopc U:JaU t(Je rin(U! be, (Jairc, to~eac:onmngbpontl)etabernacte, cit,
i to put in barrel! to bcare tl}e table \Ditball. ncn curtames fiJalt tl]ou mafie.
2 & :lnl> tl)ou llJalt malie tlJe barres or~ittim 8 'l[:(Je l£n«tlJ or one curtaint lb all be tlJjrtie
'rooob,anl:I omrlap tlJem 'blit(J goli>e, t}Jat ti.Jc ta, cubits, anb tlJe bieabt(J of one c:urtaine foure
blc map be bome 1llitlJ tIJcm. cubits : anti ti.Jc eleuen fhall be all of one nua'
2 9 2nl> tl}ou O;altmahc}Ji~ lliOJeo fpoone11, rure:
coucrings, ano bo\UleS to po\D~c out 1llitl.JaU, of 9 .anti t(Jou OJalt rouple fiue mrtaines bp
fine goloe OJalt tlJou mahc tl)nn. tl)cmfclues, an11 fl~e curtaines bp tlJmtfdues,
; o .anti tl)ou n1alt let bpon ti.Jc table ~(Je'\ll' ann HJalt l>oublc tl}e ~ti) curtatne in tf)c fO»
tncab, l.lcfo,emcahllar. . front of tlJetabernRclt.
31 anti tl}ou {(Jaltmafle acanllletticfie ofpure I 0 a111> tlJOU fl}8(tmafiefirtpfOOpJ3iUtfJe Cl)gC
go ll:lc, ofa \Dhole too~lle QJall ti.It canlllelhtlic be of tl;Jc bttennoft curtaincon tl)e one fioe, in tIJc
mane., '\llitl) l)il! tl)aft, l)iS b~antl}es, l)iSS bo\Dles, tllgeoft(Jecoupling curcainc, anl> fiftploopsin
lJii.'l lmop!$,ann lJil! tlotoerss p,oucning tIJcrcout. tf)e other mrtsine of the ferono coupling.
32 ~·~ b~ancl)es atro llJall i1~occel:I outoftl]c 11 .an11 tfJou fl) alt maflc fiftie tacfJes ofb~atrc,
fine~ ofit: tt),cc bJanctJcs of tl.Jc r;anl:l!eatclie out ann put d:}em on tlJeioops, anll couple t(Jecoue:
of tl)e one fille, anD ttnee outof t(Je otl}er. titll togetl,Jer ttJat it map be one.
33 ~mccbo\Ul£Slihebntoalmonns, '\llit(Ja 1 i £inn t}Je remnant tl}at reatt(J in tl)e cur,
!mop \ta Hower in one b~ancIJ: anti tl,J~ee bo1llleS Rtines of tl}e coucring , tiJe IJalfe curtaine d:}at
Iibe almonll~ in t(Jc otl)er bJancl) , '\llitl,J a tmop retied:} , U:Jalbc left 011 t(Je badfeftl:lc of tl}e taber,
an1:1 a flower, acco,ning to tlJt a~ b111ncl)es tIJat nadc:
p~ocec1> out of tl)c ranl:ll££ticlle. 1 3 ~at a rubit on t}Je one libe, anll 11 cnbtt
H anti in t}Je CtlnDCCClicfle it felfe, there l'hall on tlJe otlJer fille , '\lllJitlJ map nmaine in me
be rourebo\Dles like bnto almonbss, \Dit:lJ tfJeir Iengtl,J of tl.Jt curtaints of ti.Jc c:ouerin;, map rt,
rmops ann flowers. matne on etU,ci fillc o~ tl}e tabernacle, to wuer it
3~ 9nb ti) ere ft)aU be a linop bnber rwo b:an• 1llitfJall.
chess of tlJefame in tl)JCC places, acco1ning to t(Je 14 anti bpon tiJe tabernacle ti.JOU ff}alt mafie
fi~ b1a11roes t}Jat pµicm out of tbe ranl:llelhclic. 11 c:onmng oframmes flrinnt~ bieb rtll, ann Ftt
36 -ai;IJetr finopfcs an1> tl)eit b,anctJcs RJall ac:ouering about all or-ai;a~sfhtnncs.
be ofit : anl:I it fl.Jal be one \»}Joie \Uo~l!e of pure 15 ann thou fiJalt make boo1ns fin tl]c taller,
goIlle. naclt of ~itttm tooo11, to aan1> bp~iglJt.
37 ~n'IJ tlJou flJBlt maric tlJt feucn lamps ofit, 16 ~t11 rubits long fball merr boo~n be, an11
ano tlJc rcucn lamµ cs tt)ereof flJalt tl]ou put 011 a cubit anD aIJalCe~ab.
i)tc tlJcrcon,to ~ue liglJt bnto ti.Jc otl}er fille tl}at 1 7 -ai;uo l' tenonsn,alfdJerebcinoneboo~D, iHands.
t~ oucr agninll it. fetin ~tt,SllaDllerlfauesomIT fromanotllcr: ~or,•g•io!I,
n.. 31b ~f crnufttts, am tfJc betrds or d)e rmalfe, anll d)UI fbalttlJou malic to1 al tfJeboO)tlS of tf)e
< 111:Qttalmt
..,,a co purcgolllt. tabmiade·
II bllDID of .39 ©fa' talcntoffine 1itOlllef1JaDl;Jemabett. 1 s ~nn d}ou fiJalt martebooJbS ro1 dJc taber,
[oincu 201.
'lllttl) all tlJ~ bdlds. nade. t'mtntie bOO)l>S on tl)e ~out:IJ fibe, men
1tirn,a1400 4° Locke ~mfo1c tIJat tl}ou make tl)em fUll~.
P'""°'· after tl.Je f'aOJwn tlJat \llas ltJe\DeQ tlJte in tl}e 19 gnn t11ou flJaltmaJte fo~tp focrms of mucr
mount. bnl>ttt1Je rmei:itte boo~1>e• : noo rockets tinner
Thcxxvj. Chapter. one1Joo,ofo~1J1111t\Do tmon.i. an1:1 nno roclirts
bnl>er anodJu boo11> fo, IJis t'\llo tmons.
TI1c forme ofthe Tahcmaclc and furniture thereof. 20 j\nliliemantr, tntlldeconbfibeoftl.Je fa,

bernacte 1
;Barresforchecabernacle. Chap.xxvij.xxviij. The altarde"f~~I~~f-36-
btmadt toUJarD tl)c t.}o~l). there lhalbe ttacnttc 0ia1t COtlet it tllitl) b181I'e.
bo~Dlf. 3 anti tnakc IJts aOJpannrs foi IJis anieUJis
21 i!1D ro1tic fod£ts of !ilUtr : t\tlo rodl~ beer.omcis, IJis barons; l,Jts !le1I1flooks, IJis fire,
bnDer one boo~,anD t\'Do rocrtcts tmDcr anodJcr pannes : anll au tJJe befTelt4 tl]ercof U,ou fl)alt
bOOJD. make 0Cb2a11£.
22 am1 tn tl)c 119cll cnt1 ort1Jc tabcrnadt,tIJou 4: an~tl)ounJSitmal!e b1ttoita~t1irona1,
ll)altmallt ni;cboo1t1s. Co ltfle a net of b18[e , anti bpon tlJat nee !'bait
2 3 ann rmo boo~t1s 11Jalt t11oumm in t11e coi• tlJou make foure b:aren Tings in U,c rourc co:,
ncrJ of tfJctabemactc, in tfJc muting rogetlJcr ners t(Jercof.
of tl)c rmo fine~ : s anti ti.Jou llJatt put it bttllcr tl)e c01np111Tc
2 +ann tIJcp 11.Jalbc c::oupict1 togct:IJcr llcncatlJ, of tl}r altar bcncatl), rt.Jae tlJc net mar be in tf1e
snD lilft\Dffe 11Jalbc c::oupkll abouc to ating :anD mttlSOftl)ealtar.
tl)uis Dian it be ro: tl]c t'lllo boo1t1s tl)at aic in tl)c 6 ant1.t1Jou flJalt makt t\Do barns fo1 tlJc
coiners. altar of ~ttttm \1.lootl,!J coucr tllem widJ b1aar.
2 s ann t1Jcp fl)albe cigl)t booins. 1.Jautng Coc- 7 . ant1 Irt tl]em be put In tlJe rtn1l.15,albng br
krti ofOlucr,cucn flntmcfoalttS:thacthecc:may tfJe Citic~ of tlJe altar, to beare it 'mttllall.
bee rmo comets bnDcr one booib, anD t\'Do bnDcr 8 .Qnil make tlJe alt!lr l]ollo'm blitlJ bo~ners:
anotl)er boo1b. aitt ~as OJt'alctl tf}te ltt tl]c mounr,ro OJalt ti.Jou
26 an11 ttJou (balt mafte bamiJ Of ~ittim mafiett,
bloot1,ftuc ro~ t1Jeboo111s of tlJC tabcmack in one 9 an11 tl]ou llialtmake t11e court oftllr tabcr,
ftDC, nacle ~n tlJe ~outl) fitlc, rucn fUU ~oucti : ttJe
27 a11t1fluebarreisro1 tl)cboo~- oftlJetabct• rurtatnes fo: tl}e court 11JaU be of\lllJitc twineti
nack on tl)c ottJcr fiDe , anti flue barns ro: tl]e CiU!e, of an 1Jun1>1et1 cubits long, fo: one £Ille.
boo:tl$S oftfJe tabernacle in tl]e 119ell enil. 1° ~nb t'almtie pillars U,ercof, "IDttlJ tl]eir
2S ibtD ttJemll>illt bam tIJaUgoe alongtlJo• ~entte rocflcts. of b1111T£ : but ti.Jc knopi oC ll)e
ro\Il d)e mtbll of tl}e booins from tge one entl to ptllarSJ, anil tlJert IJoops, OJalbe offllucr.
, tlJe od)er. 11 ~n libe'alife on t(JeJaoitlJ fillc ti.Jere llJttlbe
2 9 !Intl tfJou Cbalt couer tfJe boo1bs 'QlftfJ golll, rurtaines ofan IJunnteD rubtti loff«, anb t'lllm,
anil mar1e u,etr rings of goltle to put tl]e barre15 tteplDarf'. \llidJ t11etr C\llmtie comets of watre,
CIJOJO\Il , anll tfJOU llJalt 'OUtttlJC bamf5 'Qllrt) anb t1Jelinop5J, anb t!Je(Joops offiluer.
gollle atro. 12 ama tl;ie b,eabtlJ of tlJe court 'Qll}ic1' tis
3o ann tlJou 11.Jalt re are bp tfJe tabemade ac- U&cll'Qlarll, OJaD l]auc rurtatncs offtfttt rubits,
c::o~Dfng to tl]e ra11Jton tl]crcof, ass it \Dai Oie\IlcD anil t11e pillars of dJetn DJalbc tmnc, anb d}e roe:
tl)ee in tJJc mount. fletSJ oftlmn ten.
IOr, violc1. 31 .anb tl}OU llJalt lttalfc a baile of~ blc\D nmc, 13 !fftftF cubitSI UJalbc tn tl)c court <ral'Q!Sttl,
ofpurplt.fc::arkt. anti \Ill]ite t\'Dincll filffe: ofb10' cuen ftdl ltatt.
t1cret1 mo~kc \IltdJ caJerubtmss OJaU re make it. 13 ~£ curtatnes of one r.tnc fl)albe or ftfteme
32 .ann l)ang it bpon foure ptllarss or ~itttm rubitlJ,tiJe pillar)'S of d)em t\mr, nntl ti.Jc roctu:ts
'Qlooil couercn witl) golile (\tJfJofefJeaD lball be of tl)ICC,
goltle) llanDing bpon ctie fourc CockctfJ of ITTuer. 1 5 gntl ltflemife on tlJt ottJrr Citic 11Jalbe cm,
33 anti tl}ou fbalt (Jan« bp tl]e baile on tl]e tatnes offff'ttenerubits, \DitfJ tl)etr tlneepillars
tadJcs, tl)at tllou marett bJmg in \llttl)in ttJr anti tlJ~ rocfirts.
baile tl)e arfle of\Uitnelfe : ann ti.Jc baile OJaU iii· 16 ann m tl)c gate of tlJe comt fiJnlbc a bnilt
• llllhtnlrlto
lbr lltrllitrll uitlc tmto rou • tfJe l]olp place from tl}e moll IJolr oft'alentte rubtts, ofblC'ID CiUie,pt1t'Jllr,anll rcat'
plac:e. let, anti \lll}ite t\lltneil fillit, \ll:ou!JfJt\Dttl) nee,
. 34 an11t1Jou11Jaltputt1Jemmrreatbpontl]c Die wo:lie: anll fourc pillars, \llitlJ tlJeir Cochrts.
atl!c of"IDitnetre,in tf.Je JJoltctt place. 17 an tlJc piUSTJS rountl abouttlJecourt !ball
3s ilnb tl)ou {bait put tl}c table \tlitlJout tl]c be 1Joopct1 \Il1tl} muer, anti t(Jcit hnOf~ Jl)albc of
bStle.. anll tl)c canblelltdl oucr agatnll tl)e ttlblc, Cllucr, an:D ttJtit tocnets orb, atrc.
ontlJe ~outIJ mac of tiJc tabcmaclt,antl put tlJt 1 ~ CJ}c lmgttJ or tl}e coun Oialbe an ~unt11rt1 ._
table on t)Je Ja oitl.J fiilc. cubtts. anb t11e b~callt~Jfiftie; on rucrr fr De, ano ~ F1 f'r•~.
36 .anti tl)ou fbaltmafleanlJanU(ng fin t:l)e tl:Je(Jcigbt oftfJCrurtaincs ll]albc fiucmbat~, of ~.~:~·.~;;
noo.zi of d}t tab£macte,ofble\Il fillle,pmple.falr, tuf,)itc rwineDCillie, anb tl)cir comets ofbJafi'c. f:~~.i:g~·~:"·
let. aoo 'cDl1itc ttoineD uuse~ 1»µ>uglJttvltlJ nee• 19 au ~e betre(.15 of ~c tabernacle ma111na, ::~·r~:~~;.~ i.
Die \Do1fit. · ner. offerultc,anl> ttJe pmntS tIJrreof, rra tlnb all anb ID" 1!11'
37 ant1t1Jou nialt ma1teli:l~t11e1Jangtngfiuc tl)c pinnes alfo ert1J£ court. ilJalbc orb1~1Te. :~~~·~:~:~~.
piUarlS of ~itttm ltlootl. anti couer tJJtm \\)itfJ 20 ann ttJou tl}alt comnianb tlJe ctnl?J~en of ~~·~~~~.~~~0
itotDc, anti ttJctr knops 11.Jalbe ofgolDt: anti t11ou ~(tad,
..., • WJ~t "" """"
rllllt, •itie·
raul11ba1 eo~
OJalt c::at1 flue focflctis ofb1atre fo~ d)em. tcn,fO, tl}C (iBf)f, t dJtt' mar maac ~lamps rrr0Jt1D l~I·
tobume: alwarel!. l:,','b'~r.~·
. Thexxvij. Chapter: 2 J r.1n *4-le G;aberttacle b of tlJe con"""ati'on "·" bl6 !uml•
l Thdorme of the altar of burnt facrifice. 9 The fa- ·
m..,.out -'! "'
tl)e ba1~;rA
\UIJ t"" · b"""' io•••
H;I IS ..wle tt)e \llantctre
rou, ••b•foir
'" rhc :1 <lia)lo
.:cM>l-011 anD"'""on
lhion of the entrance of the tabernacle. 20 The OJ81...,1".111.,.. ._,,,,,., ..roc.,,
"""""' """ laftlPSbOttJ'
u1<-11EH1l' "'·~··•• ••

oile of die lamps. eumin(J anti mo1mng. bttoic tlJe JL01t1 : anti it ~.~~:!~~~~;
mJ0 tl)ou OJalt maflc an altar of 11Jalbc a ttatute CW cucr,bnto tlje gemrations of "::.~1.~~.:~~~··

U ~tttim\llootl,flue rubit1fort1,ant1 ""'"....,lll~cnor]rtael.

,..J .. .....,, ~
tnunrll"r. 1
flue cubits b11>all, tt lbaUbe foure The xxviij. Chapter.
1 The Lord c:alleth Aaron & his formes to 1he Pric!t-
~~i!i~~::.~ a il_l'O d.!OU flJalt niake 1mtO tt
inbn•"•l'11•• ~nes in l}tS fourc to~ncr.s·: tJts hood, 4 and the forme oftheir garments is dcfcri-
~~~· .. ·•~n· l)oims l1JaUbc Of• tl}e ra1neas tt ts of, anD tfJou hed.
I c Jt'11Jsro
tb< ht1 (J111n
CU'LlO r.ot~\llC
• 'tDllhomthllt

The con(ecracion Chap.xxix. of the PrieH:s.
anlllJiSfonmis fl)aUputtlJcir lJanbc;bpon tl)c
l)call or t(Je ram.
16 an11 m11en tl)ou fJaft ~me ~cram, tl)ou
llJalt tafic l)is blootl,anh ip~inckle it rounll about
trpon tl)e attar:
. 17 !!nll cut t(Jc ram in piece;, allb '1'11\llJ tfJc
mtoartll!I ofl}im, anll IJiS Icg;, anb put tlJcm bn,
to tl)c pmr;, anti bnto lJi; l}eatl.
18 anti tl)en bumc tlJc tol)ole ram bpon tile
~ltar : foritisa 'll.ll)olc burnt offering bnto tlJe
A..o~tl fo~ a f'alcct rauour, a rarnficc matlc bl:' ftre
bnto tlJe JL,o~tl.
19 ~ntl talie tlJc otIJcr rammc , anti aaron
anti l)ti;sfonnc; 11Jall put tl)cir lJanricis bponl}t;
20 ~cnllJalttl)oulitnbim, anntalie of{Ji;
blootl, anti put it bpon tlJc tip oft(Jc riglJt care
The xxix. Ch.apter. oraaron, ann bpon tlJe tip ortlJr rigl)t care or
I The m:ancr ofrhcconfccrating of the Prielts. 3S
tJt!S fonnc;, anti bpon tlJc tl)umbc of tl}cir riglJt
0 f the two lambs of one yec:1c: oldc:, dayly to be of-
1Jant1eis, anti bpon tlJC ~at toe oftl)cir ngl}t
foot,annrp~tnflle tl)c blooo bpon tl)c altanouno
fcml. about.
ll)i; tlJing alro 11.Jalt tiJou tloe bnto 2 • anti thou llJalt tar1c of tile bloon tl)at is bP'
tl]cm ,to1Jm t1Jou l}allei toe It t{Jein to on tbc altar,ann of ti)c anointing oile,antl r1nm'
bc1npp~icil;. * ~u fiJalttakconc hie it bpon aaron anll l)i; brftmcnt;, anti 'opon
~iaal''lM roong <!Calfc,antl nvo J!iammc; tl}at (]is fonncs, anti \lpon t)Jcir garment; toitlJ l)im,
arc tott1Joutblcmtt11: anti IJe fIJalbc {Jallomcn, anll lJi!S '1otl)c;,antl lJis
2 .anti tmleaucnctl b1Cdtl , anti calieSS tmica· ronncs, anti t:l}cir clotl)cs tottlJ !Jim.
I uenrtl tempcrctl '1.1.litlJ oilc, anti \\'JafcrB bnlcauc, 22 antltlJOU 0Jalt taltctt}cfat OftfJcrammr,

!' nrtl anomtctl toitlJ oile: oftolJcatm fiotoJcllJalt ann l)ts rumpe, anti tl)c fat tf}at coucreth t1Jc in,
t e{Jomnaltc tIJcm. marllti, anti tl)c caulc ortl)e hucr, ano tIJe t'll.lo
3 anti t(Jou 11.Jitlt put tiJcm in a maunn, anti killlleis, ano tl)e fat tlJat is tipon tf}etn, anti tIJe
Mng tf)cm tn tt,Jc '11aunt1 tottlJ tf,Jc cam~ anti ti.Jc rtgl)t OJoultler, fo~ tl)at rammc ts a b full offc, " Jr "rtr4
tmo rammes. , rtng : ~.~~~~rrcbn ~c
i~ 4 anti b1ing 2laron anb lJis ronneB bnto tlJc 2 3 l:ntl a fitmttll of b~catl, ann a carte ofotletl ::: 1 ~, ~';f.~0

riooie or tf)e tabernacle of tl}c co ngrcgation, anti b1can,anll wafct out of tl)c IJaffict ofbnltaumcri ~i'rf,:r:""~
toll1J tl:lcm toitlJ mater. b1CStl tl)atli!! bCfOZC tl)c 'Ji..O~J). 1)111u·: rr~
s anti talict(Je gannmt;, anti put bpon 2la, 24 annputallt:Jpontl)c l)annfS of Aaron, anti
ron, tl}c coat, tfjc tuniclc of tlJe <fplJotl , anll tl)c on tile l)anllS oflJi!S ronncs, anll 11 wauc tl)cm fo~ ; 0 , ,m ouc.
<fplJotl it rrm, anti tl}c biclllap,anb girtl t!Jcm to a c toaueofferiug befo~c t(Je lLoin. ' <(Cl;lo rw.
I~ him toitlJ tl)c b1ot1crct1 girtile tolJicl) i; in tl)c <f, 2.s ann a~aine, tIJou .u1alt tat.cit from off ',~c';\';r0 ·~~~'
pl.Joli. tlJcirtJann;, anti ~urnc tt bpon tl}caltarro~a ,~;~',~:~:~.:,
6 2lntl puttfle miter bpon l)i; IJean: anb put 'O.ll]olebumt offcrmg, to bell rauouroff\llrct' ":C rnmfior
t{Jc}Jolp crotonc bpont(Jenutcr. nccre bcfo~e tl}e lLo~n : fo~ tt ts a rimtficc br ftrc ;,'.~~:ii!:~~.~·"
1 ~cn 11Jalt t{Jou ta11e tile anointingoile, bnto t{Jc A.o,1t1. ~~ .~ 1~~...~~i:

antlpotote it bpon (JiB 1Jcat1,anll anomt btm. 26 anll tiJou 11.Jalt ta lie tIJe b~c!fof tbc ramme
s anti b~in~ l}i; ronnc;,antl put coat; bpon of!Jarons confccration, an'O \Daue it fo) a\Dauc
tlJCnt: offering befo1c t(Jc )Lo~tle , anll it ll]all bcc tfJF
9 '.dntl girt> tIJcmtoitlJ girtllc~, aftoc1 aaron part.
a; IJi; fonnr;, anll put tl)e bonct; on ti)cm, anb 2 7 anti tIJou 11Ja1t ranctific tlJc bJcll of tbc
tlJcp~ira; oftice flJall bcetlleir; fo~apcrpetuall 'Q.laue offering, anti tlJc 11Joulocr of tt)c d 1:1caue d t:~· ~'""'
la\11 : anti tllou llJalt fitl tlJc l)anll; oraaron, atlb Offering, \lll}telJ iS toa~Cll anll f:ICSUCO bp Of ~C (,7::~;~P::~
~ t{Jc l)anns oflJi!S ronncs. ram1nc of t!Jc conrccratton Cot garon an'O fo1l)1; 1 ll0llln1aarn,
:> Lcuic.1.3. 1 a "anll tt)ou 11Jalt ca urea calfc to be b~ougl}t ronncs. ' i·~.~'.tont~•
befo1e tl}c tabernacle of tlJc congregation : anti 2 s .ant1 tt tlJalbr aaron; ano llii!! ronncs bra
aaron anti (Ji!S ronncs flJafl a put tlJcirIJanb; bP' ttatutc fOJ c cucrfrom t~c ct]illl)m of'.J)fracl, fo~ , a?un,bnr<11
on tl)c l]eatl of tl)c caUe. iti; an l)caue offering: anll tt OJalbc an (Jcaue of. ~~!~~"·~
1t !Atlll tlJOU 11Ja[thiU}Jimbcfo1etl)elJ.,01t1,bp feting from the cl}tlll)t'll of'Jj fracl,of tt;c ramficc
tl)c boo~e of tl)e tabernacle of tllc congregation. or tiJclr peace otfmng; , cum tl)c1r l}cauc offc,
12 ant1taficoftfjebloot1oftlJccalfe, am put ring fhall it be bnto tlJC JL,01'0.
it bpon tlJe iJo~ncs of tl}c Sltat witlJ tlJP ringer: 2 9 !anti ttJc IJolp garmentss oraaron rt.Jail bee
anri po'!Dic all rhe rcft of tl)c blootl bcftoc tl)c bot, 1.Jiss ronne; aftcrf:lim,to be anotntttl tl}crcin,ann
tomcoftl)ealtar. to~ ftll t1)eir f:lanDS tlJercin. !Or confe.
13 *anti tafie an tl)c fat tl)at c:oucrct}J tl)c ill< 3o .Qntl tlJat ronnc ttJat ts ~itca in l)i; ttcan ~m~.
'll.lar11s, anti tl)c caulc chat is on tl}e liucr, anti tl)c after tJt1n. 11JaUput tl)em on ftucn narcl'S, \lltlrn
t\Oo flillnets, ano ttJc fattlJat is bpon tIJem, anti [)ee commc~ ~nto .tlJc tabernacle of tf:le congrc'
burnc ttJem bpon tile altar. gation to mtmilcr m tlJc l)olr place.
14 ~ut tl)e ficfiJ of t!)e calfe, ann bi; nnn.antl 31 ann t!Jou fiialt talte tlJc ram or tlJc confc,
lJinoun&J, ltJatt tl}ou burne 'a:lit(J fire \llttl)out cration, anti fect1Je ()i; flcllJ tn tlJe lJolp place..
tl)el)ott: ititsa finne offering. 32 allb aaron anti l)i)'S fOllnCjS 01alfcatc tl}C Le1r.B.p
15 -atgou IIJalt alfo tattt one ram, anl't aaron llC11J Of t11c ra1nme, anti tl)e *b~eao tfJat il!I in tile
J m• I. 12.4
fhe continuall facrifice. Exodus. Offering for reconciliation.
l:latllet, bpt1Jet1001eort1Jctabemac1CoftlJeco11< be as places fo,. tl)e batrcs to beare tt\\'Jitl)all.
~regation. . s ann tl)ou ilJalt malie tl)c 1:1arreis of ~it,
33anb tfJcr flJaH cat tl,Jcm.brcauC'e t!Jt atone, ttm wool>, anti coun: tl;mn witl) go roe.
ment '\llass mane tl}erctuitlJ, to ft11 t'l)nr IJantiss, 6 anti tl)OU llJaltputit bcfO~UlJC bailc tl)at
anll to tonrccrate tfJem: but 11 aranger ilJall not ts bp tlJe 9;me Of II tcllimonp beroic tlJe Slll}mtc ~Or, wimn,
rattl)crcof, bcc:aure tlJct' are l)olp. . feat, tl.Jat is, bpon tl)e tclhmonp mIJerc '.JI will
34 ~ntJ if ougf)t of tl)c~etlJ of tlJr conrec~att, mecttoitl) tl)er.
on o,ortfJeb,eall, rrmametmto d}emo1mng. 1 annaaronOJall burnc tl)ctcon roicetin,
thoUfiJalt burncit\Uitl) tire: anllitflJallnotbc ccnfe euerp momtni;J , tolJm l)ee tl~etrctl) tl}e
eaten, bccaure it i~ l)olr. lampJ5, tl)en 11Jall l)e bume it.
3 > "1n]erefo~e OJalt tl)ou tioe bnto aaron anb 8 !lntJ lir1e'lDife at euen wl)en IJee fettetlJ bp
(Ji,S fonne~,accoitiing to al ttJings \DhtclJ 1 f)aue tiJe lampJ5,1Je llJallbume tnccnfc,a1U1 tl)ilS tncm,
commanticn tIJce:rcucn bare~ f!Jalt tl,lo11 fil tgelr ung fbalbe perpct.uaUp IJero~e tlJc JLo~t1 ttJo~o\tl'
l)anll,S. outpour 11enctattom1.
36 .ann tlJou llJaltofkr eucrpllapacalCefe~a 9 Fe aiall offcrno b llrange incenfe tfJercou, ~ 11~ .. ..,,"
!iCo n~µ!l[C
rinne offring roi r to reconcile toitl)an : anb tiJou no~ bJIJole bumt ramfice,no,. meat offering,nei, "~"~~iii',:
1; ~ltGClllttl.
OJalt clenfe tl)e altar w~en tiJou ))aft otftrcb bP' tl)er po\\'J~e anp tJ~tnrie offering tl)ereon. ~'~ e 0• 1
on it tl)e !acrifice of e~piation,antl tl,lou llJalt an, ~ o .Qn~ aaron fiJa~ ~ rcconciltbpii tlJC IJomcS !Or, make
ointtt,to ranctifiett. Oht OOCC tn a perc,llJltlJ tIJeblootJ OftlJtrinne Of, r~concilia.
37 ~cum llape~ tf]ou 11Jalt reconctle tiJe al, fering of reconciling,eucn once in ti.le peerc llJall uon.
tar, am1 rancttfte it, ann it ll)all IJe an altar molt ~e~ reconcile bpon tt tlJo~o'\ll rour generations:
IJolp: anti w)Jatroeuer toud)etlJ tl,le altar, ilJal"e it i.o moil iJolp bnto tIJc JLozn.
lJolr. I I ilntJ tl)e "Jl.O:l) fpaJie 1JUf0 ~Oft~, faping,
or,prcfeni 38 ~isistl)atto}Jicl) tiJoullJalt~olferbpon 12 ~f tiJou tahell: t}Je rumme of t11e d)iltJJen
:-lum.18. ~· tl)caltar, * t'WO lamb!S Of ontTCtC Olli ll81' bl' llat' of '.)ftael' after tl}eir number, tl.Jcp OJall g1ue c 11rrrr11.,
continuaur: euerr man au reconciling ofl)iss roure bnto tl)c ~:~:~~i::~i
39 '&l]eone tlJoutlJaltoffn in tiJcmoming, 'Ji..o~tl \UlJcn tIJou numbiett tIJem, tl.Jat tl}ere be ·~'j,~l:~!~::-
ann tl)e otf} ct at ctuen. no plague among« ttJem 'QJl]rn tl]ou numb~eil :tii~ 11cn11111• ·

40 ~nil tottiJ tl)e one la:mbeatentl:Jllcale of tlJtJU, i Or,redep-

~ II b'n !DU
llllttl{HrtOf fio'UJ:e minglctl 'antl) t!Jc fourtl) part of an g !Jin 13 antltlJUjjmUtlJll.Jall eueipmang1uet1Jat rion.Forby
1q o:L' •IJllli;~
r:i ~ tc t ·: •11lj
ofteatenoile: ann tiJefourtIJpart of an I:Jtnor goetlJ into tlJC number: l)alre ad fide, after tlJC rhac cbla.
•:...:r',:(!O;JH".~, wine foJ a t1JinI1e otrcrtng. ride or tlJc ~anctuarte. a Ci'le iSS t\Dcntie i gr' cion rhey
1~·.i;:o mu:n 41 .anti tIJc otlJer lamllc t{Jou 11Jalt oftir at Ile' rahss : 1111 IJalfe ficle ll)aD be tf1e l)caut offering or ~~~f1e1::~
:I~ fltC 1"\J~fl
lbrl!l'lll:JU\tl ucn. anti OJalt tJoe tl)creto acco1t1tng to tIJe meat tlJC JLoi1>. whom els
:ntlnr. offering anti b~inlte otkring tn ate mo:ntng, to 14 9.ll tlJ8t 8rt mnnbJeb kom t\tlenfy petrC~ God would
be m1 onour or atweet rauout, anb a facriflcebr oltltanllaboue, lballgiueal]eaueoffertngbnto kill, oshte :
fire bnto tfJe JL.o~b. tl]c JLO!b, did in Da. ;
42 ~nll ltt tl}is be a continuan w{Jole burnt 1 5 ~e rid) fbaR not patre,anl> tlJe poo:e llJaU u1 ds daye•,
offering amongttvom: cIJilll~enaftct rou, bcfo:e not goe lintier l)alfca ficlc, but rec 11.Jafi giuc an 1 · ~g· 2 1·
tl)enoo:e oftlJc ~abemacle oftIJe congregation l)eaue ofkring bnto tl)e JLoib, tlJatl)e mar l]auc =~.~ .~i.
bcfo1c tl.le '.ILo~ll, tol)ere '.Ji llJil wetpou,to fpeali mercponrourrouicss. 1oo1nn,1r.
tlJere tmto tl)ee. 1 6 ano ttJou nJalt take tIJc reconciling moncr 1::nA~,~~. ',t
4 3 ~l:')ere 'J1 \Dill meet 1DitlJ tl)e d)llllJen of or t1Jcc1Jdt11cn or'.]Jrrae1,ant1 lbalt put it tmto tl)c ;'~~~ii;
•Jlfrael , anll 1he place flJaU be tancttfietJ tn mp bfc of tIJr tabernacle oftiJe congregation. tiJat it · ~
gI01p. mar be a memo1iaU bnto tl)e cl]iltJ~rn or] rracl
44 anll] will farn;tifie tIJe tabernacle oft{Je befo~r tlJe Jl.01?1, tIJatl]ce mar l]aue tnercr bpon
congregation anll tl)e altar: ann '.)] '\llill rancttfie rour rou1ess.
afro botlJ aaron ann {Jis fonnc11 to be mp p~ietls. 17 am tlJe lL010 fpafie bnto Sllf),raring.
4 5 anll 'Jl toiU nwcn amonglltl)c d)tltJ~cnof 18 ¢l)ouf1Jaltmaflealaucrorb,alfe. anlllJi.IS
:Jl rracl.ant1 '1Dm be ti:') cir ©on. foot alfo of b1atrc, to 'lDanJ witliaU, anti OJalt put
46 ano tl)ep OJall bnow tMt 91 am flJc JLo~b ttbct\Dccne tlJc tabernacle of tlJe congrrgation ~
tbeir <aon. t{Jnt b:ougl}t tl)cm out of tl)e lantJ of anl> ttJc altar, ann put mater tlJmin.
!fgppt, fo:tonwctlamo1\gftd}cm., cucn] tl)c 19 11'01 aaron anti IJiJS ronncJS a.isl c llJallJ tlJeir ••r5\'lf,,..
·JLo~tl tl)eit <aon. {Janns anti tl)eir feet tlJrrcin. ~~ .~ 1:11'.'c .~

20 Dhc~1tl)cp goe intod}c t!11:Jernacleoft1Je ~-:::::~ ·~

Thexxx.Chapter. congrC!JStlOlt, 01 WlJCR flJct' !JO In to tlJC altar to from en !lnnc
I Theformcofchealtarofincenfc. q Thcfumme rninifter anti to bume ttJe lLOJbJS ofl"Ering, tlJep 'coirapcrp.
that the Ifraclitcs fhould p:iy co chc cabcmacle. n1all waflJ ttJrmfelues tuidJ tuattr,Ica tlJct'llie.
1td' ·"' •~ ~ ~ t{Jou OJalt maftc an altat ro: 2 r JLihc\Dife tlJef QJafi tuallJ d}eir IJanris anti
fa ;:;~ ~ ~ £meet incenre : .of ~ittim wootJ tIJeirfeet,ldUfJeF 111c: anti it 11.lall)c an 01t1mance
. n1altt1Joumaftctt. bnto tl)em fO~ euer, bot)}. bnto IJtm ann l}i,S feel>
· -· ~ ~ !lcubitlong,~acubitb:oao. d}o~otuout tlJen: grnerat1on1.
. . roun rquare 11.JaU it bc,an11 t\llo cu, 22 an11tl}e l.-o,b fpalle bnt.o gJ!Jofc~fapini.t. '
bttB.lJtgtJ :z 3 'Cl[:alie bnto tflcc Wincipall l'ptccs, of the
•Oftt, : t(Jc l)otncB
. tl}ereof 11,)all piocull out
' !Drt9r lanu
'Vooo t p1cu. moll pure ~r1rl)c fiue IJunl>~ttl r ficlc,S, of Cweet , "'' 1• ••1'1 I
3 anb tIJou CIJalt oumap it witlJ fine golllc, ~pnamomc l)alf'e fo mucl), Cutn fWO f)Unlll£tl orm..,, but•• \
b~tll tl)c II roore an11 tlJe 'maUcss rounb about,anll anll fiftr fitlcs. or 1\lleet ~alamu1 ttoo f)unt1)et1 ~.·:~~·cM.
()as l)o:ncs alro,ano CIJalt make bnto it a aotune anll flftp ficle-. .,
ofgolbc rounll about. 2~ fl.'.>f ~aaia fiue IJ~b,cb ficles , after tlJc
. 4 ~nil t'Ulo golbcnrinpu,a1tt1Joumallrto ~ea!lf)t ortlJe ~anctuane, an!) of oile ©liuc an
it.on eitl)er fille bntlcr tl)c tto'mne,tlJat tlJct' map l)m:
·~;;-;-;;:o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:::::;;===;:;;:::::~==========----------~2~~:'4!!:llll!!l_/- - - ,,
)S'\lveecincenfe. Chap.xxxj.xxxij. TheSabboth. p
25 .ann tl}ou D1alt make of tlJc oilc an l}otr 9 anbt1Jcaltarof'lDl}olcbumtofltting,ant1
otntnttnt, an ointment compounl:I afta tl}e alllJisHunntun.anDtl}elaucrtuitlJIJi.Sfoot:
aaftoft1Jc9potecarp: 10 qc11e1trntntstemtni1lcrin, anntl)ebo'
26 91t IIJall be tlJt otle of (Jolr oinm,ttnt, anb Ir garmmt.s fo~ aaron tfJt 1Mtlf, ann tIJe gar,
tl]au OJalt anotnt d)c~abcrnacle of d)e con~c, mcnt.s ofiJis fonnes to mtntlfcr tn:
gation tlJcrc'a:lttlJ,anll tlJt ame of tlJc teftimonr. 1 1 anti tIJc anointing otle,anl:I rwcct inccnrc
2 7 9tnD tl]e table anb all l;Ji.S appafCll.anD tt)e fo~ tlJc ~anctuacy: accoining to all tlJat '.3l 1Jauc
canDlelfimc anll all IJtis tictrdss, am tf;Jc altar of rommameb tl;Jcc, flJall tlJcy bo.
inunfe, 12 anb tlJc JL.o~b tpakc tinto,faping,
28 anD tIJe altar of tulJolc bumt facrificc 13 ~pcaffc tinto tl}e ciJill:IJenof]fracl. anll
'lllJtlJ au IJi.s tic[cl.S. anl:I tlJe laucr ano IJi.S root. far , '.lln anr \Dire rec tlJatFte b kttpc mr ~ab, b -.:bou;b]
29 ln?I tlJOU llJRltfanctilietl;Jcm, tl)attlJCt' bOtlJ.S: fo~itiUCignebct'lllccncmeeanl>pouin ~~~:;~:~!:
mar be moft IJDIF : \lll,Jatroeuer toucl,JctlJ tlJem, rour grncratton.s, fo: to lmotu tlJat '.]I tl}c "A.oin ~·.~·:;;:,~~~~~
llJalbc fanctiftcn. am IJetlJat bod) ranctilierou bttn ... ,
30 am t(Jou tlJalt anotnt.aaron tt (Jts fbnne.B, 14 llcepc mp ~abbotlJ tlJmfo~c,fi:J~ it ts bolr •ubb•i~.
anD confcaate tlJem,tl}attlJCJ? marmtniftcr tm• bnto pou. ~c tl)atllcfilctlJ tt.11J81beput to ocatl):
to me tn tl)e Ptiefts offtcc. fo, 'a:ll)oroeucr 'a:!OtftctiJ tlJcrein, tl)e ramc foulc
31 an'b tl]ou malt tptake bnto tf.Je clrilll1en of OJalbe ro~teZI out from amongft IJis people.
'.Jlfraet, '8t;ing, ~ts 11Jalbe an IJo.lf ointing oill' 1 5 ~t~e Dape.s 11iau men 'lllotflc, ano in tlJc re,
timo me t1Jo10\11out pour g~attonis. . umtl] bat' t15 tIJe ~abbotlJ of tlJe l]olr rell or tl]e
32 mipon mansfie01 tl)alltt be po'a:ltell, nn' JLoi'b: to1Jofoeucrnoet1Janp\Do11Jeint1Jc~ab,
tlJcr llJaU pe makt anr otl)er after tf;Je mabtng of botlJ llal?, ilJtlll otc tlJe lleat(J.
it :fo1 it is l]olp,anl:J IIJalbclJolr tinto rou. 16 ue1Jmfo1e let tlJHIJilntcn of]frad liccpc
33 iwIJoCocner mabetlJ liltc tl)at, 01 tul)oroc, tlJe ~abbotlJ, tl]at tlJcr obfcrue tlJe ~abbotlJ
uerputtctf.J anp of tt bpon a llranger,fl)all periflJ tlJo~o\Dout tfJcir generations : it ts a pcrpctuall
froril amongft IJilS pcople. 'ournant.
34 .inn tl)c :totn Carll bnto ~orcis, ~alfe tin, 1 7 f ot it ilS a f(gnc bet'lllcenc me an'b t{Je tlJff
to dJcc f\llcct fpiccis, ~tartc, ~nrcl;Ja, fmeet ~en of')fracl fom1cr: *fo1 in fir narcs tl)c JLotn Gcnc.q'
~albanum : tl]cfe fpiccis \l>i«J pure franfrin, mane IJeaum anll eartl), anll in ti.Jc rcucntlJ Dar
cmre, of ed.) abite \DcigJJt: fJc rl'fftb, am c hlas refrelIJell. '"~~~t~~·:
35 an?lmakeoftl)emf\llcctrmetli~incrnfc, • 18 am 'iUlJCPtlJC Jl,O)l>f)atJmalle ancn'btor r.r ..rmL·
after tl)e craft or tlJe apotccarr, min!J(Cll toge, co1nmuning tuitl:J ~ores bpon tlJe mount ~i, ~~~D";a:'r~~~.
tfJcr,pure am{Jolp, nat,{Je gaue (Jim ttuo tables oftuitnelfc,cucn ta, :;~~r~~:;b~,r
36 ano beat it to pob.l'bcr, art'b put ofit bcfote ble~.oraone, \lltitten WitlJ tl)c finger of ~01:1. •••·
che Arkc-oftl)ctcttimonrintlJetabe:rnadc oftlJe
congregation, \111Jerc ') \DiU meet \llitlJ tlJcc : it Thcxnij. Chapter.
1 The Ifraelitcs worlbip the golden Calfc. I I Mofcs
flJaU.1c bnto rou molU;iolr. praycth for the fomc of the people.
37 am roulball not make to, a~
tertlJe making of tl]at inccnfc \lJIJiclJ d)ou ll.Jalt fl~ b.llJcn tfJc pcoplcfa'm tl1attt
make: itll.Jalbc bnto pou ~olp foi tlJc l-o~'b. tua.s long pet ~ore~ came now11c
38 119fJofocucr a.iau make liflc bnto tl]at to out of t(Jc moiitninc, t~er gatlJmil
C1nell tf;Jmto , 11.lall pcrtllJ from :among« IJiSJ tl)emfeluc11 togctlJcr II bnto .aaron, p w •inn
people. .:1nnrarntmto1Jim, *illlp, malictis Atts 7 .~o.
Thexxxj. Chapter. gonstogocbcfo,ctiss: to1'mcmotc
not \l>}Jat i~ become of tl)iS ii@orc~.tlJC man tl)at
1 3 The Sabboth day is the fignc ofour fandilication.
b1oug1Jt 1111 out of tl)c lann of <fgr~t.
ia J0 tlJc JL01ll fpabc tmco ~orcis, z ann aaron farn tinto tlJcm , • ~lucfie oft • ~trnht~~ ~

• ~,~llfC
ii faping,
2 ll5Cl}olb, '31 l)aue calle'b ht' name
tl)e gotnen carenng.s \tll)ictJ arc i11tl)ecarc15 of :::;':',':~r::,
rour mtueSJ, of pour ronnc~, anll of rour naugl}' :~:f:k'r :,\·,~~
l6cCalee1 ttJc fDtmc oruirt, tf;Je ronne tcrlS, anll bJing tl)em tinto me.
ofl!lur, ortl)ctnbcof'.]!una, 3 ann au tl)e people pluclictl off tile goll>rn
3 g nll ']\ (Jaue ftlieI> (Jim \llitl,J tl)e •tpirit or carering~ tulJiclJ tlJcr IJilil in t(Jcir care~, an!I
::rn~ ~on, in tuifellome ann bnllcrl?anl:Jtng, in Imo\ll' b1ou~t tlJcm tinto aaron. . ·


llllUICDoD, lcllgc, anll in all mamr12101ffc,

cnfttbrlbl 4 ann1Jemeiuet1 ti)etnoftl)cir(JanllSJ, ~nD
4 ~o finll out mitt]? lleuiceJS,anb to \11c11ie tn I fatlJtonen it 'mitlJ a graucr, ano mane of tt a IOr,lirnll
golbc,r11ucr,ann in b~acrc, b Cltalfc of molten mettall: anD ti)ep fari), ~l)efe: 11 imo a
s an'b in t:IJe craft to rct ftonc11. a:nD to carue be t1Jpgo1>!'!, © j,Craer, \lllJttlJ b~ougl)t tlJct out ::'~~;~[...-.
intimbn, anll to \llo~lit in all manct\1Jo1rnnan· oft(Je lanl> of' €gypt. lrDofrbtito•
s gntl 'ml)emlaron Ca' m tl)at.,IJc ma'Dc an al, ~;~:'.:~~;
flJip, . '1 • lo h.
6 in'bbelJol?Je, '.]lf.Jauc gtUtnytmtouc"'iis ~ar befo1c it.ano. garon mane P10tlamation,rar• ~~~~~'~\·,~~~~;
companion. !IDoliabtlJcfonneorn.tlJifemec, of tn!J,~O mo~O\D t~ tfJC (Jolp ?lap OftlJe Jl.,01ll. orrn,onoirr·
tl;Jctribe of JE>an:am in tl)c llcartisof all t(Jat arc 6 ann tlJcy rofc bP. in tlJe momtng,an'b oftc· ~:~'.' l!>' ~'P
\llifc(JcartCll 'J\ l]aue put tuircoomt, to mafie au ren \lJIJole burnt offcnng.S , anll b1ou!J(Jt peace
tl)at'] (Jauetomman1>c1>tl)cc: offnnigS alf~ : anll ttJe people fate tf)cin 1:10\tlnc
7 QJe~abcrnacleoftl]cconmregatton, tl)e to eat anb 01m~c.anll roee bp againe to plar.
amc oftlJetcllimonr, ano tl)c~crcp rca&tlJat 7 gun tlJr: JL.0111 far'be tinto ~ofcg, ©oc get
t Vc!fcls, 1.s t(Jercupon, anti all tl]e; fumitlire or tlJe ~a, t(Jec t1omne:, tlJr people \Dllicll tlJou bzougl}tca
bcmacle: out of tl,Je lanl:I of lfgrpt IJatlJ 1narrc1> au.
s !anti tl)c tablcam 1Jil5 furniture, anb tlJc s. *~erarcturnell qmclilf out of t!Jc \llap Dm.9.s.
purccamlctmtie witl) an IJiss fUmiturc, 8nb tlJc \11lJ1t:IJ 'JI comman'bc'b tf;Jem, t"oi tbcy IJauc ma tie
altar or intcnfc: tlJem a ltalfc ofmolten mcttall, anti 11am \Do~,
..he tvvo Tables broken. Exodus. Mofes prayer .
flJippetJ tt, ant1 (Jaue olfnell tlJc~nto, faptn11, l:lnto me. Qnb au t(Je Conneis of )Leui gatlJmtJ
~(Jefc be ttw !JObS,© 1rract,\lll)ra.J l}auc b~oglJt *1nfelut1S to11et1,Jer l:lnto l)im.
t(Jcc out oftl)c lanb or ciegwt. . 2 7 ant1 lJdilpb l:lnto tlJem, ~usi rapetiJ tfJc
9 ann d)c llo.zb rapt1 tmto ~~res, .ll IJauc )Lo~b ciSOI> of ~trad, ll)ut cuerp man IJiS rnio~n
rccnc tlJts people. anti bclJolbc, atts aflifmcfictJ bp lJtS fillt, anD !JOe in ann out rtom gate to gate
people. ttJo~o\llout t(Jc l)ofie, s anb oar euerp mah lJiS ~ 1 ~0~ 1',!1.''
;~~.n::.~;.r 1 ro an'D no~ c rulfn me ... tlJ~?tl' \IliatlJ mar biot1Jer,t1;11n et,rerF man lJts companion,atlb cue' ~~=;~h.•~:,~,
ohbc~ot• 1lJtt:relJOfllgt1tntlt1Jetn, anu tOmumCtlJetn: inti fFm8nlJl1$Uc4WbOUt, orJacot I•
.~'. ~· • •] mill malic of tl)ec a mtglJtp people.
28 ant1 tl.Je tl)1lt1ien of JL,cut bib as ~oress IJall g;~rn~~:
11 .anb ill!)oCcs befouglJt tlJe lL01t1 (Jis~ol:I, fapb: ant1t(Jcrcfclloftl)cpcoplctlJefamet1ara' oab1oir 111•
anb faille, Jl,o,n, \IllJp 1>oct11 tlJr \11.tatlJ \Ila:re l)ot bout tlJ~et d)ourant1 men. · 13 9
D•••· · •
a11atna tlJl' people, \llf]iclJ tl)ou l)all b~eU!JlJt out 2 9 9n?I ~ofess fa1??1, ~ 1]'iU J?OUt IJanbeis l:lnto i or,confe.
oftlJC lanll of \l?g1?pt\Ilitl.J !JfCStpo\Iler,anb \llitlJ tlJe Jl,o~b thiSllal', euetp man bponl)i~ foilnc, ciare,
tt might!' {Jann 1 anti bponl)ts biotlJer, an?J tl)at ti.Jere m&1? be~·
utib. r i· IZ * ll91JfTCfOic fl.JOUl'IJ tl)e G!!gt'ptian~ fpealJe, UCn pOU tJblC(I'ill{t tlJ(jJ bSJ:',
anb rap, f oi a mifc:l)icfc ni?I l)e b#ng; t11em out, 3o anti on tl)e mo~o\IJ ~ores rarbe bnto t}Je
cum ro~ to llap tlJcin in t11e mountaines. anti to e_eople, Pee IJaue finneb a {treat rtnne: anti no\11
conrmnc tl)em from tl)c face of tlJc ca~ 1 ~um 1 \till !JO tip bnto tlJc JL,o~n,pe:rabuenture '.Jl iuar
from ti.Jr Clcnc \IJ~atl), anti repent of tl}i,s cum a, pun:IJaCe an atonement fo~ rour linne.
ttainll tl)p people. 3r ~ores tl)erero,e \Dent qatne bnto. t1'c
1 3 memembe:r abialJam, 1Cal)at,at1b ']!rtacl )L,o~, anll rarti, h ©lJ, tl1i'5 pcopk f]aue CinnCll a ~.~:,r~;:·
ti.Jr reruant~, to \lit.Jome ti.Jou f\1.larell br tl)tne 11rcat rtnne : an!l IJaue malle tl)em goM or!J(>ltlc. b • v.. r.. 101·
:ne.12. 7. omnc fclfc, anllfatllctl bnto tl)cm, *'.ll \Dill mu!' 32 ~nll no\Defoigtuc tl)cm t}Jctr finne : o~ if ~:,i~:'.b~~ ·
tiplnourrceba~ tl)tllamsortJeaum, wall tlJou\Ilaltnot, \Ilipeme, l p~artlJec. outoftln' 9

tl}iSJ (tllli) t}Jat] l)aUC fpOIJ£11 Of, \'Olli] !Jiue bn' 1
bOObC \IllJicIJ $1.)0UIJalf \D~lttcn, , ~ii~::0~1,;~~ 1
to pour fcen,anl:I tf1Cl? 01aU inlJmt it Co~ cucr. 33 2nl> tl)e JL,o,n fapbe bnto ~ofcts. k '.ll \DID rbat b• •1rr1,
14 ann tl)c JL.o~n rc1tainet11Jimfelfc from ti.Jc put IJim out or mr lloofle tf)at [Jatl} Cinncb a.. ~~~~~~\~~
cum \IJl)id~ tJe rap?J l)e \Iloulll ?Jo bnto IJis people.
1 s an?J ~ores tUtnell l)i'5 baclie. ann \Dent
11atnU me.
34 altll n~\11 goe tl]ou, b#ng tlJe people b~to
~·i~m~~ .. •
llo'IDne from tlJc l)iU, allb tl)c ttoo table!$ of tlJe tl)e plate \IllJici.) '.ll fapl:I bnto tl)ec, '5eIJoUJ. nune llli! ot1ts11•~.
tclltmonp lt'lcrc in 1Ji'5 {JantJ. angcll flJaR !JOe befo~c tl)ee : Jaeucrtl)clelft, ill
r 6 ann t{Jc fame table!$ \Dctc \IIJitten tn botlJ tlJat 1>ar llll.Jcn '.Jl bifit,] llnll biCit dJcit rinne bp'
tIJc lcauc:!$, euen on ti.Jc one Cille an?I on tf]e otl]e:r on tl]cm. ·
h'lcrc tlJep \l:l~tttcn : anll tl)cfc tables 'IDerc tfJe 3s 9nll t11e l.01t1 pla1tl!£b ti.Jc people, bccaurc
\l:loJfit or ©oll,ann tl)c to#tfnljl\IllljS t11ewitttng tlJet' maJJe tfJe ~alfe \lll.JtQJ aaronmaoc.
of<il5ob, 11raucnmtl)etabtcs. Th ··· ch
1:1ofn;rh IJC• x7 ~flll\lll)c11d4)1ofua1Jl)eatlltl.Je noifeoft@c exxxu1. a£tcr·
:0orcs111 ~Jt
people as t}Jep ilJOUtell , IJU fapl:l l:lnto Slll).ofcj5, i The Lotd fendeth an Angel before his people, 3
\lOUi:t~ Bt- There is a notrc of\llmc in tl)e l)olle. The people forow becaufc the L<!>rd dcn.ieth to goc
l 8 anb lJec anf'oJettll, '.lit ts not t@e me of
:J1011g:b tbrn
lDat norli!(c
rtutlnt1on to
vp with them.
ti) em tlJat IJauc tIJe mallcric. no1 of tlJcm tl)at • ~ e tlJe JL01?1 fa1?ll ilnto ~ oCe!$,
l)auc tIJe 'IDo~re: but'.]\ bo l)care tbe none oC tl)cm JEiepart. anb go bp (Jcnc:c,tlJou anti
tl)at ring. tl)cpcople tol]ici.J t(Jou l}all l11ogl)t
r9 anll aaoone as tee tante niglJ tmto tlJc outoft(Jel11nt1 ofefgppt, bntotlJc
{Jone, l)eefa'IDtlJe4!:11lfc11Ubt1Je?1aunfing: anti lanbe\Iltlici.J '.) ruare l:lnto !abJa'
SJl!)ofeS\111at1J 'ma~cb (Jot, anb lJe tatl tl)etableS l}am,']jfal)ac.anl> '.]lacob. raping,* QIJntotiwfceil Gene.12.7.
out orl)tf.!I f]anne~, anb b~alic tl;Jem beneatlJ tlJc \IltH] gtue tt:
l)iU, 2 *ant> I) \Iltft fCllbC an angel bcfo1C tlJec, Deur. p 1.
20 anb l)ec toofic tbc Cltalfe \Ill)icl) tlJcp l)ab (~ntl9\\Iltuc:allout.t1Je~l)anaamus, tl)eatno•
mane, an'b btmlcll it in ti.Jc fire, atlb tlampcll it nt:cs, anD tlJe l!)ctl)ite~, tlJc l&IJmptes. tl}e $c,
into pouller,anb llta'ID£'11 it in tl}c \Dater, ~mabe uitef&,anll tl)e '.]lcbuutcs:)
;~~~:'.~.:~ :1' tlJc tlJilllicn of']lfracl ll1tnhc or it,
C 3 Gin to a lantJ tl)at tlo\IlctfJ \Dit1' tmlfle anb ' 11, ml111r,

~~:~·p·~;,\~Wic :r !ilnb SJl!)ofcfS faptJc bnto aaron, ll9f]at bill lJonp: 11'0~ -Ji \Dill not !JDC amongllpou mp rclk: :;;~.~~~~·~.
:,1:~:, ~:~:~~, tl)iis people bnto t1Jcc, tIJ_,at tlJou l)aa biougl}t ro ~01 re are a llifuemell people. lell '.I c:onfumc tJJcc ~~~7:,1 ~r;.
nonromnrm· ~reatafmnebpontlJtm. 1nt1Je\llap. mutpl<I•
~~:~.·r11 "
11111 111
11 an'b aaron anfU'lcreb, t-et not tl)e\Iliatf) 4 911?1 bllJm tIJe people teatD tlJiUUtlI fi, [•• " •
or~ lo~b U'la:re fierce : tl)ou fino'mca tl}epcoplc bin11s. tlJep ro~o'IDell : anll no man bill put on IJis
tl)at tl}ep are fet on mtfcl)tefe. lldl raiment.
2 3 ~o~ tl)CT rapb \lnto me, ~111!e bS gobJS to s 9Ub t(Jc n.o~b Qlafle llnto gJJorcs, ~ap \ln•
go befo~e bis, forwc 'alotcnot \Ill}atts become of to tl)e d)iUI~ of'.Jlft'atl. }l?care a llitncclicll peo·
\lll)oCef!,tl)c man tl)atb,ouglJt bf out of tl)c lantl pie : ~mull come once ftlbbcnlp bpon pou, anll
of lfgppt. ' mallean mne of pou: «l}crero~ 110wc put ttw
2 4 atlb 'JI fapbe tnto tl)cm. )L,ctt@em t(Jat mooDlps:atmentftemtlJcc,tl)at'.]J map'QlrtU'llJat
l}auc golb, ~uche it oft: ann tl}ep biougl)t it 1111' to Do bnto tl)ec.
' '!E.~att"'" to me: anll .~bib can ittnto tl}t fltc ann tl}emlf 6 gnn tlJe ci.)tnnen of'.]fraellapb tlJcir goon,
~:~:~'.:i1~~.~~. c:ame out tlJtS Cltalfe. ' Ip raiment from t1Jcin,bp tlJe mount l)o~ct. ·
~·;:·~;~.~;~~~·· 2 5 Sl@ofcis thttfo~ rau tlJattlJc peopter'IDm 1 ann il@orct tookc tl)e tabernacle, anD pit-
~~:~~~,i:.·~.~~~' nalicb (a~ll tl}at aaton IJllll mllbc tlJcm nakel:I '1)eDtt'mt~outt1JclJ01l,aramofffromt1Jct1oa,
:~:r..~~~~~b.:;: bnto thert niamc, amo"S\ft tlJetttnemitis) anD c:ane111tt1Jetabcmacle of tlJc con~cg11tion .
"'nontofpr•k• I 26 ann~oresftoob mtl}cgatc oftl)elJoftt.. inD fo it came t9 palfc, tl}at euetp one 'ml.lie~
~~~-·[ tbm anb fatb,1191JO pcrtcincth to tl}c lLoib,let him come blOUlll Pl81? l:lnto tlJC JLo~'l:I , \Dent out bnto t}Jc
Mofes ralkech vvich God. Chap.xxxiiij. Idolatry forbidd~~~ ;,- _·:
tabemadc ortl)c to~ation, mlJidJ toas'OJitlJ, carlr bnto tl}e mount of $1!Dinai, an?J ttJou llJalt
out ti.Jc IJotle. II tlanlltl)ercfo1meintl)etopoft1Jcmount. ~ or,wai1c •.
s ilno \DIJen Qllores mmt out bnto tl}e ~a' 3 ~ere OJall no man come tJp mttl) tlJec..
bemade, au tlJe people rofe bp, anti tloobc euerr ncitl)erletanpmanbcefttnt tl)oiomoutalltl}t
manatlJis tentD001e, ano loofleb arm Sl)ofcs, mount, ntitlJct let fl.)eepc no: o~cn ftcDc bcfo1c
tmctn be \Das gone into tbc tabcmacte. tl]ef)ill.
9 ano as foont as Qllofes l1>RS cntreb into 4 ann ~ores IJc'a:lell two tableSS orctonc,lilic
tlJe tabemade, tlJe c:loubic pillar Dcfc:enbcb, anb bnto tl)e firtt, ann rore bp catlr in tl)c mo1ning,
aoob at tl)e Doo~e of tl]e tabcmade.anb l]e talllcb anll 'a:lcnt bp bntotl}c mount~inai as t(Je JL.011>
mttlJ ~ores. l]all connnantJcll IJim , anti toobe in IJiSS l}an?I tlJt
IO anbftl(tl)epeopfc (l\ttJCtfJC tfOUble piflar t\Do tablcSS oftlone.
lfanb at thctabcmade Dooie, anti tlJep rofc llp. s arizi ~e lLC11ll llcfcmllcll in tl)e cloubc, anll
anti moiUJippetJ tuctr man in IJis tenttJoo~e. tlooll \llttlJ lJtm tlJere, ann p:octaimell tl)c name
~ resir plain• 11 antJ tl}C )LO~tJ fpllfie llnfO Q\)O(CfJ bf8(.C fO of tl]c JL.o:ll.
~:.r:::: ~~~ ' face, as a man fpcabctlJ llnto lJis tnenb. anti Ile 6 9nll tl)e lLo:b patrell br befo1c lJim,anll m'
1 1

~~~,'.::%1~ tumcllagatncintotl)el]otlc: buttl.Jcrong man ell , lL01ll, ;n..01?1 II ~Oll mercifttll anll giacioul!I, !Or,firon~.
:,:.;~,~~1 ~: jofual] l:Jisferuant tl)e fonne oft.ltm, llepartell longrutrmng, 11nllabunbantin goollnctre anll "
~oomcbio notoutofthetabcrnade. tructl),
1111 11011
·• 11(· n .ann~ofcsfaill llntotlJcJLo:ll, ~tt,tl)ou 7 9nll ~eqllng. mttcie in (l01C f01 .* tlJOU' PfaL1 ..p.2.
farctl bnto me, Jl,cabe tlJiS prople fOttlJ: ~ti.JOU fanllS,fot{PUtng mtmcDnelfc,tranfgre!Tton,antJ
l)aft not OJetocll mcc \Dl)om tl)ou milt fentJ mitlJ rtnne,_ an1> not 11 leauing one mnoc:mt, biUting iOr,doth
me. ann ti.Jou l)atl rapll mo~eouer, '.]l rmo't:U tl)ee tl}c 't:Utcbellnelfe of tl)c fat(Jcrs bpon t(Jc c;IJllllicn, pardon,and
bp name, anll tl]ou l)att alfo founll grace in mr anll bpon tl}e i;lJiUl1ct11!1 i;lJilll1CU, bnto tl)etlJirl:I docch no1
rtgl)t. anll fOUrtlJ gm£11eration. pardon.
ttb 1 3 Jaom tl]e:refott if '.]I lJauc founll fauour in 8 anti ~oftl!I ma?Je l)alte, anti bo'a:lcll l}im,
~n-:b~:::;• tlJr figl:Jt:.tlJrn jJ p:ar tl)ce, 11Jr\Dc mee tlJr c map, ftlfc to tlJe cartl),ann wo111Jippell,
:c::~:~~~~ tl)at]marbnow tl)ce, ~tl}at'.]lmaffinll grate . 9 ann farn, 'lf 'J l}auc founn grace in tlJp
::'n~'.~.:i~' in tlJr figl)t, anll conrtller alfo tl)at tl)1s nation is rtglJt, © JL.o:n,tlJm let mp Jl.01ll, 'J p1ar tl]re,goc
r11001D11•n•• tlJr peoplt. in tlJc millll ofbs: fo1 it il!I a tfiffc-nctlieD people:
'" ~ D1111.
11111 1
1 4 anlllJecrarn, Q\lrpierence OJallgoetoitlJ anti tl:Jou 11.Jalt l}aue merer bpon our 't:UiclicDnc.rJ,
tl)ce,anll ']\ 'a:l&ll giue ttJcc retf. anTJ our fin,~ UJalttahc lls foi tl]ine in(Jmtance.
15 'cfaill bntolJim, '.]If tlJrp:crem:cgoe not 1 o ann l]c rail!, '.JBclJolnc, 1 mal"ie a concnant
'a:litlJ me,cacy bl!lnotl)emc. befo:c all tlJr people, an?J] wm lloe maruc1Ie~
1 6 !IfoHJo\U IT:Jal it be hno'a:lcnl'lcrc tl}at 1 an?I fatlJ as lJaue not becnc l>one in all tl)e 'a:lo~IDc,
tbr people l]aue fountJ fauour in tin? figl)t,but in neitl)er in all nations : an1> au tl)c prople a,
tl)at tIJou goefl \UitlJ bS1 '.]lf ti.Jou goctl \DitlJ lll!I, mongfl \UlJitlJ t{Jou art, 11Jall ftetl]c hlo~he of
ilJal not'.]\ ~ tlJr people l}auc pieentinence bcfo:c tl]c "Jl.o~b: fo1 it iss aterrible tl:Jing ti] at '.]\\Dill llo
au tl)epeople tl)at are llpon tbc face of tfJe cartl]: mitlJ ti.Jee.
17 anti tl)c JL.oill fai?I bnto Sl@ofc,IS, ~\Dill llOC 1 x 11\ecpc Dtlii:teniir tl)ofc tl)inrul tl)at '1: tom,
tlJis alro tl)at tbou l)afl fatb, f01 ttJou lJatt founll manb tl)ec tl)is Dar; '.JBclJolDe, '.]l c:att out bcfo~c
grace mmp figlJt, anll '.l\ know t11cc bp name. tl]ee, tIJe amo:ites, ~anaanitcl!I, ~etl]itc~,
18 anll l}ec fail>, 1 befeedJ tl)cc OJc\Dc mcc ti.Jr 10lJerc~itcss, $euitel!l,anll ']eburttc~.
gio1r. 12 ~alle l}eclle to tlJl' felfe,letl tl}ou mal"ie anr
19 ne110ar.f'a:lerell,1 \titu malic all mr 4 goo?J
d llmllnD compatt mitlJ tl)c inl)abiterl!I or tl)c lanll mlJi'
pie. ~e bcfo~c tl)ec. anll '.]\ 'o.nll c p:oclaimc Cl;Jc name tlJcrtl)oa gocfl, lctl tlJt!' bee taufeofll ruinca' 1or,offcncc
• 1Bo!lln1br or tl]e JLoin bcfo:e tl)ec: anb mtu 11Je'al mcrcic to
'IDl<b8louo1 \ulJom] \Uill ll.Jc't:Ue mertic, anll 'a:lilllJauc com, 1 3 ll3ut ouertl)Jo'a:lc tlJcir altars, anb b1eafle
bom mp
nmm]cbo• pamon,on \l)lJom j\ 't:UilllJauc compalfion. tlJcir images, anb cut Downe t}Jeir giouc.rJ,
<bou11n11no1 2 o anll l)ce faptJ furt:IJmno:e, ~lJon map ell 14 ~ou fl}alt mo:llJip no ttrange ~il: foJ tl)e
ru. not fee mr face: fo1 tlJm 11.Jall no man fee mcc, JL01t1il!I callclJb'.]lclou~, becaurc IJeci~aierous 1~.~:r.~~~:~
anllliuc. '50ll: ,.... ~· 11111
2 1 ann ti.Jc JL.oin faill,l5el)olJ>,t1Jm il!I a place ]s Jl,ctl, if tllou ma!ie anp agiccmcnt \llitlJ r.:r:~!Jtr
bp mc.anll ttJou IT:Jalt aanll llpon arome. ti}c in(Jabiters of tl)e lanb, anb tt]cr goc a \UlJI?' =~%~~:'
21 anll 'IIllJilc mr glotr ~ctlJ fo:tlJ, 91 \uil pm nng after tl)eir go?Jss,anll Doc racnr~e ~~to t,1J_cir ::i!f.~';"~1\?
tl]ec in a clirt: of tl)c rome, anll mtll put mp l]anll gollf5,tlJep tan tl)ce, ~ tl)ou catc o •..,cir .acn11ce, b• 111oueu1111
bpontlJ~ 'a:llJilc 'J patrebr. 1 6 anb tl}ou take of t(JetrDaugbters tlJr 1:: :~~'!''
2 3 ano 1 wil tafie a\Dar mtndJanll,anb ti.Jou ronnes, anll tl)cir 1>aug1Jters goc a 'a:lbo:mg af
DJalt fee mp baclicparts :butmr faceilJallnotbe ter tl)eir gollss, anti malic tl:JF ronncl!I ~ea m(Jo,
remc. ring after tl)cir golll!I alCo.
1 7 -inou llJalt mahc tl]re no gob~ ofmettal.
Thexxxiiij. Chapter.

18 ~e fcatl of bnlcaucnrll b~rall IT:Jalt t(Jou
6 'ThcdcfcriptionofGod. 28 Afterthcfatl:offour- llecpe: $1!Dcum Dares tl)on llJalt_eate bnltaucurn
tic dayes, Mofes com me ch downc from the rnoun- b:call, aSSl com~nbeb tl}cemtfJe timcoftfJe
taine,& fpeaketh to the people with a coucred face. monetlJ ab1b: fo: m t(Je monetl} abtb t(Jou ca,
~?lt:lJe ~faibc bnto ~ofrl!I, mell out of ctgrpt.

D•ur.10,1. , M. ~ *l,lc't:Uctl)cet\Dotablcl!I oftlonc. 19 *gU tlJat openetl1tl)e matri~,is minc,anD face. 'Ji·,.
, · '/'JI;, ltbe bnto t11c firtt, ~] 'OJiH m:ttc all tlJtlt b:eabetl) tlJc mami: amonga ti.JP cattcl,
· ~ llpon tl)efc tables. tbe woi?Jes tftt be male, \lll}etl}er it be oi:c o: llJecpe.
- tl)at were in Urtt table!!!, wlJitlJ 20 lBut.tlJe firtt b01nc or ti.Jc acre tllou f!Jalt
tl)ou b18flctl. bur out \UltlJ a lambe: anti if tlJou rebremc l)tm
" !ltUI be reabr in ti.Jc mo1m111.ann come tJp not,tlJou 11Jalt~ca11c l) tlJc firll bo~ne
1f , of
\1ofes face fhineth. Exodus. Thepeoplesfree gifts. I
ofttre ronncstIJou tl):ilt rtbcc~c: antJ f£c tlJat . 3 l?c flJal ldnlllt •no fire tlJ~o~l]out pourl]a, ;,,,~~~~J;\~
no man awcmbefoic mt cmpm. . b1tat1on,s bJ@on tlJc~~abbotlJ llap• •mb,•b•• 1•
l 1 *~IJ'.C Dares tfJou fiJalttDa,flc., an1un~c 4 gltll . ore,s aflc bnto all tlJC ron!Jfrgatl•• rbru• nl1k<1
)<u.l6.1ti. on •b·ll Dip,
rrucntlJ 11ap tlJou flJlllt rca, botlJ from canng on,oftIJcc~ll~o ]~acl, raping, '4!:f)U5i~tlJC ouin.•~.
anll reapit1tt. tIJmg \DlJ1clJ t11c ll.o~D 'Dmmant1c11,raring,
22 ~IJou lbalt obfmfc tIJc of tl!ttflcs, 5' .a;atic from amontttt rou anl)cauc otmug
\DitlJ tlJr lirfl rru!tS of \DIJratc IJamctl: 1111D tJ;Jc bnto ,tlJc Jl.~111: Wl.Jofocuer is of a willing IJrart,
fcatf of ingat~mng at tl:Jc pccrcis cnll. let IJJIU bttng tlJat hcaue offering to tl1c )l.oJllC
2 3 ~f1#fcarerc f!Jalalrommcna,tlnicnap· namclp,golb,filucr,an11b181Te:. · '
pcarc befo~c dJc altmlJf1tr JL.a,D lllJoll of gjfracl. 6 ano_ ble\ll fdfle,purp1e,rcar1ct, \DIJitc Cilfic,
2 4 !lfo~ '.JI 'ai1l catf out tJ;Jc~attonisbefo1c tIJec, goatcis l.Jaire, .
anD cnlarfic tlJr coa(f;c~: nntl,Jcr 11.JaU anr man 7 alJll .rams rninS$ rcn , anti ~a~S$ mtn~,
Deare tlJr anll, \lllJcn tl)ou ft)alt goe bp to ap• \lltd) ~ttttm \DOOD,
pcarc bcroie tlJc Jl,,oJD tllr \l3oll tlJ1ife in a 'fttn. s ~ile fo1 lig1Jt,a~iceis fo1 anointing oilr,
l 5 ~f.Jou llJalt not offer tlJe blooll of mr racri• anll fo1 ti.Jc f\Deetc tnc c:
flee bpon lcaucn, ncitlJcr UJaU ouglJt or ti.Jc f'eaft 9 ann ~nt~ tlones, ano ltoncts to bee fet in
o!ll)alTeoucrbclcftbnto tfJe moining-. tlJc <fplJoD,anlJ tn tfJe b~elHap.
)cu.1.p 1. 2 6 *~c ffrtf ripe fruits ottlJr lanD,tltou ftJalt 1 o ann let all tlJttu d}at arc tl!U'c IJearteD a·
bitng 1mto tJ;Jc lJourc of tl)c JL.01Dc tlJF \l3 ©Ji', mon§pou, come ~mafiCall t1Jattl,Jello1lll)at:IJ
0 x~.23,•9. ~llou 11Jalt not feetJ;Jea *liillllc inl)tismotJ;Jcris commanllcl:I,
mime. 11 .a;I,Jc tabernacle ant» tlJc tent tfJcreof, anti
Z7 Snll d}e )Lo~D rart»c1mto ~oreis, twJfte 1J~isco.uert11g,ant1 ~tis ri~,IJi!Sboo,nis,IJtis bar~
)cut 4· I;. tl}efc \Doi11s: fo~ after t~e tcno' or tlJefc *\Do~Ds,
'Ji ljauc mane a coucnan t llJtt(J tl,Jce anti llJitJ;J
IJtS$ pruaris,ann 1J1is rocttctS$.
12 ~I.Jc amc ann tlJe ctaucis tlJcrcof \DttlJ tJ;Jc
'.J1frael. merae rcatc.. anll ti.Jc bailc tl)at coUttetlJ it,
2 s ant» IJcc -roais tiJm "rottlJ tlJc JL.oJD fo~tic 13 ~c table, ann IJis barreis, anll all lJis lltf•
oavcs anll fo~cy niglJts, ~ llill ncitl.Jcr catc bieall, fclis,ann ti.Jc 11.Jc"ro b,can,
no~ DJinltc \llater, ano f)ec \rl;otc llpon tl)c table 14 'lltlJc cannletltmc of JilJl1t, ann IJi~ rurnt<
jOr,words. tl}e \Do~DIS or tJ;Je coucnant, tl,Jc ten JI commanbc• turc,anll lJtis lampcis \DitlJ tl)c oile fo, tl)e lilJl1t,
mcnt.ll. 1 s ~t.Jc tnccnrc attar, anll biS$ barres, tl)c an,
29 (lnD \DlJen Sll!}ofcs came Do\Dnc from otnting Dile, anll tJ;Jc rm em· incmfc, anJJ tl)e
mount ~tnai,tl,Je t\llo tabtc.ll ortellimonp \llerc l)angtn11 oCt'IJc Doo~cat tl)eenmngin oftl)cta•
in ~ofcl.'l l)anll: \llf)et11Jc came Do'tllnc from tlJc bemadc,
mount, ~ofe.ll \Uta not tlJat ti;le ffiin of l}iisfare 16 "1-IJr altar of \DlJoJc burnt facrifice, \DitiJ
tThJt !s, o.ionc, \lJl)ilc l)e tallicll \llttfJ +IJim. liis biarcn grilliron,lJilS tlaucis,anll al f)iis br«cl~,
\\1th God,
or \\hi:e
30 ano aaron anll au tl]e cf.Jill>1cnof '.)Jfracl tl)c laucr anD lJts footc:

(j ou ialkeC.
Ioo!tzn bpon ~ofei,'l, anll btlJolttc.. ti.Jc Cbinnc of 17 !Jnll tfJc IJangtngis of tbc court, \tJitfJIJilS
\\ithhim, IJiZ face OJonc,anll tlJCF blcrc afraill to rome ntglJ plDarS$,anll tl}eir foclictis,anD tJ;Jc l}anging in tl)c
IJmt. 0001c of tl)e court,
31 ann \rllJen ~ores IJall caHell tlJem,aaron 1 s ~l)e pinneis of tl]c tabernacle, \l tl)e pinnt~
anil au tl)e cf.Jiefe of tIJe congregation came bnto of tlJC COUrt, \DitlJ tlJcir CO~llCIS.
iJm1,an11 £@orcis tal!tcll \rlitlJ ttJem. 19 .a;l}c b minillring gannents to minitler in bprrt31Hctat.,
§>n!I) Id •Po

32 ann artcrroarJJ, aUtl)c t1Jilt11m of 'l!frael tJ;Jel)olr place,anll tl]c l}olp bcamcnts fo~ Qaron fcndcrarrbe
cnmc niglJ : anll l)ec gaue t!Jem in commaunlle, tJ;Jcl1)1icll.ann tlJc bclhncntS$oft.1t~ romus,tlJat r.blmaci..
ment au t(Jat tlJc Jl.OJlJ l}all faplle bnto !Jim in tlJcr mar miniacr 1n tIJe ll)~icais office.
mount ~inat. lo an1111U tl)c congrciJation or ttJc cf}ilt11cn of
33 ann \lll:Jen ~ofc!!! l)all mal>c an cn?Je or lfracl JJ~artcD from tfJe p1efcncc of ~ores.
:1 ~hla'CDl!r• communing \llttlJ t{Jem, l)c put' a coumng bp• 2 1 ann cuerr one came, as manr ais tlJcir
fi~mt\• r~
rtlttrfim.111v onhfl.'lface. I,Jeaiu cncouragcll tl)cm, ann SS$ manr a~ tlJcir
of ournarnrc, 34 an11 a~aine \Dllcn Ql)orcs \llcnt in befoJe fpir~tis mane tl:Jrm \lltlling, \l b~oulJf1t an l]cauc
\Du IJHrroi
nanr. tbe h.'111,
tl)c JL.ozn to fpcakc \llitlJ l)im, l}ee toolic tlJe couc' , offring fo~ t{Jc :iLo~D, to tl)e making of tlJetaber·
trrr~rau,r nng oft, bntll lJc came out: am tic came out ano nac:le of tlJc congregation, anD fo1 au l)is tire~,
n11!JIU. fpalic unto tile c1.Jtl11~c11 of'.]lttael, tl)at ml)ic(J l}e anti fo~ tlJc i,otr bethrietttis.
toa~ commanDell. 22 an?J tber came botlJ men anil \tlomcn, a~
3s anti tlJe cl}illltett of ']lfrad raw tlJc face ot manp ais \Den \lltlling lJcartell, anll b~ou§IJt
~ores, t{Jattf:Jc fkinofQaofes facc11Jonc: anb biacclcts, anti carcrinttS, rtngis, an'D c:l}aines,
~ofcss put tl)c coueriug bpon lJtlS face againc, \lll}icb ic\lletis 'tllcre au or!lOlDc: ann au t:IJc men
\mt1u [Jc \\lent tn to commune'Glitl] l,J1m. biouril)t a \Datte offm'.ngof goln bnto tIJc ll.o~n.
2 3 anti cuerr man 'alitlJ tDIJome mas founn
Thenxv. Chapter. blc\Dc nlltc,fr!:lc.rr.amt,'tll(Jitt Ulftc, an11 ~ats
2 The Sabbath is commanded to be kept. IJairc.,~reD ·n1orram1ne1,aoo~ai:u~r in~
• ft Jo !ll!Jof'"i!JlllJ"'O ldl 11J< crow b~~tt11em.
~l!atton of tl)e t1J1lb~cn of ]fra' 2 4 ot11at'DtD f.Jcaucbpan oblationormucr
~~ttlJct, 1111t1ra11De bnto.t:IJem, a11'D inatrc, b:ouglJt .an IJcauc otrrintt bnto tlJc
ll.o Dr. an tbc 'tllo~c~ \DlJkf.J tIJe :a.a~: anball mtn 'tll1tlJ 'tlllJom mas rounb ~it·
OJoulD Doc ttJ£tJ. ClJatlJconnnaunlleb, tlJatrc ttm\Doob fo~ anrmaner'tllo,ffc oftlJcminitlrati,
z ~ti:c !Dares pre ft)aH '»oifte: but ti.Jc re. lS .gn~ an ~cmomcn tbat11lcrcb:Jifc bear,
ucntlJ bap l1Jall bee bnto vou tl)c l;Jolp §!i>abbotlJ teD, DtD fpm 'nlltb t{Jrn lJan'Ds , anl) bzouJlj t tl)c
oftiJe.ll.o~cis~: \lllJOfotuct DOttl;Janp 1llo• rpun m~~flt, botlJ of blnuc fillic,purr)k, Ccarlct,
tbcrcm,l1Jall l11c. anll tDIJitc Cilfic.

--- I
z6 ~nDJ
Befalecl and Ooliab. Chap.xxxvj. The Curcaines made.
i 6 anti an tbe momm t!lat mellell in \Utce. 9 ~IJc lcngtf:J of one rurtaine \Das t'lllentlc
oomeot IJetttt.Cpunnc <3oatcJS !Jain. aub ei«IJt rubtte.G.anll t1Je ~:caDtl) roure: anb tl)c
27 !lnD tlJe IDJDCSS btoU{JIJt llDnii; lfonef, aull cuttatms mm all ofone art.
ttonef to be kt in tl)e cfplJOD, anb in tl)e WCIHap, 10 a1111 (Jee couplei:I flue curtaincts bp tl)cm·
, s aoo fptce, anD orle fo1 ligl1t. anll roi tl,Jc fclucJS,ann otl)er fiucbr tl}emfclues.
anopnting orle, anD Co: tlJc l'alcetincmfe. 11 9nb IJc mabc loop cs ofble\D fillic along br
2 9 aoo tbc ctJilb:en of '.J,rrae.I bJOU«lJt a 'altl• tl)c ctlgc ~f one curtainc, curn in t1Je fclucllgc of
Jing offering bnto tl)e JLo:ii, bot(} mm anD \Uo, ttJc rouplmg rurtainc: anll ltlic'tlltfc IJc ma lie on
mm,aJS manr a1 lJab \DillingtJearti:s,to tningfo: tlJC flDc of ~e coupling curtain on tlJc otlJcr fr Ile.
al mancr \DOJktl. 1JJIJid:J tIJe JLo:ll lJaD romma"' n .1F~~c loopcJSmatic lJc in tl)c one rurtamc,
(..~~~:.~· Ddl to be millle 'bF tl)e 1.JanDSS of ileofess. aoo fiftic m tlJc cDqc or tllc coupling cur ta Inc on
Rlfllm•f. 30 aoo ~Ofe,G faille bntotl)edJilll~mof'.J(• tlJc otl}cr frllt, (ttl)c lo opes IJclnc one curtalnc to
tacl,ll5c1Jo1De, tfJe 'lo~!> {JatlJ callcl> bf nanu ~e· anotIJcr.
ra1et1 tile ronne of ~n, tl)e ronnuf IJUT, of tl)e 13 anll IJc ~allc fiftic tacl)cs of goltl, an!> cou,
tribe of'.)'ttbll. pleb tl)c rurta1ncs one to anotIJcr tuitb tl)e ta'
3r ano IJatlHillelllJim\lltdJ tlJdpititof 0011, c(Jcs::ind fo ma~ it1na1:1e one tabernacle.
tn 'alirellome anll bnt1crllanDin1, tn lmo'allei:lgc, ~4 annIJce malle clcucn curtaincsofgoatefl
ani:I in au mancr of'alOJkt. (Jatre,to be a tent ourr t1Je tabernacle.
32 -ato ft~eout curtouts mo:kc~, \DfJiclJ are . 1 5 ~~ lengtlJ of one rnrtaine IJaD tl)lrtic cu'
mtlbe in go111c.mucr.an1> b:aae, bites, a1111 mass roure cubltes b~oan, ann tlJcr an
33 '3l n ttJe a aft ofllonc.G to rct tlJem , ant> in cleuen of one cife.
caruingofwoob, to mtlhe anp manerorrubttll 16 :Anti IJce coupleb fiuc curtaincis brtl)em,
\Do~fir. fclues.ann fi~c bp tlJcmrciucs.
34 an1:11Jc1Jat1Jputinl1i.Gl1eart, tlJatiJemar 17 an1> l)c matic fiftic: loopss along br tl}e bo:,
tcaclJ, botlJ IJee anll llDoliab ti.Jc fonne of :tlct.Jik• Der of tl)c bttcrmoa couplinr;J rnrtainc, anb flfti('
meaJ, of tlJc tribe of Jli'an. mtlJc clJ~e of ti.Jc otl)cr coupling rurtaine.
3 s ~l:Jem IJath IJee fillci:I 'l:tlitlJ \llifeDome of r 8 anti l)cc mane fiftie tactJr$$ ofb~atTc, to
f)c1nt, to \Do:he all lUancr of graucn, anll btolle, couple t(Jetcnt togctbcr. tlJilt it might be one.
reb,ani:I ncelllc mo:ke, in blc"D.1 flU1e, ani:I purple. 19 aoo !,Jee matic a coucrin~ bpon t(Jc tent or
in&:atlet,anll\DIJttefillle, annintocauing. anll rammesffiinncs, rcn, ru11:1 rccanotIJcr oN~anis
to 1Joc all mancr of\DOJliC,anD \Dittlc 11cuife1J, fhinncs aboue tl}at.
20 anbl}cemaDcftSllllingbooJbCSfo1 t(Jc la'
The xxx vj.Chapter. bcrnacle of ~ittim \Doo1:1.
~ The grc:it readincffc: of rhc people in offering to- 2 1 €1Jc lcngttl or a boo~i:I ma~ tcmubit~, tlJc
w~rd rhe building of che t3bemaclc. bJealltlJ one rubitc anD a l)alfc.
1tJi -~Ji f;lnl6crarcc1m:oug{Jt,anni!Dollab. u ilDncboo:n llab t\Do tcnoni:s: ml1crcbr t11ey
, ~A' ;.1 an1Jall\lltfel1eartcilmen,to\lll)om were iorntll one to anottm: ann tiJU$$ ma'tlc lJcc
, m , ttc JL01ll gauc \Dffcllomc ano bll• fo~ all tlJc boo:llss of tlJc tabernacle.
· . ('.;' t1ertlan11lng to hno\D lJo\u tomo,t.c 2 3 g nt1 hc mane t\Dcnttc boo~o~ r.o: t(Je routiJ,
~:.'l-a1-~"'~ all maner of mo:ke fo~ tl)e fcrulce Citic G! t!Jc tabemaclc.
of ti.Jc ~anctuarr , anll an tl)at tl)e Jl.0,11 1_1a1:1 24 !Ci. !Ill fourtle focf1('t~ of ftlucr bnDcr tllc
commanlJetl. tmcntic booins, t\lloforoet$$ bn1>eroncboo~t1 fo~
2 9nll ~orr~ cal1tll l6era1Ct1, llDoliab, aau l)t.G ttoo tenons, ani:I rwo rochcti:s butler anotlJcr
t()etotfe ('Jeartei:I men, anll CuclJ a~tl'Jc'JLOJlllJab boo~i:I fo' I.Ji~ t\Do tenons.
glum \uifcllom bnto , ~a~ manp a$$ tlJcir t,Jcart~ 15 9.nD fo~ tl)c otl.Jer fillc of tlJc ~abcrnaclr
rouragcll to come bnto tllatmo,he,to \Do:kc it. mlJicl:I if totoarD tlJe ~o~tlJ, I.Jee mane rwrnnc
3 aoo tlJcp reutuco of ~oreun ti.Jc (Jcauc boo~D~.
oll'Tit11'1l1Jk1J ti.le d)ilb:cn of]trae.l IJaD b:ougllt 2 6 aoo tl)tir fourtie Cocflc~ offitucr: rtDo roe,
roi tl]c_mo~I1cof tl)efmncc of tlJe ~anttuarp,to bet~ bni:lcr one bOOJl>,anD rwo rocflet~ tmller tl)c
mal!c it \llitl)aU. anti bcrtoc tl}at. tl:Jer b~ougl}t otl)cr boo:n.
free offering~ \Jnto It euup 1>ar in tl)c moining. 2 7 ani:I to\Darll +tlJC IWcthnDC oft{Je ~aber• l The Sea.
4 gno all ti.Jc \Difc men d:)at 'l:tllDU!llJtal tl)e nacle,IJc matie fire boo211i:s.
()olft11oo~he. came cucrr man from lJi~ moo111c 28 anntmo ot1Jerboo.2nesmaDelJclnt1Jcco:•
\lJ lJtclJ tlJcr ma lie : ncrs of t{Jc tabernacle. ftlt citl.ler fine.
5 !lni:I tt,Jep fpakc bnto ~o!ef, Cst'ittg, qc 2 9 .111111 tl}cy \Dcre toync!I clofc bcneatl,J anll
~,;',~':.'~::~· •people bJmg too muclJ, anb ~01c tl)cn pnougl.J aboue 'IDitlJ a ring; an!> tlJU~ tfJCF bti:I to bod) tl)c
, ~~~~r:~~\i:., ro: ttJc feruicc ann mo:ke \DIJtctJ tl)c JLoi111JatlJ coiners.
ll•• 111uh commallbeb to be maoe: 3o anll tl}erc to ere ri~IJt boo.1t1S, anti rn:tccnc
lbllrlDODI. 6 ann tl)m ®ofe~ gaue commanllnnmt. Cocficti:s om1uer: bni:lcr eacrr boo~n t\00 foclitt~.
an1> tiler 'aurct1 it to bee p~oclaimci:I t1J1oug1Jout 31 anD (Jc mane barre~ of ~tttim \uooD,fiuc
tlJc IJotle.,Csping, ~cc tl)at ncitlJcr man noi \llo• ro, tlJe boo;ins of tl)c ~abcrnacle in tlJc one fibe,
manpiepare anpmoie \Do1fic ro.t ti.Jc l)eaue of, 32 .\lnll fiuc Co: tlJC bOO~D~ OC tlJc ~abcrnaclc
€ring of tlJe ~anctua~: anb Co ti.Jc pcoplt were in tl)e otlJcr ffilc. ~nD flue barres fo~ tl)c boo~tll'~
fo1b1111>cn to b1ing. of ti.Jc tabernacle mtl)e tmeft enn. ·
1 foitlJeftuffctlJC! lJaD, wass fulficimtfo: 33 anDlJcmabctl)emt1>ft bar to fbUttlnougtJ
au tlJe 'ID01keto mafie it.anti too mucl.J. tlJc boo~Dlf. from tlJe enc enn to tl)e otlJcr:
s an tlJc 'IDifc l}cartei:I mm t1Jtnfo1t, anb 34 ~nll oucrlarll tlJe booins \DitlJ goloc,anb
tiler tbat\D1oug1Jt fD~ tl)e ~abernacle,numc ten mane rmlJIS of «olb to tlJ~utl tlJe barrcf tl}o:o\D,
curtainci:s of 'IDblte t\Dincll filke. blnJe Olht. anD coucrcl> tl)c banc1 \Dttl) !lOlbc.
puq>lc,anll fcatlct. \DitlJ 4t1Jembimlf ofb101>trcll 3s aoo t.Je\na1:1e a baiie of blc'l:tl rtlltc, ~Jc.
'll101flc mallc tiler ti} cm. rcanct,anll "allJttc t'lllincll ftlflc:\l)ttlJ Clt1Jcrt1btm.G
'he Mercyrfear. Exodus. The Altar of perfume.
mabel]cttofb,obmbmo,hc. Co -~-of
36 .aool]ee mat1e tl]creunto me pnwa.p
~ 1tttm \Doon, anb oumapeD tl]cm mid) golbe:
tlJeir Jmoppc~ 'DJm alfo of golDc, anb IJe cal Coi
tIJcm Coure comets of Cilucr•.
37 gnn lJc mal!c an l]anging foi d1c tabmta•
,le noo,c.,ofblcttl filhc..purplt, rcarkt,anb tolJtte
ttotnel> fiUJc, ofnecblc \\lo:Jle,
3s ,anll t(Jc flue ptllars of it:o.litl]tl)rir tmops:
anll oucrlapci> tl]e tmops of tl)em,anb tlJelJoops
tt1itlJ golD: rtJeir r.:uc roclicts alfo \llm ofb_..c.
The xxxvij. Chapter.
The: making and framing of the: arkc: ofwitncffi:, '5efalul matlc tlJc me of ~it'
tim tDoob : ttllo cubits anb a IJalfc
loug,anb a rubtt anb a lJalfe b1oan,
anb a cUbit ann a l]alfe l]tglJ:
• 2 ann ouerlareb it '1litl) fine
gol!>e 'IDtttJtn ann mttlJout, anb mabe 11 aotone
or golnc to it rounll about,
3 anti cal eoi tt foure rin~ orgolbe f01 tl]e
foure comers of it : ttoo rtn«.1 Co~ tl)c one Cine,
ano t'Wo Co~ tl]c otl)er.
4 ann matJc barres of ~tttim \llootl, anti
coucrcn ttJem 'IDitl) molbe,
5 anb put tlJc bamss in tl,Je rinWS along Irr
tt cfil:ic of tl}e arlie,to bcare tl)e ame lllitl]alL
6 ann lJc mane tl]e mmp ofpure golne:
thlo mbitl5 ann al]alfe tDaistl]e lmgtlJ tl;Jcreor,
ano one cttbit antJ a l]alfe tl]e b~dltlJ.
1 ann IJtt mane ttllo QtlJcrubimlS oftl]icltc
~oln ,bpon tlJe t\tlO cntiis of tlJe merer feat.
8 i>ne 4t1Jcrub on tl}e one enn, anunotl)er
Q!IJcntb on tl]c otlJcr cnn: oft1Jemtt'1?ftatmalle
l}c tl)c 4tl)crubimis in tl}c mbl!I tl}mof.
9 !anti tl}c dtl)mdlimlS CWCQtl out CIJctr
'ming,S aboue on IJt§I), anti c:ouercn tl}c mm1e
feat tl)ttc'mitl), anb ttJcir faceslllere one to ano'
tl)cr,cucn to tl}e mmr fcattoatb \Derctl}c fa'c~
of tl)c ~lJcrubtmis.
1 o ann l:Jcc matlc tl}c table of ~ittim \\'loob:
ttDo cubit~ was tlJc lcngtlJ tl]erotanb a 'ubit tl}e
Ll~clltl),anb 11 cubit anti alJalf'e t1Jc l)eigl)t ofit.
11 ann (Jee ouerlaren it\DitlJ Cine go Ille, anti
mane tl]munto a cro'Wnc of golbe rounn about.
1 2 anb mane tl)munto an 1Joopc of an !Jann
b~oab rounn about: anti matJc t>pon tl]e lJoopc a
cro'Wnc ofgolbe rounn about.
1 3 .ant11Jc can foi it fourcring,S ofgoUlc, anti
put ttJc rtngis tn tlJc Courc comttJS tl)at toere in
t1Jc rourc feet tlJttcof.
1 4 lftlcn 1Jarb br tl}c lJoope tom tl}cnngs,
into tlJc 'mlJi,l]tt}e bamis 'IDercput, to bean tlJc
tnble 'IDttl)all.
1 ~ anti lJc mane tl]e bamis of ~ittim \llootl,
anti couercb tl)cm 'mitlJ gelbc, to beare tl)c table
1 6 ~!lb mabe tl)e betrclss fOJ tlJC.tablc ofpure
!JOlilt,_l)tiS btllJtiS,"l)ill inccnfc rupS,IJUJ roucrtngs5,
anD l)tiS bo'mltis to po~ outtotttJalL
1 anll l)c ma1Jc tlJc canbleftimc ofpure golll,
of a'ml)~lc 'moJkt tnabtlJct tlJc 'anbkflfdle : IJis
~ffc, lJtl!I b~and)cis, IJiSSbo\lJlc!S, l}iSS llnopl.1. l1l1D
lJtl!I flo'mttts 'mm orone ptcce.
18 ~tn b~c111 PJQctcbtng out of tlJC Ct'llell
tlJc one ~e tlJmor, lll1b tlJ~ bJan~eJ of ti.JC
canblefttdl~ out of tlJe otl)cr mic tlJmof'.
19 anb m one b18IUIJ tlntcbo'olltJ.mabe lifle
l bnto almonblJ.\\1itlJ a tmon a llo'met: an1:1 tn an
1 II a111l 1
! The gold,&c.of chetemple. Chap.xxxix. Aarons apparel. 3~
11 ilnD on t{Jc ~oitlJfibe.. tl)e i)angtngss \Derc 3o anb t(JmmitlJ (Jc mallc tlJe rochcts to tl)e
an 1Junt11etlJ mbtts, ti)cir pillars \\Jere t\\lmtie.. llOOJe Of tlJC iai;abernaclC of t(JC €OngtCiJBtion,
anti tlJeir Comets of b1afi"c t\llmtp: but d]c fmOPS anti tl]c blatm Qltar,anb tlJc b,arm grilnron ro~
anD l)oopc~ of tf)cpillars were ofCiluer. it\DttlJ al'I tl)e be~ of tlJe altar,
1 i @n ti)c Well fibc \Derc fJan«mgs of fiftic 31 a11Dtl}eroc1tttsof tlJe,ourt rounll about,
rubttt.uen pillars, ~ ti)eir ten Comets : but t{Jc anb tfJe romcts ro1 ttJe court gate.. a~ au tl)e
fnwps ~ tlJUJoopcs of ti.Jc pillar~ were of rauer. pmncs of tlJe ~abcmacle, anb au ttJe pmnes of
13 ann towarn ti)e lfan fine, fUU lleall, \\lerc tl)c court rounb about.
i,an(tlngs offiJtic rubttcs.
14 '4t"l'Jc l'Jan(tlngs of ti)c one fillc of t{Jc gate, The xxxix.Chapter.
\Dm ftftcene cubitc~ long, toitf1 tlJiee pillaris, I TheapparellofAaronandhisfonnes. 32 Alhh:u
ann t:1nec Comets. theLordcommanded,wasdoAe and finilhed. 43
1 s !lnb of tlJe otlJer fine or tlJe court gate.\1:1~e
Mofes bk!feth the people.
(Jangings offfftunc cubit~ long, \\lit:lJ ttnee pal' ~ ofti)e bl£\D fillie, purple. anb
tars,ann t1J1ec rocffets. \ · M,, D ® r~~t, t(Jep ma?lebeflmmt•of
16 a1 ti)e f)an(tlngs orti)e courtroun'b about, ~ ~ ; numltratton,tooorerutcctntlJc
wm ofw(Jite t\Dineb Ollie: ' · ll)olp place : aoo mane tlJc l)olp
11 '3ut t(Je rockets of t(Je pillars \1Jere or ,,, _...,IJ'!,,"" garments foiaaron,as t1JeJL01n
b~arre, anb tbe fmops,anb tlJe l]oopcs wen or Ci1' ~-~~- commanbeb ~ores.
uer, anb ti)c coumng oftlJe (Jeabs was of filuer, 2 ann he mabe tlJe (fpl)ob of golll,biew Ollle,
anb an ti)e piHars of tlJc court were IJooptb a' purple, fiarlct ,anb \DIJitt t'1Jinell Ollie.
boutwitIJOIUer. 3 s.lnb tlJct' b_ib beate ti)C golbC into t(Jinnc
1 8 gnn tlJe (Janging of tlJe gate of tlJt court platts, ann cuttt tnto wrcrs, to \Do,hc it in ti)e
was neeble \Do11Je.. ofble'lXI Olbc, purple, rcarlet. ble\D fillte, purple, fcatlct, anb in tIJe fine 'tll(Jitc,
anb \DIJite t'1Jineb Olbe: t'1Jentie cubites long, 'tllitl} b1ot1ereb \Doi&e.
ann fiue in (Jeigl}t, aoo b~tabt:IJ, oucr againtt ti)e 4 an11 tlJcp mabc t\llo fibl'SS ro1 it, to dorc
l)an(tings of t(Jc court. tlJem bp bp tlJe ttoo ebgrs.
19 .anb tlJtit pillars \Dere foun, anti t(Jcir ~ .anb tlJe biobcrtng or tile girtllc t(Jat 1nas
fourc rockets of warre, anb tlJe ltnops of Oluer, bpon it, ma~ oft(Je fame thdfe, anb after cge
anb ti)c i)cabs oumavb \1JitlJ Oluer, anti 1Joopet1 rame tooiliMf golbe, ble\D filke, purple, rcartct.
about 'lllitlJ filuer. anti t'1Jincb m(Jitc fillic,as tl)e JL01b commanl>cb
:o annal t(Je b pinnes of tfJe ~abemacle,anb ~ores.
of t(Jc court rounb about, were ofbia[e, · 6 ann tlJcp 'lllia~t ~nit 11Dne1, clofcb in
~.;,~:~,'~~; 2 c ~ts ts tbe' rummc of t(Je ~abemaclc, e- oucIJcss of golbc, ann graueb as fignets arc gra•
~·1xmac1• uen of ti)e ~abernacle of lllitnelTe , as it \1:11lS ucn, 'lllitlJ ti)cnamcsof tlJe c::l)db1cn of']lrtacl.
::..::i~1: countcb auo:ntng to t(Je €01nmaUnbemcnt of
1 anb l)ee put tIJem on t(Je fl)oulbers of tfJc
r~~;:i;!~,~:: ~OfCS, fo~ ti)e offi'e of tlJC )l.,cuttcs?bp t(Je lJanb lfplJoll, t}Jat ti)ep n,oUlb bee ltoncs foi a rcmcm,
::~~.·~ ~~~ of '3\t(Jamar,ronnc to aaron tlJe l01t~lt· blanc::e of tlJe 'l)ilb1tll of'.J,rratl,ais tl)e )1.01'1> com'
:;~~1~~~;.' 2 2 atlb '3efal~cl ttJc~nne of illin. tlJ~ ro~ manbcb S11Jor2$1.
, 1:b•P"''' ofll)ur, oftlJc tnbc of.;iiUtla, matlea11 t.,at~'Jc 8 gn'b (Jee mane t(Jc b1elllappe of b~oncrc?I
~ ~~~b:~~.. ".lJ..OJll 'ommanncl> ~ores:
mo11tc,li1tc tl)c'lD011tc of tlJc lfplJob,of golb,blc'lll
~~:~:~~·<be 2 3 ann mttlJ l}im 'Wass ~IJoliab,ronne or gl)i· ulllc,purplt,rca\'let,anb ttoineb \\lf1ite Ollie.
ramacl.J, or t(Jc tribe of ~an, a cunning \1Jo,he• 9 ~t'Wasfoure fQUarc, anb ti.let' manct(Jc
man, an embJollerer, anti a 'lXIOJher ofnecble· b1ca1ap bouble, an IJanbc bJtabtl} long, anb an
moiltc, tn blclll Ulltc, purple, rcarlet, an'b tolltte l)anb b1eabtl) b1oan.
t\\linell fllllc. r o ann tlJct' filltlJ it \llitlJ fourt romc~ of
24 autl)cgoll:lct{Jat wasso"upicbfo~aDtbe aones. '<l}J£ firll ro\1Je,a ~arlltus,· a~opartus,
uio,k of t(Je l)olp place,'Illa• tlJe golb of tlJe maue anb a ~maragtlus.
offering, t\\lenuc anb nine talcntss, ann rcuen r r ~£ rcconb ro\1J,a l!tubt,a ~aplJtrc.anb a
huoo~eb, an'b tlJirtie ficles, after ti)e rtclc of tl}c ~iamonll •
~anctuarp. .n 'l)n tlJe tlJirberom, a JLrncurtus,ari acIJa,
2.5 ann tl)erummcorfilueroftl)cmtl)at\Derc tel!l,ann an amattJptl. .
numb~Cb in t{Jc <If ongrcgation,'lllal!I an (Junt11en 13 1\ntlJefourt(J rome,a ~urea~, an@ni):,
talents, ano a ttJoucanb , reucn l)unb~b , aoo anna]aip115:anlltlJC!lllcretlofeil m ouc(Jcis of
tlJ1eerco1c anll fiftcene fides, afttrtl.)e acle oftlJt !iJOlb in t(Jcir indorcrs.
~anctuaey. 14 ania tlJc t\Dclue aoncs m~ graUtn as fig,
261f01 eunr man an }Jalfe tociglJt,eucntJalfe nets, mitlJ the names ort1Jccl)rll>1e~of'.)lrrael,
a ficle, art er tl)t ucle of tlJe ranctuacy,fo1 al tlJem cuerp tlone \\lidJ l}ts naine, a"01btng to t(Je
~at ment to bee nu1nb~ll. from t\llentp peeress t'1JelUC tribes.
olbe,anb aboUt, eucn fo1 fi):c 1Junb1eb ti)ouraoo, 1 s ann tlJtp mab£ bpon ti)ebulllap, t\110 fatl,
ann t1J1ee t{Jouranll, \t fiue l)unn1cb, \t fiftp mm. ntngmaincsoft11~ctl}m'lXl01lieofpure1iJolb.
27 ann of ttJe l)unb,ell talents of muer, mere 16 at'lb ti)CF mane t\llo ouc1Je15 of golbe, anb
call tl)Cfockets of ttJc ~anctuarp, ~ tlJe roctiets t\llogolbc rings: ano put tIJc ttoo ringsmt(Je
of tl)e batlc : an (Junoien fometJS of tlJe 1'Unb.Jtll two ,o~ncris er tl)c bltlllap.
tatmts,a talent to eucrp '°'bet. • 1 7 an~ tlJ~ put tlJc t'OJo cIJatncs or gollJe in
28 ami Of t{JC t{JOUfanb,fcuen lJtmtJieb,reucn• d)e tblo nngis mtlJe~ncrs OftlJcb~cftlap.
tic ann fit&e ficles , l)e inane lmopl!I to tf)e pallafs, 18 g~ tlJt t\\lo ClUIUftlJttmo c::tJalncs,tlJcp
ann oucrlapb tlJc l)eabjl, anb l)oopell tl)em. rattcneb antlJc ttoo OUd)e~annputtl)cmon tl)c
29 ann tl)e b1arrc of tl}e lllaue otfering tuas lboulbcrs of tlJe Cfpl)oll, bpon tlJe f.o1cfaont of tt.
tlJ1Ccfco1e anb tcnne talcnts,anD t'1lo tl)oUfanD, 1? Qn'b tlJtt mac t'lllo rings of gplD.,anD put
anb route 1Junn1cn rides. tIJem on tlJe. t'lllo coincrl!I oftlJc b~, t>po tl)c
rhe Priefis apparcll. Exodus. TheTabernacle reared.
cbgc orit which was on tfJCinlibC bP,tbc cfplJob. l&*tt, anti biss fonncss raiments to mtni<tcr in,
20 anti tl:Jcy mabc mo 1Jolbcnr111~,anb put in tlJe 19Jkfls office:
tl:Jcm on tl)c t\llo ubcis ordJc ci?plJob,,bcncatlJ on 41 ai::co~bin;to al dJat tl)e lLotn commanbcb
tl)c fo~cflbc of it, anD ~ucr a1J1nnfl 1J1~ fcllowc,a• il@oreis , fo tl)e c;IJtlllJctl of ~rrad mane au ttJc
bouc bpon ti:Jc b,onmn!J of t11c ci?plJOO. . . 'alflJflC.
2 l anb tlJW araanen tlJc b~c~lnp bp !11~ nn~ 4 3 anb ~ore~ bib loollc bpon au tl)e b:>ozflc:
bnto t(Jc ring.ES oftl}e lfp(Job, t1nt1J a I~ ofblc\ll ano bclJolbe, tfJer 1Ja1> none 1t ~ tlJc :t-oz?J bab
nme tl)at tt mi111Jt bee bpon tl)c biollmn« of tl)e rommanneo, euen ro l)ab t1Jct bone it : anti ~o·
QL:p!JoD,anll tl)at tlJt b~cltlap fh2Ulll not be loofcb res blelfrtl tl)cm.
rro offtlJc lfp(Job,a!S tlJt JL011l comant1e1> ~ore~. The xl.Chapter.
, 2 .Ano l)c mane tlJt tuniclc bnto tlJc Cl?pl]on,
orwoucn tuoiflc,altogctfJcr ofblc\ll filkt. z The Tabernacle isrcarcd vp. 34 The glory olthe
2 3 ano t(Jerc 'mas a [Joie tn iuc ~oa oftlJt
Lord appcarcth in a cloud,coucringthc tabi:rnacle.

tunicle, ais tl]c collar of a partlct, bJttl]abanb ~ ~ tl)clLoib fpalle 1.lltto ~ore~,
rounll about tfJc i::onar,tl]at ttllJoulb not rent~ rarmg,
24ann in tlJc tunidt ttJer mane 1Jcmmcsbltt1J 2 '3! n tl)c fittt bar of tl)c rant
}0omt§tanates of blelll Qlfle,purplc, rcartct,anb amonctl] fbalt tl)ou tet bp tlJe '(l&a; •Jnt(J! ~[. .
\llllitc twincb ftllie. be~dc, men tlJc ia&abcmaclc of r.:i:!.t~~~~:
25 anti tlJcrmabe littlcbdlcis ofpurcgolbt, t1)C ~Ollllftg8ti00, DI emc.
anti put tl)cm amongtttlJ~omcgmnatssrounll 3 ann put tlJmtn tl]c imc of tl)e tcllimonr,
aboutbponttJc ebgc oftl)ctuntc::lc. ano comr t1Jear11etoitlJ tl]e bailc:anll tIJouOJalt
z6 abell anD 11 ll)omclttanatc, a bcn anb a b~ingin t{Je ~able, an?I o~bct tt auo1Dingto t~e
~omegranatc, rouno about tfJc l)cmmess of ttJe appointnlentt)Jcreo~
4 anti tlJou tJJalt Mng in tlJt citanlllctlic::fle,
tuniclc to miniltcr in, ass tlJc i..o~b commanb~
wore is.
2 7 :ttnb tl)ey mabc coatess offinc ml)ttc auic of
anb ligl)tlJts lamlJeS,
5 .gnb ftt tlJe mcmre altar of golb bcfoic tl)e
woum wo~lic, fo~ aaronanb 1Jil5 fonnc!S. ame or ttJc teamtonr, anti put t1Jt l}anging at
2 8 ann a miter offinc bllJitc l'tlke, anti gooblp tl)c boo~e of tl)e ia&abernacle.
bonnct!S offinc "rol)itc flllic,anb Unnen aoppcl5 of 6 amrettl)et»J,Jolebumtoffmn«altar be'
twinco wIJtte filfic. fOJC tl)e lloo~c oftlJt tabcmadf, cucn t)Jc tabtr•
29 anllagil'blcoft1Dincllbl1Jitc Cilltc, blebl, nadc of tl}e ~ongrciganon:
purplc,anllfcarlet, cucn ofnceoleblo~llc,ass tiJc 7 anb fct tlJe lauer bctblcme flJetabcmaclc
JL0:11 commanbell S®ore15. of tl}e €ongregatton anD tl}e altar, ano put t»a,
3o 2nll tl)cr mane~ plate or tl)c l)olr Citromm tcr t1Jcretn,
of fine goltJc, anti t»iott bpon it t»ith graum s anb malle tlJt court rounbc about, anti
\l'lOJkeaisCignetSSare grauen, THE H 0 LI- IJan« bp tlJe IJangtng at tIJe court igatt.
NES 0 F THE I.:ORD. 9 anb t1Jou llJatt take tl)e anopnttng orfc,
31 '.lnll IJce ~cb bnto it a la'e ofblet» Qlflc, to ann anornt ttJe tabemac::lc, anb au t1Jatil5 t(Jcre,
fallttt it on bfg{J bpon tlJe mitre, ass tl}e )Lo~b in,ann l)alobl it. \DttlJ an tl}e tltltcl~ tl}crcof: anb
commanbeb ~oreis. it tl)albe l)otr.
3:1. 'ltl}u15 wais al tile "roo:lle or tl)c tabernacle, 10 .an11 tiJou a,a1t anornt tfJc a1tai: or ti.le
euen tlJC tabcrnatle Of tl:JC 'Ollgt'Cgatfon finilbcl>: whole burnt olfting,antJ an l)is tldrc!S, anti fan,
anll tfJt cl)tlllJcn of 'J1fracl bi?J a"OJ?Jing to all c::ttftc tl)e ~Utai:: anb it 11Jalbe an altar mofll}olr.
tlJat tl)c Jl..oJll commanlleb gi))oCC!S, ro lli?J tl,Jep. n ant1t1Jou ll)alt alfo anornttlJe laucr anti
33 anll tlJcr IJ:ougl}t tlJe ~abcrnatlc bnto l)iss footc,anll fanctiflt it.
g@ofcll, cucn t(Jc tabernacle, anb all IJtll furni, 1:1. ant1t1Jou 11Jalt b#ng aaron~IJi•fonnc~
turc,IJi~ ta~l)ess, IJisl boarnis, IJiss barrcss, IJiis ptl· bnto ti.le noo~c of t(Jc tabcmac::Ie of t11e Gtongn•
Iarl5,anb 1J1is ro'11ctis, gation,anll mallJ tIJem \llitlJ water.
34 'ltlJc coutting orrammc!S fllinncii,nb,anll 13 ano tl}ou n,alt put bpon aaron dJefJolp
t(Jc coucnng of 'lt11µ111 Cbinnrss, anb tlJe lJan, bctlmentss,ano anopnt IJim, ~ fanctific l,Jim. tl]at
gingbaile, IJe map mtnillcr bnto me in tfJe 1&#df•offiu.
35 'ltl.JC arhc Ot tl)C ~ctlimonic, (t tlJC barre!$ l 4 ~ht?J tllou ll)alt Mng l)iJS ronnr15. "clotl)c
ti)mof,anll tlJc mmiefeatc, tl,Jem mitlJ garmentSS,
36 ~lJc ~ablc,anulltl)e bell'dll tlJcrcof,anb ls ano anopnt tl;Jcm, al5 thou llillllell anopnt
tlJc uicto bJcall, tlJcitfatl)cr, tl]at tl)epmap mintflertlnto mcc in
37 ~c pure canblcllicltt, b:>itlJ t)Je ltlmpc!S tile ll)~icfls office: ~o~ tl;Jcir anopndng fiJalbe an
tlJereot.cucn mftl1 ti:Jc lampss to be p1e.parct1,anb mertafling ~Jietlt1001> 1mto tlJem tlJ~ougIJout
uu tl}c be.rrc111 tl)treor,ano tl)e ople fo1 liglJt. au tl)cir gcncrationl5.
38 'Gelle l!Ollmtaltar, anll tlJe anopnl'ing oiie.. 16 ano SJ@oCes 1>iD auo~lltng to an tlJat tIJc
at nbo tlJt ftoette incenfe, anll tlJe l)anging of tl)e JLo~I> commanbcl> IJfm, ro Din l]e.
a ttnaclc boo~t, 17 'ltl)u• mas tl]c tabernacle reareb bp dJt
39 :l.~b tl)e bJafcn altar, b:>itlJ l)iSgrilliron of firllDap oftl!cftrflmonetil,intl)c bfc,onbpcere. b llr•brrom·
b~atrc~ lltl!lbattt!!I, anb aUl,Ji!Sbctrdl5 ClJelaucr 1 s anb ~ores rearco bp tlJt tabcmacte, anl> '::.~:.:~ !~~r­
anb IJill foote, ' fallmeo IJiS rocflcts,nnll fct bp tl;Jc boarllfj tlJ~· ~~~l~ac or~- I
4° QJe cuttaint!!I of tilt court t»ttlJ l)il1p1l• o~anbputtn tl,Jebatrcl5ofit, anb rrarrol'lpl}rs
Iari:s a~tll f!JtlletfS, tl)e l)angin!l to tiJc , 0urt e1ate, ptnars:
nnll btl:S l?llmeunb coilles, anb au tl)tbeffell5 of 1 9 !.lnb Qt.icll ab1oall ti.Jc tent oucr tlJe ~abtr'
t1Jcfm1tce Of tl,Je ~abemaclt, eum OfdJC tabCf' naclc,ano put o,c coucrtng of tlJC tent an IJtgl] a, ~
n11dc of tlJc €on1Jte~atton. boue tl)i JLo1D commanllrD SJofl!S.
41 'lln)emtntttrin!l belhnent• tu rmietndJc io anDIJctOOllcffJC<tcltimDnie,anl>pUtitln , 1tbat1•,rhr ~
IJolp placc,attl> ttJe (Jolp belltnem:s foig:aron o,e dJe arkc. anb ftt ttJc ban-cs to tfJe arift, \f put tlJc t::" •>lit• ~
~---.------ --- --.--·--------
Themanerof Chap.j. the burnr offering. 36
{lll}mtertat anlJigl) bpon tl)e 9rflc. po'anclJ toatn toafb \llitlJalL
z, .an111Jc b10ug1Jt ~ amc into tl]c tabernacle, 3 r anlJ 911Jorcs.aaton,ant1 lJi$S fonnc!l, \\lallJ,
anlJ IJangeb bp tl:Jc baile, anlJ couerclJ tIJc amc of ctl tf;Jeir IJIU1lJIS anti tl.Jcir fcctc tlJcrcat,
ti]c tcflimoHp, a15 ttJc 'JU)~lJ commantleb ~ofeJ5. ; 2 119hcn tl)ey tomt into d)e ~abcmaclc of
2 2 9nlJ IJce putt[Jc table in tlJctabernade of the ((ongrcgation, anti tolJcn tIJcr \\lent to the
tIJcwngrcganon, in tl)c Jao1tf;Jrit1c or tIJe tabcr• altar,tlJep_toaft)clJ tl)einfclUc~ais ti.Jc )l.,oin com,
nacle, toitlJout tIJc batlc, manlJetl Sll!:lofcs.
2 3 .ann fet tl)c b~can tn oilJcr bcfo~c tiJe lL01lJ, 3 3 anlJ l)cc rcarcn bp tiJc court rountl about
asttJc JLo~tl (Jan commanlJCll g)Jofcs. t:tJe ~abcrnac1c,ant1 tIJc altar. anti fct bp an (Jan,
24 !lnll (Jcc put tiJc canlllefttcfic in tl)c taller• gtng attl]e court gate: am fo gf)orcs tiniOJclJ t(Jc
naclc of tlJc congrcgation,oucr again« tlJe table tooikc.
totoarlJ tlJC ~Utl)illJC Of tlJe tabcrnadc, 34 * anb tlJC ClOUbe COUertlJ ti)C ~abernacle Num,9. r ~
2 S .anlJ fet bp ti.JC lampcjS bC[01C ti.JC JLoilJ, 8$S ortlJe Qtongregation, 111111 tl)e glozp Of tl)C JL01ll
ttJc JLo~ll commant1ct1 ~ores. fillen tl)c tabernacle. ·
26 !lntl IJCC puttl)cgollJmaltartndJCtabcr' 35 !tlnlJ~Oft!SCOUllJcnotcntcr intotlJC~ll•
naclcofttJc congrcgattonbcfoic t(Jc tiaile, bcrnaclc of ttJe congrcgation,bccaure tIJc cloullc
2 7 am burntftocctcituenfc tlJcrcon, a~ tf)c abotle tlJcrcon, ann tlJc gto~r of tIJc JL01n fillet!
JL01t1 commant1ct1 ~ores. tIJe tabernacle.
2 s!lnlJ l)c (Jangcn bp t(Jc l)angtng at tlJc noo:c 36 ann ml)en tiJe doubc \Das taftcn bp from
oftl)etabcrnacle: offtl)ctabcrnatlc, tlJc cl)tltl~cn of '.]frael tootle
2 9 9nb ret t(Je tlll)ole burnt offering attar br tlJetr toumcplS tl):ougl)outtl)cir armtcs:
tlJe entring inoftl)e tabernacle, tlm is,tlJetabn' 37 anti \'ol}cn tIJc cloulle \\las nottakm bp,
nactc of tIJe citongregation, anll offcrctl totlolc tlJcr toumepcll not till it mas taken bp.
Exod. 3o,9• burnt offerings, anb me ate offtringis * tf,Jcrcon, 38 f 01 tl)e J clou'Cle of tl)e "Jl,0111 \Das bpon tl}c !,~~,":.\"e.,
as tiJe JLo~tl commanlJcb ~ofcl.(. ~abcrnaclebp bay,anb fire bpniglJt,tn ttJt CiglJt ~:~~:~:~~~·
30 .aml)ccfet tlJelaucrbctmcenc tf,Jetaber' ofa~ tlJe l)oure of ]£racl, tl)o;o\\)out all tl}etr ~~!~.~~ri~·~i
nacle of tl)e cirongrcgation anb tlJe altar, anb anmcs. conurotbc
!anDDf P>Dml
The end ofche fccond booke ofMofc:s, called Exodus.

i!Lhf<hooh I
tiufnlJ<ll tn
WI Dt lbr lrn
ucal racnbrt,
anDDt~n cw
111011lr~ of rllc
7 . ann tIJe fonncis of aaron tlJc ~~icll ftJall ~~~b~~~·i'.~~
putfirc bpon tl)c9ltar, annputtlloollbpontl)e "'"'\D"'';
ftre. ~t~'~:~~;~L·~·,
s Q'.nb tlJt l01ieae~ garons fonncs fiJaU lap ••·10 •
tlJe parts, cucn the l}eatl anll the rat bpo11 tfJe
\\loon tl)at is in tiJe fire on the attar.
9 '5utt1JeinmarllsanntlJelegst1Jcrcof11JaII
IJc \DallJ in mater, ann tl)e l&:ie!t ilJall bumc an
on tlJC altar, ttJattl)cy map be a \Dl)ole lJumt ra'
criflcc,an offering mane bp fire ro, a rwect onour
bnto tl)e JL01ll.
Joann ifIJtsfacrificebeofftochc~,namel~ or
tl)e niecpc,oi goateis, let [Jim Mng a male \\lttlJ'
outblcmt!IJ fo1 a \D[Jolc burnt offcrtn~: .
u !lnlJ tctlJim Jdll ttontlJeYloJtlJfitleoftlJC
altar b~e ttJe JLo,n: gno tlJe J&~tctless aarons
fonncis flJaH fp1inckl8 t[Je blOOb rount1 about bp•
on tiJe altar.
n .ann IJtc RJaR cut it into IJi~ piece~, cum
toitlJ bis 1Jcat1 ano lliSJ fat: anll tlJc 11\itea flJal put
ti} cm bpon tl}e \Doell tl)at ltctfJ bpon tl)e fire on
, 3 '3ut IJce fball \tlaCIJ tll.c inwartis ann tlJc
leg!! \DttlJ \Dater, a~n ttJe l011ctl llJal bztng anto,
gct(Jer, an~ bume tt bpo~ t{Je altar ro, a tolJole
burnt offering, an OblatiOn mane bF fire fo, a
f'Q)cct rauourbnto tlJOl..01t1.
14 1f tlJC tol)olt l:Jurntoom~ ro~ tlJefam,
ft'~ ortl}e JLo~b be offoutcs, IJc OJall b1ing IJilfa,
. 'nflcc oftunttboues. o~ oftlJe pong pl'«Cons.
l s anb tl}c l&Jtel O:ial b#ng it tmto die altat,
f hc mcare offering. Leuicicus. The peace offering.

Offering for che Priefl:, Chap.iiij. · Prince,and people. 37
Thciiij.Chaptcr. 17 ilnll tl}e l0itdl fl)aU llippe: f)i~ finger in tile
blooll, \1 rp~tnflle it reucn ttmeis befo~e ttJe ·.ILo~ll,
I Thcoflcringforthcfinncs, 3 OfthcPrlcll, 13 Of e:uen brfo,e tlJe bail£.
rhe congr~ation, :n The princes, i1 Thcpri- · 1 s ann fiJaU put of tlJe bloon bpon tl)e: i,omet:i
uarc pcrfons finnc done by ignorance. of ~e al tat '\Dl)1c1J ttJ be!lne: tfJC Jl.,o~llc. in tl)e ta,
!lliifJI(~~ ~?Jtl;Jell-oi?J fpaketmto~fe~ fat' bernaclc oftf;Je congregation,anb 11)all po'ro~e au
mg, tiJe bloob timo ttJe bottome of tl}e altar oCtlJc
2 ~peafle tmto tl)e d)1lt11cn or \11i)ole burnt olfennti;, \lllJ1tlJ tiS bcro~e tlJe lloo~e
-...-o:a 'Jlfrael, an?J rap, ~fa rouleOJalHinne of tl)e tabetnatle of tiJe congregation.
t1J1oulJI) ii;p101ance tn anp or ti.Jc com, 19 ~nlli)eflJaUtafle lJiiSfatte:froml)im, anll
manlleinentiS of tiJe JL,o~ll, \DIJtdJ oulJl)t not to be bume 1t bpon ttJe altar,
llonc,but ll}all lloe contrarp to anp of tiJcm: .20 ano llJall llOe 'roitlJ tlJt~ bnUocJtc as lJe ?Jill
. ; 9:$5 if tIJe 19~tea t(Jat tis annorntcII, lloe '\D~tfJ tfJC bullocfte foi rtnneJo tlJall IJce boc 'rottlJ
i.:.r, ~~:!~· li~nc a.cco1lling to .ti.Jc • unnc of t(Jcpcoplc , let tlJ•s: !lnb tl)c l&~iell flJall make an atonement
n111rn a•••• l]t1u b,'""'
ralng1"0lrlbP '"»
ro•" fJtis unnc
'rohfrh he "at:IJ
'I "I ~ ., . anncll. a ro~ tl)em,am itflJall be fornium tl)cm.
111• ri••r''n., roung bulloclie u11tf)outblenuOJ, bnto tl}e )L.o1t1 2 1 ilnll l)ee llJaII b~ing tl}iis bullocl!e \DttIJout
=:Jf.'o~':.'. foi a finnc offering. tlJe l)oae, ano, b~rne l)tm ~is IJce bumell tfJC flrll
=:r.:.b:11, 4 ilttl>l}c1lJallb1ingtflcpongbuTiocfle tmto buUoc'kc: ronu15 an oblat1on roi ti)e rtnm of tlJc
~·~.~.i:i~:i, tlJe lloo~c of ti.Jc tabrmadc of tl}c congregatton congregation•
..:\... bcfo1c tlJc JL,o~ll, anll OJallput lJttJ l)ann bpon tl}c , :n 119l)en a lo~n finnetlJ, \1 CommlttctlJ tlJiougIJ
~..., ·:i· rong bullochiS IJeall, anl> b tllll ti.Jc pong bulloclic tgnoiance anp of t~tfe tl)ingis 'roi)iclJ tl}e 'Jl.,o~bc
air.::::~, " bCfOJC tfJC )l.,0111. ©ob IJatlJ fo~btllllen to bee none in lJi~ conv
=.1,'l:l~1• 5 ann t(Je 1!)1tea ttJat itJ anorntcn, O,al talie maumeme:ntfl, anll IJatlJ offenlleb:
klllluirma. of tl}e pong bulfoclitJ blooll, anll b~tng it into tiJc i< i l ~b iflJi~finne bbe '!lJc'roctl bnto, lJim 'rolJit'lJ ~"~~,~~,cr~~~
tabcrnaGle of tlJc congregation. .,e .,a•., none,.,e fba 11 nng IJtl!I offenng, cucn an b•mr"1' 10
6 ~nll t1Jc11)1ieftflJallllippclJti5 fingertntl)e l)ee goat 'roitl)out blemifiJ, ~~.::,~;~·~"b~
bloon, anll fp1inlile tl)ereoffeucn ttmei5b£fo~e 24 9ntl lap IJiS l)antl bpon t{Je l)eatJ Oftl)C {Jee ~~~~~·:!~:·~~.
tl)e JL,01t1,befo~c tlJe baile of tl)e ranrtuarie. goat' ann kill it in ti.JC place \l.ll}erc ti)e 'rol}olc 1n<alro It Ullll
7 ann ti.Jc l0~tca ll:Jall put rome of tl)c bloon burnt oftTing is bfeil to be lnllcll befo~e tfJe JL.o~ll: !"'"
befo1e t(Je ll.o,ne, bpon t{Je IJomes of t(Je al tat of fo~ it t1511 flnne: offcrin~.
f'rocctc incenre,'rol)iclJ iiS tn tlJc tabernacle of tlJc 2 s ann let tl}e 19itell tafle of tlJe bloon of t{Jc
congrcgatton, ann aiall po'ro~c an t(Je blooll of rmne offe:ring 'tDitlJ lJis finger, anll put it bpon
tlJe pong bullocke, bnto tt;e bottom£ of tl)e altar tl}e: l)ome~ or tfJe'ro(Jole burnt offering altar,
of tlJe 'ro(Jolr burnt offering, 'tDl)iaJ ts at t{Je t101e anti po'W1c i)tiS bloob tmto tl;Jc bottomc or tl)e
of t(Je tabermu:Ie of tlJe congregation. \lll)ole burnt offertng altar,
s ann l)cllJalltake a'roapaUtl}efatteoftlJr 26 annbume:aU}JiiSfatbpontIJcaltar,aSlt(Je
bnlloclie foi ti.Jc rtnne offering, tlJc fat t{Jat coue' fatte of ttJc peace: offertngiS: anti tl)c11)1tell f!Jall
retl) tIJc in\llarn~ ann au fl)c fatte tJJat is about make an atonement fo~ l}tmaSl concerning l}is
tl)c in'roarlli, rtnne,anb It OJaH be fo,gium IJtm.
9 ann tlJc ttllo liillt1£t's:I, anti t(Jc fattc tl)at is 27 '.)Jfoncof tlJe: common people of tlJc lann
bpon tbem, ann bpon ti.Jc tlanlici5, ann tl)c ball anne ttnou~ igno1ance,anll commit anr of tlJc
bpon tl)c liuet llJall IJcc take a\llap \llitlJ tl)c kin, tlJin!J.'S 'rolJtelJ tl)e Jl.,otllc IJatlJ fotbillnen in IJis
O£l!s:I, commanllcmhtJ to be bone, lJ ro l}atlJ trefpaffell:
1o as:1 tt to as talten a\llap in tl)c bullocflc or 2 s ]flJitJ unne \l'llJielJ l)c IJatlJ finneo ,ome to
tlJc peace oftTingis:anll let tl)e l01icll bu~ t{Jcm friiS bno\»lebge, i,ec flJalll:Jting fo1 lJts offering a
bpon tl)c altar of t(Jc 'tDIJole burnt offering. mee goat from among t'fJe Hornes 'roit{Joutble,
u ll\uttlJeCllinoft(Jcpongbullocfle, anball milb foi !innc llll)icl] (Jc lJatlJ finnell,
f1i1'! llcffJ, \tlttlJ IJisHJealJ ann 1.Jtss teggcf!!, \lJttlJ IJtss 2 9 anb OJ al lap IJitJ l)antl bpon tfJ£ l]Call Of tlJe
in'Watllf;i atUI l}iSl ?IOU~, {hall he be arc our, rinne offering, ann aap tl}c finne offering tn tt)e
u anti catp tlJe 'WIJotc btdlockc altogetIJer place of tl)c 'WIJole burnt offerings.
out of t}Je 1.Jolle bnto 11 c1£anc place, mlJtre tlJc 3o ann tile l01tea OJall take: or tf,le biooll tlJer'
Hcb.13 .11. a11lci5 arcpo'ro1cn out, anl> • bumel}im tlJcre on oflllitlJ i)iiS finger, ann put it bpon t(Je l}o~neiS or
'moon in t(Jc tlrc:bp tlJe place tlllJerctl)e aft.Jes are ti.Jc 'rol)ole burnt offnng aftar,anll poto1c au tl}e
caaoutCballlJebebUmt. bloon bnto tfJC bottomc oftl}e artar,
r 3 ']f tl)e mlJolc congregation ofjjfrad finne 31 ann *llJall,tatie a\Dap all IJi.5 ~at, as tl)e fat Lc11it+, 4
t1J1ouglJ tgno1ance, .anl>ttJe tllingbec lJill from oftiJe peace offering i.s taken a\Dap •.lJ tIJc l91iea
tlJe eyc11 of the multttune, an11 l)auc llonc romc' ll)all burne it bpon tl)c altar, t1Jat1tm11p bee a
'tlllJat againft anp of t~e commaunnMUenttJ of C'\Dect rauour bnto ti)e JLo~ll,anb t:l}c 1&1irtl llJall
tl;Jc JL.01n, tDIJielJ 11Joult1 not be nonc,anD IJauc or, maJteanatone:mmt fo11}1m,ann it lballbe fo1'
ren?Jen: gtucnlJim.
14 ml)cn t{Jc rinnc \ll~ic1' tlJCl! i,~e finneb if!! 32 anll irl)c bitng a fh~epc fo~ afinnc olfring,
rmo'rom, t{Je congregatton tlJall lmng a poung 'fJe l1Jall b~ing a r~fe '\D1tl)out blcmtflJ,
bulloeflefo~ tl)e unne. anl> bting }Jim befo~e tlJc 33 a~n laF tnis IJ~nb bpon tlJc lJcab of ttJc
tabernacle of tl)e congre:ga«on. Cinne offrinti;,anll ~l! tt fOi aQnne offftng,in tl]e
1 s an11tl)c ~lner11 ortl}e multitulle flJall put pta'e: \ll{Jcrc tl)ep ~ll tlJe tDl]ole burnt olering.
tlJcir lJanbss bpon t1Je1Je:at1 of tbe bUlloc&c bcfo~c . 34 anll,tlJe 10tteft ~a~ take of ttc bloon of ttJr
tl)e )l.otll: an?J tlJe: bullocke lbtlll be tlatnc befo~e unncoffe:rmg'\DttfJ 1'•i5fingcr, annputitbpon
ttJc JL.o~ll. , t(Je: 1Jo,nci5 of tl)e 'rolJole burnt oftring attar,anll
16 ani. tl)c l!)#cll tlJat tiS annorntcn, a1an 111allpolll1c tl)c bloon tlJercof bnto tl}e bottomc
bnq of tlJe bUlloclltiS bloon tnto tlJc tabernacle oft(Jcaltar.
of tlJe congre:;ation. 35 anll l)c fi)aR taJte a'roap aU tile fat tfJCTOf,
<ll'S asl
' O.ffring for orhes,and Leuiticus. finnes done ofignorance. ,.
astlJc rattcoftlJe flJeepe of ti)c pea~ offetiniSSiS In one of t:IJerc.ann it llJall be foigiucn l)tm: ann
wont to be talim a\llap:anll tlJcp,iua OJalbumc t~ercmnantOJaDbe t:IJtl&#Ctls, asa mcstoffc•
tt tlpon tl]e altar,tlJat 1t map be i:JJeJL,~tJ~ burnt rm~.
famftcr... anti tlJc 19,iictl rtJal ma~ an aton~cttt 14 .Qnl> tlJt l.o~ ~a'fle bnto ~oftf$,Ctlfill!:J,
foHJiS anne tl}at f]e f]atlJ connnttttl>, anlntflJall 1; 1r.a ro~lc tnf4JatI'c an11 fitmc t:IJ.iou~ '«'
bcfo~;tumtJim. noJanc;c 111 tl,Jtnp ttJat aie 'onftaaten llnto t{Jc
JL,o,ne, lctl)tm tmngfoi (Jis trcipalfe bnto tl)c
Thc:v. Chapter. )Lo1ne, a JRamme toittJout blenUllJ out of t:IJc
r Oforhes. 2. Tbecle.:mlingolhim charcouchethvn- ftockcs,llaluetl tn monet at ttuo fidcSJ, after tl)t
dcane things. 6 The purgation of anorhe, 15 fide of t:IJdanctuarie, tl}attttnal!bce Co~ a trc(,
And of linne done by ignorance. palfc offcTing.
~~~r.:~ ~a foulc fitmc, allb fJeare tfJe boicc 16 allbl)c flJa~maJtc amrntJ~foJdJe IJatmc
I 1!;1Jfdf9 bf• ~ a of rmcanng > ani> if$ a mttne[c fJc bone tn tl}e lJolp tlJin«, anti let l)tm
~~~"~,~~~~~c•· 'tDl:JttberlJe lJatIJ fernt 01 Jntotoen put tl}c uftpart moie tl)mo,allb giuetttlntotl)e
:,:~.~~~:,11!' "'.&'< of tt, if ~e noc not titter tt, l)ee tlJall ~Jtell: ann tlJe l&1tetl flJaU maltc an atonement
0011bl< n1mn· ~ • bcarc IJtS Cinnc. (OJ l)tm 11Jitl) tl,JC lliamme ttJat iS f01 ttJC trc£'
;~:'&~!.~)~·" ,, <fttlJertfafoulctouc]} anptlmleanet1}ing, pall'e: ann it fbalbe fo~giuen IJim.
~0;.:~~;r~~;t~ 1\ll)ctlJcr it be tl)e canon of an b11c1cime beall, o~ 17 ]fa route finne, anti c:ommttanp of tl)d'e
:1;·~·:~~.~:~~:11 a canon of bnclcanc c:attell, o~ a tu~ioa ~f bn, tl}ingtS 'Ull)icl) are fo.?bitJ'!lcn to be tlonc bl' tl)c
m• 11 · " 0 " 1" '
tbttturtll rf
clcanc crcimtng• ""1"'
t~ not
mare of tt: be' c:ommantiemcntis of tiJc lLOJl.'I, anti b 'Ulitlitnot, :11~~111t
anp '"'"~ 11"' lJO!tl,lle tS 1mcleanr..,anb l}atlJ Oud1'!)Cl:J. anl> IJatlJ offcr.'!lcll, anl.l bcare IJi~ finne: tl"'~/~D111
~~~~~~\\"~~,, 3 <titl)cr ffl)c toucl) anti tmcleannct:'e oh!tilr., 18 _'£1Jcn fbaU!}ec bJtnga &mme1Ditl)out ba~c'~...,
r~,~~',\'.~1::, 0J, 1\llJatfozucr 1mc:lcanneffe it bee t~at anum~~ blcm1lb out or ~e ftoc:Jte, tt)at i~ cnecmel> to bee :i..:r~=
"""''' r"b" \llontto bcncfilctJ 1llit:lJall, 11ot\llareoflt, \1.lo~tl} a ttefpaa·e offering,bnto tl;c l&1ietl: anti a=::uf*'
11Cl!)f)~J' CiJ11\ ,
nm any fi'"'· ann commctlJ to tl)e tno\tllcbgc of tt, !}ec IJatl,) tlJe ~1ie1l 11JaU matae an atonement fo1 l)tm c;on' ·
lDhlCb •• b1 r1Jf •
l;IDofeonn lrC pll en.
f 1li cerning l}is tgno~ance, 'Ull)crcin 1Jce mcl.l anl.l
~~~~'t;:~~~~ 4 lftfflcr ifafoulcftocarc,ann p~onouncctIJ Ula1$ not \narc: anti it 11.Jall be foigturn IJtm.
;.~~,;~~~ 'i't~':" \\lit~ hi is ttppc~ to ooc eum o~ to noe gcon, ~l)at, x9 ~fJifS t~ a~erpall'e offrin§,fo1 tlJe trcf.patre
~:::;·~~1 '.;, 1 " fo~ucr it b!_tl.JalJt, a mban ~aU J:!On~me \11~1) amn comnuttcn againtl t!Jc JL,01t1.
o:o 2· ot.,c,ilntJ W;le t mg e11 tone ,,om .,.m, anu co '
;~~.~·,'~1W'r:;,! metl) to t{Jc lino'rolCilge oht, anti l]att) otrenl.lcll 3 The offering forfinnes, which are done willingly.
~;~~~i~;~;r,, in oncoftl)cfe: 2 o The offering of Aaron and his fonnes.
bm:io'b'·' s lIDiJen l)ee IJatIJ anne'!l in one or tf)efc
. ~~~·~i';,~'no: tl}ilt~, l)c ll.Jall i::onfctfe ttJat !}e l)atl) annctJ in Je 1I1> ttJe JL,oJtJ fpafie bnto ~ores.
?;:~:·,~;~:~~'"' ttmt tiling. fartng.
g~~1}~1~{, t:u' · 6 ~l]frcro:c R)all l)e b1ing {ltl!I trefpatrc offc, : '.]!fa row rt'nnc anti trcf.pafi"c
b•~ t•~•"· tin~ unto tl)c Jl.,o)n fo: lJil!I finm 'Ull)id) l)cc tatg a~ainll ttJe JL.oinc, am tJcnic bnto
fmneb, aftmalcfrom tl)c llocJtr... a lambe o: a OJe 1.J1s neqwbour tJJat \lllJict.J mas ta,
!.\Oat, foi a rmnc offmug: ann ttel&:icll f!Jall lien I.Jim to 11cep,01 tl.Jat wais put into IJt~ l)antJl!I,
make au atonement fo~ tim 'orn;aning l)tf5 o~ noctlJ lliolmt robbmc o~ m1ong tlnro lJiis
finnc. ncigl)bour, .
1 atllJ tfl)c be not able ro b1tng a tl)eepr... lJee 3 ilDJ if IJcl)autfounll tIJat 'rol)ic:IJ \Ua$$loll,
f!JaU bJing fo: h!s tnfpall'e 'rolJicg l}e l.Jatf'J nn, anti nenrctl.J tt,anb * ftoearetl.J falOr llpon 'rol}at• Num. 5.6.
netJ,t\lio turtle noue~, o, t\llo ronll pigeons br. rower t)Jittg tc be t(Jat a man noctl,J, anti fmnctl)
to tl)c JL01n: one to, a Cinnc oiring,anl.l tl}c otl)ci: d;Jcreln:
fo~ a tul')olc l.lurnt oftring. 4 '31 f lJc i,aue Co 01tnc?J ' treflJa[c?I, l)c niau r~
s 9nn nee man b~ing ti) cm bnto tl,Je tfl1ictt, Ito~ agatnc tIJat l)c toolie btolentlr atDap. o~ tlJc
tol)iclJ flJall ofter t1Jc finne offering rlr!t, anu ·nnong wl)tc:IJIJcc llitl, O? tl}at 1Dl)tct) 'lllais ocltu~
m,tngttJc necficarunoerofit, but plumeit not rctl l)im to licep,oi tt)e loll t:]}ing'tlilJklJ tc f.ounll:
clcancoff. 5 anti all tl)at about 1\ll)ic(J l)e IJattJ nvomc
9 ann l)cc 11JaRfp1in'flle of tlJebloo'b of tt:r falrclp, l}ce llJall retlo~e it agatnc in tte 'tDlJole
finnc olfcrtng bpon tl)c Citic or tl}e altar, ann tl)e fummc,ann man anbe tl;Je fift part mote tIJercto,
rcll of tl)cbtootJ flJall(Jc pom1ebr tl]cbottomc of anti giue tt tmto (Jim to \lllJ01ne it appmafneti},
t~c altar: fo, tt is a rmnc offering. t{Jt fame nar tlJat I.Jc offerttl.J fen i]j~ treljla[e.
10 ann l)ccflJall olfcrtl)c recont1fo1 a'O.ll)ole 6 ann let l)tm Mn~ fo~ lJil!I trcQlatTC bnto t(Jc
burnt otfmng al$ tlJc mancr is : ann fo llJall tl]e )Lo~n arammc 'roitl}outbl.cmiflJOut oftlJc ftoclt,
~~tt!t malic an atonement foJ l.Jim fo1 tlJc finne tl}at il!I rttcemetJ too1t1J a trcQJa«e offering 111uo
'O.llJicl) l)e {Jan finneb, anti tt nialbe fo1gium lJim. t(Je 19~itlf. -
u !A.nllif {Jc be not able to b:ingrwo~urtle 1 ano tl)e ~ llJaD niaf!C an aton~t
b1luc~,~: t'ltlo rong pi~conl!l,tlJrn (Jc tlJat finnetl, Co1 f)im befoic tl)c Jl,,~1t1c. anti 1t flJalbc fo~~n
llJaU b:ing_fo: lJts offrmg ti.Jc tcntIJ part or an~ lJi1n, 'rol:JlttfOturi tr;tng tt be ttat tee l]atf1 none
pIJa of fine liom:e fo: a fin offttng: but put none anti c:rtQJaft'elJ tl}mtn.
0111£ tl)e~e~o,nettl)crput anr franmm;eme tl}ac• s ~RD d)c )l.,o~tl QJafle bnto Sllaofel!l,faping.
on: fo: tt t~ a rinnc olfttng. 9 €01nmann i:laron anll lJll!I ronncs, raping,
. ~rn llJal l)e b:inlJ tt to tte l!)1iclJ.snJI tl)e
12 ~lliltlJelamcof tl.Jt 'U>f1ole burnt otrtring
~:1cll 11Jall talle 1)1~ lJanbfuU of It foJ a tetnem' (~e\lltole bUmt otrmn~ lllall beebpon tile
b:anc~ ~ctcof,anb burnc it bpon tlJC altar,to be l')e8rtlJ of ti.Jc altar au ntglJt llnto tt:Je moming
a facrifice, foJ tl)c JL,o:be mabc bl! fire· roi It t~ a atllJ tte fire (balbc ~inllletl on d,Jca~tar.) '
Cinne offrm~. • 10 i:l111J,tl,J~l&ii£40Jalputon1Jis linncngar,
1 3 anti tl)e 1':tell fiJaU maltc an atonement mcnt, ' IJtS ltnnm bJCtd]cs tJpon IJiS ftcfiJ,ant1
ro: l)imas tomtJing bis unnetl)atl}e IJatlJ finnctl take map t(Jc afiJel!I bpon tlJC\DIJidJ tlJe flre con:
The offering of Aaron~ Chap.vij.i Trefpaife offerings. 3s
Camell tlJc\VIJolc btmltfamfice on tlJc alt.a?,llllll b~ouglJt into t!Jc tabm11l'k of tl1c 'on«ngatton
fJc ll)all put tlJrni b~fibc ~e altar, to rccom:ilc •a.ntlJaD in tlJtlJolr pla,c,f!JaU be ca•
11 !ilnll put offlJil!I ranmnt,IUlll put ort otlJtt, ttn: but 11.JaU beburotin tfJc ftrc.
ttnll mrit ttJc aOJcss out \tlitfJout tlJe 1Jo8e lftlto a
,rtanepla~ . . , . . . Thevij.Chapter.
J 2 ~e fire bpon tf)e altar RJaUbami ftill, I Trefp:iffe offerings. 7 Sinne offerings. I I Of
anlJ ntuc~ be put out :}5ut tl}e il)~iel fl)all lapc peace offerings. 2 3 The far and the blood may nor
'd>OOtlOntt CUCcyllapm tl}e momntg, anllpQt beearert.
tlJC'd>l)Olc burnt facriftcc b.ponit, 8n0f1e;t11Jall • '.]\lic\'DifctlJ(SJ(SJ t(JCfa\tlC• or tlJC lh11nrr11

bumc tlJttcon ti.Jc rat or tlJc peace offm~. trcrparrc offering: it i!S moa IJolp, =~:~~~t11"
•i'111Piril· 1 3 ·~IJeftretl)alltuerburnebpontl}Ultar, :i 1n il)C place \Dl)erC tl)ep ~:r~ii°i.:.':;{;br
'""a fl;b•in• antlncuergocout. killtfJ~'nllJoleburntoffring,flJal ninc•r n.
:~~~: ::::~ 14 ~is il!l tlJc la'll> or tlJc meat offriug, \tllJUlJ tlJcp mu tl}c trerpltlfc offering al•
~·:~~' aaronlS ronncs flJall bJlng bcfoJc ti.JC ~111c, be• ,, .~.-.... ro,anll tlJc blootl tlJcrcor 11Jall 1Jcc
=~:~~~,"n~ ro~c tlJc altar; . , . ~P~l1wn"' rounb about bpon tlJc altar.
11br..::f,.•~, 15 anti one or t(Jcm 11Jalltafit.{1is (JatlbfuD of 3 an tlJc fat tlJcrcof lbal lJc offcr,tl)crumpc,
::i.....a br tl}c flourc of tlJc mcatc offering, anti of t(Jc oplr, anti tlJc fat tfJat couerrtIJ tfJc intoart1s.
::~~:.1'~~~· anll au tllc ftanlltnctnre lDIJia.J iibpont:l}c meat
4 anll tlJc t'nlo liillncrs,anb tlJHattetlJat t~
l::i~~i:i~ offering, ano niall burnc it tmto a rnncm~ancc ~n t(Jcm,a~tl bpon tlJc Hanke~ ann tl}c 11au tlJat
bpon t(Je altar ro~ a rrocctc rauour, a mcmoiiall ·~ on tlJe 11uer flJalt tl}ou take awap \llitlJ tlJc
ofit bnto t(Je JL,oin. k1t1neys.
1 6 am of t(Jc rcllt(Jcrcoftl.lanaaron ann IJi.s 5 ant1tlJc10~tel1 flJall btttnc t(Jcm bpon tl}c
Conness catc: bnlcaumctl flJall it be eaten in tlJc altaT, to be a racrtficc matlcbp rtrcbnto tlJc °A-OJll:
l)olr place. in tl)c c:ourt or tlJc tabcmac:lc of t(Jc ro~ it is atrcrparrc offering.
c:ongrcatltion dJcr ilJaH cate it. . 6 a1~ tl}c males among tlJc ~~icllis OJ all eat
17 '.]It llJaII not be balitn 'd>itlJ kaucn: 'Jl IJauc t;l)mof: 1t llJRll bee catcmn t~c l}olp plate, foJ it
IPtfen it btito tl)C1n fo1 tl]cir poitton of mp rem. 11'5 moll IJolr.
fice.smallc bp fire: ~ti~ moll l)olp,~ il5 tIJe finnc 1 is tlJc Cinnc offtting is, ro '' tfJc trcfpall'c
offering,antl t(Jc ttcfpalTc offering. o~ng, o~ la\ll rcructlJ ro~ botlJ: tlJat, \tllJerc'
1 s an tlJc malr~ among tlJc c:l)llZJ1cn ot aa• 'll>ttlJ tlJc1&11eft 11.Jal make atoncmcne.flJalbc IJi!S.
ronOJallcatofit:'.]\tflJallbeallatuttw~cuerin s anll tlJc l&~icfl tl)at offerctlJ anr manSJ
rourgcncrations conterningtl)cfac:riliceoftlJc \'Dl}Olcburnt offering, 11Jall!c minnc of
JL o.znc malle bp fire: let cucrp one tlJat touct)ctlJ tl}c \ll(Jole burnt offcrin1rro1Jtc:JJ IJe IJatlJ otfcrctl.
tt,bc l]olp. 9 an11 au tl}c meat offtting tfJat ii bakm tn
19 aoo tlJe JL,01t1 fpallc bnto g\JofCj5,faping, tlJc ©um:antl tl)at iSS ll~e!fCD in tJJe pan, \fin tl}c
20 ~il5 i11 tlJt offering or aaron. anll or IJis rtping pan.tball be tl)c 10~ietls tfJat offrrtlJ it.
Conne15,'ll>IJlcl) tlJCF flJall offer bnto tlJc JL,oit1e in 1 o anll cucrp mcatc olfmng t1Jat is minglcll
tlJc tlat 'd>l)cn l}cc ilJ annopntcll : ~c ttmtlJ part \tlitlJ oplc..anb tlJat is t1ip, flJall pertainc bnto au
of an ~l)a ornnc flo'll>1C fo1 a mcatc offmng tlJdonncisofaaron,ann oncOJalll)auc a~mui;IJ
pcrpctuall, l)alfc of it tn tl}e momtng, atlll l]alfc ais anotter.
tl}ercof at ni(WC. . u ~iss tis t.l)e la\'D oftlJc peace offring, \tllJidJ
21 '.Jln tfJc rtpingpannc it 11Jall be mane mtt:IJ IJcll.lall offer bnto tlJc "A-01ll.
orle, aoo 'll>IJcnltiS tTpcll, tlJou llJaltb~ing it in: 12 '.l\flJe offer ttto !ltue tl}anlics,IJe 11Jal b1ittg;
anti t:IJC babcn pieces of tl)c meat offerings ll.Jalt tmto l)i!S b t1Janke offering bnlcaumctl cakc)l ; ~h• tir!r.111
t:tJou offer rou f\J.lcct rauour bnto tl)c JLotl>. minglcll 'll>ttlJ O};'lc, anll bnlcaucnct1 \llafcr,6 an· ~~~.~,;~~!:
2 2 anll tl)e 1&1iell amongfl IJls fonncs t~att!S nointcll \DitlJ oplr, anll c:alte!S mtnglctl 'd>itlJ oplc f~:,~~:;~~1:,
nnnopntttl In IJIS flcatlc, lbaU offer it: 9lt is tlJe of fine llo'll>~ fr};'Cll. urro mbrn ••
Jl,oillci:s o~inan'e foJ eucr, itaiau bcburntalto• 1 3 l!}e IJJall bting IJiSJ otfcring, 'll>itlJ mftcsof ~~~· :~~·:i1~'
gctlJct. bnlcaumcn b~ll foi IJi.B peace offri~, to !ltm ~::,~ir;:.r~.~
23 <jfo~ cucrpmeateoffcringtlJatiis mallcfo~ tlJanrms: . ~~~~,:m~.~
tlJe 10~icll, llJall bee burntaltogctlJtt, anll 11Jall 14 aoo of'all tlJc f'amlicc l}c ffJaf offtr one foJ •• n 111• 110•ll•1
not be cattn. an l)eauc offering bnto tlJc :Lo:Dc. anti it 11.Jall be t:::~ ' " '
24 anll tfJe JL,otll Cpahc bnto ~ofeSJ,Caping, tfJC l&~icilS tl]at 'p1inblctl tlJe blootl of tfJc pcac:c
: s '51pea1t bnto aaron anlJ to lJis ~onncs,anll offerings.
Cap.~il!listl)cla'll>oft:lJcfinncoffen~:'.]lntlJc IS a1111 tl)e tlclb of IJis petter offerin~ Cot
plac:c 'll>l}crc t1Je \ll~olc burnt offrriugts killcll, tlJanlfs gluing, 11Jall be eaten ti.Jc ran.1e liar, tl)at
llJall tlJc finnc offcrmgbc biOCZJ befo,et.l)c JL,o~ll. it is olfctcll: anti kt (Jim 1caue notl)mgoftt tin•
roitttismollIJolp. . ' tilltlJemo:ow. .
: 6 ~c ll)~tctl tlJat offerctlJ .•t.lhallcat tt: ]n 16 :J5uttftlJe offrtn11 ~flJtl!l fac:rificc be a bo\tl,
t(JelJolp place n1all it be eatc~, m tl}c 'ourt or tlJc o~ of IJt- o\llnc free ~11, 1t fi?al be catm tl)c came
tabernacle of tlJe congregation. t1ap tlJat IJe olrrctlJ lJts ra,nfKe: ant> if ougl)t re•
7 ll9l)atrocuer 11J all touci} tl)c flCllJ tl}crcof, matne bnttu t(Jc moto'll>,tt map be catm.
ll)all bee IJolr: anti \ll{Jen tl)cre llJoppetb or tllc 1 7 )t)ut as mu~lJ or tlJc oftctell flc(IJ as retnai,
bloolltlJcrofbponannarmcnt,tlJoullJalt'll>an> nct:IJ tmto tl}c tlJtrll llap, OJaU bee burnt mitlJ
tgat\'Dl)crcon itn;oppctl),in tlJc tJolp place. , ~re. ,
2 s )l)ut tile cartIJcn pottc tlJat itl!S rot1t1en tn, 1 8 g~uf anr oftfJc fltf1.J oflJtis peace offrin«S
llJaU bee bior;m : anll if it bee fotlllen in a bJaftn be ea!=tn m ~f:)c tlJtrb lisp, t:l)cn flJalllJe tllat offc,
. 11Jall be rcourell, anll rinfetl tn \llat:cr. retJJ tt obtam~ no fauour, ntftlJtt 11Jall ttbe rec,
2 9 au tlJcnialt)'! among tl}c ~~iclls 11Jall cat lloncll 1mto lJtm, but llJall bee an abomination:
t1Jcreot.foitttsmoll1Jolr. . ~m~ tlJc foulctl)at catctfJ of it ftJaH bcarc
Heb,• t. 1 • 3o ann no rtnne offering, \tllJofc * blooll IS lJi~ Cinnc.
The peace offring. Leuiticus. The Priefis confecrated.
I 9 anb tl}C flellJ fl1at tOUd}ftlJ 8~ lll~deane
t1Jtn~,OJalnotbeeatm,bUtburnt1llitlJfire:al1b . . Theviij.Chapter.
ort1Ju1 neo,. au tl)atbedcane.flJaH eattbmet. The confccr:mon ofAaron and his fonncs and ofthe
20 l5ut if anp roule eat of tlJe ~J oftl)ep~
. anointing ofthc Tabcrnaclc. '

olfenng ti] at pertatn:ctlJ tmto tlJe )l..oitl, IJamng @l>.tl)el.o~c fpalle tmto ~ofel5,
1Jtl5 imclcannetre bpon IJ~m: tlJe fame roule lball ftlPllll,
be mt off trom among IJ•.G people. ~ ~aflc aaronanb ms ronncss
. euit I 2 [ ~o,eouer, tlJe'l"OUll' tl]at trod) to~ Bllf m1t111J1~" an11 tl)oc1turt95, ant1
• • 1•S· bncleanuf)tng, tl]at 115 of t{Je tmdeanndfe of . t~c anomt1n11 opll', 11n11 a buUotlie
or vn- man,o, of anp bndcane beaa,o~ anr ll abomina' ro~ a llnne offtin11,anb t\llo lllams, am a bafbct
lea~e cree- tton tlJat J$S tmdl'81ll', Sill> tlJCR Cllt Of tl)l' flCO) Of ofbnlellUml'll bieab :
ing bean. tf)e peace offering t'Ol)t"' pmatnet:1:1 bnto tlJe 3 an1111atl)ct tl)ou an tl)e congre«atton to,
JL,o~n: tlJat roule mall be cut off from 1Jil5 pcopl£. gc~er, t~o ttJe tlooie of tlJe tabemam of tl,)e
2 2 ann tlJe )l..01n fpalie lmto Qeofess, raping, congree1at1on.
2 3 ~pcafle bnto tlJe cl)tltJ~cn of ]frael. anti 4 ann ~ofed llill a15 tlJe '.ILoill commaunllet1
rer. we flJall rat no maner rat of bceue15,of t1Jcep, IJim: \I t(Je people mere gatl)ercn togctl)ct 1mto
anll of goatl5. tl)e booic of tl)c tabernacle of tl,Je congngation.
24 ~euertl]eldl'e, tl)c fat oftl)ebcaft tl)atbp• s an?> SJl!)oreisrarne bnto tl,Je congregation,
rtl,J alone,ann tl)e fat of tlJatb.JIJict) iR! tome b.JitlJ ~15 il5 tl}e tl)ing 'IDl)iclJ tl;lc JL.,0111 conmmunlleb
b.Jiln bcaU15,flJalbe occupien in anr mancr of bfe: tobel>one.
but re fiJall in no b.Jifccat ofit. 6 ann ~ofed b~ougfJt aaron ~ lJid ronne15,
2 5 1rorro1Jofoeucreatttl) tlJe fat of tl)e beaft, anb 'IDaflJctJ tl,Jem '11it(J 'tllater,
oft1.JIJW1 metl bfc to biing an otferingmane bp 7 g:ntl put btJon lJ{tn tlJc co ate, anlJ girbl'b
ftrc tmto tl]c 'JL,o~n,tl,Jatfoule tl]at eatetlJ it,fball iJim'\»ttlJagirble, anbput bpon l]imtbc tobl',
be cut off from iJiRI people. anll put ttJe lfp(Joll tl]ereon, '11f}i'1J IJct girtlm
2 6 SJl!)o~couer. Fe fball cat no maner ofblooll, mitlJ tl)e ~oinereb garb that was in t)Je ctplJob,
'\»l)ctllet it bee of foule o~ of bean, in anp pour ann botmtl it bnto l]im ttJere'11itlJ,
'll'tllellings. 8 .ann f]e put tlJc b~rftplatc tl,Jeron, anb put
:i. 7 tml}atfocucr roulc it bee t!Jnt cattttJ anp in tl,Je tncttplate tlJc ~rim anl> tl]e ~ummim.
manner ofbloob, ti.Jc famefoule flJaH be rot off 9 antf IJe puttlJe cap of e«ate bpon l]is l]call.
rromtJtspeoplc. ann put bpon tl]e cap, cum bpon tlJe fo;cfront.
2 s ann tl]e JL.,o:ll tallte'll 'IDitlJ ~oreis, faring, tlJe goUJcn plate,. tlJe (Jolp cromne, ass t)Je 'l-01b i..~:i~'/::~
2 9 ~peahc tmto t{Jc cl]ilD~en of '.Jlfrael, anD commaunllel'I SJl!)orcs. 1al>ftf111Jna
rap, $~tl]at b:ingetlJ l)i15 peace offring b1Uo tiJc 1 o .ann SJl!)ofe15 tooke tlJc annointmlJ opll', ~::~":;i:.
JL01b,let l)im b;ing lJi!l gift tmto tlJe JL.,olll of1Jtl5 ann annopntcl> tlJe tabernacle au1> au tl}at mas ,_ ui 11•
peace offering: dJctctn,ann ranmfieo tl]em,
3o J!,.,et lJiJS ob.Jnc l)anll1$ b1in~ tl)e olferin~ of I • anD rvitnlilcll tlJttof bpon tlJc altar ff um
tl)eJL01b mane bp fire:euen tlJt rat 'tllitlJ d)e b1l'll timrs,ann anotnten t(Jc altar anlJ all lJi15 be1Te1$.
fiJall l)e bJing, tIJat tl)e bJctl map be 1l!auelJ fo1 a tl]e lauct anb IJts root. to ranctific tiJmt,
'tllaue ofltting bcfo1e tlJe 'J1.,01D. u anD l}e * po'\»~en of t(Jc ano~ng ople bp' Ecclus•.,y,
31 2lnll tl)e l01ieft f!Jall burne tl}e fatte bpon on aatons l]can, anll anoruttll l}sm, to ranmfte 1 s.
tl)e altar, ann ttJe b1talt fiJaO be aaronis anll l]ls IJim.
ronncis. 13 gnn ~orc;b.zouglJt garonJfonne;,ant1
32 2lnll tl)c tigiJt f!Jottlbct 11Jan pc giuc bnto put coatl5 bpon tl,Jem,anlJ 11trt1cn tlJem 111ltfJ gtr·
tl)e 10:ietl fo1 an l)cauc offering of pour peace of. lllcs. anll put bonnets bpon tlJctt l)eaDJ, as tl}c
ferings. 1-oJll commaunDen ~orc15.
3 3 ~IJe fame t{Jat offeretlJ tlJe bloob of tiJe 14 ann lJt b10U~t tlJC bUlloCfJC Coi tl]C Cinne
peace offctingss anlJ tIJc fat,ainong tl}e fonnes of olfcttttll : anb aaron anD IJiss ronne15 put tl)eir
aaron,lbaU l)auc tl)e rtglJt ll)oul'llerfo~IJiS part: (Jan~is bpon t:IJe (Jeab otd}c bullocliro~ t:IJe finnc
34 1f01 tl)c \llaue bJelt anlJ tbc IJeaue fiJoUIDer otrmng.
l]aue 91 talten of tl,Je cl)ilDJen of 91£rael of tl)eir I 5 ann sm)ofc; b Octoe IJlm, \l toolre tlJe bloOll, b 1111oru ~·D
peace offcrin~, anll IJaue gtuen tl)em tmto aa,
ron tl)e 10:tea, anb tmto IJiss ronne,s, bp a ftatutt
'IDl}ir;l)IJeputbpontl)clJomisor the altar roUUD :=·~~'~: ••
about '11ttlJ IJis finger, am purifiell t11c altar, :;.~.~~:.·~1"d,
foi cuct from among tl}e cl]ilD1en of~fracL an!> po'ID1e1> tl]c blooll at tl)c bottomc of tlJc al- aJlj"·
35 ~IJtis il5 tlJe annornting of aaron, a1111 tat? ano ranctiftell it, to maflc momtliation bp•
tl)e annopnting or l)iis fonnes. concernin~ tl]e Ontt.
ractifices of tl)e 1.01ne malle bp fire, in tl}e bap 16 2lnn1Jctoolreall tl,Je rattf1at11181bpon tlJe
:WIJtn (Jee offerell t)1em to bee ~ieftc15 bnto tiJe inti.Jaros, an11 tl}e flail or d}e 11uer. anl'I ttJe t1110
l!..0,1>: 1tiDners,a1111 t(Jcir fat anD ieofcs bumtn it tip,
36 2lllb tlJcfc be tlJe portions 'IDl}fcfJ tlJe JL.,o:be on t(Je altar.
comll!nnbcb to be gium tl]em in tl}e bap or tlJdr 17 '3uttl]ebull0dlt, anbfltSIJptlc, 1Jtstl£11J,
annomtmr;J from among tl]e ctJiln~m or 9jfrael, anD l)tnoimg. IJtt bumt 1llitlJ lire 1llit1Jout tl)e
bp a flatutc ~OJ cucr in tl)cir ~metations. l} UJc :a,,o~D commaunbeil ill!'ores•
. 37 ~tis iis tlJc la'mc of tf,Je lDl]oll' burnt otfrJ 18 ~n111Jeb1ougl:lt tfJt iaamme ~ t11c \tllJolr
, cm11<bf•· rmg,anll of tlJe mcnt otltnng,anll of tl)eJaci&liu bnmt olfutng, an1> aaronanD IJiJ ronneisput
~·lfiu .... Of· fOJ unnc anll ttcfpalfc,' fo1 comuma°"' 81111 tl)etf1JanD1Sbl1~1ltf1e (Jean oftl]c Wamme,
~i·«;;~:· fOJ tlJe pe~ce offcnng: ' 19 DIJicfJ llJofeis ltillell, 'fp1tnltll'I> ti)c blooll
~~:~:~:~'.;·, 3s 110l)iclJ ttJe. 'JLo~lle commaunt1eb ~ofed in bpon tlJc altarrountl about.
tlJ~ moum of' ~mat. 'llll)cn IJe commaUl1bcll tl]e 20 anD ~oreis cut tlJc JSammc into pieces
cl)tlllicn ~f '.3\frac~ to ofltt tlJl'ir ramftctlll tmto arll> burnt tl}c bca1>,t1Jc pteuis.ant1 tl}e fat. '
tl)e JLo.iD m tl)c 'tlltlllmtclfe or ~tnai. :a 1 ~ 1llall)CD tlJe m\Hrlls anll tlJe ltmltu
!The Pricfisanointed. Chap.ix. Aaronsfirfl:offring. 39
in'lDattf, anll !:1ll)orcsb~nt tlJcl!iammemn-p • ~lltn tIJccigl)t llap.~orcscallcl!
I 'm}Jit bpon tlJc attar: font was a mllok burnt ~Ai aaron an!> l)ts ronnes, ann tl}c cl,
racnlicr: ro~ a f\llcet rauour, an!> an offring mallc • ~ 11ers or']\Crad.
bF lire bnto tl,Jc lLo,l>, as tl}c lLo~ll conuaanl>cl! .. • 2 9tlll tJcfaill tmto aaron:~alic
~ores. tl}cc a pong calfc fo~ a fume ~ffrmg, Exod. 2 9·
22 .an111Jcc bioug~t tl,JcotiJer 111ammt.; ~c an.ll& .l!ianuncroiatvl}olcbumtoffcring, both
mammc or confcctauon : anb .aaTon ant11)1s \llttl}out blcmt!l), \f bJlng tl)cm bcro,c tlJc lLo,n.
ronncs put tIJcn l)anl!cfS bpon tl)c l)call of tlJc 3 !Jn'O \mto tlJc cl)il'O~cnof ]fracltlJou OJalt
mammr, fpcahr ,faring, -m:abc re a IJe goatc ro, a fmnc of
2 3 11£11Jich ~ores acw,ann toofie of tl)c bloon fri!lg,ann a calfc.anll a tam be. both of a pcrc oln.
of it, \f put it bpon tl,Jc tip ornarons riglJt care, \DttlJoutblcminJ, fo~ a l.llhole: btmitfarnrtcc.
anll bpon tile tl}nmbe of IJis rtglJt l}antl, anll llP' 4 . ~mo, a lBuHoche ai1b a mammc foz peace
on tlJC great toe Of(JiSfiglJt footc. a
Offcri.ngs, to Offer bCfOJC tlJC ',ll..o,ll, anll 1l1C8tC
24 g11t1 ~ofcl'S bJoug11t aaronsfonncs, anll offering mmglcll lllitlJ orlc: foHo ziar tl)c lLon1
put of tlJc btool> on tile tippc of tl}c ri_gtt earc of win appcarc tinto rou. ·
tl)rm. \f bpon tfJetbumbc~oftl)e:trngttl)anlls, 5 ~nil tlJcr b.zougllt tlltttllllJicb ~orr~ com,
anti bµon tl)c great toes of tlJci!, ngl)t fcctc: ann manllcll, befozc t11c cr:autrnCtclc of tlJc Grongrc'
$ofcMpnnclllc'tl tlJe blootl bpo tl}c altar rounn gauon: anti al tljc l!I:ongrrgation came ant1 llool:J
about. bcfo~c tljc JL.o~b.
15 :«n'tl IJctoolie tlJe fat, anll tlJe rumpe, ,a11ll 6 gnll ~ores farn, ~Jil'S il'S tlJc tlJing\\JIJicb
al ti1c fatte tlJat'tllas bpou tl}c il,l'1l~rl!s,. anl! ~e tllr :.C:..ozll commannen,tl,Jat pc lIJOUlll lloc,anll tlJC
!ialloftlJc llucr, anll tl.JctUlo Jnllmc)'S \tJ1tl) tl)ctr glo~r of tl}c '4-0~ll OJnU appcarc imto you.
rat,anll tl}cir riglJt 111oulDct: 7 -lnn ~ofcl'S raill tinto ~aron. ©o bnto t11c
16 ann out of tl)c bafiict of bnleaucncll b~call altar,ann offer ttJc farnftcc ro~ tlJY rmnc, anti tiir
tllat wasbcfo~e tl}c ',li,,o~ll, l)e too lie one bnlcauc' UllJolc burnt offering. ann maltc an atonement
ncil ml1c, ann a cake of oilcll bJcan, anll one 'Illa, fo~ tl)cc anll fo~ tile propl<:: mt!> ttJou llJntt offer
fcr,anll put tl)cm on tl)c fat, anll bpon tl)C rigl:Jt tl)c offering of tl)c people, anl:l mahc 011 atone,
OJOUlDrr: ment f'o~ ttJem,a~ tl}r JLo~tl commmtl:lc:i.
17 .Qnll put all togctIJcr bpon aarons IJanni:s, s -aaron tlJcrcfozc tocnt bnto thcaltar, anll
ann bpon l)iss ronnci:s l:Janns, (t toauctl it a toauc fic\\J tIJc calfc ortIJc rmnc offring, \\JIJicl) wa~ roz
offering bcfo~ tbc JLo~ll. l)imfclfc. ·
18 anti ~ofel'S toolic tbcm from olftlJcir 9 -l:lnlltIJcfonncsoraaronb~ou~l,Jtt!Jcbicot1
l)ani)~, \f bumttbcm bpon ti)c altarroi a 1lll)olc bnto IJim, an!> l)ce llipt IJi$ ftngerm tl)c L1!o,oll,
burnt offering: ~lJefc \Derc confccrationi:s fo~ a ann put it bpon ti.Jc IJ oincs of tlJc altar,ano po\ll,
f'roccte rauour anll racriftcc mallc bp rtrc tmto rcil t~r btoonat tl}c bottomc of ttc altar.
tl}c JLoJil. . 1 o lBut ti.Jc fat, anll flJc tlllo hillntcs. ano tl)c
19 9nll ~orrss toolic tl}c bita ann waucll it hall of tlJe liucr of ti.Jc finncoffring-, l)e bumt \Jp,
foz a mauc offering bcfoic tl)c lLoillc: foi of tlJc 011 tlJe altar,as ti.Jc lLoill commanncn ~ofc)).
liiam ofconrccration it mass Slll)orcs part, ass tl}e _1 1 -m;tJc flcllJ anll tt)e IJtnc l)c burnt \lJitlJ nrc
J1.01t1 commanllcl> Slll)ortss. 1llttl.)out tl)c lJolle.
30 ann ~ores toolie of' tl}c anointing 0tle. 12 goll l)c acm tlJc 'rol,Jole burnt offering.anti
anll of tlJc blool> \Dl)icl) wass tipon tt.Je altar, anll aaronis ronnes b,ougIJt bnto IJim tlJc blooll,
rp,inliltn tt bpon ~aron 1;1 bpon l)ts gannent~ \lJIJicl} IJc {p;inklell rounll about bpou tlJrnltcr.
anti bpon bis ronnes, ann bpon l)is ronncs gar· 1 3 ann ttJep bJought tlJt tol)olc burnt offring
ments 'roitlJ (Jim: ann ranctiftcl> aaron ann l)ts bnto IJtm. 'lllitlJ tlJc pieces tIJcrcof,, anll tlJc l)cao:
bellurc11, ann l:JiSS ronncl'S, (t IJiJS fonncs bctturcs ann l)c burnt chem bpon tl)c altar.
'roitlJ l}im. 14 aun l)cc nill tuaOJ tlJc in'roarns, ~ tfJt lcgl'S,
31 !lnb ~ore~ Caitl bnto aaron ann IJi~ rons, anll burnt tl)cm bpon tlJc 'rol)ole bu mt oll'ning
l5otlc tl:Jc fleni, at tl}c t1oo~c or tl)e tabernacle of ontl)c altar. ,
Exo, :9•31 . tt,Jccon~egatton, ~ tl)erc • eatc tt \\1itl} tiJc b~call 15 lanll tfJcn l)c bi ought tIJe people~ olfcrmg,
tl}at ts m tl}c baflict of confeaation, a)'S ]! com• taking tl}c goatc , '!VlJiclJ 'roal'S tile ftnnc offmng
manncll,faping.aaron (tlJllS ronnci:s ilJaU eatc it. roz tl)e people.. anti fic'ro tt,anl> offcrcll 1t fo~ finnc,
32 ann tl}at tvl)iclJ rcmatnetl} of tl}e fltfl),anl> as IJc tltll me firrt, .
of tl)c b1can, OJ all re burne l.llitlJ fire. 16 9nll b1oug1Jttl)e wl)olc burnt otfcmg,ann
33 .ann rec OJallltotnepart from ti.Jc llooic of olfercll ttas tlJc manct \lJa~. ,
tlJttabcmaCleOftlJCCORgrcgation,fCUCllllarcss, 17 antll)C£ b~Oll{JiJt tlJClUCiltC Offtnng, allb
tmttltl)tllaic~ofroutcon(mationbcatanclUI: lillen1Jt!l1Jannetl}ercof, ano burnt tt bpon tl:Jc
~Or, confc- foi fcuen ll8fC)'S fl.Jal[ lJC i\ fill fOUr l}anll. altar,befibC tlJC \lll)Olc llUntt famfice OC tl)C mo~'
mie you. 34 gs IJtc l!ill tl)i~ oar, ro tl)c lLoin l)atl) com' ntng.
manncn to 11oc, to make an atoncmmt fo~ rou. , 1 8 $e oc~ atro tlJc bullockc anti tl)e ram, fo~
35 ~ercro,c 11Jall re abtl>C at tl)c nooJc ~ fbc t1Jc peace offrmg l.lllJttlJ \Dasfo~ tl}_c people: ann
tabernacle oftlJc <ltongrcgation, oar ann m!Jf.Jt, lar_ons fom~s b,ougIJt bnto IJtm tl)c b!ooll,
reum Mvcs tong.~ liccpe tl}c \llatcl} of tlJC :.a..o~n, l.lllJtclJ IJe fpJmlllcl> bpon ti.Jc altanounll about:
an'Otc fball not llic: foi ro j\ am commanilcn. 1 !I gnn tl)c fat or tl:Jc bullomc anti of tl)c ram,

36 !lnnrogaron~l)i!lronnc~, billlllltl)ings tl)cr~mpc anl>tbatcoucrctl) ~ctn\Darns, an!>

1 Heb.Mi- 'llll)iclJ tl}c Jl,o~oc CiOmtnaunbcb llF tl}c +~an!I of tl)c k1nmcs.anll tlJc liaU of tl}c ltucr,
n:lh ri•. Slll}orcs. 10 .ann tlJrp put tlJc fat bpon tlJc b:caas, ani:I
tJc burnttlJc fatbpon tl)c alta~:
The ix. Chapter. 21 l5ut tlJc biealls ann ttJc rigJJtnionlilcr ~"'
S The firll:off1ings of Aaron.• ·12 Aaron bleifcih che ron tvaucllfoJ a \\lauc otr.ering bcfo~c we :ti.-o~v.
people. 2 3 The glory olthe Lord is lbcwcd. · as tl)e lLo~tl commanncn ~ores. ,
\Jadab andAbihu fiaine. Leuicicus. \.'Vhat bea!l:s be
2 2 anti garon lift bp (Jis i,anD ouer tlJc pea• flJall tlJC! tntng in , tllitl) tl)c fi1crifite'5 mane hr
pk, anti bll'lfetl tlJcm,antl came DD\Dttt from offt'. tirc,ottl}cfat, to'mauritf~a 'maucoffcrtngbc-
rtngoft}Jcnnneofftring, tl]etll)JolC burnt olfe. ro~c t(Je )Lo~n: snb it RJalbc tlJinc antJ ttJr ronnef
ring, anti peace offrttt«S· . witl) tl}ec, bp 11 la'm fo1 mer, 8$5 ttJe :a..o~n IJatfJ
2 anti gii)orrs anti ~aron 'blcnttnto tlJc ~a· commantleb.
3 ,A rttJ €on""nation, anti• came out, 16 gnll ~ores:s rou!J(Jttl)c goatctfJat'mssor'
,Mac.2.11 brrnac~o
an'D blcffctl CIJCcpwple»·.......... •'•c""M"Oft"eJLo•n
• a .... ""' »""H y ~ rttcllfo~unnc .• ann rec, it\1.'las IJumt: ant1l)cr
appearcn bnto ~II tlJcpcopk. \t18S anurp tllttlJ lflcalat ~]tlJamar tl)c Connel
1n11nd"· 24 gno tl)rr'I? came • a arc out from befo~c or aaron, \t1fJictJ \Dct·e left llltuc, raptn(J.
::,~;:&'.:~ tlJe 71.o~ne, ann ~onfumcn bpon tlJc ~ltar tt:Jc _17 1101:1crcro~c l)aucpcnot eatm tl)cfinncof.
:;~u~.'~~·1 ~~ tlllJofC tmrnt offrnng, anb tl)c fat: m(J1c!J mfJcn mng tn t{)c l)olr pla~e ~ fcein§ it is molt (Jolp,
'kmD of fr.• an tfJ. CneopJc fa\ll,tl}ef gauc tl}ftllhC~,llnD fell 011
fi«~i Ila· . f'
anti (llotl IJatl) ~mm 1t rou to btate tl)c fitmc of
'· tIJcir ran:s. tt:Je congreganon to mllfle agrecmcm ro1 a,cm
befo~e tlJe Jl,o~tl.
Thex. Chaprcr. ~ s .:26elJoln,~c blooll ofittlloJnotb~oU!J(Jtin
r Nad:i.b and Abihu are fiaine. 6 lfracl mourncch for \\lttbtn ttJe l)olp place: Fe llJottlll l}aUt eaten it in
th~m. 9 The priclls arc forbidden wine.
tl}e l]olp place,ais '.JI commanbco.
~ ~ #lll f.lallab anb ab~(Ju, tlJc fonn~is 19 .Qnll garOl1 faiO bllt,0 ~OfC~l5ef10Jn,$$5 d ] DllR noc
r '1A '''. soraaron, tooltc tttiJcr oftl]cm l)us Mr l)auc tf}cp ntfyrcll tt,Jr1r finne offring ~ tlJetr ~!~~D,:r.~~·
mob.H, ~i.._~/±',. , CCllfO], llnll "pUtfirc tl)ercin, 8llll ml)olc burnt offong brfo~e tl,)c JLo~b: d 1111b CUd:J ~:'i!:;·:!
:irn., 4 ., IR:1~2>...!": Ji
put ccnrc tl)mupon, anb otftrrll ttJmgss ~re. comtebbnto mee : ~f l)an eaten tf}c ~bli~:!:~
•ttrangc fire bcfi;ie ""'e fl nnc oumng o ap, 11iou1ott ..,aucbettta"'ll' m11,ano11o11
w "1" r-::,{.;;;;; ""J JLoit1:0JIJ'ctJ


brnlrJr., ('" 'f,
·~r,~1;~~· IJcrommanllclJ tllcm not., tell mtiJc figl)t or tlJe 'JLo~o ~
"''"··'·:o'"' 2 :ant1t11ttc'mt11t afirefromtl)cl,o~lJ, 11nt1 zo .ann ll)l}cn ~oreis l}carn d)at, IJtt tll~ ::~~~
;,;,,\~ ~i' b confmncn tllcm,antl tl)cr ?Jicb bcfo~c ti.Jc ;ii..~~b. content. ct111D1111t
~~;,0~'imi. 3 -cr;l}m ~OfeSS faill 1mtO a~ron, -cr;tJ1'1i l,15lt The xj. Chapter.
P""'n '"r::t tllattlJeJL01bCpalic,faptng,'Jj 'mlllbce ranttifiell I Ofbeafis,fiChes, and birds: which bcccleane and
;;t~;;t'.\~1;,~, intQcm tl)atcomeni~l)mce, anb bcto~c aUtlJt which be Yncltane. '
:~~!:'1 , ~,",~· people] 'mill bcr. glo~tfiell. gnn .aaron l)dlJ lJilS

~~[0~~~~1~~1 • veace. . •~si ~ti tl)c JJ.,01t1 fpalle bnto ~ofcfS. m-0
~'"r':~ · 4 2ntl 9ll)oress calletl g))1fad atlll cflfap{Jan .aaron, ann fapb bnto tl)em,
'"· tl)e ronncss or g>ltcl. tlJC bncle or aaron,anll rafo 2 ~pellke bnto tl)c cl)tnl~m of
bnto tgcm, ~omc nme, carp pour b.zetl)~en ,,._~._'Jlfratl,~fap,*~crcarct1Jebcatle1 Dcu1.1+•
from IJcfo~c ttJc ~annuarp,out or ti,c f:Jotl. '1!1}tt1J tee ilJall cat.e amons 811 tf]e
s ann tiler \tlcnt to tl}nu,antl canctJ tf,lem in bca1fis ttJat arc on tlJe cartfJ,
ttJeir coatcss out or tt}e l)ollc, ass siworcis tJnll fatn. 3 Dl)atroeucr •partetfJ U,e l}oo~antl iss do• • '" """''
6 ann 11\)ofcis Capll bnto .aaron,anll tmto C:• uen footcn,anll cl)a\t1ctf1 cull among tlJtlJeatleJS, t:~.':w::
Ica~ar ann 'J,tl)amar l)iis, tanc:oucr not tfJat 11.lall 1!£ eatc. ~~.~n':
rour l)cabSS, ncitlJcr nut pour c:lotlJcf kif iic lite, 4 f)cuertl)eltll'c, tl)crc flJaR rec not cattof ==.r~
anll lcll \t1J&tlJ come bpon all tlJepeople: l5ut let t:llcmtlJatclJll\llc tl;Je cubonely, annoftf]cmtl}at "'"".,.*
rour b~ctNm t:i)c 'all)ole l)oufc of'.)frad be\tlaile ciuibct(JclJoofconely, a15 istl:Je camd, tlll)iel) ~':::
tlJe t1umin~\lll*l) tl)e ll.o~ll l)at)J llintlftll.
7 ~ r.n go not re out from tiJt lJOOle or tbe ~11;
cbn\DcttJ cull, but l)e Ohril>rtl}not dJtlJoofe,tfJtt•
1.imtatle of ti)c con~rc~ation, lell re life: fo~ tile s crnen ro tl)e conp 'all)icl) dJa"a:lctfJ tl:Jr ctlll, boorrdoan.
a110ntt'ini ofr.c of ~oo 1.e bpon pou. a111> t~er1>it1 !Jut biuinctl) not tl]e l)oofc, {Ju is bnc:lcanc tmto ~~.:
a::i !Jli)of'?.j fapll. pou.
s £au tl)t ·!l. oitl rpalie bttto aaron, raping, 6 anti tl)c 1Jarc, tl)ougiJ l)l' cl1a1DctfJ tl}c rob,
"""'"' 'tt:·11 9 '~JfJU l~att not 'l:l~inlic \Dine no~ tlrong pct becaurc l)e Diuilletl) not tl)c l)oofc,l)clss ttJm•
,i'~' .~ ~~,'~"' ln\nLc, ti.Jou, noi tlJF fonnes:s that are 'mitlJ tiJee, foie bnctcanc bnto 1JOU.

n~~'.';' g,:~,":~ 'o.'1'cn ye gotmo tl,le ta!Jcrnatlc oftl)c tOngtcga· 7 ann * againe, tf}e f'minc, d)ougfJ he btuibe 1.Mac.6.
:;~,[,;i,'.~'.~,,. tfoi:, left re Die: )\-et it be a la'm fDHuea: tl)o~o'lll• tlJel)oore., anti tis cloum footeb, 1'ct l}cc d}a'mctf) 18.
~.,>,' ~:; ~~;;; out~our ~cncrattons:s: not tl)e cull,iJc iss bnclcanc to roti.
y~('~";·:~ . .1 o ~no ti)at fCC map put biffermcc bct\llecnc s iDrtlJcir flellJ O:Jall rec not catc, anti *ir
,, ,"··~ '""'' iJcip ann bnt)olp,bct\lleme bnclcanc antJ clt~anc: camcirc fiJall pc not touctJ: but let t1Jem bee hn·
";1~,'.'t•· '~
11 gni'l ttJat rec mar teaclJ tfJe clJilll~ of'.]Jr· clcane to l!OU.
\"<:c\aU tiJc natutess \t11Jitb tije 'JL,o~n IJatl) fpolicn 9 ~l)Cfe 11.JaU rec catc of an tl}at arc in tl)c
tnto tticm bp tiJe lJann of ~ores:s. \tlatcrs:s, ml)atrocucr lJatlJ rtnncss ann rca1e15 in
1: '.:anti 11@ofcs:s faill bnto :Jaron, ann tmto cf• tl)c \tlatcu,reais, ann nuers, tlJat 11.1an re care.
1.rn;nranll 'J:ti)amar (Ji~ ronnes:s t1Jat\t1ere left, 1 o lnll all tl}at JJaue not Cinncs no1 rauc,s tn
~?!it tlJcmcat offering tt}atrcmainctlJ of t~e fa• tf}c rca anti rtucrl5, of an tl}at moue anti lint in
mficcs.s of tl)c'JLo~ll,malle bl? fi:rc,anll cat it\tlidJ• tlJC\tlatcrS,let tlJrm be abDmtnatto!I ~ rou.
out lcaucnbtribe. tl)c altar,fo~ itis:s moll l)olv. 11 ~cp,'J rllt',OJRUbc an.abommahon bnto
• 1 3 Ft fi)a\l cate. tttn tIJc l)Oll! place, bccaufe it rou: pre fbSll not catc oft1Je1r flellJ, but abllom
us tlJr ~uctv,\l tlJl' nucttc,of tl}e rac:rilicel5 tl)cir mtlleire1.
of tlJt JLo~b mabe. bl' fire, fo~ ro 1 am c5mant1Cb. 1 s )l...Ct an tlJat l)aue no CinnefS noi fQlltf in
14 2nll ~c lllauc ll~e.aa anti f}cauc OJoulbn- tl}e matcrss,be abominable bnto rou.
f'nall te eatt ma tlcant.Place,tllou..iJ tlJpfonncs, 1 3 qcrc an tlJey 'Wbi"J rec f!JaH ab(Jo,rc a'
anll ti)!' 1Jaugl)tct15 \t1ttl) ttJce.: f o~ t:IJtl:' bee d.Jp 1tt011« tlJe foulCl,anb d.Jat ou""1t net to be eaten.
ouctp , an~ tlW fonncs:s btte.tic, Htutn out of tlJc fo~ tl}cp an an atxnmnatlon: G::IJc eagle, t(Jc
peace offcringis of tl}e cl)tlllie.n of1ltad. c3011)111dte.,anb t1Je ilDtWap,1
•s ·QW)eIJcauelboulbcr, anb~e. 'Wauc btcft 14 ~u11nlnn:t,ant1 t1Jcllitc,arttt1Ji15 lrinll,
deane, orvndeane. Chap.xij. Purifying ofvvomen-:- 40
x~ ~an 1llaUm$S artct tIJetr bi no, 3s ll5ut anzuf anp 'mattt bepo\IJ~cb bp1m ti.Jr
16 ~c ctllntclJ, tl)c nigt)t €ro\11c, tf1C Gtu" rttll, ano a 11ca11 tarliiifc fall tl.)mon, it OJ all be
110-.ama tlJt l)ab>lie,aftct IJiJS kit1ll, bnclcanc bnto pou.
17 G;f}tfautt:on, t1Jc€0.nno1ant, tl)egrcat 3J 1fanpbeallof\Dl)tc1Jpcmar cat. llic,anb
ll[)1Jllt, anpman toUCIJ tlJC bcab carkcifc tl)crcof, l)c OJ al
18 ~~acb,tlJc l&dlkant.tlJe~t. be bnclcanc 1mnll tl)c <fllctJ.
r9 ctlJC ~to~kc.tlJc ]ap, afttf l}fJS llinnc, tl}e 4° ~cetl)at eattttJ of tile Z1ca11 tamcffe or it,
JL.ap\Dtng,ano tl)c ~\DaUotu. fl) all \Dall.J lJis clotlJcs, anti be bndcane bntil tlJ c
20 )LetaII roulcis tf.Jat aupe ano
gocbpon au ~m: am I.Jet alro tl)at bearctlJ tl)c camcirc of
Courc,bc an abomination btiUI t'IJU. 1t,11Jall 'tlla!l) 1.Jiis clotl)cs anll bee brmeanc tmtill
21 1P,ct tlJcrc map pee catt, ofCUCTP meping dJt~ucn.
tJ1ing ttJatl:Jatl) 'alings,anll go bpon rourc fccrc: 41 JL,et rucrp creeping t1Jin1 d}st rtccpetlJ
cumtlJoft tfJatlJauenot bo'alinJS abouebpOtl bpon tl_le tart!), be an abomination anll not bee
tiJcir lt:apc lDitlJall bpon dJt eardJ. eaten.
22 Cfumtl)cfcoftllcm pc map catc: d]carbc 42 1191Jatrocucr goetlJ bpon t{Jc b~ca,lf 'tlll)at,
after l}iJS limll, tl.)c ~daam after IJiJS litnl:lc , ti.Jc focucr goetl) bpon rourc, o~ tl)at l)atlJ moc fectr
l)aiw>I aftcfl,Jits kinllc,ano tl,Jc 'agab aetn l.)iis among all creeping tl)ingis tllat crcc:pe bpon tlJt
billlle. ca~ : or tf}at rec pee catc not, ro~ tlJcr arc abo'
23 au orhcrroulcJSdJBtCTCcp,anl:ll:JSUCfOUfl' mmablc.
rect,llJall be abomination bnto pou. 4 3 }?ec fl)all notmalic pour roulrs abomina•
24 ']JnfutlJ pee bcbmlcanc, anll\Dbofoeuct blc 'tllitlJ anr tl;Jing tllatcrccpvtlJ, ncitllmnabc
tc>uctJetlJ t!Jc camctrc of tl)cm, CIJall be bn,ltane fOUrfelUl'J5 bnclcanc 'alitfJ tl)cm,tl)atpcc 01oulll
bntill tl}e rum. be Zll'filcll tl.Jttebr.
2 S 9ntl \DlJOfocUcr bcaretlJ tlJC mrfleife Of 44 fo~] am rour l..oJb cll50b: l3e *ranctificb 1,Pct.t.
tlJem, OJ al \Dalh lJiJS clotlJcts,anll be bmlcanc bn• tlJcmoic,ann pc 11.Jalbe l)olr, foJ ']am l]olp: anb
till d]c lfucn. pc llJall not Defile rour rouleis 'tDit:lJ anp manet of
2 6 ano cuerp bcatl t~at {Jatl) l)oorc, a111> fJS crccping tlJing tl)at mcpcdJ bpon tl)c carttJ:
notcloucnfoottn,no~ cl)a'tllctl) cull, fuel) arc bn• 45 1foi '.JI am d}c JLo~ll tlJat b~ougt)t rou out
clcanebnto pou: cucrp one tl)at toucI,JctlJ f;fJcm, OfdJC latlll Of Ge!n'Pt to be FOUt a30ll: FC flJaU bee
11.>albctmdtanc. ~olp tlJercfo~c,foJ] am l)olp.
2 7 anll \IJIJatCocmr goctlJ bpon lJfJS pltmcJS, 46 ~- iJS tl)e la\Dc of tl.)c beatl,Unll f.ouir,g,
amo111 au manner bcafkis tl)at goc on an fourc a111> of euerp limng creature dJat mouctll in tlJe
fccrc,rud) arc bnclcane tmto pou: anll 'tlll:Jo ro llO• \DattrJS, anti or etrerp creature d}at crccpetfJ llp•
ctlJ toucl) dJdr camcirc, OJall be um;lcane bntill on tl)c eartl),
d}eefUm. 41 ~at d.lcre mar bu a ntfercme bct\Dtmt
28 ilnll l)c tlJat bcarctlJ tl)e camdrt of tl)C'ln, tlJc bnclcane anll clcanc,anb bet\llccnc tl.Je bcall
1ballmaHJ IJtJS dotlJcJS,anll be bnclcanc bntil tl)c tl)at map be eatcn,anll tlJe bcaa t1J11t ougl)t not
cftltn: ro~ fudJ arc bnclcane bnto pou. tobccatm.
29 ~nll lcttlJefc alfobcebnclcanc bntopou,
l11110l1« tlJr tlJingJS that crer:pc bpon tfJc cart11: Thcxij. Chapter.
tIJe urafdl,anll t1JC ~ouft,atlll tl;Jc ~oah,afm 2 A law how women iliould be purged after their dc:-
tlJcfr liin'll,
30 ~e$e'llgcl)ogg_r_,tl)c ~tcmo,t!Jc :Uccrt, ~b tlJc 'JL0121c fpafte bnto SlllJofcss,
tlJc ~natlc.anll tiJe £1J}ole. raping,
3' ·~l)rrc arc uncteanc to pou among an tl)at 2 ~pcaJJe bnto tiJc cl)ilb~cn of
mcpc: \IJl)orocuer lloctlJ toud.) tlJCm'mlJcn dJcp ']lfracl,anbfap,']fa*\llomanl;lauc Luke 1.
bellcab.,lllalbc bndcanc bntt11 dJc lfutn. • concciucn fullc, anll bome a man
32 !l11l>'mbatroeueranpoft1Jcocan carffcifes cl}ilb,llJe 11.Jatbc bnclcanc rcuen oarcJS: acco,lling
of t~C'ln llotlJ fall bpOn, flJaU be bndcane.. 'all)e' to tfJC b8pCJ5 Of tl)C fcparatlon oC l)cr infi.nnitic
tl)er tt be belI'cU of lDoob, o~ raiment, OJ flifnnc, fl.Jan lb cbcbnclcanc.
o~ramc, o~ Ull)atrocuer bclrtU It bee tlJat anr 3 a.Jlll in tl)c *ciglJt bap, tfJc flcflJ of ti.Jc d.)ilb~ Luk'ea.
\Do~kc is \ll~uglJt in: l1l1ll it mull be plungcb tn ro~cCllinnc OJ all be cut atoar.
t1Jt 'alatcr, anll it OJall be bncleanc bntlll tl)c Cf• 4 ann OJc CIJall ti.Jen continue in ti.Jc bloo11 of
um,anll fo llJaU it be dcanfell. l)ct purifping t{J~cc anb d]trtic nsrcis: ~{Jc lball
too~ no l]alo\lleb dJing, no, come ~nto tl.)c fam,
an, 33 a11 manner or eartl;Jmtrtnn \Dl)crcinto
of tlJtin fallctf}, flJaD bee bmlcanc, \Ditf1 au
t1Jat d}erctn ts.anti tt flJaU be b~km.
tuarrc.bnttll tl)c time of I.Jn purtfpmg be out.
s ~fflJe bcarc a map!lc c1J1lllc,fl_Jcc0Jalbc bn•
34 an maner mtatt alfo tl)ati1'1 bfe'll to be CS• clcant t\llo \Dedic~, ac~~bmg a~ ml]crfqiara'
tm.tf811t'ftlCIJ\Datm:omc bponit, OJan bcbn• tton: anb lbce flJall rontmuc m tlJc bloob oflJcr
dtane: anuu maner D~inJJc tl)at IJS bfell to b££ purifying tlJ~ee fco~c anll fire bapcjS,
D~mk tnaU mancr ruclJ betTds,IJJalbe lmdcanc. 6 ano 'allJen tlJc napcis or lJcr purifying arc
3s a1111 tuetp tf}tng tl)at tl)ctt ca~cife fallctlJ out, tol)c~rr it be fo~ a ronnc oHoi a Daugbter,
bpon, 11Janbec bmlcanc, 'mlJctlJcr itbcoumo~ llJC !l)al tnmg a lambc or one rcrc olb fo.i a \DIJolc
litttlc,letltbcc b~oJJcn:1foi tlJcparc tmde.anc, burnt offrmg,_\t a roung plfi\con o.i a turtle nouc
anl»tlJall be bmlcane bnto pou. r~ 11 rmne olfring, ll_nto tl)c booic of tl:Jc tabcrna'
36 Jtleucrtl)ddTc,pct tlJe fountamo \DdkJS, de ortt)e '?ngaganon,bnto tl)c 10.iiclt:
anb mnuttonis ot'\DattrS, OJaHbec cltanc fhll: 1 U91J1CIJ ll)al olkr tIJcm ttJc ll..o.ib, anb
but tl)at 'ml.Ji~ touct.Jctl) tl)cir catlictrc,s,llJ8llbe martc an a~ncmmt fo.i IJcr, anb tbe OJall be pur,
btKlcant. geb of tl)e 1truc of l)cr blo0Mtn11 tl)i1'1 iJ5 t!Je la\llc
~ 1 '] f ti.Jc Deall CllTlicifc of anp fud) fa ft bpon to~ IJ!f tl)atl)a~ bomc a male o.i a umaU.
anpftcll bfeb to ro\IJ,tt llJaU vet be clcanethll: 8 ~Utan.Dtfll)cbenotablcto bztngalambc. Luke'·
{}JC I
"'he difccrning Leuiticus. of the Leprofte.
tl)C llJaU bitng t\lJO turtlc~.o~ t'IDO FORiPlgCORjS, lJtle, anb if f}ealcb.
tlJt one fo1 ttJc 'IDIJolc burnt offtti~, ann r:tJc o• 19. an~ tntl)~plactOf tlJe bfletIJm appeatc
ttJn: fo1 a fulnc olfcring:.lnll t11eJ'11ca llJAI malic a eitl)er allJining 1Dl)ite, anl:I Come•
an atonement fo1 l)cr, ann fiJC OJ:tl• be i;leane. 'o>(Jatrel:ll:l~tlJ, 1t~rttncor r:tJe~tca.
The ;xiij. Chapter. Cotner tl)ci1d)cf1t~nitt.8t11).t1Je l;laire tl)crcof be
1 The Priclls mull hauc: :i con!idcrJtion, :and iudgr ct)an~el:I bnto tolJ1tc, tl}c Pimt 111aU c tUt>ge IJim • Ban•wri
whoarekpcrs. 4i Ofrlickpr,111sgarmcnts. bnclcant: ro~ it isi a plague oncp1orte b:olien out irn;·f~;::
;0i) tlJcJLozll rpaftc bnto~ofcl3 anti oftlJClJt'IC,. . . ~,·::,u:".:.":·
.aaron.fiwmg, ZI l!3nt lf l:lJe Pl1£tl lookc on lt' anti t}Jcre be 11111 ouU.01111•
, 1 -a.11c m:m tliat llJaill)auc in no tolJitc lJaireis t:IJcrcin, anti iC it be not lo\lJcr ~~::ilm::::
~""'·. tfJc ffl(n of 1)(1$ !lcllJ a fttJclling, cl' tIJcn tl)c Chin, but be llarlicr, tl)c p~tra fiJaH tlJUt ~~bp~::,::~
""j t11cr arcnbbc,oJ agliftcring\UiJitr, l)tm tip rcue.n ~arcl3. . . ~·~;1ii,:.i- ·
an!l tUc plague of'1tp1ofir be in t{Jr r immr of {)ii$ 2 2 :anti 1f 1t fp1eat1 ab1011t1 m tlJe nunne, tlJc 1D1111, i.~1.
fiCllJ, IJC flJall be bJougl!t tmto .anron tlJe l91icll, p1ica fiJallpJonounce lJimbnckane,fectngitis •6.lo.
OJ bnro one orf]ts Connci$ ttJc J)1i;:!l)j. afOJC,
3 ~n'tl tllc l0#ctl11Jalloobc on rl1cro1c in tl)c 13 l!3utirt}Jcrpotllanll llill, an?l gro'aJe not,
Oiumr ofl) flrflJ:ann \lilJen tile l)airc i11 tl)c ro~ it i~ a rc:a~c of a bplc, anti t1Jttefo1e tlJc pJicft fiJal
1;, rnri121:itotoiltte, ann tf]e ro~ratrofeeme tobc oeclarc lJtm to be c:Icane.
Jo\urni1cnt11cfiiinor1Jii$ftc~, it il3 a plague or 24 '.Jif tf:Jtte be anr flcllJ,in \lilJofefkinnc tl)crc
L:•~Gftc: anti tt:c ~teaUJaUlookt or.l)im,~ iutige is a tolJote burning, ann t:IJc quiclie flCIIJ tlJat
tnm 1.mc1.tanc. burnctlJ l)aue a \lllJitc fpot, fomem}Jat relltitllJ,
· ..; ·J. f tlJcte bee a tlll)ttc [pot in tl)c fftlnne of o~ lol)itc,
illil nc.~J,ano fccme not to be lower tl)cn tlJcffiin, 2s ~Jcp1idl11Jall loobe bponit: anti if tl}c
1 ;w; tl;c Qairc tlJcrcori~ turnel:I bnto \lJfJite, tl)c l)airein tlJatbJiglJt fpot bee cl)angcIJ to llll)ite,
}.)~irlt fiJOlnJUC bp him that hath tlJC p[a!JUC rcuen ano it appcarc lo to er tiJen tlJe flitn, it ii$ a tcpiorte
llntr!S. b~oken out oC tl)c burning , rinl:I tl)crcro1e tfJt
5 anll tl:lc ~~tea fiJaU looftc on l;lim againc PJlell llJaU iutige (Jim bnclcane, feeing it ts tl}C
t1Jc rrucntiJ Mp: ann if tlJepiaguc recmc to f]im plague octcpJofie.
to alJiilc !til,ann tf]e plague gro'0.1 not in tl)c flim, 2 6 Wut if tl)c pitca loolte on tt, anti tl)crc bee
ti1e p~lcft fliall flJUt bp him chac hach tf]c plague re, no \Df,Jite lJaire intl)e bJigl)t [pot, anb tl)e place
umnarc~mor. be no lotocr ti.Jen tlJe otfJer fltinnc,but be l:larlier,
. 6 ~111ll tlJc ~~tea fiJaO loolic on l)im agatnc tl)c pJita 11Jall fl.Jut !Jim bp rcum tiare~.
ltIJ crem ntlJ llap:tl)cn tr tlJe plague be tiarlicr,anti 27 antitf:Jcp~itatl)allloobc bponi,tmtl)c fe,
not gro\!Jcn in t}Jc Bin, tIJe ~~icll l.lJaU funge ucntfJ nap: anti mt be grotom ab~oa11 in tiJcfilin
clrnnc, f'o~ it i)") but a fcabbe:ann l)e llJSl \lJaftJ tl)e p1tca II.Jail tubgc (Jtm bncleanc, feeing it t13
•li~ c!ot\1e)1, an?l IJc clcanc. tl)c plague of fcWofic.
I 7 lBut if tl)cfrobbc~rotoein the fiiln artcr 2 s ann tr tl)e fpottc ftantlc ftiU in tt , anll I:lc i~ re enc of ttJc 10litll, ann iungell dcane, gro\llenotin tl]e ffiinnc, but istiarfle, tttsarf,
lie UJalbc fctnc of'tl)c 10~teft againc. ung or tl}e burning, anl:I tl)e p1idl fiJall tl)crcro:c
· s 'lftl)e p~icllfcc t!Jattllefcabbebrgrowm necla~e IJim cleane, feeing 1t i~ ari;am of tl)e
\ abioail m tl}c fbitmc, tl)e wrctl OJall PW1l0Ulie< uurmng.
:;.,·:;~? ,!Jinl' bnclcanc :foriti~ altpzofir.. . • 29 '.]f man o: YOoman l:)atfJ a fo1c bpon tl)c
"·· •'·'' I 9 UD~cntl1cpiai!Utorrcp~ortc1~maman,1Jc t)cao o~ tlJc bcarti,
.' ·' ,:~,, !l;atbcb~ouW1tbnto tiJc p~iclf, 30 ~t.1cp~ieft11JaUfcct1Jero:c, ~if itappearc
. ~· ~ '~;:~.,, 1 o .9nll tlJc PJica UJaU fee IJim: anti if tlJc lower tIJm tIJe ann, ann tIJrn be in it a reno to

fttJctling be \tlllttc m tbcfltinnc, anl:I l)lllJ('m!Ulc f)mrc anl:ltl)innr, t:l)e p:ictlilJall iuIJgel)im bn'
· .: ·· · · ltnrtmirc toiJite, ann tl}crc tcratoe flcfiJ tn tlJc clcanc.rcetngtl)at tl)e fame fretting i)") a tolien of
'.i\ucEin§: lcp~ofie bpon tlJe iJeaIJ o~ bcarti.
I 11 'Jt i.£S an ell.le lcpJofie intl)clliin offJi~t!c!l), 31 anti if tl}c ~~iclt loofic on tl)c fote of tl)c
anl:I tl'Jc pJictl fi:Jall p~onounccl}imtmcleane, a11I1 fret , anl:I it fccme not lower tl)m tl)e flrtnne,
i l1j?.f ttot OJUtl)nnbp, fccing~Cil$ bncteane. anll tl)at tl}e l:)aire ti$ not blaclie , t1Jc l&ritfl
1 1 2 •Jr a Icp~ofic b~caflc out ab~oaIJ in tl)c Orin, ll)Bll flJUt bp him rhat hath tl)C frcttingfo~e f£UCl1
i ,:mn coucrall t1Je0linfroml}ij;jl)ca!lto IJt~ fOotc ilarcs.
\'tllllmrorucr tlJc p1tcil loollctlJ: 32 !.lnl:I in tl.Je rcucntlJ l:lap,tl.Jc ~ietl 11Jal loolir
I r; ~llm tlJc p~idl llJaU confll:lcr: ann ff tIJc Jc, on tf]r ro~ c: an11 if tl}c fret bt not '3f0'\nl'tl', \1 tl)ere
•µzcfoc bauc coucrfl:I all tJts ftcllJ,i;le UJall tUllge ttJc be tn It no rclloto l}airc, anb t1JC ftet f£nnc not
b r::" """ i !il~ut to be b clcanc,bccaufc it is au tumc!l into
lo torr tl.Jm tl)c fl1innc., .
: ;:,:; 'ii.'~ uil}1ttncrrc,a11n l)c 111albe dcane. 33 l9e11Jallbell}aum.bUtd1£fmllJall 1Jcnot
;}•;·~ ';~'.i,' r 1 +l5Utiftl)crcbera'mflellJOUIJimU'Jfltnl)ClS flJaue: anll d)qnidt fbal flJUt bp him that harh tl:}e
:ii;'.'·-"-.>'/'' .ccnc, he lball be bnclcanc. fret. teumnap~moc.
:> ·: r:::,. • 15 ann tlJt P~itll lbalf£c tiJe ra\li flcllJ,anb 'llt- 34 an1:1 mtf)e CeutntlJ llaf tlJe wtca llJallooite
, ........ ciarel)imt.obcbnckant: frutl)tra'mflct11 iftm' ont1;1c fret: lllllatftl,Jef'rctbcnot gro'\nm tn tl]e
ctcanc, fcnng tt1~ a1tp1ofit: fbtnnt. no,fmnc lo\lltr ttJm tl)c oti)erCliin, tf]e
1 6 © J 1f tbt ta'a:l lirlb tume againc, , c:IJ111f1C wiea llJall clcanfe bim : ani> IJee fiJall wariJ l:Jts
':.Jttto 'n'll.Jttt, lJc flJall come bnto tlJe ~ldl: . aoams. anbbcdeanc. ·
17 gnn tlJc p~1ctl n1au £tt l)im, am, bd}ol!IC. 3~ lButif dJt fret ifO\D in tl.Jefllin after fJis
1f tl)c. foµ: Im: cbangen bnto "llll}'itc • tlJe pjid d£tding,
fl1all nlllgc tlJc plague tlcanc, ant1 ~ ftJ8ll be 36 qc 111idt llJall looflc on IJtm, anll if tl)t
c:canc. fret:SgrobJmmd)Cfflinnc.~ttJcp2ieftft)aH not
1 s -ntc flCflJ a1ro tn 'IDlJofc Cfrinnt u,m •• a rccfsE ~ptllOtDIJmt. ~ fJc •• bndrane.
37 ~ut .
Difcerning of Leprofie, Chap. xiiij. and denfing of it. 41
37 ~uttnJc rec tlJcfrct ftanb thU,anll tlJat her after tl}attti~ ttJallJcD, l)e (l)all cut it out of
tlJcre us bJaeke IJaire i;iro'tllm bp therein., tlJc fret tl)e ganncnt, 01 out of tfJe fhtnnc, o~ out or t\Jc
iJ 11r.a1e11,ant1 l)c n1albe clcanc, ant> tl)e piictl OJal 'marpe, o~ out oftlJc\llooft.
t>edan(Jim tobectcanc. 57 Qnll ifit apprare thllin tl)e gannent, ci,
3s 'Jftl)crt be manp 'IDIJiterpotJfntl)c crstn tlJtr in tIJc 'marpe , ot in tlJe mootc, ot in nnr
or c:11efltib of man o~ 'moman. tlJmg mane of n1inne, it ii:! a fp1rabing pla11uc,
39 qeJ8~ielt11Jall loo11c bponit: ant>if'tl)e tlJou !IJalt burnc t{Jat tlllJemn tlJr plague i~.
rpotJ in tl)c rllin of tl)cir ftcllJ be comettJIJat barllc 'mttl) llrr:.
anl:l 'IDl)itc 'IDitl}aU, it is a freebie grottJen in tl}c 58 ~o~coucr. tlJe gannrnt, either '4larpe ot
rain. tl}trcfo~t (Jc i)1 clcanc. 'rooort. o~ 'IDIJntrocucr tl)ing offliin it be, \lllJicl)
40 !Ano tl)e man 'tlJIJofc IJairc iSS filllm off IJiS tl)oul}!llt 'kllafiJC'D, iftl:lt plague be ne.parteD tiler,
l)cao, l}c is batoc, rct cl.cane. from, ttfllall be 'WallJctJ once againc, anb tfJcn it
4r .a1n lJcc tl)at hatlJ lJiJ IJairc fallen off on fbalbc c:lcane.
tfJe part of l:)is l)cao tomaro IJilS facc,ts ro~cl)call­ ~ 9 ~lJii:I ti;I tbe la'ro Of the pla~c oflcp:ortr in
baloc, pct clcanc. ~ gannrnt, 'ml)et11mtbc moncn oHincn, ritl)cr
42 'J:f tl)crcbc in tlJcbalZlcl!eaD, oi balbcfo~c' m tl)enistyr. o~ \Doore.. 01 in anr tl}ing of nrtnSJ..
llcao a 'ml'Jitc rcooill.i to~e, tl)crc iJ Icp~oflc fpiong to oeclarc tt tleanc, o~ bncl£ anc.
bp in tlJc balDc f)ean, o~ balDcfoicllcao~ . Thexiiij. Chapter.
41 ano tile JMclt flJall toolle bpon l)tm: ano 1r
tlJc nung of tlJe roJe be tDIJite reZIOifiJ in l:)is balnc 3 The cknfingofchc Leper, 34 and 0: the houfe
lJeaZI, oz l.JalDe ro~cl}cao, after ttJc mancr oflep~o' thar he is in.
fie, '1JlJtclJ is in tl}c rhtn oflJiS flcll.J. :"'~ r"- , : , t:lll .ttJe 'JLO~tl fpahe bnto iJl?oftJS,
44 ~1Jen (Jc is a lcp~ous man anll bnclcane: fapm11,

1 :!J
ano tlje p1icll 11J1ll p7011omtec IJim bnclcane, fo~ ,i. 2 ~is ts ttJe la\Dc of tlJc Ir,
,_ · per in tiJc nav of l)is clcanfmg:
CIJe plquc tl!mof is inlJtJIJcao.
4 s ~IJelCpcr in ml) om tl}e plague iJ, a1al l)aue \ IJcc. * OJall be bJougl)t t>nto tlJC Mac1. s. 1.
d Jn a1nr or lJiS d clotlJeS rcnt,anD IJiJ IJCclZI barc,anll fi)al put · Jl)nca, nlllk., .4a
~'~~.,;::. 1 •· a c:oucring bpon IJiJ lip~.ann uial crp,anctcanc, 3 .a11nt1Je~.1iclln.iaUgoc out oftf!ccampc,
tmclcanc. anD t1Je lf)~ita ftJall loolle bpon l.lim, anti tf tl)t
46 gntl ass loni;J a,i ttJc llifcafc 1aaet1J bpon plague oncpicfie br1Jca1co tn tl}c leper,
l)im, {Jc flJalbc DcfilcD,anD bnctcanc: he llJal Zl'1Jel 4 ~Jen OJaU tl}e ~~icllcommaunD to t11I!c
atone, cuen \lliCIJouttl}ccampc flJal! IJiislJabita, ro, l}im tiJat tis clcanCcn , t\Do liuc birDc.£S anti
tionbc. c:lcane, anb (etlttt\tloon, allb a rcarlctlacc, anD
47 ~e gnrmentalfo, tIJat tfJcpltlguc oil£, IJFCopc.
pzofie is in, '1111Jct(Jcnt be a mo llcn garmmt o~ a s :Intl t1Jr ~tica flJ::itl commanll tfJat one or
ltncn ganncnt, ttJc birt1ei:1 be lltlleD in an eartt.Jcn bctrcn, anll bp,
48 tWf.JetfJer it be in tfJc \llarpe o~ moo re ofli• on nmnin11 'IDatcr.
nenot of moUcn, citlJetin afllm, o~ anr dJing 6 ann Ile lbal tabr ttJe buing bitbr, \»ttlJ ttic
maoc orfliin: ~ellartoooD, tl)e ano tlJel:lrfopc, ano
49 'J ftl}e llireare be lii;JIJt grcme..oz fomcml)at OJall bip tl}nn anll tlJc liuing birtte in tlJe blooo
rellbi01in tIJe i;Jarmcnto~flltn, \lllJttlJcrit bcin oftl}c naincbiroc bpon tl1e nmning mater.
tl]c'IDarpc oi 'IDoofe, o: anpdJingtl)ati~ mane of 7 anb (Jee OJal fp~intlile bpon 1Jim tlJat mull
rnrn, tl)m it i~ a plague of 1cp:oflc, anb flJtlll be be cleanftb oflJiS Iqi1ofic, rcum times, \l clcanfc
U1cmc11 bnto tl)e ll)zicU. IJtm, anll fl)all lct tlJc liuing btrl:le goc free into
50 ~IJe"~iclltbcrcro:c flJtlll CU tlJe plague, tl}e ffdo.
anb fl.Jut it bp !cucn oarcs. s anti fjcc tl]at is clcanrcll 01aU toalb llis
11 !ltl'b l)ce fl}all loohc on tf]e pJa~ tl)e fc, clotl}ci;1, ano n1aue off all lJtS {Jaire, anti tDMIJ
ucntlJ oav: \»l}iaJ if it be incrcafcD m tl)c !Jar, litmrclt'c in mater, ttJat IJr 10ap be tlcanc : anti
ment, \lllJctlJet it bee in tlJe ttJarpc o~ tooorc, attcr tl)at flJaU lJt come into tl}c 1Joac, 11110 tl)all
oi tn a rllinne, o~ in anv tl)tng tl)at is mane of tarp 'IDitlJout 1J1~ tent re urn napcp-.
l'hinnt, iti)1t:IJe lcp10Cieof a frctttng ro;e, iti~ 9 ~ut in tlJc fruentlJ ttar, lJe n1al ~1111uc off al
bncltanc. IJiss {Jain~ oflJiS bcab, IJii:I beartt, anil h1i:1 bto'illcs,
52 gnb IJe 11ian bUttte tlJat ganncnt, citller au IJis IJaire 11Jall be ftJaucn off: !ilnn IJc 11)al mallJ
'marpe o~ woofe, 'IDIJcttJcr it be \Dollen ot linen, IJisc:totl}cs, anD atro maa.i bis flcll.J in water, ann
oi anr tlJing that i" maoc of fllin. '4ll)erein tl)c (Jc OJalbc clcam.
pla«11e is. foz it iJ a frcttin!J lep1ofic, it OJall bee 1 o '.]in the ciglJt oar l)cc fiJall tafic fwo IJrc
burnt in tf)e fire. lambes, 'mitlJout blemillJ, anll an c'tDC lambe of
13 ']f tl)e ll)~iclt fee tl)at tile piap i~ not a pccrc 010,tDitl}out blcmiflJ, ~ t1.J1ec tmtl) brales
iirowcn in tlJC gannmt, cptlJe,r 1n tl)e '1larpc, affine Hourc ro~ a 1neatt offmng, mtnileb 'mitlJ
ot moofe, o~ In 'U.llJatfocucr tlJtng of rllmnc tt orle, anD a• JI;,og.gc oforle. . i11,~~~.·L;~.
bee, Ir anottJell)~l£11~atmafietlJIJimdcane,il)a1 bJrlD f8iltb
54 ~e ~~ic!l fl1an commauno tl)cm to '1lall1 b:ingtbemantlJ~ttsco bcmabcclcane,~ tbore ~:,~~:i:.·.~
t1Je tlJlng 'mbcmn tl}e plague is, anll IJe U1al II.Jut tl)ingS bcrD~e tlJt :A..01~· at tbe tJOO~C of tfJUabtr' •H" ruu.
tt up f£uen ziarc~ moe. nac:lc oftlJc con~cgatron,
5s anll tl)c ~tiett ll;Jallloohc on t11e plague a, 1 i ann tile ~lea a,au tllke one lambe ano
gainc att:crt}Jat itii;1\llallJet1: anll irtl)e pla«tft offer !Jim roi a ttcrpatrc offering, anDtl}c log~c of
(J::uc not tlJnngctl l)ii:I colour, anll iJ rpicall no op le, ano 'lllaue tlJcm roi a\tlaue offering bcf01c
furtbet ab~onll , it i~ bnctcane, ttJou OJalt burnc tl}C Jl,O~!I·
it in the fire.. fo~ it i!l fi'etlmuarD, to)Jcd)cr ttbc I 3. 9nlJ IJC OJal fia1! ~ latnbt in ttJe plate 11ll}tr£
bare bchinbc 01 tcfo1r. tlJc flnne ~llermg anti ttJr wlJolc btrrnt offering
56 !tln~ it ttic ~ :iclUtt tl)at ttJe pique IJS l>8t' arc nainc.,tn t)Jc IJolV place: foJ ais tlJc an offrin!X
~he lavv and maner Leuiticus. ofclenfing the Leper.
The mancrofpurging Chap. xv. vncleane ii.Tues. 4 2
!lip tl}em int1Jcbloot1or tiJcOainc bifllc, anb tn 1s Qnb tile p~mt OJaD ofter tl)cm , tl)e o~
tl}crunntng lDater, anb Cp~incklc tl)e lJOUfC Cc< roi a linnc oftmng, anD tlJe otl)er roi a to}Jolc
uentimcs. burnt offering, anb tlJc l&~icll llJall makc an at•
p gtrlJ lJt llJal dcttfc tl)c IJourc \'OitfUfJc bloob onement ro: htm treflne tl)e JL01t1, as conccmill{\
ortlJr biite, 11nb lDitlJ tf:Jc running b:Jam, mtlJ 1Jil5 ilTuc. · ·
U.JC liuingbirb,'DJtt)J tlJC <ltcbai1IJOOD,tll1i) dJCIJP· 16 ]faltl' man~ reebc nepart from l)im in l)il!I
fopc, anb tlJcfcarlct lace. accpc, 1le11Jallmall)aH1Jil!lfltOJtn\llattr, anb be
53 l5ut l)c fl.Jal let tf:Je liuing birbc flic out of bnctcanc bnttn tl)e teuen.
tIJc tob:Jne mto tlJc b~oab fielbS, anti fo make an . I 7 Slnb CU£fP garment, anb eucrp emu,\'ol:Jl'r'
atonement fo~ tlJc l)ourc, anb it OJallbc cteanc. mllJ fuel) fcel>c of flCcpe, 11Jalbc 'DJa!l)eZ. lllitlJ wa'
54 ~IJis is tlJc la1D fo1 an mancr pla~e oflc' ter,anl> be ~ncleane tintill tl)e Qeucn.
p~ofic anti fret, 18 ann tf f)e tlJat t1att1 rucll an ttiuc of rcene,
55 gnt1oft)Jckp:oucorganumtant1l1oufe,, boe lit 1D~tlJ a 'DJoman,tl)cp ilJal botl) 1DaflJ tl)em'
.56 1fo~ a C'DJcllmg, fo1 afcabbc, ant ~ a 11.11• rclues \tl1tl) 'lllatcr, anb bre bncleanc bntill tl)c
mn(J 1Df)1tc, !furn.
n 'U.o tractJ 'DJIJm it isumicane.anD d£anc: . 19. ~Ufoif aU>omanlIJall:JaueanilTuc,andl)cr
tiJi~ is tl)c la'W oflc~ofic. tlrueml:Jcr flrllJ llJaH be bloob, llJelball be put a'
The xv. Chapter. part Ceucn narcl1 :1Dl)oroeucr touctJttfJ l]er, 11.Jall
be bncleane bntill tl)e <Ihlen.
2. r 9 The manerofpurging the vnclcanne[c both of 20 9nbaUtbatfl)re bctlJbpon lntf:lc time of
men and women. IJ~ reparation 111all be bnclcanc : lilic al) cucrp
Jab tlJcJLo:tJ fpafie bnto 9).)ofc15 anti tl}mg atro tlJat nie fittctlJ bpon il1 bnclcane.
aaron, raring, 21 1191.Jofocucr toucl)cttJ l)n: bctl,flJal 'WallJ l:JiS
2 ~pcahc bnto tlJc cl)llll~cn of clotl)cs, ann batl.Je lJimfclft 'WitlJ mater, anti be
J)rracl, anti rar tinto tf)cm,D01Jofo, bncleanc bntill tl)e cieutn.
. ~ eucr(1atl}anmningi1Tucoutof(Jtl5 2 2 anb 'ml)ofocucr toucl)etf.J anp tlJin~ tl:Jat
nctlJ, JlJ 11nctcanc bp rcaron of tf)at itiuc. 11Jee Cate bp~n, OJall 'DJaOJ l)is clotf)es, anti battle
3 gnn tlJiS flJall be llis tmcleamn:[c in IJiS IJtmfclfe wtttJ 'mater, anti be bncteane bntt!l tl)c
iffuc: iflJiSS tlcllJ tun,01 iflJiS fttOJ be Uoppctl from lfoen.
l)il5 ttiue, tticn tt ts tintlcanncrrc. 2 3 -o tlJat 'DJIJetlJer l:JetouclJ 11cr bell, o, anr
4 <euerp bcl> \lll)crcon l)e lietl) tlJat f1atl) tlJc be[cl 'llllJcrcon UJc (JatlJ fittm,l)e llJalbc bncltanc
iCTue, ts tincleanc: anti eucrp tl)ing w)Jcrcon IJe bntill tl)e coming.
ftttctlJ, ts bncleane. 24 antltfanpmanlie'DJitl) (1er,anbl)crrcpa'
s Jl91Jofocuer touc1Jctll f1iS bct1,11Jal toall.J 11ts ration come bpon IJim, l)c n1al1Jc tmclcane Ccucn
clotl:Jes, anb bad.Jc l)imletrc tn \Dater, anti be bn• i>at'l'l1: anball tlJc bell \lll)ercon l)c Ucci? t1.JaU be
cleane bntill tl)e <tucn. tmclcanc.
6 an11 be tl)at fittctlJ on anp tl)ing toIJereon 2s alfo tf a \lloman IJauc an nruc or l)cr
Ile rate tl)at l)atlJ ti.Jc tll'uc,aiall 'DJallJ IJts clotlJcs, bloob manp napes out of tlJe time of l)rr fepara•
annoatl)c IJimfclfc tn1Datcr, anti bee bndeane tion, a~ tf it runne bcronne l)er reparation, let
tmtill tl)e teuen. all tlJe bapcs of tlJe iauc of 11cr bncleanne{fc, be
1 ~e tl:Jat toud:JctlJ tile tlrfb orIJtm t1Jat1Jat1J cum as ti.Jc nare~ofl)er reparation: for ll)c ts bn,
tlJe tttue,fl)al \llal11 l)i~ clotl)cs,ann bat!? l)imfclfc cleane.
tn 'a.later, anti be bncteane bntill tl)e <eum. 2 6 lfutrp bell m1Jcrcon flJee ltctl,J as long al)
s 1f1Je alfo tlJatl}atlJ tl)ei1Iuc,fpitbpon1Jim
tlJat ts cleanc. IJe UJall 1DaflJ IJiS clot)Jes.at111 batlJ
IJer ill'ue laaet:IJ, OJall be bnto l.)er tf)e bctl of
l)er fe.paration: anD 1Dl.)atrocucr nice fittct[J bfl'
bimftlfc in 'mater , ann bce tmclcanc bnnll ti.Jc on, fiJal be bndeanc, a~ tl)e bncltanncm: or l)cr
Q:aicn. reparation.
9 anb\'Dl)attabblefocUttlJCribetlJbpOntlJat 21 ann 'DJIJoCocuer touc1Jct1J anp or tl:Jcfr,
l)atl) tl)c tcrue, nialbebndcanc. fl)all be bncleanc, anb tl)all wilO.J IJiS clOttmi, anll
1 o ann wl)oroeuct touctJctlJ anp tl)in« tl)at batl)e 11imfctft in water, anl> be bnclcane tinttll
'DJa~.tmber l}im, tlJalbc bncltanc imto tl)c euen: tl)eefucn.
anblJe ti) at bearct:IJ anp CUC1J tlJingS, niau \llafl.J 28 l5ut if tl)ec be cleanfell or IJtr tfTuc, fbce
1Jil5 dotlJclS, anti batfJc l)tmrcuc tn\llatet, ann be ll)all count l,icr rcucn narcs : ann after tl)at fl.Jee
tincleanc lmtill tile <tuen. 11.Jalbedeane.
1 r .Qnll \lll}omrocucr l')e toudJetlJ tf]at f;at:IJ 2 9 anti tn tl:Je cigl)t nap me f(Jall tafle tmto !)er
tl)e itruc., anll lJatll not \llall1et11Jt15 l)anbS in 1Da, t'DJoturtles, o,t'tllopoUllg pigeons, atlb b~g
ter, IIJall blanJ IJiS clotlJe~, anD batilel)tmCclfcin tf:Jem t>nto tfJt J&~d bef~~c tlJc Dooie o~ t)Jc ta'
\Dater. anD be bnclcane tinti«tlJt ¢uen. bcmaclcof tile coni\t'cgatton.
n ~cbeltrlofcart1Jt1Jatl}ctoucl')etfJtolJicl) 3o !lnD ti.le J&~idl 11Jall offer tl)e one fo1 a
lJatIJ tl:Je urue, flJall be biofien: atlb au betrel15 of finne offering , anb ti.Jc otl)er fo~ a \llbalt burnt
'ID001> ll)albe rinfel> in b:Jatcr. olfetin~, anb make a!' atone:_mentfoi IJer befo~c
11 Jml.Jcnl)ccatfo·tl}atl)atl) anitruc is clean' t;IJc JL,o~b, as 'onccmmg t~e iffue of~ct tmclcan•
fttl of 1.Jis ttiuc. l}c 11.Jall number l)tm rcum nareis nette.
fOJ IJis ctcnring, anti \llallJ 1.Jil!I dotlJcs, ann batl)e 31 ~us flJaU pcfeparatet1Jed)1lb~en of 1r,
l.Jimftlft mnmnin« 1Datec , anD fa 11.JaU l}e be rad rrom tl)e1r tincleannefrc, tlJat tlJep lite not in
tlcane. tl.Jclr.tmdeannctre, If tlJtt bcl\le mp tabernatlc
14 ant1 tlJc cigl)t bap 1Ju.111au take to I.Jim tfJat is amo1_1g tl)em.
t\Do tttttlc bones, wt\llo rong pi§t.ons, ,come 32 ~1s is tlJClaw of lJim tllat 11at11 an urur,
btfoie tlJC lA>Jb bnto tlJe bOOlt of tlJC tabmmcle anl> oflJtm '!IJIJort fcebenmnctlJ froin (Jim in ~i~
of t_l,Jc c:ongttption , l11lll liut d;Jem bnto tlJe aecpc, anb 115 betiltb tl.Jerem: .
~JJCtl: ' 33 atro Of 1'ct tl)at fo~ ber fcparatioll t~ put
fhe Scape goate. Leuicicus. Offring for aconemenc:-
apart, anl> of 'tDf:JOCocuer 1Jat1111 mnnin~ iliut. IJtt 11.oc foJ tlJc tabernacle of tlJe con1R«atton
wlJetl)erit bee man 01 wom11n, mui of l,J&m ti.1st tl)atiss retamong tl;Jem, cuenamongtlJeit »n::
ltctl) tllitlJ IJn '»IJidJ ,_ bnatane. c:leanne[c.
17 *anD lettlJttc benobollpin tlJe tabema• Lukc1,10.
Thexvj.Chaptcr. tic of tl)e congregation, 'all.Jen 1Jee ~ttlJ In to
2 What Aaron mull doc. 8 O~ the Scape goacc. 14 make an atonement in tlJelJOlp place. t>ntill l)ec
The cleanfing of the Sanll:uar1c. come out,anl> ~aue maDc at atonemmtfo, IJim,
.cuir.10.2• • ~ Je tl]e JU>~b "QJaflebnto 91'orts Cd~ ann foJ 1J1is 1Joull]olll,anb fo1 au tlJe congrc•
\.f&, , after tl]e DtatlJ of tbc ttllo ronncss gatron of'.)~aet.
~ of gar on, \DIJm tlJer olfrel> befo~e 18 ann IJe flJaU goe out bnto tlJcaltar ti,at il5
• tlJt Jl,O~l>,anl> llpta. bef~ctl)c Jl.cnD. an11 reconcile bponit. ann ruan
· 2 ilnD ti.Jc lU>il> faib bnto Q!lo' take of tl)eblool> orUJcbullome, ann oftl}eblool>
res, ~pcalle tmto .Qaron tlJp biotl}cr • tfJat lie oft1Jcgoate.,an11putitbponU,e1Jomessoft1Jcal•
:xo. ~ o. 1 o *come not at al timess tnto tl)t l}olp plan~ b>itl}in taa: rounb about.
iob. N· tl]c baile befoie tl}c mcnic Ccatc \DIJiclJ iSS bpon 19 ~o OJall l)ec rp,inlilc of tlJc bloob t>pon it
t1Je .amc, ttJat l}e l>ic not : foJ l tlliU appcare in 'Ulitl) IJiss finger feum timcss, anl> clcanfe it, an11
tlJc cloU11 bpon tlJc mmie Ceate. (Jalotlle ft from tlJe bntltannell'e oftl)e clJllll~
3 :l5ut\DttlJ tf.JistlJtng llJaU aaron come in' of'.]lfrael.
to tlJc (Jolp place: cum \DitlJ a pouna: bullomc fo~ 20 !ilnll 1xl1Jen lJc hatlJ ma?Jc an mb ofreconci,
a finne ofkting, anti \DitlJ a ramme co, a tlllJole ling tIJe lJolp place,ailll tlJc tabernacle of tlJc con'
.burnt offcrin~. grcgation. anti t:IJc attar, {lee !tall ~ing d,Je liue
4 ~e 11Jal put tIJe l)olp linrn coate tlpon l)im, go ate,
I anll n1all 1J11ue linen bieeci;Jcss bpon l.)i~ ftetlJ, anll
IIJalbc girllcll \DitlJ a linen !Jitlllc, anll tllitlJ a lln'
21 !Att?I aaron fl.Jail put botl) IJiSSIJanbfS bpon
tl)e1Jea1>oftl)cliuegoat.c, ann conrctreouerl]im
ncn cap llJaU (Je be attire!>. ~ere are l)ollf gar• all tIJe mifllrellss oftl;Je ci;Jtlllien of]fracl, an11 all
mcntss : t1Jmfo2e 11Jall l)c bJafiJ IJi!!I fte(IJ in \Datu tl;Jetr tr~atrcss in au tl)eit finness, putting tl)cm
tlllJCll i}C llOCtl) put tlJetn on. bpon tlJt l)eall oftl,Je goat.c, ann fmll IJtnurmap b' l)t111n""
5 gnl>i)e OJal take of tlJcc;ongregation oftlJe
ctlt1n2m of'.])frael, rmo 1Jcc goats roi a rtnne ofrr•
bF U,c lJBnD of a conumimt man into tl}c '«Jil•
C':: ~=
e.11111, '*
_ btan1111111
rlnlJ, attn arannncfo~ ato(Jolcbumtofrrring. 22 !I.nil dJt goate (ball beate bpOn lJ&m all DnacfDf re&
6 ann aaron t11an otrct llis& buUocke ro, IJiSS tl)cir mifbetllc-bnto tlJc lantJ oC feparatton,anll :;~:"
finnc ofkring, anD malie an atonement f01 IJ'im, l}c OJaU let tl)e goate goc into tl)e 'lllilllmttlTc.
I <mil toJ bilS l)oufe. 2 3 !tUter, aaron UJall c:ome Into t:IJc tabema'
7 .ann l_lc tl)all tafse ttJe t\tlo (Jee goatel$, ann clc of U,e congregation. a1lll put of d}e ltrmen
Ip~cfent ttJcm bcfoie tl)c Jl..otll at tl]t l>ooic of tl]c aotl}ess tu1Jid1 l}ecput on ml}m l;lcc\llentin Into
taticmaclt of tiJe con~egatton. U,c l;Jolr placc,anll leaue ~em tlJm.
s Qlnl> aaton fbaU call lottes oun: tl]c t1Xlo 24 !Jnll lct IJim 'UlafiJ 1Ju1 flcaJ t»itf) tllatcr in
goatc~ : one lot fbalbc foi tl]e )L.0111,anll tl)eoti,cr tlJc IJolr placc,a1lll put on l;ltss o'Uln raiment, anll
'T:i "'1"''" fo1tIJ<:·~capcgoate. tl)cncomc out, ~ otfcr IJiSS \lll}ole bumt offning,
"~· ,',-:;,~:.~· 9 anb 9.aton ll)all b1ing tl)c goatc bpon anl>tl)etu1Jolcbumtofferingoft11cpcople, anl>
~'.':.::,;'.•:,;,: • tllbictJ tl}e )L.01b1S lot fel, anll otfcr l;Jim foi a nnne mafle an atonement eo, l)imfclfc • ano fo~ tl]c
~~~~h:•::tt; oftcring. . people.
soot.., .. ftnr, l3Ut tl}C goatc of Ull'llCIJ tlJC lot felto be tl:Je
I0 2 s a1lll tlJe fat of tl)c annt. offering f!Jall l}ee
~:[1;g'~~:" ' ~capcgoatc., ll,Jalbefctaliucbcfoletl}e ·,11..o:n to
bUmc bpon tl]caltat.
;;:~~~I, ~1~•tt, moncil.e '1'lttt:J, ann to let l)im goc as& a ~cape 26 anl> l,Jc tl]atcariel> fo~tf) tlJc goatc fo~ tf:Jc
~~'.~~~r.~:· goatc into t)Je \Diloerne!fc. . ~cape go ate , fiJall UlallJ l:Ji- 'lorl:Jc~anl> batlJe
II'"''" "fret, I I !lnll ~aron fi)al b1m~ ttJe bullccl1e roHJJS IJis& ftrllJ in \Dattt,anll tl)en come into tl)c boac.
"'b"r' ::. fmnc offering, anll tcconc1le fo: l)imCclfe ann foJ 21 ano tlJc btrllomc fo~ ti,e nnn~ offriug, ann
lJiSJ )Joufe, ann 11Jall I1ill tl)c bufioclic ro~ l)is& finne t{Jc go ate fo, tiJe finne offring, \Dl)ofe bloOll t»ass
offfriug. b~ougl)tin ~o clcanfc tl]c IJolpplace. ft,Jdlonc ca, Lcuir.s.10
1 2 ~-nD IJc tl)al tafte a ccnfoJ run or burning neout *\DU:lJOUttl}c l)ottc, to bee bUmt md}c hcb.•1· 11
coatcis from otr tile altar befole tlJc Jl..011>,anil Uial fire, UlitlJ tl)Clt fliins.ttJcir ftca,,an11 t1Jctr nc~.
fill IJi~ IJatlll fttl of _Crocm ince_nfc beaten fmall, 2 8 i\llll lJU tfJst bumctlJ tl)em. (J}SU \Dall) lJIJ'
nn·ci bnng ttJttn Ultt{Jm tlJc bailc, clotiJep, anti batl)c lJiSS ftcOJ in 'Ulatcr, 81UI tf}cn
1 3 !ii "ID put t1JC incenfe bpon tlJc fite befole tl)e comemtotlJclJolk.
·.i:..o~ti, toat tl)e cloUD of tl;Je mcc~fc may coucr tl]c 2 9 a1lll tl)iss flJall be an ~llU1anct tW cuer tJn,
mtrnc re at tl}at i~ bpon tl]c \llitnc!fe, anll l}e OJal topou: tiJatintl]c ttntl)napoftl)c felrcntl)mo,
notllie. nctl) re l,Jumble rour row.. ann bo no 'mo,ilrc at
Hd,. 9. 11 • 14 * ant1 l)ec t'l)altaftc of tl)e blool> of tfJe bul, aO,U!lJeti)ct itbcomoftour o\Unec:ountret, o~ Lcui.1 ,,
md lo+ loclt~ anti rp,inchle it \llitlJ (JtSJ nnget bpon tl]c a atanger dJat roioumetlJ among pou. 3 7
1nttcie feate <11!'.allmarll : anD befoie tl)e mrrcie 3o • !1foi tlJat Dllt' QJSD tl]c 1&1idl malie an at'
feat llJal l)c fpimtkle of t1Je blooD \DttlJ 1Jil5fingtr oncmmt.to1rou.todcanftrou.an11tl)atpcmap
ceum ttmcs. be dcanc from au fOUt Unnel bcfo~ tl)e :t..o.rl'I.
I s ~Cll llJal l)c kill tl)e moate t:l)atiSS tl]e pco' 31 Uitbea~abbotl]ofmtbntoyou. anz.
plE'l5 fi~ne olfcnng, allb bJin111Jii:'I blooil tl)SdJfn re «il1ll 1Jumble pom fouleJS bf an DlDinanctfo~
tl)e llatlc,anll llor. 'mitl) tl)atblool:I ~ IJeDiD 'Ulitl) euer.
tlJC blooll or tlJC bUllothc, ill~intkling it bpon tl]e 32 a1111t1Je1&1iellUl{Jom1JclJJallanoint. an11
mcrcF feate, anti bcro~e tl)c mcrqi er.ate. tolJoml)ec tbaU c:onfecratt tominitlcrinlJiJS fa·
16 .ano l)ec tliall moncile tl)e l)ol?_plac:drom tl]ctJS ttcail. llJSU make tl)e attoncmmt anD llJall
tlJC bn~annctre of ~e cbilllien of ')rtacl, anti put ontlJe linm dotfJe&anll IJolp bcammtss:
from ttmr trerpalTcs mall tlletr rilnie•: \t ro llJaH 33 gnn OJan rcc:onale tl)el)oly ~ammarp,
, Blo'odnocrobeeacen. Chap.xvij.xviij.· - Degrees ofkinred. 43
anti tlJf tabemade of t:IJ£ congngation,anZt ilJ8ll dJil!l~n or]rrael, l!lt RJall eate: tlJc bloot1 of no
cl£anfetl,J£ altar,at1b mak£ an atonement f'Di tlJe mancr of f!cflJ, !oi tl}e lift or all flcllJ is tlJc b'loo11
ll)Jteat•, ano fo: an ti.Jc people or tl}e ron!lfcga· tl}mor: tol)orocucr cat.ctl;J it, 11.Jalbc mt off.
non. . 1 ~ ann cucrr roule tl}at eatcti, tt \DlJicl) bitb
34 anti tl)ill ll)al be Sit rutrlatli'ng DJtlinanct alone , o~ tl}at 'lii(Jicl) 1Jlas t~nc toitl) totllle
bnto pou,to make a~1 atonement fo.t tl)c d;JilDJm bca11:11, •o.i{Jctl)cr it be one of rour i>'mn countrcp,
of'.)Crael;foi 411 ttmr filmcl5 once a pmc.ant1 l;Je o~ a llran!Jcr, l)c n1aU 1Jlall.J 1Ji!S clotl)e,15, anb batlJ
t1tt1~t!Je1-DJlJ comman~ctl ~orc1. IJimCelfc 111 'matcr, ann be bnclcanc bntill tl}c Cle 0

The xvij. Chapter. um: anti tl)m llJ:tll IJc be ctcanc.

16 'l'flJc 'WriflJ tl)cm not, not bat{Je l:Jf.15 flcf!J,
4 AU facrificc mull be brought to chc doore of the ca- (Jc II.Jail bcarc IJrs finnc. ·
bemaclc:. 7 Todcuils.thc:ymaynocofter. 10 They
may not ca cc blood. The xviij. Chapter.
J'il J2' ttJe :t.oJb fpafle bnto grporcs, 3 The Ifrae!iccs may noc walkc after the mJnerof che
EgypciJns nor C han~anitcs. 6 \!\'hat degrees of
rartng, . kinred may marrie together.
z ~peahe tmto 9aron , anti
bn to l)tss fonncs, anb tmto all the rr~~ 0 ~ tlJC Jl.OJb fpal'lc bnto g;)ofCp, .
• cl;Jt\imm of '.)fi'ael , anti rep bnto ~11.' , rapmg,
ttJCm., ·~m~ tis tfJc ti.Jing tol]tclJ ti.Jc JL.oJtle l)atl} ~"' R ·. 2 ~pcar1e bnto tl}c chtnncn of
cl}argctl, Captng, ~~· . ']free!, r.ntifapbntott)rnt, '.)jam
3 ~IJat man rocuer or tl'e l]oure or 1rracl fil'U~) . OJC Jl,c;O fOUf <8(1):
fnllcttrnn ore, o~ lambe 0H1oatc tn tl}c l}ollc, OJ 3 ~ft~r rtic t:i:iiiWJ oe ttc lnn7:lr or lfm-pt
t{Jat hillctll it out oftl1e {Jone. · \tlljcrctn re, 111riu re not coe: 1mo ~ft2r me
4 2ntl bitngetl,JitttDt 1mtoti,c t1ooicort1Je. ' Doingil ornr-: Ulnll of <ltlJanaa11 'J.Jl~it;1cr •] llltU
tabernacle oftlJc congnganon, toofferanoffe•. bJing rou.nJal re not l!oc: mitl)cr i.llnUi~ in tl)cir
nng bnto tl}c JL,o~lJ befo:e tl)c tllDdhng place of ointna nee P·
• ~barm111 tlJc ·JLoJb,•blooD ll,Jalbe imputcn bnto tllat man, · 4 :l5ut noe after mv iu1ii;i;ctmnts, anb !iccvc
:1, =::r.::ir:u Ile IJatlJ fbeD blooD, anti tlJat man RJall be mt off mine (l.uitnancc~, to Wallie tl:)crcin: '1 am CJc
· "d'o• "'u from among l)iss people. · °L01llf0Ut©Otl.
,· :&t':r.;. 5 ool)ercfD:c. \Dl)en tlJe d)tlllicn of lt\'acl ·5 f ~cfl)alllzcpe ttlrrcfo.icminc oztir.:mcrz Rom D .
:, bu"' IDblcb b?tng tlJetr offmngss ttJat tl)cp o&t bin tl}e \\liltl atUllUl'iub~cmcntp: 'mlJicllita •man Dcc,l)tc Gall;.J.I~
' :ri:,:::~og... ficlbc, tl)cp t'hall bJmg tl)e1n bnto tIJe JL.o:n,cuen tlJal bue in ttJcm: '.Ji am tiJC )L.c.zn.
:a~t~~:· bnto ttJe booJc of tl)e tabcmadc or tl)t congr~, 6 fJonc flJall appiocl' to any fiinrell of l)is
tt1• ''"'' br• tionbp t1Jc1&1ttll,to offcrtl]cm fo:peact otmngsJ flcll), fOJ to bncoucr tf;cii· 11 tmllebndrc: '.]! atm!)c II Or.i1um•
~:,~~i ',i;b• tmto tte Jlo;b. Jl.OJb,
r1111ma&1c. 6 gJ\I) tf;Jc 101idl ll,Jalfptinfik tlJC blootl bpon 7 ~cnaliebnelTcortlJv ra1l)cr, ann tIJe na,
tIJt attar of tlJc JL.on1, '1ll)icl) i~ bcfo:e tl}c l!OOJC l'lclJncfic of thp motl]er, OJalt tl)ou not bncoucr:
of ttJe tabernacle or tl)c congregation, anti btm1e fOJ lbe tis ttlr motl]cr, tlJcrcfoJc n1alt tIJou not nlf,
tl)c rat foJ a rweetc rauour tuuo ~c JL.o1D. couer l)tr natltbnelTc. .
7 !anti let tfJetn no moJt offer t!Jcir ofl'ertngsJ s -mJc mllicbnc.lTe or tlJv fatl]crss \Difc (bait
:.i~,1 :,~ 1 t ' unto ncums, after ml)ii tl}cp 1:1auc gone ad 'mlJo, tl)ou not btrcou..--r:roJ it i~ tlJr fatl)ci:s nakcbne~.
:.~~~:'~;, ring: .~injS_ fuall be a1_1 o:ninance to: run unto 9 ~ou tl}alt not nifcoucr tlJc nallrbnclTc of 1
h'"' ro th• tl)cm m tlJetr generations. tl)p filter, tl.)c na~tcr of tlJF fatl)cr, OJ tlaugiJ•
~'.~.~:~ia. s 9nn tIJou 11.Jatt rap bnti;i tl)m1, ~atroruer tcr of tl.)p motl]cr, tol)etl)er II.le be bom at•IJomc, • 1'.hotl•. rr 1
:r·~:i~;1i, ntanitbeofti,cl:loufeof'Jfrael, 01 of tl)c aran, 01tottl.)out. ~;~';~~:~~~~:
~:~=~~. gerjS \tllJicl) foio~ic among vou, t1Jatofcrctl}a 10 ~(Jou 11.JaltnotbncoucrtJJc naIJcllncJTcof "'""h' ~·:
&tc1.rrrn11b U)l)Olebunrtofl'ertngo: facnftce, · tlJt Conness tlaug)Jtcr, o~ ti) p Mug(Jterµ 11augi)• ~~~";'{;:,:;Ii!:
~:"'~~.~·D 9 ann b:ingcttJ itttot1mto t11c • of tl]e ttr, coi tlJatis tlJinc omne naf;ct1nerrc. ~.~;~'o',i,~~'.~
:..1~::n~:~:'•• tabernacleOftl)c congregation, to oftr tt tmto 1 1 ~e naliel:lncfj of tlJr fatl)as \lliuc.1$ l:latrgfJ, :~:,:~~;;~~ 0 ,
:~::;:;•.~ 01 ,. ~c JL.o~b. tt)atman lball be cut otf from among tcr ' begotten of*"'"
. "IJ C father,
· ·
r·c~cr,v Mn{Sfj
(G tlJr frfrcr, Ortrr "" h••
'"'." •• i}tlS people: t{Jou ClJaltnotnircouerljer na!ictinc!Tc. •u·r~"·•••
:t'r:.~·m to 9nb \DlJatrocuermanitbeof tl1t l)oUfc of 1i ~oU!lJaltnot bncoucrc-f,Jrnn!lctlnrU"cof ~~i~'.'~~·~n
eou. :Jit'rad, oi oftl)cttrangerstlJatfoioume among . tlJp fatljerS.S finer, fo: fbCC i~ t!Jl' fatl)Cr~ limf'a'IO• 1:m11:1ic.
pou, t)Jat catct:lJ anp maner of blooll , 1 toill Cct man.·
~:!'i~~~i~. rmp fact agamll ttJat roule ttJat e~tttlJ blQoJJ, 13 ~ottllJaltnot nncoucrtf1c nalirtlncfi'cof
•mu11rcm1 anb \llitl cut!Jtm off from amongl.)t• proplc. tllf mo tIJcr? filler : foJ n1ce is t!Jr motIJcrS liinf•
:',~~;r&cc u rJ,'o~ ttJe lift orttJc flcll.J tis in tl)e blooll, anb 'lllOllUIQ. ·
~;.1~ 1 • ']!l.)RUegiuCitbnto roubpontl)taltar,1omalie ~!Jou UJalt not uncoucr the nalitllnetre of
1 :1:
an atonement. roi l'our foulrss: t.oi tl)is bloob.(l)al dJF fatl}tr.!S bJotlJcr, tlJat t'1. t(Jou fl.lalt not go in
maftc an atonement roi tl)c roule. . bnto JPS tot&'ml;Jid;J iP t.IJtne aunt.
u .~IJmfo?c 1 raiil unto tl)c '(JtlnJetJ of 1\f• 1 5 ~ou t1:1alt not 111rcourr tt)e naflcbnclTe of
racl, :lict no Coult of rou catc blootl , nritlJU tlJt 1:1augi1ttr in lalll: fozflJc is tfJ'pConncsmifr.
let atlfftrangcr tlJat foioumctl) among iou eatc tiJcrtfDJc flJtllt tl)ou not bncoucrl)er nakcllncfic.
blooll. 16 ~ou!lJ!lltnotbncoucr tllenalicllnctrcof
1 ) ann \ll'lJatrocucr man it be of tl)e dJil~m tlJr tn.otlJerS wirt, fo1 ttJat is tlJr b:otl)ers na·
cf 1,rrad ' oi of ti'c llrangerss cuat roiournc 8• lfetlne:ITc. .
mong rou, '»IJtclJ IJuntctl) ~ catcllctlJ ant bealt . 17 ~IJott RJatt r.ot btrcouer tl)c nalieoncfi"c of
o~foulc, tlJatmavbe catm, let him po1ll1c out tl:JF nnk ann l1£r l:langbtcr, ncitl)et malt c11ou
~c blooll tiJmof, anti couer tttoitlJ 11uff. talit l)crfonsban~tcr,o~ l)cr Mugbtcr~ 1:1aUG11•
Gcn.9 ·4• 14 • 1,fo: tf;Jt life of tl)e flcfl) iSS tllt bloob ofit t~, to tm,ouc,r tiJ~'r nsllcoms: f,01 tl]cp arc IJcr
ioyn ed \tilt!) IJi~ !~fa: tl}mfo;e 'JI faille bntO ti)C , kmf'a.lomen, ann tt were Uiirltcbnrirc.
.. ···-·~·- I!} 11( '<1thOUI
-- - - -· ~ - - -.... t ... ., ...
Diuers abominations Leuiticus. are threatened.
Degrees of kinrcd, which ~ct Macri~ · D9Ccs ofatfinitieor aliancc, which
monic as it .ii fct foonb an the lei MmilDOllic, aS it is fct foonh iii
'aviij.ofLcuilicus. 1hcmj.ofLaWicus.

Ge .:.-. .


· Therefore as Mofcs may not marrie with women that ::are of his ldnrcd oralfancc. according
to that which is here abouc contcined: LilrcwiJC Marie Mofes filler may not maric: with
the men whiCh arc of her kin red and aliance. And it is 10 be noted, that bCfidcs the ~rfons
here fpccificd, arc comprifcd the afc:cnding and dcfccnding of die fame degrees. either of
ldnrcd oraliancc.
18 ~oun1alt nottaflc a \Dfftantl 11tt mm
alro,to tJen IJet:,tl)attl)ou moutnelt tmmuerljtt
nafttnne[c bpon IJet: in IJet: lire rime.
19 ~oull)altalConot l,l0Ctmtoa\1)oman to
bncouei:l)unallcnncl'fc ass lon1,1 8JS 1Jm~ css put a•
pattfOJ l)u tmdeamutfe,
2 o ~o~ouei , tlJQu ll)alt not lie mttlJ ~
~lltoirt. tobdnel1e\:'O:ltd)rttzlt.
.. - · •• ~ 1 ~ou ll)alt auo not IP.UC of tin! b fttbc to
~-:1.:,~01 • olU it bntO ~dJ, tmtl)ei: lbalt tl)ou 11c11t
Lcui1. 20.2. tl)t nanu of tin' llSob: ')am tl)C ll-OJD.
4.reg.2,. n €l)ou ll)alt not lie \DitlJ manlrinbc, 8J$
• mitlJ 'roomanlrinb, foJ iti!Sllbomination.
2 3 ~ou IJ)altlie toitl) no manei: of bcafl, to
nerue tlJ! Cclft ttJmtoitl) : nritl)er fbaR Rn! mo•
man aann befo~c abeaa to lie bomnc t~mto:fo;
it iss abomination.
24 !cc ll)an not b£11Ie rourfclness in anp of
tl)cfe tlJmgsS: mi an all tlJcfe, tIJe nationl5 an be•
ftlcb tolJidJ *JI cat outbero~ rou,
1 s t19hmt1J10~ ttJe lanbt lldleb, anti 1
tom btCitt tlJc 'O:Jichebndre tlJ~eor bpon tt, tea
anb ti.Jc lanbc it rc1rc l}atl) bonuttll out IJtt '1il18·
26 Fee ll)aH lmpc t11crcro~e mtnc o,btnan•
cc11 anb mr 1Ub~cmmtess, a1111 mmmt none of
tl)tre abominattonss, nritl}tr anp of poui omnc
1 Cfo~ an tlJrfe abominatioru11Jauc dJtmm
of tlJ~ lanb bone \'DIJkl) me befo~ pou, anti tl}t
lanb lJfbdlltb)
28 ~lJ.atl not tl)e lanb rpe\llc rou out alfo. «
pee btlile tt, a11 it fpnDrb out tlJe natiorUI tl)at
'O:Jet:C bd'o~e l!OU :'
29 !JfoJ.'»l:J~foeuct n,an commit anic of
tl)de abcnmnattonl!I. tlJr. ratt1£ foukJI tl)at
mtttl)cm, OJallbecut off fromamm11 dJfttpr.o•
Simdrie lawes Chap.xx. and ordinances. 4-+
pooµ? IUJl> llranger: 1 a1n tl}e _Jl..01D fOU\' Cl!JoD. Cptrit~, ncitl}cr rcekc artcr ~outl)Capcr~, to uec
· 11 }i?.cellJall not lltale, neatf}erllr.ale fdt[p, bcfilell bp tiJcm: '.JI am tlJe Jl.,o~ll pour li5oll.
nclt)Jer lie one to anotlJer. 32 ~l}oufilaltrifc bp llrro~c ttJc iJoarc l)cati,
Exod.10.7. u ~el)Jallnot*flDr.aretre mpnanieftllftl~ anll rcumncc tlJe. race of tl}e otll man, ann b~eao
dcur.s-r '· ncitiJcrflJalttl)oulle!il£ tl}cname ofd,Jp(ISol>:'.]l tlJp <ll>oo: jJ mn tfJc :JLo~ll.
· amdJelJ.,olll. n "1fallrangcrfoiourne\uitlJ ttJecinpour Exod. 12 .11
Ecck.' o. 7. 13 *~IJou 11.Jalt not bo tlJp ncigl)boUt tD~, lano, pe UJnl not bcre I.Jim.
Dru 2+ '4· ncttlJer rob be )Jim, •ncttl)cr llJaU tlJc tD0111man~ 34 13ut tlJc llranllCf tl}atll'melletlJ 'mitf:J pou,
1obi ..... f· IJircabille lllttl.J tlJtt bntilltl}Cmomiul. a1au bee alll one of pout ownc nation. anti ttJou
14 ~ou flJattnot curre dJUr.afc,ncitiJerput 11.Jalt .louc l)im as tlJp Cclfc, foJ rec 'mere aran,
11 ltumbling blnclle befD1c tl)e blinlle, but llJalt gcr~ m ti.Jc 1a11ll or !fgrpt: 'Jl am tllc )l...01a rour
rcarc ti.Jr <ll5oll: '.1l am tl)c 'L1>1ll. ©oll.
15 Fe !ball Doe no bnriglJtcoufne(l"t tn iunge, ; 5 Pe fl:Jal boe no bnti!P)tcouruerrc in iullge,
Dcur. 1•1 7· ment, tl)ou fl.Jalt not* fauouit1.Jcpcrfonoftl]e mmt, in mctparb, in '1leigl.Jt, o~ in iuearure.
iamcs •· • pooie, no11Jonour tiJc migl)tie,but an tillJteouf, 36 ~rue ballanccs , true i 'llll'igl}tc~, a true rn .b. !lore
nc[c tIJaIt ti.Jou iUbtle tlJl' nci§l]bour. . <fplJa,annatrue lt)inll)altpcel)aue: '.)!am ti.JC •hu1t1«,
1 6 ~ou ll.Jalt not fitOe tip auz. botilnc tDitlJ lL~lle rour <!Doti \l.ll]tctJ b~ougl)t rou out of tl;c h!Caure
tale~ among tbp peoplC,ncitl:Jn l!Jalt thou llanll lanllof<t:grpt. r!1tyvfrd
• gMr •··~ • againll tf)e bloolJ of ti.JP ncigl}bour: '.]! am tl)c 37 ~IJcrtfoJC llJal t'l' ObCcntc all mp Olllinan, llc.ies fo.
~r~~~~,:~~t. or. :to~b. er~. anti all mr iuogemcnts,anll 110 t~eni: '.ll am •br
~i:~.'~'.~· 1. 27 • -an,oufl)alt not lJat_c ~r tnotl]erin tlrinc tlJC :A.o,ll. wc:ghu.
mar.8.~. fJcart, but 11Jalt in anp \lllf:..;rcl1UkC tl}p ndllfl' Thcxx. Chapter.
mlu.19.13 bour,anll ruffcrnotnnnc bpon IJtm.
I They that giuc of cheir fcedc to Moloch, mufi die.
18 ~tiou 11.Jalt not au~e, noi \llaitc to noc
6 Againfi luch as feekc afccr forcercrs.
lllrplcafure againll ti.Jc c!JilD1m or tlJP people,
Mat.y ·4 s• •but 11.Jalt loue ti.Jr ntigl}bour a~ tlJP felfe: '.]! am ~~ "' . frlD_tl)c)Lo~bfpahc butoQl)ofcµ,
• and l?. 39. tl)c Jl.,o~ll. '1/t.. 1 1'
_;0 fapmg,

9• 19 11)cn..alfitrttcmineo 1 llinanceo1,..,,,.ou°'1tlt
gJJ.~5.t4. l' UJ ""t' l' p ,.;;1,1 IL) 1:Ji;,. ' , 2 .. ~)Ji~ OJalt tl)ou fap to tlJr Leui., s.,
iamcs 2. s. not let ti.JP cat:tell genllet \'Did) a contracy lrinbc, ' cf;Ji1?11en of '.J rracl: 'mhofoeucr (Jr
ncitl)er ro\lle tlJr ncltl \llitb mtnglcll rec11c, nci• ~ bcoftlJc cl)illl~cn of'.J]fracl, o~ of
tllcr !balt tl]ou put on anr minglcb gannent of tl)cllraugcrs tiJat llUJcl in '.J;fra,
linen anll toolien. el, tl.Jat giuctf:J of IJiS cl)illl~cn tmto SJ13oloclJ, let
2 o twlJofocue:r littl) at111 mclllctl} \uit:IJ a 'mo, l)im be Dain~: c~e people of ti.Jc 1an11c 11.Jall oucr,
man that t~ a bonllmaibe, betroti]ell to a lJUF ml)eime l)im 'mttlJ llones.
banll,tiut notrct1cemct1,no~ ftrc11omc giucn ~er, 3 ann] \llill • retmp race agatna tlJat man, , <?:h•rn 1
~or,thcy. UflJl'flJ8llbcfcourgcn,butt1Jer 11Jall notllic,bc, anll \llill cut l)im oft from among lJi• people, be• w11111tno '~'
caufc flJc \'Da$$ not Cree. caurc {Jc lJatl} giucn IJis c1Jilll1m bnto ~olocl), ~~·~:.~::•r
2 I .anll IJl' llJ11ll b1illg f()11Ji• trdpuffC bntO fo~ to oelllc mp ~anttuaric, anti to pollute mr
tbe Jl..o~llc, bcfo~c tlJc noo~e of tl)c tabernacle of )Jolr na1ne.
tl)c congreiiatwn, a Jllammcfo~ a trefpalfeofft• ,4 ann tl)ougl) tl)at tiJe people of tl)c lanbc
ring. f]inc tJJcir epc~ from tl)e man tlJat giucttJ IJi~
2:1. ant1t1Jc~~icll fllaU maflc an atonement cUtltl1cn bnto Sllf)olocl.),anll liill !Jim not:
fo11Jim'mitl)tiJclllammc, \lllJictJ i•roHiJe ttcf• 5 ~\llillputmpfacc lljain!ttt.Jatman,anb
palfe bcroic tl]c Jl..oill, conccrntng IJitS fin tvlJictJ againft lJilS limrcll, ann \l>lll cut l)im off, anll all
~clJatl}llone ! anl!tl)cfinne WlJicl,J 1Jc l)atlJ llOllC tl)atgoc a 'm1Jo1fng after IJtm,to commit '1l1Jo~c,
RJalbc fo1gium tttm. !Jome \llitlJ £[3oloctJ, from amon~ tlJcir pcoplr.
2.31191Jmte11Jancomctotl)c1at111,anllhauc 6 1f a Coull' tumc l.Jimfdfc after CUdJ afS
plantcll au maner of tree~ conucnicnt to bee ea· 'mo1he 'mitt) fpirit~, anti after ~out1Jrarers, to
cm of, pcilJaUcount tl.Jcfruitct(Jmofa~bncir· goc a \lll)o1ing after tl)cm, 'jj 'roill put mp face a,
~.~~~::~~n cmucifcll : ttJ~e ree.reii flJall tl)cp be b bncircum• gainll tfjat roulc, ti \Dill cut l)im off from anwng
~~:~·r •be ciCell bnto pou, anti 11JaH t1otbe. eaten of. lJiS people.
r:m.'.11 24 l5ut in tlJe fourtl) rcrc,al tiJe mnt ort~cm 1 ·~anctiftc yourfcluc~tl)crefo1c, anbbc 1.Pcr.r,:
flJalbe.l)olp, anll commcnnal:Jlc to ti.Jc Jl..Oll>. {Jell': foi 3] am tiJc lLo~ll rour $oll.
25 ']]ntl}cftfttnccrc 11Jallrecatcoft1Je frllit 8 Jaccpe re mine 0~11ina11ccfS, anll lice tl)cm:
tl.Jereof, tlJatit map 'JCClbc bnto rou tiJc imrcare 1 am tl)c Jl.,o~D tvlJU:I) fanct1!ic rou. .
tl}ereof:'Jl amt1JcJl.,o~t1rour<ll5oll. 9 * tte\hofoeuer curfctlJ
...,,, ' ~ft
h fatl:Jer Mar.15.
. 2 ~ Wee a1all not catc flelb 'mitl) blootl , neitlJer 01 IJi~ motiJer, let IJtm 111c: ~1 ...,at .,ee (Jat(J prou.10
11.Jall re bfc mitdJcraft, no~ obleruc time~. ettrfell l)i~fatlJCT annmottJcr, m~bloODbcbpon txod,21
i7 ~ce II.Jail not rounb tl)c co~ncr~ of pour gim.
IJellbs, nettl)er llJ~lt tlJou mane tl)c tuft~ of tlJr , o ~nl> tl)c man t()at ll1cabttl) \uetllome 'mitt}
bear11. anotlJcr man~ \tltfc, cucn iJc tl)at b1l'llfictlJ 'mtD•
Dcuc.14. '· i8 ~lIJBlnot*rentrourflcflJ ro~ antll roulc~ loclic 'mitlJ lJiS nrtglJbo,• \lllf~lct botl) tlJc aDul,
~or, dead. fake, no1 p1int anp marllc~ 11pon rou : 'Jl am tlJc tercr an'b tl)e aoultcrcll"e be Dame.
Jl..O~ll. II *anllt(JemantlJ~tlil'tl)'roitl}IJl!HathcrS Oeu. n
19 ~ouOJaltnot maI:c ~t' nauglJter com· mtrt, anb tJ~coucrctlJ 1J1ts fatlJcr$$ nalictlm[c,lct iohn s.-1
mo, that tl)ou 'moull>Ctt row l)cr to bea 'ro)Joir, tl}e.m botlJ lltc. . .
leatl tl)e. lanll alfo fall to 'ml)1>1ellomc, ~ become , z ~r a man he '1!1tl} l)is llaugl)ter tn ta\ll, kt
run of'mickcllndrc. . tlJ~m II.JC botlJ ~f tlJnn: tl)cp l)auc \l>zougl}t abo'
UOr,rcuc- 30 JPcfl:JaUl1eeµemp~abbotl.J111, anD llf'carC nnnatwn, t:l)c1r blooll be bpon tl}c1n:
rcocc. tlll15S>anctuaric:] am tl}l' JL011>.' . . 2 3 "''.J1f a man atro lie \llitlJ manrdnD, af'ttr Leui. 1 ~
31 ~c tlJall not T(gatll tl)tm thatmo1'it: 'dlltl'I tl)c maner a~\uttlJ momankino, tllt'l' bauc botb
~ l com_m_1t_,1_ _
f nlavvfull coniuncbons. Leuiticus. Lavves for the Priefl:s.
committcb an abomination : Jet tlJtm l'lte, tl)m
bloob be bpon tf1cm.
14 anbffa mantalie a\lltfe, anll~~otl1er
alfo,itil5 \Dic11tbne1: ~cy ttJall bu~ tntl) ftn
botlJ lJtm anb tlJcm,tlJat tlJtre be no \lltdiebrlctrt
amongfou. . .fl.I ... " • •
5 .anb 1f'amanlle\llt•., . . , let:IJtmbtc.
anb pc llJaO aartlJc beafl alfo.
16 iJ]fa 'alOman goeimtoanp bralf, anb Ile
bo\lmt tfJtrCto , tlJOU ll)alt Ifill tlJe \Doman anb
t11e beaa alro: Id: tl)cm bit, tl}eirbloob bt bpon
tl)em. .
1 7 jJ ra man tafle l)tJS filf cr,1Ji15 f tttf1erl5 bauglJ·
ter,01 tJismot1Jttl5 bauglJtcr, at1b rec her nalfeb•
ncrrc, anD llJtt lJi15 nallcbnel5,it is a toiclieb d)ing,
tl}ep OJall be mt oft in tl)c figlJt of tlJcir people: lJe
l}atlJ bnrouercb l.Ji15 fiacris nalicbnelfe, l:}ce OJan
bcarc lJis finnc.
1 s 'J\f a man ltc \DitlJ a \Doman IJaufng IJer
mtturall birMCc.aub bmouer lJer nakcbrlrl5. anb
opm lJer fountatnc. anD OJce alfo opm tile roun•
ta inc oflJcr blooD. tlJCF f!JaU botl) be rut off from
among tlJeirpcoplc.
19 ~ouu1altnotb11couertl)c nakrbnctrcof
tlJl' motlJerss filler, no~ of tl)p fatl}cr15 ftfter: fo; !Jc
tiJat noeth fo, IJatl.J bncoucreb IJilS neyt llinnc,
tl)ey f!Jall be arc tl)eir mifboing.
20 '.]\fa man lie \DitlJ lJis bndcl5 \Dirt.anb tin.
roucr lJi~ 1mrlefS naliel>tll'IS, tl]ey fl)aU bearc tlJcir
finnc,ann f!JaU Die c)Jilblctre.
2 1 ']fa man take l)iss b~otlJtt15 \Dire, it il5 an
bml~ane ttJtng: I.Jc IJatl) b11couere1> 1Jtstnot1Jer15
nakclmetTe, tlJcp OJalbc d;J11Ddelfc.
22 Fc11Jallliccpc ttJereCo~e all mine oi1>ina11>
ce~,anD all mp tll?lgemcnts, ant> l>oc tlJem: tIJat
thelann \DIJttiJer'J] ·bJing poutob\Dcll d)erc01,
fpctoc pou not out.
2 3 !?ec lball not \DalliC tn d)cmaner-of tl)fss
natton, ml.Jid:.J '.ll caft out bcro1crou: foJ tlJep
rommitteb an tl}erc tl)in~, ant> tl)crcfci1e jJ ab•
~oire tl)cm.
24 l3ut~l)aucrar1>bntotou. ttt fballtnl)e·
rite tlJeir lallb,anb 'Ji \llil ~ue it bnto rou to pof,
rerrc it, aIan!> d)at tlo\lletl} mttlJ nulkc anb IJO•
nic:] am tl)e JL o~l> pour ~ob, \DlJtd;J tauc repa.
rntcn pou from ot{Jtt nations.
2 5 :lnD tlJcrcfo~e OJall pee put l>iffmnct be·
t'llleenc t:Icanc bcallel5 anD tmcleanc. btt\Dccnc
bncteanc foute15 anD dcanc : J!?ec llJall not be'
filcpourfou1£ssinbealle15 anb rou1cs, anbinall
inaner crcepin!l ttJini;v:s tlJat tlJc grountl b;tn,
l!tftJ foJtlJ, tlllJi'1J ~ l}auc fcparateb from rou as
16 ~cref'o1e11Jallrcbe l)olpllntomc: fDJ1
~c lLOJb am tJolp; ant> IJaue rcum1> pou fromo,
tlJct nationJS,tfJatfe ~oulb be mine.
1.R• '17 *'3\ftl)ercbttamano: \Doman ttJat\llo;•
7· kt!tlJ 'IDttl) a fpirit, oi tl)at il5 a footlJfaper, let
.,em btc : mam 11Jall ouer\Dl}dmc tlJcm tDitl)
11oncs,tl)cit bloon be bpon d}cm.
At what lun~ra\s the pricll:s may be prcfcnt. 6 How
pudrc thh~ pnc!\s ought 10 bcc,touching thcm!ducs,
an t cir families •
~~ tl)e"Jl.,o~be rarl> llnto StJofe-.
, 1'' 1wc1.in1
""pcalie bnto * l&Jiefll5 dJe eons
Of hton, 8t1b fat' 1mto tf1em, )!
cb< ••••· •· none• be• b··••••-. .._ ffl
c11<rn.•11rr1ns • tfJe&t pcoplt~""'Uvt:

...~.1one1•11. ~ Jt>ut up llil!I hinfman tt)at tis nfgtJ tmto
-Ofholy rhings. Chap.xxj.xxij. Oblarions forvovves. 45
Thexxij.Chapter. !JCT in ~frael tl)at\llil offer 1Ji.6facrificc to~ allJI~
3 Who ought to abllainc from eating the things that
bo\\lcs, ann fOJ all lJ•S free 'ruill offetin~. \JJIJicl)
were olfred. 19 How,whac, and 'IV hen they {hould
tl:Jcr 'a>ill offct nnto ttJc JLo~ll ro1 a 'tlllJole burnt
be offered. 19 ye{h3Jlo'.frr ~'IDilfinglp amale'a>itlJCUt ~Or,1ha1it
@~ti.Jc JLo~b fpafic tmto ~oft~ blcmifu,Oftt:Jc bcCfcS,Oftl:JcllJeCp,O? oftlJC goat~. my be ac-

rarin~, 20 ~Ut\\lbatlocuctl)atI:J a blCllllflJ,tiJlltflJall cc pied,

2 ~pcaf!e bnto aaron anll IJis re not offer: fo? it UJall not be acceptable fo? IOU.
fonncs, ttJat tlJep bee rcy11r11ttll 21 *a no 'ml:Jofoeuer bJingctlJ a peace offering o cu. l ,., a.
• from tlJc IJolr tiJtn~ or tlJc ct)tl, b~to tlJe.JLo~ll, to accomplifu l}t~ llOWC, o: a fm.' ccciu. 3 ~ •
b,cu ol Jifracl, ann tlJat tl)cppollutcnot mr IJo' tollloffringmbcefc~o?flJrrµe, itfballbepnfitc '4·
tr name in tl}ofc thin~ '1.1.ll)tcl} tlJcr ()alo\Jle bn' to bee acccptell: ttJcre fl)all bee nlro no blemiilJ
to me : 'j am tl)e JLo~ZJ. tIJrrcin,
3 ~ar tmto t()em, IWl,lofocucr {Jee brc or1111 12 '.lBlinllc, oib:oJten, o:ramc, ozl)auinga
rour rccnc amon~ rour generations after rou, 'mcnne,o: ntuniic, o~ fcabbcll, 11ec fball not offer
tiJat goctl) tmto the IJolp tl)in~ \JJl1id1 tl}e d}il' Cud} bntu tIJc JLo:n, no: martc an olfrin~ tJr fire
oicn of~rracl {Jalo\JJ imro tlJc ·Ji.,o~ZI, fJaumg lJt~ ofanp fuclJ bpon tlJe al tat bnto t{Je lL.021.1.
bmlcannclfe bpon {Jim, tlJat route ft.Jail be cut off 2 3 :A bullo,lie o: a 11Jrcpc tl:Jat l)atb imr 1ncm'
from out ohnp right: '.3l am ttJc JLo~o. bcr ruperfluous o: lacfiing, mar ca t{Jou l'ffcr ro:
4 twiJatman roeuer cf tlJc fccn of aaron is a a free \JJ1Uoffering: but fo: a bo\lle it OJall not br
)Leper,o~ iJatlJ a runnitl« iffuc, IJcc 11.Jall not rate acccptctl.
Lruir, 1 5• of tiJc iJolp t{Jing~ llntill IJc be clcanc. anb '\JllJo 24 !le fl.Jal not offer bnto tIJe ll 011> tlJat 'tlll)icfl
16. ro touciJrtiJ anrman t[Jati~ bmlr.aneby reafon iSbJUlfcn,o: Ct:Ufl)Cb,O? blOliCU,O~ CUt aWii!' ,tlCl'
ofallcab bollp, oia man \JliJofe fccbc mnnctiJ 11:.Jer ft.Jail pou malie anr oftering tlJmof in pour
from lJlm in lli~ «rcpc, lllnb.
s ©~ w}Jorocuer touclJctlJ anr creeping 2 s jl)eitl:Jcr of a «ranger~ 11anll 11Jan rce offer
tlJing, \Jll'Jrrebp !Jfe mar bee mane btlclcanr,o~ a t{Jeb,icab ofrour<ll5oll of 1111r futlJ, bccaufe tbcir ·
man of\JlliomtJc map talie bnclcannclTc, \D{J11t 0 co:mption i~ in tIJcm. ann thrp lJauc ncronnfrr I
focuer bnclcamtcfi"c i}c IJatlJ: in tl)cmfclucs:anb tt.Jcrcfo:c OJall tlJtp not be ac j 0

6 ~IJe rameroulc tl]atlJatlJ toutl:icll anr rucl}, ccptcll ro: rou.

OJall be bntlcane lmtlll cum, anb llJall not cate 26 anlltlJeJLo:b Cpa11e bnto ~orc.£t, fapin~,
of tiJc f:Jolr tlJin~, bntil {Jc l)auc \Jlall)eb IJi~ flell.J 27 tl91Jcna bulto,lie., o: a fbrcpc, o: a goatc, r\'5
\JlitlJ \Dater. b:ougiJt fOOJtiJ, it lbalt be rcucn oapcs bnncr t1Jc
7 ann \JJ(Jcn tl)c!unnc is bo'rone, l)c l1Jall be namme, anll from tl)c ciglJt Zlllt? anll thcnrc 0

clcane, ~ flJall aftcrl.\Jurll cate of tlJc {Jolr tlJings, foo:tlJ,it fl)all be acccptcb to~ a burnt facriftcc lm 0

fo:acmucfl as it i~ l1tss rooll. to tl}c JL02n.

Exo.1,, 31 • .s *~fabcaltt1Jat llietlJ alone, o~ ts rent 28 bcGto'Wco1c\tle., rec n1an
m. 44 •1 1. \Dttl) \Jltlll£ bcafr~, 'tlll:Jercbp {Jc map be lltftlcn,l}c notldll it anD f:Jcr t'Ong botlJ in one llap.
11.Jall not catc: '.JI am tlJe '.!Lo.ill. 2 9 U9l)cn re mm offern tl)anJu: offering bnto ,
9 )!..ct tlJ~m ncc11e tl:lcrcfo~c mine oillinancc, tlJcJLo~n,offcr II itll1illingll:': 11\0r,thu ic
lea tlJcr ro~ hJe fame Ialle fin11c bpon t{Jcm, anb 30 anntI:Jcramenar ttmutl beeeatcnbp, ro [ nuybeac-
Ilic fOHt, if ti)ey llcfllc it: ~ tIJc JLo~bcfanctifie tlJat re Icauenonc om bntil t{Je mo~O\l'JC: '] am I ccpccd.
tIJrm. tl)e)l..o:n.
1 o '<lnJcrc 11J~ll no ltranger rstc of tbc f:'Jolp 31 ~ttcfo~e fiJall re Ilccpc mr co1mnaunllc,
• @omuht•k• t{Jing, nctt{Jrr a' gl}clt of tlJe ll)~tcas,ncit1Jer llJal mmts,ann1>octl]cm:] amtllcJLo,n.
~.:;:• ~.~,~·~· an btr~ll fcTuant cat£ of tlJc iJolp tl]ing. 32 ~citIJerOJall pe*pollutcmpname,btrt'.Jl Leuic.ID,:
t:.~;=. 1 n 11 '5ut if tl)c p~~ell. bup anr rou~ '1.1.litl) m~, \Jltll be tialo\Jltll among t{Jc cllilll~cn of:J]fracl:'.Jl
ncr, l)c llJalleatc oflt,lll1e aistJcc t1:Jat1s bome m am tl)e JLo:n \lllJitl:J l)aloto i•ou,
~~ • '· • lJis l)oure: tl)cp ilJall catt oflltis mcatc.
00 2 6
3 3 an1> tl)at b~ouglJt rou out of tl)e Jann of
12 '.J\ftlJcpitclt~ naug~ter alfobcmaricnbn, <fgpptto be rour <!Doll: '.J1 am tf:Jc Jl..o.iD.
toallrangcr, l1Jcemap noteatc oftlJc l]alo\llcll Thexxiij. Chapter.
l]eauc offeringis: . Of the holy dayes. 3 Of die Sabboch. 5 The
13 Jaot\JlitlJltantltng, iftte p:tcaoauglJtcr 2
Palfcouer. 6 Thefea!l ofvnleauened bread.
bca 'IDtbo\Jle,o~ biuo:ceb, anll l]auc no ct)ilbe.,but
t~ retumell bnto lJcr fatl]crs IJoure againc, ll)cc ri~~-
:· ~ZI .tlJc JLo~b fpaflc \Into ~ores,
11Jall eate of l)cr fatlJeris 'tllell as fl.Jc bill M.,' f8J:1lntt,

I r-!}
in IJcr pontlJ: lmt fl.Jere llJall no t'ttanger eate ~ • , 2 ~pcaltcbntotl}e dJtlbtcn
tl)crcof. ' of '}frad, ano rar nnto tlJem,
14 ]fa man cat or tbc l)olp tbing tm\\litting, ~ · · ~c rcaacss oftbeJ1.,oit1, \tiblch
(p,l:Jc ll)all vut t{Jc fiJtlJ part tl}crcunto.• anll giuc rec 11J11ll 'all IJolr conuocattons,
it bnto tlJe p#clt.'WitiJ tlJc IJalo\Jlcb tlJmg. eucn ttJcfc are mp fcaa~. .
I 5 anZJ the li)?iCCl~ flJilll llOt lJcftlC ti)C fJO{p 3. ~i~ellarc~ re ftJal \Do:Jte., buttf)ercucnth
tbings of tlJc cl)tllllcn of:J]fracl, \JJIJiclJ tf:Jcp offet ZJap 1!'5 tlJe ~abbotIJ or tclt,an l:Jolr conuocatioti
bnto tlJc ·A..0111: rotllat re lloeno.wo11ie tiJcrcin: 1tistl]c ~ab:
1 6 ~o lalle tl)cmfclueis 'lllitl) mirootng anb botlJ oftlJe JLo.11> man rout Zl\DcUings
trcrparre, \Jll)ile tl:Jcr eatc tIJcir l)olr tlJings : fol 4 ~(Jere an tb~ realls or tf)c ]..o~n:cucn 1101r
~ tl}c JLOJZI noc l)alo'lll tl}em. conuocanons, \JJ{JtctJ rec llJaU p~oclaimc in ttcir
17 anb tlJc JLo~ll tpa11c bnto georcs, raping, rcaron~. ·
18 ~pca1tc nnto aaron anll f:Jis fonncs, anll ~ *1nt11cfourternt1JtmpoftiJcfirftmoncftJ E•~·• •·
bnto all tl:Jc cl)ilo~cn of] rrael, ~Car bnto tl)em, ilt lfUCtl, 1,!:S tl:J£ lLOlbS lf)a[COUCT. n.1111 IS.

ll91Jatrorucr IJe be of tl:Je l)oufc of ]fracl.o~ Uram 6 9nn 9il ttJc fiftccntl] nap of the fame moo
ti} ~ tm._·.;--',I_ _
Solen1ne feafl:s,and Leuiricus. · holy conuocarions.
nett), t!l tt)c fcaft or tmlcaucncll LJieall tmto tlJC mcmb~a~cc of blo\lling of trumpetis, an l}olr
JLo~ll: fcuen Datc!l r c mua cat tm1Caucnct1 b~e11t1. conuocanon.
7 '.]Jn tlJel\r« oarrcc 11Jl111 f]atic an IJolr ~on· z 5 ~e llJall lloc no feruile uio:hc tlJcrctn, but
uocatton: re 11J11H tioc no r~mlt: \\loJflc tlJ~in. offer fac:riftce maoe br fire bnto tl)c JLo~ll.
s '6ut re 11Jal offer racr1ftcc.f$ mallc bp fire b~· 2 6 anll tfJe)l.o~b fpalJCbtttO ~OfCSS,faptng,
to tbe 'A-o2il tfJo~omout tlJcfc fcum!l: anti m 2 7 ~ ~c tentlJ bap of ttJc felfc fcucntlJ mo' L•ui. 16.1 i
tlJcfcmntlJ oar•~an lJolr. ronuocat1on; renJaU nctl),t!S a ll11F Of r~cOnRltng, ti)Crcfoic ftllJatlbC num.l9.7,
noc 110 rcruilc wo~lic t}Jem n. an IJolr c:onuocatton bnto pou,ant1 re llJal~fJum• l Th~"•
9 gnn tf]c JLoJll fpalie bnto ~ofc.s,raring, blc pour fOUlc!S, anti Offer faCriUUJ IUBllC bp fire yf:ofiu all
10 ~pcartctmtotiJc c1Jilll~c11of']frae1, anll bnto tl)c :JLo~ll. a •
rar tmto t{Jcm, ~(Jen rec becc:omc into tl)c lanll 28 }gcfl)aU11ocnouio~kctf,Jcfamct1ap foiit
M1ic1J 'JI gtue bnto rou, antircape notunc tllc tis a tiar ofreconciling, to mahc an atoncmcn co~
[Jaruclt rncrcof, rec fiJall b~tng a fiJcafc or tl)c firtl rou bcfoic ttJe Jt.oill pour ll!Joll.
fruit.f$ ofrour tJamcll bnto t(Jcp~tell: 2 9 ~o~ \\l(Jatroeucr foUlc it be tbat iJUmbktlJ
I I rolJfctJ t1JaU \lJauc tlJe flJcafe bcfo~e tl)c not l,JimCclfc tlJat llap,lJee fiJaU be cut otf from a•
JLo zoto be a"c:ptcll fo~ pou: anll tl)c mo~o\lJ eaf• mon~ lJi.S people.
tcr tlJc ;a,abbotiJ t~1ep~te1ll1Jall'alaueit. 30 anll mlJatroeucr foulc lloetU anr uioirte
12 gnn re flJilU offer tl)at oar, \lllJen re \llaue tl]attiar, tIJc fame foulc mill] 'Oeilror from a·
tile l.1Jcafe, an lJcc lambc wittJoutblcmillJ, or a mongfJi~peoplc.
)(~:ii ~ltlc, fo~ a WlJole burnt offering bnto tiJe 3_1 ~c flJallnocno t.nancrormo~llc,tlJcrefoie
let 1t be a law foJ cuer tn rour generation~, ano
1. 3 :lttll tl)c mcatc offering t1Jcrofl1Jalbe mallr in au pour owcllings,
Iof t\llo tcntIJ ll£ arc.s of fine flow~c, minglcll tuitlJ 3l llct it Ile bnto rou a ~abbotlJ ofrelf, atlll
0111c, to be a facrific:cmanc bp firetmto tfJc JL,o~ll pc llJall l;Jumblc rour foulc~ in tlJc nintlJ tiar of
fo.1 '1 rauour: anti tfJcl:l~inltc offering tlJcr, tl:Je monetiJ at <U;um : frcm <U;ucn to <rucn UJaU
of flJall be of wine, tlJc fourtlJ llealc of an ~ir.. pc ccleb~atc rour ~abbotlJ.
r + gnll rec fiJnll cate neitl,Jer b~call, rion1ar' 33 an!l tIJc JL,o~D Cpake bnto ~ore~, fartng,
chcll comc,noJ ~ccnc carc~,bntm tl:Jc fclfe fame 34 ~pcaf'lc bnto tf]e clJilll~mof]rract, anti
MF tlJat 1•e tJaue bJouW,Jt an offering bnto rour f!lp, ~l.JefiftecnttJ oap of tlJC fame feucntiJ mo,
..:3oll: 'Jlct tlJi~ Ile a la"i.lJ fo~ eucr In pour genera, nctl),1~ t1Je feall of tabcmadc~, * fcucn nate~ bn' Iohn H7·
tion1!1,anll tn all pour Dwelling~. to tlJc'Jl,Q~ll. c~o.19.18.
Dcut.16.9. I 5 "J.nll i'CC flJall COUtlt bntO fOU from tl]C 3s ~lJc firll tiap tis an IJolr conuocation, rec
mo,10\\lc after tlJe ~abbot(J, from t!Je liar ttJat rtJall llo c no ferutle \UOJhc.
re b.:ougIJt rtJc fiJcafc of tl)c mauc otfcting, rcucn 36 ~cucn Mpes pee llJaH offer racrtficc malle
<?abotM,tlJcr fiJaU be complete: bl' fire bnto tiJe )i;oio,ann in ttJe cigfJt oar fl)albe
16 (fucn tmto t{Jcmo~o\llc aftertlJcfeuentlJ an l]oir conuocation bnto rou, ano rc OJ all offer
~abboth,t1Jrtllrcnumbcrfiftrllate~,an11rc11Jal racrific:es mal:lc br tire tmto tf]c llo~ll: '.]It t~ tf]e
:_,iinga nc'al mcatc offering bnto ttJello:D. roiemne atrembly, (l pe II)all lloc no rcrutle mo1ke
x7 9ntrpc U,Jll b~ing out of rour l)abitation~ ttJcrein.
tlr.o wauc loaue.f$, mane of two tcntl) l:lcalc~ of 37 ~ere are ttJc fcaa~ of tl:Jc )LOJll 'WIJic:lJ rec
or fmc flo'\DJC, anll tl)at are mane \\litIJ .lcauen, flJall calll.Jolr conuocation.s, foHo offer famfic:e
Zoz C~rll fruit~ tmto tl]c Jl.o~ll. matlebpfire bntotl:Jc Jlo~ll, '111Jole burnt offe,
·18 si:.rn pee fiJnllbJing \uitlJtlJe b~eoo fcucn rin~, mcatc offcr~ng, II fat~fice.s, anll llJinficof• llOr,peacc
t1mbc;.; wltl)outllcfoJm~tic, of oncrccre of age, fcrmg)1, eucrp tlJmg bponlJ•!S !lap, offerings.
.:nll one ron~ bttli.o: he, anll t\Do rammc.s, \nfJtclJ 3s ~rnoe tIJc ~abbottJis of ttJc )L,OJll, am be·
n"m rcruz foz aMJ::.:~ burnt offering bnto ttJc Cillcrom: giit~,bcutic al pour bo\Des, anll al rour
t. oiti, mi tl} t~cir meat otfring~ anti tlJcir t11inJ;c free offering~, ttllJicfJ pc giuc tmto tiJc 'Jl,o:D.
oficrinID1, to bee a facttftcc mallc bl' fire, fo~ a 39 ~o~coucr, In ttJe fiftccntiJ oar of tf]e re,
f'lllcctc feiuour unto tl)c 'JL.,01t1. umtlJ monctlJ, tlllJcn rec fJauc gatlJctell in tf;Je
1 9 'Zn)cn t cc OJall p:epare an lJec goatc foi a fmitof tl)clanoe, rcefl)all rtccpe l}olpbapbnto
rinnc offcri1111, anll t\\10 lambc~ of one pcerc olnr tIJc'lLOJll fcucn Darc.s. ~l:Je firtl oar fbaU bee a
'02 peace offrin~.f$. ~abbotlJ, m1etoifc in tl)c eigfJt Dar llJall bee a
20 'ann t!Jc ~~icct OJtlil\uaue tfJem\tlitl.J tl]e ~abbotlJ.
ll!call of tllc firct fruit~,fo~a \llaue offcrtngbcfo~c 40 ann rce fiJaU tar1c l!OU in tile firll llar tl)e
the t.02il,'11ttht1Jc t'roo lambc!S:tlJcy OJallbclJo, fruit~ of gooblp ttre~, b~ancl]cS ofl&al~c ttre~,
lf to tl1r "J!..oJll fo~ tlJc lOiieff~. ani:l t{Jc bougIJe.!$ or tlJicfic trccs,atlll \\llllo'tl.1cs or
. 2 1 ~nil re OJnll pioclaimct'!Jc fame l:lal?, tl)at tllc b100Jtc.,a11t1 tlJall retotce bmm ttJe )l..o~ll pour
~t mar be na I1olp conuocation bnto pou: re lball ©oil tcuen ilapc.s.
:oenorcruncwo~IietlJctetn, lctitbca lawcfo~ 4I .an!l re fiJllll ftttpC tl)j~ feQ(f bllfO tiJC JlO~ll
cucr 11.1 nu rout 1:1welling~ tl}o~o\Dout pour gc' reumbl11!C!S II int1Jct;ecre:jjt11Jallbc11la' c' ~Or,yrrdy.

· uct: tn rour gcnerattoM tfJat rre liecpe 1tm ttJc
...nil \'nl~~n-rc renpc llo\DnetlJe IJaruetl of
• ,' rcucntlJ mouctfl. '
~ ot.t Iam1,tl)ou flJalt not malie tlcanc rtbllancc of 42 'lJ?ec fl)lllliltlleOit~ 1iboot(Jc.Sfcuc1111al'Cs: llOr,tcats.
Dcu. 24.19 ~llcco:mr$oftlJelielt1wiJent1Jou tcSfCll. *net' eucn 1111 tIJat arc '.]!Craelltc~ bome, flJaU blllcH in
tl)cr flJalt tiJou mal!c anr after gatl)mn« of tl.JP bootl]e':
!larmll ,but ~Jalt Icaue tlmn bttto tbe poo1e anti 43 ~trourclJllll~m arterroumapf'lno'\llc
d1c acangcr. ~'am tlJ~ 'JLo~t1 rouc ll3ob. ~ow tJJat 'JI matJe tlJc cl:Jilll~en or '.llfracl to b'lllcn
2 3 :tltttl t!lc llozi:ltpalie \mto Sll\)ofc.s. faptng, m bootllc~, \\llJm jj b~ouglJt tl.)em out of ti.Jc
, .: :; ~pc~lic bnto tl)c tlJllt1~c11 or '.Jlfrael, anll lanll of <li!gPJ:l!: 'Jam tl1c Jl.,o~tJ pour ll3otJ.
N'•m.: 9 , .at,~-intl)c rcucntl) monetl) in tlJcli:rtl 'Oat' of 44 ano 91J)orcs !lcdai-cb 1mt0 ttJc c1Jilll~m Of
.•he monctiJ llJull pe baue ~abbotl), cucn tIJe re' ]rrael tl)c reaas of ttJc JLo~D.
The blafphemer. Chap.xxiiij.xxv. Theyere oflubilee. 46
Thex1iiij. Chapter. rountrcp: fo~ 'JI am tlJe 11.-0:1:1 rour cJ1Jo1:1.
2 3 ann ~ofe!!I tolllc tlJc c:lJtlll~en of 1tract,
1 The oyle forthe lampcs. 15 He chat blafphcmeth ann tl)ey b:ouglJt IJim t11at l)all mrret1.out of tl)r
mull be lloncd. 17 He thatkillcth,tbalbc kilkd. !Jone. anll aoncll l.Jttu \\litiJ nones: anti tl}c dJtf,
~lli'tlJc)lo~llcfpakcbnta~ore~ l:l~en Of 11\'acl lliD ais tfJc :M1llc commaunbcb
faping, ~ore:ss.
:i. ctommauni:I tl)c dJillnm of
1frael, tlJat t!Jcp b~ing bnto tt1ce . Thexxv. Chapter,
• pure ople i!Dliue, beatm fo~ tl)e 2. The Sabboch of the feuenth yeere, 8 and the yerc
of Jubilee.
ligl}t,to caUfe ttJe lampes to bume 'on~uaOp:
3 ll9itl)out tlJc bailc of tottncffe, m tl}e ta' ~l:ltfJcllo~llfpahcbnto ~ofcis tn
bcma,lc of tl}e 'ongrcgatton, 11Jall aaron ll~ctrc mount ~inai. raping,
tIJcm.botlJ cucning \f mo~ning bc~~e tl)e lL~lle :i. ~pealie bnto tl)eclJtlll~en of
alto arcs: JL.ct it be a Jl.a'W fo~ cuei tn peur gene, ]fracl, anll far bnto tl)cm. U9llcn
rations. - • re come into tl)c lanll mlltclJ'JI gtuc
4 lf)ce UJ all ll~clTc tl}c lampe:s »pon tlJc pure rou, tl)e lan'll llJall rell anll Jtccpc* $alabbot1J btt' Exo. ~ i.
canlllcllick.C befotc tl}c 'Jl,o~l:lpetpetuallp• to tlJc:.rL~ll:
s an11 tl)ou lhatua11e fille flowie:.. anll bake . 3 ~i~pecre$StlJou11JattfotoctlJpficln, anll
t\lleluc calics tiJcre:of, rmo te:ntfJ llcales flJaU be u~cpecre:is tl)ou tlJaltmttlJp btne1•art1, anllga,
in onrcafic. . . tl)er in tl)c fruite tl)crcof.
6 ann tf:Jou llJalt rct dJem mt\llo ro\\leis:u~e 4 l5ut tl}e fcucntlJ pccrc ll:Jalbe a ~abbotI)
onaro'W bpontfJcpure ~ble bcfozc tl)e'Jl,oJll. ofrtfttlmo tlJc lanll,tl)c JJ.,02t1)1 ~abbotll itnJall
7 9:1111 put pure franfnncenfe bpon tlJe ro\1!~ b~: tl)ou flJalt tte:ttt,Jer fotoc tlJr ficll>, noi mt tlJl'
tbat tl)cp tMP be bJcall or rcmcmlJJan~, anll an b1ncpar11.
offering mane bt' fin bnto tl)c ·J1oJll. 5 ~at 'llll)tclJ «ro'lllctlJ of tlJe o\\'Jnc acco~ll
s cieucrp $alabbotl) l)rc fiJall put tlJcm in oftlJr IJaruell, tIJou tl)alt not rcape, ncitl)er ga,
ro1llcis bcfo~e tiJc JLo~ll cucnno~c,of tl)c cl]iUltm ~IJer tlJc grapes that tl)ou bait tcrt bcl)inll : fo~ tt
of ']Jrracl tball they bee offered roi an cuerlalttng is arm of rel! bnto tlJc lanll.
coumant. 6 anll tlJe tell of ti)e lanll Cball be mratc fo~
EJo.29.1 3. 9 *9:nll tlJcp llJalbc aaronis ann lJi!S ronneis, rou, cucnfoJ tlJec, to, tbr rcruant. atHl ro~ t11i·
mar, 1 2+ 'llllJiClJ llJall eatctlJClnin tlJC l)olp pla~ : 1fo~ tl)cp maill, fo1 tlJr l]trcn fcruant, anll fo~ tIJc tlra11ger
arc mort tJolp bnto lJ1m, ortlJe offcrmg'5 of tl)c tl)at rotoumctl} tottlJ tlJtt :
·J1o~ll malle bp fir~bp a pc91etuall rtatutc. 7 anti ro~ tlJr cactcll,anllt'o~ tlJe bcatt~ t111t
1 o .ilnll tl)e ronne of an ]fraelttillJ 'Wife tolJofe are in tlJr lantJ, llJaU all tl)c cncre:are tlJcreof 6cc
f'atlJcr was an lf!,Jpptian, 'o.lcnt out among tlle meatc,
ciJil1>~1 of 'Jifrael: anti tlJi~ fotmc of tlJc '.)ltae' s .anti dJou Cl:Jalt number rcum ~abbotlJ!!I
litillJ 111tre, anll a man of '.]fracl emie togctl)cr of pcmis lmto tl)ce:., cucn rcum times fcucn
in tlJe l)o lte. reereis, ann tl}e fpac;c of t{Je £tum ~abbotlJ!!I of
11 9tll> tlJc ']ifraclitifiJ \\lomanis ronne blaf, rerc1S,lDtu be bnto tl)cr four-tie: anll nine pr ere~.
ptJemcll ttic name of tlJc Jlo~ll, anll curfctl,\f tl)ey 9 .ann tl)m tIJou llJalt caure to blo'We tiJc
b~uglJt lJim bnto ~ofc'5 : l9i!!I motl)crs name ttumpct of dJc •'.)Jubilee in dJc tcntlJ !lap of tl)c ;,,) •. ;,: :
'llla!!I ~clomttlJ, 'lll(Jtcl) 'llla!!I t(Je nau~tcr of~~ feucntl)monctll, cumin t{Jcl:lap of atonement ~:.~~·;:·!
b1i.Of tl)c trtbc of ~an. ft)all pc malic tl,Jc trumpet blo'lllc tlJiougl)out all I i:.;.~,:~;,',;
I 2 anll ttJcp put IJim in \Uatll, tlJat tlJC minbc rourlantl. 111•""'' "'
orttJc lLo:n miglJt be ll:Jctocll tlJcm. 10 ann re fl.Jan (Jallo\\lc tlJat pmc, cucn tlJr :;:::;,'1·~~:'
13 9nn tl}c Jlo~llc rpartc bnto ~oft!!I, faping, fifttctlJ rcre, l1 wo,111ime hbcrtte tl.noug1_1out au
14 ~tng tlJe curfcil fpcartcr mtt('Jout tl)c tlJc lanlle, bnto an tlJc tnIJabitcrs tIJcrcof: roi it
(Jotlc,an1:1 le:t all t{JatIJearll l)im, put dJcir lJanllS 11Jallbe a ]ubilcc bnto pou., anti pc 11.J11II rctumc
bpon l)ts lJtal>, ann let au tlJc multitullc «one cuerr 1nan bnto (Jtis potrcllion, anll cucrp man
IJim. bnto IJiS Jlinrcn a_gainc.
1 ~ 9nil tl)ou Chaltfpcalre bnto tl)c ciJfill:cn of 11 a rccrc of 'Jubilee 11.Jan tlJat fiftlctlJ rccrc
Jlfrac1,raring,1t01Jofoeucr curfctl) lJiS Cil5ot1,0Jall be b_nto pou. Pc ~all not rott1, ncitl)crreapc tl)at
bearc IJi!!I fnmc. \\llJielJ gro'llletlJ of tt rc1rc, nc1t~cr gattJcr tlJc
16 anll IJC tlJat blafplle1nctlJ tlJe name of tlJc grapclS tl)at arc left.
'lLo:n.let l)im be Haine, antJ al tiJe multitulle ll:Jal 1 2 1fo~ tl)at pecre: of ']:ubtlrc n1allbc lJolr btt'
!tone l)im to llcatlJ : lIDIJcdJcrtJcc be bo:nc in tlJc to rou: btn: rec n1all catc of tlJc cnmafe tl)ercof
lantl, o: a araungcr, ~l)en l)c ~lat}.!lJcmetlJ tIJc outoftl)cficU1. .
name of tl]c )Lo~ll,lct IJmt bcdatne. 1 3 '.)ntl}crcrcort1Jis1ubrleercfl;Jalrctume
fao, 11.12. 17 *ann tJC tlJatlilllctlJ anr man, lettJim tlpc euerpman bnto l}iS potrtmon againc.
tlJt l>CatlJ. 1 4 'Jlf tl)ou reuca oug~t bnto t1Jr neigfJbour,
1 s ~tll> IJcc tr1atliinct1J abeatl, kt lJnn maJte 0 ~ bupcll ougfJt or tt1p ne,gl)bour!!l (Janll, re 11.Jall
{Jim goot1,bcalt fo: bcalt. . . . . not opp:clfc one ~notiJcr.
19 ann ff a man caufc a blmtitlJ m bt!!I nc1g1J' rs ;16uta.eto~llmi;Jtotl)enunmerofpcmsa&
~ar.p4. bour:a~clJatlJ none, fo n1all it be bone to l)tm. tcr tiJe '.]\ubtlce r~. tlJou OJalt bur of tl)p nei(!IJ'
I xo.2l.~4. 20 l5teaciJ foibteac;l_J, *tpC fo:ere, antltOOtb bour: an~ acro~llmg bnto t{Jc number ofycml$
<me, 1 9. i '· fo: tootlJ : euen a!!l IJCC l)atl) ble:mUl.Jell a man, fo or tfJc rnnts ~e flJall fell bnto tlJrc.
OJ all l)e be blemillJell againe. 16 g"ofomgto~emultituncofrcrrrti, IJC'C b v"''
2 1 atlb be tl)at litHctlJ a beatl, le:t l)im rcllo~c mall cncrcafe tl}c P~«e tlJercof, onll ac:co:otng to :~,«"..~:·;;;
it,anb lJe tlJat fitllctlJ a man, let l)itn l:ltc. tile. r~wnclTe of pccrc~, ticc llJall mtniflJ tile p~rcc ~::~.~;:';
2 :i. 1?e 11Jall l)aue one manner of Ja\1!,cucn fo; Of 1t • fO~ tlJC b OUll~ber Of fnute~ l)OtlJ fJ< fell bll' •" '"'1' :
tl:Je ttraun~, as 'Well as fo: one ot' rom o\llne WtlJ~ ~~
I 7 iDpp!fl
__ lC_I-
lcdeen1ing oflands Leuiricus. and perfons folde.
17 $pwctrc not re tl)crcro~ rucrp t1111t1 Qts 37 ~ou DJalt not giue l)tm t1:Jr moncr bpon
ncigl)bour; but tfJou tbalt tcare ttJr (l}oD: :11'01 '.J l:lfurtc.. na.i lcf1tl IJim tl)r bictwllSS foJ incrcarc.
am tltc lf.,o~ll rour <13oll. . 38 1 am tlJtlL~tlt'Qur<l3ol:I, \Dl)lcl} biougl}t
1 s · mf)ercroic.. re 11Jal 11oe after mfrtt 01t1man, rou out of' tlJt lanl:lt of cf!J!!pt, to lJNt rou tl:Jc
c:es, ano bccpc lnp lall?cg, an~ ooc tlJt1n, anti re IanD of CltlJanaau, ann to be pour <l3otl.
fball D\DCI( in tlJC fanll m faf"ct1c. . 39 '.]f tl)p b~otl}cr tl}at tl\DdletlJ hp tlJcc bee
1 9 9no the iano OJatgiuc 11~rfnntan.Drc OJ al \Da~en poo~c, anti be folbe bnto t1Jtt, tt)ou tIJalt
rate rour fiU, 11110 o\\Jcll tl]crcm m rarcttc. not comµell hnn to rcrue • abontl fcruant:
JmlJatllJaU \tJc eatt t1Jr 40 l5ut aS3 an IJr~ell Ccmant, ano as a co tour,
llJaU not fo'nle, no~ gat:l)cr ncr ht lt)aU be \1.litlJ tl)cc, anti Cl}aU Ccruc tlJct bn,
in ourincrcarc:> to tIJc rrcre of'.Jjubttce.
IfirtlJ rcrrc,
2I'.J: \Dlfl fcOllC ntp blc.f[ing bpon fCU in tl:JC
a11?11t llJall b~tng fo~tlJ fnrit ro~ tlJ~cc
41 iln?I ti.Jen flJaU )1e tlcpatt from tl)cc , botlJ
Ile ant11Jis c1li1Dicn \DitlJ 1:)1m, anti llJall rciume
Irem~. bnto 11i~ o'tllnc liinretl againc, ann tlnto tl}e pof,
22 .!dnD re [IJaU fome tlJe eiglJt rtttc. anll c11tc ecmon oflJis CatlJcrs (l)all he rcturnc. .
rct of olllc fruicc tmtill t1Je ntntlJ rccre: tmtill 42 :11'01 tJJcr arc mr Ccruant~,\tJl)ic:lJ] b~oug{Jt
lier fnnt~ come, re fiJall rate of oil> no~e. out of tIJc lanll of cfgfpt: anll llJall not t(Jercro1c
···1•.:bo 2; 'i111rlanon.munotbc Colorto c \tJalfe:fo, be foll> ass bonnmcn.
~ ::;;,"r~"'' the IaniJ t~ mine, anti re but nrangcr~, anti Co' 4 3 ~(Jou ll)alt not rule oucr IJim cnu:llr, but
';!~~~;'[~ ioumrr% 'tllitlJ mr. . fiJalt fcarc tl:Jp '301:1.
~"'°r 2 4 '.]!n all t1Je lanll of' rouqiolTdfion, re ll)an 44 ~11r bon1'Ccruant , anll tlJf bont1matllc,
';:;i ., , <gram a rcoe1nption ro~ ttJclanll. 'llll}iclJ tl)ou llJait IJauc, fl)all be or tl}c ~catlJrn
,;';i~~;;,, 2 s 'jjf thp t1~ot1Jer be ma:rcn poo~e, anti l)atlJ ttJat arc rounti aboutr ou: of tf)cm tlJnll rc pur'
fol;;c <1'1.i.lcrp oflli~potrc!Tion, anti if anp ofl)iS3 htn tl}afc Ccruants anti maitrcs.
comctorciJrcmc1t, lct~im bur out tl}at 'IDIJiclJ 45 ~o~couer, or t1Je c:l]illl~ of tlJc «ran'
t iJt!.l b!cti1CrfoU1. gcrS3 tl:Jat arc rotourners among rou , of tl}em
! 26 2110 If IJcl}auenoman torcnecmc ft, anti 11Jall re bur, ann of tl)cir ramtfics tIJat are lllitl)
:lli~ ll<lllll tJatl) gotten ~ founl:J a$3 muc:q aS3 map rou. ml)icl) tl)eybcgatcinrourlanll: tl)tfc tlJall
:!Jc rufhcicm to our it out againc: be pour polTelTton. .
2 7 '~{Jen let l)tm count lJo\Dc long it IJatfJ 46 ant1rcf1Jall take tl:Jcm a~ inlJmtameroi
brnc folllc, anti llcltucr t1Jc rclt bnto tl}c man to pour cl}in1icn artcr rou, to polTclTc tlJtm ro1 an
u1I1om ilc folll it, tlJat l)c mar rcturuc to IJiS3 pof• tnl}critancc, thep f1Jalbc rour bontlmen fo1 cucr,
rcmon againc. but oucr pour b~ctlJ1cn tl}e c:l)illl,m of ~rracl,pc
2s J3ut att!I if lJiS3banll c:an not get fuffictent fl.Jail not rule one ouer an otl)crcrucllp.
to rrllo?r. to tltc otljer againc,tl)cn tl)at'rol}iclJ iS3 4 7 'J\f a foiourncr oi ftranger\tJa~ rid) bp t{Je:e,
fG!llr, fl1all rcmame in t1JC (Janil oflmnttJat IJatl:J ~ tlJF b1ot1Jer tfJatl:l'mdlctlJ tr IJim mare pooic,
bo11gl1t it, bntill tl)erecrc of']ubitce: anll in tl)c anil Cell l}tmrctft bnto tlJc arangcr oi Coiourncr
·J,ubtlcc it fi]alcomc out, antll}c 11Jalrctumetm• brtlJec, o~ to tIJc lfoc:ltc oftt:Jc arangcrS3 mn:
to lJfaµoffriTionagaine. . . 48 after tlJat tc iS3 folllc, he mar be rcDcemco
21 :ctnll if a man rcn a tl\Dcllmg IJoufc ma againc, one oflJiS3 bJctl)~cn map rct1ct1nc IJtm:
\l~i.ll'.c)) cittc, l}c map bup it out allainc 'lllit'l}in a 49 lfitlJer lJis bndc o~ l)iss tmtlcs fonne mar
-t,;I;c le r me after it i$S Coll> ; mitlJtn a pcerc mar bur IJim out, o, anr ttat 1$3 ni@ of liinnc bnto
!lC HuCClltC it. l)tm of(Jis fiinrco, mar rclltcmc l)im:citIJerif(JiS3
· ; ) 15 ut ann if l)c bur it not out againc 'lllitl;lin (Jant1 can get ro mud), l)c map be bougl)t out.
it: rracc ofa full rccrc, tl)cn ~e I;cufc tIJat ism
1 50 aUll tJclbaH mlloulllitlJIJimtJ;Jatbougl)t
\:.; nu;-1Hcn citic, fliall be ftabllfiJcll, a~ tranaatcll {Jim, from tl)c peerc ttJatlJe \DaS3 Colli tn, bnto tIJc
rn l:;im rt1at tGu~IJt it, au~ l}iS3 Cuccdfoi$S after rem of ]ubtlec, anll tIJe pitcc of (Jits i burtng, 1 sair.
i11nr, ann liJaH uct ~c out in tlJt ]ubtlcc: 11.Jalbe acco~lling tmto tl)enumbcr of rccrcss, at,
31 mut tl)C tcufcS3 of btllagc$S, \tJIJid) l)auc c:o~1:1i1111 to tlJc nmc ofan lJirell !rruant UJallJc be
::o wauc~ rcunll about ti;cm, arc countcn a~ 'ID ;tlJ l)tm.
it:c ficL:i orn1e countrcp: anll tl)crcfo~ctl)cp mar 5 r '3lf t1Jerc bcpetmanrrecre~ 1Jebi1Jll, ~ccoi'
~-c' buU\;!l}tcutagainc,anllflJall gocout in tlJc Ding bnto them, let bim giue againc to~ f]i~ llc'
j,liLi\cc. ltucramc, or tIJc moner ttJat fJe 1:llag bo11g1Jt fo~.
3' j~r.t":oitl1ltan1:1ing,t1Jc cititS3 oftlJc)l,ctdtcs, s2 '3\f tfJcrcrcmainc btJt felll rmc_i:s lmto.t!Jc
,1no HJc lJourcs of tl}c nticS3 or tl)ctr po1f£lfion, perc of'.]Jubllcc, let l)im count untlJ IJim agame,
ma~ tile -.i:•• euttcs rccecme at all rcaronS3: annaccoJllingbnto f)is pemS3giuc l}uu againc
3 '· ~lll.l if a manpurct)afc oftl)e lf.,cutteS3:tlJt Co~ lJi~ tcilrmption.
lJotr.2 t:1at'nla£1folll, anti tl)ccitie of tlJcirpoffcf, 53 ann l)c tlJnlbc \DftlJ l)ilu pctrc bnccrc as
non, !\Ja\t!Gcouttntllcrmeof]ubttcc: roi tl;Je an lJirell ceruant : ann tl}e otlJct ll)all not rule
~;o,.,_urcz of tlJcnttcs of t1Je ·,11.euite$3, are t'l}dr pof crucllr.oucr l)im in tl:Jl' fi~lJt.
1c1<1on ~-mong tl}c cl1tlt11cn of ']\!racL 54 ~flJe be notrc11cemc11 tl)us,IJc o;ian go out
..: '~4 :Out tt}c ficlnt ct tl)e Cuburbes of tlJciT cl< tn tlJc pure or'.]!ubilU, bod) lJt anD IJIS cl)tlD,cn
... c,.,u,arnctbcfolbe foi tt iSS t(Jcir pcrpct:Ui11l 'mttlJ IJim.
pcCirfflon. ' ss !fin tmto me tlJc cl,nllnt11 o!']Jfracl arc fer,
3> 'J.ftlJ! biotlJcr bet 'marm po~e anti ral< uanN, dJtr an mr rcruants \1.11Ji£1J .'.Ji b~oug)Jt
'.en m llm:ir "IDlt\J ~cc, tl}ou llJalt rtlicUclJim • outof t:l)elanDc of Gegppt: ~am tl)e:to~bpour
a llr.mgcr, oi a Co1oumcr, tl}at IJc map liuc 'OJitlJ <150tl.
!tl)cc. Thexxvj.Chaptcr.
36 .ann ~tiou flJalt taltc no bfunc of IJim ~
\ nnnt~!!C: but tl)ou llJlllt frare tl}p <5o1:1 tl)at
Ibt::!tllcr mar ltuc \tl1tb ttJcc. '
i:lJr 3 They arc blclred that J.cepe 1hc commandements of
God: 14 And curfcd arc they that J.ecpc them nor,
r1·he obedientbleffed. Chap.xxvj. The difobedient curfed. 47
txo.10.+ • lftll)almallepou *noillolt!1110J 3 an11 ie pee m1p not bee refomtttl by t~t!e
dcur.y .a. • 0
;raum ima«t,nrittJetrcattpou tl}i~,but (ball \l'Jalkc contrarp bnto me,
pfal.96.7, . - bpap1llar,ncit1Jcr11JaHpdetbp 24 ~en \'Dill I)! alCo 'nlalbc contrarp bnto
'· , anp1mqcofilontinpour lanD FOU,!)nb mil puniflJ pOU fctfcUCll tlmtfS Co~ FOUr
to bom llomnc bnto it: foJ lam flnncs.
. . tlJtJl..OJbfOUrc8oD. 2 s anl! ']J 'O)ill fcnlla f\xlo~llc bpon pou, tl)at
i Fee 11)aU flccpc mp $>abbotlJis. anll rme• f1Jallaucngc mr toumant: anll bll)C1l re arc ga,
reme mJ?. canttuane: foJ '.]!am t1Je lAJJll. tl}etcll togetl}cr 'nlttlJtn rour citic.11. 91 \tlill fmll
Dtu1.18.1, 3 *'.J1fpcmalheinmpo1t1inallttl1.at1Z111UPe tfJc lJCChlen~ amongrou,anD pee OJallbt lltliuc'
mp commaumcmmt.s,anb lloe tlJem, rcll into tlJc l)an!l of t:l}c cncmi·:.
4 ] mill fenll Fouratnc inllucrcaron.. anll 2 6 l.111.l * tol)en '.ll IJauc b1011m t{Jchllaffcof Em. .16
tlJc lano OJall rcctll IJer en,rcarc, an11 tl.)e trccfJ or pourb~call, c tm toiu~s fl)allbalit pour b~caD in ~,,.~~:~l~~n;J
t(Je flelll OJall ~iuc tlJCir rTIJit i one ~ucn , a~ tl)ep flJnll llcliuer vou fOut IJ~call ~t~:~~'.~:~ ~: 0
• etll<nftl•ll s .an11 rour a tlntlbJnl,l man read) t111to tl.}e agamcbr \tlc11,11Jt: ye fi)all cat, Et not be Cattrric!J. 11"""'~"'"
~i:1~u,~~~.·;i;!~: bi11ta1,1c, t.t tt1c bintagc 11.Jall read) bnto t!Je fom• 17 anb If t'££ tclll tltlt fCt to~ all ~I~ lJ£arli£tl ~:.t,hl~rll!~.~~r:1 ,
acR<•• rmu· lO"tilUC
ltbclfttutlbt• ~ • •
· atlll rccOJtlll Ciltc"OUrb.,'allQlplmtt•
L t ~ bnto mc,but lllalfica~atna me: ::;~~!~.~~·~;"
r"' IDl••b••· ourmne, an!l urocllin "our lanDfaftlp. . 2 ~ ~~ill Wallie. contra~e bnto rou alfo tn f!~.~!~~~~n~r~.
,.a,ana IDu« nr ., . ' . ..., I D ,.
u....o ream· 6 -'lllll .,J'OJtllfen11pca~m...,e an , an... pee mtngnatton, anll\tltU .:l)alhfc roufcucn timeis , 1!r.~,r.m111•
~~~~.~.'.!< flJan accµe, anD none OJall maflcpouafraio: anD mo~e Co~ roUt finne,11. ~~~\b0',r:1~[.~; 1

Iob 11.19. ] toillnll millbcaa.11outort1.1clanD.* anl!tl.)crc ::. 9 9no rec 11.Jall catc tfJe HCllJ or rourro11nci!, 1:,·~~~~~~··
ll)all no l'Q)o1111,1oc dJJou§IJoutpoUt. lanll. anlltfJe fl.c!l1 ofpourbaugiltcril flJallrclleuourc. b•ID•.
7 !tlnll re ll)all dJaCc rour encmtefJ, ana tl}cp 30 '] w~illlcltroHourl:Ji~lJ platcis. an!J cut a'
11.Jall falt brfoJCt'OU bpon dJcCmo111. \\lap ronnmagc,11, anlHail rour rarlicifcs bpon
s 9tlll fitu orrou ll)all tlJafc anIJunll;ca, \fan tl)c boDieis of rour iDoic;s, anll mr route il.JaU ab•
~unll~cll of rou llJBll put ttn tlJoufann to fiiltl)t: fJo~rcrou.
anD poUt cncmit.11 OJall fall bcfo~c rou bpon t.fJc 31 anD ']J \\ltll malic rom cities
Ctoo~ll. bJin1,1 pourram:tuarr bnto nour,Jl}t,attll mill not
9 iffoJ '.31 \DiU l)auc refpcctbnto rou, \f make CmclltlJc rauoUt of'pour rrocet ollour~.
rou encreafc, anll multipip rou, alll.l rct bp mp 32 'Jl \Dill b~tn~ tl)c lanll bnto a '\lltl~entrffc,
toucmmt mittJ rou. ann rour mcmie~ mlJictJ llmcll tbmin, nian
1 o anll re nial eatc olll «oJC, alll.l carp out olll, lllonllcr at tt. ·
bmwre of the nc\D. 33 9-nl> I)! ttJil ltro\D rou among t{Jc I:m:tncn,
1 1 ann '.Jl lllill malic mr ll\Dcntng place a· anll bliUD~atoc outaC\tJo~l> af'terrou :anllpour
monglt rou,anb mp roulc 11.Jall not lotlJe rou. lano n1a\bc lllallc,ann pour 'itie~ llcfolatr.
2.Cor.6.16 u *'.Ji \Viii mallie amongpou, ano tt11Ubcc 34 ~en tball tl:Jc lanb cniop IJet ~abbotl}il
pour $o1J, anti re OJatl be mr people. as Ion1,1 a~ it lret:IJ boil!, anti rec Chall be in rour
13 'Jl am tl)e )l..,o~tlc FOUr 11!501> lDIJiclJ b.iougl)t cncmtc~ lanD, euen t}Jcn fiJaU t}Jc lanllct"Ca unll
rou out of tlJe lanll of !fgppt,tlJat pee fbo11lo not enior IJtr ~abbotlls.
be ti.Jcir bonllmc11,an'tlJJ IJauc bwlicn t(Jc '1)ains n as lon1,1 as it lpctl) boil!, it man rca: bc 0

of rour rolic, ann mane rou goe bpJtgtJt. caufe itnio not rctlln pout ~abbotl)~ llltJm ye 1 ~. 14 ~l5utan111rrcmi'~notf;Jearlienb11tomc, ll\\ldt bpon tt.
mwc, i, '· no~ llltll not ooe after tl)rfe commaunilcmcnts: 36 anll bpon tl)cm tl)at arc leftaliue or rou.
1 5 anti ff re fl)all befpife mine 0~01nancc11, ct> ] Ulill felll.l a faintnct:rc into tl)eit l)cart.11 in tl)e
tl)cr trrourfoute ablJoJre mp latt1e11, fo ti,Jat rec lanb~ of' tl)cir enemies , anll tlJC rounn of a OJa•
\tltl not Doc an mp commanncinent)S,but: b~alte fitn11teafc11.Jall cfJafc tl}cm,anll tlJCI! 11.Jall flcc,a.11
mr coucnant: flcein1& fromarwo1ll: tl]cp fl.Jail fall, no man fol•
16 '31 alfo wm ao tf)iss bnto rou, 1J \\linb#ng lolllilll;( bpon tl)cm.
bpon rou fcarcfulnerrc, conrumption, ann ti.le 37 ~Ucp 11.Jal falonc bpon anot11er,a.11 it tum
burmng a1, 'onrume rour cttfJ,ano gcnocr befo~c a f'OJo~!Je, no man fofiolllin1,1 bpon t1Je1n,
ro.iom of l:Jeart: attll FCC fl) all foblc pour Ccell.C in ano re t1Jall 1Jauc no power to aann bcfoJc roar pour enemiell fiJaU £ate tt. cncmtc~.
17 .Qnll 'Jl mill fet mr face againtl rou,anll re 3s .llnll rec fiJl'lll petiflJ among tl1c ~catl}cn:,
llJal fall bCfOJC fOlltCllCmie!1: tlJcp tl}atl)atcfOU am tlJc Iano of you cncmic~ 11Ja11 rat rou bp.
f1Jall rcigne oucr rou, anl! pcc ll)aH t1cc \\ll)en no 39 amt11cr tl)at are Jcft orrou111a11 pine a'
man folloblctl) rou. 'OJap in t{Jcir bnrt~tcourn£Lfc 111 rour cncmte~
18 Qnb if FCC mm not pet ro~ all tbi!$1Jear11en lam~, anil 'n tlJc mtfllcctl.11 ortl.Jctr fatl)crs llJSll
\'Into mcc, tl)en mill 'JI punin.i rou rcucn times tl)er conrumc 'nlitb tlJcm. . .
moic fo~ pour ftnnc~ : 4o ann tlJcp ff.Jal. conf.elrc t1Je1r mtr~ccb!,anb
19 anti ttJlll b~rallc til!: pifllc or rourpo'\ller, dJc minieellil or dJetr fatbcr,11, foJ tl)ctt trcfpatrc
ann '.]will malic pour I.Jcaucn afJ pion, anb pour tol)fdJ t!Jcr }Jauc trefpalrcll a1,1amft me, anb co i
cartlJ a~ b~atrc, tl)at alfo 2tfJcp (Jauc 'tllal!Itl> contrarp bnto me.
2 o an'll rour labour fiJaU be rpcnt in tiainc,foJ 4 1 <a&~creroic 91 alfo \tlll '!lJalllc contrat"l' bnto
rcur lanne fl.Jall not ~iuc l)cr mcrcafc, ntitlJet tl)cm, ann miu b1111g dJcm tnto tl)c lanb or tbcir
O)all tile tms of tl,lc lanD l,liue t(Jcir frutte~. eueinic.11: anD tlJcnat tl}c leaft\\lap tlJetr 1:1nm•
2 x ann if re \tlaltic 'onttarr tmto me.anti \\ltl rumctrcn lleart~ f!J~l~e tamell, ann tl.Jer llJal 'nlil,
not 11cancn bnto me, 'JI 'nltn biin~ Ccucn time'5 lin~ll:' a"tpttl)etr nnnc. J a;harl•

mo plagues bpon t'OU. auo1?1in« ta rour flnnc~. .4:i. ~{Jen 'JI wiu mncmbcr mt_ couenant re;&~"!/:.~;
22 ']I toiU affo lcnll in U11lllllcall11 bpon foll, w1tl) ']lacob, couenantblitl)]fal7ac.a11ll
\l'JllitlJ fiJall rob 1•ouof t•cur ctJiltiien,aniJ !lclfror mp couena~t Ulttl) lbJal)am tom )I remember,
pour c:itteU,ann mallcrou f£tu m twmllcr, anD anll llllO tl)mfic on tlJc lanll.
c11t1re rour LJl~lJ umr~is to bctlcfolate. 4 3 '<il:l)c lanne alro 11JaU be 1rrt of' tllcm. ani>
I ,
_)f vovves. 1-tedeeniing Leuicicus. of things dedicated.
OJallcnioplJcr~abbotl.JS'tD~ fbe lrctlJ\Xla~ 16 ]fa man l)aloble apiece of.l)isinf1Uittb
'OJitfJout tl:Jtm:i:t tfJCF flJsl ttJlllm~lt' acc:cpt ti.Jen lanb tmto d}e R1alt balueit a«o~bing
'.)r,1!icpu· llfinne, brcauretl)cybelj)tfeb.mpla~es, anbbe, tot11e Cccbetf)mof:an :qi,omcrofbarlcy fttlle ;coruswas
,dl•mcn1 "1UfC tlJtirfOU[CSblJ~rebmtne~lllMnt:e~. llJalbcfctatfiftte~of filUct', an Hebrew
ouhcir 44 anbpCtfOJ all _tl]at, \lll]CU tlJcy bcttn ti.JC 17 9\fl]eef.1alo\111,Jttifitll>C lmmebfatlp from me afore,
:irnc. lanDe of tflcircntmtcS, ']! tt111l 110t Caft tlJtm S, tl:JC pcm Of ')Ubtlu, ltflJalbe tlloitl,J acco;tring that conrai·
\l'lsp, ncitlJCT \tltll 'Jl abl]O~ tl}cm, to b~Ot' af:ltl}OUbOcfteftmneit. ncth th 1m•
t(Jcm tittcrlr, anb to bJtafte mp coucnant ttlttt,) 1 s :l5ut:snb tfl)e l,Jalo"cD IJt• 6'elll aCter tlJe ',Ju' of?i:~°':'-
tl]cm: foJ 91 am tfJe ;ii.,0111 tlJelr<l!Jon. btlee,~ep1itll lllaf mfion bnto (Jim ttJe monep, ~.~ry bu~'
Oob thin· 45 '.Jl \tlillfOJ tfJClt cfaltCS rtmembet tlJe COUC' 8CCOJ~lll{tto tl,Jenumbt;r Of t'ertS ~sttemsine, lhcl hauing
CCIJ Dll bit
IUClClll lbC nantofolDe. 'tDl]cn'] b~ougl)t tfJcm out oftl)e 1mtot1Jeremsor'.J)ub11tefollobnng,8nbtt11Jsl inwcighc
\\N:irllof~hf 1snn of llrgrpt in tlte ftgl)t of tl)e li,catlJm, tlJat tie abateb bl' tl;Jp efhmation. 16. pound,
19 '.)Jfl)ee tlJat conreaateb tf,)e fiellJ, wm re> s.ounm.
'J) miglJt be ti)cir <!!Jon:'.]\ am tlJc )L,o,b.
4 6 ~ere arc tl;Jc o,ninanccs, 1t iubgemrnts bccmc itagatne, let IJtm put tl)c fiftlJ part of tlJe
anD rawc~, 'OJIJicl) tlJc Jl,,oillmabe betttlcenc IJim p~ice tfJat tl)ou trillllctlbalue it at t1Jcreunto,an11
an?J t~r c1J1lt1ien of ]rrael in mount f@inai, bp tt flJallbe lJifS.
t~c l}anb of ~ofc~. 2° am tfiJe \»ii not rclleemc tfJe ficlb, but rel'
ThexxviJ.• Chapter. letl)tl)e ftelDto anOtl]Cfman.l)tethatvowcdmar
rclleemc it no mo~e:
1 Ofdiucrs vowcs, and redemption of the fame. 31 2 1 :J5Ut\lll]cntbc fidl>goctl)out int(Jerecre
Alltichesarcducrothe LorJ. o.f ']Ubilee, ltllJallbe f:Jolpbnto tl,Jcll..o~; ass
cr_o.11 ~ri ~~ tlJc °.tLOJ?ltfpaftc bnto it1orc~ fietnereparatc from common tire~,anll it 111au be
sliii ~ ~!/'r..i ~ fapmg, tl)c p1iells poll'e!Tion.
. -7/!i~ 2 ~ptalicbntotlJed,)ffil,mof 2~ ]famanfanctifiebntotfJe JLo~llcsfiellle

~.l5!'a . '.Jifracl,anD rar tmto tlJem, '.l! f anr \lllJ1dJ IJe lJstiJ bougbt, anti is not of t11e grounb
11 .. rbt• ~J'~ s msnttlill mallca •fingtJl~bo\lle ofl)isinl}critance:
:~;~~~;:1 ~ of a pcrron bnto tl)c 'JL,o;n,br tlJF cllnuatton: . .2 3 "1t:IJe l!)#etl t'IJall rtcllonbnto lJim\Dl,Jat
3 ~en ttJF eaimation flJafibe thu~: S!Dftl)e 1t1s\llo~tJ;Jbnto tl;Je rem of'.)ubtltc,anD l)eflJal
male from t\lJ cntie rcerelS 0111 tmto flrttc, f!Jalbe ~ d}e p~ice tfJat it iHet at tl;Je Came nap, as a
br tlJl:' cihmsti on ftftie ficlcs of Cducr, aftci tiJc tl}tng confec::rate bnto tlJe Jl.~b.
ucle of tfJe ranctuaric: . 24 anD in ttJe pccre or lutnlee. tlJe ficlll fbsll
4 ann ifitbcc a female, tl)cn t:J;Jp bsluatton retume tmto I.Jim or ttll}omc it ttJU bouglJt, to
llJalbe tl)irttc ficlc~. l,Jimttll,Jofe inl,Jeritance or lanb itttlas.
s anll from fiue rccrelS to t\Ucntr,tlJFbalU• 2 5 anti all tlJp baluationllJaRbeacco~llfngto
ation flJnlbc of tlJc male t\Ucntr flclc~ ann of tl;Je tl)efide of tl}c fanctuarie:~e * fi'le c::ontaincttJ Eiro.30.IJ·
fcmal£ten ficlc~. t'tDcnm '3era1Js. num.;. 47·
!Jc ru••~•tb 6 antlf'roma 0monct(Jbntofiucpeerel$, tllF 26 :l5uttl}drllbomeoftl}ebealf~,tf,)att~tl}e m.4pa.
,~~~;~.-.~~~· etltmation fiJa\bc or d.)c male. atfiue ficles offl1' )Lo~lls flrlt bome.mar no man ranctifr, \DIJctl,Jer
~\1~%~!."'' utt,ann ofd}ef~s~, at tl)1ee nbc1~orb01ucr~fk" itbc ore o, llJcepc,fo~ it is t(Je 't.01tts atrctlllie.
ollb""'·" 7 !llnbfromfiµte-pecrrso 1 oue,t .,.. 27 '.]lfitbeanbncleanebcal1,l}e11Jallretteeme
;~~ ~~·~r beamate, tl)entl)ppJic.cllJall llecfiJtccne a,tes, ita~tl}ou lbsltret itat, anti gtuc tl}e fiftlJ part
t~~ ~~.~:~:; llllb roi tl)e ~male ten rtclcs. moic tlJcreto : lll>1 lfit be notrenec1neD, it lbal be
'"'"' Df••111 s l6uttfl}ec be poo~ tl)rn tfJou l)art ellce' ro1nacco111ing to tfJt' eatmation.
Uttn. men l}im,f}e flJall p,crent (Jimf.elf£ ber.oie ~ p,icll, 2 8 * jli}ot'arit(Jltanbing ' notl)ing Cepmte fof. 6.J 9·
anll tl)cpiteftf1Jan balue ~im: seto~Dingas tiJc fromd)ec::onnnonbre. tl;Jstaman llOtl)Ceparatc
t)anb of {Jim tl)at bo\lJen 115 ablt to get, cuen Co bnto tl;Jc ll..o~llc, of all t)111t1Jre l]at(J, \UlJettJer it
fiJalltfJtlMtllbalucl)tm. bee man o,bcaa, 01 lanlle ofl)t• inl)etitancr,
9 'J;fit be a l:Jcalt of' \111,liclJ men b,tng an of, mar bee roloe 01 relleemcn : ro1 ruerr tl}ittg rqia,
frrtng bnto tlJe ·JL01ne, au t1)at anp man i;puetl) rate from tlJC common bfc, is moa l}olp bnto ti.Jc
of fuch tin to tl)e A.oJb,Olalbc IJolp. )Loin.
10 li,ell)sllnotsltci: it, no1ct}angeit, a goon 29 JSotlJingfeparate frotn tl)e commonbfc,
fo1 a ball, o, a ball foi a goon : ann if'1)c ct}aunge 'a>lrictJ flJalbe reparate from man, UJalbe rcnee'
bcalt roi beaa. tl)cn botlJ tlJe came bcaft, snD it mtb, bUt bic tl)e Deatl}. .
[.~~:~!W,011 • alfo wl)ere\DitlJ it tt1as cllangeb,flJall be c IJolp. '3 o ceucrp titl}e of ti.Jc lan?I alfo, botl} of tf}c
1.oio. 11 ]fit be anr manner of bnclcanc beaft, of Cecb of' tl}e lanD, ann of d}c f'mitt of t(Je trc~, ts
'IDl'JitlJ men Do not offer a rarnftce bnto tlJcll..0,11, tfJe ll..oins,antJ is fanc::tifieD bnto CIJe JL01D.
l}e !ball rct tl)c bcall bcfo1e ti.Jc J01ictl: 31 !lnb if a man wtn rc'DCeme ollilJt of 1.Jis
11 ann tf;Je 101tclt Iha! balm~ it, ttJIJctl)cr it be titlJeis, let l}im all De tfJe fiftl.J part tl}mto. ·
\lDOb o~ b11'0:~ss tlJc p#cftfettetlJ it,ro f11allitbe. 32 anri eucrrtidJcof on anb of llJeepe, anD
1 3. l3utif IJe w111 bUP it sptne, I.Jc flJaU gtue of euerr beafttfJat lioedJ llnbtr tf1ed rooDc,eucn d u•r "·..''
tl)~ fift]>att mo1c aboue tf;Jat tt \\las rec at. euerr tentlJ DJalbe)Jolr bnto tfJc ~D. :l'~:g~~:1~.
1 4 'Jlf anpman nc11tcatel;Jt1Sl)oure tobel,Jolp 33 ll)eOJallnot Jootiefftttbegootb~ball, noi ~~l:~'l.'.~: 11
bnto tl}c 'Jl.01'bc.t1Jc l&Jiefl fiJa1Het it. \Dl,Jtd1£f it clJanp tt :effc tfl}c clJan~c t, botfJ t an11 tbatit "'"''"' "'"
be goo'b ~ bab : anti asstl)e l01ictl l)stl) ret it, Co 'ala• "1lftltll 1»ft1JaU,11Jal be l)alotll£b, anli mar " 01 " 1P111•

f'IJalht Uanb. notbettDUmell•

•1 s anb 'ml)~l)c ~at fl'.lnctifiell it,lD« rebeemc 34 CIJcfc are t(Je commaunbemmts bllJfdJ
lJtS b~ufe.let l}nn~uc tl)c lift part or d}c money tl,Je~ll ,otmtt8Unbeb bl' 9Jof.e•, bnto d)e d7il·
t~at 1t \USS tU'bicb at tlJttcto, an11 it n,albrl;Jfs. DJm of~irael in mount~tnai.
The end of the third booke ofMofcs, called Leuiticus.
The Rulers number Chap. j. men able forvvarre. +8

~The fourth bookeofMofes,calledin the
5:i:.:~: Hebrevl'Uaiedahbiir,and in the Latine :A(umcri.
~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---=--~~~~~~-

~~:'~:;! ~~.? 1' The j. Chapter. i. I ~e immbcr or tlJtm tlJatbim or tfJetribr

or tttmrt••· Mofes and A•ron' with the: twpluc: princes of the or JltUbEtl. \lla$1 fountc anti fl~c tl]oufanlJ, anb
~ ~ liuc l}unti1eb.

tribcs,arccommandedofthelordronumticrrhcm · l:JDff-h ""'flll
rhat arc mccrc for warrc. 49 The LCuird arc ex- n -~.,e "Yf 'en Of]Cratl t:IJ10~0Ut dJcir
cmprc-d for rhc lcruicc of the: Tabernacle. gmcratton$1, anti tl]tir llinrtllS • anb l]oufe~ Of
ttmr flttlJers, t:IJc fumme of tlJtm iit tlJe number
~-====-="'""""~ ~ • tf;Jc JL01bc qJlllie bnto of nam~s IJcall bp {JtaZl,al the males from ~\11en·
Eil.l.J 9
._.i. I lfh..'\.
Sl@of~ in tl)c \1111l>tmdrc of
~inat, ind)e*~abemaclc
ttc rercs anti abouc, \lJIJoforacr mig~t gee CoitiJ
totlJC 'OJarrc:
. '/lti. oftl)ccongqatton,t{Jefh1l 23 ~erummeoftl}cnittJat'a.lcrcoftl)ctribe
~ • Dar oftl]e feconll monct{J,in of ~tnwm, fiJtit ano nine tf)oUfano, an• tl)'ee
'G\Tu tIJc feconll rem arter tlJ~ 1}1mo~eD. -
~""=''"'• ucrc come outoftl)e lantl of 24 ©_f tl)c cfJ1lti1en or 0all t~~ougl)oat t1Jeir
~:;;;;;;;;.~~;:;.:i. ctgrpt,fattng. gencrattons. ano t~etr fiinrenss, ano uoufiJotoc~
Eio 0 n : * ~ake pe t{JefUmmc ofall tr,e multttunc ofd:lci~ fattJcrs. tlJe number of tlJrnamess from
· • • of t.iJe cfJtl!J,cn of']\fracl, after tlJcif lrinteDSJ anll ttllenttc rercs anti abouc, all tl)at \llmt Co~tlJ to
{Joull)olllss of tlJcit fat{Jerss, \11tt'IJ t{Je number of t{Je wane :
I or,m 3n tl.Jcif:namcs, an tl)at are males, JI IJcan bt' {Jeall, 2 s Qc numbrt or tfJem tlJatuim of tl)c tribe
by man. 3 !fi'tom ttDmtie fCtCSS Olll anll aboue,altlJat or <i311ll, \118S fourtie ttnb ftUC tlJOUfallll,0,re t}tlll'
(tO roitIJ to t{Je 'alam in ]fracl: t{Jou anll aaten bJCZI anll fiftie,
11)altnumber tlJcm tl:l,ougl}out tl)eir anuics. 26 i11>ftf;Jc ctJtillien of 1:uM ttnougl}out tiJcir
4 ano toit{J rou fiJall be 1ncn of euerp mbe, gchminons, ano t{Jetr liinrells. anil 1Jourcss ot
rua, as are tl)e l)canss of tl)e IJourcss of ttJeir fa• tl)cirfatl)c~,t{Jcnumbcrofnamessfrom t\llm•
tf1Crss. tac rceress ann aboue, au tl)at \11ere abu to goc
s .ano tIJcre are tfJe nanuss of tl)e mtn t{Jat eo,t{J to toam:
• ~11a11M~ tl)all• llattomtt{Jpou:or 1hcuibcoffiubm,ltli, *7 cnJe number of tl)cm tlJat 'a.lerc of d,le
~i:,:11 lUT tlJc ronne or ~c!Jcur. tttlle of ]Uba. toa~ tlJ.:ccrco~e anll fourctcene
'°' "'''" rifabbai.
6 @f ~tmeon, ~c1U1nid d;le tonne of ~u' t{Jouran11,ant1 fire l)tmb~ctl.
l8 Wt tlJe dJ•llJ~m of ]facl!ar tl)~ougl}out
1 ~f']!uM.~aIJa[on,ttJefon of aminallab. tf)efr (tettcratto11~, ano ttJeirllinrctJs, at1ll (Jou•
8 iDf']Jfac(Jar, ~ati}anicl tl)c ron of~ar. res of tl)tir rat11rr~ tl)c nmnbcr of names from
9 SlDf ~abulon,<fliab t{Je ronne of ll)clon. t1»mtie peeress anti abouc, 'a.11.JiclJ \Dent all fD~tlJ
1 a among ti.Jc c(Jill>1cn of '.JofeplJ: of lll!pl)JB• to ti}c \Dam:
fan., (f'[lfamattJcfotmtof :lmil)Ull: or~anafft,
®ainalieI tl)c fonne of ~Da,ur.
2, 'llrl)e number of tlJrm tl)at 'Were of tl)c
tribe of ~raa,ar, 'OJ~ fifttc anll rourc tt}oufatlll,
11 ©flamlamin,abiMn tl]e fon of<ll1ebcon. anti foure (JunbJCtl.
~i $f ~an., al)icter ti.Jc ronnt of imifall• 30 fiDf t(Jc ct}tlo1[n of ·5abulon t1J1oug1Jout
lla1. tfJeir 11enerattonss, ano tlJcir Uintross, an!J t1ou-
1 3 ©! 2lfct,10a~cl tl)e Connt of ~mm. res of t~etr fat~ers, U,e number of uanies from
14 ©f <ll5all, ~1afapl) tbe fonncof JButl. rmmtie pere.G an!J abouc,all 'WIJidJ 'OJCTC able to
1 s ©f {r)eplJtlJali,Qbira tl)eConncor~n. goe Co1tb in tlJc (Jone:
16 ~ere mere of great fame in tl)e congre' 31 €1Jc number of tl)cm tfJ11t uierc of tfJc
{lation, p1inccssof tl}c tribes of tl)eir fat{Jerss.anll tribe of ·~abulon, uass rtCtic anll f£U£n dJOUfanb
(Jcabss ouer tt1oufanlls in 'Jittatl. anD rourc 1Junn1c1J.
17 ann ~ores anll aaron toofie tt)efe men 32. jj!)ftl]c cJJilD~n of jofqilJ, na~dy, of tfJc
'a.ll;lic{J atz crp1ctreb br tlJeirnames. 'IJ1lll1en of <ept.uatm ttnou!JfJout t{Jctr gcnerati•
1 s anll dJep callet1 an tl}e 'on!JtCga«on toge· on~anll ti) cir liinre!Jtt.<J 1Joufcs of ~Ir ftt~erJ.
tlJer, tfJC firll llap of tiJt rcconll 11l;IJn~,anD tl)ey t{Je number or namcss from t\llentte Fecrt• anb
toere rccftonen tlJJoug{Jout tlle&r lnnrellf!I. anti abouc,all tl)at 'Went outto t~e toarrc :
l]ottfts oftlJcir rat1Jcr.G,ac:c:o1llin!Jtotl}cnumbcr _33 ~I.Jc m~tbcr or t.~em tl.1at '1lcre of tht
ofd}drnames, from t'Wcntictccrcss oltle an'b a· mbeor lfplJ,a1m, 'Wa~ fo;ttctiJoufanb annfiuc
bouc,l)can br ucan. l)un'b1ct1.
19 ass t1Je JLoit1c commautlllcll !J)or~ss. ~o f)ee 34 ~c CIJe ~111J,m or Q\)anrurc tl,nou~out
11umb.1e?1 tl}cm in tl:Jc witocrncff'c of ~mm. tl}cir gmcranonss, ann tlJctr llinrcllJ. anb l)ou·
20 ~o ucrc tl:Jc d}illl~ell of Jliubtnj\rrat~ rcsoft~cirfatbcr~. tl)enumwrof namcis uom
el!Jell ronnc, tl)Jou~l}out tl)etr gcncrationss, ano t'Wentie rcm'1 oUJ ano abouc,an t~11t 'nlcnt out
tl)cir ftinrcD~.anll l)ourcs of tl)eir fatIJrr•,acco.1• to tllc'Warre:
Din~ to tl)c number ot tlJefr names, l;Jtab bp 35qe numbrr of ttcm tl!nt\Dcrr ortiJc ml.Jc
l)cao, all 1nale)'.S from t'mcntte rereSi oU> ~about, of ~anafi'e,\llas tlJirttc anb ttr.o tbourann anti
a~ manr 8$$ bin ~oe raid} to tl)e uam : t\\lD l)u1101c1J.
vVho \Nenc co vvarre. Numeri. Their cents and number.
36 lDf tlJc cl)ilbten of ~min tl)~ualJOut - • f> 9 tlJe JL,ou1e_rpue1mto SIJo"-
-tl)eirgmerations. anb t1Jeirhtn"11~ano l)otifiS ~ lllll ~arort, (apm1,
of tl.Jctr fatlJetJ, 't11c nu1i1bftlof namcis ftom - - ~ • ~m111;oftlJcdJ111J~mof ~~~~·
C\Dcntic pccrcsanb alJom, aDtl)atwmtfoo~t1J 1l\'lld llJall pttdJ bnZ>er l)tsotone t:::.:.".dr:-1
to tIJc 1Darre · _ OanZ>m, an1:1 bnlla tl)e mfigne of c11111....,,.,.,11
37 ~c nuUibcr of tl)em tl;Jat tom oftlJc tribe ttJcir fa~crs l)oUfe~:fane oft allouttl)e tabtrna• ~:~i:-:·~
of '3mramtn..was dJlrtF anb flue ttJouranb anb cte of tl)c congregattonft)all dJcp ptta,.
f.ourc IJunllJCll. 3 h ~n tt}t ltafl 01)£tO\l!Sfi) t1Jt riling of tl;JC ~J::O\:..
38 i!DftlJc cf,Jtlt1i~nor~ant1J~oug1Jouttl)cir ~unn~. DJantl)ey oftl)caa~ncrt1 ~fdJelJofleof ~~·.:.~=
generation•, ant1 rrtnrc1>s, \f l)ourcis oftlJttt CS• j\uba p1tcl), ttnouiroouttl)nr ann1cs: ant1 ~a· ch• a.aa... natncs from t1Dcntie pcres lJalTon tl;Je ronne of aminallab llJallbe captainc DuD.
oltl anb sbouc,an tl)at 1Dmt fo~d) to ClJe \lla~c: of ttJc ronnt~ of ']\Ul)a,
39'i£1)cnnmbcioftttmtl;Jat'&Dmoft1Jctnbe 4 anZ>l)JSIJoif, \ftlJcmnnbcr Oft1Jcm,t1J1ee•
of wsn, was tlnrcrco1c anti tUJo t1Jourant1 anb rcote a111> fourtccnc tlJourann anb lite 1Jun11;ie11.
rcuenl)untl~£b. 5 ~en tmto ~im llJall tl)cp bccoftl)c
4o ~f tl]td7ftb~rn ofarcrt1n0Ullfout tlJdr tribe of9\ra'11a~ptttlJ:an1> jf.}attJanacl ti}c ronnc
gcntrationS!l,anb tl;Jcir kinrebis,,1Jourc15 of tl;Jeir of ~uar, OJall be captalne of tlJe c(J&lll~ of lfa•
rat1Jers,tl)c nmnberof tlJe namc15 from mentie d)ar.
pccrcs anZ> llbotre, ant11attoent outto tl;Jc mar: 6 ll}ts1Joa.tan1> tbenumbcrttJmof,firtie at1b
41 ¢1Je number of t{Jcm t:fJat to ere of tl)c fourc tlJc~anb,~nb fi;iure IJunZ>,cb.
tnbc of acer, to aIS f-o~tie anti one tl]oufanb anZ> 7 inti tl]cq tl.Je tnl:ie of:labulon: am ctliab
fiuc l)tmb1eb. - tlJc fonnt of $e.l0n, 11.Jall bee capt:aine oucr tf;lc
4z iiDf tl}c cl)illl1cn of ~cptlJali tl;JtmtmtJout a}tll11m of ~llbulon.
tl}clr generationi:i,ann tlJeir ktnre1>s,ant11Jotlfesi . 8 ~nb fJtis hoft.e,an6 tlJe number of tl}cm,fif
of ttJrir fatlJenJ, tl,Je nmnbtt of name15 Cto1n tie anZ> reucn tfJOUfant1,an1> route f)un1>.:c1>.
t\llrntic rccrel!I anll abouc, au ttJat ~t goe 9 ~o tl,Jat tlJe'IDIJolc numbttoftl)ctobolc
fo1tl) to tlJt wane: - (Joa Df1u'tla,are anl}unlltrll t1J0Ufant1,fourri:o1c
43 ~c number of tIJrm tl)at \ti ere of tf)c tribe anZ> ~c. tl)ouranb, ant> roure 1Junt11t1>, tfJ~ouglJ·
of ~rptl)ali, 'Wal!I fiftte ant> tlJ1er tl}ourano, anD out tfJc1r !lmticl!I: anb tlJck 11.JaU firflmoouc. .
fourel)unb~ctl. 10 c ~ntl)c~outiJCi!lcfi.Jall be tl)caamern , RUIJmlGll
44 $1Jcfe arc tlJc funnnr~ \UIJiclJ ~ore21 at1b of ti.Jc l}ofte ofilluben,acco1btng to t:l}cit amms: ~.':', ;,1~'n. 0

98t'On m1mb1et1,an1> ttJc Pttncc~ of]fraet, ttJofc anb tf)r captatne oucr ti.Jc fomttl!I of mubm fi.JaU ~'::".~JD,".~:.
C\Deluc men 'WIJtclJ 'Were eucr pone fo: tl]c l)oure be lflt~r tl)e ronnc of ~ellcur. bi'b"'~n. '"'"
1 1 , inti IJiS r,o«e anb tlJc number of tlJcm, ~r.~
ortlJcir fat1Jer21. ·
4-5 ~o \'llcrc au tlJe numbers or tlJe clJilbitn !ourttc anb fi~c t1.Joufa111>,anll flue f,Junzncn. ,
of ']\fracl t1.J1oug!Jout tl)c f)ouftl!I of tl;Jeir fa, n an1>faflbplJimlbaHt1Jctrtbcof~tmeon
tl)erl!I, from tUJmtie ttttcss at1b abouc, all tl.Jat pitclJ, an1> tl]e captatnc oner tl}e fonncs of ~t·
went ftlitlJ to tlJc toarrc 1n ~ttad: mcon,nJeCbc. ~alumid tl]e Connc of ~bai.
46 alltl:)cv,'.Jlfap, tomtn numbtrCl~IJUn· . 1 3 anbl}tsl}offc,anbtf)cnumbrroftlJcm,rlC•
tlJCD tl)oufan'b,anb ttnet dJoufantJ, tlue l)U~cll ttc anti nme t{JoUfantJ,anb tfJ~cil,Jun~cl>.
anll ftfttc. 1 +9n!I a;c tnbc or c5abalfo, anll d}e captatne
4 7 )6ut tf)t Jl,euitess after t}Jc tribtl!I of ti.I cir oucr tl)c ronmss of 080, ~1111 bee eltafapl} d}c
ratl)ttss wen not numb~cb among tl.Jem. ronnt ef ~cl.
48 :Jnb tl)c 'Jl.o~Z> fpalic bnto Sll8ofcs,fap~ng, . 1 ~ !!nil 1Ji$1Jof!c,an1> tl;Je number oftl)tm,ftl.t<
49 ©nelpt{Jou flJaltnot numbertl)etnbe of tleantJfiuctl)oufanll, frJel)unlltcbanllfiftic.
·n..cui-. ncttl)er take tlJc fmmm of tf_1em among 16 au tlJat lllert numb~cl) tottlJ t:l}c campc of
tl)e O,ilb~m of '.J;rracl. mubm, anllunt1~cb tl)ouran1>, ftftte tl ont tlJou,
50 l6utt1Jou tl)alt apµointtIJcJL,cuitelS ouer ran1>,fourel}unt1~tJanbftftie. tl:uougi,out tf)eir
the tabernacle llf toitncrrc, a!'ll ouer an tf1e bcf• annics :_anlJ tlJcp ctiall frt coo;i}J in tlJt rcrontJ
CdlS thereof, ann oucr all t1Jmg15 tl)at m tn it: place.
-eta,tlJcr Cballbcarc tl)c-a!:abcmactc, anti all tl)c 17 ati?I t11c-ai:abcmaclc of tl)c €on1l'ftglitton
bctfcls tl)ercof, anti tl)rp fiJall mintctcr in tt, anti 11)81 go "roitf) tl)c {Jolfc or tlJt Jl,tultes tn ti.Jc niins
11Jallt1\llcll rounn about tfJc ·4t:abcmacrc. oft1Jcca111pc:ant1 asttJcr lictn tf}cit~,ro omt
51 ant> tol}en tl)ctabcrnatlt goet:l} fo~tl), tlJc tlJcr p~occc11 in ti.Jc ioumcp, cucrp man in IJis Ile,
'IL.tuitcs DJ all talle it t101Dne: anti \Vl)m tlJe ta• gree..anb 1mbcr ti) cir o'&Dne ftanllert121.
bcrnaclc.istobcpitcl)cb, tlJtJl.,~itcis ll!aOfetit 18 ~n tlJc dm~tUitlellJal~ bctf)clfsn~ of ~~~~
b 13• I•, nun. bp : anti tC 801! b lfran!.ltt CO\Ut' nt!.1f), be llJ&ll l)pc. tl)C 'amp Of ~f)~mm,aao~tJttqJto d}cif amatJ, 111m1.1mm,
~:~·:~;.~:~!°' ~ 2 ant1tl)ccl)il!l1cnof')ft'acltl)allpitcl)tl)dr am tlJc~taine ouer ttJe rorm~ Dfcep!J18im, :;::.:i~'. C01rn
L•m. tcntis,rucrp man in l)is o1Dn can:ip,, eucrp man flJall be ctltfatna tl)e fonntof anrtl}utJ.
bntltt biis o'IDn lfannert1,t1J~oug1J'out t1Jttrl)otl15. 11 $•1!1 lJot1:canll tl}c rmmbcr of dJttn.fourtir
~ 3 l5ut tl)cll..cuitcis ll)aO pitdJ rounb about t1J0Ufant1 anb fiue~ll.
tl)c ~abm1atteof 1Dttn£1Te, tl,Jat t:IJm bee no 10 anti faftbpl}t~ lbaUbc tl1ctribcor~a·
1DJatl) bpon tl)c Qtonl.Jrcgation of tlJc cf)lllltm of n111rc: anti dJt captatnc outr tl)c fotmcis or Qi)a,
']\trarl : nn1:1 the JLcu1tt15 ft.>all kcrpe ti.Jc \VatdJ of naJl'e,. flJ8lbc ~amaltcl tl)c fonnc of 1&ct1a1ur,
tlJc tabcmnclcor\11itnc1Tr 21 IJtfl}ofteanbtlJcmnnbtroftlJetn, tl)irtic
54 anti tl)e cl)ilbien or ·lirrazl tliba~lltug to anti t\llD dJoUfantl, anti nDo l}Unb~tl.
al tl)at tl}c Jl,o~b commnnbell Q9orcis,ro DiD dJer. 2 :l • !lnb tl]c tribe of l5mtamtri arro : llttl) tlJt
The iJ- ch captame ouer tl)c ronncs or :Jt'mtamm, OJaD be
- apter. ab(bantl)cfom1eof 15ctleon.
1 Thcordcrof1hc1cnts. r:i. Thchcadsofchelcinrcds 23 fiSl)DftcantJtlJC11UmbcrOftlJcm, tlJtrttt
ol 1rr~c1. anti flue t:IJOUfanb,111111 rourt1Junt1Jet1. .
The Hofl:es of Ifrael. Chap.iij. TheLeuitesnumbred. 49
2 4 an CIJt nundJei of tlJc campe of !fplJµiim, 1 o anb tlJOU OJalt ~oint aaron anll IJls
were an1JUnll1c11 t1J0Ufan11,eigl)t thouran11, anll fonnes to lllaite on tl)cir l!'lJictlclS office: an'll tl)c
an llU~EO, t1J10Ug1Jouttl)cir annics: anll tlJer ftrangcr tl)at commetlJ niglJ., mall be flainc.
11.Jall goe tn tfJc d)irlle place. 11 anti tlJc JLoitifpafle bnto ~ofcs,ra~ing,
• :ifi"!'~~~f.~· 25 c~cftanllcrtl OftlJC lJOftt ofl9an, IIJall 11 '6Cl)ol'D,'JI l)auc taken tile JLeutte11 from a,
::...·rtJ<raunli tmpc tIJc@o:d) fillc witlJ tlJtir anntcs: anll tl}c mong tl}c ciJilll1cn of]frad, roi al tfJC fiTft bomc
IWlll"'· raptatneouer tl)ecl)illl:cnof l9an,QJalbeaJ1te' t1Jatopmet1Jt1Jematticcamong tl)e r1J1ll1Jm of
,-a tfJc fonnc of ammi ~alltJat. '.llfracl. at11:1 t1JcJLcuttes11Jalbemtnc.
:6 {9i!1 l}OllC anll tl)C numbcr of tlJCm, tmtC• 13 l5ccaurc an ttJe fiTft bo:nc arc mine : fot
rro1e anll t\llo t1Joufan11, anll Ceum l)un111c11. * tl)e fatnellaptl)at'.]\ finotcalltl)efiTft b011l£ in Num.8.16.
2 7 anll faa bp l)im fl)al tl)C tribe Of aCerpftrlJ: tl)e lfftl'IJ Of cfID'Jlt, ') l}afO\lJC'IJ bJltO mCC ill tl)e cxod. I J •I•
anll tl)c captainc oua t(Jc fonnes of9fn; 11.Jalbe fir~ bo:nc in '.J\rtacl , botlJ man anlJ bcall, anll Ieuit.i P 6•
~agtcl tl}c fonne or llDcran. mmc tl)ep R:Jall be:] amtl}c JLoib.
2 s IJ)is l;Jollc an11 tfJe numbcrof tlJem, fourtie 14 antl tl)c JL011J Cpaflc imto ~ore~ tn ti.Jc
anll one tl)ouran11,an11 fiue l)un11~c11. . llltlllcrncU'c of~inai.larfng,
29 .an11 tl)c mbeof@ep~ab,1.tt1Je~ta1nc 1 s ~umber tl)c riJilllicn of JLcui after tl)c
oucrtl;Jc clJillltm of~eptl)ali, RJallbe a)J1ra t:IJe l)oures of tl)cir fatl)crs in tlJcir btnrell!ll: all tl)at
ronnc of <enan. arc mate~ from a monctl) olllc anb abouc t11alt
3a l!}is 1Jotlun11 t)Jcnumbcr of t)Jem, fifttc tl)ounumber.
anll tlJ.zee tfJoUfanll anll toure lJUnD~ll. 16 *ilnbill!)ofe; numbJtbtl)cmarroJbtngto Exod,6.17.
31 all tl)Cp tl}atU1crcnumbtell ll'litlJ tlJd)Oll tlJc too1lJ Oftl)c JLo~b, astJc 'alas commanllcll. i11.chron.6 •
ofl9an, were an l}un111c11 tl)oUfanllc, fiftieanll 17 anti tl)cfe \t'lerc tl)c rlJilb.tcn of JI.cut in •
reuen t)Jouran11,an11fi;rc1;Junll1e11: anll tlJct lb all tl)mnames: ©erfon,anlJ <ltaatlJ, anlJ ~crart.
;oe lJinl:nuol1 wittJ tl)cir ftanllcrlls. 1 s an11 t(Jcfc are tl)cnamcs of tl)e rlJilll:cn of
32 ~lJcfe are tl)c ronnes of tlJ'! cl)lllltm of'J,f, <i!Jcrfon in tl}cir fiinrc11is: lLibnt.anll ~cmc1.
rael tf110Ug1Joutt1Jcl}oures of tl)cirfatl)ers.eucn 19 QJc fonncs of CltaatlJ tn tlJtir liinrcllis:anl'
.... alltl)c numbers tl)at pitrtJcll t1J1oug1Jout tl}cir ram,*]leCaar,ll)eb~o11,anlJ !lD,-iel•
IJoftes, fii;e l}Unlltell tl)ouranll, t1J1ce t)Jouran11, 20 anti tlJc ronncs of ~crart in tl}cir kin,
fiue l}unll~clJ anll fiftic. rclls: ~al}cli. anll ~Ufi. ~lJefc arc tl)c mnrclJIS
33 '5ut tlJe ·,11.,cuttes mere not numb1c11 a, oftl)c JL,cuitcis., ai;,o~llin!J to tile ~oureis or tl}cir
mon; tl)c dJtllJten of 'l rracl, ais tl)c 'Jl,,01ll com' fatl}cris.
manllell ~ores. 21 llDf <ilJcrron came tl)e Jfinrctl of tlJc lLib,
34 an11 tl)c rtJilllten of '.]lfracl llilJ acro111tn11 to nitcS,anll t:tJc kinrcb of tl)e ~cmiteis. ~ere arc
all t(Jat tl)e JL0111 rommanllCO ~orcis. fo tl)ep tl)c ~inrclls of tl)c ©crfonitcs.
pitclJell '11itlJ tl)eir ttanbcrlls, anll Co tl)cp iour' 2 i !anll tl)c fumme of tl}cm after tl)c number
ncpeb euerp one tl}1ouglJout tiJcit kinrtllfJ, ac- of all tl)c males, from a1noncd) olllc anb abouc,
ro1llinj to tl)c l)oull.JolllS of t(Jcir fat)Jers. was rountcll rcacn tl}oufanll an11 fiuc l)UnllJrll.
2 3 an11 tlJe llinreblS of t(Jc <3crfonitefJ 6Jalt
The iij.Chapter. pitcl) bclJinlle ttJe-m;abcrnatle nacttmarll.
7 The Lcuitcs goe not to bmcll, but minifter in the 24 ~l)c,aptaine\tmoltandent of tl)c l}ourc
S3nelu3rie. z I They pitch their tcmcs ne1t to oCtl)c <3rrfonites, tiiaU be lfltafapl) t\}c fonnc cf
the habitation, 'Jl,,acL .
l\)cfe alfo are tlJc generation~ of 2~ inbtl}cc'(Jatgcof tbc cl)ilbJm of <3crC'on

D aaron anll Q\)ofcs., in tlJc !lap tl}at

tl)c ll.ofb fpakc witlJ SIPorcs in
mount ~inai.
2 Qnb tiJr.fc arc tl}c name; of
Exod.6.i 3• tl)c ronne!ll of Qaron: JaalJab tl)c * dllctt fonnc,
anb QbilJu~ lfleatar.,anb '.)ltbamar.
3 ~l)crc arc tlJc name~ of tl)c ronncs of Qa•
in tl)c ~abcmaclc of tl)e ciron_grc~tion, flJall be
t)Je ~abcrnaac anll tlJc pamlion, tlJc couering
tl)ercof, anll tl)c baile of ttJc lloo:e of tl)e ~abcr,
naclc of tl)e Cltongrcgation:
2 6 an11 tl;tc l}an!Jin!J£l of tf;Jc Gtourt. anll tlJC
rurtainc of tl}c tJooic of tl)c cirourt , tDIJictJ i~
rounb about tl)c tabernacle, an!J ttre altar, anll
ron ml)i'IJ \Dere ~1iclte~ anotntcll. anll '111Jofc tl)c'oitJcs offt.foJ all tl)c rcrukc t}Jcrcof.
l}anb tuas ronfmatcll to minifter. 21 an11 of Cltaatl) came tl)c &tnrcb or.tbc am·
61 .1cu1r. 4 * .a1111 t}alJab anlJ .abUJu Diel> befo1e tl)e ramitcl. anll tl)e liinrclJ of tl)c 'JJ!dJantes, fi1e
JLoill., \IJIJm tlJtl! offcrcll llranJC ftrcbcfoictl)c llinrclJ oftl)cl~cb1onitc1S, \t t:tJe &turcb or tlJ~ ©n'
' • • ll.oill in tlJc witllcmc£S of ~inaun11 ~all no rl}i1' clttcs: 'm}cfe are tl)c mnrCll£l of tlJc <1taatlJ1tcis.
lJ~cn:anll <flca!ar anlJ 'Jltl)amarmimlh'cll fn tl)c z8 '.lnllt(Jcnumbcr of all tfJc malts fro1n a
figlJt oraaron tt)cr fatl)er. monetl'I olbc anti sbouc, was tiglJttlJOUfanbe
5 9.nlJ tlJC ",11.,0~lJ fpaftc bnto. !!@Ofe~, faping, anll rti;cIJunn~clJ.,IJauing tlJc c1Jar11c of tl}c ~an,
f...~::°:'n~lf 6 )5~ing tlJC a ~ibC ofJl.,CUl, anll Cet ti}~ be. ctuartc. '
~1,~~~!:b fo~e aaron t!Jc P~te!l, t(Jat tlJ~r m~p reruc IJlm: z9 anti tl}c Jiinrcb or tl)e cb1lll1m of ~aatfJ
:~In Pll!• 7 Qtlll takt tl)C Cl)argC \"l)ttl)lJtm > tlJC tl}Sf!JC tl)al pitelJ on tfJe ?'outlJ fillc o~ t11e ~abcmactc:
DJ,~:.~ . . oftfJetul}olc Cltonjrcgation, bcfo~c tl)c ~abcr' 3o ~ecaptame\tmo~anRcnt of tl;Jc lJourc
,~~':i;:;~~1~ natle of tl)c conjrcgation.,to no t:l)c fcrUl(C oftl;Jc of tl)e kmrcb of ~c Cltaati}ttes., llJalbe cfltfapljan
:~~~~b.~::,~ ~abemaclc. tlJe ronnc or llDfid.
Df1,11111U. s ~epRJalkecpcalltl)etnftnllnmtisoft)Jc 31 anll ~etrrtJargc !!Jalbc tlJeatfle,tl)c table.
-m;abcrnatk of tl}c ~01igregation. anll l}auc tl}c tlJc canbltfttmc, an11 tlJC~Utars. anti tl}c bcifrl.B
c'l)ar!Jc of tl)c '1)ilbtcn of ]Crad, to 110 tlJe cmme of tlJe ~anctuarp tl}at tl}cy in anll the
oftl)c ~abmwtc. uatlc,. anti wlJatrocuei belongctlJ to tfJc mtm,
9 anll tl'lou 11.Jalt jpue tl)e l-euitcs bnto Qa• f!fat1on tl)crcof.
ron anll to l)iJS ronne~: foi tl)ep are ~um 81111 De• P 9t1ll lfleatattl)e ronne of aaron t11c p)ictt.
ltuere'll bnto lJim of tlJe c1JiUJ1cn of ')ftacL 11JaD bee 4taptmne oucr all tbc captainr~ oftlJr
-= I
The firfi borne numbred. Numeri. Caaths fonnes charge.
JL.mitess, anb l]aue tlJc ouerfiJl}t of ttJcm tlJat
wattc bpon tlJc ~ancwarr. .
3 , .ann of Sl@crat:i came dJe rnnrcb oftlJc ~a· The iiij.Chaptcr.
l)eltte~,anb tl}e kntre~ of tlJc~unte~:iatlJefe are
5 The offices oft he Leuitcs.
tlJc kinrcb~ of S;Jttan. .

34 .an11 tlJc cummc of tl}cm aao~btng to tlJc Jtlb tl)e l..o:?J fpaflct:Jnto Slll)orts
number or an tlJc maless from a monctl) olo anD 8l1b aaron,ra111111,
abouc, tua~ lire tlJoufanb ann rmo l]unb~eb. , 2 ¢allet1.Jerummcor~cc1Ji1'
3 s "1t'f]e captalneanb tl)c moll aneient of tl]clr ~. b~enof€aatl), from among tl)e
l)oure tlJat tuere oftlJc JJinreb of ill!)erari, ma~ Conness or JL,cut, after tlJeir kin,
~urlcltlJefonne ofabil]ael: anb tlJefefiJaUpitclJ rc~s anti l:lourcs Of tl)eir ratl1erss,
on tl}e ~o~tlJu!Jc or tl)c ~abcmacfe. 3 ~rom tlJfrttt rcrcsant> abour, t:Jntilfiftie,
36 .an11 bntler ti.Jc cnlfobit anb cl)argc of tlJc au enter tnto tlJe l]otle, ~to Doc ti.Jc 'lllo111e
ronne~ of ~erari, fiJall be tlJc boo~b~ of tlJc ~a' in tl)c ~a~emaclc or tlJe 4tongregatton.
bernaclc, anll tlJc.bamss, pillar~, anb wclictss " ~i.u tIJalbe tl)e oftia of t:IJc dJtl1>1en or ¢a•
ttereof, anb an tlJc t:Jetrc~ tlJcreof, anb au tl)at atlJ in ti.le tabernacle of tlJc Qtongrcgation, about
fmietlJ tIJcreto. ti.Jc moll ~0111.
37 anDtl)cptllar.UoftlJc courtrounbcabout s an1> mlJen tlJc IJofl remoouctlJ,garon an1>
\llitlJ tlJcir rocllet~, tl}etr ptnnc.u, anb tlJcir co~b.1$. IJt.U fonnes UJall come anD take tlo'tllne ti.Jc rouc,
3s '5ut on tlJcfo~efront of tlJctabemadc to' ting baile,anb 'lll~ap tl)c gr11c oftllitnetrc tn it:
\Darn tlJc Cl!!atl, bcfo,c tlJe tabernacle of tlJc ~on, 6 anb UJan put t1Jercon a coumn11 ofbang'
~regatton <eatltoarll , fiJall ~ore~ anb aaron crs rrnnne.u.ann UJall rpieall bpon tt a dotlJ,tlJat
ant> lJi.U ronncS5 pttclJ, am tllait to bcc11e tlJc ranc- i.U altogetl}cr orblcw fdllc, anb putfn tl}c bam:ss
tuaey, anb to ltccpc tlJc cbilb~m or~rracl: anb tlJttcor.
tlJc arangcr t(Jat commctlJ ni!.W ilJalbc aainc. 7 an1> bpon tlJe ~lJem table tlJt!' IIJal rwrab
39 ann tIJc 'llll)olc rummc or tlJc JLeuite.u abioab a dotlJ ofbletll ffike, anti put tIJmon ti.Jc
'WIJidJ ~ofe.U anti .aaron numb~eb at tl)e corns lltllJeS, incenfe cuppcs, anl> gobtcts,anb pottrS5 to
mannemcnt of tl}c JLoill tl}~ougl.Jout tl)cir frtn, po\'Die tllitl}: anti ti.Jere 11Jalbcb~ea1> tl}crcon con•
rcllS5,men all tl;Jc malc.u from a monctl) oltlc anb ttnuall)!.
abouc,wass t'lllentic anb t'lllo ttlouranb. 8 anb tl}ey fbtlft ('pieab bpon tlJCln a COU£•
40 ann tlJe l.oit> rail> t:Jnto Slll)ore.u, ~umber ring ofrcaritt, a11b couer tl)e fame \ll1tlJ a cou~
au tlJc firtl bomc tl)atarcmalc.u amon11tf1c R)il, ring of bangers rtnnncss, ann put tn tfJc barrcss
t1:cnof]fracl, fromamonctlJ olbc anti aboue, tl}mof.
filllJ taltc tl}c number or tl}cir name~. 9 anb tlJer fbaU take a clotl} of blctlle lillic,
4 r !anb t(Jou llJall appoint tl}e ".li,,cuite.u to me anb coua t11e: cantlleftidlc of Jtg!Jt, \DttlJ IJi.6
(fo1 :JI am ti.Jc 'Jl,OJb) fo~ an t{Jefirtl boincoftl.Je lampc•, mum~. llt1b ~.anti alltlJeorlr
c{JilD1en of '.l\frael, anti tl)e cattelof tl}c Jl.,tultt~, betrel.6 'mJ}tCIJ flJer ocrupr about it.
Co~ all ti.Jc firtl bome of tl)c 'attcU ofti.Jc $lb1cn io a111>t1Jer llJaHput botlJ it (tan tflct:Jdfcts
of'J1CracL t:IJcrcof tuit~in a couerin1 ofba1>gcr15 ffitnnc15,
42 !Anti Sllf.)ofef!I numbJCtl, a~ ti.Jc :t.o:?J rom, an1>putitbponabam.
manbcb l)im, all ti.Jc firtl bo:ne of tlJc cl]ilt11en of u a11b bpon ti.Jc gol!Jen altar tlJep fbal fpJCSb
']\frael. a 'lotlJ ofble\lle Olkc, anD couer it tllitlJ a couc,
43 '.Anb an tl)c flrll bo:ne malc,CJ., reJ:Jcarrct1 bp ting of bllllgers fbinncs, anb put to tlJe barns
tl)ctrnmncs, from a monctl.J oUJc anb abouc ac' tl)mof.
co:Dtng to tl.Jdr number, \'Dcrc t\llcntie anti ttoo i i anb d:)tl:' f!Jall talie au the lntlrumcnt~
tIJoufanlle , t\Uo IJUntlJCl> anti ti.nee fco:e anb m)JcremitlJ tl.Jer mlniftcrtn t}Jr~11nctuarp,ann
~'~~ f:,~~" tl)irttenc. put aclotl;J of blc\lle fillie bpon tl)cm, anb roucr
44 -~.. tlJ JLo~fpaltcbntoil)ore•.ra.,in"'
fO n t{Jcm \llttlJ acouerin11 of babgeri;s Cllinne~, anb
c 1:1'
b'''""'"« ,. '<I •
4 5 \lllanC c ,..cuttCl5 1 a ti.Jc firtl bome of put tlJcm on a barre.
~;~;::~:r!ffJ; ti.Jc d)ilbJen of '.JICracl, anl> ti.Jc catteD of tlJe 'Jl.e, 1 3 anD tlJcr fiJall take amar tlJe af1Je15 from
::~~~~~r. uittS5 foi tlJrir catten. anb t11c JL.cuitt.u arc mine: ti.Jc altar,ann rwcab a purple clotlJ t1Jmon,
•h• lllal«b• o: 'JI am tlJfJl,,011>. 14 !lnb a.mtbpon ital tl.Jcbdrels tlJcrtof,tl}tlt
~h~~~~~~·. 46 ~ntl fOi tfJc rctlccmtng of tlJe ttuo l)Un1.11eb tiler mtntifcr\llttl}alf,euen tlJc fl colepannes,tlJc ~ or,cca-
~~: ~~:,~~~ anti tlJ:cerco:e anti tl1irtecnc,\'DIJtd) are mo tlJm llCfi)IJoofle.U, tlJe ftre ilJOUelJ, tfJC bafon1, anD tlJr rcu.
~;'!.:~.·:i:·· tllc'Jl.cuttcss,tn tlJc firtt boine oftlJtcl,Jilll~of otl}cr betrell of tl)e altar: anD tlJ£l' O.JaU rp~cab
~~;'.; ..':f,h1~ ']\fracl, bponitacoumngofbabJC~ rf1innc1, anoput
:~',\,~\~,\:;~:~ 47 a ~afle fiue udc.U of cueey ~cab' after ~e to t1Jcbam15ofit.
ri=eon....,. 'alttlXlJt of d)c ~anctuarp, tlJc Ciclc contemmg i 5 at1b 'llll}en aaron (t IJil ro1me11Jaue ma11c
<l!1tthlrl lour· t\lJ
tit.,,. aur, cntic· ~crn)Js, an Cnbc of couering tl)e~1111auartc. anD all tbr
\:~~,:~~~W:1, 48 'anb ~iuc tl}C money, "a>IJctC\llitll tf1c ObbC ticll'el.6 of ti.Jc ~anaume. agatntl tlJat t!Je l}oac·~r. n~mbtt oEtl)cm 115 rcbccmeb, bnto .aaron Rnll remooue,tlJen dJe ronnes orciraadJ llJan come m
rah•· 11mi1b t)tS fonneis. foJ to bem : but dJep 11Jal,l ~t touc)J anr IJoip
rlJt @rrclanf
49 ...nb -..ofc15 tooflc tlJC rebcmptionmoney, dJing, leU dJet lite• .llnb tl.J•S is ti.Jc R)ar!Je of tl}c
~~,~~.'~. ~f tlJ~m tl)at\lJctcrebeeme1>,bein111noc t11cn tlJc ronnes of4taatlJ in ti.Jc ~abernade of ti.Jc Ql:on,
~a1rrprn1r, ,..emtes: pqation.
ll>b•• rtgbt
.... ruorou• 5°
UJl?litltbomeoft"""'"t;n.'""Ofnrttad 16 Slnb to tile office of celcatar tl;Je fonnc of
monrrm.. an tOOb"b'"'""'I.,. ,.,.,,,y••u•""'' :31 ~aron tlJe 1Mcll , perratnetl.J tt.Je orle fo~ tlJr
'"'""' anntbt .........y .. monep, lltl)ouran1>t1.J:etlJU»'D1tb
~~~·.·::,·IV· anb tlJ:cerco~c anti flue ficlts, afttr tlJt ride oftl;Jc liglJC.tlJel\Dcct ~ncmrc, tlJc battr meat offning,
~~:i,b,l:ib ~anctuart.-_ ano tlJe anopmmJ opk, an11 t11e Ouerfigl)t or on
11<11bt of n~ 5I !JUb gjl}ore. gBU£ tJ;ie lnD""' ..I... _ .....St tlJc ~abemacte,anb ofal tfJat tlJercin iss.botlJ in
mnth8'lt! .,. .,,..,_,.,, bnt "'" ·-r 111...,.. uny
"'""· wCfC f.,.,.,..,..o;.u , D ....ron ll11lJ IJi• fonnef, tl)c ~utuarp,anb in all tl)c bt11'eb.1 tl}ereo(
/The Leuicesnumbred Chap.v. by chei~fumilies. 50
1 7 .arm tfJe JL,o~iJ fpafie tlnto .Qf.lofeis anll .aa• 37 ~tis ilS tlJe number of tf;Je kimet115 of cita,
ron.ca_ring, atl}, n:imely,an tf;Jatmi!,JIJt boe fmiice in tl}c ~a,
bemaclc of tlje conmiegation,w(JiaJ ~ore15 nnil
1 s l!?e 11Jal not rut off tlJe tribe or tf;Je llinnll of
tf;Je 4taadJtttS from among ti.Jc l.euiteis: aaron bill number, acco111tn11 to tlJe commalltle•
19 21Sut t(JUS boe tlnto tlJem, tlJat tfJCl' map mmt of tl}e JLoJll,bF tf;Jr (Janll of ~ores.
uuc, anll not !lie: \ll(Jcn tf:Jey goe tlnto tlJe moa 3 s a1ro tf;Je numberis or tl]c ronneis of 1J3er,
!Jolt' tlJings,lct aaron anll (Jts ronnes ~in, anil fon? tlno~out tlJdr llinreilis anti (Joufcs of
appoint tf;Jem euerr one to l}tis offiu, anti to l.JiS tlJm: fat(Jcrs:
c11arge. . ~9 1fromtf;Jirtierecres0Illeant1aboue, 1mto
:ao l5ut let tlJcm not go in to fee wt.Jen tl)e (Jo• fiJtie pceres, an tl)at enter tnto tiJe afi'embfF ro1
Ip d)tng15 arc folilcn tlp,lc(l tl.Jey !lie. to ll~eferutu in tl:Je -atabemacfe o' ti.Jc €on(Jfl''
21 ilnll tl}e ·.!Lo:ll Cpafle bnto ~oreis,fafing, gation:
22 ~alle alfo t(Je fumme of t(Je cl)illl1cn of 4? ~nll t(Je numbcris or tlJcm ttnougl)out
~crron, t1J1ou@out tfJe l)oufef5 or tl,Jett fatlJers, tlJm: rnnrells, anll 1:Joufe15 or tf;Jeir fatl}ers, mere
ano t1.J1oug1Jout tf;Jeir JdnrtllS: tmo tl)ou~llf!ll.rire lJUnllJell anti tl)irtie.
:a 3 ~rom tl)trtie pecreis oflleanll atoue. tmttl 41 ~IS 11H1Je number of tl)e kimclJS of tlJe
fiftic rems OJalt tl)ounumber tl:Jem,aH tIJat en• fonnes ofll3erfon,ofall tl:Jat ti ill feruicc in t(Je ta'
ter into tlJe llffnnblp foJ to t1oe rerutu in ti.Jc ~a· bernacl£ of tlJe congregation, \ll(Jicl) ~ofe15 anti
bernacle of tlJe ¢on(Jfl'gation. . lttron lltlJ number acco11Jing to t~c commanDc•
2 4 an11 tlJiS ts tIJererutu of tl}e kltmll of tlJe mentor tl)e JL0111.
<!3crronites,to rerue ano to beare: 42 anti tlJe numbers of tlJe flinreils of tIJc
25 ~lJcr11Jallbearct1Je curtatn~ oftlJe~a' ronnes or 1ll!)erari, ti11ougl)out tlJtir Jiinrens,
bcrnacfc, ll tiJe tabernacle of tl:Je llron(Jfl'gation, anll IJoures of tl)cir fathers:
tits coumng, anll tlJe roumng or tiJe bat1gers 4 3 1from tlJtrqi pccrc11 olll anll tip, tmto uftic
fkim1es tl:Jatts on (JiglJ bpon it, ll tlJe batle of ti.le r~rts,au tl)at enter into ti.Jc a£rcmbll' ro1 tl)e fer•
l1001e or tf;Je~abern8'le of tlJe Cll:ongregation: utcc of tl)e ~abern8'le of tl)c Cll:ongregation:
2 6 anb tlJe curtaines of ti.Jc court, ll tlJe baifc 44 9nll ti.le number!'S of t1Jem after tl}cir ltin,
tf;Jatis tn tl,Je cntring in of tf;Jc gate of tl;Je court. retl!'S, were ttnee tl}oUfanll anll ttoo 1Junt11e1J.
\Ul)tcl) it( nme tlJe ~abernaclc, anti neere ti.Jc al, 4 5 ~J;Jefe be t(Je Cummeis of tl)e llinret111 of tlJc
tanounll about, mitl.J tlJc co1iiess,anll all tl;Jc fn, ronne£1 of ~erati, ml)icl) .Qf.lores anti aaron
arumcnts t(Jat ferue bnto tl,Jem, anll all tl}at i£1 nUmb1Clltlcco1t1ing to tl}c 11101be of t(Je JL01D br
mabe foi tl)em: anti ro flJaD tlJey rerue. tl,Je l,Janll ofi]0ores.
2 7 at tl)c moutlJ oraaron anll 1Jt15 ronnes OJ al 46 ilnll ro au t(Je of tlJe :Lruitc)'S,
aUtl,JeferUice·oftlJe cl1tlD1cn of the <!3crfontttis \lllJtclJ~es, .aaron, anD tl)e JLo1t1ssor1rrae1
bebone, in an t1Je1r clJar~ess, anti tn all tl,Jeirfer, truntb1tll, after tl)eir anll l)ou11Jolt1es or
utce: ant> l:'Ce OJall appoint bnto tl,Jem all tl;Jeir t(Jctr fatl:Jer£1:
burlletis to Jteepe. 47 1from tl)irtic rures olb anb bp, bnto ffftic
2 s .ano t1Jil5 i£1 tfJe fmrice of t11c kinrcll of tlJe recress,eucrr one tl;Jat came to lloe IJtS lluetle, of,
cl) iflit en or ll3erfon in tlJe tabernacle oftlJe €on' ftce,ferutce, anti cl)argc in tlJe ~abcrnade of ti.Jc
gr~ation,(I tlJelr matclJ llJalf be bnllcr tlJcl)anll Cll:onmiegation: ~o tl)e numbers of tilem mere
of'.l]tl,Jamarttie ronne of aaron tl}e 101tea. eiglJt tlJoufanll, ffuehu1111~ct1 a111J foure rcoic.
2 9 ilntl tl}ou llJAlt number tl)e ronncs of ~c, 48 acco1t1ing to tl)e mo111 of tlJe JL.0111 iltll Aa-
rart after t1Jeir hinrell15, anti af'ttt t(Jc IJows of ron number tlJem bp tlJt l)anll of ~ores, cucrp
tt.Jcir fatlJers: one acc~lling to tl}eir ecru ice ant1 c1Jargc: rm:IJUSS
30 ojfromt(JirticpctteSS OlilCanllabOUC, btltO were tl)ep OftlJat tnbC numb~Ctl, 8~ tl)C JLO~tl
liJtic reercSI, llJalt t1Jou number tl}em, euerr one co\nmanOCll ~ore-.
tt)at enter into ti)e afi'embip, to t>oe ti.Jc feruice or Thev.Chapter.
tl)e-atabernaclt of the €ongregation. 2 The leprous and polluted perfons (halbe put out of
31 an11 tl)iS iSI ti.Jc olfice anti ctiarge acco~iling
to all tl.Jeir Ccruice in t!Je rm:abernacle of ti)t 'Ott< the1enres. 6 Thefatisfall:ionforfinne. 12 The
gre~atlon, tf:le bODJbelS Of tlJt ~abem8'1e, b>idJ -law oficloulie.
tl,Je llarref5,pillar1S,anll fotltets tl)creor. fr)~ tlJe JLo~ll Cpalie tmto Slll)ofcs,
32 anti the piUars tl)at are roUnll about tl)c
court,mttl1 tl,Jeir rometis, pinnesi, anil coillfS,anll
mitl) al tlJC inllrumentss ofit, fo1 altl,Jetr fcrutce:
am bp name pee 11Jan recfiOn tl)e intlrumcnts of
tlJeir olficc ano charge.
33 ~its its tile renrtce or tl)e kinreilts or tl]e
II fapin~,
z. citommanll t(Jc dJllllim ofjf,
rad tl)at tiJCl' pot out of tl)e IJo«c
euerr leper, \f eucrp one tlJat l,Jatl)
an iifue,anll tot.Joroeuer ISi tidilcll bF t(Je llcall:
3 l5ot)J maleIIanti
fonnesi of ~era rt. acco111tng to al~ tlJeir office m euenoutoft1Je1Jo,.e
fcmafl' llJallpeeputout,
llJaU11eputth Hti
~~"' 1i:
d)e ~abernacle of tl)c €ongre;atton, bnller ~e tdle not ttJeir a t~ts amon~ U11J1~ ~ b\\1£11. ~~,~;~~~(~
l,JanlJ of']\tl)amar tile ronnc of aaron tlJe ~Jicil. 4 at1ll tlJCclJJID~cn of ']]fraet tno fo, anb put l•••.11.u'
34 an11 Slll)oress anti aaron, anti tlJe wmccss tl:Jem out of tlJe 1.Jotlc: as tlJe l-o~ll fpalle bnto :~~ ;~~~~;~
of tfJe multttulle, numbitll the fonnesi or ~e tltll tlJe cf;Jilll1CR of']lfrael. .~~'~':,'~ ;f'
CltaatlJitcSI, after ti)eir ltinrclljS \t 1Jouresi oft1Je1r s ~1111t11eJ1.,011Jfpaktbnto~ore-.rarin , ;;;;:~;~;~
fatl,JttJ, 6 ~peake bnto tlJe cl1tltiie of ]fracl,*nD~n ;~:~:~:t•:;·
3s ~rom tlJirtr rereSI oUJ anti aboue, bnto fif• a man o~ ~oman f11all commtt anv rmne t}Jat :~~~:','.',::. :;
tieree:rcs,all tlJat enur into tlJe 111remblt',to 11oc mm commit , an11 tre(jlalfe agatnft tl)e )l..01ll: :::;0,~t:J;:;·
reruiuin tlJe ~abernacfe of tlJe Clton«regatton. \DlJCU tl)atperfonllJall tnepllflt, . :~!~·~?; ~:
36 anti tl}e number of tlJem t1J1ou«11out tf;Jeir 7 -aJ;IJen tlJtp fbal llnOlD(cllne tlJetr rin 'l»l.JiclJ b!'""" • 1
fltntElllS, \lltte tWO t(JOufanbe, feUm lJUt1b1Cb tlJCF IJaue tlone: an11 kt IJim reao~c 11 ~aint tile ~."::.6" 6•·
anb ltrtie. l}urt tf;JatlJe lJatl) bone, lDitb (Jtss p~inci.paU,anll Lcu 1r. t<,'
'Jl 2 pUt1
The f~fpeCl:ed vvife. Numeri. 1,he la\tv of the Nazarites.
put tl)e fiJtl) part of it moie dJcreto. anti lJjue it 26 at111tl)£1&~ictl11Jalltafit anhandfull ofd}r
tmto l)tm \lllJom fJe lJt1tfJ tmpaiI'eD aptnft. otmng fD~ a mcmo~ial.~ burnt it bpon tlJc altar.
8 l8ut tftf.Je man i]aue no flfnflnan to rdtoit anb tl)£n mabt d.lc1Doman llJinllt d}e toatcris:
t(Je l)urt bnto, let tlJe trefpatrc b~ maoe goob bn, ?· 7 ~ll \lllJen I)~ l)atl) mane tlJt moman
to tl)c JL01ll. anll tt 11Jalbe tfJe 1Mtllcis, bcfibe tlJt Z11mfie tlJC ~atcris, tf flJt be bcfilcll anb IJauc trtC,
ramme of tlJe atoncmmt , \ll[Jerwp an atone' pall'cll agamll l)ef IJU1ban11., tl)en aiau tlJe currczi
mcnt lbalbc mane Co1 lJim. . . anll bitttr\llatcrss _go into IJtr.atlll IJcr bcllr fiJall
9 ann cucrr [Jcauc ptrmng tl)au~unabc of C\llell, anD lJcr t(J1gl) flJallrot:an1>tl)c t\loman
tl)c f]olf tl}in!JS of tIJc cl)tlDJcn of 9\fracl, tol)tdJ flJalbc a currc amongl)cr ptoptc.
tl)eyb)lnlJ tmto tl}e 19,1etl,11Jalbc lJiis. 2 8 an11 if ti]£ woman bee not b£filell. but i~
1 o ano cum' manis l)alottiell tl}ing Dian bee cleanc.aJc 11Jal1Jaucno l]armc, but fiJal concciuc
1Jit$ : tv(Jatfocuer anr man gtuctlJ tlJt i&1tea. it al1b bearc. -
ll)afbchi~. 2 9 ~· ts ti;)£ la\l'le of ieloune. b>IJen a \lliCc
I I .anti tl)C :fi.,O,ll fp8Ji£ tJllfO ~Of£~ faping, goet(J afil>c from IJtr 1Jufbanb.al1b i!S llcfileb:
n ~peakebnto tl)e '1Jill!1en of '.)frad, anb 30 !ID~ ml}en dJc fpitit of teioufie commctfJ
Cap tinto tf]em, ']If anp man-tuife goeaaoe, anti bpon a ma11,am 1Jce being tdouis oucr l}iis \llifc,
trcrpaffcagainlt IJim, lloetl) b1tng IJct bcfo~c tlJc Jl..OJl>, anzi tl}e 10Jicft
13 ~ot(Jatanotl}trman lictuitlJl)erfleUJlp, oiall boc to l)cr accoibing bnto all tl)i!S la\l'I :
anll itbcel]tllfromtlJecpcis of(Jcrl)ulba11b, al1b 31 anzithema1111Jallbe !;Pliltlell'c. anll tlJis
t~ r1cpt clofc tlJat tl)ce iis Dcfilell; anll tl}cre iJS no \l'loman lIJallbcarel}cr unnc.
mttndfc agatna l)cr,ncitlJcr fl,Jcc tallm blitf:) t~e The vj.Chapter.
I.J. !lntl tile fpfrit or ielouCic cottmtttb bpon 2 ThclawofconfecrationofcheNazarites. 24 How
llim, Co tIJat tJec i!!I iclouis oucr IJi!S 'liDift \Dl)icl) tis the Pricfis tball blcffe the people.

ticfdeo: o~ iftl}c fptrit oftelouae come bponlJim. frl ~ ti.Jc JL.01zi fpaflc bllto ~ortis,
ro tt.iat IJee ii5 telouis omr l;Jtis 'Wife bllJidJ iis rct fapang,
bnllcfllcll: 2 ~peaJie bnto tl}e clJilbten or
1 5 ~(Jen Ictt'bc man b1ing 1'i-\l'life bnto t(Je '.]lrracl, anll rap bnto tl)em. 119{Jcn
t&#ct?, anll b1ing {Jcr offring 'IDitlJ IJcr, tf]e tmtl) citf:)cr man 01 \lloman lloctlJ rep a, ·
,~rii·.~:;; part of an b(fp[Ja ofbancr rncale:bUt IetlJim put rate t1'cmftlueis to bo\l'I a bo\ll of• a ~a,arite,to b.~~.'t.i:.~~
~~ ~;~,b~r no orle bpon it. no1 put tranfiinunft t)1crcon,
ftparatc t1_1emre1ms bnto tlJc Jl..oJll: ~r'n~8~:::.
~Pb•""' fo~ it i~ an otmng of1eloufic, an ofrcrin~fo1 a re' 3 $C fiJSfl kparatc l)imfclfC fro\U b>lnC anll anD lit.I or Pn•
flrong l:l~inllt, (t 11Jall lltinfle no binegcr of\l'linc f::t:'::.~
mu<b•• mcmb,ancc, caufingtr,ermto betlJou tbpon.
~~~r~~lrl~~~r, 16 .QntJtlJc ~~tetl OJallb~tngl)er, anbfetlJtr 01 offtrong l>tinflc, not lball lltinkc ml]atfoeucr g~:;::r~.:...
~',;,~;r,.~;" befozc ti.Jr )t,o)ll. is PtclTcll o,ut or grap~s, anD fiJall cau no frtf'1 ~~~·:~:
:i. n• 1:-
17 .ann tbc ~1ictl 11Jan tafle l,Jolt''lllatcrinan grapes. nc1tl}er pct ~~labCll:S. *"' nrtJ~':O':i
~~·;~·:::,,;b cartllcnbcfTcl,anll oftlJe bull tl]atiistnt1Jefioo1e 4 91Slon~aS (JIJS u.~ncnccetlllurc..,, fl,Jall ~•1•n1u
b,~~ :::1g~~· of CIJe ~abcrnaclc,t1Jc10~ten Dial c:akc it,anD put
IJee eatc notfJmg tl]at is malle of tlJc bi1ic ttcc, 01 ~:li:'.b'~;~·
';, ,;:~1 :~~~· tt mto tl)ctoatcr:
Of tl,JC C~UdS.01 Of tl}e (JUfke of tfJt grape. mr.
11 •. ::i"1 .:.
18 anzi lcttl}c p1icll CettlJe woman bero1et1Jc s .anus long as l}ec bo\l'lcdJ ant11s repara'
11"b" •ii• wOJb, anll btlCOUct tlJC \llotnanJS !)tall, 8Hb put
tcll,t:fJcre 11Jall no *rafoJ come bpon lJi!SIJCall,bn' Iudg. 1 3•5.
~~:f..i~i tIJe offering ofmcrno1iall in l)crl)anll~. \l'llJiclJ ts tilllJ•IS MPCIS be out in tl)c tDIJiaJ (Jee rcparatcttr
:·:r,'.:;•:,•b• tIJc tcloufie offring: anll tl]el&iietl tJJall l}aue bit• lJimftlfe lmto tl)e lLoill. l}c fhalbc (JolF ,atlll fi.Jall
;~'r·..~r.~~;~: ur anti curfcll \l'la~cr in l)is l)anll. let tl]e lo ekes of 1'iS {Jairc gro\D.
•a chou:ono 19 aOlltl)Cl£)11CllfiJall,l)arge(Jerbpanotl,Jt, 6 as long as i)c f'cparntctl) l)imfelfe bnto tl)c
~.~ ~}~';~;·~~~ anti far bnto tlJe \Doman. ~f no man l]aue I pen lLOJtl ,l)e OJaH come atno zical> bobp.
~~ '.~~;,~~~ 'lllttiJ tlm, nettl]cr l]at? gone a!lbc to bnctcan' 1 19e II)al not mall£ l]imfelfe bndcane at tl}c
nclfc \Ditl.)out t{Jp l)uCbanll. tlJm tJauc tl)ou no beatl) ofl)ts fatlJcr. motl)cr, bJotlJrr.~ uacr. be,
IJannc oftl}cfe bitter anll rurrcn toatcrs. mure tl)at tlJe confecratton of l.Ji!S lli'Sol> is bpon
2 o '5ut anb if t[Jou I} all gone afillc from tlJr IJiis l;Jcall.
tiufbant1,anllartbefilell.anoromcmanl]at1Jlicn s .au tl}c ziarc~ or(Jt- rqiaratton lJte is l)oir
\Ditl} tl}ce bcfltie d}tnc l)ufbatlll: bnto tfJt )L.OJll.
21 ( -at:bcn tlJt 13Jitll OJaR aJarg£ ti)£ \llotnan 9 .ann ifanp man llie t\Jllbcnlp berate IJim o,
'lllitl}anotl)cofrurfing, anll tlJe l&)itll flJallrap l)e be \tlarc, tf]e l)eall of IJfS 'ontmation llJallbc
unto tl}e \lloman) 11n)c )t,oJb 1nake tlJee acmrfcll bcfilcll: atlll l)e flJall OJaue l)it lJCall tl)e ll~P oflJt.G
llttb bctcllllble fo1 tlJc od}c among tbp people, clcanrtng, t(Jc feuentlJ ziap OJaR l)c OJaue tt.
\\llJcn tlJc 11..0~111>oct)) mabt tlJp tl)iglJ to rot anb 1 o .anb tIJe c~t.Jt llap l}e 11.Jalb,ring t\Do turtf.r.G
tl:Jl' be.ul' t'nlcll. ot t\llo t'Ollg ptl,lcons to tbc l&~icl. ~c tf.)r
~etc currcn ttiatcr!S goc into tlJebo\l'lelS boo1c of tlJc ~abrmactc oftl1c 4tongreganon.
tL 0 ~~ t\Jat tlJcr map malte tl11' bcllp fmcD, anll
;:~ ..JlglJ to tot. ann let d}c \lloman rar,amen,
r 1 Slnb tlJe 19;tell lbal oftr tf]c one fo~ a flnne
offring, anti tl)e otiJ" ~ a lDIJofeburnt olfring:
"'men. anb malie an atonimmtfo11Jimuconccmin,1J
3 !Anb let tl)c ~Jicll 'm~ite tl)cre rurfe• in a d}at IJe CirmCZI bp tf]e Dean. anb lball IJalo\ll IJtS
boolic.. am l:Jte n1au blot <-1oem out mitlJ d}e btt' 1}£SD tfJ£ came 11ap.
tcr \llatcts: .., u 911b IJe ruan conrcaatc bnto tlJe Jl..OJb tl)c
4 anb !Puc ~l)c\\loman tl)Ofc bitter an'D cur• ttme er IJt• ftiJaiation, anl> tlJaU b;ing a lambe
fdl 'matttf.I to bJtnh£..ttJat tl}ofe wrfdl anD bttm orapemolbf'o;111req,arreoffring,bUtt1Jet1aptj1
tuaterf.I mai enter into tu. UJlt1Dert befo1caielot1.becau1'e1Jill'011fmati,
2 5 !lnll tt)en tl}eli)~ietlO,a\ltaflCtlJcieloUCiC on"aDUbeftleO.
offmng out of tl)c momans l)arui anb tDaUe it 13 qiJI i• dJe 18\11c of ti]£ jtla,11\ite: 'a>IJen
bcro~c tl)e JL..o~b,anb bJing it tmto tiJe altar•. tile time ofl)is amfccration iJIOut, IJccfl;iallbc
T heN azarices offrings. Chap. vij. The princes otlri~g~.---· 5 ;-
biougtJt ~tlJe b001tOU~e tabematleortIJc to eueeyman a~nmg to l}i~ off"e.
llrongrcgatton: 6 ann Sl@ores tooke tl}e tlJ!}rcni anti tl)e OJ;m,
• 4 ~no(Jee aianbitng IJisoffttin~ tmto tlJe tlllb iiaue tl)em bnto tl)c ll,,cu1tes.
JI.ozn,sn lJcc tambe or a rccrc olbe tottIJout hie• 7 ~wo tIJaretl!I ann foure O):en,l}e gauc bnto
mtib,fo1 a to(Jole bmnt offring,\f a OJc lambe of a tlJe Connes of <13crfonauo~Ding bnto tl)cir offitc.
pm olb witlJout blemitlJ fo~ a finne otmng, llllb 8 .ann foure cl)mtl!I ann etgl)t o~en IJe gauc
a ram lllitlJout blemillJ alfo roi pcai;e offri~, bnto tlJ~ ronnel!I of ~ermaao1ning bnto tf,Jcir
15 ann aballiet of tmleaueneB bieall, ta11e• of off1c;cs, bntlcr tf,Je 1Jan11 of jlt(Jamar tl)e ronnc of
fine flo\nic mingle!I tottl) oile. anD wafer!S ofbn• aaron tIJe ~iell.
leaucnen wean anotntc!I mitlJ otlC, \llttlJ dJeir 9 '6ut bnto tl)e fonncs of llraatl) l)ecgauc
ineatc offerings,ann b~inke offerings. none: buaurc tlJe cIJarge of tIJe ~amtuarr be,
16 anti tl)e p1icllllJaU b~tngtl)cm bct"o1etl)c longe'b bnto tlJem, \DIJitlJ tlJey ntn bean bpon
JLoJb, ano offer IJts flnne offering,anll l)iS 'l»{Jok tl.Joulllerl!I.
burnt otrertng, 1 o an~ tlJe P1inces o~ebfo1 ncntrattng of
17 anblball p~cpatctl]e ramfo~ areateofk. tl)ealtar mtf]e Dar tlJat 1t toasanotntetl, anb
ting bnto t{Je 'Jl,oJb, '1litlJ tfJcba!llct o bnlea~· b:ougl)t tlJcir famftccl!I befo~e tlJc altar.
ne11 b~eab : an11 tllc 1!)1icll 11Jall mafle alfo IJ•!1 1 1 ann tl)e JL-01ll ratt1 bnto SI@ofes, ~c wtn•
meatc otrertng,anD IJiS bJinfie olfmng. ces OJan b~tng tlJcir offcrtnp, cuerr 'bBF one
A~121.z4 18 • an!I tlJC ~aiitritt (!Jal l1JaUttlJClJe8bOf piinc;c ro1 t(Jc Debkattng of tl}e altar.
IJi~Honfccration, at tlJcDoo~eoftIJc tah~iulc 12 ann ro on ttJe firtl liar Din Jaaba«on tl)c
ort(Jc llrongngatton, a~11 C1JaU take~~ IJatre of ronne of .amtnaDab,ortfJc tribe of]utiaolferl)tss
tlJe l]cao of l)i!S 'onfccranon.anb put lt m t{Jc fire racrtfic;e.
\nlJitl) is bnller tIJc pcai;e o&rtng. 1 3 anb IJIS offering \\'las a ftluer tIJarger of
19 anti tlJC ~tcll llJall take tlJc fobbcn flJoul:: an 1Junt11ell anb tJJin1e fictes, a filuer bowie of
ocroftlJe ram, allbone tmlcauenebc;allcout of rcucntr fitless, after tl)e wctgl')t oftlJe ~anrtua·
·tl)c baOiet,anD one bnleaucneD toarer alfo, \f put rr,anb tlJct tocrc bodJ ful or fine tlo\D1eminglc1>
tlJem bpontl)c IJanbS of tl)e Jl:ls!aritc, after (Jee otlc foi a tneate offrtng:
' (JatlJ ff)auen IJis ronfecratton. 14 !aninccnferupoften ficlesorgolbc,fullof
: o aPD t(Jc p~iefl ilJBll toaue tl)cm befim tlJC imcnre:
ll..oin: anti tl)cftlJolr tl)tngsillallbc tlJep~iells, 15 a rong buUocflc, a rammc, a Iambe of om
mitt) tl)e \lJaue bieatt, ann tIJe {Jcaue tlJoutner: rcere oln t"oJ a tolJolc hmnt ofl'Ting:
anb t{Jcn tl)e ji;}a}aritcmar n1inhe mine. 16 anl)egoatcfo1a*finne offering: Lccir+2
21 ~iis is tl)e Iawe of tlJc ji;}a~arttr., to(JtdJ 17 anb roi a peac;c offering, ttoo onn, fiue
(Jat{J bo\lJcb IJiS offcrtng bnto tlJe JL0:1:1 fol l)i.'l rammes,fiue IJct goatejS, anb fiuc lambcs ofone
conremltton. befiDeis tl)ofe tlJings tl'at {Jts tJann pc ere olne. qis \lJa)'S tlJc gift of f.laIJalfon tlJc
ran get: acco~btng to t:IJc bow wlJic;IJ l)e botoeD, romie of aminabab.
ro l)emull noc after tl:Je la\D of{JlS confctratiou. 18 ~f)e reconb bat' ~atbanael tl)e ronne or
2:1 ann t1Je JLo:n fpakc bnto Sl@orcs.raring, 5uar..raptaine ouer '.Jlfatl)ar ntn offer:
2 3 ~pcahe bnto garon anti (Ji!S fonneJJ. far• 19 a1111 {Je otfm.D foi l)is gift a lilucr dJarger
tng, • ©n tlJiss wtre rec fl.Jail blelTc ttJe c{Jitn1en of of an l)un11~cD anb tlJirtr ficlcs. a rauer boulc of.
'.]Jrrael,ann rar bnto tl)em, rcuentr fieleis , after tl}e fitlc of t(Je ~anttum,
24 ~e ·JL,o:b bleffe tl)ee,allb flccpe t(Jee: botIJ full of fine ft.o\D1e mtnglcb \lJitl.J orle foi a
2s ~ell..01t1 mallc(Jts racen;inebpon tlJee, meate offering:
anb be 1nercifull bnto t1Jee: 20 an incenfc cup Of goUJe Often ficlesS, full Of
J6 ~ Jl,oJb lift bp lJiS countenance bpon tnmne:
tlJec,ann !JlUe tfJec peace. 2.1 ©ne rong bullocflc, a ramme. a lambe of
27 ann t(Jey OJallputmt'namebpon tl}cdJil' one re.ere olDe fo1 a tol)olc burnt offering:
b~en of ]£racl,ann 1 \Dtn bldle tIJcm. 2 2 anti an {Jc goatt ro~ a finne offering:
2 3 anll fo' a peace tlffering , nr. o o~cn, ftuc
The vij. Chapter. rammcs, fiuc l)ec goatcs, anb fiue lambes of one
2 ·The offring of the heads and princes or Ifracl in the rccrcoln. qistua)'S tlJe off'eringof~at1Janae1
dcdicJtion ofthcTabcmacleolche Alrar. 89 The tl)cfonne of~uar.
Lord fpeaketh to Mofcs out of theMe1cie feate. :i.4 ~c tlJirD bar, lfliab tiJe fonnc ofl~elon,
ji;}tl wl)cn *Sl@oreis (Jab fuU fct bp tl)e raptaine oftlJe dJlln:cn of~abUlon,bib offet:

ii tabernacle. anb anointtn anb fantti<

fitll it. ann au tl)e in11mmmts dJtn•
of, tlJc altar alfo, 'm~ an tlJe bdI'el1$
tlJcteof, anti (Jab anointeb tlJcm, ant>
fanctifieb tIJem:
:i. ~en tl)c wtnceis of ']lfracl.(JcablS oucr tl)e
:i. s SAnll l)il5 _gift \Das a fllucr tIJarger or an
l)unbJCD al1b tiJ1rtr ficlts, a mucr boulc offeucn·
tie fitlcl,after tl)e rtclc oftf:!e ~an~, \f botlJ
tocre run of.fine flo\D~e 1mngteD \llltlJ ople fo~ a
meate offrtng: .
:16 a1io1Deninccn[ecup Of tm Utl£$, fUllOf in'
(Joures of tl)eirfatlJm~ <wl)"l) \llm tl:Je JL,01nc~ tenre:
ortl)c!> ouer tl)em t1Jattucrenumb1CDJ :a 7 arong bUHocbe, a rammc,a lambe or one
oftreb, recrc oUI ro~ a\lll}ole burnt olfting:
3 anb bJOugl)t tf;)eirfac;rifice befo~e die ll..OJb, zs !Jn l}ee goatc fo~ afin~e Offmng:
fin coucreb t(Jare~an'b t\Delue o,:m:one c;l)aret 2 9 a111:1, fo~ a peace 0~1111, ttDo onn' fiur
fo: ttoo loJb!S, anti fo1 mcrr one an O):t. anb tl}er rammcs.fiue IJce goate~«ue lambess of one rerr
b~ougl)t tl}em befoJe tIJe ~abmlatle. . olDC. ~IJISS wais tlJe Offering Of CfUab tlJe fOm1£
4 an11 ttJe JLOJ'b fpalle bnto ~efcSS,fat'lOI• on~e1on.
s ~ake it of tl)cm. t(Jat tlJey map be to bOe 3o 11n,Je fotl!tlJ llll'. Cfli'10' t1Je r.nne or ~e·
tlJe rcrutce or tl)c ~abemacle of tl)e 4tongregatf. 11eur.i;aptain,o.fUJ.ettn~Of11leubm.DIDoffer:
on, anti tiJou 11Jalt giue tlJcm bnto tile JL,euitcs. 31 allb 11ts gift \Dass a f11uer dJSrgeT of an
The offrings Numeri. of the Princes.
tunb~cl> anb tl)irtie ricltl, a mun boblle of re' 56 ~!.\Dillen inccnfc cup of tcn fitlc)'S, Cul of tn,
ucntr fi'le)'S , after tl)c ficlc of t1Jc ~anctul1fp, cmfe:
anl> ttJcy tocre botl) full ~f fine tlobl~e mfn~tl s7 aiong bUlloclle, a ramme, a fambe of one
tllitl) oile fo~ a mcate offrin!J: recrc oil> fo1 a \DlJolc burnt Offering:
31 g golllen inccnfe cup Of tmne ficleSI, fun of ~s anl)ce goatefoJafinnc offering:
tncenfe: · 59 an11. fo1 a peace offmq, ttuo o):'en, fitJC
33 g rong bUilocllt. a ra~e. a lambc of onr ram1nef$,fiue lJec goatcJ.lim tambef$ or one re:re
rcerc oll> ro~ a \ll(Jolc burnt Ofrifll.: olDe. ~t)'S toa)'S tl)e offering of Cii'5amalicl ti)e
34 QnlJcgoatefo~a fi~ olfcting: fonne of~ell&!ut.
35 .anzi foi a peace offmng, ttuoo):'m..fiue 60 ~e ninti, liar, .abinan tl}c ronnc of <ll?c'
rammc~,ftue (Jee: goatc)'S, anti flue lambCSS of one neon, captaine of ttJc cl)tlllJm ofl5tniamtn o!fe,
re ere oll>e. ~is toa1 tl}e otfcring of celtpir tlJt ren:
ronne of ~ei:lcur. 61 ann 1Ji)1 gift toas a mutt cl)iqtr of an
36 '~iJe fiftlJ l>ap. $!Dclumte1 tlJe ronnc or~u, 1JunZ11e1:1 anll tlJirtie fictes, I! Cilucr bonle of fc•
rirat111ai, cap tame of tlJe cl,)f~m of ~imeon of, umtic naes, afttt tl.Je fic;Ic of ttJe ~anctuaric,
fcrcZI: botlJ full offine flotoie mingtcn h'JitlJ oplc ~ a
31 ll)fl$ (tlft toe!$ a mucr dJargcr of an l)un' meatc offering:
b~eo anl'I ttJtrfl! ficle)'S, a Olucr boulc of feuentp 61 .QgoUlen incenfecup oftcnficlef$,fUUofin,
ricle)'S, aftertl)eficleoftl)e ~an~,antltl)er ccnre:
mere botlJ ruu of fine floto,c mtngletl \llitlJ ople 6 3 aro~ bullOcfle, a rammr,a Iambe of one
foJ a meate offering: pcere olbc fo1 a tolJole burnt offering:
38 g gotZlm inccnfc cup Of tm Cic;le)'S, fUll Of 64 an l)ec goatc ro1 a Cinne offering:
lncenfe: 6s anb fo1 a peace offering, two onn, fiuc
39 a rong bullocfle,a rammc, a lambe ofone rammes,fiuc lJce goatc)'S,fiuc lambe)'S of om 'Fm
rcere oll>e fo~ a mtJol£ burnt offering: oltlc. ~ts W8$S ttJc offeting of abt11an ti)e ronnc
40 an 1tee go ate fo~ a none offcting: of 15cllcon.
41 ann fo~a pcaceoffertng, t\llo o):'en, fiac 66 '4n)et:mt1Jt1ar. Q:l)it~crtfJrfonnc or 9:m·
ramn1e~. fiuel)ec goate)'S, anti rtue lambe)'S of one mtra11t1at, captaine of t~e ct.Jiltlten of ~an, ofli,
, rccrcoUJ. ~1)1toa1 tlJe offering of ~elumtel ret1:
tlJe fonne of~urifat1t1at. 67 .aUb IJtis offering \\las a mutt cl)argcr or
42. ~e fi):'t:l) tiap, lfliafapl,J tl]e ronne of~"'an (lunt11et1 anb tl;)irtie Cities, a mun boulc off~
d,captalnc oftf.)c clJllZl;en of <ll?all,offcrcll: nentic aaess, after tlJc ficlc of tl)c ~anctoarte,
4 3 ~1)1 gift toa)'S a filuer d:}arger of an IJUn' botl) full orftnc flototc mtngletltoitlJ ortc foJ a
ll!Cll «ntl t11irtr ficl.c)'S, a muer boule of rcuen, 1neatc offering.
ticriac~, after tlJe uctc ort11c ~anctuarp, botlJ 6S igotl)eninccnfcntp oftenfidc)'S, fuUoftn•
run oi fine fiotoJe mingletl toitlJ orle ro, a meate cenfe:
offttng: 69 .arongbullodle,ara,nmc,alambcoronc
44 agoltlen incenfe cup or ten udcis, run of in' rccre ollle fo1 a bllJok burnt olfcring:
cenre: 70 an l)ce goatc Cot a finne offering:
4 s g rong bttllocfle, a rammc, aIambc ofone 71 anti fo1 a peace offering , nuo oien, rtue
rccre ol!l foJ a'tDIJoie burn:t ofl'ring: ramme)'S, fiue l)ec goatr)'S , fiuc lambes of one
46 an l)ee go ate ro: a finne offeting: reert oll'lr. ~i)'Sblas tl)e offertn1.t ofal}lc}cr t11c
47 anZ1 fo~ a peace oftttng, ttuo onn, rmc ron11 cof ammtra1:111at.
rammes, fiue l)ee goates,llue lambrs ofone rere 72 ~eelcuentl)t1ar.l&agiel tl,JcfonncofilD,
olDe. ~1Ji)1 toa)'S tlJe offering of lfliafapl] tl)e cran, captaine or tl)e c)Jillltcn of9fer, offercb:
ronne of ~uel. 7 3 anti IJil!I offcting \Dass a Ciluer ctJargtt of
48 ~e reuentl) llap, ltlifama tl)e ranne of anl)unb1e1:1 an!l tiJirtie ficles,a ftlucr boule of fr,
lnn11iu11, mptaine of tl)e cl)tl~m of Cll!pfnaim, uentic fidel!I, after ti)e ficle of t11c ~anctuartc,
offereb: botlJ full of line flo\l!Je minglel:I toitlJ orte fo1 a
mrate offering:
49 anb l)il!I racriftcc toal!I a Olucr cl)Sfgei of 11t1
1Junt1~eb anti tIJ•rtr Oclel!l,a mun boule of reuen· 74 a golllen incenfc cup of ten ficltl!l.fUU of in•
tr nc1cs, after tlJe: ficle oft!Je ~anctuarp, botlJ ccnfc:
full offmc floblJt mtnglell 'roitlJ ople fo1 ameatc 7~ a 11ong buRocrse,arannuc, a fambe of one
offering: pem olbe fat a bllJoleburnt offtrlnii:
so a gol?len incenfc cup of ten fic'kS, fUU of in• 7 6 ~n (Jee go ate fat afinne ocremt«:
ccnrc: 77 anZI Co1 a peact ofcrinii. t110 ~en, flue
s1 a po~ bulloclle, a ramme, alambe of one rammes.fiue (Jee goatei,fiuc lambel ofone pm
rett OlD foJ a \Dl)ol£ burnt offering : olbe. ~IJiS toa)'S tlJe offering of)&agtel tt]c fonnc
P ln l)cc goate fo1 a finnc offering: of®cran.
s3 lnD. foi a peace offering, rmo oicn, flue is ~e t1\lelftf1 nap • .a11tr11 tlJt ronne of If,
r~mintss,fiuc l}u goatcss,fiue lambess of one peie nan, captaine ofdJe d}llD~ of ~ep(Jft1ali, offt,
~di~n·l!l'lllb ll!Stl)eotmng ofcflifama tl)cR1tme ren: .
tU. 79 .Qnb lJil offtrin~ \Da~ 11 filucr ciyargei of

of i&ebatur,
nalfel!I : tlJc Ql}>tatne of the •a'
54 ~e ei@ttJap otfercb 1!5amaliel t1Je ronne
•., ~ of
., ""ilb•m
an IJUnlnfZI anll t:IJtrtie a,le•. a Cdutt boUlc ofrr,
umtte aae., afttt tiJe ficte of t)Jc ~anttuane
bodJ ruu of.line fto\tlie mtnglrll txlitlJ ople fo~
ss anll IJil!I otfettn!iJ 'IDal!I 11 filuei ~er of
\twate offtring:
an l)Unb~e:D an'btl)(ttp llcless. a muer baule orrc. So Silgolllenincenfecapoftmncriclcl!I, full of
uentr riclel!I, after ttJe: fitk oftlJt~anctuarr mcmre:
· meateoffenng: ·
bOtlJ full Of. filtt tlo'm~e 1lrin!11£b 'cot"" _,, foJ
•., ui:M> 81 !!pongbUUocflt,llramme,a(ambeofonc
rure: OIZIC fo1 S\D)JOIC bumt otrtring:
is 2 'An i
The order of rhe lamps. Chap.viij. The Leuires deanfed.
82 gn1Jeegoatfo1afi11neotmtng: IO anb b1lllg tlJC JlcuftCjj befOJC tl]C. '.ti..O~C,
83 9nD fo~ a peace offttint~ t'mOOfCtl, fiut anti tlJe cl.Jilll.zcn of')Cracl OJaH puttl}ctt 1Jant1cs
rammcs,fiuc 1Jccgoats,1tuc lambes of one rure bpon tIJe ·,11..euitcs.
olDc. ~JwaisrtJe offering or at)tratl;JeConne 11 gnl:I aaron lf]all maue tlJt JL.euitcs befoic
ofcf11an. tl)c JL,o~l:lc fo1a1Dauc offerini.J of tl)e '1J1lbJtn of
84 ¢fJiJ tthlJ tlJe llellimtiou or tl}c altar tu 1frad, t1Jatt1Jeymape~rute tlJeminiltration
tlJcDap tlllJcn tt tllass anointell bt tlJc piinces of oftlJe fttuiceof tbc JL,ozl:I.
'.]Jfracl: ttllcluc cl)argers offilucr, rwc1Ud1lucr 12 anb tl)c '.l.cmtes' fi.Jall puttJ:Jetr IJan'tl!j bp'
bo\llJcS, t\llelue incen fc cups ofgolDe : on t}Jc }Jcabs of ti.Jc buUocfr!j: anti tbou 11J111t oftct
s 5 <tucrr CIJarger ronmning an 1Junt1~ell anti tlJc oncfo1afinnc offering, anll tl:JC ot11cr fo~ a
tllirtic firle• offilucr,eucrr bowie Ccucntie: anti 1Dl}olc burnt offering bnto tlJc JLo~b , ttJat tiJou
all tl;Jc filuer be[e(SS contcinell t\llo tlJoufantl anll mapdlmalic an atonement ro~ tlJe Jl..euttcs.
coure ~unll~ell fKleJ, after tl]e Cide of tlJe '-'a"' 1 3 anb tlJou fl1alt rct tlJc ·,ll.,cuitcs befo:c !la•
ctuam. ron ~nll l;JtS ronncs, anti 'tllaue ttJcm ro~ a '1Jauc
86 anll tlJe golDm incenfc cups mere ttlldtle, olfcrmg bnto ti.Jc '.11...010.
run of inretlf'e, conteintng ttn Cirlcs a ptece, after r 4 9.nll tlJUS tbou fl1alt C~aratc t}Jc JLeuiteS
dJe ficlc of tlJe ~anrtuarie : Co d}at all tlJe golDe from amongttJe rl}illl~cnof '.Jjfracl, anti tl)e JLc•
oftl}eincenferupJ, tllasan~tlanbt\tJmtr uite.11 fbalbc mine.
Cicles. r s after t(Jat, 11)al tlJe ',ll.,cuits go in, to tlO t{Je
87 all tije bullorli!S fo~ tfJC \»1}01£ bUCUt Offc• rerutce ofti.Jc ~abernacle of ttJc '1ton(Jrcgattou:
ring, tom t'tllclue, tlJe rams,t'tllelue, tlJe lambs al1ll ti.Jou llJalt cleanfe tlJcm, anti wauc tl}cm foz
ofa pere oltle t\llelue, tllttlJ tl}eir meat otftringis: a \Daue offering: ·
anb tlJe I.Jee goatJ WI finne offertng, t\llelue. 16 ~o~ tl}ey are giuen anb ncliuercll bnto me
88 anuu tlJe o)'.m fo~ tte peace offcr_ing!j, from among ti.Jc ri,tUJJcn of 1rrad, !01 Curl) as
mere t'ulentte ann foure, tl)erainmes, a~ tlJt open eucrp 1Dombc, * foi tlJc ftrft b.,znc of all Num+IJ
hce goats, firtie, tlJe lambs of a reere olDe,fiJtte. tlJC Cl)tlt1JCl1 Of ]rracl l)tlUC 'JI taken ttjcm bnto exod.1 P
~fJiS UlaS tlJC Detlitation or tlJe altar, after tl}at mcc. luke 2.20.
it mas anotntel>. 17 !11'oi au tbe firlt llome of tl}c clJi~en of'.JIC:
89 anti 1Dbm s.J@ofes mas gone tnto tl}c ~a, rad arc mine, botlJ man anb bcaft: fincc tIJc bat'
bernacle of tlJe <Jron!!tcgatton, to rpeake 'tllitlJ tlJat 'JI emote cucrr firftbomc in tlJe lanbc of If,
tGod. tl)im, beetJearbtlJelloice of onefpeamngbnto gppt,'.J ranrttftel:I t1Jen1 fo1 mp Crlft.
IJtm from offtl)c ~mp feat, tl:Jat\llaJ bpon tl:Je 1S anti 'JI l}aue taken tbe:Lcuttcf$f01allflJc
arkeofmitndfe,bet1Deenetl)c t'u.lo ~l}erubims: ftra bo~ne of tl.Jc cf)tlD1m of']frad,
annl}c talkei> witl} IJirn. 19 anD l}aue gtum tlJe :u.cuttes as a girt to
Theviij. Chapter. garon anti l}ts ronnes. from among tl)c dJ1lt1Jrn
2 The orderofthelampcs. 4 Thcformcofthc can-
of'.]ifrael, to boetl;Jefcmicc oftlJerl)ilb:cn ofj1,f>
dlcfiickc. 6 The di:anfing and offeringoftheLc-
racl in tlJe ~abernarlt of tlJc congregation, anti
to make an atonement fo~ tlJc C1Jitt1zen of 'jjfracl:
tl)at tlJcrc brc no plague among ti.Jc ctJilbJen of
'.J]Crael, tf tlJe cl)ilt11cn of '.]\fracl tome nigl} bnto

~l>.t11e JLo:'b CpaJtc bnto ~ores,
Capm!J, tl)c ~amtuaric.
:i. ~peaffc bnto iaton, anb rap 2 o an?J ~ores, anti .aaron, anti all ti.Jc clron,
bnto l)tm , WlJm tl}ou Ccttca bµ grc~ation of tllecl}dl>~cn of*J,,rael, biO \tl1tlJ tiJC
ti.Jc lampcs, tIJcreuenlampcstlJall ll.,cuitcs. ateo~ntng bnto an tlJnttl.Jc Jl..071Jc torn,
giue llgl}t totoar'b tl}e fo~rront of tIJc mnt1lc· manncn £1t)oCes concerning tIJc '.ll..ruitc.s, fo bib
llicke. tlJe cl)ilt11m of'.]lfrael bnto tlJem.
3 anll aaron l>i'b ro, anll Ugbtcb tl}e lampc• : r .ann tlJe JLeutte.111Dcre purificll, anti '1la,
tl}enofto'tllarll tl}e fo~cftont of t{Je cant1lellic1te, f1Jcll tlJeirclotiJei:s : an11 aaron tllaueD tl}cm ~a
~tIJc JL.0Jt1 comman11cn ~ores. maue offering bcfo:c tIJe ll..0111. anll mane an at,
4 anti tlJiS \l>BJ ti.JC too~ke of tlte tanllldf:trli, oncment fo1 ttJcm to dcanrc tlJcm.. .
cum of goltl,beatm out tllttlJ ti.Jc l;Jammer, botlJ 2 2 .arter ti.Jae, '1lcnt tlJe JLeutttS1 m,to no t!Jt1r
tlJe llJllft anti tl:Jt fto1Dcr• ttJerof was beaten out Cmiic;c in tIJe ~alJernacle cf tiJc Clt'ongreganon
tllitlJ ti.Jc !Jammer : ac;r0Jt1tn1_tlnto tlJcpaternc befoJc aaron anti I.Jill Conne~ : a~ tl}c Jlo~lle !)ab
'1llJiclJ tl}e JL.01t1 l}atl ilJc1Dct1 ~ores, ro IJce mane commanbcl:I Sl@ofci:s conccrntng tl}e ll.£mtes, Co
tl:Je canlllellickc. l:lttl tIJcp bnto tlJem. .
s :Ann tl)e JL.011> Cpaketmto ~ofcS.faping, 2 3 anl:I tl)e Jl.OJll Cpaflctmto ilJl30fC)1,fapt!Jg,
6 ~ake ti.Jc JLcuites from amon11 ti.Jc CIJil• 24 ~is il!l it t{Jat bclongcrh tmto ti.Jc )Lcunes:
D~en ofjjfracl,ann cleame tlJcm. ~rom t1Dmtt' anti ffut rems olDe, anb tlp\»11Tll,
7 .ann tl)us 11Jalt tl)ounoc bnto tl)cm., toben tl)cr lball gee in to watt tip on. tlJc fmnce of tlJe
• J• l!l•~ ..111 ,, t{Jou clcanfcll tl)em, ~p~inkle •\Dater of P,urifr' ~abernaclc oftIJc ~ongregation. b ~~· t,
~~i~'.:,::.'!c tng bpon tIJcm,ann let tl)cm fbaucafl tl)cirftell.J, 2 s .a~.from tIJe age ofb ~ftt' vcres,tlJcr llJaU ~~~'1;~::
~.\'6~'0~~.'.· anD let tl:Jcm toallJ tlJeir dOt:lJcs,~ Co make tIJean• ceafe 1Da1tmg bpon tl)e fcrutcc tl}creor, ant> llJaU t•m oirc

Celues tleanc. . rmic no moJe: ~.W g~~~:

s ¢1Jcnlettl}em takurong b~Uockem~tb 2 6 l5ut fbaD miniller b.'litlJ tlJetr b:ctlJ:cn in ~~~!.',',::
lJiS meat offering,cucn fine llo'tll1C mmglcll to1tIJ tlJc ~abcrnar~ of tIJc <onatcgatton to t.ccµc ~·1~:~ :..~:.
otlC:. at1ll anotl}er 11oongbullocflc 11Jalt t}Jou tal'le tl)inWi comn~tttell to tl)ctr C1Jaf1e: but ft.Jail t1oc ~~;,:.~~
fo~ a Cln11£ ofteting.
9 anti tl}ou flJalt b:ing ti.Jc JL,euites bd'o:e
no mo:c
bnto •h"-.! "U't "' ~IJUJS
•1;1 .. ~ ' e"",
~ ~ "J
"'alt ....
ou Doc "'n"'" ·'
~·"" , ....
,. '""''"
»HJ ..,.,..._. 11nt1 to M•
ti.Jc ¢abernade of ti.Jc ~on!lfegatton, ti.Jou fbalt The 1'....
w- Ch
apter. •h:ucr• '"
· (Iatl}er tbc mlJolc multitune of tlJe cl;Jillnm of
]l'fact togttl)er, 2 Whattimc the clcanc, and whac time the vnclaam:
ought I
fhe Paifeouer commanded. Numeri. The ftluer trumpets.

I iomncpl
~---"' ----"-""-~

lfraels captaines. Chap.xj. The people n1urmure-.- 53

tourney out of ti.JC lld'at of ~inai,anD tlJC tlOUD rcattcrcn, anti let tl)em tlJat I} ate tl)ec,flce befo1e
rellcD intf}c \»ilomwfTe of191Jaran. tfJte,
1 3 ,QilZI tfJcp flrfl toollc ttJctr iountep at tl;Jc 36 anll\l'l{Jen tf:Jearlleretleb,l)t faib,Jlicturn,
1noutb oftlJe JUnD bp ttJe (Jann of!l@ofcs. © JL,o~b, tin to ti.Jc manp tlJoUCanns of'.]lfrael.
14 91n * ftrtl plac;e \Dent tlJc llanllttll of tl;Jc
f)oftc oftlJe c(Jilo1cn of'jlulla, acro~iling to tl,Jcir Thexj. Chapter.
armtcs, l»(Jofc alPtain 'l:Da•@at;Ja!fon tlJe ronne I The people murmurcth. '1 They dcfire Ael11. t
or.aminaDab. They lochc Manna. 31 Itraincth quailcs. 33 The
1 s am oucr t'(le IJotle of tlJC tnbc ort'IJe cfJtl,
flctb-rauincrs are punitbed.
ll1Cn of ]facl]ar, mas fr)attJanad tf}c fonnc of fF.!b \DIJm ti.JC people I) bib impati• liOr,mnr-
~ar. entlp, it mas a nirpleafurc in ti}e muicd.
16 gn1:1 oucr tl;Je f1ollc of ti.Jc tribe of tbc cl)il• cares of tl)e JL,o~ll : anD \ll(Jen tlJe
b1cn of5abulon, \\las ~liab tfJe fonnc ofl9elon. JLo~ne (Jeatb it , lJi!S countenance
17 an1:1 tl)e tabernacle \Das tallm Do\Dnc.anb • 'mau p~ouohcll to m1at1J, anll tlJe
t~e fonncs of <3crfon am !l@crati \Dmttoo1t:IJ, flre of ttJe Jl,.,o~ll burnt among t~cm, anll confu,
bearing tlJc tabcmatlc. mcti d}cm tlJat 'tllcrc tl)c bttennoll of tfJe (Jotl.
1 s anti tlJe IJotl oUirubm \Dent roo1tlJ \l'litlJ 2 an11 tl)e people rnell tinto ~ore~ : anll
tl)eir llanbcrb anti anntcs, mlJoCe c;aptaine mas \l'llJcn ~ores matic intmcmon tmto tl)e JL,01ll,
<flt111t tlJc ronne or5ct1eur. tlJe fire quend)cb.
19 anti oucrtl)e 1Jolltoft1Jcmbe oftl;Jccl)il, 3 ann (Jc caUell tlJe name of t(Jc µlace ~abc,
b~m or ~imeon , ma• ~lamtel tl}c fonnc or ralJ : bcraufe tlJC fire of tl)c )l,o~b burnt among
~uril'abbai. tf.Jtm.
20 .an1:1 oucr tl;Je ~oflc of tlJe tnbe of tlJe 0,11' 4 anti a number of people tl)at toa~ among
DJcn of <ilJaD,\Das GeltafaplJ tlJe!onnc of~ucl. :itlJcm,ftll alufling,ann tumen tlJcmfclue£S,ann :r;r:~c~.~~r1 ~~
21 'iTI}c ctaatlJitcs alfo \\lent fo1\Dart1, i;t bare \Dept (ruJ lltD alfo tl,le tl)illl~m of'Jjfrael) anll fatb, am'"""""
dJc ~anctuarie, anti tl}c ot(Jcr btb fet bp tgc ta' ""DlJo tball gtue tiis llellJ to cat: ~:'co.','fr~r
bcrnade againil tl}cp came. 5 119crcmember tlJefillJ\lllJiclJ'l:Dcbibcatin i,Chr. 10 •6
21 anti tlJe aanilcrb oftl)c1JoaoftlJccl)tlt1Jcn <fgrpt frcelp, anll tlJe cucumbers, anll melonis,
of<fpl.JJaim \Dent roo1tl), acco1t1tng to tlJeir ar' leebs,ontorns, anti garbfJc.
mies, \U(Jofe mptainc mas ctlifama ttJefonne or 6 '6ut no\ll our!oulc ts t1ite111rt11ap: fo~ \l'lcc
:AmmiUb. ranfcenotl) elSbut"" .Q!)anna. Exo.12. 3s.
2 3 anti oucr tlJc I:Joa or tf:Je tribe of tf:Jc Conncs 7 anti* ~anna \DBS SS c:o~ianller fctb, anll Exo.16.14.
of ~anaU"c, \lla)l ©amaltel tl)c fonne ofli)eba' to fee to, lifJe b l6cl>ellton. ~. ~~:.'r·~~\'.t
!Ur. ,s ant1t1Jepc!'Jlle~cntabout, a~llgatl)crcD i::;;:~;;;;,'~''
24 ant1 ouertl;Je(Jolf of tl)e tribeoftf:Jefonnes 1t,ani:I grounD 1un millcs, OJ beat it in mo~ttr!S, P'"''' ·
ofl3eniamin,mas abtllan tlJc tonne of <ll5cbcon. anll ballcD it in pannes, anll mane robes of it:
2 5 anti ti.Jc aanberb or tl)e l)oil ortlJe cIJ•lll1cn anll tlJe talle of it \llas Itfic bnto tl)c tallc of a
of Wan came rooJtlJ (gatlJcring all the l)oll toge, ft~odccake.
tl)cr) tf:JoJo\llout tl)ctt armies, \DIJofe c:aptame 9 anil 'tlllJen tf}c lle'mc fcU bo\l'lnebpontljc
\llas al)iCICr ti.Jc fonneofammifallbai. (JotlintlJenigl)t,~annafell bpon II tt. ~or, V'iith it
26 lnb oucr tile l)oflc oftl)c tribe of tlJe c{Jtl, I 0 anlJ \lJtJCU ~OfCS(J£BtD ti)£ J.lCOplc\lJtepC
DJcnofaeer, \llas10agiel tf:JcfonneorflDclnan. tl.Joiomout tlJeir l)ouOJolllcs , cuerr man in tl)e
2 7 ant1 oucr tl)c l)oae of tt}c tribe or tf:Jc cl)t1' llooic ofl)ts tent, tljc 'm~atlJ or tbc 11..-o~b \llas 11111,
nicn of fr)cpl)tl)alt , \llais a(Jira tl}c ronne of If, lllclJ e~c:eellinglp,anll it gticucll ~ores alfo.
nan. 11 ann ~ores fapll bnto tl)c JLo~D. 110l)crfo~r
28 ~efearetl)e tourneys ort(Je c{Jtl?JJct1of lJatlt(Jou troublco tlJl! eeruant: 9 nll \lll)crcfoir
11rrael tl}o10\lleut tlJcif armleis, an?J tlJU!S ti.Jc l)aue jJ not founll rauo.i tn tl:Jp figl)t, feting tlJat
l)ells remouen. t1Jo11 puttetl tlJe \llcigl)t or au tlJi~ people bP'
2 9 !lnb ~ores farn bnto l!}obab t(Jc fontte of onmc:'
iOr,kinfc. 11\aguel t11e Sllf.)antanite, 'lDlJiclJ \lla!S ~ofcis ~ fa, 12 l!}aue '.lJ conceiuen au tlJi~ people, 011.Janc
man. t11ertnla\ll :1'0egoebnto tl)eplac:e, of\lll}icl)tl)e lbegotten t1Jcm, tfJat tlJOUOJoulllcil faptlnto
l.oit1 rayll, '.JI \lltll glue it rou. ~omc tl)ou tlJcrc' mc.,~arp tl)em in tlJp bofomc ats anurfc bcarct(J
roie mitl) tis, anti me 'mill boe tl)ec goon: foi tlJe tl)c fucking 'IJtlll,1mto tl)e lanll \lllJtctJ tl}ou rma,
l.oin l)atl) p~omifeb goon ~nto 'jlr~ael. rea bnto t!Jeir fatIJeris :' ,
30 anti l)eanf\llcreb l)tm, 'Jl llltll not «oe,but 1 3 UIJcre fJJ~ulb '.J, l)auc ftcll1 to g1~ bnto .1111
\lltll bepart to mtne olUn lanll,anll to mr tlinrell. tf}ts people \l'llJtcl) \llccp bcw,c 1nc.,fapmg, <llJme
31 ll)erarb, flDhnar, Ieauctisnot: foi tl;Jou bJS fldlJ,tlJat\llcmap eat: ,
hnomea our manri:ons in t11e lllilllerndre, anll 14 11 am not able to bean~ all tlJt~ people a'
IOr,guidr, tl)ou marett be to tis in aean or II epes. lone, feein« it tis too IJcaup foi me.
32 anti tf tl)OU goc 'mitl) b$!l,lOOfie'llllJatgooll, 1 s ]ftfJouoealcttJuts'IDittl mer, ktlhncc, '.Ji
ndft tlJc )L,01ll 11.Je\lletl) bnto bS,tl)efamt \llil 'me p111r tl)ce. if'.) (.Jaue founD fauour in tlJr Ctgl)t.
11.Je'G> bnto t1Jce. tlJat'.ll fet not mp \ll~etclJcllnc[e,
n .anti t11er neparten from tl)c mount of tl)e 16 antJtl)e:"JLo~b fapb bnUI ~Of~, <Satljtt
)L,01D tlJ~ce nareis ioumep,anil ttJe arfle or ~eco, bnro n'c tlJ~_ccrro,c anl> tm men, or tl)e dllers of
uenant of tlJc ·JL-o~be 'l:Dmt befoie tlJ~ m tl)e ']frael. \lll)td} ttJou flno\l'lelltl,lat tlJcr arc ttJr c1-
ttJJee Dareis ioumep, to Cearc:I} out a rcllmgplau 1>crs ofdJc people, anll officer~ ouett{Jem : anil
fo~tlJem, tlJou OJalt lntng tl)cm tlnto tbe ~abemaclr or
34 gm tile tloUb of t1)c JL.oJ?J bl~ tipon tlJem tlJc arongregation • tl)at dJer mar nanbe ti)crr • @:b.. 1•.1
bp liar, \lll)en tlJep \Dent out of UJe c:anqic. tDttlJ t:l)ee: ~'~lt:l~; ':;1
35 gun 'OJI.Jen tl)e ame \'omt fooidJ' ~oft­ 11 anb '.ll \Dill come bO\l'lne, anb talhe 'IDitlJ ~~·1t~~,.~,~~
fal.'D, "" mire bp ·,11,,01t1 , ann let tl)ine enemies bee t(Jee ttJere, anb c take of tte rptrtt l:DIJiclJ its bpon ~~•.brr,<l:'t•1
The f euentie Elders. Nurneri. Miriarns leprof1e.
ttJec..ann put bpon tbem. an'b tfJey 11Jat bcare tl}c 34 anbl)UallebtlJCmmtCOfdlcplaCC, *~lJe Num.13.
butbcn of tlJC pcoplewitlJ tlJee, lea tlJ.ou be con• graues oflnll: becaufe tlJer burietl tl}c people 11°
llraine'b to bcarc tt alone. t11at lulleb tlJm.
18 anl> fap tlJOU tmto ttJe people, l6e lJllllOtll• 3 5 anb tl}epeople tooltetl}etr ioumcr from
cb againll to moJo'al, anD pee 11Jall cat t1cl1J : .ro~ tf'lc graucs oflUtl,bnto ~a1erotl), an1> 11bobc at
pour mIJinm!,l i~ in ~c cares of tl}e Jl.OJb, fccm!J ta1erof11.
re rapI>, tWIJo 11)1111 gme tiis ficflJ to cat-: 'ale 'alm Thexij. Chapter.
'rocll in Ge!.lrPt: tfJcrcroJe tl)e Jl.OJb \DJU g1ue you r Aaron and Marie grudge againfi Mofes, 1 o Ma-
ficlli, anD re OJall eat. ar
rie llrikcn with lcprolic,and healed the prayer of
. 1 9 }l?c11J11finotcatonebap, noit\\lo,no,fiue
1>arc~.ncit1Jer ten, noi t'roentr bares :
20 13uta 'rolJole monetlJ,bnnllit come out at ~bl\ ~arp anti aaron fpalle again« 1: or,Miri-
tlJc notlrdS of pou, anl> it flJaU be lotlJ(ome tinto ~ores, becaure of tl}e \Doman of <f, im,
pou, becaufe tl}at pee l)aue call t{Je Jl,oJbe afibe t11topt11 bllJicl) l}c tab tallen: foJ l)ec
wi,iclJ ts among pou,anb t:Jaue blept befo1e l)tm, • lJab taken •to totfe one of lftl)iopia • ~'PP•1111111
raring, 1191:Jr came '11t tiJuis out of <egppt: 2 ano t1Jer faib , 11.}atlJ tbe l-01ti ; ~~~[~~:
2 l anb ~ofeS fapb, ~li;t lJunbJeb t(Jouranb in bcebe fpolten onelp ttnougl) ~ores-: l!latlJ IJe ~~·~~::;::.~ 0
footmen are tlJere of tiJe people among \vlJldJ ~ notrporten alfo br blS ~am tl)e Jl.01ll 1Jcar1> it. ~t~ =::~~:~~;
am, anD t1Jou l)all fapi>, 91 \\lilt gtue tl)em flcflJ, 3 ( :JBUt Sl@OfejS \'OlljS 8 bCfp m£Cb£ man, 11< conioirt<nblll
tIJat tlJcy mar eat a tlllJole monctiJ. boue all tl)e men of tlJccartl).) ~~~.'i"
Iohn6. 7• 22 *~lJalltl)e 11Jeepe11n1>t1Je orenbce Oaint 4 ant> tl}c JL.oJll fpahe at once bnto ~ores,
ro~ t1Jcm to rtni>e rtttm 1eitlJer tlJaU all tl)e fill> or bnto aaron, \l to~arp , ~omc out re tlnee bn•
tIJc rea bee gat1Jercn togetl)er foJ tl)em, to Cu1ftct to tl)e tabernacle of tl)c congregation. an1> tt;er
tIJcm-: came out an ttnrc. \
Efai.~9.1. 23 9:ntltl)e)LoJb fapbtJRtO~OfejS, ·~ist'IJe s anb tlJc JL,o:b came bo\tlne tn tfJe pillar of
)Lo~bfJl]anb tuarei> flJOJt -: ~(Jou Cl)altfee notoe tlJc doun, ann ttoo'!l tn tl)e noo.ze of tl)e ~atema,
'rolJCtlJtr mp \tlOJll tlJall come to patre bnto tl}ce,
24. ann ~ofcfJ \Dent out, am tolb tlJe people
cle,ann callcb aaron ann ~arie; ann tlJer blent
out botlJ of tiJem.
6 ant> I.Jc fapb, l!)care mr 'alo1ns : ]f tfJm be
. ,.
tlJe raping or tl)e JL,o)l>, 1111'1> gatlJtteb tl}e tlJJte' a10Jopl)ct o~ tlJ~ JL,010. among you. '3l tom bee
rco~e ano ten <flDers of tlJc people, anll fet tl}em hno'1lcn otl)1m tn a b1fion, anti tu ill fpealle bnto
rouni> about tlJe ~abemacle. lJim tn a ti:came. ·
15 .ano tl)e JL,o~n came Dotune tn a cloun, anb 1 ~P *fcruant ill9ofefJ tis not ro, tlllJicl) ts Heb. p.
rpafic bnto f)tm, anll toorte of tl]e fptrit tl]at \tlafJ faitf;lfUll in an mine l]ourc.
bpo 11 IJim, anti ganc it bnto tl)c tl}~eert~e anll s li!lnto lJim mill '.]I fpeafie moutl'I to moutlJ
tenm <tillers : anll \Dbcn tiJe fpirit refteb bpon in a bifion,not in barfie fpeecl)es anti fimtlitubclS
t;'<UJc6eo ct• tIJcm, ' tlJcr pJopl}eacn,anb bib not tcafe. of tlJe JL,oJb OJall (Jc rec : 1191JmroJC tiJcn mm re
c i:Jt Dr.
pouno tt.1e: 2 6 Wut tiJere rcmatnell ttuo or tiJc men in tlJe not afraJD to fpeake againllmp rcruant ~orcis~
\l'O~ll f~JCI

b~:i~,~~~ ~:~g boa, tIJe name of tl]c one \llais <elbab, \I tl]ename 9 ann.tIJc Jl.o~b mass mooue1> bnto tu~atlJ a,
('...Ut PJllrU. oftlJc otl)er ~el:lab : anll tl]e fpirtt retleb bpon ;atna tlJem,anll l)ce \Dent lJl!l 'Wap.
t~cmr ann tlJer were ef tl)cm tl]atlllere 'lllJittm, 1 o ant> ti]e cloU!lc bcparteb from tIJe ~aber,
anll tuentnot out bnto tlJe tabernacle) ant> tl}cy nacle,ano beIJolo, ~arp tu as bt(ome Iep~ous as
µ~oplJcflcll tn d)e l)oll. it mere fnotu : ano aaron loolleo bpon ~ane,
2 7 ann tl)ere ran a roong m1111, ann'tolb ~o' ani> beIJolb,OJe tuasslepious.
fc~. anti rapt>, <1?U1110 anll ~eDan boe pJopt:JeCie tn 1 1 ano aaron faro bnto ~orcis, ala~ 1nr
tl)e IJott. · loJ'b, '.) bereecl) tl]ee, put not tl}e finne bpon ti£S
2 s ann '.]lofualJ ttJr Conne of Jann tl]e Ceruant \DlJic:IJ \\le IJaue fooliflJlr committcn ann CitmtO,
of Slll)ortis, one of l)i!S yoong mm, anflllmb,anb 12 ~b. let1Jernot becalS Ont lltab, of\DlJom
faJ!b, ~!! lo~ll ~ore1S, ro:blb tlJCm. tfJe fieflJ ts l]alCe confumen tlllJen l)ce rommetf)
2 9 anti ~oreis fapll brito t(Jcm, Genuiell tl)ou out ofl1iis motlJers 'roombe.
fo: mp fafie 't 110oulll <3ob tIJat all t11e 'A.OJD~ peo• J 3 atUI ~ofcis cricb bnto ttte JL,oJb, raping,
pie 'll:lou11> pioplJefie, anll ti.Jilt tl]c Jl.OJD \lloulb l)cale l:Jer no'ttl,© <l5ob, ~ bcfecclJ tl)ee. ·
put bilS fµirit bpon tl;lcm. 14 anti tiJe )L01b fa}'b blltO ~Ord, *)f IJtr fa,
3o anti ~ore~ gate l}im into tl)c (Jolt, l.Je,anb tl)er {)ab b fpet in lJtt face, IIJOUlll fbrt notbe all)a' b 1r&rr ratbn
tl)c lflller~ of']fracl. meb reuen Dapcs '! f)er be flJUt out oftl]e holf ?..~:i;:~!~'fp,,
Exo.1 6. '3' 31 anti O,ere \tJcnt fooitiJ a *tuinlle from tl)e r~ Darcis. anb after tfJat let a,er be rcrciucn in :~.~;.!~~,·~·
pfal.78.16. Jloro, anbbJougbtciuatlcisfromtl;lefca,anblet agame. . ;::~' ~~.'~~~~
tlJciu fall about tile (Joffe, euen a bareis tomner IS ano~ane\11a1H1JutoutoftfJe1Joffrcuen C.nnh,•h•
r~un11aboutonei1erp Cilleoftl]e (Jolle, anb 1hey bapeis: anti tl]e people mnoueb not tlll ~arte ~:~c,~r~:~
did Hie nnhc airc a"ittuere tblO,ubit"hieouer \DIUI b~ouglJt in a«aine. ~~t.0,.;~~!:c
tl)eeattl), ' ,, ' ,,"' 16 ann aftenl)artl tlJC people rcmoouc11 from "'""'"' ••
32 ~nb tlJc people Uoob tip alt tl]at bar,anD an $11terot1J.~p1ttl}et1 intl}e11:11lt1cmess off&IJaran. ~:'."/ ~• •

ttJgt m~l)t, Bllll all tlJe ne~t bay, anti tl]ey !l4*' The1iij. Chapter,
re llUatlts: atlb lJc t1)11t~a1~mb litle,gatlJmll
ten lJo~nttis full : Bnb tl)ey icaD t1Jetn abJOllll 1 Cerrainc mm arc fcntro fearch chc land of Cha-
fo~ tlJett bfetounl) about tlJe olf naan. :14 Th(y bring ofchc fruic ofthe land.
Pfal.78.JI. 3,3 anti '1Jl)Rt U,t * ll£fl) '118; pet bet\DCCl'Jt ~~A'\!~ JT:l ~ tl}e JLoJlJ fpafle bnto !l@ofc~.
tbm tutb,an1:1 r~ tt'\llais ~e'11cb bp, t(Jem1ad) fap1ng.
of~e JLo~tl \lla15 ktnblcb qatnatIJepeople. 111111 :z sgellll men out to rearc{J tlJr
tl}e )l.,o~De futote ~e people '1Jftl) an ~mg lanb of 4t1Janaan, '1llJicfJ ] giuc
great plague. · tmto tlJc c1Jilllien of 1f\'ael : of
The fpies fenc,rccurne. Chap.xiij.xiiij. The people murrnure. 54
map tribe of ttm fatlJ~ flJaD pc rmo a man, ~lies, anb bJougl)ttlJcm too~n. an11 a1ro bnto
anll ltt lfJem all be rucJJ a• are m~ among an tfJc congregation, anti flJC\\letl tlJem ttJc fruit
tl}em. OftfJe lantl.
3 .Q:nll ~oreisat tl)ecommanZ1nnmtort1Je '"7 !inn tlJ~ toUJ l)tm,anb rart1,tme came tin.
om. u.1 1. JL.otD, *rentfoJtlJ outoft(JetotlllemeU'e ofl&IJa' to tlJe lanb ml)1tl}er tl)ou rentca bf5,an11 furelp it
ran. fudJ mm ass\Uere all 1Jeat1ss or tl)e cl]tlZIJen flo~etl}.toit:l)millic anbl)onr, an11(Jmiss oftiJc
oC9jttaeL fnntor1t.
4 Q'Jetr names are tfJefe. ©f tl)e tnbe of 18 ~euct'tlJelclTc , tlJe ptople be tlrong tlJat
ISullm. ~ammua ttc ronne or~acur. ll'oJell tn tfJe lanll. anb tfJc cine• arc wallcll anti
s !IDf ttJe tribe of ~imeon, ~apl)at, t11e foll eyccelling gnat: anti mo~coutr, we raw ti.Jc clJil,
or$o~t. n~en ofanac tl}ere.
6 !IDf tte tribe or '.]!tills, ~aletl tlJe rorme or 2 9 ~I.le amalccfJitcss tltocn in t11e ~outl)
'.J!cp(June. countrcy: an11 tlJe ll)etl)ttes, anti tl)e '.l]cburttcss,
1 flDr tlJe tnbe of'Jl'8i;IJar, ')lga1 tl)donne or anll ti.Jc ~moJitcss tl\\lcll in ti.le mountatnes: anb
')lofeplJ. tl}c 4tl:Janaanitess 11\\lellbp ti.Jc rea, ~ bp tlJccoaft
s i!'.>f t1Jt tribe or CfPlnatm, soo.atl)e ronne of]o~tlane.
or~un. 3.o ~~ti ~aleb fhllctl tl}c people befo1e Sl@ofcss,
9 ©ftf1ctrtbcorl3cntamtn.l&altit1Jcfonne fapmg, "Jl.ct b.6 goc bp at once, anti pocretrc it, fo~
ofl!lap{Ju. . toe be able to oucrcome it.
lo ©f tl)c tribe of~abu:ton,llStlbllitl ti.Jc fonne 31 l5ut fl.Jc mm tt.Jat 1llent bp toitlJ l,Jim,faill,
of$5>otli. mm be not able to goe bp againft t(Je people, ro,
11 ®ft1Jetrtbeof]ofepf1,name1r,ort1Jctrtbc tlJey arc aronger ti.Jen toe.
or£Jl;)anacrc.Cl3at111it1Jeronneof~ufi. 32 an11 tl.Jcr b1oug1Jt bp an cmll rcpo1t ortlJe
u ~ftlJctrlbe orJ0an, .\tmielt!Jdonneof lanll \DIJtclJ tlJcr l.lall rearctJell. raring bnto tl,Jc
<5emallt. c1ftlll1cn of']fracl, ~c lantl\UIJii;IJ1llee(Jaue
13 ~ftlJetnbeorarcr, ~ctfJUT, t11eronneor gone t1Jo1oto to fcanIJ it out' ts a lanll ttJat' ca• •nt nlantr
Slll)1c1Jael. tttlJ bp ti.Jc i~~bitants tlJmor, an11 tl)cpeoplc ~;;·.~0,;~~~'i
14 i!Df ti.Jc tribe of §aeptlJalt. ~llf.Jabt tlJeCon tlJat'oJc rato m tt,arc mm Of a great nature. lrD ano k1lltD
Of ll!Jt1p{JCi, 33 anb tlJerc toec raw alfo giantS5, tl)c cIJil• ~;~ ~,~~~~:;i~
1 s it>f tIJc tnbc of 0a11, ~ucl tl)e ronne of 11icnora11ac, which come ottl)c giants: an11111ce ;;~~-·"~·
Sl@atlJt. rumcn ill om a,gl]t as tt were graOJoppers, anll
l 6 <anJcfe are tlJc namcss of tlJe tnen to{JiclJ ro toe tltll in tlJm Cigf1t.
Sl@ofess rent to (pie out tlJe lantl : anti Q!)ore• cal,
letl tIJe name of©r£a tbefonneof ~un,jjoruaIJ. 2 The people Thexiiij. murmurc
:againll: Mofes and Aaron.
17 anti Sll).)ofcss rent t(Jem fo:tlJ to rpic out tl}e
1 o They would hauc fioncd Caleb and lofu:ah.
rant1 of cltiJanaan. anti raptl tmto tlJem, Cl3etpou
bp tlJi!S toap ~outlJtoartl, tl}at pc map go bp in• ~11 au tl]c multitulle of t11e people

to tlJel:Jigl) countreF. . ,. metl out • anll d}owwout
18 anllfeetlle lanll \DIJat manert1Jmgtt&f5, tl)at. nigl)t.
anti t1Je people tlJat ll\\lelletlJ t(Jerctn, \\llJCtlJtt 2 anl:I an tl)e clJtlb~en of]fracl
t(Jcp be ftrong 01 'l.llealle, citlJer few 01 manp : munnurctl againft sieoress ~ aa,
19 anti \\l(Jat tl)c lanll tS5 tl)at tlJtp tl'oJell in, ron : anti tl)e \Dl)olc ~ongregation rarnc tmto
\\ll1et1Jcr it bcgool> 01ball, anll tol)atmanerof tl]cm, moulll <5011 tllat toe IJAtl bitll in t1Jc 1ant1
ctticss t1Jey be ttJat ttJcr nwell in. 'oJIJettJer tlJey or lfgrpt, eitlJtt tl}st toe IJaJJ bicll in. tlJisrwiltlcr•
tl\\leU in tcntss. 01 wallell to'oJness: netTc.
20 ant1 w1Jatmaner oflann tt.Jatits, \DlJetf1er 3 tWIJercfo)e 11atl) tflcJl.,otllbioUgiJtbSlmto
ttbe fat OJ Ieanc, ~ tolJctlJer ti.Jere be trccJStl)ere' tlJtis lann to fall bpon tl)c rtao~ll , an11 tl)at our
in, 01 not. l5e orgoon courage.. anti b,ing of tlJe \Diucss anll our c(Jtlbten ruouln be a p1aF -: JJDerr
fmtt of tl)etat1b: an11 it\\lass about ttJe time tl}at it not better tl}at tocc rctume bnto <tgppt a·
grape!$ are lirftripe. · gaine'!
21 ant1rotl)cy\Dmtbi>. an11rcarc1Jellouttl}e 4 9nb d}cr rat11 one to anotlJcr, JLct bS make
lanll. from tlJe \\ltUJernettc of ~tn, bnto lllcl}ob, 11 captatnc.anll retumc bnto ctgppt againc.
ass men come to 0emat1J. s ~n ~oCCUnll aaron' ~II on tlJctr fa, • tamrn~
22 9nb tlJey arcmllcb 1mto ~c ~outlJ, an11 ccs, bcf~~c au tlJe atr.embly oftIJe citongregatton ~~~:~·';;
camt bnto 'cb1on. \\llJcrt a1.1nnant11ass, at111 oft1Jec1J1lll1cnof]rracl.
~d'ai. ann~almat, tl,Jcfonneufanac. l)e, 6 *a11111orual)tl)efonneoft.lun, anMta, Eccl
bJon \Dass butlt reucn ~ceress bcfo~e ~an in <f: letJ tf1C fOnnC Of 9jcplJUn£ wh~ch \YCre Of' d}Ct\1 I.m~c.~
gvpt. t1Jatrearcl)e11 ti.Jc tano,rcnt d}ctt clotlJess: · ~ 6,
Deur 1
24 2 3 *Qnll tlJey came bnto tl)c rfutt of CIMcol. 7 S:tnll Cpafle tJnto an tbc compan11 of d)c cl)il,
•' ' anll cutllo\Dnc tl}crc a b1anct) toitl} one clUfter oimof'.)ftael, rapmi;s, ~c lantl\Dl11Cl.J\Dc\Dal·
orgrapess, an11t\Datncbarc1tbponaftafk: anll hell tfJ~o\D torcarclJ u:,1.s a berp ltOOb lanll.
they brought a1fo of d)c pomgranateSS. anll of tlJe ~ 9)ftf1e JL01t1 lJaue ~ lo~cto bJ.(}c \DtLb~ing
tiistnto tl}1is lanll. ~ntl gt~eit bSS. \DI)~ t~ fuclJ a
figgcs. . -~ l. lanb al$ flo~ctlJ \\lt6' mtUtc 11Ull 1Jonr.
24 9nll tl}e place \Dass caRell tlJe nutt ..-.....o
becaUfe of tl,Je clulm of grape• wlJid;J tl)e Cl.16' 9 '6ut ~n anp \D1fe rcbeB not re at;tatnft tfJe
J>1.Cll of']lCracl cut 110\Dnc t:l)ena. Jl,0111c, nc1tl)tt fcarc tl)c P~le of tlJc 1an11. f01
'"s an11 t"her turnell bacfle a!Jame !tom rear. tlJCF arc but b b1C8ll fQ1 bS: qctr HJitUI ts 11rpar• b c~· 111•
cl)ing oftl}c ianll atttrfoitv narcs. till frOnt tlJem, ID1ll tl;Jc )L.oJb t.i,. h!Hh
tl)cmnottl)mro:c. •..., b.6: uart oi. ""•"•
26 anti tf.Jey\Dcnt, anti cameto~oftSSanb
aaron, anb bnto all tl)e nudtitulle of tt,Jc c(JJI• • 0 '5~ all tl)c Gtongre«ation babe non£
llJmof 'J\fraehntl,Jc \Dilt1mufl"eoUetJaran. to tl)cm \D1tl) aoncss : anll ti.Jc ~lo~ic of ttJe ·.110~11
I apprnrco 1
vlofes prayeth for Numeri. the peoplesinfidelitie.
appc1mt1 in t11c ·~abemacic of t11e congtcgatton IJaqe mummrcb a11aina me,
befo~e an t11e d}ilil~cn of'.J)rrael. 30 ~(JaDnotcomeintotl)clanJl,oue~\tllJidJ
11 anti ti1C )LO~tl fail> bllfO SllJ;}OfCS,00\D {011g ] lifttb bp mine 1Jant1 to maflc rou D\Deft tf1crt'
'Oo t}Jiis prople p~ouortc me, anD lJo\D. tong \D~ it in, rauc €alcl> tlJe ronne of'.Jlcp(June, anb lofu,
be rer tiJep llelreuc mer. ro, ~u t11e ugncs \DlJiclJ alJ t()e ronne or~un.
,31 IJaue OJe\Dcll amon~ tfJc~ • . 3[ ~ut rour ~t:Ib:m 'tDIJtdJ ree rart1 llJoulil
12 jj will nntte t~cm tll1t1J tlJe peft1lcnce..ant1 bee a p111r, tfJ£111 'Wall'.) b1in11 tn, anti tlJer 11Jan
ile!lror tlJcm,an~ \tltll mahe of tlJce a grcattt na, hnaw tf)e lantl \DlJicfJrcl)aucrefufcn.
non, anil migf]trcr tlJcn tlJey, 32 ann rour carcares OJall fall in t1Jif5 m1lber'
ro.32,n. 13 ann*.111J)ofcs'8rb~nto tl;JcJL.o1t1. ~en nd'fe.
tIJe e~pttanf 11Jal ()earett (ro~ tl]ou bioUg!Jtell 33 anb rour clJilJ11m lbal \llatlber in tlJe 'mil'
tl1il people tn tlJr mtg()t from among tll£1ll.) 'berneU'e foitp rcns, anb fuffci fo~ pour c ml,Jo~e · • 8:D•t1•.~a
1 4 anll tt 'l>.ltll bee tollle to ttJe lnl:JabittrS of llome, tntlll pour i;arcafcf5 be \Daftcb tn tl]e mil' ~~:~;:~~~:.
tf)tl ranll alfo: ro, tlJcr (Jaue 1Jeart1 lt11.Cmtrc,t1Jat ncrnetrc. . !111111 @GD.
tf)ou ".1Lo.1I> art amonl,l tl;Jtis pcople,anb tl)at t11ou 34 after tfJe number oftlJe barrs tn 'tD)JtclJ re
.o.1p1. ".ILotilcartrecnefacctoface, anb tl;JattlJr"doub rcarc(Jeb out tl;Je lantl, cum ro:tr naref5 (cuerr
llanoctlJ oucr t1Je1n, anti tlJat ttJou uoell bcfoie nar ro: a re ere) fl)aU re beare vour bnrig1Jteotll'>
t11cmbr bap timeinaptUarofacloun, annina ncffe,euen* Co1fy peeress, annre !lJaHfmo\\'l d mr Em. 4.6,
pillar offtre br nil,l()t. b1l'8CIJo~iom1re.
<]! '1
d ~aan,111111
D<l.IJID 1111Jc.
15 '.llf ttJou llJalt ktn an t(Jis people, a~ tlJcr 35 e JL,o:n .,aue rarb tl.Jat~ \Dtllbo itbn, 1b·~·b,'P10·
were but one man.t:(Jcn t()e nattonts \DIJiclJ l]aue to all tlJis cum congregation, tl]at arc gat)Jereb :'..'.. 1""
()earn t()efamcoftbee, \Ddlfap, togetlJer again« me :1foi tn tllis tllililcmes tlJer
:ur.9.28. 16 *l5ecaufet1Je '..1Lo1Z>tisnotab'ktob~fn«in llJalbc confumeb, anb tlJm tlJep 11.Jall bie.
tlJilS people into tIJe lant1e \DIJtcl) IJce C\nare bnto 36 annt:JJe1nenttil.Jic)J ~ofcJSfcnttofearc)J
tl}cm, tlJerefo1e (Jee (JadJ aaine tl]em tn t(Je \Dtl• tf;Je 1ant1, ann 'tDIJtcl) ('ml.Jen tl)ep came auainc)
ocrnctre. inane all t{Je people to munnure agatnu IJlm,
17 g ntl no\ll , 'JI befttcfJ tlJee, kt tJJe po\tler of anb b1ougl1ttp a Oantlcr bpon tlJc lanb:
mr ".ILo~ile bee great, acco1t1ing ass tIJou I.Jail Cpo' 37 «furn ~ore men t()at btll b~tnl,l ~p tIJat
ficnJaptng Oaniler tlpomt,as tl;Jougg 1t l)ab bene emt, *n1en 1.cor,1 o,
a1.102.s. 18 "~l]eJLoi?>tsfonner)Jebean~,anbof in a great plague befo~e tlJe JL,o~n. 10

great mcrcie, anb t:oi~tuctl;J iniquttte ann finne, 38 l8ut~olualJtf)eConneof@un, anb4talcb
'' ,doctl1 rmll 111cauet() no man mnocent, •anb btrftttl) t(Je t{Je ronne or '.l]cpl)une, 'lDIJic:IJ 'alete oftfJe men
·J~n,an<l bmigl1tcoufnc~ of tlJe fatlJeris bpon tlJe R)l101cn tl]at \Dent tQ fcat:c:l] tl.Je: lann,ltueb am.
:~ ~lOt in tlJc tlJirll anb fourtb generation. 39 9nb ~OCtl tOl!le tl;Jefc fapings tnto aU
od' . - I 9 lOce mmifull, 9) befced) tf1ee, t:Jnto lfle tlJe cIJttll~ of]fracl,anb tJJe peopletooke gnat
H' · fmne of t()is people , acc01t1ing tmto tlJl' great Co10\D. .
mmic, ais tl'lou (Jaa fOJl,liuct1 tlJi~ people from 40 *anb d]crrofebp earelrint1Jemo:111n«, ocu•.1. 41.
lfgrpt, cucn lmttU no\D. anti gatt tf,Jcm bp tntD dJe top of t:l}e mountaine,
2 o gun t()e ".ILo~tl faptl, j\ tJaue fo1~ucnit, ac· faptn1.1, lLoe, \lie be l]ere,anb 'l>.lill go bp bnto tlJe
coining to tf)p requea. place or 'allJtd) tf1e JL,o1b Carn;• f,o~ 'ale (Jauc fin, • ;f,llrP ID!!·
21 l5ut as truelp aJS] ltue, an tf;Jc cartb fl)all netl. ~·.:~~:;;;
beftllcil 'Witt) tl;Je: l,lloJ1! oftl)e )l..o:n. 4 r ann ~ores rapt1, mIJmo:e tranfl,lretre re ~":D~~~•.
2: l5ut all ttJofe men 'tDf)iclJ 1Jaue ftcne mp tlJutstl)e 'alo,n oftl;Je:t.01t1~ 1t\llillnot,ome\llel ~~:r~:O~.
glo~ie, anti mr miracles lDl)iclJ '.]!bib tn Cfgppt, to patrc. bp •1moac
nno m tlje \Dilbttne[e, ann 1Jauc tcmpteb mee 42 <3ot not bp tl]crcfo1e , fo: tlJC JL01t1 tis not ~:,':~r.
no'tlJ tl)iis ten timeJS,anD lJaue not[Jeatlleneb tm• amo~1.1pou, tl]at rec be not aaine beroie rour c•
to mr tioicc, nem1es.
2 3 ~l)all not fee tIJe lanb \DlJtc)J 1 Ct»are tll' 4 3 fo: ~e amalec(Jitcs anti tl;Jc GtlJanaantttis
to tl)c1r fat1Je:n1 , mitl}er n1an anr or tl]em tl]at 'are ti.Jere befo:e rou, ann rec \Dill fall tlpon tlJc ~.!~~;:~
p1ouo11cn me, rec tt. C\1>01t1 , becaurc pee are tumrb amar Cromt()e rou.
r.i.1,6, 24 l5utmr*fe:ruant4tal~, brcaUfd,JcelJatl ".IL01b, ann tl}c ".ILoin \DiU not be \llttlJ rou.
anot~er manet orfpirit (anb becaurc 11c l)at:(J fol' 44 l5ut tl]ep Wet'umcb obainatc11to1oe: bp
to'Wctl mt bnto tl)e: tltmolt) l)tm \Dlll 'li b:tng in, into tlJe bill top : ~euertl]elc[e:, t{le ame oftlJe
to tlJe tam 'ml}icl) l}ec (JatlJ walllcb in, 'lJil Ctell coumant or t()c JL,01b. anb ~ores, l:lepatten not
niau inl)ertt tt. out of tl}e (Jolt•
• 2 s !ttn'b alfo tl)e amalccl,Jitcs, anti 4t!Janaa· 45 ~l)cn t()c amalcdJitcS anb t11e ~anaa'
mttS!lrt1nainctnt1JebaUep: ~omo:ro\Dtumc nttes \Dl)icl) tltoelt in tl]at lJill,camc bo'l>.lnt,anb
l?liu,am1 gct~ou into tl;Jc totlbemetre:,bf tlJe: map rmote CIJcm, ann conrumrn t(Jcm tlnto 11Jo1ma.
of tl)t rtb rea.
anb tl)t ·.a..o~n fpaflc lmto 11!Pofeis anb aa• The xv. Chapter.
ron, rar1n11, :i. Wh3t mancr of offerings the Jfraclircs f'hould offer
'fo.io5.i 6 ·2 1 *~o'a:ltongtiotlJtlJtsemlmultitubemm· when thqr cntcrinrothcland ofpromife. 36 The
mun agninn mte '! 'J IJauc l}earll tl'Jc munnU> manRonCd.
nnpoftl)ecl)tlll~t~ of 'J\frad, UlitlJ tl}e'dJtcl.J t) ~ t)JeJL,01b (i!aflc bnto ~ore-.
tl.Jtl' murmutc agatnlt me. rapmg,
2 3 ~cu tlJem t1Jcreroie, !1£1 tnttlr ass 'J ltue:. 2 Sfs>pcalle bnto t11e dJ11111m or
fartlJ ~c )l..o1t1, 'J 'IDtU bot bnto ..0uu-l)aue ]Jrrael, ann rap bnto tl}rm, DIJrn£1: • r:-
• ~cc be co mt into dJC fru1b of pour
29 }!?our mrcarc2111>al1 ran in tlJc \Dalllemcfl'e, l)abitanon15, 'allJkl:J '.I «iue tmtu fOU:
am au rou tIJat 'lllttc toUic ~oJo'IJ)out rour 3 atlb \\lill ma11e an otmtn1 bf. ffrc tmto tlJe
number~, from ttllentp tcrtl!I atlb abouc. \lllJiclJ JL,o~b. name111, a \lllJole bumtom:rtng,OJ a facri,
Offerings in Chanaan. Chap.xvj. The Sabborh broken.
lice to fUlfilla bo\D, 01 a free offering, 01 in l!OUt ll,inflc offering tl)ertto,acroJ'Ding to tl)c mancr,
p,zincipaD fcatlts, to maflca f\ucct fauounnto anb an IJce g:oat roi a frnnc offering.
ti.JC )L,~ of tl.Je IJearll,oJ ortl}e t1oeke: i ~ an'D tlJe 1!)1icft OJaU make an atonement
.,._ ~{Jen ltt IJim tl.Jat offrrtlJ IJis otrmng bn• foJ a~ tl}c multttulle of t[Je cl)1lb1tll of ~fracl,
to ttJClL-Olb. bJing auo a meat offering or a ttntlJ anti 1t fiJalbc fo~,gtum tl}cm, fo1 it is tgno,ancc:
11eale offl.oure , minglel.I \DitlJ tl}e fOUtdJ part of anb_tlJey l!Jal btllllJ tIJeir offring, a Camlicc mallr •
an IJin ofode. bp ftrc bnto tl}c JL,o)n,anll tl}cir flnne otrcrtngbc, i
5 QnD tl)efourtl}part of anl}tnof'tDintfoJ fo)t tlJe llO)tl fo1 tl)cir tgno,ancc, [
a llJinhe offering fl:Jalt tl)ou wepare, 'tDitl) tlJt 26 an111t ll:Jalbe fOJ!Putn bnto aUtJJc congrc,
ml}olt burnt offering, oi anr otl}cr o«mng, foJ gation of tlJc tlJill.l)cn or'.) rracl. \\ bnto tl}e «ran, 1

onelambe. gcr tl)at n.m~lletlJ among rou. rcctng au t)Je peo, .

6 ©Jifitbearam, tl}outl)alt pJepare foJa pie \Dm m 1gno1ancc.
meat offering two ttntlJ lleatcs of floutt ming' 2 7 '.]lf anr rouICfinnc t1J1ougtJ i~no111ncc, [Jc
fell \Ditl) tl}c tlJiro part of an l}in oroile. fban b11ng a II.Jee goat ofa rcere ollle, foJ a unnc
7 !inllfo1all1tnhe o«m~, tl)ou tlJaltoffcr otrmng.
tl)c tl}irll part of an l}in of \Dine, fO; a rwcet ra. 28 ann tl}c ~1ftll flJaU malican atonement
uour bnto tl)e lloJO, f~ tlJe rouf;c t:l:Jat finncttJ igno)ant111, \DlJen 11ce
s ilnll \DlJen tb,ou p,iepartfl ~ ~t&llocfte foJ a finne~ bl! 1gno1ance befOJt tlJc llo,'De, to rccon'
ml)ole burnt offmng,o.i ro1 a facnlicc.,to fulftll a e1lel)1m,am t(Jatttmar be foJgiucntJim.
l:Jom OJ peace offering bnto tl)e lloJll: 2 9 .ann botlJ tl)ou tl}at art bome of tl}c cl)il,
9 Jl.,et (Jim bJing mftlJ a buHocke a meat of, ZJJrnof')fracl, anllt[Jc lltangertIJat lltocllctlJ a'
fering of tl}Jct tmti:J llcales of floure, mtnglell mong rou.llJan IJaue one ta\D, \ll)Jofo t1ot1J finne
tllitlJ llalfe an [Jin of oile• tlJJOtiglJ tgnoiance.
. IO a11t1t(JOUlb8lt bJfngfOJa.llJinfie Offering 30 l!>Ut tl)efOU(C t:l:Jat l>OtlJ OuglJt a P1CfUmp' a ;:br LJrlunr,
l)alfc an !Jin of mtnc,foi an offering mallebr rm tuoUOp , \Dl)etl)er l)ce be bomc in tl}c Ianl:I, 01 a ~:.~~.~~,':~:·;,
or af\Dectrauout bnto tl}c lloJlJ. (ltan~cr
·~ > i-h£
fame blamhemcth
"J ll:J ;.he ""'O?" • anll (onrcrnp1uou'.·
'4J J4I • u •
11 !after tlJis mann OJall it be llone ro1 a but, tl)atroulellJaUbecttto fromamongl)ispcoplc. 111.
locllc,oJ foi a ram,01 fOJ a Iambc,oi akto, 3r l6ecaurc IJec l}atlJ nefpifcll tl)e 'Qlo1t1 of tl)c
12 accoJtling to tlJc number tl)at re fl.Jan pie• Jl.01ll,llnlJ l.Jatl} b1eben l.Jis commanllement,tlJat
pare, fo llJal re tlo to eucrr one accoit1tng to tlJeir roulc t1Jerefi>1c Oialbe btterlp ntt off,(t IJis b annc b ~~m•, D•
number. llJalbe bpon (Jiln. ~ :.\~~::.:'.'

13 au tl}at arc boinc or tlJe countter, OJaU tlo 32 anll Ull)ile tIJe cf11lDictt Of gjfraet \DCTC in
t()cre tlJtng,21 after tl)is mancr, to oiler an offc, tlJc \;ep rounn a man tlJat gatlJmll
rittg maoe bl! lire of a Cmcet rauour bnto tl)c lhclis bpon tl}e ~abbotlJ 'Dap.
llOlll. 33 .ann tl)cp tlJat rounll IJim gatlJcrtng llichs,
14 anll tr a lltani,tcr foioume \llitll rou. o~ bJouglJt gtm 1111to ~ore~ anll aaron, ann bnto
wl}ofocucr be among rou in rour generations, all tl;e con!,P'.cgatlon.
anll ttim offct an offcnngmane bl! lire of a rumt 34 anlltlJcrput IJtminttiam, fccingit\\lais
rauom: bnto tl)c lloJlJ: ~re no,ro l}e fiJall no. not llcclantl 'all) at 11Joult1 be llone to l)tm.
1 5 ~nc OJ'Diname OJall be botl} fOJ rou of tl)c 35 ann tl)e llo:tlfar~c tlnto Ql)ofc!$, "JLct tlJc
congregation, \\ alfo fo1 tl)c lltanger tl)at 'D\Del, man tlie, ~ lctall t[Jc nmltttunc none l)im \DitlJ
ktl) wich you : ')1tilJalbe an OJtlinance ro~ cucr in llones \DitlJout t[Je l)oft.
rour gcnerationss: ~pc are, fo fiJaU tl}c ttran11cr 36 .anun tlJe multittlllc biougIJt IJfm\Ditfl·
be btfOJe ti.Jc llo~n. out tl)e l]oll, anll aoncn l.Jim \llitlJ !lone~, anll l)c
i6 ©ncla'ID, annonemancrllJaUfcmcbotl} llfcll a~ tlJc llo1t1 commanllctl ~ores.
fo~ pou ann ro~ tl)c lltan~r tl)at rotoumctl) 37 anti tlJc llo1ll fpalie bnto Sllllofcs, raping,
\llitlJ pou. · 38 ~pcaffe bnto tl)e tlJtlll:en of']\fracl, anll
17 ann tl}e 11.oib fpakt tJnto ~oress,raping. bill *tlJem tl)at tl}er malle tl)em fringes in t(Je Deu,2J.12.
18 ~pealie bnto tlJe cl)iln,en of1Crael, anl> bo1t1~rs oftl)cir gar!m.ts t1Jozo\Doutt11cirge•
f8l! bnt1> tl)em, 119{Jen te be tame into tlJC lantl to nuation~, anb put on tlJc fringe of tlJt bo1'
tl}e \DlJicl) '3l bJing 11ou, llcrssanvanll ofble\D the.
19 ~l)cn \llllen tt <mill eat of tl)c_b1tab of tl}e 39 .an:11 tl)e fringe OJalbe bnto rou to lookc bp•
latlll, re fiJaU offer tip anl)eaue offering bnto tl)e on, tl)at rec map remember all tlJc commantlc•
JLo,l>. mentss of tl)e "JLo)'I>, \l llO tlJem: anti tl.Jat re rcc11e
20 1[1ee OJ all offer bp a cahe of tl)c firU of pour not after rour o\Dne l}eart, o) pour omnc ere~,
llouglJ ro~ an l)eauc offering: as re tloc t[Jc lJcaue after 'IDlJiclJ pc bfe to go awlJoJin«.
olfmngoftl)ebamc, ro rco1aUl)caueit. 4o ltsut re lb all remember rat{Jcr,anl> 'l>Otall
21 iof tl)e ttrll or rour ll~u~ re n1all~ b~· mr commanllcments, \'I be ho Ir bnto pour <5oll.
to t[Je ·~ an l)caue offering mpour 1,tenerat1, 41 1atnt1Jello~'Dpour'5oll, \DfJUbb10Ugl}t
ons. rou out of tl}c lllnl:I of rtgppt,roi to be tour <lf5ot1:
22 antiifrccl)auemc'D, atlll obfnucnotall ] am tl)e Jl..01ll rour <!Joli.
tlJcfe commant1cinent1$ wl}icl) tl}c "Jl,t~tlc l)atl) Thexvj. Chapter.
tpohm tlnto Ql)ore•, 30 'Therebcllion ofCorah, Dathan, andAbiram,
2 3 Cfucn all tl}at tlJc 'JLOJ'I> l)atl} commanncll whom the earth livallowcd vp quicke.
roubr tl}c l)anll of ~ores,rrom t[Jc foll liar tl)at

tl)c lloin commanlle"D illi)oreis,anll l}euccrorwarll ~ll ~o~d)c fottncof']]raar, t(Jc
ronne or ~aatl}, d)c ronne ofllcui.
amonuour gcncrattonss !
24 'Jf oug~tbc committc'I> igno1antl11 of tl)e ~ ~mtapaTt\DitlJ :eatl}ananll*9• Eccl ..45.11
con!,P'.cgatlon, all tl}e multitunc CIJall offer a bul• batam, tl)e fottne~ of Cfliab, anl:I
loclJe rot a \lll}ok burnt offering to be a Cmcct ra, lll>n tlJe fonnc ofl!)cletlJ , t:l:Jc fonne
uouc llnto tl}e JL oib, \Dttl) tlJt meat offttint{ anll of£ubcn:
ta 2 annJ
The rebellion of Corah, Numeri. Dachan,an d Abiran1.
2 anti tlJcr rofe tip befo~e ~ore•, toitl) cer' appcttreb bnto au tl)e ctongngatit n.
trine ortl.JC cl)ilil~cn ofjjtrad, t'ltlo (Junbiet1 ann 20 a~ tl]e )L,OJb £pafle l>rito ~Ofci.s anti ~11,
rtfcy,\lllJicl,l \Dcrc capta~c.B ortlJe multitutle, fa, ton, raring,
mou.s in tlJe congregation, anti mm of great re' 2 1 ~cparate rour rc1uc• from among tl)il!

110\Dme. <trongrcgation , tlJat ] mar 'onrumc tl)em at

3 anll tlJCF g11t11eretl tlJtmfelUcS togetl)cr 9, ontc.
«.aittll fll!}ofe.B anD .aaron, anti farll bnto tbcm, l 2 anti tlJgi ftfl bpon tl)cir fac~,antl earn,®
~ ~t!RrrR1iltt
pc tabe toomuclJ bpon rou, feeing• all t:IJe mul 0
<115otl, tlJc ©oll oHpfritS Of all fkfb, l)atlJ not one
, H0111t'UU:bttO ta tune arc 1101p cuerr one nf tlJem, an~ ttJe JLo~ll man ~tnneb '! ll9i!t tl]ou bee \Dtotl} toftl) all tlJc
, U'lur::irfJrr: fp among tl}Cln : mtir Ifft rou rour felucs tip a, tml(tltubC '!
, tl!t:~ rtJr UJIC• bouc t11e mngregation or tiJe JLo~ll '! 2 3 tl)e JL..o~b fpafte tmto ~ore~,raring,
; ~~~~t;eas~;~ 4 !Clnll WlJm ~ores IJearn it, IJtt fell bpon 24 5s>pcaltcbntotl}e Groll(Jfcgatton, annrap,
I (u(!Jltltr,crn•
(LJr.110-mnfl IJi.Bfacc, 0et pou a\Dap ftom about tge tabematlC of <Iro,
'i ..:"'.'.IMCl)D\•
na. cc. 5 anll fpallc tmto <Iro~ab, an'll tmto an 1Jil5 raf),~atl)an,ann abiram.
companp,Caping, ~o moJo\11 t{Jc JL,o~ll \Dil ilJc\D 25 !dnll ~ore~ rofebp, anll1Drntbntol0a,
;.~~1~~~:;,b• \DlJO are l)iS,tolJo bisf1olp,a11n\D(Jo ougl)t to ap 0 tiJan anl> !ilbiram: anti ~e lf!beri.s of '.]lfracl fol,
11,.,, 11c "''P piocl) niglJ bnto l)im:ann toIJom IJe IJatlJ cl)ofcn, lo'aleb l}tm.
;~::~: ~::~~ 26 anti l)c Cpake bnto tlJe lltongrcgatton, car,
1 0
~c \DtUc:aurc to come nccrc 1.lnto IJim.
13'; ccnfcrs 6 ~l)i.B llO tlJerfo~e: ~aflCpOU IJ fire pa11nei.s, ing, Jli!lepart, '.JI piap rou, from tl]etcntis ofthere
· • botlJ <Iro~aJJ anll aumsc:ompanr, 1Dtcfle'll mm, ann touc(J ootl]ing of tl)eirlS, lclt re
7 ann putrtrc tlJcrctn, allll put incenfe in peri11J tn tl)eir anne11.
tl)c:m bcfo~c tlJc JLo~n to mo.zoto : anll tlJc man 2 7 ann ro tl]cp gate t11em from t(Jc tabcma,
tullom tl)e :,ti.,o~n noctlJ clJUfc, tlJe Came rtJall bee cteof cto1a1J,Jli!latl)an,anb abiram,on merp fil>e:
!Jolp : lPcc tafic too muclJ b).lon rou, te ronne~ or a111> ~atl]an anb Qbiram came out, an!I ftool> In
·JLcui. tlJc tJoo:c of tl)eir ttnt!'J, 'mitlJ tlJeir 'Oliuc!'J, tl1cir
8 2ln!.1 ~orei.s faptl tmto llto~a(J, ~care, '.JI fonnci.s, anti tlJeir title ~illllcn.
p~aPrOU, rcronnci.s ofJLeui. 2 s a.nil ~orei.s raib, ~crebrre llJalftno\1' t(Jat
? ~ecmctIJ it but a rman t(Jing 1mto i·ou, tl)e JJ..o~n l)atl) rent me to noe all tl)cre woitis: rot
tl}attlJe ®ob of']JCrael l)atIJ reparatcll roufrom 91 l)aue not tJone t11em of mine otone minne.
tl}e multitu!le of '.]]frael,anb b~ougl)t rou to l)im 2 9 jjf t:IJcre men bie ti.Jc common !leat:IJ of au
Cdu, to tloe tlJe rerutc:e or tlJe ~abemade or tlJe mm, oi tf tl}cy be l>iritetl after tl)e biritation of
JL..0,11, an!I to ftanb bcfo~c tlJe ruultitutle , anD to an men, tl]en tl)c 'JL01t1 tat(J not rent me:
ml ntftcr bnto tl]em '! ~ o ll3ut an!I if tlJc JL..o1b maltc ad nc'tD tl)ing, t1R:1 ~i: 1

I 0 ll)C fJ8tl} fafJCn tlJtC tO f)im,antl an tlJp b~C' anb ti,ccarttJ open l}er moutl), ~ fblallolD tlJcm • <bing""
tl)~en tl)e Connc$ otJLeut \llitlJ tlJcc: ani> fcebepe bp, toitlJ au tl]at tl1cr l)auc, anll tlJcr goc i:Jo\llnc ("n•b11'"'
t~e otficc of t{Je 1Mett alfo '! · Qutcke tnto tl)e pit: d,1m pe llJal 1.lnDcrttanl:> tl}at
1 1 <ffo~ tol)idJ caurc botfJ tl)ou anb au ti.Jr com, tlJcfe mm l}aue p1ouoflc!I tlJc JLOJb.
panic arc ~atl)crcll toget1Jcr a~atnft t{Je )l o~tl : 31 *.anll atroone as l)ee (Ja!I mallc an cnbe ef Deu1.11.6,
anti 'llll)aus aaron, tJ;Jat pee munnure agatna fpeakfng all tl)cft 'moib~,tlJC !lfOUlll> CloUC afun, num, l7.J.
l)im~ llertl)at'>n!lcrtl)em: pr.1. 10 s·
1 2 !Anti ~ores rent, anti c:allell JeatlJsn anti 32 .an1.1 tl)e eart(J opcm!I (]er moutf) , anti 1 7•
abiramtl)e ronnc.sot<II:liab: ll:ll)ic:(Jfap1>, ll9ee rmallotoeb tl)cm bp,ann tf)ctrl)ourcis,anb al tlJc
\lltll not come bp. men t{Jat mere 'alitlJ ~01al), anll an tfJeir gooM.
13 '.]Is It a rmall t{Jin~ t(Jat ~oul)afl b~ougl)t 33 .anb ti)cp , anb an tl)at tIJcr l,lab , \Drnt
us out of tl,le Ian!I ttJat ilo'Q)etl) \Ditl) mtlbc anb tlomne sliue into tl)e pit , anb tiJc carttJ ctofcll
lJOll!:', to fitll 1.l.S in tl)C toll!ICt:llClfC : trtCpt t(JOU l>pon tl)em : anb ti)cp pctill)c!I from among ti.Jc
mafic t1)11 fdfc 10,b anb ruler ouer b.S alfo '1 ~ongrcgatton.
14 ~o,eoucr, tIJouf)aUnotb,ouglJtb.Sbnto 34 .allll an '.]Jfrad tl)at \llcre about tllem, flc!I
alanlle tl)at flo'Uletl) toltfJ mtlffc a11t1 l,lonr , nei, at tllecric of tlJcin: anb tlJcy rarn,JLcll ilJc cartlJ
ttJcr giuen b.S inl)trltancc of fielD.S ~ tiincpart1.s: C\DaUoto 1.l.S 1.lp alro.
~;~ :,:~1 ~1a uoilt thou' put out tlJe cpcs of tl)crc men '1 necc
( .•
35 antl ti) ere came out a fil'c from tlJc JL,o~b,
''·" c""'"" tuill notcomcbp. an1> confumctl tl)e t'alo l)Unll~co ann Ctftic n~n
'1'.'~1 !:~~~t~;:,v 1 s 9n1J ~ores \tn1~cbt1crp an«tl', anb rar11e t(Jat offerell imcnrr.
'''" '""''" bnto ""'e
~~~~ tl)t!
·~/.J.I o•tl,
~urnc not th. on bnto their oft£, 36 ann tiJe JL0111Cpalic1.lltto ~orc.s,rarin«,
ring :""''.]I {Jane not tali en ro mucl) a.s an atrc from 37 ~pcaJtc bnto Cflca;ar tl)c ronne of aaron
ttJem, neitl)er l}aue '.JI l)urt anp of tlJetn. tiJc ll)Jlca, tl)at l,lctahe l>p tlJc ccnrcr.s out or tl)c
16 anti ~ores rain tin to <o~alJ,lBe tl)ou anti burning, an!> c,attcr ti.Jc fire J;Jcrc anti tl)crc, fo~
au tlJ11 c01npanr t;.:fOJC tlJe JL..o~lle, botl) tl)ou, tl)cp are 1;Jallomc1>.
tl)c1>,nnll !Aaron, to mo~o\D. 38 ~l)e ccnrttis of t{Jcfe finncr.s • again II tl)clr • 11tD•• h·""
7 a~,'11 talie cum man (Jfis ccnfcr, anti put o\Dn Coulc•: let tlJem mabc or tlJCln bJOilb ptaru r.1~::&~·,~~:,m
mcenfe m tl)cm, anb b~ininec bcro~e tl)e JL.o~be foJ a coucrtng of tlJe altar: fo~ tl)cy offmD tfJC111 ~:i;;;~ \!;'~::.;.
cuerr man \Jtss ccnfcr, ttuo ~um1~eb anD liftfc bctoze tlJC Jl,.,o~D, anb tlJettfilJe d]cy are IJallo'o>' rm or rbrir
cenrcrss ' tlJou n1ro anb aaron , cu.....,
ccnrcr. ~w.
one IJts l'tl, anDtlJcp 11JaUbc a fignebntotlJC cfJilD,etl Of owncDutlJ.
. '.Anb tllet tooltc etltf! mat'l l)fS cmfn', ami 39 !lnll lflca1ar tIJe ll)#elf toofie tl]c b1arrn
put ll~e tn tl)cm, anb lapcb tnrenrc thereon, am> utifer•, 'tllIJic(J t!Jcp tJJat'o>erc llumt(JaD offc,
ltOO~ tn t~C llOOJC OftlJt tabtmadc onf1e 'Ong\'e• rctl,all'IJ maDe b~oaD platc•.fo~ a f coucrnig oft)Jc I VI• lit" rt•
i;tatton 'o>1tl) Q\lorcs anb 'laron altar, m1mluarcc
~ anD tlo~alJ gatlJtrcb au t~e con~egation 40 '4t'obc a retnemti:anu hnto ttie cfJiltl~rn ~;~·: ~r}\~.·':
a!;Jatnlt tlJem, bn~ tl)c boo~c or tlJe ~bcma.:k or1n-ae1, tl)at no llrangcr, wbicfJ ti not of tflc ~.·~;;.~,~~,~
oftt1e <lron!Jtegatton : allb tilt 111011 ortl)e)l..O~ fcttl of kon, come m~ere to olfct tnrcnfc llc·. r,~~~"n"b11 •
Aarons rod-buddech. Chap.xvij .xviij. The Leuites office. 56
Co1e tfJC JUnlJ,tl)at (JC be not lifle tmto 4tOla(J anll 9 an11 Ql)ofeSI b~UilJt out au tl)c robs rroir.
l.]t'JC0111P&np, ast1JeJL011Jc faplle tol}tmbptl)e bcfo,ictl}C'_IL,0111, bnto all tl)C cllilllten Of']\fracl:
IJanDof~orcs. a1:111 tlJCJ! loolieo bpon tl)ctu, (I toolic cucrp man
41 lllut on tlJcrnoiom. au tl)c multttubc of 1J1sro11.
tJJc d)i~n of'.]fftacl munnurcll againtt Ql)orts 1 o anti t1JeJL01ll farllUmto Q!Joress. • l51ing Heb.9+
anll Slaron, raping, Fee l]auc fnllcll d)cpcoplc of aarons roll agatne btfo:c tlJc mimess. to be ltept
tlJC Jl,o~IJ. rou toflcn to tl)c rebellious c:l)tlll~, anti tl)at
42 anti \DIJcn tl.)c multttulle lDllS gat:IJcrCll a, tlJtiT~tmnurtngmap ccare rrommc, anlltlJat
ptna Ql)ofcs anb Aaron, tf1ey lookcb to'alarbc tlJCF btc not.
d}e t4bcmaclc of t11c congregation: anll bctJollJ. 11 anti ~ores !lib astl)e JL01llc commanllcD
tlJc '1ou11 c:oum11 tt, anti t11c gtoir of tl)c JLoltlc l)im, fo bt.b l)e.
appcarco. '2 ~nil tl]c cl)ilb~n or'.]lrrael rpakc tnto ~o,
4 3 a1111 QI) ores anll aaron c:amc btro1e tlJtta• r~sUaptng,l5cl}o111, 'ale arc \llallcll awar.anll pc•
bcmaclc or tlJc congregation. . nllJcll,'ale an come to nougtJt.
44 anlJ tlJC Jl.,OJb fpaflc bnto ~Ofe.ll,fat'if'!IJ• 13 1101)0£omcrcommetlJ ntgl), o~ appJoclJrtl;l
45 <115ctrourromamong tlJis congregation, to tlJt tabernacle oftlJc llo,b,llJallnic: ~IJal me
tf)at 9i mar confume tl)cm quicldr.anll tlJey riu bttcril' c:on!ume amar anb lite~
bpon tlJctr facc111. The xviij. Chapter.
46 anti ~ores fapll bnto.aaron. ~aku cen•
rer, anti put fire t1Jcrci11 out of tl)caltar, ~ po\D~e l The office of the Leuitcs. 8 i he tithes and firfl
on tnccnre,anb goc qutcftlF bnto tl]c 'ongrcgati• fruits mull b~ giucn th~m. 20 Aarons hcricagc.
on, an'b make an atonement foi tlJttn: foi tlJtte ~ ~ lEl tl}t JLo~ll fitplle bnto Aaron,
tis 'al~atlJ gone out from ttJc :Lo~ll. anll tlJcre is a ~ <11>J 'l[{Jou anb tlJr ronncs, anll tl:Jp fa,
pique begun. tl]ers ~oucc \oitb tticc, llJall' bearc ~,:;;,~~,~~· ~-\
47 .llnb aaron tookc ass il@ofeSS c:ommanllcll . c;: · tlJl'lntCIUltl' oftl)cf11nctu11rr: anll ''"'<! """';
IJim,anll ran into tlJc mills ort{Jc congrcption: ~;;.1~~-""~ tl}ou anll tl)f rounejS \llltlJ tlJcc flJal ;~~~.~~',\',~~
anb bcfJollJc. tl]c plague uia~ begun among t11e ucarc tile \mquitp of rour 10~ttlljS offic.c. . ~;~~~~;:;:~~1
people, anbl}cputoninc:cnfc, ~mallc an atone• 2 IAnb tl}J! bictl)icn of tlJC tnbc ofJLcUI, anll 1110110 b• '"'"'
mentfo~ tl}epcopte. of tl)p fatlJcr~ l)oullJolllc, tl)ou lbaltll~ing\uitlJ 11i' •
48 .llnD lDl}cn 1Jr. lloo11 bct'd:lcrnc tf)e llcall,anll t{Jcc. tl)at tlJCJ! mar be tornc11 bnto tl)ec, anll mi,
tl)cm ti) at 'al ere atitle. tlJC plague \llBS «apell. n\llerbnto tl)ec : but tl)ou anll tl)p ronncs \Dttli
49 ~crtJ:Jat ntcnintl)cplaguc, \Dcrcfourt• tl)cc iliall miniller bCWJC tl)c ~abcrnaclc of'lllit'
tecne tl)oufanll anb reuen l)unll~cll, bdllle tIJcm nc[c.
ti.Jatbicb abouttl)c c:ompira'p of <lro~al). ; ~er ITJall licepe tlJr ')'Jargc.. tfJe d,largc of
so .IInll .llaron\llcntagainc bnto~orcsbc· an tlJe tabernacle: onclr let ttJcm not 'ome niglJ
rGJe t{Jc boo1e of ti.Jc tabernacle of tlJc 'ongrcga• ttJe be«cf,g of tl)e ~anctuarr anb tl]c a1tnr, tl]at
tion,anll tl)c plague \tlal!I ftarell. tl}CJ! attll re atro Die not.
Thexvij. Chapter. 4 gnll ttJey aiallllc iorncll \llitlJ tf:ltc,~ lircpc
ttJcc:l)argc of tl)c ~abcmaclc oftl)e <ltongrq~att
9 Aarons rod b':ddcch,and bcaccch blo!foms,where-
on, foJ all tt1crcruicc oftlJc -m::abcrnacic: anolet
by his Pricflhood is confirmed againfi the n:bdli- no lltangcr come ntglJ \mto i·ou.
ous peoplc. s 'l[IJerrfo~c ITJall re liecµc tlJc charge of ti1r

j~~ tl)c '.fLo~llfpafictmtog[\)ofe~ ~amtuartc, anll tlJc clJnrgc oftl)c:alrar, tll<•t
raring. tllm faU no mo~e lD~atlJ bpon tlJc c:tJilWn ol
2 ~pealic 1mto tf)ccl)illlien or 'Jlfracl.
1£ra£l, ~takcofcucrroncoftl)cm 6 lBdJolDc, 'j] l)auc talirn rour ll~et1J1cn the
a ro'bbe,ancr tf)e l)ourcss of ti) ctr fa, JLcuttcs from among tl)c CfJtlo~cn of 'J!fr1;1c1,
tlJen'!, of au tl}ctr p1imcis, acco11>ing to tl)cfamt• "llll)tCIJ al/I a gift of pours art giucn tJnto tt;r
licoft)'Jcir fatl)cil!I. cum t\Dctueroll~: anll w1itc ·.11.0111 , to !lot tl]c fcruicc of tl)e ttlbcmatlt of tf)c
cucrr mans name bpon tns roll. congregation.
3 !dnll w:itt aarons name bpon tl)c roll of 7 ~mroic llJalt thou anll tfJr ronnel!l'Witi1
JL.eut t fo~ cucrr rollllc ll)aU be fo~ tl)c IJcall of tl)c tt1cc..lieepc pour 10:ictl,g office fot au tll11~gss ttJat
l}ourc of t{Jctr fatl]er~. pertcinc tmto ttJc altar, ~ uiitl)in cttc bat~: anll
4 anll tJllt tlltm ill tlJC -at:abcmaclc Of tl)c rte IJ}all rcruc, fo1 '.JI (Jauc giucn rour ~J1etti; of•
4r:ongr~atton llefo1c the Arke of tl)c tcllimonte, ftce bnto pou al!I a gift.anil ti}ercfoJe tlJc tlTanger
'llllJcrc 'JI \tltll lltclatc mp fclfe bnto pou. tl)at commetlJ ntglJ, mull be aamc.
s anll tlJt mansronne lDl)om '.]\ CIJUfc, 11.Jall 8 .an11 tlJc llo.zll fpaftc b_nto llar~n, :l5t1Jolll,
blo[ome : anll 1 \Dill make c:care from mec tl)c ']) (Jaue g\ucn tl]ec tfJe bce:p1ng ofmtnc l:Jeaue of.
grull~~ oftlJcclJilll~cn orjfi'actmtcr~ tlJcr renng111, of all t{Jc l)allotocb ttJmg~ of tl)c c:l)il
gm!)ge againll me. ll1tn of jltracl , eucn bnto tl)ec ] llattt gtuen
6 ann Sllljofcs fpakc \lnto tl.)e cl)tlll~ of]f• t1Jcm ro, tfJc anointing, anll to tlJF ronncss fo~ an
tacl, an11 all tl)e wtnc:cs gaue l)im a roll, one roll oillinance Cot cuer.
ro: CUCfl? p1incc ac:c:o1lling to ttJeir f'atl)crss l)ou• 9 ~ts ll)albe tl)inc' or tlJc tnoll l)o{p ti.Jin~);
re111,cucn t'lllcluc rolllS: anD tl)e roll of aaronlDaSS referued from tl)eftre Clf the.Altar : allti.Jctrflltrifi,
among tl)cir rolls. ccjS foi all tl)ctr m~at offmng111, Onnc off.cring~,
7 an11 ~ore• put tl)e ro11,s befoJC t(Jc JL0111 o, crerparrc offmngss , \1.llJtdJ tl)ey bJini;J tmto
in tl)e tabttnac:lc oflDitneffe. me, tl)at llJall be mott 1.Jolp bnto tlJtc, anb to tlff
s a111> on tl}c mo:oto Sl@ofeS'alcntinto~c ronncs.
tabcmaac Of\D1tnes. "bel)olll, tlJe roll ofaaron 1° 3\n tlJc moa IJolr place 11Jaltd1ou cat it,
foz tl)c l)oufc Of JLeut lDa.ll bU'bbtll, anll tnougl)t anun that arc mate1HlJaU cat ofit : let tt be l)o,
fO~tl].bUlls.barc bloffimttss,an11ttpc almonlls. Ip tJnto tl}ee.
I . t!i. , 11 ano
The Priell:s portion. N umeri. The red covv.
n am t)Jtl5 a1ro il5 tlJint: ttJc 11r.aue olfertn;S lJea~ ~1mto tlJe lLo>D of all rour tit1Jel5
of tlJeir ~irt15,tbo1owout all tlJe Ulaue otrmngs ' menu of tlJt an1n~ of1Crael.anb re
of tl}C ci1tUJ1m of ~frad :'.) IJaUC gmm tl)cm bl1= flJBll !JlUC t:lJttOf ttJt lLolbl5 l}CSUC odmng to ia'
to tl)ce. anti tl1P eonncs ann ti.JP naug)Jters 'mttlJ ron Cl.JC ~tel!.
tl}ce,to be a bUtF ro1 cuer: anti all tlJat are '1eanc
in tlJp lJoufe 11JaUc11toflt.
9 flDr a~ tom pftl5 ft llJal olfcr all t1Je )!.,01bl5
i:JCSUC Dllerin!J.CUmall tl}c fatofd)c Came,to wir,
h t:t:bu11, rb• 12 gnttJebfatoft)Jeo11e,ant1aDt1Jcfatoft1Je t1Jc1Jolrt11tn~tf:Jttcof. ·
~lea ano tbr wine, Billi Of ti.JC \lllJCat, \lll;Jti;lJ tlJcp llJBll offer 30 ~etWlt ttJOU flJBltfat' bnto t1Jem, 110)J£n
bnto tl}c l!,o,be fo1 firllfnritl5, t11e fame i,aue '.); re )Jauc tallm atuar tl)c fatoftt from tt. tt u1albc
giucn tmto t)Jce. c01111tt0 bnto tl1t ·.a.emtcis, a15 if it \lltte d)e in'
r 3 gnb lD)JatCoeucr iss fitft ripe in tl}etr lanb, crcafc of tlJc co1ne floo1c, a, tlJc intttafc of t)Je
\lllJicfJ ttJer b1tng bnto tl)c 'JL01n, lbalbe tlJine, (t tuine p~fi'e.
all t)Jat are cleanc in tl)ine )JoUfc, llJall cat ofit. 31 9nb re (ball eat it in all placc15,botl) re anb
1 ~ gu tlJin~ feparate from tl)ecommon t>Cc rour 1Jou0Jolbc15 : fo1 it~ rour rewarzi fo1 rour
in '.]lfracl, flJa!betlJine. rerutcc tn ttJetabttnacte oftl:Je et1ngrtgation.
1 s .au tl)at bJcaJtetl) tlJ~ matriu in all fldl1 p an?J pe (!)al beareno finnc bf tl)e reafon of
tlJat men b~ing tmto tf:Je JLoill, tuf:Jetl)tt ttbe. of tt. wtJm re lJam offtteb froin it tl)e fat of it: nci,
men o~ bealt.J. ll.JaU be tlJine: Ji:?euertf:Jetct:re, tJJe tl)er 0ian rec pollute tl)c l]otr d)ingss of tfJe dJll'
ftrtlbomeofman fbaltd)ourebceme. 'tf:Jefirl! b~enof]fract,lcflpebtc.
bome of bndcanc be11ffl511Jalt tl]ou retieeme. The xix. Chapter.
1 6 ~ore tl)at are to be rebctmeb, IJ)att t(lou
rcbccmc, from t11e age ofa monctlJ, acroJbing to 2 Ofcheaihcsofthercdcow. 9 Thcwaterflfexpia-
~~~~;; / tl}inc elhmation,*foi tl)emoncp oCfiue,
1 1ion is inadc 10 waih away diuers vncle:inncfi'es.
· · · ttt tlJc ftcle of flJe $1Danttuarr, \tllJli;lJ if5 ttutntt' ~~;.t ~btl}e JL,01bfpa1te tmto ~ofe$5anll
gcral)t. aaron,fapin~,
17 '5ut t)Je fitft bo~nc of aco\tl,ll.Jecpe,' goat ~ ~if5 115 tl)c OJbinance of tl}c
flJalt t11ou 110t rebccme, fo~ tlJer are IJolp: tlJere> law , '\J)Jid1 tl}e J1.01b l)atl) c:omman,
foic tl)ou llJalt fp~incJde tl)dr bloob t>pon tf}e ill• ?Jeb' fayin; • ~pcalic l>nto ti}~ mil'
tar, anll tl)alt burne tl}etr fat 1115 a racrificc mabe b1mof]rrad, tlJat tl.Jetb11ngt)Jttarennccotu
bp fire foJ a ftucet rauour t>nto tf}c )!.,o~ll. '\JitlJoutfpot, anb tll}Jnetn i15noblmrillJ, anb
1 s ann tIJe Hem or tlJem if5 tf}ine,815 t11e mauc bpon tlllJtd1 ncuer came poke.
bidl,ann ttJe rtglJt 11Joult1er,t1Jcrc are t11tnc. 3 ~nb pee llJall gtuc IJer bnto cflta~ar tlJc
19 au tlJc l}eaue offrrtngs of 1Jolr tl)ingf5, P1icfl , tl)at IJtc map b1ln!J l)er \llitlJOUt tlJC l)o(f,
WIJiclJ tf}cd}ilb~cn of'J\fraelotferbnto tlJc )l..o1b, anb mure (Jer to be oatne b£foJe IJi• fa«:
)Jauc ') giuen t1Jce, anti tlJt' ronncf5 'tlJl! llaugiJ• 4 anb let Cflca~r tl)e l01itff take of l)cr
tetl5'roitlJtl}ec, tobeabuetF fo~euer: letitbea blooD\UitlJl}tg il11er, ann*tp1tncltleitbircct1r Hcb. 9,, 1•
71 '.~~,n1 ~t~~t c Caltc'tl coumant foi cuer befoJt tile JLo~, llotl;J befoie tl)e tabernacle of tlJe COllll'egation reucn
!\) !rom tlnto tl)ec,anb to tlW reeb tutti} t11ee. time•.

:~:~,·~~:·n~::~ :zo anb tl)c JL,o~befpal'le tmto~, qou 5 ann caure tl)e co1D to be burnt tn )Ji% u~t.
tuttlJ (Jet min, fief!), anb btoon : anti tIJe noung of
~~"[~;~:,~;:: llJalt 1.Jauc no tnlJcritame in tIJetr lanb, ncitlJer
18 2
11Jalt tl)ou 1.Jaue Bill? part among tl)em : * '.) am f:Jerfi1all 1Je bume alfo.
>rur. • • tlJt' part, anb tl)ine inlJmtancc among tl}e dJil• 6 .ann lettl)ep1icfltaflccellarwoob, anb IJf'
cclu. 44 + tnmof']\frad. fope,anb rearlet lacc,anb cal! it in tl)e mib.S of tl}e
21 l6e1Jolb, 1 l)aucgiuentf}e~ilb~moflLtUi burning of the cow.
all tl)e tmtl) in ')Crael, to inl}erit, fOJ tl)e rmuce 7 ~en let tlJe lMeft tuallJ 1Jil5 dot1Jcl5, anl>
wl)tdJ' tfJcp reruc in tl)e tabemacte of tl)c 4ron• l)e lt)ail batlJe f:Ji15 t1dJJ in tuam. anb t11m come
gregation. mto t)Je IJotfc,anb tl)e 1Mcfl llialbe tmdeane bn'
2 2 §F.leitl)cr muft tlJc clJilbJen of']frael IJencc• till dJc curn.
ro1t)J c:ome niglJ tt:Je tabernacle of tfJc congrcga• s .anb 1Jec dJat burncttJ l)cr. fl.Jan tualb ms
tion, lcft tlJt'P bearc finnc.anb bit. dot1Jcl5 in water, ann batlJc IJiS ftell.J in \D11ttf,
2 3 l511t tl)e ".11.tUttcis llJall bo t1Je Ceruic:ein t)Jc anti be bncleane bntiU tile eucn.
tabttnadc of tl}e congregation, anll bem tlJcir 9 Qnb 11 man tlJat il5 dcane , UJan _llatl,ltt bp
finne: 'J\t (f)albe ala'al ro1 euer inrour gmerati, tbe aflJes of ttJe cow , anb lat' them \Dat)Jout t11e
ons, that among tlJe cf1ilb1en of ]l\'aet tlJcp por, IJoffe tn a t:leanc place. anll tttlJaR bt ktpt fo1 tfJe
rttrc no inlJcrttanc:e. multitune oUIJe dJtlZl~en or~rracl, fo, a tuater
24 '.!But tlJe titl)ef5 of tlJe c1J11t11en or 1rrae1 Of 2 feparatton : it iJSa Qnne offering. • 'Brr11'•
\lll:Jitl) tl}ep par ass an l}caue offering bnto tlJt 1 o ~ercroie !Jee tl}at gatIJttetlJ tf:Jc 11me15 of i,w.~~:~ ~:"
~011:1, 1 l)aue giuen ttJe JL,eultel5 to inllertt: ann tl)c t:olDe, OJall 'maUJ IJiSS cto~e15, anti nmainc ~rn::,;;~~·,..·
•.,mtoic 'J l)auc fapbC bntO tlJtm, among tlJe bnc:feanc bnttll euen : anb u llJaD bee bnto t1:1e :~:,~;::~: ••D
~ll>JT or 'lltacl re f!Jalpoffdfe no ill'IJcritame. CIJ•lbien of '.]ltrad, ann tmto tlJe ffrangcr tf.1at 'J!i~'p'.';/::;r,
~ '"'"l> tl)c JJ..oi1:1 fpafle 1mto Sl@orcis, fat!ing, ll'Q)Clletf.1 among d)cm, 8 ftatute [oz eun:. ,, ""• ul·
tlJ~~~kt bnto tt)c Jl,cuite•, anll faf bnto 11 l)e.e tlJat toUtl)etlJ tIJe bean· bollicof allF ~.~~!:.~~!~·
tltlJcs '1>1Ji""'t! tatse of.tlJe cl)ilb1en of'.]lrt:ad tlJe man, l".Ifl)albe blldeane fcucn
h "' 0 ·~·~ .
< • • ,
"'"""'" rp '"
bo!p urr.<l:b•V·
. . ...., 'J .,aut l,ltUtn rou of t)Jcn! fOJ !OU". n -~"1'e..,,a ptJTh1d)tmfelfc\DltlJ~\Da' Pn1n1.
ml}mtantt, l:'ttflJa\l ta11unl}£Bueoltrtt11 of tcttl)e dJitD bar. anti thCfcucntf1Dapl}c11Jallbe
::~:;.ro1t1JtJJ..oibc, tumtlJetmdJ part of c:ltant : but if l}ee purifie not i}imfdft tlJc tl)irll
27 gnbtlJiSSPOUtl)caue olftting(IJalbemflo•
nen bnto fOU, u tlJOll@it 'IDm or tlJt anne of
13 Dl)oroeuer toudJcth *
bap,tlJen tlJc Ceucntl.1 bar Ire lblll not be dtanc. h ..,, •bm•
Deab coairc of a, ~.7,rn "" b•
np man t!Jat in~n. anll~ notl}tmfelfc, :~~;i~~,;•b•
tlJt bamt. o~ Sf tl)e ~oftlJt 'IDtntpietre. bifi1d;)J tlJc ~bcmaclc ot dJil.-o;ibe, ann that ~~:11,~~:~ ::.
2 s lC>f tlJiS manet l'tt fhall tlJertrolt olkr an feUlcft)all Ile cut oil fromb911tad, maurettic ~~~·~~~7:::·"•·
--~ \natcri
Mofesfiilerdieth. Chap.xx. Edoms malice. 57
water of reparation was not fp~incldtll bpon tlJeir faceis, anti t)Je ~ir of tl)e Jl..0111 appcarcll
iJim: f.Jtt tlJalbe tl]mo,c bncteane, IJts tmctran' bntl:I tfJem.
ndfc i• rct bpon I.Jim. 7 anbt1Jc'JUJ~fpalicbnto~ore11,faring,
14 'l1l:1Jts 1st1Jela'o.leofa mantlJat birtfJina s ~aket:l)e rot111c, anb gatl.Jer ti.Jou anti tl:Jp
tmt: a11t1Jatrometnto ttJetmt, an11aUtl]atifJ bzotl)er a.on tfJc congregation togetter, anti
tn tl]c tmt,11Jall be bnclcanr rcumoarcs. fpcalie bnto tl]e rockl' befo,e tl.Jeir ctes,anD it !Ml
1 s a1111 an tlJe bcUds tlJat brr open, \DlltdJ giue fo~tl} IJis toat£r, anti tl)ou OJ alt biing tl]cm
l]aue no coucring bounn bpon tlJcm, lball be btl' water out of ~c rocfie, to giue tlJc companr
clcanr. 1nin1Jc,ant1 tlJett bcatls alfo.
16 anb \D(Jofonrrr touclJctl] onr tl.JatisUainc 9 anD Sl@ores toolic tl)e rob frotn btfo1c tfJc
wttlJ a rwo~o in tl]c rtcloes, ot abcal:I pmon.. 01 a ~,al!l}e commantlell (Jim.
bone ofa bean man, ot a grauc, fl)allbe bncll'anr lo ~nb ~oress anb aaron gatJJercb tfJecon,
rcuen napess. grcgatton togetl)er bcfote tl)c rocke, anll Mofcs
17 'l1l:IJcrcfo~c, w~ an bnclcanr paron ~ct' fatll bnto tl)em, * ll)carc re rebels, muft 'o:le fctcl} Exod.17.1
ll)al tattc of tlJc burnt ao1es of tlJc annr o~ng, pou\Datcroutoftl)issrochc~ pr.1. 77 .1 5
ano running water 11.Jall bu put tl.Jercto tn a l 1 anti ~ores ltrt bp 1Jis 1Jan11, an'll \llitiJ tlJc
bclTcl. roll IJe rmote t(Je rocflc tU!o time~. anb t(fe wat£r
i S anb let a cleane pat'On talie lJrropc, anti came out abunllantlp,ano tl)cmultitubc '112anlle
i)4Jpe it in tile \tlater, anl:I fp~tnklc it bpon tl.Jc anb tlJetr bcaas alro. ·
tent, anti bpon au tl]c belfelf. a~ on tlJe pcrfons 1 J anti tlJe 'Jl,oin fpakc tinto ~ore~ anti ail:
tl]at wen tl]crctn, anll bpon 1J1m tl)at toucl}cb ron. *lt>ccallfepccbl'lceue?lmenot, to ranttifte Dcu.1.37
a bone, o~aaatnepmon, o~a bctlllbollic, o~a me tn tl.Jc eyes of tl]e Cl)iltl~en or']rracl, tl)ercfo~c
grauc·. rec 11.Jall not b~tng tlJis 'ongregation mto tIJc
19 .ano tl]e deanc pmon man rp1inklc bpon lanb \DIJitlJ 1 IJauc giuen tl)cm.
tl]c bncleanc tl]c tl]it11 t1ar anti tlJc rcuenttJ llap : 13 'l1l:IJis 1s tl.Je \Dater ornrifc,becaure tl)c Cl)il,
anti tlJc rcucntlJ bar l)e 11)all punfil' IJimfclfc,anb tllcn 1rtaeutrouc 'o:litlJ tl.Jc l-0111, ano l)ce \\las
\DaOJ l.Jiss clotlles, anti batl.Jc l.Jimfl'lk in water, fanctifi'.eb tn tl)em.
anti OJ all be dcanc at ceucn. 14 anti Sl@ore~rcnt mcrmgcr13 from cltabes
20 '3uttl]eman tl]atil5 bnckanr, anti purtfi, bnto tl}e Jiing of <fbom, qus rarttJ ti.Jr bzotl)cr
etl) not l)imfdfc, tl]e fame routc 11Jall bee cut off ']Jfracl, ~ou 1n10mca au tlJc trauaile tl)at mec
from among tl]r congicgation: becaufel}e l)atlJ l}aue l}ab.
befilco tl]c ~anctuair of tl]c ll otb, anb tl.Je \tla, 1 s fl[)m: f8tl.Jer13 mmt botDnc tnto <fgrpt,
ter of fqlaration l)atl] not bcne fp~infikll bpon ant11t1ui,auc b\Dtlttn lhn>t a longtime: an!)
l]tm,tl.Jerefote lbaU l]e mnainc bnclcanc. t(Je <fgrptians bcreb bl!I anti our fat1Jcr1.
2 1 anti it llJal be II perpctuall la'tll bnto tlJC'ln, 16 an'll \D(Jcn \\lee men bnto t(Je )l..o~b. fJrc
tlJat lJce tl]at fp~inlill'tlJ tl]e \Dater of fcparati' IJmtb our hoitc,anb rent an angel, llnl:I 1Jat1J ret
on. flJall \DallJ ()ts dottes : anb l}e tl]at toucl}ctl.J hloSoutof <fgnit: anb bc)Joltl \Dc arc tn ¢tlll~SS,in
tlJe \Dater of feparatton, 111all be brn;leane tmtill tlJe bttcrmotl citte or tlJp bo~'ller.
ceum. 17 ",il...ct bl5 patre, 'Ji p~ap tl}ee, t~oio\De tl)r
2 2 anti \DIJatrocucr tl)e bnclcanc pmon cou, countrcp,but\llr.\Dillnotgoe tl)o~o\DtIJe ficlil.'>
c(JetlJ, flJall be bnclcane: anti tl.Jcfoule tlJattou, o~ bincparns, ncitl)er 'o:ltll we b~inlle or tl)e ma,
C)Jctl.J 1hc thing chat was touched ofthe vnclcan.:: per· teroftl}e fountaines: \tic \Dill goc bp t(Je flings
fon flJall be bncleanc bntill ceuen. l.JiglJ \Dar, IJ n~tlJcr tmnc tinto tlJe rtglJt (Janb
110~ ta tlJe left,, bntill \De be paa tlJp bo~bcrs.
The xx.Chapter. 18 anti <fbom anrwcrc111:nm, 'l1l:l.Jou 11Jalt not
t Mary the filler ofMofcs and Aaron dieth. n. Mo- goe hr me, ll'tl ~ come out agatntl tl}ce \llitlJ tJJe
fcsand Aaron lb.all not enter imo the land of pro- C'o:lotll.
mifc. 19 ~cel)ilt1icnor'.J[rrae1rart1tmtol}tm,119c
a le tlJe cl:Jill>Jm of 1rrad came tnillgo bl' t(Jc beetm \Dap: anti tf'J! anl'I mp cat'
WitlJ tl)e \D)Jolc multitullc into tell t11tnlie of ttJp \Dater, '11 Ulill pap ro, it: '.jj 'o:ltll
tlJe lltfcrt of ~tn, tn tl}e fira mo' but onclp(\Ditt;out any l}armc) goe tlJoto\tlc 011
11ttl1, ano t:l)epcople abobe at clta' mrreetc. .
•wasnunco t(Jcrc.
nes: anti ti.Jere Dietl Slll)arp, anb 20 ~e anflt'Jcrc'll, '4n]ou mattttot goe c:.r,o,o\11,
anti efbom came out againti IJim lDitlJ mutIJ
2 l6ttt ti.Jere toass no \Dater fl» tiJe mulitubc: peoplc,anb \DitlJ a 1nigl.Jtp pottier. .
11nt1 tfJCl:' gat(Jetcll tl)emrl'lue- togetl.Jl'f againtl 21 anti tiJUS Cfllom Deniel'I to giUe-Jctacl paf,
~ores anti Aaron. rage tl.Jowme 11is rouutrcp : 'o:l1Jaftto1e '.ifract
3 ann t)Jepcoplc cl)obc\tlttlJ Ql)oreis,!J{paftt, turneba'lDar from !Jim. ·
faring, moulD <!!Jotl ti.Jilt toec 1Jat1 pcrilbcb lDIJm 22 *an11t1Jeel)1l11,mof']Jfr11clbtparte?Jfrom Num r
our b~m t1tct1 beroie tlJc ·JL,o~n. . me~ ano .came tmto mount l!)oh \llit(J au t{Je 07. • '
4 *m1J11 l)aue re b1oug1Jt tl)c congregatwn ~ongrrgattan. ,
of tl]e 'Jl,01t1 tnto tlJiS tuilbernctTe, tl]at bod} \Dec 23. 9t11J tl]e JL.01t1fpaftcbnto ~oreisanb aa,
anti our cattcU HJoultl Ille in it.' ron 111 moun~ l)e1, 1Jart1 bp ti.Jc coatl of t(Je la nil
s Dl)crcfo1c l)auc 1?tt mane bS ta come o.ut of IfDom. raping,
of ~t, to biing bs to tlJiSS euillplace, tnlJtclJ 24 <Jaron 11JaHb~g11tl)mt1 bnto (Jill people:
is no pla'Cc of rune, noi offi«JCfS, noi bincs.noi ~~ l)e fl)all not come into tl)e liulll \ll(JiclJ 1J 11aue
pomegranates, ncitl)er is tl}m anl? waua: to giucn bnto tlJC Cl)tlbll'n or]ttael, betaufc FC llif,
t11inftl'~ obcee~ •llf moutlJ at tl}c\Datcr of'llrifr.
6 ann ~oresa1lll aaron\Dmtfrom tbc ~ ~ s '(ltaflc ~ron Bllb cflcaiar lJiS fo1me, anti Num. 31
fence of tl.Je CltoU«fegation.. bnto ti.Jc oooic oftl.Je b~1ngt{Jcmbpmtomount$0,. ,e.
~abemaclC of t:l)e c1t0111JtC«Qtion, anti fell bpon :26 ant1mure !l«rontoputofflJi~ganncnt)j,
tll i ano I

The brafen ferpenc. Numeri. Sehonisouercome.

anb put tl)cm tlpon @a1ar 1Jt1 ronne: anll 98• tlJC re11rea. an11 ant1Jniucu or am on,
ron fl)aUbee gatl)crctl tmto l)t1pcople, an11 a,an 1 s anll at tlJe tlfeame of tlJc nuerss tl)at !,lo~
ote tl)m. llo\llne to the tl'lllelliq:or ar, ano ltetlJ tlpon ttJc
2 7 ann~rc1ntoa1 t1Jel[,01ll ~ommanbeb: bo1t1cr of ~oab.
anll tl)ey ment bp into mount'~ tntlJe ftglJt of 16 !Jfrom tl)enu they returned bnto l6cer: tfJc
an tl)c multltubt. fame tis ttJe men mf)mof tl)e lLoJD Cpalie llnto
2 s .ann ~orc1 tooflc off aaron~ clotlJe~, anb Slll)ofes, ©atl)cr ttJe people togetl,Jer, anll '.ll 'Will
put tllcm bpon 1tica1ar IJil fonne, anti aaron bi, gme tlJcm \Dater. en tl]crc tntl]c top of CJJemotmt: *ann ~ore1 17 -at:tJcn '.]lrrael fangtl)ts fong, ~~in!,Jbp
anll ~ea~ar came llo\Dne outoftl)e mount. \llclt,fing FC lmto it:
: 9 tJPbm all ti.Jc multitulle fame CJJaHlaron 18 ~e PJin~a ?1~1,Jell .t1Jiis captains
was ncao,tlJC1! mourneb fo~ aaron tl)irtr oar es of tl)e prople iltggell tt '1lttfJ tl)e la'W ltuer, anti
all tl}c l}oullJOlll of'.]JfrneL 'lllitl) tl)cir ffauca,anb from tl)c \lliU1crnerre tl)cp
. The xxj. Chapter. 'alent to ~atl,Jana:
19 ann from ~at1Jam1, to JaaIJaliel, 'from
1 Jfracl vanqu1fbeth king Arad a Chanaanirc. 6
aaIJaltcl, tol6amotIJ,
The fi~ry fcrpcn rs are fent to fiin g the murmuring
20 am from l6amotlJ or tl)e ballcp tlJat ta in
tl)e ftell> Of ~Oab, bntO tIJe top or! dJC i}tll tfJat llOr,Pifgah
Num.; 3. 'i<~ ~~ * ml.Jen f!ling 9rab tlJe loobetlJ to'tllllrt11]efimon.
B· 6'f'~~ ® ~(Janaantte, \ll1'tt:IJ nmclt to, · . 21 *9nll']fr~lfent~e[engtrJSbnto~e1Jon Drnr.~.16
\llarb tile ~outJJ , IJearll ttll kmg oftl)e amo11teis,fapmg, iudg.11.19
', _ tltat 1frael came bp tl)e map 22 ' me pafi"e tl)o10\ll tl)p la®, \De mtl not
· .- , i ~ · tl)at CJJe Cptes IJan founll out, IJee tume into tl)e fidoa Ol llincpar11s.ncit1Jcr bnnrte
~ fougf)t agatnll ]frael, ann toortc oftl)e maters of tl,Je men: but me mill goe along
rome or tl1em Ptifontta. bp tlJe hings5 IJiglJ map, tmtill \lice bee paft tiJ1'
2 a11111rrael bomct111 bom bnto tf)e )Lo~b. countrer.
anD rarn, '.JirtlJou mtlt lleliucrtl)if people into J 3 :16ut ~elJon moulb giue '.l!Crad no ltcencc
mp l]ano,1 'Will bttcrlp llettrop tlJeir cities. t~pafi"e tl,}010\ll l)tscountrcp: but gatIJcreball
3 gnll tlJe lLo~b 1Jear1> tl)e botce of'.llfrael,anll ~ta people togetl)er,anb \\lent out qainll'Jlfrael
ncliumb tl,Jem tlJe ~anaantteis: atlll tl)epoe. into tile \D1IDemelfc: anb (Jce came to ]a~a, ann
arorco tlJcin anll tlJeir attess, ~calico tl)c name fouglJt aga111a ')ftael.
oft1Jcplacc$oima. 24 *anb '.l]trad rmotelJim intlJecbgcOfd)e Jofu~4.s
4 ~notl,Jcy Ocparttll frommount$oi, bp f\llOjll, anti CO~UCtCb l)i.15 ISnll from arnoll un' amos l.9.
the \Dar or t{Je rcil fca, to compatr.e tlJe latlll of to 9\aboc, tJnto tte dJilt1:en of ammon: 1f~
<foom: anll tl)e roulc of tlJe people mass fo~gric, tl)c bo11>er of tlje cl)ilo,cn o! ammon m'a.6
ucD,bccnurc oftl)c mar. llrong.
5 gnll tl)e people fpalic again rt <13ob, anll a· 2 5 anti ~rrad tooke au t1'£fe cttie~anb l>tuclt
g;aina !ill\) ores, 119l)crroie1Jaue rct:ougl)ttlµ out tn all tlJe cttiea of tl,Je .amo:ttcis tn li)cfbon, anti
of crgrpt, fo: to bie In tlJe 'lllilDcmefi"e:'fo~ l)cre is tn au CJJe tottine; tl)at long tl)creto.
ncitlier b1call no~ toatcr, anll our roulc lotlJetlJ 26 foi ll)efbon maJS the cttie of ~cIJon tl,}c
tl)iSJ ligl)t bieab. king of tl)e amoiitefJ \lll)iclJ fougl}t befo1c a,
wird.16.s. 6 "twl)mfoie t11e 'JI.,01?1 rent ftcrr Cerpcntis gaintt ti.Jc lilttg of tIJc ~oabittfJ, ano toolieaU
• •c or.1o.9. among tlJ cpeople, '1ll)iclJ tlung tl)em,anll mucl) lJif lan?I out ofl)ts IJanll, tinto arnon•
people of'.]Jfrael btcb. 2 s 1l9l)crcfo1e tl,}cp tl)at Cpcalie in p~ouerbrfJ,
7 ~crcfo~e tfJe people came to ~oreis anll fap,4tome to l!}tfbon, ano let tf)c citicor~cl}on
faf'D,mm. l)aue finmn, foJ \lice IJauc fpohcn a• be bmlt anll rcpatreb.
gainll tl}c ·JLo,n,atlll againll tIJec: make tntcrcef• 2 s !Jfo: tlJm iu fire gone out or ~rroon,an?I
Cion to tl)e JLo~D, tIJat lJe taltc a\llap t)Je Cerpentis aflame from t{Jc cttic of ~cl)on, ano llatl'l con·
frombs. rumrb .ar tn ~oab, anll tlJe lo~tl.11 o06amotlJ in
s 'AnbtlJeJLoJb fart1ebntogi)ofcf, ~alie arnon.
!Or.bro fen tl1cea Uficrie • fcrpent, anll fctit bpon a pole: 2 9 *Dno to thee ~oab !!>people ofb~amofJ 3.Rrg.''·1
"•r•"'· ttJat ais manp ais are bitten, map loolic bpon tt, re be tmllone: l)e ~atlJ ruficreo IJtSS ronnef to bee ~~~~::~r~~­
~1iftiitfi~:l:r. anb liue. µunuet1, ann IJiSJ t1aug1Jttrll! to bee in taptiUitic
~~;;·;,,~:~··· 9 'Anll ~ore; mabe a ftrpent ofb~alTe. anll bnto ~cl)on tIJe fling offile .amo~itefJ.
\Cm nuu3
tl1nr'm1th, £2tttbponap"olc ., anil 'When "I a '""'""mthal)
M-•t" •J bit• ?o ~cir empire i.11 1oa rrom l\)cCbon unto
1nm 1n11.1m,b t~n an11 man,)Jce bel)dll tl,}e ferpent Ofb~atTe anti J0tbo11,ant1 'We maDe a \l>tlnernrfJ unto Jaopl)a,
~~·: ~;."i; ·;~:,'. ltUtb. '1llJidJ reaefJctlJ bnto Slll}cDaba.
.:.,, ~nb tl)c tl)ilD~en of]Crael bepartell tl)mcc,

31 ~nD tlJUJI ]frad O\\lelt in d_Jc tanll of t)Jc
a..u pttt\Jcb in ©botl). amoittes.
'Anb t\lcnepartell tiJcnce, a® pit~cD at 32 ann ~orcii rent to feard) out '.)Se!er, anD
~e. l}eapcss of ~battm, tn tl)c \lltlDemctre 'l1l1Jt~ tlJcy tooke tlJe to\ belongin« tlJttcto. anb
tS ml)oab.onttJe lfall Citlt. roottD out t:IJC amo,1tes tIJat 'Were tlJercin.
up~~ ~~~~{!:g~ucn tl)mcc, anbpit~ell B *QnlltlJcp tumeD, ann lDCUtbpto\'DsrD Dcur.3-1.
15afan: anD ~g ti.Jc fling of 15afan cameout •nd : 9+
'Anb_t\Jcv bcpatttb t\Jmce, anll ptU:f)ell on auatntt tlJein,IJee, &nil au IJ•JI prople, to ftgfJt at
tl)e otl'ler Ube of ~mon. 'ollJiclJ is in ~e totlDer• ct'~at.
~f, ann co*mmettJ 0~t of tlJe coalle" of tl)e amo' 34 anb ti.le "Ji..01b faill bnto il;lo~J,!tftare IJtm
ludg,11.J. ntcS: fOJ !lmon &SStl)t bo.uittafillloab be• not: ~oi] l)auc btliuttcb him tnto tbp IJanD.anll
t'Wcme ~oab an~ tIJc amo 1ite~. ' ~lJiS peoplt,~ntl lJtS l11nb, 111111tl)OU0)81t DOC to
14 mIJcrefo:c tt 11Jall bt fpoken in tlJe boollt 1Jim•t1Jou~1t1t1 bnto §!nd)ondJC bing of~c a:
oft:lwwarrcs of tlJe JLo~tl , 'ml'lat t\Jtnig lJUtll tn moitttll!.'l1l1Jtc1J b'ml'lt at l)efllon.
Balaamisfenc for. Chap.xxij. Balaams aife f pcakech. 58
35 qcp rmott IJim ttJerro~e.anD IJiJS ronnel5. to me.e: come, '.JI piap tl}ce, rurrc tlJil!I people fo~
anoaUIJtJS people, bntill ti}ere 'IDaJS notlJing left mpfartc.
IJim, anD tlJCl? COIU\UCTei) IJil5 lanD. 18 ant1*J.5afaama11ftr1erc!I, anl>fllptcbnto Numb.24.
The xxij. Chapter. tlJefetuantl!I ofl5arac. '.]ifl5alac tooulll g1ue me q.
s King Balac fend.:rhtwifc for Balaam rocurfechc
lJiSIJoUfefuU af mucranngoloe. 'Ji cannotgoc
lfraelircs. u The Lord forbiddcrh him ro goc.
bcyolllltl)c\\lo,l> ortiJeJl,o~omp ~oD,to bocle!Tc
21 The Angel rcbukcd1 him. 23 And Balaams
alfc fpeakcrh.
19 ~o'nl tlJrrcroic. l pzanou. tarp ree l)ccre
tlJi~ nigfJt,t't)at '.J 1nap 'llltt' ml) at tl]c )l,o~ll \tnll ;,:;;';~;~r~~:~
~ll tIJc or'.]lrracl llcpartcD. far bnto me mo~e. ~.::'!:.~~:~
1oeu.1 4.9.

anll pitclJcD in tlJe •fielDJS or ~oab,
on tiJe otl)er flDe or '.31o~Dan frOm ]e'
2 9111l l5alac tlJe romic of ~i,
pl)o~. raw allt{Jat'.JjfraellJa!I 11onctotlJe amo'
2Q ann 0otl came bnto lBalaam bp nigl)t, "'""'"'''
anl> !apll bnto l)im,]ftl)c mm come to rail ttJec. :','r',~:;";:.,~'·
rife bp,ano go \\lltll ilJcm: but Ioolie trll)at ']far ~.:~«.·:~~~b~~~·
bnto tl)tc,tl)at RJalt tl)oulloc.
2 1 anti lOalaam rore bp earIp. ann ranlcll l)i~
a((c,anD d tnent \JJittJ tlJC IOlllS Of ill!)oab.
3 anti tte ~-ite~ were ro.rt artaill oftlJc 2 ~ anti tiJe m~attJ or <li>oD 'mas hinntco. be, 1;~~":;:~.:1~;·
people, bccaure tlJet' weremanr. an!I t(Jcy were CllUfc hc\JJcnt : an]) tlJC angcll of tl)C JLoztl llOOl> '"' stiur10 •
ltricflcn \JJit(J re are of tlJe dJilD~m or'.]lrracl. . i~tlJewap to beagaintll}nu, as tire roilctipon ~~~~.·:,·,~~:;
tHcb.wi1h 4 gnll ~oab raro bnto tl:Je CflDerl5 oUll!)all•' IJtJS a!!I l)is t\JJo feruantis mere 'll1itlJ l}im. ""~' ;pirr•
licking 10 an, J::2o\Dc 11Jall tlJiJS companr i liclic bp all t(Jat 2 3 * illlll 'Wl)Cll tlJC :J[C fa\D tl)t lttgcl Of tl:JC 2,Pet, 2.16
.fcapc a- are roun!I about bl5, lll5 an o~c licbet(J bp tlJe JLo,lle «anti .in tl)c toar. anti (Jauing t1is f'll.lo.zll
w•y, gram~ of t(Je fiel!I. gno l5alac tltc ronne of '3't• ll~a'!Dcntn l)t~ l)anll, tlJc 9:ffc turmll aCi11c out or
pl}o~, toaSJ liing oftlJe ~oabite~ at t(Jat time. tlJe \\lap, anti went out into tbe ftclce: am, l5a,
1oeu. '4·9· 5 * 'ee rent mefTmgerJS tfJerefo~e bnto J.511• laam rmote tl)c arrc,to turnc lier mto tl}c 'map.
raam tfJe ronne of lBeoJ, to l!)e tlJo,, w(Jii;i, i~ bl? 24 l6ut tfJe 9:ngcl or tlJc'JLo~ll Cfooll in a patb
t(Je riuer ortl)e lanll of tlJe clJilo~m of (JiJS bct\Dccnc tlJc bineraros, anti tiJcre wais a \Dall
call l'Jim, raring, lBel:I oIlle, ttJ ere i JS a peopre come ontlJe one uoe,anll anoti}cr on ttJe otljrr.
out or QI;gppt, anti beIJollle,tlJel:' couer tl)e race of 2 5 .Qnll \JJl)en tl)e AU'e fa\De tl)e ~ngcl of tl'Je
• aor rrnr tlJe eartl), anti ll\JJCll" OUet a~aintl mt. ·lLoJD, tl)e tlJ~ulll)et (£lf.etmto tlJc\JJall, t.t cruRJt
~~~ ~~·~~'.'" 6 ~ome now tl)rrefo~e, 1 pJap ttJcc. ~ currt l5alaams foot againll tl:)c \tJall: anll l)cc fmotc
me tlJiJS people.Co~ tlJC!? are too mtgl)tp fo~ (Jcr againe.
it mar be'.]\ ll:lall be able to rmtte ti.Jent. ~to D~inc 2 6 an~ tfJC .angel of tIJe Jl,o~ll tomt furtf,lcr,
tl.Jeinoutoft(Jclanll: :tro: '.Ji 'mote tl)atl)c'IDl)om ano 110011 ma narrow place, \JJIJere wais no war
tl)ou bltlTclJ, tl5 blctrcll, anti l)ce miJom tl}ou cur' to tume eittJer to tlJe rigl)t (Jano oi to tf!c left.
relJ,i$S currco. 2 7 ant1 'tD(Jm tl}e .arrc raw tl}e :angel of tl}r
7 .Qnll tlJe <Jl;lller$S of~ .iab , anb ti.le cfltlttl!I '.1Loioc.t11ec fcllDo\JJne bnller l5araam: anti l5a•
or S)@alltan tlcpartcll, l}auing tlJC reward Of tIJe laam 'mas 'IDiotiJ, t.t rmott tlJe aoc 'mitt! allaff.c.
footl}faping tn tl)cir IJanll : .llnll tIJep came tmto 28 anti tl)e ·Jl.oJbc opmco tiJe moutl) of tile
l5alaam,ano tolll lJim tlJe too~!l~ o06alac. aac. anti llJce rarn bnto lBalanm, tw1Jat l)aue 'J
s l~e anruierell tlJcm, ~arp l)crc tl.Jtl!I ntgf:lc., oone bnto ttJce,tl)at tl)ou l}alt fmittcn met nom
anll 'll toill b:ing rou wo~ll al!I tl)e JL,0:11 RJall rar tlJ:ec times :
bnto mcc : .Qnll tl)c lo~lleS or ~oab abolle toitlJ 2 9 gnll l5afaam Capll 1mto the am~ •:15crnufr
l5alaam. tfJou (lalJ mocllcll mcc: ']l \lloull> alCo tllcre mm
9 anll0oncame bntol5alaam, anbfapllc, a CUJo~D in mincl.Janll, foJ cucn 110\JJc tooulil :J
lllMJat men are tfJcfc 'IDitlJ tl)ce: hilltlJec.
10 'l\\ll l5alaam rapocbnto<l3ob, l5afactl)e 3o an11 tlJc a:O"c rarll tmto :15alaam,gm not '.l
ronne of ~'Phoi, illng of ~oab, IJatlJ rent bnto tl)inc arrc. 'IDlJicl) tl)ou IJall rioocn bpon fincc tllr
tUC, faying, ftrll time , bnto tilts Mp : lWaSJ 'JI curr moont to
111 l5e1Jollle. t1Jmi1H1pcoplecomcout of cf, oo ro bnto tlJec: f!}e rapll.~ar.
~pt, anti coueretl) tl)e face oftlJeeartlJ : come 31 anti tl)e JLoin opencll ttJccrc~oflBalaa~t,
no'u\ ttlercfo~e. ano currc tlJcm fo: mp fake. ro it a:nll hcc fa'ID tl}c angcU of tlic 'lLo.ztl ffanllmg m
m111 tfJat 1 OJall be able to oumome tl]cm in the 'map, ha:utng his f'll.lozll t1;1t\1Jm 111 l1tll.1Jan1> :
batt 11, an!I to DJiue tlJcm out. l)e bowen 1Jimfclfe tl}erfo~c. \I fell ftat on 1J1s race.
xz anl:J <5ell fapo bnto l5alaam. 00 not tlJou p ann tfJe angel ortiJC JLo~ll raro bnto IJim,
\tJf cm,ncitiJer curfe tlJe people: ro: tlJC1? arc IWl)ercfo~e tJall tl}ou rmittm ttJme 9!fc f;lJcfe
blellr\. tl)~ce times'! 1l3c1Joloc, jJ came out to \llttl)llant>
r 3 lnll l5alaam rorc tip in tl)emomtng. anti tl)ee, bccaufe thine he arr l}at(J Decltncb out or tIJc
rarb b\,to tfJc lo~]) JS 0rl5alac.<il5et rou bnto pour \\lat' bcroie me.
~.~1~~~~':~~; fanll,f tfJc :to~b wm not b fuffcrmc to go \JJitlJ 33 allll the alTc raw me~ an11 tttrneb from me
<oortooflulfr, 'fOU, 11omct1ncetimc~: o~cls irigce l)annotturncll
:!!'ii.~~·.~:~. 14 t1t1Jclo~t1sof~oabr0Ccbp. anll\tJcnt from me, '.J l)all rurelp fiainc tlJct, an'O faucti IJcr
l~=~~bl:~ bnto l5 c, anb rar11, '5araam 'WOUlll not come aliue.
\\litlJb~ 34 l6alaa1nrarll tm~tlJcangciofttJeJLoztl.
xs a '5alac rent againe a wcatcr companr ']l (Jauc rmncll, ~o~] lllift not ti) at tllou aooricn
ofloJtlJ. Dmo~e l)onourablc tJ,Jcn tlJC'J!. . in tlJC wap aga1~ me.e : ~o\tJ tl}crcf'oze ifit z;if,
16 came to '5ataam. anti tolOc l)im, pl£afc tl)cc, 'Jl 'IDtll tume lJomc againe:
~IJUl'Stap l5afac tl)donneof'JiplJOh lr1Dl)let 35 ~e angel ottfJe JLotb Cato bnto l6alaam.
notlJtnglc cc,but come bnto me : ctl50C 'ID&tlJ tl)e mm ! but \tJ(Jat '.JI fap bnto tl)ce,
x7foi ii lfClltll? p:omott ttJcebnto west ttl~t ll:llllt tl)ou fpeakc. a1111 fo :16alaam \rent
l)onour. an ill tio \\llJatfoeuu tl)ou rarea bn, 'ID&tl:I t(Jc lo~b~ of l5alac.
Balaam offere ch facrifice, Numeri. and bleffeth Ifrael.
36 anll 'm{Jetl )6alac lJCatD tf1atll5818atn UJ8' tl)cc, 'miU,mc,tJnto anotl)crplacc, \111)rncc tIJou
come, {Jee 'mcnt out to mcete IJim, bnto a ~de of marcttfUdJem, lll1l> tt.JouflJalt frc but tl)e tit>
Q3oab, 'mlJielJ i~ in tlJc bo1Dcr of arnon, tn t)Je moll pattof t1Jcm,1111l> flJalt not rec tlJcm al: rurfc
btmofl coatl. . tlJcm out of U,at pla'I? ro11nr rw.
37 .ann l6ala,f8UI tnto l6alaam, ~in 1 not 14 ~nDl,Jccb1oug1Jt1Jimfntoafielt1e, ml.Jere
rcnDe fo~ tIJee to mll ti.Jee'! anD 'ml)~(Oie camdl menmt~lJtfecfarreoff, totl)ctopof:l=anl)il,antl *Pifg~h.
tl]ou not bnto me'! .am 91 not ablt in llUD to 1J10' bUlltrcum alta~an'D offmbano,:cannaram
mote tllee bnto 1Jonour'! on cuccy altar.
3s .ann l6alaam mane antmtte bnto l6alac, 1 ; ann IJcc faille bnto l6alac, ~tanll ()ere bt'
JLor,'J anHomc tmto tl)ce: ann can 1 no'tD fay a' t1Jr 'tDlJolc burnt racrific;e,'ml]ile ~ meet the Lord
nr tl}tng at all t ~IJe 'mo~n tt.Jat c30ll puttctlJ m ronlln-.
mF moutlJ, tIJatUJaU '.]] fpeaflc. 16 ann tlJc J!,o~tl met :>aalaam, 'put a \1lo1t1
39 annl6~l~amtvent'tDttl;J '5alac;, anllttJC'F in 1Jif5 moutf.J, anti fain, c3oe againc bnto l5alac;,
•nrarrru. ,amc bnto a ctttc of• tlrtetcs. anll rar tl}us.
17 am 'lDl)enl)c came to l)fm,bcl)olb,l.Jc ftoon

r.tlofptoplr. 40 .ann l6alac offrcn o~m anb llJce.pc,anb rent
thereof to '6al8am, IU1b to tl)e loins tl)at 'tDtte bt1 1Jif5 tlll)ole burnt ram«~ , an!J ti.Jc 1oit1is of
\llttIJ lJim. ~oab \llitl.J 1Jlm. anb '68lc falbc bnto l.Jim,
4 1 ann on ti,c mo~ro'tD '3alac tooflC '5alaam, 119l)at1'adJ t)Jc J!,o~ll faib'!
anll b~ougtt l)im llp into tl)e IJ'i@ places of 1 s anll l]ee tookc tip lJiS parable. ann anf\1lc,
:iDaal, ttJattt.Jmcel)ccmtgl)t futl)elltmoftpan rclJ,lltife bp l6alac, anll l)eare, antl l)camen 1mto
of tl}e people. me,tl)ou ronne of ~ipl)o1.
Thexxiij.Chapter. z9 13DDif5 not aman, t(Jat (Jee ilioult> lie, mi'
1 Ballam caufeth fcucn altars to bC built. s God tea.
dJtt tlJc ronnc of man, tl)at !Jee ftJoulll repent:
cheth him what to anfwcrc. 8 lnficad ofcurling,
ftJoulll l]ecfar,anll not nor:' o, tl)eulb {Jecfpcal!c,
he blelfcth the lfraclitcs.
anti notmaflC it g_oon1
2.o '5d)ollle, '.}l l]aue taflen bpon me to bldfe:
~ w :>aalaam carnc bnto :>aalac,

f01 l)CC l)atf.J blctTetl, anti it if5 tlOt in mp pO'mct to
WuilDe meel]tte feUen altars, ann altttit.
pie.pare mce IJcre rcum o,:en ann 21 l)cc bcl.Jcl!Je no banitie in 9\acob,no~ fa'tDc
reuenrammes. tranfgttl[ion in '.]lfracl : tl)c JL,o~t> IJis c3oll ts
,, ann '5atac llill as '3alaam 'mitlJ lJim, am tl)c ioffull Oioute of a 'l\ing if5 a•
;~~1111°.~~1,~c ra1oc, anti• '3alac ann )Balaam offcrcll on mttr mongtlJmi.
"''~"r""' altar an o~e anti a rammc. 2.2 *~ob lnougtJt U,cm out of Q?gppt, tlJcr Num 2+t
:~~i;~?~,tg,t 3 .antrl5alaam faille bnto '3alac,~tantl bt1 IJauc ftrrngtl) as am111nico~nc. · ·
'J' fl" 11 '· tf:Jr 'ml)olc burnt rarnficc, anb '.Jl toil aoc. If CO be 2 3 '.11'~ tlJttcis no foJccrp in ]acob,no~ footlJ'
tl)at tl}e JL,oin mil meetc me : ann tul]atfocucr IJc faying in '.)fracl. c ac.coJlling to thiisttmc it fl.Jail , 11, 11 i.rp..
ll)e\1.'lctl) mee, '.JI 'min tellt{Jec. anD lJce \lJent llp be faille of 1acob anD '.]lfracl, n91Jat l]atlJ c3otl ~:::.·i:.m·
jOr,(Jonh U~il,\l)£t, miougl)t 1 :~;k~~'~:
1la11e,or, 4 l5ttt~oll met l5alaam, anllBalaamfaibe 24 '6d)olb, tl.Je propk fl)all tire bp a; a J!,ion, ~~·M:~~.ur:"'
-pecdily. bnto {Jim, '3\ l)auep~cparci) rcum altars,~ l]auc antl l)caue bp l.Jtmfclfe as a pong JL,ton: ~e fl.Jail 11J•t111b•1n
offercn bpon euefl' altar an oi:e anti a rammc. not lte tio\1.'lnc d bntill IJee catt of tl)e piar, anti ~'"'d~1~1\ri::~·
~ ilnll tl)c 'JLo~b put a faring fn :>aalaams D)inkc tl)c blootl oftlJem tl:Jat an Uaine. ~:~~,~~:ii.
mout~,ann faille, ®oc againc to :>aalac, ann fal? :as !lntl '3al8c faille bnto l8alaam, ~eitl)tt ~:::~~·~·:•D
on tl)tSS 'mtfe. curfc tl)em, noi blclfc tl)em at au. r~.
6 ann 'ml)cn l)e \1.'lent againe bnto l)fm, loc, 2 6 :>aut )Salaam anCnme11,ant1 faill bnto '58'
l)c tloon bF lJts \tllJote burnt facriftce,l]ee, ann au lac, ~olllc not '.]I tl)ec, raring, au tl)at tlJe Jl o~ll
tl)c lcnlls of Sllf.)oa'b. ipcakctIJ, tl]at jJ muft boe:'
7 an~!JetooliebplJissparablc, anbfafn,l6a• 27 anll :isatac faillebntol5alaam, €omc,'.]I
lac tl)e kmg ~r Sllf.loab l}atl) biougl)t mec from p1ar tIJee,anll l 'mil b1in~ tl)ce yet tmto anotOtt
~cropotamia, out oftlJe mountaincis of t{Je plau,ifat an tt 'mil pltarc c3o!J tf.Jat tl]ou mafefl
lfatl,£aying,¢ome,currc]acob fen mf fafle,c:omc tl)cncc rurre tl)em foi mr fal!c.
allll ncfic ']frael. 2 s gnn l5alac b1ougIJt )Salaam bnto dJt top
s ~ow flJall '.]I curre l:Jim, ml)om '5oll llatt:J ofl&eo~, tl}at loofletl) towarn '.Jefimon.
not rurfcb :' en IJo'm ftJaU 'JI lleftc l)im,\1.'ll)om tlJe 2 9 gnD '5alaam rat11 bnto l5ala'1 gf}ali mce
'JLoiD lJatlJ notllcficll :' IJerc fcum altar~, anll pieparc mee (Jemtucn
9 1fo~ from ti.JC top of tl;JerocflCIS']I feel}im, o~en. anb.feum rammc,;s.
~lb ftom tl)e lJil~ '.]] bcl)ollle l)im: loc, tl)e people 30 ann lBalac Dill as :l6alaam (Jall raOt, am
u1aU b\:otllbt ttJcmfrluc~anb fi)allnotbc mflo' offcrcll an o~ ann aramme on cuerp aIQY.
b u1111,1~, neb amont\ tl)e nationis.
bm!Jo can ten tlJe b llUtl or -Jacob , anti ti.Jc The xxiiij.Chaptcr.
ir.11L num ct of t!Je fourt:IJ pm of 1rrael :' '.J Wilt' 3 Balaam prophccicch profp_croully of the;ingdomc /
'5ob tl)at 1u11 toute mar !lie tl)c neatIJ of tlJc ri«IJ• ofl&.acl,and of thccommmg ofChritl:. ·
teous, anb t!Jattnl' tat enDc mar be ltke 1Ji1. #.l~ \tJlJen'5alaam11u11atit :.~:,~:,~\:"'

~ 11 an11~alacCatbt\mto'5alaam;Dl)atf1all

ll'al'cll ""c lLo 'D ""a11w <b•• ~rmorw I

"'OUID 1'alaan1
•.,ou 'l!OtlC bnto mu:' 'll tooflc tlJtt to ~m&nt Clelfc 1fracl,"Y WJ ._,... "'I rou!\lJr /
IJc bJmnot, as {)t '" roorbrorinr

enrmies. anll b~ollle, tlJou lJattbldl'clJ ..nnal< Dill t'llltfe bcfo1c , trftrl!e • fO) :;·~~~~~:~~~I
to11ctl)cr. footl}fapinJ: butfiOiSfa«to• ~~~ .::.~~· / 0

i i lllec anf'tllmb anb talbt., Slll)uft ] not take

'tllarll ~c \tltlDemis ~::r:.m::t~~
lJCl?llC to q,l?jlke tl)at \'ol)itl) tl}t lLQJb l)atlJ put m 2 !lnb '5alaam It~ bplJtStpe1. llnbloolleD <barD111n1b< /

mpmoutl}. . bpon 'Ctacl ais IJce lap acco,llingo 1Jts tribe~: :i~::::.i:~"
1:; anDl5alacfatbcbntol)tm,come, ~PJST anbtbdpirttofc!Job came bponlJn. !'!::~i~rM~:·,
Balaam propheciech. Chap.xxv. Zamri and Cozbi. ~-, 9
3 anDIJe tooflt bp IJiS parable, an1:1 faiD,l5a, 24 :a&.be flJipJS alfo 11)80 come out of tl)e r coall :b,\~~:.~.·.~
1aamtlJCfonneof'5cl>Jl;latl}faibe, anDtl}eman Of ¢1Jttttm, anll CUbllue afi'ur.anl> fubbue cttm, lDl)IC~ (ball

b "' 11111nr1• b11J)Jafeetefmopm.1Jathfaill, am l)e l)imfcUe flJallpttifh at tl}e Ian. ~:::~'.:~~ ~.~:
~~\~~:::,':';ii, 4 l}elJadJ faiD bJl)idJ (Jeartt(J tl)e ~1>£S!I of 2 s an11 l5alsam rofc bp,anl:l 'tDcnt anti retur, ~~;~.'.~~::it
:;.~.· • 0
'801>. 81111 fndJ tl}e biflonss of tl}c almiilJtie,anl> neb to IJits place: anb l6alacalfo went IJi~ \1Jar. ~f,':':'1:~.~~~""
ralledJ DobJne'mit(J open cress. The xxv .Chapter.
ocarotrb co,m·
s $01» gool:llp are tlJp trnteSS, !ID ']8'cb,anll For the fornication of the people commim:d with
t(Jine IJabitationss,!ID ~frad ! the daughters of Moab, God commaundcth the
6 as tf;Je banevurc t(Jep lap1>£ abioab, a~
pr, Aloe a$!1 garJ>eUS!I bp tl}C tiuer$!1 ftlle.,8$5 tl)elltmtlS 'm)JtaJ ch1cfc rulers co be hanged. 8 Phinceskillcth Zam-
ri 2nd Cozbi.
"'"· t(Jc llo~l> IJatl) 11 pitdJdl, an11 ass cite1111r cues be•

jOr,pla11· fille tl}e :roatttss. JIH~ ]fracl aholl£ in ~ittim,anl:I
red. 7 ~be 'mater b~oppttlJ out of'l)iss bU~~ t11c people bc11amte to comnnt
~.~~~~"~?." c IJtsftcbc !IJalbr tn manr bJaterss, a~ll ~·stung llllJOJCl:IO\ne bJitlJ tl)c 1>augl)ter1S of
•:::::,~~-= 1 llJallbce(Jtgl}trt(Jen °_agag, anblJtS!llltnillDmC ~oab,
g;,........ OJalbccyalteb. 2 119fJidJ caOcl:I tlJe people bntO
!!:1~i:::~· s e5ob bJoUgi}9 (Jim out of ctmt , IJis tl)e famfic:e oftl}tirgobl!I: anti t(Je people bib eat,
~:.~~~:~: flrengtl} is a~ tl}c anic:ome: IJe a.a~ eate t(Je na, anti bo'mell l:lo'lllnc to t(Jeir gol>ss.
""""~··· tionss (Jiss enmuess, anb ll gna'ID tl}nr bones, anb 3 ilnll ']frad couplet> l)imfelfc bnto '6aal
ti-:il"~m~~ pearc:e tl)em fiJOJObJ bJittJ r.,ts arro'mes. • 10eoi , an11 t(Je in'bignation of t(Jc )1,011> \llal!I • "' ft11hrn"
lf/:~,r:,~ 9 ~e c:oucl)e~ IJimfelfe, anl>lat'.l:I0\1JtJeasa ktnlJlell a1atnu ']ftad :~:~::~,a~~::
:~~··.~;~ J.,ion,anl:I al!I a )1,tonefi"c: 'IDl)o mal ftim IJ~ bp~ 4 gnb tl)e llo~l:I faille bnto ~ores, ~alle an t~~.~,:~.~
••• ,,..r 11 • l51e1Teb ts "e
*"atbltlfrtl1 tl)u, anl:l curfcl:I us i}cc
IJ WI t(Jc lJl'al:lss of ~e pcoplc,snn tJang tl)cin bp bcfo~c ~J:~:.~i:;~,"
a:Oll D•M••1 tl]at rurfctlJ tl)ec. t(Jc Jl.,oJll agama tl}c b ~unnc, tl)at tl)e mtatlJ of 1111• 1:lu1 ".
=~ ~~:',,',~_' I 0 ant1 l6afaC \1J8$!1 \1JiotlJ 'aJitlJ :J5alaam,anl:I tl}c JLo1t1JS countenance mar lltc tumeil amar ~'~::'~~.~:"'
IOr, bruifc. emote 1Jtl!l 1Jan1>es togefi)cr : anl:l '6alac fatbe bn' from '.]lfrad. , ~'~icn11.
to l5alaam, '.JI rent roi thee to wrCt mine me, 5 ant> ~ofcl!I fai'b bnto t(Je ']\Ul:lgcs of ]Cra,
· intcss, anti be(Joll>e, t(Jou (Jan blcfi'el:I tl.Jcm tlJiS!I d,ctuttr one narc IJtssmcn tlJat 'mere iopnct> tln, ~n':~«i~: be
tl)Je.ttimt~ tD :7aaal l&COJ. ·~"''"
xx ~ttefoJt now, pc t(Jtt quiallr bnto dJ1' 6 .ant1 bc(Joll:lc, one oft{Je cl.Jilb1cn ofj!Cratf
place: 1 tl)ougl}t tl)at 'Jl \1Joulb womott tlJce bn, came,ant1b1oug1Jttmto IJitS bJctl)1en a ~anfa·
to l)onour, but lo, t(Jc Jl..o~b IJatlJ hept tl)ce bac:hc nttifhbJoman, intl}e flglJt of~ofcl!I, anti i11t1Jc
from mo~11J1p. flgl}t ofal t(Je nmltttttlle or t(Jc dJtlb1en of 'J]fracf
12 :7aalaam11nf\llttel:l bntol5alac, ~olbc') tl}at d 'tDcpt befoJ~ tiJc 1>001c of t(Jc ~abcmaclC ~,,~:~;~~:g
not tfJF mctrmgcrs \1J1Jic1J t~ou renteft lmto me, Of tl)e cltonwegattOIJ, OlflllDtDJ!:'Ob
raping, 1 *ann\1J1Jen~(Jinccsstl)cfonncor~lca1ar r.Macc.2,
13 jlfl5alac1Doull:I giue mclJiJS(JoUCef'uUof tl)e ronne of aaron tbe lflttell raw it, (Jee rore bp s7.
Cilutt anti goIDe, 11 cannot paffe tl}e wo1t1e of tl)e outof t:hemibbess of t(Jc companp, anll toollc a 1 ·' 0 '· 10 ·~
lLo~l:I, ro noe ettlJcr goon oi ban of mine obJne iauelin inlJil!llJanl:I. .
m1nt1c ~ but bJ(Jat tl)e Jl.,o.tlJ raitl}, t(Jat \1JiU '.ll s anD mcntaftertfJcman of'j':fraclintotlH'
fpeahe. tent.anti t(J~un tlJem tlJoiome, botl) rtJe man of
14 am no\1J be(Joll:le, '.] goc bnto mr people: ]fracl, anl:l al!o tlJe \l:Jonum, cuen tl)oio'm ttJe
4tome tIJmoie.. tt ')mil a11uettife t(Jee ml)at t(JiJS bcllr of tJcr: 11n1:1t1.Jcplagucctafcl> f'Tom tl}e ctJil•
people nian bo to tlJr folkc in t(Jc latter bape;s. 1:11rn ofj]Cratl.
IS anti l)e toOftl' bp (Jil!I parab{t,aRl:I fail), l5a• 9 9nl> tlJtte l:ltcll in d}e plague, t'alcntic anb
laamtl)e lonne ofl6£01 (Jatl) fain.tlJc man 'IDl)orc fourc ttiourant>.
eye~ are opm,l)atlJ fail> : lo anb tlJe JL011:1 fpafle bnto ~ofes.rartmJ,
16 ~ IJatlJ fatoetl)atbcarct(J t(Je\1Jo11:1eur 1 x 19htncess tl)c ronne of 1t1ca1ar. tJJc ronnc
'301:1, anll l)atl) tfJt lmo\1Jlt.llge of t(Je moll IJiglJ, ofaaront(Jel&Jletl, IJattl tumel:I mine anger a'
anti bclJoll:lctl) tl}e bifion of tiJe atmig\Jtic, anll \1Jar from tlJe dJililJen of ']fratl. 'mlJilc l)ec was
t(Jat fane11J, am bil!I qel!! an opendl, ~ealoUl!I to1mp falie among tlJem,tiJat 'J] IJall not
•°';'~~Ill 17 ')UJall<fecl)tm, bUtnot nobJ: ']fl1allbc• conrumel:I tl}c dJilDicn of'.Jifracl in mp ielouOe.
~~J. ' l)oll:lclJtm, bUt not ni~: *-«:IJcrc 11.Jall'come a 12 tl9l)crtfOtC fap, *:lBtl)OIO, 'JI glut blltO l)lm Mala. 2.5
Mmh. i. 2. ~tam of l]acob, anti rife a ~a:pter of')frael. mp couenant or peace.
ant1fl)a8fmtttt1JC coaJlessofilll)oab, anl:lbnl>ers x3 an1:11Je fl.Jal l)aucit,an'b IJi~ reel:! after lJtm.
mineaRtl)ecr.,tll:l~enof~etl). eucn ttic coumant of t(Jc 1Mellcs office roi cutt,
18 9nb lftJom 11Jalbe poll"ctrel:I, am ~cir lbaU becaure (Jee ma;s !talous CoJ IJiS <liJoll• falte, anb
ran to tl)c polfefi'tonof tl)etr encmteJS,anll ~fracl ma11ean atonement foJ the c:l}llll~cn of')frael.
OJaDllomanfUUp. 14 ~c name of ttJe '.)lracttte tlJUIS killetJ,
19 S1t'ut or1!atob tlJaU CO\UC l)c t(Jat Cl)all)aue 'miJid) 1»ass natne witlJ tl)c ~allianitillJ mo,
llomtnion,tt ft)al bellror tlJc remnant or tl}eatr. man,\1JaJS ~amri tJJe ronne of ~alu, a lo~tJ or an
20 at1lt \»lJrn l)ee looliel:I Oil :Jmalce, lje tookt IJourc anb flinrcll of ~itncon.
bp IJiSS patablc.anl> faib,amalcc: il!I t(Jc firtt of tlJe r 5 anb ti}~ name of tl)e ~81:1iantti01 \1Joman
nation~but )Jil!l latter mbe 111111 pmflJ l>tterlp. tl)at \Vais Game. 'lDal!I ~o~, tlJc naugIJtcr of
21 ant11Jce toollcl:I on tl)c lllentttS!I, anti tooke ~ur.. a lJ~al:I ouer tlJe people OflJiS3 fatlJcr~ l}ourc
bp1Jisparable.anl:lfai1:1,~~issttw1:1melltng m~al>tan.
p1au,an1:1 tiJoueu!tcll tlJp ncll ma rome. 16 anti tl)eJL.oil:lf\Jall~bnto gf}orcs.raring, )ol''."'·11
22 Jaeuer~e. tiJt lllentte flJlll bee rootdl 17 ~:re tlJe ~8lltamtcss,an1:1 finite tb~: ~. ~,~::"~~
out,bnttlatrurt.aket11eepU{ontt. 18 1!'0J tl)r.p ttoUblc rou Ulittl tl)cir «ro1leJS, '···~1'"'~'"
2 3 gnJ> IJee tooke bp IJt~ parable.anti <at11c,a, 'mlJtdJ l)aUc beguiltb 11ou hr brceite In tl,lc caure ~:~!. !~~:~':
laS5.tol)o flJall liuebJIJm <13o'b l>ottlJ tl}tSS1 of-eoi. anti in tl)e ca.UC£ of their filler cto~bi,tlJc ~~~t;', ~'.
lfraelites of t\!ventie . Null). eri. yeeres olde,numbred.
nau~tttofalo11> of~~atltantces, '1'11)iclJ'Q)ajl of'tIJe~danite1S:1&1Jares, of \DIJom 'ommetl)
natnc tn tl)e oar of t~c plague Co~ 10eoiis ra1te. tlJe fnnren of' ~e l&IJare~tes: '5arelJ, on.»IJom
'ommctlJ tl)e ktnnb Of tl)e ~arcl)tttis.
The xxvj .Chapeer. 21 9:nb tlJe a,ilb1e.nofl01Jarc15, mere $rfron.,
2The ch ildrcn oflfracl arc num"bred in the plaine of oftl)J1om comme.tlJ tl)e liinre.b of tlJe 'd'rontte$!1:
Moab, from twcntic yccrcs and vpward. l\)a~Ul or\lllJOtn 'Otnmet:l} ttJe frinreb Oft1Je$a'
:e;~~·, . JI;}~ after tile plague tl1e Jl.,o~b muhtes.
'7Ii..' 'i' @ rpaflc tmto 9(1Jofeis, ann bnto <f• : 1 ~IJcfc are tf1e lltnnnis of 1Uba after t!)eir

1 '

· '
.~ , . lea!ar ti,c ronnc of aaron tlJc
{ :\
i. .
2 ~alie tile number of an tIJe
· multttu'be of tl)e cf1il1>1en of j\f,
rad, from twentp pereis 011> ann aboue,tl)~ougll'
outtl)cir fatllerlS l)owis, an dJat are able to goc
numberS!I, tlncerco~e ann ~tttne t1Joura111>,ann
: 3 ~e dJilbJen of '31 racl1ar after tl)cir frin,
rcni:i. wm ~ota,orw1Jom commetlJ tlJefnnren
of t:tJe l(i:lJolattei:i: ~l)ua, of'1'11Jom comtnct:IJ tl)e
kinrc'b of tile 101Junttcis.
24 ©f'.]larub commetIJtlJe fiinrcnoUIJe'.]a,
3 ano ~ores an'b lfteatar tlJe ~1iea, Q>afle fubitc15: of ~tmron, commedJ t{Je fltnreb Of tf,Je
bnto ttJem tn tl)e fiell>es of ill!;loab,bp ]oinam o- ~imrontte15. •
uer again!l: '.]\ertcl)o,rapin~. 2 s ~ere arc t11e ltitmllliS ']jfa,IJar, artertl)etr
4 Yee !hall number the people fro1n ttncntit numbers, tlJieefco~c an'b foun tl)onranb, ann
rcerctl anb abouc.aliS t11e 'Jl,,011> '01mnan'bcb ill!;lo· ttJiee l)unn1eb.
re~,annti)ccl)il'b.!en of '.)lrracl 1:D)1en tlJCl! \litre 20 ~e d)ilb~en of~abulon after t()eir liin,
come out of ~gppt. rcnis,\llere ~ere'b,Of\lll1om commeti) t)1e ktnrcb
Gcn.16.9. 5 * muben ti)e ctnea fonne or j\frad. ~c ofti)c ~erebitelS: lflon, of\l.llJom commeti) ti)e
1.chro. 5· 1 · cl:JilD~cn of llluben, 'anocl), of'WlJom 'ommetb tdnrel> of tIJe CJelon1te~: ']a{.Jclcet, of \UfJom com•
tllc Jiinrcn ort{Je ~anocbitcJS: anb 10a11u, of meti)tl]cfrtnrcnoftl)e']al)clelite15.
wtiom commcttJ tlJc ltinrcn of tlJe 1£)alluiteS!I. 2 7 '4!;1}efc are tl)c lrinrclllS of tlJe '5almlenttti:i
6 1N ll)cfron,commetl1 t}Je ftinren oftl)e ,er, after tlJeir number15, tlneefco~c t{Jourann, anti
ronitc~: of <II:l}armi, commetlJ t{JelitnrenoftlJe fiuel)unb~e'b.
<II:iJarmiteJS. 2 s ~l}e '11ilb~en of]orcpf1 t1J1ougfJouttlJeir
7 ~{Jere are tl)e liinrc?IJS of tiJc mubcniteJS, mnrens. '1'1ere 911Janat:rc allb ~im.
anll tl)cr "tl1cre in number fourtr an'b tl)ice tJ:Jou' : 9 ~IJe ci)il'DJen of ill!;lanatre , ~ac~ir of
rann,rcuenl)unn~en,ann tlJirtte. 'WfJom 'ommetl) tile liinren of tlJe ~aci)1rittS!I:
s .Qln!J tlJe fonne~ of 10allu, ~fab. ann sJDJaci)ir brgatc <l!S1lcan, ann of ~tlea'b com•
9 ann tl]c fonncs of <eliab, f,lemuel. Jba, met{J tl)e fli11rc1> ortl)c <l!SilealltteJS.
tl}a!t, ant> Qbiram. ~lJi~ ilS tl)at ~atl)an \f gbj. 30 anb tl)cfe arctl)c cl)miien of <l!Jika'b, ~fe,
ram ,\l.l{Jic{J \\Jere famou15 tn tlJc congTegation.t 1er, of 'tDl)om co1nmettJ tlJe liimcn of tl)e l9te~c·
Num. • • * llrouc again« ~orc15 ll aaron In tl)ecompanr riteJS: ll)cleclJ, of'\\J~om commetl} tUe fiinreb or
16 2
::if aroiaIJ, \llt)cn tlJtr tlrouc againlt Cl}c ·JL,01n. tf,Je $eltc1JiteJS.
1 a allll ttle eartl'J opcnelJ t)et moutl),ann r'tDal• ; 1 ann ~Uriel, of'Wllom 'ommetlJ tl]e liime'b
lotoetltl)em bp: CU:o1alJalfo toaisin d)e neatiJof ofti)eatneliteJS: ann ~ec(Jem, of'Wt)om 'om'
tt)at multitt11>c, 'mllat time t11e fire conrumen metl} the kinren of tl)e ~eclJemiteis.
t\llo l}ullll1clJ anti fiftic men: anlJ tlJep became a 32 ~emiba,of'aJl)om c01nmrti, t{Je kimcn of
' l':'•tl<,!01
,,nctamt.ilr, , figne. tl}e ~emibiteJS: * ant1,epl]er, of 'WlJom 'om• Num. :p.
1 1 Sl}ot'llittl}aan1>i11g, tl)c rlJiln1en of cir:o1al) metl) tlJe frinre'b of tl)e $cp1Jmteis.
thllt Dtl)CC
·nnrmnrr nnn t>tcn not.
rrbflau;,-1 ·.(l
33 ~nlJ ~alpIJaan tl}e ronne of $cplJtt l)ab no
.":!onanunl• 12 !itnl> tl)e cliilli~m of ~intton after tl)etr ronneis, but baugtJtcris : anb tlJe namcis of tlJe
lilnrebS!I. 'Were .0 cmuel of tol)om commctiJ tlJe 1>augl)ter~ of ·Jalpl)aan, \llere ~alJcla , floa,
!iinren of tl)c ~emuctitcis: ']amtn. ofwlJom 'agla.~clcl}a,anD~IJina.
commetl)tl)e ftinrel> of tile ]mniniteis: 1acl)in, 34 ~ere are tlJe flinrenis of~anatre, rutlltfle
of\lll)om commctl} tlJc liinreo oftl)e']eel)initel5. number of tlJem. llftic anlJ t'Wo d)oufanlJ, ariD
13 ©f5are1J,commctl) tile kinrcn oftlJc -Jare· reuen f)unn1en.
~itcJS: an1> of ~aul, co1mnet1J tlJc kinrel> of Cl}e 35 ~ere are tlJe ci)1ln1en of ctplJ,aim, afttt
~aultteJS. tl)eir llinrenis : ~utlJelalJ, or 'o>IJom rommetlJ
q ~tJcre arc
tfJe TttnrebJS or ~imeon, ttnen• tlJe. frinren of the ~utIJelal)tteJS : l5ecl)cr, or
tie nn'b t'Wo tl)oufann, an'b t\llo 1Junb1en. \nlJom commetl) tl)e ltinrcn of tlJe l5ecl)eriteis:
1s ·~iJc d)i11>1cn of' <l!San aner tl)eii: hinrcn~. ~alJm, or tol)om conuuetf} tl}c kinnn of' tl}e
'l:Dctc 5cp1Jon. of \Dl}om commctl) tf;le fttmen of ~IJalJcnite~.
~e ~PIJoniteis: ta~, of '1'1l)om commetl) tl)c 36 anti tlJefc are tlJe cJJtunen of ~utlJelalJ:
blllttb of t!Je I&ag~tel5: ~uni, of \nlJom 'om• <fran, of \lll.Jom commetl1 tl}t frinrcn of tf,Je If,
mcti} the ktnreb of t{Jc ~uniteis. ranitel5. · .
an11)60~~©~ni.coinetlJ ti)e liinrelJ oO ilD'11ite-: 37 ~ere an tl]crrtnrebs ortf,ie .clJ~ lb~en or~,
• """• tommcti} tf)e litnren or tl)e lfrittJS. p1J1atm. arttr t'btn: number$$ , tf)1rnc anb ttoo
. •1 _!Df ~rob~commeti) ti)e fdnrelJ ort1.1caro• tl}oufanll. anb «uc bunlJ~eb. ann tl}efc arc tl}r
lltttUf ancl,coinet:IJ tl)e ktnreD of tl)earteliteJ. clJtlDJm ofjfof.eptJ after t1Jetrfitnnt1s.
18 qerc .ate tlJc llintebs of t{Jc dJilD m of
1 38 ~ere are tlJe ci)i11>.renofll'entami11 after
(jpab, arcoibmg to tl)etr numbers COuitpd)OU< d;leirlltnrtbS: ~ela, of \llbom rommetlJ tl)e fiin·
rannannfiucl)unbieb. ' rcDofti)e l5ela1tcs: arbd, OfwlJom c0tnmrfil
G<n.38. 7• 19 *'(i:hC ci.Jt~ie~ Of]Uba.CfrantJSl[)nan,anl> d)e fltnreb Of tl)e 9fbclittJS: al)iratn, Of\lll)om
Ql!r allll ©nanbttb in tl)e lanb or ~anaan commetlJ tf)c liinreb ofCbe atJiramttes:
2 o l5ut tl)e cl)tlbim or 1Ubaafttr tf)etr fltn, 39 ~11p1Jam ~of \lllJom 'onmtetlJ tl)Clitnrcb
rebl5, 'mere ~tla.. of tolJom commctl) tfJe 11tmeo . of tIJe ~upl)anntel5 : ll)uplJam, of\llllotn com,
The Ifraelitesnumbred. Chap.xxvij. Zalphaads daughters. 6a
m£tJ;J t11c binrcn of tlJc ~uptJamttcs. 62 antJ aftcrtl)eirnu1nbers,t1Jcp were thltn•
40 gntJ tl]c d}iUIJCn of :16cla, \llerc artJ, an'O tic anti time t(Joufatlll, au males from amonet{J
@11aman; from \lllJcncc commctl;Jt1Jc1tinrc11of oloc anb aboue : !lfo, t(Jcy were not numbic& a,
tlJc art1ttcs, anll of ~aaman tl)e kinreD of tl)c mong t(Je d}ilDJcn ot '.Jifrael, becattfc tl)ere 'mas
~tl'amitcs. no tntJmtancc giucn d)etn among t{Je CIJilllim
41 rcITTJcrc arc tIJc d}ilbJCl1 of lScntamtn aft~r of '.]]fracl.
tl]ctrkinrclls, anlJ artcrtlJcirnmnbers, fourtte 63 <m:;(JcfcarcdJenutnbcr~wl)eu ~ofcUnll
anbfiuc tIJoufanll, anllfirel.JUnDJClJ. <ftea1artl)c19~ittl ntmdJ~etJ tlJe d}tlD~cn of]lf>
42 ~l]tre are tl)c c(JilbJcn ofJ2lan after ~ctr raehnd,Jcplamcof~oab, falfbp'.)o~tJanoucr
liinrc!Js: ~ul)am,of\llIJomcommctIJ tflelnnrell agamfi 'Jlr.rtcl)o.
oftlJe ~UIJamitcs. ~IJefe are tl)e {Jourcl]olllS or 64 *~nlJ among tl)efc tl)err was not a man of 1.Cor .1 o.
~an after ttJeir hinrcns. tlJcm wIJom ~ores anti aaron numb~cll, 'tlll)cn 6•
4 3 m1 tl)c t.inrcns of t(Je ~u{Jamitcs. \Derc tlJer tol1.1c ttJc c(Jtlll~cn of '.]\rrad, tn t{Je UJtlller,
arter tiJcir numbers tlneerco~c anti roure tlJoU• nelTe of ~inai.
rann,anllfourel)unllJC!J. . . 65 !lfo~ tl)c lLotlJ faf!I oftl)cm, ~ep UJal life in
44 ~lJe clJilllJcn of arer after tlJeir Jt:tnrens, t(Jc wtl!JcmrUe: anti t~crc \llas not left a man of
\Dere '.}lemna, of. \ll{Jont commctlJ tlJe lnnreD of ttJctn,faue ~altb ti.Jc fonneof '.}cplJttne, anti 10•
t{Je j]cmnites: '}efut, of tuIJom commetl) tIJe rua{J tlJc ronne of ~un.
liinrc\J of tl)e '.]lefuites: :Wiia,of\ll{Jom commetl) The xxvij.Chapter.
t(Jc kinrcD or tl)e :16;itcs. Thclawofchc heritage of thedaughtm of Zalpha-
45 €{Jc clJtlD~c of:l6~ta.1Dere ~eber, oftolJ~ I

commetl) tl)e!UnrcD of tl)e 'cbentcs:9@alc1Jtcl, ad. 16 Mof~s praycth for agoucmorofthc people,
of\D(Jom came tl)e fiinreD of ti.Jc Sl)alrnt'tUtt~. and Iofuah ts appointed.
46 .an11 tlJe lJauglJter of arer, \lla~ cancn $en came tile -x tJattgl)tcrs of '5al,

Num.J 6. 2.
~aralJ. PiJlla!J tl)e fonnc Of 'cplJtr , tlJt wf.1.1 H
, 47 ~ere are ti.Jc fiinre!JI) of arer artcr tl.Jcir fonne of ®ilcab, tl)c ronnc of$a,
numbers, fiftie anti tlJ~ec t(loUfantJ, anl:I foure i;lJir, t1Je ronncof ~anafi"e, ofttJc
(Junl:l~e!J. llinrcn of ~anafi"e. tl)c ron of '.];o'
48 ~e clJiltJ;cn of Jacpl)tf.Jali after d.J.cir lltn• ff:plJ: b>l}ofe names 'lllrre ~atJcta, ~oa,f,:lagla,
rclJs, weic ')JalJCrieJ..onoIJom mme tIJe lrtnretJ of Q!Jeld}a, anD ¢1Jina,
tIJc '.]\al)e}ieltte~: dl>unt, of\lll)o1n mme ti.Jc fltn, 2 ann noon brfo~c ~ore~ anti Cflca1ar tl)e
retJ oftl)c <31mites. ~ticft, anti befo~e tl}e lo~DS. anlla!lt{Jemulti,
49 9)c;cr, of \llIJom came d,Je fif nrelJ of tl)e 1\e• tulle, bl' tlJC noo~e of tlJe ~abernatle of tl}c cn:on,
1rntcs:~enem,of\ll1Jom came tl)e limreD oftl)e gre114tto11,fapin1,J,
~cllemitei:i. 3 ©ur fad)cr tJictJ in t[Je tl'lilbernrUe, anlJ
5o ~l)cfc arc tlJe Ttinrells of ~cpl)d.Jalt accoi• was not in tl,Jc companp of tl)cm that gatlJrnll
!Jing to tIJcir {Jou111olt1SS, tol)ofe number is four• tlJemfelues togetl)er againll tlJe ·JL,o~!J in tf_Je
tic ann fiuc tl)ourann, an!J foure l)untJJClJ. cn:ongrcgationofcJl:oJalJ: bUt bicbinIJis o\l:lnc
• muumrn
51 ~(Jere are t(Jc numberss or tl)e rnilDien of finne, anD l)ab no ronm.~. ~~::~,;tt:..
4 U9l)UCfO~£ tlJtn i~ tl)cnamc OfOUt ratlJcr ~ ~:~:.~ , :~ra 1
1 01
'Jifratl, u:re iJunllJ£D tf.Jourannc, anti a tlJoufantJ,
rmcn 1Junt11et1,ant1 tl)irtic. taken a\llar from a.mong {Jis ltinrctJ, becaurci)c ~;~~~,~~·,;110
52 anti tl}c ·.ll.o~tJ fpake bnto 9@orc~. faptnl_l, IJatl)nofonne-: ©tucbnto bstl)crcfo2eapo[cf 1b•• f'lotro:
~ 3 111t-nto tlJtCc tl)c lanll tltall be ncui!Jell to in• fion amoni.J tile b b~etl)~cn of our father. o~W;~'r'h;"
lJerite, acco~bing to ti.Jc number ofnameis. S s.ln!I £@oftS b~OUgf,}t tlJ£ir 'raUfC IJCfOjC r;;~~~;'~·.~,';'.
54 ~omanp tl}ou flJalt giue tl)e moie inl;Jc• tl)e )L,o,n. ;,~:1 ~;~~~:~~~'
ritance, anti to fetoc tl)c leife : to euerp tribe UJall 6 ~nil tl)e lloin fpalie bnto Sl@ofcs, C.tping, ;~~~;,~~~.~;~
tl)e tnl)mtancc be gtuen, aao~tling to tl)e num• 7 '(E;l)e !Jaugl)tcrsi of '.5alp1Jaab rprrrf;2 ngl]t: 1nurimm11~'
bcr tl)ereof. ti.Jou fiJlllt giuc tl)cm a poatmon to inf)critc a, F,~';;,~,;.ip,~~·:i
s5 ~ottott{Jtlanbing, tl)e lann fl)albe lleui!Jeb moug tl)m fatbcrs b;et{J~cn.anll llJa!t tumctl)c ~;~;:?.~'~i 1 " 1
hp lot,anlJ acco;tJing to tIJe namess of tl}e tribes mlJcritancc of tl]cir fatiJcr bnto tlJCln. . ~·;~~[,;u"
of d,Jeir fatIJers tlJep lball tni,ertte. 8 anti tl)OU flJalt fptllhC blltO tIJc c{Jtl!Jicn Of "' bm rak1
56 9cco1t1ing to tfle lot fball ti,c polTdTion ']frael,fartng, ']fa man Die,anll IJauc no ronnc, ~··J~~:':~~­
ti,mofbetJeuitJclJ bettoccnemanp anti rewe. re flJBl tumc l_1is inIJerttancc bnto IWS !Jaug}Jtcr. ~~·.~0·;:~'.~~
Exod.6,1 7. 57 *~ere are tl)e numbers of t(Je lLeuitc~ af• , 9 .'.Jf{JetJaue n~ naugl)tcr, rec llJallgiue l)ijl ~;~:;w,~~~;.
ter t{Jctr l1inret1s:0'crfon,of'lllbom came tlJe fiin, tnl)cntauce bnto IJtS bJttb,ctT. "''"'· •• bn
reb ofd,Jc <3erfonitrs: cn:aatl),of'IIJIJomcamc tlJc 10 ]f(JceIJaucalfonob,cttnm.recllJaUgiuc ~~~::~~ 1t1

mnrctJ ord,Je cn:aatIJitc~:~crart,of'lllIJ01n came !Ji.IS intleritancc bnto IJi~ b~ct1J1cn.
ti.Jc ltinrelJ 0rtlJe ~craritcs. r I i!llb fflJi~fatIJtr {JaUC 11_0 blCtlJ~cn, }1CC 11)81
5s ~ere arc tl)e Ittnrenss o~ tl)c 'Leuittsi, tIJe giue lJiS tntJeritance bnto l)tm tllat is ttc,;t to
fiinretJ of ti,e JLibnitcs, tile 1m~et1 of tlle_B)etno• lltmoflJiSJiinrcb, \llJCCllJBllpo[l~!rcit: anD tlJis
nite~, tlle flinrctJ of tlJc ~a!Jelitcis, the !Jinrcll of OJalbebnto tl}c cbilll~cn of'.3)frael d alaw of iubg, d rnr.1nin(I
tlJe ~ufltes, tile liim:ctJ of tl)c ([' o~tlJitc~, anD mcnt,as ttJe JL,o~o lJatlJ commant1en Sl@ofcs. 411C1:D1n.:i.11c
cn:aatl} begate it1nram. I2 *anD tlJc JL,oJ!JfallJ bnto ~ores ©ett}Jcc D<u<·B·
E:xod,1.2, s9 *ann amrams tulfc toasi callrtJ jJod)ebelJ~ bp into tlJiS mount .a~alim, an'O be(Jol!Je tlJc l7•
a DauglJter orti,,cut,wIJiclJ was bomc lmto JL.rui IaulJC \lllJtelJ ~ IJaue gmcn bttto tf_Je cl)illl!cn of
in<iegppt: ant> OJcebarcimto amram,.Q!lfon, ~~d: .
Sl'@orcs, anti ~arcc tlJeir filler. 13 anlJ iw1Jent1Jou lJa« rccne it, tIJoul?Jnlt rncL>.An
60 !Anti bnto aaron tom bome ~atJab anb be< gat:l)CrelJ bnto tlJp people a1ro, as aaron tlJr 'hou Iha!
abil)u,<flca~ar,anll ']tlJamai:. b1ot1Jcr'lllas1,Jatl)erc1:1. r,. •c.
Num.;+ 61 *anti ~anab anD ilbilJU l:licD, b>bctl tlJcy . J 4 foi ~u "mert llifobebicnt bnto mr 1noutb ~IC~~~:c ip:
offer en l'tran~fire bcfD~c tl}c 11..oin. mtl)c llefcrt of 'Jill, in t(Je tlrffc of tf)c cirongrc, •r ll!l••b.
lofuah n1ade gouernour. Numeri. Offerings on feafl: day es.
JL,01D: tmo pong bullomss.anD a mam,anb rcucn
JL,ambtS!I Of a pcm olb \DttlJout fpot,
12 .anD tlJ~ tmtlJ be.akss oflloutc fo~ a mcau
offrtng, mtngkD'mitlJ orle fo1 ont bultoclic,anb
t\Do tentlJ braless of ftoure fo1 a mcatc otrring,
mtnglcb 'mttfJ ople ro1 one lllam:
1 3 .an1> a tend) Deale ot Houn mtngkb mid)
orle fo: a mcate offering bnto one Jl.ambc, to: a
\D(Joltlmmt offering of af\!Jeetrauour,anl> a ra,
cnllcemabc bp fire tmto tbt l..011>.
_14 a~ t:lJetr D1tn1u~ offcrfngss OJalbe lJalfc an
IJm ofmme tmto one bulloclie, 11n1> tl,Jt tl)trl!t
part ofan 'in of'Qlinc bnto a Jaam, ~ tl}c fourtl)
part ofan 'in bnto a JLambc:~tsiss tl)e 'lDl}ote
burnt olf'ertng efcucrr monetl}, t1noug1Jout tl)c
monetlJts of t(Jc pccrc.
1 s .anb one IJee !JOlttt fo1 a offmng tm'
to tIJe JL,011> UJalbc oftrc1>, bcu1>css t:lJe 1>at1r 'al(Jolc
burnt offertng,anl> IJilS b~inkc offering.
16 * an1> tlJt fourtecntfJ bar of tJ;Jc firftmo' i'
WJ ••! fl" of ""e
Eico.n. •B.
11 anb in tlJc tirtccntIJ bar of tIJe fame mo'
nctlJ,ilS tlJe ecaa: fcucn t1aress 1Dng OJal tmleaue·
nel> bieal> be eaten.
18 ~nt1Jcfirft1>apQJalbc an IJolp conuocatf,
on, refi.Jal bo no mancr of ferutlc 'lD01ke tlJerein.
19 l5ut t'e llJaloffer a facrificc mabe bp fire fo1
a'all)ole burnt offertn!l tmto tl}e JL,01b,t\Do rong
bUlloclllS, ont Jllam,anb Ccuen JL,ambeS!I ofa rcrc
olb,ltt t11em be 'altt:lJout fpot.
2 o .a111> let t11rtrmeatoffrtngbe offlourc mtn,
gleb toitl) oilc: tlJJtt tmtlJ l>taless alfo OJaU pc of,
fer fo~ a bullDdte, ~ t'mo tctttl1 braless fo~ amam,
2 1 Sll>ne tmtl1 be.alt fl)alt ttJou offer fo~ cucrp
lLnmbe,of tlJt reucn :tianwcss,
22 .anti an IJr.t goatc ~ a unne offering, to
maflt an atotttmentfo1 pou.
2 3 1/?tllJaU otra dJefc bclibet(Jc'alIJolc bumt
offeringtnt1Jem01ntng, tolJicl:J t~ a: contt11ua11
'llllJolt burnt ramficc.
24 .after tl}ts manrr tic flJall offer tl}ozomout
tl1e rcum bape.13, t11c fltflJ of tfJt racrificc ma lie br
fire fo~ a f'aleet rauour bnto tl}c JL,oin:anll it f'IJaU
be bone bdibe tf;Jc barlt' \tl(Jole burnt offering,
anti IJtS bJfnlle olfcting.
2 s anb tn tl}cfcuentl} bappc tball IJAuc anIJo,
lpconuocatton, wherein rccllJall bot nofcrutle
26 ~uro in tlJt llap of pour firlf fruitcs 'lDIJcn
pe bJing a ne\llc mcate offering bnto ti.JC JL,oJD,
acco111tng to.rour b 'lllcclic.13, rec llJall l)aue an IJo' b wmmpun1
~!' ~onuocatton,anl> re OJan 11oc normnle 'lD01llc ~r;::.~~:~.
Ill It, ftcra11aC.:lb<1·
27 l6ut offer tl)c tobolt burnt otrmng foJ a ::~~:· 11 ~,.
f\lleet rauour bnto tl)cJL,oJD,t\Do pong bulloms,
afiam..anD reuen l..ambes of a pem oID,
28 Ditl) tl)eir meate otftrin~ Of ttaurcmtn.
!;Jltb 'lllitb orle, tt:J~ee tcntl} Dcales imto a buf,
locke, t\Do tcnt(J Dcalcjjbntoal'ta1tt,
29 .annonetcntl.I Deale bnto a :Umbe, tl}o,
ro\tlout tf;Je rtuen Jl,.ambel,
30 .anD an 1Jcc1oat.c tomakeanatonrment
fo~pou. .
31 G;!JilFUtlJSBDoe, bruDC•CIJc COntinuan
\VIJOlclJUmtOtfrtng, an~ IJiS meat offering (anti
tlJcp niao b~ bnto pou \tl1t1Jout QJot) '1.lic:IJ tl)etr
D;inlle otrmngss.
The nix.Chapter.
, What mun bee otfcrcd thceightfirftdayesofthc
fcucnth moncth.
Offerings on rhe Chap.xxix. Fea.fl: dayes. 61
~D *in tlJt fira Dap of ClJe , rcucnt11 lambclS \l.litl}out fpot:
Leui.• ,. , 4 •
monc~IJ, re tlJalllJaueanl)olp
pctfl)allDOI? tlJcnnoftr•
21 anb let tl)cir meate anll ll#nflc offerings
bnto the bullo£he9, rammcs, anb lsmbeis, bee
~" ID<u- uile 'WOJlie: f 01 it ilS aIJap of blo\ll• after tl}c number or tlJcm, anti "'01t1ing to tiJc
ing ttJc trumpets bnto rou. manner.
:i :.1no prt Cballoffcr a \lllJole burnt otmng 22 .anll.tfJetctlJaUbcotrercllan l)ccgoatfoi a
ro:aftDcctfauourbnto ttJc 1.1.o~llc.onerongbul> finnc offenng, befibe tfJc ?Jailp tol}ole bumt offc•
lo ramme, anll rcum lambis of a pcrc oUJ rtng. anb IJ•IS meat anti Dtinbc offcrtng. .
\DttfJOUt blcmillJ: 2 3 jjn tl}c fourtfJ bap pee flJall otfcr ten bu1·
t. 3 anll tf)cirmcatc offcringtl,)aUllemabeof lo,ltcs, t'a!o rammcs, anD fouretccne pcerclmg
~ :~~:a· ftoure, mtngltil witlJ oplc, tl}Jee b tcntl1 lleales lambcts 'IDitlJout blcmiOJ.
~ bnto dJt bullo,ke, anb t\ilo tcntlJ bealcii tmto 24 JLctttJcirmcatc anti l>ttnhc offerings bn'
~: tl,Jerammc, to ti)~ buuo,Jtcs, rammcs. anti lambcs. bee ac,
,: 4 9nb one tentlJ lie alt bnto one lllmbti tl}o• ro~l'Jmg to t1Jc number of tlJcm, anti after tlJC
ro\llouttlJcfrucnlambcs: . manner:
~ 9nb anl.Jcc <3oatrei a unne o&rtng, to 2 5 anb an bee goat fot a finne offering,bcflDc
maflc an atonement fo1 pou: tl)c llaplp\tllJolc burnt offering, an!ll.Jismcatc
6 ~cUilc tl)c rotiolc burnt offcs:ing of tlJc anl> l>~inf1c offcrtn(l.
·:, Dtrrrn in •b• 'monetlJ, anil bis me ate offering, anD bcflbc the : 6 J:n tlJc fiftl) oar re lbal offcrntnc bullocfts,
' :\?:i~~;f l>aplp 'Wl}olc burnt offering, anil IJis mcatc ofh> two ramnics, anll fourtccnc lambcs of one rcrc
:~ ...., naon1111- ring,anD tl)c bJinbe oflrings of tlJr fame. \llfJitl:J oln mitl;Jout fpot:
;< nm« be bone atto1ntng bnto tl:Je man er of tlJcm, : 7 .anti let tl]cir mcatc anD llJinbc oftttingi:l
' ro1 a rauour or rrocctcnetrc. it is a ra,rifi'e mallc bnto tlJcbullocf1cs. rammcJ!, an1>lambcis.tic tw
> bl' flrc bnto tl)c JLo~b. co1t1tng to tl)c number of tt)cm, anti after ~c
,; ·ui.•i·' 7 7 * anbpcll)alll}auctbctcnt~llapoftlJiSfC• manner:
< 11mr1r. ·~· ucntl) monctl) an l)olp d conuocatton,anb pc llJal 2 8 ann an l)cc goatroi 11 Cinnc offering, bcfillc ·
~· - ~:.- l.Jnmblc pour route15, anti llJall noe no manner tl)cllaplptol)olc burntoffcring, anl> l)i~ mcatc
,:: 'WOJkC 1hcrcin. anb nitnfic offering.
··· · s '5ut rec OJan offer a'\Dl)olc burnt ofttting 29 annintlJcfi.rt?lap,rcnJallcffcr ciilJtbuI,
·-. tmto tl)c ·JLoin fo~ a C\llcct rauour, one rong bul• lockcs, two rammcs, ano fourtccnc pcm:Ii~ I
... loclic.a ranmtt,anll rcum tambcis oi arcrc olbc, lamb cs wttl}out fpot : l
'rol)i'l) flJ albc bnto rou \l.lnbout blc111ifl.J. 30 an!llcCtlJetr mcatc anb l'J#nkcotrefingts
:::: 9 ~l)cir meat offmng n1albc of aourc min· bnto tl)c buUo,flcis.rammcs.anl> lambi,B,be a''
g1£1111Jttl) ople, tlJicc trntl:J ncalcs to a bullomc, co~bing to t\}e number of tl:Jcm, ano after tl)c
anll t'Wo tcnt(J l>tales to a rammc :
• o ano a tcntlJ bcafc bnto cucrr lambc, tl)o·
romout tiJc rcuen lambcs:
3c anb an l)cc goat Coia Cinnc offcrin~. bcOllc
tl)c batlr '»bole burnt offcting, anb IJtlS mcatc
r 1 ann an l)cc a:oat CoJ a Cinnc offcring,bclibc anb n:tnftt offering. I
tl)c linne offrlng or an atoncmcm,11batlp1JJ(Jole
burnt offrtng, anll tl)c mtatanb t11inlic oftnnp
32 '.)ln dJc fcuentlJ llap, vcc fball otftt rcuen
bullOCkcs,rtllo ramme!1, ann fourtccnc lambcs, ~
tlJatlong to tl)e rame. tl:Jat are rerclings mitl:Jout blcmitl).
1: anb in tl)c flftcentfJ nar of tl)c Ccttc11tlJ n anll lct tl)cir mcatc anll b~nkc offerings
, ;
, ...
moncttJ, tic ll)alll)aue an (Jolt' conuocation, anb bnto tl)c bullocliets. rammcs. anb lambcts, bee
boctl)ennorcntilc1JJoJkC, annrcc lballkccpc a acco~bing to tlJcir numbci, anb after tlJc man•
Ceall 1mto tl)c ·Jl.,01n rcucn narcJ!. net:
1 3 !ln!l rec fiJaU ofttt a \l.ll}olc burnt o&rtng 34 !ln'll an IJce !JOat fo1 afinne offering, bcriDc
foJ a raqifi'c matJC bf fire.Co: af'alrct rauour bn• tlJc baplp \D{Jolc burnt offering, unb l}is tntatc
to tl)c Jl.,oJb,tl)trteenc pongbullocJuS,t\tlo ramis. anb b1tnfle offcrin~.
ann rourtccnc lambcs of a pcerc oUJ, \Dl)i'1.J 11Jtlll 35 ']ln tfJc eight tar, rec OJall IJaucafo!cmne
-::-: be UJitl)outbltmillJ. atremblp, anb rec ll:Jall noc no rcruilc lllOJliC
~;; , 14 9.nll tlJcirmcatco«mng ll)allbtor fioure tlJcrcin:
,. ,. ; ~· mingleb \l.litlJ optc, tlJ:cc tcntlJ llcalcii bnto euc• 36 l5ut re fl.JalJ offer a 'W1Jole burnt offering,
~ ~- -~ tir one of tl)e tlJtrtccnc bullomcJ!, ttDo tcntlJ afamfiu mane by lln, foJ afillecte rauour bnto
1, ;::1 · llealcsto eitl)croft1:Jct\tlora1mncs. tl)c Jl.,o~bc, one bullocke. one rammc. anti feuen
~-; ,. " 1 s 9.nb one tcntl) ncalc bnto cacl.J of tlJdaur· rcrcllng lambcs wttl)out fpot.
~· \ ttrnclambcs: 3, JLtt tlJcir mcate anti oiinflc offm'ngis bn'
. 16 anno1tthcc<!5oat foiaunnc offcrin.•ii, be· to tl)c bullocke, rammc, an!l lambcs, bee ac·
-1'·· ftllc tlJe baplp 1JJl)olc burnt otfcring, ll>&t1J l)is 'o:l>inl to tl)e number, anl> a"o~Dln~ to tl}c
·~ ~itr mcatan11n:inlicoftcring. manner:
' · t.1~':,. 17 ann tl.)c c Ccconll bar re OJaU offtt t\tlclue 3s anb an lJcc goat fo? a finnc offttin!J. bcCillc
Fongbullocllcs. t'Wo rammcl!, fourtecne rccrc• tlJr baplp 'WlJolc burnt offering, anb IJiis tncate
ling lambcs \l.litl)out fpot. anll nimllc offcrmg.
18 anD let tl}cir mcatc offerings anb l>Jinfic 3 ~ ~ere tl)ings rec llJafi noc bnto tlJc '.ll..01bc
offcrt~ bnto tl)c bullocflcs, rammcs,\f lambS, in rour fcaas, bcuoc 'four bowc' anb Cree will ,""'" ""'""'
offcrtngj.'j. pour burnt ofteringl1, meat of, '"" rmtlk<~
be acco~itJI to tl)c numbtt of tl)cm, anll after
. tlJc manner: fcrinM,b~inllc offcrmg1U11il ~cacc offrring.IS.
1 9 ann an (}cc ~oat roi a rinnc offcri~, befiDc 4o .Qno ~ofr.s toll> the '1)tlO~cn of ]Cract all
tl1e ba~lv 'WlJolt burnt offering, anti IJJS meatc tl)at tl)e ·A-01l> commaunbcb l)tm.
anb b~mlte ofleting. Thexxx. Chapter.

2 o ann tbc tt)irb nar '' t'ball offtt dnten bul•
_ loclttiS, to>o Tammeis, anb fouttcme recrdtng Of vowcs,when ihcy tball be kept,and whc:11 not.
. 1.
,-. ,....
Lavves for vovves .
~ ~ ~orcis fpalle tmt.o tl}r l)ra~ss
of tfJc ~nbeis.concnmng tl}e cl)ll,
ll~rn of jjf\'acl, raring, -m)if.S tss tl}t
tl}ingto)JiclJ tlJe JLo~llt IJlltf.Jcom,
11 fat1ng,
Balaam is fiaine.
~ii tlJt JLo~ rpalit tinto !lll}ortis,
,, * aum~ tl)c c~ilb1tll of Nurn.2s.
~thlrloftl}c Sl(!J11lliamtess 1 anll 1 7·
aftcr\\lttrbc 11.Jalt tIJou be gatl}c'

2 'JJt a man bo\De a bo'ro tmto tf)e lLo~br, OJ rtll 1mto tlJ1:' people.
C'\Dcare an otl'Je to binll l)i!S roulc: l)r 11Jall not go 3 anll ~oreis tpake bnto ti.Jr folflc, ral'iti«,
b11tfie tuitlJ f)iSS 'roo~llt, but llJall fulfill all tl,Jat tis ~antelfe rome of r~u ~nto \tlattt, anll lrttlJem
pJomllcll out of l)tss moutIJ. goc bpon ttJe ~at11an1te1S,allll auenge tf)r JLOJb
3 '.if a tooman alfo bo'alc a bo'ror tmto tl}r of tl}e sro)allianiteis.
:.tLoJllc,anb bin be l)rr ftlft, teeing in l}tt fatl)cris 4 ©f cucrr mbe a d}ourant1,t1nou11(Jout an
l)ourc in tlJe time of l)cr routl}: tf)t tribrf.S of ]frarl,tlJall re fcnb to tl}e \tlarre.
4 attn 1Jer fatl}cr ()care l)rr bo\tle anll tonn 5 gn11 tlJcrt tom llrltuertll out of tlJr tl}ou:
\tl)JiclJ fhct {Jat)J malie bpon {Jcr roulc, an'O (!lolllt fannis of ']!fracl,ttoelue tl}oufartll p,epan11 bnto
IJi!S prate tl}crcto: tl)en all l}cr botoris ann bonll.S \Dam, of currp tribe a tIJoufanll.
tol)iclJ flJrt IJatlJ mallc bpon l)cr roule,fball tlann 6 gnb ~orcis Cent t{Jem to tl}r 'roarrc.a tIJou,
mcfltct. ranll of cucrp trtbe,an'Otoitl)tl}rml&IJinceistl}r
5 l3ut ir lJcr fatl}cr llifaloto l]rr the fame fonnc of ~ea~ar tl}r 1Mdl to tlJt toam, anll
Mp tlJat IJtc l)rarctl} au lJn bo'roeis anti bonnes tl}e lJolr bcCfrls, anll t~r ttumpttis to blo'tl> 'tl>ere
\IJl}itlJ ff.Jee IJatlJ mane bpon l)erCOUlr: tlJtl' 11Jall in l}islJanll. ,-.
, 1r~mb nor not be Of balU£, anll tl}e JLOJllt tlJafi fo1giut)Jer, 7 anll tlJC1:' toarre'O againlltl)t S;)abiantteJS,
,.~,, now. brcaurc IJtr fatl}er •bifalomcl> htt. SIS tl)e )Lo~'O rommaunllcO ~ore~ Snll Ot\lle an
6 '3\f11Jrl]a1>an)Jufbannm1Jrn11Jrbotoe1>,01 tl)rmalrs. :
NOnounccll ougl}t out ofl)cr lippris, \ll}Jcretoitl) s "'am tlJer acwe tlJe r1tng.s of Qllabtan a' Iofu,rJ·"·
llJC bounll l]cr roulc: mongotIJrrtl)atblttt aainr. ~amelp eui, anll t
7 anll l)er l}ufbann IJearll tt, anlli)clllclli!S llieliem,~ur,anlll!)ur, annllieba:fiueltingsS of . .
peace tl)crrat tl)r fame nar (Jr l]earll it: tl}en lJtt
tio\Deis ff.Jail ttantl,anll l)cr boms \DtJrrc'roitlJ 11Jr
bounn f)crroule,tlJall tlann tn effect.
~allian,tottlp l3aLtam tl)t ron o£'3roM1Jl.Jom i11~=:' :::
tl}tp Qrbl toitl} tl)c C'al~'O. =~-=
9 an11 tl)e clltlllim of 9\trael toolit all t1}e ::CLm:

8 anll if (Jer l}urban'O llifalobl l]er tl)r fa mt blOllUU Of ~Bllian p~ifontrS, ~ tl)cir d)ilb~ -
nar tlJat (Jr iJearll it, t(Jcn IJr man ma fir lJer ho\\l ann Cporlc'O au tlJeir cattrU,anl> an tl)eirflome-. ,
\\llJtCIJ llJr ()atfJ bpon 1Jrr,an11 ctJe openiti« of IJtt ann au tlJetrgooll.!S.
[iµpeStol}ttClDltfJ tlJet bOUUlJl)C\'fOU(t,OfllOUt IO anlJ tlJep burnt aTI tfJeir Rtit.!S \tllJmlll
cffcct,ann tlJe JL,o~ll llJall fo1giur her. tf:lep l>\Drlt, anll an tlJeir goontr bllltllinptllitlJ :;
9 '.13ut cuerp bo'tlJe or a\Dillo'tlJc, ann of IJrr fire:
t(Jat ts lliuo~ccn, tl)at tl)rp f}aue boimll tlJtir 11 ann tlJeptooliealltlJr l'potlr, anllalltfJc
11i route lDitl)alt. fiJall aanll in effect 'lllitlJ tl}em. of men anll beats.
~u~:.~'b,:~~ IO 'Jf(IJC bO'tlJClJ llliJcthbufbSlll:Jf.SlJOufr, 01 U anlJt{Jl')? bJOuglJt t1}ecaptiUCJS, anlJ tl)at
·~· 1n D1••1110 boun'O l}cr foule \Dttll an otl]e: \tllJicl) ttel' l)all tahen, anll tlJt QJ01:'lt,hnto gi)o'
11 a1111 l}cr l)ufbann l}ram it, anll lJdllt fJis rts anll cflca1artl}r ~iirtl, anll hnto tl}r cornpa·
peace conccmtng lJtr, ~ llifaiomc'Ol}cr not: tIJrn nit of tIJc cl.Jilllien of ']!Crad, men bnto tl)r l]oac ~::-
all l)er bo'wc1$ ff.Jail ttanlJ,anll cuccy bonn \l.llJttt, d;lat \tlcrr tn Clle fitlllrs of ~oab tr '.Jl~llanc, , :::.
\llitlJ !lie bounn IJcrfoule, flJttllllann. ourra§aintt'.]jericlJo: ,
12 JBut if bcr 1mcoa11n 11ifanullct1 tl)rm tlJr 1 3 all'O ~orcis anll cflts1ar ti.Jr p~ietl,anun -~
ramc nar tlJ11t IJt IJcarn tl)cm: tl)cn not)Jing tlJat tlJt JL,o~ns of t}Jc congregation, \llent out of tl}c 'l:
p~occct1rt1J out of l}cr lips in hotocisann bonlls l)olltto mccttl}rm. ·~
tol)cretoitl) OJe bounll l)er roule,llJall aann in cf.· 14 an11 gi)ofeis ttla)l angrte \uitlJ tlJr. offlcm.l ,
rcct : fo~ l}cr l)uroanll llatlJ t1ifam1Ucll tlJem, anll of'tlJe l]otlt, \lJitlJ tlJr captatncs oucr ttJouran11is, ~ ~·~
tl}e ·,IJ.,o~n ll)all fo~giue l)er. anb oucrbHnll~ellis, \tll)ic.1} came from tlJe \lJarrt ~
1 3 au bobles an11 otlJris tl)at bintle to anll battell. ~\
'.,,~:~~~~ •. 'lJUmbletlJefoult, mapl)erlJufbanlltlablt11.Jo1 15 gnll~ofe~rapl>hntotlJem, ll)aurrtera, ..• ~
'"bftllltftUOI wcalie. Urtl all ctr b to omen alitre !" ~=r.t. .,'"
~·~ "n"'1'· 1 4 l5ut iflJer (Jufba11bl]Olllrl;Ji1.Sprace from
16 *l6tl)olbe, ttJefuanfelltlJccl)llb~enof')f, 111D1111~ "'-:.~
1.. ~ ~~~~~\'.~· done llBl' to anot(Jer, t{Jen lJtt ftablill1ttlJ an racl,tlnouglJ tlJr rounrco ofl5alaam,to commit ~:.:1.1 ~ -:-~
',i~~·~~::.1b lJrr botocis an'O bonlls \tllJtclJ 11Jcc 1Ja11 hpon l)cr: trefpatre againft tlJe ~lie m tf.Je burittetrc or ~ ·~
"· l}ee conrtrmctlJ tfJem, bccaurc l)er lJelllc lJiS
peace concerning l]tr ttJcfame lisp tl]at l,le l}carll
'l&eo~, anll t{Jnc wllo\Dcll a plague amon~tf.Je •1111
co1111rcgation of'tlJc JL01t1. '
J•:= ~

;"~:Wii~r;, i1 15 l5ut if I.lee b~caltrtlJem, aftl!r tlJat l)ee
1, ~o\tl tl,lcrfotcftal! al tl,le 1ncn cl)flb~cn,an11
\.~ ~
:~::·~'"'" rra.l~~.l)tar11tl}em, l)cr llJallbcartlJttlinne f)im, is ~11talt1Je\llmntnt1J1lt1~en tlJatlJaucnot ,
.. "'16 Ipen \lritlJ men wnanr, flrepc altuc fo~ rour \. ~ ,..
~err arc tlJr o~btnances 'tD~c:IJ tlJc JL01b rclucs. -~ ·
c~mmaunbtb ~ores bettocenr a man anD 19 -'lnllpeellJall rrmainc \tlitllouc tlJrlJol?t ,\ ..;
lJts "l1nte, ami bct'lllrenc tlJe fa~ anD IJtis rcuenbarcs.allt(JatlJauet.tllellanppetron 111111 I·
t>aure1tcr, btein~ ret a 11amrdl tn l;Jri fatfJrrs ~lltl:Jatl}auctouc1Je11anrnrat1bollte, an11 purf, :.'~
l)ou e. rte botlJ pou~ Celues anll pour p~ffoncrs tl)e tlJirll ·l
Th lla1:',anlltlJefmmtlJ: .;\~~
exxxj. Chapter. 2.o anllptmfteallrourrapmmts,ann tlJatts , ~~'
_ 8 The Madiani.rcs areflainc, and their cities burnt, maDt Of ~anncs, anll all \tlo~keofgoatrs IJaire, ~~•
-1. Balaam~lfoisllainc. iB OnelythevirgincsarcrC'- ant1aDtl;ltnitSma11torltloo1J.
"",_ _ _ _fe_n_ic_da_h_ue_._ _ _ ,, _1_1_-.:a-:.:n:.::D~.~ ... t·~lJ.cJ)1iea111r11bntot1Jcmcn
~. '=~ · -=--~-:iill*="--~~;::;;;==:::::~::-=---'.""------~L.
'Ofl - '·
The praydiuided. Chap.xxxij. Rubens requefl:,&c. 62
or '11>am 'llllJitll lDtrltto tlJtbattcll, ~i$!1 ij!j tlJt 4 s l.nD tlJirtie tl}ourann all'c~. anll fiuc J,Jun·
0,11,nance oCtIJda'dJ '11>1Jicl} tl}e Jl..o~IJ '°mmaun• b,Cl),
11c11~orcs. 46 an'b firtecnc tfJouranb perfons, .
u .as co1 g11llle,rilucr,biaU'c,a111J y~on, ttnnc. 47 Qnll ~orcstookeoftl}c{Jalfetl)atpcrtai,
11nD fclll>, nr'b bnto t:J,Jc s clJilll,cn of jjfratl. one po1tion of ~ 1'..1. •ho•
2 3.an11 an tlJat maF abinc tlJt ire.. fte OJall fiftic, botlJ or tl}e pcrfons anti oft~ cattell, an'b :.:~~·""' [ 1• 0

make it got tl),ougl} tl)c Ctre..atlll it ttJalbt dtanc: gauc tlJcm bnto tlJe ll...euitcs tolJ•cl) toarteD bp•
ncucrtlJdcifc,it OJalbc puriltD tDitlJ 'lllatu offc: on tlJt rl)arge of tl)e 'i!tabcmadc of tl}e )l,oioe,a~
paration: ann all tbat CulfcntlJ not d1t ire, rec tIJe ·Jl,o~i'I commanbc'b g@of~.
llJall maftc gnc tlJlDU~l) tl1t 'dJattt: 48 l.nll tIJc officers of tl)ouranll- of tl}e IJo«c.
24 an11 'mall) l'Our cloatlJtj!j tl)e rcutnt() list'· tlJ~ captames oucr tl)c tlJoufanbs, anD tl)e mp•
ann FCC RJall be clcane,anD aftmuarlJ come into tame~ oucr tl}t l}UnD~tDs,came fo:tlJ,
tl]c l)ollc. 49 antJ rain bnto ~oftB, ~hr rcruants l)auc
2 5 an11 tl)e llo:ll fpaflc bnto i1190Ccs, fafing, taftcn tl)e rummc oftl)e men of mane 'lDIJiclJ are
2 c> ~alic tl)c rum me of tl)c p~af, tl)at \llajf ta• bni'ler our autl}olitic, anti tl)ere lackctl) not one
tien, botlJ of tl)c perIon-anD of tlJt cattcll, tl)ott manor bs.
anD €Icaiar tlJc lD~icn,ani'I tl)c cl)1cfc fatl}cr- of 5o D9c l)aue tlJmro~e b~ou{\IJt awcrent bnto
tl)e congregation : tl)c lLo,nc, tol)at cuerp man fount>, of ic'IDd~ of
l 7 ilni'I ocuiDc tl}c Pl£11' into t'dlo part'1, be• golD,b~acclct~clJains, rings.eartngs. ann fpan,
t'dJccne tlJcm tIJat too lit ttJe 'dJarre bpon tIJcm gles. to make an atonement fo~ our roulc~ be'
ann 'alent out to battcll, ti all tlJc congregation. WlC tl}e l,o,D,
18 anb talie a tribute bnto tl)c )l,o~Dc of tl}c 51 ann ~ores anll cflca!ar tl}e ~~ittl toofle
mm of mane tol}icl) 'lllmt out to batten : one tl)c goln oftl)enuu tl}c llliou~t ic'alels.
roule or ffue l)unDJtD,botlJ of tl}c perfon~,ano of 52 ann au tIJc golD of tlJe {Jeauc offerin{\ tlJat
tiJcbeeuc-,anD of tlJt affc~ano of tl)c 11.Jccpc. tiJCF lJtaucD bp to tl)e JL,o,D, of tlJe mptains oucr
19 anD Ft n1all roflt it oftl)cir 1Jalfc,.an11 gtuc tIJouranos ano l)utUJ~el>s. to as ro:mne tl}ou,
itbnto <etea!art1Jtl9*n, a~anl,Jcaucoffering fatlil,fcuenl)unll,cb, anD uftie Ciclcs.
or tlJe lLoJn. H (1fo~ tl)e men of 'tDarrc l)ab fpople'b, eucrr
io anll of tl}e l)alf.C of tIJe cl)l!D1cn of '.]!Crad, manhfo11Jtmfclfc.) h e1111111na
tlJou lb alt take one poltion of ufttc, or tl)e per, S4 ann ~ores ano lflca!ar tlJe ~itca woke r::r.:1~:~'."
rons, ann of tl)e be£ucis. of tl)e alTcs, anD of tl}e tl)c goU> of tl)e captains ouci:: tl}e t~out'anlls anD
11Jctpe,ann or all mancr of lleaa-.ano giue tlJC1n {Jutlilitn~, anll b~ougl)t it into tl}e tabernacle of
bnto tl}e. JL..cuitcs ml)icl) roaite bpon tl)e tl)a~ge tlJt congrc~ort, fo~ a i mcmo,iall oCtf}r dJil' ; tth•r ~·•
0£ tl)c tabernacle of d)e Jl.,o,n. D,cn of]fracl bcfoic tl}c Jl..OJb. ~i~~.~;~·,~~
31 9nll Sl@orts ano ~lea!ar OJt ~;ica, bill as mrmb~ancr,

tlJe )l,o~ll commaunnco ~ores. The: xxxij. Chapter.

32. 911?1 tl)e boctie, anD tl}c rca: of tiJe pi at Mofcs glucth to the Rubenitcs, Gaditcs, and ro the
tolJidJ tl)e men of \1.larre (Jal! caugl)t, mas Cln halfc t1ibe of Manaffcs, their portion of their inhe-

ritance beyond Iordanc.
l)unt11eD tl}ouranll, anD t1J1ccfco1e ano liitcznc
t1Jourann ll)ecpc, l\)e cl)ilnlcn • of lRubcn , anb tllc • n11b1• ,..,
33 ano tl}~cerco1c ann tmcluc tl}oufanll of cl)ilD,cn of c0an, l)aD an mtc'biri{\ ~i11";',~~~
baucs, great multitube of cattcll : ilno :~:·t,~~.~.~·
34 ~nll t1necrco1canll one tl)oUfanll aU'e'1, 'IDfJtn tlJCF Cato t~c latlll of 'J:a~cr, :;11p~• h«
3s ano .tlJittte ann t'dJo tl)otnano penonJS in ano t~c lanil of <3ilcl1D,tlJat tt \tla.6 ~~~.~~~;..
an, of'alomm tl)atlJatJ lpm b1' no man. an apt place fo~ cattcn,
36 !lnD tl)e (Jalfe,tolJtcl) \tla~ tlJC part Of dJ£m 2 ~t cl:)ilb,cn of !Suben, ani'I tlJe cl)ilb.it11
tIJat 'alcnt out to mane, toa• in number tlJ~ of <lf5a?I, ca1nt anb fpalie bnto ~ore- ano <elca,
l)Unll~Cl> tl)oufanll, anb fcucn anll tl}irtit tl)OU• Iattl'lc 10licll, anD bnto tl)c lo~bS of tl)c c:ongrc
rano,anll riuel)unl>,eb H)l'tpe. gation,raping,
d 'll:batt;,,~at 37 anti tl)e dJl.,01lls patt of tl1C 11.Jcepe,'Illas fii;c 3 ~IJe tani'I of atarotll an'b Wibon. 'Jia!tr,
r.::·1::.~:~~ l)unn~cn anD t:IJ1ccfco~e anll fifteene. · anll ~t1nral),~efbonanDCflcalt1J,~abam,a11D
llUHIOOD, 38 9nD the lJCCU£-\1)trt tl)ittil' 8ntJ fiJ:t tbOU• ~dlo,ann J3con.
rann, of mlJiclJ tl}e JJ..010• part 'l1l8SS tlJ~C(co~e 4 tWlJitl) countrey tl)e 1Lo.zll rmot.e llcfo~c tf}r
ano t'alduc• Grongrcgatton of '.3lfrael,iS aIanD mccte foi cat,
. .39 ann tl}c arre.s roere tlJirtic tl)our&nll ano . tell,atlll "lllt tllp rcruant~ 1Jauc cattctl.
fiue l)uno~ei'l.oftolJicl) t1Jc ·JU>1t1'1pa~ 'Ill~ tl),ce 5 D9l}crcfotc CllpD ~lJcp, ff'OJC~ IJauc foU11ll
Cto1e ano one. grace tn tl)p rigl)t.lct tlJt~ latli'I be gmcn bnto tlJp
•1:l1otrg1tt•. 40 anll tl)e c pcrfOllS \DerC CiJ:tcmc tl)OU• rcruant~ to ]!_oifr(fe, 11b,1ing b~ not ~ucr ']o~ban.
Cano, of 'all}itlJ tl}e l-01ll£!.'I part \Das d1irtieanll 6 antJ 2@ofc~ ra1•n tmro t}Jc c()tlD~cn of ©ab
troo pcrfons. an11 ofJaubcn, ~}Jal rour b~ctlncn go to \'tlarrc
4r ano \l!)ofes gaue tl]c ttibutc. tolJiclJ ~as a11DflJallrcCit l:)crc:' '
t1Je·a.01t1s l)cauc otfrin{\,bnto Iflea~ tl)ep11ea, 7 D91Jci'efo~e Difcouragr FCC tl)c of t11r ·
as tl)ello~n commaunbcll ~olis: cl)dll;en of']rrael. tlJat ttJtl' OJOUlD not goc oucr
r~ftbar ~or· 42 !lnD ....l' o""'"ti1talfe of t"e'1)tltJicnof lj\f,
1'&J ~ .., ':f' f into ti.Jc l~nD ~1J1cl) tl}c JL OJ'b l}atl) {\ium tIJtm j
lllll"b"'"•'· rael, tol)icl) ~oCc!S lliu,bcll '1'.om tl)e men o s ~ts 'blD four fattJers'IDl)cn j rent tl}cm
;b~::~:~~'· "lllam, · from ~allc~ leamca to rec tlJe lanb.
b••ut 'tDarn. 43 That'is to wir, tl)c IJaifc tl)at pertaincb bn• 9 jfo~ tol)cn tlJtF b:lent bp cum bnto tlJr ft, N"m.' 4•i
to t!)c co~cg11tion, \lla~ tJnec l)unll~e'b tl}ou' uer ofcficol. ano fal:D tlJc lanll. tl}cp otrcouragco
tan'b, anD tl)ittit anb fmm tl}ourant1, anD .fiur tl)c tJeart of tlJe dJ•lDJm of •)JtracI, tlJat ti:.icr
l)Unt11r'b fi)ecpe : OJ.oulD not goe into tl)t lanl> 'IDl.JidJ tl)e ll...011> (JaD
44 · ano tlJ1rtie anb fire ft)oUCan'b brcucfj: gmcntl)em. ,~
__ .. _.tll,
llu bens and Gads Numeri. requefi is granted.
1o ann t!Je Jl.,o~J>Cs \tl~atlJ \ti~ binblcll t!Jc . ;o :78nt if tlJet '!Dill not goc h oner \tlitl) fOU ~.~"'' 1oi-
ramc timc,anD l)e f\llarc.faptng, . in 1.Jamdli, tlJcp flJall haue ttJctr pofi' a•
~um.14. 11 *~oncoft.l}emrndJatcamcoutof<S!gppt., mongpou in ti.Jc lann of ctlJanaan.
28. rromttoentiepcrcsoUJcanb aboue,ffJallfcc tlJc 31 anb tlJc clJilb;im of 011n, anb tlJc c1Jilb1en
Ianti \tlf.JfciJ']J t\\larc bnto .ab,alJatn, ']lfaJ)ac,anD of JRubm anf\tlercb, !aping, ais tl)e JL..o;tJc (JatlJ
'.Jacob, be'8ufc tlJcy IJSUC not lDl]ollp follo\tlell rarl'I bnto tl)p reruants,ro lllill \tie boc:
me, . 32 U9ec llliU goc l]ametrrb befoic tl}c JL..oibc
12 ~aue c!aleb tlJC fonnc Of ]cpt.June tl)e mto ~IJC lanl'I Of Clt{1anaan, ~at tl)c pofi'drton or
lllmtfitt.anD 'jjofual.J We fonnc of~un: foi t1J£F our ml)mtan'c map bee 1mrn b~ on Citic
I.Jaue ,onaantlp roUo\DcD tl.Je JL..o,ll. ]o~'banc. ·
1 3 anll tlJe JL01'bc \IlalJ berp angrie ~itlJ 'JC· n * .Qnll ~of~S!I gauc bnto tl)c c1Jtll'l1en of o.ur+u.
ract, ani> mane tl)cm \Danller in tl]e \tltlllernerrc <3a'b,an'b to t:IJc '1J1lll1en ortllubcn, (I bnto l]alfe iofu. 1 3,s.
fourtie pctre$S. bntill au tlJc generationJJ tlJat t~c tribe of ~anarrc tyc Connc of ']lofcplJ, tl)c
l)ab Done cuiH in tl]c uglJt of t(Jc )Lo~b, \Dcrc 'on• lnng~ome or ~dJon li~ng of tl)c •amoiite.IJ, anb ~1 ~'f:i:::io­
rumeZJ. tf.Je lnngt1omc or ~g lttngo03aCan, tl}c lanllc., ••c~i•n~•
14 ann be~oln, re arc rifro bp in rout fat!) eris \Ditl) tt:Jc «tic!$ tl)c coaaS!I anb «ticS!I ot' ?,•t:t':::'n~::"
awn, ass an cncrcare or unnefull men, to aug· tlJe counttcp rounn about. ~b!~~~:'t
mmt tl]e fierce b>~att of t:IJc :AJ,.,o,nc to\Darb '.]If, 34 anbtt.Jc cl]iltJ~Jof ©abbUtltleibon,autJ ~:t:~cuuc,
raeL ~tarot(J, ar.n arocr, ·
1 s fo~ if fC turnc awar from after l)im, IJcc 3s anb attot(J,~.opban, ]safer, (t'Jlo@ea,
mill rct agamc leaue tlJc people in tl)c to11ller' 3tS :l5etl]nfmra,ann l3ct1Jaran, fmm1 cittcl$:
~,r.~~:~~:1 nrtre, b ll11b re tball bcttror an t~i• tome. ann tl)er buiu Col?JS!I roi tt.Je llJupe.
<O<!~ll~t· 16 antJtlJCf\DtntntTe~im,8nllf8i'IJ,IWC\Ditl 37 anti We clJilll~en Of Jauben bUi(t 'e(bon,
riiJi. butltl flJCcpfolbS l:lcrc foi our ffJCqJC, Rnb fo~ Our fta1£, \llitiatlJaim,
cattcll,anll wailed cities fo, our ct)ifll~cn : 3s ~ebo, l6aa1meon, \l tumeb tlJcirnamcis,
17 '.l5utmec our fcluel$ \Dill goc rca'bte amteb anl'I ~ibama alfo: lln'b gauc otl]cr namc.u bnto
bcfO~c tl]e cl)illl~cn of ]frael. bntill mec t:1auc tlJe cities b>IJiclJ tlJet bulll'lctl.
•Jnr••D11111b b~o~t tl)em bnto 'tlJefr place :anti our ct)il• 39 *ann tIJe c(JiltJien Of ~SclJir, tlJC fonuc Gen, 5o.iy
oip1Qllllfr. bien ffJall b\tlCll in t:IJC fencctJ cities, bccaufe Of of~ana[e, b>entto©ilcab., an'IJtooliett, an'IJ ·
ti,einl)abitctlJ of' tl]c lanb. put out tl]e amo~iteis tlJat b'mdt tlJmin.
l 8 iwc \Ddf not rctume bnto our l)oufel$, tm• 40 .anb ~ore~ gaue 0ileaD 1mto Slll)acIJtr
till tl}c c111111~cn of '.)lrtacl l}aue int;clittll, cuerr t~c ronne of ~am11Te,anD i,e b\Ddt t:IJmin.
man t:1ts lnl)critancc : 4r .ann']air tl)c Conne oHll9anafi"e, \tlrnt anll
l 9 ~citfJcr 1Ilill toec tnlJcritc toitlJ tlJcni on toolie tIJcfmall to\ tl}creot;ann calleD tl]em
ponner fille 'jio,nan fo~\tlarll,bec:aulc our inlJtti• •ll)au.ot(J '.]lair. k ~~urn
,tan cc is fallen to tit! on tlJi• fine 310,nanc Cfall• 4:1. ann JaobaJJ \Dent ann toofic ~rnatlJ, ann ~.'•~·;~~~·
\l.lar'IJ. t~c to\ longing t(Jcreto, ann calff.11 it Jao•
1o1u.1. 13 . 20 9:nn~oresraillbntot1Jcm,*ifre\DilltJo baJJ,aftcr lJi$S o\tlnc name.
:,:C'.~•1• tb• tlJi.IJ tl)ing, anll goc I.JamcU'ell d llcfoic tl)e JL.o~lle Thexxxiij. Chapter.
to \tlarre, r The xxiiij. man lion places of llrael :arc numbrcd.
2 I Qnb \tli'll gOC Sft Of fOU in f1at0dfCOUtr
p They arc commanded co kill the ChanaanitcS,
'Jlo~MnebefotetlWll,,ottJ, bntilll]c )Jaueca:tout

• 1tb• ~11~~1. l)isc cncmtcs fromlJiS ugl1t, l!)rfe arc tlJe tourneris or t11c cbil·
~.~.° b·
22 gull t>ntill tl)e lanll becfublluebbcroJr tIJe ll~rn or 1rrar1, bllJiCIJ \Dent outof
t...oJb: t{Jen re OJ al rctume,anll be \tliftJout unne tl)c lann of lt«t!Jt b>itlJ tl)cir ar·
r Cob 'tDll gta1 1 bCfOJC tf'IC Jl.,O~Jl, antl lJC[OtC ')lft8Cf, \1 tlJIS lantl mteg, bnllcr tlJc • l)anb of SlllJofcf; • ~-1 •ai""'
~~,';: ~::;~.. fiJalbc pour poffcffion befo1c tlJc ll.01ll. anti aaron. ~ COl!llu<ans.
2 3 75ut lrl'c b>ill not lloe ro, befJolD,rce IJauc :i. an11 ~ofe.IJ \tl~otc ttJeir goingoutbp tbcir
i!.':'~:~~L""'O agafnlt tIJc Jl.,0111: anb be rurc srourfinuc iou111cyeg, acco~iling to t:IJc commaunDC'lnrnf
lll•nr•m•• \tltll nnn rou out. oftfJc JJ.,ci'bc. ~l]erc arc tl)c toumcp$S ofCf}cir go.
11w... 2 4 flo\tl ~erefoic., builb dtfcs fot rour clJil· ingout.
nicn,ano follies ro1 pour fi.Jcepc, anti Doc tlJat 1!Ce 3 *QJer 'bcpartcll from b mmncfclJ tf1e flf• Exo.n.l7·
IJaue (pollen. tccntIJ bap of tt.Jc' nra monetlJ. on d}c 1n~o'al ~.!'D ·~:·~~~~'.
2 s ~c tlJilll1cn of c!'Sab. anl'I tlJe c1Jilll1en of aftcrd}c -p~coucr: _ano t(Jc ~iU11t11of1fraeI :.::.~':!,\~
1R1:1ben fpallt bnto~ofeg,faping, ~1! fm111nts \Dent out d 'alltl) an 1]1~ l]anD mtl)c figlJC oftl}c ruran. 'alb•tt
'tlltU lloe as mp lolb totmnaunbctt.J. ~gpptiang. ~~~:~~~~~
26 siour tlJilb,en, our \tltu~. our 11.Jecpe. anb 4 (fo~ tIJe <fmitiani ~eD au tfJctrfira ~·~::r.·:;1
~tlecntteu, flJalt rcmainc l)ttrc in tl)e crtie$S or boin, \Dl)fcf1 tlJ~ Jl.,otD l,Jab ftnl~ among tlJetn. r::~·;,a r1·
""t ab: an11
bpon c ""J w"Df a1ro , tfJt )1..o,ll lltD c:rcm· •,~,.t!:Llrlr
""'ctr »- b111111nc.
'' l5ttt t!Jr rcruants \lllll goc an l]amclfcll tton.) ouhm1~111r
fo~ tlJc '\tHlttc,an11 bnto batten bcfo1c tfJc :A1.011Je, S 9nb tf1C d)lli>~ of '.Jfrsd tcmoUCll from '"'"'·
as mr JLoi11 rattg. JRamcrcSJ.anD prtdJtD rn ~mot.I}.
1oru-1· 1 • <t1~! 2 at~~t1 ~~ .tlJtii: fakes S!l!)orc• commanDe'b 6 * an?J tlJC1' lleparttll from ~ucotb • anti Ez" 1 3 10

' .,ctu~tctt, 11']\ofualJtl}tfonncof§eun, pitdJr?J dJeit tcntlJ m Cftf;Jam, \lllJtaJ tis in tl)r ' · ·
anD tile tl)tefc fatlJttis of ttJe tnbcs ord]c dJil• tDlJt oftl}e \Dtlllcrnetrc.
o~ Et1 of '.~1 rraci. 7 gnn tlJcy mnoue'O from lftlJam, \l tume!l
29 ann sJll}orcgrat11 bnto tlJttn,lrtI;JetlJllD:cn 41atnc bnto 1011Jairotf:I, \DIJicb i~ bcro1c l6aal
·of ©all, anDtlJttl)tlllJcnof lltubm \IJtlfgo'\UtdJ ~plJon: anb tfJt1' pitcl)rD bero~e ~ig'OoI.
rou oucr '.]lo:Danc, an anneb to figlJt bcfinc tlJt s *gnD tl}ep 1>qiartrb Cfom l0ilJairotlJ. l1t1b Eso. 1-4·• 2.
- · l-oi'b,tl)C!J \tllJen tl)c lan!l is fUbtlUell ber.o~e pou, \llrnttlJo,otn d}e 1mDDtlS of tIJe Ctatnto d}e \nil•
J. ' ~ 11JaU gmt tlJetn tlJc lani> of <115ileab to polfcfft: Dernctrc. anD tvent tl1~er 'bapcs ioumey in tl?e
~~~·~~!91. .iim11~£'ll!!!Sii!iii::i~·:=~-~=-!m!!..-...........-=======-=-=--==-::-=...._~~~b.J.!!::!!11~1>cr:!.'..!'I~~-
· T'he ren1ouings Chap. xxxiiij. of rhe campe. 6
'\1111Dcmdl'e or ctttJam.anD pitclJtll in ill!Jaral), 39 ano aaron mas an l)unQ:cu t'mcntp anD
Exo.1p 7• 9 •anotl)ep mnooueorrom ~aralJ, anll tl),cc rems oil> 'lD(Jcn l)c bicl:l &n mount ~o,.
came tmto ~Um. tlll)erc were t'll'Jcluc rountains 40 • anD llling lfraD tlJC Gt(Janaanitc (' Num,i
or'alattr,anll ttnrcrcoic anll tame -alme tteeJ, ll'rocltin tlJe ~outlJ, in tlJc lanll or ~anaan'-
anll tfJcrpitd]cD tfJtrc. . . IJcatll of tIJc comming of tl)c dJllll~m of ]J
1 o anD tlJer rcmoouel> from lflim. anD cam• racl: '
pell fa1l bp tl)c rel> rca. , 41 a~b tlJcp bcpartctl from mount {90~, anti
Exo.16. r. i 1 .. ano tticp rcmoucl> from t'f1c rell fca, anti pt«IJCl:I m ~almona.
canipc!I in ti) c'Wiltlcrnctre of ~in. 41 an11 tlJcptJcpartel> from -Jalmona,ann pit,
12 ano tIJcr tooltc tl)ctr toumcr out or tl)c dJcll in ~l)unon.
'Willlernecrc of 'iin, anll rct bp tl)cir tmt!l in . 4 3 " 9nb tlJcr l>cpattcl> from -lJunon, anl> Num,:
~apl}ha. p1tcl}ell m©botlJ. , o.
1 3 ann tl)cp ncpartcl> from ~apl)fUI, anl> lar 44 anll tlJcp l>rparttt1 from ©bod), anll pit•
ina1us. dJcl> in']] im abarim. in tt)c bo~llcr of gJaoab.
Exo.17.i. 14 *anD tl)cp rcmouen from a1us,anll lap at 4) ann tlJct' ocpartcb ft om '.]Jim abarim, anti
1liaplJiDim , 'Wl)crc uias no water ro1 tl}c people pitcl)tll in ~ibon ll3at1.
tot11in1tc. 46 an'b tlJer rcmooucb from ~1bon ~all,ann
Exo.19.1. .1s *~n'btfJcpl>epartcl>from m~IJinim.anD lap in aimon Wiblatl)aim.
p1tc1Jct1 in tl)c willlmntrc or ~ma1. 47 anti tlJcp rcmoouell from almon Willia•
16 anll tl)cp rcmoueD Crom tl)c ncrcrt or ~i· t~ann. anll pitclJcl> in tl)e mountaincs of aba•
nat.antl pitd]ell at tl}c «ram~s ortutl. nm,bcfo,c P.2abo.
Num II, I 7 *anll tl]ep tlepartcl> from tl}c fepuldJ~cis or 48 :ilnll tl)cp llcpartcll from tlJc mountainc~
J+ · ltlll,antl lap at l\)a!crotll. ofQbatim, anti pitdJell in tl]e ficlDcs of ~oab,
Num.i 1 . 18 * anD tl;Jcy llepartc'b from l\)a!'tt'OtfJ, SnD fatlbp 1o:tlane oucr againfi ']mclJo.
; 5• pitcf]eb in Jliitl;lma. 49 .Qnl> t{Jcp pitdJcll bp ']\o,llanc from ']cfi·
19 anti tlJcp nepartcb from JliitIJma, l1l1b pit• motl),bnto tl)c plaine of ~ittim, in tl)c ficlD!'! of
cIJetl at Jliimon-IJare!. ~oab.
10 anll tl}cpllcpartc'b from Jliimon -lJSt'C!, ~ o anll tlJC )L,o~l>C fpaltc bnto ~OfCS in tlJC
anD pitcl)cll in JUbna. ficlDS of ~oab bp '.]jo~l>anc oucr againfi '.]jcriclJo,
21 anlltl}eyrcmoouctl fromJLtbna, at1bpit• rartng.
c1Jct1 at mtm1. 51 ~pealic bnto tiJc c!Jill>~mor'31rrad, anti
22 ana tlJcp iourncprb f'rom lfii(('a, anbpit• rap bnto tlJcm, 1191)cnpc ate come oucr '.];o:t1anc
c(Jcl> tn lllcl}elatlJa. co enrer into tlJc lanll of 4tl)anaan,
2 3 ann tlJcp went from lltcIJciatl)a, at1b pit> 52 * ~c flJl1l ll1iue out alltl)e inl)abitcrisoftl)c Deuc.
clJcD in mount ~cpl;lcr. tanl> bcro~c rou, ann tlcftror au tlJeit pictures,
24 anll tlJcr rcmouctl from mount ~cplJcr, an!l lijeafic arun1>cr au tl)cir imagcis of mcttall,
anl> lap in ,anara. anl> plume tlo\tlncan tl)cirlJ~ place~.
2 s ilnD tl)cp rcmoucl> ftom l\)R11ara, anti pit• 53 anti poadrc tfJC lanl>, ann '!>'Well d}min:
dJezt itt il@ahclotl). roi] l:Jauc giucn rou tl]c lanll to cniop it.
16 an1:1t1Jcp rcmoucnrrom ~aliclotlJ, anti 54 ann rec ClJall l>iuitle ttic irdJmtancc of tl)c
lap at ~al:JatlJ. lanll bp lot among pour kinrcll!"I, *anll giuc to Nuru,
2 7 am1 tlJcp ncpartc'b from ~1Jal)atl),at1b pit' tlJc moc,t:IJe mo:c tntJcritancc, anti to tl)e tcuicr, ~ 1.
cf1ctl at ~aratlJ. tl;lc letrc inlJcritancc : anti rour inl)eritamc
28 an1> tIJer rcmoouc'b from ~aratIJ, anl> llJall bee in tl)e tribes of pour fatlJcr~, rucrr
. pitcl)ctl in ~itl}m. mams inl)critance in ti.Jc place 'Wl}crc l)tis !ottc
29 aUDtl]cpmmt fromitlttlJca, anti pitcf1ctl rancttJ.
tn l.)afmona. 55 '8ut tr pc'Will not biiue out ttJc tnfJabttcrs
Dc11c.10,6, 30 *anti tl)ctbe:partctl fromll)aCmona, at1b ortl)c lantl bcfotc pou,tlJcn tl'loft ttlfJiclJ re Irtrc,
· tar at Sllf.)orttotlJ. matnc of tfJC1n,11Jall be p*hc~ in rour cres, anti
3 1 anti tl)tr t1qiartct1 from iDl)oCcrotfJ, anti llarts in pout: CilleUnD 11.Jall bc,:c fOU in tl)e lanll
pitdJCZl in l6cie 9laakan. wl}crcin pee D'Wcll.
32 anD tl)cr rcmoouco from ~enc 1aalian, 56 ~o~coucr,it\tl1lcometopam-,t1Jat'.]l fbal
ann tar at l!)omaogaD. l>OC bnto pou, az '] tl}ouglJt to DOC blltO tl}em.
33 anti tfJL'V 'Went kom ~01gat1gaa, ann pit• The nxiiij. Chapter.
'1,JcD in lctl)cb:ltl)a. 1 Thccoallesandbordc:rs of the landofpromifc. 1 7
34 ann fflet rcmoucb from 9ltt1JcbatfJa, anti
Certainc men are affignc:d co d1u1de rhc land.
ISF at ab,ona.

3S an'b ttJct bepartcb from a1nona, anll lap ~ WtfJe )1.,010 fpakcbnto ~ofc$S,
at Cf!con gaber. faptng,
36 anti tlJtr rcmoouctl from cl!!c~n gab~, 2 CJronnnanb tlJC cl)ilb~ Ofj)C·
ano pitefJt'b 111 tiJe 'Wilbcrnccrc of ~m, 'allJiclJ rad, ann rap bnto tl'lcm, D91Jct1 rec
iS¢abCS. , come into t:IJc lanlle of CICl}anaan
Nurn.20. 37 • !ilnl> 11)cp rcmouc'b from Gtat1eis. an'b pit• a tl)isiistt)elantlc t:IJatCl)allfall bntorour inbc: ;.~~::
u. cl)cb ttnnou~t 'Oh 'WlJi'IJ i~ in tfJC et1gc of tl)c r1tancc, eucn tlJe lann of ~anaan 'Witl) tl)cir D<[ctlpl
Iantl of ftotl. mattes. · , ~~~;~~,
~J.;. 32 so mount ii'
38 '"an1 !ilatOU tl)C -1itft 'Went bp into ~ ~ an'll pour ~outlJ QUarttr lbaU be from ~~:~~.~'.
at tl)c co~mautlbcm~t of t(Jc tlJe milllemts of'im,along bp tlJc coall of lfllom, ro1ii.1
· · Jl.o;l>c, a Dfcb ttJm. in tl)e foutttetl'I pccrc ro tl)at pour ~oUtlJ quarter rcaclJ bpon tlJt une
after tfJc 'IDJm of '.]ICtacl mere come out of tlJc oftl}c bfaltfca <fallb.lart1: ~uf.'c~~
lanll or l!e'11Pt, ann in tl}e ftnt llap of tl}c ftfdJ 4 ~ntl fee a comparrc from tlJc ~outlJ bp to
monctlJ. r- acrabtm,ant1 read) to ·5in: 2tnll go out f'rom tlJc
rhc land diuided. Numeri. Cities of refuge.
~outl} to Cltallcis :l5amca, anll goe out alfo to • Jab dJc :Lo~ll fJJake bnto !3@orcis in
$a!ar~U1ar.anllgoealongto .Q~mon: tJJefteID~ofsJl!)oab bp '.)o~llane,o•
s an11 feta «impatre agatne from a,mon ueragainll]~o,fartng, .
~r'r~~~cb bnto t(Jr c rtuer of lfgppc, anll Cl.Jal goe outat tlJc :z C:ommann u,c cl)1lllien of '.Jl r.
ik•fl•l"' rca. . racl~ *dJattlJep(puetmto tl)eJ,Le' Iof11u1.2,
:: ~·r'~;;~' 6 a11111ctrour wea quarter be tl)c great rea, ulte.eot tl)Unl)cntance of tJJeirpotremon,atie.s
,'~:~;:::~· let tfJe rmne rea be vour 110ea coaa. to ll\tJellin !anti re OJ all ittue alfo tmto tlJe citte.s
........ 7 9nlltflilS11JatlbCfOUr§i;lO~tlJQU8tfCf! ru OftlJC JLCUite.S, fllbUrbe.S,lJarll b! tf,Jeir citiC.S
RJal compaU"c rour bo~tlcr from flJe great Cea, bn• rouno about ttJcm.
11•1.11111. to d mount l!)o~. 3 -at:l}e cttte.s fiJaU tlJer l.Jaueto b\tJcD tn, anll
:;t:f.:':.~n 8 .an11 ft'om mount l!)oi, re a1al llefcn'be rour tl)e ruburbis fo~ tl)eir cattell, an11 fo~ tl)eif poll££,
iron ° ~.
11 bo~bcr ttlltt come bnto l!)cmatl), anti tl)e enoe of flon, anll an man er ofbeaa.s of tlleiris.
tfJccoallll.Jalbcat 5etialltt. 4 911!lt1Je fubUfbCJJDftl}CcitielS \tJIJicJ1 pee
9 9nll tl)c coaa ftJall rcacf1 out to '5iplJ~on, f!Jall giuc bttto tl)e Jl.tutte.s, fiJall reaclJ from tl)e
81111 goe OUt at ea2ar cf nan: ~l.S (!Jail be pout \Dall Of tl)e cf tie 0Ut'\D8tll, 8 tl)oUfanll rubite.S
.@o,tlJ quarter. roun11 about.
IO 91111 ree llJBU befmbe pour lfaftquarter s anl1pcn1aUmcarure \tJftl}out tl)e dtieof
from ~a2ar lfnan to ~epl]am. tl)e (fattflllc, t'lDo tfJoufanll cubitet1: anti of tl)e
1 1 9.nll tlJe to alt fl.Jan goc bo\ from ~c, ~outl}fille, t\tJo tl}ouranll mbtteis: ~or tl}e 119elt
pl)am to lliibla, on tl)c <eall fillc of atn: ann tlJc fllle,t\tJo tfJourano rubites!anb of tl)e ji}oidJ fillc,
ramc boJllct 11Jall 11crcenll anll goe out at tl)e fioe t\Do tl}ouranb cubits alfo, ~ tlJe cttp flJalbein ti.Jc
::i11rc~1; 1 of< lltenerctb lfaftmarll.
11 nnll~, \t tl}CfC fiJalbe tlJC iUbUrbC.S or tfJeir cttie~.
~~[~~ • ~; • 12 ano ttJen go llo'mne along br '.]o~ban, anll
1 1
. 6 • .ann from among ftJe cities 'lDIJicl} re llJal ocuc.4 .41.
ic;mcb. lcauc at tlJc falt rca: anll ti)is OJ all be pour lanll, gme bnto tf1e J,Leuttctl, tlJcre ilJalbe fi~e citteti fo~ iofua io.i,
'l1.litl)tl)ecoaltt1t1Jcreofro11nnabout. refuge, \IJl:ncl} rcfiJall appomt ro thlt intent tl)at
13 anll g\)ofcis commaunticll tfJe dJtltlJtn or l)e \lllJtclJ ktllttlJ, marflee tlJitlJcr: .anoto tl)em
1: fracl, fapmg, ~ill t~ tbc lann \tJIJ iclJ re 11Jal in, re fl1all ati Ile fourtie anll t\llo cities moc.
11crit bp lot, anti \lllJiclJ tlJc Jl.,OJll commannco to 7 ~o tlJat an tlJe cttica \tJIJtCIJree fball giuc
giuc bnto nine tribe is anll an l}alfe. tlJc J.Lcut~c.s, m~r be fourtic anti c~t, tlJem ilia!
14 fo1 tlJC tribe of tlJe clJilll~rn of lliuben, ac' ye gme \tJJtlJ tlJnr fuburbe~.
co~lling to ti.Jc IJouflJolM of tl}etr fatl)erl!,anll tlJe ;:; anll tl}ere citic.s \llhiciJ re a1an ~ue,11.Jalbe
trtbe ot tfJe ciJllll~en of <ll5all , acco~ntng ta tf.Jetr out of tlJe pofidfion of~ cl}tl111cn of~~aeL 'Gtl.Jep
fatber.s {Joull.Jolllis, an111Jalfc ti.Jc tribe of Sl@a, tiJat {Jaue manr, OJall gme manp: but of ~ctn
nattc, JJaue receiuell tlJeir tnl)eritance. tl)at l]au~ re~, re lball take fe~. ctuerp one flJsll
1 5 -ai;wo tnbe.s ann an l}alfe IJaue recciucb aiuc or{J1.s ctttc.s bnto tlJe )L..emtc~, accoiotng to
tl]cir tnlJmtancc on tlJi.S fllle or '.]io~nane, oucr tl)e tnlJmtancc \lll)iclJ I.Jc tnl)mtetl].
agatnll 'JlericlJo, ceamxiarll. 9 anb tfJe JL01t1 fpaftc bnto ~oft.S,fal'ing,
16 anb t:IJc 'Loillfpafle bnto g\)ob,fat'in~. 1° ~peafictmto tl}e cl}il111en of '.]lfrael, ann
J.1+1. 17 • ~et'e an ttJe name.sor tlJe mrn\lllJtclJ fafbntotl}em,*U91Jenpebecomtoucr'.)Jo1t1ane
UJal biuillc tl}e lanb tlnto pou:cetca~a-r tl.Jtp1iell, into tl;le lanll of Gtl}anaan, ' ~cut, 19.i.
anll ']\ofual}tbe ronne of@un. 11 ~ee fl)all appoint pou cities, to be ci~ of •ofua ao. z.
n••f!b• 18 an11pe11Jaltafiealfoar101llofet1erpttibr, refugefoaou: t(Jat 1Jec\lll]t'1}0apCtl.J a perfon
;~;~~~ \tJl)cn pc 11iui11e t:IJe Ianll.
1 1
bnaroare.s, mar flee tlJitlJer.
19 ~c name ii or ti.Jc men are tiJefe: ilDf tl)c 1 2 91111 tl}cfe ctticll OJall be bnto rou a ~e
trtbc of'j,u!la, ~ateb ti)e ronneof 'JleplJune. from tlJe • aucngcr of blooll: tl}atlJe \D~iclJ kit:•
2 o SlDf tlJC tnbc of tfJe c1Jtlll~c11 of ~imcon, {etlJ,llie not, bntil IJe ftanll bcroJc ttJc b con,l\feg;a, ;o~~~~~.1.~'
~cmuel ti.Jc ronne ofa1niUll. tton in iullgcment. :.~~: =~
21 ©f tl}C tribe Ofl3eniamin, <fbtlall ti.JC fon . ~ 3 ~llil Of tlJCfC Citie.S \tJIJidJ re ll)Bllgiue, Ci;re ~· rutrr. ,
or <l!:lliflon. ot1e.s CJ.Jail pc 1Jaue fo~ rcrngc. ~~::..
22 ©f tl)e tribe of tl)e cl)tlb1en oO~an,tl)e lo~b 14 Fe fiJall gme tmee' on tfJis Cillc 11o1llam, :'a:~·
lBucf!t tlJC ronne of'Jjo~li. a!lll tl)1cc tn tlJc lanll of Gtl)anaan, \DIJidJOJallbe ~~~1 .,,1."J:.
2 3 1]'rom among tlJc cl)illlten of 'Jjofepl), Cot citte.S of refuge. •111• •Dc1111.
tl)c tribe of tile tl.Jilll~m of illl)anarre, tlJe lotll ~a, 1 5 gull tlJcfe fire cities 11Jall bes refuge, botl) gJ:m~~:
nicl tile ronne of CfplJo!I. fo1 ti.Jc. clJilllten of ~rracl, anb fot tl}c aranger, Df~'!!!;.~Xc
24 sDf tlJc tribe of t}Je clJtllltrn of Cfp1J1aim, (l ro~ (Jim tlJatll\tJcllctfJ amongpou: tlJat al tlJcr t:~'il::.ot
tlJt 10~11 ~nmurl tiJe ronne or ~tp(Jtan. 'lDIJtclJlitl a~p perron btnuare,,11ap tlee tlJitiJer,
15 ©f tllctrtbeoftl.Jefonneiiof~abulon, tlJe 16 9nlltf anpmanrmtte anotfltr\DitlJantn,
Ioiti lflifap(Jan tl}e ronnc of ~1Jarnac1J. llrument orr1on,tf1at l)c ilie, ttJmi, IJe a muroc,
©f tl)c tribe of tlJC cl)tlllten of'Jjfacl]ar,tl)e rcr,anil tlJe murllnrr 111all Die ro~ It.
l o~tr~altttltl) 17 ']flJe finite IJim\DttlJ tl,uowing a ftonc,
,.. .. .7 ,,~f~tttibcoftiJefonne.sorgrer, tlJelotll t1Jatamanmap11ic\1Jtt1J,allblf1Jellie, lJee tlJat

"'... m.. '"c .onnc of ~alomi. nnott (Jtm iSf a 1msrbcrcr: let ti.Jc fame mut11erer
l 8 ©f tile tnbc Of tl)e dJtlllten or ~epl}d)alt. be Daine t11.erero~e.
tiJc lo~tr ~ctracltl)c ronnc of ammtl)un. 1 s llDt af IJe nnitc IJim \llitl} an fJilllb \lleapon
2 9 ~l)erc arc tlJCl' 'mlJom t(Jc JLo~n comman' of\110011, tl)at a man map lite \DitlJ,t!Jen iffJe Ilic
netr to Dtuttrc tlJc ml)cntance tmto tl,Je $11l1Cll IJe tu mmberer:let tiJc fame m11r111ter be flame
of ~fracl, m tlJc Jani! of ¢l)anaan. t1Jerefo1e.
Th 19 ~edrcueirgcrofbloolllJimfeireRJaUaap • l;lt b.t,
c xxx.v. Chapter. tl)e murtlctcr: \Dl}en fJt 1ncetetl} l:Jim,t)e llJal flap ••,, .\h,~ :.
r ~ The law of manflaughtcr. 30 For one mans wit- IJ!m. ::~~::.'.•
ncfi'eiball no man be condemned. 20 • ll}ut if()e tlUUll IJim of IJatc, ci IJtttle at Deu.i . rr.
Lavves for murder. Chap.xxxvj. Zalphaads daughters. 64
I.Jim bf lat'IRJ of1:tJaite,_tlJat l}c bie, .. ~JE'tlJcctJtcfc fat11msoftl)Hami,
21 ill>: fnntc tnm 'allti} lJUS l}anb of cnnuttc, lies of tile ctJilll~cn of ~tlrab. tbe
ttJatlJe Dic,l}c tIJat fmotc l}im 11J11R Die tile ncatl), ronncofilll,lactJir, tllcfonm~of~a,
fo~l}cisa mtmlctcr: tl)c mlCnge:roftlJebloOb nalfc, of tile fiinrcn or ti)c ronnci:s of
11JaUoapt1Jcmurllmr,ln1Jm1Jemertrtl)1Jim. • ']ofrplJ, came fo~tlJ, ano fpalie be,
22 l5utlf1Jept1llJClllJimbnallUifclllF.anbnot fo~c ~oftl!, anl:I befoJC tlJe pJinms t{Jc cl)icre fa'
oflJate, o~ caa bpon l}im anp tl}ing, atlb not in tl:JcrJS oftl]c cl)ilti~cnof'Jifracl. .
lapingoftoaitc; . 1 an.'Dfapb, * ~IJC )L.O~'D COIUIUSUnbC'D a mp Num.>7
: [,~~n:?n·,
2 3 llD: anp mancr oraonc,tlJat a man map btc loin to gnJCtbe lanncto inl)etitcbr lottcto tlJc
\DitlJ, anil raw (Jim not , anll IJrc mufcll it to ran ctJilDJrn of '.J.rrael: nnn mp Ib~'D was comm an' raoru.
bpon IJim, anll IJc Ilic. anll wais not l}iS cncmic, llcll bF tl1e JLo,n, to gtue ti;Jc inlletitancc of ·5al 0

ncit[Jcr rouggtl)im anp (Jarmc: plJaall our b~otl)cr, bnto bi ii t1aug1Jtcr)l.

2.+ -at(Jm tf)c congrcgatton llJall iullge be• 3 '.j]ftl}cp bcmarirl:ltoanpof p ron)lofbftlc ~ -:::-""",
:~ ~; :'r'~;
1 1
ttoccnc tl}c asper anll ti.Jc rcucngcr ofblooD, at- otIJcr tribe JS of tl]e c1Jilll1cn of:Jifrael, ttJcn ll)all
coJlling to tl}cfc la'alc~. t(Jc1r ml]mtancc be tat.en from tl)c inlJeritamr "olf".
2 5 .anll tIJccongregation fl)al lleliucrtbe flllF' of out! fatl}rrss,ant> 11Jal be put to tl}c in(Jeritamc
er out or tIJc lJanb of tlJc rcucng~ ofblooll ., ~nil oftbc tribe\lJIJiclJ t!}cp arc receiuen into, ann fo
tf)e congregation n1all rcao:c (Jim to ti}c cine: of ll)all it be taken from tlJc lot of our inl}critamc.
IJis refuge 'WbitlJe:r 1Jrt was deb: anl:I l)cc 111all a, 4 ann \DfJcn tl}c '.]Jubilee of tIJe Cl)ilDtm of
5 111~::~::,~ billc t(Jcre bnto fJJc llcatl} c of tIJe: IJiglJ ~:ica, '.llrrael commetl}, t(Jrn llJan ti} cir in(JcrJ tan cc bee
:~,ir:,~~::::t \Dl]icl} \Da~ anointell \Ditl} tl)c_ (JolF Qflc. put bnto tl}c lnlJeritanccof tl)c tribe \Dl)e:rcinto
P•••111•. 26 l5uur tlJc asper come \DJt(Jout t1Jcbo:t1crs tlJcp arc rtcciucll, anl:I ro fl:Jall tl}cir int)eritancc
of1Ji~ citic of refuge, \D(Jitl)cr l)c 'ala~ flcll: be telien atoap from tlJe inl)eritance of tl)e tribe
2 7 anll tl)c rcucngcr of bloon ftnb IJim'alitiJ· orour ratl}er)!.
out t1Jc bo:llcrs of tlJc citic of(Jil!I refuge. anl:I tl}c s .ann illl.lofeis commantlcll tflc dnllltcn or1r,
rcumgcr of blooll fitl tl)c asper, (Jc n1an be guilt• racl, ac:co~lling to tl}c \Do~n oftl)c Jl,.:o~n, raping.
ldfc: qcmbc_oftl}c ron15.of'J)ofClJIJ IJatlJ 'rapll \tlcll. ;,ri~i~:g
2 a l8ccaufc (Jee 11Joulll l]auc bil:ll:len tn tl}c 6 ~(Jtsstl}crcfo:e l:lotll tlJC JLo~l:l commaunll '°''""""·
to\Dnc of l)iis refuge. tmtill tl}e neatl} of tf)e IJtgl) tl}etiauggtcrs or '5alp1Jaan, rapmg. * t..ct tllcm ;~ ~~~ ~~~·;
l01tea: anll after tbe Dcatl} of tl)e IJiglJ 19:ictf, be 'o.Jiues to 'all.Jnm t(Jep tlJ~mfeluca ~}Jinltc belt: :;,~,~:'. f,..,,
tl}c aarer 11Joulll returnc tinto tl]elattb on}tsspor, Onlp to ti}C famtlp Of ti;JC tnbc Of tl;Jtlr fatlJct 11Jal Tob, 1.9
fcaton. tl]cp marrp.
::i.~'i~f1~r1 29 ~o tl}cfe tbings OJ all beer a la'al of. iUD~e· 1 ~o llJaR not tlJc inlJeritance of tlJe clJil,
:~:;~'.' '""'' ment tmto rou. tlJo~otoout pour gcncrattons m 1:1,en of'.]ifrael rcmouc from tribe to tribe: fo:c'
all rour l:l\DclUng~. ucrp one of tiJcclJilt>Wn of'.]JfraelfIJall toine 1Jim 0

3o 1191Jo ro killeti.I anr pcrfon, tl}e iudge 111all felfe to tl)einl]eritance of tlJe tribe oflJiS fatl]e:r)l.
put ti.Jc murbercr to lleatl} !f).:ottglJ \1.lftne[c~: 8 an1:1 cucrp ilaugl.Jtcr t(Jat poll'dfttlJ anp in,
but one mttncae fl:Jal not tcllifie agatnre anr per' lJmtancc d in anp tribe of tlJc r;IJilllten of ]Crael, d <abtcb r
ron, to caure i}im to llie. ilJalbe toif:e unto one of tl}e mnnll of t(Je tribe of ~: ~:·~;r~
3r gJ!}o:eouer, pc 11Jall tafte no rtcompcttfe roi lJcr fatl]cr, tl)at tl)e c1Jtlll1cu of'.)rracl mar cnior 'bilo !ou1t
tl}e rtrc o' tl}c murllercr lnl}iciJ tss moittn! to lli~ euerrman tl}cinlJeritance oflJiis fatl)cr. nu.
but (Je UJaU be put to llcatl:J. 9 jQct~cr ougl)t ttJe inl)eritance to go from
3i am rec fiJall talfe no recompmrc fo1 l:Jim one tribe to anotl}er :but cuerp one of ttJc mbcil
tl}at tis flei>lle to tlJc r;itte of (Jtis refuge, tl}at IJte of ti.Jc r;IJillltm of ~rrael, llJallbce topnct> to (Jiil
llJouln come againe ann lltllcll in tl}e lanll befo:e o\t>ne in11critance.
tl)e beatl) of ti.le l)tglJ ~#ett. 1 o anus t:lJe JL01t1 rommaunllCZI ii)orcss, ro
33 ~orcaiaunotpellutetl}e lantl\t>bidJree btll tl]e tlaugl)teris of ~alpf1aall:
llJall nwe.11 tn,foibloon llcftletlJ tl}e ltlnl:I: aull tl:Jc I I fo: ~alJela,'4I:lJtna,l,}agla, Q1;}1lc1Ja,1tnll
lanll cannot bee tlcnfell of tf)c blooll tIJat is tl)cb Jaoa.tJJc naugIJtcrss of '.JalplJaao. \1.lrrc marncll
tf)crcin. butbF t:lJe bloob ofl)imt:IJat fllcb bloOl:I. unto ttlm fatl)crss bµ>tlJcris Conness.
34 ~ertlcnottl)erf~ CiJtlanb\t>lJidJrellJal 12 '4tl]et_~ere 1111uess bnto tl}e families or tf1e
inl:)abitc. fo~ '] lhn in tlJe mill• U)mof: cuen '.lJ ronncur ~analfc,tl)e ronne of ']lofepl:l. anll Co
t1Je JL.01t1 t1mellamong tlJe d.Jtl!nen of1Crael. tlJcit inlJcritancc remaincll in tlJc -atribe of tlJe
The xxxvj. Chapter. kinret> oftIJctr fatl}cr.
13 ~ere aretlJc c commanllcmcntss tJ la\t>css • ~!Jiii•.
1 An order for the mariage ofrhe daughters of Zal- \t>IJicl} t1Jel.0~1:1e commaunDcD bFtlJc l}anne or ~:;;~~.[~:
phaad. 7 The inhericancc could not bee giucn li)@eft.1!1,bnto tl)e r;IJtlb1Ct1 of'.]!lracl in ti}e ficlbCS 1uo1,1au ta·
from one tribe to another. ofil@oab,bp ~01oane toward '.3)eric1Jo.

The end ofthe fourth bookeofMo1cs,callcd Numcri.

l\. repetition of Deuteronomium. things done before.

. ,., .




~ The fifth booke ofMofes,called in

the Hebrew £Ue haddebarim, and in the Latine


The firA: Chapter. ann mabc tl)rm ruler~ ot1tr rou, captaineis 0t1tt
p Mofes rcproueth the people forthcir incredulity.
t(}ourannis, anti captaines ouer l)unn1cn~, Ulll'
taintjS ouci fiftic!S.antJ captainc!S oucr ten~. anll
~~~=~ $crt bee ti.Jc \llo~ncis 'ID(}ict) officers among pour tribcis.
It. sJWorcis (pallc tmto an ]rra• 16 ann ~ cIJargctJ pour '.]lutJgc~ tf)at rame
Tn tbt rnnn
•~-:t::~,.... el, on• tlJc otlJcr mic '.]o~nan ti~ rartm;,~. •~care tl)e caurc of romb1etl)~n, 10ru.7•1...
in ti.Jc \lliUJtmclfc • in ti.Jc anb 1unge r1gl)tcouap bctlllcene eucrp man ann
ffc'tllHf:IC· •n••,,...•• plaine OUtt againtl t(}C rcb I) tis bJot(}cr, anb t(}c ttrangcr t(}at Is 'n1it1J IJim.
nm~ the
i1(11tof~n. Cea, bct\llcmcl01Jaran. anti . 17 *We 11Jall 1Jauenorcrpcctof anrpmonin Lcui.r9.1s
~~~~ ~l)op(}tl, JLaba11,l\)a1crot1), tutJgcmcnt, but rou llJaD tcare tlJc f1nall a~t»cl pro.1+i3.
I"' -- ann ~t1a1Jab. as t(}c great: Fou 11.Jall not &arc t(}c race of anp
2 ~ercarcclcucn tJarcisiourncrfroml\)o• tnan, f01 t1)c iubgcmmt i!S $Ob$$: antJ tfJC i;aufc
t£b, bp tl)c nar of mount ~eti , tmto Grancis tIJat ts too l;larn fo1 pou,refcm: ittmto mt.anti'.)
l3amea. will (}care it.
3 gn1:1 it came to patrc tn ttc fint bar ortl)c 1 s ami 'll commannetJ ron tile ramc ccaron,
eleucntl) monetlJ,in tl)c foumrt1) retc ttat~o' all tl)c tl]ings \nlJicl) rec flJoulll tioc.
fc)'S fpahe tmto tlJe cttln~m ofj\l'rad, accoitJing 19 anti 'n1Um me bepatten from ll)~eb. '»c
bnto all tIJat tl)e Jl,oJlle I.Jab gium IJim In com' nmt tl)~ougl) al tl)at great ann terrible \tltUJtr'
mannemcnt bnto tt:Jem, neife, aispe (}auc reenc br tl)c map of d)e moun,
lunm.2 4 4 *gftcr(}eIJatJOaine ~cl)ot1tl)eltiugortIJc taine of ti.Jc amoitte~.a~ tl)c JJ..o:n omctlob com•
gmoJitcis , 'ID(}itl) tJ\llclt in ~cfbon • ann flDg inantJell tl!S: ann \llc came to 4talltlJ '6amta.
tbc ht~g oDl>aran , nl)tct) tJ\llelt at aaarotIJ tn 20 .annr~raillbntopouJFcear~comc tmto ~.t"~~n11
<ft1~a1. t{JC mountltme Oftl)e amolUt!S. \»1)ic1) tf1C )l.,o,?J 1octcm111110.
5 ©11 tl)c ot(}er rtne ]o~bancin tl)e lann of 011rll!5obllotlJgiuebntob1J. ~iri''l::.
g))oab, beg~ Ql;lote!S to neclan ti}~ law,rartng, 2 I ll3Cl)Olll,tlJC)LO,b dJ1' <30b ~atl) fcttlJc lanb - t:cr.
'.llntb•[«m 6 ~bcJL,0Jbourll!5obfpa1ic tmto blSt~bl\)~ bcfo1c tl)ee: goc bp ann poQ'dl'e tt, u tfJc l.-~be
~~~;:~~i~b·~ tcb, ravin~, ~e l)auc b\\lelt lon{t e:noullJ tn tlJISS 1!!5on or tlJr fatlJcrs {JatlJ rattle tmto tl)u: fcarc
~um.10,11. mount: not, neitl)crbentrcouragc'b.
7 'llt'umc vou. anb talle vour ioumcp , anb 11 ilnb pc came bnto me cucir one. anll raill,
goc to tl)c mount of tl)c amo~ittl!!, anll bnto all uee \Dill rcun men bcfo:e bS, to Cearcl) tJ~ out tl)c
ti.Jc placcss n(glJ t(}ereunto,botl) bnto tlJc platne., lann, anb to bJing bS \Do1b agatnc wl)at mar
anll l)il!),an!l Mleuo tl)c ~outl), to tl)c rca fine, 'We mutt goe bp bp,anll bnto 'n11Jat citte~ ne OJal
to tlJe lann of CltlJanaan, ann bnto JL,ibanon, bn• come.
to 1lJc great riucr,tIJe riucrlfup(},atcis. 2 3 •anti tlJr rapin~ plcafrtJ me taco: ann ')l Num. r +
s '5e1Jollle, j\ l)aue fettlJe lann bcfoJerou: tco11c tl»el~e men ofrou, of eucrr tribe one.
dfSoc in ann polielTe t1Jc lannc \Dl)iclJ t!Je JLo~ne 24 • IJ?~ltcl) nepartell, anti \Dent bp tnto tl)at Num.q.
f\llarc bnto vour fatl)eris,ab~a(}am, jjfal)ac,anll mountaine, ann came tinto tIJe s tlalley crrco1, 2 4·
]acob, to gtuc tmto t(}cm, ann to tl}cir Cecile af, anb fcarclJrll it out, ;.'f.'t":ll;,
tcrtt)em. 25 anbtOOfltOftl)elan?I intl)ctf(Janll~,8nb or1rapu.
,!;'""'."'" 9 ann c '.]lfpaltc unto ,,outntl)eCamttime, b,1oug1Jt It bnto bis,anll b~ougl)t b.11\DO;?b again,
'.:;; M:;i':~ raring, • 1 am not able to bcarc rou mp fclft a' anb h ratn, lt i!S a !;lOOb lanb 'all}idJd,tc Jl,Olb our ~ ~01111,(!.:.a.
if.~~ is i8 lone: ®Oll llotlJ gme b!S. ""' loliub.
• • • i o 1fo~ t1Je JLoib rour 0ob 1)atlJ muttiplicll 26 ~ottoitl)aantJin~. rect»oulb not~tbp,
rou,,rot11at rou be tlJiss l:lap a!S t(}c aancis of (Jca, but \Dcrc bifobenient bnto t(}t wo11J oc tl}c lLolb
ucn tn number. . rour0ob,

( ~c 't..oill <13ob ofrour fatl)er~ mal1e rou 2 7 ann nnmnurcll tu your tent.II, anll ratbc,

a ttJouranb tt1ncs:s ro manr moc a!S re are., ~ bldl'c 18tcaurc tl}e JL,01n i tiatttlJ b.11, ttJri:cfo~e IJatlJ f)c ; ''"'b 1....
rou, a~ {Jc l}attJ p~omifcb pou.) biouglJt b.11 out of tlJe Ianll o~ lll!gppt, to llcliucr :t..\'~~r.:
Exo.1S.18. n ll!)oto cnn '] mrfclfe alone d bcare pour bS:S into tl;Je )JanD or tbe .:amoJ1tc,11, anlJ to nearop ~:~~~~ ~:;."!1·
;,,~M~f~.g, ettmb~ancc, -eout cgargc, anb rout thifc tl}atil!I ~~.
h•~ on~"" :i.mong you ? 2 s U9(JttlJer 11Jalwe go bp:'©tir b1ctl)1en 1Jauc ' 11.
~~::~ ;i~~::·
3 ,l3~ingFott men of'ltlffcllom anll of bnbtr• nmouragcb out l]cart, faFing , ~e pcopl£ i,11
ftannmg,. nnb l!'.qlcttaccoibing to rout tnbc~. ~eam ann ta Her tlJcn we, tl)c cittc,11 arc great,
anll ']\ \Dtll marte ttJcm ru1crs:s oucr rou ann wallet! bp to l}cauen, ~ mo~couci; \Dec l}aue
l f anllrcanrtoercbmc '1r~1'b" .......rh reene tJJefonne,11 ~rtl)ek anaktn~ tlJcrc.
' ito fttr1lftr,
tl)oul}a arp Ohl'll, ISi
• goob fo~'I\•'°"
bs:s to'-.,-...v
bO""-• WIJW4J
k 1l&ortf, lb,
In <oolmrlf• nr ,_ "O OUC ~ . 29 ~en'.]Jfatbbnto'!'OU,J0ltabnot llOlbt ronorrbce1·
011Jbtto bt!D• l S OAJ1u II O. rout ttib£!3 c 'l\ f00kt f41C arra1b of tlJctu: ' ~::n~~~~i.
•· ' ;ootru•. cl)icfe men of mifellomc, anb ttiat 'IXlen e:rp;ri;, 30 ~lJeJL.o~b rour 0on \DbiclJ goetlJ llcr01
rou,1 ·
A repetition of Chap.ij. things done before. 65
rou. be 11Jafi ng(Jt fot rou, acco~!ling to an tl)at 2 . 9n!I tl)cJLo:n fpalie unto me, raping,
{Jc Dill tmto rou in <e~pt bcfo~c rour cpcs: 3 1j?cc l}aUe.compaliell tl)tl!I mountainc long
31 alltl in tl)C milllernc[C, mfJtrC tlJOU (Jail cnouglJ: tumcrou fr;2o~tlJ\llarb.
rccnc l)ow tbat t(Jc JL,o~Dc t(Jp ©on bare tl)rc, as 4 an1> warnc tIJou t1:1r. people, rarin~. li?rc
a man Doctl) bcarc l)il5 ronnc , tn all tlJc t»ap llJ~ll goe tlJ:ouglJ tl)c b co an or pour b.~ctmcn tl)c • lltthtlrn·
ru':'nr rb11ntr:
tllfJidJ re (Jane goJie bp, l:Jntill ruamc imto tlJtl'I c1J1t111m of <ffnu,\¢Jicl) tl\llfll in ~ctr, ann tlJCF f,ii brfoJ,rtirp
place: · 11.Jall be arrato ofrou. :'~~,;-'~~l~~!l
32 an1> rrt intl;liis tl)ing re biD not bdccuc tlJc s 'irahc re goon 1Jec1:1 bntorour felue~ t1Jcrc, 61
)l,o)I> pout ©ob. fo~c: Pee aiau not p:ouolic tl}cm, foi 'Jl lllill not e1n.2J.

Eic.1;.i1. 33 ·~cwmtint(Jc\llaybcfo:cpou,tofcard) giuc rou of'tl}cir lano, no not ro mucl) ass footr
pou out a place to pitc(J rouucntis in, in fire bp b~cantl). bccaurc] IJaue «iucn mount ~cir bit'
nigl)t,tl)at re migtJt rec llltJat tnap to goc,anD in to lffau to poffctrc.
aCIOU!I bp tiar. 6 Pee fiJaU bup mcatc of tl)cm co: moner to
; 4 ano t(Jc JL,o~!l l}carl> pbotcc of' rout \llo~Dis. catc,anll rec llJall p~ocurc 'Water of tl)cm ro~ mo,
an!I ttias ro~otlJ; anb rmare,faptng, . ncr to 1:1,inl'lc:
Num.r4. 35 *'&)creflJallnot oncoft(Jefcmm,anrior 7 1fo;thc ·JL,ofo tfJr ©on l)atl) blcffcll tl}ct in
1°• tl}iS fro\llarDe generation, fcc tlJat goo!> lan!IC Sfi tl}C'lDO~IIC~ Of tl)p lJOllll , '1110 '(nlOUlCt(J tlJp • l\nolDhtB>i•
\ll~icl:l 'Jl f\uare to giue bnto pour fat(Jcrl5: \l.lalliing tIJo~om tl)ti$ great 1llilocmes, ano tlJis ~:.~::~~;~.1 :!
36 ~auc Cltaleb tl)cfonneorj)cplJunc,l}c tbal fourtte rcrc)'.S tl)c lLo~o tlJ~' ©oo 11.attl bcnc \llitl) ~/,':',';~n:;;•.
rec it, \f tol)immill 1 giuctfJclanD tLJntl}cl)atl) tl)cc,fo tljat tl)ou hail lllcht!I notl}mg. '""· P
trol>en bpon,ann to 1Jil'l clJilD1C11,bcmurc l)clJatlJ s 9nll \lllJcn 'nlc \llcrc neparteil from our b~c,
follotocl> t(Jc JL,ozb. d.J~cn tl)c ct)illl)cn of Cl?fau, \'U[JitlJ ti'rocltin ~ctr,
37 .1.uro tbc llozbc ttialS angey \llttlJ mcc fo~ t(Joww tl)c U'lay oft~c ~ \llil!ltme!l, from l!ClatlJ, i or,deim
Num. 2 o. rour rabtl'I, fa ping,* ~fJou alro 11Jalt not 11oc in anll from lf~iongaber, lllce turncll anb 'went l'Jp
12. t(JitlJcr. tl)c ~ar of tiJc toilticrnerre of ~oab.
38 l5ut '.]lofual} tl}c fonnc or ~un , tol)ic(J 9 anl> tl)c 'Jl,o~1' fafll bnto me, ~ou 11Jalt not
r n'llnr~mb 1llanoetb bcfo~c tl)cc, l)c Olall goc in d)itl)cr. Cfn, figlJt agamlt tl)e ~o&bitcl'.l, ncittler µ~ottolir
•ni• D"· courage 1Jimttmcfo1e: f'o~l)cllJallcaurc ']lrracl
tl)cm to battcU: fo~ '.J1 MU not giue tl)rc of tl)ci1·
to inllcritetlJclanb. lanl> to potrc[c, becaurr. •J t:iauc gium .ar bnto
mCillhltb'llm 39. ~01C0UCf, mfOUrc{Jif!J~, bJIJidJt'Cfatb tIJc c[J1lil:ci1 of JL,ot to poITcffc.
;~~~i~~:~·. fl)oulll be a p:ap, anti rour fonnclS \lll)kl) intlJat 1 o '4nJe d Ql':miml5 b'roclt t{Jcrcin in time~ ~~i'll'~~,h::
3r. oarl)a!lnolmobllcbgcbct'alcenrgoobatlilcuill.. p~lt, apcoplegrcat,manr.anll tall, M tl;cc Jna, ;·.;~~!~;;;;~i
tl)cp llJall goc in tl)itl)cr, ann unto tl}cm tlltll jl 1Hm)1, in/!1 ~ of

giuc it, anD t(Jcp 11Jall cntor it. ll01)ic(J alfo were ta.lien fo~ a.5iant~. a~ tijc
11 ~:,~: ""'·
40 l5utal5 fo~ rou, turne rour face, anti taTtc :lnaliim~, U'll)om tlJc ~oabitc)'.S call llfmim~.
pour ioumcr into t(Jc t1111Dm1cU'c,br tIJe tuar of 12 ~tJc ~oiim~ alfo D'lll£lt in ~tir bcfo~c,
tl)c rcll rca. time, \lllJom tiJ cclJilllzcn of lffau cflafeil out:,&nti
Num.i+ 41 *~IJcn re anrwcrcti, anti faille tmto mce, oclltoycD ttJcm b cfo)c tl)cm, anti ll'lllrtt intl}cir
4o. 119C l)SUC finnCb againiltlJC Jl.,o~ll, "\'UCC mill goc ncao, asi j\rracl t>ib bnto tl)c lann ofl}is poficm,
;.~.':::.:~ bp anll fillf}t, acco,btng to all tl}at tl)c JL,0,11 our on, \ril}iclJ tlJC '.fi.O)l> ~aue tl}em.
"th• n11urc QlJOb commanlleb b~. anl> ttl}Jctt re l)a!I giro Oil 13 ~om rife bp, layd I, anll ~ct rou oucr tl)e
~ft~~.~~!~~ mcrr man IJilS tueaponlS of warre, re were rca, riuct ~arcn: ann me mcnt oucr t(Je rtucr ~areo.
:i~~:,~::J•;· bic to goc tip into tl)c lJill. 14 ~cfpacc intol}icIJmc rnmcfrom ~aneis
~~~ ~~ 1 ~1:• 42 ann tl}c JL,o~n faibc bnto mcc, ~ar bnto l5arnca.. tmtill \lle mere come oucr tl1e riucr ~a'
e""'"'""". ttJcm,©oc not bp,nettl}er figlJt, foz '.]\am not a'
rcD,bl$ tIJiTtr anb cigtJt rcrc~. imtill alltl)e ~c'
~·~.- lll•l11•th mong rou: lcall re fall bcfo~c roui: enemies. ncration of'tl)e mcnof\'Uarrc were \llallrll out
;~::~~~~'~,~ 4> ann 1 toloe rou tllefc tlJingis. ann rou fromamongtl)c l)oetc, ffl5tlJC)L,o~l> f'Ularcbnto
~~.~ •ll'i· \'Uoulo not l}care, but bifobepcb tlJc too~b of tlJc tlJ~~ .
JL,01t1e, anl> \llcnt p~crumptuouar bp into tl:Je 15 <jfoJ in ocelle tIJc l)anll of t~1e )l.O)b \t18l5 a,
!Jill. gainll ti)cm, to bcltrop tl}cm from among ttJc
44 ann tl)c amo:iteis tolJid) btoclt in tl}at rIJollc,ttU tl)cy were confumcb. ~r~~ ~~:
mountain came out againtlpou, anb ~lJafeb rou 16 l.llD fo tt came to paU"l\ tlJat all tbc tntn Cf num1v ~...
alSl5ec~bfctorioc,anb l>Clh'opeb rou in ~cir, \'Uarrc lDr:rc confumell anil ocno from among •n°•P1DA•
cum bnto ~o:ma. tl}c people. .
45 <anbpccameagainc, am1toeptbcro:c tl)c 17 ann ti.Jc lLoJll fpalic tinto mc.rarmg,
r t:hrnarc JI.o:b:bntttJe JL,o:bl'\lJOUll> notl)carcrourbotce, 18 ~on ilJalt go ti}o~o\ll ~r,tl]ccoall or~o'
~~:1~~~:~~~ no1 bcarlicn bnto rou. ab,tlJinar:
~:1;::·b~I~~. 46 !lnll ro rec abobc_in CltabclS a Iong.rca, 19 an1> tol)cn tl)ou commcfl niglJ bnto t{Jc
1r•bmm11111• ron, acc1J:bing bnto tl)c tmtt tl]at rec rcmaincb clJilOJCn of 2mmon, tl)ou fiJnlt not lay ficgc bnto
~~~.l~.~~:.•-v· before. tIJcm, no1111oue wane ag;amft tlJcm: roz 'j\ U'lilt
TllCIJ·.. ch~prer
a • notgiuc tfJceof.ttJc 1an1> of tlJc_cl:JilO~en ·or ~m'
mon anr poU"cmon, '.JI (Jauc gtucn it bnto tl}c
7 A rehearfall ofthe benefice~ of God bellowed vpon c"illlJCtl OflLOt to po!relIC.
~ \!.:•II•~
his pcop!c. 9 Ifrael is forbidden co fight againtl 1he ':I lJ {" It
20 ~ ata .owalSta .cnfoulanllof<3iantsi,
Edomiccs, Moabitcs,and Ammoni[es. 3 3 Schon anti a.5iant~ bmclt ttJcrcin m olb time \'Ul}om tlJc :~~'r~~;;
king ofHcsbon is difcomfitcd. :a:mmo1ntt~caUg'5am!ummims, ' ~~r::~l
~en toe turncll out facc,anD tooke 2r apcoelctl)at\'Uais great, manp, anlltan, ~'~~~~~
• 1!.~• trucc

D •·

. • our iourncr into tlJc •\llillltrnclic a~tllc lna1mn~: '5ut tl;lc 'JL,o~o l>clltorci> ~cm
tr tl)c mar o~ tl)crcD $3)ca, a15 tl,Jc bctaic t}Jcm,anb tl)cy fuccce!lcll tl}cm in tl)cirm,
Jl..Oi!l rpa11c bnto me: anll \\le com, l)ctitancc,anl> l>\'UClt in tl)eir Ile RO :
µatrcb mount ~cir a long ttmc. 22
~1$1.Jcc Dib fo~ tl)c cl)ilD~enof <ffau\\llJitll
l'>'\ll~lt I
:iehon and Og Deuceronomium. are difcon1ftted.
btoclt in ~cir, ro~tol)om!Jc DctlrofCb tl:Jc l)o'
rims befim tl)rm, anll tlJcr.PotrclTcll tl:Jmt, anll
tJtoeltin tl)cirQrab 1.mto thJS?Jap. . a.. .
3 am tl)c autms m1J1cl) Dto.clt an ~lmn,
~btr• m cucn bnto ana,tl}c h €aplJtl)o,tmS \Df;ltd) 'a~
~::~r.~r:- out of €apl)tl)o~, bclh'orcb tl}cm, am 11\Delt m
•nrar.:1°r" tt:Jcirflcab. .
~·~~;i.1 1: 1 2
4 mire re bp tl)rmo~c, anb take rout tot~,
nknoll>rn. nep oucr tl)criucr arnon: l5cl}olt1c •.111a~ IP'
ucn 1nto tlJF l}antl ~clJon tlJt amo11tc. lnng of
~cfbon, anD l)iS lanll, beginnc to pocrctrc it, anD
p,ouohc (Jim to battaite.
l 5 ~IJi.B t1ar tDiH 1 bcginnt to fcnb tl)c rcarc
anll b~cab of tl)rc bpon all nations ttat arc bn,
lier all tile l)eaurn, fo tl)at tter tohiciJ l)care
r.pralte or t11ec, flJall tremble ano quatre bcfo1c
fom.11.11 16 xanMo]fcntmdTengc~out OfdJttDi{.
ocmcll'c onaebemotl), bnto ~dJon fiing ofl~tf•
boo, \llttfJ 'IJJ01t1s ofpeace, raring,
i 7 )Let me patrc tfJJO!!iJl) tlJF lanb, '.JI 1Dill !Joc
along bp the l)fll) \Day, 1 tDiU neitl)cr tumc bn•
to thcn!Jf:Jtl)anD, noz to t{Jc left. .
28 '4rl}oufl)altfclhncmeattfk):moncy,foHo
catt,antJ giuc me toatcrfo~ moncp,fo1 to D~i:me:
l!Dnclp '1 toill goc tl)1ougl) on mp ftttt,
'DEt&Ofl ~· z9 ~Hf:Jt I c1Jilt11Cll of <rrau 1D(JictHJ1Delhn
::,:,g~1~.~~' mount ~eir, anll tlJ~ ~oabitcSS lllf:Jit:lJ ll'lllell in
'"Q' ""'~1 ... lr, llrD bnto mc,bntlll '} be come otter 'j\01nanc,
~: ~~~":,?c:;," into tIJc lanlle \lJIJtclJ tl]c )Lo~llc om llfSoll §iuetf:J
1umo111ua. \JS!.
30 '5ut ~cl]on t1JC fling of 'efbon moulD
not let b~ paifc bp l'Jim,fo: tf:Jt lL01D tf:Jp <1!5oll l'Jar'
ocnctJ IJiss fpirit, anll ma11c l)i,s l)eart obftinate,
bccaurc (Jc moulb lldiUtt l)im into tlJp l]anb, ~
it is comc to paffe tfJi!S llat'.
1mo1J. 9, 31 atll:ltl}e lLOJllfaill bntomec, * l6efJOUJ,1J
llaue begun to §iuc ~cl)on atlb l)ia lanllt bcfo1e
tl}cc,begtn to potretre anti inlJcritclJiss lanll.
31 ~ilen botIJ ~cIJon anD al l)iss people mutt
out a1,1atnll bSS to flgtJt at •J,a~a.
33 ant1tl)elLo~Dfctl)imllefo1c bSS, an?l 1Dtt
rmou llim. anti l:Jiss ronnca. anti all IJis people.
34 ann toe too11c al IJis cities tf:Jt fame fcafon,
anti «c'Q) tl}c men, to omen, anti c:l)ilD1en of al tl}c
citics.ann let notl}tng rcmainc,
35 ~auc ttic c:attcll onclr tDcc caugl)t bnto
our fclncss, anti tlJc fpoplc of tl)c c:iticss tol]idJ me
36 ijfrom arocr 'IDhtcl) ts bp tlJc biinke of the
riuer or arnon , anll from tIJc c:ttic tlJat iJS In tl]c
rtucr tmto <1!5tlcab , tl)crc toas not one citie too
th'onf! fo1 bl¥: tl)c J1.-01Dc our <l5oll lltliuereti all

~'f.:':.• 111
• • bnto b~.
, 7 ©nip bnto tf:}c lanb of tl)c c'bilb1cn or am,
mon tl)ou camefl not, noi bnto cucrr ptau of
I0 •.foorJ, t\)£ II rtucr ']laboc:,1101 bnto t(Jc cities in t!Jt mofi•
tamc15, no~ bnto \Ill)atfocuer tl:)c 'Jl,,o~'Cl our <lllob
fo~bllbc bl!.
Thciij. Chapter.
Things that chanced from the vitloric of thi:: two
~ings,S~hon and Og,vnto the in!litution oflbfiiah
m Mofcs fie ad.

ll)tn'mtturntb, anb bJmttJptlJe
Nu:n,21. 'mn~ to lBllCan: • anll iDI ClJE liU«
31· of~arni:icamcoutagatnllllt. ~u
dcut.29.7. anD al lltl!ptop\t,to ftmlJt at~.
!ln~ tl)c lLOJb fatb bnto me.
jftarc 1)1m no~: ro~ '11 ~l b£1iUtr IJtm,ano Ill)(#
pcoplc.anb 1Ju1 lanb mto tl)r l)anb,, tboil11J8lt
Exhorcarions co Chap. iiij. keepe the Law. 66
ttJat tl)c JL.oinc pour <ll5ot1 l)atl) none bnto tl:)CCt not out of tl:lt' 1Jcart all tile blll?tS of ttw life: but
mo bingS : Co llJall (Jee noe bnt:J:J all lttng'Ootncf$ ttatlJ tfJem tiwronncs,anll tlJl? fonncs fonncs.
\l)f!ttl)U tfJOU !t0Cl1. . la . §!ipedlllll? t(JC ll8f tl)llt tlJOU ftOObft befO~C
2 2 ~e (ball not fearc tlJcm: fo~ tl)c )..o1tl tour tl)c l.o~b tlJt' <1!5oll 1n ~oicb, 'hllJcn ttJc )lo~b iaib
~Db fje t1Ja0 fig[Jt W? POU. bntome;<lelatlJer mctlJe people togcttJcr,~] 'W1I
2 3 an11] bcroug1Jtt1Jc:JLD1l>ct1Jcfamc titnt, malic tlJt l)earc ml? 'WO~llS, tlJll t tlJey mal? lcarnc
rapi1tg, to ftamne au tlJt baits tlJattlJCP tlJall ltuc bpon
24 llD -..~11 <!l:loil,tlJou l)aff begun to OJc'a:J tlJp tlJc cart{), ~ tl)at tlJcy map tcac(J t(Jclr U,1ll1icn.
~ reruant tlJl? greatnccre, anll t:[Jr rnii;Jl)tiel)anne: u .. ~ccameanbltoobcalfobnllcttl)c\noun, Exo 19.18
:.~:,fr.~·.~•t ro, WIJcrc us tl)erc ah <3011 in l)caucn oi incartlJ, tatne..anll ttc mountainc dburnt 'WltfJ fire bnto :r~'b'~~·~~ni
~~'0'~;~~:~:· tlJllt tan tloe after «lP wo~he~, anll lilit to tlJ1' tlJc mt!ls of (Jeaucn, anb U,ere mass natttmc(fe, •1"M 11 1110• 11

~~.::~ ::,•zm poWcrt CloUllCS, llnb tnllt. :·~~' ~~~~•"•

bnlllh•• P•• 2 5 '] µ~ap tl)cc let mcc !lOC oucr, auo ftr tIJc .1 z anb tile 'Jl..01b fpahc bnto rou out of ttc :~~b;:;,·~~·
goob lnnll t(Jat is brro11b ~lo~anc, t(Jat gooblp m11:1s of t~e fire., an'O pee l}e~tb tl)e: boi'c of tlJe g~.~r'r ~~Dnao 0

::..1~:~& 'mountatnc, ann ·.ll.. ibanon. . b.lo,ncs, butfa'We no rnnilttullc, rauc 1Jcarll a •b""'·
::.*""' 26 l6utcl}e JL,01ne ll.1nis angrp m1tlj mcc ro1 bou:conclp.
i ;nr Q)•1l•b. rour rartess, ann wou111 not l}carc mcc :.ann t(Jc l 3 anb he ncclanb bnto pou bis coumant
~!~~~~~:" Jl,o~b faill bnto me, lf>e content, fpealie no mo.ic tol)icf) (Jc commanbcll rou to boc, eucn ten com,
m•lbUllDrD. bnto me Oft1Jismatt£r, • inanbcmcntss, tol}iclJ l}c llliotc bpon t'Wo tables
IOr,Pifgah. : 7 ©cttl)Ubp 1nto tl)ctop oflltlJel)tl,anllltft ofaonc. .
bp tl}ine crcs 110r1tUJar11c, J~o~tl)ll.1aro, ~outIJ• 14 an'O tl)c lloinc rommanllcll me tl}at fame
toarb,anb Cfallll.1arll, anb bcl)oloe tt lllitlJ tl)ine feafon, t:hat '.JI ilJOUlll tcac(J rou o~llinances anti
crcis: fci tl}ou 11Jaltnot goc ouertijiSS ')1,oJllan. la'Wcis, tol)icl) fc oug(Jt .to noc in tl,)c lannc llll)i,
2 s '.l311t tl)argc ']ofualJ, anll encourage l)tm, tlJet ye goe to poffcOe tt.
anb bolt1r111Jim: foJ 11c ll)all goe bcfoie tl)i!1pto• 15 ~ahctl)moic i;.too'O {)tell bnto rourfclucS!,
pic,ant1 l1e UJal 11tut11c bnto tl)cm tl)e lan'O \lllJiciJ ais pertaining bnto rour routes c ( fo~ re fa'Wc no •tl1ac!l')rnntnr. pl11g1u11
mou llJalt rec. maner oftmagc tn t(Jc nar tt)at tlJc "li.oibc fpalic th:it llJonlt> ~ama:ourr r~ti

2 9 ann ro ll.1c abollc in tlJc uaner oucr againlt bnto rou in ll)o~cb out of tlJe minss or tlJc rirc,) nua:rrortpll U!o1ktllllP I• ti)£ ii IJOUt°C Of10C01· r 6 )Ld rec marre rour fclt1cS1, anti mahc you ["i10ont1.
or Temple. The iiiJ.. Ch.apter. a graucn Image ann pitnrre of anr mancr offt,
gurc, tol)etl]crit be t1Jcltrm1cffcof man, o~ \l.10>
An exhortation ta obferue 1hc !awe without adding man,
. 1hcrcto,ar diminilhing. 9 We muihcach 1hc law I 7 ~c1tflenctrc of anr matttr ofbcafhflatts
to our children. I 5 \IV c ough1 to make no image on tUc cartlJ,oi tiJC ltlicnclfe of anp manner fea'
whereby we might be induced co idolacric. tfJcrcb foulc tfJat ftcctl) in tl)c airc,
©\ti tbmfo1c (Jcarftcn, ill> ]Cracl, l B ill>~ t!Jc liliencrrc of anr manrr 1110,tne tl)at

• 2
bnto t(Je o~binanccs, anll latricS!
\'DlJictJ '.ll teat() rou, foJ to bo ttJcm,
tl)at fore map liue, anll goe tn anll
poffcffe tlJe lanllc \lll)itlj tiJc )l..01t1e
~011 orrour fatl)cris giuctlJ rou.
1\?c 11Jal put notlJing bnto tl)c '1'1o~tl \tllJirlJ
1. commaunll pou, ncitl]cr OJall rou tatie ougl)t
crecµctl) on tl)e cartl:J, OJ t(Je liflcnctTc of anp ma•
ncr fillJ tlJat is in the ll.1atcrl1 bCtt£atlJ ttJc cart(J:
19 ~ca, ann lcaftt1Jou liftbp tlJine cieS! tmto
Immen,' \tll)cn tl)ou fccll tllc runne,tlJc mo one,
anti tl,lc ltarreS!, witll au t!lc !Jolie ot l)caucn.,
ft)oult1cll be tlliucn to tooJfiJip tb,em, anll fcruc
tl]ein, an1111)nu111ell ttio~lllip ~ fcruc tlJe tbin~,
• Ji•llb• b•· from it, tl)at rec mar• bccpe tl)c commaunnc, 'Wl)ictJ ttJc )l..OJ11 tlJr $oll l:JatlJ maoc to fcruc all
:;~~~;;,:;~~~ mentss oftiJc 'JL,o~ll tour <130'0, \lllJiclJ] commann nations tinner tbc 'Wl)olc {Jcaucn.
:~:~~:~:,r pou. 2 oll>ut tl)c )l..OJl> lJatlJ tall en rou,atlll b:oug)Jt
:~:~.•m 1b• 3 . b ~our eycss l)auc fettle ml)at tl)c )L.,0:11 ntll pou out of tl}c rr,on furnace, cucn out or <fgrJ.Jt, r mon ~·ra
~b~:b~~:~:~ ngaurttlBaal l&eo:: fo: all tlJc mcntbat follo'W' robe unto l)im a people anti an inf]critantc, a.s ~~~.'.'ucubo:
P''"""lb'"''" cn l6aal l&co:. tl)c 'JL,oitJ tlJl? <ll5011 l)at11 ncllrorcn re be tl)iss oap.
::.~ b
1 11110
r•· frorn amon11 rou. · 2 1 .. 1f urtl)cnno:c, ttJe )Lo~ll 'Wll~ angrp 'WitfJ Dcut. r.;:
4 l5Ut~rc t11at clcauc bnto tl)c 'JL,o~ll rour mcfoirour'oJo~t1s,an11fmarc tlJat'J!tl;oulllnot
. <13011, arc altue CU£rl? one of pou tl)is nap. goc oucr :Jo~nane, ann ttlat] uiouumot goe m
. .s l6cl)olne, '.JI l)auc tau!,ll)t rou O)llinamcss tmto tllat goon lanll 'Wbkl) tl)c ·,ILoJO ttJr ®oll gt,
an11 lall.1c~ , fuel! aS! tlJc ·JL.,0:11 mr <5011 tomman' uctl) thee rot tt1tne ml)mtnncc.
11et11ne, ti] at re DJOUlD noc (o in tlJc lanll \nlJitl)cr 2 2 l6ut ']1 mull bic in tlJiS Iann, anll «Jail not
pc goc to polfclfc it. go coucr jo,nnnc: but re fl)all goc oucr,antq.lef, ~!~gf~';
6 li\ccpe tIJcm tl)et:efoic, anll l>oc tl)cm, roi rclfc ttJat !,looll lanll. ~l\~'i:n:,r:
, ltnir ll!lr" tl)at i!1 < {OUr ll.1tfF1101U anll bnbttfl8nbing in tl)C 2 3 ~altc l)eCllC blltO pour fclUC)1, t{Jat pee fo:, "'"~a! ''""
~r~:.~~~D:~~ fig~t of tlJc people, tiJat tl)cy ~pl)r.a~c an tl)efe get nottl}c appot~tmmt or ti.le Jl.o~'O rour <l3oll ~:~~·¥:~~/:;
~.·p.ln; of O;@tnanccs, anl'!, fa", ~urcll? ttlS!a 'hl. lfC anb bn' \l)l)icl) l:JC 1uallell.1ttl) pou,anll ttatpec IUt"lkC ··ou tmr I• m
~ •t01111nan r · 1·•·~ rT. th f-11 • ~oDsficrh•·
••mt1K1, • lltrllanlling people, it its a ~reatnatton. no graucn Gunagc,o~ bkllC'4C .,at W)C",11..o~ll tlJl? ano a11oi1;.i
7 ijfo~ \D(Jat oU,er nation iSS ro great, tl)~t ©o!l IJatl} ro~bibDen tiJcc. ~~rn~~':;
gonis come Co niglJ bnto, aS! t(Jc )L.,o:n our <5oll i.s z4 1f~~tl1c t:IJF <!Doti t11 a hconrumingurc, w,~:::&r::i;':
ntgl) bnto bSS in all tl)ingi:s a11 ofi: ars we call bnto ann a •1calouss <!!loll. r"'" "'"""
~fan:' ~5 tIDl)etl tiJOU UJalt bc~ct clJtl'O~cn, an'O tlJF f,~;-~,~:·~~rr
8 1!:!ea,an'O\llbatnationi1SfolltC8t,t1Jatl)atlJ cl)llD~en ~cget clJill>:cn, tlllll flJRlt IJauc rctnai bnnm .,i.. 0

OJll.inante!1 an111amcss fo rii;Jl)teous, a11 all tlJi.9 ncll Iong tntlJc lantJ, re lloc 'lllitlielllp anll mahc ~:;;',',~:~~;.•
la'b) \tllJiclJ 1 rct bcfo.ze rou t[Jiss llaf:' ~nF mamm of l!~aucn image, ann ll.10.!lic euill t~~'t. '.'}''i ;'
. 9 ~aliel}ecn to tlJp felfe tbmfo~c,a11bftc.epe an ti)c ug~toftl)t :JLOJll tlJt' <!Doll, to p~ouot1e IJim ;.~·1~.~;';,'~·:
tlJl' Coult bil~entlp, ~ tlJou fo~gct not t:IJc tl}ing!S to anger • •·· '"""" ,
q __ --,-\1)-=IJ_klJ_:__tlJe-.i_nc_ett_..:....SS_tJ::....a_u_efl_cenc_...:.'..:...~_d)::....a....:.t_tlJ.:....e-=p-D_.:ep:....a_rt___26_1_c:_al_l_lJ_ca_uc_n_a..:.:1ll>'--~ll_a-=~-a~':::.n::-a-:--~:._~:_:"'_"''
I I rou·1
Jods loue to lfrael. Deu ceronorriium. The lavv repeated.
1 , 'hcx.Commandements. Chap.v.vj. God not to be tempted. 67
tl)c JL.o~D tlJF ~on : toou flJalt not no anr mo1lic, 32 ~aJtC l)CCU tlJcrcfote, tt.Jat t'C ilOC in l!CCllC
tlJou. no.i ttJr ronnc, no.i tlJF naugbtci:, no.i tlJF af$ tIJc ll.0111 rour ©oll iJatl} commaunll£ll rou,
m11n rcruant, no~ tl}p martie, no.i ti.line ®rc,nn.i 11111> s mnc not arillc cttlJcr to tlJt riglJt (Jann, o.i • )>rftiallnct
thcrimr ahv
tl1i11c .arrc,no~ anp ortbp cattell, no~ tl)c llran, to tlJC left. r!1111110 1111
tnorc.noJ CQlu
.gci: tIJatis mitlJin tlJF gate!'$: tbat tlJp man fer• 3 3 '.23ut 'malliC in all tfJe \1:J8fCS 'all)iclJ ti.Jc [~1m:ftgm.

uant,snll thr maill,map rca as wen as tl)ou. . )1.,o:D rour <l!Soll llatl) commaunDen rou, tlJ'lt pc
1 s l!lcmcmber tlJat tIJou waa a rernant in map line, ann t1Jatitmapgo'1.lclltuttl]rou,ann
tIJe lanll of <egrpt, anll IJo'al tIJat tfJe JLo.i~c t:lJ.t' tl}a~ rec mar piotong pour narcis in tl}e Iannc
~on b.iouglJt tl)cc out tIJencc t:mouglJ a migl)tte ml}iclJ re fl.Jan polTctTc.
banll,ann a Uretc(Jrb out annc: \ffo.i 'allJiclJ caufc The vj. Chapter.
tIJc JLo~n tl)p ©oll commanncn tl]u to lleqJe ti.Jc 1 An cxhomuion to fearc Gocf, and keepe his com-
~abbot(J llal!. u 16 * ll)onour tlJr c fatlJer anti tlJp motlJtr, ss
mandcmems. 16 Godoughtnottobctempted.
~.~lr!S~:r. tf}e JJ.,.o~b t~p <l3ob l)atl) co1n1nau11b£ll tIJec., tlJat ~ere arc tl)c commam1cmcnts, 01Di•

Duom,ubrn· tlJp nal!cts1nap be p.iolongcn, ann t(Jat ttmar go
r~~~:i~ mcll 'alitlJ tl)ce in tlJC lanile 'all)tclJ tlJe )l.,O,ll tlJ1'
,,.,.,,,,.. ,. <l!loll gtuctl:J thee.
&:!:,','.'.:.:~~~:~ 17 ~(Jou rmattnotlitll.
: r~:"I~~\~~·· 18 ~lJou OJalt not commit anuttcne.
~~ :;•:.::::~' 19 'ilrl}ouf!Jaltnotltcale. .
D 2
names, anD la'mes, \DIJiclJ ti.JC llo1D
rom <l3oll commanDcD mrc to tcacl)
rou, tl]at pc migl)t lloe tl)cm in tile
lanb 'allJitiJrt re goe to potrelTc it:
~at thou migl)telt fenrc ti.JC llo~I>c thr
~oll , anti ficcpe au IJts o:btnancc~ ann lJts
· I oc1,1111111ron<1 20 ~oun1nltnotbcarefalfem1tncsatsi11ll commanllcmcntcf$ \Dl)icl) '] comm11uno tlJce,
;:;~o:~:,~~· tlJp nrigl}bour. tl}ou, ann tt;p ronne, anll tiJF ronnrs fonne, au
. auian1oboai. 21 • ·~l)ou 1l1alt not IUft afttr tlJp ncigl)' tlJcMpc~ort~rilfe: tl)at tt)pllape~mar bcp~o,
:. Rom.n. bonris mifc,tIJou fl)altnot couct tbr ncig1Jbourf$ longei>.
l}ourc , IJtS li£lne, IJts fcruant, o, l)is maplle, 3 f!)ean tl)rrefo:l? © ]frael,anb tal'le IJcrlle
lJi)l ©;re, l)iS :il!fc, o~ oll!Wt tlJat tlJP nctgl)bour U,attl}ou llocit, tllammar goe \Utll 'alitlJ tbce,
IJlltiJ. . anll tlJRt pc mar incrtarc migtJtilr, a~ ti.Jc ·Ji.o?ll
2 2 'ariJCfC too~lllS tlJt )lO~ll fpaltc bnto all pour ©oll of tl}p fat1.Jcrs1Jat1J p~omifell tIJcr, a lanllc
. muititulll' in t(Je mount, oat of tIJe mtoncis of tl)at' tlo'aletlJ 'alitlJ mtlkc anb (Jonp. • Cll[Jicb bollh
tIJc fire, of tl)c cloullc, anll of tl]c namnetre, \DitlJ 4 "''care, ilD ]rrael, tiJe :n..o~D our <i!Job tis all llnnCJlllJCt·
ralnl110: ro
~ a ~cat boicc , ant> aDDcD no mo~e thereto, anlJ )l.,o~D onelp. manJILft.

'al~otc tIJrm inttoo ~ablc~oftlonc, anD llcliuc' 5 gnn tIJoulhaltroue tile )l.,01ll tlJl! 0oD \DitlJ Mar.22.n.
rcD tJJcm tmto me. aU tl)inc l}eart, anll \Ditl;J all tl}p foule, anD \DitlJ uur. 12 •z9,
2 3 gno it rmne to pailt, tlJat ml)cn pee l)carti au tlJr miglJt. Juke Io. 2 7' I
tl]c toter out of tfJe miDllcs of the Darlicnetrc(fo, o anll tl}efe \lloilltJ mhid)] commann t}Jcc
:r ~o io. i 9. tlJe moutttainc lliD bume mttlJ fire) "' tl)cn per. tlJis bar,llJalbe in tlJinc *ljcart: 11 18
~ · came bnto me,toitlJ tl]ccaptains of pom tribes. 7 attn tlJou tlJalt flJc'al tlJcm bnto tlJp d)tl, o.ur. ·
:~ anll pour tillers, n:cn, anD OJalt talkc4Jf tIJcm 'all) en tl)ou art at
, ~ l 4 g,nll pe faille, '3c1Jolll, tf)e llo1ll our $olJ l}omc in ttJtnc IJoUfe, anll as tl)ou wathtft br ti.Jc
l)atlJ flJ!'alCll bSlJt~ glo~p ann lJtJS grca~ll'c,anll mar,ann wl;Jcn tl]ou ltetl noton, ano 'Wl)cn tlJou
\De.l)aue IJcarD IJtS \lotce out of tlJC tUIDS Of t(Je ~C~

fire: 'ale IJauc fccne tlJiSS llat' tl]at $Oll DotlJ taUic ~ ani> tl)ou OJalt binll ttmn fo: a nwic tipon
\DitfJman. anDl)c rctltuctfJ, tl}me l)an~' anb t{Jcr fl.Jail bee as II frontlttiS b£ I Or,fignes •

2 > ~o\tJ tl]crcfoWmlJr fl:Joulll me llfc1 tl)at t'WCCUC tlltuC C}'tS, or 1em<m-
tlJts great fire tlJOUlll ronrumc bJS: ]f 'ale 1Jcan 9 !lnll dJOU fl)altm~ite tl}cm bpon ti.Jc b ports bram.
ti.Jc botr~ of tlJC llo~Dc our <l!loI> anp moic, 'alee of tl)p toufc,anD bpon tlJrgattp. : 11;i;.::~;r•
fl:JaUDic. I 0 anb 'all]en tlJC lloiD tlJp <l30D ljatlJ b~oug(Jt fpmfl. hr mca
26 fo~ 'all:lat flcllJ l)atl) it bccnc tl)at eucr tf)ce tnto ti.Jc lanll 'allJicl) l}cr f'alarc bnto tlJF fa, ~~;'~;.·:.~~:.,
bearll t~c boicc of t(Jc liuin« a;on fpcaking out of tlJcrs, ab~al}am. ]Ull}a" ann '.]acob, anll llJnll ~:~!\:'.'"' ••
tIJcmiDllcs of tl)c fire, asmel)aunonc) an11 pct gtue to thee great ant> goonlr ctucs, 'alf.Jtd) tIJou
llillliuc:' butltl£lla not,
2 7 <Woe tl}ou anll IJcarc an tl)at tl)e 'Jl,o'll our 11 'ourcs full or all mancr orgoonis ~ \DIJic()
$0ll rarctIJ, anD tell tl}ou bnta bJS an thllt Cl)e tlJoutnlcDtl not, anll 'alellcs lliggcn 'alfJltlJ tfJ~u
llo:D our <IDoll faitl) bnto tl)ec,anD \ucmil()c11Tc Diggclll'tnot, titncrarllcti anD ohuc tmfS, \tJIJtclJ
it, anti lloc it. tl)ou plantellll not, anll 'allJen t!Jou (Jan eaten,
2 8 anll tl}c )l,Oftl l)Cttr'b ~ boicc Of pour \\l01llS anDartfuU:
'IDIJtn l'e fpakc bnto me.. ann the )l.,~D ratDe bnto 12 ~en bc\Darc tert tl)ou fo:gct tlJc )1.,o~lle
me,')l l)auc l)carll tl:Je tJoicc of t(Je mo,ncs of tlJ'ts mlJiclJ b,ouelJt tber out of tIJe Ianllc or <!Cgppt,
people, ml}ith tl}cp l)auc fpolicn bnto t(Jec: tlJ£f from tl:Je l)ourc ofbonDa!Jc.
l)auctocll faille aUt(Jat tlJ£1! l)attefpolim. 1 3 ~IJou llJalt fcare tl}c JL,o,n tlJp ©oll, anti
i9 ®lJtiJattiJcrc'alcrcfucllSnlJcarttndJcm, Ccrue htm,ann aiait cm care bp l)ts natnc,
tl)at tl)cp 'aloulll fcarc mcc, anll J1ccpc mp com, 14 ~re tiJat re \Uallie not afttttlrange (JOllSS
manlJemcntj! al'alap,tl1at it mig()t(toe 'alcl mitlJ tl)c gons of the ~atioms \tJbiclJ are about rou: '
tl]cm, anll mitlJ tl}cir clJ;H1im foi cucr., 1 5 ( :j)'o~ tt1e JLoin t11r ©oD tl5 a iclous ©ob a,
30 ©o,anb fal! bnto tl)cm, <i!Jct rou mto rom ttwn« rou) tea tlJe countrnancc or the JL..oJll ttJr
tent~ al!ainc : <!!Soll bee moou£ll toui:adJ ngainft tl)ee, anll be•
31Jl\ntilanllt1Jot11Jearcbpnwc,anD91 'alill aroptl}re from tl)c face oftl}ccartll. ·
tell thee nu tlJ£ c:onnnnnDcmentj$ , o~ninanccis. 16 :we111allnottcmptt1Jello~tirour<30D,a~ M·11h. 4 .1.
anlJ la'nlcs \tJlJICl) tl}ou UJalt tcaclJ tlJcm , tl}at * J!C ?llll tn tlJC plaCC Of; temptation; ho.1 p . .
•' tl)ep map lloc d}cm tn tl)e lanbe tDl)id) l ~uc 17 l5ut pou ll)all ~iltgcntlp flee.pc t11c com' 1 M•fi'•h.
ti)cm to potrclTe. maunnemr.nts of tl}e Jl.OJD pour <l3oll, anti IJi~
_.lads blefsings. Deureronornium. To auoide idolarrie.
tcllimontcl$. an'I) (1i!S ofDinances, \Dl}ia.J l)e l)attJ nnb nctiuerc11 pou out of tl)c l)oUfc of bontlagc,
commall!.Jrll tlJte. . . from tlJelJano OfJ&l)arao bing of Cfgppt.
1 s an11t1Jou11Jalt no t1Jat \DfJtcl1 ts n«l1t anll 9 \llJ~tlmtanb tl)erefo:e, tt,?at tl}e )l..oib t1)p
goob in tIJc OglJt of t{Jc Jl,o~iJ : tlJa! tl)ou mapetl Cil50?1,1Jc 1i:i C)!SolJ, anb tl)at a true ~olJ, 'rol:JidJ lice,
p~orper,anh Cl)at tIJou ma pelf goa m.,an1111orrccrc pet(J appomtment anlJ mercie bnto tl)Cm tl)at
tlJat !JOOb lanD wl)iclJ tl}e JLo~D troan tmto tl)p louclJim.. anl> bcepel)iis commannmtmt.f, tl)o•
fatl)cris, . ro\Dout a tfJoUfano generation•:
1 9 ~o calf out au tlJinc cnemtc- btfo~c tl)tc, • o an?> remar!lctJ;J tiJC tl}at l)atc !Jim to tf}ctr
as t{Je J].,OZ'iJ l}atl} faiD. b face, fo tlJat)Jc b~ingctl) tl;Jcm to nottglJt, anlJ b .aan1r1air.
l)OCtlJ not lJef.crre ti)e time, but rc\lJarllctlJ IJim lbll U[r,
. m1mn~ncr 20 a11ti<1X1{Jenthp ronuc afketf:J tbceintime O)tn

;!~' J~~~~'"" to come, raring., mllJnt meanctlJ ttcfc tcClimo' tlJat 1Jatet1J (Jim btfo~e fJtl'l fate.
!.~~·:~;~~~~~ · nics,o,binanc:cis . antl Iatocis, \lJl}ttlJ tljc)l..o~b our • 1 lltccpc tl)ou tlJercro:e tlJc coman'bementJS,
~1:~~:;~~,~~· ~o!l IJatlJ commanncil rou-: anti o~o,tnanc:c,u, an?> la\lJc.G, ~ltt) '.) wmmanb
"" "" r.111, 2 i ~{Jen tllou tlJalt rap tmto tl)p ronnc, tl)cc tl)t.G llilp tl)attl)ou lloe t1Jcm.
orllm. :JDC \'l'ICrt l01Jarao!S bOll!)mcn in Ciegnit, anti tlJC 12 :Jlfrc l)ramen bnto tf:Jcre la'mt.G., annob,
·JL,o~llc b~ou~t b!S out or ctgrpt lDitlJ a mig)Jtic reruc an?> lloc tlJcm: tl)c JL.o~?I tlJJ? ' cl!Jo?I alro ft>81 • e:&1•-·
l)ano. hcepe bnto tllec ti:Je coucnant ano ti.Jc merctc ~r~':"
2 2 ~ntl tf:Jc t.o~tl fl)c\'l'lcll ligncs anll \lJon'tlcrs. 'all}iclJ fJc rwarc tJnto tlJt' fat)JerJS. :~·r~i.S:i.
gri:at anti cutu, bpon Cfgppt, bpon ~IJarao,antl . I 3 ~C \lJtl IOUC ttJ£C.,0Ull blclfC tlJCC, anb nntJ. nc._nt1ng
llµon an (Ji!S l)ou!l)olo, befoie our ereis: . ttplp tl}cc: !:Jc tlliU OlfO b[Clft tlJC fruitc Of tlJp ~~":°r~'::
2 3 IAn\J b~ougIJt bS out Crom tl)cncc, to b~mg ni~bc, an11 ~c fruit of tl:Jp tan?>, tl:Jr come.. t11r ~~=~.TI~
b~ in, mtb to !ltue b!S tiJc lanllc lDIJlclJ J)c f'Qlarc tome, anti tf:Jt11e oplc, (l tlJC encrcare of tf:JJ? kine, mcr1cu.
onto our t&tl)cris. 11nntl}e ftocli.G orttw fiJccpc, int1Jclam1\1Jl)ici:Jl)c
2;. £!nil l)c l:latlJ c:ommanbcb tJs to boc al tlJefc ftl.larc bnto tlJp fatl.]eris to glue tfJce.
'l?!li1mmc~. nnll to fcare tl,e 'JLo~tlc our <115o'il, fo~ 14 ~ou llJalt be blcU'en abouc all nationis:
, 'ltr~ \'Jc;-;lci.1,all tf:Jc1>src~ of out ltrc,11istt is come tlJttefl)albe*nettf;lcrman noi tl.loman bnfruit, Exo.i 3.i6,
'd a'"''",,, L:opallc t1Jist1ar. full among rou, noJ anr of rour c:attcll tl:JaD be
y.;;',','~t:~~~i' 2 s l:Jl?,1~coucr, ttii:i il)all be our d rigbtcouf, barren.
r.·J,;.,~,'c~~,·;~ ltt[(• tefotC t~C )LOJb OUr <l30b , if lDC taliC ~Ccbe, 1 5 ~o~eouer,tbe ·io1?1 \Din taltc a\Dar from
", ..;;.,.i: b' .. antiiiw·can
fJ.r!;.m71r,:i.. Y tbcfccommanllcmcnti:i,assl)el)atlJ tl}ec au maner tnfirllUtie.G, anti tlliHput none ol
~:,'::J."?rn commanlJcll tJ~. tl}c cum Dff.cafcs of cf(Mlt c\lJfJic)J t)Jou knotll,
The l'ij. Chapccr. ca) bpon tl}cc: but \Dil rmn tlJcm bpon an tlJcm
tl}at l}ate ti.Jee.
The Ifraclires mav make no couenam wi1h the 16 ~ou fiJalt conrumc al tlJtnationi;l \lJIJiclJ
Gentiles. • t'(le ·JLoill tl)p <5oll 11Jal Dcltucr tlJrc: t{Jine etc f!Jal
Dcut.; 1. 3 . { l ) c n tl)c •)Lo~ tl)p ~ob fl)allbiing fJauc no pitr bpon tl)em..nctd]cr O,altt:l)ou rmic
t)Jcc into tlJt lannc 'rol)itlJcr tl)ou tl)cir goll,G,foi d]at!l)aUbt tf}p btc:ap.
goctl to poffcffc it.anti IJatl) catt out 1 7 1rtl)ou rap tn t(Jtnc {Jcart, ~l)Cfc nattoms
nianr nation111 llcfo;c tlJtt, tlJc ~c, BTc moc tIJcn 11. IJo\ll can '.JI calf tf.Jcm out:'
tl)iteSS, tl)c cl3crgcrite!S, tlJC amo' 18 ~outlJaltnotfcaret{Je:m:llutmncmbrr
rttcz,t(Jc <irl)anaanitcis, tl)c ~httC!itci.'!, t1J2 f!)e, wl)at tl)e1L~ll tin' ~olJ llill bnto 11)1Jarao, anti
uitc~. anb tlJc '.]elluutc~,rcuen nationis.grcater bnto au cfgppt,
attn m!gl)tier tl)cn tl)ou: I 9 ~(JC great tClnpCation!J \lJJ)lc(J tl:Jinc er~
2 ano \tliJm tl)C".lLo?ll tl)p <JPotl hatb rct tbcm ra\lJ,anll tlJc figncs ann \lJonbcr.G, anti tf.Jl' migf:J'
!JcfoJ<: n1~c, t!Jou nialt fmitc t~cm, anb bttcrlf ~e 1Jan?1 ano t'trctcl)e?I out ·armc, \DIJttctw tf.Jc
E1o.? H 2. ~cunr t~rm, * \1 mallrno coucnant \llitl) ttJcm, lLoin tlJP <lrlo?I b:ou(JIJt tl)cc out: Co HJal tl;lc JL.o~D
· no; lJnut c:;mnal!iou o:t tl:Jrm. tlJp ~ob lloe bnto au nationis of'rol}om tl)ou an
3 ~ljOli l!Jaltm&licno maria11:c~'1iitlJ tl]ttn: arrmD.
11ct~i)tr giuc tlW i:JatrQ;l)tcr bnto l)ifS ronnc. no~ io ~o:coucr, tlJc 'Jl.o:llc tfW Cil5on bJiH CmDc ''
tur1c I;iJS t:augIJtcrbnto ttJp ronnc. "ll)o:~ets among tl)em, bntill tlJcr tl)at are left, d ~""' . , . ~
4 fro~ tlJep mtnoecciuctlJr ronnc, ttJatllcr anti 1)1iJc tl)emrcluc.G from tl)ce. be lJdlropell. [:~~~';"'
r:1onltl not follo\lle mcc , anD tl)cp flJ111l reruc 2 1 • iatl)ou llJalt not fcare d_Jem: fo~ CIJC 1Loill ... 11 .., .... ,
itran~e !JOl:I~: nn!l tllen \lltll tl)c \lltatlJ of tl)c tlJr~obiUmong rou, a miglJtte ~oo, anti a r,~~~:.ror
'JL011.l 'llla~c (Jotte al_\aiuct tl)ce, ann btflrop tl)ec tcmb!!· H. 'fl rrr ...., ~:: 23-'J·
, ~'""'" 1 ' fUtltlCttl}'. 27 :11 oi •.,c ~oib thp ~ol:I \Dh1 put out •.,ere 1ofu.2+11·
,,,, """'" 5 '.lB!tttOu11~c fl)alt1calc'lllitl)tbcm..•~e0Jal nations befo~c tl)ce bp alltle anll a 11t1c : tl)ou ~
::: ,: if.~~~.~~ 011ttt1J~o1t1 tteir altari:i, anti b1ca1tc l:lo'alne t(Jctr maretlnotconlilmcti,eaton,e,l.eafftl)ccbra(fis 'Oil>DlblltftlJ .~
i.ltl!ar~, 111111 rut llo\lJnc t(Jctr groucs, anll buntc of U:Jc fielD inaeart: bpon tl)tt. r::b'..~ ,~
: t\Fir (!.rauen 1magcs 'alitl) fire. 2 J l5ut tIJc 1Loin tin eon ffJllU giue tiJcm be, ~~.·0rr~=:.•r. ~
':le"" r 4:?· 6 'Jfoi tl)ouartan(JolrpcopictJttto t(JclLotl:J fo1c tIJtc. anl> 0Ja1t 11et1tor ttmn \D1tb a mr!.11ltic =-'~." l!. •
"d • · 1 '' ;1Jr 0oll : tile 1Lo1b tlJF <1!5otl lJatl) t(Jofen t(Jee to
iJetlruction , .bn&tll IJu lJaue b,oug!Jt tl)cm to
oc ar;; cciau lltoplc bnto l)tmrclfc, abouc all na· nougl;lt. .
• · \i
trnnsst11atnrtb1Jon tl]c cartl). 2.f. an11 (Jt man Delmer tl)eir flings into tiJinr ~~
1 '(iriJc lL01t1 bib not ret l)ii.'! louc \Jpan poU, lJanD, 'tl}ou llJllt Delfror tbttr name frmn bn,
;~u: t~oorc POU bccaurc pee \Dtte moe tn mnn, Dn:IJatuen: Qcre OJ all no man be able to lfanl:J I"'·
vCt thn Bttp people (fo~ "I! \lJere ""'C felDdlof all befo,e t1Jee,1mtlll t17ou l)auc Det'tropc!l t:llcm. ·'I
people: 1 [ ...,
is qr. graucn images or tbtir gol:Js fbalt \\1
8 ll>ut bccaurc tlJe 1Lo1b Ioutll 11ou, an'll be' tl)ot1•btmtebJitlJ fire: ann couet nott11c«0ll:Jc l~~l
caure ljcc 'll'loulb llecpe tl)c otl)e lD0"1.J l)t IJa'D anomucrtiJfatts ontllem.' ~onak~itbnto thtt, ~~~.c.1:. ~'
rtoo111e bnto pour fatl}ers' tt;Jcnro:e IJ•tfJ tl)e left ~l)ou be n111rell t11erein. roi tt II an llbomi' f llnD ... Intl•
Jl..oill biou(Jbt rou out tlJiou~ a millJttc "811'- natton befote tl)c JLo~b CIJF <l!JoD. "' '"""'"'"'· i
! 26
l51i11 ~~
·God rhrearnerh Chap.viij.ix. Ifraels ingratitude. 68
26 l!S~itll not ttJmro:c abominacton into ..,anna. 'dJl]tdJ tlJp fat!Jers knc'tllc not, fo1 co
tmttt IJOU(t. Id tlJOU be 8 CUrfCD UJlJll ll# it ilt: IJUmblctlJtc, an'b to p1oot1ct1Jee. anbtlJatl]cc 1

bUttJtml'! Drfidt, anD abfJo~rc it; ro~ te'1J atur• mt@ra lloe tl)ce 1ooll at tl)e fatter cnb,.
frDt11in!J. . I 7 ~ff tl)ou tl)oulllcff d:Jine l)eart,~r
Thcviij. Chapter. . po\ll~ •an'b tlJ~ migiJt of ntmt o\Drte (Jan111Jat1J :.~~~~~:~
Mofcs pmteth the lfr:i.clircs in rememhranc;c of ahhe · p~anll me un~ abun1>ancc: ~;~;·~r~~:~;,
bcnefircs which God bellowed vpon thcm,and the 18 lBuucmembcr tl)c:f.,oill tlJt' 13o'b,fin it ts or~"'""· Dll'·1
a(fuClions which God fent them in the wildcmcs, fJet\t>IJfcl) {tiuttlJ ttJeepo\'llcrto f.Jctfubffance, g~;·:::n~~~.:~
r 9 !Cll the forgc1fulncllc rhcrof lbould bring them fottont8kc goolJ tl)cp1omifc \l1l)tct.J l)cfn:larc bn' ~~::~,~nrn
to dcilrultion. to ttJr fatt)e_rss,as apprarctl) tlJiS tiar. P"]~'&n ...,~.
I9 antJtfttlOllfomet tlJe)L,OtlJ t1'F<J30'1J,ftl11) lpp0Duom1

)I., tlJc comman1>ementf5 \1>lJ1'11 l walkt. after llrange QODS, an'b reruc t'1em, an'b ~".:~~ ~=
· commanD ttJec tlJIS5 Dar • «JaD rn too~llJtp ti,ein: 1 tcft1flc g bnto pou tlJiss 1>ap,tlJat :i-s.~::~1 ·
fiupc fo~ to Doc Cl)em. tfJatft mar t'C 11J8ll furclp pcrtll), D; P!Otta.
tiue,anD muldplp, anD ;oc an. anD 2 o 'ls tl)c nation~ 1llllictJ tile )l.,oi'b bdlropelJ
polTetrc tl)c lanD t1ll)td1 tl]c JL,o~Dc bdbtc rour race. fo rec n1au perill1 , bccaurc rec
C\tlarc bnto pour fatfJcr~. \lloullJ not be obc'bient bnto tl)c boice oftlJcA.-oJD
1 .Qn'b Cl)ou n1alt rcnmnbcr all tlJc 1llar rour<ll'Soll.
\tll)icl) tl)c )L,oillc tlJr <!301> ltlJ tlJec t1Jil1 fourtte The ix. Chapter.
Ftrti$ in tl)e l»illlcrnefie. fo~ to lJumble tlJee.,anD 4 God is nor good to them forcheir ownc ri ghtcou~
~.::'::~!'' to a PlOOUC t!Jec.anD to rmo'tD m(Jat \tl811 in tl)ine ncffc,but for hisowne fake. I 7 The two tables arr
:!'~:~'::'!, 11eart, \lllJct!Jtr tl]Ou tooulDctt ficqie '1il1 com' broken. 26 Mofcs praycth fonhe people.
:rn~::g, manilcmmt11 01-110.

u1om1an. 3 ~t lJttmblcll t!Jee,an?ICufftre'b tl)e£to l'IUn• <farc,©]fraeI..tIJoupatrcflouer
ger, anlJ ftlJ tlJce \llitl:I ~anna, tolJicl) netti,cr '.]Jo~banc•t1Ji11llap, togocm,anll • <1tMtld,r1
tlJou no~ tlJF fatt:1er11 lmc\llc of : to mafiC t!Jcc 1poU'elf£ nations grcatcr(tm\glJ, •~b' "'6• 1

Mw.,.+ tmo\tl tlJat a man l>otlJ *not liuc bp tnea'b onelp, I tier tlJm tlJF rctfc, citic11 !Jfcat,
lukc4-J. but bp euerp wordc tlJat p~oceelJCtlJ out oft:IJe ranti 'Olallcll bp to (Jcaucn:
mottttJ oftl)c )L,0111,lloti, a man liue. -- • 2 aproplcgreatanlltall, tbc
4 ~rratmcnt \t>a):'c'b notol'be bpon tl]ec, cl1iUIJctl of tlJe anattims, 1lllJiclJ tlJou knomcn
h ~"'? 1,11~ ntitl}er'btll tf1r foot b rwe11 tlJcfc fourtie pccrrs. of,antlof\lll)om tllouIJatt 1Jear11 fap, *twl:Jornn Num.r 3•
f;°cu":.':6.~: 5 • ~lJiS alCo llJalt tl)ou tonriller in tlJinc ttan'b bcfo:e ttlc cfJiUJ,m or anafi:' 2 9.
I) cart: tl:Jat as a man clJaQifctlJ lJi11 ronnc, ro ttJe 3 ;:!1nllcrttanll ttJcrcfoie tlJiS hay, tlJat tlJc
)1.,0111 ttJr <ll'Soll ctJartmctll tf:)ce. 'J!,,0:11 tlJF ll!5011 i111Jc \lll)itlJ goetlJ oucr befozc ttJce
6 ~1Jcrero1c t1)alt ttJou hcepe tl)c comman· a11 a c::onfu1~ing b fire, lJC OJaU lJellrop tl]cm, anll b ~· ronrm
nemcntss oftlJc )L,o~lJtlJP ©ob, tl:JattIJoul»alfic l)ee ll)all b:mg tIJcm llo\llne ~efoic tf1p face: ~o f.'fi,~.'.~:~:~
in 11111 'tDarcSI, a11'b rcarc iJtm. fiJS{t tl)OU C8il tl)elU 0Ut,(t b:tng tlJtm fO nOUglJt mitt! IDDOD.
7 1¥01 tlJC )l,o~MJr <ll'Soll b~ingctlltl)cc into a tfJc )l,o:ll l)attJ ratb bnto tl)er.
goob lanlJ, alanlJ tn tlJt \Dl:Jttl:J arc rtucr11 of wa' 4 ~peabe not t!Jou in ttJtne l:Jeart.aftcr tbat
tcr,an'b fountaines.ann 1>cpt1Je11 ttJat Q.1,in~ out ttJe)l,o:ll tlJr ©oD l}atlJ can tlJem out bero~c tllcr,
of ballcpcs anti l,lilles: raping. !to: mr rtglJteournclTc tiJe lJ...01t1 IJatl:J
8 a la111>\1>1JcrciniS5'tDIJtate ~ banep. binc· b~ougf)t mce in to po1TeU'c tl1i' Ian!> : but Co: tf)c
Farl'IS. fiime tm!S, an'b pome!Jfanatcs, a lanllc l!licllcbnetfe Of tl)cfenatiOlllS tlJC JLOJll l:J8tlJ call:
\DlJtnin t11 otk ®ltut,an'b IJonp: tl:]cmoutbcfo:ctllee.
9 a 18111> \Dl]crctn tl)ou n1alt eat b~ca1> \nitfJ' s 'Jt\11 notro~ tlJF riglJteourncm: raTte,o: fo)
out rcarcenctre. nctttJcr 01alt tlJou lackc anp tlJp riglJt IJcart, ttJattlJou goen to poU'etrc tl:]cir
~~~':n':~'b tl:Jilfl: a lant1\nl}oCc «ones• arc p1on. anb out or lanll: l5ut fo.i tlJc \tl\tlicbnctrc or tbrfc nationis
... 11. l!ll)ort 1J1lss tl)otttbalt lliggc b:atTc. ttJe ·,11..o:ll tlJl' <!3oDbotlJ call tl)tm out tcfOze ttJrc,
1o 119l)en tl}ou l)atl: eaten ttJcreof an'b lillcl> to pcrfo:me tl)c "n10J'bc \lllJiclJ tl)e )LozD ttir <3oll
tlJr ll)altble.IIc ttJc )L,o~il t11r <ll'Sob ~ fol f\JJarc tmto tlJp fatl)ers ab:al)am, ]fal)ac, anll
tl)c goo!> lanll \lll)icl) l)e lJadJ giuen tf:)ee. '.]\acob.
1 r )15etoarc tl)at tl)ou fo~tt not tlJc )L,o11J tl)p 6 w1111craa:nt1 t(Jerfozc, tl)atiti~notfoHlJT
0o'b,tf1att1Jou\1loUl'bc11not~cl)1sscomma11, rigl:Jteonfncifc falic, tl}at tl}e JLo)ll tlJl' <3oll llotlJ
11cmcnts,1Jii;s 1amc11 an111Jtss 011>manccs, 'tD)JitlJ glut tl]r.e tlJi$l goolJ Ianll to polfcll'e tt,fceing ttJou
] commanll tl}ec this Dar: art 8 c lltffet1CC::b£ll people. c W• an b
12 ]?ca, anD \JJlJCtl tl)ou l)aft eaten an1> fillcb 7 l!temcmbcr, annll roigct not IJoble_ tl)ou ~b:~':,'i:.'r:
tlJrfdf.. allb l)a« built gooDlF l)oufc11,antJD\lJClt • PJOUOkellff tlJc )l,ozlJ tlJl' <3oll to anger in ttJc tbt r•h•.
tl]crcin: \\'lillJcrnetrc: nnce ttJc nap tlJat thou lli'b'be(t l>e• ~,~/:, ~
1 3 aK'b \»{Jen tIJr bcallcss an'b tlTl' ll.Jccpc arc part out of tiJc Jantl or <fgppt. bntiU re came bt1• ~~.;;"~'
'ma):'m mattp. anll t1Jr mucr anl> gollJc ts multi, to tlJiS place, fCC lJ8Ut rcbCUC'b again!t tlJC mrn toi••t
[~0 1~:,;•:
plieb,atl'b atl tl:Jat t{Jou l}aai~tncreafell :. "Jl.OJD.
Jr '.Brwrt,,.. If -en bcl»arcteaa tl)medl)cartrifc. anb 8 .atro tn 11 l,lo?Cb rr.c p:ouol'icll t{Je ·io:'b to ~~~~·~·
~ '"'1 b lJt 3tlgef ,fO ttJlt tf}C )l,01tl \ll815 \ll10~ \DitfJ fOU, tO ~Or Srn
ttJou foigct tl)cllo~'bc tl)p Cf:Soll ....,i.., ~oug
porfl?n11-•tb ....,., ·
"'"'""'"""' IJnue t1ellrore11 rou, '
• D1 n °••. tl)ce out oftl)clanlJ orlfgppt,anb from tl)c (Joufc
11 1

ofbonb.llgc: 9 tmlJen 1 \Ual'S gone bp into tl)e mount, to

1 s :an11 tofJi'IJ b>as tbf guillc in tl)c great anb metuc tt.Je ~abtc~or Uone, tl)c tabtcsoftlJc co,
ttrrilllc \lli'lbm'IC[C,wherein were: f(eriC fcrpettt)l, uenant~tclJ tl)c Jl..o~ tnllbc \uitlJ fOU, anll ']
fco~pion11,anb tl~oulJ{Jt \Uttl)out anr \\1 atcr:lout "~bolle m t!Jc mount foume llapes anti fourtic
mglJts, l»l)en '3l nettl)cr llllJ cllt b•eab, no: t1~tn1tt "• • ' 4
Num. 20. *l}c tltougt)t out toatcr fo~ tlJcc out or toe rocflc
11 water. · " & >+·•
• offltnt. .
Exo.16.1~. I6 ~cc• fcbl>C tl)ec in tl)e \llilbcmctrt totttl Io *gnll t11e)L,01ll llelfucrc11 mtct\'llotablcs Exo.t:
mt 2 Ofl
The C\IVO Tables Deu ceronomium. brokcn,and renewed.
• arm nl• of lone \ll•ittm bli"' tile. finger of<iJoD.8111) in 28 *:MafttlJt lanb 1Xll)mc:c ttiou.b~ouglJtdt Nii.14.16.
'"" inaner,
111nno1br1b< tl)eln'Ulerc'
contanel>..., all d}e 'UIOJuel5
,. '-IHl'h -
..,.,...., ..~ ~ani ~l'• qc ll..oit1isnotabletotninigtl)em
b!Ulll Of man. Jl.,OJb ratb bTito fOU in tl}C mounf OUt OfdJe llliO• mtot11c '811ll"t01Jid,J l.)e 111omifeD U,em. ~ becaufe
of r.:rc~ in t1Jenar1r11Jm Fl? c~me toged)er. . IJt l)atc'D tlJ~,tlJ£rfo1e (JatlJ be tariclJ tl;lcm out,
1 1 ann \UlJen tlJe fourttc 11a1c• 8111» f.ounte to nap ttJem in ttJe \JJUDcmdtc.
niglJt• mere mllcll, tl)e JL,oill igaue mu tl)e rmo , 9 ~.CIJolD, .tlJer are tlJp people., anb tl;Jinc in• of tlone. tl,le tableJS of tl)uoumant. ~mtatuc b:JIJ&elJ tl;Jou biougtJtdl out in tlJp
u anntlJc J1,o1ZJ raill bnto nu, anre, anti &et miglJtie po\\ltr, ann in ttJr llrcUQ~ out arme.
tl,Jccllotrmc quicblF from l]encc, fo: ti)! people The x. Chapter.
UJIJicfJ tl)ou l)all b~ouglJt out of .emit • l)aue 1 The Tables :uc renewed, and put into the Arkc.
~~.':.~~~~,. 1mal'tcll ~ll : ttJer an turnen at once outortl)c
l!lbrn thrpnr• war \lllJtct.1 'll commanbcb tl)cm,anbl}aue mane tl tl)e •came fearon t1Jc JL,011J caiDe E10.1+1.
:~:~r~:~ \~''' tl)an a molten image. bnto tnc, $cw tl;Jce t\llo tables "'
eoD. I 3 futtlJCTITIO~C, tl)C '.JLOJbC fPafiC bRto ~· ftonc, ltlle bnto tl;lr. l\rtl, anb come
raring, 'JI 1Jaue ftem tlJl• people, am bel)olb, &t bpbntonuc mtotlJt mount, anlJ
i• a lliftmbcb people. • make ttJee an amc of'Ulooll.
c ~.. nrng, 14 s )! me alone, t11at '.) mae bdlroe tl1em. 2 gnb '.j\ 'Ulill w~ite in ttJe tables t1Jt 'Ulotb~
~~::.~~%~.i anD µut out tlJc name o~ tl)nn from \mber IJca• tl)at \l.:lcrc m tl)c firct tables 'mlJiCIJ d)ou Ina·
~~~~,4.1:,~~b• ucn, anb 'JI \lltn malle of ti} cc e mtg!Jtic nation, kclt, ann tllou 11.Jalc put tl)em tn tl)e arne.
anb greater tl)m dJer be. 3 Silnb 'JI mane an Silrkc or •'5>fttim moob,antl • w•"'rn
15 !lnb 'JI tumcll mce, anb camt bob:Jne from fJe\lleb t\JJo table• orllonc hlfe bnto ti.Jc finl,anb =~~~=.
tlJc !Jill, cum from tl)e l)ill tt,latbumt 'UlitlJ fin, \llettt ~P i~to tl,Jc mountainc, l}auing ti.Jc t\JJo ;.":,,~ '
anD tlJc t\llo table~ of tlJc couenant were in t11f tables m mine IJanll. Q&pe.J,,
l)anb•. 4 9.nb l)e:c \V~otc tn tl)e tablcfS • auoJlJing
I 6 .\tll'll j! fOO'fttlJ,RUb bclJollJ, PC 1)8b finnell 8• to t~e f\rll 'Ultiting, tl)c ten commanlJemcnttJ.
gainti tl)e ll..o~lJ rout 000 , anb (Jab mane rou a \lllJicl} ti.le )l..01tJe 'Palic bnto pou tn tlJe mount
molten mlft, anlJ l)a'D tumeD at once out of dJc out of tl)e mtlJs Df tlJe fire, in tfltllap 'all.Jen b rou b t111t1 ,.
roar \\llJi<:IJ tl)e: ·,11..o~lll)alJ commanlJtbpou. \\lm gatl)erelJ togett,Jer : ann tl)e )l..o,llc pue ::"::=.::'
I 7 .anlJ '] tOOJiC tl)t rt\)O ttlbJelS,8ntJ '81 d)e:nt tl)cmbntome. =:::~~
~~~r!',~'0!1 1 out of tnF rtllo ganncis, ann b b~ahc tl]em befo~e: s 9nlJ 'JI llcparte'IJ, anti came bomnc from
~~~~~:;:;:~. vour cress. tl)e~ill. annput the tables in tl)e ame \JJl)ia,
p,ir.on. 1 s .ano 9jcen bob:Jne flat befoie dJe Jl,OJbUSI '.) l,JalJ maDc,ann ttJcre tl)er be, as tl)e Jl.,oJb com•
at tl)c firll time , anD fomcic llapc,s, anl:I foume manncbmc.
niglJtJS, 'l tJtD neitl}cr catc b~calJ, n01 b~lnlle:ma. 6 lnb tl.)e dJillJ1cn of 'llfracl toorrc fl.Jtir
ter, bccaure of all rour anncs, 'UJl)iclJ te Cinncb, ioumep from '.l6ttot1J, oftlJe 'IJllD1m of gjaJJan,
in botng llliclicblp in tl)c fitJ{)t of tlJe )l.,o1be, in to* ~ofcra, \Dl}err c aaron· bttb, anll \Das bu• Nu. 0
tl)at pc p:ouobclJ l)im bnto \VJatlJ, rict1,an1111Mea!ar IJI• ronncbe'8111C ~#ttl tn l}is , E.Uilm,
19 (fioi '.Ji 'UlassafeaiD, tl)atfo.t tl)et91at11anll 11£a11. :r::mr:;.
fimenctrc 'lUl)rrc\\lttl) tl)c )l.,oJb uass moouCll a· 1 from tl)ence tl)ep Dcpartell 1>nto ~Ub~o· 1•111tn alf1.
gatnrt pou, l)u 'Uloulll tJauc bdlroreo pou) )But bal,J, anll from <115Ubgobal,J to ]cd)ellal,J , a llnb
tl)elUlill 1;Jeart1mc attlJattimealfo. \DIJiCIJ l.latlJ tiuer,s of'Ulaters. •
; ~bl•lh•1D· 20 "1n)e"f.,01bc'Ula,s~rpangip 'Ulitl) ~ron s ~e ramc fcaron tl:Je )l..01De fcparattll d)e
1t~bo1on•n1t· alfo,tol')aue •beftropctJIJim: 9.nb 1]maDemt£r• tnbe ofJL,cui, to bcare: tlJt amc of tt:Jc couenant
::~:,• ::11'~.~ 'i,cemon m~ !laron atro tl)e fame time. of tl,lc JL,o~b, at1b to llanb befo1c ttJe lLoJlJ, anll to
ralftr1Dic~'" 21 g,nb 'll too lie pour finnc t1Jccalfeml)icl) pe mintaer bnto l.)im, anb to blcll'c In btl5 name bn•
:;:,~~t~.brnm· {)ab maZJc, anD burnt !Jim \llidJ firc,anb llampeD to $15 llap.
t;im, anti grounb l)im bCfl' fmall, cuen to bUll: 9 *Dl.Jcrcfo~c tl)c )l..cuitcs fJaue no part no1
anb j\ raft tf)e null tl)mof into tl)c b:oobe tl;Jat inlJmtanc:c\llitlJ t1Jcirb1cttncn: butet,Jc )l..oibe: Num, •8•8
~~!l'.b·•1 oeCcmocD out of tl)e: k mount. d iss tlJtir inlJctttancc, a15 ti.Jc '.ILolD ti.JP Ciloll l)ad,J io. deur. •
Exod.1 n. n .. auo at tl)e: bUrntng place, at tl)e place of womifcll t1Je1n. : .. eaa nr-·
num.11.16 tcmpting,anb at tl)c Cepulclnes oflull, l'CP10U0' • 1 o QnlJ ~ tarica in ti)e: mount,~ at ti.Jc int ;:.=~
liel:I tl)c JL,o~o to anger. time. foutt1e Dapes ,anD fourtit niglJt.e: anti t11c 1a1e . . . . .
2 3 ll..ike'd>ifc 'rolJcn tl)e 'lL01lJC rent pou from l-olD l,JearD me at ttJat time alfo, anD d,Je JL,o~
Qtabcss l5arnea , raping , Cl3oe bp anb polfcffe: '11.lOUID not Dellrop tlJtC.
tlJe ~anD \l11Jicl) '] l)auc glum rou, rou u ann tl)e '.IL01t1 faill bnto me, .anre, anll go
ai;tamn tl)c \\lo~b or tlJc JL.oJD rout ©o'D ,!lnllntr• fo~tl)in tlJtioumcpesbef'oie ttJe people •. tl1at
tl.Jtt bctecueb l}tm,no1 IJcarncncD imto IJ&~out. tlJer mar i;toe: m, ann po!fctrc d}c lanll 1XllJicf;J ]
. 2 4 ~ou l)aue: bmerclltlltousninro ctJe JL,o,o, t'alare bnto d.Jeir ratl]erJS, to pre bnto t11em.
uncc ttJe ba'I' tt)at 11mc'1l rou. 12 Qnb notoe 1!frael.\Dl!at DotlJ tl}c ~b UJr
• 2 5 ~llb 1 ftl bo\llnc flat bcfoic tl)e )L.Otl:I four, Cl3olJ requirt of ttJee, but to fem tlJe 1011Je tlJl'
tie ba1ci:s, anb fourrtc nig1Jtl5.~ '.11 f'dl lJO\JJntbe• 00ll, Billi to\llalllein IOUCIJim,
t'o~e: fo~ tlJt 11 o~~ ratb, IJt 'IDOUlll De«ronou. anb to rmie tl}C ~tlJF ceoo \DitlJ al ttJe l)cart
. 26 'l mat1~ intttCC({ion tl)crcfo:e bnto d)c anb 'CDitl1 au t1JF roule 1
U~be, anb fatbe, ~ 'Jl..oJb Cl3olJ, bdh"op not tlJf 1 J a;,at t11ou fleqJe tfJe connnanllemmts of
people, anb tl)tnc ml)ttttance, 'all}kl) tl)ou l)d tlJe :t.o11t , anll IJiJ o~llinanccs, bll)lcJJ ~ com·
beltuml:I tlJiougl) tlJr i;treat goobtldTt, '\DIJfa.I manll ttJee dJt!S bar Co: ttJp \llea(tlJ•.
t~oul)ailbJo~l)toutof~ttnOUllJamtllJ' 14 26e1Jolbe,l)taum, ano ttJtlJeaum oflJea·
t1e1Jan11. ~a. tlJC ~i~s tl)f Ci5011, anD tl}e eantJ, 1Xlltt.I
1 1t!)ltr-. 1111 27 • JaemembeulrercruantJ, QJnabam,ira. au tl)at tlJerem iis.
"-1cmas l)ac, anti ']Jacob, \l loollrnot tmto tlJc lhlbblml• 1 ~ Jr.}ot'alitlJl1at1bing , tl;Je :t.oilJC IJall a be<
•• ""· nelT£ of tllis people, no~ to tbtit 'mklltbnt# ,fin: liptfn dJF louc t1Je:m..an11 t11ore tlJctr
.Sx horca Chap.xj . keepe the Lavv. 69 1

rr.tDe afm tlJcm,cum roa aboue au nattonJ. as tip on it, from tl)e beginning oC ti)e rm, tmto tl)e
dJOU fftll. tl1t!S 11~1'. en ti of tile
~~!';::~Ir 16 • ~1rcum"re ttJerero~e tl)c ~tflrtn oftOUT i 3 ~r rou RJall lJtarkm tlJercro;c bnto mp
"'""""'b' IJeart.anll be no mo:e aiffmccticll. commaunilcmcntts bll}itl.J '.31 rommaunt1e pou
:::~,t ':'.: 17 ljfo~ ti.Jc JLo~n rour 0011 i!S <5011 of go~anll thtnar, tl)atrcelouet1Je:to1n pour <5on, anil
~::{:ri~~?:rr. JA~b of IO~lJSS,a 1ttat 0ob" a miglJtf 8tlb a ttrro rcmcl}im 'IDitl) au rour l)cart, ann blttl.J au rour
cu..c,non. blc, 'OJl)taJrcgartietl)*nomanJpenon, n~ta· route:
Jere++ bctfl re'OJarD. 14 l alfo \llill giuc rainc bnto fOUT lanll in
~:~:~~~~'. is ~c bOtiJ rig)Jt bnto tlJe fat'1Ulclfeanll '0Jf, riucrearon, tlJt' flta ratneanbd)e tatter, tlJat • 1. •b•rm
bO\ll,antJ IOUCtl} tl)c ltfangcr, to giUC l:}im foOZIC tiJ~U marca gatl}tt' in t(Jp come, tlJp 'OJinc, anD "'"'·
annrauncnt. tl)me orte.
19 JLouc re tlJcrcro~e tl)c aranger atro: ro: rc 15 gnn '.JI bliU renri !ifa[c in thp fir.Ill!$ foJ tlJr
'OJcrc atangcris rour retucis in ti,c lanZ> of aemiPt catttll,tlJat tJJou mar ca catc.,ann fill tt:Jp reuc.
Dcur.6,q. 20 ·~1Jou11Jaltfeare tlWA.-OJDtlJp (3011, anll 16 JBut bc\Darc ti.Jae po UT 0 l}catt ncrenu pou ~'.r,J~~::;~~::.
nur+•o. IJim omlp fiJillt tJ:IOll fCtuC, to IJfrn (bSIC tfJOU not..ann rec tume au1>c. anti ferue (trangc gonss, ~!~~·~~~~•.~;
Juk• 4.s. tlcauc,antJ fn;can: bp l)ii!I name. an!> lDDJHJfPtllcm: '"""""L
11. ll)cciis tlJrp:mre anll tlJr cl5o~ tlJatf)atl) i 7 gno then tJJe JLo:b, bcing\l:IJatlJ againn
rionc ro: tl)cc tl.Jefc great~ ternblUIJin~.\\Jl)tctJ pou, II.Jut bp tl)e l)eauen, t!Jat tl)erc be no ratnc,
tljinc cpcis l}auc fcmc. . an1> ti)at FOUT lan?Jpcelne notIJcr rrutt, ann left
C.n.46.27. 12 ..x;t}r • ratQcns \xlmt 11ott1nc mto lfgvpt re perill) quicfllr ftom off tl)c goon lanll \lll)itlJ
blitlJ tl}:cerco:canll tcnperronss: an?Jno\lletl)c tl)c JL,o~n gtuct:.flpou.
:.~:=::J. ll-O:n tlJp 1!5o?J l}atiJ mane tl;Jcc, arm multiplieD . 18 "'-m::(JttCWJCll)al VCPUtbptl)cfcmp\lloJ?JS Deur.6.6
...." ' 1111,11- tl)cc ais tl}c f aarrcss oUJcaum. mpour l)cart,ann mrour roule, anti bit111e tl)cm
fo~ a fignebponpour(Jann, t1:Jattl}ep1nap be tijS
The xi .Ch apter. a II rrontletbet'nleenerourqes. ~Or,lignes
r An c.xhormion ro louc God and a!wayes to bee J 9 ann pc II.Jal tcatl} tl)cmpour cl)itllicn, tl)at ofmncm-
mindfull of his )awcs,and tokccpc them. tl)cp mar tallic or tlJem, 'll>bm ti.Jou fittcft in braDCc,

• Loatltrb&
lrDpulnt al
~ercfo~e tl)ou !l)alt a louctl)e lloJb tl)inc l)oure, anri 'ml)cn tl}ou blalke(l bp tlJ&
rbrrns1 llru
t1Jr <5on , anri hccpc l)i!S obfcruan• lDar, 'l'glJcn tl]ou ltca tJo'alnc,an?l wlJcn tl)ou ri·
lilt. ais,f)iis oit1inamcis, IJiis table• anti fcftbp.
l)ilS commantlnncntis al\llap. 10 ~ea, anll ttiouOJalt 1D~ite tl}cm bpon ttc
2 l.\110\llc POU tl)l• 1181' ( fQ1 '] noo~ poltes of tl:Jtne l)oure..anri tipon tl)p gate is :
fpealle not to roUT cl)il?J~cn 'nll*IJ IJtlUC nctd)cr 11 ~l}at rour nape!$ mar be multiplicri, am
tmo\llen noi rcme) tiJc cl)tl1lifemmt of tlJc JLo:n tl}c Mress of poUT ctJilD1Cn, in tl}c lanb \Dl)t.cll
pour ~olJ,IJt• greatnerre,tJtis migIJtp 1J11nb, ann tl}e ·.n,,o:b !blare tmto pour fatfJ£fS5 t.o giuc tl}ent,
l}iS ftretcl)cll out anne, al!! lo~ ass tl)c 11arcs oc l]caucn lall bpon tl)c
3 'i)'l miracttis anri f)i• actc• 'WIJid:J IJec llill cartIJ.
in tl)e milllles of Clegppt, cum bnto PIJarao tl:Jc 1 z 1foi tf pee bctpc an tt:Jefc cmnmanricmmt•
lltng of ctgppt,anll bnto all l)llS lanll: bll}icl}] commaunn rou, ro tlJat pc Doc tl}cm:
4 anti b'll)tlt l)C ?Jill bnto tlJe l)otlc Of <fm'pt, namely, tl)at ~c loue tl}c JLo~tl rour <3otl, ann
llnto tl}cir IJoircss anll cl1arctis, l)obl l)c blOugiJt \llalbe'" au b111 lllapess,ant1 tlcaue tmto l}im:
ttJc \ll11tcr or tl)c rcll rca bpon tlJcm, as tllct pur' 2 3 ~l}m llltll tl)e JL,oin cal! out all tl}crc natf
rurt1 pou bcl)tnll, ~ l)obl tl)c Jl.,o~b l)at(J biouglJt on• bero~c poU,an?J pe ll)all be tlJr.l}ctrcis or great
tl)cm to nougl.Jt bnto tl)iS llap: nations, ann of tl}cm tl)at are ntl~tier fiJen
5 . anri bll)at l)cc bill bnto pon in tl)e 1Diltlcr' pour Celm~.
nctTc, tmtill pc came bnto tl:Ji• place: 24 *an< t)Jeplacc•'OJIJcrron t1Jcfole11ofrour Io(ua l.J
Num.16, ~, 6 an11 tobatbebitl bnto * Watl)an an11 !Jbi' frctt OJall ttcalJe,flJ111be pours: from d}c 'IDilDrr' ru1f:~~1~i
pra.105-1 7 ramtl)c ronncis of Cfliab tl}cronnc of 1Subcn: ncrrc,anb from JL,iba11011,anri ftom tl]c rincr cfu, ~:~.~'~,:::
l:Jo'll> tl:Jr cartl) op~nctl fjermouctJ anll (toallo\ll' pl}JatClS , 1mto tl}e bttmnoll Cea, OJall pour r lltarrcnb·
rn tl)cm \U1tl1 ttltir l}ou11Jolb11, ann tbcir ttntis, ttoaa be. ~~.~l.lf:~
10:,atthcir anll all tlJeir fubltance tl)at'OJa)'l Utn tlJcir potrcr' 2 s ¢!Jere flJaH no man be able to aam bcr01£ =:i:.:t"
fmc, Oon u1 tlJC mitltlClS of'.3)fracl. rou: foi tt:Jc JLo:ll tour ~ori fiJSll raa ttJe fcarc
7 woubtlclte, pour cvcis l}auc reene au tl)c ann 'tl,eiUI of pou bpon all tl)c lanD ttJat pee fl.Jail
great actris of tl}c JLo:n,llllJiclJ tic Din. ttcan bpon, ais l}e IJatlJ raill bnto rou.
8 'lZIJercfo~ fiJall re tmµe au tlJc co111man, 26 '5el}oll» '.]lfct bcfo:crou tl)16bapablef
tlcmmts 'nll}iclJ 'JI comm~unll pou tlJiOap,tl)at ung anb a curfc :
rcmapbcttrong,ann gocm,annpoaetrt tlJc tann 2 7 a blCO'ing,ifpc obey the commanllcnttnts
\Dl)itlJ£f pc goc to poffclTe it: oftfJe ·JLo~n rour <3oll, llil;JiclJ '.Jl c01nman11 rou
9 ann tl}at rec mar p101ong vom 11ave• in tlJis 11av :
tlJr. lanb 'OJl)itlJ tl)e JLo:nc f\Uatt bnto poUT fa• 28 anD acunc,tfpccbliU notobcrttie com,
tljcrss to mtue bnto tt:Jent, ann to tl)m Cccb,a lanb mantlcmcntts oc ti.Jc :n...o:n pour <3ob, but turtle
ttJatflo\lletlJ blitl1 mime anti l)onte. out or tl)e 'IDar 'ID1J'K11 'Jl rommanl> rou tiJilS bar
101fo:tlJr.lanll'll>lJtttlrrtlJou goc« bptopof, to gocafterllranBe gobs \tllJid) veel}aue gnot ~1ttcbn
fttfe it.i• not as tl}c lano of <tgppt tl}at fet came bnotocn. :!~':~~~~
~':::.~ out of, \lll)erc tl)oufOmentt tlJp rce11, anb b 1Datc~ 2 9 IIl)lJCtl t1JC JLoille ttJp ~Ob t(}t\'ef01C 1Jatf1 IOID me ID

~:.ri:.ra rclllhtmitlJ tlJl! garlltn ortJcrbc~. b.rouwit.tbcc into tl)e lan11 \tllJitl)er tlJou goell to :~;ei.::i..~
..,,, At•!~. 11 ~uc tt)e tantJ 'OJbitl)er per goe otter to pof• poO'erre it, ~lJ~u llJatt * put tlJc bletrmg bpon ~~:.":.
~:.::r.1:.::• rca-e it.ill& tanbtlJat l)atlJ l)ilkUnD baUepss,anll mount <Jl)attttm, \1 tl)e rurrc bpon mount <fbaL iof... s:
~;;~"" .. ..:. tlJinkctlJ \Dater of tl)e ratne oflJr.aum. 3° an not t:IJefe 1nountain• on dJe ottJcr rite
• 12 ~lJt• Ianll noetlJ tl)c Jl,o~be tlJp cBoll ~re ~oi1>ane,onti}atpartoftl)c 'OJar\\lbm tl}c run
foMntl t!Je eicss of tile JLoJll tlJp Cl!JDI> are al'IDams goetl} !lo\llm, in tl)e lanll of tt.t cianaanim,
Hovv to {erue God. Deureronomium. Eate not blood.
wbicIJ b'OJell in tl)e plainc outf amainll <!Jif«al, boe au ttJat ']! mmmaunb tl)ee.
bcfiDe t{Jc grouc of ~o~etJ :' . 15 fl ot'Wttt.Jaant1ing t11ou mare! tiill anD
31 ~o, rcllJall patrcoucr']lo,nanr, togoem, eat flct1J 1n all tl)r II titieJS, tDIJatfoeucr tlJ!:' route ~or,garu.
anD po[etrc tfJc lanll 'AllJi'1J dJC JL01D rom <301> luOctlJ ac:tcr, d acc0111in~ to t1Jc bleffing of tl)c ~.~~·:.:~
giuCtiJ pou, anll fCC 11Jall poltdte JC, anll ll\Dell JLo~ne tlJr <!Dob \lll)td1 IJe IJattJ gium tlJec: botlJ ~~:::~:~
tl)crcin. tlJc bncleatlc anb tl)e cltane map eat tl)acof, of
32 ~afic: IJCCllC tf)ettfo,c fflat fl't bOUlltl)C tlJc Jlioc bucfie anb of tl)e l)art.
commanncmcnt.11 ann la\lJc13 wlJ(C!J ~ Cctbcfo1e 16 ®nlfFC ilJalnOt<£attl)eb{OOb,butpO\ll1C ~.:lll•PIOW.
rou t1Ji• 11ar. it bpon tlJt earttJ as mater. iu~::.,:~
The xii.Chapter. 11 '4tl)ou marcll not rate 'mitl)tn tl)r ga~ ~!':t:!':~~"'
tl)C trtt.Jc of tlJr co~nc, orttw 'Wine, anb of tl)p b•1•rn•11rr.
1 God comm:mceth the places of idolarric to be dc- orlc, anlltl)eftrft bomc ofttwllinr, annofttw
llroycd. 5. 8 God will be ferucd as hcc docth ap- 11Jctpe, ne1t1Jcr ant' or tbl? bo\Uc~ \'DIJia) tl)ou
poinc,and not as man docth fantafic. bo\ tl:Jr free 'mill offcrtn~,o~ tJcaue ofrt;
u=::::~=:!,1 ~ll)cfe arc tl)c o,oinan~ii ~ la'lDC.J, rin_g of tl)ine l)anb :
·- ~-~ 'Wl}icl) rrclball obfrnrcanD Doe tn 18 iaut tl)ou mull eat tl)cm befOic tl}c )l..oibc
tlJc lanb \Ul}iclJ tl}c )l..o~D <3on of tl)r ©oD, In tl)cplaccmlJiel) tl)c)!.,01bct1Jr 0011
tlJ!:' fatgcr~ giuctlJ UJce to µorrcrre qatlJ c1Jofen,ttJou,11JtD tlJF fonnc,anb ttJr b~'
tt, a~Ionga~ re tiue bµo tl;Je carti]. tcubr fcruant, ann tlJr mapllc, anb tl)c Jl,,euttt
2 ~cc aian lltllror all pla.ct~, 'lll}Jcrcin tlJc tlJatiP'WitlJinttJPgate$S :ann tiloun1alt rciOt?ct
nation~ \UIJiclJ pc (!)al poffcifc fcrucD tl)cir gon~. befo~e tl)e J.Lo~D tlJP ©ol>, in aU tl)at tl)ou putttn
bpon l'JiglJ mountamc,, f)iUe~, anti bnoci c, ttJme tJanil to.
uerr grecnc trer. 19 :73c'1lare tilat tl)ou f'o1ra1tt nottl)c )l..c:uitt.
3 pou fl.Jail outrtlnomc tl)cir altar~, anb a$S long a$S tl}ou I tu ea bpon t}Je eart(J.
, 1::1brr1ntbr1 bz~ake tiJeir pillar~. antiburnc tlJeir~groucss 2 o '] f \UlJcn tl)c )l..ozn tlJp ©ob fiJaH enlarge
:·~,~~:i:l~l~." tiittU ftrc.anD rou lballl)c\llc Do\llne tl)c gramn tlJr bo1Dcr,as tc1JatlJp1omifet1 ttJec,t1Joufap, '.)
goos. image~ of tl)c goD~ tl)ac tlJep l)aue,ann b~mg t{Je mill eatflcl1) (becaure tlJF route* longctl)to eate Gcn.2s. 1
name~ or t~em to nougl)t out of tfJatpla,c. Hcfh) tlJou mapcltcat llefiJ \lllJatrocua tl}p roule deut.i 9•9•4
4 !?cc 11Jall not llOe fO tmto tl)C )l,O,bC pour luilctlJ.
~oll: 21 '.]]ftl:Jc place \llbi~ tl)eJLD1b tl:Jr Cll5ob l)atl)
:.Chr. 7.u 5 * l5utrec OJaU feeflc ti.Jc place 'OJIJid:J tlJe chofm to put l)is name tl)cre, be too fam fro1u
JLo~ll t•our ©oD a1al cl.)ufe out of all rour tribes. tl)ee, tl)cn tl)ou 11Jalt Jilli of tlJp onn anti of tlJr
to put IJis name ti,cre, anti d)erc to DmeU, ann l11ccpe, lDlJiclJ tlJc lLOlDc IJatlJ giuen tlJce. as]
tlJtt:l}cr tIJou l11alt come : IJaue commaun!JeD tl)cc, anll tlJou PJalt ratt in
6 ann tlJitlJer rec ~au l.11ing rour \lllJote tlJine o'Wnc "tie II \Ul]atfoeuer tfJ!' foulc IU• I Or,gam.
burnt r1mifu:cs, rom, rour ntl)es,ann
hcauc offerings of pour IJBn1l, rour bowes, rour
free \llill offerings, anb tl)e firtl bomc of rour
22 .Qnb a~ t11e 1!ioe bUme anb tl}c 'att
ten, ro tl)ou 11.Jalt eate tbem: bod) dJt 'ltane ano
ts ea'
1tine,an11 of pour ompe. tl)e tmdranc tlJall cat of tl)em.
b Jntrrptacr 7 2nllt}JetCfCC lbatl catc bbefo1ct1:Je Jl.O~D 23 :Wut II tabe l)cebe tl)at t1.1ou eatc not ttJe IOr,lxc
~l'c',~.'"' rour ©otl, anll rec Oiall rtiotce in all ttJat rou fb[OOll: fo~ tlJc blOOb iS tl)c ltfe,anll tl}OU maretl Urong.
µut rour UanD bnto, botIJ rec ann t·our f:Joufc, not eat tl)c life 'mid) fflc Helb. ~.~~..::=d,
{Jollies:< • \lllJerein t{Je )l.01n tlJr ©oil l)atl) bleU'cll 24 ~ouflJaltnotcateit, butpo\1.l1c itbpon ~~:r.E
tl)re. tlJC cartlJ a~ mater.
'orm.-,n•tb 3 12c flJall not bOC after all' tlJC tlJitt~tlJat 25 ~lJouflJaltnotcattt, t11atitmargoc\llcll
;:~~.'~','.:,~ 1
\lJctocIJm tl)tss tiar. cuerpmantlJatrenuetlJ 1llttl1 tIJre, anll \llitlJ tl1r ~1llJ~cn after ttJce : but
~;~l~ :~: 1i1,,. i)iln goo?> tn l}IS o\llne CF£)1,
tlJou lbalt lloc tl)at 'WfJiclJ t~ rtgl.Jtin ti)e figfJt of
~r';:•;;:~z:;~',. 9 1foJ re are not rct romc to rdf, anll to tl)c tl}e ll.ozb. Qin
l:~:,·~~.i, ~~re inlJcritance llll)id) pJLoJll pour ®.ob giuetlJ rou. 26 '3ut tbr IJDlp s t1Ji1igss tDl)iclJ ti,ou lJatl, fm1rrn ':. •
:~:':,~.~~~.~~11" . 1 ll 113ut \lllJcn re goe eucr ']oJllanc, ann bb.1£.1 anti tlJrt>o\tlcs, tllom11alt tahc, allZI comnnro ::~::~~:.
<Cb•nain. m tlJc Iann 'Wl)tclJ tlJC JLoJll. rour ©oil tatb g1' tlJt place 'Wl)icl} tl)e ·,n..oni l)atfJ cfJofcn. r•i r..uin'"
um rou to inl}erit, anll 'WlJen l.)e IJatl) gtucn rou 27 gnlJ tllou U:JaltotftrttJrtnlJole bUmtofft,
tell from au pour encmfcs routlll about,ann fl.Jal ting~.botb HcllJ anb blooD. bµontlJc altar of tfJc
ti\llcll in rarecr: ·ll.o~tlc tt)p ©oll: ann tlJe blooll oftl}tne otrmnp
11 ~en 1:11tto tl)c ptare \\ll)id) tflc l-o~lJe lbaU be po\tllttl out bpon tlJe altar of tl]c lLo,or
3.Rcg.S.29 t'llllr<lf5olJ l}atl) tl1cfcnto *ptttlJiJS name tlJetC. tlJp 0011. anti tliou llJalC cat tl)e ft£11J,
'ftcflJaUb~tttf6 ailtlJat'] commauno rou: rour 2 8 ~ahe lJ CC!J, ~ l}carc all tl)efe \lJO~bl5 \DIJiC)J
'Ultlole burnt racrificc~, rour offerings, your 'JI commat11l t{Jcc,t{Jatit mar go \\lell'Wi~ tlJte,
tttiJcis,tl)ctieauc oftcrin~ ofpcurIJann, anll all .mb \lJit(J tlJF tl.JiltlJcn arm tlJ~ fo~ cucr,tf tI:Jou
'fOUt fpccta\l \JO\llCJl 'Wl)ttlJ pee bO\llC l:llltD tl)c nocn tlJat 'OJlJ~IJ iJS goi>ll ai111npt111 tl)c lil!Jt or
JL01b. tl.Je JLoill tlJr (Boll.
~~; ..~nb l'tc llJaU rcioite befo~e tl)e )l..o~b pour 29 tl9ben t1Je Jl..01be tin' C301> 11Jall lleCfror tl)c
, • c ann l?Our ronnei:s anti rom !laugl)tcrs, nations befo~ t:IJet. \llbUl:Jtt ttJou gocato por,
four fe.ntant~ an1:1 l'our maibtnJS. ann tl)e :IL e• re1re u,em, anl> u,ou rucucbelt in tl)cirill)Jcri,
Ultc tlJat tS 'mlft}tn l'OUt !;tlltcJS foiafmUClJ ajS l}e tanu, anll O\Dclltft in tl)cir lanl> :
l)atlJ no part no~ inl)cnt:ance tutti) rou 30 :lBe\llarc tbattlJou be nottaflen inha mare ~.~~t~.~:':!.
3 ~alic.IJce!lc tlJat ~ou offer. not t~r 'a:llJote after t1Jm1, after tl}at tlJer bee be~pCll befo~e ~~~m1=.""
burnt o~mgs tn tUct1J Place t:IJat tl}ou reelt. tl)ce,anll t}Jat tl)ou afiie not aftci tl}c1r iOll~far,
. 14 :lBut mti}~ place 'mlJltt) t:IJe JLo~ll OJal dJuCe tng, istbeft nation• CmJe t\}cit!.'!Oll!S,] 'mil ooc ·
moneoftl)p tl.ibesi~ tl)cre tl)ou ftJalt offer tlJl' ro ltke'Wifc,
'Wl}olc burnt offermg,, an~ time tlJou flJalt 31 ~ar,tllou OJaltnono ro bnto tl)c :t.oib tlW
\ Falfe prop hers punilbed. Chap.xiij .xiiij. Meares cleane, &c. 7 o
<!iJoD :fo~ all abomin11tio11s, anll tf]at \D)Ji&IJ tfJc anz1 tIJe t{Jing of a runtie, tIJat fuc!J abominatl,
JLoJZI l}atctIJ,tlJc fame {Jauc tIJer lJoncbnto ttJrn on ts unoug}Jt amongrou:
,;1 ;,~w,o:~'.•· goZIJS; 1 ~ ~en t~ou ll)altfmitctllcl>'a:lcltcrs oftt:Jat
: ~; "'"'' bo1ro1 p f OH'lJCt' (Jauc ; bumtll botl} tlJeir fonncJS cicp \llitl:J tf)c cl>gcof the f\Do~n,anl> bcaror it tit,
~~t~~~·r,,,~~ anzi tlJeirDaugf)tcrJS \tlitlJ fircbcro~c tl.Jcia: goos. tcrlp,ann au tIJat is t{Jcretn.anD tile btll' cattell
~:~~~~~~~ ~crero~c U!lJatroeucr '.JI commaunD rou, ta!ie tt:Jmof, 'a:lttlJ tlJc cngc or tf)c C\Uo~D.
t ~ ntta11 cr•r1rr. l]eecc pc Doc lt: anll "put tl}ou nougl)t tl}ereto, 16 ann gatf)craltf)cfpoilc of it intotl:Jcmiils
1 Drur+•·
prou, 30. 6,
no1tahe oughttl 'J 1 crrfrom.
of tlJe flrcete tf)mof.. ann burnc \llitfJ fire botlJ
~ : The xiij. Chapter. tlJc citie, anl:I an tl)c fpoplc thereof cunr 'tlll)it,
fo~ c ti}c lLoin tlJp <115otl: anti it ll)all be an ()cape • Jn •h• ~'""
1 The falfe prophets, 5 and the inticcrs to idolatrie,
fo~ curr, ann 11Jall not be built againc. ~~~~~;11ib~~
mufi be put to death.
17 !ttnb f ti.Jere llJall clcaue nougl)t oft(Je11am: ~~8~~1;11~r~~11~n
f tIJcrcarifcamongrou a woplJ_ct, nctl tl)mg in tlJinc l)ann, tllat tl)c"JLo~D map tum 11>11 robb• hon

D from tlJe limcncrre of tns \ll~atlJ, ann ll)c\'O tl:Jce ~ !W:':1,~I;0

OJ a b~eamcr of b~camcis, ann gme
ti)cc a figne OJ a \llonbct, . mcrcic, ann {Jauc compafiion on tl]cc, anl> mul, ~t~:r;.~lc'.' r ,
2 ano ttJat fignc 01 nionl>er 'a:l{Jrcl) «pip tl)cc,as l)e hatl) f'IDo~nc bnto tlJl' ratIJcrs.
l]e l)atl:J ra111, come to paQ'e,anb ti,cn 18 'ill-llmfo.!c fl)alt tIJou (Jcarlien tinto tlJe
, ~rord~rrc~ fap, 'A.ct bS •!,lOC after fh·11ngc goZIJS ('a:ll}iclJ t{JOU bOtcc of tlJe "A. o~b thp <ll5ot1, to bccpc all lJis com'
~11:~.:~~"'' l]atlnotknomen) ann lctbisfcruc tl]em: manncmcnts mhii:lJ ']] commann tlJcc tlJis nay,
::;~,~~~:~:'' 3 l!)car11c11 not tlJou bnto tile wo1~JS of tIJat tlJat tlJOU 'DOC that \lllJic{J i)l riglJt in tlJC CFCS of
"'""' .ooD. p~pf}et 01 b;eamcr of!l~camcs:f oz tbc JLO~b tlJl' tUe JLo~b tlJt' <115ob.
<lr5on p~ouctlJ rou, to bno\Dc 'tlll}etlJer rou Ioue Thexiiij. Chapter. ·
the t,o~lle pour ©ol> 'a:litlJ all rour l]cart , anb
'IDitlJ all rour foulc. The manner of the Gcncilcs in mourning for the
·4 igc ll)aO \llalflc after tlJt lLo:l> pour ©ob, dead may not be followed. 4 Wliat rr. e;uc ~ are
ano fcare f:Jim, ficcpc IJiss comman11c1ncnts, anb clcanc to be eaten, and what not.
JJcarbcn bnto l.}iis boicc, 1'0U fl)all reruc IJim,anb If* arctl}c cl1illl1c o£tIJc Jl.o.tbrour Deuc.7.6.
cleauc unto I.Jim. <ltlob: ~c f!Jallnotcutrourrctucs, anJ26,18.
5 Qllb tl}atp~opllct o~ bJrmner ofb:cames 110.t maflc pou anr baloncrrc lJc,
~~r::i:~· ll)all b llil\bccau!c l)e IJatlJ fpolicn to tumc rou a, t\llrene pour a cress fo.t tlJc bean. a 11:1 l~r hr.s
::cu:.~~'::~ \\lap fi:om tl}c lLOl-D tour ©ob, \llf.JtclJ biouglJt 2 1fo~ t{Jou art an l)olp people 'brnllfflm
r.nunrrot !'OU OUt Of tlJC lanl) Of <li:gfpt , anb 'DellUcrCb fOU bnto ti.Jc Jl,0111 tf;Jp ©ob, anb tl}c lLoib l}atlJ cl}o, 1~1 orao,

~:'.~p~~::'i.'t out of tl}c l}oalfe or bonnagc, to tlJiua tIJcc out of fen ttJee to be a rcucrall people bnto f.Jimfelfe, a,
111111111e•. tlJc \vap \ll~iCIJ t(Jc 'Lo:be tin' ©ob tommanncn bout all tl]e nations tl]at arc bpon ttJc carttJ.
t!Jtc to 'IDalkc in) anb tIJerro~e t{Jou ll)alt put the 3 ~ou fiJalt tat no maner of abomination.
cuiU a'IDapftom tIJee. · 4 b '4!;1Jtfc arc tlJ~ bcafli:s 'a:ll}iclJ re f!Jall *eatc b IJmh, mas
• eou 11011 6 ]f' tlJpbl-Otl}cr, tfJC(Onncof tlJl' tUOtlJCt:, of, oi;en,fl)cqic, anl> goatei:s, figunD 1ot!1t
.~:.,~/!.!::!'.' oi d1inc own ronne, oi tlJr baug(Jtcr,o,_ ti.Jc \Dire s J!loe,~art, anbl5ugle,\llillle©oate,~ni' tll.all punntfft~
1111111drr11111. tIJatltctl.J tn tlJl' bofomc, o~ tlJt' frienb, \lllJi&lJ iJS coinc, \Dillie llDi;cn, anll ftamopfc, mcatt 'D•t11kr
a.u tlJinc otoncfoulc bnto tl)cc,mttrc t(Jec react' 6 ann all tlJc bcatlc)l t{Jat cleaue tlJc lJoofc, Lcuit.11.2.
lp,faptng, 'JLct b)l no ~ rcruc «range !,lobs,\lllJicl) anb deauetl} tlJc cltft into two clawi:s, anti cl)e\1.l
tlJOt• l}all not lmo\llen, no~ pct tlJl' fatl.}crs: t{Jc c:ull , tl.Jcm re ll.Jall catc.
1. inllt{Jcpbcanpor tlJC!.lObS of tl.}c people 1 Jac11crt1Jcletrc,t1Jcfc re ll.Jal not cat or tl)cm
'a:l_IJ•cl) arc rounn about pou, \llf.JctlJcr tl;Jep bee tl}at d.)c1:» cull, anll or tlJetn ttJat oeuillc ;t clcauc
mglJ1mtot)Jce,o,.rarrcofff'rom thee, from dJe tlJC l)OOfc., oncly ti.JC ~amcl, tlJC ~arc, anb tlJc
one cnb or tl:Jc cartt:J bnto tl]e ot{Jcr: ~onic: foi tlJCt' cf.Jc\ll tlJc cull, lJut bcuinc not tlJc'
s ~ou f!Jaltnot tonfent bnto l}itu n~ I) tar' l]oore, tfJcrcfo~e tl)ep arc bndeanc bnto rou.
ken bnto l}im,tIJtne eyes f!Jall notp1ttc l)im, net· 8 !lnDalfO t{Jc ~Ultnc, tl)OUglJ IJC bCUillC tlJe
tlJcr llJ~lt tl)ou l:]auc compatrion 011 l)im, no1 IJoofc, pct l]e cl)c'a:lctlJ not cull , tl)erefo1c is IJCC
hce:pc I.Jim fctrct, tmdeanc bnto pou: re tl.Jal notcatc ortIJctlellJ or
Dcuc.1 7•1 . 9 :l6ut•caurcl)imtobc011ine:d~incl)anlJ ructJ, no: touctJ tlJc bcao carflcifc of tl}cm.
~.~~~i~3'' fl.Jalbcftrl?tlponf.Jtm, to kill l}im, anl> tl:Jm tf]e 9 'at(Jcfcpc lbal cat, of all tl}atai·c in ti.Jc 'a:la'
nouu1 ~""· IJanbS ofall ti.Jc people. tcri:s: all t(Jat l)auc finnci:s anll rcafcs fiJaU pc eatc.
1 o ann tl:Jou il)alt tlonc lJim\llitlJ noncs,tlJat 1 o anll ll'JlJatfocuer IJattJ not rumcs \l fcates,
lie lite: bec:aurc IJC l.}atl) gone about to tluua t:lJcc or tl:Jat pc mar not catc, but it ill bmlcanc tmto
S'Q)ap from tlJt )l..01llc tlJt' <115oll, \1.llJid.J biouglJt rou.
tl]cc out of tlJc tanb of Cfgn>t, tt from U,c l}oufc 11 !Of all dcanc bit'ncs re llJall eatr.
orbonbagc. u l6ut tl}llfc arc tlJCF of 'tDIJicl:J rec fiJall not
1 1 anb all '.l\Crael !hall hcarc anb ftan, ann eatc: tl]c <falJ[C, tf)c ©ofl1aukc, anll tl)c ©flnap,
111a111oe no mo~e anr fuel) \1.liclicbnctrc ass tlJiS is 1 3 ~IJc <115lcnc, tlJc Jllitc,anb tl:Je ~ulturc,af,

lltuOn!,lFOU, .. ter tl)eirfrinD.

u jJftlJoufl)altlJearcrar in one of tin' nt1es, 14 gnuu kinll of 111aum~.
'mlJtdJ t1JC Jl,o~be tlJr ©ot> IJatlJ gtucn tl)ec to 1 s ~l)c lfflritctJ, tIJe ni!,llJt tro\llc , t(Jc ~uc,
l>'a:lcll in, ltouie, anb tlJc ~paro\llctJaulic , after ti.Im
I Or, wic. 13 ~1.Jat ccrtatne mm being tl}c c1Jilll1en llof l1inD.
kcd men, lBclial, arc !,lOllC OUt from among pOU, Onll l.}BUC 16 ~c lit1£ ©\Ulc, tl)c gnat ©'alle no~ tlJc
moucll tlJt inlJabitcrs or tIJc citp,fapin~, )let bi-l iseol!Janlic. '
goeantl fcruc«rangc!,lobJS, \\llJiclJ re l]auc not 17 iaiilJc ~clicanc. tlJC ~\1.lanne, noJ tlJe ClroJ'
bnO\\ltn: mo1ant.
14 ~l)cn tbou mu« fecke ano 1nallc rcarc11, 18 ~c ~to1flc, tlJc l9eron in lJis kin lie, tlJc
ani> enquircbil{«entlr: anb belJolb. if it be cruc.. "Jl...ap·!,l, tlJc ~atke.
19 ~nDI
Of cyches. Of the Deureronomium. poore,and feruanrs.
r 9 anll Iet cuccy r;rccptng roulc bee bndeane 1 '.l\C one of tt)p l11ct1nen amont;J pou bee
bnto pou,anll not be eaten or. poo~e,toitl1in anp ottl)p tl;Je lanD\l.11Jii;fJ
20 '3utof alldcanerouictsFemapcatt. tl)c )l.,01be tlJp 1115ob ifuel} U,ee : tbou OJalt not
21 1):!e 11Jall cat ot' notlJin« tlJat llpetl) alo~: l)atben tl)incl;Jcatt, no1 niut to tl)ine IJanll crom
but ttiou OJalt giue it bt:JtO tf;Je ftrangn t1;1at1~ tl)p poo1e b1o~er:
~or,garcs, in tl}p IJ cttie, ti]atlJc cat it, o~ tboumapell fell It 8 :J5m tlJou OJalt *open tl;ltnc banb bl\QJ MaLs.,,.i.
bnto a tlrangcr: 1fo~ tt1ou art an IJolp people bn' lJiin, anti lenll lJim fulfi«int foJ IJiJS ntCll •lJtdJ 1u11.C1S,J 1.
Exo.i 3.1 9 . totlJeJL,o,lltlJP <!30D<~1Jou11Jaltnot'fe~e a l}e(JattJ.
and i4.16. lail:lin(Jitsmot:l}er~m1llie. 9 )De'Olarc ttJattl)ere be not B'miclieb tf;louglJt
:,~~:~.~g;a. n ~f]ou malt ~e an d;le encrcare ornw in tgine l]eart, tf;lat tf;IOU "alOUl'Detl fap, ~C fC.
a1ns ottb•nm• fetll tf)at tile fielll b,tng~ fo~ fctC bF pctt. umtl] recre, ~e pe~e of fmllomc iis at l}anl:lc:
~\::t1n' ""' 23 g1111 t(Jou fl)alt eatebefo~e tt,JeJL,o,DetlJ-r anll t(Jerefo~e 1t gmuet(J tlJee to loolle on tl)p

0011 in tl)c place \l.1(JtctJ l)el)a~ ct)ofm, '\l.11Jctt pooic b10tlJer, anll ifuelt l]im nougt)t, ant11Jee
l}e (Jat~ put lJts name,tlJc tptlJe of tlJF come,anD t1Jt1icrte: bnto tiJe :t..01ne agatna tl;lee, anti it be
oftlJP \\linc.,antioftl)tneoplc, antitlJtftrll bo~ne fume bnto tJJce.
of tlJF litne, anD of ti.JP fiJeqie: t1Jat tlJou mat ell 1 o ~l)ou tlJalt gtue l)tm anti let tt not gritue
1carne to feare tl}e JL,o~ll tl;IF ©oil al\l.1apcis. tl)ine IJcart to giue bnto !Jim : becaure t1;1atfo1
24 1; f ti.Jc \l.1ap bee too long fo: tf;ltt, ro tl;lat tlJis tt)ing tf:Je JL,01n tlJr <5otJ tl>all bletre tt)ce in
t1Jou art not able to cartctt. anll iftl.Je place bee all tlJF \Do1ht!S,anll in au tl;latU,ouputtell t:IJine
t:arre Crom ti.Jee, \l.11Jicl) tlJe ·,to,ne tlJF <l!5oll 1Jatl) IJann bnto.
rfJofen to ret t,Jts name tlJere, atll) t}Je JL,o~e tlJr 1 1 ~e lanll OJall *neuer be \t!ttl)out c poo~ ~ Mor. 2.11.
©oll (Jatll bletTell tl)cc:
:i 5 ~IJen 11Jalt tl]oumarre it in moncp.~ take
anll t1Jerero1~ 11 commaunll tlJce, raring, ~lJou ~rr:r·~=
tlJalt ~pen tl}me ~anti bnto tlJp b~otl)n t\lat ~ a..
~Or,bindc II tlJe moncp in t(Jinc iJatUJ,anll go tmto tl]e place necDie an1> poo~c tn tl.JF Iallll.
vp. 'UJl}icl} tf:Je Jl.,DJll tf:JF <l!5oll flJBll tfJtlfC. 12 '.]\ftlJp .. bJotfler an f!)eb~e'lll Cel(Jimfelfc to EllM1,s.
26 ~Intl tl)ou 11Jalt betlo'l.lle tl;lat moncr fo1 tl;lee, oi an ~ebie'lll 'moman, anti ferue t11u a:re icrc. 3+'+
wlJatfoeuer tlJr foulc 1uact1J after, foi o:rm,anll rcnes, 1nt1Jc feumtl)pcre t1Jouaialtletl]t1ngo
mccpc, \lltne,anll tlrong !J~infle, anll fo~ to(Jatro• free from tl;lee.
cu er tfJF foule llcfirctl): anll t}Jou llJalt cate tl;Jerc 1 ; .anll \l.11Jcn t(Jou fcnbelt IJim out free from
bcfo~c tf:Jc JL,0111 tlJr <5o'll, (t be merre, botf:J t:fJou, tl]ee,tflou OJalt not let IJim goe a'lllap miptte:
anll tiJinc lJOUfiJOID.
21 "'.anD tf.)c JL,cuite tlJat ts 'alitl:)ln tf;lpgates.
14 l5ut d tlJalt §iue lJim liberanp of tl)p ilJUP, t,:=--
of tlJr coJne, anti or tlJP 'aline,\t giue IJim oftt)at "'"'f'J.':"
llJait tlJcu notfo1fafle: fo~ l)ec t,JatlJ neitlJct part \l.11Jere\ll(tl;I tlJc Jl.oill tl;lp <l!5oll l)ad;I bldl'Cil tl;let. ::r_r
1101 tntJeritamc \l.1lt1J tlJce. 1 5 .anll remembc~ tl;lat tl}ou toaa a fmrant
2 s at tlJc cnll of t1J1ce recreis tbou fiJalt b~ing tn tlJe lanll of ~t, anti ti.JC l.D;ZD tlJF clJOll l:left,
fo1tlJ all tlJe trtlJt!S of tlJine cncrcafc tl]e fame uercl:I tl;lu ~eme: anll tl,Jctef~ '.]l rommaunt1
recrc.,ann Iap it bp 'alitlJin t:IJine o\l.1ne gatc!S. t(Jee tlJiStl,Jmg tollap.
29 ann tlJe ·JL.cuttc \l.11JitlJ IJatb no part noi 16 ann if IJee fap bnto ti.Jee, 11 \tllll not goc a•
ini)eritance \l.1itl) t1Jee,ll.Jal romc,anll tlJc llraun• 'lllap from tf;lec.,becaufel)clouetiJ tl}cc,8tlb ti.line
gcr, tl:Jc fatl)crldfe, anD tlJc 'aliDo\l.1, '\lllJtd.J are l}ourc, anll iJS "aldl at eare 'mfdJ tlJet,
'lllitlJin tlJl? gatcis,11.Jall catanll bee fiUen,tl;lat tlJe 17 ~m 11Jaft tl;lou tafle a natdt, anb napk
Jlo~ll tf:Jr ©oll mar bterrc tlJee, in all tl)c tooifics l)is eare to tl;le lloo~ tl;lere\l.11tl), 8t1b let lJim btt
of tl]ine l)anll tDIJiCIJ tl}ou no elf. tf;lp rmmnt ro~ euer,antl bnto ttJp maptJ fmiant
t.IJOU 11Jalt llOC lifietofre.
Thex.v. Chapter. 18 gnll lct tt not grrtUe tl;linr epc \tllJen ttJou
1 The forgiuene!Te of debcs in the fcuc:nch yc:erc:. 7
lettta t,Jtm goe ouHrom tl)ce, ro, t,Jc l)atl;I beene
To hclpe the poore is commended. n The frec- \l.1~t~ a boublc IJ~cD rcruant to tlJee in lJiJS rcr~
dome of feruancs. we fite pccres: anll tlJe JL,o~D tIJp '3oll bit& 1tcJi ·" t.,.·))" ~tl)etttmcof*feuenrereistl.Jou tl)r.c tn an ttlat t1Jou nocll.
f.ii <fh' '-£~ RJaltmalte a freellomc. 19 *aUtl}efirll malcis tl}at come oftf»' tats EKG.14.19.
'a",,.,. 2 anllt(Ji!SilStlJCmaneroftlJC ten.anti of tlJl? 11Jecpe,tl)ou llJalt l)aflolll tmto dJe
, ~111... 1~·· ~.~.~.· freebome , ll91Jororutt • tcnDetl) :t~IJ tlJp 11i5oll: tlJOU 11Jalt lloe no too~ toit11 tl)c

~mt".'"""' ~ "' 5 OU"""'t toit4.

""l l)i"'
~ hattDC bnto• "I"its tirll bomc bullocfie, no~ 0.icarc tlJc fir« bo~or
1b"ltl"' P"" netgl)bour, map~'::'
ofttMt1ut1to , •J
not afltc agatnc (tl;lat 'IDl)tdJ {Jc dJplbcr:pe.
~.~~•llhrc co 1Jnt1) lent) of lJi!S nciglJIJour, oi of IJi!S b10tlJer, 2 o ~ou 11.Jalt eat ft befo1f. tl)e :L~lJ t11P c1Jot1
becaure tt tis calle'D tl)c 'Jl.,02015 free rccre. pcm bp pcerc, in ti.Jc place to~ dJe'A-G~'lle O;Jafl
3 . )!Jet or a arangcr tljou marelt call it IJomc d}Ufe,~otlJ tl)ou anll tlJr )JollfbolD. . • .
alJgaine,but \Jc ti) at ts tf:JF b10t1Jcr,l)im ilJal tl;Jine :u ]f tlJere be anp blcmtllJ tl]emn •asnf it Lcui.u.i 1.
<ll • belamtoiblinDe, o:IJsueanr od)er cutlfauDU< c11elr.Jf·'of
•b'"'""b• 4 .31n anr 'IDifc therc•llJallbeno begfier a· reJJnctrc,tl}ouO;Jaltnoto&rit1mtotf1e:..O~btlJp
ncb, ~11n•1bt mon,,. "OU.~ " U IJ'~~ "41 t4.
fomuo nv la ~ t . ·• lLO~llC Iba "'"C • .,ce n •.,c cl5ob,
tt11 ••br,1b,. • nb tolJttl) tl)e lLoJtl tlJr 0oD gtuctlJ ti.lee foJ an 22 :J6utf1Jalt eat itmtd}tn tfJmtotDnc ~:
:.",~~~~~:::'~: ml}ttitance ~: tlJC bncleanc anD atane pr:rfonfball tllt it altlrt,
c c •t.
5 ~OtlJattIJoutJeat'llenbntotlJcboitiofd.lC
lLOJb tlJp lli3oll,to ObfetUc anti to Do al t(Je:li 'om-
111 OJ• BoeanD d}c
:a 3 ~Pear.not dJe bloob tfJmDt°;but
'l\ commanb tlJcc thijl Diil' : tt 11pou ti.Jc 11tOunD as toatcr.
11'oJ tl}e .ll.OJb tlJr Cl3oll lJatl,J blelfcb u,ce,a• Thexvj. Chapter.
IJe l)atl} PJDmtfe?l tl)ce, ann tlJou O)alt lmb bnto
manp nationss , but tl)ou tlJv re1tt flialt not bOJ• 1 OfEaRcr, 10 Whitfuntide, 13 and the feaftof
ro\tl : anll ti.Jou flJalt rcigne outtmatll' nationJ, Tabcmaclcs. I 8 What officers and iudgcs ought
anb tl)ep flJall not m~nc ouer tlJitc. co be ordained. 21 ldolar:ric is forbidden.
feafl:ofTabernacles. 71

8UO%btn« I
1,hc Kings charge. Deuteronomium. The Leuices portion. \
acco~tng to au d)at tlJcp mro,mtr~c,c:_-..""
11 ac:c:o,lltna:totf1denterKCO •.,e"""' ..,.,..,.,
~,.~~:~: tIJcr tdl tlJu, h'f1Jaltt11ou 11oe:a~ bom not~om
.... , bt " ' roo· tlJat\DlJidJ tlJep 11Je11Je d,Jce. nnd}er to tlJe fill1t:
nmuDiD. l.JrutlJ,nOJ tO tlJ£ tcrt, ,
12 ann tlJat man tf,Jat \D1H lloc pie~tu:
; 11., ..11 .. ouap,anll \1.litnoMJearflent>nto t1Jc~1eff(t~a~
~,:~~~: ~' lfanlletlJ tf,)m b~fOJt tlJc l.OJb tlJp <i!Joll. to tmnt'• ~I•• If-)· o• bnto tlJC IUll~MIJat man llJRll DIM tlJOU
~mabrr "~
"""' ~
11Jalt put aUJap CUI· ~ _,,,racL ··
nom 111"
wo;o. 13 .anuR tt:Jc pcoplt flJall l)can, anD feare;
annoenomo1cp~cr11mptuouor. · ··
14 tl91Jcnt1Jouan,omct>ntot1Je lan'btDIJidJ
tf,)c )l..OJDC tl,lp l!lloD giuetU tl)ec, ann ent.otcft tt.
ani:I b\tJCllcft tIJcrein,anD iftl)ou HJalt rap, *Jl wm
feta king oucrmc,ltltc ass al tl)e nation~ tl}at art
1 s ~ tlJou ffJaltmaflc f)tm king ouer d)u,
'rof)omc tIJe Jl.,oJlltlJ!' cll5oll lball c:mtft: ~ne Crom
among tire bJCtlJJCn OJalt tIJomnaflc kin~ ouer
tl)ec, anD tl}ou mare« not ret aaraungcr ouer:
tfJce, 'tlll)ic:IJ t~ not of tl)p b~etlncn.
16 l5ut1Jec aJaU not multiplp lJo~rcss to lJim,
~.,~=-~~g· reirc. no~ b#ng tfJt pcoplcagainc to k lf«PPt; to
:,~~~,':,'!~~t~' cmre arc tlJc number of IJo~fc)'S: foi ms mucl) a~
t~'"'· tl)e Jl.oJll lJatl) fain bnto rou,!?c OJRll IJcmefo~tlJ
goc no moic againc tl)at \l.lar.
11 or ,cake 17 ~uro l)ce ougl)t notto II multiplf \tliucis to
mmy l}imfclft, lca(l l}ilS IJC8rt tUt:nC 18\Dap ! ncitl)cr
i"~':; tb• t1Jall l1t gatl]er !)Im muer anb go Ill too mud.J.
IAIDU Of @ob. 18 anti \'Dl}CR l)CC iJ:S fCt bp00 tlJt reatC Of lJiJS
1tbut• kingllome, l)c tl:Jall \ll~tte. IJim out a copicor tl}IJS
i.Jruurono• m lam in ll bookc bcfOJl' tl)e" pµ'c(l~ tlJC )L,cuitcjS:
~·~:~01nffts ro 19 anD it HJalbc \Ditl) l)im, anll l)ec ougl)t to
:~: ~r.i~~~~ rcall tlJerein all tl)c t1arc~ ofl)i~ lifc,tl}at lie mar
~1r. kame to fcarc tl)e Jl.o~ll IJi~ ©oil, anti to l!cepc
an tfJe 'Qloill~ oftlJiJS laln, anti t)Jcte o~llinan~
foi to lloe tl)cm :
20 ano ttJat IJtss l)cart anfr not abouc l)fss
bJCtl}~ an'b tl)at [Jee tame not from ttJc com'
maunlltmcnt. to. tlJc riglJt lJanb, OJ to tl)c left:
but tIJat l)ce mar piolong l)iOaress inlJtJS king,
nome, lJec, anD l)iJS d)ilb~en in tlJe mtobc~ ofjj!'
rad.·· ·
The xviij. Chapter.
1 The portion of theLeuitcs. 1 S God will not leaue
them without a true Prophet. 10 The falfe pro-
phet lball bee fiaine, 21 And how hc:c may bee

\ .. .
~;~df~ vvimeffe. Chap.xx. Ofgoing to vvarre. 7l
I . :ti~•!·" 2 qoufi.Jalt a frparatc *tl)lC£ cittel! fo~ tlJee - 21 • ann tl)ineere lball IJaue no tompllfl'ton,
:. :;~~~'.""'r intl)c mi111>el!of tl)e lanl>r, _ml)ictJ ttJe )L.inOedJF but* life fo~ lift,cpc fo1 eye, tootl) fo~ tootl),l;Jano Mac.5.38,
1 Exo.u.q. ©ObjpUCt1JtiJ££topotidfctt: fo~ l)anll, foot fo~ foot.
bl'l!l•h1111&1c 3 ~ou11Jaftbpicparet1Jemap, anllbCUibe
::.~b:.::~:.~ "
ti.Jc coafll! of tl1~ Jani>.• 'IDl}tclJ tlJC )L.OJllt tf1r <601> The xx. Chapt~.
111. gluctlJ tl)ce to ml)cr1u, into ttncc panes. tba;t 3 The cxhorra1io11 of the Priell, when the Ifraclites
goc to battell. ro Peace mull firll be proclaimed,
. ,•ill"b 'ml}ofOCUet' commtttctl) tnutller, mattkC tiJ'' 19 The rrecsthat beare fruic muft not bedcllroied.
~~~~'!lk~~ tl;Ja'. . .
I\ pacvorr. . 4 ',ffo~ tl)'l! caUfl' nwll tl)e aaper fire tlJitlJet: l~~~~tl)en tl)ou gocll out to batten a,
~· tlJat l)ec mar liuc, 'IDIJo ro lttllctlJ l)il! neigiJbour gainll tlJine enemies, anl> fcell
~· igno~antlp,ano tJatcl> 1)1m not in time pall: iJO*l! anti tlJaret~, ann people
s> bJl)cn a man goetl) tmto tl)e toODl.'I · moJe tl)cn tlJou, be not afrail.'I of
wttlJl)i~ ncigiJbour,to IJebJ niool.'l,\t al! lJ'S)Janl.'I tlJcm: fo~ tile )l..o,l>e tlJr Qi;ol.'J is
fetdJCtlJ a lltofte 'l:Ditl) ttJe are to cut tiomne tl)e 1. \'ottl} tl)ee, 'l:Dl)telJ b,ougtJt ttJec
tree, ~e )JcaD QippetiJ from tl)e l)eluc, anl> rmt' outoftl)elanllof lfgnit.
tttlJ l)usncigIJbour ttJat l)e nretlJ: tl)e fame OJaH 2 anl.'l ml)m re are come nigl) bnto batten.
tlec bnto one of tl)c fame 'itiel!,anl> liut: tl)e ~~iell tl)all come foo~lJ to fpealie bnto tl)e
·~ Num·H• 6 )Lclltl)cauengerof ttJe *blool.'I follo\:o af, pcoplr,
:~Ii, ~~~~~t~,:~:~1J~i~~~%tf~ni~:;i>~~~b~\~: 3 ant111Jal fay bnto tl}em, ~eare, © '.Jirrael.
rou are come tlJiS!lar bnto battrll againll rour
anl> pct tl)erc ill no caufe d tointlJ'F of l.'leaU, in encmitl'S,letnotrour l)eartl'S,tl)cr fcarc,
l)tm,in afmucl) ar; tc l)atel> l)im not in time ~aft. no~ be ama~cl.'I, no~ al.'l~cal.'I of tl)cm :
7 mgerefo~e ] commaunl> tl)c~, fapmg, 4 tjfo~ tl)e Jl,o~ll apour ©ol:l goetl) \:oitlJ pou., ;n~g~~~~:~·
'Url)ou fbalt appoint out tlJ~ce ctties fOJ ttJee. tofigIJt ro,rou againll pour tncmie)'l, anl> to """'"""'"
, , UJb•• •hu 8 !Anl> ff tl)c )L.o~l.'le tlJp ©ol.'I c enlarge tlJ1' rauerou. IJ(lp"'"·

·~1::~:.:':.' coalll! (as l)c l)atiJ f'IDome bnto tlJl! fatl)erl!) ano 5 an1> let tl}e offi czrl'S fpeatte bnto tl}e people,
giue tl)ee all ~l)e Iano tolJitlJ i)cc ratoe l]ee tooul!I flll?in«. ]f *anr man l)auebuilt ane'IDcl)oUf~ Iudp.;.
:Ji giue bnto ttw fatl)ers: anl.'I btJauenot l.'lel>teate it: let lJim goc anh rr' 1.mac.3.
tl~ 9 ~ou (bait* litepe an tl)efe coinmaunl.'le, tumc to l)i,s l)ourt\lcalt tJc !.'lie in tl)c battell,anl> bi(,•ca~tuan'
ti~>cu. 28 •1 ments to l.'IOet}JCln, 'l:Dl)tcl) l commaunl.'I tl)ee
12 20
anotl)cr tnan l.'lel.'licate it. tfle> µcITrmon

.en. ' "· t{Jil!ll81'. t1Jatt1Jou loue tlJr lL01brt~1' <!Jol.'I, anti
o··anl:ou·f, ~it
6 !&nl.'I if any man IJaue plantcll a binerarll, Wli'lHLlr!l.i.k:f!
f::t:il'u. 20·7· \Dalltc tn l)if5 bJarc11 euer: anb aol.'le tlJiee cities anl.'l l)auc not malle II it tonnnon: ltt *(Jtm ixoe b•-:tt:ro. tJ.fiovfc1 ttc;

~ moe,foitl)e~ befinett:Jcret}Jice, anD returne againe tmto lJis l)ourc, lell lle Ilic in ~Or,earC"n
10 ~lJatinnocmt blool> be not llJel.'ll.'leintl)p tl)e battcll,anD anotl,Jcrmallc itcommoiJ. of the fru't.
cr lanl.'l 'tDlJiclJ tlJc lLoil.'I tlJP ©ol.'I gtucU, tl)ee to in, 7 anl.'lifanrmanbcbetr(ltlJtbbntoa 'l:Difc, Lcuit,l.Q,9,
~::O~'~:C l)crite,anOffo blool.'l comcbpon tl)ce. anl.'l l)ane nottallen tJcr, letlJim fiSDC anl> returnc
.m. 11a1n1, 11 '5ut an!I if anr man l)ate ms neigl)bour, a!.lalnc bnto IJiS l)otd'e.,leatl ()e !.'lie in tl)c batten,
~ :~a anl.'l lap atoapt fo~ l)im,anl.'I rtfc againll l)im, anl> anl> anotger man tafle l]cr.
;i fmitt (Jim tl)at IJe l.'lpe, anl.'I tlJen fteetl) tmto anl' s atll.'l let tl)c k officer!! fpealtefurtlJcr bnto Iudg.n.
. of tlJcfe cities: tl)cpeoplc, anl> fay, 'J)r any man feare, an1>bcc
":I ._,, oiricm 1 2 ~IJe s elDcrS orl)iS citie llJall fenl> anl.'I frtcl:J faint l)cartel.'I, let IJim goe anl> retume bnto IJil!
'"'" 1Jim tl)eme, anl.'l l.'leltucr lJim into tlJe l)anl.'lelS of llourc,lealt l)ee mal!e fJt? bJot1Jcrs l)can faint~ ;I

Isl· tl)c auengcr of blool>,tl)atl)e map !.'lie. tor.II as IJil!.

il1' GtU11rn1m11c. 13 h ~(Jineere f!Jallnotfparel)im, but tl)ou 9 ann wlJen ttJe officer!! l)aue mal.'le an moe ·
ir !=::O" b• lbalt i put amar innocmt blooo from ]fracl, or Cptaliing \mto tlJc people, tlJcr 11Jal malic cap,
:r.;;P~~~· tl)atttmap goetoell'COttlJ tl)ee. tatncs of tl)c amiie to goucrne tl)c people.
S:~ _Iii mlfn• 1 4 ~OU (baltnotremOOUetl)l' Ueigl)bOllrl! 10 WiJm tl)ou commctl ntixtJ bnto a citic to
._ 1••" •b• "'' kmarl!e, tol}ictJ tlJCl' of oll.'I time 1Jaue rct in tl)ine figl)t agatnlt it, offer tl)em peace.
~;:~~~'· inlJ~tance,tl)at tl;lou llJalt in()ttitt, tn tl)e lano 11 ann if tl,Jey' anrtocre tlJre againc peace, ~0 ;~~.·, ~~

.M: :::,"''3~.: 'IDl)tcl} tile JL01n tlJl' ~l.'I !XiUttlJ tl)ee to eniop it. ably, ano oprn bnto tl)ee, tlJen let allt1Jr people P"''·
~ :::::i:nm• 15 tlDncbJitneffefl)allnotrifea!Jatnttaman ttJat ill founll ffJtrein, be tributarie~ tmto ti]ec,
~j 111 otbu, foi any ttcfpaU'e,OJ fo1 anl' Cinne.oi foJ Stll? fault anl.'I ferue ttler.
r. tIJat l)ce otf£nDctlJ in : bttt at tiJe mouttJ cf tbJo 12 anll if tl,Jcp \Dill malte no peace \DitlJ t{Jcc,
'I 'IDitncfi'es,01 or tl)~ce \tlttncrres, 11Jall tl)e matter but mane bJarrc againft ~ce, tl}ou llJalt be,
r¢ bttlablift)tl.'I. ficgcit.
·¢ 16 ']r a falfc mitncffe rife bp againftanp man 13 anl.'I tof)en tl)e )LO~llC tlJr ~Ob fJa.tlJ bcliut'
. to secure l)tm of ttefpaCfe: rel>itintot1Jinel)an1>is. tboullJalt rm1te alltl)c
, e011 t•Pi•· 17 ~en botl) tl)e mm \:olJidJ anue toue' males tIJmof'mitlJ ttJe coge of tbc rroo11>.
r~'.P.!"'·"'"""' tl)cr, ll)all llanll 1 bcfoie t1Je JL011>e, befoJt tl)e 1 4 '5ut ti,c momcn,anl> tfJc clJ_llD~en,anl.'I tfJc
; .~~~- "' l&iiell,s anl.'I t!Jc '.)\lll.'lgel! Uil)idJ fbaU be in tl)ofe
mttdl. anl.'I au ttJati~ tn tlJe cttn, anl.'I au tlJc
~ i>aVC!I: rpQFlc tl)ercof,llJalt tl}ou tal!c tmto tiJl! fdtc, anl.'I
eat t{Jc Cporle of_tlJtnc cncmicl!, 'llllJitl} tiJe )Lo~tl
i ~f
~ t'I'
18 ~nl> tl)e ']lun1.1ts niall malle l.'liligmt in'
qu1Cition: anti if tl)e mitneCfe be f.ounll falfe, anl.'I
tlJat l)ce l)atl) gtum falfc \1.lttnetrc againll lJi~
tlJp ©oD l)atlJ gium tl)ec.
1 '> ~u~ 11Jalt tl)ou l.'loc tinto au tbe cities
P b1od)cr: . \tl})icb are agreat mar off fro~n tf}ce, 'IDlJictJ arc _
I rou, J9,5, 1, * •cln)m11J8ll1'£ClJ0£bntomm, ilj'Sl)£Cl)al.'J not of tlJc cine~ of~ tl)efe nanons.
16 )l)ut of tl)e cities. of tl)ere nations, tolJictJ
tlJougl)t: to Doe bnto l)il! biotlJcr: anl.'I ttJou tl)alt
put cum amnr from ttJe mt1>1>el! of tl)£c. ttc·Jl,,o~l> tlJr. <5oll ll1a~ gme ttJec to inl)critc,t!Jou
...:_~~l.'I oti1et11Jall l)care. anti reare, IDll.'l lball ll)altfaue altuc notl}mg tl)at b~cat11rm :
.,..,1KUJitl) conunttno mo1c &tll? Cud:) \Dtalel.'lnu 17 '1'ut malt l.'lcilroP tl)em 'ID•t!lout rellctnP'
among you. tion. namely, tl)e \l)etl)ttt,s, tile ~mouu·~. 11J1

V nknovven n1urcher. Deu reronon1ium. Adifobedienrfonnc.

~ llrlJanaanitcs,tlJe ~IJcrt~itcjJ, tfJc 0euitrl!l,anll Ion~: anti ~fttr tl:)at 11Jalt tl}ou goc in bnto IJ£T,
tlJc '.J,cbufitcs, as tl}c Jl,o~llc tlJF <3ot11Ja~ a>m• anD ~elJu,ann ll:Jc ll)allbe tlJF lllifc. ~.~·:~=:
maunl!£tl t!Jre : I 4 anl>J(tlJ(IUIJBUC nO faUOUf bntO iJCf,tl)CO llD IGJ lucb If
:: F0r ic is 18 '~f)at t(Jcy tradJ f~U not to boe SftCt all lctl)cr~oc \UIJitlJetll.JccluftetlJ, an1> ffll IJcrnot :~:~!!'~~
bu< wood tlJCir abominattonJS, llllJtclJ tf)cy IJSUC llonc bn' foi money, n~ II malie man1Jant1ite or l)cr, be' ~·.~ ~:,~:r"'
vpon die to tlJcir gol>JS, anOfb rec fl.JOUID fmncagaint tlJC caurc t}Jou !Jail' 1oumblcb
&J "'""
•J"".. ""' """"""
fidd,and lLWDrour©ol>. 15 ]fa man lJSUtt\llo miuet, oncbeioucb. •• 11on-
no man,and 19 IWIJtn tlJOU IJatl bcUC(tCll ll citic 8 long ant1 anottJtrlJatetl, anti ttJep l)aue bom !Jim cl)d• ~orh v~c ho
can noc b time, anD ma!le \tlarre againll it, to tal1c tt, be' ll:CU. botl)tl)clouel), an1>atro t:IJc 1Jatc1>:~rtl)e ~:~/er.
~~;:~.~.: aror not tlJC trees tlJmof, tlJat tl:)ou mouUleft firll bomc be t(Jefonne of tlJc IJatcb : i ar.;11c1u
• ~ainfi tlnua an arc bnto t)Jem: but eatt of_ tlJcm, anti 16 ~en 'lllf)cn tl}e time tommctfJ t1)atiJee ibra:c.
tl~c• cut t1Jem not bo\lme to furtJJtt tlJtt m tl,W fiege: ncaleti.J l)il goobs among lltS tlJiUl~n. tJcc mar
• u;,,,,[lt,. II ro~ tIJettce oftlJeflcltl< is mans life. not make tlJe ronne of tlJe beloucn fltll bo,nc,
2 o flDnctr tlJofctrcesrmlJiel) tl)ou flno\Ucll to II bcr~~e tlJC fcnnc OftlJe l)atetl, \Dl)icl) il!I in llccbe iOc, a1 long
';,~'~:!~~.:." be ftmfmitfuU,tiJofc llJalttlJou llcttror, anti cut tl)C nrll bo~ne: aschr fDllQc
:i.::.~1~1l~~~'~· oolllnc, anti 1Uakc bulmamcs againtt tlJe titic 17 '3Ut l)e ll)Sll aclino\l'Jlellgc tlJc fonnc of tl)c of the h11e4
'n'f:.~:~;i,~m tf!at mafletlJ \Dam \DitlJ tlJtt, tmtlll tl]ou Cub, l,latc~ fo~ tlJe ftrll bomc, ann giUt !Jim k bouble ~och liue.·
1110111• wr, i:JUe tt. po~tton of all ttJat IJe IJattJ: 1fo~ IJC iS$ tl}e 1rtra of 111a~:::-11111
The xxj. Chapter. lJil!I ftrcngt(J, ann to !Jim belongctlJ tl}c riglJt of ::i,~:•111
Inquificion formurrhcr, Ofchcwoman ulicn
t{Jc lira bome. ~r.-11.,..
1 s'.l!f anp man fJSUC a fonnctlJat is llubbomc 1°r ia:'l:
2 11
in warrc. 1) Thebirthrighc can not be changed
for :iffeltion. r 8 1 he difobcdient child, t 3 The
anll bifobcllient. tl}at IJe will not l}earkm tmto ::,•1111111!·
body may not hang all night,
tl'!c bopce oflJis fatlJer, an 1> botce of{Jis motlJcr,
anti tlJey 1Jaue cl}aacncb l)im,antl IJec \Uoulb not
jf one bee founll Raine intlJe lantl, (Jcatli m bnto tl)cm :
'lDIJiclJ tlJc Jl,o~tle tlJr ©ob giuctlJ 19 rar;f)en tl1all l}iS fatlJcr anti 1Jil1 motIJer talie
I tl)ec to poU'efi"e it, anti lpetlJ in tf,Je llim,anbb~ingl)imout bnto tl)c <!i!lbusof tl}at
ficinc, ann it ismot lmotocn tol}o cttic,anll bnto tl)e gate ortl}atfame: place,
• t:JatlJ Raine IJim: 2 o .Qnll rap bnto t{JC ctlt1ers of tl}c citie, ~is
z '<!r!Jcn tlJine e1ocr$! ann tlJr l)lungel1 11Jall ourronnctsO:Ubbome anti bifobcbient,ann totu
come fo~tlJ, anll mrarurc bnto tlJe cttie$! tfJat arc not 1Jear11en bnto out boi,c,f]c tss ariotom anb a
ronntl aboutl)im tfJat if) Oaine: t1.1un11atll.
3 .anti let tlJc llelt1irs of tilat dtie \DIJiclJ is , 2 t ~ntl mall tlJc men of tl}at mte ll)all llonc ~
ncrt tmto tf}c Raine man, tafic out of tlJe b~oue lJt~ 'lDltiJ aoneS bnto bCatl}: ani:J tl:JOU 11Ja[t put r~'" J:
an ~etrer tfJatlJatlJ not btcnc put to labour,no~ emu amar from tl;Jce,anb all jlftacl 11JaH1Jcare, ~~=
batlJ n~a\Den in tlJc poltc: anti fcatc. 11trt•n
4 .ani:l let t1JC llelllerss of tlJllt citie b~tn!l ti.Jc 22 1fanmn1Jauerommitttt1atrefpatrc\Uoz, ~.:,.ut ·
I !:IJOrtbt
U~plrl'18f lliC ~eifer bnto a, [Jarb ann rou~ balltp, 'b:llJitlJ is tl)tr of DcatlJ, anti ts put to 1>cat1J fo~ tt.ann tl]ou
neitlJet eartll no~ folDe?I, anti tlrillc oft tl)e ~Ci• l)angclll)imnontrec: all;tliilll! :.:
mlgbrRril<e fctl1 ntclte tlJete in tlJc baller. 2 3 'ts bollic t1Jal not remainc all niglJt bpon •
lmo t11ttr
mlltbC11n > .ann t1Jcll)~lclll1 ti]e ronnes ofJl,Cui(\l>{Jom t{Je tree, buttl)ou t1Jalt burie IJim tl)c fame bap, ~
filctoJoffonr. tlJe lLo~bc tlJl! Cll5oll l)atlJ cl) ofen to minitlct, ano
1J01ro1o!•~• fo~ttJe*cmfcof0oo ts onlJim t1Jatis1Janl!ct1: G:U.i.1i. •~
b ~omalu b to blcffcin t!Je name of tlJe lLo~Oe) llJa.ll comc JE!cftlc not tl}ou tlJc lantle to)Ji'IJ tl)e :A-ozne tlJp ·~
v1•11r. fo~tl): anb bp tiJcir mo~D flJal all llrife ann plague <5011 gmctl) ttcc to inl)rritc. ·
bctrrctl. Thexxij. Chapter. .::
6 :Anll all tIJc lli:lD1:r15 of tijc citic tlJat coine
fo2t1J to tllc Oainc man, man toalh ttJcir hanD.!S, 1 Heecornmaundech c? haue careofourneighbours '<
OUCt' the l!)eifcr tl)at if) bCl]CilllCll in tile ballcp, goods. 13 Ofrhe wife nor being found a virgine. ~ ,'
z 2 The punill1111cnc of adultcrie. ~~
7 ~no tlian anfwcrc, anorar. ©ur 1Jannl1

hauc not 11.Jcai:J t1Jil1 bloot1,ncitl)cr l}aue our cress 19ou OJalt not rec tin' * b1ot1Jcrs Exod. · . ~~
fccncit. ore OJ llJCtpc goe nftrap, anti 'b:lttl:J• ~~
~, 1 raJ~~cr;~J;~r s l5c mercirun c TJLo~b bnto tlJr people ~fro: b~awtlJpfclfefromtlJcm:bUtnJalt ; ·~
""""""'1 cl, \D[Jtc(J tl)ou (Jatlt1clit1tteb, ann lap no i1mo' b~ing tlJcm againe tinto tlJF b~· 1.;:
~:~~1;~· •bc cent bioo?I bnto tlJV. people of jjfracll!l cl)argc. ttJir. ~
J !'.~"'"'
:Jnll ttc blooi:J 11Jall be fo1gtucn tllem.
9 gntl fo tl)alt tl)ou put d innocent blootl
2 ant1irtllrb~otlJcrbcnot-t1iptmtot1Jcc,
o~ if tlJou finowc IJim not, t11m b~tnlJ ft bnto n .. rt:,.ir
:...=. \..~·
~~:·:~~~~~.'.'' from tl)cc,tolJc t11ou 111alt1Jauc none tIJnt lDl)iclJ tf!inc O'Q)nc lJoufe, ano it lbal mname toitlJ tl)cc ::::::w111 ~~
ill rigtJt in tlJe fi~t of tlJc Jl,o~tl. bntiU tlJP bJotlJcr aOie tl)cm,antl tlJen btli< 11 111t1111~ .~ ~
, ~'"~ 01.,
1 1 o tmhcn tl)ou gocll to warrl' n~aintl tlJinc
•h• ,,,,...11111 ' cnemit~,anb tl)c 'JJ_,o,o tlJI! 00?1 l,latlJ Dcliuerctl
uerl)tmtbcm a«ainc.
3 '.)nliflc mamm lbal~ t(Jou noe hlitlJ IJis
~~:;".~""· ' tncm tnto tl)ine l)anbciS, anti tl)ou l)act tahcn rurc an'b ro fbalt tlJounoc toitlJ 1J1isra1mc11t :ano
:~~~i:::rr:~~:~~:o'~~~i~:~~ i~!
r;:bi•orri .. !Anbtcennmonmtl)ecaptiuei!!allcautirun
~!~~b~~ ::~,. \TJot~n" antJ l)aft a llefirc bnto IJtt, d)at tl)ou anodJOt1m11t!dnot1J1llcstrrom1Jim. ') ~
"'from bu OU Cll l)auc lJct to tlJl.' mire: 4 ~ou 11Jalt no tree tlJp b~otlJcrs atre en ore 1~ i
~1:.:.·~~~·::-11;. 11 'Q::l)o1111JattbJn1m l)crl)ometo tlJinc IJouft, fallDo\ bl' tl)c mar, antJ ~ltlJll~a\Uc tlJr rem~ ·~
mmm>Dc• anb fl)ec 11Jall 111Jautl}er(JcaD anb lballparel}cr frOm~nn:butfl)att {Jclpc IJ1m to IJuuse them b ~ 11111111,..h
~~ ~,~~~!~ 11 •
naplc1.. ' bpagainc. 111,111Jtoi1111.~
. IJ_ ant1 puq1er tnimcnt,t'IJatnJcc toal5 tallen
m, •• om, anbletlJcttetnainetntl)inetJoufe,
5 .~c woman lbaR not b 'tllrarc tl}at bllJiclJ :~.:~:"~~~. \ ,
pcrtamttlJ tmto dJc man. ncitbu lll8tl a man '~~~~;.~~:/' · 1
nnb g bc\l'Jccpe ilcr rattJer I\ lJtt 1notl)er a monct:IJ put on lDomans raiment: 11'0~ ant11at lloe ro, '"""'· \'
Sundry Lawes, Chap.xxiij. an~prdinances. 73
aie abomination tmto tl}e 'Jl..oil:I tl)p C3ol:I. 2 5 l5ut tr a man finl:le a bcttotf;Jcl:l l:lamofrl tn
6 91 r tl}ou CfJanu bpon a btroc11 ncll IW tiJc tf;Jc ftclo,ano ro,u IJer,anl:l ltc \llitl) (Jn: tl}cn tl}c \lJl)atrocuu ttcc it be, o, on tl}c grounn, man tl}at lap \llitfJ IJer OJal 'Ilic alone.
wl)ctl}er tlJCF bee pong oi cggc~anl:I tlJC 11ammc 2 6 l5ut bnto the l:lamoltll tlJou llJalt l:loc no
fitting bpon tl}c pong,o, on tl}c cggc~tlJou tlJalt IJannc, bccaurc tl}crc its m tl'Jc namoCd no caurc
c,.]:~:~ 'not take tl}cllammc "tllitl} tl)cpong: ofh l:leatt.J. 1fo~ ass \ll]Jm a mim rirctlJ agatnt'tlJis " fl' o•• ,
ill•.,• 101111' 7 '.JDut llJaltiU anp \llifC let tf:JC tl8mme gor, neig)Jbo1, \t 8aictl} {Jim: CUttl i fO its tlJiSS matter• :::~,',~~•I 1
r:r:~~ ';',!~~ atUJ tafic tl)c rong to tfJCC, tl}att1Joumapetlp10C• 2. 7 11'0~ (Jc founl:l lJct in t:l)C fitllJcss,anll t:l)e be' :,,~~~.~;~ '
~~::!'.~.~!11 per, anti piolong tl}p Dares. ttotlJcZJ t1amorc1 nicl:I, anl:I ti.Jere \lllJSS no man to :r.~.~~~1,a~~~·..
''"'bW'° '· 8 ll0lJ£n tl)OU butllJCtl 8 tlC\llC IJoufc, tl}OU fUCCOUTlJcr, ollau1 0.•n•11

OJaltmabe a battltmcnt on tlJcroo~ d:)attl}ou 28 '.)Ifa msn flntl a mail:I tl)at i)111otbctrot1Jci:1, ~:·:.~~~'.~:'
1 1
labc not tl)inc IJoUfc\llttl) blool:I, ifanr man fall anti take l)cr, \t lie \llitl) l)cr, ann tlJcr be founn, ~.:::: .i;,~ •tat
from t]Jmcc. 2 9 ~m tl)e man tl}atlap \llitl) 1Jcr,11Jal*gtuc Exo. , 16.
: • ~,.,,,,.b, 9 ~ou 11.Jalt not fo1D tl)p 1>inep8Tb t11itl) dlit. bnto tl)e l:lamofdss father fiftic nc1cis of rttucr,
, :~~ ~~'" ucrisrcct1cis: lea tlJc rrutt of tl)c ful:le tlll)icl) t1Jou
1 1
anl:l ll)e tlJalbe IJiSS \llift,bc,aurc (Jc tiatl) l)umbkD
~ :;~b·:.;:.~,. l)aft Co\Ven, al'lb tlJC fruite or tlJF t>intrllTD, bee l)cr: anl:l l)c mar notputl)cr a\llar all IJiSS t1arcss.
~ 11• " •11• l:lmlel:I. 30 ~omanOJaltalic(JiSSfat:l)erSS'o.lifc,no~bn•
· 1 o ~ou OJaltnot plo\lle b>idJ an o:rc anti an IJcalc 1Jil5 fatl.Jeris couerin~.
~ ~!.:~,~~... c afi'c toget{Jcr. h
·'. :~.\.~'~&~ u 'itfJOUllJaltnot'mtatt a 1ammttmat1cof T c xxiij.Chapter. .
, 1u1tro1,~· b>ool atUJ ltnentoget{Jer. 9 Whatthey ought co auovd when they go ro warre.
~ ~1~::.:i.b; n ~ouOJalt make tl)ee*garllcSS bpon tlJC 17 ToAeeallkindeofwhoredome. 19 Ofvfurie.
' ~~~.~~ D ~ fourc QUat'tCTSS of tlJr bcftutc, \lll1m'antlJ tlJou 21 Ohowcs.
'· '" b'"''· . 'ouemJ: t:lJr lelfc. • ®ne tl)at ilS l)UTt br bUrfting, 01 13 '.)ramantaflea'alife, anb 1ll1Jm1Jce1Jatf) IJatll lJiSS pituic members cttt off,
- · lien \llitlJ l)cr,IJatc IJer, fiJall come into tl)c Qtongregatton
14 ilntl lap 11.Jameftd tlJin~ bnto l)cr d)argc, • of tlJc JL,02'11. • l?• lll•ll "'r.
.. anl:l l»i~ bp an cutl name bpon (Jct, anti fap, '.31 2. .ann·a baftarl:I b fl.Jal not come ;::~~:'~J?, '.'"'
tooltt tlJ•SS wife, '1D)Jen 'll came to IJcr, '.) founl:I into tlJC ~ongrcgation of tfJe JL,oJll: no not in ~ ,~.'::, ~;~~~
IJer not a matoe: tlJe ten~ generation tl)al l)e enter into tlJC Qton• :;~:.::"·~~..
1 s ~IJm rtiaU ti)e fatlJcr of tl)c llamofdl, anti gregatlon of tlJc "JLo.~l:I. . ::·.~~~·~.~~,
tl)c motlJcr,biing foo~tl} tl)e tolienss of tl)e l:lamo• 3 ~c ammomtess,atUJ tlJe Sll!loabttei;s, a.ial ,. •ban• i.rr.
rctss t>irginittc, 1mto tlJC lfllleris of tlJe Rtie, in not come into tlJe Grongregation or tl)e 'Jl..o~l:I, no ;:~..1.~:!'0~';~,
t1Jcgatc, notin.tIJctmtl) gencrati9n, noi tlJcpfl.Jalncucr ~:~~:i'~~.'~'''
16 anti tl)c llamofcl~ fatl)er fl.Jan far bnto tl)c come mto tlJe Cltongrcgatton of tlJe JL0111:
.·:..i:i.... <fll>CTIJ, '] gauc mpl:lauglJtcrbntotlJissmanto 4 :l6craure tl)cp met rou not "tllit:IJ' b~eal:I • om11orou
··~ \lltk.anl:l l)e (JatctlJ IJer: ann \Dater in tl:Jc 'map \VlJm rec came out of Ill'., •n•dc•.
17 anl:lloe,l)CC laietlJllJamcfull tl)in~bnto gppt,anb*bccaufe dJep IJircl:I agatnfl tlJCC :l68' Num.u+
IJcr d)arge, faping, 1 founbc not tlJr l:laui:wcn a laam the fonne of:l6co~ oC ~ctlJoi of g\)cfopota,
mail:I: anti vet t1Jcfc are tl}c toliml5 ofmp l:lau~· mia,to rurfe tl}cc.
tcrs birgimtic. ~nn t:l)cr fl)al Cp~eall tl)e bctturc s f}cucrtl)clefl'c, tlJe :toil:I tlJr '3oll \llouI!I
bcro~c tl}c <flDcr)1 of t(Je cittc. not l}camcn 11nto :l6ataam : but tiJt ll. om t!Jr
1s ann t:l)c itlllcr~ of tl)at citicllJaD tafic tJ:Jat 001> mrncn tlJc curre into a bleil"tnix bnto t~cc,
man~an1:1,1Jaihfe \Jim, bccaurc tl)c :lo~l:I tlJY <l5oll loucl:I tllcc.
1 Ucr ~ 19 anl:lmCarfCIJiminanIJUntJicb(iClelSOffil 6 ~(JOU llJalt not ftCfiC tl)Cit peace J tlOJ J ~n"onr
,,:""'"""•:.~· uer,anll gme ttJem bnto the rfatlJer of tl)e l:lamo• \lleald) an tlJr oaic~, fo~ cucr. :;;:~·:;:~~,b.
; ~·=:~c~b~u Cel.,becaute be l)atlJ biouP,ctip an eu1l name bp~ c
7 ~ou ilJalt not abllo~re an ctnoin!tc, foi ~n·"f ~~ ~~;~
· :.::~~~. onamatl:I of'l\ftael: !ilnl:l OJc OJ~lbc~iss \lltfe, anl:I l)e tis tlJr b~otl}cr: neitlJcr a.ialt tl)au ablJoJrc r.a ~~',';~~~~,''"'"
/,:::!"•p1111 l)emar not putlJcr a'alar allJttsl:lmes. lfg-rptian, bccaurc tl}ou \lla(l a lh'angcr in l.Jti:i ......1fl.:r....
Y 10 '5utan1>iftf:JCtlJit11 bee of a nimtt tlJat lano.
'.~ tl}c 1>amofcl be no~ founn a birginc: s ~c d}tlnicn dlat arc begotten or tllcm,
•• 21 ~er fl)al bJmg d)c llamoftl to t:l)e boo:c of llJaU come into tt;c Qtongrcgatton of tf)c JL,o~b in
:~ IJer fat:l)crts IJoufe, anll tiJc men of that citit flJall tl.)e tlJiTD generation.
!tone tJcr 'alitl) ttonc11 to l:leatlJ, becaure OJee IJ&tlJ 9 DIJcn ttJon gocct out 'mitb tl)c ~oil againll
~UglJt follic in '.]Ct'acl, to plap tl)e 'mlJ01c in tl}ine memtcss,litcpc tl)cc from an 'tlltclicbnefl'e._
bcr fatt)crSS )Joufe:anll fo tl)ou IIJaltput euiUrom 1 o ]f tl)cre bee among pou anr man tl)attss
amonuou. bm:lranc,bp the rearon ofbnclcanncss tl)at ttJan,
:n. ]fa man be founD *trtng '1>~ 11\lloman, uttJ l)imbp ni@t, l£t {Jim go out ortl)c l)oit,anb
tlJat IJatlJ a 1Dcl>t1cl:l f1Ufban11, tlJer fbalt botlJ btc, not aJmc in againc into dlt l)oftc.
botl)tl)eman tlJat lap\llttlJ t:lJt \llffe, anti alfo u :l6utat cum let IJim "tllall) l)tmfclfe \llith
tl}c 'alifc: anti co tf)ou 11Jalt put a\Dal! cum from water: anti tlJm\tJIJrn tl}c ~unne iis bo1Dn€', kt
]tract IJim comt tnto tl}c l)ollc againr.
23 ']\famaillcbcbettot1Jellbntoan1Jufbanb, n Q~aOJaltl)auta place alfo 'mttl)out tlJc
llt1l> tl)en a manfinllr. IJer tn tlJC to'lllne, anti lie l)ollc, t111Jttl)cr tlJou "1alt refoit to.
'alitl) l)cr: 13 9.nll tl}ou 11Jalt tJaue a II pal:lblt bpm tlir ~ or,a lb.ur.
24 !?ce flJall bli~ tl)em botlJ out bnto ti)e \llcapon : an~ b>l}cn tf)ou 'altlt care ttJr rc:r,·. po1m.
iaccis ortl}e ramc cittc.. atUJ ll)alttonc tl'lem \VitlJ biggc tl}ere\llitlJ, \t tume anti coucrtlJat miJictJ
tlones to 11cat1J : tl}cllamorcn.. bemurc fbte aicll ts ncpartcn from tl)ce.
not, being in tlJecttic: ann tl)e man, becaurc ]Jee 14 .~o, t'IJe JLoill tlJl' ~oll \llaUtctlJ in tile mill):) I
c tir~in. IJatl)sl)umblcl:llJiS neiglJbourss \lJifc: anti tl)ou oftl)inc IJol!c, tonll tlJce, a11ll to rct mine t enc, r 11tooi•.,h• I
llJaltput atl!Bt' cual from tl}cc. miCJSbefo;e tl}ec: tlJerefol(! OJal tt:ic p!acc of tlJmc : ~~'.';~~:.~::~=; i
Of diuorcen1enc. Deuteronomium. Againfl: opprcflion.
(Jone be pure, t(Jat tJce cu no 1mctcanetl)tng in
tl)ce, anti ro tumc (Jimfclftfromt(Jcc•.
1 5 ~llou l1Jalt not bdiucr tmto (Ji~ maaer,
fi.~·Jr::w~•. g t(Jc rmiant \lllJtclJ i.G crcapcb ftom lJ•~ maaer
~:~~i~~~l1, bnto t{Jcc:
. ~~~~1 :~~'.fl:~ 16 $C UJSll b\llCil.UiitlJ tl:J~t,euen am~U!U'OU,'::::: in ni~at place (Jee IJ~mfdfe ltket(J bett, tn one of
"'"'·•~•nuc t)Jpcttic.GtrJ(Jtrc tt l~ goon toi l}tm: anll t(Jou
u11111011. l1Jl1ltr1ot bcyd;iim.
17 ~JcrcflJaUbcno'rolJo~e OftlJe llaugl)ter.G
ofjjfracf, no~ \ll(Jo~c f1uper or tf,Je Connc.G of'.llf,
1 s 'iWou 11.Jalt neit(Jer b~ing tl)e l)trc of a
~, ?,~~~·:.~~~ 1i \lllJo)c,noi t(Je pi~ce of allogge Into t(JelJourc of
•b'••• ••trir tlJe JL,oill tlJF ©on manp maner ofbo\11: foi bot(J
nomn. of t(Jcm an abominatton tmto tl}c Jl,~l) tlW
Exod.12. 19 ~oufbaltnotlJurt tlJF Jnotl)erbr*bfu,
,» rte ofmonep,no~ bl? bfurr. of comc.,noi bp bfurie
of anr t(Jing ti] at (Jc map be lJurt \llit(Jall.
~?r;~·~:~. ~~·p 2 o minto ; a llranger t1Jou mapetl lenllc bpon
:'~:;:::.~~~~· bfuri~, but not bnto tlJJ? ~~otl)er: ttJat t11c Jl..o~n
'0" ''b""' g•· tlJP ©oll may blcITe tl)ce m au tl)at tl)oufcttca
::'.:::.uun to;• tlJlne l)anll to, In t~c lann 1l>l)itl;ler tfJoU goctf to
Ecclc.5.3, 21 •110l)ent1Jou1Jatt k bo\tlctl a bo\tl bnto tlJc
k line uaw~
lJnh,1 th E l..Ctlb 'JL.oill tlJy <ll50tl,tl)ou11Jaltnot m1mc to pay it:ijfo1
:J:~U&:ab1t C"1 tl)c JL.oin tlJr <ll5on bllll Cuttlp reQutrc it of n,ce,
blJ\llOIO• ano it 11Jalbe rinne in t(Jce.
22 '.J,ft(J<Ju11Jaltlcaucbobling, it UJaUbccno
finnc in t(Jcc:
2 3 :l3ut t11at 'rol)td1 iJS onec gone out of tl1l:'
~ Jf •he:•lll1 lip JS, tbou mult 1Jrer pt.anll boc a"o~bing aJS ttou
.1~:~~ ~~~'o'. IJail: bo'n1Cll 1mto tlJc JL.01ll t(Jp <ll5ob of a free \llil,
anll as tlJou l)all fpokcn lllitlJ tlJl:' moutlJ.
24 l19l)en tl)ou commtlt into ctw nelllJbours
bimrarll, tl}ou marcll catc grapes tlJl:' belly fun
at tl)tne o\llne pleafurc, but tl;lou tl)alt put none
in tlJl? be1fell.
2 5 lfum ro, \ll'l)en tl)ou commctt into tlJY
Mmh.1i.1 ne1gl)bourscome,ttJoumartt*plucllet1Jcearcis
'nlitlJ t}Jine l)anbe: but tl)ou fl.Jalt notmoouc a
rtcllle bnto t'!Jl? neiggbo~s come.
1 Diuorcement is permitted. 5 He thacis newly mar-
ried, is exempted from w:me. 6 Mercie is to bee
fhewcd toward the poore dctters. ·
Mau ~ ~1 • ~en a man IJat(J talicn a • 'roife
muk.1~.4· anllmanil'lllJcr, if llree finlleno
· fauour in l)ilS cres, becaurc l)re
• ~~1· Ill" ' IJat(J fpieb Come bncleannerre in
~~~~~:~1~:·1\:' IJcr:' ttJm ltt IJim bl1ite IJcr abil
o!u<th1<mlr. _. ~ oflliuo~ccmmt,anllputit in(Jrr
•giir.. IJanb,ann fenll lJcr out of(JilS IJoure.
2 !lnb \tl(Jcn mei.Gbcpartcll out oflJiJ$ IJoUCe,
tetl)er ~oe ann be anotl)erman.G '\llife.
. 3 !lnb if t(Jc reconn lJUfbanb (Jate f)cr, let
l)tm \niitc l)er alfo a letter of lliuo~ccmcnt, anll
~tit in \Jer l)anD, ann fenD IJrr out of(Ji~ (Joufe:
::~~if ttJe ruon11e man nit \ll(Jicl.J toolfc l,Jer to
4 ~tt litll man \nlJtdJ Cent m map, mar
1.1ottallc \Jer a~atnetobtlJilS'nltfeaftertljatlJJce
t~ lltfiltb: fo~ t\Jnt ts abomination in d}e fi«IJt
~'~~~~~~t of t1Jt JLo~b, .nn11 b t\Jou llJalt not caufed}clanbc
l•nu bi t11ran. to ~nne, ~lJ•clJ tl)c Jl.oill tl;Jp cl5oll 11Jall !Pue tl,Jce
to m(Jertte.
s t10l)en a man tallttlJ a nt'llle "milt I.Jee OJaH
no.t goc atoarref11te , lle'itlJtt II.Jan bee dJargeD
tottl:J anr burmcQ'e: butn1au be fru attJome unr
Offenders beaten. Chap.xxv.xxvj. Firfi fruits offred. 7+
rf tlJtt'e btt fhifc bctmcme mm. Thcxxvj.Chap[cr.
tl)ey 11.Jall come bnto tl)e: JLau.anb 3 The offering of the firll fr11i1cs. 19 To what ho-
let tfJc 9\UDges giuc rmcctue: be• nor God prclerreth them which acknowledge him
• •1>1nblll• tmcmeti;lcm,~iufhfic• tf)erigl)tt'
nr•- 11• · •
OUl.anb COnDcmnc tl)l' btlgOblp,
:i ano if anp man bee bn~blr, anti \Doztl)it
to be their Lord.
ll)cn ttJou art come: into tl)e lan'bc
noc. offlripes, d}en ll't tlJe: j\ubgc cauft' l)im to lie 'alhict) tt)e: l.0.111 tlJl' cl!Jotl _gtuctil
:;:~r.c:r.· bo'ame:,anll to bu beaten b be:fo1c lJis face. acccn' HJ cc to int)e:ritt.antl l;Jatt mioftb it,
r""' """"' Ding to t1Jc1nearutt of 1Jis trl'fpalre:, bnto a ccr• allb b\Dcllclt tlJcrcin:
rDIDfl!I). tame:numbcr. • 2 ~ahc of tt)c firtl ofan t11e truit
,, ~or, rr. 3 *f oume lfripe:s IJr. a,al giue: lJim. anb not of tlJtcartlJ, anti b~ing it out of tl)c lanb tlJat tl)c
i+ pale : lcthfl)e: flJotJID eyccco,anD beat lJim aboue: JL01b t:IJF <115ob gtuetl) tl}ce,allb put tt iii a baf!ict,
t11at \DitlJ manp tltipcs. t!Jp b~otlJcr lboulD RP' anb goc tmto t:IJt place 'allJiclJ tile ·Jl..o~b tl:Jr cl!Jo'b
pcare t1e:f\,ltcct1 anb bile be:fo~ tl)inc eyes. (l)all d}oore • to rec lJiis JF.lamc in it: • l:• brroll1
1.Cor.M· 4 *Q)ouOJaltnotmUlTdltl)e:on d1attre:a' 3 an?Jtl}OUllJaltCOmCbUfO ti)£ ~~ietl tlJ8t ~:·~.~Dllo,
1.1im.,.1a. De:tlJ outd.Je:coinc. . fiJalbe l~ tlJOfC bares,anb fap bnto l)im, 'J1 ltn0'111°
Mar.u.19. s *~ftl)t'bietlJ~tntl'IDcUto~cr. anbonc kbge tlJts baF bnto d}e JLoib tl:Jp 'Jl am
Juke • 0 -1 8. tiftlJcm bic. anb IJaue: no cf1'Ulc, dJc 1llif'l' oftlJe cmnc bnto tlJe countre:p 'allJiclJ t[)e JL01n £\Darr
t1eat'IOJannotmame: 'tDitlJout bnto a «ranger: bnto out fatl}e:rs ro, to giuc bS. ·
1or,bro- but:lJiS Uhinf1nanOJaUgoe:in bntolJcr.a~t?Jie 4 anb tlJe Jl)iidl UJaU take tlJc bafllct out of
tbcr. l)cr to mift, ano occupie tl)c roome: of l:J•s lnnf, d}tnc lJanb,anb ftt it!Jo'alne bcto.ic t(Jc attar of
man. tlJC JLOtlJ tlJl:' 00tl.
6 !Jnb tfJe elbdl ronnc \Dl)ic!J fl)te beartdJ, ~ anb tl)ou OJalt anf\llrre ann rar bcfoit t(Jc
OJaU ruuccb in t11c name otlJisb~otl)cr \Df.Ji'1J is Jl,,o~ tl1l! cl!Jotl' IJ '4tl)e: ~rJians \l:lrnt b about to I Or. my r..
bcal»tl1at (Jis na1nc be not put out of'.)lfrad. tlcflrop mr fat(Je:r, anb l)ee 'almt bo\lme into Ge' ~h~r was.
1 ano if t(Jc man 'mil not take lJiSS kinfe\Do, m>t, atllJ ro roiournctl t(Jere 'IDitl) a f£\De folhc, ;, l~~~',;r.~
Ruih.\J man,d)enktl)e:r_goe:~pto t(Jej,SU. bntottJc.el' an'!I grcuc t11cre bnto a nation, ~cat, miglJtic, ~~'."~·:i:~. 1
, Cb.. Lai.. bCTS, anb rap , 91!Jp lnnfman. rcfufcttJ to ~irrc anb run of people. ~~I~,·~;.~:
,.., m•" 1•
rll 1ncr•t lnbt·
' bp tmto "is bWhCT a name m ']frad, ncitl)cr
. ., - WJ 6 9nb tl)e (fgppttan11 bcrcb lls,anb troUblcb '" 11m 'P"'
'""'" 111'"' " 'altllf.Jcmamc me. bJS,antl laDeb bSS 'IDiffJ moll crud bonbagc.
=~~~~"° s Qm tl)c fiDtti.1 of lJiSS citic fliall cal flim, 7 .Qn!J \DlJcn \De crieD bnto t(Jc JLo~b <!!Job of
•er· anbcommunc\DitlJ l)im: anb if I.Jee llanb anb
rar.91 'mil not tahe:lJer:
our fatlJe:rss, tl}c JL01t1 (Je:arll om boict, anD loo,
hrD on om aburrutie,labom,anb opp1rtrion.
9 ¢1Jm fl.Jal IJis hinf\Do1nan come bnto I.Jim s anbtl)e:JLoib lnouglltb~oucoregpptin
fn tlJc wtrcnce oftl)e: cflt1ers, anD loore lJiSS 11.Jooc a miglJtie ~anlJ ano a tltctclJeb out arme, anti in
off l)tss t'oote:. anb tpit in l)tss face, anti anfulm, llfCtlt tcrrtblmcffc,anb ligncs,an'b \Donbe:ris.
, ~~·· 111m anti far, ~o fl)aU it bee bone bnto tl)at man d}at 9 anD hce IJatl) b~Ollgl)t bS into tlJiS place,
d:,\~":,. boetl) notJ bmlb bp lJiSS b~otIJcrs f.Joufe. anti l}atl) gium bl5 tlJi1S lant1e tl:)at flo'altdJ 'alitl)
1rok~nl:...." 10 .Qnb l)is name llJall bee: calle:b in 9\Cracl, milbc ann !Jonie.
...... ~e bnll)otl l)oure:. · .,_!2_.!!nf!'UlaO\\)e ~e.• 21~au~~OUglJt tl}e_firtl ~.b~1•,;~~~ob
~.~~:.~1:~ 11 ]r • ~lJm men tmue: to11tt11cr one \DitlJ .... Mo,. o w..1£ nn m.,1~1:1 ..,ou JI:.' .... o~b IJatt giuen :~~~~~:.~ ,i';
~:~:~::ri. 8!10t1Jcr, tl)c \Dffe: of d}e one b~allle ne~e t'o~ to me::antl tlJOUllJlllt Ccut bcfo~e tl}eJL01b tl)r ~oD, "'° ,1 ice ..
~·'ii:-·" nbl)cr l)uCbanb outoftl)c [lanocss ofl)nn tl)at anb 'alo~il)ip be:fo,e: tl)e JLo,tl tlJp <3ob. 11 111
• •
,::,..•;;::,. Cmitttl) l)im, anti put foo1tl) lJer llanb anb tall£ 11 anb reiorce: in au t(Je go ob tlJingSSbJl)icIJ
=.::-,ar:i':. IJim bf tl)e recrct)'S: · tl)e: JL,0111 t1Jr <l!JoD l)atl1 giucn bnto tbcc..anl:I bn°
n ~ou llJalt cut off l)cr l)anbe, anb let not to tl)tne )Joufc, tllou, anti tl)e: JLcuite, anti tl)c
tlJinupc pttic l)er. titanger tl)at iss among pou.
1 3 -atllou llJalt not l)auc in tlJp ba!JgC t\Do ma' 12 ll9l)cn tl;Jou tall mane an cn?Jc or tptlJing
ncr of'tlmgl)tss,a !lf£at anb afmall of all tiJe trt1Jc15 or tl)ine incrcafc tl)c tlJ irll re ere:,
I-T jF)ctttJctOJalttl)oulJauc in tl)tnc lJouroi• ml;Jid.J iStlJC *petteof tptl)ing.tlJOUfl)altgiUC it Dcu.14.s!
ucrs mcarurrs.a grrat anb a fmalL bnto tl)e:JLe:uttc,tlJc «ranger, tt:Je fatlJcrle:ITe anb
1 s :it5ut tt)ou 11Jalt[)aue:arig1Jt(tfUtl\Daigl)t. tl)c 'IDiDo'lD. that tlJCJ! mar eat 'alitl:Jin tfJr gau15,
anb a pmcct anti a iull me:arure OJalt tlJoul)aue:: anb ftll tl)e:mrducs:
t:IJat tlJl:' barcss niar bee lm!.lfl)me:b in tl]c lanbt 1 3 ann d d)ou matt rap btto~c tlJ~ llo~b ttw ;:f,b:~~:'!
'all]iclJ tJJc J..oJb tflr (1'5ob giue:tlJ tl)ec. (!!J~D/l11Jaue:b~u11lJC ti)' IJS~\DCD d.Jb'"t g~utJLor ~~:: ~:~~·~
16 1oi all tIJat boc fuel) tl)tngss, anb an tIJat nnnc l)oul'l', lll1D l)auc gtum ••,em n 0 •.,e ·£' tliUb rn eo
bO bnriglJt, arc abomination bnto tlJe "A.01t1 tlJF utte.tlJe ltrangcr, t(Jc fatl)l'rles, anb tile blibo~, :i.:.11rn ••
<Bob, acro,lringto all tlJF 4tonnnanbemcncis,*\Dl:Ji'1J Dcue.1+
·11.1. 1 7 *JStmc1nbcr \D{Jatimalcc!Jbibtmtotl)cc tl)ou l)att commant1Ct1 me: ] l)auf not tranfgrcf 21.
bp tlJc toar , \DIJm rec 'alerc come out of e. Cell tlJt' Clt'omtnanbcment~noJ fo;~otten tl)ean.
mipt: 14 '.) IJauc not rattn tfm'eof in mr ' mom' , ~•au
18 t)oue IJec met tlJce bl:' tlJc \Dar, anb flnotc ning. ncn fu~11 ougl)C to pe:rtflJ t1Jo1o'alc bn, ~·.~~;t"a
tf)e IJtnbmott of rou, an tlJat \titre feeble: anb dcannctre:, no1 !JJUm ougtJttl)mof foJ tfJc beaD:
camcbcttin~e. 'all:Jm thou ualf faintttl anti \1Jca• bUC l)aUC 1Je11rkcnc;t1 bnto tiJe bopct Of the )I. 020
rie, anti )Jc rcareb not <115ob. mr<5ot1, anbl)aue:bontaf'tcran ttJac tl]ou lJatl
, ~bu.,". 19 ~1Jmfo~c'tDlJm~(lL01b tlJ~ <80~ lJatlJ commanl:lebmc,
:~;'~".!~,'.~' Pim. t(Jcc rctt rr~ an tl)1ne mcmwss rou_nb a, . r~ ~J..oohebo\1Jnetf1ttefoicf\'omttwl1olpl1:t, Efai.rS1.1~
ktru, 111h1,~ bout, m the lanb 1DIJtclJ tbe:JLo~D tlJl' clJOb 1iU£t1J bttaUon, from l)caue:n, anti ble:tre tlJf people ~f,
ban1;:.1 '·
~;:.~t,111,". t~ttto ini,e:ritc anD potrt[e:, fee ~at tl;7oupUt racl,anl> tlJt lanb \Dl}idJ tl)ou lJatl pn b1'5, ai;
' •
~i~.i,'.~':':' routtl)e remcmb~anre of amale:"1 from lmbct t(Jou ":matt!? bnto our fatlJe:ns, alanb C(Jat flo\D,
~ lJcaum,anb foJgtt not. ctlJ'IDttlJ m1l1tt an'!l l)onic.
The La\tv\tvricten. Deuceronon1ium. Curf1ngs,and Bleilings.
16 'tLl)ts bap tl,lc )L..o~ll .tlJr ,~ob IJ~tlJ com, anbputtet)) ttin a fci::retplacc:antl an tl)cpcoplc
manllcll ttJce to llo t1Jcfc oJrnnanccis ~nb )L..a\n~: OJallanf'a>crcanDrar,amtn.
rmpe tlJou tlJetn, anll boc t1Jcm \nttlJ au tl)mc . 16 Clturfcn be l)c ttJat ll curfetl) I.Ji• fatlJtt anll""
(Jcart,ano au ti.Jr route. . IJtl'S motl)er: an'tJ au tlJe people ~au rap.amen. mnn•rh.
1 7 ~trou ball rctfbp t(JcJL.oib tlJ•sbap to bee 17 ~urfcb be i,c ~atrC1nouctl) lli• ncill!JbO)l'S
rakrthr l.o)b
ra * tlJP <!!Job, aiib to ~amc tn IJts 'Wapes,:~ to licc~c tnarrtc: ann au tl}c people flJall rav,amrn.
rcf11Cin«all IJts OJbinanccs, (Jrs citommSf!Dements, anti IJtS 1 s Grurfell be l)e tllat maltctl) tlJe blin'tle to go
Dcur.7.6. la'Wcs.anb to trcarrtm bnto l)rs botcc. out oftJis triap: anD au tl}c people 11.Jalfap,amen.
18 gnll tlJc )l..o~ll (JatlJ !ct t1)ec bp tlJis Dill' to 1 9 dl:urfell IJc l)ce t1)at IJinberctlJ t1Je riglJt of
g prcnt1n OJ
be a reucrall spcop_Ic bnto l)im,ass IJeilJatl,J p1omi' tl)c llrangcr,fat(Jcrlctrc, anD 'Wi'tlO'W: ann all tl)c
rcb tl)ec,anll tlJSttl)ou Itecpc all IJtss dl:ommanDc' people DJall rap.amen.
mcnts: 2 o llrurfcb be flee tfJat lietlJ \Ditl) IJi• fatl)cr_g
19 anti to marte tl}cc lJi@aboue an nations \llff't, ann bnlJeaittl,J IJis fatl)crss coumn~: anll
'altrtclJ (Jc (JatlJ maDe. m p1atfc, in name, anti l)o' ant(Jc people Cl)all rar,amcn. :
nour,anb tl)at tl)oumarctt be an lloir people tm, 2 1 ~urfeb be l)e ·tl]at lietlJ \llttlJ anp maner of
to t1Jc lL01t1 dJr <11Jot1,ass 1Jc (Jatl.J raib. bean: anti an f(Je people fl:JaH rar, amen.
22 <lturfcb be i,e tl]at lietll tottlJ IJiss filfcr,tlJc
The xxvij.Chaptcr. llaUglJttt Of IJiSS fatl)cr, o~ tiJe baugl)tct Of IJiSS
i They are commanded to write the Law vpon Ll:one
for a remembrance.
mo.tlJtt: anti all tlJc people 11.Jall rap.amen.
l 3 llrUrfe'tl be l)r tl)at.rietlJ 'WitlJ l)iSS mot11cr in n• ~ ~~ Jf;2 w ~orcss \llitlJ ttjr. cflllrrs •of lame: ann all t(Jepeoplc fl:Jall fap,amm.

ffi!I~\'~ '.]lfrae1commannct1t(Jrpeop1t, rap, 24 <urfcll be (Jee tl}at rmitcttJ IJiis ncigl)bour

, '!db\ , mg • I!tecpe all t!)e €ommanDe• f rccrctlr: anD au tl)cpcoplc UJaU rap,~m£11. ;.~.~~~~:i:•
;::t::;;t; • mrnts \lllJtclJ '.] c:ommann rou t1Jis 2 5 di:Urfcb be (Jc tl)attaflctlJ re'\llatb to tlap tbe tbon~b an Of•
· "';-ft"f" . Dar. route ofinnoccnt bloob: ann au tIJc people fiJall ~~~~~:.',!''
2 2nll m t{Jat bap \lll,Jcn rou 01all pafre outt rap.amen. :f;~~~-
1 OJ!lanc, bnto tf:lc lanll \UlJicl} tl]e )L..011:1 tlJr <13ob 26 €urrttlbccl)c t(Jat *continuctl)notinan Gal.po.
gructl) tl)ec, tl)ou 11Jalt fet tl)ee bp great lloncss, ti.Jc mo~D.S oftlJis lLa'We to Doe ti} em: ann au f(Jc ·
ann plaillertl)cm 'WitlJ platllcr: people flJaU ra11, ainm.
3 ann 'W~itc bpon tl)cm al tlJe mo1'tllS of tlJiss Thexxviij.Chapter.
Jlatrie '111Jen thou art come oucr, becaure thou I The promifes to them that obey the Commande-
art come into ttJe ranb 'WlJict) tl)c )L..o,n tlJp <13o'tl
\!iuetl) ti.Jee, a lantl tbat flo'WctlJ \llitl) miUtc anti ments. 15 The thrc:itnings to them that difobcy.
i~onp, at$ tl)e Jl,o,D <!!Job oftl}rfatl}rrssl)atl)p~o, 1[ tl)ou QJalt * l]earflcn brligcntlp Lcui.i6.;.
mire~ tlJce. bnto tl}c boic:c of t))e)L..o~D tlJr 0oil,
Frn.20.1~. 4 ~(Jcrcfo~c\tl'lJcnpccbcc come ouet*]o:• anb obrcrue anti !lee an l}i.S dl:om,
iolii.S.1 •. nam, rec OJall fetbptl)cfch(loncss\lllJic:l)j\ 'om, nu1nt1cment.s 'WIJic;IJ jl conunanb
~,fi'.'~:;! 1 .',; mnnn rou tl}is Dar in mount cftal, anD t(Jou • tlJcc tlJiss Dar: tl)e lLoill 'mil rct tl}cc
«""'" '" """ 11.Jaltplailler ""cm
flCltietnrtlt rf HJ
'Wit"' ' plainer. • •
onl)illJ abouc an nations of tl)e c.artfJ.
rbc '""n 01 '" ~ anl'! t{Jere 11.Jalttf}OUbUtl?IC brttO t{Je 1J...D1't1 2 ann all there blctrtngSj OJallcomc on tlJcc,
~;'.~·,',~:~:\~, tlJr <lfion an altar or llones, anD lift bp no won · l1nll oucrtalle tl)ee, if t{Jou fl.lalt (Jcarllen bnto
~~~.~D,~~~~r,; bpon tlJcm. t1Je boice of tlJc )L..o~n tlJr <!!Job.
~~~·r~,·~~;~ ~~: 6 ~ou ll)alt martr tlJe artar of tlJc JL,01t1 tllF ; l5lctrcb 01alt tl}ou be in ttJe citic, an'tl blcf,
•11m. ©oboftrilJoleftones, anti offer 1DIJole bUmtof· fell in tlJt fielb.
fcringt$ ttJcrcon tmto tile 'JL,oJtl tlJp ~otl: 4 lf>Icffcb man bctfJc f'ruitc oftlJr bo'tly, anD
7 ann ttJou flJalt ofter peace offrin~, ~ RJalt tl)c fruit orthp grouno, anll tl)e frUite oftt1p cat,
~,;;;:~~~· 1 • catc tl:lcte,antJ rctorce c befoJc tf}c lLo:'tl t1Jr 0ob. ten, tl)c~ tncrearroftlJrlttnc, anbtf)ctloclicJSof 10,,11,r:
~;~";.~.·g1:i:., 8 anti t{Jou fbalt \D:itc bpon tlJc ttoness,al tl)e ti.JP UJeepc. borne.
1ntorb• ••no er 'll:lo:bS of tl)iS ',ILa'al,platnclp,anll llillinctlp. s l51dfcll flJalbe tlJr bafflct anti tlJF ttoJc.
' womt\I. 9 ann £@OftlJ anti tl)e 192tcftcis t{Jc JL,euites 6 {'61e1Tel'l 11Jalt tlJOU be tlllJm tl)ou commc!l
!pallc bnto au ']\fracl, raring~ ~alic llccbe, anb in,anobldfcn \Ul}cn t11ou, gocll out. • "'r rb~"~"'
(]care, © ']rracl, tlJiS llilp ttJou art become tfJc 7 ~lJc lLo:ll flJaU giue oucr t(Jittc mcmic~ ~:~·~1L
people or ti.Jc 'JLo~tJ tlJP <!!Job. thatrircagain(lttJcr, t11at tl)cp mar fall bcfo~r
1 o ~IJou ilJalt 1Jcar1tcn t1)ercroJc bnto tfJe tlJF face : tlJcr 11Jall come out again!? tl)ce one
\Joice oftl)C'.ILo~b tlJP <i!Son, anuo IJiS llro1nman' 'map, ann flee btfo:c ttJcc rcucn \llat'tis.
l>cmentis,anb l)iSS o:ninanccss \VlJiclJ] mntnanb s €1Je )L..o,D ft)all commantJ tl}c bldring tiµ,
t{Jcc tl)tis ba~ on t:lJtt in tlJp lloJc hourcss, anb in an tlJat tUou
1 1 ~~ll'l 2ll;lofcs dJargctJ tfJe ·pcoplt tfJe fame rettcft ti.line i,anll bnto, anll 1llil.bleffc ttJcc in tl)c
bar.tnnng, lanb \lll)idJ tlJC )L..o),b tlJF cl50ll giuct(J tl}rc.
~crc1Mluta11b bponmount<l!Jatipmto 9 ~c)L..oJ'O 11.JaJI main~ tlJtc anflolrµcoplc
d t'I,t. bl, J
u. ...!.~,,'.;, b~le[t~cµeople, \Dl)en pee arc come oucr 1!01• bntolJtmfclf't, asl]rcl]atlJ fl.tlomctinto thee : if
~:~:';!\:~: "ntbt~;:~inc~n;Jl,cui, '.]Juba, jlfacIJar, 11oftplJ, tl)OU tlJalt licqJC. tl)C Gro1~m~t1lJCmtnts Of ttJr
ouu w1l1m11e. .. ....,~ ..1am1n. JL~b tlJp cl5oD.anll tDatkc m lJt11 mapc~.
1 a ~an nation.a of tlJc cart(J n1au rec, t11at
• 3 '.anb tl)crc lbau nanD bpon mount cebal
' Dtclorrn~ < to CUtft: lliUbcn <1!5ab !Jfct ~ abUlon - .... an'tJ t'f1c Ji;lamc oc ttJc b lL~~b i.U callcta bpon oucr tflcc, b .fOJ btllnf
1 1
~~~;, ~.~,:r~::' ' flcpl)tbali. ' ' '., ·--., an11 tbCt' lbalbc afran1 orttrcc. · · itcbpi.!loo,ar.r
t1rcl1rt rblr

~l~':.~:~~·:., 1
4 '.Attb ti.Jc "Jl.cuttcis llJallanrwerc an'b faF 11 .anD ttJe JL.oill OJall maJu: tfJec plenteous in rburl.llm.:i.H
~:,b~t!';'i1~ bnto all tbc men ofj\fract 'IDitlJ a IoUbc bopcc, goobs,in ~cfmitor~v bQ!>p, intIJe fruit of tllr proplr. Dll cbur1n

rOlbfalont. 1511rurrc~bctl)cmantl)atma11e111a~amrtll cattet.anb mttJc fnlit oftlJpgroun'tJ, tn d)c lllltll

Dao.9.11. o~ moltm tmagc' an abomtnation tmto tlJC ml.Jid)tl)cJLoJnf'Warc bnto tl:Jrfatl)cr• to giuc
Jl..o~il.tllc 'rooilie of tbc l)anbss of tl)cctaftcfnutn, ttJcc.
•~ ·~11ci
~-· - - · - - - · -- -
(~u_rfes, plagues, Chap.xxviij. and chreatnings. 75
- 12 ~ JLo,bc flJaD open bnto tl)ce IJiS 1oob 1lo~tl to tl)ee qatnc : anll tlJl! fiJecp ftJalbe ~uen
, ,,, ... ,111 r tteaCure.' ti.JC 1Jeauen to gtue ratn tmto tl)p lanb unto tiJinc cnemil'-S, (l no man 11.Jal reftuc t(Jcm.
/,r~::.~:!,~!i. ~11 Dtleltafon, anb to bltlre au t!Je labours oftlJF 32 ~IJr ronncis anll tlJF naug~tcrs 11Jalbe i;iJ
.::~~.~r,i\~r IJanD: anl tl)ou flJalt lrntl bnto manp nation~, ~en bnto anotl)crnation,allb tl]me C'l'rS tlJal rre
1»~11mra;r butflJalt not bOJOW tlJp £elte. tt, anb r ba,c bpon tl]em all tl)e baF long: ann r '"1111ttnqrb.11
m• toucuucli 13 anti tl)e )i.,O)tl fblll mafie tlJCC d)tefclt, anti tlJett 11Jalbt no mill)t in tl}tne l}anb. f~!~,'~9,~,cb~~.~
nott11e lowl'ft,antl tlJou 11)altbe about onl-p.anb 33 "1t1Jc fniit of tlJF Iann, anti all tl)p labours, 01
- a•.
not llmcatl) : if t!Jat tl)ou l)eamcn bnto tl)e cont' 11.laH a nation w(Jtc(J tIJou lmo\DeCf not, rate bp:
maunormmti:s oftl)c Jl.o~D tfW0oD, \\llJid:I 'Jl anD tl}ou llJalt conttnuaUpfutftr biolcncc allll be
commanD tl)re tlJi~Hrnp,to ficep, anb to no tlJem: opwecre1:1 al'lllar :
14 Qnll rec tl)at tlJou bo'lll notafibc from anr 34 ~o tflat tlJOU llJalt be&t:ranc bcfille tl)p fdf,
of t{Jcfc WO)M 'llllJid:l '.31 commanb tlJcetl}iSDap, ro1 tl)e ftg(Jt of tlJinc ere~ \Dbtd;I t(Jou fhalt fee.
el11Jer to tlJe riglJt l)anb, o~ to tl)e left, tl)at tl)ou 35 iartle JL,o~n fl)al fmite tl]ec tn tl}e bnccis ani:I
woulllell go after ffrangc gol)S,to rcn1e tbem. leggcs 'lllitlJ a mtfcl)tcuou~ betel) tlJat cannot be
L<u.26.1 • 15 l6ut anb iftiJou *'Wilt not (JearkCU bnto l)ealeD, from t(Jc Cole of tl)p foote,bnto tlJe top of
ma lac.,} tlJe bOlCC of tl)C',llO)tl tlJF ©oll, to liccpe anllto _l>O tlJl! IJeab.
baruc.1,20 al IJi~ commanllzment~ ~ IJi~ 01Dtnance~ WIJtd;I 3? ~!Jc s·io~i:l llJalt b~ing tl)c c, anb tlJl! fling g "•"•""i"h
']commanl> t!)ee tl)i~Dap, aH tl)efecurftS!lJall \lllJ~d:I tlJ~u lhalt rct ouer tl}cc , unto a nation ~;~~~:;~;~J:,
come bpontl)ee..anll ouertafle tl)t~•. WtJtcl) nl'ltl)er tlJou no~ tl)p fatlJCr~ IJaue Imo'lll' w.,,.n-_,.. ',.
16 CICurfcD OJalt tl)ou be In tl)e atte,anD curfel> en, tl)at tlJere t(Jou maren ferue Urangc got1s, ~i~~,,,,c,.
in tlJe fielb. wooD anb llonc.
1 7 ~urreD IIJaU betlW bafllet anD t1'F rto~e. 37. !lnll tlJou fl)alt be wonn~ci:I at, fpollrn of,
18 CICurfeD !1)albetlJefrUit Of tl)F bOllp.anb tlJC ano icacn at , among all nation~ \lllJitlJct t(Jc
fruit or tlJl! lanD,antl tl)e incrcafe of tlJF lltne,anll 'Jl.o:b llJaU tarp tlm,
tl}e flotke~ orti)'P tlJeq:ie. 38 lJ~oullJaltcarr mucl)Ccelleout intotl)c Mich.6 11.
19 Clturfttl II.ult tl)ou bee wl)en tl)ou goeCf tn, ficUl,antl (bait gatl)rr bllt litlein: ro1 tlJClifaf• agge.1.6.
anti curfell \DlJm tl)ou goctt out. (Jopper~ (ball lleftror it.
' • 20 ~l)e )loJD !1Jall CmD tipon tl)ce curling, 39 ~on HJalt plant a binerarb anti l>~ell'e it.
ncaruction. ann re:bullc, in au tl)attIJou rettcll but fbalt ncitf.Jcr ?Jrinke or tl}c \llinc, ncitlJcr ga,
tl)inc l)ano to, nnl> tl)at tl}ou lloctt, bntlll IJe tic• tl)crtl)c grapcis: ro~ tlJe wo~mrs 11Jall eate it.
llrop t11ce, ann b:tng t1Jce to nougl)t quti;klp, be, 40 ~{JoullJalt(Jaue ©hue trees tlJo~o\llout
caurc of tl}e \Dt&llcDnes or tl)inc tnuention11, ano an ttr coan~. but flJalt not anoint tl1l! fclfc \DitlJ
bcc:aure tIJou l)atl ro?taflen me. tl)r;orle: fo~ tlJine ©liue lball JJ fall tlo\Dnc. or,bdlu-
2 1 ~IJe )l.,o)ll 11Jall 1nalie tl)e pcttilmce deaue 41 ~ouHJalt bcgetfonnes ani:I MuglJtcrs, kcnhefore
bnto tl:Jre, bntill l)e l)aue conrumctl tl)rc from off bUttlJaltnot(Jaue tl)em: ro~ l1)cp ll)all be taricb th•y be rip<
tfJe farm '1ll)it1Jer tl)ou goell to cntor it. awar i;aptiue.
12 ~l)e )Lo1D 11Jall rnnte tl)ct \DttlJ rwctling, 42 au tIJe trceis anl> fruite of tlJF lanbe 11Jall
'lllltlJt'tuer~IJcat,burning, arm \llttlJ tl)c nno:n, h 11 U>o~mc~ conrumc. ~"~;;/: :;,;•
'lllitl) blatting anb milDe'W: antJ tl)cr Cl)all folo\D 43 ~e llrangcr tl)at i~ among rou, llJall ~::·~~~~~~··
t1J ce bntitl tl)ou perilb. dtmeabouctl]cebp onIJigl.J: ~ tt;ou 11Jalt come ~~~";~~:',~
Leu.11i19 2 3 * gnll tfJe IJeaucn tIJat t~ oucrtl)r l)eat111Jal Downe bcncatlJ a low. ""'"'"""'
d REtrandn11, bed blaU"e,anD tl}e eartlJ tl)at t~ tinner tl)ee, llJall
44 ll)e IIJall lenn tl)cc' ann tl)ou !11alt noticnll ~~·~·;~. Ol ctt
lbltbc 1obar• be tton. (Jim: t1ce 11JaU be tlJe (Jean, ann tijou 11Jalttc tt)c ··o,, gra!k-
ll).1111tucno 14 ~!Jc '.IL o:b 11Jall tume tl)c raine of tlJe lanD taile. hop pm.
m.IR"". tinto potnbcr anti tlUft, rrom l)caucn OJall tl)C'I' 45 flf.loicouer,aU tl)efc curfc)'.j f!Jlll come bpon
come Do\Dne upon tIJcc, tintiU tl)ou bee b:oug)Jt tl)ce,anD t1Jal follo\D ttJcc, anll oumalle ttJee,till
to nougl)t. tl}ou be tletlropen: bccaure tl)ou IJrarflrnclla not
25 anotl)c''IHIJancaucctl)ceto fallbcfo:e bnto tlJe borce of tl)e Jl.o~tl tbp ©"oll,to lieqie IJis
tl)inc enemies: tl)ou llJalt come out one war a• tommant1cments, anti IJts o~tllnancc~ ttrlJtcf.J IJe
gainil tl)cm, ~flee rcucn \Dares bcfo:c tl)cm,an11 commannen tl)re.
tbalt be fc:attmll among au tl)e kin~tloms of tl)e 46 anti t11cp UJall be bpon tfJcc ;foJ fi[llrS anti ~.~.~'~0~1;1~f·
eart1J. - wonllcr~. anll bpon t1'l! rccllefoz eucr. '" r111b. roir,
111 an11 tfW camctrc f1Jalbc mcate bnto al ma• 47 l5ecaufct1Jonfcrueoa nOt tfJe )l,o~bc fflF ~~~tor~8~a~::~
nerofCoutc~oftIJeap:c, an11tinto t(Jebeart~of (![501:1 \Ditti torfulne!S, tt witlJ a gooD 1Jeart, \DIJcn ~~~~,~~:,~~·
tl)e cartl) ,an'b no man tlJaD rrar tl)r:m a\Dap. tl)ou {Jabil abouni:Jancc ofall ttnn~. •P•• '~"·
2 7 ~e JL,011> tnill fmitt tl)ce wit!J tl)c botcl) 48 ~rrefo1c11.>a1t tIJoufmrc tlJinc cncmie,
of ~grpt, ann tl)e emerones, Ccab, anti iulJ. tl)at \DIJlc;IJ ttJe JLo,o fl)all renll tip on tlJce. in l:Jun1cr,
t(Jou maieCf not be l)catetl tl)mof. anti tlJiTCf,in nalttDmtfe, (tin nee Ile of all tl)in~:
28 ann tl)cll.o~tl llJallfi:nitt tlJce b>tl;b mall• anti IJe fIJallput a k rollc of F~on tipon ti.Jr ncmr, k oe~.1 bannr.
bnttll ~e (Jauc b~ouglJt t1J ebe t~ nouglJt..
49 .antltl}eJL,o~l>eaJa11 :m~ a nation bpon 111nrr11111r. 01
ncs,ant1 blttoncis, ann ba~mg ofl)eart. l~,~! :i:-~::;:~
2 9 ~i}ou 11Jalt grope at no one t1arcss, a5S fi1e
~.1<1~"'~~~ 'b1ill1! groµetl) in narftnc~.~ {IJaltnotpJofpcr m tIJcc from farrc, anl> rrom tlJe enn or tl)e \Do~lnc,
~~::~~:b~',.,. tlJr \Date~:~ou llJalt be opp~clfcll \DitlJ \»Jong, as C\tJift as an Cfagle flmlJ , a nation \lll)ofc
~:~nt'.1~·"''' ~bcpolle1>eucnnoie.~noman11Jalfui;co~rt1Jcc. tongue tlJou lbalt not bnDertlanb:
11•0. 30 ~ou 11Jalt b~c bttrotl)ell bnto a \Dtfe,artD 5o g nation or a !1Jamt1c1Tcann crucllrountc,
anotl)er man llJafi lie 'lllitlJ lJcr: tl)ou OJalt builll nantc, wlJtd:I flJaU not rcgarn tbc rmon of tl1r
an l)ourc,anll not l>well tl)crctn: tl}ou llJalt alfo olll, no1 IJaue tompamon on tIJc rong: -
Deuc. 20.6 piant a binerarll,\t lllalt *not ~atl)er tl)cgrapcS. si ~e ramc llJalcatt tl)c fnritc of t1Jr rattcl
3r ~tnc o~ ft.Jal be tlatne J?C(ote tl)tne ercp, anti tt:Jcfrurt or tin' latltl, tmtill)e l)aue DcflTorrti
i tl)ou tlJalt notcatc tl)crof: tl)anc atrc tl)aD.le u10• tlJec: an.II fl)al ~uc tl)ce neitl)cr toJnc,
lentlr tallca'11ar bcro~c tlJr face, ~RJal not ber"-' oflt, ncitl)er ~ lmrtafe orttJp kine. no: tlJC flocfl~
lDllrcb I
Mercy promifed co the repentant. 76
wlJiclJ wm among tlJcm. on• among~ dJe JL,01n tlJt <i!Son l)att) rcatte:,
, s ld dJe:n be: amongrouman 01 woman, re:btlJtt.
fiinre:b,~ tnlle:, l»(Joie: 1Je:art tume:tlJ awar tlJiJS 4 ~lJ~ tlJOU 1Xtatl catl tmto tTJe: ~trcme
oar rrom ti.Jc JL,o:n our «5ol!, to goc anti rmic t(Je: partJS oO,e:aue:n, from tl)e:ncc 'tDiU t(Je: Jl.OJtl tb't
gonJS of tlJtk nanons: ann leltt(Jcre: bee among <115oD gatl)e:r tlJtt,ttlmU tlJmce: \DillJt fe:tcIJ tlJee:.
:.,~:!.1 ~~~! rouronte: •root tl}at bearct(J gan ~ wu,meUJoon. 5 a1111 tl;Je: 'JL,oJb tlJl' <i!JOtl 'IDll biing *ti}te into r .Mac.i •5°
~"::.'t'!:J'' 19 ~o t1JatwlJm.1Je: IJ~IJtlJe:lllo:ne:~ of tlJe lanl> 'IDl)t'lJ tlJl' flitIJe:rlJ po[C[cn, anti tl)ou
""'";:::.~ t1Jil5 rurfe:.l)e: II bldfe: IJtmfclf ml)tJJ l)e:art.faflng, 11.Jalt iniop it: anD l)e: 'mill {IJe\lle: tlJtt killllnd!e:,
:n•<ook• ]flJalll)aue:pe:acc, 'JI will\Dallltintf.Je:me:aning ann multiplp tl)e:e: aboue tlJl' fatlJttlJ.
io~~A~ucr. of~olllne:lJe:art: HtoputtlJe; tlJUnfle:lltotlJe: ~ ann tlJt J1.01t1 tlJF <301> miU c ctmmuifc • mtn cat ..
gor,llake tlJirftie, tl)tne: l)eart, anti tl)e:l)e:art OftlJpfe:ebe:,tl)at tlJOU ::.~~~:O':'i.m
1hoihirA 20 anllfot1Je:JL,o:b't11ilnott0nfe:nttobe:mtt' mape:tUoue: ttJe: JL,o1t1 tlJl' Cl!5on \llitlJ an tl)ine: 111· - ·
wich drun· Rfull bnto lJim, but tlJl!U tlJCl»JatlJ Of tlJC 'Jl.OJb, l)e:art.ann au tlW follk,tl)at tl)oumapctl: ltue:.
kcnncffc. anti IJiJJ ie:lourie: 11.lall fmok£ againtl: dJat man. 7 ant> tlJe JL.o:n tlJF <115on will put an tlJe:fe:
anti au tl}e: currcs tIJat an lllJittm in tlJiis book£. airre• bpon tl)tne: et1e:mte:s&, anll on tlJe:m tIJat
ll)all ligJJt bpon IJim, anti tIJe: ',ll.01tl tl)aU Doe: out l)ate: d)e~anb tlJatpe:rfe:rutc tl)ee:.
lJQs name: from bntle:r l)eaur.11. s l6ut d)ou 11.>alt tume: an11 lle:ar1tm bnto
21 anll tl)e: JL,ottl 11.JaD fcpaiatt fJim bnto cuil, tlJe: botcc oftl)e:JL.oin,ann lloe aHl)ilJ,ommanbe:,
out of all tl)e: ttibe:IJ of '.)ttad, amnbing ~nto ~II mmts& \Df.JiclJ] 'ommanl> tl}ee tlJilJ nap:
tlJe: cune:IJ of the coue:nant t:IJat are: l»Jtttcn m 9 cant> tlJe Jl.,oille: tlJl' ©on \llin make tlJe:t
t(Je: boolie of dJiJJ llllll. . ple:nte:OUJ5 in all tl)t \llOJliCJJ of tlJine: l)anll, in tl)e:
:n ~o tIJat t(Je: i&e:ne:rauon to conu of rour Cruit of tlJt' bollr, tt in tl)e: fruit of tlJl' catttll,ann
d,) II.Jal rtre: bp afte:r rou.anb tlJtftran, tn tlJefnlit or tl)p Jann, fo: tlJl' \lle:alttJ: fo1 tl)c
ge:r tlJat fiJall cow from a farre: tann , 1111111 rap, JL,ozb 'IDll turne: againe:.ann d re:ioicc oucr tl)e:t to t.~~:f, :·.~.
llll)e:n t(Je:p rce: tl)c plque:IS of tl}at tann, anti tl)e boe:tl}ce: IJe re:ioiccll oue:r tlJl' fatber~. ~'.'::~;~.'r~'
bifeafe:IJ llJl)m\DitlJ tl)e: "Jl.,o:b l)atlJ rmttten it, lo jj t tl)ou l}e:arlie:n onctp bnto tl)c botcc of 1ain1 bu hUDll
2 3 ( ll)o'ID an tlJt lann il5 bUmtbP 'IDitlJ bzim' tile JL.011> tlJl' <3oll,to lie:e:pe:l)its 'ommanne:me:nts \~1:i\~.~:r~··
llone: ann falt,ann tl)at it is& ne:itlJe:r towm , no: anb l)iJJ o~lltnamc• wl)tCIJ arc w:ttte:n tn tl)e
? be:aretl), no: atlf gralfe gro\Detl) tlJmin. lme: a15 boolle: of tl)ilJ 18\ll, 'it tlJou turne bnto tl)e JL.01t1
.. Gcn.19,25 in tl)e:placc oft(Je: *oue:rtl)Jo\llini&of ~obotne:, tlJl' Cl!5ob \llitlJ an tl)ine: (1e:arc.anllall tl)p route:)
15omo:n,anama, anb ·Je:botn1, \lllJicIJ dJt JL,ozll l 1 fo~ tlJt commaunbe:mmt wl)id,) '.JI com,
oucrtl)te:'ID in l)is to:atl.J anll anger) manll tl;Jee: t(JiJJ bap , i• •not l)iblle:n from tl)ce:, :.=~::g•
·: 1.Rcg9.s 2
4 ~IJm 11Jall all nation• rap,* ml)e:rcfo:e: ntltl)£r farre Off, lrom rCtc. !Jr
~ iere.u.s (JatlJ tlJc JL,otlle none: on. tlJilS faOJion bnto tlJil!I 1:z. jti!Snotinl)e:aue:n, tl)at tIJoune:e:De:ll to :i::r.~m~
lann:' ~ IJo'tD fime: IJJ ttJtlJ 1Jreat w1at1J :' fat', ll&IJO 11Jl10 goe: bp Cot bJJ to ~e:aucn,anll b1ing ~~~ ~: 00 ~~1 1

2 s ann mm llJall rap, l6e:caure: tlJCl' l)auefo:, it bnto bJ,tlJat we: mllF l)e:are: 1t,anl1 lloe: it:' •P•)IJIC•.
rakm d)e coumant of tlJc JL,otn <115on of tlJe:ir fa· 13 ~e:ttl)e:rts& ttbcpontltl)t r~ca, tl)attlJou r'.IB, ~ ...,,,,
tl)cr~\DIJtaJ IJe mane mtttJ tlJf \lllJm l)e: bJOuglJt OJoul'lle:tl:fap, DlJo ~angoe: oue:rtl)e: rearo1bts, ~~:~·;,~;:<:;.
tl)e\n out of tl)e: lanll or ctgppt. anti b1ing itllnto bl!I , t:l)at we map l)care: it,ann rt 1111" tr.
26 1fo: tl)cy \lle:nt ann rerue:ll tranie: golll!I, boe:W.
anb 'ID0111Jtppcll ttJcm, gobs& wl)tclJ tlJe:p lme:'ID 14 l6ut tl)e: \DoJllc il!I btrt' niglJ bnto tIJce..
IOr,which not, 11ml \I 'IDl)tcl) l)B'b !JiUe:ntl)e:mnotl)tng. cum in tlJl' moutIJ, anll tn tlJP l)e:art, tl)at tl)ou
had not g;. 2 7 ann tl)e: 'IDtatlJ of tl}e: JL,o:n blare:b IJote: a' boeit.
uen chem a i;Jllinlf tlJi!S lantl, to b1ing bpOH It 1111 tl)e CurfCJJ l 5l5e:IJOlll ] 1Jaue fet be:r~e tl.Jte: tlJiJJ llBl' life,
land 10 pof- tlJat m 'ID1tttm in U,iJJ boolie. ann goon.lltatlJ, anti eutu:
[:'~~..,...,. • 2 s !lnb tt)e JL,otb cat! tlJ~ .out of tlJcir Jann, l 6 cJfo~ \DIJm as'.]! wmmann tl}ce tl)i• llap to
... r..:::~; 1n Bn!Jct,'IDJatlJ,anb ~tmtltgmltlon, anti call
•lrillnl• urir. tlJetn Into a «range: tann, 81!1 tlJil!I nap bearetl)
loue: t1Je: JL.oin ttw Cl!5ob, to blalhe in ~is m~re•,
ann to ~e: f.JJIJ i::ommanncmmt!J, IJts 01Dman,
r:.~k::o \llitne:[e:. CCJJ anti 1)1ts la'me1J, if thou fo doc tl)ou 11.Jaltllur,
, i:.i""1f~i. 29 ~e:rre:crrt1Joftl)e'Jl.,01b our<115obattope:·
; 119.
,~ nr.n bnto bJJ , anti to OUT cl)t11>1m fo1 e:utt, tl}at
'me map noe au tl)e: \llozt11J or tlJil!l la\ll,
ann multiplp, anntl)e JL.o:n tllp <115011 n1allble:tl'e
tlJCt in tl)e lanb, \lllJitlJe:r tIJou goefl to po[e:ITt it.
l 7 l5Utif tl)ine: l)e:art tume: a\Dap,fo tlJat tllo.u

ThexxLChaptcr. wtlt not l)eare:, but OJalt goe: at:trap anti 'tDOJflJtp
tran@gotls&,anb fe:rue: tl)cm:
1 Mercy (hewed when they repent. l 9 Life and death ls ~ pionounce: bnto pou dJlJJ nap, tl)at pee:
is fee before them. 20 The Lord is their life which flJ8Uftml1' pmffJ, anti tl)atrce: llJall not ~'tDlong
obey him. FOUT napes bpon tlJC lanD , tDIJitlJe:r tlJOU patl'e:t
'mall tf)e:re'tDQJbJJ an come: bpon oue:r1!o~nane: to goe:anll polfc[e: 1t.
tl)ee:, tl)e ble:ll'in; ann tlJc curre.. 19 1 mU1Jcaum111111 e:artl) toruo:btl)iflbar
~1:1..."'"""• \lllJldJ] baue: fet be:fO~e: tlJU. tlJOU againll pou, ttJat1 (Ja11e:fttbtfo1e:rou lire:ann
M• 1aimr":. ft)alt • tum£ bnta tlJln£ lltart 8• ne:atlJ, ble:ll'ing, anti curring: tl)cre:fo1e s ~oore: &~:i •-:
"8lllltlUDiQ. • mong all tl)e: nationl!I tDlJitl)e:r tl.Jt ltCe..tfJat bot(J tlJDU anti tlJl' fe:e:be map ltue:. ,,~ .~':'•.,..
Ji..OJtl ttJl' <115on l)atlJ n:tum tl)ee:, 20 ~at.t1Jou~pc«1oue:ti,e:JL.0JbtlJ1?'3ob, ~~rc'i:;::~D
Pfa.1°Jeots 2 ann * come: aigaine 1mto t))e :d.01ne tl)p anb bC O~Ctlle:n~ to lJIS bOKe:, ~ 'le:auc bnto l)im : r~r~,;:~: br
cBoll an11 l)canm 1mtD l)ifl llo'iu tn all tl)efe ~011Jcusttw11re:, antltlJe le:ngtlJof tl)p narc~. f;'.l\!~0;:':!,
d)ingl!I tIJat] commanb ti.Jee: t!Jt• bllf, tlJOU anll tl)at t:l,Jou m11pe:tl: b'mell bpon tl;Je: eartiJ, llll}ictJ lr>•1•••11n1111
tlJl' C1J111J:e:n.'llritlJ an ttJine: ~, anb tDttlJ all t(Je JL,a:nf'tDare bnto ttw fatfJnss.attillJam/]fa' ''""
tlJl' route: IJai::,anD ']lacob to !Jllle tlJetn.
"'! mon.
. ~ .ant1t1Jtl.oJhttw~o11bmltumetlJl'C8P'
ttultte:,anll l)aue: compamon bpon tlJte:., anll \Dill Thc.nxj. Chapter.
1 111
~:.~1m • ro turne: anti fetclJ tlJtt apine: ftom all tl)e natt• i.7. Mofespreparinghimfclfc rodic, appointethlo·
Thefong Chap.xxxij. of.Nlofes. 77
armbcpc(Jonourbntoour<l!Joll. _. . 'alill 1>cllrop tl)cm \llit:IJ mine arrolDeS.
4 pmcct tis ctJe \llo1lie of tl}e moa mi!PJtre 24 ~IJep lball be II bumt ~it:IJ. l)uni;ter, anti ~or, burnc
1Hr.racke. t ~oD.fOJ an IJiis \llapcss are iullgement: ~et tis a confumell lDitll IJcat, anll tDttlJ bltttrlleftrum, w 11 h hear,
Th" dccl~- ~oDOf tructlJ, \llitlJOUC \llichellnc(fe, tiglJtcOUS on : 1 \llill alro frnll the ttetl) of bealles bpon •nd contu-
r«h <;ods anD iU(hlS IJe. t{Jem' \llitl) tl)c II rurtournctrc Of CCrpent!S in tl)c ~nucndg~v;:h
th•n~•h & s frotoar1>1p IJaue btiJep bone again« (Jim ilUtl. ! Or, poi-
in h11 pro-
b"r tfJclt'
biccis,notbeinrr kj15 OlORC
'"» •! •
~iUJ,cn,but 2 ~ llDUt\tlarlllF ({Jail tl)cfwoill robbe tlJCm of Ion.
mifcs. a \lltmcll anti fto\\larb generation. . tlJttr c(JtlDJcn, anti in tljc c(Jambcr fcarc, .botl1
b £bl 1rra0' 6 JE)o re ro tc\llarb tl)e )Lolll,iO tfJoufooltllJ pong men,anll ro11g'Clo1ncn,anll tl}e ruclilmgis,
•• , 1. . n.. nation, an1> tm\\life: '.Jlis not (Jee tl;Jp fatl}cr tl)at lDttl) tl)c men of grap 1Jca11s.
::~'r'~~~~· (JatlJ. bouglJt tl)ee: $atfJ (Jee net ma1>c tl)cc, anti 26 91 IJaue faplle, 1 \lllll rcatter ttmn ab~oa11,
:::~ ~'t~~· o~1>cm ell tl)ce : . anti mar1e tl}e nmcmb~nnce of tl)em to ceafc
. -~••bPll . 7 Jaemember tl)e bapes of t(Je 'aloilll tl}atts from amon!,l men:
: fr:::: c~i ! paa, conftDer tl)e re res ofro manpgcnerattonss : 2 7 110m it not tl:Jat 91 fcarell tl)e w1at1J oftl)e
' amc tfJF fa ti) er,anti {Jc \llil OJe\11 tl}ee,tfn' eU>ers, cnemp,lelltl)eir allucrfaries !l)oulll 0 \lla~p,oUll, f,~::~,~~~,;·
anll tl}cr tDtll tell d)ee. · . anll lc.fltlJep ll)oUlll rap, ©nr IJie (Janll IJatlJ bone :;~f~:.~.~~0
8 119llcn tl)e moa IJi!PJcft Diui1>ell to tl)c nan, all tlJtlS, anti not tlJe JL.OJll. rha:oo rb•"'·
onistlJeir inl)eritance, anll \lllJmlJecfeparatell 2
iis tl)ere anp 1lnllerftanlling in tIJem.
8 1foi it iS a nation bOill Of COUUfEll, neitlJct f~ ~:;,~~:·:1
oon. b•"~ ·
tfJcfOIJneS of .at1am, fJCCpUttiJC bOJbttSOftfJC
1111tions,auo~Dlng to tlJc number of ttJc c1Jtlb1rn 19 llD tl:)at tlJeplDere \\lifr, \t bnllcrCfooll tl)iSS,
of]fract: tIJat tlJep \\loulll confillertl)eir lattcr enll.
9 1foJ t(Je J1..0111s ts people, anll '.]la, 30 ~o\ll llJoulll one tlJafe a tl)ouranll,anll t'alo
, cob is d)c po1tion orlJ!IS tnlJcrttance. . . put ten tl)oufanb to ftigIJt, e~cept tl}eir I mafia i,Or,roe ke.
' 1 o ll)cefounD l}inun ~ llcCcrt lanll, tn a ho1lle l}all Collltd)cm, anti cyccpt tlJt JLo~lllJatlllllJut ~Or,giucu
IFu Iofwild grOUlltl, an!) tn a+ roatllllJ \llllilctUCfiC: ll)ee lell tfJ£1nhp:' 1hem oucr,
;,cans. IJtm abouc,(Je gauc IJim bnllcrtlant1in1J,llnll liept .31 1]'oJ t1Jctrgot1isnousour JI ©ob :our enc, ~~S t~: .~~c-
(Jim as tl)e apple of(Jtis epe. m1eis alCo tl)cmfelues arc mllgcs. imo their
u .ais an <Jegle tl)at lltrretlJ hp (Jer neall, anll 32 ~oi tlJcit bine iS Of tlJC bincparll O( ~0' cncrr.ics
ftutterctl) ouer IJer fOOng , anll ep,callctlJ IJer t101ne,ann of tl)e fielll.!S of ®'omo~ra: tl)rtt gtapcs hanct.
\llingis , tafietlJ tIJcm, anti bearctl) tl}cm on IJcr arc grapeis ofgall,anll tl:Jcir cluller.£S be bitter. :or ,rockr,
t wings: . n ~cir\UineiistlJepoifonofll~agons, anll
12 ~e 'JI.oil> alone \ua!S lJis guille, anll t11ere tlJe cruell gall oratpeis.
wais no llrange <li5otl \llitlJ (Jim. 34 ]JS not f tl)iSJ{aptl inflOlC 'aJttl;J me,anll fca' r !•tr b1 ravn.
1 3 11.}ec cariell (Jim bp to tlJc IJle placeis of t(Je ~
"'"'hp atnong mp treafiUTeS.~ -~~
1 r"g" mrno
eartl) , t(Jat l)ee migl.Jt eate tIJe increare of t(Je 3s • 11aengeance iS mine, anll 4] 'alill tt'alarti, &~::~h~~~ ::·
ftclillS, \1 {Jc fell tlJtm \llitfJ (Jonp out of tl)e rocfle, tl)etr feet fl)all Gille in lluc time : fo~ tl)e bar of :.ifu~;~~.r P11•
alllJ \llitl) 011£ out of tl}e moll (Jarll flone: tl'Jcir llellruction iS at (Janll, anti tlJt d)tn~ tl)at Rom. r 2, 19
.. 14 fl9itlJ butter of kine, \1 millie oft1Je11Jcepe, 11)all come bpon t}Jem, make l)aile. ncb .1o.3 o.
'alitl}t'atoftl)e lambes, anllfatoftlJe rammes, 36 <jfo~ tl)e 'ILoille flJall mllge IJii:s pcoplt, anll
anb (Je g.oat~ \llttlJ tile fat of tl)e moll plenteouss (Jauc compatrion on IJi!l reniantis, when IJc fcetll
~ tDlJeat, an1> tl:Jat ttJou mlgl.Jtcit t11inbe tl)c moil tIJat tl)eir potDcr iSS gone, anll tl)at tlJtF bee in a
~ purebiooboftIJcgrapc. maner fiJUt hp, o~ biouglJt to nouglJt anti ro~fa,
1 s lBut (Jc tlJat 'ala!S bp:i 111Jt,m(Jen l)e tDa~eJ) lien.
r: mcbclkd rac,+Cpurncll \llitfJ IJiS IJeele ;-atl)ou art \llell fell, 37 9:11!1 'all) en it RJalbc fapll, tIDtJm arr tlJcir
·~linR tl:)ou art gro'a.len tl)iclie, tl)ou art lallen tDitlJ fat gollSS, tl}ctr ij gob in \Ullom tlJep truftetl ~ liOr,ro•k<.
~God. ncffe: ~ll l)ce ro1roolie ~oll IJil!I malier, anti re, 3S ~e fat o! tDIJofe facrificei:s tlJer bill eatc,
:i. garllell not tl)e <5oll oflJl)'S raluation. anllil1anke tIJe toine of d)cir Mnflc offm'ngis:
.~ 16 ~CF p~ouOllell lJim to anger tDitlJ araqe IettlJem rire tip, anti IJclpc fOU. anti be rourp~c,
11ol>S, 'a.litfJ abominationispJouoliell tl}ep (Jim. tcction.
',• 17 ~lJep oftcrctl bnto llcuilS,anll not to <ll5oll: 39 ~ec notD,lJotu tlJat]i, :Ji am dOoll,~ tIJcrc
to gol!)'S w(Jom t{Jep knC\11 new goill!I t1J11t issnoncbut']: • 1 liill,am1 \lltll malicalme : '.JI i,Rrg.i.6.
camenetDlp bp, \lllJom d)cir fatl;Jers rearetl not. \llOUnll,anll lDil(Jeale: tteit(Jcti~ tlJCtC anp d)at cob.i 3.l.
18 .llJ) f ©ob t1Jat bcgat ti)tt t(Jou art bnminll, can llditter out ofmp !Jann.
CuU,anll (Jalt fo~gotten ©oil t!Jat mane tlJee. 40 11'01] mill lift bp mr IJanll to 1Jcaucn,anll
i• 19. ~tnLo.1t1 t1Jercw1e fatD it, anll ll.laun, 'aliftfap, 'JI liucfo~ cucr.
d "'" "11'1~ gcy: becaure of tl)e wouoliing OflJis ronneisdan1>
lil<mll>DI •
4x 9\r'.Jl \lllJet tl)e elljC ormr f\\lo~b.anll mine
.-11a ...,.,, to l)tS ilaUIJl)tcr!S. . (Janll tafiel]ollle to tloe matcc,'] 'al ill rteompenfc
t::q,,~ 20 an11 uce rarlle, 4Jl tnilll)ille mt' face Crom b£U«eance on mine cncmtc!S, anti 'alill retDart1
~t:'.~1~ tlJem,anll tOill rec wl)at tiJeir en1>~ llJall ~ee: f ~I
l:ft' "' tfJep are a hcrie fro'alarll gmeration, Cl)llbJen tn
rn. tol)om tis no fait}J.
tl:Jtm t1Jat bate me.
42 'JI 'mill make mine arrotDci:s 1>JUnfle \Ditb
blooll,anll mp f'lDo~ll 11Jall t1cuourc ftcllJ,ann t11at
21 ~lleF IJauc angrell me tDitlJ tl,lat 'all)ic(J is fo~ tl.lC blooll ~f~1Je8aine,ant1 fo~ tbeir capttuitl'.
no !,loll, anti p:ouokcll mcc tDitlJ .tIJeir bani~s: Cl nee d)e captn~ttF o! tlJC ~~atlJ of tlJc enemr. j
lore.if·'+ allil*1 alfo\llilp1ouoltetl)em\1'1t(J tlJoCe 'al(JICIJ 43 sFe nations J?~atfclJtjlpcople, fozlic 'mil i ~'"""·''
rom. i o.19, are no people, '] 'Will anger tIJem \llitlJ a foolillJ aucngc tl}c blooll ofhti:s fernanti:s, \1 will ai1rttgl ~~:;·~~~~.
nation. · · (Jim oflJt~ anucrrane~.anb 'alillbemm1full bn, ~;~:~llll•b•
n 1]'01 fitt i!S kintllell in mp tDJatlJ , anti bur, to tJtslantl, anti to (Jtispcoplc. 2,Mac.7.6.
nctl) bnto tlJe bottome of IJeU, an1>.1Jat11 conru' « Qnll ~ores came anti fpafle an tflc \t10.zni:s
1ne?1 tfJe eartl) tDttl) Im increare, anll rec afire tl)e ortlJ'iisfongm tiJe eate~of t)Jc pcople,l.Jc anD 'J,o'
bottomcs of tl)e mountaineis. · fua!Jtllcfonneorroun. 1

2 3 1 \Dill l)cape mifclJi.efCS bpon tl)em. anD 4~ ilnll Ql)orc~ malltan enllc of fpcafring an l
l\!lofes bleflech the Dcuteronomium. tribes of lfrael.
tllrfe 'll'loz11s to all tile people oc~rrael. \lloJfi~ of IJt~ l)anbrs:. rmitc t{Jc loinclS or tfJtm
· 46 ati11 rarn tmto ttJcm. ~c~ rour1JeMtist:1ns t1Jatnrcag_atnll1Jtm,anDortl}cmtl:jat1Jatcl:Ji1n.
to all tlJC \llOJbCl!I \lll)iCIJ '.JI tcltiliC tmto fOU ttJll!I tfJat tlJcr nrc not aigainc.
11a1, anb re fl)all commanll tl)cm bnto vour tlJ•l• 1 2 anb of:16miamtn l)t rapb, ~r bcloucb of
oim,tllat tlJCF 1naF obfmic anb 110 all tl:Je wo1bl!I ti.Jc JLoJbcOJalllltocll inCafcCf bpl)im. anntl)c
ortlJiJi la\D. . JL.01l'l lb11ll ,oucr1Jtm all tfJe liar long,anb l)c OJ al
47 ano 1ttitnotbc a 1:1a1nc 'll'Join_ 1mtopt1u: b\llell bct\Drrnc IJis fbou1nnss.
ro: tn tt ts pour lift, ann ~~ougtJ tbis 'o!O,ll vcc 1 3 ~na or'.)ofeplJ IJt fapll,l61ctrcll of t1Jc )L,OJb
llJilll p~olong rour narcs 1~ tlJC tanll tolJltlJcr ve iS5 IJifS lanb ~ fOJ ti.JC friritS5 or(Jcauen, tlJiougl) ti.Jc IOr ,fwctt.
(JO ouct 1 o~ban to poactrc rt. bClD anb fpJin~ tl)at lit l'ltncatl), ncs ofhca.
Nuru,17. 4s *Anti tl]c JLo~n fpalie bnto ~oreis tl,)cramc 14 i.lnll fOJ ti}C ~l'Ct frU{tfS Of tlJc incrcafc Of ucn; mcaa.
l l. oar.raring, t}Jc funnc, ann ti.Jc npr frufi,1 or t~r moonc: mg 1rweer
4 9 ©ct tl)ec bp into tlJiS5 mountainc abati1n, ~ ~ IJFOJ tl)c firtl fruits of tfJc pimcipall moun< de.wcs •nd
bnto mount fr)cbo, 'll'lh,iCIJ tss in t)Jc lanb ofg)Jo• talUCS' 1101J foi tfJC fruit~ tl)at tl)C l)ilJCJS biing rainc ~II
ab,oucr againtl ]ma,o, ann bdJol11c tl)c l8nb of fOJt:IJ fOJ euer:
,, f ""1 _ _. ..._
COlllC nOlll
hcauen :
<lt(Janaan \lllJi'1J '.]! gtuc tmto tlJe '(lilD~n of'.)lr· I 6 ~nlJ OJ ...,c ~uHtf or ...,eeart(J, anll ful· Lookc Ge.
rael to polfc[c: 11CfrC tl,)crcof : 81lb (O~ tlJC {JOOb \Dill oft !Jim tl)at nr6s 49,
' 50 ann*lliein tlJc mount ml)ief:J tlJougocll b\Dcltin tlJc butlJ. 01all tlJe btetring come bpon ~:1~~i!:'
bnto, ~ tfJou llJalt be gatlJmb bnto ttir people, tl,'JC lJMb Of~Ofcpl), anb bpon tfJC top OfdJC IJe:ab mreDroloiu.
aS5 aaron tlJr l'l,otlJcr bieb in mount 'o~, ann or }Jim tl)at to as fcparatcb from among IJis b1c, r.. 111 •bufo.
\ua,;1 gatlJcrcb bnto 1JiS5 people: ttJ~cn.
51 • 10ccaurc re tr£fµa1Tcn qaintt me among 17 l;)i~ glo~p I~ libc t~c fir If bomc orc,ann bi~
tlJc clJilo,en of ]ftad at t1Jt mattrs of a:rtfc. at fJomcS5 arc as tl)c (Jo~nes or an uni come, ~ tlltttl
Gtaors in tlJc milllcrndTc ofJin: foJ vcfanctilieb t{)cm bee tlJall to1Tc tIJe nationS5 togettJcr llhto
me not among tfJc Cl}tlb~cn of'.}Jfrad. tlJccnbl!OftlJe\'Oo~lb: ~(Jere arcalfotm tl'Jou,
s2 ~!Jou l11alt tlJcrcfo,c fee tl)c lanb bcf'o~c ranns of ~IJ1Sim , anti tl}c tl}ouratlilJS of ~a,
t1Jce, (f n1alt nat go tlJtttJcr bnto tl)t lanb lDl)iel.J narres.
'JI gtuc tiJe dJtln,cn of'.]Jfracl. 18 ~nn bn~ '5abulou1:Jccfap1>, l&ciorcc°5a'
The xxxiij. Chapter. btrlon m tlJr gomg out, anb ttJou '.Jjfacl}ar in tlJp
29 There is no god like vnto the God of Ifracl. :9
Nor any people like vnto his. 19 ~cy RJaU call tbe people tmto tfJc IJil.ano
tllcrc tlJCF ll1all offer offcrtnp ofrigl)tcoufnc1T£ :

~i~ i~ tl)c llldl'ing \»heretDitlJ ro, tiler flJSll fml'le of tlJc abunaancr of flJc rca,
®.)ores ttlc man of<liJob blclfcb tl)c an11ortrca!ure}Jit1int1Jcran1:1. ·
cl}ilbJrn or'.)!ttael bcfo~c IJiS neatl), 20 ilnl:l llnto 0elJ )Jc rarn. l5fctrrb be f]e tfJat
an1:1rar1:1. mlargeb <ilab: ~r.cb\llcllet9asssaliont1Jatcat' A..~~:rnt
~1 1~;~~h~ti~ru 2 ~l;Jt a )l..O~b canu fTom ~~ '(Jct(J fo~ a p)SF tfJearmc \lllt:(J ti}£ IJeal'I. il:DUID bUK•
:;~~;·~~~:;.';~ 11at, anb rorc bp from ~cit bnto tl:Jcm. anb ~· : 1 'cc loohcb to IJimftlfc at tl)e beginning, t•ll••·
"",.'"'' 01 pcarcb ftOllllnDUnt ll!ll)aran, anb l)c came \Dttl:J b~cault U,crc \llas a. poinon of tl)c h la\lJ!Jiucr ~~,~~;
t~• •\IJ.
ten ttJoufann of faintl!, anl'I in IJ•S ri«IJt IJW a }Jib, 8Ul:J f1CC '8ffiC tottlJ tfJC (JCl1b$5 OfthC JlCOpf.8, rbc llb•P•H
la\11 offtre fo~ tlJetn. ann cmutrn the rigfltroufnctre oftl}e :.1Lo1n, ano ~·~~b~~':.''
~r!~~;~'.tnirn 3 !An!l l)C louell dJt people, all b l)iS fatntUI• ~i~ iubgcmcntti \'OitlJ '))fracl. """·
fo arc in tlJr l)anl'IS5 : tfJcr rate Do\lJnc at tlJr feet, n ann llnto ;l9an lJrc rarn. ;l9an; issa lion$$ ;~~:"~~.
to rccciuc tllp\llo.ib,G. \lJl}clpe, l)l' 11Jall lcapc from l5afan. rnou111,:.i.r,;.
;1~:,c::~~~~~ 4 ~ores gauc b~ alatd foJ can inl)eritanct : i ana llnto J~ept(Jahlmrarb, i!D f.>eptlJali ~·."."~~"'"
•••to.,,. of tl)c congrrgation or']acob: rattmtb tott:IJ 0obl! fauour. ann ruu mttlJ tlJe: bie1ta1on.
5 !Anl:l lJCC \l18S in ]fracl as flin![, "IDIJtn tlJc blcfi'in« of tIJc JL,o~n, poU"ctre tf:lou th,c 119ca an11
IJeabti or ttic people. lt tlJc tribe~ of'.]fracl, \\'Jere tl)e ~out(J.
gntl)ttcb togctl}cr. 24 an11toarcr1Jeerarn, arcr111allbc bf.ctTtb
6 '.!Let mubcn liuc,anb notbic.anb be Cc'\» in mltlJ dJilD1en, l}g fiJAlbc ac.crptable bnto IJiS b~1>
number. tlJicn, anbl11aUbiplJISfootmoi1£. . .,n
7 ~i~istlJc blcffio~or1un11. anbl)cravn, 2s ~F~.1otsflJalbcpJ011ant1bJRUe, ,anbtt)p utrt'I<; . •
1 10
~.~~~'. :; (!)care lLo~n t1Jc boicc or1uoa. anll tning dlJitn tlrengt1Jl1Ja ronttnuca11ong11l!tlJOUl1urll. r.u.u ··
~::~~~:~~:. bnto.lJts people: {Jts {Janll~ fiJ~ll be ~0011 cn~uglJ 16 qerc is none ltfle bnto tl]c 0011 or jjfra·
tl-lr.11ium- fo~ lJim,iftl)ou IJclpc l}unagama IJr~ mtlUttl!. cf,'ll'llJid) tIJouglJ (1e fit bpon tlJe l}eaum, as vpon
mim&v. 8 gnbbtltO'Jl.,CUilJcfapb, +Eigbtanbltgbt an horfe, pct iS l)ce: tl)rnc l}Clptt, 'bll}oCc glo_lp t1 in
••ni. llJaU bcc'UJitfJ tt)cc, anb \DttlJ euerr one t11ati11 tlJC ~ cclclltall placcl!. iOr,cJoudi,
ltOlllr in tllcc: thou ni1:11:1ea p1oouc IJtm alfo in 2 7 ~lJc cttman ~II is tfJF rd'ugc,an1:1 bnbcr
~gee, tlJou t>tllbcil pJoom~ l)tin afro in tlJc temp• tlJt mncs of tl]e cumafftn«<15ob flJalt t(Jou liuc:
lt'h~~, anb ctnurblt \llitlJ lJim at tlJc \Datcrur bet fiJaU ua out d}c cn:ett1l'befo~c tlJce. an11 far,
JIMlrop tl}ein.
c ~nat '"'"
cncmuD!br lf 9 II'>.,
tlJ attJatlJ fapb c bnto IJll!. rat11cr anD to :as 1jCrad tf1tn 11Jall"ll1Dentnfafctic, anb 8 , IcrMJ.6•
:~~~:~.~::.·: tl!I mot11er~ <l tiaue not rtmc IJim) anb IJC t11at 1ont. ano t(lC t.ountati:ie or'.J,aco~ flJall be bpo11 a
~:,~ta~""' ~~tlot lJtl'$ bJttbitn, UOJ Jme'll'J IJJI O'blnt 'l)ll• 1an11c or ano \Dille. ann IJrl! IJcaurns llJaU
D~c · ttJore an tl)ep tlJatlJaue obCctucb t1Jr 'alOlD. t11op d1C bctu.
anb fl)BU lltq>e tlJl:' couenant :19 ll)appp arttl)oti, ID 1,rrael,1DIJo ts like bn· \
i o ~ev !ball teat1J * larob tlJt' tUDgl'1ncnt-. totfJre. ~people. tl]ouartraueb tnttcJLoibc
Exod. 3s,
• 9. ann ']rrael tlJp la'm: tl'Jel:' ll>all put lnmif'e to tlJf ubidj ill ~c ~tdtl i;>ft!Jp IJclpc. anb C\noJll ortlJr ,.

noCe. anti tl)c bllJolt burnt facrntu bpon tfJinc \lloJl' :' ttnnc mcmics IJaue 1oa tl,lcir llmlgtfJ to I '
nor,Cub.. alt:Jr. t1Jtt'll'larll, anll tl)ou llJait tteaa bpon tlJClr IJ~lJ ! '
ii, nco • I I l8ltff£ "JLOzb \)iJHitlJ If frUitl!l,llllb SCctpt ti,e pla(:Cj!, \
The1 ~
~--------~- -
Nlofes die th : His Chap.xxxiiij. f epulchre vnknowen. 7 s
The xxxiii j. Chapter. ',., no man lino\De""'
of IJijS Ccpula:ne tmto ..i.t .. • Lc11rbe1r.
""-' ~ r1r1uu OJOUID
1 Mofes fccth all the land of Chanaan, 5 hee dicrh. uap, tnroctaOon

8 llrael wecpcch. 9 lofuah focccedeth in Mofes 1 ~ortsn:ua15an1Jun1>ie1> anll t'tllcntr pere~ ~~::.~:.""
roomc. 10 The praife ofMofcs. oll:le mbcn IJe Zlic!I: IJiSS ere \DafS not llim, not lJi)'S
naturall fo)ce abatcD•
~IJ ~orejS went from tlJe plaine s an11 tlJe dJill>ten of '.]lfrael \Dept rot Sll!Jo,
of ~oab, \lp into tl)e mountainc res in tIJepiaine of ~oab tlJirtl' Dape11: ann tile
• robt<.b ,,,., of, rr.>ebo , anll bnto the top ortl)e 11ape11 of' meeping anD mourning fo~ ~ofe)'S
~::~:'a~~'. b IJill tlJat ijS outr a!,l;ainlt ']CTidJo: \Den en1>e11.
i ~";iom1 mD, • anlJ tlJC Jl.,011le f1Je\llell 1Jim 811 tlJC 9 an11 ]ofual) tlJe ronne of ~un ma11 run
~b!i:r i~. tanll of <115iLcalJ, \lnto wan : of tIJe rpint of tuifel>omc, fo~ ~ore~ 1Ja1> put I.Jiµ
: ~\\'!!::~ u.::~~ . 2 an11 all@ep1JtlJali,an1> tlJc IanlJ of «eptna· l)annss bpontn'm. (t tlJc clJill>ten of ]rracl mere
: ,,.,,b,l.:,o 1m,an1J ~anaffc,anll all tlJc lanll of]Ulla,bnto obelltent bnto l)iln, anb 11111 ais tlJe JLoillc cont•
· :~~b·:=~~ t11c btmoa ' rea : man11e1> ~ores.
1 ~.~::.~::.' 3 am1t1Jc~out1J, an1>t1Jepfaineoft1Jebal• 10 ant1 tf;lcrcarore nota1£)top(Jetfincein']lC•

1 :@~~::: lcp of1CTic1Jo,t1Je citp of palme~CCIS bnto ;oar. racl like bnto ~ore~,ml}om ti.Jc J1.,o~n 1mc\\l fare
: r1om Ju111. 4 anlJ t(Je Jl.,o~ll rap1> \lnto l)tm, €J;Jt1S 1SS tlJC ftofa,e. r lll:ollJ!om
eon (pak•
Ian!> \l'llJidJ] ntiare \lnto abial)am,'.JjfafJac aun 11 .accoil>ing bnto an tlJc miraclcs:s anl> mon' moo ptatnlr
')acob, raping, 'JI tum giue it tlnto tlJl' reen : 9i ZlerjS 'IDlJiclJ tlJt JL.0~11 rent IJim to l>oe in tlJe Jann 1nt1famllL~
IJaue cauren tl}ce alro to rte ft \DitlJ tlJine epe~ or <fgppt bero~e 101.larao an11 all l)iSS reruant11:
buttl)ou ll:Jaltnotgo ouertl)ttl)er. anll befote all lJiSS g lanl>, g 111! th• I<•
halmants Df
5 ~ore15 tlJe rmrant of tlJe Jl.,o~l> lJiel> tlJcre 12 an11 acco~11in!,l to an tl)at h mig1Jtp l)anb, IJ ! ii ( J ~ l !l •
h eim:i.c
in tlJe lanne or~oab, accointng to tl)e \Uo11> of an11 all tlJe great feare mlJictJ ~ore11 f1Jc:mel> in po11cr.
tlJeJl.,0~1>. tJJe CigiJt or all '.]lfrael.
6 an1> IJe d btlriel> l)im tn a ballcyin tlJC lanlJ
of~b, ouer agatntltlJe IJoufe of10eoi: but W. E.
The end of the fifth booke ofMofes, called in the Hebrew El/e baddebarim,
and in the Latine 'Deuteronomium.

Hebre\'ves call lehofua.

tlJe' l!)ct1Jitc11, eucn tmto tlJe f great rea,to\l.lar11 !=Dunfni:Jltn

tlJe going l>o'1Jue oftlJe runne, OJalbc rour coal?. II!
bJb1Jltla110 or
5 ~ere llJall not a man bee abl'c to \l'litlJ• F '1::nll1bi;tilc•
aan11 t1Jecall tlJe 11aress of tlJF lif.c : rot a~ 1 tuas:s ciurroncum,
1DIJ!cl) tn fl>
mitlJ ~ore~, ro mill] be tuitl} t1Jce,an11 mil not fpur oft~•"'•
fatle tIJu,not fotfatre tlJcc. lane of Qt~a·
naan.i1 cat.
6 l5£e 1trongtlJcrcfotean11boll>t: fo~ lmto !101rcar.
tlJi~ people ft)alt tlJOU llittitle tbe lanll foi inlJcri•
tan'e, wlJiCIJ '.]! "1'lare lmto d}cir fatlJerjS to giuc
1 ©nel11bet1Jou arong, anbofaftonfcou,
rage, tlJat tlJou marctl obfmlc anll 110 a"o111ing
to all ttJe fable \DbitlJ ~ore~ ml? reruant com,
maun11e11 tlJee : turne from t11e ramc neitl}er to
ttJc rt~t ~an1> no, to ti.Jc left, tfjat tl)oumarcn
110 mirctp in all flJat tlJou talletl in 1Jan1>.
s JLrt not tlJebooke or tlJiOl:ll\D l>e:part out
of tlJF .moutlJ, s but ouun tlJF mmbc tlJerin ba11 ~ ~O(J(IUCrrll
anD ~WJt, tlJat t1Joumaretlobrcruc an1111oe ac, m~1.uri1HrW
(Jtrtlmr .. liUu.
coJt>mg to all tt.Jat tis tlmtten tlJerctn : ro 2 tIJcn tu

fflou 11Jalt malt~ tlJr \llap h piofµerou~ anil tlJen h <1Jr11Dlr1wr

ti.Joull:Jaltllo'Qltfclp. ' obtcrur~ou
ll'tll,!Jbc fire
9 $am not gj commant1e11 tlJcc, tf1attIJou
fl.JOUl~etl be llrong anti 1Jat11p, anl> not rearc noi lbUaOIUlJ~.

be ramt IJmrttll 1 fo: '.]1 tlJe )Lo)l>c tl.Jl' ©'oll am

'tll1t11 tIJce, \bl)itf;lnfOeaertl)ou~oca.
1n ~hrn1
l:tahab receiueth lofuah. che fpies.
10 ~l)en']ontal;J wmmanoetl dJc olfkmsor pou i.l!I f!lllm bpon bl,an'b tl}c inl)atitant~ of tl:Jc
tl.Jepeople, raring, . lan?I ramt at t1Jcpi£Ccncc of pou:
i 1 ~o tl)oWro ti.JC m1Dtl of d}c f)oft, an'b ~om, 1 o f 01 ue l)auc l}car'b lJo'IXI tlJe :m..o~n bJie'b bp
man'b t11c people, raring, -~cpare pour b&etl_S• tl)c water of tl)c nb ~ca bcfoJt rou, to}Jcn rou
' !13,anin; ftii als : fo: after ti.))CC Dares re fl)aO patreou~ dJt.1!1
I t:ameoutofefgppt, an'bmt)atrou lJil> tinto fl}c
;~1:.:.~.·:::. 91 0,nait, to gee tn, anll cmor dJc lan'b .wl)icIJ tl}e ttoo flingJS of tl)e amoJitts t!Jat tocrc on tIJc o·
•taunco. )LOZZI pour ~Oll giuCdJ pOU ti? po(fdfc It: tlJcr filJc of']OJ'ban, ~tl)on allb @g, tol)om rec
1'i gnD tmro tiJC lliubcmtc,l!I, <11Ja'b1tc.l!I, anti
bttttlr nearorc'b.
balfc tl}c mbc or ~ana[c.l!I, fpabc '.]lofualJ, rar' 1 1 ann alloonc ais toe lJa'b l)eatb tlJefc tl)ingJS.
our f]cart~ llill 11 raint, !J tl}etncmatnc'b no moJe ~or,,
! Num,p. ing13' * M '"'cmcmber t'"c IJ \1101'b \111Jicl) i!ll)Ofe.l!I fl}c ~COUtagctnanpman att(JCpJcfrnccOf'l?OU: roJ ~Or,fpinr,
:.o. rcruant of tlJc JL,~lle commanlle'b pou, raping, ti;JC d )l..OJll fOUf ~O'b, l}C l.l!I tiJC <l!50b in l)eaucn 8' ~t:,~.~:
~e JLo~lle pour ~oll {Jatl) giuen rou nft, anll bouc, anll in eart(J bcncat{J. p.. ron,, r~
r.\ ""*"'- fo
12 ,... ow ~.,... c JC, '.]I p:ar pou, 1\Dcare bnto ba•!llmof
k [Sranln«, l)atf.J giuen rou tlJll:l k lan'b.
~~t~~~,~~ 1 4 P,our\lliue~, lOurclJilbJen,anbpourc~ me bp tl)e Jl..OJ' a1S '.l! l)auc fi.JC\11ell pou mer, ~;:.~·
~'",~,:~ '~:,:· tcI1,11Jal remainc in tlJc lan?I tolJklJ ~ore' gaue cp , rec n.ia~ al!o tlJttlc mmp bnto mp rat:JJ~ ~~:!.~.~
.;~ '"'~ .1 rou on 1tlJi.l!I fine ]o~l'ltln : but re fiJall goe bcro1c l)oufc,ann gme mu true token: ~cemc1t11,
?t,~~v«t•r rourbtctlnenannelJ, antl}atbemenofwam, • 3 anlJ tfJat re tlJal raue altuc botlJ 1111' fatl)er ~~:~~ t:
~,~,~~~?.:'. ~' anll l}clpc tiJem: anil mp mot{Jcr,mp b~tl;J~cn an'b mp ftller~, anll e"''·
1 5 tl!lntlH tl)c JL,011J 1)11uc ;!uen pour b~tb~ all tlJat tlJcr l}auc, anlJ tf.Jat pc OJall llcliun our
rcll,as IJc (JatlJ rou,anlJ bnttll tl.Jcr alfo l)aue ob' I fOUlcJSfrOm'bcatl}. ~Or,liues.
tcinc'b ttJc lan'bc w{JfelJ t{Jc :t..011Jc pour ~olJ gi, 14 alllJ tl)c men anft\lercb i,er , • ©ur liucss ;.';!,~1::1~':
uctf) fflcm : anlJ tlJcn ll.JaU rec rcturnc tmt.o tl}e foJ rou to lJic, if pct bttcr not tl)ilS our bnfinet:rc. ••• 11111..
IantJ orronrpo(['clfion, anlJ cniop it, \\11.Jit:IJ land at~ll 'tDIJCn tl:Jt '.ll:-01lJ JJat{J giuen bJS tlJC lan'b, 11JC
Q.~oreis t{Jc JL.01nis fcruant gauc pouon tl;Ji,filJc \Dill 'bcalt mcrcaruup ann truelp toitl;J tl)cc.
J;o~nan to\\!arll tl)c ~un rlang. 1 s ann tl)cn OJcc let tl;Jem botom bl' a warn
16 ant> ttJcp an1'Derct1 '.]lofu111J, raping, an tlJo~o\D a 1Dinlloto : foi l)er l)ourc \Da.1!1 bpon tIJc
tlJat ttiou commanl>clf bJS, me \11tll lJo, aoo wl}~ to'OJnc tual,anbfi.Jcl>toclt bpon tl}e toumctoall. •,
tl)erfocuer tlJOU fenl>clf bJS, toe 'mil!go. I 6 alllJ fi>£C faplJ bntO tl)em, tJ!5Ct fOH illtO tlJC
1 7 acco~l>ing a, tocc obeycb Sll!JofeJS in an rmountain, tea ti.JC pttrftlcrl!! meet rou,an'b lJillc ~.~,~:: ,
t!Jing~, ro win me ober tl}cc: onetp tl:Jc ·uin tl;Jp pour rctuc15 tl}erc ttJ:ce narcl!!,bntiltl)cpurrueris •trm. ,
®oll be toitlJ tiJcc, ais IJe \\!aJS wit1.J ~oreis. be rctumcll, \t t1.Jm llJaU pc go pour o\Dm war.
18 anlJ tof]ofocurr l)ec be tlJat l>Ottl) llifobey 1 7 anlJ tf]c men rarn bnto l)cr, ' necc will be ~~~':: ·
Itflr moutlJ,~ \11tll not f]carlicn bnto ttw \11oi1Jfs blamelc(feof f.11iJS tl)p otl} wlJtcIJ tl}o ui,aa ma'bc A~~-::,:"
tn al! t(Jat tllou commaunnca IJim, ltt IJim nit: bJS fb>carc: . ~:~~~~:::.
onclF be arong, anll of goon courage. 18 lf5C1.Jolll, \Dl)m \11c 'omc into tl)c lanlJ, tl)ou 1ba<fo1to1Drit:
The ij. Chapter. 11Jaltbinilt1.Ji,ft:oar1Jofre'btl).zttl>intl)ctotnnoto :.:::~r~:Z 1
\llbit:l;J fl}OU !Jilll>tlf let bSS llotone bl' : 811b t(JOU ~~:b~~ ;.::
9 Rah ab acknowlcdgcth che God oflfracl to be the n.iatt b~ing tlJr fadJcr anb tlJr motl)er, tl:Jr bJc' ._""·
highcfi God. tlJ1ttl, ann all tlJr fatl)cris l)oul1JollJc, into tl.Jinc
~ll ']ofualJ tlJc ronnc of faun, rmt tJourc.
out of, ~tttim ttoo men, tofpiefc· 19 anti UJm \DIJofocucr boctl:J goc out at tl)c
, tl!lhlrb ptnu
maun ~L.1!
oteL')o11b,nrru crctlp,faping,©o,anilbie\11 tl}c lan'b, lJOO~CIS Of tlJr IJOufC into tl)C llrcct, h bi15 bloo'b • t~~
anll alfo 1,mctJo. ann tlJcr tocnt, llJalbc bpon 1Jil5 otone l)call,anil \11c tvll be ~lt, ::::.:.1-
trnto J11>t1an.
' """''"'"
nor,rauer- anti mme mto an~ f]arlOtJS a,ouCc,na, ldTc : anlJ to{Jofocucr mall bu toid) tl)cc tn tl)c
:;h;~.~~:· mell 11ial)ab, anlJ lol>gell t{Jere. (Joufe, l)is bloolJ fi.Jalbc on our l)cail,if'anr mams
2 ann it 'ltla.l!I tolllc tl)c Iring of ')cricf]o, rap' 1.Janll tOUClJ btm.
ing, l8cllolb, tl)cre mmc men in {Jitl)cr to nig(Jt, 20 ~nb if t(Jou bttcr t(Jefc our\110Jbl,~mm
of tl)e c'l}tl'b~cn of '.Jfracl, to epic out tl)e countrr. be quit or tl.Jr otljc 'mf1iclJ tl)ou l)atl ma11e b.15 to
3 ann t11c lling of'.]lerictJo rent bnto salJab, rwearc.
~~k~~·~~ :~: fa}'ing, b '6iing fooitlJ tl:Jc men tlJat arc come to 2 r anti llJc fapl>, acco1l>in~ bnto rour \1101l>tf.
~~:~ :~.-;;.~· tlJce, anil tolJiclJ ate enttcll into tl)inc lJoufc: foi robe it. 9nll 11Jc Cmtt(Jcm awar,tlJcr Dcpartc'b:
"' '~·v '" tlJCl' be come to rcarctJ out all tlJc lanlJ. aoo fl.Jc bounll tlJ.U rc'b coarll in tl)ctoinnoto. 1or,fe11lec
r,',\',I,"~;~%., 4 an'btl}ctoomanteofle tl}cttoomen, 811?1 2.) a~'b tl)cr llcpartt'b ' anlJ came into tbt coloured.
-::,:.~:.;~~· l}ib t\Jem,an'b rain tl)u15, ']nllccl> dJerc came men mouncaim, anb tlJcre abolle t{J~cc narc-. bnnll
~' ii:'l:.~::·ia'.;. 'onto me,but'.]\ c toill not 'IXllJcncc tl)cp \\!ere. tlJc purn&crs \Derr rcturmb : anll tl)c purrucr•
b•b "• ta,. s ann about tl)e time of tl:Jc fl.Jutting of tl)e rougbttl)cm t1Jo1owout au d}e 1D8!, butfounll
l~r'1~·~~:~~. ixate,'1>1)cn it toass 'bark. t'(Jc men toent out,'tDbi= tl)cmnot.
.~,~~~~~·.~ ~tt t\Jc men 'tDmt, '] 'OJote not: folloto pc afta 23 amtl)ctmomcnrttumcb,8nDllefcmbtb .
~~~ ~!\'~~':'' •.,em Qttitbl11, ro~ pc llJaU oucrtaflc d}cm.
fi'Dm tlJC rnounta&ne,anD pd°Cb; Olltl', 8110 '8t1lC ;i:; r.:c:.
~:~'!·; :~::1•
1 6
1But Ilic l)ab bJoug(Jt tl}etn bp to tlJeroofe to '.loftlalJ tl)c fonne oft.lam, anll tolllc IJim an
~;,~~,h~:t~~ Of ~c l)OU(C, &nb l)ib t1Jem\111tl) tl}C tl811115 oe~ ti.Jilt mmc llnto dJtm.
~on• P'°r." Wl)•clJ nic lJab lrtng abiolltl bpon tl}c rooft. :.4 gnDtlJ~CspDc.bnto1!ofuab, ~ruclptlJt
;;~::~~,f:O. 7 2ltlbt1Jc mcnputfuc'baftcrtfJcmtl)e1Dat' l..oJD hatl1 beliumll lnhl our11anos al tl:Je limb,
!.l•b.n.n.111n to 'J\OJban,\mto tl)t fourb.l!I • anb atroone BIS dJcp anD au u,c inlJabttants or tl}e wuntrcy taint at
:~:·::~~~.~.. ~~ tol)1d) Plltftitb artei"' · ...
'"''""'"n OJuttl;Jc~ate ••,nn tocrcgoneout, ...,er u,e p,eftntt of bJ.
m·~;~~~~f 8 !ltlb 0£ tUet tlJtv 'mttt The iij. Chapter. .
tO bllotlolllrb. 'onto tl)em bpon tl)eroore, aQccpe,llJc came tip I Iofu2h commcth with the people vnro Jor<lan
\ .
. 9 !lnll fapb bnto tl)c ntm , 'J kt1o'm tlJat CfJe
ILoJbe l:Jatl) gtum rou tl)e lanbc, foJ tl)tfean of
7 God Chewcth by mit3clcs that he is with Iofuah
and that he guidedi the people. '
lordan is dried vp : Cha p.iij .iiij. A n1emoriall thereof. 79
ucr tlJoWaJ tile t>~ic, bntm an tIJe people wen
The iiij. Chapter.
I Twcluc fioncs out ol the chancll be crcttcd for a
figne ofthe drying of Iordan.
fall ro uil)m tl]e people mere all gone

ii OUet: '.J\O:llan , tl,Je Jl,OtlJC fpalle tmto

']loruai,, raring,
2 ~akcroutweluemcnoutoftlJe
people.out of mcrp tribe 11 man:
3 anti commann rou tl}em, faring, -m;artc
roul}mce out oft{Je millsof']l,o:llan, outoftlJe
place tll(Jere tlJe 10iiefts feet llooll in a re11t1ine~,
t\Xlclue tlones , \\llJKIJ ree 011111 tal!e atoar witlJ
rou, anti le~e t~em in tlJC •IDllging '1l1Jcrt pou ;1 ~:li
llJllfilOllge tlJIS mgl]t. lbll dioutu
4 ~tJen 'Jiofual] caUct> tl)c t\Xletue men, <lllllP"
ml) om l)e l]all p:eparell or tl]e cl.Jilll~cn of] rrad,
outorcuerpmbcaman: .
s g:n11 'Jjofua(J fapll bnto tl:lcm, $et rou be'
fo~e tl]e ame Of t(Je )Lo:ll pour <!!Joli, tlJOJOUl tl]e
mtlls of]oinan, anti take bp CUtt'!' man ofrou a
flone bpon l}is l11oulDer, acco:11ing tmto t(Je ml
her of tlJc tribes of tl)e c(Jilll~en of]Jf.rael:
6 ~at tlJi.U mar be a fignc among rou,tlJat
wl}en pour b cl}1l11:en afke tlJcir fatl)crs in time ~.~~~'~:~;,
to come, raping , ll91Jat mcanc tlJefe nones mitlJ noto1111rlD•
pou ~ fil:rb~~~~·~~o~.
1 !?cc mar anf\Dere tlJem {Jow tl)at tl)c ma, g~:~~.~:1r:·
tcrS of ~o;l:lan 'alrre lliuiilell at tl,Je p~crcme of ~:'.' P::.:::~.
WJ amc of"'e • ., rouenant of ""e • ., 'Jl,o•ll,
" ••Lglo11ac
(fo•" mlJcn ,an• mmo1,
tt'tllmt ouet '.]lo:llane, tl]elllatcr.u.ot 'Jo1t1ane b•rnme.
were lliuiDel:I) anb mere none.., arc become a me,
mo1tall bnto tlJe c1Jilo1en ol'')frarl fo1 eurr.
8 gun tl)e c(Jtl111m of 'Jjft"ad 11111 euen ro as
]ofual) comman11e11, IJ tookc bp t\l:lelue ltones
out of tl)emills of]o:t1anastl)c'Jl,o~t1 rarn bnto
'.])orual}, aao~lli!_!g to tlJe number or tl)e tribes
oftlJe clJilllJcnof'.]lfrael, an11 carie'D tl}ctn awar
wttl) tt)cm bnto tl)e place 'all}m tIJer lot1gct1,
an11 Japct1 tl)em llo'Wnc tl)crc.
9 an11 ']loCuaIJ rct bp tlllelue 'nones in tl)c ~lD~~~·J:,;~;
millbefS of'.]Jo1t1an, tn tlJeplacc wl)m tlJe fttt of ~~~~~ ~;;~,
• C4lbl<~
illDullll<UP tl)e 10JieftfS 'tlll)tclJ bare tlJe arfle of tile tellamcnt '"b"··'"b r"
«0011 : anti ti.Jere l)ane tlJcr conttnticil bnto tlJi~ bp "'~ "'· 110

I 0 tjfo: tl)e l01tcflfS 'm!Jic(J bare tl)C arflc IJOOi)
in t(Jemiooes or']!o~nan, tmttn all was ffnifl:Jell
tIJat tlJc JL0111e comman11cD ']loruafJ to rar unto
tile people., acco~lling to au tl)at ~ores clJargctJ
]ofuaIJ : g:n11 tl}epeople (Jaltcll, anti ttJcnt ouer.
11 an11 'Wl,Jm all tl}e people mm clcane par.
Cell oucr, tfJeArkt oftfJc JL0111e ttJcnt oucr alfo,
anti ti)e J)JielllS dbcfo1e tl,Je peoplr. ~b~;~:~:! 0'
12 •anti ti.JC Ci)ilblCR Of J!iUbCll, anlJ tfJe cl)l"f. lDblcD <amt
o:m of<!!Jail , an111Jalfe me tribe or ~anaffc-. =~~'.l:c~~~·
toent beto,e tl}ul}illl1cn of '.jj rrael Brmt.ll , as ~~:;, :;;".
S!)ofe• cl}argell t:l}em. g~·6 ~11:~b
13 lfum fo1tr tl)oufanll p:e:parcn fo1 \\'lam, .... ~~••. ;.
1Dmtbcfo~ tlJt c JL01ll bnto battell,tlJJOUglJ t(Je Numb. J >·
plaineof]ertcl)o. ;~bl'" b"
14. ~atlJar t1JelL01be magnitreb]oruai,in ro1nocari~
tl,Je flglJtof all11fad, anb tl}ey II ftarell lJim, ais or, ..ue- 11

tl}cy fearell ~ofeS all tl)c llaprs Ofl)is life. renced him.
J 5 anti t(Je Jl.,o~ll fpatre bnto ]oruaiJ, faying. r c:lftmln
16 cJrommaun11 tlJ~ i0tltlle~ tlJat bearc the ~;;,~..·.~~n
rgmc of tf}e teaimome, to 'omc bp out of lei~, ~~.r.~·:i~!~
nane, lllooRt·r<l'llll
17 1ofual.J tlJmf'o1e conunanbell tl}e 101itlt~ ~in~·;~~~:~;
rarm~, Gtomeptbpoutof~n. l!,';\i'.ngeoll>
-C-,i-rc_u_n_1_c..,.....ifi_o_n_r_e_n_u_e-;d-.----:;l;:-o--::fu:-a'h-.-------,.-M~a-n_n_a_-:-ce-a~fi:--cd1.- ,

18 !lnll \l'llJtn t1Je lD:iC{lfS tlJatbare u,came {Jaue '1 taben a\l'lap t11c • llJame of llegppt from ;.~n,;~,r~:·
tA 11eo...,1~a1,bntotl)tS!Jap.
or tlJe couenant oftfJc JL,o~D. '11.lcre come bP out ro u : !!?~~rio:e t)Jc ~me of tl}efame placcifS ;~t,~,~~~:i;;
oftlJe millfS of']J 0:01111. annatroone ais tlJe foleis •no:w1"'.,' l
of tlJe lDiieftfS rcct '11.lcrc rec on tl)c ll:)? IanD. tl)c 10 an11 tl)e c{Jitt1:en or·1rracl abotle in <3il i:';,~.~~:m ~,
!!Sf, anti IJcllJ tl)c ftall of!lDatrrouer, t(Je fourc, ~:~~~,~~·--1
\ua teris of']o:nan rctumen bnto tl],antl
fto\'Ocll ouer all tl]cir banks, tl)er llli:I befo~e. tccntlJ •Ml? or t(Jc rmonetl'., at euen> 1·n rile
plaint Pl•'.•n•
ft:la1mr1111,::.· ·

9 .anDtlJepcoplccamebpout ofjjo:Dant1,1c
of•]cncl)o. 1i:~•a1ri!tl j
• ca11r1111~•~ tend] day of tIJe s Cira monet{) • anlJ~ttcl)ell m 11 anll tlJcr !Jill eat of tl)e co~nc of tl)e 1ant1 on ~~:i';i'.~b: I
~. >Nan,COll• ""'1',,.al r·r. ....... eaa bo•!Jtt Of t 11 CCitic crtc11 0.
u·1111ng pate of \IV "» ' • "1-J" ~ IJ . Y tl)emo~o'al aftcrtlJc~all'eoucr,cmeetcalies,ann 4 •19 • 1
rnmo. P"' 2 0 .IJnD tlJC tlllr.luc ttoncl'S \l'llJtclJ tl:Jep toorte parc{JetJ co~ne, tn tl)e felkfame tlap.
~;~y~~;~~b~,, out of'.]! o)Dan. lltll ']ofual) pttclJ in<l!Hf~al. .. 12 f o.i tlJe ~annacearen on tile mo~o\ll after
fu;;:~:i:~~'.' 21 .anD [Jee fpafic bnto tl)e cl)tlt1:en of'.]fracr, t(Jep 1Jat1 bcgunnc to eat of t(Je come of tlJe tanD,
•n•bri'"!'~' r"'tting ., ,jJ
tu11fofi.CU>1ll1 "'l:'
t"llf "0Ur
c: Chi[lJ•en
'J I'
S(fie t-1..etr
fat '1 crl'$in.>
11 m:itl)erlJall tl}c cl)illJzen of')fracl SJU)annannp
1467. ctmc to!> fap,U9l)at meane t(Jefe llonc)'S. mo~e, bnt 11111 eat of tl)e fruit of t1Je Ianll of ~l}a,
2 2 ~c 11Jall 11Jc'm rour cl}tlti:cn, an!> car, ]rra• naan t(Jat rcrc.
cl came oucr tlJil'S 1o:nan on n:r lann. 1 3 ann 'm{Jcn jjoruab toa!$11tg1.J to jjcricl1o,
2 3 f o: t(Jc :Lo: De rour ©oll ll:ietl bp tlJe wa• IJc lift bp )Jtl'S crcfS,anlJ lookc!J: anD bebolll,tlJtre
~.Ji~f :, ter.s of~o~banbcro~epou,tinttn pc\tlere~one o,
:; llo~!J a !Ran again fl IJim, i,autn!,J arwo~!J ll:S\11:
orooo ""~' uer,ll~stl•e
!Dl(krtl.l!!Olht . 1.J JLo:lJ "Our
r: <!15oll
. lJllJ t11I.} e rell (ea, Wl)tcl) en mlJtS:S {Ja~o : anll ']orualJ wentbnto IJim,anll
a ,,,,r, or'"'' f)C t'l~IClJ bp bCfOJe b.1$, ttll \l'le \l'lcrC ~One OUCr ! fapll tmto 1J1m,art tl,Jou on our fii)c,o~ on our a'Q,
;,~:r.':: ~:;~·;,,
24 ~f)at au t{)e people of tf;le • woJflJc mar Ucrfarie~ 1 ~ Tntl!>tJ• l
~~{/a~~1 f; an [IllO'm tlJe lli111lJ Of tl)c JLOJ!J IJOlll tni!#Jtie it l)'S, (\
14 annlJcfaplJ,~ar,buta)'SacapttltncofttJc ~~~:,~ :
~:;~~'.'' 11m tlJat re migl.Jt fearc tfJe )l,o~!J rour <300 fOJ cucr. {Jotl of tl}e)l o:llam'Jl no\D come • .ann jlofuatJ ;~~=:~
fcl 011 bt)'S race to tl}e eartIJ,anll !JilJ s,ann ~~; ;b~~0~ :
Thev.Chapter. Carlie bnto IJtm, tWlJat rartIJ mp JLozlJ tmto l}t~ eollnb 1"" :
Of the fccond circumcilion vndcr lofuah , and
lcrmmt: · · ~~:::.~~'~b~"
wherefore it was. u Manna failcth, and becom- 15 .Qlnll t1Jecaptaineof tlJc)l,o:llslJotfc Carne 1.ii~t'~~i..... ·
mcch fcarfe. bnto j)oruall, J1')oe tlJl:' DJoe h offttw. foote,fo: tlJe ~~~~111, ·
.It!ht gi,..,~·
ntrn ~nurc:t ~ ·~n ~ll \l)~Cn all tf)C ftinglS Of tfJC • g:, tlle place :COIJcrcon tl}ou aannca, l)olr• .ano ~,~,~:'!!~
~o:bOot> Jo:o r.:::.i -1& V.~ mo:ttcis wIJicfJ arc heron!>] o~!lan '.]lofual) lltb ro. ft!fr,ana '""
tt:tn, t»htrcot
1tDJ ku:g:a
, ,m ' · 110ca\lJarlJ, an!> all t(Jc litngfS of tl)c
Thevj. Chapter.

rrabY on rlJ.JC Q,.,.<; : <ltl)anaanitc)'S 'ml}iclJ were hr the

~ . rea , lJcaro l}o\tl t11c JLo:t1 l}all D#c!J 1 God giueth the citic of Icricho vnto lofoah. :o
·~-•b. lcricho is taken. 12 RJhab is laued, 26 Thcbuil-
\JV tl)e 'Ulateris of ]oi!Jane llefo~c tl]e CfJilll:en of
'Ji fra~I, tmtill tl]ep were gone ouer, tiJcir l)cartS5 der a gaine oflericho is curfcd.
~or, cou- fainte!J fo~ fcarc , an!> tl)crc \IlafS no II fpirtt m

J~W'.]lertcl)o'ma)111Jutbp anlJ clo·
tfJcm anr mo:c,foJ tl)cp~cfcncc of tl'Jc cl)tfll1en of fell, becaurc of ttJe cfJtllllett of ~r,
3:frncl. rael, nettl}cr nti!#Jt anp man goe
. :i. -m;nat fame time t(Jc lLOJb faflJbnto ]ofu, outoitn. ·
~11 r~~.~r;;>,'11 a1J, gifhlic t!]cc ll)arpc fmtucis, anll go to b again. 2 .anlltl)cJLo~lJ faflltmto.'.Jlo'
017 about *Q Jllll circmmtrc t(Je clJtllJJen or]\ft:ael tl}cfeconb fi.ie1t:,, 'Jl 1:1aue !!tUcn into tt)ine IJanbe
'""'· time-. 'J;eridJo,anll tl)e king tl}crcof, (I ti.Jc lftong men
3 anti ]orualJ mane l)tm t1Jarpe rmiutl'S,anb of\lJnrrc.
c e11~.1lln" circumcifcn cqe cIJtllJJcnof '.j\frael in tl)e • l)iU of ' anti re 11>1tD compaffe au tlJc citte, all rre
(;J b~s
cnulicl1n ti.Jc tl1at be men of tDarrc, tJ go roullll about it onc:e:
4 ann t(JilS tfS tl)c caurc wbr '.]loruaIJ ctrcum•
t~1L11mcdctJ. anti ro fIJ!lll rou zioc fire ll!lpcg.
cifco au tlJc people, cucn tl)e mates:s tl)at came 4 ann rcum l&~icll~ mall bcare befoic tl)c ·
out of ll!;gppt: tm;aufc-t{Jat au tl)e men of 'Wam ame rcucntrumpet:Jo£• ram111t)1 l)o~1teis: anll ~~:::':'
otcti tn tl)e milllcrnccre br tl}e war , after t(Jer tllc rcucntl} oorree ftJall compa1fc t(Jc citi£fctrcn ~~~·:.~.
came out of <egrpt., ann t:IJt lt)Jictl~ OJall blollle UlidJ r·: ~:·~;::.":""
s f o~ all t(Je people tl)at ca1ne out, were cir· trumpets. . . · ..;. :~t:~
cumcifc!J : but all t{Jc people tIJat\llere bo~ne in 5 :An!> wIJcn t(Jcr malic a longb[afJ 'tllttlJ ti.le 1~rnsm•"
the \'OilDernccre bl? tlJe \l'lap , after tlJrp came out IJOJnt. anb }'ec IJcate ttJe foUnlJ of t(Jc ~~~::1::.i:,.
~.;c;,1 ;rrt'~'11;~. ohfgrpt, were not d drcumcife!J. . lJO:ne , Sl[ tl]C pCO).lfe llJtlll ll)OtJt \llttfJ a gl'C8f rtoJ Ptonlo
'"' "'"i•···'i 6 1]'01 tl)c clJtlllten of '.]rrael \l'lalkell fourtie ll.Jout : anb tlJen mall tlJe \llall of t(Jc cine fall
\::,~;,'~·~~~~;. Pl'rt~ in tl)e \lltlllcriletTe, tillantl}e people of tIJe bo\lmc.ano tlJe people niall arccnll bp cuetp man
~ ,~~ ~;',~""' men orwarre t:IJat came out of lf'grpt: were con•

!trait befo~e l)im.
' """''"''· rumco , llecaure tlJel' IJcarhcnelJ not llnto tl}e 6. ann 'J;oruaIJ tbc ronnc of @mt callcb tbc
Num, 1 4 • l:lo1cc of tl)c '.ILo~tl : bnto \l'IIJom tl)e *JLo~ll f\uare l&;tC(ls;s,anlJ fapll bnto tl)cm. ~afie bp tile ark£ of
,s, ~~at tJe \\louln not lbeto t{Jetn tl)e lantl wl)icl.J t11e tlJecouenant. anlJlttfeuml&#cttsbcarereucn C\Oare bnto tlJeit fatiJcrl'S tlJat I.Jee woultl trumpet~ or rammcs bo~nes bC({t1f t(Je am of
l!tUe bl!' '· cuen aIanDe t{Jat tlo\l'let(J wttlJ millle tl.JeJLo~tl.
nnnl)onte. 1 :111t1 l)e faitl bnto tbe people,• <130 anti '°m' ~~.~~!::'"'
ae~b ~~~~~0~1.Jfl11~W\JtJi:nl)e rtt bp tn t'f1etr p~fl'etlJe 'itie. ant11c~1Jim tlJatisHJarncfl'elliOC ~r,:::.£0::;..
bntircumctre11. ctmnn~b , fo: ~ct' 'IDert
not bl? tl)e 'map. ecaure tlJct' "rcuimffdl tl)tln
l1efo~e t:{Jc me of tl:Jc JLo~lJ. .
s an11 b>bm ]orualJ 1Jat1 !pollen bntD t:{Je =~···
'"" riarrr111•
8 anti 'ml.Jen tl)e11 l)ab circumdfe'D aft d)e people~ tl)c rtuml!)~icllsbare tIJe ftUCntrUm'
petS oframmcs IJomes, an11 'lllmtfOo.JtlJbefo~c
p~oplc' tlJtl?Bbobttn t:lJcir "lace"' an t(Jeca"'"e. ct;Jumoftl:Je JL,o~tl, ann ble'alb>il:IJ *tmm,
till tl)cp \llerc 'ml.Joie. .. " ''""' petJS:anb tlJcarrte of l:IJtA>amantortl,e~
9 anbt{Jc~raibbnto'.)oCUalJ,~bat' tono,'aleb tl:Jein.
9 ~no 1
---=--------;----------:~---:-:----:-----:~-~-:;---- - - - - --- -
Ierichoconquered. Chap.vij. Achan the Churchrobber-. So
26 * anb ')oCUalJ fblare at tfJat time.. faring, J.Rcg.16,
Qeurfcl> bee tiJe man befoJe tfJe :1,oJl>, t:IJat mtttJ 3'!•
bp \l builllttlJ ttJis citie '.JltttctJo : IJe 11.Jan 1ar tl}e "' 11n lblll
"'founnation tllenof in l)iS etDell ronne. ant> m lJt111t:1u rotbl
(Jis rongetl ronne OJalll)e Cetbp tfJe_gates om. an ~It llatll.1,

. 27 ann fotllt'Lotlle1DaS'lllitlJ ]ofuillJ, anll WIJ!Cb tbn~g

l}is fame was notreb tlJotowout au lanl>~. mQul11t1'1·
.. The vij. Chapter.
Achan vfurpcrh of rhe Church iewels. 2 Ai is {ear-
d1cd. 21 What chings Achan had conuc:yed of
rhofc which oughc ro haue benc burnt.

inu l'tt_ tlJe clJilbten of '.)frad ttcf
pa[ell mtl}e • curfeb •hinn-
• fo•~ g,
)0 •
.,.,an tl)l' fonne or ~annt' tl)e Con lDH cornmsn·
of ~ablli,t:IJ£fonne of';5arct1J,of tl)c ~~:;~:· nc·
tribe of']Julla , tooJie or tile rurfrll
tiJl!llJ : ann t:tJe \DtatlJ or tiJe Jlo~b wa;rcl'l l)otc a·
gama tl)e cil!lDtctt of]fraeI.
2. an_ll ~orual:J Cent men fro\n 'jjcrid10 to
bat, 1D1Jtcl) 1s bcftlle l5ct)Jaucn, en tlJF <faft fillc b ltbcrtlllm
oflBetl)cl,ann fpallc bnto ttJcm,faring, dl:'Setpou a1 or rt11a·
bp, ant> bie\D tlJC count:rcy. ann tIJc men \Dent UJ;,l(l)( llll<':•
bp, anll tiie\Dcll at. tcr,ana 1al}t1r
ilt(crtbrl: rtr
3 anll retumcl't to ]ofual), anll Carlie bnto nt~rror tbr
(Jim, Ji,et not: au tilt people goe bp : but let as it lm49.
1Dm t1Do OJ tlni~e tl)oUfanll men goe bp, \l t'mttc
at: anl> make not all tlJe people to labo~ tiJitl)cr,
ro~ tl)cy arc but felD.
4 ann ro tllerc meut tip tfJitl1cr of tf)e people
about ttnee tl)ourano men, l1llb tlJcy fletJ bcfo~c
tl)e mm oral.
s .anll tl)c mctl of ~ti' emote of tt]em tipon • "''" IDOttl•
tlJirtr ano fi;re men : ro, tl)ey dJafell ttJem from ~r.~~~ .~w;
bdo~c tl1c gate, euen tinto ~cbari m, anti Cmote ~~'i!·,:·:~:;:t·
tl)cm in tIJe going ilo\Dne: tl91)mfo~c tt.Je l)enn;:i ~:: 0 :;?,~~~1:~
ort)Je people fo~ ftare meltell a\Dar llhe \Dater. mllllt
6 am]oCual) drentl)isctotbcs,(1 fclltotl)c J J11Dmbc
cartb bpon )Ji~ face, bcfo~c tt)e amc of tlJe ·JLo~tJ.. ~~~~~~~~n°:.anc
bnttll t~e mcntinc~ l}e ann ti.Jc <flbcr)1of9\frael, ~!~i~~~,~~1 ~,.
anlJ put eatttJ bpon t1Jeit1Jeail}1. r~b~,,~,{~~ ~~~,
7 amj\oCua{J Capll , ala~ 7 llL> JLo~llC (!150!), t0 <IJW•lu(;
'nl[JCt'CfO~C l)all tl}OU b~OUglJt tl1iS proplc oucr or <'•Drnall.
j\o,I>an, tolleliuerbstntotl)elJann oftfJc~mo,
rites,(1 to l>cllrop bS:'IIDouln to ll!Joll \De (Jail bcnc
content,anllll\ll£1t on tlle-otl)cr fille c ']o,llan. ~' :~,r~:':.~~:~
8 flDI) J1.,01ll, \ll}Jat fi)all] rap, tol)en 'Jifrael arun'~'""'
turnctlJ t)Jeir bacrts bcfo~c tl)eir cncmtrs :' ~i-~~~:~~~~:>
9 ~uretr tlje atIJanaanttrs. anll an t!Jc tn, ~~::~·1~~~~:~p
{Jabi~nts of_tl)c lanb, 11.Jall {Jcare of it, anll llJall :.i;. 11 ~1~·,:.;i,~~·
confptreagamll bS, anil ilcllrop d)c name OftiS, nuot1alT11W1tt
out oftl)eeart{J : anll \D)Jat 1Dilt tf]ou lloc bnto ''"~a.
tlJP m~tr ~ame:'
xo am t!Je JlO~ll fapll bnto '3l orual), 113ct tl}ee
tip, 'QJl;Jercto:c lteft tlJou t1;1us bpon rtw race:'
I I ]lrael l;JatlJ flnntll, anll tllcpl)auetranf,
grctl'cll mp couenant 1lllJtdJ '.31 ciimanllcb t:IJ£tn:
ro~ tl;Jq IJaut taken or tlJC currcn tl;Jings, \I IJaue
alfollollen, annotlTemblcll alfo, anllputtl;Jetn
bnto tlJeir o1Dnc aufl.e.
12 ann t1Jercro1cisitt1Jattl)c cfJifll:cnof]C
racl cann~t flann bero,c tl)ti~ enemies, but 11Jall
tume tfJctr badtSS bc~o1e tlJCJ~ CttC1uieS, bccaurc
tt.Jcpbc accurCcl> : nett{Jcr 'tl'llH '.) be 'ttlitlJ rou a,
nr mo:e, c:rccpt pee rl>cllrop tf)eaccurfcll from a• .- 1'to r.1r..
tnORgJ!OU, \D1<ll(On1tr,
I3 iu.p.anl> fatlctifte tlJe people.ant> rap ~an· ~;'~.'\\,'.'~~~'~
ctifie pour fclucis again« to moirow, fo~ co f!ll'il 1u1mngtp.
tlJ~ lD~lle c80b Of ]tfaCI , ~IlerC il!a tt bamncil tlor,accur.
t1Jtngamon1.1poa, ilD']Cracl lanbtlltmo:errc 1cc1.
© 2 cannot!
;.'\chan fioned. Iofuah. Ai is bef1eged.
; can notaantlagainll rour memit.u. bnttD11ee tlJF 1Jat111 tbt king ofat. ano 1Jil5 propie,lJi15 citie,
I, muntng, l)aue put tf)e t1amncll g t11t111 rrom among 11ou. ant> l)t15 lant>:
~nt>dJou OJalt~oetoat anb1Jcrbtn11. as
4 ~o mo~o'll.l mo1ntng tlJ~fo,e 11ee OJall,be
' .,, llllll that
r.,.:1kr ottbr 1 2
I -
b:ouglJt, a"oiDtng to rou~ mbe.u: anl> d:Je ttµJe tlJou t>tllllcfl bnto ']lmtl)o ann IJer bing: ~euer·
~f ;;1~1~,~~~~r to
! 111111c1uaru 'll'.ll)ictJ tl)C )l..oiD h tallcdJ, 11.Jall,come a"~:oing ttJeldfe..tlJe fpo1Ieann cattel ttJereof llJall pc take
.. ttJe 1nnrco.u tlJerrof,anlJ tlJe mnreo \DfJ&dJ tlJe bnto_p~ur feluess: * tlJou fl.Jaltlic in\Dait againtl 1oru,7.lo,
ma1byUrlm JLo~D {ball finlle gmltp, flJaU come bp IJouOJolbS:
II ,rn!J ~1)11111•
tlJe cctre,on
ti.Jc. bachrtllc tlJttcoC•
(i rii (i ...,
rnun. P~brt anti tlJt fJoullJolll wl}icf} tlJe lLo:o n1all finb faul, 3 .nt1 o ,,.o u..., arore, ano an tlJe men of .. ~1n1 9. •
I fJP,ICilJatf:rp
, l!Jrt. tr lbaRcomemanbpman. \IJarrc, to 11oe bp a11ainct !Ji : anti ]ofua{J cl.Jore
Num.17. ', 5 .ano 1Jce tl]at is founl:'I mtttJ d:Je sumfeb out tl}trtie tl]ouranll tlrong men, ann baliant
21. tf)ing,LIJall be burnt mittJ ftre,IJe,ano all tl]at IJt anti Cent tl}mi a\l:Jap bp niglJt : '
l}atlJ, becaufe l}e l)atfJ ttanfgretrell tfJe coumant 4 anti (Jc commantJeb tlJein,ravtng,l5el)oln,
ortlJe )l..o~o. anti m:oug!Jt follp in ']Crad. rec llJall lie in 'lllait qainfl ti.Jc to'mne , on ti.Jc
16 .an11 fo ']oru~rofc bp eardptnt'f:Jemo:• b baefiOlJe tl)tteof: Uoe not berp farre from ti.Jc ti• b eon 1ooo1'
ntng, anlJ b:oug{Jt 1\ftlld bp tfJeir mbeil, l1nl> tp, bUt be au reallp: ~:~,~~~l.!'
ti}etribe of]ulla \Dllil cauglJt. s ant1 '.ll , anl:J aH d)e people d:Jat are 'mitlJ ~: ~~: ~;1~~
17 anl:'I IJe b:oug!Jt tfJe htnrebil of ~Uba, anb me, 'lllill ~od) bnto dJe cttr: anti mtJen tlJep ~b:;::,i:r: ..
toofle tlJe frlnrel:'I of d:Je ~arel) : (I lje ~oug!Jt come out agamtl bfS,lUI tlJcp !Jill at t:lJe fi:rtf time, '"'' 101 rra.
tlJe binreb of tfJe ~arel}, man bp man, anti tlJm \Dill \De flee befoJe tIJem: ~[ii::;~
·5abni \IJaS! caugl)t. 6 f oi tlJer mm comt out artcr tis, nll 'mee
1 s !anb IJeb:ouglJt i,ts IJoull)olb.mart bp man, f1aue bJouglJt t(Jein out of ttJe citp, fo: tlJep mill
anll .act}an tlJe ronne of ~amli, tlJe ronnc or rar, ~lJcp flee bcro~ bS a~ at tlJe firfl time: anb
Jabot, tt)e ronne or ~anlJ, orttJe tribe of ]ulla, \l>e 'lllill ftce bero1c tlJem.
\l>as caugllt. ? ;Jin ~e meane time fiJaH pee rift bp £Tom
1 9 ~nll ']orualJ rarll 1mto aman, ~ ronne, lrmg m \Dmt, anti tlelh:Dp tt)e cttit: foJ t'f:Je l..o~n
:Jl befceclJ tl;lee giue glD,F to tl)e JL.01!1 eob of '.]lr, pour <3ol:'I 'mtn bcltucr it tnto rour 1Jant1.
~,~:;~:"girt rael, anb i mahe confetrion lmto IJim, llHlJ fl)e\D s .ant1m1Jenrel)auetaflcntlJecitie. rc11.>an --
crncr~ ••con· me \l>l)at tl)ou l)all lJone,IJille it not from mr. rte tt on fire : accoibing to tile c:ommanbeinent
rcirc~. 20 .anti acl)an an£\l>ttelJ '.lo£ua1J, anb faFll, of tfJe JL.01n 11Jall re l:Jo. l5el.JoltJ, '.JI tJauc Cil)argell
wfa truetf;J ') (Jauc finncll agatnfl tlJe )L,o,b <5ob pou.
of'.)!frael, anb tt,Jus anb tlJus IJaue 1 bone. 9 gjofu~ tlJttefo~e rent tlJem roo,tf1, anti
21 '.JI ra\IJ among tlJe fpotlcs, a goolllp l6ilbp• tiler 'lllent to lie tn matt, anl> abobe bet'llleene
lonttIJ ganncnt,anlJ t\110 fluno~eo ficles of filutt, 15et1Jel anti at, on tfJe meet fibe of tf:Je cttie of
ano 11 tongue of gollJ offtrtp ficles 'meig{Jt, anl:J 1 at : but'.310CU~ lotJgeo tl)at' nigl)t among tfJc ;.~~~'~•
couetcn tl)em,anll too he ttJem,anl:J belJollle,tfJep people. or"' ......
lie l)io in t(Je cartl) in t(Je milll>es of mt tent, anti 1 o ant1 91ofualJ rore bp eatlp tn tlJe momtng,
tlJe f1lucr tss tl)ttmnllcr. anb d numtnebttJt people, anti mmt bp,IJc, anb ~1ri~W~~':"'
22 ann ro ]o£ua1J rent met:ren11eris, ml)iclJ tiJe ctltlet.IS of]ftad, befo~e tlJe people, agamfl •"",~.111 1 11m
U:fl)cn t{Jcr ran tinto biss tent,be(Joltle,d:Jep mere a1. 1
n' '
lJill in lJiss tent, anb tlJc £ilutt tlJttmnber. 11 antJ an ttJe mm or 1Darre tlJat 1Dcre 'mitlJ
2 3 ~IJcrfo~e tl)cp toollc tlJem out of tl]c miba I.Jim, 1Dent bp, ant> t>:e\l> nigl}, anb came aiJainfl
af(Jil!I tent, atlb biougl)t tlJetn tinto '.)!ofual),anl> tl)e mp,ano ptttl)eb on ttJe J.)o~tlJ aoe of ai: anti
tinto all tlJe d;Jtlt11cn of ]Crael, anti ~co tlJem dJett \IJaS5 a baller bet\Dttne tf:Jtm anb at.
k ~11ollf,b•· out k befo,et(Jc'Jl..01n. 12 ann l)ee toollc bpon a flue tlJoUfanll mtn,
:~::~~~:-cor 2 4 ann ]ofualJ too lie gclJan t(Je ronnc of'Ja• anlJ•fct tlJem to ltein\Datt, btrtlleene '5ctl}el • i:itrr1M
ret(J , anti tlJe filmr , ano t(Je ~armmt , anb tlJc anD ii, on tlJC Dell fitlc of tfJe cttie, ~;,'::,':
~some read II tonguuf gollJ, anb {Ji.IS ronnes, anti l)iS baU«IJ• 1 J anD tlJe people rtt all tl;Je tJoa tl)at mass on ::r~~=
wcdr.•. 0 - tttfS, anti IJiSS o~en. 111\ll l}i!I atres, IJIS fl)eepe, (Ji.U tlJeJa01tl,JfiDe, againfltlJecttie, anllt11clitr.utn ..r'°""''
~~~:::a~d tent, annall tlJ1Jt1Je l)an, (tau *3\Crael blitl;Jl;Jim, \l>ait on d:Je &elf, a11ainfl tlJc titie : anD 9)ofifaJJ
foinc arod bJOU!ll)t tt}em bnto tlJe ballrl' of lcl)o1. blalfttb tf:Je fame niglJt in tl)e miDbCS of dJt bal•
I {;t lltarp; 2 5 ano ]0£UalJ far be, '.)In I 8.lf mUcf} lUI tlJOU ley.
·~~;~~~;·~.~?· IJall troubleb bJS,tl)e Jl,010 fl.Jan trouble tl)cc tlJts 14 .allbmlJenti,e lringofairamett. tfJer(J~'
~:;~b~·.~·,::,:: Dap. ant> au 1rract aonen I.Jim 'IDttfJ aonc.u, anb flell, ant>rofebpcarelp, ant1t11emmoftf}rntie
\~';,',~~.':.';;~ uumcb tt)em 'IDttfJ fire, anti outt\IJIJelmeo tlJem mmtoutagatnl *]ltradtobattell, l]ec, anbaU
;~~~·.~/;..::,. "tllttl:J lloncs. . t:Jt•people; atatimeappointtD. eumbefo~et~e
'""''· 2 6 gnll t(Jcy call 1Jpon l)1m 11 great IJMPe or plam, anti 'IXJitf not dJattlJm tuerc tiers tn 'Clait
ltontss tinto tl;Jiss nar : ant> ro tl;Je JL.01be tumtll 8'llrinfl l)im on tl}c lmflrille oftfJt cttr.
.. u .... •b• Cro1n tlJc 'ID~atl) of biS inbi1P1atio1t. ~ tbc 15 anb1Dfuaf1a11baD~ffad, BSfbeattnbc' , 1Mr,
:~''' "' ,..;... name of tl)c place i.U callell , ~c ballep ofm 1• r01c tl;Jem,fltll bl' d}e 'mllF ortl}e tuaDcmdle. ~~~M~:'~
tlJOJ bnto tl:JiSS ll 81?, 16 ~lJ8UtlJt11eopleort11eto'anlC\llctcm11r11 n.. ro,rracr.
to;tt:bn: tof0Uo1D after tJJan : anb tlJcy follo'tD,
co arm 1\ocualJ, llnD lDere ~amen a\Dap from
3 hc "fl'r· Thcviij. Chapter.
9 and winningof Ai. 29 The King
~ er~ 15 ?angcd. 30 Iofuah fcttcd1 vp an Alrar.
tl,Je citte. .
1 7 ~d)mlDa1rnotamanltftingiant1in
d;th i~,:~1\cthh the Law vpon tlones, 3S and rca- 26ct1Jel.t1Jat 'll.lmt not out llfttf~fraCl:anD tf1ep
t cpcoplc. Ide ttJecitie open. anD follo'11>Cb after ]frail

~b tl)c 'JLo~t>c Capt>e bnto ')oftl&IJ,. 18 .int> tlJe :L~ fall) bntojjotbaJJ,s 18treteh
JI ean not, ntitl)nbtttlJoufaint out£11eqiemtl:JattsHn~l}anl), to'marllgf fa~~~~.~.~.
!'.,~ :tafst all tlJe mmof'mlm !Di1l"IDill i;Jtueatinto tfJiltt l)anb. ~nt>)ofuali ~:',':l:.ll'~~:·
... i.~ ...,ee, lltlbb" - tlJ t ~out~e 1)Jcaret1Jat1Je1Jabm lJiSIJanIJ, uuubrw••·
at : :l5ct)ol?le, 1"~ou&. ~ to'mait> tl)e r:tttc:
r\~ (aken and burnt. Chap.ix. The Gibeonires craft. s r
19 an11 tbe ltcrlS in toaitc arorc quichlp out ge OJoulO blet!t tJJe people of ]fracL
of tlJctr place, anti rannc all room ap ]o!ualJ 1Jat1 34 artct\\Jarn (Jc reall an tf}e \Do;ncs or tlJc
llretdJC?I out l)ilS 1Jan11 : ant> tl)cp cntrell into tl}c la4aJ, tlJe bit~ anll eutrlnil, accoibing to au m '!lo11rlrT1rr
tittc.. anti toolle it., anll l)atlcll , anll fct tlJe citic tl}at ilS \D~ittm mti)c bOofle of tl)e la\ll. ~ori15 l•OJ Oil 1
on ftrc. H an11 tlJcrc 'ala1Snot one mo~lleef au tlJat ui.111, llu1r rt
1r.;H1 l'f', U:IO•

20 ant11DJ:lm tl)c mm of at lookell bd:linbc f@ofclS commanllcll, \Dl)tclJ '.)lofualJ nan not be, rmllttD brar1n1 !hr

tlJcm, tlJep ram tlJe fmolte of tt.Je citie afcmb bp Co1c an tl)e congregation of '.)ftael, al!I U!Cll ti,c ltlo)O nt'11Jt
Loill. i:>'ur.
~or,powrr. to bcaucn, ann tl;Jcp IJatJ no II place to fltt, cit:IJtt m \»omen anti ct)llt11m, a15 tl)e Qr1111gerl! tl}at Jl,JO,
tlJilS 'alap o~ tlJat: an1> ti.Jc people tt.Jat tl;c \Dcruonucrrantamong tlJem.
mdbcmrtrc, turrnll baclic agatnc bpon ti.Jc Col,
1.owcr15. . . The ix. Chapter.
~1 an'll lDlJrn ]ofaalJ anti au '.]!ttaelfa'al tlJat C crtam<; krngs are gathered againfi Iofuah. 3 The
tlJc ltcrss in \llaite )Jab taken tl)c citic, anti tlJat Gabaenires doe .gu1lcfully require peace oflofuah
:i r The Gabaomtcs arc made minifl:ers in cutting
tl}c fmokc of it arcenncn, tlJCl:' tumell agame,
anti &\D tl)e men of at. wood, and bearing of water.
n ann tl)e otlJcr i(('ucb out of tlJe citr againft Ja J0 wr,man tlJe king15 tlJatll'alcl • ]nrd1m:tol
tl}cm, ann ro lllcrc tlJtt' tn tlJe mibbetl of ~f, • beyonllc ~~bane in tlJC IJftlilS tb• p111nror
ratl: Co~ tl.Jefe U'lcrt on tl}e one fihe: ot: tt.Jem, ann ballcis , anti along bp au t1Je bi10oab. ~lltDMe.
anti tt.Je rdl on tl)e oti,er rtne, ann tlJtl? latll bpon coafllS ortt.Jc hgrcat ~ca. oucra, JitcnlD(un.1.
tIJem, lo tl)at tl}cp let none of tl}nn cfcapc no~ • , gaintf JJ..,ibanon, namely, tlJe ll)C<
mnatm~. tt)ttc•. tgc .amo~ite~, tlJe ~anaanttelS, ttJe
l 3 ann tlJc king of ai tlJcr tooke aliuc, anll l01Jm1ttc8, tl}e 'cuttcs, ann tl)e ]cbufitc.!'J,
b~ou~t l}im to 1ol'uaJJ. l)ca~ tt.Jcrcof:
24 .anll mIJrn '.])fracl ()all mane an entlc of ,, ~er ~atbereb tbcmrctucl$ togrtllcr to
llapin!J all ti.Jc inl?abitantsi of ~b, in tile licllle of figl:Jt apintl JIOlual,J,ann againtl ']lfraet, t \Ditl) * one
. tIJe \D1locrne(('c \lllJcrc tlJtt clJaftll tlJcm, anll one acco~ll. 111ou1h.
m}Jen they were all fallen on tl)c clip of tl)c 3 ann tlJe inl.Jabiteris of<ll5tb£on IJcatll \lJIJ at
• !'mo~ll. tmtill tl)cf were \Daftell, all tlJe '.)jliae• ']lofualJ l)all llonc bnto ]cttcl)o.,anll to at.
~h 1oi11nn1· Utc!'Jntume'll bnto gt, anl> hfmotcit\DitlJtlJe 4 anll tlJcr lltn \\lo~ke \Diltlr, anll 1Dcnt anb
:!:~~~:~~~~! ellgeortl)c l\uoJI>. tnalle tlJemfelues embatTallouris, ani:I toofle olbe
.: t:.r~ .~~. ~~,: 2 5 anll au tbat ren tf:Jat liar , botl) or men racltts bpon dJeir atrelS. anl> \Dine bottds olllc,
1 1

: ~:~~:.~;·:~~" anll 'alomen,were tmelUC tlJoUfann,eucnall tl}e botl) rent antJ ' bounll bp : , 1llteanr11~,,
:::i;:r~:~1,~; mm of at. . 5 an'b Oil> ctomtel> tlJOOCS bpon tl;1eir feet, anti •uuu 1DOini.
• cbcrlDm en 26 ~o, ']!ofualJ pluclicll not IJllS IJanbcbacke t)Jeinaimcnt \\lalS olne : ann au ti) ctr p:ourfion
"'· againc, ml)iclJ. l}c llntdlcl> out bpon tl}e fpCllft., ofbJeall \Dais 1>1it1> bp,anl> 1Joare1>.
bntill l)e IJab bttcrll:' ncllroicb all tlJc inlJabltcrs 6 anll tlJcr came bnto ')]ofualJ into tl)e r,oac
ofai. to <ll5ilgal, anti fail> bnto }Jim,anll to au ti.Jc men
2 7 i>nelp ttecattell, anll tl)c rpoilc of tlJecis of ')fracl,DDe be come ftom afarre 'ountrcy:an?J
tie,']lliatltoolie bnto tl)cmfdut1S,acco1lling bn, no\D mafte: pc ai;\mment 'WitlJ blS.
tot11emo~ll of tl)c '.ll.01ll, \Dl)tclJ l}e commanbell . 7 (J/,anD tl)eb m.!n of 1rrlltae1 {ail> bnto tJJe d ll)c' :.~:.\:~~"~··
'.)jofUaf). mtc,31tmar c...,.oul>\De ·11 anrtmgbs, ~ti.Jen '~'r..>'"'""
28 ant11orua1Jfctatonfitc, ant1\nat1ctt an IJo'lD can 1 make peace witlJ tl)ee :' ~:,~1 ;.11 ucc !
: '~~· 11 cou1t ~cape fo1; eucr, anti a \Dilllemetre tmto tl}ts liar. 8 anl> tl}epfaill bnto j\ofulll}' U9rcare tiJr
'==~· 11wu J9 anllt1Jelitngofai1Jel)a111c11onatrcc bn' reruant11. ann ']lorualJ ratll bnto tl)em againc,
ttll lfuen:ann a11 toonc alS tl;Jc runne \tla!'J ?Jo'aln, U9l)at are pc,anll 'all)encc come re:'
• 1cco1nrn1 '.]ofuatJ c:ommaunllell tl)at k tlJcp llJoulb tafte 9 Qel? anrwcreb l)im, from a berp ram
:~::·b~~;, tlJC catlleifetlo\Dnc off tl)c me, anll tall itattlJe rounttcp tlJ1' reruant8 are come. foi tf}e namt
11•. rntrin« of tl}e gate of tl)e cttie, anll lap tl;Jeteon e oftl)e'Jl..o:n tl.JF<30ll: foi \Dl'ehaut l}carl>tf}c :.~~~.r:nr::~;
agreat }Jeapc of tlonc11 that rcmaincth bnto tlJi!'J ramc oflJim,anll all tl;Jatl}c t>il> in <l?gppt, of .... ~ n.11
1 o a111J all tlJat l)ee bill to ti.Jc t\Do Illing15 of ri~~:';g, ~.~~·
30 -m-1Jcn'.]lofua1Jbtriltanaltatbntot1Jcll.o1b tlJc amo~itc!'J tl;Jat mere beyonn '.]!o~bane, *~c, ~.-.~·~.~n1 ~r,:
dl5ol> of '.]lfrael in mount cfbal. }Jon liin!J of ll)efbon. an1> i!Dg Bing of '5aran, ~"·
31 a15 ~ofe!'J dJe feruant Of tlJe i.01lle com• \DlJiCl) \titre at .Qftarot:IJ. 14
um,z 1,
matmllell tl)c t1J11ll1en of 11rrael , anll &'5 it i!'J u U9tJcrcf~e our ttln~, anti au tl)e inlJobi, ' 5 . *\DJittrnintl}e booheoftl)ela'lD oUJJorc11,an tcrlS Of our countrep, (Vaflc to 1115, fapmg, ~afte
deur.; 7.5. altar of\Dl)olc llonc11, oucr 'OJIJtclJ no man !f&tlJ bictual!'J; 'OJitlJ pOU to (eruc bp tlJt b>ap, SnlJ gOC t In your
liftbpanr~on: anlltlJerramfic.ellt11cron\Wo1£ mcetetl)em, anD fa1?lmto tlJcm, mcearepour han~.
bumtratrilites bnto tl)e )L,o~ll,anll oflttell peace rcruant!'J: anD no'al mabe re a roucnant ofpeace r t:~r 1Dlckt1
~11nunr 1 •. tb1
otfcttnglS, r
, 2 ann he \ll?Ott there bEon t:IJe tlone!'J a I re'
~tlJ- ~"-
12 ~ilS f OUt fOO?!lC Of bJCall 'mtt tOOliC 'ali ti) ~~ /ro'f.~ ro~rt
1 ~ &J . I./ t .
:•,..,lDbttb 1Jearrauort1.J£*Iamor~o cs.ann ~otc tin b~, out of our 1J0Ufe151Jot..t1Jc na11 \tie bqiarren to ~~:, ·~ :~·~;. 1

1~~;~·,~.i:· tl;Jc p~crmu of ti.Jc tl)tlnien of'.])frad. c.omc tinto pou: but no\D bc)Jolll, it iJS b~itb bp, ~~1~~.t~; g!~.
~·;~:::.~... 33 :Anll all ']lfracl.anb tl}e elncris tlJctcof,anll ann l)oanb. > a. romc
Dcur.17.2. t:IJcir offtcer1J,anll ]UbgelJ,ttooll part on tlJilS rille 1 3 ann tlJcfebottcllS o£'altnc,\Dbicl) \tie fillcll ~;';:;,:.~~::
tl)e arke,arm pait on that ant, btf~etl}e~~ief?S b>ttC UCU'l, &n'll fee tlJct be trnt: anll tl)crc our ~'i.".~::,~~·~r
U,at mm JJ..,euitelS , \lJIJjclJ batt tlJe 8Tke of tl)e t;,larmcntlS anD llJooe!'J arc 'aloine to: oll>mlfc, bF r.
couenant of tf:Jt ·.a,oi-11 , ais 'bldl dJe lranJcr, a• tl}C rcafon or tlJe C~etllmll'
~ b""" t -"l!I Ion"' iO"..."'"
» -·•-r•
lDU 10 .... am•
tlJcy tl)at were bomc amon11 t:fJem : l}atre or 14 .n •.,.. men oolte of tl;lcirs bictuaflJ. anti co,mn1 tllb<
tl:lem oucr againft Sl)ount ean!lm. anD taalce cotmkllcO not \litl) tl}c moutl) of tl)c )1..o~D. ~':,"'itn~'..
Of tbem ouer againl mount !fbal.a• i!llofc.t tlJe 1~ • ~UIJ ~ n&alle41tatt ·~ t11C1n.anll :r:.~CIUIUU•
reruant Of t!Je 1..Clib I;Jab commanbeb mal>UCOucnant,\DitlJ tl}tm. ttlat thC'l' fl)Olllb 2.R<g U.o
/The Gibeonites flauery. Iofuah. The Sunne ftandcch fiill.
be rnfferel> to liue :anb tl)e p,tnu• of tl)c 'on'
gugation rmare t1nto t1Jcm.
16 lBut at tIJc ell?le of t:1ncc Dare•, after tlJqi
(JaD maDc a 1caguc. tllit:IJ tfJetn. tl;Jcy IJcar'll tl;Jat
tl)Cp were: tlJeir naglJbo,,, an'll tl}at tlJ~ tl'lDdt
~~ni~: ~~e d)illl~cn of ~~r~l .toollc tlJ~ir

h rrmu eu. hioumCF.anlJ came 1mto tl)etr attc• tl;Jc tl}trtl

• ll!lP: anll tIJctr citt~~ \Der~ ~ibeon, an'll CltaplJi'
ra l6erot1J,ann i'l1r1at1J-tarnn.
'18 .ann tl)c c{JilD~en of ~fraclfte\D ti.Jcmnot,
be:caure: tlJe: ~Jtncess oftl)c Cltongre:gation (Jal>
rwoine 1mto tl}cm bp tl;lc JL,o,lJe <l!Jotl of jfracl :
.anl> all tl)c multitutlc murmurcb again« rt.Jc
19 lButaUtlJe p1ince:ssrapt1ebntoaUtl1cton'
grcgatton, Dee l)aue: C\Do1ne: tmto t}Je:m ·bt tl}e
)l,oJD <3olJ of ~crae:I: ann tlJmfo~ \lie mar not
20 '3uttlJifj\Dc\DiU'lloctotl)cm,Detl'ltnlct
tl)em ltue, lcau ll11at1J be bpOn bSS, btRKUCe of tlJc
otl)e llllJi'1) we f\llare tmto tl)tm.
2 1 gn?I t1JC p1mce:is rapne bnto tl)em againc,
JL,ct tlJcm liuc, anlJ !}c'al 'rOoon.ann t1:a'\D water
bnto au tlJc Cltongrcgation, and they did ass rt.Jc Capt! bnto ti.Jem.
22 gn?I ]ofual) callctl ro, tlJcm, an?l ·tallle:?I
\DitlJ t(Jcm,an?I faplJ,119}.JCttfoJC IJSUt ftt bcgut,
len b15,fartt11, me:e: ?1\llell fatrc from rou. \lll.Jcn
pc ?Jtocll amon« bl5 '!
2 3 ann no\1) arc re rutfeb, anti tIJcrc 11.Jall not
ccatc to bee of rou bontimcn, anti l,Je\DerSS of
,.,.,_,IJr,,,•• :. \Doo?I, anb?liamcrss of \Dater, fio~ 141
; c.:JM1~ Ill••
•..,c ilJOi.nCOf
~i'~~, :~,:~·:: mp ©on.
r~c rrmµ!t it 24 gnn""c"'anf\Dcrct1~ofu81.,-f1a"'1JC,rJ1t
"IJ l' 31 a"J filUY r .3J
'·''""~":''"· was toInc tl)p 1Jo'1l tl)at tfJc JL,011>e ttJp
©ob commauntie?J l:JiS rcruant g\)ofcs to giue
!'DU au tl)e lanlJc, anti to ?ll?ftror an the infJabJ.
tours tlJmof out of pour QglJt, anb tlJcrcfo~c
'ale mere e:rccnetng ro:e: aCrapDc foJ our ltuei at
tl;lc tncfcncc of fou,ant1 l}auc Done tl)i!S tfJing.
2 s anti be:l)olo,me arc in tl:Jinc l:Jann:as it ftt,
mctl) goon anti rigtJt in tl.Jinc ere• to boe bnto
26 gmeucn Conin fJcctmtotlJem, an?JrtD?Je
tl)cm out or ti}c fJanD of tl)e cl)tln~m of ]tta£1,
tl)at tl)ep Oc'm tlJem not.
27 gnl> 4]\ofuaJJ maoc tl)cm tllat Came ?Jar
lJt'lllcr• of llloon, anti DJa'IDcrSS of mater fo1 tlJe
~b~.~:~;~' congregation, etlb roi tfJe k altar of <3oD bnto
· tlJiss t1ap,in tl)cplace\lll)~l)l:Jc fiJOUlb c1Joorc.
The x. Chapter.
1 Fiuc kings make warre againft Gibeon, whomc lo·
fu,h d1fcomficcch. 12 1 he funnc lbndc:th tlill at
Io!uahs prayer. 26 The fiue gs arc hanged .
©\11 m1Jmat1ont1c1>eckingof$tc,
ruralem, lJab tJcarb l}o'me ]ofualJ
lofu.6.i s. ~all talim * 9i, anti l)aD 11eftropclJ
tt (anti ho\Dc tl]at as l)e Done to 'Jlt•
1oru s J •bone to* a ticlJo anti l)e:t l!ltng, cuen ro l)e IJllll
· · • ttt~ of l!libt atlb tm lling) ann l)ottl tl)e inJ:Jabi•
\lien amo:~~~atitpeaetlllitlJ ]frad.anD
2 ~qi fcate.11 t1:"""'. I fi ...,..., DI"'
•:11t~111r. a grcattitt, uan ...._tlRI f, ~J...,auCOll ,,
•••• 11 ..~'"· \1J vc tltoftlJcllingbome, anll
8~ ~ tlJ£Q ~ 8ntl
mere berp mi!.lbtte.
tljC maJ tlJtreOf

:'b'::"i!:'~~~~·.. 3 DIJmfo~t· !lllom~ lit=lb'erufao

•.,,..,, .....o
OoD 1118 111
Itm. Cent
• •
' ;11111
bntO lri-or
- ..~
•.:.... ..
AllU un'
'"""'· .to l&tttl kin~ of ammt11, 8tlb bnto 1\llllbta
t'1ue l(ings hanged. Chap.xj. Iofuahs vifrorics. 8l
tlJt rcatl]at mnarncD ortl}cm,mtren into\1>81,
2 r .anD all tlJC people retumtll to tl)e IJOfte to
1ofuafJ at ~alitlla rn peace, nm:tJer DUI llllt'
man moouc IJill tongue agatnlt d}e clJt~~ of
:u qcn Capllc'.JloCualJ, d)pm tl)emoutlJof
t11e muc, ann b:ing out tl)oftfiuc ktngs bntome
2 3 anll tl)ey llill Co, anD b:OU!# t!Joft aue
htng11 bnto (Jim out of tlJc mue, cucn tf)c fling of
$icrufaltm,tl)r fling ofl!)~on,d}e rung of'.Jat•
muttJ,tl)c bing of )l,ac1Jt1.~ tl)e Iring of cfglOn.
24 anll tul)m tl)ey b:ou@t out tlJoCe aut
htngl bnto ')ofua(J, 'jJofual) mlleD ~ au tl)e
mm of]ftaet, anll faflle bnto dJe d}iefeoftlJe
~ mm of \Datte tulJiclJ \1Jmt tuitlJ IJim, ~ome
~ ~:~~~!"' nem, ~putpouireec:et>ponti}e rneml!l~tlJtft
'"'*'"bl• hi"'""!l. Q1111 Htep aJnte nem, anll put tl)Clf ftttc

UP'..tlato,anD ''» W1
, 1111160••• bpon tlJe nctlie!l oftl)em.
=~~' 2 5 .anD ~o'1tal} earn bnto tlJnn, Ft o,an not
~ ~·~':".~.~ rearc, noi bet faint l]eartel>, bUt be llrong, anll
· :J,~1~~'~
t 1r1"=.'"b••
pl"'lic bp rout IJ~JS: rw ~~JS '!!8" f
ooeco au pour memuis agamu. '1l.,om re-.,t.
tiJe ,!!bC
~n. kr· 26 ann tiJen lloCUalJ Cmott tl)cm, anll Octue
tfJmt, anll (Jangtll tl)cm on flue mets: anl> t!Jey
lJangtD am bpon tlJe tne~bnttU tlJc wmtn~
2 7 9nll at tl}e going 110\Dne of~ funne, ]o•
ruat;J pue tommanllemmt,anD tiJl?1? toohetl)em
Do'alneolt1Jeme11, anll mlltl)emtntotl}caaue
\Dl)ttein tlJcr lJaD bene IJtl), ~ taf,tl 11reat tloneis in
ti)c (;au£J5 moutl.J which rcmainc bnttll tlJiJS Dap.
: 28 .Qnl) t(Jat came 1>ap, '.JjofualJ toOkc ~alle·
Ila, anll fnwte tt \DttlJ d}c cDge or tl)c f'ID01ll, anD
m tl)c kin« tl)cte0r alfa Dellropcll ~u bttttly, U'litlJ
t IOr,cucry 111111 tilt fOUleJ5 ttJat \Dcrt tl}etctn, anb let none
1. pnfon, mnatnc: anD 11u Dilltotl}elrin;of~llbcbaais
lofu.6.u, l}c llill * bnto t!Je lrin; of 'JericlJo.
19 qen '.]lotual)tuent ffom gj)allella, anll ·
an ']Jltad mitlJ lJim, unto JL.ibna, anlJ fouglJt a,
gainlt JL.ibna.
30 anb ~ Jl..OJDC l>cliumb it anll tfJe mng
ttJcreof, into tlJcl}anll of']Crael: an'll IJcfmote tt
· UOr,pcr- 'lllid}tlJUllgcoftl}cl'1101llc, anl>alltl}e llfoulel5
fons. tt,at \1Jttt tlJl?ttin: l)c let none remaine in it.but
lllll b~o tlJt fling t(Jereof,ais I.Jc Dill tmto t(Jc king
31 ant> 'Jo~ 11eparu11 fromJ1.,1bna,anil all
jlftacl tu1t1J IJ~tn, 1lmo Jl,acl}its, anll be:fiegeD it:,
anil afi'aultcll tt.
32 am tlJc JL.oi11e 11e:ttucrc11 JL.aclJiis into tile
lJant> oi]rraet, mlJid.J toohe tt tlJc fcconll Dap,
am emote it \DitlJ CIJe £Die of d}c rmo~D, atfll au
tile foulc!1 tlJatmm tlJmin, llotng acw~tq to lJe 1Ja'll t1one to tlJe cttie of JUllna.
33 ~(Jen $oiamlring orare:i, .:amc bp to
l}elpc JL.aclJilS: anll ']\ofual1 !mote IJim anll IJiJS
pcople,bntilt none rcmainell Of(jim.
34 ~1111 Crom, '.]lofuilb Dtpi1fttll 1mt0
~gton, anti au lt'cael \1.'litlJ l)im, ann tlJef befic•
gell tt,anD atraultcil it.
3s a1111 toofle tt dJt came bar, an11 fmote it
'miti, tlJe Cb~ of tlJe rmo111e, ann an tIJc fouleis
tlJat 'IDtrt tlJmin. lJe btmlf lleltrol!ED tlJC fatnc
llaf, accoJDt!fg to all t(Jat tJe l)aD ll011C to 1aclJiJ5.
36 ~ '.]lolUal;J Depatttl) bJJ from lfglon,anll
an 'J ttaet '1litlJ lJim, 1mto l}ewon • anb ti.Jet'
roql)t againa Ct.
. n anll 'cDIJen tlJep IJ111> tallen it. tlJey rmou it
1DltlJ tl)e e!JltoCtbcf'a>OJll, anll t1Jem111 tl)ercof,
anD an tlJc to'mtttlS ttJat pcrtainell ta tt, anD all
tlJr I
The xij. Chapter.
The rchc:irlill of the kin gs which were fmittcn of
the lfraclitcs beyond lordan •
"tfr. art t)Jt kin!,lf or tilt lsnD£
'mlJitlJ tl:Jt ctJflb,m Of'.lltraeU\110te
ilnHcbruc, ftllb POlttlreb tl:Jtif lanbeOR $0<
coward chc • tl:Jtt ~bt']\o~ban :i. CfalttD&rb. frolR
rifingofthr b. u t1;Jen~t9.mon,bntomo1111t'"'
Sunne, mon,tln a tl:J~lJla&nt~afl'matb
2 ~cl)onkingoftl:Jr.a...... · • -.It
. "7
a-... ·Itb"--'".;"~tte•,
> uu ...
tlJatDws- ..,.fl>et, \»bfaJ .. be•
fillctl)crturrof amon, ant> fromtl)cmab!Jltof
'.)iOlllalJ I
/Rubens inherirance, Chap.xiij.xiiij. Gads,andManaffes. 83
©CualJ mas ollle, anti flricfim tn z 1 ant1 au tl)e atics oftl)eplaine, 11nt1 au tlJe
• 111m •h•t
~·:: ~;::~~~·.:,.
' ucrs.
D rere15, anti tfJe JLo~ll raill tmto l:Jitn,
'4[;1:,1ou art ollle, ~ ftrfclim fn t'l'cte15.
anti tl)cre remainctl) pet ~celling
muc:I) lanll to be• potre:tTell.
2 ~1Jtl5 il5 tl)c lanll tl)at pct mnainetlJ: a~I
d}c If regtonsof tl)c ~1Jiliilincl5, anti an 13ctrun:
3 !lfrom +Jailu15, \\llJidJ 115 +bpon <tgppt.lltl'
rring?Jom of ~cl)011 king of ~amoiitt15.'1>l)ieb
rcigntt1 in 'd'bon, *mlJfdJ Sl@oCcl5 emote,'1>ttl) N um., .. s.
tl)e lo1lll5 of Ql)allfan, cieut, mec:IJetn, ~r, anti
$U?, anll :mtba, tl)c \lllJidJ \llm t1Ukc15 of ~e,
IJon,ll\Dclling tn t\Je councrcy.
2 2 gnll c l6alaam alfo tl)c ronne ofl5co~, tlJt ~,!~~.'~~·.
rootl)Capcr, *lltll tlJe d)illl~en ofj\ltad aar \DltlJ 1aurcou fill
1 shihor. to tl)e bo~ller15 of ac:caron Jao~tlJ\Darll , \lllJfdJ tl)~ two~lle , among otl)cr of tlJem tlJat \llctc ~'r~:r.~·~~·
' I Vpon rhc lanllfj5C:OUntl'll bntOCltl}ananit, CUCl1 fiUC loJll' llalllC, rtnoDoo.
fa,c of E- ll:JipS Of tl}C ~biltfhntS , tl)C a1atl)itCS, afllo' 2 3 anb tlJl' bO~lJct Of tl)t C(lf(lJ~tn Of JBubtll, ~~~~~~· 1 ,
; gypc. t1J1tts, arcalonitcis, li3ctl)itcs, ~c:c:aronitcs,aull mas '.]lo~llan,\llttlJ ~lJe co.untrcp tlJatlietlJ tlJcrc' , 6.
tl)e <Jeuites. on :-atl}tS"lllais tlJ.e tul)entance oftlJe t1:,111ll~m of
4 anti from tl)e ~outtJ, an tl}c lantlc oftlJe Jlhrti~ ~Ctcr t1Je1r liime1113, cities, anti b11lagcs
! 1 Mmah. Cltl}anaanitcs, anti tl}e i caue tl}at is befltle tl)c pcrtaimng tl}crrto.
;i>illonlans,cuen bnto ilpl}C,,anll to d;le bo1t1~ 24 anll ~OCtS gauc inheritance bnto tlJC tnb~
ortl)e amo~ites. or13all, men bnto tl}e cl)llll~cn of ©atJ l)ee gaue
s anti d;le 1ant1 of'tl}c ~iblitel5.anll al JL.•~a, bp tlJcti: litnrells,:
non to\Darll tl)e ~unnc rirtng, from t:lJc plaine . ~ s am tl)eir coaaes toere j\a1er, anll alltl)e
of ©atl bnber mount 'crmon, bntil a man come cittes or ©1Ieat1,;tl)alft tfJe lanll ortl}e d)il'll~cu of
to l~amatl). ammon,bnto aroer tl)at ltetl) befo~c mabba:
6 911 tl)e inlJabitcr~ oftlJe IJiU ~ountrep, 26 anortom~tfbontmtomamatfJ,~ifpel),
~ b ••m from JL-ibanon bnto h Slll)'l\-epl}otlmunm,anll all anti :26ctonim : anti from !i11!)al)anaim bnto tl)t
t "~'P •
tlJc~illonians, \llnl j! cattoutfr~befo~e~e boillersofJJMbir.
clJilb~cn of'.)frael: onlr rec t}Jat tlJou manr mire 2 7 anti In tl)e baller tlJCt' l)all l5ctl)-aram.
t1cnit1c it bp lotbnto tlJe j\fraditeJS to inJ1mtc, l5ctl)-nimra,~ocotl),an11'.;11p1Jon,tllercll oftl)e
· · as j! l}auc commant1ct1 tl)ce. bingtJome of ;i>el}on king of ~cfbori, bnto 'lo~'
7 ~o\De tl)crefo~e, llcuille tl)i~lanlJ to inlJe< !lane, anti tl)c coa«css ttat ltc tl}mon,eucn bnto
i: ritebnto tl}c nine tribeis, anti tl)c l)alf'e tribe of tl)e et1ge of tl)e Cea or atcnerl'tl), on tl}e f otl)er fille r. t:b•c 1.,1n
:i !il@anarrcss. ]o,tlanc Cl!!a1l\llart1.
'" s 1foJ\llitlJt1Jatotl}cr,tl)emubmtttl5,\ttlJt :z8 'lEIJi~ iss ttJc tnberitanccoftlJedJilll~rnor
,'Numb., 2• li3allttes1Jaucreceiue11 tl)eirinl)eritancc,•ml:JiclJ Q3at1 alter tl)eir'ircitit~\I btnagcss.
Jl· Sl@ofcss gauc tl)em beyonlle ')jo~llanc cieaa:toarll, 2 9 anti Slll)ofcs gauc inl}eritana bnto pIJalfc
assSIDJofes tl)e rcruant ortl:Je JL.o~ll gauetl}em: tribcof~amures:antJ tl)i.~ mas tfJe potreffion of
9 !lfromarocr tIJat Itctl) on ttJe b~i1mm of t1Jc1J11lfctnbeof'Ql;l11natrcs,ti11t1Jetrt1tnret1s:
,, tl)uiuer anion, anti from tl'Je citie tl'Jat is in tl}e 3o ~ctr coaa: mas from ~a.l)anatm, cuen
i'1or, nllry. millllcft ort1Je II rtucr, anti an tl)cplatnc ohll)e' an )l)afan, anti au tile kingnome Of ©g ltingof
oeba tinto Wibon: 15afan, anll au tl}e to'Wncs or]air '1>1HdJ lie in
1 o anll all tlJe cities of ~el}onllin~ oftl)e g, 15afan, dJ~ecrco~c cities.
mo.ittel'S.'Wl)idJ rcigncll m~tt bou,bnto tl)c bo~ 31 anti IJalfe l5tlc11t1, 2Hf arottJ, anti ~ll1!i, ci
lier of tlJe c1Jtl11icn of ammon: ties of tl)t kingtlom of ©~in 75aran, \lll)tc(J per,
11 an11 <l'Sileat1,anll tl)ebo~ller or 0tmiti,anll taincbnto ti.Jc s Cbilllll'U of ~aclJirtlJefonnc of ~,~~;~~~;,
Q!)acl)ati, anti an mount 19ermon, mitl) au l5a' Sl@anllffes, cum to the one (Jalk of tl)e cl,JilllJen " o poum1:r
ran bnto ~alcc(Ja: of ~acl)ir bp tlJeir lril1Tt11~
n :llltlJellin~llomeof©g tn:26afan, tll(Jicl1 32 ~cfcarctfJc(Jeritage!'StllfJicl) ~oftSllill
reigncll in attarotlJ anll ~llJat, 'all}icl) fame t~ tliltrfbute in tl)e fielllS oHlll;loab on tl)c oti)cr floe
matnctlpet oftl)ercct of tlJe <l!Jlantl'S: tl)efcllill j\OJ!laneouera~aint't']lnicl)o <fall'»arn.
Sl@ofel3 flnite.llnb catt tlJM OUt. H l6Ut bnto tl)e tribe Of )'..rut Woft~ !,;8UC
~ •.:ua•11 1:; faeuertlJelc[e, t(Jc d}ilt11mof ']lfrad' c~' none tnl}mtancc: Co~ tl;Je JLo~ll ©oll of'J]fraci'. tfS
~DI :i:-r.iu pell£tl not ti)£ ~etfttriteS anti tl'JC Sil)ad)atl)iteS: tl)£'it JnfJcritSnCe,lll!l 1}£ *faill tJntO tl)l'm, N um. l 8,
:t::= bUt tl}e ©elTuriteSS anti tlJe ~ad)atl}ttts lltucll
i::~~~J"' 11 amoni.; tlJe j\fraelite~ cum bntiR d)is Dar.
"'"'"• 1111rr 1 4 ©nelr bnto tlJc tribe of'JLcui bcgaue none
I The land ofChanaan was dcu1decl among the nine
t"'Bam. 11 inlJeritance:bUt tl'Je facrificcs of tlJell-O~ll 113011 of tribes and the halfe. 6 Caleb requireth the heri-
tage that was promifed him. i 3 Hebron was gi-
111~t.~: ]rracl ts tl)cir dinl)*he faillbnto tl)em.
~~~:·~~~ 1s Sl@ofes gauebntot1Je.tribcof~cdJtlt1~m uen him. .
~::'•lnli•· of lltubm inheritance atC:OJtltng to t(Jm: binrtlll!I. ~ll tl)eCc sic tl)c countterss t»IJiclJ
Nu::1 s, 16 anti tt)eir c;oaft tllaf$ from irott t(Jatlietl] t1Je d)illl~n of 'J,itatl inIJttittb tn
11, ont(Je banlleof tl}c rtuer arnon,anll from dJe "' tl}t Janb of CJanaan, \DlJicl) cflea,
tic tlJat is tn tlJC mit1t1el1 or tlJe riucr, anti all ttJe !artf}e~~iell;~ ]ofilal)tl)efonnc
plame mlJtr;IJ ts bp gae11eba: • of~, anlltl'Jtancimtlleallcssof
I 7 ll;)CfbOtl, \l)ltlJ au tlJeft t0\1111£!5 tl'Jat lit lR ti.Jc tribcl!I oftf;Jer;l)ftll1en of]fraelt1tllifbuttt1 to
tl}c plainc: ~bon, anti tlJel)tWlaccs of '6aal, tlJem: . .
i1nlJ tl)e IJoUfe ofl6aalmeon, :z '5plot tl)eyrccnuebtlJetipotremonss, .. a~ Num.34
1 s ann i)lal)a!al), anti 11\elltmOtlJ, anb ~c. tl)c )!Mb Com\l~nlJe~ bp ti)e l)arme or Ql:)ofCS, to ~ i·
pl;Jaatl), giue 1utto tbcmnc tribel,~ bnto tlJe tmlft tribr.
19 iliriatl)aim, ~abamstlJ, ano ~atatl) ~a, 3 f 01 ~fcl:S tlatt gium inl)critancr tmto
l)ai,intl)emountoftlJeballep, •tmottibcl:Satlllanl)slft on tlJe otl'Jcr fillc jlo~, • ~h,Rnhr·
2 o iat:l)t l}oute ofl&COJ, anti tl)c 'WinlS!I o€tlJe 1111nc: but bntotbe Jl.,eUites l)ec gauc none inlle, ~:~::·:h~ ~:,·r.
l)tlle15,anll l5ettJpeo1, anti aOJbotlJ-pifplJ~ anti rttanct l1lUOn!J tlJtm. ~!:~~.~'.
l6ttJJ-iefimotl): 4 <jfo~ tl)t ctnlll~en of']!oftplJ mm tb:lo trill rs.
Calebs requefi. Iofuah. The portion of Juda.
~anatrcs anb Cfp1J1aim :. an~ tlJctcfo~ tl)cy that c:oat'I: 1»a• on tl)c met fllle : tlJil ts b tl)etr :,~~:.~~:·:
pue no part bnto ~ JL,tu1tts mdJe lanll, raue ~OUtlJ t:Oafl, enn ti1mbnb '
4ll"'h , .e~lll\ ( Jlour,IDbtcb
'tncs to tl'roril in , 1:111t1J tlJC rubmbfS oft(Je fame 5 ...,.,nt-"' roaa Stl)cfalt~ea,euenbn' Honrharnrn
fo: tlJcir beafl• anti a1tttll. to tlJe enlle of' 10111ane: anb tl)etr boincr tn tl)e ~1~:~ ~.~! 1

5 a• t1.1£JL,0:1:iconu,nant1tll SDIJorc•, eum ro ~oJtlJ quarter, \DU from tl)e rotllc II of tl)c rca, ~~'J'.\U~~b
tlJc chilll~CtJ of'.]jfi:acl DID bllJm tf)ey llCUlD£D tlJC ant> ftom tl)emlle of]~t>ane. ~;;:?:·-
lanll: 6 :Jnll tl:Jc fame bo~t>ct 'ment bp toll'Setl)l)ag• ' 111rin1nr,
6 .an11 tlje t(JtlD:en of 'Jjulla 'amc tmto '.)lo' ta.anti \Dentalong bf t(Jc ~oit:IJ fiDe of ll'Seth·a• ~~: ~~~~ •1
rual) in <ltlil!Ial: ?ntl ~aleb tiJc ronnc of']ep(Junt rabalJ, anti bp rtom t(Jmce to tl,lc ttone of J ]30, ~~~·:~,·.~
tlJC Bemfitc.. ra1ll bnto (Jtm, ~ou blotcllbl(Jat (Jen t(Jefonnc ofJRubm. rnitrca.
t11cJL,o~t1 fail! bnto ~ores t11cman of <l3oll about 7 ' .anll anaint
» ""e
•., fante bo•t>tt
~ u to ~Or,ionguc
\Dent ..,p d <Obtc,111
~b~~~~,~~· b inc anll tl)ee tn Gtabcs '5amca. Jli!)elnr, from tl)e ballep of 9c(Jo1, anll ro Ji:lo~tl)' '1'"'rQonr,
~;::~.~~~rn. 7 <jfomticrems olllt mas'] tol)cn~orcs 'lllartl,tuming to\Dar11 <3il~al, tl)atliet:IJ bcfo~c ~~~.'!.~"'
"'"°"~u111.1~ · t1Je fcruant of tl)eJL.0111 fmt mt from Graocs ll'Sat• tl)c gotng bp to allummnn, \DlJidJ ijS of tiJC 1brlmun1rrrs.
nca, to efllic out tl)c lan11e, an'D ~ b10UglJt l.)im ~outl) lille of tl)e rtucr : anll tlJe fame bQJDct
t\1o~ll agame as it \Das in mine (Jcart. \Dent bp to t(Jc \Daters of t(Jc fountaine of t(Jc
~.b~~~:/!;~~: s jl;lniettlJcldTc,mpcb:ctlnrntl)at'Olentbp ~unne,anb en'!lcll attl)e \llcll ofJRogcL
:~: rcnr • ~ 'lllitlJ mcc, lltttourageb the l)cart of tl)cpcoplt:
11 1
8 anbtl)en\Dmtbp to d)c ballrpoft(Jefon
an'D] foOoU'lcll tl)e JL.0:11 mr llflo'D. ofl~mnom,cum tinto tl)c ~outl)fiDe of'.]!ebuft,
9 ann~ortsrwarcd)c camt llap, faring, tlJe famt iis $icmf11lcm:ant1 tl}m \Dent bp to tbc
~c lanD \D(Jcrcon tl)p feet£ (Jauc ttol1cn, ll.Jalbc top of tl)e lJil tl)at lrctlJ bcfo:e tile ba[lep ofl)cn,
dJine inl)mtance,anll tl1l' Cf.Jilt11ms fo: euer,be• nom U9ctl\Darll, anti bf tl)c Cllbe or tl)e bailey of
caufe tlJou (Jail fofto'rOcll tl)c JL.o:'D mp <85o'D. t(Je giant11 lao1t1J\Datb.
1 o .anti belJolllc.. tl)c Jl,o:b l)atlJ kept me altuc 9 9nll t(Jmitcompafretl)from tl)ctop oftl)e
a~ IJe fourtie ann fiuc ~ms.cum ftnce l:JJO tmto tlJc fountaine of tiJe tuattt of Jacpl.J,
t1Jcllo~ll fpake t(Jis \DO:ll bnto ~ores, \D(Jile the tIJoalJ, an11 goctlJ out of tl)e cities or mount ce.
ci}tlll1en of']Jfracl \Dan11ctcll tn tl)e \DtlllcrnelTe: ptnon, anti o~a\lll'tlJ to '8aata, \lll:Jic(J il5 • Bari' ·• -criat 1-."' ~
anll 110\De toe, lam ti.) is t1ar fomc rro1c anti fiue atIJiarim. 1111101 lllvott.

remsolbe, 1 o .anti tl)cn it compamtti from '6aala mea.

11 gnn pet am ass 1lrong et tl)is ttmc, ais l \llarll bnto mount ~eir, anll t(Jm ~oetl) along
\Ila is \DlJen ~ore11 rent me : looke (Jo'm arong '.ll bnto tl)c fibe of mount'}artm , tu1J1tl) 111 cn:l]efa,
\lla~ tIJcn,fo llrong am~ not»,citIJcr fo~ \Datte, Ion on tl:le ~01tl) fi11c, anb rommetiJ oo\Dne to
tTogoe o~fo{+gouemment. '8etl)famc)l, an11 goetl) to ~imnal).
ou,,arid 12 j~O\lltlJertfOJegiuemtetl)iSmountaine, 11 anti goctl) out againc tmto t(Je Cioe of'ilffa,
come in, 1.vlJmoftl)e 'Jl,0~11 fpafle in tl)at bSp, (foJ tflOU ron (rlo1tl)wart1: anb tJJm t118\Dctfl to ~rnm,
6or,gi•ncs. IJearncll in tiJat 11ar tJo\De tlJc 11 anatitmss 'mere an11 goctl) along to mount '6ala, anb flretc:(JctlJ
J G:ii11b1e ti.Jere, anll tlJe cities great anti \Dalle11) diftl)e bnto ')abnetl: anti d)e c110c~ oftlJe costless teaue
, ~~~~.~~~;;.e 11.0111 'alill be '1litl) 1ne, antJ '.JI ilJalbc ableto 11~iue at t~e II t19cll res. II Meaning,
ol Doubt\n~. tl)Cln OUt,il~ tiJC JL.OJll {Qjl), . u 9ntl ... WI e Deft bot,11tt \lla~ tl)e ,,.
'"'Cat rca, na. tOW2!d Sy·

1.Macc. 2 • q attll 'JjOfUSl)*blelT.elJ(Jim, ltnb gaucbnto anti tl)c ramt roaa \Das tl)c coal of tfJe c(Jilt11en
s6• cn:alcb tIJc ronne of'.]!cpl)une l)eb:on to intJmtc. of']ulla roun11 tlJcit lrtnrcbs.
· 14 9.nb ll)cb~on tIJmfo:e bemmetl)ctnJ:Jm' 13 9n11 tmto Gralrb t(Je ronne of ]cpbmte..
tance of cn:atcb tiJe ronne of '.]!rpl)une tl)e 11.~ bill '.]lofual) gi1ie a part among tJJe cl;lilo1en of
fitc, bnto tlJiis !lap :becaure f1c follo'roell ,onflanc. ']\Ulla, acro1t1ing to tl)e moutlJ oftl)e JL.01?1. cuen
Ip tl)e JLo~ll <!5011 of]frael. tiirtatlJatba of tl)e fatl)cr of Cf nae,'tDl)ic(J cine ii)
15 .an11 tl)e name of ll)eb~on \Das call.ell in oil> 1Jeb1on.
time JairiatIJ-arba, 'tDl)itl) Arba \Das a great 14 *ilntJ 4raleb ro:our tl}cncct11e tl):ceromtc'1 ;u~~,;,~~~
man among tl)e 9.na1tim11 : an!> tl.)c lantlc ceare11 of lfnac:. -crat, ~
(I ahiman,
anti <lll""halmai
which 1tr.1nD
11mro! Job•
from\Datte. werctl}efOnOCS Of <fnl1C. l11r11tolDb.I
15 ~nll (Jc 'almt bp t1:1cnce to.~c tnf1abi~ or :.',\ .::.f.
The xv .Chapter. J21abtr: an11 tl)enamc of J!Jllbtnn tl}eolDe nme , .:aa111,1
1 The lot ofthe children of luda, and the n:ames ofthe 1:1181'1 &l\irtatl) ~cpl:Jar. , ., nnul Ullllf· ,
cities and viU:ages of the fame. 13 Calebs portion. 16 anbGralebfa1t1, l!)cetl)at0nitttlJ~1nat11
19 The requetl of A,hfah. ~cplJar,anD taftctl) it, to l}im \lltll ~ gJue gtl;l,

~i!Sbla!'I tile lot of t(Je tribe of t(Je raIJ mp ttau!#Jtcr to 'lllire. .
tl}il?l:cn of] Ulla bp t(Jeir llinreD!'I, 17 anD f!DtlJnitl tl}tronne ontsenc~,tfJrllbzo, 101,coufin. ~
cuentotl)ebo:t>cr Ofefbom tn tl)c tlJCr of ltaleb , toor1e it: anD l)e gauclJ•m 9tiJfalJ
blit11crnetre or ~tn ~out(JU'larD, l)iOaugl)tcr to tuifc. .
..., &.. euen it-om tl}e bttmnoft part or 18 an11 as lbcc tuent in bnto IJnn.fbce moueD ,
w1C ,..,OUtlJ coaU, (Jim to afke of(Jtt fatl)ct at~e,anll h lbl't afjglJ, ~.:f:•:::::r. .r
~·e•h"'" ~ an1> t\Jeir ~outl) coaa \Dal'! ftom tl)e tell off IJtt atre, anl> ctaleb fa1De bnto (Jer,1191Jat b•no ~ 1
:.~. nl!"•ft· ~~t"°.!.t\Je talt rea.. from a • roatt tl)at lcaned.J aifctlJ t(Jee:' ~:~:;.~~D1• ~
~~.~i~~~" ?I u ., ... a~. 19 1191Jo anfll>ertb, <3iue mec a II bleflin«, foz ' 0 ~··•;,iti· \
~'b:a:~·~~b• 3 ~tlb it 'ment out to t(Je ~outl)fibt. to"l»ar'D t1Jo111Jatl g&uen me a ~outll lant>,gtuemee alCo ~n.'P ':-
''.. ""'""'' t(Jcgoin1.b1> to Q!laate-aa:abim anb 1»ent • ~Of'mater.9nb (Je gane (Jcr(WingS Or'Wa, ~.
" re.a,. •b" long~'?!"· am llftellbeb
tinto ........eis Zamea • ""'ondJe=lillt
6'.. lo tcr botlJ aboue anll bcneat(J. .,
~.•binr••b• ron,anD'tDmtb1Jtoai. •llb 'IDmt a Ill to w
:-o ~iiststl)einl]mtamcoftl)Uribe oftlJc ~
lllarc:aa. at, llll1lfetac to dJilll~m of'.lluDabp tl]eirktnrtlllS. ~
u QntJthc1Jttmnolt ctttrufdlttribrorttc
4 1from t(Jmc~ 'ment it atonito amron.anD dJil~of ')Ulla tolDal'Dc t11e coafle- of Cf!Jotn
rcacfJeD tintotl}enucrof Cf!n'Pt, anbtlJe mbc of ~outl}'1lar11, 'mere l!lnb!rel.Cfber, arrb l]lagur,
:U litnalJ I
I -------------~.----~--:-:------- --- -- -
\:~ludaesponion. Chap.xvj.xviJ.. lofephs portion. 84
-~\ ---=-----:-----:---:-=--::-----------:--:----:--:--:-----:-----
(. 22 lllinS11.Ji'im~,anbat18llalJ, • J1H0 tl)c lot of tbc dJilll~rn of'Jio,
~~:: 2 3 Bcbe!,~8!0Mnb C3etl)nan, Cepl) ftU from '.]loJbanc_ bp ']mcl)o,
~~: 2+ ~tpr,,~etem,ant1l6alot1J, . bnto tbe water of '.]!cricllo cean,
~~. 2 5 1)8~01, f)abatl)atlJ, J.llanotfJ , ~d\'On, 'IDarb, Snb to tlJC 'mtlDcmdfc tl)at
'l • \llbfdJ bl ~8101' goctlJ bp from '.]lcritlJo tb1oug(Jout
~ • 26 gman,~1Jc1na,anb~olabab, mountl6ctl)el:
~:; :7 1)11lllf, C3abb11, l)afmon, anb 15ct1J·p1'r' 2 anbgoct(J out rrom•l5ctfJrltoJL,i1;,ant1 ;b,~~';,1 ~,b•
1}' letlJ, runnctfJ along bnto tl)c bOJllcrJS or .arcIJi aca, ~.~;·~\~~~~'~,
'I, :i.S l)aJUT(Ual,l6ecrCabe,ant1 l6ariot1Jia. rotl}: ~~'it~~-,~~~·~,
:i.9 ll5aL1a, ']im,antl!Cl;cm, 3 anbgoetl}llo'mntagainclt9eftt\1Srb,CUtn lilrcbrl.<'111.
30 etl:l)olall,~ccil,anb ~o~ma. to tile coall of ']aplJlcti, ann bnto ttte coall or :;':,b::~. iorb

31 ~iflclag,~coemenal),anb~enrenna, l3ett.J·lJoion t(Jc nctl}cr, anlJ to <5a;cr, anb t))c ~b.~:'.:~~:;:

32 'JIAbaotlJ, ~cll}im, gin, anll Simon: an enns ort1Jetr coaaes Ieauc at tl)c IID£1l rca. •tlOllU 1•
t11r cttieJS arc t1l>entie anb nine, 'mitlJ tlJeir btl' 4 ann Co tlJe cl)ill1~en of'.J]of£plJ, Sll!}ana!fcJS,
lages. anb <fJJinatm, toollc tlmr inl)rritancc:
3; ann fn tlJc lo\lle countrep tlJep l}all eaa, 5 ann tlJr bo~llcrs of tile clJilll~cn of CICµbJaim
l)ao1,-;arcati,an11 arcnall, \Das bp tllcir liinrcM. ~cirbo~llcr on tile: <ieaa
H '5anol), lfn-gannim, ~ap}JUalJ, anb <f, one 'mas atarottJ .Qllar, cuen bnto l6ct!)-lmon
nam: tlJc bppcr:
3s ']armutl),abullam. ~ocolJ, at11'1 a!tklllJ, 6 ann 'IDcnt out 119cll\llarn to g)acllma,
36 ~aarcm, anitiJaim, '3ellcral), anl> <5cllc, tl)atlJ on ttienoJtlJfJlle..anb rctumcttJ ceaatoarll
rotf111fm: CourtccnecitieJS 'mitl}tfJetr blllagcJS. bnto '4t[JaanntlJ~ilo,anll palht on t(Jc <fall floe
31 '5cnan, D)ana;a11,am Slll)agbalgai>, bnto 9\anoaIJ,
38 l0clean,'.Jll)tfpe(J,anb ']lcfttl)eel, 7 ann 'lDrnt llo'nlnc from 1janoa~ to at1Ja•
3? J!AclJi1S,'6a~flatlJ,anb Geglon, rotll anl> ~aarat(J, ann came to 'J1cml)o, ann
4 o CltlJabbon, JLcl)amon,anl> CltetlJlilS, 'ment out at '3101nane.
41 ~CIJCfOtlJ, ~ctlJllagon, JF.laamlllJ, (t Slll)a, 8 anb tl)cir bo~llcr 'mcnt from '4tbapl)ual)
1tel>111': O,rteene cititJS \DitlJ tiJcir billage~. meft'alarl> bnto tlJe riuer ll\anatl),anll t[Je enncs
41 JLebnalJ, CftlJcr,anll a ran, tuerc tlJe tIDell rea:~lJt~ i~ tile intJcritance oftl)e
4 3 'llC:V.IJt(Ja{J,afllaIJ,anll Jac~ib, tribe ori;d}tlllJen of tJeplJiatmbr tl)cir flinrebs.
44 ll\etlalJ, ad} rib, anti ~arcraIJ : nine cittcis 9 ann U,e feµarate citic~ foHlJe ciJilbJcn of
\llitlJ t{Jcir billagcis. cfpfJJaim 'IDerc among tlJe inheritance or tfJt
4 s !Artron \DttlJ l)cr totonc~ attll btllagcis. cl)ilb~cn or ~analfcJS,eucn tl}ecitic~ \llitfJ tfJctr
¥ !ffrom a1tron euen lmto tl}c fca,all tl}atli< billage~.
etl) about lfbol>,'IDitlJ tlJcir billageis. 1 o ann tlJcp 1>111uc not out tf)c Q[l)anaanitts
47 aflloll \llitb IJcr to'tllncs anll billagr~, g:, -that l>'melt in <5a;a: but tl)e Clt[Janaanitcis 11\nclt
IAIJ \llitlJ 1Jer to\llncs anll billages, bmo tl_Jc i ri• among tile <fph~aitcJS bnto tlJilS l>lll', ann rcrur
ucr of lfgnit,anll tlJc great rca 'tllaJS t11eir coalt. bnllcr tribute.
48 anb in tl)e mountaincs rtJcr (Jall ~arnir,
'.]JatIJtr,anb ~ocoll, Thexvij.Chapter,
l The portion ofthe halfi: cribc of Mana(fi:. 3 A por
49 :!illnnnaIJ, anti CltariatlJ ~ennacl), ml)iclJ
tion is giuen to the da11gh1ers of Zalphaad.
50 anab,Cfill)cmoll,an'll anim, ~i!1 wais tile lot of tl)c tribe of
s1 <l!'lorcn, ~olon, anll <5ilolJ : elcucn cttic~ * ~anaffcis, \Dl)icl) \'D~ tl)c cllleft Gm.46.
\JJittJ ttJrir \linages. ronnc of '.]lofcplJ , to 'IDit , of Q.)a, •4•
52 :lrab,~umal),anl> r.f;can, c[Jir, t(Jc clbctl ronnc of ~anntTc~,
j 3 ']\anum,'6ctb·U,apuatIJ,anll !lplJccal): \DlJiclJ 'ID81S tl)c f'atlJcr of <5ileall:
H $umtal),ann ll\triatlJ -arbc ( 'ml)ich i~ ll)c' (no\llbccaure IJee Ul~ amanof\\larrc)IJrcl}ab
b~on) anl> ~ioi, nine cities \nit11 tl}rir btllage11. ~ilea!> anb '6aran.
s~ Sl@ao1i.Cltarmel.,~tp[J,anb j\utaf:J, 2 " ~is is t{)c poQ'elTion of tile• rca oftlJc Num, i6,
56 ~cft'acl,'.]Jultallan,anll ~anoal). cl)illlJCU Of ~ana[CS bl? tl)eir ltinretis, namely of 19.
57 Gtain,<5abaatl), anl> ¢l.'lantn111J: ten cittcJS t(Je ct)tlll1en ornbic~er, tl)e ct)ilbJCll of~clrh,tlJr :bi~;1r.:~b•
\DitlJ tl)cir b1Uagc~. tlJilll1en or aricl, t{Je c[Jilllicu of ~ccf)cm, tlJe ~.~~.~~~!."."''
5s ll)allJUf, 15etl)~ur,anD <5eboJ, tlJillllCU of~cpl)cr, t(Je 'IJillllCll of ~cmtlla: fo1 JDJD1nc,ftll.
59 ~araat1J,l3ttlJ· anotl),anl> lfltl)econ: fin tl}cfc were tlJe male cl}il'lllcn of ~ana[c~, tl)e 16 •
cities witlJ tlJ cir billages. Connc of]ofcplJ bp tlJcir l1inrcll~.
60 Illariat(J-baal, tulliclJ il!I l!lartatl)-tartm, 3 *)Out'Jalphaabtgcfonncoftl)cplJcr, t(Jc Num.z7.7,
:- anl> mabba: t'mo cities toitl) thcirbtllagess. ronnc of <115ilean, tIJc ronnc of ~aclJir, t(Je fonnc aad 36. z.
f 61 '3111 tl)e mill.lcrncis tlJcr l)ab '8ttl)-arabal.J, of .Ql)analfcs , l)al> no ronncs, but baUB~Jtcrs:
. "'. ""fill• ~cb1>1n,an1>
61 taroran,anl> t[Je citic or ~aftt, anl> Cfn•
\UIJofe names arc tlJcfe, £WalJala, ~oa, ~a!lla,
Sll[)clcba.at1l1 '4[;birfa:
;lJ:.,:.~· manl>i: Ctn ctticSJ \DitlJ tl)cir btllagr~. 4 119llitl) came btfo1c llrlra;ar tl)c 10~tca,ann
~~=:':t 63 ~eucrt1Jele1Tc , tlJc ljjcbuflte~ tIJat \llcrc befoJc ']ofUal) tile ronnc of~un, anti bcfoJe tl}c
'~~•me tl1cin1Jabitants or t,licrufalem. coul11c not tl)c loJM, r.armg, '4t1:lc 'JLoin comman1>e1> ~ofcfJ to
:.,t••1.1.'1:i ~nn of]Ul>a •call out: bUt tl)c )lcbtditCRI giuc blS an ml)mta~te among our b b~ctl) 1 m : b 11m""'
:'~~~~... b\llcll 'lllit:IJ tl)e d)tlb1m of']\Ulla at 191crura1cm anll tl)crcroic auoJlltng to t~e 'ommanocritmt ;:'.b:'. •• '"'
.:.~"· bnto ttJis Dar. of tl}c JLo~b.IJc gau~ tl1cm an tnlJerttance ainor.g
tfJc blctfJJCll of t[Jctr fatl)cr.
The xvj.Chapccr. 5 Qnb tl)crc fell ~en poitionis to Slf.lanatrc~,
l Thclotorp:irtofEphraim. Jo The Chan:a:iniccs btOllt tl)c lano or <ll'l1lca1> ~ l5aran, \Ill.JtclJ 'IDcrc
dwcllcd among them. on tl)c ottJer Ctbc ~Olbanc,
6 ~ccauCtJ
The Chanaanires tributaries. Iofuah. Benian1ins porcion. /
6 :15ecaure tlJc t1aug1Jter• of •anaa~ tliD or']ltt~l ~ reu~ tribe.SJ, '111Jtct) I.Jan not ret rccci, ii~.~~~::..
inf)mt among IJi.S ronncs: anti S>aua1TeJ1.od]tt ucll t(Jnr anl}mtante. '"'""· }•i..
ronneis (Jail tlJe Jann or '3ileat1. 3 an11 ']otUal) faille bnto tlJe cl)itn~en of]f, ~lil.~'~
7 .an11 the coaa oHJl!)anatrcs \tltUI fr! aitTto rad. ll)ow long m rec ro oacfle to come anll pof, i~~: ••D
~acIJmatl]iltlJ, tl.Jat ltetlJ bero~e ~td)ctn, anll fc[etlJe.Janlle\DlJicl) t}Je JL,oztl <ll'Soll of rourfa•
mcnt along on tfJe nglJt 1Jan11, eucn bnto tl)c in• ttJcriJ IJauc gtuen rou:' ·
IJabitantJ!I of ctn-tap(Jual). + cll5iuc out ftom amon; rou fo, eucrr tribe
s ant1t11e !antic or~apl)UalJ belongellto tt.J~cc men,tl]at '3l mar Crnl> tlJem: anti tIJat t11er
~.. ~~1n1~·1 Sl@anatrcs: \t'J(JiclJ ' ~aplJualJ if! bcfiiJe tl)e bo~· map tift, anll \Dallte. tl)o~o\D ttJe Ianll, anti nictr1,
rE1r1. ner of ~analTeiJ,btfille ttJe boillcr orttJe '1Jilt11cn bute it acco~lling to t(Je ' inIJeritancc tl)mof, , u.1,.,._ /
af ctptnaun. anll tome againe to me. ~~·::;~
llOr.brook• 9 anD tlJe roatf llcfcenllcn bnto ttJc Oriumlta• s ano let tt.Jem lleuinc it bnto tl)em into fc, •nc.
ot recdcs. nalJ ~OUtlJ\llarll, eucn tOtlJtrilJCr: tl)Cfe atieJ!I uen partlJ: ann ~uba 111all ablt1e in tlJeir co aft.on
ofctpl,naim arc among tl)e citicJ!I of Q1Jana1Te15: ti.Jc ~outf}, ann tl)e l)oufe of ]ofepl) OJaH aant1
tlJe coact of ~anarre15 \llmt alfo on ttJc Jao1t1J• in tl]cir coallel'S on tl)e Jao1ttJ.
m:ie to ttJe riuer,an11 tl)e enllef5 of it go out at tlJe 6 ~crcrtbe pc tiJe lann tlJmfcJc into rcucn
~ea: part~, ann b,ing tile l>efcription IJftlJer to mce: :.
1 o ~o tlJat tlJe ~outfJ ptttaintn to ~1J1a• ann 'J101al ca1Uot1J fo1 roul)ercbero,e t(Je dJLo~tJ i •ri rr.11
, ln th• rribr im, anD tIJe Jao~ttJ to g)!)anafi'e~. ant> tl)e Cea iiJ our ll!JOtl. o?~a~
at iirrr a: "ric IJt.S bo~ller, (l tlJCl' tntttogctlJcr tn d acer #lo~tlJ·
7 13ut tl)c :Uuitesl1aue no part among rou,
~~'.·nr.. maro,anll in ']factJar Cfaa\llaib. CW tfJe •l&µeai,oob of tile JL,o~ll i• tf}cir inl)crt. ~~~ ,:

11 ami ~anarre.s IJaD in ]fa'1)ai anti ina• tance:an11 Clelab anti lltubm, anbhalut(Jettibc "'· ••11to
fer, l6et(J-fcan 111111 (Jcr to\llnes. ')iblcan ami (Jn of g)!)analfes, lJaue rteeittcll tf}eir in}Jcrttamc :·"~~~"4
tomnclJ, ann tl)e inlJabitttJ!I of ~o~, \DitlJ tlJe beponllc 10~11anc <fa{t\1)11rt1, '\IJIJitlJ g!JofcSJ tlJc
tomneJ!I pertaining to tlJe fame, anll t1Je inlJabi• fcruant of ttJe JLo~n gaue t(Jem. ~
tcr.s o'<fnno,, '\IJitlJ tlJe to'\IJneJ!I of tl)e fame, anti s an1> tl)e mm arore, anb \tlent tIJrir '\IJap: t
ttJc inl]abiterf5 or ~l)aanattJ wttlJ (Jcr towne15, ann1\ofua(J dJargclJ tl)cm tl)at \Dent to llcfmbc .· ::
l tl)e inIJabiterss of ~age1>110 '\IJitfJ tl)e totontf5 tlJt lanll, faiping, ~e:part, anll(toc t(Jo,otoc tl)e ::
of ttJe fame, cuen tlnee countrepiJ. lann , anll rt1ercribc it : anti come againc to mcc, r:r ·
c Jfo: .attbt
lirlttbci=11J1u u !:et t1Jec1J1llJJcn of ~analTeJ!I coulbc •not tlJat 'J1 mar (Jm catuotf5 fo~ ipou bero~ ti.Jc J1.,01t1 ~"';""'
110( [Olltal\,• oucrcome tl]ofe citi~, but t1Je Gtl;Janaanitel'S p~· fu~~ ~-.
0111.1110 ill ICC
ilC!ttrDllltr[J rumen to n'\IJeU in tl)e fame lann. 9 ann t(Jc men orv.artcb,anb \lJallleD tl)o.10'11
B!ltO"COIHri:.• 1 3 ~cucrtlJelclTe, as Coone a$S t11e cl)t1111m of tl)e lanne., anll tld'mbcn it l1t' cities ,into reuen
n to .t'>oOs:

·Jrracl 'Were \lla~cb aron!J,tlJC'F put t(Jt €(Janaa· partJS,inabooTte, anti rcturncll to ]ofualJinto
mcut. nttcSJ bnllcr tribute, but cg>cllell t1Jem not. tlJc ~oftc at ~ilo.
1.; g nil tl)c c1Jilt1~en or ]ofcplJ fpalle tmto '.) o• 10 an11 'J]ofual) caftglotJ!I fo~ tIJem in ~tlo ~·a
rual), raring, ll91Jp {)all tl)ou ntuen mce but one bcfoic tl]e. JL,oin : 8nll ~e ')ofua(J lliuillcll t(Jc rti••= ,
lotanlJ one po~tion to inl)entc, feeing 'JI am a
great prople, anll fo111rmm;l) a11 t1Je :tJ.,oin IJatlJ
~,;t',',':,~'1~'.' •blc!Tcn int l)itIJerto t
cob•~"""'.' 48
15 'lnll'J]OfuaIJanf"almll tlJtm, 1)ftlJOUbce
lanbc tmto tiJe '1Jil01cn of ]frael, to ec(Je tl)cir ~:.,~. c
~tim .
11 anlJ tlJe lot of tlJe tribe of the c1J1lt11cn of
l6eniamin came bp , acco11>tn11 to t(Jeir flinrell!1.
· '.~
"'""" ' ' l\tUClJ people, tIJen IJCt tlJCC bp to tfJe \l)OOll coun · ann tl)c coatl or tl)eir lot camr bct'\IJecnc tf}c ca,tl,
~ :tf ,hi, my, anll PJq>are fo~ tlJr fdre !l}tte if! tl)e lanll of tl~en of']\Ulla,anll t1Je'1Jtltl1en or~ofqlb. \
mount bt not tl)e 1()1Jcrey1te£1 anlJ g of tlJc Cl!Jtant)'S,tf mount .e, 12 ant1tl)eirlloitl)coa1l'1Ja11from]oinaue., ~
~~~'ti,~~·~:: plnaim be too narrow roi tbcc. anb'wcntbptotlJe.fibcof '.)crittJoon ~e.f)oJdJ ~
i~·~."i{,';;\~: . 16 !!nll tl)e cl)tllJ icn of 'J]ofeplJ faib, imJt (Jtll Otle,ann went bp tf}oJo\D tlJc mountamcs Dcct,
~01~: ti'•~~n1 11 tSJ not rnoug(J fo1 bSJ: anll an t(Je Gtl;JanaanitrSJ waro,au11 tlJet' cnlleb at t(Jc\lJillJttnl'[c ofl6etl)-
"'"nianoco: tIJat ll'alcU mtl)e lo\llc countrcr l)aue c11arctf5 of aum.
l'ton, anti ro lJaue t1Jcr tl)at tn(Jabtte l6tt(J-fean 13 .ano \llent from tl)cncc to'\IJarn w~.euen :~
anb tlJe to'1lne1J of tlJc ramt. anb tl)ep alfo t1Jat to tlJc ~OUtlJfibc of JLuy ( tlJC fame i- h l5ct1Jcl) ~n :'!:.\.': ,,
D'WeU in tl]e baUtp Of'.3\Clrael. ant1t1crcc11t1cn againc to atarot1J-anai.bnto tlJc ~::=~~
17 ann '])oCual) rarri bnto tl)c IJoUfe of 'l!o• !)tll tlJat lict:IJ on tl}e ~out(Jfiilc of tl)c nctl}er ~,:~i~;'.,
fep{J, cfpl)~atm, anb ~anacrcs, ~ce bee muc11 l6etl)ozon. "'"""· '~
pcople,anll l)aue great power, ~ 11.lall not tlJm• 14 ant1t(Jccooa tumet11t1Jtnu,anllcompar, ~,~
ro:e l)aue one lot: fetl.J tlJc comer or ti.Jc ~ea 1:1Doutl]warb, eucn
18 ~cre~e t(Je l)il 11Ja1be rour11, anD re lhal fi"otn tlJe lJil tl.Jat ll!ctlJ bcfoJtl6etlJ·lJ01on routlJ• ,~
cut bo'amc t(Je. wootl tl.Jat if5 tn it : anti tl)e CnDSJ tD?~ll : ann 60etlJ out at l\iriat:IJ-baal CtlllJiclJ ilJ '.~
ofitll)albc rourJS,ifre caa out tl)e. CIJll188nttcJ1, l!tnat1J-1anm 1 a atte of tf}e d}1lll1en of '.)Julia: ~~!
'mlJttl) l)auc non ttJaret-,anl> are berp «Tong. ~if5 i~ tlJc 11&c11 quamr. ,\l
The xviij.Chaptcr. 15 anlJ tl]c ~outl]coaagoctr,fromt{Jecnbc :
ThcT~bcrnaclcisfctinSilo. 4 Ccrt.tincarcfcn1 of llliriatlJ-tmm, anti pctl} out 11 meawattlc, ~or,io '
° deu1dc th~ land to the other fcucn tribes. 11 The ~":i~~~~ it tumctl.1 «l tf}e \llell of \llatttJS of ca. ,.~~
1ot ofthe children of Bcniamin.
16 ann co1mnct1J 110\Dne againe to tlJc mbc or

m~ the ml)otc Gtongre.gatton or tlJelJtUtlJatlictl)befo~c ttJc hallcp ofdJc Comte ~~
• CClbtchbl~ tl)tt\)tlbjen of 1ft'ad came toge' of ~mnom, cue.n fn tlJe balltr of t11e CISiantJ '
~1·:~~::.~· tl)tt at ~1lo, anb ret l>P tJJe•~a, lloitlJ\DarD, ann t1crcent1et11 into t1Je balfcp of ~i
nnu ,,,, <1m•
IO 1•1 llnD !Ill 8ftn H1I of"""
bcmactt ,,,.~-atton ""'ere,
....,.. '111-U~•"'B Wf ~ennom bcflbe IJ')cbull .,olld)tl!arD,sntl goet)J (Or ,Hi<ru·I\{
"""" on bcro~e tlJttn, •.,e lanbc 1:1J8f fubiuttm botone to ttJe tl!tn oftaogel, l•lem,
1 7 ant1compatretlHrom tl)cjjto.ld1. ani:lgo, ; c:ih1co1t••iq
2 Qnb~ttenmamtbamong~c~tnnm etlJ fo~tb to i cen-rcme•. \1 llCparmfJ fa'om t11cncc ~'l:'.!l~ .re·,'
to i \~
The porcions Chap.xix. of the Tribes. 85
Cities of refuge, lofuah. and of the Leuices.
40 an1> tlJc ecucntlJ lot came o~c fo, tlJe tnbc t11elllilbmidfe bl>on tlJe platne, out ortlJUtibe
of tlJe cl11lbJen of ~an bF tfJett rnnrcoss. of Suben, ann illamotlJ tn Cl!5ileall out of t11c
41 ano tlJc coal? of tlJeif tnlJcrttance \ti~ tnl!c ofell511)), l1t1b <13olan in )Oafan out of tIJe
Jaraall, <tlftJaol,CjjnemefJ. ' mt>c of mi>anairess. c ~""'· 11111
4 2 ~aclabin, atafon,'JettJlalJ, 9 au
~crt \Dm tl:Je ctticss appointc'b foJ tl)e ~,~·.~·;..
43 ctlon,anll ~IJcmnatIJal)., ant> allron, f'.IJilbJcn of ')tracl, anb foJ tlJc UrauniJcr tl)at fo• i~T:ai.~
44 eitlJl'flclJ,~ibbctlJon,anb :l15aalat1J, 10umct1J amon1 tlJcm, tl.)at \DIJofocuu kdlett,J ,
4~ ~tfJUD,l5ancbarac,anb Cl!5at1Jiimon., llll1' pctron ignoJanttr, tlJc fame miglJt tlee tlJi<
4 6 ~cierron, anti amon, \llitl} tl]e 1>01btt tl)cr, ann OJOUUI not llic br tlJc l)an1> of tl)e aucll'
k «tonrn tl}atlretl}befo~ck1ap1Jo. !Jtr of ~loob, tmttU l}ce aoob beroie tlJc d ~on• t.~~~~'&"
~~~!; ••. ,.,. 47 .l:lnll t11£ coaft of tl}e c{1ffil~cn of Jean \lJmt ~anon. '""''·
~r ::.::'°"'' 1 out rro~ tlJcm; anb tlJecl:JiUIJcn of :0an 'Went
r·r:.~01Dlftl bpto m ftglJt agamftJL,efcin,ann tooke it.\1 emote
:. :1""a:b• it\DitlJ t.11e ebge oftlJcf\llorb, an1:1 conqucrtn it, 4 t The cirics giucn to the Lcuircs, in number
r~.·· an1:1 nweltttJcretn, ann callell tt Wan, arter tl]e cighrandfourcie. 44 ThcLordcaccording tohis
name of J.l!>an tlJeit fatlJcr. promife gaue rhe children oflfracl rcll:.
48 ~l]iSiS tl)e inl]eritance of tf1e ttille oftlte fl Je tl)cn ramc t:IJe pµndpan

cl)tlDJcn of J2lan in tlJeir kinrrllfS, tl)efe alro ate fatlJcris of tl)C'.11.,cuttcss tmo ~,
tlJC ctticss, \Ditl] tl]eir t11lla«t~· lcatar tl)c; ~Jiclt, am bnto gio,
49 1J91.]cn tlJer f)ab maoc an cnb of niutning ruat.J d,Jcronne or ~un, anb tn'
tfJc lanb llr tlJcir coallJ, tlJe clJtlb.ZCU of ')frael to tl)e auncicnt fatlJttfS tf;Jat
i;taue an lnlJeritan'e to '.)ofualJ tl}e fomtt of l»ttCOUCftl)C tnbelS Of tl)ecf)ll
~unamongt1Jem: bJcn of 1fracl..
IoC.i4. 30, *
50 acco~ning to tl)c1.t101b of tl}c JL01t1e,t1Jcr 2 *9nbfpafle1mtot1Jcmat~ilointf1tlanb Num,JJ.i.
gaue llim tlJe citie 'IDIJiclJ tJec ameo, cucn '([;lJi111< of CJanaan.fartng,~c Jl,oJb rommaunbcb bf
natlJ ~eral] in mount <fplJ1atm: ano l}ec built ~oress to !Jiue llfS citteis to n1DeU in, \DitlJ tl)e
tl)c citie, anti il'IDelt tfJtteln. fllbutblS tl)moffoJ om rattcU.
Num, 35 • 51 *~~ere are tfJe in{Jeritances 'IDl]iclJ fica• J am tl)e C{Jilllicn Of ')Cracl gaue bttto ti)
17. 2ar tlJC PJtCit,ann jjofuaIJ t}Je'b Jl,euitefS out of tl)ciT ml}erttancc,at tlJe bill?lillll
tl)e auncient fatl)crs of tl:Jt trtbess of t1Je d)ilb~en oftlJe Jl,oJllt, tlJtfe cittcss follo\Ding, \llitlJ tlJetr
or ]ftsel lliUillell bp lot in ~ilo llefOJC tlJe )l.,OJll, fubmb;.
at tl)c bOOJC of tlJe ~abcrnacle of tlJe €ongre• 4 Qnb tl)elot came out oftl}tkinrcll of tlJe
gation, ann ro t:IJer mane an en11 of lliuibtn1 tl]e • G:aatlJitlJeSS: tl:Je cl1illlJCR Of Qaron tl)c 19Jidf, :.,~=
countrep. 'IDIJicl1 \l'lm of tl)e )l.,cUttcfS, l]a'b giucn tf1tm bp :~~ ....
The xx. Chapter. lot out of tl)c tnbe of '.]!Ulla, out of tlJc tribe of :==~:~
i ThcLordcommandech lofuah to ~point citirsof ~~llltOU, 8!1ll OUt Of' tl}e tribe Of l5entamin, ~~':r":111o
tl}mccnecfticJ. 1111ro1~
S ann tl)e rcftof tlJe d)i~cn of' <ltaatlJ)Jab

refuge. 3 Thevfcthcrcof, 7 An their names.
ll:)c JL,c~bealfo fpafle bnto ]ofualJ, bp lottt out of'tl)e mnreoss oftlJc tribe of lfpl,na•I
rartng. im.,out oftl)e tribe of ~an, am out oftl)e IJall.'c
2 ~pcake to tl]e tlJilbJCR of tnlleof~anatress,tencttie~.
~rntcl,anb rap, appoint om from 6 anb tl]e cl)ilb~en of ci3ttronl)a?J tr lot o
Num. i M· amog rou ctticss ofre~_ge, * \lll}er• or tl)e flinrcbss Of tlJe tribe of 1£aaJar, anll out o:
dcuc.i'u. p ntoroubrtl)el]anb offill)ofes: tl)ettibcof arer, anb out of tlJc tnbeof ~cpl'
3 '([;~at tile narer tl)atflilletl) anr perfon bn' t1Jalt,ant1 out of tlJc otlJcrlJalfe tribe of ~ana;
\llarcs ano bn'lllittinglr, mar flee tlJitlJcr :anb ress in'5a£sn,t:l)trtcrne citiesi. .
~.~:~t~1~}~' tl)ofecitic~fl)afiberourrefugc fromtl}e•auen. 7 Qlnn ttJe ~illl~en of~ari bftlJeidn•
..... 01 """ IJCl' of bloob. rtbJ, baD out of tl)c trtbe of Suben, 8Jlll ottof
it.i•tt•iwni. 4 annl)etl)t\tbotlHlcc 1>nto01tcoftl]ofe ct, tl]ctribe ofc8all, anti outoftl]e tnbeof~ibu'
ttcs,niall tlanb at tl)e cntring of tl)c gate of tlJe lon,t\DtlUe ctttess.
titie, anti fiJall fiJe.'ID l)iJS caufe tn tl]e cm1 of t)Jc s gnn tlJe cl)ill>ten of' ~trael gaut Motte
cflt>. cruftlJccitic:aun tlJcp OJalltalttlJiminto bnto tlJe "Leuitess t:l)Cfc auea 1Ditl1 tlJt' Cub<
thettttc t>nto tlJem.,anb gtuc lJimaplacr.,tl)atlJc urbeJ aJStl)cJLo,bC commauubcil bptl}eJann of
mar b\llell among tl)cm. iJll)ofeJ. .
s anlliftl)c auengcr of bloob foHo\llafttt !J anb t1JcrgaueoutoftlJetribC.Of'1£ dJd,
bitn,tl)cr 11Jal not bdiucr tl:Je fitar inta IJis l:Janll:1>:en of']uba,anb out of tlJc tribe of.11cil.Jilb1en "'
bttaUfel}c nnote1Jisnri1J1Jboutignoµmt1r,anb of ~imeon,tl)efetttieJSbrnamc...,,... f""
llattb }Jim not bcfo:c time. 1 o 119l)icl] t}Je ctJilbjenof aaiDnu"mgo ""e
bw.lt11tuaa1... 6 anblJectlJall btDellintIJefapb citicbntill mnrenss oftlJc~aattJttc~, ann ofCi£"1flllitn of ·. (
...... P1001110. .,e llanb befo~c tl)e congregation inliubgement:.. Jl,cui,obtaincb : (foJ tl}cfrJS tDaJ t1C flrlllot.) ., · :~
~~ b~n tlie tJeatl} of tl}c .IJiglJ 10~i£tl tlJat llJall 1 1 r&nb tlJer !,lllUC t11em lllm6'1~rba o( tt,Jc ..t ~·~
ee m tt)otc tiaress : ro: tl)cn ll!all tl)c Dapcne- ratlJn: of lfnac ('dJIJielJ ts ,cb,n) in tJJe l}lU lllld .'t.
~an! come tmto l}tss omne citie, anb llnto rountrcp of']uba, \DitlJ tl}cbMldlJ ofdJe fame ~~ _ ,;~·
t.flcb.m.,outc,ann bntotl)ec;ttrfrom\VIJmce rounllabouttt. · . f::.i:a.:. ,·~

7 a:
mOU!lt r C}ll}~~lt, 8tlb ~idJl'm in mount Cf. fOnnl'of]
pl}:a1m,anb.iatnatl).atba\ml)id;JiSJ)dl10n) tn

tlJtr tancttfieb lllcbes in ealllcc tn anbtl)e1>1~e1d)mot, 11

{neJltotfJetttp, orttr~ ,~.
toQlebdJe 1%r+•+ \:.
,,.,..T;...,...,~ 1.chr.6.J6· ·:.\
13 an1:1 ustlJ"" "'"'et e _ . .... .aa' ~·
tljemountmncof'J\Uba. ron tl)e1&1icf!, a Cfdr.-to 1111Jic:IJtfJeflaper \
s. anbontl)cotl)erubc],oibanourr~ milfJtllce,e:umll)~tlf 1Jer1\dlmlll, ann ,,·,
~--...:.1---------------------./---_..:':.!.4.....:a!!.!n!!!D~l- _ __J ~1.
'Cities giuen to Chap.xxij. the Leu ires. 8'6
40 ~O tfJat aU tlJe 'itiCSl Of tl)C ct)fttlicn Of
9!Jcrm:t t!Joiowout tf,)cir IIinrrlls 'nllJidJ 'nlcrc
tl}c rca or tl)c tdnrells o! tf,)c :tLcuttcfS, \llcrc bf
t{Je1r lot t'nlcluc atics.
41 ano au tl)e citi£JS tl]at tl]c JL,cuitcss fJa'D
sa1nongtl}e poffctrlon ortlJe cl)ilD~cn of ]Cract, ~j~ 11;~~0~~;, 1 f
wm foitie ano eiglJt,'nlttlJ tt:lcir fuburbs. ;;·~~~:,g·~;:,~ ·
4~ anb ~befe ctticss Cap cuerr one fcurrallp, ~:~'.::.~:~.'o,
l)aumg tlmr fuburbs rounlJ about tl)cm tl)o• , .,. "· ·11'""
ro'd.lout an tIJefaill ,itics. ~'':~~ 4;~•:l
4 ~ ann tl)c Jlo~'D gaucbnto jlft'acl an tfJelanb ~l(:~~~·l~~'
'alf)tcl;l fJt g1ue bnto tl)cir fatl)cr$3: anlJ
tt:lcr concmmD tt,anll nwclt tlJctin.
44 ~r.'D tlJc :JL,o~n gauc tt:1mmtl rounil about,
auo~nmi to nl tl)at lJc fmarc bnto tbcir tiltll£Tf5,
anll tlJcrc ftooilc not 11 man of au ttjcir mcintcs
bcfo~.e t~cm : tlJe Jlo~n alfo llcliumn an tl)dr e•
nem1ei:s mto tfJerr l}an0$3.
45 ~iJcrc ef,apcll notl)ing of an tbc goolJ
tIJmrus wtJ1ctJ tIJe JLo~ll (Jan ratll bnto tl)c l)oure
of'.3\tract,but au came to paffc.
I Ruben,Gad,and the halfe tribe of Manaffcs arc: fem
againc to their poffcfiions.

~en a 'jiofual) call.ell tile lliabr· • 11!:~"~"
nitr~, tht$n~it:c~ >.an?) tfJt l)alfc ~':~;v',c~~~t;cg
tribcof~anaITc)'), ;,~~~~rq,.
2 .Qnll fain bnto t11cm, pc llauc
llcptaU tt:lat ~ofc15 tl)c fcmant of
t:: t:bc :n.-o~ll h commanllcll rou,ann l]aue obcrcil mr ~, ;;,~!~~.~··
:t botre In all tlJat] 'ommani:Jcll ron. ;;·:~.;:,~~"'
3 !!cctJauenot left rourb~ctl12cnor a long i~.•n.31.11.
fcafon bnto tlJiS 1:1ar, but l]aue iicpt tlJc 'om·
maunbcment oftlJe JLo~ll rour ©oi:I.
4 ilnlJ no\t.le t!Jat tl)e Jl.,ofoc IJatlJ giucn rcll
bnto rourb~etl)~en, a~l)cp~omifcll tlJcm, tl)ttc•
fo~e rctume re an!! goc bttto rour tmtis,anll bn,
to tl)clanllofrourpo!fdfion,*wlJicl) Sllflofcl5 tlJe Num.; 2.
fcruant oftl)c JL.o,oe gauc rou on tl)e otl}n- unc. ~ '·
s '.l6ut inanr 'nlifc taltc llili~cnt f}ccn, unioc
tlJt commanllcmcnt anll' la\llc, \tllJi,lJ ~orc15 <:tor•'""',.
tlJC rcruant of tlJc JLo~llc cllargcll rou •. tlmt rcc :,f1~,;~~~r...,.
louc tt:lc 'l.oi'llc rour ©oll, nnll waUie mall IJti; '~"" b" '"'·
wapc15, an?> her.pc fJfSS rommanllcmcnt.G, anll ~.~'.~'.~;·~:;;~li1

ctcauc tmto (Jtm, anll rcruc I.Jim \tlitlJ au ~·our e:.~~~n:~:i:r

l)carts,artn all rourroulc%. ~~;:·t:~~~.~'
6 anllro '.)ofuall d blclfcll tllrm \l rent tlJCln ~;·.~ 1·~t;,o;::••
etoar: anll tt:lcr wcntbnto t1Jc1r tent~. ""'" '"" 1111.
7 lll.lnto tl)c one l)alfc or t!Jc tribe of gJl,)annf• ;~:.:,~· lll•ll,;c•b
res Q!)ofc~ gauc poficffion in :Wafan: tltli:I bnt_o ~r~b"~:~~~.m­
tl)cottJcrIJalfc ttrcroCgaue'J,ofualt amongtf:Jctr ~···'""Pur­
b~etl)1ci1 on tlJi!SfrOc 'J,o~oanc lIDrft'tlmrlJ • .ann ° 1 •11 btu~
')\oftlal} ftnt tlJcm a'War alfo bnto tl)e1r tent~,
ani> bleO"ell ttJcm,
s anD rato tmto t(Jcm, 11\ctumc \11itlJ mud)
ri'tJc:a bnto pour tent~, ano 'Wt tlJ a grrat multt,
tulJe.IJf tattcll, "ll'l~tlJ lilucr an~ l!Olll, \tlltlJ b~afi'e,
anll 1rott. anlJ 'nlttlJ muct} r111ment: ann lliu&Dc
tlJC fpOi)C Of FOUr.CllCllUC!S \11ftl) fOUt c b~Ctlncn. , mMcb ib<r
9 inn tf:Jc ct.11UJ~cn of 11tubcn, tlJc cl)ilom1 of ~:~.~·:~ ~"P'
<li5ail,anbt1Jc f}afft trtbc of ~anacrc~. rctumell, t)•·•rnu• '"o
anti llcµar.tclJ .from tlJe cl)illl~cn of')\fracl out of P'°'m-.
~tlo', \tllJtelJ ll'S m tl)c la~ll of ¢~anaan, to ~oc
bnt.o tlJe c~untrcr ~! llltleall, to tfJc 1annc or
tl)ctr potrcmon, \lll)tcl) tf:JCl' l)all obtainco accoJ' tlJt \t.lo;llc of tl]c )l.,o~c br tfJc fJantc of
gJJott~. .
.i9 llnllb:l~en tl)cr cametinto tflcbo,ncraof
']10.1Danc; tl)at aretn tile tanllc of ~rnanaan. the
.1al l
Ruben &c. being accufed, lofuah. make cheiranfwere.
clJilll:en ofJliubcn. t1J£ 'IJtlll~cn of <l!JSD. anll ti.It
r t:b 111 •· b•· ;atfe tribe or <]lllanarreis built rtlJere an attar bl'
•• • l••••••· ""' I tar t Oti"" -
t•ilomrumr o•llam,anDctJata!lf£1lta .........
~:':,~~·~~.:,""' ; I m11m tlJC cf;l1lbJCR of ~frad'b f8\'.
~:'.,·:~.:!;,, l5cl}oID, tl)c'IJilDJt110f l!luben, t1Jecl)11btm of
bP l!!:flll•un. <13atl,antl tlJe l}alfc tribe of ~anatrcis l}auc built
an altar tn tlJe eo~rront of t!Jc lanD of <lt{Janaan,
tn ttlc llo:Der.!1 of 1oJDane, at tlJc patrqe of tlJc
c1Jilil1£11 Of ijfracl :
n When d}c clJilDJmot]frad IJClrtie ofit,
tf1e 1Dl}oic con~ation or tl}e tl)ilDicn or ~f·
racl gatIJcrcD tlJcm to~ctlJcr at $into, to mab£
g eml•lllrt• sbattailcagatnfltlJem.
~",1 :·~:r'.~rm I 3 .QnD tlJI? tl)illl~en of'.]lfrad rrnt bnto t1't
~~;,3,i:~~:. cl]iID:cn of 1!\ubrn, anl> to tl:Jc dJilb:m of <3a1>.
~~~r'~!~rr~i•r anD to tlJC l}atfc. tribe of£1!)anarrcis,into tbe tanll
mmlonnoro of ©lltaD, PIJlhtl)l?jS tl)t ronne of lflr.a!8f t~e
~~.·:j.~~."' 19~icll,
1 4 anll \DitlJ l)im tcmn~ 1o:I11S, or eutrp d)iefe
1 l)ourc a t1nt>,t1Jiougl1out au tlJe tribe~ of'.]iftad,
. \Dl}icl) \DITC lJ1?8lllS of tl)tir fat(Jerf$ l]OUllJO[bCl5,
~ ()r, multi- among ttJe II tlJOttfanllSS of'.]!fnttL
tudcs, I 5 anll tl)cy Wl?nt bntO tl'lt d)illl:tnOf iftU,
bcn,anb to tl)e cl}illlim of ©ab, an11 to tl)e c(Jll,
ll?l?tl ortl)c l)alfc ttibc of ~anatrcii, bnto t(Jc
Iann of !JI'.lilcatl,~ tl)ep fpafic \DttlJ tl.Jem,faptng,
16 ·m::l)ttSS rarctl) the \111..Jole congregation of
ttJc JLo~1>£, lJDl)at tranrgremon iss this tl)at rec
l}auc tranfgrcll'cnagainll tlJc©obof'.)lfract, to
turne a\Dap tl,JilS Ml' from tlJe JL.0111, in tl}at rec
IJauc l:Juilllet> rou an altarfo~ to rcbell tlJis Dar
a~ainl? tlJc lLOJll 1
Num.r H 17 *'.J]IS tile lllickcll llctllof-coitoolittle fo~
~r ~~· ~~~~~~~ bss, \D(Jercof\Dce arc pct not h clcanfcb bnto tlJiis
;;~~·.~::1i. u"~ 11?1!: ant> tfJm 1Dais a plague in tlJt con«rcga•
ricu~!1•rrr.' tl011oftl)c]LO~ll1
~~:m1~,·~~. • 1 18 ~ alfo arc turnct> amar tfJioar from d)e
~~:~~~~;. 'JLo~bc: anl> feeing rec rcl:Jell to oar againft tlJe
ulllo. "ll..oill:it 'tllil come to paffe tl}at to moio\D l)c RJall
be m1ot1J \'l:JittJ au tl)e congregation or '.l\frael.
19 .0ottottl}llanlltng, tf rec tijinllc tfJat tlJc
lanll or pom porrcmon iS5; bndcant, tiJm come
::~~~~~~. ouertmto tt)c lanll of tl)c po[elfionoft(Jc JL.0111,
!,~~·nD blJ 'tDIJcrcin ttJc ".ll.oinss tabernacle 1>\Dellttl), a take
:.~:r~~11~~' poffeffion amonf,\ blS : ~ut 1c rcbcll n~t agatnfl the
•brn ~··•I· lLofoc, no~ rcbcll agamn bSS, to builb rou anr o•
~~~.~l ~~:;~1l tl)cr altar,Cauc ttJc altar of ttJe lLOlt> our «li5oll.

@oc. 20 Will not act;an tl}c ronnc of ~anti} trcf•

pa!fe ~cuouflp ill ttJt accurret1 ttJtng, it \D1at:IJ
fell on nu t}Je ton~cgatton of ~rrael '! anb tlJifS
:b:\~~~~~·· 1nan pcrinJe'D not ~lone tn htis '1'lictrellnecrt. .
ru[m• 1o, ,., 2 1 ~m t}Je d.)1lt1ten cf 1fhlben, anb U)e cl)1I'
~;:~.\~~~·'" b~cn of <!l5aD, aull t}Jc l)alfe tribe of ~anatrcts,
1~:::a11Qo111n anrmcrclJ, anl> rapllc tmto tl}e IJta'lll ouer tlJe
tl)ouranbss of ']\fratl.,
21 ~e 'JLo~ilc ©ob of ~bj!I, tlJt ll..o1b Gl5ob of
gobl$ hnoU>ctlJ, anoall ']lltilcl HJall lmomc, trit
be to tebcll oi to tranr-e aplnlt tlJt :ll.D~'lle,
tl)cn tlJou ·JLo~ll faue bis not tlJil bar.
tu 2 3 !!Di etre tf '1'lte l}aut butlt 1>.l!I an altar to
tb rnc front follo1Dtt11 tl}c JLo~llt, oi to olfer
to ~on 'ml)olc burnt offering, o; meat olferin!,J,
m CIJaU.,lrt {)imf~l!~~~~ •. t·llgfJ t:IJercOU, Jtt tlJe JL.01ll1?
bun pun111>n' ,... • .... ,
uiDr••••s• 11. 2 4 .....n~ lf 'me l)_aue not ratl)crbone It~ Ceart
of tlJtSS !IJtng,farmg, 'ln time to come !Ollf "1'1•
o~i;n migIJt rar b'llto ours.11011at1Jaue rou to bOe
\1.lltlJ tl}c Jl..ozil <5ob Df '3\fratl"
2 5 ~tll..oi!lc lJatlJ1nat1c lOJbam a bo•
bct'lllccnc llii! anD rou,re cq1111~en ofl!lubm.11111
of cll'Sall, re bauc no part tbttefo~c in tlJel..o:be:
lofuahs exhorcacion. Chap.xxiiij. Gods benefices. 87

h Cllbom1Dr
1r1uu [l;;iqnD H
i ~.:rptprr
Ulla\D.lp t'OU[
Iofuah exhorteth Judges. che people,and diech.

tL't~ The Booke of Iudges, called in the

Hebrew Sophtim> and in tlae Latinludicum.
The 6rll Chapter.
I After lofiiah was dead, Iuda was confiicuted cap·
taine. 6 Adoni-bezckistaken. 14 Thercquefiof
Achf;fh. 16 The children ofKeni, 19 The Cha-
.naanices are made tributarics,but not defiroyed.
· ftttflJelleatlJ of'.]!ofualJ, it
• P?; ln1'1r•
came to patre tlJat tlJc d}il•
nm1: o iarn11. 111tn of 'jCratl • afllcb t(Je
t~ tna1trn JLoJb,Captng. n&l)o 11.>all goc
ongbtmH to
ln1a\l.rntn bp fo~ bJS againtl tl)c Cltl)ana•
anitess, to fi~tfirltagaintt
111 ot eoo 1 t(Jem'!
l.'itiUD,2'&,9. ~~~~:ll 1 !l:nbtlJCJLO~bfaiD,]U•
ba f\Jal_l ~o bp: bcl)olb,'.]! tJauc beliumb tl)c 111n11
,, c:i~ofltnbr- into 'i}lSS l'lanbJS,
"""" ,,,., 3 an11 ']\una Capnc bnto ~imton bid h b10•
;~;;,:~','~,~~lb• tlJtt,ctomebp'IDitlJtncin mplot, ttJat\umnap
~~.~:~:'t~~~b'. fig~taUjnft:tl)t citlJanaanittf, anti 1 bllnnile
vwp~.a,.~ 111 • 'miUgo 'mitl} tlJee into tlJt'' lot an11 Co ~inuon
~Z.:?~/lb;"' 'mrnt'mittJ lJitu. '
?~~!;~~~·.~;~. . 4 anb']\Ulla\titnt bp. lnb tlJtJLo~ bdiut•
~!';;,:;;,~ ~;~· m tlJc lltl)anaanitcJS tmll l&!JttcntnS into tl)eir
tl)oufanb mm.
nnn tlJtp U£'1De oc-
...,.. ..
in l6e}di taint
s 9.ttb tt)ttfoun11 ll!lboni-bt!dl in ~mrs:
alllltller fouggt R~aintll~im anlllk'altlJtO,ll•
o Chbr ftrorlt
naamtel!l Bntl l&lJmlite... '
...: .+ nr,. b "
\'~',':}~~,: ~t... ~uon- ~tk tltb, 8l1tldJtpfo~b
.;,,,,., ...,-". after ~1m.~•1J1m, anb d cut otllJiJI tl}Umbis,
"'' t•mr.tri. anti lJU! gnattor15,
IAchfahs requefl:. Chap.ij. Iofuah is buried. 88
34 ant'ltl)C ll ll~OUC tl)e tl}iUlicn or II Or, atfh.
Wan into tl)e mountainc.anD fuffcrcD tlJtmnot dcd1hcm.
to come llownc to tl)c tJaDcp.
35 an11 tl)e .amo~iteis were content to llmcu
tn mount l!lcre!1 in aiaion,anD tn~Hlabim:anll
tl}e (Ja~ of '.]lofq>IJ p1cua1leD, Co tIJat d)cp be,
came tributanc15.
36 ~nD tlJe coall of tlJc amoiitc~ ma~ from
tf;Je going bp to acrabim ~ anti frsnn tlJt m ro,llc ;ab~a~~,~~~·
l:lpmarll. ~~f;b'h~~;fi,
The ij. Chapter. «hiottu.
2 TheAngdrcb.ukcth the people ,becaufe they had
made peace with the Chanaanircs. 2 2 The caufc
is lbcwed why God fullered idolaters to remainc a·
~ti tf:Jc •angel of tlJc )Lo2ll came tJp • 11: ~.,,~"
from <ll5ilgal to l3oc[Jim ·anll fapllc.. ~~'1;~,~~g~;k,,
1 mallc rou to goe out of <fgrpt, ;i~~~.1~:~"
anll.IJaucbioug[Jt poubnto the lanll ~;:~~~~~~'.
b>IJttl} ']! f\l'larc l:lnto pour fatl}CT,1$,
anll'Jl faille,'.]\ wtUneucrb1calicmp coumant :~~~,?1·~~~:·
tIJat '.ll mane witlJ rou. 1~1. ~~'.u'~'·
2 anti pc alro llJan make no couenant witIJ
tl)c inl)abitcrs of tlJiJS lanlle , but flJall bzeaflr
llomne t!Jdr altat:s: ncurrtlJclc[c.. rr. l)auc not
1Jcamenct1 l:lnto mr tJorcc : tll)lJr l]auc re t:lJi~
3 llBIJrrcroJc 'J 1J11ue libc'alifc l>ctcnnincll,
tlJat] \lllllnotcaa ttJcm out befo~c rou: but
tlJcr OJalbcas tl)oines l:lnto rou, anD tl)etr goDss
11Jalbc a fnarc l:lnto rou.
4 ann \llfJm tl)e atlgd of tl]c JLo~Dc rpartc
tl)cfc \llOJtl.1$ l:llltO all tlJC tl}ilb1cn Of '.l]Crael, ti)C
pCQPie c:rpcll out, anti tDcpt:
5 ant1 c::allcD tlJc name of tlJCCatD place, lll5o, ~ or, wee·
ct.Jim, anti Offcrttl farnfictl5 t:l.Jcre, l:lnto ti)C J1.,01ll. pin:;.
6 anti ml]cn '.1]oCuatJ b l)aD Cent t[Je people a' b 11, ••, !''
mar,tlJe tl}1lll1m of'.3\frael lllcnt cucrp man mto '4· :s. ·
lJil5 tnlJcritancc, to po[ct'fc tlJc Iantl.
1 !Jnll ti.Jc people fmrcll tl)c '.fl.01D al tl)c llaicis
of'J)ofuafJ, anti all t1:1e 1>apess of tl)e <fllleris tt1at
outliut?I jjofual:J , anb (Jan reme au t~c great
\llo~fie.IS of ttJc JLoin. tl)at lJt biD fo~ ]frat!.
s 9.nt1']ofua1Jt1Jefonueor Jflu1i. tl)crcruant
of tl]c JL,o111 Diell, \Dl,Jtn [Jc \llas an l}unt11cll anb
tcnrccress oltl:
9 ml)om tlJcr burtet> in tlJe coallis of' IJi.IS in,
IJcritancc tn '4rlltmnath c l!}crc11 , in mount • If, • o,. ~rn:[),
p1J1atm, on tlJC J}lo1tl) fillc of the lJtll <ll5aa,IS. g,•~:.•t,;,~:~:
IO QUI) fQ all tl)at generation \l'ICfC gad.JC' ~~~~'i~~',\:~
rcll tmto. tlJcir fathers: an~ ti) ere arorc anotf}ct ~;.~~~;.~ft.~.,,
gcncrat10n after tlJcm, \lll)ulJ ncu:t1cr rmc\1.1 tile r~· r.11111• u""
Ji 01D, UOJ l'ct tlJC b>OJbCIS \tllJitlJ l}c ball Done fo1 ~:a~':,::;~;.
'.]Jfrad. laf.:4+
I 1 anti ti.Jen tlJC tl}1lbJC11 Of ]fracl llill bJjc,
kclllp int:l.Jc rtgl)t ortl)e JLoJD, anb fn'ucD d '3aa, d ~h'"'·•i.
lim, Rlllltr O: IDOi"

12 ~ f'o~fooke t1,Jc'JL01ll <ll5otl of tlJtirfatl)er15,

wlJi'lJ b~ougl)t ti.Jent out of tl)c Ianti of !fgn1t,
\l rollomell Qrange gollJ5, cum of ti.Jc mo11ss of t~c
natton~ tl)at were rountl about tl)erii, lt bo\llct:
tfJClnfclllr..IS l:lnto tfJcm,ann angrtti ti.Jc JLoin:
I 3 ~l}cy roiCoOllC tl)c Jl..l)Jb, ann Cerucn '3aal
antic g11arot1J.
,,..,,, fohn -~,.4-111 II!' foh 'JI.
,1100:r•ol• "'~1,.,
t~I f.11."
J4 .QINI ..., .........-,0• ..,e O~ll\DSJ;Cll l]at a' otlb<rp<a·
gaint?] IJt lldtumt1 tl}tm into tlJt iJanll.G ~. ~1.~:~ 'o!ll·

ofrauencrl!', tl)at~oileb tl)ein,an'b COlb limn in'

to tlJc l]antll!' of tl,Jar memtcss roiiD about tljcm,
Co tlJRttijt;1Je1 l,)ab ~ power anr Ion~ct to a111111c
bd'o1C c1rcncmu,1$.
I I lB-llt_I_ _
lfrael punifhed. .Judges. Ah ud killeth Eglon ..
t1nall1h•i• 15 ~utt~itl)erroeund}q'amtt out;, dJc
cn<uprifes. f l)anb of t~e )l.,DJb lllSS fOJC agamtl t11cm,a~ tl:Jt
!n~~· ~m 3 c· JLo~b l'lab fapb, anb l,tab f\ 1'nto tl:Jem :Bnb
IJe punifl)cb tlJein C~e. . ·
16 ~cucrtl)deJTc,tlJe J!,o~b ratfeb bp 1\Ullgr~.
'allJici{beliumll tiJemout or tl,Jel)anbJ of tIJetT
1 .an11rctr.o1antl)at, ~cywouUlnot IJtat'
Jten bnto tbcrr '.]lubges,but ractJcr toent a tol}o•
, ~t.ot Jjrbc nn§ after arangc gobs, an~ l.lo'nlcl> tl;lcmrclucs
~":::;.;;~.~·.~~. 1mto tl]em~ anll turnell ~ cim~lr out of tl)e to111?
o nio::,ono \DIJiCIJ tl)Clf fatl}CtS'al3UiCl> m.obcytng t:J,ICCOIU'
~'.''W~::,~:." maunllemcnts or tl)e )L,o,ll. but tl;Jcy llii>not fo.
:r.~~:·~g·~"~~.. 1 s :Anll 'all)cn tIJc )L,o~tic raifcll ttJcm bp '.]lull•
r,~,r;,~,~·;~'. gr,G,IJC \118jS luitl) tl)c 'Jjut>ge, Still l:!elil!mll tl}cm
outoftlJc (Janb.G of tl]ctr mcm:c..s, &U tt1c bares
tHcb,re- ortiJc ']Junge: (foHl)c )lozne :t. i)all ccnipaCfion 0'
r•ncrd. ucr tl]c1rfo~o\'llings, 'nllJicl) tl1cy l)all bp tl)erca•
ron of tl)cm tIJat opp~ecrr11 ttJcm, \l beJ;elJ tl)cm :)
19 11?ct fo~ au tl]at, atroonc ass tlJc ]uDgc 1Da$S
m.b. car- ticall, tiJCP rcrnrnctl, anll t l:lill moirctl.Jm tl)cir
rupc1hcm- fat~cr~, in foilo\lling araungc gons, tc rcruc
fclurs. t11cn1,an11 toO~llJip ttJcm,~ ccaf£11 not from tl)cit
o\lln inucntions, noJ from tl)eir ftubboine mar.
20 !Anll tl)c 'al~atl.J of ttJc JLo~'O torus moouen
11gai11tl ']frad, an111Jc rat1>,'5ci:aurc tl)iSS_people
llatIJ tranrf!tctrc11 tnl' coucnant \tltJid) 'J com,
maunllctl ttJcir fatl)cris,ann ~auc not ~carliencn
bnto mr noire:
2 1 '.31 mill IJcni:cro~tlJ not caa out bcroic tl)em
one man of tiJc nationss rol}td}'Jofual) left tol)cn
k [)11111Jarn 2 2 G;f)at tl)~ougl) t:l}cm 1 mar h p1ooue1~a·
'" .,,,, ''" cl,1ll1Jctllcrt1Jcr\Dtnflccpctl)c'alapof tl)e ll.0111,
::;~ ~~,~~rt~ · anll 'ornlflc tl)crein ass tl)cit fatl)crs bib, oi not.

,,,~~"' "' 2 3 a1111 ro t:l}c JL.01t1c Int tl)orc nations. anll
11~ouc tl)cmnotoutimmct>tatlp, neitl]erllcUue>
rcb tl)cm into tl)e 1Jan11 of '.)\ofUal).
The iij. Chapter.
x The Chana:anites were left to triclfrael. 9 Orho-

, Reg u
· · •
nicl dcliucrcrh lfracl. 21 Ahud killcchking Eglon.
2 3 Sam gar killcch the Phili!lincs.

-~ere tlJc nationss * 11!1)1'1J tl)c

,..lLOJll ltft,tIJatl)cmigl)tp:oouc'.J)f
rr.clbp tiJCIU: thar is co fay las manr
of ']frad 8$5 (Jal! not flno\\lm a tl)e
k/~, ~~;;~,~~ ~ ,1: \1JBtrC$S Of Gtl)anaan:
f;~>,·~;~~i 2 ©mil! ro~ tlJt tearnmg ofttJc gcncrationis
' ''""'· Of tlJC tlJilll~i Of ']fract, tl}at lJC alfO miglJt tl'llCIJ
tI1e·:n toanc, onctr fuciJ a• befo1c li1ll'w nott:Jtng
tl)mof :I
3 ©r tl)ofe 'all)omr l)ce Icrt, tl)crc were fiue
to~b~ of tile 101)iliutncs, \l all tl}c cttJanaanites,
nnll tt;e ~itionitc~. ann ttJc ll)cuitcs tIJat bb:lclt
in mountJLibm~ en.Crom mountl5aal l}mnon,
l:lnto tl)c coinmin~ into l\}amatIJ.
4 . miorcrcmatncn top:oouc'.llrraclbp,ann
to "nltt "nltm'l)cr tIJey b:loulb l)catkcn bnto tl)c
commaunbttnmts of tlJc JL0:11e tolJiciJ l)ee &:ont<
maun!leb tl)tit fa~crs tw ttJc l)atlb of ~ore-.
th 5.n.!tlnll tlJ~ cl)illl~en of ]trarl b\\ldt a1nong
•..,e _,,ana!lntte!!I, ll)etl)tte!$, a~ l&IJm<
~tcis, ~euite~. anll 'JtbuCittl,
6 anll toolte tl)e baU(tl:JfmS of lf)mleD tJee
t(Jeir. 11lit1C1S, anb gaue a,m o'IDne 1t11UllJUfSJ
'(,'fo':c~;'.' r, b
< i1L""" to tl)ctrfonncss,anbftnJtb
"' bf-lo h'h. "'""'"'n""' .
Wjl .... _ _ • •
00 """" 7 'C\1\ ..,cc.,tw~enof')ftaelbib'mtdltbl.,m
H • :."''· tl)c figl)t of tfJc JLo~b.~ttb fOJlate e -
~ob,anb reruet> '5aal1m,att1:1 c ~~~
8 ~ctef'o~e tl)c ·.11.oiblDa!!l afllr! ~~r.
Debora iudgeth lfrael. Chap. iiij. v. laelfiayerhSifera. 89
'Jl rrael t11mt DO'amc 'alidJ 11tm from d}c 1J1U, anD rctJ. eum nini )1Un1>~n cl)arets or iron, anll au
lJ ct11cnt bcfo.ze tlJem. tl}c people tl)at 'Gitt'£ mitlJ tntn. ftO?l ll;)atofetl)
2 s inti (Jc faib.bnto tl)cm, !folloll:J ine: fO~ tl}c or ti,c <ll'lentiletl, bnto tbe nuer of llltron.
l-oJD IJ~tlJ _Dcliuncb pour c1iemtes f QJJoabitts 14 ann Ji'cboza ravn bt1to ;lOatac,;nip, foz t1Jii3
into poutlJStltl• .anb tlJcp bef~nbeb after IJiln, is tlJc bap in 'ml}iclJ tl)e 1J.,o:D l)atlJ beliuereb ;ia>i,
anti tooflc tlJe pa[a!JCjS of '.]io~llam tD'IDatD Sl@o' Cera into t(Jine 1Jan11 : is not tlJc )L,oJbc gone out
ab, anti fuffereb not a man tQ patre ouer. bcfcne tlJce:' ann foJaarac \Vent l:lotone from
2 9 anti tlJep Qe\D of tl}c ~oabit:cs dJe fame mount '4tl)abo,, llt1b tmne CfJoUCanb mm af,
time about ten tbouranb men • mlJidJ t11ac an ter)J1m.
g fat, anti mm ottoam, ano tlJerc efcaptb not a 1 s *l6ut tlJe JLo~b belltorrb ~ifera ant> all PfaL 83-10.
man. IJts clJarcts,anb all l)itl l)oftc 'nlitl} tlJe cbgc of tfJc
30 ~o Q!)oabtoais Cubbucb ttJat bar tmtler f'alo~Dc, befo~c l5arac: ro tIJat ~ifera liglJteD
tl)el)antJof'J;fracl,anb tl)c laralcl}aDrcatourc' Do\llnc oflbtl'S ci:Jatct, anb tlcb am11r on his fectc.
rtoic rears. r 6 l6ut l5arac follo\Detl aftertlJe ctJarets,anll
3 ' !!ftct l)im toais ~amgar the ronnc of a. aCter t(Je l)olle bnto ~aron~tl) of tl)e <ll'lentiltis,
natl), to lJiclJ nur of tlJe Jl)l]lltaincs fire l)Unb~eD ~ all tlJe (Jone of ~ifcra fell bpon tl)e enge of tlJe
men \\lttl} an noab,~ t1cliuirct1 '.]!Cracl aU'o. f'mo1t1e, anti tl)ere toais not a man tcrt.
17 t~o'albeit ~ilera flcb a'map onbis ~etc..
The iiij. Chapter. to tl)e tmt of ]ael tiJe 'mlfe ore l!}aber the llt, r tt111nmr
4 Debora iudgeth Ifracl ,;ind exhorteth Barac rode- m·te (~,oJ ,...•ycre .\llal1 peace bct'mrene '.J;abintl)e
· tbrfamll• o• '
liuerthe people. 1 ~ Sifcra tlccth, 17 and is kil- liing_ofl~aio1, anb tlJe IJoullJOlb or ll)abcr tl]e ~~,·~m·~;~~·
led by lad. lllemtc.) '"' "'"' ·,
rir ~ l ,g... rom1t•l11" "'
Jr.}bdJec1J1~nof~frael began a· 1 8 -Anb .:11ae \DC11touttomcrte;::>1&ftra, anb >''"1""'"
gaine to boe 'lllUkeblp in tl.1£ Ugl)t fattl bnto l)im, ~nmc in, mr to~tl , tumc in to ~~~~ ~!'(:~:r,·
of tlJe JL,o~o. 'llllJen QIJUb l»as bcao. me, fearenot. !ilnll 'all)ct1 l)ce (Jab tumctlin bn,
2 9nll tl)e lLoiD Colli tl]em into to l)cr into IJer ttnt, 11Jec coueren ljint 'mitlJ a
t:.~.\'~b;oe• · tlJe l]a~tl of• ')labin king of ~~a· mantell
iecru11o1f.: naan, U,at rerWtetl mb ~a102, tolJoCe captame r 9 Q:nl> be faib bttto l,Jtr.~iuc me,'] piap ttm,
if~~- of'mam\'Oascallell~ifera,tol,JiclJll\lldtin'a' a little l»atcrto t1%inhe, foJ '.!!am tl.Jirtlie• .Qnb
''°~~·::.,. rofetl.Joftl}elll5entlles. 11.Jtt openeb a ~ottd of milfJC, ~ gaue f}iin b,inhc,
'na&no1rb II 3 anb tl}ccl)ilb1en Of l ltacl crpeb tmto tlJe anti couerel> l)tm.
:r=:.·11 "'.. JL.o~b. foi l)e l)all nine l)unt1.1cb d)aretjS of r~on: i o g:rm againt l)c faib bnto l)er, ~Mann in tiJc
:~f:t~,· anti t\llc1rtr rereislJc troublctl tl]e cl}il~en of'.Jif• booie or tl}e ttnt. ann ml)m anp man botfJ come
=.81m1\~~~·~~ t'ael beft' fDtC. anti enqmre of U,ee 'lll(Jctl]er tl}crc bee anp man
i*""'""'· 4 anti l9cbo~a ap~oplJctill' mifc or JJ.,a• l)cre,tl)ou ll)altrar,aar.
pibotlJ, iubgco ']fracl tIJe fame time. 2l ~tJm1aell~aberstoife, toolie anailcof
s anD tlJc fame Webo~a b'lllclt bntler a palm tl}c tent, anti anl]annner in lJct l)antl, anb tocnt
tree, brt'llleenc l!iamatlJ anti lDetf)el, in mount foftll:' bnto l)im, anti nnote tbe nailc into tl)c
lfplJzaim: anti tlJC 'lJilb~m of'.Jjfracl romc bp to temple)'!! of l)is fJeab, anb fallenen it into tt}e
ller Co~ tungcmmt. !ll'ouno : (foJ l}U aumb1ct1 Co1e,ant1 'D.laSS t»eatFJ
6 gntl !1Je rent 41it1 callct1 l5arac tiJe Comic of anb Co IJc biel>.
· :ibinoam, out oC il\cllrs ~ClJl)tlJali,anb fail! bn• 2 i !!nb bCIJolb, ais '.l!5arac foDo'a.leb''
r, 11~u1b•~· tclJim, l9atl) nottl]c)L,01t1 <ll'lob of 1,frael 'com• fcra,']iael came out to mccte (Jim, anb fail> bnto
::.·:~~:;~ mantltll, faring, <13oc, al1t1'm to'lllarb mount l.)1m,Gtome,anb '.ll totl ll.leto t:fJtttlJe man\lll)om
0 ~tJabo;, ann tafte 'mitll tl,Jce ten tl)ourano men t1.1ouree11ca. !ilnb\DIJml.)ce cameintolJcrtcnt,
~ =.·~1~·r~, of tlJc ct;ilb~m or ~eplJtlJali, ann of tl)c c1JiU>m1 b~IJolll, g ~tccra lal:' bean, anD ttJc naile 'alas in fb:: ~~=
~ti. ....11c1111r ofJabulon ~ . . . . lJtl'S temples. . . !:~.':,'.:':~~~:
•••~ll!Qimt 1 ~nl> 'J1 \'otllbimgbttto tfJce to tlJe t r1ucr 2 3 .ann Co ~Ob bJOUglJt '.Jlabtn tlJe rn:ng or P••tl<O, 11tL6
i f.\ifou, ~ifrra tl)e captame of')abi~ annie, Cltf)1111aan into fUbie:ction tfJat nar, brfoJe t!Je
t 1'Y· 'mid) ~iis a1arcts, anb l)ispeople, 8nb l»ill Ddi· d)ilb~en of ]frad.
. uer {Jim into tt1t11c ))antis. 24 anll t~c 1Jant1e of tl)e c!)ilb~m or 1)Crael
I•11"oatu11 s 9nblDartufail>bntol,Je:r,d~ftl)outoiltgo ; p10Cperet1, ~ p~euaileb againll '.]!abin tl)e king *Heb. wcnr
:, ::n:..rr~;
:'~':c 11
tnttlJ mee. ~ todl goc: butant11ftl]ou'D.ltlt not
come \t!ttl,J me, 'l1 \\Jtll ttot got. ·r
Of Clthanaan, bntill tl)cp 1}8ll lldtf0}1Cb '31abin •nd was
klngofCJanaan. !liong.
i -:.:~· 9 ~1Jcfa1b,'l]\'oinrure1noetoidJt1Jee,but
Pr•~i~~ ff)isiourncytlJat tl]ou tafiea, 11J11U not bee foi Thev.Chapter.
:..':t.!,":1 tl)lne l)onour: foi tl)e Jl.O~ll CbnH l>dtuer ~trera Th: fongand rhanldgiuing of Debora andBar:ic after
:.~~w: • into tlJ~ uantl of a \llomait. :'1tlb ~01a arore, the vitlorie.
anb 'lllcnt \UttlJ l6arac to hctics. l.)m ~rl101S. i.t l5arac tl)efonne

, 1 o ~ihtll l5araccallc!J 5abulon llt1b f.lepfJtlJalt oHlbinoam. rang t:IJe fame bap,
, IHcb.wcm to Iaetics, anll +lcb after IJim tentl)oufanb men: faring,
, ar°"'c, anb :m>wo~a tocntUiitlJ l)im. 2. 191atre re tlJe JLoiti, fo: tl}c
1\ lBut ll)abcr tlJe llenite, nil]icl:l b.ia!S of tl)e aumgmg of'.]lfrael. ant1fo1 tl)c
~,~:~·.r 0• *~lll~cn of ~obab, tlJc fatlJcr in lame of ~o, • people tlJat becamcro \lltlltng. o l[obJlt,t~r
• 'lb11 1,." rc.a,ftmoouetl from tI.Jc. llienites.antJ pitd)Cb l}is 3 i)Mre.© ~e lnngUJearlten,slD re pitncc~: ~~~.%·~~~.~
~:~.'.~: tent• bnto tlJe plainc of ·3aa11aim, tolJiCIJ is bp 'Jl, cucu] 'lllOI rmg bnto tl]e lLOzb, '.)]\\!tu ung il•P~•llaU.
r''b b11 1111:. ISeb~. p:aife to tl)e ·,11...o~b <ll'lol:I or')ftacl•.
J!:'r~1 ~:,~b I 2. !l\llb tl;lel' 11.Je'meb ~ffCfl1 , c{Jat :l5arac tlJC 4 Jl,,o~De, 'llllJen tl]ou \rcntdt out of~ctr,
"bl ~~~':::r,
ronnc of.!ilbmoam llln)'!I gone \'Ip to mount ~a, \lllJctt t(Jou tlcpartt~ out of ti.Jc ftelbe or lfoom,
tlJt eartl) tremblcll, anb tl)e l]caumii: ratneo, tl;c
,I""" 1'~~:.~:. .I 3 atl'b ~ifera ~atl)erel> to«etl)et au l)tis d)a•
~~1 b1 b•Par· boz. i
I tlottllCJ$ alfo ~oppeb 'mater:
C 'ffl11" I
The fong of Debora ludges. afcer the viCl:ory.

Ifracl is opprcffcd of the Madianitcs for their wk·
kcdnetfe. 14 Gedeon is fcnt to be their deliuercr.
37 Heaskcdafigne. ·;
~~ tl]c cl)tlbtm of ')lfracl cDm< •
mtttcb • bJtcfiebtua'cin tliJe ~tof •
tl,)c JL,o'b : anb tlJc lLOtb bdiumb L~~.

tlJetn into dJc b IJanbS of ~atlian ~·~"'•
rcumrmcs.. . &:"~:
2 9:nb tlJC f1anll Of ~8bl8R mcu1nleb agmntl
j\fratl: anb 'bccaure of dJe ~abianitc£S, dJe i.~~~
tl)iltl~cn or1rrael mabc tl.Jcm bmJ$ in tl]e moun• ~""
taine)1, anb caucss, anntlrongl)oll>css. '
3 gnb\ul.Jcn]fracl l)ab fo\um, tlJcncamc
bp tf)C SJll)abianitcS, tl)e amaleflitcSS,8nbtl)ey Of
tlJe !falt,anb came t:Jp againft d)em,
4 gnb pttc(Jeb tl!eir tcntJ$ againfttlJcm. anb
bellropeb tl:Je increarc of tlJe cartl.J, ttl ttJou come
t:Jnto ~~a{J,ann left no ruaenamcfo1 ~frael,nci•
tlJer tl)ecpe, o:re, no, atrc:
s ~o~ t{Jep \Dent tip, tl]ey anb tl1eir cattdl.
anti came t'llitl:J tlJeir tents, a)1 a multitubt or
<!3raf1)oppers, fo t:tJat botlJ ttJcr anb alfo trJm ca·
melJ$ \llcre 1Ditl)o11t number: anti tf1cy cnmZI
into tl:Je lantl to bcllror it.
6 .anti ro mas 'llfrael ~binlilF impoum•
«1eb d in tf}e Cigl)t of tlJc i!:Jatltanitti!, *ant> crpcb ~ ~:l.~"
t:Jnto tl)e Jl..o~b. .J... · ,
7 ant1\u1Jct1dJed11~mof'JftatlcrpebbJ1: trbcchi!-;
to ti.Jc JL,o~tl,becaurcor dje~.bfantteii, . drc~of~
8 ~c 1Lctb fmt bnto tl)ea i&:opl}tt, \l)Jjid) rac. ~
rain tnto tl)em, ~uii faitlJ tl}e JL01D CISob of'.)lf, 1
tael.~ fctroufrom ~t,antJ tnougIJtfOUDut
oftl)el.Joufc of bonbagt.
9 ano 91 rtn rou out of tl}e IJanb of t11e cf·
~ptians, an1:1 out or t11e 1)811'11 of an DPPJd"
leb rou, aMb ca1tt1Jem out befo1crou, anD gauc
pou tlJeir lant1:
1° an1:1 1 fai1:1 bnto rou, ~ :am ~e :t-oJZI rour
CISob.Cearc not tf}egozis or*anuntte-tn \lll)ofe
lantl rou llbJelt: :16ut pou IJaue not otJepeb mp
11 anntl;Jeangdof t1Je:t.o~D'8me. ann rate
tinner an ©Ile ml}ta,, \llaJ mCfplJ~alJ. dJatper·
ta1ncb bnto ')oas tl]e fatl]er of tlJe Cffritel!I: anti
Gedeon and the Angel. Chap .. vij. Gedeonsfleece~
iJisronniiBebcontIJtet1Jeb '1:11Jeatebl'd1c\lline- intlJe mo~ing, beiJoflltl}e altar of l5aal -mas
p1dtc.to1Jti>citfromt1Jc~abiartittlf, • . . bµ)tm1, anti tlJt giouuutno'nlttctlJat "ll.laisbt
12 aitbt11cangelo(tfJel-O~b ttppr.anb imto it.,aJlllt1Je 1fewni'.I bUllo"'e offcnll bpon tfJcal• , Gi11D1101u
IJtm, anb faill bnto l)im, ~l)c )L,l>Jb ilS '1.litlJ i:!Jce tar tl)at \Das malle. . . r:.~::.~ t::~"
1fJOU llri«IJtie man: 2 9 . ~nll tlJcp filitl one to snodJ~·. rs~o f;JatlJ ~::\~·:.:~·,
!Ji~~'P.~b~r. 13 ~no <l!JClleon anftuereb l)im,' ©f;J my i..~ bone tfJilS tlJin!iJ :' ann lDl:Jm tl)ey enqu1nllant1
;.r::~~~~b° tf~t0111 be nitl) blS, '1.llJF ~ all ~tis comr ~· allieb,tlJcp faib, Ci5cbcon tl}c ronne or'.)oais l}atlJ
• eooi1111••" on bf~!!ca,anll b:JIJm be all lJtlS nnradclS \Dl)1'1) none tlJis tlJittg.
I ::.,"'.~~~:~~·, our fat!Jtris tolb bl5 of,atlb CattJ,jlilill not tfJeJLo1b 3.0 '4-IJen tfJe men of tlJe citit faill bnto 1oas,
1 =.~;~~:,. b1itll bl5 out or ctgnit 1but110\XI. tl)e JL~Zll lJatlJ ll}zmg out tlJF romu , tl)at be map tJic : bee~
:;;::::·~. ro~akm ~15, ~rtll llcltucrcll 1l15 into tt:Jc:l)atlbc!!I of (Jc l)atlJbcfltopcb tfJc altar ofl3aal,\I cut Di:l\Xlnc
\ r~·:·anill tl)e~atnamtclS.
,,..1110 •b•0
. . .
14 .2lnD tl)e fJi.,oib loofteD tipon 1)1m, atlb faill,
.. tlJ£!1fOUC tl)attollSbpit,
~x anti ]oa!!I faib tinto an tl}at lfoob bpf1im,
,. 111"',~'• 1b' ," ""ochcnce1'n"""'"'"""F'm·
1 1
..., ..., ~"...,"' • 1'"mou"".
., u ''' al~.".
.,..'" llJll""Pl"allcm...acaal"'caufie"o•"'t.I
c<- .. . ..., " .• , w pc,, "auc.,.. ,.\n". m 'l!:hUllDc
\ ~/~~.-:.~~~: liuer']frad out of tlJc lJ'1nlll5 oft:IJt antamtcis: 19c tt)~tb.l~U contcnll fo~ ()tm, let lJim nie rcr tl)c ~:.%~~~~~~
t•U~:.~::. 1Jau&not'.)fcntt()£C~ ,• . , . h momln~:tf()cbca<3on,letiJimpf£alJefo~l)inl' ,OoDmU(I,
·wrr••• D•D 1 ~ anll l)c anfmereb IJim, Sl!>b 'Jl,011>, .b:JIJtt~· fclfe, a~ainlf iJim ttlatl)at() calf bo'llln l'Jis altar. ~~r.~.~~1.:t
~ ;'&;::i .,,. 'nlitij t1)all '.l\ rauc ']frael :' bclJolD, 1llt' .rt1nret11s 32 anb from t{Jatnap \Dais <!!>cbcon mOeD 'J\e> •1!Ab111 "·
.· :'.:C'.'m"'a Upoo~c in ~anatrcis, anll 1 am lcatl m mr fa• roba!ll: bccatirc lJi15 ftttbet l)all ratb, JLct ~aal
~I or, the t1J£rS IJoufc. . . P~CaD fo~ l}imfclfc,bccaufc l)c lJatlJ b~obcn Do\Xln
-:.ca11. 16 ~e JL,o~ll raib tmto l}tm, 1 '1:11~1 be \ll1tlJ lJU~ altar.
tlJcc, anll tl}ouOJaitfmitc t:IJc ~al11amte!!I a!!I 33 Alltl)e~allianttt~ tl)ercfo~c.·anlltl}cg,
t1Jcp '11crc but one man. maleftitcSS, anb tlJcp of tfJc <fall 'Wm ~atl)cren
~ i 7 .ann l)ce anf\Xlercn IJint. ©IJ , tf 'J ~auc togctl)cr, anb b.lcnt. anll pitclJcD tn tl)c ballet of
~, eruronto br fOUtlb tn'tlCC ill th" fl""'t. t(Jen t1JC\U tnC ll h CljplC, ]e~ael.
limDHlDll ))• !: ~'JI tl '
-ardf.aar, t.)Btltf~ tlJOU tl)at taUlC \Xllt(J mt: .
-..s:t. fol, t .. ' -
34 Nllt ~C ...,artt 0
rtl)C JL.Otl> :j: CllmC bpon fHeb.clad
:"11":\~~~ I8 ~cpart not i}entC, *Jl p:ap tlJCC, bntiU IJ\ ~Cll~n, anb l'JCe ble\XI ll trumpet,_ Bnll n a!Jic~er Gedeon.
~.:,~1 • wmc bnto t:IJcc, anll till '31 b:tng mirtc ollrtll~· 'llla~1opneb \XlttlJ l}im. ~.~~;~1·~'.~'
: 'S':OJ:.:!rr anti l}au~ rct it befo1C ttec.• anll t:Jt fa&O, '.JI \ll1H 35. anb IJce rent mc[cngrrsi ti,J~ougl}out an ~1n11.

~='"' tarpbnttlltl)oucomcagame. ~analle!!I, \lllJJClJ atro \Xlaisiopncb blitl)l:Jitn.

~":'... 1 9 anb<3ebeon \llentin, atlb mallt nalip a anll (Jec rent mefi'cn~tr!!I bmo arer, '5abulon.
,.,,:=:·.~ mb, an1' rmecte cakes of an' cfpl)a of flourc, an1> lleplJt(Jali, anti tl:JtF ca1nc to meete them.
i:~~' pUtft\XlttlJ tl)C flcfl)inabilfkct, \l putti,Jeb~OtlJ 36 anb ©l'.llCOn fatbbnto t(Jcm, '.)ftl]OU\lldt
ram !ftiJ~~p'Jlmw 1Jano,u ttJou l]aa rat_o,
in a pot, anb biou11Jt tt out imto l)nn bnber ti.Jc
11 ~.:i~::,~~~~a
• it>akc,aubpiefttttclllt. . 37 ...,c Ow, ' 'all putaflcectofb.loollrntlJc ortnftDrl!lp,
' :i.o an1> tl)c angcU Gf <Bot> rapllebnto IJtm, tlJ1CllJing place : anb tf tlJe De\Xle c::ome on tiJc ~.l~'i,1:·~.":...
~aketl)e tleilJ anll tl)ef\Xlcctmltcis,anb IaptfJem tlcect onelr, anti it be biicbpon au tl)e cartl) be< g~~.~~~··
bpon tl)i~ rome, atlll po\ll1£ out d)e b:otlJ. ant> fll>c, tl}en !ball] bee run that ti,Jou \llilt rauc 31r,
IJc bil> ro. racl bF mp lJanD .as tl)ou faillctl.
:u ~cntlJd'.ngdoftl)eJi.,otb J!Utfo~ti,Jtbe 38 anbitcamcfotopalfe: fo:l]eroCcbpcatlp
cnb of tl)c aa«e tl)at l)e IJtlbc in l)t~ IJanil, attn on tbt moioto,an1> tlJtull tl)c fteccc togctlJer,ann
totlQJcb tlJc tleil.J,ann tl)c C\Xlccte calle!$~anb tfJcrc 'OJJbong tl)c llc\Xle tl)ercout, anll fillel> a boule or
rorc tip fire out of tl)e roclle, atl'll confunttll ttJc \llater. . .
flelb anb tl}c f\llccte '8Tlt15 : but tIJcan~cl of t(Jc 39 *inb <!Jcbron faiD ~aine bnto Cl3oll, l6cc Gcn. is. P
'A..o1b b~artell out of1Jti5 fig(Jt. not angrp \llitlJ mce t11at] fpeaflc once mo1e.foi
n an11 b.ll)cn e5cbCOn pmctueb tl)at tt \Xis~ 1 \\lill p:ouc once againc bf tl)e flecre. JL.ct it be
an an_gd of tlJeJi.,ozb,lJe rain,alais,l!D Ji.,ozt10ot1, D:te onclp bpon t(Je tlcccc, ann ne\Xle bpon au t(Jc
l)aue'Jl tl)ctcfolefem£anatll£loftl)cJ!.,o,lJface grounll. ·
to race, that I lhoutd die? 40 ilnb ~ob btl> ro tl)atfamc niglJt: ro: it \ll!l~
2 3 . am fflc 'JLozb faib bnto l)im, •eace be tm• b:tc bpon tl)e fleece onctp,anb tl)m mais lleb.l on
to tl}ce, fearc not, tl}ou 11.Jalt notl>if. . . all tfJc grounb.
z4 ~lJcn <3cl>con mabe an altat tlJ'en tmto Th ·· Ch
tl)e JL,oz1>,at1b calleb tt. ~£·a.~ of peace, 9nll e V1J. apter.
bnto tlJill bar it i15 pet in <fpl)~IJ, tlJat perm• The Lord commaundc:ch Gedeon 10 fend :away :a

,1, 1
~ ncdJbntofflefatl)eroftl)ccffrite15. grcatpartofhiscompany. 22 ThcMadianiresarc:
' ; 15 :lnbtl)cfamcnigl)ttl)e·JL,oibfail>bntol)im, difcomfacd by a wonderous forr. ::.5 Oreb and
~ iatake tlJF fat:(Jcr!l poung bulloatc, anb anotl)cr Zeb arc Ilaine.
~ '..~::':;. bulloelle orrcucn feem!I oil!, anb • betlro}?tl)cal' l)m 'Jcrobaat ( \XlfJo iis \13ebcon)
t ~11J;:.0 tar of ll\aal t~at tbF fatl)et l)atl),anb cutilO\Dtu anb au t(Jc people tl)at '1.lerc toitlJ
::1 ~.....,:~;'o ti.Jc grouc tl)at i~ bp it: l)im, rofe bp carlp, ano pitcl}eti be-
~ ~Of111r,,:'."' z6 annmalle an a!tartmto tl)e Jl,oJb tlJf ~ob Cll>ct(Je \Dell oC.,arab: fo ~at tl)e
r ••~::.~:r~; bpontl)e toppc of tl)iSJ roclie, in a conuement l)oac of tile ~abianites 'IDere on
./ ='1nw...~~· plact, allll take tllc rccon?I bullochc, anb offer t1Je$i'l0Jt(Jfilleoft(Jcmbptl)el)illof
! 'lll~Ole burnt famftce~ bpon tl}C \11001> Of tl)e SJl90Jd),ltttl)cballcp.
· grouc 'o:li} icl) tIJou tl)alt cut bo\Xlnc. . ·2 anti tl)c ~o:tJ rarll bnto \13ebeon., ~e peo•
27 ~en <i'Srt>eon tooft£ tm men oflJt15 fer• plet;lJat are ~ttlJ.tUe~, are too manFCoimceto
uam~, a11?1 t11ll ais tl)e ·JJ..,o~b bane l)im: l6ut be• gtue t{Je ~al>tamte~ tnto tl)eir i)Stll)S lea ~a· • eaa 1111na:.
caur:: tice feareo to llOe tt bl? t1ar, foJ lltis fatl}ers cl maliC tiJctr> baunt agatntlme anll ra-p. ~inrl ~~:;:,:,:a·1
boulliolb, an:> tlJc men of tl)e otie, l)c biD tt br o\llnebantl l}atlJ fautll me. ~;~"'-' "'
mg()t. . 3 0~~ tl)ererotc make a w.oclatnation ~~ Dcut. ,,o. ~ .
. ____.:'.,.s~a~nb~\tl~h~,e~n~tb~e~iu~c~n~o~ft:'.!lJ~tct~'t:'.:ir~a~r~ofi~e~ea~rt~lF~_r_:e::ar::c::.'1.:.o~:..:t.::.,e~pc.:c~op~e,~au::::_llfl~a:'.:..:p''.....•_:]~f::::an::;P:.,.:m:::a::n._1'-,
o~ I
The Madianices drean1e. Judges. Oreb andZebfiaine.

•L 'o --=-~-~---'---""\_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.i__g<l5!£t!!brG:!?!n!!L___ ,\,;

Zebahand Zalmana flaine. Chap.ix. GedeonsEphod. 91
7 iBdleon ratbc, ~llmfo~e tol)en tl)c JL,o~b cuerr man ttJe earning~ of(Jis p~ar.
1'8tiJ belUlttdl ~dJSIJ ano ~almana into mtne 2 6 anb tge wctg[Jt of tfJc golllm care rinms
IJariDe , jj mill teatc tJJc fldl:I of pou tDitlJ tl)c tl)at l)c requireb, toas a tl}ouranb ~ feucn IJun,
tfJOmcs oftl)e tt>ilbcrneU'e, ann \D1tl) b:pcrs. llJeb ftcles Of golbe, befibe cl)aine15 anb icmet15,
s . 9nb lJe tocnt bp tl)entcto 191Janatl, anll anb purple rapment tl}at toass on t(Je hmgis of
rparie bnto t(Jcm liketoirc: anll ttJe mm of 19lJ8' ~~llian, anll bcftbc tl}e cl)ains tl]at tom aoout
nudamtocrcb f)tm, as Otb tfJc men of ~iuotl). tl}e:tr tamel15 nechcis.
9 .ano IJe faib alfo bnto tl)e men of19lJsnuel, 27 .a1~0 1!3cllcon mallc an • ~pl)ob ttJcrcof, ~,!~.~::1 "·
• t:imfb""'"' U01Jcn 1 come againc c In peace, '.ll toill b1eslic anb put tt in l:Jt15 citie Qfpl)2all : anll all 'j\frncl ''"' •mo11ei
'niu•iP· oomnc ti)is toto1e. ~~~,1/~ •,·.~~~?
\uent a 'll:ll:JoJing after tt mtile came place,lDlJich 111
10 ~ebalJ anll ~slmana tocre tn GCarto:, tl]mgbccamca ruine \mto 1!3coeon, anll to l]is ' 11·
anb ttJctr holls tottlJ t1Jem.1lpon a fifttene t(Jou' 1)ourc.
rsnb men, mlJiclJ tocre all tl)st tom left of ~ll 2 s 'm,,1)us 'Illas ':l3aoian bJOUID'Jt Iowe bcfo;r

tlJe !Jolls of tl)cin or tl)e <fall: fo: tlJm \llss aam tfJe clJ1lo~cu of 'j\Cracuo tl:Jat tlJep ltttcb \lp tlJcir
an l)uno~eb anti ttomtie tl)ouf.anbe men tl)at l)eallS no mo~c: sno tl:Jecountrcp mas in quiet,
b~t'lll htio,os. neifc fourtie rec res in tlJc Daren of ©etlron.
orct 10. 11 * ~nll ~cbcon tocnt th:ouilJ tl)cm tlJAt 29 anl:l 'J)crobaal tlJe ronm: of ']oa15, went
1 1'1· b'mdt in tabernacles on tl1c cieatrnoe of ~obal:J, ami lltoelt tn l)is otone tJourc. '
anti 'J;cgbal)sl], anti fmotc tl}elJoftc: fo~ ti)e l)oll 3«;> .anti ©cneon l)all ttnccfcoJc ~ten ronneis
bil:I tall no perils. of 1)115 bot1r begotten: fo: b,c l)all manp toiucs.
I 2 attb tolJCU °5Cbaf} Snb ·~almana flCb, lJCC 3r !lnb l)is concubine mat 'Illas in ~icl)em 1

Collo'roel:I after tl)Cln, mtb toolit tl)e ttoo king,15 of b~rchim aronnralCo, tol)orc 1tamc lJe callcll g,
~abian, '5Cbal) anll ·3'abnana, anb bifcomfitcll b1melcclJ.
an tlJe 1:1one. 32 'Anb dl5cbcon tl)cConneor']oa15 tiicb inn
1 3 .ano <1!5ellcont1Jc ronnc of']oas, returtlcll g~oll age, \l tuas burieb in t(Je Cepulcl)lc of']joai:s
from batten aro,c tl)e !unnc was bp, 1)1sfatl}cr in Clepl)~al), tlJatpertainco bnto tl}c
14 ·anll caugtita lab lie or tlJt men of ~ucotl], CatlJcr or tl}e lfCrttcs.
am cmmtrcb of tmn: Rnll IJcc 'm~otc tJim of ttJe n '.l5Utal! roonc 11z ~cocon \uais ocan, tlJe
lo:bs anbelllcrs of ~motlJ t1J1cerco~e anb rcuc11, cl}illlicn or 'Jlfracl cumci:I atuar, \f \Vent a tvlJo'
tccnemcn. ringaftcrlBaalim, anbmaoc a coumam 'nlitlJ
1 5 ann l)c ca1ne bnto tlJc men of ~ucodJ,&nb :0aa l to be tlJetr gob.
faia, lBclJolb <5cbal} \t ·5a1rna11a, \'DitlJ tol)idJ re 34 ana tl)e of ']lli'ael tlJougl)t not on:
llib tall me in tl)e tccttJ, raring, arc tl)c l)anbs of tlJc Ji.oil> tl)eir ©ob,tt>IJidJ 1)aD beliumo tl)e out
~ebaf) \l ~atmanatJ alrcabp in tl)inc fJanb, tl)at of tl}c (Janos or all tlJeir mcmic.11 on cucrr noe. 1 11" r:>·~·"•
\Uc flJoulb giuc b~ab bnto tlJr faintic men'! 3S ~Citl}cr 1 t1Jet1Jcb tlJey mmic Oil tl}C r:':;;~';,~~;~,~
16 9.nll IJe tooltc tl)c clber~ of tIJc tltie, anl> fJDUfc of jjerobaal, ocherw iii: called <il5ebcon, ac, ::~~ ~·~,'.i:['.,i1,
t1Jo1ncs or t{Je 'roilllcrnclfe, anll b~ters, anb bib co~Oing to al tl)e goonncU'c \1.'IlJaclJ l:Jc l}all nic'lllell ;~: ~~'.~:,;•g;.
tcarc tlJe men of ~ucotl) 'With tl]em. bnto 'Jlttacl. :·.~~i':,~ ',~' ~~:
17 9.nll lJe b1alic bomnc tl1c totu~e of J9l:Janu' The ix. Chapter.
d, am fie'W ti.Jc men of tl)c anc. 1 Abimelcch vfurpcch the kingdomc,and pucccch his I
i S ann tlJcn faib I.Jc bnto ~cbah anb '5alma,
na, 1191Jat mancr of men were tl)ep \DlJom rec brethren ro death. 7 loatha111 propoli:ch a parable.
aeto at '4t:l)abo1 '! anll tlJcr anrtocreb , ~e hlic• l5imclcc1J tl}c ronncof 'J]crobaal,
nctrc of tl)cc anll tl)ein i~ all one, cucn after t!Je went to ~ic1)C, bnto lJijS motl)cri>
fallJion or tl}c clJilb:rn of a l1ing. b:ctlJJen,(l communeb \'DitfJ ttJcm,
19 ~nbl)efaib,'4t:. crwcremrb:et1ucn,cuen anti tt>itlJ al tl}e liinrcil of tlJc l:}ourc
r ll!nrn narnrr mp r mot)Jers tlJilll:tn: as m1clr ass t!Je JLo~tl li• • or l)is motl)cr.s fattJcr, fapmg,
~:f,~~.~0 ~~ uctlJ, t( rec lJab rauc'b tl)eir ltats, 'JI toottlb not 2 ~ar,Jip~anou,intbcc~rcs of all t1Jcmcn
amb.. aarrou. or ~trnem, 0011cttJcr i5 better to~ pou, tl}at all
20 9nM1cfaill tmto'Jl,ct1Jer1Jtsdt1cll fotmc, tl:Jc ro11nrs or 'Jjerobaal ( tulJtdJ are tlJ~refco.zc
~1µ, ano nar ttJem. lBut ttJe lab DJC'\l)e not IJis sno tcnpttfon,111rctgnc oucr rou,citt]cr t1]at one
f'roo~b: f01 IJC fearcll,betaUCC l}e toas pct pong. rcignc ouer rou: lllcmcmbcr tl}at '.1 am of rour
2 r -m;IJcn ~cbal) ano;a1tuana raib,llitfe tl)ou, bone,anb of rour fie{!). . .
~'?'::·•· anti ran upon us : ro, ass s tlJe man if$, ro ts l)is 3 ann l:Jis motl)rrs b~ctfJJC11 fpal'le oflJ1m m
::,~~.~: 1•:0 tlrengtlJ.9.llll ©ellro11 arorc,ant1fic'ID ~cbaiJ anb tl)caubicnccof au tlJc men or ~tclJem, au tl}cre
o"""' •nm '5almana, anll tooltc
l atoar tfJe omammts tl)at
\lloJ!llS, anti t!Jcir l)carts tticre mouco to follotoc
~bimelecl}: fo.z t11er fa ill, U,)e tl'.S our b.zotl)r:r.
Dltl)at lbtp • I-
I ~aou~~111b1r· were 011 tl)ctr came )':l nccnc~.
u~~;~~~~it\, l 2. qcn tl)c men 0 f 'J:fracl rato bnto <1!5rbeon, . 4 I.Intl tl.Jer gaue tiim t1J~ccfro2c anti ten pie,
•boy. llieiane ti.Joli oucr 11~, botlJ tlJou, tl)r ronnc, anti ttis of flluer, out of tl)e l)oure of lOaal l8critl),
~a:;~1:t10,1b! tlJp li'fomtes ronnc,fo~ ttJou l)aa ocliucrcb bS out 'Wf1Crtllitb abimcltclJ IJitCb bainc anll liglJt per'
"· oCtl)e IJanb of~~aoian. . roms, tvlJitl)tt>entttiitl} llim.
J 3 9.nll <15cbcon fain bnto tl)cm, 'JI \lJtH not 5 Snll·IJcc tvcnt 11nto lJiS fRtfJcris [Jourc at
, 11,r••aan1 retgnc oucr rou, ncttl)cr t1Jall mp thilb rctgnc o' lfp!natl), anti. •Oe'lll l)IS b~CtlJJCll the fonnc,11 of •urarrrrr cf
~bi 111a11 ucrrou: buttlJc Jl..Olll 11Jall•rctgneouerrou. 'J]erobaal, bctn!J ttJ~~crco~ca~b tmperfon~,bP' ~~:;:',~~~·:.
DI: ~D ~~~'!;.. 2.} ano 8«8lne ~CJll'Qn fail)£ bnto t(Jetn' '.Ji on one flone : not\l:Jltl}llanbmg ret ']JoattJam '"r"lllcoonb
t·~:·;:.~:,·, 'l:lloulD bcflrc a requcct or rou, tl}atrou \Doulb the ronictl Conne of'.]crobaal ercapco, fo~ l]e lJill ~;!.'~,~~~~·:~
~::,~~~~.·M, 11iue me cmrp man tl]c cartngs oftJls piar. f o~ llt.m'clfC
.. 1 • f
i.1111~ rn bu
lHF, at •
11111 uua1o11. ttJcpf:Jallgolllcncarc rings, bccaure tlJqi tom~ 6 anb al: ttJe men or ~icl,wm gatl)crcll toge, !".;'~',~::::::::
J,rmaclitcs. tlJcr, anb.all tl)e boure of ~ello, anb came, anll '·1:: :1uq 1

2 5 .anti tl)ep anf\tlcreti , mcc \'Dill giuc tticm. manc~btmet·:chhin«, in tl)c plainr ml]crc tlJC
1nntl)eii rp~ell a mantcn, anb lllll wa merem !font wasiu ~klJcm.
~ ~llll_I __ _
Ioarhams parable. ludges. Gaal vanquithed.
1 .anb tDl)cn tlJcp tolll it to 1oa~~m,l}c \D~ 26 anb ~I tf.)c Conne of ©bell mme tDitlJ
anll ltooll in tl}c top of mount <ll'S~tnn. anll lift IJtlS b~tlJJm, anb. tl)ep gate tl}em to $9ictJcm:
bp l}il!I \lort:e, anll Cfl'ell, anD faille ~nto U,cm. ~II tl}c men of -Kt.Jcm put tl}ttr 'onfibcnu in
'eamm tinto mee, rou men of '5ndJsm, tl}at l)nn.
<l3oll mar l)carfim tmto rou. . . 27 g:n~ tl)ey \\lmt outtntotl)c ftellle!5, anll

oUtt tfJcm,anll ra111 \'In o•.,e :iiv1me •• ~e.»e"»nc mane m£r?2. anll \llen~into tl)c l}ouCe of tl}cir
~.J,"b',b/:,f~~~ 8 b~e tree' .wmttf~~t!J,, t~ a~n~ ~ng gatl)creD '"· tJ,?e1i: grapcss, an11 trobctl)tm, anb
b•fo1• '~'''
::,c:,•::~~111 tl}ouoaerlJ,, . · . _ 11011, ann bill eatc ann ll~mte, a1U1 cutrcll ruli1nt•
~~n;~1k'i'n~0; 9 ~UC d}e Q>J1ue tree fatll .\'Into tlJe, ~lJoulll
'IDlt~ llJltll• '3) Ieaue mr fatnc[e, \Dhcrt\llltlJ bl' \UC tl}er l)o' • 2 ~ .ann 0aa1 tl)c ronnc of sDbclJ faplle, ll91Jat
~~~~ ~~,=~~.. nour' <l3oll 11nll man, anll goe to be p~omotcll o• tis abnnclcdJ :' ann 'lDIJatis 119idJem tl}at mcc
~:~:.:~.~~r uer tl}e trccl5 :' tlJDulbferuel)im:' 1is notl}etl:Jefonneof'.31cro•
~~~':i\~ ..0 1 o ~nll t(Je ~ecss faill to ti.Jc f igi;te tree, Gtomc baa1:'anll '5drul iss l)ilSofficer:'Cerac tutl} as come
1•1~• ~r· "h· c{tou.anllbclnngoucrbl5. of ~emo~ tl}e fatf.)ci of ~tmem:ro, mlJat reacon
~.~.'. \~::::. 11 -af.IJe figge tree ant'\Dereb tl}em, ~l,Joulll 1151t t11at \De a.ioulo remc l)im :'
:f'~.~;t~~,.~ '.3J ro~fakc mr fmcctnem\ anll mr gooll fruit, anll 29 U9oulll tj!Joll tl}ts people \llerc bnlltt ~
r:1'.'~~ ano goc to be 1nomotell oucr tl}e trcess:' 11an?J, tl)cn \DoUlb ] take .attmelcdJ out of tfJe
1 2 €{Jen faill tlJc mess tmto tlJc !Pinc, 4tomt l118p, .l{nb lJe Cpake againtl abitnclect), m\)afle
tl)ou,anll be fling oucr bl5. tl}int I.Joie gnater, anll i;toe out.
13 '<lrl)e '1l!inefaiobnto tl}em. fboulll1\ lcauc 30 inll\Dl)cn '~l'bul tiJc ruler oftfJc "tp IJcarzi
a'l!1mur. lllrn1 mp 'lllilll' '1ll)Crbp] CIJecre botl) d~oll anb man, tfJe mo,Z>eis of eaal tlJe ronne of ©bell, IJc \Da~
~·1t:r::~~i,~ al\!J goe to be p~omotcll oucr ttJc tret.l5:' wiotf:J,
;::~·r~~~~1Fl 1.1. '<lrlJcn fa1oc ~II tl)c trceis tinto tlJc lf>~icr, 3' anb rent mccrengeris hnto 9:bimelcel} p,i,
uourbnto r~c ~Otne tl}OU,allll rctgne Oller b.G. ullr. raring. l3c1Jolll, <l3nal dJe ronnc of ©bell,
~5~in,u .Bum. , S anJJ tl)e l5:ict fatll lmto tlJC treejS, 'Jlfit be anb IJts bJetl},cn, be come to ~i,l}em, anb be,
true tlJat re 'lllill anoint me kinr;J oucr rou, tllen ~oil), tlJep foitifi:c tiJe citic agatnll tlJee.
tomc,anll put rour truft1.mbtt mp tl.)allo\D:if no, 32 JFlo'lll t{Jcrefo~c, bp bl:' niglJt, tlJou a11b tl)c
• 11b1'"''"b tlJe c fire come out or tlJc l5,rcr, anb\DalletlJe µeoplc tlJat il5 '1Jitl} tlJu, anb lie in \llaitc in tl)c
~~ :.~~~r'~i'r llte!Jar treelS of Jl,ibanon.
<i.>1<11im. 16 ~o'lll tl)ercro1c.. if re !Joe trUcl! anlJ hnto;t• 33 anb rife carclp tn tl}e momtng ass !oom
ruptll' to mal5c abimclcdJ king, atlll ff re l,Jauc al5 t:IJc runne tis hp, a1111 fall bpon tl)e atic: anc
JJelt 'lllcl \llit(J 1 erobaa1,anb 1Jtss 1Jourc.,anb l}auc if l)c anll dJe people tl)at il5 tDitl} I.Jim 'ome out
none bnto l)im a"oining to tl}c beferuing of (Jiis agatna tJJcc,boe to tl}cm tDIJat tlJine l)anlJJS a1all
l)anlJ~: be able.
17 ('1fo1 cucnmr fatter fouglJt fot rou, anb 34 anb abtmeled] rofc bp. anti 811 ti,c people
aJJumturcll l)i.G lire, anll rill rou out of tl}e l]anll t(Ja t 'lllcrc \»itl} 1)1m bl' nigl;Jt, anll tlJCV laib a·
ofQJ)aJJian: lllaitc again« ~i'IJfln tn fourc compantcl5.
1 s !lnll rec are rifcn bp againll m\1 fad.Jcrs 35 anllcl!laaltfJcfonncor@bcll\Dmtout,ant
{Jou re t1Jil5 Dar, anll l)auc oatnc IJts ct)ilD~m, be• lloollintllecntringoftlJe gate oftl)ccitie: am
ing tl}:ccfro~c anlJ tm pmonss, bpon one llone, lbtmcledJ rofe hp.anb tlJe folflc tl)at mere mitt,
\f l)aue mane abimeltci), t(Je fonm~ of IJilS maille l)im, from Iring m'lllaitt.
rcruant, ltinr;J oucr tl)e mm or ~acl.)cm, lmaw 36 .anb \D{Jen dl5aal fa\D tl}c i:eoplc, l)e carr.
1Jc ts rour btotl)er:) to *but, )6C]Jollle, ti.Jere come people IJO\llnl
19 '.J1frcet1Jen1Jaue IJealt truelr anlJ purr.Ir rrom ttJc top of tlJe mountaineis. ann *bul fai?
\nitlJ ']\crobaal , anll '1litlJ lJtS tJoure tl)i.G bap, bnto lJim, s ~IJeO.labo\D of tl}cl)illeiseunttmcn '''*~
tl)cn morte re 'lllitlJ abtmcled;J , anb let l)im re' bntotl)•e. r::::.•·
iopte 'lllitlJ rou.
10 '.!5utif ronbaucnotllcalttrutlr, d.Jcnlct
31 ann dl5aal anl'mm?I ai;tatn,811b fai?J, ~te, :::zt
tlJtte come folrie bo\lln bl' tl)c milllllc oftl)e lan!I, ....-.-
nfire come out ofabimelcctJ, anll tonrumc tile enlJ 11not1Jcr 'ompanic 'omc along bp Cl}e plainc wt.
men of ~itl)ean, atlll tlJc l)oUCe of ~ello: anll lct of ti.Jc cl)armcris.
tIJcrc come out a fire from mm of $Si• 3s ~en ratb *bul bnto lrim. 11911m iisno\11
cl)cm, anb outoftl)cl)oUfeof •eUo, anb 'on• tl}p moutl) d}at rail1,1101Jat fcllo\ll i• gi,jmclecl),
fume :1bimdecIJ. tl}at \De fl.Jou Ill rtrue IJim :' 1l5 not ~ii tlJe pro·
21 ann ']oatl}am ran 11\llar, anb ftcll, anD pie tl)at ttJou l)aa nerptrco :' ~oe out notoc, anD
\'otnt to '.!5ecr, anb ll\l:Jclt tl}cre roi fcarc of abi• ftll}t \llitlJ tlJem. ..
metecl) l)is btotl)er. 39 9.n?lllilaal'lllcntoutbefoJC tl]e Rtiltnl5 Of
2 2 t191Jcn abimclcr.IJ l)ab rctgncll tlJ.iu rmss ~itlJem,anb fouimt \DitlJ abnnclcd;J.
outt 'J1£rae1, 40 anll abimelectJ d,)afeb l}tm,tl)atl}c flcb be·
~~~\:':~~ 1 1~:. 2
3 <ll5ob 1rent an rtrtn Cptrit btt'lllcrnc gbtmc• toJc l)ian,anll manr wereouerdJµ>\\lm ~ \Doun,
"~g~.~~~i~ lecl) ant1 tIJc men o~ ~tcf)em: anb ~e att1mis of DcD, cum !Into tlJe mmngof tt.Je gait. ·
~ng 11111mn1 ~l~cm bJal!c tl)e&r p~onuf£ to 9.btmefetl1: 4 , gm9btme1ea,11\\ldtatannnal}:ant1'.5r·
~~~n.:g~~~~ f, 2 4 ~~Jat tl)c \\lltlieDnC[c Done to tl}e tf»tr• bul tlJJUft out~ an,D IJi.d bJctl»m, tf.)at tl}t p
~~~%:~:.. .~an ten fonne15 of'}crobaal.mi@t come on llJOUUI not b\Dell m ~sctJcm.
IJtm, anb. tIJat <ll5ob mi~t tar tl)e bloalJ of t1Jem 41 anti 011 tljcmo~o\ll tl)C people '1Jmt Out
\mto ~btmelcclJ tlJtit b~otIJerbJIJitlJ l1elD tJJem, into tlJe fieltt,anb tl)cy toll> abimelccl),
Sl_lb bpOll tlJc OttJe:tt\\cn Of ~ici)cmbJl)ic:IJ aill£11 . 43 ano I.Jc tooflc ~c pcople,~nll llcuibcb tf:Jcan
)Jim m tl)c li1llmg oflJts bJttlJim. tnto th~et compameis, an11ra1oe a \DaitcinttJr
2 5. !dn!ltlJ.cci~ncnsot'5>f,i)cmrctmcntolar
ficlll, anlJ looktll, !1~ bclJollle, tlJc people \Den
ll 'llliJltC fo~ l)im tn tl}t toppe of tile mountainc15, 'onu out of tl}c csnc,ano I.JC ran bpon tl)cm, lllllJ
'tlll)ad} men ro~bel.I au tlJat came along tlJC '41111' rmotc tllcm.
bp tl)rm: anl.l 1t to aii toll> !Abimclecl), 44 an1.1 9bimrlccl1, anb tl)c tompanielS tlJat
Abirn elech flaine. Chap.x.xj. The lfraelitesprayer. 92-
ttJm \DttlJ l]im, ruftJcb fotmarb,anll lloob in tlJc \DIJitlJ arc callell b~auotl) 'J]airbnto Ilap, ''~"'"
cntrilll i>f tlJc 1att of tlJe ritr: anl'l tlJt t'mo otlJcr anll are In tt:Jc Iannof IJ!51lcan. . . ';;.,','£,~.,.
companic-ranne bpon all t11c people tlJat 'alert 5 anb ]airnicn, anll tuais btmetl m ciramon.
in tlJe fiil!l-,anb ac\D. tlJcm. . 6 ilnD tlJe ct)illl~en of 3\fracl \tl~ougiJt \llic,
45 .anti \Uhm s.lb1mdctbl)ab rougl)t agamtt ftrllm!Te pct againe in tt:Jc OglJt of tlJe, anll
c(JccttiralltlJatb8r, l)etooJtcit, ano ik'lllc.t:lJe reruco :l'>aallm an!I attarotll, anll tile goll~ of
peoplt tlJat\Das tt.Jcrein, anti nettrorco tlJc "he, ll~mta,tt:Je go!IJ$!I Cflegoih'S of ~o' Ii Or,A1arr.
h ;:~atlt anti fo\Deb h raltinit. ab, tlJe goll1$ oftl)e cl)tlbzcn of ~mmo11, anll tt:Jc
=~~::· 46 !lnb tDIJcn all tl)e men of tf.Jc to\D~c of ~i, gons of tl)c 101'iliftincs, ·anl'l fo~footte tlJe )l.OJll,
:,~·;&'"' t• ci,cm (Jearo t(Jat, they entrco into an l)olb of tlJe anb 'erueo not l)im.
; ;:111<1•, of (Jourc of ti)c gol'l l5crit:l].
1 7 ann tt)e'~o.zn \Da~ \tlJotl) \llitlJ ']fratI,onll
11 ~c'~~s 47 9nb it \Das tolbc ilbimdrdJ, tl)at all tlJc II 1Jc~oll'l t!lcm mto tl)e l)anos of t:l)e lf)l)ilil1ine?, ~or. deli.
mcnoftlJetoto~cof ~itl)rm toere 1i1at1Jcreoto'
• llllll tntO tlJe banllS Of ti)C Cl)iltltrn ornmmon. umd.
get(Jcr. s llFll}itlJ ~rom tl)at vcre f0Jrt1, pillen anll DP'
48 9n'D gbimtltch gate l)im to mount ~el' p~eliel'l tbe c1.J1lt1ie11 of ]fml cil!l)tcene recrrs,
mon, botlJ tie ann all t(Jr people t1Jat\Dtre \Viti) '~11 tl)at were on tlJe ott)cr fine 'J,o~llane, in tl)c <•
l)im, ann toohc arcs \Ditti (Jim, ann tut Zlo\Dne lann of tlJc lmoiitcs, \DlJtcl) is in <1!5tlean. ~·:~·:~:~"~
bot1glJJS of trres,anb toohc tlJcm. anti bate tlJem 9 saiJoicouer, tlJe cl)illlJcn of !!mmon mcnt ::~~~;;.~:
011 l)l~ lboulbcr, \'t faille bnto tlJt fOlkc tl}at mere ouer 9\o;Mn, to ftgl.Jt againll ]luna, lBmiamin,
\DitiJ (Jim, U9l}at rec l)auc rcme 1ftc noe, fptcbc ano tl)cl)oure of ceii1natm, ro ti)at ]rracl ma~
rour fclucs.anb noe likc\Dife a-'.]l l)auc none. fo~c mmbzcll.
49 9nb au tl)c men tl;lat 'al~ among tf:le la anti tl)ethil!lzcn of ]frt.el err en bnto the
people cut no\Dne bougl)cs, anl'l Collo\lJtD ilbi, )l.oib, raping, me l)auc finncn agatn!t thee, Cot
mtletlJ, aun put tl)cm into t!Jc l)olb, ann fet tl)c \tie 1Jat1c fozfalicn our ottinc Ql5on, ann lJaue fer,
l)ol!I afire bp tlJcin: ro tl;lat all tl)c men of tl;lc uen l5aalim.
totti~c of ~ic(Jcm DtcD alfo , 1lpon 11 tl)oufanl'l ll ann tl)c llo.~n drain 1mto tlJc tlJlll'lzcn or'lf, ~1 ;.r:I:.'lo~~~~
men anl'l momcn. racl,WtD not'.Jl rtb !OU from tile €grptians,an'D v101•bir.n'
5o ~{Jen \Dent abtmcletl) to ~l)cbeMnll be• from ti)e amoi~tcs , from tl1c c1111n~c11 of l.m· (C:uav 6 '
CicgeD it, anD toobc it. mon, ann from tile ~lJtlitltnrlS:
~ 1 l5ut tl)cre toas a llrong to\1m~ 'IDttl)tn tl;le 12 ~lJe ~iDonitcs alfo,anl'l ti)e .amairfiitcll,
citic,anll tl}itl)cr ranne au tl)e men anll women, ann tl)e SJl!)aonitcs lliD opµ~c[c rou, anll re n-rcn
an!J all tl)c d)iefc tl)at 'Were in tl)e ctt1c, an!J IIJnt to me, an.ii 'JI neltucren rou out of tl)cir l}anl)S.
it to tl)enunn gate tl)em up to tl]e toppc of tlJt 13 ann Co~ au tl)at re l)auc f'o~falicn me, anll
toto~c. ferucD tlrange golllS: 'Wl}eref'oJe '.31 \Dil l}elpe pou
52 ann lbtmeledJ came bnto tl}c to'onc, an'D nomo~c.
fougf.Jt agatntl tr, anD mmt l)arn 1lnto ttic Dooie 14 ©oc,anb err bnto tl)e gonis'll.ll)ict) re 1.Jaue
ofttJcto\D~e. tof.cttt onftre. clJofcn,ann !ct tiJetn raue rou in ttJc time or pour
12King. u. 53 * an!J a tcrtaine \Doman caft a piece Of a tribulation.
~ n. milllonc 1lpon l)is l)can , anD all ui b~afte IJilS 1 5 ann tf:le dliln,en of ']\fr ad rarn bnto tl)e
' b~amcpan. ·.11.oil'l, nae lJaue Cinnen, noe tIJou bnro bis ml.Jat•
54 -mJcn abimelecl) callclJ IJalltlp tlnto tl)c roeucr picafetl) tl)cc, neltuer 1lf.l oncty, wee p~ar
pong man tlJat bare 1:1tis 1.Jamc[e, ann fain tlnto tl)ec, < tl)if;l llap. <1!'.ft""·rrom
!Jim, Jli)µi\Dc ttw C\Do~D, ann aap mce, tUat men l 6 ~nn tl)cr puta'IDar tl;e tlrange g;ol'l~ from il~~£:;?"'
rar not of me, a moman ac\lJ l)im: anD l)ilS Ian thttn, an'Dferucn tl)e JL.oiD: ann IJis fou!c l)all pi,
tlnutt 1.)im tlnoulJIJ, anD l)e l'licb. tic on tl)emifcrie of'}frael.
~ 5 ann 'WlJm tt)e mct1 of']fraclfa\» tl)atabi, 17 ~en ti)e clJilD~cn of.ammon gat}JereD to'
mcfccl) \nais 'Dean, tl}ep ncparteD cucrp man bll' getl)er, anD pitcllcil in <1!5i!can: ann ttic cl)iltl~rn
Jt alb•t to l)i!S o\Dne IJoUfe. of 'jfrael gatl)crcl'l tl)cm togeti)er, atlll pittl}cD
~:::•~\I~< 56 ~t.Jtl!S <J!SO'O rtnb~Cb tl)C 'IDicJtCbncfft Of abt' tn~ifpatJ.
#-·.,p,~~.o melecl:J \lll)iclJ lJC lliD 1lnto l)iis fatl)cr, tn naptng 18 *am1 tl)c people ann Iotllf.l or <!!5ilcall rarl:le rudg.11. 6.
::::,~:~ l)if;I frucntic bJetl}m1. cctJ to otticr, mf)orocucr mill begin tIJc battcll
~ ~e•m1r1ncc ~ 7 anti tl)mto all tlJc \llitliebn~ Of tl)C mm againll: tl)e chilnJcn of ammon, tl}c ramc fiJall be
=*'~· of ~itl.Jem,'Dtll <5on b~ing bpon tl)cir l)canis: anti
' tt11r..~t~~
bpon tlJetn came tlJc • curre of loattJam tl)e
l)eall ouer au t{Jc tnlJabttants of ©dtaD.
The xj. Chapter.
l!it~bll. 2 Jephthah being chafed Jway 1iy his brethren, was
The x. Chapter. ahermadecJptain oner Hrad. 30 He maketh a ralb
2. Thola dyeth. 5 lair :ilfo diecl1. 7 The Ifraeliccs vow. 3 i. He vanqui!11eth rhe Ammon ires, 39 and
:arc punilbed for their finncs. 1 o They cry vmo facrificcth his daughter according to his vow.
God, 16 audhehath pitic on chem. tI:Jere blaf.l one 9lep1Jtl)al) a

\ ~:;~ cjfter autmelecl1, tl)cre arofe tone' <1!5tleantte. a ftrong man, tl)c ronne
~ "iA' - i fml'l ']fracl, ~ola tl)e fonnc of ofan [J IJarlot. ~ Or,vi11i.
, m ~ ~IJualJ, tile fonnc of111>000, a man l i.lnll©tlcan.bcgate~C\llJthalJ: ~·,r;..rrmn·
·. .T~ of']\[atl.Jar, 'IDlJiclJ D\Dclt Ill ~a' ano <l!:S1leal'l.IS wife bare lJim rons "'" ,. rbt v11·
~:;...."t.F.."'~ mtr in mount <JeplJiatm. llllJl~tJ \lltJCn tl)ep \Vere come to age , tl):ua out ~:l~~· •t •
iOr,goucr- 2 an'Ol.JCll iU!lgel'l ']ifrael t'mcntican'Dtl)~CC ']\ep~tl)al}, \'t fail:l bnto l)im,t11ou tlJalt not inilt' ~~~:~.~·
l'CctC!S, an'D l'li£ZI, anll '\1181$ lmrteb in ~amtr. rite u1 our fat]Jcris lJoure, fo~ tl)ou art tl}c fonnc :~~ Y~.~'." 1
3 !Anll after }Jim arofc ']lair a <l!Silcatlite,ann of a• arange \Doman. :..,~.:.~~::.!'"
thnrtcrmcn illb~'D •]crael ttoentic ann tmo reerrs. 3 'itl}en 'JiCPhtl'lall flt'll fro IJi~ b2cttzrn, Billi rt• '"""'" •t
of IJrtar
ann 4 !Anti IJec ball tl)trtie fonnef5 t(Jat ronc on tJ\llcltinttJeianbofb~ob: ano tl1rrc ~atl1mD i~ei':~~.
b1n1J, •tlJitttc alTc coltcss, ann tl)cp l}ab t(Jtrtie citleis. iOlC mm to ']\epl}thaf),ann' mrnt out 'll.ltttl tlim. orioc rpor11 •·
lephthah made captaine: Iudges. His vow.
4 anbtnwoccffeoftime,t1JedJtlD'1mofam• 22 ~Ob t:IJ~ poO'ell'£l) all tlJe waaess of tlJe
monmabemarreagaintl'.l)rtael. amoJ~ttss, rromamon hnto]aboli, anntrom
5 anb 1uhm d}c c;IJilD~en ofamn:ion foupt tl)e m1l'bmldl'e hnto 'l\oillane.
tlJus againtl jjtrad, t11c dbtrS!I of <1!5Jleab 1uent 2 3 ~o nob>e Ceeitt1 ttJe )1.,01n cl!Job or ']ftad
to fctcll '.]lcphtlJal1 out or d:Je lanb of ~ob. lJ&tlJ '811 out tlJe .a1no~ttc• befoJe l)IS!I people '.)If,
~~:n,-~~. 11• 6 anD ratD unto lJl~¢om_c,anbd be our cap, tael.11Joulbe1l tl)oupotretre t~
•'tulr •• u•• tatnc , ""'at
tDaeOUfC'bls: .....,
wee maF fig~t 'alltl) tl)c cl;JtlbJm of 24 fr)ap,but
• Ht tla b IT..
~mo• t"'" 1rot1 l:l1i'
•vv11lfo1f:lt! ammon. uc...,ou..,...,a 11 po e~t1Jou:Cfumto,'IDlJ8t• • .P•lllou!D
r:i:i:;i;1,•i·1~~ 7 '.JleplJtlJaf1 anf\1Jmb tlJe Cflbms or <1!5ilcab. roeuct nation •tl)c )1.,gib oure5o_l:I e,tpcllctlJ be• ~~·:~!:~~.
1r1r•• ••b be· ~iD not pc lJate me, anll CJPCll me out of mp fa• foJC bSS,tlJat lanb oug!)t \1Jeto m10". ro11111uo11
f': "h - t h tth
lplrr ane man ""
01 eovrno· tlJcrS!llJOthe. o.....,m,omc pou tmtomcno\1J
25 "'nnar ...,ou bettct ll4t t
•.,enl5alactl)efonne Ian 1011""
uon. ill time of pour tribulation:' Of'Jepf10J Iring Of ~oab~Wll:l l)cnot tmuc \Ditl) ~:~•;:.
s .Qnl:I tIJe lff!Jers or (J!Jilcall fal!l:I hnto ']\cpl)• ]frael.anl:I fi~t againtl tlJcm, · '°"' ••11

ti,Ja(J, ~f)ercroic \De turnc agatne to tf:Jce notoc, 26 au tl)e tol)ilc '.]lfracl l>'alcltin ll)Cfbon,anb ~~~:':,.
ti,Jat t{Jou maFclt goc 'alitl) blS, ann figl)t againll 1Jcr to'alneis. in aroer ann lJcttomness, am in all ~~&'. ~~~
t(Jc '1JiUlten orammon,ann be our i,can ouer all tlJc cities tfJatbec alonJ. bp tfJe coaftclS of amon, r.;.,u:,;1._
tlJc inl)abttancs of ©tleaD. tl)Jec ~unntcll rccrcs. 110tw 1:nn pee not re'ouer •aib...,...,
9 ann jleplJtlJalJ ram bnto tlJc clDttlS of <l!St, tl.)cm in all t11at fpace:'
IeaD,'.l\f pc bJtng me gomcagatn to ftgl)t a~inll 2 7 Ul)ercfoJe] l)auc notfinncn againfttf}ee,
tl}e cl)ilDtcn or ammon, tl)en if ti.Jc )1.,0J'b nettuer but ti.Jou l:locft me miong to mam aljJatntlmec:
tl)em bcfo~c me, n1all 1 be rour I) cab:' ~IJc ll.o~ll tl)ercro1c \DIJt'1J tss a iubgc, bee tuDge
1 o An!J tlJe elbcrll or 113tltan faplle to '.]JcplJ' tl.)tis bap btt\Der.e tl)c cl)il111en of9]fracl, anll tlJc
1Hebr. be tlJal), '$lJe )l,o~D be *'O:Jttnc[cbct1llccnc blS, 1f'ale cl}ill:licn of ammon.
rhc hcam. DOC notacco1btng to ti.JP motllS. 28 'o\1Jbcft, tl}elitng oftlJc ct)ill>im ofim•
11 'IZl)cn 'JieplJtlJlllJ \Dent \DitlJ tlJe cfll:lcris of moni,catflmcl:I not tmw tl)c \110Jbl5 of'.]JCJJf:JtlJalJ
I®Ile an, anll ttJcpcoplc maoe (Jim l)caD anll ~· \l>i}fa.J 1Jefcnt1Ji1n.
I tainc ouer tl)cm: anll 'JleplJtlJal) re}Jcarfell al 1)115 29 ~llcn rttJc ~pfnt of tlJc )Lo~ll camcbpon rca:nD111tT111111
mo~M befo1e tlJe )l,oJb in ~ifpalJ. 'llcplJtl)alJ, anl:l l)c paffe~ ouer to ©tlcab, ~nb t~ ::i~i\
12 ann jcplJtlJalJ rent meU"cngerS$ bnto tl;Jc ~anatTcl5,ll '8me to ~1fpa1J. tl)at lrctlJ m ©1, pomcr. ;
fling of tl}c cl)tlDtcn of ammon. raring, 1191Jat lca'b,llfrom tl)cnt:c hnto tl)t tlJilbtmorammon. ·
l)all tl)ou to noc 1uitlJ me, tIJat tJJou art come a, 30 ann 1cplJtlJalJ s bowen a bo'ale bnto tl)e ~ 11'"' a,..
gatna meto tlgl)t in ml! lann~ 'JLOJb,anll fail!, '.llf tl)ou lbalt btUtm tl)e clJilll~cn ~iW::i:
13 ~}Jc hin1Joft1Jc cl)ilt1icn of ammon an, orammonintomp~anbJS, i~~.t;;'~~~
Num.21. 1 3 ftoercb bnto tlJc meamgerlS of lj)cpf1tlJat:J, *Jae• 3r ~lJm tl)at tl)mg tl)at co1mnctlJ out of tlJe n111uii1n1•
caurc11rrae1 toof1c a'alap ml! lanbc 'ml}cn tlJcr 0001cl5ofmp1Jourcagatname, lDIJcn'.]lcomt in ~~\'.·~:·
came out or <fgwt, cucn from arnon tmto '.lla• peace from ttJe '1JilD1en of ammon, 11.Jallbee tlJt ~~n·:::.~·
boll, anti bnto ~o~nanc: nomc tl}crtfo~e nao.ic JL..o~b.S!I, anll '.)!'mill offer it bp fo~ a \Di}olc burnt :1~;;=:
t Heb.In tl)ofc lanll~ againc +mitiJ faire mcancS!I. offmng. :.::~~·
peace. 14 ann'.]lcplJtlJal)fentmctrenger$18gainelln' 32 9nb fo ~cplJtlJal)1umt hntot1Jecl)ill!Jen ..110111111i
to tl)c cl)tlti.itn of ammon: of annnon, to fi~ta_csainft tlJcm, anll tlJc Jl,o~tl ._,.r~;:;.·~·
15 ann rattl bnto l)im, ~us faitlJ 'JcplJtlJalJ,
bcliumll tl)ctn into 1J1s 1Janll1S. :'!: ~~:i:;.
'Jlftacltoofle not a11Jap tl)c lanb Of ~oab, 110~ 33 anl:ll)cdmoteCIJcmfromitoct, tlUtiJOU p~~liCO_,
ttJe lanb or tl)e clJilbtcn of ammon: come to ~mnttlJ. cum tUJcntp citiclS, anb ro
16 '.l3ut\ll1Jt11 '.J1frael came bp from cfgppt,
fOOJtlJ totl}cplatnr oftl)c tltncyari:ISS, 1uitl)11n
anb tonmen t}Jzoug(J tlJC \'UilDcmcs bnto tl)e rtb c,;cecning gt cat oaugl)tcr: anb tlJUIS tUc '1Ji1D~1
rea, t1Jc11 cameto <l!:abcn: of.ammon mete b1oug1Jt bnber befo1c tl)c~rl•
Num.20. 17 *:AnD]ftaclfentme£rrnger15 bntotlJcktllg t11mof'J.jftaeL
'9· of <fllom, raring, JL.ctmc,'] Ptar tlJcc, goc tlJo• 34 twlJm ')cpl)tl)al) came to ~ifpal) hnto
to'W tlJp lantl. '.l3ut tlJc king of ceoom moultl not
lJi1S 1Joure. fee, 1Jil5 l:lauptct came out agamtl
agiec tl)ctcto: ann in like mancr tlJcy Cmt bnto l}fm mitlJ h ttmb1ell5 anb llancelS. 'mlJidJ \lla~ IJtlS ~ ~~:·.:=.
tl)c king or Slli)oab, but [Jee 1uouto not conrmt: onelp clJilbc : ro ttJat bmbe IJct l)ec l}a'll nc1dJet .11.. 1111-
anll 'J]fmd abobc nmtn~allcs. ronneno:baugl)tct. . nr.
3s anb \\!hen l)e rem l)rr,IJc; rent IJ•sHtotlJcts. =:":'r
18 ~nll tlJe t;l)cy totnt along tl)~oup tl)e 11Jfl,
anll rapn,a1a~,1np l:laugtJter, tl}ou I]all b1ougfJt ~':~ ~·..::.:
llcmerre.\t compa[eb tl)c lanlJ of <ftlom, anb tlJe
lann of ~oab, anti rnmcalong bl? tlJc ctall fiDc melo'me,anl:I art one oftlJem ttJatttoubleff:unc: r., aor.
ro: j\ f)auc oprncn mp moutJJ bnto tl}c )l..o~D.anb
oftlJc lann of ~oab, IJ pitc[JeD on tl)e otlJcrfioe
Num. • of atnon, *anb 'a:loulD not come 'mitlJintlJe coall
cannot goc baclle.
• ofQl)oab:fot ~tnonmastl)ebotbetof£@oab. 36 .anDfl)cfatDbntol)im. ~fatf!cr.tfttiou
9 QnD ttJcn ]Craet rent metrengers bnto (Jau.e opcnetl tl;Jf moutlJ unto t1JC JL.otb. tlJm llor
~~~on !ting oc tl)c amotitcs, IJ ltin« of ll)eCbon,
toitlJ me acc01l:lmg to it tllatp:ombel:I out of l:lJF
atb "onto lJim, JLet bS palfe, tocc p1ar tl)ee.
moutlJ : fo:armud;J aj1 tl]e Jl..otll iJatlJ aucngcD
tl)~o'lll tl)ce of tlJinc enemies tlle cbilD~cn of .ammon.
tl)r ln11b, bnto our o'Wne counttcy.
)3ut ~cl} on conrcntcD not to ]itad,tfJat
3 7 ann flJe fniD bnto IJer ratbcr.Do tl:Ju• mucl}
IJ~ llJoulD goc tlJowm l)iis coaa: but gatl)mllall
fot 1nc: · me alont ttoo monctlJis. tl)at gj mar
k{lo~to tl)cmountainc• enD bC'mailemtbirgl, ~,~;.~ !'~
llt!S people to£ctl)cr anD pitc(Jell in '.)lafa anD
rougl)t 'nlttl) 'j\frac1.' . ,
mttc,'.)1.anD 1ttp fCllomes. flJ•mc In][• I

38 anbl)e faiZJ,<115oe. gnll IJCtfCnt 1Jctll111Bp ::,·,~~\'..0~:11. .
~on anD an rot!te into tl)e l.Janlle~ of '.]!Crad, ~o 1nonetl.JS, anb ro nice toent lDi"'" her conq:ia, 01111•
Dcut.2.36. anti tl)cp fmote tlJcm: ro 1\trad nnott "'-em, mons, ..,.,
anll po£felTeD nil tlJc tanb or tl)t amo~ites, lJUll• mounta~~!~mmttD l.Jcr 1naiDttd)cab llpon ~c
The Ephraimices flaine. Chap.xij .xiij. Samfon is promifed. 93 I
tumtD aganne tmto lJerfatlJer, 'lDIJidH1ill mttlJ The:xiij. Chapeer.
tJtr acco~Dtng to IJISS bom e'OJIJi«J lJe l)ab tJomeD,
anD 11.JtlJaD knotutn no man:anb it gre\D to am• x Ifr:u:l fort heir w ickedncifc is opprelfed ofthe Phi-
ffomein 1jftarl. liflincs. 3Tbc Angel appeareth to M anoahs wife
40 ~e tJauglJterSI of '.Jlttad came prm bp 16 The Angel commaunded him to facrifii:e vmo
pcm:, to lament tl)C llaugl)ter of Je:pfJtlJal} tlJC the Lord. 24 The birth of Samfon.
~tltallite,foure llare'1 in a rere. .~'II tl)e ciJilb~m of1]frad tbe~an a· *Added 10
gatne to*tommit \Ditkebm)1an tb£ commu.
•'· Thexij.Chapter. figlJtoftl)e"t,,o~D,anbtlJe)J..o,bl>cli, ~~~;;~4

~ ~:~~11 0,
6 lcphthahkil!eth two and fourcyrhoufandEphrai-
mites. 8 After IJchthahfuccccderhlbzan, 11 E-
Ion, 13 andAb on.
~D tte men or <fplm1im gatl)ereb
?"~~ tl)rmretue~ togetl,)er, atlll \Dent
tl)alJ, muerefo1e tllenteft tl)ou to
uer~~ tlJem into tl)e l)anl:ISS oftl)e •
rel! of li'an, namell ~anoal), 'Wl)ofc \Dire toa1J
barrm.anllbare not.
3 *gnlltl)e.angeloftl)eJl.021> appearellbn• N'!"'· 6···

to tlJe \Doman, anb fail> bnto IJer, l6el)olb nome 1 •1•m. 1 ·1 :

~ ~.~~~~ figlJt bagatnfl t1Jec::l]1lb1m0Hlm, tl)ou~rtbarrcn,anbbearea not: buttl]outl.Jaft
~ ~:"r:.::~~· mon, anu D1bllefl not tall bSS to goe \Ditll tl]ee:' concrme anll beare a ronne.
·~ %l.~h0$~,. Dee \Dill tl)ercro1e bume tl}ine l]oufe bpon tl)cc 4 ~nt> no\D t1Jmo1~ bettiare t{Jattl}ou o~inkc
~ ••• ~uap,8. mttl)ltre. no \Dme,no~ftrong?mnhe, mit~ereateanpbn'
2 an11 'JlcplJtl)alJ rapll bnto flJetn, '.31 anll mr dcanetlJing:
:- prople\llm at great tmfe'lllitl) t11e t1Jiln.1en or s !ffo~loe, tlJou ll)alt concelue ann beare a
~ .ammon: anll\'Of.Jm1 mll£llpou, reellel1uml> fonne,anll tl}eremapnoraro, comeon(JisslJeab,
... mcnotoutoftlJeirlJanllss. ro,tl)elab llJall bee ·a~a~aritebnto tll;ollfrom • alrJnino,~r
3 ann tulJen '] fa\11 tl)at re lleliuerell me not, IJiS btrtlJ: an1> IJtt OJall begin to raue 'Jlfrael out ~'~~·.\~.'~~~\.•
::: • t:~n "· ll < rJ1 put mr life in m" l)ann;, ann \Dent bpon tl)e of t{Je l)anllss of tl)eft l&lJiltaine~. 'D'~n'~,r.'r~~~.
~: Mrr. cl)tll:l,ctt of ammon,t 11 tl)e )Lo~ne1>el'iueren tfolt
•.,em h ....
6. -at"Jen •.,e \Di e mme,anll tolll 1Jcr1Jufbann. ;~~,~~~~,<;;,.
intom?IJanllS: m1Jerefo1ct1Jenarepe,omebp' Capmg,amanof Ci!Jollrnmebntomee, anll tlJc otmcn.
on me no\D,to lt~t agatnlt me-:' fatlJion ofl)im ~ass li11e tlJe raniton ofan angct
4 ]rpl)tlJal)tlJerefo~egatl)erell to!,lCtl)eraU of<l3oll, erceebmg l1fe11t~mn: bUt'Jlafl'Jeb lJim 1:or,won.
::. tbr men of cl!5ileall, anb fougl.Jt b.litlJ tl)e CfplJla• nottol)mce l)ee tuas, neitlJeUolbe l}ee mce lJi.6 dcrfull, tl)e men of <ll5ileall rmote tl)e eptnaitess, name:
becaure tlJep rarll, 1D,ee cl!5ileallitess arc butruna, 1 l6ut ratll bnto mee, l6el]olb,t1Jou11Jalt brc
~tes of Cl?plJ1atm,among tlJe cfplnaitess.an11 tl)e \tlttlJ rl)tlll anll beare a ronnr,anb notti ll~inhe no
~anafiitr~. totne noi flrong 1:11inke,neit1Jer eate anr bmlran
s gf)o:eouer, tl)e men of <5ileabtoofiC tlJe tIJing: roi t:lJe lab llJalbea ~aiartte to <130'11 from
patrage'1 or '.]lo:nane befo:e tile Cfpbµittess: anll l)tss birtlJ,to ttJe Mr of1Jtss1:1cat1J.
\lll]en ttofc Cfplnaitrss tl)at\llerc cfcapell, fal'll. 8 ~en ill!)anoal] mane interceffion to tl)e
. Jl.,et mce goe oun: tilm ttJe men of <13ilean rar1>e Jl.,otll,anil rail!, '3l p1ar tl)cc mr Jl.,oib,let t:lJe man
bntol)im, ~tlJouatt lfpl]1aite 1 ~f l]tcfapll, of<l3ol>\DIJidJ tl)oufenlleft..romeagainebnto 11~.
1. Y.lar: anll tearl)bSS \lll)atweOJal?Jo tmto tl)elao b:ll}cn
~:~~:~~~.~ 6 ~mraibtl,Jepb~IJim,~mfapd~IJib· l]eissboine•
.. ~' ''"' '~' 111 bolctt). anl! l)e fap11,~1bboletl): finl)ccoulll not 9 attll clLJoll l,Jearl> tf}e boicr ofgf)anoal).,anl!
~· "" fo p~ottOunct.attb tl)en tl,Jcp too kc l.)im,anll 6e't1' tlJC angel Of <il50D came againe bnto tl)e 'lllife a~

• l)im at tl)c pall'agtSS of'Jlo:nane: ann tlJert\Dere RJrcrate tn tl)e tielll: ::?aut Sll}anoal) IJer IJUfbanll
ouertl)io\llen at tl)at time or tlJc cfpl:Jµiitess, fo:· was not 1llitl) lJer.
tie anll t'lllo tl)oufanll. 1 o an11 tl)e mabc IJaae, anb rannc ano
7 anl! 'J\eplJtlJal) iU'bgell1)ftsd l'i7:C reere;, tlJe\Deb l)erlJufb&nll,anb falll bnto him,l!SeIJolll,
tl)m hiel.l 'Jlepl)tlJalJ tlJc <13ilealltte, ann \Dass bu• tl)e man appcareb bnto me, tl)at came tmto mee
riel:linoneoftl)etiti~Ofel3ilcall. btOlla", b Ir rrrmrth
tbat tbr ang:~I
s ~mer t4t -
u,1ss -
man, 1UllgeD CJ1n..t1111...a'
..,in-• one ~b1an
aCl .
r 1 anll -.1anoa1J arore, anll \tlmt attn tms •ppr.urn cll.l!rr

ofl6etbldJrm. \llift, anll came to tl)e' man.anll fapb tmto IJim. ~',"dlli~~pt."
9 gnn l)e l)all tl)irtr ronness, \ttlJirtf bau_gl)• arttlJou tl)e man tl)atfpakefl bnto tl)c \Domat1:' ~~~~~·:,b•
terss \DIJome l,lre rent out, anb. tooftt 1n ttJirtr anb l)e rarll.'.ll am. 1111 •:111cco
l!tlU!.\IJf£fSS from ftbJOftl)e f01 IJJSS fo00CSS, gnll 12 SJll)anOSI} f8plJ, 110\11 lctf;fJ}' faring t0nte tO an Dlll!.•I,
\Dl)en '.llb!SU c IJall iullgell 'Jll\:ael feuen pere~. palTe: ll)ob:l lball \De o~ber tl)e tlJilbe, ann Doe bn'
1 o 19c nteb,anll \Dass burtcn at l5CU,le1Jem. to I.Jim:'
11 artet btm,Clelon, a ~abulontte, mllgeb 91r, 13 an1> tfJe angelof tl)e JLo~.b raib bnto ~a,
raetttnrcress. noatJ, ~e'alomanmuft abaamefrom aUtl)at
l 2 ann ~n tlJe '5abuionite biell, anll \llas l ratll bnto l)er:
butie11 in atalon, tn tl)e rountter or '5'abulon. 14 ~IJrr mar eate. of no~intt t{Jat commetb
13 after l)im, ab11on, tlJe fonne of$ellel a oftl)ebme~e,no~D:m11e~tneo1arong1>Jin11r.
l&l)aratl)onitc,iullgen']JffaeL no~cateanr tmcteanetl)tng: lmtmuttobfcruc ,11Ebur., ..,.'
14 anl! 1Jee1Jat1 foumeronness, anl> tl)irtie autl)st]ballel)er. •!,.ni:ham
:0~~~~~· *neplJe'Wrs, t)Jatrobe on tlJittrro:e IU1ll tmm 1 s ~anoal) fatll b~to tlJe .angel of the Jl,,010, i~,b1::~ be
atrc coltes: anb tul)cn abnon tl)c ronne ofl)d, 1 p:ar tlJec let ~sretainetlJre, bntill tiicc 11t\uc
Id t1Je ~IJaratl)onite, l)all iUllgen 1crae1 eigi:Jt maDt rellllr a htll llefo1e tl)cc.
recrc;, r6 .anlltl)eangrl oftl]eJl.,0~11rarD 1mto~a,
1 5 ll)e'Oiell, anll\Dasburie'll in~IJarat:IJon tn noalJ, -m:iougl) ttJou mafic mcc abioc, '.Ji tv1ll
tlJelanbofcf)Jlnatm, int!Jt mountof t1,1ea1na, not eate or tlJp b~eao: ano if tt1ou \!lilt ;i I
lektted. \Dl,lole bumt oflrrina.tbou mun off~rit bnto tt1c
Samfonis borne. His Judges. riddle at his n1ariage.
r.>rrbn•rrb c -r1 0 ,,, •fo• <11.lana"'h tllta nat d}at itl»SIJ an an, s gun mtt11tn a 11Jo1t Cpace aftcr,aSJ 1Je \l)Cllt
bit brlou;Qt 14' ,.u • • :u»/ ""'1
DI 111u11mr gel of tlJc Jl.,o:D. tlJitl)cr againc to talie l)cr to bltfe, l)c tumeb out
, :..~~~'. 17 anti ~anoab ratoa~ame~!!!lltl of tlJc map to fet tlJe '8fllf:tfe of tlJc :a...ion: anb
==~ oftl)cJ1.,oit1,1WIJatrtl tlJpnamc, ..,--~.. ~ ~dJolD,tl,Je~ \Dais a fllmimc of '3ccis anb 1Jonie
fapingi!1 come to palfc, me mar llo ~cc mo:OJ.iy.' mtl)e carfmfe Of t11e JL,ion.
1 s anll tile angel or tJJc lLo~llc fatn bnto l)(m, , ant11Jcetoobet1Jerc0f tn l)iis 1Janb$f ann
1191Jr arnett cl,Jou tlJUtj after mr name, tDl)iclJ irl tDmtcatin1.att11 camtto l)iJSfat11cr atlb m0tl)cr
[Or,won. jjrtcrcte:' . . anti gaue tl)cm alfo, ann tlJtp tltll eate: bUt l)ee
derfull. 1 9 gno ro ~attoal) too fie a lttlJ, \Dttl) a mcatc tolll not tl)em d)at lJt lJ8ll talien tlJe IJonieout of
offering, ano offtren it bpon a rodic tmto tl}c tl]e carlleif'c of tl)e lLion.
~or,m3r- Jl.,o~ll: anlltlJcangcl bill ll\llonllcrouor,ilJanoal.) 10 ann Co 1)11S fatlJcr 1Xlcnt bomnc bnto d)e
uedous. anil IJ{!1'1llifc looliiltgbpon. \Doman, anti ~atnfonmane tlJtteadfeaft: fo~ d ai,1.1
r ""eobrrnt 20 r_a11l1'1'1l)£ndJCftamecamcbjJtO\Dar'blJca' fobt'entl)epongmm tonoc. ru11. ng.
?~'c~~~. ~~~""' ucn from tlJc altar, tl)c att§tl of ~clL01t1 artcn' 1 1 anti tol}en tlJer ra'1lt IJfm, tf1cr ~oupt
~~·;~~~,:~"· ocn b~ 111 _tlJc ftamc of ti)~ altar: anti Qi)anoaf) il)irtic companionis to be toitlJ l)im.
''"'' rottn '" anl:I l)1~ 'nllfc looke?I bpomt, 8J1lJ ftU on tlJetr fa, u an11 ~amfonfaill bntot11cm.~tolllno\I
b11 v1•1111rc. ce.o to tl)e «rounll. putrooitfJ a rilllllc tintorou, anll ifttou can tit<
21 (l5ut tile angtl of tl)e )L.cm1 'bill no mo~e ap• clare it me \Ditl)in rcuen nareis of tl)c f£atf, '1111
!l£arc bnto ~anoillJ anti IJtlJ toife:) ann tl)cn finll it out, '.]) \Dill giuc rou tl)irttc • ll)ectcis, an11 • unnar'i
li@anoalJ Imc\Dc tl)at it toais an angel of tlJc tl)itticcl)ange ofganncntis: ::i~:::
°A.OJll, 1 3 l31:ft anti if r.o~ cannot ilcdarc it me, tJJm 11 mrue am
22 ann faizi bnto l)iis \Dtfc,we n1aururc1r !lie, n1an re g1uc me tl)1rt1e llJect).1, ann tlJirtF cJJange
brcaufc toe l}auc fccnc: ©oll. of rgarmentis. ann tlJer anfulerct1 IJim, put re:o 1Dt1n1
2 3 '5utl}iss mife earn »nto tmn. ']f tte lL011> fooitlJ tlJl' rtbtllc,tlJattoe 1nar l)earc it. =~n111r.
~~b•r•amrs tooull:llitU \llJ, I.Jee tooulll not l}auc n:ccctucl:I a 14 anti l)cc rar'b tinto tl)C1n, @ut of t1Je eater •
~ ~~~.:::~b~~, \Dl)olc burnt offering. ann a mcate offering of
came meatc, anll out or t~c ltrong came rmertc•
~~~J,~~: :i• our l)an!IS~ ncitl;lcr t1Joult1 l)ee f)auc O,Jc'nltb 1l!1 ncis•. am tlJe-e couID not tn tt»ee Darcis eAJ.OUnll
out •bcn11ncr, au "'"'cfe
nttfurt rotw:s
t"1t1trct, no'P \Doull:I uoto l)auc toln blS a·
H-J Jt "J ~
tl)e rtlllllc.
,: kl"'""°' nr ru,.,. 1 ~ anti tof)en u,e gfcucntlJ bar toais come, '"'*..
~-~~~;·[:~ '"'
11•« u. .
2 4 ann t:{Jc toifc bares ronnc, anti caUc?l IJiis
name ~amron: ann tl)c lall grctoe,anll tl;Je Ji..o~l:I
ttcrfaitl bnto ~amronoDif'e,lfnticc tl)ine IJUf. =i:: matt lleclarc ti is tl)c min1c, left tocc "''""·
blcl!eb IJim. bume tl)ee ~ tlJF fatl.Jttis 1.1oure blttl) rut:ll)aucre
;or,tocome 25 ant1t11cfpiritoftl}c)l.01l:lbcgan to llllrcng' calle!I blS IJitlJer,to martc b!Sbcgerri~ts ttnotfo:'
vpon hirn "'- tf)cn flimintl)el}ofteo't~an,bermemt '5araalJ 16 .anti ~amfonl!I mire tocptbtfo~l}tltt. l1ttll
<imcs. an!I Q!;~aol. faib,~urclptf)ou1Jateame, an111oucamenot:
The xiiij.Chapter. foJ tljou 1J11t? put foo1t1J arillbk unto tl)ec1Jdll1m
2 Samfon ddireth to haue a wile of the Philitlincs.
ohnl' fDlllc.anll l}at?nottolb it me. .ann 1Jtt fafll
6 He killcth a Lion. 12 He propoundeth a riddle
tinto1Jcr,l5£1JolD, 'J)IJauc nottolbtitmt fatfJcr
19 He killcththinie. 20 His wife forfakcthhim,
ann mpmotl)rr,anDfbaD ~ tcUttdJte:'
I 7.QnlJ ~amfon).1 'alif'cttJcptbefo~ l)im feUm
:ind taketh another.
l!areis to1J1lc tl)c ttaalafteb : atlb dJc ftUmt1J 1181'
amron toent llo\Dnc to ~am, tc tolll IJct,bemurc fiJelapfo fo1cbponl)im: allb
nab, onn ram a\llo1na11 in ~{Jam, ft)c toll> tlJe rtllble to tile d.Jilb.ien ofl)cr folflc.
1~a~ , of tf)c naugl)tens or tlJe lf)lJi, 1 s anti tl)e men of tl)e citic faill bnto IJim tf;lc
11amc11: rcuentlJ oar bcfo1c tl}e ~un lllent bo\Dnc,Dl)at
• ,, ann l)c came ti~. ann tol!l 1Ji!1 iisfmcctcr tl}en tJonr~anb \D()atis lron;ertl.Jm
fatl)tr, a~1t1 hi$! motl)cr, anti fail!, '.j\ 1Jauc rcenc a 11 JL.ion ~~en fail! l}r tinto tl,Jem, 1fpe lJllll not
, '111omon m~amnal.J, oftlJe naugl)ter$! or tl)c pio\l'lc?l 'll'litlJ mph l)eit'cr, fct IJallnot founll out h aac:g'
'Take"" 1'!\"'iliftineis: anti no'tll igtuemc "crto toifc
to l"'•J r.'rh h · f t41 "
, 3 ......,en .,l$! a..,ct ilnll motl)er fapn bnto
• mr ribl:llc.
1 9 a nil ttie fPirit or tl)c )1.0j'b anne bpon !Jim, "'
l::! "
• ~11·~ rorak• IJtm. • '31$$ tIJrrc ncucr a moman among fiJC rutZJ lJe \llcnt tio\Dnc to ;arca1on, ann OclDc d)ir• :SJ'::.':i
~.~·;~~::~~ .. tiangl:Jtcris of tlJl' b~ctlncn, anti among au tnr tte men of tlJttn , anll Q>oilell tl)cm? 8J1ll pue ~
w:~:W~:~~: people,bUt tl)at tl)OU mU,ll goe: Rnl:I tabc a \"oirc Of cl}angc or gannrnt!1 bnto tlJcm tolJicl) eqioun•
~, .. ,;:i .....7. tIJc tmcirrumcifcb ~f)illtlincj!I:' aoo ~amfon Dell tf:Je rilllllc: ann 1Jc '114!5 m1ot1J, anti tDmt bl'
ratll \mto t1i11 fatlJct, ©iuc mce tl)i$! tooman, to~ to f)iS fatt1crs 11ourc.
•\!1th n n l\JCpltafetlJmcmtll, 20 l5ut~amfon!11Dift'W8' gtumto i:ineor
"""' 1!h~•' . 4 l5UtlJi!Sfatl)CTtlnlllnOti)ctbttJj!lnottlJat lJi).1 companion• t11at1Jcc1JaJ1 tafrmtmto IJim.
~~:~~~'~'~'1 it 'mai:s the 'JL01n11 noing, ano tl)at f)ec rougl)tan The xv.Chapter.
~:."."h;i:.·~1.~· occarton agatnll tl)c lf)lJilillincis: l'oJ at tl)at time
'"''""'· tl)c ~hll1Uinei:s nigncn outt '.]\fTtttl. 4 S amfon ticrh firebrands to ~he foxes tail~s . .6 The
.s ~en 'IDcnt ~amfon, anti IJil!I fatJJcr,am Philiflincsbumr hisfarhcrmlawandh1sw1fe. 19
lJtlS motl)cr, llo'IDnc to ~amnalJ, anll mmeto Om of agrcauoothin thciawe, Godgiucthhim
tlJ~ btnctnrll!l ot~amnal): an?J bt!Jolb,a rong

11...tontoarcti bpon titm at blitlJin a tDIJ1lc arttr. tu tfJ£
~.;;;,j::'.~:'.~" 6 2nlltl)ef,ptrltoftt)clLoJb 'camtbponlJim, ttmc of 'albcate l}arueft, ~amron
.. ,0 0 " 0 '"~" anb l)ctarc lJ!m a!ll)t'IDoull) l)auermtalliD ann btntcD biJ\llifeblitlJ a kil>, faring,
retl}atmotl)tng inl)iisl)ann: neitl)crtolll lJfl!lfa' 'JI blill • gocin to tn1' mir.t into tl)c • .:w1~11
tlJcr anb motl)er 'IDl)at l)e.l)Bb lloitt cl)smbe~. :JOut IJcr fatl}cr '1lou111 !::l:.."'
7 'lnll l)C \\lent bo'Q)ne llt1b taikcb mttb tlJt not rutrn l)im to ll()e 111.
\tloman,\tlf)ttlJ fccmcn \tlelfauoUMJ tn tl)c figlJt 2 ann l)cr fatl}ei: rar11. ~ t:l)ougl)t t:l)at tl:Jou
tabbcfl IJatell IJU, anD tlJmfo'e pue] ber to
Samfons ia\lvbone. Chap.xvj. Dalilas faHhood. 94-
ttw 'ompamon: is not lJcrpongcr ftlllt fairer I.Jc l)a'D ~unkc, l)is Cpitite mtut agatne, anb CJcc
ti.Jen fl)ee1 ~afle IJtr, ~ piap tl)ce, in acan of tl}e \DU rcfr£fl1£ll: \tl{Jcrfo~e tl,le name tl.Jctcof 'IDaiS
otl]cr. c.allell bnto tfJis oar, ~(Jc \Veil of t(Jc caller on:
b :e, ""'" 01 3 ~amfonfapb tmto IJim,Aotu am') 1110.U \DIJiclJ mtne of t{Jc ia\n•
.... "'"''" b bJanttlcffe tl)cn tlJc ~IJiltlttnes, an11 t11eref0.u 2?. ~nn1Jcciu11ge11 lfraelin tfJe 'llapeisor t(Je
'.Jl \Uta ooe tlJcm biQ,llcarun. ~IJ1litlmcM\l:Jcntac pcertJ.
4 ann ~amfon \Dent out, anzi caU(lllttlJ~
l)unD~eb rorcs.Rnll toofic ftrcb:anns,ann tumeD Thexvj.Chaptcr.
tl]cm ta pie to tar le, anll put a firebiann in d]c 1 Samfon caricth away die gates of Azz:ih. 1 8 He
m1os1Jct\l:Jecnc nuo tapirs. was dccciucd by Dalila. 2 3 Hee pullerh downe
5 ano \DlJen l}e i;Jan ret tl)c b,anns on fire.IJe the houfe vpon the Philiflincs, &. dieth with them.
rent tl)cm out into tbe aan1>in11 i;o,11e of t11c ll)en. \l:Jent~amfontD .anal1, anll [[Or,viaua·
J&trililttne~,ann bUtnt tip botlJ tl)c rcapen c;01nc, raw t{Jcre an ll IJatlot, an'll went tn ler.
ano atro tl)e flanllin11 come, toidJ tfJt biOCl!atbs bntol)cr,
anb llDUues. 2 gno it\tlascotllrtlJc ana·
6 ~en t{Je l!)IJtlittines rarn.U91Jo (JatfJ none •. lJites, faring, ~amron iJ come
tlJis ~ anb tf.Jcp anfllltnll. ~amfon t11efonne In l)~tl)cr. ann tlJc~ \n~nc about, anll lapo \Vapt fo,
flltD of t{Je ~l)amnitc, bctaurc IJel}ab talienlJiS {Jnn tlJ~te all mgl)t in tlJ£ gate of tlle citic, ann
\Dire, ann giurnlJct to {Jis 'ompanion. ann tlJc were llill alltlJe ntg!Jt, fapmg, ln tt.Jc moming
i ;:~:~1:•· J&l:Jllifltnes came bp, anb 'bumc (Jct ano {Jcr fa, wl)en it is bap, \l:JcflJallkiU IJim.
i :r:i~'t:.:.':~. tl)cr'roitlJ fire. 3 ano ~amron tookc IJis rca tll mionigbt.
'no1D1taon1ro 7 :dt1D~amf0nral'Dbntotl)C1U,~OU~1!e ann arorcatmilltriglJt, ann toofletl)e noo~cs of
·' brrrulll«tb fol h
· ittlm>'"·•"• .,auenonettns, 1"".
petlllt'll<'~ll bceauengenof pou, tlJe gate of t{Je cttie,antl t:l)c ttoo potle.1!, ann rent
, ::.·:~1:.:t.~. ann tlJen '.]! \vtn ccare. tl)em olf., \tlttlJ tlJc barre ann all, anil put t1Jem
' s ann {Jefmote t{Jcm II ltggcantl tlJi~ \DitfJ bpon {Jis a.ioult1crs, Rnll catticn tl)em tip to tl)e
t ~~h.~1~·- amigl.JttcpJague, ann ttJen {Jc'romt anbb\Delt top of an )Jill tlJat ti:i befo1c l!}cbion.
: foo1~,o in tfJe top of tlJC roct.e Getam. 4 flnll after tl)ts, IJc loucn a \noman bp tl)e .
• 9 ~l)cn tlJC ~lJilifltncs c;amc bp, a111> pitc{J' II titm of ~O~Cfl,\Dl)Ofe name \tlas Walila. ~ Or,plaine.
ct> in 'JJU'ba,anll campe'D in J1.,clJi. s unto 'o.ll)ome came tlJc lo~ns of tlJc lDl)ifi,
10 ano tl}c nttn of ]Ulla Car'Dc, uel}p are rtt ainess. anti fa~tl bnto l}cr, •19crf\tlallel}irn, an'D b•'f.~~ 111
come bp bnto bs1 ~er an£\l:Jctct>. ilt'o binne fee \DIJenin IJts great llrrn!JCIJ. lretlJ, i.t bp \DIJat :::~;~~~ •:1; 111
Siamron arc toe come tip, anD to tloeto )Jim, a~ meancS! 'Wee map ouercome 1J1m, t{Jat 'Glee map ann110 1on11
l}e }JatlJ none to bs. bin'Dc IJtm, an'D punillJ l)im: anD cucrp one of tis ano;
1 r ~IJrn tlncc tl)oufann men of 91u'Da \tlent {(Jail giue tfJec eieuen l)uno~cn filucrlings.
to tlJe top of t{Je roclie <etam. ann fainc to ~am' 6 ann J0allla raptl to ~arnron,lDIJ ten mce
ron,motell d]ou not tIJat t{Jc l&IJililttncs arc ru- \nl)crc tbp great atcngt{J lpetlJ, anD {Jo\ll tl)ou
ler13 oucr tis : ue{Jercfo~e tlJen l}aa t{Jou bone migl.Jtcltbebounn, ann biougl}t tinner.
tlJUS bnto tis: ll)cc 11nr\nerct1 tIJem, 'as t{Jcp DiD 1 ~amron ant'\»ere'D bntol)er,9Jf tlJCl' bin'D
bnto 1nc,fo {Jauc j\ llone bnto tl}em. 1ne \Dttl) rmen grccne \llit{Js t{Jat lllen neuer
1 i ann tlJer rar'Dc tinto l)im againe, 110ee are 'll~pcll, jl llJaD Ile \Dcabe,ann be a.IS anot{Jrr man.
comctobinDetfJte, annto ncttuer tlJce intot{Je s ann tlJcn tfJt 1o,t1cl5 o' ti.Jc l&IJiliaine~
l)an'O Of tile 1&1Jiliaine15, anll ~llmfOO fapb bn' wouglJt l)tt rcum hlitllei;l t{Jat \llcre ret gmnc,
to t{Jcm, ~\ncatt bnto me, tlJatre llJaH not fall ann netier 'bJpeD, an'D 11Je boun'D l;Jim t{Jere\tlitlJ.
• tiponmerot1tf£1uc13. 9 <~otlllitl.Jflanbin~. f1Jel)at1men Iring m
·• • ~om eoa 1 3 -atl)q anftoert'D IJim,farin«,~o : bUt\Dec \tla11t\tlitl) IJct in tfJe c{Jambcr:) anb tIJe faiD bn,
~ ~~ =~~!!.~ \\:lift binlle t11cc, ann d bcliuer t{Jcc tJnto tl]eir to l)tm,~lJe-l)iliflinesbe bpon t{Jce, ~amfon.
' ;:• ~":' ·~· 11anns: butl»e'mtll notfnl t11tt.ano tfJtl! bounn ano tmmclliatlf l)cc bJafle tl)r 'oJ'bfS, as a artng
~ -.:..... IJim\l.iitlJ t\»o nc11Ho1DJ.anll b~ugl)t IJtmfrom of tom bicakttlJ 'Ol{Jm itfcclctl) tl}c fire: anD ro
~ ttJcrocilc. 1Jtl5 f!rcngtl} toai;i not fmo\l:Jm.
14 'ann \Dl}m l)c camt to l,,elJf,tlJe l&IJtlilttnes 1 o atlll walila rart1 bnto ~amron.~cc,ttJou
I flJouttn a(Jaintll}im: anll ti.Jc tpititc of tl)tlL01'D IJatl moclieD aue,anll tolb me lie.IS: noto tl:]crero~c
(. came bpon l}im, anti t{Jc coitie• d]8t 1Dm tipon b tell me 'Ol{Jcrelllit:IJ tfJou mi!JIJtctl be bom1n. r.ii::m.~~
' IJis 8nues bctame as fta:re t{Jat ma,i burnt 11 'eanf\DcrelllJer, ]rtlJey binlle tne'lllidJ ••makum•
) \Dit{J fire, eoi tl)c ban'Des looMJ ftom off l}its ne\l:J ropeis tIJat neuer \nerc occuppcb, ] llJSU be 1
~ ~.~~~~c•6
1' (Jan'Ds. . \l:Jeafle..anll be ass anotfJer man. ,~:~:::::~"'·
• ~'1111,or I 5 anll l)C fOWtb 8eUtb>18\D bone of an afi'e, 12 J!i'Jalda tf}crcfO~e toDliC nc\11£ ropes, Rnb no1 D11Darr.
j ::." "'
1 12
ann put Co1tlJ l)is {Jan'D,antl caull)t it, anb lle\U a bounn i,im tl}m\DttlJ, anll rarn tmto IJim, ~e
tlJOUfanD men tl}ere'o.litlJ. l01Jtlift1msbctipont1Jec, ~amron. (anD tlJere
16 anti ~amron rart1e. t19tdJ tlJe iable of an were 1rcrs in 'Olarte in tl)c C{Jamber.) .an'b l)ee
Q[e, {Je~es bpon 1.Jeapes, \nttl) tl}e ia\tlc of an b~ske t11cm from l.Jis anncs. as tl)cp I.Jilli bcene
atre l.Jaue] aaine a d]oirfantl men:. but a tlJican.
11 stnt1to1Jen1Je b,anlcftfpeaking, 1.Jetmff a, 1 3 anbl0alilafarlJ bnto ~amron,ll)itlJcrto
,~ 'alap tlJc ia'ro bone out of l}i151Jan1>,a1111 '81leD ftJe t{Joul)attbcgu1~bmc..11n'btoll>melrr.1S:rcttcll
•• ~"le1tJi plac;c r mamatl} A-el)i. me (Joto tl}ou mtg{Jtctl be bounn. U,r.c ratD tinto
~"'d::""n 18 .an'D l)c wa15ro,eatlJittl. an11 s calletl on tl)e lJct,'.lJftiJou plattetltlJe teuen 1oc1te.15 of mr 1.JcaD
;:=·~11111 lLo~D.ann CailJ, -atl)ou IJtlll giucn tl)t9 great bac' mitlJ tIJe t{J~cans of tlJe mootfe.
t':t...,:..11.10 toiic into tl)e l)anb of tlJ11 rcruant: ann no\l:Je 1 14 ~nb lhccratle~.t>it\l>itl) apimte.ann rarll
'"'U) ~';,:,.na mull 'Die fo1 tl)1ra., an'b fall into d,Jc 1Janll15 of tl)c bnto 1)1\U. ~c 101Jtlillineis be bpon tlJtr .~am,
~!\:~~~·g:~~' bnciTcumciCcb,
~'-' ......
19 lOut <ll5ob b,afle a 1JtC11t ttiotlJ 'Ola.IS tn
ron . gno l}et .8'\Dafttt> out of IJis occpc, anti
mcnt a\l>ap m1tf) tlJc ptnnc or ttJC blcb, anD ti.Jr
tlJtia'ID,anb t{Jcrt c;ame b.latcrtlJcreout. \1 llll'Jrn ruoofft.
Samfons death. Judges. Micahs idoles.
1 gnn ftJt cain tmto f]im aga~nc, ~o'lll cantt
tlJoufap, jj toue tl)ce, tolJctl tf]me l)catti!S not
UJitlJ mee ~ ~ou (Jail mocfltn me~ tf]efe tfJ1tt
times, atl'D lJall nottolllc me '11l)mm tlW gnat
tlt~~~:~~e!:!be 1ar tipo~ l)im ~itl,J (Jcr t1101M.
connnuaur be.ring or l)rm , lJtS roule \tlal! en,
rombzeD euen tinto tlJC 'Deatl).

17 ·!lnD fo (Je tolZI l,Jttall (JiSl)cart, ann faV'OC Thcxvij. Chapter.
tinto Iler, ~ercneucr came raroi tlpon mme M" h5 h d h
hea",e.O,' 'll f]aucbenca J'~
., u 11 • 3!
bnto <13on from 3 fonnc tea mot er, accor ing to er vow• made her
two idolcs.
1nr mott1crs \l1ombc: ttJcrefo~e \111Jcn ') am OJa<
UClf, mp tltcngtlJ \l1tll goe from lllC, an'D 4J\ llJSll $tte \DBS t1 man Ofmount cepina•
\lla,re \Dcafic, ann be lilic all 01her men. tm, namen il@ical),
18 ann \l1lJen ~a lila rato ttat l}e 1Jat1 totne 2 .ann l}e ratn bnto ltts motltcr,
f]crall l}is l}eart, ff)e rent ann calletJ fo: ~e lo:ns ~e eleum 1Jtmll1et111 mucr1in!Ul nor,ric1,1
of v~lJtlifhnes, raring, <Ir ome bp ret tlJtS once, tlJat 'mere taken from tIJu, about of f1h1cr.
fo~ l)c l)atlJ 11Jewen me aU l}iSIJeart. ~l)en tIJe ro1Jicl)t1Jomurrc~tt, ~fpaliclhttn mint caress,
!o~n~ of tiJe 191Jilittine~camc bµ tlnto f..Jcr, anti bel)oltl, tl)e Ctluer1sw1tl) me,'] tookc it a\Dap.
Jnougllt tl)e moner in tl)cirl)anll!$. ann IJi• motf)cr fail!, '31cU'ell be tl,Jou,mp fonne,
19 .anl> flJe mane llim Rcepe tlpon IJer Jmees, tn tlJc )I. Olli·
anll fbc rent fo~ a mati, anll (.Je llill 11Jaue off tl)efe, 3 Snll \Dl1cn l)e IJall rtl'fotcb ti.Jc elcuenl)un.
um Iotfica oflJi)'.l IJcall, ann began to be~c l)im, n1et1 muerltngs to lJis motl)er, lJ•s motl.)cr caaa,
c ~'.'l~fOJ
tom "f f)ts
anll 1Jii5 llrengt1J' 'lllal5 gont> from l)im. ']l l)all belltcaten tl)e Ct1Uer bnto tl}e "Jl,OJb ofmint
1J.11rt.llt11 ro~ 2 o ~nn OJee fapb, ~e ~l)ilitlineis be bpon l)antl, fot tf]ce, mp fonnc, tl}at tf;Jou IJ)OUUJefl
D~ 11,t o:llf• tl)cc, ~amron. ann IJee attlolie out of l.JiS fteepe mafic a grauen anti molten• image: now tl;Jm• :.,h111111•
an11rait1, j\ 'llli!lgoc out no\U ais at ot1Jerti1ne~ rote] 'llltugiueit tlJeeagaine. 1111111':
befoie, anll llJa~u~ mr fclfc . .ant11Jc wilt not tlJat
tl)e :Jl,o~b \tlas tll'partcn from lJim. .
4 ann \"Dl)en[Jc reftoteb tl)cmontr bnto l)its
mo ti) er, l)ts motl)er toolie tmo l)UnllJCll ftlutt•
=...,. •
2 1 lt)ut tJJe 1E'IJ1httincis took£ lJim, ann put ltn~, anti gattc tl)em to tl)e II ijfountier, to~ I or, image
out l)i)1 epe)1, anti btouglJt iJim 110\1me to a naq, malle d)tteof a grauen ann molten image, ann makct.
ann boun!J {Jim 'lllitlJ rttterl5 ofb:aU"e, an!> l.')c iltll it \HS in tl)c l)oufcof ~tcaJJ.
grinllcintIJeptifonlJoufc. 5 ann tIJc man ~i'811 lJ8b a golll JJoW.. ~
~·,,,n"~,~~?~0 22 IF,)o\l1beit, t{Jcl.Jaircof l)il5(Jcan began Jto !lntl mane an b~l)ob, 8nll cqerapbim, ann "!:C:S
";1,;;·""'"' ~\tic agatnc afttrtl)atl)e 'lllal511Jaum. i confccratcn oneof l)il5fonnes, 1DlJtaJ became ~,~...:
~·;~';;~~~1f,;~. 2 > ~en tl)e lozns oftbe ~l.Jififhnc)1 gatl)ercb l)is ~tiell. ·~· =·i::
ti'''" "'a. tl)cm togetl)er, fo~ to olfet a folcmnc cffring tin, 6 ~n tl)ofe t1atiel5 tl]crc \Dal no fling fn ~f> =:.r...
to JI)agon tl)etr gob,Bnll to reioice: foHIJcr fall>, rad. but cucrp man iltb tl)at\llfJU:IJ1DSJS IOOn m :.::;:::.
©ut ~ob 1Jat1J tleliuere'D ~amfon out cnemic lJiS o\Une cpe)1.
tnto out (Jantis.
24 ann \l11)cn tl)e people raw IJian, tl)ep p~ar 0 {Jcm '.)una, of tl)c kinrell of ]ama, 1Dl1id) !OUUI
rco tl)eit gon : fo~ tIJer fatn,®ur go!J tiatlJ ncbu~· man mas a "Jl,euitt,antl roiounul> dJm. . .
7 ann tl)m \llal5 a pong man out of l6ttlJlc< ~.1.,'.,111.":::
rcn into ol'r l)antJ~ out rncmie, ann nettrorer of
ourcoumrcp, ml)icl) flem manr CfbS.
25 ~\lb 'rol)entl)cir t.Jcarts 'lllcremcrp' tl)ey
s ann tl)c mau tleparteb out of tl)e AUC of :. ao1111a
l6ctl)ltl)cm '.]luna , to goe D'llldl 1Dl)m l)tt
couln O:nbc a conucnicnt place: anbl)tt came to ::u.....
rato, ~cnb foz ~amron, ttat l)e map malie 11)1 mount lfl!IJ.iaim, to tiJe l)oufe of mJ)iadJ, 8' f1c i Fillccl die
'01. r•- i lau~lJ . .anti t~et? fet ~amfon out of t(Je p#fon ;ourntl'tn. hand.
th:nc. IJOUfc, nnlllJcptarcnbcfo~c t(Jem,an'D tl)crrct 9 ann~icafJfainbnto IJim, 1191Jm«com'
1)im bet\Vcmc tl)c ptltar~. mefl: t11ou :' ~c JL,.euite anftoereb l]ini, ~ am of
2 6 ann ~amfon fain bnto tl)e la!> t:l)at le!> IJim l6ct1Jlel)em '.)luna , ano ;cc to b'11dl tlllJm ~
bp tl)c l)anb, ~ct me tl)at 'JI mar toucl) tl)c pit< mar finil a pl:Jcc.
tar~ tl)at tl)c l)oUCe tlantletJ,) bpon, ann tl)at '.Jl 1 o .an11 ~ica(J rail> againt tmto l)im. ~well
map Icanc to ttJcm. 'Q)itlJ mce, 811?1 be bnto me a fatl)cr anti a-.iiefl,
27 gnntl)e {Jourc '\llal!I run of men ann \llo, anll']\'lllillgiuetl;Jcctenrtluertit1QSSbFFtrC..t\DD
men, ann tl}ctc \"Derr all t(Je loi'DS!I of tl)e l0btk garment)], ann tiJF meate anti t1.italle. "o t(Je
~~nc~ : anb tl)erc mere bpon t(Je to ore a tlJiec )l.eutte 'rocnt in.
~ourano mm ann \"Domcn, tl)at bel)clile llll)ile r r anti tl)c Jl.,cutte \111lf' d content to b\l>e:D ~!."./.:=
pr. w>s ;:;.>llmtan II ptapelJ. '1lit(J tl,Jc man, anD \"Das bnto IJim a• one Df l}tS ..•s•mllhN
•kcd. 8
~ inb ~amroncallcD bnto tfJell..o)'D, anb o'IJ)nefonnes. '"'"
faro,© 'Jl.,ait1 <ll'io'D,'Jl}ar tl:Jce, tl)inlic tipon me, 1 2 anti ~ical) conrccratcb tl}e )LeUfte ~ anti i.: : -
anll lltm~tl)en me, berccd} tl}cc, attlJi~ time tlJe pong 1nan became (JiS!l )9)ieft,anD 'l»li mtl)e =:=
'fake one Ollel'J!, !D <ll'Sol), tl)at mar :I bentonceaUl?U!lCll
vcoi;camc. of tlJtlDlJtl!lllntBfounp t'lllD ere~.
l)OUfcOC ~ical).
anb ~amton cau~)t tlJet\\lo mtnble pi(, tl)e )l..o)b '\Dill be• ~oon tmto me, feeing ~ l}aue
tar~ on \tll)ic\J tl)c t)aurcuoobc, anlJ on 'IDIJfciJ it a )l..euite to mr ~)iea.
\l1a~b~m~ bp, t(Je'Onc1111Jt11rig1Jt1Jallb anntlJe
\\~' 1111*
13 -aI;lJcnfailJ g\lica'fJ, f.}o\11 '.J am lUrt tlJat e.L,=11
otl;cr tn 11!~ ltft. , The xviij. Chapter.
<','.·,;:·yd:, . \ 3° 211ll ~mnfon faib 99r c route {!Jall 'Die 2 The children of Dan fend men tofcarch the landc.
··';~·:;..~~;" \lJttlJ tl)c ~IJihUintB, anti bO'll.leb trtm \lltdJ aO 11 Then come the fixc hundred, and rake the gods
~'.,\'.',1;','r,~~~ lJt11 m1~!Jt, attb the l}ourc fell bpontl)e~b!1, anb an~ the Pricn of Micah away. 27 They dcllroy
"""" \Jpon all tl'Jc people thnt'll.lerc tlJerein: anb fo tile Lais.
Spies fentfromDan . Chap.xviij. Micahshou(e robbed. 9;
• 0Dtbaltt:
11>1fnomar• fr) tliofcDapts tIJcrc \llas •no fling of ~an,aooll bp tl}c mtrin(lof tlJ£ gate.
ucUrllatrrl!• in 91traet, alib tn tfJofc llapci;s tl)c 17 anllt(Jefiu~mcnt1Jat\1JmttofpicouttlJc
rupt,anb Bll
tblUGIOtU of
trtb,c of ~an rougl)t t}Jcman tn,
IJmtanu to ll'aJCI in: fo1 bnto t)Jat
la~D, went in tlJitlJcr, anb c tookc tl}c gtauen ]' ~~.~~\?.~:,.
magc,anl:I tl)c ~pl)ob,~f]craplJnn, anD tl}c mol' •bar •b•p b•·
m19i1Jr1trU • ttme all tlJcir inlJctitanre l}all not ten image: (anti tlJC Wi£1l aooll in tlJC tntring Of :~·:i::~~1',\'['
pum(boffm· fallcn tmto tlJcm among tl}c tlJe gate, ttittlJ tiJC fl~c IJunll~cll men ttJat \l.lcrc ~To'1~~~:~t:;b
'"' tribcl'$ of 'J)fracl. appopntcDtottfJ \Dcapons of \tlarrc..) i~~;:,~~'1111 1
2 gnb tlJc cl}ilil~cn of ~an rmt of tl)cir ftin, 18 Wl)rlc tl}c otlJcr tuent into ~icalJ.G l)oufc,
rcb, fiuc actiuc men tn n~ates of tuarrc.. out of an~ fct tlJe camct1 '.]'1magc, tlJt <fplJob, ·'1nJcra,
ttJcir coalls, cum out of '5araaIJ,anll ltftlJaol,to pl)im,ano ttJc molten image: tl}en rarll tlJc p~ica
bic'aJ tl)c Ianb,an!l to rcmlJ It out,anb faill bnto bnto t1Jem,1101Jat 1>oe re:'
tl)cm, ©o,ann fcarc11 out t11e IanD. WlJiclJ lDlJm ~ 9 -aJ;l)cp anl\l.lmD lJim, ll)olb tiJl' peace, Jar
tlJep came to mount epIJ~aim, to tl}c {Jourc of tl}tnc l)anll bpon tlJp m~uttJ, ani> come ttiitlJ bll
~icalJ,tlJcp lo'Ogell ti) ere. . to be our fat1Jcrant1 p~1ell: Jis it better fez tlJee
3 911D wlJcn tlJcr were in tlJt l)ourc of ~1, to bee a 19~ica tmto tlJC IJOUfC Of one man,
b -e:n•ri•. ratJ,tlJrr flnc'tllc b tlJc boic.c of d)c poung man tl)c tl}mto l:lcza~~tca bntoatrtbco~ mnrcllm'.j\r,
::·~~·r~~,~· JL,cuitc: anti wlJen t(Jep turncll tn tlJitl)rr. ttJcp racl:' r Jfo1C~rr­
fapll bnto IJim,tWIJo b~ougl:JttfJcc(Jit(Jcr:'iwlJat 20 ant1 tl)c lD*ftc,G heart f'tlJa~ gla!l. anll ~aro;Dnri br•
mafieil tIJou in tlJis place:' ann 'aJl}at{Jaa tl}ou toollc ttJe ltpfJo!I, anb ~crapl)im, anb tile gra, 1.'..'0Ci t••
110~ bl1trtD :t

l)crc:' ucn '.]image, ano went s in tl)c mit1oca ·or ti]e r~ rnc 11 It : tnlt
4 Qlnll l)cc anfl»erell tfJcm, ~US$ anll tl}us people. f',JIJ•t[(i.:l:1f!,
'pic.1. ~mo:i.
llralctIJ ~ic:al) 'nlitlJ mc,ant1 l}at1J lJr~cn mc,anll l 1 ~ni> thcp turnct1, anll llepnrte?I, anll put ~01rt11.

'] ambccomc(Jil'$1&1icft. tlJe ciJtlo~cn,tlJe cattel,antl t(Jeir OtiJcrfubllamr 1tolc('",l:-U!r,


5 .anll ttJcr raplle bnto l)im againc , arnc befo~e tl)cm. c'tlit ···:;i;e
;:,f rhcatk; oe
c.:ounreu no'aJ or <5oll, t~at 'aJccmartmoto \lJl}c, 22 gun tu!Jet:i tlJcp \lJcrc a gooll war from l~C l:.0/0.

tl)er tl;e \lJap \\'llJiCIJ me goc,ilJallbe p10£pcrous, tiJe l)oure of !J@ical), tl}c men tl}at were in rtJ2
o~no. l)oufes nccrc to ~i'81J~ ()cure , gatlJcren toge'
• f;~RI ~01
1110Hcnn ro
6 anti '""C 1!1.1fC(l fapllC
HJ • fL' .
\JntO tlJCm, c 00C•
in tl;cr.anll follo\llcll after tl;}c ci)illlzcn ot Wan,
peace, fO~ tl)C Jl,o~i>e gDliletl} pour \1Ja1' 'aJl)JCIJ pc
l••h uram n_at 2 3 gnb callell bnto tI:Jcm : anti tl}cp turnc!J
~l~b.:~.~ goe. t(Jeir faccs,an!I raptl bnto ~icalJ, twl)at arlct~
:t:::1~['r~~~; 7 ~cntl:Jcfiucmcn bcpartcb, an1>cameto t{Jcc, tl}at tiJou martcfl an outcric ~
=.:,b"• J.Lai.G,an!l ram tiJc people ttJat 'Were tl}crin, IJO'W 24 ann l}cc rarlle, t'ce l)auc tafim awar mr
"· tiJcr ll\llclt careleac,aftcrtlJc manner of t!Jc ~i, golls \lJIJiclJ 'JI maoc,ano a1ro tl}c li'Jictt, anti gee
1>ons, am, ani> witl)out caaing of 11crill3, \t tlJat pour mares : an!I h 'WlJat fJauc] moJe ~$owe ~-~~~!&·~~!"
i Made no man ~ mane anp trouble in tfJe lantl, oi bfUr, tl;cn rarrc bnto me, twl]at aplctl! tl}cc1 gob 'b"" top:
lhtm alha- peb anp i>Ominton: but \l.lcrc farrc from tlJC ~t' 25 an1> tlJC Cl}tlb1Cll Of ~an fattle bnto (Jim, ~%tpr~!l'itc
med, llons,ant11Jall no bufmctre 'WitlJ otl)cr men. l.ct not tlJr borcc be l]earb among bS, Icatt i an, ~~~'.~~~"~'""
s anti tfJcp came againe bnto tl}eir, gnc fello'WC.G run bpon t(Jce, llnll tl}OU loore till' h• ra"'"'"·
to~ araalJ,anll <enl}aol, anb tlJc(r b~ctlJ~cn fap'O ltfc,WitlJ ttJc lines oCall tl}inc l)oull)ofll. , · :i:~·h~:;~~
bntot1Jcm,t191Jat1Jaucpc1>onc~ 2 6 !in!I tl:Je cl)tltlJetl Of Wan went tl:JCtr \lJap: bitter,
9 ano tl}cp anf\llcrco,ame,tf.Jat tue mar go anll \l.llJen ~1ca1J fa\lJ tlJat ti)Cl! mere too arong
bpagainatl)cm:roi \lJce IJauc fecne tl}clanbc, roi IJim, l}cc tun1ct1, ant11Dcnt l:Jachc bnto 1Jt11
rurctr a ucrr goob one: anD noc rec fit aill :' '3e l}ourc.
not fiotl}fUI to gee an'O enter, to pofi'c1Tc tl}c lanll. 26 rutb tf}cy tookc tl}c i tilings tulJicIJ ~i' ;£1.'!"m"«
10 ']\fte\lJillgoe., peflJallcomcbntoapeople caIJ IJab mane, anti ti}c ~~tea \l.ll:JiciJ t;Jcc l}ab, ~~:~"a~~: :ra1.

tiJat calletllnopctil.G,anll itis a bcrp largccoun, anti came bnto Jl,ais, bnto a people tl}at were ~';.'' 10•
trcp,\lJIJitlJ <floD l)atlJ giucn into pour l}ant11'$, it at re«, anb \l.litl}out mtarua, ann rmotc tlJcm
i.G alfo a place tlJat tJotlJ laclic notl}tng tfJat is in \lJitlJ tlJC C!lgt Of tl}c f1DO~llC, anll burnt tl)C Citic
t~c\\'lo.zlb, \lJitlJ fire. .
!illltl tlJerc lJCpartCb tlJmCC 0£ tl)C fdllfti)
l I 28 911!1tlJCrC\DilSll0tn811tOIJl;ClpC, bCCSUfc ~Or,dclru<r
oftl}t ll!lanitrs, out of -Jaraatun'D cfftlJaol,firc kJl,aiS\llaSS fam from ~ibon, ani>tllcrIJabno ~~~;~.rr'"
IJunb~ll men, apporntell WitlJ intlrummts of mCDlin!.l \tlttIJ anr otlJcr man: anll it UJas in tl}c ~~:.-~·i.
marre. baller tl)at Ircttj or l5ctlJrctJob. ~b•••ppt
12 lnll t}Jcp 'Went bp,anll pitcIJtb in JairiatlJ- 1 9 * anti tlJcr built tIJcm ttcrc acittc, anti ror.1 9.47 .
10 ,, the iartm., 'WlJiclJ i.G in ~Ulla: Wl)crcroJc tlJC!' callctl b'IXJclt tl}creln,anb calletl tt Pan,aficr tl}c name
t<nt; of tlJC place II ~al]ancll·llan, bnto tl)ts llap, anll it OC l0all tl)eir fatlJer, WIJiclJ llJSI! bome bnto 9\f,
•· Dan. i.G on tl}c batr1c flllc of ttirfatlJ.iarhn. rad: {Jotobeit,tIJenamc of tl}c dip b.rn.G Jl,ats at
1 3 lnll t1Jep 'Went tl)mcc bnto mount Cf, tl}c be!.ltnning.
plJ~aim, anti came unto tlJc l;loure of ~i'81J. 30 ant1tl)e cl)tlll~cn of Wan fcttlJembµ t1Jc
14 ~l)en anftocrcll tlJe fiuc men tl]at mcnt graucn image :anti ]onatlJan tlJt Com1cor<3er,
to £pie out tl)e countrcy of JJ.ais,anll rart1ebnto rom.,tl:Jcfonneot ~analTcs,~lJis fonncs, were
t(Jetr b1ct1J~en,l19otc re not tflat tl}erc i.G in tl}cfc tlJC tJJtctt~ in ,tiJe tribe of ~an, bntlll t{Jc ?lap of
~ ,.,It 11rr tJourcs an lfp1Jot1, -ai;tJcrapl}im, anll a graum tl}e I captnnt1c cc tlJe lanb. 1 ~w 11.111

;::•b1tnrr11~~ anll a molten image:' ~O\tl tlJcrcfo~c, d con!ibcr 3 1 :Anti tl:Jcr ftt tI:Jem bp ti.Jc camrb itnagc, ~~k:~~~~;~·
~::,r~lt• 'WlJatrctJnuc to lice. 'IXJl}iclJ ~1ca~ mabc, al tlJc 1DlJilc tl}at tl)c l]oufc P.~~.~'.i'.'·
"'" ••orc. 15 anti tiJcr turne!I tl}itlJcr\lJar?I, anll came or 001> \lJa.G m~tlo.
to tl)c boure of tlJe 19u11g man tlJe JLeuttc, cuen The xiic. Chapter.
bnto tl:JC IJOUfc or sa@ica\J,anll faluteb IJimpcacc'
abtp. 1 Ofthc Leuitc whofe wife wa~ villanoufly killed in
16 an!I tlJC fi~e l)unll11:Z1 men gfrllcb 'aJitlJ Gibea, 29 The Lcuitc cuitcth her i11 cw clue pie-
\tlcapon.G of 'n'!a:nc, tDiJlctJ tticre of tlJc cl}tlb~cn ces,and fendcth them to the 1wclue tribes.
,Jffn I
OfcheLeuice Judges. and his wife.
JI.Join tlJofC oa~~ \Dl}cn tlJ~c alfo of mount <ept,atm,anll 11\llclt as a llranger

® wa• no liiniJ tn '.l]rtacl, a mtatn tn <ll5ibca: bu~ tlJe mmoc tlJc place \llcrc tl)e cl)il•
Jl,cuitc rotourntn1,1 on tlJc anc of ll~n of• ~cmmt.
~ •
' ' mount ctp~~aim, tookc to mifc 17 an~ ....,en ~ l]ab ltft bp l)t~ ercts,lJcfatoc ll!m1aia111o
• 1tbl1Dtirt· ' a • concu1J1nc out of)l}ctl)lelJcm a\tlapfarmg manan tlJeatcctcoftl)c&ttie: an'll
~:.;·,~~~::t:;r, '.]Juoa: tlJe 010 man fai11,m{Jitl)tt goell tl)ou '! ~ ml;Jcncc
~:~·.:~~~~·::; 2 gull IJi• concubine p~arctJ tlJc \Dl)o~c bl' commeft tl)ou '!
m•r• 1111• rakf lJi·in, att"u mcnt a\lJar~from tJtm bnto [Jcr fat[Jcrss 18 ~c anC\llerell IJim, me come from :l6tt1Jlc·
IDU~ m111nt IJ
lalrmnmu of [Joufc to ;l6ctl)lcl}em ~1Uba, ano t ere tonttnucu
. ,. lJcm 1ui>a, to\lJari> tlJe fi!lc of mount Gepl),atm,
'J,~~;~O:ii?Db" rourc monctlJS. from tl)cncc am l : anll ji lllcnt to l5cti)lcl:Jcm
:~bt:~f.;N!. 3 Qnn {Jer l)u.n>anb arofe, anti mcnt af_tn ]ulla, anllgoc no\Deto tf:]e flJOUfcoftl)eJL,0111. r~o?'"'°'
uo1.111nnlm• l]cr to Cpeaflc:1: rrtcnl>lr bnto .,er, anb to b~mg an1> tl}erc 1s no man tlJat mctuctl} mec to ~:::r~bi"'
:·b:~'~\~~:;""· l]cr agatnc, [Jautng l)is fall mitlJ l)tm, ~a couple {Jou re. 11111.

~~::~~.:~ !'~!~: or arrcss: ano 11.Jc b~ouglJt l)tm tnto i)cr f'atlJer• l 9 U9e lJauc lfra\lJ am woucnl>er foi om .af•
~~~:~.~:~:. IJoufc, ano m{Jen ti)c fatl}cr of tl)c oamfcH rawc res, ann blean an11 'mine roi rncc atlll tlJr lJanl>•
gmm '~""· IJtm,IJc niorceo of lJis tomming. main, ai11> ro: t{Je lall tl)at is \llttlJ tlJr fcruant:
~c~~'.'" 4 ano lJis fat[Jer in law, tlJc o~mfcl~ fatlJer, atlll toe lacke notl)ing.
reternco lJtm. ano 1Jcc abobe \lJltlJ l)lm tl)~ce 20 ~c olllmanfaii>, Jl10eaccbcc'mitlJtl}ce, ~or,bcof
11apcs :anll ro tl)cp llilJ cat an11 t11tnkc,ann lollgell aft ttat ti)OU lacketl, 11.Jalt tlJOU ftnlle \DitlJ rncc: good ,orn.
tl)cre. . . onelr abillenot in t:l)c llrcetc all nighc. fon.
5 ~IJe rourtlJ 'Dal! mlJen tl1er arorc carclr 111 21 annro lJcb~ougl)tlJim into m~ IJOUfe, atlll
tlJe mo~nln!i> ti)e man ttoooe bp to l>cp~ :.anll {tatu fot>llcr tmto tl}e au-e11 : an'IJ tl}cy \Dall)tll
tlJe llamfell'S fat:l)cr rarlJ tmto lJtSS fom1c tn la'aJe, tlJcir fcett,anll llill cate ann niinliC.
~~r,lheng- II ~omfoit tlJine IJcart 'mitt} a mo~fell ofb1eal1, 2 2 anb as tl)cr tocre maliing tlJcit !)carts,
nen, anll tlJen goqour llltll'. mcrr. betJoUJ, dJc men or tl]e cine mlJictJ mere
6 an1> tl)er rate llownc, ann llill eat if llitnke :1toickeb,bcfct tl)c l]oUfc rounD about,anll tl}~Ull *Men of
botlJ of tl)em togetlJer: ann t1Je oamfcls fatl}er at tl)c!loolc. \f Cpabc to tl)c man of tge l)oufc, tl)c ~.i;_a1: 1h1
rapll unto t1Je man, '3e content,'JI p1ar tl)ce,ann ~lD ma~ Cil\'ing, ~Jing fOJtlJ t{Jc man tl]at came ~igiu_cbl .
taric all niglJt, anti let tl:Jine IJeart be merr. mto tl]ine lJOtlfc,tl}at \lle maps fino'aJ lJim. rr.w ' . •:
7 !lnll lXll)cn tlJe man lteoll. rr1111F to ncpart, 23 ann tl)is man, tl}e mater of ti)e l)oUfc ~~ :
~or, wos his fatter in la\lJ jj compcllcll lJtm: ti}ercfo1f lJC£ \Dent out, ann faill bnto ttJcm, ©I), nar mr bJe' :.':.
mndhp· rcturnell,anll tSft'ell all nigl)t tl)cre. tlJ~en, ooc not ro 'aJttkeblp, fcetng tlJat ~man ~~a.
on him. 8 .ano l)e rofe bp eanr tf]e ftft liar to llepart, tsf4t come tnto mine l)ourc, noe not ro tmmcctc a f(llt ••k"or'-* •
b Sli!<•nl•«· \f t{Je llamfcls fatl)er farti,~omfo:t tlJine b llcatt, ...,mg.
noitt..rlllll i
:~~~~~ ~~~':,, ']! p~ap t{Jec. anll tlJer tariell bnttl after mill oar: 24 )l}CfJolll. l)cmis mrl>augf)teril marl>tn, r..:::::.11> !
~~~f~1l~'."lll anll tIJep llill cat botl) of t1Jem togetl)tr. . enntlJismansconrut>inc, ti)em')'mtlblingout a•:::., :
9 .anti 'mlJen tl)c man arofe to llepatt \lJttlJ no\tl bnto pou,anll hl)umblc tlJcm,anl> lloc wttl] ~... ~11 "' !
l)is concubine,an'll lJiS lab, lJis fat1Jerm la'aJ,tlJe ttJem \Dl)at fecmetl] pou goon : but lmto ti.Ji~ .~".... 1
llamfcls fatl)er,farl> bnto IJim, :15et)ol1>,no\\J tlJe mannocnotCoabominableatl)ing. !:
t Is wcake llaf goeti) fall a\tltlp, anlJ +l:JJa\tlCtlJ to\DSTlJe 2 5 l6ut tlJe men \Douin not l)rarllcn to lJim: 1:
ijOr ,1he da; anicn,] p1ar rou tarie all ntgl)t: bel)oUJ, II ~c anti tJJe man took£ 1Jil1 concUbine, anll b,oUgl)t
1odge1h, ~unne goctl) to reft, lollge l)ecre, tlJat tl)me ~er outbnto tl]cm. \lJlJklJ IU1t'aJ l)er, anb abufcll
!)cart mar be merrr : anll to mo:o\lJ get rou ear• l:Jtr au tl}c ni!,llJt bnto tlJ£ mo~nlng: ann 'Wf)en
Ip bpon rour toaf, tl)at tl)ou marett get tl)ee to tl}e liar began to Cpimg,tlJcp let: IJcr 1,1oc.
;~~~;;~~· ' tl:Jp 'tent.
• 2 6 anll tlJm came tl)c b>oman in tt)e lla\D•
:~:\,'.~' 10 ~cucrtlJcldfe, tlJe man moulll not tarr, mng of t11c nap, anti ftH i 1>01J>nc at tl}e bOOlC of , D11•.
but arorc,anb llepatten.anll came al'S Carre as ']e• tl)e mans IJoufc ml]erc lJcr Jl lOJD \llai!,tillit \D8' I or,hut:
bus ('aJl)iclJ tis ll)icmralem) anb IJts two aues tier. band.
lllllen,am1 IJis concUbine wttl) l)im. 27 !lt1bl1erlotoarofcbptntl)emo~ntng, flnll
1 1 an11 ml)en tl:Jcr mere faft br ]cbus, ttJc opcncb tl)e bOOlfS of tlJc lJoUfc, ano \llmt out to
llap \lJas ro:c fpent, ann ti)c pong man fapll tmto 111?£ IJts toar : ann bd)olb, tl)c moman IJis conru·
{)tis maaer, ~omc, 'JI p~ar tl:Jce, anll let b!S tumc tnnc lap alolli bcfo,e tl;Je 1>oon of tl}c IJOUfe, anti ~
tn into tl}is cirtc of tlJe ']ebuutes, anti lobgc an IJcr 1Jan11s bpon tile tlJ:cflJolb. ,
mgl)t tllcrc. . 2 s Jnb IJe falb ttnto (Jer, mp, 811b lttl1' bt p~ ~:
12 'tis mailer anfmercll, mee\lJIU not tun1t mg. l5ut flJUnf\llerell not: tlJm tl}c man toobc ·'
!,~~~!~~;i;:: into a nraunge citp,tl:Jat arc not of tl)c cl)illl~ IJtr bp ~pon an .Q[e, anll aooll bp, anti gate lJi1n ,\
tbilDlrn of 11· Of ']\fracl, me \lJtll noefO:tlJ to cll'Slbca. tmto i)IS k place. k """"""' , :
ml b•D "1oon re. , » . {a ""' "
"''•tt<l.,b111 13 :ctl1blJda1ll blltO lJt!1 b, wO ~o,\Dar'll, anl:J 29 anll_\ll1Jcn1Jc\lJascomcintobi~IJoufc,IJ~ :~~ .~
~~~:::""':~~" lct bss b:a'ID nccre to one of tl)cfc places to lollge tookc a kmfe.. anb caulJf)t lJiS concubmc, anll Ill• 't
~~~~~;~~.::. a11ntgl}t,cttl)crin <ll5ibca,o,m mama. uillCO lJer in piccrs mitlJ tIJc bOQCS into nlldnc ~
4 2tlbtl)epll>Cnt fo~marb bponti)dr b>Q, partss,anb rent IJer into an quarters of1fi'ad. \
~b tl)e ~unnc lllent llolllne bpon tl)cm .ml}m 30 an11 au tl;Jat fame it, faille, ~ere 1llttS \
•.,cp 'men fa_ll bt <13ibca, mlJitlJ belongctl} to no fuel) llcellc !lone o~ fcenc fincc tlJc d}11ll~ oi ~
'J\fracl came out of cf!J1pt bnto tlJiS Dl1P: wno, :~
5 atlb tl:J~ tut!'Cb
tl)itl)tr\lJarb, to goe tn lltt tl)e matter, talic atiu1fcmmt, an11 ranour :"
anb loll ge ~ll mgl}ttn ~ibca:anb \'Dbcn l)c ~c, minlls. ·~;
, 'Jr. athc. l.)CC fate l'Jlm llOlDttC tn a lltCCte Of ti)£ £ittC, f01
ire d t 1lClTI.
g ttJerc m1111
l.)oufe 11~ man tlJat II ....
f0 loi'.J~ng, ....0 ..c ""cm
m·to IJI"
The xx:. Chapter. ~
1 The lfraclircs alfcmblc in Mifpah,to whom the Le. ~
. 1 6 an11 bcl)olll, tl)erc cam can oll> man from uncdcclarcth hiswrong. 13 Jhcyfcndforrhcrn ~
()1s lllozhc out or ttJc ficlll at ltuen, tDIJidJ ma• that did 1hc villanic. 1~:

'4[;bcn1 ,\
rThe Leuires complainr. Chap.xx. lfrael againfl: Beniamin. 96
~~~ l!)m all* ttJc 'l)ilbJl'n 11f 9j~ae:1 ing. gll3lJitlJ ofbS IJ,Jallgoe \Jp fiill. to tl)ebat' • l!:h•PP'"
tuent out, anlJ tl)e ~o~attoJJ ~ellagainilt!Je clJillltm o~ :0eniamm~ anbtl)c ~~~~.'.:~~~';
~ 1 gea111, all • \Ila~ gatlJertlJ tOgCttJ£t aJS •one :JL.O~IJ faplJ,]UlJ8flJallbe§(IT, •.,, ~"""'~•
... '"""'"" & • man, cucn from :w>sn tbl6ctr· 19 an1>tue d}tlll~rnof']lfraernoollbpeartlp, :.~·;.~",!~~,':,•
rair. i; ' CCbs, 1llitlJ tIJe lanlJ or Cl!Jtltall, t>U, an11 mmpell againtl<J3tbca. ~~~.:;:,1,i~.
to tlJc JLo~b m ~ifpalJ. 2':' an1> tl)e men ot'.]lrrael \Dent out to battell ~.;~:R:~~·:;~.
. tHcb.cor- ::i am1 tIJcrc atremblell tl)e+cl)iefeofaDtl}e agamll l5e~iamin, anb tl)emenof9jfracl put "'"·
I icr1. people, and ofan tl)c tribe.£$ of '.]Ifrad. in tl)c ton, tb~cluc!f tn arap to figl)t againfl tl}em lltfiDc
gre1Jation or tl)c people of '1!5ob, rouu l}l1nt11c11 '1!51bca.
d}ourann footmen that bJe1ll f\Doi~. 21 an?J tl}e tl!tlllJm ofl5eniamtn mme out of
t~. 3 (Y,lo\Dc tlJe d}ilb:en of l5cnismin (JearD '1!5ibea. ano bcllropeb Do'alnc to tl)e grounll of
tl)att11£ d}illlien of ]rracl mere gottt bp to £111Jif, tl)e ·]rrselitcis ti) at tiar t'1Jcn$le anD t'alo tl}ou,
pslJ.) ·~en b fapil tlJe cl)itoicn of '.)fi'ael, ~ell 1>15 ranll men.
l}o\11 tl}i!S \Dicllellnefi"c ts committcll ~ 2 2 gull t1Je people ti)c men of 'jjfrRrl pYmkell
4 an11 tl}e JLcuitc, tl}e 'alomans l}ufoanll t(Jat bp tl}etr lJeartis, antJCet tl}eir batten aginc in a'
mas aatne.anfmercll ann rapll, 'J tame into '1!5t' rap, m tl}c Came place \ll{Jcre tl}cp Dill tl)c firll
bra tl)at is 111 l5eniamin, \llitlJ mp concubtne to Mp.
lollQCallni«l}t. 23 (~nlltlje cf)ililicn of]rract 1llcntbp,ann
s ann the men of ©ibea rore againtl me,anll wept bcfo:c tlJe JL,o.:t1c bnto Qfucn., anti afhetl of
befcttl)e l}ourc rotmil about bpon mre bF nigtJt, tlJc :JLo 2ilc, raring. ~{Jail 'ale gee againc to bat,
anb tl)ougl)tto tauc Claine me:anll mp concu, tell againll tlJe c(Jilb~en of l5cniamin our b~c'
binCl)auet11cpfO~CCb, tl]atl1Jc~JSbC8lJ, , tlJ~Cll :' 2nll tl)e Jl,o~OC ftlfile., CDDC bp agatnU
6 gn'D '.JI tDofic mp concubtnc,anb cut l)cr m tl}em.)
~~ picccs,ant1 rent l)cr tl)1oug1Jout au tlJc countrer 2 4 an'b tile Cililllicn of '1 fracl came ncere, a,
lti of t(Je in}Jeritance of jfracl: fo~ tlJer tauc com, gatna tl)c cl)ilt1~cn of l5entamin~tl}c rccont1 nap.
~ mitten abomination anti billanp in 'JJfracL :z s ann tl)ccl)illlJm of l5cntamin \lJcnt a,
i::: 1 l5c~olb, pure all clJtlb~en of :Jlfract, glue gaint1 tl)em out of '1!5ibrnthe recontl Dar. nnD ne-
t:? pour aouife anll counfell IJerein. ttrotell to tIJc cart!) of ttic c1Jil1>~enof'lfract on~c
!l 8 !ilnb an the people arore as one man, rar, againe etgl)tcne tl)ouranb men , tl]at ll~c'ale
:i~ tng, ~ere Cl)all not a man of bJS gee to l,Jtlf tent, rwoi11is euerp oue of d;lem.
!:-'*!'.... netti.Jer tume into l)IJS cl)oure, 2 6 ~en all tl)e cl]ill>ien or'}lrr11eJ,a111> au tl)e
9 '5uttl}is11Jallbe ittllat\l1e1llillloetoell5i' pcople\Dtntbp, \tCamc bnto tl}el]ourcof a15ob,
~·~ bea, we will goc vp bp lot againllit: anb 'alept. anllfate tl)cre bcfoie tl]e )LOJUnil fa,
- r o anti we will talie ten men of t(Jc tun11icD lleb tf)e rame Dar tmto <furn, anD offcrcn \lll]ole
tlnoug(Joutall tl)e tribe.£$ of 'llfracl.anll an tun, burnt offuingSJ, anl> pcaceolfering15, befo~c tl]c
11ie11 of tl)c tl)oufanl>. anll a t}Jouranll out of ten Jl,0~11.
t(Joufanll, tofettl} bittuall fo: tl}e people, tl]at 27 an11tl)ecl)il11~of']lfraela!liclltl1eJL.oill.
tl}ep map iloe,1lll}m tIJer come to ©ibea l5mia, (foi tl}erc wa~ tIJe ame of tl)c appointment of
mni.auoJlltng to all d;lc abomination tl,Jat t11cr <95011 in tl)oCe Mrc!S :
l}aUClDJO~l)t in']ifracl. 28 an1119lJinclJe!S tl)c fonnc of <J:elea1at t(Je h ~ 11 ,
r,; 11 !lnb ro all tl}e men of 'lltraclgatl)ttctJ to, ronnc orn.aron htlooll bcfo:c it at tt)at time) far' .,~.~b.'' It·
:-:+ Qrtl:Jtt againtltl)ecitr, lmitte togctl)tt a.£$ one ing,~l)all1 gctmebp togocout anp mo~eto Piicaoolfrc•.
:~ man. battel agatnll tl)c d)iltJJCn ofl5cniamln mr b~c,
:'~ u. anti ti.Jc tribe~ oC1\ftatl rent men ttloto1lle tl}:cn, oi llJall 1 cearc :' ~f,Jc 'JLo,il rar11. ©oc tlp,
1 alltl}ctrtbcof :l&e11iamln,f11Fi01J,ll31)at\Dkllcll' fo~ to mo~ro\xle] w:ll llcliucr t~em mto rcur
j 1~ ncfi"e t15 tl)i!S UJat i~ committeb amon!Jrou ~ l}an11s•
.•1 13 ftlo\D tbercfoJC neltuert>Stbcmcn, tl)orc 19 an117itraelfetlpcrsin\Dartroun11 about
1~1 clJilll~en of l5clial \l11)id} are in Cll5il:Jea, tIJat wee '1!5ibca.
i ~Jl:::;0 mar aap tl}em, anb put dab.lap cum from '.]If. 30 ann tf}e chillltmof']lfracl \Dent bp againtl
/~~·1~~~1~ racL ...:. ;.;, "'. . . tJJe dJilDten of l5cniamin tl)c tlJir'D tnnt, anD
14 ..... ut •.,e ,.,,1ll:m ofl5cn1&mtnbloullJcnot put tlJemfeiucs iu arar againll ©ibca, a.s t\lltfr
IJ~ ~.... l)earflen bnto tl}c bot'c oftl)ctr~etl)ien tl)c '11il' bcfo:c.
(0 !;:::~~~ b:en of']lfrarl: but tl]c cl)ilbtm of~cnuamtn ga, 31 an11 ti)c cllil11ien or l5cniamin came out I
,' :=~,. tl}ttell tl}cmrciueis togctl}cr out of tIJccttte.s, bn'
J. :W:i~·· to <1!5ibca, to come out anll ~t againft tfJe ci;Jil'
again~ t(Je people • \t ;b.lrre n:a.\lJrn awar from ~f,rb~1~:,'.~·~~,
tt)e ttt1c , anti t1Jcp began to fm1tc of ttlc people .1 lr,..~
r'.l !Wni, PD- 111en of ']lfracl. t1eabc 8.f$ t\Utrc befo:e,br two tngfJ mare.£$ m tl)c 15 an11 tl)c clJilb:en of ~cnianlinblere nmu' fielil (ofttJlJici:J one gocttJ bp to tJJc IJoUf~ of ®011,
1r b1et1at tl}~tttmcoutoftl}ccitit!f, tUlcntiealTll anll tl,Jc otl}cr to ll5ibea) bpon a tlJtrtle men of
fin tl)ouran11 men tl)at111c1ll f'alo:ns, bcfibc tlJe '.Jlrael.
tnJJabttant.s of <3ibca. 1l.ll)icl) were numb:eb ft, p ann tlJe clJifn~rn of l5entamtn fapllc,
tacn 1Junn~e1> ctJorcn men. ~uer ~re falltn btf"o:c b.S a.£$ at tl:Je firll. l5ut tlJc
16annamongaUtl}efefolkc.1lletcfeuenllun, clJiltJµn of '.l\frarl rapilc. JLet b.S llpe, ann
n:eti cl)ortn men. being lcrtl)anllcll,\lll}idJ ct1erv plucltc tl)cm away from t11c citie, bnto tlJc IJinlJ
one coulll llin~ llonet"Sat anl)airc b1ca1Jtl:J, anD 'Wares.
notmilf£. 33 anll all tl)e mcnof]fraclrofcbp outor
17 anll tl)c cl)ilbtm of j!frae:l befillc ~mill' tl)eir place, anti v.ut tl)rmfelue.s in arap at l5aal
~•.i,, min, \Dert numb:ell roure l}unll:cll tl)oufanb ~l)amat::a11ll l11ie'al1fetl)c lrer.£$in IDartofjiC,
"ll11t1nili. men tl)at 111etuc f'aloJIJ!f, ann were all1ncn of raetcamcfco~t1Joutoftl)etrpl~cc.s, cucnoutof
:.:::.~r.:n lDarre. tl)emello'alc.s t(Jatt\Jere about ©ibcaIJ,
t._-.11n x8 anbtl}CclJllllJl'nOf']ltradarofc,anlJ\l1rnt 34 anti tame againll©tbra ttnnrtlloUClltttl
bpto ftlJctioufcof 001>. anD antcnor <5oD. rap' cl)oren mm, out of aU ']ftacl, ann time \lla)'Sa
The Benian1ites ludges. defl:royed.
;~~:::;~· ro1ebattell: butkdJCF \llitlnot d}at cutll tllas
2 .. tl)e tnt~ or ')frad • f\uarcin ;.~.~~i.":ii;
nme t1Jem. . . J.
3s anb tlJC )1.,0)bC pla~cb '15emamm bi;lO)C
~'01ca',~~"~1. ']\fracl, anll tlJe cl)ilb~rn of '.j!tt"ael lletlrore'll of
tlJe l5cniamitt~ tlJe r11me Dar t\Dcntti an'll fiue
euccy one of tt.Jrm.
11 _..,..•..,ab,
Of uS !JIU£ ·, faring,
. ~ere UJaU none ndl1,111111ur
0f '5enia1mn to \Difc.
i 9n'll tlJt people came to tJ:Jt
t1Jouranb, If an l}unD)Cb mcn,t(Jat b)eto £'010;'11~ IJouLc ot ©oo, anb abo'llc tberc nll Q!!ucn,bero)l'
'5ob,ano l1ft bp tlJor bopccs, anll \lltpt roic..
.3 an11 rar11, ~ Jl.,oiD <aot1 of ]fracl, totn! ts
tblP b1U111
~ts baugl)tei tmto anr bp I ~lb!llc 111-
""''"rn~ ....

36 .anDtIJr cl.!tlll)en o05eniamin ra\llctl)at

tlJcr 1:1Jerr aricken llo' :foi tlJt mm of ']rra, tlJtS 'omc to patrc m'llfrad, tlJat tlJere 11)011111 be
m li!tlrH to cl m galJC pfaCC tO tl)C )5entamifeS, beC8Ufe tlJcy ti.Ji~ bap one tribe laching in ]i\'act ~
01a1n ·~•mar. troncll bnto tf)e lrer~ in mapte \Dl)itl) tl)ep l)all . 4 9ntlontl)e mo)o'wetl)c 1,1eopleroftbpbc'
"" taFll befille <!!Jibea. ttmc,anD ~t>e ti.Jere anbafta~llt1ll oltcll tDJ:Jole ~ ., 111 ~
37 !lnlltl)e trersin tnartelJatlcb, an'llb)altc bm:nt offrings,anll pea'e offrtnp. mtf!111 lln:i
I or,m;.d_e0 fo1tl) againtl <!!Jibea,an'll tlJe embuflJmtnt Uniem s anti tl)e ClJiUJ~en or ']lft'ad faf'll,1291Jo iSIJe =:.~~l~:~
•• ng
ttJ'rmrcwcs along,
" anll rmote au tl)e citie toitl) an~onm all tl)e tribe~of]frael, tlJat came not bp ~~,:;~':, r.1111
tl)t CbgC oftlJtl\DO)b,
WI[ 1
lllttll ti)e congregatton bnto tf}e Jl,O)'ll ~ fo~ tl}cp
38 .anD tl)e men of '.]rracl l)a'll apporntcll a t}atl malle a great otf) concerning l}iln ttJat came
ccrtainc time \l.1itlJ tl)e lrers in \Dapt, tl)at tiJCF not bp to tl}e Jl,o~D to ~ffpalJ, raping, 'tc OJaU
nioulb malie agreat flame aod ftnoberire bp out rurelr bfe.
or tf)c citr. 6 . a~ ti)e d)tltlten Of ']frael 'lJ8'11 pitie on • lt'1,1tJ...
39 anll tolJen tlJe men or '.]]frael retti1e'll in l3emamm tlJctr birtlJ~en,anD ratll, ~ere is one ~%'.!~:~
;..~.'!~~ ~~· tl)c battell, l5eniamin began to fmitt lll'atl of tril:Jc cut off from ']li'ael tl}i~llap:
~~;.~~~:.•pm• tl)c cfJiltlJen of jfncl ab~uttlJirtie perfons,ant 7 U9lJat f!JaU\llee boe t>nto tf}crcrnnantof
rapll ,~urelp ttJcr arc lhiclicn bo\Une befo)e t>S, tlJtm, tl)at tfJtF map trauetuiues-1 U9ee l)euc
a~ tn tlJe firll batten. rwome llr tlJe JLo~ti. ttJat \De \Dill not giuc tl)em
40 '5ut \Dl)en tl)ere began to arife out of tlJc Jf cur llaug(Jttrs to \Diucs.
citr a flame.a~ a pillar ornnohe,tl.)e'5eniamitrs 8 .anD tlJcp rap'll, '.]ls ti} ere anr of tlJe tribes
looltcll bache,anll bcl)olll,tlJc flame of tlJe \lll}ol< f '.J,fracl, tlJat d came 1wt bp ta ~ifpah to tilt ~:n·:i;­
citic began to afccno bp to l)eaucn. !L o~llc~ anbbetJOlbC, tl}cruamcnoneof ]abtS l:"'"r~·
"1!'.• mrr~· 41 na(Jct1 tl)e men of ']frad atro tumcll [J., 0
J5ilC8ll bnto tl]C l.Jofte anb congregation. nor~'"r:
~~:'! iunn•· gainc, tl)cmmot '5cnia1nin nmeabaflJrtl, foi 9 11'0~ tIJe people \Dcrc bie\lle'll, an'll bel)olll, f,~u '"iii!

tticr fa\D tl)at euill app~oclJtb tl)em : tIJcre 'Were none of ~e tnfJabitantss of '.l]abe• 1
· 42 ~ntlt(Jrrcfo~etbcp tumcl:J ttJcitbacflsbc, J51lcat1 ttJere.
fo~c tlJe men of ']lrtael, tmto tl)c \Dap tiJat lea, Io anll tl)e 'ongregation fent tl)itl}tf tmtlUe
octl) to tlJC willlcme«e, but tlJc batten oucr• tl}oufanllmcnof~e;arongeft,an'll commaun• tHcb.d '
toolic tt)em: anll bcCIDc tfJat, tl)cp \Df.JulJ came rlCb tf;lem, faping, <6oe, (I ftulti tl]e inl)abitantS drcnof ~
r JT011b.,bon out ort1J£Citp, bt'1r0p£b tf}ml Pin tl)emilllllt of "f ~abe$5 <iL'lfeaD mt~ dJe ez,g2 of tl}t f\lloJOe, ttrcagm. :
i~~~~·~ ~~~~ tl)cm.
botlJ \Domen am d}illl~en.
4 3 ~nb tlJus tlJer rompalTeb tlJc '3eniamitcs.l 1 [ anb ttJis is it tJJat re UJSU boe, Fe n,an bt•
uor,from about, anll cbafcb t11em 11 llili,mcntlp, an'll ouer' tmp ticfh'op all tIJe male~, anb all t)Je \llomm
rbti1 Jtll. rannc tlJtm, euen ouer agamft (3ibea on «Jt tl)at )Jaue lren bp mm.
<fact fine. n an11t1JepfounbamongflJeinfJabitant1SOf
44 anlltlJcre\llerefiainc of l6entamin ciglJ, ]\abes <3itcab fourc l}Unb1cD bamfds birgines,
tcenc t}Jouranbt men, tolJicl) \llerc men ol t(Jat l)all tmo\Den no man, bp lptng \DitQ 8111:'
mane. male : anti tlJer b)ouglJt tlJcm bnto tlJe l]olle to
4 ~ ann tlJer turnrb anb tlcll'llrto tfJe \Dilller• ~tlo, \DIJi'I) iSih tlJclanll of €1Janaan.
nelf~ \Daro,an'll tmto tlJC rocI1e oUfiimmon : ant 1 3 anb ~e \D)Jote c.ongregationfent,(l<fpalic :.:Z'rr::-
1.,~bi~.~·~·r tl)cp 9 gleanell bp tlJt \'I.lap of tf)c rell of tlJemnm mitl) t)Je cl)tlb,en of l6m1amin tl)at wm in tlJe 1 ~:.a- ~
~:~~.~~~:~E tl)oufanll men: anll purfue'll after t{Jem bntill rocll of Simmon, (I calleb pcaccablp bnto tlJtm. :.~"' .
,, •.,,una. tlJcp came to ©tbom, ~ fie\D t\Do tl]ouranll men 14 ilnlll6eniamincamcagaineatt1Jatt:ime, ,..a- .~
bioau. of tl)cm. am dJtr gaue t)Jem 'l.lliucs, \DIJ'idJ tlJep IJall ca. ~
46 ~ot}Jatal t1Jattncrcaainet1Jatramct1ap ueb aliue of tl)e women of '.Jabt• C3tltal:I: bUt '
r 1l1n111t1.. of JBcniamm r 'Were t'Wentie anll fiue tl)ouran11 tl)ey rfulficell tJJcm not. · ·~
~~~1\":'u ~~mr \l\Cll lt}lltll1C\D (\JJO~tlS, 'WIJia, \Dere all men Of I 5 anb tile people 'mt\'e fO~}! foi '5tniamin, r Joitlllf19 \,
~0~ .~~~-~~! \'Uarre.

mi". 47 l!>nclp Cire bUn'll~Cb men turnc'll anb fltb

becaurc tl}attl)e JLO)lle IJIUI maoea tnta'l.J in tiJc ~:i.....
tribes of '.]lliacl. · ~
to tl)c \llilDerncm~ bnto t{Jc rocke of i!iimmon, 1 6 anti tJJen tf:le CflbttS of tt)e congrr~ation
nnb abobc in tl)c rocke of Simmon foure mo, fapb,129l)at fl.Jail \De 'lloeto tlJc rmmantof tf}em, 1
nct1)1s. to get ttJcm \lliues1 feting au tl)e ll!omen or i~.:;
4s an11 tt}e men of ']\i\'acl turnell baeke a· are llttlropdl. · ~~
game bn_to tl)c clJilllitn or'6miamtn,an11 fmott l6eniamin
'llllttJ tlJc cllgc of tlJt f\lloJllc in tlJe cttic"
17 ant1t11£Ff11Ftl, ~ere mulbecaninlJeri•
tance fo~ tbem tbat bet ercapetl of l5adamin. , ..,
r 1 r,~1,b•l•r· a~b ;ran anti bean, anll all tl}at came to l)anb, tl}atatnbebenotlltllropdloutof~fi'lld. ::•n 1~
''"'""· come br.
Ct 011 fife llll ti}£ { cities tlJat tlJcp Wu111£

18 ll;)o'Wbett,\Defltlt1'notpuedJan•tue1of :cm... ~
our DauglJt~s. !Jfo~ tlJt dJ&lO.zen of ~h~ 1Jat1 11~~.~ ~
f\tJ01ne,f11F1ng, Gturfell1Jtt11attpQet1]1'8ife to
l6emannn. ~
1 The Ifraclitcs fwc,arc_ihatthcy will not marry their
daughters w chc Bcn 1_ainitcs. 10 They flay them of 19 ~mtlJepfapDt. l'dJolDe. ~t1arraa ~~
tlJrJL.01t1e pemlp in _,llo. \Dbi"1 ii on tlJc ~ .·
of.Iabcs G1lead,an? g1uc their virgins to the Bcnia- f.}OJtlJ uDe of:ll5£1:11d. 81111 ontflt ctdftDe of tlJe '
m1tcs · 22 The Benu.imts take the daughters ofStlo \Dap tlJRt HOetlJ ctom 215etWI to '91c1Jmi. anD ~

9J>OUd1\ '·
I Elimelechs death. Chap.j. Ruths affection. 97
~outf) frOm "L1bauon. tlJe fault tss pourlJ.
2 o qercfoie tlJep c:ommanllel> tl}e cJ;J11Jl~en 2 3 anll tlJe 'lJtlllien of '.l5cniamin lli6 wen
of~mlalmn,faping, ~o, aull lie in 'Waite tntl)e ro, anb tooke t:IJem 'Wittes a"01t1tng to tl)enum·
l:lineparbs. ber oftl,Jcm t(Jat ?Jaumell, \tl(Jom tlJep cau~t:
21 in11 tof;Jen pee rec tIJat tl)e 11aug1Jtet1S of an11 ttJer \\'lent anll rrtumcll tmto tlJcir infJt"
~11o unne out to llaunc:e in oaunc:ci:J, ttJen come ~tancc , anl> repairell t:IJe c:tttcss , anb ll\tlelt
pc out of tlJc bincparbi:J, (t mta} rou cuur man a in tl)em.
toife of tl}e llauglJtttlS of ~do, ~.;Joe to tlJc lanll 24 an11 tf;Je dJilb1cn of1~acl llepartell tl}mcc
of'5eniamin. · attlJattimc, ano \tlcntrucrpman to(Jisstribc,
2 2 anll \tllJcntlJeir fatJ;Jcrss o~ lnetlJien come anll to IJis liinreti,anll toent out from tf;Jenc:e eue'
bnto tits to complatnc, \tlte \tlill fat' imto tl:Jtm, rp man to IJiS inl)critance.
ll)auepitie on bS fo1 tl:Jeir falless: bemure \\'lee re' 2 s 9\n tl)ofe llaress tl:Jeremass no fling in gir,
rerucll not to ec:f:J man bis 'IDift in time ormam, rael: but euerp man bill tlJat 'IDlJidJ reemeD ri~t
anti t(Jat re f)aue not gtucn bnto tlJem l}ttl}erto, tn l)iSS o\tlne eyes.
The end of the booke ofludges.

&~The Booke of Ruth.

10 9nt>fatllbnto IJer,~urelr'We'Wiltetume
Thefirfi Chapter. toitlJ ttJee bnto tlJl1 follle. ·
1 Elimclech goethwith his wite and children into
11 9n'll ~aomt raill, ~ume againe tllt' llaugl.J,
theland o( Moab. 3 Heeandhisfonnesdie. 19
• Naomi and Ruth come to Bethlehem. terss : fo~ bll)at c:aurc 'Win rou goe mitt) me1 arc
tlJett anr mo c:IJillltcn in mp \l'Jombc to be rour
~ cmnc to paffe, tlJat\tll)m l}ufbanbs1
Hcb.iudg- ,,_,_'-'_ tf;Je '.]lullges*rulell,tl)ere fell u ~ume againe mr 11au~ter~, goe rour
-d. a lltartlJ tn tl)e •lanll,anll a map, fo: '.3l am too ol?le to 1.Jaue an (Jufban?I: anb
: ~bat II lb• I~~~
.... u;~·· ,,. ccnainc man Of '.l5etl)le(Jem if'.ll faibe, '.JI l)aue lJopc, if '.JI toolie a man alfo t1Ji)1
a';~rtJ• 1t1b• b]UlJa,\tlentfo1tofotoume ntgIJt, rea, anll ttJauglJ '.JI (Jail alreallp bome
;Ci~:;~·:•. in tfJe c:onntrey of il@oab, Conness:
nntn ntr 11canll 1Jts'Wtfe,anlllJi1St'Wo 1 > mlou111 ree tatp fo1 tfJcm tm tl1rr 1Dm of
ll~•lj•bu. fonnes. age 1 01 woulll re fo: tl)em Co long rcfrainc from
.., 2 ~l)e name or ttJe man'Waf5 Cflimelec:f:J,anll taliing of 1Juf banllts1 not romp DauglJters: fo~ it
tl)e name of l)tlS 'IDlfe ~aomi, anll tl:Je nameSJ of grieuetl) me llmu'IJ fon?ourfalteSJ,tlJat tl)tl)anll nor,morc
,: lJiS mo Conness \tlere !ll@alJlon, anll Gt(Jilion, ct• Ofti)CJl..Ottl i)1gone DUt f agatnftmc. 1hcn ynu.
" ptnattes, out or '5ctf)Ie1Jcnl '.]lu'Da : anti tolJen 14 9nll t1Jc1• ltft tip tlJelr bofcr~,anb \l.1rpt a~ ~m~: ~:~~;~g
;r CIJep mtnc into tf;Jc lanll or il@oab, tlJCl! 'ontinu, gaine: anl> ilD1pl)a slltffeb IJet motl)cr tn la\tlc, ~"'"" rh.~',
,, ell tlJete. bUt Sutl) abo?lc fhllbr IJer. b•~g;:'"' ·

I 5 anll ~aOml f8llJC, ~CC,tlJr fiaer il1 JA\tl i~ rra~ n~:~~c~"

" 3 !lnll ifltmelech ~aomief5 l)ufbanll llieb,
·1 anll 11Je reinainell wit!) lJtr t'Wo ronnes: goncbac:ke againebntolJerpcoplc,anll bnto (Jer i•mn3.
~ :t,:~~:.·· 4 UDl)idJ tooke tfJcm utuess c of ti.Jc S3ll;Joa• goDSJ: rcturnc tl)ou after l)er.
f ::::eoo, bttCIS:tlJC one,s name 'ID&S©WIJa,au'IJ tl:JC OtlJerSS 1 6 ano 1!iutf;J anftocrco, <Jrntrcatt mcrnot to
~.. o':::' SutlJ: anll tl}ep b'IDellell tl)err about ten recres. leaue t1Jee,anll to rctume from t!Jcc: roi \tllJttf;Jcr
~=~.t'iii~a s !ilnll ~al)lon anb qllion lltell alfo botlJ ttJou goell, '] 'Wil goe alfo. anb \tllJerc tl}ou ll\tlcl,
ri""'~ Oftl)Cm, anb tf;Je 'alomantoai; left dcllitt1tc Of(Jer lell,tl)ere'.]\ 'Will lltoell: tlJr people fl)all bee mr
;• t'Wofonnef5, anti ofl]er IJUfbanb.'ll tllP ©ob mp ©on: .
6 ~{)en ll)e arofc\tlitlJ l)erlla~tcrlS inla'W, 17 Dl)ere tl)ou ?ltctt, tlJere \tlill '.ll llie, \t tlJerc
anll retumeb from tbe c:ountrcr of ~oab: fo~ todl 1 be burieb: tf;Je JL,010110 ro to mce anb mo:e
nie l)ab f)earn rar in tile countfCt' oril@oab,~o'W alfo,trougl}t but OcatlJ ocpart tl)cc an?I me,
ttJattl)eJLoibl)all biCitell l)il3 people, an11gmen 18 UD(Jcn lbe ram ttJat {!Jc ma~ llellfaftlp mtn'
~ d l,ln•b• 11 tl)em b~ca?I: llcll to goc 'WitlJ ()er, ll.Je left fpcaltmg lmto l}cr.
&~•iantti•b• 7 U9l)mfo~e (bee llcpartfO out oftl:Jeplacc 1 9 anti fo tlJey 'Went botlJ. btttil tlJey mmcto
;,: n:it:~. tol)cre llJe 'WRl3, anll f)er t\tlO llaUglJterSS in la'IDC '5etl)l~nn:an?J mlJm tlJcr \l.lete c:ome to l5ctl),
~:.·~:':;.,. 'WittJ IJcr : anti tl)cp \\'lent on t(Jcir mar to re' lct)cm,tt \l.1a)1 h UOpft?I Of tl}em tl}10U@ 88 tl)C t:i• h C:Jbmbp tr
(, :::::.~~· turnr bntot(Jelant1of]u11a. tic, anti tl.JCt' ratll, ]IS not tlJis ~a01m1 1'J',P~~,:~~ ~h"
~, :::tt't~~ . 8 Sln?I fr)aomi fat?I bnto lJtr t'alo llSUgi.JtcrfJ 2? an?l lbe anrtocre?I tlJem, Gtall mrnot 110a, ~~;·~~!"::~:
.;:r 11 Ill•" tn la\tl, ~oe anll retume J cc:fJe of rou bnto rour
omt.but c:all me-~ ill\Jara: ro1 tlJe almiglJttc uatll ·'.P"""'""·
motl)ers l)oure: 8nll tl)c ll..o~ll llcale ass kinllelr ma?le111£bett' bittct'. . . pr,bcau-
1 1::~ • ·~· '1litlJ rou, ass rec J;Jaue 11ealt \tlitl) tl)c lleall, anll
1 1 1
21 1 \\'lent.out full,_ \tt}Je Jl..01ll IJ!ltlJ bJotrgl1t j(~~: biuci,
· ~.~~b 'IDttlJ me. me (Jome agamc emptte: 091Jp UJcn mu rec mrc
~•o,1111a1tti . 9 Slnll tl)e JLO~ll graUnt fOU, tfJat t'OU mar jf}aomi, feein1_1 tl}e JLoin IJatl:J IJumblcll mrc. 111111
.111,,:.':t,1~ fin'berctt either Of fOU in tl)e l)oufe Of l}er e IJUC' tl)c Slltttigf;lfl' l'latlJ biOUgl)t me bnto aourrfrtic :
=:, ~;:~ ba11b. anb 'IDl)m OJec kttrtl) tfJem, tl)er lift bp 2 2 9nll fo jf}aomt 'WttlJ 1!iutf;J tl)c ~oabitrffr
~·- tlJettbopc:c anlltoept. l]erl)aU~terin la'We, mumeoout oftl)crotm'
rTrt1 I
·-Booz courtef1e co Ruth: Ruch. She lieth at his feete.
16 9.nD leauc l)cr fome of tl)e 11Jeauc15 fo1 the
Inc'3h1th "'·'"
rhr111C11:ttb •'-t ofL111lo"'
t "'"" .Qll'/ u b anti rame to
a JBctlJlclJcm,in t11c be.
[;,·.~:·::.::·~' gtnning of• barI£r l}aruei.. nonce, anl> let it lie, tl)at flJcc map gatl)cr it bp,
anti rcbullc lJet not.
~~~·;:,~"' J The ij .Chapter. 11 anti Co flJc gatl)crcbin tl)e ficll> bntil rum,
ll~1•L 1 Rmh gathcrcrh corne in the fields of Bo oz. I 5The anll tlJ~eflJctl tl)at ll)cc 1Jat1 gatl)erell: anl:I it mas
gcntleneffe ofBooito~ard her. . in meafure bpon an <fpl)a ofbadep.
18 !lnn fl.Jee toolle tt bp, anb mcnt into t1J£ ct,
1· .- ~· ~fn!a~:~:~~?up~~~lla~ll~~::;[
,, • • f .frrlo tic: anti \lllJcn l:Jcr motl)tt in lam (Jab re enc \\'llJat
lbcnln nrm • which was Of tl)c fnnrcb O '"""me• OJC I.Jal> gatlJcren, nice pluclicl> out alfo, ann gauc
~r.~1:~11'. b;.;,c 1 · >
• ·' lcdJ,namcb '600!. to l)cr tl)at llJe IJall nfcrucll, \lll)en f1Jec l)an catm
.. 2 ant1 mutlJ tlJe g!}oabi~etrc pnougiJ.
rayn tmto ~aomt, )l.,et mcc no'lll goc to tl)c ficl~, 19 anb IJer motl)tt In lame fail:le bnto Im,
anti gatlJcr cams of co~nc after anr man, m ll01Jere IJa« tl)ou gatl}cren to nar ~ ann \lJIJere
wl)ofc Cigl)t '3! finbc grace. ann flJc ra1n 1mto IJcr, wiougiJtcll tl)ou ~ bkae1> be l)ce t1Jat1mc'tll t1Jec.
<3oe,mr nauggtcr. ano OJce fbc\llcl> IJer motlJtt in la\lle, IJow lbcc
3 anti fl.Jc went anb came to tl)c aclb,anb ga, l]an tu~ouglJt \llitlJ IJlm, ann faille, ~c man.e
tlJcrcn after tlJc rcapcr!S: anti fo it \llal5, tlJat tl}c name , miti} ml)omc 3l \ll~ougiJt to 1>ar , i!S
ramc ficltle pcrtaincn bnto '600! , wl)idJ 'tllaJS of l5001.
tIJc liinrcn or <flimclcdJ, 20 atlb ~aomi faille bnto IJcr I>aug'flter in
4 Q:ntl be1Jolt1,l!300! came from '6ctl)Iel)em, la\ll,'81dfctl bel}c oftlJc JL.o~ll, fo~ IJe cearcti} not
anti raio imto ~ rcapcr!S, ~IJc 'JL,o~lJ bt 'mttlJ rou. to l!OC goon to tl)e Uutng anlJ to tlJC h Dean. ano b t't!tp arc
anll tlJCl' ant"1Dcrc1> (Jim, ~c )L,o~b blclfc tf)ce. Jaaomtraine agatne b~~o.IJcr, ~l}cman if5niglJ ~i~~~0~;~
11 e>1 ,fer· s '$1)cn fato l!3oo!bnto 1Jil5 ron~ ll manJl ti}at bnto bSS,anb of our affimttc. nuo,U>bub
Ulm. (fooll bp t{Je 1!ieaperl5,tl01Jofe namofell il5 tlJlf5~ 2I anb 1RUt\J tl)c ~onbitc!l'c filill, ll)c fail! bll' ~b',~~r,~~.~~ r
!Or,was 6 ann tl)e pong man tl)at ftoob bl' tbe rea• to mec auo, ~iJou OJalt bee 'lllitlJ mr rong men, ~~;~,6r~~·~· 111 _,
•rpointed pcr1$ anfu'lmn ann rail>, 'Jlt il5 t(Je Slll;)oabitill:J na· bntil tl)cp lJBUc cnI>eD au mplJarucll.
mofcll tl)at came 'mitlJ ~aomi out oC tl;Je coun• 2 l .ann saaomt anf'lllcrtl> bntc1 Jiiut}J IJer
mpm. trcp or~oab. nauggter tn la\lle, '.)t i!S bea mr I>aug{Jtcr, tl)at
7 ann 11.Jee ratne bnto b!S, '.]! P.tanouktmec tl}ou goe out 'rottlJ IJis marocn15, tl)at tl)cy come
~lcanc ann ~atlJer after tl)e reapers amongtl tlJe not agatnll tl)ee in anp otl)ttficll>.
f!Jcaucs: anll ro ft)ce came, anti IJatlJ rontinucll 2 3 .ann ro fl.Jc ftept IJtt br tlJe matnm~ of:l\oo~
cum from t}Jc moming bntil nob>, faue tl)at 11Je to gatl}er, bnto tile e111:1c of barlep l}aructt, anti
tarico a litlein tl]e 1Joure. of m~catc 1Jaructta1ro, ann l:l'melt \llitl) l)crmo•
s ~cnftJflll5oo! llnto JltutlJ,,carell tl)on, tlJer an lam.
mp naugljter ~ <l3oe to no otlJer fielllc to gatlJer,
ncitiJcr goc from (Jenee, but abil>e )Jere bp mr r Naomi giucthThe iij.Chapcer.
Ruth counfell. 8 Shce ficepcth ac
mapocns. Booz. feete. u He acknowlcdgeth himfclfc to be
~,,~1;"~~;, 9 :Jl,ct b tl)ine cress bee on tl)e fiell1e tl)at fl1cp
I fict• r11•r ooc I>oc nape, anll goc tlJOU after tl}c maidens : 'auc her kinfcman.
""P" ']\not ctJargen tl}c pong men, tl)at fl1ey OJall noe $en~aomt1Jcrmot1Jcrinfa\nfaill
tl)ee no l)Utt~ ~o~eoucr,'o:llJcn ttiou art a tlJirtl, bnto l)cr, et9r tJaugl)ttt,fMU '.) not
• ~b'''"°r goc bntotl;ltbcCfel!S, anl> l:l~inllcortl}at' \lll;Jitl) rcclic 'tl'lt foi tl)ec,tl)at tl)ou maidl • filranfn1. -
:~:::~~~ tb•t tl)c latlllcs IJauc l:l~a\llcn.
0 1111
1• "· 1 o ~l)cn 11Jee fell on lJcr race, ann bo\llcb lJrr •
•pio Cp tf
.ann il5 not ~OO! our flinfc• :~·=
rclfc to tl}e grounn, ann Cspll bnto iJtm, ~o\ll t15 man, \ll1tlJ tol)ofe marncn15 tl)ou ttian~ l3eholl>, m1br 1111 ',
•hatfllt moall
p1011IDI bttll

. ::_

ittlJat '.JI l)auc founbe nrace in tl)inc epe15, ano IJceU'linnowetl) l,larlcp to nigiJt in tl)e tlJ~COJing Qllt"1'.· b :\;
t}Jat t}Jou Uioult1cn flno\llc mcc, feeing'.]! am a IJ flOOJC, ~ Or,1n1 c. :,
~13~~~t~~llr~t~e J nranger 6! 3 m.iaa1 tlJp fclfc tl)cref'o~c, anll anornt tiler, b.rnr. •
~:~;~:~:~! 1 r :lnll J300! anf'lllcrcll, ann faille tnto l)cr, anll put tlJF raiment bpon tl)cc, anti gee tlJce '"
p1ep1r. an is toloe anll llJc\llcll mce ttiat tlJou IJaft none oomne to tl)e flooJc: but let not tlJC man flno\ll · ·~,
bnto tl)p motlJcr in la\lle fince tlJc tleatl) of tl)ine of tl)re, bntill iJc l}aue left eating anti oiinliing. ·!
l)ufbantl : lJO\ll tl.lou IJa« lert tlJl' fatl}cr anlJ tlJp 4 fanb w1Jcn hee goet(J to acepc , mame tlJr ·~~
mot1Jer, anll the lantlc 'rol)ere tl)ou \llall bome, place, '1>1Jcrc IJe lapetl) l)im llotune,antl tticn go, ~
ano art come tmto a people, \lllJictJ tl)ou rme\llc(l anD ld't bp tiJe clot1Jc15, tl}at are on lJilS ftcte. anll
not in time parrcn. lap tl)ee 1>0\llne tl)ere: anb l)c flJall cell tl)cc \lllJat
r 2 '$1Je JLo~ll quite tlJr moiflc, anb a full re· tl)ou 11Jalt ttoc.
'nlarD bee giucn tiJcc of tiJe :G.o~tl <l3oll of'.]J rracl, 5 !itnll OJec anf\llcrcl> IJtr, ~H tl)at tl)ou bill•
~ll~rl~~~!!~!~. bnbct \l.llJore c \\lin~ ~ou art co1ne to trua. ncflme,'.Jl 'llliUI>or.
""'·"""P"· . 1; ~cnll)CCail>,lLetmecfintlefauomin ......, 6 ann (IJce \Ucnttlo'lllnc bnto tlJc floo:e, anll
"""'"· figl)t,mr loin, tl)out1Jat1Jattcomroiten mcc,;~t, tlitl acco~I>ing to an tl,lat 1Jn motlJcr In la'llle
t fpohtn i ~Omfo~tablp bnto tlJp mapOe, \lliJidJ pet baI>clJer.
hem. am notltkc bn~o one ortl:Jr mavt1cns. 7 an'b \llllcn l!5oo! IJaD eaten anuiunfrcn,
• 4 1500! r111t1cbnto1:Jcragamc, 9.ttlJcmealt
anb tl)rarcb 1Ji.111Jcart, l)ce \llcnt to lie DQ\llnc at
tt~nc come tl)o~ lJttl)cr, anl:I cat of tl)e b~eab,anD tlJccnu.ortIJc l)rapc of comc:anb lbecamc rort,
lltp tl)p ino~rcU tl1 t\JC bintgcr anb ll)e fatebdibC Ip, anb ltrtttl bp tl}c clotf)cs or l}iS ftctt,anb Iaptl
tiJc rcape.rss: anll l)ec nacl)cD 'l.Jcr parctJCb co,nc, l}cr t10'1>ne.
~~~.~~~ anb QJC lltll cau, ann 'nlass fu1ficet1,an1> left f part. s ano at mi!lnigllt tl:Jc man toal5 arraillc,
:~ ~i:.'.notbtr 15 anb \lll)cn lbcc 'O.lass Tifm bp, to gatl)er, a~D caugl}t }Joloc: anD bcl}oll>c, a moman lap at
l500! commant1cl> l)ts vong men, raping, JJ.,et l}i.llfeett.
r 13t roiblD• l:Jtt gatlJCl' et!Ctl among tl)C ll)CQUC" ilRb SrtbUfiC 9 an1>1Jeratt1, D91Jatartt1Jou~~1Jeanf\llt•
D1n1 brr. tier not. ,. nl>, ']! am fiutlJ tbinc bantnnapbe: ~pict1 tl1c

IBoozandRuchskinfman. Chap.iii_j. Boozn1arriechRuch. 9s
\lltng oCdJp garmcnc oucr ttJinc l}antnnainc, foJ s ~l}tn faille l5001,ml)at llal' t{Jou butctltlJc
ttou art t{Jc hinrman. licUJ of tl}c i,ann of Jaaomi, tl)ou mull bup it airo
· 1 o l!)c flllDe, laletTtll be tlJou in ttJc Jl,OJD, mp ofSutlJ tlJe Qlloabite[e, tlJe 'Wife oftlJc ticnb, to
oauglJtn:fo~tlJoul)aa 11Jc\11et1moJC11001metr.e ll1m bp ttJcname oftl)e t1cat1 bponl)i15 dtlllJc, d ~! .. bl•
tntl}clattermtlc, tl)enat tlJcbc!Jinntng, ntancc. . :~;·~;:·~~·!~.
mud:} afJ tlJou folo\11ct1a not pong men, mlJctlJcr 6 ~c lnnrman anf\ucretl, 'JI cannotrcbecmc """"'"•bar
t1Jey\11ertpoo~c,01ric.:1J. it,fo~ mamng or mine o\llnc inbcritanc.:e: re, .. a....
I I am no\11 mp DauglJtcr,fcarcnot,] ~~lllo Dcrnuq:fJou mr rigl)t to tl]cc, foJ '.]!cannot re,
to t!Jec all tf;Jat tl}ou rcquircff: fo~ all tfJc cittc of tiecmc 1t.
mp pcoplcnoctf.J rmotll, tl)at tl}ouarta\'Doman 7 * ~o\11 t1Jts\11ast1Jcmancr ofOJtlrtimc in Deur. :~. 7 • i
of bcrtuc. '.]!Crad,mnccrntng rcticcming anti ctJanging,fo?
12 an11 it if5 trur.tfJat 'Jl am or tllp nci;t litnnc: t~ ttabllflJ all t1Ji1_1gs: tlJat aman mull pluclic off
l)o\11bcit tfJcre if5 one niglJct tl}cn '.JI. . . 11ifJ 0Jooe, anti gauc tt lJ1s nciglJbour : ann tlJi~
> 13 ~arptl}ifJ nilJl)t, anti 'WI.Jen mo:!11ngtS \11asafurc•\11ttncfi'cin']]rracl. • l!:!.1•b•han
come, iflJc \11illbpcrro,mctl)epartofa!"l'nCman . 8 ~lJcrtfDlc tlJcliinCmanfainto ll3oo~,ll3up ~:b~~· u.. 0

, rbrr ro bl bll bnto tl)ee, It if5 gooD, let I.Jim noe tlJe 111nrmans 1t tl}m: anti fo t11ue offf.Jia fhooe.
tld .. 11~1111• part: but Ifl.Jee wm not tioe ttJe trtntintlnfJ part, 9 . .anu>o0Ha1t1e bnto tf}e lllDers,ann tmto
~: IHllfCD e1Dt
ttJm \11ill '] tioe ti.Jc nuetic of' a btntintln, a15 tl)e all t)c people, !?ee are \tlitneffcis tlJta Mp,tl)at'.]
,_uw. ·t1,01n littetlJ :O£cpe bntill tf.1c mo~ning. . IJatt bought an ttJat mas cflimclcc!Jg , ann ali
1 4 ann OJc lap at f.Ji15 feet bnttll tl)e mommg: ttJtt \11a15. ~1J1lion15, anti ~al)alonf5 or ti.Jc I.Jann
anti fiJeerofe bp befo~e one coulD fmo\D enotlJer. of,i;laomr.
ant11Je rain, JL,etno manimo\ll, tl)at t:IJcre came .10 anD mo~eouci, mutf) ttJc 91\)oabitcm\ tlJc
11np\1101uanintot1Jctloo1e. ~feof~~l.}alon, haue ']] purcl)afc11 tobcemp
r ~ anti he faitl agatne,'13,in~ tl1c mantle ttJet \life, _to lttrre bp tlJc name of t!.Jc nea:t1 upon IJtS
t11outiattbpon t:11ec,ant11Jollle 1t. ant1\111Jcnl1Jcc rtlJcritancc, ann dJat ti.Jc name of tlJc Dean bee
(Jclll it, IJe 1ncttc in~ mearurcp of bar19'~ anti 1ot put out fyon1 among f)is b~ettnen,ann from
la"D it on her:
anll llJl' ..rate
l}er mto tl)rntte. fohe gate~
oflJtfJI f place: pc arc \11ttnelfca i-ttj~
" J nar. nm'
r IV!, of tbc

i foh • l4J'
16 antl\DlJm fl.Jee came in to(Jcr1no""crin 11 ""nb al tl}e people tl)at\tlcrc mtllcgate, IJ<lDu.
la\tl,ilJe faille, 119(Jo an t:l)ou, mp DauglJttr':' an.ti anti tl}eelllerfJ raiD, me are \'Ditncfi'clJ: ~IJc :A,o)D
llJt toUle (Jcr all tl}at t:l)c man t.Jan none to l:Jcr, ~allc tlJe1Doman,CUat 115 rnme into tiJtnc (Joufe,
17 anti faille.. ~l)cCe Ore of barley lilic &IJtl anti )L,ea, 11:11JictJ t\'Dainc Dill builll me
bnto tlJP mottJcr in la\11.
gaue }Je mt.\l faille. ~ou 11Jalt not tome cmptte l)o~e of']lfrael: anti tl)at tl)ou mapett tio \'Do~tiJi,
Ip ms rlplJ1ata,ant1 be faMJOUIS in l5ctl)lc1Jcm. ~ '1!'~~1•t•
18 €1lenfait1llJe,9@pt111ug(Jtct,ftttfiHbnttll 12 ~P I.Jourc bee lilie ttJc 1Jourc or )91Jare~ :~~~~bb~~r,"'
tl]oulino\11 ho\11 tl}e mattct 'nlilfall: fo~ tlJe mat (\tllJom * ~amar bare bnto ]Ulla) Ellett of the Gcne, 3s.
wilnotbecin relt, tmtill (Jee l}aue finiOJetl tlJ fr.ell\tl(JtclJ tl)e JL,o~t111JaQ!JiuetiJeeoftl;Ji1Jpong l 9 •
tl}tng tiJi~ Came nap. mom an.
1 3 ann fo lB001 too fie l!iuttJ, anti lhe 11:111~ lJi~
The iiij.Chapter. 1l:life : anb 1l:lbcn IJe \'Dent in bnto lJcr, ti.Jc J!..01n
1 Booz fpcakcch to Ruths next kiniinan touching l:r
11aut, tl)at O}c conc.:ciuct1,ant1 bare a ronnc.

mariagc. 7 The ancient cun:ome in Ifracl. 1 o B.Jz 14 ln'CI tl}C \11Dllltnfai1l bnto ~aomi,J61clfc1l
marriech Ruth, ofw horn hce bcgcttcth 0 bed. 'he be tl)eJLo~tJ,tfJe 'llllJtctJ IJatb not left tlJce tl)ta Dar
generation of Phares. \'Ditl.Jout a liinrman, ann (JiS name fiJtllbe conn,
went :u>oo! bp to t:l)c• f(te, nuetl in ]frael:
ann fate l)im Do\11nc t(Jcre: BP be, z ~- ann. tlJat fl:lall Mn11 tlJr life againc, anD
l)olD, tl)e 11mrman, or'llllliclJ Soo! dJeriOJ tlJmt oUleage: fo1 tllp llaulJl)tcr in la\vc
·b £t•ll1•· fpallc,camcbp,bnto'lllJ)omlJfaie, 'lll~tctJ louet:IJ tl}cc,}Jatl} bomc bnto (Jim, ano Ille
bll:)o , 1'Uth one : c.:omc, ouwne i~ better to tl)r.e ttJen h fcuen Connes.
{Jere. ann tJc tumcD, anti rate Do\'Dne.
t6 .ann~aomt tooke tf;I: dJilllc 1111!1 lapD ttin '"~r""""·
ann IJe tookCttnmcnoftl)elflDcroftlJc l)cr lappe, anti became nmfe bnto it.
h '13< 0 nrn~,

~ IRl1D11~1Jon dtie,anD fllibe,~it re llo\'DnelJerc.atnitir fate 17 !Ann ttJc 'lllomm lJcr neiglJbourfJ g-aur it a
:i~~~.'IJ~· tio\'Dnc. name, !aping, ~ere llJ a cl}illl bome to~ aomt.,
3 ant11Jcefaillcbnto tl)e liinrman, 1aomt, anti callen it ilDbcn: ttJe rame ifJ t:IJc Catl)ci or')!,
1 roq •
ttJat il5 come againc out of t11e councrepf 0Jo• Cat,tl}e fatl)cr of Wallin.
ab, \'Dtll fell a parcell oflantl \'DIJkl.J 11:18'1" b?o• 18 ~ere arc ti.Jc gcncrationfJ of • tl)f.Jarc!, 2.Chron, 2.
tf.Jcr lfltmelcciJIJ, . l&lJarctbegatcl.}c~on, · 4.mauh.1,
4 antl']\tl)ouglJt.tO llO~ tl.Jceto'Qlianllbill 19 l)cp-on bcgatc mam, mam be11ate ami, ,.
ti.Jee bup it befo;e t{Je 1~ab1tant1J _ant1 lltler1J !'f naD~, .
mv p~lc. ']f tl)ou \'Ddt rcnccmc it, pmnc 1t: 1ate20~simon, anunall~ begatc Jaaafi'on, ~aarron be·
btttifttJou \'Diltnot retieemc it, t{Jcn • me.tlJ!JC
~marlmowc:ljfoi t(Jere tlJ nonctotttmett, 2 1 ~lmon bcllatc J6oot , :2600! begatt
~':r~~ 'raue t11ou.ant1 'Jl ncytto tl}ee,gnn ti otl)cr 8"' jl[)belJ,
t'lllmll,'.J wm ntieemc it. :u jl[)bell begatc '.Jlfai, '.]!fat beJatt ~auin,
':'nc end of the bookc of Ruth.

R 2
Elkana and his wiues . I.Samuel. The birch of Samuel.

.a ~lirrr'llmr
1\110 li.unatflf,
ro rhat lit tbl~
mrn ant>D'~;
Eli es fonnes \'vi eked. Chap.ij. God threatneth Eli.·-;;
2 o ilnll lfli blta"ell GWJana anb l)is \\lift.. anb
rarb , '4n)e ·ii.oizi Llfue tlJte ftcZle of tl)i~ woman,
fo~ tlJe pctitton tlJat (bee aCfttll of tl)e ·ii.01b. anb [,,~.~:~r.:11 ,

ti.Jet went tmto tlJcir o~ne IJomc. ~~~.,::.~~n.~

21 anzi tl)e J.,o~b btUttZl 'anna, fo that ll)ee IJnn 10 ""
conceiueb, anb batttlJtee fDnnelS, lt t\\lo llau!;Jl), L•iD• 1" 111"·
tetlS: 80J) ti.JC cl)ilbe ~SIUlf£lg"reto Pbtfotetl)C inf!~;~~[,~'
JL,oill. "'" orrb•
2l cftt \\1aj5 llttp Ollle, anJ) lJCaflJ an tlJat lJjj5 LD/D.
fonneis biZl llnto jjfraet, anb l)o'tDe tlJey tar wttt.J
tlJe \\lomen tt.Jat waiteb at tlJe l1001c of t1Je taber,
nadc oftl)e con~atton.
73 ilnlll)e faib bntotl)tm, lmlJpllOc refudJ
tlJmws:' !toiof'aUtl.JeCe people] l)earccuiUrc'
2 4 ©IJ nar mr fDnnclS: foi it tis no goob repoit
tlJat] (Jean, l)o'm tl}at pee malle tl)c JL,ozZllS peo,
pie to trerpaO"e. ·
• 2 s '.]!f one man unnc againll anotIJcr, tl)e
nmge DJaU tullge it: but if a man finne againll q " ' ....
tlJe Jl.oill,\\llJo 'mtl be I) tis q ?lalclS man:'Jaot\\litl)' "'' ••••.• o~.
llan?Jin~, tl)cp not IJearkcnell bnto tfJc boice of :?&: g;~:··
tlJeir fatl)er,b~ufe tlJe JLotll moulll oar tlJcm. ~:~:~ r.,
2 6 ( ~e cIJ1Ille ~atnuc~ p~ofttcb, anb gre\l!e, ~~\!~,"i~uc
anll \\1a15 tn fauour botl.J \llttfJ tfJe JL01ll, an?J alfo io b•tP• 1n
\llitl.J men.) ~~~·gi'r~\f
27 .anzi tlJere came a man of cl3oll bnto <fli, IJ'!1~1~~111~~~::
an?J faii> tn~to 111m, ~ussrartlJ tl)e JLoinr, ll'fb ~~.·~1.:~iP,~~·
not '.ll plamelr appeare bnto tl.Je l)oufe or tiJr lDD11D.
fat1Jer. 1.lll}rn tlJct \llcrc in llt!gppt in )01Jaraoss
28 ann :11 'dJofe (.Jim out or aUtlJetnbes of ;!.~'::~~~.~
:3] betnr l&~fell, ro: to offrrbpon mine al,
tar_, anbto burnctncenfe, totucarean CfpfJob
befo~emee: anll 'JI Jlatu tlnto tl)c IJoufe oftl)t'
fatl)er, au tl)c ofknng; malle bl? fire or tl)e cl)il,
29 tmlJerefoie r tteabc rec botunc mr racrifice, ~.~~~;':;...~bi
anb mine offcTtnws tolJiclJ 'Jl ' rommanbell tn ttJc l~:~:'fi,',:~:,,
tabernade, anb l)onoureft tl)p ct)ilZ11cn abour "'"""""'"·
mce, to mabe roui fduc~ fat or tl)c rttit fruit~ of g:~ /,~:·:',"''
au tl)e offerinlJS of'.]frael mr people. ~.r.· b' olfc·
30 .. 00lJcrcfo~e tl)c Jl.,otb 1!3oll of'.]fraclfaitlJ, i .Reg.1. o7
'llfaill, tlJattlJrtJourc, anb t1Je1Joure oftlJpfa·
tl)er,UJoulll toalllebcfoicmc ro1 cucr: butno\1! ;;,~,~:;;; ... ,

tl)e JL,01b fl1it1J,-ar1Jat tl)tng be rarre from me: fo~ fi?:;~,~:~r"~~'

tl)em tl}at woilbip me, 'll \l!ill \\lOJfiJip: ann tt.Jcr ,~, iabcin•tlc.
tl)atllefpifc me,tlJaU rome to (bamc.
3r )5c1Jolll, tl)t llares come, tllat 'Jl 'ttitn cut
off tl)ine ~ armc, an?J tlJe amte or tlJr ~tl}ers ~.~P:.~b'~,\;,
1Joufe,t1Jat tl}rre tlJall not be an olll man m tt.Jme
l}oufe. ·
32 gnn tlJOU lbalt fee tl)ine cmmie in tlJc IJa,
bitatiott ofthe Lord anb in all tlJC toealtlJ \\ll)itlJ
God fball !JiUc 'Jlfrael, anb tl}crc IIJall not bee an
ollle man mtlJine 1Joufe fo~ euer.
33 JacuertIJcietre 'Jl 'nlil not l>cth'or cuerr one
tlJat commetl) oftt.Jce, from mine altar, to mahr
t1Jtne eres to fatle,to mafir tl)inc l)cart ro10\\1rt11:
anb al~ tl1er ttat bee multiphcll in tlJine l)ourc,
lliall lltt r whc~ they be men. ;.~~·~~~~·
34 anb ® DJall bee a flgne btlto tlJee, tlJat ~·,~·"man•
llJal~ come bpon ~l:' t'Wo ronne~, ~ophni, ann u
-IJinel)ets: cum m,oncbar tlJcrlbaU l>ie bot().
3s ann '.JI \\1111 at~c mec bp a z faitlJful ~~tta, j,~~~~n:.::~
t1Jat11Jalll3ocaccoJZlmg tomp IJcartanJ) minlJc rumr•<D I\•
anll 'Jl toillbuilll IJim afut'e l]oure anll l}cc ll)ali :~b;:;;-fi~~~.
'alalhc befo1e mine anomteb fo1 roh-. •I '4:1Nra.
36 anll all tlJat are left in tt.Jine tioufc , niatt
conic anZl crouqe to l)im fot a piece of mucr anti
a mo~fel ofwca11,1111Zl (ball rap,19ut mce ( 91 p~ar
11? , tttrc) 1
God callech Samuel thrice. I.Samuel. The Arkc of God cak~ ,--- .
ti.Jee) in one office 01 otl)n am0111 tlJe l&iiettss, JJ;.011>: let l)im Doc 'GllJatrecmeti) blm gco!I.
tl)at '.)J mar eate amo1rdl ofb1eat1. 19 !anll ~amutl !lre\tc. anD tl}e: )l..(i1ti \'Oas
\Did) l)(m, anll left none ofl)1,s tlloiDs II bllPerfoi, jor.r.ii 'c
The iij. Chapter. meD. , iho i;
1 !n
There was no manifeR vi lion the time Eli. 4 l he 20 inball]~aet from ~an to l5cee-fcba,
Lord calleih Samuel three mnes, I I And tbew. wtatl)atfaitl}full ~amue1wa.ut11c p1op1Jct or
cth whatih~llcome vponEli, and his houfe. 18 tl)e:)l..oi11.
The famcthingdeclarc:th Samueho Eli. 21 !lnD tf)c JLo~b appearenagatne:tn ~ifo:
"' ..., ~b tJJc "'ill> ~amucl miniarcl:l roi tlJc ·,11.,oiD opencn IJimfelfc to ~amuel tn ~t·
~· ~A' ~ 1mto tl)e ll.o~ll befo~c <flt, anl:l lo, tl)1oug1J tl)e \Vo~ll of Jl,010.
o11mnru~··· ·. t'!l:.i ' \l)D~ll of tlJc ll.o~ ma.u. P1CUOU,U The iiij. Ch.apter.
~~~~i~~~:· ' ' intIJornaie.u,ncitl)erma.utl)m 10 The Arkc of the Lod is taken. 11 Eli and his chil-
Dularur. . anr Open tJtfion. dren die.
' 2. anoa.u at tIJat time Cflitar
h Jn ·~mart in l)i.U b place, l)i.U crc.u bc11an to tlla~e: llimmc, ~ll ~amuct fpakttlnto all ]fracl:
l!CftlO ll!f tA•
~ .. ,.,,.. d}atlJecoul llnot (iec. »
an'O~iJCl a \\lent OUtajJain(ltlJC • .frotR l~I
3 anl:l ve:rttJe: lampeof'13ob\1'cntout,~a' ~1Jiliatne:l1 to batten, anD pitcl)ell :::m:~:.
mucl laill l)tm l:lo\\lnc to aecpe m tf)e temple of lleut>e tlJ£1/ftm t!ct:anll tiJe~lJi• ~~::ii.~
tl)c JL,o~, ml)e:re tl)e:ame of '13oll ttJa.u. 1taine.u pitcf1cb tn ~IJcc, :~·:~
4 9nn ti.Jc ll.o,ll caUcll ~amuel. atlb l)e an. 2 ann putt)Jem!eluc.u in arar &!;@ina 9)fra, rum. ,
Ctomll, '.]] am (Jere. cl: anb wl)cn tlJcr iopncb tl)t battel, '.]lfracl b'Ja)1 IJOr,!lone '.
j 5 anti l1eran tlnto <eii,anbfapb,ll)ere: am j\, !mitten bomne befote tl)e ~l)tliainc,U : anb tl1e ofhdpe. :
fo~ tl)ou callc~a mec. anll l)ct ratll, jj callell ti.Jee ~lJtliltine~ Oe\ll of tlJe armtc in t11c fttlb about
not, goe agame anll Oeepe:. anll l)cc \llent, anti foure tIJoufanb men.
latl:l l}im llob'lne to Oeepe. 3 anti mlJen tl)e people \\Jere come tnto tl)cif
6 ann tl)c )1.,o,b calleb once a~atne, ~amu' tent!l, t:tJe cflbcr.u of '.)Jfrael rarnc. b 119l)erefoie ~. :.:'~
1 c1.gnn ~amuel aroee,anb went to cielt,ann ratn, IJatl). t11e Jl.,o~t> caft tlOomnc tl)il3 nap befo~e tf]c nnarD,1111~ :
'Jl am f1ere, foi tl)ou llibt1ca call me. ann )Jee an, ~IJllttltnc13'!let 1:113 fetdJ tl)e .!lrlie Of tl)C appoint• ~:,:"'J.~
rwmll, ljj caDeb t~ee not,ll11? fonnc, gocagatne ment oe tl)e ll.oille out of ~do tmto b.U , tf)at ~~,C:~':'
annac~pc. tolJen it commetl) amon11 bl3, it map cauc ti~ out i~~~~~
~.}~~: ~~0:.~: 7 ~amucl c lmc\t1 not pct tbe lLo~t'I, ntitlJer of tl)cl}anbOrour encmie~.
qq111111a. •
~"''~;~~~ j~ toa)1 tl)c too~ll of t11c 'Lo~ll ret opcncn imto l)im. 4 annlo tlJe people mentto ~tfo, anDfet
'"' -' · s 211bt)Je)l.,o~b'lrntto, anllcalle:tl~am°' from tl)ence tlJC arttt Of tlJC appotntment Of ti.JC
tl)frll time. !lnll l)e arofe,ann b'lent to Cflf, Jl,O~b ofl)ot?el3, \ll)Jicl} 'bWcllCtf;J btttlleene t:IJe c ~~l•brr.­
Iclanl:ltl)eruvn, 'Jl am )Jere, foi t(Jou l)a!t callcb mec. Qtl)mdJim.U: antl tlJere tllere t11e: ttoo fonnc.u of ~~~~i~: ::!.
ann ~Ii vmctuell tl)at ti.Jc lLo~ll (Jan call.ct> tlJc cflt, ~opl)ni, ant11&1Jtne)Je13, tDitlJ t11e ~rkc of ~:~~:·
c'~ili)e, tl)c appointment of <301>. b111\f.

9 ~crfo1e l1?U fatb tmto ~amucl, Cl!Joe anb 5 ann b'll)en tl)e .am oftlJe ~pointment of
flccpc,anll if)Jc caH tl)ce,tl)en rar,~peafic Jlo~, tl)e i.oin came into tl)c !)oil, an ]Crael ilJouteD a
fll~ tlJr rcruant 1Jearctl) tfJee. ~o ~amucl ttlrnt mig)Jtic 11Jout, fo t(Jat tl}c cart(J rang againc.
ann llcpt in l)il'S place. 6 .l.lnl:l mlJen tl)c 101.lil1tlinc.u (Jearll tl)e none
1 o :.:tntl tl)e Jl.,o~n came, anti ffoobc anb callcll of tlJe £1Jout, t~cr Cail:>, U9l)at mcanctl) tl)e rounn
ai5 tcfo~t, ~amuel, ~amucl. ~en ~amuel of t(Jf.U miglJtie il)out in tIJe boll of t1JC '9cb~uc)11
anr'G.1crcn, ~pcalic, ro, t:lJr fttuant )Jcaretl). anll tl)Cf bl1betftOOb l)Otll ti.Jilt tl)c .ar&c Of tf]e
1 1 !ln'll tl)c Jl,o~ll rain to ~ainuel, l5el;Jolo, 'l Jl..O~n '1'1813 come into tf;Jc l}otfr.
,c to ill Doc a t{)i11g tn lfrael, tIJat llotl) tl)ecarc.u of 1 !lnb tiJe 1&1'tliffincl1 were afraib,an'!I faib,
'.,;,·~~.::ir,;•. aamanr ai5 l)carc tt, flJaH d tinQle· <ll5ol:l t.u co1nc into tlJc )Jofl. gnn tl)cp Caib againc,
'.; .;~;:,.~:;, , " 12 'J',ntl)at nap, '.JI 'mill ratfcbp again«<ai,
d moc bnto b.U: foi ft \lla.U neucr ro llefoJc tl)i~. ~:ti:~
;·:.,~;:~.~n~: 11 au tl)inws 'llll1itlJ '] l)aue tpolicn come:rning s uoc bnto 1:113: \lllJO llJall l:le:liuer b.U out of :-' -::"

~ ~;,:~.';'~~:; l1is>l)oure: ttllJen '] begm, '] 'Willalfo mllftt an tl)e l)anll of tlJcCc mtgIJttc PD.15 '! tl)cfe are tl)c ,. M~•p1111
<:• ... hrn.11; cnne. go!ll'S tlJat fmote ti.Jc Cfgpptian.u b'litlJ manp ...
D&1:" "·
13 ']l IJaue tolDC (Jim, tl)at '.]! will fuDgc lJi.U plague~ in tl)c • milllcme[c. :Jt,~1 ~,1~,
l1cure fo~ cuer , fo~ tl)c ttJtclicDnctrc 'a!lJiclJ (Jee 9 :15e llrong,anll quite pour fCIUcl'S filte mm, ~1a1rn 11.itr\lletl) : fo~ 'mlJCn 1he people tUTfell 1Jtl1 fonnc)1 ©pc l&IJilifline.u, tl)at pc be not feruant.U bnto ~gi~:~~i::.
fj)~ tl)e fame wic kc d ncs ,l)c ?lib not com~ct tl)Cm. tl)c~cbie\lle.U, 8)1 dJer l)aucbene to pou: bcofa :g; i:~.m
1 4 anb tbcrcfoic ] )Jauc fmomc bnto tlJc manlp courage tl)ereroic. anll figlJt. b" pl•IJll"·
ticurc of tlJc wicheDne[c of elic.u 1Jourc 1 o anl:l tlJc }91Jtliflines fougl)t, anti 1rract
11( iau not bee pmgeD tllitlJ ramrtcc, no~ offmng, \lla,Ufmittrnl:lotllne,anll fleD cucrr man into lJi~
OHUtt. tent: anti tl)erc '«Dai an CJCCCllin{!: great OtJUglJ· .
5 ~amuel aept bntiR tl)c moining, anti o' ter, fo~ tl}cre \titre oucrtt;no\llen orjjrrael r tl}tr' '.b~~~::;.

~ncll ttJc llooJe)1 of ~c l'JOUfc of tl)c J1.,01D : ano tictl)oUfanDfootmm. ~·t.!:i\~~;: ··

=amue1 ftanll. to llJnD lfti tl)c biClon. 11 anD tlJe 9.rf!e of Qt;otJ .1llas ta~m, anti tile 1°;,'k·:~i~:' ~
~en 1t11 talleb ~amuct, anll earn,~ t\Do fOtmel or eta, llJopl)nr ano )J)1J1ncl,Jr#tDttc ~~u\lur.
muchnl' ronne. !a.nb l)c anltDcreD, ll)erum 'J.
17 l\)ee C&l'lle • ll9llat t• tl}at tl)e JL011>e f}ad.I
12 an1>tl}crerana man o05e:niaminoutof '
I , e'",.'"'°' ~~~:~~~~:~~P~ 8ttl)cel)tbcttnotfromnu: t:IJe armie, anD came to ~ilo tl)t fame DaF \tlit!J ~.!;~,~ :~r,:i,i& :t
1 :bcc,•t•mb•• . fr ..,ce.anbmo~ alro, af~oul)il>c l)i.U dDd)ctl Grent, anti cartlj bpon IJiJS (JeaD. ~"~:.':'.,~~~~~i ~
, '"l•otro11.1~· anp tl)mg om mee, orau ~athet fa"l> bnto 13 .anD '1ll)m IJce came. lot, lfl&raci bpon a b'""'""". ~
i ~;.r~;~~~ ~~1'~. tl)er.
., t
ltoolebp tl)ebla110llc, '«Daitinll:fo~IJtfiJeart f£a, Ill
\ 18 ann ~amucl tolb lJtmeunrtDl1it an1> rell foj d)e h 9.rlle or <Boll. 911?1 \tll}m d.Je man ~,t,:~.i,; ~~. ~
l)ib notl)tng from IJtm. !lnb 1Jeerapb.1ti• flle came into tfJe citle,anD to Ille it, an tile mt' crieil. '""'"'"· ~
14 a11111 i
Eli breaketh his necke. Chap.v.vj. The Philiilincs plagued. 1o o ·
101ll!$ of tl)e l&l)i!ifttnes bnto tl)tm, anb rattle,
110l)at ll)al \lie 'bo mttlJ ti.Jc arflc of tl.Je <115ob or1 f,
ract ~ '4tl)er ant\ucrco, Jl,et ti.Jc ameoftlJe 113o'b
or1rraet bee catietl about bnto <ll5at(J. am tlJer
cam~ll t:IJeame oftlJc <115o'b er '.l\fraelabout.
9 £ln'b '1lben tl.Jel' l)ao cancb it about, tfJt
l.Janb oftlJe JI.,01t1 'mas i::gaintl tl}e citl' 'alitlJ a be,
rr great 'betlruction: ano llee fmote tl)emen of
tlJe dtr botlJ rman anb grcat,antl tl)ep l}all Geme,
toll- in tl)cir Cccntpatts.
10 ~creroietlJerrcnt tlJeameof<ll5olltoa•
caron: anb as Coone as tl)e grlit of ©oll camc to
acaron, tl)e acaromtrs crtcll out, raring, -niey
IJaUCb10U~t tl}e grfle or tlJe ®Oll Of j]frad to
bs,to Oap blS, anll our pcoµ!e.
11 an'b fo tlJcr rent.anb gatl)tte'b toget'f1er an
d Qfft'Ctton
tlJelo~ni of ti.Jc l01Jililttnes, ano faiDe, ~en'b d a' bJii.J.ttrtb not
\1Jap of tl)e <5oll of'.J\fraet,to goe againe lol1t:1Irctl11
tol}i~o'alneplace, t1Jat it oar b~ not, ann our imG11trbr
goDIP: m rhc
people. ~o~ tf]cre tnalS a llellmction anll ocatb onr.~mDBrlJ
ttnougl:Jout all tl}e citr: anb tbe IJanbe of <lfSoll c1J1orbrr .. r1•
'mas e~cccoingro~e tlJtte. pmtanrtann
12 ~n'btl)emcntlJat llieb not, tncrcnnitttn
l!litl) tl)e lfmerolle~: an'b tIJe trr of tl}e city \Umt
bp to l)eaum.
The vj.Chapter.
17 The Philifl:ines offer golden Em erodes. 19 The
men of Bethfamcs arc fl:ricken for looking

Ji:lll tiJe ar&e or tlJe)l,o~ll \tla~ fn tlJc
cou.utter oe tlJc ~1Jtlilltne13 rcucn
2 .anti tfJc l&lJilitline~ calkll
fo1 tl)c p~ictls an'btlJe rootlJf!ll'm.
rapmg, DB1Jatfba!l '\tlczt1octnttlJ tllcarflc oftl)c
:O..O~'b:' ~eU b~\1J]Jm\1Jitl} \'tie ll)all fcnll ttl)omc
The v. Chapter. agatne.
1 The Philillines bring the Ar kc inro the houfe of 3 ~er raill, -]lftIJoufcnll atnar ti.Jc arlle of
Dagon. 6 The men of Afdod arc plagued. 8 The tl}c d!Joll of ']lfrael, fmtlc it not emptic ! but re'
Adie is caried into Gach,and after co Acuon. lilarllit\DidJ afinne • offering:anll tl)enre ll)all , .tro,111nmr
~"' ~ll tl)c 10Mitlines toofie tile arnc bee 'mlJolc..anll ttflJalbcfmo\Dcn to fOU. 'all.Jl? IJiiJ ~~~,r:~;~."'D

~~' · or ©oll, anll cancll tt from lfben-c' IJanlJ bepartetl) not from pou. ~:rr• 0111 1r·
o ~ tct:bnto~Uboll. 4 ¢!Jrn faib tlJcp,ann '\tll.Jat flJalbc tl)c finnc
. z Fcatl}cll)l)tlttlinestooJtctllc otrmng,tnbicl,J \Uc flJal rctnarn lJim U!itlJ:' ~er
am of~oll, anll biou~t it into anfmml>, f iue golllm ltmcrollelS, anti rtue gol•
tlJe IJoure oO.i'aBQn, anb fet it bp •J21a1.1on. om i!)icc., acco~btng to tl)e number or tfJc p#n,
3. ann ml)e1.1 t:IJep orafi>oll Ulerc bp tl)cnert ms of d)e ~biliaines: 1foi one pla~e wa• on
bill' m tl)e moimn~. belJo111e..l0aBQn mas ra11cn rou all.anti on rom Ptinces.
tipon IJilS race on t:1Jrtattl)bcroiet:1Jeamoftl)c 5 tl0l)ercro~e pee fl.Jail malic imagciJ lific to
:l.-~ll: an~ tl)er toolle ~a!.10", anb fet l)im tn l)is four ltmttobe•, anti images lifie to rour ~ice,
placeagame. tl)at comipt tile lanb, anll l'e flJaU ixiue gloir bn'
4 ann \tltcn tl)cr 'mm come card! in tlJc to tl)e ©oil of']lfracl, tl)atl}cemar talic IJl!l lJano
nci;tmomiug, bcl)olo, J21a1.10nmasfallmbpon ffomofftou,an'bfromolfrourbgo'bs, antlf'rom b 1;1m1!rp
~~ro~~~ i~~~r
his face on tl)c grouno, befo~e tl}c 9rfle of tlJc off pour la11b,
6 D91Jercfo~e noe re (1ar11en rour IJeart~, *as ~'!~ ~~~i 1 •
JL,oin,anll IJilS f)cao, anll l)ilS nvo l)anlllS 'mere cut
offbpon t(Jc tlJ~eflJol!lc, tIJat onelp tl)ethnnpe or tl}e Gegpptia.n• ano 1911ai·ao1J 1J11rnencll tl)cir ~~1;~:r ~~~~~.'i,
Jeqon 'Wa~ left to IJim. IJC8rt!5:' D9lJICl) \1JlJ£n IJC \D,OUgiJt \tJOnl'!Cfflllll.' at r~irriMla·
~ anb tl)crefo~e i~ it,ti} at neit!Jer t11c1nictlf$ among tlJetU, llib tl)ep not let tl)C people goe,&nll mo~~~; :~

of Jeagon, no~ anp man tl.Jat commetl) into J2111< tlJey llepatteb:' ~~~~~ ~;:,~.
~.~~::f,~· !Jlln~ lJOUfc. btrcalletlJ on tl}c t:lJ~llJolll oO~agon 7 ~01Dt1Jcrero,e,maficancmcart,ant1tarir E~o>.1:.p.
P«ft1<to11 to ln 9fOOb \1Qto tl}isnap, ttuo milCIJlrtne, on lill1om tl}crc lJatl) come no
rr:t~7.66 6 l5uttl)el)anb oftllc]],o~ll'Wa1S1Jcaur bpon rolie, anb tictl)cmne to tl}eratt, anllbiin!JtlJc
~'l.l)t• ;, • • tl)em or act1ob, (t l)c lleltropetJtl)em, anll "f1note calues l)omt Crom tlJem. ·
b1:~~: tl)emtDitlJ<fmerolls, botlJ anion, anti all tl)c s .anntahctl)egmcoftf]e l.o~ll, anb tar it
. :~:t~~~~';l 1llll 1 coallclS tl)mor. b1Jon tl)c cart, ~nil~ tlJe ie\Uds of golil, bJ~tclJ
:;~~.~ :~~·~ 7 ann tnl.Jcn tl)e men of ilfDollfa\\)etlJat it reeretoarne ~1m \UttlJ fo~ a finnc olfcn11g ma
:,"'~Du~. I 'ma!$ fo, tbCl' fat'b, ~l)c ar11e or tlJe <115o'b of'.)ttael coffer bf tl)e m1e tlJmof, ann tcnne it atDar. tl)at
' n::'abi.":~bts ll)aUnotabibC l)m'lllttl}bS:foJl:Jt!SIJat'IDi~~ tcmar1.1oe.
· ~:~.:,:::;~:· bpon bs,anll bpon c ~a(p>n oui pb, 9 gnn if re fte tl)at l)e goctlJ tip bf. tIJc tDar or
~ s ~IJCl' fent tl)mfo1e, an'b gatlJcreb aU tl}e IJt• oume coatt to ~etl)Camcs, tlJm 1t i• IJcc ttJat
The Arkc fent againe. I. Samuel. The Philifiines vanquifhed.
llill bJS tbts great will: ')fno.\lJeflJal flno\lJ tlJtn
tlJatic is 110c IJts l)anb tJJatrmotc bJ, buttn1'aJ
;,~i~~~~.' 0
a' CfJanct tf]at lJapptntD bJ.
monolllblnn• IO l'lno•hemtn DID euenfo: anb tooktt\110
rolo)[Hn•lnD • 14/ • .,,, ....,,...t0 ....£"'-
'~"1cc:1Dbirn• kine 'Cl
t11at gaue mime, a_,,
.... ..•""'.....,...... ....., ..... ..,
~~~i,:~~~:.~;· ann ficpt tl)t iawes at l)ome.
~;~~~·.~~:.~~~.i I I anD tl}cyiaptDtlJt.a~oftlJt}L. oibbpon
o""'· tlJe cart, anD p,t coffer, tl'l~tlJ tlJt nm;e ofgolDe,
anD \Ilit:IJ tfJt images of tlJtir emcrobss.
12 anD tl}e fltne toorre tlJe ftraiglJt \tlap to
'5ct1Jfames, anb \Dent on tlJt ftrafglJC \Dap: anti
ais tlJep \Dent,tiJtp lo\DtD, ano tunttl> neitl.Jct to
tl)e rlglJt l)anb,no~ co tlJt left: anD tlJt wtnP?S of
J Yo1 •b• trial tl}t ~lJiltftiRCJ \Dent arter tfJttn, iJtltO tlJt d boi•
ot <b• m1u11. Dtr!S orl5ctJ,JfamtS.
1 3 ano tlJep ofl5ct1Jfamess were reaping tl]tir
tulJeat IJametl in tl)e bailey : anD tlJep lifteb »p
tlJctr epes,ano CpjeD tlJt ame,anZlrtiop,cD \DIJen
tl)ep fal.ll it.
14 anb tlJe mrt came into tlJt fttlb of one '.lit•
IJofna,a l5ttl)famite,anll aooll thll ti.Jere. ~ere
~;:~~~~;~(~ '\llllJJ alfo agrcattl011£: anti e tl)ey claue dJ£bJOOb
~·,:~~; 1 ~~,'. or tiJe cart, anll offcren tlJe flint a burnt ofkrtng
1 11

1 "" bnto tl)c JL,o:n.

15 gnll tl)eJL,cuittistoolie llOlDnttl.Jtirlitof
~{Jc '11.o~!l.anll tlJe cofkrtlJatmass mttf;J tt, \DIJtre'

• rn.,n1cc.1hl mtl}c rtetudsofgo1Dmere.anllputtl)cmont1Jc

~~~u~i;;":~rut1'n' great Clone : anll tlJe men of l5ttlJfames facrtfi,
•nm. cell tu(Jole burnt ramfict, anti olkrtD offm'ngss
tl]e fame ?lap bnto tl)e JL0:11.
16 .an11 lDIJtn ttJe fiue piinccis of tlJt -IJill•
Clines I.Jail rcene tt, tl)ep retumtll to acaron tlJt
fame !lap.
17 an!I tl)efc are tfJt gollJen mierobSS mf1id)
tl)e ~lJilittines gaue fo~ a finneofctln!Eto tt)c
I ~IJ~Ci~:~'µ~~~:. 'Jl.O:!I, g Co~ afb0b,One,f01 ~8!!1,0nt,fOi !afQl(On,
1;~,w~::~!.'~' one,foi ©atl),one, arill co: aca~on,one,
\!Jilt~ \IJm I 8 !lOlJ gOliJtn mtce,8CC0llllng tO tljt numbct
~·~;~ ;~~,;~: • of alltl)c cittcSS oftl)t J)l)lllttincss, bdongingco
1 1

'.i[~'.' <J•· tlJt fiue to1'beSS, botl) Of\Dallt'b to'tllntSS. BnD of


iiOr,plain~. tolDncssbn\Dalltll,bnto tl)t great !lone UDf!lbcl,

'tlll)mon t1Je11 rec I»o\Ilnt tl)t amc of tlJe Jl.,~be,
tmto. tl)i)'S oap, in tl)e fitlb o~ '.)tf)ofua tlJt '6ttl1'
19 an11 lJt fmotc of tlJc men of l5etlJfame~
~ 0 fi~~~1~~~ becaure tlJcy (Jan h looheb intJ:Jc arflt of tlJt )L,oin,
• 11ror11<rro
tOUCb~Ol to fer
anDl]ec ae\Damong tilt titnnlc
,J,,. t"' ""t" .
.., '
1a10 :r.rauc on• anD tl)ICU4.<0JC ann tcnnt men: anb tl)e peop(t la•
l;I• ronnu.
t,, b""'"Ufi"•h ,, h oa·
men Cu' ...... .. ...,,e ,...,oiu .,all Int t(Jt people

\DitlJ fo great a Oaugl)tcr.

2 o tWbtrefo.ic tlJt men of l5etl)fmneis faptJ,
ll0l)o is able to aano btfo~c tl)i1J 1Jolp JL..1>1ll <!Solr.'
i Fc1 tnh.'t
pto1,1hb.11: te•
an'b ;to tulJom llJall lJc go from bS ~
mutlt.tollc 21 ilnll tl)ep rent mctrcngcris to tlJc tnl)abi·
bprr.rrcm• tcrs ortttmatl)-iarim, Captn~, ~t 101Jiltttines
l}aue b~ou~l)t againt tl)c arflc oft(Jt )i..oJtJ, come
ve bo\Dne, allll fCt it bp co pou.
The vij. Chapter.
ThcarkeisbroughuoKiriath·iarim. 3 Samudex-
homth the people to forfake their linne, and rurne
to the Lord. 1 o The Phili!lines fight againR Ilra-
el,and arc oucrcomc. 16 Samuel iudi;cth lfrael.
:.~·~~·~.':.' fo tl)e men of• lairiatlJ-lllrim
t!~l:1~:·:~'.~ <m_ ~nw, at1?1 ftt bp tl)e am of tlJc
, .... o~bt , anta biougl)t tt Into t(Jr
lJoure.of !ilminabab tn tlJt IJfll.111111
rancttfl£b lfkao:a h .. Ii e to
bcr:pe tlJC !!rise Of tlJe l.O~b. ~ t .,I,, 01l11 '
2 ~ntl \DlJilttlJe atlle abobe tn llltriatl)-iartm.

... _ _- . . c _ "____________ _
3 .ano 1
The people require a king. Chap.ix. Saul feeketh rhe affes. I0 I

~u~::·~·~~r 3 ~ IJ• romu1M11alkct1 not in ms

buttumtD am1eaftcr luae, anll tookcb,ibes,
'nlaies. i)mwas aman oflOcniamm,na,
'"'1.aiu....... mcb ~is, tile ronnr oc •abte{, tl)c ;. ~~·~ ~~~~.
~·:~~:i:~~rt.· anoperuttteD tlJe rig!Jt. · ronne of'5cro:. tIJcronneof:l6c, s "'•"••
•tiomiaiocr. 4 ~l}nJ aU tIJe lfli>Ct:S Of j\frad ptl)mll clJo:alJ, tl}c fonne of ~plJtaIJ , tl)e t.11r.
d)cm togttlJcr , anll came to ~amuel bnto Conne or a man tl)at \Das a '.]\cmi,
.llama.. ntte. b mig!Jtie in po\IJcr. ~.~~~\i'!;t
s gnll fapll bnto IJim, l5e!Jolll, ttJou art olll, 2 !lnlltl)cfame )JallaConnccallcb~aul, a •nau.~.
anti tlW fonnes 'malbc not in tlJ1' tDapes : no\1lc goolltrroongman, anllafairc: Cotl)atamong
Ofre 9,t4. "tlJcrefo:cmakcbUfitngto iUllgebS, 8Sall0' ttJe c}JilllJm of '.]frael tl}crc mas none gooDlicr
~as 1p1. tIJcrnattonshaue. ~enf)ce: from ttJe 11Jou111crs bp\l!arb, l)ec 'alas
6 l5ut tl}c tiling llifplcafell ~amucl, \1ll}cn {Jigl}cr tl}enau tl)e otl}er people.
tlJcr CapDt, cll5tuc bs a Jttng to trn1ge tis: ann ~a' 3 ann ttJc arres of tlJis ctis, ~auls fatlJet,
mucl p:arell bnto tlJe 'l-o:D. 'a.lere loll.,an!I C!Cil!! rarb to ~aullJisfonne,'4[;afie
7 anb tl}e 'l-o:ll Capll bnto ~amucl. l.)earc one or tl)c labs 1llitf.J t1Jee,an1:1 arifc,go anb'fcclic ~.~~h~b~~: :1t·
tlJC bOiCC Of tlJC people in aU tl)at If.let' fap bnto tl)e atfCS, lllm mrDnO

tlJcc: fo~ tl}ep l}auc not caa tlJee awar, but tlJcr 4 .anu
I'll " ' "
.,££ ..,. . 1or11u1uoto
,_.,0~0\IJ IUOtlnt Cfpf)l8l\ll, !00Up10K'• ,
IJauc cattmec a\llap , tlJat jJ n10Ulll notrcignc o• anb palTeb tlJoJo\IJ tl)e lanll of ~alifa, but tlJcr :;~;~~~~ '
ucrtIJem. fOUn!) tfJem not ; tl)Cn tl)Cp '1IJ£Ut tl)OZO\De tfJC nlilDI km~.
8 anb as tl)ep 1Jaue cucrbone fince '.) b:ouglJt lanb of~alim, anb tlJtte tlJcr 'mere no·t: 'Q!)Jen
tlJcm out of lf~pt bnto tlJts bap, anb l}aue fo1' t1Je1 went alfo t1Jo1om tl)c lanll of')]cmtnt, tlJep
faflen mc,an!l lerUeb otl}crgobs: cuen Co llo tlJcp founb tlJcm not.
bntotlJec. s .at tf)e laff, ttJIJcn tlJcr mere come to tl)c
9 ~o\11 d.Jcrcf'o:e l)earlfen tmto tl}cir boicc: lanb of d'.5uplJ, ~aul rarllc to f.Ji!Slall tlJat\llas d c:ihm••"
lJO\IJbeit, rct tcatfic bnto tl)cm, \t llJe'nl tf.Jcm tlJe 'mitlJ IJtm, C!Come, let bS rcturnc, lett mr fatl}cr ~~~:::~h~~~·P
mancr oC t(Je king tlJat 11Jall reigne oucr t(Jcm. leaue eating fOJ t(Je a[eS, (I talle t(Joug)Jt fo~ bS. or-s.mutl.
1 o an1:1 ~amucl tolbe an tl}e 'alo:bers or tl)e 6 'e fspb bnto IJtm, lJ.)c)Jolll.,t{Jcrc ts in tl)is
d ~pm b• JLo:ll bnto ttJepeoplctlJ~t afflCba king orl)tm: cit'l? aman of cll5ob, ann IJc ts an 1}011o~abtc1nan,
o1rn1~ ..... 11 anb l)ce rapll, ~s OJall bed tl}e maner of sll tl)at f.Je raptlJ, commetl) rurelp to palfc :Jao'lll
~i'?:!~·; tl)cking tl)at 11Jall rcigne oucrrou: ~e 'mtll take tl}en let bs go tlJitl)cr, if Co l)e can llJe'tD bs 'allJat
~::~::~nn pour ronnes, anb put tlJcm to IJts c1Jaretrs, anb \lisp 'me map go.
r.:~~~·~~ 1 • mabelJis IJolCclnm ortl)em, to runne bero1e l)is 7 '4C;IJen Capll ~aU1 to IJis fall, 'J]rwe will go,
'·'""'·" ;::i.. c;t,Jaret, ttJf.JatllJaU\IJecb:ingtl)eman :'Co~ tl}e II b1eaD i.S ~or,viC\u.
~~~~~~~~· 12 an!l mill make l)im of tlJcm ~taines o• fpcnt in our bc[els,anll tl}cre is PO OtlJcr we rent als.
Joii.u. uer t1Jouranbs,anb oucr littiers,anb 'mil Cet tlJcm to bitn11 tl}e man or !30!1: \lll)at l}aue \De:'
to care IJis groUnll,anb to gatfJcr in l]is IJaruett, s annt1}elab anCmcrco ~autagaine, anll
an!I to mafle inttruments oC\l!arre, anb tlJinms fapll,l5el)olil, 'Jl l}aue founb about me tIJe rourtlJ
tl)atCeruefoJ lJis Cl}arets, partofa < fitleoffrlucr,tl)at'tDtll'.]j giuctl)eman • cm1r11r...
1 3 :lnll IJee \Dill take rour baugl)ters, anb or ©011, to tell bs our mar. :~~~'. ~.'.""·
malie tl)em apoticarics, C!Cooks, anb l5akcrs. 9 (l5efo:ctimc in ']\frael. 'tDl}cn a man went
14 anb (Je 11Jall takepourfieli)~' \t pour bine• to feeke an anfmere of!JOob,tlJus \IJife lice fpatie,
patlllf, anb pour bell oliuc trees, anb gtuc tlJem C!Comc, an111ctb~ ~oto t1}e 1 ~ccr: foJ l)etf.Jatis \ [.~'.~·.~~; 1~:1
to lJis Ceruants. nob> call.ell a ~10tJ!Jct, \\las m otnc time callcl> a '""·'' n ''""
1 5 an!l IJe OJal talie tl}c tmtlJ ofpour fecll,anb ~Ctr.) ~~;~~ ~·~t~~~.~~n
of pour tnncrarllcs, anti gtue to IJiS eunud,Jcs, 1 o ~IJcn rain ~aulto f)is tall , well rarb of ::~ ;~:}:, ~~·

anti to l'JisfcruantSJ, tl)et,comc,lct b.\S go. anb ro tl)cp 'mcnttmto t(Jc iou:r.
1 ~ anb IJe IJ,)all talic pour men feruants, anb mp \Dl}ere t[Je man of ©oil ma.1$ :
ma1D Ccruancrs,pong men,anb tlJc cl}icfc ofpour 11 anll as tl1er went tlJcir mar bp tflc lJifi to
alTers,anb put t]Jem to l)iSJ woihe. tl}ecitic. tl}cprncttc Uittll tlamofcl~ tl,latcamr
17 anb l)e OJaU tabe tfJc tmtl) ofpour ff}eepc, outto ilJa'al \IJattt,anb rail! bnto tlJcm,'.Ji~ tlJm
anti pc ll)albelJis Ceruants. l)crea~ecrt
18 anb re 11Jall crie out attl)at time, bccaure 12 anb ttJe maillrns anrtocrcD t(Jcm, 11 rarb.
, 11 ,caur, l'Oll ofpourking'tDIJtCIJ re 11Jalll)auc '1}orenrou,anb pea, bel)ollle, l)eis bcrole pou,mafic {Jaffe noni:
"""'t•o1 t•i tf.Je lLozb mm c not 1Jcarc pou at tfJat liar, Co: I:Jce came tl}is baf to tl)e citic , roJ t(Jcre tSJ an
rvwtllMrJ. I 9 JaeUCrtlJtlelfe, tlJC people\llOUlb not lJeRre
tlJe boicc of ~amuel, but bib rap. Jaap, not ro : 13 ll9~enpcbecomemto
. tlJ ti:i...,tIJe IJic
s offerini or tl}epeople ttJisnar place.
n, {[&i "
~ ~1iat '"·.
cct.n fCuJa Llllu oll'runa;.
but tl)erc ff)albe a king oucr bS, IJim llratgl)t\llap ret l)e gee bJl to t~c {Jtc place to
20 qatmecmarbebfltotlJcrnattonrs, anti eate: fot tl}e people \Dill not cate bntill l)e come,
tlJat our king map iubge bS, anti goe out befo1c bccaufel;Jc DotlJ h blc[c the offermg, anll t{Jen eat h l'!h•rtf
1Jrs, Bnll ligl)t our battcIS. tfJep tfJatbcbill?Jen to t{Je rtact: ~O'me tlJcrefozc !!in· tbrn~·,,
21 qcreroie \llfJen ~a1nud IJtarll all tlJe getpou bp,fo~ tf.Ji~bar 11Jall pc linbe iJt;u. ~~·g,~~'.~~·
14 !Anb tfJcr 1;0mtbp tn~o tl}c Cit'l?: unb \\llJcn i~h":~~." b•
blo~bs oftfJc people, l}cc rcfJearfeb tl,Jcm in tf)e
cares of tl)e 't-olD. tlJcr were come mto tlJe~mbs oftl}ecicy,l:lclJolll, ,
2 2 an!I ttJc 'l-o:ll fapll to ~amucl , l)earlicn * ~amuel came out agamtl tlJcm, fo~ to goc tip I 1.ncg.1 5.1
tmtotl}etrbotce, anti make tl}cm a liin\l. anti tlJe l)tcptace.
~amucl fapb bnto t(Je men oC]Ctad, 00 euerr 15 "~ut t1Je'JL01t11Jat1 totbe ~arnuclin(Jis; Aas 1 ;.11
man bnto l)is citte. care a11ar bero:c ~aul mme.. t:arm~,
16 ~o moirot»e tlJirs time']) tD&U Centi tl1cc a
The ix. Chapter: man out _or tl}e lanhc ofl5eniamm , I.Jim !IJatt
1 Saul fecldng his fathers alfcs , by the counfcU of his tl)ou anomt to be captain outr mp proµ le Jlfra, . iW
fcruant goeth to Samuel. 9 The Prophcu C3llcd el, t11at1J~ mar raue mtpeoplc out of rtJt ~Jann~ ~.!if.,,/~;~,~:

Seers. of tl}tl01J1ltttines: foJ 'JI tJauc 1oo1tC!l 1\1ponmr i ~'/~.~~f;,;~:;·.

)Saul is anointed, I. Samuel. and prophefiech.

r ~bnf!.f,
m.l' tmnrnt
I!! ronu:mlns:
IUC<. .,'·
\\Ia bes Gilead befieged. Chap.xj .xij. Samuels vprighrneife~~~~-
~!---t1J=-c-ma-n--=11.1:-ou1---=-11-rc~t~,o:--me---:t1J~i~tlJ-tt~-:=-~=-n-11-t1J=-c-JL:-o:t-11--=-~.-1-1_a_n_il_o_n_t1J_c_m_o_~_o'W--=~~a::__.u_1-'pu=--t-tlJ_e_p_c_op-1c_ __
''· a:"'ousb
~~. tortutrt»t1• anl"IDttet1,)3e1JolO,
ft ktJc IJatfJ lJill IJimrtlfc amonw
» m tJJ~ee "a-,
I" ""il1
anb fft...,
"""""~ came tn bpon th. c'-J
·~~:~r~~ tiJelhl • tlJcmoming'QlatrlJ, anllfie'ttl tlJc ammonitci1,
:\\. 23 an11t1Jeprannc, anllfet IJimtl}ence, anti bntillt1Jcl)catoft1Jct1ar: anti t11ert1Jatnma1,
;.~ ml]en 1Jdoot1 amongtlJcpeoplc, IJc 'WaisfJiglJcr ncti, 'trlerc rmttercll, fo tl)at t'ttlo o' tlJcm 'Were
:~; t1Jcnanp of tl)c people, from CIJe flJoulb~bP' notlcfttogctlJer.
·~~ 'tl!atb, 12 glllltlJepcop[Cfa""bntOA..IIlllUef, SlWlJO ~ 'll!ptblOI<•
' 24 an~ ~amuct rarll to alltfJe people, ~cc i!1 ~cc tfJat rarn, ~IJali'~aul~tgnc outtbl5 -; ;,::~~·.t;: ~:'"
\ rec not 1)1m 'Wl)om tl)e JLo~ne {Jatll cl)ofcn , anti b~mg tlJofc mcn,tIJat 'trle mar aap tlJem. ~::~: ~ :: '~'
~~ (Je'alctlJtte il5 noncliffefJimamong alltl)cpco' ~3 anb~aul!arb, ~crcllJallnomanhbic :"~~~·"''"'"
~ \ i .Rrg, 1.25 pie'! 9:ntl all tlJe people 11JOutcb, anttrarl), * '30b tlJ115 llap: fO~ to liar tile JLO?tl l)atlJ faUCb ~ l'racf br~m 1111 ktn.-
·!, mr.lmhr J:fauc'""ekinw. ~he ra .. Ao. . ~) ' DOUOIUIUl•<IC'
.., ,., ~olm4" t~at".... rue ;:=amuclil bnto tl)l' people, ~~~~~·:;.~.:t~
( <ingliur. 2) ~l)en~amueltoll1et1Jepcopletl)e 1 buctic ..... ... "' wc1napgoto©1 gal,all'Clrcne\tJtl)c foiai~uu.
~ ,~,i.),::C.~;'." oftf}e kingbome, anD bl~ote 1ttnaboobc, anb kmgl.lomctl)crc.
~.. lapb it bp bcfo~c tlJe JLoiD,annfentaU tl)c people 1 s ant1all .t1Je people \Dent to <13ilgal, anb
,> a'Wap, cucrr man to 1Ji111Joufe. mabe ~aul king tl)cre brfoie tl)e JLo~bc in <311,
J: 26 ant1~aulalro'Went1Jomctol!!Jibes, snn gal, anti tl}crc tlJcroffcrei:J•peare offcring!1 be, ;b~~~~~g~
:\ there follo'WctJ l}im a bantl of men:,'WlJofc {Jeart~ foic tfJc JLo~nc :anti ti.Jere ~aul anll an ti.Jc men 1., ""'"'·
~\ ©olll}all tou~cll. of]fraclrciopceb e,;cccbinglp.
•• 2 7 l)ut the ~ilt11en of'6cltal fapb, $0\u fflaU
~~;~::,;,~~: bcfaue bl5 '! 9trci tlJCF befpifeil fJim, anb biougl]t The xij. Chapter.
:t~·:~'b~~;,: l}imnop~cfcnt)J: anb{JC m lJdblJi)ltonguc. I Samuel declaring to the people his iotcgricy,rcpro-
~n<e. ucth their ingratitude.
The xj. Chapter. , • Jall ~amucl farb bnto all']frad,
I Nahasthe Ammonitc warrcth againll: Iabes Gile. )5c1Joltlc, ~ (Jaue •llcarlicnci.J bnto a 1: ~·uurr•
ad, who asketh hclpeofrhelfraditcs. 6 Saul pro- rourboicc in all tliat re farllbnto :~?.,'.""'~"''

mileth hclpe. u The Ammonites arcflaine. 14 me,~ l)aucmabcaflingoucrrou:

The kingdome isrencwed. z J\}O'W tbcrcCOJC pour hing \tlal'

$en• ~a1Ja11t1Je annnomtc came kctl) vcto~c b pou: anb 'J1 am olbc, anll grar 11ca, ~,!;~ :.·~~~·~'
bp, ~ be!icgcb ']abe!1 in <15ilcab : It bell,anb b~o(l), mp fonne11 arc \tJitl) rou : atill l wmr ,ll!cc: •.
au tIJc men of ]abcl5 farbc bnto l'lcfo~epou Crommr &:l)tlllfJool!bn, +o.l:.
~a{Ja11, ~akc a coucnant'ttlitf.J totlJtSMp.
biJ, anti we will be tiJF fcruantiJ, 3 - l6c(Jolnc, (Jere '.Jl am,• bcarerc«iib or nm Ecclu, 4 6
2 anti ~aIJas tf}e ammonitc anC\tJercb tlJc, bcf~c tiJe 11.-0~11. ~ bcfoJe l)il5 c anointcn: d tWIJofe , : . ·
'.]Jn tlJi!1 'Will] mafic a couenant toitlJ rou, if'.]! oi;c l}aue ] tarten -: oi 'ttll)orc atre l}auc] tar; en-; ~.~t~'' 1•·
~ 'BarufoRI mar bttJiut out au r_our riglJt eye~;, ann b~ing tll)omc (Jauc '.) oone'W:ong to~ 'Wl)ome (Jauc 1 d @on mo1110
.. ratt!!i•• t1Jatfl.Jamcbponau31rracI. lJmt-: o: of'ttll}ofe 1Jant1c l]auc '] rccciuc!lanr i;~;:~·~~~r~
;I! ""1<• 1nD
3 ~o \tll}om tlJr. <flbtt)'S of]abcsrarll.~iuc bJtbc to bltnnc mine ere~ tl]crc'WttlJ:' ann] 'Wtll ~:,•.r,w:•
lllltlll• not b!1 r.cucn Mpcsrcrpitc, tl)at wee mar fcn!l mer, reao:c it rou. ~'l;.~~.• 11 11n1
rrngcr!1 bnto all tl)e coaa:is of]fracl: anll ti.Jen if 4 ~CF rarn. ~oulJaa bone bS no wiong,
iO tl)crebcno mantobcltucrbis, 'We 'altncomeout no~l)urtb!1, ncitl)crl)alltIJou tahcn ougl)t ota,
to tl)cc. nr manis l)ann.
+ '4!;llen tame tfJc mctrcngcr~ to <aibea or s ~efapn bnto tl)cma1atnc, ~llcllo:ni~
~aul, anb iotnc t1Ji!1 titlml\S intf.Je care)j oft{Jc 'Witncfe againll rou, ann lJiS anointrtl is mit,
people: anti an tlJc pep le ltrt bp tl)eir botcc$S, ann nctrc tlJi15 nap, tl]at pc (Jauc rounb nougl)t in my
r rocpt. l)anll$S. anb tlJcr anrmercn, lt)c ti) 'Witnctrc.
" 5 annbcbolll.~aulmmcfollo'Wingtl)ccat' 6 ann~amudfapb bntotl)~proplc, '])tis
tell out of tlJc ftclb, am ~aulrapt1, tl91]at atlctiJ t(Jc JL.o:'!I tl}at c matJc ~ore~ It garon, anti tlJat : 1 ,~0h,~:.~:::~·
tl)iS people tl)at tlJCF 'Wcc11c '! anti tl]cy toll! (Jim b:ouglJt pour fatl)cr~ out of tlJc lantl of lfgrpt. ~1~r;1~;~~:i;11
tl)c ti1'in~ oftfJc mcnof]abciJ, 7 fi:}o\tJ tl)crcfo:c aann litll, tlrnt ']map rea, •• 011mn ,,..
~ iii!°b'I:' 6 gnll t{Jc fptrtt of <15ob came bpon ~auf,
fon 'a.lid} pou bcfo;e tlJe JLo~n.acro;lling to al t11c
•r.a:.~.r~~.:e 'Wl)en lJc (Jcarb tl)ofc ttlling15, anblJC\tJU cycec• II rigl)teoufnc!Te!1 of tl}c JLo~b, 'W~icl)lJc flJC\llrll ~or, bcnc-
; ~~:.:\w,:•• llingangrp, bottnouanbpourfatl)er.s. hes.
-: •rianr. 7 ann too lie arokt ofoJen,ann IJc'Wc'll tl)cm s * aftcrttJat ]acob b:la~ come into ~gppt, Gcnc...6,
in t!_iece.s, anll rent ttJcm tlJo:o'Wout al tl)c coall13 ann rour ratl)cr11 cnen bnto tile lLo~ll, t{Je ll..oJll 5•
oC]fracl bp ti)cl)ant1c11 ormctrcngcr11, raring, rcnt~oresannaaron, lDIJfcfJb~ougfJtrourfa,
, ~:~r:~ 11&}Jofoeuercommctl:l notfo~tl) after d ~aul ano ti) eris out or egypc, anb mabc tlJcm ll'a.lchn tl)i~
' btmto1mo" afttt~amucl, follJalll)liJ orenbcfcrucll. anb place.
: ~~~::.l:tl~ tllc rtarc oftlJc JL01ll fell on tl)epcoplc, anlltl)cp 9 *ilnZI 'Wl)cn t(Jcy rmgatc tf:Je lLoJbetl)cir Juda+ 2 •
1 i':;;.~:r.r came out i 'WitlJ one conrcnt. ©otl, l)c foltl tllcmmto tlJe 1Jant1 of ~fcra rcap, , 1ih'•""""'
i'~cb.., s ann wlJcn l)c numbJell t~cm in '5cJck,t1Jc tainc o~ ~c. lJollc or l9?10J, anll into tllc l)anll of ;;;•,•; ,'L~~b!r
ooe man, &:l.Jllb~en of]fracl 'Were thJCC lJUnllJCtl tl)oufall'Cl tile 191Jtlllitncl5, anti mto ti.Jc lJAnll Of tlJC lling Of Li•l• '·
1nm, ann tfJt men of '.j\ui:Ja tl}irtr tl)ouranl>. ~oab,anll tIJer f~ugl)t againft ti) em.
;.~·:~~·1;. 9 an11 c tl)cr rarti bnto tIJe mcae.nger tlJat 1o ann tlJcr mcll tmto tl)e lLoin,anb rain nor
, -· came. ~orartmto tl)e men of]abciJ m <ll5dcall, (Jaue rtnncb,bccaure 'We IJauc foJfakcn tile lL'ozil.
~omo;o"lllb)!tl]attimetl)cfunnebc(Jot,rcfiJal ant1 bat1c f~Ctl l5aallm mlb attarotlJ: 110\uc
l)auc l}dpc. anb t(Jc mctrcnger11camc,anb11.Je'W' tlJcreroic t1el1uctb.S outof tf}c {Janllis of our me,
r 1.~.. ,. " eb it to tl)c men of '.]abc!1, \'ol)ictJ 'Were glatl. mic)j, an1n11c 'Wtll fcructl)ce.
~~,:::t~i.;,. JO ~l)erefO~etl)cmcnor~abe!1fapi:J, ~~~.1!.°' II a1Jn2 tlJc.. ~:bc Cent '.J]crobaal, g :Wrllan, • l'htl"
b1t1111b•ub., ro'W toe \tJtll comer out bnto rou, am re lbcu uO 1JcplJt a", anu ;:=amud, anti bcliucrrll rou om / >&""'111'·
~~:.~'P••r 'WttlJbisallttJatplcafctl)rou. of tlJe IJanbe~ Of rour enemies on cucrp fttlc,
tllltl i
Samuels exhorcacion. I.Samuel. Saul a foolc.
anti re t1mcUcb raee. -lJiltfffneJI : an1:1 ttJe people «at~uei. togetlJer
u a111:1 foi an ttJat, 1»1Jcn rou rame tl)at• aftu ~aulto 16tlgal.
lJBJ!tl)elring of t1Jec1JtU1~en or ammon~a. s Qe-mlilh~alfogatl)ttel:Jtl)emCelueJI
gatnll rou..ree rarb tmto mec, ii:lot Co.but a llinl to~lJu, to ~t 'lll•tlJ 9\rtacl, tlJinF tl)oufanl>
ll)all rcignc ouer_bJI , mtJcn ret t{Je JL,oJDe rour dlarctis.~ntl OJc tl)oUfanl:J lJoifctncn;mitl) ottJtt l
cl!5ob maJI pour Jung. . people, like tlJc C8tll:I bl tlJe Cea ril>e in multitullc,
1 3 ~o\11 tl)ercro~c, bel)olb tl)e Jnnig tolJom re anti came bp, (tpitc::lJctl in Sll!)tc::l}inaJ!, Cfaltmartl
baue c1Jofcn,ant1 :ttilJom re l)aue ocrrnb: loc, tl;Jc from d '6ctl)auen. ;:::~,"b"
JLo,1:1 l)atlJ rct a rung outt pou. . 6 .an1:1 ml)cn tlJc mm of '.l\ftadCab:I it, t{Jcr ·~·eiif:,"':.~
1 4 -Jlfpc wtll fcarc tl)e )l o~D , anti reruc lJtm. mere tn a lttatt(fo~ t{Jc people \lJm tn a bilttcfi"c) ~.~~::...~err
811 1:1 l)carc lJiis boic::c, anti not ntrobcy tl;Jc too~D of anti tlJe people (Jib tl}emfelueJI in c::aueis. anb in :=:~~:
t{Je JLo~l>. botlJ rec anb t(Jc fiing tlJat mgnctl;J o· 1J~lbe$5, anb m roc::M, anb tn l}iglJ placeis, anbin r~m.
h :P• lb•ll b•1 ucr ron,llJall h follow tlJc lloJl> rour cl!5oll. ptt$5. · • .
~.~~~·~!~;:,~ 1 s '.3J rre mil not l]carflen tinto tl)e lloice of ti.Jc 7 anti Come of ti.Jc l;ebJC\llc$5 tocnt ouer j\01,
~~.1 b•l 010 • JL01n. bUCllifobcytl;JeJL,oibsHnoutl), t(Jena1an ban. togoetmto tlJelanllcof•cl311?1anncl!5tleall: , "''"' ...
· e~" 1'·''"' tl)e (Janb of ti.Jc J1,,01b be llpon pou, anb on• rour anll ~aul \lla!S ret in ~tlgal, anll all tl)c people
gouirnomE. ratl)Cf!S, being afrarb,follo\llcD lJtm,
llllUIQ. \

1 6 ~otoc alfo aann, anb rec tl)i!S great ti.Jing s ant> l)e tancb rcuen bape$J, euen tin to tl)e
ml)icl) tl)e JL,oJD mill bo bcfo1c rourcpc$5. time tl)at ~amuel (Jan appointeb: but ~amuel
17 'J115 it not now m(Jcat (Jaruca ~ 'JI tom call came notto cl!5ilgal, anb tl)e prople tocrc t(Jerc' ,
bnto tlJe lLOJlJ,anl> l}e ll)aUfcnll tl)unber ~ raine. f01e £rcattereb from lJim. [~~~ ;
tlJat rec mapperc::etue, ann feel)otoetl,Jatrour 9 an11~11u1rarn, :J6Jingatol,Jolebumtra, r.""·~-*- :
k !n rbai ''" \DiclicDnelfc t!S k great ml)icl} re l]aue Done in tl)c
crilice to me, anb peace offcrin!J$5. anb l)e otrmn w;.1W~..i; '
all uo\J.Jcnn
fi~t or tl}c JL,oJb,tn aClling 11ou a Iring. a'IDIJole burnt famficc. :~':"Iii! .
b~a b<;.:•l'.l,fo) a i s ant> Co ~amuel calle'b llnto ti.Jc )L,oJb, anll 10 ant> aero one asi IJe l}all mane an enb of offe, ~
moicallman. tlJe JL01?lCfent tl)unner ann raine tl,Je fame nar: ring d,Je 'ID()ole burnt fac::rtrtce, betJolb, ~amuet ·
ann all tiJe people ftarcb tl)e )1,,0111 anb ~amucl c::ame, anll ~aul tocnt aigainft I.Jim to; rarutc +Heb~
C~CCClJin~tr. ()im. him. l
I 9 an!> all t{Je people fafbC llnto ~amucl, I I an!> ~amuel rarb. Dl)at l)atl tlJOU Done1 ;
)0Jar foHl)rfcmantsi bntotl)e JL,o:betlJp cl3ob, ~aulfatll,'6cc::aurc] sCalDd}attl)epeoplefc::af,; U:. ,
ti) at me 'Ilic not: ro: we l)aue rtnnell in acrnng b$5 tereb ffom me, anb tlJat tl)ou c::amcfl not witlJin [""'';;
afling, bcfi!le all our other finnc15. tl)e Dapeis appointcil, an!> tl}ac tile -lJlliflineii ~=.n;,..
20 anlJ ~amuel '8pll tmto tl)c people, f eare gad}trcD tlJcmfdUCIS t~etfler to ~idJmalS: :'~~
not : (rr (Jauc in bceb bone all tlJif!I \llicflebnetre, 12 ~mro:e rarne] , ~c ~lJilitlineis 11Jan ~~~:t.'t:
W'r~;~ 11~· pet 1llepa~t not fr~m foUo\lling of tl)c )l..01D , but cmne bo\lln no~ llp_omne to <3ilgaf. anlJ jj l}auc ~:_r..­
~::.~'.r,ir~~~o;- rerm tIJe ~o:b \llttlJ all pourl]carts: not mane fuppllc::atton t:Jnto tIJe Jl..oJlle : '.]) ma.s
nmmn tloir. 21 J'atttl)ertume re a\nap.roi then ye go aftu bolo tl)r:rfo:e,ann ofrercll a \lllJoleburnt offring.
~:~~~.~~ u 111 u baine tt)in!JIS, \lll)iclJ are not able to p:o«t pou,
13 ano ~amucl fapll to ~aul. ~l}ou arc be,
not bdiucr rou. fo1 tl}cr arc but llamtv.) come a foofe. CIJou l]afl not liept tlJe commanl:le'
2 2 ijf01 tl}C'Jl..01De 'mtll not fo1falie IJJS people, mcnt oftl)e )L,OJb tl)r h cBob, tolJic::lJ l)e romman' ~::1:!
bc'1mfc ofl)iis great nameis Cake: btcaure it l)atl) bcb tIJcc : foJ at tIJts titne moulb tl}e Jl..o~e lJaue
m IDr hi;fm pleafe?J tl)C JL OJb tO maflC };'OU m lJi$!_people.
=:r. . :
llabliflJClJ t'l;lp fiitlg!>OlttC llpon ]fr8£lf0~ Clltr. 1110,D. :
:;f'i'~J;':::~r~,·;, 23 Sl@o~eoucr,cl!5obfo:btlJtlJat'J] n1ou11:1rtnne 14 •::J6ut no\ll tl;lp fltng11omcfl.Jallnotconti> Att.i;.is.
f,~~Wi':.~W:1 • agamlttl)c Jl,,o:b. anb ceafe p:afing foJ pou: but nuc: tl}e JL,011> (JatlJ Coug(Jt l)tm a; man after IJisi ~fl11 "·Do> :
(lk• r•u. 'Jl \lltll llJc'm roa tl)c goon anl> niglJt toar. otom l}eart.ann tl)c JL,~D l}atl} commanncn lJtrn 1
24 ~1:Jcrcfo1tfcarcroutl)eJl..011>,\fferuc1Jim to bee captaine oucr lJispcoplc, bccaurc tl)ou ~
• ~Ma1"rn1,, in tl)c ttuctl) , anb \DitlJ all rour n l)cart!S : ann l)atl not llept tl}at 'ml}tc::l) tl;Jc JL,01b commanllel>
t;~::~8~."r conriDer(Jo\ll great tlJing.s he l)at(J bone foi rou. t1Jce.
15 ~Ut1f1:'0U Do \\JiCllel>l};',tl)cn llJal pe perifl.J, ~ S ~nb ~~lltUcl arofe.• anb gate him bp from k ana- ,
botl) re nnll rour rrtng. cZJ1Igal mcl!51bca of:J6emamm,ann ~aul num, ,. b" "r"
The xiii·. Chapter. bicD tlJe people tl]at 'mere founb \l1ttf;J (Jim, anb Kata1t11· ,
ClJep mere about rtrc 1Jn11b~c1> men. ~·
13 Saul being difobcdicnt to Gods commandemcnt, 16 .ann ~aul anll ]onatban lJiS forme, anti I\
is ihcwcd of Samuel tha1 he fhlll not reigne. tl;Je people ttJat mere founD \DitlJ tl)em,haD tl)cir
1.5lm.15. •l:Ul *110\Dcl)a!>becncllbing •One abil>ingincl!5ibea Of:l3eniamin: bllttlJel&IJili' . ~:
,: 1 · • recrc, (anb lJec reignel> t\l>o rrereJI llinrJI pitc(Jcb in ~lhctJmas.
,o, · <h• ouer ']\Cracl.) 17 ilnb tl)crcrnmc out of ""c hall 0P·11 c~h',
( '"'*
lonne of
2 ,,..,auI c.,ole
4nll .g,. 11 .., 11 • It
.,im t1.:1ttt HI •J
UJ f""•J

• 'mn11.. ;n.r, ~ tl)oufanb men of'.)lfrael,t't»o ClJou' nr turncb bnto the'map tlJat lcaDctiJ co ~plJ~a,
~~~~~· 111"' fallb \llttc WiCIJ ~aul tn ~iclJmaJ!, \t tn mount bnto tl)e lanl> or ~aul.
15ttl)cl, .ann a tl)oUfallb 'lllttl) ~onat{Janin <3i• 1 s anb anotlJcr companp turnen tl)nnap to
bca l8cmamtn: an!> tl)c nil of tl}c people l)e rent l5et1Jo1on: anb tl)e ~trlJ rompanr tumcb to tl)c
cucrF mm1 to llts tent. mar oftlJc coafl tl)at is rcmc abouetl}e balftf of
",...,, l01J31..Itnu~c~
~llb 'l1onatl)an fmotc tlJe gatifon or tlJc ·~onnto\Darb tlJe 'lllilllcmell'e.
ttJat 'l»as tn tile bhill, 11t111 tt C111ne to •9 G;(Jere was no linttl} founri t1Jo101Jlout all
1Ch1µ.10. tl)e l&IJ1\llhncs catess:anll ~aul blclll tlJe<tnnn' tlJc lan?J or']iftacl: ro1 tlJc l&l}ilitlines fafb, JLtn
c 'llbat rnrrp pet tl)o~o\llout au tl;)c lallb raptn~ 'Jl,.ct ttJc t}c• tlJc 0et>1cmes mabe tl)cm rmo~s 01 t:pearcs.
20 ~utalltflc~ctaclites 1»mtDollltutotllt
llJC\.l&ntnm· b1c'mc1Sl)care. ' '
Cr:Lfc to moru.
4 !lnll all '.)tr~ 1Jcat11 tap. IJ0\11 tlJat ~aul 101J•ltthncs? to men!> euerp 1nan IJS.~an , IJilS
IJab lleftropcl> a ~anroi:i or tl)e l&IJilithncs,tolJcr• mattoCflC.. l.ns a~ allb meeb&'ni IJoofle.
fo1c ']trad 'alas IJl1tl m abomtnation 'lllitlJ tl)e 21 ~ct tl}ep lJab 11 fllc foJ tlJe fCNn:C•, ro1tl)e

--~'----------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....,..._ _ _ _ _ ___!ma~tto~cli~S~.L_i_ _ II

ifonachanandhis n1an Chap.xiiij. difcomfic rhe PhiliH:incs~-10 3
1~~~~~~::--~--.-::~:--:----::--:--::--~~-=-~~:..__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_::_1,i c:IJeptckfa~fiS,atUI foJ tfJcaies.ano ttc men, 'tllitfJin tfJc 'ompl11fcaSJ it were about
~. ro~ to fl}aqJcn t1Je 11oaDSJ. an IJalfc am oflanD, \DlJi'IJ t\llo oxen plow.
~ 22 gtU1CotntimtofbattdltlJcrt'tll•nctt1Jcr 1 5 anD tlJcrc \Daisafearc in tIJc l)oacintlJc
~ ::.i.iw:::. 1
C'tlloJl> noJ Cpe.arc founl> in tlJc lJWSJ or anr of flctl>, RnD among ell tfJc people : tnfomucb tl)at
~ f'*"' 001 r dJCpCOJ'!C tfJat'tllm mitlJ ~SU( IDll> 'J)onat{Jan: tlJcp tlJat Wert gone out Of tlJC gartfon to robbe,
~: "''· but 'tllitl) ~aUI anD 91onat{Jan IJtSJ ronne lHSJ were artail> alfo, anD tl)c £canl} crtmblel> fo, tIJe •l't t• '" ~,.
tl)trcfOUlll>, · fcarc tl)at WllSJ Cent of <50'D. r~;.~~ ::,:i; ... 1

.~ u:zt,3to~nD !,IJ!~nanto·r~~ tlJe1&1JililhneSJ'8lllc

» 0 0 "f... "
-. • 6. a~n tlJe \DatclJmcn of ~aul in ©ibca ~b.,',·,~~'i::::
0 .-,1.....,m8SJ, "'-'Cmamtn fa'Q.l •• 8nl> bChO'"' ..,C multitubtmctt ID~icb

:(\'. n
~ ~.... y w.,u, rwrtipon!bt eon

~· uiu,O~,~~~!crc
.1 7 "":..,cn 1atu;;;;o.o8U1 lmtotl)epcopktlJetmaSJ m•rnmornn
Thexiiij. Chafutcr. tmittena1Jtt.Jcpmcnt. ~~ 1 \ 1 ~ r.~b1~
:,, I h d h' •h l'r h ph·i·
': 14 onat an an 1s arncnc. carer put 1 c 11. matl)l}lm, ~eartl:J, anl>fec'IDIJoiSJgoncatoar K'"'·
~,. fiincs to A'ghc. l'rom bS. anti 'IDlJcn tlJcp l)alinumb~cD, belJoll>,
tl)en-on a time ]onatlJan tiJtfon ']lonatlJan anll lJiS 1Jamelle·bearcr 'ID ere not
t~' · of ~aul rarn bnto lJiSJ roong man tl,Jm.
~~~.~i~·r t1Jatb8fClJi1J):Jamctlc,•atome,an1> 18 anll~RUlf8fD bntoal]ta, :l5~ing hitlJer
\~';:i~~. let blS goe ouer to t1Jt lDIJtlilhneis tlJe s~rbc o~ ©on. (1fo~ tlJc !!rile or 0on \l1aS at f.!:.:::a,1~
:~:,;~o:,·~R~:!· garifon, tl)at arc ponl>crontIJeo' t1Jatttmcb.l1t1Jt1.Jccl)llllzcnof'J)fracl.) •Pb...1Jr111,b
~\nt,ann rbrr- t{Jct fibC: anl> lJetOll>C not lJiSJ fatlfct. I 9 an'D to bile ~aut' talkel> bntO tlJC lDtitll, l:.'r'b';~.::rkr,
>!r,:.:i~· 2 ano ~aul taricll in tlJc bttmnoft part of tlJe noire ttJat 'IDaSJ tn tIJe IJoa of tile l&lliliflmeis ~~:.~~:~I~~
~ ·.,:;,~::!'"' a51bea, bn!ler a l&Omcgranatc tree. \DlJ~lJ i~ in fpte'D f'artl)er abtoal>, anl> tncreafe!l : ai1l> ~aul i:1 r 1~~:~~; 1
~~1111+ ~igron : anl> tl)e people tlJat mere mJtlJ 1]1m, fal''D bnto tl}c 10,ietl, h JIDitl)l>mw thine (Jann. of rlunge to
"'~ 'IDtrCbponafiJ:ClJUtUIJCllmcn. 20 anti ~SU( iopnel> l)imfrlfe \lnto all ttJt ~~nt,oum.
,. S•m·-1• 3 *ann al)ia tl}e fon~e of a(Jitob ')c(JaboDs people tl}at were UittlJ IJim,anl> tlJer came to tlJe ~b~·~:~:.~·
~ .:~. bJotlJcr, tIJe fonne of 1£)1J1ne!Je1J tt.Je ronne of <flt, battell, anl> belJoll>e, eucrr mans rroo,ll wa~ a, :;: ; 11 ;~~.'~~ 1 1

!trOJ' p11ta· mas tlJe JL01nis 1&ttl'ft bin ~Jlo, anl> 1llare an e, gainft lJiS fclto\ll,anD tlJcrc tDa~ a \lcrp great tltfo 1~1 ; ~~,c,~~·
t:~.::~.'::!, plJoD : anD t{Je people b.ltll not tfJat '.}lonatIJan comfiture. lno~.7.
~=':':~. 111as gone. 2 1 ~o~coucr, tIJe tl)ebte\llcts ttJat were 1llitl)
:it••nnr11tb• 4 ann tn tlJe miDts of tIJe paIT'agc, ht' tolJtdJ tIJe l&IJtltlltne.f$ befote tl.Jat time, ann 'ID ere come
.J!?o1'ua.. ]onattJan fougilt to goc ouer bnto tlJc l&lJtli, mit1Jt1Jcmintoallpan~oft1Je1Joll,tun1cl>tobc
::. lltncis gariron, tIJcre 'IDasa flJarpc romeon d)e 'mitlJ tlJe ~fraeltteis tlJat 'Wm 'IDitlJ ~aul anl>
r:.: '. one fine. anna flJarperoclie on tlJe ottJcr ftt1c: t{Jc ]onattJan.
:: onccalle'bl5otet, anl>tIJcottJcr~eneis: u gnnalltlJcmen of 'Jlfradalfo 1Dllit1Jf7all
5 ~IJc fotcfront of tl)c one leanctl jf.}o:tfJ' IJil> ttJcmfducs in mount Cfpl,natm, atloonc aSJ
... ·. 'tllarb towarll SllriclJma~, anD ti.Jc ott.Jcr 'IDa~ tlJel? IJcarn IJomc ttJattlJe l&IJiliaincs 'IDcrc fit!>,
...'.:. ~out11\llarl> totoarl> ©tbea. t{Jer foUo1llcl> after tl)em in t{Jc batten.
6 anl> ]onatl)an faib co ttJc pong man tlJat 2 3.anllfo tlJe Ji.oin fauel> jjfracl ttJat bar: anb
·:: bare lJi~ l}antctlc, atome. ann kt bS go oucr bn, tl]e battell co ntinuetl bnto :l5ct1Jaucn.
~... totIJegartronof t1Jefcbnctrcmnaret1, tcmapbc 24 anb mtJen tl)c men of '.J\fracl were kept
::t::1uo.r4. t(Jattt.JcJ1.01t1 tolll'IDo~kt1llitlJ bS: *fo~ ttt~ II no bo\lmcmttl:J tJungertl)at'baf,~iiuldJari;trD tl)c
:z:. 1Jarllne[e 'lllltlJ tl;Jc Jl..oin to faue cttIJcr tn manl? peoplemitlJ an ott.J, raping, 'Cll:urfrl> be tl}c man ; ·~"'~ 1m
~ri?r, none 01 in fe'ID. . tl)at catct):J any footl bntill nii;tlJt, ttll 'JI be aurn' ;;,~ 11;~~'.: ~~
::t :r'.iuhc 7 ann IJtts l)arnecrc-bcarcr fapllc bnto IJitn. geb of mine cncmicis. anti ro none of tl)e people ;;,',i, ;~;:: ~; .
.~:, • ~oallt1JatiSJintl}tnc1Jcart: gocto):Jcre1tpka' talfcl>anplullenance. '.~'"'°:"
-~: CctlJ t{Jcc, bctJoln, ~am \llit{J tl)ce aSJ t{Jine l}eart 2 s .anti all tlJep of tl,le lanll came to a b.looD, f, ;:~;~·.;~"t
/'' lultcdJ. b.llJtte IJonl? lal? bpon tlJe grounn. ~·;,' 1~~::~·.~!
~ 8 ~cnfal?D]onatl)an,'5ri)oll>e,mcgoco, 26 ant1t1Jcpcop1£ came into rt1emoob, anl> 1°narb"1•
.'f ucr bnto tlJd't mm, anUIJalllJem om:fclul'f5 tm' bCIJolDe tlJel)onp t11oppet1, anl> no man moourl>
-· to tl)em. lJiSJ IJanb to (Jis moutt.J: foi tlJc proplc fcareb ti.Jc k 1:h• ••.tbc
9 '.llftlJepfapontlJiSJmifctobS, ~arpbntiD kotl}. '"'''"'P"'"'
me come to pou: ttJcn 111ee 'tllill ttan'b tttn in our 2 7 l6ut '.)onattJan l}rar'b not 'tlJ~en fJiSJ ra, ~~.~ :~~~~·'oi·
place,antl not go \lp bnto tfJcm. tIJcrcbargel> tIJe people 'IDitl) tlJc otlJ, tul)crcro~c ~:.~ :;;: ~~·
Io atli> Jftljep£ap,<ltomcbpl>ntobl5:t1Jm\De ):JceputfOOJtlJtfJCen'D Of IJiSJrOlJ that 'Illa~ llll}IS
;fl!~~·:t win go bp,fo~ tIJe l-O~D IJatl.J ~ Deliutte'D tlJttnin' IJann, anD l>iptit on an IJonl?1combc, anl> put blSJ
~~=:,i;:1. to om: IJanDS: an'D tb•SJ ft)albe a fip bnto blS. IJann to l)iSJ moutlJ, ant11Ji~ errs rcmuelJ ugl)t. 1 catt~ aro11
't••111c1,i. II anl:I tlJCl' bOtlJ llJC'tllCD t'fJC11lfclUeSJ bnto 28 ~cnanf'IJ.lctCl>OllCOftl)Cpcoplc, \tUll?'D, ~:~~;\'.~;[k
?::.::~<on· tlJC garifOn Of tlJe l&l)ilithRCl$ : 8n'D tl]C 1&1Jilt' ~p f'atlJtt m8bC tlJC people tO fllltarc, faring, ano ~""'"·
,::,.'7,.~;· llincSJfarn. ~rt. tl)cli,le:tnctocSJcomcoutoftlJe atm:ren be ttJc mantlJa.t eatet1Ja~1r runcnance
1· "..ra:-t'· dtJOlcSJ mIJcrc tlJCpball l}itl tl}emftlueSJ in. tlJiSb8P: anl> tlJcpeoplc \rltte II famt. uOr,wcaric.
~'. :!i\~•IP• U am tlJC \11Ctl Of t'fJC gafifon ant\lJCtcl) ]0' 29 €1JCR fap'DC '.]onatl}an' ~l' fdtl)Cf f)8tlJ
•111r1a:O nat1Jananl> l)tl5 l)amt[C bcarcr,antl f81?Mtomc m troubk'D tlJC lan'D : fzc l)o\ll mine CFC~ l:JatlJ re' ~ui~~~;t~"J
· bp to bjl,an'D \Uc tom flJem l?OU a tlJing. ant110' 'ctucl> fi~t,becaure 'Jl ta1lel> a lttic of ttJts {Jonp:
nat{Jantapl> bnto IJiSIJamclTe-bcarcr, <!tome bp 30 l)o\ll mucl) mo}e tlJcn t~ l>ap, tf tlJc people
after me, fo~ tlJc Ji.o~ll l)atl) bcliueren tlJcmtnto l)ab eaten of dJe fpo1Ie of tlJe•r cnemirs llll)icl1
••t111C• 11 tfJe lJan'b o~]ltael. tl]cp founlr.'anl> IJaD tIJerc not bene t:lJcn a mucll
r~:::n~~ 13 !ln'D '.ll~tban dimeD bp bpon c .IJanbeS grcatcrfiau~tcramongtt.Jcl&l)lliltincSJ~
''"•tb1po10 l1Tlb fttt. an'Dl)•SJIJarnelic-beant after 1J1m: anti 31 il~D tlJtt' fmo~e tlJe 1&1Jilifhne9 tl)at liar
....p. dJcp fell befo~c ')onatlJan, anll l]iS l)ametre-bea, rrom ~tctm_1aSJto aia1on : anti ttJc pcopk were
m Uctu tl.Jem after IJim. ~,ccnmg famt.
14 an'b tlJat firft a~tcr \tllJid) jlonatIJan 32 anlJ tl;Jc people (late tl)ein to tl)e Q.ioile,anl>
-----~an:..:..1>:..:b::..::iSJ:.:IJ=a:.:;m:.::e:.::lli.:.e·,\D=-a=SJ:..:b.!..p..:..:on..:..:a:..:t'ID:..:::.::m:..:..'_!....--to_o_fle_llJ_c_cpo_c_,-'OJ:_cn._an_tl:..:. ca:..:.:.:. :lu::.c;:SJ,=411:.::ll:..:n=-c\l:l_:__tlJ..:. .e_m-;:;o;:::n:-;----
~ tllCI
Iona than pardoned. I.San1uel. Saul faueth Agag.
tIJc nrounb,anb tlJe people Dill eattlJcm \DttlJ tl)e 49 ~l:Je ronncss of ~aul , mere ']onatIJan,
»· '~C[Ut,ann Slll.lcla)lfua., SUZI lJill t'tDO D~ters it~~,~~~b·,11~.
bloOlJ, ul · """<>41 r .. ""' to ere th
.,ul!lnamtb, ...,
...,cclbcrma~calkD' crob, rc1,•M 1• ;'
3 3 ~cnmen.tolt1~a .rar~ng,..., ...,oau,H}c
people onnc agama tl}e JL.oJ'D, mtl)at tlJep catc anti tl)c ranger u ~tA,JoL " i::1b1~~,
Lcuit. 7 , 26. toitl}tlJeblOOtl. anlllldapb, * }?el}~UCtrCfptlf• 5° !an'D tlJC nantt Of ~tllll!I \\life 'aJS!I al)i• ~·,:~:~.
dour.1. I 6. fen. rotolca n great aone tmto mctlJtll Dar. noa. tl)c Dt1U§l)tcr Of QIJimaa~.. ann tl)cnamc of I~.
;1 !:!i~~: 3•4 anti ~aul ~ilJ agatnc,~o ab~otltl amoni;.t lJts ctJtcfc captainc, \\las !Abner, tl)e rcnnc of
b"~' '"'"'~ tlJe people. anlJ bibDctlJe:rn b~mg me eucrr man f.)er, ~aulS bnc:lc.
~:~~~. ::;~;. lJill o~e. anti cuerr man lJiS ll)cepc,ann oar tl}em 51 g:nn Gris mas ~BUll!lfatl)er: anti J.}cr tl)e

•• upouu. lJCTC. anD catc, anti rmnc not agamll tl)e Jl,,~Il m fatl,Jcr of abner lllBS tlJtfonne of Qbtcl.
eatin!J toitlJ tl)e bloob. g:nb tte people b~ouglJt . ~ 2 ann ttm lllllS ro~e '\lljf agatna t~ e~l)ili·
iror ofih" rucrr manlJis o~ctnl)is 1Jant1 tl)atniglJt, anti amesatl tl)ct1aresof~au1 :anD•llllJomrocucr • "'"'""'
/10 ,;chcbc- aewtl)cmthat· sa>aulfa\\l to beaaronii1nan, annmcctro: tl:Je ~.~:~~~:~
g•n w buitJ 3 s g:nn ~ aul mabc an altar btlto tl)c )L.o:n : \Xlarre, l)e toolle I.Jim bnto I.Jim.
an altar. 11llll tl,)at mass tlJC IJ Cira altar tl)at IJC mane lmto The xv. Chapter.
36 gun ~aul ratz>, JLct bSS go bo\Dnc arm tl)c
}91Jiltlline~ bp ni!JIJt,anD fpoilt tIJem tmtdl tt be
liar in tlJt mo~ning, ll let t1£11 not lcaue one man
of tIJcm. ann tlJcr rarn, woe wl)atroeuu tl)ou
3 Saul is commanded to flay Amalck. 9 He fparcth
Ag~g and the bcllthings. 19 Samuelrcproueth
almud atro ratn bnto ~Mui, ~I.Jc

• '!!• al\nou· t!Jinfielt belt. ~hCU fapl) ti.JC p~icll,JL,et b~ ° Conte 1Lo~Il fcntmrc to anoint tlJccto
ftll of~.... lJttf)ei: bnto ©ol>. be mng ouer 1JIS$ people, oucr 'J;r
37 ann ~aul aCficll of <15ob,~lJal ']!go bo'clln !:!!cl :!10\D!i.tlJer~foJcr •"l)earlicn ~.~·:~.1~~
after tl)c ~lJtlillincs : U9tlt tl)ou nefmcr tl)ent ~~~ H}Oll unto •.,c 1'0JCe 0 t.,c \DO~DS rtrr rotlU I
into tlJc IJatl'OSS of]t\"ad: :l8Ut1Je anflllercb )Jim I c Oftl)CJl..OJtl. ~~~:~~:::
not at tlJRt time. :z 'at:l)uii fartlJ tl)c lLo~i:J oflJ9llcs, '.]I remcm 0

<Hcl:i,cor- 38 aun ~autrarn, l.ctall ti.Jct cl)tcfc ofttJc ber tl)at1ll1Jtc1J amalell Dti:J to ]frael, • JJo\ll tbcr Esod.1 · .
ncr. people come IJitl)cr, a11n 1mo\ll anl> rec br \lJIJom larcn 'tllait fo~ tl)e:rn in ti.Jc 'tllar a~ tlJep came bp . ;
tlJi~ unnc ts none tlJiss nar. trom <iegrpt. · ·
39 1fo: 11£11 ttJc JLoib liucttJ, \lllJictJ faueb '.]ll'ra• 3 ~obl tl}crcfoic go.anti fmite .amalch,anb ·
Cl, tl)OU!JIJ it be in ]onatl)an mp fonne, I.JC fi1all l>eftronce au tl:Jat pmctnetl) bnto tl)crn, anll ·
Die ti}c beat}). '5utt1Jcrc was no man among all !Jane no tompail'ton on tl)em, b Clap botl) rna11 b i:1Jatiw.:
rl)c people tl:Jat anrwercn IJim. anD\lloman. tnfantannrucliltng, o~c~llJccpc, ~~:.~~~: J
40 ~lJcn rati:I IJc tmto all ]fracl,l5etc on one c:amelanbtlil'e. ~~:~;;t.
fine, anti'] anD'.]!onatl)anmr ronnc \lltll bcon 4 am ~aul gatlJttctJtlJepeoplctogctl)cr, :.':~~;~
tlJe otl)cr fllle. ann t{Je people rarl> bnto ~aul, ann numb:cb tIJcm tn '<Xdaim , t'mo IJun~cD ~u~o..,..
tw~at tl;Jou tlJinltc!t bcit,tl:Jat no. · tl)ottfanb fOotntcn , anb tmnc tIJouranll men of p '·
41 ~l)mfo~e ~SUI fapi:J bnto tlJc 'L~b <l!Jotl ]Utla.
ofJ1fraeL <!l5tuc a P perfect lot. anb ~aulann 5 gnn~aulcamebntoacitrofamakli,anll
p 'l;:hR! I~.
CJU(tlbl 11:.t =
tor111tontiim 'J1anatl)an 'mere caugl)t : bUt tl)c people falpeD
1\Ja.t hRllJb;.c• ~fct'tllatcl) tntl)c b~oorte.
\rn:IJI 01~. free. 6 !tlnll ~aulfarn bnto tbc' Jacnite~, ©oe,in 1he' ·
42 anll ~aul rarn, ¢act lot bctmcenc mce anti 'Ocpart, anb ~t rou l:Jo'mnc rt:om among tlJt ~e~ :
anll '];onatlJan mp tonne. ann ]enatl)an \llaJi amalcliit cs, ltCl '.Jl nctlror rou to1t1J tlJem: fonc ":,r:! ,
cau~t. fiJc\\leb&merc:r to au tl)e 'IJilDtm of'.]lfrael tllf)m h;:i:". ,~
43 ~cn~aulfart1to']lonat1:Ja11, ~eTimce tlJer came out of Gegrpt. ann ro t!Jc il\cmte£'1 i:Jc• "'"' r~ *' ·
\DIJat tf)ou l)att llonc. !lnb ']lonatl)an t:IJen tolbe partc'O from among ttJc amalcllltess. r,!,~~J.':i~~ t
llim, anb fal'D, 'JI tatteD a Iitle {Jony \\litlJ tl)c enD 1 ani:I ~aul emote tlJc amatcltitc~ from ~:::~~t.. <
ortl)cronnet{Jat\llaBinmincl}anb, anbloe, '] ll)cuila, as ttJou commclt to $5)ur, tl)at l1ctl} be• "'""k1L t
ci ;.,~:!~.~;~ 11 q muet Die. fo:c Gegppt, .
~::~~~~~:~ 44 sa>aulllnrro~ntl, <!l5oD bo fo,anb mo:ealfo 8 911?1 toofle ~gag tbt llin« Of tl)e amale' · \l
ra1ua11011 eon to me, tlJOU !11alt Dte t{Jc tlCatlJ,'JonatlJan. kites aliue, anti bttcrlr ncarorcn all li)e people It
~~·, ~~t~~lbl
4~ !tln'D tlJC people fRfb tmto ~aul, ~lJall \llttl.J tlJc cDqc of tl)e flllOJb. ·,
0 1
• · ']onatl)an Die,llll)i'I) lJatlJ fo 1nigl)tilp tlCliUttetl 9 ~ut sa>aul anti tl}e people fparc'O c .agag. ~!:':... ~
;b~M:P•• ]fracl : '<30D fo~biD: as tl)c Jl..01tl liuetIJ, tl)crc tl)c better llJrcpc, ann tlJc faettr oim, anti tlJC ~~ ~
tb•tr °"'" •• llJaU not onc{Jatre oflJtstJcaD fall to t(Jc grounD: laulbs,ann au tlJat toal!I gooD,anb moulb not llr• ~
~\~:·~~·::.~' fo~ IJCC l)atl) toioug{Jt lllith <3otl tl}is Dap. anti tlror tl}cm : but all tIJat tou fOule anll nougl}t
\:~.'.'::~~~. ro tl)c people Deliucrcn ]onatl)an, tl)at l}ce ntcb \lloitt. t1Jatt1Jert1e1troret11:1ctcr1r. 1~
:~~~i~~~ ~~" not. 10 ~!Jen mmc t11e oftlJC :t,,oibc bnto
~~~b1::· • . 46 l:nD t~cn ~aul Depamb tip from follo\\l• ~amuel, rarme;, ,~
tn~11tlJc 101)11tllinel5 : anti tlJc l!)lJtlilhncJ!I U!cnt 1 • '1t f repented) me tl)at 1 lJaUt mallc ~aul !,~~:.ri:!~
ot"!ett o'mnc plare. king: foi [Jee 1• turncD from me~, anti flatlJ not 1·~~::1
41 !lntJ ro $inaul IJclll tl)c Jringnomc ouer 1£• perfomttD nrt co1mnant1cmcnt.u. .anD ~arnud ~...... st
tact~ ann fou~t~gnintlall l)il5 enmticJ.!1 oneue• "Glas cum 8Pl11'Cll, anti mci:J bnto ti.Jc )l,o,11e all f,~.;::1'b"ro !
ne fibe' agai~ Sllf}oab , againll tl)c dJJllJ1tft of nlglJt. ~:;'tt: ... '
'.Ammon, 8!;\a~n11: lf1:101n, qaina tl}c frinil of u ami 1n1Jcn ~amutt rofe eardp to meet 111""""'!!.l 1
:Soba,antJ aga1n11 tlJ~ l&l)tlif?tncs: anD 'llllJtt:l)er• ::a- m...,cmomm(t,tttoa.utoUJ;Damuc •.,at ''""""· ""' · fth b11rn11p0,...
forutt IJtttumcbl:Jiniretrc hccput ....einta ti.JC -aul ~u come to cirarmeJ, anti betJolD.IJc IJS~ i..
\l)OO~lf. ' ., • .,
mabe IJtm ttJcre a place, anll il'S rctunUD. anD Dc 0 ,.,

48 ann1Jc.gatlJetCt1l)i1SlJolltoigct1Jcr.ttmott parttD ano «one botonc to s 0qaL ~tr~~~.1,~,.~

n1•1h•L•in tf)cramalelutts,antJrib':ll"'"ft' f ... h-Dl'JI 13 ~nil '98mUd camcto~aul, anD ~aut arri."""'~
~:~.••mm•n• ofthcmtlJattpoilctltl)cm.::i'•-..outO ...,e_•• ,,
faplJ 1>11to bim. l5lclTeD br tl)ou tn tl)c JL,o~il : ~. "ii 1°"' ~ ~ 11

I tlauc 1 _ ,
~Saul is reieB:ed. Chap.xvj. Dauid anointed king. 104

C8mt l:Jnto i)lm ; beficatdl' : 9nb agag fllfbe, +Hd>. m

~ruell' tl)ePbttttrm1fc oCDeatlJ iS!lpaa. bonds.
H 9nll ~amucirafD, aS:1tfWC1Do:be !Jail) r.,~;rb~::::~
m~llc \ti omen cl.Jilbldft, ro aian tl1l molfJer bee ~:~.~"b,,'::,:r.r
ctnlolttre aboue otl)n 'Q)omen. 1lnb ~amuel :.r..., ,., 'b' 1
IJe\tleb .agag in pieces befoie tl)e )l.,OJb in (Jl5ilgal. ~:~~·.~:~~·.
34 9nb ci,en §gamuel 11q.iarteb to mama, ::.~'.~;~/,;-.''·
anb ~aul \Dent l}omt to IJ•S!l IJouft to ©tbca
35 9nb~amuclcamtno mo~ctoqfce~attl q 11'.~··~~
tmnlltl}ella11ofl}iS!llleatl): neutttl}ctdTe, ~a' tl1titrclifb1·
mud moumel> fo~ ~aut : anti tt;Je Jl,o~lle rcpcn' <C~·~·'9·
teb ti} at IJe (Jan mabe ~aut lling ouer 'j)rtael.
. The xvj. Chapter.
[ SamacI 1s rcprooucd of God, and is fent to anoint
Daaid, 7 God regardcch the hc:arr. 1 3 The fpirit
of the Lord commerh vpon Dauid.
l!)e )Lo~b fapb tJnto ~amuel, ~o\D

·'~- IJCllananQ
D long \lltlt t(Jou moume foJ ~aul,
.reet~g '31 (Jauema him awar ~ro :11~h·.~::,1 ~
rc1gnmg oun: 'j\frael ~ ~111 tl}me l•tfclmccoure
b l}ome '1lith oilc,anb come, tl)at 'Ji ~; ~';:~~ 1\ ~~:
map fenllt!-Jce to ']\fa~ ttJelOctl}let~cmitt : fo~ '.Ji ~~~~~:~~.~~·,
{Jauep1om1:1cnmea1rt11gamon~lJJ!Stonneis. _ :~~~:f:i'~~~u
2 an?J~81Ullclfafll, ~O\DC8n']\i;\OC1fo?tf b1a.ano1~m·

.• ~tlll lllljJQ·
... .,nrlplnbff
'"'lDu Drttncr
~aull}care it' l}eewillbtll mce. il[;t)c 'Jl..o~b an'
:~ 1'.~~~.~n~~!

l'\.llereb, ~alte an IJeifer '1llt1J tiJce, ' anb fal:', '.] ~~~, ~~:·~i;:~
1\:!:: conia. amcomt to offer to tlJc )1.,01!:1. ~tl'a 111.,,,
3 ant> can
'.)cat to tl}e offering, anti '] \tltll frJ•l• •••I Ill" .
fl)eto tlJtt rol)at t1Jou flJalt 1:10 : anti tl}ou oialt an, ~~: ~~ ~~~'.
oint tJnto med l}im 'llliJom 1i namt bnto tl)ce. ~~;.::::~~!~,.
4 am fo ~amuel Dill aS!I tl}c )l,o~b babe l}im,
anti camtto~etl)ltf1em: anll tl}elflllcrisoftiJc •""""'"""
to'Wnc 'Q)crc caftontrll ati}iS!l t"Omming,anD faib, :~~~~~,·~:a:
Cltommea tl)oupeaceabll? ~ Pf'!,~i ,,,,.
s l;)e anrmcreb,l?ea. '.ll am come to offcrtJn, '.lf.:~::.~bi~~
to tlJe )l.,01be : rantttlic rout fclucS!I, anti come "''6~' b• noi•c
mttl} mt io tlJe offering. anti (Jc ranrttfieb ']\fat, ;i:~~~~l':.•,
anti 1Ji~fo1mc~,anb ballc ttmn tD ti}£ offcrtn~. \hg;;, i• ru1.
6 9nll '1ll)en tiler \tlcre come , Ile Iooficb on ~g,<J, •;•: !~':
ctliab, ari11 rarll, ~urcll? t(Jc ll-O~b~ ranoitttci:J ip ~~;~},~:f::,.
befo;rcmm. '"" br,,""'
1 l5utflJelLo~'OfarbtJnto~amucl, )Loolic {',~~';:~·..:;.
not on IJiHallJton, 01 ontl}tlJl'igl)t oUJi~ tla' :'~'"''"'''r
ttm:, bccaUfc'.) IJaucrefUfcb IJim: foz Goo fcc,ch ~::~t~!~"~;~,
not SS!lmanfeetlJ. f,of"' man 10011£ttJ on t)Jc out, '""n"'' ,,.
warb appearance, buttl}c )l..o,hc belJoliJcti) tl)e ~~~~.'.::~·;~~
l}eart. i"~;.,"~'"'
s cin.m
-'I caUrtl t:tbinabab
~ , ' 11nll 1nabc
. "im
':' .r;.c ie1"~
b[nr ap~oln•
come bef'Q1e ~amuel: anD (Je ra11:1,fr)c1tl)cr l)atlJ "" ot rn 10
tlJe )l.,o~ ctJorrn t!JiJ!I, " t;;~1~~; ~~~-
9 ~(.Jrn ']lfai mabc~ammacome: anbyC
fafb, IF.leitiler ~t l}atl.J tl}c Jl.,o,ll cl.Jofm l:Jim.
10 9§oine '.)lfai mane rcum of lJi~fonncsto
come befo1c ~amuel, anb ~amucl rap be tJnto
'.)Jfai, -atl}e )Lo,1:1 l}aflJ cl.Jofen none of tlJcfc.
u ano ~amuel rarD bnto 11ra1, Qre IJere an
tiJl' cl.JiID:en~ ll)e fsrll, ~lJcrc iss r et a lttte one be,
IJinbe, ti.Jilt ll~ctl} tl}eg1lJeepe. anb~amucl f..~~~~~~·
rar111111to.1ro1, ~.mi:!, anb ft~ lJtm. ronucc 11""'"' '"""
wtu notfit ll0'1lnc t1ll l}e comclJttl,ler: i«~~~~:t,~0 •
u g111:1l}efent. ant1b~oug1Jt1Jtmm:ant11Jec ... ,..1.
'Q)a~ rui:IDf, ann ocancrccllent beautr.ann 'nlcll 8
:.K•t'7· •
rauourc~ 111 ugl)t. an~ tl,lc lLoi11 rarn, arife, anll
anoint IJtm : fo, tlJtS!I t~ IJe.
1 3 ~erroie ~a~el toofle tl,lc iJomc of 0111\
anb anomt,eD IJmt 10 tl}e mtb~ oc hiS!I b~ctll~cn: .
anll tlJC h fptnt of tile ~be* came ·11po11 wauio ~.~~:~,~~~ :.' ·
from t(Jat 'Dap fl)J\llart) : 811?1 ~antUd t'OfC bp, ;~·i,',~'n'."'h' I
I_ anb 'llltntto mama. Act.'·, 6.

Saul vexed vvithafpirit. I.Samuel. Great Goliaths challenge.

' 14 l511tt1Jefptrit oftf.JeJLo~net1epartcilfrom anll pou reruant!!I to §!Daul'! ti.lure pou a man fo1
: 11~g ~l~:~:f. ~aul, anti an euill ljllrit fcnc oft11e' JL01t1,be,:cll rou, anll letlJim come bo\l'lne to me.
~;;~~t~fca~::~- lJttn. ~ , ~ ann it'IJc be_able to fi11lJt \lJitlJ mce, anl:I to
iul! '" '"'"'"' 1 5 ann ~aul.!$ reru11ntl!l fllFll bnto IJtm, :>5t- ijktllmc, t1Jcn'1:l1U\1Jebefourrcrnant!!I: butif 11or,fmi1c,
~r, ::;b~~'~'~;;· f)olllc,an enill fpitit fenc of<liJoll beyctlJ tl;Jec. '.) 'an oucrcomc bim.anll ktll IJim, t1Jen ll)all ree
'"'ln•110 I 16 """to•
..." )Lo,1:1tf.J£rcf01e commanbtlJpfcr' be our rcntantl!l,anD rcme bS.
nrno:ro;" uantl!l"""''""
(tl)at"arc bcfo,e ~ ..,re) to rccllc a man tlJat i o ann tlJe l&lJililline rapn, ji Dtfie t(Je 1Joa of
1~;'.\'~_"" " il!lacmming plarcr\DitlJ ani,arpe: tlJat\lJbcn
]fraeltbiisllap, gtuemecaman, tl}at\l'leemar
t!Je cuill fptrit of <liJoll commetlJ bpon tl;Jee, l)ee ligl:Jt II togetlJer. ~Or,hand
mar pJap witf.J 1Jil!l 1Jant1,ant1 t(Jou ll.Jaltbe eaCetl. I I U9lJCU ~aUI anti aU 'l]frad IJl'aTlJ tl)OfC to hanJ,
r 7 ~aul rapll tlnto l:Jts fcruants , 10~outnc \lloins ef tlJc l&IJ•lllfme, tlJer \llcrc ntr,ouragell,
111rc a man tlJcn, tlJat can plap \Dell, anll b~ing anngreatlp. dafra"b r •
or courall
IJilll to me. I i ~atnD \lJa:is t(Jc ronne of an Cll!plJiatlJite, 'rigor ti•••·
1 s -arIJen ant\llerell one of lJil!l reruants, anll o05etl:Jle1Jem 1 utlll, namrn '.]!fat , '1:ll)ic1) ball 1~~~ :::.::~~.
rarn, l6e{Jo1Dc, '.)I IJauc feene afonne of'l]fai tlJe dglJt ronnes : ann tlJIS II man \lla~ taben foi an ~::,~11na
l6etl)le{Jcmitc,t1Jat can plar bpon inftrumcnts, olilemanmtl)enareisof~auL llOr,hcwas
anll i:£S llrong, baltant, ann a manoftoarrc, ann 13 anntIJe tl)~ce ellleft ronnesofjjfat\llent, counteda-
pmDcnt in lloing of feats, anll toetl matJc, anti Snll follo\Dell ~aul to tl:Je battel: anti t(Je names ~0 "~ •htm
tfJe Jl,,0,11 i~ \lJitlJ IJim. of l)ts tlJ:ee Conncis tlJat \Dent to battell, \Dm ~~ "e
19 IWIJmfo~e ~aulfent mdl'engcr~ bnto ']!' <Jl;liab tiJe elilell, anti tl)e nc~t .abinanab, ann tlJe e.
k ::<oe1.mi fai,anllfapb, ~enbme~auibtlJpConne\1Jl}ltf1 dJirll ~amma:
~~:~~ ~~c{i'1\~~·~:t i}l \l.litiJ tlJe flJttpe.
14 ann ~auin 'mats tl)e lea rt: ann tl)e tt_nee el'
~~:;·r~~~~~::~ 20 an?I ~fell toolte an alTe laden tl'litlJ llicab, lJclt 'lllcnt after ~aul.
:~;1.~rlY1.~~~~~~:t ann a.fiaQon ofb.ltn~anb akiD,anlJ fent etJcan bp i 5 ~auin alfo \l:Jent, tt beparteb from ~aul,
.,CT, :io('~' wautll!)t~Connetinto~aul. to c feel> IJiS fatlJerts 11Jeepe at '5ctl}ll'f]em. ~.~~.,"
;'ri ';~ l;:'~ 'b' I 21 gnn k~autn came to ~aul,anll 11 ffootl be, 16 !lnb tl;Jcl&l)ilttttnc camefoztf]intlJcmot' 1i.1arr:...
· • · ·
.'"""' Ifo!c llim: anbf.Jct 11ouei>l.Jimbccy\1Je0,
0r,1erncd \ ,( ,.. h. h tli b ant>IJcc nmg ann cummg,an?J contmucZJ fom1 lJapej!l, foo1<b•••
. 00'.l;;iltuluC t~..,arne C tater. 1 7 ann '.Jl(ai rarn tmto J21autt1 l)if5 ron, f ~akc ~;'f,~":;
~_L/;~;'~';:~1~' I 22 ann~aul_fentto'.]lrai,faping,)LctWautn fo~ tlJF btetl)ten an epl)a of tlJiis partIJeb co1nc, ~~~;~~·=.
"' tuttlJ '""~" no\lJ remamc \llttlJ me : foi l}c lJat:lJ founll fauo, ann t}Jefc ten loauets, ann run to t(Je IJotl to tlJr ~:;,~:!.:
%t;;\l1: 0q:~'.~~ inmpfi~t. biCtlJten, nrrb1o:rlinll
I 8 ann carp tlJeCc ten frl'l11 dJctCes bnto t(Je ~~ r:~~~: :
' ' " " Dattu 2 3 anb fo \lJIJcn t(Jc euill fpmt Of <115ob came
~"coh:r~•·· bpon~aut, ~auibtookeanlJarpe, annplapcn captainc, anl> loolle f]o\ll tlJl' b~etl)ten fare, anll ~~~ ~~~::"'
, ~: ~;.~~~'~:,,
UJitil lJiis IJanbc: anllfo ~aul\DasmrefreJIJeb, fctoutttJctrplellge rlJ1>11i11111111
1 9 attlJ~aUf, anlJ tfJl't', anl)alltlJCml'tlOf •fbt1piopti.
· "· '"'""" " anl> lli'tl amcnl>, ann tl)c cuil fplritncpanen ffom
~·~.[~·;:~~:~~~~~ l)tm. '.)lfraeI,\llerc tn tIJe baller of ltlaJJ,aglJttng \llitl:J
The xvij .Chapter. t(Je ~IJ•lilhnes.
:o ann~autn rofcbp earlp tnt{Jcmoming,
1 The Phili!l;nesmakewarreagainfl:Ifrael. 10 Go-
aoo left tlte ll)eepe \llitlJ a beeper, ann too.lie anll
liath ddieth Ifracl. 50 Dauidkillech Goliath, and \Dent al!l '.)fat l}ab commanllcll IJim, anll came
the Philiftines flee.
witlJin t(Je compaae of tf)c IJofle : ann tl:Je IJollc
~e 101Jilt!lincts gat(Jeretl tlJeit IJo(t \Dent out in arap,anll fiJDUtell in tlJr batten•
to batten, ~came toget(Jer to ~o' 11 !ffo~ '.]frael ann tlJe l!)IJiliftine.G l)all put
cl)o, \l'll)icl) tis in ']Ulla, anb pltclJell tlJemfdues In aray, annp againa annp.
bettoeenc ~ocl)o anll attlialJ, in :n anll ~auill lcft tl}e tlJin{JS 'aJl}iclJ (Jc bare,
t ~cbr. E- • tl)e coalt of"' Jeammim. blll:let tl)e fJanM Of tt:Jc keeper Of tlJe bt!Telis, anll
''"csDain- 2 '.dno~aulan1:1t1Jcmcnorj]fraelcameto, ran into tlJr IJoa, ann came ann ratutell lJi~ we,
:'.:~~"~frhe gctIJcr, anti pit~l}Cll in tl}e ballet.' Of HltlalJ, an~ tlJ~.
~x.'. put tl)cmfeluef5 tn battell arap, to meet tlJc )l)lJt' 13 ~nll ais IJc tall'ictl \lJltlJ tlJctu, bd}oli>,tlJm
li!tinef5, aoon a man in tlJc mill.G (©oliatl} tIJe 101Jiliainc
3 llnb tl)e 101Jililltnes aoo?J on a mountaine brnatne, of<l!JatlJ) out oftlJcamtieoftlJell\fJi'
.on tI1e one fille, anll ')'1frael aooll on amountalne lilltne1, anll tpa1tecCuC1J too1ne1: anti ~auiD , ;11.:r• t
on tIJc otl)er Cillc : anii tIJcre toas a tJallcr be, l}earll it. ::"~~n;1':." -
tmccnc them. 14 ann an tlJe people of' lfi"ael tulJcn tber
\ 4 anti tIJcre came a man bcrtDemc t{Jcm ratu t(Je man.ran atuap fromf}ini,anll were ro.zc ~
;,"':~~;','~,';~; n bot~J,OUt Of tl}C tents Oftl}C l&lJiltltincS,UamelJ afrapn.
~·;'a'.::"' •f ©oltatl) of ©atl}: b CiJ; cubttS an?J an (Janll b~ciltl,J 1 s anD euerr man of1fi"ad rat.D,~aw re not ~:
lb mllt• 1• long: tbi.S man tlJat commetlJ bp 1 tum to rcuile ]f, ~.·
;',~'~••r:'.,'t;:, ~ !A.11b l)all an lJelmct ofb1atfc bpon ()is l)can, rad i~ IJl' tome : 11nllto IJim tl,Jat flillttlJ IJim, \llil ,,
fb::·;~~·.~ anf~~coat of male about{Jini: anl:I t(Jc\l'lciglJt tl)c bin§ giue great rtd,JcJJ, anti 'tlltl gmc IJim lJis ;1
::·:.;~ ~~~~.~b ob ·~coat of mate toas flue tIJonfanll' llae# of t111UtdJ~ t~ereto, ties , llt1b maflc fits fatlJtrSI ~;
b••"""· ~a..e. (JouJtl mean~ . · h .frOIDll,11 ~
~.,:;;,t~·:.~~,~1s 6 ~nlll)c 1Jabb t"' fb "' .. hf"''-"'"' 26 gnt1J0aut11Qtakctot1Jcml'1tt1Jataoollbp, ,,,.p.1m11111o 1,
.' , ,., •n:uc antlaOJttlb 0 fb ~alfcoo
1'•"""'·or"' bpon .,ol)ts18ucupon.,
OJOUlt1cr1. "'"'-' t11111fat'b,ll&11J~t:Qlalfbebonctot1Jcmant1Jatbff 1·
~~g'b',i;:'b 1 am UJclliatt oflJil!I Cipearc'1:laSlfffe11\Dea< letlJ • t&IJfti:?tne. anl:I tafletlJ..alDap tlJc fbamc ~I
,.., '"',. uer:is bcamc, anll lJiB ~ .. ., """'""a- from 1~acl '! anD tDl}at ti tlJil b~ctmnnciftb
111'~'"'"'' '" "tin"'·~"' riclt.. or•,, •p~arcs .,cab ~c...,..u ""' l&IJaltftine, tl)at IJe IJJoultl i-euae tlJe IJDtl of tlJc Ii·
"~·"''"' ., u;.. u .. ..on. 811boncbcannman>tdll .~
~~~.·~:~!" 'nlettt bero~ lJtm. ' uilflcll50tl '! '; . '
s an111Jc lloob an11 ctttb agamlt tl}c ljofk of :i.7 ana tl}e people anrtnm11 l)im after tlliJJ
']ftael, anll far~ bnto tlJetn, DIJp are pc come to maner, fapmg, JJo RJaU It bt bone to ti.Jc man
rct rour battcll tn arap '! am not 1 a l&l)tltlltne, tlJat: kRletlJ 11im. ~
......... 211 .Qnbi \,
Dauids faith. Chap.xviij. Goliachfiaine. 10)

2 s anll ctliab IJiS clbelt bJotiJer l)eatb \Dl}en 'illlJom t11ou IJafl railetl bpon.
IJce fpafle bnto tl;Je mm, anb lfltab \DQ atllJrF 46 °~is Dap 11.JaU tlJ~Jl..o~lledofe tlJteinto ~.~'::~:'.:::,
'lllitl;J :iJi'autD,anb fapb, 1191Jp ratncil tf]OU bo'lllne mr IJanD , anb j! tbaU fnnte tf]ec anll take tlJtne "'"b" 111rn•
lJitlJer:' anti \DitlJ \\l~om l)att tf]ou left tf]ofe fe'lll 1Jea11 rrom tlJtt, ann tmU gtue tlJc mrlieifes of ~:·.~~~·: ~~:

llJeeptin d}e \\lllbmielfe '! ~ Jmo'lll ~ WiDc.anb tlJe IJoae of ttJe l&IJ•liftinelS tl}is nap bnto t!Je ~r;:::.~:~: 1
' ttJe malice or tf]ine l}eart, tf]at tf]ou arc come foults oftf]cairt:- anti ~o tlJebeallis ofttJe carttJ, ~~b:~:;~
DO\\lne to fee tf]e battclL tf.)at aU tlJCF \lllj1el) be m tf]e 'alo~lb, map lmo\\lt ~·m 01.
29 ann wautll raro, ann '111Jat l}aue ~ no\\le tl)at tlJere is a ~oil in '}lrraeJ.
(~ I Yo1brc.11nr i)one:'i,St{Jerenota• cauft'! 47 ant1 all tf]is congre!,lationl?Jal linOtu t!Jat
~ ::.~:~~~~~·:.• 30 ann (Jee bcparc£D frotn fJim tnto tf]c we' tlJe: lLo~b ~uetl) not 'lllitlJ f'lllo~tl anb fpearc (~~
. ~:t;~',;!~~n~:' fmuof anot{Jer, anbfpalleoftfJtfamemaner: tl;Je batten is tf]e Jl.,o~t1s)ant1 lJt 11Jall !,liuc pou m·
~ :::~~r~1·:::," anD tfJe people anf\\lereD IJim againe as ~CfoJt. coourtJanns.
~i '",~::'e'~111 • 3r Sino tl)ep t{Jat l)earD tf]e \Do1t1s 'cutncIJ ~a, 'f-8 !!n1J \lll)et1 tl)c ~lJtlilline arofc to come
·: r.~. u1t1 Cpafle, rc{Jtarfcl>tlJembefo~e~I: lDIJt.:I} anti llJa'm tltglJ to wauib,~aui11 l)allcb,anb ran
cauren IJim to be ftt. to fi!,ll}t againil tl;Je l&IJiltlline.
:~ 32 ann i'auill faitl to ~aul, :UC no mans 49 anb wauill put l:Jis l)anbc in IJis bag«c,
i\ L
11earc rat1e {Jim llemure ormm: rmiant w111 anti toolie out allonc.antl aang it, anD £mote tl)e
in l)ts fo~cIJeab, t{Jat tf.)e !lone runke
·~: go~;a~~1:~~~l~ti~~:S~1atni. ~ou art l&IJiltftine mto lJllS f01el]ta11, ann l)ee fell groucltng to t{Je
· kD011111•bo•t knot able to goe again« ponberl&IJiltttine, to eartf].
~ ~ :.~~;';,~ figlJt 'alitlJ {Jim : ro1 tf]ou arc but a clJilllc. but lJe 50 *£1.nDfoWauitl ouerca1ne tl)e ~l)tlit'tinc 1.Mach.4.
' ~:ii~~.~;:. is a man of wmc,cucn from IJilS poutlJ. 'alitlJ a «mg, anb a aone, \l fmote tl)c ~IJilifhne, 3o.
nr trnmpl<D
I~flpJnmuttrr11 34 Wauib .
anf'lllerttl tmto ~aul' ~F fer' anD ne'al lJim,ml)cn ~auill l)all no fmo~llc in l)is
1.,.,..,..,,be uant fiept fJlS fatlJcrlS 11.Jecpe, anti tf]ert came a l)anD. ·
~e~i::. Jl.,ion, ann h'ke'lllife a '5earc, anD tooke a fiJCepe 51 '5ut ~auiD ran anb lloon \lpon tl)t ~IJtli,
1 1
~-.~'!i".' m outoftlJc Home: . . tttne, anl> tooflelJiSf\\loJb, anti llie'ill it out ofl)is
~ 35 ann 9] 'lllmt out after l)tm,anD fmote (Jun, 11Jeat1J,ant1 tlc'al bim. anti rut offl)isl)eatl tllcre·
.t anb too lie lt out of l)iis moutlJ: anD 'illtJen l)ee a' \DitlJ, anD 'allJcn tl)e-{Jililhnes fatll tl)at t{Jeir
·'" ror£ agatna me,') cau~IJt l)lm bF ttJe beafb , anD ~ampton mas tleall, tl)tp Hell.
ic: rmote l)im,anb ne'ill l)tm. si amtl)e1nen of9]frael.anll of'.]!uM,arore,
36 ann ro tlJP rcruant ne'ill botl) tlJc JL.ion anti anD lboutct1,ant1 follo'llletl after tl)e l9lJiltainc,s,
tl)e :lBeare: anti truelp tl)ilS untircumtifetl l0lJi' until tlJcp c:amcto tlJc uallep,antl bnto tf]c gatc)'.l
Mine 11.Jall be as one or t{Jcm. reetng l}e IJatl} rai• of acaron: anD tl)e 191Jiltttineis fell tlo'aln \lloun,
lttl ont(Je (Joll of t(Jc liutng <13oD. Dell bptl)e 'a>apto ~aaratm, rncn ilnto©atl)
37 an11 wauib fpahcmo1eouer, ~clLOJDe an1J acaron. .
t1JatDelsuerct1 mecoutoft1Je1Jant1 of the Jl.,ion, sJ am tlJe c:IJilD~en of ']fracl retumc?I from
anD out of tlJe l)anll of tlJt l6carc.1Je tbaU llcliuer tlJafing after t{Je l0J:Jililtincs, anb fpoi!c1J ti) cir
•· me alfo out of tl)e tJantl of tl)is ll)lJilithnc. !lnD tent is. ,
1oi.•11birc '?I~aUl faill unto-auto,Jtllf/
1ll!Joe, 810 tl)e Jl.,o•D bee
" 54 anb ~amtl tookc tlJc llcatJ of tlJe ~l)ili,
::~:~i::b~. mitlJ tl)ec. . . . lltne,anll b1oug1.Jt it to ~icrnfalcm, but {Jee put
~IDUIDUqQlm. 38 anti ~aUJpuflJJSrannent 1:Jp0nW8Ulb, f)tsarmourin{Jislltent. r.or,houic :
anb put an l)clmtt or bJalTe bpon l}is l}ca11, anD 55 Jl9l)CU ~aUI fa'al ji')autll got fO~tf} againfl ~t Bcd1le- I
~ putacoattofmale\lponlJim, tile ~l)iltltinc.J:Jce rapll tmto abncr ~!Jc cap ta inc ;·~;.he,,. !
.. 39 anti girt1et1:Wautt1'alitlJ l)i1So'cl'Jnef\llo1De oftlJc{Jofte, atmer, P'allJofe fonnc uHIJTi>roni;.i: 11Cr1:,rnu'"':
bpon lltl5 ratment..antl tJe atrapeD to goe: anb be, man'! abner anf\\lerclJ, ~s tlJp route liuct}J, SlD ~':ti:'~~,~,~~ i 0

mure l)ee l)atl neuci p1ouc11 it, Wauill faib bnt.o Illing,] tannot tell. ~'~~~b.'.',f.:~':, '
~aul, 1 mm10t goe 'alitlJ tlJcfe: ijfo~ '11 IJaue 56 an11 tJ:Jc~ing.raptJ, cenauiret{?ouw(Jofc ?d,",~!~'i~:b~~
not ilfell mp Celfc tlJmto. anD Wauib put tl}em fonne tile ponglmg is. . ro1Eoc ~'"'·
off l)i1n. 57 anD'cl'JlJenWauiD 1DasrcturnellfromtIJe
r.,; 1111b11D11· 4o i!nll tookelJilS m tlatfe inl)il!llJanD,anD d}ofc aaugl)tcr of tl]e ll)IJililline, gbner toor1e tlim,
I f:~'::tb" {Jim fiUC fmootlJ ftont,S OUt Of a b,ioofle, allb put anD b~ou«IJt l)tm bcfo~e ~aul, 'lllit(J tfJC (Jean of
: ""D~. tl)em in a flJepl)earD~ bag \\l~ieb ~ l)ab, tIJat is, tlJe 101Jill1line in iJilS lJanll.
tn a ra:ip, anti IJ1isnmg 'ala1un1J1s1Ja1111,ann l}ec ss anll ~aul tarn to I.Jim. twlJofc fonne art
went to tl)e l01Jililbnc. t{Jou, t(Joupongman'! wauill anfllJereD, 1 am
41 ano tl)c 191Jiltainc mine ann t11e\D nrcre a' tlJe ronnc oftlJF feruant '.])fat.ti.JC :lBetiJlcIJemitc.
gama wauin , anti tl)e man tlJatbatc tlJe flJtclll, Thexviij. Chapcer.
wentbefoJt l)im.
"'i anti \lJl]cn tl)c l&lJil~ine .loofleD about,
anDfa'ale :WauiD, ()cc Dtfoamell l)nn: fo~ lJe mas
3 The amity of Jonathan and Dauid. 1r Saul would
haueilainc Dauid. 29 Saulfearcth Dauid,fecing
1hat the Lord is wich him.
but pong,runDp,anll ora comdp face. .
43 anll tl)e 101Jilllltnc rapll bnt.o ~au1t1, am fi:lD 'llllJen iJet lJall mane an cnllc of
']a bog, t{Jat tl)ou commelt to me~ ~ttlJ tlaues1 tpeafllllg 1Jllf0 ~aU(, t(J£ > f0ttl£ Of ' fllld Dlr<tHo
... •b111M anti tl)e l&l}IUlttne n curfell :WaUtD m tlJe name ']Jonatl}~n 'alais hnit'cl'JitlJ tile fculc ~~~~~.~,:
no.'O::i':~:· Of IJilS gOtll$. of~au1t1, ll]onat(Jan toucDl}im
~~~n,:.~111b 44 anD tl)e l&lJilitlinr faill to Wauill, €ome • as 111s o'lllne roule.
lt-:~~ 1~:,g~~· to me, a1111] 'llltU giuc tlJF tldl) bnto tl)e fouk!S z g,nn ~aul toolie lJim tlJat Mr ,anti woull:I
:;,D ;b1.. a1ma of tl;Je airc.ann to tl)e be.aftl!I of ttJe fidll. letlJim goe no mo~e ~01ne to lJiss fatf}cris IJoufe.
'"· 45 '4t1JenfaiD:Wamt1totl)cl01Jftiltinc.~ou 3 ~1Jm')1onatl)anan11 Wat1ibmaneacouc'
commet't to mu \DttlJ e {\l)oinc. a tptare, anll a n11nt,bemure lJe louell l)im as lli!S o\Dne roule.
llJidllc: but] conu to tf]ee tn tf]c nanu or tl;Jc 4 ~ntl ]onat!Jan put oft' ttJc robe t11a.t \Da~
JLcnll of f)ollt!S , tf.)e IJ5otl of ttJe )Joae of ']\frail. ilpon lJim, at1ll gaue tt to waui11. anb IJtS gar,
Dal.1ids praife. Sauls I.San1uel. purpofe co kill hin1.
ment)1, cucn to IJil!l C\llo~o,ano to IJil!I bo\lle, ann in tlJe .earel!l of Ji>autD. ann :10autt1 fll1!ll , ~et,
to lJil!l girl>lc. . 1mtl,J it to tDl;I a li\ll:lt d)tng to bte ablnill fonne
5 ~nD wautn went out \lllJ1tl)cr fo cucr tnllrme, rceingtlJat]amapooieman, anti of
~aul rent IJim anll bcttauell l)imftlfe b bJiftlF : finaU reputatton1
~,~.~~:~~;:i;1\ att'tl~aulfctl~m oucrhtl!l men or 'Warrc, ann :i.4 an~ tlJCfmm~!!I bioug'(Jt~aul \1.loJ'ba'
b'-' 00u1B•· ~c ma~ amptell in tlJe OglJt or all ClJcpeoplt,an!I fla1nt, faptng,SlDf tl,Jtismanert\lalic waui!I.
mt[Jc figl:lt or ~aull!l rcruant~. :i. s .ann ~aul fa1n, ~ii!' \111fc OJall rec far to
6 ano
tl:Jcy came agamc, 11ll)11n lii'autD ~mriD,~l)elringcantllfoinootl}crno·onr,but
, a:a ~il,e•· \llill returncD from t}Je Daugl)ter of t~c 'l&IJili' fo~ an lJunn~eD fo1cflrinneis or tl)e ll)l)illlhiws, to
"'b- atne , tlJC 'Q)omen came out or all citiel!l of ']\rra, bee auengcD or tl:lt kingis enemie15. '5ut ~aul
cl, ctnging anD natmcing, to meete hinlJ '5>aul, tl)ou~t to mahc ~auiD fall into U,c l)antll!l of
\Ditl1 timb~Cll!l, \lJitl) iOt', an!l bJitlJ infirumcnts of tl)e 191Jiliftint)1,
muac11e. 16 anti \lJl)en l)il!l rcruants tolD Jeauitl tl)efe
;~l.~.\!;t::p. 7 a11t1tl,JebJomcn d anf\l'Jcretl one anotl)cr \lJo~tlcl!l, kitpleaftDJNUillbJdltobcetl)eliinlJ!!l ~h!~ml~
'1.+1. iii t"eir
Y r lap, anll faille, -P
11 A.aul "ad:)
Y aatnc lJil!l ronncinlat'D: anlltl)ellarel!l • blcrenot
• . e~pireb. rll'ub111°
t[Joufanl!, anti ~auill lJil!l ten tl)oUfanll. :i.1 aftertDarb,~aUtD arofc '1.ntl:) {Jtl!lmen,antl ~1n•• nQ11111,
:,.~·~,;~ ~~"· s. anll ~aul 11l_al!l e~eelltng <\lJJOt{J,anll t:11t 11lent ann lle11le of tl)e ~lJllilhnel!l two l)unlltell
urnu<I • • raping lJtfplcafcll lJnn, anll l)t ran1' '4r.1Jep l)aue mm.anll wautll b~oug'(Jt tl)tit fo:eO!inne.g, anlJ
~~':i'.~:: ~~',::· arcribcll tmto waut11 ten t}JoUfanll, anti to mcc 1~CF gaue tl)e~ 11ll)oUp to. tl)c fling, tlJat l)ce b~~.:liu

~:~. ~[~~~i. but a t{JoUfanll : an!I \lJlJat c;an {Jee mo1e l)aue., m1gl)t bee tlJe htngl!l fonne m la11le: m}Jcrcfo1e r••lb!<rr.
~i~.~g,;·~:~~~r; raue tl)c llingllome.1 ~aul gauc l11m ~td}ol l)il!l llaugl}tcr to 'Wife.
~:;~~:,~~rt"< 9 1191)ercfote ~aul l)atl an ere on ~autt1, 18 *ant1~aulfa\ll,an1>bn'llcrlloot1t.101»tlJat z.Rr. 3•• 4•
:.1.,.,t! rrom that oar ro~'Warl!. tl)e )l.,o~tl 1»as t'Ditl) wauio, ann tl)at~ic;IJol
10 ann ontl;lemo~o'W tl)ccutU fµintfentof l)isnaugl)ttrlouetJiJim:
r::i. obn[• Of ©olJ, came bpon '5>aul' anD te f pioplJtctcD in 2 9 ~nll l)ec 'OJal!l tlJe IUO~C m afraptl of wautn, :!i~~~;.
~~:~~!.~;;~:p tllc mills oftl)e l)oure: anti wautll plapcll 'mitlJ ann ~aul became alt'Dap wautlll!l encmie. ~~ 1 , ..
~,:·~~,;;\,'f~" IJi~ lianll, bile as at otlJer ti1ncis: anD tIJere wa15 30 ~l)e lottltl!l of tl)c 191Jilillines bfcll to goc ~......
\~~g~;,;::~'~, a tauctm in ~auls l)anll. foot ti): anll \Dl)m tlJtt' 'Went fooitl), wauiD be,
th ... h"" '"'' 1 1 2nll ~aul toolle tlJe tauclin, anti fa ill , ] l)aueb l)imfclf mowconelp tlJm all tlJt rcruantl!!
~~~;~:'~~ ~'b'i. \llill napte wauttl to tl)e 11lall \DitlJ tt; ann wa' of ~aul.Co tJJat l}t~ name \Dal!l muclJ rct bp.

ut!I auoilltll out of l)il!l p:erence, t11lotlme.)1. The xix.Chapter.
1 2 anti ~aul 'Wal!l afraill of wauio, bccaurc
the ·JJ..,o~Oe \lJa'5 'OJitlJ l)im, aub \\la~ llepartcl:I 2 Iona than dcclamh co Dauid che wicked purpofe of
from ~auf. Saul. :i. 3 The fpiric ofprophelic commcth on Saul.
13 ~IJercfo)c ~aul put {Jim from l)tm, anb aul Cpalle to '.]lonatl)an lJil!l ronne
f,,{:;~~'~:i:,~ 1 • mane }Jim a &captaine ouer a tl}ourann, anb l)ee anb to al11Jii5 rcruantl!l, tl}at tfJcp
:".0;~:,~'~P~'~;. \'Umt outanll in brro1e tile people. 11J0Ulb •Jdll wautll.
;~~~"~:,'~~;,,, . r+ ann wauiD bel)aucD lJimC~lfe ~iCclp in an :i. :n;ut 1\onatban '5>anll!l fonne oo~=.
umrc "mom lJt!S \lJBl'CliS,allil tl)c lLO~lJ 11lal5 'mltl) l)im. l)l8ll8 great fifiaU~Ut: t~autD, an!I ~~~·:::;
~~.~~~s '
1 s l19l)trcfo1c,b31;Jcn '5>aUI fa\lJ tlJllt IJrc wa~ 1 cnatl)an to De wamll, apmg, ?'aul mp fa, , .. m11111-
fo e~ccl!ing 'mtfc. l)c \lJalS afrai!I ofl)im. tIJcr gottl) about to oar tl)ce : ~o'OJe t11ercfo1c
16 l5ut all •Jfrael ann ']Juna louen J2)aui11, 1 pi«? tlJtt, tahc 1Jrct1c to tl)p rctrc tmt1ll tl)C
bcmuft l}c 'Went out anD in befo1e tlJtm. mo:mng, anll abibc in fome fecrct place, an!I
11 an'tl ~aul ra11ne to wauiD, '.!6c1Jol1> mp cl, l}ibc t1Jr ftlf'c:
t1cn naugl)tei: SJU)crob, l}cr 11ltll 1 giuc tlJee to 3 ann 'Jl \1.ltn goeout ann tfanll bp llll! fad)cr
'Wife: onlti be a baliant !onne bnto me, anb figiJt in tl,Jt fit ID \lJl)erc tt)ou art, ann \11111 commune
tilt )l.otlles batttlis: fo~ ~aul tl)ougl;Jt, ~me \DitlJ mr rattJcr of tl)ce,anb \111.Jatfocucr ']! Ctc, '.JI
l;Jantl OJall not be f>pon l)im, but tl)c l]an!I of tlJt 1»illttll d:)ce.
ll)lJtltt:ttneG 11.1au be bpon {Jim. 5 ann '.]lonad)an fpaflc goon of ~auiD bnto
1 s '.ln'!I l'auib anC\l'Jcrc'b '5>anl.Dl)at am'.]!-' ~aul l.Jil5 fatl)cr,antl Carll bnto IJim,JLet not t11e
anll t'Dl)at il!l mti lifc,o~ tlJt htntcD ofmr tatt;er hin1.1 rtnnc a«ainll l)il!l reruanc, agatnl! wauil:I :
]rracl, tl;Jat'Jl OJoulD bee la'Wc to tlJe foH1e1JattJnotfinncumatntltJ,Jer,ttlJil!!\110111t1
hing1 l}auc bent to tl)rc'Warl:I btrt' gooll.
19 ll)o11lbeit 11l1Jen tl)e time \ comc,tl)at 4 !ff'o: {JceDillputl)islifein t-lJil!lfJanbc.. an'!I t An He·
~£rob ~aull!l DaugiJtcr OJoultl {Jauc bcene g1, Oe'm tl)e l&lJiltt?tne, lt tl:le :t,,0,11 b1ougf)t tu plllfc bro we
~.~.!~hfi:,1:• urn to Jl!lauilJ·, lt)ce \Dal!l gtuen bnto h'a111icl, a a great ~ealt[J fo1 aR]fratl: tf:IOU fa\l'Jtft rt.. ann rhrafr, .
'D';~.~·~~·:: ~cl)olatl)ite, to \Dif2. t1:1ou re1oice!lfl: 110l)ercfo1e tl)en t'Dtlt ~ou Cinne .. bmbt:•
~;::,:~~1~~. 1 o . ~o'IDbcit ~ictJol '5>aull!l bBU«lltcr, loueb agatnltJnnocentblooD, anb aar wauai 'OJ1tl)ont ;~·:;~ ure
'°'"' 0
"""· li>aUtll: Snb t}Jep ll)e'OJCb ~aUI, 811!1 tljt tl}ing a CSUft.
~:.,·~:;,•~;po plcalcb l)tm. 6 9nD ~aul lJtatfltneb tmto tiJe tJoicc or
in danger.

~:~~·, it.·~~ii" (lJ 21 ~nb ~aulfapb,] 'mtl; 1.1tuc l)fm l)er, tt;Jat 1onatlJan, anD ;!D!lul bnvare, a~ tlJc JloJIJc li l;.!'0 0
~~~::~~:.~::~· ce ma~ rnare to IJim, ann tlJattl)el)anD of uetl;J,IJtlballnotlltr.. "b'nr.1 ,r,
~~~~::.~·· tlJ£1Dl)1litt1uc15mapbeagainlll)tm. nelJmfoJe 7 9n1>'.llonat11ancaUclJ J0auib, anb]ona, ~1i~::Jd::
~aul ~Bl'b to ~autb, ~on fl) alt tlJil!l Dar be mp tlJan n,e\lltD IJitn an tl)oft \DDJlll!l:an!l ']lo1111tI1an
ronncmla'mcmUJcoqeoftl)tt'O.latne. b~u1111tJNU'iDto~aul,anD1Jc'll>Uin1Jil!l<p~, 'u""·~·
z 2 !Anb ~au1 commaunne11 IJtss fe.ruani. to fence IUI tn ttmcf patl. ruull) ~1111.
com1uune .\llttl) Jeautb rettct\p, anti to fa!, l&e.> s ann tl:le tuarrebegana1.1mnc, anb ~aUit1
llollJ,tbe king IJatlJ afauaat to tl)ee. anb an l)tl!! went out,anb fou~t \lltdJ tl]c l&lJtliflincs. an11
~~~~::::~IJu: bee no\» tlJercrcne tlJe kt~ =:.~-a greaUlaugi,tcr, anb tl.Jcp flctJ
23 ann~a111ii rcruantis t\lllkttlJoCct\>o~be• 9 an1>t1Jeeu1Utptrtt0Ct1Je 'l.o,tl'OJais bpon
~au1, 1
Dauid efcapeth : His · Chap.xx. couenant\tVith Iona than 107

~auI. aslJcfatc tn IJislJoure, IJautng atamUn rommitteD bcfo~e dW fatfJcr~ t(Jat l]e ftmttJ mp
~'~~:~~~.•rp. tn IJ~ l}anll : anti Jl!laut'll d plareD \Uit:l) lJ~S 1Jan11. ltfC:'
rtJrnsc•t t11• 10 Qnb ~aul cnten'llcb to fmite :10autll to tlJe 2 l!)efarbbntohfm. Ci!JO'll~bfb, tlJOUlba1t
~~~'.~:" 'tllaD blitlJtlJe tauelin: but (Je ri!l (Jimfclf.e out of not bic: bcl)otn, mr fatlJcrtu1lbo notlJing ctttJer
~auts1nerrnce,anll 1Je rmote tlJc fpcare into tlJe great o~ fmaU, but tl]at (Jc \Di~+ RJ~lD it me: anll ; Hehr.•<-
'QlaU: ano :10autn tle!I, a1ro 'alas rauell fl.Jc rame lJO\D llJoulb mpfatlJcrlJillctlJtj!! tlJtngftommc:' ucalei1in
nilJIJt. IJC \DiU llOt l>O it. nune cam.
1 r ~aul alfo rent me«engcrs bnto ~auibs 3 .an11 Wauib f'Warcagatnc, anb rarti, ~P
IJoufe, to \UatctJ IJim, anti to nap IJim tn tlJe mo.i- rat1.1cr lmo\UetlJ tl}at 'JI l]aue roiltl grace tn tlJinc
mng: ann ~it(Jol :10auit1s 'altrc tolbe IJim, rap· cpes, a1111 ~cref'o~clJc tl.JtnfictlJ, ')onatl)an OJall
tng, '.J!f tl)ou raue not tlJ1' relfc tf;Jis niglJt, to mo, not lmo\D tt,lea (Jc be ro~r:anb in tiCll' bttl>,cuen
row t!Jou OJalt be aatnc. ~s tlJc JLo~t111uctl],anb ass tlJF roulc liuctlJ,tlJcrc
c UrrdntH!•
(Ill tb&: Dnct11 1 ~ .an11 ro ~itlJol c let Jl!lauib bo\1.lne tlJo~obJ iss but a• lfcp bet\'Deene me anti bcatlJ. • "~" 11.1
'llJlfCtD'tDUIJ a 'tllinllo\1.l : anll IJe \1.lent,ano flcllbc, ant> 'Qlaj!I fa• 4 ¢1Jen fapb']onatlJan bnto Jli'auill,119baC' ~~·,~~:~'r"
011bu:blln11. UC!I. fOCUtrtlJF fOUle :f bCfiretl), tl)at] tuill DOCblltO ~·H•rbb. r. h
1 3 anti g})ictJol toolie an image, ant1 laret1 it tlJee. • c ..... •
intl.Jebell, ant> putaptllo'tll t'tuffcD 'lllitlJgoats 5 anZJ ~aUill fapb bnto ']lonatfjan,l5dJolt>,
l.Jaire bn'llcr tl)c l:Jcat> ofit, anD toucrc'll it toitlJ a to ntOJo'tll_ is ~c 8 beginning of tlJc monct(J, anb ~••~~~di~~;
dot(J. 'JI fiJOUlbfit \Ultl) t(Jelrtngatmeat: but let met tt•1t,011b re.
14 anti tu(Jen ~aul Cent nttlfcngms to fett(J goc, tlJat'l mapl;Jtoe mr fclfeint(Je llellls t>nto ~~·::;:,~~·~~g
:10aui'!I, n1c rap!I, ~e is Uthe. . tlJc tl)ir'!I bap at cucn. t11mto.
1 5 ano ~aul fent tlJc mctrcngers agame to .6 ']JttlJrfatlJcrf.peabcofmee. t(Jcnrap, Jl!la,
li:c Jl!laui11,raring, lMng IJim to me bell anb all, Utb atlJell lcauc of me tlJattc migl)t goe to l5etlJ,
tt1atl] mar oar !:Jim. lclJem to l)is o'alne ntr : fo~ t(Jcrc tf!I l)olllcn a
1 6 ant1 'tll1Jen t(Je mctrcngcrs tucre rome in, pccrclp feafl fo~ all t(Je llinrct>.
beIJolll, tl)cre la~ an image tn tlJc bet> 'alitlJ a pil' 7 gnb iflJefap,]t istucll'!lone,tlJen tlJl? fer·
lo tu otgoats (Ja1re bn!let tlJe heat> ofit. uantllJalllJauepcatc:butifl)ccbc angry, tl)cn
17 .anb ~aul rarbe bnto ~ic(Jol, ml)p f1a4 be Cure tf,Jat tuichcllnctre tis bttcrtr tonclullcll of
tl)ou momeb mt ro, an'll rent a'Wap nnne enemy, l)im.
tbat l)cc is e:rcapell ~ il)icl)ol anf'mcrc'll ~aul, s an1:1 ti)en tl)ou OJ alt ilJc'tll mercp tinto t(Jp
f oi l)e fap'!I bnto me;JLet me go,o~ df!I '.)! b>tll hill fcruant, * fo~ tlJOU (Jall topnei:I tlJF rem ant into a I .Sam. r f •1
tlJCC, c roucnant of tlJe JLo~n tutth t(Jec: not'Qlitl)llan' ~"~~;~:~ ~'~
1 B !ln'!lfo ;J0auib tlc'!I, an'!I cftapcb, anti tame biUg,Jf tlJcrebe tnme intQUitp, ffay me dip rclfC: BODI! anD bo·
to ~amucl to mama, \l tolt1e IJim au that ~aul Coi ll'f11' fiJOUltlcll tl]OU b~ing me to tlJl' fat(Jct: :' ~:.~ r;:~~;~,·,
l]atl bone to IJim: anb IJc anb ~amucl 'Went ano 9 .anb '.)onat1Jan amtocrcb, l!lJoll liecpc tl]at ~;'; !~g~r',;
:r.~!l~b~rc tl\llclt inf ~aiotfj. f'romtl)cc: fo~if]fme\lJ t!JatlDicficllnctre'tllere ~~:~\~~~?.'"
:.::~~:.~. 19 .anb one to lb ~aul,raring, l6cl)olt>e, :10a• d conclullcb of ~1' fat(Jcr to come bpon tl]ee, ""~~~.""' •
:n.:.~~. Uibi~at~atot(JtnJ!lama. 'aloutt> not'.]\ tcll 't tl)cc :' } ~n" bci
10 ¢1Jenfapb :1011ui'llto']onat1Jan,1101Jo RJal ~:.~.~~ ~~~ ..
.... 20 gno ~aul Cent mctrengcrts to fetdJ l0a,
, .., uttl : anll tol)en tlJCF raw a companp of p1-Qpl)cts tell ntt :' lJO'aJC fhall l know if tlJl' fa ti) er anf\1.lrrc 1<1a ·~

~...':..~b•~' p1op1Jcrrtng,anb ~amuel flanllin§ a~ g appoin· t(Jee mieur;

~~~ i~i~~r,r. ten oucr tl)em,tlle fpjtit of 0otl rel bpon t(Jc mcf• 11 .QUi) '.Jl01ltlfl1atl fapll 1lllt0 }011Uti), ~OIDC,
Mt~'c~ri':.~fb rcngcrs of ~aul, anti tlJcp h ~op!Jcficll too. anll lct tis goc out into tfjc fiel'll. anti tlJcr tllent
lfll IP••~bm, 11 !tlntl wl)en it'Waf!I tol'!I ~aul,l)e rent otfJcr outbotl) ort11cminto tl)c ftcltl.
:;:o~t:;:.~1 melTmgers, an'!I tlJCl' p1opl)cCicb ltlietoifc : anb 1 2 attll '.]!onatIJan fay'!I bnto ~auiti, © :to~tl
·~'b~~~~.a:· ~aul lent mdfrngcrs yet again t1Je tlJtTll time:, <l3ob of'.]!frael, \llf;Jcn '.]! l]auc gropcb mp fatl)crs
anb tl)cp p1opl)cue11 alfo. minbe, at tlJis time: to mo~ro'ID, Q1'wit1Jin tlJd'e
2 2 ~l}m'alentl)el)imrclfe to 111ama,anll rome: tl):cc 'llares,anll ifit be 'alcll b.'litlJ Jl!lauill, ann '.}
to a gnat 'WcU tl)at is in ~ettJu: anti (Jee aflieb, t(Jen rcn'!I not bnto tl]ce,anll llJc'W it t(Jce:
anll £apll, ml)crc arc ~amuelanb Jl!lautti :' ann I 3 ~C 'JLOJ'!I '!10 fO c 811tl mUdJ 11Ul1C to 'Jjona' • 1lt~111;.rb1
one C8pb,l5c(Jolt1,t1Jey be at iaaiotll in Jllama. tlJan : but if mr fat(Jcr l)aue pfearurc to '!loe tfjrc ~:'~~a'~i~•.
• u11nau111 2 3 ant> (Jc tlJ~t tlJitfJcr, cum to ~aiotlJ in cutll, 'Jl 'a.nU ll)e\U tlJCe alfo,anll fenb t(Jre a\Dap: uou~r.
:~\~'::!,bet· mama :anti tfJe fpmt of Cl3oll •awe bpon l)im al· tl)at t!Jou maretl goc in peace, anll tlJr lLo:n bee
:~i::~:11apc Co, anll l)cc went pJop(Jrfping tmtiU IJec came: to U11tlJ tlJec,as IJe l)atlJ bene \llitb ~l' fatl!cr.
k '8au1i.ra,D f;!atotl:Jin111ama. 14 anbI requirenot\lll)lle.S'Ji lmc, for! doubt
i:.=~·~ 24 anbtJce«rtptofftJtsdotlJej!!, ant1p1opi,t• not but tllOU \lltlt ll)C\lJC mu tfJe mm)! Of tlJt
~:.;,·.~~~~ ficll bcfotc ~amue:l in like mai:ici. anti k rcu na· JL,oib,tl}at ']l bienot:
~t~~~~:"" lic'!lllll tl)at 11ar anb all that m111Jt : an'!I tlJereof 15 l5ut lrequiret1Jatt1Jomutnotofft1Jpmcr'
r:·::~ ~.. it is tl)at tlJcr rar, '.31 s ~aul alfo amo~ t1Jep10· cy ft om mp IJouk fo~ not 'altJm tl)e Jl..o~b
lhnufp10 , pl)~ .I IJatlJ tlclfropCb tlJc cnmti£s of Jl!lautn eutrp one

The xx. Chapter. from t(Je ra,c of ti.Jc cartl).
16 .anb ro jonatl)'!lcabonllc\'oitl)tlJe
2 Ionathan comforted Dauid. 3 They renue their l)ourcofWau1D, faymg, JLcttl)e)l.,o~llrequircit
league. 33 Saul would haue killed lonathan. 38 at tlJc ()anbs ofJl!lauit>s enemies.
Jonathan aduerti(cth Dauid by three :arrowcs, of 17 :Anb ')onat1Jan1\u11re againt tinto wauiil,
his fathers furie. becaufc l)cc loucn l)tm : fo~ lJcc Jouen (Jnn ~ l)i.e

~~ ~atlill fte'!lbe fTom ~iotlJ, ownc route.
ll'llJid) iSS in mama. a1111 came anll 18. ~l)en ]onatl)anCarll to JJ2)auib, ~o mo~,
rapb bcf.o~ '.)onatlJan, Dl1at l1aue ro'O.l t~ ~e ftrll '!lap of t(Je moone : anl.'I tl]ou n:ialt
']bone 1 \Dl)ercin am 11 faultie:' bee~ mfilet>, bctaufetlJe place 'aJIJCTt tl.JOU lDad 1 ,o,,in.nri·
ll91Jat ts tl]e finnc tlJat 1 l)auc 'Qloont to fit, fl)albumptr. •• ,. c.L
Dauid and Jonathan. I.San1uel. Dauid and Ahimelech.
38 ~~onat1Janmt11afttrtl)c laUgatne,
~alie mepcet:1,1Jafte,an11 tlanbnottttu. !anti '!lo' m '18! rlllft
lDu,ltl'H ftJO•
nattJanfJ ia11 ~att}ttell tip t)Je arro\l'Je!J,antl came kin ro tbr: bap,
to lJ'.6 matltt. lbu~ t>awD
lDb•tbc ~II
39 l6ut d)c lab 'l»tft notlJtn« of tlJc matter, DOI,
onelr 'J,onatl.Jan anti Jeauib 'mttt it.
40 gnn]onatl)an_ga~IJiiJ"inllnnn~tm, b•~~:~~·•~''
to tlJe lal> t)Jat 'roa!J 'l»itl) IJim,anb faill bnto l)im, ,.11J ...
©oe anti carie t)Jem to tlJc to'a>ne.
41 gnn atroonc a!J tl)e lall 'lllas gone , ~auil>
arore out ofaplau tlJat'l»as to'marzi tbe~outlJ,
anl> fell on IJtfJ face to tl)e grounn, \I bo'Oleb (Jim,
fclfc tlJttc titne!J : anti tl)cy liitfet1 caclJ ot1Jer, anl>
'Qlept tOgCtl)l'r,bUt li'aulll l'~Cl'l'betl.
•In 11111p1nl
42 ann ']onatf:)atl rarnc to wauit1, 0oc in
peace , anti t)Je t)Jin~ 'llllJid;i 'roee 1.Jaue fb.Jome
bot(J of tits in tllc name of tlJc "Jl.0~11, raping. ~c
JLo~ll be bct'lllecnme anti tl)cc: anll bct'roecn tlJr
rcel:Je ano mine, let chem !land fo~ rucr. .Qnl:J IJl'e
arorc. sun 1.lcparten : anll '3lonat(Jan \llcnt into
tl)c to'ronc.
1 Dauid Aeeth to Nob to Ahimelech the Priefl. 6 He
getteth ofhim the !hew bread to fatiffie his hunger .
!~camc~au~to ·~ob,_toal}t, ~~!~~1i:.,
1a....ctl) tl)e ~iku., anti illJtmclctl} to all! coonflll
'roa!J allonitb at tl)c meeting of ot<b•L•;ll.
li'auib , ann fapn tJnto I.Jim, 1191Jr
• an tlJouatom, annno man'lllitlJ
2 gnb ~auin faille t>nto .glJtmdcccf] t(Je
~ticft..~tllin1i1Jat1J bcommaunnebmccacer, b~11;11,.1
ta inc tlJing,anll l)atlJ rarn bnto me, no man ~i,~,~~·::,'6 ,.
hno'Ol 'llllJcreallout ~ fenn tl)ee, ~ ~IJat '.JI IJauc ~;~:;;,•1::,:1,
commannczi t(Jec: anti'] l}auc appomten mr rcr, or eoo,anr
uants to ruc:IJ placets: :.':~~
3 f.lo'lll t1JcrefD1e, iftlJou 11aflouglJttJntlrr ~.b:~
tlJim l)ann.~uc me flue loauc• orb1cat1,01'lll1Jat ~~'::a:
rommetlJ to IJann.
4 .gnn tl)e 19tidf anf'rocrcb ~auit1,ant1 rattr.
~ere l!J no common ~call tinner mine (Jann,
but IJm iS' IJalo'lllctl b~eall: if tlJc po1111 men l)auc
kept tlJetnfclucfJ fpeciallr from 1Domcn.
5 JNuill anf'lllmn tlJc 19:ielt anti rarn bnto
mm, fl!)[a trul'tlJ 'Olomcn l)auc bccnc feparatcll
from lls tlJifJ t'lllo 01 t1J1ce napes, ftncc '] mme
out: anll t(Je •tJttfd!J of tl)c rong men 'lllmlJoip, :b~,':~~•.
altlJougJJ tlJi~ 'Olar be impure.rct ti.Ji• nap it niat
be ranrtt flell m tlJc bctrcIL
6 * ann fo t(Je 19~icll gaut IJim IJaUo\tlcO Mac. >1. 3·
b:can,fo: tlJm'tDS!J none ot(Jcr btcall tf1Ctc,rauc
Cf.Jc llJC1D ~call tl}at'Ola!J tallmfrombefo;tc ti.Jc
JI..o:zi, to put fnOJ b1call tl)m, d}e Dar tl)at tt
wa!J taken a'lllar.
7 (!Anti tlJerc 'llla!J ti.Jere tlJe fame liar. a ccr,
ta inc man of tl)e fmlantl$ or-au1.,d abtotng be, ~:.1::1:,
roJC tlJc'Jl.otb, namt11JSOe«, an ctl>olnite, tlJc 1D1atk1.
s ann ~auib rar11 bnto a1Jimcte cIJ, 'ls not
here bntrcr tl}ine l;Janil dtlJttCpearc o: Cwo11>~Co1
')IJaue~citt,Jcrb:ouglJt mp f\D_o:llcnoJ mplJar'
nclfe 'lllitb mce, bctaufe tl)e bmgi:< buCinctrc rt•
quireD i,atlr. .
9 •an11~~~1etlfarll,~crmo:t1or001i, 1.sam.1 7.1
atlJ dJe l&fJilifline.~IJ~m ttJou acwcthn tlJe tJ a1,
let' of cetal.J,bdJolll, ~is IJere\ll~tin a dotlJ be•
~ed)e•lfpl)oD:iftlJon b.ltlt ti1fltt1Jat, taflc , ~b•rr•·"' 1· ,,

tt,foJdJm Ulnoo*'fauettJat l)en. arttl ~, ~1:;:;%',~ .~~ 1

ui1J rar11,QJm t• nont to ttJat,!l(uc it me. ~:~:':Jr'· \
1o ann JNutb arort, anti flet111e d)e rami nap

IOoegs villenie. Cha p.xxij .xxiij. The Priefis fiaine. 1o
7 -
~ri~.~::.~:,; Diii from tlJe f P1ef~re of ~11ul, 11nil \l)tnt to adJis tn I.lob : anll tlJct' c:ame all to tlJc J!ting.
••• oa1nunon. tlJe lrintJ ofc3at.,. 12 ann ~aul ratiJ, ~care noll.1 tl}ou ronnc of .
1.sain.i s.7 u *an11t1Jereruantsornc1JisfaillbntolJim, .a(Jttob.$e anf\llcrcll,~erc 4J am,mp 10,il.
'Jls not tlJts jt)aulll tiJe liing of tlJe lanlle 1 Jl1!'ill J 3 anb ~aul faille tmto IJim, 119111? l)auc pr.c
tlJtr not Ong bnto {Jim tn llances, rartng, ~au1 confptreb 11gainl! mce, tlJ_ou, ~tlJefonne of'31rat,
{JatlJ Daine lJiS t1Jouranl1, anll ;10aut11 \)is tcnne m tlJat t:l)ou l)afl gtucn IJtm bictuall. \f a f\tlo,!I,
tiJouranD1 anll IJall alfitiJ counCcllof c3oll ro~ 1Jim,t1Jat1Jcc
: 11• l!rb:<'lll• 12 9:nll lelluill g JlUt t!)ofe \110,llCS into lJiS llJoulD rife again« me, anll lie in \l.1aitc rot me, as 1
~::~~~,;~.~~«" fleart, anll \l.1as ro~e afrail:le or ad;Jis dJC bing of appeareth tlJtl:) ilal?:' I
, ~1:;~t~~!1~~~~~~D Cf)atf), 14 al)imeled.J anf\nercll tile tiing, anll faille,
·~'r' "''1 °"· 1 3 gn11 l)ec c1Janne11 IJis rpeeclJ bcfoic t1Jc1u, ~IJo i~ ro faitlJfid a~ong al rlJp reruatl'J, as :wa,
anb faigncil {Jimfelfc mail m tiJeir {Janllcs, a~b Ulil,bemga.lfo tlJe l!Ungl'J fonnein lll\llt, tt goetiJ
h 11·rrr1~• h fmtblril on tl)e 11oo~es of tlJc gate, anb let lJlJS at tlJl? btlll:nng, tJ ts lJaD in IJono~ in tl)ine l)oufe.
: 1~:;:'.~· 1
fpittlcfall ilo\llncbponIJisbearll. I 5 ~aue 1 tlJ•~ llllF begun ffrft h to affiecoun' h emir" ti•
14 im:;1Jcnraineac{JisbntolJisrcruan~, JLoe, rel of <5011 fo, l)im~ tlJat be farrc from me: let not ~;",'~:,~~~­
I rec rec this man is befille 1Ji1me1rc, \DfJercfo~e tf}e J.lting impute anp t{Jing tmto IJis rcruant,
tbilltllJOI tl)cn ()aue re biouQl}t {Jim to mc1 no~ to all tf)c {Joure of mp fat{Jcr: fo, tlJp reruant
~ lbtJii!~bMIC
\ hlll1'1tllilf
15 ~auc'JI nccncofmallllcmcn, tlJatrcl,Jauc lme\11 not{Jtng of all t{Jis, citf)er lr!fe o, mote.
• frmnl:lm.J• b~ougIJttlJis f'ello\11 to Jllllf tIJe mail man in mp 16 ~l)e llting raill, ~l}ou flJaltrurclp llic,af;Ji,
• 1rnncrruo
comr ro a p~crcncc1 •~lJBll l)c come mto mr l)oufc1 meleclJ,t(Jou,allil all tlJp ratlJcrxi l,Joufe.
17 91lll tlJe l!\ing faill bnto tlJe footmen tl)at

: ll
The xxij.Chaptcr. 1!0011 about l)im, ~ume,antl Oap tlJc 1Metlcf$ of
1 Dauid hidech himfelfc in a cauc. z Many chat tlJe )L,oJb: bot{J becattfc tl}elr 1Jan11c its \llitlJ Wl•
were in crouble,came vnco him. uiil, anti bc~aurc tlJtl' ltne"Q!c \l.llJcn l0auiil ftcll,
.autll tl)crcfo~c llepartcll tIJence, anll 11Jc\l.1cil ttnot to me.l5ut tlJt rcruants of tlJc
O'in'fr!,h::~::r anll cfcapcil to tlJC c:aue a allullam: iling i \l.1oulll notmouc tIJeir l)anM to fall bpon ; -:i'""'r"b"
\l.11Jcn l,Jts b,ettncn alfo anb IJis fa, ti.JC l&~il'fte~ Ofthe )L,OJlJ, ;~~·;,~~,~ m~~;
:i ~·:;.tl;o~::.. tlJcrs l,Joure l}earll it , tlJer \l.1ent 18 ano tIJe liing faille to ~ocg, ~ume tlJou
r 110\l.1ne tlJitl)er to l)im. anll ~ rau bpon tlJt ~*a~. .anti Wocg tl)e lfilO' ! Or,fby.
~ i an11 tIJere gat{Jcren bnto l)im al men tl)at mite tumeil, anti ran bpon tIJe ~~ieft~.anil ne\11
\l.1crc in comb~ance, anb in lltbt,anll trouble!) in tIJatfame lisp fourefcoJc 111111 nue pmonf$t1Jat
tl)tir minils, tt l)e bec:ame 11 c:aptaine oucr tIJtm: llill \l.leare altnnen ~lJoD.
t: anll tlJcrc were \l.1itfJ l)im bpon a rourc l)unllicil 1 9 .anb ~ob t{Jeettic of tlJt ~1ieas fmotc f}ec
men. \l.1ttl) ti.Jc ctigc oftl)tf'c.llo~ll, botl} men~ bJomcn,
o; 3 anD teaUill \l.1cnt t{Jmce to ~ifpal),ill tlJe tlJilllJm anti fumltngS, oren nnil all'cs,\f IIJccpe,
ranri ofb~oab,anil faiil tinto the fiing of ~oab, \l.1idJ tlJt cDge of tl)e f\l.101ll.
UI ·.n.,ct mp fatlJcr tt mp motIJcr, '] p,ap tl;Jee, come 20 anti one oftl)c ronne~ or al)tmdcc'(J, tlJc
foo~tlJ bnto rou.ttll '.J: lmo\11 \l.1f;lat <!5oll \l.1ill lloc ronneoral)itob,namcl> k9biat{Jar, crcapcllanll k IZM•lttu
r fo~mce. llcll to teauill: f.~~:.~;~'.'"
\~~~~fi': 4 9.nil l,Jee c b~OUglJt t{Jctn befo~e tlJC king of 2 x .ann .abiat{Jar flJc\l.1ell JElattill lJ:l\llc t{Jat '°"'"~ '" '"'
: ~:~i'.' "' ~oab: an11 t{Jep llll.lclt 'lDitlJ lJim all tlJe \Dl}ile ~aUllJall Oainc tile )L,01lls ~Jirffc!$. r:,',;~~''.,;,;,'-'
1~~'~t·.'~1,7,b tf;lat ;10auio 11ept lJtmfclfe in tlJe d l,Jollle. 22 .antiteauii:Jfaiiltmtolbiat1Jar, 1 wia it li.g'~~'~'.~ ~:
'IDmn.~:111 ~ anlltl}CP~OJllJCt<!5ailfaillc bnto teauiD, tl)c fame nap , \tll)en jt)ocg tiJC lfllomitc \\'la~
• 11o1°~ Qbiilenotintl)c[Jollle, but ilcpart anti gocinto t1Jcrc,t{Jat1Je\l.1oulD ttl ~aul:anil'Jl mncaure of
tlldanoc of']\ulltl. ~~en ~auill llcpartcll, anD tf;le DcatlJ or au tlJcpcrfon~ of tin! fat{Jrrs l)oure.
came into tl)t fomtl ~an~tIJ. z 3 abillc t{Jou \l.litl) me, anti fcare not: fo~ fie
6 an11 ~aul {Jearll ti) at :n!'autll \t.las bff'couc, tf.)at fel'ftetlJ mrlife,(Jc UJal fecke tlJine alfo, \l.1it1)
rell, tJ alfo tIJc men tl)at \l.1cre \l.1ith l)im: tt ~aul 1uc tIJou ilJlllt be in fafegaril.
fate in <!5ibea bnilcr atree in m.a1na, {Jauing IJitJ The xxiij. Chapter;
fpearc in lJiS l)anll,ttall)ts mcn l!ooil aboutl)im.
7 anll~aulfaiD bnto IJti rcruants tl)at tlooll s Dauid chafe1h 1he Philifiines from Keila.16 Jona-
;l'rtb•lltC about ..h{m, care, 'Jl p~a"l "OU, c "l'fOnnt'" Ofr.llC, than comforccth Dauid. 2 8 Sauls emerprife ii; bro-
·'. •ofm1rr11Jc , II\
~ r: t' 1J .31
~ uD hn•1•· mim : will tlJc ronnc of']\fai giuc cucrr one of ken in purfoing Dauid.

pou ficlilc~ itnll bincparns,anll mafic pou all cap' 'cnt{Jer tolllc Jl1!'autti,faping,:l3c'
taincs oucr t1Joura111:1s, anti oucr 1Junl1Jellts: l)olll, tl)e ~f'lilillincs figl,lt againfl
s ~at rec (Jauc alfo conl'pircb againl!mcc, • Jlletla,anD rpoplc tIJc bames. • m~1ch ,,,••
r anll tlJcrc its none tl;Jat tclletl) me tlJat mp ronnc z ""'erero•c:m>atntiafficllcoun,
"\&ll'J ~ •
•m" 111 <b• ·
t (Jatl;I mane a couemmt \l.1itlJ tt;ieron of'J]rat, anll fcllof~c·:'LoJll.farmg, ~IJal'.]j go 1010.11.
' ~~:1~~~.~· 1 there ts none of rpou tf]at iMoip fo~ me, ~ llJcll.1• allo rmitc tlJefc l91Jdtttinei:s ~ gntJ tlJc JLoJll an,
::,•:h:~«'!'.. etl)mc tl)at mp ronne IJatl) thrrcll bp ~ rmiant rmcrciJ ~aulll, c3oe, anll fmite t{Je ~lJiltftines,
%~~~:.~~. to lie in "Q!llit againft mc,as ap.pc1rcth ~lJt~ llllp~ anll raue '11\cila.
rb•r< the 1 • 9 ~en anf\llcrell woeg p <fllomtte, (\lllJJcl) 3 Qllil Jl1!'auiM mm r11tll bnto l)int, ~cc, we
1~~·~~·::~& ;~, toas ap_pointcil bl? tile reru1111t~ of ~aul ) anll bcafraiD IJcteb tn'.)ulla: tJo'alnmc;IJmozetl]cn ff r. <:h.itic,111
,~:~.~~::~'~'~ faille, 'JI Cl1\l.1e ti.Jc ronne ofj\Cai \l.1bcn l}e came to \\'lee come to Jlletla againft tl]cl}ollc oE tlJe JDIJtli' '.n,;~~'.~.~.;,i:f
~"inaacr. Jaob, to ~imctccl} tlJe ronne of a(Jitob, atne~~ . ~I~~~~~!:~~ \D(
1 o t19t:ncl} afltcb counfell oftlJe JLotil fill bi1u, 4 ~~au1llaOu?t1counrcnoftbclL0•1Hi, ~·"·"""
c cci 0, " 111 anti gaue l)im bictualtJ, allil gauc IJim tl)e fttlo~ll gaine: anb tIJe )L,o,ll anf\l.1creo l:)int, 1111!1 r:aror ,g, ~.;'~::~~'~:·
1 "" n111~1011'" of <ll5oliatl) ti.Jc l!)l}iltthnc alfo. m~, an.ll. g~e bo~ne to lllcila: fo, '.] toill !lcltucr
; ~~l,~~~~r. u ~l)cntbeltlngfcnt an11 calleb foi at)ime• t1Je-1)11tttine!$ mto tl}inc llan?I.
' ~h•",~.~::" Iccl) tl)c19,1ca t:l)e ronne orn.l)ttob,anb al l)i~fa, s anll Co Jeauib anll his mtn \l.1cnt to ll\ci!11,
...':.'.'.""h· tlJcrsbottfc,1hac is w fay, tl}c g l&iictlcs tl)at \l.1crc anll fou~t bJitl;I ttJc l&IJilillines, all'!I b~ougt)t
n\IJap 1
Dauid is in Keila. I.San1uel. Saul in the caue.
amap tl}eit cattell, ann emote tl)em \llitlJ a_grcac ~aul: but ~aUil:l anb l:JilS men \Dtte tn tl}e mil,
fiaug!Jttr, anll ro Jl'&UiD caueD tl)e inlJabitantis bctnetre of~aon. tn tlJe plaine tl)at lisont:IJe
~~ti~ ~h' ti~t hann of~cOmon.
6anll \DIJen abiatl)ar tl)C fonnc Of .a&1'1ne' 25 ~aulalro anblJiiJmm\DcnttofcckclJ1m,
• @lo •ha• IccIJ fie"u,to :>4'=auiD
'l!l•ull!IJOnolD .-'. ,
to, lltcJla,
IJ ,., l}ec b1oug1Jt an ' ¢' ann tlJCt' toll> ~auib: lDIJcrcfotc lJe came 1>0\lJnc
n.mmu ot ·~· pl)olJ \DltlJ 1}1m m IJJ~ anu, bnto·a rocliC,anb aboDe In tl)c'WilllctnejS of k~a• V9~1cb btt1
~~~~'.f:.~~~. 7 QnD it \1'8~ tol!lC ~a~l tlJat }DaUib ~815 on: ann mben ~aut l:Jcarb tl}at. l)cc follo\Deb af, :, ~~b.J':I~
,~:;.~:~;~.·~ come to Beila: ~nb ~aul faib, ~oll l;Jat!J Dcliue, tcr wauill '" tl)e \Dilbcmctrc of ~aon. ' is.
I ni:ttC!rAll(• rcll l}im into mmc l]anb: ro1 IJCUSHIJUUn,no\Dc 2 6 ann ~aul a.nb IJt~ men 'Went on tlJc one
:~,::;~~~;:~ rtiat {Jee t~ 'ome into a to\Dnc tl)at {JattJ gatcis nne of tlJe mounta1ne, anb Ji'auin anD lbtss men
anD barrcis. on tl)e otl)er Cibe of tIJc mountatne : anb wauill
s .ano~aul caTicl>altlJepeoplttogrtlJcrto maDe {Jatlcto get from tl)c p:ercnce of ~aul: fo1
roarre,fo~ to ~oc Dotllnt to lllclla, anb to bcriegc ~aul ani:l IJiis men compatrc'b ~auil:l ann l.)iis
wauill anD lJiis mm. men rounb about,to talit tl}em.
9 anll wautD lJauingtmotDlellgc tlJat ~aul 27 ll.\uttl)erecame a 1 metrcngcrbnto~aul, 1 ~~" 1111
imagi1JCll tnifcl)icfe againl l)tm, faille ca abta' rar111',,atlc tl)ee,ann come: foi fl1e l&IJiltlhneis ~:r'b~·~~
;i~~~~it·~~rn t{Jat t(Je: -~ittl, d'5iing U,t eplJob. l)aue mua'beb tl)clan!J. of rb1t111n11,
~v<ilmn,enD I 0 ~f)en fall! }DSUilJ, fl!) l,.0 1 b<30il Of°'f\:IJCl, is t191Jcrcfoic ~aul retume'b from pctfcnz, :~~:.·~:ii~
i;:t:.1m11nm. ~ ~
tlJF rcruant IJatlJ l}carll tl)at ~aul il!I about to ting ~auib, anll tDent agatna tlJe 10hiltl?inelS, an• mo,._,
come to Beila,to lleftrof tlJe cttti fol mr falte. anb tlJcrfoJC tl}ep calle'b t(Jatplacc,m ~ela ll)an• ii' ~b•111,1bl
n t191U t11e lo:bs of lllnla beliuei: me tnto IJiS mal)lekot!). anti wauib ment tl}encc,ann ll\Dclt .g~~:~:!':°'
{Jau!Jc-: .anll tllill ~aul come notDne as tl)f en; in Urong l)ol'bs at ~n-gatii. ~~:~·;~,~~~·
mmt IJatl) l}earn, © JL.01b <13olJ of']frael '1] be' h frtuu.
rmIJ tl)ee tel tl)p rcruant• .ann tlJe ·,a,oilJ fail>, ~e T e xxii i j.Chapeer.
\tJil cotncllo'amc. I Dauid hid in a caue,fpamh Saul. 10 He lbeweth
n ~cnfai'bWaUi'b, 119iltl}e)LO~'b$50flllcila to Saul his innocc:ncic. 18 Sat:! acknowledgeth
llcliucr me.. an'b tl)e men tl)at are 'Witl) mee,into his fault. l2 He caufeth Dauid co fweare vnto him
t!Jc.IJan'b of ~aul '1 .ann tl)e )Loin faib, ~CF ll'lil to be fauourable to his feed.
llclmcr tlJee bp. • ll)en ~aUI tDais come agalne from
13 ~cnwautbanbl;JiJSmcn,tD(Jtcf;J\llcrcttp' follotllin11 artei: tl)c 1£)1JiUl?ine11,
on a fire l)un'll1ClJ,arofe,anll 'bcparte'b out ofJ!tti, tIJm 'tDtre \Dl)icf;J toUJ lJim,faping,
~. ~~,~~·"~·· Ia, anll \'Dent• tDIJitlJer tl)er coulb: ann it \l.lass ll.\CiJolbe, wautb iSS in tl)e \llilncr'
"'"""0 ~1a" tolb ~aul tIJat Wauib tlla~Hlcll from l.\eila,ann nell'e of• Cfn-gani. ;"'~:-,r.. ·
·' G•" • !:Jc let tl)e tourney alone. 2 'ijj;:tlen ~aultoollc tl)~cc tl)oufanll cf;Jofm -.1•111tr;.
14 ~auio abolle in tl)e tllill>emcQ"e, in arong men out'of au 'JI rrael. anll 1Dcntto Ceekc wauib
IJOlll~, anll rcmainc'b in a mouncatne in tl}e mtl, anb IJiss men in tile IJeiglJt of tlJe rocllcss i \Dl)ere
r ~DL'OlD<r, tl£tn£1TC or ~ipl): an!J ~aul fou~t (Jim cucey 'tDilbcgoatess rcmatne. 1hc wddc
"':'"""" llay,but ll!So'b rneliucrc'b l)im nottnto IJiss l)anb. 3 anb l}ce came to tlJr flJecpccoatess hr tf)e goatcs.
·_;~~~·c'~',f~::~· 1 5 ann ):2lauib fa'W tl)at ~ul \DllJI come out totll', 'WlJetc tl)erc tDass a c.auc, anb ~aul 'Went ·
~~~:~~;;~:~, to reefie lJif:l lire: anll ):2laui'b \Dass in tte tDililct• tn to* l:lo iJilS eafemcnt: anb JDaUib anll lJif5 mcn t Hcbr.To
'""" nrlfe Of 5iplJ tn tlJt \DOOl:l, rcmaineb in t}Je t tn'tllaT'b partlS Of tl)e cam~. couor his
16 ~n'tl ']ionatl)an ~aull!I ronne arore, anl:l 4 !tlnlltl)cmenofwautnfaillbntolJim,~ec, rrm.
\llmt to wauib into tl;Jt wool>, ann co~tcll t11e nap iis come of \Dl:Jicl} tlJe JL.o~ll faille tmto ~hH(.~r.In
~. t~~1!~~:~'" l}if:l Gl)ann in 1130'11, tl}ec, )BelJolllc, '.JI 'Will llcltuer tf)tnc cncmic into ' • ' ci.
~~·,·~~r:,a.;~ 0 17 ~lnll faib bnto lJim,frattnot,fo~ tlJe l,Jan!J tl}inc i}an'b, anti tlJou UJalt 'bot to IJim an it llJall
ton& on U11 or ~MUI mp fatl)cr !ball not finllC t(Jec, anb tlJOU fcemt goon in tlJl' ntmt. ~cn 3:2lauib arofC,ll1lil
noc. Cb alt be king ouet ']Jfracl, ann 1 ll)aU be ne~t bn' rut oft tl)e lappe of ~aulf5 garment pJiutlp.
to tl)ce : nnb tl}at lloctlJ ~aul mp fatlJcr 11110\D. 5 .gnn aftenxiarn Wnutt>is lJeart rm ore IJim,
18 9nll tl}cp mane a bonn botlJ of t:IJcm toge, becllUfelJc l]a'tl mt off tlJe lap Of~nUllS gannent.
tlJtt bcfo1etl)c JL.oiD: anll ~aUil) tat1cb fttn in 6 gnll IJ£faill 1JlltO !JiSS men, ~C l.OJll ficcpc
t1Je \llooll,an'b ']Jonat1Jan \Dent to l)iss bourr. mte from nomg ttJat tl)ing tmto mti mallet tlJc
19 ~en came tl)e ~tpl)ites to ~aul to <f3t, JL.oJbSanointcb,tolarminel)anDtpon)Jim.ftc, b 0 n1111~
iJca,faping, JDottlJ not WautD l)lbe ~imfelfc fall ing (Jc ts b tilt nnopnte'b of tl)c :Lo~b. rrt1i ~:.:Id , ~
b-pbisintltonglloloeisintlJe'WooD,mtlJclJiDOf 7 anoro wauillflcpt oftl}ts rcruantis h'litlJ ~:::;:;.. ... ~
ii'• ,or, lie ~t-:l)fla,on tl}e rigl)t Cille of 11 '3\cfimont tl}efc\llo~Df5, anll fulfrcll tlJnn not to rife againll ~.~~~~:&ii::! ~.
w1ldcrncs. l.D rooto tl}Ctcfoic,© f; come ~aul: but ~aul rore bp out of tl}e CllUC, anll ~l!cmua:IOO, ~~
Downe acrofotn~ to al tl)e luft oftlJr foulc, i:t our went a'Wap. ••11o1i.
µan llJal be to ndiuec IJtm tnto tlJe kings t,Janll. s 3:2ll!Uill alfo arofe artettllarb,anlltlltnt out
f 21
~nD~aulfaiD,ll.\lef[c'barepeint:IJcJL.oil:l, oftlJec.aue, anb crpcbafter~aul. faptn11. ~F
rrr l)auc co~amon omnc: lo~D frin13. anb \ll(Jcn ~auUooltcll bel}intic l}im,
h ~b"" •b• 1m ~<Jf5oc, 'J\ p1ap pou, an!Jp~cparcpetbctk:t,
2 '\
JeaUillfto\llpcb with IJiSS face to t(Jt eartl), anti ·>
~"' 1n1tc1'1 o• tr.lJo "' anMcc \lll)ctc l)ilS h footc~at11 bcnc.anD bo'tllcb lJtmMfc:
anuro. ' .o .,atl:) ftcncl)tm tlJCCC' ~01 iUIS tolll me tlJllt 9 anD ~auiD fSpll to ~aul, 1191Jtrc!OtC ID•
l)nss bert? CUbtttc. • uca tl}ouan care to mens too,oc~, t(Jat rap, ~c,
P.;J_e~~cr:~::°ltcb. ~~fmomfiY"t'~aUant:IJb~-~!!
., ., ....., .,. .. ..., .u..... c""
lJolbt, wauiD CCclictlJ cum a~aintl tl)ec:' fi
Jo l6el}OlbC, ti)~ llap tl}tnc eyCJ fJSUt. ccne

a~am~ to mtc 'Olttl:) ~c ctrtafntfe anb ') 'lDtll ~o'al t:IJat ttJc :rLo,ll l)atlJ lleltucreD dJtc tlJ•I bap
:.?~lr°;7p~:in· goc lllttlJpou: anD if l)er bctnt}Jc;'laub, ~tofil n~tomtncl)anbintl}c,auc :anti romc baDc m_ec .1
rcarc]J IJtm out tlJ1o~out au ti.Jc tl)ouCanlll!I htl tl)u, but '.]J l)ab compa!Tion on tlJct. anb rain, .~
, or]luDa. 31 'Oltll not tap mine l}anbs on mp maacr, ro, l}c ·~
24 gnbtllcrarorr.. anb 'Olcnt to 'JfplJ befo~ ustl)cJ1. o~~anopntcb. \~
1.---,, ---------=:.::::=-=~~~=:..:~:::.::::::.=:=:::=~=~-----r-1-!.t""'n-0_:1~-- i .~
)an1uel dye ch. Chap.xxv.
11 antnno~uct mt' fat(Jcr, bdJolllt anll rec be to tlJec, peace be to tl}tnt tJoutc, ano peace llec
pct t(Jc laJlllc of tlJr garmmt in mp l,)antl,.tn 8$1 bnto an tlJat t1Jou l)atl.
muclJ ass '.3) Ittllcll d}ccnot \D(Jm '.JI ruto! me lap 7 l5elJolllc, 91 l}auc l)cartl fap t(Jat thOU llnQ
of ~ gamicnt: bntlctftanll t(Jcrcfo,c anll rte, flJcarer.s: noWUf.Jp OJcplJcarb.S' were \DitlJ b,s, , 1!!•11•.
t(Jat tl:}crc tss ncitlJcr cutl noi wtclicDncss tn mcc, anb\Dec bin ti}etn no fpitt, neltl)tt Uias tl)cre ~~~,~~;~':~·it·
anD t(Jat 91 (Jauc notnnnellagamtl t(Jcc, anll ftt ~llglJtmtlttng bntO t(Jem al t(JC \Dt)ile tl}ey 'lDl'fC '~' " 1"'"''..

tl}ou (JUntetl after mp route, ro taflc it. m~anncL

12 -m;(Jc JLOJll be iUllgc bct\Dccnc t(Jcc anb me, s arnc ifJr falls, anll tl)ey '!Dill OJc\Vc tIJec:
anti t(Je JLo:D aumge me of ti.Jee: but mine l]anll 110~crcfo1e_ 1ct
there rong men «nlle fauom in
bcnot bpon tl)ce : tlfinecrc.s~fo~\DccomcinajOOll 1 fcafon)1.1p11e, rn.b.1,;,
,J Or,tht J 3. 9CCOJl:Jing ass t)Jc II olb ~ouerbc rait(J, 110"' 1 p1ar tfJct,'lDlJatfoeuer d cometh to tl}tne J.Janl>, gooJ d,y,
iirou•r_b• 01 flCllnCSS piocrcllCtlJ from t\)c \lJICkCll : but mine lmto tlJpfcruant.s, ano to t{Jl:' ronnc l!i)auitl. chac is,chc
in anmnc (Janll benotbpon t(Jee. 9 ant11Dbcn l0auio.srong men came, tlJcr day •hac
man. 14· 9ftcr \Dl:)om ii." tlJe Bing of'.)!£racl come toll>~abalalltlJofe 1Do:oess in ttenamcofl0a' ~hlt7•-fl
ouc:>attet 'ID(Jom l:Joetl tl:)oupurruc:' atttra llcal:I Ult1:ant11Jelllt1Jetrpcacc• •

for thy
a ca
llogr;1e.anll after a flea:' lO ~nil Jaab!lf anf'lDetCtl lE'llUllljlfetUantjl, lbtams.
15 -m;(Jc JLo~ll tlJmfotc bee iulJgc, anll iullgc anll fatll, c 1191Jo is l0atnll :' anll 'lDlJo tis tlJe ron of d erbm•,
btt'lDccnc t(Jcc anll mee, anti rec, anll plcallc mp 'JI fat :'-m;(Jcrc its plmtic of reruantss no'ID a oare~ :i::~·~:~H:'.,.
tHcb.;udg• caurc,anll r. aucngcmc out or tlJinc (Janll. tIJatb~c111tc attiap eucrp mnn from l)iss mailer. ~,I:.:::i·,.,.
16 tWJ1m li'auill l}all matlc an tntJ orrpcalring 11 ~lJall 1 tlJrn taJJc mp b:eall, mr '1>atcr, ~~:'~~i::r.·~~'.
tlJr!c 1Dotllts bnto ~aul, ~aul fatll, '.JS tilts tlJr anll mr fle11J tl)at] IJauc ltilleD foz mp lbcaretl5, '" b••N• h" ·
, 1:00111! b• bopcc, anti' 'Wl!!Jt,
ronnc ~auill :' anti ~aullift bp l}iss I.I giuc it tmto men 'nllJom ] 1Dtite not tlllJence
tlJC'F be:' •
~~.~~.~\f ;,~:r
~~~~~·:.~ b~I[
~;,a,:~.~.,, 1 7 ann fatD to l0autll, -m;[Jou art mo~e riglJ~e, 12 an11 ro ~am11s.1Ceruants:i tt1rt1tll tlleirwap, "u".
g~::;~·:.~: ouss tl)cn 'JI : fo: tllou IJalt re\Darllcll m~c 'Wt~ llntl \l>cnt agatnc, anll came anl> tolllc I.Jim all
:1~1~;,'c~'c·,~:,~ gooll, 1Dtmas 'JI l}auc rewarllt_ll tlJtc 'lDttlJ ctnL tlJofc rartngs.
•II•• tim to I 8 ano tl:)ou lJatl 11)e1Dcll tlJtfS Dar (JO'tllc tlJat 1 3 anll ~auill faill bnto lJissmcn., ©irlle cue,
~· 10• t(Jou lJatl Dealt \Vtll 1DitlJ mcc : fo,afmuclJ a~ rpman1Jtssrroo1t1cabout(Jim. antJtlJcr girllel>
w(Jcn t(Je Jl,o~l:J (Jall clofcll m£e in t(Jinc J.Janllcss, eucrp man IJiss f'll1o:lle about fJtm, anl> ~auil>
tl)ou billetlll me not. mass gtrllell 1DltlJ lJiss rroo:o: anlltlJcrc follo'lDcl>
19 1f011D1Jo !l)al finllc bis encmie,anll ktl)im l0amll bponafoure 1Junt11cll mm, 1.1 t'nlo l)un,
:1 ~·111.11111 'Depart into a d gooll 1Dal' ~ l19l}crcfo1c t(Jc JLoitl lJ~CllllbOl)cbrtlJc+ftuft2, rncb. Yef·
=\~~r rcmarll tlJe.e mitlJ gooll, foi tfJat tl)ou l}atlbone 14 '5utoneoft1Jc lallStolllcabigail~abals 1.1,,
"~111b '~" 1mto me tlJiss !lap. 1Dif.e, raring, '3e1Jollle, ~autll rent mdfengers
::~~~~h~"' 20 ilnll,110\lJ beIJolll, ] • \lJ~tc 'nlcU t11at tlJOU bnto om mailer out of tlJe 1Diltlcrnelfc to ratute
•:rbie·,~ 11Jaltbecking, anll tbat tlJc bingnomcof]fracl bim: anb IJt *railctl on tlJem. · Hfrb.drou<
:,tic'"'~~ · OJalbc ltablttlJcll in tIJtnc (Janll. 1 5 Qnll pct t(Je mrn 1Dttc bcrnool> rbnto bts, 1hcm•way.
:,•:::~~"" 21 ~\lJearcno\l>Ct.fJcrcfo1c bnto mce brtfJc
f c:.tbru'bltr
anll llitl bs no bd'plcarure.. nettlJcr milfel> \llc anr kqm~1ur fl,Jrrpr
~,:.:~[~~~~~ JL011J, tfJat tlJou OJalt not llclfror mp frcllc arm tlJtng as long as '!Dec 1Dcrc conucrfant 'roitlJ u1thtlD'\DUs
~cm Dfl'J~•·
::.::a:i~:i mce,antl ttJat t(Jou fl.Jalt not put mp name out of tlJcm,'!DI.Jen 'WC tr ere in t(Je ficllls. rarr.
~Olllllll~ C• mr fatbcrs l}ourc, 16 -m;(Jey'lDcre&a'JDaUbntobs botl)btnigllt li.~~r~~i~1.
... 2l anll ~auillf\llarc bnto~aul,anll~aul anti !lap, all tlJc mIJilc '!Dec 1Dm 'WitlJ ttJcm bee,
'lllcnt }Jome : but ~auto anll IJi~ men gate tiJcm ping a.iee:pc.
bp bnto tl)C lJOll:l. 17 jf.!o'JD tlJmfo~c tnfiC l]eclle, anti rec 'll1(Jat
ihe xxv .Chapter. ttJoutl)alttlo: fot fmdpeull *toilcomcbpon our 1•<·

1 Samuel dicth. 3 Nabal and Abigail 38 The Lord
mallet,llUll all IJiS (JOUllJO(tlC: fOJ IJC tl!I fo \llickCi.l, ·om pl1fh-
kille1h Nabal. 4:1. Abi~ail and Ahinoam Dau ids
t1Jat a man cannot fpcafJc to l}im. ""·
18 -m;(Jcn <abigail mabc llaltc, anti toofic tblo
wiucs. 43 Micholisgi'l1ent0Phalti. l.Junbtell :t: loauc15, anll t\lJo botttlss of lllint, anll t J
I,Rcg.i8, V,211 * ~amud llictl, anti an tl)c ']lf, fiuc a.iccpc rcal>p ll~c[ctl, anll fiue m~afurci of
1. · raeliteis gatl'Jertll toget(Jcr, atlll la' parctJctl come, anti an l}unbttll I/ rra1lcss ot rap, I or, clu-
• mcntclll)im,ant1bnricbl.Jiminlliss anss, anl> t\Do 1Jm101cll ~ calicss offiggess, anb la, tiers. •
~':,·~. otonc a l}ourc at mama. an'b lE'a· ll£tlti.Jem onaUl~S, ~Or,pouds:
Mnn11. nill arore, anll 'nlent nownc to tlJe 19 :lntlfaillebnto1Jcrpongtncn, ~ocbcfo1c tiomanr 1
Wilocrnclfc oflf)lJaran. mt.be1Jol11e,'.]I come after rou. l5ut llJc to Ille IJ£r 1 S~~~~;
~::~. , ann there \Dass a man in b ~aon, tol)ofe (JUfbanb ~ahal notlJtng ttJercof. . . as cleauc
:::~m~. Pofi'crrton mass in ~armel, anti tIJc tnan mass e:r• 20 anti as «Jc rolle on (Jet came w1mlp 1og« h•r
~~~l: ' ccelling miglJtr, anll llall tlJ~cc thnutanb ~cqi~, t101Dnc tl)c fllle oft(Jc IJil. anll belJolil, l0auin anti like a cake.
mu in Cal&U. anll a tl)ourantl go ate~: anti (Jc '!Dass l!Jeat1t1111i• I.lits men mmc t1own againtl l.Jtr,\t llJc met t1Jc1u.
11.Jtrpc in «anncl. 21 ano Jli"autn rail!, ~urclr in bainc lJauc 'Ji
3 'iltl)c name oft(Jc mantllas J!}abat,anll t(Jc JJe:ptan tlJat tlJis ftllow 1Jat1J in tlJe 1Dilbcruerrc,
namcoflJi• \Difc'lDasabigatl, anti ll.lec 1llas 11 ro tlJatnotIJtng \Das mlfI'cll or an tlJat pc1tamcn
'aloman of a rtngular wtftb01ne.. atlll bcautifUO: bnto (Jim: anll lJe lJatlJ 11Ultmcem1 fot gooll.
but tlJc man was cIJurltn.1, anti or1111e1Dtlt conlll• 22 ~oant1.m~~e alro boc 13otl lmto tl)c me'
tionss, anti 'ID Hof tlJc fltnreb of 4:alcb. mies ofl0a11tll, ~ 'Jl leauc ofau tlJat pertaine to
4 anll lE'auilJ ~r.arb in tlJC 1'Jilt1ernctre tfJat IJim.bP ttJct1a1Dn111goft1Jc11ar,anr t(JathptffctlJ h t"bt•rvrr•b
!llaba1 llill llJCllTC IJtfS l1JCl!IJC. agamll t(Je '!Dall. [-~,~~',o,::~.~
1 Hrb... ~, ~ anb ~auib rent out ten fong men, anll J 3 anll 1Dbm Qbtgail fa\D ~lluill llJC l)allctl, n8n 1t1.· '" ""
hitn in my rat'b bnto tlJ£tU. C3et rou bp to 4r armcl,anll goe anll ligl)tctl otll)cr atrc.. anl> fell befozc ~auill on x.~::;~~~"'·
na111r of to ~abal, anti :t. grutc l)i1u Ill mp name. (Jcrfm::e,anll bo'nleb bttfclfc to the ~ounb. ""'"·
P•><•. 6 ~1nt1re11JaHa11,~omapetlt1Jouliut.peacc 24 ann fell at IJts fcete, \t raill,JL,cc tilts intout,
11£ I
IAbigail pacifrethDauid. I.Samuel. Saul purfueth Dauid.
nc be countcn mine, mp loJD.~ ltt tl)~nc IJanD, on IJt• o\Dnc IJ~D.ann ~auib rent to comnume
t map!J 'Jj pzaptlJCC,fpC8ftC intlJIUC; au1JJmCC,lnb 'GJitlJ ablgafl. to tllllt IJcttO 1Jil5'allfc.
•hinecm. l)cantl)e.'aloJDl5oftlline1J11nnmapb. . 4° 9.nb 'GJl)cn tlJe reruan~ of ~auin tom
5 )!.,ct not mp lotb , 'JI waf tl)ec. rcgar~ dJiS come to abtgail to €arm£l..etcp fpallt bnto IJer,
Ii Or, Cook. wiclicll 11 manJflabal: fo, as 1J1~ namrn1.• ro tS IJC: faping, ~auto Cent bl5 bnto tl}ee, to talie tl)ce to
~abal is bis name, ann follp is \1:11t1J IJtm: l5ut IJis 'Glifc. anll 11.Jee arorc. ann bo\llcll IJet felfe on
'Ji tlJine 11anomarD ra'tl:I notttJe pong men of mp IJer face to etc eartlJ, ann faiD ,lBel)olllc, let tlJtne
lozn wIJoin tt.Jou rcnnenft. l}annmapll be a reruant to \llaflJ tl)e reete oftlJe
·16 Jf,>owe tt.1crefo1e mp 1010, as tl)e JL,01n It' feruants of mp JL,o~n.
uct}J.anD as tlJp foule lfuetl),eucn tl)e Jl...01n tl)at 4 r ann Abigail lJa!len, aim rofe,anb gate l)er
oatfJ witlJ(Jolllen tl)ee from comming to fhcd bpon an all'c, \llitl) fiue namofels of l)ers tl)at
~~·:;~;.~~ 1 blooll, ann flcpt tl)ine ilJanll to tl)ce: ro no\ll, 'JI 0
\llcntat IJerfecte, ann 01ee went after ttJemer, • 11. """'° 1
1ro111 bloo•. pJar <5oll, tl)at tlJine enemies. an!J tlJcp d)at in' fengers of wauil!, ann be,ame IJis toife. Cl~~~ !
trnlltol!oemploJDct1il, mapbeas~abaL 41 ~aUill alfo toofle al)inoam of ]c~ad, r011 •1111Dki. :
i Or, pre- 2 7 anll tlO\lltlJiS llbleffing \DIJiCIJ tl)ine l)anll' 81lll tlJtt \l:lere botl)l)iS \lliues. '
1cnr. maplJ(JatlJb~ou~tbntomrlo~n,letitbegtuen 43 l6u~~a~l1Jan (Jiuen~iCIJol IJis llau~' r rmicbtmt
: Heb.walk tmro ttJe pong men tl)at~foUo\VmploJD. tcr, ~amDS \1:1,re, to l01Jaln tl)cConneofJL,ats, •Dlanb•1ac.
at rhy fme. 28 1
lliap t}Jee, fo1gtue dJc trtfpatre of tl)tne l.D}JiclJ 'Glas of p Cll5alltm. ~~.~:.~:~i ..
k '<!:~UIJ.11>11 (Janznnatll: fo1 tlJeJL,o~D 'alil make mr Ioinakfun The xxvj ,Chaprer; iUl•lbltCL
~~~~~~~.~:~ l)ourc,bccaure mp lo~ll fi~tcttJ tlJe battcl.e of tl)e

b11 P001 •1111 • 'lLOJll,anD tl)erecoull!noneeutll:Jef'ounbintl)ce 1 Dauid wa~ difcoucrcd vnto Saul by the Ziphiccs.
ill all tlW narcs. n Dau id taketh away Sauls fpcarc, and a crufc of
I ~all11t 1 29 ~nn ret a Iman }JatlJ rtren to pcrrtcute water that flood at his head. 21 Saul confof
tl)ce, nnll to reelic tl)p route: but tl)e route of mp Cech his ftnne.
m <\!lb•ll~u
1nrfuuo:rib1 loJbllJalbe bounn min t(Jc bUnlllc Of tlJC liutng ~C ".JiplJitefS Came againe bnto ·
ttanfroma.l 'mttl) tl)c JL,oin tlJp <ll'Soll, anD tlJe foults of tlJine ~au~ to ~tbe~faping, ~oetlJ not ,
IH mat ltUC
enemies 11Jall<5on catt out, n1enais out of tt)e ~amll .l.Jtl>c 1J1~1retn tl)e /J hill of ~or, iaG;. ~
long. mtbllle of a fiing. * l!)ac[Jtlal}, \l.llJ1c1J ts bcfoie /l ]di' bca. ··
30 flnll\lll)entlJeJL,o~bllJalll)auellOnetoml:' mon1 1.sun.11.
loin all tl)e gooll tl}at Ile l)atlJ pJomtrel! t[Jce,anD 1 ~aul arore, anb \Vent bo'mne to tlJe \llft. 19. .:
ll)all l}auemane tbce ruler ouer ']frael: nemcs of ~iplJ, }Jaumg t:IJiec dJoufann •cl)ofcn II Or,rhr •.
3 r ~en ll)all {t be no griefe bnto tl)ee, no~ or. men of']frael \llltlJ }Jim, fo~ to fttlie Ji'autll in ; ildtt .
rcnce of mtnne bntomp lo~n, t(Jat t1)ou l)atl not tlJc 'GlilDerneU'e of'Sipb. $
OJtll bloon caurele[e, anll tfJat mp lo~ll lJatlJ not 3 anD ~aul j>itclJell in tfJe IJtll off!)acl]ilalJ, :
' '
auengell (Jimfclfe: l:Jut\1:11Jen tl)e JL,oJll tllalll)auc \DIJiclJ tis bcfo~c ]cfimon bp tl]e \Dap ri!lc : but
l!ealt \Dell \llitlJ mf lo~ll, tl)en tl}inkc on tl;Jine wautn nmelt in tl}c U'lil!lernetrc,anll lJe fa'm tl)at
l)antnnapl!. ~aul i:amc after lJim into ti.Jc \ll1lllernc!fe :
32 ann ~auin fail! to abigail, l5Iea'ebbc tl)c 4 ~auiD tlJmfo,c fent out fptes,anll bn!lcr' :
'll..oJn <l3on of '.]lfracl, 'llll)iclJ rent tl)cc dJQI liar to lfooll tl)at ~anl mas come in berp Deco. , :
mcctemc. 5 ann~auillarofe.(tcamctotlJcplac:e\tllJere ·~
B '51elTeD is tlJP rapirnx. ann biea'ebarttl)ou ~aunian pit,llen: a1111 • wautll bel.Jdll tl)e pla'e 1. sam.1+ ·
\D\Ji,lJIJalt ltept met tl)isDapfromcommingto \lll)ere ~aul lap, anll 9bncr tl)eConncof§acr, ~o.and •7· ~:
l11r.n blool>, ann from aurn(Jing mr fdft 'mitlJ 'mlJiclJ 'Was tl)e cl]iefe captainc: fOJ ~aunar in H· ~
mme o\llnc (Janll. tl}c foJt, It tl)e peoplcpiUl}ell rounn about }Jim. ,
34 1i'o~ inberPl:lecbc, ass t1)c l.oJbd3obor ]f• 6 ~IJtn annueren wautl!, annfpalie to al)i,
r~el liuctlJ, \tllJkl.J IJatlJ heptme bache from l)ut, inelern t(Je J!)cfbitt, anll to 9bifai tl}c fonnc of
tm~ tl)ce, e~ept tl)ou IJa!ll>ctl l)allcD anl> met '5arutaanl!bJOtlJetto~oab.fapm1I,U9lJow1lgo
me,furelp tl)ere ball not bene left bnto ~abal bp l!o\Dne \Viti} me to ~aul to tfJe l)otlc 1 .ano abi,
tl}e nawning of tl)e nap, anr d,Jat pitrctlJ agatnfl rat fail>,'] wil goe 11om11e \llitlJ t(Jee.
tl)c\Dall. . 1 aniJfo~aui11anll abifai canw DO\llne to 1 ,
3~ anb ro ~auiD recciuen or l)tt J:Janlle tl}at tf;Jc people bl? nigl)t, an!I bcl)Olllc, ~ul lap ace· .,~
\Dl)icl) 11.Jee l)all biougtJt (Jim, ann faille bnto IJet, pin« 'alttlJin tbe fOJt, anll IJtS fpeartbcfmn tlJc ~
<5oe bp in peace to tljine IJourc, bcl)ol!le,] l)aue .11toun1J at 1Jil5 II l)call: lmt .abncr anD tf)e people i or,bol-. \
iHeb, re- (Jearl> tl)p bOfCC, \l }JaUe t gtanten tl)p petition, lap roUnllabOUt l)im, lier. ~
cciued thy 36 ann abt!;lail came to @abal,anl:I bel)OUIC. 8 'iEl)en faill ~bifai to li')auib, ~Ob l.JatlJ Clo, ,
fJCc. l)e IJellla feall in IJis IJoUfe libc tl)e feait of afling, febdJinuncmte into tlJine l)anD dJIS liar: no\l.1, ~
, ~"""" ann flabals l}eart was meric 'mitl)in l)tm, foJ jl p~p tl)ec, let 1nce nnite. IJim one~ \DitlJ mp '.
!!)or~···· l}c 'alas b£n: !IJUnhen: ml)erefo:c ll)CC tolllc nIJjm
ii~~:':0', ~:~: notl)mgncttl)crlell'enoi mo~e, bntiH t:l)e mo~'

fpeate to tl)C cartl},anD '.lJ \Dll not 1>fnnte IJlm tl}e
~nDtime. . ,.,.. to "'bit:a• _ n:..... .
9 .anllJi'llUib ....lle ~ ,,.,
::..s::~ ~
11c111••1••" ".
37 l5utin tlJe 1noining \VIJmtf;Jetutnc\Vlll not:foi\Df1ocan1arami,anbontl}cJL,o~lJ.1J<an' ~r:,•,•;::: 1,
gone out of.@abal, IJi!S \Difc tol!lc IJjm tlJde opnteb,anllbe~£.:- ;1 .~::~~ .,
\'Oo~lls.an1:1 lJtl!l l)eart lltcn \llit1Jin1Jtm,an11 (Jebc• 10 QnD •auiD fatb ......, tlJcJLoJb ... '"'"r'" fll ~i
came as anone. liudlJ,t!Je JL,cnD rmtu IJim. 01 l)iis Dar ll.Jall ~~n::~..?''
3s an1:1 about ttn l>ateis after dJe ~rmote rome to Die. o> fJee l1Jaft llefcen!J into batten, anti :~·~~~~:~· ,
jl;) , pmtf1: 4 ...... 6.14- •
3? ~nl:J.\lll)cn l2iauiDIJcatDt(Jatt)abal\ll8# 11 ~c l.oJb llupe nm from lartn11 tnine '
nor,rcucn- bcall,l)e fatll,l61ctTel:J bt tlJel.WD tl)at1JadJlltul>I• IJanD bpon etc JLo~s an.Dfl1ttll:but '.)I PJllt' tlJce
gtd. ell tl)c caure of t:nl' rebUllcof tiJelJantJ of Sabal. tafle tt.Jou no\D dJe jpearc dJatiUCIJiSIJcal!,anD ,
am l)at(J flcpt l)ts fm&ant from ttdHoJ tbeJLo~ tl)e mire of\llatn;anb let bS goe. 1
IJatlJ recompcnal! tlJe \Ditflellnctrc of JQabal bp• n ann ro )NUtll tooke ttJe fpeare ttbt mrre :~
Dauid f parech Saul, Chap.xxvij.xxviij. and fleeth ro A chis. 1o
arwam from ~aulfS (Jcab, anb tfJrp ~ate tl)eln in au ttJc coalltS!l of 1frad. anb fo llJall '.3l er.ape
atnar,antmo man fa\D it, no~ marr1cl> it.ncttlJcr OUtOf lJiS llllnb. .
allialiell: fo~ tfJtl' tDerc an nac<pc, bcawrc tlJc i .ann wauill arofe,anl> l}e anD tlJe (fyt'. lJUn,
t JL,o,DfJal> fcnt a!lean ll£cptt1po1H(Jem.
!Heb. The ll~b men t))at ltlere tt>ttl) l)tm, lllrnt bmo '.Jc\)1,s
1 I 3 €°l)£n ~llU!b \rJCllt OU Cr ta tl)C Otf1Ct UDe,
Jlccpc ofthc tt}c fonnt of ~aoriJ liill{t of <5at}J.
• L 0 • 0 ""'ant> tfOOll on tlJe top of an (Jili afarn off (a great 3 ann li!lauto nuieu trJitlJ .acl)IS!l at l!Dat!J,
rpact betng bet\l'Jccnctl')cm:)
f.Jkn v;ion botl}IJc anD lJiS men, tuctl' man witl) IJifS nonf
t tbtm. 14 anb~aui!J crrc~totI.;eproplc,anlltoab' l)olll,1111?1 Wautn mitlJ 111ss ttoo toturs,al)inoam
~ rncb.•n- nertIJl'fonnc of fkr,faring, tl!)carcftt(Jounot, tlJe '.]le~ra£lite, anb !lbigail t,labalS!l \llift ti)e
t fwm!l :lbntt1 filbncr anfuicrcll,llnll faiD,U0iJo art t~ou ctannclne.
chou not? tl}at 'rpr.ll to tl}c htng ~ 4 anoit 'ma~totlle~auitIJat ~auib \\las
{ IS anb~aut1>UIFOetoabncr, artnotti}OU fkll to '51ltIJ,anll. lJt fougf)t no mo)e foJ {Jim.
~"~~~·~;11110 ad man:' \l \lJiJo ia Illie t.o UJce in jirrad :'110~ere, 5 9Hll Wauill rarne bnto £ldJis, 'Jlf '.]I IJauc
't•·• o"~ fo1c t}Jcn IJail t~ou nott.cpttlJp lc~bc tlJC fnng 1 no\D fou11ll .grac c tn ttJinc .ere~. b let ..,
"'cm .nuc b ~t1.1rtf,1e1
• win. jfOJtfiCrC came one 0Ctl1ef0Uiet11,to lleftrOl? ttJC me apI ace m1iome to~ ~·
.... ne mtbc countrcp, tllat t~in•
11t11gt111·Io.1n. · ] mapl>\llell tlj~rc: Co~ 'llllJf OJoulll tlJpferuant o:.ur.
16 ~;t ip not \nen ?ione of t(Jcc: ass tt?e l'..oi!le tl\llcl mi! l]ean attc of tl)e lungbome toitlJ tl}ce 1
*H· t>. tiuct!J, rec are* nioitl:Jic to llpc, bccaufcpe l}llue 6 'itf)m 2cljifS gaur f)im c 5iklag ti)at fame ' nawn,
Connrs of net ltept rour mailer t~c'JL.o;bp anomtcll:(lno'lll nap, fo~ \Ul)ic::l) caurc ~i!I!ag pcrtainctb bnto tlJc :•t.~~~~:"'
'dcoih. fee \JJlJcrc tile litngl!I fpcan~ il!J, anb tl]c crurc of litng:i of jjulltl tinto tfJts nar. t~~:~~:ni::,;~
'Coater ttJat 'ala~ at {)is lJrab. 7 ann t1Jc i tit~c t~at wauiD lltoelt intlJe ~1~~:~i~~J,
17 ~nll ~aunmc'ro ~autb' boicc,11n1> fapb, countrrr ~f tl)c ~l)tlillmes, toa~ foure Ulo1wt1Js ::~~~,~.h;..
'JJS tiJiz rtJr boice,mr ronne l0auib1 anb J!t)autb anb ccrcamc llapefS. cccn ~:otrcrt•
~~;·~~L~.~~ •
rai·ti,'.J,tip mp boicc,mr lo)!>,© !ling. s .ant1 l0auit1 anll lJifS mm 'mmt bp anb in•
18 ann {Jc rarn, 1101;mfo~e notf:J mr loib tfJUS!l uabeiltl]c cZdflititcis, tl)c <IDcnttrs, anbtl)ea' Hieb.the
perrcmte l)il!! reruanttfoJ \llllat tauc'.)bone:' malelittc': fo~ tfJOfe nations \DetC from tljrbc' number of
o~ mlJat cum ts in mine lJanll 1 ginnin~ tl,Je inl;labitants of tlJe 1am1, 8fS men go ihc d
I 9.~C\1.ltlJ£rCfO~C,1 viapfbet, ktml',lO~bt to ~ta bnto ti)t lan?J of Cfgn1t.
h tl)el!ingl)earctfJemoibsof t:JifSfrruant: ] f tiJc 9 ann :eautb fmotc tlJC lannc, ann left nc(
:r.;.l:~~·~~ JLo~neiJauefttrrcb ti)ccbp agatnt me:, •letl)im t(Jcrmann~ 'o.lomanaliuc,anll tooflca\tlap tlJC
.•~!:.~.'.~ fmcll tl)c rauour of a ramficc : but tf t(Jep bee tlJc 11JCcpc,t(Jeorm,t1Jcaffr~, tl)ccamcIS!l, \1 ciotIJc~.
::,~~!·1 • clJillncn of rmetuurfeb are ti}cp bcfo:c tl)eJLoib. anll returncn,ann came to ad)is.
lit~'•~P ro1 tl)ep{Jauccall mcout t~ifS bapf'romabibtng 1 o anb ac(Jis fapll,119l)rrr tJauc re bccne a ro,
-:: ii;,~~,:·:~· in t(Je l111Jttlta11ce oCtlJe JL.01D,& fafing,113ofmle mn~ tlJilS llap '! anll J0nuill amtrJmb, agatna
.~""'"·•'· ot(Jtrgob~. rte~out(Jofj\una, allb againfl tlJe ~outl:)of
;-:.~.b~~~~~;. 20 f}o'ro tl)Ctf'~,Ietnot mp bloob fall to t(Jc ct1Jed'.]lcramceliteis,anb
again! t(Je ~out(J of ttJc ~ ~.r:ll~ .~~~~
rJ.~f:,·.~.. eartl) bcf~e tIJcfaccof tl;!e JLo~n: fo~ tile liing of lr1bt ol
auoticnn· '.JICrachl!I conu out to frdica tlra: aS!l \rJIJtn one 11 ano ~ttuill fauen nettller man not 111oman !·fil~~;:·-·
'"'"''"" botl.J l)Unt a partril>~C in tlJC mountain£~. altue, to b~ing trlllngss to <3at!J, raring, ·Jl..eafl ~:,~ ~:i..

,., ~mfapb$!)aul,'.]11Jaueflnncll: ctomia, tlJtr flJoulll ttll on bs,and fay ,~o llill Ji'SUib,anll ra1u111n ia11.
:l:; !Jaittt. m11 Comte l0aui?J, fo1] mil boe t11rc no ro \llill be IJilS manner all tl)e 'ID1Jil£ (Jc nwclletlJ
:j~·~m•r• moic l)arme.bccaure mp foule 111~ h p~ccioufS m In t(Je cotmtrep of tl)e 191Jiltaincss.
~~·,. r••,".
ttJine qeis tl)iS!l llllt': beJJolbc, j\ l)aue plapcll ttJc n am g~l)i~ bdceuell ;!0auitl, raping, IJ l\)tt i Or, hedo-
tll~;!i~'l. r• rooic,anlll)auemeD eyceebin~lr. IJ~t(J ma?Jt IJtSpeoplc '.]lfra~I bttctlp to abl)o~rc cch ii.trcly
~=· :u . ~nb Wauin am\\lercb, anti Capb, l6£holbc lJim,(ttl]crcfoJtlJt llJSllbClRP fcruantfo~ eucr. abhorre his
:( tl)c Jm:gs tpcan,1£t one oC tl,Jc roung men come Thexxviij. Chapter. people.
f~ ou~ anbfctdJ it.
:t Dauidhaththc chicfc charge promifed about A·
~ ?~h ~3 'itlJe tLo~nntoaTll cuecymanacc::o:bingto
: ,:,:i1~. l)i£S,' ri~ttouineunll ra-itl)futnellc:foi d)e l..01b chis. 8 S.tul confultcth with a witch, and fheccau-
:J:·~~t:.~, llef;umil tl)ce mto mr l)anb t1JiS nap, tut']
feih him en fpcakc vnto Samuel, 13 \ Vho dccla-
'J~"'ut1•u1n trJoulll not lap mine 1Janbbpontl)tl..0111c~an. rcth his ruine,
. ~· o11111 "
1~V'Clll,mllb4k no ""tt"".
r •• U ~b in t(Jofc Mprs tile 191JtliaintlS
rtil:~l:1',::: 2 4 ~nD b~tJolD~ lil!c aii tlJp lift toa, mucl) rec: gatl}ercll tlJcir ~lle togctIJcr to
· 1rar14-1o
bf tlJtS!l Dapm mme eye~ :fobcmplikfct bf ill marre,to flglJt "IDitlJ '.J!Cract: anb g,
~t a·1 tl}e crcis of tlJC:lo~ll,tlJat iJt llehuerme mt of an cl)il5fail> tmtoWauib,lDc rure tl)ou
~f· ttibUlction. • ll)alt goc out trJitlJ mec to battell,
2 > om:1Jet1 ~aul faptle to l0auill , 151ellcb art tiJou, anD ttJc men ttJat arc Witt; tbce.
..,ou,mp ronne wautn: ro, tiJou llJaltl>ot gnat 2 gnll Waum faplle to :ilc}:JifS, $5>urdp tIJou
~ · t:iJln~. anbp1cuai1e. ann follii'auib 'mmtl)i- flJalt • lnlO'lll YObat Ci'IP Ccruant can Doc. 11lb a, :.;!~:,1:1uo
'lllap, allb ~aul tumcb to triS place againc. cl)iS!l rapl> to l0auiil, ~en '.JI min make ti.Jee lice. f'~~g ~i~~':.
; ~. Thexvij.Chafrer.
per oftnF 11ca?J fo~ rucr.
3 ~amucl \\1as tl)£11 lleab, anb an ~fratl
1r.tinNtil.l I
• 2 Dauid Amh to Achi• lingo Gath, who giucth IJall lamcntcD l)itn, ann bUrieb l)im in mama lJtS ~~~~ not BIR?
i5 hin:i Ziklag. 8 Dauid dc1lroycrh certainc of the otnne ctttc :anll ~aut lJtll> put b a'tllllt' tlJe fo~tc' ~' ~~::~'i:::
1p:, l'hil11lincs. 10 Ac his is dccciucd by Dauid. ~anti tlJ~ CoottJCapcrs Ottt or tl:Je lan?J IMOllD<mru,

i~ \~:t~·: bt· • 1. ~ll ~auill Capb in 1JifS IJ£art,1 ~I came 4 g~ntl}e~biliftine~ Wtt1Jcreb togcttJru ...:uD-n.

! ....•v••·
~~~·~·"l : · ~
·IA pentlJ one nap bl' * i)amlt of 1.t p1tci?ell m ~unem: anll ~ul gattJcrcll
~aul: ttJrrcro~e i~ tIJtre notl)ing all'Jlfrael tc~cr,anb tfJtppttclJ~D in l!J1U:u.ia.
1". 1...~~~ • \ , ~ better fo~ me tlJm to fla,anb •raue s :Jnll l»l!cn ~aUlfa'ro tl:Jel)oftcof tlJc ~Iii'
I :':;gm00 1,. ~
. ntF rc1re tn tlJc hanb of t)Jc l&llili' 1tatn~fS, l)ee 'Ula; artatb, anb IJifS IJrart \Das fo;r
. ,,,.1,. ' ltinei:;,111in $)nul fl)al ccnr..:, anll fccliC mt 110 mo:e don1et1.
Saul vvich a witch. ].Samuel. bauid andAchis.
Ziklag burnt. Dauidsv.LB:orie. 110

to IDIJmfoJt notu ~bpmdfintl,Jcmoi• I 5 afl!I~auill fail! tO l)fm, €an«tlJOU b'inlJ

'• Withtbnn
rtaaca1eunro ning,tuttlJ t11P ~ malkr• fmlantJ tl)at an come Int to tl)i~companp1 ani:I qt fafll, d ~\Deare bn,
11111rro'bl•L tuttlJ tfJr.e :•nD 1D1Jenpc be i.p earlr; 8' rooneais to me bl!. eub,tf,)at tlJGU tu1lt n£itl1er htll me, no~ ~,,;;ie;~.·,~ •.
re fJaue Uabt;DqJart. lleltuct.
. •me into..,., ...,.. IJani:I'"
• Jil. of mtt
t mailer' ah?I '.J1 ''"' rn <ommn
11 .ann CD huiD anD IJiJ!I mtn rore bp carlf, mill b~mg ti.Jee to tl)tS coniµanr. brnb11, r.,b
to Depart tn tl)c mo~ning, to rttunu tnto tl,Jc 16 an!l mlJcn l)re IJ8ll b:oulJl}t l}im t1Jitl)cr, ~~;:~!!~"''
lanb ot d)e 101Ji1Ulincss : i tile l!)l)ililline• 1l>ent bdJolll, tf.Jcr tare ftattmll ab~oall bpon all tl}e ~~~.:,~~-" 8 '~' ,
bp to '.3\CitBCL earttJ, •eatin1, anb l:l~inhtng, anll nauncing, be• ~,~,~:~~~~.~?
The xxx. Chapter. aturr of au tf.Je great p,ar tlJat ttJer lJlli:I carie'll a• uo" •«b• 11

'Wap out of alltl}e lantie of tl)c l!)l)ilitliness, anll ~:~r'~~r.~b

r The Amalckitcs burne Ziklag. 5 Dauids two wiucs CUt Of ti.JC 181111 Of ']\Ulla. o~!~:~/11~ 11
arc taken prifoners. 6 The people. would Clone
him. 8 He asketh counfcll of1he Lord,and purlu·
. 17 anl:I ~lluill l8fb bp~Jn tl.Jtm from tfJC t\lJi• ::: :,~:::~~I
'"· l1gl)t,eucn bnto tl)e eumm~ of tl)c nm moio\11:
ing his enemies,recouercth 1he pray. fotl)at t11m crcapeti not a man of tlJcm, raue

Qll.t ml)cn ~auib ~!Ji• mcn~tn Coure l)u1111~cll roni:i;mcn \DIJitlJrobe bpon ~a·
:: come to '5ihta11 tlJe ttlirb bar, tl)e mels,anll Hell.
, amakldteJIJ&n inuabeb t>pon t11e . 1 a ant1 3ilauill reccilmb au t1Jat tl:le amale•
~ varrni· ~outlJ, rum imto ~fllag,anb l)ab httes l)ab cariel:I a\:Dar: anll ~auill rercuell l)iJ
ro11eroc . •(mitten ~iklag,811b bUmt It 1DltlJ t\:DO miUCJ:
111. fire. 19 ~o tlJat tl)m wass notlJin!J lamtnn to
l anb l)ab talitn tl1e \uonim tl)at \Den tl)cm,fmall o: grcat,fonne o~ bauglJttr,o~ of ti)e
tlJcrein PJiCOncr•,botlJ Cmal anb 6f£at,anb acw fporle of all t!Jat d)CF i)ab tahen amar, wauill
not a man , but cariCb tlJcm a\llaf; anll \Um£ ruoumb tllem au.
tl)cir mafe•· 2 o anb Wauib too rte au tlJe 11)£epe, anti tiJe
3 ~o ~autb anti trilS men atmc to d)e rttic, EDim, anll tfJep ll~aUt .tt:lem bcfo1e l}i!'S catttll, r t.:wcbrb•
an!J bel)olbe, it maJ bumt mitlJ fire, anll tl)eir anb '8fb,'iln)tSS IJ U)autllS tp1af. ainai;k"'"
miue~ tfJeir ronneJ, anb t1Jcir 11aug~tcrJ mm 21 a1111 ~auio ca1}1C to tf)c nDo l)unlltt'll men ~~:,:~~-~.;:.
taken p~ifonerJ. tl)at \Den too tuearic fo: to follotoe wauio, ~i~~~':'ti''111
4 ~eu :teauib anb tl)e people tl}at mtte 'tDIJome t:IJCl? IJall malle alfo to alltOe at t~c riucr ;000001
'WitlJ (Jitn, lift tlp tlJeir borceJ anb \:Dept, bntill ll3efoJ :anb t1Jc11 came to mcete wauib anb tllc Jkl•B·
tlJC1? coulOtutcpcno moµ. people tlJat mere 'tDltlJ 1Ji1n: anti tolJen wauill
s an11 ~auillJ tmo tuiucs mere tllfttn p~i· tame to tl)e people,IJC '8Iutcll tlJem fricn'lllF.
t foncr13 alfo, g))inoam tlJe ]eitaclttc, ani:I 9.lli' 2 2 ·~en anl'l11crcb all t11e mtckcll anl:I tf.Je bn•
tl gailtl)emifcof ~abal t11eGI:anncltte. tlJJi!tJ of tlJe men tl}at \Dent tuitlJ waut11, ano
~!J11ii11r 6 .ano l3auill tuss in great. cumb1ancc : ro~ rav11e, ll3catUfc tlJtr 'Went not \:DitlJ tis, tlJm,
i!l:l.:.•1•1 er tlJc pcopfeb tntmlle.D to tone IJim, betaurc ttie fo1e 'altll tuc giue tlJetn none of tl)e p~al? tl)at 'Wl'
-~ ..:,~,•. IJcanssorantl)cpeople mere be~ell. cuerpman {Jaue rccoucrell: but let CU£rt1 man talle lJtlS wife
~-- ro11Jissfonne1. anb fo11Jisbaugi)ter1:but ~a· anb l)iss c1Jilll.m1, tlJofc let tlJem carr atoay, ano
· utll toOfic a ~oll coura~c to l]tm in tlJe JL,01t1 tJiss ocµatt.
<!!Job, 2 3 ~en ra11ri Jilauill, t?e flJall not noe ro, my
7 ~nll faille to abiatlJar tl)c Ptiefl .al)tme• b:et1J1c11,toitl) t \lllJiclJ tl)e JL,oJi:I 1Jat1J giucn bp,
lecfJss imne, ') p~al? t:JJee, l:ittng me tl)e ~l)ob : 'WI.Jo l)atlJ p~crcrue~ tis anll bellUttl'll tlJC compa'
anl:labiat:JJar b1ougl)t tl}e efpl)otJ to ~auil:I. nie ti) at came again« b~,into our 1Jant1s.
s anti Wauiti afhell coun!ell at t(Je JL,0111r, 24 ~01 \DIJo \D1U IJearttrn bnto rou in tlJiS
rapin1. ~l)aU '.ll follomc after tfJiss companr ~ matter'! l5ut aJ l)iss part is tl)at goctl) llo'Wnc
:i llJall 'JI oucrtake d)cm :' anl:l l)cc anfmcreti l)im, anll fi!JIJtctlJ, ro fbantJi~ part be t\)at tatittfJ bp
~ 1follo'alc, fol d)ou ft)alt furtll! oucrtaflc ttJcm, t11e tlt!ffc : tlJCl? OJall part alike.
·:' •'" '"'" anl:I' rccoucr all. 25 iln11ro from ttJat 11ar ro1U:Jflfbetoas tfJat
~r:;.ra~, 9 ~o ;:E1auit1 anll tl)e ri~e l)un111cll men tlJat tnallc a ftatt&tc, anll a la'We in ]fracl, bnto tl)iS
~~·~:;b mere \:Ditl) l)im,\:Dcnt,ano came to ti.Jc riucr l5c• bap.
f'i'a~~.a;:;:: fo1, tvlJcrc a part_ofttJem abobc. 26 DIJm J0aui)) tIJcrefo~e came to ~lltag,
111 10 l5ut ~auib anl:I fourcl)unl:IJCb mm fol' l}ecfcnt sof tfJe piar bnto tl;Je clbcrJ of ~ulla, Gt1;t1rt111ar.
!1 1111. lo\Dcb : (1f01 t\lJo l)un111eb abotle be1Jn111, being anl> to IJiJ fricnDis, rafing, ~cc, ti.Jere iss a bier. :~ir,:t111~:~~
f too meatie to iioe oucr t!Je nucr Uin.) ~ngfOl l!OU. of t11e Cpoflc or tlJe encmteJ of ttJc ~:."~'~:,
;~ 11 an11t1Jepfounll an Cf~tianintl)e ftdo, Jl-01)), ln IOtlllDtof
I aUll bt~t IJim toJl!'auill,anll gauc l)im b1Ctlb. 2 7 ~ce rent to tf)cm or l3etlJcl, to rt:Jetn of 111 1nr"1111a.
11 anb IJe bill catc,anb mater to llJinllc. ~oUtlJ Jilamotl), to ttJem of '.jjatf,)ir,
? 12 .an11 ,aue f)im afc\lle ligges,anll ttvo clu• 28 ~o d,Jem ofarocr, to tl}em or ~cplJa'
t!erss or ratrinss : anl:l 'lll~m l)e l}al:I eaten. IJiss £pi• motl), to t!Jem or <ea(Jema,
rite "me qaine to 1)1m: fot l)ee IJall eaten no 29 ~o tf,Jeiu of JliadJal. totl)emoftl)ecities
b~all,noJ ll~nlle anl! \:Dater in ti.nee barcss anll o~ 'j\eratJmeel, to tl)em or ti.Jc citic11 of tlJc Ille•
tlJJee ni!llJflS, mte)1,
1 3 .anll ~autll faiti bnto l)im, ~o ml)ome be< 3o ~o tl)em of ll)onna, to t:l)cm of ¢1Jo10o
longefttlJou:' anb tul)cnceart t11ou~ ~eerarllc.. ft)an,to tf1tm of attJact;J.
am a l?Oun§tnan of efgfPt, anll reruant to an 3r ~o tf.Jetu tlJatan in 1)£bion. anbto all
ln18ttkite,anGml?malkrleft mebcatufe tl)1ee place• 'WIJttc ~IUUb anD l)iis 1nen \lJCrc moont
bate• agone 1 fen ricfle. col;Jaunt.
14 Dee mmi a rouing bpon tl}e ~outlJ of Thexxxj. Chapter.
GI:IJrtctl)USS, anti bpon tlJc coa!t bdot11ing to '.)u•
'Ila. anb to'Warl:I tl)e 5lDoutlJ of lltaleb, ann toee 4 Saul killcrh himfclfc. 6 His children :ire {hinc in
j_ bumt~illtag 'tDid)firc. thebattcll.
Da uid is told . II.Samuel. of Saulsdeach.

~~The fecond Booke of Samuel,otherwife

called the fecondBooke.of the Kings.
Dauidlamencech Saul. Chap.ij. Afahelflaine. 111

tlJe gtrurttes, anti ouei 'Jmad,lfpf;J~im, l5m,

lamin,anb ouer g au ']etad. ~~~\'.~.W,.n;.
10 anb ']lfbofet:IJ ~au1-fonnemas fouttie
peeress olD mlJcn IJe be1.1an to rcigne ouer '.Jlfraet.
anb reiitnCll nxio pcms: but ttJe l)oufe of '.]lull a
rollo\llell ~auib.
I I ( anl:I ttJC tfme \l.lbfclJ ~auib rri;tltlJ in
ll)etnon ouer tlJe IJoUCe of3\ut1a,\l.las reuen rercs
anb u~e monctlJs.)
12 .ant1 gbner tl)c fonnc or ~er, anb tl)cCer,

uants of']\fbofetl) tl)e ronnc of ~aut, mmt out

of~alJanaim,to ©ibcon. ·
13 ant1]oabtl)efonneof'gand11,anbtl)efcr'
uants of~aUib \llrnt out, anll met one anottJer
bp tl)e poote of <il5ibcon: anti ttlett rate tlo\llne,tl)c
one on tl)c one rtbc of tf.Je poole, anb tl)c ottJcr on
tl)e ot(Jer fibc.
14 ant1abnerfaibto j!oab,JL,cttl)crongmen
no\l.l arifc, a1_1t1 h plap bcro~c tis, anll ']oab rayo, ~.~;;~~~.~"
JL,ct ttJcm artfc. ~~;~,~~~·;;,
1 s ~(Jen t(Jcrc aroft anll \l.lcnt oucr t\llduc "" n~~c.
or :15enlamin bp number, \lll}tc[J pcrtainetl to
'Jlfbofctl:J tf:lc fonne of ~aut, anb t\llclue or ttJc
rcruantss of ~autb.
1 6 .\lnb euerr one cauglJt IJiss fello\lle bp the
(JeatJ, anb tlJ;tull l)ts f1llOJbe in l}tss i fello\l.lcs ubc, ~~:~1~:~;~~~
anbfot1Jeyfell t10\l.lnetogetl)er: DIJcrefoJe,tf.Jc ro ,.
.,1acc_\llasailleb II ~dffatIJ-lJanunm, \lllJtci:J is iic1:J. ~~ 1

m©tbcon. llron" men 1

J 7 .\lnl) tf.J£re mlJISiln ~1:'£llillg crucf[k blltfCf l .f OJ ~F·cr :~.1
tlJatrame tlap: abner anll tl)c men of'.J]fract ~:~~.~~.~~'.,,.
fellbcfo:c tl)e fcruantss OfWauib. r,:,;~~~·~ 0~:;~ 1
18 .\lnb tl)ere \litre t(JJee fonnes o€'3aruia ,,,,•.,,;,llml·
t(Jere,jjoab,abi!at,anb a!al,lct: anb afal)d \\las ~~~'.~;:;~~~·
1·:ji11?1t~llfO- asligl:)tof Coote as a\l.ltlbellioe. 1
•bll~u 1 L
,,j ~1arn1our
:11banbs,01 19 anti aral)cl follo\l.leb after abner, anb in
Ill< •b~D)rn.
going,(Je tumctl nettl)er to dJe rigl:)t l)anb no1 to
tf:le left rromabncr.
2 o ~IJen abner loolieb bel)inb {Jim , anl:I raill,
arc t1:1ou aralJcl:' 'c anf'Wmtl, pea.
i 1 gbner ratb, ~umc tl)ee ctttJer to tte rigl:)t
l)anl:I, o~ to tl)c left, anb catcfJ one of ttJc young
men, anb take tl)ee IJts 1J \lleapons. :15ut .ara(Jcl !Or.fpoyle.
ttioulb not Depart from l)im.
2 2 9nb abner fail> againc to aratJel, ~cpart
from mee: 11lll)ercfo1e llJOUlb ]! fmite tl}ee to tl)c 1hmh•ft•'l!
grouno,anll not be able to l)olb tip mt' face to '.]o' :n~~t,~.l~~:c~
ab tl)p b:otl,Jer:'
23 $o1llbcit, mlJenl)ce tuoullltn nomtrtbc,
part, .\lbner\llitl) tlJCIJinl:ler cnllc of tte fpearc
finotc IJim bnber tl)e m fift ribbe, tl)at tlJc fpcarc Ill a!hrrt !bl
came outbC1Jtnt1 lJim. tlJat (Jee rcn bottlne in tl)e ~;~~ 1~,c,br mau
ramcplace,antl Diell t11crc: anb as manp as ~.~~~: iou.
to tlJe place \lll}ere aral}ct fen bo\llnc anb btctl,
24 '.]loab a1ro anD abtrat purfueb arter abncr:
ano tl)e ~unne \llcnt Do\llnc \lllJcn tlJcp men
come to tl)e IJiR amma, tt:Jat lictlJ bcfo~ ~ialJ
bp tl)e ttiap of tl)e \lltlllemctrc ofd31beon. '
2 5 ano tlJc c(JtlD:en of Jacnlanrtn gatl)ercll
tl)cmfctucs togctl)er arter .\lbncr,anl> mere on a
l)capc.anb 110011 on ttJe top of an 1)1lL
2 6 -at:(Jcn abner callctl to ]oab \f ratb ~ban
tl)e n(ttJ01b l:lru~ure fo~ euer:' l!nomcti ttJou not ::.:m~~:r
dJtltit 'Wi~ be btttmltlfein tf:le latter cnD:' $o\ll otnwrocr1na.
tong 1llall 1tbec ttlcn, Fl:'f tlJou bill tlJc people re'
turne!Tom rollo' tl)eir b:ettncn:'
27 9nb 'Jloab fatD,Qs <6ot1 liuc·tb,fft1Jou hatllt
fpolim, rurelp eucn in ttJc moming tbc pcoplr
~all.• llqiartctJ cucrp one from vcrrccutmQ; lJlll
Abner rurneth to Dauid. I I. Samuel. Ioab killech Abner~
2 s an'D ro ')oab blc'nl a tmmpet, an'D au tl)e 14 an1:1 JDaul?I fmt mell"cngcrs to ']fbofctlJ
people noolleUill, anbpurfuell aftcr'.]lftaet no ~aub,1Connc.faping, :m>clmcrmemp'mtfr. ~i,
ino~e. ncitlJer touglJt tile! anp mo~e. tl:Jol, * t\llJ~'~ 91 tnanel:I fo~ an IJun~cllfo~dllins , .King.r 8,
9 atrD abneran'D tns n;rn walkell aUtl]at oftl:Je~l:Jtlifltne•. 1 7•
nirrtJt t)Jo~o\D ti.Jc II plmne, an'D went ou~]o~, 15 .anll j\lbofttl:> fent.anll toOfie IJn: ft'oml}cr
~~~cat Oanc, an~aU tlJO.~Oto all :l3ctl:JIJO~Oll, ttlltl}ep 1JuftJ811'D~t.Jalti,tlJCfOnneofl,aiS.
tame co g!)a(Janann. 16 .anti (Jcr l)ufbantl bJcnt 'mttlJ IJr.r,an'D came
3o anD j!oab rcturnell ftom pn1'ccuting ib' 'aleepi~ be))inl> lJcr til~ tlJcr came to l6atJutim:
ncr,anD tl!IJen lJe f]atl gat1.Jerc1> all t11e peopleto, tl:Jrn fatb .abncr tinto l}tm,l!!Soe anl> recumc.atll>
~ctiJcr, t1Jcrdacrtc1> of :eauil>IS rcruants ntuc' l]e trturt1e1>.
teem: mc1unt1 araf;Jel. 17 .anll abncr IJall communication wtt11 tlJC
31 l6ut tl)c rcruant•orwauil> IJall rmtttcn Clellltr•of'.]Jfracl,raring,peroug1JtfoHl!laUibi11
oflBeniamtn \f orabncrinnrn, ro that tl:J~ee l}un· timcss pail, tl)at l}c miglJt be rout fling:
02cll anll ttJ~ccfco~emen 1>ie1>. 18 Jao'al tlJcn lloc it,foi tl:Je JL,o~b 1Jat11QJofren
. 32 amittJeptOOkcbp.araf1Cl,anll bUriclll)im OfWauib, fapit~, :l3ptl)ClJanb ohnpCtntant
in tf]c rcpulcl)~e of mss fatl)er, bJl:JiclJ \'Olij.'I in }0aUill '.)I \llill ram~ mp people ~frael out of tl}e
:JBctlJlclJent: am1 ']oab anll l:Ji.9 men went all 1Jant1JS?ft1Je~1Jiliaincss,anll outoftl}elJlltlb of
niglJt, anti tlJc '!lap arorc to tl}cm at l~Cb~on. all tlJctr enem1c55.
1 9 an1> abner fpatlC in tl}e rere• of l6mta•
T he ii j •Chapter. min:anllafter'nlar'O abncr 'mmt to QJeafu~ tn tl)e
ILong w:trre bctwecnc the houfes of Saul :ind Da- e cares Of }0autl> in ~eb,on, au tfJat j!fraet 'alars • •nl,)dn
uid. 2 The children ofDauid in Hebron. 12 Ab- content \llitlJ, \1 tl)c f \tJlJolelJoufe o05miamin. =~=
nmurncchtoDauid. 27 loabkillechhim. 2~ antlfO;m>aUib to 'ebJOn, ?,
• JFoi 1r1nn11. g · - · $ere \lltt• t11en •tong mam be, l)aumgtroentrmcnlDttl}fJtm:anlJ~auto1nalle 1 ':1"''*
;:~.~~~~~,~~; ' tbJccnc tl}C l}oUfe Of ~aul,anll tl}c '.abncr anl> tl)C men tl}at 'nlm bJitl) f]tm a fealJ. e!..:~~= :
•flft,.ruu. fi,! '" IJOUfeoP""aui1>·but=auit1\tlare'D
.,.,., · .,.,., . 21 anll .abnerfa"ll c bnto .,.,.,
=autll, 411.;:1 \ll1'H"'p.,
u Of9illl. _•
ftrongcr \1 lh"ongcr, anll ttc goure anll goe gatl)cr all '.)Ifrad bnto mp loin ttJe king, ··
· of~aul 'alaretl weaker antlbJca, tlJattl}epmapmariean appointmcnt\llitlJtlJre, .:
lier. 11111> tf;Jat tl)ou maicft tielYle oucr all tl)at tlJinc '!
2 2111> bttto ~auill tom cl)tlllten boJne in 1Jcartt1efiret11. .ann w}Jm wauill l)ab let abncr
~eb,on: l]t!j clDcll fonne alfo wa~ .amnon, of a, 1lepart,1Je ment II in peace. 1or,wnh·
i)lllO!llntlJC'.)fraelitC: 22 an!l bef]OlllC, ttJe rcruant~Of~SUillanb outharmc.
~,~:~~,~~:''- 3 ~ereconlJ,bcJtlJeteab,ofabtgatltlJemife '.)Joabta1ncfromt11e stampe. ant1b1oug1Jt tna ~c1W
na1, 1.ri:i1.:.i. Of .0abaltl1£ <!rarmtlite: tl)c tiJirll,abfalom tf;JC great p~ap\l'>id;Ul}em:(but abncr'nlaS flOt 'mitlJ 11 c: I
fonnc of ~aacl}a, tl)etiauglJter of ~almai tl}e ;0auill in febion, fo~ )Jee )Jall fcntlJtm awap,to
liingofl!!Serur: oeparcinpr.acc.) . -,
4 im::lJe fourtl) alJomalJ flJc ronne of 'age;ttl): 2 3 1191Jen ']JQab anb au tf]e f.Joft tlJat mais blftf1 i ~·
tf)c flf tlJ, ~epl)atia ttJe fonne of abital: f.)im, 'alcre come, men tolll '.)loab, faring, abncr ,~
5 .anll tl}e ftrtlJ, ')etf1~eam,b}' Geg[a ~auill• ti]efonne of ~er camcto tlJe llttng, anb IJec l)atlJ :---.
' COHhl:t !hr \D{fC,tl'J£f£ bJttC bO~nC f0 ~8Ufll l0 c 'cb~OP, fCllt l]im 8UJ8p,an'D l]t iJS gone bl JICSCf, .:·.
~~:':.~·;;:~1::" 6 anll'nllJtletl:Jcrewasswarrebctl.\leenetlJc 24 ~en '3loab came totl]clnng, anbfartl, '"·
~~~· ¥.:~~g.~','~ !iottfc of ~aul, anti tl)e IJoure of wauill, !Abner h 1191Jat (Jail tgou !lone:' belJol!l, .abne~ came bn, ~~ ~!
~'~b·o.. +1Jcro up the 11oure of ~aul. to ~IJee.~nl> \lllJp IJafhi)ou rent (Jim a\llap, anti ="liif ·.: :
;;i~bl.~~~- 7 !tlnti~aul l)a'Da ~oncubine, munc'DJStf, 1Je1squ1tegone:' .·~
1.11o for th< pl}a, tlJc llaugl}ter ohllJta: an'D '.]Jfbof£tlJ fani to 2 5 ~ou fino'mcft 2bncrtl:Je ronne of jl;ln:, fin ~~
houfe of !(lbncr,U91JcrtCO~C l}all tl)OU gone il11llltOmf fa: IJC CfllllC ~O llcceiue tlJ£C, anti to kno'm tlJp OUflJO• ~ (;
s.u1. tl)crssconcubtue:' mg an'D mgotn1J,anll to rtnom al t11at tlJOU l:lotft. •~
s ~en mas !lbncr bcrr wzotlJ foi tlJc 26 !lnl>'allJcn ~oabwa~rome outfromJBa, ~~:
:a:?.~~~'.~:::. \Do:ll~ of]CbofctlJ,anll fatt1,!lm 1 da llogsl)eab, uil>, l)ee rent mctrcngcr~ after .nner, bJfJtdJ .::~:
:;-,·~1,; ~\~.~' 'llllJicIJagainft 1u11a 1>0 llJe\'o mcrac tlJin~r bn,
b~ouglJt l)im againe from tl}e ~di of~Wia, bn, 1
~WI~:~~~· 10 to ti.Jc l}oure ~f ~aul tlJp fatlJcr. an~ to 1.)1~ bzt, lmo\tling to wauill. . l~ · ·
1iou11: tl)~cn anll fr1c11t1s. anll (Jaucnot ileltucrcll tIJcc 2 7 * .an'D lDIJen .~lbnn bl&S 'ome againc to
1.Kins·'·I ~0
t11totl)e~an1>of~anit1: anDtl)ourtnl>eftafault $e~on, '.]loab toofie lJim afiDe in tlJe gate to . q"ll:
mme tlJt~llap,fo~ t1Ji• 1lloman:' fpcarte 'a!itlJ (Jim Jl pe.acCilblp :anll fmotel)iin tin' l/Or,rcacr- ~~~
9 ~o 1>oc ®oll to !lbnrr, anb mo~c alfo, c~' tier tbe ffft ribbe,tt,Jatl]c 1>ie1>.fo~ d;Je bloo1> of _a, 1y. ~'I(~
CCJ!t.ais tgc JLo~ll l)atlJ rtuomc to :m>autb, cuen ro raIJcI IJiS llzotlJtt. . ~ .. :.1
'llllll '3\ l.loc to lJitn, :i. 8 9:nl> 'nllJm arter'alarll &tcame to JBaUil>S ·,~ ~'
'G:o biing tl}c ItingtJome front tije {Joufe or care,1Jeerart1.~ anD1np fitngllome are• guiltfea'e ;'D1fl\': 1q~·
~nut. ttiat tlJettnone ofJBauillmap bceftabli, bcfozc tIJc l-01DfO'Jeuer,conceming ti.le blool> of ~:u:,.,. ~ 1~
~:=• ,~~ ·
touiC~.._OU£t 'l1ttael,anll 0Utr]Ull!1,CUCU from Jil)SR :lbner tlJC fonneof i}er,
,,..,ee.r-fcba. 29 1.ett1Jebl0ol:lfaltont1Je1Jea'Dof'.]loab,an'D ~~
u 2nbl)e coull.I giueabner nwcraw0111to on an IJtsfa~ IJoure, tlJat tIJcfJoUfcof]o, 1 ~~
anrlDere,bccmtrt ~c teareb l)im. a~ be neucr 'altt(Jout one o~ otl}er tlJat IJae?J run, \\.~
!lnb.2bnttftnt mccrengcri!lto~auil:I re, mngttrues, 01lcpcr, o~tIJat lranctIJonaffaffc, \'~~,
cretlp, faFtn11, ~lJore. ijStl.Jc lann:i UDIJo flJOUlll o~tl)atooet1JfaUont1Jer'a!oJ'De, o1 tIJatliuhetlJ \~h
alfo fa}'.~nkc ll bonb "alitlJ met, anti bCIJOJb, mr ln£8D, I~
l)anb JS!ltottl} ti.Jee, to bitngall~fraelbnto d;Jec. 30 C~o '.]loab anb ".ibifaibiS bJOt(JerOc'me • 11..... 11111 \ '
I 3 ~e flllDC. Wdl.1 "alill maflc a bonb mitb atmer. ~tcaufelJee IJall aaine tl.Jeir bZOtlJct Qfa• ~-~=~· \,~1\.'i
ti.Jee: but one tlJtng 'JI tcquitc of tbtt, tl)at tlJou IJcl at '1!5tbcon tn batten.) ·~) ~~
f!e. not mp race. c:rc~pt tbou fttfl bring; ~i~ol 3r an1> JBamn ~po to '.]!oab, anD to au d;Jt ;~ ~ ~
J-, ·-""'=~tl-P-1..!l!.~~-lj!-~-~~~~'...,~,91W-'iSNl&i-Li~•~-,~-&-1.JJn~£.01~llcgj:tfl:IJiSflt : \l)\l)~'£!!!' lJt111, 1flmt fOUr clOtf1£jS, -
(M• \: \

·•••••••••••iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO======--======:liH&~IE .~
'; ·:
\ ~~~..,...-~~~~-:--::.-~;-:-~~--:::::-;"--'~~:--~-=:--~:--:-~~:--~~~~~~~~~
'J Dauid mournech for him. Chap.iiij.v. Dauid againe anointed. 11 i.

I1~""'"«.t•· anti p11t o~ f~1'11cclo~•.anb 1mountt bef~t. ab, naIJtps tnotlJcr, tl;Jc Conncs ofJ!ttmmon tl}e '3e,
'°"<Qi co1i•· llff, QnD lriP{t 1JZ)aUlll (Jnnfdf fOlo\1.ieb tf;JC btcrt. t'Oti)ltt,~ fllib tmto tlJem, gS tl)C )J.,01b ltUCtl},
p .anll m1;1cn tlJcp burttll abncr tn ~dnon. 'llllJUIJ lJBtlJ bcltuercb mp Coule out of au allucr,
tfJc fling lift 11p l:)ts boice, ann mept bcfillc tl;Jc re, fittcs,
puJanc of abn~,tlnb au tlJc people bltpt. xo * M(Jcn one tol'lle me,anll Capll t1J11t ~aul J.s.m.1 15
; 33 annttJe fnng lamcnttb oucrabncr. t1t1ll ~asllean ttl)inlling to l)auc bioug(J~ go~n tP'
• mClrMll•ntb fapb,JE!Ftll abncr tll'S 11 m fOOfe llpCt(J :' llll1«$5) '.]! CtlUglJt btm, t111ll Ot.bJe lJtm tn 'iililtlg,
~ :fi'~,~~~".D'• 34 ~P 1:)11nns b:Jcrcnot bounll, noi tlJp fccte \JJ(Jicl:) t(Jouirot tlJat '.]) \lloulll (Jaue gium l:)im a
::i:·~~;r:~~ bJoug(Jt into fetters of bJa[e: but as a man fat, rewarll fo~ lJt.15 tplltngs bJtngtng:
~ ..,.m,:;Dt ktlJ befo~e \tltchell cl:)illl~en. ro ftUea t(Jou • ann 11 ~o\JJ muc(J mowmtJm \lltcflcll men gaue r1'~• "'~6•·
~ :::=, 1rn1· all tl}e people mcpt ag11inc oucr l}im. aainc a riglJteous pcrCon in l}il'S o'\JJnc (Joufc,ano \::~~~.·;~:,.
:.::.ot~~b:""' 3s ~nn 'al(Jcn au tl)c peoplccame to caUCc bp~n IJ~s bell:' ~lJall '.]J not nomc t1Jerefo1£ r re' ~~~.~'.;~::~:
~ !"'~~::;nin 1 ro "~aUlll to cate meat \ll{Jile it \1laS pet llap, ~a, QUlre (JIS blooll Of pour (Jann,anll tal!C POU from ~~k~~;:·b~:;,,
~ ~·:·~:.":'\~ UIZlf'alarc,Captn(t, ~OllOell!JObtome. anllmo1e tl}e earttJ:' fromcbrruo!r
~ ...:.~... 11 alfo,if'.]] ta!lc b.Jean o~ ougl)t clfc ctn ti)c ~unnc 1 2 ann JE!auill rommaualleb IJiS roung men. ~;~·,','.~'~..
·? ....,.1.1. be llo\llne. . . am tlJcp Oe\ll tl:Jetn.ani'I cut otltl:Jctr IJanllel'S ann ~~i;1,r,h~:;1.'
36 .anll all tl)e people \Dill at, anll ttplcafell rut, an111:)angct1 tl:Jem bp ouertl)epootcin$e' •h1,1h:'tt,'"•
tl:Jem: as \tllJatfocucr tl}e fiing ?Jill, plcaCell all b10ll: buttl)ep toofretl}ebcabof ]fbofetl), anll ~,~, .',i";,,":,
tl,Je prop[e. burteb it in tl:Je CCpulcl;UC Of abner,in $tb1on. ~'.,~o~'i:b!
37 :f,01 all tlJe people, anll all ]frael tinner,
lloob tl}at llap l)otDc tlJat it blas not ttle kings Thev, Chapter,
llccll tf.)at abncr tl}e Conne of ~er \llt'!~ llaine. 3 Dauid is made kiog oucu.llltrael. 7 He taketh the
38 anti tl)e kin« fapbe bnto lJiS Ccruant~, fort of Sio11. I 9 He askcth counfcll of 1he Lorde,
l.\nowe rec not l]o\JJ tlJat t(Jerc is a inmcc anll a :zo And ouercommcth the Philifiincs twife.
great man fallen tlliS !lap in ']Cracl :' ii":?:::~~~ l\)en* came all tlJe trtbcl'S of ']frael 1.Chr. u. 1.
39 9-nll] am t(Jil'S nap tcnllcr anll ne'allp an' to ~autll bnto l!}cb1011, anl> rap'be
c nopnten bing, anll tl)efe men tl)e ronnes ot ~ar, tlJU~, l5elJolllc,toec arr tl}p a bone, ~i~r'e~j~1~~;1
:~ Or, crucll. uta be tOO i lJarll f01 me: tl)e 'Jl..o~!IC tc\llatll t(Je anlltlJpfleflJ, llrrt!•.'Vll(Q

: bocr or cutn,accoJlling to IJiS \lJtcliellnctre. :z 91111 in time pall,'all.Jen ~aul ""'"~'"

Theiiij. Chapter. 'Wtll'S our 1ttng,tt1ou Ictia j]fraclin anll out: anll
s Baanah and Hcchab flaye Isboicth the fonnc of
tl)e JL01ll rapll to tl}cc, * ~ou fi:Jalt reene mr pro, PfaJ. 71-71
~e '.l\Cracl, ann tl;Jou ll)altbee a captatne oner
S:rnl. u Dauid commaunded them 10 be flaine. 1craer.
~·~1111" 31 r• •
~"'~, ~~ bll]en ~auIS' fonnc lJcarll 3 an?J fo an tlJc <tlncr~ of'.]Jfraelcarne to tf)c
'.bDC<llJ. ' ~ · tl)at Qbncr \1ltll'S lleall in l!}cb1on, fling to l!}rtnon, an.ll lling Ji!'Jautn mane a coue,
'b 111... r. 1, IJis l}anns were b recblc.ann all tl]e nantmttl:) tlJcm tn ~eb~~nb~efo1e tll£ JLo~nc: ~1 ~~i~~·J~~
•bot ,,11..
j Dlfcour111D~
• l'llfraelates \\lcre afrmll. ff
"'l 2. anlJ~8WS anll tlJcp canopnten ;m>autll limg oucr ]rracl. '° llmncrrc, f·.1

,llDDr'lllOoCc foQnC.,a'!J t\:00 4 ;m>auUI blaS tl;Jirtie reres olll bll}cn l}cbc'
: ~::. gan to reigne,*ann l:)ctetgncn fourtie pccrc~. ~·-ii":,!~~'~;
mm t(Jat \1lerc captaincs of banns, tl}e one cal,
· lcll '5aanal:), anll tlJe otIJcr mcc:(1ab. tl)c ronnes s 1!n ~cb~on IJec rci«ncll ouct 'Jiulla feucn i~~'~,~~'"
of lltmmon a ll>crotmtc,oftl}e dJtlll1cn of J5Ch, pccres anll fi~emonetl)s: anll tn ~ierufalem lie '""~"""·
~ • ~••cttlc '8mtn:(fo1 c)5crotb 't:Oa1mdioncll to l5cntamin. rcignell tlJirtie anll ttnecrecrcs oucr all '.3'.fmi:I 1·~~~t;:.,~·
::l~·.:~·,, 3 ann ttJct'e l5crotl)tteis flcn to d <ll5it1Jatm, anti '.]ulla. ~it:i~~~;,o.
' ~i. anb roioumeb tl)crc bntiU tl}il'S ?lap.) 6 ~e rttu11 atro anll lJiS men tocnt to l'ic, r~~b;~~~J'.i't
:::;:.~ :r',~; 4 Qnll ')onatl)an ~auts ronne gall a Conne tUCslem, bnto tl)e 1ebufite!'5, tlJe m1Jab1tantl! of rbm nro•a
·f~~~~;'."· tllat \llas lame ori lJt!S feet, anl> \:Oas fiue peere~ tl)clanll. llll)lclJ fpalte bnto waulll, raping. ·~,r, i~;~~'~;: ~ai
· oil> \ll)Jcn tlle trllings came of ~aul ann '.)ona, ccpt tl)ou tafle a'alap tl)e d blinlle anll tf}e lame, ~~~:~;~:,~~.
ttJan out of 9\t!tacl. anlllJis nurcr. toofre IJtm tl)oun1alt not coiue inlJitl)cr :. !1fo" t!Jcp faplle, ~·:::'~'.~~~;0
bp, anll fleD a'War: anti as llJC mal>c l:)alk to flee. ~OU art not able to come Jn 1}1tl)cr. oruiv br tam•
tiJe c:IJ•llle reu, anll began to IJalt, anll l)ilS name 1 ~cucrtfJdcQ"e,wauiD tool!r tfJt ~rong IJolll ~:,~~";!',~::"
111ais ~tplJiboCct(J. of ~ton: tl:Je fame ts tlJC citic Of JE)autll. i8.~~:~{;f1 ; er 0
1 .ann tl}e fonnelS ofmimmon t1Jckot1Jitc, 8 an'!J JE!autll fal'!J t(Je fame nap, J@(JOforucr (OllfiDrntr iq
' '
llteclJab an?I )6aanalJ, blcnt ann came tn tl)e CmttctlJ tl:)e ~ebufites,ann gettct.,h llp to ft4t
•.,e gut' tl)dt'lbO!LJ.
IDbttb •b• ctJt~·
IJcat of tlJe Mi to tf.)e l)oUCe of'.}lCbofetlJ, 't:Ol:)ia.J tcrs ofdJeIJourcs, auD rmttetlJ t(Je lameanll tl)c ~·~~~,~~~
Ocpt on abell at no one. blinn,l}atell of JEl!lUiDS Coult, _I will preferre him, ~IJ•O. lalnr.
6 anll bcfJollle, tlJCl? came in t(Je mills oftlJc 1101.Jerefo,e t(Jcy rapoe, '11n]c blmlle anll tlJc lame
l)ouCe, SS tl}ouglJ tlJcp e \lloullle lJSUC fctel:)cb OJall not come into tfJat IJoUCc.
\DIJeate: anll l!lcd:lab ann l5aanal) bis bJotlJcr, 9 gnll ro ~auin 11welt in tIJe to'tDtt,attll cat'
emote him bn?lcr tl}e lift ribbe, anll flell. lcll it tl:Jc dtic or ~auill, anll built tounb about
1 1Yoi llll)cn tlJl'f came into tfJe l)oufc. gee it.from ~tllo,anll tnblatll.
Oqit on IJis bcllllc tn l}ts bcllc(Jambcr, ann tlJcp 1 o 9nb ~auin p10Cpcren anb grt\l>e, ann tl)c
fmote l)tm. anll nnoe IJtm. anb bdJcanen l)tm, JL01n <ltlob of tJoacs \\las \Dttl) IJtm.
ann toolicl)is bea?J,an?I gate tl)cm a\tlap tl)oJo\ll II .anll ~ ~iram fling of "~p~e fent lnciTCO' fHeb.Zor.
110,,,,il. gcrS to JE111u1l1,anll Cll:ellat trccs,anll catpcnter.11,
tl)e ~ platne all tl}at nigl:)t, 1.Chr .14. 1
~••aclTc. 8 ann tl)ep bJOU~l:}t tlJc l)call of '.]!CbofctlJ ann tl@afons foi \1la1Ics : 111111 ttJer l.lUalt ~auin
bnto ~autll to tcb~on.anll raan to t(Je ktng,'3e' anlJoufe,
l)olll, tlJm ts tl)e {Jean of'JlfboCctlJ ~auls ronne n ann ~auill perceiucll tl)at tlJe :t,o~llc bal>
tl)ine cnemit.. to{Jicl:) rougl)t after ti.JP ~ifc, anll cllablillJCll lJi!U ktngoucr 'J1fraet,anll tl}at ~e IJall
tl)e·.11.o~lle tJatlJ auen~ell mp loine tl}e lung tlJlf> c~atten l:)ts lungbome fo11Jtis proplc]fraclis fake.
'D&r of ~aul anb or(Jal'S kl'll. I~ * Snll ;0auill toolle lJmi mocc:omubtnes 1 .C~r.;. r.
<J 'Ann mauto anf'Wcren l!iecl)ab ann l5aa, ~ \JJIUCS out of ~lcrofalcm. after (Jr 'Wtli5 rnmc
Oza is flaine. II. Samuel. Dauid danceth.
from l!)cb~on, anb mo.r fonnet3 anD t1aug1Jteris anb tl;len IJe l>teb btfo~ctlJt ar11e ofcBotJ.
'Wmpetbomc to wamD. s anti J2lalli0 'Wass Dlfptcafell, bccaufe tf}e
14 anb tlJerc be tf]e nsmet3 ortbc fonncis t!Jat JLoiD l)ab *fmittm flDta:gnD l)e callcll tl)c name tHrb.madr
txicre bo,nc bnto !Jim in ~iemfal~n, ~amua, of tl)c place 11 ~et©!a,wttu tl)tnat. a breach or.
~obab, §aatf]11n,anD ~~lo\uon, 9 .anb ~t1Ulb uais t{Jmaf'ratD of p~b anll I or, thr di.
1 5 '.Jlb!]sr alfo, anb Cfltfua, ~eplJcg, anl> la• flliD, 1\)o\llflJBI tl;Jc arllc Of tl)e JL,oil> rome to UJCt uilion of
l 0 anb Co l'auib \llOUll> not b~tnii t:l)e amt Or.a,
plJis, . . .
1 tS 4tlifsms, 1t11a1>11, anb cflq>l)ekt. of tlJc 'JLOJIJ bnto bim tnto tfJe cit! of~auib:but
2Chr 1+s 17 *)But \UIJUt tf)e ~lJiliflmcis tlJat Wsutn canico it into tlJe lJoUfc of SlDbcb cfoom,
• · tiJCF fJstJ anointcb J't)auib fdn3 oner jJftact.tlJep ad <l!Jctl)itc. d CC!le~
' ~!oat rM~rr came all bp tocfeelie Watdb:anb at3 roone ais J0s• 1 1 ann tbc arlic of tlJe Jl,011> continueb in tlJc :~'::'Ar
~~~\~.~A~n. uiD (JrsrD ofit, l)c gate l)tm to an 1JoU1. IJoufc of jjpbcb <enom ~ <ll5rtl.Jite, tl;IJee monet1Js: *1111.
18 .anD '1.llJcn tlJc 101Jiltftinct3 csmc,tlJcp fpJcll anl> t~c JL,011> bleffco flI>beo cfoom, ann all (Jt15
t1Jc1nfcluci:s in tl)c baller ofEcplJsim. IJOUllJOll>.
r ll, abr.11~•· 19 g nn ~auin r afkcn counfell or ti.le :t.oJtJ, n • .anl:l onetoll>efling~autb !Jotxie tIJat tf}e 1.Chro. i
1 11
•b• t3 " • raping, ~IJaU '.Jl goc bp to tbc 10tJiltlhne)):' 'Wilt JLo~IJ lJal> llleffcll tl)c l)ourc of ©bcb <e11om, anti :s. J·
tIJou ncliucr tl}cm fnto mine 1Janilet3 :' g,un tge au tbat pertait'icl> bnto 11im. bemufe of tfJe arfie
JL.o~nc snf\lJereb 1bnto WauiD, <lt>oc bp : foJ '.]) of lll5011.ann ;miauil> '1.lent,anl> ·b~ougl)t tl)earlle • lliltll!fq,1t
'lllil ilottbtlctre llcliuer tlJe 101Jtliatnct3 into tlJine of <ll5o'tl from tl}e IJoure of ®llc!J lfllom, into tlJr =:01~
IJSllD~. citic of ~auill, Witl) glal:lnelTe. · lt;.·1~•11!ia111
Efai. :s.21. 2 o ~ .ann wauiil came to l6aat-~cra~im..ann 1 3 itnb '1.l{Jen t{Jep ti.Jilt bare tlJe arftt of t(Jc ,..
emote t1Jcm tlJerc,ann fain, '4nlc JLoin IJatlJ Diut' JlDJD, I.Jal> gone li,:c paccss, l}c o&rcll an o~ an11
ncb mine cncmiei:s afunncr bef<J~c me,ass '1.laterii afatbeaft.
be otutoen arunner. gnl:l tIJmfo~e IJc rollcl:l tl)c I 4 antJ ~SUil) bStfllCCi:J lJCf'o~C tf)C JLOttl '1Jit()
~or, rhe name oft{Jatplacc l! l6aal~cra!im. alllJtts mi~t, anll\UajSgirl:lclJ '1.litl.Ja linenrce. 'mira••
p!Jinc of di-
lI .anll t{Jere tl)ey lcrt tl)ctr imagcjS' anll ;!ea'
utn anll 1Jil5 men burnt tl)cttt.
1 s ~o ~aml> anti au tfJc llourc or 91rrae1
"2 .~b 1ll ti.Jc lSlJilillincss came pct againc, anl> bJougl;Jt tfJe anc of t:IJe JLo~l:l, \llitlJ 11,Jouttng anll
lain t{JcmCciuct3 in tlJc baller ofl!ieplJaim. trumpet blotlling.
23 .anti '1.llJcn wamn sfficn counrcn of t{Jc 1 6 gnn ais tlJc arkc or tlJe JLoJll came into tl)e
JLo~il, {Jc anfmcreD, -a£:1Jou tlJllltnot goc bp: llut citic of wauilJ,~tCIJo1 ~au1is naug!Jtcr lootttn
compacre ti) em on tl)e bacliefibe, anb co m.e bpon tlJ~ouglJ a uinllo\ll, an11 raw king wauin rp,tnu
t{Jem oner againll tlJe Slll)ulbcrie treeis. ~nll 1>ancc bcfoJe tf)e JL01t1,ann 11Je sl:lefpifdl l)im ~~V
24 anll\Ill)entl}oul)carcatt:1enoitcofatl)tng tnl}erl}eart. .,,..,..._.
~oini;J in tlJc top of tl)c ~ulbcrp trccis, tl;lcn re• 17 anl>'1.11Jmt1Jcpb1ouptint{Jearilcoft1Je ~'"'...:"
mooue: roi tlJcn fl)all tlJc JL,o~b e;oe out bcfo~e JL,o~b,tlJC! fct it in f;Jil5 plan~, cum in tJ,Jcnrillss of t=•
tlJCl\ to !mite tlJe l.)ofle of tlJc l&IJtlilliness. t{Je tabernacle u,at Ji'auttJ !Jilli pitdJCb fOJ it:
2 ~ .anti Wsutll l:lill ai; tlJc "Ji,o~n l)ab comman' anll ~auill oftircb 'mfJolc burnt offeringl!I, ann
fn ~~~.\'.~:'!l' l:leb I.Jim : anti fmote t{Je l&IJiliftinejS from <3cba, peace offcriu;s, befo:e tl)e JLo1t1.
~:';;'~\\'~:.~~·; bnttll tl)ou come to s <3a~cr. 1 s *.anti atroone as J;eauill IJl1ll .mallc an m!t , Chr.16.s
n10 polf11T1 It. Th . Ch ofotrcting '1.ll)okburnt olfrrtngfS anlJ peace offe. •
CVJ. apter. rtngjS, )Jee blcffeb tf)c people in tl)c name of tfJe
3 The arke bro11ght foorrh ofChe ho11feofAbinadab. Lo~D ofi,ollet3,
7 Ozaisfirikcn,anddieth. 14 Dauiddancc:thbc:- 19 anti !IJ&Uc among al tfJt foUic,eucn among
forc the arke, 16 And is therefore de!pifed of his tl)c \lll)ole multi tulle of ~rrael, at3 '1.ldl to t:IJe
wifcMichol. '1.lomcn, ass men, to ruerp one a Calie of b~ti,
<3atne, ~autlJ gatl}ercn togctl)tt anl> a ptecc offlrftJ.Bnl> a flagon ofwioe: ann fO al
ij Or,chicfc. au tlJe II cl}ofcn men of]frael,euen tiJepcople 'tlcparteb _euerp onetol)it31)ollfe. .
tl)irtic tl)ourann, 20 ~en ~auin returnell to h blcfl'e l)il5 h ..1t111.. •
i ann arofe, anll went 'WitlJ l]ouflJolb, anb ~iclJol ·tlJe bauabt.n of ~l r=.~t..
• mm
all ttie roUtc t)1at lllcre '1.lith
:«;},.'!\ ~~~~~, ttom •ll)aala or'jl1uns, to fct alllap from tllencc
tame out to meetc ~autb, anti iiplle, © l)o\1JC :;;i::i *
glo1Wliis '1.lU tl)e i1iln" of ~ttacl tl}is baf :'
~~:~·. ~:r.~'.'' tl)c artc of <ll5oll, bJl}ofe name tii calleb bp tl)c "ml}ta, "Wsl5 bnrouereb to bap in d)c CFCf of tl)t
; •C.. •1. name of tl)c JL~ll of {Jollcss, tlJat bl.llellctlJ bpon mat'bmt3 ofl)tss rcmantis. d a roore lmc:oumr:fJ
tt bcttoccne tl)e ~IJcrubtmss. l)imCelfc:'
3 :!nll t\Jcr put tlJc arkc of <ll5oll bpon a ne\tl JI an1>~aui1>faiol'lnto~l. 1ttxiasbc•
tart,an11 b~ou~l.Jttt out oftl)c 1Joure ofabinanab roic tl)ei)L,011>, 'Wf1it:IJ"1ofc merad.Jcr tl,1mtf1p ; c111aru1a11,
~" ~~~:~~~:· tbat ~as in blJ!'Sibca: aun llDts ann !AIJio t{Jc CoM fatlJer anb alll)iSl)<Juft, anl> cotnmanbet11neto :::=.,::.Tl
of ~tnnbab
I< l. , l>'auc
tl)c ne'"' ""rt•
W '°"' be ruler ouci all u,e people of dJc JL01t1, cum.,. ~ ! J
1,K1ng.7.>. ou1 Oftt) ~ "mlJChtl)epb~OUgl)ttlJcatftc orcll5oll uer 1rrael, anb dJcrcfo1c llldl '.ll plap befo~c-tl)t ~
~ IJio toc~ttob~ft of abtnallab t:l)at \Dal!' atd3ibea, JL01'D:
• nO~etlJC 8tftC, 22 ano um retbe mo1c title tlJm ro, anti b)tn
~ anb m>auib. nnb au tl)e l)ourc of 1rrad be 1tttelie in mmc o'tDne (fglJt: anb or tfJe ticrp
plapcll bcfoic tlJc .ll..oib on funn:ic inttrummtlS fame mallle rer,uants 'WlJtdJ tl)ou f)ati tpOffen of,
mane of Cltcbar "moob , 'n:litl) l)arpcl!I, pfalttr~, fl.Jsll 11 bc1.Ja1:nn1Jonour.
tr1nb~tlS3, tO~l}tt)'S, anb crmba~. 2 3 ~mf01t91}1CIJDI t11e 11au«11tcror~u1 • E•11,...111·
, l~• 1111rnt
6 anD 'llll)e tlJ~p tame to ~aclJon)'S tlJtCOJillB
~~~:·.~·~~:;. flooJc.. flI>~a pUtlJtl'S lJanb to tl)tatflc ofcll5o'D, anll
1Ja11 kno '1.)il'D t1ntodJeDapoff}cr11eatl].
.. h
lcN&l1l1fOol 0

~~~,~·:~'Ii.~~~ IJclllc 1t, fo~ ttJc oi:cn lltll n.iar;c tt. The V•J· C apter.
:'t~~i," "'" 7 !!n'D tlJ.c lL_otll 'llla)'S "mtotl) '1ltt1J llDJa, anb :z. Dauid would build God :mhoufc, butisforbiddcn
· ll!'Sob fmotc l}tm mtile fame platt fot bi)'5 •fault.. by the Prophet Na than.
Nathan and Dauid. Chap~vij.viij. Dauids rhankefgiuing. 1 13
t1JrTttuan~1Joufcfo1 a great 'a:flJtk, butllotlJ
~ tlJtsappcrtainctoman, ti>)l.,o:ll <115o'll:' +Heb. i.
20 a1\l) rar
'tllIJat can ~atrtti moic tmto tl)cc:' chisihc la\\
ro~ tiJOU Jl.,o,ll ©OD f!notocll tlJl' feruant. ofman?
1tt1cn ro, tlJF 'tllo,lis Cabe, ann atco,lling
:i 1
to t()ine .ofunc tJcart IJatt lt!JU. bone an tt:Jcrc
i;Jrrat t1Hngs, to malie tlJtm lmot\Jrn bnto thr
rcruant. .
n * 119)Jrrcfo~ thou art great,0 t ojzi 0on: om...,. 7•
eo, tIJrrc tfi none ltlic t()cc , neither it' tl)m anp
~oil befi~e tl)cc, acco~lling to all tl]at \11££ l}auc
IJcarb \D1tll our ems.
2 3 gnil tolJat one people irr tte ean:l1 i• lilir
tlJr people, lille '.]llracl, 'tllhofc c3ob \tlmt anll rt•
bcemti> tl,1rm to IJim~dfe, t~at tllCl' mi!llJt be l)i.S
pcoplt,enll t1Jatl,1c mrgbt matre trim a mnnc,an'll
Doe •f'ot rou~cattl)in~,anb tcniblc, Co~ tl1r i 111rraiL
lanlJ, ® Jl.,oJb,cucn fo~ t!Jppcoplt 'Wl)icil tfJOU rt•
tlcemcbfl to tlJCt out of <Jegppt,from tl)c •nation!l t r, ... rtic
an'Ot1Jc1rgollfi:' fr.I':\:~;.
14 1foHIJOUIJatt 1oJ'Otinc?J tflr pcopltJt'facl 1 .:i •br1ru·
to be tlJr ~eoplc Co~ mer: anil tl)ou 'Jl.,oill art bt, ·'·''""·
romc tlJm ©ob.
2 s anll no'al lLo~b. 0ob, tl)r 'tllo:b tl)at tl]ou
~all fpollcn com:crnmg tlJr fCTUant , anll 1Jil1
l}ourc, mllfir. it gooll foi cucr, anll tloc a~ t!)ou
2 6 9nll let tlW name be magniflc~ fo? cu tr o:
men,tl)atflJSllfar. ~l}cJl 01t1c of IJollcs 1.s tt:r
~on outt1fracl:anb let tl]c 1Joufe or ctr rcmant
Ji'auill be ltablillJCb bcfoJe d]cc.
2 7 ~o.t tl)ou, ® )...o,n or l]oac~, <!Doti or '.lf·
rac[, m (Jatt tolbe in tl)etare Of tlJF fcruant, fllf' ., an 1;ir111111
ing, 9l mill builb t{Jce an f'Joufe: an'O tlJtrtfoJc r.r.~,~~::b!ii
(Jatf1 tl)p reruant founi> in I.Ji~ l)cart to P1'1P tl}i~ ~~ 1• •0r
p:arcr bnto tl}ee.
28 ~crcfo~cnoui 'Jl,oJtl C3o?J.,(ttJoU11rtcll5ot1,
anll tlJF '1lDJ'Oll be tn1e, tl)ou tl}at l)all tolbe cti~
goollntltc bnto tl)p rrruant.)
29 ~ertfoJc nO'nlclttitplearettcc to blt[e
tl)e lJoUfe of ti.Jr ccruant, tlJatit map continue
ro, eucr bcfo~c t(Jcc: foJ tl)ou "t.o:ll ©ob lJatt !pc•
hell it. ant> tolttl tlJl' blcll"ing let t()e l}ourc of tlJt'
rcruant be blcucb loJ cucr.
The viij. Chapter.
r Dauid oucrcommcth the Philitlines , 2nJ other
firange n~tions, and make th them tributaries to
lfracl .
f,tcr "tl)t~no'l\1, ~auill fmotctlJC r.Cbro,:S.
l01Jilittinc)1,anll01bI>uell d}ml:allb 1

Wauib tootte tl)cib,ible ofbonlla;t t Methe--
out of tl]c • l]anb ortl)e i&btliflines. gamma,
• 2 .ann 1Jtfmotctl)e~o8blttJ, • ••*'""'
anti mcafurcll ttcm midJ a Unr, anlJ cal! tl)em :~­
Do\lmc to t)Jc i;JrOUnb,cucn mitlJ t\\lo linesmca·
. CUrelJ be tl)cm, to put tl]cm to beatl), atlb \Did)
one fUll to~ll to lmpc tlJtm a11uc: tltlll fo bcmmc
tlJe ~oabitc~ JE>auiDfi Ceruants, anb b1ou~t
l)tm !:JiCt~.
3 :Wi?tn'o fmotc alfo l)abtttcier tbe fonnc of
JlictJOlJ,hingof '5oba,as IJt 'nlcnt II to iccouerl,Jis gor,rnlarg•
bo~lltrnttbcnu~r JJ ll)bcralJ.. ~or, Eu-
4 anti ~aUlb tOOfiCOfl]i1'$,8 tlJOUfanb,an::; Fhr.011:•.
fcutnlJUntl~Cb ll01f~ntn, 81lll 11 llettrorcb all tt;IC nor.houi:h·
ct)arct~. anll ttoenttc tfJoufano foottmcn: but •d •he bor.
reC."ttletlan lJuntJJeb ctJartts of tlJtitt fcs ofrhi:
s anti U!l}cn tlJc II ~l'~ians of je,amarcu• ~~;~~a­
camc to ruccour ~atlareicr hrn~on'oba.lilawil mice~.
Oe'tllc of tlJe ~r~ianJ$ t'tllo anb t\Drntit tl)ou•
II.Samuel. Hanonsvillanie.
6 annputfoulbtcrJ in .,,i. ;m>amaf,~:
anb tlJe ~p~ianjf bcumt tcruan~ to Jl>IUlll,
b .:~1111,"" anti b biougtJt gi~: anD dJt JL,oµJ faueD Ji'autb
r~:l,~"' ' in an t}Jatl]c\1'mtlmto. .
7 anD Ji'au1'b tootle ti.Jc ni1dDc'5 of plb tl)at
bclo~cD to rcmants of llJabarcicr , anD
c gol!JO(aof b•O ttl]CIJI fa<l)iemfafcm.
"' P•r. " ~ out oflSeta. anD'8crotl)ai.
8 .allD b. of
. dtiel5 t'h
l)aDarcfei , DiD JE>au1b 1mJ ~'eelnng mu..OJ
u0 ,. ·
b1a!l'c. . . " \D
9 llDf:lcn ~IJoi IRng ofll t)amatlJ l,JtarD <Jo
oc::: nu- 10auui111111rmtttmaUtl;Jet,Joacoff.)aDanicr.
• 1 o ~IJot rent '.)01am1JiSS fonne tmto king l!Zla•
rneb. To utD, to i Calutc ~i1n..antHo blctre IJim,tmaufe ~e
..kc peace. lJaDfouglJtagamlU~abarcier, anb bcacenl)nn
(foi C:lJOt l]aD ~eat \Dane \Did) l!)abarticr)anb
f Heb. In loram b10UgiJt f \Ditl) l)im bC[cl~ Of Cflucr, btf•
his hand. fell$ of golll, anD bcU£1S ofb1atrc,
11 tWl)iclJ bralfc llin!J wauiD Dil> Dcbicatc tm•
totl)cJLo~D. \Ditl) t(Jcfducr anl> goll> ttJatl)clJaD
DeDicate of au nations \Dl.JidJ (Jc fUbbUCD:
II 0 Aram I:: ~fll $!)~ia, or the ~oabite15, anb Of tf1t
~r 2c1 0 cy.' cl)ilb,cn of ammon, of tl)e ~lJililtinel5 , anb of
ria. amalefi, an'D of tl}c fpotlc of,aDarc!er ronne ot
llic~ob fling ofJoba.
1 3 9.n'D ~auil> gate IJima name after tlJat l]c
retumrll,an'D 1Ja1> fmittcn or tlJe ~r,tan15 in tlJe
baller of ~alt, d!J(Jtune tl)ourann men.
~.:,:::: '" 14 ann lJe put a garifon in ~'Dom, cucn ti}o·
~~·:1·~0,•::· romout an ifllamput lJ~ roulbltr!'S, ant> all t1Jcr
1qu111c. • or cll>om became :Wau1D!'S •ftruantc15 : ant> tl}c
~or. Wnm JL,o~ll liept ~autll \Dl]crcrocucr (Jc 'a.Jent.
ot 5Chront· 15 an!> ~8Uil> tcigUC'D OUerall ]fratl, an?I
~~;,Ben•- c:recutcD d illllgcment an'D iuaice lmto all )Ji~
iahu, the people.
fonne oflc- 16 !Anll ']oab tl)C fOUUC or".Jmiia \DaSS OUet
hocda was tl)e l)olt, an!> 'l\Cl)OfaplJat tl)e fonne Of .at;JilUD
oucr the 'malS ll rccoiber.
chcmhiccs 1 7 anD ~aboc tfJe ronnt of alJitob, anb atJi'
~nh~t~ihim. meleclJ tl}c_fonnc Of abiattJar, \Dcrc tl)C p~ieftlS,
, -a:•• rz:bm· an'D ~aratalJ \Dais tl}e fctibe.
ir~:~.~~':: · is ann II ~anaia tl)e ronnc of'}etJoiaba, an'D
u •b• ~·v• tlJe • QentlJ1tes,anD tl)c l&helcttJ1tcis,anD ~a,
ui'DIS ronneis, \Dcre cl)icfe mteris.
The ix. Chapter.
9 Dauid rcfiorcd alhhc l:indsof Saul ro Mcphibo·
lcth rhc fonnc of Ionathan. 10 He appointcth Zi.
ba to fee to the profit of his lands .
~ ~ Ji'auib fa1b, 1!SI t(Jcrc pctanr
tnan le.ft Of the (JOUfe Of ~aul:'fO~
• I!:• IDbllrn ! 'JI \Din fl)C\D l)im met'l' foi • '.)ona,
~:":~'."l 11 lf• tl)anSfalle.
<6• • a anti tl)ert \XISJ Oftl)t bnt1£•
l)olo of ~aul a rcnmnt,\Dl)ofe name 'tllas 'Jib a:
a~ "\»}Jen tl)ep l:JaD calleD l)im bnto 10auiD, tl}e
Inn~ rain bl\to l}im,!lrt tl}ou ·Jtba~ Ille Caib, ~r
reruant ii l)c.
3 anotl)cbin~fainc.. mematnetlJ t:l)erc FCt
anr 'nan of tl}c lJoUfe or ~auJ, \Xll}o1n 11 mar
~.~:~11• OJe'm ~lJt b mcrcic of ll!JoD bpon 1 'Jib a antm~b
:r,e11 .... tlJc Ism~, 'llonatl}an l]atl} ret a ronm, 1»1Ji'1)
lame on l)tss rcete.
4 . ~l)e fltn~ £aft1 bnto l;Jim, DlJtretl!l IJi 1'Jf·
ba ra11> b~to U:Je kfu11.1.~el)olD., l;Jc"' fntl)t ))OUfe
, mbo•• of~acl)rcttJtrolmeafcamiel oflloDeber
~'!:..~~.~. 5 ~lJen mn1t~auill fent,' an~ ret l;Jtm out
~ ...
11•.*!!!• oftl}c 1.1ourc of~acl)ittllt ronnc of~._,... ol
- •-1'· ',11..oDebtr. . "''""'''
6 ~o"al \XllJm, iltlilJIJlbofctlJ ti.Jc ronne ofio•
nattJan tfJcfonnc of ~au1, \'oa15 come bnto •11·
~The Syriansdifcomficed. Chap.xj. Dauids adulrerie. 114

ran'!! put tf:lrir annic in arap at tiJ~ tntrin11 in of l}tr ai»sr : anll flJC came in bnto lJim, anri 11e lap
tllc gait: anti tl]c ~rzfan.s of ·~oba. of J.StlJob. 'lllitlJ 1Jtt ( 1;t l1Jr \TJ8.S purtftetJ from tJcr bnclcan·
'] aob, anb ill3aacl]a, lDere by tfJtmfctues in tfJc
. .
nrll'e) anb tttumeb tinto l)cr l]ourc.
~ ~nn tl)c \lloman conccturl>, ano rent ann
I 9 11011en 1oab raw tlJat tl)e front of tf:le bat· dtolb ~autn,anll faitl,'Jl am
• ~
i tell \llll.!511gamll 1:Jim, brfoze anb bCIJinbe, IJtr
6 ~nb ~au.ib rent to .,;oab, ,armg, ;;::>'enll n..... •«••·

c!Jofe of alUIJc clJorrr ofJ£racl; anb puttlJ!!m in inc illlrtass tlJe ~tl:Jitc. ~nll ]oab ltnt illlnass to '"'s ' ·~·14"' 0

aray againll tlJc ~mian.s. . ~lltnb~

I 1 o lnb tile rell oftl)e people IJr llcbuercb into
tlJel]anD Or9b1£ai l:Ji.Sb1ottrr,tl)at1Jemfgl)tput
7 .attn 'all)m uri111S 1lla~ come bnto l)im.
~autb bettiaunbeb of !Jim IJO'ID 'j oab nib, anll
ti)cm in arar againil tt)e cbilOzrn of .ammon. Uo'ID tl)e people farro, ant> l)o'a.le tl)e \llarre p10·
11 anbl}cfapO, '}f tte ~rzianS be flrongcr rpmn.
tl)cn ']i, tl}o11 ll)alt lJclpc me: but if tiJr 'btlbJm 8 .ann lt'auinfaill to illltiais.. oel!5oc t>oumc to , Dant11
of .ammon bctoollrong foJ tlJce, '.) lDlll qimc tl)p l]oufe,anb \Dall) ttw feete. !anll ~riaSJ llepar• ~~~.~~::~1~~:
ann ruccour tl)re. ttll outoftbelimg.s palace, ant> tlJcrc follo'lllcb bl•11u1r.
I 12 '4[;~mfozc quite tlJCC lrlie «man, ~nll let {Jim a p~efmt from tl}e bing.
j \1.S !J~ bahant foz our people, anb foz t1J.cnt1c.s of 9 l5u~ \!!tria~ flept at ttJr Dooic of tlit J;ing~
our ©oll:ano tl]c :A.01ll noc tJ.)at 'a.llJfclJ 1.s gooo rn palace, 'olttlJ su tl)c rcrunnts or IJi~ loznc, anti
iJiS o\\mc cres. 'lllmt net l.lo'lllnc to tms 1Jourc.
Ipie1tl)at3 .anll ~.oab J.11occcnct1 fooztlJ, ann tile reo, 1? DDIJ?clJ 'all)cn tlJCf IJa!I toli:l ~nutn,raring,
bl ere toitl) l}im, to li.«IJt agatntl t~c ~F' illlnll.S\'Drnt not !lo\tlnc lmto lJtS boufc: wauin
tian.s: but ttJey fte!I bcfoJt l)nu. faio bntoill\riaS,([;alnctl tl)ou not from tbr iour'
14 lnll'IDIJen tl)c cl)illlJ£11 of gmmon fa\tle nep 1 \lllJF tlibtldt tl}ou not goc !lr.i\tlne tl.Jcn lln•
tfJat tl}e ~riians \llerc flen , tlJm fteD tl)cr atro te tlline l)ourc 1
,befo?e ~bifai, anb mtuo into tl)e cttie: anll ro 1 i Qllria'5 anC\tJcrtb JE>nuiD , ~c lt'ffe , ant>
]oab rcturnrn from tl)c cl)ilb1cn of ammon, ']lfr.atl, anti ']\una D\tlrll in pauilion~, ant> mr
.,.... anti came to I!Jicrufalcm. Io:D joab, ann tJ.Jc reruants of mr lo:?J abine in
15 ant1 \D{Jen tl}c $!mftlnSJ fa\De tl)at t:lJcr tlJe open litlll~SS. anti {!Jail l tl)cn goe tnto mtnc
r\tltrefmittm bcfo1c '.]lrraet, t~er gat~crcD tl)C1n l)ourc, to rate anti DJinkc.. anll lie'mitlJ mp \tlifc1
! togrt)Jcr. l3p tfJF life, ann bf tl)c life of tlJ'F roulc, '.3i \'DiH
;;: 16 9.111> l)anareiet Cent, anll b~ougt,t out thr not ooe tlJiss tlJing.
;0r, Eu- ~r~ians tl)at 'llltteberonn tl)e II riuer, Rnll tl)cy 11 ann ~auin fail> to arias, ~anc IJcrc ttts
ihra1(L came to {!)clatn: ann "Joba t!Jc captaine or tl)c Dap alfo, ann to mo:o'llle ']! \tltll lct tl)ce !lcp11rt.
l)oac orl)aoatt!tr 'lllmt bef'o~c tl)cm. :ilnbCo CIJtiaObol)e iu ~tcrura1em tl)at Zlap,anb
= 17 ant1 \Dl]enit\Da•11Je'lllen Wauin, flee (la' tl)c mo:o\'D.
i:..":,':;',';:l• tlJcrcD call '.}!frael togctl)er,anll patrcll ouer ~01, 1 3 ant> 1D1Jcn JNU(ll lJa?I calleb )Jim, IJc bill
~ nanc, ann came to ~clam: ant> tl)c ~riians £ct eateann 1>:tnhe bcfo~clJtm. anb lJcc maoc l)im
tl)emfelueis in arar a1ainl JZ>auib, anti foull.Jt flJ:un1te:ant1ateum lJc'Ulentoutto Uc on IJiS 1 ~~mbpr•
'IDitl) l)im. coucl) 'lllttlJ d)e reruantss of IJiJJ to:t>, but 'lllmt r;'~~,.~~~~\~.
18 .an11t1Je~r~ianl!I fleb befo1e ')ftad, anti nott>o'Ulne to l)iJJ t)oUfc. brb"' ~''"
14 ©n t:IJc mo:o'DI ~auil> \TJ:ote a letter to
ls~~,.:~~ 0 ~ lletlroren r rcuen l)UnbJel> t11ants of tl)c
not! pnnupal: ~ruanis > anri roume tl]oufanb l)o~femm • anti ']oab, ant> tentitbfd)el)anbofil!.lrias:
~;:.;,:'/,:::·· emote ~ba tl)e captaine oftl)cir IJolk,\lll.Jid) al, 15 ~t1lllJelD.1otctl)1155int1Je 1£ttcr, g ll)utrc ~ l!!r"µ•c•o
~~::;irtt fobitl>tl)m. anu intlJe fo:cfrent of tl)e lbarpcr battcll,nnll ~~'i~"~·:·~r,~p
.,,:r,:~~~::b I9 anti \TJ\)£1180 tl)C (lingSJ that WC?C fmtalltlS COlllt rebache from l}im,tl)at l}c map bcfmittm, ~:~.~·h1,":.:upl I
;::,0110 ·~·· to ~abartitt fa\llc, tt;at ttcr fell befoJC '.]lftacl, ann nie. .. . ~:;~,~~;·:~ .u
{ · tlJrr mabc pcau 'lllitt) 1ftact. ant> fen.ten tl)em : 16 ~o \tllJcn '.)oab bencgcn t~eatte,l)eafi'~, uurnnn •b•·
anb ro tl)c ~r~ians fearcll to l)clpe tl)e d)tlDim nell $rial5 bnto a place'IDl)cre l)e 'a.lift tl)at llrog n~nonon.
orammo1,1 anp moir. mtnlDetC,
Thcxj. Chapter. 17 ~nll tlJe men or tfJc citic came out, ann
fou~t'olttlJ '.J,oab: ant> tl)m \'Drrc ctttaine o•
1 Thecitic Rabba is bdicged. 4 Dauid committeth ucrtmo1Dm of tl)e people of tl)e fm1ant1S of~a'
adultcric. 17 V1ias isilaine. 27 Dauidmarricd1 utn: anD ertais thcU,letl;11tc riicD atro.
Ikthfabc. 1 s ~~en '}oab rent, ano to ID ~autl> 1111 tlJC
...::w · ~1> it came to patre, tl)at after tl)c tbingis conc;cming tlJt: 'alarre:
i.~~·:i::.~·· rm. 'roa.S tlJetimc •'a.llJc , J 9 an11 cIJargeb tl)r 1mll'cngcr11,rapinj!,J101)rn
'"'P11111uru1. • •• !iing~oc fo1tl) t~ battdl, • ~aui!J tf)ou IJaft mane an cntle of tdltng ~c matter~ of
•.Chr.:o.1 '.]ioab anll IJllS rcruant21 'ID~tlJ
1 rent
'a.larre bnto tIJc liing:
f4}~~1Ji1n.. anll an j1£rart, \lllJiCIJ Deftror• 20 'J,f t:l)c liittgis anger art re, anti te rap bnto
tll tl)c cl)IUl~rn of :ttmmon, anll befie1cn 11Iabba: tfJrc, D91Jcrcfo1c app~ocl)ell rec ro nigfJ 1mto ttJe
but :li>auib tarieb fttll at 1.9iemfaltm. cttic\lltJcnvc llill figbt;' !Wit rec notd)at tl)cy
,. !tlnt> inaneueningtillc lt'auill atofe out 'IDoUID (Jurle anti {!Joot.c from tl)e \'DaU;'
~. ~~~~Z:'r" o~ l)iss b br?I, ann \tJaUtct> bpon tlJe rooft of tlJc 2 I * ~IJO futott abtn1de:tt) fonne Of h'JletUbl> lud:•.Q. ~ •
111r11n...~ llinp palace, anb from tlJe rooft l)e fa\lle a \DO• fctlY. J211D not a 'moman call a piece ofa milaone h Wl"'"'"B·3
~~~~ man 'Wa11Jin11JerCelft, anti tIJe \tloman \Dass l>C' tipon tJtm from ~e \'Dall,ann l)t llitb in <4[;1Jrbcss:' "'il""·
"" rp beauttrun to loollc bpon. 'mbP lDtntree nigl;I tl)e 'lllall;' ~nrarrt1ou,
3 ann ~auib fcntto enquire 'IDl)at woman -at:lJV rmiant ~nais ttJr$ttt.Jite iJJ neat> atro. ·
, a:in. 111.1r ft llJoUID be: anb one fail!,1\IS not tl1if!l ll5etl)C5bc 2 i ~o ttJ~ 1nctrcniJct \Dent, ann came anti
&~:i~i'.~~ tlJe~uglJtttofefliam, an11'1»ifcto<mnass tlJc n1e\lleb ~au:.D au ttJat '.)oab I.Jab rent 1J1m fo~.
'-"'" ra ll)etl)ite 1 2; .anD ttJc ~eft'mgcr rarrie tinto ~aui!I,
•be ""111111" 4 !!nb )t')aUib fent mcffmg£tlS, anD toOfiC Q)e men p:euatlel> again« ti55 , anD came out
V riah flaine. II.Samuel. Solomon borne.
-t Hrb.wm tinto bS tnto tlJC lidl'l, anll \»C -t ptmu@ d.Jem ts
ag3 mllthc. uen bnto tl)c cnmng ortl}cgatc:
24 anri the aiootc~ {!Jot from ~e \llallt~ bp'
on tlW rcruants,anri rome of tl)e fling.cs'I
be ricari , anll tlJF rcruant mna~ ti.Jc ll)ctl}ite 1•
l'leal'l atro. .
5 9nll ~autll fapllc tmto tl)c mclTen!itt,
~ 11 .ii ll)alt tl}ou rap bnto ]oab, JL,ct not d,lat
t Heb. fo tl}tng trouble tl}ce,fo~ tlJC (\lJO~ll 'llCUOUtetlJ*-Dnc
• a~ \»Cl as anotl)cr:~afie tlJp battel mo~ «rong
again~ tl}c titie,to ouertl)µ>to it,ann encourage ·
26 allll b'Jl)cn tlJe b'Jifcof~ria!5 tlcarb tlJat
f}cr l}ufbanl'l \lla~ bean, llJt moumel'l foi I.Jim.
17 .\tnll b'J(Jcn tl)e mourntng b'Ja~ pall, Ji>a,
f Heb.was uill fcnt,anll fct ~er to lJit'l IJourc, anll llJt became
(Ji~ tDife, ann bare {Jim a ronne: but tlJi~tl.ling
cy<s of1he
Lord, Wamll llib, *" llifpleafc!J tl)c )Lo~l>.
Thexij. Chapter.
I Dau id reprooucd by Nathan ,confelfcthhis finne.
18 The child concciucd in adulterie, dycch.
'.Ci~ ~ WtlJ~ JL,o~l'l ·Cent JaatIJan brt,
L11otmuDtn ~Ai ~ ®to ~am?I: ann l}ec allnc bnto
utng:1ni:rcttof ~ '/:1J::; , IJim, ann tollllJim, ~crctom
oll>oo, lllbltb
currnub not ' t'tDo mm in one citic , t1Je one
::::~:.c·1;~ ~ rtcl}, anlJ tIJe otIJcr poo~c.
' r\ 2 ~e ricIJ man l)al> e,n:ee'
anri tu1ng1rb l:ling manp ~~eepc ann @,:en:
bll11 to rcprn•
tllltr. 3 '5ut tl)c poo~c IJaD notIJing raue one litlt
11Jecpc, llllJiclJ be l)aD bougl.Jt ann nourtfiJCll bp:
ann itgre\D bp \lJitlJ (Jim, anD b'Jttl) lJiSS clJtlo~cn
i Or,morrcJ alCo,anlJ lJibeatoflJi~ o\llne II meatc, anlJlJianllC
ofl)ts otDnc cup , ann aept m I.Ji~ bof01nc, anti
'Wal$ bnto l)im a~ l]t~ DaUglJtcr.
4 anD tl}crc,amc au ffrangerbntOtlJC
tmn oman. man, anlJ l]e JI fparell to take Ofl;JJjS OlDllC O]ttpe,
~or,rcfufcd anll of l)t~ owne 01en, to l'l~e foi tlJc ffrqcr
tl)at \llass come bnto l}im: buttoollc ti.Jc pooie
manss Q)eepc,anll t11cffcll it foi tl)e man tlJattDajS
come to lJim,
n1c1>. •he ~ ann +wautll tDaS5 cyccentng miot(J witlJ
anger of tIJe man, antlfaill to Jaatl)an, 9SStl}C Jl,o~l>e l(,
Dau id was uetll, ti.le man tl)at lJatlJ none tl)iss tl)illB, it'I tl)e
~in died. 11 tiJilOc Ofileatl):
\,.or, !hall 6 • 1 ~e tlJal
rcfto.zc tlJc ",t!..ambc II rourcfoUJ, be'
turcly J1c. ., IJ"' . h. . I ..
Exod. 1 1.1, cau,c clltll t.,tn tl)tng .• qnlJ JBlJ 1'D pttte.
II Or, rwifc 7 (.lntl 0atl}an fallJ to W&UtlJ, ~OU art ti,!e
fou1cfold, man: tilUG faitl) tl)e )l,o~D <15oll of ')lhttl, 'j\ an'
notntrti tllee king ouer '.)Crael, ann ril> t(Jcc out
oHi)c lJann of $!)auL
r.!c~:~~~~"' 8 'Ji gaue tl)ce tlJp bmaftm! l)OUfc,~tlJF ma.
~· \Q:,~~,~~··"' {1£ti!I c 'llltUCl1 into t(Jj' bofome,anl'l «BUC tlJU ti.Jc
~-:r.~ ~~'::: ~oureof'l.frael ~ of]!Jl'la,anl'l mtglJt(iftl.latlJall
~[•~b'"k' ben~ too lttlc) lJnue gm en tl)rc *' ro muefJ mo1e.
llil•~h:i,~,:·• 9 UDl;Jcrd"o~ctben l)aft tl)oullefpifcll tl)c rom·
::;~~.~,~~" mnnllcment or tl)e Jl,,01n, to lJo cuill in IJis rigl)t:'
rneb.fuch tl)ou l)aR l!illel> ;arias tl}t lf}ctl)ite \Dtt)J tlJe
in.d fucb t'alo~i:I, anll lJall taflcn tJtS \llif£ to tlJp \Dife. lll1lJ
~h~~;;,mth l)Oaf1;.d llatne l)tm 'lll1t)1 t:l)e Cl:\loill or tlJe tl)ilDJcn
ocnurnng hi'" ...mnton,
ro the b1nD6' 10 L'\

@oDICnClnic•. Jr,.o'QJ tl}erero~c tlJe C'mo~be lbatt ncuer lie'
patt from t1J1ne lJoure, bet:aurc tl}ou
fell me, anl> tahcn tt)e 1llif£ or w.rt~ ti.Jc
to be thr "IDtfe.
• ml)mfo~ tlJ,Ufl rattl) tl)e ",t!..OJO, :J6d)olll,

'Jl \»tll Ihm bp cu1u a~ninft tl)tt, cum out of

tl)mco~ml)oure, anb'IDill taht tlJp 'mtutl!lbt>
• llil•••tn1, •. fo~c tlJme ere~' a~ !:ttuc t1Jc:m l>ntotf1r nclglJ•
,...,, ... " boar, ant1l)clballlie\»1~tl)p l»t·....·m· ..... ~t
"'""""· ·of tlJis • funnc. -.. ..,~ ..».,
The 'Vvido'\'ves parable. IL Samuel. Abfalom called home.

'"fOI SL'ln•
l~<rlDH lbC

d ;uoJ11in1
totb• ta\Dt
w.,1ci, com·
Du-nto be

~~bfaloh1s ambition. .Chap.xv. Dauid fleeth. 116

re:rres cnDa. f.Je polkb it: bccaurrtlJe IJa~ \1'11115
11caurun 1J1m,t1Jcrdo~e IJe pollcl> tt)IJe tvecgl)eD
bopa or tlJe m1mpetblo\t'J, re OJall fap,Qbfalom
rei~ttntl:J in ,Cb,on.
,, lllbl<b ID•r· tlJC lJafrt! Ofhi# lJe&D 8ttllJD l)unb,el> fiCICf; a[•
II !lnl> lDitfl abfalom 'mmt tb>O lJDn~Cl>
~~:::·:. tertlJehitJWSmecg(Jt. menout or~terufalnntl:Jat\t'Jere rcallcl>, anb r1bb!olb111
h.. ·~~;';~·· 2 7 .ana:a~1otn1Jabtf11tefoiintsbo~1Jim. tlJ~pmmt mitt:J pun 1.Jesrts, not fmetoing; of ~:::::"'
~ •. anti one 11au»>,tn, namel> ¢l)amar, mlJtclJ tvass s anp tlJln!J. . f,~:~.~:-··
I'1 a raire tvoman to loohe bpon. I :z. anl'I Qbfalom rent roi !lCIJttoplJd we <l!JI• bom.
. .. a8 ~o abfalom l>\t'JClt t\t'Jo ptmfJ in ll)ieru' loni_te.. li'anil>l5 counfcller, from lJifJ ntte <5ilo,
~~· ·· ratcni, am rato not tl)e htn~ ra~. · \DfJtlC lJc offttcD ramfia15, ul)erc uass \111oug;1Jt
~~ . 2 ~ 'aI-f.Jnero~e abfalom rent ro~ '.] 1Jat1c llron!J trrafon: foHl}epcoplc mentanl> cncrea,
·~, · rent l}im to tl)e king;, but IJc tDoulD not come to fell \t'JttlJ abfalom.
1:-::1 !:Jim: anll tot.Jen IJc Ccntae;aine,IJec\'DoDIDnoc 13 anbtlJttccamumcil'cn~to~auin,anb
' come. fain, ¢1Jc 1Jeart15 of t11e mm Of]fraclarc turneb
~1 30 'a!:f)ercro,chefatb bnto1J01~.l6c. afterabralom.
~~r.pof- ~oll>,9joab IJatlJ a fiell> bp mp llplace.anb l)el)atlJ 14 anti :10auil>fatn bnto 11( lJilS reruant~ tl;Jat
t~:ion, barlup ti)min : goc, anb ret it 01ifire. anD ao. \llerc \UitlJ IJim at ~tcmfalcm,ill!p, tl)at me mar

~~\~~:.iris." falom~rcru11nt15fetitonftre:. flee, fofwe:OJallnot elsurcaµe hfrom abfalom: ~.fii~~~·

: ~!~~'ii.'!• F ~bm J,oab aro~c, anlJ came to 9:bfalom maDtdt~~nc to ll~pba~t. lca11 1Jec come fub~l:" ::l.":~~:11 •c
h. 1111rr11 tmto tJts l}oure, anll faille bnto IJittt, D~mfo~c an ca ...., 11151 anu im11 cm11 ~on blS, anll fmttt ...,u. ""''"'
~-..i'· l}auc tlJp rcruantl5 burnt mp ficlll mitl:J Circ:' r.z tiJe cttic \UitlJ tl)e cbge of tl,Je fmo~ll. ::::.~::~:N:
~ 32 anD abfalom ammcrelJ loab. l6cl)olb, "'1 1 s ann tlJc hings rcmanr, faiD bnto IJina.:>ae• ~~,~·.~':in"~'
~ fcntf.o? tlJcc, bcfiring tl]ec to come, becauCcj\ IJolb, tfJt' feruantsare rc:adieto doe \lll)atrocucr ~""·b
~ \lJOUIO IJaUC fcnttl}ee tO ~ ltfttg;,f01(0fip, U!)lJCl" mp fO~tl t(JC bing; llJllll ;\;appoint.
:~ ro~e am91 comerrotne3efur:' '.lltlla'llbcncbetter 16 ·anD tl)c htng; Dcpartel:I, anb au lJis hour, 'h •
ro~ me to l)aue bcnc tl)crc lltll: ~owe tterefo~t IJoll>; at IJis rcetc: anll tl)e litng; Iert tcnne co nm, ;1!bftll•.ar·
\lloull> ] rec tile 11tng;s race, anti tf ~c" te anr bineis to kecpe tl)c (Joure. 0
"' '"'·
rtrefpaffe in me.1£tl)im ktll mt. 17 anti tiJC king \llcnt roitl'J, anll au tl)e pto,
33 anD ro 9Joab came to tl)e king, anti tolllc pie at lJi!S fccte, ano tarieb in a place t{Jat \
him: 'tD"'ic
., ., ., 'll>llen be "ab
., fmt fOJ abfalom, (Je • k farre off. ~111111.rrna
came to tl)c bing, anD fell to tte miountl 011 l)tf 18 anb all IJts; reruantis \\lmt about l)im: anti
race bcfoie IJtm, ano tl)e king fittrcD Wllalom. all tl)e ~nttl)itcis. anD au tf;Je tl)belctl)lteis, anil
The xv. Chapter. au t'fJc <5ct1Jttcs, eucn fire IJtmllJrb men, 'll>fJKIJ
\Dcrc come after IJim from <6etlJ, \'Dent bero~e
;:~. 2 The pralli[es ofAbfalom to alpire to the ldngdome. tl)e king.
14 Dauid and his kruants Bee. 31 Dauidspraier. 19 ~IJcnfaib tl)clling to ''JltlJai tl)cdl.'Sc(.fJitc. I iMllro.••
'f.•:b.111ado . 1 f t c r ti){$$, ruiralom ~ p~eparrDIJim 119l)erfo~c commett tl)ou 'll'JitlJ bS:' J&eturnc. anll (;:,•::·~,.•• ,
Si ?'~ ~ ) cl}arctis anti IJ01(C~, anb fiftic men abtD£ 'lDtt'fJ tl)e hlng, fOJ tt}OU art a llrangcr, DC, 1°'!J"'0 ~
m torunncbcfo~el)un. pmttl)erero~etotl)pplace. ta '
c '
. • l ait?>ilbfalomrortbpcarclr, 20¢1Joucamcttrefferbap,anD11Joul1J9J1ln'
iti nnn aoolle in tl}c plau or ttJe en, ciuitt ttJec to lJap to goc 'tllitl) bis:' '.JI mill go tDIJi'
~ trmg mof tlJC gate: an11 cuirr man tl)at bab anr ti)er] can: tl)erefo~e retume tIJou, anb came a.
~~.coalre>- II matter, ano cainc to tlJe Bing foi iUb~cnt, gaine tlJr m b~ctl)~cn: mmte anti truetl) be\llitl) Wtl8.!~•
~Ii•, lJtlll tltD abralom call bnto mm, 8nb faibe, il[)f tl}ec.
~~ 'IDlJatcittearttl)ou:'tl;}r.anf'mereD,~IJJ?fmJant 21 anb ']tl)aianC\tJereb tlJC !'Jing, llnll faib, b,umrnri.
~~~~g;~· i~ of one of tile• tribes of']\frael. . ais tiJe ·J!.,01nc Iiuetl), anb as mp 1o.1D tl)e bing It
vi.m 3 !tlno abfatom fain bnto IJim, ~cc,tlJr mat' aetlJ,in 'tDIJatplaccmp lo~'ll tfJc fiing tIJalbe, \lJIJe'
' " tcnrnrcgooD anD riglJtcou15,but tl)ere is no man tlJerin ncatl) OJ life, euen t(Jcrealfo \llill tlJl? rcr-
~: deputed of tl]c king to t)carc tl)cc. uant be•
.1 4 abfalomfaib mo:eouer, ©IJ tl)at'Jl 'mm 21 anb:WauibCaill to]tlJai, GtometlJen,anb
~e:·~ mane b tuogr in ti)e lanb, tl)at euerr man \DlliclJ goc fOi'tllarn.ann 'JltfJai ttJe ~ite 'tllentro,tlJ,
~r.•...;D r:iu IJatl) anp pica anD mattn iu tl)e la'lllc, miglJt anb all l)iis men, anti all tl)e cl)ifll)Cll tl]at \Derc
:· ~~~:t come 1mto mec , tl}at 'Jl mi~t i:>oe l)im iu' 'coitlJ l}im.
,["....... :' 13 ano all tl)e countrcy '!Dept 1.llitlJ a louDe
~ ~ ann 'oJhcn anr man came mg;I) ~ ~im,antJ boia,anD au tf)e people mmt oucr: _tlJe fling alfo
.~ Dib IJimobcpfance, l)e putroo~tl)l)ifJl)anD, ann llimfclfc pail'cl> ouer tl)e b~oohc flrcD~on, anti all
~ toolitl)imto l)un, ariDlrilr£blJim. flJcpcople\lJrntoucr to\Daril tlJc \Dap tlJat lea,
~ · 6 an11 on tl)i~ 1nanet btll abfalom to an 91r, llctlJ to tlJe wm1cmeErr.
· came to tlJc bing foJ iubg;emcnt:fo Qb, z4 aun loe, ~ai:localro, anb all tl)c ll.cuttes
IJ b!:I~!·,~~. fatom' llalc tl)e IJcartsof tlJemcn Df9jftacl. 'tllerc 'Witt) l)im .anb "bare tlJC tltlte of tlJe couc, • m~1cb mu
~ :tl~'.""b""· 7 annaftcr d (our tie rmes, abralomtapbc nantorc3oD,anDtlJcp fetDo\lJnc ttJe arlfe orQl5ob ::~ g~i\:,~~ •.
tI ii:onrnr,Jng bnto tte fling, 'Jl PJBP tIJce, let me (JO to ~Cb.ion, anb abiatJJar 0 went bp' .b~till tl}e people were
,,:',~,'~g'.:.. anD par mp bo\ll 'tlll)iclJ ']l IJ.aue bo'.L»eb bnto tl)e all come ouer out or tiJc nt1e.
·~'~,:.~~~~~:• JL.o:D. r• ;-•,_ ll#;'/J "7 ?:,"/Mn.• 1•: 11"'fr~
25 ~llOtl,JCliill1J[E1ii)blltO§!DtlllOC,¢Slic tfJC
~,~~:.~•b br
,....... 8 1fo~ tl)p rcmant bo'l.lleb a tlo\t'Jc \t'Jben 1 arheof '30tl againcinto tlJtcttie :if] ll)aU finllc
' \llais in 0crur in ~p:ia. raring, ')f tlJc JL.nza fh?l rauour in t!Je eye~ of tl)e JLo~o, l)e lllill b~ing me
b1tng me againe in 11ccbt to \3icruralcm , •Ji unll ajJain~. anD llJctD me botl.J it, ann tl)e tabernacle
•Df llw1"" , fctu" t"" ... A•b tl)ercof. t 'f 1te f-11 d. #' 6'lf
UhB;lOll IJC
II.- &JL JWU/" •
9 anDttleliini;tfaibbUtolltm,~oeinpeace. 26•"\l:t.
....,u t •J u1U.u 1 a?, .3iJ.JBut no lua 111ltO t,~.~::~~:.~·
' °'"" ann fo l)e arofe, ann mmt to ll)eb,on. tl}cc. bct)Olll, p IJere am 'J' let IJrm llOC tvitl} me
•caurr of CO••
1 o )l)ut abCalom rent fpiel5 tlJo~o'IDout au tIJc 'tlllJat Cccme~ goo~ in IJis creis. :r,~\!::b~.~ri .,
tri~es of']\frael,faptrn;~. a15roone a15 pc l}earc tlJc 2 7 ~Ile Inngfarn alfo bnto ~aboi: tflr. ~tieft, •11 "'""r"'"

•ant .. ttM
tn1. .1..,.,..
The I
Chufais counfel preferred. Chap.xvij .xviij. Achicophel hanged. 11 7

The xvij.Chapter. 17 ~o"GJ ']onatlJan anti a~tmaa; abcnc bp

tIJe toeu mogcl: (foi tlJC1? miglJt not bee fcenc to
7 Achitophels counfel is ouenhrowcn by Chufai. to come into ti.Jc citie) anb a mcncl) l:Dent nnb , l!!:~
r tolD t(}cm: ll tlJcy \Dent, ll ft)e\Deb 11ing ~aun1. rcom ;;:,·~~~·

~ Q)itoplJ£1 a1ro raib tinto abfatom.
~~.~~~·r~~. ~~ .X:~ •:JL,et mee cl)oorc out no"me nudue J 8 Jl:leucrtl)l'(l'(fc, a la!) ram tfJl'm, anb tOI!) it tbl<S,
~:~~~~. t(}oufanll men, anll 9\ "mill bp, anb to ~bfalom: buttticr \UcntbotlJ of tlJcm attir.p
rollo'm arm ~auill tl)i.El niglJt: qu1~fllp,anD came to a mans (Jourc in'5al}ur1m,
2 .anll 91 "mill 'ome bpon IJim \DlJicl) (Jab a \llell in lJis ratll, into t{Jc \UlJiclJ
tolJtle IJec t.!5 to call anb tocabc 1Janbtb: anti 'mill tl)eyblentbotone.
ftarc IJim : anll all tIJc people tl)at arc 'a:ritl) IJim 19 anti ti.Jc totrc tookc anb fpzeall a coucrlct
fl.Jail flcc,anll ro Will 1 fmitc tIJc liin!,J ondp, ouertlJe '1J£llcll! moutlJ, anll fp~can r;.trounn come
'2.Sam.19. 3 * anll totll b~tng againc all tl)c people tm' tl)creon,anD t1Jc ttnng toa13 not fpicD.
1:1.7. to t1Jee: anll '1l(}en all tl)aU recume, tl;Jc b man ;o ann \Ul)cn abfalom13 rcruantlJ came to tlJc
~" b.'J~om ttJou feckclt bcingfiiine,all t(}e people fl.Jal \U1fc to tl)c l)oufc, tl)cp fapD, JIDt)erc is ~U1imaa;
betnpcacc. ann ']onatIJan ~ ~lJt \Uoman anf\Dmb tlJcm,
~Heb: was 4 9.nO tlJe farin!,J i:- plcafeb abfalom '1lcl,anll ~lJCF bee gone oucr tlJc b~ookt of toatcr. anb
~ightin.thc all tfJC ClOCr,El orj\fracl. "tDt)en ttJcr l)all fougl)t tl)em..anll couln not linbe
•yes otAb- 5 * \ltl}enfapll 2.bfalom, <tallnotoc Grl)ufai tIJcm,tlJcr rcturnco to ~tcmfalcm.
~~~: 1 • 8. t!Jc ~racfJttc alfo, ~let bSJ)Jeare ltlietotre +\'Dl)at 21 ann asrooncall! tiler tucrc llcpartcn, tl1e
I Heb.what l}e fattfJ,' otl)crcameoutoftlJe \lleU, anb\Dcnc anll tolbc h11 6 mten Q)urai \t'JaSJ co1nc to abfalom.. rtlb, liing ~auib, anti fartlc bnto l)im, ttip, anD ~ct
lnou1h. raiom fpalic bnto IJim, fapinr;_t, ac1Jitop1Jc~ lJath J?OU quickclp oucrtlJc toater, fo~ gCutt) counrell , l:D 11>!t. ro
,o •. fpokcn II !PU£1l fuel} counfel: llJall \llC llO after l)tSJ rap' l)atl} acl)1top1Jclgiucn agatnft pou. \::',;~~u ~~~'-
~us. tn!,J,O, no~ tell tl)ou. 2 2 QJcn wamn arore,antl au tl)c people tbat
t 7 lltlJufai antaierell bnto rtlbfalom, ~e coun, mere 'mitlJ lJim, anll tlJCI? \Dere come oucr ']'1 o~
rcn tl)at ac1Jitopl)£l l)atl} giucn, I.El not goob at bane h bF tl)at it "mall! tlt1F: ro tlJat tlJm laclttll ~'~~,;~~· !~i'r
tl)ill!timC. 110t One Of tlJCm tljtlt mall! not COmCOUtf]Ol' r1~br,anDb•
s 1fo1.faill <tl)ufai. ~ou Imo'mclt tlJp fatlJer nane. · ~ m?i~ 1'~,~<1,~.
1 1

anti lJllll men,l)oto ttJat tlJCF bee lltong men, anti 2 3 9nb mt:Jen acIJitopl)cl fato tbat f'liS COUil' ~~;{. iar.rg
tlJcy be cl}afeb in tl)eir minllcll!, anb an cucn all! fell "ma.El not folfotoeb : tJce fablctl an atre, anti a'
E a '5cate robbcb of IJcr tol}clpcll! in tl)r: fi:ctb: ttw rofc anb gate l)tm {Jome to 1Jt.£l ownc l)oure, anti
r ratllcrill! a man alfo p~actifcb in \Uarrc, anll \Ulll to 1Jilll otone citic, anll put l:Jill! lJoullJolb in oibcr,
:>r, rary all not ii lo!lgc\'DiCIJ tl)c people. ~nb i l}angetl l)lmfclfe, anll llpeb, anZI \'Das buricb ~,,;,:~~~:-;~,~
iigbr. 9 ;t3£1Jolb, IJr: ill! lJib now in romc cauc, oi in m tlJc fepulc(J~e ofl)IS rat(Jcr. r111, hf•"""'
i rome otlJcr plate: anb tlJouglJ fomc of l)iSJ men 24 ~tn wautb came to ~aIJanaim, ann ~·~~~·:11~~i;::;;'
. be ouertIJ~o\llcn at ttJc urlt b~unt, pct tl)cy t(}at abratom patre11 ouer 'Jo1t1an, l)c anti au tl)c men r~:;~~:;:.~:"
r, (Jearc it, toill rap, ~l)c people tlJat folotllctlJ 9b• of '.JI fracl \UitlJ (Jim. . ~~~~'\\~;.'
mHcb. hauc falom be i putto tl)c \llo~rc. l5 anti .abfalom mane amara captatnc of mrntalllucb
~r•ach Ot' 1 o 9nb lJC alfo tl}at ill! bal1ant, \ll{Jofc IJcart ti'! tlJc l}ollc in tteao of 'Jloab: \Dl)icl) amafa 'mall! a ~,: ~~~\~ ~~

t~·j; aSJ ttJc 1Jeatt of a Jl.,ion, ft)all +oninbc ann faint: mans ronnc nameb j\ctlJ~a an '.]lfraclite, tl)at ""·'·
i • .met. 1 fOJaU']ftaelknotoctlJ tl)attl)pfatljerisamtgl)'
tocnt in~ abigail tlJC b8UQl}tcr Ofk~alJall!,ftllcr ~' ~1 ~:.~1!,'. 1 '
-H.b,1bc trman, ann tlJC! \lllJtcl} be \DitlJ 1J1m arc t aout to'.Jam1B')oabsmot1Jer. vawc•l••brr.
bildrcn or men. :6 ~o 11frad anll .abfalom pitCIJcb tn tlJe
19'°wdc. 11 'atl)mf~mrcounfellill!, t(JataU]fracl Ianb of @ilcall.
, bee gatl)mn bnto tl)ee, from wan to ;ll)mrcba, 17 gntl \'DlJen ~auib \DSSJ come to g(!}al]a,
aSJ tt.Je fanb of tfJC Cea in number, anti tlJat ti.Jou natm,~obit(Jefonneof ~a(Ja~. outormabba,
goc to battcll in tl)ine otone perfon. of tlJc clJilb~cn of .ammon, ~ ~acllir t(}e fotmc
12 <jfo~fo 11Jaltoecomet1pon1Jim inonq~la'c of ammicl,outor :JLoncber, ann ~ancllai tLJe
oi otlJer \lll)crc toe OJaU finll lJim..anb 'lllc toil fall <J!Jlteabitc, out oimogclim,
bpon 1Jim, cucn all! tlJicfleas tlJc be'tllc fallctl.J on lS 'l5~oug1Jt beD!ll, barons. cartlJm bcffelll!, i:..:~.~~:n~'
1 tl)c grouno:anb of al tl)c mm tlJat arc toitlJ l)im, to1Jeate anll batlcp, ftourc t11lD parct}cb COJnC, r:,%~:~'f,~.~!~~
·~ "ale f!)all not lcauc lJim one. bcanc~ lcntilell!,anb parc11ct1 pulfc, '" b1rno11b1r
13 ~01couer ,tf1Jre bee gotten into a toblnc, 19 l\)oncp, butter, fi1ecpc, anb Cl)l'Cfe Of fii~C, anoatftimon.
;~ tl)cn aiau ·all ttJc men of ']rracl b~ing ropcll! to foi Jll)auiD, anb fo~ tlJc people tfJat lllrre 'lllttlJ
tl,!atcitr, ano we mm b~ato it into tl)c riucr, 1.m• htm to cat: foi t!Jcp rarD, ~(Jc people ilJ l)ungm,
~ till UJerc be not one fmall ttonc rounb tlJerc. \llcarie,anD tlJirttie in tl)e \Utlbcmeffc.
~ 14 9nb 9bfalom anb an tlJc men of 1rrac1 The xviij. Chapter.
I farb, ~e counrd ofGrl)ufai tlJc 9rad)itt, ill! bet• Dauid diuidcth his armie inco three parts,
~L~~:i~~~h ltttlJcnttJe counfcl of g,1Jttopl)d. <jfo~lltt'mall!

j comrnan- tUCR t(}e JLoibtll! l>Ctcrminatioll to bCllrop. tl)C Ab ~autb ·.nu~b~etl ~epeoplc ;b?~~~r:~::; 1
dcd. '!,JDOll COU11fclof9,l:Jttopl)cl,t1Jat tlJCJl.,O~b m1g1Jt tlJ~t 'Were llltt(} 1J1m, ano rct cap, ~:.~'~,~~;':~:~
, ~:::m dbiingcultlbpon9bfatom.
. :,P•tr• '"" 15 ~IJcnfaib lltl)tlfai bnto ~anoc anb ~b1a'
. tames of tlJoufanbll! allb of l)un,
o,e11s ouer t(}cm.
"'h"" •.iii
r:~~~:.:t tlJartl)e ~iicltll!, llDftl:Jilll anti tl)at mancr, lltb ~· • :i ann ~8Uill Cent fooitb tl!c ~r~':•:~;,bb;~
• ~''"' 1~. cl}itopl)cl anti t(}c Cflbttll! of']fracl 9bft1• tt,JtrD part ~f tlJcpcoptc bnbcr tiJe l}anb of·] ~ab, ~;1',~·.~~~[i ...
::i'."i::·~~~~bu· lom..anll tfJUS anb ti.JU~ l)auc '.J\ counfelleb. anD tl}e ttJ1r1:1 part bnber ~e l)antl of .abtrai t)Je .... b•ll• 11• .. be·:. 16 !i:lo"m tlJcrcfo~ reno quiclilp,antlll)eto lli'll• ronnc of':5amia ~oabSJ biotl)e:r, anD t!Jc otlJcr :~J~~:'...~~,;'" uitJ, raping, ~anc not t(}ill! nigl)t mtlJe fldDcSJ
,ii~-· of t(}e toilDcmeffc, but get tf;Jcc • ouer, lclt tlJe
t(Jirb part ~nllcrtlJe l}an11 of']tlJai tt1c ~ctlltte :
anD tlJe lttn!.l fartl bnto t(Jc people, 3i \lltll goc
~ 1,:~~·z·,·~:<
I flinq bCC'IJCUOUTtb, 811D aft tl)t people tljatarc "rottlJ pou mp felfc alfo 110 olfo loo

\Ditbllim. 3 anb tl}c Pl'Otilc anf\llctrD, ~Oil tlJalt not !':'~,:; ~."
Abfalom hanged on an oke. I I.Samuel. Dauid lamenteth him.
i1oc fo~tl.J: co, m 11e lice att1ar, tl}ey ttJill not care man to bean g tibinpto bap, ~ou lbaltbearc r '""""""•
fo: b,e,neitiJer ll)all tlJCF regiut> bf5,tf;Jou!Jl) IJalfe ttllin!,111 anotl)cr time:butto bar tl)ouOJaltbcim t.W~~~
otbsmcrc aatne: buttIJou.a~no'al ttJo~tlJ trn none,bccaufctl.Jektnpronneist>e~. 1••1.;1rp1..:
tl)ourant> of b.B. 1191Jcr~roJc tt rss better tl.Jat tIJou i 1 '4n)cn ratn '.]]oab to ~1,Cll50 anb ten tlJc .wh..:~\~
rmcour bl1 out ofd1t aue. kin!l'allJat tl)o111Jalt fttnc. an1> Cltl)Ufai bo'alcll lll*lom.
QnD tl}c kin« faill bnto tl.Jern, 1191Jat fee, IJimfclfe bnto '.]loab,anll ran.
mctlJ 1·ou bcif.,tl)at ttJtn '.JI bo. am tlJc king noon z 2 ~m fail> al]imaa1 tIJc fonne or ~1111oc
bJ? t!Jc gate nne, anll an tl)e people came out b!' . &!,Jaine to ']oab,1191)at, 'Jl µ~artlJce, if] alfo run
f}unn~cll11,anil bl! tIJouranbss. after CJurai: anb 'Jloab fatl>, tmlJcrcfoJc b.nlt
5 Qnil tlJt lnni commanbcb ') oab, anb abi, tl}ou run, mr ronnc, rccingtl}at tlJou l)all no ti,
rar,ant> ']ltl}at,rarmg, Imreace ttJe pong man ab< DinlUJ to b~ing1
falom gcntlp fo~ mr fake • .2lnb all tlJC people 23 l\?tt\lll)attr1 runnc: ~cc faibbntol'Jim
I}earn tIJat tIJc htng gaue an tl)e captains cl]argc munne. iatIJen al)tmaa1 ran bp tJ;Jc uar of t.IJe
conccming !abfalom. plainc.anll came befo~c Cltl}Ufai.
6 !AnllfOtlJCpcoplc \llcntout intotlJtftdlJC 24 anZJ~auibfatebct'alemtIJet\"oohgatclS: h !/crarrtw
b"" ,_.nro.&" again« ]fracl(ann t~e battcl uass in tlJc b moon ann tl)e ttJatdJman bJcnt tip to tl}e roofc oucr ~,~l:l~
i.~~r~!c~~~~; or~ptJ~aim,) tl)e gate, tnto tl}c 'Xllllll, ann lift bp l)us cress. rwm.
~~r;11:·~,:~~~ 7 IWl)erc t}Jc pco~1lc of ]frad \tlerc Qainr anl>fttttJ,ann bclJDIZI, tl)crccamcamanrunning
J oio•ne1i1 r~" bcfo:e ttJe rcruantss of ~auto , ann tl)crc \Das r; alone.
25 antitIJe watcl)man crtclJ, ~tolbtfJcI;ing.
ID • gmitaau1,Jl)tcrtJ;Jatba')?, cucnof tttJcntr tl;ou,
rant! men. '.Inn Cl)e fimgfatll, '.]!fl)ccbee alone. tJ;Jcrciss •ti, ; ~111111Jii
s :1foHl;c battell 'ala)'Hcattcrcb oti£ull tl!c oin~ in lliss moutl;J. ano JJce ca1nc spate, anti ~~~"' u.
countrrr: ann tIJc tuoob bcuourcn moe people Zl~c\D nccre.
t1Jatnar,t1Jcnt1i'Dt1Jef'11o~n. .26 am>t1Jctllatc1Jmanfa'alanot11crmanrun'
9 ann gbratom met tfJe rcruantss oOIMUib, mng, anll ttJe 'alatcl)man callell tmto tf}e poitcr,
~ IJc rol:lc bpon a Ql)ulc, l»lJi'lJ carico !Jim tmncr anb faib,l6Cl}olD, tl;Jerc commetfJ anotiJcr man
tlJetlJiclic bougl)11 or a great olic, ann [Jill tear. ~1~ning a~onc. ~nll tl;Jc frtng fapo, ~cc iss alfo a
~.~rnfc~.%" roais caugl)t of t()c olic, anti IJce wass ' lift bp be, tllltnginmngcr.
<hrs nugbt b« ttllCCllC tl)cf)canen anl> tl)c eartl}, anb tiJe mule z 7 ilnll tl)C 'alatCIJman fapb, ; ~e tl)inflctlJ lHebJfee
~~,:.~::~v,t~, .~ tlJat mass bnllcr lJim mcnt a'alap, tl}e running Of tlJC fQJcmoft, iss ltflC ttJC running the rullllilS
0 1
1J,'.:,~e. .~·b:: i' 1 o :ann one tl)at ftll» it toll! jjoab,faping,l5c'
~.;,~·:~:~.w· l)olll, 'jJ ram g1Jra101n l)ang in an ofie.
11. 1 r anb ]cab fapb bnto tlJc man tlJat totne
oral)tmaa! tl}efonne of ~alloc. ~(Jc fling faiD,
file tss a k gooll man, ano commctlJ mttf} goon fi, ~~='&.
llmgss. anr11sr.ii
; ·

l)im, ']ftl)oU Zlitl«fcel)im, 1Dl)pt>illll nottlJOU z8 anl'J ai)imaa! 'allcl'J, anll fapb bntO tlJe ' ·
tl)crc fmitc tJtm to tl)e groun!J, (f] blDUIZl l)auc king, ~ca'c be wirh thee,anlll}cfcRllottJnc to tl]e
giucn ttJec ten Cities offllucr, ann agirt11c: carttl bpon l)iSS face befo~c tl)c king , anb fapb,
u ~tJe man faibc bnto '.]oab, ~tJouglJ 'l l3lctTeZ1bectl]e)l,o~Dttw'30ZI, 'all)icfJIJatl]IJOiut 11or.dcliuc-
*He.weigh llJOUlb•rcceiue a tl}OUfallb Cities Of flluer in mine bp tl)e men tl)at lift bp tfJrirl}anbSS, agaanll mp red vp.
vpon mine {Janb, petttJoulZJ ']\not l'tretcl) out mine l'Janb a' lo?b tIJefdng.
hand, gaintltl)elling.e ronne: fo~l»cclJcarll \Uitl'Jour '29 ant1t1Jchingfapt1,~st1Jc11ongmanabfa, ~
cares '3:ll)en tl}e fiing dJargen tl)ec, anb abifai, tom fafe; al}imaa~ anf'alcnb, 1191Jcn ]oab fcnt ~
ant> 'J\tlJai, raring, l6cttJare t1)at none tout(J tlJc ttJc flingss reruant,anb me 1tlJF fcruant, '] fa\ll a 1a:~ ~
ron1,Jma11J.bfal0m. greattumult,but'J) tootcnot'allJatitttJass. :_. ~
13 ~o~coucr,if] hail bone it, 1 fiJDUIZll)auc 3a annthching faibbntolJim, ~urncaanc, ,
!lone agatnamtne oton life: fo~ tlJm is no mat, ann nant> l)crc.:ann l)e turncll afinc,anb ftoon flil, ~
tcrbill fromtIJc hitt!, rca, anl'l ttJon tf.Jl! fclfc 31 annbel}olne, CJufai 'amcalfo, anllfato, ::-
tooulncal}aucbcncagatnnmc. ~ ~illingss, mplolll tl)eliin11: fo~ tl)r.1LoiblJatlJ mc.tidi0&''
t Dcllumn ti.Jee tlJis nar out of ttJc (Jani> of an ~· bi;u~ -.·
r 4 i::(Jcn fatn ]oab, 1 mar not ffanll t()us
tarring 1DitlJ tl}ce. !AnZJ l}ec toohc tin cc tiartis in tl)cm tl)at rofc againll tl}cc. 1u s ~:
tH<b.inthc l}iSS .lJan!J, 811ZI tl)~~a tlJCtn t-t~O~D'lll abfalotu, 32 ant> tlJC king fapl> bnto 4tlJufai, 1.UtlJe :::
hem or '11l)tle l)c mas rct alwe t11 tl}e mtDft oftl}e ohc. rong man abfalom rare: CltlJufalannucreo,Qlc
Abfalom, 15 !Anllten reruants tl)at bare '.Jloabs mea' enemies of mp loJb tIJe fling, anb antl}at rift ~~
pons,tumeZJ,anD fmote 9.bfelmn,ant> Ciel» IJim. G!,Jai~ft tl}cc to l>OC tlJCC IJurt. bee 8S d}SC poung '.~
16 !Int> ]oab blc'al t()e trmnpet, ann tl}epco' mamss. ~.;
pie returncn rrom follottJin!,J '.]fracl: fo~ '.31oab 3 ~ 9nt> tile kin11'alassm moouczs. anl> ment bp ~.J~tl;, :~
J1 ~·~.~,:~;.. "IJclb bacfle tlJt people. . . to tl)e clJambcr oucr ti.Jr gate, anD 'alcpt, ant> ar; caaiiJ2t I'
rin•rtb '"'"h I 7 anntl}Cp tOOfie !lbfa{Om,anb CS ft [JUU tntO lJCC \l)Cll(:, tlJUJS lJet fi11?b, ill) mp fOmte .\?lbfalom, rl!MI- •~
:;·, :.~~~.",~1~: agrcatpitintl]ctooon, anntarnamiglJtnrcat ntl' ronnc, mp fonne .!abfalom: 'IDOUIZI ©oll 1
"'"' 1"""n l)capc
b! <lbl•l•u• rp Ollctofllonc!$
f.4- .
bpon l]im,antl all ~rraelfleb
cue, (Jail bicb fo~ tl}ce, S> .abfalom, Ill!' fonnc, ffi"t ~'t
o • .,m tcnt.e. · fonne. , ~:
ll anbttJiisabratom11etinlJislifetime,toolle Thexix. Chapter. \~
an ~tatcb \1\Hl ~liar, 'mlJiclJ is in tlJe llinrui b
~,~:.~:1~:,~; l:lalc. fo~ IJc fatb, 'JI tiaue no 'ronne to kec:pe mp 7 Ioa encouragct t c mg.
h h k· s n au1"d rcuorcd.
11 1
~':.::1~:.i·h~~~ name mttmcmb~attce: anb l}eralleZJtiJepm~r 23 Scmei is pardoned. 24 Mcphiboferh mccrcch .. I
""•"•B•"'•r artcrlJtSSO'\l:lncnamc, an'Dit i~callet> lmtotl)J' the king. 39 Baaellai dcparreth. 41 lfracl tlri· \•
~·~;i:~·~:~~;:. Dll1? Qbfalomis place. ueth with Iud.1. · \l
m,ot:U•p.i4, 19 ~lJCUfBlb atJimaa~ tbefonnc Of~~OC, .~bit\»8$SfOIJJ'.]\Oab,l6dJOfi)t,tlJe ::•
lLct ntecrunnc no'\l:l, anb btate tbe liin!l tit>iOWS 1~ lttn!l 'llJcqictlJ alU> moumctl) fa~ '·',
~~.~::.~i.~~:~ (Jo'm tl)at tl)e JL,o~bc l)attJ f lUbiCl.l l}tm quttc of .abfalom. *. *HcbJJI· \ 1·
:nrn.~:.;\~: tlJC l)anil of 1}113 cnemreis. i gn11 tlJ~ b"toW of ttJat Dap u•iion 0 , ;~
· 20 anb ']\oabra1be bnto l'Jim, iatl.)ou art no '11al tumell mto moumill!l bnto dcliuerancr \
i '·
~, Dauids recurne. Chap.xix. Semei is pardoned. 118
\, an tile people: fOt tl]e people l)earb fap tlJat !lap, ~cmei ti.Jc fonne of Cl!Jera, fr:ll bcfo,e tl)e liing
l]o\D tl]e Jung foJotoeb fo~ tJiS fonne. as (Jc toasi come oucr '.]]o,banc,
3 gno tl}e people 'rocnt tlJat bap into tl)e ci' . 19 anofai?Jllnto tl:}cfiin!J, JLctnotmrI01bc
tic, bp ftcaltlJ, as people confounbcb ooe ronuer nnputc toidtcllnc[e bnto me, no~ remember tlJc
t1Je1nftlues \D {Jen tl)ep flee in battell. tlJmgs tlJat tl)p feruant Ditl h t»iaicblp, \DlJtn • Jr'& in bl•
4 l}ut tl)c king• llio l)is race,anb apeo 'roitl) mrloJll ~c fling tJcpatteb out of ~tcrufalcm, :!'~~·~,·;~i:~
a louoc llopce, ~ mp ronne abralom, ~ ~ra, tlJat tlJe fimg llJoulo tafie tt to IJiS l.Jeart : ~;','i,~:~·~r::~·,;,
lom, mpfonnc, mpfonne. 2o '.lf'OHl:Jp rcruant1>oet1JI1110\Dcl}oto t(Jat']J ,~~~·l1:~~.·~··
~ ano 'Jloab came into b t()c (Joure to t()c IJauc
fiing, anb fatb, ~fJou l)aa l1Jm11co ttns oap tl)e tlJ fi bone
amrtre: anll t(Jcrcfo•e b..i.ol!Je '-'J
~ '"'
rJ1 am b, tt•irirr ••
a~ C~tn" 1.S!ap Otf all tlJc lJoufc Of •]oC~(J, tlJat ?o~r? Jofrph 11
faces of all tl)p fcruants, 'rolJic;IJ tl)is oap l:}auc <- 11 0 w.m~. omcetcmplOJbtfJclnng, CD'111nDttlpb•t.
rauell tl}p life,anll tlJe liucs oftlJP fonncs,anll of 21 ~Ut ab1fa1 ti.Jc fonnc Of~aruia anf'rotrcll, :~:~~~.•,.,-;.·
tlJP oaug()ters, anll tlJe hues of tlJF toiucss, anll ani) fa10, ~IJall not ~ClllCi Die foi tl}ts bemufe Halfra. ano
:~ oftlw concubines, (Jc mrfctl tlJc lLo~lls anointcll :' · ' :~~::~~·;;,
..: 6 '.]ln t()attlJoulouca t()ine enemies, a~ll ~ J .ann Wauill fart1e , l!D(Jat baue 'Jl to ooc :':.1.',t~~~nrr
·· lJatetl tlJp frtcnllcs : fot t(Jou (Jail oedarell tl)1s bntlJ rou. pc fonnes ogaruta:' :jf oJ t(Jis 11arrc ~.'.'l,~,"~~~o.
~ JIOr,cap- oap, tlJat t{Jou rcgaroe!t neit()er tlJt' II p:tnces, be allucrfams bnto me: !ball t11crc anp man nic f:l••..1 •
' nines. not fcnmntS: ano t()iS i:lap 1) Ooe percciue, tl)at t(Ji.SDap in ']lfracl :' ;miocnotjj finoto t(Jat '.JI am
:, ir abfalom l)all liueo, anll au toee l:}ao llieo tlJiS tl]ls !lap kmg oucr l fracI :'
~ *. ~ . ne !Jap,t1Jat(Jal1+plcafei>tl:Jre\\1ell.
2 3 .ann tlJttefoie tl.Jc fling faill bnto ;klcmci.
~ ;~n;,'".,. 7 ~ome tl)eref.oJe, llp, anti come out, anti ~hou flJnlt not Die : ann t()c litng f\\larc bnto
mcb.!o rhc fpc11fte"' comflmablp llnto ti.Jr reruantJS : fo? '.31 (Jun,
'>I l'lmrofthy ftoearebpt()tlLOtO. crccptt{Joucomeout,tlJere 24 .\Intl !l@ip(J1bofct1J t(Je Conne of ~Mui came
~~ fcruams. · 'rotllnottarie one toitlJ t{Jcctl.Jii:rntgl)t,anll t(Jat bo\Dnc to mcetc ti.Jc !tin'!. \t tJao ncitlttr waUJtD
-~ tnill be "lllotfc llnto t(Jcr, ti) en all tfJe mil ti) at fcl IJiS fccte, not ll:c[cb 1Jil5 bcarll, not k '!VaOJrll {JiS k Jn ri~"' or
~ on t()cc from tfJl' pout{J, bnto this nourc. clot()es, from t(Je time ti.Jc fling bcpattcll, bntill ~~'J,7':~·~ :;"
:t •moa rrfri~rof
8 ~"en ..,, """c
MJ !tin"'
:0 rofc, lllli> fate in tilt
- c gate: (Jc came againc to peace. P.;'~~.~~~~~'
•br P"P'• anll tl.Jcp to Ill bnto nl t(Jepcoplc,rartng,l}elJolo. 15 am \\'J~cn 1lJc l!J<lS to t!}icrufalrm, ~b~;·~;, 1;~: •
: •· t(Je Iring ooctl.J flt in tl)c gate : anll ell tlJc people anti met tfJc lting,tl)c limg rain bnto l)tm, IWlJer, '"«art'""'·
- camebcfotctl}c fling, ro~ ]fracl J.Jalltlcil cucrp foic tocntea not tiJou 'WitiJ mc,Sll!)itJIJibofctl):' ~:~~~.~~;" "
: man to IJi~ tent. 2 6 $eanf'alereD. Sl@p lo~Zl, ilD 1uni1, mp fer,
:: 'mbo 111°111 0 9 anti all tl:Je people \nett at d ctrifc tbozotD' uant Zleceiucn mt: foJ tlJp Ccruant raill, 'Ji \1101110
-::=~~""" out all tbc tribes of ']lfracl, feping, ~c king f]auc mine arrc Cslllctl to rine tl}ereon, fo~ to goc
rauen bS out of tlJc l,lann of oUt: enrnrtcss, anll to tfJe lting: bccaure tllr rcruant is lame.
.. flee llcliueren bJS out of t(Jc (Janlle of t()c ~(Jili, 2 7 .ant11Jc {Jat(J acrufc!J tbp fcmant llnto mp
l llincs. ann no\D l)c is ftcil out of tlJc lanb fot .ab, loJll tlJe l'llng, anl> mp lotllc ti.Jc mng is a!,S an
falom: m angcll Of ll30ll : llOC tlltrCfO~C \\'Jl)at fCCntCtlJ m 1tbltro1 ~r,
10 :>aut.\lbfalom, tDbomnic anointcnoucr "!lOOll in t(Jtnc eyes. ~~~~:::'!1\'
llS. is ocan in batten: t11ercfo1c 'ro(Jp arc rec ro 28 1foi allmpfat(JcrlS lJOufc \\'Jere but bcab ~~;~:·i.,1: 1 ,

. ftill, t11at re b~ing not tl)c fling againe:' men befoJcmp loin tile bing.anti rct 'Dillllcll tlJou ~ 8{~;~6," 1

• ""~~.'!Ar,ni:; 11 ann litng wauill rent toc~alloc: anl:l .\lbia' put tlJp fcruanc among tl.Jcm rtJat llill catc at •111"?'"1'
. ~"" '~' ;.,. tbar tile p~icttJS, raping, ~pcaflc bnto ti.Jc clncu tlllneotnnctablc: tl1f)at rig1Jttl,1ercfo~e.1Jauc'JI ~r,::~ ".." ' 11

.. me1rD1111r. of ')lulls, anb rar, tmlJp arc re bcl)inllc, to biing pet to err anp moic bnto tl}c fling'! ~.:T:~~ , 1ct~'.~

tl,Jc lrtng qainc to lJiJS J.JoUCe, (feeing tl)at fuc;IJ 29 an11 t()cking fail) llnto lJim' ltl)~p lµcarica ~:~,'g;·,~~::~~
ttningsisc:omcfrom aU.1fracl bnto tl:}e fdng, t()ou anr m~1c o_f ~ matters '! '.Jl lJauc fail>, ~·,'t~1 fi,r:~1,:
cucn to (JiSl)ourc "!) ~ouann~tballtutt1etllcPlani:!isbctmcc1repou. •bar~"'''"•
1 2 ~cc arc mr b1ct1l1cn, mp bones ano mp 30 ann ~ipl)ibofctlJ faille bnto ti.Jc Illmg, ~~~:.~~~
ftctlJ: \DIJmfotc tl_len are rce tlJe 1aa tl.Jat b~ing ~ca, let l)im tal!c au, foJ ro mud) as mr 10,Zl ttJc c~" • 11

tlJc fling againc :' lting i~ come agatne in pc11tc bnto lJiJS o\Dnc
13 an11 rarrcto amara,atttl)ounotormr l}oure.
bone, anti of mp ftttlJ:' <l!Sob no to to me, anti moic 31 an11 lf5ancuat tbc c511ca1>ttc came l:lo'rone
tr t(Jou be not c:aptainc ofti.Jc l}oac to me fo~ from lltoglim, anll lllcnt oucr '}o,oanc tDit(J t{Jc
1~:~~b~:~.. afro.
eucr~ in tlJc rroumc of ')loab. kin~, to c:onlluct I.Jim oucr joJllanc.
~·mtnnln~of I 4 anb (Jc bo\'Dcb ti.Jc J.Jcarts of au tlJcmcn Of 32 '6ar1enai \Das a berp agcnman,cuen four'
:-.·~::~·~~\:, '.)una, cnrn a~ tllclJcart of one ttJat tlJCp rcoierccrcs olbe, nno pioutoen ttJe mng of fufli:>
~=':,::•c fcttt this word to tlJC liing,lltctume tlJOU tDitlJ Bil nancc \Dl)1le tJe lap at i®aIJanaim: fo~ l}c maisa
i~iB:.~ 1~~m tlJl! fertmnt~. man ofllerp great rub!tance.
rracb or <lbra· 1 S *~O tlJC rting rcturncb, anti came to j\o,, n ann t(Je fiing raioc bnto lf5ar~cllai, Gtomc
i~R•g. 2.s. bane:~ ')luoa came to <l!Sil!.lal, ro~ t~oc to mccte oucr\DitiJmc, ani>'.Jl totllfcetle t(Jcc'1Jtt1Jmctn
ti.Jc king, anti to colllluct l)tm ouer '.l\O~banc. $ieruratem.
~,;;i~~1.~ h•· 16 a1lb s ~met ti.Jc ronnc of ~cra,tl)efonnc 34 .Qnb l}a"c~Iaifati> bnto ti.le ktng, t ~o'tDc *Heb.How
~11n. of']lC\nini, tDl)ic:l:J tnas of ~atJunm, IJaftel:l, anti tong IJauc 'J\ to Iiue, t{Jat] flJOlllll goc llp toitlJ ma11yd•yc>
came llo\Dne. mttlJ t(Jc men of j\uba, to mecte tl)c llin!l llnto ~icnlfalcm t are the

bing wauib. 3s ~am tlJis nap fOurefcoJe pcere~ otbc: anti myli!i:~ yrrcsof
17 anD ti.Jere were. a tIJouram men of l6cn, can '.]I nirceme bct~ccnc goon ~ cuill '! l!}atlJ tlJr
iamin \Ditl.J l:Jim, anll ~iba tile. reruant of tilt reruantanptattetn tlJat IJceatctlJ otllJmhct:tl:'
()oure of ~aul. anb lJi~ fiftrcnc ronne~ \t rwcntr dran tJe I:} care anp moJe tl)c lloice of fmging men
reruants \DitlJ l:Jim, ann tlJcr toent oucr ]lot' anll toomen :' tol)crefoJc tl)cn flJoulll tt1r rcruant
bane bcfo~c tl)c llin(J. . be pct a burllcn llnto mr '.ILo~n the bing:'
1 s anti t()erc\\lcnt ouer a boate to carte oucr 36 ~l' fcruant lDill goc a little \\lap oucr
tl)e lii"IJ~ l}ot10Jolll, anti to noc (Jim pleaCurc:ani> 'JlotMnc \DttlJ tl)c l1in~: am1 'llllJV \\Jill tl)c lnng
Se bas rebellion, II. Samuel. and punifhn1ent.
mompcnre it me \DitlJ fut'IJ a rewartl 1 . anti UJe ~m~tts, anti t;IJe 1&1Jekt1Jites, anti
37 © lctt!W rcruant tu~~ bacfleagaane,tl)~t an tl}e miglJtitlhncn: anti tl}ep bcpartetl out of
'JI mar tlie in mine o\Dnc ahc, anti be buried m ll}itmralem to foUo\Ve after ~a tf)e tonne of
tl)egrauc ofmpfatl)cr,antl ~fmpmotl)n: be> '5icint.
1 wi1 r- 1• l}oltl, (Jere i~ tlJF rcruant q 4t(Jtm1Jm~, let 1)1m go 8 ~ntl \\ltlen tlJC?\Vere at tl)e gnat tlone in
\Ditl} mr lo~ll ti)£ hmg, anti tlOctO IJtm \VIJat lbal di5ibCOP, amara II \Dent befo~ tl}cm: anti ']\oabis !I Or. rnec
picare t1m. d garment tl}at l}ee )Jab about )Jim \Dais gifl>etl them,

3s .anll tfJe king am'lllcretl, ~IJimlJam llJal go bnto I.Jim, anll I.Jc IJall girlleb tl)crcon a f\Do~tlc, ~ :~\%.iS:
\DitfJ mr, anll 1 \Dill IJoe to IJtm tl.Jat t(Jou lbalt 'IDIJitlJ mas iopncb fall to IJiS lopneis in a UJ£11tl), ::,r~i11':."q"
~ or,choofc be rontcnt 'ttlitlJ:anb \Vl)atfocuer t1Jou11:>alt II te• tlJat aisl}e 'mentit fdUomrttm~ out.
quire ofme, tl)atramemill'] lloefo~tl}ee. 9 antl'j]oab cfaibeto Qmara, art tl)ou in 'ltli11111tt
39 anti au tl.Je people \Vent ouer 9Jo~t1am: t l}caltI:J, mp 1>1otl)er1 anb 'J]oab coolie amara ~t4~.i:c~rl11o
anll \tll)en tlJc lting "ttla~ c:ome ouer ']o~Da1tc, IJC bF tlJe bearll \llitlJ tl)e riglJt l}anll to liill'e l)tm. ~~~~~~'~
ii or, bade hi!Icl> l5anc!lat, ant: 11 bktrell f,Jim, ant11Je 'Went
him rare-
bacfic agame bnto l)tss o\Dne place.
40 anll ti.Jen tlJC fling \Dent to di5tlgal, 811ll
tl}at\Das in -J)oabJSIJanb:fo~ tlJm\Ditl}IJefmote 1 :-·=
xo l6ut amara toolie no lJceDe to tl)e f\DoJbe ~;t.:i 1r1i1

lJimitltl)eflCtlJribbeanbllJCtlOUt lJiS bo\l.lelJStO BcD 11':°'111

~l)imlJam \Dent tottlJ IJim : anll au t(Je people of tlJe grounb, ant> l tl}~uft at him no moie, anti l}e ~~~tt:r
'.J: uoa conbuctctl tl)e fling, anti atro l.}aUe tlJe pco• !ltetl : ro ']loab anll 9.blfai l)i~ b~otl}er follotoeb :;:: U.';:'
, c.'.lli'<ll 1"n p!C' Of 'Ji rraef. after ~eba tl}e fOOl1£ Of)51Cl)Ji, •lln llWil,or
~~~;,n,~:·~1 ., 5 41 anllb£flolll,alltiJemmof']lrraelc:ameto n anti oneof']oabsmcnftoobbplJim, anb ~~=...•
• tl.•c liing, anb ratll tinto tlJe fiing, D91Jp IJauc oui fain , ~cc tlJat beantlJ anp fauourto '.Jloab, 01 :::::'11em":.
"'"nr"~' Wtl12en tl)e men of ']una r ftolltn tfJee a\Uap, gooll \Dill to Wauib,lctf)im ~oe after']oab. ; Puce.
;'~~',~'.},';~:" anl.l l)aUe b~OUgl}t tl)e kill~ ~IJiSl}OUflJOlll,RtlO 12 !anllamafa\DallototlltnblOOtlfntl}emilllS Woublcd
::~;~;,'::~:'.~.'', an wauilJS men \VitlJ IJim ouer 4J]o~llanc:' or tl}e map: antl\Dl}en tlleman ram tl)at an tlJe 110c his
, ' 111 •11" ' '" 42 anll al t{Je men of'.]Julla anf'Ulercll tlJe men peopteaoobe flill, l;Je remoucll amafa out of tl)e !hoke.
~ ::':~. \'~~;,'. of'J frael, l6ecaure tf.Je king iii necrc ofliin to b.IS,
1 \\lap into tl)e fielll, am call a clotlJ bpon IJim.. be•
~:',;.:~~p:;m· mlJcrcfo~e be rec angrp foi tlJi.smattcr :' ~auc raUfe IJe ratoetl)at &Utrp one tl)at c:amc br lJim,
,;';;~e'~~b~"' u.ic eaten of tlJc flings coa :' o~ l}aue toce talim a, aoob llill.
~~;:~~ 110 '" np b?ibc~:' 13 anti ais roone asf)e \VaStl'mouell out oft}Je
4 3 ~nll tlJe men of 1fracl anruerell t{Jc men tuap,aU tbc people \l!ent arter ')oab, to foUob:le
WJ;u!la,anb baue ten part.s tn tl)e litng, after ~cba tl}c ronne of '3tc1Jit.
ano i}auc tlJcrcto mo~eriglJt to lE'auiD tiJenpc: 14 ant11Je ment tlJo~o\V all tIJettibes of '.)If•
\lllJp tlJcn llill re llefptfe b~. tlJat our alluife 11,Jolll rad, bnto :1bel, anll to '5et1Jmaacl)a,an11 au tl}e
not be firft l)all m tcfto1ing out king'! anti t1Je places or l6emu : anti ti.Jct' gatl}ereb togctl}er
\llo~i:ic~ oftlJe men of]nba 'nmcftercer tl}en tl}c anll \Dent after I.Jim.
\l.lo~ll.Bof tl)e men of j\fraeL 15 aJllJ tlleycame anbbeficgell f)imin ~et.
necre to '5ctl}maac:l}a, anll tlJl'l:' call bp abanlie
T hexx. Chapter. againCltIJecitie.,anlltlJepropletllcrcofl?Dollon
I Seba raiftth llracl againll Dauid. 10 Ioab killcth t1+£ tamper' anti alt tl)e people tl}at toa~ toitl)
Amafrnaitcroufiy. 22 The head of Seba is deli- ']loab +ttnuflattbe\llaUto cuert1J10\Ve1t. tDclhoycd
ueredto Ioab. 23 Dauidschiefcofficcrs. 16 ~en,rpella\l!ife\llomanoutoftl)ec:itie, ro call
, c:-1 1"" •ht ir=- . ll)en tllerc came •tlJitl)er a ccrtainc !!}care, l]eerc: j\ p1ar rou rar bnto ]oab, <omcdowardic
:tf: ~~g'.'.~ 11~1 ?l!.r man II ofl6elia~ nameb~cba,tlJ~
lJitber; tl}at'.]I map fpeahc toitlJ tl)cc. wall.
,,, )r.wic1ed i')zf~ :':'.~ ronne ofl5ttlJ1i,a man of '.]l~mmt, 17 tl)l)cn']oabtoais come bnto IJcr, tIJe 'mo'
·n•n. , :i{o ~"" 111Jeble\Datrt~mpct,a~1llla1t1~uae manfaill,!lrttl}ou]loab:'~eanf'o.lcrcll, ']am
~ ' ~ tiaue no part m wamlJ, nettl}cr l}e.~1J£faillbntol)1m,~caret1Je\Do~l>l50fu,inc
lJauc 'UleinlJetitancc tn tl}c ronne of ']rat: eucrr l)annmatlle. anll l}e anf\Derrll,] lJocl}care.
man to tiiss tent~, ilD ']frarl. 18. ~en (IJc fpahe tlJuis, ~(Jcp Cpafle in tl)e {a~r:.":::
2 ~nll fo eucrp man of '.]lfrael mcnt Crom olll ttmc, farm~. ~l)cy nJoultl affte or .abel: anti a....... ~
;3au;11,on'tl foUo\ncll ~eba tl)e ronne orl3tc:1Jii: ro l}auc tl)cr continuell. ;~~~'I:.·::.~
butttic men of ']lulla tlaue fall tmto t(J£irlimg. x9 '.JI ams one oftl)em tf.Jat are peatcablc,ant1 ~:..~~~~
ftom ']oi!Hlnc to ll)lerufalcm. faitl)fUll in 9\frael, anD tl]on goett about to Ile, ;.:~. ~,.,
3 '.Jn'tl wautll cametolJiJSf.Joure to ll)tem, aropadtie, anll amotI:Jerin ~trad: D91JF\Vllt """''"''°'
falcm, ann tl)c king toohe tl)c tenne \Domcn l}i~ t1Jou11euoure t:IJe inIJertmna oftlJeJLo~il:' cute.
tJtonc:ubtnci;s, tljat llce l}all lcft bd)tnlle lJim to ~o anb ']loab anf\llmtl anD failJ, cl!Jotl fotbill,
lice pc tte toure.. anll put tl)cm in marllc, anD feD '301:1 ro~bib it me, tl}at ~ OJoulb ritlJer llcuoure,
tticm,buttap no mo~c \tlitlJ ttJcm: ann rotl)cy o~llefiror.
't'r c:cmc!ofell bnto tl}e nap of tl}elr ncat11, liuing i1 ~IJe matter ts not ro: bUt aman of mount
tn to :notol)oon. eplJ~aim ( ~eba tl)c ronnc. o06ii:f»i bl? name)
~.:1 110
"''' ·" ,
trJ:tj ~k
4 f. 'fen fatlJ tte Tting to b :lmara, II 4tall tl)e
IJatlJ lift bp IJtJS .,anti ..,e fl mg, eucn a,
agamu.41. .....
'.;,,;,~·: .t~~~ bee~0 u~Uba togctl)cr'WitlJin t1J1ee bare~, 8J1ll gaina JE)auill: bcliuerb~ IJiln onetr. a111191 \Dill
• o"'n~t{c ~fo,
"" u 0 ...mnratocntto gatl)er tl)emmof
11 , ""hrr
0 '" bepartfromtl)UJtic, 911lltl'JC'mOlll81JfalObnto
• . ' '.Joab,l5et)0In.l}t•1JtabllJaUbttlJ~o\Ventot1Jct
Ji una togcttJct, buttarieb Ionger ti.Jen tJJe ttme ouer ti.Jr: mall.
\u{J1'1J Ile lJall appointet1l)im. ,~ ~nn t1Jmt1Je'mom11n \'Dent bnto an tl)c
6 ann '0au1t1 faiD to Wltrat, ~oto OJill ~, · people 'mitlJ l.}er'mlfcllom.11nt1 tlJer rmote olf tl]e
ba tile ro1mc of l5itlH"i lloc bis moic l)anue tlJen IJcab of~d>a tl)c ronnc of:'5idJ~t.ano mll it om
, €(;!'""'·~· ;:i1t1 .lbfalom: tabc tl)ou t1Jttcro1c thp 10~0• c fer• to 'lloab: anb l}e bleto a trutnpet, anti tlJcy reep,
'~~'.;,\',:«~:,. uants, a,n.o follo\u afm1Jim,1eattl)cc pt l}tm rtlilfrDmtfJe titiecucrr man to l)istent· anll Hieb.They
'" I"'""" \llallcll cuie~.anll el'cape bis. tJJoabretumcD to $ittul'alcm bnto t"efl. • werclcatt•·
!DtCT"'""''" 7 "' ••11"'t.... "r""""Cntouta"""'-'m'2oab"'--,
u •1 .... ..., ..... .,, ~ ,. ....... ~ 23 *'] oab 'ala.el ouer aI1....
•.,c IJolJe.,of')fracl,
mg. red.

:Saulsfonnes hanged. Chap.xxj.xxij. Dauids victories. 11 9

timlS5 or 'Jabes in cll5iltal:I, 1l>IJll:I) l]ab ftoUen

tlJtm from tlJt ftrette or lBe:tl)ran ' 1J>l)erc tlJ c
tl'IJilitlincs IJab ()angel! tlJem, l»IJen tlJt l&IJiU,
ttims1Ja1:1oaine~atdlne3dboa: .
13 atlb I.Jc bJ~IJt t1Jtrue ti.Jc bones of ~aul.
' anl:l t!Jc bones of '.]lonat1Jan lJis ronne, anb
~ :11~';!~?:/l' ~ !latl)m1> tf)c boncis of tl)em tl]at toerc
\ l)angcb.
~ Thexxj. Chapter. . 14 an1> tlJc bonel!I of $lMUI anb ',l~an
l)isro~e, burieb tlJepin tl)e,cuntrep of l6tn,
\ r Three de:irc ycrc>. 9 The vcngcanccofthc linncs &amm m·5c1a,in t.lJt fepUklJ~e of cu:tisl)iS5 f'atlJer:
I.· of Saul lightcth an his feucn fonncs, which 11re
ano Ull)cn tl)cp IJall pcrrournu1> all tl)att1Jc Jiin!l t Jf•l'lll~rrc
~ hanged. · commaun1>ro, IBoD toas tf)en k at one witl;J tl)c tlrarurulf•r tbrm11i~

, • ll:)m tl)m toa~ an f:luniicr in tlJc lanllc. fllll[tllllpll•

~Heb. Ym DaFCf5 of:!IMUI~ +tiJJCe rcrtf$ to~e' I ~ ~O}COUCt, tbc l&l:)ilitlincss l:lab rrt tDam tlJt 11tagut o~

; fret ymc. - ti.Jet: anti WautD ~ ~l> of ttJe agatne tutti:) '.]lfrael. an11 waui11 tomt 11otonc, on01111dJcllDD. lltrh bp•

:Hcbr. JL.o~. :lnb tl)c J1~0:11anrtocre1J, '.lit anll IJtss.remants toitlJ IJhn.. anll fou~t againfl
~!)ugh11hc if5 fO~~aul,anb tfJC lJOuft OfbloOi:J, tl)e ~1J1l1tlmes,an1> ~auill '\llanll faint.
~·~'"'"'' becault t)c: Uc\» t~c a ([;lbeonitt-. . 16 ~n?l ]efoibenob, one of ttcronncS5of't1Jc
. 1irrate1• •b• ;. Janl> t!Je tung callrl> tfJt ll!5ibcotUtcs, anti ®'pantl!I (tl}c r~on of'tll(Jofcrpearc UlcigtJell tf)Jtt • CDblct ..
!::~:~::::~{' fapll bnto tl)cm, (Jl)o'l» tlJc cJI5ibeonitcs mere not lJUnlJ~tD 1liclcS ofb~atrc) ~{Jee being gtrl>rb \'Ditl) morurl9n111t
;.~~~'.'r of tlJet:IJilD~Cll ot '.]]fracl, but a remnant of tl)e s ne\\l f\llo~, t1Joug1.Jt to l)aue Raine ieautD. ~:o·.;au;.
Q amo:ltes,anl> ti.Jc d.lilbJrn of '.]Jrracl f\llare bnto . 17 l6ut abifai tt)c ronnc of ~aruia ftmourcb
~; tl)cm: anl> ~aul t:ougtJt to aartlJetn, fOJ a ~ca le l)nn, anb fmotc tlJc l&lJtliainc, anD llillcb l)itn.
1~ tl)at lJec 1Ja1> to tl:)c (IJill>JCU of ']fracl anD or ~IJ~n tl)c rcruantl!I of ~aui1> f\llarc tmto I.Jim,
~: ')Juoa.J farmg,-al;IJOU fblltgoc nomo~t OUt\llitf)bl5 tO m t::llltttc
~· 3 iw1tcrcrozc ~auill faibc bnto tl)e cl5tbco' battatle, tl}at tl}ou quentl} not tlJt ru ligl}t of ir~ ~:!~~b~~ J(.
·~!~.~~~~"· nitc~. h 11:01Jat ftlall 'JI tlo rot pou,anlJ 'tlll)m'tllitfJ ~ ~~~
mptnUOf lball 1 mali£ tl)eatoncmcnt,t:IJatpccmar blcffc .18 •am ret: a.ftcr tlJi.a, t'f:lcre ma~ a battcll ~'.~ fib:.~o. 4
.... ~~",'~~~,::~. tiJe inl)crttancc of tl)c JL.oJD:' \'DJt:l} tlJe 19lJi(iQtn£-. at n Cll50b; anlJ tl]Cll ~ib' " \CllltD 1@1•
::: •4 'a[;l)e©ibconttcs anC'nlcrclJ l)itn, Dee b>iU beclJai t:l)e $Ufat:l)ite, lle'alc ~aplJ, \IJl;JictJ ma.a !'buca ;tp•

IJRuc no Cilucr no~ gollle or ~aul, noi ofl)is one of tt:Jc fount.a of tl:)c 0ra1tt.a. paial(e.
, ... .,1111 l}ourc, ncitl)erlSitourmin'De' tl.Jllttl)ou llJOUl• 19 anti t:l)ere 'tllal!I anotl]cr batten in ~ob,
· •••IJ Dra hill anp man in ']fracl. l!}cc rato, 1191.Jat rou 'alitlJ t}Jc ~IJtlillincs, 'tlllJert ltUJanan tlJc ronm~ p '"ti! ff,
~"" RJaU fap,tlJat \Vtll '.3\ lloe to~ pou. · ot')Jaare SlD~e~m a lOetl}lclJcmtte aue PCll5oliat1J l..Abm1,tbc
~ ~(Jcp anf\DerelJ t)Jc 1tt111i, ~IJe man tl)at t(Jc 0et1Jitc: ttJt ttalfc of ll.l]Jofe rpearc toa.a a.a b.IDrbn of 4'o·
conflimen b~,t1imagincl> to btmg; b~ to nougi}t, great as a toeaucrs bcame. D.n11DUtlPC,
tl:)at me arc 1>eftrope1J from remamfng in anp of 2 a anti tl)ctt mas rct anot(Jer battclin '3CtlJ,
tl:)e coatll!I of'.]lfrael: 1l>]Jcrc \\la.a a man of great nature, tf)at (Jab on
·~ ~•aui; 6 )Letreucn men of(Jil!I dronncss be lltltucrc'b cucrp l)anD lii:e fingeris, anl> on eucrp footc fii;c
~~";.~':inc bnto b~; anll wee: 'tlllll~ang t{Jcnt llp c bnto ti.Jc toess, foure anll ttoentic in number, anll \'oa~
"1»•. ·Jl.o.zll in cJ!5ibcall of ~aul, tol)ome t)Je lLoJIJCDill bo~ne alfo.of t(Je ltinrell or tl)e @rants in Cll5ctl):
cl)urc. llnb t(Je king fapb, ~ mill giuc t{Jc1n rou. :a 1 anti mtJcn IJct llefycti '.]Jfracl, ']onatl)an
7 l6utt1Je~ l)allcom.pamon on Q!)f.plJt• tlJcfonne of ~imalJ t1Jcb~ot1Jcrof ~auill new
bofctl) tl)c ronne of')Jonatl)an tlJe Cone of$9aul, IJlm.
becauft oftl)c)Lo~bel!I ottJi.ttJat 'W8fS bct\lltcne :u ~ere f'ourc mere bo:neto t!Jc C3pant in
tl)cm,cucn bettoeme l!Z'auil> anl> '.]JonattJan t:l)c <!5ctiJ,an11 Dietl bp tl]c IJan11 of Wauin,ani:J bl.' tf,Jc
ronnc of ~aul. · · · · · ·

1Jan1>s of IJiJS rcruants.
s l5ut tl)e king tookt tlJe t\'DO Conncis of
JaifplJa tlJc llau~l)t:ci Of Slia,\'ol:lomc fl)e bare bn, :i. Dau id afrer hisThe xxij. Chapter.
vill:orics praifcth God. 8 The an-
to ~aul, eucn ~rmont, am; !il;l4JIJibofcdJ, anll ger of God toward the
tl)c fiuc ronnes of®Jicl)oltl)!llaugl)terof ~aut,

\1.'lbomerflJC bare toab~id t(Jc£onn£ofl6ar!~ Ji) JI!) ~aUill fpahc tfJc \Dotllcf5 of
i~::.. lat.,tlJC ~etolatlJitc:
.~=~~.~~~ 9 gnl:ll)e.i:Jeliucrelltl)emintottt f)anllcfS of
tl)i~Nong tmto tlJ£ )L~c, tolJat • 111111trdn b•
nmc tl]e JLoJl>C IJaD 1>cliuerct1 l)tm r.:r~~·:,:~
·~::.T'!l.:~1:: t1Jc$ibconitcf5, \lll)fcl) l)angclltfJemintJJc IJill out or tiJc 1Jan11 of all l!il!I enemies, ~":::·
~~~"b bu bcfo1c tlJc )Loillc: ai~ 6'er JI fen all rcuen toge, an11outoft1Jel!anl> of ~aul. :::,111•
uor;dycd. t!Jct' anb tocre name m tn~ llapes o~ l}arutlt, 1 ant11Jcfapll, *~JLot'bei.a Pra1.i'1.3•
• c.noi•b mu cum in rte g fltil llapc~, anll m t!Jt bcpnnID« of my rocllc.. an'll mp caale,anll_my ~cliu~rer.
tntb1montrb b , . . .
~wb.•1A1· arlcp1Jarucn. . . 3 <Bo'lJ ,ts mp II aren!lflJ, Jn l)tm 'tlltll '.JI~: IfOr, rocke.
,.,;,~~~.~~· l 0 .a1t11 Jliirp(Ja tlJt ziaugl)ttr of ata toolle l)ci.amr IIJ1d11, anb ttJc IJomc of mp faluatton, ·
:!~·.~:~~' h racflctlot(), anl> (Ja1~1'J it bp fo~ i,cr bpon tt,c mp l:li§IJ toto~,antl mp refuge, mp fautour,tl]ou
~.~·.~"k• rornc, from t1JC bc«inntnl:J of t.Jamell, bntill IJalt raucll me t'rom totong.
~!:~b~t 'mater llioppcll bpon t!Jtm out of f.Jcau£_n,' anb 4 ']) toill call on tlJe )LoJbe b.11}icl.J tis p1arrc
•Ir 111ri11r or (Uffercl> 11Cltf}Cl' tlJe b1tl>is Of tf)e 8pjt tO ij ltg{)t 011 m~tl)ie: anl> ro l1JaU '.ll be rauctJ from mine enc,
·~·:~t~';;~., t'fJcm bp liar,noJ bcalls of tl)e ficltl bF ni@t. mic~.
~~":::i:1~~· rr ~nll it 'mas tollJc DllUtll 'tlll)at mtfpl)a 5 cjfo~ tlJc pan(,JS5 of lleatf) tlofcl:I me about:
ii'a~:· p.. tl!c i:JauglJtcr of !lia tl:)c conmbtnc of ~ul. IJall tl)eflootl~ of~:l3cltalputmeinfearc. l!or,vngod-
110, rcll Done. 6 '([:l:jc fo~o\llcs ofll belcompatretJ mtabout: lin&c.
' 12 ann wauintoent an11tooftc t1Je.bonri5of tlJc fnarrs or1>eatl) OuertOOkeme. \IOr.thc
·~aul, nnn oc ']onatf)an Iii~ ronnc, .fro~ tl)c ci' 7 ']Jn mp tribulation IJtlJ 91 can bpon t11c grauc.
Thefong II. Samuel. ofDauid.
i.oi11,an11 'll'eb to mp ClfJDD: anD IJC bl~ b~ mr 34 1'e maflttl)mp rttt Im; l)tnl!CJS feet: anb , ·-'·
bOite out or 1Jij$ ~miple, anti Inf me: did enter fctte:tlJ mt bPDnmt IJiglJ pla"'5· 111 -·
111 111>
into l)tJS eareJS. 3s l)ee ttadJttl) mp l)anl>eJS to fi!llJt: ro tfJat '·
s €(.Je cartlJ ttembltD anb quafitb:tf:Jefolms euen a bo'roe of letle '• bJolfm 'l:Dit11 mtne
ZlationJ of 1Jeaum moouell, anl:I f1JOOke 1Dl}m IJe a~ .·-
\tJIUI ~· • ". 36 ¢1,Jou lJalf gtuen nu tlJe: llJtelD of tire fal•
9 b • molic b>mt out at .,,15 nollre'bl,·anb uation: ann 'CDKIJ tlJ1' lolling mtekme1Te tl}ou
b 1!:b•trr.
nanouc•. conrtmnn~
c 1.1snm1n;• .,._,,.b-"t
DU t 0 rIJ'«
,,. mDU th ...~·A
.., : C:Oim.JS were bocft multjplp me. I

anb rbunonn1. DUJUM- • ..., ... • d 37 ~ou l}aft ml8fi£D mp llepfS bn?ln: me:
~,~·~~~~·111 , 10 anDl}e:botocb i,e:aum.an11.came:11omne: anb mr_qgi• fiJB'H not fade me.
•ric l• ... -" ano tlJm toaJS llafflendli bnoetl)Jl5 feet. 3s '.1 lJaue fDllotoel> bpon mine memic1:1,anD
11 anD 1Jee robe: bpon Cit!Jmlb, anb llib flfe: : beftroreb tl)em: anb turne:b notai;Jaine tlnttU '.ll
iJt'a111c nrin1 bpon ttJn:ump or t11e: totn11e. l}a1> 'onfumel> tlJem.
12 l!)ce mallc llarflmdre 11 tabernacle rotmll 39 91 l)aue 'l:Dattell tl}em anll 'OJOtinbeb tl.Jms.
about lJim: toitl} 111amJS 111t1Jmb tomtttJtt in tl}at tlJq RJall not be able to anre : pea,d)tr 11JaD
tlJicfle doubJ, fall bnber mr rem.
J 3 ~IJiouglJ tl)t biiglJtntfrt or l)USp¢£ntt, 40 ~ou IJalt 1it1>tDme about\Ditl) .nriglJt
~~b~.~~· tom tlJe c coalcJS or fire liinDle:l:I. to batten: at111 tl)em tl)at rore a11atna awe, l,Jatt
11..'v1a,bl••· 14 ~1JcJL0111t1Jun11,c11from1Je:aut11:an1:11)e: ti.JOU CUbbutb bnl>n: mt.

tl}at tss moll IJiglJ, gaue 11iss boiu.
1 s l!)cen1ot arromc15., anll rcatterttl tl)ttn: to
wit, ltglJtntng,anll oucn1J1em d)cm.
41 a1111t1Joul)att gtucnmetl)tnttfl.fofmine
mett1U-: tl)at 91 migl,Jt ?drop tlJe;m tlJitt IJate
16 ~c cl)annclJS or tlJc ~ta appearcb, anll 42 ·~p loohro about, but tt:Jere b>lljS none
tiJc rounnationJS of tl)c m01111i mere rcenc :bp to raue tlJe;m: cu en bnto tl]e JL,o~n. but (Jee l}earb •
tiJe rearon of tl)e rebuking of tl)e JL01bc, anb tl)emnot. ;!
t1J1oug1J tl}c blaatng of tlJc b~tatlJ or l)tiS no' 4J ·~cnbi01 bcattlJrmaisrmallastlJebuU
atclss. of tl)e tartl):'.J btD llampc tl)nn as tf}e 'lap ort\)e
17 l\)c~ rent from abouc, anti tooltc mcc :IJtt llrcct, anb l>tb nma11 tl]em ab101UJ.
b~'tllcmc outofmanptoatcrJS. 44 ~ou ai!olJatt lldiun:cll me from tlJe bif:
18 ~e llcliuttcl> me from mr mtgi,tie cnttnr, Cmfion of people, tl)ou f1dlbeptmeetobce:an
anb from tlJtm tlJat IJatcll me: foi tlJcp \lltte too l)call ouer nanons: tl)c people mlJUI) l]l lmetoc
llrong fo~ me. not,bocferueme. ·
H.:ihm'.11111•• 19 lWlJcn~er !}ab rpituenteb meintl)ebar 45 ~trange clJ11b1Cn kbttfmlblc \uitlJ me: at t wn•
~~:,;·,1~~~.~ ormp calamtne: tl}e lL01l> ttarrllntc bp. tl)e tJearing of tlJe eare t:IJq obcp me. =:i:.i;
1or.11r. 20 !fo11Jcb1ougl)tme outintoalargeplact: 46 ~tTangttlnlb~tuiBOJ#nflta'OJSt': anti r.:=."..
l)ec llcliuerc11 mee, becaure l)cc i,all a rauour bn• thep l1Ja0 bee nnttten tuitlJ fcatc in tf,Jeir p~iuie ::::ii•
tomce. tl)ambcr. ~n•·
2 1 ~c JL,oibe re\Darbcb me atcoibtng to mp 41 ~e JL,o~bc ltucdJ, anll blefftD bee mr
!i,~:i~~~'~ 11 gtiglJtcourne[e: acco1nin\1 to tlJt putene[c of flrcngt11: magnifteb be <11501:1, cucn t11e fo~ of mp
;~:::i~·;:::: mr I) anil is l)e m:ompenfeb me. Caluatian.
~~onartm:1, 22 <jfo~ 1 IJauc llcpt t1Jetuare1Sof tl)c )l..01be: 48 ']t is <115oll t11at gluetJ1 mee power to re;
;:rn·1~-- anzi bill not toirnelllr agatnlt mp ©ob. ucn11e me&: ani. b~tn1ct1J bDUlne t}Je people bn'
2 3 1foi all IJtlS la\DeJS b>ere in mp rtgl)t: anb nerme.
from IJiss aatutclSl]\ Dill not bcpart. 49 ~cc bcliumdJ mcefrom mine ~'
24 ]n l)ilS figl)t alfo l)aue 1 brcne bP• tbou alfo 1Jaa 1,rt1m bp on l)il\IJ from ~cm t:l}at
rigl}~: anll IJauc hcpt mcc from mine o\Dne: ini: rore againft 1ne: tl}ouIJat beltumD inerromtl)e
QUtttc. 'tl11tkc1> man.
2 s am1 tlJc lLoillc bill to me againeaccoillin; so .. 9nb tl)ereroic 1 lllill PJaiCc t11CC. flD Ron~''''
to mp riglJtcournclTt: eucn after mp purcnetre JLo1be, among tlJe nations: anti toill fin; bnto
mtms ere figl)t. tl11' ~a1ne.
26 mitlJ t:l)c gob1l' tlJou OJalt be gobll': anb sx ll)u iJ' tl)e to\u~e of ra1uattou ro, IJiis
'n:litl) tt)e man tlJat ilS bWigl)t, t(Jou ll)altbe bp• Iring, 1111> bealetlJ mercifullp b>tdJ IJiJ' annorn'
rlgl)t. tell : \llie:IJ Ji'aui?I, ani> tllittJ l)il5 fee:DC fo, eue:r•
~ 1 mi~ tl1e pure tl)ou Cbalt bee pure : anb nunr.
'anti.) tlJe rto'tllanie. tl)ou flJalt flJe\lJe tlJr felfe Thexxiij.Chapccr.
~~~!::.:-•· h fto'tllart1.
i::.~~I~:." :-s !inti tl)e poo~ people tlJou b>tltfaue: but I The Ian words of Dauid. 6 Tlie wicked {hall bee
~·::11onub tl.JineCftlS arc bpon t:IJe pioub, to b#n11 tl)ttn plucked vp as thorn es. 8 The names and factes of
· bo'\xlne. hismightie men, 1s Hcdefircchwater,andwould
•• 9 1f o~ tl)ou art mp ltg(Jt, © l'.0111e: anb t11e
2 notdrinke •

....,olb OJaU li~ten mp bamenelfe:. Jab tlJCfe be dJC •laa \no~lltlS of , 1m1cu•
r ~o 11'0l bf tl.)ce ']\ Cl)all b~ealle tlJ1ouglJ anl)ofl Jli'auio: :ieamb tlJe ronne of ~, ~~'!.:::".: ,
men ~ anb br ml! Cll5oll tuiU '.lJ f\o~in"
toalL "fl "'
ouer a fai fapDe. 11111 dJt man UllJtclJ Ii'~ ,
toa• 0~11atne:D tile annornteD of
31 Cll5ob. is \Jncoirupt in l)iJt b>ap, tlJUDDJll of tl}e: <115ob or ')arob,anlld}C ruieet
tt)e 'JLOJDu11 ttrtb in tlJc rtre:: lJee ts a R:Jitlllto au
tlJttn tl)at trulhnl)tm
tol}o •JS mt~l)tte fa11t out <15ob:'
33 <15ob ftren§tl.)enctl) mt en batteU. anZI ma• moa.
l&falmttl of')itae1.fapll,
~lJe (ptrtte of tlJe JL.o~Dc tpalle bF me, anb
3 • ~o,, \lll)o is a eob faue tlJt )Lo~e '! anl> .,1•1l>o~11toastnmp btongue.
34 ~e ~ob orgi~arl QJRfletome.eutntlJe: :tn:.!':.:'.r ~l
mtalJtie of l~d fapbe. a ruler ouermen .... r,au. '
~= '~

fldlJ tl)e \liar clcarc befoic me. • betn11ian;ru1t111mu,ereanor <Bob:

4 ;anbl \
bomne: alfo anb fle'alt a t.ronin tl)e mibbtll of a
pu in tlJe time of fnom.
i1 ilnb l)t Oebl an lfm'ptian,a Ugooblp biggc II Or,man
man; \I ttJe ctgfptian l,JaD ah rpeare in bilS l,Janb : ofg•~adla­
but IJe '11mtbo\»ne to f)im \llit~Jtl tlaffe, \I pluc. ~u~~i~,.••
keb tl]e fpean out of tiJe lfgppttan~ f.Janb,\f Oc\ll •• b•.u ...
!Jim \llfttJ IJiS atone ()!rare. ~~::.
~z ~efttlJin~biblBanaia tl.)cfonne:or~c· --~ •• • 1 2

1Jo1aba,anb l}ab t~t name among ~e tl)1tt 11101•

2 3 .,£ Ul8J l)OnourablC amOll!J i tlJittie, but
IJe attaincb not to the fir ft ttnce:anl>Jllauto mane
i 01 ID.1• mo11
1Ji111 oC IJiS counfcU. f:!!~~~~;· ..
24 .~Ual)el tl)e biotlJcr of'.j\oab \\'1¥ one oC tl)e e11c uu11ri•1•.
tlJirtp:<fll)anan tlJe ron of '.eobo oD6ct1Jld}cm,
2~ ~ma tlJc $aroDitc, ctlic:a tlJe 'aril•
bite, 'ele~tlJei&altitc, '.)ratl)eronne:of g,,c~
Z6 .alJ~Cf0£9U0tfJ0tlJ,k~ebllnnattlJ£1l)tf• ~~I~
fatlJitc, namlf1ll l\I'
27 ?clmon anaIJol,Jite, ~lllJ11t'ai tlJe ~cto• ~:;:~1~:·
~s 'dcb.tlJe fonne ofl5aa~IJ, aJactoplJa•
tlJite, 1\t11a1 ti'Jefon!lc o~ 1&1ba1 out or <ll5ibca,or
d)t t1J1lzncn of '5cmamm,
i 9 l6artaia tlJc ~iratl]onitc. J)cbtlal of tiJc
30 abialbon tl}e ~atl)ite, 9fmauctl) tlJc
31 CflialJba a ~aalbonite: of tl}e n>nne~ or
'.llartn:Jlonati;Jan, ·
32 ~111nmR tlJe l)araritt, .al,Jtam tl)c ronnc
or ~arar, an 'llt'aritt,
33 lfltpl)dct tiJe ronne ofgafbaf tl)e fonnc of
~aacfJatl)i, <fliam tl}c fonnc or .ac111topl}cl tbe
34 $C!rai tfJe ctannclite,~aarai tlJc arbitc,
35 j\gal tlJt ronllt of @atlJan or Joba, l6ani
.,.. tlJe <!tJRbltt.

36 'Jclet t:l)e !lmmonitc, Jaa1Jarattl}e'.l3cro• •'l:atrrcatnr I

tlJtte, tolJii;IJ \Da~ tl:Je: tJametre btattt of 'j\oab ~~.~~~:;.~" 0

tlJefonnc of~aruta,. ~r~~~~7.',:'.."~:

37 1\ratf)c.aet1mtt.~arebt1Jec!JJetlJ?ttc, 1141"'1'~"·
38 ijllrit1 ti.Jc 'etl)·itc: I tl}irtF anl> rcum in au. ~:;!'~~~~~n

The xxiiij. Chapcer.

1 Dauidcaufeththe people to bcnumbred, ro Hee
rcpcnrcch, and choofeth co fall into Gods hands.
11 Scucnric thoufand pcri!b with the pellilcncc.
011 againc tlJe JL..01D \tla~ \D~otl} a,
gainft']!lt11cl,lllltl'IJC maoutD Jlla' i.;l~~:~~·
uitJ agatnft tIJcm, in tl]at IJe rar11c, ~~q;i::,i;:.1 •·
c5oc number '.]]fracl ann ]uba.
• 2 11'0.i ttJe f;ing rarbe to 'Jjoab
tt1ccap,atncoftf}c1Jollc ttilJicl)U'Ja~ toitlJ l}im.
<!3oe tIJou ab~oan no\11 ttnougtJout aI~tl}c tribe~
of j\frael. euen from JE>an to l6ccrfeba, it num•
her ftt(Jeµcoplc, tl)at'.]lmartmo\Detl)ebntlltt' b 'BIUlll'rbr
bet 0~~tlJ ClTI, .
~" pomn, anD
3 !Anti ']oab CaptJ \into tl)c blll!J, ~c JL.o:be 1i:"u'1~~1~ .r.
tbr ai.;on enbi;rcare ti[pcot.fIC an l)ufn?JJcb folb mo ~~.~~n::~.·""
tllcntlJCV e, anb ~..,a •..,r erciso mrtoil>ctt)c tunr•n•mbn
bin~ mill! rec it: an?J 'tlllJat tis tbe '8Ufc ttJat mr ~~:~~t6'.·
1&111 tlJe ktn11 l)at1J a lull to tlliis tl}it1£ '! J)an;.1.

4 ~ot\llithftont1in11 tlJ~ kt~ mozb Ptcuai,

lcba~amn1onb, anD agama tl}ecaptaine~of
tIJe l)oll: anb '] oab an?J ti)e rnptaimis of tlJc IJoa
'ltlcnt out from t!Jr vicCcncr of tl.)c king to num·
bcrtlJcpcoµleof]fraeL ' ·
s .gnn tl.1C1' patre~ ouci '}01011nc, anD pit'
cbcb m ~rocr, on tJJc rigl}t fine of t11c ritic, ttlat
Ifrael plagued~ I.I. Samuel. D.auids al car.

~. M~

The endofthc fecond b8okeof Samuel, othcrwifc caHed

the fccond booke of Kiogs.

---- ---------
Nachans counfell. Chap.j. .A.donias creafon vcrered~;1-

4~ The firfl: Booke of the Kings, commonly

called the third Booke ofthe Kings, after the recko-
ning ofche Latini!l-s: which third booke and the fourth
alfo,is buconewith che Hcbrewes.

~olomon tlJP fonne llJall rrigne after mee, anb

(Jee fl)all fit bpon mp feace ~ \\lfJp t~ tlJcn a11onia
14 l5etJol!le, tolJile tJJou ret ttlllicff tbcre Witt)
tIJe liing, 'JI 1Dil come tn after tf;J£c,ann sconfinne ~i•~~.~.'~1"
tlWlDO?llC~. <bmgoum11
,-> b ..,,:t f-kr"b ..., t · '- ,,.... .
I ) oClR ..._,C•Y"' C wtn tn 1.1mO •ye ITTtJg &nto ram<.
. [urlh<U~C

tfJe ci,ambcr: anti tlJc fling \lla~ bcrp ol11c,an11 g,

bifag tlJe ~unamttc minilh"c!I bnto tlJc l.l\tng.
1 6 Slnb l5et1Jfabc aoupcll , anll mane obef'
ranee bnto tlJe king: an'b tlJc ktng faille, ~IJat 1~
tlJp mattet7
1 7 ~IJe anfulmtl, ~ lo~tl,tlJou rtuardf bf
tl)e ll..o~tl tlW ~ob bnto tlJinc 1Jant1marll,faying,
glfurc!llp ~olomon tlJp fonnc llJall rcignc after
me,anll l)e llJall fit bpon mp feat:
I 8 ai1b bdJOJZl,110\D i~ a!IOlli!l fiittg,81111 tfJOU
mp lo~b tl}e Iiing Itno1Detl it not.
19 anll i}ce l)atb otfctcb orm, fat catten,anll
manp n1eepe,ann l)atf;J callcb al tlJc ronnc~ of tlJc
hing,ann !lbiatl)ar tl)e l0~icll,ann ]oab tfJe cap'
tainc of tl)c (Jotfe : but ~olomon tlJr rcru11nt
{JatlJ l)c not btllllcn.
1 o ant1110111mr101?1, o ll\ing, tlJc ere~ or an
'Jlfrad 'lDatte on tl)cc , ttJat tlJou 11Jonltlttl tell
tlJcm \DlJo oug{Jt to fit on tlJt feate of mp lo~ll tl)c
2 1 1f01 elfc Wilm mr lo~b tlJC [iing fl.Jail Ciccpc
lDitlJ l)ts fatlJcr~, ~ ~mp ronnc ~olomon tl)all
be h ftnners. h ~ ~·" 1" 1M1
2 2 gnb lo, 1Dl}ilc llJc rct talflcl) blit1J tlJc liing, ~;:,~~~::~;·
Jaatl)an tlJc ~~oplJCt rnmc alfo. ~~;~;~~,~~.~:,
23 ann tbcr tol!Jc tIJc liinlJ, n1ring. l3cfJolllc, 9""''"''·
here commcth ~at{Jan tbe ta~opf)ct. anb 'ml}m
lJe lllas come in to tiJc litng, lJcc mane obcpfamc
bcfo~c ttie Jn'ng bponl)i~ race ont{Jc groun!I.
14 !lnt1.mat{Ja11fatllc, ~F Io~ll, © hing,l)atl
tlJoufaiil, .Qtlonia fiJaU retgne after mcc,ano {Jee
llJall fit bpon mp fcatc1
2; 1fo~lJeeis gonebobmetlJiS 11ar, anil(JatlJ
tlatnc oren,an!I fat rattcl,ano fberpr a great ma'
Uf, anti IJatlJ caUcII all tbc ktngs fonneis, anll tlJe
captatnes or the l)oftc, anti abtattJar tIJc ~Jiell:
,an'b be(Jolb, tlJer catc anti llJinlic bcfo1c l}im,ant> A '
rar,<n5oll :t: faue bing Q!Jonta. . lHebr.ler
26 l6UttnCCtlJFf£rlli11lt, (t~a'boctl)el0f , rheKing
anti l5anaia tl)e fonnc of'JiclJoiaba, anll fer, Adon.a
uant~olomon(JadJ{JenoUallci>. · hue.
27 '.)lstlJtsttitn~lloncofmp lo~ll ing,anll
tlJOU l)aO: not 11Jc'lllell it bnto tiJp i t, whv ' S11>ra:••·~·
fiJOUlllfit on tl)cfrateofmploi c l!\i11g aftrr :,~·~~~~~!f:.~..
~:1 1~~?/;~~~~r,:r
l}im 1
28 -anJcnfltnf,JlOaui'lla crell,antl .~al ~~~~bz·~~~.
'· Dlt111rtho1
b?~o1mc 11n11 mel5ctl]fabc. 9nll lbee netnto n~p~c, ·
"•-•! ~..
I' :a1111. rencc.. ann noon bero,e •
29 an!ltbelitngClDan,
I Sofun1oncreated l(ing. I.Kings. Solomons charge.
liuctl), tl)at fJatlJ rill mp foulcoutofallaDUcr• tl)c name of ~olomon mo~c I:Jonourllblc tl)en
fitie, tlJF name, \t 1naac lJiJS feat greatm)Jen tlJP re at.
30 <i?Ucn 811$ '.JI ftDart tJnfO tlJCC bp tlJt )LO~b n gntJ tl}e Jdng l'JO\l)CD {Jimfdfe bpon tl]C bell. " UJt mt
©on ofjjtrael, fat·in11, fUTurtlllr ~olomon ti.Jr 48 ann tl)u~ faiDe t(Je mng, l61dfcb bee flJt ~:~"',":;~·
ronnc (bail rtill"t after mc,anll t,Jee OJ all ~1t bpon JLo~D ©olJ of '.]!fratl, tol)tdJ l;latl) mabe one to flt <u:tttrc.
mp feat fOJ me: fo mil 1 certamdt' tJ0 tl;ll~ bar. 011 lilt' feat ti)i1$ Daf, mfnc eye fteing it.
31 -micn :n;ctlJfabe bo'n.lell on IJ~ race to tl)e .49 gnn an ~e g\Jclle~ ti.)at were 'n.litl) allo,
cartiJ,ani:>DiZJrcucrcnccbnt~tl)cllm~,anbfa.tlJ, ma \ afrat?Je, anll rofe bp,an?J'1lenteuerr
'] p~ar ©oll tlJat tuF lo~lJ l'lmg entntl mar Iiue man ljt~ toay.
roicuer. . . P 9nll:loonia ftaringtl)cpierenceof~olo•
· 32 ann litng ;eamn fatD, C!tall me ~ano' t~e mon, arore, ann went, anll 'aug\Jt IJoltJ on tl)c ·,
p~tca, anll ~atl;lan tile ~~op~ct, annll3anata tJomc~oftl)Hlltar. I

, tlJc ronne of]cl)oialJ8. ann tlJey came bcfo~ct!Jc 51 ~nlJ one to~llc ~olomon, faring, l6dloltl,
atng. . ~?Joma fcaretf.J Jlmg ~Olomon: foi IDC,l)CC l}atlJ
33 ~Jc Jiing alfo fatll bnto tl}cm, 'lll;aJic wttf:J caugIJt IJoltJc 011 ti.Jc {Jomcss of ti.le attar fa ping
k rnnnf•llJ,
poll tlJe k feruant~ Of pour IO~ll, \tftt ~OIOtnOll ",IL.ct Uing ~olomon (~care tmto lute tfti~ ilap:
1:,pu,a:iD mr fonnc bpon mtne otonc mule, ann carp }Jim Cl)at (Jc '1ltll notfiar IJtS ~cruantwitl) tl}c f\l.'loin.
52 9.nll ~olomon r111?J, ]f l}c 'n.ltll fiJc'aJ {Jim,
ofl;u;caro. 110\l.'lnc to <ll'Si{Jon:
34 ann lct~a?Joc tlJc ~iiell,ann Jaatf;)an t(Jc rc~rc a '110,tf.Jr man, ti.Jere OJail not an l}airc of
til~oplJet, anornt {Jim tl)cre il\ing ouer '.]lfracl: ~1m.faU to tl)e cartl): but if'1licficllnc!fetc roun!I
ano blo\'u rec toitlJ trumpct1$, anti rap, <ll'Soll rauc ml}tm, l)c tlJaU 111e.
liing ~olomon. . 53 ~nbfo fling ~oiomon fcnt,\f tticr b~ougl}t
, s an11 tl)en pee OJail come bp aftct (Jim, t(Jat r,nn from tl)c ~mar, an111Jce came an?J Dill obtr·
11c mar come ann fit bpon mr feat, fo~(Jc tlJall be fame hrito fling ~olom~n, anll ~o!omon faine
ii o,, 0 r· htng in mp ttea'!l: anll '] IJatre II commanllelllJim bnto IJ&rn,©et ~efto tl}mel)oufl'.
poimcd. to be 'aptaine oucr ']frarl anll ]uba.
36 gntl :'5anaia tl)c ronne of 'Jlel}oia?Ja an' Theij.Chaprer, r
f\lJcrctl tl)c liing, anll faille, amen: anll tl)c JJ..o,b I D;iuid e~horrcth Solomon, and giuerh charge as
6oD of mr 10,n tf.Je Itingfar fo too. conccrnmg Ioab ,Barzellai, and Simci. 10 The
37 anll ais tf.Je JL,o,tl l)af lJ bcnc toitlJ mr 10,tl death of Dauid. I 7 Adonia askcrh Abifag to wile.
tile fling, cucn fo be (Jc \llttlJ ~olomon alfo,:lnll ~cbaicl!I of~auin 111ew niglJ, ttJat
malic tm~ featc greater tlJcn tije feate of mp loiti
liing :eautb.
;8 .an?J ro ~al:ioc t(Jc lD,icft, anil ~atiJan tl)c
~,oplJct, a1111 :l5anaia tl)C fonn~ of ]elJoia?Ja,
IanD t\Jc cJtmtl)iteis , anll lDiJcfctl)itc1$, \\lent
llo\Unc, ann fct ~olomon bpon fling :wauill1$
nm!c, anti bzoU!Jtlt l)im to ©11)011.
U t;c flJOUl'tl 'llic..anD IJc cl,argen ~olo 0
mon IJi1$ fonne,faptng,
2 a 1 gae tl)c '1lnp of an tlJe
cartIJ,bc tl)ou llrong tl)crcfo~e,am
llJC\\l ttJp rettra man.
3 sccpe ttJou tile toa~ of tf:le)L,oJ'b tl)p <ll'Sob,
tlJat tl)ou \DaUtc in IJiS '1lapc~ anll liccpc IJil!I Ila•


39 ann ~anoc tIJc ~iiell toolie an boine of tutel!l,antl l)iS p~cccpt~ lJis tu!Jgmtettti:s,anll IJIS
:!;.:~ 1:1,~~;~~'? 1orlc out of tl)c ~abernaclc, ann anorntcD ~o, tcalmonies,ais it is*\llJitttn in tl?c )l,atu of !:l@o'
Dtur.17. i
"''''" ""P"' lomon: anb tl)ef ble\U tlJe trumpets, anb all tf.Jc rrs,tlJat tl:}oumapclt p~ofpcrinall tllatttJouno, 16•
'.,'~'~1:,~~'~:1~ people faill, $011 faue fling ~olomon. ca,anb in cucrp t!Jing tf.Jat t!Jou mc'bleft\t1ttiJal:
::;i:~·~~~·· 40 ann au tf;)e people came tip artcrlJim,pi, 4 'llJ;IJat tl)c lLo,ll alfo mar maitr goon hiii
µingtoit1Jpfp~1$, anllrciopcing greatlf, fo tl;lat \llo~ZI WlJiclJ IJCC tpake bnto lntC, faping, '1 ftl)p ~
n-Icb.bral<c tl)C cartl) •rang witlJ tl)C foum1 of tl)cm. 'IJilI11en tallcl)ccn to tl)cir\llap, tbattbcy lDall!c ,
4 [ :Ann aoonla ann au t(Jc gl)ells tlJat (Jc hail befo~c mcc tn tructlJ, \llitl1 an ti,cirlJeartis. anll -::
caUctJ tin to l)tm, t1ea1·n it cucn as tf.Jer l)aD mallc \D~tb au tlJm roules,tl:Jou flJaltnot (fa~1 IJc) br l
an cnne of eating : ann 'n.ll)en '.]]oab IJtarll tJJc 'n.l1t{Jout aman on the feate ofjjfracl. ~
CountJ oftl)ctrumpet, l)ect'ainc, 1t01Jatmcanctl) 5 ~oiroucr , t11ou lDotttt iJO\ll 'Jloab llJc ~
tl)iil noire anD t>pioarc in tl)c citie:' fonneaf '.5aruia ferueD mcc, ann \llbatl]ec llill to :t
42 annasIJc pet fpalie, bel)olD, ']onad)an tl)e tl)c two captaincs of tl)c 1Joftc)1 of '.Jj~d, bnto .
ronnc of '.abi.at1)ar tl)e 10~icll ,amc, anll gnonia • abncr tl)C fonnc Of ~er anll 1mto * anmCa ti.JC "Rtg+ .·
I fai'!lc bnto l)im, ~omc in, fo~ tl)ou art a t>aliant fom1c of']lctlJcr, 'n.llJoml)erae\Dr,anbfhcil blooll '7fi io. ~
mun, anlJ bitrn;~elt gooll tillin~. intllctimeofpcare (curnasitlJabbmcinl.tlttr) 2
• tg. "'
4 3 anti ]onatlJan anf'mcrc'b anllfai'b to ano, anD bput tl)c bloon of\llarrc bvon IJiSSgirlllc that :"i:b1111.N ·~
nia,iacrilr our loin liing wauiD tJat(J mane ~o, \\l81$ about bi1$ lopnrS, anb 1111Jt'5 fl)OOC~ l(Jat r~~:~:"~;
lomon fling. · \\lcrc on lJti.Hrctc. , 1~r••t·
44 ann tbc ki11gl)at(J fcnt toitlJ bim ~aboc .6 ~calc 'n.litll llim tl}crtfo,e acco~bing to tfJi·
tl.Jc lt)~iclt, an'!l J::2atl}an tIJc tD~opl)ct,anll 15ana, \Utfcnomc , ann b#ng; not IJi'11JoarclJCllll llo\llnr
Ultl}c ronnc of 'J)clloiatJa, anll ttJc GCerctlJitc~, to t1Jcgr11uct11 pea~.
~':i~~hc ~1Jclctl)tte11, anll tIJcr l)atte fet l)tm btJ' 7 lBut RJr'me liinllmctrct>nto tllcfonnci:sor ~
~rt lungs mule. 15nntllai tIJc <115ilea'bttc, tfJRt tllcp ma.r rate at ,:
41 1n~ ~a'!loc tl)c lD#clt anll ~atlJan tte tl:lrtab1t:fo~t1Jepcamc to mre \DIJm]*tlcDDc 2,Rtg. 19· ,~~
~coplJct •Aue anointcll lJim bing in li!Jtl)on: an'b frtlmQbfalo1nttwb1ot1Jcr. i 1
• ·'~
cttfc ~~~~~:lrom ~l)cncc, anll reiorcc11,t1Jat tl)e 8 .Qnb bcl.JolDc, tl)ou l}afttDCtfJ tfJte ~cmri ~:~
~c \)ituc tiear~.'lgamc: ann tIJat 115 tIJc notfe tl,Jat tl1t roptii l?f 0cra tlJc rotmc of ct5emini orl6afJU,
46 'iln!l ~ l . ~m. \111.Jicl) cut1'cb mtc\Dit1Jan11Wriblemrfr, "Rcg.1~'
Jifng!loi.~ 0 011\11 n littctlJ on tl)c fcate of tl.Je m ttJnay mlJcn ')1 'ment to ~abanatm : but11r r• ~~
'btm'!:~:i.·~· 47 antk, . . ~meto inmcmcnt')Jo.ibatlc, anb 1)fxoart to •.Rrg.i
• 11111 eon IOI m bt.clic our lo~~ltrt tbt'1mg15 rcruant.i came to I.Jn~ Ire tI1e Jl.,o.iD, raping, l \lnllnotaar tt.Jcr 21

'"'"- •1nisl!baUill , r..11p1n1
. ..,.
•..,ob ma....
.... 'mlt:IJ tlJc f\llo1ll. ~
9 15m1 __ ,\
Adonia is put to death. Chap.ij. Ioabfiaine. 122

9 l5uttl)ou 11Jaltnott1uotmt l)im ais lm"1Ul• (Jall nrme1> after a1>oma, t!Jo~ l)e tumtll not
tie: fo1 tl)ouan a man oflDtrcoome, anb rmo\ll• afttt Qb£alom) anl:I ~oall lkl> bnto tl)c ~abn,
cll'IDIJaCdJOUougiJttlttobotintolJim,lJ1is1Jom: naclcoftlJt~anbmugljtl)olllond)clJo1nrs
lJraD OJalt d]ou b~in; to tl)c grauc lDidJ bloob. Of tlJe 11tat.
~ ~e1r. 2. 19, 1 o *anb Co JIMUib fle:pt 'mitlJ l)is rat11ns,ant1 2 9 an1> it'mu toll:I king ~olomonl,lo\xl tlJat
~ ~ bUrkD in tl)ecitie or~aui'll. ]Oab lltb bnto ti,Jc ~abemaclc Of tiJe Jl,,01D,ano
, 1.R•g·H· u •anDtf)coapesllllJicl)~auiDraigneDbp• bcl}o~e,(Je tis br tl)c Qltar:~en ~olomon rent
:~ on '.)ltad.'mm fourtie pms: pmcs rai~· ~anam tl}e fonneof]e(Joia1>a, fapin!,l,©oc.anll
., ncDl1£c in l)ebion. ano tlJitttunD t111ecrceres ran bpon lJim.
' ratpb l)e in t)ierufatem. 30 an1> '5anaia came to tfJc ~abemacle or
,,. .ChroM· n ~en fate $'2Dolomon * bpon tlJC rcatt of ~e JL,0~1>. anl> faille bnto l)tm , ~lJus faitlJ tile
<: 1· Jeauill IJilS fatlJcr, anb lJis fifngDomc wais h• kin;, Cltomcout. .anol)e raib,~ap,but'.) \DiUbic
,~ blillJCb tni;!Jtilp. cue~ !Jere.. an1> l6anaia biouglJt rtJt 111ng\Do~t1
,:.: ' 3 ano ationia tlJc ronnc or l)aggitlJ came agamc.fa1:'tn!,l, ~u~ rail> ]oab,anl> ti,Jus IJC an•
~: co l6ctl)fabc dJcmottJci of~olomOn, anllllJCC ftDmDme.
~; faille, Gr ommcll tIJou pcauat>lp ~ ano l,Jec fall1c, 3 I anl:I tl)C_l!ttng ~aib~ bntO lJim, r~OC CUCtl f.~:,~::.1:11 ·
'~' 19ca1icablp. as (Jee f,latlJ falllt,fmttl? lJJm,ffnl) buric (Jim• tftat lDilluli ll'DIOf'
~: 14 ll)cc faibc moieoucr/Uauc romc\lll)at to fft •.,oumap~u, ""'•"" ~
.....e awap H1 b , '.]loab
•.,c lool) lllbtcl) •"'!' mf<0mrtt
rap bnto t11cc. ~lJe raiD.~ap on. , 11Jel> caufclcife, from mcc, anl> from tlje IJoufc of 11 •
•'' 1 s anb (Jc faiDc. ~ou kno\Dcll tl)at tlJc ~n;· 1nrfat1Jer.
o. ~;]ft Diii Df borne lll8l5 mine.anti tl}at all jittad 'fet dJnr fa• . 32 an1> tlJelLo~b flJaD b~ing llfa blool:I »pon
:,., ces on mec, tl}at '31 ll)oulll rai~: lJoblbtit tl)c lJ~lS omne lJeab : fo~ l)ce rmote t\Do men, moie
..... , king1>ome ii! tumcl> a\Dap, anti tttum to mp b10• n~teouss anb better tl)en 1Jee, an1> ac'a:le tl)cm
tl}ci : roi it tis appointcD (Jtm of tl)c )l,01b. \llit(J tlJC fo:lo1t1, m1:' fat(Jer ~auto not llnowtng
16 anti no'n'Jc '.JI af&c a petition of tlJce, l>enp ttJmof,cucn* abncit(Jefonneor~ci, captaine i.King 3.
me not. idnl> flJe rail> tinto l)im.~ar on. of t(Jc l]oac of 'Jlfrael, anl> *amara t1Je ronnc or 1 7·
17 anl> !Jee raiDC. ~peake, '] P~l' tl)cc, 1mto '.l]ttlJet:,captainc oftiJe l}ofte of ']Ulla.
~olomon tl}ekin!.l ~Joi !Jee toil notfap tl)ccnap) 33 ~lJeir blooll RJall ttJcrefoJc returne bpon 9 •
........_ tl)atlJc !,liue me abifag tlJe ~unamttc to lllifc. tl)e lJca1> of'.Jjoab,anl.l on tl,Je 1,Jcat1 ofl)ilS t:ccbc foJ
18 anb lf5c~fabc faille, '11 wm fpcaltt ro1 t!Jee £Uct: but bpon Jl'auib, anD bpon lJilS fecbe, anll
bnto tlJc lling. bpon1Jiisl)ourc.an1>bponf}tsrcatc,11Jallt(Jmbc
1 9 '5etl)fabe tl}mfo:c 'mrnt bnto Iring ~o· peace fo: cuer of tlJc )l,o~l>.
lomon, to fpcafle bnto l)im fo: iDonia: anl> t(Jc 3'T ~o l5anaia tbc fonne or '.]!el)oial:la 'mrnt
bing roftbp to mcetc l)cr, anl> bo'mcll lJimftlf£ btJ.anl:l l)c fell bpon l}im, ~ Oe\lJ IJim,anl.l burtcl:I
bntolJci, anb rate (Jimllo\lJne on1Jt1Sfcatc, anll l}tm inlJil5 o'mnc f}ourc in t(Jc 'tDtlDerneife.
t1Jm 'mas a reatt ret ro: tl)c llinws mo~er, anl> 35 an1> dJC11tngput '5anaia tl)e ronne of']c.
OJe fate on 1Jil5 rtgl)t fil>t. f}oial>atnl)il!lfOOtne,OUct tl,Jcf}otl,anDpUt£~8' r~11 ·~t·~:~:
20 ~m11Jecfaioc,1llefinaltttfcpctittonor 11oc tl,Jc ll):tell in tl)e roome of 9.btatl)ar. ~.~~ p~f.11"'
~' t(Jee, '.Jl inap t(Jre rap mec not nap: anl> tl}e laing 36 anti tlJe l!\in!,l rmt, anb caltell ~cmci, anl> ~1°:.:~~ ~'i,.
ralll bnto (Jer,arnc on mp mot(Jcr,fo: '.Jl \llill noc fail> bnto l)tm, '5uillle ttJec an l)oure in ~1crufa, g:~\~~I~~~·
rap tl)eenap. fem, anti b'mell t(Jcr~ anbfcct1,Jatt1Jougocnot "*"
21 ~IJC fail>, lLct abtrag tl}e ~Unamitt bee foo;tl) tl)cncc an11 'ml)ttl)cr.
·, giuen to illonia tlJP b1otl)er to 'mife. 37 ojfo~bCttlJOU lure, tl)attl)CllaftfJSttlJOU
22 an111ling~olomon antmcrcl>, anb faille goca out,anl> patrea oucr tl)e titter C1Ccl:l~o11,ttJou
bnto l)is motl,Jcr, 119lJ1' bocll tl}ou arne abtfag 11JaltD1etljatoap, anti tlJP blool> llJalltcc bpon
t(Je ~unamitt foJ aoonia ~ d arne fo: lJim tl)c tl)inc o'mne lJeao.
kingl>ome alfo: ~ IJc ts mine ellltt b:otl)ci •ano 3s anti ~emci ratll bnto tl)c liin!,J, ~is rar·
IJatlJ ro: him abiatlJat ~c 1D1tcll. anb ]oab tlJe Ing t!J gool>: ais mr Io11> tlJe hingf,latlJ 'mlll
ronncof-Jaruta. tl)pfciuant DOC. anl> ~emci b\DCltin~tcnrfa•
13 ~en fting~olomon t"o:lare bp tlJe )l,o:b. ltmmanpabap.
rapin!,!5ob 11oe ro anb ro to mce. If aooma lJauc 39 an1:1aftcrtl}1ecpcrcs,t'mo ortlJefcruants
not fpokm dJi~ \lJOJD agatntl IJtis o'mnc tif.c, of ~cmci ranne a\lJap bnto :etclJiS ro1111c oBJJ)a'
24 Jeo\lJe ttlmf'o:c al! tl)e Jl..OJD ltuetlJ,'mlJiclJ act.Ja fling of ©ct(J: anl> tl)cp tolD ~cmcr, faptng,
lJatlJ o:lletncb me, a111> fet me 011 tlJe reatc of~a· '5ClJol1>,tlJrfm1antisbetn~tlJ. h 11,1
ulll mrratl)cr, an11 mal>c mean IJOUfc ais tJee P10' 4o han1>~eiaoontip,anofaDlcl:llJil5atrc, ,,... ~:~·
mtre1>,aoonia fl)all 11te tlJis bap. anl> gate (Jim to ~ctlJ to ac(Jtl!I, to rce11e lJ~~ftt• :i::i~:l:'f,.•"''
2 S anl:I bing ~olomon ~nt bp tl)e l)anllC Of uant~: ann ~cmei \Dent, a11l.1 b:ouglJt lJllS fer•
'5anaia, tl}e ronne of'.J)cl)otal>a, anl>l,Jeetmotc uantis againcfrom 45ctb.
!Jim tl}at lJUteb. . 41 an11tt\llajJ toll> ~ofomonl)o'mtl)at~C•
16 anti bnto abiattlat tl)c l0Jtefi faille tl)e mci l,laD gone ~om ~imJfalem to ©etlJ, allll
llling, ~ct dlec to anatlJotlJ bnto tl)tnc o\llne mais come agamc.
fiel1>cs. ro: t(Jou art blo:tlJr of oeatl): but') 'mill 42 9nl>tl}ekingftnt anbcaltell ~cmei,an!I
/. not at tlJil5 time frill tl,Jee,bccaufe tl}ou barett dJc fatbc bnto l,lim. Jeib '] not ctJ&f!.lC tl)ec br tl)c
Qrflcoft:lJC)l,OJllcl!50b befo:e Ji'aut!J 111! fatl)n, )l,0111 \lJltlJ an otlJc, ano tealft:cb llnto tl)ee, fa1:'•
f: an1> betaufetl)oul)atl rultreb \llitlJ mp fatl)n in in!,l. l5te fun tl,Jat 'n'llJcnfoeuci t(Jou go ell out,
,, •11t ..... alllJisamtcttons. anD malfieU ab~oal> anp bllJittJcr, tl)ott 11Jalt nte
:j .. nrr,rCD 21 c Qn!J Co ~olmnon irt1t a'm~ g)Jiattlar t!Jebcatl119nD t:lJoufapbetl bnto mcc,']ti$S gooD
;:, •. ~ , t'ID, f'rom 1Jei11;~1icll bnto tl,JC JL01b !,tl)at IJemiglJt ttoingis tl:Jat ~ IJauc bmo.
1,· 1. g *fllllllltlJt'n'JQ1tlf$Oftl)eJL.01t1,tolJid1l)et1}JafleO- 43 •tw tlJm(Jatl tf1ou not kept tl}c odtc ot
~; ucr tl)e l)oufc of lfli in ~tlo. tlJc )l,01n. anD tlJt comman1mnmt tl,Jat]J it)ar•
2 s qcn ttllinwi camt alfo to l)oab(foJ ']loab geb tl)ee \llitlJall:'
~ 2 44 cm;he:
! Solomons requefl:. tKings. The harlots cafe.
44 ~e ktng raiII mo~eoucr to ~e~i. 'iltlJou · 1 3 * ann 91 IJaue alCo giuen ttJce tl)at \DIJfclJ w.ra. 7. 11
rememb:dt 111t(Je \DicfielJne~ 'Wl)lclJ tl)t~el}eart tf}oul}aft not ar11e11, eum rul}eisanlll)onour, to
fmowctl), anII ttJat tbou tnil~ca to ~~tb mr fa• tl)at tl,Jere ll.Jall bt no ktng like tmto tl)ec all tlW
ttJcr: tl)e JLoJll 111ro O:Jall 1,,ang tlJp'olidiCOnelfe llares.
bpon tlJine otllne f)eall: 14 gun if tl)ou 1D1lt 1Dallle in mp mares, to
45 9nll r1ing ~olomon llJllllbe btcaen, anb flcepe mine 01lltnancel!I $mp e1tommant1ementl!I.
t(Jc rcate or wauiD aablill.JclJ befo1e tl)e JL,01b fo1 ass tl)r fatl,Jer ~autt> llio tDalht, '.JI tDill lengtl}tn .
euer tlJr napes.
46 ~o tl)c bin~ commanbelJ '6anaia tl}e ron 1 s D9(Jen ~olomon a1Dohe, •bri)ollle,it mas • rirr u11a
or'J]ef)oialla: \JJf;UclJ wem out, anb fmote l)im, ab1eame: ano l)e came to $ierufaltln. atUI aoot> i%~~~:~·
tl]atfJe nieD: anlJ ttJe liingtiome \tli115 ftablillJell in befo1e tIJeame of tl)e Clt~uenant offl)eJL01I1,anb ~:.:.•
ttJc (Jann or ~olomon. offreD 'Uil)ole bUmt olltin~, anDpcace otfttn§S, .
Theiij.Chapter. anll malle a feaft to all l)is remant15,
16 ~en came tl)rre nuo \tlomen t{Jat \'om
1 Solomon takcrh Pharaos daughter ro wife. ; The *IJarlots,bnto tl]eliing,anll aoob beCo1e1Jim. 1 Vi&ai.
Lord appeareth co him, and giucth him wifcdome. 17 anD tl)e one \lJoman faiDc, ~ mp lo~ll, ] lcrs.
1 7 The ple3ding of the two harlots, and Solo-
mons fentcnce therein.
anb tlJiJJ \'ooman 11\llcH in one l)oure, anll ']l \'oa15
lleliuerell of a cl}illle witlJ IJer in tlJe goure.
2,Chron.1. m©lomnn * mabe afftniftt 1Ditl:J 18 .anbtl)etlJirllll8!'11ftertlJat1)\'oS15ilcUllC•
r. l01Jarao liing of «egrpt, anb toolie tell, l1Jtt \tla15 neliumn alfo : ann wee \llere toge·
fl)1Jarao15 baugl:Jter. anb b1DttglJt d1et:, anll no fttanger \'ottlJ bSS in tl)e IJoUfe raue
• lilc,~1·~·"'· l]erinto tl)e•citicof~autb, bntilt 'tllet\llo,
· l)e1Janmalleanen1JofbutlDingf1iss 19 .anti tl)iis \lliucis clJilDe titcn in tlJeaql)t:
oumc l}onfe, anb tl)c lJoUfe of tl)e Jl.,oJll, anll tf}c foJ fi)e rmotf}crell it. .
tuall of ~terufalem rounll about. 2 o .ann llJee arore at milmig'f)t, ann tool'ie mr
~,,~,a~g: ~1 • 2 ~nely tlJe people fam'fke!I in b l:Jigl) pla• ronne from mp Cibe b:llJile tl)tne 1Jan11mapn aept,
~"""ob!f•ic m~, bccaure tl)ere \llais nol)oUfebutlttmtotl)e ~n!llapnitinl}erbofome,anllputlJer beall cl)tlll
~~;\~~1'f;~ f;lamc of tile ll,oJll bnttll tl)ofe bapeis. mmp bofomc.
r..~~~~"' '~'
3 ~nb~o1omon!ouen tl)eJLoib, 1Dalfling 21 .ann \'ol:Jm '.) rorc in tl,)emoJningtogtue
in tlJC o~binanceJJ of ~auin IJi>l fatlJct: raue one' mp c;{1ill>e fucfle,be(Jolne, It \tlllS ilcall: but l1l1Jen
Ip ttJat l)ce cacrtficell anb offereb inccnre bpon al' 9) l)all loolien bpon tt tn tl)c mo ming, belJollle,it
tar.~ in l1i111) plac:c15. 'Qlal5 not mf fonne \tll)iclJ 1 lli!I bean.
4 an11 tl)e fling \tlent to<aibcon to offer tIJrrc, 2 2 .ann tlJe otl}n: \Doman ratlle, 1jt ii!! not ro,
foz t11at mass tl)c fpec:iall IJiglJ place :.anll a ttJou· but mp ronne liuctb, anti tlJ1' ronne iJJlJtall. .atlll
ranb tulJO le burnt offcrin~ llill ~olomon offer UJee fatlle Si.Jaine. Ji:2o, butt:l.Jp fonne iSS llealJ.llllll
bpon tlJat altar. mp fonne iss altue. gnn tl)u15 tl.Jep pleabcb JJero,e
5 an11 ill (jijibton ti}e Jl..OJ'b tlppcateb to ~O, t~e Ilttng.
Ioinon in a ll1eame br niglJt,ann <aon raio, arne :i. 3 ~IJen raille tl}e fling, ~e one fattlJ, ~iii
\lJIJat thou wilt, t{Jat ']l map gme it t(Jec. tl)at iuliue is mr fonne, ann tlJe ilellll il!I tlJine:
6 gnn ~olomon fain, ~ou(JaftflJebleb bn, anll t{Je otl)ct faitlJ,~ar: but tlW ronne iss llean,
to tlJY ftruant ~anill mr mtlJet great mcrtie, anll tlJc liutng clJilile is mine. r m:D• !Dirr· ~
tol)en lJC \Dalfiell beCOJC tl)ce in ttuettJ,inrigl)te• 24 anb ti}elting railJ,f'6Jingmeaf\DoJll.9nll OOtol!Ofktn(
ourne~, ann in plainncffc ofl)eart \Dit(J tiJec, anll
tlJer bJou!,JIJt out a ftl.lOJll bcf01f t.11e laing: "' 'mon.
t11ou 1Jall litpt fo11Jim t(Jts great mrrcte tlJat "S anbt{Jeltingfaib, ~iuillctlJeliutngcl.Jilll
t{Jou l)all giuen l)im a ronne to ut on {Jil5 feat, ass in t'a>o,anb giuc t(Je one l)alfe to tlJe one,anb tl)e
it i~ come topa[e tlJilS Ml:'. otf)crto tlJe otber.
7 IAnllno'ID, ®ll,01nmr<aob.itist1)outl)at 26 ~(Jen tpabe t1Jc\l'loman~orct.11diufng
IJan mane tlJr fcruant 11\ing, in aeall or ~11uib cl)ilbe \tla15, bnto tl)e l!mg ( ro1 l)er bollld• rer•
:.~;1 ~'~:\11~ 1 • mr fa ti) er : anD 'Jl am but rong, ann c \tlote not nell bpon IJer ronnc)anb catne, 'Jl befua}d}ee mr
'"" "'"~' l)otu to goe out ann in.
•f rnl••~. s ann tl)p rcruant il!I in ti.Jc milllle15 of tlJP
IOJb, giue l)et ti.Jc liulng ct)llne, anti mno lllift
oar it. lBut t(Je otl]er fai!l,)L,et itbc neitl1er mine ,..
people \1JlJiclJ tIJou (Jail cIJoren, anb bmlp tlJp no: thine, but lliniDe it. .
peopleareromanptlJat t(Jep cannotbetolll,no1 "7 ~IJent(Jel!inganf\llrrell anllfai1>c,4Jit1t ~:
numb~cn ro1 multitulle. IJcr tlJe liuing ci)il!lc,ann oar it not: foJ flJe Us d}e ~
~,~;~:::'::. 9 J 'JI5iuc * t1Jercro1e till? Ccruant an bnDet• motl)n: tl]ercof. ~
~,~~~:~;~,~~ lt!tnDing l)eart, to tullge thp people, tl)at '.)!mar "s gn11 an tl)ep of'];fral'l IJtarll oftl)e '.)abge' '~

" •,, .n,,. btfccme bcttoecne goon anD ball: foJ '\ll)Jo tl!I able ment 'mlJiCIJ tl:)elMn« (Jab iull«eD,aull fcareo tlJe 4'·
~'11ll0n , to tungc tt)iss tbr ro migl)tic a people1
1 o. • · •~ 1 0 ann t(Jiss plcarcn tf}e Jl..011> '\Deft, tf}at ~o·
l!tn11: fot tllep fa\Dc tf}at tl.Je \UifeDome of ~ob
\Dass in l)im to Do iuChce
1; ~
w\UOtt \)all ncfitcb tl}tSS t(Jing, ' • ·~
11 ant1l3ot1fatllbnto(Jtm,'6ecauret(Jou1Jalf Thciiij,Chaptcr~ ;·~
~fh~b tllftf.Stl)ing,an'bl)artnot afhcb[OJt(Jpfdre
0 1 1" 1t t, t'ltittJer l)allafbeb ricl)el!I foi tlJtlfelft, 2 bThe princes and rulers vnder Solomon. 32 His
ookrs and wrirings.
noil)alf atttt1 ttJclifeof""fnememie'" batlJall .~ ~ fo lllinrr '""'-olomon~"'"lrin" ·~
~mil ro~tl)Hclfetmt1erhnlling anbbiraetton ouerall]rraeL ..,_ ,, tt.~
mtUlJgcment: ' 2 gnb tl:)cfe'\llm"'-llUl>l!I. g, p~:,
lBcl)oltlc' 'l\ IJattc bone aucnbinl to tiJt' tatlat~ronneor~11DOCdJrp~iell. . ~
\llo~t1e.s:~oe,']\l)auc~·umfohtta\'Dfreantaan1'11< 1;., """ .... ,,,....... tfJe ,·
ui. "
lltnrr., \J"llrt
, o tt;Jat tl)ett \'DU none lifle
.-........ · · 3 ,.,o1...,.,'
....w ... ot Si!Dtfa, ~tribes:
'.)oraptJat ~'IQ4J
CfJe ronne of .''l
~et bcfoie ttJtt.ncitlJet BfteitlJU 0ian anp arife
atJllUll tlJc l!lec:o:ber. ,~~
_ _ _1_11t_e_bn_t_o-'t1J_cc_._____._ _ _ __:.__!...._:4!:_::25=.a::na.==ta~tl)t~fi~onn~e~o~f~1~d1~oi~all~S~\'D~S.U~o~u~er:.!,___ \. ~.
Solomons officers, Chap.iiij.v. and prouifion. 12 3

Botrb1t a. tfJC. f;Joae : ~iJDOC tU1b a ilbiatf)at b:Jm dJt 27 gl11) dJC Olfi'2f~ p1oulD£ll bfctual fo1 fiiU~
i11Jar1Db•m ~i1e~. ~olomon,anllfO:aU tl}atcamcoutofanrplace
.,:'D~~r':::'.'" s a1Jb a1ma tl]cfonnc or~atl)an tod o· to king ~olomon~ table, cuerr man IJts mo,
.~&i~.!':'~ac uer t11e ~cers: a~ '5abull tl)c ~onne or~att:Jan nctlJ, ro tl}at tiJey lackell notf;Jtng.
t '"'· \JJd al011Cll. tl:Je kmll.6 compamon. 2 8 ~arltr alfo anll tlra\Utroi tf1t l,JoJfcs ttnb
6 _anll al1ifartoas llc\Uarll Of tl}e fJOUllJOlb : ~leS, b~ougl)t tf:Jey bnto tf;JC place bll)ere tf;JC
anll.ationiram tf;Jeronne ofabba \Ud oucrtl}e offimsuen.euerrmaninlJisoffice.
tnbuteS. 2 9 * anll C3oll gaue ~ol01non mtfellome..anll Eccl.41. 16.
7 anll ~olomon f;Jall t'meluc ofrtcers ouer b11bertlanlltng, ercr11llingmucfJ, anll a c large ~,':1:,'t::~.~:
au '.]lttael,lDl)icl:J p:outllell bictUals roi t:lJc Iatng fJcart,~ 2 tf:Jtfanll tf;Ja~is on tl,Jc rca f!JO~c. .~:1~·,1:~~~~0
anll IJiS 1Jou11Jolll : eacl:J man l)ts monetf;J tn a 3° .Qntl :=Olomons 'mifebome CJ'Ctllctl tf:Je P"u"'D 011
rcrre mat1e p:outfion co: nccelTllrJ! tl)inll.6· lDtftllome of all ~e '1)tlt1~en of tl)e dchtl cou"' ~b~\~" ..r."'
s ano tl)cre arc tl)tirr.amcs: tf;Je ronne of ttey,anllatttfJe\l'ltfeoome oflflttpt. ~\'r~~·,:~a.
$Ur in mount cfplJ:aim. 3 r !lfo: IJe 'mas ~ifer tl)en au men, pea, tlJen ~b.~~·~~,,~
\:~ 9 ~eronne of wmar in ~tttiat anti in ~a' lftl)an tl}e lfl\'atl)1te, anti tl)tman ~alcol, anti •••i••uioCl
•'' albim.ano:13et1Jfames,<tton,a11b'5ttl;l1'anan. l0aroa tlJc fonnc~ of ~a\Jol: ano IJis name ID•tr.
' 1 o ~c ronne of ll)et"cb in arubotl), to mtom
pmatnco ~ocl:Jo,anb all tl)c lanb orl!Jepf)tt.
toas fpolfm of tl)o:o\Dout all nations on euerp
II ""'°C fonneof abtnabab in&H tl)tre~n 32 9:tt'O ~OIOmOUfpalte""•tt""OUfanll <tt10, 'l!!:bt moll
"""l.J ~ trh"'"" f ,,,..i., , "l.J.:'r .. ..., t'~ part tnbrrcof
or JE!I01, lDl)iCI) l)aD ~apl)etf;J ...,t ll8U~.,u-~ 0 ~u uCS : anb IJtS!I fOngS!I \11ttt a tf;JOUfanb anti arc pm~tD.
•, ~otomon to totk. rtue.
··: n '5aana tf;Je fon ofaf;Jitllll \l'I~ ouer ~~' 33 anb lJefl!aflc of treeuuenfrom tf;Je <ltrllar
nadJ,anb ~egtono, anll oucr al lBcttJfan \DfJt'1J trce tl)a~ wometl) in Jl,ibanon, tmto tl)e l!)rfop
ts bl? ~artI:Jana, bmeatlJ lmael,from :13etl)ran tlJat fp:mgctl) out or tl}e toall: l)cc fpafic alfo of
.•. to tlJe plaint of ~ctJola. cum tmto tf;Je place beaffs,offoules,of\Do:mrs, ano of rta.ics •
tf;Jatts oner againff '.)ecmeam. 34 anti tlJm came ofall nations to IJeare tl)c
13 im;IJe ronnc of fJ!Jabcr l)all mamotl,J 011eat1, '1lifellom of~otonion, anti from all flings of tl)c
anll l)ts tom tl)e tomnizs of '.]air tf;Je ronne of eartl}, Wf:)itl.J IJaD (Jeartl of IJis lllifcllomc.
~anatre, \»lJtclJ are tn l0ifeat1: anll tmner f;Jim Th h
mai:i tl;le re~onoc argob, tol)tcIJts tnlBafan, ev. C apccr.
t1J1ecfco1e great cmtS, 'lllitf;J'lllallel!I anD barres r Hiram fcndcth to Solomon, and Solomon to him,
ofb?afle. purpolingtobuildthchoufco!God. 6 Heprepa·
... 14 a1Jinallab tl,Jt fonnc Of '.)llllO (Jab ~tll,JC,
reth fiuffc for the building. r 3 The number ohhc
1 s g~tmaa!\l'lastnJ3eplJtlJalt, anllf;Je tooke • ~ll ll,}iram fiing of ~pie rent l)is
'5afmatl,J tfJe oaugtJter of~olomon to \l'ltfc. reruants bnto ~olomon: (fo~ fJtt
16 '3aana tl)c ronne ofll)Ufat was in arcr anb lJ~tl l)earo ~l)at t{Jep IJall anointcll
...'" in alottJ. l)lm lnng tn tl)c roumc of IJiS fa,
,, 17 ]orapl)at t(Jefonncor10aruaf;J \l'la~tnl, tiJcr) foi ~iram \Da~ cucr a lo•
rac(Jar. uer of ~auitl.
''·,,. 18 ~cmet tl)e ronne of lfla \l'ld in '8tnia, 2 "9nb ~olomon rent to ~iram,raping, 1.Chr.1+
,, mtn. 3 ~lJou rmo\tlcft IJo\lJc tl.)nt wauio mr fa,
19 c!l5abertl)c ronnc of ~Ji mas in tl,Jc coun, tl)cr coulo notbutlD an l)oUfc bnto tlJc name of
trevofe3ileall,tl)clantl of~el)on ktngoftlle g, tlJe Jl,OJtl lJi~ <ll5otl, *fo1 tl)e \Darrcs \tllJtclJ \tlerc 2.R•g.7.r,
mo~ttts,m1t10h1Dgllingof'8afan,ano\l'la~offi, about IJimon CUCl1' fioe, bntill t{Je )Loin put 1.chr.a10
cer alone tn tl)c l8llb. . t(Jcm bnber tl}c fole~ of{JtS fectc.
2 o anD j\Ubttanll ')rrael '\llttC manp,cuen as 4 '3Ut llOlDC tf;JC Jl,o,I) mJ;' GDotl f}atl) gtucn
~ tl)e rano ~f tl)e re~ tn number, cattng. llJinliing. me rcft on euerr rioe, ro tl)at tl}crc ts ncitIJer all,
·.I anl> matnngmme. uerfarie no1 cuill to reuft.
: '.::1, 47 ,1 5 2t *ano ~olomon retgncll ouer all 11ing, s ant1be(Jo10, 'Jl am octcrminctrtobuilb an
,1 bome from tl)c riuerbnto tl)c lanll of ti.Jc l&I:Jiti• lJoUft tmto tl)e name oftl.)e :Jl.oJD mp <!Doll, a$5 ti.Jc .
~ t:ttnei:i,tmto tf;Jc boioer of lfgrpt: (I tf:Jey b~ougl)t 'tl.OJD rpafle bnto wauto mp fatf)rr. raring, ~ll!'
,i pJcCent:S, anti reruco ~olomon an tl)e llapes of ronne 'llll)omc 'JI \Dill rct bpon tfJ1' rcatc foi tl}ce,
:~: IJiS lift. l)e n1an butlllan lJoUfc bnto mp name.
2 2 anti §!;)olomon~ bJCSDfo1 one llap, U'las 6 f;loto tfJtrefoJtcommanb tl]ou, tlJat tlJep
;::~11c tlJirtJ;' b quarters of mantl}ct tloure, anb tf:JJtt' l)etoe me ~cllar trc~s ou~ of JLibanon, anll mp
~:i....,~ ,~'. rcoic quarter~ of mcalt, rmrants OJ aUbe 'lllttlJ t{Jme: antr bnto tl)ce mill
ri"'~· 2 3 ~en llalleD o~cn , ano ttoenfy out of tlJc '] ~tut tl)e IJire foHIJr reruants, a"OJllinQ to an
J1 pat!ures, anll an l)unbiell OJcepe, bcftllc $ttrt~, fuclJ tl)ing,s as tl,Jou flJalt appoint : foi tllou
l5ucflcs, anll lDiltl 113oatcs, ano <ltapons. fmotoctl tl)at tlJm arc not mnong b!S, tlJat can
4 !fOJ 1Jeru1to in all tf;Je rc~on on tf;Jc otlJtt fkill to l)c'me timberltfie bnto tl)e ~toons.
ffbe lfuplJ:ates,from ~lJl})l)falJ to ana,ouer all 7 '9nll n>I:Jc~ ~tram lJtarb tlJe \l'lo~tlcs of ~ 1?fi::~~':'b!'
tl)e kit\11.6 on tl}e otl)er aoc tl}e riuer : anti l)c (Jao ~olomon,l)ce.!~'o!ccb g~~~J;anll faill, l51etreo ~~~~I~~ a..:,~~·
ilr,onru_e- peace II \Ditll all l)iS reruants on euerp fll)C. be rt)c Jl,oioe NJIS' .W•JlnJ (JaCIJ giucn tmto lbonlD llrlprre
• .~; ~ 0 ·d 1 s anll ')una (I 'Jjfrael b\Delt tuit(Jout feare, wauttl a \lldc.ronnc ouer tlJts mtgl)tr people. ~::.:Ir::~~~··
; •m. euerr man bnller f:Jis bine , anll tmoer IJilS agge s an~ $tram rcn~ to ~olomon, raping, '.JJ
~ trce,rrom ~an to '5eerfdJa,aU tl,Je llaie~ of ~o, f;Jauc conuoercll tlJe tlJmgs \l'llJi'1J tl}ou rcntrff to
1 lomon. me fo,, ano \l\1U accompl111J all tl'Jl' ocfirc couccr 0

1.Chr.Mf 2 6 *anb ~olomon (Jao foJt'!! tf;Jollfanll &alltlS ntng ttmber of 4tct1ar tre~ anll ftm.
oflJOJfelS fo; r;l)arctlS.anb t'mdue tl)oufllnb l,Jo;fe• 9 '3@p ftnlantlS llJan b1t11g tl)cm from lLi'
Solomons vvorken1en. 1.1<.ings. The Temple fini!11ed.
bp rea in flotc~, bnto d)c phuc tlJat ~ou RJalt Bill' ~oole .of. iron IJearD tn tlJc toufe \\il.Jitc it
RJcto me, ann milHaufc d)~m to bee ~trd1argen \»a~ 111 bmltlmg.
tljcrc, anti t}Jou fbalt rue~e t~cin. an~ ~ou 8 'cTI}ellooicoftl;Je mil>Dlt tl)aml>ertllais tn
11Ja1tllocmca p1carurcagaine, tftl]oummtlter tlJe ri~t fi?e of tl}e l)~Ufc: anti men \llent 1'p
foollc coz minz ()oufc. \1.lttlJ wmnmg llatrcl$ mto tIJcmillble '1)amllcr,
1 o ano ro @tram gl!uc~olom~n cuoar tree~ anti out of tlJe mibtllc into ttJc tlJirb.
anll ftrrc tret,e',acco~llmg to a~ lJt~ ncfire. 9 .anti ro {le butlt tile toufe, anti fintflJctl it :
11 .an11 ~olomon gauc l9aram ttoentp tlJou, anll ficlcl:I tl1c (JoUfc. being bauttl:I, \llttl) ftding
fano quartcr.e' of \ul)eat fo~ foob to lJi~ l)ounJolll, of <ltci>ar tree~.
anll twcntr butte~ of pure oilc: tt}u~ mutIJ gauc 1 o a~n tIJcn. I.Jee ~uttt tlJamiler~ to au tl)e
~olomon to 'tram pcrCb£ pcrc. temple,fiue rub1tc~ lJigl): anb tlJep "OJttt iopncb
11 .anll tiJe ll..0:1:1 gaue ~olomon wifellomc, to tl)c l)oufe \»itlJ bcante~ of cltellar.
ch,p.;.n. *af5lmp1omtrcbl)fui. anbtl;Jerc'ma~peatebc, 11 an~ tijetoo~ oftl)c)LoJb came to~olo'
· tUJcme ~tram anb ~olomon, anb tlJCF t\»o mon,fapmg,
mere conf£llerate toiictlJcr. u <lroncerning tlJc lJoufe 1Dl)icl} tlJOU art in
13 .attb bing ~olomon raifel> a fummc out lluilning, tftl)outotlt tllallic inmme o~llinan,
of'.jjfracl, ann tfJc ruimuc 'ala~ tl}irttc tl)oufanll 'e11,an1:1 en,utc mp lalDe!I, anti ficep all mp 'om,
men: maunbcinent~ to 'l:oalkt tn tlJem: t:J.Jen -wtn '.]\
14 WIJom l]ee fcnt to )Lillanon, tenne tlJou, mafle goon tmto tl]ecmti p;romife,* to1Jtc1J '.)J p~o· 2.sam.7.1
ranlJ a monetl) bp ,ourrc: fo d)at 'ml.Jen ttJer !Jab mifell l0autl:I tlJr fattJcr: 1.chr. 2
bcnc one monetlJ in )Libanon, tlJcy abobe rroo 1 3 an1> 91 'mill btoell among t11e d.Jiltlicn
ma.ictlJ.e atl}omc: anll flllontramtoalS ouerd)c of ]Ctael, anll totn not fo~fabrntp people 'Jlf,
fummr. raeJ.
1 s :Ann ~olomon lJab tl);cefco~c anti tcnne . 14 ~olomon ti]erefo~e butlt tljc l)ourc, ann
tlJouranl:I tbat tare bur11en11, anb fourercoie fitliaJC?I it:
ti)ouranll ~afon~ in tlJc mounta1nclS: 1 s an11 ficletl tl;Je'l:oi?Utis of ttJc )Joufe \llid)in
1 6 25cfi1Jc~ tl)c lo_illc!I 'IDl}om ~olomon ap' toitlJ boo11111 of GtCDar tm, wen from tl)c pauc,
;:otnmi to oucrCee tl)c mo~ltc, cuen tl}:ee tl)ou, mentof tlJe l)oure, bnto tl)e roofe, ntn l)e fide tlJe
ran!l nun t:lJ.?Ct IJunn~l:l,tolJiclJ rufeb tlJe people, \llalle~ ofit 1Dltl)tn '1litlJ ~ebar ttce, (t boottleb
and chem tl:Jat "Wi.otJQl)till tlle 'IDO~(iC. . tlJe fioOtC OftlJe IJOUfc toit:l'J plank£!$ offir re.
17 ~lli>tl)C ltingcommauntlcb tlJetntOlntUfl 16 !lnbl)CbUilbCbnllentpCUbitc~intlJe-
'6l'Cat 1lone$,cotur ttonc!I, anti 1Je\1Jcb llone~ fot of tile Qt1ier or tlJe ~cmpl£, botlJ Hooic (t 'alane.
tl]cfounoationoftl)clJourc. wttl)booib~ of~Cbat, anbb~ct1tttoit1Jint1Je
1 s g no ~ofomon~ mafoms. anti t'(Jc maronJS rccret place of tl)e ~cmplt cuen in tlJe moll l)olp
ofll,}iram,llitl fJe\.D tl}em, anl:I ttic aoncfquarcris: place.
anl:I ro tiJcp p:epai::ell botlJ timber ann ltonrJS (1:11 1 7 '3ut tl}c tourc. d)at i~ ti.Jc ~cinplc bcto:c
tl)c builOing of t))c ))oufr. · it,mas fo~tr rubite11 tong.
18 ,gnn ti)e Gtct1ar of tl)c l]oufe tDttlJin \llais
Thevj. Chapter. carucn\llttlJ rmopJS, anbgraucn\llttlJ tlourrs:
r The buildingofthc ccmplc, and chcfourmcthere· anball\1Jal3 <!rc'Dartimbcr, fotl)atnol?onetoa,6
of. 1z 1 he promifc of the Lord to Solomon. feenc,
, rhio • I ~ " blJ
fi)~ *ill tl)C fOUfe l)Untl~Cb 8U'D 19 anbtfJ£(!UtCftlJ8t\llS~'l:ottt)in tlJC~M<
.. " · '· r. ~ ·., ;,~ tourcrco~c re ere, after tUc tlJil1>1en ple, IJctwcparell, to rec t11ear11c of tlJt appoint> ~
~ of ']\fracl \llcrc come out of tt)e ment oftl;Je lL01b. . :;
~,~ ' (;' lann of <fgrpt, anti in tl}e fOUrtlJ 20 anb tlJC QUtCr II befotc \lla~ ttocntp rubittJS IJOr, wi.hll,
. w..~~ rm of tiJc rcignc of ~olomon tip• long,anb t'mmrp cuottcs in b:clllltlJ, anti t\lll?IJ' ~
tl Ar1i1. on ·1rrac1, anti in ttJc monetl) II '5if. 'mlJi'11 is CF rnbttesinlJeigl)t: anb l)c roumtl it'a.litlJpurc ~
ti'Je rcconb monctlJ, l)ce began to bUtll> tl.Jc l}oure goll>,anll boo~br:i:I t(Jc altarlllitlJ <lrcllar. . . ,
of tile ·JI. oin. 2 r ~o ~olomon couerell tlJe ))ouft totdJin ~
2 alll:i tl)c lJourc 'llllJtcIJ lting ~ofomon llutlt 'mitlJ pure gol1J,a11l1 l)c mallc golben ba~~.nm ~
fo~ ti}e ll..o~ll , \Daf5 tl)~ccfcoie rubite~ long, ano along tl)e ciuicr. '1ilJitfJ lJe IJab coucrcll'a.lltlJ g~.
t'rocntr cubit cs b~oall,anb tbirtr cubites lJigl). n anti tlJc 'ml)olc IJoure tu oucrfllfttl 'alJtlJ ~
3 anti IJe mabc a poJclJ btfo~e tl)c temple of gol1>, bntilbc l}al> mtlrll tt: alfo all t1.1e sitar t11at \,
tl)e lJoure, tol)tcl} lllais t\llcntp cubtt.cs long, af, \»as bcfoit tlJc ciuici-.11c oucrfat•ll \llitlJ golll. ::
tcrtlJe b~eabtlJ ot tIJc l'loure, \1 ten cubitcs b~oab 2 3 allll llllthin tl)c quicr IJcc mane t\110 ~r· . . ~
mtl)e fo~cfront of tl)e f)ourc. rubtmss of II oliuc tree, ten c::ubittS ~iglJ. 1pr,Pioc ,~
• '"'"' ofthc 4 !!nb ill tl)C lJOUfe l')ec tnabC•'roillbO\llC~, 24 ijfiuc tubitr~IOllgbJaS a tDmg~ftl)conc me. ~;
\;,';:;:,~~.~:~~.~ bJoab wir hom,anll nanolll within. clt(Jerub,anb lluc cubitc~ tongtoasatomg of tfJc
~;~'.~~,~:.~~'.' ~ anll bv ttc \llall of d)c IJoufe {Jc mabe cl)am' oU,cr GtlJcrub: ro tIJat from tlJe t>ttcrmollpart
~'ru.~~~···n btrss 1·outtil about in tf)e Ulallcs o~ tlJc l)ourc ortl)eont\lJingt>ntotJ:Jcbttmnotlpartoftl;JCO'
rou1roabc.ut tl)c tcmpleanb tlJcciutet: annl)ee tlJtt,\llcrttcncubitcif.
mabt tl}ambcrs rounb about. .l 5 !lnll tl}e ot'bcr Clt(Jtrub llla~ temtt cubttcsi
~l)c mtl)etmoll ct}ambcr toas ftuc '"' 1'1111a1ro: ro tl)atbotl) tlJc qcn1bin1s 'a.lcrtor
bitess bionb , anb tl)c mllllllc was rt~c Wbites one mrarurc.ano one ctre •
bJoat1~a1mti,etl}tr1:1 t»as rcu£11rubitcs bioaD: 2 ~ !f!'cit1Jc1Jcigt)toft11conc11t(Jcrub'a.las ten \'
fo1 '\llttl)out in ttJc toau of u,c IJourc IJCC mabt eulrittS.anb ro 'alas it oftf)t otf)cr. ~1
rells tounll about, tl)at the beams of the chambers 27 9n1> l)eput tlJe Cltl)crubims toitllintlJc in- \\.~~
nioulo not be faft£neb tu tl)t '!Dal~ of ti.le l)oUCc. ncr.1Jo1!fc : 11nt1 tl)e citf'Jmibiml lfritdJrll out ,~
7 anot)Jcl)ourt'tDaisbuiltofftonc mstJcpct• d)e&r'almgs,fo UJat tlJeont'O:ling ortlJe one tou, ·
feet alrcalll' befoi~ it 'tDa11 bJoUglJt ttntlJcr: ro clJctl tlJc onr \»all. an11 tlJc one-mn11 of tlJt otl;lcr \.,,,
tllat tlJtn 'alas ue1tl}cr 1Jatnmtt noi aJc, ctt11er toud.lell t1Jcot1Jrr1Dall: ttt!1e otlJrT rmo toings
.....__ ofi \\
The building of Chap.vij. Solomons o\vne houfc. 124
oftbnutouR}ell one anotl)erin tl)cmilllloftl)c )&IJaraos llaugl)ter * (wi)omcbeeball tattm to 3.K1ng.p
{Joufe. \Dift) lifit tmto ti.Jc faflJion of tl)c po;cIJ,
28 .anD flee ouerlapeb tl]e <JtJJcrubim~ '1'1itl) 9 ant1afitl)cfeltlereoftl:Jebellftonca, l)e'm,
goUJe. ell after a mearurc,anD fa'lllCD \llitlJ rawca ''llitlJ,
2 9 ilnD in tIJe toaneis of tl)e l]oure rountle in anD \Ditl)out, from tl)e rounDation J:>nto tlJc
about • 1Jee matle figurrs of romrD anb fielcb •beamc15 tl]at lap aboue, aftcrtl)emeafurc, anll ;,.~:~~·.~;·.~~
uio~fic: as namely pictures of '1rbembimlS. anD cuen Co on the out Ci lie tolllarD tl)c great court., ;:~.~:'~';.;;~:.e
palme trees> 8tll) graucn fl0\U£r$5 Witl)iU 8tll) I 0 911b tl)C fOUtll)tltlOQ 'aJa$5 {llftll bpOU fief} lbr top Of lb<
tuitl)out. lloncs,anb tb.atbcrr great lloncs,1.tlbcrcorromc ~~;;:,:::• 011 '
3o ano ti.Jc floo~e ortIJc l)oufc flt 'oucrctl 1.tlttl} were ten rubttis, anb fomc cigl)t cubits.
golll, witl}tn anll '!Ditl)out. r 1 ~nD abouc were riclJ ftonca fquartb after
31 91tD in cntring of ti)e quicr IJcc maDc accrtaine rulc,anli coucrcll '1'1itlJ Grcoar.
t'tllo tloo;rs ofoltue tree: anll botIJ tl)c bppcr anb .12 anti tlJc great court rountl about , \Das
nvo fillc polls,wm flue r11uarc. 'IDitl) ti.nee rowcs ofiJc'alcD 11011c11,anD one ro'IDc
32 oij;iJe t'IDo lloom~ alfo were oUDliuctrcc, of ~ellar plankcsaftcr tl}e inaner of tl_lc inner
anll (Jre grauetl tl_lcm witlJ grauin« of ([l)cru· court of tbe l}ourc oftiJe )J...0~11,ant1 or tlJe po~ctJ of
:~ bims,anll palmt tmJJ, anti graucn flo111crs,anll tlJC temple.
,,,, coucrel:I t11c11t 'IDitlJ golll, anll larll tlJtnplatcis of 1 3 .Qnll lling ~otomon fcnt anll fct ont ~i, ,
gollJ bpon tiJc lltl)cmbimS anll palme trees. ram out ofm::r:c,
:~ 33 gnnro mallc (Jc foJ t1JCD001e oU(Je temple, . 11- a Ulillow.c$ ronne of tlJe tribe of @cpl)tlJa•
potls of oltue tree, fourc fquarc. lt,lJtS fat]Jcr bcmg a man of ~r~e: 'llliJitlJ l'irani
"' 34 ~11c t\Do 0001rs 'll.lere offim tree, anll ci• \'Das a craftfmamn b:atrc, full ofmircllomc, bn• 1
ther llooie 'IDitl.J foIZJing Ieaues. bcrtl:anntng, anti cunnin!.J, to mo:he all mancr
35 an111.Jcgrauct1t1Jcrconllt(Jerubims,palmc of1.tlOJl1ctnbµll[c: ant11Jcc cametomng~olo•
...., trees, anll caruell tlo'IDcrS :anti coucrCl:I tl]e car•
uct1 '11oihc 'WitlJ golll finetr \DJougIJt:
mon, anll w:ougIJt an llilS tDo~llc•
1 5 f o: l)e call nuo plllaris of bJnU'e of ctgl.)tern

. 36 anil(Jcc builttl)e im1crcourt'IDitlJ ti)~cc
rowes of IJe'IDct'l !lone, anll one ro\l:Je of ¢rllar
cubitsl)tgt:JapU:ce: •anll a ftringoft\lleluecu• Icrc.p.
btt11 nil> compa1Te eiti)cr ortllem about. 1

wooll. 16 anD (Jee malle two pommct.s of moultrn

; 7 'Jin tl)e fOUrtlJ recrc 1»aS tlJe fOUUDatiOn bJaffc, afccr che fafhion ofa crownc,tO fctbpon tl}C
of ttJc i)oure oft~eL01ne larcn in tl)e monetl} toppe11oft1Jcpillars: tl)e1Jeig(Jtoft1Jeonc1Jcall
~ '5if. piece contcinen fiuc cUbttss,anll ti)c (JeigIJt of tl_lc
-- 3s anll In t1Jc clcuentlJ recrc in tl)e moncth otlJcr l)catl piece conteinell flue cubits alfo.
:,,aobcr. II ~ul~'allJic(J iss tIJc eigiJt monetlJ)'IDas tiJc lJoufc
-·· 17 'cc ma De nci· 'IDOJlic anll \llJetlJcn wo~lic,
rull finiflJell tl)OJO'IDout all tl}e parts tlicreof, ac, lihe cl}aincs, fo: tl}e po11uuc11:1 bpon tl}c 1Jcat1 pie·
co1t1ingtoalltl}cfafl)tonorit: .ant1rowassl}efe· ces tlJatwcrc ontt;etopoftlJepiUarl'5: cucnfc•
ucn rcemun builtling tt. um rowcs t>pon ti)c one l}ca'D ptecc,anll fcucn bp•
,. Thevij. · Ch apter. en18 ti.Jr.anbrol)emat1et11cpillar~,ant1t\'Doro'Wci;
otlJrr. \
I The building of the houfc: of Solomon. 15 The: ex Of pomc~anates rountl about tn ttlc one net'
ccllent workmanlhip of Hirlm in the pieces which \llOJflC • to COUCt: tlJc pommels tl)at'alcrc bpon
he made for the: iemplc:. tiJc toppc: anti t}Jis l}e llibalfo fO; ttJc otl)cr lJCaD

...·'. ll!Jt ~olomon 1llas builning lJiis piece•
o'IDne l)ourc tlJirtrcne reeres, anti 19 anb t'lJe p0tmuclss t{Jat \'Derc bpon ti)c toµ
rtntfiJctl it an. oftl)c ptllar.iJ, \llere after ltllp 1.tlo~fl ln tlJc poict.i.
2 anb lJc built tl)e (Jourc tn ti)c rourc cul.lits.
'IDooll ll..tbanon. a IJunD~ctl cubitl'5 2 o anll tl)e pommcl.!J tlpon tl,)c t'alo pillar11

1, wn~. ano fietic cubits bioat'l, anb tl)irtte cubits IJall alro aboue oucr a1atnct ti.Jc mibll \llitlJtn tile
l}ig(J : ll11tl it tlOOtl bpon fourc t:0'11£)'5 Of <i:Cbar nct\llO!k pomegranates, anb tJpon tllrfcconll {Jca'D
p~UarlS. ann llteoar beame,i 'IDerc Iarll bpon tiJc ptcce 'IDcre tiJcre ttDo 1:Junt1~ell pomcgrar.atcsMn
ptllat!:'S. cwo ro\Dcts rounll about.
3 ant1tlJcroort'IDa.1J 11tct1arabouebponti)e 21 gnlll.Jce rct bptlJe pillars in tllepo~clJ~~
beam~ tlJat lap on ti)c pillars, cucn flue anti fo~· tl)e temple : anll '11llen !Jc bill! fetllp dJe rrglJt Pll'
tpbeame~fifteencinarome. tar, l}ec callcll tile name tl)erccfb '.}aci.)m: anl> h ~· 11.~1111i
4 :lnl> ti) ere \Dcrc '1'1inl>o'ID£13 in tl)~ee ro1.tle.!J, wllcn i)e IJaD Cet i>p tl)c ltft ptuar, l)ucallell ttJc ~:i~:~~:\'~·
ann tl)c 'IDinlloWcl3 were one againll anotIJcr, nametl_lmof< l5oa1. ~.:'<~~:;.~·,·.~:·
tlJ1ce Collie. 2 2 anti bµon the top or tl_lc pilla~ss were lilly ~~~\~,;~~· t.U1.
s inll all ti)elloo:cS'roitll tl)c lille poll,i,·antl \1101fie: anti Co 'IDa~tl)c wo:11cmem11Jlj.l of tl}e ptl• • '•"'"'"' .,
tile bppcrpoll~, mere foure fQtiarc,ant1 l)at1\lltn• lars finilbetl. ~.~;;'!,~~,~~~·"
llo'IDcs one againll anot{Jcr,t1J1ee folbe. : 3 gn'll l)e mane a moulten lauatoni, ten c:u• '"'~' 111 •"q10
6 anol}cc malle a po1c1J br tlJe pillar~ 1ha1 bitlS '!Dille ft'omb:im to bJim.rounn in compalfe. ~~~~.u'"" '
bare vp the houfc: llftl? cubitlS Ion~, ann tl_lirtp cu. anll fiue cubits lJtlJ() : anb a tlring &>f tl.Jirtt• cu•
bits tnoall, anti ti)c pozcl) 1.tlas bcfo~c tlJofc anll bit~ lliO c:ompalfc it about.
!'· tl)e otl}cr pttlars : foJ ti)cre 'ID as a t(Jickc tree rct 24 anll bnl>er t11eb~im of \lltte fmops
" befo1e tl)em. rountl about, ten m one cubit, anDtl)eyrompaf,
1 ~cn l)c mallc a po1cl) to fit anti iubge tn, ret1ti.Jc1aua~r rount1 about : ano tl)c lmoppes
rum a po1ct:1 of iungemcnt uclell wltlJ ~etlar 'IDCrC caa 'lllttiJ it tn t'cDo ro\Dctl wl}m it 'Illas
tl)o1owout all tl)cpatlCtllents. call.
s gnzi l}is l)oucc 'IDl}ercin IJe t1'1Delt, l)atl an• : s !Intl it 110011 on t\ile1Ut oren, or \tll.}iclJ,
otl)cr l)all moic imDarD ttJcn tl)c poJc(). of lift£ tlJ~ee loofletl to'IDarll tl)c Jaoitlj, ttuce to warn
__fo..:. . 1;......;..t_IJ_e_U9_ctt_,_tln_u_to_lll_ar_ll_tl)..:....c...:.~:.....:....:.o_uttJ~·-a-,-nll---,tlJ---'-m._ __
The Lauatorie. I.Kings. The Arke placed.
to'matl:I tl)e eall: anl:I d}e 1auato1P ~obe bpon 44 ~e lauato1r.ant1 t\Delue orm bnllet it:
tlJcm, anl:I au tl)etr IJinDn partlll tum m'ma?b. 4~ anti potss, fboue1is, (f bafonis : anball tl:Jd'e
2.6 ')t \Dal!I anlJa~Db~eaDt!J tl)ta.e. anb ~l)c bdfell!I 'mlJldJ 'iram matJe to llUnJ ,._,olomon
btim \Dal!I \DJouglJt libe ~e b~tm ~f a rup, 'mttl) ro1 ti.Jc houre of ~e JLoi11,mm orb1;t bJatrc.
d naiano fto\D1eisofJLIHlclll. ann it c:ontamcb t'a>OtlJOU• 46 '.Jlntl)cplaineOf]oi11ane bib c rungmft
r~~u~f:bu rano d )5atte~. tl)em in ti.Jc tlJtt:Jte clap, llet\Deene orol) anti
botb '"' m••· 2 7 gu11 f]ee tt18DC ttn fUtt Of btafi'C: foun CU• -Jartl)an.
~~.~'r;.<!!iJ~·;\1,. bite111on~,anD roure cubitel!lb1011be aptec:e, anl> 47 ann ""olomon left an tfJe bclfellS vnwei gh-
~~:~~:~.~~:."' tlnee cubttel!I ()~. . ed: bec:aure tl)cf lltrre ro crt:telling man11. nti<
'"~"''r' 1,.
Qt'vlmfmirrb 2 s gnD ,...,e
......, ,..,.motile of tlJe feet 'mlll!I on ""1
f'ltil!I ma• ti.Jn founll tlJep out ttJe \Deigl)t of tl;Je bialfe.
IO mrarurc DIP ncr,tlJCF l)al:I &ll:ICl!I, anlJ tl)e UlJCfS 'mm bet'a>eenc 48 anD ro ~olomon 1Ua1>e an tl,Je bdfelS tl)at
;g~;~g;:;.w· tlJe 1eogcis. pertafneb bnto tl)c IJoufe of t1Je JLo~D, tl}e goID en
2 9 ~nD on tl)e fibel!I tl)at 'mere bet'mcme tlle altar, anti tl)c nolllen table UlJtteon tl)e Rie\De
1 111
u 3•·
lellgcl!I, \Dere 'Lionis,©~,anD CltfJnubimis:anll bzcab 'Wais:
likc\Dife bpon tlJe kbgeis tl)at 'mere aboue: anb 49 ann fiue cant1leftit:11is fot tlJc rigl)t fille, anti
bcneatl) tl)e lLionfS anlJ ©ien, mm t:ertaine ab' fiue fo~ ti.Jc tert befo~e tl)e quier of pure golDe,
Dttion~ mabc of tl)inne 'tllo1Ju. lltitlJ tlo'wers, lampcss,anb fnllltrl!I ofgolll,
3o an11 bnller euerp foote mm fome biarm 50 at111 bolltlel!I, flat ptcc:ess, bafonl!I, fpoonris.
J/Or,rablcs. bll)ecleis,antJ 11 boozlll!I o{ biacre: anll intl)efoute ann maro1s of pure golb : anlJ l}inll!JcSS mane IJe
comeris tl)ereof bnlln tl)e lauato~r, mere t>tlller• of golb,botl) fo1 tl,Jenoo~el!I of tl)e qutet tl)e place
fctteris moulttn, attl)e fine ofcuerr atJDttion. moll ~olp, anD fo~ tl)e llOOJelS oC tl,)e ~emple a1ro.
; ' ann tlJc ftalrte of tlJelauato~pt»al!I fn tlJe s' anllfomas etll>eb all tf;Je'woJbe tl)atlling
mill Die ofit, ann aboue one i:ubtte : but tl)e llallie ~olomon mane Co~ tl)e l)ourc of tl)e 'Jl.,otlJ,*anti z.Chroo.1.
ttJrrcofmaisrounb, after tl)e \Dozke of tl)e foote, ~olomon b~ougl:Jt in tl,Je tiJtngis \Dl)icl) ~aUib
a cubite ann a l)alfe : anll alfo tlpon ttJe ftallie 1'il!I fatl.Jer IJan bcbit:ateb, cum tlJe filuer, golbe, '·
tllm grauingl!I, 'lllitlJ tl)eit bannis. fourerciuare, anti belTclis, atll> lal'CO tl)etn bp among tl)e ttra'
anbnot rounb. fUfCl!IOftlJCIJOUfe Ofti)c JLoib.
52 ~nb lmbcr ti.Jc fillel!I t»erefoute'm{Jeelel!I,
anti tiJc aieltteeis 1opne11 raa to tl)e bottome..anb The viij .Chapter:
t1Je l)cigl)t of euerr mIJeele \llass a rubite anlJ an 4 The Arl.e is borne into the Temple. r o A cloude
fillcch the temple. rs The Icing blcffcth the people.
B ann tlJet»o~Jnnanlbip ortlJe'mfJeeleis mass
like tiJe \Dozlle ofa cfJaret1DfJeele: anl> tlJrit aJ;°el'
tmt!I, tlJcir naucis, fpoficl!I, ann fiJafttl!I, toere all
34 anti tfJcrc 'al ere roure tmbcncttetss in t!Jc
rou cc to~neris of one foote, anb tlJe t>nberfetteris
\1.lCre Of tlJC berr bottome it fclfe.
g ll;)en *~olomon gatl)ercb tlJe Cfl, J.Chroa. 1•
betl!lof]Ctael, at111alltl)el)eaD1Sor
tlJ~ ttibel!I. anb t(Jmt tl]at tllm t:8J1'
tatneis among U,e fatlJttl!I of ~e
ClJtlD1CU of]frad, bnto IJimtn 1)1~
rufalem, tl)at tlJep migl)t b~tng bp tf]e arnc of
tlJe <ltouenant of tl)e JL.01t1, out of tl)c cttie of l)a,

35 gnll in tlJC l)eiglJt or tl)e bottom \Dal!! tiJere uib,\lliJtcl) il!I ~ion.
a rouno comparre of l)alfe a ruln'te higl): 11111> in 2 ann an tlJe mm of l\fract affembleb bnto
ttJat lJtiglJt of tl)c bottomc tl)ere p~occeneD bot!) fiing ~olomon, to tiJe feall tl}at falletl:J in tlJe
leogcss anl> fll>Cl!I out of tl}e fame. II monetl) <et1Janfm, \\ll)icl) Is~ rcucntl.J monctl). II or,S•p-
36 <jfo~ in tl)e boo~lltsof tl)e lellgcl!I. ann on t{Jc 3 anD all tl)e <il!lllcris of '.]!ftad \Dere come, 1cmbcr.
ftllcts,1.Je I.Jab grauen ptcturel!I or <l[{Jerubtmis, )l,i' anti tl}c l01tcacis too lie bp tl)e 9rfie.
on• , anti 10alme tteess, one bp anotl:Jer rounD 4 ann tlJer bare t{Jeame oftl)e t-o~b,tlJe ta•
about. bernacle of ti.Jc (:onwegatton, anti au tl,Je ~olr
31 ~is mabe fJe tl)c ttn fccteaftcr tlJil!I ma, bdfell!I tlJatmerc in tl)e tabernacle, tlJOfe l>iil tl,Je
ner: anti ttJtl' l)ab all one fafbton of catting, one l01icllts anlJ tl)c lLcu1tcl!I beare.
mcatun, anll one are. s Qnn liing ~olomon, an11 all tl,Je cto~e'
3s ~I.Jen mane l}c ten lauerlS ofbta[e, one la' gation of ']ftad,~at 'Wm a!Tembleb tmhl 1J1m,
ucr contcpning fourtie Jaattess :ann euerr laue:r anll \Dent tllitiJ l}nn befoJe tl)c arne, iMD offer
\Dass roun rub1tis, ano bpon euerr one of tl)e ten fbcepe,anb omi,t1Jat couln not be tollJ no, nmn'
fcete, l)e put one lauer. bJe.b fo,i multitulle.
39 anti l)e put fiuc of tl)oft feete on tl}e rigl)t 6 ~nil ro tlJe ~#cttslnou@t'tIJe.Qmeo~tfJe
ul)e of tlJe l}ourc.. anti otl)rr fine on tl)e left: anb coucnant of t(Je )l,oJb bnto IJtl!I place, mm mto
!Jc fct tl)e lauato* on tl)c rigl)trilJe of ti)e lJoUfe ti)e QUter oftfJe-aI:cmple,at111 place moft l}olp,bn-
<ll!all'\»arb,anb to\Darb t!}e ~outl,J. ocr ti)c \Dingss of tlJe ([l)crubnus:
4° anll ~iram maDe potss. OJouciss (f bafonss, 1 !ffoi tl:Jc CIC(Jernbimis tlretd}eb out tl)cir
~bro li.nillJcb au tlJe \Do~Ite t)Jat I.Jee mane bing \Dingis ouer tlJe place of tlJe .ar11e, anll rouercD
,..,olomon foJ tl)e IJoUfe of tlJe JLo~b: botfJ it,anll alCo tlJe ftaueis tl)e:reoral)i~ bpon tt. ~
4 1 ~lJat is to rap,t\Doimtarss, anb t\Do rounn 8 ill1D U,et' b~Ue OUtt(JC llaUCS,CfJattf)c CltllS Deur. re.~~
l'Jcab Pttccs tiJat 'mere to beret on tiJe topss of t(Jc of t(Jl"IU migl;)t appcare out Of tJ:Je IJolp place !)r murdll "I

t'mo P1Uars: anb t'mo net\Do111eis, to coun t(Je 'mit(Jin tl;le Qirife,btlt tlJep 1Dne not reene tDttlJ• ;,::i:t:111~ 1'
or ti)ero~llb
t'mo ptllars: !)cab pitccis 'ml}icl) \»ere bpon tQe top out.anti ttJe:re tlJey IJaut bene bnte tlJtS Dap. lf~··~:i.T ~· ·
9 anb UJm \»aisnot(Jing in t1Jcarne •• faire r~: .1o. ...~\\
42 anb fouu l'Junb~b pomegranateis fo1 die ti.Jc rmo tablesofftone, \DfJICIJ i!llJort# put tlJe:rc ~~·:;:... ·:
t\Do net\llO~kclS' eutn t'mo rotoes ofl&omegta• at•o~,\DIJmt1JeJLoi11ma11eacoucmmt111it1.1 ~;~~:~·I
natessin onenet'mo~ke, to coue:r tl}e t\Do lJeall t1Jec1J11?11m of]frael tt)IJen IJee b10ugl}Ct(JC1n ri<tunmsi1~\\
ptccettl,Jat\»m to bet tetonUJe t-IS or tt,Je outoftlJclan1>of~t. ~:;~:::~ l~
ptllaTIS: ~rr•
H at111 tlJe ten fttt, (f ten lautrllOn tlJe feete:
IO at111h)1Jmf l&JIClflStDCl:C COmtOUCOfti)c :~.~~~""~:
tJolpplacc,tlJecloull fillebt(Jel}oUfeoftl;lc lLo_iD, ~~~~;,~~q '
Solon1on prayech Chap.viij. for the people. 12 5

11 ~t _tl)e 101icilS COUlll not llSnll an!I mi, 1IllJidJ tl}o111JafUapll, *~rnamcflJallbe there: Dcu,u.11
nitler, bccaufe of ti:Je cloubc: fo: tlJc glo:p of tlJc tl)at tfJoU mape(l l}earllm bntO tfJC W8icr ml)icl)
Jl.,oJD ban ftllell tl;Jc (Jourc of tlJc )L.0:11. tlJp Ceruant Plllt'CttJ in tl}iS5 place : . .
u 'alilJmfPakeseo1omon,~c'.Q.-o:llfatbtlJat 30 g:nl> regarll tl)ou tl;Jc fUpplrcat1on of tlJr
(Jc \JJOUID bmcn in tfJe barlle cloub. rcruant, anll or tIJpjJcople '.]ICracl, '1:ll)rn tiler
13 jl lJaue built t(Jce an l}ourc to b\llell P.tar intlJi~placc: anl.'! hcaretlJouin l}eaucn ttir
(Jabttation f01 tl}ee to abibc info: eucr. ll'llleutng place, anb \DIJm ft}ou l)eatcfl, l)auc
14 gnlltlJc king turnen l}tsracc, anl>blcfi'cll mcrcp.
alltl}e i::ongr~t1onof1frad: anllaR tl}ci::on, 31 '.llr anp man trtfpatrc agatnll l)t~ nci~I}
jJftgation Of]frad tlOO!I lltft. bour, anb ttJcrc goc an otl) bct\tlccnc tl)cm, ano
1 s gn111Jcc fap!I, :0le1Tc!I be tl}e )!,o:b c3ob of ttJC one compell tlJe otl)er, anb come, ftllcartng
1rrat1 , m(JiclJ fpake mitlJ mis moutlJ bnto Jli'a' bew:c tlJinc altar in tl)t51Jourc :
ui1I mp fatl}er, anb lJatlJ mitlJ lJi~ l)ann rulflUeb . 32 ~(Jen lJearllm ttJou in l)eaucn,anlJ IJo anb
it, raping, iungc t!Jp reruants,tl)at ttJou connemne tl}e bn'
16 ~incc tl}ebap tlJat 1 wouglJtmppeople golllp, to.b:ing1Ji~1Ila11bpon[Jisl)eab: anbtu,
']Jfracl out of lfgppt, '.JI cl)ofe no citic orall tlJe tllftc tlJc ng(Jtcous, to giuc [Jim acco1ning to l}tl!
tribe~ of'.l\frael to butlbanl}our.e.tlJatmpn~me r1g1Jtcournc1Tc.
migl;Jt be tl}min : bttt 1)1 l)aue dJofen Jt'amb to 33 WIJen tlJl' IJCOplc ]fracl bee put to tl)c
be ruler oucr mp people 1rrcttl. . \Doo:re befo1e tl)e cnemr, becaurc tlJcp l)aue fin,
.sam.7.1. 17 *annitmaisintl)el)eartor~am!>mpfa' ncb againa tl)ce, anll aftcr1Ilarll tumc agatnc to
tl)cr, to butlb an l)oure ro: tl)e name or tlJe JJ..e:n ttJcc, anll Imowlcllge bnto tlJp name, an!l piar,
<5ob of')lfrael. ann make rupplication bnto tf.Jcc in tl)iS5 IJoUfc:
18 goo tl)e )!,011> rail> bnto lli'llUii>. mp fatf)cr, 34 ~en l)carc tl)ou in IJcauen, to be mcrd,
t19lJcreas it mas in tl)tne lJeartto bmlb an l)oure ful bnto tl)c fmnc of tlJr people ']\ftacl,an!I b,tng
bnto mp name, tfJou llilllJcft\Ucll tlJat ttJou mall tf)em againe bntotl.)c lanllcttllJiclJ tl.Jougaucft
fominlleb: bnto tl)eir fatl)er~.
19 ~cuertl}elctre, tlJou llJalt not builbc tl)c 35 '.]Jf)JeauenbcfiJutbp, (ttl)crebenoraine,
l}oure : but tlJP ronnc tl}at llJall come out of tlJP bccaute t(Jcr l]aue finncn againtl tl}cc: rct 1f tlJcr
lotncS5,1Jc fbatl bmlo tlJe l)oure bnto mp n_ame. p1ar in tlJi~ place, anb giuc hnottllcbgc bnto tlJP
2 o anll tlJc ·.11.o:llc l)atlJ malle _goon lJtS mo:ll name, anb turnc from ti) cir nnuc tt;JµiuglJ tiJl'
tIJatl)c fpafte, anti 'JI am riren bp mtl}e roume of fcourging of tl}cm:
l!Z>auil> mp fatl}cr, anll fit on tl}c feat of '.]\fracl. 36 ~tJen IJcare tIJou in IJcaucn, anll be mer,
as tl}e Jl..o:ne p~omifcll, ano l)aue built an (JoUfe ctrull bnto tIJc finncs of tlJP rcruants,ann of tlJr I
ro: tl}e name of tlJe Jl..o:n <aob of'Jlfracl: people ]fract, tl)at tIJou 11.Jc'o.1 tl)em a goon \llap
21 gnb 1 IJRUC p:cparcb tlJCtCitl a place fOt to '1:la1Jic in, anlJ giue raine bpon tf.Jc lan!J tl.Jat I
tlJc grrie, \D(Jcrein i~ tfJc coucnantofttJe Jl.,o:n, tl}oa (Jail giucn to tlJP people to inlJtrit.
\lllJtdJ l)ee 1na1Jc mitlJ om fatlJcrS5 , tolJen (Jee 37] ftl)ere be in t1Je lanlJ bcarth,OJ pctldcnce,
b:oug(Jt tl}cm out of tl}c lanll of c:!egppt. n:outfJ,blalhng, iJtatl.Joppcr, o: caterp1ller: OJ if
22 ~olomon ttoollC bCfOtC tf.Je !lltar of tlJC tt.Jcir enemic befiegc tfJcm in t~e lanll of tt;Jear ci,
Jl..0111 , mtf.Jc flgfJt of au tlJc coniJtcgation of ]f, tic~, 01 mf)atroeacrplaguc o~ uchmeffe cIJancc
: racl, anll arettlJell out l)1s l)nnoc~ to'tllarll (Jea, bnto t(Jem,
· um, ann rapll, 38 ~IJcntol)at p:arer anb rupplication fo c,
:,Mac,1.s, 2 3 *Jl.,020 <5ob of')lfracl, tlJcrc iS5 no c3oll lific uer be ma be oranp man of all tlJp people 3\frae I,
· tl)ee, in l)cauen aboue, o: tn tl)c cartl) bcncatl), to1Ji'1J llJall knomlellge eucrp man tlJC plague of
tl}ou tl}at Itecpctl coucnant anti mercic 'rDltlJ tlJP 1JIS5otone1.Jeart, anti llrttdJ fooJtlJ l)t~ l}anll~ to

reruantl!I tl)at toallte bcfO:c tfJec mttlJ au tlJctr \Darb tlJts [Joufc:
l)cart, 39 ~care tl)ou tl)cn in {Jeauen in till' D'o.lel,
24 ~(Jou tl)at 1Jatl1tept mitl} tlJP rcruanOIM, lingplace,an!J be merctfUll,anll tio an!J gtuc cue,
uib mp fatl}er tf.Jat tl}ou p1omifentl lJim : ti.Jou rp man acco1lling to 1JiS5 wares, eucn aS5 tf)ou
fpakcll alfo mttlJ tlJP moutiJ, anll IJtlll fulfillcn it tlJat onclp Jmo\Uclt IJi~ IJeart (fo~ tl)ou onclp
mitlJ tlJinc l]anll , as tt is come to patre tlJiS5 nap. fmo\Dcllt(Je [JcartS$ of all t(Je clJdD:cn of men.)
2 s ~crefo1c nom,Jl.,010 <5oll of')lfracl,llecpc 40 ~IJat t(Jcp mar fcare tl)ce, 11$5 long al! tlJcf
. '1litlJ tlJF reruant wauill mp fatl}cr, tl}at tfJou ltuc, in tl,Jc tanll '1:llJiclJ tf.Jou gauell bnto our fa,
sw. 7.1 ~ µ:omifcllll IJim,ravtng, ·~ou nialt notbt1llitlJ' tl}cr~. .
out a man in mp flgl)t, to fit onttJefcatof'.]lfra' 41 .anb likc'IDifc, if a «ranger tIJat 1~ not or
· el : ro tl)at tlJP clJilllJen talle l)ceb to tl)cir1llap,. t1J11pcople'J\frael, come out of a rarrecountrer,
tl)at tl)ep toalf1c bcro1e me, as tfJou l)all toalhell Cot tlJp names Calle,
in mr figlJt. 42 (1f01 tI;Jer tlJRH l)carc of tlJp great name,
26 gun noto, w~oil of]fracl, lettlJp 11101b anb pf tlJp m1g(Jtp )Janll, anb oftlJp ~ctclJcll out
be bm&cb mlJiclJ tf.Jou fpahdt tmto ttJp rcruant armc) an!J flJall cemc anll p~ar mtl}IS51Jourc:
~UlbmpfatiJcr. 4 3 ~care mou in 1Jcaucn tlJP ll'lllclling place,
27 U9ill d5oll mllcenllmcHontlJCC8ttl):''5e' an!l lloe all ttJat tlJc llrangcr calletlJ to ti.Jee foz:
lJoIO,tIJe l)cauen anlll)caumofall lJeaucnsarc tl}at all nations of tl,1c cartl) mar hno\Dc t6r
notable to contetnc tlJce: ann l)om fiJoulb tIJcn name, anll rcarc tl)cc , al! boc tlJr people '.},fracl,
tlJil!l )Joure no tt tl}at 'JI l)aue builbelJ :' anll tl}at tlJcp mar flno"lll t[Jat tiJp name iS$ calico
28 ~aue tl)ou t.IJcrfo:c refpcct bnto tlJc Ptsl!' bpon in tl)i~ IJourc mlJiclJ] 1Jauc buiU>elJ.
er oftlJp Ccruant, ~to lJi~ fupplicatton, ~I»Jl..o:ll 44 jjftlJF people go out to battcl againfl t1Jdr
mt <IElob, to l)eare tl)c me ano p:aper m(JidJ tf;lp encmp, \lllJitl}erfocucr tlJou OJ aIt reno tf]cm,anll
Ceruantp:apetl) bcw:e tl)ee t1JiS5 llap:. RJallp~ap bnto tl)e Jl..OJll toward tl)c map of tiJc ci,
2 9 ~at t.IJine qesmap be open to1llarl> tlJts5 tt' mlJi"' t1Jou1Jatl cl:)orcn, anll coward tlJC llourc
IJoure ni«lltanll llap, euen to1llar11 this plai:;c, of tl)at 11 lJaue built foi tlJp name: -
4~ 19rarr
j Solomons prayer. I.Kings. The Temple dedicated.
45 'care t11ou tn 1Jea~nt1Jdr waper'rup' 62 at1t1tl,Jefling,an11an']rraclbltt1Jl)im,or,
,or ,•nain- pUcation, ~ anti iu!Jge tl}e1r ,aure. . tneb offmn(p5 bef~ tl)e JLOJb.
tcincrheir 46 '.Jftl}epCinncagamlltlJte(foitl)mu1no 63 *anb~olomonofferet1afacrificeofpeace •.Chroq,
nght, *manttJatfinnel:flnot) anti tl)oubcangniblttl} offmn~,bll)tcl)f)eofferetl tlnto tl,Jc'JL,o~b,towir,
·!~ho 1 •8 • tbem, an'!J tlrlitm tl}em into tlJe l)anbe ~f tl)tir ttoenty anb rmo tl}oufantl orm,antl anl)unb~cb
I:·' .~~~; • 6
cimnic~. cot~attlJcrcarpt~cinatoappinonerss anti ttoentr tlJoUCanb n.mpc: ann ro t11e llin!J
; ~~ • • bnto t)Jc 1an'!J of tl)e1renem1css, \DIJettJcr rarrc o~ anb all tl)e n,t~rn of]ftael bebicaten tl)e l)oUfe
necre: . . oftl)e JLoib.
47 pct tr tiler tame agam~ 1mto tl]nr l]eartis, 64 ~e came llllp Ditltl)ettingl]allo'ro ff)e mib•
• 11:.0••«• t~• "tn tl}e lan'!J of tf)cm tl)at canetl tl)em ablap mp' Die of ttJe court tf)at mass beroie tl)e l)oure of tIJe
~:~~~!:~~" tiur~,an!J retumc anb piar bnto tf)ec in tl)e lanD JLo~tl: (o~ tl)crc l:Jt offmb \lJl}ole burnt offringss,
ri:~;;;1:,·,;~f~ of tlJtir cncmt_£SJ, rap mg, n9ee l]aue anncD, blee meat ofleringss,anD tl)e fat of tf)e peace offringss:
nottl•m.•b•• l}auc Don£ \lJtcfte!Jlp, anD "auc committtlJ bn• becauCe._tl)c bJafen
JL altar @at bias befo~e ""'e
~ "'J
""'""''".u goolmerre: , '1
01D, .....ass too I'Itt•"" •.
u. to receiue tIJe \Dl]ole burnt
~r;;; ~~'.!:~~. 48 .anlJfo turne a_gainc tmto tf)ce \DttlJ an o~gss,mcat offringss, anlJ tl)e fat of tl)e pea«
~b'i;~.' •••· ctJctr l)eart,anb al tl)e1r roule,in tf)c lantl ortl]cir
cncmie.G, \DfJicl} lei> tf)em amar captiue.anZJ pJar 6 s anti ~olomon ~db tIJc fame time an lJic
buto tlJrc row ard tf)e roar of'tIJctr lanDc, bll)iCIJ feaft, anball] rrad \D1tf) {Jlm, a terr !;!rcat con•
tllou gaucft tmtotbeir fatl)Ct"IJ, anb coward ti.Jc !Jregatton,menfromtl)centrtnginon~cmatl),
citF \DIJicl) tIJou l]atl Cl}oCm, ~ coward tl)eIJoure unto tl}c riuer of ctgppt, hero~ tlJc 'Loibe our
\tll]iclJ '.]! l)auc bUtlt roi tlJr name: <!15otJ c fcurn Dapcss, anb fcucn Dape15, mm foure• ••1111nniia
49 ~tJm l)care ttJou tl)eir piarer anb fuppli< tune t1arc1J. :~~~~:.::i:.
catton tn l)eaucn tfJF ll'roelli11g place, anb iUDge 66 ant1t1Jc ciglJtbap l,Jc rent tl)epeople 8Ulap, ~~~.·r.i*
tl)ctr caurc : anb tlJcp II bldfcb tl)c king, am lDent unto tlJeiT ~or,rh1a.
50 !Anb be merciful bnto tf)p pco~let:IJatl)auc tcntstopous,antl lDitlJ glaD (.Jeart, becaure of'all kcd,
Citmco againlt tIJcc,anD bnto al tlJetriniquittcs, tf)e gooDnctre tl,Jat tfJc Jl.,01b l}ab none fo~ Ji'aui!J
\'olmcbp ttJcr f)auc Done lDickclJlp againfl tl)cc, l)iSS rcniant, anD fo1 ]frae1 lJISS people.
anD get tilou tf)cm tf)e fauom of tl)ore \lJl)id) lcb
tlJ cm awar captiuc,tf)11t tf)ey mar l)auc comp11C· The ix. Chapter.
2 The Lord Jppcarech the fecond time to Solomon.
fton on tllcm.
I I Solomon giueth cities to Hiram.
sr f'o.? tlJcpbcctlJppeoplc, anbtlJineinf>cri•
tame, w11iclJ tl)ou b~ougtJteft out of ~gppt,eum @n tot.Jen* ~olomon}JalJ finiflJcb ~.chroa.7•
from the m1os of ti.Jc furnace of p~on. tf)c buillling of tf)e (.JoUfe of tl)c 11.
, si !ttn!J let tlline errs be open bnto tr,e piarer JL01b, anti tIJe llingss palacc,anball
IoftfJ!' rcruant, an!J bnto ttJe p~aper oftfJP proplt tl)at }Jc balJ in )Jis min!Je, anZJ was
J,Crac!, to IJcarlim unto tljcm in all tl)at dJCl' cal •
appointcb to make :
' fo~ bnto t[Jce. 2 Cl.tlJC ,i.,o~ne appearcb to ~olomon tIJe fe, .
· 53 ~o~ t[Jou llib(l fcpar11te tl}etnf'rom among conn ttme,* as IJe appcanlJ bnto f)im at <lfltbeon. Ch•P·H·
au tiJc nations oftl)c eartIJ to be tlJine omnein, 3 Slnll tlJC )i..01D fatD tlnto l)illl,'.]J lJaue l}earb
l)critance, as tf)ou rarnca bp tl)e lJanD of ~ores tlJp p1apcr anti tl)p intcrceaton tl)at tf)ou lJall
uw rcruant, llll)cn ti.Jou b~ouglJtctt our fatf;Jcrs mabc befo~e me: fo1 '.ll l}aue IJallo\lJcD tl)ts IJoUfe
out or lfgppt,lt> JL,01t1 <D5oD. \lJl}iclJ tl)ou l.Jat't built, to •put mr name tl)cre Dcu. 11.11
54 !Ano bll)m~olomon(.Jabmabc an cnbof roi mtr , anb mine ere-anti mint tJrart 11.Jall be
, p~artng al tlJt~ p~arrr anll fupplication tmto tl:Je tl}erc perpctuallp.
£..,o:n, 1Jc arofc from befo:c tIJe altar of tl]e Jl.,01b, 4 anDiftl,Jou\D1lt\Dal!lcbcfcncme, aSSJN'
ano from kneeling on IJis knee~. anlJ from ltret, uib tlJP fatl}er malflelJ,in purrnerre of I) cart. anti
clJing ofl)is f)anDs bp to lleaum, in rtgl}teournetrc, to Doc all tl)at '] f)aue com•
ss ann tlooD, anD bletrell all tr,e congrcmatt· mallbtD tf)ee, anb\lJilthccpe Ull'ftatutef, ann
on of']lfrael. \lJttlJ a louD boicc, raping, mpla'WrSS:
s6 JBlc[ell bee tl:lt "Jl.o~'!J tlJat l)atl) !Jiuen tell s ~hen will 'll aabliflJ tJJc £tat of tljp. fiinig•
bnto [JiS pcopl£ ]Cracl. acco:bing co all tl)atl)er Dome bpon 1rrar1 fo1 eucr, ass'.J *wonureoto :i.SJm.7. ,
p~otntfell: tf)cre tJatlJ not f'ailetl one \Doine of all J0auill tfJ!' fatIJcr, fapin11, ~l,JouflJaltnotbCC u.1.chro. ~.
t!JtJiooll p:omife,\lJl]iclJ l}c p:omifeb l:J1.' tl)el]anb mitl)out a man bpon tf)e feat oC '.]11\'ad. n. • 0 • '
ot S@ofcs l)ts reruant. 6 l6ut ir allb pour cl)1lb1m turnca\l!S'F
s1 -atl)e ·Jl.o~n our <lflotl be \\'litlJ bl!l,al!l (.Je bias from me, tt \lJ11l not flecpc mp commanDementf
\nitlJ oar fatl}ers, anD fo~fllke tlSS not, neitf)cr anti mp aatutes tl>lJicl) '.]l l)auc fet bdo1e rou.
leautb'5: but go anll Ccrue otlJer got1$!1. anD blo11bip tlJnn:
.. ss JButtf)atl)ec marbo\De ourl.Jmts bnto 1 ~!Jen mill '.) meeb 1\fracl out oftlJe lanll
tJnn.. tl).at 'alee map malhc in all IJiS \lJapcl/I, anti \l!l)iclJ 'JI 11aue gtum tl)em,anb tl)if l)DUfc llllJid}
~.!tpe 1Jt'5 commanllements.l)t» ttatutc1S.ant1 I.Ji~ '3i l)aue IJallolllctl foi 11l1 name, bliO '.J ca« out of
...'nle'5 'mlJicl) l)c comman'!Jeb our fattJcrs. mp CiBIJt, an'!J ~rrael oialbe a p1outrtJe, anll a r&•
s9 anti t.l)ofc mp 'mo:tiess Wl)icl) l lJaue P1BT• blc among all natron!!I,
et> befoic tl)e l.o~be, be ni~ bnto tile J1..01DC our a UantJdJi• IJoUCt lllalllmtal'lma1llap: ro 1so~ .
'30b'oar anb nigIJt , tl)at l}ee befcnb tlJe '8UCe of tl]at euerp one tl}at patrttlJ l:J1.' It, (baU butfoni' rcad,><hcD '
1Jt'5 ~eruant,nnb tl)e caure oflJilJ people '.Jlml at cil, anb O>aU IJUl'e, anti tl)ep 0,1111 Cap,* J19fJ1' IJatlJ 1his houCc '
all60times, BIS t.l)e matter !ball require: tl)e 'l-o1tl Done tlJUSS tlnto t11i• lant1, anb to tf)is is in grcai '
~~at at~ natton11 of ttJe cartl,J mapJmo\l!e l,Jolll'e :' honour. ·
tlJat ~e li..o~t> 1s <3ob,anb no one but I.Jc. 9 !lnbtl)epllJallanfmm, l6tcaufetl.Jepfo~, ~·"'' 9 8~
t WFJUtlJtatt tlJ~~ be perftct \l!fd;I tl)e fooJtetl)e Jl,o~'!J tl)eii <D5otl, \l!l.JICIJ b1ougl)t tl}rir •ere.,., •

JLo~b pour ClfSob , ttJat pee 'nlalflt in IJt!S llatUttl!I. fatlJerJI out Df t1Jel11J111 of Cfln'Jlt,81lb l)aue taken
anb hccpe l:Jt!S comman11emmt#,11JS ttri• bal'.
1 (Jolllc bpon otIJcr gob# , ann 1Jaue mozllJipprb
tUem. 1
~icies giuen c0Hirarr1. Chap.x. The Queene ofSaba. 116
tlJ~m, ann rerucn tl}cm: tl,Jercr~zc 1J11tiJ tl)e-.C.o~ll Thex. Chapter.
tnougi]tbpon t:IJcm 110 tl)ii:s cum. The quccneof Saba commeth to hearc the wifdomc
10 *a11?Jat tIJeenll oft\DM1trrcercs, \Dbm
~ofomon l:Jl1ll finillJell tlJe buillling ortl)c noo of Solomon, 13 His royal! throne. 32 His pow-
goure.S, rhat is to wit, ti}e l)oure Of tl)e JLO~ll, anll er and magnificcncie.
ttJc 11tn~ palace, ~ll tlle*Qatcttc of~abal;lctuing

Mor.11. 4 ..
1 I (Qnll 'iram tf:)C fling or -arp1e, btOUgl)t tlJefameof~olomon(conc.erning z.ciuo,9.1.
~o[Omon timber or ~ebar,anll firre trces,golll, t{Je ~amc ort(Je JLo~llc) came to
anll wl.Jatfoctttt l]e lleflrell )tiJen ~oiomon gaue p~oue IJfm '1.litlJ l)arll queaions.
~tram noentp citici5 in tiJe Ianll of0alilee. 2 .ano fl)e came to ~ieruralem
12 aim ll,}iram came out rrom-arr~e to rec tiJe 1l'lltlJ a na11 great traine, mitf:J camels tllat bare
cities \1.ltJiclJ ~olomon (Jall giuen (Jim,anll tiJer ftoe~t ollours, anti gotne erccelling muc;IJ, anll
pleaf£D 1Jim not. p~mous tlones : ~nll ~cc came to ~olcmon,
1 3 lnll l}efapll, 1wtiat cities are tlJcfc 1l'liJiclJ anll communeil \llltlJ l)tm of an tIJat \Das in lJer
tbou lJail: ~uen me, mt'btotf}er '! anll l)e callcll tJeart.
b, Che- t(Jcm tl}e lanll oft barren, bnto tl:JiS tlaF· 3 ..Qnll ~olomon lleclarell tmto IJcr all (Jer
r 4 anll t\)irmn rent tlje bing n~e rrotc talents ciuea1ons,. ro tlJat tbcre \1.lais nbt om tl)ing lJill
orgollle. from tlJe fling, \l.ll)iciJ ljee erpounorll not bnto
1 5 ( ann tl]is i.s t~e rumme 11'1l1idJ li~ng ~o, l}cr. .
!01non raircll roz a tnbute, 'allJen IJe budllcll tiJe 4 !Anti tIJc mucene or ~aba conrtllcrcl:I an
f)ourc Of t{JC'.ILO~b,anD IJi.S o'alnel}oufe,anll ~ii• ~~lomons \tlifllome., ann tlJ£ (.Jourc t(.Jatl]cl}all
lo. anll tile to all of ll,}icrufatcm, ann ll)a!O~, anll bUtlllell,
~c11it1llo,anll $1ner. . 5 . .anll tlJe meat or l}fo tabl£, anll tile fitting
16 !ffot ~lJaraobingoflfgFPt '\Dentbp, anll 0£111~ rcruants, tiJe o~llcr ofl)iS mtnmers, ano
toorie 0a!er, anti burnc It mttl) fire, ~~11 aewe tfmr appa~ell, anll bi.s II butlers. anll hi1$ 'allJofe 110,,dri "k.
tIJe €1Janaanites tf:)at llmcl~ m tf:Jc citte , anll ~mtfacrifice~ ttJat{1e offrell in tl)e (Jourcoftl)c Ill~ velh.
i.time it ro~ a p~erent bnto IJtS nauiwter ~olo• JLo~ll: anll +11,Jc was aaonicll. +11cb.1 here
~M\D~ . 6 !lnll OJC fafll bnto tl)c king, 'J;t\ua~ a true wmo
17 ann ~ofomon built ®a!Gt» anll '5etl)lJo, UlO~ll t(Jat] l)earll in mine O'llln lanll, Of tfJp faf' more ffirit
ron tlJe neatber. ings, anlloft{Jp'alirellome. mhe,,
18 anblBaalatt), anll ~Jamoiintt)ewtlller' 7 ~o\Dbeit, 1 bclcru£ll it not, till j! came,
ncrrc,in tbe lanll, anll raw tt \Ditl) mine ere.s: anb bel)olllc.,tfle one
19 2nb au tlJe trearure cities tl}at ~olomon {1alfe mas not tolllc mer : ro~ tilt? \Difeoome ano
lJni:I, nnll cities ro~ {Jif5 cI1arecs, anll citief5fo~1Jif5 PJOQ.leritr ~ceelleti, tl)e fame '\DlJtclJ 'Jl l;leartJ of
l}orremen, anti all ttJat~ofomon lleflrei:I, anlJ tiJte, .
moulll builll tn fbltcrurafem, tn-.C.tbanon, anll in s $appp are tf:ll' men, ant1 lJapp1• are ft.Jere
an tf.Jc Ianll orlJi.s 11ominton.J tlJF retuants '\DlJiclJ ttanll eucrliefo1e tlJcc, anll
20 i'lnll aUtl)epeopletfJat 'alereleftoftl)ea· l;lcarc ttw \tlifci:lome. ·
moiitcs, $ctlJitcf5, ~IJereFtes, ll,}cmtes, anll 9 l5letrcll l.1e tIJc )1.0_lb tlJF ll3oll '\Dl}lcl) lottcll
'JI ebufltc~, 'al:,tc(J 'lllcre not of tlJe cl}tll>~en of '.JI f· tl}ee,to fettlJee on tlJc feat of]rracl,>bccaurc tl1c • <!l" 1"''"'
racl, '.ILO_Ill loucn :Jifraclfol cuer,anll mall£ btlJcc Jung, ~ :'.,'~':{;:'
2 1 '(t1Jeir clliIWn tt)at '\Dcrc left after tlJem to 110 cquitp anll tiglJtcournclTc. ~.~~~." tn 1''
in tf:Je Ianllc, \Di)omc ttJc ct1ilo~cn of'.Jjrratlatro 1 o ann flJe gaue tile litng fire rco_lc talent~ of ~; }~:.~~"'
\Dm not able to llcftrop : tlJorc nio ~olomon golll.c, ann off\Dcctobours crccc!Jin11 muci), ami
compeU to b~inix tribute bnto t~is nap. picctous llones: t}Jere came nomozcfucl1nbm1,
2 2 l3nt of tl)e cl)ilo1cn ofjirrael llill ~olomon nancc off'rocet oi:lours, a.s tiJc quccnc of ~aba
martctto bonomm: buttl}cpmenmcn of'lllar, gaur to fling ~olomon.
l)is minitlcr)'!, IJilS lo~lls. 1Jif5 captafnes, an11 ru· u 'lEl}enaur alfo or th£ flJip.!'l of~iram (tiJat
leris oflJiS cI1arct.s,anll (JiSlJo~femen. caricll golll from ©pljir) b_Ioug(Jt 1tlie'lll1fc (Jrcat
2 3 ilnll tiJele toerc t(Je loitle1$ tl)atuicre ret 0• plentr of ~llmugc treef5 , anll Plcciou~ 11onc.s,
ucr ~olcmomi \llOiltc, fiue t)unb~ell 1l'lere ttJcp from©piJir.
anti fiftp, ~ t(Jep rulell tl)e pcoplttt:Jat w~oui.tlJt 11 ann tl}e king mallc or tl}c .armugc trcrs
tl}e \Do~fic. pillars foi tfJe (.Joure of tlJe Jl.o)ll , \l fo~ tlJc fiings
1r.s,u 24 *ann ~ilaraos naugl}ter came.bpoutof palace, anll malle tarps anll ~raltcncll fol fin,
ft.Jc citp of wamll, bnto Iler l}ou~ ml}1'1) ~ofo• i.tcrs: ttJere came no mole ruc11_atmugetrcc.s,
mo111Ja'tl built fo~ (Jer: anti t{Jen lltll (Je alfo builll noi mere anr mote reette bnto tfJJS t1ar. ,
919tno. r 3 :Anll Jiing ~olomon gaue bnto tlJc qucmc
2 s ann tl)~ifc a rcrc Dill ~ofomon ofter '\DlJole of ~aba,ac:co~Din11 to all Iler ncnre, mllatfocuer
burnt offcring)'!,anb peacr offcrtngS bpon ttJe al• ll)taCkcll, benncs tl}at (Je gauc f!crof a free \ll1ll
tar\lJIJidJ l)cbuilt bnto tl1e Jl,,o~~, anllbcburnt 'IDitlJ IJi.S omnc l)anll': anll fo 11Je rrturncll \mto
incenrc bpon tIJe altar tlJat \1.laf5 bero,e t(JcJLoi11, l}cr o\Dne countrey, botlJ fiJe ano l)er f£ruant.s.
anll ro lJe finiOJcll ti.Jc f!oure. . 14 'lEtjc \1.lcigl)t of gotoetlJatcnmc to ~ 0 1 0 ,
26 ann fling ~olomon mane a naup off1J1ps mon in one pcerc, \llas ft~c l)unlllCll, tl)lcr!cozc
in ~hion ®aoer, \Dbicl) ii$ befroc cflottJ, on t11c anll fire talents orgolll, ·
b1in11coft1.Jerrllfrn, intIJclanll of~nom. r 5 l5clille~ ~at hec had o~ mcrcl)ants, an!J of
27 l.lR'tl ~tram rent ll1.' ll)ippe affo of lJiS fer, tl)c mcrcllanll~~es of tlJe r.ptccs, anll or au t11c
~~: uants tIJat \1.lere tl)ipmcn anD l)all flno\Dfellge of liin~ ornrabia, anti or tl)c lollleS OrtfJc coun'[
~.&~~ ft.Jc rca, 1l'litlJ tlJe reruant~ of ~olomon : trer. I
rf:~~.·r'~ 28 anti tl)CF caRte to ©ptJir, ~nll fct from 16 anll king ~oiomon mane t\tJo IJunnzcol
~r 11 •.. tl}cncc a foure {Juntncll anll ttocntte talents or targetf5 Ofbeatengolll: ft,: l)tmll~Cll ficlc~orgoltl
1 1
1..~· ~' ' golile,anll b~ougIJt it to lting ~olomon. \llmtto a target. ·
Solomonsvviues I.I<.ings. and aduerfaries.
7 ano IJr. maoc tlucc )Juno~cD R.JidDF$ of~ca' ~ fo1 ~olomonfollowco*allarot))tl)c~olll 1""i;.:.1J
ten go ID: rtncc pounb ofgoIll went to one t1Jtclb, of t{Je ~t'Don13, anll lJll)ilcl)om tlJe abominauon
ano tl:lc fiing put tl]nu m tl)c IJoufc oftlJc \IJoob of ti.)c !!mo1ttt13.
6 an11 ~olomon \DtouglJt \JJlctie1111ecrc in
ofl!.tbanon. rA f' '
1 s ano ttJc fiing mane a great R'atc o tUlrnC, ti.Jc figlJtoftlJe Jl..0111, anll follo'dlel:I notttJc Jl,o,n
ano coucrcD it witlJ dJC ll.ct? golbc. perfcctlp, 81!1 Dill jE)aui'b l)il5 fatlJer.
9 .anD tfJc feat f]aD fire ftcps, anb tlletop of
7 11'01 tl)en llill $1Dolomon bud1111n lJic place
tIJc rcat\lla? rounD bcl}inll,anll ti.Jere wuepom, fo~ Gtl}amof$ tlJc abomination of Q!)oab, in tl}c
.mc~on cidJerflllc on tl}eplaceortl)tfcat, t1llD lJill tl)at i!3 befo,e $icrufal£m,anb tinto ~olocl)
nvo lions aooll bcCibe tl]e pommelJ3. ttJc abomination oftl)c CIJtlll~m ornmmon. .
20 ann t!Jcrc ttooD t\llelue lionf$ 011 t!Je flcpJ3, .s b ann lihcU"life o~o l)c fo~ all lJif$ outlanllillJ b ""'~" ~
fire on a fioc : tlJcre \Daf$ none lific too:fie fecnc 'Q)1ue~, 'WlJ&elJ burnt mccnrc, anD offmll tmto ~~~~:~1~ •

in anp rtlngllomc. tl)cir got113. I ~\'111• ~~ 1

21 9.nll all fiing ~olomonf$ nitnking bclfclf$ 9 !Ano tIJc "Jl...oJbe \Dal!l angric lllitlJ ~olo, I1"~~;;:""' .
'Were of golDc, ann lihcwifc au t)Jc ticlfelf$ of tl}c mon, becaUfe iJi~ l}catt \'Das tumctJ from tlJc '111'"· :
IJourc of tl)e toooll of JL.ibanon 'O.lerc of pure ·.iLoJl> $otl of)lfracl, toiJttlJ I.Jal> appeant11mto 1
go Ill :anti ass foJ Ctlucr, it \llas noti;Jing too~tlJ in l}im t'ro1fe,
tile ilaJ!Cfj Of ~Olomon: ~ o ano gauc lJim a 'l)argc concerning tlJi.S
· 2 2 1fOJ tl)e lting;s nauic of llJipi;: tocnt on tl}e ti;Jmg, ti)at l)e n1oulo notrollo'Q) otl)ergotls: bm
~ea unto ~arfil3, \Ditl} tl}c nauic of $tramf$ IJ~c 11ept not tl)at llll}icl) tge lLoJllc commantJell
n1ip~ : cuen onee in tlnce rccrcf$ 'Went ti;Jc nauie lJm••
to Jl}aruf$, anti b~ougf)t golll ~ utuu, clcpf)antf$ 11 Ul}erefo~c tl)e JL,o~tl far111mto ~olomon.
:tcct1J,apcf$,a11ll pccorltf$. 1]'o~aflnud;I all tf)if$ i.B llone ortl}cc,ar.11 tl)ou l)alt
I 2 3 .anll fo Jitng ~olomon CJCCCbCb au tl.)e not lie~ mine appointment, anti mr tlstutc.B
liinru1 of tl.)c cartl}, botl) in rtc1Je13 anti \DifDome.
1 'Q)l.1ic1J 'jj commanllell tf)cc, 1 'Q)tll rent tlJe kmg,
i 24 annan tlJe'WoJlll refoiten to ~olomon, bomc from tl}ec, anti 'Will giue it to tl)r frruant.
to ~care IJijS 'Wifllome 'WIJidJ <15oD I.Jilli puttnlJis 1. 2 .0otlD1t1Jttannirig, in tl:Jr llapef$ ') 'Q)iU not ......
lJcart: tlo tt, bccaufc ofjE)au1t1 tlJp fatt)er: butb:lilltalit
2 5 :anti bJougl:Jt lJim cucrr man 1Jif$ picrcnt. it from tl;e l)anb of tl}p fonne.
I\Jc!fc!$ offi!uer,anll bctkll!I of!!OltJ,ratment,lJar' • 1 1 l\)o'Q)beit, ~ ~tu not talie a'Q)ap an t!Jc "'
I,nelfc, nnn f'Q)eet obourl!I, anll {Jo~fef$. anb mules,
ftm!!llome : but 'Q)tl giue one c tnbc to tl:lr ronne, ,
becaUfe of wautll mr ftruant, anti bccaure of ~~~i: n•
'!'""I :
2.C:1ron.i, / 26 :anll * $>olomon gat{Jercn to1tctbtt d)il' ~icrufalcm 'allJid;J 1 l)aue ctJorcn. r:~i'= ;:
1..;. rctn nnt1 l)o~femcn. .ann l:)e l)al:I a ttJoufanllanll 14 .an1> tIJe lLo,n airrcll tip an alluerfaric bn, ~-~- ;~
fomc IJuntl?ctl i;lJarcts , anti t'Q)clue tIJoufanb
to ~olomon, euen one ~allall an ctnomite, of cnb;. ·
,l1o~rcmcn, 'Q)i)om {Jee bcfto'Q)el:J in tlJe ctJarct ''' tl}c king• fecb, 'nllJitlJ wa~ in Ciecom. ...
ticf;l, ann U>itlJ tl)c fling at ~tcrufalcm.
1 s cjfo, \IJ~cn jE)auio 'Q)af$ * tn cfll0m,a11t1 '.]o, 1.King.B. ::
2 7 '.An'!l tIJc litng m aoc mutt tn 19temfaletn ab t!Je captamc of t11c l]oa llla~ gor.e bp to burie '-t·
af$ plentcouss ass tloness, nnll ~cilar as plenteous tl}em tIJat 'Q)ere Raine, I.Jc fmote all tt;e men '1}11,
alS tbe wilue fi!!gc ttccis, ti)at gro\tl abunbantlr ll~n in <fllom:
in tl1e ftelof$. 16 (tjfOJ fir monetl)f$ tlil:I ~oab remaine tf}cre,
f10r, fonht ~s atro ~o!omonlJnbl)oifef$ b~ougl)toutof anoaH )lfrad, till l}cc l}al:I 11cltrorco au tl}c mm
co"ttc, ann fine linnen : ti.Jc 11 kinru1 mcrcl)ant~
oft ~ mzs recciucll tlJc Iinnen forn pJf{e.
clJil'Dzen of <ftlom)
17 · gnn tl)1~ $anan tlcll, ani> 'crtaine otlJer 1

~'.~'~c'/0~~sc 29 a tllarct came \Jp out of <fgppt 11 ro: u~e !fllomite!l ofl]il!I fatl)erf$ feruantl!l 'lllitlJ l)im, to
anumbcrn {JUnll~Cll fttleS.of.flluer, tl)at is, one IJOZfC foi an come into ciegppt: $a11aD being ret a liti£ c1.1IU1c.
, price, l)untnell nn~ fiftte, anu cuen fofo~ all tlJ£ kingfj 18 .Qnt1t1JerarofeoutorQ9anian, anllclimc
i1l)r,wonh. oftl)c ~ctl;1tc~, anll fOHIJelimgs of ~p~ia, llio to ~aran, anll too!ic mm \lliti} tbfm out ofl£la'
1or,1.>yt11cir tIJcr b1ing tl)cm out II tl.uougl) tl)etr IJano~.
in canes.
ran, anll came to lfgrpt, bnto lf\l}arao king of cc,
The x.j. Chapter. gppt, \DIJitlJ gauc IJim an ~ourc, anti appomtco
1 Solomon had a thoubnd wiucs and concub;ncs,
IJim bfrtuals,ano gauc !:Jim la no.
19 ~no ,anao natc great rauaurin tl)c Cig{Jt
which bring him to idolarrie.
of)0l)atao, ro tl)at lJ£ gant {Jim to UJife tl)c fllfrr
1Jl!t fling ~olomon louell manic oflJt!3 o'Wnc \llifc,eucn tf)c filler of ~ap{Jpcnes
Dcu, 17 .17. outtantn!IJ 'Women, ~ tlJc *llaugIJ, tl}c quccnc. .
ter of -l)arao , ann 'IXlomcn of tl)e · 2 o 2lnD tl)c Gaer of ~apl)pcnc~ bare 1)1m
;,~~~::~;" g;)oa 'tel!I • ammonites , lfoo, ~cnubatlJ l)is fonne, \oIJom ~(laplJpencs nou'
pt< tht.!lr.1i: "i"- miter...... illonit!3, ano 1t1M11ttcs. rm1e11 tn ~lJaraoss l}ourc : anll <l5mubatiJ wass
lttuq1.uraltt"e ~
2. Jl91)crca15 pet"',... · ~"'""' • •
~.~·;~,',·b;\'.. tbuc~nng tlJcfc nanonf$, 'tllitlJ ll)1Jarao13 l)ou11;01Dc among tlJc ronnc~of
crn(l ol!hAt t]Jc tLo~n rapll llnto.aljl 't:l•lDtm of]ltacl, <J5oe -lJatao.
~l~.~~m·,:i,:•. not f c.c in to tl}em, noflct tl)em romc in to pou, 21 ann m(Jm ~allall f,Jcarl> in <fgrpt tl]at
~:~ ~;.~~~. els \Dlll tl')ep turnc -pout heart~ after ti) ctr goos: ll!>auio \lla15 lapeb to Oecpe toitfl IJijS fatl}crl!l.attll
nmrttlJtltlfc, ~otomon dauc bnto tlJcin touc. t!Jat']oab tl}c captaine of d}c l}oac 'Was Deal! al•
~·;t~i ~';'' 3 ' '.lnti tier han reutn IJUUl:l~D wluc# that
~~;,~~·~;';, were C)llttlltal • Bnb tl)?CC l.JUOb1Cl> ron,Ublntl!I:
ro,l)c ra~D to l&IJarao, ll..ct me Dcpart,ti)at jj map
go to tmnc o'IXlnc rountrep.
"'"'""'. ""' an?l l}'ifS4 'mlUtf;I
tu1r,11c,!totrl)1 · ~ tunt•b aw.a,,l".,
W ht'"-l)"at•
JI "'
k :n l&IJatao raroc bnto l}im, Df}at IJaf? ~on
'"" csi"'"b ,
1>m <Chllll
4 ~1i:.1·..,
ol"C ca1nr to "affc
O? 1t""t'"n " 'lD'"'n ~olomon 'di"'""
. .,., ;;w - lact1eD flmc 'trlitf} mee, tlJat t11ou \lloufilCll ti)u~
1Ja:t101ttro us u ' &J ,. w .'"'IS tltntCb lJt15 IJcart after otl)tt ~o~ to tllme o'dlne countrcy '!Ge anftllcteD, ~o,
h',:~.'i~~~~~: gobl5 : ~nD lJtSS l)catt 'IXla15 not'O.ltt1Jtf1c tl,Jtn~: ~O'Wbcit,lrtmc go. ·
111,, l!Lb•ri 11i11 11..oJb lJtlS 15ob, aai 'Wais tlJc IJratt of •auiD bil!I
• 2 3 anb 0011 tlitrcb IJitu bp anotl}er llllUtrfa,
~~~~;~~.'~~. fatiJtt.
TIC.One llk!on.. tlJc fonnt of <Jeliaba. *'IXlbiclH!cb
~1 t\hia andleroboam. Chap.xij. Roboamsyongcounfal~ry
~ froml)i1Slo1bl)all11De!trflingof-Job11: 41 ~eret:t ofdJe '\DO,llStl)at concemc~o'
\'. 2 4 =1111 ecgatlJmll mmbntDIJim, anb~ lomon,111U111Rt1Jat1JellilJ,anllUi•lDife11ome,arc
came oaer tt.Je companp UllJm ~~ tiJcp not w,ittcn tn tl)C boofn~ of tl)c 1110111cis or
~ crew t1Jem : anll 1:11ep 1Dmt to JeamaftUS, aUD ~olomon :'
i1~, 11we1tdJm. anDretgtlellinJeama{(:us. 42 ~e ttmctl)at ~olomonrtignell in l!)te,
~ii: 2s ~mfe1emais1Je an anuerrarpto11tlld rura1etn.t1ponllll'.]lrract,tD11,do1ttirerrs•
• i .'
.. - an dJeDaie5f of~olomon.an11t1Jill1DlllS tlJe mtr• 4 3 an~ ~olomo_n lllit:IJ IJi~ fatlJerS, an11
·' clJtc(t. tn tlJat l)aDall lllllablJ~rc'.Jfrael. ~ reig· 1Das buiu11 m tllrntr of JeaUill IJ•S fatl)er: anll
·~ nell oucr~p~ta. 1!1obo11m1Ji.s ronnereigncll in l)iS flellll.
~,:hr.13.6 26 *9nll 9icroboam tlJcfonneoff.}abat, an Th · Ch
:~ <fpluattJite, ofsarclla ('tDl;loCemot1Jer'tml1Hal• cxij. apter.
~~~ lell~eruai), UllJiCIJ'CtlaU\llillO'tD) anlllJee~o· I RoboamfuccecdcthSolomon. 20 Ieroboam1eig·
10: lo mens reruant, lift bp l)tis 1Jan11e agatna tl}e ncth ouer Ifracl.
,: king. · . V l l l * moboam went to ~icl)cm:
' ~ 7 '5ut tllis't'uas tlJe caure fl)at IJc lift: bp btS to, al ]irad 1Dcre come to~ia.Jcm
>~, 1Janoagatnat:1Jetnng: ~otomon b1n1t~ello, toma1se1Jtmrdng_,
·.., uill IJiJS f'atllcr.
antunenllrll t:fJe b,ol!en ptauJS of tlJe Qf Jl'a•
· .· .
2 anll 1Dl)tn 'J,eroboam ttJc ron
off.labat.'1>htc1J was rct in 1t1:,m1t.
' 2 s am1 ~ts fello'Ctl '.}I eroboamttlais a man of IJearo orn (foi l)e flell to cfgppt from tlJe p1ercn'e
·~~) arcn~IJ a1U1 courage: anll ~olomon Ceeing tfJe onting ~olomon,at1II ll'IDelt in <fmt:)
::~: poongman tlJatl)eelllaJS ablUolloett}cttlo,kc. 3 ~otlJerfmt, anllcallelll)im: anlJ'.]cro'
~ :;· maoe lJim mler ouet all tfJc clJargc of d)e IJoufe boamanll an tl)c Qton~egation of]frad came,
,,, of'J;oreplJ, ·' anll fpakt bnto lRoboam, tarmg,
;::; 29 a1uiatt1Jatf4!afon'.}lttoboammmtoutof s ~l)pfat{Jcrma11e ourroliegrieuou15,no\\l
'ierufalem, anlJ tl)e p1opl)ct !IIJia tl}c ~ilonite tlJttefole mafic UJout(Jc ~uous fcmice of t11r
~~ mrt I.Jim bp dJ£ lllap, 1Jauing a ncwc mantle on fatlJcr, an111Jis ro~c ro1se llllJiclHJee put bponbs,
~ •: IJim,anll tlJep t1Do 'Were atone in tlJc ftelll. llgiJtcr,anll llle \lliltrerue tl)ce.
30 a(JiacauglJt t{Je ne'W mantlctlJat mais on > an111Je rapll bnto tl)em,~epart ret fo~ tlJc
l)im,anll rent it in t'lllelue pieces, fpace oftlnce ll3teJS,anll tl}cn romc againc to me.
........ 31 anll Cllpll to ]eroboam, ~llke tf1ce ten pie• anII tlJC peojllc llepattCll. .
c:eJS: Co, tl)UJS rartl:J tlJt JJ.,~n Cll5oll of'Jllhld, ·l5e< 6 an11 mng Ja13boam toolie counfel 'IDitfJ tlJc
lJotlJ, 1 'IDill rent tl}e kingllome out of tlJc l)allllS ollle tnttl tl)at llooll bcfo1e ~olomon IJtS fattJer,
o{ ~olomon.anll \lltll giue ten mbcJS to tl)ee. 'IDl;lile (Je ret lluell, anllfapll, tl91Jat counren giue
32 atlll IJe fl)aU l)auc one fo1 mr rmrant ~a' pe,tl)at ') mar anODtte tlJiS pcoe._Ie :'
UilllS fal!e, anlJ fo~ 'tetufalcm tlJe citp 'CtllJid.J.] 7 !lnll tl)ep Cl1ptl bntD btm,• 'Jf tllOU be 8 fer• •11111ersurnb
l)aue a.Jofcn out ofall tl)e ttibeJS of]frael: uant bnto tl)iJS people tlJilS Dap, anll follo'W tl)cir ' "" •
33 ~ecaure tlJcp l}aue fo.traken me, anlllJaue minns, ~ anfllleretgem, anll Q:JeaJie liintl \\lo~IJS
too~11Jtppct1 aaarotlJ tl)e go ti or tl)e ~illon-.antl to ti,em, tlJt1' l»ill be tlJF feruants to, euer.
~l}amoJS tlJe goll oft(Je ~oabitcis, ann ~om 8 '5utl)e fo~roolie tlJe counreo tl)at tiJe olbc
tl)e goll of ttJe '1.Jilll~cn of ammon, an111}11ue not men IJall giucn1Jim,an11 caltetl bnto l)i.G c:ounreu
\lJallicllinmrwapc$, to fulfillmppteafute, mp pongmm,tl)atwcregro'\llen 1.lp\tlitlJIJtm, anll
lfatute.a, ~nip tawes, as bill Jeauill lJis fatl)cr. \tlaitell on l}im: ·
34 'JI lllill not tal!e tlJe \lll)olc kingllomc out 9 .anll l)c fnill bnto t1Jrm,U9l)at counfcl giuc
of lJt!$ lJanll : but 1 \tltn mabe IJlm cIJtef'c au IJi.S 1'C, tl}at 'alee map 11nf\llcre tl.Jis people:' fo~ tlJrr
life long, r.o~ :eawn mr reruantJS falic, \ll(Joni 1 1Jaue conununell lllttlJ mee, raring, ~alic tIJe
li)ofe. bccauf£1}c mp commanllcmentis anll poke \llf}iclJ tlJr fatl}er bill put bpon bS, UgfJtcr.
mpftlltUteS: IO banlltl)eronglltCR tfJllt'fDCre gtOlllC'lllJp 0 P>no•'.'
35 l5ut 'Jl \tlitl take tlJe liingtlomeout oflJis b>itl) l)im, fpabe bnto IJim, raring, ~IJ11~ OJalt "'ij "'11"{'·1•
ronnes l)anll,anllttlillgtuc it t>nto Cl}ee,cum ten t1Jou fpcalte bnto ttJis pcgpfc tlJat l)auc fapll tin,
tribcJS of it: to tlJce, ~lJr fatl)cr mallc our robe IJcaup, but
36 .anobntof)iJS fonnc\'otll'Jlgiueonetribe, malietlJouitligtJterbntob~: * eumtl)u.a111alt Ecclu.+7·
t(Jat ~au ill mr rcruant ma,, IJaue a ~tal't11al! tl)ou faf bnto tJJe1n, Q!)p little finiJcr OJ all bee :s.
bcfo~e 1ne m ~tcrufatcm, tlJe'ttp \tll)1t:IJ ') l;Jaue mdglJner tlJtn mp fatlJcr was in tlJe loineis.
CIJofm me to put mv ~ame tl)crc. · 1 i 9.nll no'Ctl, mllmas mp fatlJcr nto lalle rou,
37 gnll i]\ 'Wtll tafle tt)ce.anll d)ou llJalt reilm anll put a grieuou~ pohc bpon rou, ']\ '!Dill mafic
auo~lling to an tl}attlJv roule llcOretl), anll llJalt it l]eatner : mr fatlJer lJRtlJ c1:1aa1reo rou \lJttlJ
be kin!J oucr ']JfraeL rolls, bUt 91 \lltU co,rcct rou 'CtlitlJ ~ £courge5f, II Or, fcorpi-
38 anb tf tlJOU tJMtlicn bnto all tl)at1J COlU• n anti CO '.]jeroboam anll all tl)e people CllmC oni,
manll tl)ee.. mui \Dilt matlie in tn1' wares,anll llo to moboam dJc tlJirll llap, as tlJe king l)all !\IJ'
tl)atis liglJtin mp Ogl)t, t11at tl)ou keepc~r fta• potntcll, raping, ~ome to me.eagaine t[Je tiJirll
tute•, atlII mp cO\mnanllemetttfS, as ll!laum mp liar.
Ceruarit bill, t1Jen mtH 1J be witl) tlJcc.; anll builll 1 3 gnll tlJt bing anfroerco tIJe people cJJur,
tlJeca rurc l)oufe,as] bUtlt fo~ mr rcruant ~a' lillJlp, anll ldt t:fJc Ollie mmii counrtn tl.Jat tlJtF
Uill, anll 'IDill ~ ']lfrael 1.lnto tl)ce. gauc1J1m:
39 !ln!l ']l \lnll foJ tlJiS offence which Solornon 14 anllfpallc_to tl)cm afttttl)e Counfcll ofti)c
hath.commi1tcd.punillJ tl)e fet!I oO~auill,but not roong men. faptng, ~ fatl)rr m.anc rout pol!e
foJ mer. gneuous.anll.'.11 ttltll make ttgrimouccr: mr t:a•
40 ~olomon Cougl)t tl)mf~ to ml ierobo, t1Jer alfo a.Jaftikll 1'0U 'nlitlJ rolls, but']\ toil dJa'
nm, an11 ']lcroboam arore, an!I tlell into Cfgppt. llife pou'1>itlJ fcourgeJ.
9nto ~tfac k~ng of lfgrpt, an11 conttnUet1 dJert i 5 g~ tlJe Iring l}earf!encll nottmto tl1c peo, 1.Kmg.11. J
in lleg'IJt bntill ttJelltadJ of ~olomon. pie: Co': it ttlafHIJe • o,binance of Cll5oll, ttJat 1Jc£ ".
I Ifrael rebellech.
II, OfJF.}abat.
16 ant1fot111Jm au'.]Jrraclfatllct(JatCIJc~ng
milrhtpmo'm 1Jil3 raptn~ tDIJidJ tIJe lA>~D CpallC ~allc : ant> l)ee _put in lBetlJel tl)e l&#ell~ of tl)e
iJif""WJiat(Jc ~tfonitc tmto '.)]eroboamt11efon (JiglJpfacc-tDIJtdJIJelJallmalle.
leroboams hand dried. 1

33 anlll]CtDcntbptOtlJcaltltt, tOlJUmCln'
ccnre, tlllJtdJIJtt!Jab maDe in l3ct1Jd, tlJe flf,
rcgarllell tiJmt nott11e P.cople anf\llercll ~l)e bing tccntl} ll~l' of tl)e e~t ~nettJ, euen in tl)e mo, 1

\Dttb tl]efe w.o~nc13, fapmg. IJl!lJat P.O~tion_i,aue neCIJ tlllJtcl.J lJC l)all &ma§tnet> oflJt~ otllne l)cart: iOr 2 d'
\Dee in .wamn '! wee IJauc no tnlJmtancc 111 tl)e anll mane a folemne feaa bnto tlJc cl}illl~cn of -..~, n ·~
ronncof]fai:toroui:tcntS5? ~']ft"acl. notllfcc ')lfracl, ij annotrcrcllbpontIJcaltar, anlltmmt 1h•• 1;:,;:
to t1Jineo1llne f}oufe, ~au1n. !antJCo]fraeltJC• lllCCRfC, burnc 1n.
partcn bnto tlJtir ttnt•. Th .. ·· Ch ccnfc,
17 $0\llbeit, ouer t(Jc dJ1lt1~cn of jjctacl c XlllJ • apter.
\D~ClJtJ\llelt intl}eciti£S50f9]UllS, billlBoboam 1 Icroboam is rcprchcndcdof1hcProphct. 4 His
rcagnel?iU. band is dried vp.
18 ~en fling 1!1oboamrent 9:l>Uramt(Jere:: .JanbcJJolllc, tl)ere aimea•manof • a,1oi11L ,,
cetucroftl}embute,annaltl)cpof]rtaclf!onell <l!Jol'I out of ']ullibp tl)e tuo~ or :
IJim to neatl) : but king lBolJoam mabe Cpce?J to tl)c JL.oJb, bnto '5etl}el: anb ~cros :
get IJim bp to l)tS5 tlJaret, $to ace to ll;}icrufalcm. l>oam «0011 bl t(Jcaltar, to put in, ~
19 ann tlJcp of ']Jfracl rcbe~ agatnft dJc cenrc.
1Jourcof~auint1ntot11'snar. ,, anblJectien againft t(Jealmintl)eblo,b c
20 anb \lllJen aU ]fracl l}cstb t1Jat 1jcrobo• oftfle l.oJn, anb fapb, l!D altar, aim, tlJUS5fartlJ •
am ttiaS5 come againe, tlJcp fmt ann callel> IJfm d)c )l..01n, • )3e1Jollle, a clJillle 11Jall be boJnc tmto K. 1:
unto tiJc multitube, anll mabe l)im flinu oucr an tfJt f10Uft of ~auin , ~oria bp na111e, anll t>pon :~ ing.ii. r,
'.]]rrael,antl tl)crc 'D>as no trtbUl)at follotocb tl)e t(Jce ll)al I.Jc o&r tl)e ~fct?IS of tl]e places tl}at ' · me :
1Joure of~autn, but ~Uba onelp. bume tnccnre bpon tl)cc,ano men13 bon~ ll)albe ~
Chap.11. :i.r ~nlltDIJm*lltoboam wa~comtto0ieru' burntbpontl)ee. .'•
13, falcm, l)cegatl)erell8Ut(Je1JouCeof]Uba, bJitl) 3 9nll 1Je l:J8llt II tolicn t{Jcfamctimc, fap. ·'
tl)c tribe Of l3eniamin, an 11unn~11 ann foure ing, ~iS5 il'S tl,Je token ttJat tl]c Jl..o,lltlatl) rpo, ,.
Cco,c tlJourann or ctJorcn mm~ bJIJiclJ mere goon km it, ::16C1Jollle,tl;Je alta-r OJ al re:nt,anll ti.Jc a11Jes ·
'alarrier13, toflglJt againfltl)el)oure oflffael. tl)atarcbponttOJaUfaUout. : :.
annto bJing t(Je kingtlome againe to Jaoboam 4 annt11l)mt1Jefring1Je1ttnt1)eCapingofu,t -·
tlJe Conne of ~0101wou. man ofeon,tulJidJ l)ab men againft tl)e altar in ,_
2.Chron. 2 2 *an11 tl)e 'alOJb or <alon came bnto ~miata l6et1Jel,1Je th:cttl)cb out l)iSS(Janb from tl)e altar,
, u. t(Jc c man or©ob, rartng, rapin(J, $olllc IJim: .anb (.Jil3 l)anll '\l11Jic1J IJe put
~r 3~~~iopbu 2 3 ~peaflc unto Jlloboam t:IJe ronne of~o lo, ro~tlJ qama IJiin.~ieb bp, anll f,Je roulb not pull
mon fling of'l una,antl bnto an ti.Jc IJoufc of'.)u. it tn agatne to IJim. r·
Ila an!I '5entmntn, anll to tfJe remnant of tlJe s E:IJe altar alfo clauc ar.unl'Jcr,anll tfJe aaie-
people, raring, fell out from tl)e altar, acco~btng totfJe toflcn
2 4 ~ais rap ti) tlJe )Lo~n. fc f'fJa11 not goe bp, \lllJi"1 tlJe man oe 15olJ l)atl giuen br d}e lllO~tl of
noirctfigl)t agamrt rour b1et1J~en tlJtCfJilll~m tfJe)l..oizi.
of]fracl: rcturne cuerp mantoi,tslJoUfe, ro, 6 an1>tfJeJdn«anC\t'Jcrcll,anllfapbbntotl)c
t~is tl]ing is mp boing. ~Ct' l)earkmen tlJerr, man or 0on, ill>IJ pJap bnto tl)e n.oine tlJP <Boll,
ro~e to tlJe 'alo~tl of tlJt JL,o~b, anti returml> to be' anll mafie intmelfion fo~ me,tlJat mp l]anti map
part, acco1Dingtotl)etoo1ll oft1Jcl.01t1. bcrettozen mtagatne. ant1tl)e manof0ollbc'
2 s ~en ~croboam Duilt ~iclJcm in motmt fougl)ttl,e l.-01b, anb t(Je 1Jingi$ l}ant1 'ala!!lrcilo' ':~
<fp1J1ai1n, ann ll\Dclt ttJcretn. anti tDent from rcb againc, anti beatme as it \lla!!I bcro1c. t~
tl)ence,anllbuiltl0cnue1. 1 Slnb tl)elrtngfarlle bntoti;Jemanofd!Jotl, ·::,
~6 anD ')croboam tl}OUglJt in IJiS ()cart, Cltom£lJOrnebJttl)mc,tl}atCIJOUmaidtlline,antJ ~~
~o\D OJall tl.)e bingtlomc retunie to tlJelJol&fe of ~ tDtll !,Jiuc tl)ec a re\Darb. . ·P
J9aUill. 8 anll tlJeman Of ©obfapbcbntotfJcliing, :~:
t,~:~'~,~ifc· . :i.? d1forif t1Jil3 people goc bp ? anb bot racri' '.31£t1Jou \llilt giue 1mc ~alfe tl:}ine l]oufe, ~ \Utll :~
e.o, 111o10. nee m tlJe l)ourc of tl)e l.-010 at ll)1cmratem, tlJen not ;om lllitlJ t1Jec,ne1t1:Jcr llllll '.I eat b1cao,no~ ~,
OJalltl)e l)eart of tl}if) people tume againe bnto D1inke'alattr in tlJi-placc: \;:i
tl)eirlo1b moboam Inn~ of ')Ulla, anD ro 11.Jan 9 f,oi ro tDS.U it aJarttell mce ttnougl} tlJc •
tlJel'billme, anbgoeagatnetolBoboamkingof 'alo~lloftlJe JL01Dc, fafing, cfatenob~D, n~ ,'~:
'J1uoa. b'1inflc 11'lattr,noi tame againc bl'tlJe ramc toap ,;~,
28 11&1Jcnupon tl)c kin1too1tecounrd1, anll tlJattlJoucantta. "
mat1e t'lllo calues ofgolnc, anD fapll bnto t(Jem, 1 o anD fo I.Jee tomtanotf.Jtr \lisp· anti retur• '~:
Esod.3 i.s. 'l\ti1$ mud) foaou to go bp to $terufalem: *be' 11Cl> not bp tlJe t11ar tlJat l)e to '5et1JcL .~~
~~lb,~ 1rrael,t1}erc arc tlJP goDS5, "&DlJi'1J b~ollfJt 1 1 an1:1 tlJtte DtDeft an olbe 1&1op1Jctin l5e, t
.,ee out of tfJc lanb of <l'!~ppt. tlJ£1, anD l)i-fonne:S!I cameanD tofDe IJim au tl)e ~~
rct it ~nll!_lJ cnfi.ct tl)c one m lOCtlJcl,anD tl)e od,Jer \llo~fltf tlJaUi)e 1nan of'5oD 1:.1~ Do11e tl)at llap,
., • ""8


in'6UIJel: auDt1Je\Do1ncsml)1c(J1JelJabfpokt11 ' 1

3° anb tl)i1$ tl}ing turncll to rtnnc: CoJ tl)e bntotl)cllft11,toltleU,qitlJeirfat1Jcralfo. !~~
people \'otnt (btcaure of tl:}c one) a~ rar 8' ~an. u ~nll tlJrit fatf.Jcr Capllebnto tlJem. mlJat ;,':i
i.Ch10.11. 31 a~o lJt tnabt anl}oure oflJtc placd, * an11 'IDap \11cntl)c~ano IJiS ronnc- O.Je\Dct> ljitn tlllJat :.'~I.
<19· mane PJielt1$ of tt:Jc lo\\lctl of t~e peopr.e t1llJidJ tuar tlJe man of CllSaD tocnt, tlll.Jicf) tame rroni ·~
\Dcreofnottl)etonnesorl,,cui ' '.)IUl'la. .~ ·
ri anti ]ttoboam mabe a itall tlJdftmltlJ 13 gnztlJe rarll bnto (Jts ronncs. ~all'tllt mcc \'
nor of tlJC etglJt moncl:IJ , liht tmto tl)c fed tlJat tf.Je acre. Dl1iclJ '&Dl}en tJJcp l]an faDlctl , I.Jee gate ,1\,
I tS1.n']utJa, Bnll o&rcbontl)ealtat: anllCotlib IJtmbptllmon, ·:, ·
--~ 111_ct_n_~_c-'tlJ_d_,t_o_olf_n_bn::..:.:.:::to:::tb:'.'.c::ca~l::::uc~s~tlJat~lJe~l18b~_t__...:.12.4...:a::nt1~tD::e.n~t~a£ter~..:tb~t::'.m~a~n.:~of~l3~o~ll.~tt~fou~n~llL- \ ~
1I \"
·"" -...,,,_"'lllil!B:~-~-o:::==~=--:--::;:::::::.c::::ill"!!!!'!l!!!l'lllll~-OlllliiiO;;;;::=========--.....!h~1t!!!1tJ..I_ _ ~;,
1\ man of God fiaine by a lion. Chap.xiiij.leroboams fonne f1cke. n8 I
11 lJim fittinl tmller an orse, anti l)e fart> bnto IJim, ti.Jc cttits of ~amana, flJSll come to palfe. \
l\ art tlJOU tiJe man of <iSOll tl}at camctt froin '.)!u: 33 'o\llbctt, co~ all dJat. '.lleroboam conucr,
1, 11a :'aim l}efapD, 1 am. teb not from IJis \llidttb 'alttp: but tumeD baclte.
~ 1 s l)e rapD tmto IJ(m, €ome l}ome mid} me, anti maac or tl}c lo\lldt of the people 19~ie1ts of I
16 'Jet anCtDerttl, ~map not mumetDttl)
tl}ec,to !;IO in 'alitl} ti.Jct :ncittler \lltl '}J rat bJcab,
tl}clJ~placcs: *anti 'ml}ofopleafttl l)im, l}ec Chap 12, I
llfillcblJIJJl}anb,ahbl}ebecamcpzielloftl.JC(Jl~l) 111al·
places, . . r, conic·
r I
llOI i)1inkc \1Jater tDitl.J ti.Jee in tlJiS place. 34 !.ilnb tlJiS dJiq tunnb to Cinnc, bnto tl}c mccJ him.
17 !f~ it tDas rapt> to mce tn d)c'al~D oftl}c (J~e o~'.)ttoboam, euen to brtlrop l)im, anD to
JL.,o~D. ~ou ll)alt cat no b.zcan,no1 D1inke 'alater b11n; (Jim to nougl)tfro off ti.Jc face of ti.Jc eartl}.
ti.Jere, no~ tume a1aine to ;oe bp tlJe mar t)Jat The xiiiJ·· Chapter.
t(Jou annttl.
18 ~cfapbbntol)im, '.]iama~JOpl)ct~roal' 2 rcroboam fcndcrh his wife ditguifed to Ahia the
\JJcllaS tl}ou,anll an angel fptthe ~ntome m~e Prophet, who declarcth vnto him the dcfirullion of
UlOJb Oftl}e lLOJD,fapin!,l.l8Jm!,ll}Un a!,lam'a.lttlJ his houfc.
t)Jee into tl)inc l)oufe, tl)at l}e~ eatbJCab,anb ~ tl}at time abia t(Je ronne of]e•
DtinknDater: And l)c lieb tmto 1}1m.. . roboam fell fiche.
19 ann fo l)e 'a.lent qainc 'a.litlJ 1}1m, anb till> ~ ant> 'Jeroboam raft>e to l.lis
eatbteal> in IJislJoufe, anD l>~nlletDater. \tJtfe, llllp,'31 p,ap tl}ee,anD bif1Jutrc
2.o ann a11 t:IJcpfatcattlJetable, tlJe\Dotl>oC tlJp fdfc, t11att1Jou bcnot hno'a.len
dJc t.oJD cameimto tl]e~iopl}et d]at btougl}t to ue ttJC mt~ of 'Jlcroboam: anll get tt1cc to ~t·
IJim a!,laine. lo! f01 tl)etctl91J111 tiJC~IOPlJtt, *llll)icl) tollJC , Kinz n
21 lnD hte mcb bnto t{Je man of 0ob tl)at mt tl}at'3111Joult1bc hing outr tlJtJJpeople. ~~ · ·
came from ']\ut>a, rarin!,l. iatl}uSJ raptlJ tl)e "A.01t1, 3 gnb tahc 'a.litl) tl}ceten loauc15, anD crack• '
l8ccaure tl)ou IJatl t>irobeyeD tlJc moutl} or tlJe nc11.an11 a cruf£ ortJonp, anD 1oe to l)tm, tlJat ljc
l..ozb, \t {Jalt nothept tl}e commanncment ml}iclJ map tell tl}ce \DlJat n1all become of tlJc ctiilllc.
tlJe 'JL,oJD tlJF caJoD connnanllcl> tl)ee, 4 an11 ']leroboam11 \Dtfe tlit1 ro,ano arofc,anD
2.2 '5ut camtll backea!,lainc, anl> l)aft eattn \Dtntto ~ilo,anD cantt to tlJel]oufe ota~ia:but
bJeab, anti btunkC \Dater, mtl}e plau concern• ~ia couUI not fee: foJ 1}111 cf cl mere ma~cn t>tm
in!,l tl)e 'all}tcl) tl}t Jl.,otb lltb fap bnto tl)ec, iatl}ou ro~age.
OJ alt cat no biean, noi btinflc no 'a.later: tlJl:' car• ,. Qnb tlJe )l..01ll fapb bnto al)ta, '5e1Jolll, ti.le
care OJall not come bnto tl)e ftpUldJJt or tlJp fa, tD1fe of '.Jeroboam annmetlJ to anrc a tl)in~ of
..... t{Jers. tl}ee fo~ l)erfonnc: ro~ IJee is fickc : but t1.Ju11 anD
.... 2 3 anb \tJl}en l)e llttl> eatenb1cab,111tD Dtunrte, tl}uss OJ alt tl)ou Cap bnto l}er.!.ilnb \DIJen llJc came
fJce fableb l)im tl)e a[c, to 'a.lit, to tlJt i9tOP1Jtt in,llJe faincD 1Jerftlf£ to be anotl)er \Doman.
nt \lll}oml}e l}ab b1ou!,ll)t a!,latnc. 6 '3ut \DIJcn !.ilfJia l)earb tl)c fount> or (Jcr
:lli. 1111... 24 !.ilnlltDIJtnlJe'a.lasgone, balionmetl)im fect,assflJC came in at t!Jc ooo~e,l)e fapb,4!:0111e in
i~:~. bp t11e war, anD tie\llel)im: anD IJiSJ carcafe tDas tl)ou tDife of jleroboam, \Dl}p fainelt tl)ou ti.Ir
urr•i· calhntl}e 'a.lap, anDtl)ealTc floob tl)crcbr, anll felfe to be anotl}cr ~ ']\ am ftnt to tl}ec to lhewc
·:a~:.~~DI tl}e lion lloob bp tl)c co ire alfo. thee IJcaur tilt~.
·~~·n 2 s am men tl)at paiTeD bF, fa\De tl)e carcare 7 <!3oe tell '.]jeroboam, ~uMaFffJ tlJe t.o~b
·ii call in tlJe \tJap, ann tlJe lion aanbing bp tl)c car• 0oD or '31frael , !IJ'o~armuc{J as '.]] e:raltell t)Jcc
i~ care : anb t\'!Ct' &ame anb tolne it in t1JC iato'a.lne Crom among tfle people, anl> mane tl)cep~mce o,
" \UIJm ti.Jc olb ptoplJet b\Delt. uer mr people ]rracl,
: 2.6 anD.'a.ll}entfJt 19JOpl)cttl}at bJOU~tl)im s anD l)auc rent tl}e Jiingllome awap from
~' backc~1ne Ctomtl)e'a.lap, l}cart>tl]creof, l}et ti.le IJoufc of wauib, anD gauc ittl)re : nmrrt(Jr•
)'~ rapD, 'Jlt ifJ tl}e man of 113oD, l)e tDaSJ l>ifobebimt lelTe, tUou l]all not Ilene as mp reruant :miautll,
,,, bnto t11e \tlotD of tl)e ·.11..01D, ~ tl}eref01e tlJe lL01D 'a.llJidJ fleptmp commanbmtentJJ, ano fnllollleD
l}atl} beliuerell IJtnl bnto tl)e lion, \D)Jicl) l}atl) me tDitlJ all IJifJ ()cart, to 1>oe tl}at oncir \Di;iclJ
~ rentl)im. ant1Rai11e1Jim, accoibtngtod]t'a.1011> was ri«IJt in mine epes:
.i; or tl)t JL.otD \Dhich IJt tpake bnto IJtnl. 9 ~ut(JallboncmdaboucalltbattDerebe•
' 27 Qlllll)efpafictolJisfonnes. rart"!l, ~all· fo'e tl)ee: ro~ tl]ou l)alt 1onc anil malle tlJre otlJcr
blemeanatTc. 9nl>tlJeyC8l>letllJnn. gobs, anb molten images, to piouofi£ mee, anD
1s annl)ec'a.lent, annfounn IJisbolJtlcatftn l}alt call me bel)inbt tl}p bacfic:
tl}e map, anb tl}e atre anD ti.le lion lloob bp ti.Jc Io * QJttefO~C belJOlD, ~ 'a.1111 b#ll!.l CUtll bp• 3.King.1 S.
coifc., anb tl)c lion l}ab not eaten tlJe canare, no1 on tl}e IJoufe of Jjeroboam, \t mill root out from i9,
IJurt the aife. '31eroboam • eucn l}tm tJJat pilTetlJ a1atna the
2 9 atli> tl}e l&topl)et tooflt bp tl)e bobt' of t:fJc wan. anti !Jim tf.Jat is in p~ifon anD ro~raken in
manof<l!So1>,anD lapb itbpon tlJe a«c, ~ btotq1i)t '.]lfrad, am '11.lill taltc a\Dap tl)e remnant of tl)c
itqaine: anbtl)eollleJIJOpl)etcametotl}e"tp, (Joufe oe ]eroboain , a~ a man taket:IJ atDar
to lammt, anD to burr l}im. ooun!,l. till l}e l}adJ cartcD out au.
30 am l}e 'faTCO 1Jil5 bo!>V in IJiSS omnc gtauc, , 1 1191Jofocurr of']leroboamss bourc Die in tfle
ant>tl}m lammttl> oucr l)m, faying, atais mp toU)t1C. bimfball tl}c t1og15 eat: anb lJe tijat lliei1J
b~. tntbcficUl,OJal ~ef'o'a.lltfJ ortl}catretat :ro~ ttlc
31 !.ilnt>tul)en !Jc l)atl burieb l:Jim, l)cfpalle to i.o~D (JatlJ fapb 1t. ·
IJifJ fonnts. raping, 119~~n 11 am tleaD,fce d]at pc z2 ~ tl}crrfo~e, anti get tl}cc to tlJinc ob:lnc
burp me.e tn tl)e rtpUICIJie '11.ll)mtn tl)e man of f)oufc: Bcholdc • lDl}~ntlJl' fOOtentrctl} into tl;C
<!3ob i• burieb: liJV mp bones benbe IJis bones. mv.. t11"1J11De lbaR bit,
31· otoi tl)e fatm« '11.ll}icl) l}c crtl'il at tbe \1Jo~ll i ~ anD 11~ tlJey of ~ftael flJaU moumc ro,
oft:l,l2'Jl.,01t1ea1JS1nlt tl)calta?in '.l&etl)d, anila• (Jim.It burr lJtm: fol IJe onetp of'Jjeroboam tlJall
mainll all ttJe l)ou&SJ of"lJi«l) places \DlJidJ are in const to tl)e fepulctm:, becaure tn him tt!crc fa
/ Ieroboan1s fonne diech. 1..1<.ings. Abiam. Afa. Baafa •.

ftiunb gooonelTc to\DarD tfJc Jl,o)b <3ob of'.]ltia• The xv. Chapter.
cl,~11t1Jc~~~~~~~~~:·11.1anatrrcl.limbpa 1 Abiam rcigncth oner luda.· 16 The battcll be.
fiin; o~r ']Jrrael, \Dl}idJ O>al bctlrop ~e l)oufeof twccne Afa and Baafa.
1 in tl]at llSF: bUt\1'11.latis ttno\\l :' JI;! tl)c * ct~temtl)rcre orittng ']c' 2.Chro.1'
1 5 f,oJ tl)c ;ii_,o,ll UJallfmite '.Jltiacl, lmca~a roboamtIJcfonueof f;labat, rcag, 12,
rccll i,I) mahc1~ m tlJc \Datcr,a1~ll lJe ll)all \Dl'.Cb 9:f, ncll !lbtam ouer 'JlutJa.
racl out of t(J1s gooll lanll \DlJttlJ l}e gaue to tiJcir 2 ~Ince recres rcigncb (Jee in
110,, Eu- fatIJcr.I), anll flJall fcatttt tiJcm beponblltl)ert' $icrufalcm; ~1Jis1notl}crsname
phroics, ucr, bCCSUff tiJCp lJSUcmsllc tl)cm !!fDUC~, attll \Dats Slt>MtlJa, tlJC llaugl)ter Of a abtfalom. ~ 11:1111,
angrcll tlJe lLoJll. 3 9nll 1Jce mal.llcll mall tlJc rtnncs oflJf~ fa, <ibwi....
16 anll tJc tlJallgiuc']Craclbp, bcraure oftlJe tllcr\Dl)idl IJe l)alllloncbcfo~cl}im,anlll)tsl}cart
unncs of']!eroboam, \DIJitlJ llill Cinnc, anll 1nallc \Das not perfect UJitlJ tlJe lLo~ll IJits ©oil, as tl)c
'.))rraeltofttmc. l)cattorwauilllJisfatIJcr.
1 7 .a nll '.]leroboamss \Dift atofe,anll llepatten, 4 JF)~ucrt:l}cle~e , fo~ l'a~,s ~alic llib fiJe ~
anllramcto-ai;l)tr,al} :anb\DlJtnllJtramctotl)c JL,oJllC lJIS ©oil gm~ l)tmab a ltglJt rn 'icrura, b 'Dia""''~
tIJ~C!lJolll of tl}c !looJe,t{Je ~till 'tDa.nea11. · Icm, tlJat lie fct bp iJtsfonnc after {Jim, anti aa, ~~:;~·:1:0~ ~
18 anll 1111 ]fraet burtell l}lm, anti lammttll bliOJell $icrufalcm. · ."
IJtm, accoJ!ling to tlJe \DOJll of tl)e JL,Ojll, \Dl)icl) ; J5ccaurc wauill llill tl)at \DIJklJ \Da~ rigIJt '
lJe fpAlic bl:' tfJc l)ano oflJIS fmlant ~fatlJep~o· tn tl)e figlJt of t(Jr lLo~tlc, anll turmll from no,
pIJct. t~in~ tlJat lJcc rnmmanlleb lJim all tl)c oaycs .or ,~
19 9:nll tl)e rcft of tl)e \uOlllefS t11at conccrnc Ins ltfe, *fauconelpmt(Jcmattcror~rlas d;ie 2.Rrg. 11,. ~
Jeroboam, l)o\D (Jc \Darrell, ~ l)o'lll (Jc retgncn, ll)etf:Jitc. •nd 11.9,; ~
btlJO!ll,tlJep a~e \D~itten in tl}CbOOk Of tlJC ~lJ~O, 6 anll tl}erc \Das \Darrc betweene JSoboam
mclcs oftfJclimgsof']frael. anll]croboam1111onga~l)eliuell. · ~
2 a :!nil ti)£ llal'CfS \llf.Jid) f)croboam reig11cll, 7 'Cl[:lJC retl Of tl)e 'llloillcts tl)ah~onccmc abi· t,
\um t\Do anll t\Dentp rcrcfS: anb \Dl}m IJc ma!) am.anll all tl)atl,Je llill, ~arc tlJcr not \DJitten in 2.cnr, 11•1~
ial'll aoccpe \DitlJ IJtts fathers, JFlallab i}ifS fonnc ttJe boofie of tl).e Gtl.Jiomcles of tl)c Dings of'.]!u· ~
reigncll in IJ.ifS ltcall. · lla:' !lnll tl)cre \\lafS \Darrebct'llleme !dbiam anll j~
i.Chro.12, 21 *1Roboamt{Jcfonncof~olomonrcignell ]croboam. ~1 •
13· tn'.jjutla: anllJaoboam\\la~foitt?anboncycrrll s .. ant> abiam Qept'tDitll llillfutljcrs, anb ,,chr.r ~
olllc llllJm l)e began to rcignc, anll l)e reignell re' tl)ep buriell lJim in t{Je citp or~auill : anll ara .
ucntcenc l!CetefS in $1crura1cm tIJe cttrwl)tclJ IJi.SfonnemgncllinlJi.Sffcan. ·:
tnz :.a.o~ll lltll i;IJurc out or all tIJc tribefS of]fract. 9 ]n tl)e t\\lentietlJ rere of'.jlcroboam &iatg .1 •
to put l)i.S name tlJcrc : l)i~ motl)cr~ name lllafS of ]frael,rcigneo .ara ouer')Juba. , · .=
.flaama, angnnnontte. 10 fo1tranllonerrcrencignelll}cin~icro- l r.
2z .anll ]ullA \D1ougl)t \vicJiebllelrc in tfJe
Ci~lJt of t~c ".ti,.,oill, anll an§rcll l)im tn moe tbtn~
falem:anll IJifS'motl}er.s name mas ~aacba,
tl}c llttug!Jtcr of.abifaiom. iorr.
· :::
tlJen tl)ctr fatl)cr.s lltll tn tl)ctr finncts \\llJic;lJ t1JCr n . .Qn!I ~riqti> rigbt tn t:l)c cress of tlJc l.oib, • ;
nnmn. afS bill w11u10 l)1s fatl}er. · . :::
~ 3 !ffoJ tl)ey alfo malle ttJcmlJigb placcs,tma' u anb IJetooke a\\lap tlJcmalc ilc\Des out or :i:
. ~C$, anti gr.oucfS on euccy IJiglJIJtll, anll lmller t{Jclanll,anll putamaran tIJc abominable tllolsl · :i-
pr,grccno. II cucrp tl)iclictrce. tlJat (Ji~ father lJail mallc. · ~~
2 4 '.Aull tl)cre ma)Saffc\\lcts}llll1cn 13 danll l}c put lloronc~aacl}al)t.smotJJcr ~.~:~r:=,: :
in ti)c lanll,anil tlJcr ll~ll acco1llmg to ~I tfJe abo' frombcanng rule,bcc;aufc llJc l)all mane an iDole ~:.~~::r:::~1 ~.
mination.s or tl}e nations \DfJJClJ d}c JL,o~llc call in a grouc, anil ara llcllropcll l}cr ii:Jole, ~burnt P"r... r
outbcfo~e tIJe c;1Jtl!11en of]fr?el· . it bp the b~oofle llrell~on. . , l"'"'....I :;
2; anntntlJefiftycrcofhmgJSoboam~trac 14 ll5utt1Je1J1cplacc~ mcrcnotput llo\\lne: •h""'~ :

king oflfgFPt, c:ame bp againll ~tcrufalcm: neucLti}ell'ITC, '.lfa lJi)S lJCQrt \\lffS perfect \DitlJ otisnoi · ~
2 6 gno tooftc a'1lap tile trcarurcs or tl}e IJourc tIJc :JL.o~ll all IJi.S llarc.s. •: ~
oftl)elL01?1, ~tlJc trca(uresoftl}ehin~IJourc, 15 ll)ccbiougl)t in tiJcl)olp belfd~of(Ji~fa. \1i~
anll fpoilcll alltl)at uias to be l)all ~ anll 1.Jc too he tl:ltt,lanll tl}at l)r c(Jall llellicatc bnto tl}c l)ourc of ! ,
,. K "g.1 o. a'11ap alltl)e fbiclllts of golllc * U>l}icl) ~olomon
1 fi)c JLoiti, golll,anll Cilucr, anll tc\llets. : ,, ~
l l· ball lntl!lC. . I 6 ilnll t(Jcre \\las \Datte bet\DCCllC ar.i anzi '\~
27 '],n \Dl)ofc ltcall.kingl&oboa1u mabe bia' l6aafaliin1of'.]!Craciallt1JetrDapes. ,~
rcn 11Jietn11,anb committell d}em bnto tlJC l)anlls 11 ano ll)aafa kingof'.j)Cracl \Dent bp agatna ~:~
of the keeping ortIJc captainUftl)c guarll, lll(Jtc(J '.)lun:i, ~built lliama, Co tl)atlle \lloulll tct none ': ·
'nlaitcll at tl)c llooic of tl}c lttngs IJourc. 10 cut1:11 mto ara kluiof~uzm. ~.~
2.s 9.nll'ml)entl)cfiing\Dcntmtotl)elJoufcof 18. -ai;l)cn ara toollt all tlJt ffiaer anll golllc ·'~,i
~cJLoiti,tl)cr of tl)c guarll bate them,~b1ou«f)t tl)at lDais tertcn tJJe trearurc~ or tl]e l}ourc of tlJc \~
..itm ai;\ainc into tile guarll tl.Jand.ler. . JL.otD, anll tl)c trr.alurcs of tlJc ktng:s l)ourc, anil '~
b 2 9 ~tie tell of tlJe \DQ~e1nl}at conetme Jao• belruurb tl)nn into tiJc l}alllles of IJi.llferurmts,
't:lbfrti hooko a ~a!!' ann au tl)at l)c llill , are tlJer not \llJ&ttm ann lilntJ ara Cent tl}cm to 13enl}allatl tl)c fonnc \
"""""".,; -4" •.,cboo1tc of tl)e ctlnonitleS. of tlJt Iii~ of
~:.~·.~~~'t'. .,1ulla~
of~ab~imon, tbe fonnc of ti.}ciion filng of~p·
ri&dJatll'1leltat:eamarcu~ fapfni,
· ·~ ,. a~~~b t1Jacrc '»ais mmcbct1Deencmob8am
0 mau tlJC'it but~ 19~ere isa bonll bet\Dccnc me a1tll tIJcc,bc,
t\Dcenc mp fatl}er anll tlJF fatbtt: anti bclJo~ 'l
;·t~t) ~.
u. 31
3r anb Jaob.oam Qept 'lllidJ bi• fatben, 11111 (Jaue rent bnto tl)ce ap~crent ofUiucr anll goJnc 1
~as b!Jnc11 btrillc l)is fathtts in tJJe cltt of _,a, tlJ8t thou c01nc anti b.zealle ti.Jc bonoc tJJattl}ou ~. i
um ;IJUI motlJ~s 1~1nc 'mas amnu1< IJall\llitl) :lBaafaliitli of]fracl, f;IJat IJe mar lie, ~'
mtt. !lnl> abtaml)ts ronne nqpub inbi• lltall. part from me. •:\
· Baafa killethNadab. Chap.xvj. ZimrikillechEla. 129
2 0 ~o )Bcnl)abab 1Jear1trnct1 lmto king ara, 3 lOcl)oUI, '] \llill roote out tlJc polfcritte of
anti fmt tl]c ~tainelJ of tlJe tioa13, UllJ~ l}e 1J1J11 18aara, ann tlJe pcllmtr of IJi!S l)oure: anb \Dill
agatntf tlJe citiclJ of']fracl, anti fmote l)ion. anti *malie tI1! l)oufe lilll' tlJe l)oure of'.]eroboam ttJc ~.King.1 5 ,
Jli'an,antl abel, lBctfJmaaca{J, &ntl all the region Conne of Jr.labat. •9.
of <mttotlJ, ttJitlJ all tl}c lanb of Jr.}eplJtlJali. . 4 . -niatmanof~ \tll]iclJ llietlJint:IJcti'
J' anti ttJ(Jcn l6aafa l)catb tl}ereof, l)ee lert hc,IJtm flJaR ~e Do~ rate: anb tl)at man oflJtm
.~. bUtlDtng onaama,anll llttltlt in '4nJioa. II \Dl}ttlJ baett.nn tl)c ficllls, n1all t1Jefot1ll'!S of tl)c ll or,ofhis
~Or, g21hc- 22 ~l)enking ara II matlea pio,lamation tiJO' 8U'l' eate. 110, kc.
~,d 1011•· rottioutall ']uoa, tlJtlt none11Jou1Dbec.t:(uf£1:i: 5 ~e rea of ti.Jc \llo~tll!' tfJat concernc l6aa,
l"'" all fa. anti ro tlJcr tooke tlJl' llonl'IJ of lliama, atlb tl)l' ra,anb \\l'1at l)c l>iD, anb mis pomcr, are tlJer not
;~•,5' none timber \\l(JcrcttJitl) lBaaCa bab builbl'b,atlD fling 'tlliittm m tl}e *boo lie or tlJc <ltlJ~onitll'IS of tlJc 1.chr. 16, 1
-:;:,:~~- ar~ bUdc toitl) tl)cm tl}e IJill of l8enlamin anti binglJ of'']fracl :' '
1. il}ifpab. 6 gn.11 fo lBaa~a aept 'll1itlJ l)is fatl)crs, anD
1': 1 3 ·~{Jc remnant of an tIJc mo:brlJ tl)at con, ttial!' buneb m ~IJtna, anb C:la IJilJ Cotmc reig,
·~ cernc~fn,11nt1 alll)i11migl)t, anb aUtlJatlJellill, nell in IJis llcab.
anll t{Je cittclJ ttJ{Jicl) l)ec llutlllrb, ~e tl)ernot 1 ann br tlJc IJantl of tl)e p~oplJrt '.]iclJU, ttJc
m:itten in tl)e boohe of tl)e Gtl)~~1cll'l!' of tl)e fonnc of~anant, came tf)c wo~tle of tl)c JLoi'll a,
l\in~ of'.]'1W>a: f;}eucrtl)cteae m 1J1~ oil> age l)e gama lBaafa,atlb agatntl IJilJ l)ourc, anti againll
malJ tlircarco in hi~ rtete. all ttJe \ll1cliet1nclfe ttJat IJc Dill in tlJcftgl)t of tb£
24 ant1 ara Oept wttlJ!' rattJe:.r~, anD \lla~ JL,oill , in angling lltm \llitlJ ti.Jc \tlo~hc or IJilJ
·-··, burietl bcfltlc IJi.IS fatl)erl!', m the cttre of wauit1 o\Dnci)anlls, tl)at tJce IIJOUlb, bl' ltketl}e IJOUle Of munl11<, I

iJi.IS fatl}er: ant1 lofap1Jat IJil!' ronne rcigncb in ]eroboam,anll bcmufc l)c lltllcll •l)im. Ji1.1••b,Ji••·
1Ji.1Silca1>. 8 ~e t"IDtntie anti fi~c t'C~Tl' Of ara king of ua.matooni.
2 5 anti Jaatlab tl)e ronnc of l)lcroboam be, '.]lttM, began <fla tl)c ronne of lBaafa to rctgne o,
gan to rei[nl' bpon ]frad,tlJc lcconll_rem of a· uer '.)]frael in ~ir~a t'tllo rccrcs.
fakingor'J)uba, antm'igncb tipon 1rra£1 two 9 am llil!' remant~iTPrt C\\ll)icl)'tllas cap·
reerc,IS. taine offJalfc IJilJ ctJarets) conCpirel'I agatnlllJim
2 6 ant11Jce bib cum in tbc figl_lt of tlJe Jl.,oltl as IJec \\las in ~IJina b~inmng. 8J1b tt1a13 n~un·
malking in tl)e'OJar of l}ilJ fa ti) er, ann in lJi!S rm ken in tl)e l]ourc of.Qrya, aemar'll of IJiSS l}ourc m
;.;: 'tlllJert'Witl) l)l' mabc '.J1fracl to finm. ~ir~a.
'• 2 7 anb l5aafa tl)c ronne of abia.. '1lbid:J mas 10 * anb~imtltamt:llnbfntOtl'IJllU, atlbflil' 4,King.2.31
of t~l' f)oure or'J,m1tl)ar, conrpircb again« l)im. lrl:I l)ini, in tIJc tmentr ann reuent'1 rem of ara
ant1 l5aara rmote l)im at IJ!5tbbetl)on, Wl)icl) ilJ a hmg or ']ut1a,anb reigneb In l)is acal>.
citic ortl)e 10lltliltinel!'.(fo.z .taaDab anti all ']fracl 1 1 anti \Dl)cn l)ec \Dal!' king, anti rate on IJiiJ
larb ficge to Cl!Stbbctl)on,) rcatc,be Oe\ll all tl)c l)ourc of ll>aara, not leauing
28 <ieuenintl)etbirll rcercorara kingof]u' rl)crcof one to pilfc al;\atnn a toeU: pea, IJe fictoc
tJa,bill l6aafa Uar l)im,anb ~ct~tl in lJiS! Ueall. lJil'.l lnnffolhes anti frtcnb~ alfo.
2 9 anti \\lflml)cc 'Qlal!' b'a~, flee rmote au ti.Jc 12 !Anti ti;JUIJ l'lil'l '.Jimri llcrtror au ttie l}ourc or
1Jourc of'.]icroboam,anll IJ~ ll'lt l)im nougf)t tl)at lBaafa,acco~tling to tlJc UIOJll of tl}t Jl.o~ll, \Dl)icb
,.<ings bicatl)eb,bntill tee tall put IJfm cl<"anc ou.t, * ac' IJe rpall£ againtl l8aara by tlJc IJan'll o' '.JjclJu tlJc
.~· 10 • coibing bnto tl)c raring of rte 'JLot:i, to~tr;lJ ijcc 19~opl)et,
I~ fpalie bf l}iS! fcTUant al)ia tiJC ~ilonitc: '3 1fo~all tlJe unncl!'of l6aaraanb [Innes or
3o l6ccaufcof tte finne~ of 'J~cr ob oam \D~cre' ~lal)i1Jfonm. 1Dl)ic1J tlJerfinneb, annmalle'.J,r
'tllitlJ l)ec Onneb, anb mabc ]fracHinnc, \\Ji;Jm rael to finne, alltl anger ttJc JL,oib IJ!5ob of'.J]frad
,i' l)ce 'tllitl) IJi!l p~ouomtion an!,1l'cb ttJt JLoJb ©on \DitlJ thctrbanitiel!'.
:J of31fratl. 1 4 ~c relf of tl)c \\lo1llc!S tl.Jat concerne <fla,
31 ~crctlof tl)etoo~bcS! tlJat concernc ~a' anb all tl)at f)ec Dill, are tlJer not miittcn in tlJe
tJall,anll alltl)at l)ec l'ltb, arc tlJl'l' not'tlliittcn in oooltc of tl}e <ltlnoniclc!l ort}Je 1ting11 ot ']frael:'
ttJelloollc oftl)e GtlJiontdcisoftl;Jc 11\ing13 of'.llf, , 5 j\n tl)c t'tllen!V ann rcurntlJ rem or ara
racl'! llingof ']lulla, DiD~ri reigncf~cnbarl'IJ in
32 anll tbcrc mas\llane bl't'aleene ara anb 'lltlJioa :ann ttJc people tllas tl]en mti.Jc tiofl be'
l5aafa mng of'J1rraclall t1Jctrtapc13. Ocgtng ©iblletl)on, a citic of tl]c 1SIJ11iftine13.
33 ~o tntlJe tfJtrnrere of.ara11t~g0f ']uba, 16 an1> ttJe people in tlJc IJoft l.Jeam rar, 'Jimri
began lBaara tile fonnc ofal)1a to mgne ouer all 1:1attJ conftlirel'I, atlb tlainc tlJe fnng: Dl}erero:c
]rracHn ~ina,tmcntt an~ four~r~ere13•. all tl}ep ot]rracl mat1e amn tlJt captatr.c of tl)c
34 anb l)l' llib ttlat \Dl}tct) 113 l'Uilltn tlJe figl)t 1:1oct, rnngouer ]rracl tl]atrame liar, l'UCn in tlJe
of tl)e JL,o~ll, toalkiniJ in tl)e mar of ]eroboam, l:Jolll'.
anb tn l}ilJ fin 'tll{Jmtuitf) l)c malle ]fracl to rm. 17 gnb anm ll~artcl:J tp from <8tbbct1Jotl,
ant> an '.Jlfrael \DJtlJ ()'m , anb t~ep beCiegetJ
·<JnJana. . .
1 OfBufa. 6 Ela. 9 Zimri. 19 Amri. 31 Achab , s anb'll1l)e11 <;Jmmra~e tl.JattlJcctticmua
marricth lczabel. 34 lericho is built againe. ne,cl>c~ llc talien, l)ce "IDmUnto tlJepalacc of tlJc

$m tile 'O.loill of tl'!e JL,oib canie to llungis IJ~uri;, b anb :t. ~t l.Jhufctfe 'tl)t bin~ b 'llt'.brmn or
1.l'IJu ttJe fonnc of $anant,againll l}Ouf£ ~)t~ ~tl'fin,an?J fo~~!i h ~rH:b:burDI
)6aafa, rartng, I 9 'J10J1.;1l~ i:ie~ w1.;1w11•1ttfinneb, inl:Joing 1hekings
2 1f oiannuclJ aS! 1 ~altrb ttJe:e tl)at'tll1'tefJIS! cmlltntl)eflJIJtOftlJcJL,01b, anti houf( oucr
out of tl)e null.. an111nabe tl)ec tap' in \Dallnn~ in t:IJc.tllar of ]m>boam, anti tn IJil!' him.
tame ouer mr people ']1fracl. anb tl)ou fJatl \Dal' OnllCI!' 'll1lJ1'1J 11£ bib, anb mtl)at l)ec ma be jj fracl
he!> in tlJe \Dar of ']leroboam, an'D l)alt mane mp tofinne.
people ']\Crad to finne, to anger mce mttl) tl)cir 2 o '4nJerell of tl1t to01b' tlJat ronccrne 'Jim·
finnes: ri,ann tl)c tttafon tlJat IJe \ll1ou~t, an tlJer not
Jericho builtagaine. I.I<.ings. Elias fed by Raucns.
\'D~itten m tl)c boolic of tlJc '1tt.11omclt- of d}e 3 <115et O,ee IJmci.anb tume tl)u Cfa!l\\'Jatll,
kingS of ']lfracl 1 . anb f)ibe dJ~ felft in ttJc b~oolie 4t~mt1J, tfJatl!!I
2 1 QJm 'alm tf]e people of ~~ad Dtullleb bcfo1e '.l\Otbane.
.. into t\Do parts: fo~ IJ.alft tl)e pe~ple ~ono~ell 4 ~oufbaltb1itt11coftlJrriuer,anb'l\lJaue
·:; · ~ibnt tlJc ronnc or ai;matlJ, m~ lJ•m king: commanllcb tlJe maum!!I to rtell tl)ec tl)m.
· , · ani:I tIJc otlJcrlJalft rotio'alcD amn. . s anD ro lJc \'Dmt antlbtllacco~Ding tmto tlJc
22 :J5Ut tlJC people tlJat follo\lleb amn ~l'' \tJ01bOftlJC Jl..01D: fo~ lJC \'DcntnnDb\'DcltbF tl)c
uailc!I agatntl ti.IC people tlJatfollo'aleb ~ibnl 1:1,ooke '1t!Jerit1J,t1Jatisbcrowlo1banc.
tlJC fonne Of <ll}inad}: anb Co ~l,)ibni llFCb, anll 6 • anb tl)e maucns biouglJt bim b1call anb ' eon !o~
amri rcignell. flctlJ in tl)c momtng, ani:l lific\\'Jifebicab anb tlefh ~:~~~~:.,"
2 9 ']n tl)e tlJirtr anti one pcm of 9.fa Iring of tn tl)c euening: ano l)e 1:11a111te of tije b~oofte. ~~.~1~l:!'. 11
'.)ulla,br_gan amri to refgne oucr ']frael t\'Dclue 7 gnb after a \'DlJilc tlJC bJoohc ll~ten bp, be'
rcm.9: ~in Fl'ttes rcigneD IJc in-m;(Jtria. caure ttJere fell no raine bpon tlJe eattfJ,
tor,s,hom· 24 $cc bougl)tt)Je l)tllof ll~amaria of one s. 9.nllt:l)e\\'Jo~ll oft1Je Jl..oio c:ametmtol}im,
ron. ~cmar, fo~ t\llo talentl3 offiluer, ann bmltin rarmg,
tl)c 1Jill,allb calkll tije name of tl)e cine \'Dl*IJ iJe . 9 :it.\p,anb get tl)ec to II ~areptlJa, \tJl}icl} ill Luke 4 2 ,
built.after tlJe name of ~cniar, \lllJi'1) I.Jab bme tn ~tllon,anll ll\llell t1Jtte: bclJOlb, ') IJauc corn: 11or, z,r.1
owner oftl)e IJtllor ~amaria. manlleb a \'Dibo\'D tl)cre to ruttatne tl)ee. phach,
zs l6ut:lmriw~oug1Jtt1Jatmf)id.Jiseutn in 10 ~ol}earorc.anll\Dentto~arcptIJa: anti
tl)e u~IJt of tl}e Jl..o,o, anti Dill \llo.zre tl)en an tl)at \tJ~en l}e came to tl)e gate of tIJe citte, bel)olb,ttJe
\llm: llcfo~e l)im. \'Dtbo'al 1Dal3 tl}ere gatl)crtng of atcbel3: anb l}ce
2 6 1fo~ l)e \DalltelJin all t~e mar of'.]Jeroboam ~lkll to IJer~ anlJ fapl!, 1fetc:IJ mee, '!] wap CJ,Jce,a
d}c fonnc of ;@abat,anb in 1Jfl3 finnes 'll.ll)er\llitl) ltttlc mater in a betrel,tlJat 'JI map ll~tnlie.
1Jemaile'3ifraelto unnc, to angcttf)e Jl..o~b <115oil 11 ilnll a1311.1e \'DafS ~oing to fetclJ it, (Jee crreb
or]fracl UJitlJ tiJcir tianttie13. aftcr(Jci,ant1 rapll,'.1511ng me,j] war d}ee,a moz,
z7 -m;I:Je reft of d}e tuo~M tlJat concernc amri, fell orbieab alro in tf:Jine l)ann. ·
anll altl}at l)c blll,anll l)tfS atcngtlJ ttJat l}e OJe\'D' u ~IJr. Cspb, g,13 tIJe JL..o~D tlJl' cl!JolJ liuettJ, ~
en.arc d}cp not tD;itten in t}Je booheof tl}e q~o' l}aucno ll:eao rcallp, llutcuen an l}ani:lfull of
ntcle13 of tf)c kingfS of']frael 1 nttale in abarrell.anba little orle in acrufc: anb
2 8 g,nn ro gmrt aept \DitlJ IJis fatlJttfS, anti bcl)oli:I,'] am gatl)mngt\\'Jo thchcl! foHo goc in,
\\las burtell tn ~amarta, ano ~ClJall l}i!S fonne anniefi'e it foi mee ano mp Connc,tlJattDce mar
reignen in l)ifS lleab. eate it, anD Die.
2 9 '] ntlJe tl)irtr anll efglJt pere of ara mng of r 3 :lnll <tliafS Capll bnto i,cr, fcarc not, goe,
'J; u:ia, began !lc:}Jab tl)c fonnc of gmri to rcignc ann 110 ai:s ttJou l}all Capo: but mahe metl)ereofa
o!tct ']Cracl, anll tl)c Came tl)e Conne of ltttle calie fittl of au, anD Mng tt bnto mee, anb
~1mi reig11c11 oucr 9)Craeltn ~amaria nuentic after\llsrD make foJ d}ec anb tl)p fonne.
ano t\\'Jo rrrefS. 14 11'0~ tlJu13 faptl) t(Je )1.,010 <115oll of ~rrael,
30 anb gdJab tl)e fonne of amn ?Jill eulll in $l}e meale in tlJe barren fbaD not be 'alallei:l,nci,
tlJc n~t of tlJe Jl,.o~IJ, aboueau tl)at \litre befoie tlJtt f1Jall t(Je otle in tlJe mire be ntminilbei:I, tJn,
l)im. till tije Jl,.o~n t.Jauc Cent raine bpon tl)e catttJ.
• ~••ntnanc 31 .cro1Cttfecniell\mto"imbutalig)1tt1Jin1r, rs gnllfbelllent, annDiDais oeliafSfayo: anll
:~~i:.""a•· to ll.lt1U1e in tl)e nnnes of'j\~oboam tl)e Conne of ll)e anb JJc,anD l}er l)oufc bill cate a go ob [pace.
~abnt: ~cc toolie '.Jle.iabel alCo ttJc naugl}ter of 16 gun tl)c mcalc \'DatkD not out of tl)c Im·,
lftl1btlal litng of tl)e ~fbonttes to 'l.llift, tt \Dmt rell, ncit(Jer mas tl}e ode fpent out of t(Jc crurc,
ann rcrncn Jl'Saal,anll \l1oi11Jippell 1Jim. accoibing to tf)e 'alotDe of ttJc Jl..o~D tDlJi'lJ (Jee
31 gnD be rcareb bp an altar foi l6aal, in tlJc fpakl' bp ttJe l)anb of <flias.
tcmplcoO~aal, \'DIJtelJl.Jee IJab bU(lllebtn~a, 17 ann after tIJerc tl)ings, ttJeronne of tlJt
maria: mife of tl}c i,oure fell umc, anb l}fl3 umcnc!Te
33 anb aci,ab mane a groue, 8llb p1oceeneb 'll.lais Co roie, t~at ttJcrc was no b~atlJ left in
futti)er in angrtng tl}e ll.o~b <l!HlD ~ of']frael, (Jim.
tl)cn au tl)e 11\ingis of '.)frael tl)at \'Dere befo~e 1 s gnb ll:Jee rarb bnto cfliafS, 119l.Jat IJauc 'Jl to
l)tm. boe 'alitl) thee, ~ ttJou man -Of 0oi:I :' .arc tl]ou
34 ']n l)il!I bare!!! bill $iel of l6et(Jel bUil!l lc, come tmto me to call mr finne againc to rtmcm·
rictJo: IJe Iapb tlJefounbattontl)creofinabiram biance,anb to 11armr conne 1
l)il!I e.ltiet't ronne, ann Cet bp tlJc gatefStl)creofm 19 $cfapb 1lnto1Jer,0iucme tfJrfonne ..anti :<
: 0 rua,6.~6. lJll!l toungetl ronne~eg11b, *accoiDing to t(Jr l)etoohcl}tmoutofberlap.anllcarit~IJimbptn,
\llOJh of tl)e. ll.o~b, \tJl)iclJ (Jc rpake bF 'JjoCualJ tl}e to a loft 'll.ll}crc l}cc abObe, anb lapll l)tm 1Jpon IJiil
fonne.of~un. ottmeben:
20 ano cancn tmto t11c Ji..o~D, ant1r11r1:1, !lD
. The xvij.Chapter. li.OJ?lmp<ll5oO, fJatltlJOU puntl1Jebalfo tlJis\lJi,
Eliasforcwamcthofthcfaminc to come. 4 Hee is llo'tllt, \DitfJ \Dl)om] ll\'UCDtl!!I a tlrangcr, anb '~
fed olRauens. !Jail 08inc1Jcrfonnc:' .'.
Iam.{.16,-fl~*lflil11Stl)cqefbitr, tuf;Jfi(J 21 at1111JcUfh'ttclJCDl)imfclfcbpont1Jcc1Jilbc l\Or,nie•· \
mlu.,.s+ ~ \lla~ of tl)c inl)abtt~ of c!!JileaD. tbicctimclf. anll caUe.D t>nto tIJc ll.o~i:l.~nll fapll, lured.
.. · ra11t1e. t>nto acl)ab, as tlJe )Lo~ Ill) JL.o~ mr. <115ob '· 31 pµi? tIJee, let tl}i~ c(Jiftles .'
~oabof')ftae.Uiutt:IJ,bel'oJC'ml)om fOUle comemto IJim •agame. . t Hrb.inco i. •
• .31 lll'lb, tl)cn flJall bee nctdJer 22. an11t(JcJl,.o~.b(Jeafb~cbot1;cofcelta,u,anb hi•inward '~
ht\'oe noi tame tiJCfcrttte~but acco~tng to ml'
dJe ~tof tlje c;IJilbe catnc mto IJ•m agatne,anll P'"'·
'alo~b. (Jc mnueb. ·
ra;m.,.a,n11t11ctu~b oftl)eJl.o~cametmtof}im, 23 an11 ceuatooflettJcbop,an1> bJou~tlJim
• ~ llo'alne outortl}c cl)amber intot~e ltoure, antt
~~~-=--=--~~~~~~~~~~~..:._.::::.:.::::::.=::=~=--===:::.~~~~~~~--- \
---~------~~~::=::-:z:::;;;:::m._._~. . . .E:!!.._......l!!!!ll. .~. . . . . . . .~o:e1~11~1e~rc~o~i~ ~\·I
,Elias, 0 badia,Acha b, Chap.xviij. and Baals Prop hers. 13 o
'lleltuercll tJtm imto IJtis 1not1Jcr: anti lflias rap'll, 18 t)unf\Dcre'll, '.lit if not']! tl)at lJauc ttoU>
l3d}olb, tlJr ronnc lmetlJ, ble'll j\fracl, but• tl)ou anti ~r fatl)erf l)oufe.; in ~'~~~:;;
24 Q111Jt(Je'Womanrart1 tmto4flta~~o1D9l tlJatpce IJauc foJfakentlJe comman'llcmcnts or '"''"·"'Bhll•
fmo\De tlJat tl]ou art a man of <!3ot1,ant1 tl}at tl}c tlJe Jl.01t1,ant1 tlJou lJall follometl :?Daal. g~~~~:~ !. '" 1 1

wo1b oftlJc :rL01t1 tn tlJl? moutl) tis true. 19 Jr.lo'W tlJenro~e fcntl, anti ~atlJcr to mce an ::~·:.;~:~~"
ThexviiJ".Chapter. 1ifraelbntomount<ltarmcl, ant1t1Jep1op1Jct~of 10,.rpruorpn·
l6aal.fourc IJuntJ~t'll anti fifttc, anti tl'Jt p:op[Jcts "'·
I Elias is fent to Achab. 13 Obadia hideth all hun- Of tlJC groues, fourc l)Unll1ct1) UllJiCIJ cacc at 'le'
drcd prophets. 40 Elias killcth all Baals prophets. !Sbels table.
·:tJAI<:~~ ... ~ ~tcrwocctreof manp'lli1l?e!S tlJ~ 20 ~oacl)abfcnt bntoant11cdJilll1cno£']lf<
'l/A. ~ 1 'Wo10 of tl}e JLo1t1e cameto <ell' rael, anti gat1Jcrct1 ttJe p~opl)ct!'S togctl]crtmto
tJA , as in tlJe t1Jirt1 pcm, raptng. mount <ltannel.
; <l3ocff)ettiet1Jpfelf'ebntoacl)ab, 2 1 ant1 <fliascamcbntoan tlJcpeople, anti
yr;;;.~1-,11:1n ' anD] will ftn'll raine :b)Jon tlJe fapD,l!)omc long b l)alt rec bctttlccne ttDo opint' b R•ll!fon i•
'"""""J!oo¥1.--- eartIJ. ons '! l f tlJe )lo,ll bee <5oD, foUo'oJ IJim: but tf ~:;::;,:~:'.~~·,
2 !Anti <flias 'Went to (be\DC l)imfdft bnto l6aal be IJte.• tl}engoc artcr l)im. anD tl]e people :::'~11~:g.~~
S!d)eb, anll tljerc WllfJ a pat famine In ~a· antmcreD l)nn not one WO?ll. conllanur PIO•
\Uafla, 22 ~IJCnf~rlJC lflta1$ b·nfOtl)C ptopltagaine, ft!TCD,
3 atlll acJJab caUeb ilDbat1ta,'WIJtclJ b>as tlJe ] onelp remamc a ~1opl)et of tiJe JLo~Dc: tut
goun:nour of IJtfJ 1Joure: (anll ilDballta rcarcll l3aals 'pzoplJets are fourel}unl>zcD anll fiftr. , l!ulliatb
<5011 grcatlp. 2 3 JL ct tl)em tl)crcfo~e gtue tis t\1Jo orm. anD ~'!;I: ~::.b•ts

4 f o~ \lJlJCll 1et~el ncllrore'll tl)c 10~opf.Jctis let tlJem Q)Ufe tIJc onc.anl:J cutl}tm in pieces.anti
of tl}e :rL01oc, ~IJatna _to.oltc an l)unt1zet11010; la~1Jimon'Woot1, anbputno firebnllcr: an'll jj
pl)ets,anlJ IJitl tlJmt br fifttem a cmc,anll p~ou1, \DIR l>zctre tlJe otl)cr ore, anb laF IJim on tD0011,
Dell bJtallanD water foJ ti) em.J anti put no fire tmller.
5 anti ~dJab rarD bnto ©ballta, <iDoc into 24 ano can re on tl)e name of l?OUr go'llS$. anlJ
tlJc lantl,bnto au fountaincs of mater, anD bnto 1 'Wtn caU on tl)e name of tile Jl,.o;t1: anD ttJen
t all btoolies. iffo tlJat \lJe mar finn grafi'c to faue t1Jc <5otl tl]at anf\DerctlJ bl? fire, Jct tJim bee ©o'll
t tlJe tjo1rcis anti mules aliuc, tl}at all ti)c bealls ann au tlJe people 11mwere11, anl> rart1,'lt ts tDcl
perttlJ not. l'pofim.
6 anti ro tlJCl? 'lliutlle'll tlJc lanil bettDcen tlJem, 2 s anti cflias fai'll bnto tlJc p:oplJcts ofl6aal,
to \Dalke tlJo~o'OJout it: acl)ab 'Went one war by CICIJuft rou an ore, anll DJclfc IJim firtt, foJ rec arc
l)tmfelfc, anD ®ballia went anot11er mar bp manp : anD call on tl]c name of pour golls, but
l)imfclfc. put no fire bnl>cr.
1 .ant1ais©bat1ia\lJas intl)cmap,bcl)olllc, 26 anti tlJcp tooofie tf)c one oretbatl)cttliD
~tais met 1.Jtm : anD tee lme\Dc l)im, anD f~U giuc tl)cm.nnD tl)cp t11ccreo it, anll callcD on tl)r
onlJtSS race, antlfafl:I, Srtnot tl)ou mr 1o1flf, name of ll>aal frommoming tmtill noone, far,
lias1 ing,©l5aalbrarcbs. l5ut tl)crc\lJa~uoboicc,
B anb IJcc anf\tlere'lllJim, 1 am l)c: goe anti noi one to anl'Were: gnb ttJcr lcapt\Jpon tl)e al 0

tell dJp 101t1,J5e1Jolll, <fllais ii?l lJere. tar tlJat tlJCl' baD matlr.
9 l!)eefal?'ll, U9l)at1Jauc'.J] unncD, tf)atttJou 27 annat noone, lflia~moclic?it{Jcm, anl:I
tvoutlltlltlcltucr tlJp rcruant into tlJt l)anll of.<!, fain, <ltrie 1out1, ro~ ~c is a goD,pcrat1ucnturc IJc
clJab,to aar me~ i!'S tallling, o~ occupicn in following bpon IJii?I .,,
10 a15tl)c llOJtl tlW d3ot1 liuctlJ,tlJerc iS$ no ua, n:emieis, 01 tn tJis iourncp, OJit mar bee l)ccacc,
tion OJ lrtngbom, Wl)ttl)er mp loJ'll IJattJ not rent pctl),antl mun be awaflftl wi1h your crie.
to feebe tl)ce: anlJ \lJ}Jcn tl)cp fapil, 19ce ii?! not 2 s anti tf)cp criell lou'll, anll cut tl)cmfcfucs,
tl}cre, l)c toollc an otl)c of tlJt mngbom anti nati, as ttlcir maner \lJas, lllitlJ lmiuc~ anll launfers,
on, \Dl)cn l)e fountl tl)ce not. till tl)c blooD foUotticn on tl)cm.
1 1 gn'll nom tl}ou rapell, dl5o anb ten tlJ! loJll 2 9 anti \lJIJen rntnbap was patreD, tIJcr µ:o·
t{Jat~ltaS$1SSberc. plJeficD\mtilltlJc ttmeof tl)c cuenlttg racriftce,
r 2 anti ais roone as 1 a~ gone from ti.Jee, tl)c but tl)cre mas ncitl)cr one to anf\tlcrc,
Cpiritoftl)cll.o~D fl:Jallcanctl}cctnto fomtplacc nc~anptl}atrcgarlletltlJcm. ·
tl)at') Doenot1mo\1Je, anti ro tDIJm 'JI come anD 3o SnD lflias rapD tinto an tile tome., ¢omc
tcllad)ab,an'lllJccannot finbt1Jcc..1Jcct1JaUaar tomce. ann all tl)c people came to IJ•m: anD
me: but] tlJr rcruant fcarc tl}c :rLo1ll frommr IJce rcpatrco rt.Jc altar of tl)c :rL01Dc ttJat \lJa~
routlJ bp. b1011m.
1 3 1Wa~itnottoll:Jmpl01t1, \l>lJat']l bi'll\lJIJcn 31 ant1ceitaistoofict\l.1eluc aoncs.acco~l:ling
'Jlctabel acw t}Jc l!)~opl.Jets of tl}e Jl.01?1 '! (Jo'llf'] to ttJe number of tlJc t'Wcluc tribc!'S of tf)c fon~
IJiD anl)untl~ell mmoft{Jc)L.o,Ds l01optJetS,tift~ of '.3)arob, bnto wf)omc tlJe \lJo:n of ttJe Jl.ozll /
men in one catte,ann fiftp m anotl)er, anti p10u1' came, raping,~ ]fractn1all be tflp name. · G~!L p.: s.
l>ell tl)cm ofb1cat1 anti \Dater~ 32 !i:lnll'IDttl) tlJclloncr:; l)ec mat1c an altar in 4.rcg.17.;~ ,
14 anti tl)ou rarctt, <5oc tlJou 110111 an'll tlJCU'le tlJe name of tlJc ll.o~ll: anll l)c mane a tlitclJ about
tlJ! Io1b, '5e1JoUJe, lflia15i1¥1.Jerc: tl}atl)ce map tile altar, as !ltcata15 wou111 contatm t\Do mca, 1
~~ fum~ft• ·
5anb cflias rait1,ass tl)e JL.o~tl oflJo«s liuetlJ,
1 33 an1> ~c put tl)c to~ol>_in o:ller, anti IJc\\itD /
bef'ole tDIJom] l'fanl>, '] will ll)c'W mr felfe bnto tl)e o~e rn p1cces,ano la1t1 IJnn on ttJc \lJooll, ano ;
IJtml:IJis t1ar. ravMfill foure bamis witlJ \Dater, anD po\D)~ '
16 ~oilDba'llia\DcnttomnH~'lJab.,anbtolll 1t on tlJe wlJole burnt racrtfice, anll on tlJt
IJi1n: anti ad)ab \Dent to mccte ~liais. \llooll.
17 anti w1:1macl}ab fa\tl <fltas, l)cfapb bnto 34 9:n11 ~ecfapb,~oc ro againe. ann tlJcr llill
1 tbCI
_Baals prophecs fiaine. I.Kings. Elias fed byanAngel.
tl.Je tl)trb time.anti t!Jer D'D it tf;Je tJ;JtrDe ttme. s anti a• l)e lap anti atpt bntler tl]c f]l 1mipcr
3s anti tf;Jc \llattr ran rount1 about tl}e altar, ttcc,bcl}olt1e,an angtltoucl}eti IJim, anti ra1t1e..
ann IJe fillctl tl)cpit mitlfl1lattr alfo. . up,anbeatc.
3 ~ g 11t1 mllm tfJcy (IJoultl olfcr tlJt wen~
racrit\ce. Cflia,Ej tf;Jc ~~oplJct came, anti ra,t1e,
6 ant1\Dl)rn1.Jee1oo11ebaboutl)im.llc1Joltlc,
tlJere \Dais a callc b_allrn on tl)c coalcs, anti a tlef•
Jl,oztl ©oll of .~lll,a(Jam ! '.)lfalJac, fllltl or'.)lftael, fd~ or water at (Jis 1Jeat1 : anti lJtt oitJ cate anti
it o1an bee 1motvm tlJ•• bllF t11at d.Jou art tl;Je
©OD in '}fi'ad, 811b that ~ am~ f'mlant' anD
D~mllc, anti lapbc 1J1m bo'ID11ea11aineto Oecpe.
7 anti tl.Je angel Of t(JC ~OJb camt agatnc
tlJat 'JI l}aue Done all tl}efc d.Jtn~ at tl1P com· tlJCfecont1tunc,ant1to11cl)et11)1m, ant1faibe,lll!p,
manilemrnt, . anti eatc,fo~ tl)ou IJat! pct a l,lt'Cat ioumcy.
37 $earc mee,~ JLo~b,IJcarc mcc, tl.Jat tl}tl$ 8 anD l)earorc, anti bill eatt anD ~tnllc, anti
people mar rmo\llc tlJat tl.Jotiart tlJe lL01M!50D, 'IDalhetl in tl]e ftren11t1J of tl]at tneatc fouTtic
ano chat wou (JaU turnen ti.Jett l}eart agatne bape,Ej anti foUTtic nigl.Jt~ cum tmto llJOJeb, tl]c
notll at ti.Jc latl. mount of ~ob.
38 ant1dJefireofdJelLO~bftll,11nt1commnct1 9 1191}en I.Jee came tlJitl.Jntlnto acaue, IJcc
the \llllole burnt racrttice, anti ti.Jc moott,antl t&Je lobgeb t:J,lerrin all ntgilt, anb llcl}oll:le, t1JC moil>
aoncss;ann tbe nuU,anDlicllcb tlp tf;Je tl:latcrtf;Jat ofttte1L01D came to (Jim, ~faille bntotJtm, Dl.Jat
\llaG in tlJe pit. DoCft tIJou (Jere, lflial$1
3.9 anl>'ID{JmaHtlJepeoplefa\tJit,~qfelon 10 anD{Jeanf'mcrel>,*] l.Jauellent ieloUIJfO~ Rom. 11 ,
t11cir face-.anll ratnc, ~e 1Lo1b (Jee is 1!!5ob,tlJe tf;Je lL01t11!!5ob of IJoacss fafl:e: fo~ tlJe d)tlDim of ·
:C.oto ~c is <l!Job. 'llfracl l)aue fo~fahen ti.Jr <ltouenant , ~olien
4o .an::i lflia~ faille bnto tIJem, ~afie ti.Jc P10' Do'mne tl}ine illtari, anb fialne tl}r 10topiJetl$
pfJetss of l5aa1, anti kt not one of tl}emercape. 'alitlJ t(Je f\tlo~tlc: anti] onelr am left, an11 d.Jep
;rtnn t(Jcp toohe tlJcm, anti IJelias llJOUglJt t(Jcm feelic mp lift. to tahc it awar.
j e11u "'111 bntO tilt'. bJOOllC Jllifon, d 8nb ftelll tl}tm ti.Jere, 11 anD (JC faill,CII'Ome OUt,anb ftanll 1Jpon tlJ£
;~;'.~'.~1'· 4r gnn Cfltas ratlltlntoacl)ab, <llJettl}ectlp, mountbefo~ct(Je)l.,o~tl. ant1 bcl}olDe,tl)e)l.,o~ll
rntc, anlJ t11tn1tc, fo~ tl)cre lo founbeof mui::(J '\Dent br, anb a mig!Jtie ftrong mtnt1e tf:Jat rent
ratne. tlJe mountatncis,ann b1111te tl)eroi::llel$bcf01td)c
.: 2 g:ntl ro 9:dJab 'Went tlp to eat anti to 111tnlie: Jl,o~tl, but ti.Jc lLoit1 mas not tn tl)c \llinbC: anti
ann €Iias \Dent tlp to tlJc top off"annel. anb I.Jee aftca: ti.Jc 'IDmtlc came an eart1Jqua11c, but tl]c
ltwcll lJimfelfe flat bpon tfJc eartl), anti put l}il$ ll..o~tl 'IDasmot in tlJctart:IJqualle:
fatcbct\llecncl.JiSfmec,Ej, 12 annaftertl)eeart1Jqua11c, came fire, but
4 3 :a nn fattl to ~i• rcruant, ~o tp, I pray thee, tlJe lLOJb \Dal$ not tn tl)e lire : 8nD after tlJc flrt
an!l loollc tomarll ti.Jc 'IDap of tl,Je ~ea. an1> l}cc came a fmall am tlopcc.
men t bp, anti looketl, anti faitlt, ¢~ere t• no' 1 3 !lnll 'ml.Jen <ftias l}earll , {Jee coucret> IJt•
ti.Jing. Qntl agatnc (Jee rart1e, eoe aptne reuen fa~ 'IDitlJ {Jis mantdl, anD 'IDcnt out, ann lloob
time;s. in tl}e cntring tn of ti.Jc cauc: anti bel.Jolbe, t{Jerc
4.;. anti at t(Je feucntl) time,IJe faiD, l6efJolbc, came a tiopce bnto (Jtm, ann faille, ml}at t1oefl
tIJere arifttl'J a littlctlOUbcoutoftl.Jc ~ea,lillc a tJJou{Jere,Cfltal$'!
ma11l3 l)ant1. tl}cc rait1e, <5oe anti fap tlnto ae(Jab, 14 an1> 1.Jec anf'tl'ltteb, 11 baue benc ietou• fo1
19~eparechy charet anb gcttlJU llo\\me, tl}attl;le tlJc Jl..o~iHil5olJ ofl;lotltl$fakc,becaure ti.Jc C(Jllll1rn
rmne noµ tl)eenot. of jjfrael l)aue fQ1falml t1Jr Cltournant, 'alt
4 s gnn in tl.Je mcane 'ml)tle tl}c (Jeauen 'IDas Do'tllnc tl)ine altars, anll flatnc tbr 19~oplletl$
bl acite \llitlJ dout1es anti mintle, anti ti.Jere 'alas \Ditl.J t)Je f\llo1t1e, anti 'll onclp am left, anti tfJep
a l!tcatraine: anti aa,ab gate tlp, anti came to feckc mp tafmt RlDap.
']\ciral)el. 1 s gnD tl)e J!,o~tlfaitl bnto l}im.~o.anb tume
46 ann tlJe l.Janbe or t(Je ·.t,,o~tl mass on Cfliass, d)p map to tile millltmelTe, tmto ~amarcus:
ani:l l)c giri:letl up IJiS 1or11es,ant1 ranne bcfo~ a' anD 'tlltJen ttou commett ti.Jere, anOt'nt ~a1ac1
ctJab, till IJc i::mne to ~1 c1ra1JeL llin« ouer ~~ia:
16 ann]e{IU ronne of ~ima OJalt t11ou an•
ornt lltn« oner ']Jfrael: anti cie~euis tlJe ronne or
~apl)atof .abch~dJolafJ, llJaltdJouanorntto
be ,,iopl)et in tlJP roume.
17 * '.AnD \DIJo fo efcapetfJ tl)e f\Do~lle ofl)a• 4• Rcg.9.•·
!Sel,l)itntball ]el}Ullaf!Slltl ifanpmanftllP£ cccJu...s.&
tl}e &'IDoiDe of '.]Jel}u , (Jim 11.JaR <lffi~eu• put to
Dtat:IJ, .
18 *!anti '.]I IJaue left mee &um tlJoufantlC R~m.rr.+ ':
tn lttad , of lDIJidJ ncun: man • bo\Deb IJiS ~~~!':. i:° \'

lmccs tinto l6aal , no1 rmren IJim tJJitfJ JJt• ace.. ,'
19 ~01.Jee11Cpartcbtf;Jmce, anD founllcfli1c•
us tlJdonnc of' ~aplJat plowing, anb l)aUing
ttJJeluc rofle ororen bcfo~e IJlm, anD l}c 'mttlJ tlJe '•.
t'Qlduc: ant1 lftias lllmt br IJim, ano caa IJis
mantle bponlJtnL
20 anti l}e left tlJe DJ:m, anb ranne after cflt,
ais,anb f.aill, lltt me,i wa.r tlJu, llitrc mp faUJer
anD mp mot1Jrr,ant1 t~m '.Jl mm'ID tf;Jce. .,c
raille l>nto lJim, 0oe baclle againe,fo~ tolJat is tt
tf;Jat 11 l)aue Dom to t:IJu 't
21 ann1 /-:
.--~- -----·-

:,Benhadads cruel tie, Chap.xx. and ouerchrovv. r;1

u ~D llJl1m IJtt 'JDmt bache a1;1aine from 101e1> ano tl)irtic anll t'IDo: anb af~ ttJcm alfo l}c
lJPn,f1te teollt ac.ouple of arm, anb fie'ale ttJcm.. numb1t0 all tl)c people of tl)c d.J1l111cn of '.]1£racl,
a11111uetre'D tl)e tlefl>. 'JDitb t:IJc inttnnnmtis of d)c cucn rtucn tlloufanb,
otm.anll pui bnto d)c people, anb tl)ey 1liZI cat: 16 anb tlJCl' went out at noone: )But '5cnl)a'
anD dJm\lC arort.. atlll \llcnt after lfliatS,anD mi< ll!iDOtllb1inliC till (J£\UaS 1uunbm in ~e_paui,
niltrell bnto l:Jim. 11onss, bot:IJ l)cc ano tIJc ttingss, cucn tlJtrtt.c anb
The xx Chapter. t'a.lo liin~ tl)at l)otpc IJim.
.17 anot1Jefm1antsoftl)cgouemoursoftl)c
1 Samaria is bcfiegcd. 1 3The Lord promifeth rhe
victorie to Achab by a Prophet.
lbmis 'tllcnt out rtra, 'lBtQbaoab rent out, anll
tl;Jep OJcll>co lJim, raring, ~crcanmcncomc
· JFl l9 115mlJabab tile liing of ~piia out of ~amaria.
gatl}crcb all (Jis l}otle toi;Jed)a, l)a' 18 're faille, ll01Jctl)crtlJcr be comcoutroz
' uln~ tllirtic anll lain~ \llitlJ pea~e,talie tl)cm aliur: 01 \llhctf1crtl)rp bHomt
't~~-1 lJim; anb (Jo1res, anll 'l)aretJS, an11 o~t to figl)t, ta lie tl)cm pct aliut.
11! rocnt bp , anl> bcrtcgeb ~mat1a, 19 anll fo t(Jofc t•ong men of tlJc gouemours
anll lllarrcoagatnait. . . of tlJc fbtreS, came out of tl)c t1tic, ano tIJc l)olk
2 9nb (Jc rcntmcffcn«erstoad,J~gof afttrtl;Jnn:
']!fracl, into ttJc citie, anb faille bnto t;lll(' ~IJus lo .llnll tl)cp tlc'1>e cucrp one hii! rncmic that
fait(J )5cn(Jabab, . ,. came in his way: ano tile ~p1ian~ llclJ,anll tl;Jey of
3 ~lJr mutt anll tlW gollle 1s _mmc, anb ttJc 'lfracl follo\llco after ttJcm: anb l5cnt,,111ao tlle
faircll of tlJF \lliucs, anb of till' c:IJ•lllicn be mme. laitli of ~p,ia fcapell on a lJo~rc, \llitll l)i~ l)o,cc,
4 ano tlJe 11\tng of]!fratl anf'o:ttdl, ,ratbe, men.
~P Io~b 11\tng , acco~lling to tlJl' faring, '.ll am 21 inti tl)e 1.\ing of']!fracl 'Went out,' Cmott
t(Jinc,anll all t:IJat '.]I l}aue. . tIJc lJ01fcss an~ Cbarets, anti \llit(J a great naugl)'
s anb \lllJm mclfeni;JCT!S came agamc, tcrCle\ll IJe tl)c ~r~ians.
tlJcyfaille, -ar;lJus faitlJ )5cnlJallall.. fo~ as nmc}J 2 2 ( ann tl)erc came a l0iopl)ct to tlJc lling or
as]! (Jaue rent bnto tljee. raring, ~(Jou OJalt be< ']\fr11cl, anll faille bnto \Jim, ®oc foo~tl),llnb plar
liucr me tlJr rtlucr,anll tlJ1' go lb, anll tlJ1' \lrtues, tl)e man, be \llifc anll ta11c l)ecn \UIJat ti.Jou bocct:
anl> tlJl' cl)iUl~en: fofwl)cntbereere iss gone about, tl)c l.'iing of
6 'JI ll>tll tlmcfo~c rcnllc mp rmiants bnto ~p1m \UlU come bp ag11i11ll tlJcc.)
tl)ce to moiro\ll tlJiS! time, ano tlJCl? (ball feartlJ 2 3 ann tlJc rcmantss of tl)c lliing of ~pita
tlJinc lloufe, ano ttJe IJoufe~ or tllr rcruants, anb faille bnto l:Jfm, ~e gobs or tl)r hillcss arc tlJcir
\Ullatrocucr is plcafant in tl)ine crcs, ttJcp 11.JaU \JOll)'l, anl> tl)trcfoie ti)cp ()ab tl)c better of 11~:
taliC it in tl)cir l)anbs,anll Mng it amar. butlct \JS figt:Jt againll t11cm in tlJC plaine, anll
7 '4i;IJcn ttJe fiing of]fracl rent fo: al ttJc l.:'1' forwhac ye will lllell)all l)auc tl)cbettrr of tlmn.
11er1;1 of tlJe tanb.anll ratll, '4i;alic l)cco, 'Jl p,ar rc.;.i, 24 Jnll tlli~ilor, -m:afic tl1c Uing~ a\Uap, cuc 0

anll fee IJo\ll tlJiS feUo'me goctll about miftl)iefe: ry man out oflJis place, anb puttmficis in tl}rir
ro: lJce lent bnto mcc foJ mp \Uiuc~. ro, mr $1, roumes:
b1m,foJ mp fllucr, anD fo, mr ~olll,anll] llenico 2 s g nil number t1 ice an IJcftc, lite tile {Jcilc
IJimnot. Cl)at tl)ou llall lotl,fuclJ tio~rris,anll ftulJ c\JarrtS!,
8 anil au tl)e <Jrl1'cr11 , anll all tl:lc people anll \llc \llil figl)t againU tlJcm in tl)c plaine, anll
rail>, ll)carllen not unto him, noi conrmt. tl)oull)altfce b!S gettiJcbctlcr oftllcm. ilnll l)cc
9 ll'.3l}mfo:c l}c faill bnto tlJe meffengcr!S or l)camrncb bnto tlJrir borce, anblliil cum ro.
Jl\cnbaoall, r~cu mr Io111 tl1c liing, au tl)at t(Jou 2 6 anll after tIJcrrerc wa~ gone about. J5rn -
llillbctl fcnne fo1 to tl)l' reruant at ttJe tirll time, ()allall numbµ;ll ~e ~p:tans, anll \llcnt bp to a
tl)at '.] \llill lloe: but ttJis tl)inl.l '.]J mar not ooc. p{Jcc, to ftgllt agamct 'J;fracl.
~nll tl)c mttrengcrs llepartcll, anil b,ougl}t an, 2 7 gun tbc c{JilOJtn of']fracl wcrcnumb!C'll,
(\\)ere againr. anll \llitl} tl}cir \lll)o~e number \llrnt tl1cp a,
1 a ann l5enhallall fcnt bnto bim againc, anll gatna tl)cm, anll tIJe ciJilb?cn of'.Jjfrnrlp1tc1Jcll
rmo, ~l!us anll tlJuis oo tl)c gobs tmto mce,ir tt1c bcfo.Jt t()cm, lil1c t'mo little Hoc,li~ of !iiM: but tlJc
nua of ~amaria bee rnougl) foJ all tt)c people ~p~ianis ftllco ttJc counttcy. .
tlJat foUo\U mc,to talic cucrp man an 1Ja•1ofull. 28 ano tl)crc camea man of ©011,anb failJ \Jn,
n ann tile t1ing of'J;fracl amwcrco,anb faill, to d)e 11.fn~ of ']ifracl, ~u~ faith tlJt ·_c. OJ~,)5e,
~ell 11im, JLct not I1im tl)at putted) on IJis {Jar' caure tbe ~r:ianis uaur ra111r, 'lirhc Jlo?b r~ but
nccrc ,boaa11tmrclfc, a;; l)c tl)atpmtetlJ it off. <JPoll or ttc btncs, anll not ©oil of tlJe ballcyi:1:
u ano \llIJcn l5cnllaMD IJcarll ttJat trbings tl)ttcfo~c \lid 1 ocliucr all tbl~ nrcat mulntubc
ras bce'OJas \llitil tllc liingl!l llJinking \llttl)in tlJe into tlJinc l)anor, 111111 rec n1all 1mo\ll tlJat '.]\am
pauilioni:!) t1cc rain unto l1is fcruants, ~~ rour tl}cJl..010.
fducs in o:ller. gun tlJCl' rec rtJcmfelucJ &n arap 29 ano tl)cy pittlJeO one ourr againct tl)c o,
Bl,lainft tlJc citic. tl)cr rcum llllrci:1,anb in th crcuentll ?>ar tilt bat,
. i 3 anb bcl1olll,tl)crc came a ~Jopl}et bnto g, tcn masiornco: anll tl}c tllilbJcn of 3\fracl ae\ll
d) of '.]lfrael, farin~, ~sfapc_tl)tllr of ttJt ~p:tans an tJunllJCll tl)ourann footrntcn
t.oib, l)att tl)ou reenc au ttlt!S gtcatmuttitullc:' in one oar.
beIJolo,1 \llil ncliucr it into tlJinc l)an'O t{Jt!S bay, 3o )But tllc rctl tlcb to apl)Ct:, intotlJccitic-,
anll tl)ou OJalt linoin tl}at 1 am tl)e JLo:b. anll tl)crc rcn a lllall bpon t'lllcntic anll rruen 1
14 ano acl) ab raib..l5P ml)om:' ll)e rato, ~us tl)oufanll oftllc mc~tlJat\llerc left· Mb )6en1Ja'
fatt1.Jtl)e·.llo:11, Cftlcn up tllc rcruantsoftl)cgo, Dall Hell, ano came mto tlJc cttic, frhm t'1J,m1bcr
ucm0utis of ttJe n1ires. i:}c ra~o agatne.DlJo lball to ct}ambcr.
01oertt1r batten~ ano (Je am\llereo, ~ou. 31 ano bis fcruatft$$ fain bnto l}im,:lM1olllc,
1 s ~en l)ec: numbieo ttJe rcruantss of tlJe go' wcl)auc1Jeatt1faptlJattl)elungs oftllc t1oure of
ttemours of ttJe llJireis. anb tlJcp 'JDerc tblo l)lm' ']frael arc mttcifull flingl!I: wrc \tJill tlmcfotc 1
I Pili
Ahabs foolifh picie. I.Kings. Naboth fl:oned co death.
rutf11d1clotfJ about ourloines.anll rope!J about . 3 gub frlllbotf;J faib to a'1)ab, Qe Jl.,o~b (OJ'
ourl)eallfJ, an11 goe out to tl)e fling of '.]lrtacl, it bin tl)at frommce, tl)at 111Jou1t1 glue tt;ie int.Jeri•
map be (Jc 'll.'llTI rauc tbF lire. tante of mp fatllnJ btlto tlJce.
p. an11 ro t(Jey girlleD facJtdotl) about tlJtir 4 ~nb aa,ab camr. into ti.Jc lJoure, IJeauie,
lopncJS, an'D put rop_es about tlJm (Jeallss, anll an1>rtnl~ape1J., b~Ufcoftl;Jewo~ll\llt.JitlJ ~a·
came to tl)c Ittn~ of]fracl,anlJ fail>. ~In? Ceruant botlJ tl)e ']e!falJeUte l,1~tl fpolim to l}im: fo~ l)ee
l6mlJabab faith, 'I p~ap tl)ce, let mu ltut. l,)ee lJatl raiDe.] wlUnot giuc tbec tile inl;Jeritance of
raiD, '.J!~ (Jc pct aliue~ ge i13mr1'Jot(Jcr. mp Catl}erf3: anti l)ee lapetl l)im llo'IDnc bpon IJiis
33 ann tlJ~ mm tooll.c tl)at wo~De fo: gooll bcn, ano turnctl awap I.Ji.SS race, anlJ woutt1 cate
lucfi, anb lJAfltlp raugl.Jt 1t out ofl)iJSmolitl),anll nob~e1111 .
• L~r td ~1:ur. faii.1, !i?ca,tlJp b~otllcr •)13en}Jal:lalJ. ~e fal'b, Cl5oe, 5 '.15ut ]c,abel 1Ji13 \lltfe came to (Jim, anti
b~inix 1Jtm1Jit1Jcr.an1Jl5cnl)allat1 tame out bnto fain bntol)im,n&l)pi~ tl;Jpfpirit rofab,tlJattfJou
I.Jim, \1 IJc taufell l)itn to come bp tnto tl)e ctJaret. catea no b~eat11
H gnll IJcc fBlllC bnto IJitn, ~ctttte)3 Wl.JitlJ 6 ann l)c r11tn bnto l)er,fo~ '.3l Cpalic llnto .fla•
mr fatlJcr toofie from tlJp fatl;Jer,] wil rello~c a· botlJ tlJe ]c~al)clitc, ann faille bnto (Jim, <ll5iue
gainc, \1 tl)ou 11.Jalt make arect13 fo~ tl)ee in ~a· mee tlJr fo~ monep '· o~ elfc ifit plcarc
marcu13,a13 m~ fat}Jcr llib t~ ~amatia:anl:l] w1l t(Jee,') '1D1I giue tlJce another btncparlJ Co~ it: anti
maftc an appomtment \\ntlJ t}Jee, anll fmlle t}Jee l}c anlwmlJ, l \\ltl not !Jiuc t1Jee mp bineparn.
a\IJap. anti fo lJee mane an appointment \uttlJ 7 .anti '.)je,abel l}i~ \lltfc ratllc bnto lJim,
IJtm.antl rent IJim awap. • ~oclt tl)ou now gouemc tl)e liingbomc of']l, • ~uboui!
3s anti tlJerc wa13 a ttrtatnc man of tl)c tlJil· rael 1bp. ann eate b~ean, anb ret tt;iine l)eart at ::::::~ur.:;
tucn of tl)c 10i opl)etJS, wl)itlJ Caill bntol)i13 netgf)• re ct: '.]! 'Gli~ gtuc tl)ec ti.Jc bincyarn of JaabotlJ tl)e ~~;.~~~:~~
bour in ti.Jc 'IDO~tl of tlJc lLo~n.~mitcme,9] pµip ]C!fa(Jebtl', mano,1n1rc-
1 tl)cc.Qull tl)c man woullJ not ihlite l)im. 8 .Qntl ro ll)e\\l~otc a letter tn ad,lab13 nanu, Ullr OD(,

3c; ~en fain l)c bnto 1Jim.l5ccaure tfJou(Jalt ann Cealell ttwttlJ l)tss fealc, anb rent tl)c letter
not ticarhencn bnto ti.Jc bop"~ of t{Je JL.o~tl, be• bmo tile Clelllcrss, ant> to tlJe noblc13 tlJat mere in
no toe, a13 Coone a13 tl)ou arti1eparteb from mec,a IJiis titte IJ\\Jelltng U'litlJ /r:labotf.J.
JLion l11aU1ar tl)ee.anD all'oonca13 l)e'l»assncpar• 9 anb 11.Jee \l'ltote in tlJC letter, Capinl,l, -)0•
ten from l)tm,a )Lion founn l)im,ann acw IJtm. daime ab fatt, anb fct .f)abotl) on l)igl} among b fo1111m
37 ~l)en1Jccfoununot1Jcr man, anll rattle, tl)e people: ~~~~~ ·
~mttcmc,'Jl p~aptlJec.anb tl)c man rmotcl,Jtm, 10 anbfctttooimt1J1fftssbcfo1c1Jtm,tobeare ::\~;~: '
ro tIJat in fmittnglJe \l'lounneb tJim. tllitndfcagainft(Jim, faring, ~IJOUbilJlleQbfaf• ~r:;'= '
38 ~ot1Jel0~op1Jetweutfo0Jt1J, anbwaitcb pl)e1nc c3otl ann tfJe king: anti tlJcn tarp l}im out ..,.. ·,
fo? tl]c ll\ingbrtlJe mar. anti put bimfelfcout of anb aone t.Jtm to beatb.
hno'rolcDge, \l'lttlJ afl)css 'Wl.Jtcl) (Jc 1arcn bpon(Jiss 11 .anb ' tlJe men oflJiS dttc, mm tlle Clelbers • wo~n""' .
face. anl> goucrnoui:13 wbitlJ nwclt in IJiS titic., tlill ass l:/,~in":."' ;
39 anti\lll)ett tl)ckinicamt bp, (Jc m~bnto ]c~abcl l]all Cent UJcm,ant1 a13 it was mitt' ::~,c.:~
tlJc king, anll raib, ~bl' rcmant 'ltlcnt out in tl;Je ten tn t11c letter ro1J1ctJ GJe (Jab rent bnto tl.Jcm. ·~·J·~ ~::· ;
mill Des of t{Jc battcll,ann bel,Joll>c, tlJtrc\Denta• 1 i ~hep p~o,laimctl a raa, anti rct ~abotlJ a, ;. ' · ·
\llap a man, wIJom anotl)er man tnougl.Jt tmto mong tl;Je tlJiefe of tJJe people.
mc,anll fatb,lllcepc tl)i13 man: anti irl)cbe milfel>, 1 3 .anll ti.Jere c:ilmc m t'lllo men, tbe dJiltl~m
o? loll, tlJl:' life fiJall got fo~ IJiSS, o~ cl.SS tl;Jou ll)alt of l5eltat, anti rate bcfozc I.Jim : anti tf.Je 11vo bn'
µap a talent ofmucr. tbtiftie pcrfon13 lllitmtrell againll J~abottJ , in
~o ~nna13t1Jp remant !)all f)ertal1tl tl)creto tl;JcpJefcnte oftl]e people~ raping, .flabotlJllttl
Doc,l)c mas gone. anti tl)cmn«of'.]lfrad fail> bn• blafpl)cmc <lDotl anti t11e rung. !anti tt.Jrr tarietl
to llim, cfuen Co fiJalI tlJF tungcment be, aJS tl)ou (Jim out of tlJc 'itie, Oliil aonell l}im witlJ aones,
lJaft gtucn rentcncc. tl)at l]c ntcl).
4r ant11Jee l)aetrn, ai.tll toolte tlJe aflJeJS a\l'lar 14 gnll tl;Jen tlJef Cent to '3lelabct,faping,Jaa,
from IJi~ face, anti tlJe hm~ of f}Cracl fme'W (Jnu botl) is ftonen to tleat(J.
. tlJatlJe was oftlJe ~~opl)cts: . 1 5 anti wben ']lc~abcl (lcRr?I tl)at ~abotlJ
3·i{•ng.ii. 42 !ilntibreraibebntol)im, *~u13ra1t1Jt1Jc was ltoncn to tleattJ,llJcc faibe to gc(Jab.~,anb
' · l.o~n. JBcniure ti.Jou IJa« Ict~o out oftlJp (Jann a take polTrlTion of tl)e bincparbc of ~abotlJ tlJc
man 'ID[}om] appotntctl to ntc,tlJF lire fl.Jan goe 'Jle!fa{Jclite. wbictJ IJC tlmietl to giuc ti.Jee roi mo•
fo~ lJts Itfe, anti ttw peo~lc ro~ l}tss people. ncr : fo~ JeabotlJ ts not aliue but ticaD.
43 ilntl tl;JC11in~ of'J]f\'acl \Dmt to bi13 l)oufe, 16 gnD 'mllen .ac1Jab bearb tlJat Jaabot(J 'IDaJS
lJeauic,\f tn tlifplcnrurc, anll tame to ~amaria. Dcao, bee aootle bp, to· goe bo'mnc to tlJe bitte,
par?J of ~abottJ t(Je ]c11:a1Jrlttc, to tafle poU'cr
The xxj .Chapter. rtonoht.
8 lez.abel commandcth co kill Naboth for 1he vine- 1 7 anti tIJe 'tllo,ac or tl)e JL,oJb tame to lflias
yard that hee rclufcd to fclho Achab. 19 Eliasrc- tlJc-at(Jefotte,fapinlJ,
. proucth Achab, and he rcpcn1c1h. 18 m.p, ano goe b9\Dnr to mrctc ac11ab bing
1ftcrtl)cfe tl'Jin~~abotIJtf;Jc'J!e!• or']!ttad, 'mlJi'IJ ism ~amarJ!1: bel)oloe, I.Jee is
~al:Jeltte llaD a bineyatbc tn 1jeJrtl• in tl)c btner\lTD orJhbotl.J, wlJttlJcr IJ£ ill gone to
•lei, l)arb bp t(Je palau of id}ab, po(['dfcit.
km~ ot ~amana. 19 ano tbmfo)e llJalt tlJou far bnto IJim,
• ~Iii raitlJ tilt l.OJZI, IJalt tl}ou hilletl, anti alfo
taym~ ©1uc ,;c ,!'ll ~t1111b q,arre bnto frlallotlJ.
' ..,l'bintpart1,t1Jat1!ma11mafle witten polfelTion:' ano t1Jou fl.Jalt rpcahc bnto
m_c a gartlcn onJttbcistl'Jtte.of.betaUfeit ltetlJfo l)tm. ~ing, ~us faitlJ tbe Jl..O)b, 1n tl}c plate
ntl\IJ ~np l)ourc •811'b .1 'oliU gtuc t(Jec f«JJ tt a bet> 'IDtJerc boggcfJ l"kc!l tlJtblootl of ~abotl), OJall
tcrti~ncrarD tl)rn 1t1is: oi ratbrrifitptearctlJee, ooggefJ licl!e cum t1Jr bloon a1ro.
'j\ 'IDlll~1ue tfJrt tl'Jc'oloitl)ofttinmonep. 20 anbac1JabfaiDto4!!liaS, ~alttf1oUfotmD
2S !dll<; ,
Achab flainein battell. I.Kings. lofaphacdiech.
25 Qnll ~iclJca
in tl,Jat t1ar, \lllJtn tl}ou 11JalC goc from c1Jamm
to cuamber to )Jioc tl)ec. . .
2 6 anti t!Jc fling of'.]lfracl fattl, ~afle g!J1c1Jca,
ann carp l:)ini bnto a1m.~n tt;Je gounnour of t!Jc
citlc,antl to :1)oa~ tlJellU~gisfonne:- .
7 anorar. ~u~ ra1t1ltl;Jcltung, ~uttfJi~
rcnotuc in tlJc p~1fon IJoufc, anb rect>C l:)nn \DttlJ
b)cao of' aflltctio~, anb \llttlJ \Dater of trouble,
bntill '.Jr rcturnc mpeace.
28 ano ~icl:)ca faille, '.l!ftlJou rctumc in
pcace,tl;Jc JL,o~ll lJatiJ not (pollen bp mcc.anb !Jee
rato, ~cam en re people. CUCfl' one or rou.
29 anl:lfotl:)e l!ting of'.)fracl, anb ')ofapbat
tlJc Illing of]utla, tocnt bp to mamotl,) in~t·
30 anti tlJc laing Of '.)~Sci faille bnto ')ofa•
plJat,'jj \Dtllcl:)angemrappamt, antJtoiUcnttr
into tlJe battcll, but put Cl:)ou on tl:)inc apparcIL
lnll tf)c l!tmgof'lfrad c:f}angttl f}imfclfc, anti
\llmt to batttJL
3r l5ut tf}e Bing of ~nia commantlcb tlJc
tl1irtie anll t\Do captaineSf ttJat IJat> rule oucr l:)ilS
cI1arct~, raring, 1fig1Jt ncitl:)er 'IDitlJ rmauno,
nrcat,raue onclr again ft tIJe rttng oC') lracl.
32 anti \D(Jen tl:)c captainclS or tl)c cf}arctis
fa\llc ]ofap1Jat,tl)c11 faille, ~urclr tt lS5.tlJe king
of'.]fracL am tl)cr turnctl to figi,t agamfl l)tm:
anil 'J]ofapl]at mco.
33 anll \l:Jllen tl]c captatncss of tfJe cl]crretis
raw tlJat l]c mass not tf}elifng oC]l\'ad,tl)ey tur•
ncb bacJtc from {Jim.
34 ann a ccrtainc man t11cto aboto fgno~nt­
lp, ann rmotc tfJc 1..1\ing of 1crae1 bct\Decne tl}e
ribbc£S anb l}i~ l]amc!l'c: n&l]crcro~c l:)c rattl tmto
ttJe Muer or{JtS5 c:IJaretS5, ~ume tl:)inc l)anlJ,anb
rn' b.lickr. mr ~me out ot tl:)e l)oac, fo1 lam~ IJUrt.
3s gnn tIJc battel cnaearet> t1Jatna11: 811l> flJc
hing aootl lhll in l:)iSS a,aret agatnfl tlJc ~~f.
an~,an'll t1ict1at lfum: ann tbc bloot>.ranne out
of tlJc 'roounn,tnto tl)c miiltltSf of tile dJmt.
36 anti tl)crc tocnt a wo,1a1nation Cl:)o10\D•
out flJc l)oac , about tl)c going 110\Dnc of tf}e
~unnc, raring, lfuerp man to l]tss dtic, anb to
lJt~ o\lmc countrcr.
37 ~o tl;Je ktngbict>,~\Daf5b1ougl}tto~a'
maria, am tl.Jcr burict> tl;Jc king In ~amarta.
3s ano one toaft.Jcb tl;Jc maret tn tlJc poole or
~amaria, anb Cl:)e 11oggcS5 lidtct1 bpl)iSSblootl,
Chap.u. anti tl)cr \l:Jtllbtb lJiS armour, *accoibtngbnto
ii. tl:)c \uo:t> of tl:)c ')L~t> \DlJid:) 1Jc fPallt.
39 ~e tcO: of Cl:)c \lJoJlltlS t)Jat 'onccmc g,
c1Jab, anb au tl}atl:)u bib, anti tlJc '.]ltio1tc IJourt
. :-

The end ofthe firf.lbookeof Kings, commonly called

the thirdc bookc of Kings.

. I

Chap.i.ij. Firefromheauen. 133

of che l(ings~
The fir fl Chapter. · 1 3 .ano tl)e king tct againc rmt t{Jc tbirb

Aha:z.ia by :a fall fallcth Cickc, and confulu:th with mptarnc ouer fiftie, 'IDidJ lJis fiftic men: anlJ tl)c
tl)1r1J cap ta inc oucr ftftie \Dent bp,anll camc anb
fcl on lJ&S knee~ bcfo~e (flta)'S,anll bcfougi1t l}im,
I~~~~~~rn ~oab rebclltll auatnn anll faii:I tmto (Jim,©IJ man of ©oll, 'Jl p1ar tl)cc,
'~· 11 ·1rrac1, arm tl]e i:lcatb of _a, let mp ~rrc, ~nll ti.Jc life of tlJc fiftic tlJr rcruants
1 cl.Jab. be PJectous mtlJp figlJt,
~ 2 an1:1 ahstta ~n tlJcnO\ll 1"' )l)eIJolll, tl:Jcre came fire llo\Dne from 1.Jea•
~: a lattdrc mtni:lo\U of IJIS bp• ucn, anD bum.t tip t(J£ttoo fo1c '8Ptaincis ouet
~ per i:(Jambtr t11at 1.Jtt tJab In Ut1e, ~ltlJ tl:Jcir fiftics:t1Jcrefo1c ltt mr life now
:--., ~amaria, ani:I b>lJile l)c ll.las be p1mou~ m tlJr flgtJt,
t rec tn (Jis ficrmclTc, l)rc rent . 15 Qnl) tl)C Qngel Of tlJC Jl,OJbC faille bnto cf,
:1~ mdrengcrs.ani:I faro tinto tlJrm,<1150 anb em1utre IJ8S,<l150C
t1 · t':I
(Jim, anll' be not afraib
. ,
Of 'n11hea•~''"''
~~:~:ii~~. of'' l5Cc1Icbub ti)Cl,JOi:I Of lfi:r.m, 'ID(JCtl}er '.]!II.Jal .,nn • .unll .,ec 11ro1c, anb \tlcnt llo\Dnc w1t1Jl)1m n. .. " ""
:: "''','~' rccoucr oftlJismp otrcarc. . llnto tl)e bing. '' trm11Tagi.

>~:i,or,bl, 3 l6utt(Jc gngd oftl}e ·JLo~tJ fpalrcto Cfl1as 16 .anb l)cc farDe bnto IJtm, ~IJus raretlJ t11c
' :u~:.~i. 1 ti.Jc ~dbitc, artrc, ano goc bp agatna tlJe mcf• JL01b, '.ffo1 a'5 muc(J as t(Jou I.Jail: rent mcrrengcr)l
r •:~~!'.::. rengers of ttJc fling of ~a maria, anb rap bnto to arhc counfcll at '3tcl!cbub t(Jc gob orefcron
·ti~... 1.1... ""cm, Ills
•·,·•llluurs ...., 31
a ©oll in lllfraclthat"cc
31 "J l »trot ~a~~ougl:J tl)erc 1Ja11 betneno ©oll in ']!rracl,
;;_:...'""' to aOiecounfcll atl6el'l~ebub tbc gob of ecron:' Wl)ore lD01t1 t11ou migl)tca fceflc after) t1Jmfo1c
--il'J.:::... 4 1101Jmfo1e. tiJus rarctl) tlJc Jl,o;bc, QJou tiJou 11.Jalt not come bonmc off tl)c bei:I on lll)JiclJ
;~:::r. n1altnotcomc llo'lllne from ttJc bcllbcon'IDl)irtJ tl)ou art gone bp,but 11.Jalt bit tf;Je llcattJ.
\::rtorub•r ttJou art gone bp,but f!Jaltntc d}c lleatlJ. anll 'le• 17 anti Co )Jee IJiell, 8CCOJbing to tlJc t\t07bC Of
-~ lias llepartei:I. tl}e Jl,01llc 'all}tcl) ltli~ l)aD fpOhcn: anll ~01am
i::t s ~nb 'allJcn ttJc mcttcngcrs tum ell baclica• his brother began to rctgnc in l)iS lfcaD, in tlJc Cc·
t:: gainc bnto )Jim, (Jc fain llnto tf}cm, 1191'1' arc rec conb rem of '.]\01am ttJc ronne of'.]loraplJat bing
~ no'G) comt againc '! of ]ulla,becaurel)elJab no Connc.
••,. 6 ~l)cp anl\Dettll (Jtm , G;IJcrc 'atttt a man 18 ~c rca of ttJe mo1lls ttJat conccmc Ql)a·
~· bpapfnlt bJS, anllfafbtmtob!l, 0oeanlltumc tta. \t'il}at tlJings [Jee bill,arc t(Jcr not 'ID1ittc11 in
aiiau1c bnto t(Jc btng ttJatrmt rou.anll rap bnto ti.Jc boofle of tl}c Gtl)1onide'5 of tl,Jc kings of ]C·
tmn. ~s f!lt'dJ tl1t JLo,nc, ']s tl)erc not a 0011 racl~
In ~frad, tlJat tl)ou Ccnl>ctl to mquirc of ~eel' Theij. Chapter.
!CbUb tl)c 1101> of lfcron:' tl)crcro1c t{Jou RJalt not 8 Eliasdiuidcth 1hewarc15wi1h his clokc, 11 Hcis
come l>o'tllnt from ttJc btnllc on b>l,)i'I,) t{Jou art taken vp into heauen, 2 3 The: children chac mock
gone bp,but nialt bic t(Jc neatIJ. Elifc:us arc rent in pieces wich bc:arc:s.
7 !ilnblJc.efailltmtotlJnn, 119(Jatmannerof
man \DA~ t:lJat 'col)klJ came bp,anl> met rou,anl> Jall tul!cn t1Jc'Lo1ll \Doulb talre bp
to Ill you tlJcfcwoil>i! :' lfltas into"' l)caucn bpa \DIJirlt• c~n. ~.1 4 .
s annttJer anf'mttcb1Jtm, 1ttnrusan1Jairp mtnlle. lflisstucnt tuttlJ Cf. ltfm~ 1olu>.5 •.7.
man, anll girt UJit'IJ a girlllc oflcatbci about (Ji'5 Cram ~flgal.
lopnc~.~nll ()c rain,1 ti~ ~ia• tiJc ~c. • 2 anb cfltas rapbc bntoUlfli< 11or,E1ir••
9 ~~m tile lftng rent bnto l)tm a captRtnc rcu~ ~ante f1trc,'J PJ8'P tl)cc: ro1 tlJc Jl,otll tlatl)
ourr fiftic, \\1 l't[J l)ts fiftte n1m: 'alfJid1 came to rent me to 75etl)cl. lfltreus rapb bnto l)im,:a~ tl)e
IJim(anll bcIJotll,fJc rate on tl)c top oran 1Jil1Jm1ll JL01nc liuctb, anll a.t! tor roulc liuctfJ,'Jl lDiU not
IJt t\lake bnto lJim, -m::llou m1111 Ofeo:>, tl)t ldng Itaue tl)ee. :anll tlJl'l! came llD\1lne to l6ct1Jel.
{Jat(J ratMto111c nownc. 3 a an!) tl)l' dJilZJ;m or tlJC ~zopl)ctlS tJ:Jat fC~llblm

1o lfltais anfaln-cn ann £sine to t1)t C«p(atnc tuerc at l5ctl)rt,camc out to lllifcu~, 11 faill bnto re~~::;'"'
oacrfifttc, i)]f] bee a man of <3ob, let lire 'omc IJim,f5nolDctl tlJou not IJO'ID tl:Jat tl)c Jlozb w· ;~: ~\~:~·:i:'.
llotone from lJcauen, anll confume tl}u anb tlW taflc ll\tlap ttw mancr from dJF IJtal> tbt~ '!
~~r'~~~~ fU'tic. hQnlJ tl)crc 'ame fire from l)caum,anll .:on- ll:)e fafl), '] fmo'ID it alfo, IJolb rou pour pea •
,. ~:f::r1·.~" fumt111Jim anb l1ts fiftic. 4 anll lfltais rapllc bnto IJim, ~life . tane
/:n ~ lllk· II a11aine 8If0 lJcCCllt bntO lJttn 8Uot1Jtfel1Jl' re, '.) vier tlJtt : ro1 tl)c Jl,ozlle l)at nt me to
tainc oucr ftltie, mitiJ IJis fi:Ctic: anb ()cc l'paltc. .
anb fatll tmto IJim, © ma11of15olS,tl}UlS (JatlJ tl)e
bini;t rarn. ~alit ~c,anti conu tio'lllnc.
i crU:lJ.o. ll:)c rar1:1. ~IS ttJc JLoJl> liu , anll as tl)r
idc 11uct1J,. '] \Ilrll not lcauc tlJff· anti fo tlJCV
came to ']cric:lJo. '
s anll tl)e '()tlbJcn of tfJe wopIJcts tIJat mm
11 cflias anl'tacrei:I, anti rarnc bnto tt)em.1f
1 btt a man ef <21011, lct fire come 11o'll>nt from at 'Jlcrii:l}o came to <fttrcu~ anb faille bnto (Jtm.
btauen, anb cenrmm t(Ja ann tl)p fft'dt. Qtltl . l.'lno'alcli tl}ou not tlJat tl}e JLoib '1lil tafle awar
ttw mailer from tin' l)r.tb tl)t~ tiar -: 11,)cc anf\Dc·
tl)crecamc«rcof <Boll t'tont(Jcsurn, lllltlwnfU.
mcll lJim anb IJi• fiftie. rcb,']fmolD it alfo, IJ(llb re rour peace. ______
l The reignc ofloram. 6 Hee and lofaphat goe to
warrc againfi Moab, which rebelled. i4 The Mo-

:..he Moabitesvanquifhed. Chap.iiij. The oyle encreafed. 134
'14 91111 cfttfeuJ farll,~ tlJe ·JI..~ Of)Jo1feii It• 2 Cflireu, ~lie bnto l)er, ~elhnee\lll)at ']
uetl}, in \l)(Jefe ~ 1 ttanll, a111> it mm not llJaU 1IO foi thtt:' 119(Jat tJaft tl)ou in tlJine IJouret
tlJat 1 rr1_att1 tlJc Wtfm~ or '.l\orap1Jat t)Je kini ~bu fapnc; ~IJfnc IJanllmatlle l;Jatl) notl)tn~ at
oafntrr• of 1uDa. 1 \l)OUUJ not IODflc to\tlarll Cl)eej no~
I au tn t11e1JD1tre,raucapitc1Jermitll opk.
:~:.,i::::• pet rce tl)ee. J I.le rarn tlnto lJcr, «3Joe,anhbo10\l! be1I'e115
t :r.m:m~· 1 s '6utnom b~ing me amtntrto.an11 '1111Jen fo1 tlJcc \llitlJout, of all tlJP neiglJl:Jouris emptic
t '''''"" t11emtntmllplapell, t)Je1Jant10ftl)e:l-o~came betfdlS,atJll ttat not a ft'O>:
11 1bc1a. tJponlJim: 4 !ilnll \lll)m ttJou art mme in , tljou t1)alt
16 9111> l)e fapll, '4rl}us raptlJ t)Je JLoill, ~allt 11.Jut tl)e ?Jooie after ttJce, anD after t1JV ronncJS,
tlJiJS tiallcr full ofllittlJe•: anD po'ID;e out into au a tl}of.e bdl'C~: anb (Ct a' ~,~.~.~fOJ
11 rJf.oi t1Ju• rartlJ tlJt ·,t,0~11. !?et flJ8D fte nti• £ibc tl)at'm(J1tl]1S fUU. [~~::.i.~t."•ff
tlJei ttnnll no~ raine, rec t1Je baiter SJJall be filltll f a111> k UJe \Dmt from hi'"
(0 IJ ,., a.nb n.uttt d)c fer t~•••b
r1mllUC lur·
'IDitlJ \Dater,tlJat pe mar Mnlle.bodJ pee, ll rout
&. II} 1'111up
Doo~ a,cer .,er, anti aftct l)cr ronnef5: anll tlJel' u.... "'1.11
beall15,ant1 rour cattell: . biought to (Jer,antl {l}e po'IDJeD out. ~';Ill,~~··"''
I' 18 ann tlJi• iJS vet but a CmaU dJtr11 tn tl)e 6 a111> \Dl.Jm tl)e bl'U'dJS tl1ere full. tl.Jee fap!I
' Q'gl}t oftl}e ll..o;ll. fo~armuclJ a11]em11;meour.r tintolJttfOnne, :J5tingmcpetabelI'eO. annl)u
ti}e ~oabiteJS atro into pour 1)8111>1: rart1,'.Jl h.auc no 1noe.an11 tl}e ople mneil.
19 anti pe flJal rmtte euett' ttrDn« tobm'e, 8111> 7 -ar(Jm OJe tame, anll toltl tl}e man of ~011 :
euernoo Dip titie , a111> 11Jall fell euett' pleafant an111Je fapD,<ll5oe,ann Cell tlJc oplc, anllpap tllmt
tree, anti ttoppe cuett' me11on11am; anlJ mane tl)at tlJou art in llebt bnto : butliuc tfJou IJtlJF
euerp gooll plat ofgrounb mitlJ «ones. tlJtlllJen of ttJe rd?.
20 !Intl in tlJe moming 'OJIJen tl}e mcatc oft. 8 ant1it fell on a aaptl)at <fltfcu1Scatntto
ring \DaJ offmtl, bdJolll, tl)m came mater bp ~uncm, 'm!Jere \Dal5 a great \lloman, tl)at toofl
ti}e \Dap of <ftom, anll t!Je councrey mu fUltll f1itn info~ to cate b:eatl : an11 ro it mme to patrc,
\llitlJ \Dater. from t(Jat timcfo:tllCas oft BIS lJC came tl)at
2 1 anti mlJen alt tl}e Sll!;)oabite$!1 ~tarlt tl)at war) ge tum ell in tl}itlJct to eat b~eatl.
il ti}c fttngss mere tome bp to fi;IJt qainlt t:lJmi, 9 anti llJe Cap!I bnto IJct (Jur!Janb, :J5cholll,'l
~.10 tlJet' gatlJcrell~lltl)at \DaJabte *to IJBt• pemiue tl)at tf;Jil5 ilS an l)olp man or 15otl,\lll.JictJ
'l!Jim- nctre,anll tfoob m tlJe 11oi11er of tlJe lanb. palfctl) bl' b!S continuallp.
,ewith a 2 2 an11 t1Je11 mere bp earclp in tlJe momidi, 10 Jl_,etbismakc(Jimaltttlect:Jamber, '.31 P?aF
:t'· anD tile ~unne {l}one bpon tl}e mater, flJat tlJe ti.Jee,blitl) 'alalles, anD let blS fl't IJtui ti} ere a bro,
t ~oabitef5 came tlJe \Datu afam ol af5 teblle IUI ann a table, an!I a tfooll', anti a ranlllcll1ru::
blooll. tlJat IJe mar tumc in tlJitl)er'a.ll)en f}e commeti)
:i; :a 3 anll tlJep faiD, Q)iJ ilS tlJC blooll DfftlluglJ• tobJS,
tcr: tile ki~ are flaine, ann one)Jauc t\nttten 11 gn11ona11ap1.Jecamtt1Jtt1Jer, an11tume11
anotIJer: f.}o'O> t1Jerefo1e, il@oab, gee t!Jcc to tfJe into tl)e Cl)amber,a111> lap t(Jerein,
Cpople. 12 anll fapb to 115e1Jc~i IJilS femant, ¢all t(JiJ
24 ant1lDIJmt1Jep&:amttot1Je1Jotltof 1fta' ~unamite. an11 'mlJmlJc callell l)er,OJee ~fl'n·
cl, t11e ]rraelittJS ftoolle bp a111> fmotc tl)e Sll!;)oa• tell IJer felfe befoie I.Jim.
biteJ.'l,fo ttJat tIJep llell 1:Jefo1etl;Jmt: but tlJep Col' 1 3 9n'b agatne IJe raill bnto l}im, -arell {Jer, be'
lo'O>eb tipon tl}cin,anb fmote ~oab, l)olll,tl)ou l)atl time carcruu fo~ 1315 \DitlJ a\I t(JilS b ttf)ccrrlf.ri
· 2 s an11 tlJep ouertl;J~e\ll tlJt cittcJ.'1.anll on cue• care, b 119lJ8t fiJall \DC no\D boe foi tl)ec ~ 1190Ul• of eoa m
rieiQoD pamlloflanD caft cunv manl}IJ,'11lone, tle~tlJOU be Cpoken fo:to tile king, oi to tl1ecap• r:~ r~~::i1;
anti fillebit, anb tlJer tlopt an tlJe mcllef5 of \Da• tame Of tlJe lJOtfe :' ~(Jee ant'nlercll, 'Jl b\llell a' nmucu.
ter, an11 fellell au tlJc gooll treeJ,'l.onelp in lliflJa• mong mine o\Dnc people.
raretlJ ll'fttllep tl)e ftonelS tl}ercof: l)ombeittl)ey 14 gnb l)e faill againe, U01Jat ilS to be Done foJ
\lltttt about it\DitlJ ntngsS,anb t\uote it. IJer:' <ISetJc~t annuercll,lllerelp 11Je (Jatll no clJill>,
2 6 anti \lllJcn tl)c Iring of Sll)oab fa\1l d)at flJc an'b 1JerlJUfbant1iJS0111.
batten wa11 too fo1efoi 1;Jin1,l)uto011emtt1J 1Jim 1 s an'bl)cfap11~. ~aU1Jer.ant1\ll1Jcn1Jecl]all
fcum (Junn1e11 men tlJatllte'tDtl) IJaue taUCD l)er,llJC ftoo!I in tl)e llDOJC.
11onctl)1ougf.J eucn bntot)Jektngof ebom:but 16 ant1 l.)c Cap?J,at tl)il5 time appointcD,atco:•
tl}ep coultl not. !ling to tl)e time of life, ttJou UJalt imb:atr. a
2 7 .Qnb tllm IJce toolle IJiJS dbel ronne tl)at fonne • .Qnll flJe fapD, ©IJ nap mp 10:11 tl}ou man
fiJOUlll IJaue reigneD in IJiJ fteall,anll otfmll l.)imof Cl3o 'b, Doc not 11e bnto tflinc 1Ja111>mai11.
1 ,,, 11 , roi a \1l1Jolc burnt offering tipon tfJeblaD: a:111> 17 gn'b t:lJe \lltfe tonceiuell, ann bare a fonne
,•.,...: •· dJere \llais b great i11Di~ation againtf jj~ad, tl)at Came rcaron tl)at cflif.eUJ lJaD rattl bnto IJer,
:~~:~:~·! anti tl)ep t1cparteb frcm lJim, 81111 return@ to auoiDing to tlJC ttmc omrc.
:i:1u' Of tl}eir omne lan!I. 18 anti \DI.Jen tfJc t(Jdtle \ll8$!1 growm, it fen
onabaptlJatlJe \DrntouttoiJiisfatl)er, anti to
Theiiij. Chaptc!, . tiJenapers,
4 God encreafcth the oylc ~o ;hcpoorc w1dow.cby 19 gnn (Jcfaill bnto l)r'S fatl)er, 91Jti
Elifcus. n Hee obrainet1' lo: rhc Sun:amuc a 1Jea11. anb l}ec faptl to a lall?Je. ¢aric l:)tin to lJiJS
fonnc ar Gods hand. 28 Who dyed and was raifcd motl)er.
vp againc. 2 o a1111 ml)m l)e IJaD takm IJim,anb biouglJt

m tlJcre crpell a certaine 'Qloman IJitn to 1Ji1unot1;Jer,1Jcfate on1Jerflnu15 ta noon,
of tlJe \lltue!l of tlJe ronnef5 of tile anD t{Jcn 11ret1.
l&Jopl:JetlS bnto <flifcuJ, fapiniJ, 21 anll 11Jt \Dent bp,8R1J lapllel)im on the brb
-arl)r reruant mp IJufban'b tis 11ca11, orttJe manof <ll5o'b, 8nllfl)Utthc doorcbponlJitn,
ann tl)ou lino\Dett ttJat t1J11 ren1ant anDmentout.
ilillftarett.Je'JLo:tl :anl>tl)e mllttourtJconie to 22 an~ callc!I bnto IJert.Jtdban'b, anti fap?Jc,
fet mp t'tllo ronncs to be t:Jts bontnnm. ~cnb mitt) me,11 p:ap t11ee,onc of ttJe rong m'1
The Sunamices fon reuiued. I I.Kings. Naaman a leper.
Billi one of t1Jt atres:fo, 1 will nmnc to dJe man
of Cl50D,Bn?l ,Omt agatne..
23 .in?llJtfBFDt. 11911~~ tlliltttlougoe to
lJim, feeing tIJat to llBl' •~ ntttlJcr nt\1Je moone
noi ~abbotlJ i)BF-; an11 rgee allfalml), ftJBU au
fHrb.pcace be:~mllJtcfallltl>&ng[e, anDf11p~to 1Jer
rcn:.m. Ji'#Ue snllbtbtl)cc.
got foi111at11, lat not fai mt
2 5 ilnD ro llJtt\lltnt, anll canu bntotl;Jeman
• of tJoll to mount Gtcttmel: Bnll lDIJm tl)c man'of
1 eoD ra\ll lJcr II ram olf,l.Je fa?ll to ed}e!i l}iJ fa•
uant.l5elJO~ F01111tl: ts tfJt ~unauute:
26 munnc tlJmt'o1e to mutlJcr,antJ faF bnto
i,cr, 1s an wen \uitl.J tlJee, anD 1Ditl.J tlJF ~ur'
banD,anD wttlJ tfJt IBllDe t ino n,c anf'alcrt11,an
2-: anD bllJen llJc mmc to tlJt man of Cl5ob bp
to tl]c IJill, OJc t:augl)t lJtm bF tl}c feet : bUt ©dJe•
rt mcntto IJcrto t111ua IJtr auar. ano tlJt man
l!Or,in bii- of '13011 fapD,Jtct lJcr alonc,foi f1er Coult isSUtl~IJ
1emc1Tc. \llitlJin (Jcr,anD ti.JC JLotll l)atl} l}ibbe tcfromme,
anb l.)atlJ nottolb it mt.
2 s ~lJcn u1c C11p11,~tll *Ji btfire a fonnc of ntF
lLo~ll~ llib '.) not require t:l)u tlJat tlJOU flJO&Jlbefl
not necciue me ~
Luke rn+ 29 ~£nl.)eefapbctocll5CIJtti, *cll5ir1Jebpt1Jp
fornttS,am1 taltc mr llatJc in tl)tne l}anJ>,auD goe
r;:?'~~.~~~. dJp 'roap ; if t(Jou mtete anp man, c fa~ut:t l)im
~1map1c1 not:antufanpfalute tl}ee, ant"mcre IJnnnot a'
~!;:L~~ 10. §aine: anti lapc 111!' laffe 1'pon tl}e face of tlJe
30 anntlJtmotl)cr oft1Jeef1tlbefal'!I, g,s tlJe
JL0111 liuctl], an11 tbr roulc ltuitlJ, 1 wiU not
lcaue tl}ee. an1111e arore, ann fol10uen 1Jer.
31 ~clJtft 'rocnt bcfo1e d}cm. an?J lapt>e tlJe
lfaffc bpon tlJc fa'c ofd}c d.)tlb£, but tlJere was
ncitl}cr tiorce. no~ anr feclin~ : tlllJerefo~ 1Jee
went a~ainc to mcetc l}im,ano toUJ l]im,faping,
~IJc cl)tlll ilS not awakcll.
31. anll tolJen ~hCeus b>as rome into tlJt
llOuft.btl.JollJ,tf;Je 'l}ilo \Ilas Deab,ani:I lapD bpon
33 ~ec'rocnt tntl]erefo~ an?J flnltdJc booic
tlpon ti)cm ttonine,anll p~aptb tmto tfJe 'JLOJll,
34 anll 'rocnt bp, an11 tar bpon tl}e laDDe,anll .·
put IJilS moutl} bpon lJiS moutlJ, anDIJi.1 eyes
bpon IJilS cres, anD l)itSl)an11s bpon IJiS (Jallbes,
anll 'allJcn (Jee ro lar bpon tlJt a}tlllc, tfJc tlef!J of
tl}c cl)illle \llarrll toanne.
3~ anll l)e weut a1,1aine, anJ> tuallleb onct tip
an11 llo\llnc in tlJe lJoufe, 811'11 t:l)m went bp, anll
~ C.d l11ib1Jimfclfebponl)imaptne:1Jtbmt1Jul)OOC
110 r ~ no < ' ~ gafpcb feuen ttmes.811'11 opmeD Iris qt.I.
~,:::;011 rn 36 anlllJC callc110el:Jm. atibfaplli, ¢aUCoJ
· tlJtss ~unamtte. ~o (Jc caOeD l}cr: tDlJtd) bll)m
n1tt b>ass tom£ in bnto IJim, 1JU fapDe bnto IJcr,
~alle tlJr romtt.
37 ~ttefoie llJC blmtin,anll feU at(Jit\I rtct,
~llrobo\tlc1> 1Jcr rc1re to tlJt 1toun11,an11 tooflc bp
.,tt nnc,anb '1lmt out.
38 Cflifrusscamc qainetocl'Jilpl, arm dJtte
~ais ~btattl) tn tlJe lanb, anb tl}e tlJilll~mof tl}e
l"1op.,et11 ll'm£1t'G>it:IJ IJim: anDl}e fapD
rmiant, ~tt a mteat pOt on dtc fire 81111 "'*
pottage fo1 tl)c tl)illl~ ortl)e~
39 anb one 'mmt out into tl,1e tieiuo gatlJer
l)cams, ann founll a todl>t binc ano llltiJUCD
tlJcreof \llilZle ~OUtbtl!l IJil!l lalJt>e •fldl. i11DQD11i
anb lb~eD tlJem into tf)~ Pot ot Pott8lt. ~ tl1el'
tmt'G> it not. •
Be is deanfed. Gehezi
Chap.vj. fl:riken \'Virhleprofie. 135
\ timc!Y,anb 'fWtlCllJ nial come againc to tl)er, anb in tl)e (Joufc.,ann IJc let tlJC meo goc. ann tlJCf lll'·
\ t(Jou CIJaltill ctranfeD. parttll.
i 1 l6ut ~aaman \Das 'ttlJotlJ , anll went a• 1 > l6ut be \Dentin, enb ffoonc be Coic IJiS ma,
~ \llap,anD fafll.lBclJolD.:J t(Jougl)t \llitlJ mp Celft. acr: anll <fliftU)'!I faib bnto l)im,!WlJCUCC com me fl
" IJU woulll furelp come out, anD aanll, anti call thou ©elJc!i~ ~c raill,~l:' rcruant \'Dent no \nlJt•
~ on t(Je name or tlJe JLo~ll l)is <5oD. ano put !;Its tl)cr.
l,lanD on tl)e place, tl)at (Jee mar l)eale tl)e le, 26 ~utllecfapllbntolJ(m. c119entnotm~nc ~'~~~~.~:
p~Crc. (1Cart With thee \'DlJtn tl)C man tUntCll SgllmC litun (»Llil~
12 arc not abana anti ~lJarp(Jar riuers or rrom l)iss cl)aret to meete t(Jec 1'JS it no\'D a time
~amafcus..bctter ttJen an t(Je waters of'.]lrrael1 to rcmue moncp, to recetuc garments , SlDUue
'Jlf'.J \tlallJ me alfo in tl)cm, tl)aU j not bee c:lean• trccJS,binerarbs, llJcepr anb o~cn, men rcruant)'!I,
fell~ Ann Co (Jc turnct1,anb lleparten mitlJ lltrplea• anb matb rcrunnts~
Cure. . 27 d~e lep:ofic tlJerero:e of ~aaman tlJall d ~... , ••rn,.
c~uc bnto tl)ee, anll bnto tlJl' recn foi eucr.ann 1111••111• •
i 3 anti IJts fcrttants came, anll communeb
~itlJ l)im,anb fapll, cjfatl)cr, '.]lrt1Jc1&1op1Jetl)all 1Jc'1lent out from IJiS p~crencc a IC'pcr ~ tDIJitt
bibtl)ce Doe fome 11tcnt tl)iniJ, ou«htca tl)ou not a_gfno'lllc.
to tJaue none tt 1 ~owe mmtJ ratl)rr tl)cn \llfJcn The vj.Chapter.
l~ IJefnitlJ to tlJee,ueafb anll br cteanc~
~1'.4 i 7 14 ~lJtn\llcnt(JcDoume, *anll'' 6 Elifcus m:iked1 iron to fivimme aboue the water. 8
1 · · fclfe reuen times in ']loinanc, acco111111§ to tl)c He difclofcth the king of Syrias counlel to the king
rarmg oftl)e man of c5oll, anti (Jis flefb came a, oflfrael.
gatne,lifte llnto tl]e ftefb ofa little cl)llbc,anD (Jee ll)c cl)tlb:cn or t]Je ~:opl)et)'!I fapb

toas clcanfell.
15 am111e tumellagainctotl)e man of<l!)on,
Im anll all {Jts col11}'!any, anll noolle befoie l)im.
anllfayn, l6e(Jolll, '] lmournow t1Jatt1Jere1s no
""r,rcward ro,e, 'll p1art1Jee,taliea 11 bicmngof ~lJrfcruant.
:, 1 6 l5ut l)ec fayn, ~s tlJc A.-o~ll huctl), bcro~c
D bnto lflncue, l3c1Jolllc, UJce p:ap
UJec, tile place \'DlJerc \'Dec b\tlcll
\llitlJ t]Jcc.iss too little fo: b!S:
1 li,,et bSS §o,nic p:ar tl)cc, bn,
<lISoll in alltte \'DOJlll, bttt in ]frael: no\11 tl)crc• to '.Jlo:llane,anll talic tl)cnce cucrr man a bcamc,
anllbuilllbJS aplacctoll\'DCU in. anllf}tanf'ale'
lt \'D'(Jom 'JI ftanll, '.]\\'Dill rccriuc none: ann WIJcn 3 an'l:I oncfatll,l3ccontrnt,1Jp:ar tl)cc,anll
u:: tlJe otl)er\'Doul'I> (Jaue conllrainell l)im to mciur comc\llitlJtlJr~ruantis. gnllIJec anrwcrco, 1
1t,1Je \'Doulll not. 'lllill come.
17 anll~aaman fap'I>, ~IJaU tllcrenot bee 4 anll ro l)etocnt\'DitfJ tl)em: an'l:I hllJtntlJcr
rr] giuen to ttJr reruan' a!S muclJ or tlJiS earth as came to 4]1o:Dane,tl.Jcr cut llo\'Dnc \tloob.
t'Wo mule~ map bearc 1 1fo~ rtw fcruant \'Dlll 5 l3ut as one was fdltn§ 1>0\tlne or a trtc,
• 1Jcncefoo~t1J offer neit(Jcr \'DfJolc burnt ractifice, tlw arc l)call fell into tl)e water: anll tJce men,
noi otlermg lmto anr ot(Jcr gon, rauc bnto tl)c anll rar11,a1as mater,it 'mas lent me.
'.IL01Jl. 6 anb ttJe man of <l3ob fapll, ml) ere Mitt:
18 l5ut (Jcrein tl)e JL,o~'l:I bee merc:ifuU to tlJr anl:l llJe'\llelll.Jim ttJeplace: anlll:Jc cut llo\llnea
reruant, ttJat \llllcn mp maacr gocttJ into t]Je fticfte, .anb ~a it tn tl)itlJer. ann immcbiattr tl)e
l)0t1fe of Simmon CoJ to \'Oo,fl)ip ttJcre, anll lea' r~nlllll C'llnmmc.
nett) on my tJann, ll 'J\ bow~ relfc tn ttJc i)oufc 7 ~crcro:c flll.'D fJc, ~aflc it bp. an?J l}e nrct·
of Simmon: \'D]Jcn 'JI boc bow no'l'llnc, ~Cap, in cl)cb outlJi!SlJann,anll tooltc itbp.
t{Je lloufe of11ttmmo11, tl)e JLo~ll be merc:tfuU bn' s ~(Jen tl)e bing of ~mta wmcll againll
~' to tlJp Ccruantbccaufe of tl)is tlJtng. 'JI fracl,anll toohc counfel 'l'llitlJ l)i)'j rcruant)'j,a1Tll
~~.r::w 19 unto\'Dl}om{JteCapll,h~octnp~ce. ann fapll,]n fuel} anb fuc(J a place llJall be mp campe.
_ .. bluer, \'DIJcn IJcc \'Das 'l:lepartcllfrom (Jun, ais it 'mere a 9 ann ttJe man of '3on rcntbnto tlJc fling or
~=:::. futlongof11tounll, ]fracl,faping,l5e\llare tlJnt tl)ou go not ouer to
:=:;:;:•.• 2 o ©elJcit tl)e fmlant of lfltccuSJ ttJc man of ruc{J a plncc,ro~ tl)erc tl)e ~mtans are luming.
~;u. !lI5ob fati'I>, l5c'(Jolllc.,mp mallet l}atlJ fparcn ~aa' 1 o ~crefoie tl)e fling of '.llfracl fent to tl)e
rdl man tl)ts ~t'~ian. tl)at (Jee \'Oonlll notrccctuc at pince \'DIJiclJ t(Je man of©oll tolDc (Jim, anll toar·
~ IJiSJ l]anllcs tlJofe tl)tngs tl)at l)tt offerell: aSJ tl)c ncll (Jim of,• anti rauen l)tmfclf from it, not on~e, , ll!•b111i11 blf·
iJ JLo~ll liuetlJ,') \lltll nm aftct lJim.antJ tallcfome• noH\'Dife. . . ~~~~[~1\ ~{~~:
\'DIJatofllim. i 1 gnn the IJcart of tlJc Jring of ~!'1ta mas ,..,,,.. n,
11 grin Co <JISebe!i f'oUo\'De'l:I f,laaman: an'!> troublcll foJ tfJi)'j.tlJing, ann l]ce callcll r~ IJis fer•
\tllJcn ~aaman fa'l'll {'Jim runntng artcr IJim, tJc uants, anll fapll bnto t!Jcm, Will pee not tl:le\'De
lilfJt llo\llnr from tl)e c(Jarct to mcetc l)im, ann me 'rol)tcl) of our mm betrayeth mec to t~e king of
Cspl:I,ls au wcll1 ]fracl1
22 'e anf'alercb, au i!'S \'Dell: brlJolD. mr ma• 12 anb one of IJis fcruantis faFb, ~one mr
act l)atlJ Cent me.raping, ~cc, tlJcre bee come to Io~l:I © l!ling: but lfltr~s tl)c l&ioplJct, tl}at ts
meeuen 110\lldrommount CfµIJ,aim t\'Do pong tn ]frael, tclletl)t(Jelimgof'.J]rrac1, rca, tllc
mm,oftl)c c1}tlb~en oft]Je~~opl')ets:<JIStue tl)em, wo~llstbatttJoufpcaltdl mtl)pp:ruie ctJambcr.
l PJBl' tlJtc,one talent of Oluer, ann ttoo '(Jangc 1 3 n)c fatll, ©oe at_lll fPtc \'DIJere bee is, ttJat 'Ji
orgarmmtSJ. mar rcnll anll fe~~ (Jun. an11 one toll:l l)im, rav,
i 3 ann ~aamanfapb, ueitlJ a ~0011 \Dil.talic ing,l5c1Jolb,lJc •JS m )Dotl)an.
t'Ulo talents. !lnb tJc conllrainell l)1m,anb bounll 14 ~1Jcrc~oi£fcnt Ile tlJitlJerlJo~rcs. 11n!I cba,
t\Do talmt!S of rtlucr in two bagges , -mttb t\llo reti3,anll a mtgl)tp lJ?ll: anti ttJcp came bl' nig!Jt,
cl}an1&e ofgarmentSJ,anb layn tl)cm bpon t\tlo of an!I compatrcll t{Je cttic about.
, *For1rr1r. · l)iS beare tlJem bcfo~c tJim. 15 9.nb 'IDl)cn tl)e reruant of tl)c man of llt5o!I
orrecrct 14· ant>1lll}Cnl)ccamc to tl)C +(otocrplaCC. (JC rofcbp eartrtogoeout, btlJollle, t(Jcrc'1la~an, tooflt them from tl)cir l)anll, ann bello\'Deb them l)oftc roun'l:I about ttJc totonc , toit111101rcs ann
Elifeus prayer. I I.Kings. Fourelepers.
cl}aret~: l}i~ rcruant~ faiD tmto lJQn, a1ass ma, mine 1Jc1111:' l5c circumrpea \1>1Jm tl)c mctrmgcr
acr, lDIJat OJaU lDr nor:' commctl) , anb 11.lut tl)c llooic , anD lJolD l)tm at
16 $e anftvcrrll,~rarrnot: roi tlJ.cvtlJatbce ti.Jc ~ooic~ ]!'Snot tlJerounboflJiJmactcrssfecte
witlJ tJ-.arc moc tl)m tlJey tlJat be \llttlJ tl;Jtm. btl.Jmlle {Jim:
17 an11 celifcu~ p1apcll, anll fapt1,JL01ll. '.l\ be, 33 ll9t1tlc l)c 1:'ct tallttll tnttl) tl)nn,bel)olll tl)c
rccctJ t1Jceopcn1Jisscrr~.t1Jat1Jc map rcc.anll tl)e tncllcng~ ca~e ~o\l.lne lmto l}tm, llnlJ ftl1:'b, lac•
JLozD opcncD d)c rpc~ or tlJC rong man, ant11Jcc l)olb, t111ss eut111ss or tl)e JL.,01ll, anti tnl}at: mo1C
eooitcn: anll bdJolllc, tlJe mountatnc torus run tl.Jall] loohcf'o1 oftl)eJL.,01ll:'
orl)o1fc~, anll cl)arct- .or fire rounll about lflt, The vij.Chaptcr.
18 gnll\til)cntlJcp '81UCllOblt1CtO lJim, QI;lj, Eli(eus prophclieth plenty of viC\11411 and other things
rmi.s PJl!fC'b bnto tlJc JLo~ll,anll faill,~mite tl)i!S in Samaria.

people,1 P1B1:' tlJce, tottlJ bltnllncss.ano l)cfmotc $en <ftircuss rapll, $care rec tbc
tlJCln w1t:lJ blinllnecrt, auo1lltng to tl)c 1Do1llc of tooill or ttJC JI.OJI>, ~USS faptlJ tlJC
<flifcu~ • 1-o~b, ~omolo\l.1 tlJiSStimethalla
19 .anti Cfltrm!'fapl> tinto tl)cm. ~tsstssnot mcarurc ornnc flotnie befoll> fo1 a
tlJc way, ncttIJrr tss tlJiSS tl)c to'mnc: follo\lmnc, Ocie, anll t'mo meafurcJ of barlet'
anti'.]] wtu b~ing you to tlJc man bJl)om re fcclic. fo1 a fie le in dje gate or ~amaria.
)t;ut lJC lcll t11cm to ~amarta. 2 ~l)cn a certainr. IoJI> (on \l.ll)oft l)anl> tl)c
zo )t;ut\l.llJen tl}ey\l.lere come to~amatia, kin~ leancl>) anf\l.lmb tl)c man of 45oll, anll
<flifcu~rarn, JL01llc, opcntf!eircyess, tlJattlJcr rarti,:Wel)olll, iftl.Jel-011>tDouUJmalle\lin1>o'dlsi
may fee. an'b tlJe JLo;ll opcnell tl.Jcif cress, anll in {Jeaucn, migl}t tl)iJ come to patre: ll)ee rapll,
tlJcy ra~.anl:I bclJoll:l,tlJcr \tlm in tlJc mitll:lc- of l8cl)olbe, tl)ou fbalt fee it tllitlJ tlJlnc cpc,11, but
I~amana.21 .anll tlJc lttng or 1rrac1 rattltinto Cfltfc~ss
tl.Jalt not cate tlJtrcof.
3 an11 tl)crc tllerc fourc lepzouss men at tl)e
\\1llcn l)e fa\ tl}em, il)p fatlJcr, 11.Jall '.]l finite entring in or ti.Jc gate: anll tlJcr fa1:'ll oneto ane<
tl)cm. fuall 1 rmtte tf.Jcm :' ~cr,lWbF fit \\le ~me bntill \ Ilic:
22 an'b lJceanftllcrel>, ~OU !baltnotrmite 4 ]f'mcfay,119e\\lln cntertntotbc citic :be•
tl)em: but rmttc ttore tl)at tl)ou l)all taken 'mitl) 1)0111, tl)e l>eartl) iSS tn tl)e cttie, anll wee UJaH lite
tlJinc o'ttlnc f\\lOJl>, anll \tlttl,J tl;Jine otonc bo\lle: tl)crein: anll if \ Cit flill IJcrc, \l.lce lite alfo.Jao\11
but rnt1Jcr fct bJclltl ann \\'later bcroJc tl}cm, tl]at t11mroie come, anblctbSfiee tintotl)cl)oac of
tIJer may cate ano 11~in1rc,anll go to ttlctr maaer. tl)e ~ritan)"S : tr tlJcr rauc our Uucs t1)t OJal liuc:
2 3 '.(!nu I.Jc p~cparcl> a great refection fOJ tl)cm. tf tlJey ldll b)"S,t{Jen arc \\lee llcall.
anll wl)en tlJcylJat:Jeatcn anllllJUUlir, l}eercnt 5 an1> tl:Jcp rore tip tn t11c t'm1ltg1Jt, to goc to
tl)cnrntoap, am tlJer tDentto tlJcirmaa~r: anll tl]c IJollc or tlJe ~r~uins: ann \\llJm dJcr were
ro tlJc routotcrss of~wia came no moJe mto tlJc come to tlJc bttm1wlf part oftl)c l}o«c of ~ta,
1an1:1 of'] trael. bcl)olll.tlJcu tna~ no man tl}crc.
24 ~Utcr tlJi~, l5tn1Jallab litng of ~111ta ga, 6 1)'o~ tl)c ',11.o~l> (Jallmallctf)il]otte ortl}e ~P'
tl)erell all IJtss l)oUc, antJ 'Wcnt bp, anll bcflcgcll rlans to l]carca noire or cl)arctss, anl> a uotrc of
~amaria. l:}oifejj, anll tl}e notre of a great (Joftc: inromucl)
25 l5ut f11etcb>S~ a great l>cartl) iU~lllUil' t11att1Jcr faill one toanotl)cr,)L,oc,tl)erring ofjlf•
ria:anllbcllolll, tlJcr bcfiegcntt, tintlllanal!c!.! rad IJatl) tJircll ai;taina bfj tl)c kin~ of tf)c J9c.
1Jcat1 '\lla)"S foll> ro1fourcfco~c mnerpcncc,anll tt,Je tl)tteis,anll tlJt 11ings of tIJc Cfgpptian~, to co1nc
~~'~'.~;~;;;~: fourttl part or ah cab oftiouess 1>oung foJ ftuc ptc, uponbss.
r,~~~i~:i~~W' cc!.! orntucr. . . 1 113l)erefo~c tlJCF arorc, anll flcll tn tl)e t'mi'
liglJt,anll lcrt tl)cir tent)"S, anl> tl)cir l]oireis, anll

"l.llooi. 16 gnn a!.! tlJc Jimg of'.]lfrael mass gomg bpon

tlJc\\laU,tl}crc triell a tooman bnto l)tm,faying, tl]ctr aifc)"S,anll tlJe ficlll toIJi'l) tl)cy l)all pitcl)cb, .1
ll)ctpe me mp Io:ll,© king. CUCtl as it toa)"S, a anll Hell fo~ ttleir liucss. I'P• ~
17 ~c raptJ, '.]\ftl)c JLo~n 1>oc notfuccour tl)cc, 8 ano \lll)cn ti.Jere lcperJ came to tf)c cllge of ~:~1
'WlJerc\llitlJ can j\ {Jctpe tl]cc :' lDitlJ tl)c barnc,o~ ttc l)oflc, tl)ep 'mentinto a tent, anb llill eate an"ll f~.~::,:,..
'mtttJ rtJc winep1c1Ic: . niinlie,anll cariell tl)enccfllucr,tlllll go111,anl1 rat, rucit 1111•
z s arm tl]c bing ra11ll bnto {)er, D{Jat 'milt ment,ann \\lent anll lJill it,anll came againc, anll
tbou: ~{Jc anf\lleren, ~onllcr moman rarn t>nto entreD into anot11cr tent, anll caricb d}mcc atro,
me, JS~ing tllr ronnc, tl:Jattoec mar catel)tm to anll \\lent anll (Jill it.
! "Oa p,anb 'me bJiU catc intne to moiow, 9 ~cnfarD one tosnotl.Jcr,119cbo not tDcl:
i .2 9 '.Anbfo'0.1cb.1clfcl!myronne, aUl>llille~tc tl)i)"S llap i)"S a llap to b:inggooll tillings, anll tJJcc
·11)1111: anb] fail!bnto l)cr t{Jc other nap, :l51mg IJoli> our pcatc.1f\\lct.aricttl t11c11ap ligl:Jt,fomr
rtip £onne, tl)atwe mar cate l)im: anll 11.lcc 1Jat1J mifcIJicfe 'mil come tJpon tis: no~ dJttfo:r come,
tJt"O lJc-t fonnc. tl]at 'me map ~oc, anll ten dJc fmtgf5 lJoUllJolb.
3° 2n'!l 'IDtJcn t{Jc IJcarll ttJc \\lo~llSS of tl)c IO anl)fOtl)Cf'8tue, .anZJcaµct1tJntott,J£pOJ'
~oltnn,l)c rcntl)iS clotl)c)"S, ant! lDcnt bpon tl}c trr or tl}e cttr,anll tolll IJnn,faping, ll9cc came to
, cbtl<l??''' ra~cl~~ tl}c pcoplclooli~ll, anti btfJolll,lJc l}all tl tl}ccampcoftf)c~ntans, anll rte, tt,Jcrc blll.ll
'"'" ""'. ..., bttbcr 'bpon lms llt!lJ, nomant11cre, ncttlJCrboicc orman., but11o~rcs
'""'"''"""• me31fftl) 'Grbttthcta·,. "" " .... mo1eapu
., 1u,....,otJlloc10,an '""'tO anti auestten, an11 tl}c tents lDctcafj tl}cp were
~~«;;,:.;;'::~~'." , of Cfli_teus tlJc ronnc of ~apf;Jat, bJonttobc.
11 """'·"'~"" OJall 11anti on 1Jttntb1s bal' 11 9nll tl}C POJtcrlS crJCll,Bnll lJecfaretJ ir to tf)c
in P o·~crrn
32 '.15Ut €!"'-·
'"""IS tatcinl}iSbOUfC
' (anti tf1ed' kingl IJoufC\DitlJln.
k>:olll. bcrfj rate br lJtm) ann tl)c fling"ccnt a man bdO:c fir ...... ... l'A • ffl ·- bt:;ltmln..O~
12 ~nu ..,,C Dlll_ll 8t0a.c. tn ,.,,£ U~.,,t • antJ f8p"Q lbl Jjj1opb"f
l)1m: but rcr tl)c meacn11cr came to lJtm.lJe rato bnto 1)1s_rmumt1. b 91 bJtR fbc\\l pou nom \Dl)at =::~~:::.::.
to tl)c cllltrfj, l9auc rec not rcmc '1olD tlJat tlJt tl}e ~l':aans fJauc bone bnto bS: :~ep fmo\Dc rrk• 1b<3··~
1 ronnc or tiJtS murbcrct lJatl) rmt to talle auap tl"lat lDc be l)Uf1itP,tt tlJmfoic arc tf)cy IJOnc out ~.r:::.i&~.
Incredulirie punifhed. Chap.viij. Elifeus and HazaeJ. q6
of tlJc campr.,to I.Jibe tl)e:mfducs in ~c ficUI, fap· bcrlainc, fapinr;J, 11lcih»e tl)ou llnto Iler au tl)at
ing, DIJcn tlJtr come out of tl)cnttc, toec 11Jall an (Jcrs. anb all tl)c •fruits of ttJ.e ficln, fince tl)c :.~:',' .~~i,.
catcfJ t11cm aliuc, anll get into tl}ecitte. liar tllat 11Je l!ft tlJc Jann, bnto t)J1s time; ~:~:~~;g~~.
r 3 ano one of l)iS rcruants anf'IDcrcll. anll 7 .atlll (fltfcus came to )Elamat'cUs,anl> '5cn, "'•••1ru11i ~,,
raio, 'Jl,ct men take,1 p1ar rou,fttlt? of tlJe l)o~rc" IJBllall tfJC bing Of ~p:ia 'OJR$S ficllC, SUll one tolb ••n 1""' ocr.
@trctnaint anll 11TC left in tl)e multitude: (be• IJlln, raping, ~IJc man of cll5oll is come lJitl:Jer.
IJolb,tl)cp arc~ all tl}e rnUltttulle ofj\fracl tl}at s gnn tlJc bang faill bnto l!}a1ad, iatahc a p:c'
are tert in tl)c citic: bdJolb, I fay tlJey arc eum as rent in t1Jt1tt l)am, (t goc mrctc tl)c man of <115oD,
all t11e tnultttullc of tlJc ']lrracliteis tIJat ate con• tbat tIJou marca cnqUirc of ti.Jc JL.o:ri bp l)tm,
rumen) anti me \'Dill renll, anll fee. rarmg, ~lJall ']J rccouer of tl}is llireare 1
14 ~ep toofJe tl}crcfoie tIJe l)o~rcis of t'OJo 9 ann ro ~a1a.c1 'OJ mt to mccte IJlm, tJ tooflc
cbarctss. ann tlJe bing rent afttt tl)e l)oac of tl)e tl)c p~efcnt\'DttfJ l;Jnn, anb of eucrp goon tl}inlJ of
~piians, faptng,.<iSoc, anti ru. wamarcuis , cuen as muclJ as fourtic camels
1 ~ anll tl)ey \1.Jentafttr tflemcum tmto 9\01• coulb be.arc : anll .came anti pirrcntcb IJimrdfc
bant, atlll loe, an t}Je toap toass fun of ctotIJeis. ~cfo:e ~nn,anb fatll, ~P fonne >acnl)aball lting
ant111crre1s, tolJidJ tlJc $9niatUJ 1Jat1caarrom or~rJta lJat~ rent me to t(Jce, raring, ~l)aU jj
tl)m1 in tl)cir i,alle: ann tl}c mcffmgcrsmtur• rcroucr oftb1sll1fealc~
ncll, anll tolllc tlJc fling. 1° ~nn CJ?ltfcus faib llnto IJim, <5or, anll rap
16 anlltf1cpcoplc\'Dmtot1t,,anb fpOfkbtl}c ~n0~oll1JIJ1a1!i ~llJ!!,UllllJalt.! rc~oucr: ll)o'lllbeit~ tl)c ~b~:~:~ib
tentss of tIJe ~)!~Janis: 81111 ro 1t came to parre, ,.., • ""' ewe me •.,at,,efl)all rurelr nie. uorul••l•bat
tl}at a mcarurc of fine flo'OJJt wais folb fo1 a ficlc, u 'e loohcllllponl)im tlcllfalllr, llntill l)cc ~::~~iir.~~·
anll t\lJo mearurris of baileyfDJ a fide, acto1llin1J 'OJa~ aOJamcb: ann tl)r man of ~oll \lJcµt. g: ",':; 0,~:
to tl_Jc 'OJOJll of tl)c :JL.01ll. u .ann ~a~aelfaill, U9IJF toccpcttJ mr lo,?tl ~ ""lfi"ll'"
17 anll tl)e hin!J appotntctJ tl)at lO,b(onm}Jore 'canf\lJercll, 1fo:] Imoto tlJc etnll tl1ing~ tlJat
l}anll lJc Icancll) to be at tlJc ~ate: anll ~people tl)o~111Jalt bo~ ~nto tl)e clJtlll~cn of 'Jifracl : ro~
~::~~~'.b~1 c trone tipon l)im in tl}e IJRte, fa~ ~e ~~ a~~oi• ti.Jett arong cittes ilJalt tlJou fcton fire, anti tl:Jcir
111• 1S1•Pb•1 lling to tl)e \lJOJll of tl}eman o ..,o., '· 1u..,1t., ..,r.e poung men fiJalt tlJOU_llSf 'OJitlJ tl}e f'OJO~ll, anll
1"1111 ' • raill 'OJl)m tlJc kinlJ came botonc to IJtm, llJalt llallJ out tl}e b~ameis of tlJeir fucking cl1il,
18 anb ro came tl}e tl)inl! to pall£ tl)atd)e man llim, anb an to tcare tl}eir lllomen toitl;J cfJilll.
of <1!5ob l}all fpOkcn to tl)e htn1J, fapin(J, iat\llo 1 3 l5ut l!la1ae1fapb,1191;Jat, is ti.Jr reruant a
mearureis of barley fo: a fide, anll a nwafurc of bO!J!JC. tl)at 1 0Jonll> lloc tl}is «rest tl)tng 1 .anti
fine fto\lJze foJ anot()cr, 11Jall be to moiowc tl)i!l ctlifcUS anf'OJcnb, ¢1Je JL.otll f:latl} llJe'OJel> mee
time in tile 1&atc of~mnalia. tlJat tl;Jou aialt be king of ~pi1a.
19 119tJcreunto tl)at lo~ll anrwercn tl}e man I 4 anll Co l}c bepartell from lftlfcu~.anll came
of <1!5ol>,anl> faill, Eca,antl ift:l;lc JLoJll mabt \lJin, tolJiismatter, \'DlJKIJ raill to IJim, 1191;Jatfaib cfti·
llo'OJcs in l}eauen. mf«IJt it come to pa~c 1 ~nl> reuis to tl)ee1 l!lc a11f'roerct1, ~t tolO me tlJat tl)ou
ljc faill, 13cl)oll>,t1Jou11Jaltfcett witl) tl}mceies, il)onlllell recouer.
anll ll)alt not catt tlJercof. I 5 !Clllll OU tl)e ffi0Wlll,IJC fOOfiC 8 tl)iCftC cfOtl'J,
20 !ilnll eucn foitcamc bnto IJtm :fo~ tl)epeo' anbl>ipt itin\'Dater, anb <fp1ca1J it on lJi!S race: , 111•1ac1Mbrr
pie trollc tip on IJim in tl)c gate,anll l)c lliell. anll l}e bicn, anb l)a~ael rct«nen in IJts llcatl. r:::b"•'~,':1:,'~.
I6 *'GrlJC fiftlJpctre Of ']\01am tfJe Connc Ofg, \::1~o~n~~':\orb
The viij. Chapter. cl)ab Iring of'.]lfratl, '.Jofapl)at being alro liin11 of •.chr .11.4
1 Elifcus propheci~d vnto the Sunamicc the dc:mh of ]Ulla, ']loiamtl)donnc of1ofap1Jathing of Ju•
fcucn yccrcs.
'ru rpa11e eurcus tinto tl)c \llo,
man ('OJl)ofcfonnc1Jcl}at1rcao1et1
ba began to rei!Jllc•
17 ~irttnnb t\lJo pecres olb 'OJasfJC wocn
l}e began to rcigne, anll l)e rei!JUell eig{Jt rcerc~
::Reg,~. to life againc) fapifll, •mp, anll !JO in ~icrnfalem.
• t:l)Ou anb tl)me tJourc, anb foioum
'OJl)ercfocucr tl)ou Clll1ft : foJ t:l;le
JL,o:ll l)atlJ callcll fO~ a llcartl) , ann tJ,Jc fame ll)all
1 s anl> IJc toalfiell in tl)e 'OJapes or tlJc hin!JS
of']lfrael, as tlJep tl)at tocrc of tfJc l)ourc of g,
cl)ab: roi ti.le llaug{Jter of .acl}ab to as l}1s mire,
come tipon tlJc Ianll reuen peeress. anll l}e lltll cu1n in tl}e figl)t of tlJe 'Jl.oJll.
2 9nll tl)c tooman arorc, anb blll after tl)c 19 .anll tl)c JL.oill 'moulll not Dcllro~ jjulla,
raptngof ttJc man of(i3oll:anll \\lmt. botl) fl.Jc anll bee.sure or~auill bi~ fmiantS fake,* ais IJe PtO• 2,sam. 7.1 3
!:Jct t10Uf1Jolt1, anll roiourncn in tl}e lann or tl)e mtfcll to lfiue IJim al\\lap a UglJt among l)iSS d)d-
~IJililhness rcucn rems. lltm.
3 ann at tlJc reum 1·eere~ cnbc, tlJc \lloman 2 o ')nltf:Jorc llaic~ <fDom rcbellcll8gainll ]U•
came RIJaine out of tl)c lantl of tl}c ~l)iliftines, ba,anll mabc tl)em a f;tng of tlJctr o'OJne.
anti 'OJent out to call bpon tlJe Irin!J fo: lJctl}ouCt 21 ~o j\o~am \Vmtto ~air. l)c, ann an fJiis
ann fo: l)cr lanll. . d)arcts 'OJitlJ l)im, anb rorc br ni(Jl)t, \1 fmotc
4 .ant1 tl}e litnlJ tallteb 'OJitlJ 03c1Jc!J tl)c fer• dJclfDomitcS.1DlJiclJ compall'cll IJim in 'OJitlJ tlJc
uantoftl}e man of 03ob, faptnlJ, ~ell me,']! piar raptaineis ofl)ts clJaretss,anll ti)£ people llcb tnto
tl}cc,au t:l;lc «rcat bccnis tl)at ~lifcuis IJatlJ llone. tt)cir tents.
s l)e tolbc tl)c liin1J l}o'lll ~cc IJall rclloi~b a 2 2 :ltlut Cl?llom rcbcneb •fo tl)at IJe \lloulb not

beilll bobp to ltfc againe : but m the meane time be bnDcr tlJe tiann of '.llul>ll bnto tlJis bar: tl)m
tbe \Doman, \DIJorcron l}c l)al> ratfcl> bp agatnc, J!,,ibnllb rcbclleb tl)atrame ttme.
crpeb to tl}e Iritll rw IJet IJoufc anll foi l}er l8tlllC: i 3 ~c rea of ti.Jc ~o:ness tl)at concemc ]o,
Inb ~cl)cti rail>, Ql)p to:ll, ® king, tl)iss is; tl)c ram, anll all tl;lat IJt bill, are tl}ey not 'lll~ittcn
llloman, ann tl)isiisl}erronnc, \Vl}om Cfltrcus in tl}c boolic of tl}t Cltl]1ontcle$1 of tl_Jc bin~ of
ratfell up againc. 'Jjunat
6 ann \Dl)m tl)e 1r1111 atfletl tl)e moman. llJe 24 an~ ]oiamrclfeb toitl} IJiss fatflcrss, anb
totbt IJim: ann ro t1Jt Iring bCliuertll IJer a d)aln' wais btmctl btribe IJtss fatl}crs , in tile cttic of
lchu anointed king. II.Kings. He killech Ioram.
i,Chr.2,,1 Ji'aul1J:•anoaf)ana1JiJ5fonrcigncDinlJi1Slteall.
2 ~ '.Jn ll]e tU>cUtlJ rrcrc of '.]lo~am tlJe fonnc
Ct actJab, Iring of ~frarl.. DiDID}il,iR, tlJefonne
of'.Jlo)sm lrini or 9)UDa,beginto reigne.
2 6 ~\110 anb tU>mticrrreis oil! was al)aFa
\ul}en \JC began hi~~ l}e relgnell one pmc
in $imifalcln. 111111 IJ•S motiJ~ name wa15 a,
tiJalia.tlJt Daug!Jttt of !ll>mf1,btng of '.}\fraeL
i 7 l6ut tJe watktll tn tlJe war of tf1e l)oUfe of
, gcl}ab,anll Dill cuill in tl}t O~t of tiJe JL.o~lle, as
LI ill t~e {Joure of acl)ab : fo~ be w1115 tlJe ronne tn
law of t11e (Joufc of acl}ab.
zs ann IJc went tDittJ ~oiam tl)e fonne of a'
cl1ab,to warrc agatnll 'a!aelliing of S':;)p,ia tn
I l'\amotlJ ©ilcall, anti tiJe ~p,ianJS tuount1en
'JO)iint. .
f!nll Jung '.]o~am went bacftc againe to be
11caict1 m '.Jlt!TRiJcl, of tlJe tuoun'btlS 'IDl)iclJ tiJe
~l')llln.B l}all gtuenlJtmatmamot(J, wl)en lJce
rou~I1t agatna l.)afacl liing of ~Fiia: ant1 illJa'
2ia ttJc ronne of ]o:am kini.J of ']lutla mmt
ootonc to rec '.l\oiam tf.Je ronne of acl)ab tn '.]Jn,
ral)cI, bccaurc lJe lDalS ficlte tl}ere.
The ix. Chapter .
.6 Iehu is made king oflfi:acl, 24 And killeth Ioram
the king thereof.
:&,~ nn ctli!CU.B tl)t ~ioplJct callell one
~ of ttJe c}JiU11m of ttJe lfliopqet15,
l ·King. 19, a.nll fapn bnto l)im, * <lllirile bp tiJ!'
7• lopnes, anll take tfJiS bore of opte
• m tl}ine l}anll, anti i.JCt tl)ce to ma'
.mott; in ©Heall.
\ 2 guzi \\JIJcn tl}ou commctl tlJitfJer, loolie
.\l'llJcrc ts 1ct)u tl}efonne of1ofapl)at,tlJtfonm
of f2imfi, an'b goc to l:)tm, anll make f)itn arift
bµ from amongl)il5b~edJicn, anncancl]tmto a
ifecrct c;lJambcr.
I 3 «lr11en tnllctlJe bore or orle, anbpotD~cit
on iJiis hcao, arap,~u15rart1Jt1JeJL,o~'b,'.Jl l}aue
Ianorntcll tl)ee to be llini.J ouet 'J;fra£1: anll tl)cn
open the lloo.zc., anti tlcc mitIJout anp tarring.
i 4 :ann fo ttJe rerrnmt of tl)e l&:opl)etg!lte
· IJim to lllamotlJ ~tieal>: ·
\ 5 Qntl \lilJm l)c came in ,bebolll,tlJecaptatni!
·oft l1c IJolle \l'lm Cttting togttlJcr, anti l}t raitl,'.]\
·tJauc an crranl> to tl)ce, C> caµtaine.
I I 6.- Qnil '.lcIJu ratl>, ~nto mlJim or all bS ~ $c
rain, ~o tl)cc,!D captatnc. !lnll lJe arofc, \I b)~t
mto tIJe l)ourc. anll l)ce potDicD tbe orlt on 1)1'5
_ . lJea"D,anllCafllbntol)im, ~israrcttJtl)eJLo~e
;, 'Q ;~·,;;':"· GOD of ']':Crael.'.]11Jaue • anopnttll tlJct to be fling

\ ·.': ,:,:::~~.~:· ouct tlJe people oftl}t Jl,o~'b,euenoucr']lfrad.


'\-;':\~f'" 11 1 1 ~on aialtfmitc t11c l}ourc of acbab tlJr

:'. '~:,;• ,~~r. ,, tl)at 'J: mar aucngc tl}c bloo'b of mp fer,
In •iftm iuantl5 tl!c lD,op{Jets, anD tlJC blooll or all tlJe:fcr,
~'.~,~'.'" • 1uantz or tlJcJ1.o~ll,* oftl)el)an'b of'.]le,abcl:

;. King.: I. 8 fo~ tl)c 'llllJole l'loUCe or adlab flJall be be'

', llrorc~.nnb ']\ 'lllill bcilror from actJab~l)im tl)~t

,mallctQ 'mater aaainll ti.Jc b)all, ant> lJnn tl}at 1is
i P~!foncn anti fo1fallen in ']frael:
,.Reg.i1.I 9 , '.<lnb'J.'lll1llmaJtetl)e1.JourtoractJab. Ube
1 . 0 'tlic _hourc of ']',croboam tl)e: ronne of Jeal>at
'\ ,.ti., g 1 ~., anll Itlic t\Jc"" tioure. of ~aara, t{Je fonne ot ~a.

. . i o '.Jnti asfoz'J'.tJllbd, tbellogi5lballeatcl1n:

,mtl1cficl0 of]crratie:l, anti tl)m ll.JaHbtnone
i\ !t!l bum
her. :ann tic D\ltttcb tbe Dooir,ann flell.
11 ~!}en 'J.CiJu came outto tlJe femant~of
111s 101ilr,anll one ra_ibtbnto llim, 'lUUb)dl1
ili)iJcrcfo~c came tf.Jts tnab fdlo\u to tl)u,., anD
_ ncfaib\111totbcm. Pee lmo'me:bJIJatmannaoi
~~{ezabels fearefull end. Chap.x.
1 _ _ _ _ _ _--::-:-:--:::-:-::--:::-:------:=-------------_..:..:J7
lehu and Ionadab. 1,

~. br~ ~1111 IJt ftt'll to Si)tgi?Jllo, 81111 t:JJtrt tl)~HfCOJt 11110 ten perfons, anD laiD tl)rirl)ealls
l~ bfeD. in batllttf, arm frnt d)emto btm to ]ryrattrt.
, i8 :JnllbtllCttuantllmriellhtminad)atttto s annt11eruamumdfcn!,ltt, anl>tollllJim,
I~ ~ anll bUri£D lJim ~e 1n IJtJ CqJul< Capinl, ~!Jet lJaue bJOUllJt tlJt ljeabJS of tl)f
1v~ 'ine•IJqsfatlJttJ. intl)emuof~I. btng,ronn£JS, an111JdailJ, )Lettl)em lap tl)rm
\I.~. :1.9 iim in tl1t .rleUmtl) pme of ')oµnn tf:Je on nuo l)eapcJS in tt}e mtrlnl tn oflf;e §ate, lln,
·~ Conni of .i,l}ab, bqanne ~tta Cl rrigne oner tin tt}e moinin!J.
:. ~ ]uDI. 9 !lnD\DlJentt\Dadbap, l.Jt '1'lmt out, anll
, 30 inb 1Dl.Jtn j!el.Ju \Dall comt to ~tJfal)tl, lloon, anD Cain to au tt1e follie , Ft be rt!J(Jtcou•:

' '
~ '.lt!abcl IJtaill of it, aRD painteD l,J£t tiJU, 8111Hf• b~l)olll, '} confptrct1 an aintl ITI" matter, anll at'tll
rtD IJcr IJr®, ant11ookell out at a 1DinDo1D.
31 !lnb 815 ')el.JU £ntrt!J at tl)t ;aU • llJe faille,
"i~ ·-~ !}ab h;'imri peace·* 'ttllJicl) nt1D t)llS maatr1
IJlm: '5ut \D(Jo Oc\n all tllcfe l
Io ·,a..ear_ne lJttt, tl]at tlJtre I) all fafl iJUtO ti)£
eartl} notl)tn!,l or tlJt 'ttlo~ll or tl)e 11.01n, *\llfJiclJ 1.Rcg.i1.
"" :;:,·:.~· p anll IJe lift lip btMieS to tl)e'arin1Jo1D.anll IJt fpahecomennng tl)e l)oure or achnb: foi tlJt 19•
•~~ 1 ;:
100 • faill,1191Jois on mp fine. 'tlllJo:' anlltl)erelodeb JL,otblJatlJbtougl)tto parrc tlJe t11inllf$ ti.Jot l)cc
'\~,rg 16. out to him two o~ tl)~ee cl)amberlapncss. fpalir bp tlJt l)anb orlJiSS fmlant CfliM.
~, 33 .anll IJc faill, l)ei !JO'altu. ~ tlJtp 11 .anll ro '.Jlt!Ju fit'tll all tl:Jat rcmainctl of tlJc
~l tfJttwe tcr 11owne.a1111 {Jcrbl0oll lla0Jc'D tobJarb IJoUfe of~dJ~b, in 1~ra~el, anll au t1Jat were
~.1- tfJt 'ttlall, anb to\llarb tl.Je IJo~rt•: anll l)cc trobe great \n1t1J 1J1m.an111J1.t1 fttnOiolks, tt p1icfts,
~~~ l}er bnllcr roote. fo tl)at l)e let notlJill!.l ofl)im remaine.
::t:' 34 anbw1Jml)e'ala1Scomcin,1JtDiDcateanb n .anlllJearoft.,ann Drpartell, anll came to
~~ llJinhc,anll ratll. <5oe ann bifite, '.J P~nou,pon· ~amaria: anll 'tDhtn ')e~u \Dasi in tl)e war of
.... lier rurfell cnamre, anD burte l,)er. fo1 OJee is a tfJe IJoufe \\llJttt tfJe t1Jrpl.Jtarll.e1 nin 11Jcarc tl:Jcir
~i~, kings 11aug1Jttr. llJee:pe,
lt~; 35 .Qnb ro 'tlll)en tl)ey came to buric IJtt. tlJrt 1 3 'e met 'tDitlJ tlJe biettnen or aJ1a~ta mng
~~ foun?J no mo~c or Iler tbrn t(Je Cliull , anll ttJe Of ')Ulla, anb faib, 1191Jat are pe ~ ~her anf'ttle:
ill fectc, anbt'l)cpalntesof1Jerl)ann,e1. rell. ~IJe b1l'tl'ltm of al)a~ia arc\Dce, anll gor
1:~ 36 U91JcrfoJe tl)tt' came agaitl£,anll tolb !Jim. bo\1'.Jne to falute ttJc cl]illl,rn of tlJc liing nno of
r.;w;rg.u. anDl.}c ra111.~isu1 tfJc 'ttloJll of tt:Jeli-o~. •bJIJkl) tl)equeene.
ut (Je[pabe bp t(Jc tJanne of1Ji.t1 fcruantCflta.ElttJt 14 anb fJt.faillc, ~ake tlJcm aliue. tIDl)om
lt '~t{bite, faring, ']ln tlJC fielll of ')e~alJCI fl}aU \nfJm tlJtr (Jall tahm aliue, tl]ey Clc\n tl)cin at
· bo§gcJS cote tt:Jc HcilJ of]Ciabcl. tl)e"Q)tll1Dljicl.J 1:Das bcfille tl)e tJourt 'tlll]ere ti.Jc
: ; 1 gnb ro tfJc camctre of ']1~a1Jcl Ula.El rucn OJupe arc OJ01ne, eurn t'1'lo anb fourtr men,nci,
...., a.El boung bpon ti.Jc eartt:J in tl)e f1£Ui of'.31£iralJel, tlJtt left l)c anr of ttJcm.
""'"' ro tl,Jat no man migl]Uap. ~i.e IS ]eiabtL 1 s an11 'tlllJm l)e 1:D8$!1 lltpartcll tl)cncc,t)emet
~t Th Ch 3 'tDitlJ 9]onallab tl)c ronne of 1/icebab, comminjg
fl 2
cx• Pter·
6 Jehu c:aufc:th che feuentiefooncs of Achab to bee
tl~ine. 5 He killcch allo all die pricth ofBaal.
Q[l)ab lJall tfJJttfetnc anll tm rons
in ~amari11: an?J '.]J~u '1'l~oti let•
tcris. anb rent to ~amarla tmto
tl)c mlcrs of 1tiral}el, to tfJe d'
agamil IJim, anll l.Je bleffell IJim,anlJCaillto I.Jim,
tt}ine :' anll1\0n8llab an{UJrrtll, ~Ca tl)at ittd.
~en gim mce tbtne l)anll. an11 'tlll:)m IJee l.Jall
!,liuen tJim IJiJS l)ano, l:Je tooke l:Jim lip to l:)tm ill'
16 ~nll faill, Gromc '1'litl! me, anti rre 1nr iCalc
~11 neris. anb to tl)em t{Jat btou§l)t 1Jp ~at~ l)auc fot tl)e :to1t1. 91111 fo tlJcp mabe l)im
'!:1 !!£l)ab15CfJilDJen, tartn~, nlleml)i• cl.Jaret.
~~' 2 ~o1lle\n(Jcn tl}tJS letter commetlJ to pou 11 ano wl.Jrnl)c clltlleto~amaria, f]ctlc'ol
~;' (retbat IJauc \Dttg pourour mailers fonnes, pe an tl)atrcmaincb llnto ~cf.Jab in ~amana, till
,• IJauc witl) rou botl.J clJarets anb IJoiffs, a ftrong l}c IJa:b llcllropcll l.Jim , acco~oing to tlJt raping of
'~ citie l)auc re alfo,anll l]arnelfe,) tl)c :t.01ll '1>(JiclJ l)e [pallc to oetta1.
~ 3 ",!Loo he 'tllb,ic't) of pour matler1 ·ronis fl bet! 1s • .Qnb ')Jd)u gatfJmll a 11 tl)c people toge• ;.King. 16••
iJt nnl:I moll mectc, anll rct bim on (JI.El fatlJttll feat, tl)ei, anll Caib bnto tl)cm, a~ab rmreD • l8aa1 a ; 2•
ir. anD ligl)t foi pour loJllS bourc. litlt, butj!elJu OJaH rcrue111m mo1c. ;,:•r:.~~i..
,. 4 l6ut tl}cp \llcrc crceebmglr afraille, anti 19 ~o\ll d)erefo1e, call bnto ~i:e an tflc ~~· ;:::,~~~.1 b•
~t ram, ~c, t'Qlo kings were not able to t?anll be• pl.Jet• of l! fudJ as rerue 1J1m, ant> an 1}1.$ •· '-'•·•u.
1.:,. C01e l)im :goto Cl)aU 'We tt:Jtn be able to ltanlt.'
s anll l)ee tl)at ma JS gounnour of .ic!Jaf>I
p~iette11, ann let none be lacJilng, ro, '.ll IJaue a
great racrifice to !Joe to '3aal, ano tiierC01c 'tlll.Jo,
'' 1Joure,an111)eett1atrulcll tl.Je cine, tlJt etbers roeueri.e1miffeb,1JcllJallnothue. '3ut]dJutliD
auo, anll ti.Jc tutours, rent to 'jebu, fapin§, ODr it foi a £Ubtiltie, to tt,Je intrnt tl)at l]e mlgf}t be•
~ are tlJl' reruants,anb will noe all tl)at tl)ou fbalt aro}? tlJ£ rttuants of l8aal.
r, bill bis. '1'1£\lliH makcno man king: t1Jtrefo1no lo an111el)Ufaill, t ~:odaimcanl}olpcon• *11<1, san-
~ tl)ou 'tDIJat reemetl} goon in tt)inc epclJ, uocatton ro1 l6aal. !ilnll tlJey p1oclaimel1 it. ~tifie. •
l . 6 -at;l)en l.Jt \n~otc anottJe.r fetter to tlJmt.fat'' 11 ann 'JlelJu rent tinto atl ')fract.anllall tljc
f. mg, 1f re be mine. anll 1:Dill 1Jcarflm bnto nre reruantJS of l6aal came, tl)at tlJeu \1'.Jass not a
llopce, tlJm tabe tl)e l)catl)! or ti.Jc mm tl)at arc man left btlJinllc ttlat came not: anb tlJey came
pouimatterJSfonnc1,anbcomc tome to']ttra• intotl)c1Joufeofl6aal, arill tl)c l)ourc of :ll}aal.
bet bp to mo10\n tl)iJS time: ( an?J tf:)e lfingll ronis 1JJOIS fUll from tf:)c one cnll to anotl)tr.
'mm tlJ1eefco1eanll tenperfonjJ, anti ti.Jet' lDm u a111111.e faib _bmo I.Jim tlJat 'ma~ tfJc Jircpcr
\nitl) cl)e great men of t:\Jt atit, wl)iclJ bJIJUllJt or tlJ£ bellnc.l6Jtn!,l fOOJtlJ gannrntp ro1 an tl)c
tfJttnbp.) - rcruants of'5aal. ant1l)ce b1ougllt tl,Jtm out
1 ano "a>l)tn t1Je lctttr came to tlJrm. tlJt1' §&rmmtf. · ·
tooke tl)e Jrtnp c't)tl.n~en, anll lle'ttle tfJm1. eum 2 3 ann bJIJen 'JltlJU blent 'tllitb '.J,onabab tl)e
Achalias cruelrie II.Kings. is reuenged.
tlllto a,e Cmra• of l&aal. .,eardJ. 81111 laoflt
tl)at dJmllt l]mtutCIJ !911nont oft!Je cmumi.
of dJc :l-o~ buuf)e rauantfS of:»aal onetp.
:a-1: .ano tu(Jen dJep tumt tn to otm: ramfta
rcoze men tuitl]OUt, anb faille to dJtm. ~f anp
oftlJcmmtu)1om gj a,auc tnou,;IJt bnber pour
IJanll• ci'c~pc, IJe tlJat lettetl;JlJlm ;oc, ilJaU bie
2 ~ 2nb ass Coone ass IJc IJab mabC an cllbc or
ofmnl ttJc till.Joie burntfamfice, '.llcl)u rat~ to
t(Jc men oftllmc. 1.1 to ti.Jc 'sptajncs,c5o in. anb
aar t(Jem, let none come out. an11 tlJep rmore
tl;Jem tlltd) tl)e et1iie oftl)e t\D~t1.ant1 d)c mm of
tvan'C, 111111 tlJc captaincjl , '8t1 tljcm out, ~nb
t»mt to d)c citte of tl)e temple ofl5aal.
26 anti fee t1Jt imqess out of d)e temple of
llaal. anD bUn1t d)em,
, 7 anti ff.Jep b1aflt tlJt imagt of )l)aal, anb
b11111C ti.Jc IJouli of :J6aal, an11 mane a ~aug!Jt
1Jourcorn; bntotl)ii:st1ap. _
28anti ro '.]lcl)u bcllrotcb l&aal DUtef1ml.
29'6utfromtl)e anuf'.]lcroboamtlJefonnc
ofJaabat, tol)td) mane ]frael to nnne. 'Jd)U be•
parteb not fiomtl)em, neither from tl)c golbm
m1uess tlJat \l'Jcre in )l)etlJcl anb in ~an.
30 anDtl)eJL,oibcfapb bnto'Jel)U, '8ecauft
tllou l)att none figlJt \l'Jell tn b~in~tng to patre
tlJc tl,Jtn~ tl)at iis rt;l.Jt in mine cpeJS ,.anb l)a(l
bone bnto ti.Jc l)oufc of .a~ab acco~tnn; to all
....Rcg.1~. tl)inmss tlJatare tn mane 1.Jcart, * tl)ercfoie ft)all
u. ttJr 'iJilbJm, bnto tl;Je fourtl.J ;eneratton, rit on
tlJc feate of 'Jlfrael.
31 '5ut '.]lel)u careb not fo~ tf)tS!I, to \llalfle tn
tl)ela\l'J oftl)eJL,o~blBo'b of j!lrael, mitl) au IJilS
I) cart: fOJ l)e Depatten not from ttJc CinneJS of '.)le,
roboam, lDl)tclJ mane ']\lrael to finne.
31 1\n tl)oCc 'b111!elS tl)c Jl.,oJb bc~an to rut ~f,
H from ~oibane ceaamarb , cum all tlJc
lanD of <ll5ilcab, tl)e <ll5abitess, tl)e JRubenitcis,
anb tt:Jcm tl)at \l'Jm or illl;lana«ess, ftom !!rocr
CtlllJf'lJ tisbp tl)e riuer amon) euen <llileab anb
H ~~cretf oftlJe 'roo1b1S tl)at '°ncemc]el)U,
an'D au tl)at l)c Dib, anb all IJllS po'nler, are tlJel'
not b:IJittcnin tl)e bookc oftl)e 4ti110.nimis of tl.Je
llingss of j\Crael ~
3S !lnb jJclJU llcpt 'mitl) lJ(S!I fatlJetlS,anb tlJep
butteb IJlm in -amana, illUI ~oaa,a15 l)tJS ron
nilneb tn l)IJS ftcab.
36 QnbtlJctinicttJat1\CIJU ttipcDbpon ~f·
rad in ~amarta. 115 ttJJentic anb eiil;Jt rm215,
The xj. Chapter.
t Athalia putteth to death all the kings fonncs, cx-
ecpt loas the fonne o(Ocholias. J ~ Ichoi:ad:a cau-
feth Athalia 10 be flainc. 18 Baal and his prieftsarc

1.Chro. n.
.f)b dcfiroycd.

* at;IJalia tl}C mod.Jet of al)a•
~ia, 'ml)mfiJt C8\1Je t1Jatb£i fonm
'ma• bcall, llJt aroCc, ilnDIJdrO!dl
· &Utl)ebingsfutlc.
ll~ 1oiam at1ll f1Utt or1 g})a}ia tootle ioa•
t1Je ~nnc of :ll)a}ia, ant1 ltale mm'ftom amontl
ti)~ Iii~~· tl)at 'alert Daine, anti IJi• nurre
\llttlJ i,im m tl)e btb Cl} amber, anb 1Jill "'1U from
attJalaa, tl)at l)e 'ma15 not Daine.
19 gn111
~he T ert1 ple repaired. Chap.xij .Xiij. Ioas is fiaine. 13 8
~ z9 gull tooflt ti}c niters ouer l)tmt1~c1>s, t)Jc mufick.bafons, tninll>ttf.01 anp l>effds of ~010,
captainci, anti tf}etn of tlJc g!lfll, llt1ll an tlJc pco· o~ bclTel.U offilUer, of pmoner t(Jat \Dai; b~ougt}t
ple of tl]c l81ib , anll tfJcp b~ ougl)t tlJc fling Crom 'nto tIJc l)ourc of tf,Jc JUl~il• .
tl)e l)ourc of tl)c ll.01?1, ~ came bl' tlJc war oftl)c z4 '6ut tl)cnauc dJat to t1Jctuo:1tcrnm,an1>
~attoftl}cm Oftl1c prll,to tiJc llin~pa18ci!~ rcpaireo tlJcmuitlJ ti)£ l)oUfc of tlJcJL.o:ll.
1Jcf4te1Jimllo\lJntontlJcfratcoft1Jcll~~>'.;:.· 15 ~o~coucr, ti)~ nckoncll not U'J~ tIJc
20 .annal tl)cpcoplcortIJc lanll r«or~ilt1b mm mto \u(}ofc hanlls tl)cp Deliumll tllatmo·
tlJHitie uias in quiet, anti tlJer actuc ~ ncr. to be bcllo'tucll on 'tuo~lmncn : fo1 tlJey lltll
\DitlJ t11c ruio~D, bcfillc tlJc flitlg!'l palace. . , . tlJm bufincrrc l>pon trua.
21 ~cucn rems olll \Dali '.)Jo~ 'all)cn IJc be• 16 $0\lJbcit, tttrparrc monep, anll finnc mo•
gaq to rcignc. ney ma11 not b~oug(Jt into tbc )Jourc of tl}c:linll,
w1 tt\lJas ti.Jc p~ictls. · ·
~: . . The xij. Chapi:er. 1
7 ~en came ~a1a£l king of ~p~ia bp,at1ll
~ 6 Ioas maketh prouilion for the repairirtg ofrhc tcm· fou®tagamft ©ctlJ, anti tookc it: anti ~a1acl
~~ pie, 20 lo~siskilledbytwoofhisferuants. rcttms fare ca goc bp te ~icruratem.
\;z ·' .~W*'J]oa"bcgam1Ctonignci~
t. 4 .~A' tl)e rcucntlJ pcere o~ jlel.JU; fourttc
zs gnll ']Joas bing of ']] ulla tooffc an tl)e
haUo\lJcll tbinlU$ tlJat 'J]ofaplJat, '.}omm anb
~ ' ~ pccrel! rcignen l)c JU ermdalcl~. a(Jarta f.Jil!I fatlJms, fling!! of'luba l)ati oe1>lcatc,
~ anti hts motf.JctSS name \Da~ ~cbt' anll tlJatlJe lJtmfclfc l:Jan ne1>t.::atc1>, anll au tf.Jc
~ al,l, oflt>ccrlcba. mas founb 111 ttJe trcarurcl! of tlJc
~ 2 ano ge llill tl)at \lllJiclJ \Xia" goon tn ttJe lJou~e oftf.Je JLoJb '· anb in tlJe flings f.Joure, anti
~~:_a1 flgi.Jt oftl)c ll,,o~Dc,.al! long a"• '.]lcl;Joaalla tl)c rcnttt to t~iaclfimg or ~r~ia, ann wl:Jc nepar,
~cbrrrur 101iCit cnfOUrmcb lJAtl• tell from 1)1crura1em.
:it>~i'J,,. 3 :lBut dJclJiglJ pla~s mcreno~taficn atoa11: 19 ~crcmnant of tl}e \l.Jo tb!S tlJat concttnc
· fo~ tl:Je people otrmll, anl:I burnt mccnfc pct bp• '.J;oas, ru1b aUt(JatlJec1>11>, antticpnot\l.J~ittcn
~ on tlJc IJiglJj!lam~.
4 atlll']Joa~rai1:1cto tlJc ~iic«s.autl)efil,
in ttJc bOOhC of tlJC Qtl_nonicll'~ of tlJC liingl! Of
r.: ucr of t(Je bcDicate tiJingsS tl}at be b~ougljt to t11e ~ o anll {Ji~ omnc rcruant~ arofe; ann conQ:Ji•
11• l)outeof tiJc "JLo~l:le, tl)atis, tl)c monep of tl)em rell .ann l1(111c'.]loa~m t tl)cl)ourcof ~illo, 1n rncth M.1.1
~: tl)at'llle:rc numll~eb, tl)c moncp tl)ateucrp man tJ,Je\lJapgoingllo'Wncto~illa: la, i
t 1s rct at , ano all tl)e montt' tf.Jat cuerp 1nan lI '.lloiadJllftlJefonnc or ~emaalJ, anb'.}o, 1
toitl) awilling l)rart gtuetl), ann b1ingetl) into i~ball tl}e Connc of ~mer, IJis reruants rm0te i
tl)ef.Joure of tl)e t-o~b: 1J1m, a~ l:Jnie~ :.anb tlJcp ~uricll l:Jim \llitlJ l,li~ II
t s JL.ett~c ll);iefts tallc it to tlJnn,euerp man fatt}crs Qtte or Jl!lamll, anll ~iia lJi~
of !Jill acquaint ace, to rcpaifc tlJe b1oftm places ronnerdgtwninlJi~ aeab.
..... of tl)c l1oufc, tof.Jcrcrocurr anp llccap i~ rounll• The xiij. Chapter.
6 :Inll ro it came to pall'e, tlJat tmto tl}c ttnee
anll tmcnnctlJ pccrc of Jiing '])oas, the 191icl11S 3 loach:az the fonnc of lchu is dcliilcrcd into the
!Jab mcnllcll notl)ing tl)at 'tllrus ne,aiell in ti)c hanils of the Syrians. S Hee prayeth vnto God,
and is.deliuercd.
1 ~l)cn lring 1oa~ callcn Coi 1elJotalla tlJe Ja tlJe tlJ~ec anll tU!entictlJ 1'etc of
~Jitfl,ann t11eot1:Jctl01icll~,atlll rat!> bnto tl)cm,
1101.JF repairc vc nottl)ebJOliCnpltUci! ofdJc tcm<
ptc :'now tl)ercfo1c rec tlJat rec rccciuc no mo~c
moncr of pour acquaintance, cixcpt pc lletiUtt
it to rcpairc tl)c tcnq>Ic wttf.JaU.
s ~tnll tl)e lMetki! conrcntell to rcctiue no
mo~c moncr of ti.Jc people, ~ceptto rcpaitc tl)c
D ·]ioas tl)e ronne of al)a}ia fling of
']luba, '.Jjoacl)at t{Je Connc of ']ctJu
bc11an to reign oucr ']lrraelin ~a·
maria, rcuentcct1cf£m~.
2 . anb tJe UJ~otrgf.Jt t1Jat mlJicl:J toa~ elfin in
tlJe Ctgljtoftl)c JJ.o~D, ann ronowcb tl:Jefinncsof
'.]Jeroboam tlJC fonnc of fr)abat, 'a>IJiri.J mane :Jjr'
l.lecarco place!! oftlJctcmplc. racl to finnc, atlll bqiarteb not tl)mfrom.
9 :n>ut ']]cf.Joiaba tlJc ~:d toolie a dJelt., 3 !lnb tl)c JLo:ll 'tDal! angrp Witf.J ]fraet,ann
anobo~cll a l)ole in tl.Jclill of it,anllCctitbcflbe ncltucren tf}em into tl)c l)an'b of ~a1MI king of
tl)c alt!lf,on tiJC rigl)t fibMIS eucrp man conutlJ ~mia, anll into tlJe l)ann of '3enl}atJl1b tl)e ron
imo tlJ etemple of tl}e 'A..o~b,aull tlJe 101ie:(hl tlJat ofl~aiael, an tlJeir nape~.
hqlt tl)c bctrel~, put tl)crein all tt)c monep tl)at 4 .ant1joaclJaibcrou111Jt tiJeJLoJll, anlltlJc
'Wal!l bµ>Ugllt into tlJC lfOUfl' of tiJe JLoJb. - ' )Lo~l:I IJearb l)im: fo~ f.Je 'onfioereb tl)e trOUble of
IO Qnb lDl)el1 tlJCp fR'aJC .f:l}erc \Xl8S tnUd) ']ifracI, 'l.tll)crc'tllitlJ ti.JC bing of ~p#a troUblctl
moncp in tlJc cl)c.n , tl)c ilingl ("ilie 81$ tin tl)cm.
l)i«1Jl01ien came up, anntolbc t1Je1noncr*1Jftt 5 (an1:1 d1c )l.01?1 gaue '.)frael ll lleltucnr, ro
toal!founll in tl)c l)oufc oftlJe llroJtl, ana P.Ut Jt tl)at tl)ey 'a.lent out from bnner t11c fubie.::tion of
intubagge. · · . ;. ' ttJe ~F1iant1: anll tl)e cl)ilb1cn of'.]Jftacl ll't1lclt
z1 an1> tlJCt' gauc t(Jc mottct' fmlcb into tlJe intf.Jcirtmt~ *al! bcfo1emnc. rncbr ,,.
l)anbl! of tl)cm tl}at c~ccutcb tbcwoJbc,11111:1 ~t· 6 j(lcmrtl)elcffc, t1Jeyllcpartcl1,notfromt11c >·eilcrday,
lJall .ttJc oucrfigl}t ortl)c l)oUfc of tl)e JL.oin:~ ttJep finnei:! Of tl)C 11oufc Of '.Jl~boam, \lll)itlJ mabe before yc-
b~ougl)t it out to t(Je QI:arpcnteQSann budt>nl ]ftacl finne, but ~alfie~ m tlJctn: anti tIJm re, nerd•y.
tl)at to~ougl:Jt l>pon t(Je 1Jo1lfe oft.l)c )l.,otb, .· 1 mainena ~ouc ~n alfom ~amarta.)
12 anll to Sllflaron!S anll (Jetoerl5 offlone: ~ 7 .atttl)~ DUI l)e leaue of tl)c people to ']Joa•
tl)ey biougl)t timber atll! fre~ none to rqit11re c1Ja1, butfifmlJoircmcn, ten cl)arrtl!, aub un
tl)e lJecartn tIJe (Jourcof tiJC'Jl,.o~anll to alltl)at. tl)outanll footmrn:fo~ tlJe king or~nia nellrof•
lllrntout to metJD t:l,ucnwtc, ·;: .· -. i· · CD d)cm. at1b matle tl)tm like tl)icOJen null.
1 3 ~owbcit. tlJm wa~ 110.e .ia~ fo.i ~:1Jqure· s ~c nil or tl)e woi1>s that conmnc ~oa~
oftl:Je Jl,oi!J, bo'tu\elS Qf filuer~ ~-~of clJa~. au tl)at 1)£ lllJJ,ano IJi~ power,&re tlltt'
not~ ··
The cha rec of lfrael. I I.Kings. Ioas taketh Amazia ~
notto~ittenint)1ebooBeof•"'1icnUcleS!loft11e The xiiij. Chapter.
IS~ of'.)lfrad '! . · 1 Am:i.zia the king ofluda putce1h to death them that
9 ant11)oad]af aeptto~tlJIJ••fatlJ~~ anti flew his father, 7 And afrcr fmireth Edom.
tlJey burietl ~tm tn ~amaria, anl) 9!0111Sl)l$!1 Con
reignctl tn l}tS fleaD. l)t *feconllpeercof '.)011.sf'onneof
10 l)n ttJe d}ittte anl) reumtl;J tun of l)o• ~~llingof'.JlttatI,ratgnco~ r,Cbr,i
a• fJtng of 1una, bc15an '.Jl~oas tl)e C~n of '.Jloa, mcma tl)e Connc of~oass king of
ctJaf tn reignc ouet]Cradm ~amana, aneme :)UDS.
• 2 Ille \Datst\Dmtp 8t1b fiuepmss
pe~csano btb tl)at tolJklJ is eutn in U,e Ct$1Jt of o~ mgcn l}e began ~ore~ l1t1b reigncn t'tllm:
tfJe JL,, ant> bcparttb not ftom au tl)e ctnne!S tte anb mne renes m $1crura1em: an1> 11ts mo·
of'.]]eroboam tl)c fonne ofJaabat, tl)at mabe ]C. tlJers name \llaSS 'lloaban or l)icruralem
racrnnne: foi!Jt\lltlUleb tl)erttn. 3 ant> l)ee bib tl}at tol)idJ toss gooD in tt)e
1 a ~(Je mtmant of tl)e \uOJb$!1 d,Jat conccmc rtgl)t ~f t(Jc JL,o~be,pet not l~lir. li!'auib IJi,i fafl.Jer:
']ioa13, atlll all tl)at Ile bill, ant> l)i$!1 powu, tol)n• but lit~ ac:c:o~Dmg to au tl)m~ tlJS 1oass 1Jt13 fa•
toitlJ l)e fou~t agairtlt ~1na!ia bing of l)Uba, tl)ctDIO.
arc t(Jep not m~ittcn in tlJe booke of tl)e Gtl)~oni• 4 jl;)eit(Jet \Dm tf:Je IJt~ P-lace13 taflm atolll': i'.
cle• oft(Je Iii~ Ofj!Crad t Co: 8IS pet CIJC l'eople t>ttl famftce, Stlb burnt m•
1 3 anb ']Joa• Ocpt\uitlJ l}i$!1 fatbets, ano ]e· crnr.e on tl)e ~places.
roboam cate bpott l}il5 feate: anb '.)oaj!l tD8$!1 bu• . 5. anDa)lfoonea~ tlJeflfngbomc\Dassfetkb
rieD tn ~amarta,among tl}e lling!S of 9\fraeL mmts l)anll, l)e Oen> IJtSS Cmiant!S \Dl)icl) l)aD bll•
14 ml)en Cflifeu!S '\Da!S fallen acfle, of1Jil3 ril;JJ• lcb tl}e king IJiil fatJ:Jer.
nelTe toIJereof l)t bieb, '.Joa!S U,e fling of 11\"ad 6 '8ut tlJc c1J.tlt1~en of t;11ore murtimrss l)ci
aunc bo\llnc bnto l)im , ant> \'Dept befo1e l)tm, aetoc not, acro~t11ng tlnto it tl}at is to:ittcn in
anriratn, !lDmp fatl)er, mpfatl}er. U,e £1}aret of tl}e boolie of tl)e latoc of ~ofcil, tol)mtn ti)£ -
~rrael, ano u,c l)oiCernen oftl)e came. t:o:b comm~nlletl, Captng, * Jl,rt not t11e faflJCOI Dc!L , ,1,-
1 s Cfliku• rattle bnto IJtm, ~ake botD~ atib b1e f0Hl)CCl)llt>1en, no: let tfJtclJtlll:en be Dain£ czcc, 1S..'.
ano\Iles. ant11Jee tooke bnto l}im bow ano ar· roJ tl)e rat1JerS$ : but let euerp man bet put to
rotoe)l. beatlJ ro~ IJiil o'aine Cmne.
16 an?J l)e fatbeto U,e Iring of'.)Crad, l&Ut 7 ll)eOeto of <fbo1n in tl}e faltballep, tcnne
tlJinc llanb t>pon tl)e bo\ll. anti l)e put IJiSUJBnb tl)oufatlll,anb too fie tl)e came on tl)e rome in CIJ£
bpon it: ann <JeliCcu)l put l)ilS banbrlS bpon tf)c fame batten, anti calleb ti.Jc name of it lo"'Jm
bin~ 1Jant113,
17 anll faib,®pcn a 'minbo'1l GeaihJarb.gnn
bnto tlJIS5 bap.
8 $1,lenamafia rmtntttrenger1 to ')oass tlJe
mlJm !Jc ban opmeb it. G?ltreus CaibC, ~IJoote. ronneof'1oad}af Conncof')d;Jufrinlofltnd,
:anti l}e ll)Ot. itnb l)e fain, '4l.-l}e arrotoe of IJraltll fat'ing. Cltome, •let blS rte UIJ oti,er. ~::.~:
of tl)e JL.oJb, anb tlJe atro'roe on1~altl) agatnn 9 ann gjoa$1 tIJc Iring or 11rae1 cmt to ama• .._ ,
~mia: foJ tl)ou ll)alt cmtte ~mia m.atilJcc, till ~ ki!IQ or ')m111, raping, ~10 not a tmllle tlJat :
tl)ou l)aue mabe an cnl) of tl)rm. . 1ss in ll..tbanon..fenD to a ~ebar tree tl)at i• tn JL.t. :
18 ann l)e ratbe, ~alletl)carrotms. anblJr banon. caring, 13tue ti.Jr baugIJtcr to mp Connc ·
tooflc t\)cm. !!n'b l}c Catll bnto tllc flTilg 0( ]{ra• to totf2 ~ 9nD tt,1e totllle ma tIJat toa• in Jl.tbao
d, ~mitetlJCgtOUtJll, !lnb l)t Cmote tl}Jffe,an'!.l non, lDmtanD trotle bo'nme tlJe tl)illlc.
cearcn. , 10 QJou l)att Cmittm cebom. tlJittt IJeart
19 ann tl)e 1nan or <115ob ma~ angrp \llitlH.Jim, (JatlJ ma11e t1Jcep10ut1e: eniop tlJi• glo~r,anD ta•
anti faib, ~l)ou 11Joutt1e111Jauc fmittrn fine o~ rtt ll' atl)o1ne:to1Jp boea tl}oup~ouolte to mtrcllitt.c,
times, an'b tl)en ttJou 'lJllbllell Cmitten ~piia till tJJat tl)ou tlJOUlbdl be ouertIJ~o\llen, anb 91 uoa
tlJou l)abbcll mabc an mb or tl)em : \'lll]crc no\ll to1t11 ttJrc1
tl)ou tl)alt Ctnite ?mia but tl)~tfe. 11 ~ut .;ma~ia \tloulb not l)care: ant1 'Jo•
2 o am co ll?ltfcus brcn , ann tIJer burie'!.l l)im: ki~of'.)Cracl\llcntbp,anbl)e,anbama1'aking
at1b tl)e roulbitrSS oftlJe ~oabttcs came into tl)c oflUba, fa\'O dtl]tr oti}er at;J8etl)fame-. tolJiclJ
• e1brt nn, lallb I tl)c fame l'CrN. iJ IU'.)UbS.
~~~~~~~·~~ 2 1 annass ttJep to ere burping aman, ~ fncb 1 :a .Qnll '.)Ulla \HS put to ti.Jc tooire bcfo~ '.Jlfi
~::~~~~~~ tl)c. roulbters , tl)ep call tlJc man into tf;lc rcpu1. rael,anb tl)tpft~b tllefl'man to tl}nrtentjl.
cl}ic of ctliteu•: anll to!Jen tl)e man toaa rollrll 13 an11 9loass litng or 1ftatl tooti.e amalia
Ecc'.48.14 bOlD ne, • 811D tOUdJeD tlJC bOIUIS of ceiirtUJ, l)ec ktngof ]ut>a, tJJc fonncof'.)joas,tl)tConncofa•
\'CUiUCll, anb ftOOb \lpon l)ilS fccte, IJaffa, at lBttlJfamess, ano mmc to $icruf'alem,
u l6ut~afad Jtingof~fJia, t1ent1 ]~ae1 annb1afle1>olllntt11etoallof l}imdaletn, from
an ~e bapcs of']oacl)a~. tl)t gate of ~Jaim, to tlJe "1mergatt, fourc
2 3 !lnb tl)e JL.0111 l)ab merc:p on fl.)e1n, anb pf. tJurt~11 cubite•.
tt~b tl)em, ant> l)ab n1\lect \lnto tl)nn,becaure of 14 ann l)c toonean tl)e go111ean11 filucr, anD
l)t• couenanttnabe \llttl) ab1al)am,1fabac.,anll DI t!Jlbtad• tlJatl»m fotmb in tl)c ~oure or tlJt
1arob, an11 woulb nottleflrol' tl)cm, ~call JLoit, an11 in tl)e trraftlres of d)e fJtnglf;IDUfe:
lJt tl)em ftom \Jim al!! pct. ann tl)e d)illl~ tooflt l)e to be IJil to~ llnJI
4 ~ l)~~ael ti.Jc fling of ~ftia bfeb, anD rttumell to J»amaria againt.
]Bcnl)abab lJr,1 tonne nf!;lt1Cb tn l)IS tleab. I s qe tttl OftlJt 8'te.8Of1108$!!1D~d1 l]e bttl,
~ ~ anb 'Joas tl)c tonne of 'Joa'1]ay tomt A• anb ••.lG'IDtt,ant (Joto l)c fDU«IJt'ID.itfJ gmaJia
11mne, am toOllL out or tlJe IJanb of '6en1Jaba'D fdnlOf"JUba, aret11eynottD~itenin tlJtboofle
t!Je Contu or i)a'8fl, tiJt title• wbictJ tJe l}ab ta• of dje ,!=IJ~ntcle• of tl;lt flitll.8 of~f\'ael:'
km atoal! out Of t:IJe l)anb of ]oadJaf IJtlS fat1)er 16 •nb'.llo8'oeut'IDttlHJt•fat1Jft'S,anl)\llat1
tn \Dam: foJtlncetinws bib 'Jou beate l}fm, burilbat$1Darariamongd]eflt111Jof'.lftact,
4?111 nlloJeb tl)e dttcs bntO'J\ttac1a11aiiu. ant1".lmboam11'•fomv refgnrbSnbilfleaD.
17 ~nta•I
;~roboam.Ahaziaaleper. Chap.XV-. Sallurn. Manahem. 139
. 1 7 ainartatf1e ronneof]oal!I fling of1Julla, · 6 ~neftoftlJc\lJ~lll!ltlJatconccrna!tltia,
.'. ltucb artcr t1)£ lleatlJ of '.]loais ronnc ot 1oact}a! am an etat be tlill, are tl)ep not 'al~tttm tn tl;)c
htng or~rrad, fiftcenc rccrc15. booflc of tiJe ortnontclcl!I of tile flingl!I of:lluba:'
~ 1 s ilnll tlJcrcmnant of ttJc '1:1 ~lll!ltbat con' 7 ann ro a ~arta tlept 'alitl;) lJil!I fatl}crJS, anb
~ c:cme amapa,are tl)cy not w,tttcn tn ttJc boofle tbcy burtet11Jtm \tlttlJ IJil!I fatl)etl!I in tl)c ct tic of
I~ of tf;Jc '1}101Ttclel!I of tlJekinguf ]ulla:' ll!>auill , anll ']ott.111m l)tl!I ronne refgnetl tn IJi!!
i 19 *lt>ut ttJer confptrell ttcaron againfl l)tm llca?I.
~ 'llr. u.9 tnf.}ternfalml: anll 'O:JIJtn l)c flell to JL.aclJiJS,tlJCF s ~n tl)e tlJtrtp \I et!tl'Jt rene ofl!aria fling
~: rent arm l)im to lL.actJtis, ann ae'al l)tm t(Jete. ofluna, lltl> ·~actJarta ti.Jc ronnc of jleroboam
,~ 20 anll ttJer ~ougl)tl)im on 1Jo~re15, anll IJc mgne bpon :llrraehn ~amaria rire monet1'l5:
·• wal!I btmrn at ll)icrufalcm mttlJ l)il!I fatl)er15 , tn . 9 ann \ll,ougIJt tl)at 'allJiclJ \\lal!I ruill in tlJe
;:,.' tl)e cine of l0auill. liglJt of tl}c ]Lo,ll, Bl!l llill l)il!I faetcr15: ann turnell
~'·Ir, 16. • 21. • ann a~l tl)cpcople of]Uba tookt a!a~a not away fro~ tl}e finis of jlcroboam tl)e ronnc
'~ (bllJielJ \Dais fiJ:tcenc rccreis olll ) anll mane IJtm of ~abat,'Qll)icl) mane ]fraelto firme.
k~ lltng fo~ lJilS fatl)cr ama!ta. . 1 ° ~ntl ~allum tl)e ro1mc of ]ab es, c:Ont\'f'
'< 22 ll)c built lflatlJ, anll b:oUglJt it agamc, to renagama 1)11n,annrmote 1Jim in ttJe flglJt of tl)e
.~I 1\uM, after t{Jat tl)e 11tng mal!l latll to retl lDJtll peoplc,an11 kt'Uell lJim,ann rti!Weil in l)il!I aean.
·l ~isfattlttis. . u ~creaoftl}e'alo1l!l5tiJatconcerne·5actJa'
\ 2 3 lj,n tlJellftccntlJ t'ete oHlmapa tlJc ronne na, lle(Jolll, tl)ep are \tl~ttten in tl]c boohe ortl)c
~~·· of']\oais bing of]Uba, blal!lltt~boamtlJc.rornte Gr~:omcle~ ~f tfJc liingl!I of'.j]frael. .
·, of'.j] oais mane fling oucrj\frad tn §!Damarta,anll 1 2 ~ts tlS alfo t{Je blo,n of tl]c l!.-O~n. 'allltcl:J
reigncll fourtif anb one pcttcl!I: (Jefpalie bnto '.]\CIJU,faying,* -t:l:Jp Conncs !l)al flt ~.R•g. to.
24 anll 'aliouglJt ttJat mIJicl)blal!I eutn in tl)e
fig(Jt of tl}c )L,o:ll, nett(Jet tumen IJc away fTom
O!'J tl)c reatc of ]fracl, bnto tl}e fourtlJ genera,
t1on artcr tl)ee. ann ro tt came to parre.
: ~1 all t.IJc finnes of 'Jltrobo,am tlJc fonne offlabat, .13 ~allum, tl)e ronne, of ']labeis begannc to .
· ·' mlJt,lJmalle'.]\Crael tolinnc. r~gf!emt1Jemne anlltlJtrttctl} recrc of 1J a1a' \10r,oz.ias.
~ 2 5 ll;)e rcao:en tl,Jc coall of'.]lfracl,frol_U d)c m' na rung _of '.]\Ulla, anll [Jc rcigncll a monetl) in
:t1 trtng ofl!)cmatlJ, tintotllc ftaoftl}c'altlllCTne~ ~amana.
·· accoilltng to etc bloin of tl)e JJ.,0111 <5otl of9!Cra' 14 fo: ~anal)cm tlJe fonne of ©abi, tocnt
~ el,'allJid} l}e fpahe by tlJe IJanll oflJil!I rcruant 910, bp from ~ir1a,ann came to ~amaria, \I fmotc
=t: nais, tl}e ron ofamitlJai tl)e p,opl)et,1DIJiclJ blal!I $\lallum ete ronnc of jjal.leis, in ~amaria, ann
.... or <5ctl} ll;)cplJer: fic'lll IJim, anll retgnen tn l)is acan.
- 26 fo, tl)e ll-01t1 fa\l:l IJo'» tlJat tlJe affliction 15 ~e rdt or tlJc wo:nis tl)at 'onccrnc ~al,
l!:J· of]fr~cl \llas eyccclling :i. bitter,in ro muctJ tl)at lum,anll tlJc trearon tDIJiclJ l}c c:onfpirell,bcllolo,
. ;cable. tl}c piiConell anti tl)c fo,rafmt Ulcre at an cnll e, tlJcp are to1ittm tn tl,Je boollc of tile ~10nides
"SJ.• anll tJ.Jere tu11s none to IJelpc '.]lfracl. of tl)e mngis of9\CratL ·
~ · ,, 1 ant1 tl)c )L,o~ll fail> not, tl)at lJc tuoulll put 1 6 ~IJc fame time ~anal)em 11ellroren
iJ~ out tl}e n11me of~fracl rrom tinlln 1Jeauen: but ~iplJfal) , ann 1111 tl)at blere tl)crein, anll tl)c
;.i IJe l)elpell tl}em bl! tl)c l)antle of '.]lcroboam etc coaass tl)creof fTom ~ir!a: 11no bccaurc tlJl'l'
f.I ronnc of ']loal!I. opmc'b not to l)lm, l)e rmote it,anll ript bp al tlJc
::ti 2.8 ~crcflo£tfJc\Do~lll!ltlJlltconc:CTne']lero• tllomcn\\li~clJilll.
r.:: boam, ann alltlJat l)c llill, 11nt11)11!1 flrengttJ, ann 17 ~e mnc anti tl]irtietl) ycrc of g!Bria r1ing
~ llo\ll l)c foUglJt in ete blamss, llnll 1Jotl11Jc rcfto- of']\Ulla, began SJl!)anal)em tl)c fonnc of ©alli to
i~ rel> ~marcuss anll ll)cmatl} to ']Iona tn 1frad, rcignc tipon 'llfracl ten pcr:rcs in ~amaria.
;;~ arc tlJet not \lJ~tttm in tfJe booke of tl)c citt_uont, 18 ann l)c llill eutlin tl}e figfJt oftl)e )l,o,ll,anll
,.,, cleis oftl)e ltingl5 of ~rrael 1 turnell not amar all 1Jil5 Mtieis from tl)e finnc of
~I ~9 anti ']jeroboam llept \lJitblJil!lfaetetl!l,e' ']\CTOboamtl)cfonneofflabat, bll)icl}malle'.]f'
· ucn 'alitl:I tl)c ktngl!I of 'llfracl, 811ll ~aclJarta 1Jil5 rad to finnc.
lbnnerctgncn inl]isstlean. 19 anti ~IJUI tlJc liing of arrr~ta came bp,
The xv. Chapter. on t(Je lann :anll S®ana(Jcm gaue ~lJul a tfJOU•
Azaria che king ofluda becommeth a leper.
ran11 talentl!I of flluer , tl}at lJiJS l]anne mtglJt
bt 'alitl) IJim, anti llablillJ tl}c llingllomc in tJts
~ tl,Jct\Dmtie 11nnreuentl) rccrc of (Jann.
'.Jjcroboam fling or ']fraCI, began 20 .!lnll ~11na1Jcm mallc a p1oclamation co,
~Hana ronnc of ama!la liing of tfJc money in ']lttae1, ttJat all men of fubtlame
]una, torei~r. ft.JOUll> ~c tl}elling of Q!TpJia fifttc fiClclS Of fll•
• 2 ~i,:teenc t'eet~ olll blass l,Je uet a ptec:c: ~ ro tl}e fling of atrp~ta turnen bache
'llllJen l)c ma~ mallc Jttng, a11n 1Jc reignell t\llo againe, anti tarieb not tl}erc in tl)e lann.
allll fiftte peres in l)ierufalcm: anll l}iis mot1Jetl5 2 1 '11!;1Je rdt of tl)c \llo~nss tl)at conc:emc ~a,
namctoais 1ctl)olia ofl~imifalcm. . nalJcm, anll aHt(Jat IJcllill, are tl}cy not 'aliit'
3 !ilnb l)c llill tl}11t \l'llJid) tJais rtg(Jt tn ete ten in tlJc boolic of tl}e 4r1J1oniclcss of tl}c liings
~' fi~t or ete J1..01n, atco1bin!.l to all tl)tngss as llill or'.Jlrracl:'
ii~ IJ11!1 fatlJcr ama~ta.
4 ~auc tfJat tl)e IJig(J placel!I blert not 1Jtlt
22 gnn ~anal)~ acp_t mitlJ bis fatl)et')l,anb
~ecalJia IJts r~nne nan mgne m lJil!I nean.
~ a'alap: foJ tbc people offcreb , anll burnt inc:enre 2 3 ']ln tlJe fift:Jetl) pcerc Of a1arta lifng Of'jU'
, thll on tlJc l)igl) places. na, began ~ec;af:Ji~ ttJc fonnc of ~anabcm· to
'-hro.i6. 5 * anlltl}r. J1..01lle rmotctl)cktng, anti f)cc rci~e oucr .'Jifracl m ~amarta ttuo pccrrl!I.
f• mar; 11 leper bnto tlJc bay oflJiSS neatlJ, anll llblelt 24 anll n1n tlJat 'llllJtcl) tuass euill in tile flglJt
r tn a Ceucrall IJoUfc at libcrtic, ann 1otl}am tl)c of tl}e 'i-o,ll, anil lcft not oft from tl)t rmnr~ of
lltnp forme ~oucmcn tlJe palacc.ann iungell tlJc 1Jeroboam tlJcfonnc of ~abat, 'allliclJ mane 'J1l'
people of tl}e lanll. racl finnc. ·
Pecah. Iocham. I I.Kings. Achaz idolarrie.
2i lBut 19c,al) tl)e Connc or .Eomcl~. 'IDl)id:J 4 anb IJtc otrmb anb burnt incenec in tlJc
toa~ a taptainc of IJiS, c~nrp1rcb .a!:Jatntl f1tm, ~ places, alll> on tl}e IJilS. anti tmllet cucrp
an!l fmotc IJim in ~amana. cucnm. ti.Jc Pia'~ of tlJttllc tree.
tlJe llin~ boufe. tottb 9r!:JQb ~nb ~na,anll 'alttll 5 *~IJcn&li':lkingof ~Fiia,anlJJ'etal:) Eie. .,,
IJim mere fiftic men of ~c <!151tca!l1tts : an'b I.Jee fonnc of J!tomdta mn1 of'.]lfracl,mme tip to l)ic' 7
llilltb )Jim,anb rcigntb mIJtS roumc. rUfalem to li§IJt:anlJ tlJct' foql)t qainlt ac11ay,
2 6 ~IJc rea of t11e 'alo~lles tlJat conccrnc 10£' but coultl not oumomc IJim.
calJia. anb an ti]at IJe bill, beIJotn. tlJep are to~it, 6 at tfJc fame time 11lcpn kfnJ of ~nta.
ten in tlJc boohc oftiJC4tlJ1oniclcs of ti.Jc It~ of b:ouglJt ctlatlJ a11amt? ~p~ia, ~rtb tl)c']c'IDcf
']JfratL tlJcmc : anll tlJc ~ntans came to ceiatt;J , anll
z 7 l!n d1c flf'tit anb t\llo t'CCt'C of g~aria fling ll'IDclt t(Jcrcin tmto ttris nap.
of ~uila, bC(an l&ua!J tl)c rotme of momclta to 7 ~o ~at rent mt[ClllttJS to ~C§lal1
rei!Ple oucr 1rrael in ~amarta t'almtic rccrcs, )9l]alarar fling ofatrnia. fat'ln§. '.]I am tlJp fer,
28 .ann bill cuilJ in tl;Jc figl)t of ttJc Jl.,oJb. anb uant, anb tlJF ronne, come 1:1~:;in bdiue:rmc
tumeD not amar from tl)c anncs of 1croboam outoftl]c1Jant1 or tlJefttrtQ:of ia, anllout of
tl)e ronnc ofJaabat, tlJat mane '.Jlfrad rinnc. tlJ~ IJanll of tlJc fling of ')rrael, 'mlJl'IJ rtrc bp ll•
l 9 '.Jin tl]e tlaies of 1l)etalJ kin1 of •]rrael,camc gamllmc. J
'~IJcghtlJ 191.Jalafcrflin~ ofatrnia.~ toolie')ion, s b anti ar.IJat tooltc tf1e filucr anb golb tl)at b Ar (
9be1,l5CtfJ· maat(Ja.1ano111J, €cllcts.$BJOM!'5i' 'mas founll in tlJc ~omc of ttJc lLo1t1, anti in tlJe :~:::.t !
lcall,'3alilcc, anti all tfJc lanll ofJaeplJtlJali, anti trcafurcsof ctic lungss 110.rc, anti rcata n\DarlJ ~l1l(lllll... ;
caricll tIJcm amar to afi'pJia. to tt}c king of atrpiia. .~o;:, (;
30 ,Qnll ~ofea t{Jtfonnc or Clfla, conf'pirctl a, 9 gnt1t1JclitngoraO'p)U1cofcntcbbntol)tm· ~. '.
gaina ~ecalJ tile ronnc or momclia, anD fmotc fOJtlJCfdngof atrpJia 'o.lentbp a~infl~amat;
tJim, anti flc'We IJim, anti rci~nc'b in IJiS tlcall, in rusi,anb 'IDl)m (Jc f,Jall taflcn It, IJe 'aneo tl.Jcpeo•
nor Azari» tf}C t'IDClltiCtl) fCctCOf'.)]Ot}Jatn tlJC fonm~ Of[j £i!), pie a'mar to ~if, anti acm mertn.
' I 0 .anlJ fring acf,Jaf 1XJ£nt to Ji'atftarcUI, to
' 1 ~IJc relf or t{Jc mo1t1css tfJat conccrne 10e' mectc ~ealalJ 101Jalararlsing ofafi'f~a, anti
· 1.Chr. i 7.1 cal:).,anll au tl}at l)c nt1>, btlJ~ltlc, tlJcp arc* to1it' 'IDIJcn liing-actjat fR'W an altar tlJRt mas at~·
· ten .m tl)e boolle of ~1J1omcks of tl)e llmgs ot marm,,1.Jcrmtto uiia tl)c l&iica ttJcpatemt :
p ~bckcon?> t'erc of 10cca1) tl)donnc ormo'
melt a liing of ]frad, began ']otlJam tl}c fonne
of ©~ias ttmg of]ulla to reigne.
tlJr altar, an'b l1'e fatl)ion of tt, anti an tl,Je l»inli•
11 ann ~~ia tbc 10Jietf mane an altar, inc an ~''"'"
pointc~ liffc to tl)c pacr.rne 'ID)Jic{J kin§ 9cl,Jat llnD
§d ,

; 3 ff iuc anti t\Dcntie pcress olti. wais IJc UilJm (Jail rrnt from l0amarcus. wen ro t1it1 u,;a rt,Jc ... '1. :
;1c began to rctgnc,ann l)c rei1nct1 fi,rtecne pcre~ lfl:ietl: make It., agatnlt flirt« .acl}at came from :'C:.. :
in ~tcruraicm: l:)is motl)crss name mas :J]erura, ~amarrus.
tlJc Daugl)ttr of~alloc. 1:i anti fo 'IDIJcn tlJc fling tuas come from ~a­
34 anD l}c llib tlJat 'ml)icf;J iSS rigl)t in tl)c Cigl}t marrus, be ra'ID tlJc altar: anlJ tf,Je king mmt to
of t~c ',l!.o~tl: eucn a"o~lling to all ass Dill lJtss fa• it,ano otrercll ttJcrcon.
tl}er ®!ias, ro t1tt1 IJc. 1 1 ann IJc burnt IJi' ml.Joie bUmt olfrrin11.
35 l5ut tl)c IJiglJ placcss mere not put awar, anti l:Jiss mcatc oflcrin!:J. atlb po1.ll:cb IJiS l:IJinlic
fo~ tl)c people offctcD anb burnt inccn!c !till in oftcrin!:J. anb f'p~inklcll tfJc blooti onJiS pr.ace of::
tlJc IJigl) places: ~c built tfJc IJtglJcr 1>001cof t{Jc fcrin~ bdibc d]c altar. '
~ourc of ti.Jc JL.o1t1. 1 4 9nn bp tte bJafcn altar \»l)iclJ mass b£CD1e
36 ~lJe rcrtof'tl)e too~lJeSStbfltconccrnc '.]lo, t1Je:S..01n,an1> fct it h.11tfJout tlJc temple,bct'IDttn
t!Jam,antl au tlJat {Jc l.lill,arc tbcr not 'al;itten in tf;Jc attar anll t. e temple of tfJcJLo,11, anaputit
t~e booli of tl:Jc Ql:IJ~ontclcsi of t(Jc fimgss of'.]ub.a1 on t(Jc Jao:tlJfillc of tlJe altar.
37 (1n tl)ofc tiaicsi tl)c "JL.o~ll,bcgan to fcnllm· 1 i anD fling actJai commaunllr.ZI iUJia d)c
to],ulla llie~in tlJc lling of~m111,atlb ]0cta11 tfJc i&~tca,ann rail>, mp on tlJc !:Jrcat altar, ret on fire
fonne oflliomclta.) mthe mo~ning the \D(Jole burnt olftting.anb in
3' 'J]ot(Jam ncpt 'l»itlJ (JiSS fatlJcrs. anti 'IDBI$ rt.Jc eucn tl)c meat otmng,anll the fltn~ 'IDIJolc
lmricn 'IDittJ IJi~ fatl)eu in tfJc titic of l'auib burnt famfice, anb IJi~ nuatc otrring, \DitlJ tl)c
1Jil'5 fatl)cr, ann ac(Ja1 l)iss ronnc rci!Plcb in IJiss 'Wl)olc burnt offring ofau tlJc people oftlJc lanl>.
llrn'O. anD tfJctrmcatc offcrin~, ann tbctr ~mile oft·
Thexvj. Cl:taptcr. ringss. anb po'Wic tl)Clebr an dJc bloob oftl)c
1 Achaz king of luda confccratcth his fonne in fire.
\Dl]OICbUmto&ring,8nll all tl}C blOOll Of tl)C
racrificr: anti tl;Jc b1arm altar fl:lal be at mr tlliU.
:.Chr.:s.i ' c - , _ ~c * rcuent{J r~cr~ of ~~al) ttJc 16 anb~Jia tl]e ~lieft bilJ a"o~lling to all
, :1:11"'~"' ·~ ~-l'fonncof1iomeltakmgoflfracl,a!i1' tl)ingss as ki111 ac:l)af '°'1U11anllc1> 1J1m.
;: i'.~b , ,~ ' ~~ ~ cl)a} tlJc fonnc of ')otl}am king of
0 1 500 I 7 anb llUng ac1Ja1 bJalie tlJC flbCS$ Of ti.Jc

'J1m1a began to rctgnc. bottoms, anb toolle tlJe laun from tlJem , anb
. ' 2 -m;'mmtic l?£Cl'CS ollJ 'IDtll IJC toor1c bo'IDne t)Je 1auato1te from tf1e b~rcn o~en
?1~tn ~e\\J~limallebtng, anb rctgncn fl~enc that'IDncbnlJerit,anbputtc bpon apaucinent
~ c,rc~. m l~tcruratcm, anb nib not tlJat 1DIJidJ ofllone-.
\\lass ~g~t 111 ttJc crcli ort(Jc Jl,,o~b IJi• ~ob, ltlie 1 s Qnb tlJc bSllc f'oi tf}c ~llbbotlJ tt.Jat tlJl'l'
}i!)SUID 1Jt11 ratlJct: )Jab 1111Z1e in tlJr. IJoufe, ~ tlJc liinp entrp hlttlJ'
3 l6ut 'mallico in tt)c 'mar or tlJc 11\in~ of out. turnell IJc to tl)c 1Jo11fe oftl)c Jl.,ozb, Cot ttarr
'Jifracl, pea anll matic IJiss ronneto !,lOC tlJ!nO'O>C ofd1c fiin1 of atrnta. · ·
tl)C fire, after tl)c nbomtnationJ of tlJc IJc&tfJen, 19 a:)Jcrcll oftlJcmo~si tlJat 'onccrnacl)a1
'nl!JomtlJc JLo~nc ca1loutbcro~c tile '1;)111>,enof tol)atl,Jc bib.arc tl)er not 'al:ittm in tlJe bookc of
-J;frsel. · tile ctluontc:trs oftlJc flingssof~una-:
tntds capriuicie. Chap.xvij. Idolacrie puniihed. 140

2 o an11 Qc1Ja1 aqit mitlJ IJi.a tat1,Jers,ant1 \l>as 16 :)But tllcp lcft au tile 'ommaunlleincntl5
llurtcb mttl1 l.Jis f11tl)crs tn tfJc cittc of ~auib, of ttJe )L,ozn their 15o!J, anti mane tf:Jcm imamcis
anb J)cyccia lJiJJ ronnc mgnen in IJis llcall; Of lllCttali, rtim ttoo calUC;l, RnD made grOUCl$,
The xvij. Chatter. ano "lllO~flJippcb all tl:Je c l]otlc of)Jeaucn, anll ftt• c 1tbor11.11i1
ucol6aal. ~~~~~:~m.
S Hofealdngoflfrac istaken. 17 gntl tl}cp racrificcn tlJcir ronnel5 anb tIJcir a..,...
fr} tl)c t'11clftl) rccrc of .acIJaf fling baug(Jtcrs tn fire , attb bfcb witd]craftes anD
or 1uns,1Jcga11 $ofca tl]c ronnc or enCtJa~ntes, • .cucnreUing tl]emfclue,s to Chap.16.;.
<flalJ to tci!ll1£ in ~amarta bpon \tloJfn~ \llt~hcllncffe m tl)e frglJt of tl}e )L,01bc anb 3. kmg. , 1.
]lrrael nine pccrcs: to anger l]im. , 5,
• i a111> !Jib tIJat \DlJid) was cum 18 2nll t{Jc )Lo~ll \llas c~crtlling \tl~OtlJ 1Ditl)
in tlJcfiglJt of t!Jc "JLoib, but not rus tlJe lltngs of ~frsel, anb put tl]em out of llts rigt,Jt,t(Jat ti) ere
'.)]tracl tlJat nrc llcftlie IJim. maslert buttl:Jc tribcor']JuM on111.
3 9nn $S)niinanarar fting ofatrp~ta came bp 19 fr)eucrttJelcffc,'J;ubaatroftcptnotdJecom'
aitainft llim,anb ti);.ifca bccnnu:IJiS remant, ani> 1_11an1Jemcnts of tl)c )L,0~11 tIJctr ©ob,but\»allieo
gauc l)im II p:rrcnt~. m t(Jcccremomrl5 of']frarl \tllJiclJ tter mnbe.
4 ant> t!Jc lilng of ~mpiia f'cunb ttrafo~ in zo anb ti.JcJLo~b caa off au t!Jc reebe of ]C:
~orca : fo~ l)c IJa!J rent mcffcngc~s to ~o k~ng ral'I, anb bcyeb tfJcm, anll beliucrett tlJcm into
of <f~l'Pt, ani> b~ougflt no 1ncrent bnto tlJr lnng tlJc lJanb~ of fportcrss, bnttll IJe IJab call tl)em
ora!Tnia from recrc to i·eerc: anb t11erero~ctl)c out ofl)tS flgtit:
fling or a!Tp~ia n.iut l)im bp, anll bouni> IJtm m 1
c .*f.o~ "IJccutoff ']Jrrad from tbe l}oufeof 3 King. u.
tf)cp:iron llourc. miam1:1,anbmanct1Jcmahing, cum ']Jeroboam 16.
5 · 2nll tt}en tf;Je fling or.aawa came tip tlJo, tl)c fonnc of@abat, anil 'jeroboam llJe\lJ ]fracl ~••~~~i.•:: :~·
romout an tIJe 1an11,am1 gate\Jp agamll ~ama, a\tJap, tl)attf.JCFll)OUlb notfoUo\D tlJC )l..OJD,lllllJ 'li"'1Ll2.16.
~ rta, anD beflegcb it tin cc rccrc~. mabe t~t1n fmne a great finnc.
;\ 1g.1s. 6 *'.Jlntl}cnintlJrccrc ofl~ofea, tlJclitttg or . 2 2 !lfoJ tl)e cfJi!ll~en of'J]frael 'malltc!J in al tlJr
~. atrpifa too lie ~11matia,anll taricll ]frael amap finnes of '.]Jcrobcam ml)iel) l]c lli!J, anD bcpartcll
~ bnto ilffp~ia, anb put tlJcm in ll)nls anb in ll)n' not t(Jcretrom,
.~ bo~bp tlJeriucrof~o1nn,an!Jin tlJc citicsofdJe . 2 3 mintiU tl)e )Lollie 11ut '.]rracl a\tlap out cc
~1:.,1111m1 • ~cllts. l)IS ftglJt, *as l]c i;ab faiilcl.lpaUlJi~ fcruant~ lm.i5.9.
:.0"::,~ 7 !Ifoi it came to varre. ttat t!Jc dJilbJcn of'Jif t}Jc ~10P~CtS: anb fo \tJas '3;fracl carico a\llap
1 ~ ~.,111 '
1 racl rtnncb againft t(Jc "tLo~ll tl)elr 15oll, \lllJicl.J out of t1Je1r ottme la1111 to !a!fp~ia.cuen tmto tl}is
=~ l)all bJougl)t tl)em out or tt}e lano of<fgppt,from Mr.
~~ bnbcrti.Jc IJanll or l0lJarao mng or €gppt, an!> 24 anb tl)c rting of atrr#a b~oug(Jt men
;zi fcal'Cll otlJcr go!JS. from l6abf(011, from c cJtutl}a, from Qna, from e eft~l[C Pie
s .anll tlJcr malkcb in tlJc ccremonic~ or t(Jc wamaty~ anll from ~cpl)~ruaim,anb put tl,lcm ~~.~~;~fr!~:.
IJeatl]cn, \tllJom tlJc )1.011:1 cattout befoJC ttJt cl)il, m tiJc ctttes or ~amarin, m ltealJ of tl}e c:i)ilb~en oflllbo ... mcn·
bJcn of ]rracl, anb in the ceremonies '0.11Jt'1J tl)e of '.Jlfr~l_, anll tlJcp potrctrcll ~amaria, ~ b\llclt fi~,·;.;~;~' 1"
flings or]rracl hall mane. m tlJe cities t(Jercof.
9 .ano tl)c cl)ill>1en ofjjfratl \Dent about to 2 5 artb at tlJc beginning or t(Jeir ll\tleutng
lJlbttlJofe tl)ing.istl)at\'oerc not~cll, from tf:Jc tl,lm. tl)cy ftarcll not tile )Lo:il , anll tl}c JLoznc
)L,011> tl)cir <1!5ob:anb tl)c11 built tl]em lJigIJ plams rent JLionJS among tlJcm, ml)iclJ Qe\D tf:Jcm. ·
in alltl)eit ctties,botl) tn ti.Jr. to\DJtlS \tllJcre tlJC11 • 16 ~(Jereroie tlJcr rpafie ~o tl)e fling ofl1Tr,
l!rpt toatcl), anb afro in tl)e nrong to'11nc~ : na, fapmg. -at:}Jc nations \t11)1clJ tl)cu (Jal? tranF
10 '.Anlltl)cpma!Jetl)cmimagejS (t {tl'OUcStn lattb anll put in t(Je cities of ~amaria , Jmotrc
cu err l)iglJ lJlll, anb bnller rucrp i tl)irllc tree: nottlJc la\D of ttc ©oll or t}Jc lann: rl]mfozc l)c
1 r 9no tl)crc tlJcr burnt incenre in al tl)c IJigl} lJatlJ rent JL,tons bpon tlJcm, anb belJolDc, tlicr
placc)'S,a~ lltD ttJc l)catl)m \llfJom tl)c )L,o~ll carieb aap tlJem, bccaUfc tl)ey linD\tl not tfJc manei of
i~ a\tlap llcfo~etlJctU, tn111 \D~ougl)tmiclieb tlJings too~flJipping tfJe ©otl of tlJc lanb .
.j to angcrtIJe Jlo~ll \Ditl)all: 2 7 -at:}Jcn tl)e fling of .'.ilffrita com1nanbrb,far,
~1 12 fo1 tlJcr rerucll i!Joles .'rol)crcoftlJe)L,o~l> tng, ~amc ,tlJit(Jer one of tile p~icas \DlJom rec
<:J 1Jan raro tinto them, '!?c llJall noc no rucl) tlJtn!J. biouglJt ti.Jenee, anb let IJim goc anD Dmct dJcrc,
If 13 .lnD tlJC Jl,o~bc tcllificll in 'J1fracl, anb in an?I teaclJ tl)cm tl;c fatl:Jion l)o\D to rcruc tl]e<aoll
1~ ']utla, bti all tlJc piop(Jct)'S, anb bp all tlJCCecrs, oftl)e countrep.
1~· 1 i.s. raring, *·-at:urne from pour witlirll marcs, ann 18 ann tlJcn otte of t!Jc pitclles, mf]om t(Jcp
'~ bcepc mp commanocmcntis,anb mp ftatutcs.av ()al> c:aricb from ~amarta, came anll b\tlclt in
{~ tOJlling to al tllc laro \tllJitlJ '.3l cotmnan!Jc!J rour lBetl}cf, anb taugl)t tl]cm l)o\ll tl)cy llJOUlb fcare
~ ratl}cris,anb \tJl)itlJ'Jl rent to rou bp mp rcruants llJC JL,o:b.
tlJc p1op}Jet~. 29 $0\Dbdt, cucrpnationmal!e tlJcmgoll~
14 Jr.lot toitl)llanlling, tlJcr \tloulll not l}earc. of tlJetr omnc, 11110 put t!}cm in tIJe boures of
~ butrat1Jcr1Jar1:1eneb tf:Jcir necft~,lihe to tlJc llub, tIJe IJintJ places \lJIJtclJ tlJc ~amaritanes l)all
(.i1\~;,o~;,~r· ~umnefft of tl)clr 0fat(Jcr;l, t1Jat lli!J not lldttUe mabe, eucrr nation mtl}cir cities tIJ(Jrrcin tl)cr
~!~:~~~~: 1nt1JcJL0~1:1 tl)cir©ob. . . b'11Clt.
~ •m 1•D· 1 5 !fro: t(Jc p rcfufcll l)t~ , anb l) 3o ~Jc men of l5abrlon malle ~ocotlJ lt'c,
cournant' tl)at l)ee malle YOitlJ tl)clr fatl)cr;l, notl),ano tlJC mcu or ~utlJ mai>e0crgal.ann tlJc
r an1:1 tl]e ' UJl)crc"lllitlJ l)c mitttrlTrll bn, me11 on~amatIJ mabe 9rima.
to ~IJcm, anll tl)er follo\lleD banitic, anb became 3 1 'ilnJc guites ma!Jc Y.libba~ anll ~art{)ac:
batnc, anll \llcnt after tlJr t:1catllcn tt:lat 'mere anll tl)c ~cplJarunes burnt tl)eir tlH!l'llcn 111
roun11 about tl)cm, concernin~ \DIJom tl)e )L,o~ll are to all~111~rlcclJ, ano !ilnamciecIJ, tlJc golJ~ of
(Jall t(Jargell tl}em, tl)at tlJcr ll)ou111 notboe 1rt1c ~epl)aruatm.
tl}cm. 32 anll re ther fcarell t{Jc JLo~llr, 111111 mabc
~a 2
The brafenferpent broken. I I.Kings. Samaria is taken.
t11cmp*ttss ortlJc bafca of tlJetn, \Ul;Jit;JJ ramr&· C\UIJ~ mas tIJeftuentl;J rm of 'orea. ronne of
ce'D foi tl)cm in tl)c IJoureis of tlJc lJlgf1 place-. <tlakin1 of'.)fratl)-atmana1ai lrin« ofatrrila,
r cm rannot 33 inn fD f tlJCf fcareD tfJC JUl1b, Snll f£tUtb CBIUC tip agatntf JNmaria, anti bcficgeb it,
=~~:i11~·a tlJeir omnc gooss, after tl]c manct or tIJc people . 10 •am after tlJm: rercs tl:Jer tookc it: eutn +Kia.i
tv}Jom tlJcr caricD t11encc. n~ tlJt un rccrc of l)c1caa ctl)at tis to far, t1Jc 7

34 anti iinto tl)il5 oar tl)er bocaftct tlJc oll>c mnttJ rcctc ofl)oCca Jrin1 of ~rncl) ~amaria
manner: anD ncitlJct t.earc c5ob, nritlJct tlocaf• mas \Uonac.
rct tIJeir oiDtnanccss an11 cuflomcs! uai nocaftct 11 gn11 tl)c Jriqof atrnia ~cane atvar ~·
tlJc lato anD commanBCmcnt t»1Jicl1 tl;Jc )l.,o;tbe racl bnto atrr~~. ant1putt1Jcm1n ~IJ anti tn
Gon. •• 2 s. commaunneb t(Je c1Jdb1en of1)acob, * \ll[Jom {Jc
0aboi bf tl;Jc nu ct of ~01an, 8Ub in tl;Je ctticf$ of
1.king.18. caUcb '.]lrrael. . . t tl;Jc ~r.DeS:
31 3s anti tl)eJLoi'D matit acoucnant \ll tlJ tl;Jem, ! 1 '5ccaurc tlJcr \UoUlb notlJcamn tmto tl;Jc
· ~ dJargcb tlJem. fa!ing, 1feare none od:Jcr got1is, boice DftlJc lLo:t1 tl)ctr <l3o'D,but tranfgre[eb IJiJI
noi bo\U rour felms to t{Jem., no~ rctuc tl)em, couenant, anb all tl)at ~orcss tlJe rctuant ofd:Jc
noi ramfice to tllcmt JL01ll rommanbcb, ann toou~!J not I.Jean tlJcm,
36 13utfeart· tl)e JLoib, \Dl.Jicf:J tnoullJtrou noi'Do tlJcm. ,
outoftiJelan?IOf <egrP,t, toit1Jgreatpo~cr,ant1 . 1 ; ""~lJmfoie in tlJe fourttcntl) 11cere of ·
a aret,IJc'll out atme,1J1m feare,anb to IJtm bo\U, lnng ~ctc,ia, bill ~cnnacl)ctib ldUI of .aJrpiia ;·c~~1' 1
anti to {Jim 'Do facrtllce. . . come bp agamtl al tl,Je ftrong cttielS of]ut1a,ant1 1::,~~6. !
~ 7 ~e aatuteis, 0111trtan<:cl$, la'Q), anb mm, toolle tl)enr. 4a 19 1
man'llemcnttD1Jic1JlJe\\l1otefonou, feetl}atpe 1 4 anbll)etcciafiingof]U'Da,rcnttotl;JCfling •· ·
be t1&1i11cnt to Do ro, cuermoie, anb feare not anr of atrrita to Jl.acl]is , rartni, ] 1Jauc olknlleb,
otl)er go ti is. . . .. llepart from me:anll au tlJat tl)ou pum~a on me,
3s ~n'IJ tl)e coucnant tllat ')l l)aut mabe \UttlJ tl)at \l11U l be arc. QntJ ~ mng of atrp:iaappoin•
rou,ree ri fo1gct not,an'D feare none otl)cr gobis: tell bnto ll)ctetia king of'.]!U'Da t1J1ec 1Junt11e'IJ ta•
39 l3ut tlJc ·JL01t1 rour <l3o'IJ re ll.Jall fcarc,an'IJ rents or filucr, anb ttJirtti talents of go111.
l)e 1l)all '1Jctiucr rou out or tl;Jc 1Jamis of all rour 1 5 anti •e1eaa gaue lJim au· tl)e filuct tl)at
enemteis. maisfounnmtl)cl)ollfe or tl)e JLo~'D,anll in tl}c
4o ll)o\\lbeit, tIJcr 'Dill not IJearnen,but bib af, ttcarurcss of tl]e flings IJouCc.
tct tlJctr ol'IJ mllomc. •6 at tlJe fame rearon 'llill ll)cyccia rent off tl}c
4 1 anti ro tlJcfe nationss feare'D tl;Jc JLo~ll, anti boo1cs or ttJe temple or tl)e JL01t1, anti ti.le ptllarll ..
fcrueb tlJeidmagcJS alfO, lilie aJS bib tl)eir tlJll YO{Jicl.J tl)C fai'IJ l)e}CCia king of ']\Uba l)ab COUC• ;.
n~cn, anll ttJeir c1Jilt11en>S C1J1ln1en : cuen 8$5 tlt'D rtll oucr, anb gauc tlJcm to tl)c king ofatrr1ia. i '
tl)etrfatl)cris, Co llotiJer tmto tl.Jil5llar. 17 .anti tIJc Iring ofg[p#a Cent b ~artl}an

b 1111nm•
a~ lltabfa\'.iis, ~ 11labfatclJ, rrom ll..achiss, to ::.:. .
The xviij. Chapter. bmgll)e1ccra, 1DttlJa grcatl)offeagainftll)icm ~=
4 Hezecia king of luda putmh downe the brafen fer- falcm: anb tfJC! tDcnt bp, anb came to f!)tcntfa, ltlblll,• '
pent,and dc£hoyeth the idoles, 7 and profpemh. lcm,anb i,Jatc tlJem bp,anll ftoob bp t1Jecon11uttt ~:,~ .:
2.Chro. l 8. .~ tlJc tlJtrl> rcen of* ll)ofea ronne of tl)c bppct poolt, \lllJielJ tis in tlJe mar of tlJe : 11
.... ~
l8. and of cfla king or ~rrael, it came to fullers llctn.
,9·•· paffetlJat ~~eciatl)e ronnc of g, 18 .anti 1Dl)cn tlJcr (Jab caRe'D to tl)c lttnlJ, ~
tlJat Iring of]u'!Ja llib reignc. t)Jerc came out to tlJem • <tlt11cim tlJe ronnc of Matt. 1. 11,·
2 ~wentttan'll llue peeress oln <flcia, tDIJidJ ma~ flc\llarD of tl)e )Joull)olb, anll
was l}c -ml)en IJe began to mgne, anti retgneb ~obna tIJe fcribe, ano '.]JoalJ tl)e fon~ or arapJJ
t\Uentie ann ntnc pcreis tn ~ierllfalc1n: (Ji~ mo· tl}e moi'Der.
tlwrs name nlfo was abt , tl)e '!Jaugl)tcr of '.ja, 19 ann laabfacelJ raio 1.mto tlJcm, ~en re ll)e•
cl) aria. !Ccia, ] p~anou, ~~uss fattlJ tlJe great km~J.£'
3 .anbl)ebtt1t1Jat\lll)ic1Ji1Srigl)tint1Jc fig!Jt uentl)ct1ing ofatrpJia, D01Jatronrtbcncetis~i~ :
of ti.Jc JLo~b, acco.ining to an a~ nib wauil> IJiJJ tlJat t1Jou baa~ ~~
fatl)cr. 10 ·~outtJtn1tca,~urc1p'.ll1JauetlDQt1rce, Ei1.J ~
• 11 •v1mro1. 4 f!)e a put a\llar tlJe IJilb places, anti biake but counfell anD flrengtfl arc fo1 the Watte: on
~:i~,~~:~:~:. tl)c images, anb cut bo\Une tlJc groucs, ann lDIJomtl)enboelltl}outrul!, d)atd)DUrebellefl ~
~~~~ ,~ 1 all to b~ahe tl)c bJafen ferpmt *tlJat ~orcss IJati
agatnfl me~ >.:
Num.21.8. mane: fo1tmfotlJofC bareJJ tfJCCl)db~en of']\f, 2.[ Jli'Oefltl;JoU trua to tfJC ffa&of tfJis bJO• '\
racl btb Imme racrificc to it : anti lJc 'aUeb it f.k lien mne Cfgt?pt • on 'aJl}id;J if a man Icanc.
l)u«an. it \Uill goc into l)iSS IJanllc, ant> pcarcc it~ cum ~
5 t})ttrullc'lltntl)c )LOJb <ll5ot1 of1jttad, ro fois l&l)araokingof ctgrpt tJntoaU tlJat trua ':
tl)at after IJim \\lal5 nonc like l)im among all tl)c on I.Jim. ·'
hi1tgssor ')lutJa, neitl)er\Ucrct1Jctca11pfuctJ be, :n lfrerap t>neomec, Detruain tIJc )Lo1D :;
ro~c IJim. our ~ob : ts not tl)at IJe \DIJofcl}iglJ places, anti
.... 6 1toi IJeclaucto tl)c JL.oitl,allb nc:pattctl not tol]ore altars IJtfecta IJatlJ 'Put Down.anti l}attJ • JDIJll!l!
't·}UI) fain to '.Jlt1t111RnD IJterufalein, Fe t1JaU\llo10JiP ~ ·
.,c ....o~b commant>eb ~orcss. btli>IC tlJt.ultar IJtt'c ln$ierufalc1n ~ · : . ~·
1 anb tl)c JL01t1c mas mttl) IJttn, ro dJSt IJc 21 Jaow t1Jmo1e, 1 P1Bf tfJec, Qtue (Joftagcs ... ~~
p1ofpctcb tn an tl)ingss 'aJ.l)ic~ 1Jctoo11£in Ifanll : to 1np 1o111 Cl.Jc Jdng ofUFJaa, anb 31 \tltll DcUucr .... '
ant11Jnebe1le'!la!latntlt1Jelling of~wtl lll1b tf2cet\llod}ourant11Jo1rc•,iftl)oubcable to rct :I
rerucb 1Jt1n not. • nbcrll bpon tlJtm. ,.
s ll)e nnote t\Je l&lliUl1tna$!1, eucn 1Jnto ana. ~4 DIJF tlJinllctt tl)ou fco1m at dJc p1crencc of ·~
anti tlJc coalts tl)error, botlJ mftlcJ 'aJl)m: dJ£P one of tlJe Jeaft ~ulles of mp ma«crs fcruant~ ~
l1ept\Datcl)_ts:i,a11t1 llton!lcttics. ann trullcftto 4fippt fo1 ctJarcts anti ~o1remen:'
9 an'!> m tl)c fouttl) Pttn of flintl I)~ 2 ~ ~01couct, am '.JI come now \Uatl)out die
,Rabfacehs blafphemie. Chap.xix. Hezecias prayer. 141

blllbing Df tl)c 1-D~tl to tl)is plau , to 11carop it:' 4 Jmatmmturc t@t 1'otll flJt' <Jl)o11 "1Dil l)eare
~iJc :t-o111 fat'll to me, <Jl)o bp to tl)is lalll), an1111c: an tfJe mo~ll$S ofl!iabfacel),U>lJom tl;Je king of ar.
aropit. fp~ia lJis maftrt l)atl) rmtto railc on tl)e ltutng
2 6 anll <lliacim tl)cfonnc of $elcia..Sl1b -ob, 001:1. anotorebuficl}tm \llttl) \llo1M\lllJic1) tt1e
na, an11 ']oa1J, faille bnto J!iabface!J, ~pcahc, j\ JL,0~1> tlJ! <3ob batl) l)carb: anb lift tl)ou bp tlJr
1nart1Jcc, tottw rcruantsintIJc ~r•s Ian• p~arcr foJ tl)e remnant tllat are left.
«US!.1C (fo~ \De bnllcrtlano it) anll talllrnot'tl>ttlJ 5. ~o tl)crcruantssofbing $Cttcta came to
11sin tlJt '.)lc\lles tongue, in tlje care1SoftlJis peo• lfiar.
pit tt.Jat arc on tl)c \llall. 6 a111> <erai rairi bnto tl)em, ~o fball ree rar ·
2 7 9n11 l!iabfaceJ1 fapll tmto tfJtm, i!jatlJ mp to rour maftcr, -atl)us faitlJ tl)e Jl,o~b.l5ee note•
maim ftntmec to tt.Jr maftcr anll t11cc,to fpeallc fratb of tl)c \tlotlls 'mbici) tl)ou l}aft l}carb, '»ttlJ
tl)cfc \lloiris:' l\)atl) IJc not rent me bccaurc of t11e \XJ~tclJ tl)c pong men of tl)c king of lfl'nia I.Jam
mm 1Dl)tcl) fit on tlJt 'Wall, tl)at tlJct' mar eate ratlcll on me.
tl}eir o\tlne boung, anll riiinlic tiJdr otvnc +pilfc 7 l5t1Jolll,* 11 \tlil fcnb a blall llpon l,Jim,snb Efa. 37·9 ·
\Ditbrou:' (Jc IIJall l)carc tibings, anti fo retume to 1Ji)1 o\Dn
28 anofo ltabfaccl) lfooll, anb mc11 \llitf,J a !anti, ant11\ '»ill bitng to patre tl;Jat l)cc {l)all fall
loub boice in tl)c '.}e'L1lrl5 langua1,1e, 8!111 fpaflc, tipon tlJrfwoit1,cucn mlJiS o\llne lanll.
faying, tl)rarc t1Jctvo1t1)1 of tlJt grcatbmig, cucn s anti l!iabfactlJ \lltnt bacl!e a~aine, anti
ort]Jc fling of!!lTp#a. , . fount! tile bing of atrp~ia, figl)ting againll l!..ill,
29 iartmi5faitl) tl)ekmg, JLetnot 'c1enabt; na: fo~ lJe l}atl 11earil l]o\XJ tl)at l]c \llas t1cpartct1
~ui1£ rouJ01l)cc11Jall not be able to lleliucr pou rrom JL,acl]1$•
outofmiue(Janb: • 9 anb ~IJcn IJtlJearb mmfati of itl)irl]acaIJ
30 ~citl}cr let ~c1ccia malie rou to truft in kinQ or ClftlJ1opia,l5el)olD,1Jc ts come out to rtglJt
tl}cl,,~11. raring, ~cJLoibOJallfurclp bcliurr agamll t:tJce: l)ce tlepartco, anti rent mctren1,1crts
b)1, ano tl)is citie ll)aU not be giucn oucr into tl)c bnto 'eiecia,faring,
1Jano of t~c fiing of JII'nia. 10 ~uistpcalie rol\)e~cciabfngof'.]\uoa, rar,
31 'carflcn not bnto ~ncci11: ro~ tl)U)1 faitlJ ifll, not tlJr <Jl)otl 1>cceiue tl}ce, in \Dhomc
tfJc fling of acrr~ta, weal£ llint11r \llitlJ mce, an11 tl}ou truftca.raring, ~tet'Ufalem ft)all not bz oc,
come out to mcc,an11 tlJ£n catc cucrp man ort.JiS ltucrco into tlJt 1Ja1111 of tl]c fling of acrr~ia.
oumc binc, anti of(Jil5 o'tllnc figtrcc, anb 1>1inlic 11 l5c1Jol1>,tl)ou l)all l)earll \lll}at tl)c tiings of
cucrp man of tlJC\'Uatcr ofl]is o\Dne \lid[, 9[piia 11auc 1>011e to al lanoss, l)o\D tlJer (Jauc bt,
p ~m'.]l comeanll tctrouto al$gooos lanb tcrlp 1>earorr1> tlJtm :anll llJalt tl)ou cfcape:'
Ill$ rour$S ts, a tano ofcome ano \lline , a la no of 12 ~8UC tlJe gobs Of tlJe l}eatl)rn tlCliUtteb
b~cao anti bincyaro~.a Iano of oilc of oliue tree I$, tlJtm \lllJicl! mine anccao~15 (Jauc betlropcll :' as
8tlb ofl)onir, tl)at re mar liue, anti not Die: ano < 'aran,anb 1lititpl),an1> tl)e cl)iUl~en
l)eartten not bnto t)cyccia, foi l)e bcgniletl) rou, ofllelJcn, 'ID~icl) \l'lerein 'anJclafi'ar:'
raping_, ~lJc JL~D ll.Jall oeltucr tis. 1 3 ml) ere ts ~c king of 11.}amatlJ, anti tl)e fling
33 l;)atlJ cuerp one ortf)c goll1S or tl)c nations of lrp1Ja1>, tl]r lit!]i of tl)c citic of ~cpl)aruaim,
betiucre1> l)i!S lanll out of tl]c l)anll of tl]c bing of anti oU)ena anb 'J1ua :'
~«r~ia:' 14 anb ~Cittia recmreb tlJe letter of tbc l)an1>
4 3. ualJm ii$ tl)t goll ofl~amatIJ \f of arp{Jab1 of tl)c mcmn1,1crs,an1> reab it: an11 ~eiccia mcnt
ant)."l»bcre ii$ tl}c gob of ~e;p1Jarua1m.$ena,ano bp into tlJt IJoufe of tl)c JL.0111, ant1 Iart1 it ab~oan
]ua1 Will tlJcr Z>eliUcr ~smarts outofmtne bctoic tl)e JL.0111. ..
l]anll:' 1 s an1119Cltcia •1narl'll bcfo~e tf:lc ).,o~b. anti :,Ji~~·:,;,~~'
r;'. 35 !lnll \llbat goo is amonlJ all tl}c IJObS of fail), i!) JL,o~b <301> O(']'jftad, "l»l}lcl;J D\DcU:Cftb£• ~~:~:~:~;;"''
'1-~ tlJt nation$$. tiJatl)atl) Z>tltuereo lJis lanll out of rmcen ~e ctl)crubimis, tl)ou art <3otl alone oucr ~"':.~~~~ 10 0

:1IA!!"'"' mine 1J11n11 :' d ~I.Jail tl)Ol..o~ll llcltucr l\)imlfa• all tl)c fnng11ome$S of tl}e eartlJ, tl)ou l}aa maor vtircr.
1P:::::!"1' lcmoutofminel]ano:' l)eauen anti eartl].
_,1::\:~· 36 15ut tlJe people IJeltl tIJctrpcace, an11 an• 16 l!...0111, bo'tD 110'1Dne tl)inc care, an1> brarc:
~~:eDCI. f\llerco ttot ~im a \DOJll : fo~ tl)e bing l;Jall com• open JLOJll tljinc cpes, I bcfccch thee, anti fee : anti
f.1t man1>e1>,rarmg,anr'tllrrc1J1mnot. l}carc tile \XJ01t1cs of ~enacllellb \DIJlcfJ IJatlJ
r 31 ~1Jc11 lfliacim tl)c ronnc of Cflcia, "IDl)ic(J fellt 1his man to raile On tlJC liuing dl5oiJ.
~~ '1la1$ ti.Jc llc\1lart1 of tl)c l)ouOJolb,ama ~Obna tl;Je I 7 ll!)f 8 tructlJ, JLo~D, tlJC bingS Of a(fy~ia
; "1 ~crtbe.,ano ']!oal:J tl)efom1eof9Japl;Jtl]eko~· ljauc Z>eftrorco nation$$ anti tl)ctr lanos,
'¢, ~ Der,came to l)cyccfa \llitl) ti) cir dotl}cis rcnt,anll , s an1> 1Jauc rct fire on tl;Jcir gotl~: fo1 tfJcr
~I·~ toltll)im tl}c 'tl>o~Z>S ofl!iabfaccl]. '»ere no 1obs, but tl)e 'tl>o~hc of tl)e l)anbes of
1:¢ Thexix. Chapter. man. euen of\lloob anti ftonc: anti tlJcy bctlrop•
£ti tl)tm.
jJ ~ 6 God promifcth Efai vi;:toric ro Hczccia. 19 ~o\lletl)crcfo1c, ®JLo~llour~ot>, 1 be,
IP~~n•. •

llD it came to patrc, * tl)at \lll)en rccctJ tl)cc.fauc tl)ou b!S out of 1Ji1S l)ant1, tlJat an
~~ kin~ ~Clrcia (Jearb it, l]c rent 1Ji$$ tl)c ttingboms or tl)c cartl) mar know tlJat tlJou
,r dot1JC1$,an1> put on racfie clotl;J,anb onclp art tlJe JLoill dl5oD.
• catnc into tl]C l)oUfe Of tl)C JLoib. 20 ano <ffattl}cronneof atnosrmt to ll)c~c'
~ 2 a111> rent Cfliactm, 'ID(Jicl) wais eta, rarin~. ~uSl fattl} tl)e "A.01ri <Jl)o?J of ')\fract,
~~ ttJe lle'tllaro of tl)e l}ouflJOlll, ono ~obna tl)e ~at \Dl:n~b tl)on l}aft p1ate1> mcc concerning
~o~ ~c, ann tl)c t11>crs of t11e ~*ass. dotl)cll in ~macllen~ rrtngo(g[p1ia,] IJauc IJcaro 1t.
Caekc,to cierat tl)e ~~opl)et tl)c fonnc ofamo~. 21 ~l)ls tis. tl)crcfo~e tlJe "1»01t1 tl)at tlJc JL.o~tl
3 !ln'!I tlJep Carll bnta l)im, ~us raitl} 113"£' l)atlJ rav~ of l)tm, b tcnJc mtrgin, cu en t11c oa11g1J~ ~. ~:~~:C, ~
cia, ~t~ oar ts a oar of tribulation, \for rcbubc tcTOf ~IOtl l)atl) tlCfptftb tl1££, anti fiJUglJ('l) tiJCC '"":h'.''. 111 ',
1 1

~ anll blafpl)emtc: fo~ tl)c cl)ilD1en arc come to tlJC to £come, 0 thou king of A!IyriJ, t!Jl' Dallgllttr of ~;:.~·,;~~ '.';;;
~l ll)icrnfnlcm bath f11aflrnhrrhr111'1 nt thr' · 1 11111111
birtl),anD tl)cre tn no llrcngtlJ to be Dcliuereo. 0" •
Sennacherib is flaine. I I. Kings. Hezecia ficke,recouerech. 1

:z.i lrblJom IJaa t11ou ril'ileD on:'anD \ll1J01n 1Jaa

ttou blafptmncb:'ggaina :WIJom IJRa ~IJ~ c:ral, .
~~ -...... --""""""''
bntoncat(J:anntl)e ~opl)cteffai ..c,,.,,••
tell ttr tiotce.,anD Ifft bp tIJmc eyes ro l}iglJ. eucn tlJe fonnc of amos came to 1)'1n,
againa tl)t l)olp one of'.l\fracl. anl.'lfaib l]ltto .lJim,~tJUS:SfapttJ tl,1c
2 :JBp rl)c f)anD of tlJP. nu:if~nger.l!I tl)o~ l)aft
3 ~ Jl.o,ll,.1Ntt1J1nc~ou11Jolll inanoi'
radcll on tIJe JL.0~11,anll fmll, WltlJ tl]emultttubc iltt .ro~ tl)ou CIJalt t11e,a111> notltae.
of mp dJartt.1!1. 'Jl am come tip to tl)c top.I!! of tlJt 2 9.nt>~e1ma tumcn l}isf&U tot1Je man,
mountaincss,along bp tlJc flilc.l!I of:Ltbanon,anll ru1ll pdaell bnto tl)e )l.,01b.fapin1,
'JI will mt t1o'lllnctl)c l}iglJ «!tcllar trcess, am tl)c , befeccl) tlJce, ® :iL01b, rcmembrr no'l»e
1uttir ftrre trees tl]crcof: anll 'Jl will goc into i,ow l]aue \DalliCll befo~c tl}ee in ttuetll , ane
tl}c loDging of(JiSS b~bcrf:l, ann into t(J c tooon of trittlJ a pcrfectl}cart, anti l)auc none tfJatml)iclJ
l)t.l!I ~annel. ti:s goon in tlJ1' fillJt: anlJ ~eiec:ta \llcpt ro:e.
2 4 '] l)aue bigneti anb t>iunltc t!rangc \llattr.1!1. 4 anlJ afo~c <IOOti \ll~ gone out into tlJc mill'
ann 'lllitiJ tl)c acp of mp going 1Dlll '.ll nitc au tl}c illc of tl)c court, tl)e ll101l.'I of ti.Jc Jl,O)b c:amc to
\Dater pooleiJ tlJat arc llcfiegcn. l)im,faring,
2 s ~alt tl;Jou not l)carb tJo\ll '.lj lJauc 01?1aincb s ~ume againe, anl> ten ~e1ecta t{Je cap'
fudJ a tl)ing a great lDiJilc agoc, anb IJauc P~Pll' tame of mp people, ~ussrartlJ tl;JeJL,o~b dl5obor ,
rcll it from tile ttgtnning1 ann aJall ']! not no'lll Wauib tiJP fatl)er,• 1 IJaue l)carlJ tlJ1' p1arer,a1tb :.~:~~.: ~
ll~tng it fooitt , tl)at it map llcfh'or anll b~ing
lfrong cititf5 into \llallc 1.Jcapc.l!I oflfoness1
fcenc tl)p ttares,anb be}Jolll,] 'Will l)ealc tl;Jec,fo "''"111°'"
tl}at on tfJc tlJirll nar tl)ou OJalt goe tip bnto tl]c i:~~"~ .
2 6 ann ti.Jc inl)abiter.l!I of tlJcm ff)albc oflittlc[Joure of tl)e lLo~ll :
potller,ann faint lJeartcn,ann confounnell, ~ ll.Jal 6 Snll '.]J mill Aill!e bnto ~F bafe~ pet fiftem
Uc like tl)c gra~ of tl)c fitlll,o~ gmn l)nbc,oJ ass rccrc~,anll 31 mill beliuer tlJu ann tl1i.1!1,ttie out
tliclJtll' on tlJe top.l!I oftl}cIJourcs, oiaistlJecomt> of tbe lJann of tlJc bing of alfp1ia, anb mil ticrcnb
tf}atiss bnripc,ann fmittcn lDitlJ binning. tlJt~ citic fOJ mine olDne faflc,anb roi wautl.'l mp
2 7 ']\ Imo\llc tlJr zrmclltug, ttr commmg out, rrruants fallc.
ann tlJr goingin,ann tlJr furic agatna me. 7 .ann Ql:fai raill, ~alie a lumpe of lliielJ fig~.
2 s anll bcraufe tl)ou ragetl a1.1ainfl mcc, anb anll tl.ltl~ toohe anb lapo it on tl;Je ro1c, an?J l}c re.
tllp tumultii:s come tip to mine cares, ] 'Ill ill put coucrcb. -~·
nip 11ookc in tlJp noarets, anll mr bit tn tlJr lips, s l:nb 'e1ccia fain tinto ~t, U9IJat oian
ann 31 'roil tiitng tl}cc bm&e againc tf}c fame war bee tbc ri~nc tbat tlJc )Lo~b 'l»ill l)ealc mcc, anb
t!Jou camett. tlJat'.l] IJJaUgoebp into tfJefJourcoftl)c JL.o~lltiJC
tiJtrl:J bap:'
2 9 anti tl)iS:S CIJalbe a fignc bnto tl)ec,il> l!)e1e'
eta, ~c 11Jal cate tlJis rcrc of fuel) tl)ingss ass gro'nl 9 fiat anrmcrcll.-4nJl.l!I ugne OJalt tf;Jou l)auc
of t11cmfc1Ues,anb tlJc ncrt rerc fuel) as come bp of tlJe lLo~MIJat tl)e JL.oib mm boc tl)at fJcc IJatlJ
of tl)ore tl)at bib gro\llc of tl)cir o'lDne acco~ll,ann fpolien: llJall tlJe flJallo\lle goc foJl\larl.'I tcnne lie•
t{Je t[Jirll rcnc fo\De )!cc anb nape, plant bine' grres :' 01 goc bacftc agatnc ten ncgi:cci:
parni:s,am cate tlJc fruit.I!! tl)crtor. l 0 ec1ecicl anf\llttcll, ]t ii:s a 1111Jt tlJing fo~

30 amtt t1Jah11 cfcapcb tlkrtortl)e baugl)' tfjc 11Jat10\\lc to goc llo 'lllne ten btgrec,l!I, ] bcflrc
tcr of'J\ una. OJall ret agatne tahc rooting nown, not tlm: but let tl)c flJallo'ale goe back\llarll ten
warb,anll bearc fruit tip'Warb. llcgrcci:s. ,~!r:i
31 ljfo~ outof,icruratcm fl.Jal goe a remnant u ann cf fat tlJc i&iop.,ct c:allcll tinto tile JL.-Oll>, · ·...
nn'O a number tIJat 11.Jall crcapc out ofmount ~i' anb IJcc b1oug~t t~c lballo\ll tcnnc lJe~cess baCk• ~~:
on: tl~e~calc oft{Jc JL.o~b ofl)olfcsHbalbiin~ tlJii:s
tl)ing to paCic.
marll, br 'allJiclJ it l}an gone llo'alnc mtfJe biaU ii::
Of :tlc1.Ja1. ·~.~ ~
32 tl9l)mfo~c tlJU.1!1 faitl! tlJc JL.o~bc concer' 1 z ~Ile fdmc fearon *l6cronacl) '511Iat1an,t1Je Efa.39,1. ~-·~·
ning tt,Jc tiing of acrnta,~c fiJalnot come to tbiss ronnc of ~aiallan fling of l5a1Wlon, fmt ltttttS ~ ~·
ci tie, no~ fi)Oote an nrro'ID into it,noi come befoic anb a p~crcnt bnto ~CiCCia:foJ l)c lµll IJcarl.'I IJom ·~~
it \llit{J 11JiclD,no1 can a banhe agninlt it: tl)at ll)ciec1a mass ncrie. · ·~
33 :l5ut (ball goc bacfic agatnc t(Je tvar l)ec I 3 anll l\}C1CCl8 :t. to8S glab Of tlJCtll,(t II)C\l)£iJ ;' . ~
cnme,ann flJall not come into t(Ji.l!I citic, faitlJ tl)ctIJrm nl! IJtss trcafure l}ourr, flluer, ~lb,obourss, 1h•o•. ~i'.'.-
·.!Loin. pieaouf5 ointment, all tl}c IJoufc of f)iSS armoJtt, ~"
34 1foi 'JlllliftbcfcnlltlJiS:Scitte, tofauett, fo~ anb an tl;lat \lla)1 rounb in lliS trcafures: tlJcrc ~j -~1
mine o\llnc raliM roi wauib mp rcruanti:s faflr. was nothing tn l)i~ l}oufe,anll in au f}tss rca1111e, ,~ ~·
Tob.1.11. 31 !Jnl> tlJc fclfe fame ni~lJttlJc *angel of tl)c t[Jat ti.lC!tcia UJe\lJcD t.fJcm not. ~ '.:r
1Lo~ll \\lent out, anll fmote mtlJclJollc oft[Jcar, I 4 g llll cJl'flli tfJC 19JOp(Jtt came bllfO fling ee' :,.~
rntan~ an [Junoicll fourefco~c ~ fiuc t[Jouranll: itda, anll fapll tinto (Jim, 119]Jat fllfb ttJcrc men:' ~~~
anll \\ltttt tllc remnant umc tip cArlp in tlJc anll from tvlJcnce came tiler tmto tlJCC:' iltill $c, 'h..~~
, ~1i;, ,,,., ; mo~mng,bclJolD t[Jcp \nere au ncall coarrcs. iCcia faii:J, ~F be rome from a fattc countrcp, ~'11;,
~·[o~~g1:~t:.':' ,. 36 '.l.nll ro $a)ennacl)eriblltnQ of~Jfp,Uaauoi· cucn from l3B!'tlon. ~~~(!
u1,rvo•nnr,v i;_;;nt .nub l>Cpartcll,anb Ulcnt agamc ani:JD\llelt at 1 s anb l]e fa1D againc, 1191Jllt IJatre tbey rccnc ~ ~~
~·.1~~·~~t~'r' ,.-,. ntue. in ti} inc l}oUfc:' $etccia anf\lJcreMU tile rl)ingS ,~~ l
~'.;' ~~~/;,i:',i~.i .37 anJ> a~ (Jee \nas in a temple \tJo:llJippin_g tl)at ~n in mine lJoufc .-iaue tlJep fccne: tIJcrc ii . :~'
t•'"' •h~I • . J1trrotl) 1J1~ gob, J.n:amclcclJ, anti $a)arcru l.JIS notl)ma among mp trcarures, tl]ac] (Jaue not \~'
t;;·~,~.:~ .;;·• o'ronc ronne~ 'rmotc l)im \nitl) tl)e fmozb: an1I llJ£\DCb tlJmt \, -.;
~~ ~.;:~.~~~,~' ~er crcap.cb tnto tl)c lanD of!lrmcnim, aiai:J arar' 16 gnbeffat faibcbnto eeicria, l)carc tlJc \,\~ •
;:~'~·~·"' ••· gailllOll IJli$ ronnctctgncll in [Ji~ acab. \Do1boftJ;Jclo~b. i,'~)~
The xx.Chapter. 17 :lBel}olD,tl)e Dapes come, tl]at au tl)at ill tn ;
tfJint lJ~Ufe, anb \Dl)a!(ocucr ti.JP fattJcr.s l}auc :·~
I)_ r Hczccia being fickc, 7 receiuc:th thcfignc of his
health. Iapll bfc m fto~e tmt~ t1J1.11 bap, n1all be tanc11 into ~\ ~
l3abp on:*~ notflang O:lalbc lcft..faitlJ ClJc J!.,o1t>. rn.10.1.J.'. \~ \ ~
= 1U@1 -- -_H,t\,\.
\ '

<:1Janaffesidolacrie, Chap.xxj.xxij. crueltie, anddearh. 14 l

\·. 18 gnn oftflpfonntstlJat fl.Jail p1occc11eout OftlJelJOUft Of aclJab: 11nll '.)l 'Wtft 'dltpe OUt ll)ic'
t oftl)ee,snD 11Jl)ic1' tl)OUUJalt brgct, flJall tlJcy rufaltm, ais aman \lltpct1J a 1>ta1, anb 'all.Jen IJe
~ taffe pap, an'D t1'l'F llJall be CfJambcrlaincJ in lJatl) '\Dipc11 it, tumetiJ it bpObe l>otonc.
I~ tl)t pafSCC of tlJC bing Of:l3abplon. . 14 anil 'JI 'tDtll leaue tl)e b remnant or mine b !ieranlr~.
"11amblrrb J 9 .an11 t)eyccia faill 1mto Cffa4 b U0t1'oniC be inlJeritam:c, anb Dtliurr tlJm Into tiJe l)anb or ~·~o;.~~
~ t.!:::~·~b• t1Je\llcnD~oft1JcJl,01n, ml}tclJ t11ou1Jal?Cpoli~11. tlJetr enemies, ann tlJer OJal be robbeb anb fpop, ·
10"· .llnll f1t fatb, ~(Jal tlJtte not be peace anll tmttlJ leD of an tJJeir abuerfarics:
~ in nt};' ~FCS :' 1 ~ ~cc;aufetlJcy 1Jauc bontttnll in mp CiglJt,
•~ 20 'ITI_Jcrcn1nantoftlJt'l»o111cs tl)atcouceme anll l)auc an(lrtD iwc fince tl)c time tlJeir fat(Jcr~
;\ lf)c~cd.8. ann an 11ispomer, annlJom lJt mabc a came out of lfgppt, bnto tl)iS l>Sl'.
Ii: poolc anll a cont1Uit,an11 biouglJt mater into tl)c 16 anb ~ana!fc' fbeb innocent bloon ercee< •11tb•ti1dlJ1111
~1 cmc, arc ttJrr not \Diittcn in tlJe boolie of tl]c lltng mUc:IJ, tiUIJC replenillJeb l!)icntfalem from W:~•g~·.~:
<: ¢1J1onitlcUft1Je lii11&1S of'Jjuba :' · .. coiner to comer, befit1e bis fmnc 'tDl)cre\llitl) l}e •b1(;j1op~11.
2 1 Qnll ~eietia Ocpt mitl) IJiS fatl)crs, anb malle jju1>a to Cinne, anll to noc emu in tlJt fi~t
ii@ana!fdJ IJi.S ronnereignell in IJiS ttcan. . oi tl)e JL,0~11.
17 ~lJe rcfl of tbc nio~tl~ tlJat conceme Sl@a'
The xxj. Chapter, . na!Tc,anD allttJatl)el>ib_,antl l}iisfinnc tl]at !Jee
3 King Manalfc rcfiorerh idolacric:, 16 and vfc:th rumen, are tf}ep not 'altttten in 'e boolie of tl)c
great crucltic. C!ClJtonitlt~ of tl}e litngs of'.]\una.
·w::tr:v~_ anatrc mas "' tt»cluc rm~ ot·oe 18 :ln~ ~anail'e Ocpt 1DitlJ IJiis fatlJcr~, anb
...n-r ""' ml)m (Jc began to rcignc,ann rCJg' u111~. bUrtell m ttJe garllen of IJiS omne l)ourc, e,
tltllfi,ticanofiuc pccres tn~ieru, uenmttJc garbenof ©!a,an11 amou IJi~ ronne
fatcm:IJiis motl}cts namealfo \llas rtigneo in lJii; aean.
. l!)epl}Jiba. - 19 amon mast\Dcnticanb t\Do rem!$ ollle
,, an11 (Je lliD cutl tn tlJe CiglJt of tfJeJL,0111,euen \lllJcnlJe be~antorctgnc,anb IJee reignel> two
after tlJe abominations of tfJe IJcatl)en, ml)om recre~ in ~iemraiet11: ms motticrs name auo
tlJc JL,0111 calf out befo~e tl}e tl}illl~en of']fratl. \lla$5 ~efullcmct(J, tlJe llangi)tct of ~nrni; of
.... ; ijfo~ l}e \llent anb built t>p tlJt IJiglJ places, ]otbal}.
tolJiclJ 'e~rcta l)iiJ fat{Jcr (}all bcttrorcD, anll lJte 2 o .an1> fJc l>ib cuill in tl}e figl)t of tlJe '.llo~ll,
l reareD t>p attars fo~ l5aal, anb mllllc groueis, as ais !Ji~ ratlJtt g)}analTc nib :
It btD atllab kingof')Crael, anti mo~ll)ippctl an tl}c 2 r Qnl> 'alaftteb in all tl)t \»!lp tlJat l)iis fatbcr
i; IJoftt of{Jeauen, anb rcruell ttJcm. · 'tl)alllebln, anb feruell tlJc tDole~ tfJat IJi~ fatl)ci·
un.7.10. 4 • anti ~e built altarss in the 'IJoufc of tl)e rcruf!b, an11 moi11Jippct1 tlJcm:
=• p.;1. JL,oil>, of \lllJtaJ ttJc Jl.,oJll rato, '.Jn l~icruralcm 2 i.. ~ni> l)e foiCOoke t11c JL01l>t <!IJob of l)is ra-
rro \lltll] put mp name. tlJms.anb '\llallieD not in tl}e mar of tl)e 'Jl.,0~11.
11·~p.16.3. uen, s •annl}cbudtaltarsro:an tlJel}ollof(Jea,
cuen in t\Do courts of tlJc l}oure of tbe Ji,o~b.
:i 3 an1> tl)c feruanti; of amon c;onfpircb a·
gaitlftl)im,anMlcto ttJe ktng in f)iis omnc l)ourc.
•• 6 ann {Jc ofrcre'D (Jtis o\llnc ronnc in fire, ani:I 24 ann tlJepeoplc ofttJe lanb tlt'tD all tl)cm
~ gauc l)Ullct>nto mttcl}aan anll ro~cecy,(t main, tl}at l)ab confptreu~aintt Iring amon, atll> tfJc
1~ ttinen \llo~ktris \llttlJ fpiritis, anll tellers of foi· pecplc mane ')oria 1}1~ fonm~ lling in IJiS llcab.
tun~, anb m~ougl)t mucIJ mitlietlnelTe tn ttJe 21 ~crcft oftfJe\tJ01bist1Jatconcnn amon,
le-· fig1Jtoft1Je-n..o~t1, to angerl}im. 'WIJat tlJitmis l)c lliD, are tl:Jep not \lliitten tn tl]r
ti.i11.9.3. T *fAnb l)te put an image of a groue ttJat booke of tilt clttnonidtS of tl)e lringis of j!u11a1
l:Jt l)ab mabc, in tl)c ~rmple, of \lllJi cl) tlJe Jl.,o~D 26 anb II tlJepburirl>bim in IJi)l fepub;h,e,in l!Or,li<, to
·'.. rapll to wauiD anb ~olomon 1JiS ronne,'.)ln tl)iS ~e ~ar1>m Of ©ta, ann1ofia IJiS!I ronne rcignell ;,1,, 101ii
l}oure, ano tn ll)ierufalcm, UllJitlJ 'JI l)auc ctJo, ingis tlttm. his fo11.o(,
fen out ofal tribes of]fracI,mil']\ put mp name The xxij. Chapter.
foieuer, 4 lnlia repaireth the Temple. 8 Hclcia lindcch che
•' 8 ~eit}Jcr"mill ']\ malle tl)e feete of ]ftacl
mooue anr mozc out of the lanb mlJitlJ jl gaue bookc ofthe Law ,andcaufeth it to be prcfcnn:d to
· tl)eir fatl)ers :ro tl)at tl)cy "mill obfcruc ano bot Iofia, 14 who lendeth to Hulda the prophctilfe to
au ttJat 'Jl l)auc commanbetl tl)cm,anll acroibin{l enquire the Lords will.
to an tl)e latoc, tl}at mp rcruant Sl@oreis com, ®na 'ala~ ciglJt pccrc~ olllc 1Dl}cn
6 :13ut tlJcr l)earhcnctl not: anti Qt)anatre leb
· tlJemoutof tl)e \llap, to bot mo~ctDtcll~IF tlJcn
b&b tlJe l}cat(Jen people, ml) om tl)e JL,o~b lltaror,
eti btroie tlJe c1JllD1cn of ']lrract. .
1 o anti tf1c JL,0111 fpabc bp IJ•is rcruantJ tlJe
l&JOPIJtts, raping,
Daia ot l5oftatlJ.
l)e br~an_torcignc, * anD ~e rei~, l.Chq4.1.
ncD thirtie anil one pcere)l m ~1e,
rufalrm : l)t~ mottJcr name alfo
ma~ 9JcDiDa, tl)e llaugl)tcr or g,

,, ~c biD tl)at 'tDIJiclJ ts rtglJt in tbe ligl)t of

tl}c JLo~ll, l11ltl 'tDnlbcil in all tlJc \Dares Of JiJauill
:rr, 1 H· 11 • :13ecaurc ~analTe Jling of '.]uba l)atl} IJiS!I fatf)cr ' anl> a llo\lleb neitl)er to tl]e rtgl)t • !!?f• '"''
l>one CUc;l) abo1ninations, (t (Jatll toiougl)t mo~e ~anb, noi to tile left. ~:: :1,~~b1r
lllicfl£ tlJen all tl)e :lmo1ites 'all}tefJ mere be, 3 gni. in ttre ciglJtcmtlJ peere or t.lJe rctgnr ~:~~r'l'o'~~­
ro~ lJtm Dtb. anl> 1JatiJ maDC '.]lutia fin alfo 1llltl] ofbing_']ofia, tl)c kmj!Jcnt ~apl)an tlJe ronuc ~.~:.~;;;:,b~~i"
Of 2ffll18,tlJ£ fOllne Of ~l'fUlftn Hte ftfiJ.~ f0 lf11C b1mD;cD pare•
Be alloni.
lJiis ibolcs:
u ~l}ttefOtC tlJU~ faitlJ tlJt Jl,Otb cl50b Of'Ji F l)ou.c o~ .,c ,.,o~ , 1apm11,
ic 'th '<I D" · •O;! "'°' ~ brfm. ;.krnss
1;. nno'brr11s

-;:~i11am rael, :13t1Jolb, '] \lltll biingfud1cutll t>pon ll)tc' 4 ""'oe

\ILJ "'P
&I to 1~e1~~18
"1 · t1t " ·ntt 10>
..,~O;ll!ip"J' •
f"'tltt?, that ,,£
,... b""'"h'
DID, h< ~'"'
rmrv,.•<&4· rufalem anO ')\Uba, tlJat \lll)O fO lJtarttlJ oht, map fummc tile fllucr ml)ttlJ us b~ou!Jf)t into till' }~~h~.'b~u~~'.
~':a.W,~~i. botlJ IJi~ cams fiJall *hng(t. 'flourc of tl}e Jl,o~llt, 1Dl:Jtcti tlJe 1tecpcr13 of tl)c >.<-u.w.i.
'ID•ll 1 D" • l 3 .anll ']\ mill ftt'ettlJ OUU Jl)lcrafalem dJe poJclJ l:Jauc gatlJrrcn of tl)c people:
"" JllD•. Cquatil1(1 ltne of• '9amarta, anb ti)c plummet 5 anil let tlJem btliuer tt tnto the l'lanD of
tilrm 1
The La'1vis found,and II.Kings. read before the people.
tgcm tl)at DO tf1t t110Jflt..anll tl)at IJaue l:lJe o~· Thcxxiij.Chaptcr.
figl)toft1Jcf1oufeoft1Je)l.,o~D :anlllet tl;lem !PUC 2. Iolias readcrh the Lawe before the people. 3 Hee
it to tl}em tl}at t11o~fte in tfJe 1Jourc of tl)e Jl...OJO to make1h a c~ucnant with the I.orde. +Hee puttcth
rcpaire dJe i:m:arell places of tl)e ~cmple, downc the 1doles after he had killed their priclles.
6 (fuct1 bnto wrpentetJS anb maron~. anti
:i:z Hee kcepeth the Palreoucr. 24 Hee dellroy·
\tlozftcrS bpOll tl:JC \U81ftJS, 800 fOi tO bUptnnbct eth the Coniurcrs. 29 Hecwaskilled inMegid-
anti rrci- tJone, to repaire tl)c t~plc. . do. 30 And his fonne Ioachas reigned in his
7 l!)owbeit, let no mbomn~ bee 1nabc 1.lntlJ fiead. 33 Aficr hcewastal.;cn, hisfonne loacim
t~em, or tlJe 1uo11ey tIJat is l:Jelmcrcl:J into t!Jeir was m~de king.
l)anll, but let tl)em noe it bpon trllff.
s gno $eltia ttJelJigl) ID:ictlfapb bnto ~a, JF)l>*tbm 6'efitngfmt, anll d)tte i.Cliro.
b ~ht•ID" pl1an tl)c ~cribe, b '.JI l)aue founl:J tl}e boolle of 11atl)crc1:1 bnto lJitn 8fl t1Je Cflitu$1 1
~:~,~~·1~:~~~'· tJjc JIA'aJe in t!Jc IJoure of tl:Jel1o~l:Je. ~nb 11.)elcia of'.]U1:1aant1of l!}tm1falcm. °'
;~~~.%~'.:~: gaue tl)c booke to ~aptJan. anti (Jertal:J it. . 2 am etc king mcnt tip into
g;',,~~.~:~:~; 9 .ann ~apl)an tlJc came to tlJe rung. • tl)e t.Jonfe of ti.Jc ll..o~n, blitlJ au d)c
~' er 1chc anl:l biouglJt l)cm \Do1Ugame, anll farbt.. ~lJf
0 men of 'l uoa,ann all ttJe inl}abiter~ of ll)imlfa•
~;~,:~~~~~ "• rcruat1t1S l)auc t gatl}crell tlJe money tIJat \tlas lem,'WitiJ tl.Jt 1D1iells ann 10~op(Jcts, anll au t(Je
~;[~',,~,'.;~~~, founo in t!Jctemµle, ano (Jaue ocliuercl:I it bnto people botIJ rmall anll great: ant11Jc nab in tt)c
~,~'o"~,~;·~~•lf· tl}rm tlJat oo tlJc \\lo~fle, anl:I tt,JatlJauet(Je oucr' cares ofttJem all,tl)c 'Wo.zoes of tlJe bookeof tf)e
1Heb. me!-
ftglJt of t(Jc (Jourc of tl)c JLo~n. . couenani l.DbiclJ 'Wais founn in tl}c l)oUfc of tl)e
1o .ani:I ~8pl.J81l ti)B ~r.tlbC UJC\\1Cl:J tlJC fl1t1g, )J.,O~l:J. .
"d· raying, ~ckta ttJc ~~iett IJatl) neliuerctJ me a 3 atlb tl1t ltitt«' floob bra pillar,anb inabc
booltc: ann ~aplJan nan it betoie tl)e mng. a couenant btfo:e tiJe JLo~De, tl)at ~1' f1JOUtl:Jc ~=:
1 1 gn1:1 tol)en tl)e fling l)al:l l}carl:I tl}e too:nc~ Walke after tlJc Jl,,010, anti llcepe bis commatm, p(&n,J.
of tlJ cboobe of tl) cJL.ato, f:Je rent IJtss dotl)c'. ocnt.entjS,IJi~ \\lttntffes, anti ~ftatuttjS, 'Witt)
r 2 '.(1111:1 tl)c liing commaunt>el:J ~clcia t}Je al tl}e1t l}eart,anl:I an t(Jetr foule,anb mallc goob
10nclt, ann ~Ujicam tlJc ronne of ~api)an, ani:l tlJe \11010~ of tlJc earn couenant, tl)at mm 'W.tit,
acl)uoi tte ronm~ of ~tct)aia, anl:I ~apban tl)c ten in tIJc foJcfatD boollc: anti an ~c people con·
~crtbc,IJ .arat.Jia a fcruant of tlJe bin~, Ca ping, fmteb to tf.Je coumant.
13 00 yc,anD enquire of tl)e JL,oill f01 mc,anll 4 b an1:1 tl}e bing commanbcb l)clcia tl)c lJi"1) h ..1•
fo~ tIJe people, anll fot all ']Juna, concerning tlJe 1&1teft, anti ti.Jc infcnour p1ieltjS, an1> t11t ~flee' ,..,~t..
wo.zil£J of tl)i£J bookc tfJat i~ fountl: fO~ ~cat is pcrs oftlJc omaments, to b1in1Joutof t11cttm< :r~JS
t{Je w.zatiJ oftlJeJJ.,o~tl tl)ati~ ldnl:llcil a11a111t b~, pie of ti.Jc Jl.,oJl>alltlJe be[cl1StlJat\\1mma1:1e~ ~::""
ucmure our fatlJcr£J (Jauc not l)eamcnel:I bnto )3aal,fo1 tlJt groucs, anll to1 an t11c botfcoflJta' r,;,,....
th: too~i.J.D ortlJiS boofte,to 1:10 acco:ntn!il tmto all urn: ano l;ce burnt tlJetu \tlitl1out ttcrufalm1 1101,doon
ti,Jlt llllJlCiJ ts 'lll~tttm tl)crein foi b'5. . . in tl}c fielllc'3 of €coion. ann carico d]c aflJeis or kecpm.
14 ~o~elcia tl)c l,Ji!illJlMclt, ann ~UJl'8m, tt]cm into l6ctl)d.
lcl)bo~, ann ~apl)an, ann aral)ia, \\lent imto S anti l)c ~lt ilo\\lne tf1e p1tdfl5 of Baal 'm{Jom
l~unia ti.Jc l3iopl)etc[e, ti.Jc 'Wife of ~auum tl)c tl)ekiniJS oe1uoa {Jall founlltll to burnr inccnft
f onne of ~l}irna,tlJc ronnc of ll)arl;Jass, lice.per of in tfJcl}i{tl} places ano cities of '.]!Ulla UJat\1.'lere
tl}c warn~obc: ('OJl)itlJ tnopl)etefi"e il\llcltin U)ic, rountl about 'ierufalem, anll alfo t1JCm
'.,~'i;;:,,~~ ruralcm in rt)e 'l)ourc ot tlJc l:lottrine) anti tl}cp
burnt tmcnrr. bnto l6aal, to t(Je ~unnc, to dJC
~;·:,';;,<.~~'~," communell witlJ (Jcr. · ~oonr, to etc lf'lancts, ann to au tlJc l1ollc of
~.: ;;; ·:~.;:~'; Is ann llieanf\\ltrttl tlJCIU, ~uHareth tl)r iJeauen.
": """ rn1 ·.a.o~i) ©oil of '.},rrael, ~ell tlJt man tl}at fmt rou 6 anb{JCC'btoUglltouttfJC groucfronrtl)e '""-1
r, :.\ ~~~~;;,~:1(1~ 0 temple oftIJc ·Lo~ne, "lDitl.Jout tl)icrurittm, bnto :::m:..
to tne~
n1' LJl'P;m•. 16 ~IJU'3 rartIJ tfJc JJ.,0~1:1,l3cl)olll, ']J 'Wilb:tng tl)e bioolit €el:IJon, anti burnt it tIJcrc at tlJc ~!.::,;.:,
cum bpon tl)i~ place, (ton tl)c inl)abitcrs tl)crc, i.l~co11e <ltttl~on, anti flampt it to po\tlller. anll ~~~~:!"'
of, euen all t~c 'WOJileSOf tl)c boo fie \DIJiclJ tl)e call tl}Clluft tl}creof bpon tl)c d grauess ofd.Je tfJil' : :
liing of 'JUba atlJ reao:
17 JBecau efl)ey l)aue ro~rallen me,an1> l)aue
ilJCll Of tl)e people.
7 .anol)Cb1abtt10\\1nct1JecclleSoft1Jemslr t~i!:"

bumt imenfc bnto otIJct go". to anger mcc llt\11111 ti.Jat 'OJ etc bp ti.Jc (Joufe of d)e Jl.,o~b,llll]m [11::!::""
~. '.' !''.;';~;~,/ ill itlJ all ti.Jc d woiflt~ of tIJm: l)at11:1is: 1UF tuiatl) tlJc lllomen 'Wouc blln!Jings foi ttJc ~uc. r:.;..i:=
... ~·\' •tl,'.' 1' J.ffo fiJallbel1inll1£l:J againft tlJiisplacc, anl:lfball . ~ ano (Jee bJOU!Jllt all tl)c p~iclls out of UJc :.- ~::::,~
:;·,::;~~;','.;, notbcqurml)cl:l. tittcs of']\uba,an.1:1 befilcn ti.Jc fjigf} placc111 \tl(Jerc '""" ""',.
:,t:;,\'l".·;:· 18 >But to tile king of ')ulla, tolJiclJ rent rou tl}epJicftcslJaobumttnccnre. eumfrom GLJcba ~~::::~:..
.... · ~ ,,, to ante tounfc!l of tl)e OJall re rap, ~IJUS to l6ccr.Ccba,an1:1 bdh'ot'Cll tl)e (Ji!Jllflacesortl}t =~·=•
·" "·" · rarttJ tl;nLouu: ©on of ']trad, ais touct)ing tlJe 11_ates that 'OJcre in tl)e mtrtng in a UJe !Jl'ltt of 1111m 1a 1t1'"
\tJo~lllS 'mntct1 i•cl)auel)carD: ]ofua tlJc 1ioum10Ur of ttJc cine, \tl1Jicf1 \llcrc '""'·
< ,Uj.,nlne, I 9 l5CtaUfC tl.JlUC 1:)£t1tf lJtl) e melt, anll bt< on tlJc left IJanll as a man gocth iu to tlJe gate of
~~~~~, "'"" caure tl)ou tJa[J; l:}umblcD tl)p fclfc beto:e t1Je ttJetitic.
t.wll:UJIJcn tlJou l)cart>cft 'OJl)at ') lµafit a1aintt 9 c Je"'"11.1defJ'B.tfJC Ptieffs of tlJe ~Pia' ;.~.i:.-.111
tl11~µlacc, ~ BMinlltl)ein1)abitersoftl}e ra11u, CCIS came not tip to tl}t altar Of tl)c 'JLO~l>e m ~t, m1m 1111;1
lJo'l:O tlJnt ttJcr ll)ou111 be tltttropeb ano accurfell: tufalem. raue ondr tlJt1' ll ill eate of tl)e f'bleetc =~:~
am1 tia!l rent tnr tloatl)c1 anti wept befoic nu, b~aumongt1Jeirb,rct1J1et1. =:111.::i~
J: alfo I1auc tJcntll ii, ra11e.ttj t)Je 'A..o~ll.
• 20 '5cLJOlll tlJcrcfoic,1 mill recctue tf)eebnto
0 an1111e lldlcll Q)opl)~tb, 'OJl)iclJ iJI in tlJt
balltr Of tlJt Clnlbien ofll)annom, bccaufc no
~.·~~1:~ r..
t:Jp fafl)cr~,Anb ttJou ll)att be put into ttwgraue man 11.JoullJ otm: l)is Conne o~ IJis DaugIJtcr in
mpcacc,an~ tl)mecpe.15 llJatl notru alltl)e eutn fire to Sl@oloctJ. .
'rol)tcl1 'J\ \tltll ~~·n~ bpon tl)i15 plac::c. an11 tl)Ef 11 l.k~ llO'IDae tlJc 11oa-es tf)attlJe fl~ or
b10U(t1Jt tl}c lung wo~ll agatne. '.]IWJ11Ja1> giul to11)C ftJnnc,at tbe cntrtng an of
Jofias zeale. Chap~xxiiij. He is fiaine. 143
tl}c borlfe of tl)c JL.o:t:Jc, br tlJc c(Jambtt or Jaa' \'l'litlJ an foulc. anti aft lJfs tuigl.Jt, acco:t1tn1
t11anmc1t'1;J dJe"'8mberlainc, \lll)tcl) \llas ntltt to all tlJc lam of~orcs, nettlJtt atter lJtm arorc
of tlJt ruburt>-. ' burnt t(Jc cl)arctf: or tl}c nmne tl)erc anr fuel) al!l l)e.
\llitlJ fire. . 2 i> f.!ot'1litl)ttant1in11. tlJt JLo:be turne'll not
\ u antitl.Jealtarstl}at'tllcreontl)ctopoftl)e from tlJe fittcenccre of lJis grcan:o:atlJ, '1ll)ttc,
,1 padqUT,of~,l}a~. Ull}UI) ti.Jc kings of ]Uba ~ mttlJ l)e mas angrie againlt '.Jiuba.becaurc of au
~ mane. a~d}ealtati~lJicl)~na«etJaDm~c ~ p1ouocations itat ~anaJfe IJal> p1ouolicn
~ mCIJt nuo 'outc15 of tl)e IJoure of tt.Je l.-oJlle , lllD {JimWttl;JaU.
tl)e flingl!)eabe l>o\llnt., an11 r1111 tiJmu, anb mll 27 anti ttJc1l.o,ncrart1,]\11illput'.)Uba alro
. tl:JCZIUll of tbmt into t1Je b~Dollt f;ct:J:on; out or mr figlJt, as '.]l IJaue none awar ']lrracl.
:~l 1 3 an1> tl)c IJigl) plaas tl}at \llttc bcro~c l)ie, anll '1Jill call oll tlJis cit\c ~ierufalcm, '1l1Jitb jJ
~t~:,i:11 rufalens, _ontfJctilllJt l)ant1oftl)c1uountf©lt, I.Jane 'bofcn, anb tlJe ~ourc ofmlJiaJ '.J, earn.~
~ •••'"· uct, "\DIJl'IJ ~olomon tl)c rung of '])fral'l l:Jal:I name ll.Jall bt tl)m.
~t1Rcg.• l.7 bUflllel> (OJ QUoJCtl),tlJcabominatiOn Oftl}e~i' . 28 ~cretloftl)c~o~'tlcs tbat conccrne jjo'
'1· t1on-. anb fo: ct(Jamos, tl)c abomination or tl)c fia, anti all tl)at l}ec bill, arc tlJcp not '1l1tttcn tn
~~ ~oabitcs, anb to: fl'i}ilcl}om, tlJC abomination tlJC bOOliC Of tl)C 4tl):eniclcS of ti.JC kings -Df
~· of tlJc tl)ill>:en of ammon, tlJofe tl)c htng De' j\Ulla:'
:'• ftlctJ: 29 * '])nlJisllarc~~lJara~ Jaecl)o kin1 of If, 1 .chro,H·
·~ r 4 anti bzalic tlJc i1nagcs,an1> cut bo'a>ne tlJc grpt, \Dcntbpagamtltll~litng oHUTr1tatot1Jc 10.
12l grouc~. a111> r&llcb t(Jctr places UJitlJ tl)c bones of n'°'cr of cfupl)1atcts:anll li~n~']]ofia ment againlt
men. · l:)un, ann \'l'lats name off.Jim at .Qt)egit1110, '1Jl)cn
~leg. i 1. r 5 *~o~coutt,tl)e altar tl}at \'l'lat& at l6etl}d, lJc l)atJ rccne l)tm.
~l• tl)c l}iglJ places maile br ]croboam Cl.Jc ronne of 3o .ano l)is rcmants carieb lJitn bratJc from
~ Ji:labat, \lll)ic}J malle jjfr1ul finnc,botlJ t{Je altar ill!)egillllo,ano b,ougl}t LJim fo IJ3icrufalem, anti
E'tit· anl> alfo tlJe lJigl) place (Jc b:ahe tlO\llnc, \f burnt burici:I l)im inl)il!I o\'l'lnc rcputctm: *anti tl)c pco' 2.Chr" 6, 1
~ tlje lJilJIJ place, 'llampt it to poullcr, anll burnt pie of tl)c lanD too Ii ']loacl:)ats t(Je Connc of']loCla,
:~ ttJegroue. aim anorntcll (Jim, anll mane l)tm liing in (Jis fa,
~., 16 '.anti a~ '.]loCia turn rt> ijimfelfc, IJec Cpreb tl}ers tleai.l.
~: tl)e gram~s tlJat \'Dcre in tlJe mount,anll rent anll 3r ~1oaC1Jas \l>a~ t\llcntie anll tlJ~ce rercl!I olil
fet ttJc bones out oftl)c graucs. anll burnt t(Jcrn \D(Jen IJc began to rcigne, anll rcigncll tl,l~rc mo,
~ bpon tljc altar, to pollute it, acco1ntng to tl)e netl)l!I in l!)icrufalem: lJis motl)crs name alfo
:.:1 mo1lloftl)cJL,o1lletbat t(Jcmanof <i3oll p10,lai' \llal!I ~amital, ti.Jc 1>aug1Jtcr of ]ercmia, of
:z: mell, \llhicl) toll> t{Jcfamc \Do~bs. JJ.,ibna.
:lt. 11 ~en l)ec raplle, JWIJat title is tlJat ttJat ')j p anll IJe llill CUiU in tlJe figl:Jt Of tl}c "IJ.,O~tle,
-m-rg,13-2 fce:'anlltl}e1ntnoft(Jccitic toll> (Jim,* '.]t iStlJC acco;tJing to all tlJtngts as lJfs fatlJers (JatJ none.
ixt rcpulc1J1c of tl}c man of c3oll, \lll)iclJ ca1m from n ann ~(Jarao ~rcIJoput(Jim inbonllf!I at
]Ulla, ano toloc tlJc refferame tlJing~ tl)at tl)ou llitbla in tl)e lanb of ~amatll, \lllJile 1Jce reignen
~ l)afllloncto t(Jcaltarofl6ctl)ef. iii ll)ierufalcm, anti put tl)c lanbt to a tribute of
18 anll {JCfaplle, JJ.,et I.Jim alone: fee tl)at no an l)un111c1> talents of filutt, 1J atalent of go Ille.
p;t manmoouel}isboms. !dntJ ro tJis bones \'l'lm 34 gnb 101Jarao ~ecl)o mane cfliamn tlJe
~- rauetJ, wit(} t(Jc bones of a p1op(Jet tl)at came ronnc of '.J:oua king, tn tIJc roomr of '.].oria l,lis
risir outof ~amaria. fatl)er,anll tumcll lJiS name to ']1oacim, \1 tooke
t!!d 19 ann au tlJc IJoUfcs of tlJc IJigIJ places in '.]loac\1ats amar: hll]ic(J wl)cn l)e came to ctgrpt,
"°QI tl)c cities of ~amaria, \Df.Jicl) ttJc tung of'.]\frael lltCll tl)tte.
IJ:! l)atJmallctoangcr the Lorde wirhall, tlJofc'.]\cCia 3s anb ']loacim gauc tf)e Cilutt anil tlJc golne
put out of tl}e '\tlap, ant> '!lib to tl;Jcm acco1lling to to ~lJarao,anD tarcn ti.Jc lannc, to giue ttJc mo'
-;'1 allt(Jc actestl)atl;Jcl)aD'lloncin lBetlJcl: nr,accoJtJing to tbc commani:lemcnt of~fJarao:
(.;1~ 20 anbl)efacrtrtccullttJep1ie1Js oftf}el)igl) rcQuiting of merte man acco.:Dingto tbcir abih,
,.,,. places tl)at \lltte tlJttc. bpon tl;le altars, 11 burnt ~.Olucr ann golll,cucn of tlJepcople ct t~c lnnll,
':..;1 mens bones bpon tlJem, ami teturncll to ~icru, to g1ue tmto ~(Jarao .fletl.Jo.
~J~ falcm. • 36 ']loacttn mas t'menttc arrtt flue rems oll:le
Iii' ~hr.1 P 21 * _gntJ tl}e bing mmmaqn))cb aU t{Jepeo, U'llJcn IJC tJrg1111 to rcigne, anD IJc reigncll tlcuen
· l'.dr· • 1· pie, raring, l!\cqie tt.Je.f~all of l&a[rouer bnto rcercs in ~icruralcm: lJi~ mot11crll name a1ro

if.1 t1Je1l.01b rour <3ob,as ttt1&\'l11lttcn in tIJc boolie \VdS ·~cbuba, ttic naugl}tcr of)acnaia of muma.
~I of tlJts coucnant. 37 anll (JCC l>ill tfJtlt 'll'lf.Jict;J \Dall CUiU in tfJe
:f," 22 ~errtoasno~afTcoucrlJolllenblietlJat, figl)t oftf)c 'Jl.o~tJc, occo,Ding to all t~inlJ)'J 1111l}iJ
).V from tl)CMrcs of tIJc '.]lut1gest1Jatiwlgc1> ]Cra, fat~tts l]all llonc.
;'y( ct,anl> in au tl}c narcs of t(Je liings or'.]lrrael,anll Thexxiiij. Chapter.
~·: of tlJe ki nfJ!J or 'l una.
;i 23 ']in tlJc c1'g11teentlJ rccre oflling ']Iona,
r Ioacim made fubielhoNabuchodonofor, rebcl-
leth. 15 Hcandhispeoplc arecaried toBabylon
j~ mas tlJis ~afi'coucr l)olllcn to tlJc ·A.o;llc tn 'ic, I 7 Z.edccia is made king.
~; rufalcm.
./ 2 + an'IJ mo1couer, mo1Tiers '1litlJ fp!rit~, ann 0 IJinares camclj .fi:labuclJOllono' 110,, Na bu .
:· root(Jfarers.. i\nagcs, tootcs, anil all tlJc abom1' foi, hmg Of l6abp~n bp, anti '}Oil' rh,,
Mi,: \ t:JationS) t1J11t\Dcrefpirll in tl}c 1ant1 of']lulla.anD mm became 1J1s •remant tuzer
~' . 111 ~ittufalcm, tl)ofc llfll j\ofia put out of tlJe rcres : ~ntl t~tn tumtll, anti rcticl,
~f, \Dar ,to perfaunm tIJc mo~ils of tt)c lame, \D(Jicl) • lcb agatnll 1J1m.
' 'OJcrc miitten in tl)c booll t{Jat 'clcl)ia tlJCP1ictl 2 ann tl}e )l.,o:ne rent againlf bim banocs of
: .1
founll tn t}Jc (Joufe of tl)c 'JL,o~o.
25 JL,if1c bnto (Jim was tl}crenokinl bcfo1c
tlJc ar:l)aloecs, an?J bannes of tlJe ~r~tan.ti, anti
bttnDes ottlJe g\)oabttes, ann bantlts of tl)c am,
~1 _ l.Jim,tl.Jat turnctJ to t1te ·JL.01?1 mitlJ an his lJeart, monitcs,anll rent tl}cmagainft '.]lulla to ilcltrop
it, I
- I --------
loachin. Zedecia. II.. Kings. lerufalem defiroyed.
ic.acco,11ing to tlJc fapin« of ti.Jc JLo:ll. \Dl.Jia.J IJ~ Thexxv. Chapter.
Cpatre bf lJiisrcruants tl)c J&)o~ctJS. 1 Hieru{alem is befiegcd of Nabuchodonofor, and
3 SlDndp at tl}C biDDin« of tlJC JL,0111~ C~l\U taken. 7 The fonncs of Zcdccia are flaine before
tl)IJS tipon ']uDa, to put tlJctn o~t of IJ'JS fi1,11Jt his eycs,and aficr ,his ownc eyes put out.
ro~ tile unncs of £1!)anatrc, a"o111mg to an tl}at
fl~ fntl]c *nintlJ peen of lJf~ Im.i 9•1

(Jc!iDltnt1 ro, tl}c mnocc~t ~10011 tl}at lJe flJtlllle, fctgll, tfJC~bapoftlJctct:itfJ and p.~
anD fill ell l!}teruratnn tlntlJ m~mmt blooll: anti monetl), ~11bm11obonofo~ tung
tlJc JL.010 woulb not lle ruonalell. or '511bplon carnt, lJee, anti an
5 ~e rcft of tlJc mo;De!!I tlJat t:on,ernc 1oa' l)ts (Jone , againtl ll)tcrufalem. ·.
cim, anllall tlJat IJee Dill, are tf;Jcp not 1DJitten anl:I pttciJell againft it,anll malle ;
tn tlJc boolle of tl}e GtlJ10nidets of tl}c J.I\ in1!'5 of cngtn~ aljlainft it,on CUm' fll:le. f
'.j]UDa:' :z .tlniJ ti.Jc am toa~ bertegell tmto tlJe m. :1
• P•t 1b•t b• 6 ann ro jloattm •atpt toitlJ IJits fatlJer!!I: uentlJ pccre or lting ~l:lecia.
:i&~~·1:. ant1 '3)011cl)in lJis fonne rcignen in bits aeab. 3 ann t(Je ntntl) Dar of tl)e monctff, tlJm I

~~~~~~:%~' 7 ann tl}e fling of lfgppt t:ame no mo~e out was fo great an f]ungcr in tl)e ti tie, tljac tJJm '
~:r.~·b~pp11· ofl]is lanll: fo~ tl]e fling of l5al:Jl'lon l)an taken wM no bieal:I fo~ tl)e people or tl}e lan?I.
~~~.::~"'o from tl]e riuer of lfgrpt, bn~tlJe. rtuerf~cfat, 4 an1:1 tlJecitie mas bioflen tip, anbaUtlJc
lm.11. plJiates,aHtl;Jatpcrtamcbto ...,cJnngo '"'1:t~P. men or annes fled llF nigl)t, llp a roar tlJiougIJ a
s 'Jloacl)in mas eiglJtecne reere ollJ bllJcn gate which is bcttnccne t\llo 11lalfeSS bf tl}c btnp
(Jee began to reigne, anD rctgneb in 'ierufalcm garl:len (tl]e 'fJali:Jeess Iping about tlJr citir) anti
ttu£c monetfJSS : IJilS motl}cris name alfo mais tl)c lltng 11lmt tlJe map to11laro tl}c plainc.
~clJutta, tl)c oaugtJter of ctlnatl)llll;Of 'ieru' s anti tl}e roufDteris or tile cl!:llall:lees foflo'al,
falem. etl after tlJe Iring, anti toofle (Jim in tl]e plaine of
9 .ann IJce t1ill tl]at toiJiclJ tnas mill in tlJe '.l]encl)o : anti all IJifS anntc mere rcatterel'I a11lap
ug(Jt of tt:ie 'Jl,o~De, a"o1ning to an as l)tis ratl]er troml]im.
l}alll:lonc. .. 6 ~o tlJCl' toolie tl}e liing, anll b1oomit1Jim
Dan.1.1, 10 *']nt(Jat time came t!Jcfcruantssor ~a· to N 2buchodonofor tlJe fling or '5abplon, to Ji"
bucl)ollonoro~ fling or :ZOabplon bp, agatna 'tc• bla,1llfJm tlJCl' gaue iUllgcmenttipon IJim.
rufalcrn,anll ti)e attc \l'lal'S bcfiegell. 7 anl'I t1Jeplle1ll tl}c Connel!! Of'5el:lct:ia befoie
I I anll JaabUClJOll0110f01 Jaing Of )5abpJOll (Ji~ eres, anD l)cput out tfJc epeisof '5el:ICt:ia, anti
came againa ti)c ct tie, anl:I ~tl'S reruantis Dill IJc' fcttcrcJ> IJim 11lidJ 'l}ainfS, anl:I cartetl IJim to '5a,
ctcgctt. bplon.
b ~~at1s,bn 12 anll'.}!oadJintf)cJtingof]UlJllbt:amtOUt s .anti tl}e f£UCntlJ tlat' ortlJc fiftlJ monetl)
r,~1~·~~1~·~r.n. to the king ~r Jaabplon, ~e anl:J l]is m~tl)cr, IJil'S ( t»lJielJ is tfJc ninetcmtlJ rem of fling llabu•
rcruantss,lJiss 1oinss,ant11J1s ciJambmames: anll ciJOtlonofot Jiing ofl5abplon) t:amc ~abuyara'
'Jl• 1b• m1•• tl)c flin(J of l5abplon toollc {Jim in tl}c ' cigl,tt !Ian.a reruant 0€ tl)e llin!I ofl5abplon, anll t:lJteft
;~~~.1 •[ pcm or l)il'S reignc. captatne of tl]c men of \l'larrc, tmto ll)ierura'
1 3 anll lJc cattel:I out tlJcnt:c all tlJc trtaC'urcl'S fem:
of tlJe l)oure of tlJe JLoillc,anll ttc trcarurc of tl}e 9 antJ burnt t(Je lJoure or tl}e lL01n anl:I tlJe .•....
ritn~s l)ourc, anll b~allc all tlJc tiefld'5 of gol!le litngs l)oure, anl:I an tl}cl)ouresofl9itrufalcm,
\lllJlciJ ~olomon liing of']lfrael IJall mane in tlJe anD au 11tcat l)oureis burnt IJc \llttlJ fire.
temple ortbc JL.0~11,ass tlJe :a..o~n IJalJ raill. 1 o anD au tlJc foull:Jiers or tlJe CJalllcc~ tl]at
14 anlll:Jc carirll a\l'lap au f!;)icrufttlcm, anll were 'roit:IJ tlJe t:fJiefe captaine oftfJc mm or\l'lar.
all tlJe lo~Dcs, anlJ au tlJc arong men of\\lnm, btalic ?lo'Ulnc tlJe \Dalles of 'irrufalem rounD
cucn tcnne tl)ouranll into captiuittc, anll all tl)c all out.
d w.b• !ll01a craftermcn,anll dfmpcu,none rcmaintng,fauc 1 i l5ut tl}e nil of t(Jc pcoplt ti} at 11lm left in
~~,· tl)epooie common people oftl)c lnnn. tile citie, anll tlJcm tl)at were ftcll to u,e king of
:~:;:.~:,~~·~·· 1 s *.ann l)ee tartelJ a\Dap '.]]oac(Jin to l5abr• '5abplon,\nitlJ t(Je remnant of tlJe co1mnon peo•
~~.~':i :·~;.~p lon,ann flJe !'lings motlJer,anD tl)c ltin.!J.B \Dturs. pie..llit1Jaabuiara1:1an tl}e dJi.efe captaineoftl]c
2.Chro. 36. ~tss ctJarnbcrlaineis, anti tl)em tl)at \l'lere mtgl)tp men of'tllarrc,came awap.
10 • mtl)e lanD,tl)ofc cariell ile awar into captiuitie, 12 l5uc tile t:aptaine of tl}e foulDierfS left of
dl:cr. i.6. from ~i£rufalcm,to l5abplon. ~c pooie of tilclanl'I to l:l~etrc tlje tiincti, anl:I to
16 .anD all tlJc actiue men oC\Darre, cuen fe, nu tlJc grounD.
\IOr,cun. ucntl)ouranll, antmaftefmen, anll 11 po~tcrs, a 1 3 .a 1111 tl]e pillar~ of lltaffc t(Jat \DttC in tfJc
nmg men, tl)ouranll,al tl]at tocre «tong anD apt foi wane. l)oUfcoft1JcJL.01n, anlltlJefot:llets, anntlJebta' ;:..,
~·before. ll~ll tl)e liinljl of '5abplon biing to '5abplon cap,

.11 *:Inn tl)ctrtngof '511bptonmalle ~atl)a•
~~~~:~iln:;~~:~~=e=~ :f1=~~t
oftfJent to l5abplon.
and 51.1. Illa lJil!I fatl}cr'5 b~otlJer liJlllt in 1Ji'5 tlca1Je,anD 14 antJtl)epot'5.fboUeJS,tnftrument'50fmu, ~'
clJa~cb l)t!!I name to '5ct1ctt11. ficltc, fpoone'5. anll au tlJe IJeffeJS of biall'e ttJat :~ 1
xs '5ct1ccta \l'las t'tllentie anl:I one rcerel!I oltJc tl:Jcr miniare11 tn,toollc tlJcp a'd:lap, l
\Dl)rn l)~ began to retgnc, ant11Je ret~CD cleuen 1 s anll tlJc firc-pmne$5,anll baronis,a1111 fUcl:l -\
l?CtrC!i m \1:}1erur111cm: IJts motIJers name alfo tb~ ail \Dm.ofgolllan11of filuer,t:l}cmtooric ~
'ala!!! ~am1tat,pllau@ter of'.]leremta of)Utma. tlJC cfJttf.C CBptalllC 8lll111': ·~
1 9 !lnll l}cc llib cutU in tl)e rigljt of d,i )UIJl:IC, 16 Cl?U~ tlllopillar15,onelauato1ie, antitlJe \.
acco~ilmg to au as ]oae(Jtnl}ab Done. rot:11rts \DIJse(J ~olomon ball mallc fot tbc l}oufe f .~
2~ 1foi t{Jc \D~atl) of tlJc JL,oi'bc \D~ mooueb
, , lllu1011.11c· agamit l!}teru£altm ant1 ~U"'a bnttf'l'I '""" c ·~"
,.,, •• ,,." tl)em ou t Of. h'

gamll tl)e lung of l5ab~lon.

~I u '
..,1s fjgl)t: ant1 &;1'4' "°"'
'5c'bccia "rcbellcD a'
of tlJe JL.otlle: t\'lt bJatre of all tl)efe btUc(I was
'd:litl)out 'd:leiglJt. 1.Rcg.7.11
17 * ~~c IJcigl}t of tl)e one pillar was tiglJ, im. si· • •,t1

".Ll•b?I••· tcmc mbttt'5.\t t11epommelt1Jertof\Vasb~affe: •.chr.1• 1 j· 1\'

I \\
;rhe Capciuicie. Chap.j. Gedalia fiaine. 144
attb tfJc IJctgfJt or tbc pommel mas blitl.J m1ca, ')olJanan tl)e Conncofltarea. ~araia tlJe fonne
tlJtn \Do1kt tln~c mbitS, ano pomegranatts b)J> of qan(Jumctl:J tl)c Jaeto~atlJitc.. ant> laa;a'
on till~ poinmd rounll about,aU-ofb1Qlfe : an11 of nta tl:Jc fbnne of ~aacl]att: tl)cy,anl> t1Je1r men.
tl]c ramc fafbion was tl)c Cecono pillat UlidJ a 14 an11 ~ct>alta cware to tlJC1n, ant> to tl}e
\D1tat1Jm \1J0111C : men 'WlJomc t!Jep I.Jal> 1DitlJ t(Jml..anl> fapll bnto ,
r 8 .llnll tl}e cl.Jicfi captainc of tl)c mm of tlJem, ~1fcare not pee to be tl)e rcmants of tl)c 1or,beyc 1

wam, tooltc ~araia tlJe c;IJicfc p1itft. anb ~, 4tl}albec~: llblelhn tl)e lanll, anti rcme tl)c liing ~r:~~';;~
p(JonialJ tIJe l)igtJ p~tcllfauc one, anbtl)etlncc Of l5abplon,anll re fl)all be \Dell. L•ancs oflhc
rru;icrs of t(Jc l)olp tl)ingis : 15 l5utin tl}e rcucnt(J monctlJ, 1fmad tl)e Chaldm,
19 anti out of tl)c citft 1Jce tooJle a cfJamber, fonne of ~at1Jania, tlJc fonnc of lflifama, of tlJt
Jain,t(Jat l)all tfJc ouerfiglJt of tlJt men of \Dam, lltngs~loo11.camc •. ~ten men li>itlJ lJhtt, \I rnum
\',. \l fiuc men of tl)em tl)at \Dttt euer in t:IJC mn~ lll5cllalta, tlJat (Jc l>tcl>: \I ro llil> lJc t1Jc 'J]e'mrs ann
p1ermcc.. tlllJiclJ \Derc founll in tl)c citie,anb IJim tl)c 4tl}alllces that were 'tllitlJ !Jim at S)tfpalJ.
~at lDU ~cribc to tl)c captamc of ttJc IJofte, 16 9:nll an tlJc people botlJ fmall anb great.
'Wl.Jic;IJ tiougl)t out tl)e people of ti.Jc lanllc to anb tl)e captamcs of \Dane arore, anll came to
'Watn, anll t1:J1ecrro1c nun of tl)c people of tl)c <fgppt: roi tbtl:' 'mere afrato of tl)c <ir(JaUlces.
Janll tl)at mere fOmtD in ti.Jc citic. • 2 7 Jaot\DitlJllantli~g, f et in tl)c rcucn \I ti)ir'
10 anll ~abu~arallan tlJC '1Jicfc captainc of t1ctl) rcrc arter]oac;IJ1nb1ngof']IU11awas cancll
t1JC mm of toarrc toollc tl)de,anll b1~t tt,Jcm a\Dar, ttJc rcucn \I tmcntietlJ Dar or t!Je t\DclftlJ
to tl)c king or 1!itbla. monctlJ, lfuilmcrollaclJ kin~ of '1>abplon, tf;lr
2 1 ~nn tl)c mn11 of l5abrlon emote tlJmi, fame rere tl)at l:Je began to mgne,llib lift tJp tlJt
anll llt\D tlJcm at ll!tbla in tlJC lanll oU)~matl): i}eall of'.]JoaclJtn king of]uba out of p1tron,
ann Co ']Ulla lDBS cariclJ mus~ out of tl)c•~ lanlJ. 2 s 9:nb fpalie kinblp to IJim, anll rec tJis featc
u *~o\Dbdt tlJerc rcmamclJ people in tl)c abouetl)c Ccat of tf;Jc kings tlJat blcrc mitlJ l.)im
Iann or] Ulla, tot.Jome Jr.labutl)obon0Co1 king of in )t)abplon,
l6abplon wt, anti mallc IJ3cllalia tl)c Connc of a, 2 9 anb clJattgcll IJiS Wfon garmentss, ant> l)c
l}icam,tl)cConnc of ~apl)an,rukr oucr tl)cm. btb cucr eatc b1eab bcC01e (Jim all tlJC Mrcis of
i 3 anll al tl)e captatns or tl)e Coulbiers. tl)cp, IJis litc.
anllt:l)elrs. 1Jearlltl)attl)ebing of l6abplonl)alJ 3o ll)is poition was a continual poJtion tf}at
mabC &Mlta gouerno~, anll tl;lerc came to lll5e, \Dasaatgncll l;Jimof tl)c fling, cucrr llap a ccr,
11al1a to~if4Jal),9jfmacl tl)e Comic of f)actJania, taint; as long as l}e liucb.
The end of the fecond booke of Kings,commonly called the fourth booke.

W The firi1 Booke of the Chronicles,called

in Latine,P'erba dietum: or,afterthe Greekes, P aral1pomenon: which
the Hebrcwes call 'Dibre Haiamim, and reckon both the
Bookcs but for one.

The firfl Chapter. ~abbctf:)a..anll ll!aama.anb ~abtfJcca. an!> tlJe

f Ad d Connes of ll!aama,~a.anb l0cllan.
10 *~nb_QIJSbei1atefi:limroD:anblJebcgan
1 The gencalogic o aman Noah,vntillAbra. Gen;to.S,
ham, 27 and from Abraham vnroEfau. 35 His tobcmjptietJpont)Jccartl;J.
children. 43 Kings and Dukes came of him. 11 il;Jt~aim bcgate JL.,nlltm, anll .anamtm,
It"':'':""=:::==.:::~;::-, wam, * ~cdJ.4fnos. ),antl JtleptlJUim,
:t ctman, ~dJaldJcl. 1 z 1&a~10fim, anll llratlutm, or \tll)l'lJ came
'.)larrll. t!Je 101Jtlllines.anD tl)c llraplJtfJo~ite~.
3 ll)cnodJ,~ctl)ufalalJ, r 3 llr(Janaan begate ~Jllon IJis ellletl ronne,
)L,amecl). anb t,)etlJ,
4 taoaIJ, ~ l)am, 14 ')ebUfialfo,anbgmoit.ant:J<ll5trgaa,
Y'"""""~"'I. anll ']aplJetl;I. rs ll)eut,ilrati.attll ~tnt,
~~~==s:::-:.1 5 * ~e ronnes of '.]la• 16 ~1111 aruallt.~mnart.ant:J $nttatl)i.
plJetlJ, 115omcr, Q\lagog, {J;)abat, '.jauan, anll 11 ~IJcfonnesof~em:ll?lam, \lQJfur,ar, Gcn.
'Qubal,~CeclJ,anll-at:IJiras. p1Jar1111:t.ut1.1mll aram,(I il!J!,"11, 811?1 Ci>etl,lcr,
6 '4tl)c ronncs ofC11Jomcr,.ar1:1Jena!,ll!tpl)at1J, anti ~cfeclJ. ·
anti -atl)ogarma. 18 arplJa~ttb bcgate ~clal1. 8Ub ~clalJ be·
7 an11tl)efonncsof'Jauan. Cflira, (l~ar• gatcefbcr.
fi~. ~ittim,ann Jli!'ollanim. 1 9 .an!> bhto lfhcr b:!Cre bo~ne t\Do ronnc~:
s ~e Connes of l\}am,C)U!,anll i11>matm, t~uia~ Df tlJe one 'tDa~_l&elc!J, bernurc tbat iu
1&1Jut,an11 llr1Janaan. IJ•S bates tl)e lani> lllas 11tUilJet1,an11 l•is b1ot1Jttl5
9 ~tfonnesot' 4t1Jtts.~eba.1111bl)amla. namc\Das'Joctan. ·
Abaahams genealogie. I.Chron. The genealogie
20 ']octan bc~te almobaD,anD ~alcpl},~B· in ~Dom: ~Uke ~mnlllJ, ~Ukealial,J, :J0ukt
1mnauct1J,a11D]eralJ, . '.llcttJetIJ,
21 $alloiamalfo,anl1Wif8l.8Ub ~1'18, 52 ~Uke al}olabama, Ji'Ufle lfla, Jli)Ube ll)f•
12 CftaI,anD abtmacl,anl> ~eba, non,
2 3 anD sDplJtr,~amlalJ,anl> '.llobab: s. 3 :li'ulie Gtcnay, ~nllc ~nun, 1Ii'Uftt
4 .111 tl)cfc \lltre ti.JeCOnnc.s of]octan,~nn, ~1b1ar. .
arpl}aJaD.~cJalJ, H Wukesi@a\gl>iel,~uke ]ram. ~efeatt
Gen.111 5 25 ctbcr, *~eleg,Jlid)U, tf,Jc~UllCIS or~l>om.
Gcn. u,r.i :6 ~cru«• *§i;la1J01,·at1Jeral), T_heij. Chapter.
Gen.17.~. 27 !lbiam, *0Cl}ermncc1111£t19.bia1Jam. h
Gcn.16.11. ::.8 .n.e ronne.s of at,nharn, ·'.]j~ac, anti 2 T e Genealog1e of luda, Vnto lf:U the father of
-JJ '"' Dauid.
]fUlS.CI. . *
Gen.1 5.1 3• 29 .\Intl Cl}cfcarc t{Jctr generations: tfJtd• g l l ) c r e are tf,Jc fonnc.s of ]tnld,
Dell ronnc of j!fmacl 'alais l.)abatotl}, tl)cn ~c' *lliubm, ~imeon, litUt,l~'.J· Gc11.1 9,1:
nar,.\lbDccl,antJ ~ibfam, fadJar,antJ ~abulon, .
3o ~tfmal), anti WumaIJ, SIJIJatra, l!)atJtmll, 2 ~an, ']ofepl), '5cnfamtn,
anti ~IJcma, ~cp1Jt1Jalt.Q3all,ant1 arcr.
3r '.]lctm,~apl)ilS, anil Gtetlma: tl)efeare dJc 3 'CE;lJe 'tonnes of jjut1a,~.©nan.ant1~e· Gcn.;s..
fonncs or ']!fmael. la: tlJefe time 'alert boine tmto IJim of• l5atl) :c:!•:.=:
Gc:i. 2~ • 1· 32 * ~lJe cl)iln:cn or ctctura, ab:atiamis con• ~ua tl}e ~fJanaanitctre,QntJ lfr tl]e dbcft ronne
cubinc, nice bare ~imrmn,'.]Jocfan,!dll)cban,~i' of 1uba mais cuill in tlJe figl)t of tlJe JL~'bt, anti
i t1ta11, ']]t!ooc, anti ~ual] • ~l)c clJilll~cn of 9)oe< l)ctle\\l iJtm.
fan,~eba,antJ wenan. · 4 !anb *€i]amar lJfSJ Mugbtcr in 181n,barc Manb 1 1 '
I 33 *~ec1Jilt1:cnof~it1ian, <fplJa, anti~· lJiml91larcs,ant1~ara:ant1foall tlJe ronne1Sof '' ·
\;l.Hlr, ~cno'1J, abitJa, anti ~ltlaa: ~II tl;lek arc ]Uba,mtrt flue.
ttJe cl)iltJ~en of <ltetura. s ~c ronncis of ~lJare~, J)efron, anti l)as
34 ~ntl ro abial)mn b~ate 'Jlfatiac. ~e muJ.
fjl111C!5 of'j\fal}ac.~rau antl'J)fracl. 6 ~e ron.s of~ara,~imrt,lftlJan,i)nnan, ;
Gen. 36. 9 • n ~IJc fonncs of* cierau <fltpl)af, llicl)ucl, ~alel;Jol,anll lt'ara: 'IDlJicifmcre liueinall.
jel)u~. 'jaelam,antJ <lto~ag. 7 anll tlJe fonnCIS of <tJarmt, il atl)an,*dJat II Or,Adui :
36 'm..llec1Jilt1~enof<elip1Ja1,€1Jcman,~mar, troublell jlfrad, anil tranf!1Uffeil tn tlJc tlJmg Iofu.7.,.
5cpl)i, anti ~atl)am, citcnalS, ~lJimna, anti g:, tl]atltla1St1amnct1.
malec. s ~ronncof<il!t1Jau,a18t'ia.
37 ~IJc c(JtlDlen of mel}uel, ~ abai~, ~eralJ, 9 ~e fonnc~ alfo of l!)efron tl)at tum
~amma,antl ~tf11. bo:nebnto IJJm,'.J)eramtd,mam,anl> CltfJclubaf. . di 1
38 ~efonnCSSOf~efr,JLotan,~obal,~i· 10 gnll*J&ambcpttanrtnal>ab,anll amt• Ru •4'
bcon,antJ,~ifon, ~~cr,anb ~ran. natJab begatc ~aatron, a lo~llc of tf1e tl)itb1m of
39 ~ecl)iUnen 0£JLotan,$01i,ant1 l)oman. lUDa.
anti ~t}imna mas·.JLotans finer. 11 anti l)aatronbegate ~alma,anl> ~alma
40 ~l)e cl}iUl1en of ~obal, ~utan, ~ana, begate '5001.
l'lattJ, <foal, ~c~antJ ©nam. "ll}c fonnelS of 12. '5001 begate ©bell,~ ©bell begate ]fat. ~
~ibcon,aia, anti :Ana. 1 3 • am '.]!fat bc1,1att lJJ% elbefl fonnc <fltab. 1. s1111. 1j ~
4x .ann tl)c tonne orana,wifon. iatlJe ronnclS anti amtnallab tl)e rccont1,ant1 ~imaa tfJc tJ:lirD, 10.
of Wiron, ~amran, ~ban, jjctl)~an, anti cit~c, 14 ~atl)anacl tl)cfourtl),~ matiai tl)cfiJdJ; ~
ran. 1 5 ©~em tl)e fiJt, anti Wouib tl)e feutntlJ.
42 ~Jc ronncs oflf~cr, '.23tliJan, '5auan, anti 16 m>l)ofc naerlS \\ltre '3'amia anti abiga1t
],mm. ~e fonneµ of JE'ifon.~JJI,antJ aran. ~fjefonncs of '5aruia.abtfai,]oab,ant1 a1acl,
·H ·Cl}efc arc tt)c 1ti11gi:s tl)at rcignctJ tn the · tt;~ce. ,,,
lanil of <IFl:>om, befoicant'lling rctgncn ouertl)e 17 anti lbtgail bare ama~rc, tl)e fadJa of
cl)i!!J~cn of jfracI: lBcla tl)eronne of '5co1,ant1 'WIJtcl) amll'!a, \uas ]etl.Jcr an ')fmaelitc.
tl;c name ofl)iJI citie 'alalS Winf)aba. 1 s gull 4lralcb Cl}cfonnc of ctIJcmon, bcgate
44 anti llMa t1rct1, anti ']loball tl)e ronne of 0Hl1aba lJi!1'1Dif.c, anb of'.)leriotlJ,tvf}DfcfonncJI
<ltcra or '.23ofra,rci_gnct1 in tits ae®; ·. arc tl)efc,]arcr.~obab,ant1 .arbon.
45 gllllltll)en ]obabalfo\DaSSDCSb, l)ufam , 19 ant1'W1Jcn a111ba\DaSDCl1D, cUfeb toolie
of tile lantJ of tlJc ~JcmanitelS, reignetl in l)iSJ (fuplnata.tulJicl) bare IJtm l)ur.
Uean. 20 ant11l.}urbcgatel111rt,ant1aribeg11te'5e'
46 ~nn w1Jen$ufamtuas lleatJ, $.lllab tl:Je iatcrl.
\fonne or '3etlatl, ml)ic17 f1note ~atJtan in tlJe 2 x 9ftet\Darll came CltfJctmm to tl)c baU!llJ,
firlo o! ~oab, rei~ncb in l)tSJ ll£ab: (t Cl}c name ter or ~aci)ir, tl}e fat:IJerof 0ileab, anti toofle
0£ lj!IS title 'Wa1!1 auitIJ. IJer ltllJcn lJec\lla• c:rneerco~e rmcs olD,antJ UJtr
'.l7 ~o ~ananntcll, anb$9tlmlaoUli,lafrcca barcl)im~qpdl.
tt1!!nttli11l)issaeal1. u anD~IUbbc«att'.Jair, 'IDIJic(J{JatJtl_nec
48 ann ~amla nret1,ann ~aul ormd)obotl.J an11 t'almtte dtW.indJclanD or0tteat1.
bp tl)c nucris Cibe,ramnell tn IJi• aean. 2 3 Qnll IJce oucrc:ame «5ctlbf anD aram tile

49 J.nb\lll)cn ~aul 'Wass lleall, :J5aall)anan to\ll~or'.)lair, ftOmtlJcmwhich dwelt in 1hen1 ..:..:
tl)c rom1e of}bo~,.rrt(\lleb in l)t1SlteaD. anll €cnat1J,ant1 tlJe to'mneis tllcrcor.eucn thm'. ,"
. 5<? anti J5aall)anan bpeb,anb ll)atlab ~ fmJe totl:JnelS : au tiJ2fe \Dm tl)efonnesof ~a, '.I
IM 1J1~ ~cab: anti HJe name orl)t• ~ UJIUI 1&!1st. ci)it,t{Jcfatl)cr of 11!5ileall. •
imn lJllS 'W1Ue1S name tDas ~dJetabd. d]e 24 ant1arterCl}at CltlJetirontua•ncan at Gta· :~
ba1t(Jl)teror£1l)atn11,tl)e11aUg1Jtttof~. lcbinctupluata, abia cffromss \Dlfe bare IJim l':..'11,
5 l ll)abai) bpell alfo. a1111 tlJtte\llm DUile• aft)Ut ttJe fatl}tr of qecoa.
ofludah,and of Chap.iij. Dauid,to lo!ia. 145
2 s anb tfJe ronnuJ of ]cralJmed tl)e elllctl 54 ~e Conness of ~alma, l5etf)letJe:m, ann
ronncofqemon, \llmmam tl)ce!Detl,l6una, . f,letop(Jatl]t, tlJe glo~r ortl)e hourc of'.]joab, anti
SI>~~anb at.Jta. ilalfe ttJe countter of tl)e ~ana}Jet1J1teff , tge
2 6 anb ']leralJmttl IJllll ret anotl)cr mtrt,na• '5araitess.
tUeD arara. 'mlJiclJ \Dass tiJe motl)cr of SI>nanL ss ~eldnrcll~oftl)e~bl~iterSS ll\llelt at')a, 11or
:i7 ilnlltl)eConnessoflaam,tl:Jedbetlfonncor bes, tl)e ~tratl)itess, tl)e ~inwatl)ite~ ~~u, ~c11bcs.
')nsfJmed. tllm ~aass,]amin,anll lfwr. cl)atl)itess, tlllJiclJ are tl)e <1tenitel5 tf1at came er
is qcronnesof fl!>nam, \llcrc-ammat, l!)ematlJ tlJe fatlJcr or tlJc l)Oufe ofilied}all.
ant> '.Jlalla. ~IJe Conness of~annnat,Jaanab.anll Theiij.Chapter.
amrur. ·
2 9 .ana tlJ e \tlifc oHiblfur mass calltt> abil;)a•
1 The gencalogie ofDauid,and ol his polleritie,vnto
tl,anll 11.Je ban l)im allban anll iiJolill. the fonnes ot lofia.

n $cf~ \t!cre tlJe Conness of J.0autll,

30 QJeConntssofJeallab, ~elell.anllippa'
im. Jnb ;\')elcll btell \tlitl)out cl.)1~n. \t!IJiclJ mere bo~ne bnto lJim tn ~e,
11 ~rronneofappatm,'.)efi:anntl)efonne b:on: tlJc caca, amnon of Ql)ino•
of]cQ, ~ccan: anb tl}e ronne of ~efan,ablaJ. am,tl)c']rraelttcffc:tl}e ~'onb,lli'll'
31 ann ~e Conness of '.)alla tl)e lnott.Jr.r of ntel,of abigail tl}e ¢armelittlre:
~ammai, ]ether ann '.]onatl)an : 8l1b ~ctl)cr 2 '4n,Je tl)irll,abCalom tlJe ronne ofSl!Jaact)a..
lltell \llttf)out chilllJm. tlJe llaugl,Jtcr of ~fJalmat laing of 0crur : t11c
33 ~e Conness ofj!onatl)an: 11)£ktl1,anb ~a· rourtl),allonia, ti.Jc fom1e of l!)aggitl):
!IL ~ere \llm tl)e Conness of~eraf.JmeeL 3 ~IJe fiJttJ, ~evIJatta. of abital: tlJtCi~.
34 ~ecanl}all no conness,bUt baugl)terss: anb ]ctlncam,br ~gla IJtis mifc.
~eranl,Jall a rcruant tl)at mass anefgrptian,na• 4 im::l]cfe fire 'mere bo~nc bnto ()im in 11,)c'
meb ')atfJa, b~on, anD tiJere l)e mgnrb reurn rccres ann fire
35 ~o \lllJom lJre gaue IJtl!I baugl)tcr to \Dife, monctl)s : anb tn ~teruratem t,Je nig11e1:1 tl)tritc
anll ll)e bare l)im atl)at. anlltl;l:ee recress.
36 ano atl)ai begatt §aatl)an, anl:I ~atl)an 5 *~no tl]crc bl ere bomc bnto lJ im in ll)icru' , .sam,5.
begate ~aball. Calcm: ~tmi?.~obab,§aatl)an, aniJ ~olomon, 1 4•
31 ano ~llbaa bC«ate aplJlal, anb apfJlal be· roure, of :l3atl)Cua tlJe oaugtJter of !lmmiel,
(tate fl!>btll. 6 ]b[Jar alCo, anil (flifama, cfltpl)elet.
.." 3s S!Dbeb bepte '.]lebu, anb '.llcfJU begate ~· 7 Jr.loga,Jr.}eph~.anll ]cplJia..
!tlrta. s Cleltrama, «e1Jal111, anll lf!tplJelet, nine in
39 .a!aria begate t)de!, an?J $elet begate number.
.. lflafa• 9 ~~arealltlJefonnesofWautll, bdillr
:: 40 CJelaCabC«atc~ifamai, an?J~iramai be, tl)e Connc~ or d}e &:oncubtness: anll *~amar i.Reg.1p
'b gate ~anum. · toass tl)cir fitter.
ll 41 ~auum begate gjecamta, 9)ecamiabegat 1 o ~olomons ronne mass Jaoboam, 'all)oCc
<mramal). ronne 'ala~ !lbta,annara mass 1Ji1S ronne,anb ']o,
42 ~e Conness of <ltalcb tIJe tnotl)er of'J,eralJ• faplJat lJtss ronne,
med, Q.9efa IJiss er11ea ronnc, tlllJtcl,J 'alas t(le fa• 11 ml)orewnne\Das 1oiam, ana l)tf!I ronnc
tl,Jnor~tplJ :a11b tl)cConness or S]@arera tf1e fa• toa$5 al)aiia, anil 'Jioaf!I 'tlla11 llil'S ronne,
tl)er of~eb~on. 11 amaita IJissronne,a Htrial) lJi~ Comte, am
43 ~e Conness oft)eb~on, Gto~af1, anb '(l[;(Ja, '.]otl)am l)iSS ronne,
puaIJ,1Rccem,anll ~ama. 1 3 a1Jai toass l)iSS fonne, ~eJecia IJi~ ronne,
44 ~a111a begatJ!iatJam tl)efatl,Jerof3i&reo• anMlll)anafi"clJtSCoruu; ·
am,anb Settmbegate~ammat. 14 an1:1 amon toass IJiSS Connt. anti '.]loria \lltlSS
45 '4rl)cfonneof~ammai, \Dass~aon:anb l.Ji11ronnt.
~aon 'IIIBSS tl)c fatl)er of'6et1Jtur. 1 5 !lnl:I ti.Jr Conness of] oCia, U>crc : tlJe elllclt
46 !lnl:I <flll)a a conmbine of ~alebJS, bare ronne, ']!olJ~nan, tlJe rccon11,'}oactm,tiJc tlJirlle;
$aran, anti ~ofa, aniJ 0atet : l)aran begatc '5el>etta,anb tl)e fourtf1, ~anum.
ll38JC!· 16 ~eronncssof"']!oacim, mere '.lcconial) Mmh.1.
47 ~c ronneJS of ]al)bai, blcre 11tc1em, ~o' l)tss Conne,anb '5ellc<ia lJtss Conne. . 11.
tl)am,0eCan,t01Jelet,ltpl)a,anll~aaplJ, 17 ~eronness of~!econtatJ,gtftr, ann ~ala'
48 9nll ®aactJa'alaSJ €1llcb• concubtnt, of tiJidlJiss ronnc:
\Dl)om l)e begate ~eber. aniJ ~lJitfJana: 18 ~alcl)iram alfo, anll t0ellaia, ~ena111r,
49 ~n1:111Jee bare alfo ~saplJ tl)e fatlJer of '.]lecamia,,ocama,an1:1.@e1Jabta.
~allmanna, anll ~eua tl)e fatl)er of ~act)be• 19 Qefonness of ~c11ata, 'mere -;:oiobabel,
na.ann tIJc fad:Jer oc <115tbea: anll idJfa \Dass eta, anb ~emei. €l)c ronnes or '3'01obabel. ~Cfut,
lebJS baug(Jte:r. lam.tananla.. anll ~elomitlJ tlJetr uacr:
~ o ~tJek \Den t(lcfonnes of Gtaleb tlJt fQnne 20 anb 'aCubt111. ©{lei, l5erecl)ia, ~aCabia,
of $ur tile e!te!l ronn:e of Gepl.J~ta, ~abal tlJe au11 gjufabf)efet1,fiuein number:
fa~er or <n:irtattJ-iarim, 21 ~efonness ofl!)auania.. ~datta,aniJ ~e'
51 $@alma tl)e rat()cr of)8etl)lefJcm, anll ll)a• Cata: toljoC~ Conne mais lllcplJa~a, anti l)ilS ronnc
tepl)tlle fntiJcr ofl6et1,J-ga11cr. aman. ~ IJt~ Comte toass fl!>bal>Ja, anti J;Ji• ronne
52 anll ~obal tl)e fatl)cr of <lttriatlJ·lartm ~ecl)ama.
!Or,go. ilat>fonne11,an1:1 hee II fa'ale t(Je 1Jalfe of tl}e coun• 2 2 ~be ronne of ~eclJanta, \Dass ~cmaia:
trep oftl)c manfio~. aUll ~e ronne~ of ~e1uaia, \llere 0muss, ]gal,
5 > '4!;tJe 1ttme1:111 of <ltmatl}-iarim. are ~ere: 15ana1J,Jaearta11, anb ~apt,Jat,Clfe,
tl)e S\et~itess, ti}c ~utl)ttel5, ttJe ~itel, 1 3 !lnn tlJe ronnes of fleanai, 'mere <fltoc,
ann tl)e ~iltalJetlJttess: a11n of t11em came tlJe nat,0iicttalJ,a.n'D g:,ncam,tl)~ce, '
~aratllitel'S, an1:1 tlJe fH{Jaulttc£S, 2 4 anll tlJC CotttttJS Of ~ioenai, 'tnctC ~Oll8•

~b uia,J
la bes requdl: is granted. I.Chron. Simeons genealogi1
uia,<fliaflb, l&ctaialJ, amw, '.J)ol]anan,~alaia, 2 2 ilnb '.]locim,anb tile mm or citto!tbal,J,anb
ann anani,feucn. '}oa!!I, anb ~arapl'I, \ulJiclJ l]atl tfJe Dominion in
The iiij .Chapter. :0~~:11nll '.)\afilbi Jl,el,Jcm: tl)cftalfo arc 'alo~bJS
I The gcncalogic ofthe fonncs ofluda. ~ Of A<hur 2 3 ~efctotTC p~tttrf$, (I btDelt t'()erc among
Of labcs and his prayer. 11 Of Chclub, 2 4 and trees ann f)cbgcs,m~ bnto tl1etliing,bccaurc of
~imcon: cheir habicacions, 38 and conquc:Ch. fJiJS 'WO~liC.
Gcn. 1 s.2 9 g~efonncsof'.]\una, *l&IJarC!,~C!' 24 ~cfonncsof~imton, \l'lere * Jl:lcmucl. Ge1
•nd 4 c>.1 i. ron, CltlJarmi, l!)ur,ann ~obal. ']amin,'J)arib, '.5cra1J,ant1 ~aul: 1 o,,
~ 2 9nnmcaiatl)c ronneof~o· 25 tIDl)ofcfonncwas~allum.anlltl:Jcfonnc •s·
~ bal btl,latc ']lal)atfJ,ant1 '.]\al,Jat1J be' of l}fm mas gf)tbfam, ~ lJi!-1 fonnc \llllJS ~mna,
}~ gate al]umai (I }La1Jat1 : anti tIJcfe 26 anti ti.Jc fonnc or ~ifma \llas ll)amucl,
arc t:IJC titnrcllS of tf)c '.Jo:atf.Jttc!-1. ann lJisfonn~ mas '.5ac1Jur,ant1 tlJcfonnc oflJim
3 anti tlJcfc <mere or tf)c fatf)er of El!tam:!Jt!' mas ~cmtht.
ralJd. jjtlna, ann ')lilbtl$: anb tlJc name of tlJelr 2 7 ~cmcl]i IJab fi~ccnc fonncs (I fi~c bauglJ•
nacr ~a!1£pIJuni. tcrs, but IJis b~ctf):cn 1Jat1 not manr clJilll:en,
4 lf)cnuelmss tf)c !atlJcr of <3cbo1,ant16cr neitlJcr 'OJa.3 all tf)e hinreb of tIJtm like to tf)c
tlJc fat(Jcr or tl)ura : anti tlJcfe arc ti.Jc ronncs of c1Jtlt11cn or'.t.lut1a in multi tube.
ll)ur, tlJc cltlCft ronnc of C!?pl.nata tl]e fatf.)cr of 2 s ann tf)cr b'OJclt at :l5ecrfeba, Slll}olana, anb
ll)ctiJicfjem. at l!)atar~ual,
5 .anb afl)ur tf)e f'atlJct Of ~CCOtl IJab t\llo 2 9 at 15ill}a,at ~tem,anb-anioiaiJ,
\tllUCJS: l!)cla(J,anll ~sara(J. 3o at1J3atl) ~O~ms,antl at '.5iglS~,
6 Qnb ~aara(J bare (Jim .aIJuram, 11)cp1Jcr, ~ 1 gt '6ttf)marc:abotlJ, 11)a;ar, ~urnn, at
~11cmtni, anb 11.Jaft'l)ari: tIJcfc \tlcrc tl]c ronncs l5tt1Jbirci. anll st ~aaraim: ~ere 'alrrc t(Jetr
of ~aaral}. c:tticJS bnto tl)e nigne of1F!autll.
7 anti tlJc ronnes of 11)clalJ,\tlm~cretlJ,'.]le' 32 anti tIJcir btllaQes mere ~tan, anti ~tin,
iOSr, anll lftlJnoo. lltimmon, ~octJcn,anb aran,tiue to'OJncs.
s !lnb4ro~ begatc anob,anb ~obeba,anb H anti an ttJctrbillagcs tf)at\llercrotmlla,
ttc litnretl,JarlJcl,tfJc fonnc oftl)arunt. bout the fame cittcJS, bnto :l6sal. qis is ti]e l:Ja'
9 anll '.]ab~s mas mo~c (Jonourablc tl,Jm f)ts bitation of t1Jcm,anb t1Jctr 11cncslo1i1ie:
b~ctt1im: lt l,Jismot1Jcr calleillJisnamc'.]sbes, 34 ~ofobab, anb ]smleclJ, am ')lors ttJc
rarin~,l5ccsuce '.Jl bare l)im 'OJitlJ Co~ro'al. ronnc of amana.
, •.. ; - 10 ann ~abcs caucn on tlJe ~ob of ]fra£t 35 anb 1Joel, an'O ~rl)u djcronncof]oribi,
raring, 1rtl]ou \uilt blc[c mcein bccnc, anb en' tlJcfonnc of~ara1a,tllc ronnc of ~ficl,
large mr coall~, anb fiJaltlct tf)inc (Jann be 'With 36 anb ~ltocna1, ann j!aac:obs,'.)folJaia,anb
me, anti toiltriccprntc from cutl tf)atit fJurt me .araial),at1icl, 3]fmtcl,anll l5cnata,
not. ann <!Doll t9'.antcb (Jim I.Ji~ ncnrc. 37 ann '.5ita tfJc fonm of ~iplJi, tlJc ronnc or
1 z 4r1Jclub t(Jc b~otl)er of ~ual,J b£Qatc ~c, anon, ti.Jc ronne of']letlaia, Cf)e fonncor~imri,
lJir, 'nllJictJ 'Wal.! tf)e fat}Jcr of <eaIJon. · t(Jc fonne of ~cmata.
1 2 anti 'lPaf)on bciaate l5ctt]-rsp1.J11 anb -a, 38 ~ere arc famous captaincsi in tlJcir kin,
ltl)a, ann ~cf)innatl}c fatf.)croft(JcciticofJl:ls• rriJ£!, fctting tp grcatlp tlJe l)oufr of tlJctrfa·
fjas: t~efe an tl)emcn oflltcci,a. tf)cr~. ·
13 ~l)cronncsof<ltcnas: ©tlJntel, anb~c· 39 :ant1tl1crtr1cnttot1Jecnmnginor~r.t10:.
rnta: anti tl)c fonnc of OtlJnicl mas D;latf)atb. cucn bnto ti.Jc <faa rillc of tlJc tialltp, to rcclic pa·
14 lntl ~conatl)i bciaatc <fplJ~al}: anti ~c· aure fo~ tlJrir 11Jeepe:
raia bciaat ']oab ti.le rat(Jcr of t(Jc baller ofcrartr, 40 ant> tlJcp founb fat paaurcimll gooll. anti
mm,fo called,becaure t(Jcp mere craftfmcn. a '1>itlc 1ant1.11uict anb fruitfull: foJ tl}cp ofl~mn
1 ~ anti tl)c fonnes of 4raleb tIJcfonnc of~c· l}all b\1.ltlt tl)crc bcro~c.
pl:Jm1c,wcrc']\ru,<fla,ant1 ~aam:anbtl}cfElnnc +1 .ann tl)efc nomc aro~c 'roJittrn b1' name,
of <fla mas Clrcnais. came in tlJt llapc£! of$c~cc:ia liing of ]Ulla. anti
16 ann t(Je fonncs of jlcbalelccl. mere JiplJ, emote tlJc tcntes of tlJem, anb tlJe 1Jabitatio11£1
nnl.l ~tpllal), '11I;l)iria, anti aJarel. tfJat \Derr founb tIJcrc,anb ncfltopc11 tJJcm titter,
1 7 a11t1 tl)c ronncs of <fJra,\llcre ']ctlJtt, ~c, IF bnto tlJis t>ap, anb ll'IDelt in d]eir roomrl.!: be,
rrl.l,~l)cr,antl 'J\afon: ant11Jccbegate ~irtam, caurc tlJm tosspallure tfJtrc ro~ tfJeirll)cepr.
anti ~ammai. (l ']lfbslJ tile fatlJer of<flHJcmoa. 42 anti fomc or tl)c ctnltl~rn of ~imron \Dmt
18 ~nt1 l)i11 'alm~ '.J,cl}ullta.. bare jjatcll ti.Jc fa, to mount ~eir. e11c11 llucl)unt1Jct1 men, bauing
tlJer of 15cl.l~, anti l!)cbcr Cl:JC faCl:Jer of ~o&l)o, foJ tl)eir captatne!$, 191Jclatt;Jta, ~carta, laaplJa,
ann ']'1ccntl)iel the fatl1cr of '.5anoal)• .ann tf)cfe ia,anb flD~tcl, tl)eronncs of']lfi:
are tlJc tonne~ ot' ~tt(JialJ tlJt ball!.lfJtcr ofl!)l)s• +3 anti rmotc tl}c rctl or tlJt .amalcflitr~
roo, 'nl1Jtcl) ~mil tooflc. dlat \llcrc efcapcD, anb tlJcr b'd'>elt tlJcre lmto
Of ~llh~tJe fonntS Oftl}C'd'>lfcOf~ObiatlJC fiftcr Cl:Jil!liJap.
Bill) Q?n.!m tl)e or ~eilll(J, \l'ICrC 01ltmi, Thcv.Chapter.
-icmoa t\Je s:lll)aaclJatlJ~te. The birthrightral.en ftom Rubcn,and giucn to the
. ~l)t fonncis of ~tmon,'lr>crc ammon,anb
20 1
fonnesoflolcph. 3 The gc:ncalo.gic ot Ruben, I I
~t~ni}}a, l5ttt llannn, (t ~()ilon: ant1C1:Jefonne!!I and Gad, 2 3 And ohhe halfc mbc of Manalfc:.
.3l ~\Dcte '5°0\)etlJ,anb ~CllJOhCtlJ.
Gcne.38.1. ll)cfonnesorJJtubcn, t1Jtclt1caron
were ...,r tl)e fatl)cr of kc!Ja anD ·uea tbefll• of'.]!l\'ael (*fo,ialhluc(Jass tmwass Gen•
tl}cr or il@arera, ant1 tl)e kt.inns or ttJe IJ~ tlJC cltlCfl, llllt'I IJ.atl ll~fflctl f)iSS fa, and~
of of tl}cm tlJat'al~ou!P.Jtlinnm in ""'e
aaica. h"ufe
WJ .,..
tllcrP bell, tl)c brrtlm!lht \Dall gi,
• uen bnto tlte ronncss or '.Jo[qlh
Chap.vj. Leuis genealogie. 1
tl.Jc romu of ~tmd: l.JotDbeit, tlJe gcnealoJic ts U)muon.anl> ~entr,anll bnto mount l!}mnen,
not redlonrb arterl.Jts btrttntgIJt. for tlJep mere giotucn to 11 greatmultitullc.
t- n.49.9. 2 *~')Ulla P1e'Uailell 8bOUC IJiSJ b~ 24 altll tl.JefetDett tl.JCi.JeallS oftlJc l)OUilJOlllS
!t' annor~ tribe came tlJc d.Jtefe., anlltl.JcbirtlJ• o~tl}cirfatl)ers:ltpl.Jer, anlljlcfi. Cll!ltet.anlla!•
' rigl.Jt was Jiucn to l)ofcpl.J.) M,leremta. anll U)ollauta, anll ]al)llid,ttrong
~ n. 46.:9. 3 *-a,c ronne15 tl.Jcn of Sllbcn tf,Jc clllcfl men ann baliant,ramous men, anll l]ealls of tlJc
d.0. 1 4. rormtof'.Jlt\;act, mere llJcnodJ, pl.Jalu, ~n, l.JoufflolllsofttJeiifatlJcrs.
;>. an11 o,arm1. 2 .s ~nll tlJcp tranfgrdfcll siiama tl)c <3oll of
}; • ~eronnes or1od,~atnaial.J,l.JiSJfOnn:C, t1Jc1rfat1Jers.ant1 ttcnt aml)o~mg arm tIJc gollis
;~ 0ogl.JtSJConnc,~nll~cmcil.Jts~ oftl)cpcopltoftlJclannc, wl)om <!lloll bctlfopell
~·.. s !il@ical) 1J1s ronne, llteaia i.JiSJ ronnc, llllll bcfo1ct1.Jcm.
l5aal.bisConne, z6 gnzi ~c <llloll of ']rracl tlirtcll bp tl}cfpirit
6 l5m111Jis ronnc, tDIJom ~tglatlJ ll)tlne< ofll)IJ~ I!Ung or .atrnta, anllJl}c fpirtt of~l.Jig•
fer Bing of atrr:ta cartell atoar : fo~ 1Jce ' a latl} t&ilncrcr Bmg of alfp~ia, anll caricD tl}cm
grcatlo~ll among tl)c 1!1Ubenttcs. awap: cucn tl)c llillbcnitcs, anb tl}e 0a11ttcs.
7 ilnll \tll.Jcn IJiSJ W~CU in tl.Jcir JrinnJJSJ 11Ull tlJe IJalfc tribe Of !il@8118[C, \t b~O U!Ji}t tl)ein
rcclloncll tl}c gcnealogie of tl)cir gmerationis, bnto llJalalJ, l)abo~, 'ara, an?> to tl.Jrnuer <lllo•
]eicl ann '.5actJartalJ tocre ti.Jc d.Jtcfc, !an,bnto tl.Jis 1:1ar.
s ann'5alatl)cfonnc ofa~an, tt,Jeronneof Th
~em11, tl)e fonnc ofjjocl 1:1wclt in .aroer,11nll Co e vj. Chapter:
rooitl) bnto ~cbo,anll l6aalmeon.
9 anll Cfafltoarll bee inl}abttcll bnto ti.JC CU•
tringin of tl)e \lJilbcmetrc, from tl}e lliiucr ctu•
plJ,atcis: fo, tlJcp }Jall mud] cstttll in tl}c 11mll of
1 o an11 tn tf;Jc t11111ess of ~sul, t{Jep \IJarrCZ>
'mitl) tl}c 'agarttcs, tol}icl) Ulerc oucrtl},omm
I The gencalogie ofthc fonncs of Leui. 31 Their or.
der in the minilleric ofthe Tabernacle. 46 Aaron
and his fonnes Pricfies. 54· 57 Their habicacion.
ll;)c fonnes oft.cut,* ~crfom, <!ta'
2 ~e fonncs of <ltaatll, am•
ram. ~~aIJar, ,cb,on.anb ©I(cl.
Gene, 4i;.
11. CIOd,6.

bl'tlJctr l}anbc: an1:1tl}cp nwclt in tIJetr tcntcs 3 ~ccl),

tlJo~otoout an tl)e ~all Llnd of C!51lcall. ron, ~o£c9. anti ~irlam. ~e fonncis alfo of
...... 11 gllll tl}e cl)iUJicn of <lllall ll\llclt ouer a• aaron.~anab,abtl;lu.<flta1ar. ann '.31t1Jam11r.
gainlltl)cm in tl}c lanlle ofl6afa11, cuen bnto 4 lflcatar begatcl01Jinc1Jcs,l01.JindJcs be,
::t: ~alcl)a: gate 9btrua,
12 ant> in l6aran ')ol)cl \l:Ja5 ti,c cl}idiff, anll 5 .aincua begatc l6om.~occtbcgatc ©ft,
~apl)sm tl}e tn~i;t: tl.Jen ')lanai,anti ~apl)at. 6 ~Ji bcgatc ~aral)ia,'5aral;ltabcgatc Qilc,
13 anti t1Jcirbiet1JJmoft1Jcl.Jou11Jolb oftl)cir raiotl,J,
fatl.Jers. mere ~icl)acl, ~eruuam, ~cba, 9]o• 1 !il@eraiotl.J bcgat amarta, anb amarta be,
rat~aclJan, 5ia,aebcr,rcucn. gattal'Jttob,
14 qcrc arc t1Jecl)iU1~cn of Qbtl}aiUIJc ronne s al}itob begatc '5aboc,anb ~alloc bcgatt g,
of~uri, tl)cfonneof')Jaroa{J, tl}e fonncof<llltle• 1Jimaa1,
all, tbc ronnc of ~ici,acl, tl)c ronnc of]cfifai, 9 al)imaat bcgatc a1aria, anb a1arta be•
t11c ronne of'.]lal)llo, tIJe ronne ofl5u~: gatt 9Jol}anan,
15 at)ttl)Cfonncofabnicl.t]Jcronneof<lllunt, 10 1\ol)anan bcgatc ataria, \\'!IJ(cl} mini•
'QJas ac.aptainc of t1Jct1oulbol11e ofti.Jett fatl)~. «rel! tn tlJc ~cmplc tl.Jat ~olomon built in ~it•
16 anb tl.Jcp b\tlelt in Cll5ilcatl in l6afan,ann in rufalcm.
IJer townrS!I, ann in au tl)c fUburoe15 of ~aron, 1 r a1arta bcgatc a maria, amarta begatc g,
anti in tl)ctr bo.incrs. IJitob,
17 anlltl)l'fC\Detctl'Clt011Clll)rllinrell~intl)c 11 al}itob begate ~S'DOC, anb~B'DO' brgatc
nar_csof'3lot1Jnmktng_of']\Ul:la,annintl.JC1:1arcs ~aUum,
of '.]lcroboam litng of]ftacL 1 3 ~anum bcgate fl)elcta,anD l!)elcta bcgatc
18 ~efonne~oflftllbm,4n1lof<lllal1, anll of a1arta,
tl)c l]alfc tribe of ~anarre, \tlcn ftgl)ting men, 14 atatia begatc ~llfaia,antl ~araia begat
anll ableto bearc l1JicU1 anti flD01b, anb to OJootc ']lcl.Jo!CbtclJ,
\DitlJ botoc, ~ercifcll tn toam:, cum fourc anb 1 5 an11 'j\cl)otcbccl) ll~arteZI, wl}cn tl)c 'Jl..oin
fountct1Jourann.rrucn l)unn1eb,anll tl.Jiccr,oie, cartcll ama1? ]Ul:la anti 1!)1crufalcm bp tlJe l}antl
d)at \tlmt out to tlle marre. ofJaabud.Jollonor01.
19 ann tlJep fougtJ t toitl.J ti,c l)agarttcs,'mttlJ 16 ~erormel5 ofJL.cui,* <lllmom,<ltaat!},Snl> Exod.6.17.
']\ctur,Jacpl)t£S.,anZI ~obab. ~erart.
20 anb dJcp were IJclpcb oftheLordagainfl 17 antltlJcfebrctl}C n~ed Oftl)c formtSS of
tl1cm, anll t]Jc ~agaritcS!I tocre beltu~n into ~ctfom.JLtbnt.ant1~im1J1.
tlJtir l)anll,ann ro were an tlJat \\:Jere toitlJ ti.Jena: 1 s anti tt}e ronncs of .itaatl.J, \llerc amram,
<Jfo1 tl}ep crictl to Cll5ob in battcll, an?> l)ee t)mn 'JtalJar, $cb1on, anll ©~id.
tl}tin,betaurc tl)cp put tl)cir cruthn l)tm. 19 qc formcl5 o~il)erart: illal)alt, \l ~Uri:
2 r an11 t1Jt1? tookc oftl)cir cattcll,anll of tl,Jrit anll there arc tlJC liintcbl3 of JLtui, concerning
camc113 , ftftic tl.Jouranllc, ann rwo IJunb~ll,anll d}cr fatl)cts.
fiftictl:Joufallll OJrepc,antl t\tlo tl)oufann atrcs, 20 ~eronneof<llle:tfom, \lJasJL.ront \t>IJofc
an11 oftl}c roulCSil ofmen an l)Unllltll tlJoUCsnZI. ronnc toa1S']Jal.Jat1J,anb 1Jis ronnc ~mma,
i2 anb tl)m r£U mat11? mounncb,bccl1Ufl' ti.Jc i i an?> 1Jtl5 ronne '.)loal} '· atUI lJis ronnc '.]J!IZ10,
mar tu as oeCl15on:anb tt}ey Dwelt in tl.Jcirfteabs, anll IJt~ronnc ~al:J,anb i.Jil5fonnc ']\catl:JJai.
bmtU tl}c time tlJatt!Jcr tocre camb tl'IDap. u ~cronncs of ciraatl}, amtna?Jab, anD lJt~
2 3 '1nb ti.Jc cl}iln1CU of tlJt IJafft trtbeof ~a· ronnc €oJ8lJ, anl:I l.JilS Connc atrir.
naff£ ll'melt in tl.Jt lanD,from 1\aafan bnto l5aat 2 3 ant1 IJiJ fonne Cll!lcana , anti l.JiSJ ronnc
The Leuites geneaJogie, l.Chron. \'Vi ch their Cities.
«ebtllf11plJ, anb l)ilS ramie~·
4 .anb~al)a~lDSIS IJ•~ fomic, anllatiel
IJiS ronnc,ano©!i lJt~ ronnc,an1> ~aul lDa- IJtlS
ronnc. .... "'-~.... ..- lllh'
2 ~c ronneis of ~,,ana: "'""'"......u .a<JI''
m~~'anD cei,ana : tl)c ronnclS of G?lcana, 'Jo•
pl)at. lDIJoferonnetJJSS ~1111at1J,
7 .anb lJilS ronnc «eltab, an'b '.)lerol)amlJiis
ronne, anD <flmna l)tis ronnc.
2 s anD tl}c ronncis of ~amud:tl.)c clbell llJl1f'
ni,anD abi11.
:i.9 ~eronncispr~crari: ~al)ali,an'b l)fis
ronnc JLtbni , anb IJtis Comte ~iml)I, llnll 1'tlS
ronnc Sll>~a,
3o anDIJtS!I ronnc~imlJa, an'b 1Jissronta1•
Ilia. anD IJtS!I ronuc araia.
3I 9nD tl)cfe ber tl)ep \Dl)om ~auin ftt roi to
fing in tl)c lJOufC oftlJC JLo,11, afttr tl}at tlJC amc
p an11 tlJcp minttmb l:Jcfo1t ti.Jc bU>clling
plate of tlJc ~abcrnaclc of tl)c Cltongrcgatton.,
\llltl) finging tmtill ~elomon l]ab bmlt t1)c
hourc of tl}c JLo~l> in tl)tcmraltm: anl> tl)cn tlJcp
\llattcll on ti) cir officcis, ateo~J>ing to tl)c o,bcr of
ti) cm.
33 ~ere arc tl.)cr tlJat \DaitetJ, U>itlJ tlJcir
clJtlO~en, of tlJC ronncis of 4taatl), l!)cman a fin•
gcr, \DlJidJ 'Wais tl)c ronncor iJocl, tl)cfonneof
~amucl, ·
H ~eronne ofll?lcana, tl]c ronnc of~tto,
{Jam, tIJc ronne or <lflicl. tfJc ronne of ~oal),
3s ~l)e ronne of '5upl) , t1Jt ronne of etcanit
36 'cXIJc ronnc of ~lcana, tl)e ronne of ]ocl,
tqe ronne of !l~aria, tl)c fonnc of'.JeplJanta,
37 ~)c ronne of ~aIJatq, tl)e ronnc of ifl'tr,
tl}c fonnc of «ebiafa~l),tl)c fonnc or ~oiab,
)s ~l)c ronnc of ']\fa{Jar, tl)c ronne of Gtaatl),
tl)c fonnc oO!.cui,tl)c fonne of'.)frael:
39 !lnb IJts b~otl)cr araplJ ftoobe on lJiSS rfgbt
ban11,an11 araµl) \Da!5 t\Jc ronnc of:l6arad]ia,t1Jc
fonne of;9iml)a,
40 ~eronncof~iclJacl, tl)cronneof~aa,
ra,tl)c ronnc of~clcl}ta,
41 ~!Jc fonnc of !ltl)an, tl)c ronne of'5aral),
tl}c fonnc or a1:1aia,
41 ~l)c fonnc of Cftl)an, tl)e ronnc of'Jtmma,
tl)e ronne of '.Jtml)i,
4 3 ~e ronnc of '.]Jal)atl), tl)c ronnc of IJ3er,
fom, tbe ronne ofJLeui.
44 ~nD tl)cir b~ctl)~en tl)e fonne• of Qllera,
ri lloobe on tile lert l)anne , men Cftl)an tl)r
ronnc of ¢ifi, tl)c ronnc of .ablli, tl)e ronnc of
. 4s ~c ronnc of ll)a,aita, t'IJe font1c ofama,
~ta, tlJc fonne of Cflcta,
46 ~be ronne ofamtt,tlJc ronnc oU5ant, tin
fonnc or ~amer, .
ti. ~q ~l)c ronnc of Slll;lal'Jli, tqc fonm of~uo,
.,c •Onnc or 2f!)crari, tl)r fonnc ofJLcut,
bJCtl}~m alto tlJe JLcuttcis \lJttC llJI'
Kb bnto all tuancr of rnw'e Of d_Je caber•
nat coftl)cl)oureofcllJoD.
"' 49 l5utaaronanblJtsronnc• burnt inmtfe
upon tl}c ~Uta~ Of \Dl)ole bUmt ofrtttna:. 81111
Olltl)C ~Utar Ohnccnfe ~d were :appointc:cTfoJ8U
tl)at mas to boc in tl;Jc' Pl!Kt moll l)Olp, 81111 to
n~akc an atonenttnt; fo~ tlJmt of 1~1. aicoi,
bmg to an tl)aUJll)otel!I tl}c rcruaunc or c3ol» l)all
'-------=:-::---;-----;:::~---:-:--:-~-;--;---;:----;-;;----::-~ ----
~Genealogies oflfachar, Chap.vij. Nephrhali,Manaifes,&c. 147
~ 73 isalllOCIJatro 11111>1.1crltlburtJ1J, ananan11 n arm~. at1lt l)appim. were tIJc
IJcr fUburbJ. dJillltm of'.)r: anll tfJe f)ufitcf were tl)e dJtlil1en
74 9PD out ofttJe tnbe of.irtt,Sl()aralaull of~r.
IJerad>l«blf.lnnon anll IJcr fubmbl, 11 qeronncis ofi,leplJtlJali. jjalnid, .Suni,
7S l}ucoll anll l}erCuburbs, Jild1W ll11D lJU l~IU1ll~allum,tlJedJilb1e11ofl5tll)11.
ftlbllrbf. 14 ~eronnesof)l!)anaffc,~¢el,Wl:Jom1Jt1
76 flDut of ti.Jc trtbcof Jaq,1Jt1Jali, €eDelin 'tDifE bm tmtol)im: l5ut arandlllJ 1)1.15 concu,
c8atilet anll IJCr fuburbf, l)ammoss anDl}cr ftibs bine bare~ ttJe fatlJer of cll5ttran.
urbJ,€iriat}Jaim anlllJctCUburbJ. 1 s ~Ub SJaebir tootle wiueJ fo~ ~pim allll
11 anll bnto ttJercft of ti.Jc cl)tlllJCll of ~a' ~uppnn: anb tl)e name of IJtJ Oller waJ ~aa,
rt. 'aim ttuen out oftl)e tribe of 'Jabuton. Jllttll' dJa. l1l1ll tl)c name of another Comte '1181 ~'
mon ann IJer Cubmbl, ~aboJ anD IJtt: 1Ub< plJaIJan: anll ~cloplJalJaD l)an t1aug~tcr1.
um.. 16 anD il@aacl)a tl:Jc wire of !tllllac)Jir bare a
78 ilnbont(Jeotl)erfibe'.JOJbllUe,b1'1triclJO• Con~(tmlleb IJiS namel&IJcm: anbtl)e name
euen on tl)e <raft Citic of')oibane, were giuen chem ofl}tf b1ot1Jer wa1 ~mf, anil IJiS fonm'I mere
out oftl)c tribe of 111Uben, lBcftf mttJc bJi!Det, lllJlam,ana
nitre, wltlJ)JerfuburbS, 'Jllf1~al} b.lifl.Jl)er Wb• 17 ~tfonneofinlam,l5cllan.qerearetl.Je
urbf. fonncs ofcll5ilcab,tiJc ronne of ~atlJir.tlJt eonne
79 ClttbemottJ alfo \Di«J (}er f~ ~eplJS• ofS;lanatre :
atlJ witlJ l:Jcr ruburbJ. . 1 sanb bis filler Sil!JoltmdJ bare ]ellJUh.abit•
So ®ut of tl)c tribe of ~llb, &motl,J in c8dc• fer,anll ~al)elal),
ab tuitlJ l}cr ruburb~, )]@al}analm '1litlJ l}cr fUb, 19 anti tl}c ronnes or ~emiba, were a!Jla,
Urb•. Ill
81 l)etbon wlti, !Jet ruburilS,anb ~atet tu1 •..,

2 °~eronnes of CfplJ1aim.~utf.Jala1J, ml)ofe
I.Jer fuburbs. fonnc '1llll l5mb , ann-at(Jal)lllJ bif ronne, ann
:~ · Ch l)iS fonne Cfllll'lal],anll ~lllJalJ l)tf ronne.
•• ,

T he vij. apter.
The genealogie oflfachar, 6 Beniamin, 1 3Neph-
thali, 14 ManalT.::s, ~o Ephraim, 3° AndAfer.
Conness of]Cad)ar, * ~IJola,
2 ann tl)e romms of ~l}ota,
ll!>p,l!i~ia,']lmel, ]amai.ltlt-
21 anll~aballl)i!Sfonne. anb~ut(JelalJIJiS
fonne.ann lfftr,anll Cflan:anb tl}e mm of ~atl),
tlJqwcrecomellomntotalleamaptl)rir cattel
:u anb cfpl)~aimtlJeir fatlJcr mourneb manr
23 anb Wl}enlJt\lJtntin tof)i$HDtft, 0Jtc0n'
.:6 ram. anb ~cmuel, lDIJi'IJ \lJere ceiucb,an'Dbarel)tmaronne, anlltJcccalklltiJe
· t)CaD• tn tl}e t)oun.iollls of ti) cir fatl}ers: of ~l)ola name of tt l6ma, bccaure tc went tuill '1lttiJ l)i)'S
. checc were men of migl)t in tbeir gcneranonis. l)oullJOlll.
fil. wl)oftnumber wastn ti.JC ll8ftS Of l011Uib two 24atU1l)iOaugl;ltcrWllfS~ecra,bl1Jic1Jbtnlt
:::, anbttDentptlJoufanbanbCirel)unll~eb. l6ettJl}o~ontIJe net:IJcr, anbalfo tl)cbppcr, ann
.~ 3 iatl:Jt conne
of lll>li.'J!fat)ia. ~l)e Conncs of ®}en ~ma.
fi· '] !tal:Jia. ~U:bacl, ®ballia, 3\otl, ann ]eOalJ, 2 s anb 11iapbaIJ was l:Jts ronnc: 'tDIJofe ronnc
flue captatnes. mass mcfeplJ, anti ~tlaIJ, w1Joft ronne was
;~1 4 ant1wit1Jt1Je1nmt1Jcirgmcrationoftrr ~i.JaJ:Jam,
....J 2 6 ant> IJifi fonne lLaban,anll iJiS ronne amt.
tl)c l)ou11.>011> of tlJeir fatiJcrss. were fire anb tlJir,
~ tit tl)oUfanb roull>ierss. (I baliant men of warrc: l)ub,anb l)is ronne cftifama,
t ~01 tlJct l)ab manp 'tDiue!S anti ronnt!S. 2 7 anb IJtss fonne Jaun. anb l}tss Connc g,o,
~,: s ano tl)rirb1et1Jim amon« all ti.le kinnbs ruaJ:J,
~· of']\facl}ar.wmt1aUantmcnof\1Jarrc,rccllontll 28 ~ctr potretrionJ anb IJabitattoms were
~ tn all bp tfJett genealogiclJ, fourcf«>Jt anti rcucn in l6ctlJcl, anb tl)e towncs tl)ac longeb ttJercto,
'' t1.Joufa11b. a11b hnto tlJc <fatl ofJaacram, anll on ttJe Dell
,~,.. .. 6,21 6 The funnes of* '5cniamtn, $18, l6~, Citic of cll5a~er. '1lidJ ttJt towncss tl;Jmor, ~tel}Cm
' f.' anb ]clliel, dJJCC. anb tJ:Je town cs tiJcreof, atiata anll tl)c to"Olness
'f" 7 '41)efonntfSofl5ela. cf!bOU.i>N, lll>pct, ttJmof.
~-1 ']\emnotl,J,ann']\rt.fiuc.• l)tallssoft1Je1Jou11Jolt1of 29 anb along bptf.Jt bottlers oftfJc dJtlbtm
tl)etr fattJcrs, mm or m11,\1Jt, anti mmretlloncb of Sl)anatre.. l5ttlJ(ean anll IJer to\Dness, ~aa'
111 bptlJeir gcnealo!,lics.ttDrntt llllb ttDo tiJoufanb.naCI] ann (Jer townfJ, ~egtbbo anti ber towncs,
1~~ anb tl:Jtrtp anll foure.
s '41)tfonnes o_f~ccl;Jer. 'Jcmi~a,l)loass,lflt,
anti :mio~ anti l)er to'lllntS: '.}In tfJoft Dwelt tlJe
cl;Jilbttn of'Jofq:llJ tl)e ronnc or1rrae1.
~er,ceI&ottai,©1nn.'.J1ercmot1J.a1na,anat1;Jot1J, 30 *~e ronnesocarer,]mna,'.]letUa, ~Cui, Gcn.46.r 7.
ana atamatlJ: an t11ere arc tl)c clJifllten or l6t' am lSeria,anll ~cralJ tlJrir titler.
Cl]er 31 ~IJe ronnes or l5erta, ~cber, anb ~ti.
9 • an'b tl;Jc number of t()cm after ~etr gene· cl;Jicl, wl:Jid) ts tJJc rattJcr of l6trfait1J.
alogie anb ~attonfS, anll capta1~1 oftl;Jc P .anb ll)cbcr begat~ ]apl:Jltt,~omcr,l\)o'
()OUftJOlbS of tl]cir fatl;JerS, men ofnu~t, wece t11am,anll ~ua ll.llJS tl)ctrflller,
t'o.ltntv tl]oufanll,ann ttDo l)un111cn. 33 ~t fonnefS of ]apl}lct, ~afaf), ~iml)al
1 a ~efonntfS of 1ebiel,:l5ill:Jan. €1)c Conness anb arualJ: tl)cfearc tl}t dJilbJen Of'.]lap()Ict. '
oOBtll)an.']eus, l5miamin,<flJUb, anD Gtl}ana• 34 ~c fo1mc1 of~. -11lol:Jt1a. ~o·
ana,'5£tl)an, ~lJarrt•,araa af)ifaf1ar. f)ubba,anb aram.
u an d}ert are tlJe ronne• or]cllttl.. 1111,ient 3s anll tfJefonntf' Of f;lfl$ b~otber l)elem. je•
l:Jcab!S anti men ofwam, Ceuentttne tl)oufanb plJal),'J\mna.~t1ess,ant1 amat.
am ttDo l}uno~cn. tl)at went out IJametrell to 36 ~t)c ~nncs of joplJatJ,-uaf},f)amcplJcr,
. battdl. ~ual,l5manb ')\mral:J,
__ .t-~
Beniamins genealogie. I.Chron. lfrael and luda numbred. '
37 ~e:ycr,l)ob,~annna,~•lfa,]etfnaUanb alfo b\Vdt\DtdJ tl)dt bJttl}~en in t)ierufale:mJ
~ecra. Ill _ ti1'<ft. ouer Sj~I tl]e1nb. . ,,,,_
38 '40Jc !OUllCS of 'Jlctf:Jtr, .:i1ep.,w..C, .,.....a, 33 ,..,.e:r tgate €ts, anl> 4tt15 bcgate ;:w8UI,
anb ara. an1> ~aul beigau '.)onat1;111n.~aldJnua,abtna• f 1.
39 ~lJc ronucs or ~118. ire.11, ll)ardd, ant> bab, an1> Q?fbaa1.
mcpa. 34 annttJe: ronne:of ~onatl')an 'tllaiHJ@mb•
40 an tlle:fcblcre: tfJe: d)flll~ of acer, anb baal,an'b~crtbbaalbe:igate:~i,al).
(Jcat1s or d]cir fatlJctS boUfe:, noble mm, anD 35 ant> tlJe: fonne:~ of ~cal) 1Dm -lton,
migl.Jtt' fJcaD captaine:l5: itl)e: number dJJou!W< ~e:le:dJ, ~11are:a,an1> al)ay.
out d]cge:ncatogte:oftlJe:m tlJat\De:re:apttotl)e: 36 .annal)aybegate: ]e:(Joaba: anb~el:Joa'ba
warrcanD battel. \VIUI tb>mtl' anb Ci~ tl)oUfanD bcgatc a1e:mc t(J, armauetl} an11 ~imti: '5imti
men. begate: ~oya.

Grn,46,n II
The viij.Chaptcr.
The fonncs of Beniamin, 3 ) And race of Saul.
cfniamin be:gate: *26e:la IJllS e:lllc«
ronne, !lfbe:ltf}e feconb, anl> il}a•
ralJ tlJe tl)irl>.
2 Jr.lolJatlJtlJtfourtlJ, anblt11•
37 .Ql)oya be:gate: '5tne:a, b>lJOfe: Conne:1Das
::.~a,anb 1)115 Conne: \DSIS cetaca, 8nb l}il5 romw
38 anb aycUJab a~c Conness, \ll(Jofcnamcs
are t!}e:fe~ Gefricam,~ocl)1t. ~Cmae:l,~eatta,fi}.
ba11ia., ll)anan: an tlJe:fc \Dere: tl)e: fons ofateL
39 an'btt;JeConnei5of(fyec(JiSS biotlJe:r, \De:rc
. !~

p(Jatl1 tl)e fiftlJ. 3lam 1Jil5 clbetl, ]cl}us tl)e fe'on'll, anb Cflipl}e:.
3 JilnD tl)e: !onne:!S o05cla,\Um a111r,11Jcra, le:ttl)c tl}trb.
alltull. 40 anb tlJc ronnel!I of mlam tum miQlftp
4 abifua.J'r,laaman..anll al}ob11, men,anb fttong arcl}crss, an'b (Jab manr Conness.
s ©cra,~epl.Jup1Jan,an1Jt)ut'am. anD Conness ronnc15, an 1Jun1>1e:1> anDtlftie: QU
6 au tlJe:fe: are: ttJe: fonncss or filtll>Janb tl}e:fc tl)cfe an tl)e: ronncis of'5cntamtn.
an an,imt l)e:aDl5 amon11 tl)e inl)abitcr!S of 0e< The ix. Chapter.
t>a, anl> tl)q canrb t(Je:m to il)ana(Jatl):
7 ~aaman,al)ia,anil 0cra,1Dl}icl) <lfJe:ra '8•
ricbtl)e1nal»tlf,anbbe:gate©ta,anb g(JllJUb,
8 a1111 f)e:e bcgate ~a(Jaraim in tl)e: fitlD Of
gn.)oab: afttrl}e:e: l)ailfent~e:ma\llar,l)urtmal•
ro,anll l5aaral) \De:rc l}is \Vmc1.
9 anb (Je: begate of V)obcss l)il mtfe. jlobab,

All lfr:acl and luda arenumbred. 10 Of the Pricfls
and Leuires, 11.18 and of their offices.

$ ~fo all '.)Jfrad tnnUbJtb bl' !Un.
re:Dss, be:(Jotll~ tlJ~ arc\DJittmin
'liJfJ. . tl)e: boobe: of tl}e: llt11W5. of ]£rad \I
of]uba, anti \Dcre air1e:11 llbll1! to
allb ~ibia.~e:fa,anlJ ~alc(Jam, ~abflon fo~ tl)eir tranrgre:trion:
10 ]cu!. anb ~ad)ia, ann Sll)tnna: tl}e:Ct ,, cetientl)eotllmlJabitcrstlJatb1Deltintl)m
'alcre: l)tis Conness, and ancient faltJcr!S. o\llne: polrefl'toUl5 anll citief, t{Je]frae:litcss, t11e:
11 ann ofl~ulim bee: be:gate il}ltob, anti <ti• 101tcas, JL,nrite:!S,ano ~at{Jine:i. :i
paal. i *inb in llJttru!ale:m 11\Delt oftl}e: d)tfbtm Ncbc.n ::
12 ~IJe:ronnc~ or ~aal, '1lm 4fbe:r, ~iftt• of]Uba,ort1Je;tlJilD1Ctl of :JBentamin, anl> of tl)e: .r,
IJam, anlJ ~ame:ll, b:ll)icl) built Slt>no, )!..ob, an'b clJtl'bJm of Cfplnaim anD Q!lanalfe::
ti)e to\nnes tt)ere:of. 4 atl}at tl)e ronne: of amtl)uo. tl)e: ronne of I.••

13 l5eria anti ~e:1ns \llcre: anttmt fatlJetlS a• ~nm, tl)e:fonne ofj!mrt, tl)efonne: of:JBan1, of
mong ttJc intlabiterss of ~'lialon, anb tl}e:p 111aue: t1Jecl)ilD1Ctl ofj&l)are:t tl.Jefonne: of]u1>a.
a'Wap tl)c itll:Jabitcrs of c5rtl). s anD of ~tloni: grala tl}e e:llle:tl, anll 1'1t#
J 4 anti ato,~afac,anb <lfJertmoti,, fonne:f.
15 ~eba1>ta,ataD,anD abet, 6 Qnll Of tl}e:Conne:ssof~alJ,1clJUd,,t{Jeit
16 Qi)icl)ae:I, anll ]Cpa, anb 3\o"f1a, tlJt Conne:s b1et1.nen fin l]unD1e:1J 8111> ninttit.
ofl5erta. 7 Qn'D oftl)e:fonne:~ ofl5miamin,~a1UdJe: ~·
17 ~cbailia.~e:fullam.ll)cycci,anil l)eber, ronne: of Slleefullam, t}Je: fonne of ~obauta, t11e: ""· 1
18 ~rmnatatro,an1>~eOtal),an'b~obabtl}e ronne:orarana. 1
fonncisoflflpaal. s .ano '.)bneta t~e Conne: ofl]!erof;Jam,111111 ~
19 ']adm,an'D~c(J1i,an1>~abl:lt, celatlJe:fonncof~li. tlJe fonneof~Jni: anD ~\~i.
1 a lflienat, 'Jiltl)ai. an1> ~ltd, QIJefuUam,tl')c ronnc of ~ep}Jatia, u,e tonne: of ~q
21 g'Daia,anD ~eraia,an11 jtmre:tlJ tlJe:fonne: J!lcl)uet, tlJe: fonne: of'.]lbnia. -~
of~cmllc. 9 anlJ tlJcirJne:tme;n, aa:o~DD11to tlJttrllill' tit~
2 2 'Ji (pan, cfbe:f,anl> eelid. re'DjS, ~nne: l}Un'DJcl> fiftie anb fin : 9U t(Je:ft tDere ,'<ll.
2 3 !lb'Don,an'D~i,ant1$ansn, p1u~ciµaUmm, anDancient in tl]elJout'IJolD-of !~'
1 4 l)anania,ft\\n,anl> QnadJotlJia, tl)nr fatl)eris. ~~
_ 151i '3\e:plJDria, an1> 1&1Jtnuel, tt,Jc ronne:ssof 1o an1> of tl1e 1&1te:«ts: ]eilaia, ~e:l}otarib. ~;
:=El ac. anD]acl)tn, •\...~~~
!inb~amfcraM!M(Jatia.anbQt(Jaltaf1, n a~arta tl)c fonne: of Cflc;ia. tl)e fonnt of :i.'f.
1 erii.."~~., lflia, an1>1"1nt. t{Je romu• of raiotlJ,,tlJe:fonne:of~a·
, tlJe ronne: of Ql}ttob , t{Jc cl}krrl tn dJe
in ~tt~':n~~anancie:nt fadJtt~ a~ captatns bouCe orcBob. ~,~,~
r.Cbr.9.;s 29 *at111at:,:,.. btl}tftl:l\Ddt~nl)tmlfalmt 1:a !111b !lbaiaf;J tlJC fonnt Of '.Jcrol}am, t(Je
"'"uton b'IDdt abigtbeon, U>IJofe fonneofll)a~ur,tlJeforme:or~anl>•a.
'IDifC 1llasical12bQJ~ · aQtlJefonne:ofazriel,tl;JeConneofj~,tl;Je ~\~
.3 °ano JJ1scU1e11ronnebia.atJ1:1on.t11m• t1JC ronm or ~eruuam, tlJe ronne of ~eana. ·~~,
Gt1s,l5aat..~1U1ab. nUt(J. t1Je:fonntof')m1ner, •X.'
31 <Be:DoJn•·anb~t1CIJtr.
32 anb .....,1dotl} bt«att -mw.a: r3 Q~ ~ b~e:tlJ~"IXl(JtcfJ
""'e ancltnt u"'olll• of ,...,..r,_ ........
~of ~ ·~'.~.
8- -ri 1
~- :::;:-==-====--..e::===-==------------------_Jfa!!R!!!b!.li___\.\~:
Officers of che Temple. Chap.x. Saulandhisfonnesdie. 148
ran11rcum lJWlll~D arm t1neerco1e, amuemm uttt1intl)nr11enerattonliS, anD D'Welt at ~ieru,
re1 tbe \Do111t orttJe rerutce or tlJe IJoufe otlfSoll. Calem.
1 4 anzi of tlJe JLeuttes , ~emeia tt1eronne of 35 Qnll in ~ibeon b\llelt t1Jefatl)erofcll5ibe,
!!Jarub. tiJe ronne or!lrrtcam, ttJe ramie ofl)afa• on,'.)!elJid, \lllJoCc\llil'e\llal calleD 2ll)aat(Ja.
bia,oftbe ronncs of~crari. 36 l}iti elDctuon 'Wal5 gbDOn, tl)en ~ur,<tis.
15 9nll 15aeflbaker ~eres , anb ~alal: anb l6aatfQer,an11Jaallab, .
~atlJanta tlJe ronne of ~ica)1, tt.Je ronne of ~i> 37, ~acl)aria,ann ~ldotlJ,
crt. tlJe ronne of .araplJ. 38 9ntl~iclotlJ bepte~imeam:anD tlJep
16 .anll llDbabia tlJe ronne of ~emeta, tl)e alfo D\tlelt 'WttlJ tlJl'ir b:et1J1C11 at $tcrufal£m,
ronne of ~alal, tl)e ronne of ~llutlJun: anD l5e, wen (Jarb bp tl)cm. . . 1.Chro,8,
Jtd)ia tl)e ronnc of .a fa, tlJe Con of et£aM; tl}at 39 *anll J1:2er begate ~iii, ~ cirtii be«at ~aul..
~~ D\Delt in tlJe billa(Jes oftlJ eJr.} etopl)atl)itel. lll1ll Si!Daul bc11ate ]onatl}an, ~akl)irua, abi• B·
v~ 17 ~1Jtpo1ters \llere, ~allum, .auub, ~al< nallab,anb cfibaal.
mon, anb at.Jtman, anD tt.Jrir b1ot1Jer : ~allum 40 an11 tlJc ronnc or '.]!onattJan, \lla~ ~ciil»
') \Dal tlJe '1Jiefe. baal: anb ~er&bbaal begate ~ici)al).
~ 18 foi tl.Jep \llatcl)eb IJitl)ertD, wm tmto tl)e 41 .ant1 tl,JHonncss or~ici}a)1, \llerc ~itl.Jon,
\1r. by_ llltngf$ ~ate lfaawarD II bl? courCe,of tt.Je dJilb1en ~elecl),anD ~IJab~ea.
·~ ap101c1. OfJl.,WJ, 42 anti al)8! begate ]al)Ja, 1SIJ~a brgate a'
~:' 19 .anll~anumt1JeCotmur41:oie,t1JefDnne lametl),anll armauetl},anb ~imri, ~imrt bcgate
' or.abiaraptJ, t1Jefonoff"01al1, ant1.lJilb1et1J1m. ~oia,
it tlJe 4to1at1Jites oftlJe l)oureortl.Jetr fatl)cr, l)ab 4 3 !a\JOfa be«ate 15enca, \llhoCe Conne \ll8~
:t: tt.Jetr bu!inetre anD office to Jteepe tl)e po1cl}el5 of llleplJaia , anll l)is ronnc 'IDllSS lflafa, anll l.Jt15
::: tlJe ~abernade: anb tl)etr fatt.Je~ being ouer ronne!Md.
tl.Je l)ofte of tiJe JLo1b kept ti.Jc entnn(J. 44 anll 9:Jet l)all fin ronneii;rol}ore names ate
2 o .anll l&lJinet.Jes tl)c Connc of lfleaiar \ll8il tl.Jefe: a Jrtcam, ~OGfJZU. '.]\Cmatl, ~earta, ®ba•
ctleir fo1~utlle, anb ti.Jc JL,ofb \tlal5 'IDitlJ IJim.. Dta, anti 'anan: 'iil;Jefe arc ti.Jc ronness or a1t1.
21 .anD '5acl)ana tl}e fonne or Q!)erctemta..
kept tl)e \llatcl) befo1e tlJt 11001e of tl)e <ataber' 1 The battell ofThex.Chapm. Saul againtl rhc Philifiines. 4 In
nacleoftlJt ~ongregatton. which hcc dicth. s And his fonncs alfo. 13 The
::~ 2 2 an tl)eCe 'mere '1)ofm men to fleepe tl.Je
,.~ tl.JieB>OlD!S, cuen t'roo 1Junll1eD anll t'melue: 8nll caufc of Sauls de3th.
~\ tlJ10U<JIJOUt all tf.Je gcnealogie 'Were tbcr num' Jr.2 i9 *ti.Jc 101Jilitlinrss foug'gt 8• 1.Sam;31.
•r bJell in tl:Jefr 11illa«t15: anll tt)em lliD ~auill anll gatna 9\frael,anll ttJe men or ]fra• 1• rhcir §[s)a~el tlJe $Seti inlbtute. II bccaure Of tl.Jcir d Htllbtfo~e ti.Jc 10lJiUlhncs, am
.:;pcruall liDelitic. were oucrttJ10\tlen anb wounlleD
ice. i 3 ~o tlJep anll tl.Jeir cl)1lb.1en l)aD tl)e oucr, • in mount 0tlboa.
a~t or tlJe gateis of the l)oltfe oftl)e J1,01D, cum 2 !Anti tt.Je l&l)iliftinc~ follo\tlrll after ~aul
il'•by oftl)e~abcrnade,Htoktcpetl.Jcm. 8nll 1JiSS ronne15,. anll ttJc 1&1J1liatne15 Cmott ')o,
:-:1rc. 24 ')nfoure quarters OttJtlJer 11eep tf.Jc\'oatd,J: nat[Jan ~ abinallab,anil ~altl)irua, tl)e ronne~
"' to\tlarll tlJe Cfal1,U9eft.~01t1J,ant1 ~outl). or~aul.
2 s S:tnll tljefr b1ettnen rcmainci:l in ttJe coun· 3 anll t'1e batten mcnt ro1e agatna ~aul,
trey, 8nll camc arm reuen Dares from timtto anll the arcl)ers ~ rounll l;Jim, anll l}e 'Wass 'tlJoun, 11 or,hir
ttme \tlitlJ tl)em. lltll Dffbooterii. him.
2 6 !foJ tl)e JLeuttess \llfJiclJ IJall till' oucrCigl}t 4· '<i[;(Jen faille ~aul to IJi~l)amrfi'e-bearcr,
of tl)e bellrie15 anll treafutes of tl)e l)oufc or <!Doll. ?91a\ll ttn? f\Do,11, anll tlJ~utl mee tb~ou~ ttJerc,
'mere tlnber tlJc rullollp orroure notable po,trril'. 'roitl},tl)at tiJeCe bncircumctrell ,otnc not anll lloe
27 .an11 tl.Jep lap rounbe about tl]c tJour~ 01 melbame. '.l6ut IJis 1)8rncfi'e-bearer't1Joul!lnot,
~on, becaure ti.Jc keeping ttJereof pmctnc11 to fo; l)ee feattD eyceelltnglp : $So ~aul caugfJt a
tl.Jcm, anll tf.Jep ()nil tt.Je tlJargc to oprn it cuerr f'ID01t1,anll fell bpon it.
momtng. s anti \lll)en l)iS l)amefi'c-bearerfa\llc tl)at
2 s gn1:1 ccrtaine of tl.Jem l)all tile rule of ttie ~aul 'l!lil!! tleall.l}e fell on a C'Wo~b alfo,anD llUD.
miniltl'ing bdl"elss, anD biougl)t tf;Jem in anb out 6 anllt:hu15~au1anlllJiStl}1u ronnel5,anD
bptale. all ti.Jee or(Jiii l)oure lliell to(J£t1Jer.
2 9 ~ome oftlJem \llete appointcll to ouerree 7 anll b>l:Jen all tlJc men of'.}lfrad tl)at\llcrc
tl.Je betrelss, anti au tl)e 01nammts or ttJe ~anc, in ttJe 11allep.fa't1Je (Jo'ID d.Jep Hell,anll tl}at ~aul
tuatp,anll tl}e llo'tlJJC, wine, ople, frankinccnec, an11 l)i15 ronnes 'mere lleall. tl)ey ro,~~o~ their a,
anbf'meete obourl5. ties,anll ranne a\llap : anD tlJe f0l,)1luttne15 Wlme
30 anb mtaine of ttle Conness ort1Je1&1ietlss. anll ll'melt in d}em.
malle opntmentis of tl)d\tleete ol!Onrss. a !dnb on tl)e mo:ro\ll \\'llJen ti.Jc 101Jtlitline21
31 an112ll)at1JattJi8 one of tf.Je"JLeuiteSS(\lllJiclJ came to flrip tl:le DeaD bollieis, tlJep founll ~aul
'ala15tl.Jee1Deft fonne of ~anum tlJe <to~tl)itf\ anD lJiS ronnes ouertl)10\Den in mount ~ilboa.
~al> ti.Jc oumi~t of ti.Jc tl)mgis tl)at 'Were malle 9 anll \'olJen CIJCF l}all ftript (Jim, tlJtl' tookc I

in tl)e ftring panne. l)iss l)eall ~ lJiS IJllf!l~tre, anll Cpnt tl.Jetn into tl:Jc I
32 atill otl)er o' tl)eir bictlJten tl)e Conness of lanllc of tlJt ~~tatnc15 ro.uhll about, to ftJe\tlc i
4t8atlJ, l)an tl)e ouerri(JlJt or pUJc\tl bieall \tll)id) tl)em bnto tl.Jtlt 11101e~, anll to tlJc people. 1

tl.Jep p1eparell eucrp ~abbot1J. . 1:1 gnb tl:JepputlJtSSl)amerre in tl)c l)oure of • ur1n.1rr
H ~ere are tlJe fmgeris , euen ancient fa, t:l)eir goD, an~ ret bp IJt~ IJeall in tfJe temple• of \,%,~~~:.:"' .
tl.Jcrss of ti.Jc JL.emtcss. \lllJklJ D\Delt in repara~e ~~· •b<IKll,.p· ·

c(Jambers, anb toere tree : fo1 t11cr l:JaD to Doe m 11antt'OJ'bmat~epof1abe~in~ilcaDIJeatll =.1:"'.:.'" ·
tl)e ~mqile botlJ bap anb ntg{Jt. all tf.Jat tl)el&l)lliftiness l)all bone to ~I. ~':::~~~~~" ·
34 ~ere 'Wm ancient fatlJerss of tlJe Jl.,e' u. Q)eparoreaUtl)e arongell oftl)nn, anll ~::m:.r"'"''
fct1 -
pauids capcaines and• Chap.xij. chiefe follovvers. 149 1

39 Jdtc tlJe amtnonite > ~ar,arai a l6rro· be linit llnto pou: but tfre come to betrap me to
tf1tte, CIJe beam o~ tf;Je l)arnetre of]oab tl}e ran mtne abunfartes,rceinl tlJerc is no toic11cnneffe
of~arma. in mtne l}an11ess., tl)e Q!Jo'll or our fatl)ers loohe:
4 o ~rat1Je'.)let1J1itc, an11~attba'Jlct1J1ite. tl}crr.on, anlJ rebufle it.
4' Qllrta tIJc 'ctl)ite, anll 5aban dJc tonne of I 8 Qn'b t(JC < Cpttit'8mt bpOll imafai, \DlJici) c 'Utroltlfof
\J.laStlJHIJiefumon~t(Jirtp, anl:lfapbe, ~IJine b•lDncnr.
~Zlfnat11eronmof ~ifa..a Jllubmttc,acap• arc toe. ~autll, anti on t1Jr m.e, tl)ouronneof],
tatne of tl)c 1llubcnitcl5, anll tlJiftp toitIH11m• tat : 13ea", peace be llnto t(Jee , anb pea'e be:to
.f1. 'anantl)cfonmof~aam(J, \l]Ofapl)at tiJl:' tlJr <!3ot1 ts t:IJP IJelpe. ~ wa,
a iltftdJl1nitc, u1t1 ~muct1 tl)em,anl:I mllbc t1Jem l}catlS of com'
H IDyia an !illlfJnatl)itt.~ama anb '.)lcl)id, panie~oftl)cmmof\tlarre.
tf]e ronnes of~otl)an, an arocrttc: 19 Qnl:J tl)erc fell rome of ~anatre to ~auil:J,
45 '.31et1irltte fonnc of~imri, anlllol)af;Jt.6 tulJen l)ec tame 1DttlJ tl)e 101Jililline~ agatna
b~otl)cr, a ~ofaitc, . §!Daul to battelt, but tlJer (Jelpel:I tl]em not : foJ
46 Gelid a ~al)auttc., ~eidJai, anll 9jofaia ti}c lo~lles of tl}e J&(Jllillincs coolie anutrement.
tl)efonnesofelnaan., anll tbmaa~oabitt., anll ~entlJjmawap agtlin~ faping, *$C tolll fall 1.Sam,l9."f
+1 <elitlanll~bel:l,anll afida•erobaite. to lJJI! mailer tlJc ieoparnp of out l)eab~.
2 o as (Jre \J.lentto ~iclag, tl)ere: rctlto bim of
Thcxij. Chapter. g(!)anaffc, at1na,]01abab,']\el:liel. ~i,l)ae:I. j;o,
I What they were that went with Dauid when hce
tabal:J, Cleli(Ju, (t ·~iltlJat, f]eal:JI! or tl)e tl)ouranns
fled from Saul. 2 3 What they were chat came vn- t:l)at \J.lere of ~anaffc.
to him vnto Hebron out of cucry tribe , to make
21 Qn'b tl)ep l)otpc ~a~ib ~gainft d tlJc fO' ~k~(:,:~~~
him king. Utt!J: fo1t1Jep tutre an tmglJtte:menof\uam, baDburnrAtbr
'ere are tl)er ttJat came to ~autl:I anlJ captaines in tlJe l)on. cu~ o[ }1<la~.

II D 2
to ~i,lag, tol)ilt l)ee pet liept

(Jclpn.6 in battelL
~IJep mere \J.leaponel:I \J.lttl) bo\J.lel!, anll
2 ~ tjfo, at tl)at time: t(Jne came one 01 otlJn to
fclfe Clore becaufe: of ~aul tlJcfon ~auto, 'Dap br l:JaF to l}clpe l}im, bntill it mas a
of cti.6 : ann tl)e:l:' toen llerp ftrong grcatlJolf, like tlJe lJoll of <1!5ob.
2 3 .ann tl)iSS ts tl)e number or tIJc tl)icfe cap·
taines tl)at \llne p1eparc1:1 to batten, anti came
'oulll l)Urle llones toitlJtl)erigl]tl)anll, \l\J.litl) to ~auinto $eb1on, to tume tl)e liingnome of
tl)elcft, 11nn11Joot11rromess outofabo\J.le, anll ~aul tolJim, acco11:1ingto t(Jemoill oftl)e JL010.
tu ere of §!Dau115 b1ettnen,cucn ofl3eniamtn. 24 ~e c1J1lt11cn of]Ul>a tfJat bare IIJiell:I anti
3 ~IJe ctJiefetl tom !Cl(Jieyer anll ]oais dJc fpcare, \llmfiJe t1Jour11n11 anlJ ri«f;Jtl)uno1ct1,
ronnes of §!Damas 11 <E5tbconitc., 11n111e:1icl ani> rtlll:Jl:' weparcn to tl)e \Darre.
)&cltttlJc Conness of armnue:tlJ, anll l3e:r11,a1J, 25 j()ftfJe tl)ilt11en of~imeon, men ofmigl)t
anll j!CIJU tlJt :ttnatl)otfJite. to tnarre, fetie:n t1Jouran1:1 anti one l)unn1en.
4 !Clnt1jjfmata11<5ibe:onitc, a miglJtpman 26 ~f tlJe cl)tlll~n of )!,cut, foure: ttJoufanlJ
amoJ!g tl)irtr, anti mo1c t~en tl)c tl.Jirtp : 'l\ete• an'D l)unn1eo.
t mill,]a1Ja1lel,']lclJo nan,anl:l '}lorabal:I of <l3rl:lo1. 27 iltlb *]lel)otab11 tuas tl)e dliefe oftl)cm or , iM•l•·
1: s lfteurat,1 crimotl),~calia,§!Demaria,anll c .aaron,anll 1Ditl} l)im t(J1cc tl)oUfanl:I anti feucn ~.~~~~ ~~~?
§!DaplJatia t(Jc ~araplJitcs. lJllnl:lJtJ>, ~'~~'.' of<la·
6 ctlcana,]eaa,aiaracl,3jocyer, '.]lofebeam, l 8 .ann 'Jalloc: aroong man. llrong anb bali,
4toJanttcs. ant,anll ofl}is t'atl)erss ~oull)olb t\J.lcntr ann t\J.lo
1. 1oe1a anll 'iebal:lialJ tlJc ronncss of'.)noam captaine~.
of GJel:Jo~. 2 9 ann or tl)e cl)fi1:11cn or '.l5cntamin t{lc b1l'•
8 !Cini! or t(Je <13ab1tes tl)m Ceparatt!'ll tl.Jem< tl)1cn Of§!Daut, tlJ1cc tl)ouran'D : ann fl great part
fctues , fome bnto ~auil:I into tl)e l)oll:lt! or t(Je oftl)em ntn tmto tl}at time follotu ttclJoUfc of
toill:lernetrc, mtnofmi1,1l)t, anbml!naptfo~ tl)e ~aul.
mam, anti tl)at roulll l)anl:Jle fl}iell:I anti rpeare, 30 anboftfJe 'lJilbJcn ofltplnaim, t\nentie
wl}ore faccss Ulne: llfte tlJe faces of• lions, tt tl.Jer tlJoufanl:I \l ctgl)t (Junt11el:I, m1!11Jtl:' mm ot\llar,
°1l'ne asrn>ift as tlJe roe:15 in tlJC mountaine15. 11n11 ramoul! mc in tlJc l)ouf!Joln ortlJeirfatl}erss.
9 ctter ti) e: lirll, Cba'Dia tl:Je rc,onb,anb lfll, 31 anb of ttJc l)alre tribe or~anatrc, ei«f;J'
ab tIJe: tlJirn, teme t(Jownn.tolJitlJ \l:Jerc apposntelJ br name.
1 o ~armana tl)c fourtIJ, ]ncmia tl)e «ftt1, to come anb mabe: Jli'auin &mg.
11 att(Jai tl)e fii;tlJ, Cflieltl)c reuentl), 32 !ClMOftlJHIJfi'b1£nOf.']lfac1Jat,\tl~icl)\nerc
u 9]ol)anan tl)ceigl)t, <tlfaban tlJenintlJ, men tl)at l)alJ llnlle:rtlantnng of tlJe ttmeis , to
13 ']crcmia tl}e tcntlJ, anll ~atl)bauai tl)e Imeto tofJat '.)lfrael ouglJt to Doe, tl)c lJeal:ls or
cleucntlJ. tl)cm toere nuo l)unn,co : ann all tl)ctr tnetl)~cu
,4~ere tuere ortl)eronncs or<lllab,anl:ltuere \DtrCattfJeir\IJllL
Qtptaineis ouer tl)e: men oftoar : one oftl)eleall 33 .ant1 or ~abulon, tulJidJ 1Dcnt out to bat,
coulll refill an l)unb~el:I , anl:I tl)c grcattll a tl)ou, ten: cype:rt in tuarrc, anti tn all fnllnmttnt~ of
ra1111. mtnre,firtp tlJoUfanb,'WIJid) conltl ftt tl)e batten
1 s qe:re are tlJCl:' tl)at \nl!nt ouu '.)o~ban in in arar ,tl)ey tom not ofDouble l)cart.
l'lknt. ftJt b llfl monetl),tnlJcn (Jc IJal:I ftltl!'D ouer all~• 34 anl:I or~aplJtlJali a ttJoufanb mptaines,
ban1115, anl:I tlJer put to fli!,1l)t all t1Jem oftl)e bal< ann tutti) tl]em , tntt1111JiellJ anl:I fpean , tl)irtF
ley, botlJ totoatl:I tIJe eatt anti melt. anD re:ucn tlJoUfsnl:I.
16 anntl)uc came: oft1Je""tlll1enof:J5mta• 3s anb of~an,eqierttnbatteU,t\l:Jcntr anti
imnant14]lU11a. to tl)e l)olll tmto J011triD. etglJttlJoufan'DanlJ r¢cl)un111t1:1.
17 anti ~um toent out to meet tlJrm, anD 36 gun or arei , that ment out to tlJc warre,
ann-oenlJ , anti raplJ bnto tl)em, ']f pee be come annliepttlJcfa~frontoftl)ebattcH. fo>tictlJou'
peaccabtp bnto lJclpe me.mine IJtart fball rano.
The Arkc. Oza fiaine. I.Chron. The Philifiines vanquifhed.
37 ant1oftl)eot1Jerfit1eof'.}!oit1an, ofd)e mu· Geoom. rum tn IJiS lJOUf'.e, ttnee monetbl5 : anti
benite15 \I ©atittes, anti o~tl:Je 11a1re tribe of•a· tl)e JLoib bletreb tl)e (Joure of ~bel'J ceoom, anb
natte, tottlJ all maner of snllnnnmtlS of'alam, all tl)at 1.Je l]atl.
an {JunllJtD anD tmcntr t11oufanll. . Thcxiiij. Chapter.
f'8G lbt lll~Gh 38 fan tlJtfC \tJefe mm of \lla~e, flcqiing tf)e 1 Hiram fendeth wood :inc! workcmcn to Dauid. 8.
~=~•~··m~:~~ fo,d'Tont of tlJC battell, and ~l~ pmect IJeatt 14 By the counfc!I of God, hcc: gocihagainftthe
"' ~ t1no tb0t,. n'1U" to m.,b•On to make ~8Ulll kmg OUCt al '.JC•
[anD, llllO bun• ..,.. " '!'.. ~ f Philiflincs,:and ouercommcth them,
::,~•ru racl:anuU~er~of .Jljcrael toaso oncaccoJD 111

to mahe JE)amD rimg. . . ~*~tram tl)e lrin!,l of* ~pie 2.n~g.H,
39 ~nD tlJcre tlJ~ ~ere toU:IJ ~amo tfnee Cmttnt1Tengeris to J0Qutb, anD ; Hor.
Dllpe~ eattng anD ll~mbmg : roi tl}eir bicd),en timbei of lltebar trcc15. mitl) ma• 1

{Jan p1gpann fo~ tl}cm. ron15 \I carpmteiis to butln l)im I

4o !JIJ}}ey tlJat\llere ntgfJ tl)cm,euen an(Joure.

bnto ]faci,Jar, '.5abulon,anb ~epl]d)alt,b)o~t 2 ano ~autll pe:rceiucb tl)at
bzean on atre15,, camctsi, mules, anti o~en, an1> tl}e JLo~tJ IJtlll conttrmetJ lJtm bing bpon '.)Cracl,
meat, floto,e, filVJ, ratans. \lltne, ano oile, .oJen, anti tl)at(Jt~ liingbornc lJlas ltft bp onl]iglJ, be•
anD 11Jeepe abunoan«r : ~o; d)ere toius 101! In mwoflJtlS • prople ~Crael: e'Bltnfld •
~fracl. 3 anti ~autb toofl.e pet rnoe'miueUtl)te• ..:::r.1:"
Thexiij. Chapter. ruf'alem.ano begate moe fonnet3 antJ tJttll!,llJter~. :i::1co1J•
4 qerc aret1Jrna1ne15 ofl)it3 c1J1lt1~enw1Ji'1J
7 The Arke is brought ~gainc from Ciriach-iarim to 'tlJete bo~ne bnto l]im at ~ierufalem , '1Hniua,
Hicrufalcm. 9 Ozadicth, bcc:aufchetouchcchit.
~obab, f.latl)an,anb ~olomon,
~ ~ Y.lll~auibcounfclleb\llitbtl)emp• s ]bl)ar, Cflirua, anll lll!liplJelet,
-~7A' taincss oft1JoUCant115anti1Jmlll,et11S, 6 Jaoga, 0ept,Jeg, ann ')ap{Jta,
i ~ ~ , ~ anti tottf) au tl)e loiblS, 1 <flifama. ~eeuana, ano <fliplJalet.
2 ano rapb bnto au tl)e conwe• 8 ano tol)c tlJe ll)l]illlbneS lJeartJ tlJat *~a· 2,Re~ 5.1 1
gationof'.]Jfrael, ']fitCUmegoob utb\Dat3 anomte11 kingbponalljjfrael, an tl)e
to pou, ano tt]at ttbe of tl,Je JL01D om ©ob, \lice l91Jilittincsi \llcnt bp to feellc ~auill : ann J[)a•
'roill fenb abJOtlll 1mto om bietlJien t11at are left mb l)carD of tt,anll ment out again« tlJem.
in all tlJe lanb of ]fracl. anti ttlitlJ them alfo to 9 anb tlJe 1&1Jilitltnel5 tame in, anti rp1ca11
tile 19Jte!115 anti JLeuite15 tol)iclJ are in tf1etr Cub• t1Jcrnfelue15 tfJo~oto t{Je ballq of1Rep1Jaim.
urbi:i,to gatijer t}Jem togctl)ei bnto b!S: 10 ano :WauiObalfiell counfellat<l5otJ, Cap• ~=-:
, L71.nrnm1
~·[,'~i~ 1 ;•a
3 rtlnb'IXle'roilbJtngagainet11e•arr1eofom ing, ~1Jall1goeagatnlltf)e1&1Jililltnet3 t anti
<5oD to 11!5 : Co~ b:le regarbeb it not in t:l}e bape~ of \lltlt tl)ou bcliuertl]em into mine IJano t
~auf. 11 ~nb tf1e JLo~b rarb bnto l)im, ~o bp: ~ 'J
4 anb au tlJc Qtongrcgation 'malS content tom ncliucr tl)em tnto t:lJinc l)ano• .Qnll Co tlJep
tlJat l)e fiJoulo no Co: roi tl)e tlJingfmnell gooll in came bp to l5aal-erayim, \I ~autb ~note t:IJ~
tl)e ereis of all t11c people. . ttJere., anD ~atllll fapD' li5ob l]atlJ DIUlDCil I~
'. ~ ain.6. 2. S *~o ~auib gatlJercb all ]frad to!,letl,Jtc, cnemielS \l')itfl mine l)antle, as a man \Doulb Di•
h <!:bat 1~.
13 1
from b:SdJoi in cfgrpt, bnto t11eentrtngof l)e• mnc \Dater : imo tl}erefoie t1Jt1' calleD tl]e name
' "'· atlJ, to bJin!! t11e arke oftl]e JL.0111 from Gttfi. of tl,Jntplacc l5aal i&eraJtm.
attJ-ianm. 12 gnb tol)en tl)ep l)aD lert: t:lJeir !!OblS tlJm.
6 anb J0auib b:Jent bp,antl au '.)lftael, to an J0aui?> gauc a commant1ement, anD tlJCl! tom
(JiglJ place to'roarD lltitiat(J-iarim , tf)at \llais in bumt\llitl) fire. .
'.JI uba. to fctcl) t{Jcnce tlJ earhe of tlJc JLozn <3ob 13 an'D tl)c ~IJilitltness came togctl)er aigame, r. i.i
tl)at ll'roelletlJ bettoecnc tl]e ~()crubimis;'ml}ere ano II rull)eb tnto tl)c ballcp. 11or, I"' .
l)is name tis calico on. 14 gn11 ~auiD atlieb agatne at ©oll,anb c!IJoD •~road.
7 anD tIJep caricb the arltc of <!3ot1 in a ne\ll fapb bnto lJim, ©o not bp after tl}em, but tumc
cart out of tlJe l]oure of abinaDab : ann !ID~a anb atoap frem tl)em. • tlJat tl:Jou nlaptft cowbpon i.S3m. s
i!Or,Ahio. IJiS ~ bJotl}ergui~cbtlJecart. tl)em oucr again!l tl,le nwlbcrrtrecs. . "' 2 3·
8 !Anti ~au1t1. anti au '.]Crael plapeb befo1c 1 s !llntl \lllJen tl)on {Jeardl a eounn goe in •.,c
t{Je Arkc of ~OJ) tottlJ all t{Jeir migl)t, 'mitt) fing' topi! of d)e nmlbcrp trecis,tlJcn go out to battd:
ing, anb {Jatp15, pra1terte15, \I tmlb:dlS, anll cpm· fo~ ©01' is gone roo~t{J bcfo,c tl}ec' to Clmte tl}e
bals anb trumpetlS. lJotl ot t:IJc ll)IJl1iftinct3.
9 !Anti \lll)cn tlJep came bnto tf1UIJ~11Jtng 16 ~auib tl)ercfo~c bill a~ c15ob comms~bcll
floo~c of lltlJillom, IDJa put foJtIJ l)i15 (Janb to (Jolll i)i1u, anti tlJcp nnott t11e IJOll oftlJC1&1Jlli'1intSJ,
tl)e atllc, ro: tIJe o:ren aumbleD. from <lflibeon to ©afcr.
" t 0 !Ant> tl)e ll..o:b toa~ toiotf) mitlJ llDJa. anti 17 !tlnb tlJcfamc of Jl'auib \
~ •.:~.~:~,'!; ' emote \Jim,bccaure IJc put 1Jil5 l,Jantl to t)1e airie: lanbS, anti t{Je JL.o~D maoc all nations rtare l)uu.
Z~.:.°~=~~~,·~· anti tlJere l}e bietl befo~c ©Oll.
:::·.:~r.·.~· 11
ano~autb\lla.isoutofqutct. b«auf'etlJc The xv. Chapter.
"JLo~b \)ab rmt arent m ©fa : anb IJee calleb UJe
1ro,1o1" .... 25 Dauid bringcch thcArkcwithioy. 29 Anddan-
h~~~~~~~~t ~1!'!oftl}atplace, ~lJermttngof~ta, bnto cin g before ic,is dcfpifcd of his wife Michol.
~i·o~ 1'~t~~~~t ~..,ti" "'er· . Ab Jli'auiD maDel)iml:J0tlfeftn tlJe
lit ronounnt~, I !lnb ~8utb 'Illa• afratt'D Of ~Ob tl)at'D8f
Citp of~aUiD,anD pie:parcD a place
~~~!!'~.'.~:~:' raring,~o'D:l OJau] b1in,,. t"" me of <3011 home ~o~ t11c arbe or <115oD. anD pttd.)rti roi
ig~r IDO!l •1 to me:' .. .,. " 1tattnt.
I ~ anD fO J9BUitl hlOUCJIJtnottlJC !lrflt(JOW • 2 qcn~fapb.*~e~m Numb..f·''
tol)tm totiJc ntr or~utb:butcariebittntot!Je of<ll5o'bougtJtnottobemiebbUtoftlJtJ..eU1tt!S: 1:
{JoUfe of' ©bell lfllotn,a <15etl}tte. foi d)em IJatlJ tf;Jc JLoJ'b a,oren to bean tlJc llrflc :
1 4 'Inb tbc arftc or <!So'b rcmaineb \llftlJ Obeb ofd)el..01t1. anb tominif!ntmtob,lmf.oJeuer. ·
~ 9nll 1
fhe order of the Leuices. Chap.xvj. The arke broughtagaine. 1 50 !
anDJNuib gat(Jcnb all ~fracl togctlJcr anllt(Jccaptatnsoucrtl;JoufanbSl, tomttofettlJ
to 3~imJfalem, to f.CtCb tlJC QrfJc of tlJt JL,o~b bll> tl)C Qrfrc of tlJetOUmant Of tl)c )LO~b 1'Ut OC tl)r
to lJiSlplacctolJicb bcbab 01llcmcbfoz it. l}oufcof ©bell <f!Jomtottl) !Jlallnelfcr ·
4 ~nb~autbbJOUIPJttOjlttl)crtl)td}ilOJcn 26 ant1'al1Jcn•<l!5ot1 t1clptl> tl)c JL,euitcf'tl)St • tw,:h'"'·
, or.aaron anti t(Jc '.ILcuitcsi. bare tlJc amc of tlJc coucnant of tlJe )Lo;l>, tlJcp ~~~~~~·~.
·~ s ©f tl)c ronncis of GtaatlJ, toasi ~net tlJe boffcrcb rcucn orcn, an!I rcucn rammcf.'I. ~w.~;'."b"'
• .kinfc- d}ief'e. anll of(Ji!S ij b~etl)1eu, tl)crc were an lJun• 2 7 anti ~autb ball on him a linncn garment, b l.l'n"' tb•
~ tiieDanll t'mcnfy. lilic as ball afro au tl)c JL,euttes ttJat bare tl)e L~:&~.;~~t•<
~.~'· 6 ©f tbt cf)1lt11f or ~crari,aCala,tlJc c(Jtcfi, amc, anll Co bab tl)e fingcrg, anll QI:l]enanta. ftJt f.':~;~:~g~n
~~ anb oflJiSl biett)1eu, tmo l:)unbteb anb ttoentv. ruler of tl)c Cong, toitl} tl)e finger~ : anl> ~autb ~~cr,umn.
'~ 7 ©f tbe Connc~ or <1!5errot1, i.J1od tl)e ciJicfc, l:)ab bpon btm amfp(Job oflinnen.
~ anll orlliSl b1ct(Jicn, an(Junbitb anll tlJirtr. 2 s anti all tlJer of'J,Cracl b1ougl)t t(Jc arfic or
~ ~~ 8 ilDf tl)e tlJilbltn of cfli!aplJan, ~emata ~e )Lo ills coucnant, 'mit(J fiJouting anti blo'a.1,
th.,:'\\~' t(Jc c(Jieft,anll oflJiSbJctl)1cn, t'mo ~unl>icti.. 111~ or tlJe l1Jaulmc \1 trumpets, mauinl,l a noifc
, -, 9 ©ftt)cfonncsotll)tb~on,<ft1tltl)ttbtdi, toltiJcpmbats,pfaltcn'e~anlllJarps. -
, ant1orI.)iSb1ct1J~cn.rourerco~c. 29 9nb ~s tlJe 9rbc of tt)c'couenantoftlJe ;,?~:.~.~:'.~~.
l\ IO ©ftt)cfonnciiorflD!itl, amtnallab t:(Je llo1bcamcmto t(Jcqtr~fWauib, Sl@K~Olt(Je 11'~~~~.·t.;~:,
'!~ ciJkfe,anll ofl}i~bJtdt.zcn,anl}Unbieb \1ttotluc. Dau~ter of ~aul loorung out at a 'a.lmbo\1>, m•nrmbmb~
~ 11 ant1 ~autb caleb ~aboc..anll abtatlJar t(Je ram king wa~ill Mncing ann plarin!J, anti llJtt :~·:.~:.'.:.puc
'"ft: f0Jitlt~,anll tl}C )LW~S,!Jllticl,lafaia,~Oel,~C' btfptfcll l)tm m IJtrlJcart. r::~:~:~~!
~ ' maia,<flicl,atlb a1mat1ab, Th exvj. c Jiapter. ""'" "'""'
I'"- 12 annCapJ>bntotltm, FetlJataretl)cp1tn· b!llUt~rni.
::- ctpaUfatl}tr~oCtb · ttes, rtttlJ~tpcbe(Jolp 1 lhearkebcingplaccd,theyoftcrfacrifices, 8 D 2 -
"" toitlJ rourbJcrtncn tpcmap bJmgtl}e amc uid appointeth a notable to be fong in th~
~!\ oft(Jt'.ILO~b<l!50llO~ &.l, bntotlJeplacetl}at'.)] praifc of the Lord.
<&:t; {Jaue piepartll roi tt. • !ll) tlJtt' b1ou~1Jt in tf)e aTf1c of ©on,
~h:1o.r J· 1 3 *<jfoi becauccrc ~tnott(Jercattl)c firll, annfct it in tl)c mibilcft of tl)c tent
:t!~: tbc )l,01ll our <1!5ob ma ~ent amon11 bS, roi t(Jat wauib pitd)cll roi it: anb t(Jcp
t~' t~at'alce Cou!Jl)t I.Jim not u tlJc rallJtonoug{Jt offtrtll'al{Jolebumtfacrifice~,anll
:n·t to be. . 'h . peace offcrtn11s bcfo~c <1!5on.
:i.~ 1 4 ~ot1Jc~11cft~an1:1t.,c eutte~Cancttlicb 2 aoo to(Jcn~auinbabmatic an ml> of of,
'!!:::: t(Jcmfduc11 to fcttl) t(Jc 9.rllt IJ:t.Je )l,o~b <1!5oll of fertng tl)e 'a.l(Jolc burnt offtrings,anb peace offc,
'.J\fracl. r.ingsi, • IJe blclfetl t(Jc people m tl)e Jaamc oCtl)c • !,Jrn111c~
: s:.i: r 5 anti tl)c c{Jtlllicn or tlJc :i.ittes bare tl)c Jl.,oJtl. :11~~~,.~i""
:;:::::'J arhc of <1!5ob bp_on tiJcir 11Joultle, toitll ttauc~ 3 anti Ile lleatt to an '.)Jfratl, botlJ man anti ;\~(~ ;~:·~:

::f.L'. 1 tl)creon, *a~£1!}0Ce~connnant1£ acco,lltn!JtO tlloman, aca~cofb~cab,antiapictc oftlcOJ, anb ;~~r~0 ;~"~"
:-~1f ~ P4 t~t'alO~boftlJc)l,01t1.
16 ann ~auill Cpafle to tl)e ''ft f}call~ of
4 anti l)e appointell certainc ofttle JL,cuttci:s
·: ~ tlJc 11tuite~, tl)at tl)c.r flJOUl~ ccrtainc to min iller bcfo.ze tlJc g,rf;c of ttJe '.1Lo21l, anti ro
•:· fl of t(Jcir bJtt(J~cn to fing, 'alttlJ ln•1mr.nt~ of 0 flJe\D foo~tt) ano to tlJanlic auci p~aife t{Jc ll. o~ll ~,;r.~;J;~'·
·~4 muriclte, pCaltctie~. (Jarp~, anlltF'?l~, t(Jat ©ollof]frncl. ''"'""1;,.
~ i·~ thtl' mtg\lt malic a romtll, anII to 1\ on l)ilPJ 5 ann araplJ ma~t~c c~icfc,anll ttc):tto lJim '"i '·

.....·ef. mttlJiorfutncffr. . . 5adJaria,]ettl, ~cmiramotlJ, ']]ciJi£I, ~Mlm·

;~·;~1 1 7 anti tl.)e 'JLcmte~ appomtct1 l,,an tlJe ll:Jia, «Jeliab, l3enata, ©ileD<filom, anll'.]c1cl,
~, .y conne of']iod, (t oflJi~ b~ttl}~cn,!Afap~ronnc mit(Jtnflrunttntsi, pfa!tcrit.'5, 11nll IJarp~ ; tiut
"/ ooecrccl}ta, anll of tlJe Conne~ of ~ct1.qnll of arapb mane a rounn \l.litiJ 'rmllals.
~ tl)clrb1et1ncn, Getl)antlJefonncof Gtufi' 6 l5anata anll jlal)aiicl,t~~icff~.blc\D roit(J
.• 18 ann 'alitlJ tl)cm tlJeir b~ctlJ~ Oic Ct• trumpetsi continually bcro~ctlJc.ttrncoftl)cco,
:_,~, conn Degree, ~aciJ~rut •. l5cn 'Jla~cl,:lra• uenant of (Jl)ob.
~I'~. mot(J, 'j]c(Jitl,l!llnm,lfl1ab.,l5~na':> ~, 7 Qlnll tl)at Came time j2lauil:l'tlil> appoint ,;o,,,,. 6,.1
· "''fi ~atbatl)ia, lflip(Jalc, Sl@tcma, beb'"'U, cl)ictlptot(Janlied:Jc JL,01t1 bparapl)anlll}i!1ll.21> ~~~;.~~·.~
If.~· 1'"' anti ']lciel.po~ters. ""'°"' ,. . . t(Jien.
1 9 ~ol}.)cman, !ilfapl), anb~H,1111. ...,c,,
s *<ltonftlfe pou•rbnto ©oll, caUilpon lJlS
. ~:i~f.•t.~·t:8,
crsi.mabe a rountl ~itlJ tF.mbal!1 of bJalte. Jaamc : caucc ti.Jc people to bnneraanb IJ1~ Dem, ~;~~:~.\·::;:•
~ /,(, 20 anb '5tlC{J8tUl, attcl, ~tmltSl~tlJ, . ftj'l, '" 11' Plfflf<D,
~' lJid, anni.. «Jeltab. ~aafi~ anll l3cna1a, pla1 9 ~fn!J tmto lJim, fing ll)falmci:s tmto {Jim: ~~~~~ ·~

, / ' ~Ali- II 'mitl)pfaltericsi to rmimttlJ. '111l' . ©b b tallitpouof all(Jistoonb1ous \l.lo11ts. ria1.io5.1,

,~ 1r1. 21 ~atlJat[Jta, lfltpiJalt, ::c.",rtcnia, c. 10 <1!5lo:rrrctnlJis(Jolr ~amc: lctt(Jcl)catt
,,.} · ti01n, ']\et~l, ~ i!taia. plarcn '.'DttiJ l)arp~ of eig1J~rtIJem rtiopcc ti,atbo recite @on.
~lf·fff1.; 1tting11, to p1ouolic tiJcm to rmg. f t'h ~ u1·ie.i 11 ~cmc <1!5on anll l)i~ arengtt.1 : reclic lJi~
• ., 11' 2 i. ann Gt{Jenama tl)e cl)tcfc o .,c ,...,c ,. r.c cumuo1c.
~. ,~ ma~ mailer of t(Jc Cong : foJ {Jee taugl)t otl)cr to 12 memembcr tl)c marucllour5 tnozfi>"i that {Jc
F ftll!J, bccaufe(Je 'ala~ a man oftmllerttanbmgf:.C.. ~bone: lJi~ 'aloon11ms, anti tl)c iu1>grn1cnt~
.I · , 2 )l)erccl)ia anll <flcana bcpt tlJt tioo~e o •.,e I'S moutlJ. .
,.i ': , ame.3 . SID~crecn or.ab1a1JamiJt1Hcruant, vchi~
. :,· ,'J 24 !lnb ~cbania.. 'jloCaplJat, f)atl)anatliJ· lljHiJtlOJtn ofJjacob' l)ec tS llDOtl OUr'JLO~tl:
·~) macai.,~acharta )6mata,anb <fl1c!et tl)cpi IS 1gcmcnt>1 arc mall tile carttJ.
, rM
.i f:'
bill b1o'a.1 'alitl) ttumpet~ bcfo~c t(Je amc of <3ol>
ann ©bell <fbOtn. ann ']el)m \l.lerc rseepers 0
i l~ IJatb bcnc minllfuU almarr.11 ortli)'.S , 0 •
uci~foi lJte p101mftb !1 'moin to a tlJouranb
:IJ .f'in 6 tb£bOOleoftl)carfle. ~ensi:) eucn of~tSl co.ucnant tllat llrc
.~' !~ g. • 2~ *anti w11uill. anb tl)e <fltlcr~ of 1frad, 11 QbJalJmu, \10f1Jisiotl1 bnto']fal1M.
~ill \ I< J "'""
j Thcfongof Afaph. l.Chron. Nathans meffage to Dauid.

~· .....

~)auids victories. Chap.xviij.xix. Hanons difcounef1c. -1-5 1
18 U9hatfballJi)8UillllCfiremotCOftl)CC, fo~ 9 anll'tD(JCtHl~)Jogu l!lngof ~cmat(Jl}carll
tbc l}onoj oftlJp rmrant:' 1o~ tlJou(Jall lmo'tDcn IJo'tD Ji)auill l)all beaten au tl}e II tlrcngtlJ ofl~a, 1;01,honc.
tlJP rmiant. llarcfcr bing ofJoba,
19 fl> )1,.,0111, fl>t tl)p Ccruant~ fake, eucn auot' 1a l!}cc rent~ ~allotam (Jtn ronnc to king ~a, 1:01, lorom.
!ling to tl}inc o'tDne 1Jeart,1Jall t1Jou11onc an t{JiJ! utll, to make peace 'tDttlJ IJlm, anll to blcffc (Jim,
magniliecnre. to UJc'tD an great t1Jing%. becaurc l)ee l)all foug1Jt agatnll ~all arcfer, aull
20 ~II. tl)ere in none Iif1c tIJec, ncitl}er tn bcatcn(Jim (fot -atJJogu lJall 'tDarrc 'tDitlJ~at>a,
ti) ere anp <30ll bcfillcn tl)ec, accotlling to all tl}at refer) anll Hadoram bro11 gh[ all man er of ic'rocl~ I
'l:l.Jef]aue l)earti wttlJ our cares. of gollle,ftluer,anti b~affc witlJ t:Jim. I
2 1 ~otcouer , \Dl)at nation on tlJc cartlJ in 11 anll king Ji)auill llctiicatell tllrm bnto tlJC
lifletlJppcople ]rracl,to 'tD(Jom<li5oll1Jat1J l:louc(J' lLo~ti. \Dit(J ~e mucr anll golllc t}Jat ~c b~ou~Jt
fafell to come, anll rc11ccmc tl)emto be lJin o\Dne Crom au nattonn.rrom <fllom,ftom !illf:loab,from
people, anll to make ti}ec a name of ~cellcncic tl)e clJilll~cn of a mm on, from tlJc tDlJilillinesi,
11n11 tcrribleneffe, wtt1J calling out nationJ! from anll from Amalee.
bcfotc tlJc people \DfJom tl}ou fJall llcliu:.erell out 1 2 ~nti ~bifai tte ronnc of '5anlia fic'tD of t{Jc
ofcfgnit :' cfllomttcis m t}Jc falt ballep,etglJtccnc ttoufano.
22 iil.Jp people of'.]jfrad llillll tl)oumafie t1Jinc 1 3 ann ptttfouloiers in cfllom,an11 all t}Je cf,
o\Dnc people fo~ euer, anll tl}ou JL,ot11c b«amctl <fl101mten became. ~auillJ! rcruants : tgun tl)e
t1Jcir ~011. Jl o~ti flept wauto man tIJat lJe too lie inl)anll.
2 3 ~erefoteno'lllelLotti. let tl)e tlJingt(Jat 14 a1111 wauill n:ignell oucrnu ]fracl, enll
t1Jou l)alt fpolien concerning tlJp reruant anb cmutcll iungcmmt anti rtglJteourncffc among
IJis l)oufc, be true fo1 euer, tlJat tl)ou JL,0111110 an all 1Jtn people.
tl)ouIJallfapll. 1 s gnll '.]loab tl)e ronne of 5nruia\na~oucr
24 JL,ctitcomttopatre, tl)atttwnamemapbe t(Je (Jofic, anll ']ofapl)at tlJc ronnc of21J1lulm>
magntfiell foJ befaill.~eJL,oJti co111er.
on:ioas i~ tl)c <l!loti of'.)frael,cuen t}Jc<5oll of]f, 16 .ann '5alloc the fonne ornIJttoll, ann li1bi,
racl, anll t}Jc (Joufe of ~auio tlJl' feruant enllu' mclecl) ttJc fonne ofabiat{Jar, \Dcrc tlJc 11)1icais,
retl.J aablt befote t(Jee. anll ~aura 'aJaJ! fmbc,
2 5 !JfoHIJou,© mp ©on,IJa« tolll tlJpferuant 17 anti l5anaia t1Jefonne of'.J,e}Joinlla, 'alas
tIJattl)oU\Dtlt builll lJtm an l)oufe,anll tl)crcfo1c oucr tl)c ~crctl)itcs, ano ~iJcletfJitc}): an?J tl)c
tl)rfcruant (JatlJ founll in 1Jis1Jearttop1ar be, ronneJ!of~auill\Derenc~tl:lnto tlJcfiing.
fotc tl]ee. Th h /
26 annno\DeJL,oin. tl)ouartd5oll, anll l)aa e xix. C apter.
pJOtnffeti t1JiS goollnelfebnto tlJp fcruant. 4 Hanonkingof[he children of Ammon, doth greJt:
27 Jao\Dc tl)crefOJC, let it be tl}p plearurc to iniuriesro the fern ant 5 of Dauid. 6 He preparcth
blelTettJc(Joufcoft(Jp feruant, t{Jatitmap conti' an army againll Dauid, I 5 and is oucrcome.
nucberoze t}Jcefo~cuer: fo~ wIJomettJoublcf, .~:1ftctt1Jin, • ~alJB$tfle&in~ornJe 1,~am.10.i
rca,© :A-0111,t(Je fame tnble[eti foieuer. ~~ ~~ c1Jilll1cn of ammon t1ic11, anll lJis
Th e xv111. ··· Ch fonne rcigncti in lJiS ltrab.
apter. 2 anti ~autn rart1,'J\ \Dill01cw
1 The battcll of Dau id a2ainll 1hc Philifiines, 2 and fiinllncrrc bnto l~anon tile ronnc of
againll Moab, 3 Zoba, s A ram, u ..and Edom ~at)a~, tcca~fe (JiS, fatbctllcalt litnillp \oitIJ ~,~;~:;·~;.~'·
fall after tlJin, * ~auin fmotc t!Je me. anti JE>amll rent mclfcngcrn to comfo~t 1Jm1 f;,~~~.~~.,~~;~
~IJ1lillincn, (I fubiluell tl)em, anti oucr tl}e lleatlJ oflJt~ fatfJcr: anll tlJc fcruant~ of &1111 vrrh11·
tooke <3et1J, anti tl)c ~otoncis tIJat Ji)auill came into tl)e lanti of t(Jc cIJilil~cn of'.am, ~~.::~·: . ;~.~
lon_geti tllereto, out of tl)c l)anllJ! or mon, to I!} anon, to comfoJt lJim. ~:;~r.~;'.~~·;"
• tl)c ~IJtlillincJ!. 3 l5ut tlJc lo~tis ot ti}e cl11l!l~cn of Jnunon r,1 '~' LJ1".r,
~i ,. anti lJe rmotc Slll)oab, anll tl)c Slll)oabitcis rapll to ~anon, ~Jinliclt tl;cu tlJat IDamll llotfJ
1 became ~auillJS rcruantis, enll parcn lJim tn, l)onour tll'P fat(Jcrin t11r figlJt, ttwt11c 11ati.1 rent
;· butc. comfo1terntmtottJce:'arcnot}Ji$ftrUa11t$comc
~.'J 3 ~nil wauill rmote tl)allarcicr king of '50, to b rcarc}J, to loo kc, ano rfptc out ti; c Ian o:' ~"~~~.~:!~1:
ba, bnto ~mnatll, asl)e 'DJ mt to llabbllJ IJiJS 110, 4 llDIJrrfo~e ~a1101ttoo11c !Da· r.:;fufj rr:!fants~ ~~~~ ~~:.::u;~ •.
an11c llJauell tl}rm, anti cut o t.,carco,ns 1Jaru '""'b•11101rc
~ minionb-pt{JeriucrQi;upl)iatcs.
~I 4 Qnll ;m>auiti toohe ftom lJim a tboufanti bptlJcirbuttocliJS,antlfenttlJClnob.1nr. ~'!£i1ncnr
I c{Jarctss. anll Ceucn tIJouranll lJotfmen, (ltwentr 5 anti tl}cre went certainc rmll to Ille l9aui11 ~~,~~~~ 1Dnr
(Jr t:tJouranll footmen,atlll tiellroieti au tl)e 'l)arcts, l)o'tD tbc men \Dcrc fcrucll : anti tlJe ~mg rent ro
r..~ butrcfcruc11 of tl)em an IJunlltell c{Jarets. meet tl)cm cro~ tlJe men were erccc11mgcr ailJa'
, s anti 'llllJcn tile ~FJians of wamarcus meo)anlltlJeliingfapll, ~a11•at'.J:cricl)o,1mtlll

,, came to 1Jclµc tl}allare!cr bing of '5oba, Watrill -pour bcarns be gro\Dctt, anll ti)cn rctumc.
'',I aew of tlJc ~nianis t'Wentr anll t\tlo t;IJourano. 6 an11 WI.Jen tf)c cl)tlo,m of ammon fa'mc
6 lnti WaUillpllt fouldiers U1 ~p~taJi)ama, tl)at tlJCF ttanl!e in tlJe ftglJt Of lE'Clllti:J, ~anon
J rcus, lltlJC~ptanisbecame wautonrtruantn, anll tlJc c(JilllJcn ofammonfcntatiJouranntn,
f, 1:
111 11nbbJOU1JlJt1Jnntrtbute: an'll t1Jell0Jllcp1efer, lentJ!o~ filucr, to{Jire tl)cm rtJarcts anti 1Jo2fc,
f! uell Wauillinallt(JatlJc'tDentto. 1nen outofSJJecropotamta,i;t out or~rJta,Slll)ila,
fi? 1 annwauiti tooliet1Je11Ji£lllnofgollletl,Jat c1Ja,a11ll outof'5oba.
~ 'DJcreontl'JeferuantsoU)allare!er.11ntib~oug1Jt 7 i'lnll tlJcplJirco t{Jfrtr ann two tilourant
r tl)Cln to ll)icrufalem. '(Jarctn,anll tl)c lit~~ or ~ae,i}a anti I.Ji~ people,
.1 s antiftomiat:hcblJat1J,~from€1JUn. cities w1JitlJ 'ame anll pttclJell llefotc ~elleba: anll
~. of ~allamer, bloll«IJt :eauill e,:ceeDing mu'lJ tl)e c1Jill1Jen or ammon gat1:Jcre11 t1:Jcmrc1urfj to,
r, biacre, 'ml:lerc'IDitlJ ~olomon malle tl)c btarcn getIJcr from t1Jcir 'ittcis,anb camc to batten.
~--:-1_1_ua_to-'l-=-l'':..:.tlJ_:_e..:.p....:ill:_a.....:rs:..:.',,...11:..:.t11:..:..c:..:.b_em_c_:.1s_o_fb-'-~-afii_c_.___s_a_nll_'tD_1J_cn_~_a_u1A·n~t_ea_r:..:.n_cf_i_t_,_hr--occc-:frc-:-n., .-t_ __
I tltc '}cab 1
:Ioabsviccories. I.Chron. The people nun1bred.
'joab anl:l au tIJc IJoft or tlrong men.
9 annttJttlJtlll~m ornmmoncamcoutanb
people came a1.tatne to 'terufalem.
f attertf!J~ •. *tl)ere arorc \llarre at ©a!er 2.Sarn.11
put tf}cmfducs tn arl'!-t' to battd, bcro~c tlJc gatt \ll1tl.) tlJe 101n11atne~: at ml}tcl} time ~oboc1Ja1
or tlJc rt tr : anti tf)c rungs ~at 'alctc come, Be:pt tl}e $ufatlJ(tc ~1l'I ~ippai tl)at \Dais of tf}c tlJll'
tlJcm bp tlJcmfciuc.u baclie m tlJe fi:clb. bJen ofJRcp(Ja1m,anb tl)er 'IDctcfubl:lUl'll.
10 tlDIJcn 'Jloab alfo fa'ID tlJattl)eftontoftlJc ~ ann tfJcre 1l'las battell againe 'IDitlJ tlJc
batten \llll.U againa IJtm befo~c anti belJtnbc, {Jee 101Jiltaine~,anb llellJanan tlJe fonncofjlair aem
'1Jofc out of au tll~ clJofen mm. or]rraet,anbput )l,aIJcim tile b~otiJer of ©olialJ tl}e ©cti)ite,
tl)cm in arar aiJama tl)c ~P i1anis. 'IDl}ofe fpcarc aaffe \Dais like a 'IDeaucris beame.
11 gun tIJe relt of t{Je people l)e beliucrcb tin, 6 ann pct agame ti) ere 'alais marre at© ctl),
to tlJC l1a11t1 Of abtfai IJiS biot)Jer. anb t(Jep put \DIJcras \llal'.'l a man ofa grcac ilatun,witlJ foure
tlJcmCclm~stn arap agatna tIJc d)tlb~en or am, anb t'tllentr finger is anti tocs,(fyc on eucrp l)anll,
man. anti fi~eoneucrpfoot, anDl}cc mast{Jefonncof
12 anti f:Jc fapb, ~f tlJe ~pitanss be too atong laaplJalJ.
JJ ~Or;ul
fo, me, tl]ou II) alt ftu:com mc,anb if tlJe clJtlbicn 7 ~utmlJenl)ebefieb'jfract, ']onatl}antlJe "l
of ammon pieuatieagainftt{Jee, '.]! \!lllllJelpc ronne of ~imea, ~autb~ biottJcr,llc\D IJim.
t1Jce. s ~ere mere bomt 1mto taapIJalJ at©etlJ,
13 101Ucke bp tlJine IJeart, anb let bSS piar tlJe anl> mere oucrtl}~o\Den in ttJe l}anb or ~auil:l,
men fo~ our peoples rake, ann roi tlJe cities of ann in tl)e {Jann ofl)ts femant!l.
our <!Doll : anb tlJe JLo.zlle tl)all noctIJatwlJiCIJts Thexxj.Chapter. i
~ooil in IJiS omnc figlJt.
14 ~o 'joab ann t{Jc people tf]atwerc'tllit\l I Dauidc:aufc:th the: people robc:numbrcd. 14 And
(Jim, l:l,e\ll niglJ, befo~c tlJe ~p#an~, bnto tl}e there die fcucntie thoufand men of the pdlilc:ncc. i
l.JattcU, ann tf}ep fleb befo,e l)im. flb ~atan aoob bp againlf]fta, ;
1 s anl:l wIJen t1Jc c11m1~rn of ammon fa'IDc el, anll * p~ouolieb ~auill to num' 2.Sam• '
ti.)at tIJe ~p~tanss mere fleb, tf}ep ran amar Uhc, l:Jer jlfracf. ,
Ulife bcfoH~ ~bifai IJi!l bJOtlJcr,ann gate tIJcm in, 2 ann Wauin rapl:le to ]oab, , 1•
to t!1c cttp: anl:l '.ll oab came to $ietUfalem. • anll to tl)e rulers of t)Je people, 00 '
i 6 gnn \DIJen tl)e ~p#an!l fa\tle tl]at tl.Jcp Fl',ann numllcr ']fract, froml6eerfeba to Jean: .
mm~ put to tfJe 'IDOoJre bero~c ']I rrael , t{Jcp rmt ann b1in1i tt to mee, tlJat l map fmom tf}e num, 1
mriTcngcr)l, ann fct out tl)e ~p1tang tl)at mere ber of tf}em. ·
Or, ru. br~OllJ II tlJct:iucr: anl.l ~opl)ac{J tf]ccaptalne 3 9.nb 1)oab anf\tlerrl!, ~e )l,OJ!l maflc IJts
'"'"" o~tI;r 1:ca ofl\}aMrqcr:a1cntbcfoJc tIJcm. people an IJunbJel> time!l ro manp moc as tl)cp
1- 3110 it\Ualltolocwauin: nn!l 1.JegatlJcrell be:but mp loin,© fling.are tlJcr not au mp lo~llS
ilU '3'1~r.1cf, anil mcnttogctlJer ouer ]o~ban, anll rcruantl'.'l '! \tJIJl! t{Jen Doe~ mp to:D require tl)1s
came, an Met upon tf.Jcm: anll 'IDIJcn ~auil.l I.Jab ti.Jing ~ 'IDIJF \lltll mp Io~ be acaufe or• mrpaac :.~::·
vut oimfc!fc in arar agatnntl}e ?mtarus, tl.Jcp to ~trael ~
fouglJt \\litlJ l)im.
1 ~ :lDut t!Jc ~P Jinn~ flcb befo)e 7,Cracl, anb
4 flmertl]eldl'e, ti.Jc hingis wo:D pieuaileb
againft ~oab : anti ']oab llcpartcll, anb 'IDallteD :~:J ~
lEll1Uill llrUtoicn oft(Je ~F~ians,reumtlloufanll t)Joio\Dout a~lt(Jemor'.]Jri·al?f, aun came to f9tc' ~Jr:
cl)aretg, anl:l foitv tf}ouranb footmen,anll lillleb ru!afemagame, r11r• -~
~oplJac)J t!Jc captaine orn:ic I.Jolt. s ilnllgauetl}erummcoftl)enmnbcrortl)e "~ ?::
19 ann wl}cn tlJe reruant!l of~abare!eiCa\ll people bnto wautll: ann au tlJep of'.]Jfra.el 'IDcrc :.~i;: ~
tbat t)Jcv wcre put to tIJe \Doo~re befo~e tIJcm of a d}oUfann t]]ourann, ann an [Junn:cn t11oura1111 it•· !
Jfracl, ilJer mane peac;e 'IDttlJ l0auib, \lbcc;ame men tl)at n:c'ID f'IDo:n:ann ']uba \Das Courc IJml' ~
lJi:O fermmtis: neitlJcr \Doulb tlJe ~F~tanis IJclpe llJCD,tlneefc;o~e anti ten tlJourann mm tf}at n:e'al ~
tl)c c)J1ll:l~c11 ornmmon anp moJc. ntio1t1. ~
6 '6ut ttJe ·.teutttl'.'l anll l6entamin counteD ~
The: xx. Chapter. IJc not among tf}cm : fo~ tIJe kings wo:D \\la~ a•
t Rabb a ccfiroyed. 3 The Ammonites tormented. bominablcto']oab. ~'
4 The Philitlines are th rife ouercomc:, wich chcir 7 ann tlJe )l,oJlle wais nifplrafeb roitlJ t~ts ~:
giants. tlJing,anb rmott ]fracl. . ·:~
,.~1:n.10.1. ~ ~b* artcrt11ererctt1aiseqitrcll, a, 8 an11~aut11rato1111to©ot1,*'.]!IJauefi11nell 2.s.m. ~
(~'7A' bout tIJe time tl:Jat kings goc out a emct1inglp in Doing tIJtis ttling : ann no\ll 'JI be, ~
~Ir, fhcr1h ~''RE:, warfarc,']!Oab CaTil'll OUt tllC ~ armp fccclJ tl)ce, noe amap tlJt mickebnctre or tlJF fer• .' 1
utthc >rmy. 1' ~ , of tf)c IJOil, anb l:lellropell tfJUOlln' uant, ro:] IJaue Done brrp foolill.Jlp. :~.
· ~~ ttcpoftlleclJtlll~mofA1m~on,a~ll 9 9nl> tl)c JL.0111 fpafle bnto 113ab, l0am'llS . 1 t-~
~ame, an1> beriegeb l!tabba : (but }0amo tancl:l ij ~eer, raping, I0 1~ ' :
1 o <15oe, anti een ~auib, raping, ~us raptlJ pbc~
allt ll)tcturatem) 'IDl.Jile '.]oab emote J!iabba, anti ..:::
c11rorebit. t11c JL01t1, 1 giue thee tlJc cl,Jotrc oftl)~ec tf)ings: ~
~nb l9autn toolic tl}e ao· of tlJe(r ldng a,ure ttiet one of tlJcm, tIJat '.]!mar Do bnto tl)ce.

~?mt tJ tis tJean, a111> fount1 tlJa tit IJab tlJe \'De1gl}t 1 r Qnb 113atl came to ~autll. anti rapll tinto
. a a1ent ~f goUltt, \l tlJere 'IDcte p~eciou- tloncs (Jim. ~usrart1Jt1JeJL.01t1, 4t1JufctfJee ,:
amt' nnb tt 'Wais fct bpon ~aultlSS l]eatl: anti IJe 12 rfitl)er t(J~e reeres famine, 01 tfncc mo, 1t~
b~ouglJt nlro c~ccct1ing mu"'"' fpoile out of t(Je netlJisto be t1c(h'opct1 bero:e tlJtnc al:lucrt:arics.
Ctttc. ""' 'k'
81111 tl)at tlJc1blo1ll of' tlJine cnemirss mar oucr, -~
. ~ anb IJe hJOUgl)t out tIJe people t1111t\1.'Jere tahe t~ee: 01 clS tlJe nxio:D orttJc 1Lo11>,ann pclli• ;~1

mtt, anb to~mcntcb tl)em 'Qli.... fa'IDeS anti IJar• Jenee in ti.Jc lanb. t1J1ee llapes, anti tl)c angel of ·~
l\Or,•m. ro\tle~ Ofp~on, Billi 'WttIJ otl)~r ll)arpcUtnftnr' tlJt 1Lo1t1 belfropmg tlJowmout au tl}c coaas of t~\
mcnt~, anl:l ro bealt ;m,80111 tllitlJ au tfJl' cities of 1Jltad : anti no\ll at1utfe tlJr fclfc 'mlJat mo:D '.31 T
tbeclnlJ)'cn of ammon: anbleauibanballtl)c fl)all b~in§ aitaineto trim tlJat fentme. ~
I 3 ~Iii)/ :~
,· Dauids repentance: Chap.xxij. He exhorcech Solomon. 152
~\ _ _ _ _1__a-=-nn-_,-11U1-::.t1-:ra:-r-:-t1:--bnt-:-o-:a5:-all:-,-::'J):-a-m-:i-11-an_cy...::,--2-=-9-(:-:::~:-01-tlJ-=-t-G;--:ab:-m111---=dc:-or-=-t1J-e:t:-. o-~-t1c_'1>_1}_i_CIJ_ __
; uet1tng 8rait : let mu fall no'IIJ into ttJe l)anll or Q!Jofts malle in t!Je 11>i1Dmlttfe, antttl)c altar of
I • tlJtl.O~(ro~pa1l'in1mnatan1JismrnteSS) bUt 'IIJIJolebumtofrmn11, wercattf;Jatrcaronintl,Jc
~, let me not ran tnto tl.Jc l)anb of mm. IJi!lfJ plarut cl!Sibcon:
~r~ 14 ~otl.Je'JL,o~bfmt peltilenubpon'.)llrad: 30 ano ~auit1,oulbnot goebefO.Jtittoafllc
4 anti tfJen 'IIJere oucrtino\llen of '.]ifracl d»et counren at .aoo, foJ bc \Dass afrarel> of tl)e f'IIJo~t>
:~ rrozeantl ten tl)oufant> men. of tl]e angel of tl]e JL,01b.)
l.i,Som.:1. is *.anti cl!Jobfent tl)e anjJel bntO ll)imifa' Th h
~~· lemtobefhopit:anlla1Jl)t\Dasabouttot1e8ror, . c xxij. C apter.
)~ t1Je)L.o1Dbel)elll,anlllJall'ompamono.nt1.Jeeuil, 2
Dauid preparcch things ncccffiryforchcbuilding
'{' itfapbto tl)eanjJeltf;Jatlldtropell,'.JlttSenou!Jl), of rhe Temple,
~ let no\D tl)ine 1Jan11,earc. !!nll tl)e .angel orttJe I~ iall Jl!l)auib rarbe , ¢1Ji~ iSS dJe
~V·Arcu- )l,010 aooo br tl)e ttnellliniJ Hoo1e or II ©inan tlJe "' ®. ~oure of tl)e JL,010 000, ano ti.Jiff
'\ 3jt.bUfite. , tStl)e altarro1 tt.Je\lll)olebumt
~~· 16 .an11J0aui?llirtbplJiJSepc,s, anbfa'l»etl)e ', offetingof']\fraeI.
\ angel oftl)e"JLo,b aanb bet\Dcene ~ee.artl) anti 2 ano Jeauto commanbeb to
(: · (Jcauen, lJauing a l>,awen flllOJb ml)us l)anll~ · gatl)er togetllet tl)e aran~ers
tlrml)el> out tomarll l!}ierufalem : tl)en :ieau11> tlJat\1.lcre tn tlJe lann of '.]irrael, anll l)eefetma•
anb tl)e lflbctjj of] rrael \lll]i~ lllert 'lotl)eb m rons to IJe'IIJ an11 poltn1 aoms roi tlJe builbing of
Cache., fen bpon tl)eit faces. . ti.Jc l)ourc of <ll5ot1. .
17 .an11 J0aUib rarbe lmto<ll5ob, -Jljjttnot '.JI 3 gllb ~auib p1cpartl> plcntie or FJOn (OJ
tl)at commanbeb tl)e people to be numb1eo 1 9\t na11ess, anb Doo,cs oe tl)e gates, \I to iorne tvitlJ'
is 'Jl tt.Jat l)aue finneb,ant111one eutllmbeeb: anb all, anb abutl'bance ofbialfe lJ.litIJout \llei~t,
'IIJIJat hauc tl)efe 11.Jttpe bone -: JL,et tl)ine l)anb, 4 .Qn?I ~ebar trees \Uitl)out numb£T: fo~ tfJt
o llo,11 mp cl!Soo, be on mee., anll on mp fat(Jers ~ibons anb tlJer of ~f1t lnougl]tmu~ ~eoar
>r::~: l)ourc: butbnoc ontlJrpcoplc, tlJattlJer ll)oulb \lloob to Jl!)auio.
~ ~~=~~:;,, bt puntll)etl. s goo Ji'auio rarb. ~olomon mr fonne is
::::~•1•11rn 18 *gno tlJe angel or tte JL,o,b commanoeb pong anb tenller,ano tfJe l]oUCe tl)at is to be buil,
:::'1::~'.·3 •1 <ll5ab to far to l!l>autD, tl]at JE'auill llJ.oulb (loe bp, bell fo~ ti.Jc JL,oJb, mull be magniffmll, e~ccllcnt.
anb ret hp an al tat: bnto tl)e JL,o,11e m tlJt tl),enJ' anti of gnat fame anll lligmtie tlJo,o'IIJout all
in!J floo,e of ©1nan tfJe ']lebUrtte. 'ountrerss: 1 \llil tl)erero,e malic OJbinancess ro,
19 !lnll J0auill 'Went bp, accoiDtng to tf;Je Car' it: ano Co Ji'auib picpareb manr tl)tng;J bcfoic
ing of <1!5ao, \'DIJi~ IJe Cpalle in tl)c ji;lame of tl)e 1J1s beadJ.
'.ll.o~l>. 6 .atni l)cc ralltb ~olomon IJis fonne, anl>
2 o ~nb ©:nan tumcn about, anb fa\\le tl]e c1Jar1Jeb IJim to butlb an l]oure rin ti}c )l,01b <!15011
angel, anl> IJis foure fonnes \Dere l1litlJ l]im. of'.]t'rael.
anll IJib tl)em!elues: but @,nan \\lasstlJictlJmg 7 ann Jl!)auibfar11 to ~olomon.~r rsnne,
\ll{Jeat. 'll tl}ou!Jl)t in mine l)eart to builb an l]oure bnto
2 1 ann as Jl!)autb rometo Sl!>,nan.©inanloo· t.iJe name of tl)c JL,010 mr <!1500:
lttb an11 fa\D JEiauill, ano went out of tl)c ttncllJ, 8 '5ut tf;Je moJtl of tIJe llOJb 'ame to me,rar,
in!J flooJe, anll bomcb lJimftlfcto ;eautb, \Ditl) tng, * ~ou l]aa fl)etl 'mtKl) bloo?I, ~ l}all mate. 1.Chr.2 s. 5.
IJiSS face to tlJc grounn. great battetss : ti.Jou 11Jalt tf;Jctero:e not buito an ~.~~~"'•·
2 2 gnb Jl!)auib rapb to ©man, 0iue me tlJe l}ouce bnto mp ~ame , fo1 tlJou I)aft llJCll mutl) ~"""P <-"<·~
plau oftl)e 'J mar builll an bloob bpontl)eeartl) in mp rtglJt. ~::.O~r~~b~i"'
altar tlJerein bnto tl)e 'JLo~De : :ti.Jon llJalt jJiuc it 9 l5e1Jollle, a ronne ts bo,ne to t{Jce, attb (Jee ~~:~~~~;,tr,
me foi ass mutl) monep SIS it ts 'IIJ001tl) , tl]at tlJt 11Jalb~ a man !JC rell, foJ '.]mil gtue 1111~ na frot,n ::·~~.·~ ~~lrn
plaguemarceare.rromtl)epeople. all lJtSS enemies rou1~0 about: fo11J1s namei~ ~:,r;~','.:~:.%.
,,.,_·, 2 3 .ant) IDJnan fa}'tl bnfO ~aui?), ~afleitto ~OlOmOU t anll ') \\ltll fcnb tell anb P£8'C bpOll rnrktno lllnc
:.. •• tl)ee, anti let ml' 1010 tl)e mng_oo tiJat 'IIllJklJ fee· lfrael tn l)is Dares. ·;~~;·~;.~~· br
1 o l!}e t1Jall btnl11an.-ioure fo1 mf f,.!ame, anti ~i:,c~·~~~l~'rf·
:- 1
mett.J !JO Ob iu 1JiS eyes : JL,oe, 'Jl jJiue ttJce onit af,
, ro foi'\DlJolc burnt facrifices, anb t1J~en1~i"' l)et1Jalbemrronne,anll]'Willbeb1sfatl)cr.anb 0°•rn1·
..,,., nrume.ntsfo~mooll, \l'l»1Jeatfo1mcatotrmng, '.) \\lill elfabiillJ tl}c feat of1Jis1Jingt1ome bpon '""'·
, ] glue it au. ')fraeiroz eucr•
.~ 24 anll (tillg ~aUib farb tO Sl!>inan, ~OtfO, II Jao\De tlJettfOJ2 IUf fonne ' tf}e JLoitJe be
; /: but 'J \Dill bur it co, ass mud~ monep 81 it i~ 'l»itlJ tl)ee, anti p~orpcr ti.Jee, anll tl)ou llJatt lluilb
1 ;. \lloo1t1J : fo!"Jl 'tllillnottalle ttat'l»lJiaJ tis t]Jine au iJoUCtto tt.Je JL010 tlJr '3otl, a~ (Je l)atl} faro of
: . ~am, 2 1· foJ tl)e JL,0:11·e, noi offct '&»{Joie burnt offetingss tl)ee.
;~ 1o1'"'•· \llitl)out coa. u aoo tl)e lLoJb RJaU 1Ji~e tJLte \\lll it'?lome anb
· ~:::. 2 5 *.anb co ~aui?I gaue to ~man.roi tl]at bnbmtantling. ant101al1 gme •.,ce commanoe. l!Or,chargr.
.~!;:"~t: plau ucte~ ofgo~be, fl~e (Junl>ieD br toe•~t. mentis ro1 j]rrael, ti] at tl)ou maica lttepe. tlJe la\D
,,:11!rom11t•· 26 anb JE)auttl bUtlt tlJcrean alta~bntotl)e oftlJCllDJl>tl)r<ll5ot1,
:.1.·~!f1~~'~" l..01t1, anti otftreb tol)ole burnt offcringss, anti 1 3 rjfoi tlJen tl]ou fl.Jett ~of\lcr. wen bll1en
:/:· .l:n'"J•:i:;. peace offerings, anll callell bpon tl)e ·a.o~?I, an11 t1Jou tattea lJeeo, anb fulfllletl tbt ftatutes anb
· ,,::: ~,·.~: l)ee tJcarb l)im from tJcauemn c llti.: bpon tlJC al' la'WCS \Dl)i~ tbe JL,o~b ~atgeb ~Ofe,S \DitlJ roi
~~111t.1r, tarofllllJoleburntoffenniJ. '.]lrrael: plmllel>p tf;nnel)eartthmfoie, anobr
/ ..~~~!ii 2 7 anl> 'IIJl)cn ttJe 'ILOJD l)al> fpoltento tl]e an. arong, D1tao not, no~ bebifcourageo.
~ :,.::::.~.:. gel. IJee put bp l)iSS rwoio Bt\Bine into tlJe 11.JeatlJ 1 4 l5dJolb, auoioing to mr pomrtte l)auc 'JI
~::-:~~:~. or tt. . alfo wepareb foi tf;Je IJOUfe of tbt JL,oUI an tJun,
~?:,•rrui.; 23 .att{Jatttmc, m11m ~au1nfa\Detf;Jatt1Jc ~eDt1JoUCanbtalentsor111111e: an11at1Joufan11
/:..:i:ar:~ 11..o~lle 1Jat11Jr.aro l)im tn tl)e t1J1e11Jtng t1oo1e of' tl)oufanb talmtl!I of filuer : anti 11is fo~ b1••m:
~:;~;i;~P· 10mant1.1e'3ieburlte,1Jebcebtoolfti:t1Jen: antmon, tt mnnotbenumbJell (fo~ itif>brt'ic
~C2 lUU~lll:
f The Leuites numbred : I.Chron. Their f euerall offices.
l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::----:--:-~:-::-:-:-::--:--~~--:-~--::-:---:::--~~~ ....
nm~) anti l {Jane p1eparrll ttmber 11t1t1 Bone: 16 il>f tlJe ronne,s of <l!Jtrrom, !IDdlUcl 'Illa•
anti tl;Jou mare« vi omlle m01e tl)ereto. tlJe dJleft.
1 ~oicouer,tfJou1Jatl1tlOJJttmm\UttlJtl)ee
5 17 ~efonnesofceit'tJer,J!ielJabiatlJcd1icft:
cno'ro, anli maroms, anll carpenter•, to 'roo~hc tn anti <rlicter lJiltl none otlJe:c ronnes , but tf}c
llonc anll timber, at'lll manr mm tf}at be acttue ronnc• onatl)abta 'tDcre tierr man.,.
roi cucrr tllotffc. ~ 8 ~c ronnef,S oe 'Jtal)llf , ~domitlJ t{Je
i 6 .QnD of !JO[De, filUU,bJ&m~,anb l'10R, tl)erc ClJICfC.
tl'S no number: bp tlJcrfo~e,anll be llomg,anll t!Jc 1 9. ~t ronnes ofll)ebion, ')ma tbe firfl.. a,

)l,o,o 11Jalbc tllitlJ tl)cc. · · mana tl)c reconll, '.]latJatid tl)c tlJirll, anti '.lit''
7 .anll ~autll '°mmanbtll all tl)c IOtllcs of maam ti.Jc fourt:IJ.
2 0 ~eronne!l or ~}tel, ~ttl)a tl)c ft:TII, anti
. .
]fraet to f}elpc ~olomon l}t!l ronnc, faying. I

1 s '.3)s not tile Jl,oJll pour <llloll \l'litlJ rou: anti ]eaa tl)cfcconll. .
IJatl'J IJe not gttienrou rell: on cuerr fill~ : fot ~ee 2 1 'iEl)c ronne• or ~erari, Q!:lal)li,illlll Q9uri.
11attl gtum tl:Je inIJabtter• oft{Jclanll mto mine 'i1[;1Je fonne!l of ~alJli, (f{caJar anll Clti!l.
!Janll, anlltl)C lanb~fUbllUCb bCfo~CtlJtl,.O~ll, 22 ant1<fl£8J8fbicb,anb1Jabnofon11c)l, bUt
anllbefoJcl]tspcoplc. llaug{Jter• :'anti tlJtir b~ctl)~cn tl,)c fonncts of
19 ;0o'mc tlJertfoit ftt rom: l)cartf,S anti !ODr 4rilS tooke tl)tm.
roulej$ to ferffe tiJt )LoJl> l!Our (J!Joll: bp,anb builb 2 3 ~e ronncis of SJJ)urt, ~alJli, lfner, anll
re tl)e temple of ttJc Jl,o~ll <l!Joll, to b1ln!J ttJnrtrc '.)lertmotl),tiJ~rc.
oft(Jecoucnantoftf}ell-oJll, a~btl)clJol}'betrel• 24 ~ere are tl)e clJill>ien*of:rLcutafter tlJt Numb j
of ~oll, into tl}e l}ourc fo bUtlt ro, tl)e ~ame of l)aullJolllt of tl}eir fatlJers , cucn tlJe amimtor z4 '1°' !
tfJe JLo,b. tl}e fatlJers acco~llin~ to tlJeir offt,es, anll after · i:i
The xxiij. Chapter. tl]enumbtr anb rummt oftJJcnameis oftfJcm
I Dau id bcin g old,ordcincth Salomon king. 13 Aa- tlJat bill tfJC tuoilie in tlJC remice Of tl)e IJoure Of
ro11 andhisfonncsarc for the hi<>hPriefts. tIJe l,.o~l>, fromtl}e a~coft'mtnticpcerc1S llt1b a,
" boue.

!lD \\'llJen Jeauil> 11Ja•olllt anbfUn 2 s ~nll Jeauill Carll, 'i1[;1Jc ll-OJb ~O!I of '.)Cracl
u.: or bares, (Jc mabe ~o101n011 l}is l)atlJ pucn rra bnto l)ts people, tl)at tl)cy mar
"'\".'. ronne Iring ouer ]fracL ll'roelhn ,icmCalcm r~ cuer,
2 anti tlJcn l)e ~at1Jeret1 tol't' 26 ~at tIJc )l,cuiceisa«o nioulb notu no m~c
tl)er au tlJC '.ILo~lllS of] rrael, \\'litlJ bcare t!Jt ~abemaclt, anb au tlJt befldts ro1 tl}c ·
tl)e~~tetl~ anti )l,tuitcs. rcmice tf;Jtreof.
3 9:11'0 tlJc Jl.,euitc!l 'lllcrc numb~cll fromt1Jc 2 7 11'01 acc~bin!J to tlJe laft 'mo~bSl ofll!'aUib,
.::gr nf tiJirtr rem~ anll abouc: at1b tbe number tlJe JLtuites 'roere numb~en from t\llentp reereis
an-:. Limmc o~ tlJem 'll.lass tl)irtr anti ei1Jl)tt1Jou' anbaboue.
ranll men. 2 8 anti tlJcir offtct 1llas bnticr tl)e (Jani> of t1Je
4 ilDf \1.ll;Jic1:1 t'rocntr t:t rome t1J0Ufant1 'mere ronncs oraaron, roi tl}e fttuice of tl)e l)oure of
ret to fUrtl)er tl)e \Do Jiit of tl)c IJoUfe of tl}e )l.o~b: tlJt JLoio, in tIJe courts anll ccllef,S,ano in t1Je pa.
anll o~c ttJouranll 'rocre oftic~ anti iub~es. lifytng or all tJolr tlJhl!lll. anll in tl}c l.lJO)be or
5 ijfoure tlJouranti were p01ttriS, anti foure ttJc fcruice of tl)e f;)ourc of0oll :
tl)oufanb p~atfetJ tiJe JL,o~llc tuitlJ fUd) intlru' 2 9 ']n tiJt OJctobJ£ab,intlJe fine llo\D~c,in t1Je
ment~ as 'roerc mane to p~atfe \\'ltt"fJall. tn~at o!Icring, in tl}e 'roaf.ets oU'alcet b)call, in
1.chro,6.1 6 *anti ro Wauill mane tl}e oibinance• a· tlJefi:p1t1~pa11,int1Jegribiron,anllma11mancr
cxod.6.' 7· mong tl)e clJil!J~en of )L.,cui, namel11 to <lllerron. of mrafurc!l anti ciCc:
ataatl), anti ~crart. 30 .ano to llanll cuerp 1>ap tn tbemoining to
7. !lDftIJc '3crfonites 'matsll-11a1>an,ant1 ~t' tlJankc ano p~atrc tl)e li.-Olbc, anl>fo libc\\llfeat
met. cuen:
s ~IJefonncs of)l,11al111n,t1Jc cl)tefe 'mais '.]e. 31 anti to offer an \Dhole burnt famfices tin,
l)icl, 5ctl)am, anll 'JI oeumce. bnto tile ll-O)ll , i11 tl)e ~abbotl)is, in tJJe nc\llc
9 iat'IJt ronnes of ~cmei,~clomitlJ, $a~iel, mooncis, anll on tlJt fcattrun oares, bF number
anti ~ttran, tlJJCC, ~~C(C 'roet'C tl)C ancient fa, anll Cu1lOIUC COlltinuaUp, as they were comman-
tl)ers of)l,aa?ian. ded, ldo)e tlJc )L.,O)ll•
. 1 a !Anll tl)e ronnes of ~cmci, tucre ]alJtttlJ, 32 ann tt}at tIJcr OJoulll \Daiton tlJe ~aber' ~::r
:j1na, '.]leu15, anb :0crta : tlJcfe foun \Ucrc tf}e naclc oftJJecongregation,anl> 011 tJJe l;Jolpplacc, '(~
ronncsof~emei. anll on tlJc fonncis of aaron tIJetrbiettJ)en, in ~· .
11 ~nl> ']lalJatl)\Dal!I tl)e d)icf'c, 'Jtnatl)crt, t1.1eferuiceoft1Jel)oufcoftljc)l,o)t1. .~
'onn :but ']\cus, \1 :0ma IJall not manp ronness, . ·~~
tbmfo~e tl)ep \Dcre in one mkoning acco~bin« The xxiiij.Chapcer. .
to tl}ctr ftltlJttl! l)oullJolb rcchoneb foi one. Danid alligneth offices vnto the fonncs of Aaron. · ,'.~ ·

It> b ~l')CfOnttel!OfCltSlltlJ, amram, 9Jtaf1ar, ~crc arct1Jelllliulfion!loftl1eCon!l iOr,ordio ~~
"7c1 ion, nnt1 l!D1ict, ro urc. oraaron, * ~l)c ronnes oraaron, n 3 n~·'·o.+I"~
3 -at:f)c* ronncs of2l11U'am.!Jaron,attt1 SJJJ0t J~allab, abil}U, cele8l'ilr, allD]' Lc~~· ,J~
Heb. s+ ~eft~~~ll 1 * 21.nron ~as fr:paratcb to lJaue d)t rule tl)amar. nu"""..,..•.!.\
• 11 .,o l' tl)1ngs tn tl)c plate moll l}olf. l)e anll 2 ~allab alfo anb 9btf1u bicll l\:.
lJtS ~onntl.'I f~ cun, anll to bUmcincmftl>doJe uew.n,Jmtatlm, anlllJallnodnlllzm: butef. l+~.:1
tl)e ~o~ll,ann to minism tlnto l]im, anb to bldl't lea!ltf anll '.J\tl')amarcrccute.n tfJe p~Cefb olftce. ~ ~,
Exod.1.22. lO {JtlS JaatntfOlCUct,
3 ano m>autn 01t1etcb tbem on elJi.8 maurr, !~
~,.~r.t~:.~· 1 4 ~he* c~tlb~e.n of geores tJJe \ttan ofcEJon, '.jalloc, oftlJefonnesof~lca!ar, wabimele.c, I~._
~~:.:: ~~.·.~:i 'alert namcD mtl')e tribe. of. Jl..mi. of dJC fOtmCl'S Of jltl')amar were 8"0211ing tO \ ~
·: t~;::~· lttt15 ~{Jcfonnesof!lll)otcJ, <IESerfom, anti ceuc. t(Jeir offices in tl)clr minilh'atton. · .~·
4 ann UJetc 'mere moe aauieat men rounll ~ ~:~~
among1 '::~'
\~he Leuites offices. Chap.xxv. Thefingersappoinced. 153
among f;fJe romws or Cfiea!ar.dJen dJe ronms of dJe ronnes of aaron, tn tf,Je 1mrmce of ~auin
]tlJamar. ann tlJus "mm tl)cp OJDCUD toget{Jer. tl,le ldng,antl 'Jatloc, anb al)tmelec. anll tl}c anct,
among tl)e ronnes of lflfa!at tl)cre "mascrn:un mt fatl}ers or tl)c 191ic1tisanb l.-cuitcis.cucn ttJr
rulers, auoiotng to tl)e l)ouaJoltl of tlJeit fa• p~incipallfatl)eris bero:etl)dtponger b1ctlJ:cn.
tl)ul. anll dgl)tamong tlJHonnes of'.]ltl)amar, The xxv. Chapter.
auo1ntng to tl)e l)ou11)olll of tl)titfatl)eris.
s .inlltlJUS"mcretl)epputinoinerbplOttlJt The lingers are appointed, with cheir places and
one fOJt from dJt OtlJtt,ann ro 1Dm tl)m rulers lotces.
in tl)c ~arrctuarp, ann 101t1is bero,e caon, af\Dcl • Jab ro ~auttl anb tl:le '8ptaineis of
or tl)e fonmis of <!ele&!ar, ass of tlJt fonmis of t~e IJollc, appointttl out to t1oc fer·
]tl)amar. u1cc tl)c ronncs of arapl), ann 1)1>
6 anti ~emciatl)efonne off)atlJanaelt~e man,anlllJ]c'DUtl)un,"ml)icl)nJOUlb 110, 1Ju-
rmbe of tl)e himetl of tl)c )Lcuites, "m:ote tl)em . p:opl}cfte "mitl) ~arpcs , 1Dfaltc• i'hun'.
bcfo:c tl)e bing anti tl)e lo:DJS, anti bcfo:e 'JaDoc nes ant111r Ftnbaleis: anb tl)ere was a multttuDt
tl)cJ&:teft, anti a1Jimtlect1Jefonne of ilbiatl)ar, oftl)e men tl)at mere appotnteD to Doe tl)e fer•
anD befo:e tl)e ancient fatf:JerJS of tl)e l&:mts anD uice anD miniflratfon:
Jl,.euites, oncp1incipall l)ouflJolDbcingrercmeb 2 ~ftl)e fonnts of araplJ, 'Jacm, lofepl),
COJ celea!ar,anD onefo~ 1)ttJamar. Jaal}ama,ano arare111, tl)e fonncs of ~Uap1J,t~11t
7 anti tl)e firtUotfell to ]d;Joiarib: anb tlJe maittb on araplJ, mlJirl) p~op1Jcfttt1 acromng
reconn to ]etlaia, to tl)e rommanbement oftl)c hing. ·
8 ~etl]irtlto,anm,]to~e· 3 ~f ]e~utl)u~: tl)efo~ness of']\cbutlJun,
1Jo1tm, <l3et1al1a,'3'ert,]efata. l\)afabta, ann ~atl)atlJia,
9 ~c fi€tl) to ~tlclJta,anb tl)e «nf1 to Slll;lt• fi~e~bnDer tl}e lJllnbso,f tl)eit fatlJer, ']etmti)un,
iamin, "mlJirll p~opl)eficll "mttf:J a ll)arpc, fo~ to giuc
1 o qe feuentl,J to 'acoss, anD tl]e etgt}t to tIJttnfics anll p~aifes bnto tIJc JLoiD .
.abia, . 4 ©fl\)eman: tlJc fonncis ofl9cman. )3uc·
, 1 a_ie ntntl) to ]efua,anb tJJe tentl) to ~e· cra,~atttJama, ©!lei, '5ebucl, 'J,crimotl), ~a·
liantal), nanialJ, 'anant, lfliatl)a, ©cllllal@i, moman,
u '4!;1JttleUtntiJto Cfliaub, t\tlelrttJ tlJi lf!er,'.]ioftecara,~aloti)i, ll)otf:Jtr, anll ~a·
WJ\atim, lJa~iorl).
1 3 ~l)e tl:Jtrteentll to 'uppa, anti tl,Je Court• 5 9.11 tlJefe mere tl)e Conness ofll)eman,\DlJirlJ
ttmtl.J to ]efcbcab, ~ass tl)e bings ~eer in tlJe "moibes or 0011, to
' 14 ~e rmeentl) to )3ilga,anb tJJefinemtl,J lift bp tl)e IJo:nc ol rheregalldignitie: anb<30b
.... -· to']mmer,
1 5 '4!;1)e reuenteentlJ to 11,mtr, anb tl)e etgl),
gaue to $eman foureteene ronncss anti t(Jzce
Daugl}terss. . ·
temtiJ to .aplJ!t>s, · 6 au tf)efe alfo "mere at tbc 1Jant1 or tl)ctr fa•
16 ~be ninetecntfJ to l&ctl)al)ia, ti tl,Je t\tlcn' tl)cr,fmgmg mtile tJourc of tIJe Jl,o~tl, U'litl) crm•
,,,,. ttctlJ to '.]\ebefcel, balcl'i.l&faltcrtess, ann l\)arpcs,"mlJcnafaplJ,'Jic'
...i , 7 ~lJt ttoc11tp anti one to ')alil}in, anD tl)c t1utl)un,anb 1\3cma11, e~ecutetl tl)c reruice m tl]e
·.· t\tlentp anll tmo to d5amul, l)ourc of Cl5otl at tl)c flings liommantlcment,
1 s ~e t\Dcntp anD tl)~ee to ~elaia, an'b tl)e 7 9.nD tl)c multitut1c of tl)em, '111tlJ tlJtir bzc,
t\Dentte annroure to Qaaalia. tlJ1en. ttJat mere tnilrmtcll in ttJe rongis of t~c
19 ~ereare tl)e 01binances of tl}cm in tbeir JL,o:b, cum all tl)at\Dere litmning, mm tmo
officess, \\'llJen tl)cr came tnto tl)e l)oure of tl)e l}unn.zcn fourerco:c anti eiglJt.
Jl.,oJD, auo1llingto tbtitmaner, bntlrt aaron s anbtiJcrcatllOtsamonlltl.Jcmfelue~bo\D
tiJdr Eatl)et as tt)e Jl.oiD <115otl of ~frael (JalJ com• tiJcr fl)oultl matte, ass tu ell foJ t1Je fmall, as ro,
manlJel» l)im. · tlJe great, foJ t()e fcl)olltt, ass "mell as fD~ ttJc
2 o ~e retl of tlJe fonncs ofJL.cui, flil]oolemaller.
tl)e ronness ofamram,~ubacl: of t}Jefonnes of 9 9.ntl tile firtllot in .arapl) fel to '.]iorepf},tl)c
~ubad, 3Jcbct1ia. fclionll to©etJalta,"mitlJ IJSS bJctJ;nen anti fonnes,
21 ©ftlJe Conness onlltl:)abia.,tl)e lirll,]eeta. wtJidt men tucret'alclue.
:n ©f tiJe l)leialJarittJS, ~elomot}J: of tIJe 1 o '4!;1Jc tlJirD fell to 'Ja cur, \DitlJ IJil ronncs
ronneis atro of ~elomo~, '.]la~atl). . anti b1cttmn, beini;J t\Delue pcrfons.
2 ~tss ronness. ']\ma tl)e tirll, amana tlJe fe• 1 • 'itlJe fourtlJ to 1ni mitl) l)tss fonncis anb
conb, ]alJa!icl tlJe tl;Jirb , anti '.llecameam tl)e b:ctiJ1en, tmeluc pmonss. , , ,
fou.- 1 2 ~c fiftlJ to f)atl)anta, to1tiJ lJts ronncis
H"J• '11'\ • l lJ!lll"m ~ ~
4 ©f tl)e fo11n_css of,J1V}IC , ....,,1...,a: o. tl)e anti b:ettnm,t\DCluep~..ons.
ronne1Sof!l11l)i1i()a,~am1t~ . 13 ~1Jert:rtto)3uccia, mttlJ 1Jisronnc!1anb
5 ~e b:otllet of ~1~a \\'IBIS jjllla: of tl,Je b1et1Jum, t\Dclue pmonss.
Conness alfo of'.]lffia, ~cd)a~. . 14 · ~fJe reucntl) to 'jJerarcla, \\'litf:J IJiSS fonneis
2 6 ~e romuss of ~~an. "mere ill)al)ll, anb anD b1et1J~m. tmelue pmons.
Jj ~urt: tiJc ronne of ']\aa'!la,~cno. . 1 5 -mte ei!111tto 'jlcCaia, "mftlJ l,Jis ronneun~
2 ~eronnessof ~eranbp~aatts. l6cno,
~olJam,~arur,anD '.l\bii.
16 ~1Jemntl)to~atlta1a, \\'lftlJ lJiss ronnrss
• 1 28 ©fll!)al)Umme~lra1at, ant11Jee1Jab no anbb1et1nen,tmelueperfons.
4: ronneis. 17 ~etmtf)to~emet:wttiJIJt~forutesanll
r:; 2 9 ®f Gtiss: d)e fonne of ~t• 1'Jera1Jmtt1. b~etl):en, t\Delue pcrfons.
~i 30 ~IJeConncsof ~ufi, ~al)li, Cfl>tt, anti 18 ~cetcuentf)t.oatarecl, toitl}IJisronnes
l1 ]ertmotlJ: d)dean tl.Je tl.Jilnim of t11e JLcuites, anti b:et'lJ;m.tU'lelue p_erfonss.
,~,~ __!..,·r.::..fa:.:..:t11~u-•._:_
31 !lnb tl)tfe call tots uc,;t to t1Je1r b~ien anb bJetl)ltn,t\Delueperofon~.
I' - Gtc 1 20 '~t1c1
Thexxvj. Chapter.
1 The porters of the temple arc ordlincd cuery man it.:
co chc gate which hce lbouldkccpc, :2.0 :md oucr

the trcafurc.
1! Or,ordi- 'ere arc tl)c II niuiCionJ of tlJc ~P
uanccs. ters. gmong d)c Gto:etl)ite~ ~c,
Cdemia ttJc fonnc of C1to1c, of tl;Je
clJllilJtn of gfapf1.
2 ann tl}c ronttcs of ~erdc' . ~;
mia \Dtte mere: '5aetJana tl)c dbdt, jellif1d
file fcconb, '5£1Jabia tlJetf,Jirb, anti ]alJnicl ttJc
3 lftamtl)cfiftlJ, '.l\d)ol)anantt;JcCi):tfJ, ann
Cfliocnai tl)c feucntll.
4 ~c fonnes of £Dbcb <fl>om, ~cmeia ttic
cllldl,]et1ofaba11 tl)e rcconll.'3\oatJ t11c ttJirll,~a,
car tile fountJ,anzi ~attJanacl ttJc tUtl;J,
5 · ammtet tl)c firt!J, ')lTaclJst t11c reucntIJ,
~culttlat tlJe 'iglJt: fin \3011blelTell11tm.
6 !Anll tmto ~emaia l}is fonnc.. 'mete ronnes
bo:n~ t11at rulcn in tl}e l)oure of tl}tir fatlJet: foi
tlJCl' 'lllcrt men ofm!ql)t.
7 ~cfonne~ or~emata, ©tl}ni, m£p1Jac(,
©beil, ann lfl~aball anll l)i!S b1ettnen 'Were
llrong mm. cflilJu,ann ~amacl}ta.
8 .Qll tl)Efc 'rocte Of tl)e cl)tl111tn Of ©bell Cf,
nom: tlJep anti tlJcir cl)1l'D1cn,an11 tl.Jcir b~ttnm,
actiuc men, ann offtrcngth to lloc frmice, cum
tl)~ccrco1e ann t'mo of ©bell <fllom.
9 an11 ~efdcmta IJab ronncs ann b1et1ncn,
1? ~l}efonnes ofl!)ofa,oftlJe"1i1Dtmof~e­
Tatt, ~tmrt tl)e cl}icf:C, 1111ll tl)ougl) l1tt tnas not
tl)e £Uiea , l'ct l)is fatl.Jer rec l}im in tl}e dJWtfl
~ tl)e rcconn, ~cbalia u,t t1Jir1J, 81111
~ctiana tl)e fourtlJ: an tlJe fonntl!I 81111 b~etlJ~
on;ioca 'oltte tl}irtttne.
'A~n!JttJcrttoaSllWlllel>t:IJt oliaofCIJe
po1ttt~, tt)at tllet flJOUUI btt anamt
mm, to
~t£'olltt}tlJl'itbJtttJ1en, ~t!Je!mirrilftl>
mti.Jc l)oUCt of tlJt :n..o~t..
I~ !lnll tlJtp t8{l lotl!I IJtttoullC tbel'eatlnl>
fmllfl..aftcr tl)c IJOUllJolb Df ~ fatl}ml l'o1 me.
14 anlltl)etoton ttJteatUibt fdltlpOn~
:Rulers and officers Cha p.xxvij .xxviij. to ferue the l(ing. 154 -
l)<f cbilll~n or ]Craet, after tl)c 20 amongd)e d]llJnm of lfp!J1aim, l)orea

D numbtt ortl)c anttmt IJcaDJantl tl)cronofatma:in t1Je l)alfe tnbeatroohll!;)a,

captaineJ of tlJoUfanlls anD IJU"'
tl)cliing bp Diucri:;rourrc~ ul;tid:J
came mBUD 'OJmt out monttlJ bti monctlJ, d)o•
romout an t1Jcmonet1Jsor tl)e iem: BUD in cue.
rr rourCe 'OJerc tnJcntic ano Come d)ouranD.
21 llDfd)clJalfe ttibcof 91)anail"e tn c!3ikab,
1!DDod)cron or~ad'lari11:amongt1Jnnorl3cn,
iamin.')aaCid tlJc ronnc orabncr.
21 among tlJemofJ0an, .l!ltard tile ronnr of
]cro!Jam. ~err arc d)c 101bcJ oftl}c tn'bcfJ of
:a flDuer tl)c ftfll courfe ro1 ti.Jc ftrtt mone_tfl. 1fracl.
'CllU 1\afoboain tl)c ronnc or~abllid. anll in IJtfJ 2 3 l6ut Jeaum toolienot tlJcnumbrr or tbtm
counc 'OJ ere t'OJmtic anD roure tl)oufanll. bnllcr t\Dcntie iecrcs, ticcaurc tlJI! JLoJD faillc,l)c
3 an11 tIJe ctiiefell of an tl}ccaptaine• oftlJc moutD menace '.3\frad lihc tmto t)Jc aam• of
holfc foJ tl)c fint monctlJ, \llas of tlJCCIJilb~ of tl)e one.
1&1JateJ. 24 anll ]oab tlJe Connc of '.5aruia bcgannc to
4 tlDuertl)ecourrc ofd)rfrtonb monctlJ, 'OJ~S number: k bt1tbee finiOJeD it not, becaufc t)Jat r.Chro.11,
Jeollai an ~olJitc, enll in IJt~ conrrc '0Jal1 it}tc;• ttJere fell 'OJ.zatl) fo1 it againtt 1\frad, neitber 7·
lotlJ a ruler his helper: anll m l}tSS courre txJcte \llas~cnumbcrputinto t(JeGtl.nontctc11oniing
nDcntie enD fourc t(JoUfatl'b. . ltlBUtll.
s '4n)e c(Jicfc captetne of tlJc tlJRbe (Jotle of 2 5 !l!>ucr tlJc litngsi tnarums was armauetll
tlJe tl)irlle monet(J, 'OJaJ )5ana~a ~c Coone of]c, tlJt Conne of a Diel: anll oucr tf.Jc tnafurcis of tIJr
(JoiaDa tl)e IJig;i) l01itft, anD tn (Ji1Ho1trre uerc ficllls,in tile titicl!l.anD btllagcis.anD ran1ts:ma11
t'OJentie anll fourc tlJoufatl'b. '.llcl.Jonatl)an tl}e ronne of flD1ia.
6 ~lJiis tis tlJat l\anaia '111Jit~ '11~ moll 2 6 anb oucr t(Je 'nlo~hcmen in tIJc fiellll!I tlJat
mig;l)tp among tlJirtic,anll aboue tl)trne: lllll m tillcil tl)e grotmll, was e~rt t(Jc fonnc of Cltl)club.
lJiS part\llBS amitaball IJil!I Connc. 2 7 anll t(Je OUttfigl)t of tl)e binerarllS l)ab
7 ~IJe rourtlJ captainc fo~ d)c fourtlJ '110• ~cmci t(Je Jliamatl)ite: oucr tl)c mcrcalc atro of
ncth. toes aratJtl t1Jcb~Ot1Jcrof']Joab,anll ~tlla· t(Je bin£t1ar11s. anD oucr tl)e wmccclltris, was
baia IJil!I ronneancr IJim, anll in l}il!I courrc 'roltt ~ablli tiJC ~apl)onite. ·
t\llcntie anll wure tl)ounmn.
s ~e fiftlJ CllJltaine fo~ tlJc ftftlJ mone ,
:he 2 s an11 ouct t(Je oltue trees atl'b mulbcric
treestl)at\llmintl)eballctis. \1Jes13aaJ,anan
wa11 !Saml)ut tl)c ']lc~ra(Jite, anll in lJis co tlJe 15cDarite: anll oucr t(Jc trcarurc of oplc, was
were twentil! anll roure tl)oufanlJ. ·Joas.
9 ~(Jc ft)'.tt) captainc fo~ tl)e fin~ moncf), 2 9 flDucr tlJc O)'.cn tl)at fellllc in ~aron, \De~
was '.]lra tl}e ronne of ]lacs a ~ccmtc, anlnn S,etrai tlJc ~aronitc: ~ oucr tlJe orrn ti.Jet tom:
IJiJ courrc tocrc ttxJentie ano fourc tl)ouranil. in t(Jc ballctis, was ~aphat tlJc ronnc or ADiai.
10 ~e fruentl) raptainc fo~ tl)c ££Ucntt) \10• 30 1Dutt tl)c camcls,®bil t)Jc •Jlrm11cbtc: anb
netlJ, 'IDBS IJ:}elct t(Jc ~clonitc , of tl)c c(JilD~erof oucr tile affcs, was:s ']\cl)llcia tlJt g))cronotilitc.
~IJiaim, anll in l}iis courre 'OJm t\llcntte lilll 31 ©ucr d)c UJccpc, 'roaB ']a~c; tlle $agcritr.:
foure t(JoUfano. an tl)efe \llerc tlJc rulcrl!I of tl)e fllbtlancc of lliitt£
11 ~e ciglJt captaine fo: tlJt eigl)t ~one~, WauiD.
mas ~ibbecl}ai an $Ufat1Jite, of tl)e llmrclDf p anb 'jonat(Jan :WautDµ bncle, a man of
·illtiJi, anll in IJtS courre were t\l.'ltntte anll fore counrell anD ofbnllcntanomg, was a• fcrtbc.,IJe , a mon rear
tlJoutanll. anll '}.elliel tiJe ronnc of~atl)moniuas toitlJ tl)t ~~1 ~'.l ~co. 0

12 ~l)cnintl) captaine fo~ tlJC nintJJ tnond}, l!lini;JS fonms inflruding chem.
· ues abie~cr an anattJotlJite, of tlJt fonneii:it n ano ahitopl"!cl was of tlJelling~ counrru:
']\emint, \t tn l)ts courCctxJm twcntie anll fot."C art)Ufai t(JcaraclJite was tbt kings companion.
tl)ouranll. H ano nrn to a(Jttopl)el 'IDB!S ~cf.Joialla tile
13 -ai:;IJc tcntlJ captaine fo~ tlJc ttntlJ motteJ, ronnc o06anata, \t .l!lbtatlJat: ano tl)c captatne
mas S®atiarai tlJt ~ctop(Jatitc, of tl)c '51ll, 0€ t(Je Jltings \Darre mas '.]loab.
IJitcJ, an"b in IJiS courrc were t'rotntic anb fore The xxv i iJ'. Chapter.
14 ~e elcucntt) captaine fOJ tl)e eleuetl) 5 Bccaufc Dau id was forbidden co build rhe Temple,
monct(J, uaS J6attaia tlJt ~iratlJonitc, Of IC he willc1h Solomon and chc people to pcrformc ic,
cl)illlien of lfptliaim , anll m l)tl!I courfe m:e 8 cxhorcing him to !care che Lord.
twcntie anll fourc tl}ouranll. • ~D }i!)auill gat)Jcrell all tlJc lotllS
1 s ~e melftf:J captainc ro1 t(JetnJctrtf.J "' of']\f\"ad, tlJe loJD.G of tlJe tribe~,
nct:IJ, uas ll)elDai tl)e ~etoplJ!ltitc, of flDtlJonl, tlJe 1011>s of tlJt companit!S tlJat
anl> tu IJts courre \llcre t\llcnttc allb fourc tl)I• mintttreo to ttJe t.tng bp wurre, tlJt
tan11. captaincs oucr ttJc t(Jouranois,an11
16 Qnb tlJe rulers ouer tlJc tnbtl1 of ')rel oucr tlJe 1.Junll~tllS, anll ttJe lo~l'IS t{Jat IJaD tl)e
'lllcred:)cft: amon~ tl)c l!ittbcnites \llal1 lflicr oucrft(Jl}t oucr all ttJe fubllance an1>potrctrion of
t{Je ronnc or ·iiclJ~t: among ttic ~nneomtol• Wauill, ano of Ills ronncs. 'roitlJ tl)e Cf;lambcr·
ro. uas ~aplJBtl)ia t(Je ronne of S:WaacIJa. laincs.anll all tlJe mig;l)ttc anll baliant. anb au
11 among t(Je JLcuitcS,tl)afal.lia,ti,c ronrof ectiue mcn.bnt.o ''crUCalcm.
Gtcmuel: among t(Jc aaronitcs,~alloc. i ~nll titing J0auiD 1toob bp bptin IJis ftete,
18 among t(Jcm of '.]\Ulla, 4flil1u, of tl)ee• anlJ ra1D, '~are me, mp blcCIJitn anll mp people, •• , h• 11Q1D
ttnen of~autll: among t(Jem of'.]lffacl)ar, ni- '.) IJab'" mtnc heart to btulll an boure or rcll ro1 ~~.:~~'i:"'
n ti)£ rom1e of il@ic(JacL tile gforft~ ~~ 4:fouen!nt or tl)c JL.010, anll roi ~:."r~t.~:~.
19 among tlJem or ~abulon, 1cCmaitfJ~ tl)e• o~l'~o~"'o our'IVoll,anD~alJma"bc rcaoi ~~'!himr!A·
fontw or i!l)babia : amon~ tlJcm of ~epl)t:lt. f01 tlJc btnlbang. , sani 7
1mmotl)tl)efonneora~td. 3 *J5utl5obCatllebntomtt.~ou!IJaltnot 1;. · ·
I ~~I
Dauids exhortation for I.Chron. building the T cm pl e.
tmll> an l)ouCc foi mr name, becaufc tl}ou l}aft 1J11nl> of tl)c JLoin:mIJtctJ mane me tnl>ml:lnb au
bene a man of\tlarre, aUD 1Jaft 11.Jcll bloot1. U,c \tloikmanOJip efU,cpatmu.
4 ~o,couer, t1Jc)l,o,bcll$0l>of')lrtael~oft 20 anl> Jeau1t1 rarl> to ~olomDnl}issconne,
me bcfoic all tfJC fJoufc of mr fatlJcr,to belling o' l3e arong, anti of goon comage, ann 1:10 manfUI,
uer '.J]frad foi cucr : fo~ in')luba moull> l)e ~urc lp: feare not, no1 be faint 1Jcatttl>, fot tl)e )l,o,br
a captatnc, anb of t1Jc1Jou11Jolbc of ']Ubatsstl)e ©ol>,cucnmr <l3ol>,t1!1\11it:I) tllee,11n1:1 l}e tlJall not
{Jou re of mr fat1Jer,an1:1 among tlJC ronn~• ofmr fatlc t:lJee, noi fo~fake t:l)ec, bnttll tl:}ou l}an rtni,
rat11cr1Jc1Ja1Jaluatome, tomahtmekmgoun llJeb all tIJc mo~l!c tt.JatmullCcruefoHIJclJourc
au~rracl. ofU,eJLotl>. .
sap·M· 5 * .anl> of all mr ronnc• (fo; tfJt JL~l> l)atlJ 21 :l6e1Joltl, tl}e ~iie!IOntJ JLeuitcss arc niui,
gjucn me manr ronness) l}ec batl} dJofen ~olo' bcb in companie•, fot all maner or ceruice t(Jat
mon mp fot111e, to flt tipon tf]e reateftl.1e bing• pcrtainctl:J to tt.Jc l}oure of <11501:1 , tl)ey are toitlJ
Dome of tf]e JLo,tl in ']'fad. t:lJec fot all mancr Of\tlothtnanJIJip,anb re arc all
6 .ann l}c rarll tlnto me,~olomon tlJr fonnc (;IJat creel in totrel:lome toi anr maner offcruin,
be OJ all builll me au IJoufe ~ courtis : ] IJaue d:)o• tl)ou l}alt alfo tfJewincess ~all tfJe people bJl}oDr
rcn {Jim to be mr ronne,antl 91 bJlll be 1.Jt• ~er. at tl)r commannement.
7 'JI 'Q'JtlUlabliftJIJtisktngt10tne fo1 euer, lfl}e , The xxix:. Chapter.
mill be arong to Doe mr commanbcmentss anti
mplatoe•, ass irgoech tt.Ji•Zlap. 2 The offer· gof Dauid, and of the princes, forche
8 ~Oto t1Jcrcfo1c, intlJe figlJt of all '.]Jfrlll'l, building f the Temple.
tllc <ltongregation of ttJe JLoil>, anll tn tfJe aUbi• ~~ ~ZI :eauitl tt.Jc lling farb tlnto an :
cmc of our 000. hcepc anb fel'fie fo1 au ttJe com• a1:A~'~''"'.... tlJe Grongrcgatton,<13ob l)atl)fpe~ ;
m1mnemcnts of tl)e )L,ofO pour 0oll,t1Jat re 1nar allr. cl}orm ~olomon ~ mr ronne, II oihm '
cniop a goob lanll, ~ lcaue inl}l'titance fo, pour ~~~t\DIJtelJ IS petpoong anb tmbet,anll roadc,mim ..
r::f;ilOtell afC:Ct fOU fO~ l'Ul't. -e: tfJC \DOifte iS5 gmtt : fOJ ti.JC l)OUfC only Ci !:
r.s1111.1 7. 9 *ann t))ou~olomonmpfonnc, Jmo\D 01a notbcfo1man,butfott1JeJL01l>ll!Jol>.
7.pc1'.1.1 a t{Jou (;IJc ©otl of till? fatt.Jcr, aun reruc l}im wit(J Slt)o~eoun:, '.Jl l)aue p~epare11 \DitfJ an mv
•m,i 7.i, a pure l)cart, anll \DitlJ a \DillingminDc: foi tf1e t 1'tfo1 tlJcl)oufe ofmrc3oll, gollle, fo~ bctrels .
!Lo~l> rcarcljetl} alll]eart•.anb 1mt1crfl:anDctlJ all o golb,iluer,fo: t1Jen:-0Hiluer,b1alfe,fo1 tl)in~ •:
tl)e imaginattonss or tl)ouglJt•: anl> if tfJou fl'eke !acre, rion, foJ tl)m«.15 ofnon, ann \Doot1 ro~ 1

uim,{Je will be founl> of tlJee: but if tl}ou fo1ra11e ~of 'llloob, ann ©ni~ llones, anD fl:one• to /~
!Jim, Ile 'lllill caa tl)er off fot euer. b t, ~ gliftertng!loncss, anl> of1>iuers colour~, iSomercid, ~
1o 'cr:akc l]crll no to, foi tt.Jc JL01t1 {JatlJ dJofen anl au man er of PJl'tioms ftoneS5, an1> marble carbuodc .
tf)cctobuill> l)iman boUfeofa~anctuarr: be llotcssmgrcatabunbance. llone•. .:
aron,~ tiJcrefo~c. anb ptar tt.Je man. !lnb becaure '.Ji l}auc IU1lto d;Je l)oufcormr ;.
11 ano wauttl gaue ~olomon l)is ronnc tfJe ll!Jl!I. 'JI 1Jaue of mine o\Dnt p:opcr gootl, ofgolbc :
µat~ne of tiJc poJc:lJ, ~of t}Je l)oufcll t11at1ongeZ1 at11 mucr, 'mfJiclJ 'Jl IJauc g1uen to tl}c l]oufcof ··
tgctcto, or t))e ftoJe tJourcs, llpper c:l}ambttS5, in, mflJoD , beube an tl,Jat 'JI l)auc p,cparcn fo.z tl}c
netpatlcrs, anb of tlJc l)oufe of ttJe mercv reat: l)op l)oUfc,
n !anll tl)e e~mnplc or all tfJat bee l)atl in IJiis <fucntiJ:ec tlJouranl> talcntl1 or!JOTb or©·
minlle, fo~ tiJc courtis ortqc l)oure of ttJe )l,01n, plJ , anti reucn tl}ouranb talents of tricl> uluer,
ano fo~ au tl:}c cetles rouno about, foi tlJe trea, to mar tt.Je \Dalles of tt.Jc IJourc 'lllitl,lall.
rutcs or tlJC l)oufe of 11301> , anb fo~ tl)c trcafurc• ~e golll.foJ tt.Jingss of golb,filucr fo: tbcm :-.:
oftl)e llcllirate tlJingis: of uer, ~rot all maner oftoo:lie br tt.Je (Janl>S .
13 ~oi tl)c niuifionis of tbe ~~ictlis anl> :u, of 'ticcu : anll ml.Jofocuer is• milhng, map •
uitts tilat maitctJ hr courrc,anl> fozal the \1.'1011!, t1J nar bconrecrate lJiSSIJanb bnto tltc JL01t1.
manllJtp tl)at ftJDUID rcruc foi tlJe.l)outc oftlle .a11nrot1,Jcamientfat1Jcrss,an1>t(Jelo~ll•of =~~'= ~~
JLo~il, anb fo~ all tl)c llelfcl.£S tl)atOJoull> rcruc in tlJ ·be.a of]frael, d.Je captaine• of tl)0Ufan1>.£S, 1°:.=:' r:
tl)c {Joufc oftl)c JL,01ti: at 1Junl>1en•, toitb tlJe loJtl.15 tlJat\llcrerulcrS5 ~~·oii.,,
14 1]'o~ golll,ano CO? tl)c meigl}t ofgoltJ,fo; au o t:IJc 1tfn«.15 toOJltl',\Dcrc milling: ~'"""
bcffel.£S offunn~~ miniaration•, fo~ au manct of 9nll gauc fo: ttJe rcruicc or ti.le 1.Jourc of ~r::i- ,
\Jeffel• Off!IUl'r In \tleigl)t, (t fD: all bCCTelS\DlJat, <3 ,ftuctfJOUfanb talent!S Of gol1>,anl> ttn tlJOU, •fl~•LllU.
rocucr purpofl' tt.Jcti tl:rueb imto : fa p1tccJ5 ofgolc!c, anll ten tl}oufanll talent.a of .
1 5 ~e meigl)t or goltlc foHlJe canllielticJt•. fil , ann cigl)trcnc t1Jourant1 talmt.15 ofbtafl'r, <
ann tl)e goll>e fo: tlJciTlampS, lllitll tl:Jc \tll'igbt amne lJUntlzcb tlJoUfanl> talcnt1 ornon.
ro~ cucrp canblelticke..anl> foJ t(Je lamp• tl:}ereof. anb tfJtF mitl) \Dllom p1cciou11tonrs blm

ann fo~ tl)e canl>lelhr::k• of Uluer bpmci~t, botl} rof, gaue tl)C1n to tl)c trearurc oftl}c l:Joufc of '·.
ttoittbe '!llltlleftir::k (t alro foJ l}er latnpS5,acco1bing t1J. oztl br t:l)e (Jann of'.J!e:IJtd d)£ ~monm. ~..-
o .,cl:lmerntreftl)cbfeofcmrpcanblefttmr. 1 anti tl:}e lJCOplc morcen \DIJcnt)Jep\tlm :~
goll>ef.o~tl:}eta• ~~Hing to i;puct1Jeirgoot1s, i:t\tlttlJapnfcct
bl~i! Ofanl:lbp\Dcigbt(l}ergam)
llJe\D b~Catl.(uen fOJ cucrp table,anD liDC• l}C t:IJep offreb \Dlllin!Jlp to t:IJC Jl,OJll,aUD ~11•
lllttc ftlucr fo~ tl}e tables of ftlucr: ut efftng rtiopctlJ \DitlJ great !Jfabncffe•
. 7 9.nll purr goll> roi tl)c flel1Jl)oo1t.a,cup1,anl:I
ant1 JNt1iD ble1Teb tl}e JLo~D befo~caD tJJc ·~,
ll~mhmg po tis : allb pure !JOllle in \lJCi!Jl}t fW ba 0 eJ:ation, anb fapll, ~ldl'Cb be tl}oU :l.o~b •1 ·t
ron•, men foi cuerp bacon : anti lihe\Difr £ilner ~ ]Cract.our fatl)cr, foJ mer 111111 mer. ~!.
up 1lllctglJt,
8 ro~ euerp baron ofCtluer. i~ne.f!!> lL~b, i.15 grcatneirr. anD po\tler, 1J. :
. anl:lfo~ tl)e attar of tncmfeputc golllebp !JID r~to~p, a~J>p~aife: foJalld)atiStnlJea• ~
\Dcigbt:. anl:I goll:lfoHl)e pacernc of ttJc a,arct of uc tn cartlJ u1 tlJinc, anti tlJinc t• tlJP lltng• ~~
tl}c lltl}erubmus tl)aUtnta)eD out t!Jeit \Dinp, bo )L,OJD,anD tl}ou c~cellelt alloUC an.curn "~".
(t co ue:rctl t}Jearlle oftl)e coucnant of t(Je i..o~D. ais IJeaD ofan. -:
1 9 QUhefayd'maBmtummeb\!'l:Dittin;oftl)r dlnDrtd)es, 81111(Jonourcomeoft1Ju, ann \._
- - 1 " 1------"'---~~=-:.~..:.___c."-'----'---'---=--:==:.=.:::::..=.::=:::::;:::01:.tr1_ __.1>,;~
,;. ;-....--------d'M-----~-=-=·:::;;;;;;;;==:==-:::: ======-----------------~~'----- h
)auids prayer. Chap.j. Solomon crovvned. 1 55

ti.Jou rrigJtell ouer all,anb in tbine tJanb tss po\ll• 21 ann tlJCF o&rell oflmup bnto tlJe llo?tr
er anll ~. 111111 in ti.line IJanbe it: iss t:o anake anll on tlJe mo1ro\ll after tlJe fatl:l llap,tlJey ofltcn
~eat,anD to gtue flrmatlJ bnto au. 'IDIJolt burnt otrertngs tmto tIJe JL,01b , cuen a
, 3 Qrlll llO\Dt our ~ob, \Dee t:l.Janke ti.Jet, anll CIJoUfanb pong o~, a tlJoufanll rammc•,anll a
p~ife tbt' glo1tou15 ~ame. C(JoUfanll llJerpc, \llttfJ tf)eir ll;?infle offringss, ma•
14 '5ut ttlbo am '.JI , anb b>l)at ii'!! 1'lF people, nr fac.nrtce• oflirell tlJCF fo~ all j] frael,
t114tueeOJ0Ulbbee able to glue tl)iktlJt~fo 2. 2 anti Dib cate anll t11infie bef01e tfJc )L,0111
'tlltuingll:' :'but: all tlJingss rome or t:IJtt, anb of tlJe fame bap \DitlJ great glallnctre, \i tlJep tuallc
tlJaC l:Dblc(J \\le recctuell at tlJine IJanll. \l>te IJaue ~olomon tlJC Connc Of ~aUill llting tlJt fei:om1
giuen tl)ee. . nme, anb anomtell (Jtm J01ince befo1c t11e )Lo~l:I,
1 s fo: mee bee but aranger15ber01e d]ee anb anb '.Jaboi: to be tlJe l)t(tl) J0#cll.
fotourntriJ, ass mere all our fat1Jttl5: *our 11apeiJ 23 :lnll ~ol~mon fate on tlJe feat of tl}clL01b.
on d]c eartl) ano are but ass afbabo\De, anti d]ere anl> 'tlla• llling m fteat> or ~auill lJi.B fatl}er, anll
tss none abtbing. p~ofpttell: anll an ttJcp of'.]Jfradobeyell IJtm.
16 © )L,01ll our <1!5ob, an d:Jis au& tlJat \»et 24 anun ti.Jc lolb.B, anlHuenofpo\\ler,anll
f)aue p1eparell to butlll tlJte antJoUft eoi tfJl:'IJolF all tlJc fonne!S of f!tfng ~auit>, Cubm1ttell tlJCtlt'
~ame,commetlJ of t1Jine1Janb.anll ~an tlJint. felue15,anll bl ere bnller f!ting ~Olomon.
17 1 mote alfo, 1np <3ob, ti.Jou t11ct1 ti.le .2.s ~nll tf)e '.ll.01ll magnifiell ~olomon in llii'
~~rts, anll bnfainnnetrr: a~ n~ne. mtlJ~ figlJt o~ all tlJem of]frael,anl:I gaue
~ . 1n tlJe tmratncllnetre of nune l)eart, 1 a,auc uni• mm r~ glo11oussa lnngllome, a~ 110 Jiing I}all be•
ltnglp olfercll all tlJeft tlJingJS: anb no'\l l}aue 1 ro1c 1J1m m 'jjfraeI.
It· feene tlJp people \lllJtc(J are rounlle IJere t:o offer 26 *9nll Co Wauibtl}cConneof'.]jfaircigucb 3.Kingu.
bnto tl}ce mtllinglp,anb \DttlJ glallnetre. oucrall']Jfrael. u.
~ , s © '.ll.01ll <3oll oHlb18f.Jam, '.Jfal}ac, rnll or 2 7 anll ~c fpace tl)at IJc rcigncll oun: '.J;fracl,
~:~tfnUt 1]frael our fatlJtfl'!!,' Jmpe tlJiS ro1 euerin tt..e be• ~a.B rourtte rem!'!!.: ~cucn 1•cerr.B rri1Jnell 1Jce
~~~~~·:. nre or tlJe t1.1oug1Jt- of tlJe IJeart or tlW prom, '"'eb1on. anll t1J1rt1eam tl)~rcpccreneignel:I
~:c-:r. anll wepare ttJeir IJeartis unto t1Jee. I.Jc ml!'unlfalem.
~t 19 gm gtue unto ~otomon mp ronne a Pll"• . 28 anti I.Jee llicb in a goollagc, run or bapcis.
:i..1 rectIJeart, to keepe ttw €ommanllemmtlJ~ ndJe.B anll lJonour: anll ~olomon IJil'!! ron rcig·
l:t tectimonte~ , anb d:Jr ftatuteis, anti to bOe a IUll in IJilS fteall.
t::i. anll butlll tlJe l}oUft fo1 ttJe 'lll(Jicl:J jl (Jaue 2 9 '4Clje ac~ or Waui11 tl}e l!ling firtl anlllall.

.c p1011mon. 1. bctiolll, tlJcy are '1.11ittm tn tl}e boo fie of ~amu;

20 anti wautll faib to all d;Je Gtongregatio1, el tlJc ~cer, ~nll in tiJc bookc of bJaatlJan tl}c ~1 ~~:b~~··"
~ o'tll blctre tlJe )L,01t1 pour <3oll.anll au tl}e €01• J010PIJCt,Snll tn tl}e boofie Of ~all tlJe ~ecr, an•<'•• arc
.-... 11regation bletrcll tl}e '.ll.OJll <5oll oftl)eir fat1Jeu,
anll bob.1cl1 Do\l111c ttJeirlJealll'!!, anll \\'1010JJPPll
3° 119itl)all 1Jil5 litngl:lomc, anll po\\lcr, anll P"'"''1·
ttmess \lieut ouer (Jim, anll oucr an '.]Jrraet,
tl]e ll..01ll,anll tlJe Jiing. anll oner an tl}e kingllome15 oftiJecartl),
The end of the firfl: booke othc Chronlclcs;.or Paralipomrnon.

~'. .
~ -~~~~~~~·
~- • ~~~~ ~ \I ~ : ~~~~~}8~~
_:_::........:..:......0.....- . ~~ ·•· ~ ~~~~""~~I~

~~ The fecond Bo>keofthe Chronicles,

\ivhi ch in the Hebe\iv is one '1Vith the firfi.

Exod. :iS.t,
: Solomons petition .Prou1f1ol1 I I. Chron. for the Ten1ple.
. 9 ~om tl)crcro1e, © JL,oJll 0ot'!, let tire PJO• 'IDl)m tl)at l)caum, 'l)eaucn abouc au IJcaums
! mtrc, 'alijiclJ tl)ou manetl bntoJl'auill ~ fatl)er, is not able to metue IJlin, 'all}atam '.31 tl)tn., tlJat
,.King.i. bcctruc: *fo: t11ou )Jatl mallemttll1n1. ouua 11Jou111 btttlllc IJim an l)ouret nap, btlt eumto
• 1. people wl)tclJ tsltfle t(Jclluft of tl}u!lftlJ m mul• bume racrffiu bero~l)ini tballthis building be.
titulle 7 ;51mll meeno\ll tl)mfo~e amnniUI man
l '•P·M· 10 ; IJ'!Jiuc me no'ID \llifellom anll Jmo"a:lltb!Je, tlJat mn \lloiflein 10111e,an11 muu, tu b~atrc,anll
;0!?,~:.~.~·· tl)at '.Ji mar be ablcto • QO in anti. out bcfo~e tl)~s tron.,i~ purple, ~on., b pcllo\ll Qlfle, anti tl)at b il111<r
v••vl•· people : ro~ 'WI.JO d.U can 1un1e tlJtJS people tl)at 115 tan filtl to Bfauc \ll1tl) tf.)c mnnin!J men tl)at arc ~~~~r •
'mitl)1nenn'.]lu1laan11'terurakm, \lll)om~a·
ro{Jfrat1 ·
1 1 .an1> $ob faille to ~olomon,'.l5ccl1Ufe tl)ts uitl mp fatl;let llitl picpare.
was in tl)tnc l)cart, ~nil bccaure ttJou l)at1 not s ;51mll meealfo unartrtcs,pinctnes,ann
afflclJ marurc, an'll ticl)cs, no~ l)onour, no1 tl)c ' a~me trees out of :Lib anon: fo~ '] \llotc ttJat • Iii'"'
b ~botlr,IO bltUCjSOrtl]Jn~Cnetnics,neitl)tf{'etlOUllifl\btlt tltpferuant,f can rfltUtO l)C\lle timber in )L.iba• llf•lbia(
~: ~'::~~.~:;, tJaft afhclJ toifetlomanb tmo\lllellge tin tiJl! Cdfe, non: anll bcl)ollle, mp mrn llJalbe toitl) tlJine,
ij to iut1~e mppeople,ouu \lll)om '.JI l]aue malle 9 ~l:JatttJer•narJ!Jcparemetimberpnou~:
tl)ee Iam11: fOJ tl)c l)oure \DIJtclJ 1 am lletenninc'll to bUill>e,
1 2 ll9tre1>omc anti finomltll~ iss 1rsntcn bn• llJall be 'alonbtrfull great.
to tl)ee,anb '.]l 'al'l !J(ue tl)ce tnalUrc,anD ric1Je15, 1 o gnll bri]oll>, foJ ttJe bee of ti.Jr_Ceruantss tfJe
anJJ gtoir: ro d,Jat amon1 tl;Je llin115 tl;Jat l)auc cutter~ an~ IJe'alrrs of timber, J l)aue (Jium .
ucnc beroJe tl;Jee, o, am u,ee, none mass 01 flJaH t"a:lcntte t11>ufanlle mcarurei3 of beaten \lll)catc, I
be lifie tl)ee. anll tnmtte ttJouranll of barlep, anll
1 3 anti ro ~olomon came Crom tl)c l)i!JIJ place t'alcnttedJourantl 28attess of mtne, anti tbJcntie
t:l)at mass at e5tbcon, to l)imlf'alem, Crom tl)e ti) out ti ~attess of ortc.
~abcrnatlc of t:l)e €on1regation,al1ll rtigne'll o• 11 nt1 'tram tl)c mng of ~r:e attn»creb in
ucr ')'.frad. 'm~i !J, \lllJicb l)ce rent to ~olomon., l6ccaure
~.King.10. 14 * 'Anb ~otomon gatl)ercl> a,arecss, ant> • · OJblJatl) 1oucllbii3 people, tl)crefo~c IJatlJ
2 s. l:Jo~femm: anti l)e IJatl a tlJaufanb anti foure f)Un• IJc aDc tl;Jcc lling ouer flJt1n.
t1~r1:1 cl]antJS, anti tlllduc tl)oufanlle l)o~fttmn, 2 !Ann l)iram faibc mo~eouer,28le1Tell be tlJc

wIJom l)c bellotoetl in tl)e cl]aret citiess,anll mitlJ Jloi'll ~ob of '.]lrrael, "a:ll)t'I) malJe l.)cauen anti
t}Je laing at ~icrufalem. PUl.Mt ti)at l]atl) (Jiucn ~auill tlJe fling a tllife
; .King. 1 o, 1 5 * 'An'll tfJe Bini mallc filucr l1n'll gotbcat Ci~1c, anti one tlJat l)atlJ llircrction, p~u'llenu..
26. ~icrufalcm, ass plenteous ass nones, ann Gtet1ar a tmllcrtlant1ing, to buillJe an l)oure fo~ tiJe
ttccsmanel)ecassptentic ass tl.)c mulberiettcelS l- ll,anbapalacefo1l)ismngt1omc.
tl]at gro'm in tl)e baltep15, 3 !ann none] l)auc rent a \llife man, an'll a
16 atro~olomonlJalll)o~fess b~oug(Jt out of m ofbntlertlanbtng, mi,ommpfatl)erl.)iram .~
lfgrpt,anll ~nc ~innen: tlJcfii.nruimard;)antstc- billfc: ::
muetl tl)c fint lmncn fo1 a p1tce. ~4 'Gr.lJe ronnc ofa \llomsn of tfJc d llaugi)tcr~ 41J:llll :
17 ~et: came alfo,' b1oug1Jt out of «egrpt.a of an. anll IJis fatl)~ \\'la.Ba man of~ne, anlJ :':111.t :2
,l)arrt foi ore l)unll1ct1 pieces of nlucr, eum an l)e nffnll to wo11ie in .!JOllJ,anlJ Ciluer,in b1a1Tc, :=.rl: ·
1101rc ro~ an l)unllicll anb firtie: al1ll Co bJollilJt a iron,in llonr,antl ttmber,inpurp1e,an11 rea' ~
ttJcphorfcsfo1a1ltl)cJlin!l15 of~c..,etl:JitelS,an'll lo eUllie, an1Jfinc'ID1Jitr,an1:1,rimron, anlJcan ir11~.,:i ~.
ro1tl.)c1tin115 of ~m1a, bl! tl.)e1r olllne lJ&nb. It te fUnllJl! mancr of grauings, anll to linlJc ~ 11•~
o iuers mancrs ofCUbttle \llo1hc tl)at 11.Jall be
retrro.iel)im. \llitfJtlJprunningmen.,anb\Diti, ::,~ :
3 Solomon fcndeth to Hiram the King ofTyrus for t~unniU!Jmcn ofmp IOJll ~auitl tlJF fatlJrr. ~ ~~ '.
wood and wod1cmcn. ~O\DC tl)mfOJC, tlJC \Dl)eatc, anll batl.CF, """' .' .
~'II ~olomon tictmnineb to buillJ ov ann mine, ml)id;) mr to11:11Jat1J fpollenof,lrt
f !l'AJ , an l)ourc fo~ tl)e tl~ or tl)e )L.01t1, l)t fcnlJ bnto l)is reruants: 0
'l3£:. anb8n1JoUCtto11J1smn1nome. anb tuee mill cut \\Joot1 in :4,ibmton, a~ ....:·
•• .• : ~ ~n'll ~otomon toln out t1J1er• 1 11 ass tl)ou fhalt nerlle, anti toill b,in!l it co ;··:
• Cco1u ten thoufanll men to bcare t in ftotes bp fea to ]aplJo,ftom \lll}enu tl)ou <:.-
ourocms, anll fourcrco1c tl)oufan'll men to IJe\lle 1 ell carp tbem to l}teruralem. '~ ~
~.~: !~1~~:;, nones tn tl)c mountatne. anb • tlJ~e d)oufant1c anll ~olomon numb,ctl an tl)e lfan(Jrr~ ,~,
'ft~11,'~~",,~1~ 1 • B11l>liJ'el)UnbJCl>tOOl1Crfeetl)mt. . t \lltreintlJclanl>Of'.)ftad, after tl)e num' ._~
U(l(rm. 3 .. anJJ~oloinonfent to $fram tlJtllltng b ftl)cm U!bom IJis fatl]er Jl'SuilJballnum' >
l· Reg. i.1. of ~rie, raran!J, 21S5 t1Jou llill'lleltbcale \llitlJ Jea' bJ anll tIJep Uim founlJ an l}un1J1e1J,(iftie, anlJ :;
uio m11 fatl'lcr, anb lli'lltlell fcnb IJt~ Ccbar toooll t1touran11. anlJ 1Jun1J1e1J.
to.butUJel)im an l]ourctob\llcll ln, eucnfodcalc an11l)cefettl)1eerco,cant1 tmtlJOUfsnllto
With me. b bur1>mis.anll fourerc:oic ttJoUCanll to IJt\Dr
..... 4 l5el)ol1>, 1 bUilll an l}oufc roJ tlJe fl~ of is in tf:Jt mo1mtainc, tJ th1ec t1:1oufa11ll anti
~.,e Jl.,oib m11111501>,to otfu tmto 1}1ml)Olp tl)1ngit. C'i un11,eD i>fficcr5) to frt tl)e pcopleatoo1br.
anb to b1:1ttte f'mtettnccnCe,anb to fct Oic\D bJta'll h
btf.o~e 1J1m tonttnuaur, to olfer\lll)olc bumtfa• T c iij. Chapter.
atl'ittR!Oftl)tmomtnu @t11cntU1 ond)e~· T~mplc of t~C Lord, and theporchattbuiJ.
botl)t bll'l'tRI, intl)uttllb8l' or currine\D mDDUt, • wu:h other th1nguhercto belonging. '·
anll. n tllHottmne ftatleisof tl}c l.OJb om 1801>: · ~ti ~olo1non began to blltllletlJc • mtflt•)''-
foi tt llS an OJbinance to bee «1nttnuaUp fsqlt of ~lOUfe of ti)t JL0111 at IJicrufalem :=.~';1.:
]lrrael. 1 m mount• giJoita, \Dben tlJc :t.01t1 ~!':.~~~; \
~ ~n~ tiJelJourt b:llJidJ 1 builb nialbe gnat: appeare11 bnto •auibl11'~tl1tr,l» ~.·~10;-ti,. :\:
fo~grcat1isout C!l5ob,aboueaunot1ir. uentntbtplatc ..,a·-'"Uibp ., ·
t5 2l3Ut'o>"o1"'nbl"tobw"b
•1 ,, ..
.... h,·m-i.oufi"".
" .. ., .... ., .,
..-· . w1 · - lll'8' n..
elt),1.. ..,,1U!:JllOO~O'llill>,1nanf1)eblditt. ''
===----------------t----------!.:a~a•!.!!•D!!_1__ f'
The Temple, vvich Chap.iiij. hisveffelsrnade. 156
2 anD lJC bspn to buiUJ in tlJc fcconll llap of 3 anll llnber it mas tlJc faOJion or o:ren. ml}iclJ
t11e reconD monetl1, tlJe fourtlJ rm oU:Ji~ mgne. bib compa{fe it rounlle about :mttlJ ten cubttcss
3 anD tlJcfc are tlJe patcrne~ ml)erebp !J!j.)O• bib tlJep compatre tfJe lauato~te rounlle about,
lomon Ula~ intlrurt to bllillJe ti.JC IJOUfe Of <JISoD: anD tIJcre \\lere t\llo romes ofo:rm, tolJiCIJ \llm 1 1

tlJe JengtlJ ma~ t1J:e.er1mc rnbite~. otter t1Jeolllc cafl lilie molten \\lOJfle. i
mesftrre..anD tl;Je bJClllltlJ t\tlentie cubite~. 4 !tlnb it tloOtJ alfo bpon t\Delue oren : time .
4 anll tl)e po~ctJ dlat lDS!;S befO~C tlJC lcn(JtlJ lool!Cb towarne tl)e JaoitlJ , tf.J:ce tomarb tIJe.
in tfJe front , 11cco:lling to tl)e b~ealltlJ oC tlJC 110Ctl, tlJ~cc to1llarb tIJe $@outlJ , anb tl)~e.e to' I
1Jou!e.\llal$ t\tlcntie mbitcl$,anll tlJe IJcigl:Jt \llal$ 'tllarbt tIJe ~all, anb tlJc lauato~ie 'alajS ftt llpon
anlJunl)Jeb anll t\llcntic cubit!S: an111Jc ouerlatill tlJem; allb all tl)eir bacliess \lJcrc to'Wattl tl}e la• 1

it on tlJc inner One mitl) pure goll>c. uatoite.

5 an11 tlJe ~cater l)oufe l,Jec Clefcll roitlJ firre s 2nl:J tl)e tlJitlienelfe om, \lJa!S an (Janll
tree,1lll)lclJ l)c ouerlafll mitl,J t{lc be~ goloc, anb b~eab~, anb tl)e b~immc like tf)e b~imme of a
graucb tl,Jcreto palmc tree!$, anb c1Jamc13. cup, 'tllitlJ ftomer~ of ltlies, anD it ren:tuctl anD
6 9nll lJe oucrlapllc tlJe (Joufe \lJitlJ p:cctou)'S l)do tlJ~ce t(Joufa11?1 '5attes.
flone beautifullp : ann tl)e «ollle ma~ gollle of 6 anD l)ec mane ten Ian eris, \I put &ue on tf;le
19anmim. rtgl)t (Janl:J,anD fiue on t}Jc left, to \llafiJ \I cleanre
7 ~£ IJoUfe, 1fav ,tlJe beamc~.poal$, \lJallc)'S, in tlJcm ru~ tlJings a~ tlJep offercb fo~ a \lJ(Jole
8nll llOOJ£13 tlJcreoC, auerlapb l)e mitlJ g;olbe,anb burnt offmng: but ttJc great lauatozte \lla,I! ro:
grauell <[lJerubtmss on tl]e mane~. tlJc 10*1?c~ to maOJ tn. ·
8 9.nb IJrc mabc tlJe (Joufc moa {Jolp: \lJ{Jofe 7 . an1:1 (Jc maneten t:anllleitickess of goln, ac•
tcngtlJ \lla~ t\lJentie cubttes, like to tlJt b:tabtl) coJllmg to t}Jc paterne ttJat mas gium or t{Jem,
of ti_Jc (Joufe.. anll tlJe biealltll t{Jcr~of 1'Ua13 lllf0 anl:Jputtf}emintl)c ~cmplc, flue on tlJertg{Jt
t\1lentie mbitcl3: anb (Jee ouerlaplJe it \1ltt~ goon l]anb,anb ftue on ttJc left.
gollJ,mcn mitlJ fi,re l)unll:e11 talent~. s anMJce1nabeaffo tcnric tables, anb put
9 ann tfJc weiglJt of tlJe nail cs ofgolllc \lJas t{Jcmin tl)e-aremple, flue on tlJc tigl)tnnc, anll
fiftie Cicie~: ann IJc ouerlaFll t{Jc bpper cl}amber~ flue on tfJe left: anb l)e mal>e an l)unll~eb bafottl'5
\\litlJ goU1e. ofgolbe.
1 a ftno in tlJe goufe moll l)olp, {Jee mane two 9 9nb {Je mallc tf)e court of tl)e ~~iclfs, anb
([~crubim~ of image \l:Jo~lie, lilic c(Jiln~ctt, anll tbc great court, am11>oo~cs to it, an!J ouertapR
ouerlarn t(Jem \1litlJ goloe. t(Jel>oo:es oft(JemlDitlJ b~alfe.
11 !tlnD tlJt tuin~ of tlJc <ltl]erubim~ \lJere . r a anl> l)c ftt tlJe greatlauato#c on tl)ci'tgl)t
t\1lentie cubiteSi ton!J: tlJe one 'Wing \lla~ fiuc CU• ftllcoftl)e <fall enbe, oucr againtl tl)c ~outlJ,
bite~. reac(Jing to tlJe \llall of tl)c lJoufe : ar.::i me 1 r am1 'iram mane pots, OJouclss, \l bafon1,
otlJcr\llin~\lJa.1! lillc\lltfc fiue cubitcl:i, rcaclJing anl> finiOJCll tl}c mozlie tl)at l)c was appointell to r
to tl)e\\littg oft(Je otl)cr (Jt{Jcrub. mafit foz i!ting ~olomon in tlJc l)ourc of 0oll.
12 .ann euenfotlJc onelDingof ttJcotIJcr ~c, 12 ~{Jc two pillar.I!, ano tlJe bomles, ann die
rub \lJa~ fiue cubttc~reac(Jin~ to tiJc \\lall of ttle pommel!) on tl)e toppc of tl)c t\Do pillar~, anb 1
~~ (JouCe: ano t(Je ot(Jcr 'tlling ma~ fiue mbit.I! &lfo, ttJc t'roo to~eatlJI to coucr tl)e t\llo bomk.I! of tlJe
"' anll reac(Jen to tlJc wing of tbc ot(Jcr ~crub. pommcl.B,\\'J(Jict) \\lm on tlJc top of tl)e pillar~, 1
~ 13 ~ot(Jatt{JcwingSi oftlJcfai!J ~mwim.I! 13 gnll foure l)tmD~en pomegranatcSi on tlJe i
~~ \1lel'C tlretclJtil out t\l1mt1e cubites : anll tlJcp t\tlo \lJ~catl)ess: t\llo romcSi of pomegranatcSi on I
••' aooiJ on tl)eir fcetc, ann lo oil ell in\tlarDs. one 1ll~cattJe, to couer tlJc t\llo bomies of tl)e
-.~1i.s7, 14 *.anD IJcc mane a fo:ct:Janging ofll rcalo1ll pommels.
~ Qlke, purple, crimfon, ann fine mIJite, anti cau, 14 anD (Jee ma lie tmo bottomcis, anl:I Iauerss
~~.vivlei feb tl)e ptctutel3 of ~IJcrttbim.I! to bee b,onercti mabel)cbpontl)cbottomc~.
~flllr· tl)ercon. • 5 ~(Jc great lauato: ic, anD t'al tluc oren 1ll1•
1. ss.21. 15 .ann !Jc malle befo1et1Je t)ourc *t'Wo pillar~ ncrit.
· oftlJirtie anb fiue cubits l)iglJ, ann t(Je ljeao tlJat r 6 19 ottcl3 alfo,OJoucts, anll ftelblJ oortc~ : ann
f 1l>B.I! abouc on t(Je toppc of ettctF one of t(Jem, al~ tl)cfe betrcts nio • ~iram [Jl!S fattier. malic to ;.W:~';;11'..
.: ma.I! liue cubitc~. f!lmg ~O[OIUOtl fOl tlJC i)oufe of tl,Ji :1-0~ll, Of n10"• 1u~rr•
~ 16 ann lJc mabc dJainc.I! of\\11catl)en mo1ke b#glJt b:atrc. .. ~~~~~r:.~~~:
fo' tlJe quiet, anll put diem on tt}e l)eaDs of tlJe 17 ]n tiJcplaincof]o~llane lli!ltfJcilungcatl r:.~~.~'!'n~:~
pillars, ann malle an l)unn:cb pomegranates, tlJem, cuen in tlJeclap grounD tl)dtll'5 btt\llunc .. 111 rai~cr.
anll put tlmu on ttJc cl)ainc.I!. ~ocotl) an?> ~areMtl}a.
17 ann l)cc reaTCll bp tl)e irlllar.1! bcfoie tfJc 18 an11 ~olomon mane an tIJerc belTcls in
-arcmplc,one on tl)e riglJt l)ann, ann tl)e otl)cr on great abunbancc: fo~ tl)e meigiJt of bJatre coulo
tbe left: anti caUeD t(Je rigl)t '.J:ac(Jin, anb tlJe left
l30tl!. 1 9 anM!•~olomon malle an tlJe bcffell'$ tl)at

The iiij ,Chapter. 'alercfoHIJe1Joufcof0ob, tl)c goloen altat al•

fo, anb tl}e tabkS to ret tl)c b 11Jt~ b.1ea1:1 bpon. b '" 0 ,b11 111,
I The Altar of braffc. 2 The Jau:uorie. 6 The c:d-
dron. 7 The cancllc!lickes, &c.
2a ~~coucr, tlJc canblctttclieS, \llitlJ tf;)eir
{ampe,1! to bumc, after tbe matter before tl}e
~...,.. ~ ~ (Jee mane an* .altar ofb~alf.e,
. . .,-s;· quicr,antl tl)St orweciOU.I! golb. ' ~:~~r':o~'''
tmcntie cubitc13 Iong,a11ll t\rlenttc 21 anb ttlcflo\\lers, anb tlJc latnpt,1!, anl> tlJt ~;~· b••
' cubite~ b:oaD, anD tcnne cubitc~ rnuffer.l!,maDc IJe of ~olll,anll tIJat perfect golb.
2 2 anD ti.Jc lltnemng k~uc~,bafon~fpoonef,
i.;;.¥D~ lJigl). I! Some
2 !Anll tJcc wtl: a b:aren lanato• anDcmretJ'5, Of p~e gOltle: an1>t1Jclloo~coftl)e rcad,hooks:
rte of ten cubitSi from b~imme to b1i1nmerounll ~tJnple,anll tlJe ll1~t DOO~eS \llitl)in tlJC place and others,
moll IJOlp, atlb tl)t tlUlct i:JoO?eS Of t(JC ~CntplC
in compalfc, anb flue cubttcs IJtg{J, an?I a Utte of tDcregtlteZ>. 111
tlJittie cubitel'S bib compalfc it rounb about. . ot muhk<.

i The Arkeplaced. I I.Chron. Solomon praifeth God.
Thev.Ch..apter. .
The things dedicated by Darnd, Jre put m rhetemple.
~ ~~ .@.W ro au tl)c 'WO~ke tl)at §!llolo'
f monmallc in tf]e (Joufe oftlJeJl.o:ll
·.King. 7• wai:i rtnin1cll : * anb $5>olomon
51 • bzouglJtinall t11et1Jtn~t1Jat~a·
iD (Jr~ fa tiler (Jab tleimatel:l, 'OJitlJ
• rr1ucr anll u'gollle,
ti,e anl:l all tlJe ie\llels, anb put
tf1em among tf]e trcarurei:i of tile l)oure of'11Jol:l.
2 ~en ~olomon gatl)cretl tl)e <flticri:i of
'Jifracltogetl)cr, anti an tl)eIJea'tli:I oftIJc trtbei:i
anll ancient fatl)ers of tl)e tlJllti:en of ']!frael, lln,
to l~icrufalcm, to b:ing tll~ ~rlie of t~e <lto~c,
nan~ oftIJc".!Lo~n outottl)c titicof~autl:l, 'OJl}JclJ
11$ in $5>ion.
3 tl91Jcrero:c, antIJe men oPJfrael rcro:teb
• ..,,~remDcr. bnto tl)e fiing, in tl)e fta(I:, euen In tl)c • reuentl}
4 2nl:l an tl)c <fll1cr11 of'Jlfraelcame, anti tlJe
·~rnitcs tooke bp tl)e .ame.
5 lttll tl)c lt'~ielli:i anl:l tt,Je )LeuttefS b:ou~t
Ia\tlap tl)c 2rhc of tl)c ~abcrnatlc oftlJe <ltongre'
'gation, anti au tile l.Jolr belf'els t1Jat 'Were in tile
~al.lcrnacle, anl:l tIJer bare tlJem.
6 amdlitng ~olomon, anl:l all tlJe <ltongrc,
;Jation of'Jlfrael, tlJatmcrc affemblctl bnto lJim
l.irfo2e t!Je 2rlie,offrre) fiiecpe m1n o; manp,
tiJat ti)ep coulne not bee toloe, no) numb)cll, fO)

multttunc. .
7 .\:Intl tIJc ~~ielfci:i bJougl)t tl)e .ame of tlJe
(JI oucrnmt of t(Jc lLo:n bnto lJii:I place, cum into

tl1c nuier of tIJc ·~cmple, 'OJiti)in tl)e place more

l10Ip, an?> fct it bntler tlJe \Din~ of tf]e <ltfJeru•

8 ~o tlJat tlJe <!tl)erubim~ ftrctd,ct'I out
: tI) cir mtngi:i oner tl}e place or tlJe arkc, ant'I tIJc
~lJcrubtmi:i couerenbot:l) tl}e9rlie ~IJct barre)'J
oboue on lJigiJ.
9 ann tlJe bartcl'.'I of tlJe amc men ro long,
i\Or,end;, tlJat tl)c II IJcablS of tl}c barrci:i 'OJere fcene'roitt}-
I out tlJc ame, witlJin ti)e quicr,but notmrti)out:
rtnil tl)crc the Arke rcmatnen bnto ti)ii:I tlap.
r o Wut tIJcrc 'OJa~ notl)ing in tlJc amc, rauc
:-1.1c rmo '4[;abicis 'OJl.JiclJ ~oreis put t1Jcrcin at
l901cb, mlJcn ttJc ·.11.o~n mane a couenant\ll&tlJ
tl1c tlJll~m of'.Jlfracl, after ti)cp mm come out
1 1 !lnl:l \IllJcn the ~ ~ic!lc~ mere come out of
tf)c iJol)!platt (ro~ all tlJc \D1icctrlS ti)at \tlm pie·
tmt, mere ranctlfictl , anri l:llll not ti.Jen \Datte bp
12 ~at botiJ ti.Jc ·.11.cuttei:i anll tiJc finger):'!,
bnbct!AfapiJ, $cman, anl'l3\Dit:l)un, \Ilcrtap,
pointcb to runb1p ofhccs , \llitlJ tlJcir C1Jtu11en
antibmIJ~en, anl:l \llcre araren tnfine 'OJl.Jite,lJa'
mni <ltl'mllatc1, 11\'faltcrics, anll 19arpes, anl>
110011 at tl'lc lfa!l cnncof tlJc ~Utar, anl:lbptlJcm
an I1un1mt1 anD rmentic 1&1tctlc)'J blo\tli1111 mtt1J
3 2nb tl)c trumpet blotocrf anll tl)e lit1gcri:I
~ agtccb, ti:Jat it fcemeb butoncboptttnp1ag.
bnP~lJanb tiJllnhin~ tlJe JI.Olli, anb 'ollJen dJcyUft
cit borce 'tllttl) tl)e ~rnnqittf, ~tmb*-,
anb otl)~ mUnnnentts of muCiCflc , anD t»!Jcn
tllCl' p~atrcb tl)e ·.ILo~b, l)o'ol tl)at l)e il!I (lOOIJ, 811?1
tl)atbtl!I mer.etc lafttttJ cucr:)tlJc IJoUCeofcSOll
\Dal!I fitlrb'tllitl) a clotibe,
.r4 ~otl)attl)el!)~icllel!l '°Ulll notml>Uftto
~11~ltler tcaeon or tl)c Cloubt : foJ tlJe Sl)a•
lC!tte Of tllC JLO~ll l)ab ftlltb tlJC l)Otlfe Of <DOii,
·:-oloh1ons prayer Chap.vij. for the people. 1 57
17 ~nll non> ~~D 180?1 of ]fran:, kt tfJrfar,
. in~ bee trlft' \Vl)iclJ tl]Ou fpallell bnto ttJr fer,
uant l!)amb.
llnll war in J tlJis f)oure,
~i,ou llJalt l,Jcare from 1Jcaue1i. men fro1n ,~" ~:"~;;'"b

tlJF tltoelling; placc,anll 11Jalt tloe acro~ulllll to all ~·:.~~~::,~:

18 (in~ \1Jlll0DZI in brrp llccllc tlmcU tDttl) tl)at tile llrangcr callttiJ to t(Jcc ro:: t(Jat all vco, :;; ;~~\;~:;~l•
1nen on cartlJ ~ l8d)oll:I, IJcaucn, anll l]cauen a• pit or tl]e carttJ mar Jmom tlJr name, aniJ fcare ~':~: :~;',,'::,~,.
bouc all i,c8U£11~, lloc not containc tl)ce, l,Jo'a:lc tiJte, lllltlOCtlJ tlJF people 'J:frael, anb tllatttJey •nb ir@bt:cu'·
muctJ lelfe tl)e 1,JoUfe \lJlJiclJ 'J\ l)aue builllctl 1) mar rtnom l)o'ID tlJat in tl]i;i fJoure tD~itlJ'.JJ l)aue ;~·.~,a~:~~:··
• 9 )I.ct it bee t(tp plcarurc tl)cmoic to tumc L>mlt,tlJp name is callriJ \Jpon.
to tlJC p~arrr or tl:)p fcruant, anll to hi~ fuppli~a· 3~ ~r t~F people gor out to 'a:larrc againtl
taon,tlD Jl.-O~i) mp ©Ol>,tO l}l'arflen bntO tl:)e bOICC tl)cirrncmtc.(j bp tl)c 'Illar tlJat tl)ou 11Jalt fenlle
(t p1a1·cr mnich ifJp fcruant pJaretlJ bcfo1e tl:)ec. tlJcm, anti ttJep p:ay to tlJcr in tlJe map tolllarb
10 anti let tlJinc ctcs bee opmtolllartl this tl)iS citic 'O.llJi~IJ tiiou IJall c11arc11, rucn tolllarll
(tourc iJap anti niglJt, oner t(J1~ pfaa 'a:ll,Jcrtof t(Jc l)oure \lJ(Jtcl) 'JI l)auc built fo~ tlJp ~amc:
t1Jou l)aft rart1,t1Jat tlJou lllou1t1caputt1Jr name .3 5 ~lJrn (Jcar,c tl)ou from ljcaucn tlJeirfup,
ti) ere, to lJcarkcn tmto tfJc pJarer '4llJiclJ tlJr fer, pl1eat1on anti p11uer.1J l)elpc u·,cm in t(Jcir rig;(Jt.
uant pJarctiJ in tbts place. 36 '.lftl)cpfinmagainlltl)cc (.aistl)creis*no ~.Reg.s. 4 6
i·~ u ll)rarltrn bnto tlJe p1arers of tlJP rcruant, manbutl)c tlotl.J fitmc) Anb tfjllt1 be angric lllitl,l 1.ioh.1.8.
·" anti oftl:)i· pcoplc]fracl, 'a:llJiclJ t1Jerp1ar tn tlJis tl)C11t, ant1 llcl1uertlJcm outr bct:o.zc tteir Cllf' mlc. 7· z 1,
;.,~'-:~ place: l)carc thou, 'JI fap, out Of tlJF tl\1Jtlltng nne~.ant1 tlJcr taf1c t}Jem, aniJ caric t(Jcin a'O.lar .
-.: ' µlacr,rum out of 1Jcaum,1Jearc,~bcmcrcif'ull. capnucs bnto a fanb farrt OJ nrm:
:4'~~; 12 ]fa man finnc bagainll iJiS ncigl)bour, 37 !?ct 1f tlJcr repent in tlJcir l)cart, in the
::::"'"" «ntttat1can otlJc.againtltJim, antlmaliclJimto lan11 mf1crc tf)ey be in captiuitie, anti tumc anti
·-.·',·~i f\llcarc, anbt"cot"e
'"'-"'.11cn '' ..,
~ HJ
altarin Ptllf bnto tl}ecin ti.Jc lanlle ofttJetrcaptiuttie,
: ·.,rrpr, tlJiS lloufe: fap1ng,ll9e l}aUe rillncl), 'OJe l}auc tlOlll' CUiU anti
::;·m '"' 23 · ~IJrn l)ear~ tl)ou rrom IJcaucn, antlboe \1J1c1te1>lr :
anll iutlgc ttJr rcruants, tl)at tl)ou reblattl t!Jc 38 anl> tume. againe _to tlJec '1litll an tl)cit
bngot1lr,anb rccompenre !Jim IJiS 'lllar bpon f)is l)eart,anb au tl)etr rou1e,m t(Je lantl oftl1circap,
IJeat1,anb iutliflc tl)c r1gt)teous,anb giuc (Jtm ac, ttuitic ml]crc tlJcr lieepc t(Jcm in bonllllge, anl>
to lJi~ rigl)teoufneU'e. fo p;a~ tomartl tl)cir lanl:l 'ml)iclJ t(Jou ganen bn,
... coJtling
24 anti if tf)r people '.]lfracl bee put to tlte to tl)nr fatl,)er~. cuen tomartle t(Je citic toi}icb
UlOlfe bcfo~c tlJe cncmtc, bcmufe tlter lJauc fin, tl}ou !Jail corm. anti tomaril tl)c l}oufc \l:Jl)fdJ '.I
ncb againIt ti)ce: pct if tlJer turne a gtuc tl)lltlfl~ {Jauc built fo1 tlJp name:
bnto tlJr na1ne, anll make intcrcctrion,anl> piar 39 ~en l,Jcarc ttJou from IJcauen,cucn from
befo~r tllcc in tlJiS l)oufc: tl)pl>\Uelling place, tl)eir Cupplication anll tlJcir
2 s ~hen IJcarc tl}ou from IJeaucn, anti bee p~avcr, ant11ut1get1Jcircaurc, anll be mmimll
mcrcifull tinto tlJc finnc of tiJr people ~rracl, bnto tlJl' people lJJ(JiclJ 1Jauc fmneb againtl tf)cc.
\f Mng t!Jem againe bnto tl)e lanb 'a:l(JiCIJ tl)ou 40 ~om, mr <13oll,lct tl)inc crc~bc open, anti
gaU£tl to tf)cm ltt1b to tlJc'ir tiltl)crg. tlJfnc carcis attent bnto t(Jc p~arcr tl]at is mabr

2 6 Uf)m f)caucn t.11 fl.Jut bp, anti tl]m bee no
raine,bccaurc tf)ey l)aue finnell againtl tl)ec: pet
in tlJi~ place.
1 * Qombp ID·~ o•tlc '13oll into""" c re•
:Jl,I , .Mr ~ ' 8
1!:.hetrs:, In·.
?;. tr tl)er p1ar in tlJiS placi, ann conrc«e tfJr name, llingplace, tl)ou, anti tl)camcoftlJrtltengtlJ:
HJt t
,. anb repent from tl)clr fimtt, fo1 tl]c m(JiCIJ tl}on ®Jl..otllc ®'ob, let tlJc l&:ictles be cloatl)cb mitlJ
dJatlenctltl)cm: 1Jealt1J,ant1 lct tl1r Cain tis rciorce in goot1nc1Tc.
27 ~tn(Jcarctl)ouinl}eaucn, anti be mer, 42 SlD Jl..Otll '130tl turne not a\lJap tf)e face of r timr mp
cifult bnto tl)c finnc or t1Jr fcmant~. am of tlJp tl)tnc ranopntr~: rcmcmb~ tlJ!! mercies \tllJic(J ~::~;;.~:~'.b
people ']\frael, anb guit1e tl)ou tlJem into tfJc tl}OU l}atl PtOIUlfCtl to miautiJ tlJF fcruant. norotrO kin!.
goot1 '1Dap to "tllallrein, anb rcntl rainc bpon tl)r Thevij. Chapter.
rann tolJt.ctJ ttJou(Jaa gtuen bnto tlJr people ro1 The fire confumeth the facrince. The glory of
an mllmtance. 2

;: 'io.9 18 anll if* tberc bcCllcartlJ in tl)c lanb, 01 pc. the Lord filleth the Temple.
'.. lltlcnce, ro~ruptton, o~blatlingof come, lll5raf• ~l>\\ll}en *$5)olomon l)a?l matlc an 2.Mac.z.10
: .: ih IJoppcrs. o~ <Iratcrp1Uers, o~ tl)at tlJcir entmtess enll of p1aring, t11crc came llo'1lne
'::'r c bcficgc tf)cm tn tl)c ~cities or tlJcir lanll,01 \»lJat- flre fro111 IJeaucn, anl> confumctl
:',1 g•tcs. rocurr plague o~ riclindfe ft be : tlJc 'tlllJolc burnt offering, anti tl)c
,'.~ 2 9 ~(Jen \1.l(Jat fupplication,11 anti p:apcrs • racnficcs, anll tlJt l}ourc 'IDai.tfillel:I
·; rocucr n)all bee mabc of anr man, anti of au tl)r \UittJ cue gto1ir of t(Jc J1..01b.
,:. people ]rrarl, m(Jcn cuerr one llJall fmo'a:le i,i~ 2 ann ttJe ll)#Cacis coulll not goc into tlJe
~· omne roze, anb lJiS omne ~icfe,anb OJllll ltrctCIJ i,oure oftlJc lLo:b,bccaurc tlJc g;Io~r or tlJc Jl..otbe
out tlJtir 1Jant1~ to'Warb tlJi!'S t1ourc: ()ab fiffell tl)c ll.02t1s f)ourc.
30 ~OU fi)alt (Jc arc from lJtatltn,_eUtn fr~m 3 Snb \Dl}enall t1Jecl)ilt11cn of '.J:fracICa\tle
tl)p tl'lllclltng place, anb 11Jalt be mmtfUI, \f i;puc l]olll tiJc fire \tt1Jcglo1p oftl)elL01llcamcllo\\1nc
eucric man acco~tling bnto all lJi.11 \l:Jarc!S. rus bpon tlJe 1Joufc,t1Jcrfellt101Dnc flatbpon tlJcir
i · tllou t1oc111rno'IDc cuerr mans l)cart: <roi tt1ou racci.t to tl)c card) \lpon tlJc paucmcnt, anl:I \Doz,
·:~~~~: 'onlrknomtll ti.Jc IJearts oft(Je cl)tlt11c of men,) ftJippcb, anti contccrcn tmto tlJc Jl.otl:lc. ~at ~cc
• ...,., 31 ~lJat tl)ep mar fearc tbec. anl> toalkc in i!'S gractou~nll ttJnt lJlS mcrcie latlctf) cucr.
tIJr 'tllalc!:!I as long'a~ tl)er liue in tl)c Ianll mlJtcl) 4 anti tl)c Jling,anll all tlJt peoplc,offcrcb fa,
tlJou gauell bnto our fatl)crs. crtficcl5 bcf01t tlJc JLo~l>.
~1 ~o~eouer, tlleltraungcr\\11Jicl.Jl~not of 5 *!lntlrtin!,l~olomon otfercba fanificcor J.Reg.P.llJ
tin' people 1frael, if l)ec come from afarre lanb rwcntfo an~ t\l>o ttJouCanb oun, \fan l}unn~rb
ro~ ttw ~cat names faltc,lttlb tlJr tniilf)tic lJanD, anti twentic tf)oUCanb llJecpc: anb ro the fling
anll tlW ltretcbctl out anuc : if tiler come.. 1 Cap, an'll all tbe pcopk,bCbicatcll die 11oure or il!Sotl.
~ ll 6 ann1
Solon1ons facrificc, II. Chron. and buildings.:
6 !lnb tlJe p~ie!lis 'dlaitco on tl}eir otriccis,anb
tl]c A.-cutteis lJa?J tlJc inflrmn~tfS of muame of
tlJ eJL,o~?Jc, 'dllJitl) fling ~au1b l)a?J ma~c to 'on•
frtrc tmto tt,c )Lo~nc, '4t-}Jat IJtfS merat l~tlJ
cuer.~auin p~aiung d!Sob bl' tl)cm, ti ttJc p~1cil1S
blc'dl'dlttlJtrtrntPCt~bcfo1c tl)cm, anb au tlJer
or ]frad aooD. .
7 ~o~couct\ ~olomon l)allo\l'lcll tl)c m1?J•
111c or tl}c court tlJat wais llrroic tl)c l)oufc ~r ti.Jc
)LoJD: ro, tIJcre tJc off£rcb 'dllJo~ burnt ofttings,
anDtlJtfattcoftlJcpraccotmmgs, bccaurc tlJc
b~arcn altar 'dllJiClJ ~otomon !}ab mabc,.mais
not able to rmtue tl)c \l'>}Jolc burnt olfnings,
ann tl)c meat offcringis,anb ti.Jc fat.
s ~o at tlJ!! fame time ~olomon llcpt a
go 11 111111 1 fcat1orrcuenbapc15, anb an ')tract tuitl)l)im,
~~. 0,..n11 •111• an c.rc:cclltnggnat congre«ation,euen Crom tlJ e
= " '· cntringin oUJamatl),tmto tl)crtucror Cfgppt.
9 anbtntl)c ct111Jt tiaptl)cp mabeanatrc\n•
blp: ~o~ tl)cr llcpttl)c bcbtcation of tlJc altar re•
ucn napcis,anll t{Jc fcattrcucn tiapcis.
1 o .anti t{Jc tiJ~cc anti ttl>cntictlJ Dap of tlJc fc•
ucntiJ momtlj,l;Jc let d)c pcoplt be:part into tllctr
centis,glab anti mertc in l)eart, fo~ tl)c goobndrc
tlJat tl}t JL,o~ll l)ab 11Jctuet1 to ~auiD, anb to ,.,o,
tomon,antl to ]ftael l)iis people.
;.Reg. 9.1, II * anlJ fO ~Olomon finiflJCb tlJc l)OUfc Of
t{Je JL,0~11,antJ tl)c lltn? (Jourc: 8nb all tlJat came
in IJilS l)eartto malmn tiJc l;Jourc of tl)c JL.oJtJe,
anti tn IJifS otunc l)oufc, \Dent p10Cpcrout1p fo1•
12 anti tl)c 'A.-01bC apileaTCtl to~olomonbf
ntgl)t, an?J rar?Jc to IJim, 'JI {Jaue {leartJ till' prtt'
Dcut. 12, s. ti on, * an?J l]auc rl)ofm t1Jil5 pla'c roi ml! felfe, to
be an l)oure of racrifice.
13 ']f '.] fiJUt bpl)cauen, tl)at tl)crc bee no
raine, o~ if'.l\ 'ommaunll tl)e Jl,oc:ullss to tJcuoun
tfJe 1ant1, OJ if 'll lcnn pellile'e among mr people:
14 g,nt1ifmrpeop1t, amongmi,amnrenamc
iss callc?l \Jpon, noc l)umbk tl)C1nfelueJ, ti make
intmcffion, anti fecl1e mp p1trmcc, anti tume
from tlJl'ir tutclietJ 'IDarcss : tl)cn \1JiU ~ l)eare
rrom l)eaucn, anti bee merctrull to tl)dr rtnnt,
,, JI 11111 ame. anb \Dill b l)eatc ti) cir lanb.
~~·,~:~~~~~· 1 s Qlnb from l)cnccfo1tl) mine epefS ft)all bee
g~~~,,~~ opm1 anti m~nc c~nis attcnt lmto tiJe p1artt
b•111bcr1111t tl)atlfS mabc m tlJllS place.
anD [111D ••Ill•
,, h r: l'Jlll h ,.,
16 ~nll t.,cre101e, no'IDe "' . aue C1J01en anb
au t1a1r. ranctifietl tl)ilS l}oufc..tlJat mp name map be tl)erc
foJ cucr: anti mine epcis anb mine l)eart fl)all be
tl)cre pcrpetuanr.
17 antJiftl)oU'milt \\'Jatkcbcfo1eme, ass~a·
utn tlJp fatiJeT "malkeb, to boe an tl)at '] l)aue
commantJctJ tl)ec, anb 11,Jalt obfcrue 1nr ftatuttis
anb mr ta'IDeis :
t 8 ~l)cn tuill '] llabltll.J tlJt ~att of tJw Iring'
bome,ncco~?Jin~ ass j mane the coumant 1Dit1J
~auto tl)p fatl}cr, raping, ~ou OJalt not bee
'a>itl)tmt a man to bctultttn ~ttad.
1 9 l\uttfpetumc atuap, anlltWfakemtfta•
tutcss anb mp commauntJcmcntss \l'llJkl;I ! l)aue
£ctbcfo:e pou,anb ll.JaU go,anll l'erue OtlJeT pb-.
ann 'alo1f1Jip tl)em:
t f~lJcnwtu1 plUcllttfJem bpbp t1Jt ~
ou o m111a1111 tolJittJ1!1Jaue IWmtlJm anti
tl)IS l)ourc 'mlJittJ ] 1.Jaue filnml!b r0J mt
name' tom 'J call out of mp npt, a1111 1DR1
~tttobcc ap1oucr1>tan'D a tealamu>lll all
21 a1111 ti.Jiis lJOUft, 'ml)id) tJ moa bi«IJ QJall
be an allontOJnzent to cucrp one pa11'ed, bp,
rhe Queene of Saba. Chap.ix. Solomons riches. 1~8
1 5 Qnb d,Jcp omitteb 1~ot tl)e 'ommanbcmcnt 12 ~nll fling ~olomon gauetotl)e.©urcnr
of tl)ertina bnto tJJc 101~ells anD JLrtlitc~ con• of ~aba e.uerp plcara~t tl)tng tlJat fiJee •·fli( u,
ccming anr maner or ctJing, nnl:l conceming tlJc •befil:lei;s tlJat 'aliJf'lj ll)ec ball b:ougl}t tmto ~~;c ; ::~.~·.~· 1~~:··
trcaftml. . hmg: anti ro ll)c tumetl, anb UJmt e\Der to .;tr ''" "'"'"""~
16 fo: ~orotttbn mabe piomaon foJ ti.It cfJar• o\Dnc lanb 'ltltt1:J (Jer fcruant~. . ~:1':.'n'bl~::~b•
l,ltS l'ront d,Je llrtl bap tl)attl)efoUnllation of tlJC 1 3 .~lJe'llleigl)t orgolllet1Jatcame to ~olo' •ntot~lft•n11.
tJoure ortl)f JL.o11) \Das Iapcb, till it 'llla~ ftnillJtD, mon monerecrc.. tt1ass fi~cl)unD~cl>, t1J~ecr,01e tl)e lJQufc of tl)c JL01D mass perfect. anb flJt talrnts ofgolb.
17 qen 'blcnt king $!>olomon to lt!iOn cl!5a• 14 l5cfincs tl)at \tlbicl) ctJapmcn an'D mar'
ber,anb to etotl) at tl)e rca Cibe in tt,Je lanl:l or If, '(Jantl' tnougl)t:anll au tl)c bing.IS of arallia,antl
Dom. ru!eris of tlJat cow1tnp,binugl}t go lb anll fllucr
I 8 Qnb ~itam Cent l)ini bp tfJe l)anllS Of llii,4 to ~olomon.
rcruants, flJtpss, anti rcruantss tl)at hal:l tmo'lll' 1 s 9ntl lting ~olomon mallc tuJo l)unllttll
1cogc Gf the rca : anti tl)cp \\lent \Dttl) tlJC fer, targets of beaten golll: an11 fire tmnll~t?I fitlcjl of
uan~ of ~olomon te ©pl)tr, anb carictl tl)encc beaten golb mere rpmt bpon one targeti
rourc l)unti~rb anD fiftic taltntii of golDc; anD 1 6 anD tl)~ce l)unb:eD 11Jiclt1s ma11c l}c of bca•
b~ouglJtit to fling $!>olomon. ten goIlle: tlUee IJUnbieD pieces of goltle \Dent to
The ix. Chapter. . . one llJiclD : an!I tl)c lting put tl)em in tl)e l)oure
tlJat was in tIJc foica ofll.ibanon.
1. 9 The Q!cene of Sabacommeth 10 fee Solomon, 17 ~nil tfJ£ Ring malle a great feat of '.J,no:it,
and bringe1h gifcs. anll ouerlspll it b>ttl) pure golll. ·
~~ ~ ~*\DIJentl)clnuccneof~aba 1 s an11 tlJm \\Ja~ rite aeps to tl)e re.ate, wttl)
~ l)carll ortl)c fame or ~olomon, a rootfloolc of golll fallcncll to tf)c reate: "pom,
~ flJC came to p~ouc {Jim in ~arll quc•
\u .•p.
!, 11. 31. melsoncaclJ r11:1c oftl)e fitting place, an'O nvo
r~w~· aions at ~1mira1em, \D&tlJ a llcrp )L.pon~ flanlling bp tl}e pommcl$S.
: e'C'cS~ {P'Cat totnpanp lDitl) camclss ~at 19 ano t\\lclue JLponll (loolJ on tl)eone fitle
!1 bare rpiccs, anll ptcntp of .golllc, anll p~mous al1b on tl)c otlJcr bpon tl)c flrettcpl':fo tl)attl)crc
lloncs, anll mhcn {!Jee \Dass come to ~olomon, \tlas no fuel) \\Jo~lic mate in anp ftingt:omr.
(!;Jee communeti \llitlJ l)im of all tfJat 11Jee l]atl in 20 anDall tf:Jttliinftillit llC[Cl~ o[ltiug ~C·
{Jtt lJeart. lo111on \\J£rc of go~e, anti en tl)e tictTcts orn;r
2 anb ~olomon roileb {}er an l)cr qucllionss, l)ourc tl)at \Daf$ in tilt fo~ctl of Jl,tbar.011 'lllcre of
anb ti.Jere 'lllass not one wo1t1c l)ill from ~olo, p~rcious golilc: ro~ Cilurr ttas 'ountrll notl)ing
mon, lDl)iclJ l)e tolb l)er not. \UoJtl) in ti}c 11apcss of ~olotnon.
3 .antJ 'llll)en tl]c.!llluceneof~abafJall recnc 2 1 fio~ tf:Jc hin!.l.fJ flJip• \\Jent to ~l)arfi!S \DitlJ
ti.Jc \Difellome or ~olomon, anti ti.Jc l)oufe ttJat tl)ereruant!Sofi,liram, CUtfF ttneepecrcs once
l)c 1Jat1 built, came tl)c flJips to ~lJarfis, anti biougl)t golll,ftl,
4 .anti tl)e mratc of {)is table, tf:Jc fitting of ucr,'.]\uoJie,anb gpel!l,anll ll)ccocfUI.
bisrcruants. an'O tlJe nanDingoflJtl5 maitcrs. 12 lilnll lling ~olomon patretl all ti}e liiniiss of
~his thr&r apparen. IJiSS butters, tfJcir apparell, II )Jis ttJc t11rt1J in ticl)ess anD 'lllirellome.
>1rbvrn1 going llp bp t\le Wl)id) IJC 'lllcnt into tl)e lJOUfe of 2 3 an11 all tl)c hingss of tl)c eartlJ rougl)t tl)r
liccs ti}c JUIJll: tl)cre \lHllS no mo~e fpirit in f)cr. p~crence of ~o!omon, to l]eare lJi!S \\Jtfc1101ne
i!h hoe ~ !lllll {!JC faill to tlJC fling, &}C fapingb)()iclJ tl]at <l!5ob (Jal> put in lJiSS l]ciut.
r,,~r~ or '] l)carll in mtne.omne lanll of tlJine ~ acce15, anb 24 anb tlJer b~ougl}t eucrp man l)il!I p~crrnt.
i.ord. of tiJF \l>1f1lome,1i:s ttuc. bctrriSof filucr, anb be.U"e.Is or goltle, rapment,
~aying,. 6 4J'1 bctccuetl notthe '1'loJbtl'I oftl)em, tmtiH 1Jamctre,rpicel!l,1Jo1rcis anti mule~. recre bF pcrc.
1 came,anll mine Cf£S nab rcrne it: anti bcfJolb, 2 s * an11 ~olomon (Jab II fourc tl1oUfanll aa' ;.Rrg.+ ~6
,; tlJC one l)atfe of tiJP 'lllifc;Jome \Uasnot toltlme: blcs fo~ 1Jo1fcl!I anll ctJarets, anb t\\Jeluctl)ou' J10r,fourc
· fo1 tlJOU mctlleR tl)e fame tlJat 9j l}earb. fantl {JOJfemcn: \\JIJOmC {JC btilomcb in tlJC c{Ja• 1hcufand
7 ~aµptc arc tlJl? men, anll IJappie arc tlJcrc retcities, anll fome were \DltlJ tl)c fling at ~ienJ• horfc• m
tlJp rcruants \\1lJtel) aano b£foJe tl)ee al\\Jap, falem. llallrs,
anD {Jcarc tlJp 'lllncllome. 26 Qnb l)ce rcigncb oucr all tlJe !iingss tl)at
s ~IeO"ctl be tlJc JL01t1e dJl? cl!5o!I, b>l)icJ;JJ;Jall mere from <fuph:atcs tin to tIJe lanD ortl]c 10l1i'
lull to thcc,to rct tLJec king on bis feat, tl)at tl)ou litlincs.anll to tIJe boJtltr of lfgppt. .
mi~tea L>c llinl!_foJ tl)e "JLaJb tl)p li!Sotl : becaure 27 anti tl)c bingmatic mucrin ~rcrurarean
tl)p c5oll louctlJ ]fracl, to mali~ tl)cm 'ontinue al!! plentrous a~ b aoncis, anti ~c1:1ar trccss as b ~be •btn1·
'itler,tf.JercfoJC mallc l)ce tl)cc rung ouer tf}em, to plcntcOUl!I 1115 tlJC ~ulbrrtl? ttrC!S chac growe in ~:,::~~~!1\~~~••
lloe rtgl)t anll equitie. tl)e balleps. ~::!~~ 'k;,~?l•·
9 ilnll OJee gauc tl)c king an f)unll~rll anll 2 8 anb tbtt biought bnto ~olomon IJoiress Domro. hsnrc
t\ucntlt talent~ or golll, anti of Cpices c1ceebing out of Clegppt,anll out of alllanDl!I. ~~~f~~·.11ua11
great abUnDancc, anb PJCciouss ttones : neitlJer 29 -atl)c rcll or tlJc acts ofhi~g~olomon finl :~:~,~~,'~"
\llas tl)crcanp moie rucl} ('pier as tlJe !liluccne of anll Ia(l, are tlJrp not \U~rtten 111 tf)e fBFlll"" of hn••• ••Drr
~aba gaue king §9olomon. ,.~a ••,an •.,~f"":op.,c , a~um ••,epJop cneofa,
Ct ..i. f4o m h t "' · f4o ?, . »" lll• 1ruc <&•I"
1 o ann tl)e rcruants or ll)iraan. al1b tlJe Ctr' hial) tl)e ~1~111tc, an~ mtl)c btfton o ']!lllo tlJc ~~·~.u1ne.
uants of ~olomon. \llhiclJ b1oug\Jt golllc fro1~ ~m of btfion.fJ, agamll ]croboam t~e ronne
©plJtr, b1ougl)t alro at~mt mooll, anll P1f"' of jl;labat:'
oul5 tones. 3o anll ~orom~n rci!ple!I in ~icrufalcm tip•
11 .anti dJe litng mabc or tlJc a~me U!ooll on au '.Jlfrael fouruc rereis.
Rains tn tlJc 1Jonfc ort!)e )l.o)t1,an11 mtl)c king!! 31 l.llnll ~olomon .«ept \tlidJ fJfj'.j fatl:lrr~:
palace., anll l)arpr~. anti pfaltcritl5 fOJ rtngcri:s: anti t1Jer bunct> 1)1m rn the citic of ~auii> 11is
anll t)Jerc was none ru,l} \\Jooll ftcne before .in father, anb 1Soboam IJi!S fonue rc1g11cb tn lJtSS
tlJc lantl of 'j\utltl. acaoc.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,:ID~ tl_z_ _ _ _ I _he~\ _ __
Roboan1s counfellors. II. Chron. Ifrael rebelleth.1
Thex. Chapter,. 17 ~o tl:Jat JKoboam mgneb otm no moe of
4 The rigour of Roboam, I 3 Hee followedi lewd
tlJc c1Jtlb1en of ]frlld tl.Jmb'alelt in tl)e citie• of
counfcll. i 6 The people rebell. 18 ~m fling lltoboam alro ~nt i!)alluram
t} ~ * Jlioboam 1I>cntto ~id:Jem: tlJatlDBS5 tule:roue:r tlJe tfibutt,anb ti.Jc dJilllien
;.Rrg.u.i foHo ~tdJnn'IDen; al'l)tradc;omc of '.]!~ad ilonttJ l)tm lDttl) noneis, tl]at l)etipeb:
togetlJer to make l)im mng. but king JRoboam mabe rpcelleto get l}tm bp to
2 .anD tol1m le:roboam tl)c l}iFJ c~aret,to flee to l)ieturakln.
• fonnc of tlabat (tlJl1ic;IJ1UaS5 tlebtlc 19 . ilnll g]rr~l rtbelletl ai.Jainft tl)c IJOUfe of
lilto <egppt ~rom tlJc p1ercnu of ~olomon tl)c ~auttl bnto tlJti5 llap.
Iring) l)eartl 1t,1Jc retumeb out of Cf«FJJt.
. !hexj.Chapter.
3 .Qn!l tlJcp rent anb mlltll 1Ji1n:-an1> ro ']c, 4 Roboam rs forbidden to fight again!Hcroboam. ~
robomnantlalltlJepof~ftael c;ame, anb c;otn>
muncb \llitlJ 1lloboam,rarin11, . . .A l!i)\DlJm JRoboam 1Da• come to
4 tii:1Jp flltl)rr lafil a grieuou• rollc t:Jpon t:JS5: ll)teruralem , l}ec gatl)mti of tl)e
no\ll tlJcrfo~e remit tl)ou fome'tll(Jat ortl]c «rte, l}oure of gjuba anll lBenmmin..
uou.a rcruicc oftlJr fatlJcr,anb oflJiS51Jeaup rolle . ,nine fco1e t1Joufa111J c;lJoren men of
tl)at l)c put bpon bS,anb 'tlle 1I>iH rcruc tl]ee. \tlarrc to figf:Jt again« ']llrael, anll
5 Sn!l lJc rapbcto tlJcm, ([omc agatnc bnto to b~ing tl}e fiingtlomc agatnc to 11\oboam.
me after tlJ,re napes. 9nb ttJcpcoplc bcpartcb. 2 ".ann tl}e ll.lo1t1e of tl)e ll.OJbe c;amcro ~c· i.Reg.1L
6 :lnb liing llioboam c;ounrclteb lDitlJ ttJe meia tile man of ©ob,fat:ing, ii.
<i1t1ms tlJat 1Jat1 aanb befo~c ~olomon IJifJ fa, 3 ~pcalle t:Jnto 1Roboam tlJe ronne of ~o'
t!Jcr, '1.ll)ilc (Jc rct1tucn,a11n 1Jcfapll,1WIJat coun, lomon king or '.),Ulla. anti to all tlJcm of '.]lfrael
fell gmc re me to anr\\lere tlJilS people againe ~ tl}at are in l]luba anl> '3eniamin, anll fap, .
7 ann tf)ep tolll IJim,faping,']Jf tIJoube llintJ 4 ~UFJ Csptl.J tiJc JL011>, Fe ll:Jall not goc bp,
to tl)iis people., anll OJt\t.1 tlJP rem~ loll.lip to diem, no1 figlJt againt! rout ·b1etb1t1t: retume ~
anti (peafie louing \t101t1cFJ to ttJem, tlJep 'Will be mantobiFJl)oufe, to1t1Jts tlJin!,l t.noncofmee.
tl)p rcruantFJ fo~ cuer. anll tl)et: obepcll tl}e 11>o~ll1S of ti.Jc l-OJbe, anll re•
s :lBut IJcleft tlJe c;ounren \DlJiciJ tf)e <flt1£r1S tumell ffom go~ng againftieroboam.
gauc IJim, anll toortc counfell 1I>itlJ tlJc poung s anll moboam llll.lelt sn l!)terucalem, ~
:f t.!~~.~f.~I' men ~at _were gro\Dcn llP b.'litlJ I.Jim, anb •ttJat built Urong citieFJ in 'Julia. ·
&nQ fCCUll· lt00ll tn tu~ p~efcncc, 6 $ebuilt bp'3etl.JlefJem, anblttam, ant ,.
9 giln l)e fapll bnto tl)cm,U9l)atalluife glue ·atlJec;o a, .
rce, tbat \tlce mar anf'tllcrc tlJilS people, 'tlllJtcl;J 1 ~ettnur.~od)o, anba?luflam,
LJauc rommunell 'Witl) me, raping, ~lbate rome, i C3atlJ,anb S]@arera,anll ~ lplJ,
uil)at of tlJc rolie 'WlJiclJ tlJr fatlJcr llib put bp· 9 gnuraIJi1n,JLac1Jis,anti .a1cca1J,
onbi:l~ 1 o '501aa, 9ialon, anll l!}eb~o1i, lDIJid;J ~in
lo ann t{Je poung mmt1Jat11>erc gro\llen bp
\\litlJ l}tm, fp!"llle bnto IJim, raping, ~- fl18lt
'.]Juba anti :Wmiamtn,ftronn c;itics.
11 . .ann IJc repairell ti.Jc ftrong IJofllfJ, anll put
tl)ou anrtoere tl}c people t1Jat fpalie bnto tlJtt, captaines in tl}cm, anti ao1e ofbi®all, tt ll.lmc. ·. ~
raping, ~hr ratl)ei: mabt our polie IJeaute; but anl>ople:
marte ttou it rome\tllJat ltglJtcr fo~ bS:tiJUIS llJalt 12 .ann in al citieis l)c put tlJielllS anti fpcam1, t
tl)ou far bnto tiJcm, ~p little finger ll.Jallbee anti mabe tlJem CJ"ceet1ing tlrong, l]auing ]Ulla ~
tl)icfier tlJcn mp fatl)trFJlorne~. . . ailll :J6eniamin on IJiis fine.
11 f o~ tol)ere mr fatl).cr put a }Jcame rofie 1 3 9nll l}Je ll)iiclles anti tlJe 'A.euitcis ttat ~~
bµon rou, '] \tlill put moie to rour rolle: mr ra, mm in all ]frael,rcro~tcll to l}tm out of al tl}eir :i;
\\Or,fcor- tl:Jcr cl)ailifellrou b.litlJ\Dl)ip~, but] 1I>illc1Ja' coaa~. ~
pion•. (life rou 'lllitlJll fcourgc,!5. 14 1foi tlWJJ.,cuitelS 1££t tlJeir fuburbc;, anti ::-
l i. ann ro Jeroboam anll all tl)c people came tl)eir poU'ell"fon, anti came to 'J]ulla anll ,icruf'a< i:
to llioboam tfJc tlltrll nar, ais tile hfn« babe, fal!' lcm: fof)\croboam ant11Ji1S ronnes 11a11 caa tl}em ~.
tng,<ltome againe to me tl)c tl.JirtJ tlat'. out from minil?rtn~ bnto t1Je JLoiti. . . .,
•· 1 3 ann tl)e king anf\lle:rcll tlJem audlp, 15 ant> {Ju oillaineb IJim l&iiea; roi tlJe IJigIJ. :1~·
anti king 1Roboam lrft ti.Jc counfdl of ttJe agel> plaur5,foi tlJe •beuiJs5, an~ fo1 t11e allUt~ \lllJiel> • ;
men, . l}e IJall mane. aJto·
14 gnll anC\llrrcb tbem after ti.Jc l1DUife of tl,Je 16 .ant1 after d)e l.-euittS5, tlJm 'Olent out of · ,I
rong,mcn, raping,. ~p.fatl)cr mabC FOUT robe t1Je ~rtbes fJf 9\ftacl. JuclJ a' fubmittcl> tl)ei~ I'.\
lf.rtcuoms, anti ] \tlill abtle tl}creto: mp fatlJcr IJeart• to reeke ti.Jc jL,o~llc <aJotJ of ~Cracl, ~came ~:
tl)antrcn rou toitlJ \Dl)ipfJJJtJt '.JI 1I>il clJatiiCC rou to ll)imlfale\n, to offe:r tinto tlJe ~be 0ob of ~.
\'ottl) rcourgcs. t~~ir fatlJer•· · ''
1. Rrg. 11. 1 s ' anb ro tlJc king l,Jearrtenell not tmto tl,Je 11 a~ ro tlJep arengtfJencb t1Je ktngnome !
i · people: but tl)c occafion came of 0ob. itJat tl)e Of ]Ulla, lt1'll mal'le l'loboam tlJe rmme of ~o· \
~~~beb1n1gl)t malie gootl IJiS raping, 'a.lbtcl;J ~u lomon mi«IJtie ti.nee l?l'tttl5 long : f~ tl11CC .. ,111~~ p ~e l}antJ Of fil}ia ti.JC ~tlonite, CO ]~. b U,ep ttiall!e11 tn tl}e war of ~autl> anti ~ri.t1. ~
\ll t.,e fonm: or jF,!abat . .
anb 'llllJcn an 'Jrrati fa1De tbattlJe -
,i!DOlomOn· •
18 an11 lloboam tooke f;litn ~afatfJ tfJe lbf!pjilllll\~
1:i•:11 •'
moulbn~awec bnto tl)em tl)epe~anQl:le- DSIJglJtu or '.JlmmotlJ ti.Jc ronne or ~ill to ~
rell ~c ~1~, tal.'ing, t191Jat poition IJaui toet tn \vtrt, anll gb11Jael tl)c 11a11g1Jter ot cl!liab tf)c 11
108Uti> • foi_ "\llte IJauc no tnt:Jmtanu: in tlJe fOnne
ronneo[lra1:<t1~mantoiJistme 4'>·ih• 19 a
Dflfai: bare (Jimcl.Ji~cn, ~eQl.~ama, 1
rl,ant> nob> :i9amb ru to tl)ine o1Drie lioure.in11 na.11111 . m. . ii
roan 'l!tracl gate tl)cm to ttJcif tcrits. 20 a1111 afttt l)er. bee too~* SllJaad.Ja (llJe 1iu1g.is1 1~
~.,he Templedeil:royed. Chap.xij.xiij. Abias'1varre. 1 59

baugbtaof!lbfalom, tnlJii;gbarelJimabla,!lt< rufaltm. tl.J(citic tnlJtclJ tlJe Jl,~bc )Jab ci)ofm

t1Ja1,'J'1&,anll ~domttl}. out of all tile tribes of ']lfracl to put l)tis name
:i 1 · 9Ull Soboam loucll ~aacl)a tIJc bSUlb• tlJm: anb IJiS mot11crs name \Ila.IS :taaama, an
terofilbflllom abouc an l)is'llliues anll ronm• .ammonttcfi"e.
bW.: fO~ !Jee toolie ri(JiJtecne \Diuet anb tlJ~c· . 14 .anll l}c bib nnll. beatUfc I.JC p:epareb not
rcon ailUUbfnes, anb bcgatc t'altntr anZI elg!Jt IJ•.6 IJeart to rcelletl}c JL,o:b.
fonn:cJ,antJ tlJJttfco:c baulJfJtcr.6. 1 ~ ~c actcs auo of moboana firft anb laft,
21 ano 1lloboam mallcabta tl)c ronne of~a· arc tJJtp not \ll~tttcn in tlJc rarin!JSS of ~tmcia
actJa,tbt clJtcfc ruler among lJis b:cttnm: ro: IJe tlJc l&Jopl}ct, anb or 'Ji Dllo tl)e ~ccr. 11.'llJiclJ no·
ttJouglJtto mahe l:)im liin.!J. tell tlJe genealo~e:' anll tlJcrc \llas tnarrc al'IDSF
l~~11<fftaDr 2 3 cam) IJeC pfarell \llt(CJp llntl (C8tf£rebalf
1 bCt\llC£nC JllObOam anti 'j\CfObollm,
:~\'"""' IJi.6 clJilbicn tl)1ougl)out all tl}c countries of '.]Ju· 16 an~ moboam fl£pt \DttlJ lJi.6 f.atl]crs, anll
~ i· Da anb l6cniamin bnto cucrr tlrong citit: an~ mas buncll in rtJecitic of 19auill, anb .allta l}is
~-~ l:)e puc tl)cm abunoancc of btctuaU, anb obta1• fonnc rcigncb in l:)i.6 lleao.
°'~~ ncnmanpwiue~. Thexiij. Chapter.
~\ Thexj. Chapter. I Ahia makech warrc againfi Jeroboam. 4 He lhew-
i ".:' I Roboam for~ke1h the Lord, and is pt1nilhcd by cth the occalion. 12 Hctruficth in 1he I.ord,and
~'· Scfac. ouercommeth Jeroboam.
~. • ~ll wIJcn ilioboamlJitll cllablillJcb ~~~te ciQ.IJtttntlJ rccrc of fling jlcto·
:1; t1Jelling11om,anbbecamemi1J!Jtr, boam, began .Q.biato rcignc ouer
i;.~ ~cc foJfoolle tl}C ~'Ille ~ftiJc )1..010, ']una.
~ ,..,,p,1• 11 annaH']lfrad t111ti,1J1m, . . 2 • anbl)eerci~cl:ltlJJeerccm:s
~><~• , ano mtl)c fiftlJ rcrrc oflling ,,... c~~.111. m'tcrufalem:(1:)1s motl)ers name
.,,'.:.!1\:_ Jioboam~d'aclling Of~gppt c:amcbp againll alfo l\Jaj5 ~icbata tl)e tlaugl)trr of• ~riel Of ·~• 1.1 ' 8 ~'.h''.
.~~ j1crufa1£m ( bccaufc tlJCl? l)all tran[gt'clfcb a' ©ibca:) anti tl)crc \Das warrc llct\llctnc abta rou• aff... .ou ·
~..:: gamllttic:toib) anb'.]Jcroboam,
·~ 3 119itlJ tmclucIJunll~tb clJarets, anti tlncc• 3 * anll abta fct ttJc batten in arar, witlJ ~.R•g.• 5.:
:~ rco~c ttJouranll IJo~fcmcn: anb tl)c people \Dcre tile annic of t>aliant men of 11.'larrr, cum fourc
\lli¢outnumbcrtl}at camc\llttl:J 1J1mout oflf, lJunb~cll tlJoufantl clJofcn mm: anll]rroboam
=:.i:;~.IDJ~' grpt:ll,.ubim,b~urum,anbtlJceftl)ioptan~. fctl}imfclfe inarapto flgl}t agatnll 11im, \llitb
~· 0 ·~· 4 anb IJc toolletlJ~ arong cities m]uba,antl ciglJt (JUnb~cb tlJouranb picllt men, \lll}lclJ mere
::i .~~·:· came to ticmfalem. llrong men.anll men ofanncs.
r.;; 1"'1"· s iat:{Jcn came ~mna tl)c l&Jop(Jctto lSobo· 4 rctnll abia aoolle t>p bpon ~emaraim. an
:.:J a1n,anll to ttclo1t1sof']lulla tl}at \Dcrc gatlJcrcll IJtll \DIJidJ is in mount «r).llJ:aim, tt Caillc,~carc
:':: togetl)crb.'lit!Jin $icruf8Icm w: ~cfac, anll rain me tl)ou 'J,croboamanl:I all ']ICracl.
,.., bnto tlJcm, ~us fartfJ tl}e ll,.o:ll, Fee tJaue left s ~oc not rou tmo\lle lJo\tJ ti) at tlJc JLo~llc
~· mce, anD t1Jercfo1c l}auc '.ll alfo' left pou in tl}c '3otl of ]fran ~anc tlJe lltngtlome cucr tlJcm cf
,..,,, ..... l}anbsof~crac. ]fraelto19aurb fo~euer, encnto IJim, anb to
:.oi:·=:,. 6 1191Jcrmpou tte lo:lles er jjfracl anti tl)c l.Jts fonnu. \DitlJ ab falttll couenant ~ ~,;1~1.~~~~·
~ ~n~~umblell tlJeiniclue~, anDCapb, ~cl.o1b 6 gnb 'Jeroboam tlJe fonnc of fr.)abat Cl.Jc r~~~~'.~1.1;'b
~·": 1snllfjteou!$. rcruant of~olomon tile ronm of ~aUtll, 1ss n' 1""'""" vJt
;J:li 1
7 itlb tnlJm tl)e ll,.01n fa\11 tl)attlJcrMnnit· Ccn t>p,anb lJatlJ rcbcilcb againtl tfJc JLo~t. ~~~~,:!:~r'"
tell tlJcmfelUes, tlJc \11o:llc of t)Je ll,.oill c:amc to 7 gnn d)crc gatllercll bnto (Jim lc\Dll mcn, '.'h.~:~~:;r•
~cmeta, raping, ~er fubmit tlJcmfelut,6, tl)c c1J11llttn ofl6tltal, anti p:cuaiicb againll ~::'::~?,~~~'~:;
t(Jebfo:c 'l \'oill not'bctror tl)ein, bllt] 11.'ltll be• l!ioboam tl)e ronnc of ~olomon , \lllJm tsobo, n••1r.. ··~ f•·
liuer tl)em rometo{Jat.anb tnp 11.'l:StlJ OJan not be am 11.'laJS' poung, anti tmllcr (Jcancn, anll roulb ~~~1'.:;;~~"'
~1. po\lliell out bpon IJ)icrufalcm b! tlJc lJanlJ of not 1lanbbeCo1et1Jcm. · ~~~.;.~~.:...
..:;' ~erac. s. anb no\D re rap tlJat re be able to pt~a1le ,~J"~':.:.:rint
~f s ~cucrttJclefi"c,t(Jep OJalbelJts rcruants. to a11amt1 ttJe h111gt101nc of tlJc JLo~lle. \lll'ltch r~ m t•"'"ll'·
:Y. ":'~ lmo\11 \lllJat l:liffcrcncc itS bct\Decnc d mp fcruicc, tl}e IJanbtS ortlJc fotmctS of ~auil:I, snb rec be a •
~1 1.aa1•
anl>tl)c rerutccofttJclitn~bo\ncSoftlJc\Do~lb.
9 anb ro ~crac bing of lfgrpt came to 'ic· great multitubc, anll flaue tlJc golllcn caluc1;1
'llllJic:IJ ']eroboam mabc rou fo~ goo1;1.
s: mralcm, anD toohc a\llar ti.Jc trcaftare~ or t(Jc 9 aitb l:)auc pe not call out tlJc p1irrts of the
Jf 1Joure oCt(Jc 11.0111,anl:I ttJc trcafurc~ of tlJe ltin!JSS JLo~ll tl)cfonncs of aarou anll tlJc JL,cutccs, nt1ll
ft' IJourc, l:)c tootle au: IJ (Jee carieb a'Q)ap tlJ"C OJtellls 1Jaue mane poup#ell:)l after ttic man er of tlJc na,
.r,,1 of~olll 'IDfJtd'I ~olornon mane. tion~ of otflcr lanlle~ :' ro tlJat tolJofocucr com•
'li 1o jln Reali of 'llllJi~ liin~ Jlloboam mane mctl) anb confecratctlJ IJiS (Janoc \l'lftlJ a roung
~f OJtclb~ ofbJatTc, iJ c:ommitttD ttJcm to tl:)e lJanns ore anll rcuen rammcs,tlJe Caine mar be a p1tel!
I. of tl:)eclJtcfe of tiJc guartl, anD tl}at kept tl)c m· of tl)1oc1!tutlJ~::be c'~~~~~nto 14.c 'WIO'"'" our ""'oll
,1 i
trance of ti.Jc ktn!JSS l:)ourc.
11 9.nD 11.'llJm tl)c fling cntrcb into tlJe IJoufe
,iv ... %> ..., 11r ~u..
'1111)011'1 tllC lJtlUC not fOJfabrn, anb tl)c Plitft!.S
oftl)c JLOJll, tl}e 11uarll came anb fet t)Jcm, anb tl;Jc ronncs of aaron \lll)iclJ mintier ilnto the

:r tnouglJttbml qaine to tl)e ~arb clJambcr. JL,01?1,anD $ )Lcu1tct1\llart t>pon tl)ctr office.
· ; 12 anti tolJen l)c {Jumblcll IJimfclf'c,tlJc tllJ&tlJ 11 qcp bUrnc bnto tfJe JloJb rtrCll' mo ming
.1 1 of tfJc i.o:b tumebfrom l}im. t(Jat ~c tnoulll not anD cum111~. \DlJolc burnt racrwes,ann cilirrtt
Dctlro' alto~et)Jcr:anb tn1tlbaalltoa~mell.
1 c.1 4. 13 *an11 robin« moboam 'lllarctl mtgl)ey, puretable,11nt1picpare t(Jccanbtctltcliccf golD, .
inccnft:ttc llJctncb:can fcttl:)cpinoiner bpon a
anbrcigneD tn ~imlfalem:al111~oboam11.'la.6 \DttlJ tlJC lampctJoftlJe fame, to bumc curt et
" one am. fourtie fmCS ollle 11.'llJm !Jee l:lr«an to «rum: anti trulp\De flecpc tlJc \llatcfJ oftt;e ll.-o~D
__ -::__ _ _ __
1 1 11
Ieroboan1 difcomfited. Afa I I.Chron. ddl:royeth idolatry
l\lteUlis ana QJeart#. out ot'.)lul!a d)ire l)unb'iell
tl}oufanb, ~out of ~niamin tllat bate OJiClbJ.
anb llie"me botDeJ. tblo l)Unb'itlt anb f0urdio1c
ttJout:anl>.: aDtlJertlllne llaliant 111£1t.
9 anb ttJm came out spin« ttJem -:Jarab
of lftlJlopia, 1l:litlJ anl)olte of ten lJUnllieb tl)ou,
rantl anti ttnec l)un. .lt d}attQS, anlt 'ainc aSJ
1 o anb ara b:Jent out bcro~c l)im, anb ttJep
icitlftl tl)c battcl in tl}e ballet of '.itpl)ata, bcfl?IC
II * .llnb .llf8 aietl bnto tl}C l.01b l)iJI 00?1, r.st111,
anti rar~, JL.o~ll, it t151101Jart1 tl)ing \liitlJ tl}ce to 1

(Jclpc\tmi,manr, OJtlJtmtlJatl)auenopollltt:
bclpc bl5 tl,lttcfo~t,© lL~;, our<ll5ob,foi toe trull
to tbcc, anti in tl)r JF.lamc b:Jc goc a1,Jainllt1Jil5
multitUbc: tl)ou arttlJcJLoib our<ll501>, an1>no
man tl:Jall pJcuailc againll tl)cc.
12 anti ro tl)e ' rmotc tl)c 1Jetl)iopial1$S tJe,
roic gra anb ]uba,antl tf}c lftl.)1opian15 Heb.
i 3 anb ara anb t(Jc people ttJac blal5 \llttl)
(lim, foUo\llctl after tl]cm tmto <ll'Strat: anb d)e
~tl)iop1an~ l)oftc b:Jas oucrttno\llcn, tl]at tlJttt
\\la~ none of ttJciu lcl't,butb:Jcu bclh'opc1> befo~
d llbt <JUrt
tlJc lLoit1an1> 1Jcro1c l)is IJoac: anti tl)ep canto a'
\Dar a miglJtp gnatp~pc.
14 anti tlJer emote an tlJc citicSJ roun1> about 1;
<1! tl)c fcarc of tl,lcJL,o~tl came bpon tl)mi:
anll tlJcr Cpoilcb all tl)e dt1es, anb tlJm \DaSJ cy'
ccetling mucl} fpo1lc in tf;Jem.
1 s ~cp fmote alfo tl}e tcntss of cattcl.anb ca'
ricll a\t'lap plentie of fiiecpe anti mmcls, anb re'
turncb to ll)icnlfalcm.
Thexv. Chapter.
1 1 he cxhormion of Azaria. 8 Ma purgeth his
counrrcy of idolatrie. 14 They fwcarc togcthcrto
{crue the Lord. Jo Hcdcpofcrft his mother for her
f.ltl ti.Jc fptrit of d3ob came on ata'
rta tf;Jc ronnc of Slt>bcll.
:i gun !Jc 111cnt out to mute
• ~G : ara, anti Caitl bnto l)im.'$rare me,
~ffg ara,anoau~ubaanbl6cniamin, ~
tl)ct.cioc 111b:Jitl)ro.u,1ll1Ji~ rec bc\Ditl,JIJim: ~,1
anll 'aiiJcn re fccbe t.:11m, l)c \Dill be founl> of1'11:
a111>a;aine, \t11)e:n rec ro,ra11c1Jnn. i,c alfow1U
ro~falic pou.
l Ji)olD f<>IB Ion!!• f<afon')ltadbadJfltmt
toitlJout tl)c ~c <ll5ot1, anb \Ditl}out 'JidtSS to !;
tcactJ, anll \llttl}out la\ll.
4 ant1\Dl}cnanrmaninlJiSStroublcbib~n1 :
, .. '

bnto tlJc l.oib Q!501> of ~fracl, anl> rougl}t (Jun, ;.... ~~
l)c b:Jais rourib of tl)cm. . .~
s an?I tn tlJat ttmc tfJcrc \1)815 no peace to IJjm ~:
tIJatbiD goc outan?J in, but great Ccllttion \Va.d ~:~
ttJm among au tlJc inlJabttcrS of d)ecm'tfJ, ,~:
6 gnb nation \llas bcllrorcb of nation, 111111 ~~
'ititof citic: roi cll5oD DiD moue all aDuctratic a· ,
mong tlJcm. \:
1 l&laf rrc t11mroic tfJc mm, anbletnot i,~
11om l)anncis aac1se : foJ rour \Do1be OJall be re, t':
s gnb 'ID(Jm Wa1Jeart1tl]Dfc1DoJ~l1t1D tl]c
PJQplJtfieofb g:'ana t1JcConncofd>btDdJe1&10•
plJet. l)e toOflu:ouralJc, anb put a\lla? dJC abo' :u•na. \~
mt~lc ~olt#Out ora11 tbe lanbe of ]UDa anb «ibt•· \~.
~mamni.atlb ~utoftl}t dticS1DIJf'1J IJe t»an \'
mmount ctpt»aim, lll1lJ rmutb tlJe altar of f.1}c . \.
l.OJD ttlot 'IDlll bcro1c tl)c POJdJ of dJe ::t.o~ 1. 1;
9 gn1111e 1at1Jcnb alf')Uba anlJ ll5mtamtn, ~\
anD ,~
1akechacouenantwich Chap~xvj.xvij. Benhadad,anddiech. 160

anb tlJt traun~~ lrlitb ttJem,out or ce~~tm,

~anaJfc, anD ~muon: fo~ ti)tte frll manp to
l)imout of'Jlfrael, 'ID~en tl)ep fa'I» tl)at tlJe JLo:b
()ts 15GD lrlSS \Did) (Jlm.
10 ~o tl)ey afi'emblcb toixetIJtt at ll)icrufa•
lcm t(Jt c tl!irb momtlJ, ftJ t firteentlJ rem ofCIJe
mgne: Of ara.
11 .Qnll tlJer offcrcb bnto tlJe JLo~be t(Je Came
time. oftgt tpofle 'ID)Jtc(J tbcF {lab b:ougIJt, fe,
uenl}unb~eb orcn,anD reuen tiJoufanb nierpe.
~ 1 i anb tl)ep ma be a couenant to feelie tfJe
~· '11.9:11 G50b Of tlJett f'ati)ttS 'roltl) all t1Jeir (Jeart,
~ anballtlJetrfouk.
·\1 J J anil 'mlJOfoeUtr'tDDUibnotfl'eftctlJtJLO~b
~......, G5ob of]frael dOioulb ilie fo: it, lrllJetlJer l)e'Olere
~~j;~:: rmall oi \Dornan.
14 anb tl}rp f\JJarc bnto t1Je JLot'b 'tDttlJ a loUb
~. borcc, OJo'lDttng anti blotlli11g 'lllitlJ trumpets
~ anb lliawme~.
t1 1 5 i'lnll all tIJer tn ]uba retopcell ~t tIJe otlJ~:
b, ro: tfJer IJall f\tlomc tmto tfJe JL0:11 '1.llttJ an tfJetr
ii l)~art,anD fougl]t (Jim tDttl,J an tfJdr lull, anb l)e
~ \tl!.l£i rounll of t11cm : anb tfJe JLo:bC gaue tl)cin
~ nllrounoal:Joutoncuerr lille.
''g. 11 . 16 *!AnDI1i11g .Qfaputc~aac1Ja1Jis motl)er
!. out or autbo:ttie, becaufe OJt IJab mabe an tbole
~.,. in a !JTOUt: anll ara l,nofie bomne tJer illole, anti
q,,111.. aampell tt, anll burnt It at tl)e b:ooke Qteb:on.
:t:,1:~· 11 '.l6ut an a,e IJt!,W place!J mere not taltcn a·
!:.' war out of 1rrael,t{Joug1J tlJe 1Jeart of ara mas Thexvij. Chapter,
?.:~;, pcrrtct all l)i~ DRrr!1.
ll 1S anb hcb;ounl)tintotl)e1Jou!eof0ob tl}e 5 lofaphauruning in the Lorde, profpercth in richc~
tf,Jtn!J!1 tlJat IJts fatiJcr flan Drlltcatc, anti ttJat IJc and honour. 6 Hee abo!Hhcth idolatric, 7 ahd
l)imfclfc IJall bcbicatc,cucn f1lucr, anti go Ill, anb caufcrh rhe people to be taughr.
befr'ds. jf.lJE) j\ofaplJatlJt• fomre rcrgnrll

19 anb tfJerc toas no mo~c \Darre bntotl}e
tl)e tl}irtie ann fiuc rem of tl)c rci!Jnc of ~ua.
The xvj. Chapter.
Afa for fcare of Baa fa king of Ifracl, makcrh a
coucnancwi1hBcnhadadkingof Syria. 7 Hee is
rl inlJi•tteab, anllp,euailel> aigatna
2 £tnb f)ccput roull>icrsinan
tl)c flrong citie~ of 1\ul>a, anb fet
ruler)1 in tiJr lanl> of ']\Ulla, anb in tlJt cltif!1 of
lfplJiatm,\lllJiclJ ara lJiS fa ti] er l)ab '!Donne.

rcprooued by the Prophcr, 3 anb tfJe l,o~b 'tDa• tDttlJ 9jofap1Jat,becaufe
Ja tlJc tlJirtie anb fiJe rem of' tl)e IJee tDalllelJ in tlJc fo1mer mnres of IJi• ratlJer
mgne or ara, came l5aafa mng of Ji)autn,anb fouglJt not lL5aalim :
'3\fracl again« ·]Ulla , anb built 4 ll3ut roug1Jt tlJe JLo~lle '5oll of lJiS ratlJer,
mama,tot1Jeintentt1Jat1Je'tDouU1 ann 'tDalbeb tn IJiS commaunneinents, anll not
kt none pattc out o: tn to ara fling artertlJeboings of '.]Jfrarl.
Of]Uba, 5 9nll ttJC Jl,oJbC ftablillJl'b ttJC fllngbome ill
z ann ~fa fet out golbanllfllueroutof tfJe t:Jts IJanb,anball ]Ulla bJouglJt (Jim pJefcnt~, fo
~ treantreis of' tlJe l}oUfc ortfJc JLo~ll.anll our oft)Je tl}at l)c IJab abunbance or riclJeS anb l}onour.
r flings IJourr, anb fmtto l5cn(Jaballfdng of ~f'
Da. rill tIJat llb:'lclt at i Ji'ar1mrec,anb fapn,
6 ant11Je lift tip lJeart bnto tl]e \lJapc~ of
tlJe JLo,n, anb l]e put llo\llne 1·et11101t of' tlJe t:JiglJ
fu. 3 ~IJcrc t~ a confellctatfon bct'roetnc mee places anti grout'~ out of j\uDa.
anti tl)ee, betmcene mp fatfJtt anD tlJinc:bcfJoln, 1 j\n tl)c tlJirll reere of (Jismi!Jllt IJe fentto
~ l)aue rent tfJeeliluer anb !JOIll, tlJat tIJou 'lllilt bi~ lo1ns. eucn to l5mbail. iDballia, 'Jacbarta,
come anb b,rake tlJp league \llitl) l5aafa fling of ~ett.Janel, anll to 9@ic1Jaia, tl}at tJ,Jey flJoUlll . . .
'.)]at t:Jc mar Depart from me. • teacl) tn tl}c ~ttic• of 1 una : . . ~J::.x~:, 1
4 anti )5en1Jallail grauntell tmto Idng ara, 8 am bJltlJ t!Jem (Jefcnt )Lemtcs,eum ~l'' DbJOOD Into
an11 fmt tl,Jc captalm:~ of IJi~ annies to tlJc ci• mela. JactlJanla, 'Jf~aDia, ~fael,~emitamotIJ, m~~~,\~~~
ties of')ltacl: anb tiJC!' fmote :Jj,lon, Ji'an, a~ ]dJ~natl)an, an.oms, '~Obt~ anb ~ob-at>onta, ;~~·~~~k'~,~.
atnlmaim, anb all tf.Je arong m1r11 of' jf.leptlJall. )!..antes: anb tDttlJ tlJem lfltfama an11 '.]jo~am, 1r •n!lruma.
s Qn'b 'tDlJen l>aafa IJcarll ttJiS, l)c left but(, ~1tClt~.
llin« of mama.anti let lJi~ \1lo$e ceafe. 9 i.lnll tlJer tauglJt in ]uba, anb bab tlJr
6 inb t1Jrn ara tfJc liin~ toofle an '.)ub11,ant1 booke of tl}e Jl,a\U of C3ob b>itfJ tl;Jtm, arill 'ID mt
cme11 alDar tile aone)1 anll timber of mama about tfJJOUgl}out all t)Je CltttSS Of ]U'lla, anti
\tl~ttlJ l6a11ra ma~ a builntng, anb IJe butlt taugf1t t}Je people.
tlJmlDtttJ <i3eba ann gjl)i!paf1. 10 flnlJ tIJe fr ate or tlJe ll-oit> fell bpon an tl;c
1 at ttJat time ll)anani ttJc ~eer camt to rdngtiomcs of tf;Jc lanb t{Jat \t'.ltte rounD about
:.~11 •· araJRq Of ']Uba,anll fafb bnto )Jim, • l3ecaufe jluDa.snll tlJep fou~t notagainll '.];orapl)at.
:'::i..1 111"" tl)oul)altti:ulleb in tlJe kin~or "9rita, anbnot 11 !il~ll ro1m of tl)c 19htltatncs lJ~ou(!.lJt'Jlo'
.. D • ratl)er put tlJI! truft fn tl)c Jl,o~lletlJr <3oD,tiJtte' raplJat girts, anti tnbutt muer. ('tti:r .\lral.ltan~ 1
\!Vicked affinicie. 11..Chron. Miehe as prophefie;
b1ou~ IJim c;attd,cuen reucn tlJOUl'anl> anti&•
ucn l)tmJnell rammes, anD rcum tlJoufano anti
rtum llunD;ieDJ)ee ~ate~.
, i !Ann ro 'Jlofapl.Jat p~ofpetctt IJ .~eto tip an
IJiglJ: \1 lJC built in '.JuDa c;alllcs, \1 '1~teS
liOr,grm I 3 a11t11JC IJilD iircat II rubllanctmtlJUlttes
wotku, of ']una : bUt tiJe ~en of anneis anti lttongell
4 g nD tJJelcare tl)c II officc15 of tf)mi in tlJe
I! Or num- )loufe ~ft}Jeir fat(leU: tt)C cap~inCIS O~ ~U'
bcrs. tsnDIS m1 una,a1>na tl)c c;aptilUlt,anb \llitlJ IJtm
orri!Jl1ting men, time l)unt1~c1:1 tl)ouran1:1.
I i 5 anD ngt to. IJi!S l)anl:I toass lel)onana '8Jl'
1tatne, anti t»atl) l)im tt»o l}Unl:l~l:I anl:I rourcw1e
16 .anllnert lJimtoiut !Jma~itl tfJe fonnc of
~ii;tit, \ll}Jicl) ofl)il5 o\une SJOOi> 'alitl olfml:l l)1m
fclfe tmto tiJe JL,oill, anll 'IDitlJ l)im tt»o IJUn'bJC~
tIJourE1n'b mi~lJtie men of\lJarre.
17 :Clnll of tl.Jc c;{Jilnicn of :lDmianrin.. Cll!ltaba
aman or migl)t, anll toitl,J l)im armen men toitlJ
bo\\l anl> flJidD t\llo l)unl:l~el:I tl}oufanll.
s anlJ ne~lJitn t»~]ofabllll,ann \llitl)lJtm
1 anti fourcri:o1c tl;)oufanl:I tl)at tum
I1.11eparen fo~ tl)c \llarrc.
I 19 ~tfe toaitcb on ti}e \\in(J, tidil>CS tf:)ofe
toIJitlJ tl;e ltfngput indJeatongcjtiesti)o~o\lJ,
out all 'luna.
l The xviij. Chapter.
[ r lofaphar makcih affinitic with Achab. 10 Fciurc
hundred Prophets counfcll Achab to go to warrc.
I 14 Micheais againJhhcm. 29 Thceflcd: of his
'j 1 prophc!ie.
• Res , 1 • i . J a n * '.)Jofap~at l)ab abunllante of
'· ·- ., 1$' '11.-J • ric~eis ano l,Jonoirt, llflll iopnellll[;
;• 'l/JS:,. fimtic toitb ac(Jab.
I• . ' 2 a111:1-aftercertaine11eeresshe
I tomt fJO'ame to gc;h&b tO ~ama,
na: ann acl'!ab acto manp anti ~rm .ro~
l)ttn, an\> foi tl)e people tl)atlJtt {Jall \lntlJ l)1m,
an'b enttcatei> l)i1u to ~oc bp \tlitlJ lJim unto l!ia-
motl) in 0iltall.
3 anti acl)ab ltin~ of']lfracl rato tmto ]ofa,
pl)at ktn!l of 1uoa,mult tl)ou go \lJitlJ me to iaa,
morl) in Gilean: ann l}e anr\llerell him, j1 \Viii
tc ais tl)ou, ani> mp people UJall be a~ tlJinc, and
we will goe '1litlJ tIJec to t{Je "mane.
4 ~nl:I ]ofapbatfaiD bnto ti)c kin~ of '.]lfr1t-
,(cl, ~ce!ic counrcll, 'Jl 1nar ti,Jec, at t:l.)e too~ne of
tl)t Ji..o~ll tlJiS Came nap.
5 ~etcfoJe tl)e fling or]Crad gatt)ereb to'

~ctl)ci of piop}Jetss fourc l}u~eD men, atlZI faill
'onto t\Jcm, ~lJall \tie goe to mamotlJ in <ll5ileatl
to figl}t,o~ ([)ouUJ 1 ccarc:ann ttJep fdil:l,<ll5oe bp,
a1tb <Zotl igall neliucr it into tIJe fiinp l)anD.
is 15ut ']orapl)at rain , ~IS t{Jne pct l,Jcrc ne,

u~ a~~opl)ctmotcof tl}e )1.,011>!$.tlJat \tie mi!ll]t
a ...eoft)1m~
1 J.nn tl)e flin« of ]a:atl faiDe hnto iora'
Pilat, ~l)crc i1"S 12tt one man. b1' \Ul)om \'De map
aCbetl)e "l-02t1,but 1 lJatel)im, fot be ncuer PJO'
~lJtclttil tnc 11oob,bUt altoll! eu&n: anb d)efml&C
t~ ~tct)e.a tlJe ronne of '.]ltmla. ~ ~ofaplJIC
fa111, Ji.,etnot tlnkingfarfo. · ·
• 8 an~ ~c tung of ']frari '811ell one of Iii#
I ct,ambtrlatncis, an11 ra10 f etcl,J 1Jid1cr quiddf
\l@icl)cs tl)t fonnt of 'lcnlta
l 9 ~nt1tlJckingor1rraeiant1j~=
. of')una ra~ ritl,Jcr Of .tlJcm on l)is reau in
\ appareH , m a ~tng tloo~ befibe tlJe gate
i\chabfiaine. Chap.xix.xx. .Iofaphacsprayer. 161
is gn11 ro tlJtfling oflftatl anb]ofap(Jat tfJc b~Jtn tl}atb\Dd mdJrif ~ brt\Dm1 bloo1>
king Of'.)UDa 10cnnp to JBamotl:J in 115ilt.ab. anb bloob, bct\Dccnc la\1J an~ comman1>nntnt,
29 ania d)cbtng of']lfracl faiD buto')=t. btt'mcme ftatutt.IS ~ o~binanccs: pc ft)all 'mamr
'.) 1Dl1I ctJange inc 'a>(Jm 'Jl iiocto tl:Jeba ·but tt.Jcm tl)at tlJey trnpamrnot ag,amft tlJe JL0~1>c,
fee d)at dJGu JJauc tl)ine o\Dn appattlbpon d]tt. a,nD ro 'lllJStl} come bpon rou anti rourb1ct1J~tn:
ano t:Oe fdl1i of '.)Crael c(Jangl!l> l)Unfelfe, ann tqus Doc, 0111> re 11Jall not otftnD.
tlJep came to tl)c battcl. 1 a am b£l)oll>, amena tile 1Jimt11&1trtl is a,
30 ~ut tlJc liing of ~nm (Jan commaunbcD mong pou in all matters of ttJc JL,o~D, anl> ~ba,
ff:Jc,;aptain.IS of tl)cc(Jants ttJat mere 'dJitlJ 1Jim, l>la tlJefonnc of Jfmacl, arulcrof t(Jc (Joufc of
raping, ~ce tl)at pre ft!,tlJt not againil rmall o~ ]uDa , fo1 au tf)e hings matter.IS: ~!Jere be offt,
~ llf£8C. raucagamn tl}c fnn!J of'llfraelonclr. ccrs oft~eJLcuttcsalfo bctozcpou,tal!ccouragt
~ 31 anD \lll)C11 tl:JC capt ams OftfJe C(JBret.IJfa\D to fOU tlJtrCW~C, anl> be ilOIOg manfully, anb tl)C
:~ ')lofaplJat.tlJer rat!l,']lt i.IS tl:Jclling of']lt'racl: 1mb JL.01!1 ll)albc mit(J rucl) as be goo1>.
l\1 tl}mro~c ttJrr compaat1> about (Jim to figlJt. Th
1'1g.u. ~JBut'JlofaplJat cricl> out, anD t(JcJL,011>1JelpcD e xx.Chapter.
'~ (J1m,en1> ~OD II chafell tl)cm a'alap from l;Jim. 3Iofaphat :and the people pray Voto the Lord. 2l The
ti\,,~ou•d ;2 <jfo~ 'tDhcn tlJC captaincsoftbec(Jar~ptt' marucil~us vi~oric char the Lod gall(; him againll
~~ _10 d•- cciUCI> tlJat itb:Hl.IS not ttJc Iting of 9)£racl, tlJCl:' l11senem1es. 30 His rcigne and ad cs.
~ trom tun1cll ba(lic agatnc from (Jtm. ~~fA"6:~"'1 jfttt tlJt~ alfo, tlJC cl)ilil~Cll of ~0'
~ his 33 !Anllaccr1aincman!l~c\Dabo1Dcffata1lcn' all anll tl)c cllilo~rn of !tlmmon,
~~~~;.... ~urc,anll emote tl)e bing or'.J,rrael bct'mrcnc tl)c an?J \llitlJ them otl)cr of tt1c !Am,
""q lomts oflJis l)abcrgtne: an!> (Jee rarD to (JI.IS clJa' ~· . monitcs, came ngainll '.)iofap{Jat
rctman, ~urnc tlJinc (JanD that t(Jou mare« ca' ::1'175 to battclL
ricmcoutoftl)c(Jollc,fo~'.J amblounDcll. 2 • ~111> tl)crecamc rome tl)at tol1>1ofap[Jat,

34 !lnD t(Jcbl1ttcU cncrearcn tl)at Dar: (Jo\D, rarmg, ~crc commrttJ a great multitu11c a,
bcit t(Jchingof'Jirraclcaufeb(Jis cl)arctdto nan1> gamn tl)cc from tl)cot(Jer noc oft{Jcfca,11111> out
llil a!Jninn tl)c ~wian1.1, tmtil <fucn: anll llbout or ~r~ta. ano bclJolll, tt; cp be tn ~araton ~lJa'
tt)c nmcoUIJc nmnc goingl:lo\Dne, DCt1ic11. mar, \Dllie(J is in cfn-galli.
The xix· C hapter. 3 ano 1ofapoat fcnreo, anD ret lJimfelfe to
ftctte t(Je JL,01ll, anti p,zcclaimcll fal!ing tlJOWW•
I After lofaphat was rebuked by the Prophet. hcc ouraU']ulla.
callcth againc the people to the honouring ol the 4 an1> 'J]uDa gathcrcD tllcmfduc~ togctl)er,
:o:.! Lord. to anic counfell of tlJe ll.o~ll : anll t11cp came out
.I!lr :0"~ "'·'" , , ~ ~ljlorap(JattfJe I1ingof'.]!Ul:la of au tlJc citici:J or ']uoa, II to malieintl't'cclfion
M, 1 'i .®came (Joml' againe in peace to totlJcll.o~l:I.
or,ro in-

quire af1hc
:.:iz '/'JJ:,, , ~tcrufalcm. 5. 9nt1lotilpbatlloot1bctmcenetl:Jccongre, Lord,
', z an1> '.Jie(Ju t(Je fonne of $a, gstton or jluoa anD l~icrufalrm, in tl)c l)oure of
nant tl)e ~eer , \llcnt out to tl)e JLo:n, bcfo~c tbc nc"ID court,
mcctc (Jim, anll fail> to liing 10, 6 :lnD faiD, © 'A,,o:b <!DoD of our fat(JttS, art
raplJat, oooulllcll t(Jou (Jclpc ttJc bngoD lp, anl> not tl)ou <!DOD in (Jrauen, anti reign ell not t(Jou
Joue tlJent ttJat l)ate t(Jc ll.o:llc :' ~lJercfo:c is on altl)e kingllomcs of tl)c l)eattJcn,antJin tlJinc
'mJStlJ come Do\Dnc bpon t{Jce from bcfil1c tfJc (Jan11 is pomcr anll migl)t, anll tl)rrc i.IS no man
lLo:n: . t(Jatis able to toitlJllanlJ tl1cc :'
.• 3 ~eucrttJclcll'e.. tl)erc arc fomc goonactes 7 art not tlJou our ©oll \llhiclJ tliDDcll can
~ founD in. tl)ec, in tl)at tl)ou lJaff; lJc1Dcn bo'mne out t(Jc infJabiter~ or t(Jis lanll bcfo zc ttJr people
r tiJc groucs out of tttt la11D, anll l)al weparcl:I '.]lfrecl,anb 11aueft it to tl}c rccllC or ~lb:alJam tlJp
~ tl)inc l)eart to rct11e ©ob. · loucr, f'o1 cucr :'
?.' 4 9nll 1\ofaplJat Dwelt at $icrufal£m, anll s an11 tiler 1>\Delt tf)crcin, anD (Jauc built
'~'" turn ell, • anll \Dmt out to tlJc people from ~.ctt' t{Jce a temple tl:Jcrein fo: tlJp name. raping,
~· Ccbaro mount ltp1J1aim, attDtno~(Jt t(Jcma' 9 • '.]lf cutncomz bpon bi.I ,ast1Jer1110J1>e of z.chr.6.18
'.0 ~1 :~:; gstne bnto t(Jc 11.0Jb ©01> oftfJcirfatl:Jtt.IS.
iUDgcmcnt, iirllilrncc, o~ (Jungrr: tl)ru &f \Dec
"A't• ~~;'. 5 !lnll IJC fct 1\UDgcis in t(Jc lanl:I, t(JOJOmout ftanD IJCf.oJc t(JiS lJOUfc in tlJp p~rfcnce, (WJ tlJr
:' · au t(Jc nrong cities of1uba, citictw citic, name ii.I in t(JiSS(Jourc) an1> err bnto t(Jrc m our
!~ 6 an1> (ap'O to tl)c '.},uDgc.IJ, ~alic (Jeell \D(}at tribulation, l}eare tlloU, anD 1Jtlp£.
,. pee tJoc: to: rrc (:fccutc not ttJe inbltttn£~ ot .1 o * !Anl> no'ID bc)Jolo the dJill1icn of !Ammon r .tcin.s. J 7•
~~:!'' 1,nan, but of ©oll, \lJIJiC(J i~ b\Ditl) rou int(Je anD gaoab,anD mount~etr, •by m1Jomtl)ou Dcuc.z.9.
~r;;.•,~· mt1gnnc11t. . 'O.loulticn not let tt}cm of jfrael goc, tolJen ttJer
,jJ~~. 7 OO(Jcrcfoirno\D let tlJC fcarc of~c JL01ll be came out or t(1c Ianll of G?gppt,but tlJcr Ilr.parte!l
~~ bponrou, attII tafie.(Jce~c.. ann be llomg the thing from tbcm,anl> tJtnropcD ttJcm not.
:~ that pleafcih him: fOJ tl)ttc i.IS no bnrigl'Jttourncs 11 ~tc IJo'ID tllCF rc\Darl> b.IJ, to come fo~ to
-~ + '9. "IDitt) tl}e 11.0Jll our <5011. * tlJat (Jc ft)oulD (Jauc a' call bS out or tlJl' polTcmon, "IDlJic(J tl)ou (Jaft gi:
f, ~. J ~· np refpcct of pcrrons,o: tahe re\»aro~. ueu b.IS to inlJcritc.
}- 1 '· s. ~OJeoucr, tn ~icrnratcm Dt!l ljlofaplJat . 12 @our ©_olJ, milt ~ou notiutlge t(Jem:'fo~
~~· • 7· rctoft(Je JLcuttc1.1an11 of tl)e 101iellS, anD of t(Jc \Dc(Jaucno m1g1Jt. aga1111l t~l.IS 11rcat cotnpanr
,r ttncicnt fatt)crs oucr ']lfracl, in tl)e iuDgctncnt t(Jat commettJ agamll b,s:ncitl)l't1Dotc \De \D{Jat
d antuaufcoft(Je JL.OJlt, ann tlJCF rcturncl> agafnc to Doe. but our ere.IS• be bnto tl)rc. , w'"n'H•r
~~ to tljierura1ctn. .13 g~I> au j\u!Jll aool)~ bcfoJc tlJC )Lo~llc. :i;::.:~~,\;~ 11 ,
~,~ 9 a1tt11Jec clJttr!Jcl:I tl)cm,faring, ~u~ llJaD Ulltb tlJetr roung oncis, tt)cir lllitrr.)1, anll tlJrir ,.., ~"' o•r.11•·
ree 1>ot tn tl}c fcare or tJ}c )l..01D f'ait:l)fuUr, an1> cl]itDien. b:;U.'""'
f, \\litl).apurelJtart: . · ' z"' ancidJtrc'nlas')a(Ja~id tIJeronnr cf·5a,
~ 10 l191Jat caurc roeuer come to rou of rout cljaria,tlJefonncofJBcnaia,t(Jefonneof'Jil'l11rl.
~- ~I
God fighteth for Iuda. II. Chron. Iorams cruelcie.':
tlJc ronnc ofg!Jattl)ania,a :i,,cuitt of ti)~ ronncJ
of .\lfaplJ • anll bpon IJim came tlJC .fi>tnt of d}c
l..0111 in d)c mtblS ofti.Jc Gtongreg_atton:
1 s ano fJc raill. l)r.sdltnall ]Uba, anb tt t0<
l}abitcrJ orllJitrufalcm, (t ti.JOU bing 1jofap~at,
~uis ratd,J tfJc JL01D tmto rou, :l6c not afm1D~
no~ faint l}eaittD, l>F naron of tl)1s §ttat 111ulti-
t11bc: to1dJc1>attcms not rours,l>~t 0011s.
1 .s ~o mo1ow goe pe bo'tDnc agaanll tf)cm:bt>
1.JolD.tlJer come bp l>F tf)c deft of'Jt~.an1> re (l)all
rinb tfJcm at tlJe cnb ortl)c b1001ic,bcro1c tl}c \lJil•
oernclfe or '.)lcrucl.
17 ~c OJallnot neellctofle;t)tindJiS batten,
l>Ut flep foJtlJ, an!> aan1>, an!> bdJolb tf)c )Jclpc of
tl)c )l.,o~ mlJidJ i)l 'WitlJ rou : fearc not. noJ let
pourl}eartsfailc rou. !lt> pc of'.]lul>a anb of ll)ic,
rufalem, to moio\11 goc out againfl t1Jnn,fo1 tl}c
JLOJD 'altll be 'alitt:I rou.
b D1'11rlll1 1 s .anti ~o~at b bo'alcl> IJiis face to tl)c
anD au luba, anb d)c tn)Jabittni of l)iE•
obCDttacr ro
lbil•llJ. rufalcm fell befOJC tl)c )l.,OJD ''alOJilJipptn11 tlJC
19 ilnl> tl]c JL,cuitcJ oCt(Jc ctJ1llJJc11 oft'bc Gras·
Cl}itcs.a~b of dJc c\)iU1Jen of tl}c GtoJaf.Jttcs, floolJ
bp to p,111rc tlJc JL,oJl> IJLJol> of]fracl, \llitlJ afoul>
20 .ann t»IJc tlJcr arofc carlp in tf.Jc momtng.
tlJep gate tlJcm out bnto t{Jc \lJ&lbmtctrc of ~lJc•
coa: anti as tlJep went out, '.]!ofapf.Jat lloob, anb
rato, t!Jcarc me,© ]Ul>o, anti rec tnl,JabitcrJ of
$icruralcm: l&UtpourtruaintlJc JL,oJbcpour
<3011, tlJat rce mat be founll fattlJf'ull: giue m·
lJence to lJtJ pJoplJct?, anb ro ll.Jall re p1ofpcr.
:i.1 OOlJm IJe JJaD confultcb tllitfJ tl}q1coplc,
anti rct romc to rmg bnto t}Je 'A-0111, anll to p1ai!c
l)im in ti)c bcautic of 1Jolmetre, anl> to gocout
IJefo~c tl)c armie,anll to rap, ~~arrc tl)c JL01b,fo~
}Jtis mercy lallctlJ euer:
22 ann 'llll}en tl)cp bcgannc to Oio'a>tc , anb
to piaife tJJc 'A-0111,tl}c 'A-oJlJ lapbc ambufl.lmcnts
againll t}Je d}ilbJtn of ammon • ~oab , anb
mount ~ctr, 'allJidJ 'mere come agatnll '.Jlul>a,
anb tbcr 'alert oucrt1J1ot11n \llitl} arokc- among
23 foJ tl)e dJill>tm of !Ammon anb ~oab,
rore againll tl}c inl)abitcris of mount ~rtr,
anl> lletoc anti llcfttopel> tl)cm: anti t»IJen tfJcr
l)alJ mabe an rnne of tlJc inl}abittrs of ~ctr,
eucrr one l)clpcb to bellror an otIJer among
24 am llJf)cn ']u111uamc to\'OarlJ ~ifpalJ in
t:l)c ',Jep lookcll bnto tl)e mulcttubc,
anlJ bdJolllc, tlJep \'Ocre bcab c:articircf$ fallen to
tl)c eartl), anll none ercapc11.
2 5 anb wl)cn ']orapl)at anti IJis people canu
to talie awap tile fpcn?lc of tllem, tlJcp founD a·
mong tl)cm abunlJancc of goobJ, raiment, anb
Wceiou15 it\\ltlf$ , 'tD{Jicl) tl;Jey tooflc foJ U,cm•
telutss 'no1c tl)cn tl)cy coult> c:anc a'1lap : Co tbat
tlJt•.t l:Dttc «me Dares in «atf.Jcrtng of tlJc fpotte,
, eaucrbanu ...;~ ~.!'ti tl)c fOUl'tl) l>ap tl:Jcp alTembleb in
-••b•L11• ~., a...., of blttTin!.J(: fOJ tl)m tl)ep' bkfl'ell
::'.~cin111 •· ttic lLo~bc • anb tl)etefoic tl)ef calltD dJe name
~f:~~~~c Place, ~c balley of bldlin~i. tmto
17 rinb fo an tlJc men of1ub111111b l)iml•
ra1cm' tctumcb l:Ditl1 'J "-l) .... . hcaD. fo
to goc ogaincto tl)triurafm:'-~~. fO~

enemfts. ...-r- . .,. ..
tl)c JLoinc l}ab mat1c tl)e:m to _......... Olm .i,m.
1is horrible death. Chap.xxij .xxiij. Ahaziafiaine. 162

9 gnD '.ID1am '1>mt.foJtfJ tDitlJ I.Ji• loJ?Js. anD tlJc l)oure of Qebab : fo~ t:l)ey '1lcrc IJts d coun, d e.,11 ,
all tri• '~ '1Jm 'Glltl) .1J1m: ami l)e rofe 1>p ~ fa&louris aftcttiJt bead} or I.Ji!!! fatfJct, to 1}1£1 tic• '"'°"",,;~~
ntmfJt, ~cmotetl)e cen~rtt•~ '1111Jicl1.compatreD aruction. antadl'"11.
lJim in: anti c:tJc captatnc• ortt:Je Cl)mt•· 5 !lnll iJt \Dalfltll aftcr tlJrir counfa11e, lll1ll
1 o ~'" ~ rcbellen fltl.Co tl)at t!Jep \1Jou~ 'lllent.'\ll1t1.J ']oJam ronnc of gclJab lltng of]rra,
trot ~ bmier tJJe lla~b of ]Ulla bnto tm• D~P: cl, tofigl)t againft ~aiacuitngof~mtaatma,
tl}at famt tmu allb bJD '.ll..ibnuebcll frombelnll motiJ In C3ilcan: anD ti.Jc ~vianl!l linotc101am.
bnDer ll&s IJatlb, bccaurc l)c 1Jat1 fo1rallC tf,Jc '.UJb 6 gn'CI lJc tumcll to be lJealtD in 1c;raJJel, of
<5oD ofbtsfattJttJ$. tl1t'mounD•111lJiclJ \1Jm gtucn lJitn at mama,
~ 11 ~oicoucr, IJce mabe fr4lb ptaceii in ttJc 'IDIJtrl.IJCfoUglJt'mitlJ ~B}al'lfitng Of~Jia:anll
"- mountaines of•]una,anll caUfeD the itlfJabitcrs ilJapa tlJc Connc of 'JOJam !ling c.f']!Ubll, 'mcnt
ii?f.!';f.. of~iertlt'alem to b commit ro1niaitio11, anll pio• bo'mnctofte'Jo.ram~tbnncof QclJab at '.]!C'i'
"ir11111oi.. UObetl ~Ui'la ro idulacric.
"' ,. tlJ ..
u "'n"' crccameatouttngto nnuom'""'
b . ,.. .,,. rai)cl, btcaUfclJc 'ma.ISblfeaCcll.
7 ilntl tti;arne Ofe3oD tl}at al)a1ia !lJOU[tllJC
~~~~.·~ liatl)c l!)?opl}ct, farinfi, ~· faitl}tl)e'Jl,o~DC t1clh'oiict1 fo;t IJi!!I comming to '.]\ozam: fo11lllJC11
l .lb:~~ <5ob ofl0nuiD ttJt fatlJcr; l6a:aufe tlJOU l)aftnot ~c wa~ come, IJt \Dent out \UitlJ ')'101am againll
~~·:::• malkell in tlJc 'ma.:Cs of]ofaplJat tlJl' fatlJtt,anll '.)c~u tfJcfonnc ofJaimu, \DIJom tiJe JLo1t1 lJBb a'
~... bf· m tl)c blares of ara l1ing or'.)ulla: nomten to ncttror tl)e l)ourc of '.(lclJab.
~ .'r~:.:b• 13 ~ut'malkclllhnttJetvar~ortl)efdn~of 8 ann 'llll)cn ]ct1u 'mil$$ c:muting iufhtc bp•
'11- ]fracl, anti 1Jal1111a11e jut1a,anbtlJU\lldlcr• or on tl)e l)oure of~ctJab,anb Counll of'Jju•
~ ~ictufalcm.,to IJ!Je& \DIJO#UI ltlle to tlJc 't»IJoie, oa,ann tl)c fonnci:i of tfJc b:ctl}1cn ofal}aria tl]at
:~ llomcoft1Jc1Jourcora"'81J. anti bat a~inctlJp 'ma1tco on l.l)a~1a,1Jc Uc\D ttJcm.
~ b.rcttJ1cn, cum C:IJp rat)Jmi l)ouft, \111J1clJ \lien . 9 an11 l)e rougtJt ~~a~ia: anti tf)rp caugl)t
~ better tiJcn tlJou: IJ~m ('nll)crc l)e 'mass l)l?J m $!)amarta) tt biougl)t
~ 14 ~clJolll, \DitlJ a IJ!Mtplaguc \1111 tl]e JL,o,b brm to]JctJu,anll \DlJm tlJer l)a'CIUainc IJim,tlJey
' fmi tc tiJr come, tlJP cl]lloicn, tlJr miueJS, an11 au burictl IJim: bccaurc, rain tt:Jep,IJe iss tl)c Connc of
tlJF gooM : ']ofapbat, \lll)icl) fought tl]e JLoine b.litl) an IJi•
15 ilnotIJou 11Ja1tfuflcriircat patnc. cucn a l)cart: anb tl)c l)oufc}a}ia l}ab no po\llcr to
llifrafc of ttw bomclJ$, bntill tlJp lJUtJS fall out bp kccpc llill «Jc rttngnome. ,
rearon of «Jr riamcrrc nat bf nar. Io •)Out \Ul)Cll atlJa(ta, tlJCntotl)trOf ai)S• 4,Kin,12.1.
16 ann ro tl)e 11..o~b l11rret1 \'Ip againtl ioiam 1ta,{a'al t11at IJcr fonnc mas llea?J , 11Jc arorc anll
tlJe fptrit or tl)e 10lJdillincl3, anll tlJe arabiams 'tlclh'otcllafi tl}e litllg$S rccn in j; rttm:cb ofj!Uba. • ~· r~w.
·~· tl}at 'mere bcrtllc tl)e <ftl)iopiamt 1 t anu ]bfabctlJ tl)c 11aug1Jter of tlJc bing, ~:.::: ~.~~:
··~· 17 anti tl)ep came bp into ~uDa. ami 'alallcll tookc 1oa$S t(Jc ronnc of 91Ja1ta, anti aalc ~tm ~:::":.~~~ •.
it, anll cartei'l a\Dap all tl)c ftlbllancc tlJat \Das Crom amon; t(Jc lnn!!SS fonnc• tttat 'mere name, ·~· ro airc
fonnll in the bing• IJoUfe, ~I.Ji• ronncs, anti IJiS anti put t)im attll IJilS nurfc in a p1iuie ci)ambcr: :it::.i~'.':.'f.'
\DiueJ$,fo tl]at tlJerc 'nlaJ$ ncucr a ronnc lcrt IJim:. anti fO']OfabctiJ tlJe tlS~tct Ofking'J]o:am,tl)C nuar.
;. hnia rauc 11 '.JloalJa!, \Dl}iclJ \Dll$$ tlJt roun11ctiamo11g 'lllif.c of']cl}otaDa tl)cl0:acft(anb the filler ofaI)n•
;,. IJiis ronncs. Iia) IJib IJim from l.tlJalia,ttJat l)c \Da!!S not nam.
;-;. 1 s .ant1 arm au ti} ere t1Jing$S, tlJc :.t,,o~b nnoet u int1fo1Jc'maSS\Dit1Jtl)cm t)ibin tl)cl)ourc
IJtm in 1Jil3 bo\Dclis 'mith an imurablc narcarc. of <i3ob ~rem-. aJ1l) 9t1Jalia rcigneb oucr tl)c
19 anti in p~ocelfc oftimc, after ttJccntlcof 1an11.
,~1 t'llloreereis. 1Jil3gutteJSfell ouhn IJI• fitflntat.. The xxiij. Chapter.
~~t anll fo l}e llieb of bcrp cuill llifcafctl: anb tbey i lo~sthcfonncof Ahaziais mac!eking. 14 Atha-
fti-' mane no butnin!lfoi IJim like tlJcburmng oUJilS liaisputcodcath. 17 Thecempleuf Baal is dc-
tf,11l fatl)cris. llroycd. 19 Ichoiada appointcch minificrs in the
d~ an~~:Oi:r~~~:~,:~i~~:C~:ai=~ Temple.
~~cpo- lcm cigl)tpceres, anll liUt'CI II 'mictclJtllll': IJO\D• Jt)ll *intl)crcuent1Jrrrc,3lc1Joiaba 4 .Kin.11'4.
l'j; ap.22 bcit tlJct' burtcll l)im in tl;lc mic or ~aw.: but being bolllt,toolic t1Jc ct1ptainc~ or
~i notamongtl}efcpulclJJttoftlJclrin.-, l)unn~e'CIJ$,alaria1J tl)e ronne ofJo,
~:~ The xxij. Chapter. ram, \1 ~fmael tl)c Con of 1Jd101Ja,
11an.a~aria tfJc fen or ©bcb,~aa'
'l 1o Athalia puttcth to de.uh all the kings linage. 11

ua t:lJc ronne of .at1ata, anll ~ifap(Jat tl]c fonnc
~· ~ Ioas cfcapcrh. . . or~tc1J1t, anti ma?Jc a bonll \Dltf} tfJcm.
·~t~s., 4 •
~~b"tbcmiJab1ttrsofl)tcmra1cm 2 gnb tlJcp 'Qlentaboutin '.]lUlla, anb gatl)c•
1~,- ~7b' m1l'Oc~11rHta IJis ron;ronnckm; reb tl)e JLcuttris out of all ti.Jc cmes of'.]!Uba,ami
I'(' •~ ' in l)iiHtcall : fo1 tfJe men of marn the ancient fat1Jcr• of• '.]lrracl, anll tl}cp catncto , •··~·•Dr
~ ~~·M• . • ttJat came • 'mitlJ tbc both of tl}c ~ittufalcm. . . 1~1.8.::~.
~rabianl!S , IJab flainc all lJi• clDd 3 g,nn an tfJe ctonitrcIJanon mabc a bontl l!!:'np1.4.
ilrI ,r, "·
•b 111 ,

conncS5. ~nll co '11Ja1ia tlJc ronnc or']o14m kfnA
of]\ulla totU! mabc kmg.
'OJttfJ ttJc king tn tl)c lJOUfc of <ll5ob: anb l]c rarb
bnto d)cm , l5cl}olDe , ttJc liin~ fonne mutt
n1gnc, al!S tlJt JL.o~ll lJBtlJ faiD of d)e t(Jiltl~cn of

'·"~;~~'. 1 b !1fouttic anb t\110 rcrcJS.ofll toSl!I l)ctvfJ~
f. ::; IJebcgan to rctgnc, anti l)c telil1Cll one rem.m l"auill.
i :: $1m1ra1cm: lJi• motl]crtl name 'mU at1Jalia, 4 ~is i• it tf)crefo~e tl)at pc ll)atl bot ~~c
tlJirll fl~ of pou a1aU on tl}c ~abbotl,J come to

1 •• t1Jct1augl)ttr0Mlmr1.
~:,~~· 3 gnn {Jee 'malllcn atro in tl)c ware is of tl)c tl1C J)JICfltl.11..CUltC$,tlllll keep~ Df tl)e po~CfJCJ$,
11.r~~"" of ~cl)ab: fo1 lJ.i13 motlJer bF l)cr counftll 5 anunotl)cr UJ~tl pattll.Jalbe hr tl)c bin~
~f'"•s1,a. tntifell l)1m to lloe \111Ckelllp. l}oufc,an'D ano~IJer tfJirtl part UJall be at tbC ;ate
f ~ ..,,; + ll9l)crcro1c {Jc ntn tf)at romclJ \Dal!I cutll tn orttJerounnanon: ann au the people fl.Jail be in
~~~••f tl)efightof tl)c'Jl,0111c, aOill tlJcp t(Jat \llcreor ttJc courtis of tlJe lJourc of t1Ji ~II.
ii / _ __c__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6-'.)51.,.te"--"----:.
IOas anointed king, I I. Chron. repaireth the Tempie.
I 6 l5ut tl)ere 11.Jall none come into tl}e (Jollfe
or tlJe Jl.oill raue tfJe JMeflS anll JLeUtteis tl.Jat
Jl,DJb~ anb ttJep tame tho1om ttJe ltilJIJ gate tnto
tfJe tnn!l'l lloure. anb ret tl;le king t>pon ttJe ftatt •
mtnillcr tlJcy mau goe tn, fOI tlJer arc IJolp: bUt of tfJe litngbome.
all tl.Je people Cl}all lte~e tiJc \llatcti of t!Je JL,01b. 2 1 an11 ~u tl)e .1"01Jlc of tbe 1anbe reiOl'te?I,

.anll tl}c JL,cuitcis 11Jall compa1Tc tf.Je king anb tl)c ctttt ma• m tranqutlitie aftn tt)attlJer
roun?J abom, ~ cucrr man 11.Jall l)aue 1Jil5 mea, IJa?J Daine iltJ;Ja1ia mltlJ tJ;Je fmoin.
pon in IJi,s (Janllc, anb \lJIJllt otlJet man ro eutt Th .... Ch
boctlJ come into t(Jc IJoUfe.ofthe Lo.rd IJe fl)allbe . c xxmJ. apter.
Qatnc: anll ICt tfJent be \llltfJ tbe fling U!l)en IJe i loas repam:ch the houfe of the Lord. i 3 Ioas is
commctl} tn, anb \lllJen l)e goetfJ out. killed of his owne feruants.
s anodJe".A-cuittis,ann all'.)ulla l:lib accoi, M®ais*wais reu~remisolll'a>IJrn 4.Rcg. 1 ~ 1
!ling to all tlJingis tfJat 9ie{Joia'Oa t(Je 10iiett 1Jab (Jc began to mgnc, allb l)ce retg'
commanllell, anll too kc euerr man l)iis men tl}at n~ll rourtte rems in l!}tcru!lllem:
came in on tlJt ~abbotl} oar , \lJttlJ tl]em t{Jat mis motlJms name atro \llais '5iba,
\llentoutontl)e ~abbotl)bap: ncttlJet llill]e' ofl5eerfeba.
(Joialla ti.Jc 101tcn let tf)e companions bcpart. 2 :.tnD '.31oais lliD tlJat \l>l)ia, mais nglJtin tlJt
9 anD 9jcf'loiaba ti]c p;ietl, l>cliutteD to tlJe fi~t Of tlJe JLoil> llll tlJC llares Of• ]cl}oiall8 t(Je • an.
captains ornuooitbl5,fpearcs, OJielbis,anl> bucrt' Jl)~u:tl. r.iceraai::
tttis,tl)at l}an pcrtaincll to liin~auil:l,anD\Wre 3 gnb ']el]oiabll gaue IJim t'\Do U!iues, anl> :~~':.'
in tJ;Je l)oure or 113ob. l)e begateronmsanl> l:laugl)ttrs. ~:""' • 1
10 anlll]e retail tlJc people ( euCTr man IJa' 4 anoafteftlJiis]oas\ll~minllebtornmt · '
uing l)iS \llCllflOll in l)iS l)anll) from tl}e nglJt tl)e lJOUfe Of tl}e JLoill.
ullc of tl)e temple, to tlJe left fille of temple, a, s a~t11Je ltllttlttcll togetf;Jer tf1e P*tlsl alll:I
long bp tt.Je altar ann tlJe temple, rotml:I about tlJe JLemteis, an!> raill to tl]cm, <l3oe out bnto tf)c
1 tlJc fling. citicis o~ ']luoa, lln?I gatl]er of au ]Crad, money
r 1 anl:I tl}cy b~ougl)t out ti.Jc Iii~ ronnc,anb to rcpatre tlJe IJoure of rour cl!Soll, Crom pure to
1or,roya11 put bponlJim ti]e i;ro\l>ne, anti tlJe II tefh1nonic, reere, a~l:I fee tl]at re IJallc tl]e tl)ing: ll}olllbeit, ..
appmll. ano mal:lelJim liing: anll 1e1Jotalla ano 1Jiisfonl5 tl}c JLeu1tc15 lllrrenai;fte. ;;
anointen I.Jim, ann ratb , 113ol> raue ti.Jc king. 6. anti tl]c &i~ callel> '.Je{Joiaba tbat mastf)e ~·
1 2 Wt'lcn attJalia l}carl> tt.Je noire of tlJc people b cl)1efetf, anti rail> t>nto i,im,119~ feQUirell dJou b , ....- t
running, anl:I piapfing tfJe king, fl.le came to tl)c m:~t of tl}e )Leuftes to biing in, of '.)uM anti ~'"" 1111 :i out
people in tlJc l]oure of ti]e JLo~ll. ''erufalem, tl)e concction of money, acc~ing l:
1 3 anb II.Jc lookcn,anb bcl)olll, t{Je fling ltooll to tl)e comma®cment of gporeis tl)c fttUant of
!I Or, at his ~ in i)iS place at tlJC cntring in , Sill> t(Je lo1l>Cf$ t11£ Jl.OJl>, Bill> Of tf)e conarrgatton of'.]Cracl, f01
pillar. anD tl}e trumpets mere bp tl)e trtng, anl> an tl)e tlJe ~abcmade of mitndfc~
people of ti]e Iann re1opce1>,blomtn~ \llltlJ trtnn, 7 !lfo: U!icffcb atl)alia anb IJtt ~1ll:l1m,1Jtaftt
µrts : anl:I tl}e fingers \lJere mitlJ mt1rmnents tip tl}c IJoufe of113oll,anb al tl)e t!Jin~ tl)at tom
of muftcftc, anti fuel} as coull:I fing p19pfc: but lletJicate fo: tlJe IJonre ot tl)e JLo~b. !>ill tl)ey be, ...
ltl)alia rent l)crctot1Je11, ann ra1t1e, ~rearon, tlom t>pon'3aalim. .:::
trearon. s ~nil at tl)e Jrings commaunllemmt tl)ey ~
r 4 anti '.J)ebotal>a tl)e ~tieft \llent out to tl}e 1nabe a c1Jefl,an1> fetit mitlJout at tl)c gate of* :.1:
captainel! of l)unll1tllS, tt)at mere goucrnouris l)oure oftf)e)..o,b: ·~
of tl}e l)ofle, anll faib tinto tlJem, t!:)aue (Jer fottlJ 9 gull mane 'B p1oclamation tl)010'1! ~uba ·"'
~a~~·.~·:~~;~' of tl)e ran~cis: ann b rol)o ro follo'a>ctf) IJer, let anll l)icrufalem, to b#ng!n to tfJt Jl,o:lle '"tlJt Exo.10.1 e::
{Jim br aame 'IJ>ttlJ tl)c f\Do1lle : f 01 ti.Jc ~:tea taiation of moner ttJat m!Jorrs tl)c fttUant of ::~
rain , ~Jat tIJcr ll)oulD not aar l)er in t{Je l}ourc <!15oll Cet bpon l]traehn tfJe 'a>illlrnutrc. ~\
of ti)c JL,o~o. r o Qnl> tl)e 1011111 anl> an tt.Jc people rrtorccb, ~
1 s ano tIJcr larb lJattl:ll! 0111Jtt, ttRnJec mas antibiougtJttn, anl> can into tl}c c!J8ft ll tmtillit i°'·"": :
cometo ti.Jc cntting of tlJe l)o:rc «ate, beftllc tl}e \llais flllL chcy '-' i-;
litngs boure, ann tl)erctl}ey Oclll l)er. 1 r anut ffJc fame time tfJcr b.zoulJ{1t in t(1e maclc'ri (:~
I 6 anlJ '.)el)OlB'tJS 1UallC II bOnb bcrtDttn IJhn, t1J£ll, bnfo tl)Cm mbidJ UlCfC ltJ dJe litngl5 bUfj, cad. ~
ant> au tl}e people, anb tl}c liing,tJ;Jat tlJt! IJJoulb nctrc,br tl)e tJanll o' ti.Jc JLcuittis,anD t111Jm tlJcr ~l
be tl)c Jl,otbl! people: fa'mc tt.Jat tl)rre mais mud1 moner: ~e kings ~·~:
1 7 ann all tl)e people ment to tl)c l}oure or fcnbe, ~one appomttll bl' ti.Jc 1Jti11 l&~tefl. came ~:r
::~,~~':.~.:,~ l5aal,ant>' llcltroretJ it anll btake IJiis altaris anb anll emptieb tl]e cl}ctl, anll toohe tt, an?I cancb tt 'I!
man.. 1Jt1o1 tmagris, anti ac"a:lc !i!@attl)an tl)c t&#ell of to IJiS place againc. ~s CIJcp Oiltbap bp bap, 1~~
l5aat, bcro:ctl)caltar•. anll gadJtteD mucl)money. ,~-
II or, •P- i 8 !Anti ]el)otallll 11 put tlJe officers foi tile 12 .anl:I tl)c kin; ano ~e{Joialla gaue it to i;_ ·'
poimcd. lJourc of tl)e ·,e..o~b t>nbcr tlJe 1Jant1 of tl;)e l91ict1.11 fUclJ as lit!> labour allb \lJOJfle in r:t,Je l)oufe of t1JC • ~~
at~tl ·.ILEuittis, a1;1 ;m>autl> l)aD tlifrtbuteD t(Jem in JLoille, anD lJircll ~afon• 11111> ~arpmtn'- to .~
.,e l)oure of tl}c JL01ll,to offa l:DIJole burnt offt, npatrc t1Je l)ourc of tl}c JLOJll. at111 ro bill tlJtl' ar· ~ ~i
rn~ bnto tl)t JL..010 •ais it ts m~itten tn tlJclal:D ttftcms in ~on anti bJa[e , to mmbe tl)t IJOUfe of .~~~
~~tlti~~~li~l:!~~~~icing,anll finging,u tt \DU tlJc :toin.
or1£1J~~~~tfetpo~tttisbrtllegatesoffbc1Joure 'm~/11e:a.!:~~ei:~~:t~~tft=~·=tlJ~
anr tl}tng. u; 0~1~t~~1:,~n.lJCclJ \lllllS t>n•ane m mat1c tlJe l)ourc or <13oll a• it ou;11t to be, 8nll
20 a11t1 h ~me:t1it.
\ ~
.,c toollt tlJt captaine.11 of IJunD~lll!, 14 anD \DIJf tlJer !Jab flnil!Jell it,tf1er b.tougf1t
anoallti}e anbtl)c~ouemot- of ""'e tl)ereflof :emo "'21~h
people. , antinob1c11,
all the •}
foUt .. Of "Ian" > a·n"'........
.. .. u
" ;~.. .
u ....•n"u 1a11a, 81111 m\lltt11
b """ _...
l?au~e ..,.. nltil anu ~-o'
nep l:Dmma11e bclrd# fo, tfJc I. ,L
\- =:::--tb_e_1t_m_g_to_c_01_n_t_t1o_'tn_1_tt..:..01..:..:1t:.:o:...ftl}~t1'::::0::ure=:o::.ftlJ:=e:__:_:IJ::::oufi=.:.:e:.:o:..f.::tlJ!'.:e~JL.::o~:ll:::c2..~na~.m~~be~d'tll~~to~am~·nt~lle~r~---~~~
----------------------~\D~id)a~U.~1--- \•·•L
1\acharia fioned to death. Chap.xxv. Amazias vifrorie. 16 3
r,n1or- 'mitl)all. H~ mm l)>oont.. bdl'tbl of golll ~ 9nll 1Je bib tiJatlDIJid) tis. ri@ttn tlJt llglJt • 611 IUln I
~,or anllfilutr: anbtl)eyotfnllm{Jolebumtolrin~ oftlJeJ!.0~11. butnot\lridJ aptrfutl)tatt. "1"~' o1\i,"
:~ .1... In tt1c1'oufe Dfd)e :AA>111 canttnuaOp;al tl)e 11aks 3 .anu,i roone a,i l}c mas kdell in ttJc fring, r:::~.:·~
of ]dJOiaDa. 11~111e,. lJc llt'I» l:Ji,i reruan~ d}at IJall tnlltll tIJe l':'.':"''"~·
1 5 i;ut '.Jc1Joia1Ja\Dan11olbe, arm llitbfUD hmg(JiBf'atller.
of llattJI: fo~ an IJUnll~rll anll ttJjrtie tunJ1 olDe . 4 lBut be fic'IDe not tfJttr CIJl~m. btcaufe it
~Ile 'IDIJml)c mb. 115 \DJttttn tlJus in tl)c JL,.ab:leanb booke of QIJo•
16 al1lltlJcpburitlllJimtnttJecitt'of'.eilUtJJ, Cc,i, 'ID{Jcre tlJt)LOJbCOlmnanlJCll, farln\l• *~e: D•u,24.16,
\~ amon1 tl)c llingl5,buaufc tic llealt md 'l»Ul:J g\f. fatlJer UJall not lite fo1 dJc dJillltm, nritl)er llJan 1 .kin. 1 4.6.
~~ rad.111111 b.1«11 e50b. anb \DitlJ IJ~11ouft. tlJe dlillltm Ilic foJ tl:Jc fatl:Jcrs : bot euerr man czc. 1 s.10.
~ 17 9nll after d)e lltlltlJ of '.)cl)Otalla,camdl)c OJall llic foJ btss ob.1ne finne.
\ 1cb '""' 'IOJllUf']una,arm mallc obepfanc:c to tl)e fling: 5 atlll ama}la gatt1crc11 ')U1>a to~rtl.Jer,lln?I
~::nD anll tl)c hing l:Jtammcll bnto tl]em. mane tilcm '8ptaincut1er t1Joufan11s, an11 oner
~ 18 ~nll fo ttJtp left tl)c 1JoUCt of tl)e )Lo~ll ~olJ 1:Junl1Jl'1'JI, accoibin(J to tl)e l)oufeis of tl:Jeif fa•
·~~ ofdJttrfattJcris, anll fmleb aroue; anb 11101cs.; tlJtrUlJoio'lllout all ]una,anb :115cniamin-: llnll
' anll d)c11 came tl)c 'a:IJBdJ of Cll5ob b]JOU9!Ulla anb IJc numb1c\'I ti) em from t'lllenne rems olll ', arm
~ ~icnlfalcm fo1 tiJi• ttJctt trdpafl'cisfalic, abouc, anll foun~ among them tl)~cc l)un111r11
-.., 19 anti l)c rent tD1opl)ctl5 to d}cm, to b1tng tlJouranll c!Jofcn mrt1 ablt to goe to batttll, anll
~. tl)cm againc bnto tlJt JLOJllC, anll d}cp tcft1ftcll tl)at coulll l)anble Cpcare anll ll1ic11>.
unto tl)mt. but tlJcr 'QJoulll not (Jure. . 6 ~c l)ircb alfo an bun111c11 ttJoUfanb «rong
~ 20 an11tl)cfpiritofd5D?Jcamcbpon~amana figf.Jting mm out of '.]lrract, fo~ an l)unll~llta•
~ tl)cfonneof'.]\el)oiaDS t11c ~1tctt, tvlJiclJ ftoobc lmtis offilucr.
bt' tl)c people, anll faib bnto tl)cm, ~us fllrdJ 7 an11 tl)erc came a man of cll5ob to llim,anll
©ob , ll9lJr tranfgrdfc re tl)e commarmcmtnts ratr1e, © ktn(J, let not tlJe arm le: of '.]lfracl come
~l· of tl}e ·.11.o1t1e, d}at pucan notwoCptt~ foi tie• ~ttf) ~cc: fo1 tl)c ll.D~ll isi not 'WltlJ '.Jfrael, to
~t caurc re l)auc fo:fllflCn tl.Jt J1.01a,l}r l}atlJ alfo foi• wit, \D1t1J all ti.Jc clJtfll~cn of 4fptnatm.
rar1rn you. 8 '.leuttf tlJOU \Dt!t men cs be faichle!fe comr
~un• u an11 ttJcr confpttcll againlf l]i'm, • anll «o· on, anll tallc tlJt batttll in IJanD, anll Coil OJ all
~ ··~ nell l)im lllitlJ aonr-. at tl)c comman11emmtof maflctl)ct fall bcfo1c ttJc encmie: fo1 ooti tntlJ

:f\ ttJc Bing, cum mtl)c court of t)Jc 1.Joufc of d}e po\Dcrto lJelpe, atlll to call llo\llne. ·
a1 JL.0111. 9 annamapafailltotl)cmanore-ou, n::tnt
:!3: 2 2 anb ro i)loa15 ti.Jc rting mncmb,cll not tl]c OJaH b.1c 11.oc tlJ£n foJ ttJr fJtmtim1 ta Imi·~ \tJln 01
· hinllncffc ml)iel)']£1Joia11a 1;J~fat1Jtt1Ja1111oncto '.JI l)aue ~en to tl)e IJOft of']frad :' ~c man cf
~1 M ~. lJim, •but fic'al 1Jil5 ronnc, ~nil m1Jcn 1Jc. ll~ll, l}e <ll'Sollanfb.1et~ll. ~l:Je lL 0~11 1)1 able to gtue tl)ce
~ ra111, ~c JL0111 loohc bpon tt. anti rcqum tr. mucl) moic tl)cn tf:ltp be.
' 2 3 an11 'llll)en tlJc fCCrt 'ala• out, tlJc tJollc 1 o Sn~ amaiia fep11ra~ll tIJc annp tfJat 'Illa~
~ of~pJia camcbp agamfl (Jim, 111111 t)Jcp came a· comt to l:Jtm out of <fpt:nmm,to go ~ome againc:
r;;Ji: gainfl]Ulla anlJ l)ittUfalcm, anb lldlropc11 au llll)ttcro1e tl)cy 'Were £J~crlling w1ot1J mitt) 1"'
t:l)c10;t11•oftl)epcoplc, from among tlJc pwplc, Ila, an11 rctt1mc11 l}omem great an~cr.
an11 Cent au tl:Je fpople of t1JetU bnto tt)t king to 11 anti imaita tooke l)eart. a1 ill caricb out
JeamaC,u•. IJispcoplt, ~ \llmtto tl)cfaltt:Jallcf, an!l fmotc
2.J foJ tl]c ~Ptlans camt \Ditl.J a rman com· of tl)c tlJtlnicn or ~cir, ten t1J0Ufan11.
pantc of men,$ t11c Jl.OJll llcltuercll a 11erp gnat 1 i an'b ott)et tm t1Jouran1111i11 tl)c dJiI11icn of
tJolk tl1to ttJriilJanll, becaufctlJcr IJall fo1fa11Cn ]una talltaliue,anll carte11 tl)cm tmto tl)c top of
tl)c·t.oJll c5o~ oftl}cirfat'l)m&: anti tl)cp gauc aroc11c,ant1caltl)rmbo\Dnefromt1JctopoftlJc
rmtcncra11ainll')loas. rotlie, t)JattlJcp all html.
2 s ann 'ml)cn tlJcp \Um be:partcll from l)tm, 13 l6ut tl)c CoUllltct~ or tlJc b a"nic 'alf]ich g, b 11:he "·tfJ•
tl)cp left l)im tn 11rtat btrcan~•:anll l)iS omnc fer· ~1ta rent a\Uat t)1at tlJep fl)oulb not {IOC .\tlitiJ l:ii'~ ]f~:1.

nantsconfpirc11a~nfll:Jim,f0Jt1Jcbloolloftl)e IJIJS people to batttU, kll llpon tl)c titles of

fr.i'· c clJiltJten of ']c1Jol8ll8 t)Jc l&Jicl, an11 0£\11 l}im 'J,uba , from ~amarta, llnto l6ctfJion, anll
~'ie:.'ii:' on IJi• bell, anll l}c llicb : anll u,cp buttcll IJtm in fmotc tl:,ncc d;loufantl of tlJttn, anll toolle muc:I)
!f" tl)c~ofWauill, bUtnotin tlJc feptddpetsof 1)1oiit.
p11 tl)ckmgss. 14 inti arttr 21mayia \Das come Crom
:'Ji 26 anti tl)cfc art tl)cy tl)at conftJ(nll agatnft tl}c aatJU[Jtcr of tl)c ebomitcs, fJtc woug1't d}c
~P . l)i1n: '3'aball ti.Jc fonnc of ~tmcaftj, an ammo• gobs of tl]c clJillltm of ~e:ir.• anb ftt tl:Jem llp to
1;!: nitt, anll 3]cl}ofabaJ> tlJt Connc of ~imtttlJ, a be lJilS go11s, anll bo'ttlcll l}1mrc1rc befo1c tlJcm,
~, ~oabrtt. · anb burnell ince:nrc bnto tl)cm.
'I~'~· 2 7 f anll IJiSS Conness, 8nll tfJC ftnmnc of tl)c 15 IJ&l)crcfo~e tl)e Jl._o~llC 'Illas blJOdJ \Dftf,J a,
fl tantl;Jat \Das raffcll in IJiJS time, arm tlJne:pap• ma~arm rent tmto 1)1m a i&iopl.Jrt, llll)td.J f11it1
!J rinQ of tbc IJoUfe of <5oll , bc{Jolll, tlJCp arctuitt• tJnto l)im, 119.IW !Jail tl)ou foug1't t{Jc g~llss or tlJc
:;1 tmmttJetlOJicoftl}ebooliC 0£tl)ellin~:an11a. people, \Ul)icl) \llcrc.notablc to <1JC1rucrt1Jctr • ace 111h1cti
I~.·, ma1tal]iss fonnc mgnn in IJts Beal>. o'lllnc people out or thmc l)anlt:' ~~::.o;~',"'•
f 16 anb af5 tlJC J&iop(Jct talflCb \DtdJ !Jim r.arn 1rtr1.11
Thcxxv. Chapter. ttJcDing rarllllnto l)im, l!)auc men ma1Jct1Jc; :=:""'

3 Ahmnia putcech chem to death whi~h tlewc: bis fa- of tl)e kings rounftD 1 €cafc, 'WIJp\Uftt tlJou bee
c er. 11 Hefallethcoidolatrie. beaten:' gu11~c~101>1Jctctilfc1J,anbfail1,j!am
b.1a1$ t'lllmtp arm flue rcrcs fUrC tl)at Cll50ll (f5 m~nlll'll to llcltror tiJce, brcaurc
olll 'mben l:Jc began to mp, ann t1Jou IJaft bone tl)1;, anti 8grtat not llnto mr
~crcfgnetl rmcntte anll nmc pmsi aiunfcn•
.~ ml)tmifalcm:l)ismot1Jcr15namr. 1 1 ~en ~matia fling of~uba, toollc an,

' 'Illas ')d)oaban. ofi)imlfalmt. utfc. an11 ftnt to ~0815 tlJc fonnc of '.]!oatJa~ tbc
:,rham dieth. Chap.xxvij.xxviij. Cruelcie reproued~ 164
2 2 CL11t rel of die act• or ©!TRIS «rft anb laff.. marcus : an1> l)e tD81SDdium11 tnto ttJe l)anl) of
bib Cffaid)e-1op1Jet, tJJe fonnc eramo-.ui1ttt• ttJe king of jjfrael,\lllJidJ rmotl.Jtnt'alitl) a mreat
i 3 .SlnD Co fll)pa1rncµt lDitlJ lli• fat11m1 •8t1b ftaUglJtet,
tflcr burtcil l)tm lDitl) IJi!'I fatl]ers in tlJc llt~ tf 6 fo~ l0tca)) tl)c ronnc of J&omclia OebJ in
tIJc bmial 'tDIJtclJ wa' beu11e tl)c ftpulebze• of'tlJc ]uDaan l)Ul1b1eDanll t'lllmtr tlJoufarll>in one
1 binJd: to1 ttJey rain, 'c is afe:prr. anll '.)otl)ahl Dap, 'WIJiclJ \\Jere all llglJting men: anti tl)at be,
~ IJi• ronne rd~ in 1Jis lka11. caurt dJe! IJaD fo~caktn tfJe JLD.ttl <l!Jot oftJJeir fa,

~ T~~~~~~ . 7 gllb 'Jicfnt 11 il \Utgl}tp man of epl1~ahn, ~ Ornranr.
~ I lorham rcignc1h, and oucrcommcth the Ammo·
O:C\ll ~aaaa tlJc kitliS ronnr, anll a,nca tlJt go,
l' nitcs. 8 H1sr:iignc !ind death. 9 Abu his fonnc uttno~ of tlJe IJDUfe,anD cietcana tlJat \ll&Stu1t
rcignc1h in his lte:ad. to tl)c fnn!J.
'1Dtl)am*tJJa11rmmtr ~fiuefcm! s ~no t:l)c c}1tlll1cn of'.)frael tooftt 111ironeris
0111 tJJl}en l)c btpn to rcigne. anb of tl)nr b~ttlnm , t'lllo l!un1>12D U,ouran11 wo•
~ tic reigncb ~trme 1ml5 in J9ieru• mm, ronncs, anb llauglJtcrs ', allll cancDa"mar
i ra1e1n:bismotl)en1 natnelD8" al, mud) Cp~tlc of tl)em , IUllJ bJougl)t tl}e Cpoilcto
1l fD ]cmfa, t11e11aug1Jtttof~abo,, ~amana.
, 2 ilnll l'Jt llill tlJat 'alhictJ uias ri~ i1~ tlJc 9 lBut tfJtte 1l!a1S a ~ioplJct oftl]c JL01DSJ,
~' Ogf)t of tt1c Jl,o_ibc, tn an potntclS u ll~ l)tJ f4' '1'11Jofc name lllaSJ '1>bc1>: anll l)c 'alcnt out bcfo~
"' tl:Jcr ©rtas • rauc tl)at IJec '8t11C not into tl)e tl)e l)oac t:IJat mmc to ~amana , Mil rarD brtto
li::i:~. •tcmpli of u,c :U;b: anll tl}c people l>tb pct uii" tt:Jem, l>elloDI, bccaurc tl)c )l.01ll ~ob of rour fa•
-~~~. kelllf. tl)ers is 'lll:otl) '1'1itl) ]ulla, • IJc IJatlJ llcltucrcll • 11nb•cte~1
""•'· 3 $cbuilttiJCf1igl)gattof tl)ttrntpltoftl}c tl)cm lntbrourqanl:l, anD ~~oe
:::•6·• 6· JL..o~ll, anll on tl)c 'alaB ('mf1CU t1Jc l]ourc of 0111i• \llltlJ 'nrdncfi'c tl)at rcatl)rdJ bp to l)eaum.
i~ nancr \lla1'1)1Jebu1ltmucl). 1 o anti no'al rec ~ore to llcepc bnber tl)c
4 SlJ!)ozcoucr, l)ce bmlt titics in tl}c m1.1un· cl)ilb1m of']uba anll l!)urufalctn, anti to mallc
taines of '.j,ulla, anti tn tl:lt \llooll c:ountrcr l]c tl)cm bonnmch anb bonll\llomm: anb llo re not
built calltcs anll towu~s. f11bc rour feluc!'l \uitlJ finnc in t~c figl)t of tlJc
~ 'c fougtJt lDitlJ tl)c fling of tf1t a,m1:m of Jl,o~ll pour C3oD '!
Ammon, anil p~cuailcll again11 t11rm, anl> tlJt 11 f;lottJ l]carc me tl)mfoJe, anll llcliucr tbe
clJilll:cn of ammon ~auc l)im tlJcfamc pcerc an captiucis againe 'cllJiclJ rec l)auc taken of rour
1Juno~ctl talents of mucr,ano ttn t11our11n1> rnca, bictl)~cn: ro1 elSJ Oiall U,c great 'al~atlJ of <l!Joll be
Ill: rureJ of 'tl.l{Jcatc, antl ten t'bOUfanb oftat1cp: ro bponrou.
1J mucf:J oio tl)c 'IJiUIJC'll of .ammon gim l]im tlJt 12 l&\lJttfo:e ctttainc of tflc {Jcat1is oftl}c ctnl,
ccront111cerc,a1111 tl}e tlJir!l alro. b:enoflfpl}Jatm, 11"1 a~arta tl)cl'Dnncof]ol)a·
6 ~o ;J!ot~am became migi)tic~ b becan:re lJe nan. lBered)ia tlJc ronnc of SlJ!)eOlkmotlJ, ann
otrcctcD lJts uiarcss bcfo:e tl}c JLo.zlJ lJl15 '15oll. lf!cdJia!S tl)eConne of~anum, anti amarad)c
7 ~l)erelt of tl)e artt.sof '.)otl)am, an!l an ronnc of ll)aDlai, lfoonc up a!Satnll tl:Jcm tl]at
l)i~ \l)8lT£fS, anll l)iS ronuetration , loe, ti) er are came from tlJtlDarre:
ui1itttn in tlJt booflc of tl)e kinp of jlfracl anll 13 anl1fart11l11totl)em,l5J{11gnotint1Jcmp'
j\Ubll. ' tiutisl)tfl1et: Co~ 'all)crca!'lllJcl)aucoft'tnllcbto•
8 t)c 'alas4 flue anll t\tJcntic pttrcs olll 'albm 'alarll Ciloll alrcaDp, rec tntml:l to al:lllc mine ti.I
IJcbcgarttotcl;tlc, an1> rtipcll rinecncrecm our finneit anD trcfpalfc : fo; our trcfpaac iS
m ~ICrufalcm. ID"tat alrtabr,antl t))m iit a ficrre w,atlJ agama
9 9.nll ')otl}atn Oept \llitlJ l]td faU,rr- • anll 1rrac1.
tl)cp bUticll 17'm in tlJc cttr of ~II: an11 ~d1U 14 anll bpon tlJat, ~c mm of annc15 left tl}e
lJllS fonnc rcl!PICll in IJiS llcab. cap titles, anb tl)e QJollc. befo:c tl)c lDIDlJ anb au
The nviij. Chapter. d)c congregation:
1 s anll tlJc mentl)atUicrc no'alrclJearfcbbp
• Achas an idolater is gi_µciHnto the hands ofthe Sy. name, rofe bp,an'D tooftc tl)c p,ifonerts,anll 'tDitl)
rians and the king oi lfracl. 2 3 Achas cncrcafc:th ti)c fpoile tf otl)cll aft tl)at 'alcrc nafltb among
his idol:uric. 2 6 His death, and fuccclfour. tl)e1u.ano arafcll tl)em,anb tlJoocb tl)cm, ~ gauc
Qass • uias rmcnttc f.ctrcss olllc tl)cm to care an'Oto b~inbc, an!l anointcb tl)cm,

B 'IDIJmlJc btgannt tott11t1e. anlJ anl> cartcD au tl'lat mere rcebll' of t(Jem bpon af·
rct«ncll ~tccm rems tn ,imlfa. res, anb b~ought tllcm to '.]Jcricl)o tile citit of
Yem • anD l)Cl>ib not t;IJat \\llJidJ t15 palmctrms, to tl)cirbJettncn: anti tl}cntlJcprc-
rigl}t in tl1C figl)t of tl)e Jl.,o~, as rumeb to ~amaria agatnc.
ll1D IJtlS fattJ er l0autb :
2 • ~o~ iJc \Dalllcll tu tl}e \11afell of tfJe ~
of]fract. anti mallc inoltm imaQ:es fo1 :15aaltm. t{Jctn.
I 6 attl.J!ltfame tintC bib fiing .Qcl)a$S ftllll l)n,
to t:IJe liin~ of tlJc !Bn&ans, tn IJaue l)clpc or
1 7 !Anti tllc lfDomiteis came againc, anti Orto
~ l!)e olfttD inc mfr in tl)c baller of tl)c fonnc
oft~innom, anl> burnt IJi!S ct)iU>Jcn in fire , after romc of'J,uDa.antl carter> a\llap mptiucJ.
ttJe abominations of tl)e ll)eatl)m. 'mfJom tl1t IS an!l tl}C ~!,lilillln£!5 inURl>Cb tl)C atit$S in
Jl,o~ll can out befo~e tf)c dJiUl:cn of']fracL tl}c !o\D ccu11ttcr.11 to\Dart1 tl)e §!bout~ of']Ul>a
4 l!)c offerctl a1ro. anll butnt incenfe tn ttJc ani> toohc l1'5ettl~mc~ (t ~ltalon, anb <13cl:lnotlJ:
hig!J pla,l'SJ, anll on mountaineis, m1D l>nl>tt c' anll ~oc~o, \Ditl) tlJc toumc~ longing tlJcttto,
uerp grcme trcl'. · anD ·~t)1mna 'Witt) tl)c to\llncs of tbc ramc,
~ Dl)ttefo~e U!e J]..o~c IJ(l5 d3oll belfuml> cll5imfo anl> HJ~ totvneiJ t!Jerof, anll D'alclt tlJete.
l1im into tl)c l)anll of tl)e lrin; of tl)c ~p~nSJ, 19 ' )l.o~D b10Ugtit]Ut1alo\1l, beraurc
\JlbielJ rmotc l)nn. ann caricb a\1.lap a IJfCatmul• of!aclJUliing Dfll'JUlla, llJl)1cf:Jmabc'J,uDana• gor,tfracl.
titanc of tit :rn1ptit1e. an'!) b!Dtlll)t tlJtm to Jea• 1tet1,a11D tranfgrclfcl:l roie againa ttJc JI. o~D.
Achas idolatry. Hezecia I I. Chron.- · repaireth the T em pl


the Paifeouer proclaimed, and celebrated. 161

aaoJbtng to tlJc commanllcmcnt of ~auiZI, anD s !Clnb tlJep bccrccb tIJat it tlJoulb bt p~otlai·
of ~ab tl]e ffings ~m, anll f.latlJan tlJtl&~ men ttuougtJout all jjfrad, from l6mfcba to
plJet: fDJ fo \Ila~ tlJC commaumcmmt ordJe ~an, t!Jat tlJcr fiJoUID come anll l)olll tlJt fcatt of
Jl,o)D tluougl} tlJc l}anll of ttJc l&Jopl)ctS.
2 6 anD tl)c JLeuiteS ffOOlJ, IJBUIP!.l tl}t inftrtl•
19atreoun bnto tlJC 'Jl.,O!D c30ll or '.)frad at ~<C,
tttfalcm : fo1 ttJcr l}ai:I 1iot Done it or a ~cat lea- b ~~ar !r, 111
ment~ of J!,!lauiD:(t ttJe p~tells IJdlJ tIJc trump~. Ion a~ 1t is h \DJitten. :·di· 1•.-.i!
2 7QnD ~c,uta commanoen to otrtttl}etul}ole
~l'rl :err;,; n:;
, 6 ~ottJc 19onEs 'alent \DidJ letter~ oftbc ~~n 1·.iC'li.!•
~I burnt otfmng bpon tl)e altar: anb \'DIJtn tlJc fun~ anll oflJi~ lo~ns, tl}o~o\'Dout au 9\fracl ano ;.:1 -~ '~.
~ tolJole burnt offmn1.1 began, tlJt rong of tlJc ]ulla. ant:Jattl}t commaunncmmt oftlJc kin~
~~ ll-OJD began alfo, ann tile trumpet~ \'DitlJ tl)e in· tlJcp faio,pc cl}il'l>Jcn of]f\'.acUurnc a1.1aine br.•
\~ tlT~nts ttJat \'Derr OJ'l>aineD bl' tl}c l)allll of to ttJe '/Loin <aon ofabial}am, '.JjfatJac. anb 1frn,
~ J!,!lJurlJ rung or]rracl.
18 9nn all tl)e ~onmtc!Jation 'alo:f!Jippcll,
el, ann l)e toill mmne to ttJe remnant tl}at are
crcapcn orrou out ortl}c (Jann of tl]c htnglJ of tt:Jr
~: rin1Jing a rong,ann blo\'Ding 'OJitlJ tlJt trumpets : grrp11an1S.
1111!1 all tlJiG con1inued bntill tlJC 'nllJO[C burnt or• 7 9nt:J be not like pour rtltticrlJ ann rour b:c,
•• I
fcring \'UaS flllillJCll. ttJ1m, \'DIJklJ trcfpalfetl agatnll ttJc 11.o~b ®oll ot
, 29 .Qnl> 'nl11tnt1Jcp1Jan ma!lcan mb oro~e'

tf;Jcir ratl}tt!S, 'nli}iclJ gauc tl)cm bp to be llcllror•
rmg, tl1c fiing ann all t)}at were p:crcnt \111tl} tll,as pc rec.
lJim,bo\iico tflcmfctucg,allll \'Do~flJippell. 8 9nb no'nl be not re tliffencrncn like as were
~r.16.S 30 9no • ~C!C'ta tf:Jching,anntl}elcJ!l~fpalic ?OUt fattJerS : bu~ peel~ pour fClUCIJ bnto tl)c
~ to ttJc J.Leuttcs, to p~aire tlJt JL,o.zn wttlJ tlJc ll-0111c, anb cntrnnto 1}115 tJolpplacc, tolJicl} l}ec
\Do111s of ~auill (I or arapl,1 tl]c ~cer: anb tf:Jcr l)attJ fanctiftc!I fo1 rucr, anb fcrue tbe li.ozn rout
~~ fnng p~aifcs 'mitlJ IJlabnes, anb tl}c otl)cr bo'nlcll <ll50D,81lll tl}c fimrnc[e or lJiS 'OJllltlj {ball turnc
~~ tlJtmfclue11,a111> \Do111Jippc?J. a\'Dap from rou.
tit 3r :ann ~c2ccta anCmcreD anlJ fail>, ~ow rec 9 1fo~ ifre turnc againe bnto ttJc lLoz'lJ, tf:ltn
~ hauc ronfmatcll rout IJanlJ~ bnto tlJc ll.011> : go fiJall ronrb~cttJ:rn ano pour cl} com•
.... to t(Jcrefolc. ann bzing t\)c racrificci:s ano tl]anlic pall'ton in ttJe p~cfcnce oftlJcm ttJattooltcttJcm
··: ofi£rin~ into ttJc (Joure of tl)c JLo~ilc. 9nb : captiuc, ann ttJcr fiJall come againc bnto tl'Jii;
t,r, congrc1.1atio11 b~oug(Jt in tlJc racrificcs '(I tl)an c lanD: foJ tl)c JJ.011> our c3o'l> tis gracion)l ann mer•
olfcrin~, ant:J'all)otc imrntoffmn~, asmanp 'fful,ann 'nlil not turne atuap IJis race from rou,
az \litre of a frcelit,crau {Jeart. if re conucrt bnto IJtm.
32 ann t(Je number of t{Jc 'al(Jole burnt offe· r o .ann fo t)}e pollc~ 'mcnt from cttic to 'itie,
:r. rings, \'UlJiclJ tlJc congregation b~ougllt, \'Das tl)o~o\11 t(Jc lanil of ~PlJlaim,&tlll ~anatre,euen
:Ii ttnccfco:c anl:J tcnne orcn, an hun11~ct1 rammcs, bnto -~abulon: bL1t rhcy lau!.llJelJ tlJcm to fco1nc,
IS anb t\110 {JUUllJti:I ilJctpC: \!lllicf:J were all fo, tlJC ann mo,licb tlJem.
!ll 'tDIJolc burnt offering ort(Je Jl.otD. 11 ~cuertl)clts,rct lltucrs ornfcr,~anaac,
~ 3 .ano tlJcre were bcllicatcll Ure l)Unil~eil oren, anb of '.Jabulon, fubmittcil tl)nnfelUc~, ~ came
r.: anb tlJ.itt dJoufano OJccpc. to ~icrufalcm.
JJJ 34 .anb tlJc p~icrts mere too f'e'm to nap an tlJc
'tDIJole burnt offerings: but ttJctr b1etl)Jtn tl)c
]..ruitc~ 'l>i'lJ l)tlµc tl)cm, till tf:Jcr tlai:I mnco tl)c
u ano tiJcl)anll of ~oll\llasin ]ulla,tmD l)c
gaue ttJem one t.Jcartto noc tile commannctncnt
oftl}e king, ann er tfJt' mlcra, &cto1ning to tl)c
~· wo:1tc.a11n 1mtm tile Plicrts \Derc ranctmco: fol
tlJc JL,cuitcJS tocrc purer l)cartcb to be ranctifieD
\Do:n oftl]c lLoin.
13 ann ttJcrc affnnble'lJ to t)icrufal£m mucf1
,,¢ ti.ten cm Ptictls~
3s an11 tlJcrcto tl)c 'all)olc bumt offrrin~
'mcmnanp, toitl:I ttJefatoCttJe peace offerings,
people, anb t(Jcrc \'Das p1ercnt a migbtr gnat
congrc1i1ation, to (Jollie tl}e fcall of f\Dcetc bl call
in tl)e fcconn monctl).
•' (t tl)c ll~inlic ofkrinlJ~ tl)at belong to tl)c \'Dl)ole 14 .ann tl)cp arofe, ano rcmootrell tf)c altars
~ burnt offering : ann fo tl)c rerut,e, pertainin!.l to tll<it\Dcrc in ~ierufalem: ano all tile altar.o foJ
( t(Jc l)ourc cf tl}c lLOl'l>, \'Ua~ linillJcll. inccnre 'l>ill tt;cr a\Dap, ann catt tlJcm tnto tlJc
36 an:i ll)qccta moiccn, ann all tf:lepeople, b~aoJic Qtco~on.
·' tlJat 0on l}an mabc tbc folflc ro reallp, anll t(Jat 1 5 'Anll tlJCl' fictoc tlJe -parreoucr tte fourc'
I,t tl)c tl)tngtoas fo ilonc. teen ti) 11ar of t{Jc rc,ono monctlJ: ano tile p~&eft~ c@ut11!5'.tr;clr
Thexxx. Chapter. anti JLmttc!l \DIJic(J \'Ucre •albamcll, fanmf\cll ubJnc nr(..11·
~· t{JcmCelues, anti b~ougi)t in ttJc tt>lJOlc burnt of• 1JC11rt,11nbtiic
.~ The keeping of the Palfeoucr by the kings cemmaun- fcrings into ttJc 1Joufc or tlJC ll ozD. c~tpcop11.
clement, 16 an1> tlJcp aooll in t11rir office arter t(Jcir ma,

nrr, ann acco1t1i11g to tllc la\l:I or iOOofrs tlJc man
• ~ lil• ~""'"
'.]\Ulla, rrnttolcttrrJS
anll \ll~ote an :lill'lltl mlll of 0oll: ann tl)c p~icll~fp.zinltleD ti.Jc bloon whith
to lfpll,a•

ft • im anll ~anatre, tl1at ttJcp flJonlll chcv receiucd of tl)c {Jani> of tlJc JJ.,cuitc~.
. to; c:ome to tl)c boufc of tlJe JL01lle at i 7 f,o, tl'Jert \Dcrc manp in tl)ccon1i1rc~ation !

,1 •- tl)1crura1cm, ann l!ccpc tl)c l!)atrco· tl}attocre nctfar.ctifiel>, ant:JtJ:Jcrcfo~c tlJc JLc• I

nerbnto ttJe JLoJD '3o'lJ of]fracL , , uitcs IJall tl}c c(Jnrgc of tile fi?Ulng of tlJc ~S!fro·
I 2 ~nn~c fiin1Jllclt:J a 'ounfcl \\l1tlJ IJtsloJbS, ucr roi ruerp one tlJSt 'lllLlS not cleanc, to ranc:ti,
~•1hl•r anll al tl)c congregation of $icrufalcm, to kttpt fie l)im bnto tl}c JLo.20.
1 s ~o: many of tlJc people, am bcrp manr of
rll1nrb1 tf:Jt rcart of~a1fcoucr in tl)c •fec:onn monctl) : '
!'DftltlJ, 3 ~oi t{Jey coulb not flcepc tt at, t_lJat time_, <fp{J1aim, ~analTe,']f~cl}ar,ano·:fabulon,'Wm
1;""·"· bccaure t1:1e l0ildlcs 'nlercnot fancttftcn £ufftct• no~ clcanrcn , ano ret, bill catc tl)c l0arrcc:urr, Ei'
, .....
I ionB
, cntt11,neidJcr 'ala~ tlJt proplc gatl}mll tolJtflJet gain« t(Jc la~c 8&!lotnttll: but ~c1ccia 1mtrct
Dtfrtn to l~(crutalcm. ro~ tllcnt, faFmg, ~c gooll lLo~ll be mmffuu to'
lt:rti, •• 4 !ln'b tl)c tl)i11i plcarcn tlJe kin!.l ann alltl)c 'IDSrD cucrp one,
111.9.10. c:on~ciatton. 19 -an)at p~cparctl) i)i~ ltrart to rcct.c tttr
1 r-t1'11.I
ldolacrie defiroyed. 11.Chron. Prouif1on for the Priefis :
JJ..o:ll <1Llo11,ttJe <3011 of IJi• fatiJct•!tlJo~gt,J IJtbec b~nname of firllfruit1¥,of come, mine, orlr, IJo·
not cleanfcd auo~Dinl to tlJC purifimtton of tlJe n~anb of all manei offruits of tlJe fielD,anl> tl}e
ratutu ntlJc• of au manei of tlJings b1ougl)t t[Jer in
d ~har11 Dtn 20 _:~·tfJc)l.o~lllJearll 'Cl"cia, antJdlJealeb plentcoUtlp.
~';~~1h~~ tlJe people. 6 ~nll tlJ~ ~111>:m of'.)ftael anll ')1Ul>J, ttJat
11 gnD ttJc dJilD,m of 1frael tl)at \llert pie, ll\lldt m tbe '1tlCIS of]Wla, tl)ey alfo bzonglJt in
rent at $ierufalcm,l)clD tlJe feallofC\Deete b1Call t~e ttttJeis o~ o~en Bnll lbeepe, ano otlJct IJolr
rcucn DapelS tt1itlJ great glabnctTe: anll tlJe 'A-c' titlJ.e!S. ttlf)tcl} tone concecratc bnto tl]e Jlo.rll
uitCS anll tl'Je intca~piatreb t1JeJlo1ll bar bp bill'> ttJnr fJ!Job,anll layl> tIJcm an bp f}capes.
iingin gWitfJ Ioullc mftmments bnto ttJc Jlo~b. 1 111,l tbe tlJ&il> moncttJ ti}£};' began to lap tlJe
l!Or ro ihr 12 ilnD ~C?l'tia fpallC 11 mmfoJtablpbnto all llcapc~ In maner Ofa founoatton, anll finiOJ~
imr'r. tf)e JLcuim~ tl)at l)ab go~ll fmo\lllcll«r ro fing tm, tlJem m tlJC rcucntb monctl).
to t1Je JlOJll: ~nll tlJey btb cate tlJ~ougt,Jout tl)at s ann 'mt.Jen $c1ecia anll tbe 1oines came
rcall reucn naic.s lorn;~, anb otfreo peace otfrtnga, aJ:ill fa\'D tlJc lJeapes, t1Jc11 bletTeb .tlJc JL.o~, anb
anll tlJanfiell tl}e "JLoJll <!LlolJ of ti) cir fathers. l)t~ people '.]lfrac1.
2 3 ano tl)e \'Dl)ole atrembll! tooke counftH to 9 a!ltl ~c1ecia qucfl_tonell \'Ditl;J tl;le l&~iclfi ;
tJoc fo ottJer rcuen narcs: anll tf}cr l]elll tbofc le, ant> tlJc .11.eunes conccrmng tl)c l)eapes. 1·
ucn narc.str1itl)gla?Jnetrc. 10 .Qnl) a1ana tl)e cl)iefel&1ieft,ottl)el)oUfe .
24 ojfo~ $C1ecia bing of'.]luoa, ?Jill giuc to tl)c of~aboc:,anftr1creo 1Jim,an?J faii:I, ~ince tlJe peo, ;j
fi.~:~'~:: bt· congregation ca tt.Joufanb roun!,l o~cn,(t feucn pie began to bm1g tlle (Jeaue offenngs into tlJc ::11
~·°""b""'· t1Joufan1> OJecpe: anntl)eloJbS gauc out totlJc l)oureoftl}e·Lo~l>, «roealfo lJauclJabcnougl)to ~.~.~":ti :
:r:.~~;~,·r~·~·r congregation a tl]ouranb o~en, anll tenne tl}ou· eae,ano rctnmainctlJ plentp: foi tfJe ll..o~o IJatlJ ~li'l:i• ~
00 1 1
.:i •B • r· ranll flJeepe.. anba!lt'cRtnumbct of tiJe l&~tcns bletTclllJi!Sprople,anlltlJislJcapeislcft. · ~
'WctC fanctificll. . 11 ant> ~Cil'Cta babe p~epare tlJe 11 cfJambcrs I Or, fioq, ~:
2 5 .anb all tl)c COn!lt'egatiott 0£ ~Ulla, \tlitlJ tn tlJe l)oufe Of tl)e )L.O~ll: Billi tlJer llill P1l'Jllll'C houfc~ it
tbc l&lil'lls an?J Jlcuites,anb all tIJe congregati• t}Jem, ·
ontlJtlt came out of]frael. anll tlle ltrangcrs n gnll caricb intl}e firtl frUits, tIJctitI?rs ::
t~at came out oft1Je lanll of '.)fraef.\t ttJat btrlelt anb tiJc betJicace tl)in~ faitl]fufip, ouer tobit~ ·:•
in 'jjuba, rcioiccb. ~lJononia tbc JL,tuite l)al> tfJe rule, anll ~cmei r:
26 ant> t{Jerc \'Das great gla?Jncffe in \9iemfa• lJi!S b~otlJct ncrt to lJint: ~=
lcm : fo2 finct tlJe time of ~olomon tl}efonnc of 1 3 ann '.llciJiel, .a1aria, f;2alJatlJ, aracl, '.]li:ri·
wauill liing of]fracl, ti] ere mas no rucg iop in motlJ,']orabab, lflicl, ')lefmacllia, ~al)atlJ, anll
~icrufalrm. l6anaia, \'Dm oucrrms,01beincb bp Grllononia, c:
2 7 ant> tlJe ll)~iclls anb ti)e llcuitc!1 arofe,ant> ann~emei f}is b~otfJer mas an officer of$c1ena
blctrcll tlJe people: anb tbctr boicc mais l)ear?J of tl)c btng, anll a1arta mas tbe ruler of tlJe IJourc
the Lord, anti tl)eir Plarer came bp tmto f)eaucn of <500.
lJi!S golp lllllelling place. 14 all'll <ltf)oic tJJefonneor'.J]mma tbcJlcuite,
ThexxxJ·. Chapter. an?Jpo1tcrortl)elfall lJ001c, l)all tl)c outtfigl)t
of tlle tl)mga tl)at \Dcre otrereo of a free \Dtll lln'
i The people dc!hoy idolatric. 2 Hezecia ap- to ~oll, to Diaribute tl)e oblations of tl]c )L 010.
pointc1h Pridls and Lcuites, 4 and prouidcth for anll ti}e l)olp tl}in~ tl)at'Wm confcttatc.
theirliuing. 15 anbbnllerl)ilSl)antJmcrc Cleben, ~inia'
~ll tDl)en au tl)efe tl}ings \Dere ft, min. ']cfua, ~emaia, amaria, ant> ~eel.Jania.
nillJel>, all ]Cracl tllat mere p1cfcnt in tl)e cities of tiJe p1ielfs, appointed of tlJcirfillc,
in tl)e citir11 ofjuoa, trlent out anti litie to ~ue to tlJtir b1et1J1rn tf}ctr parts,alS'Wel
tnafic t}Jeimagcs, ant> cut llotonc to tt1ermau,a11totl)egrcat:
• tl)e groue!S, anb au to b1atie tl)c 16 atrototl.}eirgencration, llcingmalc!1,fro
f)1gb places ant> altars tlJOlolDout all '.]Ulla anll tlncc tiecreis Ollie ant> bptrlartJ, cucn bnto cuerr
J3cnlamln, in cfp1J1aim atro anb gf!)anaffe, bntil one tl)at entretl) into tile l)ourc of t(1e Jlo~ll,tlJer
tl}cp l)all btterly bcltropcb them an: anll all tlJr 11Jall glue !lay bt? llllF fo~ tl]eir mini1tration, anti
cl}illl1rn of ']\fratl rcturne?J euerp man to f)is fo: tlJcir gining attm'llan,e, ant> r.o: d]cir i:riuerti
polfclfion,anb to tl)cirottlne cttieis. 'Waitings bp courrc,
2 :Anb ~e~ccia appointrll runb1F conipanfeis 17_ '3otlJ to tiJe generation of t(Je~#cfl~ anb
of tl:Je ~iie1tsan1> '.ILcuites, arm tlJc llluctOtie of ·.!Lrmte~, nuougllout tlJc l]ouOJottJc of t1Jc1r ~11'
tb~ir miniltrations, euery man acco1lling to l)is tl]crs, from ttoent1e pecres ano abouc, to 'tllam
offlcc, botIJ 1S1icnis anb Jl.,euites, fo1 tl)e \D(Jolc 'WIJcn tl)rir courrcis came:
burnt offering, anD peace offerings, to mtntllcr 18 .Qnll to tIJc families of all tlJeir babes,
, 11 ~ .. i•.tn anb to giue t}Janl1es anb p1atrc m tf}c gatcis or 'Wines, fonncs anb 11aug1Jcers, ttnougl} all tIJc
\!:~:;:·;~~~ tlJeatJottc ottl)e JL01l>. congrcaation:fo1 bpon tl:Jcfibelltr oftl.Jcm, were
111fonb,.,; l)c:: ann tt)c kings po1tion oflJis Cublfance tfJat tfJt }Jolp tlJings belloUJcD.
c gauc,\\icrc baplp w(Jole burnt offering.sin 19 a1111 totl)cclJilD1e11of garon t}Je ll):tras
tlJr_tno~mng an1:1 eucning, anD '1ll'lolc bumc of. '1ll)iclJ were m tl)c fiellls anll fUburbS of dJeir 't'
fcnnt;\ll fo~ tl;Jc 5!iiabbotf} Darts, nc\lle mooneS).. tics,titp bp cut',tl;Jc men 'W(Jore nameJ tt1err1c~,
anllfotcmncrcattl:!, acco111ingasiitt• \D#tttnin pidl'en afo~c, tl)oulD giue po.lliolll to au rtJc :,~~
tlJelam Ofti}tJLo~ll. malcsamong tlJc ~~idts.ano to al d)e:Jlcuitcs, ,''
h -e:-rr111,.. 4 :ilnbl)c bllbttlJepcoplet'(Jat ll'alcltin,il'> 11CCOJDin1,ttot1;Jcirnumbtr. \'
"""bra r"''" rufalcm, to !Pura b Patt to tl;e ~1icfts anD Jle• 20 ariD of tlJts inaner DtD ll)c~cda tl)o~o'Wout \, ~
~.'1~~: ~·~i:;" uit:cs, tbat tlJCl! mig\Jt'mftlJ mo~e 'autage applt an j!Uba, anll 'alJougtJt tllat ts nooD anD ri ... ht '
Pt~:~~~""" tI1cmre1uca to tlJtla'al or tlJe JL01D. anll true bero1e tl)c 'Lo~ll l)is cl3oD~ ~" ~~'
s anD as Coone as tbc kings:! commsnbnncnt 21 g!'ll In all tlJc 'alo111ea tfJat (Jc btglfn foz ': ~
came ab~oaD • tlJe dJlllm:n of ')ftad biou!Jl)t a- tl)e rmncc Oftl1c l]oure or cl3oD. a"o~Ding to tl:Jc
--i-----:__~==:..:::::~~_:_.:::::.:::.:..==.::~~~~~~~~~-- ..•
--:SOW ._...--;~.,,l, \
·:..iezecias exhortation. Chap.xxxij. Sennacherib fiaine. 166
ll a\ll ann tf1t rougi,c l)ilS belecuc l)tm: fo: as no gob among au natton13
<Ooll: anD tl}at Dill l)cc \DitlJ all l)ts l}cart, anll an11 fiingoorms mas able to rill be bis people out
p1orpmD. or mr l)anD, anD out of tl}e l)anb of mp fatlJrrs:
..Thexxxij. Chapter, IJO\tl mudJ lctrc OJall rom: gob!S be able to ltecpe
r Sennacherib muadcth Iuda. 3 J-iezccia prcparcth
pou out of mp IJanll 't
1 ~ ano pet moc t1Jtng151>fll lJis reruants tpcah
for the warre. 7 Hee cxhorteth 1he people: to put agamlh{Je JLo~oe Ci3oo, anti agatnll (Jis rcruant
ihcirtrun in the Lord. ~CfCCia.
~· 17 anb ~cnnadJtrib nlfo '1JJatea letter to
~,.18.1; ~~ '~
· • , t()c Q!fp~tansca1nc,ant1cntr£11in•
rai~on.~e Jl..OJlJe <5ot1of]t\'ad, anti fpaliea'
gamtl l}im, fapmg, as tl}c gobS of tl}e nations
~~us.48. ~ ~ to 'Juba, an11 compaU'tD tl)e tttong of other lanllcs l.)auc not berne able to octiucr
~',! 6'~.i.1~11lc~!I tl}oll{Wt to winne tl}em tf]cir people out of mv lJano :euen fo OJall not
fo1 bimfclfc. t()c <11:5otl of l\)e!etia llehucr lJis people out of mp
i 9nti fo \DI.Jen ~tfecia fa\Dc t{Jat ~cnna• l}anlJ.
c{Jetib 'Illa~ come, ano ti} at l}ct \llas purpofeb to 18 9nb tl}cp crreti \lJitlJ a 1ou11r borcc in tlJe
fi!llJt againct 11)1crufal£m, 'letots fpeecf] bnto tIJe people of ~tmnalem
J ~t too be counreu tllitl} {Jis 101t1s anti men tIJat \Um: on t11c feare tl}em, ~ to malie
of mi!PJt, to ctoppc tf]e \llatcr of tile fountaincs tl)cm faint 11eartct1, anti ~at tgcp migl'lttabe
\Ditl}out t()ccitic :an11t1JcplJiDl}clpe l)im. tlJe citie. -
4 !JfoJ tlJert gatllcrell manp of tl}e people to• I 9 anti tl}cp Cpak.e 8CJainfl the <ll'lob Of ~ieru•
gether, anti llopt all t()c \Delles, anti tl}e tnoolfc rakm,as agamll tl)e go11is of tl}e nations of tlJe
tl)at rannc tf]o~o\11 tl}e mlos of t()e lano,Caring, eartl}, which were tl}e \lJO~lir!S of tl}cf]an!leS of
1101,Jr il:Jall tlJt rtings ortl}e all'r~tans come, 111111 men.
fintl mud.) water-: 2 o l6ut ~e~ecia tl}c bing, anti tl)t t&~oplJet
s g1111 ll)cfeaa \Dent to lullilp, anti buat bp Cl?Cs1 tlJe fonne of amo~ d p:aptlJ againlt tt}c ~ h~~~ti'~:fnrr 1

tl}t 'lllall \DIJm it was bzolten, anti maoe tf]e blafphemie, ant1 crrell llp to lJcauen. ~;,~~~:~~<~':.'
to'tllers, anti anottm malt' \llttl}ouc, anti rcpai· 2 1 ann tIJe '.11.o~o rmtan angel mlJi~ t12tlroi,
ret19)tllo in tbe citic of ;0auto, anti maDe manp ell all tl)e men of \llarre. anti tiJe loioes anti caµ·
llarts anti OJiclos. taines of tlJe ()oltc of tlJc lting of tl}e au-ntan)"S,
6 ant11JCe fet captainrs of toarre oUtt tl}c tIJat l}tturneo l)is face againe toitl} 11Jame toto•
-~ people, an!I gat()crco tl}cm togetl}er to lJim in arll l)is omnc lan'D: anb to1Jen IJt 'a>as com cinto
tbe large tlrccce of tlJe gate of tl}e citic,anll fpa&e tl}e (Joule of lJisgoD,tlJcp tl}at came ofl}iS oUlne
genttp to tIJcm,faping. bollp OC'nl (Jim tl)cre \\Ji tlJ t()c f'IDOJb.
1 t&lucbe llp rour lJcarcs, anti be tlrong, be 2 z anti ro tl}e lLoio rauct1 ll)e!ecia anll tile in'
not arralb no~ oifcourage!I fo~ tlJe lttng of tiJe l)abitcrs of ~icrufakm out of tl)e tJano of ~en•
QU'pJians,antl fo~ all tile multitutic tl}at l)e IJatlJ nacl}crtb tlJclting of tl}e atrp~ians,anb fromtlJt
[::,~ 'a!itlJIJiln:fo~tlJcrt bemoe \llidJ bStlJm \llitl} hanll of allotl}er, anb maintainell tl}cm on euc·
lJim. rtefioe. ·
> 8 110ttl}1Jimts ananneof • fltfl),but\Uitf) bl! 23 anti manp b~ougl}t olfertngss tmto tllr
~;·~:~:~· is tlJe b JLo~ll our 115otl,fo~ to l)elp bs,anll to figlJt lLo~be to l\)ieruratem, anti p~ercnts to ~e1ecta
~;,·~~~-:'. our battels. anti the people toolte a courage tl}o, king or ']uba: fo tl)at (Jee \\Jas magnifietl in tlJc
z·~ mn~111 ro\D t}Jc \lJO~bS of ~elects king of']Juba. rtgl)t ofall nations from tlJmcefoJtlJ. .
~=~~<t1 9 after t()is btb ~mnacl)erib king of tl)e 2 4 ]ntl)ofe llapcs *~tfccia mas ficfteto tile 4,Krn. 20 • 1 •
J';~~":.~ ~· ~rrr~tans fcnt1 of bis reruants to ~ierucatem tleatl}, anll pJapetl tmto t()e ll.oJb:'mf]iclJ anf\llc' .r.,. >F.i •
:-ti~;::r:· (but ()e l)imftlf mnaineo beut1e JL.aclJis, l}auing ret11Jim,an!I nJe'l:Deb l.)im a \llonllcrfull miracre.
"""•1i 1 all ()IS po\Dcr \lJitlJ l)i1n) llnto ll)e!tcia king of 25 l6ut~neciallillnot againe bnto <3oDac•
<.: ')luoa, anti bnto an ')utia tl)at \\Jere at $ierufa· coiotng to it t11at IJee l)all OJt\DCD lJtm: fo~ lJiS
~. 1cm,rart1111;, l)cart arore, anb tf]cre came \ll,1atl} llpon f)im,
~' 1 o ~lJU~ faitlJ ~ennatlJtrib fling Of tlJt g,r, anti llpon 'ji uoa anti f!}icrufalcm. _ .
·;:. rriians. iwucretn tioe pe trull, l:D rec t{Jat ll\lltll 2 6 Jaotmitf]tlan11ing.$c1ccta fubnuttctl lJtm•
;: in ~ierufalem ml)iclJ Is bertegcb-: re1rc,aftcr tl}at l)i)"S heart mas rircn bp, tJre, anti
, xx ~otl) not ll)e~ecia cnttcerou to glue ouer tl)c inl}abitcrs of ll)ieruralcm: anll tlJe 'IIIJatlJ of
; rour felues bnto oeatl}, l)ungcr, anti tl)trll, far· tl)e JL0,1oe mmenoc llpon tl)cm intl}e bares of
;~ 111g,~e JLo~tle our <11:5ob flJal~ ri'Dlle bl! out of tlJt ~e~ect11.
.:1 l)an11 of t(Je lling of tlJe atrr:1ans t 2 7 .'.Anti lllt!Ct:ia IJall crcccotng muclJ riclJ~s
be 11 ~atf)nott()cfame~tlcciaput bo\UnelJis anD l)onour: ano l}e gate }Jun trcafnre~ of ftlucr
fi .,::~:,'.b bilJI) places anti l)iis c altars. anti commaUnllcb anti go111,p,ccious tloncs,antl fpms,11J1e1ns,an1J
'. 1';,~,~1:':~·· ]Ulla anti ~icrUCalem,faping, !(!ce 11.Jall mo:UJip ofall manner plcarant ie\\Jels,
~, ill•. befo~e one altar, anl:I burne incenfe bpon tl}c 2 s !iln?I maoc ao,c ()oUCes fo~ tl}c fniites of
r fame:' come.fa~ mine anti orlc. anti tlaUcs fo~ all mn11·
13 lllno\ll pe not U'llJat 'Ji anti mp fatf)ers IJaue ner of bcalls,an!l cotcs foi 11.Jccpc.
bone \mto all people of tl)e lanlls :' U9m .the 2 9 gnti l}e maDc binrntieis. ant1 l)ab of 111ecpc
galls of tlJc· ptople of otl}er lanbfJ able o~ nugl}• anti oren great abu~bance: foJ IPOb 1Jat1 gtucn
tiuo faUe ttJctr lanbS out of mp l)anb 1 . lJim fubetauce c,:cccllmg mut:IJ.
14 nJlJ"IJ of au tile gobs of tl)ofe ~atio~is 3o ~IJtsrame~emta ftoppellthcbppcr'nla, .
tl}at mr fatl}ers t1cllroret1. coulll btlwtr lJtS tcr fp1tnp of < JE11on. ~~ b~ougllt t()cm 11omne ;.~~f,~gir.
people out of ml? tJanD :'anti nJall vour IBob be to ttJe 119ell f1t1e of t()e cine of ;0aUib : ani> l..9cfe• "'''"·
able co beliuer rou out ofmp l)ano :' cia piofpercb in all ()is 1Dolkcs. ·
1 s U91.)cr£fo1e no'a> let not ll)cyecta beceiuc 31 a.nb tol)tn*tlJe PJincesofl5'1bFloll feat +Kini;. le.
rou, no~ perf'a>abe pou of tlJiil fallJion, no1 pet bnto l)1m ambaCfatJours , to c111111it'c of t11c 11.
Manaifcs idolacrie, 11. Chron. repencance,anddeach. 1

'1loni:Jertl;Jat \\JU 1:1one in tl)e lanbe, c5~b lt~t kingbome: ll11i:J d)m ~anaaes tme\Xle tl}at t!Je
r eonrnnp•
ttth bt1r.a1tD• (Jim ,f to me IJim. anb tl)at all tl;Jat \VU 1n 1}1" "Jl.OJb WU G5GD.
tull,tantc ()eart, mi~bt be 11110um1. . . I 4 arttr dJiSIJe built a \VaU mtl}out tl}e citp
32 ~c reft of t11e beelU?j!I of ll)e1cc:111, anb !JUI of Waun1, on t(Je Del fll>c ofd!Sion, in tl:)e bal!ep
~otmclfe, bclJolll. tlJep are \V,Uten mtbr: biflon 11s t(Jcp come to tlJt ft11J !latt, m1ll rounn about
of CfCai tl}e i9~op1Jet tl;Je Conne of 9.mos, mtlJe ©plJd,anll bJ~ it bp ofa bt\l' great lJcigt.Jt,
bookeofttJebing.!f or]ui:Jaan'b]fr11cl. a~bput captmnCfSof'roam inau t~carong ci,
H anb ee!ccill firpt tuitlJ IJt" fat1Jm1, anb ncs ofjjuba.
tl)cr buritll IJim mtlJe moll \Voit:l)p pla~ of tl;Jc 1 s gnn l)e toofre ab:Jap ftrangc 1101>s anti ima,
rcpulci)~e• of ~e ronnr:~ of Ji'lauill.~ni:J an ]Ulla gesi ouc of ~lJe.lJoufe of d!So'b, ~au tiJe altars t{Jat
anD tl)c in1Jab1terf of ~icmralcm i:JU> l:Jim 1Jo110, tJelJan.bmlt m tl)emount or tlJt (Joure of <5o'b
at 11t• Dcat11 : ani:J ~anatre" I:)~ Conne reignell anb ~1mafalem, anD ca1l tlJem out Ot'tlJe citie.
in IJi• aca1:1. r~ !ilnblJepJcparent()caltaroftlJel!..01n anti
The xxxiij. Chapter. racn~rcn tl.Jereon peace otrmngs , anb tllankc
r Manaffi:s an idolater 9 caufech ludJ. 10 crre: 11 He
otrcrmg,G, anll tl)ar!JCll ]uoa to rerue tl}c ioille
is led prifoncr into Baby Ion.
I 7 . .f.lCUettl}CfCUe' flJC pCOpfc l)il) Offer at11 ill
+Kin. l 1 .1 •. . .anaffef "' 'alaSt\H{UC};'CCrC,,O}ll tlJt IJiglJ places, howbcic, tmto tt.Jc :Lo1i:Je tl)eir
i •
1 \Vl:Jcnl)ebe!Yln torcignc, anntJc ©o'bonclp,
1 I' ~· . reigncll !Iftie ann flue rccres m 1 s -m,l)e na or tIJc act~ of geanaa-c", ann IJill
tl)ierufalcm: piarcr bnto IJis <l!Jon , \l tlJe tooJllS oftlJe ~ms
.' _• - ·· • • '

2 l5ut nib euillin tlJe filWt of tl)at fpalie to (Jim in tlJe name of ti.Jc ".11,o~n ~oi:J l~
I'tions tlJe"Jl,o~MifJebntot(Jeabomina,
of tIJc (JeatlJen, mIJom tl)c :n.o~ne ca« out
of]fracl, bc{Jol!>,tf:}cp are written tn tIJe CaFinll"
of tIJchmgsof~fracl.
: :u
I,brfO~e t()c tlJiUJzen of'.]lfrael. 19 ann bis p~aper, ann iJo'lllc tl)at be llla• z;
<jfo~ IJe 'lllem bacltc,ann builttl)e IJi~ pfa, bear!>, ann all IJt~ finne"· ann IJts trerpaac, anll ~c
Icrs3mt1icl)~c1ecia tJi• fat~er l:)ab ~oflen ilO'llme: tf;lc places \VtJerc IJe 1uai:Je lJiglJ places. ann rtt l:l
anb l)e rcare'b bp attars foi :JOaalim. anl> mane bp groues anll images befcne IJe bias (Jumblell, :l
firoues, anll too~llJippeti au d.Je l]ofte orl]eauen, bcl}olll,tlJcr arc toiittenamong tt:Je rapin~ of 11l
Iann rerucll tl)cm. tl)e~eer,£i. ll::
/ + ann l}ce built altar~ In ~c boure of t~e lo .an1> Sl@anairesrncptmttl) lJi• fatf)crs. an11 l!!il
2.Reg. 7.1 o. ',ll.,o?tl, ml)ere a" tl)c )!..,o~D rctl}anca10, • jjn$1c~ tl:)cp bmlen l]im in IJiS c o'Wne IJOUCc, ani:J .amon , •-• Tiii
rufalem llJall ml' name be foi eucr. IJiSfonne retgneninl}isroume. :«:~:.!" : :
5 2nll l)e butlllcll altari:sfo~ all tl:)e IJotle of 21 itlmon '1.laS tmoanlltb:Jentie FCCretl Dille 'b"'a"''-t!:
Immen, in tl)e t'lllo courtc~ of tl)c gourc of ti.Jc 'illfJcn iJ cbcgan to relgnc,ann re(gneb t\Vo pens :..~:.":111 •li
JLo,ll. · in~icrufalem. 111
~:c.: 1.1<;
6 ~httl {Je bmnt l)ilS ct.1tu:i~cn in fl rt in tt,Je ba1' 22 ll>ut IJe Dill tmllill tf)efig()tort}JeJL,o~b, m::..:a :iti:
ler of ti)c ro1me of ~inn om: {Jc \Va~ afo~cerer,IJe l!llc u llil>"!aPanatrts IJi~ fatl:}er: Co~ amon facri• ~
rcgartieti tlJt crringofbirM, bfcn cmbantmfts, firen to l.lll tl)e caruen images w(Jtcb ~anatre• ~::~
ano maim atncD 'DJo~Iters 'DJttlJ fptrits, (t feers of lJis fatlJrrl)an mallc..anb feme?J tl}em, ~·
foitunesi , ann \Viou~t mucl:) euill in tl)e CiglJt 23 anb fubmtttell not IJimfelfe bcfo:e the ~
of t{Je 'JL02n to anger l)im 'lllitiJall. ".11,olll,8~ ~anatres IJif fat(Jer iJ8'b f]umbk!> l)iln ~,
7 ann l)e put tlJe tarueb image. ann a11 tool re lfc :but amon ttefpail'ci:J greattr. ~'
2.R.C'.7.10 'all)icl) l)c l}abmanc. in tte IJourcof <ll>ob: *of 24 .annl:!t9o'rone feruants confpircbagatna .··~
;·Rcg.8.16 Ull}ict) ijoure <115oll fmtie to ~auib anll to $5>olo, (Jim. ann aew {Jim in iJi~ o\tlnc IJoUfc. -,
mon ~t~ ronne, 'Jln tiJilS l)oure, anb in l;}icmra, 2 s ll>ut tbc people of tlJe lanD ac\Vc all t{Jem ~;
lcm 'lDl)iclJ j\ l)auc tl)ofcn efo,c all tlJe tribes of t(Jat 1Ja1:iconrprrc1>againltfnng amon:ann tbe :ri~
3\frael, 'Wtll 'J, put mr t:!ame fo~ eucr. fame people of tfJc lanl> mane ]oft~ l}ts ronne ~ il
8 frleittn\"Oill '1 malte ttJe foote of ']rrael lting in IJifd roumc. ~1..
to remoouc anp mo~c out of tlJc lanllc tolJte() '.]\ The xxxiiij. Chapter. ~~;
l1aue o~lletne'b fo~ rour f4t1Jer13, iffo be tl)at t~cr 1 lolias deOroyctl1 the idoles, 8 and reftore.1h che ~:
Uilll be biligcnt, ann boe au tlJat ']l lJaue com,
manlletl tl)em in all tbe la\Ve ann natutes, ann temple. 14 'rhcbookcofchclawisfound. QI
~fiu * \Vas eigf)t peercs olllr. +Kia.11.•~. J

• Dli:n;,. b
o~ninancc13 bp tl)e IJanll of ~ores.
• 9 . !Ant> fo $ana!fes maoe '.]Juna, ann t11e tn,
Qabtterii of~ientfalem to me, anb to noe \Xlo~re
~tn tl}e l}catlJm tol)om tt:Je "JL.o~I> llctlropeD be•
~e tl}ccl.)ill1~m of']Crad.
1 gnb tl)e 'Jl,o~ Cpalle •bnto !:ll)anaffc,,, anb •. .
'allJcn ()c be~8n to retgnc .' ann l)c
rcigncn tn t;>ieruralcm t(J1rtre anD
ilnr rcercs.
2 anb :tJc nto tf)at tobt~ '118~ i~~


ijl• ~''P"'"· 0
nglJt m tt)e tiglJt of tlJe "Jl.Dlll, anb wallicb in t!Jr .~~
to lJ1is people: buttl)ep woul'tl notniiaro. \XI apcuf wauill l:Ji• fatl)cr. ano bo\llr.ll nctt~er '! •
~li,crefolc tl)c ].,o~n b~ou~t 11pon tlJem
1 to tlJc riglJt l)ann noHo tlJc left. ,~
t.Jc captamc.11 of tbe l)o«c of tl)e lrin~ of tlJe gr, 3 ']n tf)c rigl!t pr.ere of IJt~ rcigne.. mbcn IJc ;;~:
rr~.i:ans1,'llll'ltciJ too be ~anaffes, anb bounb IJim \Das pre. a ci,illl • l)r. began to rccke after tJJe d!Sob ,•~~
\Xlttl;I Cettct1S 1111!1 CIJatm~s anb caricD l)'m to l6a, of Jilauin IJ•• fatl:Jci: antJ in tl]ctmelftlJ reere ~c ': ~
bl'lon. ' b~gan to puri;te ]uba ann ~terufalcm, from t11r. \\ \
aim \Dl1£n twmaii tn tribulation (Jc be• fJt!JfJ Platt13.lfDUeis,mnieb tmagr.13,anD tmagrj! .~"
rou~t. tlJc lLo~b 11ie llflot1,an1>1Jumbleb ~itnklfe ofmcttan. ~~
ercuilmglp bttole ~e 115ob or l)iis fatlJers, . 4 !anb dJ~ bi8kr. Dobine tllcaltar• o06aa.
11m et~'" lJ•• •wermcr.:anb otl;Jrr ima!Jc.8 tl)at • "'' "''"'"~ ~\ ,
b <>rn1"1"·'lll· 3 bann \nat1emtcrcca1on to bim. anll d!Soll
unh """"' 'ID813 mtreattb of l}mt, anb l)hUb 1Jtl5 p:apa \Xlm tn «rearer IJonour tlJm tl:JCF .11cc rourto ~I~,,~~:~ ' I
m"' •3
ann lliouitit him agatnc to ~tcruratem into l)t# to be bdlroren: anllttJc groue1, carueb images, ~ 1,1\
al)ican tlJcfonni.ct ~apban. 8nll QbtJon tl)c
fDnnc of fll)tc a]), aon ~apl]au tl)c ~trtbc. an11
araa.a rcruant or t~e lrin£SS,fsrir.1it ·
21 <5oca11ocnautrr:of tl]e 'Jl.,o;nfo~ me. ar.ll
fortf1cm tl:Jat an left in j\frad anll 'J1ut1a. ccn°
ccnnnig tbc \tlOJllcs of tl)£ books~ isS ftlUn'O :
Coi iJnat t15 tl)c \'o~atlJ oftbc 'J),OJbt tl}AtCl5 falfcn
bpon bJ, bccaure om fatbns 1Jauc.not fl£PC ttc
\llo~ll of tlJe ll.oillC. to boe afm all tl)at il5'111it 0

ten in tl)tisboollc.
22 9nb l)rkia. anb tl]cy tl]attfJt fling l)at12p-
pointcd, \tlmt to ~Ullla a p~opl)eteJfc.. tl)e 'Wife of
~anum tlJc ronne of ~IJuuacl). tt)c ronne of
t~arra,ltccpcr of tl)c \llftftJJobe (fo~ fl)ce ntrclt in
~irrufalcm 'Witl)in tl)c f.cconn \llall) anb ro tlJCf
c:ommunen 'Witb lier.
2 3 ~IJce anrtilcrcll tl]cm, ~us raretlJ tlJe
)lo,ne ll3ob of '3l rraeI, ~ell re tl)e man tl)at rent
_24 ~um tlJuMarctlHlJc ·,l,o~nc. ~~!'t!c..]
\ml!_ bJtttg eutl tip on tl)iSS place.am1 tip on tl1e in,
lJab:terss t!Jcrcof, eum all tl)c curress tl)at arc
'W~ftt~.n in ttJe booftc '\lll)icl) tl)cy l)&uc reall be,
fo~c ti)c king of ']uba:
2 5 l3ccanfc tIJcr ljauc ro~falirn me, anb l)aut
offtrc'D bnto otl~ngobss, to an~er mcc \OitlJ all
mamttr'll:loJhes oftlJrlrl;&n?Js :tl)m:fozci~ tnl:'
\uiatlJ rec on ffre againlf tl)i~ place,an'll fiJalt not
26 !ttnll as roi tfJc lling of ']:u::ia. \thicf:I rent
rou to mqutre or tte :n..01i:le, fo r.;;1H tc fRr boto
l}im,-m;l)us faprtl) tlJt Jl.01oc <3oll of jlfrad, cc1•'
ceming tlje 'l\JoJbS tolJic.lJ thoul.1aftfitar::i,
27 l5ecaure ti,Jinc IJcart l:li!l rmclt, anbft;ou r 11:~"")0~
blllbctlljumble tlJr fetre l.icfo~~ 0oll, \'olJm tnon ~~:!.::·;~ ·
1Jcarncll l)isn11o;lls agama tlli!S·ptacr, (l again« o:irirpcn.anu.
tiJe inlJabitcr~ tlJmof, anri IJmubteb!t tb~ trlfc
befo1cnu•c,anlltarcl1:tlJr cloatl)c~, mtll lltbttlt
\tlecpcbcfo1e me, l 1Janel;1ca1·ntcatro, rartlJ tt)e
; s l6r)JoJ11e, -J \'Otll tafte tljceto tbr fatl)cns,
anb t~ou nialt be put in tl:lr graue in peace, anll
t1JlneCftl5flJall notrcc aUtlJC mifclJicfe tlJat '.1!
\'Otll b~mg bpon tlJiS placc,anll tipon tl)e inl)abt'
ttr!1 oftl)c fame. * ann tl)cr b;ougl]t d,lc nmg .,JGn.2J.'·
\'OoJll againc.
29 cr:IJcntl)cflingf£nt, ann gatbne11 toge•
tl)cr all tl)e lflbnsof1julla anb ll)icrufaltm:
<o ~nil tl)e fling \'Dent b~ into the fJourc of
tIJe)L,0_111,nnll au tl)c men of '.}ulla.ariD tlJe intJa•
bitcnrnf ~irrufalc1n, anll tlJc 1!)~1cllcirnnt1 JLe•
uitc~. aull all tlJc people grrat anlJ rnrnu,anb the
king oto rrnoc in tl)eir cares allttJc \llo~nss _ofti)c ·
boofic of tile coucmmt ttat mag tounll m tl)c
f]oufc oftt)c )Lo~lJ. , .
3, gn?J tl)c king aool! at~·~ aan'llmg.~ m&be
acournant bcfo~c tlJc"JLo~D, to follo'W tlJt )LoJb,
anl:I ro 11ccpe (Jig rommaun~cmctttfS, l)i)~ \'Oitnr!•
reg, anb l)i!S ttamttg. mttlJ al IJI~ i,rart, ann U'litl)
alllJiSfoulc, nnll to fulfill tlJc 'WO~ll~oftl)c couc'
nant m~ittcn in t~c faill boofie.
32 ~111:1 t~e fct 111 thnr roomc all_tl:Jnn t11at
tDcre rounll m tl)tm~falem an!I Wcmamin: anb
tne i11J:JabitttSS of l!Jt£ntfalcm lJiD acto?lling to ~ »rraur• ~·
t .-~-.i0'"""'.,, f h • .
tlJC tOUel11111 O_, ,.,,., ""'
•1 b••<b•rs<•·
•u vOu 0 t.,l':lt flltbCfjS, 11<u11,, m1111
33 ~nnj\ofias!Juta"l'Dal:'all manntr ot abo, :~~.~~::;~:·
mtnatiotUS out of all lanbJStlJatpntaincD to tlJc ri:~~!~~;: ~,.
fount> tn I 1i g con«rainc11 al """'at
ctn10µ-11.,f•]rracl,an1:1 ,., \llrrc """i"" '"
_,1,ra~ • to true tl)c ',llo?lle tlJtir $oD : in•h• "'"~ ......
. r.ll" •h"' 011 '"'""

J nll tllcf turncll notafibl' from ttjc JLo~De ©oD of t~:::i~:~·;::;

ti!Cif ~atllCf!S,il~ fOO(!; a~ IJe bUCtl. cM.
The Paifeouer kept. Iof1as I I. Chron. dieth,and is lamented.
The xxxv. Chapter.

_,. 11
-r-·ID· z1-
:.'; 3,cJdr.
• c~rrn1,.
1 Iofias keqieth the Palfcouer. 2 H!C fcttcth. fonh
Godsfcruicc. :i.o He fightcth ~fhhc lcmgof
Egypr,and dynh. 24 The people bewailc him,

ouer 11nto tfJe JL.o'IJe in
md)e rourerccntfJ IJap of tl,Je 6ra
~=~:~·~~. monctf1.
toca1 ;:. ••m~ anlJ he
4 fet"tlJe P*«is in t1-Jtctr officeJ, ' 81?'
r\11 eam:amr. "" .a. ., -· "'!:P
;:~~:,::rn:: IJtD d)rm an t1Jes.~tmu1m:!f t_!Je IJ~e ~!d)t etal;:'~
;'111rt'"'"·•· 3 anlJ faflJC to ~e ,,"'J ...,a "'».,~
::~::.~ 1~ all '.)frad, anD \Den fanctifielJ 1mca tl}e JL.oiDt,

~t.':r':'~'' 1&UC tl)e IJOl1! amt in tile IJOUfc \Dl}{CIJ ~olomon

c~ID~· tlJcfonncor ~auiDkin11 ofjfrad DiDbutro, it
111 1111
• OJall ba? no mo~c a burllm l>pon pour flJoU!ller!S :
but no\ll Ceme tlJC JL.1t11>C rour 4JoD,anD a,1ss pco'
4 ann wepare rou~ fdutlS bprour auncicn.t
l]oUllJolDs anD rompanteJ,accoiDmg to~ t»it•
tingof~uib fling of jjtrael.anb t13eto1lting of
~olomon l)ts Connc :
s gnlJ lhtnl> in tgc ~olr place accotbina to
ttJe ntulfion of tlJe auncm tc l;loufl)olocs of pour
b;ctl:nm ttJc '1,JiUJ1en of ~e: pcoplc,anb afttf d)e:
Diutfion of ttJc anacnt l}ouflJoU>s of tlJc JL.mites:
6 11\tn tl)t 10afi'toucr,\t Canctilic tour felucJS,
anD p~cpare: rour b,ctIJim. tl}at tlJep map Doc
a"oJDing to tl}c mo1n ofti}e: JL.oinc bl? tl)c tJann
7 ann ]lolial!I aauc to tl)e people, llJeepc,
latnbtl!I, 11011 mbis. 11n foi tlJc l&alfcoucr, anll roi
au tl}at tocrc piefmt. tl}irtic tfJoufanD be tale,
anll time tl)ourann oJtn: ann tlJcCe mere of tlJc
htngs:s rub«ancc.
s ann l)tl5 101bcs 11aut 'a»initlgtp bottJ tmto
tl)c people, ann to tl)c piictteJ. anb bnto tl}c )L...(:,
uite:s, ll)e:tcia alCo, 'Jacl)atid, anb ]cl)id, rulers
oftf)c l)ourc of ©01J,gauc bnto tlJcp~tcas £o1 ttJc
~alTeoucr offrini.;IS,tlllo tl)oufannanD lin 1Jun'
b~cll fhc:cpc,ann ttnec l)unn~cD onir.
b 1.rcrt111 "°" 9 ~ <Ito nonta, ~eme:ia. ann JaatlJanad, IJiis
biettnen,ann 'a~abialJ, ann 'Jcl}iel, anb ')ofa,
• baD, mitts oi tl)c ·ll.cuitcis, gauc bnto tl}e )1..e:,
uittSl&alf£otm otfcting13, flue tl,Joufanl:I tl.Jccpc,
anb fiut 11unn1cb orcn.
10 .Qnb Co tlJc Cmrice: '1.'lai pJCParcn, anb tlJc
p,icftl5 noon in tl1dr places, ano t:t:1e: llcuitCJ in
tlJtir'llilhnctcomparrics, at tl)e: litngss comman-
11 gun tl)ep OctDt tl)e ~aotouer, anti tf1e:
"*lls f\ninklcb tlJe blood Ulttl) tlJtirlJanb,an'll
tlJe: 11.mitcis pullcb off tlJt Clrinnes or tt)e bcaas.
. 11 !lnb t{Jey f£t atD&t.' tlJe: wl)olc burnt otfc•
n~~. to lllue: tl}cm tJnto tlJe people: t{Jat tDere
b11n11c11 bf andmt 1Joure:s: anD tlJat tlJe:p llJoulll
~ bnto tl)e: 11.01bt. lifie: ais it is 'a:lilttcn in tlJe:
uuube: O( ~Ofe:!I : anb fo did thc:y \lliflJ tlJe O,ntl
3 !lnb ttiey 11ie:ll'eb tl)e ~alfe:oucr tDitlJ fire.
8• tl)e '~nntt 'wa15 : ~ tl}e otl)cr bebicate bealll!I
fitlJo~~! tn PGt1S,ca111ionJ1,an11 pand. anb Diuindl
..,cebftl' amon" all tl)e people:.

4 an11 afttt'matll tlJey mabe reabp fo1 t1Jem-
fcl~1c15, anb rui tl)c l&JletklS: foJ ttJe 1&1idf• tlJC
dJt~tn or ~llTon were bufied tn of\lllJOle:
burnt olle:tinp, an11 tbe: fat tJnttll nt t : tl}ere•
&We: tlJC Jl.,e:uttCIS PJtpllttb foJ tlJ anD
fo.t tlJc l&Jietl• tlJC Conness Of aaton. '
1 s !itnll tl)e: fingttss tl)e dJtl»Jtn or.arapl) lloob
~edecias obfiinacie. Chap.xxxvj. Hierufalem defl:royed. 168

The end ofthe fccond bookeofthe Chronicles.

~ A verie profitable declaration for the vnderfianding of

the hifl:ories of Efdras, Nehemias, Efl:her, Daniel,and diucrs other places of
Scripture, very darke, by reafon of the difcord that is arnong Hilloriograph~s, and among
die czpofitors ofthe holy Scripturcs,touchingthe fuccdliuc order ofdie Kings or Monarchies of Babylon
and of Pcrfia : ohhc ~mnbat the C1yd MonarchcslaRed, ftom the iranfmigmion of 1be !ewes vodn
Nabuchodaaofor, mrill the Mon1rcbic of the Grcckcs, 1od ofcbc coofuJion
1h11 i1 in 1hc 111me1 ofthe kings of Pcrfia.

~ That which happened to the people 'IT The Monarchic 'If Of the yccrcs that the Monarchies of
of Uracl during thcfc Monarchies, of Babylon. Pcrfia reigned. Of the difference ofau-
thours therein : and of the diucrfiric
Nabuchodonofor,tl)t ntnttmd) rm I Nabuchodonofor after andconfufion of the names of the faid
Of IJilS mgne ti~ tlmlfa• the aptiuitic reigned Monarchies.
km.anti kb t:IJe people~ 2, cwcncic andfucc ycrcs.
lltng.24-anb ~mm,29, Qt'bt&ttllaofllUdJOU?f,aftDdl
-atl)e t'lllentte anb lrtl) tr.ere of bff •tttoito1raplJQ.j, 1115 tqJontou~ or
fatb~inlttUtetl11i• illo• t11t1Jo1rr~.fl~taumm1
mmlJfi :intl)e fUOl1IJ tut of tfJt tlJt time anb temtlJat ~ t\l!o SUo•
came, 1Juf81Det1Jt~oftl)e nardJieJ50fd)e~ntanl!l~l&mi•
The fir{l Chapter. . .
1 Cyrusfcndcth againc che pcopl~chacwas1!\capc1·
uicic, 8 And re!lorcth chem their holy vcffc~.

1 The Ifraelites luild the Altar of God. 6 They of
fenochcLord 7 They prepare for the Temple,
11 and ling vatD the Lord•

~ • \Dl,Jm * ti.Jc frumlfJ monetl} .Erd

:amt, anti tl)c a.Jilll~cn of '.)fracl 1
111mno'ID in tlJeir citieuIJe people
'8mt to11et1Jcr a,u one man, to ~i£,
• rufalcm.
:i ~no pffool:I bp '.Jlofue tlJcfonnc of'.lo,
fel:lee,anll IJr&wetlJ~en tl}e l&~itltes, anl:l 5o~oba,
bd dJc Come of• ~alatbid, anll l)is b~cttnm. , .
anll builllei dJC 11ta~ of tl;lc. e5oll of 1\f~a~I, to ~f·
ftr'ml}oletrumt otfrm~ ttJmon, as1tt,u wnt<
ten'" tl)cJLa'ID ofQ!lores tl}c man of <5oD. ..I
3 am tl)c ~mar rct tlJev bpon IJ'sromet-: ·~
fo~ dJerc ioa.11 a fcarcfulnc[c amon(t ctJtm, be• ~
'8Ufc oft;c people of tIJorc cotmtrCF.U, tl;lercfo:c :
tlJep olftreD bJl}olc bumt oftcrin~ d}creon b~ .
tl}e)Lo,ii,cucn'IDl}olc burntoffcri~. mommg :
anbmening. :
4 gn11 dJCt' hcllle ti.Jc ftaflof tabcmaclrs, as ,
it is \\lztam:anll o&rcll bJl)olc bun1t famficcs E~'.
11aplp, MQJ~g to tl}e number anb cutlomc bat' 16. ;
bpDar. ,~
~ 1rtertoar11 (lJey otfnl:I b&rll! "all)o~ bumt ·
otfrin~alCo.~ in tt)c nt'al mooncs,ann m al tl)c
eeaa hi*J dJat\llcrc co~cratt!J bnto ttJ~ 'A.o:b,
aun allmanrt of free m1D olfcr1~. bJIJicl) tlJcy
11t1J ontJcii o\llnc rm \lltU oftrr tmto t11e Jl o:n.
6 ffo'U the f1rfl Dap or U:Jc reucnttJ moncth
began tbl'F to ofter \111lolc burnt facrificcs bnto
tl)e ;t.o~D: bUC C\lc foui1t1ation of tlJc 'al:cmplc or
tile '£GJD '111&.u not rec larb.
1 &l)etlau~mancr alfo tinto ~c Sll!laronss \
ill\D I] 4t:a~~.anll meatc,ann DJtnlic~ t;t ople, 1 10r~
Ubm timber f\'om l.1banuss bl' ~ca bnto '.]!op, 11
bntotl)cmof~lbOUSltb Of~f'lC, tob:1ng tl)c mc~

pa, auoiDit11 to tile (Jfaunt tf,Jat tlJtp hao or ~

~e building hindered. Chap.iiij. The enemiesleccer. 170

4tp~u• t1Jc tiling eflBerraa. tl)Jil>atl), ~abd,anl> ttJe otl)er onJiS rounrct, bn, I
s ')n tlJdctonD pem of tlJcir rom1ni~ tin, to artamicf tl)e tiling of ~craa \llitl) faire
to tiJc IJOUft of<l!Job at l)imlfalem, in tflc kconD mo:t>es: an1> tl)e m11nng ofdJelctter \Das in tl)c ·
monctl}.bcp;an'501obabcl tl)e ronne of ~alatlJi< ~r1ians rpeecf;J. tf intcrp1etcb in tl)e language
d,anb]ofuctl}cfonnc of ']okbec. anbtlJCrctn< of tl)e ~r1mns: .
nant of tl}cir~1Cn. tl}c 10ttctlf anb )L.cuttrf, s llictJum tl)e meco:ber , a11b ~amfai tl)c
anb antl}cp tl)at mm come out oftlJcmptiuittc ~cnbc, \D~otealcttttllfrom,tcrufaltmto~'lr> 11or,1-
bnto l)tmiralem : anb appointcb tl}c JL,cuttcs ta1crres tl)e laing,as itrollo\lletl.). r;ain11.
trom nDtntic rems olllc, anb aboue, to rec tl}at 9 'lltlJm lliel)um tl)e taeco1t>n, anti ~amfai
tlJC moth of tl}e l)ourc of tl)c ·.11.otb \llcnt fotroart>. tlJ~ ~mbc, anti otl)er of tl}eir 'ompanr, tl)rp of
9 ant> 'Jlofuc aooD 'tDitl) bis ronnrf anb btc' Wtna,ofapbarfatlJ, of~arpelai, of II j0crfla, of ! Or, A-
tlJ~m, anb Gta11mtc1, mtttJ l)is ronnes, anll tl}c aracl)e,orlBabrlo,of' ~ufan, ofWr(la, of ~Ian, rh• 11 •·
c{Jilll~n of]u1>a, as one man, to rct fo1mart> tl}c 1 a ant> otl)er or tl)e people, 'IDl)om tl)e r;treat
tllo1flcmrn of tl}c l.)oufc of ©ob, tl}c cl.Jilbtcn or a~~ noble arnappct b:ougl)t oucr, anti rrt in ti.Jc
_,cnabab, \llttl) tlJctr Cl)ilb1m,anb tl)ctr btctlJ~ cittesrnf~amana, anb otlJcrtl)atarc no\llcbt'
tlJc JJ...euites. ront> tlJe \l.latcr,anD ll ~IJeenetl).
1o ant> tol)m tlJe builbers 1ar11c tlJc roun1>a' 11 ¢1JiS is tl)e trno: of tl)e letter tl)at tlJcp ~~:·Cha·
tion oftfJe ~rmple of tl}c llo~l>, tlJct' appointct> rent bnt:e tiling arta1mcs, 'lltlJr reruants, ann
~. :,appa- 101ictte11 in ttJctr II arar mitIJ trumpets, a1111 tlJr tlJe mmtlJatare no\D bcponb tl)e \llatcr, anl> in
> JLcuitcs tfJe cIJilt>~m of' arapIJ uittlJ Gtpmbals to ~cenetfJ,falutc:thcc:.
:Jlitdr, p1aife tlJc JL01b after tlJC llmancr of ~au1b Ilttng 1 2 l5ce it fmomm b11to tiJe Jlling, tlJat t:be
~"" of]fracl. '])cmes \lllJi'1) came bp from tl)ec to bs,an come
~·-: 11 ant> tlJer fang togctlJcr \u()m tlJcl' gauc bnto 'icrnfalem, a atie Cebitfous ant> fromarn,
p1aifc anb tl)anll£s 1mto ~c JL01t>~ l5ccaurc l)c is
IJfacious, a1111 bccaurc l.Jis mcrcu cnburetl) ro~
eucr bpon '.)rracl : an1> an ti.Jc people fiJo\lltcl>
lDUllC tn p1aiC'ing tlJC JL011>,bCCt1UfC tl)C fOutlbati'
on ofttlc l)oufc of tl)c JL,011> mas lapl>.
anb builbe t:be famc,an11 kt bp tl}c 'IDallcJS tl)erc,
of,anll lal:' tlJc fount>attons.
1 3 :l5ec it hnomcn 110\ll b11to tl)c liing,tlJat if
tlJis "tic bee bUil!lcb,an11 tl)c maucs matic bp a,
game, tl}m fiJall not tlJct' giue tollc,tributc,anti
!i:'C 12 '.l3utmanp oftl)c l91tctts an11 JLcuitcs, a1111
cl)icft fat1Jers,an1> ancient mm,'tDl)icl) l)al> rune
cuaomc, \I co tlJcr fiJllll lJmller tl)e kings tribute.
14 ant> no\D \llcrcmcmb:ing dJat \llee 'ID£t£
tlf;" tfJc fittl l)ourc.. 'tDIJm tl)e fou111>atto11 'tDas lal't>C b1oug1Jt bp in tlJe flings palace, tl mou[l) no lon°
ii:... befo1c tl)ctr cpcs, b \llq>t. mi~ a lout>c bopce, anti gcr rec tiJc hings t1i11Jo11our, tl)mf'oJc rent wee
••1n manr 11Jo'tDtc1> atout> 'tDltl) 1or: out a1ro,a11D ccrttficb tl)c fling,
r 3 ~o tl)at tlJc people coult> not bifccmc tl)e 1 s ¢1Jat it map be rougtJt in tl)c bookt or tl)c
torruurounbc ant> glat>ncfl'e, from tl)e nopre or ~:onicles or tbl' piogenitours, \I ro fl)alt tl)ou
tlJe weeping among tile people : fot tile people fintl in tl)e boo be of tbe GtiJ:ontcles, ant> pmciuc
niomtct> 'IDitl.J a lout> err, ' tlJt norre mas l.)carb t~at tl)is cttie is rcnittous anl> norrome bnto tlJC
famotf. hmgs anb 11 lant>s. ant> tl}at tlJct' caure otl)er alfo or .p•o-

The iiij.Chaptcr. among tl}cm to rcbcll of oltlc: a111> f'o1 tlJC fame uinccs.

2 The building ot the Temple is hindered, :ind how. caure maistl)iscittc betlroret>.
16 ¢1Jncfo1e 11oc me ccrtific tl)c hing, tlJattf
11 Leners to Artaxerxes,and the anfwc:re.
tlJiS citie be builbtl> againc,a111> tfJt wan~ tfJerc,
: 1 ·, tl)e •abUcrfarie~ Of ]lll>a anb ofmatlebp, tl)ou 11Jalt1Jcrcaftcr l}auc no po:tton
: .· ~ lBentamln,lJearl> tlJat tl}e c{Jdll~cn beyonb tlJe mater.
; ,-;~ ~ ortl)ecaptiut~ builllttltl)ctcmplc 17 ¢1Jen rent tl,Je fiing an anfil:lcrc b11to l!lc,
: ""' · bnto tl)e JL,o:ll ©ot> of']\fracl. bum tl)el!leco:ner,ann ~amfai tl.)c ~cribc,anl:I
,,:.... :z f.1111>tl)eycamcto'5o:obabel, to tt)e otlJct of tbcir companions tf,Jat t>\\lcll in
·fc:'i.~ ~:· ant> to ttJe p:inctpal fatl)crs,ant> fail> bnto tl)em, ~amaria.ant> »nto tile otbcr tfJat 'IDcrc bcpon!l
( ·
:~:n· 119c mill tuilt>e 'tDitlJ \lice reckt tile JLo:b
1·'"'"' four ©o!J, B!1l'Ct>oe,ant1\llcel)auenoucracrtfice
tl)c \ll atcr 11 in ~cla~,ant> 11 QtIJcettJ.
1n; fa~;:_'
I 8 ~lJe letter\lll)1'1) rec rent bnto bS, l)atlJ lion.
~{'~~ bnto {Jim rmce tl)e timr of' aro1 lj)at>1>on tl)e king bme openlr rcab bcfo1c me. l!Or,Chec.
;.~"' ofall'ur, 'IDIJicl) b:ougl)t bS bp b1tl)er. I 9 anb ') lJ8Ut commantlctl to mafic fcarctJ, n~th,
:i;::~· 3 a11!l '5oJobabd. anll ']\orue, a1111 tlJe otl)cr an1> it is founl> tl)at tl)is attc of olt>r (JattJ mat>c
:: · ancient ratl)ers of ]l'rad, fatt>ebntotl)em, ]t infurrcctton againll kings, ant> tlJat rebellion
~ cannot bee tl)at rou anl> \llee togetlJer lhoulb ant> fct>ition l)adJ bcnc committcb ttJcrein.
il butltl tlJt l)oufe bnto out ©ot> :ro: me our relues 20 ~lJcrc tJaue bene mt~ttc kings alCo at
llltllbuil1>ealonc bntotl)cJL,~l> our ©ob of ]r, 'icrufalem, \llf1icl) tJaue re1gnct> oucr all coun,
' rad, as ~rtull tl)e lung of~crfia l)atl.) romman· tt~ bcponbc tfJt mater: anl> tollc, tributc,anb
1; btllb.. . cutlome 'IDSS !Pucn bnto tfJcm.
;'Ii.mad, 4 ann tl)e Collie or tlJc lant> ~ 1>trcouragc1> tl)e 21 <l!Jiuc pee nom tl)uero~e commanbcment
~k1 hand, people of'.]\uba, anl> troublell tlJcm 1111 tlJCl'.\llerc tl)at tl}c fame~ bee ~Jbi~t>cn,anb tl)at tl.)e cl
i •·builbing: . . ucbee notllu,11>e1>11p;a1nc,nll ].l)aue giumrul
otlJcr commanllemcnt.
·~ s a111> l)irel> counfdlcr!! agama IJm'
; Der tlJcir 1>cuife , as long ~II ~r1us tb~ tllin!J of 2 2 ~ilke l)eenc noui dJat l:'CC be not ncgligmt
1 : l&crua liucl> , bntill tl)c tcigne of JF>anus tllmg to 11oe ttJts : roi \DlJt' 11Jou11> tl)e lling l)auc lJarme
' rts+ Ofl&crfia. dJerdlf 1
~:l°""' 6 .. anb mtl)ncigne of'b arueru11, attl)~ be, 2 3 ftlo'IDc\ulJm tl)C tmo: Of hin~ artaJct"Jtil
!. ~.;:: amntnq of lJiS rei«ttt. to JO~ tl)ep bnto l.)nn a tcttcr \Dal'.! rtllb ~11! Sd)um anb ~am rat tl)r
d....:~. complaint ap;atntt tl)c C11(Jab1tcrs of ']unaanl> ~critic, aol> tl}cirrompanions, tlJcp went bp m
. ::.~· ll)kiufalem. . all tlJt l)aflt ta ~im&faltm, b11to tl}e '.]lc'IDes.anD
·:~~ 7 anbtntl)e:t1areurartaJ;mcS.1D1ote~1, ro1ba1>e tlJem \uttlJ bioltncc anD po\tlrr.
---..j___~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ff 2 24 l!rhrnl
The enemies letters. I.Efdras. King Darius decree
'~"' '''•B•·
,thrr,fopbit 24 ""'IJ"n'
·\U.I "'
ccalTcll tlJc U100,11e•
of ~e""l}ourefftof
PIO~bcrur• 00b at ~iCrufafC1TI, Stlll COlltllllJfb 0 unto •.,e
bomb lbnn to .,, f . .. ...·nrr of11:1.-r.a
'·\Jnr. J. bnt
fet:onb pccrc o j0ariu.," » t""rn •
""l'•r•D <b•
rcrrr tnl11rncr,
The v C apter.
~murr or1~d1 1 Aggeus and Zacharie do prophc:lic. 3The workc ol
the femple gocc h 1orwar
c: d ,contrarytothemm · de
of fh31hanai. 6 His letters arc fentco Darius,
l!}c•1&JOplJctS agltCUS,anb ~aclta'
,.Eidr. ' '

0 2
ric tlJe fonne of ~bllo, PJOPIJC0£b
bnto tiJc ']]cumst}Jat were in ']lb,
bR anti ~ierufalem in tl,)e t,lame of
tlJe <13ob of]frael.
.m;tJcn g_ate bp ~oJobabel tl]c fonne of~a'
Iad;Jtel, anb J]ofue tile fonne of']]ofebec, anti be•
gan to buiU1e tlJe fJoufc of <l3ot1 at ll)icrufalem:
anll UlitlJ t{lem \Uere t}Je ]&Jopl}et~ of <13ob,
~0~1~};1~~ ~~~'" \D~icl1 l}clpen tlJmt.

to ~· :01UJa1D 3 at tl)e fame time came to tlJCm ~8tlJ8•

mti, \UlJiclJ was captaine bcponb tl}e \Uater,anb
~tIJarbu1anai, ann tfJeir compantons,anb faib
tl'.lustmtot1Jcm, 1101Jo lJatl) c:ommanbeDrouto
buiUJ tlJi!1 Mure, anll to maJte bp tl}efe 'll.lalleS:'
4 iat:IJen faibc wee 1mto tl.Jcm after tl)is ma,
ncr. tWllat arc t}Jenamcsoft1Jcmcntl)atmaI1e
tl:lf~ buill1ing:'
b L?!•fanou• 5 l311tt1.Jcbrreoftl)tir~ob\Da~bpont1,Jeel'
:r'8;~:~rb'." ncrs of tlJc ']e',tl.Jat tl}er coulb notcaure tlJcm
to cearc, till tiJe matter was biougl}t to Warius:
anll ti)m tlJcr anftucrcll bl' letters t}Jcrcunto.
6 ~ts i~ ttJe tcnour of tlJe letter tl)at iar::l)a'
tt:ianai, 'UJ{Jicb \Das captatne beronb ti.Jc \\later,
anti ~tlJarlm~anai, anb tile counfcftcrs of g,
plmrfatiJ, \\1lJiclJ tr ere bcronne t}Jc water, rent
tmto iamg warms.
7 ~nll tlJc matter tlJattbep rent bnto 11im,
was wiittcn tl)us \Uitllin tl}e letter, 1anto ~a'
riuf.l tl:lc litng, nu pcacr.
s l3ccitfmotoen lmto tlJcllttng, tlJat \nee
went into tlJc p,ouincc o' '.3)urp, to tl}e lJoure of
tl)c great <13oll, WIJicl) ta buillleb \\litlJ miglJtic
great ft one~, anll beamcs are lat'll in tlJe 'll.lalles,
anti tllc \Uo~kc goctl} ran fooitlJ, anll p1ofperet1J
in tl}cir lJmlllf.l.
9 .m;llen amen \uc tlJc Q1':1llers,anll faibc tmto
tlJcm t{Jua, tWllo commanllcb rou to builllc tf:Ji~
l}oure, anb to make bp tlJc \\'lallcs tlJereor:
xo we afhcb tl}cir namess alfo, t})at \De migf)t
ccrtific t{Jcc, \t \l'l#tc tlJc names of tl}c men tl]at
were witlJ ttJcir rulers.
1 1 ~ut tl)ep anrwercll bS \UitfJ tl.Jefc \UOJbS,
anll ratn,twec arc tf:Je fenrnnts of tl}e <l!JottoftJca'
um anti card,), (t bmllle tlJe fJoufe tl}at \Uas buff
il~ll of oil> anti manp rcm~a ago, 'll.11.JiclJ tl}c great
llin13of1.rraelbuilllell.anll rec bp.
1 2 JBut after tlJat our ratlJers I.Jab p,ouofiell
the GB ob ofl)eauen bnto lD,atlJ,lJce gauc t(Jem o'
Utr lllto tile l]antl Of ~abUclJOllOnOfO~ tIJe laing
~fl5abplon, nnll of tlJe 4ttJalbecs, 'll.11Jic1J b~alie
u0'1ltlt tl11s l1oure. anll tanctl tl}e pcoplea\llap
captme bmo '.lBabplon.
3 '.!3utmtlle firtlrecreor4tr~ustbell\ingof
l5abplon, tl)e ra~c laing 4tr~us gaue comman•
llement concermn~ tl)iss l)oure or 0oll, tl)at it
OJoulll be built agame.
4 .ann ftJe bc~clsi of gollle anll mueroftl}e
IJoure or<l!Jol>, 'llllJtclJ .mabucl)ollonoro~ toofJe out
of tlJe ~cmp~ tlJnt 'mas at ~teruratem, anb
b~oug{Jt ttJemmt~ tlJe templ2 at lBabplon:t!Jofe
lltll <ltp~uss tf)e tlltng talie out of tl)e temple at
}Babplon, \l ttJer 'mere tleltumll bnto one ~af,
~~he Paffeouerkept. Chap.vij. The l(ingscommiflion.--1~;-
12 anD tlJc e5ob tlJatretlJis name tl:Jerc.. Dc• tl:Je Iring gaue l)im al t1J11t l)e requiren,a"o~lling
aror an flings anti people tl)at put to t11e1r l:la.nD to tbe IJanD of tl)e :t.o~b 1JiS$ <1301> \lllJidJ \llaop,
to alcer anD to bieaflc Do'O:mc tlJtlS IJoufc oC(JElob onl.)tm.
\lllJtdJ isat I!)tmiratcm. ']! ~ariu1Sl}aucma11c 7 inti t:fJere blcnt bp ccrtaine of tl)e clJillltcn
~. aDcme..tlJat tl.Jts be 1>onc 'OJttfJ fpce11e. of]fracl, of tlJe l&iiells, JL,cuitesi. fi~gers, P01'
"' 13 *~en ~atl.Janai tlJc captain of the co1;1n- ~rss. anti oC t1Je ~etl)intms, bnto ~1crufalem,
,~·1·1 · tiy ~eponi> tfJe \llater,anb ~tlJarlnna~t. \IJ,ttl:J in ti.Jc fcucntl) rcre of bing Artarcr.te~· ,
~ tiJcir counrc11er15, accoilling to tl:Jat \lJl.JulJ rung s 9:nll l)ec camr to l!)tmd'alcm m tf)c ftftlJ
; t lE)ariulS IJab rent, ro tlJcp l:lill fpccDtll:'. moneti,,cuen in tl)c rcucntl:J rtre of t1Jc Iring.
~ 14 an1>t1.Jcclbnsort1:Jc1etue1Sbu1111eb, anb 9 1'01 bpon tl)c firft bap of t1Jc firft monetlJ,
~· tlJep p1ofpcrr.b t1J1ou~ tlJc p,opl)cfptng of ilg• began lJce to goc bp from l6abplon: an'b on tl}e
~b gculS tlJe 1!)1o0plJct,an1> ~adJarie tlJc fonnc of)D, rtrft i>ap of ~c llftl:J monctlJ,camc l)ce to I!)tmira'
~~ bo, anb tl)cp builbeD, anti tl:Jep ftntRJei> it a"o~ lcm,acco:D~ng to tl;Je' goon l)antl of IJiS C3on chat ;.~:::~~~.::
'~ bmgto ti.Jc 'ommanbcmentoft1Jcell5obor11ta• was bpon IJtm. mmv or -i:>oo.
cl, anD after tl)c commani>ementof ~p~ulSantl 1 o 4Jfo: <ff!J:as p:cparcb bts {Jcart to fecfie tl)c
~artus,anb artaremlJ,flingS of l!)crfia. la\lJ oftl)c JLo:'b, anti to boc it, anti to tcadJ tl:Jc
I s anb tl:JiSI (Joufc toalS fmillJCb tbc tl:Jirb Dill' P1U£Ptl1 anti iUbgcments tn ]fracl.
-' 11£ oftlJc monctlJ • a11ar, cuenintl:Jc bCi,:t rmc of I I QUD tl)ij5 fS tlJC tfn01 Of tlJC letter tl.Jat Jitng
<~ t1Jerctgncofldngl0arius. , a11arccycs, gauc tlnto ~as tlJe ~:tell ann
:":"or 1 6 an1>tlJulJil1>1en of'j\tracl, tl,Je10,tctl!1,tl:Je Cctibe, \lll)tclJ was a witter or tlJc \lJ01Dc1S anti
:'.·&!:. lcuitc15, anb tl:JcotlJcr dJ~~e11oft1.Jempti~is commant1£l1lentlS Dftl)'b ofl)ts ftatutc~
d;.u tic,IJelb tlJC DfDimtlon Oft!JilS lJOUCc of Cll50D \lJttlJ ouer'.)rracL
..... ~ ior, u 9:rt11rcrtc1Smng ofkfn~, bnto cff!Jta5$ tl)e
:-:::: I 7 anb Offtt'ebat tfle btbiCBtiOn Of tlJiS (JOUfC 10tictl anti fcribe of tl:Je lawe of tl)c ®o'b of IJea•
~:...' ofCll5oll an IJttntl~Cl> ralUCS, t'IDO tJUnD~Cb ramlJ, uen, l!)cacc anl:J fatutatton.
-::, foure l)untl~ell tambes: anll roi tile reconciltng 1 3 'Jl IJauc connnaunticll tlJat au tfJcr of ttJc
::: or all '.J]fracl t'tXlcluc l)ee goates, accoibtng to tl)e people of]frael, anti of t(Je 10:ietts anti JLeuttcs
_,, number oftl}e tribeis of'.]frad: mmrrcalmc, \lllJidJ arcminbcboftf)eir ownc
__ 18 anll fettlJc p1tetls tn tl)eirfun111r courfclJ, gool> \\Jill to goc bp to I!)icrufakm,go \lJttlJ tl)ce.
anti tlJe )l..euttclS tn tlJeir lliucrs officcis to mint. 14 .ant1 t1:Jerefo1eartt1Jourcntoftf)e tdngan!I
:~6. tfcr tmto Cll5o'b at ~tcrufalem,*alS it is 'ID1itten in ofl)ts rcuen counreucrs, to tlifitc 'j\uDa anti $ic•
tiJc booflt of gaore~. rura1em,acco1nmg to t1Je la\lJ of Cll5oi> \IJfJtcl) isS in
--· 19 gn11tl),lll~enoft1Je captiuiticbelbtl}c tlJr1Jan11.
·- ~afi'eoun bpon tlJe fourteentlJ nap of tlJc flrtl 15 9:nb tbat tlJou fl)oultletl tarn~ \lJttlJ tf)rc fll
·• monetlJ: ucr ann goil:J,\lJIJicl) tlJc king anll (Jis counrcuers
20 1foi t1Je 10#elt~ antnLcuites mere puriftell offer of~etr o'OJnc goo'b\llill bnto tbc ®ob of'.]f·
"' altogctl}er,. anti flillcD tl)e ~alTcouer foJ au tile rael mljoCC (Jabitation is at ll)iETUfalcm:
·· c(Jilt11cn of tf)e captiutttc. anti fo~ tl)cir b1Ct\ncn 16 9.nll all tilcfilucr anti golll tl)attl)oucanll
tl)e lf)1i~,ant1 fol tl}emfelucs. ftnne in au tl)c \l countrey of '.'IOabplon, 'IDttlJ it llOr,pro.
· ., 21 ano tf)c cl)iln:cn of ~rracl \tllJiclJ mere tbllt tbcpcoplc ofter of tlJeir o'mnc goc."b \lltl,anb uince.
·-· come againc out orcfiptiuitr,nnn au fuel) a1S 1Ja1> tl)c l!):icas gtucmilltnglt' fo~ tf)e l}oure of tt.Jeir
~:: feparattll tl)cmfclues tlnto t1Jem,!to111tl)c ll!tl}i• ~ob 'IDlJidJ iJJ at I!)imifalcm:
:~ neffe of tl)cl)ea~en of ttJe tann,to fceftc tlJe JLo1ll 17 ~IJat ttJou marea bur tliligentlr \lJitlJ ttJc
®on of']\Crad,llio eatt, fame moncr, o~cn, rammcis, anD lambes.l, toil:lJ
22 !tlnll tJelb tl)e fcaft of tlnteamncb bJtab fc• ti] cir mcate offerings anll b#nlle olfm:ngs: an!I
~ ucn llapcis 'OJttl) ior:foi tl)e '.ll..OJD l)atl mabc tl)em tl)ou ll)alt offer tl)em tlpon ti.Jc altar of tt;c i1ourc
:;., glab , anti tumen tl)c l)eart of tl)e king of .\l[ur of rour <115otl \lJIJtcl) is at I!)icrufalem.
tmto tlJf,to llrengtlJm t1Jeirl)ant1~ tn tl)e 'OJOJlle 18 Qni> loofic 'O>l)at lillet(J tlJce anll tlJl' l>Jc•
of tl)e 1)oufe of <500,euen tbe 113otl of'.)traeL t1J1en to Doe 'OJitl) tlJe remnant or ttJc filucr anti
The vi~.Chaptcr. igoltl,t1Jatt1oc after tl}e \\Jill of pour <115011.
19 anti tf)c befi'cls ttJat are giucn tl}ce fo~ tl)c
1 By the commandcment ~!the King, Efdras a~d his miniClration in tlJC {Joufc of tlJp e5ob, tl)ofe DClt•
companions come: to H1e1ufalcm. 2s Hee g1uech uer tl)ou bcfo1c <3ot1 at l!}icmfalcm.
,. thanks to God. 20 ann bll)atroeucrtbingmo1e1IJaUbcmcn·

;::~ 1ftcr * tl)efet1Jing51, tlJere\lJas in run toi tl)cl)oufe oftl.IP Cll5oD 'IDIJiclJ is neccaartc
. :;.~!•'YA'•·· t(le rcic;JllC of •artarer,:e15 fling of foi to fpmb,tl]Ou 11Jalt mciue tl)e cJJargeis out of
::,rauro 7lil8 " ll)crfia, one lft'bµus tl)e Conne of tl)c flin.l.UI trcarure (Jourc.
~· . ~arina, tl)e Connc of 9:!ana, tl,Jc 21 ] frin(J !irta~cr,:elS f]8UC Comtnaunbeb &fi
.· ~
romtt of lflcia, d:Je treafurcrlS beronb tf)e \\later. tiJat toolle
·:n~.. i ~1Jcronneof~Uum,t1JeConncof',Jat1oc, \lll;Jatrocuer <ffll~as tIJe ~:tell anll fcribe In ti.Jc
:: • tl)cfonncofahttob, la\lJ of t(Je Cll5ol> oflJeaucn requirctlJ ofrou *""at 2 Ch
~· d 3 ~cronneofamana,tiJefonneorntaria, pcfUlftlltlJcfamcfpl'elltlp, , M;I • r. 3 .JO
,;: y, tl)c fonnc of~craiotl), 2 2 ij!t.nttll an l)unD1cn talents offllue:r anti til
'"'~ 4 ~e ronne of~mlia,t1Je Connc of ®ti,tf)c an lJUnDJf:tl qua~tCnf Ofblf)eate, 8Ull ttll an IJUll•
.~ ronne ofJ5ucct, ll~e'b battc~ of~mc, anti ttll an lJUnlltCll bats of
~~ s ~efonneof!lbtfua. tbefonneofl&i,tnc• optc,anb falt\lJitlJoutm~arure.
=:01\, l)c~,tl.Jc ronne of Cflca!ar,tl)eronnc ofa.Jront1Jc 2 3 DIJatfoeucr atro u1 tlJc romm11n11cmmt
"'•rm'::, CIJiefel&:teft. oftlJe cll5o'b ofl}eauen, let tl)efatnc be none \IJltlJ•
~~n 6 ~i!!HfO!:autro '!Dent hp frotn ~abrlon, outanr bdarfo~t!Je lJOUfe of tlJecll5oD ofbcauen.
~~· atl'bwasa \\pcrrect bfcribe tn tlJela'»e of~o, tl:J~t be be ~t 'ID10tlJ qatnft tl)crcalmr, anl:la•
-~ftlS, mllidJ tl)c JL,01t1 d5ob of '.)rrad tlil> gtuc: ann gmntl tlJe kingan11 IJ11S ctnlD~cn.
Recurningfro111 capriuicy. I.Efdras. A fafi proclaim e~
2 4 an11 \\le ccrtific.rou. d)atrcclJauenoau, tcr tl)at mnncd) totoart1 W}aua, anti t~crc a,
tl)o:tttcto require ta.rmganb.ruttome, ~nb rrre, botlc me tlJ:cua-ecss: anti']] look(b among t!Jc
Ip rcntts tip on anr o.r ~e 19:tcllss•. ~cu1tc~, fin, people anti tl}c 19:icllss. anti rounll tl;)crenone.of
gcrs, po:tcrss. ~ctl}mtms, an11 mtnitlrrss mtl)e t11ccl)1l1>:en or:.1Ln1i.
l)oufc ortJll!I ~ob. . . . 16 '<1n)en ftnt '.ll to (fltc~rr. to anel.~emeia,
2 5 ann tl'Jon .'1ffil~ass. artcr d)e \llifebomc of cflnatl)an. ~anb , cflnad)an, JaattJan, ~adJa,
~or,mind •• tlJr ©oD tlJatits mtlJtt_le 11 lJa!ll>, fet ]ubgeunb na,anl> ~eruuam, tl)c mlcrl!I, anti to ']otartb
arbiters by my auchomy to &Ul>ge all tl)c people anti <lClnatlJan, 'o.ll)tclJ 'o.lcrc men of tinbertlan'
f;IJat il!I tJcyonD f;IJc \tlatcr, cum an fudJ aRS kno'o.l l>tn(t. ;
tl}clalD ortlJr $01>: anti tl)em tl)at kno\ll tt not, 17 II anti to tlJofc gauc ']] commanbcmmt bn: llOrJ
mofcfccti}at re tcaclJ. to ']Jllbo d)c ctJicreit at €afp1Jia, anti] tolil tl)cm tent l
· 2 6 anD wtJofocuer\lltll not futrm tlJc la\llc of \lllJat tlJcr flJoul~ r~r bnto lllbo ann to lJtts b:c, ~
tlJr ©oil, anll tl'Jc kin~ la'lllc. let (Jim (Jauc IJiSS ttJ:cn t(Jc frlcttJ&mmis at ~afpl)ia, that tlJcr ,
mngcmcnt blitl)out l>clar, 1DbcttJrr it bee tmto UJoulb caure t(Jc minitlcrJS of tlJc l)oure or our :·
11catt),o~ to be rootell out,o~ to bee i:onllcmnen tn ©on to come bnto bSJ. ,
gooM,o~ tobcputinp~tfon. 18 .ann tfJ:ouglJ tl:Jc goon 1.Janb of our $oll :j
27 :l51c1Tcll bee tllelLo,l> <3obofour fatl)crss, bponbss. t(Jcpb:ou!PJtbsabeeybltrcmanrrom f
lD17iclJ ro IJaD infpirel> tlJc fiingss I) cart, to garnllb among tfJe dJifl>~m of ~olJoli tl]e ronnc ofJLe, ~
t~c 11ourc ort(Je )Lo~l> tl}at ifS at 'tcruralem: ui tll c ronne of 'l frael, ann ~arabta blitlJ IJISS ~
28 ant11)atb enclinell mmte bntometntl}e ronneJSanDIJitsb~ctl)~en,euenrigfJtcenc. ~
p)cfmce of tl)e king, anti IJtJS counrailou~. an11 19 inti $afabia. ano 1DitlJ IJim <fiaiais of tiJc ..
ucfozc all tlJc Jltni;Jts lJiglJ cllatcss: ann ~ mass CIJilll~cn of ~crari,\Ditf;l l)ifS b~ctt.nen, ann UJetr ...
rnmfo~tcn cuen aJS tlJc l}ann of tlJc )Lo~D mp ©ob fonncss,t'o.lcntp. ,.
lDa~ bpon mce, ann ro gatlJcreb 'Jl t(JcbcabfS or 20 .an11 of tl}e ~etl)intmfS "tDIJom l0auill anti ~!
']frael togetl)er,tl}at tl)ey mtgl}t go bp \llitlJ me. tl)e p~ini:ess gauc to minift£r bnto t(Jc JLcuitcs :J
The viiJ'. Chapter. t\tlo IJtmt>:en anti t\Dcntr or Jactl)inimss: llJ4i'IJ
all 'Were namcb br name.
I The number of them chat returned to Hierufalem 21 ann cum tl)cre at tlJe mater bcfillc QJJa'
wich Efdras. 21 He caufeth them to fall. 24 Hee ua] p~oclaimel> a fall, tl)at'oJCC migl)tlJUmbl£
admonilhcththePriefisoftheirduetics. OUtfclUCSS beCo~c our d50l>, anl> fcekCOflJima
· . ll)cfe arc nob.le tlJc pitnctpen fa• nglJt mar foi bSJ,antJ foi our i;IJiUl~cn, anb foi all ~
>.H!.8,1, ~~ '~ · t1Jcrisoftl:Jcm,*anbt(Jisisstl)cllrr< ourfubllancc. "
.trf; ~, .?) gitler of t(Jcm tl)at 1Dcnt bp \llttlJ n f o~ jj mass aniamcb to require of t1Jtfri111t .
a Rco<le
' ,~ 0 ,, " me from l6atJr{on, to(Jat time as fonll>tcrJS ann 1Jo1remcn. to lJclpe bSS againtt tI:Jc •
Chap.7. · \ 0 king•.arta,:mcssreignell. cncmieintfJc\Dap: fo1'lllccf.Jabfpofimbnto dJt ~
2 ©rtl)e cl)ilbtm of 191Jincl)ess, <Bcrfom : or fling, Cartng, ~IJc (Janllc of our <3011 its llpon r
tl)c cl)llllJcn of']lt(Jamat,l!Zlanicl:of tlJc C1J1l1>:en all tl)em t)Jat fccke (Jtm tn goobnc1T£, anD IJiS ..
oneauit>, ~attuis: polDer anti 1D1at1J i!S agstna au tl}em t(Jat fol' ;~
3 ©ftbeciJilllien of *'(Jania, amonig tfJe rake I.Jim. ~
cl)tl1>1cn of~lJaros;~aclJari,anb 'o.litlJ (Jtm 1DCTC 2 3 ~o mee fa«eb anti bcfou§IJt our <!Don~ .;:
numbz~n an {Junniel> anti ffftr men. tf,Ji.s. am (Jc 111ass intttattll ofbSJ, '·
4 ©ftlJc cbtlt1~cnoft1Jc captaineof ~oab, 24 inl> 1 toobc out t'lllcluc of tlJc cIJicft ;
~liocnai ti.Jc ronnc o~ ~cralJia, anl> \llitlJ I.Jim p1tctfs, ~arabia, an11 ll)afabta,an1> ten of tlJcir .-:-.
t\llo l}unn~cn men. b:ctlJ.ttn 'lllitlJ tl}cm.
5 !:Dr we cl)ill>~en of ~ec(Jauia. tlJc ronnc of 2 s 9nb 111eret1 tl}cm t1Je Cilucr anti goll:Jc, anti
]alJafietanl> 1DltlJ (Jim tlJtcc l)un11:ct1 men. bcfi'dfS tl:Jat \Ucrc appomtcll foJ t(Je uourc of our ~
6 ©f tl)c cl)tlll:cn ofanin, abcll t(Jr. ronnc of $011, 'llllJielJ tl)e king anl> IJiSS counCcncrs. \l bi.6 '·
~onatllan,anil 'lllttl) I.Jim fi.ft1c men. 10:11.s.anb all ']Jfracl tlJat 'lllcrc tlJm at (Ja111>,l)at1
1 ©ftlJccl)ilD~cnof<Jelam.ctraiafSdJtfonnc gtucn togct(Jcr. !:
ofatl}alia,anb'o.litlJIJimfcuentrmcn. 26 9nl> 'JI 'llleycll bnto tlJcir f]anD fire l)un, ~~
s ©fthc c1Jilt11cn of ~cplJatia. ~cbabia tlJc 11icnan11 flftic talmtfS ormucr. anll in murr tier, '.'.,·
ronnc or ~idJacl , ann \UitlJ 1.Jim founrcoic fcls an IJUnllJcll talcnrs, anll in golll an IJUnDJCD ~·
men. talrnts: ~
9 ill>rt(Jc clJllbtcn of]oab.llDbaDia tf.Jc fonne 2 7 ·c!C'll:Jcntic baronts of golllc of a tlJouranll ~. .
or']\cl)tcl, anll \llitlJ l)im t'lllo l)unll~cll anD ci§IJ· b 1>:ammr.s.an11 t\Do co air bdfc~ orgoon b~aU'c, ~~
tcme men.
10 ©ftlJCtlJtlD,ttnof~clomttfJ,d)cfonncof
ass dcare aJS goll>. or111'
28 a111>'.l)fal'llbntotlJC11&, ~ccarcconfccratt '·
~oraplJtn, anl> \DitlJ l}im an (Junt11eb anti tf»cc' bnto tlJc lLoJll, ltkc al!I tl)c lldfd- are IJolp alfo: '~
toicmen, anlltlJc golDanb mucr arcgi~n ora goob'llJiU ~"!:;
©f tlJc dJill>~m of '5cbat, ~adJarl tlJc tmto tl)c :JL,o~l> '301> ooour fat)Jcrs. ·~
ronnc or :>5cbat,an11 \llitl.J {Jim t\'Dmtr anD ciglJt 2 9 ueatclJ rec. anb flecpc tlJ~m: ro~ rec C!Jilll ~'
mm. \llci!Jl.J ttJem nomn bcf'o~ tlJc t1J1rrc 19mas. anll ~:
~ft}Je cl)iltlJen or argab, ]o{Janan tf)c JL£Uitc.s anDancicntfatfJcr)1of'.)lfi'aclat~icru' )~
.., •., u~"'
'°''"• 1·n' P11ctrcarurtcsort11e1Joufc
HJ io. . o
JL . " ' e..,
30 -at:f)m tookc tfJC l"':1eus anll ruttcl1 tlJc ,~,
3 SlDCtl)e tlJtlb~en or aoonicam tl)at mm tlJe \1Jepcb Cilucr anb golb, anD bcfrcls. to bJing tt to )~,·,
latl, mt.Jore !181nessare. tlJCfe: lfliplJclct, '.Jlc11id, ~tcruralcm 1111to CIJI? l}ourc or our QiJotJ. .~
an~['J,TtW:li~~~;:~p:/::~:==1 , ua~n=~:=~~~~~~~·::'~n~~!~i.0ioa3:; ,~;
bub,anb 'lllttl,l CIJcmfcuentieinen. tinto l!)tcrufalml : anll tl)c (Janllc or our ®ob
15 :AnD 1 gat(Jcrcb tllein togetlJer bti tJJe 1Da• lDasb)Jon bS. anl:lbl?liucrell b~ from tIJc ()anti of \
---:---------~2=~:=-=::___!-=:'.'.:..:.!~.=.=:..::==-=-:..::..:__-__:___:_:__::.:~:.::.::tll.:::C:_1- f ' ,
~dras confeillonand prayer. Chap.ix.x. The people repent. 17z, I
tIJccncmics, an11offucf1a~lapell'alaitf01bSbF 9 cJl'o:mc'alm bonbmcn, annrctour<ll5o!J
tl;Je war. IJatlJ notfo~fakenb~in our bonllage, but IJRtl)
p s.lnll\llc c.ame to 'imtralcm, anbabolle c11cltnez11nerc:pbntobSint1JefiglJt of* tlJcrrtng Efai.12 •• ,.
tlJere tlJ:ec bape$!1. ofl&errtuo gtue bJ!I Ufe to rct bp tlJc IJoufc of our
33 l6ut on tlJe fomtlJ bar "t»as tlJc cuucr anll 00~, anll to n1:1:cn-c t(Je 1:1erolatto11 tiJcreof, attl>
~Joe \I beffc1$!1 \llcigl:Jcl> in tlJe l)oufe orou~ 0oll to giuc bS a mall In 9J Ulla anti 'ientfalcm.
lll' t1Jc1Jant1of ~cremotlJ tbefonncofariatlJe 10 anti no'al, ©our <l!Sotl, 'tll{Jat 11.Jall 'alcfap
l&:ietf, anll"t»it{J1Jtm'alas cflcatartlJefOnneof aftertlJiJ!I:' fo: 'ale l}auc fo1fafimtfJF commnn,
l&IJinelJes , anll \DitlJ tlJem \D11$!1 '.)ofabatl tr,Jc llements, ·
nnmc of']lofuc, anti ~oa!Jia tlJe Connc of l6en• 11 U9lJiclJ tlJou 1Jall commanl>ctl bp tlJF fer,
not,tl)e JLeuitcs. , ua~ts tlJc p:op(Jcts, raring, • ~lJe 1ant1e bnto Exo. • M •·
34 a"o:lllng to tlJe number a~l'l 1llc1~t of "t»lJtclJpcgotopoO"clTctt, tsanbncle11nclant1bc' dcut.7.3.
CUCTF one, maµ tl)e "t»etBIJt all \D~Jtten bp at tlJe caurc of tfJe ftltlJtneO"c of tlJc people of tIJe lanb~,
fame time. · , . . 'allJiclJ \llitl.J tlJcir abomtnations l)aue mane it
35 anl> tlJe c1,Ja1:1:cn of tlJe captiUttr, tof1idJ fuU of bncleannefi"e on emrr ft De.
,~: 'alcrccome out ofcaptiuitp, otr:eretl llllJOk bUmt u *~berefo:e 11.JaU pe not giue pour baugl,J• Dcuc •• M •
~· offtrings bnco tl)e 0ob of9)frael, cwelucbUl• tersbntotl)eirfonnes, anl>tl)eirt1aug1Jters11Jal
~' locks ro~ all ]fraet, ninctr anti fi~ rammes, fc• re not talie llnto pour ronnes , no~ rcrne tl:Jett
,' ucntpantl fcuen lambejl, t\llelUel;Jeegoa~IS fOJ pcaceant1\llealtlJfOJCUCr:tlJatprm11pbctlrong,
~ anncoffering, all to tl}e 'all}ole bmnt offenng of anD II cntor t{Je goobnefi"e of tlJc lanll,antl t('.latre ijOr,rnr.
t. tlJe :to:t1. . . . . ~ntl pour c1Jtlt1:en map l}auc tIJc inl}erltancc or
36 anbtl)ey t1el111er~t1tlJe Jnugs co~mimon ttfo: euermo~e.
bnto tl)e htngs offtcers, anti to tIJe captames that 1 ; anti after tf.Jat au ttcre t1Jings$ are come
~1 were bepontl tl)c'tDater : anti tl}Cl? p~omoteil tlJC bpon blS, bC'8UfC of Out CUtll l>etlllS ~ great tref'
·· pcople,anll tlJe l)oute of 113otl. palfcs (feeing t(Jattl)ou our 113otl l}all II aapeb bS ~.or .r"d°"
~. The ix. Chapter. from being~ bcncatlJ foi ourintquitlc~)anll l)all ned OUt1ni
d giuenblS fucl;l lleltutrame: ~~~~~~;,~.~
" I Efdras complainech on the people that had turne 14 ~lJOUlb \lite retumc to bzcaf!c tfJp com' "" ~tm1vcan
ti thcmfclucs from God, and maried with the Gentils. manbements , anll ioJ:'llC tn affinitic t01tll tile ~~n','.~;~·u'~'
:: 6 He praycth vnto God. people of tl}efe abomination~~ \llOllllleft not '.OjOQI ""'"'·

:.. • ~en tl}efe tl)ingi:s mere bone, tlJe tlJou be angt't' to"t»arM bS, til d,Jou 1Jailt1ell con,
• •6• rulers came to me,anil fapil, • ~lJe rumeb blS, fo tfJattl]erc OJoultl be no remnant,
:::- 9 • people o~ ]fracl, anti tl)e l&:iell~ noJ anr efcaping :'
::: · alltl JLemte~ arcnotrcparatetl f:ro 1; © JLo~lle ©otl of ']fratl, tl]ou art rigf)te,
1.r tl)epcople of tl)e lanM, as toucl}, ous. fo~ 'alerematnepctefcapctl, a~ it is yec co fee
•~ t1~ tr,Jcir abomtnations:nametr,of ttJe <ltlJanaa, t(Jis tiar: l5el}oU1 alfo , in tlJF p~ercncr. are \Dec
;t. mteis, l!)ctlJite~, 1&1Jtterites, 9Jebufitcs,ammo, in our ttefpalfcis, anti becaure or it map 'alt not
i;: nitts, Ql)oabitcs,~gpptians,at1t1 amo~ttc~. llanil befo~c tlJcc.
2 fOJ tlJCt' l}aue taken tbc t1ang1Jteris oCtl)e The x. Chapter.
:~ famt to thttUfCIUC$S,~ntl to tlJCi.r fonnfc~alnll tlJb C I The people repent and turne' and put away their
l}o1rrcct1tsmi~et1\ll1tl}tl)enauon~o t.,e an ~'
~; anti tlJc IJanll of tlJc p:inccis anti rultrs l}atl,J bcne firange w iucs •
•- p~incipall in tlJiis trcfpatrc. • ~b 1D1Jcn lfio:ais vzapeb after tlJiS
·· 3 ant1'ID1Jen]l}eart1tl)i$Sfaping,'Jl rent mp mancr,autl • lmo'tDlrt1gct1, 1lltpt, ;"~':r,~~~.~;~
,;_ C(Ot\JC~ anti mp ganuent, anti plUCht Off tile llnil lap bCfOJC tfJC lJOUrc Of <l!Sotl, af<l<P••PI<
, ,11e (Jairc of mr l)eab ~of mp bcattJ, anti rate II mour, tlJcre rrfOJtetl bnto !Jim out of ]r'
;::-... ntng. rael a t>erpgreat congregation, of
-: d. 4 gn1:1 tIJere rcCoJteb bnto me all ruc(J as fea, men, anti \llomen, anti cl)ilb:cn: anti tlJc people
;:I rell tl)e 'IDO~tlS of tlJe <5otl of ']lfraet, bccaureof meptberr ro~c. .
t(Je tranfgrcmon of tlJc people of tlJc captiuitp : 2 it'l.nil ~ecflania ti.le ronnc of'.JelJtcl~ one of
~·l\o.. anb 'll rat I mournin§ bnttl tlJe euening camlice. tfJc cl)1lo~m of &m, anrmeren , an'il rain bnto
~· s * anll about tr,Je euemng facriftce 1 arore Cf1b:as,D9c l}aue trefpaffctJ agatnaour(J!Sob,anb
·"'~1 9 . bp from mr (Jcauinetrc,anD rent mp aotIJes anti l;lauc taken «range wtuts of tfJc people of tlJc
t- •J· mrraiment,antl fell bpon mr rmees, anll fpJeatl lanb: ~etnoto tlJerets b IJopc t11 9\fracl concer' h $1!tc~nr..~.
· outmr ()anti~ bnto tlJc ll..o:n mr $Otl, ningtl:Ji1St{1ini1. ~;; ~~~.::.
::~ 6 anil rartl, §®p '1!5oD, ']\ am aOJameb,\tbare 3 f o~ no'ID tocetoill malte a c~uenant tottJJ ~d~.~~c".:::
-! UOtliftbp mine crcS bnto tl)CC mp ©otl: fo: our otn:0otl, anil put a\Dap all t(JC \DIUCi1 anil fUCIJ uumc.
":.,~ 'tllitflCl>nefi"es are gro\llcn ouer ourl)eab,anil out ais arc bome of tlJcm, acco~l>tng to tb,e counfell
~~~~ trefpaU"e is ma~cil great tmto tl)e' l)eauen. of tl)e JLo:t1,ant1 of tlJofe tlJat feare tlJe com man,
' ..~- 7 ~ince tl)e time of our fat\JerS IJaue \lie t1emcnt~ofom:©ot1, tl)at'alemart1ocacco~t1in,g
?. brne in great trc(pa!Tcbnto tlJis llap , \f. bccaure to Cl,Jc JLato.
, or our wickellncltc l]aue \lle anll our lungs anb 4 ©et tl)ce bp,fo~ tl:Ji~ mattct bclongetl) bn·
·· ourpiiefls bene llcliucrclllnto tl)c l;lantl oftlJe tot1.Jcc,\tlea1ro\D1lbe\tJ1tlJtlJec:beorgooocom, .
~ kt.nrus of t(Je nations, tmto t\Je f'alOJtl, into captt, fo:t tlJcrefo~r . ant1 t1oe 1t.
~ ~~cy, into 11 tpoilc, anD into confution oCface, 11$!1 s ~en ~rore lfCtl~ais, anil toolic an ottn• of
111s 10 kc t1Ji)1 llap. tfJc dJtcfe 10:tcll~ anil JLcuites, anti of all '.J)fra,
s ~nD no\ll ro:alitlc fpacegrace~atl)bene el, t1JattiJCt'lboull>lloeacco:t1tngtott11swo1t1:
;~ • R.Jrme11 Mi tl)e JLo~tl out 0ot1, tn cauung a rem, anD ctcr f'alarc. ·
~i nant to crcapc, anti tn giuing bS b anaite in (Jis
6 • anb ~:asrofet>p from bcfozc ti]c f,lourc • .ErJr.9,1.
:i-'l::Q ~olp place, tlJnt our (J!Soll mar liglJt our epe~,antl of ~oll.anll \\Jent into tl)e Cl)ttmbcr of '.]o()anna
~e bl'l a lttlc life, to take b~eatl) in out boDage: tlJe Conne of <leliaOb: anb \tJl}en tc came tlJitt1cr,
--.J lll~I .
Efdras mournech for I.Efdras the firange mariages
l)c 1>tll eatc no b~eall, uo~ b#nlie tDa~: fO~ l,Jee
moutneb , bccaucc of. ttJe tr!J~f4Srcll'ion of tl)e
people ftJat 1)1111 bccne m captnntre. .
7 .anb tlJtF caukll a ~aa,natton to IOC
ttr~oug1Jout '.]uba anti l)itrUfale1n, bnto an
tllcm of tt1c captiuttie, t(Jat ~l:' OJoulb gat(Jet
tl)emfdue.s togctlJci: I.into $terufale1n:
s .an11 ttJat tul)ofoeuci came not 1Ditl)in
time oapc.s,acco~lling to t(Je 1>cuife or tlJe ruterss
anll cllltr,S, all l)iSS fubffance flJOUfO be fo1(aiteb,
anb IJe flioulll be pu~ O!J~ from tJJe congregation
of t~cm of tlJt capuu1tie.
9 ·~I.Jen al d]e mm of~utla anti l6miamin,
Q:atlJrrrll ttJcmfeluess togctl)ci bnto ll)iciurate,
witiJin tl}~ce llapess, eucn tl)e ttumtietl,J bar ot
ti.Jc nintlJ monetIJ, anll au tt,te people rate in tl)e
llreetc of tf.Je l)oure of ll!Job, anti tmnbltb, be-
caure ofd:Ji.S mattn:,anb f~ tlJe ralne.
1 o ann ~ass tl}e l&itctUlootl tip, anti rarbe
bnto tlJem, ~ce l)aue tram(lftff'cb,anb lJauc ta•
hen araunge 'Wtuess, to rnalic tl:Jc trtrpatte of'.)lf•
racl pctmo,e.
1 oq;iue 11 II ~onftfi"t nolD tl)etefo~e bnto tl)e l!.o:llc
p1a11c. ©oll of rourfattierss, anti t1oeht1Spleafure: anti
feparatc rour fdUrss from tlJt people of ttJe lanll,
.mil from ti.Jc ftrange miue,IJ.
1 2 .Qnll all tlJe con~gation anf1Deteb, anb
rarti \l'litlJ a lotli> botce, jjt llJall tJe ro,antl me w11
Doc ass tl}ou l}allfapD.
1 3 :15ut ttJc people arc manp,ann it fss araintt
1Deatl:Jcr, anti tl:Je people arc too faint to tarte
'lllitl]out in ttJc ftrecte,ne1tl)er iSS tlliss a 1t101ke of
I Or, we are one bap o: t\llo : ro~ JI lllt l}aue offmbeb tint Co1e
manythac int~iSStlJing.
hau~ offcn- 14 'JL,ct OUT rulerlS ffanb tl)et~e in 811 tl:Jt
~hi~; this Qtonlitegation, ~n'll lct all d:J~ \DIJtd;J l)aue ta.
lien ttraunge \Dtuess tn our attt•, ~ome ae t(Je
time appotntetl, anb let tl)c celberss ofeuerp citic
~ tl]etr IUll~eSS be '1>1t(J tlJem, til t:IJe ffcm \D,ad:J
orour ~ob fo~ tl:Jiss mattet be tumetl from tJSS.
15 ~en were appointe!J ~onatl)an ttie
ronne of aratJcl,anD 181Jatia tl)e conne of 'Gt'be•
rua ourt tl:JilS matttt: anb Ql)eCullam anti ~a·
batlJai ttJe 'JLeuitclS IJelptb d:Jern.
16 anotl}cd;JilD~oft1:Je'8Ptfufti2bf11 mm
Co: anti lfnl1a• dJe 1&1idl. anti tl)e andmtl)tallss
tlJo~om dJe l)oure of tlJttr fadJms. au men of
~rcat fame,reparatrb tl;JemCclUess,anb ~te dJcm
bo'mne in tIJe ftrtl bap ofdJe tmtlJ monetlJ, to q.
amine ttlc matter.
17 anb bt1tftl ti:Je Ori 118! Df tl)e tfrl monetlJ,
t11cp \Dere fintll.Jing tlJt bUOneO'e, \Dttl,J au tl)e
men t:lJatlJall talttnlt=iuef,
18 anb among tl)e of tlJe PJfelle-.
tiJ~ tune mm founti at IJ8b taflm ctraunge
'm1ue•:name1r, among tlJe CIJilD1m of 31oftle

~ •,


~ .
The! '"
ehernias prayer, Chap.j.ij. and requeftco ch~ king~ 173 1

A~ The BookeofNehemias,orfecond
Booke ofEfdras.

The firll: Chapter. The ij. Chapter.

t Nehemias bcwaileth chccalamicicofHierufalem. I After Nehcmias had obtcined letters of Artaxcr·
s He confelrcth the finnc:s ofthe people, and pray- xcs, II he came to Hicrufalcm, 17 and buildcd
cth to God for them. the wa!Jcs.
~e \Do~illl of 1e£1Jemiall tl}e

, ~ tlJt monetlpfiHfan,in tl)e ttoen• • robtc~ ,..,
• ronne of ~aa,alia. jln tlJe ti~tl) rcere ofl!ing artai;crreis, tl)e ~,%,~'l:t':'"
-- monetl) a 4tl)ctlcu,tn tl;Je t\llf> tome aoo_ll befo~c l)tm:anll '.]\ toolte r:.'.~;~t':!~~·
J-... ticdJ pme. flll 1 mais in dJe
'8flleat~ufan. . .
anti gaucttbntof-hc
• .,
lri ng : anll] (Jall not beenc bcfo1c
pm 0Ulp111.

::.~ 2 Ql'.ame l!}anani, one of tJeaute 1n lJtS pierence.

I mpb~et1nen, 1Jean11t1:Jemen 2 ann tlJe flmg Carll bnto mee, t!PlJl'. loohea
l of ']uba : anb '] afkeil tl)em tl]ou Co Calllp,feeing tl)ou art not ficlie ~ J till no,
l}o\D tbc ')etoeis bill tl)at \llcre t1eliucre11 anll c, ttJtngeis,but tl)at tl)ou art (Jcaup IJeartch. gnn
Ccapctl from dJc mptfuitie, anll l)om tt \llent at 'J lllais ro:c afrayo,
l!)iCruralcm. 3 an11 ratn bnto tlJe lting,©oll caue t(Je fiing
3 gn11 tlJcp fapll bnto me. ~e remnant tl)at to~ ~~r· .! IJome moull3 not'] loohc faDIF, mbcn
arc left oftl)c taptiuftie there in dJc 1an11, arc in tl)entmJ place of mr fatbcr11 burials lie toatle,
grrat affliction anll rcbul!e : tl)c mall ofl~ieru' ann tlJt gate~ tlJ~eofare conrumell toitlJ fire~
ra1em alfo ill b~oben llo\llne,anll tl)e gatell tl)ere, 4 an11 tlJc rnng Caro bnto me, IWIJat is tttcn
of are burnt mttlJ fire. tlJp reciuell -: 'J malle mp pi aper afro to t(Jc di5oll
4 anll \llfJen ']\ l}carll tl)1:fe mo~lll!, '.] Cate ofiJeauen,
llomne anll \llept, anll mourncll cenainc nares, . s ann _rapllc bnto tlJe king, '.];r it plea re tl)r
~ anil raaeo,ann p~apc'll befo~c tlJe '3011 of (Jcauen: • bing, ano 1f tlJr Ccruant IJaue founn fauoJ in tlJr
t+ s ano Carll, * SlD lL 0,11 ©oll of(Jcauen, t(Jou, Og(Jt,fenll me bnto']lU'llB,bnto t~c citic of mp fa,
i great anll terrible ©on, t{Jou tl)at l!cepetl coue' : tl:Jers] mar builn tt.
~ nantanll mertie fo, tl)cm tl)at loue tl)ee, anll ob' ! . 6 · a~t1:Jcftingfapt1b11tome(t1Je<1uccnefit,
rerue tlJr comman11cment11 : j tmgbp1J11n) ~o\lle long ll)all tl1piourncrconti,
6 Jl.,et tl)ine earc11 l]earlicn, '.] beCeec(J tl}ee, nuc, anti tolJ~n milt tl:Jou comc agame : g nil it
anll lct tlJine epe11 bee open, t(Jat t(Jou marell plcafcll tlJc bmg to renll me, ~ '] Cet bim a time,

gcarc tl)e piarer of tlJp reruant, '\DlJiclJ '] notoe j . 7 att1>~art1e_bntot1Jcktng, 'j)fitplcafetilc
µ~Bl' bdo~e tlJec nar anlinigl)t, fo~ ttJe cl]tlll~en lnng, let (Jnngiue mcc lcttcnHo ttJecaptaincil
of'Jjfracl tlJr remant11, (l lmo'\Dlellgc tlJe unneis m(JiclJ are beronn tl)e 'roster, tlJat t6cy mar con,
of tl)e ~illl~cnof]frael, tolJic1' \lle (Jaue finnell uep me oucr,till '.]l come into ')uba :
81!atna ttJee: botl:J '] anll mr fat1Jeris {Joure l)aue . s .an11 letteris bnto araplJ tlJc loJlle of ttJc
!innell. toooll, t(Jat l)ee mar giue mcc timber , to
1 mm l)auegrituouar finnell againtl tl)ee, mallcbeames ro: tl)egatcs of tile palacc'Xlll)i~
an111Jauc not l!ept tlJr commanlltments • Ila' 1111Jart11Jp tl:Je l)oucc. ann fo: tlJe 'Xllallcs of tile cf,
tuteis, anll iu11gement11, tolJiclJ tl,)ou tomman' tie,m:i11to: ttJe l]oufetlJat] OJaU enter into. gno
i>ellll tl!p ceruant ~ores. tlJe lung gaue mce a"o~lltng to tlJc II (Jann or mr
s '.]\ btCmlJ tl)ee call to rem£mb~nce t1Je ©oil mlJici) \Dais gooll bpon me. Ji Or,fa11oar.
'lllo:n tlJat ttJou t01mnanllcllil tbr fcruant ~o' 9 an11 tolJen 1 came to tf1e captainc11 be'
re11, anll ratnea, Fe toill tranfgrclTc, anll '] \llill ronll tlJc '\Dater, 'JI gaue tfJcm t(Je fiin11i:i tettcr15 :
rcatter pou abioall among ttJe nation11. anll tlJc hing tJall rent mµtalncs of ttJe annp,ann
9 '5utifpccturne bntomec, anlllteepemp lJoJfcmcn'\Ditl) me.
commanllemcn~,anll llo tl)em: tl)oug1J re mere 1 o ~anballat alfo tbe ~o~onite , anti ~obtn
call out bnto tl)c bttermolt part of (Jeau_cn. ~et arcruanttIJe gmmonite, l)caro orit,anll it gric,
'mill 'JI gattJer pou from tl)cnce, anti tltll b:mg uen t(Jem to~c tl)at tlJcre to as come a man \tllJictJ
POUbntotl)e plate tl]at'JI lJauc 'lJofcntofetmp roug(Jt tlJc '\DealtlJ of tl:Je cl)iUJJen of'.J)frael. ·
name tlJere. 1 1 anll 'll came to ~1eruralcm,ant1 \Dais tl)erc '
10 ~lJcp arett:Jpferllantll 1ttlJrpeople\l11Jom tlJJee t1are11. '

tlJou 1Jall l3cltuere11 tlnouglJ tlJl' great po\uer, 12 an111 g_atcmebpi~ tl)entg1Jtrearo11, ann i
an11 mtlJr miglJtr l)anll. afe'Xll men '\DttlJ mce , nettlJer tolbe] anr man
'1 SID ·,11.01t1, '.]\ bcfe~ tl)ec,let tlJine eare lJear' 'ID~at di50ll lJall giuen mec in my l)cart to noc at
flr.n to tl:Je p:arer of tlJr reruant, ano to tl)e p:al'· ~1crufal~: anll tl)eremaisnotonebratl\DitlJ
er oftlJr reruant11, '\D(Jofe t1elire tis t~ feare tlJr me,faue it tlJat'.]\ rolle bpon.
.. name: anll lettlJr feruant p10Cper tlJtll llap, anti 1 3 ann ') l>eparteb In tlJe ntgl)t br tlJc baTicr
~':. grant lJinnnmr in tlJe figlJt of• tlJill man. ~o~ po:t. befo:e tl)en:agon \Dell, a111>totl)eZJoung
---.:._3\ toa11 tlle ktngis butler.
po:t, anll ,onOlletell t1Jemallcsofl!}lcrura1cm,
110\ll I
The names of them I I .Efdras. chat builded the vvalle~
9 f.len bnto tlJmt bUiUltb l!lapllalatJ tlJtfon :·i
ofl)Uf,tlJc ruler of tlJtlJalfe partoft)tmlfalmt. '
10 ~en bnto I.Jim builbc!l']cba1atl)cConnc 11:
ofl)aru10ap~ ouci qaintl 1Ji'5 l)ourc : anll ncrt
bntO l)tm bUllbtb ~attu15 tl)c fon ort~afabnia. ~
11 '5ut il)f.)et.:;1J1a tl)c ronnt of ~anm anll
rub tlJc rom.ic of tl)c captatnc of illl)oab: buil11c11 l
'a' "
tl.)c ottJn piece, \1 tl)c to'mcrbcfi!lc tl)c furnace~. J1
12 f,lc~t bnto lJim builbct> ~allum tlJc ronm: ''
of II 'allolJc'5, tlJc.rulcr or tlJc l.)aUc part of 'ic, 110, -~
tufBlcm,l)c,anll i)l'5 ZlaU~ttr'5. ch1~1~
. ~ 3 '4tl)c baller gate but~t>cb l)anun, anb tlJc fonn~ ~
'1tt!cns of~anoa, d)cp builbeb it, anb fct on the ~
1100,iess,1oc1tis,an11 barrcis O,crof, anb a t1Jouran11 ;.ti
rub1tis on tlJc \Dall,bnto o,c Doung poit. .,. ·
14 '8ut U,c 11ouni po~t buil!Jcb ~clcl)ia tlJc ;~
ronnc oUiccl)ab, tl.)c rulcrof tlJc fourtJJ part of .;;.
l5ct1Jai:1Jarcm: IJc rr.parcb it,\f fct on tIJc 11ooic1,
locrtjS,ann battcjS tl)mof.
1 5 l6ut tlJc \Dell gate rcpatrcb ~auum ti.le ·.·
ronnc of <ltlJoll)ofa_lJ, tiJ~ ruler of tlJc fourtlJ part
of s.!ll)1fpa1) : l]e l:Jmtnc11 it, anti coum11 tt, ann ftt
on tlJc t>oo~es,IocrtJS,ant> barrcjS tlJcrcof: anb tl}c
'mal bnto tlJc filbpoole ~iloa(l bp tlJc ftln§.e' gar,
t>~n, anb b~to tl]c iltl'JS tl,)at go l>o\Dnc rrom tl)e
ntr of~amb.
16 artcr lJim btlill>cn ~ el)cmta15 tfJc ronnc of
afboc,tl}C ruler Of tlJC l)alfe part Of16ctlJ!Ur, bn'
till tl;Jc otl)cr frlle oucr agamft the fcpulclJ~es of ...:....
~auib , anb to tl)c fitlJ pootc tl)at 'mais rcpatrco,
anti bnto tl}c l)ourc of tt1c mlgl)tp.
17 artcr l)im builbcl> tlJe Jl.,cutttfl, 1RcfJU111
: ...
tlJc ronnc of:l5ani ~anti nntbntotJimbUU!lcD ,,
'afabia tIJc ruler of tl:Jc f.JalfC pare of ~ilaf;J in
lJijS quarter.
Theiij. Chapter. 18 after btm builbcl> tbtir b1ttlJ1m 18snai
The number ofrhcm that builded rhcwalles. tlJcfonncof 'anabtlb tl:Jc ruler oftlJclJalftpart
f.ll> <Rafib tJ:Je l)ic J0itctl gate IJim of ~cttalJ.
tip \\'lttlJ lJifl b~ctlJ~cn tl)e 101iefl'5, 19 !Anll after l]tm builbel> ct!er tl:Jc ronneor
ann tlJtl' bmlbcn tfJc tlJrcpc gate, '.Jlofuc, O,c ruler of ~tfpaf,J tlJc otl]crpiccc,1.JarD .:-;·
tlJcp rcpatrctl it , anb rct bp tlJc oun againfl tl)c going bp to tl)c IJoUfc of 01Di· ~·
• 11001e'5 of it : men tmto ti.Jc to\Der nancc chat was in tl)c comer.
:~.~r.~m;'~· SID)ea"rt.paircl> tJJepit: anl> bnto t!Je to\Der of 20 againe,arterfJitnb1a1tcfo1t1Jll,;arud:Jt1Jc .5:
h 1
1;,'~:: •l'I . • . #'.onn"of~a
~' .. ~ "" ..hai·, Of''..,,1'1Ttta"'on,
mu ~" .. a1111r01 1....,Cll a··-~:.'.:
..,... ,. '"'
1. "'"'"""" 2 };2crt bnto l)1m &lfo bmlllcl> tl)c men or'.]Jc' tlJc otl)crpiccc from tile turning co1ncr tmto dJe r•.
~~:~:,~~'i,i,; rtctJo : anb bcfiDc l)im builllcb ~ actJUr tlJ£ ronnc boo~c of tlJe J:Jourc of Clelia® tlJc tri~h ~)ictl. ·~ ·
:~:~,'irt:,:~.. ornmri. 21 .after l)im alfo builbcb ~mmotl) ttJc fon ·· -·
3 ~ut tfJc fitlJ poJt l>ill tl)c c:tJilb~cn of .arnaa ofiurta, tl)c ronnc of $ai:co~, ttJc otl)ct"f'!!"c, frO ~:
buflll.'mlJid) alfo laill tlJc bcamcjS tIJcrcof,anb Cct tl)c llooic oftl)c l)oufc of <fliafib, eucn as long as •,
on tlJe t1001tjS, loclt~, anti barre~ ofit. U,cIJouf£ of <fliafib ertcnbcb. '~
. 4 !lnb nen bnto tl)cm buiUlcb{l@crcmotlJ 12 afterl)imbUd!ICbtl)c)0#clt'5,tlJCdmcnof ~:i:~~-
t~CfOtlllCOf~ria,tlJefonneofl!}accoS: anb ntJt tlJcplainc. "::~~
bnto tlJcm buillltil ~cfullam ttJc ronnc ofl6a' 2 3 .attcr ~im builllrt> l5entamtn anll ~afub, ~....~ . .
racl)ia, tl)c fonnr of ~cfcfabrl : anll nen bnto oun again II tlJcir l)ourc~: anl> afttt (Jrm m~og(Jt ~:=~:
tlJtm bui1!1ct1 '.Jaboc tlJc ronnc or~aana. aJaria tl)e ronnc or Sl@aafia, tbe ronnc orana, ~~
5 a1111 nenbnto l)tm butlbcb tl)cp of~c' nta, bplJt~IJourc. . '~
coa: but tl)c gnat men tl)at mere amon~ tlJctn, 24 attrr l)im alfo bnil!ICD 18enmn tlJc fonn e ~
~m~b',~·,::~'~' put not tl)Cir ncchfl to tlJc \DoJftt of tl.)eir ll..oJb. of,ana'llan, tlJc otber piece.from tl)c l}ourc or:a'
~~.:~·,i,;~:m r6 ~l)c olb iattbuilbcbl)CIJoiallatl)cfonnc !Srta, bntotbcturntngofthewalJ, an!lbntotl)c '~
fi~:;~~·~·~~~~ 0 ~afca1J,an11Sll!)cfUllamtl)cfonncof16dollia, comer. ~~
"'"k'·""'h" tll)~ lapb tl)e bcamc" tl)crof, "rct on tl)c boo:cis, 25 after (Jim blnlbCD1Mla tbc.ronnc or mirat, ~~
::~~:~~~~;. 0 ~ns, anb barres ortt. oucr agatna tlJc tl)c 1J1c tomcr 'mlJiclJ "t
unta. 7 Acn bnto tlJcm butlbcb !Jll)clattalJ of cl!Si, lict(J out oucr ftom ~ llitlWI IJoDfe tl)at ma!S )~ '
bcon, an11]abonofS)arona, men ofclJtbe:on, bcfi1Jctl)eceurtort1Jewnon:aftcrl;1m, ~lJana, :~~-~.
anb of ~lfpalJ, bnto tlJc tlJJonc of tl)c llUllC which ta tl)c ronnc ofl&lJSr®. ~'
was bcponb tlJe rtue:r. 2 6 * asfo: tlJC ~ctlJtniln!S, tl;Jcp b'mclt in tllc 1.EfJ.~ (
8 ~en bnto lJim bu1lbet1 <flid tbc ronnc or arong (Jollie , bnto ti.Jc tuatc;r gate. to'maro tl)e ~\
@arlJ.atal,J, of tlJe ~lllfmitlJl!I :nCJt bnto l)tln al• lfal1, anb to theto\Dcr tfJaelictlJ out. '
ro btnlllcll l)an.anta!J ti.le ronnc of ~aiacal)im, 2 7 .after )1im bui_llltb tlJcr of ~ccua ti.Jc o, \\.1
~11 tlJ. er repaim l)ietur81cm bnto tl)e bwa11 tl)crpiea, ourragamll tlJC!P'Cat to'alcrtlJatli'
w 11
_ _1 "_ 8 ~~.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____!_::CtlJ~OU=tto:.=::a:::rD:.:.:,1:1:.:.n:.::ta:...:tl).:.:..~_\D::..a::..ll_:o..:..._fdJ:. : . :. .Cllro=..:..::..:.:::ng~IJ;.:O~ID:;:C•~-\1i

·Wickcdconfpiracie. Chap.iiij.v. Builders vvith weapons. 174

I- ~-----=-------------~--~------~~~~-
~ 2 s '5at from about tlJt l)o~Ce gate fintlJ, buil,neatl) in tlJc lo\ll places bcl)ime tIJc \Dall, bpon
·~ Dell tl]ep#tll.d, CUCft' one oucr qainlll}iS ljoure. tlJc topuftlJe aones.
111- i9 amattert1JcmbutlllcD~aDoctl)cfonnco 14 anZJ'.)loobeD, anD gate mebp, anl>faftl
~ '.]lmmn. oner agatnll IJts 1Jourc: afterlJim bui1' tmco tbe clJiere mm, to tl)e rul£rs, anti to tlJc o,
It~ DeD alro ~cmcia tl:Je fonnc of ~UIJania , tl}c tlJct people , ~t not rec arrareD of tlJem : but
~ beepet of tlJc <tall gatt. tl:Jtnke tatlJcr llpon tiJe great ·JL,oiD \lllJiclJ ouglJt
~ 30 attn (Jim bu11neD $anams tl)e ronne or to be feartD, anti ftglJC fo~ rour b~t1J1m, pour
~1 ' ~demta, ann ll)anun tl:Je ronne or ~alaplJ tlJe ronnes. rout t1aug1Jter.d, rour\lliues, anD pour
~~ li,rtlJ,tlJC OtlJtrpicce: a1111 aftttlJimbUllDCD ~e' IJOUfe,d.
··· · runam tf)e fonne of l3ata'1}ia ouci agatnll IJiS 1 s ~euert(JeleU'e, \lll)en our enemies l)earn
, ~ halll· ~ao~cl)ourc. tlJat\Del)aDgotten\Do~Doht. ©obb~oglJttbcir
\~·' 31 arcer l)tm builDcD Sllf.)elcl)ta tlJe golDfmitlJS rounreu to noug(Jt: anti 'Ille tumeDall againe to
~~~ ronne, tmto tl}e l)oure of tlJC J~ctl}&'nims. anD of tlJc b:Jall, rucrr one bnto IJts labour.
'.~'{ rtic mcrc(Jants ouci agatnlt tlJc gate ~epl)call, I 6 an11 from tlJat time fo~tlJ, tl:Jc l}alre part of
:"" anll to t(Jc parlour of tl)c co~ncr. tlJc rong mm btD tlJc labour,anD tl:Jc otlJcr l)alCe
~~ 32 .anb bct'nlccne tlJe patloUt of tlJe. co10er, part of tlJcm l}elll tl)e fpeares,llJtclllS,bo\Dc.d anD
>-:~ bnto ti.Jc n1ecpe gate,builDell ti.Jc gotDfmttlJS' am b~eltplatcs, anb tlJC rulers Rood' bel.Jinllc all tl.)c :~~~:;:~·[:1
' · tl.)cmerdJants. l:}oure of9]una. '"'""'"B'
:~ 17 ~ep b:llJicl:J builllrb on tlJe niaU,allD t(Jer ~;~i'."bctc
tlJ~tbareburDtnS, anti tl)ofe tlJat lallcll tlJem,

.... ; The iiij. Chapter.
:~: 7 The building of Hierufakm is hindered. 15 But b:J~t(J one l}anb blb l'UCfl' ont IJtS \\'IO~bt , anti
. God brcakcch their cnrerprifc. 17 The !ewes build '1lltl) tiJe otl:JcrlJelll l:JiS weapon.
~~ with one hand, and hold their wc.lpon in the other· . i 8 ojfo~ ~. onetl}at bUfllll'll, l)all IJi.d fmo1t1
~~ mtt\Dl,Jen ~tmballat l:Jtarb tfJat g&rbeD bl'IJtS Cl)I~, anll!o builllCD tllCF: anll l:JC
;~ \\lee builbell tl:Jc b:Jall , l:Jet b:Ja.d tl}at tl£m tl)e trumpet, mas bertne me.
wiotlJ in l:Jimfelfc , allD tooke 19 .Qnb '.Ji Capb tmto tl}e PJinctpall men, to tl)e
::: great in?lignation, ann mocbctl rulers, anD totl,Je otl,Jer people, ~l)c'nlo,lieis
~"::: tl)e'.)e\Ue.d: greatanblargc, annwearc Ceparatcbbpontl}c
-: ~ 2 am cavti bero~c IJts b~et(J:en. \UaR one ram from anotlJer.
~ an?I tlJe roulniers of ~amarta, nel)at boe tlJefe 20 JL,oolic in b:Ji}at place tl)erfoiere l;Jeare tl)c
:".! wall impotent 'j\eb:Jes: II b:Jil tlJl' Heathen fuffet tlJtm1 noire Of tl)e trumpet, ref01t re tl)ld}er 1mto bs,
.:::i wmfi• llJall tiler offet: Uial tl:Jev perro:me it in one 11ar. anti oui ©ob OJ all f'igbtCoi b.d:
: ::r1c1ue.1 11Jal tlJev mafiettJe lloncs 'nll)ote agame,tlJat are 21 .Qnb me \Dtlllie labourin« in tlJe nio~be.
: :;r b~oug(Jtto llua,anbbumt1 ann tile ttalfe part Of tlJetn l)eUI tlJeir fpeares,
; anll ~obtalJ tl:Je .ammontte ma~ beriDc fromtlJe momingfpiing, tiUtl)cttams came
l}im, anti fapll , ~ouglJ tl)er butltl, fct if a ro~c fo01t1J •
£0 bp, IJe lball b~eafie llo\llnc tl)etr llonr man. . 22 gilt) at tl)dame time fllt'tl 91 tmto tfJe pro,
4 ~eare, ® t1Jou our <ltloll, foi b:Je are llefpt• pie. eucrp oncb.lttlJ IJts feruantlobge \llitlJ'
~.:::.__ fell, tumcttJetr 11.Jame bpon tlJeir o~nc IJeab, '"'terufatem. tl)attntlJctti~tfeafA>ntocmar
,...""a anti giuetl)cm ouer~into befpifmg mtf}clanll toatdJ,anblabourontIJebartimc.
~;~ 1 of tlJcir capttuitr. 2 3 as foi me, anb mr bietlJ~n, mr feruants,
..- "' s •~ouet not tl)eittoicli.Cbnetre, anti lctnot anD ttJe men of tl)e toatcl) b:JIJictJ follo'Ulell me,
,!".:=: t(Jcir rinne be put out in tl:Jr p1etcnce : foi tl)cr me put neucr off oui clotl)c~, raac onclp becaufe
~:l't.. ~aue p~ouolie'll tl)e budDcrs. of tlJC lllallJing.
:- ~r. 6 '.AnD ro buillll'b b:Jc tl)c mall, Ill it\llas ior•
i:,::ZntiC::. nell ml)olc togetl}cr bnto ti}e l)alfe 1Jelg1Jt tl:Jtte'
Th Ch
e v. apter·
. i~:;: 11 ,. • of: an?I tbcpeoplcb:Jttcminllell to labour.•
;: ·1 The prople arc opprelfed,and in nccclfoy. 7 Nc-
.;,;,.,_,,..,,. 1 ;vU ""' C'"'"' e... ballat , anD,,..
.....,m , \11.'0 b,...,,
..11 Bhu
.,. hcmiasforbiddcth vfuric: •
;;1:.?::u- tllearabiass,ammonitcs,an'll~trllollttts,l}catll . f ) b tl)cre arofe a grrat complaint
i f•· tIJat tlJl' b:Jnllcs of ~ierufatem 'aim mallc \lp, of tlJe people anti tflctr \tliucs a'
'}. t Billi tl)at tlJ(! llicacl)cS began to bc aoppcll , tlJCF gainll tf)ctr wet1J1m tlJC '.)e'nlel$.
~ 'IDttc bcrr \tl~otlJ, 2 fo~ tlJcre wm rome tlJat fapb,
1f s .an11 ronfpirctl an togctl)er to come anti llDurfonncs. ant1t1aug1Jter.d, anll
:~111ur ftgl}t againtl l~ierufalem, am to mallcan *IJfn, b:Je arnerr manr: t1Jttefo1e \D(ll 'nlc tabc come
':!~; Y• bttance tl)crein. fo1 tlJem, tl}at \De mav cat anD lmc.
1~1·· 9 ~cuertlJclctre, 'nlcmabeom:piarerbnto 3 ~omealfo tIJere\llmtlJatfapb, lLctbS
our ©on, anti ret b:Jatd)mm brtl:Jl'm liar anll fetourtanllS, t>tnerarns. anZ11Jourestoplet1Je,
n~t.becaufe of tllcm. anll tallC ~ co10e in tl:JcDcartlJ.
10 ann '.3]ulla fapb, ~effrengtl)oftl)ebea• 4 l6utfomctl)ereb:Jcret1Jatrarb, 119el)aue
rers ts feeble, anll tlJm its rct muclJ moie mo:' boJo\tlell monct' ro1 tf1e kings tribute, ann tlJat
ter,anD \Tie arc not able to builD on tl)e \llaU. bpon ouitanDS anti 1:1inerart1s.
,d~ 11 an11ourat1uerrartesrarn. ~l:Jey DJallnot b s '"allD no1ll o°!.tteDOJ ts a! tf)e• flellJ of our ;b:f.~~ri:,-~:~.
~~ know, neitl)ct rce, till lllc romc tn tlJe miDZltS a· 1ec.,,cn~an11. oui c.,1,1 ~c.n 8.d ...,ttr clJlltl~en: anb :~~b~:~::~,
~:: 1nong t:IJttn, anll aar tl)em, anJJ caw ttJe mo111e lo, me tmng tnto fubtc«ion oui Connts, anti our """"'"' b•"
oil to ceare. baugl)ttrl'. asferuant.d, an?lfome of our naugtJ' ~~; ~:~T. w
~r . u l5utb:J~m tl,e'.JC"alel!I (1Dt,ic1Jllb.'ldt~efillc tet.d an fubbucti. bnto bontlalle alreatir, nn?l no ~~; ~:~~~~~·
jll~'tllt11,or, tl)em) came, t1Jcr tolbe tlliS bten tintt.d, t1J~1nall ttrmgtl) ti!! tlJtmn out ()antis to ret1cen1c tlJetn, r:~·::,~ ~~",.,
..,,l111"· Places 1D"'erc \Den-ft bnto, ...,." arc appomtell to llnD ottJcrmm lJauc out lanlls anll t>inepnrD.d. ••b '" b'l•g
,Y fallbpon"1:1s. - WJ""e 6 anb UJl}rn]l]carl>tl:Jeir.:omptntnt, anti ~=~~~,:~:"·
~ 13 ~ereroie rec 'J tl}epeople aftet*'r frin• ruc(J b:JoJbl!l.itllifplcafeb me fo1e. ~;~~:~ :m~
~,. _

rells, \llitl:J tl)etr rroo1b.d. fpeans, anll bo\Dcl!' 7 am 1 atiuifetl Co in mp mtnbe • ttJat 1 re' •b• "''"w''·
Vfurie reformed. I l.Efdras. Sanballats lecte1 1

buflcD tile ,0unfdlcr~. anD tl:)e rulers, anll ra~D beit, ac tlJe fame time IJBD ~ not IJanltll t}Jr ~
bnto tl}cm, <ruetl' one of rou taflctl:J llfmp of~'• llo~c• bpon tl)e gates)
b•Ofi"t.,.. "'n""l]llPOUgl}tabgreat 'OU!,\tegaUOR ~anballataniJ(fSeftmftntbUtollU, far,

b l!'1,'T111lt1· 2.
r~1br of proph·, fl • . , " ' • .0. u .!JJ ~ • 1 t'h .... ll 'ftll ,I
~::;~~~b0~1~·i~ againll t(Jem, .. mg, .....ome. .,at ...rmar meet anll ta ccounu. "1
""""'" lut•b s g 11orarn tmto tlJem,ll9c artcr our abilt~e togetl]cr tn tl)e billage• tl}at are in tlje plaint of
~;i'.~;. ~,1::.~;11 IJaue reoeemeD our b~etl,ncn tlJe'.]lc\'Dc.s, \'DIJ1cl)
tbc citr !!>no. jl;}cumtJcle[e,tlJer tljougl)t to llo :~
·•11!• "'""' were follle tmto tile 1Jcat1Jen : anD \tl1l1
,....., UH-t b tipou
l fell nit cuilL r.ll(i t-~ .. t r~ ·
wmopp1cmn ·,
b,ctmn:ano pourb~t{Jm1agame. anu ..Ja ~.,er co bbll'
_, r1
3 ~nll,,, tn u""'m!,\ctSSun o...,cm.""ring,'"'1
~;r:,:·:~~ to b~ :' -£!Jen IJCID tbcr tl)ctr peace, anll coulllc 'Jl l]aue great burincU'c to Do, anll l cannot come :
~;~~:~~~,~.~~ notlJiniJ to anf\'D~c.
lll~a\llu~,~.. : t@n~y f1Jm°!'~o!!Jne~too~ c c~.arr, 'tDIJtletl '.) , ;
lli:~·; 0;,,
9 .ano'.Jlfarne, ]t1~notgoo1Jt1Jatpeclloc:
of!11<lterutll OUg{JtfCCUOt tO \l)ll(kellltlJCfcarC OfOUr©oll,
8 0
.. .. ~ u... ..u ... .. i
4 ~0\llbeit, tlJCJ?fmt\'JUtOmCCfOUttfitncg, '.di
::':~~·.w; bccaurc of tfJe c rebuke of tl)e 1Jcat1Jcn tlJat arc after tl)dame maner:antl '.31 gaue tl)cm tl)e Came ,.
~1 m~~·h, ourcncndcg:' anC'Wcre. ~
~liHf!i~~."m• 1 o '.Jl, anll mr lnetlnen, anD mr reruants,Doc s ~en rent ~anbanat IJis fcruant againc .-
~:~:~'~.:~ fcnD tbffemlJ ~~Cl? anll ,oine : '.]! p~ar rou let ti• bnto me tlJe ft ft time, \llttlJ an open letter tn l}is ~11
rbaronrDo• lcauco t ISSb,uey. IJanD. r.
~;1:,~;~:·: 11 ~IJcrefo~e. t1Jtsr11mct1ar, '.l!P~llt'rou, fee 6 U91Jcrctnmassmittt:tn, ]tistollltl)cl]ea, ~
•u• '" tbatree relto~c tlJem tl)ctr lanllssagaine. tlJcir t1Jcn,anD(J!5cfemlJatl)rapoit, tbatt}Jouanlltl)e ~
bincraross, oliuegarnmss,anD t1Jelr1Jourc~' re• ']le'!J'eSS tlJinfle to rebel: fo~ tIJe 'tllfJiclJ caurt t!Jou y-
nllt tl}e IJunD~ell part of tfJc moncp, of tlJe i;o~ne, builoctt tfJe \Dal, tlJat tlJou mar ca be tl}ciifltng 9
\tlinc,anll oik, tfJ1tt re (Jaue c~acttll of tlJcm, mo~tltng to tfJefe •mo~nss: ' • .,~
11 ~(Jen rarll ttJer, 00ce wtll relto~e tl)em a• 1 gnll ~alt o~llaineo tl)c p~opfJetss to incal;IJ ·~ ~
gainc:,ano lllil require notl)ing of tlJcm,anll \'Dil or tl}ee at ~mUfalcm, ano_ to tar, fe)c is liing of 1 ~
uo ass thoul)all fpollcn.anD '.3] tallell tlJe l&~ieass, ]ulltl. ann nome fiJall ti:Jil5 come to tl}c llinp :::~
anil too lit an oti:J of tlJem, tl}atd}cp fl)oulll DO a" caress: come no'tD tl}erero~c, anD let bSS tafie our !.$:
co~iling to tfJiSS p~omtre. counfcll to1et1Jcr. :t:::i'.
1 3 ~nn '.]) t1)oofle mp lap,~ fatll.~oll flJaftc out s anll] Cent bnto 1)1\n, r11rlng, ~ere tss no .i:ai
mcrr man after tIJe fame mancr from 1Jtss 1Joure ruclJ tlJmg ~one ass tbou rarea, foi tt;Jou raintlf :ir-
anb laboJ,tl}atmaintainctlJ not tbiS wo:n,euen tljcm of tl)me o'mnc (Jcart.
tf)us be be flJaficn out, anll boin. anD all tbc con• 9 1Fo: tlJer 'tDcrt au minlleb to malie ilia< .r.:=.
grcgation fapbc, .amen, anD p:aifell tlJC JLo~De: ftapl:l,faping, -an,er llJaU \llitlJllJato tl)ett IJanlll ~· ' :t?
Ano tiJc people llib accoJDing to tl)tss p~omtre. from tlJetr mo:llc tf]at it n,au not bee flniM: . ~~
14 ann from tfJetimc fOJtlJ tfJat tlJekiug com• Jao\D tlJtref'o~tlmtgtlJm tlJou mr IJanll. /.
mttteil bnto me to be captain of tl;Jem tljat 'mere i o anD ']! came bnto tlJe f]oUfe or ~mtata ~l:J.
in tiJe lanoc of'.]lUllll, cum from tlJetmcnttctl,J tlJtfonncof~elaia, tlJe ronnt of~CIJctabcd. 'jo?
rcrc bnto tlJc tlJirtr anti tmo rcrc offltng area~· anll IJe ball t1)ut IJimfelfC 'tllitlJin, anll rapll, :rLtt t,:.,.
mes, t(Jat is t\llclue rcrcs, '3i 'tDttlJ mt bJcttnen bS c:omc togctf]rr tn tf]e l)oure of ©ozi,cum bnto ~
liucb not orrm(J fullcnamc as mas«tucntoa ttJcmto•of tlJe~emple, anll llJut t1JeD001eJof. •;~
mptmm. t1Jc~emple,fo:t1Jcrlllillcomctoaart1Jcc, rr '"'k.~-.·
1 5 1f ot t~c Olli i;aptaints tl)atmcre befo~e me, eucn in tlJe niglJt'roill tl)cp come to put t1Ju to :~
IJaD bcnc c}Jargcablc bnto tlJC pcoplc,anll IJall ta• aeat11. · ~ ·~
hr.n of ttJem b1caD anb 'tDine, belille f'oJtp ficlts of 11 anll '.)I rarDe, ~~oulll anr fuel) man a•~ ·.. ~~
ftluer, rca, anlltlJeirfmiants(Jallopp:ctrell tl)c flcc:'ml)o ii.1it,tf]atbcmgass']Jam, willgotnto •~·
people: butfolltll not~. anD tl}atbec:aufcoft(Je
fcarc of cl3oll.
tlJe~cmplctofauclJiSSlife:''.]J mill not go in.
u !AnD lo,~ percciucll that 0oD lJaD not rent
l\Or, huira. 16 ll'5ut '.]\ labourcD alfo int{Jemo:llebpon IJim, buttlJat llcc pionounccb tl]iSp)oplJcflea• .',~ ~
' ' forn. tile 'Wall,anll we bOU!JlJt no lanll: anD an mrftr, «aint! me : fo~ ~obia anD ~anballatl}4D l}irtb ~. ·:~
110 1

~'.~~ ~~.~~ uants came t(Jitl)crto~ctl]er bnto tfJe \lJOJkc. l}tm foJ moncy. · ~~·
workc ol I 7\'Dereatmr table anlJUn' I 3 ~(JrrfOJe \llaj'S ~C l)ittll,tlJ8t Cf»O~rgiJ fraif ~~
•his wall. ll~cll anti fiftr of tl)c 1ewess anD rulcrss lXll}tCIJ '.JI 0ioulllfot1oe, anll rinne, t1.Jatt11crnng1Jt(J8Ue t·~·
cmm bnto bl5 from amon!,\ tlJe fJcatl)cn t(Jat arc cufll re..l'_o~t of me, to lap to mp 'IJRrlC· . ~~1:1 ·
aboutblS. 1 4 ~p«3oD, tlJinked.Joubpon~o~m. allb ~~-~
is 'A11bt1Jcrc\\lassp1eparcllfo1mce Mrtr, an $iDanballat, acro1Ding tmto tbef£ tlJClrlDOJff-. ~"!:
oi:e,ami rii:c cl}oCcn tl)cepc,anb birDSS'Werc p:epa• ano on t(Jc p1op1JcteO"c J~oazita, ~nll tbe ottier •~
!\·1r,b ... c, ~W to~ me: anD euer once in ten Darcss, \l:lmc fo~ p~op1Jct1 tIJat woulll 1Jaucp1rt mc.m ff are. . ~~,
ot ~n llbt1t.tbance: retrequircll not'.) tile 11 liuing 1 5 .Qnll tl]e \llaR \\lass ftnilbcD in tlJc t\'Dcntft
to t~aptamcJo~ tlJe bonllage 'alas grieuouss lln• anll llft liar of tl}e monctl} b ctlul, in' fiftr anll •
.,,e People. t'alo Darci.
c01;,{~~n~e bpon me mp d5oD bnto ti.JC lldt.a,.
a 1 tl}at '.J l;Jaue Done fo~ tlJiti people.
16 ~nll \rJIJcn all our mcinicS l)carll tb~f.
an ttJe l)eatlJCn tIJat \Derc about bSS, were afi'aiD.
'Th · h anbt1Jcir'°uragefatfcDt1Jcm:ro1t1Jcrpcrcei11CD •
I Nchcm' CVJ. c apter. tIJatttJtlS\'DOJllCCllUCOfourc3oD. sr.1..
to his ~~~~n~w~rcth with great wifdome and zealc 17 ~nD at tlJC fame time 'tDcrc tlJcrt manr Of
the falfc pr;ph~~:: 11 Hee is not difcouragcd by
tht tl)iefe of'.Jl UDll,bll)ofc lcttm1 \Dent bntO ~0' :~11
bta,llnll agaim from ~obia llnto them.
~·~ ~
<!3~211'9anbanat,~obfll.anll 18 f'o,t tlJm were manrtn~uDatlJat \Dm \~I~
of our ~e ~rabian. ann tl:Jt otl)er f\n~e bnto !Jim : f'o~ l,lrc \Dass tlJC fonnc in 1au1 1~'1
btrilbel:I u;~nl;JeatD t1Jat11;JBD ~:::"''iJaniatf}e Conne oraralJ, anllbiSSfonnt · '
• ;;f'ffl ..,
., ... 0 310.,anan
ronne IJBD tlJe Daugl}ttr Of~lllam
ofZara,IJia. · tlJC
\ ~
l9~ht!J1 \.,
· Priefl:s difgraded. I I. Efdras. The La'vv is read
56 ~~cd}illlJCn of Y.lcfialJ,tfJc d}tlD~ oU)a• booflc of t)1ela'm oU9Gftf5, tvlJii;IJ tlJ eJI.oil> com,
tiplJa, man?Jctl to 1fracl.
57 ~l)ulJillli~n or~~Iomonsrcruantf5, tlJc 2 anll <fto1as tlJe piidt b10U@tt1Jc la'm be·
c(Jilllicn of ~oca~. tlJC c1J1ID~n of ~op1Jctet,tf1c foJc the congreuation, botlJ or men llJlb tuomtn,
c!iilllzcn of~1Jar10.a. . ~nl> all tt)at coultl bntlttaanll, trillf1tarkrn tmto
58 · ~fJc dJi1D1cn o~'Jlafa, t(Jc dnln1m oO~at• It, bpon tl}c lint !lap or tlJc ~cuentlJ monctb.
con,tlJc c1JLID1cn of '1PUJDcl, . . 3 .QllD IJc rcall tl)mm m ~ ltrrettlJat 'alas
19 -ai;tJc c1Ji1D1cn of ~eplJatialJ, tiJc dnlDJcn befo1c t{Jc tuatcr 11ate , from tl}c momm 11 bntill
Ior t!}attil '· tlJe c1Jilll1m of J&l;Jocl;JcrctlJ or~aba,
1im,tlJC ctJtlll~cn ora~o~1.
tlJc no one tlap, bcro~ men anll tuo1ncn tl)at lltD
IJcarli_cn to 1t : anll tlJe cares of au tlJc people
60 gl[ tlJeCe ~et1Jtmm15.; anD tlJc CIJlltl~cn Of 'mere mclme<! bnto tlJe bookc Of tlJCla'm
~oiomons remants, tum tlncc l}utlll~eD,uinc, 4 gntl ~fllJas ttJc fmbc llooll bpon a pulpit
t!' 11nll ttuo. · oftuoo~tDIJt~lJ tl)cplJatl mane foz tl)cpzcad}ing
1 .Efd. ~ .43. 111n tlJCfe \\'lent bp alfo from ~clmeta,
61 • ~nD ~l'lltle lJi!ll aooD ~attlJatlJia, ~, anti
·~11cl1Jarra, clflJCntb, .a1>non, anll ]mnin : but ~natal), atial;), ll)el~a, anll ~aaftilllJ, on IJiS
tflrp c:oulll notflJetuc tlJcit fatl)ers l}ourt, n01 ri~tl}anD: annou.IJ•slcrt 1Jant1 lloo!> l&cbaia,
tiJctr fccD,anll tf)at tt]ep 'alctc Ofl]lfracl. ~ifacf?anb ~dc:IJta,anD 19aftnn,1Jafabanana #
6 2 ~IJc c:f)illl~cn oOi'alatal), ti.Jc dJllb~cn of ·~ac:~ane,anll \JllJcfullam. •
'di;obia.anll t1Jcc:f)illl~enorJauot1a,fi~e1Junt11c1>, s .anti <e~as opencb tlJe lloofle llrfoze au :?·
Cottr anll t'roo. tlJe people (fo.z tJc.aooD aboue an tlJc prop1c:)ano '.f:'
63 ano oftl)c \91ielfs: ~e c;lJ11ll1tn orll)a• tD1Jcnheopmct11t.allttJcpcop1e11oot1bp. 1 it!
baialJ. tiJc c:l)illl1en of ll)ateos, tlJe cl;Jilt11en or 6 ino < p1aifell tlJc JI. ozDc t1Je great 1'~'
:?BarJilla~, tDbicIJ to~ftc one ~f tlJt baugl)ttrs of ~o~: anll an t.~c people anf\umn,amrn,amm, ·~~
:?Bar!illa~ tlJe ©tlcaDtte to tuire,ani> 'alas namcll ltftmg bp ~cir f)anll~, anti botuell t1Jrmre1ueis, v:
aftrr tllm name. . an!> mo1fiJtppc1> tlJc Jl.oJl>e, falling llo\llnc bpon ~:1
64 '4nJcfc rougl)t tiJcir \D1iting tn ttJe regtacr tlJcit race• to tlJc grounll. d-
of f!Jcir generation , but tlJcp lllct~ notfounD: 7 9nll ]o~c. '5a~i, ~crcbia, 1;amin, Qc· ¢:!
tfJcrcfo~e thcr tucre put from ttJc p~u~ooD. rub. ~ebetlJai, l!)onara, ~aafla, Grclita, .a1an. ts:
h rn, .. ,,1 11 ~. 65 Qnll b !itti}irfatl)a faptlc bnto tiJem, tbat alJ,~ofabaD, ll)anan, l&claial],anhtlJe ll..cmcc-. :J
~'~\:~~:;: tIJcr llJoulD not catc or tlJe moa l;Jolf.. tilltlJcrc caurclltlJc people to giuc IJeell tinto tl}e 111\D. 81111 ~
~':'1;~~..~:g ,. came bp a p~iea tDl)icIJ 11Joulll ll1earc II arim anll tlJc people ftooll in tlJeirplacc. · ;:,;
~~~.~;;~r(;ui~:· '~lJtnunnm. s 9nb tlJep reab in ttJe booffe of (be la1uor
'~/." :JJt· 66 *Anll ro tiJe \'olJolc congregation toi.tctfJcr, ©otl Zltainc;tfp, an!> gaue tlJefcnrc, an!> caWll ~1
] L•ghmd UJ<l$ fOJtp anll t\llO tUOUfanll,t~ICC l;)lftln1Cll,anll t{Jem to btlnrrftantl tl}CfCtlllill.!J• l':
j'~rt«'hm. rtnre rco~c. 9 ant1fle1Jcinia15, 'mlJidJ ~ 9t1JirfatlJa,anll t.ii:!
t:xo,28.30. 67 '.l5cCillc tIJcir rcruantl1 anb maiDcn~, of lffll1a!1 t1Jc101traan1>~mbc,.a~t1JcJLtuitt9 i:lf J
'1l1Jom tl)crc mere rcucn t1Jourant1, tl}~rc (Jun' tl}at caurcD tljcpcoplc to tafrel}ecD, '8pl'I bnto au •
IllJcll, tIJirtr ano rcuen : ano tiJcr 1Jat1 t'Wo l}un• tlJe people, ~tns Zlap i~ (Jolp bnto CfJc JLo~D rom 1::...
ll 1ct1,fo2tp anll flue unging men anD \llomcn.
· 68 ~~eir1Jo1re11. rcucn l)unll1cn, tIJirtranll
0oll, be not pc rom anD •lrJttpe not. !fro1 alltl)C
peopletucpt \\ll}en tlJCl:' l}caro tl}ctuoJZl!lof ~ ~
$l ~

rirc: an!> t1Jctnnutc~. t\1Jol;)unb1cl>. fo1ticanll JL!l\D, ~".' ~!

ftuc : 1o .ann IJc rarD tinto tlJrm, <1!50 rour tDar ,i11111 ~~
6) 'iji;J1c catndl$, fourc 1Jun111cb, tIJirtic an.ti rat tile fat, anti DJinfte tlJC rum~t, anll CcnD pmt ~
ffu ~ : C(rc tl}ourantl, rcucn l}unt1ict1 anD rwcnt1c unto ttJcm al_fo tllat IJauc notp~cparcD fo.z tiJCm• • :"l::I
!UTc$. Ccluc~,roi ttJtS!lap t.G l}olr bnto our JLo.zD: betwt .t!. ,
io ano ccrtaine of tlJc ancient fat1Jct!1 gauc re ro~r tl]crcfo~c, fo1 tlJl' tor of tl}e JL.01!> i~ rour ~~~
blltO tlJC 'alO~llC: atIJirfatl]a gaUC to tlJC ~caf\Jt'C lh'Cll!Jfll, . ~~ :'
)01, drams. ntlJourant1!lpicc;e~ ofgoltl, fiftp bafon~.fiuc l)un, 1 r an!> tlJe Jl.cmtt!l lhllcD all tIJr people, anD ;:_~
o~cll anti tl)irtl' p1,cns 11armcnt15. raro, ll)olllrourpeacr, ro~ tlJt !lap is l)olr,bcnor ;:_-..:;-~
71 gnll romc oftl)c c1Jiercfat1Jctl5 gauc to tlJe fall tl}crrfoJe. -c;: '·:
trearurc ortlJc tuo~bc, ttuency tlJouranb pieces n ano all tf1C people \Dent t!Jtir blar to rat, ~
ot golll.anD nvo tlJoufanD 'ttDo IJUnD1CD pounD an!> to ZIJinl1c,anll to Ccnll part tmto stlJcr .anll tll \.~ l \:
offlluer. maliegrcatmirtlJ, bcumfc1~cpf18bbtlllcraooD ~ ~
71 !lnD tiJc ·l>ttJcr people gauc t'\t'lcntic tJJou' ti.Jc 'tDo~Di:i tlJat lllm Dcdanll bnto dJcm. . '~
fallllptms ofgo111c. anti t'\t'lotf)ouranD pounll 13 an!lon the tltJ'flllll! 'mml(atf}crrllto«e• ·~-
of filucr. anll t1J1ec rw1c anti rcucn ll)#cn~ gat" tlJcr tlJc chide rat11crs a111on11 an e11e pcoptc,anD ~,:~
men ts. the i&~uas, anll t1JC JL,cuitU, bnh:I <fflltas tl)c ..:._~-
7 3 anll ttJc 10%tcltsi,anb )Leuite!1, tlJc l&oJ~ ~cribc, tl}at tt)cr mtglJt bn!lctaanb dJe wo:o- ~"1 ~
a1tll tl1c ~Cn~cr13, anb t1:1eotf)er ortbcpeopl~, oftl)ellatu. . . . ~~,
n1tt1 tl)e flct1J11tims, ull ~rrorl, tl\1ldtmtbelr 14 anll tlJcy founD 111.utttnm tf)clatu \1'1Jtd.J ,~-4t
cities: nttb ml)cn tl}c rcucntl) monettJ camr. tlJC file JL.01ll bab commanllcll bJI ~ores. tlJat tl1t 1- ~
tlJtlb~cn of']\Cracl 'alcrc in tl.Jctr citicf5, clJtlll1cn of']fracl RJOUID ll'mcll m bootlJrs m tf1C .\ 0'!,
ftalt of~c rcucntlJ monrtl}: . ' -h.'
Efd Thcviij.Chaprer. 15 !Jnlltl7attlJC!'.ff.lOUID~ft.t~tobc1>ooa• ~"'I;
\~' gathcmh togcthcrthcpcoplc rcD anD p.ioclaimcD m aHtlJCR' etttcS. anlltl)O• ~~II..
h andrcade1h
t e aw to thcrn, • ro'alout ~icrufalcnt, rarin!J, GJo foo~tl) bnto tlJC ~~~~
~ ~'ti ~b an tl)c pcoplc 11atlJm?I d1mi· mount, anll rttdJ ~fiUc b,anclJcs, lt'inr b11111· ~ ~
~~\~ :•uc15 to£ct1Jci:a1501ic man. In tlJe c1Jc15, ill)trtlcb~ancl)CS, l&almc b:ancbrs. ·anD ' '11t ~
1 e1Jr.7,6,
G" .
• .•(j
, rcct ttJat 'nla11 bcro,etlJe \Dattr
~gate, . anb tlJtr fapll bnto
tlJat he fboulb fetdJ tlJC
btanc1Je,11ortf}ct1Jttketrct, tomalltbootl}c15,a~
~ -~
~ ~ 'Ill
I 6 anb Co tf1t prop le \Dent foO)tlJ, tU:Ct thcni. --{ \ ~

- ano; ~.~
~ Leuires-confeffion. Chap.ix. lfraelsingratitude. 176
anb maDe tf;Jem boottJcs, eueni one bpon t!Jc tlJ~c'mdttf;Jou into tl}c 11cepc, as a nonctntl)c
roorc or1Js.81Jeufc,anll in tlJCir courts,an11 in ti.le miBIJCl! \llatcrs:
courtiortf;Jc 1Jourcor<Bol1, anllin tl}cnrcrtbl:' u * .ant11tllt1Cf! d.Jetn on tlJc Mp time in a Exo.1p1. \
tf;Jc ~atc.r gate, anll in ti.Jc nrcct of tt:Jc po1t or Cf, ctoulltcpillar. anll in tf;Jc n1«1Jt Ccafon in a pillar
p1J18im. offirc, to llJclD tlJcin ligl]t in tf:)c \llap tIJat tIJcp
17 .anll all tlJc €ongrcgation of tl.Jcm tlJat \\lent.
mm~ come againcoutof tile captiuitic, mallc ~ 3 .. ~ou camcll llo'mnc alCo tipon mount,1.
bootIJc•, anll Cate tlnllcr t!Jc boot!JcJ : fo1 fincc ~ion, an'D fpaticlt bnto tIJcm from l)caucn, an!l
tf:lc timcor'J)oCua t!Jc ConncofJaun, tmtotf;JiJ gauclttf;JemriBl}tiu!lgcmcnt•.trucla\!l
11. lJap,lJall nottl)c cl)tl!l~cn of']\Crad b llonc Co : anll comman!lcmcnts,anb flatutcs:
'~ tlJCtc'ID81Sbcrpgrcatgla!lndfc. 1 4 anti llcclartbll bnto tlJCmtf;Jp lJO[p~ab·
:. 18 ano cucrp oar, trom ti.Jc firll liar ilnto tl)c botlJ, ann commant1ct1ft tIJcm p~ccepts,o,ntnan•
~..1. Id. rcatl clftlias in tlJc boobc of tlJc la\ll of <3oll : cc.Unll latucs, bp tl)c I.Jann of ~orcis tlJF fer•
~ altllfeum llarcsiJclll tlJCF tl)c feaft, anllontlJc uant:
cigiJt'Daptf;Jcp gatf;JcrcDtogctlJcr, 11U01bi1Jil:IR' IS * anb gaucft tl.Jtm b~call from l}eaucn, Dcur.t.8.
to-tf:lc mancr. \Dl.Jcn tl:Jcp were 1)1mgey, anti b~ougl]tcft roo1t1J

· Ch
The ix, apter·
The people rcpcnr, and forfakc their firange wiucs.
s The Lcuitcs exhort them co praifc God.
tlJc*ttvcntie anllfourtl}llapof
,thilS monctl.J, came tlJc d.Ji~nicn of
]fracl togctt:Jer agatnc, 'lllttlJ faa,
tng, anti ra,lidotf;Jcs,antl cartlJ bP'
on tl}cm.
'lll~tcrfo~ tl.JmioutoUl)crocbc,'IDl)cntlJcp'lllcrc
tl}trlfy, anll p~omtrc'bntlJcm tlJat tlJcp fhoulll go I
ln' anti tali_C pO[C[~On Of tl)C lanl!C Oltcr tlll)idJ
tl}OU 1.Jallll ltft bp ti.Jim lJantl ro: to gtuc tIJcm.
16 '5uttiJcp,anllourfaU,crJ,\Dcrcpzouun11
IJarlJ-neckcll , fo ttJat tl}cf fOllo\llctl not tlJl' ,om•
17 .anlltuouUI notobep, nl'itf:)cr\llcrcminll•
run of tlJc tuont1crs tf;Jat tllou tli!lll ro, tl)em: but
2 anll t:lJCl' tf:)at tncreoftlJc ree.11 of'.)lftacl, . 1.Jarbcncll tf;Jctr net1115, anll(Jallintl}eirl)callsto
mere rcparatell from al ti.Jc tlrange c(Jtltl~cn, anti returne to tf;Jm bonnage br t:lJcit rcbcllton: but
aooll,anb rmotulellgc'b tlJcir rmneis, anll ti.Jc tDi'' tt:Jou,~ e5oll of mmie)1,gractous, ~run or com•
lic!lnc[c oftl.Jcir fat(Jcrs: pa[ion, oflong Cuffcring,antl of great merer, rct
3 aoo aoon \Ip in tl}cir plai:c, anti re.all in ro~rooketl tl:lem not.
tl}c bool!c of tf:lcla'lll or tlJc JLo:n tlJctr ~ob foure 1 s *Sl@o~coucr, till.Jen tlJcp l}all matle tlJcin Exod. ~ i .....
tunes on tl}e llap, anll tlJcp rmo\lllctlgclJ, anb amoltcncalfc, anti Carne. ~il1tl5tbp go'btf.Jt\t num.i4.t4
\llo111Jippcll tl}c lL01ll t(Jcir <3ollfoure timtSJon biouglJt ~cc out of1hclandeof<!egppt, antllltb,,.
1hcd.1y. blafpl)cmies:
4 ~en aoon tip tip on tlJe IlaireIS oftfJc lLe· 19 !?ct fo~Coofieft tl}ou t(Jcm not in tl]e b:lil·
uitclS, '.)loCue, 15ant, ~abmtcl, ~abanial), '5un, llcrnc[c, aeto:llmg to t(Jp great mercies : * anll Exe.q, i 2.
ni, ~crebialJ, l6ani, ant1€l}anani, anllmcll . tlJccloUlliepillar'bcpartct1notfromt1Jemontbe
loull tinto ti.Jc JLo:ll t1Jcir<3oll : nap time to ktltle tl:lcm t(Jc tvap, ncitlJcr tlJe ptl,
5 .anb tlJe lLclritc~, ~ofuc,\1 Cltatlmicl,l,;,ani. lar offire in tl)e ~t reafon, to tlJe\D tlJC1n llgl.Jt
an1119afabnia,~crcbialJ,anll ~o'bta, ~cbania, in tf;Jc tuar br ml}icl) tl:ler flJOUltl go.
a11t1)01JatlJal}ia,faplJ, ~tan'bt1p,ant1p:atret1Jc 20 anll ttJou gauetttlJcm tlJl' gooll fpiritto
lLoJ'D pour ©on fo: cucr,anll let tl}anfi.8 Ile gtucn info~mc tl)em, anll!lell not tlJF ~anna
bnto tlJc name of tlJp qto:r, mIJti;IJ ~cclletl> an from tf;Jcir moutfJ,antl gaucft tlJcm mater 'mlJcn
t1:11mrngtutng ann watrc. tlJer were tlJirap.
6 'l::l}ou art Jl.0111}aft mallc t.Jea, 2 1 <jfo~trrccrcis long tltllllell tl:lou fccll tlJl'lll
utn, 8nll tl)e l)caucn of all IJcaucns, \llitlJ all in tlJe \Dilllcrnc[c, ro tlJat tlJcr lachc'b notl)mg:
tf:lrir lJott tlJc eart:IJ, ~au tl)ings tfJat arc tl)crc, t!Jcif clotf;Jcss \lla~cb not olll, an'b tfJcir feet twcl•
in, tlJc Cea, anll all tlJatilS tlJcrcin, anll ti.Jou p1c' !ell not.
fcrucfttfJcm an, anll tlJc l)oll oft1Jcm\llo1ilJip, i2 .aoot1Jougauclt1Jcmlling!lomcsant1na·
pctlJ tl}cc. •
7 'l::(Jou art, ilD JL0111, tlJc ©011 tl}at l}aft cl}o'
tions, anll 'billllcft rcattcr tl.Jcm mto coJncr~: fo ~b~.·.~~.ll·
tl)cp po[elfcb tlJc lanll of ~cgon,an!l the lanb or .Bw11.21•• •
1.31 rcn*abiam, an'D b10U«l)tcft I.Jim outofUtrin tf;Jcliin1;1of~cfbon, anlltlJc·Ian!lofilDgl!ingof
~s. 4tf.Jalllca,anll callc'Dll lJim .ab1al}am: :0afan.
s anti foun11cll 1.Jiss l}cart faitl:Jfull befo1e 2 3 anll tl}cir cl.Jil'D1rn multipltetlll tlJou as
tf:lct, anll ma'Dcft a coucnant \DitfJ l)im, to giuc tlJe ttarres ofl)cauen, an'D bioug(Jten tlJcm into
tJnto l)tlS rcwe tlJe lanll of tf;J~ €l}anaanttcs, »,le' tt:Jc tanllc tul}crcof t1Jou l}allfl fpo&en to tlJeir fa,
tbitcs, amoJitCl1 , 1&1Jcre11tcs, ]cbuutcs, anll ttJcrs, tl)at tt:Jcr 11.Joulll go into tt, anll IJauc tttn
<Bctgcfitcss, ann (Jatl ma'bc gooll ti.Jr l»OJllcis: fol polfcmon.
dJou art riglJteouis, 24 ann tile dJ•lll1m went i11,ant1 pofl'rt:rcn tl)c
9 anll l}all confibcrt'b tlJe mifcrp of om fa· lanll, anll t)Jou fUb!luclln bcfoie tlJcm tl}c lrnJa•
tlJers in lf!,lppt, an'D l.Jcarll tlJcir 'omplaintbp bitcrisoftl)e~nllc, C!JC11tf;Jc€1.J~naanitcs, anll
tl)cre.i. fM, gauctt tf;Jcnnnto t1Jc1r l)an'bs. \llltlJ tlJeir kings
10 anll fbctvt11 tollcnis anb moonbcrSS bpon an11t1Jcpcoptcoftf;Je.tanllc, t1Jatt1.Jcpmtg1Jtt1oc
1&1Jarao anll au lJi!S rcruants , anti on all tlJt l»ltlJ tl)cm tul)at ttJcr 'llloulll.
people oflJiJtantl: foJ tf;Jou lmc'lll~ tIJattlJcp 2 5 QnlltlJtrlllantlJ*'bafat
'aim wcrumptuouis anb cmcn agan~tl ~~: tanll, anll tookc po[dfion of lJourcs tl)at were
atUI ro mabetl ti.JOU tf:)ee a nancc, ass it If$ tJ;Jas ~UofaUma~of goolls, II \llcllcS lliggcllout, llOr, ci-
bap. . . . timcrarns, ouuc.garllcns. anllmanp fruitfull ttcrocs,
~22, u *an11 tlJe. red fca bitlft tf;Jou t1tu1~e in run· trees, anZI tlJ~ l11~ catc, am were filleb, ano be•
diy tier bdoie tlJein, ro tl}at tf.Jcp tDtf!t tlJOJOtD ti.Jc came fat• ~ liucb an Plcafurc t1J1ouiw dJP great
milllt of the Cea ft 11Jie il)Otl: anD tlJCtrpcrfcruto,f goo!lndfc.
The Leuires prayer. - II~Efdras. The couenant feale
2 6 ~r~clelfe. tlJrp \lletc Difoben~nt.a~D
rcbellel> againct tl)re, \f call tl;Jp Ia\11 tqinD tlJm
. b11cb15, anD ac\11 tlJP 1010P11rt~, ~ \lll)i~ cyf}o~tcb
~or,wh1ch tl)em camcalp, tl)at tIJrpmcpt~tnlJtl)cm 8•
~;:~~:·~h;: IJllim~ tmto tl)ee,1111n DiD great blafpl)r:m~s.
, 0 rur.;'e thi' 2 7 ~f]erefo,e tfJOU gau£fl tl)cm OUct mto ~C
rochcc. l)anbortt1cir c1.1l'mtcstl)at bc~rb tl;Jcm~ llnbtn
tlJc time of t1Je1r trouble, 'ml)cn tfJcp mcb bnto
tl)ce , tl}ou l)carDcfl tl)cm from l)eauen : anb
tlJiougfJ tflp great mcrcp tl)ou 11auea tlJctn rau~
otirs, \lllJicl) l)clpcb tlJctu out er tl)r l}ano of tl}cir
2 s l5ut ml)rn tlJcy came to rrlf, tlJep turncD
bacflra11ainc, to !loccutnbefoictl)ce :tlJcrdi>tr
lcfteft tl;Jou tl;Jcm in tl)e l)ann or tl;Jcir mcmtris,
ro t1}at tlJrp l)ab tl)e bominton ouer tl;Jcm : anD
\lll)en tl)rp conuertell, anb men bnto tl)ee. ttJou
l)catllcfl tlJcm from l)taum, anti manr timelS
IJact t~oubeliuereb tl}cm, auo,!ling to tlJl' iftat
1:or,prore- 29 an!l!!ttlhflellfl bnto tl)cm,tl)attl}oUmiglJ•
Lkdfl. tcctbJinlJtlJcm againct1ntot1Jpla\D: not'tllitlJ•
, . aan!ling, tlJcp\llcrrpioull, anll (Jeamenellnoc
11.or,• f;''"n unto tl)p commanllCtll£11~ , but unnrll ll in tlJp
:~r~~.'!zc- la'tllcis, to{JtclJ if a manbo, IJc flJall liurtn d)cm:
, ('1h,;h 1.. ann c tumcll tl)c flJoulbcr a\Dar, anti \Derr lttfft•
~.~'~'i~~~"T ncchcl>,anll 'moulll not l)carc.
~~~,:~~·b;~:. 30 ~et manprercoinfltl}oufo~b£arctlJe1n,
Ocn,aa}cc~. anb I tcctifitl>ft tmto tlJrm tf)~oup tlJt' fpiritbp
[o~:prot•- tl)e {JanlloftlJ'F ~~op{Jcts, anll ret'mo':'UltlJCF
11~d1t, not l)carr : tlJcrtfO~e gauea tl}ou tl)em mto tl)e
l)anll oftf,Jtnationis oftl)e lan'b.G.
3t .ann to~ tlJp !lfCatmcrcieisraffe, tf)ou(Jaa
not bttcrlp confumcll t{Jcm, ncitf)cr Co~ftllien
tJJem: fo~ tlJou art a gractouis anll merciful 115olJ.
3:1 tlo'tll tl)crcfoir, our d!Joll, t1Jou great dlJoll,
migl)tp anl> tmibl£,tlJou tlJatkcepett coumant
anl> mcrcp, rcgatb not a litlc all tl)e ttauell tl,Jat
lJatIJ romcbnto bJS, anb ourking,G, ourp1inccJS,
our p~tctlJS, our p~op11tt1S, anll our fatlJerJS, anll
111 t{Jc people rincctl)rttmeort)Jefii~ of Wl'ur,
bnto tlJi~ oar.
33 :Ann truclr tlJou art iuU in an ttJat tl}ou
IJact b~oug{Jt bpon blS, Co~ tlJOU IJatl Done rigl}t:
Bil fo1 blS,\DC l)aUC bettC bngo!llp,
34 anti our rrtngis, lt our p~incc•, our l)~tet!JS,
anll out fatlJerlS (Jauc not none tfJl' la'm, no1 re·
!,Or,pro1e- gartrcll tlJr commanbctnentJS, anb tIJr II camefl
t,Or,pro- ctlJOJtlltionJS 'al{Jcrc'tllitlJ tl}ou l}afl U ~oitel>
t<tlcd a. tl)cm.
1nor.gft 3s g~ tlJer l)auc not fmlell t(Jcr in tlJcit
them. liingtlome. anb in tl)p IJTMt IJOO'bne[c tl)at tl)ou
~Or,f.t. ~auca tl)cm, an!l in tl)e large anti U plenteouis
tanr.1 \DlJtd) tl)ou gauea befoJt dJem • anti l}auc
not COnuertcb from tl)ciT 'miattD \l'IO~fflJ,
~6 lBeIJolDe. \Dearcinbon11aget1JiJSDar, anti
rots tl}e lanll t{Jat tl,Jou 11auca bnto our fatlJttlS
t~ tat tl)c fruitisanb IJOOtincac tlJereof, bel1olbe,

. 37 anti great iis tl)c mmare of tt bnto dJc
:~~fi 'oll)om tl)ou l)atf fet ouec bJS, becaufe of
. nntl!I, anti tlJep lJaue tiomtnion ouer our
botitCS llnb cattel.euen IJS tlJep \DiD dJemftlUt,G:
Billi 'me arc tn Qrcatttollblt
38 ~o'a> l>Uaureofall~ll mal'if. 111eanitt
Uco,.~t ;!'~'mutt tt. ann o'm: l&JinC:CJS, ~
• ._.,, ... .., ..,J{.... J!ICcale bnto it.

The x. Chapter.
t The names of them th:ir fcalcd the coucnanr bc-
cwccnc God :ind chc people.

lrhes and offrings. \!Vho Chap.xj. dweltinlerufalem. 177
from rem to reere, after t(Je ()ourtis of our fa, 1 o i!>f t(Jc -~ittlis : ']ctlatal) tlJefonne of '.]lo'
tIJcrs,tlJat ic miglJt be bnntt at timeis appointcll iarib, '.l\ac;lJin, '
bpon ttJe altar of tfJC )Lo1ll <1301), a$S It ilS 1111ittcn JI ~rata(JdJefonneoflflcia, tl)efonne of
in tlJC la'\D, ~rMlam,t:IJefonne of~a!Jo"t:IJc fonnc of~£,
3s an]) to b~ing tIJc firft fruitis of out 111nb, ratotl], tiJefonne ont,IJitob, wais b tlJitfc in tl)e b irntto,'111.••
anDtlJe firnlingisor our fruits of alltrccsreere (Jourcof<aoi>. •U•~t1bp111a.
brrcrctmto tlltlJouteof tfJc Jl.,oJI>. u !4lnD tfJeir bietl)~1 t(Jat btb t(Jc 'alo:fie tn
t 36 an1> t(Jcfint bo~ncof out ronnes, anbol tl)t temple, ctulJt lJcmt11et1 anb t\Drntr anti t'\Do :
~, ouimttcll (astti~'oJJittcn intlJcla\De) an1>ttJe anti a.naia tl)e ronne of ']crol}am, t(Jc fonneof
~ llflllings ofotit o.-cn anl> of our flJccp, m(Jicl)'Qle ~elahal), tl)e fonnc of 9m~i tfJc ronnc of ·~adJa•
~. ll)oulD ll~ing to tile IJoufe of our ©ob, bnto tl)c nc,ttJefo~ of~balbur,t(Jc ronnc of ~alCIJta,
\ tMctls tIJat minitlcr in tlJe (Joufc of our <13ob: 1 3 anb lJu• b:etfJ~en c1Jicf among tl)c fat(Jeris,
~ 31 anntf.Jattoetl;Jouli>bJin~t(Jefintfrui~of t\llo l)unnicb anb founte anti t\llo : anb amarai
·, our1>oug1Janl:lour(Jeaueoffenngs, (ltlJefnlitlS tllC Conne Of a~racl, tl)e fonne Of llJafai, tlJC
~, otallmanerofttees,ofminealfo,anl> ofopttbn' fonnc of g\)cfe_lemott},tfJc ronne of'J,mmcr,
~ 1am· to ttJc l&Jictl.ti, to t(Je II c(Jdls of t(Je (Joufe of_ our '4 !tlnb tl}ctr bJet(J~cn baliant men, an lJUtl•
~ ~ol:I, anll tfJe titfJcs of our lanD to t(Jc )Le~ttcis. 1>~en 11nt1 t\Drntp an!J cig(Jt: anl:I t!Jeir ouerrccr
~ d)at tfJc JLiuiteis miglJt (Jauc t(Jc tttl)clS in all 'alas '5alltli£.l.a t ronm; of one of t(Jc great men. *Haggc-
~t t~c cities or our minillration. ' ~ ©f t(Jc )l.euiteis: ~cmaia tl)e fonne of dolim,
~ 38 ann t(Jc ll'Jiea ttJe fonnc of aaron llJ.allbc $afull, t(Je fonne ora~aricam, tl)efcnne of $8•
' 18• mitlJ tlJt ·,0,,cuitcs,* \lJIJen fJL.cuttes tall~ ntl)cs. fallia, tl]c fonnc oOBum.
~ rottJatttJc JL.cuitc.11nJallbJing bp t(Jc t1tl]c.11 of 16 Qn!) ~abat(Jai, anl) ']ofabab Of t(JC c(Jtefc
t(Jcir ttttJes bnto tl)c lJoufc of our <Jl5ob , to t(Jc of tlJe l euites (Jal:> tIJe oucrflgl)t of tl)e out'alarD
«oJe lJOUfes,anl:I to t(Jc ttcafurc lJOUfC,11, bufincffeoftlJc(Joufeof©o!>.
_. 39 10: t1Jcc1Jil1>:cn ot'.]lfracl,anl> t~e c1Jllb:en 17 an!J ~at(Janiatbe fonneof~icba, tl)e
~ ofJLcai.fbaU ll:ing bp tl)c l)eauc offerings oft(Jc Conne or'5ablli, tt;e fonnc of arap(J, \lla~ tl)e p1tn,
come, \lltnc,anb oplc, tmto t)Je «o:e l}ou!es t(Jm ctpall to begin tl)c dJanftefgiuing anti p~are:r:
a~ are t(Je tietrds of t(Je ~anctuarie ann tbe anb l8acbuua tl)e fecon!> among l)il3 b~et(J:cn.
11)2idleis t(Jat minitlcr,. anl> tl}c po:tcris, ann anb abba tl)e fonne of ~ammua , t(Je ronne of
fingers, ant11l:Jec 1l:Jillnot fo1falict(Jc l)oufc of <aalal.tllefonne ofj\ebutf.Jun.
.. our <13otl. I 8 au t(Je Jl.£UifCjS ltttlJC l)Off cltfC, \l)Cfe f'oJO

Thexj. Chapter. l)un1>:c1> fOurerro~c an1> foure.

19 an!J tl)c poiters, accub anll ~almon, anti
1 Who dwellcd in Hicrufalcm :ifter it was buildcd,
2 I And r'lho in the cities ofluda,
t(Jeir b1etlJ1m tlJatflept tIJe 'PO~tl3, \Um an (Jun' ; 1~rtb 1 rw:·
ll't3/i;\'. .0t1$1cruralrm:
WA~ ~
t(Jendcris oftljc people b\Ddt
at t(Je ot(Jer people al,
n1c1> anti fcuentp an1> t\llo.
20 a~ foHIJc rcCtbue ofJJfracl, oftiJelMetl~
anl> )Lcuitel3, rhcy were in all t11e cttteis of ')\una,
~:.i ~ ' 1
ro caa' lot$S,t1Jat a~ongtenne.onc cum one in l)is inlJeritance.
~''"'· part fl)oulll ~oeto t!}tmnalem,mto :u g:un tl)c Y.}etl)iniml3 b\Delt II in S!Dpbd:ann ~or in 1hc
· .,:, · t(Je l)olr citte to b\llell, anti nine 5i1Ja anti <iL'lfpa \lltte fet OUCrtlJC aet(Jtnim~. ton;m,
:ll~c'b parts to be in t(Jectticis. 22 ~e cuerrecr of tt)c ·JLeuite~ at tl)icmfa,
• ~,:· 2 ann t(Je people t(JanltetJ all t(Jc tnen tl:1at fem \'Oais a Hi t~e fotmc of l5ani, ttJc fonne of
:~,"' ltlcre\Dtlling to b'alell at ~icrufalem. ~afabia, tt)e ronne of S:ll9att1}anfa, tJJe fonnc of
;::ii~. 3 '4Cl.Jefe arc tl)c 1Jcab!'l of t(JC ~~ouince t:l)at ~icta: of t(Je c;lJdtJ~cn or :tlftlpb finner~ \llcre o,
·~:~ tJ'alclt tn l)icrufalem, anl:I in tl)c citicis of']UDa, ucr t(Je bufinctre in ttJc l)oure of <aol:I :
:.~•1 b eucrp one inl)iis polfelfion, ann in tl)cir cineis. 2 3 1f oi it \Dais tl)e fitngis rommantJemcnt con•
·: tlJer of']ftacl, tl)c 10Jitlll3, JLeuite.11, t(Jc Act(Ji, ccrning ttJcm,ttJat ti.Jc flnger$S llJOUftl tJcalc faitl)'
> nim$S,nnt1 tlJc c1Jtlt1:en of ~olomonl3 feruant,. tulip euerr nar.
4 anti at tl)tcrufalcm b'\Dl'lt certaine of t(Je 24 ann 19atl)ata tl)e fonnc of ~cm-abel. of
;; dJiltl~cn of]ulla, anti of Jamiamin: of t11c cl)1l' tl)e c1Jill>Jm of '5cral) tl)e fonne or]uoa, wa13
r t1.1cn of'J:una,iltlJai tl)c ronnc of '.l!ia, t(Jefomtt II ncyt t(Je IJtng in all matters concerning tl)e ~or,wasat
of~atlJaria, t(Jtronneofamana, t11cfonncof people. the kings
~ap(Jatia, tl)c ronnc of ~al}alaltcl of t(Je c;lJil' 2 5 anti in tile biOage.11 ill tl)etr Jan!)~, fome Of hand,
111m ofl0lJarcis. t1Jcci,ilt1imof']Ulla t1weltat l!ltriatl)arba, anll
5 ann 'ill0aafi11 tlJe ronne ofl5m1c;IJ,tf1e ronnc in tl)c btllagcs tl)crcof,antl tn ~ibon,anb tn tl)e
of 4tl)ol ~ora. tlJc ronne of l)afaia, tl)e fonnc of billagcis tl)ereof, anti at '.l]ccab!cel, anb tn tl}e
a1>aia,t1Jc fonne of jjoanb, tlJC fonne Of 'Jac;lJa, billagcs t(Jcreof:
rta, t)Jefonneof~iloni. 26 at']lcfua,~ol3batfJ,l8et(JpfJalct,
6 ~n t~crc mere t(JcclJilbJm of 1&1Jareis t11at 27 4]lntfJeto'\DncofJl~ual,'5cerreba,ant1tn 11
0 H Ii
ll'mtlt at ~zcrufalcm, cuen fourc l)un1>1ell tlJitt, "'-ebilla"'CStlJereor:
• ., ,.,, · <ll1l fuaLr, • er

lio1c arm efglJt t>aliant men. 2 s at ~tltlq, ann .....,,oconai,, an!> tfJe t>tlla·
1 ~cfc are t(Jc tl)iltmm of '5miamin: ~a' gess t(Jercof: .
lutfJcfotme of ~cruuam t(Jc ronnc of '.]!oell,t(Je 29 anllat cft1rnnmon,'5ar8:1J,]erimutlJ,
fonne of l9cnata, t(Je ronnc of Cltolaia , tlJc fonne 30 'Janoa, IDi>oOam, anb 1n t!Jdrtiillogc$S·
or ~aaa, ttJc ronne of '.jtl)tcl, tl)c fotme of at Jl,.acl}i~,anb in tlJC liclbSS tlJcrtof:at ace ta, anti
cera· . in t)JC t111la!,lC~ tl}ereof, anb t1Jct' b'alclt from
s i, ann after IJiln <3abai, ~ellai, ninclJtm' )6ccrfeba, tmto tl;Je ballet' of~tnnom.
111211 anb t'alentie anb ciglJt. 31 ~ed)t~~tnalfoofl8entamin, from<ac'
9 an111oclt(Jefonneof'Jicl)1i1Jallt{1touer' b~,dwc:lr at ~tc;lJmass, am,l5et~l'I, anb in tl}tir
Q'gl)tOf t:IJem : anl) 1utJa tlJcfonne of ~mua btllagcss,
_ '1lalt(Jtfecon1>outttl)Cdtte. 32 annat anat}Jotl),faob, QnantalJ,
-.I ~~ 3 33 ~8?0,,!
The Leuices numbred. II. Efdras. The"Vvall dedicated
33 l!)ayo~.ma1ua1J,1Det1Jatm,
34 l!)aDib, '5eboim.~eballatl1,
35 )l..ob, anb ©no,in dJe carpmt~SS l18lley"
3.s g nb ttJe )l..~uitcss l}ab polfetf10n IJotl} an
']una aub tn )6emamm.
The xij.Chapter.
l The Priefis and Leuires whicn came with Zorol!ia-
be!vnro Hicrufalem, arc numbred, "7 :mdallthe
wall is dcdicarcd.
~ere* are t1Jc 10~iettss anb lttllittss

tl}at \l>mt bp 'alitl) ·5o~babel tl}e
, ronne or ~alatlJiel. anb 'Q)itlJ '.)o,
' rue: ~araia, '.)cnmia, anti Cff•
r tm1ss,
I z amaria,~allui;l),,attuss,
3 ~ec1Janta,11irf:Jum, ~mmotl],
4 :J;1JD0,<ll5mt1Jon,abta,
5 il@tamtn.~at1aia,l5clia,
6 ~emaia,'.]loarib,'.]lcllaia,
$)alu, amoc, ~elcia, anb ')etlaia:tfJefc
' were tlJe l]cans among tl]e ~1icft~,anb t1Jeirb1c'
tlucn in tIJe tlape~ of5lorue.
· s ~IJe JLeuite~ mere tJJerc: 1eru. '3ennui,
~a1Jmicl,~arebia, '.]]uoa, \t !dl!}attl]ania,'11)1:.JiclJ
ma~ oucr chc office or tlJanbefgiuing, l:Je anti f)i.G
9 lBa,bufia,an!I l!)annt,anb tfJert b1etlnen,
"rom about tl)em in tl]e uiatcl]e.G.
1.Cbron. 1 o *'j]ofue bcgatt ']oacim, ']oacim alfo be'
lJ ,(~ gate Qi:liafib,ann llehafib begate '.]!otaba,
1 1 '1: otai:Ja begare '.31 onatJJan, anll ]onatl)an
bcgatc ']lanl:Jua. ·
12 'ln tIJe bare~ or ]oacim 'tlJert tl:Jeft tl:Je
;or,ncxc. ci,icfe fatl)cri:s among tlJe 1&1tctlis: II il!lnt'ler ~a,
rata, ~araia : tmncr ']cremt, $ananta:
13 ~nllcr ciero~ass, ~eruuam: tmller gma,
ri&, 'j\cl)oanan :
14 ~nt>er ~tlico, '.]!ona~an: tmbcr ~eba<
nta, 'j\ofeplJ:
I 5 mlJct l!)OJ\m, alJUil; 1mllct ~CfSiOtlJ,
16 mnllcr ]llllo, ~adJatia: tmllcr ll3cnt1:.Jon,
17 ~nllet abia, '5fdJ~i: bnber ~iniamin,
ann ~oania,-iltai:
. 18 ll!1nl'lcr l5c1ga.~ammua: bnller~cma'
19 ~nl:Jer ]otarib, SJU)att)Jmai:buner ']jcbata,
20 ~nner ~enai,CICeUat: 1mt1er amoc..cebcr:
11 ~nDcr ~etcia, l!)afabta: tnlbcr '.)Jel>llia,
0atl}anael: .
n anDintl]e ttmcof Cfltafib. 1otaba, ]oba,
nan.,ano '.]la?IU8, 'Q)m tl;c clJicft fat:l:Jt r!S amon«
t!Je ll,,e~ttes ~ tl}e ~:teais, b>1itt.m in tl]c rei~e
or lii'lanu!'S tlJe l&ernan.
'ID 1 3 ~e Q}ilD~en oU.cui tlJc pitncipal fattJeris
ere 'nliitttn in ttJe ~IJ~SS bntll tl)e time of
1.ona~an ti.Jc ronne of lf!talib.
ui~i. ~::r:re \\'lentlJec1Jiefeamot11 t{Je:l-c•
1:or.aboct of ~ainu· bra, §!Derebta,atlb ~eruau,econne

I th.:m, rentc.. to ~iUe 1 b~etl,nen ntn tlJ~ p~e.

wauib tbt .Jiaarc an11 t1Jtm11ts, acc~ng s•
'WatdJouet~a1n':f 0011 lJll> 0111111net1 it, one
'1r.ll,,,Hof. • anotl}ei;.
z 5 ...., .. ._ama., l5atlnJQa, ~babia, ~dUJ.
~Or,kec­ lam. ~almon, l1tlll accub l»tte P01ttr!S Um dJC
pingchc 'cOStdJ,anb at$ ~c11Jolbsoft1Jegatt15,
ward. l 6 ~ere lllcre in tl)e bl!Ptl'S of ot8'im CfJe
ronncor1oruct1Jeronn20f]lofe:11U,1 an11in t{Je
;The La'VV read. Chap.xiij. The Sabboch reforrr1ed. 178
\ glab oftl;Jc10JieffHnb JL,ruttcs t1Jatfmm1. not out bmp ~ mmp 11Jat] 1Jaue~1e\tl, ~.~·.~,~~·~~·
1\\i'-. 45 .an1>bot1J tf:Jefingrrs anti po~ters liqit tf:Je Cb on tl;Jcl)oUfc of 1111' <115ol>, anb on t{Je olficers .,, bu ••re
~·, marl> oftlJcir <115ob, ann tIJc \\lar11 Df.tlJc pmifica, tl;Jcrof. ~:w,:.~,";:~"
~~. % tion, * acco,ning to tl;Je commafi.t·'lient oCJea' 15 .anD tlJe fame time fame'.]] in ']lubafoine ~;: :'.:',~·~~~'
~1uo. 4· ulb, anll or ~olomon (Jts fonnc. ~bing mine p1r1Tcs on t(Jc ~abbotl), \1 bJing, R;~:~'~·:~·~~ 1
46 1fo~ in tlJc time of Wauib anb araplJ ~r 011> in~ in 11Jeaucs, anb 'allJidJ lllbrl> a1Tel'5 alfo \ ~·:,·~·;~ ~;·:~~".
'~ 'alm tl)c cl)iere fingers ordeined,anb tl)e rong,s of \\lim.', grapes. ~nb figgcs, anll all burnens. anb ~,'.~::'.'r~,"t'",.
~'· p1aife anll tl;Ja~hfgiuing bnto <115oD. . b10Ugh,t tl)em into ~tenifalcm trpon tlJc ~ab, ,,.,,,. ••,. .
~: 47 ']lnt1Jcttmeof'5ozobabelanbf.le1Jetmas, botl;J bap : anb 9i rcbuhcD t1Jem camclll!! tiJc ~:~'i\r;·;'.·"'
:. '\· btll811fracl gtucpo~tions bnto tlJe fingers anb fame bap tIJat tl;Jep rolile bictuats. 1;0,, hinJ.
:~ . . po~tcrs. eurrp bnp IJiSPOJtion: anD t(Jep a!JaUc I~ ~ere b'alelt men Of ~v~c alfo tl;Jcrcin, odlc.
'~:mtt•· tttl;Jcs bnto t(Jc JL,cutte~ anD t(Jt JL,cuitcs II gauc 'alfJtCIJ b~ouglJt fill), ann all maner of\!lare, anll
\:!i.'•.ana;. titlJC~ agame bnto tlJe c(JililJcn of aaron. ~olbe.on tl}e ~abbotlJ bnto tlJc tlJllll,cn of'.jjulla
' m~muralem.
~ I Thexiij. Chapter. 17 ~enrcp~OUl'llj\tl;Jcmlcrstnjju!Jlt, anb
"~. I Thi: Lawe is read. 3 They fcparace from them all fapb bnto tl;Jem, Wtlat CUill tl)ing is ttiis tl;Jat fC
'\~, firan gers. 3o An ordin:mce to ferue God. i)0,8111l b~calie ttic ~abbotl;J bap:
~ ' . . . . ~D tfJat llar bib tl)eF reallc i~ tl)c 1 8 ~tb not pour fatlJm~ cucn tl)ti;, anti our

:-:~u.r. 5'h-~ ,, * ooofte of ~ores m tlJc auntcncc d!J~ll b.~ouglJt au tlJis plague bpon \:ls, anll bpon
~:~·J·J· ~ of tl)c people, \t tfJeretn mas founb ttis otp: RnD pc maflc tile \Ilzatti mote rct bpo11
..~~ . 'lll:itten, t(Jat t(Je.l.lmmomtcs anl> ']lf~acl, in t(Jat pc b:cakc tlJc ~abbot~:
;·~~ - ~oabttes ll)oulil ncucHomc mto 19 .I.Inn m(Jcn t(Jc poits of ll)ieruralem bcixan
-~~ t(Jc ~ongrcixation of ©ob: . to bc•Mme in t(Je eucning bcfo~c tlJc ~abbotlJ, ~1 .~,t;'.~~/.~,·.
• ai.f. 2 *l5ccaurc tl)ep met not tl)e c1J1lb~cn of']lf• ] commanbcb to 11.Jut tlJc gates, anD clJargcll ~"'"' m,'.'' 1•
•:.:~ r11cl \llitl.J bi cal> anll 'll.later,but l)ircb l5alaam a, tl)at tl.Jcp OJoufb not be opencll til after tlJc ~ab• J:'~';,b'1:!·
(,,'.' gaina tl)c1n, tl)at(Jc UJoull> curfi:tiJcm: anti our
: ::, ©oil tumcll tflc rune into a btcmng.
botlJ : tt fome of mp fcruant$ ftt '.Ji at tl)c gates.
tl;Jatt(Jcrc ll)oulll no burtlcn be b~ougtJt mon tfJc
, _.,. 3 0o'\IJ \Ul)en tl;Jcp l)all ticarll tl)e lLa\D,tlJcp ~abbotlJ Dap. 1u 11111 r""'~ I
• ... n fcparate~ from ~fracl cucrp one tlJat (Jab~ mt;rt 2 o ~cnrcmatllCll tlJc c(Japmm lJ tntrtl)ants •ii~• •tin.
:_.fa· tJmnclfc t{Jcrcin. onceo.z ttoife oucr niglJtblitlJout $icrUfalcm,
~:,~~· 4 9nll befo~c • t(Jis l)all tbc p~tca <fliafib tiJe U>itlJ all mancr of\!larcs.
- ·Crall oucrfigl)t oftlJc ttearuric oftlJe~ourc of<ll5oD, 21 ~l)cnrqnoueD']JtiJttnro~.anllfaplltmto
:: : :: anD l)e toas llinfman bnto €obta, tIJcm, DBlJF tarp re an ni@t about ti.Jc wau-: 'J] r
~ .:::.. s anb !Jal> malle {Jim agreat tlJambcr, anl> pcllo it once aixatnc.1 totlllap l)anblJ bpon pou:
:!:::: t{Jerc (Jal> tl)ey aro~ctime lapel> t(Je offerings, fromt1Jattt1neCou,tlJ mmctiJcpnomoicont(Jc
::~r rranritnccnrc, belTels, anll tlJc titlJcs ot come, ~abbotlJ.
\Dine, ann oiic, \\llJldJ toas commaniJcll to be gi• 2: .am1 '.Ji faplle tmto tlJC lLcuitCl5, tlJat tl]ey
,. . ., ucn to tlJc JLeuitc15,ungcr15,a11ll po~tcrl'5, anll UJc tlJoull> clcanre tlJennctucs, anb tiJat tlJcr fboulo
;; l)caue offerings of tIJc p~icas. come anll llecµc tlJc gates, to tJallo'll.l tl}e ~ab'
6 l5ut in an tlJiS rime was not ']J at $icru• botl) nap: ~nllc bpon inc, ©mp ~on, comcr'
falcm: Co~ in tIJc t'lllo anll tl;Jtrtietl.J pcrc or.arts• ning tlJis aifo , anll [pare mec acto~lling to tlJr
i:cr;rcOing of l5abplon, came 'JI bnto tlJc king, great mercy.
anll after ttrtalnc narcs obtcincn 'jj hccntc of 2 3 '.Jin tiJofc bates alfo rato '.] 9Jem:s t't!atm.1,
tl)c bing to come to l!}iennalem. ricll 'aliucs of:Afllob, of9mmon,ann of i®oab.
7 !ilnll '.)l gate flno\Jlll'Dgc of ti.Jc cuiO tfJat <Ii!• 24 anb tlJctr Cl)ilb~cn fpaflc l)alfc in tlJc[pccci)
Itafib bill ro~ €obia, in ttiattJce l)aD mabt l)nn a oranioD,ann couID not[pcalic in t!Jc ]c'nlcs Ian,
cIJambcr in ti.Jc court of tlJc l}ourc or 11301>. guage, but acco.zbtng to t(Jc language of tl.Jt one
8 9nb it gricucllmce fozc: thttcfo~c'Jl call pcoplcanll orttJeotl;Jerpeoplc.
CoitlJ an tl)c betlds o' ttJc l)oure of ~obia out of 2 s ~en '.Ji rcp:oucll tlJcm,anll d curfcll tfJcm, d ~hat 1~. nn
tl)c cl}amber, anb rmotc ccrtatnc men of tl]cm, tt Umabc tfJem ~~~~i':.'.!:::~~.
9 anb commanbeb tl)cm to clenfe tfJc ctiam, bare: anlltoofican otl;J oftl;Jem bp ©oil, Pc niall ~i'~«'c~~·~;~·
bers,anb thitlJcr b~oug(Jt '.JI againc ttJe bcffels or not gtuc pour baugt.1terll bnto tflcir ronncll, nc1, ~~' 101 ••
tl)e l}oufc or <1150D, wttl) tlJetucato!frtng, anb ti.Jc tl.Jcr fball pcc taflc tlJcir 1lau11IJtcrs bnto rour ~;;~!':: k.
incenre. ronnes,oif'o~rourfclues. 1i..,.
10 anll ji prrcctucD ~at tltC po:tionsort(Jc 26 *~iilnot ~olomondJCfillt!JOfJifraclfin ·.R<~ .••7 .
JLeuttcsi l)aD not bcnc giuen t1tcm, anD tIJat rue· bp tl}cfe tlJtngs : anb pct among manp IJcattJcn ' " '
rp one \lliU flcl> to l)ts Ianllc, cucn t(Jc JL,cuttes 'alaSI tlJcrc no fling libc lJim, 'al~iclJ. wasi Deare
anll littgersi tl)au~etuteb tlJc 'll.lo~lic. bnto bis <115oD, anl> ©ob mane (Jtm rung oucr au
11 im::l)cnrcp~oucll'Jl t(Jcrukrs, 1tfapD. mlJr ')Crael: • anDpccncucrtl;Jclr.1!e, out1an1Ji11Jtoo' R
iistl)c {JoUfc of d!Jobfo~faken: Qllb')gatfJercll mmcaUfcbl)ilnU>Cinnc. ;. eg.u., i
2 7 ~flal 'a.le tl]en obey bnto pou,to Do au tlJis
tl}cm togctl)cr,anb CCttl)cm tn tl)cir place.
~~ u ~en b:ougl)t al '.jjuna tl;Jctitticuf rome, gicat cuill. anb to tt;anfixrctrc agatntl our (!!Soll,
~p ahb \lline, anb otlc, bnto t{Jc trcafunis. ann marr llrangc m1ucs:
~ 1 3 ann] mallc trcafurers oucr tl)c ~eafurc, 2 s an1> one of tlJc dJilllJC1l of ]el)Oialla t(Jc
~11 ~clc1nial) tl)c p~tctl, a~ll ·Ja1>oc tfJdcn~c, anb ronnc of <flialib tlJe fligl) ~;ictl, -Was tIJc r~nnc
ortl)c '.11.Cuttcs. 101Jaba1a: anD bn!lcr tl)mlJanD inla'lll or~anballattl;Jcl~o~omte: but] cl]nfcb
~./ \lJas ll;)anan ti.Jc fonnc or '.Jaccur tlJe ro.nnc or l)im from me.
,.v s.l@attlJanta : fDi t{Jcp mm counteD fa1tl}full, i 9 i1P mp d!Jol:J, tlJinflc t:IJou bpon tlJcm tlJat
~ ann tlJrir office mas to ntanbutc chc: portions tm' befUc t{Jcp:tcltl)ooll, (tt:IJecouenant ofd]c plittt·
"•! to tlJcir bJctlJicn. l)oob,artb of tlJC Jl..cuitts. ·
~ r 4 ~inlte bpon mcc, ii> mt' <tl5oll, i,eemn, 3° -m::l)u; deanfc'll ~ d.Jcm rrom all CuCIJ
1f - I as1
~---'---~-~~~~-~~-~~~~~~~~-~-~~----===-'-~~ Ahafuerus royal teafi. Efl:her. .Nlans preen1inence.
ass mere outlanlltflJ, anD appotnttD tl)c 'olltftl5 \ ' 3r gnb to olftt flJe t»oob at ti~ ~eb,
of tl)e 10Ji£lleSS anD JL.,cuittlJ, cuerr one m IJUI antU'IJdrfttittU.:~infltttJoubponme,i!Dmp
office: ~oJ>,fo~tl.J~.
The end ofthe booke ofNehemias,or fecon~ooke of Efdras.

The firtl Chapter. '11!8 15 tlJc,l!Si~!lbett\tliotlJ, 811lllJtl5inb1gnation ·~
tnnDlcD m1J1m. ~
I King Ahafuerus makerh a royal fean. ro Where- r 3 anJ> tl)e kin«fpalieto tl)e \tltfcmm \D"'"'"' ~
unto the <l!!ci:ne Vallhi will not come. 19 For b Ii tD 14' , · fo ~ a.i ...., 111
which cauic lheispuc away, 20 The Kings decree ne e•.,enmess~ ~ o'mal5tl)e Ill~ b ~-r:
to11ching the preeminence ofman oucr his wife, to\llarbl5 aU tf}atfme'metl}e la'tDUnb tlJe tllbge: ::.111
mentss: ...~
~ tl)c J>arel5 of gf.Jatueruss, 14 anJ> tl;Jenen bnto (Jim t»m ~llTfma.~, ~·i::•
( tl)il5 iS5 al)afumtl5 '1'11Jid.J tl;Jar,azntJata, ~aras, ~atejJ,~aTfcna, l1t1b 111
rcigmtl ftom ')nJ>ta bnto ~miud)an , tf}c feum p~tnccs of lMfia ami i
~tl)iopia ouer an 1JUnt11ct1 ~e~a, 'tDIJ~tl} c fa'alc tl)tki11115 fll'e,antl rate tl}c ~~
anti t\llmtie ant1fcuenp10• firfhntl)cktngt>omc) lllllfl~:
uinceis) , 15 1191Jat flJaUt»e Do bntotl)c.ilurmcaiaff.. ~~
I · ~~- L . 2 ln tlJofe tlsrttJ,'»IJcn 1)1 accoitimg to tJ:Je table, beamrc fl}e l:liD not ac' ti
- - tJ:Je iltin« al)afUctUS5 fate COJl>ing to t\lt \DOJbe of tl}e f!Ung gr,arucru~ i:i
, ;::~" 11,1,n 011 IJtss featc •rorau, tol.rtcJ:J '1.'la• in tl)c palace of tlll)idJ lJtcommanben bpJ:Jis cJ:Jambcrfatnes1 :t1
'.~nanb~•ICf• ~uran: 16 anti ~emud,Jan anftotteb bet'O~£ tlJe IJ
,...r.. 3 ~n tf}c tl)irl:lc recrc offJilJ reigne, (Jc mane. fftn!,J anti tl)ep#nccs, ~c Slueer.c ;iatllJi l]atl)
afeaft bnto all l)tl5 l01inccs anti reruants: anb not onelr Done cum a«atna tl)e king, but alfe
the mfg}) tie mm of10erfia anti ~etiia, ttJc ~ap· agatna an tl}e P1intts, (t againft all tl)e people
tainel5 aICo anti rulers of l)is countrers mere be• tl)atare in au tl)e p~ouinccss offling aIJarucru~.
ro:e 1Jim, r 7 1fo~ dJilS tleetlc of tl)e )11lueme a.iall com~
4 ~no l)ce n1c'meb tlJe riclJe~ anti gto1rof1Jil5 abJoao bnto anmomm,ro tl)at tlJer 11Jan Dcfptre
fiingD om, ann tt)c glo~ious toOJllJip of(.J1s great• tJ:Jctr IJUfbanoss bl'f01C tlJcit ereii, anDft)an rap,
nr!Tc manr narcs long, an IJUn?r:eb anb fourc• ~e fling a1:1arumis commant1et1 \iltalfl1i tl1e
rcoJctlapess. Slllucmetobccbiou~tin bcfo,c(Jim, but flJet
5 anti '\Dl)m tbefe t1aress \Dttc cqitrcb, tl)e 'tDoUIDnotcome.
ltittgmaDeareatt bnto all ~e pcoplctl;Jat\llere 18 gno ro flJall tl)e pJincelTe-tn t&niiaanb
in tt)e palace or~uran,botJ:J bnto ~au rmalf, !lll}cbla rap fillcwife tl)isnar tmto au tl}e llin-
rcucn nnrc~ long, in ti.Jc court oftfJe gart1en tr p:tnces '1.'ll)rn tl.Jer 1.Jcm ~f tl)is 1>£et1e of•
t~e illi11g15 palace, queenc: tl)us man tl)m mrc too mucl} ticrpnc.
6 1IDIJm tl)ere IJange'll to(Jite, greene, anb fulnetre anti '1'11BtfJ·
\! or ,blue, II pealo'al clotl)e15,faaenet1 ttJitlJ co1DI'$ offine Cllfre 19 1f it pleafe tl)t fling, let t11cre goc a wm•
or violet nn'tl purple in fi1Uerrtngl5, bpo pillars Of marble mlln'llmtent fro1n l)tm. anti let it bee \llJittm II~
~~~b~;.d tlones: tl)c llbmcl)cs alfo were or gol'lle a~'ll Qlucr co~Ding to tlJe la\DCJI of tl)c 10erfians 111111 •bl•
\\Or, beds, mal:le bpon 8 p8UC\11Cllt orll greenc, tDl)ltc, fl'S' ans, (t not to bee tranfgrrlfe't), tl)at ;uJaftlJI C~
or tablu lO'al,antl blacllt marble, no IUOJe bcfOJC liing .al)afUCl"Ul$,anD let tlJ~Jnng
1:or,Por: 1 !tlnlltl)ept11ant.e in bctrclJI of goltle, anti gtuc bet ropan cflatt tmto anot1Jcrt1.1at1sbct•
phyre;Mar- cl)angeD belld after bdTcll, anl> ropall mine in S• ttt ti.Jen fl)c.
ble,Alaba- bunna11cc,acco1t1in1;1totl)cpo'meroftl)e1ting. 20 an11 \DI.Jen t1Jtl5 commaunn,emmt oftl)c
11 " •& blue 8 an11tl)e111t111ung \llal'$ bp an 01t1er, none king, 'allJidJ UJall be mane, ts publi1JJCD tfJoJo\D'
colour, migl)t rompel: fOJ fO tlJC l!lit~ l.Ja'll appointc'll to out all l)ilS Cfmpfre, tD(JidJ ilS ~' 811 'momen
au tl}c ~lficer15 or)Jil5 l;Joufc, at tl)er tlJoulb Doe ftJal 1Jolb tlJeir tJufbanDJI in l)onour!JotlJ among
acco1ntng to euerp mans plea urc. gnat ann tmau. , ~,
9 '.AnntIJc )11luccne $atll:Ji matlcafeatlatfo 21 ~1Ji.l5fapingp_leafcb•1rtn1ant1t1Jep11n- '
fo~ tl:Jc 'ID01ucn in tl)e palace of at)afuerus. ceis, anb tJJc lfinJ nm 11"o:Dflfl to dJt 'ctloJDC of
m1 0 9.n~ on tl)e rcuentl) bar mtJm ft.Jc l!ling Sll\lemudJan. fn all ,
l) ass mene ~rter tl)c ttJine, l)cc commanbel:I ~~ 2 2 fo: )Jc fmt It~ fo1tf1 to tlJCliin«SJ >~
~':!!!aa~' '.ZllflJa, ll)arbona, :JeiatlJa, g1111gtbon, ~ouinctJI, tnto rmrt' lsnD 11UD1Ding to tl)c 'alJi' ~
~ .WJ • • an11, ClttJarrtJa15, tlJc fnim Qam!Jcr' ting tJ:Jereof, anDtoemit'P'-ot.Jlt afttrtl)ttrtan' ,:~
=r~:r~t lltll ftruicr in tl)e p~CC'encr ofllfn; g. guage. ttJat eucry man fbOQlll bee lo~De in IJijS ~\,
~ 0 '" crmnel}oatt:anbtl1'1S to tee publtilJCDartertIJe ~~
•totclJ~ tl)e mueene 111111ftJ;Ji 111ft1J tlJe lan~ageofl#JSpeoplt. '~

'1rr~~regau1ntotl)c:liingsp¢mce dJlltOU TheiJ".Chapter. "

~"J " un1
\ll~~~:~:~~ 1c. ~ wtnu• 11cr ramndl'c: 2 AftertheQ!!.eenelsp11t:11vay, cemintyong may-
~uttl)c:ilucene~alll)f'moulbnutcomc dcnsarebroughrto,rhcKing. r4 Ellherplcafe1h .~l,.
at tlJC Inngll \llo~ll hr IJill fll}ambmaintlJ: tl)en rhe king, and is mack Q!1cenc,
~hel(ings commiilion. Chap.ij.iij. Efiher made Queenc-.-1-7;-
'" • ~tet dJcfe: acts, \Dllen tl}e 11iCp1ta, oaugl)tet of abil)ail, tl)e: bnctc or Ql)at11ocl}cus
\ 'ifA ~ runofllfn« ~l)afumis 'WSS no\tl <llll)ld)l)ail rccmm1l)e:us1Ji~o\Dnet1augl)tcr)
ippca· • ~ • II atarell, l)e tl)ougl)t bpon uaatJi, that Ole 11.Joulll come in bnto tl)e binlJ, tlie llefirctl
anti \1Jl)at 11.Jce {Jab bone, anil \1.Jl;lat notl)tng but 'What 'rgai tl)e Bin gs clttJamber,
~. \Das ilecmti agatnal)er. lalne tlJe: Jm:per of tl)e uomen faille : anti Cfctl)cr
I~\. 2 ~IJe:n fail> tl}e kings reruants tl)at mini' founn fauour in tl)e: u111Jt of all tl)em tl)atloofie:ll
~~ lh'eil bnto l)tm, JL,e:t tl)cre be faire pong birginS bpon l)er.
lf'· !ougl,1t foi tl}e: Bing. 1 6 ann <fflJer \Das tal!Cn bnto Jting al)afuc'
;, 3 gn'blettl)eliingappointoffim~inantlJe rusiJltO_ lliSIJoUfe: ropall, tntl)e tentll monetlJ
p~ouince:~ ofl)is cfmpire, tlJat tlJep n;,ou111 bitng \llllJtel) ts tl)e monetlJ b ~cbetiJ \/ in tl)e feuentlJ b mh1,, ,.. ·
, togcd}nalltl)eratrepon11bit'§incsbntotf)e: pa' pe:ereoflJtneigne. lj~,~~.~:~:,~o
' JUfr. laceof~Ufan tot{Je\llomens I butliling, bniler 17 ano tl)e ~ing loue:'b Cffll)er aboue: alltlJc ~;::.• .i:'"'"'

~, tiJe i,JanD of 'egai tl)e ltin!JS cl)ambmaine: tl)at 'tllomcn, anti llJec Count1 ~ace ann fauour in IJiS
'i,1h;ngs aept tlJe: 'tllomen, to r,Jiue: tl)cm II tl)cir apparcll. ri~t, mo~e: tf:Jen aHtl)e: birf,Jins,ro tl)atl)e re:t t{Jc
\ilica- 4 gnn tl)at tlJe mapDcn 'WIJiclJ pleafeil t{Je: cro\lJneortlJ~litngnomebpon 1Jer(Jean, ~maile
~\:r.1 i. lling, 0Jou111 be: Slnueene: in lllltllJiJS aeaD. gnn l)er ~ue:enc m aeail of caalll)i.
~~· tt.Jis pleafeil ti.Jc Btng,anil l)e: DiD ro. . i 8 ~nil tl)e l!ling ma'be: a great fcaft bnto an
~~: s ]n t{Je: palace of $5)ufan tl)ere: mas 11 cer' l)is Pttnces anti reruants, \tllJiclJ feall 'tllas be,
'I taine j]e:'tll, 'tlll)ofe name: 'tllas;Je caure of <ffllJer,anll caure'b tl)e piouinces to be tn
> fOnne: of']lait, tfJe: fonne: Of$5)cmei, tl)e:fonne Of c QUictne:s,anD gaue: ,ltiftlS as became tl)etopal' ' ~rntrarcu
~-~.. (is,a man of']) emint, tie: of a ll\ing. •bm "'~""·
<~r+ 6 *1191Jicl)\DascaricD attMp ftomll)ierura' 19 anll\lll)e:ntl)e birg!n1ntJe:rc gatl)rreil to'
"' lmt 't:DitlJ tile captiuitie:, WI.Jen ']!ecotda tl)e rung i.tet{Jer tl)e fcconD time, Qlllarlloct.Jcus rate in tlJc
;~~ of]ttila \Dlis leil awap, 'WIJom~abucl)ollonofo~ l!lings gate.
tl)e: kin!J ofl5abplon carteii tl)ence:: 2 o anti as pet [)all not ~tl{Jcr 11Je\tlcil l)er bin,
:t:, 7 9nbl)cnourtllJe'bll)abaft'a(tlJ~tiscffli,Jer) rcbanil l)e:rpeople, acco~Ding as ~arlloc1Jeus
~ ~' lJi~ tlntlcSS bani!Jte:r: fo~ fl)ec (Jab nett{Jer fatlJtt IJab bt:onen l)cr: fo~ <Iellljcr ?Jib after tl)c \tlo~n of
~ ·.: noi motl)e:r, ann l'he:e: "Was a faire anti beautifull ~at'boclJeus, like as if ll)ec )Jail be:ne: pct bntler
t~ maplle:n, \D{Jom Ql)arDoclJrui:s l'tlllJen l)er fatl}er l)is goue:mance.
~., anti motl)e:r tom beab) recetue:D ro11Jt11 o'tllnt 21 attl)eramettme (\Di,Jile: ~arilodJtusfatc
~ , baugl)tet. in tl)e l!\tngi:s gate) t\Do of tlJe liings clJamber,
.. :::. s ~omi,Jen tl)e:kini.ts comman'bementanil latnes. ~ii.ttl)an anil ~fleres, mlJicl) hept tl)c
-· ··· commtaton \Das publillJe:D, an'b manp maruns noo~e:,mere: 'D.l~otl),anD rougIJt to lap tl)e:ir lJanDi;
·- ·, \Den wou~t tor,Jetl)cr intotf)e palace: of ~ufan on tl)c lling a1Jafuerus:
,::i, bnilet tl)e: tiann of l\}cr,Jai,Cflfl;Je:r 'mas b10Ur,Jllt al< 22 m(Jerof alfo ~arboc(Jeuis gate llno'tllle'bge.
· •·· fo bnto t(Je flings 1.Joufe bnl>er tl)e l)anil of ~cgai anil to lb it tmto illlucene lfal)e:r, anb Cfal)er ccr,
.::: :: tlJe Iteeper of tlJe 'ID01ne:n. tlfleD tl)e: kinr,J tl)ereofin Sl@arnocl)eui:s name.
,-;-. 9 gn'bt(Je:maiomplcafcDl,Jim,an11f!Jefounb 23 9.n'b'ml)e:ninqmfition \»as mane, itl\'lais
:.: t:C fauour in l;Jis Cil'Jht: anD l)ce caufcil II omammts rounDe: fo, ann ttJcp 'Were botlJ banr,Je:il on ttec:
::../~~ to bee: gtue:n l)e:r fpce:Dilp, anil fuel) t!)mgs as be, anb it wais "W~itten in tl)e: ~tnoniclcis bcfoictlJc
,,. :1;. lonr,JeD to l)er, anll appointctl l)er re:ue:n comclF fling.
· r1i1g, mapDms out of tl}e: kingslJonfe, II ann fauoure:o The iij. Chapeer.
; '._lilnd botl)l)eran'bl)er i.te:nde'tllomenfingularfpint!Jt I H:am:anarter he wasrxalrcd, obtcineth of the kin I!,
~ ·.-rna1. {Jonfe of tl)e 'tllomen.
, _;~rcht 1 o ~Ut ftl}er OJe'tllC'b not{Je:rpeoplcanD l)er

that all the Iewes lhould bee put co death , bcc:iufc
·_ ,. :ib, ~~~~~:~:~~i~cu)l l)ailcl)arge:bl)e:r, tl}at ~:;t'ad~cus had not c!one him worlhip as o-
'. ~~11. 1 J '.lnb Ql)ar'bocl)CU!l \Dalkcb CU£tl' ilap be:, tfJefe: acte~ bib lling gl]aftrc,
.:1' roie tl)e: court of tl)e: 'D.lomeni:s l)oufe:, tl)at l)e:e: rus p1omotc l~aman tlJe ronne o!
·"'' mi!JlJt fino\tJ lJo'We: ftl)e:r bib, anil "Wl)at OJoulD amanatl]a tl)e: agagite:, \l ret IJtm
::;.1· become oflJer. on l)iglJ, anti fct (Jisfcatc aboue au
er. 12 gn11 'tlll)cn tl)C appointe:?lttme: ofe:Ue:tl' tl)e:p~incc1Stl)at(Je1Jat1'Wit1J1Jim.
~}( map'bcncame,tl)atllJe:flJoulllgoe:intotl)e:llting 2 an11 all tl)e: kings fctuants tlJat 'Were in
, ,f al)aCUeru)l, after ttJat nm~ l)ab bene: t\D£1ue: mo, tl)e flings gate, bo\Dcb tbcir knees, ann rcucrcn,
ntttJIS actoining to tl)e: mane:r of tl)e:'t:Dome:n (fo1 ce:tl l\}aman, fOJ tl)c lttng l)all fo commanilcb con,
.I~ fo \Xle:re tl)e D!ll!CS oC ttJetr purification accom' cerning 91m: but SJ!f)aroocl;Jeus • bo'tllell not tlJe ~~~:~'.~.~r
.1:.,.,i plillJeb, Cite monethi:s \Ditl) ople: of mp~rl)e:, an'b knee:,ncitl)erbtb (Jim reue:reme:. . "uro to"""
;~ll" flrcmonctlJs 'l»itl.J f'tllee:t o'bours, anb in tl)e:pu, 3 . QJm tl)c It~ngs rmcanti:s 'mlJiclJ mere in ~;"~;~Ji'!~~~
rifping Of tl)e momen: tlJe kttl!,tS gate. fatDe bnto 1l@arbo,l)euis, tml.Jr ~" """ r11r
;~¢. 13 anD tlJUIS -mmt tl)e map'be:nJS bntO tl}e tranf~e:[c1lt1Joutl)e:litngscomma1roeme:nt:' ~~~,i,~,~~~~~'~·'
f!(~' ktnr,J~ \JJ{Jatroeuern1ere:qutrcil, tl)atmutlbeef,Ji, .4 ann tl}our,JIJ tbel! rpal!e tlJiss Darlr bnto ~~1~R~~,~~~
' ~""' um te:r, to goc 'Witl) l)er out or tl)e •\»omens IJim, pet \lloulo l)c not he:a~e: t(Jem, tfJcrfc1e thcr ;~~,\~.~·',"""
lill~~':' llbutllltngbntotlJe:l!iingspalace:. to1D~ama1i, tIJat tbcr mt~t fee IJO'cDQ3arbc, [;g,,o,~1~'n,,
i~~~"'· 14 j]ntbe rue:ntng lbc \Dent, anD on t1Jemo1' c!Jeusmmers \lloulO aanil,fo~ ~e l)ab tolil ti) em ;~;·:~',~~;,~~: I
itd~·~•· to'QlellJe:e: rtturne:D lntot{Je: recotUllJoufeoftl}e: tl)atl;Je\Dasa'.]lc\D. """N•r- ,
1.••1 ~~L abidingbnber""'e: "'.ant1of~aafga1t1Je: s 9nil'tllbe:nl!}amanfa'cD .....atlllDar"ocbcu"' ~~,;::'c°~~y"
7 IL. '
,,..,., ~'1 '' """ b ,. t Ho fm b t h • HJ ......, U . ,.. mJ•lflc•1co 1 I,
)U!f1'"'11l•, 1111np Cl)atnbe:rlaine:, mi,JtclJ kept "'!e concu, o\1Jeuno H,e ee: no. tm,noi ili!lrcucrcmc "1""'""ll•b. 0
• •

l bine:is: ann l'he:e: came: in bnto tl)e llling no moie. bnto l)im,l)e mais fu~I of in~i!Plation, ~·~,~~:,~·.;'.~"
tfte:pt it ple:afeil tt,Je llling to IJaue l}e:r. an'b t(Jat 6 gntl tl,JoulllJttt too lltle: to lap 1.Jant1s 0 nc, ""ot· 0 •b'-'·
llJe: 'Were call£11 bp name. Ip 01_1 ~arnocl]e:ns, fo~ ttJep IJab lbe'D.lcD l:Jim tIJc
(~ 1 5 ~om \Dl)en ttJe courft came: or ceatJer, tl)e: nation or SltJarbocIJrus : l\'ll)crefnie 11ee rougtn
!!~1 ~I-~-__;__;..__ _ _ _---'-.......:......---------.:....:..:..:..:~:._-.....::...:t_u, - - -
Ham ans malice. Efl:her. Eithers tai t
to lletlrop all tlJc 'Jleblcs tl;Jat blm tlJo~blout laines came,~ tolll tt IJer: tl}m'mas tlJe ~uecne
tlJe 'alfJole cempire of atJafucru~, anll tl)at \llm meel'linglp aftonteb, anb ll)ee Jmtrarmcnt tl}at
of ti.Jc nation ofg!Jart1oc1Jeu~. . il@artiotl)eus llJoulll put on, anti lar tl)e Jaclle,
1 'Jln t1Jc rirll monctlJ Ctl}at. •15 tlJc monetlJ 'lot{J from lJim : but Slll)artiod}eUl!I 'moUUI not
~tfan) in tIJe tmelftlJ pccrc of 1111111 ill)aruerus2 talletl.Jem. 1
~.~.·.~~~::'b tl)cp mil ~l}ur, ts.ab lot, befoJe l!laman fro s ~~en mlkb lf{llJer ll;}atl)ad), one of tbe ;j
110 "" 11iou1~ lla" to Zia" anll from mouetl} to monctfJ, to tl)e 11\in{W c(Jambmaims, tol)ic(J floolle befoie l;Jtr, f
1rrg:oon[og,oi t. r' • C" 1
abcnt tin• t'alclrttJ monetlJ ••Ifft.,at 115, t4t1'11l)
'Jc moue...., ar.>:I. ann gaue t.Jim a tommanl:lemcnt bnto Slll)arllo'
~~:~~;\~~~.11 s anD ~aman JaiDe bntohingal)af'Uml15, c(Jeus,to fmo\tl \tllJat it 'nlal!I 'alt.Jcrero~c IJe Dill ro. ~
e~~~~~':i~ ~l}crc i~ a people f~attmll atnoall~anll llifp~ll 6 ~o ll)attJactJ \llenteoo~tlJ to SJl!)arDodJeus '
'Cf '1""'~ among all people m all d;Je piomnces of tlJtnt bnto tl)e arcet orttJe t:ttie, \l11Jic1J \tlass llero~ tl;Jc ~:
:~~~::~:.~.n ~irc,ann tlJe'ir la\lles are ntucrs from al pco• lllingjl gate: ~
pie, anti noe not after ti.Jc kings lamcs.tfJerefo~e 7 9nb Slll)arllod)eUl5 toll'l IJim Of aU tIJat lJab ;!
1t ii not ~e 11111115 p~ofit to fuffcr tl:Jem. come bnto lJim,an_l'I ofl:tlJe r~mme of filuer tlJat iHc~l'
9 'Jlfttpieafetl;ehing,letitbe ttJ:ittm, t'(lat ~amanlJal'lp~onnfcl'ltO \l)Ctgl.J l!O\llne into tlJe c!1111~~
11or,pay, tlJCP map bee neatopell : ann Co \tliU~ II me1g1J ll\tngl5 treafutie, bcmufe of tl)c ~e\llel!I, if lJtt (;
nowne tmne tIJouranne talents of fllucr, bp ti.Jc \lloulll betlt'op tlJem. ,3
(Jannri of tl)cin tl:Jat l)aue tl)c 'l;Jarge of tlJilS bu• 8 ant> lJet gaue lJimtlJtcopteoftlJdlitll,I ~:
unetre, to b#ng it into tl)e flings treafurie. commant>ementt1Jatma15bcuirel> at ~ufan to :~
1 o ann tl)e ll\ing tooJte l)tis ring from IJiis l>eftrop tf}em,tl)at IJe might OJe\D it bnto ~er, ;;
banoe, ann gaueittmto$amant1Je ronneora• ann to fpealleto l)er, anll to tt.Jarge i.Jer tlJat llJce ':;
mabatlJa tlJe agagite tl)c ]emris cncmie. n1ou111 go t.n bnto t!Je fitni. ann mabe lJttpJaper ,-:
r 1 ann tl)c tdng faille bnto ~aman. ' t(Je ann fuppbmtton bnto IJtm fo~ IJe:r people. f.:
filtrct be tl;Jtnc, \t lJOC \llitlJ tlJat people as ft pica, 9 .annml;Jenll)atIJacl)cametn, l;Jeetolbc If, ..,
fctlJ tfJee. ffl;Jer tl)e \ll~lls of ~ar11oclleu15. ~·
:;or,frcre. 12 ~l)en mere tl:Je kfnll!l 11 ~cr1bes callcl>, on 10 ann agatne lfftl;Jer fpalie bnto 1'atiJad], ,..
catics. tl)c tlJirteentl;J nap of tl)e fi:rO: monetl), ann tl:Jete
\Da15 m~itten acc:oining as 19aman commanncll,
ann commannen tJtm to fay bnto Slll)arllod}cu~
x1 au tl.Je lllings rm1antl5, ann tl)e people in
\mto al tl)e l1in115 ©fficcris,ann to tlJe Gtaptaine15 tl:Jc p'outnccs oftlJe Jttng Jmo'al,tllat mt.Jofoeuer :;:
tllat\llcre oucr euttr p~ouince..anll to tfJe rulers ciimetlJ mttlJin tl;Je c:ourtbnto tfJcking, \tJIJetl}tr
of cucrp people in tl)e countreps on euerp rille,
acco~ning to tfJc \tl1ittng tl;Jmof, ant> toettttF
tt be man o~ \lloman,\lllJiclJ i1511otcalleD, lltlJe I0r,11t.:
m~nncment 115, tfJat the fame IJJalbie, eycrpt d}c ~-·law,;;;
nation after tfJeir language,in ti.Jc name Oflling l.'lm~ IJolDcout tlJe ~olllmftepterbntolJtm.roi '" .~
abafucruis \111115 it tll~tttm, ann fealcll 1llitl.J tl}c tlJen IJte n1aDiiue: but 91 IJaue not bene calftb to ::;
lli11g15 ring. come in bnto ti.Jc fiin~ nom tl;Jrfe tlJirtic bapcs. •~
13 ann tl.Je fctttrs mere ftntbp poftsinto an 12 ann m1Jen ~arnoa.JeujS t11as ctrtifieD or
tl)ebin11ispiouinces,torooteout, tofilU, ant> to llffil:Jers \tJoJlll!I. -='
ocllrop all ]emeis botl;J pong ann oUle, cl)illl~en 13 Slll)arnocl)eus bane fap againebnto <flflJtr, ~·

ilcadc vcrfc
ano \llomm, in one nap, upon tlJe tlJtrtemtlJ nap
or tile t\llclftlJ monetl;J ( mfJic:l.J is tl)e monetlJ ~l
Mr) anntofpoiletl;Jcmasapiap.
14 *~JiS \DaS tl;Je tenour of ti.JC 1ll1iting,tfJat
·~inkc not \llitl;J tlJpfetre tl)at ti.Jou ffJaltercapc
in tlJe liln~ IJonfe mo~ tlJen all ttJe '.]c~cs..
14 fOHftlJoul)ollletl tlJl' peace at tl;Jt15 tune,
ti.Jen fbaU ti.Jc ]emes l)aue 11 IJCfpC \1 lleliucrancr ~ .. :
· ''=:
7· ti.Jere flloulll bee a commanbemmtgiuentnau out ofan• otlJcr place, anb tf:Jou anll dJt' fat~ers •
p~ouinccs , ant> publitlJell bnto au people. tlJat l)oufe flJalbe nearoprll: anll mlJo 11nometlJ '1l(J2' ~ .......,
tiler OJoulll bereallp agatnft tlJe famellap. . ttcr tl:Jou ait come to tf;Je Jsing!Jomc II fo~ tl}is =:::::

l:~'.... ~..,.
15 anntl)epoftestuent inaUIJafteacro:nmg
to tl)c iaings commaunbement, ant> in tl.)e pa•
lace of ~uran mas tlJe commanllementlleutreb:
ann ti.Jc liing ann ll)aman rate anl'I t>:anJtc,ml.Jen
1.~~=~i;;~· in tl;Jc meanettme tl:Je< citieof~uranmasllif,
15 Cfltl}cr babe tl}em giue ~arnocf:Jeus t1Jil5 !'it;
16 <Zoe anl'I gatl;Jer an ttc ~c\lles tl,Jat arc • ~ &
founut ~ufan, anll fall pee f~ me.tlJat re catt 11 · h
not ann bJinfie not in tlJ,ec bapes, nn~er ~ap .. •
•• ::·
The iiij.Chaptcr. noJ ntgl)t,'.]l anbmp mapl'lms 'alillfa4~1ru~'1l~rc: :,f
s Mardocheus giueth the Q!!.eene l:nowledge of the
cruel decree of the King :igain{hhclcwes. I 6 She
anll fo \lltll 'Jl goe in bnto tl}e Bing,\tllJU:lJ
iS pet contrarp to tl;Je commanncment, anll
~ d':Z~
...,:.~ .
·11 hth h
WI et
I h
att eypray or er.
penllJ,']JpenllJ. .
17 ~0Q!)arllo,1Jeu15tllentf:Jt.f1Dap,anll_lllD
. ~--: =r-.:
.~~~~19m ~arnod)eus pmeiutb au acco~lling to allt1Jatlff!IJcrfJCComanbeb~1m. .,,...J
!tl}at'roas bone,IJe rent IJiS dotlJs, The v.chapter. . ~ .
' ann put on ramclotlJ 'mitlJ af!Jes.
~l~~~RllllUlelltOUtintod)e nltbb£15 gf I
d b dd h
E.flher cntmhinvntotheKing,:an I Ct him
tl}ecittc, anll criell loUbUUllla' and Haman toafcalt. 11 Hamanprcp:amh :agal-
lous for Mardocheus.
- ~ !11111 came
bero~e p.
mtttt tlJtll-~att,butl)ee ..a ""' on""'"""'""""
J'"- w,.. ...,.~u.. ba",< 11114
'"'"°IJ...._ ~ put ~;,
!!!_•'11)t not mter 'mitiJtn tl}CliinJSS Jatt. bemufe on herropall apparcu, an1:1 aoon in ,\~
.,,.. l}ata fatli~lot:IJ on. tJJc tourt of t1Jeflin'1S palace \tJttiJ< h
3 ant11na11p~ouinus, ,ountrer•,anbpla• · in, oucragatntltJJel!ltngsl}ouft: 1:}
ce15,as fane q tlJt J!Unp bl~ll lltlll commanlle> anD ti.Jc Btng Cate llp~n IJis rotall '
mentcaim, tb~e'OJ1111gnatlamitatton11110ng reatt tndltkinJSSPalacc: ouera11ama tlJe gate \.
tlJe'.]lc\llcS.•faWnn, \tlceptng,anll moumtn1.ann of tlJc IJouft. ';~
manp lap in fatlttlotl)cs anti tn aflJcs. 2 ~nD \DIJt:n tl)e Iring ram Cflll}cr ti.Jc ~ uccnc ~\
_ _1_4_~_o_Cf_a_1J_tr_s_m_ap!.::t1:::m:::•~•.:an~D~IJ~cr~d;J=an~lbe=r·:.L.-.:a~anll~in~1l!tn~t1J!:e:.:co::ur::.:..:t,...:.0Jee:::.:.:_.:.:founll:==::e..!gr::.:a=c::.:e1;:·11~1J:;ti:;~-: ~:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·------~Ci~I~t:i~:;+
Snans gallous. Chap.vj.vij. Mardocheushon~red. 180

rtW)t: anD dJc frit1i l)dDc out ttJc goU1cn rcepttr llnto IJim. 'CD) ere ts notf)in!,J at all Done ro~ I.Jim.
tfJ8t~ in f1is l)anD: ~o CflHJerttept~tlJ, auD 4 anD tf)C king faib, U91}0 IS tn tfJC COutt:'fo~
touaJcll ti.Jc top oUl)c r~ttr. $amanmas come into tl)e 'ourt 'Witl,Jout beto~e
~\ ; ~en ralDetlJc llling tinto l)er, Dl)at\llilt ~tliingslJoUfc, tlJat}Jterni«lJC Cpeake bnto ti.Jc
:1 tlJou,~menc Cfllbn:' attD \lJl)atrcquiretl ttJou:' Jung to gang ~art1ocl)eu11 on tlJc tm t(Jat l)re
~~ a1kc cum tlJc l:Jalft of tlJc ~mpire, anll it a1allbc l}at1p1cpare1:1 toil)im.)
· 5 ant1 tlJe mnp rnuants ratn tinto 1Jim.l5t,
~ ~.fn:fflJeranf\tJcrcll,ifttplcafetlJcfiing, IJo.lD: l!)am~n aannctf) in tIJc 'ourt..QnD tl}c king
'i let ti,dling anti ll)aman come tl)is Dar tJnto tl}c fatll,)l.,tt 1J1m come in.
, 11am1uet ttJat 'JI (Jauc pJcpareD toi f1im. 15 anti 'OJIJen l\)amancamein, tf)e fiing faille
~~, s gnD ti)c bing raill, 4tauf.£ l)aman to make llnto I.Jim , ~l}at flJall bee Done bnto t(Jc man
,.; bde.tiJat l)e map llo as llMIJtrlJatiJ faill.~o ti)c 'O.lf)om t(Jc ktng'1loulb fa inc Mng 1llltO'WO~fbip1
'.~, ll'nt: anD f!}aman came to ttJe banquet ti)at It, (li)a~an tl)ougl:Jt in IJiS l}cart, 1101Jom nertretl}
·~ lfiJ":IJall pJeparrD. tl)c rung to b~mg bnto 'OJo~llJip mo~r ti} en me:')
6 ilnD tl)c l!lln!,J faiD tinto rfftl)cr at ti.Jc ban• 7 anD ll)aman anf\l:lercD tl)c lling, tl}e
~,·,· auetof \lline.. m{Jatis tlJrpcti~on,tlJatitma? man ~IJom tf)c flin~ pleafcttJ to biing tinto
~ 1JUgimnt1Jec:' ~'WIJatrCt'lmretltlJou:' 1!fit 'O.lo1f1J1p be b~ougllt l)1tl)er,
·:, be tum tl)e l)alfe oftl)e emptrc. it OJa~c Done. s ~atl)ee mav bccararcD\UittJtlJcrorall
< 1 ~IJcn anflm'eD ftlJer, anD raioc,~p pc• garments tDIJicl) tl}e hing bfctl} to 'Weare, anD
;< titionannt1eftfci11, ti)e lJoire tlJat tl}chingriilctlJ 11pon,ant1 tl}at tIJc
~ 8 ]f'J\ l)auerount1cgraccint1Jcft~toft1Jc cromne rorau mar be rct bpon 1Jis l}caD:
fling,anll ifit pleafc tlJc king to gtue mce mp pc' 9 anti let tlJi!'S raiment anD hoJfc bee ncliue•
ritton,anll to fUlftl mp rcqueft, tl)m lettl)e l!tng rctl llnDcr tl}c l)anDc of one of t1Jc hinp moft
anD ll)aman come to tl)c banquet tl)at 'Jl flJall noble p~inces,tIJat tlJer mar arar tl)c man 'WitlJ·
·i pJCJ!arc foi tl)em.1111ll ro wtu] Do to mo~ro\l:I a)'S all, 'a>l)om ti.Jc ftitt!,J iS Difpofcb to b~ing to (JO'
tlJc l&ing {Jatl) faill. . nour , atll> caurc l}im to riDc tipon tt)c IJo*
9 ~en 'Went l\)aman fo.itfJ tf)c rame llllP top, tl}~ougl.J tl)e tlmte of tl}e citie,ann p~oclaimc be,
fUll anb mcrie in lli'-1 minbc: but 'O.llJrn ll)aman foie 1,J1m,~U!'S flJal tt be Done to tl}e man 'WI} om
fa'me Sll9ai:oocl}cu~ in tlJc ll\ingi.1 gate, tl)at (Jee tl}e liing pleafct ~ to b#ng to l)onour.
tloob not tlp 'noi moucD ro~ IJim,l)ce \llais run of 1 o anti tl)e rung faiD to J!}aman.~ahe {Jane,
inDilJllation at ~arDocl)cuis. anti take as tIJou l)aa faille, tlJe raiment anb u;c
1 o JacuctttJclclTc,li)aman rd'taincD f)imfdfe, lJOJfe, ~Doe cucn fo llnto ~arDocl)eus tl)e 4)\c',
anll 'ml}m l}r.e came l}omc,l)ee !ent anD caUcD fOJ fittetlJ befo1e tl)e fiin!,JS !,late : anll lct no,
l)ii.1 mcnDi.1, ann ~ans lJiis \l:lifc. tl)ing faill'Of all tlJat tlJOU l)a(l fpoflcn.
11 9nD ll)aman toUlc tlJcm of ti}e glo~p oflJi'-1 1 r ~rn tooltc l\)aman tl)e i:atment, anti tIJc
rid:] t(Je multitut1eoflJi!1rl)ilD1en,anb al tl)e IJoJfc, tt aratctJ ~arllocf)eus, tt bJouglJtl}im 011
!t. ti)inp 'OJ{Jerein tlJC fdn!,J {Jab' p~o~oteb l)im fo IJ01febackc ttmugIJ tlJe ltrectc of tlJc citr. tt PIO'
i;;.. tJrcatlp, anD lJo\ll ti} at l)ee l)all f£t I.Jim abouc tf,Je tlaimell befoic l)itn, ~u)1 f!Jall it bee Done tin to
$. 1Mncei,1,anD fcruantis oftlJe flitKt· t1Je man 'OJfJom tf)e liing ts Dtfpofetl to l}onour.
r' 12 ll)aman faille mo~eouer, l]?ea, Cll!lllJcr tlJe 11 .ann ~arllocl)cuis came againc to tl)e
;,: illluemCDilllctnomancome in \l:litlJ tJJe Il\ing l"lin~gatc :butl\)amangatcf)iml,Jome in al tl)c
~ tinto tIJebanquct tIJat UJee l)all p1eparen,crccpt l}alle mourning, anll l}iis 1Jeat1 coucren:
mu: atlll to moJtO\\lC am l biDDm bnto !)er alfo q anti tolll '5arc~f)ii.1\l:life,tl all l)ts frirntl~,
lllitlJ tlJt Bing. euerptlJing t1Jat l)aD befallen l}im. ~(Jcnfaillc
q l5ut tn au tl.Ji!S am'] notfntifficll, as long I)tis 'OJi!c mcn,antl '.5arei.1 l)is 'Wife llnto (Jim, 'Ji fit
.' as') rec ~arDOCl)eus tl}e ']c\\lc rtttin!,J at tl)e be ~arlloclJeu~ of tiJe fecll of t(Jc 'jlc\tlef$, bcfoic
1~ kingi.1 gate. 'OJJ)om tIJou IJall l.legunne to fall, tl]ou 01altnot
I'- 14 ~enrain~arcisl)is'O.lifc,UllJismmDs P1£UailC again(l l}ilU, bUt flJaft fUl'Cff a fiiil be' , i:bUs eon
r.. tmto l}im, )Let tl}cm malse a gallouis offlftie cu' f01C l}im. fomirunr PU!•
t., bitu l)igf),atlll to mo~ro'm fpeake t(Jou llnto tlJc · r4 fitnD \U}Jile t11cr 'OJcrc rct taffitng \1.1it1J ~~~.~',':':~,
:or kin!,J tl)at £@artJoU]cuis mar be l)angell tl)crean: IJim,camc tl}c ltinp ctJamberlatncf$, anti caufED ~~fJ,~~~~l,1;,
:·· t11m goe tl}ou ill mmlr \lJitlJ tl)e lml!,J tlnto tl)e 'aman to make l}allc to come tlnto ti)cbanauet ~~~~,~~~~~·
~ • banquet. !Ann ll)aman ma)'S mcll content \l:litlJ• tl}at cflll.Jcrl)allp~arc!I.
aD,anl:l caurcn t\1£ !,Jalious to be mallc. Thevij Chapter.
Thevj.Chaptcr. 3 ThcQ!!ecnepraycthforhcrfelfe,~nd herpcopk
1 The King turncrh ouer the Chronicles, and lindcth 6 She acrufechHaman, and hee ishangedonrhc
1he fidelicicof Mlrdochcus, IO and commandeth gallous which he had prepared for M:i.rdocheus,
Himan to caufc Mar doc hcus to be had in honour Jan tfJe rung ann ~aman came to
~~~ ~c fame niglJt coulne nottf)cfring
Qecpe, anD l)e commanlleb to b~tng
ti)e JI 4ttnonlcfcs anD ltoJ~JS: anD
tlJct? \lltrc real! bcfoie tlJe king.
2 ~tJen it mais rounn timttm,
I.Jo~ :tiltlaroocf)cus 1Jat1 tolDe tl)at :i5i\ltIJana a~D
Cllms tf)e kingi.1 tuio ctl}ambcrlame)'S ~l)icf)
II banquet 'OJitlJ illluecnc l.flHJcr. 1
2 gnb tlJe l!ingtain a!,Jaine tin'
to ll?ll)Jcr on tlJe fcconll bap at ti)£
banquetor'mme,tml)at t11 tiJP peti,
tion..muecne Cll!lll.Jcr, tl)at it mar bt giuen tt;icc-'
ann 'mlJa~ ren.utrcll tl)ou :' tf it be cncn to tJalfe 0(
t)Jc cfmpm, 1t flJalbe Done.
11e. hr:pttlJe II Dooms, rou111Jtto lar l)a11Dl! on rung g, .3 anti ctftlJcr tlJc ~uerne anf'rocrcD, nnn
l)afuerus. , , ra1t1.Jl,r'.Jl l}aue fout~ll grace m tfJF riglJt, © king,
3 anti tl)e flin!,J raill,DlJat }Jonour anb tnrim, ann tfit plcafc ttJc filn!,J, tfJm grantnn: mp 1trc at
tie l)atl) bene giuen to ~arDotl}cuis t1Jt:re~1e:' mr Deftrc,ann mp people fo1 mt' pctittonl"$ Cafic.
~f)mratne tt)c hinp rcr11ant!1 tbat nnmftrctl 4 !Jf~ wee arc fo~c. ']\ anb mr proplc, co l.lre
Haman hanged. Efl:her. Mardocheus exalrc
btllfOl'l'lJ, to be oainc, anD to pmllJ : anb UJoulb s D1ite:pcalfofo1tl)eln»cn•ttlllletl:Jl'OU ;
©oll ti,atmcctDcrc foloc to bee bonllmcn, anb tn tlJe llin!Ul name, atUJ fcalt it uitlJ ftJc tnngss 1
bonll\Domcn,tl:Jcn UJOUID 1 l)olD ml' ton~tc : al' ting: fo1 ti,c \D1iti~ tl)at tDm 'ro1tttm in tl)t 'I
t1Joug1J tIJc cntmtc c:ouloc not ncompcncc ttJc bin~• namt, am fcaleb mitlJ tl)e llin!Ul ring, 1·i
;b~,~~~~ ; 6 · fiin~ •lotrc.
. llurtlnomanbtfanulL 1i
ID'ilc~ tbc 5 ~(JC fling '.A(JafUl'nlJS ant\'omll, anll f81'!1C 9 ~en mne tl)c htng!'I ~crtbc!'l tallrll at ,
~,:~;~~U:,~~. 1mto .©uccne Cll!IHJtr, ~IJo. is 1'~l' :' anD tD(Jcre tlJc fame time, cucn tn t(Je tl)troe monttfJ ( tlJBt ~
t~ ijc tIJat eare p,crume m1.11!'1 mmlleto boc after ii!! in t)Jc monet1p ~tuan) on tl:Je tl,Uet ~ ttot11> , &:!
tIJatmaner:' . ttet(J llap tbcreof, anll it \\Jais m1itttn auo:Diug ~
6 .ano ftl)cr Cait1c, qe: cncmte: lf alluerrarp to au as ~arllOd)cu~ commaunllcb tmto tlj If~
t!1 tf]ii1 tDicftcD _,aman. ~~ l)aman ma!'! cy, ']'s, anll to t1't p1incc-. to t:l)e llcputi£~ l1t1ll ~'
reellinglp afratD tcfo~e tl:Jc rung anll tt:Je: quecnc. captamc~ in tlJe wouanccs tD1'idJ are from~ ~
7 :lnD tlJc king arorc from tl)c banquet, anti Dia bnto cttl)iopia,namdp, an 1Jt1nll~ll.t'almU1 I-'
rromt(Jemincin l)i!'ltliQ:lle:anm, anti went into anll ftucn p:ouince:JS, bnto eucrp tiioutnet •C&iOit! ·
t~e: palace gartlcn: anll ,aman aooll bp, anll be, Din~ to tl:Je ~1tttni1 tt:Jcrcof,11t1b tmto euerr ~ 1;
rougl)t ~urcnc Ge!HJtr ro, l:Jis lift: foi i,cc came: pie after tlJm fpctcb, arai to tlJf 'JctDcs -... ·~
rIJact(Jcre \DaJS a mifcfJicfc p,eparctl foi i,tm or llinB bnto tl)eir m~ttmg an11 langw11C. · ~
tl)c fttng alreallr. IO anlJ (JCe Ul10tl' in tl:JC lffng a~
s .Qnll totien t(Jc fiinm came againc outof tile name,anll fcalrll tt 'l»ttl) t(Jc lring!S ring, anll bp ~
palace garoen into tlJc place \DIJm tlJey tl)anrtt poftc!'I t(Jat rone bpon IJM"e!S, anll fwift rung ~
wine, ~aman (Jat1 lait11Jim bpon the bcllllc tiJat ~uleJS. fcntl}c tl}c \Dtiting... ~
~CHJerrate bpon. ~en faille tl}e king, DIU IJre u II0(Jcrcin tlJC kinggranttllt{Je')t'altt.81 ,
'foicc tlJc '1Ilueene alfo b£fo~e mre in tlJe (Joufe:' \Dl)at citiess foeuer tl:Jer mere, to l'BtlJcrtfJeD '
auoonc as tlJat wo:lle 'Wmt out of tl]e mn~ fcltu!'I togct(Jer, Snll to b llanll roi tl}cir life, 811b
b t:bl•ma• moutf],tlJcpb couerr.ll ~amansfacr. fo_uo root out, to tlap,an~ to lltltrop all tl)epo'as ·
~~:13·~~;.~.~!. 9 :ttnlJ l\)arbona, one of tlJecbambtrlainess er or tl)e people anll pioumcc tfJat\Doulll trOUbli :I.:
:i';'~r ~!:: m" rtiat ftoo!J befo~e tlJc fling, faioe, '5e(Jo1oe, tlJm t(J~n, botlJ cl)tlll1m anll\Domm, anlltoCpople · ··
'""G• 1•u ur. aanlletiJ ret a gallous in ~am11ns l]oure, fiftic
tl)cirgoolJJS: :11 :~
cubits IJiglJ, ml)iclJ (Jee l)all maoc fa, Q!Jarllot(Jc' 1 2 il:lpon one liar in an ti.It pzouincet · :i
. u~,rtJatrpalicgoollfo:tIJc king. qcnttJc king bin« abafucrus, namclp, bpon tl)i tl)t=
faill, ~ang l)tm t(Jereon. llap or tiJc t\DelftlJ monttIJ, mlJittJ iJS tl)e m _ a
1 o ~o tbcp IJangco ~aman on t(Je gaUoU$$ aoar. ··
1that flee (Jan ma lie fOJ ~arlloctJeuit: ~en '1.l!U!
1 3 qr tettottr of tl)c \l1~tttn1 tuass.. '1
I,tlJc liing.ll miatfJ panfiell. tlJm fiJOUlD bee acotnmaunllcmmt gtuen in Ill :i:
Theviij.Chapter. anll cucrp p~ouincc , anll publiOJcll among all 1:
people, anti tl)at t(Je '}ctDrs ll)oulll bee reop
r Afrer rhe delrh,wa~ Mardochcus C"Xaltcd.
I1 14 Comfortable letters are fent vnto the lcwcs. gain~ ttJat llap to auenge tlJtm(due:JS on , :· ,,!
cnetmrs. . · · ,.
g · ll) cic fame bat' bib fting gfJafue, 14 anll ro tl)epoftts t(Jat rollcbpon tlJcf · · · ~
~ · P' rus giue t(Je 1.Jourc of ~aman tlJe lJo~fesanbmulc!J, mallel)aaewitl)allfpercr '<JI
• ]emeJS emmic, bnto .itluccne cf, erecute tfJe flings; mo:llc: anti tf;lccom ·. ~
·: : ll(Jtr, anll Slll}at11ocllcuuame be' mcnt wasoiuifti>ln tbcpalace of~ufan. ·.~
~~ ~ roie tfJc 11t1111: foi ~er tolll \UIJat 1 5 .Qnll ~arDoclleus lllcnt out from tlJe fiin1 · . -
l}e tua.t11:1nro (Jcr. tn roral apparel, af II rclo\D a1111 \DIJite,ar.ll tDiCIJ ~
2 !tlnll ttJc liin:g toolle off (Jis ring \Df:Jtcl1 (Jee agreatcro\Dncof~olo,b~in~ arapclltDitlJalJRt' ·..~:
{Jab taftcn from ll,)aman, anll gaue it bnto ~ar, mcntoru !ilfte an11 purple: anll tl)cntirlf,tblJ! pf.:
llotlJeu~. .Qnll cJCtllJtr rct ~artlot(Jeu~ ouer t\lC ran reiorcro an11 \Das glatl. ~
l)oure of~aman. 16 .ann bnto tl)c ')e\Drs mm mas comr ligJJt ;.. ;
3 ~nil cHlJrr Cpaftc pct moJc befo~ tf1eking, ann gla!lnctle,ioi an11 '1Xlo~fbtp. , .. ":
anti fell Downe at (Jts frcte 'roccping, ~ befoUgl:Jt 17 1n an ~ouincrs ~ titic~ mto 1Df1at plaa .. ;~
hi 111 t(Jat (Jc woulll put a'l:Oap tlJe \Dimctmeffe or rocucrtl)eftingJS'IDo,b an11 connnan:DnUntm.. ·~:~
~aman tlJt agagite, anll (Ji!'l llcuiet tfJat l}e l)all cfJeb, there was top anll mirt(J' 8 fratl8nll ~ . f
1magincll again ft tlJc J.e\Dc~ Dares among tlJe '.J,cmes: infomlllf}t:(Jatmanp
4 ::.lnlltl:Jek1ng l}dllc out t(Jtgolllenfcepter oft(Jcpeoplcmtl}elanllebccatne'.Jt11a, f.o~tfJr
to'marn lflllJer, ~l}rn rofc cfalJcr, anD llooll bc, frarc oftlJc '.];ctDe• '41D1Cbpon dJml.
fo~c tl)e bing,
The ix.Chapter.
~ 5 anofaibc,']f1~·t learu~clring,lftfl(Jauc
r At the comm~ndcment oh6e King. theicwes pur
bouftlb grace in (Jis fi t, anll tf iC bee accqitabll' their aducrfarics to death. 14 The ttnnc Cannes of
e 01rtlJetUn£,_ano plcaftl:Jim, tf]enletltbee
tcmtrn, that tlJ cletters of tl)e lleuice or llJeman Haman arc hanscd. ••
~lJeron~n)amallatl}a tl)l' ggagittmavbeuaf, ~ t11cnBl'lftfJ 1nondf1( tlJat ii!.U,t t
.j~game, '.mlJttl) ll'ttere l)c 'a:llQte: to llcftrap d1e

D monetfJ Dir)bpon tJJi dJtrtttndJ '

• 6 e~ 'llllJtcl} are in au tl)c lrin!Ul PIOuilla,. i>at' of dJt ram•, lDIJm tiJc ~
!ball cfoi IJo\D can'] rutrct ano frc tl)e nriD dJ8t tteJDean11 comman11macnt~\11f
anll lo~~:~~.~ ~~people:' !J: ~'a:leca~1 bmr nemcu btJUt itterr.attton..m ttJt
7 antltl)tftin llrftnrctton0f~lrinrelt1 oar tfJat ttJc enmrid ot ttJe ~C11JeJ IJopcD to
Clffibcr,anb to ~~:arumie faitl bnto quunc l)autpO'IDU ouerdJrm, lttanM?ll c:ohtraip: fo~
{Jauc giurn cf!Hjcr tiJeime tlJc 'JctD,:16d1DID. 11 tlJe ')rtD~IJall rule·°"" t1Je1n tfJat IJatcll tfJcm.
~ ~-~ ti.,e'.)~!'lto!JttlJcrin
t(JcylJauel]angel!b\Jon:~~=e~: t11matic•'bridjm 111 lfJt p1mnntt.1of11ttii a,
llanll bµon t!Jc 'J,e\Dc~.
.,.. ' IJ&CUmr•, to l8p (JIRbOR ftrcl) 8jS tl>OUID llo tl:Jtm
1·:'.:tnansfonnes hanged. Chap~ix. Mardocheus auchoririe. 181

~: mm, ann no man coulll mitlJllanb t{J£m: fo~ t{Jc tn all tlJc pJouim:cis of king ll:Jafucru,e: , bott;
\< rcarc oftl]nn \DaJ come ouetall pcopk. . ntgIJ anD Cam: ,
· 3 ann an t11eru1trs in tt>e p~outmd, n :1. 1 ~at tlJtF flJoutlJ mallu la'm.e amon~
~., p:mcr.e:, ann Dqnatte,e:, anlJ officers of d}e titng, tbemfclucs, anlJ l)olll tlJC fourtccntlJ ~ fiftemtlJ
.~~ · p1omotct1 tl)c 'J)cme.e:: ro, tl}c rcare cf Sll!Jarllo' Dap oftl]c monetl) .anatpccrclp,
:~ 1 \ ci,m.e:camebpont~em. . . 22 !i:ISt1Jc11arc.e:to1JtreintlJC'.1cUJe,e:came to
4 .Jf Sll!JarllocIJcu.e: ma.e: !lftatih tlJe ldnp
l)ouCei snDtIJcrepo~t. of {Jim \llais noprcntn all
~a from tlJcircnemics.ann a.e: a monctlJ m{Jrrc
tntlJctrpa~e 'ma!!S turnellto iop, anll tlJeirfo

\~ t1Jcp1oumce.e:: foJ tlJtS man Sll!JarI>ocl)eus 'tlla~' ro'nl mto a topfull tlap: anll tlJat in ttJofe LlBl'fl!
, ~~ eDgrtl!ttr anti greater. . . tlJcr fl)oultl malie fcatle,e: nnb gtabnccre, anlumc
·~~1 s ¢1.lus tlJe 'Jie'llles fmotc all tlJetr enmnes to rcnll gifts ~nto an otIJcr, anll to llinributc tin,
;\: tuidJ ttJc lhtlfiC of tIJe rmo:t1, anll aaug{Jter, anti to tlJe poo~e.
~\ 1J~tion,anlltlil1'1Jl)attl:}Cp\lJOUll'Jtmtotl:Jeir 23 anlJ tlJC 1£toe,e: p:omifcb to lJOCaJ!! ti)ef
1·i, emm~.e:. IJall bC'1Un,anll a.e:~ar11oc1Jcu111Jall \1.nittm tm,
h:· 6 anll at tl)c paface of ~uran~ tiJe '.)c\lJelS to tl)cm: ·
:~t 11Clh'Drc!) •fiuc l)tlRil,Ctl men, 24 lt5et:aut:c ~aman tl)e fonne of l)amalJa:
\~ 7 an11acwc191)arfan11at1Ja, Jl1)a[p1Jon, ar. tlJa tlJe.aga!!tte,an tile '.Jle\lJes cncmie,l)atJ llcui,
.;,"' pl)attJa, rct1agam1J:tlJc']cmeis, l)o'tlllJre mi~lJt llctlror
:-: ' a pl)o~atIJa,gnalla,artllatfJs, tlJ£m,an11 caurcI1 to cnll lf>l)ur, (tllat ill, a lotJ ~1
>. 9 Pbannalltla. artrai,2nI1at..1tmai}'atl)11, to tonrumc tlJcm,anb to b#ng tl)em to nougl)r.
:-> 10 ~1Jetcn11cfonnc~of~amant1Jefonncof J5 *lOut\vlJcn elllJcrcame bcfoJrtIJcking, Enhcr 3-7·
~3r 8'amallatl)a, ttJe encmtc of t{Je '.3)cmes : but II on lJe commaun~ell bp letters, tl}at IJis toicl!ctl lie,
>; IJilS gootJIStlJtp lafll no {Janos. mcc, 'b.ll)iclJ l)l'c imagincll again It tl)e ']!e\ncs,
:~. 11 at tl)e rame time mas the Jttng mtiflcll of flJoulo be turncll bpon IJls o\1me l)eall, an!J ttmt
-~ dJc number of tl)ofc t~at mere aatnc in tlJC pa, l)c anll l:Jil ronneis 11.JoUll:I be l)an~ell ott tl)c tm.
~~ lace of ~uran. 2 6 1foi tl)c 'Oll)icl) caufc tl}cp callell tIJefe llaiCIS
11 anD tl)c ilting rarnc bnto ~ueenc Cf(llJer, PlJurlm. becaurc oftlJc mm1c orn~c lot, anl:l be,
.~ ~c 'J]e\l!eJ!! IJaue Daine ann 11cttrore11 fiuc {Ju"' caure of an tlJe 1llo111s of thi$ \\l~iting,anll \\ltlat
::? llJeD mm tn tIJc palate of ~uran, anb tl)e tennc tlJCF t1Jemre1ue1S {Jail fccnc, anl:l hll)atl)all come
:~::: fonne.e: of l.~aman: tmlJat l)auc tlJtp llonc thin- bnto tl)em:
ke!hhou it\ otl)cr lantllS oftl)elting :' anll 'mlJatilS 2 7 ~ntl t{Jc 'Jle\\lcs o~llatnell, It tooftcit bpon
::; ttn' petition,tlJat it mar be giuen tl)ec :' oi 1lllJat tl)cin \t tlJetr fcell,(t bpon alfutlJ ais iornen ti) cm,
-· rcquirclltlJou mo~e to be none:' rc1ue15 tmto tlJcm,tIJat tIJcr \lJOUUl not m;crc.but
::: 1 3 cHl)er ant'nlerell, 'l\f It plcafc t(Je king, ltt obfcruc t{Jefc t'nlo !Jaics rerctp 11cco1lling a15 t(Jer
·-- lttm fuflcr tt>r ']en.cs 'mbiGlJ ate in ~uran, to \Dere 'ID1ittcn anll appointell in tl]ctr feafon.
_ moio\'O alfo to llo acco1btng bnto t{Jts 11a11csllc' 2 s anll tlJat tlJefc llSFeS are to be mucmb~ell,
cttt,tlJat t1:1er mar 1Jang 1'amans tenne fonnc15 anll to bee kept of tlJtu1ienl!! cl)tlbien among all
bpon tl)c tree. lttnrcl:lS in au fanlls anll ,ittcis, in tl}erc lla11r.e: of
:~ 14 ann tIJc fling cIJargcll to lloe ro :anll tl)c l91Jurim, \\llJiclJ arc not to bee oucrfiipt among
:. ll«rtt'lllB1llcuifcllat~1na11, anlHlJC!' l}angcll tl}c]c\\lelS, anll tlJe niemo1tall of tl:Jtm ougt}t
:- ll)amanucnronneis. nottopcri11Jfromt1Jeir rccllc. ·
15 f,01t1Jt'.J,e'1lcl5 tl)at \Dcrctn ~ufan, ga' 29 anlJ©ueene<ffllJertllc llaugbtcroHUJi'
:~ tl)eretl tl)Cmfe\UeSt0!,1Cti)l't bpOU tlJc fOUrtCentlJ lJ11tl,111lll 11@lltlJOthnt15 tlJC ]C\\'IC 'tD~OtC \DitlJ all
:: bap of tlJcmonctlJ a'bllr,an11auet1Jm1Jun111c11 autIJoJitie to conflrmc tl)is frconll 1ll1iting of
-; inrn at ~uran: but on dJcir goo1115 tlJC!' lafb no fl)l)Urnn.
:; 1Jant115. · 30 annlJefenttlJelettcrl!!bnto alt(Je]c\\lcs,
16 as ro1 tl)c otlJer 'J1r\\1 cis ttJat 'o:lcre tn tl)c
to tl)c l)unlmll t\Uentie anl:l reuen piomnces or
:: mn(!ll p1ouinceis, tlJev came toget{Jer, anll llooll tl}c empire of aI.Jaruerus ,'mitlJ lllo1llftl or peace
~ tlJeir liucs, ann l}all rcft from t{Jeir cnemic.e:. anD tructlJ:
:: an1111£to of tt1cir enemies reucntr ano flue t1Jou 0 31 ~o confinnc tl.Jcfe Mr cl!! of tl)IJurim in
1i fanll, (Jo'IDbeit, tlJCF lapllc no l}anDe• on tlJcir tl)ctr time aµpointel:l,acc.:0111i11g as~arboclJrus
J igoons. tlJc jjc'roe. anti <fll(Jcr tlJc ©uecnc IJal:l apporn,
;; 17 thus they did on tl}etlJirtemtIJ bap of tl)e tell tl}cm: anll tl)epbounll tl;leir II roulcanll t{Jeir llOr,fcluc!,
inonetlJJllar, an11ont1Jefourtemt1Jllap oftbe reel> to fallinganllp~apcr.
fame monetlJ rrac11 tl)cp, \Ul:Jicl}llap tl;lep f)clllc 32 ~nlJ tl)c Decree of CJrl?IJrr confirmcll tltcfe
\VitlJ feacting anti glallne[e. 'mo1D.e: of ll\lJutim,€1 'mas m~ittcn in tile bocl'ie
18 '5utthc'J]c\lJcStlJat'merc at§!lluran.camc 33 anntl}efiing a1Jafur:ru15 layt1 tribute tip,
to~er.botl;I on tl)c tl)irtrcnttJ tap,anll on t}Je on tlJe lanD,antl t>pon tl;lt plrl! orttJe fca.
fotittitntlJ: anti on tllc firtemtlJ Dar of tl)efa1ne 34 ann all tl:lc actts of lJtS po\Uer,an!I of lJil!!
migl}t. it ttc Dctlaration of tlJc b1gnttte of ~ar,
tlJeti rellell, anD l.)elll t:IJat 11ap 'mitlJ feallin1 anti
glallndTe. llochcus, \llhtte\lJitlJ tlJt bing magnificll
19 an11t1Jttcfo~ct1Jc'J1e'a.1r~t1Jatt1\UelcintlJc tter not \D~ittcn in tl1c boohes oftl)e~l:J~ont,
b&llagris, anll bn'malletl toumc~. llctn tlJe f'our• clCS of tlJc hingss of Sllf}el:lcfS anll 10crfia :'
~ ..., tccntl) bap of monetlJ a11ar 'mitl.J gtabnrfl'e 3s 1fo~ ~arllochcu~ tile ]c\U toas tllcfccollll
~~~ a1111 fe.alling, anti b hcptlJolp 11ar, anll cucrp one nert tmto Jim~ a{Jafuerus.anll great amongtl}c
:.t,n fmt p~efcntl! bnto lJil! ntigt}bour. '.]\c\lJf!!S, ann acccptctl among tl.Je multttulle or
11ior io an11 Sllf}arlloct.Jcus llliotc t(Jcfc UJ01llea, l1iatnet1Jien. asonctlJat fcelletl)tl.)c \\lealtlJ of
l1l1b rent lettcr.e: bnto all tlJc '.J,cmcis tlJat \litre l)il5 pcople,(t fpcahetlJ peatcabl!' fo~ all l}ilS rccb.
The end of the bookc of Etlhcr.
lobs great blefsings, lob. and grieuous plaguef.
.~ ,.)
- ,. .. ... I
. • • , II •.
. ... ...
_.:::.--=----- ·~

Booke of lob. ~~The :;

The full Chapter. 1 s h anll tl)e ~abecis ~
came bioltntlp toollr.11
eJ.Jemamap:pea. dJett IJaucoainetfW fmlantis
1 The holinelfcand richcsoflob, s thecareoflob 'OJitlJ t11e: r:Dge of tlJe f'roo~D, anll] ondp am efca• ·
for his children. 1 1 Satan hath pcrmllli6 co tempt pe1> alone to tell t1Jee. "'
him. q Hctcmptcthhimbytakingawayhisfub- 1 6 U91Jilt l}e \Dais pet Q:leaking,tlJcrr came an .
ftancc,and his children. :z o His faith and patience.
otlJcr,anlJ rarnc, ~e fin of 0011 is fallen Crom "":
r=:~~r.ll!!nm Jtl tlJe lanbe of 'us tl)cre 1Jc11um. anlJ lJatl) burnt bp tlJr lllcepe, anD ftt, · <
\llll!S a man \DIJofe name uantl!,anlJ conrumclJtl)em, anlJ] onlp am efca· ~·
I ~~fd]Ob
tDal a
\118.!S •~ob, anll tlJe fame pell alone to tell t11ee. :,:
t11chnin1 tJrn• b:Jas a pcmct anti iuct man. 17 anll \DIJtlc IJet \IJS!S pct freaking, tlJtte ~
DltD blf.111tn one ttJat ftareD 001>,anD er' came an otl)cr,anlJ failJ,~eCJallJecis maiJeout :1
·~m. cl)eb>ell CUill. t1neellannis,an?lfcllbpont11emmets, anlJIJauc ;~
z ~nll (Jee i,ab reuen cartell tl)cm a\l'Jar. rca, an11 aatnc tlJr fmtant~ ..
ronncs, IJ t1J1ec bauglJtcris. toitlJ tlJcf\llo~lJ,antl '.JI ondp am 1otttn a\Dar &• ~
3 'itl Cubftanc:e alfo \l'Ja~ Ccucn t1Jouranll lone to ten tlJec. ~
flJee:pc,anll tlJ~ee tl)ouranll camcl!S, Clue 1J1tnb1rn 1 S anll \DIJtle IJC\Da!S pet Q.leafring,tl)etUam ;
polie of o,:cn, anti fiue l]unD~b 111ec aacis, anD a anottJer, anti rart1, ~IJr fonncis anti tl1r llaUgi,J•

. bet'l' great l)oUllJolll : fo t(Jat l}ee toas one of tlJc ters b:Jere eating anti D;lnfltng mtoe in tfJetr e1'
; I- moct p1ini;tpall i men among an tl}em of tlJc
llcrt tnot1Jttt11J0Ufc,
~r~~;,,. 1111 , b Cfatlcountrcy. . 19 anDbCIJolDe, tlJmcamea mtglJttcl,lrtat .
ntun•,l!l:IJll· 4 anll l}itl amncis 1llcnt anll banQUCtrll 111 1»intl from bcronll tlJc b:JllDerndl'e, anD fmotc i 11111 ;
~'::.~~~: tlJetr 1Joures,nrerp one IJiistiap, ann rent anti cal• tl]efoure co1nct1Sof tl]e 1Jourc, \DIJtclJ rcDbpon 11
om. lcb ~ tlJetr tl)1ce Otltt!S to eateanll n1inbe tottl) tl)p olJilD1m.anD tlJcr art llCIUl,anll] am gotet11 '!
tl]cm. a\l'Jaf alone to tell tl}cc. 111 •
s .anll'allJcntlJellafe!Sof tl)citbanqucttng 20 ~mlobilooDbp, anlJircnt IJi!SelotfJc~ , :
mere gone about, '.]job rent anD fanctifiell tlJem, anll~auclllJlj!llJcall,fdlllomnbpontfJegmmo. :' .
anllgatebpcamp, anti offcrca ro1 euerr one a too~!lJtppcll, ::::..

\D{Jole burnt offering: fo1 '.J,ob rarnc, ~tmap be u anll fapllc, * Jr.latttll came~ out of mp l1fOs Ecdr;'
t1Jatmp ronnes l}aue bone Come offence, IJ l]auc tfJtt.!S\l'JBmbe, anl111alielJflJall 'JI tumcktl)~
·~~· ~b1•111 bccnc ' bnt(Janllcfull to <l!JoD in tlJetr tJcarts. agatnc: tlJe l.o~n gaue,ann tile JL.o~ll '1atfJ taflm
~.':~~:.':.',. ~u1roit1 '3\ob cuerr liar. a\Dap, bldTeD bcttJe Jaame of tl]c JLo~?I. '"'
)~.~:~:,-., 6 anti bpon a tiar mlJcn tlJe d clJiln1cn of l 2 1n al tl)efc tl)tngs llill not '.]Job olfmb, no1 ., ·
~;~~~:" !3ob came a11n ftooll bero1e tl}e JL01De, ~ata11 c1Jargen 0on fooliOJlp.
amc.11. tt camealfo among tlJcm.
~~1~·~,~' 1 !lnD tlJe A.01n ratn tmto ~atan, U0IJC11ce Theij. Chapter.
~~~1 ~~~~:~r'D' commetl tt:Jou ~~ata11 anfwttcll tlJe JL01n, ann 9 lobs wife tempted him to forfakc God. 11 His
~::~~'~[~ raiMfrom ~ompatring t_IJe eattlJ to anll fro, ann three friends vifitc him.
II•~ ••D rrm from \Dalkm(J tl11ougl) It.

~~ orralla'p,t1Jecl)illlttnofl3oll
~J.""" uu s .anti tl1e JL01n fain bnto ~atan, ll)aft t1Jou came anD ftooll bcfo1e d,e JL,o~lle,
not confiDcrcn mp fttuant '.J,ob, l)o\De tiJttc il'!l ~ ~atan came alfoamongtiJtm,
nonelikehimintlJe eartl)'!a perfect anti a iull anD aoon bcfo,e tlJc )l.o~b.
man,one tl)at fearetl] <!3011,anll efclJc\lletfJ cud: :z anll tlJc JL~ll raiD bnto !Sa•
9 ~atan anf\Dmll,anll faib bnto ti.Jc JL01n. tan, from \ll})cnce com1ncll tf;Jou ~ ~atan an•
• "'' r••mb Jeotl] ~ob rtarc cl!Joll 'fo1 nouglJt: flllttcll ttJC JLo~Dc. ann fapb, '.]] bauc gone about
:~~::".~~~ 1 o IJ)aft not tJJou *p1eremell l)im anlJ IJiis tlJc lantl,anti \llalllcD ttJ~ouiJ1 it.
::,:•;:,~~~"' i,ourc, anD an tl)at lli! ba~ on cuerp fibc : tl}ou 3 anDtlJe)l..o~ne CSl!lle bnto~atan, 'afl , et1i
~~~rn ~~::'.· \Jail blelTen tlJe \Do~he of IJt!SIJRllb!S, ann IJijJ poCs tbou not c:onCfllcren mJ' rmrant ~Db:' bow tlJcrc ~~
tHcb.:uadc felfion iscncreaftll in tfJC lanlJ. i!S none ltkc bnto l)tm tn t)1ceart1J, a perfect a11ll a.g:.
an hedge a. 11 lBUt lap tlJine IJaOll n0'1Jf? bpOn lJ'itn, anti a turt man~ one tlJat fearetlJ 13oD, ann erctJem• ~rbot!ll
bout him. toucl) au tl)at l)e l}atl] anll l)e 11.Jall r'utrc tlJrt to
:.~1~~;%~','."' tbl! race. '
ctlJ cuiU,ann conttnuttlJ a11 mbil llWt,«l.JtncU'c,
altl)ou~ tl]ou moouebt me: agatn81Jnn, ro tc• ,~~·
::.::~~11~~~':'' ri anb tlJcJLo~lJc rarDe bnto ~tan, JLoe, Qrop(J1t1J>Ulitl)outc:aufe, b ~"'I
~~&~"r"" nUtlJatl)ecl}atlJ bcin tlJl! Upob:la, Onell! bpon 4 an11~tan anCtDcrcDtl]el-~ant>faiD- ~.:!':
IJOr,hanJ, tnmfelfHtctl}attl)ou tap not tlJincbann. anD b~frtnncfO~Odnne,rea,amantDtl{liutalltl}at :~:6..:
~.":'.':::. ~atan 'mcnt foo~tlJ rrom tl]e c pictmce of f;IJr:
CUIUharlllDl<b J1~0~b,
eon non P"·
R1llUHlm IO
"'nb bPOU Q Cettatnc btJf 'fDIJen fJJS
f3 '«
. ronncs
eur:r IJe 1Jat11 to: IJitl 11re.
5 l6ut lap tl]ine 1J1111n no'al bpon l)tm, ann ·-·fl

touc:IJ IJiS bone anD IJitl ftetlJ, atUJ l)cc flJaD rurce ~~C:
~~·. :~,·:~~:" ann o~ugl}tcr!!I '1>en catin!J anD 111tn11tng wine

111 tl)etf C(bC(l btOtl)Ctl!J l)OU(C

tl;Jee to tlJP faa. ::::::
out oreoD1
6 ann t(Je )i..O~b fal'n llnto -atan, JLoe IJCC """•t:
~,ir..... 14 ~IJttt tame a metrcn(Jer llnto 1ob, anti itl t1Jine1Janb,butraue1Jillife. ' ~~Diii
~pD, ~{Jc o~cn \Dcre plo'Qling, anb d;Je alfc• fre• 7 ~o Ulmt '5atan foo~tlJ from tl)e P~· ~:::,•,
Dtn!J bcftbe tl)em: emu ortlJe JLo~D.anD ftnott '.]lob 'alitl1 ro~e biles. ••II< t8IC

The iij; Chapter. '

i ';., , ;,
The iiij. Chapter.
1 lob complaine1h, ::mdcurfeth the day of his binh; 5 Eliphaz blamc1h lob for impaticncie> 7 vniullice,
11 He dc!ire1h 10die,as1hough death were the end and forthc prefumption of his owne rightcoufrics.

~ gf all mans mi!Crie: ~~ <eliplJai tf)c ~emanate an,
'1fkt> llAAoi-b 'llob ~moUllJ, ·dl'
rumcb,ann 'al'll,
~r tocc aUap to commune
-P!f,.'7A' ~"P' anncunelll'JllSbap. 2
. ~~ ' ~ i anb']obanf\tlrtcll,!Jfapb. 1&~' toitlJ tlJcc. \»tit tl)ou bee llifcon, , "'"'"r' .,
''I· f~ 1 *lLctt{lcbappcrtllJtolJmtn fl.{~'f~ . tent:' •'5ut tol:}o can toit(Jl]oli:1c ;~~.'.':~~:~;·
&!111~+1~1!r::t;- '.JI mais boinc. banb tlJC ni~t in tfJe i}lUtf£If'e f"t0tn fp£afling :' nnpaU'1•CI.
... tolJiclJ it \llalS fapbc, ~ere ilS a man clJtlilc con, 3 l5etJoll:lC. tl)ou (Jail becnc an inCfructcr of h l:ll1 1
:·•.,. mueti. manp,ann f)afl ltrcngtf)encb tl)c bll.ltarp l)anbis . .1bo11 ~~~ •:;,.
4 ~cramebar bcrurnedm barflcncfi"e anti
t 4 ¢1JF \tlOJblS l)am rct bp IJim ttJat uiais fal, ~~~;~ ~1:~;·· 1

not ngarbcll of ©ob from abouc,ncitl)cr let tl)c ltng,tl)ou l)atl rcfr~ll)cll tt.Je'nlcalie lmcc~. ~~~r:b~:::~
,• ' liglJttlJinebponit. ~ l5ut no\tl tttl!! come bpon tl)ce, anb tllou '"'"bi re~•
·r..~ s l5ut lcttt be ftatncb '1>itfJ blltflcnclfc anb art~))': it tOUcl}CtlJ tl}CC, 811!1 tlJOU art tTOU' no me~
tlJc tlJabo'tD of bcatlJ, let tl)c dim me coUle fall bp• blcb.
on it. tol)tcl) mat make tt tmtblc, as a moll 6 115tfJt~tlJr f'eare,tfW conlibcme,tlJrl)ope,
bitterbap. anll tlJF c 1lp1igl)t liuing :' ;.~:~~: ~~:.
6 )Lett1Jcbtltflfto1mcoumomctl)atnt«1Jt, · 7 ~onullcr, '.]lp1ar tl)ec, \tll)omtrpcrillJcll J•bllJ.abo:
anll lct ttnot bee iopnell bnto tlJt bapeut'd.JC being an innocent:' OJ \tliJen mere tl)c goillp be• :~bbt~·~~~ ·
pcrc,no~ counttn tn tl)e number of tl)c monttlJIS. arorcll 1 ~:~~.'.:J:!''
7 ~cfolatc be tl)at ntpt,anl> lDitl)out glall• 8 fOJ a~ 91 IJaur PJOOueb bp crpcric1tcc,t1Jcr eoD.
netre. tfJatplome intnuitte, anti fo'alc wmcfJebnctre.,
s . ll ct tl)tmtl)atcmrc~e bar. anll tl)at bee reape tl)c Came.
reatnc to rmre bp mouminm, wuc it alfo tfJeir 9 na~ tl)e blafl of <3ob tf.Jcr pertni. '1>itlJ
currt. tiJe bJrat(J of l]itl no«tmtis arc tfJcp conrumen
icb.Tw~ 9 Jl.,ct tlJt '1arrt1Sof tl)at *triglJt be llimmc atoap.
~ tfuou~ barflcnclfe of it,lttit looflt foJ li!#Jt.but 1 o ~e roaring of tf)c :4,,pon, anti tbe bopce
~~ IJauc none,' nctt(Jcr let it rec tl)c natonin« of ~c of t(Jc JLpon,anll tl)c teetlJ of )!..pons wl;Jefpti arc
.;;.~ !lap: pullcbout.
1 o l5ccaurc it fl.Jut not bp t11c 11001e~ of mp 11 €l)e d iron pcrifl1CtfJ fo1 laate of PJar, anb d1tbatll,Oob
lrltlpan111J ti•
mot(Jeris \\lombc,no~ l)ill fo~om from mine cpc13. tlJe lpons lDlJdpc~ arc fcattcrtil ab1o~b. ranu.-.btcb
1 z l5ut \ll)Jcre a~ a t~m~ toais 'l)ttl from me, ra lpon111..
1 • ~IJr bpcb] not in tl)e birtlJ:' D91JF llitmot
l pmllJ aisrooncal!!'3\ came out of t11cmombe:' pct mtne care IJatl) rcce1ucl:l a little tlJ£teor. tboul!ll men
n 119lJpfet tl)epme bpontlJctt bncc!5:'1191J1' 1 3 j\n ttJc tl}ou«IJtlS anll 1'iUon13 of t:l)t nig(Jt, tbc1r DtfiCC.llllC

11auct1;1cp merucllcmitlJ t11cirb~atl1S:' : wf1cn Qccpc commetiJ on men, D:lU1krar1bc111.


1 ~ ~~en niou111 '3l nomc (Jauc Ipen fltU,] 1 4 1j'carc camcbponmcc, anb llJeall tlll}icl) tbr Pb•1 lbc11J(tb
1na1m: of
lcb • 11.Joulll lJauc Clcpt.ann beene at nit, , mane all mp boncis to flJlllie. . l:illlnr rcu111•
nan b'C11C ho·
11cii~;Qu. •:4 ll..iflc as tl)c ltin~ anb t lo~lllS or.tIJe cartfJ, 15 ~f)C \llill~C pall'Cll bpbcrOJC mp Ptefcncc, lpe>bott,frr•
~·b.D, 'lolJlclJ tJauc builllcll t1;1c1nfclucs i CpcC1all placts: anti mabc ttJe iJatrcl!! ofmp flen1 to tlanb bp. i. 1111 notuD1
li1e. • 1 i !lD1,as tlJepiinccis tl)at (Jauc l)all gotb,anb • .6 ']t aoon.ann f] lmctD not_ t(Jc face tlJctcof, clan.ti not
banunr rr«•
tl)eirl)oureis full of flluer. , an u~agc ti.Jere \tlais befoJe mine crci, anb 1n rDlll,bl.lrlt re·
tl)t ll1lnc1T1.i iJrarb '.JI a bctcc. ~"""~ .,....
16 ©~why mas not']\ l)tll, as a tl)i~ boine
out of time. either SIS fong d)llbJCP ml)ld) mucr 17 ~l)all man bee tnoic iun tlJcn ~ob'! 01
ram tl)c limtlt :' ,lbaU aman be purer tl}cn IJis maficr :'
lJ} b 2 IS J5£lJOf0,\
The-\ivicked puni£hed. lob. Iob\'vi£hech fordeatl
$Wfilp1ainech bitterly. Chap. vij. viij. Bildads anfvvcre.
,.,.' 19 al)ey that \l."cntto ·~cman confi11m11 h~ Q.Jarc me tlJctl, fo~ mp bapesare bUt bant1ie. '3>"'"111
,.,.,., tfJem, anil tl)ey tl)at tllem to ~aba waiteil fo~ 17 lll:llJat ; is man tl)at Cl.Jou tloclt magnifie ~.:~ f~ ,\~::·
,.i:·. tl}em. ~Jm:' ~tl)St tl)OU fett£ (l tl}i1JC 1)£ffft bpOn l}JIU:' I"" me lemc
~ ,.~ 20 13ut tIJcr tDerc conrount>rl> iu tl}eir lJolJc, 18 ·~ou bffitttl IJim tBTIF anJl tUctF l)ap, c~ ~r~; rbouq~
1~ • 1. t1Jcpcamettitt1Jcr.ant1tllcrca11Jamel>. uerp momcntboelttl)ou triclJim. ti,~~.b~~ r~~·
~1\ "' 21 lfuenfuclJ truclparcrc, notlltlJatrcfcc 19 ll9lJp k goelt t{Jou not Crom mcc. UOJ tettcn ~;~!~;'n'':J~.~~
_ .... mr mtrcrie rcare afraill. ~;~~~~c, ro long till'.]\ mar C\llaUow t10\11ne mr ~~~~?~~.'.~,
• 22 J0tl>] l:lc!irc rou to b~in!.l bnto mcc, oHo
!J!utmeanr ofrourfubllanc:e:' 2 0 1 f)auc offenlleb, \Df)at 0Jal 'Jl bo bnto tfJce, ,. ~·mlb 11" 1
© tl)ou p1crcruer of men:' mf)r_{Jaft tl}ou !et me
23 ~ol:lcliuermeefromt1Jecnemic~1Janb,o~
to raue me from tIJC (Jani! of tl)c tpµint~:' as a marke againft tl)ee. ro tl]at 'l1am a burllen to
~ 24 €cacl)mce, anil'.3\Wtlll)olbcmrton«tJc: mrrctfc:'
anD \DIJcrcin '.)] l)auc meo, caure mcc to bnilcl·, 21 lDIJr Doell tIJou not parllon mr trcfpaffes.
~~ ltanll. anti tafic awar mine tntquitie :' lBclJolll. notDe
2 5 ll)ob.1 fh'on!,l are tIJe \lJOJll~ of tmetlJ :' anil
1 mun~ Oeepe m tl)ellult, anti ift(Jou rccbellmcc
, t»1Ji'1J orrou can rebulic o, rcp~oouc tl)cm 1 int(Jc mo~ning,'.Jl l!Jall not be.
:' , ..,.,. 2 6 ~oc re ima!,linc to rcpJoouc rtDoJl:I~. tf1at
Theviij. Chapter.
~~,:t.i::.. dJC talhc Of tllC afflict ell OJ OU lb be a~ tlJC ~tnll :''
-.';::~ 2 7 ~e fall bpon tl:lc fatl)crle[e, anti llt!,l a pt Bild ad ilicweth that lob is :i. finner, becaure God pu-
1111~- to ouertlJJotD rour otllnc fiirntl. nilhech the wicked, and prefcrucch the good.
~ \!~1.. 2 s .anti tl)ttcfoic be comcnt,ann g looTic nom

~en anrmcrcll '3tl"batl t!Jc~nl.Jitf,
l!!...,,..u. bpon me,anll '.3\ 'Wtll not Ii r bcfOJC pout face. an11rap11,
"'f11111 19 ~urne] pJarrou.l be inlliftcrcnt iullgeis: 2 ~o\De lon!,l b:lilt tf)ou tallit
'rrpr.ici tumc l:lt(aine, and ye {hall fee mine bn~iltinecre, Of fuel) tl)ings :' l)o\llc lon!,l 11Jal!
:~,~ \tl{JCtlJCf tl)ttC bccanp bttri~lJtCOtlfllctfC in tnl! tf1c b:lo~nc~ or tlJl' moutl) bee a~ a
' tonguc,o~ bainc \tlo~ll~ in mp mout}J. a migi,tp \lJillbC '! • l)I bttllrtlb
-..,.. r•
......,, 3 ~otfJ ©otl pcruert tfJc tlling that ts la\D, ~::~~·~bl:b''
The vij.Chapter. full 1. o~ ~oettJ tlJe .a1mtg1Jtp nectrop· tlJc ~ing ~1~~'r~:~~ ~~'~u: 1
lob fhcweth the fhortnes and miferie ofmans life.
tlJat 1~ n~t'! ~:~'.'~r','~11~
n · ~tl)crc notan appointcl:l.timtto
~ ~ manbponcartl)1arenotl)1~l:lare~
4 <jfo~ feeing tl}at h tlJr ronncs finncb againft ;:,,~~:'.~',:'"'
(Jim,bibnot(Jcefmlltl)em tnto tl,Jc place oft~cir '"n"'n""'P
~DJ::~ 1;'~r. :~
1 1
·i:·,.- ~ _ . ~ alfoli11cttJcllare~ of an •l)irellfcr, tniquitie 1
.· . • uant1 5 jlft(Jou11loull:ldfuoto refo:ttnto ®'oil be' r~~':'.~h~:·
'" .,. 2 ~oi hfic a~ a bonllfemantllc, times,anll mabc tIJr pJapcr to tl)e 91mi!,ltltp, "" """' t• '"'
uretlJ t~c fballo\tl, (t 11~ an IJircling \tloulb fainc . 6 '.l\f tl}ou tDou111ca liuc a pure ann gol:llf :,~~:.~·:;,~~'~[!
,, 1Jauctl1e rc\llaro crnt~ \lloitic: ltfe:111oulb not l)c a\Dabe bp 1mto tlJce immclltat, ;~,:r."" '"
··~ 3 <fucn ro 11auc '.JI Iabourcn \lllJole monett]~ lr,anl:I mafietlJe l)abitation of tlJ1' ri!J{)tcournc~
!J-.~ long in bainc,anll manr acarcfnll niglJtl)auc '.JI p1ofpcrou~ 1
1•·. tolo 7 ']nfomud),tlJat 11ll)min roeuer t(Jou llallll
¢;;:, 4' Dben ']1 Iarn me llo\tlnc to accpc, ] rar1:1, little afo~e,dJOU 11Joulllell1.Jauc 110\ll !,lrcat abun,
~~.. © tDlJm OJall ')J arifc ~ ann h mcaruriu!.l tl}e cue• Dance. lJ f ~ , l?m :<11oa~ J
,~.:,'.'!' ntn!,l, ']1 am cum run \tlitlJ tolTtng to anll fro bn, ,s.. .
8, fl!
-'! p~ap t l'C, '0 tl)c 10~1t1Cr age, couomm;, '"'
1~......, to tl)cllawningoft1Jet1ar. anil rcarcl) biligenttr amon!,l tltrir fattJcr~: ~·~;::~~~.~~[ br
~n·ia 5 ~1' fttfiJ 'i~ clotl}el:I 'roitlJ too_mtcj$, anti 9 (*ifoi\tlcarcbutof drcllcrllar, anllconfi, ~W:~~;·+
1c::,r:: nua of tl)c enrtlJ: mrffltnne is \Dttl)crel:I anb be, bernott1Jatour1:1apcs.1ttpon eartt}arc butallJa' d ~bat I,,
:.:r~ comc{Jo,rib!e. bO\tl.) ~a1~~1;;~~.
J).:!':t 6 ~rt1arc~ pa[couermo.:cfpcel:ltlrtlJcr.a 1o ~IJaU not tl)ey llJe\De tl)ee, anb ten tIJcc, ~~\.:~:.~~~
,........ 119toucr~ OJuttte,anll are fpcnt \Ditl.Jout l)ope. llUb btter tlJC b:IO~ll~ Of tl}cn: l)eart :' nnrr cennoc
~ 7 !ID remember tl)at tl11' life i~ but a b:linllc. II ~ap a •rullJ !.lfO\lJ b:litl)out molftnc1Tc:' ~:~~:;,~,.;~;';,

allll tlJatmine qellJallno mo~cfecpleafure~: 01,map t(Jc !,ltaffe !,lrOb.l \Dit{Jout \llatcr:' :~:·..~~~,;~;:~,.
:, s }!?ca,anll tl)c crc tl)at ilatIJ rccnc mce,flJall 12 .mo but \Dl)ttelht is no tile in I] rs green' ll• 10 ll>l•b

r~~- fct me no mo~c:Coi rer tl)ou drattcntl)inc ere bp~ nefTe, tf)ouglJ tt be not cut lJo\llne. pet \Dit(Jcretl) <!!Ions «race.
l.~i. onmc,']1 come tonou!J{)t. It befo.zc anr otl:Jer l)erbe:
:'.!'-.• 9 ~I.Jc doullc i~ conrumtll anll banioiell a, , 3 ~o ate tlJc pat(Jr~ of all t(Jat fo~gct 11!5oll,
...ut, 'IDap: fo l)e tl)at goetl) llotonc to tl)e !,lrllUC e DJl:lll anll tl)e bppocrttr~ (}opt ainu come to nougl1t• IWbllll la
l:"lllD"' come no mo,c tip, , 4 ''~ conf\11enc:c llJall be llcllriwell, anti l)iSJ [pun to nav.
ann n101otD
1 o ~o~ tutnc agaim into IJi~ l}oure, ucttl)er cruft (ball bear fpiller~ \llebbe. rtDrprcmJ.p:

1 5 ~cDJantcancbponl)iSlJoofe, butttfl)all likrncb rbt

tt1hnrto It
""" 1••1,,. llJaU IJi!S place Imo\tl IJim anr mo~c.
'l.""t;~~,"· 11. ~erefo~c r91 toilnotfpare mr m~ut.11,but not aanb: {Jc 11Jall l)olD (Jlm fall bp it, rec OJalHt hourrot"ri•c
\lJlckrnJu, u·.
:"""'D,t,, ] \Dtll Cpealie tu tf)c trouble of mr fp&nt, anl:I not cnt1urc. rbr~,r1nt bta
16 Bu_t t{Je !,lrccn~ rree tn ti.Jc funne fiJootctl)
flillJtlolllH •
•.:'::~"' tnufe in tl)e bitternetre of mr minll.
~~~:~1 12 lm']afca,01a\tll)alefiCIJ, t11att1Joutice, roo~t111.J1~ b.utnrfJcs tn tl)e garl:lcn.
Ip 11•11 ma1 pell me fo in n•ifon-'
c; t
, 7 ~~ rootr~ t{Jcrcof arc '1l1appct1 about
:_...,.,,,D q 11Bhcnt'~')'1rap,g!)v
~Jrlrt11or '
beb 11JaUcom10J mce, ~
:,,1 tlJc t"otmtamc. an11arc folllcn about ti.Jc l)cufc cf : l["·'' "·eo
· llJaU{Jaue romc rtfrefl.Jtng bl' tallttng to mp felfc llone~. . ~,~~~;;~~'1·'1~·
it1o bponmpcouc{Jc: . 18 'Jlf?"P p_htcflc it from 1Jt!$ place, anl:I it tic, ~:~'.i~~;:~~,
~,,i::;,~, '4 ~lJen fcarect thou me g~ftlJ l:IJcamt~anll me,~fnl!m!.l, l ~aue not fc~ctl)cc: ~·~;~:.~ ~~~.
i...~; ;::; mahclt me ro afi'aib ttnou~ b1f1011is,
. . 19 ~cl.Joi~, tttDiUmotc.c brt1Jismcancs, if ""''·
....,. xs ·~~at mr roulc \\'ltOJctlJ ratlJu to pcrtllJ ttmargro\tlmanotf;Jttmoulb JJOr,ukc
'\A. "'O'" ..ttr • ' die vi1i;oJ
anll btc.thcn mr boness to muatnc. 1° ,..c., '!"' \llJOb'IDlll notmlla\\'lapabcrtu, 1y1:>y1110
___ x6 1 am \\'learie, ']] OJall not liue almav : ,ou~man,nett}Jcrb.llll he 1l lJclpct1Jcbngotitp. i..11 .. 1.
Gods n1ighty power. lob. Mans miferi,
2 1 ~1' mouttJ 11Jall 1Jee rill \llitl,J 1aug1,Jin1,J, 2 6 ~~ ai:e plliTcb a\llaf BJ tl)c 11.JipS tl)at be

anb tl)p lipJ \llitlJ 1Jla1>nc[c. 1;1001> lmber faile, 8l1b BJ t:l}e ctqle t:l}at flpetlJ to
u €1Jep alfo~11t1JatcttJce, fbaU be:tfotbeb t~e:p:ar.
tutti) OJame, anb roe nwclling of tl.)e 1mgoi:1lp 17 ']Jr 'll rap. '31 will foJ«tt my c:omplafnin~,
"'allcometonouglJt. 1 bJiU aafcfrommp •:a~, anb c:omfo:t mp
"' fclfc: ~
The ix. Chapter. 28 Q:Jcnam']~lfait1~faUlllt'fo10\1l~,fo~I] ~
lob declarerh rhe mighry power of Cod, and that 1tnowtl.Jatt1Jou\ll1ltnot1Ubgcmcinnoc:cnt. '
rnansrighrcoufncffe isnothing. ::.9 ']Jf] be \llic:lfeb' tlll.Jl.' ti.Jen ' laboUT ']Jin i "!1::
re:r~~r.:'lill>b anf\Uettb,anb faib, ~~
{ p,r 2 ']J ltnotlle ittJCoofattuctfJ:
;o ']Jr']Jt1la11Jmpf£Ur.\Uttl)fno\1lt1latcr,ant1
~~ ~~~ fo~ (Jo\ll map a man compared tmto mahe mine l)anl>~ neuei fo t:leanc at tl}c \llcU: ~=;~
•Tobnnrtnr· '}!\\!} ~ ©obbc•iulhCie:ll-: 31 FetilJalttl)ouiJllippcmcintl.Jemirc,anb "-J°'
~~, 0 ~~~~ ;" 'i.!>~ ·
01 1
3 '.)!£{Jt\1JllargucwltlJl.Jim,l.Jt •mtneo\llncc:lotl.)c~nJallllcftlemc. =~
[i1¥.~'~':.;~,~~- cannotanftocrc{JimonctUingorattJouranll. 32 !J[oJlJtctlJat '.3l mua gtuc annum bnto, ~·r~
~.1;~!.~~~0,~:,'.g 4 ~c t~ bJifc tn l)eart,anD mt!,Jt,Jep in llrcngtlJ: 11111) \llitlJ \lllJom l goc to tlJe la\ll, i~ not a man IJX[;.

ml10 l)atf) bcnertcr,cagatnlUJtm, ano~atl.Jp~o· ais '.)am:
• ..,,.... , l)rc ' t r - d ) t mountain.,.oirutr l)anObet!Dttntb~.
~~b~;~ ~;fi0~; tlJCF be amare, it t~ l)c tlJat oucrtIJ~owetlJ tl.Jcm
:~/.',',~;~~'~' u1 IJi_g bJJat{J.
33 Jilcit{Jeri~tIJcreanrllare~mantolar ~ ~
34 JL,ct IJim talic l:liss rob a\llap Crom me, pea,
let l}im maflc me no moJc af'raio on1tm.
. ·:

':''"~'"'ir"~' 6 ~cnmoouctlJ tbe eartlJ out of ·lJCrplace, n .anb tl]en flJall 'jJ anrmcre IJlm \l>itlJout nod!ll
iwc. tlJat tiJe pillar~ tl.Jetcof 11.Jafie wttl)all. anr feare; but II bc,aure '.ll am not ro, '.)l l.Jolll me 111akc1
7 ' " commanllctlJ tl)c funnc. anb it rtrctl.J tlill.: me,
not: IJe dofctf) bp t~e lfamsass tmtiera fcalc. The x. Chapter.
8 ~e l)itnfeffC 8f0ne fp:CtlbCtlJ OUtfl.JC lJ£8• I Job j5 wcarieo(his life, and fccmh OllC his frai!enes ,,
llOr,height. UC!l~, anti goctlJ bpon t~C U\l>auc~ of tl.)c!ea. · before God. 20 He defircrh him co !lay his hand. ,,
c '<!:.bclrb• tbr 9 ~e mal1ctl) tfJe\llameis 0£1.Jcauen,tl.Je '®Jl' A dclcription of death.
:~~,':~: ~:;:~s. on,t!Jc rcucn ttam~, anll tfJc rc,retplacc~ ortl)e

f1:~ 1:~~'f,i~~' ~out{J. ~ ])fouki~·cutofftlJougl)'.]Jltuc,~ •:ra/

:;,=~~~~~~.~-' io 'c lloetl} grea~ tlJings1 anll 1lnrearctJablc: • llllll pom:e out mt complaiKt as ::,-.:,:~
ounutt · pea, tlllb monllcrSS mtt{Joutnumbcr. gainft mp Mfc,a~b \llil Cpcalie out :.,~~
J \l!hou~o ob II t,.oc,d\lllJcn(JcgottlJbpmc,'Jl OJallnotrcc oftlJrticrrUIJcaumetrcofmpfoulc. 110r.~
:;;~.';~~·b,. l'!im, anb m}Jcn {Jee pafi"ctl), '.]] OJall not percctuc :i '.]) \U1H rap tinto <501:1, ill> bDo ~

=:=. ·
~~\',:~'1'11 ~',"· ~im. . notc:onbemnemc, but11Jemmcw1Jer~tl.Jou ~~
~?:~~~~·.i1; 111
• n"1"1"'
• 1 2 '3\flJc b~ l)aftic to tali~ atllap, \DlJo ~ti make
IJt mc recto~c tt :' o~ \Ul)o \lltll fap bnto lJtm,JWl)at
c:ontcnllcll \l>itlJ me:'
, ~infiell tl)ou lt\tld bone to oppiclI"e ttr. ....-.; .
::e: .
~i~~,~~:. ~~~ : oo£11tl}ou:'
to call mceoff bctng tJJe moilicsof tiJ1' IJanlls:'
tr;~,':,~t~,u,~;· l 3 ©oil mil not -WitlJbJabJ lJiSS an~er,anb t{Je anll to c maintatnc tl)c counfell of tlJc 1>ngot11p-:
1" ooingo'. • IUOtl migl)tp bOC Uoupc btlbcr l)im. 4 $811 ti.JOU flellJlp epcfS :' o: llOelltlJOU loOIJC :0. ~
~~ ~~;~,~~;'·
14 t~ow mucl} Iclfc OJ all ']annum lJtm :' 01 ass a man IooftcdJ't ·
~o\llfiJoulll']jfinl.loutmpmo~'ilSS\lliUJlJim:' 5 ill>: arc tl)pbalcssa~ ti.Jc 1>ate1 of d man:' d
l i 1f o~ tiJouglJ '31 \Dtte rif!htcou~. pct migbt ann tfJppcerc~as manfS peeress~ :
']not rJiuc !Jim one U'lo~n againc" but mcclldp
:ubmit mp Cclfc to lJtm ass tnf iubgc.
6 ~IJat tl)oumafiCll rucf) irn:1utritto11fo: mp
micbcnnclfc ani'.l rcartf)ca out mr finnc-:
, ~ . "· .., 16 '.J:f'] lJllb caUen bponlJtm, anlllJCCIJatJan' 7 ~i]onknomca<ttJat:JI {Jaucnntbonc\Dtc:' =~
d:~;~'.,;;~ fi:omnmec, r l'Ct'Woull> '3l not llclrcut tl}atl]cc ltclllp, ann t~at none can llcltnmne outoftl]tnc ~.. Jl: .
:~~'.~';r.~.\',~.. !Jrnrn mp uopcc: !Jann.
.- 1

~~:.~;,';\; ~.. 1 7 D)c trouble ti) me ro \Ditb tf)e tcmpcll.. anll s 'llnJp l.Janb~ (Jauc mabc me·, anb fafbionell ::.,..11
'.'\';:';~';;~'i.;i \lJounnctlJ ~e out ofmcarurc\Utt1Jouta caufc, me a!togctl)crrounb about, \\lilttl}ou tiJcn nc' 1:: ,
'""'~"'~ 18 l9CC\Dtllnot fUffctmcetotahcmpb)Cat(J, aropmc:' ;
but fl.!lttlJ me \DtttJ btttcrnclfe. . 9 tacmc1nber, i bd"ccc:IJ tl.Jee.,t:IJat ti.Jou ma'
19 '.])£men will fpeakc ofltrcngtlJ, loc. I.Jee IS bcamc a~ tiJcmouln or tlJtcartlJ, ~fiJaltb~ing
lltOll!;l: if men will fpeake o£iullge:ment,\DfJO fl.Jail me into i)Ult 81!8illc,
bcmp~Ira!Jet~ •
10 ll)allti)ounotpo'm•e11mea1it'd!mmilllt.
• "J
"""'m"'"'' 20 :f ']'mill ~iuail\e m11 fclfc, mme o\llne anb turncbme tocrub•liftcc;IJec.e.
:~'6~:'1;~~~· mf outl) fl1au conncmne mee: tr '.JI tn1ll bee a per' 11 ~!Jou JJaa t:ouereD me wttIJ rntn ann ftCllJ,
~·;~:~:~~: 111 ,, cct 1na11,l}c OJallp~ouc me a\Dtc:licb Doer.
anb toincn me togcllJer \llitl) bone~ anl> rrnc\n~ :
l"hough']\ toerc pcrrtc:t fiet'.31 lmo\tlcnot 11 '4Vqou l)alf ~auntcb 1ncc life, anb !lone ....
1m11e111au ~
.. , "'
~.,an.,11mto2acyofmp llC,
me !;lOOb: an!> •"".,p r ..ul·a~.a.ou ., •., p~c f CtuCb caulllD,11
,. ~ ~lJishs one point.anti tl)ercfo~c] faill,ll)c mp QJirit. . . ~W:0:1111 ·
.. c... opctl) botl) tlJc pcr~t anti 1>ngoblp. q ~ou {1all btb!lr: tf1efe ti.Jin~ in tfJinr: r.n.a ... ,
:; .l1111 .ttlouglJ lJce oar Cubllcnlp mitl.J ti.Jc IJe~rt, yetjj am cure tIJat tIJou renmnb~ca tlJi•

~courge, 'mtlllJc laug\J attlJcpuntaJmcnt oCtlJe tlJmm.

innocent:' 1 4 1r 11 btl:I onnc, t(Jou hat1b~£t an ere bnto
~ <=~nr ti:r1 ,
4 !dj) ro~ t~e earn), it ilS ~uen oucr Into tlJc me, anb OJalt not p1onou11ce me mnocent from
'"'"" fmo 1Janl) Of tJ)l' tottltl'll, anb l)CC ll)allh COUU tf1C fa' mint OlfettCC, I
'" "~
ccs o~ t}Jom1>gc1S tl)ttcot: if not, tobtre i1S 1Jee, o~
15 .'llf ']J l)aue bonc.tllickcblp, \llo ts me tl1crc,
I "
'WIJO llS 1)£, that can !hew rhc cont my? ro,IC: 1f :JI l)a11C bone rigl)teouap, pct 6Oare '.JJ not c •11.11 ,..~1
2 s ~l' 1>areure moie 1'1'>ift tl,Jen a nmncr, lirt bp 'tit' 1Jca1>,Co full am 91 of confuaon,ani. cce ::::~~'=:
I ~~--:ftJ-'-ep~a_r_c~go_n_c_a_n1>_1J_a_u_e_ft_en_e~n~o~g~o=o1>~t1,'m.::.:.:n~cmt:.:.:::~=tt1~·e~.~~~~~~~=-,,J...'_""_·__,·
16 ant11.
~ods perfecrion Chap.xj.xij. and vvifedome. 184
16 ~nD let It incrcafe, (Junt me afS a tpon,but noone bap, tl}ou lboullll'ft OJtne foo1tl},anll be a15
t(Jou wilt rcturnc anlJ lbc\tl tfW felf marurilouai tfJc lUO~ning,
bpon me. 1 s ~en miglJtcft tl)ou be bolll, bccauCc tl}erc
,1agues 17 ~f.Joub~i_ntXcftfrttlJ 11 WlttltlTe agatnftme, ts )Jopc, an11 tahe ti.JP rctl qutctlp , as compaffcll
· anti tfJl' to1atfJ imrcafeft tl)ou bpon me : lJiuus \Ditl) a trend).
anD manp arc d}c pla11ucfS tfJat ') am in. 19 *~1Jenmi111:Jtetltl}oultell0Wnc,anllnonc Lcuir,i6. 5•
1 B 1WlJcrcroie I.Jan t{Jou b~ouglJt mce out or to mall£ ti) cc arrato, res, manr one 11Joulll maflc
t(Jc roombc :' © tIJat ] l.JalJ pcriUJcll , anlJ tl,Jat fuite 1lnto tl)ce.
no cpc hall rccnc me, _z 0 asro: tlJccres of tl)ebngolll~, tlJl'l' llJafi
19 anlJ tlJat j Were ass tlJougl,J '1 l)ab not f'ai!c, anlJ tl}ep fiJall not cftnpc, ant> tl)cit l,Jopc
btcne, but b~ouglJt from tlJe roombc to ti.Jc lhalbefo1ow ofmtn11.
:1· grauc. The xij. Chapter.
20 arc not mp bapcs rcwc :' JLct l)lm ti.Jen
~ tcauc off from me, anlJ kt me alonc,tlJat '1 mar lob accufeth bis friends of ignorance. 7 He de-
,· 'omfo~t mp fclfc a litlc, clareth the might and powerof God. 17 And how
21 :lBefo,c 'jJ goc thither from whence ']111.JaH
God cbangcth the courfc: of things.

not turnc againc, cucn to tlJc lanll ofllarkcnclTc ID ']ob ant\tlercn, ant1fai11,
anll ll)alJo'ro of bcatlJ : 2 ~tJcn no lloubt pee are tlJC
2.2 Wcaa lanll as Mrflc maarTJcnclTc it fclfc, pe~plr, ant> a \tltfebomct11all petillJ ~~I~~~:~,~,~~~
)i' anll into tlJe llJalJoW on1cat1J WlJcre ts k none o~, \llltf.J pou. 11nltnomr •t·
....... lJct but tl]e ligl}t is there as bnflicnc[c. 3 '5ut ~ llauc t bnnr.rllanntng ~i~~~~~~ ~ ~e,
1 0

a~ \l.1£11 ass tJC, ano am not 1nfetiDur to pou: pea, b~.~,~~:~t~~~:

The xj. Chapter. ~o kno'mct{J not tiJefc tf,Jmgs ~ "lb 1:m•1 ""·
1 lob is vniufily blamed of Sophar, 7 The maiefiie 4 •]am asoncmotflell ofl:Ji1$ ncigi)bour, t Anh•·m.
of God cannot be fearched. 14 God is mcrcifull '!Jl}o callctlJ bpon <!!Joli, anl> f]cl}earetl) lJtm: tl]c ;r~~;.~~;~ ·
to the repencant. 18 The godly liuc in fafecie. tuft anti ~c bp:igl:J.t ts laugl}el> to rcome, ~.~ 1~'1~~ 1.'i~~·"'
ll)cn anC\DcrclJ !S>opl)ar tf,Jc ~all' s l5cingasal1g1Jt b llcfp1Cc'CJ mtl)elJcartsof 1~•n•c.1t11ror'"
matf,Jite,anll Catll, ti.Jc ricl),anb as one realJp to fnll. H::~~r;,•;: '~"
2 ~lJOUlll not bee that m:iketh 6 ~c l}ouress or robbers arc in\llcalth «nll i~i\:,~'r~'\~:~~~
manr \\lo ~lls be anf\tlcrclJ :' ll)oull> p:~rpcrttte, anlJ tiJcr.tlJat malici~uflp mctll>lc a, ~i;~ .~Ii:~·;,.
~~~ •s {Jrc tf,Jat a bablctiJ mucl) be 'OIU' gamft <3ol>,lJWcll \tlitlJout care mtlJofc t1Jtng£S ~" •• ""'"'
-· mcneico tgcrcin-:' tl}at ©oll c IJatiJ gtucn riaJlr WttlJ IJi1$ bano. ~~·:~b i~~~c1•
=~ 3 ~IJoull> tlJr tress mafic men IJolllc tlJeir 7 arnc ti.Jc cattell. d anl> tl}cp fiJaU ·cnfo~mc ~·~\:; t?•·
~ peace:' anll tof,Jen tf]ou mocrtca ochers OJllll no tlJce: tile fou1eis of ti.Jc aire, iJ ttJer llJaU tell tlJec. ~~~~,· g:g·
IUllll make tlJCC ilflJattlClJ:' s .g,,_pcake
to H-ic
ann it "'all
harhb 1011Ms~'"
1•1 tn•tlJ

,.., 4 f o~ t{Jou l]afl fail>. b mp l>octrinc ts pure, t{Jcc: 01 to tl}c l'illJcs of tiJe fca, anll tl]cp OJ all ccr, h•nn •.
anlJ '.3l am cfcanc in tlJmc eyes.
s :l5ut © c tlJat <!!Jon wouln ipcaflc, ann o'
tirtc ttJcc.
9 Wl)at islJc,but (Jc fmoWctl) tl)at tf,Jc tanl>,~:~~~R'
;...... pen IJis lipsa~ainatIJcc, ortl)c JL01l> mabCllll tf,Jcfc ~ fom" •• "·~
t;.i:.111 6 qat f,Je mi~t tIJe\l.l tf,Jcc tbc drccrcts of 1 o ')Jn 'al{Jofe IJanll ts tl}c • roulc or cucrr It' ~~·,~; if,t:;~···
C::.0• ~ifrbomc, {Jo\tl tlJou lJall defcrued t1oublc,acco~' uin~ tl}ing, anl> t(Jcbtcatf,J of all II mattliing. ~~~~·

:t'~~ llmg to nglJt : l!lno\JJ t(Jercro~c tf,Jat <115oll 1Jatf,J 11 ~octf,J not tl:Jc carc1$ llirccrnc tl)c \llo~tlc%:' ~.lh~~.f.:.~,,
ro1gottcn tIJce ro~ tbinc intqmttc. anl:ltf,JemoutfJtallctlJemcate:'. , ~;.:~:'.~~~~~f;
7 arttl)ouablctofinll out cbc fccrets of<l!Jotl:' . 12 ~mong ollJ pc~ons tlJcrc ti$ 'mtfl>omc,ano ~.~~:;:]'.'~~i~~'
©~ 'roilt tl)ou attatne to tf,Jc pcrfcctnclTc of tiJc m agciss bnllcrftanlltng. P"'"'""'
atmiglJttc :' 13 !!ea, \llitlJ <!!Joli ii$ \llifcllome anll arengtlJ, ]1~)'; .fi~ib.
....,. s l!}c is• l]ig(Jer ttJcn f,Jcaucn, tolJat art tl)ou 'OUnfl'lf, anil blltlcrflBlllllllg. Ha. n. 22,
i~ able to Doe'! ilcepcr tl)en tlJc f]cll, IJoW \ll1lt tf,Jou 14 •;.t)cl]OftJ,ifl}C f b~Ca(iC tlO\tJnC S tlJing, \tl)JO I lOrtc Job

··"' tl)cnfmoWIJim:' can fetit bp a§aine:' • if(Jc flJUt a tl}ing, \tll}o Wtl ~~~:;:~i«h."
~~~ 9 ~fJc mcarurc of (Jim ts Iongct ttJen tf,Jc open it:' ~~:I':~~~::~:
'"'·"'• cartf], anti b1oat1er ti.Jen tlJe rca. 15 l6e1JollJ, if {Jc \tlitlJlJollJ tl,Jc \tlatcrf$, tf,Jcp :~~~~~1~11·11•
~=~~ 1 o qouglJ I.Jc turnc al t(Jings bpfilJellotnnc, b1P bp: ifl}c let tiJcm goc, tf.Jep lJcllrop t(Jc cart(). Apoc.;'. 7•
~.:;.,, tlorct{Jcm in, anll gatf]crtIJem togctfJcr, ~o 16 119itlJ f,Jim i!S ltrcngtlJ anti \Drfc!lome_,botl}
~~... 'min turnc lJim from f,Jtss purpofc:' ti.Jc lJccciucr ant11Jc t(Jat ii$ 11c~cmct1 arcs ~iss. ~ l;lrCfJ11D11D
:::,or 11 fo~ f,Je tt is tf,Jat hno\llttl:J bainc men, IJc 1 7 ~e cariet(J auiar tlJc tDtre men as tt tucre bou1in tf115
IDOllU, IDU ~·
· reetlJ tl,leir wickcl>nclfe alfo , 11)oulo l}c not tiJcn a Cpoplc, anti mafictlJ tlJC iU!lgcl$ foolcs. ontOoba1D1ll
confltlerit:' 1 s ~c toofctlJ tlJC rule of hingi:i, anl> «JrllctlJ •nu •1n!nantr,
12 ~et bainc man Woulb be Wife tf,JouglJ man tljcil: lornc~ tuttll a bonll.
newbome, i1$likca \lltlocaffc~ colt. 19 ~c lcal>ctlJ amar tl.J,c great men into captt'
1 3']ttl,loupieparcllll tIJtnc l}cart,anl>lirtcbft attic, anti turnctlJ tlJe 1mglJt1c bpCil>c l>owne.
bp tl)tnc l)antlS to\llartl {Jim: i o ~e ftoppetl} tf}c moutlJ of tlJcm tiJat fpcab
.14 ]t tl)ou woutoect put a\tltt!! tl)c wtclicn' ttUctfJ, ~nll tlifappotntetl) tl)c agel> of tl,Je1r bn,
~clTttnlJkh tl)ou l)alt in l}anl>. ro tl}atno bngoo, 11crllannmg.
lmclTc 11\llell in tl:Jinc l)ourc: . ~ 1 l~c po'\tl~ctl.J contempt )Jpon p~incc15, ann
~'~~:~· 15 qcn miglltca tl)ou r11rt bp tlJl' face U'lttl.J, maflcttJ tl)e arcngtlJ _of tlJc mtgl)tic \l.lcafle.
D11111a, out HllJamc, an11 tl:Jcn llJoulllell tl}ou be run.ant> :u ~ookc 'Wl}atllct(J l}ill In llarJmclTc, (Jc nc,
U;1~: IJaut no nccne to ftare. d~retlJ it opcnlf, ant> tl)c hci:r 11Jal>o\ll or neath
16 ~lJcn 11)ou111etl tl)ou foigct tlJl? miCcrlt. bimget}J {Jc to l1g1Jt. . ·
anlJ tl)inhc no mo1e bpon it tl)en bpon tiJc \\la' 2 3 l!)c mcrcafcl'l} t(Jc people, an11 ncftropct11
•,•g•. teris 'Wl}iclJ pacrc bl'. tl)cm,)Jemnkttf,JttJcin to multtplp. anl> illml,
17 ~lJcn llJoulO tlJl' II lift be sss decre al5 tlJe nifbttl.J tl}ent,
lobs confidence in God. lop. Mans life is fhort,
2 4 ~cc takctl.J a'OJal' tlJclJcart of ttcm tl)at :as anb '.)a• a rotttntlJtng boc confumu,
be l)cat1SJ or tl)c people of UJc cartl), anb uiu, \11ap, au"mnmt tIJati•mott;Jcatm.
fctl} tlJcm to wan1:1rr in tl}ewtllJerncrre out of The xiiij. Chapter. ~
tlJ~ ~:J'~rr ttt"OPC in tfJC narll blitlJoutli(\IJt,anlJ 1 lob dcfcribeth the lhormelfe and miferie of the life ~
' " a c lrke a 1J II of man. 14 Hope fullcineth the godly. 22. The ~
l)cmahct{JtlJCl~~e ;~~ ~hapter:zun en man. .cond1tiono~::~~e~bnmeofabloman,1Jat1J j
2 0 Iob prayech vnto God that he would not handle but afl)o~t time to liuc, anlJ iSJ full ~
himrigoroufly. ofmiferic. 11'
• !llll11111ns.l • ®c, •aU thislJauc '.]) rcrnc tuitlJ :z. l)ecommctlJ hp, ann i•mt ·'-
~: 111 u ,
" -
, mine cpc, ()earll 'OJttlJ mine care,
anti bnlJerftanD it.
. 1Jo4Qmc •liltc a tlourr: l}e ftcctlJ ais , .
tt uicrea OJal:lo'W, anlJ contmnctlJ not. ;
j . :a D9(Jatrckno'W, tlJat fame 3 li!'Octl ti.Jou b open t()ine cyrs t>pon rucJJ "' •
I l:loc '.]l bno\D alfo, nctt(Jer am '.}J one, anlJ b,dngrtl me tnto tlJp iulJgnnent' ~ i
tnrcriour bnto rou. 4 119(.Jo can make tt cleane tl}at commctl) of ~
I - 3 ~~cuerti]elc[c,'.)l talhe witlJ tIJe almig)Jcy, an l.Jni;lcanc tt.Jing'! no bobie. t;," 11 iJll
·an!I mp !lcnrc ts to commune ttiitlJ <1300. 5 ~l}e llafCJ:'i of man rurclp art betmnlntb, ~~i ~
4 0 a~ roi pou, re are blotlmnatlcrs or litts, t]Je number of l}iS monctlJs artJmo'lllm ondp ~1111~.
b 11rb•r t•, , •• ano tmptofitablc p(Jificianu!togctl)cr. bot~ t~ec, t(Jou l}atl appoiutcil l}im IJiSbOUtlllJJ 111c ;l
~;,',~~~·r::~.. 5 UEloull:I ©ol:I pou hepc pour tongue , fot \lllJrclJ (Jc cannot goe beyonn.
~~~:.~~'.;~~·· tlJen miglJt re be tartcn fo~ 'lllifc men. 6 ©oc rroml}im, tl}at l}c mar rtt1 bntill~ · .:
~~;1~;;~~~~~·r 6 aoUJ l}carc ~np rcruoning, anlJponlJer tl}c b~p' co1nc \lll}icl) (Jc loofl£t(Jfo~, lilie a.s an l}trc< , a..~
""'rnr. UJnb argument or mp lip~.
r::·~~~~~;::.b 7 JWtll pou fpcabc c \Diclrrtllp fo~ ©OIJS CC·
hng 1Joct11.
7 fo~ if a tree be rut IJO\Dnc' tl)crci,Bfomc ~~
~:(0",'r'1tt1ub" fence, anlJ talke Dcccitfullr fo~ l}is c:mfe? lJopc pett!Jat it \Dtn Cp~otut, anti ll>ootc roitlJ tl)e :1!\:!
~,~.W~~.t·;., s ootn pe accept tl)c pcrron of lJim '! o~ 'lllm b;anc:bcs agame. :-eM,.
~,~;~·~~~:~11 pc c:ontenn fo~ a3o!I '! 8 ~oug() tf]e rootc or it be \Dann of!lc in 1
orctrn e... 9 !S>IJal tlJat (Jelpc pou \tlflcn lJc calletlJ rou tl}c eart:i), anlJ tl}c tloc:he ti}crcor be bcab in dJt ·1
~~.i'!:~~~·M:; to rcc:lioning '! ot as one man 1nodictl} anotl}er, 1trounl:I: ::1
~~~~"~~~~.h~~ to pc ro moclie {Jim '1 9 ~ct \Dl}cn it gettctlJ tlJc rent or <mattt, it
~.' :r .~~ 11D
= • 1 o $t OJall rurclp rep~ouc pou,tf' pc no rcmt, tum ~un anti b~ing root tlJ bougi,•, tillt a.s a tm
'~··~· 1 '" IF accept anp pcrfon. tl}at '~ plantcn.
1 1 ~l)al not11iil e.rc:rllcm:p mafle rou afrattl'! 1 o d l5ut ail fo~ man, 'mlJrn l}c iOcab, pm. 4
'"'" "D u·
OJall not lJtrs 1Ji~ fcarc rau bpon pou: C1Jet1, anti confumclJ awap, ttil}at btrommetlJ Of
~fit',~'m~·.~· 1 2 Four J rcmcmb~ance ii httc bnto IJU!l,anlJ l)im:
~·~t1 .~·1 ,, 1o1, rout botlics like tlJc clap. ~ rJT 11 ~ts tlJc \tlatcrspatrc from tl}c fca, anti 8fJ
urir anD ID)• l 3 l9olll pout tOlll}UCil bCLO~C me, t(Jat -'l map tl)c ftootl tlcrorcdJ anlJ 1111'Ctl.J l>p:
~·:~~.~::~·~· fpcaltc, anti let come on me 'OJl)at \Dill. u $5>0 man after l}e i• aaecpe rifctlJ not, fJe
~:~·i~;:,"~~ 14 l1Eli1crcfo1c boe '] tcarc mp ftclJ) 'WitfJ mp
OJall not toalie till tl}e IJcaucns be no moie, noJ
~:.~.ID"~ tcct~, anlJ f put mp roulc in mine 1Ja.n1Js'! . me out or l}iSJ Ocepc. .t·
''"-~·r·•·•• •s "Jl.oc,tlJou!_WlJtOapmc,pct'OJ1U']Jtmlhn 13 t1Jou 'alOUl!JclllJilJc mcc in tf)e . '1
~~:~;,~'.' '" 1J1m: but '] \lltu rcp~ouc mine o'OJnc 'WapcSJ in graue, anlJ rtcepc me femtt, bntill tl)p tu1at1J .
IJtil n1,111t. . 'OJercpalt, ann to appoint mce a time \DIJmtn •'
16 l)c llJalbc mp raluation: ro~ tlJcrc map no ttJou mi!lfJtctl mncmbcr me. it'
~.~',~~~~~.:t b ~ppocrite co~~ bcfoJt l)im. 14 ~ap a llcatl man liuc againe1~Ul tlJt lJait• ".
t~~.'":,r~;gun 17 l9carc ll~ltl}tntlp mr \llO~bcrs, aniJ ponbcr of 1np life UJill :JJ 'Waite tliH. till mF <:IJanging
"'" "" ,,:: P" mp raruigB 'Wltl) ro11t earcSJ, llJall come. ~·
:;.~;~'i1~~~~;: 18 l5ct;olo, no\ll (Jauc '}l p:cparcb 1nF tubgc'
~:::1,1,~f~b0,~,, ment, (l ltno'W t()at '.ll UJa.lbc fount! h rig()tcous.
;:''ii;~,~~:'.;" . 19 UDl.)at iSJ IJC tl)at 'OJ1ll i go~ to ln\lJ 'OJttlJ me:'
:;:;, :;" ;~' "~ ..... l)OID mp tongm.1 ••~
,,, ,,,:,r,11. 20 Jr.leucrtl}elr[c, 1Joenot tf,Jcfe t'OJo tl)mg15
·,.~~ :'~~:.~~b· bnto me, anti tl}cn 'OJill '.]l not (Jibe mr rtlfc rrom
;':~.:~:;;:'" tlJce:
1 5 ~!Jou fl)alt <can me anb '.ll RJaD anf'alm ~~
tl)ce, Ii llcfµi!rnot tIJou tl}c too1be or t!.Jfue o\Dne
" f O) IU>'ro t!J••' num!JJ•R aH 1111' pfn«JI,
anti giucn no Delap bntompOnnt.l
17 ~inc tniQUitte ts realclJ bp a• it 'mere tn I°'• ···
a g_baggc, anti tlJou alJl:Jell punilhmcnt lmto mp ~ ~

tmitlJtl~a\ll tl)inc tan?I rarre from me, anl:I \tltcliclJnt1Tc. ..,.. •
let2not ttJe rcarcru11J~eat1·ort()ce mahemcarra1t1. 18 ~c mountainc.u raH a~ar at tlJt latl,tlJe :=:::\\
~ 2
~bcn can, anb ']'OJ ill anC\llm: 01 let me rockc.u arcrcmoouclJ out ort(Jcn: place. , ;i~'
i.pCQke, am1 gtuc tl)ou 1ne an anf'OJrrc. 19 ~c l\1atcr• pearcc t1J1oug1J tlJc bcrr ~iC.~
~' ~oto manp arc mp mtfllcct1cs an!I rtnncl5:' lloneJS bp little anti little, tlJe lloolJ.21 '\l>allJ a'War ~-:r'~ 1

let nic htto'm mti tranfgrecrton.u anti offence.a. tl)e graucllanl:I card): ro f'baft tl)ou bectrop tl)c · ,

lllc fi4o~t~.rtcro~c
l)itictl tl)ou t(Jp facc,anlJ l}olDrft (Jopc of man. . . 11
" •1llle cnem1c~ 20 iar(Jou p:eua11cff tllll agamtl l11m, fo tlJat .i
5 tmtlt. tl)ou b~callc a lcafc t11iuen to anb
fro,2 anti 'nltlt tl)ou purruc ttJcniit ttubble :'
(Je paffctlJ a\Dap: ttJou 'l}angect IJi.U Ucftatc, ft111J
puttea IJilll from ttJtr.
11 ' ~'
~ '11'0.i tl)ou laticn ll)arpelp to mp a,ar'1t,antl 2 x ~ntl llllJetlJer IJUI 'IJilDICtl come to \\lo111Jip
k iZb.rU :na1un pUtnllJtll me Coi tl)c Ctnnc15 Of mp fOUtl) o: no, (Jc 'annot tell: anlJ if tlJl'F be mm or IO'WC '
:~~:;!,:~~~ii 2
7 ~l}ou Pllttclt mr fcctc atro in ttJc'k lodl•, tlC!P'ct, 1Jc11no\lledJ not. •l
::,~r~·;~~.:'~~· anti loo&eft narr.o'mtti bnto au t11\' patl)cs, 22 l6ut'OJIJ0f1Jt• h OrRJi•bpon()im, it tnul? h ca~· r...~
"'"' bauo 1:•1 anti mahelt tl)qmnttl)ercofin tl)c IJeelturmr ~aue ro:ro'm: ann lJiJ5 foulc II.Jail mourne 'OJitl.J• 1t•11 ~· '
''"'" rccte: in btm• \•
~ob is reprehended. Chap.xv.xvj. Miferablecomforters. 18 5
The xv. Chapter. . Iliffe ncclic figbtttlJ IJt again It IJim. ·
Eliphas blamcth lob, bccaufc he challengc!th wife. 27 ml]crc as l)c • c:oucrctl.J bts fac:c \l'itl.J fat, i ~b•rt••••
dome and puraidfe to himfclfc. ' n2ae, Rnb 1nalietl) l)iJ bobp toell hlJin1. :·b~!~~'rf
2 s ~t)crcfo1c flJaU bis llwcllin(l be k ~n btfo, ·~:~:·:·,~;~ b•
l}m anrmmn Cflipl.Ja• tJJe ~e'

late CltleS, !lllll tn IJOU(C'"p \Dl1i""
no man ll'"ftbi, P...,a .. urb<::o"
manltt, anll ram, tctlJb , lit arc bcconu: l)eapc~ of nones. ~ k~~~~
lb>ll ll'1!( 110

\ 2 ~l.JallatDifcmanunn»m 2 9 ~e 11Jal1 not be ritlJ, neitlJcr 11.Jafl IJis fub, f.:;:·~1~,:~:

·;~ be Utl}e tDin?Jc,amililll:)is bdlF !lance continue , nt1tlJcr fball tl]c p~otpcritic •..,,111•·
. :"""" tutd) ttJc •tDinDc of t:l]e ceaa~ flJercof be p~o1onic11 t>pon tlJerartl].
::.m:; . 3 ~l.Jall l)c rcpiouc Witl) a wo1l> tbat ts no' 3° lt)c n1an ~tcucr nrvnrt out ofoartmetrc, tl}c
:·;1t-" dJtng wo~tlJ, anl> fpeakc d.jc tl;)ing,s 1Dl]iclJ wn flame 1111an t1~1c tip lJi~ b.iandl~is, 'roitiJ tl')eblall 1!J:1ff,ntiDil80l
' , , DOe no_gooll:' . · . of tlJe moutfJ of God OJaU ije be ta I;en a\l:lsp. ri1n1, llJal

•1 ~ . 4 ~utdptl)ou1Ja4mh.tfrcarc,anllrcfrai, 31 ~c !Jc~ceucttJ not tlJat l)e cnctlJ in .banitr, t!U0111.

I.a rutn'C tnto

'· net! PJ8rtr btfOJC cll5oD. anll pct banttte flJalbc i)tis recompmcc. · ·
), f .if.OJ tlJ~ moutIJ Ccttttll fo01tl) tl)inc o\Dnc 32 ~~c flJal pcrillJ afu~c tits time be \Uo~ne out,
cmQUUIC.. rccmg t1Jou l)all clJdCtn tl)t ton;uc of anll l}tS m b~ancl} fiJaU not be grcmc.
\ t!Jc craftic. It\ a II b l ff
3 3 >17CC Jll .C p UCl!Cll D IU an bntimclp f:i~~~"~,jj 1~~;

6 ¢!)inc ownc mout1J wnncnmctlJ ~cc.. grape from ti.Jc bmc, anl:I lbaU ltt IJiS llob>tC fall commur.
;'.~ • anll not] : rca tlJint otDn W}lf 11Japc an anf\llcrc as ti.Jc ©liuc lloctl}.
aaainf1 CIJce•. 04 fo~ tl:Jc congregation of1Jppocritcs 11.lalbc
., -:= 1 b art t11ou die flrt! man ruer \DaJS
. ~- boJnt:' oJ wan ttJou mane befoJe tl)e IJilJS:'
lltfolatc,anD tge fire llJall conrume tl]c l]oufeSJ of
fmiJ as nre grcc11te to rccduc gifts.
<••• s ~all tIJou l)rarb t11c rccnte tounrcn of . 3,5 • l!)e c01~cciucti) trauai!e, nnll bcarctlJ ba' E(ai.f 9 .4•
lfloll :' ann boctt tl;Jou rcBrainc 'mtfebome to t:lJp mtlc, anti tl)c~ belly b~ingctlJ fo~tiJ l>eccitc. . pf•I. 7.15.
Celrt :'
9 ml)at Jmo\Dcll ttou \»c Jino\Dc not:'
· The xvj. Chapter.
sn11 \Dl]at bnllcrtanllcf1 ttJou. but 'mer can tt,Je lob moued by the importun:acie of his fricncis, 7
··· fame'! countcth in what extremitic he is, 19 and taketh
God to witndlc of his innoccncie.
::11.11. 10 *ll9itlJb1Smbot1Jolllanbqebmm,fca,
CutlJ a~ (Jauc liue?J longer tl;Jen t1Jr father. ©b snf'roerrb, anl> ratD,
: 11 €l)inkcf1t1Jouit a fmalltl)i~oftl)c con, 2 ] l)auc oft time l)cartl CuclJ
:.1dxrc Colattonis of<Boll:' 11 'Dlitll tl]cc iJS a Irtng b>OJll. tl)ings: •mifcrablc gtucrs ot rom, • .f'our,rJ111"1ci;~

rmie u 119lJF bOctl) tl)tne <l)eart fo bC'IDltdJ tl)ee :' ro~t arc pc, an tlJe roit of rou.

,; .._ anll \DlJercf01c 'minlie11 tl}ou \Did) tl)ine ctieJS.. • 3 II ~lJall noc baine \Do~l:!tS 1Jlt11, t11P1 coanfo1t

~· 2 3 ~IJat tlJl! minllc is fo d puft bp again« come rec to an cnb :' o~ WlJat mahetiJ fflt'e bol!Jc II Or, wouL

·= g, !15011, anll lcttea Cud) \D1>111cs uoe out of t!Jl' ro to anrwerc 1

··- moutlJ:' · 4 91 cou111rpeafle as rct1oeatro: but\Doulll
14 1191}atts man, tf.Jat IJtflJOUill be clcane:' <5oll ttJatrom: b roule tocretn mrroulcJS ftcal), b taonln r•
,...:~ an_J> l]c \Dl:J~ is bome or a 'moman, WIJercbr l)c tl)cn coulD '.ll frame 'moillss roi rou,anll 11.Jallc mr :~~: i'f~h ..
•fllril. ma!llJt berlil)teous 1 l)call at rou :

~ong l 5 ~£1Jolll, l)e l!otl) not II trull l)ts faintf, rca, ~ 1\ 'moulll.fh'cugtl}cn rou \DitlJ mv mouth,
.. ·~u tl}e l)caums arc not cleane in lJil5 fi(ll;lt : anll reltare rour pamc \Dttl) tlJe talking of mv
c is. 16 _l)o'ole muctJ mo1e tJJm an abominable lippcss. ·
~ w1th- an1:1 bl\e man, \DlJ\'IJ c111inll£tlJ 'alialcbntfl'e lilit 6 ~OJ all mf \Do~lleis mr roiro'mc\Dill not
,~'1111 water. . . . teafc: antic tl)ougl]] l)olll mrton~c, \l'l}llt am ' J'o1en11.1D11
~~~:" tl 17t'1 ~i~tell tl)et,11tare me,anb '.ll \Dill ll.Je\D ') eaCcll :' ~~·.~~::
11111 ~cc lJat.,,.,aucCtcnc: 1 l5ut no1lJ l)c ()atl) mallc m.e wcaric, tl)ou ·
... 18 lWlJtdJ \Di~ mm baue toll>c , anll ljauc IJaa mallc t1efolatc an d mr congregation. . ~.\r.?=~.
not b11J tl}at 'ml;JlclJ tlJtt' metucll from ttJeir fa, 8 anb ft;St. tljOU < {Jllll fdl£llI me \tlltlJ 'lD~lll• anDfnbflancr.
Ui ·{i t4> < UOI bprta•
tl]cr~: file~. mpfltllJl~rern~n,anbntl' eancnc err c•., ronofpum,
19 mnto \DlJom alone ti.Jc cartIJ 1llass lium. b.jJ agamft mce, anlJ bcarct{l \tlitnciTc tl)crcof in ~r'!:i:~::'
8l1ll no «ranger \Dent among d)cm. mr race. ~:::~:~'
:\~~111 • 20• ~e '.t>ng.olllt' fo101DetlJ au tfJc 11arcs of 9 ll}i~ to.zatl) lJatlJ tome me, Ile ~Ja~tlJ me, ·
=~~ 1Ji11 l1fc, ais at Were a \Doman WitlJ a)ilb, anb d)c anll gnallJcttJ t>pon me \\'lltlJ 1)1~ tce~:mmc enc,
:=· cnmnbcr of a tFJantJS rccrcs arc bnkno\Dm.
r:c:~• 21 !! ~~fCfUUfOUnlJ iJS cuerin 1Jil5 C1Vtl5 ~ anll
mie loo!tctlJ ricrcclr bpon me \tlltlJ 1}1s errs. .
1 o 'ijt{Jcy IJaue ovcnrl.l rt)m moutl)css \D1l:le
iuc.:.~D \tll]c~ IJe 1s in.peace. tf}c 11earorer 11.Jall come l:IP' t>pomncc, anti 1 rnuttcn me bpon tf)e tl.leclle be' i .:0.111.n••
~a:_iiu. on 1J1m. Q>itdunr, tlJcr gatl.Jcr t1.Jc1urc1ucis togcti}er a' 1~·~~~~~~~:·
~~":'.:~ f~2 !e bclttuct[Jneuer to~ebcliumb h out mainamc. . ~::~~:i;.A~'
::::::·· 0 . uStnmC[C : fo1 tl}e C\DOJl> lSS alb>apcJS bcf01c 11 ~ob l)atll lbut mcc tip \l'1tl) tl)e bngob' u11-
•lln1 CU· lJIS CfC).l. lp, still ocliucrcl:I me(' & tnro tlJc 1)111111e,6 of tl)e ~ 'I:• pJ....
~'"·"" . 23 ~ccblanbJetfJab1oallcfo~b1rall~l:Jere !t wickcb. ~~;~·;:~'~
~.~.. is, bno'o:ltng tl)at tl)c llat of 1111r11enclie t!S rea111c 12 'JI wsis in "l.DcaltlJ, but lJce flatl) b~ougl)t
~"1.,. at lJann. mt to nougl}t: (}c fJatlJ ta hen mcc bp ~c nccke, :,,~~fN1~:
2'.+ 'ijtroUblc anti anguillJ.\DtTI .tnalte l)tm a, 11e 11.~tlJ.,a11rteo OJallcn mt, anl> rec me u 11 mame ::~~'b~ ~·
fraio, tl)cr 11Jall picuailc agama 1J1m, as a rung to~ .,am·~1 · II Or, i:alL
l.tlttiJ lJiJS armtc. ard)crs . co1npa1Te mcrounb "'"bou~"1 ·onrl,ftri,.1n
1 3 U,)11S hf-k ~·n°"''""'
.2 s 1fo~ l)ee l)atlJ tltttc{Jell out lJi,S l)anbc a, l)c roounoe ..., mp re1ncis, anll llotl) not fparr mr """"'n1, '"'
11a1ntt _Clflo11,_an11 armcb l)imrclfc again!l t1_1c Jt· II llotoclis lJatlJ be ipob>~ell t>pon tl)e groun11: ~:.~::i.~:~.
tlllgl)tte. · 14 ~c ~atl) giucnmeoncwounb 1:1pon ano• ~:::'~;:i:;:
__ 2 ~ U,)e ttirtnetlJ p~oU'blF bpon l)im.anl> \Ditl) a tl}er, anl> llS fallen bpon me like a irtmt. 1vau paru.
I 1 ~ ']I
lobs greatafflichon. ··lob:,.. The· \lvicked plaguec~
15 JI l)auc fo'OJrlJ a ra,rmlotl.J tJpon mp Cldn, ~m anC\llmlJ ;16lll:lab tl)c ~u, I~
m.b.hom. anb \Dafio\ne!J my i (Jcail in ~c bUfl. .
16 ~ fac:e 115 tutdJmb tuatl.J ll>tcpmg, anb
in mine cpefJ ifJ ti.JC flJal!0\11 ofiJeatfJ,
{JanDfJ, llUt mr p1apci 1.15 dcanr.
17 ~o\llbctt d}crc .•SS no \D"lic1mcfi'c tn mr
1 s so cl?rtl.J c:oucr not tlJou mr bloob, anb Jct
D l.)1te,ant1 faill,
2 1191Jm 'Win_r_e mabe an enb
ofrouimo,nc~:' Slll}ame wcll,anll
3 U91Jcrcfo1c art \De c:ounteb a,s bcaft.15. an!J
tcputcll fo bile in rour ft!ll}t:'

mr crpi11 g fin!J no r~umc. . .

19 <to:wc, mrmitncfi'et.15 m l)caucn,anbl)c
tf.JatrmowctfJmc if$in tl}c1Jcigl)t.
20 ~ rrtcnois gauc mcc manr \tlO~llc.15 to
rco:nc, anbminc ere pouicflJ outtcarcis tmto
4 @c Dcttroictl) )Ji111klf\Ditb l)tS$ anjgcr: (l)al
tl)ccartlJbcfoJ(alim, o~anr ftonercmout?Jout
5 Featl)cli«l)tofU,ebngoblpftJaU becput
out,ano t1Je f\Jarfle ofIJiis flrc fball not fl)tnc.
·1 ;~'

~on. 6 ~ebl1~1Jt11;>aUbUatketnlJi!Sb'11clltna : ,
11 ill> tl)at a bobp mlgl.Jt plcane \tlitlJ <!llob, a.15 annl)i.15 c:anblefi.lallbcputout\tlitlll)tm. ' =-..~;
one man Doti) \»itl) anotIJer. , ·ctl)c ftcppe~ of IJiis tmn«ttJ n.ian bee re. ~~
i a !?ct t(Jc numbn' of mr rcrc.15 ifJ c:ome. anb tlrainen, anb l)i,s o\l!ne counreu OJall c8ll l)im =:r-r:
tl)c \Dill' tl)at 1 muft go tis ntJJanll,from 'Wl)encc !Jo\tlnc: rb1spl(~'
'.jJ UJaU noc tume againe. 8 11'01 IJis fcetc are taficn as ic wcrcin Cl.Jc net: ::S'\I ~
ano l}e \llalfletJJ bpon t()c mare.a. :::,.~

The x~ij. Chapter.
lob faich that heconfumeth away, and yec doth pa-
tiendy abide ic. Jo Hee exhorcech his friends to
9 ~()c grinnc OJal tafic l)im br tJ:Jc ~celc,111111 ~:
tlJc tl}mlic ofblaon 11Jall catd;) IJim.
J 0 ~e man is laril fol l]im iu tbe grou~ :ia:,
•= ':
r'pencance, J 3 ibewing chat he looketh but for anu pitrallin tl)e mar. · · · ~
death. 11 !1ftartfulncs llJall mahc IJinl afrei?I on cue, .~
rp rtllc,ann t1Jall llJiue f.)im to l)iss feete. •·;
·~~~~W bJcatIJ i~coJrupt,mr bate~ are 1 i c ~un§ef lllall be ()iis llrm~tlJ, anb ncaru, ~~
n10Jtrne11, '.]]am l)arll at ncatl]c.15 c:tion (ball be rca!Jr at l}iis Ol:lc. t1111111 ,
bOOJC, 1 3 ~cc 01all d catc tiJe ftrcngtl) or bi~ o'Qme ~rt~
2 •1!:lfro\tlarbmmarcmit1Jmc, Ckinne, cucn tl)e fitU bomc otbcatlJ tlJaU catc !Jill l:';fi
~J.~~!~ffi~~. an1:1 mine ere mua 'onttnue in ftrcngtlJ, :.~
~~~~~.·~~: ti.Jc bittcrnctre of tlJcm. 14-ll)tssl)opcRJaUbcc rootcb out ofhi~ lib.le!< :~--:'
:.'~'.~~.~b~; 3 © nebutt mt,an1:1 b 10011c out one to be mr ling,anil fhaU b)ing l}im to tl)e c liing of fcarc. r,5 ~;
:t~:~?.:l\~ rurctic in tlJr rtgIJt: nei,at i.15 l}ec tl}at fma,vetlJ
com101r him,
~~~::i\ J11b1
\DtJO \\Jill piomife fo: me~
4 fo; tl}ou l)aft \DittJIJolllen tlJeir IJcartc,a
15 Ochermcn11JdlllJ'llltllinl)iSSlJOUfC, anllit : .. ~:
lball be none oflJis,aub b:imftone UJall be rc:attc•
rel> bpon IJiS IJabitation.
:r• :'
~0~:~~·~~- 'Ctom bnllctftanllin~, tl,JttcfO~e 11.Jalt tIJou not 16 ))tis rootc.15 n1allbc ll:ic!J bp bmeatf.J,mtlla• •
kcrs, rct them bp on [)iglJ. botic fl)al 1Jil5 b~ancI:J be cut 110\tlnc.
b ~M"'· 5 Jr.)e tl)ntft,lealiCtb ftatt_erlc to IJt~ frimtJ,tlJe 17 ttis rnncmb:ance fl)all pcrillJ from tlJC
:~·.:;'.'"~re eitfS of l)iis c:l)ilO) m (!)all fatle. eartJJ, anti l}e 111an tJauc no name in tlJc nrccte.
~~,~~; 1 6 ll)c l)atl) mane me a bp\llo:'!I of tl)e people, 18 ~IJCF OJallll~iue ~lim from «Jc %Jl'Jt into [
r~ 1•1b~~{·1 '\DlJcrc as afo1e 1 'lllais tl)eir IJ tor. barlinclTc,anil c;l}afe IJim c:leane out of tl:Jc \tlo~lb.
riaran mnb 7 !Jll)inc cpe iis !Jlmmc foJ bccy l)cauine[e, 19 ll)c 111all neit1Jer 1Jauc II cl:Jtll:l~cn noJ hittf, llo,;
~~;r;:r::~" an!> au ml! ltrcngtl) tis ltlte aOJatJo\tl. folf1cssarnongl)iSpcopte.,no no~ anr polfcritic in 11111
~~:f1~~~~~ir. s iatrtUou~ i11£11 tIJcrcfoie OJall \\icll conn~ l)iSS ll\llCllingis.
Zr·.~~ ~i::,:,q;~· ilct ttJis, anll tlJt tnnoc:cntOJall talic part again ft lo ~1Jcptl.Jatcomcafttr1Jim11Jal bcaaonicb ;:
~~r1 :1 ~~1 intr• tlJC IJppocrttc. . . ats~hl nap, anil lltlJeptl)atgoc ilCWJCtlJallbcc ~~·?
krn,notkno11> 9 'Q:hcttgl)teou~alfo\lltII J hccpchis\tlap, afraill. . IP'·~ (
~~~:.\.~;~;b, anlJ l)c ttmt l)ath c:leane l)anb!S 'W ii euer be llron, 1 1 ~uc:b arc no\tl ftlc b\Drttm«SJ of tbe w"' or,:MICll,
R:~:·,o;~~.1:· gcran11 ftrongcr. liell, Ollb t(Jiis iS Cl}e pla'c Of IJinl tl}at fUaO\tlftlJ ~
1 o as foi all rou.• tumc rou. an11 1J get rou
fo 0;
~ iltbongh lh; lJenc:e. l pray you, rec mg']! c:annot flnllc one \llifc
The xix, Chapter,
~.:~;~~WW:'.: man among rou. . 1 lob rcprrioucth his friends, 15 :ind rccimh his mi-
~1:\.:~:~r'.~:, xr gi)p bapc.15 arc paft. anti mp com1fadcs ferieslndgricuous paines. 25 Hcafiurcch himfelfc
:b•~nctp'"' anll tl)ougl}tc!l of mp lJcart arc 1lamll)cll a'
~1~~:~~~~~1111 mar, of the general! rdurredion.
~~~ 1~; ~;:~ • 1
• 12 ~tian~ln~ tlJc nigl)t into Mr , anll tl)r ©bant\lJmb.anllfaiD.
PlOO~r of t~rm. ltgl)t tlpp•otbinrr into llafJiCntac, 2 ~o\D 1on~'llli111·~c bcrcmp
IJOrcomc • » .
now~. I tame llCUtr fO mUC:lJ, fCt tl)C
3 'ijj;!)OU\!b j\ Coulc,anb trouble me \DitJ:Jtoo:bjj~
irauc iz m11 i)cure, anl> '.JI 1Jauc mane mr bcb in 3 JL,oc. tmnc time~ IJaur rec
tl)c llar1u:. • rcp~oc(Jeb mcc. aniJ arc not at1Ja,
14 'JI faill to com1ption , ~ou art mp fa, mcb,but1Jauelaug1Jcllmetorc~mc. .
t!Jtt: anb to tl)c \llo,mci:s, 1i?OU arc mp motl}er, 4 '3cctt tIJatj](Jauccmbmbcellc,mmccr'
anll tnl? rincr. rour tIJcn remainct(J \DitlJ mp •fem~. ~.~:1
~m~~~~-l 15 _c ll0l)crci11 tlJcn no\D mplJope:'oi \D{Jo IJat}J s lac it pt 1Dil at1u11nccpourrc1uc~againft 1D011~'=I
rupuw1. confibttcb t\)e tl)ing tfJat] loo hell foi :' My hope: mr,an!I rcbUllC me foJ tJJcllJamc t}Jatiss tome bp• !=11
llJBll goe bo'lllnc "lllttl) 1mc into ·tlJc pit 111111 lrc m~: ~~
\D1tl)mc mtl)cllutt. ' 6 11\no\tl ti.Ji• t11m, tlJat tt i~ b <!!Job \tll)tclJ ~h~~,.
The xviij. Chapter. tia~ o~ertfJJo\l)Cn mec, anD l}atl) to1npall'rb mr ~':','.ii• .
\Did) gisnct. . . ~:.~ 1';"n:1
1 Bi!Jad rchc~rfcth the paincs of the vn&ichfull and 7 1 r~ comptamc of tlJc tJ10Icncc that 1.15 llonc , .~run•~,
wicked. ' bntomc.,Jjcannotbc hcarb: anllif']J crir, ttlcrc "' 11• :
~e refurrecrion. Chap. :xx. The vvickeds plagues. r8 6
· tJnofmtmu!PUtn\VitlJme. 4 llnome«t11ounott1Ji1Sofollle, anl:llince
11111. l s ~elJ&tlJ IJeill~ tip mp 'alap dJat<'.)I 'annot <!!Jon plqceD man bpbn eardJ,
';~~~1'111! patfe,&Jfbl)tlJatljfltDllfkenetfeinmrpadJJ; 5 c~at ti.Jt !,lf8DndfeOftl)e 11""°bfph8tlJ ~'~~..~~·,r
~.-:~.r ~ofminel)onom,anb bene11Jozt, ann tlJattlJe topoflJppomtelS i:ontt, ·~11c1itpm,
=· ..D
'taken tl)e tromne a'alap fronunp 1Jea1>.
~ IJatfJ belrl)\'eD me on euerr fibe, anb '.JI
nucD but tlJe t'CDinmltng ofaneye1 ~'~,::~~:: ~·::,
6 ~1Jou!.lh lJe be magntaeb bp to ttJef.'ltaUcn, ~~;.r,·:~i,;.:;,"
t~':f. amll gone: mp l)ope IJatlJ l)e ta11t1rn'nlar, a15 a co tlJatlJis l)eab mt(;!JettJ tlnto tl)ecipuileis: ,f;~J~·~;i;.~"''
~ cm ~Cflt tip bt' tl}e roote; 7 ll?et IJe pcrillJttl) fo1 mer like l)ts bung, in ' .n.., b"
~~Ji:'.. 11 IJilS \DJRtlJiJS kinDleDagain«mc, l]ee ta' fomuch.tlJattlJep\tllJii;IJ(Jauefeenel}im,ll)alCap, pla~u•il.
~,::- rtetl:Jmt815t()ouglJ~ \DerelJi.isenemic. lWbtteutlJtt~ ·.
\,,.; u ''•'mm. of \Darre,ometogcttcr, to~td)
·\ ' ma11et1Jeir'nlsp ounme, anD befiegeo mp ll\tld•
s l)e1JJaUbani11Jasa111eame, ro t11at1Jeca11
nomo~ebe_founb, antlf1Jallpa1fc atoar 11.G a bifi,
~· . 1U11r0Ut1babout. onmt!Jemgl)t.
i'. 13 tf)el)atlJ putntp b~etlJtcn fam atoar from 9 So that t(Je ere \DIJtct) fa'nl iJim befo:c fIJaU
~:: met, anD mme acquaintance arc alfo become l]aucno Cigl)tofl)im, auD l,)iis place flJC.ll
': arangerss bnto me. II fmoto IJtm no mo2e. IJOr,fce.

' ·~. 14 ~inc otonc ftinfrollies l)auc f'o:raftcn nic:

anil mr bell a«iuainteD f.Jaue roigotten me.
1 o ~is c{Jifil~en flJall pleare tlJc poo!e,anD IJiS
l)anDS ll)all rello1c ti)eir goo!I~. ·
di I~ U¢11eferuantOlltlmaiDenssofmtncoton II tjfrom IJiJS pout!} lliJS bones are run Of
(:iw?1r l)oufttookcmcro~aaranger,antJ'.Jlambeco1nc Cinnes, \D)JictJflJall Ueoo\tlnc 1»it!J tJim in tJ;Je
,1 ~~
an aliant tn tl)eir ftgl)t.
16 '.]! caUeD mp Ceruant, anti l)c,gaue ~uc no
. 11 cartl1.
12 1191Jm mttJteDneffe mass rniecte tn l)is

anl'mtte: no though ~ p1areil IJtm \Dttl} mr moutl),IJc l)tb tt1mt1cr iJiS tongue.
·-.' moutl). 13· ~l)atl)efauourcD, tl)attooulill)cnotfo~'
1 7 ~ine o'tllnc \Dtte mtg()t not abiDe tut' fafic, but rtept it clofc tn iJiJS ttnoate.
:~ b~catl],though 'J p~teb l)er eo, tlJc cl)illl~cn15fabe 14 ~ge bzcaD tl)at !Jee nil> eate, i)1 tumcD to
ofmtne o\Dne bobte. ti.Jc poiron of rcrpentss \tlitl)in lJi.G boop.
·:folkcs. 1s 1[?r.a, t!Jc II !OUng 1nm bd'pifeb me, anD 15 ~£ rii;lJe.G t1tat l)c nc-..rourct111Jall l)e par,
:: 1D1Jcn1 rofc, tl)cf fpalieeuillbponmc. b~eartc againe: fo1©oiltl1all o~annt(Jcm out or
19 1llmpmottfamiliar1Sab1Jo1rc1>me: anD g1ssbellp•
.· tlJcr \Dllam 1 loucb bell, are tume.o agamtlme. 16 ll)t fiJaU fucke tl)c gall orrcrpcntss, anb tflc
_. 20 ~ bonecleauetl)to 1nr flttnne, anD tn aDiler.Gtongttc ll)allfi:ip lJim: ·
· tnp flell): onelr tl}ere iJS Ide me tl]e Olinnc about 17 ~o tl)at IJt flJal no mo:cfec tl)eriuer$S anil
·~:· mr tutlJ. b~oobe15ofl)ontean1>butter.
~~ u ll)aue pitiebponme,1Jauepitte\lponme, 18 ~et()tngtlJatl)e(JatfJlaboureilfo~, 11.Jall
•.~, ©re mp frientJJS, foJ tlJe l]anil of ©oil l}atl) tou, IJe rctlo~e,anll J flJaU not eateorit: grrattrauaiie ~..r:::.~ 6~'; 1

~ c1J£ilme. 11.JaHIJcemaflefo: rut.Jess, but l)e 11Jallnotcnior ~~~~'.·~::;~~·

JG 22 1191Jp Doe pe perfecutt meaSS <!!Joli doch,antJ tl)em, no1rn 1b1 "'
"t.-· are not fatl!fi£b \tlitlJ mp flell.J :' 19 l5ecaure l)ce lJatlJ opp:effeD tl)e poo:c, anti ~i,':: :~~·~':.r.
3n.11110 2 3 © tlJatmp wo:il.CS 'alert no\D m:ittcn, !lD notl}dpe'D tl)em: ()ouress l}atlJ l)e fpoileo,ano not ~~~~::~ 0 aan
t11atttiep\Dcreputina book£, butlocotlJem.
:5' '•
24 anti gr~um \Dttl) an iron pen in lca'D,O~ in
· · flonc,tocontt1wc. .
2 o *'5eraufc IJc COUlll not perceiue \Df)m IJiS Ecclef.5. n
beHrui.iss\tleU, t~~ouglJIJiSS gree1>ieilcure, IJce
~~hough 2 ~ fo~ ']lam Cure tlJat mp ttDeemer liuetlJ, OJ all not efcape.
~~ii" anD tl)at'.]1 ~all,rtfeoutoftl}ceartf)intlJelat, 21 ~l)m <flJall none ofhi.CS meatt bee left, ~~~:~.~~~::.
'rmcidc- ter ilap, tIJercfoJe 11)aU no man loohe ro: l)iS goobis. . 6'~';.r~:.::,',.
;1this 26 9ntJll11Jalbttoueretlqaine\DitlJmrrftin, 22 tWIJen1Jel)a1>plenteou£ne15ofeuerptJJmg,
iy, Y" ann ll}all rcc<Bob tnmr tlcfIJ: pct maf$1Jepoo,e, tlJOUJIJ lJcma~l}efpeo on roe,
;llI&c. 27 Dl)om'Jlmt'fdfeCfJall fu,anllmincepcis riertlle.
~~·:r ~al bel)oltl,alltl none otl)erfo, me:tl}is1nr I) ope 2 3 ann it fl.Jail comcto patre, fl1at 'nll}m'nlttlJ
:b~l.:i. 113 laib bp in mp bofomc. he purpofeD to fill l}t.CS bellp, <!!Job 11Jallpo\tl~c tl)e
~~ 28 l5ut fefaib, DIW ~~IJc pmerutcD 1 ano ruric of lJilS 'nl~atlJ tl]ercon. ann 11.Jall catne lJts
~ca tl1ert 'Illa~ a bcepc matter m me. tnDignation to rctguc bpon l}tm, anD bpon (JiJS
::fr~'1 29 hl5utbe\Darcoft1Je£mo1oc:~t1Je£U101!1 meate.
,..,.:. • 'mtHbtauengebof\Dicfmlne~. an'llbduretl.Jat 24 ~eetl)alltlce ftomtlJc tron weapon, anll
~.11~~· tlJeret~ a iu~emmt. t{Jc bo'nl offlccle 11Jall1lribe (Jim t1Jo1o'ID.
L. 2 5 -m;)Je £\llo~n tis ti~a\tlen out, anD goctl) tho•
The xs:. Chapter. ro\tl t(Je boDp, an~ gltlleretl} of IJt~ gall: ro fean~
1 Sophar lhcwcth that the wicked and the couctous 11.Jall come bpon l}un.
lb311 haue a Chon end, 2.2 though fora time dley 26 an Darhenetfe !I)aU bee l)tD in tlJttrfecrete r 1th•• if,llu
Aorilh. ptaceis, ran imliin~lctl fire flJ~l ,onn11nc lJim:anil ~~~~:::~:
'm ant\DereD ~opl)ar tiJc :f,laa, loobcnilJat remamctlJtn lJJISl]oUfe, itnJilllbcc ~ll,t'.\~~w:.•,h


D Quttl]ite, anD f8ill,
2 iJfoi tl)cfamecaufeDoc • mr
27 ~e1Jeauen11Jahbec1arel.Ji1Stoitkct1neffc
t1Jo~tsco1upc1Imc to anf\tlm, an1>t1Jccartl}11JalltaJteparcagainftl)im.
8U0 tl)£r£f0~£mSfl£lJ8tlC, .
3 '.) lJaue fufficient!y t}carll tl)e b i;IJecmng or 11J81 1.1C an.. ... • n Ptnfb mtlJ£Dap Of tl)e
=-;;;" mr rewoort, t1Jmto1e tl}e £pint of mr tlnDtr' ·11.01nfS wiatlJ.
1 ;,\%:~~ flannini& cauretl)me to anf\1>ere.
~~b<t11>tn11ntllo•Mr. b J•r111ou.r11 eo.~1rl••k«Dnr.btcaul'1llot11111ni..r1n1
· i9 ~iis iii tlJe po1tion tlJe \llicl1co man
11JaU1Jaucof ©Ob, anll thCIJttita~C rhachecmay

2(8 ..'\ll;IJtC"'.,UJfb~Jfat£p atlJai)tl)re.lJa.tlJ lRl}iJS l)OtJfC

PlmD. '"b [! •
, Ioo kc for Of ©Ob, becaufe Of h lJtfS\OO ?0.S,
: •n~ 101 Ill"~· .._ . '11liM111111111111t:ic1U11 10 1a11Dm•11in1. ~ ,';;.8'J!.::'..•·

-. I I ht'
The\tvicked profper, and lob. are keptfordefl:ruB:ior
The xxj. Chapter.
1 lob declarcch howc chc prolpcrilie of chc wicked
makcch chem proud, 15 info much that they blaf-
llDb anl'll>crtb. anbfalb,

2 SlD l]rare blligcntlp mr 11101b~
ano tlJat flJ&ll btt in fteab of rour
3 ~uffct me tlJat '.11 mar fpcakc,
anll tollrn'll l)audpoflen. mockcon. . .
4 'JllSit \\)ttl)•mantl.Jat~ mallct1J115 btfp~·
tatilln :'\\)IJictJ ifit 'tllcrcfo, n.iouUI not mp fpmt
tlJm be in ro~c trouble:'
5 ~arlic mc,anb bl' aball:lcb, anb b lap pour
11111111 bpon rour moutlJ.
· 6 1fo.1\\)l)cn'.)l1:onfibcr,~amafratb,ant1mr
11~1 ii$ fmimn 'tDitlJ fcare.
Ierc. 1 i.1. 7 • 110l)crcro~c t1oc 'tllic~tb t~m liuc, come to
tfJcir olll age, 111111 enmafc tn r1ct)c15 :'
!!Or/cede, g ~cir II tlJtl!ltcn liuc in tlJcir Ugl)t, tt ~tit
generation bcfo~c ti) cir eyclJ,
9 ~cirl)oureis arcfafcf'rOman ftatt, anl>
tlJC rob of <3ob il5 not bp.on tl)cm.
1 o -m::l]cir bullocllc gmbmtl)., ant> tl)at not
out of time , tl]cir €o'tlle caluef:IJ, anl> il5 not tm'
11 ~er ren?I fooitlJ tl)cir cl)tltl~cn bp flocJ1css,
an!I tf.Jeir fonneis ?Janee.
12 ~lJer bcarc 'WitlJ tl)cm tabtctis anb 1Jarp15,
anll rctorct tn tl]c rounb of tl]c m«rumcntl5 of
1 3 im;lJey Cpcnb tfJcir l>arcis tn 'alcaltl)tntfre,
~1 _::~~~.,:::~b but ' fU!l!IClllp tlJCf goc llO'tDUC to ti]C grauc.
ton~ oc~mirc.
d ~~" r,,,
1 A im;hen fa" Rlfo tJnto $Ob, d <30 Ct0tn blJ,\tie
,. .., t r
cbt1,no1 mnb llCftt:e not tlJC 1lno\\ll£!1gc of tlJp 'tDBfc.6·
~~~f:i:::~.~~ 1 S M)lJO it! tlJe !llmighfr,tlJBtU!Ctl)OUIJ) fmle
~;.~:'b~!:~~· or l]im:' anll anb \\)l}at pwfite ffJOUUI 'ale l)auc if 'ale
'"'&c.mur• ll)OUlll pzaptJntol)im:'
,. 1 r> ·a.oe, tl)crc il!I bttttW no goobnclrc in U,cir
l)anb, tl)crcfo~e toill 1 not l)auc to boc \IJiU, tl;)c
~~.b,•::r.~t,~~:· counrcu or tl)c bngolllF.
IRDlllCall~. 17 l)o\D oft llJall tl)C cantJle c Of tl)t 'alidltb
be put out, \'l tlJcir bdtrui;tion come bpon tl)cm:'
© \DlJat fO~O\\) fiJal <30b giUe tl)em foi tlJtir part
in lJts 'W~tttlJ :'
18 l?ca.. tl)cp ffJafi be eucn al!l l)ap befo~c tIJe
'Winne, \'las ctJaffe t}Jat tl)c ao~mc camtt awap.
19 <IL'So'b tom lap bp tl)e fO)O\\) of ti)!! father fo~
{)ts cbll!l~cn: anll \tllJm: l)c re'tllarnctl) l}im, l}c
rIJaU hno\\) it.
20 ~{)cir otone mifcric flJall tl)cp rec 'Witl)
ttJrtr £'1:'£15. anb llJinhc of tl)c ftarcmll \\)~atl) of
~.{~,~~~ tl)c llmtgl}tic.
m•m. ••Dm· 2 1 \ll}Jat carctlJ l)c foi l)il!l l)oUfc after 1Jt15
umnDmttbt ,. t'h ' fh ·
CDU<[IDflbclc utn "'' 'llll)ClltlJtfnumbcro .,115mont....,l5JJHUt
,.., ·
:,:~~~ .. <b• [!Jon 7
t.m.~~~i~h~~ • 22 ~cetng <l50111Jatl) tl)c IJigl)cft po'tller of al,
~·1~ i:::,~:""' co1Jo can tea~ l)tm. an~ tmowlcbgc :' .
m••<•n•I•• 23 s1Dnct1tetlJ tn lJtJ5CUllflrcni&tlJ, bcmgtn
~ ~":1,·,i~i:ir au care anti wofvmtic,
=~~'::J:::~g; 2 4 ll)issb~caliurefullofmilke, \'l IJil5boncs
•n1ua,1., lDIJ• nm full ofmaro'al
l:~.~:~1 D 2s !lnotl)tt btctIJ tn tfJe " btttmwrr: of 1Jil5

~.!,~~~b~:~:. ronlc,anb neuercatctl) tDitlJ ptearurr:.

?~0.!:1 '· <blnk 2 6 ~l)tp ll)aU Cltqic botl) alike tn tlJe eaRIJ,
mct11ct'1•.11t· anll tlJc 'al0~"1CIS fiJaUcoucr l:l)cm
2 7 l5clJ~lil,' '.]\ llllO\ll 'all)at )!I? tlnnllC., tieS,81111
u1li~i:.'::.'ir1 tl)c Cllbtlltle tl)at re imagine againft me.
b•rmnl119•n• 28 1oi re rap, klJf>l)m ilS tbcwtnu• palace,
moctuni1t ~
anil 'all) ere tj5 the b'al elltng Of tlJc btt«Oblp:'
$ds infini ce power. Chap.xxiij.xxiiij. Thevvickedsrage. 18 7
an!l lilF bJJh'-b>~~ in$nel;Jtart. The xxiiij. Chapter.
2 3 1fo~ if tl}ou 'dltlt tutne to t{Je almiiglJtie,
· 11n· tlJOU OJalt be; builtt1p. an!I put all bnrlgl:Jteouf, 1 lob dcfcribcrh the wickedneffe of men, and fhcw-
.. ~*' nell'e from tl1f l)'Cllclling. cth whac curie bclongeth to rhcwickc:d. n How
24 ~DO fl)alt lap bp gollle as p'cnrifoll 8S tl}c all things arc goucrncd by Gods prouidcncc:, 17
\1 llUll. anll tlJc ;olll of SJDpl}ir a• tl}e t1int• of tl}c and chc: dcllrultion ofthe wicked.
tiurr#• ~ flJouUmot tlJt • timrif be tii11nen a '!hr llofnll:l'
~! is l!!cil , almigl)tic \11Job flJall be tlJF tierence, of1urnnu
rrom tl}c almi~tic, anti tlJCl' tl)at illlb(OtiRrt,ibh. fn<~

~ · allll tfJeu OJ alt J]aut plmtie ef muer. know l)tm, rec not his tiares ~ char ufum1D
ru l•h rflat
~ 2d ~mlbalttlJou1Jauet1Jp1>elill(ltintl;Jcal, ~ fo, Come inm rrmoour tl)c >.c'!lol11:D;1i l!JRC•
1 rnnt anti carr·
;'~ m1«1Jtie, ann ltft bp tlJr face bnto cl!Job. • lanl:I marlirs , robbe men of tl)cir 1tl!"t bccaurr h1
\'_ n ~l}cn ll)alt tlJDU malt£ tlW p1aier bt1to IJim, 'atrcll, anll fcrt>e of tl}e came. not
I,.,, anb be llJaUl)tere tl)ce,anb tl)ou rtJalt Ii 11eepc tlJt' 3 ~l)rp l>~it~c awar ttJc afie or tl)e fat(JcdcQ"c, rcurn1ub

ve1o piomifeis. ano tali£ tl)e \\'111>0\l'.lell ore foJ a pktlgc.

:8 ~llou flJalt alfo brcrce a tlJing, anb IJe flJal 4 '4n)er caure ttJe poo~e to turne out of tiJc
. ""' cflabliOJ it bnto tf)cc ,anil tl}c k ligl;Jt ll)aU OJinc in \\lap, fo tl}at tIJe poo~e of tlJc eartlJ IJiilc tl)cm,
: ·t•D· tfJF 'llli'lf£0'. £clues togctiJrr. ·
; 29 IIDl}rll the wicked be caano'alht, tl)ouftlalt s lBe1Jol11,as \l!illle a(!'r• in tlJc lltCert go tl)cr
rap, '.]lam liftcl> bp: a111> ©ol>llJtlll cauc t~e l,Jum, fOJtlJ to tl)eir 'lllOJ~c, ant> rife betimes to !µople :
,, blcperCon. . ~ca, tl)e bcrp b 'lllllbernecrc minillrctlJ foooc fo1 ' 11:~•111.11w
~ 30 ~lJc innocent OJall llcltuer tl)e '.)lanl:I: 1it tl]etn an'b tl)cir ChilbJcn. ~:"
:::: a1albe p~tferueo bptl.Je purenccrc oCtl}ine l,Janll$1. 6 ~IJr.r re ape tl)c coine ficltl tl)at is not tlletr
,, The xxiij. Chapter. ownc, anll gatf}et tl)e bincraro of tlJe bngoblf
which they poflcffe vniullly.
i lob affirmrth 1ha1 he both knowcth and fearcth the
7 ~tJcp caure tl)c na~eo to lollge '1llitl)out
" P"W~r and fl"mcnccotchc iudgc, 1 o and thathcis
., not punil11cd oncly lor hisfinncs.
garment,anb 'roitl)out couertng in tlJc coln .
s ~ep are •am 'lllirl) tl)e f!Jo\l'ics of tl)c
©b anC\"Dcrel:I, anll ratb, mountatnc$, an!> imb:acc tl)e rocflc fo~ want of
•• 2 ~ougtJmptalllebetl)tnar COUerin!;J,
in btucmetre,anb tnf pla!JUe ;rea• 9 ¢~C1' plucflr tlJe fatlJerleffe t'romtbe bJeU,
il: ter tl)en mr ~omng;, anti take tfJe plcl>ge from tlJe poo~c.
:S • 3 © tl)at '.JI • miigbt fmom l:Jtm, 1 o ~tJer let t)im goc nahell witl)out clot1Jing,
anllfinoel]im, an'b tl}at'Jl migfJtcomcbef.o~etJi~ anl> l}auc taken A'ttlap ttJc fbtafe of tt)e lJungrr.
t •
4 41 moum plralle mp caufc befo~e l)im, anll
A ftll mr moutlJ 'lllittJ arguments :
1 1 ~lJcp tlJat labom in tbeir om mlUc~, ann
trrab tbcir wine p1effe~, fuftcr tlJit!l.
n ~enoftl,Je Qticcrr out, the routes ortl)e
::f 5 'JI WOUID rmo\"De tol)at anf'lllere be WOUID aatne alfo crp out, rct <!5on rcgar1>etl) not tlJcir
: · giuc me, ano tmocrllanti \XllJat l)c fl)oulo rar tm• 'omplatnt.
·· tome. 1 3 ~ore arc ttJer tl)at flee from tl)e li{tlJt.,
·· 6 tt9tll l)ec pleal!c again ft mce WttlJ IJtll tbcr fmcw not t)iss toarc~, noi continue in lJ•ll
RTCat power~ ~o, but IJe 'llltll mallc mcc tl)e patl}cJS.
llrongcr. 14 ~c mtltllercr tifctlJ earctr, anll liiUctIJ
1 ~en tlJe rigl)tcousmiglJt lltfputc\"Ditl} tl)c poo1e an1> ncellte, anti in tl)c niglJt i~ a~ a
IJim, Co fl)OUlD '.J, be neliucrcl>fo~ cucr from mp tl)ieft.
IUbgC. 15 ~e cere o~ tl)c al:lulterer\llaiteth fOJ tl]c ~br.::.~:;'.~.r
s . l5r1Jotn, tl)ouglJ '.]go roiwarl:I/] fi111:1 l)tm llatflcnrtre, a.nll raitlJ, ~l}m ilJall no eye rec me: ~:~· ;?c~:.~i1 11 ·
not:. tf '.Jl goc bacM:oart1,:Jl can get no 1mo\l'.llc11gc anl> 1)1betlJ1:111Hacc. rrrr,aub '••or
ofl}im: 16 ln tlJc name tlJcp lliggc ttJ:ouglJ .-iourcis, coiircrru.
9 'J1f 'J\ goeontlJc lcftu~e\"Dl1erc1Jcbotl) ()is wl)icl) ti.Jet' marlict> foi «Jcmreiucs in tf)e DBF
\Do~rie, 'J\ cannot artatne bnto l)im: 1?gatr.e, if'.]\ time: tlJCf ltno\\l not tlJt ligf]t.
goe on tl)e ri!P)t ul:lc, ):Jc lJilletl) l}imfclfc, t(Jat '.Jl 17 ~e tnOJning ill to t11rm cucn al."l tl}c flJa•
can not fee l)im. bo\llc of ticatl}: if one Jmo"tll tl)cm rbey Jrc m tl]c
•1 o lBut as foJ mp war, IJe Jmo\tletlJ me, ann terro:ll of t~c {!Janow onieatfJ •
tt1ctl) me, tlJat as tl)egol1> 1 mar be tricti. 18 Thevngodly i}."l·1fwiftllpont1Jc'r0ater:tbm d l!rftMro
:,~.., 11 ~Pb Coote botlJ rm.~pe l)ill patl), l)iS l}ie po1tion fl)albc curfcil in tlJc cartl),anl> l)c OJal not ~!l::::!~~.r.,
~Wl~· 'War IJauc 11Jolt1m,ano 'anll not goc out of it. bcl)olb tlJc'lllar oftlJt: bmerurnis.
11c1r"" • 12 1 toill notfo1ra1tu1Jc commanbemmt of 1 9 aist11e1npgrounb anlli}catcconCumctl)£ < lilltbnng~
lutb abonuna·
~· lJiis fipll, 'll IJauc cllccmcti ~ too~bCll ofl~t• moutl,J rno\llp \tH1tcTll: ro OJall tile grauc tl)c flnners. bit On11rrs hut
20 <QI;lJc r pitifull man flJBll fo~gct lJim.,hc f!JaU rate
'DnC(\!rtmb In
:,• '" tnOJC tl}cn tnp ntceffarie foodc. ,.,,

~~ b .1 3 ~c is one, anti c \\ll)o can tumc IJim :' IJec be rwcctc to tfJe woimcis. l)e ilJ!\ll be no 1no1c tt• •<blll<b•QiallD<•

~" Jtn~ttJ to pacrc 'tlllJat lJe 1:1curetlJ. tUClnlJJ<ll,ano l)i$1 \lltcllcbncrrc ll)all be b:olitn alJ aour1bon
u1i.1c 14 ~e o1 perfOJmCtlJ tl)e tl}inm tffatlfS aplJOiO• a tree. f 1'rcauli lbtp

~1 1 tcb fo~ me. anb manr ruclJ tl}ings 11ot1J l)r. 21 ~~e l}a!IJ oppJclreb tlJc barren tlJat can• rhcu, tbo

·~1b 1 s qis is tl)c mare tl}at 'Ji ftJiinltt at l.Jlll PJt• not bean~, anb tmto ttJc wtllo'alc l}atl) l}c Done fb11llll'1t

Pt·...; fence, Co tlJat wt.Jen 'Jl 'onrtller{lim, 1 am attaill no goon.

1: • Of !Jim,
22 ~C &ll:!C\n tlJC migl)ttc 8£ter lJim \\litl} {JiS ~ ~Doll•,
pO'\XJCf an!J. \\ll}en 1)£ 'lllajl gotten bp no IUftU IDbcn f~<VlllUr
~ .16 f OJ <1110?1 maketlJ mr btart rort,anti tl)e al· 1

-..,':., tmgl)ttc puttctll me in rcarc, toa-(ure of I1fr.
17 )Bccau:e 'Jl amnorc:ut off bcfo:ctl)etllltk• .anl> tlJounh tlJ . .
PCt OJJ,.•i' e"C"
P.." " ..,,,,

.,pon~ g~ue tmn to be m fafetie. ~~:~~:~ ~·11

11. are!., ••,Clf
nc!Tc, ncichcr l)atlJ l)ee C:OUcttb tl)e t>arlie from < 1" \\ll\pC~. onO mlS~<>C
1nrfacr. 24 ~l)eraree1:attc!lfo:alittc,but lhonlyarc alfo.
Gods povver. lob. Thewickeds revvar• I

gone bzoug(Jttopliucrtic, ann tafimoutord]e 4 il@p 1q,, II.Jail talffe or no 1:1amtte, an11 mr
'\1)8f,rclu bttcrlppiu,lit oa as tlJc cares of com. tonguen,aU IP£811eno11emt.
2 5 1s hit not ro:' bJl)o lDJll dJm rcp~ooue !UC ~ ~.on roJtJRI tJJat i OJoulD !Jfaunt l:'DUr caure
b 1tDmJllc
nor.anD nont
P)oouc nu:.
as 8 trar, ann rap tl)atmr \llo,ncJS are notl}mg to be n1J11t: as fo1 tne, bntil mine mn come,totll
1.t101t1J :' bl neutr goc from mine innocmm. b
The xxv. Chapter. 6 ~ r1«1.Jteou-nea1tn1J bee:pe l raa, toltief1 k
Bildad proouerh that no man is dcane, nor without 1 'lllill not foJfaflt: mr l,Jeart lbaU not r~ue
me •or inp bafCJS,
linnebclorc God.
7 '<lrl,Jcrcfo1edminemmne11ia11befounnas '
~m anf\llrrell '5illJalJ tfJe~ulJite, tl}e bngolllp,anb IJetl)at hlketl}pan agatnthne, •
• ~11uo
pl•wwrrh •h•

~~~~r~ ;,~~b
, II annra1n,
2 •l!!lo\llcranlJfrsreismtttJIJim,
who marmt:i peace in IJiJS IJi!Jl]nca:c.
3 jiS t(Jerc anp n~m~tr or ~IS
~;:·~.·;~~:· annics:'anlJ bpon lDIJom fl.Jal not IJ•s lt!J(Jt ar1rc:'
4 l5ut l)otoc map a man comparen tmto
~.~~i~~~" ©oll, be iuftificlJ:' o~ IJottHan l}c be cieane, tl}at
a~ ~e bm11J11tcous.
8 101 • ' IJope IJatl) tl)e twpomu
thougl) hec bt neuer ro couetous, if <300 tafte ti.
9 D9ill r ~Ob IJearc IJiS me tol)cn trouble
commetlJ bpon (Jim:'
10 l!}atlJ IJec ftKIJ llclig(Jt in ti.Jc atmtgl)tte, •
~:~~~;~\~~· tis bomc of a lDoman :' . g tl}at IJe llarcal'alap call bpon <3ob :' :_ ·!
~'"· 5 '3e(Joio, tlJ cmoo~c t fl)mctlJ not, ann ti.Jc I I '.J mtl tcad) pou In tl}c II name or cl!Soll, anlJ ,.. ·::
+Compa· lfat't'CS are bm:lcanl' ill i)IS {igl)t, tl)c tl.Jtn'1 of tl}e ~lmtglJtic mm '.JI not kcepe 1 ;
~~wuh 6 ~ome mudJ mo1c tl}m man t(Jat iSJ but rromrou.
ij or, ~orm• Ucozruption, anll ti.Jc ronne of man which is but u l6ef1oltlc, ante rour Ccluc$11Jauc recne it, =~
at1101mc:' tolJp tlJm l>oe re tt.Ju15 banilb in banitie :' .:
The xxvj. Chapter. 1 3 Saying, ~is ts tl]e poJtion tl.Jat tlJe \DI''
lien IJauc of ~ob, an1> ti.Jc (Jentage tl}at tr~ant• ::::.,
1lob l11ewe1h chat no man can hclpc God, and pro-
uerh it by his wondcrfull workes. flJaU rccetue or ti.Jc ~lmig()ttr.
.14 ']Jfl]eel,Jauemanl:'t!JilllJm,1heyfhallpcrilh ,,.ri• ·
};!,"" qJ iDb anCmmll, anll ratlJ, U11tl) tlJc ftoo~lJe, ann l}iis pottcrttic OJall IJaUe. ~"1
• L?m 1o11 r.~. 2 • twl)om l,laa tl]ou l,lclpell :' rcarcmem of bmu1. · •r
1l~t~:::;~~~ar ~i.I~ !S::• IJim tl}atismitl)oucarentttlJ :'fa, 1 s 19innnnam fl)all be burtcll in nca~an11
b" rpuht!h ~l!:.~I tf-• uea thou ti)e anne that hath no
1101 CDDD15'h ra I • .,,., ., • ., I.Ji• toti>O'llles fl)all nonoecpc.
oob191a1rr, ~. ltrcngtl}1 z6 '<1rl}ou!JIJ 11e l}eapc t>p filuer a~ tl;e lltlf,llnll
: ~~~~"b
3 119l)crcist1Je counrcn tt:Jattl;ouOJoUfbtfl p~epare raiment as tlJedap: :
~::~":;.~::: ~iuc l,ltm ml)tc(J l}atl] no \llifenomc :' $atl tt.Jou 1 7 ~ec mar \lltll picparc it, llut tf)e golllr
~~~.~n!:'.'~ taugl)t IJim tl)at is berp \Di!£:' {l)allputiton, antt tl)e inuocmt lballbcale out 1:
r.,,. 4 'lXo t111Jom l}aft tl)ou Cpohcn tl}cf'e \llo:lJSS:' tl)Cflluer.
'mIJo mane tl)e b:catlJ to come out or tlJP 1noutl}:'
as~ i::===~~==n~~;~e.anb =.t
b ~Mt11.~tb S b are not llCSlJ tl.JinQ;.6 flJSptn blllJct ti)C
thins• arr lq \llatcrs, anll in places ncare bnto tlJrm :' 19 119l,Jm tile rim man flceprtl.J, IJct {l)all not : f
~,:~·,:~.. 6 ~ell is nalien heroic (Jim, a~ lletlruction be gatlJttell ro his fathers: tlJcr opmen d}cir er~. .. ,~
~!m'::\:.~.. f;JatlJ no coucrtng. · annl,JetDa$lgone. JJ0r,~
~!~:~~~~·· 7 'c llrctcl)ctl) out tl)c ji;}OJtlJ oucr tf)c cntp, 20 ~errour takctlJ 1Jolll t>ponf1im a• toatmS. ·
P•lDic · tic place, anll l)angctll tl)e eartlJ bpon notl)ing. anb tl)c tcmpcll llealetlJ tJinl a11ap in tl;Je niglJt ,.
8 ~c binnctlJ t(Jc lDaters in 1}1jj cloullfj, anll rearon.
tl}c cloullc ill not tnof!en tmbct tl}cm. 21 !A IJcl)cincnt Ital! 'lllmll cartctf)IJinl~cncc.
9 < ~el)olbctlJbRClietllc face of (Jffj tf}JOllC, anlJ (Jee llcparted], a lfo:me l)urlctfJ l}im out of
~~"~~'b~~.11 ~ ann fp:eallctfJ IJis douo bcfo~c it. biSplacr. - ..,.
~:~:1.~~~=· 1 o ll)e l)atlJ compalfell tl}e lDatcrs toitlJ cer' z: God (!)all caft bpon lJim foch things anl>
~.~~~.~.· r• ta\nc bountJes, d bntiU tfJe bal:' ann ni!J(Jt come not fpare l]tm, l]ec woulllt faine Ike out oflJi•
"''''" '"""" to an enll. ~Rnll.
~%" .~., 1 t ~l:Jc c berp pillars of l,Jeaucn tremble anll 1 J ~en O>all men clap tteir ~ei at l}im.
~m~:~.'/!',bbi quabe att:Jisrep~oofc. anlJ IJllrc IJim out of IJit'I place.
~~.~~~.~ 11 ~c ftillctl) tlJe rca toitl1 l)is potocr, anll
The xxviij.Chapter.
0 b•nu ... tl:lioull(J l)iSS'lllifelJomeCmttetl)IJee tl,lc llren11t1J
•1 11
1 lob llmvcrh thauhc: wifedomeof (lod is vnfcarch-
" il<111tn. thereof
. 1 3 l%s rptrit IJatlJ garni(l)cn tile f)caucnJ,ann
~·~ l'Jano l)att) maoc tile croolt£ll fcrpmt. f)m ,_ 11 11race tolJm filun i• rmt :
'4 ' arc part ofl)iS lDaycs: but l.JO'lll b10Ulf}t om of,anll '4ll:Jerc 11ollle t• :....': '
lttte apo~tion l)care \De ofbim :' tolJO can bl111Cr• trpeb, ~~':.
tlanll tl)e tl,lun?>cr ofl)iSS pobJer :' 2 DbmtiJontlniggclloutof
tl}e grounn, anb ftoneis refoiucD --·~•
The xxvij. Ch.apter. into t11aft'e. 11
3 God iJtirtgedJ O;Je ~admelfc to an CUll, anl> ~~\
~ The conOancie and pcrfeetnelfc oflob. 13 The: re
WJTd of the wicked, :ind of the tyrants.
Cearctetl1 out aDperftctton, ti.Ji: lfoneis hidden in :"~ ,~
~~· ..~ , .frlll'.;lobp1occcllco,anbmcntfo1tl) ri8tfitnea'e, atmm tlJe beqJC llJallOme. ••"'* 0
• '""'" ,,,..
fl ·~ ~1 tn l)t11 parabIt. fartn11.
• as GSoll liuetl'I bl(JiclJl)atl)
4 ~e flooltf b:faflt out agatnll tlJe in!Jabi<
tantll, anll tlJC warcu f"o~!,JOttm • of tl)e roote, ...~~\
~:b~:\!b' · ~ . " ta~rna'11apmriubgtn1mt.ttt1Jeal· \lllJtclJ b>ere_IJigl)crtbenaman,are gone a\Dar. ~r.:•~
(!D<au. . m1gtJttul)atlJatb bercbmfmhlll: ~ b SIDUt of ebe fame CSl'tlJ COmmttl) b.zcaz, r1n1:t:
3 ne1.J1lc the. b1catb ill in me, anb t1Jr1Dtn!lc atlbbnberit,llljtlDtte, fireistumell bp. ' ~~.... ;'
tl)at <II5oll llilth gmmme tssimu" notm1s, 6 ~tw aoncsortt ma place or~aplJirc-. =~~\
- l_
;:;;_ JS_ Rill! i ·
former life. Cha p.xxix.X}..'X. vVho mocked lob. 188
~~· 1 ~!;Jere iU 'dlap tl)attl)e l1i?bf Jmo\laot, rc1ues. ann tlJe d agtll arofe,anll aooDbp : . "' ''" '"""
~\ ci,atnouUltmcS epelJatl,Jfccne: 9 qecp~tnces1crtoff~mtalliin~.anlllntt1 ~~~".t.~~:·
~' 8 DlJctctn rfJe JI.ions \lllJdpeis \Dallle not, tfJcir lJanb to tl)rtr tnOHtlJ.. . . r7:~;:rull llBbf·
~l\ llllZlbllJcrno Jlion Q>mmctlJ• 1 o '4rlJe milJl}tic kept Q1H rlJci? bOI'C, ~ t1Je1r ~,~. ;,~~~..
i .... 9 ~cc d puttetl) 1.Jis IJanbe bpon tlJeftontc tonlJUc ckautll to t1Jeroofe of tlJeir moutlJ. ~~~:·.~:."n ,a,.
' .. romtf, anti OUertlJ,O'a>CtlJ tl,Je mountaines bl' 11 llB(Jen tl}e earc IJearll me, it blcOdl me:anll < ~ •• , •• ro
: tl}e rootes. \D)}m tl)tepe rato m£, it gaue 44ntncU'c to 1ne. ~ 1~~~~~~~1 ~~-r:1• 1

10 ltiutrStlob12outof we rodl#, 8l1b loolic 12 foi ~ beliuttell tl)e poo~emi,m (Jc crpel'I~ ~:~ ;~~b~.~~~.,
tol}atisplcafant,l)isepe rcetl)it• an?J tl:le fatlJerleltc, an?J lJim tlJat l}atl none to :~~,,~·~'~f.~h•""·
II ~ebinllCtlJtlJCflOOlJS tlJ&ttfJfV llOC OOtO• IJelpel)ttn. ron~i:mobc
. 13 ~l:Je blctrin11 ofllim tlJat \Das rea?Jic to pc' lil'""·
• 11 ucrtlo'a>: anll tl}e tlJing tlJllt il!I IJiD IJJingetlJ l)e to
14J1Jr. nlJJ, came bpon me, an?J '.]I caufell tlJe \Dibo'dlrS
12 1191Jere tlJen ts \llife?Jomc founn:' ~ •'a.ll}erc l)cart to rctorce.
iJtlJeplace of bnDerllanDing 1 . . . 14 '.]I put bpon mce fi\ll)ttouthctre, \Dl}icl} co'
111' 1 3 Jr.lo man can tel IJO'dl 1'a.lo,t1Jr a tl)ing it is. uerco me ais a garmmt, an11 cquitie 'dlaSS mp
,. nettlJeris it founll tn tlJe ta no of tl)eliuing. cro'a.lne.
14 ~e ?Jcepe raitt.J, ]t tis notin me: tlJefea 1~ '.J \1.1ssan eruo t!Je blinlle, anll a roote to
faitlJ, ]tis not 'a>itlJ me: tl;)e lame.
1 ~ 1]t cannot be gotten fo~ golD,neitlJer mar 11> 1 l.llas a fatlJcr to tlJc pooJe: anti '1111~11 ']1
tlJe p1tce of it be bou«l)t l.lltt:IJ anr Cil~cr. rme\ll not tlJC caure, 'JI rougl)t it out 11iligrnttr.
16 ~o gollle of lll>pl)tr, no pim~s ©n~ 17 1 b~afic tlJe iatoes of tl}e bnrigi)trouis
lfoness, no ~apl)lress mar be balUe?J 'a.lttlJ tt. man, anti plucbt tlJe fpoplc out of IJis teetl).
1 7 ~o, nettIJcrgolllc noi Jeiamonll ll)an be 18 ~lJm'J\ raill, '] llJall llleinmrnclt: anll]
equan bnto it, t1Je mt.Jange of itO)aU not be fo, llJall mutttplp mp ll8res as ttJe ranb.
tl)cplatcofftncgoUI. 19 !JfoJ mp rootetJatlJ lp~eab out bpt}Jctoa,
~~J 18 V,lo mention OJaU be matle of 4toiaH, noi tcrss fille, anll tt.Je llea\D lap bpon mp II coJne. IJOr,haruc1
tct of ttic 0abiss:ro1 mtfllome is mo1c p1ccioul!I ti} en 2 o ~inc l]onour cnn:raren mo~e anll IUOJe,
pcarless. (I mr bo\Dtoas llmer tl)c llrongcnn mine l]ani:J. ;1or,renucd
19 '4n}c ~opsss or CftlJiopia 11.Jall not be equal u iunto me mm gaue care, mec t!Jey rcgar,
bn to it, ncitl)er llJal it be baluc?J 'a.litlJ pure 1Jom. tlell, an?J kept Cllencc at mp counren.
20 tWl)encc tIJen commetl) 'a.lifellomc, an11 22 artermr too~ss tt.Jeyanf\llercllnot, anll
rol)crc is t(Je place ofbn?Jerftanlltn~ -1 mr talffe llJoppell bpon tlJcm. I
... 21 jjtiSSlJiHrom t(Jeepcsor au mcntiuin~,
,.acn lllli:Jl;)ibfrOmtlJCfOUltlSO[tlJtll8tTe,
23 ~b cyrmaitellhfolmead~dfo1t1Jh erainc, a~tl ~'~~:~·~:
\J8pell ponmelllSt cgroun OCI rorcccrnct.,e UJbmicill!ll•
22 Wellruction ant1 llcat1J fap,tWe IJaue IJcarll latter fiJo\D~e. ~~o·~·.~r~.~n;
Iii.. t11c fame tlJercof\llitlJ our earcss. . 24 1191Jen] l~ugl,lcll on tlJcm,tlJep sbelrcueb ~ 1 ~·b., 1,,rii.,,
ii :·, 2 3 <30llfeCtlJ tl)Cblap tf.JerCOf, 8tlb bnO\l>Ctl} It 110t, Rill> tlJCllglJt Of mp 'OUnttnllnCC 'WOUUI ur1un1nnot
1 ~' ,. tl}eplacet(Jercof.
24 fen (Je be(JollletlJ tl)c en?JCs of tl}e \Doil11e,
. tl)epnDtputout.
2 5 '.JI triell out tlJctt \11ap,'J\ rate ass d)icrc..anD ~·~~:;.~ !,.~
anll loolletl) bpon all tlJat il!I tmller l]eauen. ll\Dtlt ass a king \JJitlJ bil3 armic about I.Jim : anll '''""1;;" 0
2 5 lllllJen t.Je mcye'b tl)e 'a>inlltlf, anll meafu• 'a>lJen tl}ey \Dercin l)eauinclfe,1 \Dais tlJcir com, ~::,\~;.~, 01.
1.J tell tlJC'dlaterlf, foiter. ~~:'b~!;:~:'
11 26 U0l)ml}ematleabcaecfo~ tl}eraine, at1ll
..... a'a.lap ro1 tlJC liglJtntn_gs of ti.Jc t(Junller: The xxx. Chapter.
, =!~ 2 7 ~rn lll?J IJe ~eett, t(Jm lleclarc?J lJe it, we· 1 11 lob complaineth rhar he is concemned of the vilefi,
2 I bc:caufe of his adner!irie and afftillion. 2 3
:~~··· ~ml> 1t,anl> tmc\D 1t. Death is the houfc ofall fleCh .
...::i• 28 .a:nn bnto man l)e fapbe. g ~o feare tlJe
~~-:,~." 1Lo111~is \llifcllome, anti to fo~fabr eum is bn!lcr, ii!Jt. no'm tt.Jer t(Jat ore younger • 11ir0, 111 D•·

:x::;b•· flanl>m!J. tl)m 'Jl , bauc mee in neriflon: """" ao111
11111111. tDlJofe fatl)erS'I ~ woulD lJaue g~:r.~r.f.~~.
The xxix. Chapter. tl:Jougl)t (come to l}aue rct \JJitfJ r:~~,li.~~~:i."
' I lob wil'herh rhe profpcritic of hisrimc pall. 7 He
fcrteth fonh his authori1ie, 12 iullice,and cquitie.
2 twl}ercto llren11t1J ~~.~'[!~~~.,

L1®]obp1o~lle?J anll'a.lmtfoo~ of b tl)eir l)an?Js p1ofit me: fo~ tlJc tune was but ~~t'.;., ••lD

in tJtis parable,Caping. . loft amon11 t(Jem. . . arrp1rc mr,

2 © tl)at '.) 'a.lere as j\ t11ass in 3 ijf01 11cric ' m1rcr1e anll l)ungcr tl)cp flell :'h~:~bp~i::,', 111
. tile ll1011CtlJS patt, anll in tlJCbafeS into tl)c niiloemctre , a name place, IJD~tibk, :~r:r~,~~~r
·. 'rOl}encJ!So?Jpicrm1ellme: anD \Dafte. ~~\'~~ ~~'.~i"B
t~' 3 U91Jen lJiS'I • l~lJt 11.Jine?J bpon mp l)eall, 4 191uckin11 bp II nettles 11mo1111 tl:Je bUl1)e~ ""' ro IDtJkt
... tDIJen 'JI toent after tl)e rame liglJt, an?J flJtntng anr. tile ']unipcr rootrs ro~ tf.Jelr mcate. ;1~::~,~,~~~~·
mm tlJo~o\ll tfJe llammerre: 5 gno \lll)cn tfJe.F 'Were n:iuen foo~rtl, men ~;~·~~;;'':,ID
4 as it ltoob'mit1Jtnell3l)rn1'a.111Sroung, criell aftr.r tl)cm, ais It IJab bcne llftci: a tlJiefc rlllll•D ""'"

"°"" 'l»IJcn '3oll J110£pereb mr f1ourt: 6 ~tJeir. d b'IDclling \Das in tl)e difir~ of ~;·~,'!'~~~·~
~~ s 119lJen tl}e almi«lJtie 'dlas pet \VttlJ mcc, b,oolm~, pea mthe caue~ ann liens of tl)c carttJ. ~"~~!~~.:';';:..
~,; ... blfJen mr ctJim~en aooD about me? 7 gmo1111 tlJeb~eiswcnt tf.Jev about err, ~l:~~~~.i;~
~a. •II 6 tlBl)cn] \Da(l)Cb mf bllcpS'I \llltlJ butttr,alli) in~, an?J bntlet ti.JC tlJDtRC!S tl)epgatl)ercD tlJetn' ramrn •«•·
~.b~; bllJm tl)c aonie romess gauemt riucris of optc: rcwrstogetl}cr. ~or,1n.1.
11111i:~11 7 tlB(Jen '] ll3ent out to tl)e gate , eucn to tlJc ,..,.... ._
.8 ....,.,CJ;' wCl'C tlJ e ""•"¥Jett
"""" Of f'oo{CS anll bif, !owes. J <$hrw1n1
:r.i~~..~· ~Ull11ement Ctatc,antl U>l)en '3l pirparcll mp reate tames, 'a.11)1c1J aret1Jebilcftint1Jc rartlJ. g~f:~:i:~::.
~ mttJeftrem: '1~fn11 ~11(tJ 111ltC'.l(hf: PU ftObJ :ri" (rcnnc 'Toh tuflrr~ 11'1 Aarrllt ,.,1,·r ,,, tfl~~i::~ ~ln~,~~~r

I 'll t 2
lobs affiiCl:ion. lob. His innocenci(
9 flolD am ~ tlJtir Cong, anD am btcome
tl.Jdt telling ftocllt.
10 ~ep ablJoirc~, ~flee ramrrom me,
anti ttaine mp face \Ditl.J fPtttelL
I I '6eutJfC ~OD l}lltlJ loofeb mp Cl)Jb£ , 8nb
f)UmblelJ me, tl}ct (Jaue loofe?J tl.Je b1fb1e bef01e
me1e~ IJ.POn "11' rig!Jt IJantJ nee tlJe FOUlli mm
11gamame: tlJcrIJauc l}urtmp fcetc, tnabtn1:1
tiponmc, ais »pon ttJe \Dareis lDJJicf;J tlJe1! lDOUUI
:.~tl:'!?f' q ~P ~pattJtss l)auttlJep ckanc mamD , tt
:,r,::Ti:i,c mu ro caac fo1 tlJtm to bot me 1Janne,t1Jat dJct'
or •• ,·~" net0£D no man to IJelpc tl]em.
14 ~epfdlbponme,11$Jftl14Dbenet1Jcbiea•
hin; in of waters, anb came In bl' IJtapcis to be<
1 s ~earc tis tumeb bpon tttt, anb tlJ er pmruc
mp route ais tlJc \Dtnbe, anb mr IJcaldJ pa[etlJ a'
' .:D1111.n1r!l tll&F ais r a douD
CIDiriir. 16 ~erero1e iis mr route noto poto1ct1 out
upon me, anb tlJt oaress of mp troUblc 1Jaue ta•
lien l]olD bpon mf,
17 ~I! boness are peaneb t1J1oug1J in tl]e
niglJt rearon, anb mr fint\Dess tahe no ntf.
18 1fo1 t11e belJcmm'ie of ro10\De tss mp gar'
1mnt dJange?J, \\llJict) compaaetl} me about, ass
~.~:.:::::· d)e g collar oC mp coat.
~::~~1~ ~... 19 l!}e :tJatl) catt me tnto tl]e mire, anb 31 am
1ncn11 ra111cm become like afl)eSS at111 Dtltt.
=.°r!~~.,, io 1191Jen h ~err bnto tl)ec, tl)ou bodf not
t;ii::;:~r':: ::' IJeare me : anb d}ouglJ ~ ttanb bcf01e tl]ee, pet
:~~.111 1 b 1b• d)ou rcgart1ea me not. .
h 1oar1111bno1 21 ~[JOU art lm:omemineencmtc,anb\Diti}
=:~~.· tlJJ? biolcnt l)anb tl]ou tallett part amaina me.
::1 :~W:::."&" 22 In times pall tlJOU Ilibbe!t i fet me bp on lJil.lf),
~;f,~l:i~:" to Ile carieb SIS it 'O:lcre aboue tl]e toinbe, but now
~.,!~~~~~: ~a!t d)ou !,Jluen me a berp ro1e ~II. .
DcnlrtOou PU!• :q ~UfC 1 am t(J8t ti} OU 'O:ltlt bJJngmC lJntO
u1tmc110111nc. btattJ,euentotlJe lobgin§tlJ&tinuc bnto all
men liuin«.
24 ~ot41Dtttaan'bin«. tl)ou 'O:ltlt not ftrctdJ
out tlJine l}anb againfibim that is in tf]e 1raue,
tIJou!lfJ men Cfl'_tn 1JH5 bcatuction.
2 s J!l!lill not '.]I roecpe 'O:lttlJ lJim tl]at '«llllS in
trouble~ ll)ab not mr foul£ wmpaaton bpon tl]c
k ]In nraa of l 6 12et 'O:llJcteass ']l loofltll fo1 gool>.eufll c;ame
com(OJ• •b•r bnto me: anl> k 'mlJcte '.)! tuaiteD foi ltglJt, d}cte
...., ,. """· tame Dattmttre.
2 7 ~F bo'IDetss fcetbc in me 'CDitbout rell, f01
tl,Je l>apess of mr trouble are come bpon me.
2 s ']I 'IDent mourning \Ditl.JoutlJeate,~ lfoob
bp in tl:)e c;ongrt!lation, anb crpeb.
2 9 1 am a b~otlJct of~1agoAAanb afeUob>
or CftmtlJcss.
3° !llil11 fkin bpon me iS5 mrncd to blaefle, anb
mr bones an b~ent 'IDitlJ IJeate.
. 3' !il@111Jarpe is tumeb to moumtn§,snb mr
~~mtnts of muficlle, tnto tlJe borte of tl]em
•J w£tpe.

l0 b h T.hc xxxj. Chapter.

bcrc efahr~eth the tnnocencic of his liuing, and num-
ro is venues.

~J;:r:~t." .~ a&abe a • cot1m8nt 'tDitlJ mtne

rub bLl•P•alrl £t>elS, tlJat ~ lDOUlb notlolJllC bpOU
!:."!~';;::.:~ ¥~ • a tna(ben.
2 f~ilJotoltt!atapoJtiontball
f.11",-:1~1~."· f;..~ 1h
~~.r.r inlJ.!(/mtanccof""~u~fm~'!Oftmabout: '\DIJ&t
.., -·"' omanlriglJ:'

---·-~ - -
Wifedomeis of God. Chap.xxxij.xxxiij. Gods mercie. 189
r 6 Dbrn '.J l)alJ ma1tell (fo~ tfJep fpw not.
but ftooll lhll a1111 anfmmD no mo~e.)
r 7 ~en anC'o.:lmlJ '.31 in mr turnc, anti 'Jl
llJe\Dcb mine opinion.
18 fo~ ~am run of II matter, ant> tl)C (pint gor, words.
'tllttl)in me compcnttIJ me.
r 9 l6cl)olo, mr d bellic sis as tl)e \tlinc Ulf;JiclJ ~~,~·~i',~~
l;latl} no btnt, lifie rt1c nc'al bottttis tl)at bunt. '"~-~~~;11
20 Thcrcforc\l)tlll]! iiprSffl~. H•&t !']!matt tafle ~nlu,mp
b~a..., •'h.. "ll.JJ 'Will
. 31 • • HJ 3) r
open mp lips, anil malle anC'Wcre.
mtnDrn lo
~r jl'Wilcregaronomancrofpcrron,noman • hmr.,
bJt(l'.li fpatr, m:::.·lA~l;D
l'f .. • "Oe&bOUtto
I ~~C ~lblUI
nno'We not IJO'W foone mp mailer \DOUlD talie
.:II tl!OJIJ •l·
1ma\»ar. ~~f1~~~~·.~~;
The xxxiij.Chaptcr. ~a ~trti:cw
5 Elihu accufcth lob ofignoram:c. 14 Hee thcweth
that God hath diucrs mcanes to inflruCl: man, and
to draw him from linnc:.
~~~~-1 ~crefoJe l)care llt1! 'lUoJllrlS, i!I
]ob, anll l}carkm bnro an tfJat
. '.l\ tDiD rar:
2 ~e:lJoltl, 9\ IJaucno'ol ope,
nc'!I mp moutl), mp tongue i;att}
. :.. _ (poben tn mp t1J1ote.
3 ~P IJean Doctl) OJticr mp \Doiti~ ariglJt,
tllliJ mp lipl5 talllc orpure \DifcDome. 1!b<rc I• no

4 ~c·fpititof<3ob1Jatf;lmabeme. anDtlJc ~~·~:.~;~µ;,•:

b~eatl) Of tiJc almia;IJtp IJBtlJ gtuen me life. n1t.at1bo"~tJ
5 ~f tf;lou canff~uc me anf'o.:lerc,p~cparc tlJp i :,~,1::~;~

felf'c, anti tlan?J bcfo~ me. li~•~'r~~:.~~

6 )5c1JoUJ, b befoJc c3oti, ~am cum ajj tlJou: ~~:~~~~.:~ ~~~
fo~] am Cllf\lioncD atlb matie eucn of t}Je falllC muc~rcor
mouUJ. e~~obbrfD,11
7 l3e1Joln, tt1! tetTour {ball not feare tl)rc, ~~~~~~:, ~~~':1~

neit1Jer1l)al11u, (Janb bel)ta11ie bpon tlJtt. ~.~~,,:::~f~~~

8 c ~o\ll l)alt tIJou Cpoflen in nnnc e&rcl5,antJ wt11 c11~11&
i or
{JQU£ l}C8ttl tl)e: b0l'C2 tlJp \\lQ~b~': ~~D~C~~~~\
9 :l1 am cleanetoitl)out anp fault, fJI atn in~ ~:~~ ~J~6~ ro

nocent, anti tl)m tss no \Dtcflcllnc[e in me. :.\~~'; ~'l""

r o l5ut loe, lJc IJad:J piclieD a quarctl againa :~:,','~'./.~"
1m, anlltakctf:J mefo~ IJJJS cnemtt: • n•"' bta')
11 ~c l)atl) put mp fecte in ti.Jc flock~~, anb ;~;'.~~;;~:,;,
loolictl) narrotDlp bnto all mp patt1c~. ~:~·,:,~~"~~'~"
12 _lBel:JoID, intl)tisl1athlJOU not t1011crigf)t, ~~~~~,·~~~
'.) \Dtll mabe anf\llcrc bnto tiJt'C, tl)at ©GD l~ P """b"
greatertl}cnman. . . ~;~.~~'~/,~~.
1 3 anll \D)}p noel? tf)ou tl)m fh.iuc r.gam!f ~.~~~': ·~e
lJim:'fo~ l]c OJaU not gtuc tiJcc a"ounci of au lJi~
~ eon fpra.
141fo~ ©oll fpra~rtl} d omc o~ twirc, and yet lmUttD01na,.
m:Jn bntJcrftanill'riJ ttnot. lllltonm1,ci•
1 s •]n !>~came~ anti t11Cion~ of tlJcniglJt, 'WlJen t1J1r b1 llerpr,
bp Q'5 nitl
fiumb#ng commctl} bi;on men, tl)at tl)ep fall a' eftinuucar,
accpc in tl)eu:beD!), pli!&tlfi-

16 J)c opcnctl} tl)c cart)1 of men, anti co~m·

tetl) t1)em:
17 ~hat!Jrmar mttf;ID1aw ~an fo11Jtispur,
po!c~, anti bclmer l)tm from c PJltJe, • 11•1 ro llt•u
18 gnn liccpe lJilS roulc from tl)e graue an11 ot1nan. eob
1Ji)1 lifc from tiJt f'olo:o. ' pl•1•11.
19 ~c ~IJa!fmetlJ IJ~m 'roitl) Cicrmcss tipon ~iis
bctl, {Jc latetl1 ro~e pum!JJmcnt bponl.)iii boncis:
20 ~o tl)at iJiis f life mar atoap \Ditf.J no r ltbU I..
bJeati, anll lJt~ foUlc ab~oirrtl} to eatc anr Dain, 0dLIJ'1rffErbCt
lHCllpt!b l;fr,
ttemcatc: lo1~l l4kf D.l

21 ']\nfomucti that l)i,s tl~l'IJ ts deane conrtt•


men a'Wap , ann:ttii boncss are b~oitcn tlJat tl)ey

,cannot be Cccnc.
'1\ l J 22 Wm.
Godsiudgernents•are iufl:. lob. The mighty defl:roycd
2 :i. !9isHou1Cll1alDetlJ tJnto tlJc graue,anl:l lJi~ t1Jt1S,anl:l l)eamen to tl;Jc boicc of llll:' lDot11J: 1
!IOr,to 1hc lfretollbtStlJ, 17 gJl)aplJebea •n11cttlJatloUttlJnOtrii1Jt~ e~:!I

bun cu. 2
3 Jao\tl trtlJere be a mcll'engcr,oneamong a \\'lilt tl,}otr tubgel)im 'micflcl:l tl)at is moll tun~ ~~1~ .
tl)oufanl:l, rent ro, to fp~aliebntoman, anoto 18 Dilt tl)oufap bntoa lltng, ThouartlDtc. ""':ii'
fiJe\tl lJ(m tl}e ri~t \Dal': .
24 ~lJrntiJeJl.o~tuismcrafuUbntol)nn.anb
rattlJ, ~c 11Jalbe l!cliuereb, t~~t tJe fall notl!o'tllne
kcb~ OHO PJinus, ye arc bngoblp~
19 "'ll!SoblJatl)no rtCpemmtotl)c perfomsof
tlJc 111inccs, ttrcprbctlJ not tl)e ridJ mo~t tlJm
to tlJe grime: foJ 'JI am fuffmentlF n:conc11£b, tl}e pooie: foJ tl;ley be an tlJe lDOJkt ofl}iJ l)a1111J. :' . :
2 ~(Jen 11Jal lJilS fl.COJ be alS frcllJ a~ a c1.J1ll:lc1S, 2 ° ln £tl}ct\Dinckltng ofan cpc tlJal tlJCF Die, :::
· ant> 511Jall rcturnc, as in tl}c nape~ 0UJ1s poutlJ. ann tbe people flJallbc troubletl atnnonigl)t.atlll
2 6 ~e11Janwapbnto<l3ot1, an?JlJc.nntlbccfa• pa!fca'map,anbtl;lcmiptp11Jallbccta11tnatl1ap 111
uourable tinto lJim,anb (Jc ainn f('e ~1~ fact \Uttt WttlJout IJanb. llClllL i
iop, re~ l)ce 'llJiR rcnbcr bnto man lJt~ ngl}teouf 2 l <Jroi IJt~ epe~ look~ bpon tlJe \lJare- of man, ~Qi'.
neJTc, ano I.Jc feet!} au IJtS gomlUS· ,!'!'llW'.
2 7 .a rrfpect IJatlJ {lee bnto n~m, let num tl!rn 2 2 ts no o~rlme• noi OJabob> ofbtatlJ, '. ·
fap,'.3] lJaueoffrnt1eb. 'JI Oib bnrigl)tccuUp, ant11t tl)at can (Jibe tl)e ~tmco oooers from ()im. ,• ·
(JatlJOoncmenogoon: 2 31J'oi©'ot1\D11lnotlapbponmanmo~t1Jtn · .,
2 s l!;)e IJatiJ tieliucreo 1np fo~le from bdtruc· ~cc t? at~. rmn.cb,tlJat l}cc flJoulo enter tnto tllbgt; · •,
f••~~:,:~·p~, tlon.ano g mp life tl)all rec tlJt ltglJt., ., mcnt 'lllttl} fJtm. ,
pm• crmrtn
2 9 Jl,oe, all tl.Jd'C lDO~ffttlJ ©Otl .,. al\»Sp \lltti:)
. 24 ~££ UJall llcarop tl)C
tWJ :Mi.
ilnin~. . man, 1dtlg, anu UJall fct oti:)cr tn tf)eir g lteab. -..:
+Hcb•c_wirc 3o ~Rt f:Jce l:J#ng l:Jacke lJi~ fOUlt from tl)c 2 5 ~IJmfo~e llJitll IJC iJCClarc thtir lD~fl•: lJ£ ::lr'f
onhnro, grauc to t(Je llgl.Jt, CUC11 tl)e ligl}t Of tl)e ltutng. OJ all h tttrnc tIJcnigl}t, \t tfJCF ff) all be btftr~cb, ~
31 ~arfiell>cll,©'3\ob,ano l)eare mer: l)oll:l
t{Jrc rttu,anb] mill fpcafie.
26 ~l;c tmgolllp lloctO l)c µunal) 1 open!p.
2 7 l5ccaure tlJrp turncll l:Jacllc rrom IJim, anb ~i
;i. l3utift1Jou l:Jall anp tl}iugtorap, tIJcn UJonlilnotconnneraUl}is'tllarc~: t:;::
h 11h"' "·'• " anhuere mec, anb ~peallc, fo~] ocnrc to iuatftc s 'J]nfomuc(J that the" l]aue caureti the boice ... ,, •
ort[Jt k pOOJ£to come
.., bnto
.., i (Jim, anll no\tJ..,(Jc IJtas -
,.n.ano "" d)ec. e..·•
miM. 33 'Jlf tl)ou (Jail notl)ing, tIJen (Jeare mce,ann retl) t11c co1nplaint offuclJ aurc in troUblc. · ~-=
bolo tlJl? tongue,tt '.]) UJall teatlJ t~cc '!Difcoome. 2 9 DIJtn IJt giuctl) quietneac,mlJo ca111na11£ ~~
troublr:'.anll U1gcnl}e1Jit1ct1JIJi1Sfacc. \tll]o can i!
Thexxxiiij .Chapter.
• Elih11 chargcth lob that he calleth himfclfc rightc- bel)oltl IJtm :' 'IDl}CtfJctiC bt bpon nation•, 01 blJ< -u.•
1 on one man onclp:' :..
ous. 12 H c fhcwcch that God is iufi in iudgemcnts 30 l3ecaUfe tlJe IJrpomte llotlJ mgnc,atlll br• :'f..
)l.11)u anf\tJeren,ano Carll, caufe tl)c people are ruarell. "*:I

r.,,~ ~~ ,_ ~earemr\UoJbS.~tie•tDife• 31 ~urelp,of<l!Jobonlpitcanberaib, '.)(Jaue.,: .
:i l)Ht ll!ll!;n
!f'otl c,i.111nE
b' oa~ull,llfll'
!,.. ~~~men; l)camcn bntomce, rcctl)at parilonet1.'.llt11tUnotbeftrop. ·
cculcl)ruHl,JC ,,'far:. l}auebnberfhlnlltng. . 32 ]f'.]!IJauegoneamitT.ecnfoJmC ti.Jou nm:
IUiJB:t a:· ;;bt
1D::i~1;i,1~ego. ~. , ~ 3 fioi t(Jc earet1ifGCTitetlJt11oios, 1f] l)aucl)onem1011g,'.JI 'IDlllleaueof.
nuncuc ano
cnatoJ.ct·;i.11. ann ttJc mouti, taaetlJ meatcs. 3 3 awill lJe perfAmne tlJe tlJing ttnougb tlJcc:'
b trtuaCcan
ti'.!' ca11Ccbu
4 as foi b iuogcmcnt, let b• rcclie it out a ro: tl)ou tJalf repiooucb lJts iu dgcmcm, mine is
rC;L[o11ln1i 'b}!•
rnong our rc1ue15, tl;lat \tJtt map Imo\U 'ro(Jat iii tl)t CIJotrc, at111 not mine; but Cpcaflc on UJ(Jat
gooil. t(Jou lmo\IJttf.
5 iJfoi'.]lol:JIJatlJfaill, ')lamriglJttou•, anb 34 "JL.etmcnofbnbcrllanbingttllmc, anDltt
®ob l}atl) , taken a\Dap mp iubgcment. a \tlife man IJcarfirn bnto mt. ..
c l:r~~t(J,fJC
b~IJJ nQt turc
'uJ:tll lllC <ll•
c1rb:n\;tri BIC
rq 1:mofmp
6 i)ln m11 ri~IJt 'Jl mua be altar: mp \tJounb
tis incurable \llttl)out mp fault.
35 '.)ob IJ~tlrnot fpolicn ~flmomtcngc, mi•
tJJcr mere bi~ moincs acco1bang to \IJifetiomc.

~w 1ft. 7 tm11c·L·e ilS tl)ercCucIJa one as '.)!ol:J, tl]at 36 ®'1fat1Jcr,Ict:J!obbcll1DelltritD,IJefaUfe •111
d Z, 11at 1;/cJ J lPinltcti1 tip rco1nefulnc1Te llltc \IJatcr, l}e IJatlJ ar.rwcteb CoJ UJt,hrb mm: .....
~.\ ~ :.0~111•1(~
a UDl)iCIJ ~ottl) in tl)e companic ofmitllrb 37 ~ca,abouc(Jt~nnncl)ct>ortJt»icfldllp.m. ~
:.. lltilrtl'1l lbt
Plli~~(!J O\ llJC
::ocr.Mnl> \tl!llficttJ 'tllitl} tlngoblp men:' umpf)ctll among bS, ann multiplietl) IJiJ lDoio-
• 9 ijfo~IJelJatlJfapo. ']\t p~orttct(Jaman no· agamtl~oD. • . 110r,111
t1pg,il)nt l)c llJOUlll 'lllalbc Uittl) ®ob. Th h mec'od.
1° -cr;lJtrcfo1e1Jearl1cnbntome, pct1Jat11auc exxxv. C apter.
bnllcrllanl>t11(1: fatre bee tt Crom d!Sotl t(Jat {Jrc 6 N cirhcr doth gadline!Tc profir,orvngodlinclfe hnrr
flJOUll> metl'llle 'mitt} 'llltmebnetre, anll fatre bet it God , bur man. 18 The wicked cric Vnto God,
frb om the almigl)tp tt)at 1,Jec f\IOUln mtllble 'lllitl} and arc not heard.
nngl)tcouis bcalmg. l.JL.ilJU • f)Jaffe 1mncoucr, anl:l lltio, ~l:::!
11 <Jl'OJlJc llJaU rc'mll\'b man after bti;s \UoiflelS. 2. ~inlltlltlJOU itrtgfJt tlJat ~.:,
anl:l caucc cucl1?man to ftnlle a"ointng to IJiJ 1· tlJou rapeft, ~am mo~c riglJtt•':
'Wa17c~. DUIS tfJtn <llJOb:' 1nUB11111
~ure1t illtl)at d!Sobt»lllnotboe '1Dicl1et1•
~3 !to~ttJourarca, U91Jat&b• ~=
IF ' ncttl)cr \IJtll tl)e almiil.Jtr pemert tuD~c· . uanta~ 'lllillit bt bnto tiJce, anb :Jt:.:
mcnt. lDIJat p~oflt OJal1! l}aUC 1fl be cl en fed from mp frn~ :.~.:
la1}a,..ll9th~~~Ol~!ttlJ:lbc~.ttlJ but l)e:'OJ \VIJO IJatfJ
r ... u ..,......, "'... • -
4 '.l)fl}eefct ~iis ()cart bpon man, anb gatlJer
4 '.]I 'mil anf'aleie tfJet a \DO~b,anb tlJp d CO® ercdllllil
panions 'lllttlJ t(Jrt.
s Jl..oOllc tmto tlJt beauen, anb bel;Jolb it, con' l:'.;!
bnto IJtmfelfe IJt!!I *f\lint attb IJis b~catl}: Cibcr tile' tloubef, 'tDIJtclJ are lJiif.Jer then tl)ou. rb<~':'I
1 5 au fleflJ fiJall ro~uo nougl)t at once. anb 6 ')f tlJou l)alf d Cimicb, 'llll}at l}alt thou bone ~.n!\ •
man ll)all tume agame bnto bull. againfl l)tm~ trtl}tnc offences bee manr, lDl}at r:~:::r::
16']lft()ouno\nc1Jaucbllbetflanl:ling, f:Jearc 1Jaltt1Jou11onr bnto 1Jtm1 .:ia:::'.:
7 'l!f I
~~~Vhy God punifherh. Chap.xxxvj.xxxvij. Gods povver. 19 0

~~ • I 7 'Jlf tfJoU bee rig!Jttous. b>IJat ~ tl)ou I 5 ¢1Jt pooic llJ&D IJt llrltutt out of l)toffii,
~} ,,:,. lJim:' o~ .1lll]at mill IJr rcmur of tmnr (Janll:' ction..anb //rounll tl)em in tl)e care ml)rn tlJer be !I Or, open
i~ ·~ ...:: s ¢1:11' mtcllrbnclfc may hurt a man as djou in trouble. theirnm.
1 6 ~urn ro tuoulll IJrc taJlc dju out of tl)e
~\,, • ' art. anll tlJF ri~teoufnctrr may profitc tlJtfonne
~\:"II• of man. . ~it plau.into a b~oall place in tl)r\lllJiclJ tlJrrc
~~~ 9 ¢1Jcp \lllJiclJ arc oppictrell, crp out bpon is no llraitnrll"c: pea. anb make tlJt' table quirt,
b.' S. t1Jemult1nli>c, pea, ttJcpcrpout fo~ tl)c pouier rcplcntnirll'roitl)famcrrc.
~'\~ Of tlJC lntglJtiC, . I 7 ~CUe:ttl)clciTC, r tlJOU l)at1 t:OIUIUrt1bell tfJC r ti:bonMu nt
1 o '5ut non~ faitlJ, t101Jcrc is <3oll tl)at ~be mllgemmt of tlJc bnr;Jolllp, \1 cuen fuclJ a tullgc, l:W!r:i; ~·;•. ·
~:'an~ tl)at g1uct1J 1J tis occafion to Pl&ifc 1J1m mcnt ann rcntcncc fbalt tlJcu ruler. :a~; ~~0,~~:.0•
~ mtlJemg~t:' 18 anb CeCtnr;J tlJcrc is gto_l&tlJ with God, be' ~~~~~~·•••
~ 1111 11 119htclJtcacl)etl) bsmo:etl)m tlJe bca11cs '1Darclcat11)etallet(Jccatoapmtl)ptoealtfJ,anll g ECron1n~,
~~.~\ )'. orttJeeartb, a11DgiuCt1J1:1smo1e\llucnomet1Jen a11t1Jatttou 1Ja1t to rcbecme ttJcc. cannotbc1t, r!F~E,!1~·
. ,\~:· Cl]e:foute:soffJcaucn. . ucrt11ee. . .,•i•11p
~-\'\!*- 12 ~f anprruc:IJ c:omptainr, no man l,lRletlJ 19 qmkctf tl)otJ tlJatIJc\llill regarbtlJpri' P~"-
~~ ,~·~i-:C. anf\Derc, anll t(Jat bcc:aufc of ttJe: \lliclitllncll'e of cl)es :' hcc tball nor care for r;JOlbe, no~ fo~ all tl)etn
\~ -:' 111000 mants. tl)at crccll in llrcngtl].
'~ .' 3 ~o~ lll5_ob 'roillnot fJe~rcbanitie, neitfJcr 20 ~pcnbnottl]entglJtincarcfultl)ouglJts,
• _:;i:~ UJtll tl}ealm1r;Jl)ttc regarllc 1t. (Jo\tl (Jc llellroretl) ttJe people out of ttlcirplacc.
·:~~ 14 9.ltlJOUglJ t~OUfapcll t~God, mJOU \nllt 21 lBe\na~c tl)attl)OU turncnotafi!Jcto\"Oit:'
·~,-~( · notr~gar? it: pct tullgcment 1s bcfo,e I.Jtm,trull ficllneffc,_ \D_lJiclJ 1J1tl)crto tlJou l)all c:IJofen moie
<-_,r. tl]ouin lJtm. tl}m artlJCnon.
:: ::.~; is l5utnom becaUfe IJisangcrl)atlJ notbifi, 22 ~cl)olll, $oll iis of a mig1Jt1c fJiglJpo\llcr:
::::<; teb, ncitl)cr callell men to actount \J.lltl) grcate.r, '111Jtrc 1s tl)cre ruc:fJ a tcacl)er ais tic-:
<:t'" trrmitic: 2 3 UDl.JoUlill rcpioouc(Jimof l)is blap 1\lllJo
<.; 16 ~11crcroielloctb1)ob open l)is moutl] in \llillfaptmtolJim,~ou l)alllloncw,on~:'
.::_:· baine, anll IJc maketl) manp woines mitl)out 2 4 memembcr t:l:Jat tl)cu lloe mar;Jntfie l)i!S
'>.: . hnouilcllge. 'al011iC \DIJiclJ mcn llocpiaifc.
:~~: ra:/e i~ men rec it, pea, men lice bet.Jollie it a•
The xxxvj. chapter.

:.-:.) ml
~>},' I Elihu{hcweththe power of God, 6 and his iu-

pertic of the wicked.
Jl,ilJn alfo pioceellell anb faib,
26 '5e1Jolll, rognat i~<3ob, tl.JatlJecpa(fctl)
!bee 9 andwhereforc:hepunilheth. 13 Thc:pro- ourlmo\Illellgc,hneitl)ert:anttJenumbcrofl}ts ~.v•ib1"
rerrcs be rcarcl)eb out.
ll)olb tlJee lhll a title, anll ~ ll~iuetl] IJis cloWl!S togetl]cr to ratne :
fl)aR 11.Je'ID tl:Jte Ull)at 'JI l.J&Ue pct to
fpcafic on <3obs be(Jalfe. .
2. 8 1l91Jic(J raine tl)e cloUbCS llOC ll10P , anb let
rail abunMntlp bpon mm.
2 7 tl}e turncttJ tlJe 'al&tcr to rmall t11ops, l}ee ;:~~t~~n •m

;:JI~ 3 jj \Illll open bnto tl)re pet 2 9 1191)0 can c:onfibtt tl)e i fpieallillr;J out DflJis i 60~• mnfr.
fam l)tgtJcr 1mow1enge, anb wtll afcribetigf,J• cloulls,tl)erouttings of 1Jil5 tabmiaclc :' g~r,~·o~,~~~.'~·
:.:;ir teournrlfc tin to mp mart er. 3o l5e1Jolb,1Jee botl) 11rctc:IJ 1)1S ltgl)t bpon it, :::,~'~ m•·
- t\'.l 4 ann trucir mr woineJS ff)all not be baine, anll coueretl) tl;Je bottome of t:l:Je rea.
~ ~~"'"' feetngl)e is \Ilitl) tlJet tl)at ts a petfec:tin lino\II' 31 ijfoi ll! tl)cfe II goucmetl) lle l:)il5 peoplc,anb II Or,iudg-
• p.~:~r lcbgc. giuetl) t:l:Jcmabullllancc ofmeat. c1h.
, ,.::i:'. s l5el)olbc, tl)c ~cat $oll callctfJ amar no 32 uettI.J t11r ctoU?ls (Jee l)tlletlJ tile ltglJt,anll
.Ii ·::ir:~. man., foi l)e l)irnfelfe is b mt1.11Jtte in po\Vcr anll at IJls commanbtmcntittncalletl) out•
. r.:~· 'ID1£cbome. 33 1191)idJ nail.Jing bpon tl}e nc.rt douncs,
~:, t.~· 6 as roi ti.Jc 1:1ttigolllp, lJc n1all not piefcme OJe\11 tokenJS of 'al1'itiJ·
::t1#•""" (Jim, butft)afil)clpetl}cpooieto tlJeirtiglJt. The nxvi ·• Chapter.
:~ . 7 tl}e11Jallnotturnc)1isercsa'Olapfromtl)e

• ·.~ lllill rig!Jtcous, but as c kings niall tlJCt' bt in tl)etr
;~~ Ir, ""1111 h n. II~...., ..,. f-1'1 fo ""'
1 Elihu prooucth that the vnfearchable wifedomC' of
God is manifelled by his workes, 4 as by the
'?,•...."" ..,~onc...,c ..Ja ..... 1..J..._,cm ,eucr, anll w1CP thund•r, 6 thcfnow, 9 chewhirlewindc, I I and
1' ll:lan be craltcb. ~
s J3ut if tl.Jcp be laibc in cl)aineJS, o~ bounll the rainc •
Ifill \Ilttl)tlJebonbsortioUble, .m; •tlJiSalfoiSmt' IJe~atlont, e:fin':,;::,.
9 ~en \IlilllJt ~ ftJc'alc tf)em tf}ctr 1Do1ke,
'·''....:: eD. anll mooueD out ofl)1splacc. ••n "'"'""'·
~.,,..=:°' anll tl)eJT finncJS \lll}ic:IJ tl)ey l}auc committell 2 l!}carc b tl)cn tl)c rounll of :~~~~rn·1;;.~'.' ·
:•"' lloutlp.
'C I0 opme""" hij& tare alfO tO Jlifc:tpliJIC, &nJl
'INn'ICtlJ tl)em~"'1eauc olf ftom tl)cii: Wi'kcb'
lJistoi'c, a~D tlJe norrc tl)at go• ~. ~:,:1'l,°~\b.
Ctl) 0Ut Ofi)IS \UOutfJ, rh<lbun~rris1
3 ll)c llirectetl) it bnllet tl)e ~~lc~':t~~~ •
~J nctre. 'IDl)ole lJcautn. anD lJls liglJt tlnto tl:Je enrJcs of
~ 11 ~f tlJcp no\tl \tlil taJlt f)ccbe anll rcrue IJtm. tl)etooilb.
tlJcr ll)aU mcarc out ttJeirDaie~ in wofPmtic, + ~roartn~totcefollo'aletlJit:foilJismtozt.
. ann tl)ctr peens in pltafure. ous maicflic ~etlJ ~ ~unllmlap,anb l}entJlll
1- n ~utiftl)cp mill not lJcarken, tl.JCt' flJtan notllar\IllJmlJ1s1101ce1stJean.
'. =:,'=
!IOt tl.J01o'1l tl)e tto01ll ,allll pcrtaJ,o~ cucr tl.Je:p be
s lll5o'D tl)u~Derctl) maruetlouOp 1.llitl) lJi!S
1:1oit:c. great t(Jmgis llotlJ l}e, 'nlirttl) \llce cannot

':.""' 13 asroit1Jt•1Jnomttsm1Jtart, tlJ~fbaU comp1e1Jmll. . .
"=:':,;,. lJeapc tip \Il~tfJ for· ihemfclucs, foi tlJCt' call not 6 tl}e comma~lle:tl) ttJe mom, anb it faUetlJ
~ , tip on tJim. tl)ouglJ tl)cr be lJis p1i(l?ners. bpon cartl) : I.Jee !Puett) tlJt ratne 1ul)arg c., an ti
,y.iuth 14 ~tJus ftJal tl)mroult pmflJ in nrooUtbnes, tl)c 11Jo\ll~eis IJauc tlJeir ftrmlltlJ anll ran DO'IDnr.
_ · anbtlJtirUfcamongd)cfo1nlcato1~. 7 tl9ttl;Jt1Jdo1ceof cheramel)et1Juttct11mm
I bp, I
Mans vveakeneffe. lob. Gods f ecretworkes
~:~!'!'n•• bp, d.)at an men mar rsno~ cIJiSJ 'a!o1litSJ. it,anb Daitmca'e a'HJffSC'coabling banl>,
11111crruon• s •€!Jc• beatlSJ d mcpc mto tl)cirllmn~allb 1 o •l.Jm ~ gaue it mr commaunl>cmmt,
,.... • I .,.
Dn111<lon of
11!'•11uw111:,, remamc m•.,rap ace.,. marstngnoo,es ann bamss ~it,
~~. ~~"~:~:" 9 0ut oftf:Jt ;!i>outlJ co~t'IJ tlJe tcmpctl, I [ ~apiq, t)id,JettD (bait tl)OU COmt.but no

&~':'/:i'f~;.•,~r anll colD out from tf:Jc ~r~~tb,.lU'~J>. fr n . . furtlJer, anl> IJm llJalt t1)ou lap IJO'Wn ttJr p101111
mbrrttn •ber I0 !ltt tl)r c bicatlJ 0 ......011 ...,c .,oarc Ow."' lP' \Daueis:'
~~.·~~!... um, snD tlJc b1oaD mattrSJ are frofcn. 1 i l!}aft t(Jou gtuen tl)c moini1111JifS d)lll'!JC
:~~11.=. 11 'c maflctlJ tlJe doUllSJ to labour,ingtuing fince ti.JP l>afeis, anll ilJ£'1Det> tl}e nap rwin; l}is .
~·:::,:~ o"' motfhtctrc,anD agatnc,'WitlJ btSJ liglJt IJc 111tuct1:J place, . . ·
d Aot ontlp atl.18F tlJC dOUIJ, 1 3 ~IJaut m1g1Jt talle 1JolD or t(Je II comnss or 110r.-
~~.':':\::.~a· 12 l!)cc turnetl) tl]c f.Jeauenobout bp IJiis go' tf.Je eartl), anD tl)at tl)c tmgoblp migl}t be lbaflm
~!::::.:i:.• ucrmncnt, tl)at tlJCl' mar lloe \DIJatfocuer l}ec out of it:'
~:~~~.~~~· commaun1>ct1J tlJcin ~pon tl)c \DlJotc mo11~. 14 • ~f)Cp arc fallJioneb a• is tlJe clap to d,)e • •
nms to~t14<• 13 ll;)CC caUfctlJ f8tnC tO COmC,\Df.Jctf;lcr It bee rcalc, ann afl! agarment. ~':1
:·· ro: puntflJment, oi ro11Jiis lanb, 01 to noe goon to 15 ~IJC i>ngoDlp fi)albe l>ffappotntcll Of tl.Jcir ::Ci:t.

~:.~~~~;:,,. tl:Jcm tlJat fccftc IJim. ligIJt,an?J II tlJe anne of tlJc p1ou?J flJalbc biolitn. ~ _.
~·f·6~~~1 ::ir,, 14 ~carlien tmto tlJiis,SD ']lob,tlanll ltU,anll
.. •b•r bl•m• conuDcr tlJe \llonnerou.u wo1lieis of <ilJol>.
16 f€amc!lt(Joucucrintotf.Jc [Jgrountioffl1c c;
rca, o~ \tlalliellil in t(Jc lo'ID aepis of tile ?Jecpe '! 1i'O:.'d
~:::1:.'?.~~ 15 ~il>l>etl tlJou tmotnc tn(Jcn <i!Jon lliCpofcD 17 l\)aue tlJe gatcis of ncatlJ bcene opcncD b~ hiebw
~~~::'~~~~· t{lem '! ann caufell t(Je f ligfJt of l)ifl! clouDeis to to t:l:Jce '! o~ 1:1aa tl)ou rccnc t~c Doo;cis of tJJc ll)a, i '
111n111can 1110 fi.JillC,, Do\11 ofDeatlJ '! r
r'ii'~'.·u,tbe I6 'll)aa t)Jou lmO\'OCll tlJC barictte Of tlJC 18 l\)atl tl]ou alfo pcrcciuelJ ('Jo\tl b~ oab t(Je
tt$ clollillS, \t tlJe\llonberouss \tloJlitis of IJim \tllJicl) eantJ tis:' jjf tlJou l:Jaa flno'IDtrlJge or au d1is: ......,
t~ pcrfccttn kno'Wlenge ~ 19 Q}cn llJC~ me tl)c 'Wap 'allJerc liglJtD'Wel< =i:z.:
17 ~nn IJO\Dc tlJp cloatbess arc \tlannc, t'OIJcn lct1J,ann'W{Jcre1st1Jeplace of lJarfmet:re '!
tfJC Ian?J tis lllU tlJiougfJ tlJc ~oul;lJ 'Winne~
1 s ~aa tl)ou (Jclpe?J IJim to fpiean out d)e
2 o ~at tl)ou t1J oulbeft recciue it tn etc
boun11ss tl}mof, at111 lmo'1De ti.Jc pat{lss to t(Jctr or,b
l;caucnis, 'WIJi.::IJ are arong, anD bJiglJt ass a lJoufes. come,
~1 .~~:~••, s molten glafi'e ~ :z r Bnc\'Dcff tl)ouafo~e t!Jou \'Daft bome,IJo\ll
b1l~~m11 ol 19 'IXeaclJ bis \tl{Jat \tlc flJanfap bnto IJim:foi Olll tl,Jou flJOUll>Cft be ~
•Q•in. toe arc bnmeetcto frameour talflc, bccaurc of n g19cntdl tl]ou eucr tnto ti.Jc trcarurcur , ••
~.6:~::a~i,. h 1Jarl1cncm\ ti,c rno'ID, o~ ()aft tl]ou reenc ti)e fecret place• of ~~C::
20 ~1Jallitbctolllr1Jim\tl1Jat~ fap~~IJall ti.Jc l:Jatlc: •oc•
man fpeafie '1111.Jen I.Jc OJaU be beftrorcb '! :z 3 lml}icl} ~ {Jauc II p~cpareb a~inlf tlJe time ~
21 cjf o~ men ru not tl)e UglJt tl)at lhinettJ in of trouble, againft ~c time ofbattcU (I '!Datte t HI
tbc.::lou~eis, bUt d)c 'Winn patret'lJ ann dtanfl'tlJ :z4 l6p'IDJ.Jat\Dapist:IJc ltgl}tpartcD:' anDtn• IJOr,bi
t~cm. to Ull}at lann b:caket(J tfJc <eaa minb 1
i Heb.cold. u ~c; faire \tleattJcr commctl) out of tlJe 2 s 1191Jo l>iuil>ct(J ti.le 'Waters into ntu~
fao~tiJ, tlJc pJatfc thereof iSS to <ll5o?J, \DlJo tss ter• cf:Janelfil :' o~ t(Jc 'Wap of tlJc ligl.Jtming anb
rtble. tl)unDer.
2 3 ~t tis tlJc ilmigl)ttc. \De cannot finnc i,tm 2 6 ~o caurc itto rafnc on tlJc card}, 'll11Jm
out: l)ec ifl! eycclltnt in po'IDcr ann iuDgcmcnt, no man tis, ann tn t(Jc 'Wiltlcrn:cll'c 'Wl)erc none
anD abunllant in iufti.::c :l)c aflli.::tetl) not. inJ.JabitetlJ :'
; 1111UD111r11 24 ' mm tl)ercro1C ; fearc btm: fo~ tl)erc :z 7 ~o fatffftc ti.Jc Defolate ann \Daftc ~ounD,
•b. n1all no man rec IJtm tl)at iis \Difc tn l)iss o'alne ann to 'aufc tl}c bUl>llC Of tlJc l)carb£ to fp1ing
conceit. foo~t1J1
2 8 119llo ffS tl}e h ratlJcr of raine :' o~ 'WIJo l}atlJ ~
Thexxxviij. Chapter. begotten tl)e 11iopuf tlJc nra\tl '! ,_.11
God fpcakcth to lob, anddeclareth the ignorance: of 29 llDutof'Wl)ofe\llombecamettJc rce:'\tllJO :
man in the confidcration of his creatures. fJatlJ gellbJcn ti.Jc Jj coll:Jnclfe of rte ap,e. 110r,&<
$en am\lln·e?J tlJc )l,01oe bnto 3o ~IJat tl)e \Daters arc l 'IJill ass bntlJ a none, rhe hcl

• ~·li>•'lllbll ~ '.l\obout of tlJc•'Wf]lrlcl1lin11 ann anl> lpc rongcalcll about tlJe Drepe:' 1~~ 1

~i::~~~11~~ rart1, 31 €ana ttJou btnDc dJc rcucn ttarrej1 toge' ~~~ie
~:fr:.:;~·... ·' 2 ml)at tss1Jee t(Jat b nai:tmetlJ tl)cr32'! 01Cltanll Ioore tlJc banllfS of jl!),ion :'
t(Jou bJin« roo,tlJ t~e momtng p-•
~ ie~•· r,,,. . lJtSS counfcU bl! tno1ncis 'W1tl)out
onno~[luctt•. lino\lllel>gc. ,,
ftam in l:JfSJ timc'!canll tlJOU lllro {Plll>C 0t(JC CUC• ri~· Ai
~,~m ~·.~~·· 3 .~trll bp tlJr •loineisltflea man: ro: ~ 1»lll ningttanc tnitlJ lJifS fonncs'! ius.'
~· ;.r:~:::;, (!Utlhontottl) tl)ec,giuenttananfiDm. 33 llno\Dell tl)ou t(Je courfc ofl]caucn, tf]at
~: ;~~~-·~:: 11 4. U91Jen d l1laft tl)ou tul)en ']J lapb tlJtfoun· tl)ou mare« Cct bp tl}e ~mancc t1Jmof bpon
""'""' "'b• 'Oatto1.•soft1)eeartl,J"tcnme,ift1Jou1JalbnDer' t(Je carttJ :' .
~;;i?:'~~~:, 0 llant1111g. • 34 ctima t11ou lift 1Jp tfn' botct to tlJ~ CIDUDS:'
}:~~.~·:bY:" \1l~o "~~_!!atl) mearunt1 tt, rmotuetl ti.Joo:' 01 tlJat tl:JtFmar po\D1Cl:Jotnnca ~tramc bpon
IOUcoo rm. .,a.., '*'~tab tl)e line bpon ft t ti.Jee:' . .
'al:o" l:blJ!!'cupon are tl)e fountlattonfS rec:' 01
• •.,cc~nctftonctl:Jcrcof:'
3s ctana tl}ou renn t!JU1g1Jtt11ngSJ, ti}at tfJcr
map goe tlJcit \1141', fapmg bnto tlJce, )l..oe, l)crc
7. WherewaftthoubJlJmtl)emomtng~ are\\lc:'
pi~1fcb me toge ti.) er, an11 all tl)c d:JilD1t11 Df llSol> 36 DIJo bldJ puc \Difdlome in tlJc rtlnc11:'
l:ctllt''Cll trtumplJantlp '! 01 Ull?o lJatl} gtum t11e l}rart bnb~llan~tn!;l :'
8 l19(Jo llJUt bp tl)Uca \Dftl) t1001e#. 'all,Jen it 37 DIJo ilUmlt~dlJ dJe cloUDs mlDifcDomc :'
b~altc fo~tf,J as out of tl)e 'mombt .. 'a)IJo fhlletlJ tl:Je tld}emmt ~ \Dattr~ Oftf;Jc l}ta• Jlor,bor
9 llD\Jm 1 maDc tlJt cloUDel!i a coumng foj um1
3~ k'4[;o I

~~~ds mercie and po\'ver. Chap. xxxix.xL lobs repentance. 19 1

~,,.,.. 3s "~o caure tlJe mtb to llfO'll:I in lJarbnetrc, 21 l!)c rnocflctlJ at fearc, anll is not afratt1e,
~ _:~0•f anti the
1, It.ti , 1
c~tl!I to clCaue fall togeti.Jcr:'
119rlt tlJ~ l)Unt tl)c p~ar ro: ttJc )l..pon :'
ne1tl}tt tlartttf;J l)t bamc from tlJe C'too~ll.
2 3 ~ougl) tIJc qututrs rattle bpon l]im,
,r,• 0. 0
OJ fill tl:Je appetite of tl.Je_'.l.pons 'll:llJdp5S. . tlJou!Jb tf;Jelpcarc anti flJtclb !llltltt:
1\~ •::,. 40 U&lJen tlJCF coudnn tlJctr placc~,ant1tar1c 24 }!?et mllJctlJ l)ee in fierctlr, bcatinii fl)e
\'11~ int(Jecouert tolpein'll:lapt:' _grouno, l:Jc regarlletl} not tl:Je norre of tl:Je trum'
·~ 41 11&lJop:out1Jct(Jmeatf01dJt11lalmt,'WlJm pets:
\,;* bi SS reng ones me tJmo e501», an11 flee about co~ 1 ~ '3ut 'WlJen tl}c trump~ make moll noifr,

~:1anC::· ladiiohneate:'
~= 1~1n1• :n.1U1b t~ou nurll not not 1 ~o'ID111111c11u1r11tcn11actl ll!oa111rcacll11
l)e raretlJ.11 ¢uni. foi lJee Imelletll tl}e battcll a'
f~rre off,tiJe norrc of tl}e captains.anti tl)e llJO\tl'
~ Or,ha,ha.

:\ Thexxxix; Chapter~ 16 ctommetlJ it tl}zougl) tlJl' 'Wifellome, tl)at

~, God proi:ccdech in declaring rhe ignouncc of lo~,
tl)e d3olfel)a'Wkc tlpetlJ \llitlJ lJtt \llin~ to\llartl
tl)es~outl):' g ~balll,!!u
,., in the conlidcration ofhismarueilous workcs, m mrorbznis:t•
: :~ 17 ~octl} t{Je Cll!agle mount tip.anti malie l]t• ona:ctJa,tan:
, 1, bcafts and fuulcs, nea on l)iglJ at tlJP commnnbement :' !'lor,'mbtnco1ot
2 s l!)c abitletlJ in aonte rocfle•, am tl'WcUCtlJ
:~~: 'I'~.,,.,.__-_ 1 Jaotoetltl;loutIJe time1.Dl:lcntl)c
:~' ,, · I \llilllc goatcs b~ing foo1tlJ t1Je1r
bpon tl:Je l)ig() topl!I of mountaines :
pong a1nong tl}t ro,keSlt o~ .• laF' 2 91from 'll:l1)ence IJe fecfJettJ ()is p~ap, anll loo•
' -I
1 •
ea tlJOU 'WBl't \DlJtn tl)c )9mbeSI fietl;I farrc about 'll:litlJ bis eres.
3° l!)is 11oung one• alfo rucrte tip blooll : anti
· 11' tire to calue :'
~ . - ~=·= = :z ~anlf t"lJou nmnbcr tlJe \DtJere anpocao boor lpetlJ,tlJtte ts l)e.
~t". monctlJSlt1)at tl:ley goc 'll:litlJ rong:'oHmo\Dcfl ThexL Chapter,
":. ttJou tl:Je time 'Wl)cn tlJtl' bitnii fo~t1) :' God declareth the weakenelfc or lob, by comparing
:::.: · 3 ~CF lie l>o'll:lnc, tlJCF caluc tlJ~r tom~g the fame to his great workes, and to the ftrength of
·~:· oness, ~ntl tiJcy are beUuereo of tl)e1r trauaite
antlpame: Behemoth.
4 }?ct tllcir iounu oncss gro'W tip, anb 'Wa~e ~~~~i!D:couet, tl]e )Lo~be fpallcbnto
fattc ttnougl) go ob recoing \llitlJ come : tl.Jer goe '.)Job, anb faptl,
... fo1t1J,an11 returne not againe bnto t(Jcm. :z ~l)all 1Jec 1.Dl)ome tlJt 9l
5 1191)0 lettctl) tl)e \lltltc alTe to goe free 1o~ miglJttc 'Will clJa«cn , r.onteno
'W}Jo Ioofctl) tl}e bonl>.G of t()c 'll:ltll>e arre:' \DitlJ lJitn:'~lJoUltl not (Je'm()tcl)
·~ · 6 lfucn '.JI 'll:llJiclJ IJaue gtucn tl)c \lltll>ttnclfe tltfputet() \tlitlJ ~otl, giue l)tm
:·r to be t!-Jeit l)ourc, tt tiJc b barren lantl to be tl)ctr an anf'll:lete :'
"·It:' D'll:lcUmg. 3 ~en lob" anf'll:lcteo t{Jc lLoJHaping, '~m]ob
~; · 7 l!)e rcomet1) tfJc multitul>e of t1)e citic,nci, 4 '5e1Jolo, '31 am bile, \ll}Jat 11.JaU 'jJ anf'll:lcrc contrtTub b11
tlJttngarl>ct(J tl)e erring of tl}e l>1lutt: tl)ee :' thtrcforc '.ll \'Dill lapc mp l)antl bpon mp Ddrll noc
(JJt!\ht: fo~
:n 8 l6ut CcekcttJ lJis paoure about tfJc tnoun, moutlJ. mtirneon
~ :9 ..,,n taincss,nntl tollo'WetlJ tl}e gncne iiralfe. s ©nee l}auc '.ll fpof1en, but 'j\ \lliU fap no ht110~ W~o CJ!'I

.=mu· .9 119tntfJe <ll!lnico~nc l>octl)ecfmJice, o~a, mo1e: pea t'll:lt(e, but] 'Will pJoceco no funl:)er. au.i:muc~·

"'"'"' bltle lhll bl' tlJF cnb :' 6 ~en anf\Dereo tiJc lLoit1 bnto '.JI ob out ot
~:::1~ 1 o ctana tl:Jou bintlc tlJ~ pofle about tile ll!Jni' tlJe llllJitlt\lJinoc,antl fapo,
rtr 11111 : come intl)e futto'W, tomafie IJimplougl) after 1 d3irtl bp tlJl' lopncSI no'W fifle a man:'.Jl \till
.~ tl)ee in tlJe tiallctcs :' t1einaunD of tl1ee,anb mafie tl)ou anfmerc.
1 1 ~arell tIJou trna l)im becaufe l}ec ts;i 8 1191lt t()OU b l>ifanull mp iUl>ger.tent :' OJ b recantng,
llrong, 01 tommit tlJp labour bnto l}im :' milt tl)ou conoemnc me, t1Jat t(Jou ma rel? bee ~~~~::~~;t,~::,.
-; 12 ~ape« tl)ou belceuc l}im t()at l}cc 'Win ri!!IJteouss :' ~'~~~l~~J~ %,
'r/erd. bJtng IJomc tl)p ~ com,oi cane it into t1)p bame:' 9 'Jil!I tlJF 1J po'Wer tl)cn ltfle tlJc pottier of •111 ..11.
I 3 G auefi thou tlJe faire 'Wings bnto tl)e l0ca' ®otl :' mnlictl) tlJp boice a founl> a!iS (Ji~ t1octl) :' i,Or,armc.
co~,o~ \llin~ ~ fcat1)tts bnto t()e cfftrittlJ :' 10 ;IDecflctl111 reueno\tl \llit(}erccUencie anti
14 The Efiritch lcauetl) 1)er eg~cl5 in t1Jeeart1), maicflic, anti arap tlJF rtlfc' witlJ beauttc anti <ma111aal!l1
llnll (Jcatctl) tIJcm tn tl)e bull. gto~ic. not.,to1rl}dr
15 ~l)cc umcmb1ct1J not t1)at tlJCF miglJt 1 x ~all ab1oat1 tlJe inl)ignation of tlJp 'WJatl}, tbtna:11u en•
'' perra111cn1
be troncn 'WitlJ rctte,01 bJoflen 'WitlJ fomc \tliltlc anti bel)oltJ eucrr one tl)at i~ pJOUtl, ano abafc IO@OD.

'. bealt. IJiin: .

ia.enr1q 16 ~o l}artl iJSll)ecbntol}ttpoungones, al!! 12 JL,oofte on cuerr one tl)at 1~ arrogant,anl>
~~.~ tlJotlgl.J ~cp 'Wm not IJcrs, ano d labouretl) in bJtng l)im lo\lle, anD oellror tlJe \lliclieo in tlJeir
:... ,,:r.; bamc 'mttl}ont anp feare. · place;
1? ll;)iDe ~cm in t(Jc t1ua togctf]et, anb couer
:=:;t~:. 17 ano tllat became 11301> 1)atiJ e taken 'll:ltfc, d t:tJarcf.
~"b!'6 l>ome .from (Jl'r, anti 1)atlJ not !llucn IJtt bnllcr, t(J£tt faCCS IU df£Ctef, <IUlllVU1110

::,.,brii "''11 tlanl>m~. 14 ¢(Jen ~ill~ 'onfclfc bnto tl)eealfo t{Jat ~b~~~!1'.u'
~~~,' . 1 s 1191Jen tl}e time is tlJat 111ec mountetlJ on 'tl,Jinc o'll:lnc ngl}t IJantJ llJall caue tl)ce. , .!':t:
~.n n~.~·
:;.-i·~· b~'l\IJ, 11Jcc caret(J nettlJer ro: tlJe l}o~rc, no~ tl)c 15 )3ciJOlb£ · h f:J5""'emoth
the bcafi -1Jomc111 •n.D1~mra11
1•ra1c~ nl>cr. . mal>c m1tl) ·
H)cc, \tll)".,
1-h ...,
eatet() l)ap Y> ""
as an oi:c. ..ll rnlltrnK lu
t'~""'· 19 rl)alltl}ou gtuentlJc l:lo:rc IJtS tlrcn«tlJ:' 16 JL,ol}o'll:llJisateri!ltlJtss inlJiSllopncss, anl> ~~~~,~~l)Gu
~~"\~ 01 Jearnel> l)im to ncp couragiouap :' tolJatpomcr I.Jr l)at~ mtl.Jrnaucu of ms bcllp. l"i;'g.1:,"c'l;,..,
-.i.111111 20 ~ana tl)ou mahc bim arrait18l!I tl;le $taf• 17 awl}en 1Jee\D1llll.e fp1cal>ttlJ outlJi)'ltaple ~~~~":..""'·
~~~~. {Joppcr:' l)iSS aout ncping is fcarefUll. JdiCll Citetlar ttcc, tl)e fint'll:ICSI of lJi)'l ftOttCJS arc r11pb4nr,10
=:;cu,. 2 1 l!)c b:ealietb tlJt grountl with the hoofes of knit to~ctl)er.
lll,'t1. bOR ti.
' his fcer,l:Je niopcctb in lJi!iS arcngtl),anll nmnetlJ I 8 "7 " c,. are 3..
U-1 ong BIS b ?acre, t' ca, 1]1~
, rDrlDlll<b map
Oc DnDrrloGD
..____ to meet tilt tJametl men. bone~ are lifle ftaUc~ Of fJOll. . •b• oruu~
I 10 ffil'I
Of Leuiathan. lob. lobs repentance
Vho is hleifed. Goddeliuererhhis. 192

b:ett_nen, an IJiJ fitltrJ, annan tlJr:ptlJat)Jall llaugfJtttJ•

beme ef IJil!I 8"1118i11tana &afa,e, aq lliO eate 14 ~e firll daughrcr calleb (Jc h ']lemnna, tlJt :.P.~~.~: .~
ii="· ., iuc
b~Cab 1DltlJ IJim In )JiJS lJOUrt.anll l}allm~on
1•::, onlJtm. anllcomfoJttlllJ(moua all~tronl:llc
fCC011ll, i ~epa,anll tlJe tl)irll, k €cmti;J8plJUCIJ.
15 '.)nail tlJclanlllllereno 'll!omen t:ounll ro
r.~i,·,~• t•••a
; 11.r''"'""
~... CIJBC tlJe JLo~t1e ~all b1oug(Jt bpon IJim: cueric faire a13 tl)c 11at1gl)tcrs of ']lob: anti tlJetr fatlJcr ~~~'.·'1 ~"'
t~·-- man aICo gaue IJtm acertainr £11minc of moncr, 1a1te tf)ctn in1Jcrita11ce amon~ tl)cir bJ£tlJ~m. ~l tr,~~~~101
-.. anu Ufrtoell goll)e. or • 6 . after tlJis, liue11 job en IJ~nll~ell anb
~•· 12 ~o tf}c J.o1be bfe[ell tfJe lalf 11aresi of'Job fourt1r rccres: !o tlJat gee fa\D IJIS ro1!11zen. anll
~. mo,c t!]en tl)e firlt: roi htt {Ja'D foureceme thou. his cl}illl1rnJ dJtlll~£ll, bnto t{Je t:ourtl:j genera'
ranD fJJl'tpr, fin iQouran11 wmrf.11, a tl)oufanll t1on. .
~ volle or o~rn,anll a tl}ouranll OJer atresi. 17 anti fo ·]ob bftll, bcctng olllc, anJ> fu!l of
13 fee~ rcucn fonne' alfo. anb tfJJtt llaru.
The end of chc: booke oflob.
J. 'P. (.

~eatU1virquinona~·i;t. Pfalme1. I
ll.fffeiliJtf}cman tbat 7 1tDtllpJcac{Jt!JeJLam,lllbrrcoftbc :rL01!l
l:Jatf1 not 'ltlallttb in tlJC
.} cou11fcll of tl)e bngoJ>'
IJatl) fapl:l bnto me: tiJOU <ltt mr fonnc, ti}i~ oar
l}aue '.JI begotten tlJcc. I
., .i lf.no11fanJ>tntl}c'\llap 8 ~core of me:, antJ']J fl1ttil1PUC t?irc ttJr I
" «?> of rtn~rrs : anti l)atl} ll,lcatl)cn fo~ tl}tnc tnlJm. tnnrr: flLl1 tl1c bttcr,
~ not rttm t{Jereatoftl]e moftpartis ortl)ecartl) fo1 tin· polfciTion. 1·
fco~ncfUll. 9 -a;lJoUOJaltbmifctl)em lllit!J aroi:l ofiror.:
. 7 )5~t am1 b:calic ~cm in picms lifie a pottcr..,i \Jelfcll.
1Jil5 belig'bt
1s m tl)c JLalllc of tl)c 1 o Jee 'lll1rcnotD tf1crcfo~e. !lD rec llingi.;: bee I
_ ___ JLoJJ>: anbln ~ts1Law 1tamcllpcttJatarctu11~rl50C tfJecartl) .
·.. ~- >< tlliH l)ec crmirc l)tm' 11 ~emc tl)e JLo~D in ftare: anD rctorcc tmto
fclfe 11ap anD ni!lflt. {Jim 'alttf.J rcummc.
3 anbl)cen,aUbeliflU tree planteJ> tir ~e 12 i.litil'ctl)cfonnekalf flee bcangrie, anllfo
\l.latcr Ctlle: tl)at 'Qltftb#ng fo1tl.J ~J fruit in DUe pee prritlJ from t{Je rigl}t lilap: if IJtss tt1:at1J be
rtaron. kin!llrll \fCa but a littk) bletTcD arc all tl.Jcr ti) at
4 ~isleafcalro n,annot \\1id}cr:ant1 looke puttl.Jeirtmlf tnl)tm.
\Dl)atrccuerl)Cboetl},itfl1allpwfpcr. Domine quid. Pfal. 3.
~ ass ro~ tlJe bn!Joblp it tss not ro \Did} tl)ein: L ~~ll 1.Jo\u are tl)cy encreafc!I that trouble me:
butd}cy are like tlJe ctJaffrbltJiclJ tl}c 'alintJ feat' lllEl!!F arc tlJcp t!Jatrifc againamc.
tertt~ a-map from ttic face of tlJe cart11. 2 £eanr one tbcrc lir tlJBt far of mp roulc:
6 ~erefo:c tlJt tmgolllp ll}all not be able to tfJm tis no hclpe fc~ tJim in (Ji.s ©"on.
llanti in tlJe tu11u2mcnt: nettbcr tl)c finnms in 3 lBut tIJ~u,© JLo~!l'.art mp ocftnllrr: tl)ou
tl}e con~r!J~tion of tlJC rtgl)teouis. , art illl? \no~ll.Jt.p,anD ttJc tiftrr bp of mr iJcall.
; . 1 mut tfJi JlA~e lino'WctlJ tl)c U'lap (If ttn. 4 '.JI otn call bpon tl)c )Lo.zll \111t1J mp boice:
. nlllJteoul!I:~ tlJe tt1ap or t!Jc t>ngoblr tl.Jall prriOJ. j anll lJei)eartJ mc out of tJtl3holr1J1ll.
~r ~arc frcmuerunr. Pfal 2. 5 jJ lafll ~C tO\DllC a_nll llcpt, flllll rofe bp a,
,"! "' yi\f ~r tloc t{Je lb)rat{Jcn ro furtouap. rage .to• 1 game: f~ ~c )1..0~1> lulla.mco me.
~1.,, . gctlJcr: anti 'llllJl? l)oe t{Jr people tmagmc 6 jl 'Will not be afratll foi ten tlJoUfantil!I or
-;, .~~. a ba&nc tlJmg "!
·4 ·· 2 ~e ktn~s of tile enrt!J aanll bp, ann tlJC
I people: tlJat l}aue Cct t1Jcmrc1ucss agama tnct
rounD ab~ut.
7"'1' rulers tal1c counfcll togct[Jer: againn tl)c-n,o1t1.
· ~ an11 again« lJisanopntcb.
1 tll!P )Lo~llc. anll lJelpc me, !lD mr <13ot1: to~
Ithou fm1tta au mme cnc1mcs bpon tl.}c rt.JcCiiC·
3 JL,et bS b:cake tl}cit bon?lcss sfunJ>er: anb bone, flJou IJa~ b.zoben tt:Jc tcct{J of tl}c bngoblp.
call G\Dap t{Jnuoiti~ ftom b~. s ~alu~tton bclo11getl) bnto tl}c)l o~J>: anD
4 ~cc tl)at b'lllellttl) inbcaucntlJall laugtJ t1Jrblcmngi.3~pontl)cproplc.
tlletn to fCOJnt: tlJe JJ..,o:bc tlJRU l)SUC C{Jcm in tie• Cum muocarcm. Pfal.4-
nrton. . . Hctarc ~'al!Jrn] call,© \15cllof mprigfJte,
s ~en f!Jan bte fpcaf;c .bnto. tl)nn m l)tfl oufl~t~ · foUIJcu (Jail ftt inc at libcrtic \Dllcn
·anatlJ: ann bere tlmn tn IJil!I ro~c 1>1Q>tcarun. 1 '111!1' in trouble, (Jaue mcrcic tip on mre, anb
6 ~ct l}auej\ rctm~ mng: bpun mp IJolr l.Jtll lJcarlicn bnto mp p~apcr,
of ~ion. 2
©rec fonnes of mrn, {lo\u long \ntll rrr
Pacience in affliction. The j .day. Dauids righceoufneif<
bla(jllJemc mine t.Jonour:anD IJ.auc Cua) plcafure iD fauc mi ro1t1Jp mmic• falie. ~
tn banltic, anD fcdlc afttr leafing-: s ~DJ in bead) no man rememb~c~ tf1ce:
3 l.llnow dJiff alfo, t1Jatt1J.c JLo~bc lJatlJ dJO• anb 'CD~ 'aJilllille UJu t11anke1S in tlJe pit;.
rm co bimfdft tlJe man ~at •• ;obit': 'mbcn ~ 6 am weme Of mnronin;, CUttl' ni!Wt
can b~n the JL.0~1>. IJc \11111 l}care me. wani mr btb: an11 b>ater mp concfJ wttl) mr
4 ~tanD in al:Dc, anb finnc not: commune t.tarcfS,
witlJ rour ol:Dnc l]cart, anti in rom cl)ambtt, 7 ~r IJcautie t• gone fo»aepp trouble: an11
anD be am. '&llo~ne a\Hf buaurc of all mine mante•.
5 il!>lftr t(Jc facriflcc or ~ttoutne!fc: anl> 8 9\llar Crom me au rcU}at\110211c tanitie: '
put rour trull in tlJe lLDJlJ.
6 ¢1:Jm be manr ttJatrar: DlJo \lltn llJe\llc ping. .
~i tl}c JLo~De l)atf,J l}CarlJ tl)t boice mr \llce•
111 anr gooD 1 9 Qe ll.0111e IJatlJ l}ear11 mp petition: f11c ·
7 JLo~ll lift ttJon llp : tlJe liglJt of t1Jf countc• lL01l> \11111 recciu1nnrpiarcr. ,;
nancc bpon b.G. r 0 au mine enemies OJall be confoun11e11 l1t1b ·c
s 'Cl[;l:]ou 1Ja1l put glatlneffc in mine l}cart: ro1e beret!: tIJer f!Jallbetumen bacJlc,ann putto ~
fincc tlJc time tl)at tl)c1r come anti \lltne anti oilc OJame Cu1>ncn1r. ~
e11crcafc1>. . · · Domine Deus meus. Pfal. 7. '
9 1 \l11ll 1arc mrc 1>0\Dne in peace, anlltakc Q )L,01t1 mr 0olJ, in tl)cc l}auc] put mp trul! ~
mr rra: roi it ts tl)ou JL.01D onlp tl)at makcft me rauc \nee from au tl)cm tlJat pttrcmrt mcc, ~
ll\tlcll in faftttc. anl> beliucr me.
Verba mea auribus, PfaL5. 2 )l..clll]e DCUOUtc Int' fOUlt hlra l,.fon, anti •1
poa~lltr mp moinfS,fJD i.01b:conlibct mt mcbt• tcare tt in picccss: lDIJilc ttJcrc i~ none to IJelpc.
tatton. 3 ill> :G..01t1 mp 0011,if ] IJauc none anp IU&IJ
2 fJD bcarfi.Cn tl)ou bnto tile boice of mp cal• tlJin; : o~ tf tlJm bee anp lllicflttmeire tn mp ~
ling,mr l~ing ann mr 0on: ro, tmto ttJcc min '.31 (Jann~. ~
maue '!1P p~arcr. + ~r ~ (Jaue rc\llarlleb cum lmto lJfm d.Jat ~'
3 w.JF boicc OJalt tltou IJtare bctime;, ~ bcalt fTicnblp U>itlJmre:pea, ~l)auc ncliuertil "
JLo~ne : carclp in tl}c mo~mng Ulill] Direct mp tJim tlJat lllitl)out anr caure i• mine r00t1it. J
p~arcr bnto tl)cc,enl> Ulill 10011c bp. s ~en let mine m~icpttfecutemp Coult, 1
4 1fo~ ttJou art tIJc <5oD tlJat l)all no pleafun ann taflc mcc: rca, ltt 1J1m treat! mr lift no'amt ~
in \lltckclJnclTc:ncitlJtr flJalf anr cutu b\Del \DitlJ bpon ttJc r11rt1J, ann lap mine lJonourin tlJe DUI.
tl)rc. 6 ~tanl> bp, fl!> l.o~ in tllf \DµUIJ. anll lift
~ ~uclJa~lmfooliflJOJallnot aanb in ttw bptlJpfelfe:becaurcoCtlJetnb~tionof1aiau
,Ctght: roi tl)ou l}atdl au ttJcm ttJat \Uo~llc ba• encmte;, anee bp ro~ mre in tf]e 1U11gcmmt tlJ&t
mttc. tlJou 1Jaltconnnaun11tt1.
6 ~lJOUfiJRlt l>cltroptlJcm tbat fpcal'lelca' 7 QnllfolbalttJero~ationoftlJtpcoplt
fi11g:t1Jc ll..oJll mil ablJo~rc botf] tl)e bloDDt:IJirllie come about d)ce: ro~ tfJmfaffcss tl)ttefo~e ltft bp
ann 1>cccitfuU man. tlJr ~lft agatnc.
7 :ll>utas ro1mr,1\ 1lltl come tnto ~F 1Jourc, 8 ~e JLo,n malliu1>ge ~c people, giuc fen•
cucn bpon tt)c multtrune of tlJpmercte:anlJin tmcc\llit(Jme,fli> lLo,t1:acco111ingto mrri~tt·
tlJl' fearc Ulill 1 wo:llJtp to\llarD tlJt IJOIE ~em• ~filcll'e, anti acco,lling to tlJe 1nnouncic tl)att#
plc. mmc.
8 t..cabcme, fli> JL01t1, inthpri~ttoufndl'c, 9 SlDJJ let tbe \Did1ctmdrc of tlJc tmgOblr
bccaurc or mtnc enemies :mallt tlJr \ll&F plainc come to an tnl>: but guiDe tlJou tl)e iult.
Io <jfo, ttJc rt«~tcouss <1!5olJ: trrctt,J tl)c llmc

bcfo~c mr face.
9 ~o~ t)Jerc is r.o faitlJfulne!fc tn IJi; moutlJ: l)earts anb rtinct.
tlJeir ttrroarD parts are btrr wickctJndfc. 1 I ~r IJelpccotrim£tfJ of <l!Job:m~i~ PJ£ftt'
Io ~lJcirtlnoate is an open Ccpulc1J1e: dJcr uct()tl)cmt1Jataretrueof1Jcart.
flatter lDitlJ tlJcir tongue. 12 001> ilf artgtJtcous iul>gc, arong anD pa•
. 11 ~dlrortlJou tl)cm, © <l!Jotl, lctd1flt1Pe' ttmt:anb <!!Job ts p1ouollcD cuerpbap.
rill) ~IJiougtJ tl)cir o'llln imaginations~ call tlJem r 3 'Jf a man mill not tume, IJe 1Pill 'aJbtt l.1iJl
outin tl}e multituDc of. th ctr tmgolllinctre, ro1 f\D01b: IJc IJatlJ bentl}iSS bo\11,anb mane it reabp.
ttJe~ IJaue rcbcllcb againtl tlJtc. 14 'c tiatb pJcparellfoJ IJnn dJei~cntfS
I i an11 let au tbcm tl)at put tlJtir trUt1 in of neatl): I.Jc OJlJaineflJ l}i1S 11rrotue1 agatna tl}c
tllcc,reiorcc: tlJcp n1a1 cucr be giutng or tl)anks, pcrfccuttrs.
btcaure tllou ocfmbc!l tlJcm, tl}ey tl}at loue tlJF 15 l6cl.Jolb, l}e trauail~ \litfJ mifdJidc: l1tt
name llJau be torruu tn tl}ec. batlJ &:oncciuen ro~rotue. anD b~t Co1tf.J bn·
3 ::lfOHl)ou ll.o~b l:Dtlt gtuc till' blcalng bnto golJlincae.
tt!,\l)teou~: am:rmitlJ tlJF rauourablc kinlJ• 1 6 19t IJatfJ !P'aum anti DtorD bp a pit: anc
~ ..e'lllllt tl)ou 11errn11 IJim a1S l:DitlJ ROJidD. ii fallen IJhnfdfe ·tnto tl:Je 11rtruaton d;lat l}rc

o omineneinfurorc.
· m11D£ ro~ ottJer. I
Pfal.6. I
7 ~oi1Jt1traua11c11Jalcometlpon1Jtsotonc '

Euening . lLoille rebuke mce not jn tl)tne in• 1Jeat1: ann IJiff totclltDncffc llJall fall on IJis o·amc
. prayer. , , ' llt~IJU~tton: neltlJer c;1JaUen me tn pate.
1 ~ .,f b1rp1earun. 1s 1 lDtD giuc tl;lanllc• bnto tfJe :t..0:11, acw1•
~\;£, ., • 2
~aue mcrctc tpon mtt. iD tltng to IJiS rigl}ttoufilCffe: .11n1> \lliU ~aife tl}e \
""" 11..o~lle, ro11 am mcatsc • llI> JLo1ZJc name ortl:Je: JL.oitl tl)e moa 1J1g1J. '
~cale mr,fo~ mp bont15 ate bc~eb. ' Domine Dominus. Pfal.8.
3 !lltJp route ts alfo roie ttoublt1>: bUt i..o1oe
IJO'lll long l:Dtlt tl}ou J:Ulllll) mt:'
0 name
l..o~bc om 1oucmour, l,Jow ~dlmt is thr
tn aU ifJe ll.lo:ni: tt:Jou tl:]at IJ&IUct tlJl'
4 ~urnc ttlrc,© 11..oill.anb lleliuttmpfoUlt: g(oip aboue t1Je1Jtaums.
12 «>ut1
~ds excellenrvvorkcs. The ij .day. \!Vicked mens nature. 1 9 3
\..: 2 il!>utoftfJcmoutlJ ofbcrpbabcsanbfmk, 17 ~c'llliclltbillaUbcctumebintol)ell:anb
I linllS JJa« ttJou 01tJe1ne:b artngttJ, buaufe of an ttJc pcoplt tlJat foJ«rt ©ob.
t11tnunmritS: tl}at tlJOU 1ntg1Jtell; atll tlJetnc' 18 fo~ tlJc poo1etlJaR not al'llllll' be fo~Ottrn:
mie anb tlJc a~. tl)c patient abibing of tl)e mccllc a.ian not pmOJ
3 f 0191 'mill confiber tlJe fJcaucns, cum tlJc fo~ rucr.
mo111es of tlJt? fingers: tl)e g;)oone lt tl]e tJ;arres 19 up lLo~ti. anb let not man IJaut tlJe bpper
':~ tlllJidJ ttJou IJafl 01Deineb. (Jann : let tl:Jc l]cattJcn be iUb!Jrtl tn tfJt' fiifJt.
~ 4 U91Jatisman tlJat ti.Jou artmtnbcfllll of 20 ~ut tlJcm in fcarc (l!D )L,o~b: ~that tlJe
~ (Jim : ann tfJe fonnc oi man tlJat tlJou btrttdl: ~catlJm map bno'lllc tIJcmfdues to bee but
'.'~ IJfm :' men.
I 5 ~oumaZJeftlJimlo'lllertlJcntl)e angcIS: Vt quid Domine. Pfal.10,
\, to CfO'lllllC l)im 'lllitlJ glo1P anb 'lD0111Jip, \tV~ flanllell tlJOU fo off (l!D 'jl,,O~ll ! )
·l~ 6 ~(Jou make« ham tolJaue tiominion oftl,le anb IJtbclt t!Jl' face in ttJc ncebfUll time of
~~ toooikrs of tlJP IJallbeS : ann ttJou (Jal put all trouble:'
~: tlJlngS in ntbicction bnber IJis ftete. 2 ¢l)e bngoblp foi ()is o'lllnc lull boctl) ptt'
\: 1 an OJcepc anb o~cn: pea.anti ttJe bcallcss of recu~c ttJe poo~e : let tlJctn b£tahm in tlJe rniftie
~' tlJc fielll. 'lllalmc[ctlJat tlJey l)aue imagineb.
:~.t. s ~c foulcs or tl,lc airc, anb tlJC fillJeS of ti.Jc 3 cjfOJ tlJc bngoblp (JatlJ mane boafl of IJiS
~ ~ca: anb 'lDIJatfocuer 'alalkctlJ tlJ1ouglJ tfJe o'lllnc I) carts !leftre: an!I fpc ahetl) goob of tlJC£0'
. patlJS OftlJC ~l'l1S. . uetou)l 'llll)om <l!SOb abl}o~rettJ.
"'~ 9 ~ JL.o:n our goucmour : lJo\l'I cycellent •SS 4 ~IJe bn~oblp ii fo p~oub , tl)at l}ec caretl)
~~ t~r Ji;lamc in all tl)c 'lllo1lb:' not foi <3ob: neither ill afjob in all iJiS tlJouglJtll.
1 11~ Conficebor tibi. pfat. . 5 ll.)is 'mares are almnp gricuous :tlJr tutlge'
~ 9 mcntss arc farre abouc out of l)i!l u~t , anti
iing • Dill giue ;lJanfless bnto ttJcc. © ttJercro:c ilcfietlJ lJe au lJiSS enemies.
~~z:r. ll.o:b, 'lllitlJ mr 'llll)ole IJeart : ] 6 IJfo: l)e ~atlJ faib in l)tss IJeart, ~ulh, '.l1 tl)aU
•tn 'mill fpcafic of all tl,lr marucilous ncucr be c:all bo'll>nc: tIJcre 11Jall no l)armc lJap'
~bi 'lDOJliCI. penbnto me.
2 i)l 'lllall be glab attb rciopc:c in 1 ~ts moutl,1 ts full of c:urrin!J, beceitc, anb
t?i:ti ttJce: rea,mrfongstllil l make of tlJt' j\;}mnc,l!D fraUbc : bnilcr l)tss tongue tss bngoblinclTe anil
:'l~l tfJou moll lJiilJcfl. bantttc.
tlJ~4 ~i::~:~~l~~~~~:~:~~~e~~~~~ badie:
f OJ tl)ou l)afl matntaineb mp rtg(Jt, anti
of ~e t~cr:~=~~7n~~s'~~~ l~::
noctl) l)c mum er tl)e innocent, IJiS cress arc rct a,

==- mp caufe: tl)ou artfct in tlJC tl)~onc tl)at iu?lgell gainfl tl)c poo:c.
rtgl)t. 9 IJfo: l)c littlJ 'lllattini;Jfcmtlp,cuen ns a :tlh
1:.oi 5 ~ou f.)all rtbukcb tlJe 1Jeat1Jcn, anbbc, onlurlietlJ l)e t111Jtss ilcnnc: tlJatlJemaprauifiJ
IJk flroreb tl'!e bngoblr : tlJou l)all put out tIJctr tlJe pooie.
name ro: cucr anb eucr. 1 a l)c botl,1 rauit11 tlJt poo~c:'ll>l)enl)c gcttetlJ
6 © tl)ou cncmic, t1cllructions are come to {Jim into IJis net.
apcrpetuall enbe: cuen ass tte c:iticSS 'llliJtclJ ttJou r 1 11.)c faUett bo\tlnc anb l)umbktlJ l)imrelfe:
lJall l:ldltoreo, ti) cir mcmc~tall tss pcrill.Jeb 'lllttlJ tl,lattl)c <ltongrtgation of t(Je poo:e mar fall in,
tlJem. to tl)c (Jann ofl)iss captaine)l.
1 l5uttl)c ll.OJb 11Jalent1ure foi cucr: (Jc IJatlJ 12 11.)e rain in l)is 1.Jcart, -m;ullJ, <13oti iJatlJ ro:,
a1ro p1epareb 1Jtss feat fo: ]ungemcnt. gotten :1Je IJibetlJ a'lllar l)tr; race, anb l]e 'llltl ne,
s <jfo~ !Jee llJalltubgc tfJe 'lllo1lb in rtglJtcouf, ucr fee it.
cO"c : anti mintllcr true lubgetncnt bnto tlJc 13 :ilrifc(il> 1Lo~n <J'3o?I)anb lift bp tlJine l)anil:
,J, people. fo:gct not tl)e poo1e.
,.v· 9 -m:."(1c'.1Lo1balfo'llltll bcabefcnccfo1tl,leop• 14 twlJcrcfo~c llJOUlll tl)c 'lllicfictl bfafplJeme
p1c[cb: eucn 11 refuge in nuc time of trouble. <!3"ol>: bllJlle l)e llotlJ rap tn IJiS I] cart, ~uai,tl}ou
1 a gnb ttJel' tfJat tmo'We tlJt' j);}amc, 'Will put <3on carca not roi it:'
tlJcif trull in ttJee: ro: tl)ou 1Lo1b l)atl neucr fa~ 1 5 ~urclr tl]oul)a(ffcenc it: fo~ tlJOUbcl)o!,
lc?I tl)em tlJat Cecile ttJec. bell bngolllinerrc anb 'lDJong.
11 l!D p1atre tlJc ·Jl.,oJb 'llll)icl) tJ'lllellctlJ in ~1' 16 ~at ttJou matclt talte tfJc matter into ti.Jr
on: ilJt'W t1Jci1tople ofl)ts boings. 1Janll: tlJe poo1c committctlJ l.Ji.mfdfumto tiJce,
12 fOJ \\ll)cn 1Je mahetlJ im1uilition fo1 bloob, ro1 t11011 art tlJe 1.Jclper of tlJe frienble[c.
IJee remcmb~etlJ tlJcm: anb ro1gcttct1J not tlJe 1 7 l5~cakc tlJOH tfJe po~er oft1Je.bnget1Jp,
complaint or tl)c pooic. . anb malicious: talic amar IJ•IS bngolllmctre,ann
1 3 \l)auc mmic bpon mcc, l!D )L,0~11, confi• tlJou OJalt ftnoc none.
btt tl,le trouble bllJiclJ 1 fufftr of tlJcm ttJat l)at.c 18 ~he lLo,n i% llttng fo~ eucr anb cucr: anb
mcc: tl)ott tt)at liftctl mcc bp rrom tlJc gateis of tl)c l:JeatlJen arc pmflJcb out of tile lan?I.
beatlJ, I 9 1L01b, tfJOU (Jafl ~ear'tl tlJC bCftrC Of tlJC
1 4 ~at 'Jl mar tlJe'IDe au tlJr p1aiCe• 'lD~t1Jin poo~c: ti.Jou p1cparcllt1Jc1r l)cart, anb tl)tne care
tiJe poites of tlJc bau~tcr of ~aon : 11 bltH re• lJearflcnetl) tlJercto.
aopuintlJrfatuatton. . 20 ~o lJdpe t(Jc fatlJrrldre anb poo1e bnto
15 ~e l)eatl)en arc runkc 110'\1>1~t 1nt1Jep~t tl:Jrir rtg(Jt: tlJa~ tlJe man Offtlc eartlJ bee no
tlJat ttJey mabc: in ti.Jc fame nct'llllJICIHl;)epl.JUJ mo1c c~alteb aga1ntt tlJmt.
WiUilp,iS their footc taken. In Domino con lido. Pfal.1 I.
16 ~e ·-n..01n ts lillO'lllcn to crecutc fUbge, Jj\;} tl'JC lLo~b put 1 mr trua: l)o'lll rap ve tfJen to
mcnt: tl)e blllOblp if trappeb tn tlJe mooibe of mprouic,tlJatfl)e flJoulb flee ass a bt~oe bnto t(Jc
..___ IJiss o'IDnc tJanbeS. lJill ~
:The wickeds portion. The iij .day~ vVho is bleifeJ.·
II 2 f oi toc. tl]c bngoblF llcn~ t~eit bo'me?antl
malle rcatlp t(Jclt arro\Del!I 'tDttbm tl)e QU1uei:
tlJatt1Jepmarp1iuilp01ooteat tIJcm \lllJtctJ are
3 ~e JL,o~b IOoliel> bo'mne from l)eatwn bp•
ontl}cdJ1lt11m of men: toftt1ftl)erctllcreanp
tl.Jat\lloull> bnllnllanbanbfeclieafttt'6ob. ;

true om cart. 4 '5ut tlJcr are all gone out of tlWwar ,tl)ef ·
3 ;to, t(Jc rounbtltlonJS\lliHbcccatll>o\llnc: are altogcttJei: become abominable : tl)erc il!I
anb bllJat (JatlJ tl]c rt~tcoul!I bone~ none tIJat boctl) goob,no not one.
4 ~c )L,o~!J il!I tn IJil!I l)olp ~cmple: tl;Jc s. ~l)cir tt_noate i~anop_mfcpul,IJ1e. 'mitl)
JI.,o,o~ rcatc i~ m(Jcaum. t1Jc1i: tonJUCJS IJaue tlJcr bcmucb : t:IJc popfon of
s 19t~ cpcis confil>tt tl)c poo~c : anti IJiS ere afpcl!I us bntler tl)eir lip is.
liD~ trirtl} tl}e rotlt1Jcn or mm. 6 ~l)eit mout:IJ '~full of rurfin~ anti bitter,
6 ~Jc JL,010 allo'mctl) tile rigl)tcous : but nclfc: tlJnt fccte arc ftoift to 11Jcb blootl.
tfJc bngonlr. anti IJtm tl)at tldigt}tctl) in 'miclictl• 7 ~cllmction ann bnl)appmctre tl!I in tl)ctr
nclfe noctlJ (Jt~ roule abIJo~e. \Dates,\\ tlJc 'mar of peace IJaue tl.)cp notfmo\Dn:
7 cup on tl)c bngoblp l)cc fiJllll ratnefnatcl!I, ti}erc i~ no fcarc of '3otl bcfo1c tl)ctnpe~.
firc,ano bJtmltonc,ttoime,tl tempett: tlJtJS llJalbe s ~sue tl)cr no hno\Dlcbgc, t(.Jat tl}cp are au
ti} cit pomon to t11inln. rm:lfmo1her~ of mifclJicfc : eating bp mr people
s 1f0Jtl)erigllteou~JL,01tilouct1J rigbteouf, a~it'mmb~catl:'
netrc: IJ•~ countenance 'mill bel)oll:Je tl;Je tl)tng 9 anti calnotnpontl]c".ILolb,tl}ere'IDeretlJer
tl)at iis iult. b:oglJt in ~eat ft art(eucn \UIJere no uare\Das:\
Saluum me fac Pfal 11 fo~<l5otlisintl)cgenerationoftl)criglJtrous. '
• • • 1 o as fo~ rou, rec (.Jaue 1habc a mo,kc at tlJc
Euening QJ;lpcmeeJI.,o~i), fo, tlJeteiSttOt COUnfailCOftf]CpOO,C: becaUfc IJte puttttlJIJtlS
prayer. , oncgoblpmanlcft:foJ tl)efaitlJ' truthntl)eJL,010.
full a~e minill1eo from among 11 1191Jo IIJaU!:J(uefaluation bnto-J)rraelout t~
tl)e c1J111>1c11 of mtn. of ~ion : \UIJm t1Jc Ji.,oib turnctiJ tl)uapttultte :·
2 ~cp ~Ike ~f banitic eue' ofl)tlS people, tl)m IIJllll '.)acob rciorcc,ano ]fra, ~
~ ~ rp one \U1t(.J 1J1s ue1gbbour: tlJcr elfl1albe glao. ~
oo but Hatter 'mit(.J ti) cir lip~,anb Dttrcmble \llitlJ ·;
tf)etrl!OUbleIJeart. Dominequis habitabit? Pfal.15. •.
3 ~e JL,010 OJllll root out an llcceitfun lips: {l)il:J 'ml)o ll)all tl'alell in tiJl' 'its• Moen in~
ano tl)c tongue tIJat fpeafictl) p~oUtl tlJings. bernacle : 01 \UfJo fl}all rellll)IOn prayer, ::::
4 twl)icl) l)auc faib, 119ltl) our ton(ltlc \De 'IDll tlJF l)olr llill 1
p~euailc: ttie arc tlJep tl)at ougt)t to fpeafJc, \lllJo 2 CJ?ucn l)ce tl)at lcatletiJ an
ill JLo~n ouci: blS:' bncoirupt life : anb t1oct1J tf]c
5 ~owfo~ tlJccomfo:tle!Tc troublclSfakeor __ _ tlJin«'mbiclJ ilS rtg(Jt, anti fpca'
tlJc nccnr : anll bemurc of tfJe tJtcpc fig(Jing or keti} tiJettUetJJ from 1Ji1S(Jeart.
t~cpooie. 3 $etl)at l}atl,J bfcb no t1ecettin1Jis tongue,
6 'Ji will bp (faitlJ t]Je lLolb:) anti \'oiUIJclpe noinonc eum to lJil!I nciglJbour: ann IJatlJ not
euer11 one fromlJim tllat f\DcllctiJ againlll.Jim, Oanberet11Ji.15ncigl,Jbour.15. -
anti 'Will fct tljem at relt. 4 'c tl)at rcttctlJ not br IJirnfdfe,but i.15 lo'W•
7 ~c 'Wo~bc)'S of tlJe lLOJb a\'e pure 'mo~tle~: Ir tn IJ•.15 o\Dne eye~ : anl:J malictlJ mucl,J or tlJem ... ~

cuen all tl1c filucr 'mlJiclJ from tlJe cart(.J t~ metl, tl]at rcare tlJc :tLoJb,
ano pmific11 reuen timl'~ in tlJe ftre. 5 $e tIJatf'WearetlJ bnto l)il!I neigt}bour, anti
s ~tJou llJalt keepe t1Jem , © lLOJb : tl)ou tliCappointctl) IJim not : tl}ouglJ tt mere to IJil!
fhalt p~crcruc IJim fro t]Ji~ generation fo~ euer. otone hinnmmcc.
9 ~e bn13ot1Ir 'malbc on rucrr fttle: \ll{Jcn 6 ~ee tlJat lJatlJ not gtuen 1Ji$ money bpon
t{Jer are ci;altcb, tl)c clJilll~en of men are putto bfutr: no~ tafJenrc'Warb againlt tlJe innocmt.
rcburtc. 7 U9lJo fo tlotfJ tl]efc tl}ing)'S: fiJaQ neucr fall.
VfqucquoDominc. Pfal13. Conferuame. Pfal.16. ~.·
H!lD\11 lon1I '1,)ilt tl)ou foJget mee (ilD JI.,oitl)foJ p mcrerue mcc, ~ <15on: foJ in tl)ce f}auc 1 put
rutr : l)o'We long 'milt tl)ou l)ibe tlJp face mp ttult.
from me: 2 ilD mproule. tlJoul)atlfaiObntotile lLo~b:
2 l!}o'mc long fiJall 1 feelie counfell in mr tlJou art mp <3o'D, mp goo'Dl!I are notlJlng bnto
ro1:1te,ami be ro beretl in 1mi IJcart: l)o'm long 11Jal tl,Jee.
mine mcmtess triumplJ ouei: me~ 3 an mp tJclig(Jt i.15 bpon tlJe faint$ tlJat are
. 3 ~onm1cr ami l)carc mce, © JI.,o~b mr ~ob: in tl)c cartlJ : anti bpon fUdJ ais CfUR tn btttue.
llQ.l)tc!1 mmc ere~, tlJat']l Ocepc not in t1eat1J. 4 l5ut tlJcr tlJRt runneattcranotlJtt ~ob:
4 . )Leathnine enemie car, '] llauc pieuailetJ LlJa11 (Jauc great trouble.
a~atnll lJtm : foi if '.JI bee call oo\Dne, tl)cr tl)at s ~IJctniinbc otrerin~ oftJIOo!J ~tll 'JJ not ·~
offer : nctctJct mabc men non or tl}c1i: name~ \~ ·.
ttoublc me 'mtll retorcc at it.
hJn ,."' ':It "'rl' ~tli~ tn tbp mercie: anti mp mitl,Jinmplip!S.
15 . 1
"' 6 ,.,o~ Ultntl)pfaluation. 6 ~clLo~blJimfdfci~ t1Jepo~t1on of'mtnc 'l
'll 'mt~lrinig of tiJe 'JL,o1t1, llecaure l)ccl)atlJ inl}critancc.. anti of mp cuppe: tl)ou n1alt main• ~~
ll~altfoloutn~ll' 'nlftlJ me: rca, ~ \Dtllp1aifet1Jc tarnunplot. . . 1~
Jaameoftl)cJ!..01~moal)t!JfJelf. 7 ~cloti#f'a11tnbn.tomemafamgrou11l:J: ~~
Dix1cmlipiens. Pfat.i 4 . pea.~ IJaucagcolllplJmtagc. I~
T~~~~o\eiJatl)Catntn l}iis (.Jcai:t:~eiet•no s ) 'mill tf,)anhe tl1t ll 01~ !Jiuing mcc ~l
'marmng: mr retnc~ alfo dJatcn me in d}e ni!JIJC ~~

~~arc comiptanb bec:omc abominable
rearon. ~\
m tlJeir oom~ : tlJcrt tis not one tl}at bOdHJOOl),
9 jl l'lauc fCt 4'oll al\Dllt'CJSbefoJt me : foJ lJc
\no not one.) t#onmrii«IJtlJantl, tl]crl'foJej! !ban not fall.
1o l!Bberr, 1 '\~
:9auids confidence.
The Gods mighty po~ve~~~+-
1 o mIJcrcro~ mp (]cart \Dass glab,anb mp glo' anb complainr.1mto mp <ll>ob.
11? morub : mp ftellJ alfo OJaU reft in (]ope. 6 ~o lbal l}e f)earc mp_ tiorcc out oflJiSJlJolr
11 ~01 \ll(Jp1 t(Jou fl)alt not Icaue mp Coult tn ~emptc : anb ntr complaint OJaH come befo~e
(Jell: ncttlJcr 11.JalttlJotJ Cutrer tlJtnc lJOIF ill>nc co IJim,it lball enter eucn mto l}iSJ care~.
rec co1rupcton. 7 ~lJe cattlJ tremblcb anti quakctJ : ti.Jc ticrp
1 2 ~IJOU llJalt fl.JC\l) mt t(Jc pat(J Ofli!e. in tlJP fonnllattons alfo of tl)t 1J11lc1!1 llJOOfie anti \\Jere
inefetUc iSJ ~c fulnctre of tor : anb at tlJP rig(Jt rcmourb,bccaure IJe \llas \llJotlJ.
uanb tflm 1ss ptcarurc fo1 eucnnwe. s ~m\Dentaf!nofte out or bis wercncc:
ExaudiDominc iullitiam. Pfal.i7. anti a conftnning ftre out of (Jil!I moutl], fo tl.Jat
co aleSJ \ncrc hinbleb at it.
H plaint:t(Jcanbrtg(Jt,
lll!a~ ~J1.,01b, ainl'iDcrmpcom'
l)camm tmto mf p:apct, tl)at 9 .~c bo\llcb tlJcl)eaucnss alro ~came bo\nnc:
goed;I not out orrameb ttpss. anll Jt \llas barlic bnllcr lJiSJ feete.
2 )Let mrJentencc come fo%tlJ from tlJp P.1C' 1 o ll)c robe bpon tl)e CltlJcrubimss,ann bib tltc:
emu: anti let tlJine crcis lookc bpon t(Jc tl}mg l)e came Hring bpon tlJcwtngss of tbe tt>intlc.
t(Jat tis cquall. .1.1 ll)emat1ebar1tnctrc1Jtssrccretplacc: IJisspa,
3 ~ou (Jail piouctl antlbffittllmtnclJeart u1~1on rounb about IJim, \llitlJ barlic \Dater anb
mtl}c ntgf)tfcafon, t(Joul)alltriebmt,811bfbalt tl)tcke cloutJes to coucr l)im.
CinDe no wtckcllntSJ tn me: fo191 am bttmr pur' 12 attt.Jc b~igl)tncs orl)is pJcfencc IJis c.loUbSJ
pofcD tlJat mp mout(J tl)aU not offentl. remouen: 1Ja11ctloncs anti coalcs of fire.
4 l6ecaUfc of mcnss \1101ftcss t(Jat are !lone a, 1 3 ~e JL01t1 alCo tl)t111b1et1 out ofl)caucn,
gainll t(Jc wo~11css oc mp ltppcss: ] l]aue kept me anb tlJc lJigl)cll gaue ()ts t1Junt1cr: l)aitcllonc~
from tl)e \narei:s or t(Je ?Jcttrorcr. anb COSIEl!I offire.
s IDl)olnet(Jou bp mnoingssintlJrpat(Ji:s: 14 ~cc rent out l)ts arro'tllrs. anti rcattercb
tf.Jat mp roottlcpss atp not. t(Jcm: be call ro~tlJ lt!Jl)tningss \'t tJeClropeb t.IJcm.
-, 6 1\ l)aue calle'D b~on tfJte, il!'> <l!Job, fo1 tl)ou 1 5 .m;lJc Cp1ingss orwatcrss \litre recn., anti tl)c
llJalt I) care mee: cnclrnc t(Jinc tare to mte, anb rounllattons of tl)crountJ \llo~IDe 'olcre tJifcoue,
(Jcarlien bnto mp\llSJbSJ. rcb at t1JF cl)ibtng, !lD Jl.,OJb: at tl:Jc bla1ling of tl)c
7 ~lJe\ll tlJr mameilouts loutng ktnbncfi'c.,
tl)ou tl)at art tl)c ~auiour or t{Jcm \nlJtctJ put
tl)ctr tTUtl in tl)ee : rtom CuctJ ass rcrdl tlJF n~t
b1eat(J or tlJt' bifplcafure.
16 OJalCcnb bo\nne from tl)e l)i«IJ to retCIJ
me: anb OJaltafle me out ofmanr waters.
l)anb. 17 ~e flJaD beliucrmc ftom mr llrongcll enc,
s itcepe me ass tl'le apple oran ere: !Jibe mcc mie,anb from tlJcm \lllJiclJ (Jate me: fo1 tlJer arc
bnocr t(Jc 11Jat10\ll or tlJr \lltngss. too migl)tr roi me.
9 1from t(Je bngolllF tl)at trouble me: mine 18 .m;IJey pieucntell mce in tfJe tJar or mr
memtess compatrc mcc rountl about, to talic a, trouble: lmt tl)e JLoit1 \lla~ mr tiplJollltr.
lD8F mp roule. 19 ~c b10Ugl)t me ro1t1J alfo into a place of Ii>
1o ~tr arc indore11 in tlJctr o\llnc rat: anb bcrtte: f)c b~ougf)t me fo1t1J,eucn bccaufr IJe I.Jab
tlJcirmoutl.'I ~calictl) woub t(Ji~. a fauour bnto mt.
1 1 ~er Ire \llainng in our \liar on cuccy 20 ~e JL01b OJal re\nartJ me aftmnr rtglJte,
Ube: tunling t!Jetr cress bo\nne to tl)e grounb. ouncalin!J: acco1t1in1J to tl)e clcannclfe or mr
u JLifleas a JLiontl)atisgrcebt' of lJisspiar: 1Jant1ss CIJall(Jt rcc0tnpcnce me.
anb ai:s it were a'Jl.,ionss \Dl)clpc lurking in recrct 21 :l5ccaufc 'J\ l)auc tlJe \\lares or tl)c
places. ".11.,o~?J:anb i,auc not fo1ralienmr 001:1 as tl)c b.lic'
1 3 llllP 1Loi11, biCappoint l)im, anti call l)tm fie'D llOetl}.
t'lo\llnc : beltucr mr roulc from tl)c bngotJlp, 22 <JF01 '.]! l)auc an ere bnto an fits 'Jl.,a\\le~:
\tllJtctJ tis af\l.1011:1 of tf)inc. anb \ntll not rail out l)iSJ arommaunt1cments
'"° ~romtlJcmenoftlJrlJanb, !lDJLoib,from
tile men 'Jl far, ant> from tl)c euiU wo~lb: \lllJictJ
from me.
z 3 '.ll \nail alfo bncoirupt befo1c (Jim: anD cf
bam tl)cir poJtton in tlJiss lift , \\11.}orc llelliess cl)c\lle'D mine o\Dne \llicftconc!Ie.
tlJoufillcll \'Oitb t1JF I.Jib trcarurc. 24 ~(Jercfoie lball tlJc 'Jl.,o~ll rcwarb mr after
1 5 '\lWJcp f:)auc cl)iltJJcn at ttJcir bcCifc : anb mr rigl)tcous llcaling: anb acco~Ding tmto tl}t
lcauctlJc rcll of tl)eirfubtlancc rw tl]ctrballcl!I. c1cannctreormrlJant1s tnl)iserc figlJt.
• 1 ~ lSut al!I foi me,1 \nrll bclJollle tlJt' wcrcncc 2 5 .std) t(Jel.Jolp,tl)ou lbaltbr f!OI!?: anti \nitl)
111 rtltbtcoufntlTe : anb \nlJen '.JI a\llake bp after apmectman, tl)on lbalt be pmect.
tlJt' ffficndfc,1 ff)albe fatiClicll \llitl) it. 2 6 119itlJ tlJe cl.cane, tl}ou flJalt be cl.cane : anti
\llitl,J tl:Je fro\DartJ, t(Jou (halt learn fto\llarl>nes.
Diligam te. Pfal.18. ,, 7 1fo~tl)ou11;Jaltfa~t1Jepcop1e tlJ~t are tn
119ill louc tl)ce , ( © JLoi?J ) mp at1ucrritic:an11111alt b1mg llo\llnc tlJt l)tgl.J looM

raycr. !lrmgtlJ, tl)e JLoJb il!I mp ftonic of tflr: p~OUll,
rockc anti mp t1erc11ce : m11 ~aut• 18 iln}onalfo fl)altlig(Jtmrcanblc: tlJe".11.,ozi:J
our, mp <ll>ob, anb mr mi!.llJt, tn mr ~ob OJall mahc mr barlicnclfc to i:;e ltgl)t. ·
\lll}om']! \lliltrUlt,mpbucftlcr, tl)c 2 9 ~o~in tl)ee '31 llJall btcromutc an llnllc of

tJomcalfo ofmpfaluatton.. anb mr ~~· men: anti bJttlJ tl:lc IJdpc or mr ll!Joll '.Jl llJal tcapc
2 'll \l.ltl call bpon tl)c JLoJb, \lllJt~tJ tis \\lOJ~P oucr tlJc wan.
to be p1airct1: C<10Jan 'JI be fafc rto mine encm1el!I. 3o Qc\llaror<llJobtts ~nbntJefUcllUiar: tbc
3 ~e CoJrotoeSJ of tltatlJ compalf'eb met: \llo1t1oft]Jc JL,o~b atro ll!ltT1et1 m tl)cfire,l1c i~ttic
an11 t1J£ ouerflo\Dingss of bn10Dlinc1Te ntabe mcc befen'bcr of an ~cm tlJat Put tlJeir trult ,n him.
af'raibe. 3I ~01\llf)O1$$ ©ob bUt the lLO~b: oz llll)O i)atfJ
4 ~cpainrssofl)eU came about mee: tl:Je anr ftrcn~tl) erupt our <llJoo~ ·
rnare.1 ofbeatlJ oucrtoolle me. 32 ')ttSS<l!Jot1t(Jat1trbetl)mec\lltttJ ltrcngtf.J I
5 ']ln mp troublt 1 will call tipontbe )L,oJb: of\llanc: ant> maftetlJ m11 \llal' perfect.
Gods great vvorkes. The iiij .day. To cruft in Goc.:~1
33 $c maftetl:I ~11:1 fccte ltfie 'artl'5 reete: anll iJSfure,anll Ptl:I 'mtfellome bnto tl)c fimpie. ~~
rcttctl;J inc bp on 1:11gl:J. . . 8 '4[;l)e ttatuteJS of tl)c )L,01naruilbt.anb n, l/
34 $e tc11a,etlJ mp 1:1anll~ to nglJt: anb mmc aorte tiJe !)cart: tl)e rommanllcmmt O! tl)e '.fL,oJb J
artncl'5 llJal b1eakc cucn a bo\\l ontecle. il'5 pmc. anll giuetlJ ligl)t tmto tl)c crcJS, ~
35 'lEt)ou 11aa ~ucn me tl:lc llcfcncc or tl:lr fal, 9 14[;tJc fearc or tl:lc ".1Lo1ll IS dcanc.anll enbu, 1 ;~
uation: tlJP filllJt l)anll alfo 11.Jall l:loln me bp,anll rcttJ fo~ eucr: tl)e iUbgcmmtJS or tlJc )l,01ll arc ~
tl)p 1ouing co~rert1on llJall maJJc me i;p'.cat. true, anll rigl)teoul'5 altogctllcr. ?'
6 ~IJoU n1alt malieroumc rnougl:I bnbcr me 1 o gi)o1e to be befircil arc tl:lcr tl)en golb, rca. ,'
ro13to «!JC : ttJat mp footacpJS OJall not Oillc. tl]cn mucl) fine golllc: f'a>cctcr alCo tl)en l)onp, r11
37 'J! tom follo\D bpon mine enemies, anb o, anll tl)c l)onr tombc. ~
ucrtafic t[lcm: ncitl)cr mtl '.) turne agatne ttU 'JI 1 • ~01coucr,bp t{Jcm il'5 tl)r kruant tauglJt: ~
l]auc nclfropcll tlJcm. anll tn beeping of tl)cm tlJcrc il'5 i;p'.Cat tc\Darb.
3s 91 mm rmitc tl:lcm, tf.Jat t~cr llJall not bee 12 U91Jo ran tel l)o'm oft l)e oflenil~tl,J: ll> denrc
able to aanll: but Call bnllcr mp rcete. tl)ou me from mp fecrct raultl'5.
39 'lE[Jou l)atl gtrbeb mce t»itl) ttrcngtlJ bnto r 3 Jlteepe tl)p fcruant alro from p~umptu,
tlJe battcll: tIJou llJalt tlJ~o\l>e llo'mne mine enc, oUIS Cinnel'5,leaft tl)ep get tl)e l101ninton oU£r me·
mie'5 tmtJer me. ro llJall ] bee bnllcfdeD, anll inno,cnt t'rom tiJC
40 ~[lou l}atl malle mine cnemiclS alfo to greatolfence.
turnc t1:1cir bacJJcis bpon mee: anti'.]] 11.Jall betlror r 4 )!.,ct tl}e 'ID01llcl'5 or mr moutl), anb tl}e me'
tlJcm tlmt IJate me. bitation or mr l]eart: be al\Dar a"cptablc tn ttJr
41 'lElJepflJall trP, buttl)cre11Janbcenoneto figl)t.
IJc Ipc ti) cm: rca, euen bnto tlJe Lo~ll lball tl:Jcr 15 ~ 1Lo1ll: mpllrcngtlJ,ann mr rcbecmcr.
err, but IJc flJall not{Jeare tl,Jcm. Exaudiattt: Dom in us. Pfabo.
4 2 l \Dill beatc tl)em ais fman ais tbelluff br' T~c l.01ll l)eare tl)cc tn tlJc bay of trouble : tl)e
ro~c tl!c toinlle: l t»tll rail ttJem out al'5 CIJc clap ~amt of tl)e <llSoll of'.jjacob ncfenll tIJcc.
i1it1Jcllrcctc~. z ~enll tbee l)elpe tram t{Je ~amtuarr:
43 €!Jou fiJalt llcltucr me from tl}e tlriuinglS anti tlrengt{J tl)tc out of ~ion.
of tIJc people: anll tIJou fi)alt malle mec ti.Jc f;Jcao 3 11icmetttbcr all tl)p offcringl'5 : anb accept
or tl)c l)catl)en. tlJr burnt racrtme.
44 apcoplct»bom'.)!fJauenotrmo'IDen:fiJan 4 <1!5rant tl)ee tl)p l)mt:is bcarc: anll rulfiD
rcrue me. an tlJp minlle.
s oece \»ill retoru in tlJp faluation, anti m.
4s .arroone al'5 t(Jcp l}earc ofmce, tiJCV fiJaU o• :.

bcp mcc: but t~e arangc cl]ilo~cn 11.Jall llfil'cmbte ump() in tlJe ~ame of tl)c JJ.,oib our <l3ob : d]e
Ulitll mc. )l,ozll perro~mc all tl:IP petttion'5.
46 ·<t!Jc «range c1Jilll1en fiJall faile: anll bee a• 6 ~ot»e rmot»e '.]I tl)at tl)e 'Jl.,otb l)clpetb 1Jil'5
fratnc out or ti) ctr pitroni:s. ar.orntl'LI, anb t»il tie are l)im from iJiJS f]olp IJea,
47 tQL:hc "JLo~'IJ ltuetl} • anll bletreb bee mr uen: eucn t»itl,J t)Jeml}olcfome tlrengtlJ of l)ts
nrong(Jclper:annp1atrellbectl)e<IJ5ot1 ormrfal, rigIJtl)ann.
uation. 7 ~omcputtl:lei~tmtlin dJittetl$.anl:lfome ....,:
48 Ql:uen tlle\130'11 t»{Jicl) fectf.J tl)at '.]I be au en, in l)oJfCl'5: but \Dec toJll rcmcmbcr tl)e ~ame of
Igcb : anll fublluetl) tl)e people bnto me. tt,Je )L,oJll our $oll.
1 49'J:til'5l)ctl)atbeliueretl) mefrom~p(ttUcl1 s ~cp arc b~ug~tllotonean?lfanm :but
cnemiel'5, anb rettetlJ mce bp abouc mmc alluer, toe arc rtrc11,ann aanll upii~llt.
farirl'5: tl)ou 11Jalt rill me from tl)e t»icfJell man.
so cjfo~tl)t.i!I taufc t»tll '.]J glue tl]anflel'5 bnto
9 ~aue JJ.,ozll, anb 1:1eareb~,© 11\ing ofl;lca,
uen:mgen\UetilUbpontl)ee. ~.
tl]ce ( © JJ.,oill i among tl)e <15mtile~: anll fing Domine in virtute. Pfal.21.
p~nifrl'5 bnto tlJp ~ame.
5I $teat p:O(\)etitiC giuetl:J {JC bnto lJfl'5 fiing:
<t llling !l)all reiopce in tl)p ftrengtl). !l!>
! C~tCelling Qlab llJalUJe bC OC tl)p falU8'
r, _. .. , · ·
f' r_,:~
anb llJetoetl) lonmg ftinllnttre bnto ~aui0l)il'5 tton. J(ir/-!~t
anopnteb,anb bnto l)i.i!I rcell ro~ cucrmoic. 1 ~ou l)all Ctiuen l)im l)il'5 l)cart.i!I lleCire: anb , '·
Cceli cnarrant. Pfal. 19 • fJall not llcntell l)im tl)e requctl or l)iJS llpJS, ;~,
3 cffo1tl)ou11Jaltp1tuent1JimwidJ tl;lc blef, :~
Morning ~~~'1!$ <!? {JC8UCUl'5 betlarC tl)C gl01l? O[ {in~ oC goobnctre: anb ll)aftfctacro'mne OCpure .'~
prayer. · <llSoll: anll tl)e finnammt flJC'metll golb bponl)isi l)cab. . ~,
~ l)ialJanllp too1fie. 4 l!Je afficll ltfeOf'tl)ec, anlltf10Ullauefll)im ~
• · 1 SlDne nar tcllctl) anotl)cr: anll a long life: men roz eucr anll eutr. •·
"'°~~·~ one rriglJt ccrtitictl) anotl)cr. ~ ~1s 1Jonour Is !Jt'Cllt mtlJP faltuttion.: glo, t1
3 ~tJcrc ii:s ncit~er fpeatl) noi Ian~gc: rpanllgrcatmo10Jip OJalttl)oular=nl)im. ~
but tlJrtt bof'ces are l)earllamong tl;lcm. 6 foi tl]ou fbalt 11iuc l;lim eue:i · felt. ':...
ant foUnll il!l gone out tnto all lan'lleJS: Citic : 8tlll llUfle IJim glall toitf} tl)e iop Of C(Jf .~
•.,,'lnt 'll:loi11s into tl)c cnllJS of tl)e \l>OJlb. countenance. '~
s ,n t\Jem lJatl) l)c ret a ia;abematle fo1 tJ;Je 7 .anll min'~ bcmnfc tl)c llin1 plJUdfJ l)i~ S
~unnc: 'nll)itlJ commetl) fo1tl) 8l'5 a bJUl~omc trutl tn «Jc 1Lo2ll : anll in tfJe tucrAt Of tl)c moa '~
out of lJ1.i:s clJambcr anb rctopcetl) a~ 11 c51ant to l}tilJclt, tic fl)ali notmtfcarp. ~1..
runnchtscoutrt. ' s !llltl)ineencmlcsfballf'eelctf}pfJann: tlJF ~;'I
'J\t ~ottlJ foitl) from tl)e bttcrmotl 11art of fiW1t 1Jan11 flJaR finneout tlJtm ttJat l)ate tl)cc. \~
~c l:le~~· &tlbrunn~ about bnto tl)e mbc or 9 ~l:Jou RJalt mabe tl)ern liflea ficrr OU£n ~~
tt agamc • anb tl)tte tlS no~tn« l:llll'llC from tf}e in time or ttw \D~tlJ : tl)e 1Lo1n !IJall iltlfrop \~
l)eatc t{Jmor. tJJtm in l:Jil$ llifplrarurc, anll tl)c ftre lball ron, ~~
7 ~~ 'JLaw or ~cll..oib isan bnbetilcb JLa\D, fume tl)cm. \"I
conucrttng tlJr. roulc: tlJe ttlhmollt' of tlJc lLoJb . 1 o G::l:Jcti fftrite fbalt tl;Jou rootc out of tl)e ~
ran1:1:1 \'
fauids prayer. vVhomGodaccepteth 1 95

cartlJ: an:n tlJeir rc£DC from among tlJc a.Jtlll1tn 2 3 flt> piaife tl)e )L.~D re tl)at reare l)im: mag,
of mm. nillefJlmall pceoftl}cfCCllcof~acob, ann fcarc
11 fot. tUCl' intmbcb mtrcJJterc againl? U,cc: IJtm all pc Cccnc of'3\frad.
ann tmagincn rua, a neuttc tl)at tlJCl? arc not 14 fo~ [Jc l)atlJ not ncfptfcn noi af)IJo:reb tlJe
able to pmoimc. lo'mc cftatc oftl)t poo1c, l}c l)atlJ not lJib IJtss fare
u ~mfo1e tlJalt tl)ou put U,cns to fligl)t: from IJim:but \U(Jcn l)c callcl:l tlnte i,tm,l)e lJcnrn
anD tlJt tlringsJ of tf1r bo\tle OJ Sit tl)ou make rt a' l)Jm, I
bf agatnl! tlJc race oftlJcm. . 2 ; ~P p:aifeilS of tlJcc in tl)c great congrcga,
13 :l6tt tIJou c~altell JLo~ in tl;Jinc o'IDnc tlon: mp botocs tolll '.]J perfounuc in tl)c fiUIJt
lfrmgtIJ : fo 'tlltll 'lllc fing anb waifc tlJP po\tlcr• or tlJem tlJat feare(Jim.
26 qc poo:c ~an cate anb be fatifficb: tl)cp
Deus Deus mcus. Pfal.11. tlJatrcekc artettl}c JLo:b,tlJall p:aiCc tlJim, pour
1!! cll5ob. mp cll5ob. (loofle t>pOt1 I}cart fhall liuc fo: cucr•
t:ning me) 'IDIJ! 1Ja8 tlJou fo1faflen me : 27 an tlJembss oftl)e \llo1l!lfba1I remember
~er. anbmCo famfromtm' IJcaltlJ, tlJcmfducs, ann bee turneb \mto tl)c 'JL01ZI : anti
'·. annfromtlJc too1nc15ofmp com• all tl)e mntctllS of tl)c natton15 tlJall \llo~tlJtp be'
plaint:' . fOJCIJim. .
• i ©mp cliJOb. ~ me tn. tl)c 2 s 1]'01 tlJe fltngtJomc id tb,e JLo1Dis: anb IJce is
baptimc,tuttl;Jou1Jcarcftnoc: anbm tl;Jcnigl)t tlJc goucrnour among tlJc people.
rcaron alfo 'Jl take no mi. 2 9 au ruclJ as be fat bpon eartlJ: i,auc eaten
3 gnb t1Jou conttnurU l,Jolp: ~t1Joutllo1, anti 'll!o1tlJtppe1>.
ll)ip or'.]lrraef. 30 all tl.]cp tlJSt goc bO'IDnt into tlJe bUll ll)all
4 ©nt fatl)cr~ f1op£b in tfJcc: t:IJey trul!cb fmcclebcfo:c IJim: ann no man IJatl} quiclmc!I
in ttJec.anll tlJou bibbeft neltucr t1Jc111. IJil.'I o'IDnc route.
5 ~ey callcb bpon ti,ec. anll blerc IJo[pm: 31 ~F Cccbc 11.Jal fcruc l,)im: tl)£p OJalbc coun•
tlJepput tlJeir tfllflintl}cc, anbtllm notwn, tetl tlnto tl)c JLp:b foJ a generation.
fountJctJ, 32 ~l:Jep tlJa" ~:'ltc, ann tIJe IJeaucns llJafi be<
6 l6ut a~ ro: me,'Jam a blo:mc,anll no man: clare 1Ji'5 rtP.JtroufnelTc : bnto a people ttJat OJ all
a tlrrp rco1ne of men, anb tlJc outcal of U,c be boµie, \llbom U,c :A OJb 1Jat11 m1111e:.
people. Dominusrcgic me. Pfab 3.
1 gn tlll!P tlJat rec mr, lauglJ mec to rcomc: T'c JL,oib is mp OJqilJcarb: tlJmfo.ze can ~
t'lJcpflJooteauttl)drltpl.'I, anti OJaflc tl)ml)cab, lactic notl)ing.
faping, 2 ll)c tl)all rcenc me in a grcme palure: anti
s f9ec trufteb in 0ob tl)at IJec bloul!I bcliuct leanemt to,tb bcfibc t(Jc \Ui11tt'S or comfo1t.
bim: letl)lm bcltucr [Jim iflJc blill IJaue IJim. 3 ll)c OJaU conucrt mp foulc: an!I b~ing mee
9 :l5uttljouatt IJcc tlJattooflcmcoutormp roitlJ in tlJc patl)is ofrtgl} IJ'• na1ncs
motlJctl.'I \Uombc : tJJou \Uaft mr IJopc blqcn 'JI fa kt.
i,angeb pet tlpon f1ll.' motiJerl.'I bieafts. 4 ~ca, t{JougIJ 1 '1Da1'be t(J~ougl) tlJc ballcp
10 ~ l)auc :bccncleft btlto tbcccucr Cince '3l oftlJc OJabo\lJc of ticatlJ, 1 \llill ttarc no cutll:
'IDasbomc: tlJOU art mr <5ob cum from mp mo' fo: tlJou art 'IDttl) me, tf.JF rob anti tlJp llaffe com,
tl)crts \tlombe. fo~tme.
11 © goc notrrom me, ro~ trouble tti IJartJ at s ~ou tl)alt p:epare a table bc(o~c mer, a,
l)an!I : ann tlJcrc ts none to IJclpc me. gainll tbcin tl)at trouble mce: t'fJou lJall anoin•
12 Q!)anp onnarc come about me: fat bUllclS tcb mr IJeab blitlJ orlc, anti mp mp tl)an be fun.
of :l6afan clofc me in on cucrp fine. 6 '5utt(Jplouingmnbnc1Teann mmicfiJall
1 3 Q)cp gapetlpon me toitl) tl}cirmoutl)cts: f.oloblc mec au tlJc napu of mp life : anll 31 will
ass it 'mcte a ramping ann roaring l.-ion. n'IDcU in tl)el;lourc ortIJc :i.01b ro~ cucr.
14 '.JI am potoicn out ltflC \\later, anbaU mp
boncis arc out of U>int: mp l)Cart alfo in tl)t min, Domini ell: rcrra, Pfal.z4,
btll of mr bo"Dr il.'I like melting 'al~c. ll;lccartlJil.'ltlJc'.Lo1ll~, annaRtl)at Morning

1 s ~F ilrcngtlJ ts n1tc11 bp likes pottlJearn, tlJctcin ts: ttJc compaffc of t11e prayer.
anb mp ton!:l;UC t1cauct11 to mf gumme15: anb 'ID0110, 6 tlJCF tl)at nwcll tl)crcin.
tlJou tl)alt b:mg me tnto tl)e Duft orl:leatlJ. 1 f 011Je l]attJ rounncb it bpon
16 1fo1 (manp) 11og15 are come about mu: tlJc ft.a.S : anll P1£PSretJ tc bpon t1:Jt
anb tl}c counfcl of tl)c \llitflcb laUtl) fitge agam« flooris.
mtc. . 3 ll9bo tl)all arcenb into t11e IJ'11 of J..o1b : 01
r 1 qcp pcarccb mp f1anbJ. asm mp &etc,'] \lll}o ll)all nfc bp In l:Jil.'l IJOIF plaW.
map.ten an mp •rl!anb aanng an11 "' lfllcn l)c tl}at (JatlJ clcane 1JanZ1s, (ta pure
looktngbponme. l}cart: anll tl)at l)atlJ not Uft bp IJi~ minb tlnto
18 ·~ep part mp 1armcntts among tl)em: t1anitic.no1 f\1101nc t~ omiue Im! nngl)bour.
8Rb cal lotl.'I tipon mp bcftun. s 19cc ()Jail rcmuc tile bldfing from tlJc
19 :l6ut be not t1JoufatrcfrOmmce,iDl.o111: 1L01b :. anb rtg(Jtcourmae from tl)t <l'Jo!I ot IJil.'I
tl)ouart mp ruaour,IJallc tlJtt to IJdpcme. raluanon•
20 Jediutt: mpfouldrom tl}e bar• . 6 <a::l)t• t• tlJe generation of t1Jtm tlJat recite
ling from tlJc po'll!tt:Gftl)c no~ f:JJm: cu~n ortl}cm tlJat feefle tl}p race,© ]acob.
2l ~auemec frc:Mlt1JCJL,tom5 moutl): tlJou . 1 J.,tft '-P pou~ l:Jtabl.'l,SlD pc ptt•,anD be rec
l'Jatt fJeaTb me a1fo fillm among tl)c 1Jo1ne• of tl1e lift bp tc cucr~al!tng boo:es: anb tfJe llintt orifo·
bnkouuss. i __ _ rte ll)all come m.
2 2 ') \tl111l)edanDJfl1ll1ll£1mto mp b~Cfnm: s 191Jo tis die fling OfgloJ1e: ft iJ' tile :loine
tn tbc mibbdt of tl}c conmregat,on 'mtll '.J J111ffe llron« ano migl)tp. cum tlJe J,,oJllC miglJtp in
tlJtt.. battelL
True feare re\'varded. Dauids onely requd\
9 JL,irtbprourl)call~©regate~an?lberee 6 '.)l\Dill'IDaOJmp llant11:Hn innouncie, tID
lift bp pc cucrlalling Doo~e-:anll tlJd!Ung of!lllo• JLcnll: anll ro \D11l 91 goc to tl)inc altar.
ric fiJall come in. 1 iaI:tJat~ map OJe\ll tl)e bofcc of tl)anllcflli'
1 o 119l)o t£1 tf)c ~tng or glo1r: cam tl)e JL,01b utng: anll tel ofau tlJP lDonoerouio mo~lte-.
of IJolle-,l)c i~ tfJc tnn~ of glo~p. 8 JL,01ll, '.]] l)auc louell ttJe IJabitation of tl)T
AdrcDomme. Plal.25. IJourc: anb tl}cptacn.111Jerc tl)inel)onourlllllCI,
f;lto tl)cc, © Jl,o~ll. '\t>tll] lif~ bp mp route, letl1.
V mp ClSoll, 'JI lJaue put mp trull tn tf}ec: ©let 9 © llJUt not bp mr roulc \DitfJ tl)c finnm1:
me not be conrounbcll,ncittJer let mine memtc£1 no1 mr_hfc toitlJ tl}c bloobtl)irnic.
trimnplJ ouerme. 10 1n'11l)ofc l)anll£1il!! \tJichelJnc~: anbtfJtir
z 1o:i111 ttJep tl)at hope in tl)ec 11.Jal not be a· tigl)t l)annss arc run of g_lrts:!. ·
mamcll:but flrcl) al!! tranfgTetrnoitfJout a caurc, 11 l5ut ais ro~ met,] \tJill\Dalhe innoccnnr:
flJaJoc put to confufion. © JL.oJll Deliucr me,ano be mercifuU bnto me.
3 ~»cm me tlJP \tJaie$S, © ll.o~l>: anb teacti 12 .~P footcl1a1111c~ ri!.llJt: 91 toillp1atrc d)e :.~
me tlJP pat1J£1, JL,o~b tn tl)e congregatton£1,
4 )l.,eanc me foo1t1J in f'IJr trt1ctf},anb leame "
Dominus illuminatio; Pfal.27 ;~
me: fo~ ti.Jon art tl)e ©oll of mp faluation,in tf;Jee • '.l
l}atlJ bcnc mr ()ope all tf]e Imp Ionl{. ~~~ ~eJLo:btSmpltglJt anllmpfalua• Eurnti
5 €a11 to nmemb~ance. © J1.01l>, tl1F ten' non, lDl)ome t~en flJaD 1 fcare: prayc':
Der mercies : ann tlJF Iouing liinllnell'e lDl}tcIJ tlJe :to~lle iSS tl]c tlrengtf} of mp ;·
l}aue bcnc cuer or oln. ~life, or \lll)ome tl)en OJatl '.]] bee a, ·',
6 ilDlJ remember not tlJe Cinncis anb offm, ~..<W!~{l) ftato: '
ce~ of ml:' routl]: but ac:co~ntng to tl:Jp mmie 2 119l)mtlJt\tltclleb(euenmineeneinieSJanb :..
t1Ji11r1ctl}ou tpon mcc (Ill> J1..01nc) foHIJP goon• mr foes) came tpon me to cate bp mp fleOJ : tJ;Jep
Imlfc. «mnbleb anb fell. .•·
7 ©racious anl> ngIJtcou$S is t11c )L.o~l>e: 3 ~lJougl} an IJofltof men \\Jere lain a1.1afnil
tIJcrcfo~e \tJill l)e teacIJ finner~ tn tl)c toar. me, pet l1Jall not mp )}cart llc afraill : anlJ tllougl)
· s ~IJrm tlJatbe meehe l1Jal IJc gnille in iul>!.le' tlJm ror~ tip ~arre againtl mec, ret toill '.Jl put
mc11t: llll'b fUdJ as be gentle,tlJem fl.Jail l)e ltarne mr trull tn l}un.
!Ji~\tJap. 4. ilDne .tlJin(J ~aue 1 l>elircll of tl)e lLo~b,
:• · 9. au tlJ~patlJCIS of tIJe t-o:l> are mercie anb tlll)rcfJ '3l to1U rc11111rc: euen tlJat '.)mar l>'wcu in
truetfJ : tmto f\tclJ a15l!cepc1Ji£1 couenant anb lJiis tl}e I.Joule ortt:Jc JL.o~lJ all tlJe bares or mr ltfe.. to
tt:tlimonies. bcl;Joll> ttJe faire bcautp or tf]e )Lozll, anll to billte
1 o f o~ tlJr names falie, '1D JLo~l>: be tncrCl'ful l)i£1 temple. ·
tmto mp Ci11neJ01 it is great. 5 1101 in tIJe time of trouble IJc OJall lJiDc me
i 1 tWl}at man iis l}ec tl;Jat fearetl} tl)e l. 01l>: tn l)i- tabernacle: rea. in tfJc rmct place of l}is
rJim l1Jall l1c tcaclJ in tl)e war tl}at IJt l1Jal cl}oorc. ll'alelling flJaH 1Jt l}ille mce,anll fct me lip bpon a
.. 12 ~ii:! route.nJall D'11cUat care: ann lJiSSfecne roclie ofltone.
fiJall inl)ertte tl)e lano. . 6 Qnll nom ilJSH l;Jc lift bp mine )Jeall: abouc
1 3 ~tJe recret oftlJC'JL,o~h is among tl}erntl)at mine enemies rounb all out me.
fcare lmn: m1ll lle\llitl tlJe\lJ tl)em lJis coucnant. 1 '~1Jcrrfo~e'11ill '.]! otfcl"tn l}il!!llltlcllin1.1an
14 fWlnc c1es ate cuer loollin!.l bnto tl)e JLo,b: oblation \Dttf;Jgrrat g!allnelrc: ]'Will finganD
fo~ l)c n1all plml;c mr feete out of tl}e net. fpcabc p~aifel!! bnto tile Jl,o~il.
1 5 ~urnc tlJce bnto me, anll t:Jaucmerde tip, 8 $earllen bnto mp boice, sD )l.o~ll, 't»f)en ']
on me: fo~ :Jl am ocfolatc ant> in mifetic. crtc buto ttJec: f:Jaue merctc 11µ011 mc,ann i)cart
. 16. '([;iJc fo~o'lllel!! of mp IJcart are mlargcll: mec.
eo bnng tlJou me.out ormr troubles. 9 ~rlJcartl)atlJ tamen oftlJee, fceficremp
1 7 )l.oollt bµon mine anucrfitic anti mtferie: face: tlJp face Jl,o)b \llill '.J1 rcebe.
anll fomtuc me au mr finnc. 1 o ~ IJillc not tf;lou tlJ1' face from me: ncn c$1
1 s ~onfibcr mine enemtes l)o\tJ manr tlJer tlJr rcrusnt a\tlap in tlifplcafure.
an: anll tl)ep bcare a tp:annous ()ate agatnlt 11 ~oul]aflbcnempfuccour~Ieaucmcnot,
mec. ncttIJerfo)fallc 1ne,© <6ob of mp faJUation.
1 9 ©keepemrrouteanl>Zldiuetme: let mcc 1 2 119)Jen 1nr fat)Jer anb mr motiJer ro~falie.
~t be conrounneb, fo1 '.]I 1Jaue put mp truft in me : tl)e JL,o~ll tallcdJ me »p. · .
UJl'l'. • 1 ~ ~ca&:IJ' wap,tll) Jl,011>: anD ~ca be me
'Ill ?t perftctnclre snit rigl)teous bealin~ in tl)c rigbt 'alap, bec:aurc ormtneenmucs. .

at ebpo~ mte: tin ml:' tiopc tJatlJ benc in tlJee. 14 ~dimnueootoucrtntod:JeW1llof1n1ttc

tt~~b~:'1uer ']frael, i1D ~ob : out of all l,lis allucrfaries: .foJ. tlteJMrt faJfc tl)(tnetres men
bp again ame.anb fudJ ass rpcafte 'ID)ong.
Iudica me Domine. Plal.26. 1 s 1 R.Joulb btttrJp 1Jauc faiUUb: llu~ tl:Jat 1
B Ile ti.Jou mr tut>~e, ll!> )l.,oJ'b. foJ 1 tJaue \llal• beleeue berilr to fcUIJt gooblte.ife oftl}e :4,qiuu
tl)c~I~::~:tc:l!p mp trutt tiatl) bemc atro in tl;Jelanboftl1etMnlo
lfi:ainer ~utiall 'Jl not fall
1 6 Q> tatie d)Ou tlJe :IL01l>S feafure: be «rong,

out mp rnn:;!~~emllf) JLoJb, anb p1oue me : trit anD tJec fl)all comro,e tfJtne IJtart, anD put tlJou
) foi tl)p lout Pl:Jc~tt. · tlJP tma in ttJe 10111. . . ·
AdteDomine• .Pfal.28. ·
mine cpeis · anb ~ 'mllfA11 ktntm~[c is cucr bcfo~c
· ~1 t 'mal_kt 1n tlJr truRIJ.
4 'l' l)auc not b'IJJelt '11ttlJ bainc pm0111J:nti•
V ~to tf;Jee \lli'D ') tt:ie, fl!> :4.01~. mp ftrcn(JtJJ:
tllinkc no cco1ne lea 1f tl}ou make as
tl}er '11lll '3\ l}auc fello'mfbtp 'mltl) tlJtbemtfulL dJougl;J tlJou l)e~el not! ~ltecOlne lilirtlJcm
5 'JI l}aue bateb tl)e tongrcixation or$mi" d1atmoe11o·ameinU>dJCp1t.
ftCll: aull wtll not ftt among tlJc bngoblp. :z .,care: tile bofce of mp bumble petitions
~ods care for his. Godspo\iver. 196
tolJcn '.31 crie bnto tl)ce: to(Jrn ']! IJollle bp mp map inlJure fo1 a nigl)t, but top commetlJ in tfJc
f)ano;s ratoaro tl)c merer feat or tlJl' (Jolp temple. mo1ning.
3 ili>plmhemcenotattlap (nettlJcr bclh'op 6 ilnb in mp p1otpcritiC jj fap'b, '.]\ flJSll llC•
me) \tlitlJ tl)e bngotllp anlJ \DiclielJ lJocris: \D(JirtJ ue~ bee rcmoouc'b: tl)ou )L,01ll of tl)p goollnelTc
fpcabe f'rienblp to tlJcir ncig(Jbouris,but imagine lJallft mailc mp lltll ro arong.
mm:tJtcf'e in tl)eir (Jeartis. 7 ~ou llillO: turnc tiJP face (fro me:) anD 'Jl
4 1fle\Dart1 tl)cm accoJbing to tl)eir oeelleis : \lla11 troublc'b.
anti a"oJlJing to tlJc \llithctlncfi'e or tfJcir o\Dnc s ·~en crtct11 bnto tlJcc. ® lLOllJ:anlJ gate
inucnttonfS, me bnto mp Jl..o~b rigl)t 1iumblp.
s mecompcnfc tlJcm after tl)c \\'Jo~fic of tIJcir 9 1101Jat p~ofit i~ ttJm in mp blootl: \llfJcn 1
IJanlllS : pap tIJem tlJat tfJep 1Jauc ll~ru~D. goe 'bo\Dnc to tl}c pit:'
6 1Foi tl)cp rcgarD not in tl)c1r mmoc tl)c 1 o , ~lJall ttJe llull giue tiJanfies bnto tl)cc: 01
\Do~c;s or tlJc JLoJlJC, noi tlJe operation of IJiiS fl.Jail tt llcclare tlJF truetl) :"
banilfS: tl)crcro~c UJall (Jee b~cafie tl]cm bO\DlJC, 11 1)3care,© Jlo;ll,an'b l)aucmcrciebponmc:
tinll not builtl tl)cm bp. :Lo:ll be tl}ou 1np llelpcr.
7 ll)~aifcb be t(Je JLo~lJ: fo~ l)c IJatl) (Jcarll tl]c 11 ~ou l)att turnctl mp l)eautnctre into iop:
boirc or mp l)umble pctition;s. tl)ou l)aa put off mp racheclotfJ, anll girllet> mee
8 ~(Jc JLo~b tis mp ftrengtl) anti mp flJielllc, toltl) glallnefi't.
mp (Jeart IJatlJ truaco in l)im, anb 'Jl am lJelpelJ: 1.3 qcrcfoJe fl.Jal euerr goo'll man fing of fbr
:;.. tl}ercfo~e mp l)eart DancetlJ fo1 tor, anll in mp piaice \lJttfJout ccaung: SlD mr ©oil, '.JI \llill giuc
' fong 'lllill 'Jl p~aife IJim. ttJanli;s bnto tbcc fo~ eucr.
9 -atlJe Jl.,OJD tis mr ffrengtlJ: anD JJce t;s tl}e In tc Dornincfpcraui. Pfal. 31.
\Dl)olcfome llcfcnrc of IJifS anointeb.
1 o © raue tlJF people, anti giue tl)p blea-tng
J ~ tl)cc, © )Lo~'ll, IJaue 'J1 put mp trull: let mer
neuer bee put to confufion, t>eliuer mee in tiJ1'
bnto tlJinc tn11cr1cancc: fccil tl)etn,ant> fct tfJcm rtgl)tcournc[c.
.. bpfo1eucr. 2 lt>oto llotone tf]tnc care to me :make l)aftc
Affcrtc Domino. Pfal. 29. to bcliuer we.
Bt!Ung bnto tl)c )L,o~'ll ( ©pee mig(Jtic) b~tng 3 an?J be tl)ou mp arong rothc,anti tf]c {Jourc
pong rams bnto tl)e ·,11. o~o: afmbc bnto tl)e oflJcfcnce: tl)at tfJou marea cauc me.
JLOJtl 1Xlo~n1ip an'll tlren~IJ. 4 !fo1tl}ouart llll'ifong rocfic, antimrca•
2 <1!5iue tl)c )L,oJlJ t}Jc (lonour 'llue bnto IJtiS ale : be tIJou afro mp gutl>e, anl> lealJc me fo~ tlJr
name: \Do~fiJlP tl}c JLot'll \llitl) l}olp tooillJip. names fake.
~ ']l t ifS tl]c JLoill tfJat commaniJctfJ tbe \\'Ja• 5' wia\\'Jmce outoftl}c net tl}at tlJeplJaue
tcr;s: it t;s tfJe glo#ou;s <115 © ~ tfJat mabctlJ tl)c laFb piiuilp roi me: Cot tllou art mp arcngtfJ.
tl)unller. 6 'lnto tlJp l)an?J;s J] commcntl mp fpiri t: fr~
4 'J!tiiS tlJc )L,o~tJ tlJatrulctl) t(Jefea.. tl)c boirc tl)ou IJaatcllccmcll mce, © JLOJ'b, tfJou <lDob of
oft~e JLo~tJ JfS miglJtF in operation: tfJC boiceof tructlJ.
tlJc JLo.zll ifS a glo~tou;s boin:. 7 '] IJauc l)atcll tl)cm tlJat l)olllc of fupcrai·
s ~fJe bo1ceoft1Je JL01t1 bieakctl) tl]c llrellar t&ou$!1 banittc;s: anti mr trull l)atl} Ilene in tl]e
trees : pea, tiJc )L,o:'ll b~eakctlj tlJe '1tcllars of )L,i, JLOJll,
banus. 8 ']!tutu bee (.\fa'll, anll retoice In tlJY mcrcic :
6 'c mabe tlJcm alfo to ffitp ltkc a calfe: )L,i• fOJ tf]ou lJa!l conmim~ mp trouble, anl> l)alt
banui$ alro anll ~r:ion like a ron11 mnico:ne. knotocn mp fouic i11 allucrfitic;s.
7 ~l)e boicc oftl]c )L,o~ll t1it1ibctiJ t(Jc flame~ 9 '<tf)ou 11aanct UJUtmee bp tntotl)e (Jan'b
or fi:rc, t}Je \loicc Of .tl)e )L,oitl (l)aflttlJ tl)C toilbcr• of t~c cncmtc: but iJalt fct mr fcctc in a large
nclfe: pea, tl)e JLo;'ll llrakctlJ ti.Jc \llllllcrncfic of roumc.
~!lilC1$. 10 ~auc mcrcic bpon mec, © )L,OJb, fo~ 'l! am
8 '\lnlu boicc of tl)c )L,c1'1l mattctl) tl)c 'in'llcs in trouble: an'b mine eye t;s conCUmcll foJ bCfl'
to b:tng fointlJ pong, anD ?Jifcoueretl) tlJc ~ichc IJcautneffc., rea,mp Coule anti 1np bobp. ,
b~llJCS: in l)i;s temple lJotl) euerp man fpcalic of 11 ljfo~ mp life iSS \lla:ren ol'b 'lllitlJ (JcamnclTe:
1}1!1 l)onour. an'll mucmss \lJitfJ mourning. ,
9 ~IJc JLoib fittttf.J abouc tl)c \\'later ftoo'll : 11 ~l' tlrengtlJ failctIJ me. bccaure of mmc
anll tl)e )L,o:ll rcmainetl) a llting fo1 eucr. iniquttic : an'll mr bonc.6 are conrumcD. .
1 o ~lJe )L,o:lle fl.Jail giuc llmigtlJ bnto lJis 1 3 ']!became a repioofe amon~ all mtnc enc'
people: ti.Jc llJall gi'uc l.Ji$!1 people tf,Jc bid• tnic;s, butfpcctallp among mp ne1111J1Joors: an11

fm!iJ of peace.
Exaltabo te Domine, Pfal,~ o.-
neill magnide ~cc, ~ )L,o:be, fo1
tlJcp of mine acciuatntancc ~ere afratb of me,
anD tl)cy tl]at llil> rec mcc \llttt.Jout, conucico
tiJrntfeluc;s trom me.
1 4 1 am deanc fon~otten, ass a bcab man out

~er. tflou l]alt fct me bp: anb not 1na'be of min'bc :1 am become lifle a blohcn tieffell.
mr roes to triumpl) oucrmc. 1 s 1fo1 ') l)auc l}c~ro tl)c blafpl]cmic of tJJc
1 © )L,o:'b mp e5o'll, 1 mcD tin• multitulle: a111> rcarc ~s 011 cucrr libe, \lJIJilc tlJcp
to tl}ec: ant> tl}ou fJalt iJeale'b me. contpirc togctlJcr agamll mcc, IJtafic tlJcir cou11 ,
3 -atlJou )L,o:t1 lJaft b:onglJt mp Coote out of raile to tallc a'alap mp 11rc.
IJell: tlJou l)aft llept mr lirt trom ~cm tl)at goc 16 l5u~ mpl)opcbatf;Jbcnc intlJcc,®JLoJ'll:
tlo\Dne to tl)c pit. . ] lJaUC fat!1 7~lJOU~lrt mp 001),
4 ~ing piancs t111to tl)c ·ii..~1'b, ©re faints 17 Sl@p ti~e 1s tn tlJf IJanll, bCliucr rnce from
of l)is: an'b giue t(Janltes to (Jim fo; a rcmem• tllc I] anti of mmc cnem1css: anti tram tl)em tf)at
b1ancc ofl)is lJoltncU'e. . . pcrfetute me.
s ~01 lJiS m:atfJ cntiuretb but ~c t\tJtnckUng 1 s ~l.Jcto tlWfmranttlJc ltglJt ort1Wcounte•
of an qc, anti tn tJts plearurc ifS ltft: l)cauineltc name: anb fauc me roi t(Jp mmirl1 falic.
I 9 Jl-rt I
· iVlans bleffedneffe. Godspo\tver& prouiden,;i
1 9 l.-etmtenotbeamfounllcb,ilDJLoJ'll,foJ'.J 3 ~ing bnto tl}c )l,o~b a nc\lle ron1:1: finig I;
l)auc caUc'll bpon tl)ee: let tlJe bri«Olll!' be put to p:aif£JIUftJl1? (bnto l)im) \DitlJ a ~ocb rourage. 1r~
coneuuon anllbeputtofi1Cnccmt1Jcgtauc. 4 fo:tl)e\Do,be oftl)eJl,.oJll1'5ttUe:anlla1l
2o JU't tlJC 1ptng lipl5 be pucto ulmce : \Dlrtcl) l)tJ \Do11ms are fattlJmlL .~
crucllp,niibatnetullp, anD 'llcfpitcfull11 tpealtc a• s l\)ce louctlJ n1:11Jtcournris anti iubgcmmt: '~
gaintl tlJe riglJtcouss. tl)e eart{J il5 full of ttJe goo'llnelfe of tbt JLo,D. ·~
2 1 llD 110\11111tt1ttfllll its tlJpgoozmelfe, \Dl)iclJ 6 '5p tl)c 'lllo:b of ttJe )l,oJ'll \Derc tlJc l)raucnss ('
tlJou l'Jaft laplle bp fOJ tt)cm tlJat feare tl)ec: anll mane: ann au ti.Jc l}oacss of ttJnn bl' ti.Jc b~tlJ i:
tilattlJOU l)all p~artll foJ tl)cm tl)atputtl)cir oflJiss moutl). i
trUll 111 t11ec. euen bcfo,c tlJe fonntss of mcn1 7 l\)e gatl)cretl) tlJc materss of tl)e ~ca toge, ~:
u '(ll;l}ou flJalt (Jibe tlJnn pitut111 bp tllinc tIJcr, ass it mere bpon an l}eape: an'll lapetlJ bp ~·
o\Dne p~efcnce, from tl)C piouolttng of all men: tlJC Deepe ass in a treafure l)OUfe. .,.
t!Jou OJ alt licepe tlJetn fcmtlp in tlJl' tabernacle, s all tl)c eartlJ feare tl)e )l,o:b: ftanl> in ~
rrom tl)c !fTife of ton;ucss. a\De of1Ji1n, au re tlJat D\Dclhn tl)e \Do:lll. ,.
2 3 ~tmktl5 be to tlJe t.o:b: foJ IJe IJatlJ fbc'a>• 9 ':ffOJ l)e Cpalle,anb it \JJRSS tlone: l)e comma"' ,~
eb mee marueilou• 1ft8t kitlllmelI'e tn a ttrong be:b,antJ it tloob fa ft.
,tne. 1 o ~c :a.o:b b~ingetlJ tl)e counftl of tlJe l)ra,
24 an1> 'a>f1m '] mabc f)atlc, ~ raiD: ~am call tl;len to nougt,Jt: anti mattetlJ tl)e: be:utrc• of tlJe
out of tlJe: apt of thine qess. people to bee of none l'ffctt, atlll cattetlJ out tf)e
2 s Jr.}eucrtl)eleffe: tl)ou l)earbeft t\lt bopte of counfailess of)&~inccis.
1nr p~arer: \DIJcn] me'll bnto tIJe:e. 1 1 '4!:lJe counfailc of tl)e 'JL,o:b flJaU mbure fo:
26 SID louc tl)e Jl..0:1> all pe l;Jtss ~aintl!l:fo~ tl)e eucr: anb tl)e tIJoug!)tSS of lJil!l lJtart rrom gene:
lLo:n p:d'mutlJ tl)e:m tl)at are faitlJfull, anb ration to generation.
plentcouar rctoarbetlJ tl)c p1out1 noer. 1 2 ~lclI'eb an tt,Jc people toIJore <il3ob tss tl;Je

2 7 '5e tlrong,anD l)e 11.lall tlablil11 rourl:Jmt: t-o:b 1)el)oua: ann blclI'e:b are tlJC fOlke tt,Jat lJU
au re t)}at put pour ttutl in tl)e JLo:b. l;Jatl) dJofm to l;Jim to be: l:Jiss inlJcritance.
Beatiquorum Pfal ,i 1 3 ~c·,t..o~bll!OlltbOotoncfroml}e:aum~nb
· ., · bel)clbe au tlJe tl)ilb1m of men: from tl)e l)ab1ta>
Euening lt.effe:b iSS l)e:e tol,Jofe bnrtgl:JttouC. tion ofl)iSS D'IDe:lling,l)e confiDeretlJ al tf1tm d]at
prayer. ne1I'e iss fo:«iuen: anb tol:Jofe: finne ll'alcll in tl)e cartlJ.
ill cotttttb. 14 lf)c fallJione:ttJ an tlJe l)cartll of tl}e:m: anb
2 ~letrcb tss tl)e man bnto 'all) om tnlle:rflanbetl) all tlJeir \D~licss.
. tlJC :t.oib tmputetfJ no unne: : anl> 1 s ~lJcre iss no king tlJat can bee raueb bp tt,Je
m \lJIJofe Cplrit tl)erc tss no guile. multitulJc of an IJoftc : ne:itlJer itl anp miibtie ~
3 101 \DlJile '] IJl'IDe mr tongue: mr boness man bcllueren bp muctJ aren«tfJ. '·
ronrumcb 8\Dap , tl)~oug9 mr Daplp to1nplap< 16 a r,oirc itl countcb but a baine tl}ing to
ntng. rauca man: neitfJet OJSU IJe: beliucranp man bp
.4 1foHl)rl)anncts l)caur bponmccnaranb lJitigreattlrmlltlJ.
mgl)t: anl> mp moraurc ~ ltli£ tl,)c D~ougIJt in 17 '8et,Jolbc,t1Je C1'l' of tl)e l..OJb iss bpon tr,em
~ommer. tl)atrearc I.Jim: anb l'Jpon tlJem tlJat put d}cir t:
5 '.JI \lJil kno\Dlebge mr unne bnto tl)ce: anD tmlhn f1iss merer. ,,
mine bm:igl)teoufnclfc 1Jauejj notl)ib. 18 ~o bdiuertlJCirfoules from bratlJ: anb
6 '3l faUlC. 'J1 'a>iU confeffe mrannes bnto tt)e to feeD tl,Jcm in tl)c time ofDeartl). ••
JLoJl> :anb fo ti.Jou fo:1aucfl tl)c \Diektbndfc of 19 ilDur route 11at11 pattcntlp taritb fo1 tl)e
mp unne. • :n,o,b: fo11Jei1S our lJl'lpe,anb our llJielb.
7 f DJ tlJfss tlJal euerp one ttJat issgoblp make 20 11'01 ourt1eart llJaH reio1'cein1Jim: becaW '•.
iJis pJaier bnto tl}ce in atime \Dl}en tlJOU ma11ell 'ale {Jauc IJopeb in l)iSS l:Jolp jl;}amc.
bl'founb:butintIJegteat\DaterfloobSStlJeptlial :11 JL,ct tlJl' mmiCUll ldnDmefI'e ( !lD t,o:b) '·:
not come nfgl) bim. bee bpon bSS : ltkc a• \Dee boe put om trul in
s qou art a placcto IJiDc me in, tl)ou OJalt tl)ee.
p~efcruemec from ttoublc:d}oulbaltcompalfc BcncdicamDomino. Pfal.34.
me about \Ditl) fonp ofDeliueram:c. I Dtu al\1Jap CJjuc tl)anlrtSS 1lnto $ :G.o~b: IJi~
9 'Jl 'tllill enfo11ne tl)ee, anti teaclJ t11cc in tl)e p:airc OJall cuerbe in mr mout11. '
'!a'l?\l:>~erei~ tl)ou fbalt goc: anD~\1JtuguiDc 2 ~prouleOialmatelJerbOdofd)eJ.o~b:
..,ee 'mltlJ \ntne ere. tlJe l)umble flJaU lJcare UJmotanDbeglaD.
"' 10 ~tepee notl&ke to IJo~fe anD mule, 'a>l1icb 3 ilD p:aire tlJe JL,oJD midJ me: anll IU bS mag·
.,aue no bnberltanoing: 'a>l)oCC moud)es mull nit'icl)iSJ~ameto1i1etl1er. :}1
~ l:Jolt1en 'a>itl) bit an11 b#Dlc,leaa tlJCF ran bpon " l rougIJt tt)e )l,oJb, anb IJc '1tarb me: res, ,
"'Jee. IJt Ddluert'llmcoutofaDmpfearf. ~
b I I <tlnat lllal,lHCUmiatne roi tlJe 1ln1,1ollll': 5 'GtfJey (Jallantn tlnto IJMI, (I \llere ligl)t.
~'mlJo]! P~ntetl) IJis truft in ttJe: JL,0~1>, mertie neD : 111111 tl}rirfatel tuer~ not ~amt'll. ~
~ce,,,., 1J1m on cucrp ClDe. 6 )L.oe, t11e poine crredJ, ~'II dJe'JLo~zi l)ea• ~
in~c~ f.8b, ©.pee ri«bteouss,anDreiopu retlfbtm: res, anD faUctlJ IJi1n ottt or au fJts
beart ~ .anbbttoprutrauret:l]ataretrueof troubles. .. . ...
· . 1 ~alfld oft:IJe ,..,~b eam..,rollllbea• ·~
. ~xulmc iufii. Pfal. 33 bout tlJctn tbat f'care IJim: anb beliuerttf) tfJrtn. ~
Rg;::;:.!.~!_l.~b, © l'Cc ~tto111: fOJtt e 4> ta1can!lfee1Jo1D gratious ~ JL.o111 ts: '
, .......J well tl)e tutt to bU{Janflcftdl, blefl'cb Us tiJC man ~t truattlJ tn IJim, ~
bn~ofJ:~:/,c~'alitiJI\laqic:fingl&fabneSS 9 SE> rcare t1Jel:01?1pee tlJatbelJit~s: 1
tmnrrs Utt,anbintlnm1mtoftm f'oJd)qttl)atrtanlJimladlenod)m11. ~
I bu~
~od the defence Thcvij. day. ofrherighreGUS:-,;7- ·
~~ bUt UJep tuipd1 Cceke tlJc JL01t1, 11Jall \Dant no· onetl}atmoumet1Jro1~ssmot1Jtt.
\. maneroft1J1ngt1Jattssgoot1. 15 l5utinmineanutt'fittet1Jeyretopccb, anb
11 ~omc, re cl)ilZIJm anb (Jcamen bnto me: llat!Jttcb u,em to!lCtfJtt : rca, t11c bttp abtects
]) 'anU tmtJ rou ti.Jc ftarc of ti.Jc JLo,b. came to~tlJtt againllmcc bna'tl'larcss, malling
12 D(Jat man iSS l)c tlJat 1uact1J to ltuc, anb motncss at me, anll icafcb not.
1DDUUI tatne rec goon narcs : llccpc tlJr ton!lllc 16 utt(J tlJc fiattcrer1rmerc bufic mocl!erss:
frOm cull,ann tlJr lips tl)at tlJcpfpcafle no gmlc. U11Jtc(J gnaa,en bpon me ttiitlJ t(Jcir tcctlJ.
1 3 ctft(Jcw euill, ann noe goob : Cccflc peaic, 1 7 JLoJl),IJo\D long 'tl'lilt tl:Jou Ioolie bpon t{Ji.I!:
anl> mCUc it. Ill> lleliutt mr roule from tlJc mla.mitteSS ttllJictJ
14 ~e eycss of tlJc "t.01b arc oucr tl}c rt«l.Jtc> tlJey b~tng on mcc, auo mr barlin~ from tlJc fi,
ouis: anb lJi.1! cares are open tmto t1Jcfrp14p~.11. ons.
1 s ~IJc countrnancc of tlJc JLoin •IS agatnfl 1 s ~o ttim '.lj_gtuc tf)ec tl}anflss in tfJc !lfcat
t11cm tlJat bo euil: to root out tlJc nmemb1ance Gtongrcgation : l will p1aife t(Jee among muclJ
oft1Jcmfromt1:Jccart1J. people.
16 ~IJc rtgl.Jteou.I! me, ann tlJc JLo~ l.Jcatttl) 1 9 il!> let not tlJcm tl.Jat arc mine enemies trt'
tlJcm: anll neliuf.tet(J tlJem out ofall tt,Jctr trou• umpl.J ou~r me bngoblp: ncitl}er let tl)em '1linfie
bless. tt11t1J tlJeinrcis tl.Jat lJate me mtttJout a caUfe.
17 ~e JLo1n ts nfgl.J tmto tlJcm tlJat arc of a 2 o ann ml.Jr -! tfJcir communing is not roi
contrite I.Jean : anti Ulitl tauc Cutl;J ~ be of an peace: but tlJey imagine Deceitful woinss qainn
l}Umblc fpirit. tl}em ttJat arc quiet in tbc lanb.
18 0rcat arc ti.Jc troublcSoftlJc rigl1tcous: 21 ~eygapeb on mec'1litlJ tl)cirmoutlJc$S,
but tl)t "JL01n IJcltucrctlJ lJim out ofall anll Carn: 1ficon tlJtr,fie on tIJec, \tic fa'1l it \llitfJ
. 19 'cflceµctlJ alllJisl:lones: fot1Jatnotone ouurcss.
oHf)cm ts biol!Cn. 22 ~is l.Jaft tlJou rrenc, Ill> lLoin : 1JoH1cnot
2 o l5ut miffoitunc 11Jal oar tfJc bngonlr: anb tlJr tongue tlJen, go not fam from me,© )l..01b.
t1Jcr tl)at IJatc ti.Jc rtptto!J$S,U1albc lleColatt. 2 3 .attiafie, ann aann bp to iubge mr 11uarcll:
21 ~c )L.o1ti betiattctlJ tlJc t:oulcs of IJJS fer, aumge tl)oumr murc, mr C3on antnnr ·,11.. o:b.
uants: anll all tlJcr tl)at put t1Jcir trua in l}tm, 24 1unge me, il!> JL01n mp ©oll, acto:ning to
11.JaUnot be bcttitute. tlJr rigtJteourncU"c : atlll lct tl)cm not triumµij o,
r. ucrme.
3 Iudica Domine. Pia·1 H· 2 5 ·JLcttl)cmnotrarint)Jcif l.Jrarts, ~ere,
l ning m'.USllC t)JOU mr caufC, jj!) JL~b, t(Jcrc,Co'1lOUlllttlcl}aUcit:ncitlJCrlcttl]Clnfap,
lll:cr. mitf) tl)cm t1Jat artuc \DitlJ mec: 119c lJauc bcuouren IJim.'
~:1: ann fi«lJt tl)ou agalnit tl]cm tl}at 26 Jltt t1Jcm be put to conrurion anti 0Jam£
figf)t againfl me. togctl)cr,tlJat rctopcc atmr trouble: 1£t tl)cm br
• 2 JLap )Jann bpon tl)c t1.Jiclll ann clotl)cn \Uit(J relJurtc ann biU.Jonom, tl]at bean
~: buckler: ann aanb bp to lJctpe me. tlJcmfelucs againll me.
nr 3 l51mg roo:rtJ tlJe fpearc, atlll llop tl)e war 27 JLet tl)embc glan,anb rciorcc,ttJatfauour
againa tl]cm tIJatpmccutcmcc: rap bnto mr mrri!JlJttouisbcaling:rca, lcttt1rmrarat'11ap,
rou1c, 'Jam tlJP Caluation. l5ldfell be tlJc JLo:n, '1ll)ic1J IJatlJ plrafure In tl)c
4 Jl,cttfJcm be confotm11cn,ann put to 11.Jame., p:orpcrttp ofl}1~ rcruant.
t)Jat rmc after mr Coult : let ttJem be tutncll 2 s ann a~ w1 mr tongue, it OJalbc talking of
back£, ann b:ouglJt to confuuon, ti.Jilt imagine t1Jr ti~cou!nctrc : anll of t1J1' p~ifc an ti;c Dnr
mirc(Jiefc foi me. tong.
S JLtt tl.Jem be BS tl)e bull befote tlJC \tlinllc: Dixit iniufius. Pfal.3 G.
an11 tl.Je angel oftl)e "JLo:b rcattcnng tl)cm. M ~ (Jean O}C'1lctlJ me tlJc \tltcfle"tlnctrc of tlJc
6 JLcttl}eir\tlapbcnamcanti Oipperp: anll bngoblp: t(JattlJere i~ nofcarc of ~ollbc,
tee tlJe angel of tlJc JLo:ll ~crfccutc tl)cm. fD~c l:Jis cress.
7 !lfoHIJcF IJatic p1imlr taren tl]cir net to tic' 2 (ffoi IJc flattcrctlJ IJimfctfe fn flill ownr
drop mec mittJout a caufc: re11, cum mtttJout a CigiJt : bntllllJiS abominalllc finnr be fonnll out.
'811fcl.Jauet1Jcyma11c11pttfo1mrcoulc. 3 ~lJc \lloibs of IJi.1! moutlJ arc tmtigl)te'
s lLtt a fllllilen tieftnution romc bponlJim ouis,anll full of1>cccit : (Jc lJath left off to bcl}auc
bna\Dareis,atlll lJis net tllatl.JC IJattJ Iarb 1niuilp lJimfclfc \lltfclp. annto bo lloo1'. .
Qltd11Jimfelfc ; t.11atl.JEC mat fall into IJis ottim 4 $c imaginetlJ mifcIJ1crc tipon IJ1s l:Jcll,anll
nrifdJtefe, 1J11t1Jfct1Jtmfclfcin no goo1'\D~F: nc1tl)crI1otf:!
? anb mr foutt be io!{ulintl}c "JLoil): tt tbal l}eabl)QJreanrtlJing tlJati~ cutU.
morccin()iisfaluation. s ~1' incrcr (Ill> )l.,o~I11 rcac)JctfJ 1.lnto ttte
10 au mr bones ll.JallCar, -a.wn, 1Dl.Jo tis like fJcaums: ann tlJP faitilf11111crrc tmto tllc clouna.
bnto t1JU, \Dl)itl;J odtumlt tl)e poD1t from I.Jim 6 ~tigl.Jteo~ne~ nanbetl.J lif1c the tlrong
t1Jat t# too tlrong ro1 IJlm: pea, tl)c poo1e, ~ 1Jint mountainess: tlJY 1ut1gcmmt15 arc lllic tl)c great
tl;Jatis tis mifcrr, from l.Jim ttJat fpo1lctl) IJtm. nccpc.
11 f alfe \llttnctrc bib rm bp: tfJer tarn to mr 7 ~ou JLo:b RJalt rauc botl.J man anll bean,
cl)~e~ngS tfJat'.]\ tme\D not. lJO\D cyccllentilltlJP tnCfq",!D <!fJDO:am1t1:1c cilrl•
n ~n\DarbebmtCCUiUf~gDOi) :totlJC b1tnO,mtnO)all put tlJCJr trullbnticr tl_\£ fiJB'
lltC8t i)jfcomfoit-ofmr roulc. .
1 3 flcucrtlJCICIIc,ml.Jen ttJtr \Dcrc u~ ~put
~ caclmtotlJ, ann l)umblcn mr loulc ~&ti) fall-
'"« : ann mr waver ll.Jall tumunto mimo'alnc
1 4 ~ bclJaueb mr fdrt ~ tbDUIU itlJlll bme
__ mrmenn, oimrtnotlJcr: ]\llentl:)eauftp, as
no'DJ ofttw tt11ng1J.
s ~er ft.Jail be ratiffieb 1Dtt1J tlJc picnttour
ms ofthp IJouft:ann ti.Jou llJaitgme tlJcm IJ~inkc
oftlJt' plcaC~css,a11 o~c of tlJe rtucr.
9 f OJ \DitlJ tbee is tl)c \Dell of lift : anD in
ti.Jr liabt fban we Cce ligl)t.
10 -~ continue fooitlJ ttw 1outn~ t.intindfc

; 1,hev.vickedsprofperity. The iufi not forfakc1
! bnto tlJcm ttJat ltno'tll tlJec : anD dJl' npteonf• anll mabctl) l)tfJ \1lap acce:ptabtc to !Jimrdfc.
I nctrc bnto tl)cm t1Jatarc tm;t ori,eaie. . 24 ~l)oug1J l)c fan. l)e OJall not Ile ca« a\1>ap:
I 11 !lD let not tl}c wot orp:1De wme qmnll me:
iJ let not tl)c l}anll or tl:}c tmgollll' call me bo'tlln~.
fo~ tl:Je 'l,o~ bP1JoUJ£tl) l)tm UJitlJ l)ifJ l)anll.
2 5 fJI baue bme rong, anll not» am olllt: anb
1 2 ~ca·c arc tf.JCP rallm (all) tl}at \1loi11e 'a.lie• ptt Ca'tll l neucr tl)c ftgl)ttouis fo1raflrn, no1 IJifJ
! rtcnnclfc : tiJcr arc ,111U1o'tllnc, anD fl.Jilli not lltc reen beggtn~ t1Jeirb1can.
able to tlan11. 26 ~tJmglJteouistsscuttmmtrun, anblrn•
Nolizmulari. Pfal. n· DctlJ: anb IJts fctll iss blctre11.
2 7 !1flrc from euill. anl:J 11oc tIJc tlJtng tl)at ifJ
1Euc:ning met nottlJpCelre,bccanec oftl)et>n• goob: anll ll\1lcUro1 enmno~e.

II gonlr: ne1t1Jcr bctl]oucnutouJfa•

gainll tl}c cuill llocu.
2 ~o~ tlJtP 11.Jall Coone bee rut
110\llne ltllt tf;Jc gra& : anll be \1lt•
t11rrco cucn as tlJt grccnc lJcrbc.
3 10Ut tlJOU tlJP cruft in tl)e )LO:b,Snll bt llO•
2 s 1fo1 tl)c Jl.,oJllt louetl,J tf.Jc tl)tng tl)at is
rtgl)t: I.Jee fo1rahctl)notf)i1St1Jatbcgolllp, but
tIJcp artpJefcruel:J roi cucr.
2 9 ~lJt rigl)tcou• l'IJalbe punillJc'D: ais foJ tlJr
ftcll or tlJt bngo?Jlp tt O:Jalbcrootell out.
; o ~e riglJtcouJI llJall tnl)erittlJe lanll: l1nb
ing goOll: ll'o:ld in tl)c lanll, 1111?1 bcrtlr tl)ou tlJalt lltDell tlJmin foi rucr.
be fen. 3x ~c moutt) of ti.Jc ligl)trouis tis ttmifell
4 l0di!J(lttl)ou in tl]c :JLoitlc : anti IJct tJJaD ~n 'IDirtbome : an11 (Ji15 ton«11e mm be talking Of
giue fflcc tl}p IJcartl!l llelirc. rullgetncnt. /'
5 lltommtt tlJp 'tllap tinto ti.Jc )Lo~?J. anb put 32 ~I.Jc fa\D or f:Jiss <30?1 ifJ in IJiss (Jcart : 1111?1 /,
t~P trua tn (Jim: anb IJc 11Jall b#ng it to pafl'e.
f:Jijl goings flJall not Ollie.
6 $c 111all make tl)p riglJtcournctrc aJS clcarc 33 -anJe bngOllll:' fcctlJ ti.Jc rigfJteou~: anti fee,
al!' t~c ltgIJt : anb tlJr iutt 'Dealing ais tlJc noonc kcttJ occafion to oar !Jim.
oar. H ~c lL0111 mill not leauc IJim in (JiSS l)anll:
7 $ollle tl]cc fhll in tlJe Jl..0~11,anll abille pati• no1 c:onllemne !Jim \Jl!Jcn lJt tis iullgrll.
cntlp bpon lJitn : but gricuc not tlJp felfc at l)tm 3s 'ope tIJou in ta,c :JLo1b,an11 kcq;e lJil!l tllar,
m~orc 'War 11ot1J inorpcr, againa tl;Jc man tl)at anll l.JtllJaUp~omote tlJcc,tIJat ~oull;altpoffdfe
ootlJ after cum cc;unreiss. ti.Jc lanll : 'o:l}Jrn tlJe bngoblp tlJall pcriOJ. tiJOu
s )Lcauc off from 'tllJatlJ, anll lct got tlir,>lta• tJJalt rec it.
rurc : fret not tI.w re1re, cl1511.Jalt t1Jou be mooue11 36 '.]I mp Celfcl]aue rccnc tlJt bngo?Jlp in great r.
tooocum. po'tllcr: anb tlourtOJtng like a greme bar tree.
9 tWichcll llocrss IIJallbe rootcll out : anti tbtt' 31 anti l ment bp, anll loe, lJt \Dass gone : ~
tbatµatlenrtp abt11c tlJt JL,01?1, tt.Jofc 11.Jall tnJJertt Cougl)t l]im , but l}iJS plac:e coulll no tll(Jere be

tf)elanll. rounll.
1o ~rt a Ii tie \D~ile:, anll ti.Jc bngolllp aian Ile: 3s llleepcinnocencte, anti talle (Jee11 bnto tl:Je
cica rie gone: tl)ou OJalt looflt artcr l)iis placc,anll tl}tng tl}at iJI rill)t : ro1 tl}at a,110 b,tmg a man
l)e llJalbt amap. pracut tIJelal't.
1 r '.lBut tl)c meelie: fpitittb OJall polI'eO"t d:Jt 39 as foi tl)e cranrgreirour~ tlJep 11Jall perta,
can{J : anil 11.JaU be rerrcll)ell in tl;Jc multitullt of togetf)er: anll tlJe cn11 of tlJt bngolllp ifJ,tlJcp OJal
peace. be rootcll out at ttJc lall
1 2 '~lJe imgolllP re:ekrtlJ counftll 111ainft d:Je 4o :t3nt d:Je raluation of tl)e rigfJtcouss c:otn<
iul1: anll gnaflJetl) bpon l)tm mitl) l)iSl tcetlJ. metlJ of tl}c Jl.,oJ'DC : \lllJicIJ is alro ttJeir llrengtlJ
1 3 ~l)e ·JLoille llJall lauglJ l)im to rco1ne : toi in t11e timt of trouble.
l)c l)atIJ rccne tlJat l)ilS nap isscomming. 4 1 anll ttJc JL,o1Dc fl.Jan tlanll bp tl)cm, anll
i 4 ~l)e: bngonlp!Jaue lltamen out d.Jcf\'DO~ll, rauc d)em : l)ec lhall lltliucr tl}em from tl.Je tin•
an11 !Jaue bent t1Jeit bo\De : to i;aft bo'tllnc tlJe golllp. anll OJall raue tlJem , bemurc tlJer put
IJ oo,e anll nctlll', anb to aar CucfJ 1115 Ile ofa tiglJt tl)eir cruft in (Jim.
conucrratton. Domine ne in furore. Pfal38. ;
1 s -anJeir C'tllo~ll fball goe tl)OJO'tll tlJeir o'Qlne

IJcart: ann tl)cir boto lbalbc b10fien. . tDJtmc. not to nbUb' (fl>l!..0111) fn Momir::
16 a rmall tl)inlJ tlJat tl)c tigl)ttoujj IJatlJ : 115 tlJincan«cr:ncitlJlid)dtnme in prayer.~
better tl)en greatnc{Jeis ef tl)e tingolltp. dJl' he811l' bifpleaftm. :1
7 <Jf o~ tl)c armeis of tlJe bngollll' a,an be ~o' 2 ljf~ tl}&nt am>bJe# didle fal in ~
11cn: anll tl)e Jl.,otn bpl)olllctl) tl}e rlgl}tcouss. me: anb tl)p IJanD inetfctl) me Colt. ~
i 8 ~e 'iL01ll kno\lledJ t{Jc 11aress oftlJe: golllp: , ~ere t• no IJtaltlJ in mrflefb. beca.urc of ~
anti tlJeir inl}eritam:c OJ an ennure fo1 eucr. tilt llifpkafurt: neitl}ct tisdJereanrrta m mr ~
lo~: .!_lJtr ClJall not be confOunlltll in tl)e: pm'f. bonc-,bprearonormrannr. ~
haul'~ ....c : an11 in ttJe: Dare~ or oeartlJ tlJCl' llJall 4 fo1 mp t»icftel)nc[~ arc IJOUe oue:r mp •1
':I CllOUi;tll. 1Jea11: ani; an Ufle:a ro1e: butDm.too l}carrp f4nne ~
en~~ni~~ Cof~ ~~~ bn!;Jo!ltp tl)e1' aial pmflJ, anb tl)c to bean. ~
1 .. o t1:1£Jl..0~11e: iballconCume:IUltl)eratof s gJ)ptllounD•attlflMartC01f11Pt:tlJ1oug1.J l
r~~~e:~~C:, eucn ais tl)c rmoaflc 11.Jall d.Je:pco11< mp foollmnctrc. ;,
6 1 am bJOU«IJt tnto ro itreat troUIJle 'mt, \
againc : butth . \! io\1l~tlJ, anll pared) ~ot rerr: tl)at 1 go mOumtng alftl}e Dap 1o111.
u ~llt bngobl b0 1
rail. .,e r•UtJttoussiis nurcifUD anD Ube• 1 fo,. n'll' IOtiml m ftl~ll 'mftfJ a ro1e: l:ltftlfc:
2 : ~uciJ a15 be blecreb r
anDtberc (isno\lllJOlcpartmniti bO'D.f.
lanll : anll tlJey tl.Jat be o l!Job, flJal polfetre '...,e""' a 11 am (Uble..anD ro:c nntttm :1 IJaueroa·
tell out. Cllfreo OflJim.O.JaD be roo• rc11 ro~ tl)c berf llJCquitmelfc ormp IJmt. ·
9 tl)OU lillOttd au mf 11eflrc: ano mp
3 ~be JL,oibc oillttctlJa«OOb malQlpmg: pning if not IJitJ fromtlJCC.
10 ~ 1
t\e vanity of man. The viij .day. Sacrifice refufed. 1.~8- -

10 ~pl}eartpantetlJ, mpftrcngt1J1Jat1Jfaf, 15 !lDJJ fparcmc a litle, t1Jat9lmap rccoucr

lcll me: a tlJc awitofmtm cpcsis gont rrommc. mp llfmgtl) :bd'oic 'Jl !.lOCIJence,.anlJ be nomo~c
11 ~P louers anll mp ntig(Jbours 11i11 llan11 rune.
(Oohing bpon mp trouble : an11 mp kinfemm ExpcCl:ansexpcCl:aui, Pfal. 40.
aoo11 afarrc off. Jlttlaitcll patimtlp foi ti.JC )L.0111 : anll l)ec encff,
u qcp alfo tlJat roug(Jt after mp life. 1Spc11 ncb bnto me,an11 l}car11 mp cautng.
rmms fo~ me : anll tlJcr tl)at 'lllent aboutto Doe 2 ~e b~ouglJtme aUo out of tlJc iJO:rible pit,
:~t meeuiU.talkellof'lllicbellnctre,anllimqfntblle' out oi t1Jcmitean11 clap: anll retmpfeetbpon
ceA: aD ti.Jc bap long. tlJe roclie,anll oi11erc11 mp goings.
13 as toi mec, 'Jl mass lifl£ a Deare man, anti 3 9nll f:Jc IJatIJ puta nc'lll rong in mr moudJ:
IJcarll not : an11 as one tlJat ts bumbe. 'llllJfclJ cuen a tl)anlifgiutng bnto our 0on.
11ot1J not open l:Jis 1nout1J. 4 £@any llJall fee it, anll fearc: anll fl.Jail pat
14 ] became cuen as a man t1Jat1Jcared) not: tlJetr trua tn tl)e JLo~ll.
anll in mlJofc moutlJ are no rep~oofss. . s :l5ktrc11 is tIJe man tlJat {JatlJ fet l.Jis lJope
1 s ~o, tn tlJce,® Jl,,o:ll,lJaut 9l put ml:' trut?: mtl)e Jl,,0,11 : an11 turnell not bnto tf:Je piout1,anll
!I.. dJou 11.Jalt anfb:Jcre foJ me, sD JL0:11 mp ~ob. to fmlJ as go about llJitlJ lies.
~~:, 16 'Jl {Jauc requircb t{Jat tlJcp ccucn mme me' 6 © ~0111 mp ®otl,great arc tfJr mont1iouss
•i.ii mtes) 11.JoUllJ not mumplJ ouer mdoJ 'llllJcn mp 'llloiris 'llllJtCIJ ~}Jou {Jatl 11onc : like as be alfo tltr
root atpt,tlJcp retorccll grcatlF againtl me. t1Joug1Jts w{Jicl,1 are to b~\\'larb, an!J pet tIJerc i!I
::~t x7 anll 'Jl trudp am rct in ti.JC plague: anll mp no man tl)at o~beretIJ t{Jem tmto ttJee.
l)cauinetreilJ cucr in mp Ugl)t. 7 ']]f'Jl \Uou11111cc:larr tfJcm, ~ fpcakc of tl)cm:
!:::: 18 1ftn] 'llltl confcifc mr \Uidlellnctrc: anb be tlJep llJoulb be moe t{Jen 1 am able to ew~etre.
fo~l:' ro1 mr Cinm. 8 ~atrificc anti meat offering t{Jou moul,
1 9 l5ut mine mcmtclJ ltuc, anll are mig(Jtr : llet? not {Jauc : but ,mine _care~ l.1atHf.Jou opeqcl)_, ':.'.jt. ~;~ ·;t.~· ;-
ann t1Jer t1Jat {Jate mc \ll~ongfullp, m:cmanrin 9 l5urntoffcrmgs ~ ramTKe!o~ finnel)atl ""' .~ ....~.;. '·
number. t{Jou not rcquiren : tl)cn fal!ll 1, 'JLoe, 1 come. .-:.:.:,';: ·,:: ~ .'.-· ·:
20 ~IJcpalfo tlJat rcmarbcutnfo~gooll. are 1 o ']]ntf}c bolume of t}Jc boortc iti~ bnittm i:- 1,· 1·-4' p

a«atnt?mce: bccaurc '.31 follome tlJc tlJingtfJat orme. t{Jat'.]J fl.Jou111rumu tl)J! mill.~ mr.©otl: ';~:: ;;_ ;:·f~ ·
gooll ilJ. '.11 am content to Do it, pea,tIJr la\tl ilJ \llitIJin my
21 ~o,rafle me not, © )L.o~ll mr ~ob: be not l)cart.
<::: tfJou ram from me. 11 jl l)auc 11ec1itre11 t1't rig!Jtcoufnetrc in tile
:::'. u tl)allc tlJce to IJelpe mee: © )L.cnb ~ob mr great congregation: loc, ~ 'llllllnot rcfraincmp
::;: faluation. lfplJ, © JL01ll, anti tIJat tlJOU lmo'lllefl.
::: Dixi, Cullodiam. Pfal. 39. u jl {Jaue not l)t!J tl)J! rtgl)tcoUfi1clTc \llitllin
l~aptl, ] 1:Uilltahc 1Jeet1 to mrmarcJJ:t{Jat'.)I mr{Jeart :mr talking l)atfJ bcncof tlJr truetIJ,
-::: oflenll not mmr tongue. ano of tl)l! faluatton.
2 ']] \UiU flecpempmoutl)(asit\llere\llitlJ a 1 3 '.JI tJaue notrtcpt bacfle tlJP louing mercic
b~i!Jlc:) to{Jilc ti.JC bnjoblr ts in mr Ogl:Jt. anti tructIJ: from tIJe great congregation.
:r. 3 ]IJclilmptongue, anllfpaficnotlJing: l 14 U9itlJb~a\U not tfJou tlJl! merer from me,
~i liept mmce. rea. cum from 110011 \110111ess. but it © JL01t1 : let tlJr louing ltinlmcffc anti ttJr ttuctlJ
\l'la!I paine anll griefe to me. al'lllal! p~ererue me.
:: 4 ~r l)cart mass l)ote UlftlJtnmc.anb \lll)tle 1 5 f o~ innumerable troublcss arc come about
:!I ']l ll.laStlJUSSmuling, tfJc ftrellmlllcll :anll at tfJc me. mr Cinnes l)aue talJen fuel) l)olllc tipon mer,
lalt 9l fp aliC \llitl:J mr tongue. t(Jat 91 am not able to loolic up: rca,tfJcr arc mo
5 )L.o:n,tetmc 11110\ll mine enb,anb tfJe num, in number t(Jrn tIJclJaiTess of mine l}cat1,a11t1 m1·
bcr of mr Mpcs : tfJat '.ll mar be c:uttficll lJo'\11c l)cart{Jatl) fatktl me.
"" long l IJaUC to liue. 16 ilD )L.0~11 • let ft be tfJp plearure to t1citucr
6 :l5c{Jol!Jc. t{Jou l)all malle mr Dares as it me: make {Jatlc (© )L.otil) to IJdpe me.
\l'lcre afpan lon!,l : anll mtnc age is cuen ass no, 17 JLct tl)cm be a11Jmnct1 anti confountJrll to,
tl)ing in refpcct of tf:Jec, an11 bmlr cuerr man lt, gctl)cr tl)at fcekc after mr roule to tJcaror it: let
uiug iii altogetlJcr baniti!. t1Jm1 be ll~lum bacficmar11, anll puc to rebulic.
7 f~ man malketlJ in a t>ainc fl.Jat10\ll, anti tl)at '\lltOi me cum.
!JtfquictetlJ IJimfclf.c in bainc : l)c l}eapct{J bp rt' ls tl)em be ticfolittc, anti rc\Dartlcb mttlJ
ttJes.ano cannot tcll 'l111Jo tlJall gatl)er t1Jem. ll)amc.,tl)at rar bnto me: ~ic bpon ttJcc, fie bpon
s an11 nom;JLoio, 'llllJat ts ml! IJope: ttuelp t)Jcc. .
mr l)ope ilJ cucn tn t:l}ec. x9 JLet all ti.Jore tl}at rce1tr. tl}cc,bc iorrun anti
9 ~cliuerme from all mint olfencel$: anll gla11int1Jec: an111ctrucl)a~lonct1Jrfaluation,
make me not a rebuke tiuto tl)e foolillJ. far atmar.~c 'JLo?ll be p~aifcll.
10 11 became numbc. anll opcnclJ not mr 20 assio~mc, jjampoo~canllnectir:lmttl.Jc
moutlJ: fo1 it was tlJl! Doing. _ )L.01t1 carctlJ fo11uc.

11 ~alic tbr plague amar fro me: 'll am cuen 21 ~l)ou art mr l)clpcr anll rcllcemer: mafle
conrumet1 tw tlJc mcancss of tlJr fJeaur 1Jan11. no tong tarring, ~mp <3ob.
u ft91Jcn ti.JOU uitlJ rebukes Doell 1:1Jallen B · · t 1r · pr.1
manfo1unne, tl}oumaketl IJtS beau* to con' eams qui m e •git. 1
a .41.
fmne amar like aii tt mere a motlJ fnttmg a gar' JLelfcll ij:j (Jee t(Jat conffiltrctfJ t{Jc . i
mmt: euerp man t1Jerefo1e is but bani~. , P,oo~e a~111 ~tccbp : ti.Jc U,oill OJaU lie' Euen ing i
q l)earttnl:'Warer,©JL01t1.anll\U&tlJt1Jmc hucrl.Jttnt~tiJCtimeofttoublc. prayer. :
eare!S conriberml! calling: l}ollle not ti.JP peace at 2
~c Jl..~ill Plefcruc llim, anll !
mptcarc~ , ktepclJ1m ala~e. tIJat l)rc map be
1 fofll am a ttranF 1'.lltlJ ti.Jee, 811b a fo'
4 asau mrfatl)irss uerc. blCU'ell bpon ca~: an1111cliuer not tl}ou l)im in, I

tounur: to ti.Jc 'lllill oflJts memtcs. .

I 3 ~brl
, rh~ rtatterers nature.
The Dauids confl:anci,·'
3 ~)C JL..o:ll comfo~t 11im 'mi1m 11U lietl;J ludica me Deus. Pfal. 4 l· '\ ;::,
fiche bpo111Jiis bcb : maru: tl)ou au l)iJ betJ in IJilS G1juc Cmtmce 'mitt} me, © Cl!5ob, anb l>cftnb i:
uclinc1fc. . mt' cauCeal&tnfl t!Jt bngOtlll? people : ©be• 1

4 '.Jl rap1>;Jl,o~D be. memfuU.tmto me : l}eale llUtt me from ~tletettfUll anb 'mttllcb man. ~j
mp couIC fofj) 17auc rtunctl agamll tl)ee. 2 cjfo~ t11ou an tlJc ~oil of mp ttrengtlJ, 'mlJP '~
5 ill&inc: c~icis tpeafle ~n of me : \lll]en !1all ~ou put mce from tlJec : ann 'ml)p goc j, Co ·~
llJall IJc oic,anll l.JJtrname penllJ :' . l)camlp 'ml)tle tlJerncmp opp~effctl;J me~ ~
6 anll trlJe tome to rce me,l}e fpcaltetf) bam, 3 © fcnb out tlJl? li!.11Jt ann tl)p tructlJ , tlJat
tr: anZJf)iSS ()cart conceiuctl) falCel)ootl \l!ittJin t{Jeymaplea11c1ne: anbb~ingmebntottwlJolp
tmnrcm, anll 'mlJcn IJe rommetl;J foo~tlJ, IJC tel' 1Jtll,11nt1 to tl)l? tl'melling.
IctiJ tt. 4 anti tl;Jat] mal? !.10 bnto tlJc altat of <3ob,
7 all mine mcmicss 1Dl.Jtfpcr toge ti) er a, euen bnto tfJe 43011 of mp top anti glat1mcre: anti
!J&inll me: cucn againll me tlo tiJcr tmagfne tfJtS bpon tl)c IJarpe toill '.l\ gtue tl)anllef5 bnto tl)ee,
mill. ©~ob,ml? <500.
s )!..ct tIJc rcntmcc of gutltinecre 1noccen a' s DlJp arttl)~uc~ l)eaup, ©mp roule : anti
gaintl tJim : ano no\11 tl}at l)e ltetlJ , let lJim rife 'WI.Jr art tl)ou Co btC11ut~teb 'lllttl)in me~
bp no mo~e. 6 ©put tlJl' trufl 111 <13ob : fot 'JI UJtl pct giUt
9 ~ea , cum mine o\llne familiar frienll l)tm tl)anlic~, 'llll)icl} ts tl]e lJclpc of mp countc'
\111Jom 'Jl truftell; \UIJitlJ tlitl alfo eat of mF btca11, nancc, anti mp C!3otl.
l)atl) layn gieat\Uattfotrnt>.
Io '5utbet1Joumcrcifullbntome, ©JLotb:
Deus auribus, Pfal. 44 • _1~
raifc tl)ou me~ againe, \t '.]l 11JaU retoarb tlJem. GE! l}aue ~earb toitiJ our care;, © Mor<::
I I l6p tIJis 'JI lmo'lll tl}ou rauourcll me : tl}at <501> , our fatIJcr~ l)auc to Ille b;: pray '::.
mine enemr llotiJ not triumplJ agalnll me. \Dgat tl)ou l)alt ti one in t1.1eir time ... ·
u ann 'ml.Jen '] am in mp l;Jealtl), tiJou bp• OfOlbe. •"'.
f)oln:!lmc; ann nialt fct me befo1e tlJpfarefot • 2 l\}o'lll tlJou lJatl n~ium out tfJe :~,~
cmr• 1Jeatl:}en \l!itl)tiJplJanb,(t plantcll tl)cm in; lJo\11 :;~
.r 3 '5le[cll be tlJt JL01b C!3o?I of'.Jlrtad : \llo~lb tl)ou l)altbellrorct1 tl)enations, \t t:all tllem out. ;..:
\IHt~outenll. amen. 3 !lfo~ tiJer gate not tlJe lann m pofi"dfton ·· ·:
~cmadmodum. Pfal.42. tlJ~ougtJ tl)ctr o'lllne C\lloin: ncitf)a \Daf5 tt tl)etr .,~
L'ltieas tiJc ~art 11cfirct1:J tl)e macer woofls: o'lllne annc tl)at l)clpeo tl)em. .. :
10 longet{J mp roulc after tf:Jce,ID C!3ot1. 4 '5ut tiJr ngl)t {Janb anti tlJtne annc, am ·: :
1 .z@f roule tf5 atl)irll fot <3otJ, pea, eucn Co~ tlJe llgbt of Ci)F countenance : bccaurc t11ou fJaDll -
tIJe liutng \Zoll : tolJen t1Jall] come to appcare a fauour bnto them.
I bcfote tiJe Pterence or C!3ob ~ s ~ouart'mp liing ({]!) <300:) fenll lJtlpe .;..,

3 ~~F tearcss l)aue !Jene mr meat ?lap an?I bnto ]acob.

mMt ; 'llllJile tl)ep t1arlr Cap bnto me, 119{Jerc tf5 6 ~)OU~ t{Jce \Dill 'Ille oumtno'll our e'
no'OJ tiJp <l3otl ~ nemfess : anti m tlJt' name toill tocc man tf)cm
4 f:lo'm tol)cn] tiJtnfle tl)creupon,'.)I po\Dte bnber tl)atrife bp agafttft b~.
out mp lJeart bp mp fclfe : ro1 '] 'lllcnt toitl} tlJe 7 !lfoz '.]l 'lllill nottrull inmr bo\Dc: it i~not ~ :-
multttnllc, anti' b~ougl)t tl)cm foo1t1J into tl}e lUl? t\IJO)tl tl)at llJall {Jclpe mer
l)oufc or ®otl. 8 l5ut it is tl:}ou tIJat faucfl b~ from our enc•
s ]n tl)c \Joice or 1naife anll tl)anltfgiuing: mtess: anti puttetl tl)l to t:onrunon tilat l}ate bf5.
among fuel) a? ficcpe IJOlp MF, · 9 we ma lie our boatl of <3otl all Mp lon11:
6 iIDhp nrt tiJou Co full of l)cauinetre (©mp anll \llill piatrc tlJF name fo.z mer.
route: ) a'llltJl? artttJou ro tlifquietcD \l!itl)m mr. 1 o l5ut now tl)ou art ram off,ano puttca bis
. 7 ~utt1)F trua in ~otl : fo~ '.]] \Dtll l?et glue to <:onfufion : anti gocfl not too~tlJ \l!itf) om ar'
f)11n tlJimlis ro~ tf:Je l)etpe of f)i!1 countenancc. micis. '
s ~F <13011, mp roulc tis be~ell witl)in me: 1 t ~on rnafletl \JS to tumc our bacftis bpon
tlpefo~c 'lllill ']remember tl)ee, concerning tl)e our enemies : Co tl)at tfJcp 'llll)iclJ l)ate b~. fpo1lc
lann of']\o~llan,ann tl)c lttle 1Jillot'$mnon. ourgootl~.
9 ©ne ticcpc callctt.J anotlJcr, bccaure of tl)e u ~tJou lettcll blS to be eaten bp liflc flJcepe:
noire or tlJe \llatcr pipc)1 : all tlJl? 'lllauess anll anll lJall rcattercll blS am011!,l tfJe l.leatlJCn.
Uo~mes are gone oucr me. 1 3 ~tiou fellell t1Jr people ro1 nouglJt : anll
1 a ~c ·JL,o~ll l)atlJ grantctl l)iSS louing IUnb' takra nornoncp fo~ tlJem.
~£If~ on tl)e MF time : anti in t(Je niglJt rcaCon 14 ~!Jou mahelt bS to bre rtbuli(:ll of our
~!ll ~1fingonnin, anllmflllemyp~apetbntotIJe nci~bouris : to bl' 1aug{Jell to fcopic, an111Jal:l In
..... ou ohnl' ltt:C. Denfion of tl)em tl)at ate roUll!I about b.G •
] 'milt ral' bnto tl)e <!Job of mp ftrm~tl), 1; ~(Jou mallet? b~ to be a b\'-'l»Wtl amon~

:~iit?all tlJ~u fo~!lottcn

l','m l)11e
me :
'llllJl? goc 1 tlJUS tlJe $cattJen : anll tl}at ti.Jc people llJabc tlJear
opp~elfttl) me~ l]eaZiis at bS. .

f"m ~l' bones are fnntten aru1111er ais \llitlJ a

16 ~ confUaon is 11a1?1r bcfo~ me: anb tlJe •'
ca~~~t:tn'mtliilt mine cntmie,s (d.Jat trouble me) llJamt of mt' rare hatt.J coumb mt.
.,uecttJ, 17 <Jfo~ tfJe boiu oftlJe OanDem ann blarpl)c· .~.
119~h~:'::~~itJ'm~le0 t!Jct rap baplp bntome: mer: foJ tl)C enmiP ahl> ~ucn§et.
18 ~1111 tl)ou«IJ all t1;11is be come bpon b)1, ret
1 4 mlJran l' 1> •
'all)p art tl}ou r~~u r~ benb, ~ mr route : anb bo \De not~ tl)ce: no~ bclJaue om felucs fro,
I 5 !l[) t!Ut tilt' Qllle~CtJ 'mtt(Jm mt~ . \llatblp intlJP ~iant. \
tl)anfte (J[m 'mhtclJ~ m '3ob : fDJ ~ \DJU pet om19lltJJ-' ©tit l)eart is not tumeb baclle : nrttl)tt
m::ncc,11nt1 mp 0011. tlJe '1elpe of 1111:' countt• ;one out of tlJl' \1Ja1?.
:ao ~o nott»IJm t))ou ball rmittm bs into
fhrills kingdome figured. The The godlies hope. 19 9
tlJc place of ll,agonrs : anll coutrc]) tits 'WitlJ tlJe Deus nofier refugium. Pfal. 46.
ll)aDo'W ofoeatlJ.
,.1 '.]If 'Wee (Jaue fo~gotttn tIJe ~amc of out
©b ts our lJopc anll llrengtl}: a bcrf PtCfmt
in trouble.
'3olJ , anll IJolllen bp our l}anlles to anp ttrange '- ~lJmf'o1c\DiH mecnot f'cantlJougl) tlJc
gob : ttJall not <ll5oll rcarcIJ it out~ ro1 t;Je finowetlJ ~artlJ be moucll: anll t1Jougl.J tlJt lJilles be carieb
tlJC bcrp fccrcts of tt;Je 11cart. into tlJe mills oftl)c rea.
2:1. foi tlJr fabcatro are 'We lliHcball tl:Je oar 3 ~ou!JIJ tte \llatcrst{Jmof'raguf'WcH:
lm1i : anll are counttlJ as UJcepc appointell to be anD tl)ougl) tl}e mountatncs llJaflc at tlJc trnt,
aame. pelloftl}cfame.
2 J tlllp ll.01?1 , mt;Jr tltepea tfJou: atum, anll 4 ~e rtuers of tl}e floo!l tlJcrcoffball make
be not abfmt from bS fo1 eucr. IJfall tlJe citp of 0oll : tl)e {Jolp place of tl)c tabcr'
24 WIJcrtoie l}illea t1Jou tlJr race: anti fo~get, nacle of tlJe moa l}ig{Jctl.
tea our mifcrr anll trouble ~ 5 00?1 ts tn tl:Je mill Des or {Jer, thcttfo1e llJall
2 5 ~o~ out route is b1ongl.Jt lo'me, euen tJnto 11?e not be remouen: <lllotl ll)al l)elpc bcr,anll tl}at
''I tf}c bull: our bellr dcauetlJ bnto tlJe grounn. ng1Jtear1r.
~. ,. 6 ~rife. anlJ l.Jelpc bS: anll lleliucr bl3 fot ti.Jr 6 ~lJe l:Jeatf)en make mucl:J a'iloe.11t1:Jclitng,
mmiers Cake. nomesare mooueil : but ©oll {JatlJ flJe\lle!l fJts
EruCl:auir cor meum. Pfal. 4~. botcc,ann tl}e cartt,J 11Jall melt amar.
M 11? l}cart ts inlliting of a goob matter : '.]\ 7 ~e Jl.,o~tl ofl]oftes ts 'WitiJ bS : d)e <!lloll of
Cpcafic of tIJe tlJin~ 'Wl}irf;J '.ll f;Jaue malle ]acob tll our mugc.
unto ttJc king. s ©come l:Jitl)er, anti bCIJollle tlJe mo~JIS of
,, 1,.
2 ~r tongue i~ tlJe pen: of a ttal:lr tntiter.
3 '$1)ou art fairer tt,Jcn tt,Je clJilbJen of men:
tt,Je. "Lo~b: ll1J1at lletlrumon l}e IJnttJ biougl:Jt 1.lp,
on tbe eartl).
run ofgrace are tlJr lips, lmaure ©olJ IJatlJ blcf, 9 ~c mafletl} mars to ccafc in all t{leb:loJlb:
tell tt,Jee fo1 eutr. l:Je b:calietlJ tIJe bo\ll,anll fiUappctlJ tte Cpcare in
,: 4 0irlJ tl)r.e b:litlJ tlJ! rroo1b bpon ttJr tl:Jigl.J, tUnller, ann burnett;J tlJc cl:Jarets in tlJc fire.
ii!> tfJou moll migl.Jtr : aao1lltng to tlJr woiflJtp 1 o l6c ttill tt,Jcn,ann fmo'ID tl)at 1\ am <lllob : l
anll renomme • will be eraltctl among tl}e l:Jcatl}cn, anb '.JI 'Will
5 0ooll luclic {Jauc t{Jou mttlJ t{Jinc lJonour: be eraltell in tl}c caru,.
tille on, becaureoftlJc 'Wo1D oftructlJ, ofmeebc, 1 1 ~tJe "Lotti of lJoftjj ijl mitl) b~ : tl}e $01> of
netTe.anll rilJ{lteoufneffc,ann ttJr rtgl.Jt l}anl> flJal ]acob is out refuge.
teact;i tt,Jre terrible t{Jin~. Omnes gentes plaudice. Pfal.47.
6 ~lJr arro'Wes are bttpflJarpM tlJeprople

flJalbc fubburo bnto tIJre: cucn in tlJe milllles a, ~~ Qt.lap rour1Jan1>stoget1Jcr (all pee Euening
~. mong tl)e liings enemies. ~people:) @ fing Unto 1130tl lllitiJ UJC prayer.
1 ~rreat (©<!lloll) ennuretl}fo1eucr:t1Je ~~'I boicc ofmclotlp.
rcepter of tllr liingDome if! ariglJt fccpter. )~ 2 <Jf 01 tl)c JL.o:ti i!l high, anll to
s G;lJou l}atl loucll riglJ tcouruelT~ann IJatell - be fearill : l}cc iµ tl)c grcatfiing tip'
ifiic:fUttp : 'WlJmfo1e 113oD (cum tl)p 113oll) lJatlJ on au tl}e cartlJ.
anofretr t:l)ec \llftlJ tl)c otle of glalmell'c aboue 3 ~c flJall futi:lue t{Jc people tm!lcr b~ : ann
tlJr ecttolties. tlJc nations bnticr our feet. ·
9 an ttJuannents rmeu of ~timJe,atoes, 4 $e OJal clJUfe out an (Jeritagc fo~ bS: cum
anD ~llO"ia: outoft{Jejj1101rpalace~, 'Wl)crebr tl:Jc 'lllo~tlJip of'.]lacob 'WlJom (Jc loucl>.
tlJer hauc mal>c tlJcc glall. s (!3oti is gone bp 'WitlJ a merp noire: ann tl)c
1a l!ltn~ llauglJtttS mere among tlJP IJonou, 'J!.,oill mitf;J tl:Je rounn ort11c trumpe.
rablc mo~: tJpon tlJp rfgl)tlJantJ Dill tlanl> tlJt 6 ® Cing p1atrcs,fingp~affcs bnto( our)~oil:
~uce~ in a bellurt of goloc (mlOUgl.Jt about ® ung p1atres,fingp1aifcS bnto our .
\l11tl) iltuers colours.) 7 <jfo: ©oll ts t))e fling o(all tIJe carti) : fmg
.11 ~carhen (© llauglJtcr) annconuber, en, re 1naitcs U1it1J bnllcrllanbing. .
cltnctl)merare: roigetatro tlJincoumepcople, 8 ©ob rctgnctlJ oucr tfJe 1,Jeat1Jcn : ©otl fit,
anD tlJr fatl)crs l)oure. tetlJ bpon l:Jis ~olr feat. .
11 ~o fiJall tl)c litng l)aue plcarurc in tIJr 9 ~e 10:mres of tlJe people are 1ornet1 btl•
bcautp : fo1 lJce is tlJp JL.01ll (11301>) anll mo111Jtp to tl)e people of tlJe <1!5oll of at>1a1Jam: ro1 ll30?1
tf;Joul)im. ('W9ich ts uerp lJic eralteo) notl.J 11errnt1 tl}e cartt,J
13 ann tl)e Dauglltcr of ~l'tc llJaU be tl)ere as tt 'Were lDitlJ afbtcto.
\Ditf;J a gift : lifJe a~ tl)e rict;i alfo among tIJe peo, Magnus Domin11s. Pfal. 48.
pie 11.Jall maflc tl)eit fitpplication bcro~e tl)er. G11teatis tl)eJl.,01l>, anb IJigl)lptobcpiatfcb:
. 14 ~IJt flin~ llaugl.Jtcr isall glo~ious 'WitlJ' tn tfJe citie of our ©oll, cum tJpon lJiS l)olr
tn: l)cr clotl)ing i~ ofwiouglJt gollle. . . l}ill. . . e .
11 ~l)c fl)all be btougl)t bnto tl}e fnng fn ra1' 2 ~e l)ill or ~ton ts a 1mre place, anti tile
mmt of nttDle mo111c : tl}c birgin~ tl}at be l)er iOF ofCl}e \lllJolC eartIJ: upon tIJe ~o~tlJ fillc Uetll
feUotoes 01all beare l}er comp anr , ann flJall be tl)e citr of tl,Je great lung, <130?1 is b:lell linomcn
b10Ug(Jt 1.lnto tl)ce. in lJcr palarts,as a fute rtfuge.
1 6 tmitlJ iop ~ gla?Jncffc lbal tl)ep be b~ougl.Jt: 3 ~o~ loe, tl)c hiugs ofttJe eartfJ: are gathc·
ann OiaU enter tnto tt;Jc kin~ palace. re!l atlll gone bp togrt(Jer. ·
1 7 ]n tteall of tlJr faltJWS tl)ou OJalt llauc 4 qey mamelleb to fee ru~ tlJing~ : ttJcr
cl)illl~cn ; 'ID(Jom tl)ou marett mabc Ptinccs in '&Uercaflomcil,antl fu!lllenlr call tlo'Wnc.
a111a111:1s. s :jfearecamc~erctipontt,Jem, anoro1otu:
18 i;~ will rcmcmllcr tllr Janine from one gc' a~ bpon a toomantn l)cr trauclL
ncratio11bnto anotber: tt1crf01ellJalltl)c people 6 ~ou llJalt b~eake tIJe OJtppcs of tt,Je ~ea:
giut ttJanltS tinto tt)ec, wo~lll \llitl)out enll. t1J1oug1J tbe !fall toinbe.
IL. I , 11.tflC I

IVaine crufi in riches.

7 JIAfie as 'ale lJauc l}earll , ~o l)auc :me Cecnc
iK tlJc atr of ttJc Jl.,oJll of 1Jol'tS5, in tlJc '1t\! of om
©Oil: ©Oll bp~olllttlJ tfJC f?mC ~O~ CUCf,
s 110c 'alattfo, tfJ!' lomng fnnbneSJ (ill> <501>:)

9 w <l!)oll, acco~llmg bnto tlJr JF.)ame, Co 1ss

tlJl! p,aifc unto tlJe: \Ilo~lllSJ cnll : t1Jrrtg1Jt1Jan11
a Deus Dcorum.
The true facriftce:
pfal. 5o.
IJ.)-d!: )Lo~ll, tUCO tlJt moil mi1;1l)tit Morni,
<ll5oll, l)atlJ fpolien : anti tallcll tl,Jc prayer/
lDoilll, from tl,lc rtring bp oftl)e
~unne , tmto tl)c gotng bo'OJue
ii1fullofrigl]teourncrre. . . 2 @utof'~ionl}atl)<5obappeareb: inper• '
10 )!.,ct tlJe: mount ~1011 morre, anl> tl)e fectbcautr.
llaugl]tcr)) ofjjuoa be glall: becaure of tlJr tubge• 3 ©ur <ll5ob tlJail come: , anl> llJall not llee:pe '
mentS5. Cilcnce: tl)ere tl)all goe befo~c l}nn a confuming
1 r 110albe about ~ton, ann gee rounll about fire:, (ta miglJtr tempe:ll ll.Jall be fhrrcll bp rounn
J:Jcr: anti tell t{Je to'OJttSJ tlJereof. aboutlJtm.
1 z ~arllc 'OJel l)er bnl'altnflSJ,fet bp (Jer 1Joa• 4 IJ.)c (ball can tl)e l}eatl)cn from aboue: ann
fcis: tIJat re mar tell t)Jem tlJat come after. tlJceartlJ, tl)at l)e ntal? tullge l)ts people.
13 ~oJ tl)is ©ob iSJ our®ollfo~cucr\leuer: 5 $atIJerml?fatntsto~ct1Jerbutome:t1Jore
l)e 11Jalbc our guibe bnto neatl}. tIJat(Jauemalle a 'oucnant'OJitlJ me, 'OJitfJ ra,rt·
Auditc h.-ec omnes. Pfal. 49, ti,e,
0 ~care pee tl:Jt~ an re people : ponller it \DitlJ 6 anb tIJc l)canent3 flJan lleclarc 1Jil5 rigl)tc.
pour eare.G an pc tl}at b'OJcll tn tl]e 'OJ01lb. oUCne1Te: fo1 ©oD istubge l)tmfelfc.
2 1(3 it\lJ anb lotoe, rt'tranb poo~: one \llttlJ 7 ll)carc,~ mr people, ann '.3] wtn f\lcake: ')
anot!m. mp rem~ toill telltftc agatnt't tlJee,~ ]rrae1,ro1 '.JI
3 · £1.~F moutl) ll)aU rpealic of'lntfel>ome :anll am $ob,euen tl)p $ob.
m11iJrart f!Jall mure of bnberflant1tng. 8 '.Jl wmnot rep,oue tl}ee, llccaufe or tfJl? fa,
4 '.Jl toill im:ltne mine care bnto tl)e parable: crificcSJ, 01 roi tlJr burnt offcringss: bccaurc tfJer
ani:l llJc'a.1 mr narllc fpeccl) bpon tl}e l,Jarpe. tocre not altoap bcfo1e me.
\' tWl)crero,c fi:Joulb 'Jl ftare tn tl)ellapef5of 9 ~toill talicno bunorncoutoftf}pl)oure:
Ulfrf!ctmeifc: ann w}Jm tl)c tot,liennecre of mr no1l)ccgoatSJoutoftl)pfolbl5.
tJcclr~ compa[etl) me rounll about-! 1 o ~01 au tl)c lltatls of tl)c fo1cll are mine:
6 -arl]crc be romc t(Jat put tlJctr troff in tl)cir allll ro are tl)c cattclss bpon a tl;lourann l)ilSJ.
~ooll.G: anll boalt tl}emretues in tl;Jcmultttullc n ~Imoto all tl;le fo'OJleSJ bpon the mouu.
oftl;cirri,l)c.G. taines: anti tl)e \lliUlc lleat'tis of t(Je ficlnarein
7 JBut no man mar neiiucr l1it1 lliotIJcr: no~ ml? figl}t.
maflc a(!rccment bnto e50ll foi l}im. 12 'Jjf] be JJungrr, 91 \llill notten d)ee : fo1
s 1fo1 it colt mo1c to rcneeme tl}etrroultl5: ro tl}etolJole too1lll tss mtne,anll au tf]atis tfJerctn.
tl]at 1J emutt let tl)at alone foi eucr. 1 3 ~inliett tf]ou tfJat '.)] toill cat bUflcSJ ftellJ:
9 Pea, t{Jougl) 1Je ltue long: am1 fte not tl)e ann tl~itlfle tl)e blooD of goat)) t
grauc. 14 j[)frtrbnto ©ollt1Jankefgiuing: anllpap
1 o f o~ f:Jc fcet\J t!Jat~tre mm alfo bie,anll ~e· tlJl? bo'OJcfJ bnto t(Jc moll IJigl:)tlt.
rilli toget{Jcr: af'a'Jel a!S tl)e tgno~ant anl> fool1ilJ, 1 ~ 9ntl call bpon me in t{Jc time of trouble:
ann lcmtc tlJ cir riclJtfJ fo~ otlJcr. fo 'OJtll l l)eare tl]ee,anll t1'ou flJalt p~aifc me.
n ~nll pet tiJcp t{Jinftc tl}at t!Je:W l.JoUfc• 16 '5ut bntot1Jcbngo1:11r faio ©ob:119lJpboca
niall continue fo~ eucr : anti tlJat tlJcirtitoel• t1Joup1eac1Jmrla\tlefJ, anbtafieflmpcoucnant
ling placcfJ llJall cnnure from one generation in tlJr moutl) -1
to ano t1Jcr, antJ call tlJc lanl>JS after tl)cir omne 17 1191,)ereaSJ tl)ou lJatea to be rcfo~mcn : ann
namcfJ. l)atl call mp 'OJO,?l>fJ bel)inDe tl)ec.
1 2 :0cuertl)elerre, man toill not abiDe in l.JO• 1 8 ml:]en t(Jou rawcll a tl)irfe, tl:Jou confrn•
no~: feeing tic map be comparell bnto tlJc bcallSJ te'Otl bnto him: anl'I l)afl bmc partafler\llitlJ tlJt
tlJatpcrillJ, tl)iSi)) the \l.lap of them. allultm~n:s.
1 3 ·m:f)t)) ifJ tl)ctr rooltll.Jnecrr: anl> t(Jcir polfc• r 9 -cr;tJou l:]aft let tlJF moutl) fpcalic mtcflcll'
ntr p~atre tlJeir raring. netre: : anll 'alttlJ tl)l? tongue tlJont}alftt f'oo~tlJ
14 ~er lie in tlJe l)cll liftc tbee:pe , beatIJ Deceit.
~na'aletlJ bpon tl)cm, anll tfJc riglJteouSJ 01all 20 -cr;IJou ratctl anti fpaffefl agatnt? tfJp b~o·
\Jane 'tl.omination of t)Jcm in tl}e moining: tfJcir tl}rr : rca, anb lJaft aanllercll tl}inc o'alnc mo·
bt!a~ttc fi.Jall conrumc in tf:Jc repulclJJt out of tlJcrSJ fonne •
.,ttt 'tl'tllemng. 21 ~ere tlJings l)alf tfJou none, anll 'Jl belb
rs lBut <l3oll n.ian be:liucr mp foule fromtl)e mp tongue, am tt.1out1Jougfltett \Dtck£i:llptl}at
plate ofl)eU: fo11.Je llJall rccciue me. 'Jl am eucn CmlJ a one as tlJr fdfc: but '31 '1l1U t'C•
,.. '~ lBe not thou nfrarn tIJougtJoncbcmabe p~oouetl)cc, annfetbeCo~e tfJce~etl)mg))tl)at
.tdJ · 0i tf tl)e gw~r ofl:Jil!! houre be tncreaCe:D. tl;Jou IJatl none.
'tlllJ~ni~~b~ct~a\l c~rp notl:Jtng a\Ilt11? \D1tf1 IJtm 2 i © conruicr tl;Jil. re tf1at ro1get ~oll : left]
l)im. e ., : ntttl:Jcr DJalll}it' pompefoUo\D plucflcpou a'a.181?, an?J t11en bcnonetobeliuer
18 1T rou. .
l.Jappp ~~~~~~llJ lfUtb,lJe countcl1 l)imre1rean 2 3 WlJofo otferetlJ me tlJanftUnll p1a1rc, IJc
tbi' reue,mcn 'llltu~..~~!UI!! tl)ou Doell 'a'Jclltmto l)onourctlJ mec : anb to tJtm tlJat O)llcrctl) IJis
~e llJall fol~.,:llcgooll . conucrrationrigl}t, \IltD'.JJ OJe\D tlJCCaluattonof ,,
tfJcrl!!: nnll fl)al~ ne~;~e~~ation of IJt• fa• Q!Sob. Mifererc mci Deus. PfaL 5r. ~;,_ ;i
.gl'r.)an bc~ng tn lJonottc, IJatl;J no bnl'lcr• Hauetnercpt>ponmc (©©otl) aftcrtlJrgrcat /.,. .lr
ll~~tlmg : but ts compateb tmto tlJc beds ttJat goobncffe : acco)lling bntg ti.Jc multttuoc or '' •·"-'
p..n111. t1Wmcmtl!I, 1:1oa'War mmc offtnces. •/ '7~
2 Ji\dllJ \
:fhe falfe tongue.· Dauids prayers. i oo
n&af1J me tl]o~' ft om mp \Xlimctmcrrc: tiJat tl]ou J;Jaa none: \t 91 'lllill l)ope in tlJP ¥.lame,

anD 1:1cnre me from mp Onne. ro~ ti.JP ratntis like it 'a.lclL
3 !ffoi '.ll lino\1.llet111c IU1? faultSJ:ann mp anne 1 H·
iSJeuerbcfo1emc. Dixitinfipiens, Pfa.
4 ~gainll~conlp1Jaue91 anncll,anllbone ll;} cf fooliOi bollp IJ.atl) fapDin lJt~ Eucning
tl)iS euill in tlJp figl)t : ttJat tlJOU migl}tct? be tu• grart: ~ere is no <!150ll. prayer.
aiflcll in tlJP raring, anll ckare tol)cn tl]ou art 2 ciro1rupt are tl)ep,anll become
iut1gct1. abominable in t1Jetr \llicllellnctrc:
s l6e1J0It1,1 'lllais OJapcn in tDtmcnnctrc:anb ti.Jere ts none tlJaUJotl) gooD.
in annc l)atlJ mp mottJer conmue'b me. .3 <il5oll loolieD 110\Dne from l)caucn bpon tl)e
6 ll3ut foe, tl)ou rcquircll trUctl) in tlJe in· cl)tlD~cn of mm : to rte if ttJcrc were anp tl)at
\IJarD parti:s : anti llJaltmakc mce to bnDerllanll \DonlD bnt1et1lan11, anti rcclie arter <!15oD.
totfcnomc recrctlp. 4 l3ut tlJcp ate an gone out oftiJc tDap,tlJcp
7 ~on11JaltpurgcmctDitlJIJpfopc, anD11 arealtogctl)crbccomcabominable: t1Jcreisal•
OJalbe dcane : ttJou fl)alt \llallJ me, anti'.]! fl)all be ro none ttJat DotiJ !JOOD, no not one.
'a.l(Jitet tljcnCnotD. s 9tc not tl)ep \llitl)out tmllct11anlling tlJat
s ~ouaJaltmalicmclJeareofiopannglall• \Doilie \tlicftetlnclfe: eating bp mp people as H
nttrc : tl)at tl)e bone~ \lll)idJ t1Jou l)all biokcn ttJcp \lloultl cate b~eaD "! tl}cp l)aue not calicD bP'
mar tciopce. on <l!Job.
9 ~umet1Jp raccfrommrunncSJ: an11put 6 ~ep\llere af'rapcb \lllJcrcnofcarcwais:
outall mr miftlccns. fo~ <1!5otl IJatlJ b,ofttn tl)e bone~ of (Jim tbat bcftc,
1 o ~111le me a deanc l)eart, SI:> <1!5otJ: ann re. i;JeD tt)ec, tljou IJaft put tlJrm to confuuon, be'
nc\D a rigl)t fpirit \llttl)in me. caurc <l!Jotl batlJ nerpifet> tlJcm.
1 r ciraa me not omar from tl)p picrcnce: IUlb 7 ©lJ tl)at tl)e ratuatten were giucn bnto
tahcnottl)p l)olpfpttitfromme. . 1frseioutof~ion: ol) tl)at tl)c ll.o~D \lloulD lie,
n !lD i;Jiue me t1Jc c:omfo~t of tl)t' l}elpc a§am: liucr l}tis people out of captiuitp.
anbftabll11Jme\DittJtlJpfreefptnt. s ~en t1.Jou1111acob rciopcc: anb ]fracl
1 3 ~l)m OJall g\ tcaclJ tlJP tDavcis bnto tl)e 11.JoultJ be rigl)t gla11.
\tlimeD: anti finneris fl)albcconuerteD 1mto tl:Jee. Deus in nominc. Pfal. 54.
14 ~chuer me from bloonguttttneis,!lD <3011, Saue mce, !lD l!3ot1, fo, tlJV JF.!amcs rabe: anti a,
tlJOU ttJat art tl)c <1!5oll of mr l)caltlJ: anti mp ucngcmeintlJpllrcngtl}.
ton!JUe 11Jall ring oUIJp rigl}tcoufnefi'e. 2 ~care mr p1arer, !lD <l!Jotl : anti l)camm
1 s ~(Jou n111lt open mp lips (!lD )l,,o~ll:) anti bnto t1Je \llo~bti of mr moutt).
mp moutlJ n1all flJc'oJtlJrp1aifc. 3 11'01 arangms atertren bP agatna me: anti
10 f 01 tl)ou t>efirea no racrifice, els 'tlloulD '.]\ cr1antis ('m(Jtcl) l}auc not <1!5otl befo1c tl)c1r ere$$ J
giue it tl}cc: but tl)ou lleliglJtcll notm bumt of• £cake after mpfoule.
ferin~. 4 l5el}olbe, <!15obilS mplJelpcr: tl)e)l,01llt~
1 7 ~e racrffice of <!!5011 tis a troublctl (pint: a tDitlJ tl}cm ttlllt bpl)olD mv route.
biobcn anll contrite l)eart \!lD<l!50D) O,Jalt tl}ou 5 ~eQJaftre\tlatbcuillbntomtnccnemies:
not Dcfpife. tleftrop ti.Jou tl)cm in tlJ1' tructf}.
18 !lD be rauourableantl gractouist1mo~t· 6 .anoffringofafrcel)eart\tltlljgtuctlJcc,
on: bmllltf.Jou tt)c wauess ofl!limlfalcm. anti p~atce tl)p Jr.lame (© )1..o~b:) bccaure it iiHo
19 'ij[;f.Jcn n1alt tl)ou be plearcn 'WitlJ tl)e Cacrt· comt:o1table.
lice ofrigl)tcourne[c, \llitfJ tl}e burnt otlerin~ 7 ~o~ l}ce l)atl) lleliucrell mec out of all mp
anb oblatioms : tl)cn ilJall ttJer offer roong bul• trouble: anti mine eie l)at(J fccnc IJiSJ 11eure upon
locfiSJ bpon tl)ine altar. mine enemies.
Q;,i_id gloriaris? Pfal. p. ExaudiDcus. Pfal. 55,
vv~r boalltlt tl)OU tlJl' fclfe, t(Jou tr1ant: H (fare mp P18l'Ct' !lD $OD : anll l)iDCllOt ttJr
tl)at tl)ou canlt 110 mtfcl)tefc ~ felfe from lnl' petition.
2 U{Jercas tl)e t;JOOlmclie oC $OD : entluretlJ 2 €afle l)ecn tmto mce, anD fJcare me : l)oU'J
pct barIr. :JI mournc in mp p1apcr,anD am bc.rc11.
3 ~r tongue tma~nctlJ \tltc1tct1ncltc: anti 3 ~l)e encmp crictlJ ro,anll tf}c bngotllp com,
\DitlJ ltess tl}ou cuttea like a OJarpe rafOJ, etl) on co raa : fo1 tl)cp are minDeD to llo ~e rom
4 ~u l)all loucD tmrigl)tcoufnelTe mo:e mtCa,iefe, ro malictouar are tiJcp rct agama 1 •
tl)cngoo11nerre: anti to talke oClieiJ mo~ tl}en 4 ~plJcartiSJ Dif11utctell \DitlJinmee ·' ni:i
rigl)ttoUfnc«e. tl)c rtare ofocatl) tis fallen bpon mr.
s ~l)ou l)alt Ioueb to Cpcaltc au tDotbll tt)at 5 1fearct'Ulnclfc anti trcinbltng nre tc bp'
mauo IJurt: !lD t11ou falfe tongue. on mcc : anti an 1Jo1nble 111ean ~atlJ IJeI'
6 ~crcfo:e OJ all <1!5oD bellrop tl)ce foJ cuer: mcb me. .
l)taialtakctl)cc,ant1pluckctl)ecoutoftlJpll\llel• 6 9nll'J!Carn, !lD tbat 1 IJaD mp liflca
linig,anb root ttJce out of tl)e lanll of~£ ltuin~. 11oue: foJ tl)en tDoulb 1 fler a\Da nll be at mt.
7 ~e ngl}teouis atro UJall fee tl)1SJ, \I fcare: 7 Jl,oe, tl)cn \DoulD '.J1 get \tlap rarrc off:
anti OJ all lau~ l)im to rco1ne. anti rcmainc in ti.Jc \Dllllem ·
8 JJ..o,tl)is tis tlJc man ttJattookc not ~OD fo1 s 'Jl \DouID make l]alle fcape : bccauic of
hts aren~ : bUt trufleD tlntl? dJc m~~UDe of tiJe flo1mr \Dinne anti tc If.
IJis riclJcs,anD ttrcngtl)cnetl l)1mfdfe1nl)1SJ tDlC' 9 J0cflrop tlJeit to ~SJ (©'Jlo~bc) anll Di,
kebndtc. utlle them : foJ '.31 IJ Ptell bnriglJteoufnctrr
9 ais foJ me ' 'J. am liflC agr~~ ill>liue ttee a~~~ca~"a~: ~l ~er !Joe about mittJin tile
in tl)c l)ourt
mercp of ~oboffOJ15ob
euet: mp cucr. as '"tl]e tcnoer ""alle"'
anbtrutl ... ,, t"ct""'f
., ..... • fc(Jtefc alfo anll ro.zo'ln ar".. r·n
1 a ']\tom al\Dal?C!!I ~uc tl)ankl!I tmto tl)cc fo1 tlJe mib!!S ofit.
Fained friendfhip. Poifon offerpc
11 l19icrtenncffc tSJ tl.Jerin: b·eceit anb guile 10 not be afrapb 'mlJat man can bo imto me.
not out oftlJcir arectfJ. . 12 ~nto tlJet(ill? (Bob) 't»ill '.li pap mp tJo'mcis:
1 2 1fo1 it i!S not an open cnemac tlJat IJatl) bnto tl)ec 'mdl ~I.PUC tl)anrus.
bone me tlJifJ DillJonour : Co.; tlJm 91 c::oull> l}aue 13 ffoi ttou l)all beltue:nb mr route from
bo •n~ 1·t DeatlJ, \1 ml' ftct fro~ fallinl: tlJat I'll ma" toalllc
~ 3"' f:icttf}cr 'QlafJ it ~int atmttfatie tfJatbib bero~cel3oll intl}elt!!IJt of tiJe liuin~ t
mngntfic f}lmfdfe agatntlmc: fo~ tl1cn (pciab' Mifcrcrc mciDcus. Pfal. 57.
ucnture \ j! woulb l)aue (Jib mp fclfc from IJim. B If mcrc::ifull bnto me, © <aon,be mrrciful bn,
, 4 )5ut it ~a!S cucn tl}o~ .mp c::~mpanton:mr to me, foi mr foule trotlctl) in tlJcc: anb bn,
guine,anll mmc otone faintt1ar fricnb. lier tl}c llJabo'W of ti.Jr tDingss tlJall be mp refuge,
1 5 nacc toOkc f'Wcct rounren to1ct1Jci : anb bntill tbisuriannr be oucrpall.
\llal!tcl! mtlJc fJOUfc of<aob aJS frienM. 2 '.l\ 'lllill call \'Into etc moil IJigl) <16ob : cum
1 6 )Let ncatl.J come tJaailp bpon tlJem,anb let bnto tl.J~ ©ob tlJat tlial pcrfoJmc tt}c c::aure tolJtc;lJ
tl}cm go ,no tone 9uic&c into IJtl: foi 'Wic::llebncil"e '.) fJaue m IJanb. in ti} ctr ll'WellmgJS,anb among ttJnn. 3 l!)ce llJall ftnb from l}cauen : anti faue mce
17 a!S fot mec, ] \\lill call bpon Cl3ob : 8nb tl}e: from tl)c rep~oofe ofhtm tIJat \Douin eat me bp.
JL,ozll fiJaU raue me. 4 <ao~ flJllll iJiJS mcrcp anll tnrctl):
18 '.JI 11 tiJe e:uentng tt mointn1, anll at noonc mp route tfJ among ltonis.
MP tlltu :Ji p1ap, anll tl}at inaantlP: anb IJe fl)all s anti] lie cucn among tb,c c}JillJ1t11 of men
!Jc arc mp boicc. (tlJat are rec on fire:) lDl}ofe teetiJ are fpeares
19 '.jjtitHJec tIJat IJatlJ bcltucrcb mpfoulein ant1arromeis.anbtiJcirtonguea11Jarpcr'lllo:1>.
peace, from tl)e batt.ell t(Jat \llSJS againft me: fo~ 6 ~ct bp tlJl Cclfc, ilD <1!5ob , aboue tl}c l}ca,
I1~;:rc UJrrc manr \l11tlJ me. ucnss: 111111 tlJp gloJp abouc au tl)e card).
I z o !Pea,men <aoll t{Jat cnburctl.J foJCUcr,OJal 1 .cr;l)cr iJauc lapb a net fo1 mp fect,anb PJd''
orarc me, anti b1ing ttJem llo'tDne : foi tlJcp \\ltll feb Zio'ame mr foule: : d)er l)aue bt1n~c11 a pit be,
notturnc,1101 fcarc<ll5011. fo:cmc, annarefallcn lntotl)e:mill~ofittl)cm,
2 1 ~e Iarn IJiss l]anbss bpon ru~ ais be at peace fdue~.
'U11tIJ 111m: anl> IJc b1artc IJi!S roucnant. s $13p lleart i~ fi.rcb, >lD ~ob, mr l}earti!S fi,r,
12 ~IJe woillJS oflJifJ moutl} tom rotter tl)en cb:] to all Cini anb giue p~ire.
butter, 1Jautn1 tDarrc tn IJiSS l}eart: lJi!S 'al01bC$S 9 a\Dake bp mp l(oJp, a'lllalle lute ~ l)arpe:
\llcrc rmootl}er tIJcnoilc, anti petbe tlJCl? bcrp '.) mrC£IfZ'miUa'IDa&crtglJtearlp.
fmo~b!S. 1 o -] \llill glut tl)anlieSJ lmto tbtt, © t-oJlle,
2~ © catl tllr burben bpon tl}e: t.o~b, anb f)e among tlle people : anb '.]] \\ltll ling imto ttJce
111all nourillJ tl}ce : anb Oiall net fuftn tl)e riglJ' among tlJc nat1onJS,
teou~ to fall foJ cuer. i i !1fo: tljc 1teatnetrc of tlJP mm:p reacl)ctlJ
24 ~nb ais fo~ tl}em: tl}ou.Sll> ~ol>,llJalt b#ng tinto tl}e l)caumJS : anti tlJF truetlJ bnto tl)c
t(Jcm into tIJc ptt oflleftruction. cloull~.
2 i; ~IJe bloobt{Jirllp anll bcccttfull mm OJall 12 ~et bp tlJp Cdfc, ilD d!Job, abour tl}c l}ca'
not Iiue out (JaUc tl}rtr nave~: neuertl]elerre, mp ucn~: anl> t1JF gioir abouc all tfJe eartf1.
trn!t flJalbC in tl)cc,© Jl,O~b. Si \'tre vtiqne. Pfal. 58.
Mifcrere mei Deus, Pfal, 1c6. A remepourminlle!Sfctbponri111}teourne1Tc, ilD
con~cgation: anll lloc re ml!gc tlJC tl}ing
.. I] Cftncrcifullbntome, S0'115ob, foJ
man goctl} about to lleuOUtc mec:
2 ~ca, re ima~nc mifctJiefe in rour i,cart
(Je l!S D&FI r flgl)tia~.anb troubling bpon ttlc canl} :anll rour IJanl>JS Deale \llttl) \lli"
mec. liebn<'.!Tr.
2 Q!linc ene1ntefJ are baplp in 3 rm.Jc bngoblp are fro'Wartl eucn from t(Jcir
nano to f'lllallo'W me bp : toi tl}er be maup ttJat motl}crs 'mombe: atroonc a~ tlJCF be bo.;ne tlJct
figl,Jt a~aintl me, ® ttJou motl bt!JIJcft. go a«rar,ann rpcalic lic!5. .
3 ~cuertllelerrc , tl}ougl) '.ll am fontttfmc a, 4 ~11er are 8fJ bcncmou~ aJS ttJe po1ron ofa
ftaill: rct put'.]\ mv cruft in tl)ec. ferpcnt : cum liffc tlJc beafe alllltr tl}at flopped}
4 J1 'lllill p~aife <aotl br.:aurc ofl)ffJ \\101t1 ! '.]! l}er caress.
aue put mp trutt in 000, ~ wtunot Ccarc \DJJat s tIDl:Jief1 rrruretl) to IJcarc tl)e boin of tlJc
tcfiJ can !lo bnto me. c(Janner : ci)arme IJC neucr Co tD&fdr. . .
tl)c ~l)ept1arlrmttlakemp'11'10111e:~: an d)at 6 '.J6~eaffe tfJetr teettJ (© c3©~),m t1Jt1r
l'l\agine,is to no me tntll. mouti}~s, fmitc tl)c ta'W bone~ or tJJclaon!S, ©
retucss'111er IJollle an toge Cl) er, anb ltecpe: tIJem• Lo~oe : let tbcm fall alllay hfle \118tff tl}at run,
toait fo~~: anti marlie: mp tlcp~. \'DIJtn tlJep lap netlJ apace, anb \t>IJrn tfJcy l11oot t11c1rarro'WcJS.
~ ·v route. let tl}cm be rootell cur.
tlJJu ~~t cCcape Co1 tl)eir'mitflcbnetrc: 7 'l-ctrtJcm,omumutoapliffcafilailc,anll
11otont. 1 m tbr Difplcat\lre lJJSlt '8tl tl}m1 be lthc tfJe bntimctp rrutt of a tuoman : anZJ let
s ~ tl}cm not fee tf}e !klumtt.
intotbrb~~~~~lhnpftittin(Ul, putmpttarea s ll)~ curr pour pota be ma~c fJote \tlitl)
boolic :' · •uottlJcfetlJingisnotrb in tlJP tl)o~ncss: ro Irt inbignation bc~e 1J1m, cucn a~ a
9 ll91Jtntoeutt '.)r tl)ing t1Jat t$ ra ni.
ntinccntmicssbePUt~~bpontl)cc, tlJcnCball 9 -m:r,rriglJtrouanial rciorc&'QllJcnf)cfcctfJ
©nll i~ on mr fine. "'1gl)t: t111is 'l! knolll, ro1 tl)e bengcance: IJc a; all timllJ lJi!S foortlq:JJin tl,Jc
10 ']\n<Jr;oll!S\llo~btoil·~ . . blooboftfJcbn!_tODlr.
\!lo~t1\-oill'J\,omfo~tmt. ~1orcc:anel)eJL01b!S 1° ~otlJatamanfiJallfap, il!lcrilptf1ercissa
1 i )?ca, illll!Sot11Jauc] pi._n"ttul&·.ni -tn retoaro foi tl)c rillJteoua: lloUbtleJli tlJcre i~a
- < "' 31 .., <l!Job tl)atiWlgetf) tJJc eartl).
>rayer againfi: chevvicked. The Thevaniryofrnan. 201

9 ll9l)o 'tllilllcanc mee into tl;Jt arong ctttc:

Eripc me de inimicis. Pfat.,9. \111}0 mill bJinl me tnto lfDom1
Jtning • lfltuttmee frommtne cnmnc11, 1 o l!}att tlJou not calltlfl out,llD Cl3ot1:milt not
ayer. (© '1!SOD : ) t1rft11t1 me fram tl]em tlJou,llD 0011,goe out \VitlJ our IJollcl!l:'
t(Jat rife tip agatnlt nw. . . 11 f> bet1Jouour1Jelpeintrouble: fo1bainr
2 iDDeltumm from~e\111" tl1t1Je l)clpeofman.
I ._
lleb Doers: anD raue me from tl.)c
~ blooDtlJtrlhc men.
3 fo1 loe..tlJer lie matting foJ mr roulc: tlJc
. , 12 ~tuou!JIJ <i!JoD 11:>an \11e Doc great ac:tl!l: ro.z
at us l)c tl)at ll:>all tttaoe l>o\11nc our enemies•
Exa11di De11s. PfaL61.
mtgl:ltp mm are 1,Jatbcnb a1,Jainft me, 'tllitlJout
anr offence 01 ratnc ofmc,® :toJD.
H p1arer.
~n 1nr erring, flD <5oll: giuceare tmto mr
+ ~bcr runnc anD p1cparc tlJcmfdues \11ttlJ' 21rom tl)e cnDs of tlJc cartl) \Viii'] eall bn'
ouc mr fault: arife tl)ou t(Jerero1c to l}elpe me, to tlJee: ml:}en mr l}cartt15 in l}cauinclTe.
anb bellolD. 3 © Cet mce bpon tl}c rocke tl)at is btgf}er
s ~:Manti bp (llDJl..oJb 0oD ofl)olesO tlJou tt,en '] : fo1 tlJou baa bme mr ~opc,anD a arong
~oD ofjjfracl, to tiiutc an dJe l}eatl)tn: anb bee tow1c ro, me againa ti.Jr rncmtc.
not merciful tinto *1U tlJatoffmll of maltcious 4 'l mil O'Wcl in tl}p tabernacle roi cuer:anll
\VimtDnclfe. mr trull n1albe tmoer tlJe courrtni,x of tbr mtngis
6 ~l.Jcr goe to anb fro in t(Jc cuening: tl)tr s '.ffo.r tl:}ou, © JL.o,o, 1Jaa l}earo mr Ddiress :
IJfin lihc 8 tlOg,antl run about tllO~Om tlJe cttit. anti IJall giucn an l)critage bnto tl:JGfc tlJat feare
7 l5elJalO,tlJCf fpcake \llitiJ dJeir mout(J.ano tlJrname.
nuo:os are in tl)etr lips : foJ 'tlliJo ooetl) l)ean1 , 6 ~f)ou ffJalt grant tl;Je fling a long lifc:tl}at
s l5utt(Jou,llD JLo:Mbalt l)aue tlJnn tntltti, lJll!l Ptertai map enllure tl)o1omout au genera,
non: If t(Jou llJaltlauglJ all tl)e IJeatIJcn to rcome. tlons.
9 ~r lltm!itlJ 'tllill '.l\ armbe bnto tl)ee: fo: 7 $efbalt1mcllbcfoie0ollfoieuet: ©p~c,
t~ouarttl]c gooormr refuge. pare tlJr loutng mttc:ic ano faitl)fulmffe, t(Jat
1 o 0oD llJC\llet(J me l)is goobnel5 plenteounp: tlJcr mar wcrttuc l:Jim.
ano <1£5otl OJ al let me lee mr oelire bpon mine enc, s ~o \Dill 'J al\llapcs ang 1nairc tinto tiJF
mie11. ~ame: tlJat 3l mar nav1r perfounne mr bo\Des.
11 ~lartlJemnot, lcall mr pcoplefo1getit:
but fratter ttJcm ab1oat1 among tl)e people, anti NonncDeo. Pfal.62.
putt{Jcm Douinc,~ Jl..0111. ourocrmce. ~ foule trudr \DaitctlJ ttill tlpon Morning
1 2 tf,oJ tl)e nnne of tl;Jeir moutl;J, anti fo1 tlJc <30~: fo1 or l)tm c:ommetl.) mr fal' prayer.
\Do111c11 of their lipis,tlJer lball bee tsbcn tn t(Jctr uanon.
pJille: snn mfJr 1 tl;Jetr p1cad,Jing i~ of mrnng 2 ~c bcrtlp is mr lltcngtlJ anb
anlllics. • mr raluatton: (Je t11 mr Drfencc, ro
1 3 Gronrumc ~m in tf,Jp \111atl;J, confume tt)at '.]l 11Jall not greatlp fall.
tl)cm,tl)at tlJcr map peiill.> : am knom t(Jat it ts 3 l!)o'tll long \11m rec imagtnemtrcl)tcfea,
.ao11 \11(JiclJ ruletlJ in ]acob, anb bnto ti.Jc mllcs gain« cuerr man: re llJaU be Oainc an tl]c ro~t of
Oft(JC \llOJlb. rou,rca as a totterin11 lllall OJall rec lle,ant1 lilic
14 ann in the cucntng thcr mil rcturnc: grin a b1olicn {1ellge.
ltfle a t1og,an11 'tllill goc about tl)C citte. 4 '4nlcir oeui~ t~ onclr l)om to put f)im out
1 s ~~ct' \\Jill runne l)tte anll t(Jcrc fo1 meat. ttibom <l!Jotl \Dill e~alt: tf)cir Drligl)t is in lies,
anD grut1gcfft1Jcp1Jcnotratim:eo. tl)er gtuc gooll ll.101Dcss mitl} ttJetr mout{t but
16 al!lroimcc, '] \llill nngoftlJppomer. anti rune wltlJ ttJcir IJcart.
millp~airc tlJF mercic betimes in t(Jc moming: s f)cucrtl}elelrc, mrroulc maitet{lou ftill
fo1 d)ou l)aa bene mp llcfmce an'D rcfu11c in tl:JC bpon 00tl: fOJ tnf l.)Ope il5 in l}im.
Dar or mr trouble. 6 ll)e truelr is mr arengtf) ano mr raluati,
17 illlnto t(Jrc ( llD mr arm1tfJ) 'tllill 'J\ ring: on: {Jets mr 'Dcfcnce,ro t1Jat31 fball not fall
· to1 ttJou. © '1!Soll, art mr refuge, ann mp meni, , ~n Q3oll ts mr l)ealtlJ anD mr gI01r: t(Jc
fulle5ob. rocke ot mr mt1Wt.anD in <i!Joll is mp trull.
Deus repulill:i nos. Pfal.60. s ® putrour trullin tJtm alwar(rc people:1
Q cl3oll,tlJou (Jatl call bl1 out , anb rcattcrctl bl!l poll.l,e out rour l)cartss bcfo1c tJim , fo1 ~oo 1~
ab1oaDc: tlJou IJaft alfo bme tlifPleafeD, !D ourlJopc.
tumc ttJcc bnto b!S a111me. 9 as ro~ t{Jc clJtlllien of mm, ttJep are but
2 Qou ()all moueo tl)e lanb,aUb lliui11c11 it: tiaine: t11e Cl}ilDien of men arc tleuttful llpon tfJe
lJeale tl)e ro~el!l tl)crcof, fo: it llJahctlJ. \Dctg!Jt!S, tl}cr arr. altogetl.Jer lig(Jter tlJctU:iant'
3 ~lJou l)aa llJC'Wcll ti.JP people l}£aup t1;Ji~11: ttciUclft.
tl)ou tJalt giucn 1111 a DJtnlle ort1uDlr \Dme. 1 o © tndf not In \IJ~oni;J anti robberie, gruc
+ QJou lJallgtuen atobcnfo~Cuc()~rtare not t'Out rc11ie15 bnto tlanittc: if ric:IJtis cncrcarc,
tlJcc: tl)at tl)cp ma11 triumpb brcaurt !lft truetlJ. rct not rout l}eart bpon tl}cm.
5 fltl)crefoJt 'Were till' bclouetl 11d1uerell:1Jclp 1 1 a:soo fpahe onu ann t'tllife : ') IJaue alfo
me \llitlJ tlJr ri11l)t l)ant1,anD .bean me. . l)eatll tl)e f11me,t1Jat~omtt belongctl)bnto !Jl5oD.
6 Cl300 l)atb fpokcn in l)ll!l tlolmcffc' 1 mill 12 anti tlJat tbou Lo~ art mcrctfuU:foi tlJOu
rcioice an?J Diuioc ~icl:JC111: anll mete out ttJc n'Waroctl ruerr man acco111anci to l)is mo111e.
\lalltr or ~ucotl). . . Dcus,Dcusmeus. Pfal 6 .
7 (J!5flcaD tsi mine, anll~a1mll"t11111mme: O tlJte.
l!loo, dJou art mr 0ob : carlr will 1 retkc
lfplnaim alfo if5 tl)c tlrcn«tlJ of mr l)eaD, '.]Julia
il5 mp taro gtuer. - 2 ~r foUlc tlJiTlttb ro, tl}ce, mp ftetl) arro
s ~oab il!l mr \11af!J pot, oucr cf'DJ!.111 \11tu '.ll longetl) after tl)ct: in a barrm ano 1>iie lanD,
rnft nnt m n01nP • mhtltftia bC tbOtl Q(Bb Of mC'. \Db ere no \llater il1.
Che euill tongue. God crierh his.
3 '<jl;tJUl!ltJat1t'JloofiCDfo1 t11eetnl}olincae: 7 Dl)iel}llilletl} tl)naging 1
tlJat '.JI migljt betJollJ tf?F polD~ anD llo~r. noire ofJriS \lJauel!I. (I tl}e maDnetre of )Jis people.
foHtJP 11>Uing 111nDnetre 1'5 betm: tl}en tl.Je B ~IJer atro tl)at Dtoel in tile bttennoii partia
urr4itlrlfc: mp lips 11.Jall ~~·re tl}ee. . of tl)e eartlJ, llJaft be afraiD att(Jp tokens: tl}ou
5 as long as 11 line \lllR 'J ma!Plffle U,ee on t(Jat mallett tl}e outgoingl!I of t(Je mo,ning anD
tl)is mancr: anD lift bp mp IJanDl!I in dW $ame. euening to p~aire tlJte.
6 ~P roule n1all be fatiffictl cum a.sit 'mere 9 ~ou btritefl t(Je cartIJ,anD bt£Crea it:t1,1ou
mitl'J maro\De ~nD. fatncff~ : 'Wl)cn mp moutl) marica it bccy plenteous.
p•aiCct1JtlJrcto1t1J1orfnlllips. 10 '<1n)c riUcr of <1!5oD il!I ruuof toatcr: tl)ou
' 7 l!)aue 1 not rcmcmb~ctl tf;Jce in mp bcb:anb p,cparctt tt;Jcir comc,fo1 fo tl}ou p1outDctt fo1 tl)r
tl)ougt:Jt bpon tl}cc \lJl:.Jcn '.JI toas toaking~ eattlJ.
s l5ccaufct1Jou l,Jattbcncmr(Jclpcr: tl}erc' 11 ~ou'tllatcrefll}
ro~c 1mDcr tl}c flJabO\Dc of tl)r \Vingic 'Wil '.JI re' raine into tlJdittlc ballcps tl)ereof: tlJou makefl
ioi,r. it foft \llitlJ t(Jc D10Pl!I of rainc,anD blclfca t(Jc ®
9 ~P Coult l)angcd.J bpon t(Jcc: tlJr riglJt ~care oftt.
l]ann l]atl) bpl)olDrn me. 1: ~ou mi\llnetl t(Je pccre \llitlJ tlJr lJOOb'
1 o -m;tJcfc alro tl)at fecke tlJe (Jurt of mp roule: nctre: anD tl)p doUDCfJ D,op fatnclfc.
tf.Jcp lliall~oc bnDcr tl)c cartlJ. 1 3 ~er fl)all DJOP ~pon ~c D'me:Dingss ofd.Jc
1 1 'Jl.,ct t(Jem f~ll bpon tl)e ebge: of tlJc flD01?»: \Dilllcmcffc: anD tl)c little Jrillcs llJall rcioi'f on
tlJat tticp mar be a poJtion fo1 fo,;cfJ, cuirr fiDe:.
12 l5ut tIJc Iring llJaH rctoicc in ~oD. an tlJcr 14 qtfolDefJ llJaftbce full of flJcepe : tbe bal'
affo tl]at flDcarcbp (Jim,tlJaD be connncn?»cD: foJ lc11s alfoll.Jal aant1 ro tfJimr'Witl} come,tlJat tlJCl'
tlJe moutlJ or tl)c tl:Jat Cpcabc liefJ, (l)albe ttoppeb. fbal lauglJ anD fing.
Exaudi Deus. Pfal.64. lubilareDco. Pfal66.
H <fart mr boicc. ilI> <&Job, in mp p1apcr : pie• Q '8e iorfl11Un ~ob all rtt 1ant1s: fing p1atr~
rcrucmplifcfromrcareoftl)cmemie. bnto tl)e gonour of IJi.S f.)amc, malic l.JifJ
2 l~ille mec from tlJc gatlJerin« togetlJcr of pJaifc to be gto1ious.
ti.Jc frottJarD : anD from tJJe inCumctton of tl)c ,. ~ar bnto <5ob, ilI> (Jo\lle lDonncrrun mt
\Dicficll Doers. tl}OU in tfW \tlOJllCfJ: t(JJOUgiJ tl}e grcatudTe O(
3 WlJiclJ tJaue ml.Jette d.Jcir tongue liffe a tlJppotvci a1al tl)ine mrmicfJ be founll liarfJ btt>
rtoo ?b : anD 11JOOt out tl,Jrir arrotveJJ,eum bitter to ti.Jee.
\llOlil~. 3 f01 aft tlJC\llOJlb (l)aO\Do111Jiptf]ee: (Ing
4 ~attlJcr manntmlr fl)oot at (Jim bl(Jid;J oftl)ce,anb watre tlJP t,lamc.
i;:J µcrftct: fuDDenlr Doe tl)ep l)it l)im, anb fearc 4 fI> 'ome (JitIJer. anti be(Jofl:I tl]e \D~licfJ of
not. cSob: l)oto \llonDmullJc ifJ t111Jt1$ Doing towarD
s -m::[Jep courage tl)emfclues in mifc(Jicre: anD tl)c c(JilD1en of mm.
commune among t(JcmCelues (Jo\ll tf;Jep mar lap 5 $ee tumcD tlje tea into D1tc lanll : ro tl)at
rnarcs.anll rap t}Jat no man fl)Rfi rec t(Jem. tIJep tucnt tlJ10UglJ t(Je water on foote,d)cre DiD
6 ~cv tmagtne \llt,kcDnefJ.ann pJa'ttfe: tt: \lle rciotce tlJercot
ti)at tiJeii r1cr.pc rc,ret among ~cmfcluc~, eucrr 6 $t rutctl.J \llttlJ IJts po\llcr ro1 cuer,IJifJ cic#
man in t()c Dccpc of l,Jis l}cart. bcIJolD t(Je people: anD tmlJ as 'min not bclceuc,
1 :iaut Cl!JoD f{Jalfu11De:n1r l1)0ot at tf;Jcm 'Witl,J llJaU not be 8bl£ to eyalt tlJcmCelucs.
af\lliftarro\llc: t!Jat tl)cr OJall be \llounDcb. 7 ©ptaife our '5oD (rec people:) anb mallc
s 11?ca,tl.)cir o't»nc ton§Ue.6 ll:Jall make tlJcm tlJc boice ofl}tis pJaife to be (JearD.
fall: infomu'lJ tl)at to(Jo fo rcctIJ tl.)em, ll)all 8 U91Jiel}l)o1Detl}ourfouletnliCe: anDf~
laugt:J tl}cm to rcoine. rctlJ not our feete to Oip.
9 2n1rnllmcnthatrecit.11Ja1far.~il!llJatl} 9 fo1t1Jou (©lll50D)1Jaflpioouc11b!J: tlJOU
G5ot1Done: fDJ tlJcp fiJall pmeiue t(Jat it is IJis atfo1Jaatriel:lbi!,lifJcasfilucrifJtrie:D.
'lllo1hc. 10 ~ou bioug(Jtett bl!linto tl)c mare: anti
1 o ~c rigIJtcous ll:Jall rcioicc in tl]c JL.o11:1. lapcDll trouble bpon our to inc•.
anti put bis trull tn lJim: anD an tiJer ttJatare 11 ~ou CuffrcDll men to riDc oucr our IJraD-.
ttuc of lJcarc, tl)albe glaD. \1Je \llcnt tl}o10\1J fire (l 't»ater: anD (lJou b1ougl}<
T d h pr. I 6 tctt bS out into a \lJealtlJr place.
c ccet ymnus. 1a. 5· 1.2 1 totn goetnto tlJF l}oufe\llitlJ ~tof;
f!)ou. ©<!!Sol>, art PJaiCt11 in ~ion: fcnngs: anD 'l»ill pap tbec mp bo~cs tnl}ad)]
ano bnto ttJcc 11.JaU tlJc bo'ttl be per. womnetl toitlJ 1111' liP'- (I ~arie 1»idJ mp mouttJ
founnet1 tn f!)imlfalcm. wl}cn '.JI tnas in trouble.
,, ~!:Jou tlJat l)earefl tlJt p1ap' 1 3 '] \1111 ofttr bnto ti.Jct fat bUmt facriffceii,
• tt:bnto t11ce0ianallfldl)amtt. \DitlJtlJcimcnfcoCrams: '.) \lJlll oltrbullomic
bt ~oSlll)r nurocct1cs pieuailr againt! mce: ilI>IJ anti «eates.
MJ u mttttfuU tmto our Onnes. 1 + SD come IJitbtr anti {Jearflm all rec tlJat
4 . l51tlfcb ts tlJc man lDl}om tbou cbUfcll anti Ccare cnJoD : anD '.)toil tel pou \lJl}at l}e l}atfJ Done
remucll bnto tlJ!t: l}ce OJaU DllleO in tlJF court, fo~ lt1l' £oulr.
ann llJaU bet CatUfie1> \UitlJ tl}c pleafurc' or tlJF r s 1 calletl bnto mm tnit1' 11lf moutfJ: ann
{Joufe,cucn of tlJr tJ01, ttlnple. ~aue l}im ~iaife~ tnidJ mp tongue.
s . Qiou lbalt n1em bl'!I wonDcrfuH t(JingS in 16 1r 'Jl endine bnto lllickttlnclre tutti} mp
t[W ngl}tcourncs.© l3ob Ofout Caluation • ff:Jou l}eart : tl}e JL.o~D tlliR not tJeare mr.

ttJat an tlJc l}opc or all.tlJe etUJl'!I or tl)e earti,. anti 1 7 :JBut <Boo IJadJ l}eartl me: anti 'onCibttctl
oft{Jemtl}atrcmamc lntbebioabCea. tl}cboiceormpp~per•
. 11D~idl i~ ~s llrmgu, fctttdJ Cd tlJemoun'
1 s lilJ&lffD bee .i3otl, \Dbtdf l}at{I not call out

_ ·:::_-~~~t~at~ne~l'!I~:a~n~n·~s~gi~rll~e~lla:§b~ou~t~'tD~ftf)~po~\ll~er~.~:::~m~p~p~ta~p~cr:·:~no§!,_~~=m~e~ll~IJt~·l'!l~m~tr~ru~·fro~m~me~.~b~I(~,,1~ .,
- -"'"-~
~he iufireioyce. Gods povvcr in his Church~202--

Dcusmifereatur. Pfal.67. rum tl}oUfantl!5 of 9ngel!J: anll tl:J~ll~~i15a,

I. G ©ti be mndMl bnto b!S, anti bletre b.S: anti mon!iJ tl}em 815 in tl)e IJolp Pia" of ~1na1.
IJJe\lJ b!S tlJe lig\Jt oflJtis countenance, anti be 18 ~ou art gone bp on l:,ligf;J, tl:,lou_ IJaft kb
mcr~run bnto b!5. rapttuttte mptiue, anil receiueil gifts fo1 men :
~- '\
2 "1Jat tlJp bJap map be kno\lJm bpo eartl}: pea, eurn fo~ tfW rnnnics, tl:,lat tl_Jc Jl.o~D ©ob
tlJr falling l:,lcaltl:,I mnong all nattonl5. mlglJt b\Defi amon{J tl)cm.
3 JL,ct tl:,le people p,aife tlJee,© caJoil : pea, let 1? l&~atfeil be tl}e".ILo~il llaplp: eum the Ill>ob
an tf;Jc people P18ifc tl:)ee. 'IDIJttlJ IJelpetlJ tis, anti pom~ctlJ 1Ji!5 brnrfit!51lP'
4 ©let t(Je nationneiopce anti be glall, foi on bJJ,
t1Jou llJalt tuilge tl_Jc follie rt!lf1teouQp : ant> go, 2 0 'ee iJJ our ©01>, eum tlJc ©oll of \tlbom
umie tl_Je nattonis bpon eartl_J. connnetiJ falUation: ©oil itl tl}c ·.11o~D,bp bJl}om
s )Let tlJq~eople p~aife tlJeC, l!D $01>: let aU \De cfcaprt1e11tl),
tfJepcoplc p~mfe tl:,lre. . . 2 r Cll5ob_ OJ11ll \'Oounil tfJelJcail orl)i!S enemies:
6 ~en OJall tiJe cartl_J b~tng fooitlJ IJtt in. ~nl> ~e ~a1rp fcalpe of fut(J 11one1115 goet11 on ltil
',. mare: 11nD <5oD, cum ouro\tlnc <5oil, RJall giue
bS lJis blelfing.
m IJis \lltckebneae.
12 ~c JL,o~l> IJatlJ fatDe.. ] ml Mn~mppeo•
7 ©ob !l)all bletre bS: anti an dJc cnil!S of tlJc pie agatne, 1115 ] l>iD from :75afan : nnne o\lJne
tt1oilll lb11ll tcarc l}tm. \llill ] b~ing againc, ais '.ll bill fomctimc from
ral 68 tfJellCCJIC Of tlJC ~ca.
Ex urgac Deus. P" · · 1 3.~l}at tlJ~ footc mar be bippcb in tl)e btooll

t . · -cet Cll5oll arife, \I let 1Ji!5 enemies of tlJme cncnnes : anil tl)at tl)e tong11c of dJp
\y':og , bee fcattcrrb : let t1'~ alfo tfJat llo~mar be reb tfJJOttglJ tlJe fame.
· (Jatc l)tm. !Ice bcfo,,e (Jtm. 2 4 '.]]tis bJctlfcenc. !lD 0oD, IJolne tlJou go ca:
. 2 Jl.ike a15 tlJe f1uobc banifll• (JobJ ti.Jou mp ~oil \I fitnirnoctlin tlJc fanctu11rr.
( ctl], ro fl.Jalt tl}ou ll1im tlJnn a· 25 ~clingers ~oebcroJe, tl}cmlnltrctsfot<
'IDl1t': anll lilie as bJa~c 1neltctlJ lou after: inti.Jc nnl>llelt are tl}e namofclt1plap•
atfIJe fire , ro let tl)e bngoblp pertfl.J at tl)c ~ tng 'IDitlJ tf}c timb~cts.
rcnccof©ol>. 26 Cll5itle tlJanflts, © '}ttad, bnto ll!>oll tlJe
3 l3utlct tlje ri!lf1tcous be glabantl reiorcc "Lo11> in tlJc €011grcgationt1: from tl)e grounll of
bcro~e ©ob : let tl_Jcm 111fo be mcrr anb iopfUlL tl_Je (Je11rt.
4 !lD fin« bnto Cll5oD.anll fingpiaifes tmto IJis 27 ~IJm ts ltttlc~rniamtn tlJtirmler, anD
~amc: ma~ifie l}im tl)antbe:tl} bpon tlJe l)ca• tlJc 1&1inccs of~Ulla tlJett counfdl: tlJe 10,inces
ucns at1 it were bpon an l)~fc. p~atfc l}im tn l}ts of ~abulon,ant1ti.Jc1&1inccs of ~cpl.Jtl.Jalt.
f.lamc. rca,anll rctorcc bcfo1c(Jtm. 2 s ~nr <aon l}atlJ rent fotth fh'engtlJ fo1 tlJee:
s 'e ts 11 fatlJer of tlJe fatlJertdrr. anll tlcfm, t?alllt6J ~ tl:}tng, © Cll5oD, tl]at tl)ou l}aa '»toug\Jt
Detl.J tl_Jc caufc of ttJe uibo\llcs: eu..--n <5ob in lJiJJ m b!S.
l}olf l]11bitation. 2 9 <jfo~ tlJ1? ~emplel! fake at '.]lerufalcm : ro
6 'cc is ti.Jc Cll5oll tf}at maketlJ mm to bee of fb11ll Iliings b1ing p1crent!5 bnto t1Jee.
one minbe in an lJoUCe , anl> bztngctl)t(Je Ptifo• 3a 119(Jcn tl)e companr of the fpcarcmrn, anti
mrs out of captiuitic : bttt lettctlJ tlJe runna• multitulle of t(Je migt:itr, arcrcattttell ab1oall a•
gates continue in rcarcenctre. mong tlJt beans of tl}e people (fo ti} at tlJcr l)um-
7 !lD 0oll, '»I.Jen tl)oU\llentca foo1t1J bero1c blp bting pieces or ftluer:; anti 'Wl)en l}ee l)atlJ
ti.Jc people :\111Jen tl]ou \llcntca t1J1ou1111 tl)c ud, fcattercll t(Je people ti) at beligf;Jt in \\lan-c.
Demetre. 3t ~en llJall tte p~ince15 come out of <l?gppt:
s ~lJe earttJ {l:looke, anl> tl}e fJeaucns ll~OP• tlJc Sl@o1ians tanilc 11Jall foone tlrctt[J out fJtt
peb at tl)c pJefcnce or Ci3ol> : eucn as ~inai alfo (J11nllis tmto Cll5oD.
\llss mouen at t!}c p~cfencc or <l!5ob , \11f1itlJ i!S tl)c 32 ~ing bnto Cll5ol>, ©pee fitugllomcs or ti.Jc
<13oD of]ft'11el. cart('):~ Ong p1aife15 bnto tiJc )L.o~tl.
9 'IE'(Jou,l!D <l!5ol>,frntca a gracious r11tnc bp' 33 tmlJicl:J fittetfJ in tf;Je l)eaucns ou~ al Crom
on tl1inc inl)critancc: anll rctrefl.Jena it ul]cn it tl)e bcginnini;t: loe,IJcc iloctf;J ftnll out l)is bopcc,
tt111s 'alcartc. rca,anll tlJat a mig\Jtt' bop re.
to ~t' Clton~gatton 11JaD ll\lleU tf;leretn: 34 9fmbe re tl)cpomertolllJob ouer]~ael:
ro~ tl)ou, l!D ~on, l)aa of tlJr gooilnctrc NeJJareb bis bJOJlbip anti fh'mlitlJ ts in tlJe&toul>e!S.
foJ tl)epoo1e. · 35 ill> <5ob, 'alollerful art tl)ou in ti.Jr bolp p1a,
t t '4tl)e JL,oiD gaue tl)c wo~D: great '1l81!1 CfJe: ces: eurn tl)e Cll5ob of'.]Jfracl,IJe 'aid giuc llren!JtlJ
companr oft(Jc Ncat11ms. anti po\Dfr tinto IJispcople, bldfe:b be 13oll.
u Ilii11~'1Jit(Jt1Jcirmnlet11>ibfltc..anl1'1Jere Saluum mefac. Pfal.69.
ili"omfi:tel> : anl> tlJcp of tlJe l)oulbolbe lliuiDe:l>
tl)cfpoilc. mauemec~ @1801>: f~ the \Daters Euening
13 ~l)ougl) re l)auc lpcn amongtl)c pots. pet arc comqn.euen ~nto mp fotllc. prayer.
O:Jall re be at1 tl)c 'Winp of a lli'oue: tlJat is coue, 2
l lltellc raa m tf;Je llcepe mpte
rcllbJitl)flluerbJtn~,~IJnfeat11erl!ll1ktgo1D. \tll}mno grounn is: '.JI a1n tomr
1 4 mbrn tiJc atmt!ll1tr rca~eD Bingl!I f~~ tnco beep tratcrs,eo tlJat tf;Je ftoolls
tlJetr fabe: tlJcn bJtte tl;Jcp 815UllJttc11s fnotoe m runne oumne.
~almon. 3 . 1 am ~earp of ceylng,. 'tll' tluo11tc ts 111r:
1 s as tlJe !Jill or' tS!I ~Obj l)ill: cuen anr figbt fatlctlJ mce fo~ \Dattiilg fo lOng typon
an IJtg\J l}ill, a11 tl)e lJtll of '6afan. mr Cll5ot1.
16 twlJl! lJop reCo re lJigl} lJil_le:is ~ tbil1il!l4'ol>S 4 ~fJct' ttJa~ l)ate mu 'tDitlJouta mllft, are
IJill, tn t[Je\DlJiclJ tt111e:afftlJl)tm tob\lJcU : rca. ~e t(Jent~elJaires of mr 1Jea11: tl)ey ttJat arc
tlJc "Jl,011> \lltll abibe m it foi eucr. mme encnne15, anl)\DouUJ lltlh'O! me gutltletTc.
1 7 ~e cl)aret~ of lllJoll are tmentr tllouranb, ate mtg{Jtp.
The acceptable facrifice. The The faithfuls hop:
1 5 iJI papen tl)em tl)c tl)tt11• tl)at 1 neucr 33 ~cl)umbleOJaBconfiDtttlJi•,~be~lall: ,
toofte : 0011 tlJou hno'OJeft mp rtmplenctre, anD feelle fe&fter tJOUt route 11.Jall liue. . ·
I, mp rau1tsarenot (Jill from tlJe~. 34 f OJ ~e 'J!.OJD l)earttl) d:Je poo1e; ann De{Jll' '
6 JL,et not tIJcm tlJat trUtlm tl)ce, ill> 'JLotb Cetl) notlJ•IS Pttfoncrs. 1
115011 ofl]olls, be a11.1ameD Cot mp caure : let not 35 JL,tt l:)cauen ann tent) waife 1Jim : tl)e rca
tlJofe ttJat rcckc tlJcc,bc confoun11e11 tl)~olllfJ me. ann all tl)at moued) tlJctetn.
ill> JL,ozD $OD of']fracf. 36 foi (JfJoD \lJtll raue $:!>ton. anb bu&lb tt}e ct'
7 ann tolJF '1 ro: dJP faftt l)aue 1 ru«ereb re• tiel'S of ]una : tlJat men map D\llell tl)cre, ano
p~oofc :a1amc l]atlJ couea:e!I mr face. l)auc tt inpotrtrrion.
s :JJ am become a lranmer bnto mp b1etl)tm: 31 ~c poftmtte alfo ofl)ilS rmsantss OJ all iK•
cum an aliant bnto mp motl:)erss cl.J&lD;Jtn. fJerit it: anD ttJep t{Jatlouc l:)tis Y.lame llJalt D\Dcll
9 ~ot tlJr !Cale of tlJl' l:)oure (Jatl) cuen eaten ttJeretn.
me: anD tlJe rcbufms of ttJem ttJatrebufleb tl)ee, Deus in adiucorium. Pfal. 70,
arc rauen bpon me. H aae tl:)ee, ® <5011, to beliuer me: maflt l)aae
10 '.])\Dept, anDdJaftene'D mpfelfe'mitl)faft. to1Jdpeme,IDJJ.,01'D.
infl: anD tl}at tllais tumt'D to mp rep1oofe. 2 'JLct tl}cm be allJamcll anll conrounllell tf)at
JI jjpuconaraclmlotl)alro:anll tlJep tclfell reefi.e artttmrroule: let tl}emteturnellbatfic•
bpon me. tllarll anll putto conmrion tl)ac 'millJ me tutlL
12 -m;l)er fit tn tlJe riate fptaflc amainfl 3 'Jl,ettl)i(fo.ztIJcinewarll)bcfoonebto!PJt
me: ann tlJe D.znnliarns ma fie rongs bpon me. to ll)ame: tIJat me ouer me, -m;tJerr,tf;Jm.
13 :16utJL0111, '.l! make mr p.zarerbntotl)ee: 4 l6utlftaHt11orttl)11tleckedJce,beiorfull
in an amptable tune. anti l[all in ttJee : anll letall fUdJ aOcliQIJt in
14 ll}rare me,!!:> <ll5ob, in tIJe multitube oftl)r t(Jpfaluation,rar altllap, -m;lJe JJ.,011> be p.zatrtb.
mmp: euen in tJJe truecl) or tlJP faluation. s as fo.z me..') am poo.zr,anb in miferp:IJalfe
1 s -m;a11e me out of tl)e mire,tIJat] flnflenot: tl.JeetJnto me (© cl!5oll.)
©11 lct me be oeliumll from tl)Cln tl)at l]ate me, 6 CIJou art mp !:)riper anb mrrclleemcr: ii>
anl:l out of tlJi: bccpe waters. JLo;ll mafie no lonm tarrtng.
1 6 )Let not tl}e 'mater ftooll n.zo\Dne me, nei•
tlJcr let tIJe lleepe f\Dallotll me bp:anll lct nottl]e In te Domine fperaui. Pfal.71. ,
pit tliut (Jer moutl) bpon me. ft tl:)ce, !!> JL,o~IJ, f)aue 1 putmr Morni'
17 ~care me, ©Jl.,oJIJ, fo.z tl)plouinl(fdnb, mia, lctmencuerbeputtoconfu. prayer.
ntffc i11 comf0Jtable : tume t(Jee bnto me, auo~ fion: but rinme, anue1t11ermc in '
l:ling to tl)c multitulle of t(Jp meteics. ttw rigflteOUfnetTe , encltne tlJinc
1 ll anll l)ibe not tlJr face from tbr fmlant, • care lmto me,anll rauc me.
fo1 '.JI am in trouble: ©l) I.latte thee, \t l)eare me. 2 l6e tl:)ou mp ftron11Jol11, tlllJerunto ~ map
19 ll'Jawc nigl) tmto mp roulc. ann raue it: altllap moit: tl:)ou l]aft p~omtrrll to IJelpe me,f01
©l) Deliuer me, becaure of mine enemies. tl]ou art mp l)oufc!I me mtlle.
2 o ~ou IJa(l 1motllen mr rep.zoofe,mp lbame 3 ~ellUtt me,© mr <85011,out of tlJclJanb of
annmp'DillJonour: mine abuea:rmess are aUin tIJe bngoblP: out of dJe l}anll of tIJe bnriptcous
ti)p flgl)t. an1>ttuell man.
21 -m;1Jr rcbul!e l]atl) b.zoltcn mp l)eart, 11 am 4 1fo~ tiJou, © JLOJll <301J, art tl.Je tl)ing tlJat
full of(Jcautncil'e : 1, looflell fo.z ro111e to (Jaue pi, ] lon11 fln:ttJou art mp 1Jo11.e,eum frii mp poutiJ.
tv on me, bttt tl)ere \lJais no man, neitIJer founll 5 '4tlnoulll:) tl)ee l:)aue 'l bcne l:)olDm bp cuer
Ji anp to comfo.zt me. fince '.]J tllaS botne : tl)ou art (Jee tl]at toolie mec
2 2 ~lJcpgauc mce gaU to rate : anll wlJen 91 out of mp motl]ers tllombc, mp p1atrc aialbe al•
\11ttis tlJir«r, tlJcr gauc me binegcr to llJinltc. wapoftf;Jec.
2 3 ·r.,et tlJeir table be mane a rnare to taltc 6 '.JI am buonttal!l it 'IDerc a monl!crtmto
tl)emfeluef$ \lJtt(Jall : anD let tile tl)illllSI (tl:)at manp: but mp rurc tnra is in tIJee.
01ou11J l:)aue bene foi t1Jetr l»Calti)) be tlnto tl:)em 7 ©let mp mouttJ be ftllrb '1111tf1tlJt'111atre:
an occafion offallin!J. CtlJat 'J map onmoftlJP 11Io.zp)anll 1Jonom antlJe
2 4 JLct ti:) cir epcs be blinllc!l,tllattl)qfte not: baplong.
anb eutr bow bo\Une ttJeir bacfns. s Cltall menota'IDapintIJetimeofage: fol'
~ ~o'm~e out tl)ine inDi1Jnation bpon tl)em: faflc me not tllben mp tlrmgtl:) faifctlJ me.
a~]) let tlJ! 'ltlJatlJfull IJifpleafure take IJolDe of 9 1foJ mine me mies [\lcafle againll me, l1nD
t.itl\1, tl)ep tfJat lap b>ait fo.J mp(ouJe, take ttJrtr comt•
to ·b-'!.,ll..e~tl:)ti~1JabitationJlt.boit1:an1>noman fell to~etl)cr, raping : <!Job l)atlJ foJ~fltn l)im.
wtU 1ll tl)ttrtrnts. -- ~ µerCecutelJim.ann take l)im. fo.J tJJm ••none to
.7 '.1f o~ ~ perrccutt l)im 'rolJom ti.Jou l:)al! lleliuerlJim.
~~tttn:an]) tllcp talkel)otll tl:)cp map be~ tl}cm 1 o <3oe not rarre from me, flD <!!Job : mp (!15011,
i~ t:IJou IJa« 'mounnen. l.Jafte tbre to f:Jelpe me. .
~ct t:IJcm fall from one b>i,lieandl'e to an•
11 'ltt tJJem be confoamllrD 8JIZI pmllJ , d)at
·anll not come into tl:)p ti!llJteeunwae. are amaintlmp faule : let tlJCm be 'oumn '1Dit1;1
- - 'll;tttl)embeb>(ptbout ofti,Jeboolleofd)i QJan1ean11 t>ift.Jonour.tbatfedft to DD meeutlL
lmmg · anb not be 'G:l~itten among tl)e n~ u a111 fo.J me, 1 b>iU patimtlF abiDealwap :
ous. anD b>ill piatre tl.Jte mo.Jc ann mote.
3o gs foJ me.'a>IJm 'J anspome an?I in t;ieaut.
nclfe :tlJP IJ_elpe (© 1801>) OJalllitt me bp
1J,_,moud) illall aarll' fptalitofttwrig(J,
tcouCnelfe ano flilaaCton : f01 ~ tmou no enn
3r '] bltll p,atrc tlJe f.}ame of QJoD \llitlJ 8 tl)cmr.
rong: anD magniftt it 'tnitlJ tlJanflfliutn; l 4 1 \Dill !IO £o#tl.J in u,e ftrm«tlJ of tlJl' J!..Otb
32 ~if$ alfo tl)al plea re tl)e ll.oJI>: beM dJm Cflob : ant> ~&II malt£ mention OftlJp riQ.l}teoui;
a bulloclie,ttlat l)at:Ql1omes an1> IJOOfd. ndfconclp.
t_rill:skingdome figured. The Churchaffiia~-a:- 20- 3 ·
' 15 ~ou, ill> cll5ob, !)aft taugl)t met from mr like lLibanuS!I, anl) llJalbc gnene tn tlJe Citic, libe
routlJ bp bntill nom: tf;Jttefo~e mtu '.JI tell oftin' gralfc bpon t1Jt cartlJ.
~ wonDcrous mo~lies. 17 ~is Jaame ilJal cnbure ro~ eucr,lJtS!I Jaamc
16 foifsfle me: not,© 0ob,in mine olDc age, OJall remaine tinber tiJe ~unnc mnon11 tl)e po,
i~ tti[Jen 91 am grap bcabeo : tintill ')l l)aue fbemen ltcrtttes: 'mlJicIJ ll)albe blctreb tl)zougl.J l}im, ann
tl:JF firm~ bnto tl)iSS generation,allll tlJl' po\\l' all tl)e bcatl)en llJall pzatre l]itn. .
~~ er to all tf;Jcm that are petfoHo come. 1 8 :lBlctreD be tile JL01D ©ob, cunt tbc <iDob of
~( 17 ~l:Jr ri_gfJtcournctre, © cll5oD, iS!I tittp l:JigfJ: ]Creel: 'mbtdJ onclp noe·tb 'monbttous min~.
anb great tlJmms are tl)e1' tiJat tlJOU l}aft none, 1 9 anll blc[cll bee tl)e ~ame ofl)iis ~a1elltc

~ ® <5ob, \Dl)o iS!l lilte tinto t!Jee:' . foze~tt .: anti au tl)eeartl) OJall be flllcD mttl) l)iS!I
'• 18 © 'miJat great troubless anll allucrfitieS!I !J@a1cft1e,amcn,amcn.
t~ ~~g::~~llJ~~~~~::i~~~gJ~:J~:~1:i.~~~=: ~am bonus Ifrael. Pfaln.
~ !)Ccpc Of tl}e eartl) agatnc. 11tUelp <ll>Oll iSS lotting bnto 9]Crael: Euedn
i.. 19 ~oul)at? biou~t nuetogreat (Jonour: rucntmtofucl} ais arc of a clcane prayer. g
:... anD comfo~teD me on euerp aoe:. l]eart.
·~ 20 ~l)ttefo~ mt11 p1aJfetiJe:c~tl)pfaitfJ< :a frleue:rtlJcle:trc, mp fe:cte
~:. CUlne:ffc (©©ob) plapin[ bpon an marument . 'Lllm almoa gone : mr trcallingis
·~ or murictte:: tinto d.Je:e mtl 1 Ong tipon tiJe: l)arpe, t)ao 'WelntglJ aipt.
~~ ®CIJOUl)O[p~ne:of']frad.. 3 ann '\DlJp:' '] 'LllS!!l\lrieucl>attl)c\'Dicfietl:
lt 2 1 ~ tipµes ~ill bee fatne \'Dl)cn 1 ring tm' ] bocalfo fee tl)c b~gontp 111 fuel) piorperttie.
1~ to tl)ee: : anti Co toil mp route tol)om tiJou l}att be' 4. !to1 ttJep are mno perill ofbeatlJ : but are
~~ ltutteD. luffte an11 lltong.
~ 22 ~l' tongue airoOJ all tallie: of tlJp rtgl}te, 5 ~IJcp come in no miffo~tune lifte otl)cr
ournetrc all tiJe: nap tong : fo~ tl)ep arc confoun' f'olrtc: ne:itl)cr are tl)cy plaguen lihe oti)tt mm.
~ ncn anb b,ougl)t tJnto ll)amc tl)at ree:lie to noc me 6 ann tl}ts tis d.Je caure: tl}at tlJcr bee ro,
cum. Den \llitlJ p.noc: ann oucrwl)clmcll mitlJ cn1c1cr.
fi. Deusiudicium. Pfal.72. 1 ~IJcircpcs ftocll'mitl) fatnetre: antlti)rp
!:/, G']tic tl}e Jt\ing tl)p iuDgemcnts (© <3011:>anti no cum 'ml)at tl]ep tuft.
· '".: t1Jr f'tglJtcournetre: tJnto tlJc ltingss ronnc. s ~IJcp coirupt otlJcr, anll fpe:arte: of tricflcb
-;_;;. :a ~1Jm11Jalll)ectullged.Jcpeoplcacco1lltng blafpl)emte: tl)cir talking tss agatna tl)c moll
. . . . , /-- bnto ngtJt: ann De:fcnll tiJc po~. 19tgtJe:ll.
; · 3 ~lJe mountainrs alfo flJaU bitng peace: 9 1(01 tljcy tlretd) foo1tlJ tfJcir mouti) tmto
· anll t]Jc little IJillc~ rti!Jte:ournctre: bnto tlJc tl)e f)enucn : anD tlJcir tongue goetl} tf)o~o\D tl)e
people. \tlo~lll.
4 f.)ce aiau kcrpe: tl)c fimplc folflc bp tl)cir 10 -m,1Jerefo1efant1Jc pcoplctmto tl)cm: an'tl
rigl)t: btfe:nbc tl)c ciJtlD~cn of tl)e: poo~e, anll pu, ti)ttrout rucl!c tiJcp no rmau aouanta(Ic.
nilb flJc 'm:ong llocr. 11 ~uOJ (Cap tl}cp) l)o\D 11Jou!ll cl!5oll pttCciuc
5 ~cy llJal rcare: tl]ee: ass long as ti)e: ~unne it: is tlJtte kno\tllctl~e in flJe: mon lli~t)tn:'
ani:ISlllJoonccnburctlJ: from one gcnttation to 12 ',IJ.,oc,t(Jefcare:tl)ctm~onlr,1lJcfcp~oCperi11
anotlJtt. t(Jc 'lnotlD, ano tl)efe f?auc ric1Je~ in potrcmon:
6 ll)ce O;iaU com.c lJo\'Dne liltc tiJe rainetnto a ann '.]!faille, ~en (Jauc ] cleanrcn mp tcart m
fleece of \llooll : eucn as tiJc n1oppcs tf:Jat 'mattt tJaine:,anD toaflJcn mr l]anllS in innocrncie.
li]e: cartb. 13 ~m t!Je: nap long l)auc ] bcnc puniUJClJ :
7 'l!n l)is time OJall tl)c riglJtcouS!I flouriffJ: anll ctJatlmcn euerp momtn~.
rea, an1> abunlJancc of peace, fo long ass tl}e: 1.;. i)?ea, anD 1 IJall almon Caine cum a~ tlJep :

s ' Ill
Q!)oonc cnouretlJ.
~ca to tl)c otl)er: ant'lfrom tl)ctlooDtJnto tl]e
but Ioe:,tlJm ll)oulll 'l! l)aue: conncnmcl'.'I tlJC gene,
llominton man bee alfo from tJJc one ration of tlJl? clJilnien. .
15 'l!rl}e:n tiJOUgl)t'.ll tobnncraanlltlJi~: but
'llloilllS cnll. it \118$!1 too (1arD fo~ me.
9 ~cy tl)at l>\'Dcll in tl)e: \tlilbe:metrc l1Jal1 16lllJntil1 lDcnt into tl)c ~anctuarr of ©oil:
fmeele bcfo1c l)tm : i;JiS enemies UJall ltckc d.Jt tiJcn b11t1e:rt'toon '] tl)e ennc of tlJcfc men.
butt. 1 7 ~amclp , l)owe: ttJou Doell ret tl)cm in fiiP<
10 ~Jlltngsof~arfiUnlloftl)e'.lllcS!ICIJal perp placeis: anD ca«e:ll tlJcm oo\\lnc, ano lie'
gtucp~ercntis: tlJc Jl\tngs of arabia anD ~aba ltropcfttiJcnt.
flJaDtninggtrts. 18 ©hlJo'tDCunncnlrlloe tlJcyconfumc: pc'
11 aI1 llling1511JallfaU Do\unc bcfo1c !)im: all ri11J,an11 come to aftarefull enllc:'
nationisllJaUnolJtmfe:rutcc. 19 ~ca. e:ucn lifie a~ a tiieamc \'Dhcn one a,
n <Jfoi l)e tMll l>cliucr tl)e poo1c nil)en l)c en. \llalictlJ: ro OJalt. tlJou mahc tl)eir image to tia'
etlJ: tl}e necllp alfo,anll l)im tl)at (JatlJ no I:Jelptt. nifl) out of tlJc c1t1e.
13 tee tllalt bee fauourablc to tl)e Ctmplc anb 20 ~(Ju~ mp t1ra~ttt1as gricucl>: anti it \Dent
RCCllfa : an'D OJan p1e:fcruc tiJc roulc!ll of CJJe cum tmougtJ mp remc;s.
poo~e. 21 ~o rooliflJ 'Was ~ ann tgno~anc: e:ucn al'.!
14 ~e lball llcliutt tl)dr routes rrom ra111)001> it nicrea beall bero1e d.Jcc.
annw~ong:anobcarcll}all tiJcirbloollbcinlJis 22 ~cuertl)elecre, 1 am ~l\Dar bp t}Je:e:: roz
ug}Jt. . tl]oul)aftlJolDen me ~r mpn~t1Jan11. ·
1 5 l,)ee flJallliue, anti tJnto bim fbaU be gtum 2 3 ~l)ou flJalt gui11c mu lllttl) CIJP counrcn :
of tIJe golne of :arabia: p~11rcr a.ial~ be mabe cucr atl'O after tIJat rcccmc me \lliti) giozr.
· bntol}im,an'Dba-ptpft)alll}cbcpiaiftb. 2 4 ~l}om l)auc 'l in l)caum but tl}re: anl'.'I
~f' ., 16 ~l)crc a.iau bccan l}capc of c~nc in tl)c tf?.,cre:1ssf~ne bpon cartt.J d,Jat] oefirc in comp a,
earttJ lJi~ bpo n tl)c 1J mes :l}1s fruftt fl)all 11Jale n.on o ~.,,cc.
.,c: 1ri.JJ.:t1t1

The Churches prayer.
· Thexv~ay. ThecupofGods\ivrad
2 5 ~P ttcllJ anti mp t;Jcart faiktl): bu,t (!!Joli 2 3 anre,so 1!5oD,maintaim~ tlJinc oton caurc:
ill tlJc arengtlJ or mr l}cart, anti mr poinon ro~ rcmcmbci IJotoc ti.Je fooltllJ man blafplJcnwttJ
tu£r. , t1Jcct1aplp.
2 6 1foz toe, tfJcp tl}at fo1Call£ tbcc CIJal~ pcrUIJ: 24 f o,gct nottlJc tlol'Cc of tl)ine cncmacss: tl;c
tl)oul}allDcttrorcnaUtlJcm tl}at 'ommit roint• p1crumpttonoft1Jemt1Jatl)atc tl;cc, cncrcafctl)
cation again« tlJct. cucrmo~c anti mo,c.
27 :13uttttssgoot1ro,mccto1Jolt1cmccraabp
$otl, to put mr trufl in tl)c ."Ji..o~tl <ltlotl : anti to
fpcaflC of all tlJr \DOOJIIC!l \ m tl)c gatc!l or tlJC
Ve quid Deus.
0 long~'WlJP iSS tlJr\D~atl)fol]ottagainlUIJc
$otl, wlJcrcfoie art tl)ou abfcnt rrom tiis ro
~ ·I·

· ·
. 2


· IJr.lto tl)cc (ID d!5otl) tloc \Dec gtuc M0 .'.'

giuc rca 1mto tl)cc boc'Wcc praycrr·.j::
~ ~amc atro is ro nig[J:
anlJ tl)at t1oc tlJr \DonlJcrouss
llJcepc of tlJp pallure 1 \Uo~beis lJedarc. -<
:z. ©tlJinllcbpontbr~ongregation:Ull)om 3 U91Jen'.)lrc,eiue~e<ongrcgation:'.jj11Jal ·:·;
tl}ou [)alt pur'iJaf.e1> an1> rci:Jeemcll of olllc. ttlbge acco~llmg tmto nglJt. ~
3 ~mile bpo tlJc tribe of tl)inc tn()crttame: 4 ~lJe cartl) iss \Dcalte.,anl> al ttJe inl}abttns ;,
anti mount ~ion lDIJmin tlJou IJall lJ\Dclt. ttJcreor: '.JI bcarc bp tl)c ptUarss or it. ..,
4 JL,tft bp tlJr f'eetc. tl]at tl)ou marea bttcrlr s '.ll falll bnto tl)e foolcs, Weale not ro mall<
ncllrop eucrp cncmie: lDl;Ji'IJ IJatl) ~ne cum in Ir: anti to tl)e bngolllp, ~et not bp rour IJo~ne.
tllt' ~anctuarp. 6 ~ct notbp rour IJomc on lJiglJ: an1> fpealic
· s '£!Jine anucrrariess roare in tlJe millllell of not \DttlJ a ftifft nca1e.
tbr ~ongrcgattonss: anll fct tip tl}eir banncris 7 1fo~ pJomotion commet{J ncittcr from
fo: tofiens. tlJe <fall noi from t!)e ooea : no~ rct from tlJe
6 ~ec tl)at IJe'rocll timber aroie out of tlJe ~outlJ.
tl]ichetm.!S: 'Wass lmolDen to b~ing it toan e:r• 8 SnlllDIJF~ 001>iis tlJc 1utJgc: beputtttlJ
ccllcnttoo~flc. llowncon~,annrettctl) bp anotfJer.
1 l5utno'me tlJer b~cafic tlolDne an tlJe 'ar• 9 1foi mtl)c1Jan1.1 of tfJe"A.-0111 ttJerc tis a cup,
ucll \l.Jo:kc t}Jereof: 'mitl) a:reis anll ()ammerss. ann tlJe mine iss relJ: it tis rull n*t, anll l)e po\»;
s ~lJcp l)aue ret fire bpon tlJF lJolp placess: rctl) out of tl}e fame.
ant11Jauct1clile1>t1Jclltoellingplaceoftl)ptlamc. io ass fo~ tlJc ~ep tl}creof:ailtlJe tmgolllp
cuen to tl)c grounn. of tlJc eartl;J OJall D#nfic tl}cm, anlJ Cuclle d}em
9 Fea,tllcp rail> tn tl)etr l:Jcartis,JL,et bSS maflc out.
f)auoclie of tl)em altogetl]cr: tl)uss ()auc tl)ey 11 l&ut~toiltallteoft1Je0ollof~acob:anll
burnt bp au tl)e l)ourcss of ©oil in ti.Jc lanll. waifc IJim fot eucr.
10 tWccrce not our tohcnss, tl]cre iss not one 12 all tlJc IJo:ness of tlJe bngolllp alfo \lltll~
ta:opgct mo:c : no not one ts tl)cre among
tlJat tini)crflanlletlJ an)! mote.
b- bteakc: am tl}e ()o~ness of tl}e rtg(Jceouss ll1albe
11 © <J!Soll, llOlD longOJall tl)eabUCrfatp lloc Notus in Iudc:a. Pfal. 76,
tl)iis i:lillionour: lJo\1.1long111all ttJe mcmtc blaf. I {r) gj'mp tss <13011 knotum: fJais frlamc it$ grrat in
plJcmc tlJJ! flame, ro: eucr1 ~fraeL
n tWlJp UJtt1J1>:a\Dca tlJou tl)p l)anbc : \DI.Jr 2 St ~alctn tis IJiis ~abcmaclc : an1> IJiSS
plucfic(l not tlJou tlJF rtglJt1Jan1>eoutoftl}rbo• ll\DeIUngin~ion.
romc to conrumctlJc cncmte1 3 ¢here b~afle IJc tl)e arro\Dcis ortl)c bo\\I:
r ; !If o~ <5on tss mp )Jlin~ of ellle: tlJc 11e1pc tlJat tfJe l1Jielt1,tlJe f'Wo1n,an1> tl)e batten.
tistio11etiponeartlJ,1Je1>oetlJitllfntfclCc. 4 ¢1Jouartormo~e l)onour ~mig(Jt: tl)cn
14 '4nJou 1>it1t1ect btuioe tl)e ~ca tl)~ougl:J t11r t[Jc ()illeis of tlJc robber$S.
po\ucr: ttJou b:alicll tl)e 1Jcan13 of tl]e 111agonss tn s ~e p~ou1> art robbcll,tfJcp t1aur ficpt tlJrir
tl:Jc \uaterG. aeepc:anll all themcn(\DlJOfe lJannis \Uercmtgl}•
15 ~{Jou rmotcct tl:Je (Jcall!l or )Leutatl}an in tic) (Jaue founn notl)fng.
~itceis: a111> gancctl)im to be meatfo: tlJcpeople 6 atttJrrcbuhc(GD <!!501>or']mob:) llot(J tf)c
m tlJe 'altlllcmeffe. '(Jaret anll tJoirc arc fallen.
1 6 ~l)ou b:ougl}tell out rountaincis anll \Da• 7 ~t:Jou, cum tllou art to be rcaretJ: anll \ll)Jo
ttr~ out of tlJe (Jarll ro'~: ti.Jou 1111cilft bp migl)• map llanll in thp figl;Jt w)Jen tl;Jou art angrp~
tte 'alatets. 8 ~ou t1i1Jllell murc tl;JF iuDgnnmt to bee
1 1 ~t:Jenar is t(Jane, anti t(Je nigl)tiistlJinc: 1Jearnrrom(Jeauen:t1Jceartl}trcmblct1ant1\Dais
tl:Jo~ l)all p~eparcb tl)c li!ll)t anll tl)e ~unne. llill.
t'ko•u"'~out:Janrct all t1:Jc1Jo1t1crisoft1Jecard}: 9 DIJm arsolJ arorc to tullgcmcnc: ann to
•., 19 .inn mane ~01nmcr ann minter. (Jelpe all tiJc mcrfle bpon cartlJ.
Jlltmtt1lllcr tl)is, llD )\D t'(Jc cnmrie 1 o ~e flemnctre or man {haR turnc to tlJp
~r~P=:~~~ ann l)oble tl)e fooliilJ people l)atlJ piatre: anti tl}e «crcrncffc or tl}em 11.Jalt tlJou re•
20 ilD b 1i •11:' Jaame. frainc.
tlntoti)e~u~ernottl)e fouteof~pturtlcllouc 11 }&iomifc 1.mto tlJe JL,o.ttl pour eon, anti
not tl)e ~ot•nr:u1>c. of tl)e mcm1cs : anb ro~gct fttcpe at, all rec t1.1at bee rounD about bim: bitng
... 11attonoftl)epoo•efo•mcr p¢entJSbnto"'imtl)atoug1.Jttobcfcaret1.
:i. i JL
, ooke b;.011
,. t"" ......~nt : ~..
.... ""011-..
..... " o•• at't ...,.,
..,.. 1 i $e aiau ., rcrrame , tlJ e Cp,into
. f pimcca
. : anti
c~rtl) is ruu of llar1tenetrc ann ~ucll f;Jabita• ts uionllcrfull among tlJc illmgs of tfJe earm.
ttons. Voccmca:idDominum. PJal.77. ·
fZ>l::J let not tlJcr1mp1c 11oeabla~ al!Jant£b: I min ar bnto ~011 toitlJ mp tlorcc : cucn bnto
but 1rt tl}e poo1c anti nee11p gtue PJSift bnto tlJP eob blill 1 crp 'alitlJ mp tlorcc. anti (Jee nian
~attu~. (Jcarflcnbntome.
1~fiericie co be taught. The xv .day. Tcn1pcingof God. 20+

2 l]in tIJe time of mp trouble 'J1 roulllJt tlJC 9 annnocto be al'S t1Jrirfo1l'fat1Jcrss,a raitlJ,
to,n : mp foJc ranneantJ 'carcn not:,in tlJC ntglJt lt!Tc anti llubbumc genmnton : a ~nrratton
rearon mp roulc rcfufco comro1t. tlJat f£t not ttJrir !}cart artgt:it, anti 'Wl)ofc fpirtt
3 119JJcn 1 am tn l)cauinctre '.31 toilltl}mllc c1tauct1,Jnotltct1ralllpbnto~ot1.
bpon$o!I :tol)cnmpl)cartisbrJ;ctJ,'.Jltolllc0111: ~o Jl.,ilic astl)e clJiltJ,en of ~IJ~aim: to(Jicl1
plaine. bttng lJamclfetJ It earring botocs, ttmll'ti tlJcm,
4 ~{Jou IJolllcll mine eyes toalling: 1 am felucs ba,lle tn tfJc 11ar ofbattcIL
ro fecblt tfJat ']\ cannotfpcahe. 11 'il(Jcp kept nottl)r ciroucnant of ~o!J: ann
s j\ l)auc conut1crc11tl)c11ares of0111: an11 tl)c tooulb not to aIfie in hi~ lLa\ll.
rceres tl}at are palt. 1 2 l8ut fomatc \Dl}nt l)cr l)rill-tionc: anb the
6 1 ral to rcmemb;tam:emr fong: anll in ttJe \Donbcrfull \ll~,fic tlJat lJc 11an fuctrlcll fo~ tf1t111.
nigIJt '] commune \DitlJ mine o\llne {Jcart, anl:J 1 3 Sllilarucnous tlJing~ llill lJce in tt1c OglJt of
rcardJ out mp fptrits. ourro~eratJ,Jcr~ mtl}clanllof ICgrpt: cucn 111 tl)c
7 IWil tlJc JL,0,11 abfcnt IJimfclCe Co1 eucr: an?J ficlD of'5oan.
\J.ltll IJc be no mo~e intrcatcl:J1 . 14 ~c lliuillell tl}c fca, (l lct tl]r1n go tlJiouglJ :
s '.]ls l)is mcr'r clcanc gone foJ mer: 1111t11s l}c ma lie tl)c toatcr~ to aanll en an 11capc.
bts p~emife come bttcrlp to an enllc ro1 cucr· 1 5 '.)In tlJc Mp time alfo (Jc Jcllllc them toitlJ a
moic1 dounc: 1111t1 an t}Je nigl)t tl)~oug() liiitlJ a ligl)t
9 'at1J<i!Jol:JC0.1gottcn to bee gractous: anti oCfire.
\lliU l)cc OJut bp lJi~ loutng liinllcnetrc in llifplca• 16 ~c clauc tlJc l)arl! roclts tn tIJc toilocmctrc:
rurc 1 ann gaue tl)cm ll~tnhc tl)crcof,a!j it l)ao bcnc out
w anb 'Jl faille, 'Jt t~ mine oumc inflrmltic: of tl)e great J:Jcptl).
but'.3\ mil remember ctJc rerc~ of tl)c riglJt IJanl:J 17 ~c b~ougtlt \Da.tcrs out of tl)c aonp ro,lic:
ofrt1c 1tUJtll~ig1Jdt. fo tlJattt gu!J)cll out l1he tl)c riucrs.
11 ']\'mill remember tl)c \lloifics of tl)c JLo~J:J: . 18 1Pct fo~ au this t(Jcp flnncll mo~c againtl
anll call to minDc tl)p manners of olll time. 1J1m: anl:J p~ouoffeD tl,Jc motl: ~igl)ctl in tlJc toil•
'2 '.J will tl)inftcalfo ofall tlJF tooo~hcs :an11 llcmctre.
mptallitngfliaibcoCtlJrlloinQ:s. 19 ~(Jcytnnptcb<3ob in flJelt: l)cart!l: ann
'3 ~IJP toar,© <3011,ls IJolr: tolJo i~ ro great rcquircll mcatc fo: tIJctriua•
.1 <Ooll(as our ©oil~) 2° ~hep fparttagainlf ~oDalfo.faping:~l)al
!:t 14 ~tJouart tlJc $ol:J that l!Octl) toonbms: ©ollpicpareatablcintl)c\Dtlllcmc!fe1
II anll f)all Dcclarcll tlJr po torr among tbc pcoplr. 21 Ille fmote tl)e aonr roc'lie tn lltt'Dc, tlJat ttJc
1 5 ~(Jou IJatl mig(Jtilp bcliucrcD tlJr people: \llatrrgufl)cl:J o~.anb tl}c tlreamcsfto\llcD lllitlJ•
cuen tlJcfonne~ of]a,ob anD ']ofcplJ. au: but can l)c giuc b~cao alfo,o~ p~ouillc flcllJ fo~
16 ~c '!Daters raw tlJce, © ®oD, tlJc 'mattrs IJts prople1
raw tiJcc,anll 'mcrc afraiD: tl)c llcpUJcs alfo \llcrc 2 2 n&l)C11tflc JLo~b l)carb tlJis,l:Jc 'mas \tlJOtlJ:
troublell. ro tlJc fire \DasmnlllctJin ]acob, am1 tIJrrc c.:amc
17 'ij;JJr cloullcs poto~c) out toatcr, tlJcairc bp (Jcaur llifplcafurc agaantl ]fracl.
tlJunllercD: an!I tllinr ar~otocs tocnt abioab. 1 3 l8cmurc ttlcp belccucD not in ©ol.l : anD
18 ~Jc boicc of tflp tbtmtirr \llas l]carl:J roun?J put not t11cir trulhn IJiS hclpc.
about: tlJc ligl1tnlngs nione bpon tflc grounb, 24 ~o IJcc commannco tlJc ctouncs abouc:
tbc carttJ \lla~ moncll, anll fiiooltc \llitllall. ann opencl:J tl}c nooies ofhcaucn.
19 ~fir wap i~ in tl)c ~ca, ann tlJp patl)s in 21 l.)c raineil llo\llne ~anna airo bpon ttJem
tlJc great Uiatcrs : anl.l tlJr footcllcps arc not fo~ to cate: anll gauc tlJCln foo!I from l)caum.
fmo\llrn. 2 6 ~D man llill catc angels fooD: an111Jc rent
20 ~oulcbtlcil tlJp people liftc fl]cepc: bp flJc tlJcm mcate rnoug(J.
iJnnll cf ~ores anti aaron. 21 ~cc t:aufcn tl;le Qt;aa \l.linoc to blo'n'l bnticr
Ateen ditepopu Ie. Pia r. l)cauin: anl:Jt(JJougIJlJtspo\llcrIJcCbJougl;ltin
1.78. tl)c~outt)"tllctl\Dinllc.
' <fare mp JLa'W, © mr people: en· 2 s l!)cc t:ainc?J flcllJ bpon them as t1Jia1c as
1ycr. . cl inc pour care~ tmto tl)c b.lo~ns 11u1t : anD fcatl)crCZI foul cs lthC ai; tl)c fanll of tl)c
jofmpmoutl]. ~ea.
2 ']ltoillopcmnpmoutiJina 29 1)3ccI.etitCa1lamong tl]cir tc1Jtcs : cucn
I parable: 1 \lltll occlarc l)arl:J fen•
'Z tenccsofolll.
3 ll3 l'1J wee l)auc l)carll anl.l rtno-a,cn: atlb
rounD about ttJrir l)abttation.
30 ~ot1JcpbiD_catcan11tocrc'mr.U fillcl.l,foJ
(Jee IJBU~ tlJem t11e1~ ownc oeurc: tl)cp mere not
rm(J as our fatl)crs IJauc toln b~. 11trappo111teb of ftJC1~ lull.
4 -ri;iJat wee flJOUlll not (Jille ttJem from tl)e 3i l8ut llllJilc t(Je meatc \Das ptt tn tl)cir
'iJilDJen of tl1c generations to 'ome: but to tlJc'al mout(Jcs. tlJc l)caur to~atIJ or ©ol:J came bpon
thc1Jonour of t11c·,ll.,0JD, l)is migl)tp ann \llon• tl)em.,(tauct(Je'alcaltlliclfort~cm: pea(tfmotc
lltrfUll too~hcs tl)at IJc {Jatl) t101w. ooumc ttJe c:l)ofcn m~n tl)at \llcrc in '.l\fracJ.
s ~e mane a coucmnt 'roitlJ ']1acob,anll gauc P l8ut fo~ ~u tin~ tlJcpfmneJ:J ret mo1c: ann
'3\~acla ll.a\D :w1Jic;IJ l}c c;ommanllcll ourfoicfa• bclceurb notl)1s \'Uon11e1·ous\llo1bcs.
tIJmao tcaciJ tiJcir clJilll~en.
6 ~~at t11cir poltctitie migbt linotoe it: anb
n ~cfo~c.tlJm 11a~ess 11ilJ lJcc conrume in
bamne: anti tiJcirrcmss m troublt,
tl)c c.:l)ilb,cn \lllJi~ tocri rct bnbo,nc. 34 IIDIJm Ile OCto ttJcm, tlJcr rougl)t biin: anD
7 €0 tl)c inttnt tl)at to1Jen ttJcr came bp : tuntcll tl)em cartp. anb cnqutrcb after ~oll.
tlJcy mi~l)t nic\U tl}cir c~1ilb icn ~c fame. 3s an11 tl.Jcr rC1t1Cmb1cb tlJnt ©ob toass tl)cir
s ~l)at tlJcr mt~t put ttmr trufl ln ~ob: tlrengtt}: ann tlJat tlJe lJiglJ ©ol:J toa~ tl} re·
ami not to fo~gtt tl.Je 'alo~ltS5 of ®OD, but to llccpc Dttmtr.
IJis <ltommsnbemcnts. 36 jf.lcuet:tl)detrc, tl)cy bfb but !latter (Jim
-Ifraelsingratitude. The Church perfecutcd·
'\DitlJ tl)cir mout(J : anD DttremblcD \lliti.) !Jim in 64 ~c fire conrumeD their pong men : an<i 1 ·~
tlJEir tongue. tlJetrmap~cnis.mcrc notgiticn to manage. ,
37 cjfo, tlJeir (Jcart \lln!!I not 1.ll1'~le ~it1) ()tm: 65 ~c1rp~1cllcis \tlcrc aatnc \lJitlJ tlJc rmo~D: ;
ncit(Jer continueD tlJCF ttcnraa m l:>ts5 ¢ouc• 1111l! tIJcrc 'Ulcre no 'Ulibomcis to mallc lamcn• ~
nan8t. :n;ut(Jcc\\la!!I Co mcrn·ru1IWJ11t.,e,oigauc
*"" h ir. 66 ~?o th cJL,o~na\lJaltcbaisoncout officcpc:
tl)cirmtr11cc11cs: i:mD DctlropeD tlJem i:iot. anD llfiea ~antrtfrcOJcl:l \lJitb \nine.
39 ~ea manr a ttmcturncD l)ec1J1is\tl1atl) a· 67 ~e rmott(Jiiscnctnic!!lin tIJcl)inbcrpartis:
\llap: atlD \\lotdl> not fuffcr l)il$ \ll(Jole bitplca· anD put tIJcm to a pcrpetuall llJamc.
rure to artrt. 68 ~crcrurct1 t(Jc ~abcrnaclc or]orcp(J: anD
4o cjf o~ lJc conrtDttcb tl)at tl)ep \tlcre but HcftJ: cl)ofcnot t(Jetribc or <eptnatm. '
anti tf.Jat tlJcp were cucn a ~innc tl)atpatretl) a· 69 l6ut c(Jofc tl)etrtbc orjjuna: cucn tlJc (Jtll
\\lar,anb commctlJ not agamt. of ~ion,\lJl}iclJ l)c loucD.
4 1 £1l)anp a time DiD tlJep p:ouol!c lJim in tl)c 70 anti ti;) ere (Jc butlllctl (Ji!!I ~cmple on lJi«IJ:
\tJilDcmc!fc: anti gtieucb (Jim in tl)c l!efcrt. ann laptle tl)c founbation or it ltfie tl;)c grounD
4 2 ~lJcp tm11eD baclic anb tmiptc'D <l!Jotl: anti m(JtclJ (Jc IJatlJ mabe continuanr.
mouet1 tlJc l)otr ~nc m'.}ltracL 71 $ec cl)ofe waui'D alfo IJils rcruant : anb
41 ~IJcp tl;)oualJt not or l)iis l)ann: anD of tl)c too fie lJim a\tlap from tlJe tl)ecpero1ocss ..
nap \lll)cn i,cc beliuercb ttctu fromtf;Je(JanlJof 72 asl)e\tlasfolo\\'lingtl)c<f\lJcisl\tcattDitlJ
tl)c enemte. rong one~,l)c tooflc l)tm: ttJat (Je tnil\IJt Cectl ~a,
4+ ~o\l'J l)ec l]atJ \tl'ouglJt lJi!S miracle!!! in<!• cob lJi!!l pcoplc.,ann '.llfrael lJi!!I inlJcntanu.
gppt: anb llis \lJonbtr!S tn tl;)e ficl'D of ~oan. 73 ~o tJc felJ tt.Jcm \lJitlJ a faitl)CUB anlJ true
I 4 s l.~c tumcb tlJetr mater!!! into blooti: ro tl)at l;)eart : an'D rulen tlJtm pJU'DCntlp \tlidJ all Vis
tbcr miglJt not 'D~inkc of ti.Jc nuer~. potocr.
46 ~ce rent lice ainong tlJcm, anti l:leuourcn
Dcus,venerunt. Pfal.79. ~.
t(Jcm llp : ann frogs to bcflrop tl;)em.

41 ~re gauc tfJeir fruit bnto t}Je €atcrptncr: el3ob,.tlJc.'ea~ arc come ill< Mornii~
anb tl) labour bnto tlJc <!!5ralbopper. to tl)mc mtimtance: : tlJl? IJOlr prayei .
43 1)3 cbetlroic~ t(Jeinatncs \tlitlJ l)aildlonc~: '4!;cmple l)aue tlJcr 'Dcftleb, llt1ZI •~
anti tlleir ~ulbcrie trccis mttlJ tl)e frott. matJe l!)terufalcm an ,lJeape of ..:
49 ·~cc rmote tl)ctr c~ttell alfo \tltt1) (Jatle' tlonc!!I.. ..
ffonris: nntJ tl)eir florfl!!l\lJ~tlJ (Jott(JunDerbolt!!I. :i. ~el>ellllbotJicUftlWfn'• ·
)0 i)i can bpontl)cm tl)efurioufnetrcorljts uants (Jauc tl}cp giucn to bee meatc bnto ti.le ;
\ioHltb,a. ;gcr, otrplcarure,antl trouble: an'D rent foutc~ of tl)c airc: an'D tl)e fltllJ of tlJr ~amt• "
cuil a\ti! :lis among tl)cm. lmto tl)c beats oft(Je lan'D.
51 lf)ce mane a mar to IJi!S inl:ltgnation, ann 3 ~IJcti blooD 1.Jaue t(Jep flJeb ltflc \\later on r;
r;.;areti not tf)ctr route from Dead): butgaue ti) cir cucrr utlc of,tcrufalcm; anD tl}cre 'Ulas no man
life oucr to t(Jc pcltilenu. to burp tl;)etn. '
s2 'anD fmotc au tlJcfi:rll bome in cfm?pt: tl)e 4 110eare beanman opcnOJameto our enc·
mo(l µ~incipall an'D miglJtictt in tlJcb\llcntngs mtc!S: a ticrp fco~nc anti tleliUon 1mto tlJem tl}at
on~mit. are rounD about b!!I.
s3 )5utassro11Ji!So\tlnepcople, l)eeleDtl)em 5 J..01D,IJ0\ll long milt t1Jo11 be angrp: n.ian ~

roo~tll ltltr 11Jcepc: ann cartctJ tlJcm in tlJt \lltltJcr• tlJJ? idoufie bumc ltlic fire Co~ cuer 1
llCil lthc a tlocftc. 6 l&o\U~e out tlJinc int1tgnation tiµon tl)c
H ll)ec bJou~t tlJem out rafdp ttJa~ ti:JCl' (JcatlJcn ti;) at taue not lmolDcn tflec : anD tipon
flJOUltl not fcare : ann oucr\\ll;)chne'D tlJeir enc· tl;)c ltingDomes tl)at (Jaue not caUc'D tipon tl}p t
micll mitt) tl)e ~ea. JF.!amc.
ss ann b~ougl)t tl)em \Ditl)tn tl)c boJbtt!!I of 1 1fo~ tl)cp (Jauc DcuoutctJ]acob:anDlaptJ
bill ~anctuarr: cum to lJilS motmtatnc \lll.'*lJ \llallc (Jis t1mcutng place.
tie purcl}afc'D lDitiJ (JilS rtgIJtl}anJ>. 8 il!> remember not out olD rinnts.butf]auc '
56 ~cc cact out tl)c (Jcatl}cn alfo befo1e tlJcm: merer bpon b~ anti tIJat Coone: roi 'Qle arc come t
cautc'b t(Jcir tanll to bee ntuit1cb among tlJtm ro1 to great mtferp.
an (Jeritage, ann mane tl)c ttwcs or '.)lt\'ael to 9 $elpe bSS, © <!!5otl ofourfaiuattott, fo~ tl}c
ll'OleU in tt)cir tcntss. glo~r of tlJr J1~ame: © l:leliucr tis,anD bee mct'Ci,
. 17 ~o tlJev te:mptc'll 1111?1 Dif\llcafcD tl}e moll full tinto our Cfnnes roi ti.JP Jf.!atne!!I fallr.
lJt\J\1 <ltlob: anll ftcptnot bis tcllimontris. 1 o oa(JcrcCoie DOc tl}e fjtattJm rar: ns(Jcre iS$
. 58 '.l5ut turni:tl tIJctr bacflcJ, anti rcn a1Dap nom their ~OD 1
ltltc tl:Jcit fo~efatl)crs : llarting aft'DC like ll b~O· 11 © lettf!ebcn«ea11u ortrJrrtruantss blootl
lttnbo'ale, tl}at iss OJctl:"' openlf OJt\\lCO bpon tf}e IJcat~cn
59 1To~ tlJev grtcucll lJitn \DitlJ tl.)eir (Jin al, tn our fi«bt. . .
~~s:s,.r:· 81lb PJOUOltcll l}im to llifplcafurc wttlJ 12 ii>ictCIJt ro1ro'IDfuR ~nll of tlJc p~ifo·
..,~ ima~cs:s. ncrs~ come befoJctlJCc: ac;co~m« to tlJc gnat,
tog~c1ro~cbn~ob IJcart1 tlliS,(Jc mas \llJotl}: an'D nerrc of ti.Jr po\llef p,efcrue tl]ou ttJorc tfJat arc
· hplcatUnat']ftacl. appointctl to bit.
~o tlJat l)e foifootte tl)c <Ctabcrnade m~t· 13 9.11?1 f01 tile blafpl)tmie \tlf1ttc\lJttl} our
lo : r.ucn ti.Jc tent tl)at l)cc (Jal> pttcl.Jtll among nci(JIJbo~s (Jaue blal)JIJ~tl tlJer .: rcwarn tlJou
tl}CIU. tl}em,© ll..oJb,ftUen foltllnto boromc.
62 ~c tleliu~tcb tl)ett po\lltt into captiuitte: 1 4 ~o \llre tl)at bee thp people anti llJcrpc cf
anti tl}cir bc11utie mto tl)e cmmie1S(Janb. tlJt' pall11n,fbaU !Jiue t1Jec t(Janlie!!I fo~ cucr: anil
6 3 ll)cc gauc lJtlS people ouei alfo bnto tl;Jc 'IDil al\llap be ll)cllltnlJ fooJtfJ tlJp p~atfc from gc.
C\Dotll : anll mas m1otl) tottl) [)ts tnbmtancc. ncratton to 11:mcratton.
'~e Churches prayer. lfraels obfiinacie.
Q[!i regis Ifrael. Pfal. So. 8 ') wooneb t(Jcc alfo : at tl)t \Daters of
<fare..© tfJou 11Jr:p1Jeart1 of]frad,tlJoutbat
~ ofqJIJ lifle a 11.Jeep~ : llJelDe tire feltc
9 l)eare, fl!) mr people , lf 'll \Dill alTure tlJee,
afro t(Jou tf;Jat fittell tlpon tlJe <ltt.Jm&bitnJI. © '.J\frael: iftIJou \tlllt()earkm tintomc.
2 :1Befo1e !leplJZaim, 15eniamin, ann ~a, I 0 -m;IJCfC fiJllft nO flrllngC <11501) be Jn tl)tC:nCfo
nlllI'eis:1tim tip tiJF arcngtlJ allll come anti IJelpe tlJep llJalt t1Jou 'mo~llJip anr otf;Jcr <115ob.
'\'\,.., bJ5. 11 'Jl am tlJe "A.-011> tllp 113ob , \DlJicl) b~ougl:Jt
3 ~urne tis agatne,© <!!Joi»: flJe\D tt.Je li;IJt tlJ~e out of t{Je lanb of ~t: open tlJp mouttJ
of t11F rountmance,allll tl'Je tllalbe \D()ole. \tl1be, anil '.ll flJall ftHlt.
4 © l1~o~t1e '3ob or lJotlcis: lJo\De long tllilt 12 l5ut mp people \tlou11> not l)eare mp boict:
,\ dJOU be angne tllitlJ tlJF µtopic tlJat p1aret1J: anti '.]lfrael 'CDoultl not obep me.
s ~u feet1e1t tl)em \DitlJ tl)e b:ean of 1 3 ~o 1 gane tlJem tip tinto tlJeir omne
teare!S : ani:I gtuea tf;Jem plentcoufnctre of tearcs l)~arts 1ua: anb let tf;Jem folo'ID tl)eir o\:One tma·
toD~fie. gmanons.
6 ~{Jou lJatl mane tis a ticrr «rife tlnto our 14 © tl;at mp pcOJ!lc 'moulb (Jane 1Jearlit 0

netaiJbois: anti our tnemirs laugl:J b!S to Cto:m. nell llnto mee: fo1 if ]frael l)ab lDalkcbinmp
7 ~urne bS agalne, tl)ou li3otl of 1Jottef5 : wares.
OJe\De tlJe lig(Jt of tlJF countenance, anl» tlle 011111 ,1 S ] llJOUltl foonc (Jaue put bo'mnc their ene'
be tolJole. mms: anti turneb mr I.Jann againtl tl)cir abucr,
s ~IJou 1Jaa btou!Jf)t a titne out of Cfg,pt: rarics.
tfJou lJatl cat1 out tIJe l)catl)en, anD plantetl u. 16 ~e (Jateris of tlJc JL,o~ll fl)oulb ]Jaue bene
,, 9 ~(Jou m111:1ea roome fot it: anb \Dl}en it fountl liarss: but tIJetr time ll)oulb l}auc cnnurtn
•, IJsb taken root.. it fillcb tt.Je lanb. foicuer.
1 o ~lJe 1.1mes are coucrel» tllitlJ tlJe f!JatJotDe 17 ll)e f1Joulb (Jaue fcb them alfo toitlJ tlJe fi,
of it : anti tl)e bouglJess ttJereof were libe t(Je nell tDIJeate floure: anb \Ditl) l}onp out of tlJc llo,
..'• goot1lp Gtebar trees. me rocke fbouUJ 'Jl (Jane fatiffien tiJcc.
1 1 ~I.Jee tlretclJeb out IJcr btaum(Jes bnto
tlJe Cea: anb 1.Jcr bougl:Jess tmto tlJe riuer. Deus fl:etit, Pfal. 8i,
12 ml}r IJall tl)ou tl}en biotttn botone IJer ©;!0 ffanlletlJ inUJe.4rongrcgati' Eucnin~
1Jet1gc: tt.Jat all tlJep 'llllJitlJ goe bp plume off IJer
1 3 ~IJe tDilbc :26o:e out or ttJe tDooll t1oett.J
root it l>p: ann ti.le tollbe bealles of ti.Jc fielb be
14 ~u1m t(Jee againe, t(Jou ©otl of l)oaeis,
of tl]e bngoblp 1
onofp~tnces: l;Je&S111Ubgearno11g
2 l\)o\D long mil pe giue \lltong
iUllgrmenc: anD accept tl}e perfon.e
3 ~cfenb tl]e pooie anti fatl)erletrc: rec U,at
looke notone from 1.Jeauen: llel)ol?Je, anb l>iute futlJ BIS be anti nece11'itie 1Jaue rigl}t.

tl.JiSbtne. 4 ~dtuer tt.Je out caft anb poo1e: fane tIJetn

11 attb tlJe plMe of tl]e tJincparlle ttJat tlJr fromtl)c(Janb oftl)e tingoblp.
~t1Jant11Jat)J planten :attb t1.Jeb~aune1Jt1.Jat s ~crw•lnotbelearnen, noi bn?Jcrllanb,
dJou mabeff ro arong ro, dip felfe. bUt\Dalfre on lliU in t1arlle11elI'e : all tl)e rounna•
16 1t is burnt \Dltl.J fire, anti rut bo\Jlne: ttonss oftl)e eartb Ile out orcourre.
inn tl)ep 11Jallperifil at tl)e rebufie of dJp counte• 6 ~ l)auc fain, 1!?nre <l!Jobsi : ann rean arc
nance. tlJffiltcn of d}e moll l)tgIJea.
l7Ji.£ttlJr1Jant1be1:JponU,emanoft1Wri!Wt 1 l6ucre ll)aU Die like men: anll falllilie one
1Jant1 : anti bpon ti)e ronnc or man tolJome ti.Jou of tl)e p1inces.
mabell fo arong re~ tl)ine o\Dne felfe. 8 artre, © <1150?1, attll iubge tlJOU tl,JC eart{J:
18 ant1fo'OJ1ll not\Deegoebacflefromtl)ee: f01 tlJOU fiJalt talle aU l;leRtlJm to tl;Jine ini)m'
llD let l>.!l liue,anll toe tlJaD call bpon tlJp name. tanee.
19 ~umc bOgatrw,flI>"A-01?1 <1150?1 of l)oftes: Deusquisfimili5. Pfal.83.
f1Jetl1 tlJe ligl:Jt or tlJl? countenance, anti 'me llJall H ©tll not ttw tongue,© ©oll, fleepc not am
be\DlJole. mence: rdratne not tlJF feffe. © c3ot1.
ExulmcDeo. Pfa!.81. i ~01 foe, tl)ine memieis mallc ~ munn~
S'J!ng 'lllee rnmlr bnto <115ob our arengtlJ: ring: anll dJtr t)Jat IJate tl}ce l}aue llft l>p tl]c1r
mau acl.JeercfuU nopre bnto tl)e <!!Job of '.]la l)ean.
. ftil ·..a~
cob. 3 ~ep IJaue tmag11f1'.tl era . Fagaimh•1F
2 ~afte tl]e 10falme, b1ing lJftl)er ttJe ~a· people: anti taten 'ounrailc agamlt tlJF femt
b1et: tlJc mcrp l!)arpe toitlJ tile Jl,ute. oncsi.
3 l5lotu l>p tl}e trumpetm tl}e ne to moone: 4 ~CF (Jaue faplle, Gtome, anll let llSS rootc
cuen tn dJe time appointcll , anti bpon our Co• tl)cm out, ti.Jiit ttJer be no mote a people : anti
lcmne rtaa liar. tl)attlJename of '.]lfradmap be no mo~ in re'
4 1fo1 tlJtss toass mat1e a lfatute fo1 ]frael: mem1nance.
am1 alato ortl)e eon of '.]Jacob. . ~ &jfot tlJcr l,Jaue call ti.Jett llcabs togctl;Jcr
5 ~tss l)e 01bainet1 in j\ofqJI) fot a ttllimo· witlJ 0112 conrent: anti are confcbcrati againa
nte: b>l)m 1Je came out of tl)e lanb of lfm'pt,anb tlJce.
1Jall 1Jcart1 a tlfaungc langUqe. 6 ~e ~abemacles of U,c <ftlomitts ~ tl)e
6 1 eafeb IJiSS f!)OUlbcr from tl)e lll:®rn : j!ftmltltteis: ttJe i!lollbites, anll l\)agarr.neis.
anll l)iis l)attbss were Ddiucren rrom malung tt}e 7 ~ebat,~n am111011, ann amcmb: ttJe
~ottess. t&lJiliaine-, \tl1tl} t~em dJat btuen at ~r~c.
1 ~ou callebt11:Jpon me in troUble!S, ~nn s rurur alfo 1ss 1opn£b tmto tl)em: ano l]auc
']! ?Jetiucreb ttJee : anb l)tarD tlJee to)Jat tune {Jolpen d)e clJ&lD~m of JL.ot.
as tl)e llo~me fdl bpon tl)ee. 9 15ut bot t(Jou to ttJem ais tmto tbe ~a'
The godlies Dauidafflined prayed;:
btantte.6: tmto ~ncr11, an'D llnto '.]Jabin, at ttJe \»it~ tl)ou ftretd.J out tlJl? \D1at1J from one gene, ,f
b~oofre or l!lifon. rattontoanotlJer~ ·i
10 WlJi'I) perif!Je'D at G?nl:lo~:atlbbecamtas 6 mtlt tlJou not tume agatne anb ciuitflen ;~
tlJe 1:1oung or r(Jc eart11. . . . bSS: tlJattlJp people reiof'f? tn ttJec :' ~,

1 1 ~11be t(Jem anb tl)eJr p~mce!S IUie ©Jrtl 7 ~1Jem bSS ~menie, © JLoio: anb grant r,
anb "3'cli: rca,malle all t(Jeirp1inccis ltlie ais 3eba b.6 tlJp faluanon. ~:
ann ~almana. s '.]! \Dill t.Jearflm \DIJat tf)e :tL-01be ~on \Dill j
u rwIJtclJ rap, JLet tJJS take to om rctucis: tlJe rap conctming me: fo: he fiJal Cpeafle peacebnto ~
f]oufe~ of ©otl in polTclfion. btispcople,anll tolJiss fain~,tf1at tlJertumenoc ~
1 3 .GD mp ©oll,malie tgcnt like bnto a\DfJeclc: agame. ,.
anll a~ tbc ttubble befoic tlJt lllin!Je. 9 fo11Ji5S faluationissniglJtIJem tlJatrearc ~;
14 JL,tfle a~ tfJe fire tl;Jat burnetlJ bp tl)e \Dool:I: IJim: ~at gto:r map l:'l\DeU tn our lanll. ,,
anll ais tl}c flame t1Jat confumcti.J C}Je moun, 1 a ~erctt anl:'I truetlJ ar~ mettogetf)er:rilllJ• ~~
tainc~. tcoufnclfe anti peace f)aue bt!fell eacl;J otl]er ,
1 s i9errcrute tlJem euen ro 'lllttlJ tin' tempeff: . u ~ructlHIJall flo#llJ out or t(Je eamj: anb ') l
anll malte tlJem aft'au1 ttJitlJ tlJp no1mc. r1g1Jteoufne1Te fJatlJ loolicn llo\Dn from IJeaum. j~
16 ~afic tlJeir fatCJS allJamell, © :tL-01n : tl)at 12 1i,1ca,t1Je JLoJ~ fl.Jall llje\U lollingkinllnelli:
t(Jep mar feelie tlJr name. anti om lanll flJall gtue f)cr enmare. ·,:
17 JL,et tl]em be conrounlleZI anZlb~eZI euer 13 lfii~IJteol!fneffe flJ_au goe befo1e1Jim: anl> ,_;
moie ann mo~c : let tl)em bee put to 11.Jame ann f]c OJan lltrcctlJ'iSS go mg mtf;Je map.
1 s gnZI t!Jer 11Jall 1mo\De, tl]at ttJou (\DIJofe Inclina Domine. Pfal. 86.

name iJS '.)] el)oual): ) art onelp tlle moft IJigl.Jelt ©\l:Je llo'lllne tl)ine care, ©lL01Zll', ,!,
oucr au tl)e eartlJ. annf)eare mc:fo~'.31 am poo1ean11 Mon·;
~am diletl:a. P fal. 84. in mirerte pnyt:.·
Q $0\D amiable are tlJr ll\Dellingfj:tlJou )1.,01?1 z l01ererue tl}ou mp route, fo1 ·~
Of i)OftCJS 1 '.)] am lJolp: mr 0on raue tlJp rcr, ·
z ~l' route IJatlJ a l:'lefire anb longing to en' uam tt.Jat puttttlJ IJiistruft in ttJee. ,:;
ter into tlle 'ourtis of tlJe ll.0111 : mr IJeart anb 3 '5emercifull1mtome,©JLoill:fo~'.)\Dill ·
mp lkflJ reiopce in ti.Jc buing ~on. caunailpbpont\lcc. :::
3 J!?ca,tl)e fparro\D f)tltlJ founl:'l IJcran IJoufe, 4 GtomfoJt tl]e roule or tlJr rcruant: foi tmto ;;n:
ann tf)e f\Dallo\De a neft, \Df)ere fl.Jc map lape l}er ti.Jee (© JLoin) noe '.Jl lift tJp mp Coult.
roung: euen tlJr altaris, © Jl,..o~n or IJotleis, mr 5 fOJ tljou JL,o:ne art gooZI anb gracioul:
tilng anll mr <lI5oll. anll of great mercie tJnto an tf;Jem t(Jat i;all bpon
4 lBietTell are tlJep tf;lat Zl\Delltn tlJp f]oufe: tf)ee.
tl}ep mm be al\Dar piaiUng tlJce. 6 ©tue care JL,oJll tmco mr p1arer: anb po11<
s '5le!rcZI iSS tl)e man 'miJo!e nrtngtlJ iss in lier tl)c botce of mp f)Umb1e llefiress.
tl,Jee: in \DlJofe l}cart are tlJp tnaress. 7 jjn tlJe ti1neofmptr1Juble]\l:liOcaDbp'
6 twlJt'iJ going tIJ~ougiJ tl}e bale of ntiftrie, on t(Jee: re: tf]ou fJtarra me.
bfc it fo~ a well : 11n11 ttJe poolCI' areftllel:'I \DitlJ s gmoug tte gollis tIJerc tis none likebnto
mater. ti.Jee(© )L.o~lle:) tf]creiisnot one tl}at uin1102as
7 ~er \Dill etoe from ftrengtlJ to ftr~ngtlJ: tf)ou boett.
anll 1.lnto tIJe d5oll of gollss appcaretf) eucrr one 9 .au nations \Dfjome tl)ou IJaU mabe, fl.Jan
oftbemin ~ion. co:ne anll WOJft.Jlp tl_Jct, © J1..01n: anll (IJaU §lo#•
s SlD Jl..,o~lle ~ob or lJolless, I)care mr piarer: fittf.Jrname.
IJearken, SID ©ob of ]a cob. 1 o :ffoJ tl)ou art etreat, anll llocft \Donl:'lerou.11
9 lBel)o1l:'le,© ©ol:'I, ourlltfenller: anll loolie t(Jtngss: ti;ou arc aJoll alcne.
bpon tl)e face of tlJine anointell. u €ca,1Jmce tlJp\Dap(©)L.o~b)an1:1]\DiD ".,
1 o 1foi one 11ar in tlJp i;ourtss: tss better tlJm a malkem tlJr trutlJ :@knit:mp 1.Jeartllnto tlJee,
tIJourann. t{Jat: :JI map feare tlJp name.
11 'JI 1Janrat1Jerbeaboo~ekeepertnt1Je(Joufe u 1 \»ill tlJanfie tlJee, © Jlo~l:I mp <115ob,tuitlJ
or mp ©ol:'I : tl:Jm to 1:1\Dclhn tl,Je tentf' of bngoll, all mp l)carc: ann \llill p~aire tf;Jp narnt fo~ eucr•
ltnctTe. mo~c.
12 <jf o~ t(Je JL,o~ZI d5oll iJS a ltg!Jt a~ befcnce: 1 3 f o: ~eatiss tfJr mmic to\Darll mee: anb
ti;c JLo:llt \»ill giue gra'e an1111101f1Jtp, ann no tIJou IJafl Ocliuereb mp Coult from tlJe netfJer'
~.ool) tl)ing niall IJec tDitf)IJoll:le from tl]em tf)at molllJeU.
lluc a go?l\J? life. 14_ ©$0?1, tlJe p~oUllc aretifm!'gainamce:
..,,. 3 l:1D ·JL01n <15ob or f}oflel!i: bletrell iJS tlJe man anZI if)e ro11gregat1onss of naUilJttt men 1Jauc
'yat \lUttetl) IJis truthn tlJet. rougbt aftet'mproule, anlll)aue not fettlJeelle'
BenedixifiiDomine, Pfal.8;. roie tlJcir cress.
L ~~ie, tlJou att be,ome gractou!S tmto t!Jp patrton is l5ut tl:)ou(@JLcnbedJo~)artrunor com,
anD mercie:long ruffning, plenteouts in
of 'liacob~ou IJllll tumeb a\llap tlJe capttutttc
it001:1t1tlfe an'D mietl:).
pk: a~~~~~g !OJ!.tfu~ dJe offence of tlJrpeo' 1nmic 16 ill> tume tbtc dJen tJnto mu. anll l}am
bpon mee : pie tlJp ftrcngt!J llnto tl:Jl'
3 ~oulJa\l Utl)mlinnes. .
anll tumtll tl) f taflm a\llap al thr bifpleafute: Ceruantf, anb l}elpe tl)e ronne of tf)ine lJano,
natiOn. ~ eUe ffomttw \ll~atl)ruu inbii• mar1:1.
4 ~urne bll tl:Jtn..!11) 'D --..:A . 17 ~IJt\11 romegool:I totmbponme,ro~ gool:I,
let "'"'ine anger ce..rft fr 11150 out -aUIUUt.anb t11at ~rp \DIJklJ l}attme mar cee tt. anll be aa1a,
meo: becatlfc ttiou :t.011:1c 11d l)olpm mee,an1:1
"" . ""' . om bis.
5 tIDtlt tl:)ou be lliti>ltaren at bSSli:IJ mer: an'D ,omro~teb me.
Fundamenra I
he faichfull afflicred. Thexvij. ~ay. Gods promifes. i a6
Fundamcnra cius. Pfal.87.
H~founllattonsare bpon tl)e(Jolp (JtlS:d)e Mifericordias Domini. Pfal. 89.
· JL,o,D Iouct(J tl;Jc 11_11tell of ~ion, mD1t tlJen !i""i~§Jl'.iE!ii;t F fong {IJall be al\UtlF of tf)clo' Morning
all tlJc lllllcllings of ]acob. uinglUnDncUcofd)e: lUl1b:\UitlJ prayer.
2 ~F ttccllent tl;Jinp anCpokm of tf:Jec: mp moutIJ ll!iU '.) cuer be ll)c'm·
ti}ou attc of <!301>. iUitlJP truetlJ from one: genera.
3 '.) \Dtll tlJinhc bpon SafJab a1111 '8abt!lon: tiontoanotf:Jer. •
witf;J tiJtm tIJattmo\ll me. -'- 1 1fofJ (JaucfapbMlllJcrdc
4 ll)cIJolO rec ti.Jc ll)IJibthnc~ alfo: anti tf1cp IIJ~H ~e fet bp fo~ euer : tlJp cruetlJ ll:Jalt d]ou tta'
or ~r~c. \llitlJ tl:)e Sl@o1ian1J, loc, t(Jm \Vas l}tc blllb m tl:Je IJrauens.
bo1nc. 3 1\ (Jauc mane acoumant 'mitlJ mp cl}ofen:
s ilnb of ~ion it DJalbc rcpoitcb, tfJat bee '.31 l)aue ftlloine lmto ~auil> mp reruant. ·
tuas bomc in l}cr : ano tl}c moll IJigl}eil fl)all Ila' 4 ~feelletoiU'] llablillJfb~ eucr:anbfct
bltftJIJcr. bp tlJl' tiJ~one. from one generation to anot'IJer.
6 ~c lL01bc tlJall rclJcarfe it \DIJm IJcc ' flDJL01t1,ttJebcfF1Jeauens 11Jallp~a1re tlJF
D!litctlJ tip ti.Jc people : tl}at l}tc tllSSJ bo1nc \Donbcrou1J 'm~ftes :anll tlJF tmctl] m tl)e con•
tlJm. grcgation of tl)c ratnts.
7 ~I.le fingers alfo· anll tnnnpcttcrs flJ~ll 6 4J'ot 1Dl)o ts lJe am on~ tl}e 'loub~: tlJat 11.Jal
1Jec rcl}carfc : all mF frellJ rwin«SS fl)aO bee m be comparcD bnto tlJc :tf,,o~b :'
tiJec. . 7. .anti 'WlJat ts l)e among tlJt' goM:tIJat tlJaH
Domine Deus; Pfal.88, be lllic bnto tl)e JL01t1 '!
O lLo~c <!3ob of mr raluation. 1 i,auc ~cb 8 <'.rSoll is bcrp ~eatlp to bee fcarcn tn t11e
i:Jap anll n'igtJt bcfo,c tiJee: ill) let mr p111rer counfalle of tl)e famts: ann to be lJall in reue,
enter mto tlJF p~crenu, ctulinc tlJtnc care tmto rmcc of all tl)cm tl}at arc about l}im.
mp calling. 9 ill) lL01nc <5oD of l)ottcs, 'll>iJo is liltc bnto
l 1f o~ mp roulc i~ full of trouble: ani:I mr tf1cc: tlJP tt'Uctl) (moll miglJtic JLo~ll) is on cue'
life 1:11alDctlJ niglJ bnto l}cll. neflllc.
3 ']I am countcb as one of tf:Jcm t'IJat «UC 1 o ~ou tuletl tlJc ragtng of t[)c res : tl)ou
no\Dne into tlJe pit: anll '.]] gaue beene wen ~a llillctl tl:Jc 'Wl1U!S tlJercof 'WlJcn tiJer arife:,
mun tl}at l)atIJ no itrcngttJ. 11 ~OU IJall fUbllUCll Cfgppt, ano llCrtropell
4 1fm among tl)e llcall,lihc tlnto tl)cm ttJat it : tl)ou l:Jatl fcattcrcD ti.line enemies ab~oall
be \Dounnenanll tpc in t{Jc grauc: 'll>lJictJ be out \llitlJ tlJF miglJtic anne.
of rcmemb~ancc, anll arc mt a\Dap from tiJF 12 ~IJc (Jcauen~ arc tl)inc, tlJc eart'IJ alfo ts
f}ann. tl)ine:tiJou (Jatt laill d]c fonnllationof tlJc rounn
s ~ouIJatUarnmc int'IJe lo\Deilpit: ina tllo11n,an1> al~ tlJattl)crein i~.
place or barkenctre, ann in tlJe nccpc. 1 3 ~ou l)atl malle tlJe ~ottlJ \f t'IJc ~outl):
6 €1}mc inoignationlpctl) l}arll bpon me: ~aboi ann ll)mnontl)all mopcc in t:tn! name.
anll tl)ou l}all be~co me \DitlJ all tl)p aoimcs. 14 ~ou(Jatl a m~l;Jtic arme:ttrongis tlJr
7 ~ou l}aa put a\Dap mine acquaintance l)anti,anD l)iglJ t~ tlJr r1g1:Jt l)ann.
rarre ftom me: an1> mane me to be ab1'oircll of 1 5 SiglJtcourndfc ann cquitie i~ tl)c IJabita•
tlJetn. tlon of tlJr feat: mercie anll ttuetiJ lllall gee be>
8 91 am ro fact tn wtron: tIJat ~ cannot get rote tlJr fare.
fo1t1J. 16 l61e[eD tJ' tl)c people (ill) Jl,01nc) t'IJat can
9 Q!lp fig(JtfatletiJ ft» betrtrouble:JLoin, 11 reiorce in tl}cc: tlJey fl.Jail \Dallic in tt;Je liglJt of
(Jauc calleb natlp bpon tl)ee, '.]! i}auc UretdJcD tlJp 'ountenan,e.
out mp l)anns bnto tlJic. 17 ~cir lleligl:Jt nJaH bee oailr in ti.Jr name:
• o ~octt tl)ou tlJc\De \Donbm5 among tiJe anti in tlJP rigl:JtcournclTc OJall tlJey mafie tf.lcir
~an: o~ llJall tl}c bean rife bp agatne ant> p1atrc boaft.
tlJee:' 18 ~OJ tl)ou art the glotic of d}ctr arrngtIJ :
. 11 §!DIJan tlJl' louin11 mnneneac bee flJc\Dcll anb in tlJF loutng mnDueae t1Jou fl)altlift bp our
'~ tlJe graue: o~ dJ1:' faitl}fulncac in bctttuc• IJOJU~.
tton:' 1, \jfo,i tl:Jr. '.l'Al1ll i~our bcfcnre: tiJc l}olr one
of '.J!ftael i~ our king. . ..
. n ~ball ti.Jr tllont11oustllo1rmsbelmo\11cn
mtlJe bamc: ano tlJr rig(Jtcournell'e tn tlJe lanll 20 ~ou rpa11ca romcttme m b1rton~ bnto
'nlbcrc au tl)tngs arc ro1gotten :' tlJp faint~ ann raillctt: ~ l)aue lapllc l)clpr tlpon
13 untotl)rel)aue']larell,~"A..01n:anll csr' one tIJat ts migtJtic, :3] l)aue eraltell one dJofen
Ip l\JaU mp p1apcr come bcfo1e tiJcc. outortlJcpeoplc.
. 14 lLO~be, \lllJl' abl)o1rell tlJOU mp fOUle ! anti 21 ] (Jaue founll lll!auill mr. rcmant : \llitlJ
IJtllCll tllou tl)p face rtom me:' . . mp IJolt' oilt l}auc '.JI anopnteb IJim,
1 s 'll am in mifcrie, anti lib£ bnto IJ•m tl)at is 2 2 ~ l}anb IJ)alll}olO LJ•m fatl:anb mrannc
at tJ.Je popnt to Die: (cucn fro1n mr VoUtiJ tip) fball arengtlJen IJim.
tl)p terrours l)auc 'Jl fuffmD tllitlJ a troublel> 2 3 ~e encmic fl}afl not bee able to lloc {Jim

mmne. bfolence: tl)e fbnnc of 'mtcfJellnctre llJal not l}urt

16 '4t1Jl:' \1.'l1ati)ful Dlfpleafure goetl} ouet me:: 1Ji1ti. . .
anti tf1c reare of t1Jce l)at'IJ tinDone me. _ 2 4 1! 11J11Unattc tiotlln lJis~eJS beroie IJis face:
17 ~l:Jer camcrounnc about mu 11ar111 ll~e anll plague tl)em tl)atIJatc (Jim.
\Dater: ann compafl'cll mee togetlJcr on eume: ; s ~F trtre~ i1lfO antJ mt' mcrcic flJall bee
fibe, mitlJ IJmi: anti mmr name OJall lJiJ IJome be c~,
18 ~ loo~ anll fri~llCS IJ8lt ~OU put 11• alteD.
'mapftlnn mcc: ann l)tll mme aaiuatntance: out 26 '.]I ~ill rec IJi~. tiomtmon alfb tn tlJc~ea:
ofmpn~t. anll lJtntgt}t l)anll mtl}c flooDl.'!.
Gods prom ifes ro Dauid. The xviij. day. Mans life is fho~
7 $c OJ all mo mcc, ~~u art m11 fatlJtt: mr s as Coone IUI tl)ou rmttcteft tlJmi, tlJe:p ate
<3oD,lltlllntl'ttrongfalu~tton. . e:11m IUI a lleepe:anb faDe awar CUtlDmlp Ullc
28 anD 1 mil mabc 1J1m mr lint bomc: (J1g(J, tl)e iiraJie.
ertl)mtlJcllin~of~ecardJ. 6 intIJcmomtngiti•~cme,amgro<airtlJ
9 ~p meme \11111 '.J\ Jtetpc foJ (Jim ~1 ~' bp: bUt in. t(Jc. euming it 11 mt DOtDnt, D1P£ll
mo1C • tt mp wucnant OJall tfanD fatl'antll IJim. tip, anD \111tlJmD.
30 tis rceD alfo \\lill 1 maflc to cnbUrc t'oi c, 1 f~ \\lecotlftlrlte a\11apitifln' llffPleatUtt.
uer. an1111ts t1nonc aistlJC Darcis of 1Jeaucn. anD arc afratD at tl.Jp\llza~u n~. ·
3; llSut if (Ji• ~iU>~en f01Cafle mr la\\lc: anD s 'C1t(Jou l)atl fCt our mt1bttbe9 befo~ t!Jec.
malJie notin mp iub~cmcnts. am ourrccrct finnc• in tl)e ~t of tlJ1! countc:
32 ] f tl.Jcr bicakc l1ll:' tlattltCS,anb llecpe not nancc.
mp commaunDnnmts: '.ll \\lill bifitc ~r offtn, 9 f o, \1>1)m ~ou art angrit, all our bape.s
ce.s \\litlJ ti.Jc roD, anti tlJnr Cinne blit:IJ fcourgc$S. llfc gone: mtc b~~ng out r~ to an cme a•it
33 ~eutrtl'Jcletfe, mr louing ktnllnc[c \Dill \\lmatalctf;Jaustolb. '
'Ji not titterll! take Crom l)im:no~ fufferml! tmtl) 10 'lltlJc llapc15 Of our agearc t1J1ttf'coie fttc.11
to rade. anb ttn, anb tlJou~ men be ro llrong tlJat ttier
34 ~P coucnant unl '.J not b:caflc, 1101 alter come to fourcrco1e rcerc.s: petiss tlJci-c ttrcniittJ
tlJc tlJing tlJat i.S gone out of mp lft!pelt: '.) (Jauc tIJen but labour am Co~o\llc, Co rooncpatrctl) it
rwoinc once bp mp IJolinelfc tt}at l \\loulb not amap anb \\le arc gone.
ratlc wauto. 11 l6ut tt11Jo regar!lctf) tiJe power or tlJt'
3s l!)iss reebe fl)all cnllUrc fo~ cun:: anti ~i.S '!l'Jatl) :~01 cum tlJereafttt a.s a man fcaretlJ, ro
rcatc i.S lifie a.s tl)e runne befoJe me. t.S tIJp 111rp1earurc.
36 l!)ce tlJall tlanb fall foJ cumno:e a.s tlJe u S!Dtead;Jb.Sto numberourllllpc.s:tl}at\llt
moone: anb a.s tlJe faitl;Jfull \llitnecrc tnlJeaucn. map applp ourIJcarts bnto tDifcoome.
37 l8ut t(JoulJall abl)o~eb anb foJfallm tlJine 13 'llL:urn.e tl}ec againe (© JLoibe) attl)cld:
anointctl : ano art OiCplcaCeb at lJim. anb be grac:iou!!I bmo tlJP ftmant.s.
38 ~oul}allb~ortcntl}ccoucnantoftlJpfer, 14 © fatiffie b.S tDitlJ tlJl! mercte, anb U,at ~;'.I
uant: anti call lJi.S croume to tlJe grounb. room~: C~ O;Jall mt retorce ~be gta?I all tlJe b. .
39 $1Jou IJatt ouertlnomm all IJi.SIJebge,s: of ourbfc.
anb b~okcn oomne IJis tlrongi,oni.s. 15 ~omro~t b.S agatne nome after tl)e tnne
40 alltf)eytlJatgoebp,Cpotlel)im:anbl)f its tl)at ~OU l:)all plague?I b,S:anD f'o1 tfJe ttm.S r:
become a rcbul1e to l:)i.S migl)bour.s. \l.llJeretn \l.le l)aut ruffercll abUttCitie.
41 ~ou l:)att £et bp tl)e rigl)t IJanb of IJi.S c, 1 6 ~lJe\l.l tlJl! feruant.s tlJl! ~: 11n11 tl}tfr
ncmie.s: ~mane all IJt.S aoucnarie,s to rciopcc. c1Jtl?11en tiJ-pgloJle. .
41 '4[;l)ou lJatt taken a\l.lap tl.Je ebge of l)i.S 17 anti tlJr glo#ou.s maieflie of tlJc JL,~be
C\Do1t1:ann gnna not l)im bicto:ie in tf;Jc batten. our ~011 be bpon bS: p:ofper t(Jou tlJt \\lo~ of
43 '4[;l)ou IJalt put out lJts glo#e: anb caft 11tss our banns bpott bS, SID p:orper tf}ou our IJanbie ti
t~zone nomne to tlJt grounb. . \tloJlit.
'44 $1Jc napes of 1.1isJ poutlJ bat! t(Jou ilJOJtC' Qpi habicat. Pfal. 9 r.
ncll: anll couerc?I ))Im mitb bitlJonour. yyl!Jo fo D\\lrlletlJ bnDer tlJe 'llefen'2 of tlJe -
4s JL,oit1e:.1Jo'm ton~ \l.lilt ti.Jou bibe tlJp Celrr, moll lJlglJ: tlJalI ab Ille bnber d)e ll:Ja'lloble .''
foi eucr: anti tlJaU tlJP m1at11 borne like ftre ~ of tlJe a1mtgIJne.
46 ©lJ remember 1Jome 11Jo1t mp time t~: 2 1 mill far bntotfJc )L.o)bc, $l)ouartmr
ml)erefote lJatt tlJou mabe all men,roi nour;JlJt:' IJope anll mp arong (Jol!le : mp <HJ ob, in l}im \\lt'D
'Jl trull.
41 iw~at man i.S l)e tlJatliuetlJ, anti fl)all not
rcncatf;J: anti ft)aU (Jc beliuer lJilS CoUle from tl)e 3 1foz l)e lban lleliuer tlJtc from tlJt a1m of
l)ann ofl:)dl :' tbc l!)unttr,ano from tlJe nopfomc pellllrnct.
48 ·101ne, tlll)cre are tlJp olnc louing llinb, 4 ~c OJall Defmb tl)ec bnllcr lJll5111inp,anD
ne[es: mlJic:IJtl)ou C'marcftbntoJi)auJb in tiJr t}Jcuft)altbc fafe tmber1Jil5 fcatlJcrs:IJis faitlJ•
tructl) :' fulne[e anll tructlJ llJalbc tlW ll:JidD anD 11uai1cr.
49 memember(lLoJD)tlJcrebuftttbattlJpfer, s . "1!;1Jou OJaltnotbe afrilibel'o111h1:'tmout
uantl5 l}aue: anD IJO\tl '.) oo beare in mr bofome bp mgtJt: noz fo~ tfJe anom tljatBrctlJ llr nap.
ttJc rebulicl5 of manr people. 6 11'0~ tlJe petlilcnce tl)at mlilbetlJ in tlJe
~ o ml)cre\l.litlJ tl}ine enemiesllJaue blafp(Jc,
oarllenetre: noz foHlJC rtckcndfe rl)at DcflroretlJ
1ucb tl}ee, anti aaunllc.tetl tlJC footflcpl5 or ttJine
mtlJe noonc nar.
anopnteb :p~aiftll be tIJe ·t-o1D f01 eumno~e . .Q; 1 a tl)oufanll fl!all faUbelille tlJee, anb ten
men. amen. tIJoufanll at t(Jp riglJt (Jannc: bUt it tlJall not
,. , 1 ·
come nigIJ tl)tt.
_ Domine,refugium~ Pia. 90. s Fea, 'l1lit1J tl)ineeyes IJ)alttlJoubel)oJi)t:
prayer. ,. ~ · ~-~il>. t1:1ou1Jaltbeneourrcfd«e:
.~ 1C}!:\· · fromonegencmtion~an~er. 9 ~~ tl}ouJ,.oµiart mr'18Pt:t1Joul}aaret
:\ · ... . 2 113efo~ tl}e mouutames
. · · ~ o ~ere fball no cum 1Jappc!1 tmto tlJec:
were tnotl«bt toitlJ, 01 euer tIJe
· eartt} anti ~c mo~ID blerc~:
.,_ nntIJer ilJSD anr plapuomc mgJ,J CfJr 11\lJef,
aii6 \l)O~fa 'mitlltlJOUDtU!f!.<ll'IOD !Tom cucrtaaing.
ling. . . .
...... u !Jf011Jcc OJall 1PUtlJ11Sa"l$cl}argcoucr
. 3 ~ou turntl! man to beftructton •againe tl}ce: to ker:pet:IJtc in all tlJp Wapes.
ti.Jou fapefl,ctomc againc pc CIJilbien of
4 1:o~a~our~n11vecre~int11pfilJl:Jt.mbUt
mm. r > ~er llJaU bean t11cc in tl,Jctr l)anb1:t1Jat
t1Jou1Juttnott1J11f0otagatntla1lo11e. .
as r~crllap • feeing UJat •• patt au tuatclJ in 13 Cl)ou OJaU goe bpon ti.Jc l..pon am anbtt·
_ _1 tlJ_c_m-=.gb_t_.---------~~tlJ::e:..!p:.:ou:::n::::g~t,::!p~o::_n_::a~nO:'...:tlJ~c~Jl!l~~~ag~o~n~OJ~a~lt~t11~o~u.'.___ :\,
_-J _,. - _ __£_4 -:W ttrauu_ ~~
~ . . - - -
.~ods care for his_. - ThepraifeofGod. 207

trtaoebl$ef~. 2 anre tl)ou iullge oftlJe wo1lD: ann rewat·?J

14 l6cmurc IJUIJatf1 rct bis louebpon mu, tl;Je p:oun after tlJeit 11ererutng.
tlJcmm OJalJ! bdU&erl}im: '.]I llJallfeUJtmbp, 3 1Lo1D IJo\ll longflJall tl)e tlngohll!: l)o\\le
becaufelJdJlltll •no\Dcn mp name. long tl)all ttJe bngolllF triumplJ~
rs tu.tballCAllbponmee. an11']m1U1Jean 4 l!)olll long llJall all wicffcll lloers fpcake fo
i,im :pea.91 am\DitlJ l)iminttoubk, '] \DiUlleli• llifbatneruur :anti malie Cud) p1out1 boafhng~
uer IJim,ano b~n_gl)tm to l)onout. s ~IJcr fmitc nowne ttw people, © JlmD:
16 uettb toni& lafe \Dil '.31 Wlaic J;Jim: anll 1be1ll anl:I trouble tf1ine IJmtage.
I.Jim mp ratuation. 6 ~tp murDcr tfJc 'aliDo\ll anll tlJe «ranger:
Bon um ca confiteri. Pfal.92. anD put ti.Jc fatl)crlt[c to lleatlJ.
I-&" ts a gooll tbing to giue t11an11es bnto tl:)c 7 ~nll pet ttJtp rap, 'ijC'.ttflJ, tl)c JLoill flJall not
l-oioe: anll to fing p1a1rcs bnto tl;Jp name, © rec: nmlJetflJal tlJc <15ot1 of]acob rcgartl it.
moll 1.JigIJrlt. 8 ~ake lJctlle pc bn\llirc among tl;Je people:
2 ~o tcllortlJp louing kinbncfi'eeatlrfntl)e © pee roolcs,'mlJcn 'nliU re bntJerllann-:
I mD~ning: anb of tlJp truellJ an t(Je nigl}t rearon. - 9 ~e tl}atplantcll the cart,i1JBI l)c not l)carr:
3 mpon an inltnnnent often fmngfl, anb OJ IJc tlJatmntJc tlJt cpc,11Jall [Jc no tree~
llpon tl)e :tLute : bpon a louD intmimcnt,anll bp, 10 ©:lJtttlJat nurturetlJ tl)e l}eawen: ttis
on t1Je ~arpe. {Jee t9at tcacl)ctl) man lfno\\llengc, {IJall not IJcc
+ cjfo~ tl)ou JL01D l}aft mabe me glall tluougl) pumi1J'! -
tlJp 1llo~lfes: anD '.ll \Dill reioice in giuini,t p~aarc 11 ~c Jlotlllfno_\llctl) tf)etlJoug(Jtsorman:
foJ ti.Jc opcrationsottl)p l]annss. I-Oat tl)cp arc but bame.
5 © JLOJb, l}o'We glOJiOUS are tlJr UlO~fieS: 12 l5terrc11ist1Jemanlll1Jom tIJoucIJaamcn
an!J tlJP tl,lougl)tS are berp oeepe. (© "Jlo,ll:)anll teacl)cltl}im tn tlJr la"Wc.
6 gn bn\Dife man oottl) not \tlcR conCillcr . 13 ~at tlJo~ mar~ft gine t1im patience in
tiJtss: ann a foole lloetIJ not bnllertlanll it. time or atlueruue: tmun tl)e ptt be ntggcD tip fo'
7 JiDtJen tl}c tingolllp arc gmn ass tlJe gra[e, tl)e bngotllp. '
anll \Dl.)cn au tl)c 'alo11ierss of 'alicllcDnefi'e Doe flo· 1+ 1fot tl;Je JL~ll toil notfatlel)is people:,
rinJ:tl)ctr nial tl)ep be octlropeD fo, euer,but tlJou tlJet \\lill l}c ro,ralie lJis inl,leritancc.
JLOJ~ art tf)e molll)igl)elt foi cuenno~c. , 1 s 1111ntill rtgl)teournctre tume againe bntc
ti 8 1foi Ioe,tlJine enemies (© JLoJll) loe t(Jine tUllgcment: allfudJ a.u be true offJeart 11.JaJifoI,
11: enemies flJall pmflJ : anll all tl]e \llo~kCrss of\\ltc, Io\\l it.
liei>ness llJallbc t1cOropet1. 16 uel]o \llift rt re bp \DitlJ mcagainlf tl)c mfr,
9 l5ut mr 1Jome OJalbc c):'alt~ll ltfte tlJelJoinc fiell: o~ Wl)o \lltu talie mp part againll tl;e cum
of' an tmtco~ne: fo1 'JI am anomtcll lllitf1 fl'ellJ Doers~
opfr. i 7 ']ftl}c JLo~ll i)all not hdpctJ me: it 1Jall 11ot
1o ~inc epe a1ro 11Jan rec l)iss lull or inine enc, fatlcll but mp roule lJall bent put to fllcncc.
miess: anll mine care flJalll~eare IJiSS tlcfirc of tlJc 18 l5ut \llfJcn :Jl ratD, ~P footc l}atl) aippctJ:
'GJicllcll tl}atrire bp agatnft mt. tl}p metcte (QD JLoill) [Jell:ime bp.
1 1 'ilI:IJc rtgIJteou~ (IJall tlo~illJ lme a palme 19 '.l\n tl}e multit11t1e of tttc foJo\JJcs tlJat ']
tree: anll(lJall Cp~eatiab~oailltlit 11 GrtlllltinJL.t' l)aD in mine l)eart: tl)p c;omfott!l l}auc rcfMlJ~o
banus. mrroule.
12 ~ud) as bee plantell in tl}c l}oufe of tlJe 20 Dilttl;ou l}aueanptlJingto llocwit!Jtl:Jc
"A.OJll: OJaUt1o1tn1in tlJecourt~ (OftlJelJOUCC)Of ffoole of\\lic;flebnes :\\ll}icl:J imagincrtJ mifc)Jlcfc
our©oll. aolam-:
13 ·~ep alfo IIJall bitng rooit'tl moJe ftUit in 21 -&'l}ep natlJcr tl)cm togetlJtr againll ti;c
tfJeir age: anti (ball be fat anll \Dell l1ktng. routeoftlJe ngl]teou~: an!I conDcmnct)Jcinno
14 -&'l}at tlJep map llJe\\l lJo'ale true tlJe lLOJil c;entblooD.
mp ftrengtlJ ts: ann tl;Jat dJm is no tmrigl)te, 2 2 l5utt1Je '.lLozll ts mp refuge: anti mp G!5oll
ournetrc m l)iln. iSS tl)c llrengtfJ of mp conftl!encc.
l 3 ~ce OJaU recompcnfc t11cm tl]cir 'micr:ct1'
Dominusregnauir. Pfal,93. nerre, anti llellror tl)em in tl!nr o\\lnc malice:
$e JLo~D tss liling, anll l)at(J put on pea, tl)e Jlotll our <15oll 1Iiall ncaror tlJtm.

D gloµous appattll: tl;Je Jl oib lJath

putonlJissapparctl. uatDcll l)am'
fclfe to~ ttrengtJ1.
2 l\}ce l)atlJ ma tic t:l}e rounll
too~lb ro cure: tl)at tt tannot bt mouen.
3 Cfuci nna cue wo,l!J beganti a~ tl:lr rcatc
bmc pJqiaren: tl)ou art ftomeuerlaltang. •
V cnite exultemus.

of ourratuatton.
'1Come, let ~s fin~ ~nto tl}c JLo:tl:
lctbslJcartdf rClOICC Ill tlJcttregtl)
JI.ct bS come IJcfoJc IJis PW
ren.c;e ~itlJ tl)anlifgtuing: ann ft.Jc\ll
our rctucis glab tn IJt~ \DJttJ l!)falmes.
prayer. "

4 ~c ttoobsare nrm (© )l.,o,tl )_ tl}e ftooll~

(Jaue lift tip tl}etr tioice: tl)c floollSS lift bp tfJtit 3 f oJ tl)e JL,o~ll is a great <ll'Soll: ann a great
'lllaucs. . il\tng aboue an ~otJ.£1,
s ~IJc maues of tl}e rca are migl)tti,annr~gc 4 ']ln lltss tJanDcs arc au tlJC OOJntris of tl;c
~ombly. but pet tl)e )l.,oJD t11atb\Dellctl1 on l)iglJ eartlJ : anll llre~gtlJ or tlJt IJils is IJls air0•
us migl1tier. s ~e rea is IJ•ss. aun l)ee maDc it: anti IJiss
6 ~1! tcftimonie~. © )l.,o,D, are berp n&re: lJanDS p~cparell theDJIC lanll.
1Jo1tnetle buommetl) tl}ine 1Joufe fO~ cuer. 6 ©come, let bSS \DOJOJip anti fall Dolllnc:
Deus vltionum. Pfal.94. tile JLOJ!I our maficr.
l.o:tl cll5ob to 'all)om bengcance bdongrtlJ: 1 '.ff'OJ 1JetS1tlJtlLOJlll otm3on: anb \lice arr
0 tl}ou <ll'So"b to \\ll}om ten~nce bdon11ct1J, tl)e people OflJtlS patturc, anti tlJr IIJccpc of l·i~
llJC'al tlJr retfe.
f "fl.),.... -
God grieued at Ifrael. The The praife of God.I
s ~o Dap if pee tlliH bcarc IJilS b_oicc. IJarD~ arc in tl)c ~: tl)ou art e,:alttb farrc abouc all
not pour IJearts: as in tlJe p~~cauon.ann ~in gon15.
tf)c nap otttmptatton in tlJC 'll111l>ernctre. 1 o ill> rce d)atlouc tl]c JL01?J,f'ee t11at pecIJate
9 wbcn pour ratlJcrs tcmPtelnne: p1ooue?J tIJc tfJing \Dl)icl.J ii! cuill: tl)c JL01?Jc p1cfmlct1J
mc,anllfa'lll mr 'IDO~bcs. . . tlJcfoultlS ofl)i1Sfaint1S.IJUbalDetiuer tl)em from
r o fourtic rccrcs long \D.al51 imeucl> 1ll1t1J tlJc l)anb of ttJe bnilJblp.
tlJi1S gcncration.anD rapt> :1t 115 a people tlJat Doc 11 Qm iS JNung bp a ltglJt fo1 tf,Jc rilJl:Jtc'
errc mtl]dr l}cartlS, fo.i Cl}cp l)auc not lmotllcn ous: anb iopfUll glannctre fo: ru'IJ as bee true
mp'llJaprlS. t.ieartcD.
11 e11nto tlll]om 1 rmarc in mf \ll1at1J : tlJat 12 metoicc in tiJc JL01ll pc rig1Jtrou15: anll giue

tlJC!' OJoulo not enter into mp rca. ttJanfics fo: a rcmemb:amc otl]ts l)olinclfe.
CantateDomino. Pfal.96. C D P
~ingbntot1JcJL01t1anc\Dfong: fingbnto ~
O tile ·JL,01n au ti.Jc 'tlll)olc cartl].
anrate omino.
---~="" '5>ing tmto tlJe 't,o~ll anc\llfong: Eucnin~~
2 ~ing tmto tlJc JL01n ann inaifc l.JilS Jaamc: fo~ t.icc l)atlJ Done maruntou15 prayer j
be telling oflJiS Caluanon from nap to nap. tl)mgs. ·,,
3 jl2lccl11tc lJIS 1Jonour bnto tl]c ~eatl)en: 2 ~ttlJ ~ilS o\Dne rigbt IJanb, •
anll l}iS 'tllonncrs bnto all people. ant> Uit~ l}l!l lJolp ~c: f]atlJ IJe ~
4 1foJ ttJc JL,01!> is great,anll cannot 1uo1t1Ji' ~----.;;:iiggottcn tmnfelfe tl)e btcto1ic. ''
Ip bee p1aprcn : IJce ts mo~c to bee reareb tlJen all ~ ~c JL,011> ncclarcll IJi.S faluation: IJis rflJl:J, :~
goilS. ttournclfc l:JatlJ IJcc opcnlp fbe'tlleb intlJc figl}t of
5 g~ foi an tlJ e gob~ of tl.)e l.)eatl.)m, tlJcr tlJc ll;)c~tl)cn. ~,
bee tllolc!?i: but it iJS tl)c Jl,.,o~l> tIJat mane tlJc 4 ~e IJatlJ rcmcmb~cn IJis merci.e anll ttuctl)
l)caucn!?i. to'tllarn tl)c l:}oufc of '.jiCracl : anll all tlJc rnilc~
6 IJ5io1r anl:I \DotllJfp arc llcfo1c IJim: power of t!Jc \llo~lnc l)auc fecttc tf)c faluation of our
1111D l)onour are in 1J1s fanctuaric. 0on. ·~.
7 9fmbe bnto tl)e JLo~n, (rec fitnrells oftlJe s ~IJe'tll pour !clueF5 topfun tnto tl}c JLoiil
people:) afcribc bnto tl)e )!..011Jc 'tllOtfiJiP anil all pc lanDF5: Cing,reioicc,anb gtuc tl)anJi!?i.
power. 6 ~1aiCc tlJcJLoJb bpon tIJc IJaq;c: fingto
s .afmbc bnto tl}c JL01btf}c IJonour buc bn' tlJc barp~\DitlJ a ~falme oftlJanhcC«tuing.
to lJf!?i 0ame: bttngwercnt!?i. anll come into l.Jis 1 mttlJ trumpet!?i afro ann flJa'tllmc!?i: ID
court~. llJ~\llc rour fcluc!?i iorfull befo1c tl)c :tl..otb tJJc
9 © b:lo~tl)ip tlJc Jl.,otll in tlJc bcauttc ofl}olt' lamg.
nc!Tc: let tlJc \lllJole eartlJ Bann in ame of l)tm. s JLct tfJc rca malic a noifc,snl! an tl]attlJ~
1 o ~ell it out among tlJe ~catlJcn, tl)at tl)c tn i!?i : tl)c rotmD tllo1lllc, ann tl)ep tlJst ll\llcll
)].,01n ts i'\ing: anb tf)at it i!?i ~e 'tllllicl;JIJatlJ mane tiJerctn.
tne rouni:l 'tlloitllfo fall tlJat 1t 'annot be moue!l, 9 '.11.-ettlJc flooDF5clSp tf1ctrl;Janns,ann ltttlJc
ani:l lJotlle tl)at IJec llJall iut>ge tlJe pcopltrlglJtc, 1)!115be1orfull together befo~e tf]c JL01n: fo1 l}c t~
ouar. come to tungc tlJc cart{J.
11 JL,et tlJt l)cauen$$ rcioicc, ant> Jtt tlJe eartl} 1 o 119itlJ riglJtcoufne[c fl:Jan f;Jee iunge tf;Je
bee glab : let tlJt Cea maltc a noire, anll all tl}at \llo~ID : anb tf.Je people 'tllitlJ CQUitit.
tlmeini~. Dominusregnauit. Pfal.99.
1 2 :tLct tlJc ficlll be iopful,ann au tf.Jat tF5 in tt·:
tllcn llJall all tl)c tree$$ of tl)c \lloon rciotccbef'o,e
l},)c JI.. o~ll ir5 l1ing,bee tl}e people ncurrfobn•
F'•timt: !Jc fittctlJ bcttucen tl)e <lrf)crubims,
tlJC )I. o~tl. be tl)t rartlJ ncncr wbnQntct.
1 3 1fo~ l)c commctIJ, foi l;Je commctlJ to iullgc 2 ilr:te )l. c~ll t!?i great in ~ion: anll fJigJJ a,
tl)c eartlJ : anti 'tllittJ rigIJecoufnclfc to tunge tl)C boue aH pcoplc. '•':'
'll.1o~lb,anb tl)e people 'lllitlJ l)iS cructl;J. 3 ~t.Jev fi;allgiue t()anlics bnto tfJp ~amc:
Dominus regnauit. Pfal 9 7• 'tlllJitlJ ifl r:rcat, \1.lOntJcrfull,mill IJolr. ·
t$$ lling,tl)e cartl) ma~be glab tl;Jrr, 4 ~lJc UingS po\llcr louetl] tullgctnmt.tflou
T ~nLo~tl
of: rca, tl)e multttune of tl]e '.J)les map bee IJa« p~cparetJ equitie: tl;Jouf)all cnrutell tungc.
!!lab tl)crcof. mcnt.anll rigl}teoUfneffc in '.Jacob. ·
2 <!Bouoe,z anti '!larltenerre arc rounD about 5 © magntfie tlJC JLo~ne our 13oll: anb fall
l)nn:. ri~eoutncffc anb iUDgemcnt arc tl;Jc {Ja' Do'tllnc befoie bis footiloole,fo~ l)c it' l)olp.
bttat1on ofiltis rcatc. 6 ~ore~ anti liilaroil amoRJ~l&#cftl,anll
3 . ~l)erefi)algo afircbefo,ef;Jim:anllbUmc ~amuel among fUcb al!I call bpon IJi.G name:
bPlJ1s e!lcmtcs on eucrp fibe. t{Jefe rallell bpon tlJe JL,01n,anb IJCl}tarD tf)em.
ti1 4 l!lts l1gl}tning15 gauc tlJine: tmto «Je: \tlo1ln: 7 ll)e Cpafle bnto tljcm out of lfJc aouoie pif,
... eea~ rato it,anb maurratn. far: ro~ tlJcr fieptfJi• teflimonieif, anD tIJe la'tllc
5 ~l)c lJilis mclttb ltke \Dare at tl]e wcrcncc tl}at l)e gaue: t{Jem..
~lJ~k~O~l): at tl)e PJCfctltC of tlJC )l,OJZIC of d)c 8 ~OU IJcarDcl tl}£m (fl!) JI. OJD OUT<liloD:)
art!). t{Jou fo~gaucll t!Jcm, ill> 13oZJ, ano puniRJCllft
~e lJcauml!l l)auc Zlctlareb IJi• rililf)tc' tl}motoneim1entions.
oufnclfe.anbaUtl}epeoplclJaucrccnel)iti~ZF· 9 ~magnifie ttJeJLo1b our~oll, Rnl>tllo1,
7 . ~onroumcb bee all tlJey tl)at 'ID010Jq.J
ueo 1magcs,anb tl:Jat bcltglJttn baine IP>Df·'lllOJ• i• l;Jolp.
mt• ll)ip !Jim bpon IJI• l)Dll? l)il: fo1 d)e )L.01D our <liloD
flJIJI lJttn all pee gobs. • Iubilatc Deo. Pfal.100.
S ~ion IJcarb Ofit, 8ntl reiofab• anb tl)e: QlOeciopfuU intl;JcJLo1Dallpcclanl1S: fen1e
baugl}teris of ']uba tocn !t\l8l> bccaUre of tlJF tlJe )L.o1t11Did}gls?Jncl. anD come befo1eIJiis
tut1gcments,"l.01t1. ' pieftncetoitlJafang. , :_,
_ _T_9_f_,o_~_tlJ_o_u_)L._o_~tJ_e_ar_t...:..1J1~·ialJ=e:t:.:....::tlJ~c::n..:a::ll..:dJ~a'.:Jt~_:_2--='6:.:e!..:rc::e.:'.ru=:re::tl1::a=t:.::fll::c~Jlo~JZl:.:lJ=cc:..::il~cll5~0~Z1~,~it~i•~-- ,~
~- lJei _\-,
fhe aftlilteds prayer. The Godscareforhis. 208

IJe tllat (JatIJma!Je bS,anl> not 'llle our felucs:'lllc i ~ ~c $rati)en (lJall fcarc thF nnmc, ©
arc IJiS people, anti tl:Jc fiiccpc ofllfa paaure. 'JL0_1ll: i:t a'.lt~c liing_~ ortlJtcartIJ tt.JpmairRit.
3 ilD. goe rour l»arcs into l;ia gatr~. 'lllitlJ 16 IWlJcn tl)c ·.ll..o~b llJall builn bp ~ion : anti
tl}anlif!l(umg, \t mto IJ1s courts 'lDitlJ p~atfc: tc \lllJcn lJiS glo~r fball appcare.
t1J1mllrul bnto IJtm, anD fpcaft gooD ofl)iS name. 17 tti'ilm lie turncttJ I.Jim tmto tl]c p~arer of
4 1f tlJc )l,oill is gmiou~, l}ts mmte ts c,
ucdallmg: an!l IJiS truetl} cnDurctlJ from gene'
tf)e poo,ze flcllitutt:an!l !JclpifctlJ nott{Jrit: tJclirr.
18 -GC:lJti.i fbaU be to~ittcn fo~ tl)ofc tl)atcome
ration to generation. after: an!l tf)c pcop!e 'llli)ic1J OJ all bet o~ne, 11Jall
Milericordiam&fodicium. Pfal.101. p~apfc tlJc Ji.o~'1l.
M ll? Cong fl.Jal be ormmic 111i1J iUIJgement: bn' t9. f,oz(Jc t.Jat{J Ioo11ct1'DO'amcfrom IJii:ifiltlC'
to tl]cc,© li.o~!J, will 'JI un!J. tuanc: out of tfJe {Jcaucn Dill tlJe Jl..oin bc'~oltc
z © lrtmclJaue bnDcraan!Jing:intlJc\llar tl)c cartl]. ·
ofgolllmctTe. 2 o ~~t IJc migl)t IJcare tl1c mourninglS of
3 IIDhcn Wilt tbou come tmto mcc : '.]) tDill fuel) ~s bz m rnpttwne: anti 'Ccliucr cl)e 't1lu;c;1
\Dalke m mp l]oufe \lJitlJ a pcrfit fJeart. appomtcll t111to ncatl).
4 ] lDtll talte no toickcn tl]lng i111JanM, 'jj 21 ~iJat tf.Jcr map llcc!arc ftJc name of t!Jc
1Jatc tlJc unnes ofbnfaittJfulnetre: tlJcrc flJall no 'JLqD in ~ion: anll ilis "IDOJllJip at lf,hcrnfalcm.
fuel] cteaue bnto me. n n:>tJrn t!JC people are gatfJcrcn togctUcr:
s a ftotoar!J IJeart 11Jall llrpart from me : 51 ann ttlc iiingMmeii afro to fcruc tiJe JLozlJ.
\»ill not tmo UJ a \lJtcfte!J pcrfon. 2 3 l:)c b~ouglJt !Jotrin mr arcngtlJ tour,

6 1191Jo ro p#mlr aanim:ctlJ l)i~ ncigf.Jbom·: ncp : ant> fiJom1e!l mp oarci;.

,, IJim 'lllill '] ncntov. 24 l5ut 3l fai'O-.© mp <5oll, taficmc not a't\l:ip
~. 7 twl]o ro 1Jatb alfo a pioull loofiC, anti IJigl,1
aomac11c: 31 mill uotfuffer !Jim.
intl)cmio~ofmtncagc: a)'!fOH1JHmeis, tiJci:
cn'Ourc tl)~ougl)out all gcncrationi,i.
8 Sl@inc eres looflc bnto fuel) as bcfaitl)full 2 5 ·cE~oul!.02ll in tf!e te~tnntng IJalUain t)Jc
tn tfJc lanll: t(Jat tlJep mar ll'lllell 'lllitlJ me. founbatton of t~c cartlJ : r.n!J ttc lJcaucn::s arc
9 lWl}o ro lealletlJ a go'Olr life: l)e fl.Jail be mr tl}e 'lllo:Jtc 0 rtl)r l;:inll~.
reruant. 2 6 ~IJrp flJaU pcrtfl1, ba~ tlton 11Jc.It cn'tmrc:
'• 10 ~cret1Jallno llcccitfull pcrfon IJ'lllcllin tl)cpall fuall to arc o1l'lz a::l llL'.Cti; a gnrmrnt.
' mp ~oufe: IJc tl)at tclletiJ lie~ HJal not tarp in mp 27 gnn as abcaurc fuelt ti;cu ci)anQ;c tf]cm,
flgl)t. anll tlJtr flJalbect}an~en: but t~ouart tljcfamc,
i 1 1 llJall roonc ncarop an tl)e bngol>lp tl)at ann tlJr rem~ f1JaU not fr1ilc.
arc in tlJe lann: tIJat 1 mar rootc out all 'llliclic'O 2 s 'llC!)e ciliir•;rn cf ttp CeruantiJ f!;aU contt 0

'Doers from tl)c c:itic of tl}c Jl.oin. nuc: anll tlJm fcci:J~ !!;all fiantJ fact tn rt)p Hgtt.
Bcnedic anima. l'faL Io~.
Domine ex:audi. Pfal. J 02. pmatfc tbclL~~'O ~ !J' !nr, rouh',:_ ~:1ll al! tl}atl)J
:.rning ·~~ '.1--. <li:are n~r p~arcr, lD 'JLo~ll: anlJ let '\\'l1t{Jmmq.q1fe 1Jsn,ctpm..1.,,
:yer. , i~ 1-···~1 mpcrpmgcomclmtotlJec. . ,, tl)~affc tt1c ·JLo~o, © mf fuu\c : r:nu fo~Q;::t
~· tc,"'' - ~ 2 ~1!Jenott!Jpfaccfrommcm not all ht~ iicnrfttr:J.
ii'J_\:)-· . tl)e time of mp troub!c : cndinc 3 rom~i:i fo~Q;mctlJ an HJr finnc:an::i ~~~:'.\-:~;~
~ • tl)tnc cm!.! bnto me l'l)lJcn ] call, all tbftw mf!nmri~r;.
© l)care me, aun ti) at rtg{Jtfoonc. 4 · IW:p;!Jfaueti.J tlJi? life from i:itllmct:o:1: ~
3 f:'o: mp na~e~ are t:onfumclJ a'ro!lf hlie crowm:tlJ tIJcc tDitll merer ani:I !ouing liitt1mr)J.
rmofie: anlJmpboneonlmrnt bpaµttti.m:e a s tW!)iclJ fatifffctfJ ti.Jr moutb toifl.J (;ooa
nreb,umn. t!1inM : making tl]cc poung an'O ltttlic a~ 1>11
4 ~P llcart i)ifmittcn llO'lll ne,anll '11itl)crc'O <ieag!e.
Iifle grarre: fo tIJat 'JI fomet to cate mr b~ea'O. 6 ~JC ·.ll..o~ne c,:emtetlJ rigl}tcournctre a.n!J
~ ~o~ tl)c botcc of mp groning: mr bone)'! lullucmcnt: fo~ all tl}cm tl]at arc opp~ctrc!J lll!tlJ
bltn rcarcc deauc to mp flcflJ. 'lll~n~ .
rs j\ am become like a ~cUic:ane in t~c tDil, 7 ~e flJc'IDell IJi~ ware~ bnto ~ore~ : 1)1~
llcmerre: ann lilie an o\l:lle tl)at1is intlje llcfcrt. 'lllo~bes bnto t{Jc t!Jitllltll of']fra~f.
7 'JIIJauewatcl)cD, annam cuen a)'!it\Dm s ~e )Lo~n ts tul of compaLiron anti merer:
a Cparo'lll : tfJat CittctlJ alone bpon tlJe {Jou re top. Iongfuffermg anll of great gootmclfc. .
8 !llflinc enemie)i tcnile me all tl)e nap long: 9 l9ct11tlnotal\11ar be c{Jlt>mg: ue1tl)crltce•
anll tl)cp tl)at are mall bpon me, arc r'lllo,nc to' petb {Jc IJt~ an~cr fo~ cucr. .
getl)er againll me. 10 l[}cc iJattJ not benlt 'lllit~ 11~ after ot,tr
9 1fo~ 'J1 l}aue catm allJe~, a)'! it Ulerc b1ean: rtnnes: no, rctoar!Jctl ll!'l acco~'Omg to our '\\'llt-
ann mingtc'O my tninlie \lJ!tlJ weeping. lletmclfc. .
1o anll tlJat tiecaure of tl)inc inniw1ation 1 1 fo~ Iooflc l)otD lnglJ tl)c l)eauen i~ in com,
anlJm~atl): foitfJonl)alltalicnmebp, ann call parffonoftl)ceartb: fo great iSJl)l)'!1Ucrciealfo
mctio'lllm. to'lllnr!l t(Jctn tl}at fcarc IJim.
II ~r napes arc gone lirie a ft)allo\tle: anll 1 12 ~oofic l)o'lll Wille atro <falh~ from tlJe
am 'lllitlJcrcn lit.c graffc. iwca:ro fam i)atlJ IJc rct ~urrmncsfrom \l~.
12 ~ut"t{Jou ( ® JLoibe) llJnlt cnnure fo~ e, 1 3 ~ca, ll!ic .a~ a fr.ttJcr pittctl) lJi~ olDne

ucr: an'tl tlJl' rcmcmb~ance rtnougl)out all ge11c, dJilD~cn:cu~n fo 111 tlJt 'JLo~n mmif'ul bnto t!Jcm
rations. . t{Jatrcarc tmn.
13 -GC:f)ou llJalt arifc anil ftauc merct~ llpon 14 c.«oi be liJl0\1.lctlJ 'ID{)ercor'\\'le be ma!Jc: lJc
~Ion: fo~ tti!Stimc tf)at ti~ou l}auemm1e bpon rcmctnb~ettJ ti]at'We arc but iluft.
IJcr, rca,tl)ctime ii,i come. 1 s .~ilc nape~ of 1nan arctut as grafl'c: fQ~ be
14 ~n!J '1DlJl1 ~ tl111 r~ru:mt::S tl1infie tipon l)er flourtflJctlJ a)'! a fio\ll£r or the ficlD.
lloneis: am1 it pitfetiJ ti}cm to fee {J£T in tteDult. 16 <jfoia~foonc a~ t11c 'lllin!Jc goctlJ omrit,
tr I
Gods rnercie, po'Vver, The xxj. day. and prouidence.:.·
it is monc: ann tl)c plau tl)mof 11.Jall llno\Dc 1t ni;l1t: \DlJetein au d)c bcaUel!I oc tlJc fo1ctl lloc I~
no mo1c. moouc.
1 l6ut tIJetnerRfuU goollllt1!'e of tl:Jc JL,0111c
7 11 ~c JL,ionl!I roaring after tlJcir p:ap: 11oc I
m?luretl) fo1 cucr anll cucr, bpon tl.Jcm tlJat Ccckc t1Jc1r mcatc at <115011.
fcarc IJim: anll IJil!I rigIJtcoufncl!I bpon dJilll1Ctll!I 22 -atl)c runnc arifttlJ, anb dJCF get t1.1cm a•
clJilll:rn. . \D8F to!,lctlJct : ano lapc tlJcm ooumc in dJclr
18 ~ucn bpon rua, as fiecpe IJtl!I coucnant: oenncs.
anbt(Jmbcbpon IJil!l ,ommaunimnmtl!I to lloc 23 a)angoedJ fo1dJto1Jil!l\Do111c. anlltolJil!I
t(Jcm. labour : tmttll tl)c cucning.
1 9 ~lJc ·.11,,011> l)atlJ ~arc'll IJil!I fcate in l:Jea• 2 4 ill> JL01nc,l)oto manifolllc ate tl}p \Do:licl!I:
ucn: anb IJil!I limgbome rulctlJ oucr all. in totCcnomc 1Jaa tlJou mane tl)cm all, tl}c cartlJ
20 ill> p1aifct1Jc lL01t1c.pcc angc~ oflJtSJ, pee tsrutl oftl}p ricl)css.
tllatmclhn arcngtlJ:rcetl)at rulfill lJil!I com· 2 5 ~o tsstl}cgrcatanll\tlillcfcaalfo:tofJcrc•

manbcment, anll IJcarrtcn bnto tlJe boice of l}il!I in are tl)tngss crc~ping innumerable, boU, rmau
wo1Dl!I. ann great tJ caag.
2 r ill> p111ifc tlJelL0111,anpchiss1Joftes: pc Ccr· . 2 6 ~(Jere goc tl)e flJipSJ, anti tl)crc is tl)atJLe•
uantl!I of IJil!I tlJat noc IJil!I plcafurc. matl.Jan: tol)ome tlJou 1Jaa mane to ta lie IJiS pa•
2 2 ill> fptalle goon of tlJc JL01Dc,aU pc \uo11tes ftimc tl)erein.
of IJis,in all places of lJil!l llominion: p:aifc rtJou 2 7 ¢1Jcfc to ait all bpon t!Jtt:tl)at tlJou maFcll
t~c JLo~b,® mp route. gtuc tlJem meat in nue rearon.
18 tIDIJcn tlJou giuell tt t{Jcm, tl}cp gatl}n it:
Benedic anima mea, Pfal.104. an_l.I \ll{Jen t{Jou opcnca tlJr 1Jaoo, tlJcr arc lillcll

Euening matrctI:Jc 'JloJllC, ©mp rouie:© \DttlJ gooll.
prayer. JJ.,o~l:J mp ©oil, tt_iou art become ct> 29 U91)en tIJou lJil:JctltlJr face, tl)ep arc trOU•
ccel:Jing glo~ious, t1Jou art ciotlJcll bicn : m~n tl}ou tatca aUJap tlJcir b~eatl} tlJtT , ..
\utt{J maicfttc ano {Jonour. llie,anl:J arc tumcl:J agatne to tl:Jct~bull. •'
1 ~~ou 11ecrtca tlJr Ccltc \tlitlJ 3o U91Jcn ttJou lcttca tlJr b~catl) ~cc fooJtlJ,
ligl}cas it \titre \uitlJ a ~armcnt: anl:J fpicallcft tlJcr fballn mal:Jc: anb tl)ou llJalt rcnc\l.l tlJl? Ul'e :l
out tIJe l)eaucns lillc a rurtainc. of tl)e cartlJ. i:
3 IWi)ictJ lapct{J tlJc beamcs of lJiSc{Jambcr 31 'it}Jc gioliouis mairtlic of tlJc l-01llc llJaU
in tl)c toatcrl!I: anb ma11ctlJ tlJc clouncs IJil!I cfJa• cntmre foi cuer: tlJc JLo~llC llJalt rctorcc in IJi~
rct.anll tuamctt) bpon tlJc \llin~ of t[Jc 'minoe. 'olOJbCf$.
4 ~e mafictlJ IJis angels Cptrtt£': anlJ (Jiis mi• 3z 'it}Jc cartl) (ball trcniblc at tlJc looke of
niacn~ a flaming llre. IJim: ifhc lloc but touc!J tlJc l)ils tlJer ll:Jal fmolte.
s ~c Ia ill tl)c fount111tion1S or tlJc cartlJ: ti.Jilt 33 '.JI \llill fing bnto tlJc lL o~bc as long aii ')
it ncucr 11Jouil:J moouc at anp time. ltuc: l \Dill PJSifc mp <3oll 'W{Jilc ~ l)auc mp
6 ~ou couerel:Jllit \tlitIJtlJcbccpc lilic alS being.
to ttlJ a garment : tlJc '11 ate rs aann in tl)e l}tllS. 34 annro llJaHtm'\tlOJllS plcafclJim :mpiav
7 (:lttl?r rcbube t~cr flee: attfJc boicc oftl.JF OJall be in tlJc Jl..o~llr.
tl)unl:Jcr tl)cp are attain. 3s as foHinnn~,tlJcF IJJ'llll be conrumcn out.
s ~IJCF goc bp al!l IJi® alS tlJelJil~. ~ llo\unc of tl)c cartlJ, anll tlJc bngotllp 11Jall come to an
to tl]c ballcpcl!I bencat{J : cucn tmto tl)c pla'c cnll: p111nc tl)ou tl)e JLo~lJ,@mp roule,pJaifc tlJc
'llllJicl) tl)ou !Jail appointcll foHlJcm. JL,o~llc. '
9 ~l)oul}allrctt[JemtlJdr bounbc~. \UlJid) c fi ~::
tl}cpflJallnotpaai:: ntitlJct turnc a~aincto co, 00 temini Domino. Pfal,ro5. ~
ucrt[Jcrartl). ~~:::;u.-.,- <1!5im:tl)anlfcsbntot1Jcllo,ll, anl:! Mom~
10 ~cc rcnnctlJ tlJc Cpiin~ intotfJc nurrs: can bponlJisnamc: tclltl)cpeopk piaycr. ·~
tolJidJ run among ttc lJils. tolJat tl)ings l)c (JatlJ Done. :1
11 ~Uibcansoft[Jcficlllell1inhc tIJcrcof:anll 2 ®lee rout Congsbeofl)im, :~
l'ti,c 'tDiln am·s qucncl) tlJcirtlJira. ~&:ijii~~ a1~1:1 piaifc llim : anll lct rour taf, ~:,
12 mcrtne tl)cm UJall tlJt rou1cs of tlJc apJc fling be of an lJts toonl>Jous too~lics. ~
IJauc tl)cir l)abitation:ann rtnn among tl}c b~an· 3 lReiorcc in lJiS l)olp name: let tlJc l)cart of :).
cl) cs. tlJcm rcioFcc tIJatrcritc tlJc lloill. ,,
, qll}c\l.latcrctl)tlJcl)ill!lfromabour:tl)ecartl) 4 ~ccllctl.Je lloJllc an'lllJis tlrcngt1J:fctfl£ ~
t5S fillcll \l.lftlJ tl)e fruit of t1J1? \llo,ffcs. l)i~ face cucrmo,c, .~
4 ll)ce biingetl) fooJtlJ gratrc fo_t tl)r cattcU: s l'lcmcmbcr tlJc marucilcus moibtl!I tl)at
nn111 grccne I1catbc roz tlJc rcruicc of men. l)c l)atl) bone: l)is toonncrs.ann tl}c iuDgemcnt.s \
" ~atl)cemapb1tng foonoutoftl}ecartlJ, ofl}ismout(J. ~
an11 'mme tl)at maflctlJ glall tlJc l)cart of man : 6 ill> re rccb of ab,a)Jam l)iS rcrmmt:pc cl)11' q;
:~~ i~leto 1na1tc l)im a ~cerefull countenance, llJett of 1acob l}iS d}ofcn. . . . ~·
~cabtolhengtl} mansl)cart. 7 ~cis tl}c JLo,oour<l!5oD :tns rubgemcnt.s i.;,
men::~~tteca or tl)c JLo:ll auo arc run of rap: arc in au tlJe \llo,ID. ~
planteo. eoarii or ll..ibanus. \DIJl'IJ (Jee l;Jatl} s ~c l)atl} tiecnc al\Da1? minbful of bis cou1> ·~
1 11anta11bp~omifc:tl}at1Jec mabcto a t11ouranb ~'
. ra Jtttin ttle bftbS make tl}ctf nciftl!I : anti gcmrattons. ·~
tlJc1 firrc tm~ are a b'mcntng ro~ tlJc ~to~ltr. 9 Ifurn tlJt 'ouenant tl}at l)c mal:!c \tlitfJ g, -~
~l)e 1Jtglfl)1Uea arc a rcft1«Cfo: tl)c \Dilbc b~am: \t tl]cotl}c tl)at l}c rtoarc bnto '.) falJac. ~
gcntc~.anb ro an tbc tlonicrocllis foJ tl}c conics. 1 o .anD ap(IOintcD tl}c Came bnto '.]Jacob foi a ~
9 ~ct appomteo ttle moone ro: ccrtatnc rca•
la\D:anb to ]ttaelfoJ an cucrlalltng tcnamcnt. '
ronis: nnll tIJc runnc hno'metlJ IJiis gofn« Do\llnc. 11 ~artng. Gnto tl)cc \llill] (Siuc t(Jc lanbr \\
_ _ __~_11_ou_m_ak_c_tl_lla_r_ke_ne.:.:.m=-c·:...:~~a=t:.:tt::ma~r_:::_b~rc:.:___::Of:.:C1~a:::n~aa~n'...::~tl1~c~lo~to::f~po::ur~inlJ~m~t~an~c:'.r.~-~-·~~

~gypt plagued. Sinnes confei1{-d. 209
I J Dl)en tlJm 111m pet but 11 mu of d}rm:
anD dJe1' lfan;ers in tlJelanll. Confimnini Domino, Pfal. 106
13 DIJattimas tl)tp blmt from ont natt= <13iue tl)anlie!f bnto tl}e JL.,01be, Eucning
ontoanotlJer: Ctom one litngbomt to anoCIJer fo1 lJc ill ~actouis : anD IJil!I mer, prayer.
people. c:p en'lnlretl) ro1 euer.
14 l)e flltfrtll na man to boetl)e:la "lD10f1g: bUt 2 m(Jo can eywctre tl}e noble
rr;wOUtll euenldn~foi tf1eif ralle,,. attts of tl)e ·,11.wn , 01111eto fooitlJ
15 ~ouctJ not mine anointtD : IU1'b l>oe mp • an IJts wairc '!
J&10pl;Jets no l)amr. 3 lOldfen an tlJcr t!Jat al\Daf fleepe iubge,
16 ~Ol£Ouet1Je callel> ro: a1>eatt11 t>pon tl)e mmt: anD tioe t4Jl)teoufneU'c.
~t. lanD: ano Dellfopeb all tlJe piouifion ofblMDo 4 l!icmembn me, t1D JL.,0111. am>tbing to tl}e
-.:... 17 l5UtlJc1Ja1>fmtamanbcfoiet1Jcm: cum fauour tl)at tl)ou beanll bnto t1)r people: ©bi•
' '.Joft:plJ lDIJiclJ \Dail foll> to be a bonD rcmant. flte me \DltlJ tlJp faluation.
18 nBl)orcreete ti.Jct' IJUr1: in tlJe flotltt,s: tl)e 5 ~at~ map fee tl)e fdicttie of tlJl? ctJoCen:
ironmtreo intolJisfouk. anb reto1?c:~ mtl)e ~tint[~ or tlJ1? peopl£, \t l,llue
19 llllntill tlJe time came l)i• taUfc t»a• t1Jan11Cl5 \DttlJ t111ne ml)entance.
rmo\Den : dJe wo~D or tl:Je ·A-o~l> trieo l)tm. 6 De )Jaue annell \DttfJ om: fatlJcrlS : \Dec
.~' · 20 ~c bing rmt \t Deltuueo IJim: tl}e p1ince {Jaue Done amt[c, anD Dealt \Dtc:lielllp .
oftlJc peopl£ let [Jim goe tree. 7 ©~ fatlJerlS regarticb not tbp\Dontletj'!l in
21 ll)e 1na11e lJim ·JL,o~D alfo of~ l}oure: anti lfgppt, llCltlJrt kept tl:Jct' tlJ1? ~eat goolmelfe in
mterofalll}i,s fubftante. rememll~ance: but \Dere bifobetiicnt at tl:)e rea,
:iz ~at1Jc1nillf:ltmfoi1ne IJ1• piim:ess aftn mmattl)erellfea.
I}~ ttlill: anb ttaclJ IJi• ~enatoi• llliCeoome. s fr,!euertl)ele[e, IJet l)elpeb tlJem toi bi•
1 3 ]frad a1ro came into aemipt: anlJ ')Jacob names fake : t)Jat lJe nriglJt make lJiS po\Un to
11Ja15allfanjlrtint1Jelan1J of~am. be lino\Den.
14 .anlJ l)c mmafcb l)i• people e~ttbingl1?: 9 'e rebUltetl tl)e reb fea alro , anll tt mais
anlJ malJc tlJem llfongn tlJm tl)eir cnemteii. ll~icb bp: fo l)c leD tl}em tlJiouglJ tlJe llcepe , a15
2 s t191Jof£ l)eatt turnelJ,fo tl)at tl)ep IJateb 1Ji21 tlJioullf:I a toilberne[e.
people: anb bealt bntruelp toitlJ 1Ji£1 reruantii. 1 o an1> lJe raueb tl}tm from tlJe a1JUcrraric1S
2 6 ~en ltnt l)e Qt)ofeJ.11)1• Ccruant:ano Qa• tJanb: an1> llCliuueb tlJemfromtl)elJanboftl)c
ron '\Dl)om l)e lJatl cl)orm. cnemic.
2 7 anlJ tl1efe ll)e\lJclJ 1Ji21 toflcnis amoq t1Jcm: 1 [ as Coi tl)ore tl}at trouble!> tIJem' t:IJe \Da•
anlJ \DonlJcrii in tl)e lantl on~am. ~ oucr\lJIJClmeb tl:)em: tl)ue \Das not om of
2 s f!)e rent 1JameneU'e, an1> tttoaJ batfle: anti ttJcmleft.
tl)ep mere not obelJicnt bnto lJil! \IJO~b. r i ttl)m bcleeueb tl}ey IJ1is 1Do11>is : anll rang
.l 29 ~e tumetl tlJetr \Datrrslinto blooll: anti wai(etmto IJtm.
Oe\D their fillJ. 1 3 lOut \'DttlJin a \'Dl)ile tl)ep foiiiate 1Ji21
-·.... 30 ~IJeit li1nll b~OU«l1t fo~tlJ fro~ fea,euen 'illo~lleis: anb \Doulb not abUJe lJtS connreu.
mtlJeir filn!l£1 d;lamber111. • 1+ '5ut lufl came bpon tl)em in t:fJe totlber•
· 31 t)e tpalie tl}e \Do11>,a11D tlJere catne au ma• nerre: anD tlJCt' tcmpteb <!3011 in tl}e lle1trt•
''1' ner of ftieis: anD lice in au tlJeir quan:erss. J s Qnl> l)e gaue tlJem tlJeir 11care : anlJ rent
32 $e ~lJem l)ailctlOMSfoiratn£: anti 1eanne1Ie tDitl)all into tlJrit route.
ftameis otftre tn tlJeir lanb. 16 ~ an~eb sa@oreis alfo in tiJe tents:anll
31 ll)efntote t1Jeir bineisalfo anD fi~ trte!S: aaron tl)e faint oftl}e>~o.
anti ocaroieb tl)e tttt!!I tlJat \'Dere in tl)m coa«•· 17 ~o tl)e eartl) opencb , anll C\Dallo'mel> bp
34 11Je£paketl)c'llwt1e, anb tlJe !,ltall)oppet!!I ~atl.Jan: anll couereo tlJe congrejlation of ab1,
came, anb caterptllnil innumerable : ano bib ram.
catt tp all tlJc gra«e in tl)eir lanll, ann bcuoutetl is Qnll ti)e fire 'tl'lalS liinblell in tl)eir companp:
tl)e ftllit of tl)eir ~ounb. tl)e flame burnt bp tlJe bngolllp.
3s ll)e rmote all tl)c nra bOlne in tlJeir lanb : 19 ~ep mane a c:alft in 11.)o~eb: anD \IJ0111Jip•
ttrm ttJe clJicfe orallt1Jeirtlrmgt11. peb tl)e molten image.
36 l)c b10ugiJt tlJcm foo1t1J alfo \DitlJ mun 2 o ~"" tl)cr tu men their glo~r: into tl)c ft•
8t1llpl1J:U,mtoas5noto11£feeblepmonamong mtlituDe of a calf£ tl}at eatttlJ lJar.
tl)eir tnbes. 21 anD tl)er fo~gatc <13oD rtleir rautour:1DlJiclJ
37 Cfm'pt \\la!!I glati at tlJeir beparting : roi l)ab none ro ~cat t1:Jing11 in lfgppt.
UJtpb.!cteafraib oftl)em. 2 2 monDeroul!I 'WOJhcs in the lan'tl of t)am:
38 l)e tp1ea1J out a cloub t.o be a couering:anll anti featcfull tlJin!JS bp tlJe reD rea.
fire to giue li;IJt tn tl)e niglJt rearon •. 2 3 ~o tJcfato~e\IJoull> (Jaue11ct1rotet1 ~C'ln;

39 at tlJCit befiTC IJC b10U!J{Jt QU81lelS: anl> l)t lJall not i1@ofes 1J1s c(Jofcn tlanbe btfoJe btm in
fllleb tl)em \DitlJ tlJe b1eab of IJeaucn. tlJe ~appe: to turne a\IJa'P lJllS \U~tlJfull inbig'
40 l)c openetl tlJe roclie of flone, anb tl)e \DR• natton., lett l)c OJOUlll Dellto1? ti:) em.
ttris Ho\DeD out: ro tl)at nucrs ran in lln plaujS. i4 1?ea,t1Jer tl)ouglJt rcome of t1Jat plearant
41 11'01 \DlJ1?'! lJe rcmcmb1dl IJtl!l IJolp wcmtre: 1ant1 : anti gauc no etcb~cc bnto IJif!I \Do~n.
anb ali1al)am IJilS rttuant. . . 25 l6utmunnure1Jm tl}etrtents.:anbl)ear,
42 ann l)e bJoqtJt roitlJ lJiil people \Dt.tlJ 1op: littul> not bn~ tl:Je bon.e of tl)e )Lo,-.·
l1l1D Ins Cl)oren \DitlJ i;Jta'Onetre. 2 6 '41:1.Jen llrtlJ~ bp 1J1s (Janll againft ttJem: to
4 3 anti pue tl)em tl)e lanbl!I of tl)c ll)~tl;Jm: oucrtiJ~o\D tt:Jem m tl)e 1lJ1lllerneU'e.
anti tl}er tootle tl)e labours of tl)e people tn pof 2 7 '4!:o c:a1l out ttJur fceb among tl)c nation~:
remon. anD to rcatt£~ ~cm in tlJt la11011.
44 ~at tiler mtglJt ficcpe l}i!!I aatutcl!I: anD 2 s ~l'1? 1011ico tl)emre1ues tmto l5aal l()co~:
Obfm&el)i!'ll ~'IDC!'I. anl> ate tlJe otfering~ of tbe llcall.
Idolarriepunifhcd. The xxij .day. Affiietion cauferh prayer.~
2 9 'laJu~ tlJcp p~ouoficD IJtm bnto an§cr tutti) s Iii[) ~at mm \l)OUl!I tl)mfo~c p~arre tl)c ';
tlJcir ottlnc inucntion~: anb tl}e plague \llSJS JL,0~11foi1J•JS!JODlmal'r:1111bllulantl)el»onlleiss ,~
!lfCat among tlJem. tfJat)Je noetl:J fin tbec)Jtllnm ofmm.
3o ~l]cn aoob bp ~)Jinccis, anD p1are11: anti 9 toilJe fattftletlj tlJttmptte route: anb fil,
ro tfJr plague ceafcD. lctl) tl)e IJUnlP'\' foulc tutti} goobnetrc.
i o ~ud.J a• at nnammeffe anb tn d}e IJ)a•
31 ilnl> CfJattDal5 countelJ lmto f)im ro1 riglJ•
tcouftlelfe: among all poftmtie!J fo1 euenno1c. tlo\lJ of tJeatlJ: being fall bounb in narem anti
32 '<lW]ep angrelJ )Jim alfo at tl]e \lJaterl5 of r:on.
tJnfc: ro tl}at IJe puni11Jct1 ~ores fo~ their fakes. 1 1 '5eawre tlJcf rebtllclJ a1alnll tlJt 1D1>1~
, 3 :JDecaure ctJey p101roliet1 IJts fpirit: ro ti] at of ttJc )l,0~11: anll liglJtlp rc!!Jartlco ttJc "'unfdl
IJe (pafle b11at1utfct1lf tDitl) IJiS lips. tlJe moll IJi~.
34 ~eictJer nellropelJ tl}ey ttJe)Jeat)Jen: al5 tlJe 12 0e auo tJJougl]t 110\Dnc tl)tif IJcart rtJo•
JL,010commannentJJcm. rougl;J l}cautneffe: tl;Jep fctl bo\1me, 'anlJ tl)m
35 :JDut \lJere mtn!!lctl among tl]c 19eatl,)cn : 'Wais none to l)elpe tl,)em bp.
imn Iearneb tl)eir \l!oJlicJ5. 1 3 ~o \lJIJm tl)cp crpetl bnto tl)t J.o1bt in
36 '.]lnfomutl) tlJat tlJr.p \llo111JtppeD tl)tir i' tl)etrtrouble: lJet1chucrcntl)rmoutoft:l)eirbts
oolcJ5, \DIJitlJ turnelJ to tlmr o\llnc occap : pea, tlrcffe.
tiJcr offercl> tlJeir ronncl5 anti naugl)teris tmto 14 1foi i,c b~ou~t tlJcm out of l>arfmde, anb
neutl~. out Of tl)i fiJallO\D Of t1c11t11: l11b b1111le tlJ£ir ,
37 anb fl.Jen innortnt blooll, cucn tl)c bloon bontlss in runner.
oftl)cirfonnes.antl oftilctrllau~trrs; \'Dl]om 15 ~~at men \lloulb t11mro12 p1aifc tl)t
tl)ep offeretl 1lnto tQC illols of <InJanaan, anti tl]e Jl.o~n fo~ lJt~ gooilne[c: anb lJcdaretlJe lllOnller•
lann \lJalS DcfileD \lJttlJ blooti. t~at ljc lJotlJ fo1 tbc cl)illl1en ofmen. • ·
3s ~IJU!S to ere tlJcp 1lap1.1cll \llitll tl)e~r oume ~ 6 1fo~ IJe lJatlJ b~olien tl)e !IJ&tcis ofb1alfe:lllb
\llo~flelS: anti \l!cnt a wIJ01m!! \l!ttlJ tlJctr owne fmttten tl]c barreis ofiron in runner.
inucntions. . 17 1]'oolil1J men are plagucll foi tlJrir olfmu:
39 ~erro~e 1Dass tlJe \ll1at1J of tl]c JLo~ll fimll, an?> bccaurc of ttJeir \l!ickennetre. . ..

leb againll lJi!S people: infomucl) tl]at l)e ablJo~· 18 ~lJeir fCIUle abIJoire?l all maner of tMJt:
ren lJilS omne tniJeritancc.
40 anti l)c iiauc tlJcm ouer into tl)e l)anl> of
tl)e l)ea11)cn: (t tl)cp tl)at {Jatcb tl)em were Io~lJ!S
anti tlJtp \lJerc men f1aii> atbcatlJS 11001e.
z9 ~o \DIJm tl)ep crietl bnto tl)cl.-o~b in tl)eir
trouble: {Jc btliucreil ti.Jent out of tl)cir Ditrdr.
oucrtlJcm. 20 ~efcnt lJiss \Do1t1ean111Jeaklltl)rm: anb
41 ~lJeir encmicis oppicCTcb tl)em : anti l)ab tlJey mere fauet1 fTotn tl)eir b£tlructton.
tl)em in fubicction. . 2 r ~ tlJat men \lJoultl tl.Jerefo1e piaire dJt
4i ~~anp a time l>ib l)e lleliuer tlJttn:but t1Jcy JL,01t1 foJ (Jis 1oot1netre: ann tlcdare tf1e \\lotlbed
rebeUcn a~ain« l)im \lJitlJ tlJcir otune tnuentt, t(Jat lJe notlJ m1 tl)C c;1Jilll1m of men. • ;., ..
011$, anl.l \litre b~OU!!lJtt:IO\DnC in tlJeir \llic::lien'
43 ~cucrtl)elclre, \lJl;Jcn (Jcfa\lJ tlJciratJuer,
2 2 ~(JattlJep\lJoUlll Ofer bnto I.Jim tl)t Cacti•
fire oftlJankefgiuing: anb teHout l)t.G lPQlkeJ
mttlJ glallnefi'e. . .

fitte: be (Jearl> tl}eir complaint. 2 3 'laJer tlJat goe bo\\'lne to tbe Cea m llJtpl:

44 lt)e tl)ougl)t npon I.Ji~ coumant, anb P.i· ann occupie tlJefr burtnctre in ~eat \lJatcr~
titl> tl1em acco1t1in!! 1lnto ti.Jc multttunc ofl]tss . 24 ~cre11.1mrect1Jc\llo~fleJoftl;JcJL,o~b:tlnll
mmlcs:tiea.{Je matli all tl]ofe tl)atlJab lcn tlJcm IJtS \tlonnersm tl)e neepe. . . .
atoar captiuc to pt tie tl)em. 2 5 ~0111t IJrs 1llo1t1 ttJe tfo1m1e 'tDtntle anfetfr.
4 s ~eliuer »SS(!lD JJ.011> oui: <3ob) ann gatIJcr 1111Jic1J lirtctl] tip t(Jc \lJaues tlJcreor.
ti~fromamong tlJel)eatlJen :that\\lemapgtue 26 ~IJeparecariell bptot1Jc1Jraum,~bo1»ne
tllanll~ 1lnto tl)p lJolr name,ann mabc our boaft egainc to tiJe ntepc: tlJeir roule melttt:IJ a\Daf
of tlJp p:apre. bccaure or tl)c trouble.
4 6 :lDlcfi'cn be tl)e JL,o~D <3oD or91rrael. from c, 2 7 ~er reelc to anti Cro, anti tlamier ltlie a ~·:
ucrtaatng, ann woiltl \l!itl)out cnn : ann let au n1unlicn man: ann arc at tf)eir tllitl eno. :-\~
tl)epcopterap,amcn. 28 ~o\lJ)JentlJcy apbntoti,eJl,OJ&intlJm ~'
ConfitcminiDomino; Pfal.107. tr~~b~~~b~~~~rc~~&eJ:1~~~!:'le~=t ~~~:
"10ming 11l$iue t1Janr1cist1ntot1JeJl.,01ne, fo~ tl)etuaue~tl)ercofarelhU. ~
prayer. l}e ts gractou,s : anb IJisunercte en' 3o qen .arc ti.Icy glan,bec::aure tl)ep beatrctl: ~.
. . •. t1uret(Jfo1euer. annfol}e b1mgct)Jt(Jnn bnto tJJe l}aum1Dl}m "
• , 2 JLettl)emgiuet{JanU\llf)om tl)ep\llouliJbc. ~~
· tlJc JL01n batl) rclJecme!l: anti ndi, 31 ilD tl)at men tlloulo tlJcrefoic waife tlJe ~~::
uncb ftont t11e l}anb or tbe memic. JLoin ro~ lJis goo11netre:an1> nec::Jare tl)e tuonllm• · ~
..,. 3 !ilnb gatl}creil ti:) em out of tl)e lann~. from
[~~ Cahu anll from tl)c ooea: from t(Je ji;2o~tlJ anD
tlJat l}e boctl) fo~ tf}e d)il!l~cn of mm.
P ~at tlJer moull> cyaltlJim alfo in tlJt con'
mt ,c~outIJ. . «rcgation of tl)e people: ann p~aife l}tmin tl}e \...
4; ~lJtl''lllcnt alltapin tl:Je \lltll:lcrnetre out featcoftlJeclbcr,S. ~~,.
or ti.JC ~ap: nnb rom\b no cttic to t1'111dl i11. 33 119(JiclJ turnetl) tl)e floObJS into s 11>ill>cr' ·~~ !
. le unl!tl' anb tl}irlhe : tf}cit roule Cainten ndfe: anb D~ietlJ bp tl:)e \l!ater twtnlJI. (~
m6.., m. 34 a fruitfUD lantJ makctl) l)c barrm: fo~ tl)e \\1
~o ctJcr ct\'tb. bnto ttJe JLoitie in tl)eir \DmllncU'eoftlJemtl:)atbll)eDti,min. ~~·
trouble: anb 1Jcc11c11ucrct1t1Jcmfrom tt;Jcirnj, 35 againelJcmakctb tbc\DilDcr11effc a aan, lh
llrc[c. Din1fmatti:anD\Daterfp#n~ora1>m1rounb. \I~
. . ., 1 ll)c ltb tl:Jcm ro~tf? ~l' t1Jnig'1t\\lap: tl}at 36 .ano tlJttelJc rettetl) tl:JclJungip: tl}at tl}cr ,' \\
t ,,er nngl)t goe to tllectttc'llll1trutl~ b'lllelt. mt11' butll> tlJem a citie to tl'lllell in. .\~\
' ........__._....! ~=~~~~==::;;;,,,,~·~;:;-9i~!!l!!~-mz:tt:::il~7:Z~;b::a5tb1:=----,, ~~
~auids prayer againfi:the'1vicked. 210

37 ~at t11er map fo'tD tlJcir lanll, anll plant 7 JLct IJi.S Dair.a be fc\11: ann lct anotlJer tal!e
bintparbs :to peelbc tf;Jem rrutr~ of inmare. IJilJ office.
38 l}ce blclfct:I) tlJtm. ro tl)at tl)cp multiplp 8 JLct l}iss d)1lll1cn be fatlJniclfc: anb IJi~
cycccbmgfF: anll ru&rctl} not tl)ctr mtttll to bt• 'mlfc a \llill O'WC.
'rearc. 9. :tLrt l}i15 c1Jil11:cn be batJabonlll!l,anll bcgqc
39 gnll againc, 'tDIJen tf1ep are mtnifbcll anll t1Jc1r bJeab: let rt)rm fcclic it alfo out or 1J£folatc
b~~lJtl0\\1: tlnoug{J opp~dfion, uuougtJ anp placc15.
plague o~ trouble. 10 JLcttlJc cno:tioncrconfUmc all tl}at tee
40 ~Dugl11Jc fuffcr tlJcm to. be cu ill intrca· l)atlJ: ann let ttJc fh'angcr rporle ti.a Iabcur.
teD tl,noug{J trJants: ann let tl)cm 'tDanllcr out 11 JLcttlJcrc be no manto pttielJim: noJ to
oftf1C'\t)llF tn tlJe 'milllcrneU'e. l]auc compamon bpon l}iss fat(J.:rlclfc d)1lD:m.
41 J!?et IJelpctlJ lJe tl)e pooic out of mircric: 12 ll.ct IJt.S poftmtic bte nelh'opell: ann in
anD malittlJ l.lim lJOUfbOl1JSS lilll' a ftocli Of fl)ttpl' . tl]c nm generation let IJilS name be clcane put
.p ~!Jc riglJtcouss mm confiner tl)i~, anll re• out.
iaf'e: anD tl)e moutf) of all \lli"1cllnctfc lbllll be . 1 3 JJ..ct ttJc 'mi~f!ctmclTc oflJi~ fatl)crss be IJaD
aoppeD. m rrmnnb1ancc m tl}e flglJt of ttie Jl,.0~11: anll let
43 1181Jofot.s mire. mtllponllcrtlJl'frtlJing.s: not tlJc finne of 1.Ji~ motlJ er be none a'War.

anll tlJep n111l tmllcrftann tlJt louing liinDnelfe of 14 Jlct tlJcm almap be llcfoie tl)e Jlo~b : tt:Jat
dJeJl..0111. 1.Jc maF toote out t!Jc mcmo1iall of tl)cm from
off ti) ecartf;J.
~. Paratumcormeum. Pfal.108. 1 5 ann ttJat becaurc IJiS minnc ma~ not to
~ © ~. mp 1Jcartissrrallie (mp Doc goo1J: but pcrrccutell tlJc voo~c l]elpclclfc
~ g tcart i.S ttal>F:)']J 'o.litring anll {µUe man. t:l)at l)e mag)Jt aaF IJirn tlJat 'Wal! tJcrt:D at
~~· ~apfl' toitl.l tlJe bl'tl member t1Jat tlJCIJl'llrt.
~ 'JjlJaUC. 16 f,lis i:lelig!Jt toal!I in rurfing, ann it llJall
!:t, 2 a'o.lakc tl}ou lute anb ~arpe: lJapi;en tmto I.lam: IJc loueb not blcU"tng, tlJcte•
111 a'o.lakc riglJt earlp. fo:c llJall it be farre from lJim.
:"'· 3 '.3l mill gtue tilankcss bnto t1Jce, llD Jl..01ne, 17 'e '1Dt1Jcll 1.Jimfelfc \l:litlJ curfing lilie a~
~· among t!Jc PCOlllc: '.3l mm ung p;arress unto ttJce \DitlJ ararmcnt: \lit Cball come into lJtss bo'o.lclis ·
among ttic natton.s. lilic mattr, ant> like ople into lJiss bones.
; 4 fOHlJl? mercF iss greater tl)en tl}c l)eauenss: 1 s it be bnto lJim a.a tl)c dolle tlJat !Jc IJatl)
~J ann tl)p tructl) rcatl)ctlJ bnto tl)e '1ou1JcS. bpon IJim : ant> 81!1 tf1t girtllc tlJat l:)cc is almap
·~ s ~rt bp tlJp retfc ( ©<!Jon) aboue t~c 1)ea: IJtrDell toitfJaU.
:r: ucnss: anb tlJp glo1p aboue all tlJe cartlJ. 19 JL,et ittlJUS IJappen from tl}c Jl.,01ll bnto
r: 6 ~l]attl]p beloue1J maF be lll'liucrc!l:lct tlJF minecncrnil's: anll to tl}ofc tl)atfpeakcctnll a,
2l rilf:Jt I.Jann rauc ttJcm. ant> IJcarc t1Jou me. gaintl mrroulc.
c 1 <l!Joll l)at(J fpofien in 1.Jl.G IJolinctrc : ] totll 20 l5ut beale ctJou mitlJ mee C® JLoJll ©oll)
:r. mori;e tl)crcfo.zc anll Dcuille ~ict.Jem, an!I mete auo~lling tmto tlJF name: fo: ltocete iJS tlJl! mer•
·ti out tfJc ballcp or ~ucotl.J. 'ic.
8 l!llilra!I i~ mine.anti g)l)anall"es il!I mtnc: If, 21 © lldiucrtfle , fD~ 'JI am l)elpel£0"e \l poo~e:
i~ pl.J18im afro i.s tIJc ftrengtlJ oC mp lJean. anb ml! 1.Jeart ts mounDeD totttJin me.
l!I 9 '.l)uba is mr la\l:l~ucr,Slf)oab issmr txlalb• 2 2 91 go l)encc like t!Je flJallo'm tl)at llepartctlJ:
:i: pot: omt ~Dom mill 'JI ma out mr fl)Oc, bpon anll am ll1iuen a'IDar as tl:I£ graaioppcr.
tf]c l&l)ilifhncs 'o.ltll '.]] mumplJ. 2 3 ~l' knees are 'o.lcallc tl.lJougt} fatting: mr
~ 1o IIDl}o 'mill lcatle me into tl}c atong citU:: firni iSS ll~icll bp ro: \llant of CatneU'c.
anti 'mlJo 'mill b1ing me into lfllom ~ 24 'J became alfo a rcbulle bnto tlJcm: tlJcr
t' 1 1 ~alt not tllou fo~rakm bl!I, © <3oD : anb tlJat loolie?J bpon me, fl.lalleb tl)eirlJrans.
\lltlt not ftJou <llJoll go roo:tlJ mttlJ out l)olles~ 2 ~ ~ripe me ( i> Jlo~l:I mp <!!Job: ) olJ fauc me
~ . 11 ~ l}elpc b.S agalntl tIJc encmie : fo~ bainc accoJllingto tlJF menie. . .
r tl!I tlJr IJclµc of man. 2 6 gun tl)cy a1all rmom l)oto tl)at this is tlJr
' . ~ 3 ~IJ~ougl:J lllloll me ll)all ?Joe !!feat acts:ann l}antl: anb t~at tf;Jotl JL,01t11Jatl none it.
1~ tt tis I.Jr tlJat fl)aO trcab llo\Dne om enemies. 27 ~ougtJtlJcl!mrfe, pet 111etrc tl]ou: anb
~ Dcuslaudcm. Pfal.109. let tlJem be confounbrll tfJat rirt tip amaintl me,
iDID not tlJr tongue, © <!!Jot> or mF p~arrc : but let tlJr rcruant rciorcc..
ttc bngollll', rea, ann tlJC 28 JLct mine anucrfanos bee dotlJctl totttJ
j mouttJ oh{Je nec:ettfUU tss opencb bpon me. OJamc:anll ll't ttJcm couer t1Jemfclur.s 'mitlJ tIJeir
~ 2 1nll tlJCF {Jaue fpoflen againft mcc tutti) omne confurion, ass tDitlJ a clolie.
' ram tongue!!! : tlJCF compatrcD mcc about alfo t1JeJL.oJ1J 2 9 9SS foi me, '.JI wtn iµuc great tf.)anftcss bnto
mitlJ mr moutl}:anl:I p~aife lJim among
'mit:IJ 'mo:llcl!I of ~atrcll, anti fOUglJt 11g11inft me
WidJouca caurr. tl)e 1nultitut1c.
3 fo:tl}elouetl)at '.]l IJall bnto tl)n~. loc. 30 foilJc6Ja~ ftanll a~tlJe rigl)t l)annorttJe
li)ep tallcnom mF contrarnart: but '.ll {µUC mr pooic: co fauc IJt.S roulet'ro btmgt)tcou~ tungcis.
ftlft bnto P1llJ!tr. . Dixit Dominus. Pfal.110.
4 ~s l)auc tlJep ritoarneb mu cmn fo:
llJ Cf Jl..01t1 fapbc bnto mp llo•nc. .

!lOoD : 11nn l)atn11 foJ tl1l' goob \llfll.
s '5>et tlJou an tm1,1ontr man to b~r ~ler - . ~ittl)ou onmttiglJtlJanll '• : Morning
oUtt IJim: ann let ~atan aanne at 1J1s ngi,t · tit '.JI malle tlJinc cnemie~ tlJr fo~~; Pray•r.
l:lann. . ftoole.
6 ml)m rentcnct il!l liUm bpon l)nn • let 2
qe lLo:b fball fen~ tiJc roll
~n bt con11emnEl!: anll ll't l)il!I pJarct be tumc1J oi tlJti.PO\llet out11f~ton: be tIJou niicr cum m
1ntofinnt. tl}emillSS amon~thinernrmicl'.l. ,
The godly man. ldoles vanitic
~ jn tt)CDHf ot ttlp polDn: tl)alltt,Jepcoplc Laudice pucri. Plal.u~.
offer tl]ct tree \Dill offcrin~ \DJCIJ an 1Jol11 t»~, pmatrt tf1t l-o:J>( ilI> re reruant-=)
ilD piaire ti.Jc
llJiJ,l: tl)c bta\ll of tlJt' llirtlJ is of tlJe \Dombe of ~ameoftl)c:a.cmJ.
tl.Jc momin!l. . , l61tfI'm be QJt ~of tl)e )Lo1t'le : from
4 'llW}cJLo~llC\Dllrc.an11m1lnotn:pent:tllou C1Jistimcfo1t11fl>Jeumno1c.
11rt a JD,1ca eo1 cucr. after tl}c o~Dcr oCSll!)elcl)i, 3 '4&lJe ·t.oinisname is p1arfcD: rrom tl)eri'
rcncctJ. . . fing bp of ti.Jc Canne, bnto tl)e !JOing Do\Dnc of
5 ~helLoJDC \'Jpon tbrn@t l)anbe: fl.Jail tl)cf11mc. f
roounll rucn hin!JS tn tl)c bar of1Jit5 \D,atfl. 4 ~IJe JL.o,b is big{) aboue an 'catl}cn: anb
6 ~c OJlll iungc among t}Jc IJcathcn, tic 11JaU lJi~ 11to1r abou<'. tl}e l)cauents.
fill tlJc places \Did} tile ?Jean booirs: anti fmitc in s llil(lo its like tmto tbe Jl.o:b our ~Oll, tbat ~
run lier tl1e IJcalls oucr Diuers countricts. IJ~tl) IJlts t'l\lleHing ro IJi«IJ : anti ret 1Ju1nblctt) ,;j.
7 ~cc llJall b~inlic of tl}e bioolic in tl)c war: bnnfclft to bel)olll tl)e tlJingSStlJatarc inl.Jeaum ~
dJcrcfo~e OJalll)c lift bp IJi~ l)can. anll eart11 :' 1.,
Confittborr1bi. Pfal.111. . 6 $ctalietl.Jbpt1Jrfimplcoutoftl}t1>ua:an1> ~
J!Will giuc tl)11nftes \'Into tl)c °A.-Oll:Jt toitlJ mp l1ftct1Jtl.Jtpoo1eoutoft1Jcmiu. 'r.·
ro1.io1c lJcart: Ctcrettr among tl;lc rattlJfull,anb 7 ~lJat IJe n~ar fet bim toitl:J tl)c p1in'e~: ,. .
in ttJc congregation. mm toitl) tl)c pnn,es or lJits people. , r~
2 ¢1Jcmo1rtsoftl)cJL,oin arcgreat:rouglJt s ~e mal!etf1 tl}e barren tooman to llt:tpe ,'J
out ofan tIJcm tl)at IJauc plcafurc tl)crcin. lJouft :anl> to be a tor run motl)cr or tl)ilbJ.en. j~
3 $is \Dollie is \Do~tl)p to be p1airtb ant'l l}atl dl
inl)onour:anl:I lJits ri1Jl.Jteoufncffeenlluretl}fo1 Incxim Ifracl. Pfal. u4. ·~
cucr. B ' c n ')Cracl 'amc out of ~: Ellfal~'
4 ~c mercifun anti graciouif.11,.,o~lJ IJatl.J ro anb tl}e l)oure of 1acob frOm a• , ~
none l}is maructloul'S -moikts: tt;lat tf:Jtr ouglJt mong t1Je ftrangc people. pra;.ti
to be l)al:J in remembiancc. 2 'l!uba \llats IJts fanctuarie: ~
5 $cc IJatl) r;Jiuen meatc bnto tl)em tlJat an1>]rracll}i.Sbonunion. i:I'
fcarclJim: l}e llJall eucr be mint>full of l,Jis coue, } ~c Ceara\1:1 tl)at, anb flcb: ]011>ane1H1 ,;
nant. 1muenbaclie. i•
6 ll)e lJatl) 11.Jc\l:leb IJts people tlJe power of 4 ~e mountain~ Ckippeb liflr. ramm,,s·
IJis 'rooilics: tl)at IJe margiuc tl)em tlJe {Jmtagc anb ti.Jc litlelJils lihe pong flJecpc. • ~
of tl;lc 'eatt.Jtn. 5 net]at arlrt!J tbce. fl> tl}ou rea, ttJattljou /
7 ~e \l:lo~lieS of 1Jis1Jant1s are bcritic anti flellbctt: anti tlJou '.)01bane, tl]at tl)ou ~ lni> ~;
iu~gcmcnt : au {Jis co1nmanbemcnts are true. uen baeke :' .
s ~er llano fall ro1 cucrantl cucr: anti are 6 ~c mountaincs flJat pc ~pcb fiflt ramt "l'
Mnc in ttuctlJ anlJ equttte. anb re litlc IJtlf$ bfte rong f1Jeepc. z:,~
9 ll)efentrc11cmptionbntobi~people: IJtt 7 ~rcmbletlJoucartf}attl)ep1Cf'mceofl:IJt }
IJatlJ comman1>et1 lJis coucnant foi cucr, lJolp JL.o~il: atd.Jtl-llefmctoftl)cdllobof'.)lacob. ·•
an'!! reucrcntis IJi~ fr)amc. s DlJ'clJ tumcb tl)c IJarll romc into a tm
1 o ~Ile fcare of tIJe JL,o~n ts tl}e beginning or bing t»accr: an1> tlJe fttnt t?onc Into a fWing(ng i:i:;
\Dtrenomc : a goob bnllertlanbing {Jauc all ttJep 'alctl. ~I':
tl)at Doc tgerellf"tU, tl)e p111pft of it enl:lutetl;l roJ Non nobis Domine. Pfal. 11 . ~
eucr. N ©t llnto b•, © JL01t1, not bnto b•,5l;lut bnta ~,~
Beams vir. Pfal. 112. «JF ~ame giue tl)e piaife: fo~ tlJr louilfg :~,
B"!efi"etl if$ tlJe man tl)at fearet{J tl)e 'Jl.ofDc: mcrcre, ann fo~ tlJF tmctl)!!' falic. -~ .~
!Jee l)atl) great ncliglJt in {Jis commawroc, . 2 1101Je;rero~e 11.Jall tlJc tcatl)en far: ul)m ~,
mcnts. tS n~to t}Jc1r <1!5on :' ""
l 'isfcebcfiJalbe migl)tie bponcartl): tf,Jc 3 9tsfoiour<l!5ob ,IJc tsinfJcauen: f:Je f:JadJ t ~
generation of tlJc faitlJfull 11Jalbe bleffcn. ilone \lllJatforuerplcafeD tJim. ·:~
3 11it,1Jcs ant'I plctitcoufncll"e flJaD llt in lJi!!' 4 ~fJeir iboleure rtluer a1llJ golil :cucn tl}e :~ •
IJourc: ann IJits rig{Jteoufnclfc enburctlJ fo~ cucr. too~lie ofmens5 l)anns.
4 unto tl)e gotllr tl)erearifetl) bp bglJt in 5 ~cr1Jauemout1Jctsa1lllfPcafrcnot:epe- ~
tlJc l:larhcne[c: {Jc i~ merufUU,louing,ano riglJ, {Jauc tl;cp, am rec not. !« .
teous. 6 ~lJcr (Jaue earcts, 8nb lJeat:e not: noft- ~~: 1
~ a go ob man its mnciMI anti lcnllctl) : anb IJaue ttJcr, anll fmell not.
\lllll guioc l}is \Do~M witlJ Dtrc:rctton. . 7 ~lJer lJauc IJanbts, anD 1Ja11111e not. rute ~~
6 <f,o~ lJctlJall ncucrbe moU£11: anti tIJtngIJ, {Jaue tl)cp. anb \Dlllflcnot: ntiCIJtr Qltaflc tfJer '~
tcous 11Ja\l be l}aD in an euertalhni& remem, tlJO:O\ll tlJctr tl.nott. i\ \-
b~ancc. s ~crtfJatmaattfJnu.mlifltllntotl.Jtln: \.q~
~ 7 . ~c \Dtllnotbufraibfounrcu1ltiDinp: an1>roarcannm,a15putt1Jtirtruftin~em. lk
~HJ1ss 1Jc11n1tanlletl;J rat1 anD bCiuuctfJ in tl}e 9 :16utti,oul)Ouftofijfrael,ttuatfJoutntf1e \-~
...0~11. lLoin: lJt (JUlJcii!UuouunD llcfctrlltf. ~~
bn~iW~~lJcarctss t1abli11Je1> anb \1l1l not llJ#nkt: 1 o l!?e 11oure of iarou, put rour tn11l tn d}e ~ :~
i:•tel}tOclitcbpenlJiS!lenctntd. JLO~ll:bctJtlJeirfJelpcranbDcCcnDer. I"'"
•7ClJatl)llilpe:tfcll~aDau11~tot1Je u '.}\?c tfJat frmCIJt )Lo~, putrourtrulfin 11\,~
poo~c: ami IJiss ti«IJtcournctremnaim:tl) fin C• tl;JeJLOJO:IJc~t!JmiJdpaanJ>llCfennct. 1 ~~
ucr,10lJiS!I bo:nc llJalbe c~alte?J \Ditl) l)onour. 12 'c1tl)e 'JL~D l)atl) llme minllrutl or bts, anb ., '
gncuc ~c
IJnn:'Illbngoblp llJaH fU
l}e 11:1au ........... it, 8nb
-........... __ tt ll)all
an.. l)Cf1JaDlllclfebl5'tuen"C11JailblclfeH.
• tlJe •.,e 1Jouie of
"' IJouf£ of-'laron. ~
~ ........, ......, ., ... .._...,, u '.J rr11e1. l)e "'811 bldfe
\!. IpertOJ.
con umc a ar, t(Jc bcfite of tl}c bngOlllp fJ)all 1 3 'e 01all blell'c UJCm tlJatttan tl)c Jl..o•b. \.\~
. botlJ tmau anll llt£at. ~ • ~~1
1;:::--~-=-=-=1-=-=-=-=- =--------------_-_-_--...L~-=_~-~-~~-~-~--_-_-_-_-_;_-~-=~_Jtl-_·,~~ 1
4~bcl \~
~he dea ch of Marcyrs. The xxiiij .day. The hel pe of God. 111

14 ~c JL01D fl.Jan cnmaft pou mo:c ~ mo1c: ~ ~ Gallc'D tJpon tf;Jc Jl,01n in m>Ublc:ann tl}c
pou ano pour-d;lilll~en. JLo11> 1Jcarb me atlar1c.
1 s ~earetbebldfeD oft!Jt JJ.,o~:'al(Jicl) mallr 6 ~l)c JLD~t> isson mt fiDC: '.)'mill not ftatc
hcaucn anti cartlJ. ro(Jatmanood) bnto me•
· 11> au tl)c 'mlJOle 1Jcat1cn• arc the JL,011111: t(Jc . 7 'GC:lJ£',ll,01ll takttl:J mt' part tmtlJ tiJClU tlJat
eartlJ lJadJ lJt giuen to t(Je GlJilb~mDf mm l}clpe mtc: ttJcrcC01c ll)all 'JI Ctc mr ~cfirc bpon
17 ~(Jc braD p18ifc not tlJce,© JJ.,0111: nddJcr miuc cncmicis. . .
all dJcy tl)at goe bo'alne into tlJt Cilenl:C•. · a 'l!ttsbtttmotrutl1ntlJcJL0111:t1Jcntoput
~.. 18 l3ut 'alC'alill p1atfetl.JC"A.01Det from tlJiSS anp confinence in man.
time fo1t1J fo1 cuenuo1e. ~1atfc t(Jc JL,01b. 9 , ]t iis betccuo trutl in tlJc )l,01ll:t1Jcn to put
:i. Dilexiquonfam. Pfal.1i6.
anp confibence in p1inGCSS.
1 o au nations compatren me roun'tl about:
\ing 11·IJattHJesrll
Qm \Jlell pleafeh : tl)at tl)e Jl,01ll
tlJc tJoitc of mp p1arcr.
but in tlJe ~amc of tlJc JL01ne 'lllill ']\ llCtlrOF
(~ :r. 1 Qat (Je l)atlJ im:lineo 1Jil5 1 c ~er ltept me in on cuerr rille, tl)cr kCllt
care bnto me: t1Jetcfo1c .'altl 1 eall me in ( ji rap) on cuerp fibc: but in tl)c name of
bpon11ima11.1ong as1 liUc. ~c Jl,010 'n1tll 'JI lltllrop tl}em.
3 ~c.Cnarrur beatlJ Gompalftbmcrounll 12 ~l.Jct' came about me lilic lBccis, anll arc
' llbout: ano ttJc paincss of 1Jcn11ac1Joll> bpon me. crtinct cucn ais tlJe fire among tlJe tlJomes : fo1
'· .4 .'.3\ llJall finl> ttoublcann l.Jeauinctl'e,anll 1 in tl)c name of tl}e JLoin 'lllill] llttlrop ttlcm.
II.Jail mu bpon t(Je name or ttJc JL,o1b: © Jl.,01ll '.)! 1 3 ~l)ou l)an tlJ1un roie at me, ti)at 'JI miglJt
bcfcctlJ t(Jec lldtmr mp roulc. . fall: but tl}cJLoin 'nlass mp l)clpc.
• 5 <J3raGiOU$S ilS tl)C JL01b llnb rigl)tCOU!S: t'£4 14 ~lJt Jl,oill iss mrtlrcngtlJ ~mp rong:ann
'· ourc5oll issmerruull. iis bc~mc mp ratuation.
~: 6 ~c Jl.()1!1 P1CfetUCtlJ tlJC Cimplc:~ 'ala!S m 1 s ~e 1:Joicc ofior anti tJcaltlJ ill in tlJe lltod,
,; miftric, anll lle l:Jelpcn me. lingis of tlJc ng{Jtcouis : ti)e ngl)t l)anbc of tl)e
;:: 1 ~urnc againe t(Jcn bnto tlJr ml, © mp 'A-oil! l1~irtgctlJ migl)tic tbingss to palfc.
Coulc: foz tlJc JL,010 l)atl:J re'lllarncn me. 16 ~e rigl.Jt (Janll of t{Jc 'ti,,o~ll lJat\J tlJ.e p~ec,
:? 8 ann llli)p '! thou l)atl llclfuercll mp roulc mtncmc: tbc riglJt l)an'tl of tl)c lLOJllc bimgctlJ
:~ Crom ocatlJ: mine epcss from tcarcss,anll mr feet migl:Jtictl)mgto pafi'c.
from falling. 17 'JI 'nlill not nic • but liuc : anll 'Declare tt)c
9 iJl 'llltu toalfle bero1c tl)c llo1ll : in tl)c lanll \llo,flcl5 oft:J:Jc JL0111. '
of tl)c Iimng. 1 s ~IJc JLo~ne(Jatll d}atlcnel! ano co1rcctcn
10 ~ bclcrucn, anll tlJcrefo1cblill '31 Cpealie, me: but l)c IJatl.J not gium me aucr tmto llcatlJ. 1
but 'JI 'Illas ro1etroublcll.: '.31 rato in mp l)alle,au 19 ilDpen me tl)c gates ofrigtJteournctrc: tl)at j

.. _men arc har)l. 'JI mar goc into tl}cm, anll giuc tl}anfiCS51Jnto
11 twl)at rctoarllC IIJllll 1 giue bnto t!Jc tl)eJL.,01n. 'l
;; JL,o~ll: fo~ all t(Je bcnmtss tl)at l)c IJatlJ bone lmto 2 o ¢l)ilS tis tl}c gate of tl)c )1..0111 : tlJe rigl)te,
·. me: ouss flJaft'cntciinto it.
. u j\'aliHrccductlJccupofraluation:anllcal 21 '.JI toill tl)anlle tl)cc.,fo~ tl)ou (Jan lJeartl me:
'"' llpon ti.Jc Jaamc or c11e )1..0111. anll art become mp Caluation.
13 'J\ toill pap mp bon:icss no'al in tl}cp~crencc 2 2 -a:;IJc rame tlom tol)icl) tl)c builllerlS r£fu,
ofalllJtlS people: ri!P)tllcare in tl)c OIJIJtor tlJC fell: i!S become tl)c (Jeall llonc in tl.Je comer.
l.o~n iss tlJc ncatlJ oflJiSS raintis. 2 3 -a:;l)ilS ilS the 'A-oillss Doing: anll it tis mar,
14 l3e!JoUle ( © JL,01llc) (Jot» tlJat '.]! am tlJF ueilous in our ercs.
rcruant : 1 am tlJp Ccruant, ann tl}e fonnc of 24 ~ts is; tlJc !lat blbiclJ tl)eJLo~n l}atlJ maDc:
tl:Jinc l)anllmaillc, t(Jou l)atl btokm mr boness in blcbli11 rciorccann be glaD in it.
runner. 2 ~ ~clpc me noto, © JL,010: © )1..011:1 renn b!S
1 s 1\ 'llltll olkt to tl)ec tlJc factifice of tl)anflfo noto p;zofperitie.
giuing : anti 'llltll call bpon ttJe ~amc of t(Je 2 6 JBlcCfen be l)c. tlJat commctlJ tn t(Jc name
JlOfLI, oftl)cJLo~D: 'mebauc'n1tllJeDpou goonluclic, re
16 ~ 'mil pap mr bo'alcis bnto d)c Jl, tlJc t(Jat be oft~c l)oufc of tlJe JLo~n.
tlJc figlJt of an IJiss f cople : in tlJ£ courts of t(Jc 2 7 <l5on us the Jl,01nc tulJtclJ lJatlJ 11Jc\11cD hSS
· 11.onis1Jnufc, eucnmt1JemiDsoft(Jcc,©l1)tcru 0 li«lJt: binlle tl}e Cacnficc blitlJ corbc~. yea eucn
Caimi. l91alfc rte llo1l!. bnto the l)o~ness of tlJc altar. .
I.audate Domin um. PfaLI 17. 1. ~ ~ou art mr <l!Sob,anb 1 \lltl tfJallftc tl)(c:
O ~zairc tlJc J!.,010 all Ft l:Jcatl)cn: p1aife l)im ti.Jou art m~ <l!Soi),anll 'J\ 'lllill p~aite tl)ce. .
au pc nationis. 2
9 ©~uctl)anfte:s~ntotllclLoJne, fo11Jc1ss
. 2 <Jfo1 lJil5 mcrctfun ltin1mcll'e is cuer mo1e graGtous: ann l)t~ mrrne cnDurctlJ f01 eucr.
an11 mo1c to'O.larn bSS: anll t(Jc tmetlJ of tl}c JL01n Beaci immaculati. Pfal, 119.
tnllal'ttl:J ro1 cucr.191atrc tl}e )1.,011>.
Confitcmini Domino. Pfal.118. Jl,tlTetl arc tI.JoCc tl)at arc tinbefi, Eucning
Q 0iuc tl}ankcis bnto tbc 'A-~1nc, fD1 l)ce is lcll tn tlJc 'map : anll 'alalflc in tl)e prayer.
graciouss: bccauft 1Jil5 mcmc enourcti.) foi Jl.,ato or tlJc JL01n.
eucr.. :a l5Ic«ell arc tl)cp that Itrepr
2 :Let l)Cracl nou c~nfclTe, tl)at IJc ts giaci• l:Ji~ tetlt~ontc~ : ann Ccrfte lJtm
ouis: ann. tlJat lJilS •ncmc cnnurcttJ fo1 tuet. • 'all~ ttmr 'al bole lJcatt.
3 Jl.,et tl)e l)oure of aaron noto Gont81Tc:tl}at 3 1fo.1 tl)ep \\llJiclJ Doc no llliditllncuc: blame
1Jtl5 mcrctc cnnunth fo? cucr. inbil5 blares.
4 1!!ca,ICttlJem no'lD ttJat re arc tlJc Jl,01n GOn• 4 ~OU ball cl)arj.l~: tlJat \DC RJlll biligcnt•
rem~: tl)at lJts mcrGte ent1urct1J fo1 cuet. . Ip tteepc tbp commanlletncnts.
· Theyoungmansrule. Godly medicacior:
~ fl!) tl:Jllt mr mares \llerc mabc ro birca: 3 ~akc me to 11oc in tl)c patlJ of t!Jr tom•
tl)at '.ll tnigtJt ficcpc ttJr t?atuus. manDCmmts: foi tI.Jcrcin is mr de.
6 ~ llJall '] not be confounbcb : \1>1Jtlc 9l 4 Cfntlitu mp IJcart bnto ttJr t:cftimome)S:
(Jaue rcrpra imto 1111 tl)p commanD£ments. anti not to
7 '.)) \Dill tl.Janlrt ttJcc •itlJ an bnfatncb s ilI> tumc ltalBf mine erel5. lcatl tl1Cl' be•
IJcart:tD1'cn'] 11Jal l]aue lcameD dJc iungemmtS IJolD t11mttic: anb qmcken tl)ou me in tlJe l:Dap.
of ti.Jr rigt:JtcoufnelTc. 6 fl!> llablillJ tlJr woit>in tlJr rcruant: t11at]
s 'J will f!ccpc dJr r::crcmontes: SID foira11c mar fcarc tlJcc.
menot bttcrlr. 7 ~ake atDQ tlJc rcbtlfle tl}at ~ am afraitl
In quo corrigir. of: fo~ tl)p tut>gcments arc ~ooD.
7\ r~crcmitl}an 11Jal roun~ man dmfe IJts s '5ctJolbe, mr t>cli~t is in tin' CO\ntnanbc•
V· v tDar: cum bF ruling l}nnfcH'c aftU tfJF mcnts: ~ quicken me m tlJtt rlglJtcoufnelfc.
tDO~l:I. Et vcniat fupcr me.
2 WitlJ mr \ll)Jolc IJcart l}aue] rougtJt tl)u: L <et tlJF IOUing mertte come alCo bmo mce,i>
©lctmcnot goc tD1ong out of tlJr tammanbc• JL,0~11: cucn tlJr faluation, acco111tng tmto
mcnts. tlJr wo,1:1.
3 ~ \llo1t1s l)auc '.ll IJib \lli~tnmtnc l}eart: 2 Si!Do flJall] maflc ant\Dcrc tmto tnp blaf·
t(Jat '] OJoulb not nnnc againa tl)u. plJemcris: foJ mr tma is in tlJF \llo~b.
4 l61c1TeD arttl}ou, ~ JL,o~ll: © tcaa, me tl1F 3 © taffc not tl}e wo11:1 of tlJf ttuctlJ btmlr
aatutcss. out of mp moutl}: fo~ mr lJopeiss in tfJr iu11ge.
5 iwtttJ mp ltpss IJaue '.JI bene ttntng: of au mentl3.
tl}c iu1Jgemcncss of ttJp moutlJ. 4 ~o llJaD '.]! alwap liecpc ti.Jr J..a'al: rca. ro~
6 '.3i tJaue {Jan ass gnat neltgl:Jt in tl)c war of euu anD cutt.
tlJr tdhmoniel!l: al!l mall mancr of rtel)es. 5 9nb ~ \lltTI toalflc at libertie: foil Cctllc
7 ~ \llin talke of tlJr commanl:lemmts: anD tlJr commanbcntmtJS.
l}auc rcCpcct bnto tlJr \llapc13. 6 ] ~ill fpeakc of ttJr tclltmonics alro, cum
s ~l:' 'btliglJt ll1albc in tlJP lfatu~ : anti~ bcro~e fnngs: anti \llill not be atbameiJ.
\llin not fo~get tlJr UlDJO. 7 lnb mr 'l>tli~t 11.Jall be tn tl}p commanlle<
Rcmbuc fc::ruo cuo. mcnts : \lllJiel) ') t:.Jaue loueb. ~ :
Q Jrz,o \llcll bnto tlJr remant: tl}at '.)map liuc, s ~ l}anDs atro totl jl lift bp bnto ttJr com:
anti bccpe tlJF \llo~b. manbcntcnts, \ll(JtdJ] i,aue 1oue11: anti mr au.
2 ©pen tIJou mine epcl!l: tl}at l mar ru dJc !:lie tlJalbe in tlJt' natattss.
\llonDcrouss t{Jtngs of tl)p JL,a'W. ·Memor ello verbi cui.
3 ] am a arangcr bponcartlJ: ilD IJibenot 0 ~inftt bpon tlJr Cmiant. afS concmring .l
tlJr commanncmcntMrom me. tlJp \llo.1?1 : \lll)min tr,ou l)all '8Ufcb mecto
4 s:!l!)p roulc bJeartctl) out foJ tl)e berp fcrucnt put mp trult
bcCirc: tlJat it (JatlJ al\llap tmto tlJr iut1getncnt1. 2 ~e rmuc t1mr comfoJt tn mp troUble: fo1
5 ~~ou l}a!l rroukeb tl}c p,oUI> : 'can1'coare tl.Jr tlloJtl lJatl) qUickencD me.
tl)cr tl)at noc me from tlJr co1mnant1emcnt13. 3 ~e p10Ub l}aue IJSZI me~ctrbinglp in bm•
6 SID turne Crom me fbamt anD tcbuttc: roi :;i Cion: rct (Jauc ~not flJJitweoftO\n tlJP JL.a\D,
{Jauc liept ti.Jr teltimontess. 4 1foi ']I rcmemb~el:I tl.Jtttt cucrlafling iUIP
, 10Jimes alfo Dib ut anD fpcaflc s1:1ain1f me: mcntl3. © 1-inD: 811?1 rccetucD comf'o1t.
but ttJp rcruantis occuptc1:1 in tlJl' Uatute•. 1 '.JI am l:Jolrtblp arratD : toi t!Je bngoblr UJat
s !f.01 tlJF tcllimonieis arc mp ocU~t: anb mp ro~falle tfJr JL,aw.
counrclm13. 6 aJl' llatutets l]auc bene mr fon1:113: int~c
Adha:fit pauimenro. IJoure of mp pil'1ti1na!:l£.
M ~route cleauctl} to tl)c bUft:llDnuicllen tl)ou 7 '] l)aue t(JouglJt bpon tlJp Jaame, © '.U1ll,
me acco.tbfng to tl)p \llo111. in tlJc ni~t rearon: ano lJattc fitpt ti.Jr
2 '.JI naue lmoUllEll!JCb mp 'lllarcs, ano tl)ou s ~t• ~ IJab: became~ tlJr commans
l}earbdl me:© teaclJ me tl)p ttatucss. betnmts.
3 ~alte me to bnber!lanbe tl)e \\lap ot f11F Portia mea Domine.
commar.bemmts: anD ro fl.Jan 91 tallle oft1'r y~uattmppo1tion,©JL,01t1:'.)1Jaut~omi·
'1lon1:1erouss wo~Bes. re1:1 to hecpe tin' JLaw.
4 ~P route meltetl;J a\llap roi bcrp1Jrauine1: 1 ~ ma?le mp IJmnblepctition tn dJpp:tfata
comfo~ttl)ou me ateo~Din; bnto tlJt wo1D. witfJ mp wlJolc (Jcart: iPbC mmtfllll bnto mt
5 -atafldrom me t(Jc \\lap onrtng: an11 caure auo1bi11g bnto tl)p w~.
t!Jou me to malte muc(J of tlJp "Jl..abJ, J ] calfcD mine o\Dn tome. to mntmb1anu:
. 6 '31 lJaue cl}orcn tlJe \Dar of trUctlJ: ant> t1Jtt ann turneb mr rectcbnto tin' tellimonic1.
lUbgement~ l)aue '31 laib beC01e me. 4 1 mal>e f)ale, anti 1110fonlell not ti.Jc time:
.• 7 1 lJnue tlicflm bmo tlJF tctlimonti13: jl) tokecpcttJr commanDemCntl·
con(Qunb me not. s ~e conE· of tf}e bJt«OlllF bauc i~
1 \'ntll runnctl)e \llap ort1n commanDe• robbeDme:but1 w:nocroigottcntl)plaw. ·l
mcmis: 'fl:ilJcntl)ou1JaUretmr1JcartaClibertte. 6 gtmtllnilll7t wilimtogiuetl.Janfl.1hnco \
L rgem pone. t11u: bccaul'e of t1Wri1J1teou.1 iUD«cment1. ."q
1 lam 1uompamon or au tf1Cm tl)at fean ~
Morning ~~~mt,© ".G.o~D. tIJe \Dapof ~ tl1U: anb ~ d»'~banmt.I. ·~
prayer. ;,-:~1.1tt,1: anti jj tbtlD btqie it lmtO 8 Qe £ri, '1'> l.GJD, is CUD Of tin mtrcil!: ~1~
. -,eenb. llDttad}metlJ!OStllfl!I.
l.i" , ' ~ '.) ~ :iuc mt bnlltrlfanb(~, 111111 Bonicatem fccifii. ~-
--,•~£-it_'m_ittJ-'--m..::..l!_~__:_IJ~.:.::te::i;:::~tlJ: .rt.~'la_'m_:r_ea.__fl.>l_D.!._..Q~~~oi~D,~tl)oll~:acan~l)atl~Dt~~!.:b~nto~gra~U)p!!RO~·"ID~'=~&~.1D-1_·t1J_tf11'~--~
~mforcin affiicrion. Gods\lvordisalight. 111

z © learnt me true tint>crlbtnlJing (I tmo\ll• 1 <4[;lJe tmgoDlp laiilt \llaitc fo~ me to llellTop
ICDge:fo1] 1Jauc bduucl) tlJF c:ommannements. mt: but~ 'mill ronuoutIJpttatmon!cl.
3 ~cfo1e 11 \Va!S trOUbleo. '.]l ment\D1on1: s 91 rte tfJat all tlJingsJ cO\ne to an en11: but
but no\ll IJauc 'Jl bept tl)p\D~b. tl)p commanimnent is ercecbing b10a1J,
4 'llrf;lou art goob anD gracioul!I: ii> tea"J me ~dinodo dilc:in.
tlJr aatutcs.
5 ~c p10UD baue imag;inell alie ag;atnlhue:
L ©~~. mIJac 1ouc IJaue 111mto ttJt JL,a\D: an
tl)e oar loll§ ii mr ftUbte in it;
bUt] '\Dill betpe tlJr conm1anDemetltS 'mtdJ mr z '4[;1}ou tl)~ougtJ tl}F commanllemmtSJ IJaa
tuf;lolc ueart. maDe me 'mtrer ttJm mme cnemitis: ro~ tlJcr an
6 ~lJeir IJcartis as fat as b1atvne: but mr cuermitl} me.
oeUgIJt IJatlJ bme tn tIJr JLa'tD. 3 1l)atJc~c bnlJcrflanDin!l ~emnrtra,
7 9!ttsgoob fo1 metlJat'JI (Jatubencintrou• d,Jeris: fo~ ~monieis are mp ftUIJtC•
ble: tlJat '.ll mar lcame tlJr aatutc•. 4 '3l am miler tlJm tl)e ageo:btcaure 31 fmpe
s <4[;lJc JLam oftIJpmoutl)iJSIJtarcrbnCO me: tlJp rommanbemcntit
d]cn tl}ourann.e ofgolb anl> CilUcr. s '.ll IJaue refratne1> mr fette from cucrp eutl
Manus cua: fcccrunt me. \llap: tl)at ~P keC\lttlJp \llo~lJ.
6 'JI (Jaue'not IJ)~unlle from tlJF iUl:J1JCment1:
~1Jani:11Sbauc mabemce.anllfa, ro1 tf:lou teatl)ctl me.
i- ·
D llJroncb me: © g;iue me tmllerftan•
Ding. tl]at 9l map leame tlJt' com·
§lallm6cnt1Jcpfecme: becaufe911Jaue put mp
trUll in tlJp \110~ D,
3 ']) hno\ll ( © ·.o.o~tl) tlJat tlJp iu.llgementSJ
1 © l)om f\llcete are tlJv \Do1t1eis tmto mp
tlJ~ote: rra,fmecter ttJcn l)oniet>rito mr_rnomll.
8 ~~ou!JI) tlJp cornmanbemrntis 'J get bn•
neraantimg;: tt;Jmfo1e 31 IJate au \lm;rm1 \tlapeis.
z ~1Jer tllat fiart tlJee , mil be
Luccrna pcdibus mcis,

~ \Do1be is a lantmte bnto mp Morni11g I
arc rigl)t: anti tl)at tl)ou of' llttp fattl}rulncffc feete: anD a ltglJt bnto mp p1u1Jes. Frayer.
tJall caUfeb me to be troublcb. 2 '.) (Jaue C\tlo1m\anbam ftcb•
4 ©let ttJp merctfuH lrin'lltUQ'e be mr com, falflr purpofeb : to Jrccpe tiJt' riglJ•
roJt: l1"0JDing to tlJp mo111 bnto tlJr rmiant. tcouismog;cmmts.
:::: s ©Jet tlJl' louing mercte,i c:omt bnto mee, 3 l am troubltb aboue mcafure : qim:rtm
ti) at 'll ma2 liue: fo~ tlJp Jl,am ii mp bdi!Jl)t. me (© JL0111) acc01Ding; to tlJt' \IJ01l:I.
6 JLet tl)t p~ouo be conf'ounbeb,fin ~et goc 4 :t,.ct tl}e free \Dill offning;s of' m~ mouth
\llicllel>lp about to l>cllrop me: but'.]l tuiRbe oc• pleafc tlJec, © JL,oJll: anD tead.J mce tljf tubgc·
rupici> in tlJr commanncmmts. ments.
1 )Let fuel) as fcan t1Jce, anti IJaue Jmo\Dm s ~ roule issalmar in mp 1Jan11: ret Doc'.]!
tf)r tcflimontcs: be tumell tmto me. not ro1gec tlJr JLa\IJ.
s ©let mp (Jeart be rounl> tn tlJt' ftatuteis : 6 qr bO§ODlp 1Jaue laitl afnare fo~ me: but
tl)at 91 be not aOJamcD. pet '.JI C'marucb not from tlJ1? commanl:ltrnmts.
Defecic anima mea. 1 ~ tdlimonieis IJaue 'l\ claimeD as mine
M ~ roulc IJattJ longeD fo~ tlJP ratuatton: ann ~mta«e roiruer: anD\DIJF'! tter are tlJe btrF
j bauc agooD !)ope bccaure oftlJp \Do~lJ. aotofmplJeart.
2 ~me cres ton1Jfoiero; tlJr tuo1t1: r11rtng, s ']IJaue appli£Dmp1Jmttoruun1 tl)p «a·
!lDUibcnmilttlJou rornfo1tme~ tut.e$5 al\llar: cum bnto tlJc enD.
3 f OJ1 am become like a bottleintl)efmoke: lniquos odio habui.
pct Doc 1 notfo1get tlJF aatute,i.
4 l!)o\1)£ manp aretlJe l:lape,i of tlJr fcniant:
J l\)ate tfJem tl)atimagine euiU tl}ing;s: but tIJr
JLattJ boe '.]I louc.
\»IJcn toilt tt:Jou be auengeD ofd}cm tlJat perfc• 2 ~l)ou art mp be!ence an11 OJielD : anb mp
cute mt'! ttuft ilS in tl1F mo1b.
s ~l)c p1oub 1Jaue l>igge'IJ pitlS fin me: hlf)iclJ 3 a\IJap from me pe \Dickel):'.) mil [rupC tlJC
arc not after ttJr JLam. commanbcments ofmp ~ob. .
6 g11 ttJp rommanlJcmmtis are true : tlJey 4 ill> ftabli11:1 me acco1Ding; tmto tlJr 1110~1>£,
perfcmtc me falfclp, ~be tl)ou ml' l:Jelpe. tl)at '.ll map liue: anb let me not bebifappomtcb
1 ~IJcp t:Jab almolt mabe an enbc of' me bP• ofmpt:Jope.
on eartl) : but 91 fo~fooke not tlJ! commanbc' s ~olb tl)ou me bp, anti '.11 f!Jallbe race: pea,
mcnt.e. mr belt!Wf niau be cucr in tlJr lfatutcs.
s © qutcfim me after tlJp lolling rttnbnelre: 6 '4[;1Jou l}all trobcn DO'\Dnc al.I ti)~ tl)at
anD ro llJal] lltcp tl)e tctlimonte• of tlJr moutlJ. DC}lartfrom t1.1raatuteJJ: foHfJep1magmc but
In zcemum Domine. bCCCite.
O l..0111e • tIJr \Doil>c : mblnetlJ ro; eun in cartl) 7 '4[;1Jou puttcll a'map all tlJe bngoblp or tl:Je
ltke 1>1oil'e: t1Jmf01e '.) loue tlJr tdhmo-
2 G;IJp mttt1J atro rcmatnetlJ from one gene• ntes.
ration to anotl)er: tl]ou !)alt laiD tlJC founbaaon s ~ .titlb trc~letfJ mi flare of U,ee: anD
f tlJc mtl), anD it abilJetlJ, . • 1J amafra&D oft1Jr1Ubgements.
3 <4[;lJep c:ontinuc tlJilll Dar acco1111ng to tl,lme Fc:ci iudicium.
OJllinance: foJ all tl]ing;isrcmctl)cc. I ~ale mt~ tlJc tlJinlil tIJat ts lattJfull anl>
4 ]f' mr DeligtJtlJall not bme in tlJr JL,am: ~ n!P.Jt: ill> 111Ue\nc not oucr bnto mine opp~ef•
llJoulD lJaucperillJelJ tn mr ttouble. ro1s.
s ']l \llill 11c1ier ro~ct tlJl' commanbemmtis: a ~alie tl:Jou tin' Ccruatmt to l:lclip;IJt in
foi mftll ttJcm tlJou ball qut"1cneb me. tl)at mlJ&dJ is 110011: tlJatif}e ~onhe l>oc me no
6 11 am tl)ine, ©b raue mu: ro1 ! fJaUC unon1.
roug(Jt tlJp comman'IJCmmtSJ, 3 ~inc e-ees arc \Datleb attiap \Ditll Ioofiing
~n z tn1
Dauids feruenc zeale. The xxvij .day. Thefalfe tongue:;
fo1 tlJr IJcattl;J : anti fo1 tt;Jc wo1t1c of ttJ! rt~tc• Vick humiliratem.
ourncat. . Q Cltonllberminc allUnfttit , 8nb bcUucrmtt:
4 © t1eate 'l'Ditl) tlJr rmmnt aao1t1tt11 bnto f.o1 'l! t10c not ro11n tl:J1' Jl.a\1).
tlW louing merctt: ano tcaclJ me dJ1' «atuttJ. ~ g-licngc tl}ou mp caurc anb bdiucr mcc: ~
5 '.Jl am ttw remant.. ill> gran~me bnllmfan• qmd1m me acco1t1tn1 bnto tl)p '!»01b. I.'
bing: tlJat jj mar rmoto tlJr tcllimonteis. 3 $caltlJ (If fam Crom tl;Je bngotll1!: fOJ tf1cy ,1
6 '.]! t ts tianc fo1 tlJU :G..01t1c to lap to tl.)tne rcgarll not~ ttaf!Qu;. '
{Janll : f01 tlJep l,laue t1dh'oret1 tlW JL.,ato. 4 <8reatl~tlremcr'1c, ~)l,o~b:qllidlenmt ~!
7 tWJI ~nc tlJr commanbcmmt!S: abouc ass tfJou art 'alont. ~'
go Ill anti p~mous aonc. 5 ~nr tl)crt arc tl)at trouble mc. anb per· .y,
s ~mfo1e l}olb] arait an tlJr connnanbc, recut~ me: rctt1oc j]notrmarucfromti,ptcth:: t>
mcnts: anti all faire marc1] bttmr abl}o1rc. mORl8!S. ,..
Mirabilia. 6 -Jt gricuctl) me tDl)m 'J rte tl)c tranrgrer, ~
l!)r ttatmonic!S arc tuonl>mull: t1Jcrcro:c ro:~; bcc:aure tl)ep llcepc not tlJp l.a'al. ~j
T t1octl) mr route kccpc tl)cm. 7 cltonntncr :,,..Si' Jl:OJl:I , l)o'm 'J louc tlJp com• .')'.'.
2 JWl)cn tlJP moil> goctlJ Co:tlJ: it giuctlJ liglJt ma1.111 em.en is: :av qu1c11cnmc acco~lling to tlJt .•.
anl> tmbtrtlanbing bnto tlJC ample. loum1mnt1ndl'c. ;•'
) '.Jl op men mr moutl), iJ llWro in mr b1catlJ: 3. ~! too:n lss tru~ f'rom ettmalling: au ~,~
ro1 mp t1cligbt toass in ti.Jr commant1cmentis. tflc 1Ubgcmmtss oftl)p n@tcourncaunraurc m. ::.
4 © looflc ti.Jou bpon me , anb be mcrciruu eumnoir. ..,,, ;~
bnto mc:ass tl)ou bfea to t10 bnto tl]ofc tl)at loue . Principcs pcrfccuti font. ~
tlJp~amc. pmmcess 1Jauc pmcrntcn me mitlJout acaure ·
5 ©incr mr acpis in tlJr mo1l>,at1b ro (bat no butmp l7cartnanllctf:)tna\tlcort1Jp'm01~.' ~f
tDicfiet1ncltc l)auc nominion oucr me. 2
1 am ais glall ort1Jn1io:o: ass one t~at fin, ::::
6 !lD llcliucr mcc from tl)c 'al~onlJ{uU l:IC11• llctlJ great rpo plcss.
lin~ or men: anl> ro n.ian '.)J llcepc tin comman· 3 ais toi liess, 'J bate anb abf}o~rc tlJcm: but ~
ncmcntss. tl)p Jl.,a\tl l>oc] louc. •i
1 ~l)c'al t'f1c ltg(Jt or tbp countenance bpon 4 ~cum timcis a bap boc ~ piairc ti) cc: be. ir:
tlJr rcruant: anll tcacl) me tlJr ftatutc!S. caufe or dJr ri~tcoul! tungctncn~. ·
~ SJl!)ine cress guOJ out \'oitlJ wam: becaufc 5 <ll5rcat tss d.)c pciuc ttJat tl)ey IJauc 'm~k~ ·
men ficcpc not tl}p Jl.,a\ll. loue tlJr la'm: anll tlJcr arc not offcnt>ct> at it. ~
lufius cs Domine. 6 JLo~b, 'J l;Jaue loolltll fo~ tl,Jp rauin!.l IJCaltfJ:
R '.Jlgl)tcous art tl)ou, © Jl.o:ll : anti true i!S anll l>one after t1J! commant1cmmt1. 1 ~
tlJr iut1gcmcnt. 1 ~r routc l)atlJ kept tlJp tcltimonic!S: anll
2 ~c tdhmonicss tl]at ttJou tJaft comman' loueb tfJcm mccninglp.
?ten :arc c~cecntng ri~tcouss ant> tmc. s '.JI tJauc llcpttlJr commanncmmt!S anll tr;
3 Sl@p ~calt tJatlJ cuen conrumcn me:bccaure lltmome1: foJ au mr \llape~ arc bcfo~c tl}cc.
mine cncmic!S i,auc fo1gottm tlJp \»o~bf5. Appropmquerdcprecatio.
4 ~11!' tooit> iss men to ti.Jc bttcnnoa: anb L <ft mr complaint come bcfo~c tl}cc,QD t.o~:
fl1l' rcruant louctl) it. giuc mce tmt1craant1ing acco~lliOB to tl}f
~ '.) am rmall,ann orno reputation: ret boe lDO~ll •
'.JI not fo~gct tlJr commant1emcntss. . 2 lLtt mp f~ltcatjon come bcfo~c tl}ec:llc•
6 ~1' ri!;\tJtcoufncac tis an cucrJanin!J fi«IJ' l1ucr me accoJl:lmg to tlJr 'roo:t1.
teourncffc: ann tl)c Jl.,atD iss tl)c tmcth. 3 Qllp lipi; OJaU fpcaflc of ttJr 19~aifc: \»IJcn
7 ~rouble~ l)cauinc[c tJauc takm l)oll> bp• tl)ou l)afl taugl)t me tin aatutcss.
on me: rct iss mr llcli~l:)t in tl)p comant>cincntss. 4 ~ca. mr ton§llC 111all Ong or tlJr too1ll: foJ
8 ~!Jc ri~trourndfe or tlJF tcaimonicss iss all tlJF commanl:ltmcnts arc rigl)tcou,.
cucrlantng: © grant me bnt>crftanllitli, ann] 5 )let tbtnc IJanll l)clpc me : co~ 'J f}aue dJe<
11.Jall liuc. · ren tlJr commant1cmcntss.
6 1 IJauc Iongetl CoJ tlJp faulng l]caltf.J, ~
Clamaui in to to corde meo. JL.-Oil>: anti in tlJp )l8'll iS mp llcli§l]t.
Eucning 4tall \tlittJ mp b>lJOlc i)cart: l)tarc 7 SIDIJ let 1np foule liuc,anb it 11Jalp1aire tl;lce:

R me, © )1.01'0, '.ll \l)iU liecpc tlJp na• ann tlJF iut1gcmcntss 11.Ja nIJclpc mr.
· s 1 IJauc 1011e aarar libc a 11.Jcepc tlJat ill
1!1ca, cUtn »pon t'(Jcc boc 'll 1oa: © rccfJc tlJF rcruant, Co~ '.ll lloc not ro1gct
call : l)ctpc me. anti'.) 11Jan Jmpc tlJr commanllcmcntss.
tlJF tcftimonicis.
( 3. ~atclp in tt)C tttOJllillg bO'.]I ctr bnto tl)CC:
~ ttt tl1.~ moib iss mti crua.
Ad Dominum. Pfal. uo.
ll)m'.) wa,.!"trouble, 'JI c:aDtbtJp' Mofl'l~
'""4t'l1§lll;)inc cress p1cumt tl)c nigl)t 'l»atdJcf5: on tlJe :t.o~. ant1 (1e l)earb me. prayc.)}
~.,a .31 \m~t be occupiell in tlJt' \tlOJllf5. ~~r mp fOule, © )lo~b. ~
to tcarc mv bopcc ( Q) JL,01b) acco1t:1tng tin'
a"., H1 l1ttlhnclfc: quicllm mec acco1t1tng •
fromlrm1~: nfromaneceit• \
...,"Pou Utn!J
att"Ulont. fUUto~
3 D9lJatmoaniballbcgiumo~ bone t>nto
m:. a~ep ~!~'In ni11l) tl)at of malta pcrCcrute tl)ee thou falfe tongue: cum miglJtf a11t111Jarpc ;~
· te -.1 Htom tlJp 8trO'cDC9-, \DidJIJote~ wiei. t~
cofttt~~~~ig\J atl}anb,
......tss ate ttuc. ii> io1t1: fo1 all tl)f 4 119oe i!S nu.tl1St '.JI am conlfraincll to b1l>tl ,~
'l»ttfJ ~Cfr.aj: anD to l}auc mine IJabttation a• ,~
8 gl!I concttning ttw tetlimonics '.) l)am mong tjJc tent,. of"1Har. ·~
lmo'alcn loni;i Once: tt:Jat tl)oul)aa grotin@tlJCIU 5 W)}! roulelJad.J ionl lltDdt among tIJrm: \I
tllatbe mcmie!ftmtopcac;c. 1.,
~· 6 ' JI ~11r foz pracc, but \lllJcn 'JI tpeafle Q.iE confidunt. Pfal. u 5.
~ bnto tl}em tl}mof: d)ep make UJmi rtaill' to Tter tl)atputtlJrir tntllin tlJc lLotb. II.Jail be
~\ batten. eucnass ttJc mount~ion: w[JiA:J mar not
~i Leuaui oculos. Pfal.r 2 1. be rcmoouc11.butllannct1J fall ro1 eucr.
'I I 119Jllltft hp inine errs tmto ti.Jc IJilkd : from 2 ~~e lJille,0 ilanll about l!)ierufaltm: curn
UJIJenct 'ommcttJ 1ltl11Jelpe. ro tlanlletlJ ti.Jc lL011>c rounll about IJiS people,
\~ 2 ~plJelpe commctl)cucn mnntlJcJJ.oib: from tlJiSS time fooitlJ fo1 CUmtlOJC;
~·. 'ID~iaJ (JatlJ mabc tJtaucn anlltartl:J. 3 f o~ tlJc roll of tlJe tmgolllF t:ommetlJ not
; 3 llJee wtl notrtdfet tlJF footc to Ile mooueb: into ti.Jc lot of tlJc rtgl1teouss: Itat d}e rtgl)ttousi
~ · anb (Jet(Jat licepctlJ tlJtt, \lliU not llerpe. · put ttJctr l)anb bnto wid1cl1nc1Tc.
J\ 4 l3el)oli:>, l)et1Jatli£cpctl)jjfncl: fbaUnei· 4 J:Elocwcn, © JL01b: tmto tl)ore tl.Jat bee
.·i I tf1et number no~ llccpc. gooll anll tmeoflJcart.
~\' s ~lJe JL01b IJimfelfe ts tlJl' flccpcr: tlJc lLo~b 5 .ass fo: fud) ass turncbaclic bnto tl.Jctr own
~1 1\ ts t~p bcfi.'nce hpon tlJF rt!PJt 1Jan11. \lJicliellnelfc: tlJc JL01bc OJall Icabc tl)cm foo1t1J
, . 6 ~o tlJat tlJe ~unne llJall not bumc tfJec wttlJ ti.Jc eum oocris, but peace ll)allbcchpon
~\ bp ll8F: neitl]er tlJc ~oone bp nigl.Jt. ]tract.
~ 7 <i:IJc 'Jlo1b a,au p1cferue t{Jec from an euil:
pea,it i!.'i cuen {le ttiat 11Jall 1tccpe tlJr roulc. In conuerrendo. Pfal. 116.
s ~e )l o~tle flJnll pteferue tlJF going out ll)cn tl)c JJ.01b turnell againc tlJe Eurning
anll tlJF comming in : from tl}i$S time foottlJ fol captmttte Of ~ion : tlJ£11 were prayer,
eumno~e. wclil!C lmto ttJcm tbnt ll1eamc.
La:tatus fum. Pfal.122. i qen toa!.'i our moutl) ftllell
Jlll.MS glab wlJcn tl)er far!> bnto mcc: iwcc 111m • w~tlJ ~augl)tcr : anll our tongue
go into tl)e l)oufe oftl)e JL01n. hlttlJ top.
~ 2 i!Dur rccte II.Jail aanll in tlJr gatcss: ilD l!)te· 3 'itl}cn Carll ttJcr among tlJc l)eatlJcn: 'itl}c
ruralcm; lL01ll lJattJ bone gyeat tl)in~ ro: tlJem.
i~ 3 l!licmfatcm tss buillletiao citic!tlJat iSJat 4 ll?ea, tl)c lL01t11JartJ 11,one gnat tf;Jtngss fo~
·~ bnitic tn it fclfe. bSS alrca!lr: \tll)creofwe moice.
~, 4 !ff01 tl)ltl)cr tlJc ttibrss goc bP, cum t(Jc 5 . ~ume our capttuttic, © lLo1b: as tf;Jc rt•
:<. mbcss ot tfJe JL,ofD: to tcntfte tmto 9\Crad,to giue UCTS mtl)C ~outl)•
.. ~ t1Janliisbnto ti)c ~amc oftl)e JL,oJll. . 6 'itl}cr tl;latfo1llc in tearcs: tlJall rcapc in
:;: 5 !!1'01 tl)crc tss tl)c reatc of iullgcmcnt: cum lOl',
t)Jc rcatcofttJc lJoufcorJEiauill. 7 ll)ee tlJat no\'D goctlJ on IJfSS war weeping,
>::: . 6 © p1ap foHl)c pca'c of 'terufalcm: tl)cp anl> bcarctb foottlJ gooll kc!lc: llJall lloubtlcUc
ll)al wofpcr tlJat lone tl)cc. 'ome againc 'OJitlJ ior, anll b1ing biis OJc1iues
n:: 7 ~cacc be wttlJin tlJr wanes: anll plcntc• 1llitlJ l}im.
'1Z oufnctrc \tlttfJin tlJp J)alaccis. NiliDominus. Pfal.i27.
8 !ff01 mr bJcttncn anti companions ra&cs : E~ccpt t'lJcJL,oJb lluillltlJcl)ourc: tlJcirlabour
::rl ')! \tlill 'OJifiJ t1Jcp1ofpcnttc. tss but Iott tl;lat builtJ tt.
l2fi 9 ll?ea, becaurc of tl)c IJourc .of tlJc lLOJll our i lfi;«pt ttJc JLOlil lmpc tfJe cttic: d}c watc{J,
'3oll: 'J\ wtll reertc to boe tIJcc goon. man mabrti;I but in bainc.
Ad tc !euaui oculos meos. Pfal 12 3. 3 ]tiSbUtlollfabottrtl)lltrella(fcto rtfchp
V ~to tl)cc lift ~ b.P mine epes: £!:> tl)ou tlJSt earlt',anll Co late taliertll, ann catc tlJc bi tao of
cartfulnelfe: fot fo l)C giUCtlJ lJiSS belOUCll Occµc.
:Ill ll'OJcllcU in ti.Jc l.Jcaucn~. .
2 · l3cl}ol1>,euen ais tl)c cress omruantis 11lolte 4 Jl.,oc,clJillltcn anl> tf;Jc fruit cf tf;Jc womllc:
bnto tl)e 1Ja111> of tl}eir maaeris, am ais tfJc crcs arc an l}tntagc anll gift tf;Jat commetfJ of tl}c
of a maillcn ~nto tl)clJanll oflJer miatts: eucn llo:ll. ·
ro our cpcis waitc bpon tl)c )l.,o,l> our '13oll,hntill 5 Jl,1f1c ass ti.Jc arrow es in tlJe l)anll or tf)e
IJc l)aue mcrcit bpon tis. ll3rnnt: men fo arc tlJe rong cl]ilDJcn.
. 3 ll)auc mercie bpon hS, © )l,01ll.lJaue mer, 6 i)llPPt' tis tl)e man tlJat IJatl;I f}i.o ciuiucr ful
c1c ljlpon bS : foJ we arc tittcrlr bcfpifell. of them: tlJcp 0Jall not bet a111amtD \lllJen-tlJcr
"' i!Dur roule tis fillcll wttb tlJc rcomcrun re' fpcake wttl) UJctr enemies in tl)c gate.
PJOofc of t)Jc wealtlJl' : anll witlJ tl}e bcccitful, Bcaiiomncs. Pfal.u8.
netrc ottl)CpJOUtl. JLe!fcll arc all tlJcr tlJat Cearc t~e JJ.011>: anb
. NHiquia Dominus. Pfal.124. BWallie in lJiS \llaFCS.
I~ tIJeJL,01lli1tmfelfe IJnb not bcnc on our fine 2 iJfoi tiJou 11Jalt eate ctn labours or tiJinc
(UO'l;lJ map ']'1frael Cap:) if tl)e )l.01t1 (Jim fclt'c l}all f,Janlll: ©\Dell i.o tl)ce, anll IJappic flJalt tl)ou be.
notbm on our ulle \tllJcn men rofe bp al.lama b;. 3 ~IJF ll>trc lball be as ti.Jc fruttfuI btnc : bp•
i ~cp l)al> f'OJallo'tDcll tis hp qutchc: wtJen on tl)e wanes of tl)ine iJoufc.
tIJcp 'Were ro w:atlJfuUy 11t£pltafcll at tis. 4 '4tlJF c1Jtli'l1enlikc tf;Jc ~ltue bl!uncf,Jcis:
3 !?ea,tl)cwaters iJall llWQ)neb bS: anll tl)c rounll about tlJF tablt. ·
lfrcame [Jan gone ouer our route. 5 )Loe. ti)U.O fiJall tl)c man bee blctrell: tf1at
4 ~e beepc 'tDatcris of tl)c p~oUll: J,11111 gone rtarctlJ tlJe 'JLOJll.
men ouctour fQute. . 6 ~IJe Jl.,ottJ from out ~f §!Dion !ban ro bleLTc
s ~utp:atreti J;lc t(Je lLO:ll: 'tDl)icl) lJatl) not tlJcc: tl}at tl)ou 11.Jalt rec ticruralcm in pzofpcti,
IPUcn bl!I oucr fo: ap1ar unto tl)Cir tect~. tic all till! life long.
6 ©ur route iss crmpcll, cu en as a btrtl out or 7 }gca. tl;Jat ttJon flJalt ftt tin' c1J1l111cnis c1J11'
tl}cfnarcoftl)cfouler: tije rnarciSbJoken. anti ll1en: anll peace bpon ]fracL
'tDe arc llcltuereo. S a:pcc1pugna11crunt. Pfat. 129.
7 ©ur (Jelp llanbetl.J in ti)c name of tl;lc 'JL,oill: M trom anr a tnne tJaue tlJcp fot~l)t again« mer
mr routl} tip: (map J: rracl no\ll rap.)
'tD(Jia:J lJatl.J malle )Jcauen anll earttJ.
Dauids humilicie. The xxviij .d~y. Brotherly loua':
,..., .. bu•,...,..., "'aue not p~cuailtb a•
mp rou•., uP : • ~·c .,
11 ¢11t:t.cnb1Jatl)ma11eafait1JCUllot1,Jetinto
Jii'auill: 8t1b he n.a11 not R·•inbc from tt.
~~ ~r... "'~ - ~
3 ~e plow~ plo\llel> tJpon 1nr baelle: anb n Jav • .,c fruit of tlJp boDic: fball '.) rrt bpon
maDtlong fun'O\Dtl. · tlnftate, ~
4 '6ut tlJe rtgl;Jte~UI ~o~l>: ~atf;J IJe\llen t!Je 13 'Jf tlJ1' a,illlJm '11ftl flcepe mp couenanc ;~
cnm,oftlJe1>pgo1>lp1upm:e1. '1111tttttmome1t1;1at')f1Jallleamct1,Jem:tl)m ,
s )I.ct dJem be confOunl>tl> an1> tumeb bacfi• cl]ill>Jcn atfo n1all lit bpon tlJp feat fo1 eumnou. f
\llarb:a1manpa!fl)auecuill\DiUat~ion. . 14 foitl)eJL,o~b IJStlJ clJofcn~tontobeean r:
6 JL,tt tlJcm be men: 01 tl}e gr.sac ~ototng (Jabitatio~ foJ IJlmfelfe : IJc l)atlJ longell Coi IJcr. )
bpon dJc IJoufe top#: tDl}icl) tDltl}mtlJ a~c it 1 ~ QUI 11)811 bcmp rtft fo~ cuct: l}cn \Dtll] 1::
be plud1e1> 11p. l>\Ddl.!O~ulJaub.~ blJettgb~ tl)crctn. 'f.
16 ~.ii
7 Ui91Jcreoft'f1emot11erft11£tl) not11il!l1Jant1: "'"e erlnctualss \Ditl)incnare· 1 J
ntltlJer IJe u,ac binl>ctl} bp,tlJUl1caucS1 , IJiSS bo, ann \Dtn,Gltiflie l)cr poo1c tDitlJ b.teab. · ;~
ro111e. 1 7 1 to1llbeche l}ci: ~Jitfts; \Ditl} IJmltlJ. ,.,
s ~o tl}at tlJcp \DIJid) go bp,fap not Co muclJ l)cr faints PJall rciotcc ann ring. • ;.
ast1Je)L.01bpJOl'ptrpoU:tDC\llillJ!OUgOOl>IUclit 18 ·~ere ff)aU] make tlJt l)OJUC of :IDauib ~
tn tl]e namt oft11e JL,oJl>. to ~urlllJ: l lJaue 01bainc1> alantctnc ro1nnne ;;·
De profundis. Pfal.qo, anomten. ·~
11cepe1Jaue] ca~lel> t1nti1t1Jcc(i!I> 1 9 .ass ro, l)iss cnemiel!I,] f!Jah clotlJe tlJnn ;.
JL,011> : ) Jl,oJl> l]eare mp t101~. . \llitl:J _PJame: but bpon )Jimfelfe llJaU 1Ji1Hrowne
:: llDIJ ltt tt1rnc earess conm:ici: \Del: U,e 1101'£ tJounflJ.
Of1l1! complaint. Eccc quam bonum. Pfal.133.
3 'j]f tllou JLoi'!le \llilt bee ememeto marftc BlflJoUl lJo\llc goo11 anb tor~n a tl.ling tt iss:
wl}at is none ami(fe: of) JL,oJb,\lllJO mar abtbt it:' b1et1mn to 11\tldl togett:Jcr mtmitle.
4 <jfo1 tl)erciss mmw \llitfJ tf;Jce: tIJtrefo1e 2 ]til51ifie t1Jep1rnous ointlntntbponti.Jt
fl)alt tl}ou be reare11. . l]calJ,tlJat ran nowne tmto tf;Je bear!>: euenbnto
5 ~loolie foi tfJc JL,0111, mp Coult l:lotfJ tDa1te aaronsi beam, anti tDmt bo\llnc to tl)e rnm, of
roi IJim: fn IJiS \11011> iss mp trua. lJilS clotl)ing. ·
6 ~pfoulc ftectt:J bnto tIJcJL,0111: befo1e~1Je 3 lLike al!ltbe ~etDc of~ermon: \DIJicl.Jfdl ~
mo1ni11g tuatd}, ] rap, befo1c flJc mommg bpontbclJiUof~ion. ·,
t1111td,J. i foJ tlJeretl)e JL,01bp~mifc1> IJisblcf'mg:
1 Q> ]ftacltrUfttn tl)e JL,oJb, foJ\DitlJ tl)e ant>lif2'01euermo1e.
Jl,OJl> tIJcreil5 mercic: ant>tDitlJ (Jim iJS plente' Eccc nnnc. Pfal.134.
ou.Brc'!lcmptton. BceIJo11> (no'11) p;zaifctl}c)L.011> :aore~
s anlllJttflJaUtct>mne]tracl: fromaUIJtss orttJcJl.0111.
finncss. 2 Fe tlJat br n~t aan1> tn tl)e 11oure ordJe
Dominc,non ell. Pfal.xp, JL.oill:euenin ttJC courtfoftl]c IJoufeofour~oD.
L ©,b,] am not IJig1' minbtt>:'.JI l]aueno woun 3 Jl..lft bp pour 1Jan1>ss in tl}e Canctuaric: anb
lookc!f. pJStre tl)c JL01D. ....
i'.)nor not cyerctfc mr retie in «tC&t mat' 4 '$11e Jl.0~11e tIJat mabe l)caum anb eanl}:
terss: tolJicl) arc tool)iglJ fo: me. gtue ti)ceblclnngoutof~ion.
3 l5ut '.]\ refratne mp foule,anllfl~e it lo\Dc, L:iudace nomcn. Pfal.13 5.
libc ais a cl)ilt> tlJat ts 'tllc11nc'!l fromf)r.Bmotl)ci:: Q ~~airc tlJc Jl..o~b, laulle pee ttJe name of dJe
rea, mr route iSS euen as a toeancb c1Jal1>. . . ll o~ll: p;zatre it.© pecfcruants of tlJcJI..ottJ.

4 © ]fracl ttt11t in tlJt JL.oitJ: from t1J1si tune 2 Fee tlJaC llantl in tlJc IJoufe of tl}c J..01b :in
foo~tlJ ro1 mcnno1e. tlJc rourtss of tlJc f)ouce of our ©ob.
r. l 3 s:D p1aife tlJc JL,o1t1. foHIJeJL,o~ll tss gracionr.
Memento Domine. Pia •1P· Q>fingp~aiCesibnto IJissnnmefoiitislouelp.
Morning llll.....- -...1111a11 • foJU>IJ!Y.llJ<JLolDb•llJ-'illCObbtltO (
prayer. l1i1S ttoUble. 1Jtmrt1fc: an11 '.]l tracl fo~ IJtss o\Dnc potreaion. "
• i 'o\D IJe f\Dare bnto tlJc JL,o~D: 5 fa~'.]\ lino\De tl]at tl]e Jl.o~l> ilS grtat: anll '<
- • · '-' anb tio'11cb a botoc tJnto t)Jcal tl}at our JLo,n tss aboue au 1101>s. \
J; tnlglJtp (J!5ol> of')acob. 6 U91Jatroeucr tlJt JL01ll pleafell. dJat llill IJct ·,
3 'JI \Dill not come \DttlJin tlJc tabernacle of in IJcauen anD in cart{): an1> in flJe rra,anll inall \'
mp lJollfe: noi clime bp into mr be1>. Dte:pe ~laces.
~ 1 'mill not ndfet mtne epeis to aecpe. noz 7 ct b~ingctlJ rooztlJ tl}e doullcJ from tlJt
1nine epe 1iblS to Qumbcr: ncitlJer tl)e temp leis of cnDJS o ~c mozlD: anD fenDrtlJ fO~dJ ligl.Jtntn~
mp \Jtab to talle. anp ttft. \llttb tl)e ratnc, b1injing tlJetlliubelS outoflJ~
~ •nttll 'JI finb out a place foi tl)c temple of trcafurtSJ.
~tlLo~b: anl}abitation foi tlJt\niglJtp 4Bol>Of 8 ~e.l\notetl,)e6rtlbo1ncor Cfgrpt: l!otl} of
~acob. inan anb beat.

•.,.. "'"'011
rO:n:t~~~~~ o.f tl,)c fame at~1ata: anl> 9 ~e 1Jat11 rent toritns anti \llonllm into tl)c
mibl>elt of dJtt, ® tl]ou lanl> of ~t: bpon
7 tme.e. 'miUgoe tnto l)ts tabemade: anl> (aU t&IJarao anl>alUJiSI fmtantJ.
lo\Dc on ~ut footlloole. 1 o l!}c anotuiucrJS nattonss: 11111 h mfBIJ• '"~
an~ dJ~~e~f{t,01~nto 1:11!' ntttn1 place: t1Jou de Mng~. "i
'"' t..._n. '.F mgtl), 11 ~clJonfrinloftl]cg_.anlliDQ~c ·~q'.
9 J<-C l";tl~llbe.clotl)e.b\'oidJrill}teouf.
"'II: fdng;of ;!Bafan: 8nl>88 tl)eldngDOmtlOfllJ&• ·
nt[c : anD let tlJl' raintss ung 1llitl) toptulnelft.
naan. ,\
1o 1f~ tlJl' fmlant ~sra11e.: cumenot u .<lnb g;aue tl)eif lanb to beean 1.Jmtqt:
~--'-------~~~-------~~---~~~----~tu~cn~IL.___ 1
~odsgreatvvorks~ The Churchincaptiuitie. 214

~\ men an IJmta(lt bnto ]t\'8£1 lJis people; 24 an!I f)atl) lleliuerrll bS from our cnemitii:
13 ~P name,© JU:l~ll. cmiurttlJ ft» cucr:ro ro, (Ji~ mmic enllurttlJ foi cucr.
noctl;I tlJP mcmo1talli llD :l-DJll,frem ont gmera, . 2 5 UDIJtclJ giuetl;I rooll to all llcllJ: f'oJ lJi~ mer·
tton to anotl]ci-. . acenllttrttlJ foz eur.r.
14 ~o.z tl)e JL,01ll '.\lJin aucngc tJts prtiplt: anb 2 6 © giuc ti)an1tes bnto tlJ~ <!!Joli of f}eauen ~
be gracsou~ bnto (Jiss £truants. re,.lJil mmie ci111nret1J roz cuer.
1 s as ro, t(Je images of Cfle (Jeat(Jen, tlJC! are 2 7 © lfiuttlJanhes bnto tl]e )l.0111 of'lo~llts :
bot Liluer ann goIll : t(Je minbe of mens (J11n111. ro, (Jtss mmtc mlluretl) ro1 eutr.
16 ~epl}aucmout(Jess.anDfpeakenot:eprs SupC'r!lumma. Pfal, i 7.
f;lauetIJep, but tlJcy rec not. B1!? ti.Jc 'tnaters ofl3abplqn 'ror Cate3 botone ~ni:l
17 ~ep lJaue earcis, nnnpct tlJcr I.Jean not: \l.lept: 1D1Jen \De rememb1ell (fl}ee) !:ID ~ion;
nett(Jer iss tlJttt anp b1cat(J in tlJeir mout(Jcss. 2 '.ds fo~ our iJarpcs. mee l)angeb ttJcm 1:lp:
18 ~l:Jep tl)at make t(Jcm,arc lihr bnto tl}cm: bpon t(Jc tms tllat arc tl)eretn.
ttnll ro are an t(Jep tflat put tl)cir trutl in d}elu. 3 tjfo~ tl)ep tiJat leD bi! a\llap captiue, requt•
19 101atre tlJe JL,o,n pc (Jourc or jjfrael: p~atrc rell of l>.S tJJcn a rong anll melonie in our l}eaui•
ti.Jc JL,01ll pc boufe orn.aron. ne[c: fing l.lSi one of tlJe rongs of ~ion.
2 o l&:aift tlJe l-oJi:J pc tJoUfe or JL,eui: re t{Jat 4 ~o\tl Ill all 'alee fing tl)e JLoJDeSi rong: tn a
~· fearc ttJc JLoJD, p:at'c tiJe 'JLoJl.I. llrange lanll 1
.t 21 l!)~aifcllbctbe JL,011> ontof ~ion: 'll.11.JtclJ . s lf '.JI fo~gettlJee, © 'ieruralcm: let mr
\ !lb.lelletlJ at $ierufalcm. ngl)t !Jann ro~ct IJer cunning.
r. 6 'j\r:] Do not remember tilce,let mp tongue
·Con fi temini. Pia1· 136· cfeauctot1Jeroofeofm11moutl):fti1, ifJlpic'
\irig .C3iuct1Janncstmtot1JcJLo~l1,foi ferrenotl~ieruraleminmpmtrtb.
~.r. lJe tis graciouss : anll {Jis mmic 7 memcmber tlJc cl1ilt1~c11 or <:rnom, ©
'' cnllUtet(J fo~ cucr. Jl,oJ!le, in tl)c Dap of ~icrufalcm : IJO\tll' tlJcp
'' i ~ gtue ttJanke~ tJnto t(Je farn,JE>o\tlne \llitlJ it,!lomnc mitiJ tr,cucn to tiJc
~· <!3oll or au go!ls:foJ lJis merer en, groum>.
~ lluret(J foi cuer. 8 © Dattg()ter of 13abrlon,toaacn 'roitb mi,
3 © tt}anlie tlJe JLo~D of all loJ!lcs : foJ l}is ferie: pca.bappp fl)all {Jc be tl)at re\Dari:Jrt{J l1Jcr :
:1 mcrcie enlluretlJ fo1 euer. ais tf)on l}aa fm1cll bs.
4 tl9btc1J onelp t1otl) great 'tnonber!S: to; 1.Jis 9 lBie[cll OJall IJce be tf.Jat tar1et1J tfJp cfJif,
·'"' mcrc:ic cnlluretb fo: mer. Il~en: am1 tlno\llctfJ tllcm againll tlJe ttonci:s.
5 tl91Jlcl)bplJi1Sera:Umt'a.1ifbomcm11t1ctlJe Confi1ebor1ibi, Pfal.1 ;8.
IJeaucns: fo11Jis mmic rn:mrct'l) fo: cun:. J00tn giuc tl:Janrms bnto t(Jce, © JL,o,nc. 'll.litb
.•. 6 tl9f)iclJ Iaioc out tl:Jc rnrtlJ aboue tlJe ma, mr '1Dl10Ie {Jeart: euen befo~c tl}e gons \ntll jj
ter~: foltJiS mercic enllurettJ fo1 cuer. Cing p~aife tmto tl]ec.
N• 1 ll01Ji,ll l)at'l) mnllc great Itgl)tcs : roi l]t~ 2 'Jl Will 'alo~ll)tp toblarb tlJp l]olr tf.'t!lV!C,
:; mcrcie cnourttlJ foz rucr. ann piaife tl)p name,becaure ot tlJp louing fnntl• ,
s 'll!;lJe ~unne to rule ti.Jc i:lap : roi 1Ji£l mer, nccrc anll ttnetlJ : ro1 tl]ou IJaa magnifiell tlJp ·
:;; cieenimretlJ roJ cucr. namc,anb tlJF \l.lo~ll aboue an tl]iTI(UI.
:i 9 ~be ®;)oone anll tl1e ~tanes to goucrnc 3 t19lJcn '.ll callen bpon tbet, thou l]eartietl
tl;le nig)Jt: ro1 IJi~ mercic tnnuretlJ fo~ euer. me: anb enbucilllmr route mitl} mud) ttrengtl].
10 1101.JiclJ rmote lfgpµt mit'l) tl}cir rirtU1om: 4 gu tile flings oft{Je cartlJ tball p~aife tbre,
fo~ ilts mercie enburctlJ fo~ euer. ~ JL,o~lle: f'o1 tlJcr l]aue i,carn tl}c wo~l>S of tl} F
~1 11 anllb~ou~tout']Jfraelrtoamo·ngtl]cm: wout{J.
::: fc] l}i5$ mmie cnlluret{J fo1 eucr. s ]?ea, tiJcp 11Ja0 ring in ti)e \\Japes of tl)c
:t · 1 2 DeltlJ a 1nigl)tic (JanlJ ~ anti Orctc~eb out 'LoJb: tl}at grcatt5 tte glo~r or ~le JLo~i>.
annc: ro~ IJis mmie eniluretlJ to1 euer. 6 !ffoi tlJougl) the JLoJ!I be IJiglJ, retlJatfl flee
13 llDl]tcl} biuillcll tf)eren Cea in t\no pllrte$$: refpcct unto tf]e lo'allp: ai:s fo1 tlJt p]ouil, l)re be•
',• ro] lJis mcrcie cnburctiJ fo] eucr. l)oltlcttJ tl)em afarrc elf.
14 ann malle ']Jfrael to goe t1.Jo1o'a.1 t'l)c mttlf! 7 •iirl]ougtJ 'JI toallie in tte millilr» of trou.
of it: tin llts mmte eniluretl] roi euer. btc, pet 11Jalt tl)ou rcfreOJ me: tt:Jou llJalt arctclJ
15 l5ut al:! fo~ 10 IJarao anll lJis f;lotlc, tic oucr• fo1t1J tlJine {Jan!l bpon t(Je furloufmlTe or mtnc
U,:et11tt1emtntl)erc1>fea: fo11Ji~ merctc enllu, enrmits,anntIJrtigl}tl]an11a1an raucmc. .
rctlJfozcucr. 8 'll!;f1e Jlo~l>c OJall malie gooil.lJtS loumg
16 1101Jicb lcll l)iss people ttnougl) tl}e \Uilbtt'' fltnllnclfc to\lJarll me: pca,tlJP mcmc,© l...ozne,
nclTe: ro1 IJis mcrcie enburetl) fo1 cucr. m!lurctl:J ro1, llcfp1fc not tlJen ttJc 'a.101kes
17 U91Ji&IJ fmotc ~catkingl5: fo1 IJiSS mmit' of tlJine o\l.lne l)anl>~.
. 1 8 :eea,anlltle\n1nt!11Jtpldng15: fo:IJiismcr•
o omme,pro
· b ff1
a •
a · 1 ~9·
cieennuretl} roHuer. . . • JT,,o:lle, tl]ou IJatl feartl)en me out, Morning
. '9 ~cl)on ktng or t{Jc amo,1teis: fo11.J1ismcr• anll Imomc.nmc: tl)ou .rmotoea mp prayer.
cte enauretll foi eucr. no tone Ottmg, anzi mme bp:trtng,
20 anll llDg tlJc fling of )Baran: ro: IJiSS merer tl}ou tmnerctan!lctl mp tlJougIJtss
ennurett} ro: euer. long bcfo:e.
i1 an1>gauea\Dapt1Jcirlanllto:11nl}erttagc: 2 '~110•1 artaboutmp patl], ann about mp
fo11Jis mercte cnnuretll foz eucr. beD : anll fpl!~ll out an n~p 'tn81'cs.
12 lfuenfo:anl)critage bnto]fratl IJi~fer• l !ffo.z Ioc, tlJcre tSi not a \Uo:lle in mp
uant: foi l}iS mcrcie enllurctlJ fo: cuer. . tongue: but tl)on, © JLo:llc, llno\Deft it altogc,
2 3 tl91JiCIJ rememb!Cb bS \DIJen\ncc \ntre Ill trJer.
ttouble: fo~ l)is mercie enlluret11 ro: euer. 4 'll!;IJou trail f~!l1ione!l mc llrhinll 111Jtfo1c:
Nochingfecrecco God. None iufi before Go>
a11!1 latb tl)inc banb »11on nie. · 9 l.-et U,e mif"1WCc of t(Jdr o"dlne lipl!lfaH 1"
s ~uclJ flno\Dl£Dl¢ t.uoo~onbeifull 8nb bpon tlJelJe@oftlJem: d)atcompdenuabout. .~.
e,rtellcnt fol nu : ~ cannot attame bJUo k. . 1o l.eC bot bunri~ toalel!I fal bpon tlJeln: kt f:~
6 atlJitIJrr llJSI '.]! ~o tl)m from dW fptnt:oi tl)em be tatllnto t:l;Jefirt. anb into ttJe pit. tl;Jat ,.
\DlJitlJer lball '.) goe tfJen from tlJr PJrfence1 tJJer nmer nre bp spine. 1
7 '.Jf'JI ,lime bp into (Jcauen.ttJou arttl}ere: u a man fUUofui01t111111Jal notpiofperbpon 1f.
if'.) !Jo DO\Dne to (Jell, ~ou ait t(Jerc aUo. t(Je mtl:J: nnlltlJaD l}unt tl;Je toicflcb Ptrfon to .~
,1 -
8 '.Jif']jtakC tlJCUllnlU$OftlJC moming:anb OUCrtmO'mel)im. ,~
rem sine in tlJe tlttmnott pares of tl}c rea. 1 2 ~tire 'Jl am tl,)at tl:Je J..01t1e \DiU ~c
9 lfUell t(Jm alfo rtJall tlJl? l)ani> lcabc mec : ~..P. oo~e : anb matntaine tl;Jc mure of t(Je lJetp. ~,
anb tl}priglJtlJanbllJaRl)olb mr. ..._ r.
10 lf 'J rap, 10crat1uenture t(Je 11arlicncrrc 13 ~crig'l)tcou111alfof1Jall1tue tl)anllel!lbn· .¢'.
11JaR coucr mcc: tl.Jcn flJall mp ntgJJtlJcc tumcb to tin? name: ani> t(Je iull OJall ronunue in tlJp 1; !
to bap. flg(Jt, ., ·
1 l ~ca, tlJcl:larflcmtre is no narunc«ctoitl:J Dominc:,clamaui. Pfal.1 4 1. (.f
tf)cc, llutt(Je nigl:Jttssass dccrcass tl}c oap: t(Jc L ©1nt, 'JI call tlpon tlJte, l)afte t(Jee bnto :~
oarfimctrcann ligl}t (to tl)cc) arc botl) alil!r. 1nee: ~no confiner mp tioice wlJen] me bnto '%'
12 f,o~ mr retnes arc dJinc : t(Jou l)al! touc' tl)ee. ·,;.
rcll me in mp motl)crs 1Dombc. 2 lltt mp p~pcr bee ret foo1UJ in f:1JF (iglJt ~'
13 '.Ji '1ltngiue tl]ankesumto~, ro11 am 11sst1Jcinccnre:ann1ctt1Jeliftin~tipofmp1JanDi ::.:
Ccarefullr ann wonDcrfuUp mane: m11rue11ouss be an rucning: facrift'cc.
aret1Jp\llo111ss,anntl.Jatmproulelmotoet1Jrlg1Jt ~ ~eta tDatdJ (©l-oiD) bcfo~mrmoUtl}: ~....
mell. anb fleepc t(Je noo1c ofmp ltpss. c',
14 ~plloncssarcnotbil:lfromt~c: tl}ouglJ .4 ~let notmincl)eattbe mdincntoanpc, ':;,
'.Ji be mabe fccrttlp,ann fall)ionen bctteatlJ in tlJC mil tl)rng:: let mcenot bee ouupten in bngoblp
cartl]. woific~ witl) tlJe men t(Jat mo1l'le 'Ulit11c11nctrc, 1
• 5 ~ine epess bib fee mp fullltancc, pet being: left '.ll cate of fuel) tlJin«fJ ass pleafe t1Jem, ~
1.mpcrfect: anti in tlJ!' boo&e mm all mp mt111> s )!.,et tl.Je rigtJtcouss raU}er Cmite me fi'icral, i1;1:
bcr~ w1ittm.
16 tIDIJtcfJ nap br nap mere faflJionen: \\Jl}cn
ass pct there wass none oftl)em.
Ip: ann rcpiouc me.
~ '5utlct not tl:Jeit pitctouss batrms b•
m~ne I.Jean: rea, '.JI \DlU p1ap ret ag:ainft t1Jeir
17 $ownearearc tlJpcounfclSSbntomee,SlD \Ditkcnne:trc. :1J
~on: flD l:Joto great is ttJe fummc or t(Jem ~ 1 JL,et tl)eit tuog:cs be oumt:nomen in 111nr it:
18 'Jlf'.]I ten tl]cm, tIJcpare moeinnumbcr placcss:t1Jattl)epmapl)earc mpwo11:11, ~t!JCF :ii!
t(Jen tl)e rann: ml) en :Jl wake tip, ~am wercnt are fll'Jcetc. •· l1
\Ditl) tl)cc. s flDllrbone1licftattmbllcf'a:ptfJcpit:l&le :r:
19 Wilt not tIJou aap tlJe \\Jicliel:l,fl!> c»el:I :11~ a• 'aJIJm one ll1ca11CttJ anll l}cblttl.J tooon bpon :r.
part from me pc bloont(Jirttic men. t(Je cartb. •.
i o 1f01tl)cp fpeafle bnrtgl)teouOp againll tl)ec: 9 l6ut mint epcss loolle tlnto tl}ee, ill) 'JLOJ'b -··
ann tl:Jinc enemies tallttl)p name tn bainc. ~ob:in tlJee i.1Smr trail,© call not out mp rcmrr. 1;".
i 1 :J21oc not ~ l]ate tlJcm , ill) Jl,01?1. t(Jat l)ate 1 o lllccpc me ffOm tf;Je rnare \\llJiclJ tlJni f)IJUe ~1
tl)ee ! anl:lam not] gricuen \\Jttl) t(Jore tl)atrtfe tarn f011ne: ann from t(Je trappe" of tl.Je \Wi$ .,
bp againft t1Jec~

1:1ocrp. :. '
2l Fca' 'JI l)atc ~cm rir;JlJtfo1c: euen a.15 l I )I.ct tf:Jt bngollfPcan into tlJcir O\l'lnc~ L
tlJougtJ tlJcr '\Dtte mme cne1mc~. tog:cU,cr: ar.n let me cucr crcape tl)em. ~'
i; ~ricmcc,©~on, ann rcelietlJqtrouniJ VocemeaadDominum. Pfal.1.f.2; ;::-:
~~~~~~~rt : P100UC mcc, anb c~amme 1~l' ~f#n bnto tl)C Jl,QJbt b.lttiJ mp E~;

2 3 ·Jl,.oolte wcR tr tl)crc bee !l"P 1»8! of w1i;, tloicc: pea, cucn bnto d]e ~II ~-
hcbnc1fc tn mcc: anti lcal:IC mee mtge map cucr, l>iiJ ~ malle mp CupplicatlDn. :.
lallin~. ,, '.)powicnoutmrc~il'lts •::
Eripc: me Domine. Pfal.140. llcfott {lim: an'b 01tblcb (JllU of ~
n::~~~~~:; 3 D91Jcn m~irrrt~~iinl)eauindfe, tlJOU ~:
2 U9lJidJ tma1tne mifclJicfc intl:Jcir l)tart.15: flncllleft mp lJRtiJ: tn t(Jc wap w1Jctin9l 'roalfftb, .')
anb ftim bp ftrtfc all t(Je nap lohg:. IJauc tlJcp p:mtlp lapll a mare fo~ me. ~,
3 ~lJcr l)auc 11Jarp~1> tl)m tong~.15 lllie a 4 'J loofiel) alro tipon mp rildJt ~anb: ann \
rtt\lent: antierss poifonis tinner tl:Jm hp.15. raw tl)crc \Dll.IS no man dJat wouliiknO\D me. 1'
b 4 11\eeptmc, © JLo~b,from t(Jc l:Janns o~dJe s ') l)ab no place to flee bnto: anl:I no man ~~;
to'!.~Obly: p~ereruc mee from tl)e \Dicllti> men carrb ~mp roulc. l
.,ict) art pnrporcb to ouert(»o\D mp IJOinllfJ. 6 31 'riciJ bnto dJtt,ilD JLo,1:1,anD ratn:aJoU ;~~
rwkb~e P~oun l)atl) tapll a ntare fo; me. anti i)ope, anb mp aio1tion in tfJe lanD Of t(Jc i'
trap" l.anl1£tte atnoan \DitlJ tOtIIC~: pea, anll ltt lnnng, '
" mv'IDap. 1 €on®ermrcomplaint:ro1~11111~t \
hC:rc l!~Vb. bnto tl)e JLo~b, ~ou art mp eon: 1:1erp lo\Dc. )
., •., . O\Uofmpp~pcrs,ilDJL,o~b. 8 ilD btUUtrmtt ftommp~0115! fot ~
7 ilD lloib <3ob,ttJou flrengtb of mp~ : dJtt are too ftroPB fo1 me. ~·
tl)ou IJall coueteb mplJeantn tlJebap ofbattel. . 9 l3tin«ml' roule out of~ ~tl mar. ~.
.JLct not ~e '?nlOblr l}aue 1Ji15 lldln, «> gn1e dJanbe15 imto dJl' name: ulJiclJ tlJiPB 1f ~'
JLo1t1. let not lJiSS tntCtlJteuous imagination NO- d)ou ll>ilt grant me, tl)en llJaD tfJt ng1Jteou15 re, ~1
Domine, j
le vanirie of man.· Godskingdome. 215

Domine, exaudi. Pfal. 143. pong plants: anti tlJat our llauglJters map be as
H<lrantnp p1aper, ilDJLo:bc, anoconfibermp tlJt polillJtl> co1ncr11 of tl)e temple.
llrrin: (Jrarkcn tmto mec ro: tlJp ttnetlJ anti 1 3 ~at our garners mar bcfuU anll pltnte,
rtglJtesufndTc f.aftc. ous \DitlJ au manner offtoJe : tllat our 11.Jccpe
2 ano c1~ternot into iul>gemmt tDitlJ tlJF 1.nap b:ing foitIJ tlJoufann.s, ano tm tl)ouranna
reruant:fo11n tlJrftg(JtaJaDno manltutng be mout tlrceti.
iuiliffrl>. 14 ~IJat our o~m mS'p be tlrong to labour,
3 fo: tf:}cenrnitc fJatl) pttrtrutdl mt foulc, ~attlJere be no llecap : no [Calling into captiui,
@e IJ.atl:J fmittcn mp life IJotDnc to tlJe grounMJe tie,anb no complaining in our llm~t.s.
l)atlJ far!> me in t1Jc1>11rlimetrc, a1tl}emm ttJat 1 5 ~appic arc t(Je people tl,Jat bee in fucf.J a
f}auc brme long ocan. care: pea, bleffell arc t(Jc people ll'llJiciJ fjauc tiJe
4 ~1Jerefo1c tis mp rpirit btntl tutti.Jin mce: JI.OJI> foJ tlle1r 11301>.
atlll mp 1Je11rt lllitlJin me t.Oefolatc. . Exal.c~boccDeu~. PfaI. 14 s.
5 Fet no '.Jl remember tlJe time paa, '}! more J~111 tn~gndie tl)ce, !lD <ll>on, mr liing: anl> '.)\
bpon all tlJp uio.uicis : re11, '.ll e~mifc mp fctft in \ll1U pJatrc tlJp name fo~ euer anll eucr.
t(Je\lJOJhc.s oftl]p i}ano.s. 2 Cfucrr bap \bill'] ginc tl1an1111 bnto tr,Jee:
6 '.Jl tlretclJ fo1t1J mp 1Janneis tmto ttJcc: mp anti piaifc tlJp name fo1 cucr anb eucr.
foUle garpetl;J tmto t(Jce,as a tlJirfhc lanb. .3 c5reat ip tfJe lLo:ne,ann marucilou11 \DOJ'
7 f!}earc mr, © JLOJO,anb ttJatroonc, ro: mp tlJtetobe ~a1ceo:tl}crct11 no enoeoflJis great,
Cpmt\llarcttJ faint: 1Jil>c notCIJl' fan~ from mee, neffe.
Jeall'l\ bccliliebnto t(Jemtl)at goe bo\llne into 4 @nc generation OJan p:aifc t~r 'Wo~lics
ti]Cplt. tinto anotl:Jct: antlllcclare tlJF power.
s sD let mre f)eare tlJp louing hinbncm~ be' 5 !All fo~ mc,'l\.'WiU be talllinlJ Of tlJf 'WOJfiJip:
time)'.! in tlJC mointng, fo~ tn tl)C['. il'.I mp tm«: tlJr glozr,tlJr p,aire,anl> \Donbrrous \\lo~fies.
RJc\lJc t(Jou me tl)e \\lap tlJat 'J flJouln lllallle tn, 6 ~ tgat men II.Jail fpcahe of tl}c miglJt of
, ro1 jj bft bp mp roule bnto tlJer. tlJp marucilouss acccis: anl>] uim alro tell oftl)r
9 JE)cliucr me,© :i;..oiMrom mine enemieis: greattuffe.
fo1 '.Jl flee bnto tl)cc to IJibe me. 7 ~l}e memo~iatl of tf)inc nbunnant flinil,
1 o ~eaci} mee to noc tl)e tlJtng tlJat pleafctl,J nctre OJall bee ll}e\llcl:I: anl> men 11Jall fing of tiH'
tlJer,fin tlJon art mp <ll>ob : let ti.JP louing fpirite rtgl)teoufncffe. ·
Jeaoe mefo:tlJ into ttJe Jann of rlgl,ltcourneffe. s ~e lLo:o ts gractouss anti mcrcifun: long
11 .llllutclimme,©)Lo~l>,fo:t(Jpnamesrahe: fuffcring,anl> of great ~ool>nctre.
ano fo: tlJp ri!PJtcournctre falic b~ing mp roule 9 ~fJe JL011> iis loumg tmto eucrp man: ano
out Qf trouble. IJiis mcrcte tis ouer an IJi.S \tlo~hc.s.
u .ann of ttJp gootlnctre aap mineenemicss: I 0 an ti.Jr b:IO;ih.S p:aiCe tlJC't.,ilD )1..,o:t1:anb tl}p
an1>oc1tropalltl}cmt1Jat bc~c m11 roule, f01 'JI faints gtue t}Janlicl'.I bnto ti}ee.
am «ir rcruant. JI ~Cl' llJC\llC tl]c glOJP Of tlJp flingbome:

' BenediCl:us Dominus. Pfal,144. anl> talht of tf:Jp power.

12 ¢1Jat tlJp po\llcr, ttw glo:p, anl> migl}ti,
)Lcffco lle tl)e )Loin m11 llrengtlJ: nei'c of tl;Jfbingbomt :migl)t tee Imowen bnto

ig tDIJW;J tcaeiJetl) mp IJannes to men.
\Darrc, ann mp fingers to figgt. 1 3 ~lJp fringl>Omc tis an eucrlathng fling,
2 ~P l]ope anti mp foitrctrc, nome: anti tIJr tlominton cnnurcttJ tl)Jougl)out
mp catueantl tleliuerer, mp De' all ages.
fentler,in \lllJomc 'JI truR:b:Jl}iclJ 14 ~f)e lLo,bc bplJoJoetiJ all fuct] ass fall: anll
fubl>uctl:J mp people tIJat is bnl>er me. tiftetlJ bp an tl,Jofe ttJat Ile llo\tlnc.
3 JL,011>, \tdJatiismantl)attl)ouf)allfuclJ re, 15 ~lJe eres of all wait bpon ti.Jee, ilD lLoJlle :
(\lect tmto lJim: 01 tlJe ronne of man tl:Jat tl)ou ann ti.Jou gluea tlJcm tiJcir meat in tiue rc11ron.
ro tegarl>rll IJim '! 16 ~ou opene!t tl)ine (Jann : ano fillcll all
4 ~an tis bile a tl)in!,l of nouggt: lJiSS time ttJingis l1ui~ \llitlJ plenteournetrc.
patreti, a\llap like a ll}al>o\ll. 17 ~lJc JLoillc ill rtggtcouis in all f)i!5 Ularcis:
5 l5ouic tlJ1! f)eauenss, Sl!:> l.o~l:Je, anti come anb IJolp in all IJis \lJMte.s.
bo\Dn: toucl,J tl)e mountain)'.!, ~ tl,Jep 11Ja1 rmofic. i 8 ~bt lLo:nc is nig;lJ bnto all ttJcm. tlJat ~an
6 ~aft foittJ tlJp ligiJtntng, ano tea re ttJcm : bponlJim:pca, anru'l:J as call llpon 1J1m faitl)'
11.Joot out ttJinc arrouiess,anll conrume tl,Jcm. fullp.
. 7 ~enb l>o\Dne tlJinc l)anb from abouc : l>e' 1 9 tl)e \\Jill fulfill t11e tic fire of tgem feare
ltucnne, anti talie me out or tlJc great \llatcris, IJfm: lJc alro to ill ~care tlJeircrp, anti \lltll f)elpe
from tlJc l]ant1 of «range ~en. tlJem.
. s mi,orc 1nout1J tallict1Jof.b11nttte:~ tl)tir 20 ~cJLo:nepicfeructf) allt1Jemt1Jat loue
ttUlJt l)ann iss a rigl)t l)anb of \lliclicllnelfe. gim: but rcattetetlJ ab,oan all tlJc bngol>lp.
9 'JI \Dill ling a ne\D fong bnto tlJee, liiD <!5ob : 2 1 S®l' moutlJ n1al~ fpealle tl}e p:aife of ti.Jc
anti ling p~tfeis bnto tl)ce bpon a ten llringell Jl.,oJll: anl> ltt an fltil.J gmc ttJanflcis bnto 1Jt111J 0 ,
Jl..UW. Ip name fo~cuer anl> cucr.
1 o ¢1Jou l)all l,litrcn tiicto1ie i:lnto flin~: anl:J
Lauda anima mea. Pfal.I46,
l)Atlbeltumb ~aui'll tlJp rcruant rrom ti.Jc pe, pmmre tIJe JLoJll,© mp route, \lllJitc] liuc \Dllt
fill Of tl)C f\llOJ'IJ, '] ~atrc tiJcJLo:ll : rea,rus Iong a11] f)auc anr
n ~aue mt anll lleliuer me from ti.Jc (Jantl bein1J,']!win fln11p:a1reis b~to mp <ll>on.
o~ flra~e clJill>~m: t111:Jofe ~nouth talliCtlJ df~a' ~ i1Dputnotrourtr~lltnp1u1ccs,noi in anr tl}eir riglJt l)anb tts a nglJt l)anl> of1m, c{Jtlll of man : fo~ tIJerc lS no {Jclpc in dJc m.
quitie. ; ito: \lllJcn t~e b1CatlJ of msn ~ortl) fo;ti:,
12 ~at our ronncis mar grob:lc tip as tlJe ge 11Jallturnc agame to lJiS cmttJ: m1•1 tbcn at
j Iii>"'·-·--
IJil tlJoupts pmOJ.
4 :161tfl'eZ1 is t}ee tl)at batlJ ~e 18o'D of ~aco.b
fo: l)iSS IJelpe: anll lDIJofe IJope ais in d)e ll.o111 IJilS
llJOlto ....-. f.h ,.A
DJ1tdJ mane bcatren anll -·...,,~.,e aS anb
au5ft}at, d]emntss:•IJtaJ betpttl.J IJiJS NOmtfe
lbJ:u"~ IJe{petlJ tl.Jemto rig1Jt tl}atfulftf
\llJOlll: 1DOKJ;J ftdln:IJ d.Je 1Jungne.
7 ~ i..oine loorttl,J men out of pitfon: tl)e
)L.OJDe !Ptaetl:J O!lbt to tlJe blinb.
s ~e Jl,oJbe l]elped.J d.Jem tlJat are faUen:
tl}c :r;..oib caretlJ fOJ tl)e rig)Jteoms.
9 QJe Jl,o~b caretlJ ro1 tl)e ftfangcrss: IJe zie,
rennetl) tlJe fatl:Jertcrre anti tDibotDe: ass f'oJ tl)e
\l!B1! oftlJc bngoblp,lJc tumetl) it bpribc botone.
1 o ~lJe )l 011>c tlJF <3oll, ll!> $9ion. OJaH bee
rungfo~ cumno1e: ann tmou~out au gtmera•
Laudace Domin um. Pfal. 147.
Euening )01apfe t1Je Jl,o~lle, fO~ it iJS 3 gooll

~ 2
tl]ing to Cing pJaifess bnto our <115oll:
fes, atorfull anb plearant tlJing It
1is to be ti;Janltcfull.
~c )l.,oJtl llotl) builb l:Jp $le•
rutalcm:anll gattJcr togcttJer tlJe out,aacJS of
3 $d:JealrtlJ t(JoretlJat are Jnolien in l.Jeart:
ano ~iuctl) menictne to l]eale tlJm fu:rmerre.
4 l.l)e tdletlJ tl)e numbn of t(Jc ttanc~ : a1111
callctlJ tlJcm au bl' tl)e1rnamcss. . .
s aJreatiJS our Jl,oJllt, anll great ass l)tJS po'\lJ•
er: rca,ann l)tJS 1Difellotne iss infinite. .
6 ~e :G.oib fettetlJ t>p tlJe mcelie: anb bim'
getf] tf]e bngolllp bo\Unc to tfJc grounb. . .
7 ilD fmg bnto tl)e·t.oib \UttlJ tl,Jankf'giumg:
ling p~alfeS5 bpon tt)e l)arpe bnto our ~oo.
s ool)tcl) couerctlJ tl)dJeauen lDltlJ doUbSS..
anll pieparctl) raine fo1 tl)t eartlJ : an!> tnalietl) .•.

tl)c gratre co mro'IDe bpon ti,e mountamess, anl) :: .

l)carbe ro1 tl)e bfe of men.
9 ~~ict) giutt:IJ foll'Dtt bnto tlJe cattell: anti
fec'!>ctlJ t{Je roung raucn~ tlJat call bpon lJtm.
1o fi)ce l:)atl) no pleafure in t~e UrmgtlJ of
an l)o1fc : ncttl_Jer 11el1~tet1J (Jee m anr manS5
11 ll3ut tlJc )l.,o~beS5 beliglJt tJS in ti.let~ tl)at
feare {Jim : anti put ttJetr truft i~ lriJS merne. .
1 :i. l0Jaifc tbe JL.o~tle, ilD l!)tttufalem: p1a1re
tlJp ®o'!>,llD ~ion.
13 foi l)ce l)atl) mane fail tlJe barrel' of tlJl'
'~ntc£::dnll 1Jatl) btefi'cll tl}f cl}iUJicn toitl)in tl)ee •
. '4 l~eemaltttl)peacc mtlJpbointtl!l:anll fil,
tttl) tl)ec \Xlitl) tlJc tloure or 'a>IJeate.
1 ~ ~c rcnbetl) ro~tlJ lJtfS comman1>ement bp'

on canlJ: anb lJil!I tooitl runnctlJ 1>erp fiotftlp.

""I 6 ~C i;IiUttlJ fno\'o ltlle lDDOft:Gnll fmttmtlJ
..,e1Joarc ftotl like afl)efS.
i'" ab1,,e callttl'.) f~tlJIJtl!lyc:e Ullemoirel#: 1DJ;Jo

,, ... to abme l:Jil!I frofl :'

1\lte rmt1etl) out IJi• too~be, anD mdtetl)
:~t_blo\'oetl) 'alitlJ IJil \l>ino, anti tl)e toa•
cu::.. :~.~di)
IJ'IS \'oD~b tntto 1)8'0b: fPfSla•
:uinanusnmto 1rraeL
""'zolJl!)e l}atl)notbealt(o toitlJ anpnation: m•
...,er aue tlJe lJcattJtn lmo'G>ieOie of IJifS la\'oel!I.
Herc cad the Pfalmes of Dauid.
vVifedorue fcorned. l I 6

Thcfirll Chapter. rc~ning,anD tbe bnlllife (}ate tmo'llllebJC 1
2 1 *©~rouatmrcomction:loe,'.]l\llill Efa.65,u.
l Thi: JlOWCr or the word of God. 7 Of the rc3rc of
God, and knowledge of his word. 10 Wee may erpiclfc mp tnlnbC bnto fOll, Billi mBltC fOU bit• icrcm. 7·r 3
not eonfcntro thccmilingsofllnhet!, 20 \-\life.
llcrtlanll mp tooiois•.
dome complaincth that lbcc is comcmned. 24 24 15ccaure 'Jl l)auc caUcll, anll rcret'urcll.1
lhc punilbmcnt of thcni chac contemnc Her. lJ1'UC flretcl)cll out mpl)l\n?J, \I no man r£~flrllcll.
2 ~ l'ut au !JlE' counfefg lJaue re llefpifcb, anll
~.!l!Coa.sii11.091~$e l&~oucrbets of ~olomon fet mp co1rcctton at nougl)t:
r:=~• tl)e ronne of ~auib fling D{ :.6 -at'l;lcrefoJe \llill '.j) alfo lauglJ at ronrne,
1w;:;~~:Jlfrael: flrUctfon, a11nmocr1e rou, \DlJctHlJetlJtngt{Jat
-at'o lcame tllifebome
2 re fearc commctl} bpon rou,
inllruction, anll to pct,
.,;.,c·-....~" 811b 2 7 lll'uen \1lilcn tl)e tlling tIJatrt be afraill llf,
uiuc tl]ewo~lll! oflmtm11an• faTietll in Olllllenlp lific a no1mc, rmo rour m1fe·
Ding, rte llfit a temp ell, pea \\Jl)cn trouble a11D lJeani,
l~~cil!!~~ 3 · ~o rcceiur tl}c t11llruc- netrc tommctlJ bpon pou.
•11 Cionoftoifcllome,iuaicc,1uDgcmmt, ltcquiue: 28 ~tnnJalltlJepr.allbponme, bnt'.Jl \1llll
tt 4 '4t'o glue 'dlit 1mto ttJc muplc, anb M)at tlJC not anC\Dcrc: tl)cy llJall rcclicmc carlp, tnt tlJCF
~t poun~ mm mtgl}ti)aue lilto'dllebgc anll 1'tlllcr• ll)allnotftnDcme:
:i;:i ttanllmg. 29 anll t(Jat lmaure tfJtp f)atcll hno'tuleb~r,
~Ill 5 -at'tJe 'Wife man min giue eare, anb \lJiU anll tlib not tf)oorc tile fcarc of tl)c JLo;il.
come bf mo:c mirt!Jomt, anll (Jce ttJat its enllucb 30 ~(Jcp moulll i1onc of mp counfcll,but lie,
~~ 'dlitl) bnbcrtlanlling, flJall attaine bnto wife Qlifcl:i all mp coircrtfon.
c:tt counrc~. 31 qcrcfbtt lliall tl)cy eate of tIJc fruitc of
~ 6 -at'o bnbmlanb s parable,anll tlJc interp:e' tfJctro\llnetoap, an'b be IUlell nJitlJ ttJcir oumc
ta ti on tl)ercof,tl)e \Do~ocis or ttJc \l'Jifc, anll tl)eir inucnttonJi
·-· D&rJ1e Qirecbc~. 32 1fOJ tl}c turning a\l'Jap or tl]c btl'lllire flJall
. . 7 *~c uarc or tl)e t o~be i~ t(Jc brgimilng aar tl)em, anll tfJe p~orpcritic or roolelS 11Jall llc,
·~10 of fitto\IJicnQ;c: but roolel! llcfpifc \Difellome anb llrop tllcm.
.. tnllru,tion. 33 15ut \DlJo fo lJearTienet{J bl1to mec • (bail
:~ B ~rronne,(Jearetf)pfatlJmsllocmne,anll tl\l'Jcll rare Ir, ant be furc rrom anp fcarc of cum.
~1~. fo1{'11Jte not tte II la\IJ of tl)p motllcr:
9 fo: t~ep llJaUbceninmafeof ~accbnto . Theij. Chapter.
,;1 tlJV lJeall,ano as a c(Jatnc about tlJP netllc. I Wiledomc exhorlcth to obey her. 5 Shc:c teach.
:r&de 1 o Sl@r ronne,tfflnncrss ll en nee tl)eMonfcnt cth chc fc:arcof God. 6 She is giucn ot God. 10
of t1otbntotl)cm. She prcfcructhfrom wickcdncflc.
~~ 11 lftlJcyfap,llromc\1>itlJb1SletbJSlap\1>aft ~~ F ronnc, if t(Jon \\'lilt receiuc mr
, ro1 bloob. anti lUrltc p1i11ilp fo: tlJc innocent 'dloJll~, anti 1.ap. bp mp commanllc,

~~: b>itt}out acaurc : mentl5 'al1ttJ111 ttec,
n -.n..ct bs fi'Dallo\llc tl)e1nbp lillctl)c~auc · : ~at ttJott 'lllilt cncitnc tlJinc
.~ quiche anti \lll)ote, u ti) oft ttJat goc llO'a1n£ anto . carclS bnto torfrbome, apply t~tnc
~ tl)cptt: l)cart ti) en to bn bttllanllilllJ.
~ 13 ~of!)aU\l'Jc finllc an maunn ofcofltrrt• 3 f 01 if' tl)ou criell after UliCcllomc, anll err•
'1' d]t5,anll fill our bourcs \\ltttJ Cpoplcs : ell fo~ rmotolcn~c :
; 1 4 ~aain tlJl! lot among1113, anlllct 1'JS an 4 1 r tf)ou reclle!l fo~ (Jcra15 foJ fllucr, anb
, ~auconcpunc. rearcfJe« f.o~ IJcr ars foJ errarums.
J 1 s ~ ronnc, tllalfle not ttJou \1>itlJ tl)cin. re• ~ ~en {IJalt t{JOU lml)cr(fanll tf1C fCSTC O[
t}JeJl.OJbC, anll finlle ttie tmon:Jltllgc of ~ob,
(, l'rainc tllp foot from tl)cir 'Ulape15,
1.s *~01 tl)cir rcctc rum1c to cmlt,anll ate lJa•
ltictQlhebblool!. . .
6 fOJ tf)e Jl.DJtl gluetlJ "WifeDomc, out ofili~
moutlJ commctlJ 1i1to\lilct1ge anll bnllcraan,
114 17 l5ut as in tnltnctl)c ncttcii:s ldrb fo'tlJ be· bing.
r fn:e tlJc birlls ~c!S : 7 1!3cc llimtl:I bp (JcaltlJ roi tlJe ri~lltcou~:
~I 18 ~o t{Jcp 1arc mat~ ro: HJc blooll of tfJctn, anll t1cf'tnoet11 t'!lem ttJattoame bpiigtJtlr,
an!l lal' wiuilp eoi tl)eir 1tue1S. . s '4t'l)at ttJtr map 11cepc t:l}c r1g(Jt pat!): ann
' . 19 ~u'1)arc tlJc mares of tucrp on~ tlJat UI be piercmew tfJe\Dapo,fuel;J a~llocrcruc l}im
l\1.~cb1c of gaine, \llljo tahctlJ a\llap tl)c life of t(Jc 'UlitlJ golllincrrc.
~ O'alnct tbcreof. 9 ~~" 11.Jalt tf)ou bnll~ll rig(Jtcouf,
20 mtrellomc crrctl:J \Ditl)out, anti puttetlJ ne.1£e.ant1 iUIJgcmmt,anll cqmt1e, yea,lltll) eucrr
I . fo1t1J lJct boicc in tl}e ttrcctl5: . . goollpatlJ. .
i 1 ~lJc callctlJ bcfo:c tl)c conllfti;JatlOn mt(Jc 1 o DfJtn tll1rct1omc e~tretlJ into tl)tnc
~ open gatts,ant11\Jt'tllct1;1 l.Jcr\llotlll! tl)o1o'dle tl)c ()cart. anD tl}p l'oule t1cl1g1JtetiJ tn rm om,
citic.,faptq. Ic?Jic:
n ©re tt:1t1111m.1Jo1:D 1on«mill rclot;ted:J~· 11 ~en !ball COUnfdllJleferuc tl)cc anti ""'
biO:Jnctrc:' l)c\D loq\Dtn tl)c Cio1ncrOdigl}t1n llertfB nDm!! llJallfmpc ttJre.. '
u "1rllnt:
God chafienech his. Prouerbes. \!Vifedon1es fruicc
12. ~at t1Jou mSTdl be Deltumll from tl)c kftl,JanD tid;Jes anll l)onour.
cuillmar. an11tromtl}cmant1Jat l}lcalictl} fro· 17 ""ware• arc i>leafant \Vat'C-· 4M au
~ ,. "" ·"'""
wlfuH,i,._: f""...4-o l}cr 8patlJs are peauablc.
3 1fromruclJ~ JcauetlJe \'Dapes o ·~.1tt• 1 ;::;o>._.totneoflif'etott)l?mtlJat (ah p.,olUb.
oornelfc. ro·tvamc tn tl]c tvarcs oflll1Tfienc1Tc: · bpon I.Jet: anD bll?ffeD tsl)c tl)at llfcpetlJ IJtt fatl.
14 001Jtcl) rctopcc in Doi1111 ~ugl)t, anb llc' l 9 Ditl) tvifc11ome l)atlJ tlJ' )l..o~llc tarne tl)e ~
liglJt in tl)c tvichellnclfe of tl)e emu~ rotmbation ofd.Jtcanl),an11 ttnou1111 tmbcrftan. '
1 aw11ore tvarcs are croo11c11, ani. flJtF fro,
5 llin111Jatl)1Jelfabli0Jeb~l)caucns. . -
\l)arll in dJtir patlJs. · 2 ° ~'ottgfJ l)t.s lino'lDlto;c tl]c bcptl.)11 art ~
16 €1}at t:JJou mareabelleltumuUo from b'obmbp,a11Dt1Jutouz1s11~op110\1lnctl)e Deme. ~
tf;Jcffratmge tvoman, anbtroml)er tlJati!!!not 21 ~ronm.,lctnottl}efct11tnpt1cpartfron\ ~
tl}inc o\tine, tDIJicl) gtuetl,J tmut \l)oini. ~inc tFrS, but lleepe \llifebomc anb bnDertlaris ,-
17 1fo~fahetl.HIJe.IJUCbanll oflJttpoutlJ, anD lltng: f
roigtttttlJ tl)e couenant of I.Jet C3oll. · · · :n ~o tl1er 11Jan bee lire tmto tin rouic, 11n11 ,,
18 11'0~ l,Jet l)oure ifS encltnell bnto J>Catl), anb grace bnto tlJr moutl). · ~
{Jer patf)Slbnto l)eU, 7. 3 ~en 11.Jalt tl]ou walfle fafelp in ttw 1118' ,,
19 91ltl)eptl)at11ocinbntol)tt,come11ot a· anlltl)tfoetllJaUnotaumblt. , ~ f-
gaine. neitl)er tafle tl)ep l)olll of tl)e map of life. 24 'Jf tlJou llecpelt,. d}ou fbatt not be afraill! ,~
20 ~erero~e tvalfiettJou intl,Jemar.offuc:IJ butllJalttatttrea.anbllee:peC\l)eetlf. . · :
al!lbcbertuouss, araifiecpetl)epatl)ssoftl)criglJ' · 25 ~oul1)altnot bcafraintof anptbllbaine 1
teou!!!. fearc, ncitl)er ro1 tl)e bialent ruttJi111tnort11e :i
21 1fo: t{Je iua 11.Jail D\1lcl tn t{Je lanb;ani. tlJCf lm! 'Q){Jen it commetl). j!
t~at be pcrfcct.,f]Jall remaine in it. l 6 110~ tl)e )l.o~llc 01all aat1b bp tb! GOc. anb ·~
12 *l5uttl)ebngolllpa1allberutoff Crom flJe ficcpetl)pfoottIJattlJoubenottafftn. (.
19 1
Ioh. • 7· cartlJ : anll tl)e \lJicbeb boerss OJaU be rooteb out 2 7 Dtt1J1>µiwe no gooll tf:)ing from tlJtm
or it. tlJ~lJaueneene, folongastlJtnrJJanoiubleto r.
Thciij. Chapter. nout.
r d h f4 28 $1Dapnottot1Jrneig1Jbour,~oet1,Jp111ap,
2 The worde o Go giuct Ii e. 5 Trull in God. 7 ant» c;ome agatne, anlJ to mo~o\1le \Dilll liar •·
Fearehim. 9 Honour him. 11 Suffer his cone- tlJCC:'rol;Jerrastl)oul)aftno'mto!JiUe(Jim.
c.tion. 22 Tothemrhatfollowtheword of God, 29
'.)nttnll no l)Urt againfttlJp ~, .: :
alhhings fhall lilccced well. feeingl)e l)opetb co nmell in rt1f brtlJee•
11:? ronne, fo~get not t11ou mp 30 $1Dmuc not mitl) anp man \1liU,Jeut a r:
la'mc~ but fee tl)at tlJine l)eart caufc, m1Jmal!ll)e1Jatl)bonct1Jecno(Jarmr. . .
and 30.16. I hccpc~rcommauni.cments.
31 *follo\Drnot a'tDictebman, anll d)oofe KL:
fOJ tlJcy fl)all p;tOlofll t{Je none Ort.Ji~ DSTCSS:
Mrcl!lan11rmesof t1J111tre, ann 32 1fo:t{Jc)l,0~11 abfJo~rttlJtfJefr0'1Jafll:·llll rt
• biingtJJcr.peac.c. 1Ji~Ucounfellissamongt1Je r&g11teou., !OrJ.·
3 nll'Tcic anll fattl)fulnetre neucr goe 33 ~e currc of tlJe Jl..o~Dc is in tlJe boufeef - · c
from tt.Jee:binll t~cm about tlJl' rmlie,anb \lJ~ite tbt bngoblp:but l}ebll?Uctl) tbe ll\llent~ of tl}t
I 1 tt.Jcm in tlJc tablel!I of tl)fne l)eart:
4 ~o n1alt tIJou Clnllc fauour ani. goon bn,
34 .ass roi tf:JtftoJneCun. boetl) i,u notlaUllJ -
· •
Ii ticrflanning in tl)e figl)t of lll5ob anb men. tbem to rco:ne 1but l)cc gtuetl,J grace tmto dJe
5 lfr\Uttll! ttulhnd3oi.ti.ntlJ alltl)mcf.Jeart: lo\l)ly.
·an11 lc11ne not bnto tlJinc omne mit. .3s ~c 'a)ifc f!Jall IJaue IJonour in pofl'clfion: ·'
i 6 ] 11 an ti.Jr mareuck110\1llengc l)im , ani. but fl)ame 1)3 tlJc p:omotiii tl)at CDolc!!! O.Jal IJm. ~
1Jc11.Jallolllettl)pgoings. . Th 111 .... Ch i
Rom.11.16 7 *ll5cnot\Difeintl)it1co'11ncco11mt:but e J· apter.
fcarctlle 'JLo1ll,anll Depart from eual: Wifedome and her fruits ought to be fC21'ched. 14
i.~~·~:~~! 8 ~o tl)llll tlJF • nautll bee 'tDl)Ole• anb tlJl' The way ofthe wided mull be rcfufed. 10 By the
boncss ltrong. word of God,the hean,eyes,and cour:fc oflifc inufi
Tob ..p. 9 * l!}onour tl)C )l,OJDC mitl) tfW lltbetanu, be guided. :-
luke 1 4·1l· ann'IDitlJt{JcflrllhnpoftIJineencrcare: ctarc, ilDtl}ilZ.~ afatlJmpin>

Hcb.i i
1o ~o ll)all ti.Jr bamcss be fllleb 'lDitlJ plcnte•
ourncO',, ann t{.Jp p1cll'cs flJall fio\llc oun \1litlJ
t'lxlcctc \'Dine. .
1ttuccton.1;1 tafiC g;ooll lJttllt,tl14f ·
re maplcame bnlm1!anllinlo · '
2 f~ '.J ,.., !PUm POU 8 .
•poc. 3.~;, i l * Slll)p ronne, rtrure not tf;Jc chaaem111 of llJliiil~r:D gooti nocmne, fo1'alle not re RIP .
• ttJc~o~b,.neitl)erraint\l)l)entl)ouart '01mtcll
1,or l)tm. &1 lallle.
3 01\lll}en]1npfclCetMdllfPfatlJtt11>Cm ·
12 fo~ 'a)l)ome t~c JL01D louct}J, IJitn bee d)a, Corme,an11 ttllberlfbdour.D ofmpmotl}er: ,
\ llt!nc~lJ, ~nll pct bcl(«l)tctlJ in IJim, euen as a fa· 4 ll)rtaug;l]f:me alf'O.anll flll'D llnto me. ~
.,cun ()115 o\»nc ronnc. tlJine l)mt iccctutmr tu~C#. flctpt my com< ~
"'t~t~t~tll ts llim ~l)at finllctf) \l)ift1101ne, anb 1naun11~an11 f:IJOUlbalt liue. . .~
,, 1 ., bn'bcrllanbm«: s ~ct dJU lDifellOme, an11 !JCt tf.ltt bnl)l?fi ~
4 1foubcmarcl]anbiCe ofitisbettcrtlJmtl}e llanlling:-rt not dJe tvo1t1~ormr moutlJ, ~
marcl)nnblfeof Gluer, anb tlJ£ g;ained)em>f is an110J,infienotfromtlJmt. ~
better tl)cn goU>c. 6 foJrafle IJa not, anb f1>ce !ball ~ ~
5 ~lJc 115 ~o~c tvom1 tl)m ~ccious llontl:
tlJce.louefJt'l,anll Iba tlJaDllttpetljee. · . \
illlballtl)c tlJtnrus tlJat ttJou canll Defm are not 1 qe dJtefe point or b>tftllome, uuo pof• '
to buompareb :tinto ()tr. ' CelfeluCCeborit. anD bcfo:e au- ""0""' ~
16 2

·,vhoredomeforbidden. Chap.v.vj. Offureci£bip. 21 7

~ H illl)artemudJofl)er,anllll)fttlJaU1>101note s tser.pettJftJal?fam fromlJn, ant1rome

' tlJrc, pr.a.If tl)on imlnSU IJer, Die OJaU bJing tlJtt not niglJ t1Jt boO~e• ofl)er l)oure.
~, bnto'10nour: 9 ~att11ot1{tiuenoc: t(Jinr lJonomtmtoo·
~~ 9 ~tiu OJan ~fit tin' lJean mitlJ mani• d}tr,ann dJr r~ bnto dJt mwl.
1i1i , folD llf&~ anb 1mn11J tlJee 1DitlJ acromne of 1 a ~IJat otlJer nun benot fincb \llidJ tlJl' ber·
~ 110ir. tlleJ5,anD tl)at tlJ1' labour• comc not in aflrangr
10 ll)eare,m11ronnc, 11nbremuemp\llo1bt'5. l}oure:
~ anti tl)eFtmJoftlJplifcRJalbemanr. 11 ~ca, t(Jat tl)ou mournc not 11t tlJc Jail,
·~' 1 1 ') bauc OJc\llcD tlJet ti.Jc bl8f of \llifcbome. \DIJcn tl)ou lJaltrpcnt t1Jr boDp anti IUl!ie routl),
~· anD1£80Ctl)ccint1Jcri!,ll)tpa~. anbtlJcnfap,
~ u ~ot(Jatiftl)ougorihnt(Jem, tl)m llJaU u Q.la11:wlJp1JatcD1\nourtutct"9lJl?btDml'
~ no lh'aimcrrc l.JinDcr tt}cc : anD \DlJcn tl]ou run: l]eartbcfpift co1rection '!
'\ ntlt,tl}ou llJalt not faU. 1 3 ll91Jercfo1e \Dass ] not obcbient bnto tfJc
~·{\ 1 3 ~ahe fatllJolbc ofDocmnc, anll let IJer not borcc of mr ttatlJers, anti l)eameneD not bnto
'"'· p: krepc l)er,fo~ ll)c is t1Jr lift. tl)cm tl)at enfounncD me':'
:.. 14 Cltomcnotintl)c JJ&tlJoft(Jebngoblp, anb . 14 1 toa• come almoll tnto au mirroitunt.
~~. 'dlalke not in tl}c \Uap or tile wtefleD. m ~c miDnclt of tlJe multifuDc anti ~ongrc•
·~ 1 s ilb1Jo1re it, anD ~oc not tl)crcin, llepart a· 11anon.
ftllc,anll palfc Ollef bp it.
16 ijfoi tl)cp atcpc not crce:pt tl)cp (Jauc bone
I 5 • ~~i~tfie Of tIJe Ul8tct Of tl}iRC O'alnt 'a!Cll.
anti or f;lJc nucrs tl}at mnnc out of t(Jme o'alnt
•mnc m•r•.••o
mtrcl'Jicrt: anD llccpe ii tahcn ftoni tlJmi, bntill fining. ~:~,~ """'
~1 tlJCF {Jaue none l)arme. 16 1-ettf.Jp \DrilcJS now out atnoal!,ttJat tlJm
l~ 17 1['oi tiler eate tl}e b1COb ofl:DttfJcDnetre,anb mat' be nucr1 of maters tn ttJc ftrcetl5:
ll! l:IJintretlle\Dineofrobberr. ,.. 17 1Butlcttljcmbco11lpt1Jineo\1:mc,an11not
' .tt 1 s ~epatl) of ti.Jc rigtJteous 111t11ct11, as t(Je llran1crs b.litlJ t1Jee.
liglJt tl)at ii!! cuer biiglJtct anti bJigl)ter bnto t{Je 18 Jl.ct tlJr mell bee ble[en,anll bee glab wtt!J
~~ perfect ilaf;., f'"" ( , "" b ..r. tl}C 'al~e OflJtlJp pOUt(J, . ~
' 19 )3Ut w1C Waf 0 w1C lJRgOi) l' IS II• •.,£ am• I 9 ,._et rt bCC ass tf}e lOUtng "7Jnb£ anti plea•
l::tt ncffc, tl)ep kno\7.l not 'Wl)cre tl)ep fall. rant Jlloc : letl)cr bicallJS alwar ratimc tl)ec, anb
~ 2 o ~ ronne,mame mp \\loil!cfS,ani> emltnc t)oirie tlJcc cucr content \DitlJ IJtt loue.
t~ tlJinc care bnto mp CatinIDS: 2 o DelJp wilt tlJOU mp ronne,l}auc ptcarme tn
,... 2 1 ltt tlJtm not De part from tl)inc ere•. but a flrangc woman 1 an'.D cmb~8'C tl}c bolo me ora
··• bccpctl)cm cumin t1Jcmit1llc1S oftl)inc l)cart. !lrangcr-1
•c:: 22 ijf o~ tlJCF arc Ii~ bnto tlJofe tl)at finll tlJcni, 2 1 * 1[01 cucrp man15 mare• arc open in tl)e rob H· 21.
:: anti IJ~ltb bnto all tl)cir boDicfS. ugl)t or tlJe )l.,01t1, anb (Jee ponneretlJ all tl}nr go·
2 3 lllccpc tl)inc l)cart \Ditl) au l!lltgcnu: fo~ ing•.
::!I out ofit tlI'uct(J li!c. 22 ~c 'IDitkebnelTc or tl)c t!n!JoDlp ll)al catdJ
·.~ 14 10ut a'\Dap from tfJcc 11 frotoarll mouttJ: tliinfclfc, \1 \UitlJ tl)c rnarc• of 1)1• ownc finnes
i:~: a1111 lct tIJe li\)S oraanDcr be fam from ttJce. llJii.U IJc be trappcb.
r.JI 2 5 1-ct ttJme cpc~ belJoloc tl}at tl)tng tl)at is 2 3 $cCllJSll bic \llftlJout \I a'nmnemcnt,anb II or, infiru-
ri~t: anl> lettl)inc ere lt!JS loofie tlmgl)tbcfo~c fo~ IJi• gtcatfoolilbnell'clJc tlJaR 1oc allfar. tlion.

:Ill tl}~c6 ~on'.Dcr ttJc patlJ of tfJp Ccctc,anll lct al tl)p The vj _Chapter·
~ '!»arcs be OJDttCD ariglJt. InfiruClions for fureti cs. 6 The flouthful and flug-
~t 27 ~urnenot afibe ncitl)er to t(Jcrigf.Jt l)anD gilbis llirred to worlce. 12 He defcribe1h rhe na-
:0: no~ to tl}e le.ft : but toitlJIJolDc tlJp footc from tllrC of the wicked. 16 The things rh:1t God ha-
cuill. mh. 20 Toobferue the wordc of God. 24 To
. Thc:v.Chaptcr. flee ad11lrerie.
: 3 \Nhoredomeforbiddcn, 9 and prodig:alitie. 13 .F~onne, tftl}ou bcfurcticfo1 r:lJP
~ He willcrh :tmantoliueonhislabour and tohclpe migtJbom,anDl)aa fallmelltf)mc
' 1 h' ., ' · 1Jant1 foianotl)erman,
: others. 1~ To ~u~ is w11e. 22 The w1Ckcdta- • 1 ~l)ouartllbounll\UitlJtl)inc dOr,('nucd.
ken m their own<; w1d:edn~lfc. omne 1Do1bes ' anti taken '&DttfJ
~I • F fonnc, giuc (JrCD bnto mp blif• tlhne ollolle 1pectlJ.
~ow •
Dome, anb bo\lJc tlJincearc bnto · 3 ~llcrcroic , mr r01mc, Doe tlJi~, anb tlJou
rf · ,. mr llP~UDrnce: {!JaltbecDtrclJargcb: D911cn t(Jou ar~ comcmto
~ , ~ 2 '\tl)at ttJou maretl regarb • ttw 11ct~b011S nangcr,~o tl)f wares ti.Im foonc,
'' goon counrcu, ann ttJat tl)p ltp11 l)umblc tl)p rctri~ anD mttlJ d.1e me1111c15 intrcat . h
IUSl?littpelmo'llllcl:lgC, (chy1icred1tour.) 11 Or,ncig •
1I 3 !11'01 tl)t liJJJJCj of a ftrange 1Doman arc a . 4 1-ct not ti.line crc55 llccpc, noz tlJilW cpc bour.
I· Dtoppini;i IJonr combe, anti l]tr tf»oatc '' moic ltDfS number.
r lillitlmngtl)morlc: s ~auc tlW fclfe as a~cfromtl)e1Jan11e
4 ~Ut at tl:Jt latl fbCC tfS SIS bitter a• 'ttlOlmt• or tl)c huntcr,anDaU birbc from t:l]c l}anb or tl)c
I \DooD,anD a~ lbarpc a• a t\llo CDitll f\DOJi). robller.
s l)cr fttt:c goe 110\Dtletmto DcatlJ, anb IJcr 6 '3oc to U,e Cfmmtt, tiJou auggarb, confi·
Dct IJer UJarcs, anD learn~ to be\'otrc : I
lkp•£ t:IJ01D\ll bnto i,cn.
6 ~ertl)ancc t(Jou wilt p011lltr tl}e patl) of 7 ~(Jee l)atl.J no 11111t1c , UOJ ouerrccr, noz
~er life: fo bntltoraft arc l)cr\llapc,s, tl}at tl)ou ruler:
cantl not rmo'IXJ tl}cut.
s Jl?ct tn tl)e ~mun lbec piouillcdJ (Jcr
7 l!}eatt mqe no\U tlJcrdoJC. !Dre '111ln1cn, mcate, &nD gatl)tre.dJ ~ foOZlc togrttJct in tlJc
· /
~ ann bepart not from tlJc woins or mp moutl). (Jarura.
--.; flD o 9 .. ~om I 1
,Sluggards reproued. Prouerbs. Aharlordefcribc~
!,•ro.i+Jl· · 9 *I). o\lllong:\lltltt11~0tcpc,d)ouaum~llJ -~ronne,l!ee:pcmr\llo1DH,llnblat: l'1
· man~ &mlJtn\lltltttJouartfeoutoftlWOte:i>~1 ~ 9- bpmpcomman11emmtiibttlitt.
1 o }\?l'a arepc on fhR alittk. R~mbn: a little, 2 . lltecpc mp commanbetnentis 1
fol?J tilmc IJan?Jcl! togrdJct rte a Uttle,tfJat ttJou anb ~ euen 1111 tl)c apple of
I marcll accpc: . . tl)inupc,anb tl)ou llJalt ttuc. . .4
11 ~o lbaD poutt'fiC come tmto t:ll£t .111!1. one 3 ~moe tlJcm bpon thp flngm, anll \ll11tt · f~
tIJat trauailrtlJ bl? tlJC war, an?J nctell'it1tlll1ca tlJnmn the table of ~tne l}eatt. .i
\tm1po11co man. . 4 ~ap tmto m~cbome, '11,l)ou art mr filler, f~
12 an 1111go111r pcrfon, a '\l'l1'ktb man, goct11 anti caniuntJcrfhlnbm~tlW llint'Woman: ~
\UitlJR frolll~tomout!J. . 5 ~attfJcymap~cqitl)eetromttJelltange ~
1 3 ~cc \llmfictlJ \llltl) l)us eyes, lJce tohenctlJ tueinan, anb fro in tl)c fo1raine \Doman, llllJt~ ~
u:iitlJ IJil! fc.ctc..l)z ~cadJ~~ \D~ l)i~ fingers, giuetl) f'tllcct wo~~I!. ~'
14 ~ec ~I! e~er 11nagmmgm1n:b1efe, anll fro, 6 ~oi at tlJc '1lmllo'1lc of mp l]oure, 1\ loollcb
\llaronelTe m lJUHJeart..anll cauretl) t1tfro1b. t1Jo10\D tlJc toin?Jo\D, . ·
15 ·m;IJ~refo~e lballlJtSbellrumoncome l)afti, 7 ann bc~eln amongtl)efimplcpeollft.anb
lp bpon lJrm, fullnenlp fl:JaH lJtt be au to b~olien, among tile c(Jilll1en,a POR!.l man born of \Dtt,
aniJ nottobcllealei>. 8 ©oing ouer tl)etlrcetbptlJecomerintl}e
1 6 ~lJcfc fi~e tlJmgs l:lotlJ tl)e )l.O~b IJatc, anll map tomarb l]er (Joure, ·
tf}e feucntlJ lJt btterlp ab1Jo1rtt1J: ? '.Jn tile t\D01g1Jt of tl)e cuentng, '1!llcn it
•7. a pioull loofie,a lptng tongue,l]anbS t(Jat began no'W to be anl> batfie:
n;clJ innocent blooll, 1 o an11 bel)olbc, tl]en mette lJim a \Doman,
1 s :an IJcart goetl) about mfcftell tmagi, '1litlJ open tol!mis Of an (Jarlot, onelr l)er)Jeart
1nttott.£$, fcctc tlJat arertoifttnrunnin11tomif, \lla.£$1,lill:
d)lCft', . II ~IJe maG full of IOUll b:O~llS, Stlb teabf to
. 19 9. falfc '1lttnetre tl)at b1inge1:1J bp lies, ann l:lallp, tul)ofe fectt coulll not abillc tn tlJc (Joure:
l)int tlJat fo\DctlJ l:lifco1ll among bictl)zcn. u. ~om ts OJeemtt(Jout, 110\Din tl)c tlmtts,
2 o ~P fonne, llcepe tlJp fatlJers commanlle, anll Uctl) tn matte at cuerp co.mer.
mmt, nn?J fo1fafie not tlJc Ia'1.l of tilp motl)cr. 1 3 ~l)e caugtJt IJtm,anll.lrttftll lJim,anl> ma~
. 2 1 '<tic tfJem continuallp in tlJinc 1Jeart, anll not ~flJamell,Capin!!,
bmuc tlJcm about tl)p nccl!e. 14 JJ ball a bo\llc of peace otrrtngs to psp,at1b
2 2 ~IJat fiJal leatJc tlJee \DI.Jen tlJou goetl,p1t> tlJiis oap] perfo1me it:
fcruf t!Jre '1.llJcn ttJou art aacep, anlltD(Jen tiJou 1 s ~(JmfoJe aune 1 fooitlJ to meett d}u,
aw.ilicrt,tame \tlitiJ tfJce. tl}at'.l) mtgl)treelie tlJpface,antJCo (Jaue'.) fou~ mi
2 3 <f,o~ tiJC CIC01mnanllement ts a lanterne, ti)ee. '
an?J t\Jc J.La'1.l a figlJt, pea c(Jatlentng ann nour, 16 '.]l (Jaue ?Jccfltmp bell \llitf:J couertngss Ofta: Ii
turc ij tlJc \lJap oflife: - ,petltie,an?J dotfJes of <rgppt. :1J
24 'Qi;IJatt(Jcp map flcepe ti,ee from t11eeuin 17 ~pbe?J(Jauc'];matJc tofmcll ofmpiu u1:
woman, anti from tl)ctlattertngtongue oftfJe loes, anllcynamom. ·11
arar.gc woman. 18 €omc, let bS tafic our fill onoue 1mtiR flJe ti:
25 ·JL.urtnotal'tcrbcrbeautiein tl)ine (Jeatt, mo111in1, anll let llS folacc ourfelues\\Jitl)tlJe ·B.:i
tcct tfJou be talien \Dttl) l,Jer faire loortcs. pleafurcs of loue. iti
26 l5!! anllarlotaman is brought to brggef)i.1> 19 !1fo~t1Je goollman is not at (Jome, l)ce €S '~
l.l?C:ttl , an?J a \\1onmn \\Jtn (June foi tlJc p~caou~ gone fam off. lt\i
me ormrm. 2.0 $cclJatlJ talicntlJebagge of money 1»itl1 ~
27 ~ap amr.n taJtc fire tn (Ji~ borome, an?J lJim,anll \\Jill returneattIJe appointell felcmnc ~·1
ttotbc burnt:' feat?. ltt
2 s ©J can one goc tpon ]Jotc coalcs, anb lJiS 21 ~n.1$ \\lit() manpftl)ectc tuoJllSllJec oucr• ltlt•
fcetenot be burnt:' . rame bim, anti \DitlJ (Jct tlattcrtng lippcis tlJc m :r t
29 llCUen fo, \l.J]Jofoeuergoctf:Jin to !Jfs ncigtJ' tffcll l)im. !t:a
b•JUrl! wtfe, anb tourtJctlJ l}cr, cannot bee bn' 2 z ~utJllenlp (1ee ronomcll lJcr, a~it\llm an .
r;\t1iltic. orclclltottJcaau111Jtcr, (I lilic asit\llercafoore 1~~
3o ~ttl lloenot btterlp bcfpifc a tlJiefttIJat that laughcth \ll}Jcnl)ecgoetf;I to tJJeaoclieS to bet ~
!tcalrtlJ to rattmc IJiS route \lll)cn l)c ii! 1Ju11grp: punillJc?J, ,.
31 :15ut if~ce marbregottm, t£crello,etfJ a' 2 3 ~o long ttn llJce f)all \DounbcD f}iS liuer ll..'1
gaine f£ucn time~ a~ mucl}, o: els l)emafletfJ re, \llttlJ {Jer Dart:like as tf a birb l}afleD to tf]c rn1re, ~1
GO\npencc \llid) all tlJe 1oob of(Jil! (Joufe. . . not lmo'aling tl]at tfJc peril ofl}il! life tictfJ ti} ere• ,. . .
3 • '5ut \ll(Jo ro committctlJ atJulterP '1lttlJ a upon. "II
\tJoman, rackttfJ tmncrflanbing: an?Jl}cet{Jat 241l)eamnenowt1Jcnro1e.i!Dmrcf)illle,an?J ~
tioe.tlJ it,t1c11toret1J IJis o\llne roulc. . marhe tlJc wo~bcs ofmr moutlJ: . . "Q
3 3 ll)ce gettctl) IJimfelfe a plague. anti llt!lio' 2 5 Jl..ct not ttrtne 1Jcatt\Dat1'11cnn1Jerma1e.G. ~
nour,anti l}is rcp~ocb flJall neuer be put out: anll bee not t1Jou oemueo ml)erpatlJs. ~ :t~
34 fo~ t:l)c tctoufie anti \D~at(J ort(Jc man \Dil 2.6 fo~ manp one IJa~ IIJec lllounllel> anb call ·~
tlQtbtentttatco, Oolllnc, reamanraatongman1Jat1JbentQainc ·~ 1
. 3 5 flotlJougtJtl)ou\tJouloellofferlJlmgrrat bftl}emeanesofber. !~-
~~ts to ma11e amcnoc', I.Ju mlll not rcutue 27 ~1Joufh~tf1elllapllntol]rll, anti biin' ('l
•., n. gct!J men IJO\llnc 111to tl)c '1)ambcrs of?JcatlJ.
Thcvij.Chapter. Theviij.Chapter. ~i
1 An cxhorntion
G . t 0 W11e andtotheword of
·r: domc, 1 w ifcdomedccIarcth her execIIcnc1e,
· riches, n \11l\
°~ which .. ;u prcfcruc vs from the harlot,
6 w 0 c '1lancrs are ddcribcd.
15 power, u ctcrrjcie. 32 Shcc cxhortcchallto
Joue and follow her.
Vifdomes excellencie. Chap.viij.ix. A foolifh vvoman. 218

~li"'ting: baplp ' anb mopctng al\'oap befo~c

31 ~- fo~ t1Jnoun11 Ulll!PalfeoftlJjJ b.lo~ltJ, 'J:
tnafle it iopfull: fo~ mp Ddiil}t is to llee among
tlJe cl.Jilbien or men.
3z ~erefo1e lJcarfrm 11nto mee. ©pee tlJil•
bim: bleJl'rb are tlJep tlJat lieepc mp 'alapel5.
3J S1D £&ll2 care llnto noumm, bee \tlife, anb
mureit not : l5lelrcb is tl]c man tl)at 11earet1J
met,blatming baplp at mp gatts,anb giuiq at>
tennancc at tlJc pofls or mp boo1u.
34 <jfo~ bllJo ro ftnbetf.J mee, ftnbetiJ life, anb
ll.Jan obtame rauour or tlJe 11..o111•
. 35 l6ut bll,10 fo offcnbetlJ again« me, (Jurtetl]
!Ji• o\tlnc foule: anb tlJcp tlJat l.Jatt mcc, are tl]e
loueu of beatfJ.
The ix .Chapter.
2 Wifcdomc callcth all to her fea!l. 7 The fcomtr
wil notbccorrctlc:d. 10 Thcfcarcof God. 1 3 The:
conditions ol an harlot,
1fcbome QatfJ btnlbeb IJei l.JOUfe,
anll (Je'1:1m out fcucn pillars.
:a ~i,cc lJatlJ killeb tiei bictu•
aIJ,po\tlien outl)ublini, anbp~c·
• parell IJer table.
3 $li>l)e l.JatlJ rent roeitlJ 1'tt mapt>ms to err
~on tl]c lJtglJefl place of tfJc Citic.,
4 mtJo ro is \tlitlJout rmotolc'll!U , let (Jim
wme (JitlJer: anb to tlJe bn\tlife 11Je faitl,
~ g>comconpom:\tlap, catempb1eat1,anb
bJinfle mp 'Wine which ] l]aue po\tl~eb out Co~
6 f o~falie roolillJnelrt. anti re tban liue: anti
fee tl,Jatpe goe in tlJe'aJap ofbnllertlanntng.
1 1191Jo ro tqJ~ouetl) a rcoinerun pmon., get•
tctfJ IJnnfelrc llillJonour: anll (Jeetl)at rcbulled.J
tl]e tm(.\oblp.,ftainetlJ 1Jimfclfe.
s J!iepJoue not a fcomei, left f)ec o\lle tflce
euill \tlill : but rebUlle a \tllfc man., anb l)ce \lltU
9 '151ueallifmetmanbut an occauon, anll
iJe \tlill betl.Je\lltftr: teacIJ a rigl)tcous man.anll
l)e will inmarc in kna\tllebge.
10 *~l)c fearc of tbc )L.0211 iStl1e beginning cf ~"' , . '·
toffellome: !lllb t)Je lmo\tllctJ~e of lJolp tlJings iz ,o o" ., , 7.
bnbCrllanllmg. mlc, I. l(i,
u fo~ tlJiougl) mec t11r llare~ flJ<llbcp)olon'
IJeb.,anb tl,1e pmel5 of tfW lire OJalbe manp.
11 ~ftl)oube\llife, tlJp 'alifebome II.Jal! 1:10 tfJp
ftlfe goob: but if tl]ou tiJlnkcll r,o~nc tt}ereof, it
llJalbe tlJine o'aJnc 1Jarme.
1 3 a foolifl.J rctc1Jlelfe'llloman run ofw~nes,
anb CUclJ a one as IJatlJ no hnollllebge,
14 ~tttttl)attlJetJooJc of (Jn l}oure,anlltn
t1Jtl)1~pla,esoft1Je cine.
1 s ~o call rucl,1 a~ goc bp, anll tl)at \tlalfle
flraigl)t in (Jer \Dapc15.
16 •I.Jo ro is igno~ant faith ihc:, let bim come
~id:Jer: anb to tlJe bn'dllfc llJe faitlJ,
1 7 99tolcn watertJ arc f\tlectc, l'lnb tl.1c lmab
d;Jat i~ 1ntudp eaten IJatlJ a goo ti tane. ·
18 gn11 l)~c boetiJ not conf111ei: tllat tlJer arc
~ut11call 'llllJict) be tlJere, 8l1b tlJat IJcr QIJe«s arc
mti.Jc llcepc sf ()ell.
The x.Chapter.
In this Chapter, and all thar follow vmo rhe rhirticrh
rhc wife man cxhortcth by diucrs fcnrences, which
hcc callcch Parables, to followc vrnue and Aet·
vice , and ilicwcrh :dfo what protir~ cmnrncch
~o : ot)
:The verruous \ivoman. Chap.xij.xiij. Diligence commended. 219

xs qe \Dap ofafook is lfcigl)t in l.lis o\l>ne

eyes, butl}ee tlJatf;Jearllcnetl) bllto counreU. is
16 a foote bttmth IJiis tDtiJtlJ in an dJc l)lltlt
bUt abifmrte mm wutrttlJIJiS otDne O)ame,
I 7 *a WI man tDill tell tl}e matdJ,_ anb flJe\D Prou. I "t+
ttJe ttnn; tlJat ilJ rl!Jf1t: but falfe \1Jttnetre be•
'· 1 s i1t1crou15 pcrfon p:tcfsttl) l1lle a r&Dotb:
bUta ans tongue tis\1Jl)olefomc.
9• .JiP of ttuctlJ II.Jan bee t!able fOJ eucr:
but a ti mabllng tongue ts room d)angeb •
. 2° ~cent is in tl)e l)eart of tl)em tl)at ima•
1Pnteuill: butto tl)e counfellcr• of peace l!Jall
. :u ~ma.ianno abuttfitiel)appm bntotl.Jt
mlt: lJUttlJt bngoblp OJalbc fLlleb tDidJ mifcrie.
22 qe)l.otlJ abl)otretlJ lpingliplS: bUttf1er
tl}at beaic tiuelp plellfc l)im.
2 3 a bifmtt man botlJ I.line fmotDlcbge: but
ti.Jc I} cart offooles babllletl) outfooltninetrc.
24 a biligmt l)anb 11Jall bean tide: bUt ti.Jc
Ible 11Jall be bnl:lcr trtbute.
2 s ll)eauinelie ?ltrcouragctlJ tlJc l)eart of man:

but a moob \Dotb mafletlJ it gl8ll againe.

26 ·~tJc ng1Jtt0111 ey~tletlJ IJi• nctglJbom:
buttlJe wap ofd)c bngol>lp tDtn l>ccciuc tlJcm•
retuc•. .
2 7 ~c btccitfuU man OJall notrot!etllat I.Jee
toolle m(Junting: but dJt rtclJtlS of tlJt iuthnan
h · h ts or great baluc.
T exij. C apter. 28 ')11t1Jcwarofrtg1Jtcournclfct1Jerctisltft:
--- ~~~~ll)o ro Iouetll co~rectton, louetlJ
lino\Dltbgc:butl)c tlJ&t{Jatcti,I to
mo tn tl)c fame war tl]rrc ts no beatl}.
The xiiJ.. Chapter.
ii:: bcrcp~ooueZJ,ilS a footc.
t 2 ggooZI man is acceptable ~~~mire fonnc will hearken to bis fa•
bnto tl)e :i..o~b : but tlJC \Iltdie?I f~~\~ tl)crlS \Darning : but tJee tl)at ilS
imaginer will (Jcconbcmnc. • 'l/!J.':J. • rcomefnn 'tlltll not l}carc to)Jen 1Jcc
3 mant:annot cnbure in bngo1>linc1Ic: but ~
dJc roote ortl)c ri«l}tcou!!l lball not be moouc(J. •
. ~ 'ilS rcp:oucb.
1 S!Df tl)eCmit or a toirc mans
~.vmu- 4 ual)ouf\llirdptooman isa crownc bnto mout1J11Jallcac1.Jmancatcgoobt1JingS:but tl)c
%" Iler l)utban?I: but flJC dJat bcbauctl) lJtr ftlft tm' wickw IJJaU cate ofdJt fmit or dJe tranfgrccro~l3.
~~ l)ontltlr,tsas C01fUPtionin IJl• bones. 3 V,)cttlJat kttpctlJ f}ts moutl) , llecpctlJ IJi!!I
5 ~ tl)ougt;Jts of tl)c rigl:Jtcous arc rigtrt: lire : but tlllJo rorallJlp opmcd.J IJis lips, l:lcflror•
•. ~:>r.-n. but tl)C \I tmaginationis of tl)c bn!ID?llP arc l>c· ttl) IJtmftlft.
>11. ccitCUU. 4 €l)e OU«gar?I tooul?I faint bauc. anZJ can•
' 6 ~C talllin!I Of tl)c bngoblf i•, l)om t()cy not get his dcfu-c: but tl)c foUle Df tl}c ?lifigcnt llJal
inar lap 'tllai.t foJ_bloob: but ttJe moutlJ Of tl)c l)aucplmtp.
ngl)tcou!!I toil btliUet tlJe\n. · s ~higl)tcoul!I man ablJDnrtl:J ltes: but tl)t
7 ©ol:I oUtft1m1ttlJ t1JC cfla~ ohhc 'G:liClltb. b~olllp OJamettJ IJjmfclfc, anll ts put to Olmec.
an11d)ey1tan11not: buttl)c l)DU{cof ~ ri~tc· 6 11Ug1Jtcoufnetrc llerpetl) ttJe innocent in
ouss lbaU ftanll. tl)c \Dar : but bngobllntffc boctlJOtltttfJioto tl)c
. s g man UJalbc commcnbcll f01 l}is bltCtbom: anncr.
~- but"a foolc 11Jall be llefpncb. 7 ~omt men ntafle tIJemfe!UclS ridJ tl)ouglJ
;14ICl,10.~2 9 *l)ctl)ati1S1>cfpffc!J. anbl•t'CtlJtlSO'nmc tlJtpJJaucnotl)tng: againe, fomcmaflctlJcm•
:::" bieab.
man. i,s•brtttt tl)m tl)cglDJ'iou• tl}at ladretlJ fclUcispoote,tJamnnrcatrtctJtis.
. . 8 • 119itlJ ~oobS aman rtllccmctlJ IJiss Ifft: anb , ~~ ~r
~;'iu~• 10 i ri{#eouismanrcptbttl) d7tlift0fl)i.!S d)ep~\ult_!!!tno!~rqi;.eoUtb. . :n~..:::C..
· cattdl:but:tl)c tmgontr.lJaut«UdlJeaitf. 9 -.,c ~., o~ ..,er1-tcousmafletl}iotfUlf: 1'111r1m1bu
~kd.ia. 3 o. u *l)c tl)at ttllttlJ l:JtS lanD, O:Jalll)auc .P~ bUttl)e tanblc oftl}e bugo?lll' OJalbe put out.
,l~r,vaine ttounttlrc ofb~caD: bUt IJe tl}at fOUO'alttl.JB iDle•
1o among tl)c wo~ t(J~c is mer ttrtfe: lmt ::;;.•:ar.~!':.b
I· lungs. n••
i« ab"'"' foDlt.
... r ~ b•· , 58 ...... or-..
\Dttl) dJt tDcll a?1U1fe1> l.!S totfeZJome,
.....~,..... -tten .. 1b11 llMllllin· t
12 ~Zltfircof~ bngo ,,,,.. """ ......,.: 11 -11&.1f,,,.. goou.!Sarcroonctpmt:but •"1nft1•u. .
but dJt rootc of t11c rillJUOU.!S b~ ~dJ Cl)te tl}Stbcc gatl)crcil tDJ'CtlJtr l»itlJ dJe l)anb 1
fruit. QJallmnurt. '
13 CIJe 'arialeb falltd1 into tl)dnatt UJtoUUIJ n l)opt?lefmtb. lrieucdJ tllc l)cart: lJUt
d)tinaUci ofl}if o'Omemoutb: butd)t tulll}lll \Dl)m tl)e bcflrc '~itts a tice onift.
crcapeoutofall.,mL . . 1 3 a&bofobdPifttbdJt\Doib, IJJall pmlJJroi
14 ~an ll)8'bc fattrfiCb 111tdJ goob tlJin~ bl' tf;Jefamc : butl)et tlJatftantlJ ti.Jc C01l111laUnbc•
tl)tfrllit of ~ moutl): anti afm d)c l»01bCIS of . mcnt,111al l}auc tl)c rctoarb •
._~---=l)~iss~~~an=bl=-=11Ja::::=ll21Je~b=c~rc~\D=a~~-~-·~~~~-'-~-1 4~~...:_c~~tD-c~of~tl)e~tD=tre=·~t•~a~\u=--:..:rn~o=f:life=·~,=to:!--~-
--- I it> o 3 auo10~
/vVife "vomen praifed. Prouerbes. Afofc anf\lvere.
auoibc from tlJc ntaress~fDeat.IJ:- - · -..... ~'ml;lo ro IJadJ Dnile:rtlanbtng, loofle:tlJ '\DcU to
1 s ~oob bnt1ctftanll1!16 gm~.., "'......... u .... IJQlgoin;.
16 a 'mife man f'eaicu,, anti bcpartctl) from
lJarD tss t11e trJal:' of ttJe: DefpiferS5.
16 a trJtrcman DotlJalldJ'~ ~fdJ lifmtj. cutU: but tlJefoole iUngrv, an'b c:ountctlJ J;Jim•
0 n: but a roole:llltnDcclare:IJ1JSfoU1t. . ftlfe: rurr.
17 9n bngol:llV anclfm;er fallet'IJ iuto maf• 17 an bnpattcnt man ?JealetlJ foolill.Jlt : but
~iefc: but a tattlJMI ambilU'abour tJS SS!l l.JtaltlJ. f.Je tl)at iS 'ID ell abuifel:J, iss IJattb ofthe toolc.
' 1 s l)cc tlJat d}tnlictlJ rcoine tobccre:fo1mcb, 18 ~I.Jc ignoiantl)aue foolilbnetre: tn potld£~
ommctlJ to poucrtic anb l1Jll11W: but t»IJO fa re• on: but tl)e l»tfc are: cromne?J 'mid) kno'mleDgc.
' llar11ct1J cozrution ffJaU come to t.Jonom.
, 9 t101Jcilat1r:Cire iss b~oumtJttopa11'e.,itbdig1J•
19 ~ euiU ll.Jall bo'ID t1Jemfcluc55 befoie: tl)e
lPlOb: an?J tl)e bngotllt '1.JaU toatte: at tl)c gatess
t etlJ tlJc roulc: but foolcJS countitabomination of tl)e rtgl)tcouss.
t0 11e:part rrom cual. 20 ~e: pooie: t; l.Jatcb e:uen orJ;Jtss omnnetgf;J'
zo ~c tfJat goctl.J tn tlJc companp of mire mm, boors: but tl}cricl,J l}atf.J manp fricnDss.
tlJ an llcc n>ife: but mJ;Jo ro it' a companton of 21 Dl}o ro ?JefpifctlJ lJi• nciglJbour, finne:tJ;J:
~oole~. tIJalbe aftlictcl>. but ble:lTe:D tss J;Jc tl)at J;JatJ;J pitie: of tJ;Jc pooic.
z 1 ~1fdJicfe foUomctf,J bpon CitmttJS: but tl}t 2 2 D91tf;Jout boubt tl)rp erre: tlJat moihc mu.
rtgIJteouss n1all l}auc a goon rcmaro. flebncflt: but tl)ep tbat mure bpon goob tJ;Jingss,
z 2 l)ee: tlJat ts 1:1cnuo111 ~ lcauedJ an tntJm• t>nto fuel) ll.Jall l}appm mercie anti truetl).
tancc tmto l}tSS cl,JiUlunS5 cl,JtlDtm. an1I tlJe: rta.Je:• 23 ')neuerp labourtl)misfomewofit: but
0 f tlJc unner iss lal:'l> bp fol ti.Jc iutl. baine mo1t1ss biing foo:tl.J onelp penurie.
2 3 ~ere iss plcnteourness 0Uoot1 in tlJe ftelllss 24 ltic:J;Jess area crotonc t>nto tlJe mire: but
b 'l!Jrc.onrr
t11ui lmlc 0 ftiJe:b poo~e:: buttl1c flelbenotmeQ 01bercb, iss d1r..ifltloiance: of foole• is berp fooliOJne:tre.
bcQ11tDl.;i(ront \D
itfJoUt fnait, 2 s a fait(Jfill mitnetre: 1Jcttumt1J routes: but
toUllU1D1ll, l 4 f!}ce: tl)at fpmU, tlJe rot1t1e, l;Jatet:IJ l:Jfis a bcceitfUD 'alitneffe: bitnge:t:I) foo:tlJ lie:ss.
fo nne: but ml.Jo Co louctJ;JIJim, a,attenetb I.Jim 26 ~n tlJe fearc of tt)e: :Loille tss an mrmct1
be time~. llrmgt!J: anti lJiS5 cl)illl1Cn arctmbe:r arure: lie>
z 5 ~c rigf;Jteouis eatetIJ,antl iss fatffitb : but ftnce. ..

.,_ 7 ~efcare of tlJC'A-o~b iss amen ornrt, to a·

tlJcbcutc of tl)c tmgol>IF l}atlJ neuu cnougl].
Thexiiij.Chaptcr. uoibe t11e: rnaress ofllcatl). :
2 8 '.)11 tJ;Jr multitube: of people trHIJe: llinp
~~~')Jfe\tloincn bpl:JollJ tl;Jelrl:JoUfe: l)onour: but tl]e becar of tlJepcople i!S tlJc confil•
~ but a fooliflJ mife pluthetl) it QonoftIJe:pJinu.
""""•rcJ• ,,.., llomnc. 2 9 ~ec tl)at llS paticnt,1Jat11 mud;J bntle:rftan•
z *l\}e tl)at t»allrcd,1 bp~igl]t• nir.g: but l)e tJJat tss Coon llifple:afeb, cyaltetlJ foo•
Ip, fcaretl) tlJc JLoJDe: but IJte: 1111.mctre.
\D arc~, befptf£tlJ IJim.
1tl)at turne~ IJimlilfc from (1t# 30 g meml)eartidd.JC Ufeof tl)ebotlp: bat
e:nute c:onrume:tl) atoar t11c boness. --
• f)rbmrt~ 3 jln tJ;Jc moutl) of tf)e fooltlb td ti.Jc •rob 31 *$et(Jatnoetl.Japoo1C manmiong, blaf• Pro.17.r:::
an::i \DOOuilu~
:tll m:n taltb
of p1i!lc: but tlJe llps.s of t!Jc 'alifc mtU 111e:rcme plJemetl) 1JiS5 malier:bUt Wl}O fo 1Jonount11 IJim, ·.::;
[O'l~tl(, f'3J• ti) cm. l}atlJ picteont1Jcpoo1e. ~:
fmno no1 kin[ 4 U9fJcrenoo~cn are,tl)erctlfe mbiunip• 32 G;l)e tmgoDlp tss caa atoap fo, IJfis iniQUt• <
11\llll, ti c: but mud) inae:are commct11bptlJc tol:'leof tie: buttf.Je: ngt;teouss l]atl) a goob IJopc cum in
tl)co:rc. btatlJ. : :-.
Pro.12.17. s *a f.attl)fuD \tlitnc!fc \mll not bia'e:mbte : 33 mtceDome:reffctlJ tntl)e:~artofl}imtlJat ·~
butaf.alfemo1t1\1:1il makcalic. 1Jat1JtmDmtant1ing, anll tt aiaRIJcc lmotoma• r.:i ~·
6 ~ rco~ncf'ull bollte fceke:tlfanfe:tlome. anti mongt1Jemt1Jatare\Jb1tleamet1. !!Or-~:
fi nbctlJ it not: but lmot»le:Dge us e:afie unto 1Jim 34 Etg1Jteournellcfrttct11 bp tbt people: llut 11or,GI' :
t l)at 'o.ltll t>nllctltantl. ~ tl;)c fScti ficc Of tl)c IJCStl)t~ l~ finful. a fli~~~:
1 16tt tl)ee: ftom a foolffb man. mlJcn tl}ou 35 a bifcnete fenaant IS a plcarutt bnto tfJr the DIDO(·'
pcrctiuelt not in IJtm tl)c lipss of lsno'ID~gc. limg: 1mt l}tss '\l>1atJ;J tss agatntl I.Jim d)at 1:1octi} ~?'·i:, ·~
s ~e '\Dtrenome of tile: ctrcumcpect man. is UDill:Jonourl}im. am ·~
t obnberttanb IJis mnl:': but cue foolinmcss of tlJc
bn'mtfe bccduct(J. The xv. Chapter. :
c 9 1footcismalie:buta~fpo1tofan: buttlJerc ~oft annum appeafttfJ \tl1a~: ""
iIS afauoutable loue: among tl)e rtgi)tcou•. butrou!lf.Jm~1ttnebPan1er. ~=tt
~ ~lJe: l)eatt hno'metl;J m• omne: roulcs bit< 2 €lJe CQngm of nr~ ass bee
'o"f'h11.ea:e: an?J tl)e atani&er a,an not becpartalitr mift, 11rct1J 1m01Dl~1e art!ll.Jt: aJS .~
.,11uo11. • foJ a f.oOlffb mouef1. ttl>abblctlJ out :-.,
Pro,16.2 S·
tlJ;~m*:'!e IJoure of tlJe: bnlPlbll:' RJaU ~re oucr• not11tng but fooHunrrtre. ~
llJalllliniti:Zt tl}e tabemacte: of t11c n11Jtc0US5 3 qcde1DfdJeJLo1Dtn•rolacoe1)olb •
botl.1 tl:Jc goob anb tl)e ball· . ·~.
n '4tlJett iJS a'oJar'mlJidJ fm11ttfJ rfgltt 1111< 4 a lUl)ote:rome tongue iO tneofllft: but .·
~~::,an: bttt tl)t eno tlJcrcof are: t1.1e '\Da~• of tlJe fl'o'oJannetrc tl)mof Doe:dJ mate faDDc tl}e ~ ~.·.
3 ~e: IJeatt ts CoJo'mfun, cam'" laullJUf s a foole . - 111- fatlJer• co.ircctton: ::1.
anb tf)e cn?Je o~mintJ tis l)e:auinelI'e:. ' but IJe:e tlJattdd:O ~ -~ lJe Cs npiooue:D (
14 a bactdliblt111Jtan ftJaU be IRleb 111 ~= IJ3aR1Jauu11emo;etJnbmtan11mg.
ol»nc 'alal?eSS: but a IOOb 'Mn
1J1m. -.-.• a:.: ::t~=:u~=:=:::1~:~~ llOr,dela

~~~:' ~i,~
1 s an ign~ant hotlte bdmattlJ e:any'mo,t1: lltrOUbk.
Qel ~
:Bod hearech che righteous. Chap.xvj. After pride, de.G:rulbon. ll o

7 ~clips ofdJc wtrc 11ocrome llno~mc: The xvj. Chapter.

~ but tl]e IJcart of dJefoolttlJ llOetlJ not ro.
~ ccLJ+27. 8 *'(IJ;l}C JL,o:llablJOn"CtlJ tlJC fBmtu OftfJC ~an map \Dell purpofe a tl)tn!! tn


bngoDfp : but t!Je p1arcr of tlJe rtl&i1UOU- tss a"
uptablc bnto IJim.
9 'atl}c mar of tlJetm;oblr iss an ~ondm'
ttonbnto tlJe Jl.,otb: but1l:ll}ofofolo\Det1J~CC'
ournetrc,l)im tie louctlJ.
1 o Gro:r~tion ts pieaous bnto l)itn tlJat fo1'
fafictl:I tlJe mar : an11 tvl}o ro l}atetfJ wirt,tton,
fl .
IJiSSl}eart: bUt tl}e anftllcre oftl)e
tongue cammed) oftlJe Jl..~b.
2 a man tl}tnfled} all 1Jif5 'Olaie)'S
to becteane: but it Is t:IJe :d.01b tlJat
II mbgett:J ti.Jc minlles.
3 *cll:ommtt tt:Jp 1llo1lic$5 bnto tlJ£ )l...01t1: anti
UllJllt ti.Jou ncuitelt,it ll.Jall p~o(pcr.
, 11Jall ilie. 4 ~e Jl..oin 1Jatt1 mane au tlJtng.s ~ lJt.s rr.1.i1·~·
: ~. ,,,.,. 11 ll)cD an1> ncfltu,tfon JI arc bcfoie tl}el.o,b: o1llnc Calie: pea tlJe bngolllp foJ tt:Jc bar of11:11atl}. •.pec.i •7 •
~towrn ro IJOU> mml} tnoJC ti.Jen tl)e l}Cartf5 Of tlJC d.)il01m 5 ~c JJ.,01?1 abfJo~rctlJ an fuel} as bee ofa
~:Lord. ofmm:' p1out1e 1Je11rt : anll tfJou!JiJ f.Janb bee iopnen tn
~:~· n accomcfulbobrlouctlJnotonctlJatrebu, )Jani!, pet.~ep fuall not be tmµuniOJCtl.
'~, fled) l)im: nctt}Jcr \llil l}ecomnnto tlJc wire. 6. *ll91tl)~ercpant1 fait1Jru1netrcfinnci1bee Pro.1y,27.
~-; o. 17. n. 1 3 *a mcrr {Jeart mabetlJ a ~eerfUU 'ounte. f'o1gaum : anil w tlJc rcare of tl)c t..o~ll, eutU ts
~ name :butbrtlJcro:ro'tll oftlJc 1Jcartt1Jemin1>e er,l]e'aletl.
"~ if51}eautc. 7 1191:1.en aman.smape.s pleafetflclL~tl, 1Jt
i~ 14 ~1Je1Jeartof1Jimt1Jat1JatfJbnbcrllaniling maketb IJti'S be:rp enemies to be IJii'S mrnni'S.
- boetlJ fcefle llno\Dkllge: but tl}e moutf,J ofCoolcf5 s '3etter it ts to l}auc a litle mttlJ ri!JIJteouf,
. . ~: i.S fell 'tllttfJ foolillJnell"e. neis,tlJen great rent.s m1ongftlllp gotten.
~,rui!L ls au tl}e 1>are.s of t{Jepoo~e an II mifcrable: . 9 .a man ilcutcetl} 11 map in lJii'S l)eart: but it
.... ~r,mciy. but a II quietl)earti.S a continuall feact. tis tlJe JJ.,oiil tf.Jat o~ilcrctlJ l}ii'S go in~.
::~ 16 ll) iSS 11 little 'alitl) tl}e fcare or tlJe 1 o tIDl}en tlJc p1op1Je,te i!S in tlJe lippess of tl}c
::::: lo:il: tlJcn great tteafure, an'b ttouble t(Jcre' l!ling, IJi.S moutl} ll)all not goc \tlJong tn tubge,
:~·~ \\litl.J. ment.
17 ll)ctterissa Dinner oflJcrb.S lllitlJ louc,ttJtn 11 * g true 'aJeiglJt IJ ballance arc ttJe )i...DJ?IJ Pro.11.1.
11 fat o~e tuitl) eu11l \Dill. iubgcmcnt: all ~c \llelgl}t.s of ttJe baggc arc lJis
18 an angrp man ntrrctfJ bp ctrtfc: but bee \\lo1kc. ..
:.,r,1ppc1- tlJat iSS patient, 11 lhlletlJ bifco1b. 12 II 119i,keb'bocroreanabominatton to tlJC II or,irnan
-.:.h· 19 'atl}c wap or tl)c aout{Jftd 1nan iJ an l)Cb!:JC l!ting: f01 a l!ltngs feat {IJOUlb be l]oli!rn bp \DitlJ abhom 10 •·
-· or tf)oiness : but tIJc war or tlJe riglJteouss iss riglJteoUfnelre. tJon v. hen

.. plaine.
20 .~HnifeConncmalictl) a glall fatlJcr: but a
13 alglJtCOU,Sltp,Sarep
21) • • l Ca""nt
bnto :n..,S,
anil tl)em tIJat{i.lcafie tlJt II tmctlJ,flJalllJcloue.
Krngs ore
roollllJ manbcfpifetlJ lJii'S motfJcr. 14 'iEl}c lsina.G bifpleafurc tis a mctrcngcr of things.
211foolifl.J1ttlfc i$5 a ior to l)im tl)at iJ i>cctitute 1>eat1J: but a \\l1rcmanmillpactficit.
··' ofkno\Dlebge :but a manof tmbmlanlling\\lal• 1 s ~lJc ct)earcruu countenance of ttJc \lling,
flctl) bPJiglJtlp. i!5 lire: ani:J 1Jif5 loulng fauour i!S a• a «Dull of tl)e
:u. ~l]oug!JtJ 'll>itlJout counren ll)all comc to lattcrraine. ·
noulJ(Jt : but 'all)ma• men are tl)at can !liue l 6 -at:o l}auc 'alifc'bomc in pocrelTion, iSS better
goon counCell, tl;Jcre t• Uellfailnetre. tlJm to l}aue gol1>e: anti to get bnl.lcrttanbtng, is
;:::>r,ioy is 2 3 ~ aiorfull tl)tng tt iJ to a man \»l,1cn IJii'S ratfJcr to be ctJofcn tlJen to l}aue filact.
~;i· m:n in counfcll tss follo1l:leb : anb (Jo'alc goob i.S a\DOJil 17 ~cpath oftl}e riglJteouis 1!5toefc1Jctor•
•ea.niwm fpokm in reafon :' um: anb 1llfJo ro looketl) Wtll to lJi!S \Darcs,hcc,
:!,!'h. 2 4 '4tl:)c \\lap of ltfe II IJ on l)tglJ to tl)e 'altre, prtlJ IJi.S ownc route.
·1<>r re.. tl)at a man OJoulb bemarr. orIJeH bencatlJ, 1 8 l01ibc goetl) brfo~e l>ellrtictton : anti an
· .i:'°'° 15 '4tl:)c JJ.,oib \VUl b~ealic llomnc tl;Je lJourc of l)igl) minnc bef~c tl}c fall. ti.Jc p~ou!J: but_(Jce ll)all mallc fatltlJc bo~berS of 19 )6£tter it iS to bee of l:Jumblt minDe \tlitlJ
:; tIJC bliilo\tl, tl)c lomlr, tl)en to beuibe tl)e fpoplcss \tlid} tl)c
J 26 ~e)l.,o~b abl}o~rctl)tlJelmagination•of PJOU'be.
r, . tlJe \\lickcD : but tlJe \DOJllC$5 of tlJe putt are pita' 20 $~c t1Jatl)11nllletlJ a matter \\lifdp, Obtti,
rant. netl) i;i:oob : 11nt1 blelftll tis l}ce tl)at puttttlJ IJiSS
2 7 ~IJe grcetlp couetouJ man rootttf,) bp lJiSS trua m tl)c JJ.,0111.
' otonc (Jourc : but \DlJo fo l}atetl;J n\Dat:OJ, OJall 21 ml}ofoii'S\Dife intJeart,ilJaUbe caUebPJU•
liue. bent: anb tl)e ftlleetenetre of IJi!S liP!S mmaretl)
28 a1)c l)cart of tlJe tilJ(JteoUd t!ullictfJ hti'S leaming.
anf\\lcre afo~e: but tl)e \tlimcll mansmoutlJ fl>u' 22 ~n11erctant1i11g i~ a mell ofliftbntol)im
etl) out mi"IJicfc. tl)at 1Jatl1 it: aJS toi ti}c ctJallcnin~ of foaleSS it tss
: 1 9 ~e)l...ozb ii'Sftme fro~tlJebn;oblr :bUt bUtfoQitaincll"c.
, {Je l.JeautlJ tlJe piarcr of tlJC rigl)teou~ 2 3 a mire l}eart 01t1cntl) ~tis moutf) mifelp,
111n~~t'.' 3o '4tl:)c cleartnetre of tt:Jc epe • r~ tl)e anti miniat:cttJ learning tmto IJiJSlips.
=:::-:~" {Jean: anb a go ob name fcebctl) tlJe boneJ. :14 f atrc mo111ss arcan 1Jonp combe, a refrefl),
,..... 31 ~c care tl)at 1:1eammetlJ to ~e refo1tna• tngof tlJC minb.e.anb lJealtl) Of tlltbORCJ, Pro. 14. n.
tton ofltfe, man 1>\iieU among tIJc 1lltrc. . :15 *~t.Jernss a 'map tl:Jat mm tl)ipfle to bee ilO•, 1he 1••
32 ll)ce tl)atrefufetlJ to bcrefo~meb,llefplretlJ ngl}t: buttl)e cnb tl)mofl~ctll bnto beatlJ. bouring
lJiis o'alne route : but l}e Wat rubm1ttett.J IJUn(clfe 26 11 a troublousstoule n1rauietetlJ1Jcrrc1tc: rouierra-
to W1t£ction, tirrotte. . . . fo~ l)cr o\DncmoutlJ l}atl) bJOUglJtlJct tiJento. ~'~!lcth for
3; ~l}e rean of tl;Jc Jl.,oJb i.s tlJc riglJt racnce 27 f.IUb11§0lllrperfontmretl)1Jp£Uil, anililJ IC ldf~:hos
of \\lil'cbome : anb lo\Dlinetrc goet(J befo.ze (Jo• l.JiSSlip~lisanl}otcbummgfirt. . ~.~~, e1~~" /

nDUt. 28 a fro\\larll bobr 'aurctf) (k1fe: anti IJec h1m•m~i'

Gifts blinde the '1vife. Prouerbs. Pride and humility./
t1J t · blabb rtffStopguc mdctlJl>Maon u *ilmtrl' IJeartl!mallrtlJaluftpap: bUt lfi
P 10• 1 S· 1

Chap. xix. xx.
24 • g ilOUtl)fllll tuanfi)uttCtt)1't91)qnbitttO Pro,16.15.
l)ls boCOme : 111111 \11"1 noc talte paine to JMJt tc to
IJi• lnOlltlJ. .
25 *1ftl)ourmttclt11f'o~nfUUS1erRltt.~fg, Pro.i1.11,
no, ant 11.Jall taTse brtteil.)eell: anD ifCl.)ou ttl'/.OO'
uea one CtJat tJatlJ bnDmtantltng, l.)e 'Anll be ttJe
26 l!}e tl)atlll)urtetl) IJfS fatljrr, 01 (J1uttet1J uor,rob.
out IJt• mott.Jer,io tl)amefUDantl an lm\\101t11r oe1h.
2 7 ~ COnne.l)eare no m01e Cl.)e Doctrine tt)at
fcabetlJ Cl)ee bnto mour111 from tl]e 'ttlo1b• ofbn'
2 s a w"betl mttntir.e moelletl) iUt1gemrnt :
anti tl)e mouCIJ or tl)e bngolllp 11 llcuourctl) \Dtc' ~or,coue-
hellnelfe. mh,
2 9 ~Ubgcmrntl!I are 01t1etnet1 roi tl}e r,01n!ul,
ano tmpes roi ttJe roo1es ba,119.
The xx. Chapter .
' maflttlJ a man tobefco:nc,
run, anD aro~ ll~inhe cauretl) a
man to be bnnuiet : ~ 'ail)ofo tic' pr,who-
ligl)tetl) tl)£rin, (l)al not I.le 'tllitc. fo is dmi-
2 ~l)e fcart of tl)c llin~ t)"!! a• ucd by 11,
• tl)eroanng of a lion, \Dl)oro p~o,
uobCtlJ l)tm to anger, If olfcnnctlj againlt IJiS IOr,rin. '
O\IJne fOUle. ncth,
J j\t iSI 11 man~ l)onour to flctpe l)tmfelft
ftom llrirt: but euecy foole will be meblmg.
4 .I tloutlJruH banp \MU noc go to plo't». r01
rohl of tl.)c \»inter, dJetcfo~c 11)8111.)t begin rum,
mcr,anll l)auc notIJing.
5 CltounfcU in tlje IJeart of man, ts li&e ncepc
water; but a man ofb~llDingllltnDµi'tll tt
6 Sl@anr tl)cn be tl)at moull> be calletl ~oOb
l>ottl"!! : but w~erc llJaH one !inn a fattl)run man:'
7 ~ccl)llllJcn oftl)eiullman'tlll)id:)'nlalk•
ctf:) bp~ig(Jtlp, l!Jalbc ble!Tell after l)im.
8 !A bing tl)at rittctl.) in tl.)e tllione of tul>ge,
ment,d)afetlJ amar all eutll \llttl) lJis foofte.
9 * 1101]0 can rar, 1 IJaue mane mr lJCart ~ .Kin.s. 4 6
cleane, 1 ampureftommy unnc1 i.rhr.6"'6
10 ~toomaner of\llci~t~. 01 t\llo mantrof 1.i.,ho 1.s.
mcarun~, bot~ tl}~re are abomination 1:mto tlJe
•t.01t1. '
11 a c1Jflt1c tl!I fmo\llrn br IJtis conuerratton,
\lllJetlJet IJiS tDoJbS be pure anb rigbt.
n ~tJc eare to l)earc, tfJc eye to rce, tIJc )l,o~tl
l)atlJ malJe tllem llotlJ.
IJ )l.,ouc not Oecpe, lea tl)Ga come bnto po'
uert\' : but oprn $Ile crcs, d}at tl)ou marctt
l)aue b~eab mougIJ.
14 '.)tt15nau!PJC:, ittsnau«IJt crartf:)IJe tl)at
bUpetlJ~ but \lll)en IJtt c;ommetl) to l)i!S o't»m
l)OUfe, *nlJeboalktlJofl)115pcnyworrh. .
15 ~etsgolbc, anb a multrtutlcOfpJecio:
oul"!! llomis: but tl)c liPIS offmowletlgc arc a Wt• ·
cioUl!I te'alelL
r 6 "'~atre IJiS gannent tt:Jat t111 ftmttrfoJ a p
ftranget: anti tafle a pkllgc of l}lm fOJ tljcbn• ro.i 7.i;.
bno'D:lcnfallc. •
17 a man liflttlJ tIJt bJCall ttJat ii l.\atttn 'ttl(tl:J
ncuit : but at ClJt: lat IJtis mo~ flJaU be lilkll
\llttlJ . ·
. 18 'iltl}~ugl;J counrca
CIJc tin•~ t1Jat men tic•
mfc are ftron~ : anll 'mttlJ gooo anuicc tallc war
in l)an!l.
19 "~c aat'tp tlec.eittull beto•a"rHo rccrct p
.-. 11 tb • • ' ..,
couml' : .trCLOJC mttlllft not '1lttb l)im tlJat ro.IJ.lj.
lluttcrcc lJ ,

iA bravvlin Prouerbs. The vvickeds facrif1cc


~---------'--~~-----;--;-:-----;-;-:--:---- - - - - - - - --

lffobriecie Chap. xxiij.xxiiij. and drunre~~1c11c. ~~2 -

16 ml]oro llotlJ a poo~c man m~on(t, to .in, mrlJeartalfoflJaUmopce:

c;rrarclJiisolllne richcs111111> gtuctfJ 1mtotl}trJtlJ, 16 ~ca, mrrcines 01albebcrpglab,ftlJl?liP!S
at lalt commctlJ to potilttr 1Jimrc1r.c. rpcaffc tfJc tiJin« ~at is rig(Jt. .
17 )6omc 1>0\llnc tl.)inc care ani> l)eare tl.)c 17 *ll..ttnottl.)mcf:Jeart bctcalouisto'~Rom Prou.21 .1.
mo~o15ottl}emire, applttlJrmillllcbntompllo, finncr15, but Impe tfJee thU tn tf:Je feare •ftlJc pr.t,36.1.
ctrine: Jl.,o~ll all ttJe nap Ion~:
18 ~o~ it if a pltarant tl)tn« tr tt:Jou tmpe 18 11'o~berilrt1Jcrct1Sanllenbe, anntlJPPtti' \\Or,rn-
tlJem in tlJine l]eart, anb oiner tl.)em in tlJr lips, cnt abUJing llJall not be cut off. . ward,
19 ~at tl)ou ma pa put tlJl' tm~ in tl.)e 'JLo~ll. 1? ~F ~onne, glue care, anb be \\11fe, anb fe:
, thou '.Jl IJSUe fl)cmclJ ti.Jee tl.)t15 lJarlitlJC tl.)mg tl.)at tlJOU ftrBlgbt tlJUte IJcart in tfJC map of the Lord.
tmometl. 2o _I!leepe not companr 'lllitlJ toine bibbttg,
t·~~;:J. 2 o ~aue not 9l mamcll tf:Jec II btrl' oft 'lllitlJ anb notous eatcrg offteRJ:
.1hrr• counren anb learning, >1 !)fo~ fuel) as br tJ~unkarlJUttlJ rioto~g. fl)an
:s. 21 ~at'] miglJt marte tf:Jce Jtnom tl)e trUtlJ, come to pouertr : anti (Jee tlJat if g;tncn to muclJ
tlJat tlJou tDitl) tlJe better miglJtctl anrnier tl]em lleepe, ~au go 'alitlJ a raggcti coat.
tl]at fenn bnto el]ec: 2 2 cll5tuc ea~c bnto tlJp faf;fJcr tl)at begate
i :z. mobbt11ot tile po01c. bec;aurc (Jets poo,c, ti.Jee, ann ncfptfc not tlJr motl)Ct ml) en 11J£ 11 olb.
anti opp~dfe nottl1c fimple in iungcment. . 2 3 19urc{Jare trnetlJ, '1lirelJomc,nunurc, anll
z 3 cjfo~ tbc JL.o~lJ l)imfelfc 'llllll beftnb tt:Jm bnt1trtlant1ing,a1111 fell tl)ciu not.
caurc, anlJ bo biolcncctmto tl]Cln tIJat(Jauc bfci> 24 -m;lJc fatl)cr or tt:Jc i:ig~tcous llJRU grcatlr
violence. . . · __ . retopa :anlJ IJe ttJat bcgcttetlJ a \\life cl]iln, tlJall
2 4 ~alic no fi:ien1ll1Jip \lJttlJ an angtlF\tltl' lJauc tor ot'f:Jim.
full man,anb \Uallic not.l»itb tf:Je furious, 2 5 Doe fo 1ha1 tlJp fat(Jcr anti motlJcr mar be
.2 5 Jl.,ctltlJou lcantclJt~ \'tlareis, anD recetue glanoft1;1ce, anlJtl]atRJe tl)atbarctlJccmaprc,
IJurtto tlJr route. ·· : toper.
2 6 l5e nott'f.)ou one of tl)tnitl)at binbe.~Jcir 2 6 ~l' ronne,giuc me tlltnc l)rart,~ let tl)ine
debu {Jann bpon p,omtrc,anb arc f1trccr ro, ~ '1leigl}tp epcs IJauc plcafure in mp toarcis:
: · caufcs. ·''' .· 27 cjfo~anm11o~risat1ecpegrauc,~atlrange
,why 2 7 cjfo~tftl)oul)atlnotl)ittgtopap, lltlJcrflJall tllomaniganarrotllp1t.
c11t11ou tartu\1Jar ttw bell from tinner t{)ee. 2 s ~lJet lictf:J in wait as fo~ a p~ar • anb tn,
'101akc. 2 8 ~oti fiialt not remoouc the an&tcnt lanll creafctlJ tf:Je tranfgrclfours amonga men.
maTke. mlJiclJ tlJr fo~c-tlllltrf ~aucfe~. .. 2 9 IWl'lo 1Jat1J woe : 'llllJo f:JatlJ ro,o'ro : 'allJo
29 ~cctl ttJou not tl)at tljrp 'llllJtclJ be bill' l)a~l)llrifc'!tlll)OlJatfJ llbJa\\1ling1anlJtlllJOIJatlJ ~or~mur-
i,!Cllt in ti) cir bufmc!Tc, llanb bcfo~c fnngs, anb 'lllotmlJS 'lllttfJout a taulc 1 munn g.
not among tf:Jc flmp!e people: 3o tlSIJO lJfltlJ re!! rrc~ :' cucn tl)cp tf:Jat be c'
ucr at tlJe tome, anlJ fccI;c ercc!Tc.
The xxiij.C hapter. 31 Jl..oolte nottlJoubpontiJetoinc, f)o\\lt'cll
$en tl]ou fittcll to eate tllitl.J a no, it If, ann \lJl)at a colour it giuett:J in tl1c gialfe..
Ille man, ronfrbcr Diltgcntlr 'llll)tit 32 'Jit goctl} tiomnel\ucctlp, but atti)c taa 1t
is fet bcfo~e tf:Jce. bitctlJ lific a rcrpcnt, ru1b ltingetfl Itfie an atl\lcr.
2 ~carurc tlJinc appctitc,irn 33 ~inc crcs fl)all bcl)oltJ II ftrangc Ulomm, ii Some rrnl
• be !JfCrlJilr fet. ·c: ann tlJinc l)carttlJaU bttl'r lc'o.ln tfJin~: 1~rwgc vi-
3 l5cnotllrflroug ofl.Jt~ batntpmeatis, foJ 34 ~ea,tlJoufiJaltbcn~tl1ougl) tlJoufarclhn hons.
meat bc~ilctl} anlJ tJccctuetlJ. tl)c mttJ!t ort)Je rea,oJ a~cpctl bµo:i tI)c top oHiJc
4 -m;altc not oucr great traucU to be ricl],bc, mall of a llJip.
ware offuclJ apurpofc. 35 ~lJCi? tJauc beaten mr ,t11alc ch on fay, anb'Ji
s u~ilt tl)ou rct tl)ine epes bpon ttJc tlJing mas not fiche: t)Jcr l)aue ttrichcn me, anll 'JI ftlt

,, is no- Ulllicl) ~ fUbllmir baniOJctlJ a\\lar '1 f opiches it not :'tlll}cn 'Ji am 'roell maJ;cnctJ, Ji \tlill goeto
maftc tl)cmre!ttcf \\Jtnrus lihe an eagle, anb flee tl)e lJitnllc agame.
into tl)e airc. Th ·.. Ch
6 €attiJounottf:Jcbieaboft)tmt11atl)atf:Ja11 e xxmj. apter.
iluuinr, • CUill CFC: ncitlJCr llCfirc tlJOU 1Jil5Datntr meat. ~ not t{JoU • cnuiOUS to foll01D Pro.1 3•27 •
"'m••• 7 :jFOJ a~ ti)ougl) l)c ttJouglJtitin~is l]rart, \DicllelJ men, ant> tJci1rc not to be pfal. 36, 1,
~,... ~erartiJ , <l?atanlJ bJinllc: wJ,Jcrcais IJtf IJcart is amon!,J tlJrtn :
not\DitlJtl)cc. 2 fo~ tIJctrlJcart imagtnetl)
s ~c moifcls tlJat tl)ou l)aft eaten, fiJalt to !Joe tJurt, an?J tl)eir lipg tallle
tlJouparlJ]cahc,anb lore tl}orcrmeet mo1t1s. mtrclJicfe.
9 . -m;cu notl)ing into tl.)c carcg of a foote : fo~ 3 ~iougb mifcbOmc ijj an l)oure btnltlcl'l,
l)c will lJcfpife t}Je \\lifcbomc of tl)p mo ins. anb \UitlJ bnllrrllnnilln~ t~ it II fct bp. ~or,Cl:ihii-
10 memooue not tfJc olnc lann marfle, anlJ 4 '(it()~ouglJ tltfmtron flJaCl t!1c cl]ambcrstc iheJ,
come notmtttJin tl)c ffclll of tl)c fatlJmetre: fillctJ \llitlJ au coUlr nnlJ plcarattt rirtJcs.
11 ijf O~ tltCirtcllCCIUC\'I~ lllllJ()fl!,CUCll l]C 11J8l S '.l mffc man ig cuer ftrong : fl!R, 8m!ltt Of
bcf'cnb tlJcir caure agamll ttJcc. . . bnbcrita11nt1.1g in~rcafctlJ llrcngtl).
12 ~Pll' tl.)inel)eart bnto coirectton,~ t1J1ne 6 !f.OJ 'lllttl) l.'ltfcrcnon mull \l:larrcis be talirn
earcg to tl)c mo~nis onmo'lllle~gc. . in1Jat111 : anll ~IJcrcas arc manr tf)at can gtur
o, 11•14 1 3 * D9ttl)1JollJ n~t co~rcctton from tl1e clJilll: counfcll, .ttJcrrni ~ctlltlJ. .
;lu, 30•1• foJ iftlJ!>U beatcll 1)1m m1tlJ tl)croll, i,e fbaU not 7 tl91fc1>omc is too 1J1gf) at(Jtng forn foolc.
nte t11crcor: fo~ l)e bare not .open ~t~ moutlJin the Q;atc. ·
1 4 1ft}Jou fmitc (Jim mitlJ t1Jc roll,tf:Jou tJJalt s ~e t1;1at&m_agmctl) m1ft1Jicfc, ma!' men be
"""''' ncliucrlJtf roulc from b l)eO. . . callell an bn~anouis pcrron.
"'ID•. 15 ~F roniie,iftlJinclJeart rccemc \lltCbome, 9 ~e\\11cftclJ tlJBUgtJt of tflc roolitli ifl rtnnr:
rofperiry. Prouerbes. A bra\'vlingvvoman~
antltfJe re nfUllis anabomtnationbntomm. The xxv. Chapter.
, l!Ounftrlc
I0 • OU faint in tl}elltlF of allUeifttr, tl1P Thefi:are alfo parables ofi!lomon,which the mm of
lh'engt srmalL Hezckia king of Iuda copied our,
PCal,8a+ 11 eliuer tlJc1n ttJat are niamen bnto
Deat{J anD. n~arc not to ~erue ~ tl}at arc is tlJt ~F of c8ob to lieqic a

lcDt caame. . tlJin!! fmct : bUtttJe liingss )1onour
'.JiftlJou \ll1ltrar,l6e1Joll»,~ rmemnotof 1t: il!I to ftarci) out a tlJintJ.
D not bee tl]at ponDerttlJ ~ !Jtart, <:onOtltt 2 iaI;l)e l)tauen ifS l)igl) , the
i . .anII {Je tl]at JrccpetlJ tlJP foule, lmO\lJetl) IJC it cartlJ is llccpe : anti tl)e lttnp
ot ~ ~lJallnotlJccalf~ mompcnfecucrpman l)earctl!I bnfearcl:Jable. ·
acro,Dm« to lJiS \llo~ks. 3 ~alle ttJe n:olTC from tlJe Ctlucr, allb tl}ere
1 3 ~!:' ronne, eatc tlJou IJonp, becaurtit ts llJalbc a\'leOdl fot tl)e finer. 1
gool), anlltl}el}onp<:ombe, to~ it issf\Deettmto 4 ~ahe a\t'lap tlJe b11«0t1lp from tfJc kin!l ~
tlJ!:' moutlJ : ant11.Jtis rea 11iau be aabllOJet'I \llitlJ ng1Jtcoui ~
r 4 ~o liveer fl.Jan tl}c JmobJlellge ofmffttlome nelfe. ,
be tmto tfJp roult llllJcn tl]ou l)aa countl it : anD s .-ut not fooitl) tlW fd& tn tl}e ~ercme or ~
tl}tre mall be lJope,' tlJp l)ope 11.Jall not be rut off. tl}efnng, an'b II pJt81{e_not into tt.Jeplan orgreat iOr,JhJ;
1 5 not piiup 1Dait (© \lJtaiell man) a, men: nD1in •
~ainll t{Je l}oufc oftlJc rigl)teou-. anti Q>olle not 6 * tjf01 petter ii tt tlJ«ttt be fapD bnto t!Jee, Luk.;+ii
IJifS rclhng placr. dl'.omc bp lJttlJer : tl}rn ttJou to be put lo1Der in ·
· 16 f,o~ a iutt man fallttlJ feuen tinttf, anti t1J~p1erence of tlJc p1incc W(Jom tl}oufutl'Q)itl) ~
iifctiJ bp agatne : but tl]e bngoblp fall Into mtf, tl)1ncepu. ::.
iClJtCfC. 7 :laenot ~ (Jatfy to 1t1oeto labJ : lct1 •1r I/Or be ni ·
1 7 lieiorce not tIJou at tl]c fall of tlJ&nc cne• tl}ou Jmo\Deft not \lll)at to boe 'ml.Jen ti.JP nctgfJ, liallie co ~
mic, anll let not tl}inc IJcart be glall WlJcn {Jee bour (Jatl) <:onfount1rt1 tl]cc. ara.c.
aumbletll: s l)antlle tlJp mattei- \Did.I tlJ1' nciglrtJom
1 s JL,cil t{Jc ll.,oJll U'fbcn {Jc fectlJ it, be an«rte, l.Jimfctfe, anbbifcoucrnottl}p recretto anat11tt:
anti turm l}is \l')~atlJ from IJim vnro rhee. 9 JL.cll: I.Jc tl}atlJcarctlJ it, put tl]ee to OJamt,
l':,1. 37 .1. 1 9 • 1frct nottlJp Celfe bccaure of tl}cmalici' anti tlJlne infampt'lo not cearc.
oui, ncitlJcr be enulous at tlJe \l')itlleo : 1 o g mo1D tpotrm mbUe liflt appk•
20 <jfo~ tlJere flJall bcno cnbe of plagues to tl}e ofgolbe tn a graucb \llo~be offilucr.
G r,rcwo;" ItoicliCII man, anl'I tl)e JI cant'llC ort~e bngotJ(p llJaU 11 D9lJofo re.pioouedJ a 1Dife man tlJat f)adJ
.be putout. an obebtcnt!I as a golbcn carcrtng,anun
I 2 1 ~I' fonr.e, fearc tl}ou t!Jc J!..otb anti tl)e 01namentortine goltle.
;::ilg, anil lmpe no companic mitlJ CIJem tl}at 12 as tlJe coll'I oHnobJ tn tl}e timt oCIJmd:
•O!'ul' blCfie from his feare: ro iU faitl)Ful mdl'cnger to tl)em tl)at renb lJim, •
I 12 1fo~ tl}etr llctlruction a.ian rift fubt'lcnlp: fo11Je rcrrellJctl) IJil!I mafter-mtnoc. ..
' aiill UJl:)o lino\lletl) tlJe at1ucrritt t:IJat map come 13 119l)Ofo maflttlJ great boaas BanD (JiuetlJ l!Or,of&K~
i' 'r,c:,1ic lifromttJembol:l11 notl}in§, i~ lme ~UDSS !inll llltntl 'IDittJ~utraim. 1Jbc1!1Xic..1
~ •lb. T H E SE ARE AL S 0 THE SAYINGS 14 *D91t1J paticntl' is a p1m<:c paafteb, anD Pro.1J.1. ·
OF THE WISE. bJitlJ a fort tonl,lUC II iJ ri«o~o11fndl'c b~gfrtn. 1or,bo8e1 ··
~•• n.19.15. 2 3 *'J\tisnoq~ooll to l)auercfpe<:tofanpper• I 5 j] f tilOll fintleft lJonp ,cat fO IRUClJ 8l!I i- l\Jf• m. ~
<tcu,1.17. foniuiullp;cment. ficlentfOi lt)ee: lct1 tt,Jou be oaerfUI, ~ parb1calll' ~
1 24 ~cc tl)at faptl) to tl}e bn«olllp. ~ou art it out aiaim. ~
rigl)tcous : l)im llJaH tl}e people an1'e, tea. ttJe 16 D9itbt11a'm tlW foot from tlJp nei!JbllourJ
commtnaltp llJall abl}otrc l)im. [Joufe: tell: l)e be \Deacy or tl:Jee,anD fo l)ate tl)ec. ~
2 i lBUt tlJCp tlJattebUlte the vngodly, in tlJetn 17 1191Jofo bearetlJ faire 1DitneQ'e a1aint11Jti ·
Doetl)<ll5ot1t1eligl)t, anti ricl) 1:Jtemn1ill.laOcome netgl)bour. l.Je ts Ua tlcrF clubbe, af\llo~ll, ano a uor,a-!:iJ
bµon tl)cm. n.nupc ano'tD. ·:
2 6 <fucrp man llJall kiU'e l)is ltps tl)at giuctlJ 18 ~e ronf1t1enc:ct1Jat i- ~utinanbnfaitl.J· · t:
a goo]) nnftoerr. • fulmanintimeoftr0Uble,is1tllcab1orrentootl} i.
2 7 ~ake reallp tlJI' \lJOJlie tl)at i- ttlitl.Jout, ano a Dilling foot.
an]) loobe 'lllell bnto tl)at\lJl)i'b t11ou IJall in tl}c 19 USIJofo tabetl) a\llap a ma"' iarment in ~
ue111,a11t1 tl)en builll tIJinc (Joufe. tiJe coll»e \lleatl]cr, iJ Jl lllle bintger bpOn lmw,o~ 11or,fakpe-
2 8 lBenota falfe 'mitne[e a~ainll tl.Jp netglJ' likc l)im tlJat fingetl} fong,u to an IJ~ l)~rt. cer,or ~P\
bour, anti Cpealle no fal11JooD 'alltl) tlJI' lips. ~o *1]ftf.Ji~een.cmpl)unger, fU»IJnn, lflJec R'0':::.~s. :
r, 0 · ' 0 · " 2
9 *~arnot,] \lltll(JanDlel)fm eumasl)e t1.J1rlt, g1ue 1)1m imnflc : . • 1 ·:
~\ )r, «c IJat~bealt\DitlJ me, \'l\llill re\DarD II euerp man
2 1 f oHo lb alt tl}ou l}rape «1afc!S oCfi're bpon ' "
man. ncco~btng to btl!l l)Cl'l)S, [JiS {!call, anb tf)e "t.o.ill ll.llll muaro tl}ee. ··:
b" ~ '11.'lllent br tl)e «eltl of tlJe Ooutl)fuU, anti 22 ~be JeoitlJ tllinD llJtuedJ s\\Jar t11c rainr:
' ..1,cb1ncrart1oft1)efooli0Jman: cucnro Doti) an anltl' countman'e a bacflebi· \
~ ~tlll loc, tt uias all couiretl \DitlJ nettle-, cers ton»Je.
anll no ob fut Of tl)o~nes anti ....,e lone tt1aU U'IO 2 3 "1t iS brtter to at in a ~Jner bpon tl)e Pro.ii 9' .
b~o!tcn bo'1lnc. ' •., (Jo~rt toppe, t1Jm tutdJ abJattlling \lloniamn a :
lieJ ~P~~~~'~~'lot0011e .an~ conlibercll tt meU: 1 loa•
1t foi a \\laming
U11De a,oure.
24 00011 nt'tl!ef rrom a tlranp «1antnp, are
33 I?ca G£qie on llilll fay, a Utlt, flumber a Ii>
tic ,follle tiJl' 1Jant1ss togetl)cr pet a lttle.
u col0£ tuattr to 1 tlJirftf route.
:a S g rittbttOUJnt80 rallfi1« llDU'lne btl'DJC tlJe
34 ~o flJnU poucnv come bnto oje, 11,t1one 1J111Dlllp,fti iillea trOllbkb l17d,ant1 a fwiq tl}at ,
tlJat traucllctlJ bf tl)e '1lap, 81111 mtdl'itit lifiea fS CDJrUpteb.
'rocaµomD man. i6 ·~•tti1notpobtoeattoomucl)l)onr: F<cr•.i.s'/.
.::Sufic bodies. Chap.xxvj.xxvij .
ro rurioudr to rearm dJc glD,ie of l)eaumlr malice t(Jereof OJaU be fl.Jc'llleD bcfo~r tl}e 'aJl)olc
t1Jings,t1nocwmmmbablr. congregation.
~ >r,hisfpi- 27 l)ctlJatcannotrute//1.Jimfclk. isltfttact, 2 7 *18l)Of0 lllggcdJ il1.18 pit, flJaUfa(l ti)trin: Enl.. I o,8.
~. tF 'aJ(JiaJ il5 b~ollen Do\Dnt,anll l)atlJ no \tlaUcJ. anll f)c tl}at rolled) bp a 4one, it 'min rcturnc bp, eccl.' 7-2 6.
· Thcnvj. Chapter. onlJtm,
2 s a lying tongue l}atctb tf)e affiictcD: ann a
1~ • ']kc ftJ fltO\JJ iiJ noc meet in ~mn· tlattmn1.1 moutl) too11icti) mifcl)icrt.
' mer, anD rainc in l!}aruclt: men ro The xxvij, Chapter.
\1,. is 'mo1ll:lip bnfermlp roi a fook.
~ 1 as dJe birD anll tl:Je fUlallD\JJ alfenottbl'boalf oftomo,o\ll:fo~ I
~\ tahe tlJctr fli~t to Oie !)ere \f ttJerc: ttJon hno\Dclt not tof.Jat a nar mar
~~1 ro tlJe rurrc t(Jat is gium in bainc, fiJal not ligt)t b)mgfoltlJ.
'\ bponaman. 2 JUtanod)mnanp~aifet(Jcc,
I• 3 unto ti)e (Jo,rc belonged) aWl)ip, wtl)c • ann not tl:Jine o'll:lne moutf.J, pea, a.
:~: all'e abJilllc,anll a roD to t(Je fooles bacllc. tl}crfolkis,anll not tl}tnc o\Dnc lips.
: + <l!Jiuc nott(Jc foolr an anfblcr after IJ'tlS roo' 3 * ~c ltonc ts [Jcaup,anll tlJt ranll \llci!Jl)tp:
:h ltfbnctrc, lcfl tf)Ou become ltke bnto 1Ji1n. but a footes \lliatf) is l)cauicr tl)rn tlJcm botlJ.
t;i,' s l6utmaflc ti)e foolc an anf'll:lm to 1Ji1'1 foo, . 4 tlB)atl) isacruelltl}ing, anll ruriourncac
\ ·· liQJncLTt.let't be be wife in IJis o\Dnc conuit. 11 a becy tcmpclf:but \JJl)o il1 able to abi?le cmq:'
'~ 6 Ashetllatmttcti)offhismeffengersfcct.en• 5 ilDpen rcbtmt ts better ttJm react 1ouc.
t·. llammagetf.J 1.Jimfclf.c : ro botlJ I.Jee ttJat commit' 6 1faitlJfuRarct1.Jc\1JounllJofaloucr: but
ttti} a mcfi'agc to a foo!c. tlJc bdTeJ of an encmp are~ crucll. !Or ,dcccir-
'~~ 7 Liheas a lamcmanl)t15 lc~~cSJarenotc, 7 • ~e tl)atiJ ful,ablJo~utlJ an llonpcombe: i;i1r.
. quaU: eum Co iSS a parable in a fooles moutlJ. but bnto I.Jim t}Jat i11 }Jungrp ,cucrr l/fOUl)c tl}ing 1°0b. ~· 6•
~~~ 8 tee that femtlJ a f'oolc in f.Ji«lJ bi1&nitic, tSJ (\JJect. .11 r,u.cicr.
~~. wqu1d tl)at iSJ eucn ass ai a man \lloulb binnc a~ tone tu B 'c tf)at oft ttmcsHltttetlJ,iSS lific a birll tIJat
:;:.upc- aaing. fDJfakctl1 IJn ncll.
. ''•Rone 9 !JSSiUtlJ0111C tn tl)clJanll ofall~Unflarll: 9 l6almc anll rmcct inccnrc mal!e tlJc l)cnrt
l:i~heape ro iSJ a parable in a f:oolcis moutlJ. mcrr: Co, fmect is tl}atfricnll tf.Jat giuetlJ couit>
:_z · acs, Io qc migl)tp tl)nt fOJmCll all t1Jitt«1'1, re' rcu from t(Je{'Jeart.
:~. warbetlJ tile foolcs anb tranf1&Tctrour1. 10 ~tnco\Dne trienllanlltl,Jrfatf.Jmsfricnb
.;:,..:c.1.12. 11 *"A.-tlteais tlJe llo1.1ge tumctlJ againetof)iJ rce t11ou foJfafic not, anll goe not into tllr b)O'
., o'll:lnc bomit : cum l'o a foole bcginnetfJ l)is Coo, tllttJS f.Jcurc tn time of dJF trouble : fo) better i~ ,
lillJncLrc a1.1aine afrclI). a II frtcnll atf)anll tllrn a bJOtl.Jcr farrc off. l[Or, neigh·
:::r 12 '.]Jf ttJou rcell a man tIJat iJ \llife in l.Jis u ~r ronnc, bc'alifc, anbmabcmtaBlall L>our.
:n o'mne conmt: tlJcrc if!l 1noJc l)opc in a Coole ti.Jen I) cart, ti:) at '.]I mar mahe anf'mere bnto mp rcbu,
':! tnl)im. hers.
:ti:.n.1 1• 13 * '$i}e nout(JfuU fartlJ, ~ere iJ a liOn in 12 a -roirc man feeing tlJc plague, 1DiU lJil>t
!:::: tl)c \Dar, anlJ a lion in ti.Jc mibll of tl:Je arectf!l. IJimfrUc: a~ foJ fooltMlJCl' go on lttll anllfu ftcr
:Ji 14 "A,,ibeastl}cboo~e tumetlJ about bponti}c 1)8ntlr. ,:
;;11 (JinbiJeiS : eucn ro nottJ ti.Jc floutl}ful \lJQltcr !Jim, 13 • -m:allc l}iJ garment tlJat is fLrrttic foJ a r>ro, 10 •16.
:!!~ Cclfc m lJiS bell. • aranger. ann tahc a plcbgc of IJtm re~ tlJc bn,
.1:i.19.2 4• 15 *~l.Je aoutIJruu bollr II tlJJUffttl.J lJii:t lJanl> bnotocn faltr.
· ,bidcih. int_o IJi!'S boromc, an'b it grieuctlJ l)im to putita' 14 U'cc t(Jat iHoo IJanp to p1atrc l)iJ neigIJ' ·lor,1 •..i,,,
·'tiJ gametol}1smout1J, boUTabouc mcaCure, ft;aUtJctr.lmrnsonctlJnt rrl<1cll his 1

~~ 16 ~[Jc auggar~tl)inllctf) f)intfdfe \lli~ tiJcn giuctl)tJtmaneulllrepoit. 1r1rn.1 ,. ith

: lf.•'hat rtucn men II tl)at fit anb tcaci.). 15 a b~'11ltn!,J \Doman anll tlJcroofc of ti]r ;!ouJ voicr
l · trrndcr 1 7 1mlJofo goctl) bp, an?I mclllctlJ 'mitlJ otl)er
.._ a..rft"' · · · llb
.,Ou>&. u~Oppmg In S ramp llap, mar \DC £ COJll: 111 tho mor- 11llngca1ly
ilJ lfon. mms artrc: I.Jc is lihc one tl)at taketl) a bogge bt: parcll toged)cr :. . ni:1g,itihall
,; tlJe earcis. J 6 ll)e tlJat fhllet(J IJcr, lftllrtll tllc\\lm~c,anl> bccoun1cd
:.$ 18 as l}c tl)at fainctb bimCdfe mallllc, cafletl) lloppctl).tl,Jcfmellof ointmcnttnflt.El IJanD. hion., a

~ ftrcb,anlls, nrnl>ll' arro'mcs an?I narts: 17 Lake as one r1on UllJcttctlJ anotl)cr,ro notlJ Mpra•fr.
19 ~o t>oti1 a lJilfcmbler 'mitf.J l)il ncigl)bour, OltCmBlt llCOIUfOJtaUOtlJcr, !JOr, flmpr
an?lfapttl, Qm not 'Jl inCpoit:' Is 1191.JOCO ltccprtlJ !Ji.El figgc tree, fiJaU eat ttJt the countc-
2 o UDl)crrno \llooD iJ,tlJm ti.Jc lire goct(J out: fruits tlJCTCOf, fo I.JC tbat \DaitctlJ bpon 1Jil1 mn' 0n •nee ofan
cucn ro, 'all)crc tlJC talc-bearer is talim ab.lap, lfcr,flJaUcometolJonour. •hcr,
19 * JLihc as In one \Dater there i:;ppeate lit' •,Cor. • I l
tl)en ti.Jc ftrifc ccnfttlJ.
~ cc1.3e.11 21 * ~scoalc~ liinDlC l.Jcat,ann 'mooll tf)c lire: ucr~ faces : euen fo ntucrs mm (Jauc lliutril
I. :>r,acon. eumCollotfJ ~a bta\lllingfcllo'mlltrrebpbari, [Jcart11•
. :iiaaus. ancc. 20 ll;}ellanb tcaructionareneucrfuU: cucn
f ~.u8.t1. 22 a talc-bearer• 'o.101llc1 arclllle II men t\Jat Co t(Jecpcs of mrn can nmrr be Catfffirl:I.
~ · cnngs. trike 'alitl,l l)ammcrs , anll dJCl' pearcc ti.JC in, 21 * l~ i!1tbefiningpot fo~ tile lzhltr, Gilli tlJC Eccle. x.1.4.
'll>arnpans ofdlc bonr. . . furnace fornolll: ro is a man trien bf tl}c moutil and 1 7, 3•
2 3 l6uming lips:; ann a 'mtcliel> IJcart,arc lillc on1imt1:Jatp~atfttf.Jl}im.
apottlJarlHoumb 'mitll mucr DJO!k. . . 21 ~ougll tl)ou lDoulllell b1af a foole b.l :-ti t
14 an mmw 'mill lliifcmble 'mttlJ 1J1is lippeis,
ani:J lapctll bp Deceit in t)is
2 s ~ut 'tDl)cn lJcfpcalretfJ faire, belccuc IJim
IOr,111any. not, fo; ttmc arc HCcucn abominations in IJis
a pclf~ctn a. mo1t:crlilic ftmntrcomc: rctw1u
not 1]115 fool10J1ltlfc go from IJtm.
2 3 ~c t1Jou Diligent to ltno\ll tile aatc of t11r
cattell tlJp ~lfe,anll looke '!Dell to tnr !loctti. ·
24 ~OJ tic'fJcts abil>et{J not al\l:Jar , an?I tlJc
I 1

-- · 26 ll)atre11marbccoucrtllbrDcccit: buttf.Jc cro\Dnc mllUrctfJ not fo1 CU£\'.

- - . _ ·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___i:l0:::..cP~ ____15"--=·11r:.::t::.:.c,1_ _ __
A \Nicked ruler. Prouerbs. OfflattericJ
2 s 'IE'lJt IJar !iJtO\lletlJ, tlJe 1,Jtatre 'o~mctl1 bp. 2" ll)c tfJat \l:IJU be mlJ au ton room, lJatlJ an
an!> l)erbs arc gatl)crcll in tlJC mountainCJ. eulll ere. an~ confibcret!J not tl)at poucrt? RJBU
1.Ti!ll.6.7. '16 * m;IJe 1ambctHIJall dotl)c tl)ce, ant>foi tl)c 'omc bpon l)tm,
goats tl)ou 11Jalt l]auc money to tl}.r 1Jtl'1lan1>tp. 2 3 $c tlJ«tfoHo\lltngmr pJCccpts, nbuflctl}
2 7 ~ou fiJaft fJauc goatJ m1lftc enoU«lJ. to 11 man, llJaU linll mo~c fauour at tl)e Iat't, tl}cn l)c
[Cell ti) cc; to bplJOID tlJF lJOUfiJOl!J,anll to rutfamc tlJ8t flattcrctl} IJim.
rlJF maillcn~. 14 D91Jofo robbetl) IJIJ fatl)cr anll motlJcr,
Thexxviij. chapter. anllfaptlJ itiJ no rinne: tl)cfamciJtlJc,ompa•
nton Ofa 11 llc«roper. i Or o~ p
~ ~- file bngolllp fltttlJ b:ll)cn no man 2s $ct1Jati~ofap~out1aomaefie, ltimtlJbp inur~I
~~ . · pUTfuetl:J l}ilu : but tl}e rtg)JtcouJ ftrtfe: but IJe tl}at puttctl} l)IJ tmtt tn tlJc Jl..o~b.
~ arcbeli:1cattalton. UJalbe\llcUfcl>. ·
'1.J 2 f o~ tiJe b:licflcbncft"e of tiJe 2 6 $cc tiJat tmftctlJ in IJis ob>nc lJcart, tJ a
~~~:;4j lanD,tl)e p~tncc iJ oft ClJangcn: but foole: but IJe tlJat DealetiJ \lltfdp, llJalbc rare
1:or,mcn. tiJ~ougtJ I/a man ofbnllerftanbing,\llifellome, 2 7 $cc tlJatgiuCtlJ bntot~epooJe, llJalinot
arcalme cnllurctlJ long. lacfle : but l)ce tiJat IJilletlJ 1)1s eyes from tl)em,
3 tlDnc poo~c man owetring anotl}er bp tii• 11Jall l)aue man}' arurrc.
olcmc, it.Hi he a raging raine: tl}at lletmll'ttlJ U,e 2 s n&l)cn tiJe btl«oblp are come bp, men arc

10 ~00 d II tniit. IJilletl}_etnrelucJ:buttnfJenf'hM!pm"', 1:

· r, ' 4 ·~cy tlJatCo~fafle tlJe la\ll, p~tfc tl}etm• tl}Ut§lJtCOU~ mcrcafe. ~..,...[ "'
goo tr: tmt futfJ as hcepe tl}c lab:!, are grieucll at h
trycm. T exxix. Chapter. ~
5 naitkcll men bnllcrlfanll not iullgemmt : ct tf:lat iJ tlifnecliell, anb 11>111 not ~
but tiler tl)at feeke tl}e Jl..01lle, tmllertlanll all berefo1mell,11JaUful>llenlpbc1» .
t1Jillg%. llrorel> Hmtt{Jout anr l:Jelpe. 10r •nd ~
Prou.19,t. I 6 *Wetter iJ tl}epoo~e tl)at'tDallietl)inf)iJ 2 119lJCRt{Jerig1JteouJarcin ncvbcelto
bp~iglJtnc~, tl)en l)c tIJatpcruertetlJ 1Ji$S \llapc~, aut1Jo1itp, tl)e people Do rctorcc: rel. r
1anil1;im1J. but\lll:Jcntl)e \llf,licllbraremlc,
7 ttaIJofo ftccpetiJtlJela\ll, tsacl)1lt1eofbn• tlJepeoplemourne.
iOr fccdc1h oer1lan'Lling:butl}etl}at1Jiocompanionofrto• 3 J191)ofo loucdJ\lltrellome, 1naffctl) l)f~fa. .
glu;tons, tou~ mc11,11Jamctl) fJfJ fatl}er. tlJ~ a glall man: *butl)e tlJatfrecpetlHOtnpante Lulr.r ·
s i~c tlJat bp tifurp anD tiniuft gatnes gatl}e• \llttlJ l.Jarlots,fpmllctl} a\llap II tl)at l)cl)atlJ. 1or,hJti
rctlJ riclJeJ: (Jee 11Jalllaptl)cm tn fto1c f01 a man 4 119itlJ true tullgcment tlJc bing ftabliUiedJ !l&Dcr.
tlJat 'UJ1ll pitr tl}e poo~c. tl)e lanll : buttf fJe bca man tl)at opwdTcCIJ d)t
9 l!}c ti.Jat tumctl) a\l'lal' l)tJ ean Crom l)ca• people 1l>itl) gatl}mngJ, ~cc tumetlJ it tiptlllt
rtng ti.Jc la\tl,l)iJ P18l'Cr fbalbe abominable. Do\llnc.
1o uBIJofo taufctfJ tlJc rigl)tcou~ to ;o allrap s IWIJoro llatterctl} l)i~ nctgl}bour, laped) a
ilr an cum \tlap, flJall fautnto IJiG o\tlne pit: bat net fo11JiJ feet.
tlJe iuct Oiau fJauc gooll tl}ingsinpofi'dl'ion. 6 -m:,c finne oftl}c wtmeb tsl}ts ob>ncfnarc: .~
1 1 'CWJe riel) man tl)tnlietlJ l)imCclfe to be \litre: but tl)e ri~teous llOtl) fing anti rctorce. ~
nor,can tric but tl)e poo~c tlJatl)atlJbnt1erftant1ing,1l can per' 7 ~11£ rl(JIJtcous 'onfrbcrCtlJ tl)ecauruftlJe 1
him. ceiuc lJim '\llcUenougb. pooie : bUt tlJc bngoblp regarllctl,J no bnller' :;,:
1 2 lWlJctt ri~(Jtcou11men1>ocrciorce, tlJere iJ ftanlling. :::
grcat_glo~p : but \lll)en tiJe \lliclleb come tip , tl}c s ~Motnefull men biing a cttr into afnan: ,
mam;J tr1cn. but\llife men tume a\Dap \DJatlJ. :1:
1 3 ~c tlJatijiDctl) l)is finncs,aial not p10Cpcr: 9 9\f a 'UJtfc man contenbetlJ \llitlJ a foole: ~
but \lll1oro kno\lllellgetl) t1Jem , anb fOifaflCtl} 'llllJetlJer fJt be angrp o~ laugl]. tl}ereis no re«. ~
tiJcm, ll)all l)aue menp. 1 o ~lJe bloobtl)trar l)ate tl)c rtgtJtcous: but ~ .
14 ooct1 is IJi\n t'l'!at ftanbct1' al\llar in a\lle: tl)e inft • rcebe IJis roure. . ii.~~:.
as re~ lJim tIJat l)arllcnctlJ ))is l)cart. t.Je 11Jall fall 11 a roole btterctl) all Ins minlle at once: but .,;iiii
mto mifcllicfc. a\llife man liccpctl,J it in tiU afttt\llar!I•
. 15 asaroarin;ltona11t1anl)ungrpbeare,fo u '.jjfap~tn,cbdtgr,tinltcs)Bfl~fmUlnts
t::S atllmgolllp p1tnce ouer tfJe pooic people. are bngo!Jlp. '•
. 16 tml;Jcrctl)ep:tn'e ts \Dtt1Joutbnllerllan1>' 13 ~epooicanlltl)clllenllermuttogetl}cr, 11or,.,f,al'•
mg, tlltrc is great opp~cltion anD U11on~: butir ant> tl)e JLoill lt!W~ bot11t1Jetrcrcs. . · ,
lJtlJatetlJcouetoufnc[c,(Je11Jalllon!lrctgnc. 14 ~IJc fcare of ti.Jc fling d}at Ufattl)fuRp 11or,irui1.;:
1 1 l\)ee tl)at brbtolence flJell'bctl:J anp mans iu1>getl}t1Jepoo~e, fball ,onttnuerurcro~ cncr' :;
blooll, llJan be a runnagatc bnto l:Jis grauc, anti mo1e. . \!
no man llJalbe able to ruccour IJim. 1 s ~cro1> anb 'o~mtton gtucd} ~tfcllotnc,
ue~\ n&llofo leat>ctlJ an innoccntltfc, flJalbe fa· but a 'IJilllc left to fJiS o'a>nc mall. wmgctl} IJiS ~~
l)aue :la~t tlJat goctlHro\llarll \llai~. 0181 once '"'!~~.)~a;:1m;oDIF ~ ~rltiplirll. \llic• ·!·
Pro.u,u. • 9 ·~etl)atttn-1o·.. 1a- n. lllJau 1cn liebncffc inaeafctlJ: buttlJe riglJttousn;aUCU ~.,
eccl.lo.lo• tCOUfnClftO(b ......,.,t., ""'' &1Jt1 Cp '
pcrfotts,n1at1~~~ ~:~~:~no'llletlHblc tlJ~i r:J:ncurc
ttw ronnc 111itlJ anrection, anll
~ fatttifuu man llJaU be mkD 'cDitlJ blcf• tl)ouniattbcatrtlt: pea,IJC1"811Dot1Jccgoollat
Pro, 1 3.11. Ott~S . anb ~c tl)at makctlJ )Jalle to be ria, nian tl:Jinc (Jcart. .
notllcbngu1Itp. ' 18 DIJmtfJe\D~Dof<8ob~Jnot~acf1cll,tlJe
21 ~ol]auctefptttofp-- .. d ... peop•ft ,. ....n1.. 1ttmHtat"e""e~htlJ
notgooD,fo~tl:Jatman\l>toHu11Sm1u gemenc,1., ratu."'pm·n. ..,:.,...... _ .. lfi'.,, .., "...,...., e
1foiapicccofll~cat1. 1bo\Vionm,rea,euen 9 aaubburncrernant1»11Jnotbet1Jebtttcr ~
>vVant of Gods vvord. Proud and couetou;~·;-24.
\ fo1 tllo~D•: ~ tlJouglJ IJebnl>ertlattl>, pet \llillf.Jc tlJe poo1e from offtl)c eartl),ant> tlJe nccbtc from
notreprDtl}em. among mm.
~ 20 ~eett tfJouaman tl)at is I.Jaffy tofpealic 15 ~(JclJ01rc1cac1J1Jat1Jt\llo 1>, ctr'
~ bnaDutfcDlp 't tlJ£U iismo~(JopctnafOoletlJm ing,'31ing1.Jit1Jer,b~tng1Jit1Jer. ~mbctlmc
~~\ 1,,his
21 'tt
in IJitn.
tl)at l>cltratclp biingetl) bp f:Ji!S!lfer,
uantfromatlJilDc, fiJaHmakc1.Jnn1.Jtsmattcrat
tlJinp tlJat an ncuer rattm:en,pca,roure tlJtngs ,
16 ~lJc grauc, tl)c bamn \llombc, anti tIJc/
~ lcn;t!J. . ~artfJ ttJat l.JatlJ mun mater enougl]: as fo~ fire,
I~\ :n anangneman thrretf;Jtp ttrifc, anti I.Jee ttfaptlJneuer,~o. 1
i. tf;Jat beatctlJ euill 'llldl in (Ji!S mmnc, notl) muclJ 17 1W9oro laugIJetlJ I.Ji~ fatl)cr to ft~ne, ann ,
~~' eutlf. rcttetl.J 1.J1s motIJers commanllement at nougl.Jt, 1

\1~.n.i 9 • 2 3 II* lftcrp~iilc comm£tl)afall:butalo\lllp tlJcraucns of~ tl)c ballcppithcout(Jiscyeis, anti ~or,nfihc
~~,,.. mans fptrit bitngctlJ greanuo~ll)ip. ' tlcuourctl be l)c of tlJc pong cglc~. brooke.
~ \ic auu 24 tW(JofoispartnerWitlJ a tlJkfc,IJatctf:J 1J1s 18 ~ere be t1neetlJtn!JS\ll1Jich are\lloni:Jer' 1
)~ghim o'alne roulc: ()e ()earct(J II blarp()cmp, anl> tell£t(J f~n to me, pea, fourc 'aJIJtcl;J palfc mp tmt1eraan'
'!... •· ttnotfo1t1J. Dmg:
~ r,cur· 2 5 l!}e ti.Jilt fcantlJ mcn,fbaD IJaue a~II: but 19 ~e map of an cglc in tlJc aire, tlJc 'alap of
~,lhallbc 'allJOfOpUttctlJ 1Jt,struttint1Jc)L.01t1e, UlS'alttlJ, llfCt'pCnt bpon a llonc, tlJC 'map OfaflJiptntlJe
Jml, outiltll_!ger. . m1nne~oft1Jcfca, antltl}e'mapofaman'IDitl.Ja 1
· 2 6 Sl@anr tl)crc be t)Jatfeefic tf;Je l&~nteis fa, pong 'woman.
'~ uonr : but eucrr manis iubgement commet() 2° ~ua, tstf;Jc marauo ora tiife tl)atb~ea,
~t from tlJe JL011>. fiet(J tneblocfle' ~iCIJ 'mipctlJ IJmnoutlJ like as
~ 2 7 ~be tiglJtcous ab,t)oirctlJ tf:J.c 1mgo~lt' : \lll}cn ~,~, anti rartlJ, .a~ £01 me, '.l]
I! ann tlJe miateb l}atctlJ 1J1m t(Jatt!l mtlJc ngl]t I) eno uimrbn£ffe.
~ war. 1fo~ ttnec tlJtng~ tlJc cartt:J il1 ntrnuictctl,
~~ The xxx. Chapter. llnbtl)cfourtl}map itnotabtbc. .
:~ Thcpurcncfi"eohhcwordof God, &wh1rweougJn 22 aCctuantt1.Jatbcar£tl]rufc,afOolct1Jat1~
ro require ofGod, with cerreinc wonderfull things fUU fe~ ,... 'tdttf II _ _h . .
that arc in this world. , 2 3 .oc1. 't'l~.w U woman ~.,en. 0JCC l~ mtl~·
ncb, anti an l)anllmatb tl)at 1~ l)cm to 1.Jcr mt'
~TH• VVoaos OF AGvR TH• SoNNB llrC[£,
Q F J.utE, 24 '4n)m Ile foure tlJtng~ in tl]e cartlJ tl:Jc
1 gnb tf:Je p1opf:Jefie tlJat tl)e fame man fparte 'mbicl) arc bcrp little, but tn \llircoomc ti)cp c~,
bnto '.]]tlJicl,cucn bnto ]tlJtcl anll llllt~al. ccell tl)e toifc:
... aLirclp ']I am mo~e rqbltllJ tl)en a, 25 ~lJr cmmets arc but 11 \lleartc people,

1 -- - · -

npman, anb{Jaue uo manis bn' \lllJlclJ pct gat{Jcr tl)ctrmcattn thc~unuttcr:

•. t1craanntng. 26 ~IJe conics arc but a feeble follit, pct mahe
• 3 91 neutr ncll utcc, t1Jctr!lbo1oug1Jl:Samongtl}crochis: . ior,houfes.
1 • 11omc, no.J__ ltllgc or(Jo, 2 7 ~{Jc graOJoppers IJauc not a~ gtntJc, rct 1,or,. ki11 g.
I ff tlJlngs,. . . .• . go tlJcp fo1tlJ togcttJcr bp {Jcap~:
4 tWIJo IJatf;J tltmcl>· . . . eauen, anb 2 s ~e fpillcr IabomctIJ 'alitlJ {Jcr {Janb~, anl:l
tomcl>O'IJ>nc from tlJcncc · ti) l)oll>en tlJe i~ in lling~ palace~.
\11int1efan tn1Ji~1Jant1: to ~ertbto, • 29 ~ete1Jet1J~cet1Jingst{Jatgoc\t'!cll, rca,
IJCtlJcr ti.Jc tnattr~ in a ganu ~atl1 clla, fourc are comclr in going. •
bliOJell all tlJccnlle~ of tlJetoo~ll> • ts IJts 30 g lton tnlJICIJ i~ arongca among bcnltl:S, 1
... ,.,· name, anti \Dl]nt ii¥ IJtis fonnc~ e, tr tlJou ann IIJunnetlJ notattlJcfigtJt ofanp. I
"' 'anfttctl~ .. 3I a gt1:11'lJOUnll tlrong Ill tl)e fJflltlCf partS, It
!lfil.1 9 s. s .. <fuerp 'al~b or<l!Jobt~ pure: {Jc tu fiJieltl ram alCo, anil a lling againft wl)om no man ari, 1

-; bnto au tlJem tlJat put tlJeir trulhn {Jim. CCtlJ bp.

,.,...p, 6 * lf)ut tlJon not{Jtng bnto (Jt,s \llO~blS, ldl 32 ']If t~ou IJaft !:lone fooliflllp 1.Dl]cn tt1ou
: "d u. 3i. {Jcrcp~ooue tl}ec, anti tl)ou be founn altar. 'alall in {ligl) en ate, OJ if tiJou l)aa taficn cum 1
7 ~\Uo tl}ings 1.Jaue ']\ rcquircll or tl)ce, be' tounfell, t(Jcn lay tiJtnc (Jann bpon tiJp moutiJ. I
nic me ti) cm not befo~e] btc. 3 3 tWf)ofo churnetll millic, bJfngctlJ rooitlJ
s mcmoouc farrc from me banitp anb lies. butter, anll IJc tIJat rubbrttJ lJta nofe, ma11rt1J it 1
!lf>r,re.dmc gtuc mencit(Jcrpoucrtr no~ ridJCS,11 onlp grant blccll: cucn fo f)ce tl)atfo~tctl) \DJatiJ, btingctl)
lith food me ancccifarp Immg: foitl.J fttifc.
~oouenicnt 9 'JLcll pcrallucnture ']\ heittg full OJOUfi) tie'
~irrur, ntctl)ee, anti rap, 1101)0 tis tlJclLo~ll~ o~bcing op' 2 He exhortcthThe xxxj. Chapter.
p~Cll'etl tnttf;J poucrtr , faR to 1tcaling , anti fo~,
to chafi;ry and 1ullicc-, Io :ind fliew-
eth 1hcconditions of a wife and worthy woman.
f\llcare t(Jc name of mp ©oll. ,
1 o accurc not a (cruant bnto IJtS mailer, fell 1 ~c'mo~ll~ofhing•JLttmuef, anbtl}elcf, •l~murtn~· !
IJc fpealte cum of ti.Jee, anti. tl)ou be 1.Jurt. . ron tlJattJismotl)er tauglJt l)tm. 1
::~.~.'_' :~~n\{ :
11 ~l)erc ts a genera non tt1at curfetf;J tl.Jtir ~atmyf~ntte: \Ul)att}Je fcnnc cf ·!>'..1':'.1u~~~ I
fatl)er, ann tiotlJnot blclTe tllcn: motlJ~. mpbOllt' . anti \Ul)at, i!) mr 1.Jcarc '''"_•hrninp!: I
iOr,whofc 12 ~ere ilS a generation II tfJat tl)ntllc tlJ~' bdouetl Connc: · ~,',;;'c',~i:.H~: .
fefut,S tleane, ant1 pet i~ not dcanfcl) from t{JClf 3 $iue. not OU"r .. fl.•.11' ari.'.ngti.1"" \lJ''-l!l<'Dl'"
:yrs arc r~nimo '" .
oiuric, filtl)inclfe. • • a~b wares \!.lomm, \11l_1tct1 ~~1f~~':';~~~:
13 im::tiere ts a gcnrrati.on t:IJ~t IJ«tlJ a p1out1 are tlJc llcllrucnon ~~· oflimfls. . ::n~~·:.:nt
foolie,ann notIJ call bp t1Jc1r ere l11>is. 4 SJD)L.amuel, ttisnouo~ ktng~ ittanotI "'""""""'·'
14 ~ere ts a generation \U~ore ttttlJ arc as fay,. fOJ liill~ tob1inftc ltlinc, no• Pllllffp nron!! I :.~:::;~ maur i
rmoJllS, ann tlll'tt tames a~ Imme~ to llcuourc i:mnlic.. • · /
I ~' 2 5 'LLrll1
A verruous '1vife Ecclef1afl:es. defcribed and praifed.
,jOr, ordi. 5 Jl,tll tl:Jcp bp b,tnking fo~![ct ~e 11 la'al,anlJ 18 anD if tl.Je pmtiUttlJ tlJ8t ~IJUl\Di~e
11 •ncc. pm1ert tl}e iUlli1C111£ntOfall II poo1emtnJHl}ll• botlJ goolJ, l)er t:an'bk goetlJ not out bf ni~t.
i10r, of all ll:tn, 19 ~IJe lapetl)l)R ftngtt:s to tl)dpinble.anD
the affi.ckd 6 dfSiU£ n... 011 1T o•mfie tmtO fU(:l) ~Ste rtallp l;Jerl}anlJ talietlJ l)ollle of tt)c 'D'itlaffr.
children. " tf-h t
to pettDJ,anIIIHwinei:> tin

to tl:JO·~ .,..,a moume. . :zo ~l)c opmetIJ l;Jer l)anns to tl)e pooie, vea,
7 ~lJat tlJCF map onnke 1t, ano ro~get tlJetr a1cc ttrct'l;Jetl} ~t:lJ l}er l}an?Jes to fuel) a~ l}auc
miferr anII aouerutr. necn.
s l5ee tl]ou an aouocate foi t1)e numbe, to :z r ~I.lee fcarctIJ not tl:Jat ti.Jc colnc of minter
f pc:ake tn tiJc caufc of all fuel} as be nmourlttTe in 11Jall 1Jurt l;Jer l;J~t, foJ all l:)er IJOUCel)olllc
tf.Jis trannton' wo,u1. fo Ill• art clotl)elJ toitlJ rcarlct.
· 9 ~pen t11P moutlJ,lJefenlJ tlJetI:Jing tl}at is 2 2 ~(Je mallctIJ t)erfelfe faire omammt•,IJer
la'alfuU ano riglJt,anll tl}e caure ot' tl.)e poo~e ann c;IOtlJmg iSJ bll1itc lillltano purple.
l}elplelfe. . 23 $cr1Jufbat111is~lllttb1:'intl}egatess, 1101,~
1 o 1101Jofo finlletb an J)onetl fattlJCul woman, wtJm l}c fittetlJ among ttJtmletjl of tl)elano. ca. ·.
24 ~l)c malietlJ dotlJoffillie, 11111Jfdltt:l}it,
aic t~ mo,e 'alooittJ tl]en pearics.
11 -m::ur J.Jeart orner l)urbano mar fafelp trull ann llcUueretlJ girlllc$1 bnto tl)c merc.l)ant. .
pr. hdhoI tn l}er,fo tl}at l)e OJallfall into no II pouertp. :z 5 ~trengu, ann IJonour i$11Jer'1ot1Jing,a11lJ ~
noue 110 12 ~l}e \Dill lloe IJim goolJ, anlJ not eutll, all in tl)c latter iJapeSJ 11.Je il1all morcc. :
n cede cf tl)e baFC~ ofI.Jet life, 26 ~IJe opcnctlJl)cr mouttJtoitlJ'mifebome,
fro1Ies:11m 1 3 ~~e occuptetl) \tloon anti,anolabou' anb in l)tr tongue i~ tl]c la\\l of ~acc.
",1" ouu rctl) glalJlpwltlJ I:JerIJanll~. 2 7 ~l:Jc looftetl;Jwclto tl}c toaic~ oflJer IJOUfc·
;~~~~1~~ 14 ~11e t~ lihe a merCIJant~ fiJip, tl:Jat ~ing:' l)olllc,ann catetl) not ()er b_1cat1 tllitlJ iDltnrtrc.
riu~g vn. etfJ l]cr II bictuaf~ rrom afarrc. 28 $ttc1Jtl1>~rnarifebp. anbcalll]trbldfeb, ,,
lrnfuiry, 15 ~(Jei~bpittti.JeniglJt rearon, toptotiillt anti I} er llulbanb fi.Jatl II matte mmlJ of I.Jet, 10r,
~or,bre•d. mrnt fo~ l}er l)oufei.JolDc, anti Cool> foil)ermai• 29 Slll)anp naugl)tcrl3 there: bee that gatl)errio -
nm~. cIJes togetl}er : but tl}ou go ca aboue tl)Clu aJL
16 ~~ccottfiDeretI:Jlanll, anlJbupetl:Jit:anl:I 30 ~foHauomittsllueitCull, anllbcautie -
n1itlJ tiJC fruit of l)cr IJanlJ~ 11.Je piantetlJ a bine• iSS a batnc tlJing : bUt a \'Doman tl}at rrartt!J dJc
parll: l..01iJ,ffJalbc p,aifctl.
17 ~tic gir'llttlJ lJtr loine~ mttlJ ttrcngtl},111111 31 $itreI:JeroftfJe fruitof1Jerf)at111s:anll1£t
fo~titietl.J l}er arme~. ~er o1Dne \llo,ks p~atft IJtt tn tlJC gate~.

The end of the Prouerbs ofSolomon.

~~The Booke of the Preacher, other-

vvife called Ecclefiafl:es, '\tvhich is
Solomon the l(ing.
fOr Solomon is called in Scripture by three fundrynames. The one, Solomon, th.ttis, · j'
1 ~e mAaker of peace. Th_he fehcond, ld~fa, thac isc B_e~oued ofif~ohd. T~e chird,EccIdelfia~sf,
t1iat 1s, Prcac1ier, teac ing t at true eterna11 re 11c1cy con ntet not in anywoua1y\v1 - 1 ..

, ',
dome or abundance of riches, or in carnall plcafore, which all be but vaine and rranficory:
but h~prouech chat true fdicityconfifleth in a wholeioyning our feluesto God by pure re- · _.
ligion, that is, with a fyncerc faith and the feare of God, obfcruing his commandemencs, f.

The fir fl: Chapter.
.· d f
annretutnetlJ to
rife agalnc.
IJi~ place, tl)at_l}et mar tl)rrc :;~·~
2 II things in this world 3rc full of vanm~, :an o 6 ~l}c \'Dint> ioetl)to'Q)arb tlJt .,OUtlJ, anb ~~
none cndmanc.c. 13 All mans wifc:domc: is but tumetlJ tlnto tl)e §(}~tlJ, fe~et(J lJiS rompatre, .,
folly and gricrc. \'DIJirl~ttJ about, a11t1 g;oetl1fO~tl), anti rc~tetlJ :
f!~~~&J 11) Ge too~oeis of tl)c ~icacl)er againe to lJis circuit" rre1n t»IJm'e IJe llJ!J come. j
tl)e ronne of Jeauitl fling of 7 *an lloollisrunne mtoel)e&a, ann rct ts Eccl•.pj
~ierufalcm. tbc rca it fclfe not fillelJ : fOJ loohe lmto Wllat ·
~ U1bot~not
conno11m11Jc 2. •au ts but motbaine place tl)e \uaterSJ nmnt, dJmU tl)cy come to
tlamtp, raitb tIJe10~ead)er, tlo'm againc.
a1•u1l:b11rll11 ano au iSJ moll tlame, I fay, s ~m tlJni«SJ«refolJarOtobefm.o'mcn, t(Jat
PCttitm. ano • _ ., anributplainetlanitp. nomanc.anc~ieffetl}~m: tbccpu!Snotfatifli,
r1Ju1Jlt1r :rnn 3 foJ \t>IJat e1ss11at1111man elJ '\Ditl! ngbt,tl)e cams not fUlcD 'alttfJ1Jearin11.
f'Ml1h1\Dr,ID• ofalltl)elabottttl)a~IJetaJieti)tlnl:lcrtl)cCunne:'
r~u~ t;1~r mr.n
9 ¢i:)e tl)ing; tl)atlJatlJ brmc. commcttJto
4 One !!Cnerntton paCfctl) a'lllaF anotl}er patre againe, anD t:1Je CiJang; tl)at IJatlJ bme bone,
tommctlJ: but tl)e eartl) abibetl) nm. ' RJall be bone apme : ttJm iSJ no ne'al tlJing bn,
_ _ _ _5_cm1c Cunne nnretb,t~e runne goetl) i:Jo'tlm. • dJt runne.
'he vanicie of Chap. ij. \ivorldly chings. i25

1 o '.1\tl ti.Jere anp tlJing \l>IJmor tt map bee I0 anb loOllC \Dl)atfOCUct. t11'p e:pef;I llCfitCb, 9\
rarb:JL.oe..•gnemc:' fo1 it\l>a1Stongagaein let tIJem l]auc it: anb \Dl)cretn roeucr mr IJeart
tl)e: ttme:is t:J;Jat tJaue: bme: be:foze bl3. lleligl)te:n OJ IJ111> anr pteafUre. 11 \DitlJIJelb it
11 ~e:t1Jtn~t1Jatit1pallil3outofrrmill1Sntt: not from it : ~snnp l)eatt reiotceb in an tlJat
eucn ro tf;Je: tlJJup tl)at are: fo1 to come:. OJaH no 1 nib, anti tlJiS mas mr po~tion or an my tra,
mo~e bet tl]oug!Jt bpon among tl}em tl}at come: uaJle.
after. 11 l6ut \DIJen ']\ confibcteb all tlJc \Do1lir~
12 -J) mp feire d}C-Jtac1Jce\llat11ringof'.)Jfra, tl)atmp 1Jannt1 lJab m~ougllt, anull tl)e:labour
cl at $Jmlfalem, tl)at 91 IJab taflcn tl)cretn : Ioe., all llJSfJ bUt bani'
13 .anb bib applie mp minbe to reme: out anb tteann be:ration of minne,an1> notl}ing of any
rcard,1 fo~ t(Je Imotolcngc of all tlJin~ t(Jat arc baluc bnllcr tlJc ~unne.
Done bnllrt l)caucn: (~uclJ trauailc anb labour 12 • ~l]cn tumeb 91 me to confiller \llifel:IOmc. :p~i~:i:~~b•t
l)atlJ <IESob giuen bnto t{Je c(JilD1en of men, toe)'.' rtrOUt,8111> fOO{lllJUC[C (fOt \tllJat il.1 IJC£ among "''"ill'!'"' bet
cnne t1Jemrc1uct1 tlJcrtin.) mentl)atmi~tbe«imparentomec tlJe mngtn :~~~~·;:·,\~n.
14 ~UIS {Jaue 'Jl conrtnercb all tlJefe: d}tngs in ruclJ mo,kct1:') :~~·.~,·t~,b~'
tf;Jat come to pafl'e bnDcr t(Jc runne: anb;Jep , I 3 an!> '.lJ fa\lle tl)St \llifebome cyce{JttlJ fo0' ~~::~~~mal
, arc an but banitie ann be,tation ofminbe. lttlmctre,as farrc as.1 liglJt botlJ bamcnetre.
'; 111.aoi 1 5 b l1r:IJc croobcb cannotbemabc flraig{Jt.no1 14 * cjf01 a\Dire man (Jatl) lJiS e:icl.1 in lJifS l)can, Pro.1 p4.
:.;::,, tf)e imperfection of t{Jin~ can be numb1eb. but tl)cfoole gocttJ in namcnetre: '.ll pmeiuen al, 1 ~b b b
~:t 16 'JI communeb mitlJ mine o\llne l]cart, rar, ro ti;Jat W,cpbotlJ flJall one enb. raff<rtt°k,·~ ••
::::" ing, )L,oc, 'JI am come to greatetlate, anb{Jauc 15 ~lJen t1Joug1Jt 1 in mp nnnne, ]fit IJsp' \::!~~~.!~!biJ
:.wotm· gotten mo~c \llifenome tijmalldJer tlJat(Jaue pen bnto tlJe foole as itbotl) bnto me, ~l]at nee, :~~,'J~'1\~~~~
·:;.:D bcnc bcfo~c me in $ierufalem. llttlJ me tl)en tO labOUr 81lp mote (OJ 'Q)ifebotnC:' rhe boD?,tb<~
le:'' 17 l\?ea,mr IJeart {Jab great ewctience of\Dir ~o 1 conrctren toitl]in mp l)eart tl)at tf;)ts atfo D" bolll aukc.
·: 11•
Dom anb bno\lllet1gc:fo1 t{Je:runto '.] applieb mr
minbc,tlJat 1 migt,Jtlmo\ll \ll{Jat\llere wifebom
toass bUt banitie•
16 cjfoJtlJe toircarc eutt as little in rtme:m'
anll bnberflanbing , \D{Jat \llerc errour anll foo' btance ais tlJe fooltltJ: fo~ tlJe t1are15 lball «ime,
11ninet1: anll ']J pmeiue:b t{Jat dJitl mais alfo but s l»IJcn an CIJan be: fo1gottcn: pea, tl)c 'Wik man f., ~!:;~:
a be,tation of minll. nietlJ ais \Dell al.1 tl)e: footc.
1 s '.ff01 tolJm mucl) \Dife:llome: is,tl)crciss alfo I 7 ~US began ']j tO bCC \Dcatr Of tt11' life, ju,
· great trauailc anll lltrquictneffe: anll tl)e: mo1e fomucl) tl)l1t '.)J coulll a\Dar \DttlJ not1Jin1J tl}at
1motolenge a man 1Jat1J,t1Je mo;e i!SlJitl care:. ts bone bnl>er tlJe ~unne: fo1 all \Dais but 11Sni,
tie: anll bcyation ofminne.

The ij. Chapter.
18 h Fea, 1 toais toeatie of mr labour ml)icb ~,~n:: ·~·
1 Ple1Jure, fumpmous buildings,riches,and polrelli- 'JI l)an tafsen b~cr tl}e ~unnc,becaure '.3i llJOUlb ~:,~·1~·,•g•
ons are bu1vaniry. 14 Thewifeandchcfoolchanc bee faint to lcauc tl)em bnto anot(Jtt man tlJat eon.
: borh one end !ouching the bodily death.
commetl)aftcrme.. .Q b • b
-proucth tenfaill j\ t{JUj.1 in mp l)eatt,@o\D 19 ; Qnll \lll)o tmo\DctlJ \DlJe:tf)ct bee fl)aU be a :n•n'ti:!c ~i.
~re · 'goe to,• 91 \llill tabc mine earr, anti wife man OJ a foote: :' ann rct n1all l)e:e bee lotb of t~~~~·.i! r.i~:~~
.. ons, , IJaue !!JOOb bareis: but loc, t}Jatil.1 all mp laboims, \lllJiclJ j\ witlJ fuch. 'lll!fenome: ~~~~~f,\W b•
r.irurn- ~ lJanttJe alfo, IJaue taflcn tmber tl)e ~unne:: ~~,, tj.1 alfoa mranu,to
:~~~- . 2 ')Jnfomucl.J tl)at b9) farnbn, bainetl)in~ ~b:~::,~~.
•ny to tlJe: man gtuen to laugtJter, ~(Jou art mall : 20 ~o
1 tumcb me:e to rcfi"atnemp minllc \;,'~.~:·~~~r
tidly ann to mtttl), twt,lat boelt ttiou:' from an fuelJ trauaile ais ] tooke bnncr ttJe ;~.~.~;:~~
afore, 3 '~O ']I tl)ougl)t tn tnf l]eart to gtuc mp flCOJ ~unnc, •11>ou.
~c:.:,~· bnto toine:, anb a«aine to applie mp minnc llnto i1 foi llfmuclJ al,1 a man mouln \llcarr l)lm,
:ri1.... \Dtfcbome, anb to compJe:l]e:nnfooliOJnctre: bn' rem~\llitlJ \llirtllome, \DitlJ bnbertlanllinganll
111 :im; ttll tlJe time: that among al~ tl)e tl)ing~ \DlliclJ oppoitunttie, ann petbee: faine to leaue IJiss
;J'.:i::" arc bnber t(Jc ~unne, JI m1g1Jt fte: tol)at \Dcre ~bours bnto anotl)cr tlJat neuer f\llcat foi
:r:,: betl foJ men to boe ro long 8$1 tf)ep liue: bnller tbem: ~tis is alfo a bainc tl}tng, anl> great mt,
~l'aall111· l)e:aucn. rcrtc.
!!!t11•1 4 d'JI mancgoigeoul!I f~ire\DotJJU: jlbu1l :i.z f Of'tUIJat ~e:ttetlJ a man ofau tlJc labour
~:.i';. bell mp l)oufe,anD plantcn 1nneparbt1. ann trauaile or 1J1is minbe: , tl)atl}e: tabctlJ bnlln
t.:i~..., 5 'jj mallc mec ©J~arlll.1 anb ~arncns of tl)e~unne,
~~:::~.. ptc~rure , plantcll tmis m tl)cm of au mancr or 2 3 l6ut IJcautne[e:, ro~o\ll, ann bifQUfctnetre

~aor ftultl.1. all t(Je: nareis of IJil.1 lire: inromuctJ tl)at lJis IJe:att
i.t:b••t•it 6 ']j mane poolcl.1 o_f\Datcr,to \llatcr tlJe green can not rett in ti)e nigllt '! ~lJi$1 is alfo a baine
=-~~1• anti fruitfult tree is nntIJalL . tlJing.
Z',','!' "1, 7 'Jl bou~treruantisant1ma1t1enis, anb I.Jal> :41l.1itnotbettcrtlJen foiamantoeatcann
=i ,,...1 a great l)ou(l)oln: al.1 fOJ cattcll anb fl.Jeqie: ~ l)ab lliinke:,anblJissfouletobeemerieinlJis labour"'
~":1 ' moie fubtlance of tl)cm, tl)cn an tIJep tf;lat were rea,1 ratoe tl)at tlJiS alfo tis a !lift of~ob. •
,.,. ::j~: be:ro~ me in tierufalem. . . 25 '.ffo11Dbo \llilleate, 01goemo~tlu«tlp to
lJltl 'IDOJke tlJm 'JI·
=:am:~. s 1 igatl)cre:b togett,Jcr mun anti golb, anti
;.•:~ tlJe: ~iefe tre:afUrel!I oflnn~ anb lanb$1: ~ l)aue 26 an11m)W:' 0~ngtuctl)to tlJtman tlJcitts
~..,,.,. t11 PJOUtbe:ll me:emen rtngcrl!lanb wommfingerl.1, goob befo!e 1J11u, '111rcbomc,bnt1erftant1ing, anll
'"- ant1tlJCbe:liglJtt1oft1Je ronne:isof men, auwo, ~~anne:ffe. but bnto tlJt rtnner l)ce giuctlJ we:a,
man taken captiue, anb momm tallen cap• nnefi'~, tlJstIJe null' gatl}er anb l)eapt to'1£t1Jer
tiucis. . . tl]e tlJm_g tlJat aftmDaro ClJal be gtum bnto IJim
9 ann ']\ \Dal.1 greater anll1n mo1e \lloJOJtp \ll~om 1t plea~ <IES~l:I: '.4t1Jil.1 itl notllt a baine
tlJcn all mp pJe'DrctffoJl!I in '1mll"atem,fo; mife' tfJ~ng, rea, a bmt ~fqmetnerre anb teration or
borne mnaincb witlJ me:. nunlle.
The I
Time for all things. Ecclefiafles. The innocent oppreffedi
The iij. Chapter.
22 DIJ.moic ~ 11ucciuc tl)at tl)ue tssnotl)tng
t All things haue their time. 14 The workes of God better foJ a man,tJJmto be io1!(t1ll in l:Jii:s labour,
:uc perfcd:,and caufc vsto_feare him. 17 God lhal foi tl;JattlS IJiS IJO~tton: bUtb>l)O lDtll b~ing l)im
iudgc both chc iull and vmull. to fee tlJc tl)ing tlJaUballcome after (Jim~
, 11irb•a11i • •
merr •tlJinglJatl}atime, rea,an
tl)attsbnbttdle l;cauen l)atlJIJi~ The iiij.Chapter.
~:~~·, ~,fn. 'onucnicnt rearon. • 1 The innocent arc opprdfcd. 4 Mens labo11rs2rc
i~~·~~~~'; 2 ~ereis_atimet~be~o,nc, full olabufe 2nd vanitie. 9 M:ms fociety is ncce!fa-
r~~~: ~~l~~; ?"ti a ttmc to lite: tl.Jtte lfS attmc ~o rie. 13 A yong m.ln pooreand wife, is to be pre.
plant' anti a ttme to pluclie bp tl}c tl)mg tl)atl!5 fcrred before an old king that is a foolc,

'" b• no"" 111
orr,ana m... planfcl>. !lD 'JI t~rncll me, anll conCit1ercll all
lun. 3 atimetoaap, a11t1atimctomallcU11Jolc: tl)c btolent \DJong tl)at i$5 bnbcr
a time to b~calle t101Dnc,anb a time to butlll bp. tl,)c ~unne: anll bc{JolO,tl)e trarcs
4 g time to hlrepc, anb a time to taugl) : a of fuel) as 'OJcre opp1etrc1>, 1J tlJcre
time to mournc,anll a time to Dauncc. 'OJ~!5 no man to 'omfo~t tlJnn, oi
s g time to call a'OJap lloncs, anb a time to tIJat \tloulll Oebuer anti bcfcnll ti)cm from tl)e
gatlJer nones togctl)cr: a ttmc to emwacc,anll a biolcncc oftl}cir opp1elfour$5.
ttmcto rcfratnc fromcmb~acing. 2 1101,Jcrcfoie '.3i II iuDgcll t~ofe tf,Jat arc beat>, 10i:
6 a time to 'OJln,anb a time to lore: atimcto to be mo1c t.Jappic ttJen tlJofe t(Jat be aliue:
fparc,antl a time to fpcntl. 3 •1Pca,t,J1m tlJat is rct bnbomc, to be better ;:
7 g time to CUC In pictel$, anti a timt to fo\lle at .rare tl}cn tl.Jcr botlJ: becaufc 1Jee rcctl) not tl)e 19
togctIJcr: a time to lieepc fllencc, anll a time to nnrerable 'OJ01lis tl)at are Done bnllcr tlJc ~un. :.i.
fpenlir. 4 b agatnc, g\ fa'OJ tl)at an trauarlt. 81tll tJifi,
s g time to Jouc,anb a time to l}atc: a time gencc oflabom tlJat mcrr man taflctlJ in 1Jan11, ~
of\l.1am,a11t1 a time ofpcm;e, '!J'&S bone~enui.c a~atnll f)i$5 ne!glJllour: ~SS _....
9 nDlJatl)atlJ a man tl$Stl,Jat botfJanr tlJtng, tts alfo a bame tlJ•f!g,anba be,;ataon of min be. :t
but \Dcanncfi'c anll labour1 s c ~c roole folllctl) IJiS lJanbS togctl)cr,~ ::.,
~P~,~~,~~·tur 10 hfo~ as tou,l)ing ti.Jc crauailc anb careruJ, catet!J bp IJis o'OJnc fleflJ. •, ..
'""' m~n t1C.G1lll)icl) <130)) f,JatlJ giUCU bnto men,] Cee tl)at 6 ilDncl.JttnllfUll fairhhcei~bcttcr \Dltl)rctf,
~,~~\~ ~;;\;.u, f}e l)atlJ gtucn it t}1cm to be e,;mtfcll in it. tl}en botlJ tIJc l}anllcs fUU \tlitlJ labour atlll era.
.~\~~~~~:~. 11 aUtlJtngsl)atl)l;Jc mallebcauttrultntl.Jeir uailc of minbe.
g~~~~,g~~. timqc::,furtIJcr tl]cn tIJts,l)cclJatl) plantell ti.Jc 7 Silotcoucr, 'JI tttrnell me, anb bel)olllcptt
~~~1~~~~ 1 ' 1110~1~mt(Jcir IJcarts, tlJatman map notcom• anotlJer banitie bnlltt ti.Jc ~unne :
<Gioe. 1WCl}Cl1'tl tl)C too~rtc tfJat 0ollmaltctlJ Cromtl)e
s ~(Jere 1$5 one man, no moJc but 1.Jimfclft
bcginilingto tl)c cn?I. alone, t.Jauing nctttJcr ctJllDt no~ b1otl)tt, pee is
1 2 ~o 'JI pmctuen tflat in tt;Jore t{Jing~ tlJttc tf,Jcre no tnb of l.lis careful ttauaile, fJi$5 cyrs can
i;s notl)ing better foi a man tl)en to bee mmic, not be fattffiell lDttlJ ri'IJCS : yec fuych he not, fa;
aniltolloc \Dell ass longasf,JetiuctlJ. U11Jamlloc'.Jj takcfuel.l ttauailc:' ro: Ui(Jofeptea,
1 3 ~o,i all tIJat a man eatctl) anb lliinfictfJ, furc ooe] tt.Jus confumc awar mr lift:' ~t$SUS
rca, '1.llJatrocucr a man cniopctl) of an l;li$5 la, atro a batne anb mtrcrablc tl)ing.
bour,tllat fame is a gift of ©oil. 9 d ~crefo1e rtllo arc betterttcn one, ro1 ~:"':'l
14 '] confitlerell alfo, tl)at 'all)atfocuer 0ob tl)cp mar \Dell enior ti.Jc p1ofitc or tlJcirlabour: 1omlir1~
tloctlJ, it continuctl,) ro~ mer, anb tl)at notlJing foHf one oCtl)em fal1Ji$5 companion(Jclpctl)f)im :Ui....
canbcputbnto it, no1tahenfromit, anlltl)at bpagamc.
®oll iloctlJ it,to tl)c intent tllat men 11Jo111D feare r o l5ut t»oe its I.Jim tl)attss alonc,CoJ irtJc fall,
llim. l)c l)atlJ not anotlJtt to IJelpc l)im bp.
· rs ~ctl)ingtlJatlJatl)bcne,i~nom:anlltlJe 1 1 agafne. \tllJen t\tlo aecp togctl}cr tlJC!' arc
tl}ing ttmti.G roito tom~ tJatlJbcve aro1etimt: 'lllannc: bUtlJo\lJecan abot11cbc\Darmealonc1
fo~ ®otl rcllo~ctlJ agatn tl}c tl)ing tJJat was pall. u ~nc map bee ouercome, but no~ mar
16 {ll!)o~eouer, 'Jl fa\llc bnller tl)c ~unnc bn' marte rcmtan~c: a tl)~cc foli:I gable tts not l1g1Jt1r
go~lincrrc in t1Je neall of iullgemcnt, anll tntqui, b~often.
ttc mtl)e Ilea)) of rtg{Jtcaurnc ere. 13 9:poo~cdJllllbcitt(l\1Jtfe, tlbtttcrtlJcnan JIOr,wllo
11 'ijtl)cn tlJougl)t 1 in mp mfnll, <13oll flJRll fc, olbe king tl}atDotetlJ, II anD cannot bc\lJarc m mciuc •
~'~~:~.·~:"' parateti)erigl)teous from ttJe bngolllp:anll tl)cn time to come. . monilioa
~t~,~·;~~::.;: llJaUbc tlJe timcanT:J iullgcmentof all c.ounfcli:s
<bmu n,. b•· llnb \llo~h£!l
14 ~omconccommctl)out.ofp~ffon, anllt$5
mat1ealiing, anllanotl)cr~.asbomcmtfJe ~
~1;,·,~~,.'~~,. 1 8 ']\conimunell 'OJitlJmineoume l)cartalfo
kingt1ome,c01111nct1J bnto tJOU!.Ric. . . ti: :rJ
::~1'c ~{',.!Ji,~ concerning tlJe clJiUJien of men, l}olDe 4301> lJatfJ 1 s anll] p~ctiuel> tl]at alhntn hmng bn, ,~... .,
:1:11i~ :-:;~n,0~; d)ort11 t\Jem, allb ~ct lettetl) tlJcm appcare as btrtlJc ~unne• goe\lJftlJ tf,Jefecontlc(Jllllc,tfJat :'::'~;.1
b•DI ot m•n tl)Otl~) tl.)e1! \1)£te btilflSS 11.Jall ftanll bp in U,C llraD of dJC otlJtr, o:r-b::-
ini~~lll pomtr blttO '1foHt"'a
19 be •.,, •t>nto 1UCl1. a"'"·c
u ., PPClll'*"' I boc..,
"" 16 9i:s ro:tlJc pe=tlJ!IC l}aue lltenc bcfoJe ~m.~.
1Ji111,anll tl)at come . l}mt. tlJCV arc 1m1unte' ~l.~:.:i:t
ol «a fpult of
~~b• 1mmo1. 11
1a11tic of rh1
a !S.CUtn one COlll>ttion bnto tl)em boft:
"atl) ......
fj <+.
••ie one bittlJ,fo tlietl} tl)c OtlJtr:pea,tl)qtlJaUt
boti) onep•tnmanet. Ofb•ca*"'
• HJ •• fo ""at
a man
rable, anb *' t11ac come a~ )Ju~ fiJan not re, :;~p::.i::
· f · ....,.,,..,. tJaintl)mg,atlllbr~a, p\Jtl
'"" • .. mtnence abou~a bcaft but arc an
[JUI< IB 110[ of \Ill'
k"''"'"bP •1
:r~~~::~~. fubT:Juel> bnto ban\tie. ' uon o mmbe. . "'"'· ma11
17 D1:Jea1 t~ comnult mto .t!Jc IJoure or".11
,,,. ..,1•••• 20 ~Jcrgoallbtttoonep•~,,•• c:o•a"'""~b" '3o~fl~cpc tlJr foote, 8l1iJ 11~11'\Dc mgl), <3ol> ~.~~;~~~. 1
ii Or, ofrhe an0 r"~U11"
fp1mornoo. rh ltlJ
,,o ,.,,a C1!1llltUtntbnto .....,,_f ..
"'""'· "bUltapsne. 'ID(JtdJ UI at l)anll llll}J]eare, tlJat tl;lou gwe not lDO)D of~·'
chdJrc11 ol 2 I UD{JO llno'\1.letlJ tlJe IPlttt of II man tl)at tl}es otmng90f tije1": foJ tlJCl' lino\\1 nougt)t, :;~:;:;:~,
m<!l. ~octlJ bp\Uarll, anlJ tl)e bicatl.) of tl)e bealt ttJat . buttoboecutD. ~ramr1nr.

Couecoufneffe infariable. Chap. v. vj .vij. Agoodnan1e. 226
The v. Chapter. 19 <jfo~ l}ee tl)inlietl} not mUtlJ l)o'ID longl)ec
1 Not to fpeake lightly, chicHyinGodsmatters, 9 ff.Jan ltue, roiarmucl} ass <lf5oll fillctlJ l.Jiis IJrart
The couetous c3n ncuer haue enough. tutti) glallnctre.

lf•notbatlp\llitl.Jtfnmout:IJ, ~nil The vj. Chapter.
let not tl)ine l)eart rpeab anp tl)t~g The miferablc cllatc of him to whom God hath gillcn
rall.Jlp befo1e ca;oD , fo1 ca;ob ts m tichcs,and not the grace to vfethcm.
IJeaucn, \t tl)ou bpon eartl.J : tlJere' Jl)m is pet a plague bnller tlJc run,

fo1e let tlJp \l'J01DSS be fem.
2 1]'01 \\ll)erc mmlJ alrefUlnetre ts, tlJere are
manp llteamess : anll \DIJere manr mo1lless are,
tIJerc men map IJeare foolcss.
3 *'.Jiftboumaflcabo\\letmtoca;o11, benot
aatfieto perfo1meit: ass co~roolil!Jbo\\le~, l)ce
tJatf) no pleafure In tlJcm : tf tlJou p1om1Ce anp
D anll it ii!! a gcnerall tl)lng among
men: tulJen <!Doll giuctl} a man ri,
'.(Jes, gooDIS anD [Jonour, ro tl}at l)e
\\lantet(J notl)ing of an t;IJat l:ns
l)earc can ncflre, ann rct <15oll gtuct[J l)lm not
leaue to enter tlJe fame, but anotl)cr man fpcn'
nctl} tlJem: '4!;1JiSS iis a baine tlJing, anD a mifcra,
fJ,':/:;,,, Cl)ing,pap it. blcplaguc.
:~:~:~;· · 4 b 1!'01 better i~ it tlJat t{Jou mafle no bo\lle, z. ~ raman beget an l)unll~ell cl)ilt11cn, anb
i~r.;':J!~i· tl)cn tbat tl)ou n1oulbettp1omlrt,anD not pap. Itue manp peeress, Co tl)ac IJilSllapes arc manp in
1111;,.u11u 5 ~uffer not ti.Jr moutb to tauk ti.Jr fleCIJ number, anll pet cannot eniop IJiS gooll, • ncl, • '!!b• tut•k•n
:,t::::,~;.c foHo c Cinne , neitl}er Cap tl}ou befo1ct1Je angel, tlJcr be burteb, ass fOJ !Jim, '.JI Cap, tl)at tmtimclp ~~·~~:~;I:/~~'
::,~~~e tl}ac it i~ tlJP igno1amc: ro1 tl)en liDoll \lliU be an, birtl) tss better tl}cn tJe. ~:,~~·;~·~ric
:;,~,WI:~. grp at tlJF tiotte, ~ belltop an tlJe 11>01be ottgtne '
3 •fo11Je commttlJ to nouglJt,~ Cpenlletl) l}ilS f\onom o! a
::,:~~1~~- t.Jannss. ttme In Darbncffe, anb l)iS name i!S fOJgottcn. mono burtan,
.m11nl• "'" 6 d .anll 1Dfn' ~ \lll)ereass are manp t11camess, 4 ~o~rouer, (Jc reetlJ not tl)c ~unne, anll ~\·,~~ 1~1~~~~l;,
.:~rr~~·. anll manp wo~t1ss,t1Jereare alfo niucris banittcss, · kno1Det1J not oett:anll ret (JatlJ lJc mo~e rett tIJen ~6.~v1;~~~;;i
·~~ioucor but IoortctlJat tl}ou fcare <lf5ob. tlJe otl)er. otfo1Cr.
;.~0 ~':. 7 :l)ftl)ourccllt1Jepoo1etobeopp1e1Tcb, anll s ]?ea,tbouglJ {Jc liuell t\llo tl)ourant1 reres,
i ...,.' bu: to~ongrunp llealt \\litIJaH, Co tl)at equitte ann pet l}atl) l]c no 1i1ooll life : ~orne not all to bone ~.!7,~.~~~:::.•
:~~" b• riglJt of tlJc Ia\\l ilS micftei'l tn tl}c lani'l .• ma~ell place:' "mar bl 11
~~~":,;,, nottl)ouat Cutl]atl}ing: ro11Je t1Jat1isc1Jigl)er 6 au tlJe labour tlJat a man talictf.J, tis ro1 ~r::,~%~~:~'."
;~~~~~~r· ti)cn tiJe IJigl)eft, regaroctl}, anll tl)erc be lJiglJer IJim. 11 rctre,
. ann ret IJtss nenrc iss ncuerftllen arm: """ 11
...,.,..,,, !1J Cll tiJep. lJISS mmlle. · mou1l1 •
::t:~g s 1'4!;1Je imrcare of t{Je cartlJ hptolllctl) all 7 1fo~ \tl{Jat IJatl) tl)e \\life mo~e tl)en tl)c
~~~:mo! tlJingis: pea, tl)c fling l}imfelfc ilS mainteinci) bp roole:' \ll(Jat l}clpetl} it tl}e poo~e,tl}at lJe c Jtno\ll' ~.f~.:!~;~~··
;rarr•i•r lJUCbantup. ctfJ to \\lalke \\litlJ fooleµ bcfoic tlJc lining; b•lD" u!c bt•
iepi111u. 9 ~e tl)at Couetl} monep, \lliH neuer be fatif. 8 ~(JeJcicarcfiglJt Of tlJecrei)1bctteUl}cn n~',:~o~:~;~t
fiell \llitlJ monep: anll l}e tfJat louctlJ ritl)cs llJall tf)at tl}e roulc qioutll tualkc after ncfirclS or tUc ~ 1 :m;u~::1"
be \\litlJOIJt tl]c f'ruittl}cior: iaI;IJiSS i~ alfo a baim 1ua: ~o\llbctt, t~iµ i~ alro a \mine ti.Jing, nnna ~'~~ ;~1~;·~·,.
tgtng. D1fqu1ctneffc of mmi'Jc, oun ""'b ~:·
1 a iwlJcreais muc{J rtdJClS ilS, tf,)erc are manp 9 '4!;1Jetl)ing tilntlJatlJbcene, ti!! namcnal, ~~1~:~~::~ .
alfo tl}at fpcnll tl)em a\llap : anti \lll}at plcafure reanr,anll Imotl.len tIJat iti~ men man lJim£clfc: l:;,'1 / 1t,'o'r:~:!:'
mo1c1JatlJ l}e tl}atpolTetretlJ tl)em, Clltlingtl)at nc~tl)c~ mapf1cegoe to Iatoe \\litlJ IJim<tlJati~ ;1 ·~bari..Ui
lJe map lookc bpon tiJem \llltlJ IJilS cpcis '! mtgfJUCr t(Jcn l}c. lf)oo,mbowm
u a labounngman aecpetl)C1Dcetlp, \lllJt' ~~~: ~.·~~ 1~~~'
1 o Sll)anp tl)ingS tlJm be tlJatincrcafe bani,
tberitbelittlco~ muclJ tbatlJe catetl): buttiJc tr, anll tul}at l}atlJ aman clss '!
abu11n1111ce ot' tl}e ritlJ unll not ruffcr lJim to 11 f oi \\llJo fmo\\lctlJ tulJat tµ gooll fo~ man,
accpc. liuing in tl)e llaiclS of l)i!S baine lift, \lllJidJ iis but
I II Pllflll or n g Fct tlJerc ilS a Co~e plague \llf.Jid) 91 IJaue a 11Jatiotu:' ©i 11>1Jo 11>&1 tel a man tul)at ll.Jall}ap,
~~~IU!O.. fcmebnDer ti.Jc funnc,namcly,ric(Je)1 llept•to tl}e pen after "1im ~nller tl)e runne :'
lob,20,10. l}urt oflJim tl:JatlJatlJ tl)cm in\)oUcfflon: The vij. Chapter.
1 3 ~01 often tintelS tl}ep pma11Ditl'I l}tss ~cat
Diucrs precepts to follow that which is good, ~nd to
mifcrp anll trouble: ani'J iflJe l)aue a dJtl?Mt get'
tetlJ notl,ling. 3uoid the contrary.
lob., .1 1• 14 • Jl, the ais IJe came nalicll out orl)t~ motl)ers ©ooll name i~ m01c toooitl.J tl)cn
1.1im.6,7, \tlombe, ro goctlJ IJe tiJitlJcr againe,anll alrrietlJ ~ p;iecioUIS ointment: an!l ti)C•llap • "BrcaarrtMt
notl)ing atuap tl.litlJ (Jim of au IJilS labour. o~ neatlJ, is better t{Jm t(Je llllp of ~~~~~,P,':c'!:..
1 5 ~lJi~ ilS a mifcrable plague, tl]at IJe 11.Jall btrtlJ. 11111r,1n ro 11r,
~o cucn a151Jc came atual! : tl!M}atlJelpetlJ it l)im • 2. "b '.J]t ilS ~cttcr to go an P:~~::.~·.
tl}cn tl)at l}e lJatiJ laboureD in tlJe \llinlle '! ltoufe: ofmourmng, ti.Jen mto a bam1uetting b 't'.h•b••rc
~•r•rn 16 h an tl}c llapelS alfo of IJiSSitfclJCcnin cat in l]oure: ijfoJ tl)crcistlJcenllofalimcn, ani'll]ce ~:,;;~·.'~'~:':~
••~~it· tl)atus liuing,t~k~tlJ it to {Jcart. ~~~~:~ ::!~· 0
tlJc llarlie \llitlJ great carcfulnctrc, fitbnc£rc, anll
fOJO\\l. . 3 c <lf5rauttte is b~cr t:IJcn to laug'{J : roi :~~~~~~0• i·
1 7 ~1Jcrro1e me tlJinfieti) t~ a bettef anti a fat, 11>1Jen tlJe countcmuuc iis {Jcaup, tfJe {Jeart tis re' 1111...
rcr t{Jing a man to eat anti nimrtc, anll to bue, fo1mcl1. ~r~~.~.~~~
frC111ell of all IJtis labour tl)at Ile ta~etb tinller tiJc 4 ~e 1Jeart ortl)e \lltfc i!'!I in ti.Jc mourning ~~:~~·:~·~.
Ctmne,all tbe napes of lJilS life \tllJt'1J '5oll giuedJ l}oufe: but tl)e l;Jcart of dJC Coolill) tis in ti.JC lJoure n<lr<~U·b
IJim: foitIJtis iS IJiS pOJtiOlf. . ' ofmirtlJ. ~ii::.~~ P
1 s cjfOJ bnto tul}omfocuer 5!50~ !.t~ rK~CIS. . s '.J]t i~ bettei to gtue care to tfJc ct!affm,
goolls,anll pomer,[Je gluetl.J it Inm to emop 11:,to mg or a 1Dtfe man , tl;lcn to l)tare tt.Je ron~ of
take itroi ()tSS JlO~tion , anll to bUCti'Cl1JC!I Or!Ji~ fookis.
_ labour: tl}ts is tile gift of ~oil. 6 1fo: tl)c lau~tng of roolc11 lis IifJe t(Je
d cractung I _1

Ecclefiafies. lufl:iceneglefred./
I mo1nU l'1 dcracrting of tIJomes tmDet a pot: anD tl.Jatts but • .llJo iS'mtfe:'11Jl)o l)atl) ftno\lllCDge
r~:."~,b~f~':,;' abatnrtIJing. . to make an annum:' a. mans • ~1111111,~
r~rv arc ro~nc' 7 ~[Je \Dife tnan lJBUtl) \ll~Ott!,Jbealtng,anD \l)ifllO\U malittl;J lJi!S face to 8.)iUe: :.!,':,'." btnir.
"'""'· ablJo~rctiJ t[JclJcartttJatcouctetl)rc\llartls._ bu~ll tmftJameraanes puttttf,J it 11 o,,n1 ~:
s l5ctteritisto conOD~tlJe e~D~fatl)mg, outoffauour. •gi~ 1
tlJcn tlJc beginning: tlJcpattmt fpmtts better ,, * lleepet}Je frin~ comman. Pro 16 · '
1 t1JcntiJc[Jig1Jmi11Dc!J. oement, namdp.foitl]eot1Jt1Jatt1JOU1Jallma1>e · • .11, ,
I l5ee not halhlt' angrp in tbt minDe: fo: tmto <501> fo1 tl)e fame. ~
I 9
wzaflJ rcactlJin t1Je bofome orrootes. 3 "l5e notl)atlieto goe out or lJisfigl;)t. anb ~Dt ,~
1~,?~g~,~·:: ·1 o 0$~•111r not tl)ou.110lJat is tlJe caufe tl)at tile fee tl)ou continue in no eu1ll tl)ing: f01 'WlJatfoe' :~1111.llili ~
;.~~iv~:~.~! !Japes of tfJe 011> time were better tl)en t11ct tlJat ucr it pleafetlJ IJlm, tl)at Doetl) l.)e. ,.:..,,, . i
bmbv~"'"' benoto1fo~ tlJat\llercno\Dif.equeaton. 4 JLillU'5lDlJe!1afring gtuctl) a clJargc,lJis (.
:,;,',';·~~~·~:~:, 11 ootrc!Jomc 1DitlJ inl}eritame ts goon, rr.t commatml>cment tis mtgl)tp : cum ro, 'Wl}o map '~
~::'r";o/:~.~'~b• brttrr is it tottlJ tlJtm tl.Jat 'lllitl}out care mar be' fat imto l)im,ool]at tlortl tl)ou '!
'"""" nairs lJO[D tllc ~unne: 1 ll9lJO fo fleq>ctlJ t}Jc commanbentent,fbllD 1
of;i)ofts. I 2 ~01'0Jtret1omt1efcnlletl)ass\l1elll1Smoner, ftelc no l}arme: buta 'lllif.e mans l)eart bifter, . !1-
an!J tlJc c.rcenent fmo\llleDgc anD \Difeoomc gi' netl) tlJe time anti iungemmt. :· :;ri
uctIJ ItCC l)im tl}at batlJ it tn potreff'ion. 6 !11'0, euerr tf;Jing 'roin }Jaue oppo1tunitte .,ci
' 3 11ron01>ertIJe \l'lo11ie of 11301>, IJome tlJat no ann iutJgemmt: anb tbiss is tl}e tl}ing tlJat ma• · :ii
man can make tl.Jc t[Jing tlraiglJt, 'llll}tcl) l}e ma' betlJ men full of carefulnetre anb foto\D.
l!etlJ croortcl:I. 7 anti llJlJr '! a man rmo\DetlJ not ~at is
14 llLlfe \ticft t{Je time of p~ofperitte, anti re• ro, to come: foi \lllJO tan tell lDIJen it f1Jall be'!
member the time of miffoitune : fo~ 113otl tJoetl) s JtleitlJcr iss ti.) ere anr man tl}at l}atl) po1Dcr
~;~~.W.~~" fo temper tlJc one ann t])e otl}er, ttJat a man 1can ouer tbe £ keepe thl tl}e fpint, noi to l}auc
~~~ 6000 " fin!J 11otl1ing clsi. anr po\Der in tl)e time or 1>eat1J, no1 tl)at can

~0 ;~J:.~'~J.i , 1 s '.dU tll_ing~ l}aue 91 ~o~Citlmb in tlJe time mahc an cnll of tt]e battell,nettIJer mar tmgotili•
rprnnrspurlbl o~mr bamtle: t.JatttJe gru .. manpmfbetIJ fo? ne[ebcliucrtlJemtl}atme1>1>1elDitl)al1.
~~~~'.~'r~~u lJi? ri~tcoufnclfe fabc, anD t~c bngotllr liuet~ 9 aUtl}cfe tl)ing,s l]atte']l conDbercb,anb 8P'
tlJt lDlthro. . in 1Jt1.nuicket111eU'e. plieD mr mintie l>nto eutt! \\Jo1lie tlJat isnmtltt
• ..~:~'.':(:' 1 6 ~bmfo~e be tl)ott neitlJer too riglJteou~. tl}c ~unne., ()o\\Je one man l)atlJ loibff.Jfp bpon
(. .1•~ ,... "" o? oucr\\Jit'~, tlJat tl}ou pe;riflJ not. anotlJn to '!)is o\Dne. l]annr.
'.J' •• ·~ l'. 10 l7 '5c nc1tl}ertoo tmnglJteoussalfo, noHoo '° fofJI l}aue fem orten tl)e bngo!llr biou@t
roolillJ, ten tlJou bic befo1c tlJl' time. to tlJelr graue~, J anti ret tlJer IJaue renrrnel:I tn' d~
~1 ;r.:1~·.i~:~· 1 s ']t t~ gotlJotl roi tl}ee to h tallelJoll>e or tlJis, to tl)e citteagaine, anD' came fromtl}eplaceof t'r . . c::
["'''"'"· antlnotto 1 rt}at l}olpmtn, \lllJiCl)intl)ecitie\\Jcregro~enoutof ~ :-.'.
fcaret{Jl!Doll,commct11foo1t1Jmit(Jt}Jemall. memo11e, &$!!\Um tl)orc alfo tl)at lnrell\Uell: ~ 1::
19 uaifc!lome gtuetlJ moie courage bnto tiJe. ~$!! i15 alro a batne tl.)ing. $0.,,. . • · '.
I r '",
lllifc,tbmtrnmigl)tp111t110f tbeattc u 'JOocallfe nolD tbat- IOOlfi•• annat , _ .
zo * t oH~cre ~!$not one tua bpon cart{) tlJat l}allilt' punillJcb '· t11e l,Jeart or man giuetl.) JJim• =. .;~
llOrtl} gool:l,anll rmnetlJ not. fclfe ouer bnto 'W1Clie.1>nerre. ..,.... ' ,:
2 ' ~afie no tJe.ene. unto cu err 'a:lo1t1e tl.Jatiis u 1'ecaurean eutn per£on offcntle.tlJ an l)uti< ~:a "·~
fpohen,tcn ti.Jou l}earc tl.Jrferuant curfe. tl)re.:ro1 1>1e1> times, anD 113otl tie.fmetlJ, !JiuingtJim long =:' ·.
tlJmc owne l)eart rmo\llctl) tl)at tiJou tlJr felfe life : tl)creroie am '.JI rure tl)at it flJaH goe \\Jell ; :
atro l)nll ort timefportcn cuill bp otf)er men. 'IDitlJ t(Jeni tl}at feare 113ol:I, \lllJiclJ l.)aue l}im be' :::-~
22 ~lltl)cfc tf)tngsHJaue] pioouell in mifc, f01CtlJciuves. ;:~
Dome, fo: 'JI tl}ougl}tto be UJile, but fbe 'Went far, 1 3 ggame,as fo~ tf;Jr. bngoblp, it fiJaD not bee "·
tl)er from mec t~cn nJrc lllal5 bcfoJe: rea, anti ro lllel \\Jitl) him, neitl.)er fball lJe wotong f)is Dates, ~~
necpe,tl)at ']] m1g1Jt not read) bnto her. but eucnas a 11Jat1oto, ro f!Jan 1Je be tl)at CearctlJ ..
2 3 '] apµlicll tnl' minll alCo unto ltnomlcbge, not <15o'b. .' )
nntao reelieann reard) out rcience. mtfc1>ome, 14 Fctisstl)ercabanttrbponeartfJ:'4t:f1erebc ,~·:
anll bnnerttan?Jing, to lmo\lltl)e fooliflJncCfcof iullmen, bnto\llbomeit (Jappcnetl)a~tf101:1g1J ..
tile!J tl}e errour of Doting foolcl5. tl)er hall t}Je momcs of tl)e bfllOlllF : 9gamc, ~,~
2 4 a11n 'J\ fOUO'D tl)at a 'moman iS bitterer t[JmbcbngODlp,\Dttl)tolJ~tnitgoetl)~~OUgfJ . °'~:
tl)m ncatIJ,tl)c \\Jl)tcl) batlJ call abioan l)erl}eatt thcr l)aD ttJe \\JoJkS of tl}c nglJtcou-: ~rs l)auc -~
, an,"1u"m• a11nmt tl)atmcnffll)\\'JttlJ, an'b httl}allllS arc ]callet>atroabainetl)ing. <;
'""'" •1<•pn cnatnel5. ' ll9llo Co plcarctlJ ""'ob 11Jal erc-e from 1 5 ~crefo~e l'J1 commenD gla!JtldTc, llecaun~ . ,-,.
'""' ·~· •her
~'""or"'eoo. 1 • but tl)e finner. \lliU ""' , \\Jitf) l)e.r.
betarten ..,. a man l}atl) no ,,, tl)ing bnDet ""
better ~ "
..,~ i""'un.t"cn 1:1J1•tn ~:::'
. 5 l5cl)olD (faitlJ tl)e ~~eacl)er) tl)il5 l}aue 'Jl to eate a111> Mnrte, auD to bee mcmc: &fo~ tll~t r-~..~~~~
~or, my lltltgcnur rcarel)c!J out anb p:ooue1>. i!Dnc tl;Jing flJall l)cc l)aue of lJiS labour aD tlJe Dares of lJis ri!r.:.. ;~
1oulcfc c- mull bee conu!Jeteb \\'JitlJ anotlJcr, t(Jat a man life, \DbiclJ 113ob giued11Ji1nt>!Jller CIJe ~unne.. >>.
kcth. ~~llr1,0,nll\t.etbp ltno'Wtenge: 'aJIJiclJ ~as ret] ree.1te., 16 ~nD ro 11 applleD mr min'bC to tearne \l11fe, ·'
~n~:~ ~ ;~ 611•
01 1
" not. bOme, anb to llnoln t(Je trauen tIJat iS in tit£ \ .;,
\!'~:'~~:". b~;k ~~~~nng~ttJouranb men ']l l)auc rounn one: too11n,an'b tt)ae ortbclJ a f~llJfon, t(Jat1 ~ulereD I: <
t11mn11v•.. • c ":'omanamon«aU. notminur~toOeepe,nc1t1Jenarno:mg11r. ('.~
\'~1.w:~·.. 2
7 lLoc, .t1J1ss onclrlJauc]founD tlJatcBob 17 1 bnomtoo1>ofaUtlJetuo,Jlie~of<l50D,but ;;->
,••r••r.~uc 1uanc~mu11ant1ngl)t·•buttl)eyfougl)tmanr itiil not potTtble foJ aman to attaane bnto tile :;\
~:~::.n•nru· murnttons. • wo:kcs tl)at a~ oone bn'bcr dJe !Bun: ~ tlJou!Jf) ,. ·
Th ··· l)ebello'nl lJiS JabQUUOfteke tl)emout, retcan
. e vui ·Chapter. l)e notreacl.J tnto tfJe111: pea. tl.)ouglJ a 'Wtfe. man
2 To obey princes :and magi!hatcs. ,,7 The workes UIOUlb bnl>ertalle tolmOUI tl)etn, TetflJaHIJe not
of God paffe mans knowledge. · finlle tl1em.
The I
~:The fiace of good and bad. Chap.ix.x. Follyefl:een1ed. 227

~. The ii.Chapter. man,butl)c \ 'Wife. 'IDl)ic;IJ \1.lifl) l)t!S \llifcilcm:

S netiucrcb tl)c citie, rct mas tllm no bollF HJat

1 By no outward thing can man know whom God
'; )oucthorhatcth. I I No man knowcthbiscndc l}ab anp retpe« to fuc;lJ a limple man.
15 ~m ra1'be ~ , t19tfetlomc ii!! better ttJcn
~· 19 Wifdomc cxcclleth llrcngr:h. .
ltrcngtlJ : muerttJelefi'e,a fnnple manis \tJtCCbom
~ SlD1 au tiJefe ttrinp purportb ']! an is DeCpifeb, anb (Jis \llo~ncs are not l)earn.
16 g \tJiCc mans counfeU tl)at it5 0rototllcn in
~· ·.. • mpminlletofeefleout;qcrtl,\lJtc' l!Or,hc>rd.
~\ . ous anb 'IDife, pea, anDtl)clr rer, lilcnce, is fane aboue tl}e crping or a captninc a·
~~- • uants alro are in t11e IJanb of <1!5oll, mongfoolct5.
•anti djm is no man tl,Jat lino\ll'
~'\ ri::::
' ,,..,. ..,.
~~-.. 1111• t1Jm1.
CtlJ eitl.Jn loue oHJate' IJUt all tlJin~ are bcfo~c
17 * 1fo~ 'mifctlome i!S better tl)m bamrtre:
but one fmner alone 11earopctl) muctJ gootinclfc.

~· ~ prco i lt bappenetlJ tJnto om. as tJnto anotl)cr, . Thex.Chapter.

1 The d1ffcrcnccoffoolilhncfle:1nd wifedome. 10 A
~ itpttl) 'mi th tfJe ri~teous, as \llitiJ tl)e 1>n11>ll• flandcrcr is like a Serpent 1h:u cannot be clurmed
l~l~.::1 Ir. b \llitlJ ~'1e liOOll anb clcane, as ~itlJ ~e tm' 15 Of foolifhKings and riocous Prince,. 16 And
~ ,~g~~ cleanc: ·a:utlJ IJim tl]at offcretlJ,as 'ID1t1J1Jnn ttJat
of good Kings and Princes.
•, r~,.. ~ offtretlJ not : like as it 11>ctlJ 'IDitlJtlJe bmuou.u.
~~mr' CogaetlJ 1t alfo \tJttiJt}Jeflnnu :a.u.ttlJ~tb ~all flpe noctl) com1pt ftllcett
k~ bntotlJe periun!I, ro IJappmetlJ tt alfo to~m orntmcnt,antl tnaketll tt to tlmflc:
~ tlJati!'S arratDeto be foJf'IDwnt. eucn fo oft times, tJce dJat tJatlJ
~~1 3 among au tlJtnp tlJat come to paffc tJn, brne (Jatl in cftimation fo~ '\l>m,
'~~ brr tiJe ~unne, tlJi!'S tu mtfcrr. tl}atttl)appm, • ::1-ffl Dome anti honour, is ablJotrctl br,
~ etl)bntoaUalifle:~.uistbecaurealCo,tlJattl)e caurc of a little fooliOJncrre.
• a mire man!!! {Jcart i~ bpon l)i~ rigl)t
:a tllPlfrm~r1
~.. llenrts of mm are fUl of'll>Ufletmetre. anti matlllt 2 C'OtlJ lblllG'I
:a~ r~oliometrcisin ~Jm(Jmt~. a!'S 10111 as tl}cr (Jann,but 11 foolc1J1Jcart bpon lJts left. tturlp ~a1:ll

3 .a foole \lltll ll)e\ll l)1mfelfe '\lllJcn IJcc goctl)

lD,t~ gooD con

l:lai llUe, bnttl tlJe1' D&e. f!:i:rltltlll 1lJUI

,, to• If t:l(tb
'~ \ 4 anti tDtwt a!'S lon~ a~ a man liuetiJ,(Jc l)atiJ bp tl)e \Da!. II rec tlJinhctiJ 1Jcc tlJatcucrpman """'v.
!;!l..':r: anl}ope: foia c qui,fie bog~ fay they is better IJOCtfJ 815 roollllJIF as l)imfclfc. Or,rnJte
~-:--.rm tiJcn a t1eat1 )!.,ion. 4 ]fap1{ncipt1(fptritbC~UCtttlJCCtObCatC mg 3 .fo<I<
'"•.-.:.-.:, s 11'0: tl)ey d)at bee Uuin~. fmo\lle tl)attlJey rult,benotnc""4•gent ~w.
office: fo~ lJc
cflcemes:i !
~=-" t1Ja0 Die: but d tl;Jep ttJat be neal>.lino'ID nod}tng, tl)at 'an tali£ cure OUJimfdl'c, auopllct{J great 0 I her 111 m
:_:;,""" neitlJcrbefcruc tl}ep anp mo~e, roi tl)citmcmo· offences. ,, foolcs.
-·•:ii•urr. riaHiS!lfo2gotten: 5 anotl}er plague ff.S tIJcrc '1llJiclJ 'Jl b11uc
".:~."t 6 :llfo tlJeir loue 1111?1 tfJtir {Jatrctl,antl tlJeir fecne tJ11t1ert1Jt ~unnc, namelp, t(Jeigno~ancr
m:· cnuie t!S no'IDr pcriflJrD. ncitl)ci l)aue tl)ey anr t1'at i!S comonlp among p~inccis : in ttJat afcolc
::.,;D;· mo1cpnrttnt1Jc\1.lo:lt1in aHtlJat ii> ooncbnllct fittettJ in great tli!Jnitic, anti tlJe" rtdJe arc rc1 ~.~,~!,:.;' :i;,
n:t · tl;Jr. ~unnr. Do\1mc bematb. '"'·
111 -:a•
7 · c <1!5oe tlJou tl)p \llap tiJm. eate ttJp b~eab

r '• fOJ tl)p 'IDOQJktlS pieafc <!50iJ: tlJT gannent!S

6 'Jl l)auc trenc reruantis rtnc bpon l)otrcs,
toitlJ iop,antl niinlte tl.11' \lltne tllitlJ a glab l)eart. anll10~inms going bpon II tlJtir fttlt, asit\lltre
:or, 1hc
•. :':':. be al'IDarc~ 'llll}ite,anll let ClJp i,eat1 lame no oint, 7 "l5Utbcet(Jatllig~tl) bp 8 pit, flJall fall Pro. 1 617.
re•wol· ment. therein lJimfrlft: anti 'IDlJO fo bicafictf.J botllm cccl•.>7.
~ s 1111te tlJt fdft to liuc iovrunr 1llitlJ tlJF wire t(Je l}etJgc,a fttpent fl)all bittiJim. > •

s DBl)o fo rcmourt(J flonelJ, fl1all hauc 1ra,

~~: ~\~~=~a~~~~t~~~~~o-:IJ: ua11e\llitf}all: anti (Je t{Jat lJe'll.lctIJ \Doon, f!;alb~
1t1• ~umte all tl)c llapcis or tl)l! banitie: ro~ tl)at i~ ~utt tl)crc\1.litl).
ttw poition in tl:Jts lifc 0£ au tlJP labouunn tra, 9 119l)m anr:ontsblunt, anDtf)epointnot
.tt~ uaile t(Jatt(Jou takctl bnber d}e ~unne. 11Jarpenct1, <itmutl I.lee wlJctaiJaine, ann tf)at ~.~::.'r1pcit
1'J. 9 119batfotuertiJou taliCllin 1Jant1 to Do,t(Jat \llitlJ mil,\lJt: euen fo noetl.J \llifebome f0Ro\ll t11,
·-~ tio 'Ulltll al t1'r po\Der: fo~ in t:IJc graue ttJat thOu It~rncc.
· ~~.~ \JOCft r1mto, tl)m tis ncttl)ei \Dooikc, tounlcll, io a bacfibitcr tis no better t!Jcn a ferprnt
~ •ti-•· kno'IDicngc,noJ wtfctJome. tl)at tungetlJ 'IDttlJout lJilTin~.
'~~~· 1 o ~o '.]\ turnci:nnce bnto otl)tt tbin;.u tin, 1 1 ~l)e 'tDotlllJ out of R \Vtfe man!S moutl) Are
ff.· lltttlJe ~unnr. ann 'Ji fa\lle t11at in running it IJfatiouis:but tlJe lippeis of a foolt'millt1c11Tor
IP. l)elpctti not to bee f\lltft, in batten tt l)elpcttJ not i)imfdfe.
ti¢ to be aron~, to fcrntngit ~clpetiJ notto be\llife, 12 'ij;lJe beginnintt of (Jis tafiitng t~ fooltfb,
to ncl)c~ it {JC'lpctiJ nott~ be a ma~ of mucl:) bn, ndfe: anb tl}e lafl 'ID01t1c oe l)iis moutfJ iis ttarne
~ Dcrllantlfll~. to bee {Jailmfaua~nt~c~etl)not ma11mtre.
~!£::,,. to bee cunntng: s buttlJatalll1etl)tntnnea11t1 x3 a rooteiis fun or \1.lo~tlc£S, anti a man can
iibl-:.~; fo~tune. . . not ten 'tl>lJat 11Jall come to paffc : \\1 l)o 'mill t{Jcn
~ti~,.., 11 1foi a man rmo'IDct.1' not ht!S time: but ltlie tDamc l)tm oftt tl)at llJall follo\11 after IJtm~
If· -. 111ia1. ais tlJe fit1Jt'IS arc taken '\llltll ttJc angle,antl at5 t(Je q ~{Jc labour of tlJe d foolillJ iG gricuou~ bn' .1 T!~• roou11
~ r~:!.~Dr:;,u bitDS arc CaUWJt \llltlJ tlJC fttarr:CllCJ'.l fO arc men to ti]cm, to{Jtlc tl)ep lmo\D not{Jo\lle to ~oe into ~~,:,'i~'.~~~11 '
~~-t::t:~~ tahen mt(Jcpmllouisttmc, \\ll)cn 1t 'ommct:lJ t:lJe atlr. tuom 11or b1<
jJ!l t::~ Cuti'tlcnlp bpon tlltm. is 11BobetJntotl)ce,©tl)oulant11D(J ~ l'i' •UJ11cou""·
e ilS but a cl:)iltle,ann \D{Jofe 10~inceis arc t~~cl~~~
, ~"···•
~ '"''Uh but

I 2 11 ~is \1ltf£bomc bauc 1 rccnc alfe tJntler
r itl:',~i:.:;D• tl)c ~mmc,antl met11ou11~t.1t a gre •Y•ng.
St fhi tiJetr banquets.
,•am,r.•1 1:: ~l)crcmais a little nt1r, an~ aft'llltmcn r6 '6ut'\l>el.l i1St1Jre, © t~ou lantlc ml!ofr
rj """-· mttllintt: ro tlJcrc camcagi·catI!tmganllbcflc, 11u111i1 ilJ 'omc or noblct5,ann 'mbofc 19tin~cis ea tr
i&tllit,anb tnabc \!fCBt bul\1'.larfi!'S tlf!Stntl it. tn Due rearon fo:t necc1Tit1c,ant1 not to! lull.
' 11 chll•• i•
•lfet!I0'1 ono

11 1 11
"' •
~-- 14 ~nllintllectttetlJm 'IDaGfOuntieapooze · 17 ~tnouglJ lloutl)fulnerre tl)e ballir£l f,1n ,
Libcralitie commanded. Ecclefiafies. The f oule in1n1ortall.1
nownc, ann tlJ~oug(J Hile {Janbt~ it ratnct{J in at

~ *ab.lap btfplcacurc cut of tl)inc. ~n ~~~,La~
tl}e tJoure. ....., ,. ..... IJeart, anll rcmoouc cuill from tl)l!
18 ~cate makctlJ men to latt!6•J' anu wtne bOlll' : fo,. •tl1ilbl)OOllC anll l)OUtl} l!3 inihcchit
tine <ell
mafictlf tl:Jcm mcrtc : but tmto moner art all but bamtic. m btfor~ '
tbingG ollciltent. .. 2 mcmcmbcr ttw mnltcr tf)r
r ~ttaron can · 19 r tWillJ tl)e liing no cud Ill tl:Jl' tlJOU!JlJt,ann Cooner in tt:JnoutIJ, o~ cuer tlJc bare~ or a'!luerfr,
;~·[,~~:::~~~~~· fpcafic no IJnrt of the rtclJ in tl:Jl' p1tutc c(Jamber: ttc come, anll oz tf:Je rms b~awntglJ \Dl)cn tl}ou
~n~~~1?." fo~ a birbe of tl)c airc OJall bcrrar tlJr bopce , ann UJalt rav:Jl l]auc no pteafurc in ~cm :
'OJitlJ IJcr fcat(Jrr~ OJall ilJc bew1ar tl:Jr \llo1lle~. 3 l!3cfoJctl)e ~tmnc,tlJc )l,i131Jt, tbe g»,)oone,
Thexj.Chapter. anll aarreis be narlicnell, ann oi tIJc tloub~ tumc
I I To bee Jibcrall to che poore. 4 agamc arm tl)c raine:
4 • lID(Jcn t{Je ftcepcr~ or tlJc l)oUCc 11.JaU • 'i:bt i.!
I J .._• ...,r& Go~sprouidence •.s :Allworldlyprofpermeasbm
t;,.;,,.. .......i1.r,,,,/anme. 9 Godw1ll1udgeall. trr.mble, anll ml} en tl}e b llrong mrn llJall bo\De b • ._ *"~
tlJrnrCttue~. \ll{Jcn t(Je <mtlncr~ llanll tl1t becaurc • -.11c""'
,,,J.11._., •.,,. . g p • tl)p b~eall bpon wet faccis, tlJCl' be Co fe\lle, an~ \llfJen tl]e a u111Jt ortl)c min' d acw.
~' ~: ~~~
anll fo fiJalt t{Jou finll it after ma' nob.leis fball \llare llnnmc: ·1:
::i~~~~::,;~· nr llapcis.
rb• ~ ... p<e 2 b <lf5tue part fcurn nape~,
5 1wl)mt1Je cnooJcss oftlJc ftreets fuallbec 'i111111fi:
(ball tr µ1of1rt • fo 11.JUt,anll ml)cn tl)c fbopce of t{Je milner fiJallbce r ~-- -.
1h11•t1br1oa. anbalro bpont{Jecrgl)t: 1t1:Jou lain llo\llne, bll)cn men flJall rtre bp at t{Je llorcc ;
~bf.:~.·::~!' _ rmowea not \ll{Jat mtrerr 11.Jall of tl}c s birn,anll wl)cn an tIJe 1i tiauglJtcris of mu, ~ 111~1111 ...
h,':~:J~~i.t:\~ co1iic bpon cartf:J.
fttfic fl)atbe biougl)tlo'lll: ~.~."' !!"
(~~r.m•rpcr· 3 UDlJmt{Je doub~are full, t1Jeypom1eout 6 11Dl)cnmen11Jallfcarct11 ilJiiJlJplaces,anb t ~'Ii:.&~
' 'l'n bllt~r ratne bpon t{Je cartf]. r .anti \Dl)cn tl)e tree rat< be arrattl kin tl]c ftmts, to)Jcn tlJc 1.armonll tm ~D~
~f,'.:~·;~;~~;; 11 IctlJ, 'wl)ctlJer it be to~arll tf]e ~~u~ o~ ~o~tlJ, flJal ttounllJ aub be fallen mitl) tl}c m<if>rall.Joppcr, k ilram.I'\
hrormn~'" in 'llllJat placcfocucr 1tfall, tl)erettltetlJ.
"!hc l411<r 4~ • llJ n t anll ml) en alllufl 11Jall pa[e: becnufe man gocu, ~t. I
"·'''r 111D£C· 4 "7ec ttJat rcgarbcttJ tlJc \tlilllle, a no to IJ(~" Jong IJomc,anll tl,)e mOUfllCTfS !JOe about !°~11~·,,
mrnr. romc: anb lJC tlJat l;JatlJ rct\mt bnto t(JC dOUllf$, t1Jc llrectef5:
: • ~·
11Jrill 11ot reaµc. ·
s ~o\D 1t11eas tl)ou rmomcll not tl)c~ar or 7 r®1 cuer tl)cfiluer lace bett8hma\ll81',l 11t11.
antlOJ tl:Jc q golben well be btolicn : ®Hl)c' pot : [mi
tl:Jc rptrtt, noJ iJo\lle tlJe ~one~ noe «rob:e m tlJc bee lJ~otamattf:)er\llcll,anbtlJc •t»l)cclebJolim ':' fr.i
niombe ofl)er tl)at is \llltl:J dJtllle: cucnfo t1Jou bpon tl)e u cclferne. " :
r1ttomea not the moozfic% of <lf5oll tDIJidJ ffS t}Jc
UJOlficmaller of all. .
6 C[carc not tf:Jou tl)mro~e \llitl:J tl:Jl! l)anbcss
to foto ztl:Jl' recbe, wl)cther it bee in tlJe momtng
8 ~l)en flJall t{Jc buft be tumeb againc tnto ~ t
tartfJ from wl)cnce it came , anll tl]c Cpirtt tJJall
tetume bnto ©Oil bJ))O gauc it.
r g11r• z

9 911 iis but banttie ( ratt{J t{Je '~clJcr) an ~·::,: ::-:

o.z tn t1Jc cuening: foz tl:Jou rmomc!lnot\lllletl)cr
1(JiSS0.2 ti) at flJaH p~ol'per, anb if tl]cp botJ;J talie,it i~ but plaint banitte.
1 o ~i,e t01eac1Jer \\lass rct mo~e \llffe , anll
~ 31.·_
. · ,. .
iis tlJc better. taug!Jt tl)c people rmowtcngc, l)cc gaue goon . :
7 ~lJc lig!Jtisfmcet,ann a pleafantt:i,tngis l;Jecll, follglJt out tl)e grounb, anll fct foztl:J mant •· ··
it foz tl1c crcis to loofie bpon t{Je ~unnc: . l&arablcs : l)i~ Dthgcncc was to finDc out acccp• · ii:
s '.1 ra man liuc manp rcmis,anll be 111an m talllt \IJ01t1es, ri§l.Jt ~mpture, anb tf:Jc \\101llcS ·
them au, let IJim remember tl)e napes of name' ortruetl1. . '.l't:
mrrc ml]icl) OJall bee manp, ann t1Jat follo\Detl:J:
d Qlobrnaar an tl:lings lllalbe but banttie. u 1f01 tlJe moibrs of tl:Je \\ltft arc like PJtmcs
anb nailcs tl:Jat goc tl)ozowe, or t{Jc 'autllouris ;.!tcrfll•~
~~:1~1,~1 !. ? l3ce glatltl:Jen ( il[) t1Jourong~a11 ! in tl:Jr
of gatl}mngs , which arc !Jiucn or one ~IJCV' =~· 1
i.1rrs,11toc routlJ, anb let tl:Jt' l)eart bee mmpm tl:JJ!t'ong
[,~:'~[~~;:~· narcis, follo\1le tl)e wareisoftlJincowncl)cart, l)tarll. ~:i:r:.
U ~ercro:e bc\llare mr Conn£ or tIJat,blJC' fttfJllUf.a-::
·~,,~~l,~~P~,.n anll tlle lutl or tbfnccrcs, dbut be tl)ou Cure tl)at trine tl;Jat iis bcfiDc tl:Jis : foJ to 1nalie m&lll' '"iwrlllll:!::i
!;~~~.'t~~!t ©ob l1Jall b~ing tl)ce into iullgemcnt ro1 an tl}efe'!, it is an enllle[c moollic: atlb too muclJ ~It·
rbr Dn> of ti)lt11J$S,
luD111ra1n1. Th .. Ch llullr 'Wearietl:J tl:Jr bobr. . ·~
cx11. apter. . t 3 JLct bSS {Jearct{JcconcJuCionorantl}m~: ·J
2. To thinkc on God in youch, and not co defcrre till fearc <lf5oll, anll keepe lli~ C[ommanDr~ncs: }~
age. 7 The foulc recumech to God. 12 Wife- fo1 ttJat tcuc{Jctl) all mm. cjfo' ~onllJallmllgc 'Ii~
domc is the gift of God ,:md confiftcch in fearing ali\llo111cis annrecrcttbin~ WJJtel}er d}cpbcc ~~·
him,and keeping his Commandcments. gooll Ol euill. ~
The ende of the bookc of the Preacher, othenvife
called Ecclefiall:es.

·viyfiical ralke becweene Chap.j.ij. Chrifiandhis Church. 228

- - ~--~
::_ -~~~-··__ :.~~
ti'e~ The Ballet ofBallets of Solomon,

called in Larine, Canricum



The full Chapter. The ij.Chapter.

1 The familiar t:ilkc and myllicall communication of 3 The Church defimh to rcn vndc:r the tl1:adow of
ihc Spirituall loue betwccne Icfu5 Chrifi and his Chrill. 8 She hearcch his voycc. 14 She is compa-
Church. 6 The domcllic:ill enemies that pcrfe- red to the doue. J s And th.e enemies to the foxes.
,, cuce the Church.
am t!Je more or t(Je rtelbc, anb JLt<
':"J:~ia. I?.~


-- .

~at• IJet \lloulbfritTtmee
':.11 ~ 1DttlJfJiifi'e~ of1Ji11moutl):
~ ~ ~ fo~ t!Jrlournunc~c pltafant
: : tl)m ttJine,anl:I tl)at becaurc
= • oftl)e ~ob anb plearantfa'
J: uom of tlJr moa wectou11
~(,.S llaulmes.
lie oft(Je baUercs.
2 a as tfJe lLtlte among tl)c
tlJoinc~: Coismp loueamongtl)c :~f;~~uiacnc·
3 hJLikea~ tlJe apple tree amongtl)etree~ b «~ct•n••!
of t!Je 'llloob : ro il1 mp beloucb among tl)c :~~~~'~J."'

,'.,mu. ·- ~ • 2 h,.,..ht1lt'la-•i"'af1llect 4 ~ 1>elig[1t ts to Cit bnl>er tl)e 11.Jllbo\D, fo~

'" )lfllt~ ·1,111., t
jf,< Ti>
: ..-ia1. rmclltn:« opntmmt \D(Jcn lti$$ fiJeb foo~tl], tl)cre' c[Ji$$ f'ruitis r~cct bnto mp ttnote. ~b~\:.r~~r,
1•r- fo~e bo tfJe c mar1:1m111oue tl)er. · s $ec bimgetl) me into lJis owne ccller,[Jis w01°.
._r:· 3 ;e~aw tl)ou me vnco thee, 'llm \Dill nrnm~ bannerfp~ell oucr me, \tl[JtclJ t.G (Ji1$ Jouc.
:~· after tlJee. ~e llttng 1)11tb biouglJt mec into 1Jil1 6 ~etaboutme mp~of\lline, comfo1tmcc
p2iuie ctJ11mber~: \lit \llill be glatJ nub reiopce tn \llitl) appieis,fo~ ']Jam Oclle oflouc. ·
tl)ce, wetl)inlie moie oftlJploue, ttJm orwtne: , 7 ~is left Hctl) bntJ£r mp f)eati,anl:l IJi~
tl)ep tl}11t be rig{Jteou11 louc tl)ee. ngl)t (Janll 0Jall 1m1nace me.
""· 4 dj]mnblacke ~©pcenaug(JtetJ$of~ienr' s d ~ c(Jarge "OU l:. (ill> "C
c baum.tcr"
».._, 1i' ofmicru'
"'l "1trniz:~tht111rulrrr.
·::,tc ralem) but pet c faire anb tDell rauouretJ, lilie as ratem) bp tl)e l&oes anll ~inbc~ or tiJe rtclill\ t(Jat ot tb• rcbarc!J
-"'""' tlJe tent~ of tlJe <ltellarmes,anb a111 tlJe IJan~n~ pc \llafle not bp mp loue, no, toucl) lJer,till OJC be :~ ~,lj';'.~b~l
:~~:· of ~ofomon. contmtlJerCelfe. ~:~~~~·~~i:1
!;r•or 5 gJJanraile not at mee t~atljj am ro blacfle, 9 ~ee tl)inke '.Jl (Jeare tlJe borce of mp be' n111'1tl1mot
:~ fo: \tllJl?-: t!Je ~unnc lJatlJ UJtneb bpon mee :mp louen: loe, tlJete commettJ (Jc (Jopping bpon tl}c
motl)ers tl}ilt11m (Jaue euiH \Dill at mce: tlJcl? mountatne~.ant1 leaping ouer t(Jc little [Jt!lc1$.
m11nc mee tl)e Jieeper of tl)e 1lineraro11, but mine 1 o ~ beloueb is like a moc o~ a rong ~art:
owne bineparb lJaue 1 not liept. llCIJDJbC, lJC tlanbetlJ be(Jinbe OUr \llall,f:Jee 100' • lt'llDlurn~

6 ~ell me. ill> t(Jou, \tl(Jom mp route Iouetl), fictfJ in rat tl)c \llinbO\tl, anti pccpetlJ tl)o~oll.1 tlJc ~,~.~::.~ g~~~ 1

\lll}erc tl)ou feerJell t(Je fiJeepe, \tll}ere tl)ou ma• grate. ~~~1:1~
11 ~P bcloueb anrmcrcb. anb fail> bnto me, :~:i~'. ' rn·
;j flclt tlJem retl at tl}c noone bllp-: roi Win? fiJall ']l 1

:I be like (Jim t(Jat goet11 \tl~ong about tl)e Hocli~ of © tlanll bp, tt1l:' loue, tt1l:' beautifun, anll goc to
/ tlJpcompanions-: t:IJine ownc : g foHoc,ttJcwinttr t~ no\ll pact, tl)e g -e:~111.en
~!':.::' .=:~ :,
,. 7 ]ft(Joutmo\tlnotttwrelfc(©tl)oufaftd raine ts 11\llap an1> gone.
,, among \llomtn) tl)en goc tlJp \llap foOJtl) after n h ~e tlowies arc come tip in tfJe f~~~ ..,.,.,.
{:::1"'"' tlJc rrootaeps or tlJe flJcepe, anti feebctl)r goatc- time of t[Je birlls ~ging i~ come, anb tlJC ' bopce :~~b~1;:ro •r
:.a.'11 beftbc tlJC OJep(JcarM tmt~. oft1Jetmtlet1oueis1Jtarllmourlanb. b<IJL I
1, s ll!lnto tlJe lJo(te ofl01Jarao11 dJarct11 IJauc 1 3 ~c figge tree Mnget(J fooitlJ ter ftgges,
'l comparcll tl}cc,ilD mp loue. anb tl}c bincs beare blotromcs, ant11Jauc a go on !
9 ~P clJC£!il1 anti tlJp ·~~e il1 bcautif'ull as Cmdl.
tl)e ~urtle~,ant11Jangct1 "1Dttil !'pa~ anb goob• 14 © ltanbe bp ti.Jen, 1111?1 come, 1nr lone, mp
lp te\tlel$$,a nccftbantl of goltl \\nll \ll~ mafie tl;)ce. beautifUl!, and come, I fay, © mp ~OUC, oat Of
'mitlJ liluer buttons. ttJe cauc~ of tlJe rocfics, out of dJe I.Joles of t(Je
1o s t101Jen tlJc Jlttng fittttlJ at tl)c table, i,~e
OJall £mell 1Ul:' {rlarbus: a bunblc of Sl@pJr(Je tis
\tlall, ©let mee rec tIJ~ countenance, anti (Jeare
tflP bopce: foi flllccte ts tlJp bop re, anb fain if$
:ti-"• mplouetntom.e..he\lltllieb~irtmrweatll's: tlJl' fllCC,
-::,•r aclUrter of cltamp(Jirc in t(Jc btncpart111 ot' lfn• . 1 s <IDet tis k ~c fens, rca tlJe little f oi:eis t ••ppi•lf•
gll'bbt il11Ul:' IOUC bnto me. tlJat lJurt tfJe time$$ : foi our tines llt11re blor, ~·.t:·i::~~
z1 ilDh 1Jo1D faire art t{Jou mp loue, '1>h lJo\D romc$$.lllDI lo ' '
ntu«. lllllm
rllrJ pimb
t'atre art t(Jou-: tl}ou l}atl t1oues erc11. llD lJo\lle 16 ..,...,p UCll1~1le,anb 31 aml}fJ$,\DlJictJfcc• f.ill'1uom1rtr
faire art tl)ou mp bdouel:I, (Jotoe \Dell fauountJ b~ among tlJC lLtlies bntil tfJc bap b1cafie anti
tIJouart-: till tlJr£bat10\tlc- be gone: ' 1

12 ©ur beb t11 becfit \llitl) llo\D:l'l1, tlJc rec• 11 J <ltome againc,ED tlt1' btkmeb,ann bee lilic ~J~J"tf)~~;;
lings of our tJoure are of <ltcbar tree, anb our II ~oc o~ a roung l)art bpon ttJc "IDibc inoun' ~1~~=~ I
ctotfetopntl1 of <ltpp~[c. ttUUeJ$. ~~:~~" o1 )
The praife of Solon1ons fong. theChurchJ
The iij .Chapter. 7 '4t-l)ou art all faire, (©mp loue) ann no

1 The Church defired to bee ioyned infcpanbly to f)>ot i• tl)m in t11ce.
Ch rill her husband. 6 Her dcliucrancc out ol the
s Cltometomtfr~l..tbanUSS(£I>1ll!~oure)
ro1ne to mee from "l-ibanu,i : loottt Crom tlJe top
wildcrneffe. OfJmana, ffOUU:l)C top Of ~anir an'b 9'ctmon,
• (!;;~11m '"'"' l? •niglJt in !UP bt'b 1 foUglJt l)t1ri from tlJe JUonss llenncss , ann Crom tl)e moun•
taint~ oft(Je l..copartis.
:~.~i·~,~,.~~'.;"' m.-. •· gcntfp
'tDIJom,n!r.J?u: ~~ucttJb :t~~: 'Dilt'D,
b~t~ltl>Cllp• t~ o~.,t ~ .,im, u ..1J wun 9 ~ou lJd with loucbc'tllitc(Jell mpl)cart,
'""· ~ !Jim not. !lD mr filler, mp rpoufc, ttJou \Jail bc'tllitcl)ttl mr
b {.'.ii nmm ~ 2 '.Jl 'tllillgct bp,tlJoughtl, b 8nb ()tart '1litlJ one of tlJtnc creis, ~ \lltt(J one Cl,Jainc
~~~~~;~::~.n~ goc about tl}c ~itr. in tlJt \llarcis tn an tiJc nrccts oftl)F neclic.
~~,:;:~:,•,b, llltll 1: rcdiC (Jim _\ll(Jotn mp fo~lc louct(J : but 1 o ~ (Jo\De faire arc tlJr bicanes, mr filler,
ortt. tvtJcn jJ rougl}t (Jim. '.Jl fount> (Jim not. mr f\loure1 ~r b~caaess ate moie plcafant tl)en
3 ~c watdJmcnalro tl:)at goc about tl:)c ci· \llmc, anb tl.Je Cmell or tl:)tne 011ntmmts paCretl) 1
tir, rounll mee, to whom l faid, "'a\11 pee uot (Jim all fpil:C~. ~
tv11om mp route louctl)~ u g~pltppe~©mptpoufc,ll~opa$1t1JetJo• u~··
4 ~o lll(Jcn '] \llaOlitlc}!aft~nn.~ C"ounb ntc combe, rra milfie anll lJonr fJ!l tmbcr tlJr ~
l!im \lllJom mp foule louctfJ , 'J l)auc gotten (Jolll tongue, anb tlJefmelof ttwgannm~isslifletl}c "'"r
bpon IJim. anl> '1!'1 aot let (Jim gat,britil') ~ing
(Jim into mp motiJcrs a,oufr, anb tnto 1Ja c:l)am•
12 h a «art:Je.n 'tlltll locfict:J t$1 mp fif!er, mr b ~..
brr tbat b11rc me. rvoure:apr?lm\llelllod1el>.anbafealttl\lldL ~;:-1
s ·'] cl)a~c rou, £Dre t1au1,Wterss ofl)icrufa· 1 3 ~e rruttcss tl,Jat arc plantell in tl)cc, an ~
lcm. bp tfJc iaoes anb 'in'bes of t\lc Mb, t11at pc berr ltftc a -atao1re or lSomcgranat~ \DitlJ !!
\llaflc not bp mp loue, noi toucf,J I.Jct, hll lbce be f'tllretc fruits, al!I ~ampt)tre, Jaarous, anti ~a(•
content (Jcr felfc. f'ton, <tatamus.<trnamom, \llttlJ nu f\Dcrt rmet, :~
~ ,'~~~~:~'~h• 6 191Jo ts tl)ifS tf1at rommetl) bp • out of tf;Je lin~ trte~, ~p~riJC, aioe~.ant:J al tte belt Q.liCCj!,
« n,,rn°r:ir. toilncrnclTcltkl' offmohc, a.!S it\l."tre a
a'tll~U of ~atllmS, a wdoniuing 'Water~ 'l»IJlaJ
:~; ;~~~:.~.·;r., rmcllof~fJrlJC, ~tanllinante. annaOpoulm
runnc oo\llnc from 'LibanuJ!I. ~
~ir~~'.owc of tiJe gpotccaric~ 14 ; iUp tl_lou@oitl)\Dinti,come t1Jou ~OUdJ• ~~I
J :;,~,,.. 7 '3d.JOlll,aboutd~olomon~bClltlcst1d)crc \lltnne,ann blo\D bpon mpgarocn, tl)at tlJc fmtl ::'~
:~~~·;;:~~:~' llan?Hlncerco'e baliant, of tlJe motlmiglJtte in U,tteofmar be carteD on e.uerp fille: pea, tl)at mp 1111:-
~· <=ri•pl• or '1frael: tiJcpi)olocC\llo~l>fS eucrp onc,anb ate c.r' belouetJ mar come into l)il!I garnm, anb catc of :..tJir 1
bi~1~ b",':';·,'.b'
µcrt in 'hlarrc. tlJC fiDUt fruit$! that grow t~rcin. P11Jlpn ~
0 1
~~:,', .,~.~ :~, 8 <li'ucrp man alfo hatl) l)iSS f\llo~b bpon i,tss
b1 •b•wo10. t~iglJ,bccaurc offcare in tf}cnigl]t. Thev.Chapter. '
9 Iain~ ~olomon (JatJ mane (Jimfdfe a pa• r Cbrincallcth his Church to the panicipationof
. lace ofttJc \llool> of)i,,ibanuss, ti.le pillars are of all his trealures. 2 She hearech bis voyce. 6 She
ii Some mucr,II ttJc couerin~ of ~lbe, tile feat:e of purple, confelfcch her nakedndli:. 10 She praifc:th Chrifi ~
~c.a:,~;ncc tlJC grounn i!S _plcafantll! paucn \DttlJ lou! foJ ti.Jc her hmband. • ,
~r oold th< llaugl)tcrSS Of ll)lentfalcm. gm •come into mp gat11cn, ilD •

co~cri:g of 10 <li'SOC roo~tll ( lJ!> J!CC l>SU~tcrl Of ~ton) mr fiffcr. mr l\loufe, 'J IJ_auega• .
purple, nn'D bcl)ollle illtng ~olomon tn tlJC tto\Dne tlJml> mr ~rtriJe \lltttJ mp bllldi 1
I \Dl1m\l.litiJ IJiS motlJcr cro\llneb lJim in tlJe bap fpicc: 1 IJaue eaten {Jonie \Did) llwlldll•
of~iis marriage, ann tn tl:)c nar of tf;Je gla1:111efrt mr l)onie comtc, '] IJaue t11un• 111" ~
I ofiJiP l;cart. krntlll! \Dine lDitlJ millle : ceate,
©pee tttenocis, b~mkc, ant> be merp, ©rube•
The iiij _Chapter. loutll.
I The praifes of the Church. 7 Shec is wichout ble- 2 ' ] amaatcpc, butmrl)cartt~ \ullkin11: 'J
mifh ;n hi\ fight. 9 The louc ofChrifi toward her. 1Jc.are tlJ~ oorcc or mr beloucti \lltlm (Jee Jmoell•
;•.~~~r~~~~ ~~:;"' ~O\lP fain art tl)ou,mp loue,l)o\ll ct(J,faping,©pcn to me,© mr fillcrmr foue,mp
~~::,'~·;~;:~. 'fl;.~~ faire atttl)ou 1 tl)ou (Jaft b wouelJ llOUc, mr narttn:g: roJ mv fJtllll is run ofllCa'tllc,
~'j."u·n~1, . ~ ~I eres "befine ttJa~ ~tJidJ lict111Jit1 anniue locllelS or mp l}atte are fullofd}emg(Jt
':'''·"''"o" ~, ~~ \l.Jtt(Jm:c tlJl! 1)111nc lockcurel!f1e ~~~ .
; ·~ •• ~u!" <.:eJ "'~ t{Jc'Woollorafiocfleof<l!Joatcstbat 3 JI bauc put offmr coate, 110'4! can 'JI 'Doc 1t
' "'"' • r1,. '\be U:>o~nc \Jpon mount ©ilcall •
· onagatne:' 'JI l)aue malbell mpftete, IJO'aliliall
~-·~~:\;~~"'· '- d.~r tmlJ arr Itltc afloclteof Cheepe or~e jj ti!c tbnn againe1
.. , 1"'" ~ J, fa inc bigncuc \lli)icl) \lltnt bp ft'om tl}e 'Q)aflJing ,. 9@rloue putinlJiS 1Jan1>eattl}e(Jok,Rnll

:.~; ~~· ~~·:, 1pluct, \DfJcrc mccy one bcatetfJ t\llo t\llinnes,

lnp !)cart \Das moucn 'tllitl;Jin me. ,

\ (Joo "'''"ur. ~ anb not one bnl'ruitfull among t11e1u. 5 'J lfoo'D bp to op~n bnto 1111' llcloucll, ant> \
th~ 'Ill ~lJr ltp11 arc like a iaore colourcb tfbanll, mp (Janns o~oppr'll '4!itlJ ~p.mJr, tt tlJe Ql)pJrt.Jc .l i
or l ~o~bBatelouctr,tlJt' dJecltts anltfltaptecc rannc 'llolDnc mr fiogeiJ 11p0n t11c Joelie. ·.f\
, '!J• th•n•r1l• ' .... omcqranatc 'alitl:lin tl)inc {Jaires. 6 1opr.neunto1111' befout!J,but IJe was tie• '::
1. ;~;:·a•! ill• 4 ~IW. ' mclte ill bite t{Je to\U~ of ~auill. partcll nnt> gone bis '11111': Jt.lo'GJ '.GJlJcn IJr Cpalle, · 1·
~ 11u bmlllcll 'tlltt:l)tolHr ftone• l11ing out on tlJefillcl. 1npl)earnna1S gone:. b 1 foUPt.IJtm, but 'l coulb ~.!':
'mlJtrcupon tlJttt tiang atlloUfalUI tlJieDlcs, pea not ftnllelJim: l mtll tJpon IJPR' ncucrt1Jcldf£ ::.-,,,.:,
I ~bt Uno
f.llT"hM ...._ b ., l)r puc me no aa1C'lllcrc. •P tn *:.:\
b un arot11r
1 -.,r ....~ Jrattisareliflcttuo
t'Glinnc•or 7 f9o tl:)c 'INtdJtncn tl)at 1Dmt about tlJr :i-;: 1
: ~· rong 18 OCJ!, '1llticl) ~eti amon1 JS ores. atte.rountJ me.emote m.e.anll roolm'betl me: rca 1
6 fl> tl)at 1 mt~t goe to tfJt mountatru
tl:)cp tl.Jat kept tl}e 1J)allef, tooac alllar mr lier· ,1
or~p1rlJt,anll to tl)e lJtl offra1dli11m1rt.,til tlJe ~frommt.
Dar b~raftr, an'll ttll tl:)r ll)atiomcs btpaflawar. s 1 cl)argt pou tl.Jcttfo~c, fl> pc ?1aug1Jttr-
.:~he Churches praife, Chap.vj.vij.viij . and beaurie. 229

t'1c bineym llouritlJeb, OJ tftlJe Pomegtanatc~

were not fo1d.J.
12 1lmemenottb8t111l' roulef.)anmabtmee
tlJe cl)ariot of tl]epeople tl]atbe bnner tnbute.
1 3 ~ttme 111t11tnc, tume aigaine,flD tl}ou Pct'
rect one, tume againe; tumc a¢ne, anb "tllec c ~Q11rnftc,
man loohe bpon tlJtt : U9f;Jat mil1 re fre m UJe r{)au1, .~uru•
blrm, p\llbub
:~ulamitt~~)Jcct~I01emenuftoarreCinging IDH'blµlcm,
tbat Dr.nlll&dJ
m acompanr• PlilU •

. 'thevij. Chapter. .
( The beaut1e ofthe Church in allhcr members, It>
She is alTilrcd ot Chrill:s louc towards her.
~~~ ~om pleafant are tfJl' tteabtngis
\1litlJ. tlJp fboocs, t1:.1ou piinccs
baugf:Jter.'Cl}e tointis of tlJl' tf.)tg)Jes
are libe a faire ietocfl, \DUICIJ is
bp a cunntng \110:1te•
Wli::i!Siiiiiila!illl "lll'ou!;JIJt
mailer. • ~~vnann·
2. '$1Jp a RtlUiU t!Sliftt a fOURb goblet, \ll)JidJ rcplmll)jtD II

:~~tm~~ :~f
id ncuer \DitlJout 1>1inke.
3 ~ b\Dombe iss liflc a ~rapeoCWl;Jeatc ~~nh~~~:,~r
tlJat i!S rct about blitf.1 'Jlllici:. ~t~:b•rcb
4 c ~t' t\110 b~eanis arc lific two t\tlinncs 11•u11°r fpm;
of poung moe,s. ~"~'~::~~~:~·
s d ~IJt' neclihlS SIS ft \ti ere a to\llcr of '}uo, ~,~~~·~:a'.~'.~~
rie : tlJi11C c epcis alra are lilie tf:.le\\1atcr po oles ~~1\t~:.~1 ,'.quai 1

t~at arc mt!leCebon, _bdille tf.)e poJt or l5at1nab,, ~b.~:,~r.'u~·,,

b1m : ttr f nofe ts bile ti.le tottier of :tJ..ibanus, b• P""· ~
mtJtcIJ loofletlJ to\\larb ~amafi;us. nr~~:~~:t
6 ~at l]cab t)Jat ftanbetlJ bpon t)Jcc is hlic w.~,:~~·:;, the
«armel: an~ tf.)e I}aire of tlJl' l.Jeall is liflc purple, f ·:;i ~~~i,
anlJ hflC tl fimg IJ\1)£11"1g among manp 'aJaftr ofaooD~lnlll.
· 1 fl!> lJo'o.:lfaire anbiaueirart t{Joumrt1ar'
linit in pitafurcis ~
s ~l:Jr«aturei!Stifleag~almctrec,annt1:.1p ~.~b'c"~::r.•b
b:eaas lille tf.Jc grap~s. . . ~~:~;~,:,:~ ••
9 1 rapbe, 'J\ b:ltll dime bp mto tte ~alme pcrrtc•tr•·
trce,anb talie lJolll of IJ'1$1Ji~ btancl)es.
1 o ~11 b:cans:iatro 11.JaU be as tl)c \lline du,
acrss, tl)e t\ndlof ttw nottrclf!l ltke a~ tf.Je rmcl!
of appleis.
11 gun tl)e roore or tlJr montlJ bile tlJc bell
1Dtne.. '\DlJidJ tss meete fo: mr bcft beloucll, pka,
rant ro: {Jts ltps,anb ro: lJiS tcctlJ ta dJa"tlle.
12 1 am mr belouenis, anti lJce UJall rcturnc
l)im tmto me.
13 fl!> come on, l11t' lour, \llee mm goe foo1t1J
intotlJcffelbe, anbtaflc our IDbging m tlJe 1111'
1 4 h '.]In tlJe moming blill we go rec tlJe bate< h aita 1Dfu
rarll, toee well rec }ftlJc btne be fp1ung fo:tlJ, if ~~~.'Ji.':'b/: 11
tl)e grapes be gtomen, anll if tl,Jc t:eomegrana~ =~·:::;: '"
be ll)oot out. 1nu11b•rD••
1 5 ; ~ere totR] gtuc ti) cc mp b:calk!S: tl)e ~·~:ii 11ncr~
~an!>1ago:as gtuc tl]tir f\Dcet rmen,anb be fine ~: ~.~~~::1•
our lJOOJ£S are all man.ncr or plcaraut fruttc15 f~~::"~~.~dl­
botf.) ne'a.'lc anll oltl, 1DlJcctJjj l)auelicptfa;tl}ec,
I!> mp beloueb.
The viij. Chapter,
1 The Church wil be taught by Chrill. 3 She is vphol-
dcn byhim.6 The vchcmentloue wherwith Ch rill:
lou.cth.hcr, 1 ~ ~hee is the vi~e that bring~th foorth
fru11 of the fpmruall S olomo,which is Icfus Chrill
~at.• 'Jl migl.Jt finb tl)ce \lltt.IJOUt~ •~ 1tt rorltru
anb kllTe t1JC£, 'mlJom '] lour a~ mp ~'.~~.~·~.·~..
b:otlltt UilJicl) rutkt mti motlJrris :~::.~'c~!.:':r
b:cafts, anb tf.Jat t1Jou fiJaltnot llc ,1,,a
• l:Jefpiftb. ___, _ ..
il!lo 2 ·•11
The loue of Chrill: Efay. tovvard the Church;.

The end of the Ballet of Ballets of Solomon, called in

La cine, [anticum (anticorum.
\Xternall f eruice reiecred. Chap.ij. Thezealeofchegodiy. l3o
ftaltt~ cum Crom mp berp ttatt,tf1cr mallt mu of ttJe mountaincis. ano 11.lall be IJt~ ctJrn tl)c
'alearp.,'.J cannot abit1U1Jm1. l)ilS..Snl> au nationis ftJSll p~ctre bnto l)tm.
'.~, 1 s119lJm re lJDlll out pour IJR1\bS.,] \Utl tumc 3 a111111 multttuDc of people 11Jall goe; fPea•
,, mint ere~ from 11ou: anti tlJougl) ttmallc manp lting thus one to anochc:r, Gl:omc.. ltt bS afccnll to
t\ sH p:a11n-.11tt'altll1\1Jtarenotl)ingatall; *Cuing ttJe tJill of ttJc ·JL,01nc. .to ttJe IJDtlfe or tl]c cJl5ot1 of
~··1 pour (.Janois arc full ofblootl. ]aco~,anb be will inftruct bS of l)iS w11r~s.. a1.1t1
16 *llMflJpou. makcpou ruant, put atuar 'ale Ultll mnllic tn IJts patl)doi out of ~ion flJ~U
1!0Uf mm tiJouglJtis out of mp Cigl}t: ceare from
come a la\'D, anti tlJe 'aJDJb of ti.Jc JLDJIJ from

17 )Ltarnc to bee \DcU.. applit'l?ourftluesto
CQUJUC..beliutt tl)c opp1c1Tet1,l}dp tl}c fatlJcrldre
to l}ll r~t, let tl]e 'alibo'alc!S complaint come
4 anti t1J11H glue rmtcncc among tl)c l)ca·
t(Jen,antl flJall rcfo:mc tf;Jc multitu'bc of people:
tlJcp a;a~ their Cmo,bis alfo into mattotftfS,
1 t>eroierou: an'b tl)c1r fpcarea to make fittJcis: !ln'll one peo•
\: 18 anb tl}cn goc to., faittiJ tlJeJL,o,tl, lctbfS pl~ 11Jall notlintlp a weapon agama anottJcr.,
~ talhctogctl)er: tlJou!Jf} pourfinncis bcasrcbSfS 11e1tl)er fl)all tIJcp lcamc to figl}t from tl]mce•
~· f'8t"let, tIJer llJall be ais 'allJite as rno'll'I: ~ tlJ~u~ fOJtl}.
11~ tlJep\llcrclilie purple, tlJC'I? (l)all bee ais 'allJJttais 5 ctromc, ilD rec f;Joure of ']lacob, an'b let b~
i \DOOll. \Dalftc in ttJeligl}t of tl)c JL,o:'ll : I
19 Jr pc be totning anti obcbtmt, re 11.Jal catt 6 ljfo, tf;Jou lJall fo~faftm tlJp people tlje b t:&•tanr,. ,
:~ t1Jcgo0Doftl}ela11t1: . . IJ~Ufc ~f 1 atob, b be.caufe tfJc!'. bee rcplcnillJcll 1111Jv e•• ''':
.t:~ 20 lBut tr rec be oblftnatc anbrcbtHtouis., pee w1rheu1ls rromtl}c lfaft, anti mttlJ ro:ccrcrslifte. ~1~.~,~.:~~r::•
!ball be ncuourctl 'alitlJ CfJc C\tlo,b: fo, CfJc moutlJ ti)~ l01Jilitlinc15, an'b in lh"aungc cl)i11>1cn tlJtt' l~~;~~1,~~·:·:
orrIJc Ji,,oill f;JatlJ fpohen it. . . tl)ttlke tlJetnfclUCIS to IJaucpnougl), umurn.,, •'-'
2 1 l!}o\11 l}appcnctl) tt tlJ~n ~l)at tl)c flutb~n i . '4nJC1tlanlJi!SfUll oHtlueran'b gOllle,ne.i• ~\u.'16~,r~:~'m
citic, \lllJiClj 'ro8fS fUI ofeQUtttc, iS become vnfaith- ~er IS tf;Jcn anp m'b of tl}ctr ttcarure:tl}ctr lantl QID alimc.
full ~a mf;Jo,e 1lfltlJl}tcou!nccre l:l'alclt in it, but is alCo full of l)o:fc1S,anb no cnll iJS tlJcrc or tf;Jctr
nom murtlereris. . tl)arctJS. . .
l 2 -m:;hp mucr ts tumcb to 'bJoU'c,anb ti.Jr \\ltnt s ~ctr lanb i; alfo full of baint gollis, anti
-...... min mitlJ mater. ~ befott tiJt b.10111cs or omnc 1Jant1css tJ.Jcr
23 GJpp,tncc~Hm:'mic:licb, anbcompanions lJa!Je bometl tl]emfclues, rea men befo1e tl)c
::._: • ofttJcril•:ttJcplouc giftis altogctlJer an'bgapc. tl)mg tlJat tlJclr o'alne lingers IJaue ma'bc.
.. .18 fo~rcmalt£is. *9.~fo~tllefatl)erlCtre,tlJcpl}elpe 9 -m:;l)cre lmcclctlJ tiJe man.tiJct:e fallctfJ tlJc
· -~· • l}im not to tJilS rtgl}t., neittJcr \Dtl tlJcp let t~e \\li•
man tio\\lnc befomhcm: t1Jctcfo1c fo:giuc tl}cm
bomcs caurcs come bcfo,c tlJcm,
·_! .· not.
'.-:: 2 4 ~ereroie raietlJ tbc Jl.0111 <l!Job ofl)olleis, 1 o ~et tl)ce into ti.Jc roclic, an'b lJille t{Jec tn
:x~ tbe migl}tie one of']fracl: aIJ1mull cafcmtc tb,c grounll,fo, featc of tl)e Jl..OJil,anD fo~ tl}c glo•
--'-"' of mtne cncmieis, anb aucngc me ormtne anuer• ric of lJis maietlic.
rartcis. · 11. '4njc l)tglj loo!ics of man UJaH be btoul,#
• •• 2 s an'b 1 flJalllarc mv (Jann 1'J10" tlJee, anti lo\Dc, anll tl)e l}autinclTc of men tIJall be bo'alc'b
:, . . ~melr purge a'Wap tlJF n~oD'c,a® Calle a'BJap all 'bo'alnc: an'b rt)c JLoi'bc alone !ball be craltel) m
tlJF tinne : tl)atbap.
.~i 16 anorct tJJp']ubgcis agatnc asd)cp\Dcre 12 1fo1 t11e nar of tile :ir.o~'b of l)oacs fhall be
~~: fomett1uc,ann tl)p rmatourJS as tl)ey \\lere from bilon an tl)e p,ou11.,loftte..ant1 bpon all tJ:Jat ii! er•
,,. the beginning: anll tIJcn t~ou llJalt be callcb tIJe altcb, ann lJe lballbc b1oug1Jt lo'lli.
riglJCCDUJS citle,tlJr. fattIJfUU citie. 1 3 !!nil bpon au lJiglJ anti aout €cbar trus
2 7 ~ion ft.Ian be ret1ecmcb \llitl) equine, an'b of )l..ibanus,anll bpon all ttJc llDllcS of' :0afan,
1.Jcr conucrts 'alitlJ rigf.Jttourncffe~ - 14 ann bpon an tlJe l)igf)mountaines, an'b
2 s lBut tbc tranl'grcll"ours, anb tlJt bngoblp., bpon all tlJC lJiglJ (Jtls.
atlll ruclJ as foifalle tf;Jc )l..01b, llJaU altogctl]cr be 1 5 anll upon cucrp IJigl) to\\l1c, ann bpon cue·
bttttlp 'bcttropc'b. ric fcnttll man,
· 29 foi rccll.Jallbcc conroun'bcb foi tlJe trees 1 6 ano bpon au tlJc flJips or 11nJarns,an11 bp·
\\llJicl) pc l)auc 'befirctl: anll pee ll)all be allJanuo on all pictures or plcafurc.
of tl)c garb ens tllat re l)auc c:l}oCen. 11 anti ttJc 1ni'be of man llJall bee ll1ougf)t
30 1foipcl1Jall bcasa ttctmlJofc lea~cs arc tlo\\lnc.. anti tlJc loCtintCfc of men flJall bee mane.
fallen amap,ano ais a g1mim tlJat l)atl) n moitt• lo'alc.. an'b tlJc Jl..o~lJc alonefl1albcc,:altcl:I tn tiJat
,~i nctTc. . Dap.
j;~· 31 a11l1 tlJc bcrr ttrong one o~youridol;lbaU 1 s 'ill5 fol tlJc itlotcs,lJc llJBll tlttcrlp abolilb:
bee as tome , anb tl)c malieufltasa fpa of 1 ~ *9nb tl)cpe~an '~!!."foe'1!!o boles offlonc, Luk •21 .; 0 .
~: 6re,anbt1)ep fiJaUbotlJ bttmC toget:l,Jct, no an'IJ ,ntoc:auclS O&..,cca...,, ~ u;arcoftlJe 1J.,01t1 •poc. 6. i6.
~: man quenctJ tl)cw. \ an'D fo: tl)C glo,port)iS maicllic.,'ml)en l)C arifettJ ole.1 o.8.
to llellrOp the wicked ones of tlJC C8\1b.
~;; Theij. Chapter. 20 9jn t11c retre fame bar flJall man caft a\uar
I A prophefieofChrifiand hiskingdom_e. 11 P idc, IJis gobl5 of mucr, anb IJis gonis of golbe., into
i· courtoufne!re,fupcrnition, and idolau_1c arc r ro- tlJct:Jolcs of ~o'mlefS anb lBatliel'f, \\llJim l)ee
~(o,. ued. 17 Gods terrible iudgemenugamfi thcfi neutttlJclctrc lJa'b mane to lJimfclfc to tJonour
'e. fdfc rame 'tD01b tl]at ~ c tl}cm.
I· ~·

D ronnt of am.os fa'Wc bpon 1.· 11
anb G)&erufalml.
;. *anothistlJaUc:omU~fll
tn dJe lattct Dape.JS, ~l)e. a l)iH
tl)£Jl,.oJ,bc1J'l)OUfelhaUbe WCJ)8teiltnt1Jc~
21 anb fiJaU mqie into ti.Jc cleftis of tlJc
romes.. an~ mto tlJc topuf t:1Je IJaro aoneJ., eo,
rc~re of tfJc ll..o,~c, an'b foi tIJc £lot\' of IJiJmnic,
rue, \Dl}enl)catifetl,Jto bttlror the: wicked ones ol
n €e.afe tt1mfoie from 1nan. in \DIJOfe no< ttJt C4bJlt#. 8l1D tl)e rounn tr~ after the tailiion
ftnl.6 t11ere i15bJ,!8tlJ: fO; bJl}min $ l]e to b£ 8'•
tounte'b oft
oh;; ';nuutepflfUmefS, 1111> tlJt bJaaltt15,
anti Cl1C mumer-.
Theiij. Chapter. 20 qebon~anbtbtflopd, anbtlJelJfa'b'
t The mifchitfc thar Go~ fcndcth on commonwcales banlJ~.anb tl:J£ tablttl. 8l1b tile eamfup, .
for die conrcmpr ofh~ wordC'. 14 The c~uetouf· u antnii~anDnofei£'1Dtlj5.,
.ncffc of rulers rcproucd. i 6 The proud rucencfre :i. i ~e COall' appantl, anb t1)£ batle15, llnb
of women punil'hed 10 their n-.amc. tl)c 'mimpl£15,8n'b tl)e mfping pins,
jj[)J loe,tl;Je JLoJlJ 0o'b of l]olft15 lJOtb 2 3 .Qnb tl)C ~lalftS, ano ~£ fine linncn, anb
carte abJat from ~ierufalcm anti tl:Je IJOO'bl5, anb t{Je fa'\l)ne15.
11uoa all manner of ftap, all 11111' of 24 .Qnb in lleab of IJOOb rmen, tlJm mall bee
meat anob;infle, . tlinfle,anb in ftea'b of tf.Jcir !,Jirllle, a nnc, anb fo~
2 'Gtl)e captaine an'b tl;Je roun11er, l:Dellfet 1J111re.t1Jere OJall be balbndre, in ffcab of

tile 1u11ge anb tIJe l&iopl)et, tIJe • p,uocntanll a aom?c:l)er,a facfseclottJ, anb lunnc burning fo~ ,
•1tb•P"'''"'· tl)cagct11uan, beautte. . )
~:~11~~~r~~'~:" 3 ~l)c captaine of ftCtie, anb ~e l)oneura, 2:5 ~P men nian petil11 b:litlJ tbtf'cDo~ anb
~~~·~~1;~ 11 " 11 btc.tiJe rcnatour, tl.1£ cunnin!,J artificer, anb tl)c tlW baliant roull>iour15 in tf)c batta1le, o Hien1-
"~· cloQUetlto~atour. . . . fiilem. rt.,
2 6 allb Iler 1,Jates fiJaH moumr anb btb:lailc •
4 anD '.JI fiJall giuc d}1ID~en to be tl)ctt p;m• ..
cc~.anD babcl5 o.iau rule oucr tl}em. . an'b RJeebting'befolate,Oial fit bpon tl)t!lfOUntl:
~ auDtl.1epcoplcrtJaH ead)oneoftl)em~10, Th 111 .... Ch
lentil:' oppiecrc anotlJcr, an'b cucrp one a1,Ja~ntl e J· apter•
tJil5 neigl]bout: ~e bot l'flllll p~Cume aga~nlt 1 The miferic ofihe fiubburne. 3 A promifcofGods
I ,tiJC elber, anll tqe pcrCon of IO\\l Degree agamfl fauour to the reflduc.
Itbcl}onourable. fl tl.1atbap rcucn-mommfbaltafle
· 6 ~ca one fl.Jail taftc a frienb of IJU! omnc ~olb of one man, raping.• 119c'1liD
rrtnreb bp ttJc bofomc, anb rap, Q.Jou l;Jaa doa, finbc our re1ucs 1ntat ano apparel:
tlJin!,J. tl)ou 111 alt be our l.ltal>, anb aar tlJi!S ru, onclp let bS be caUeb bl' ttw namr, t'll
ine toitl) tlJ-p 1Jant1. to take our OJamtfUll fepJOOfe lT
7 'arl)enlballf)cfmearc, anl>fap, 1 cannot tromvs. _
llelpc pou: tlJert il5 nrttf)cr meat noJ tlot)1ing tn 2 •'Jn t11at l>ar lbaU tl)e bub of t!Jt :t.o:D.tllt :Jr,;r;
mptJoure. malic me no ruler of tlJe people. bcautifun anb glo~iou~, anb tl)e fruitcor t:1Je aJt.~
s 1]'o, ~ieruralcm anD !]uba mull bccar: be• cartlJ llJall liec qcdltnt all'b pleafant ro, tlJmi ~.
caute tl)at llotlJ tl}eir b:lo,oes anb rotm~ arc a' tl:Jat arc mapeb of '.]Jerad. · ··
~ain! tl)e J.-o~l>e, to piouolie tlJe p~ertnce of IJilll 3 ¢lJm OJall tl)eremnantin ~fon,anl.l dJe :.r:i
mateltte to an!,Jtr. remnant at 'terufalcm be calletl tolp: "~1· n
9 ~ctr berp countenanr::t be\\11arr.tb tl)em.. all fuelJ a~ are WJitten among tJ;Je ltuing tn IJlf' !I'
11ca tl)cp 'beclare tl)eir obJne flnntS5 rhemlclucs 815 rufalctn.
~obome,ttJer }Jibe it not :moe be to tlJcif o\\lnc 4 'b ~Utcr tl)at tl)e JJ.o:Dc f.Jatl;J '\l)!lfl:lta-
routes, roi tt)ep gaue rewarbeD rum tmto tJJem• t!Jc fiftlJincITc or CIJc Dau«fJtcrs of ~ton. ~ ~ ~
re1~!ss~ar to tbe ri!,Jl)tcouS5 tlJat tt OJall ~men ~;~f~.~:~O:~~.~~~~~l)'~::~~er!." dJC !'!i·)
4.!litlJ tIJcm : fol tl:Jer OJall eatc d)c fruitc or tIJeir , Qnb bpon an ttJe b\\iellingf of t!Jc 1Jft1r1 !! '
o'QJne ttuDies. of ~ion ,anlJ bpon l]er con~egation1.t1Je iolb .i::
11 B111 "lllocbe bnto ttJc '\l)imcb, Co~itflJSUbr 1111111 crtatcatloul>c, anofmofle bf bay. anbtl)e ''
cum 'U)itlJ l)tm: f~ t}ee n1all te re\\'larbeb after flJim"ftg or a flaming fire bl' niglJt : ~ au t1Je :;:-:
l)is o'\l)ne wo~lieis. 'glo~r 11Jall be wcrrrucb. ·~···
12 Qilbien areert0Jttoncr111 of mp people, 6 gnbttJtte o,an bee a tabernacle fo~ a~ ·~·
anll \tloinm rule oucr tl)cm: il!> mp proplt. ttJr bo\lJe in tl)c nap time from tbC IJeat, llt1b a Clfe · .· .~.
lclllltr$5 neteiue tIJec, anb co1rupc Cl,Je \\'lap of tlJr place anb refuge fr01n '\l)eatl}er an'b raine. · "'
footllcps. Th ch ·
13 ~11c·.a.ei'biS51Jerett1communcoft1:Jemat' ev. · aprer. · ~1
tet,anbllanbetl) toiU'b!,Jt tl)cpeople. 1 Of Chrifi and his vineyard, 8 with an rxecration f
4 ~e'Jl.oJl:IOJalcnttrtntoluDgementbJitl) of couctoufnelre, u drunkcnncfic, 19 and con- ;~
tlJe elDttS! anti p~inccs of IJiS people, and fha~ fay tenm of Gods word. r. >,:
rothem, ')t Csvee tl)at l}aue burnt bp mp Mnc, ~~~- llD\11 \Jil ']! ffltl,l11Plltlouct1 frimb. ~~J
~attl,tl)c fpoilt of$ poo1e iJS fn pour heurrs. """',.,"-"',...._a fontJ of'nrt1rimt1 tOUCl)ing !Jil ,:1
I 5 110l)tlt nwanc pee tl;Jat re Wit' as in a mom:r . btncrarD: *i8JF be1oUeb rrtmb l;laD lcrt·•\~
~~op.k, IDlll~nbtl)efac;e15of~epoo;c,f11ittJ' a bincparllinBbttP fndtfUDplm' m11.t •

\\l~.:C~~tnliS Of '1Non tlf£ 'o.laJetl pJoUlle. anb ...., ~nb'P-.. • 1•.,
~ ~=:Obu~.'=~t~rl)ad) f&fllt, -ceing ~...~2~,,~~~o!fll5.. tt,~~~B~e:b119tga\tltIJ
"'H ...
cntl}be :!tW!
....., ,~;:~
.... ttt) ftntdJetl fo~tlJ nedlel5. anb lNlltOn
anti tripping ntml'' anD Ullr::btinl
ro =·,cire.omt(Jercln: •
: tn d)c m1ll~cd
... t tic a.....
builbc~l}e a•
_ _ _... anll · ...loOflell ...
n11l}ec ,,,

J7 '4!;1)tttfoie tball tl;Jc 'l.A)Jb OJauetl)t l)t8blS rz t.?:~. . ,.... .,. . . . ."1 4.
lC ..,..OIJlflt !E'i~
of t~e .lllll:'~tcr,s or ~ton anD 11JaR ~ JaotU, ill) of 9'ttr1Jfalem..•anb man :"'ij••'
\ tl)mftltl)metrt. • . - . tuap•.~,..R~r. tJJU,bcnw.nmeanDmw ·~ ·".·\,.
1&]ntl)atbapfl)aftt1Jrl;.oailtm.at111111Je '1'! - -• ..
g;oigcourncU'e or tlJeatttn about tl:Jm-111111 ·· · ·...: .......,....,.lb..atfc · · • ...-~'
\ - -- --- - ·------. ~: ___,,
lhe vineyards. Chap.vj. Efayslips touched. 231

tf)at jl 1J8ue not DOn£ 1 DbmfoJe tilcn l}atlJ it tlra\De, a1111 astIJeflmncconfumetl.J tl}eftUbblc:
giucnmi~~ \lll}m'.JI loOfi£lJ to 1Jau£ 1}118 cuen Co tl}cir rootc llJSlbe as 'o:ruptlon.. IJ tlJeir
grape-oflt:' . .. .· bloil"omt RJaU banill> a\llap like IJutl : ro: tiJrr
s weU. no\Difbanunroul}omiunuDOe IJaue call alllap tIJe lLa'\D of tl}e ll..oib otlJotle!l,
\llltlJ mp bmeyarb: '.JI mil talte tl}e l)ellge from it, a1111nerpifeb tlJe 'Wo:l>Oftl;Je (Joirone of4]rrae1.
tl;Jat it map pml'IJ, anlJ b~fle 11amie tl)e \llan 2 5 ~IJ.utoie ill tl}c llltatlJ of ttJel-o:bbin'tll~b
~tlJatitmap be troilcn tmilet faotc. agamt IJtrs peopu, a1111 l)att1 tlretclJeb ro:tfJ IJ•~
6 11 \lliU lap it malle,it n.iau neuet be ntggelJ 1Jan1> bpon ~em, pea,lJe IJatlJ fmittrn tlmn: ann
noJ rut, but bcare tlJoine!l anlJ biiet!l: '.J mill al, tl)e IJI~.& DtlJ ttctnbte. anti tl}eir tsrlicifes 'tliD lfr
ro fOJbib tlJe tloullc!l tl}at tlJe:r OJall not raine to~ne m tlJe open llreete11: !Jin au tlJill tlJe m:atlJ
bponit. of ~ob l]atlJ not tearen, but IJis IJanll llret,IJcll
1 ~to: t(Je bimparll or tl}e )l.,o,n ofl)oll•. it OUttlill. .
t• tlJe l]oUfe of]fmel: anlJ tl}e man of']ulJa,tlJc 2 6 ann IJee ll)all giue a tolien to a people of a
plant of1Jil1 plearure: of tl}ere l)e lo~beD ro~ eciut< farre countrcr, anD 11Jall 1Ji[e bnto tl)em from
tte,but rce, tliere iis opp~errton: fo~ tiglJttournes. ttJe ~nll o~ tlJe earllJ: anll belJolD, tfJcr 11Jall ,01nc
anll toe,it tu ctring. (Jatl1lp tDttlJ fpeebe.
s tmoe bnto tl}em tlJat iopne one l]oute to 2 7 '4(Jm ll)all not ber one faint no: feeble a'
anotl)rr, anil lmng onelanDfi> niglJbntoano' mon1,t tlJcm, no not a Ouggini 01 Oeepte pmou:
tlJu,tbat tlJcrc ilS no mo:e place: 119lll l:'e be Pia' tQm ~Jal not one oftl)emput otflJiS girnle from
'en alone m tl}e miDll of t~e eartlJ 1 IJ•• Iom~s,no: loore tl}elat'fJct ofbtis ll)ooe.
9 ·4ln)ere tl}ingsarc in tl}e eare11 of tl)e JLoin 2 s l3~S arromes are fiJarpe,an'tl aUIJi1$ bo'llle!!I
. :~ of1Jott11: ofa trnetl}grcatannfattel}oure)lllJaD bent: IJlll IJo:re IJooteis arc as flint, ann !Jill cart
be \l>ftfJout anr ll'lllelter in tl}em. \ll(Jcele!l ltfte a ml}trle"l'Oinb.
10 gun tcnne acreisofbtneisllJall giuebuta . 29.$is cite i.& as tt mm a Iton,anlJ IJeroaretlJ
quart, anntlJirtie bullJctsof rcellellJallgiuebut lllle lions \lll,lelpes: tl}ep 11.Jall roare a11111.Jantl}
anlll',plJa. ~ tl}ep:ar. ann no man 11JaU remtuit, no: get
1 1 119oe be tmto tl)em tl}at rt re bp eartp to fO, 1t rromtlJem.
lome t11unkenne[e, continuing tmtm ntgf]t,till 30 ~nt1Jat1Jap1Je11Jallbe fofiercebponlJitn,
tf)cr beret on fire\'Uitl}"tDine. astlJe raging oftl]e rca: tlJcnonc tlJallbel)olne
12 'jn tlJeir feafls are $arpis an'tl JLutelS. ~a, tl)e d l~nn,ann loe!barflencU"eanb foJolti,anb tIJc ~.~:~~~~;
- b~Ctll anlJ 10ipe~,an?l '1line: but tl)tl:' regllTb not laglJt as l>arbenen mtl}e IJeaurns tl}mof. ~'i',i,~~i~~·:~i1,
;: tlJe lllo:ke oftlJe JLo:D, anD 'onrtnernot tl}e ope• Th CVJ,. Ch apter, llfH1cnon,
.... rattonof(JiislJanns. . .. I Efay fawe the glory of the Lord, 9 And was fem
:-• · 1 3 ~erefoJC commetl) mt' foUle into 'llPtl~'
· .f:l tie,becaure tIJep lJaue no buncrttantnng: b~CI~ to p(ophclic the defolation of I uric.
~,a~ ~ie ts tamta1e1J mttlJ l)Ungcr,ann tlJetr mult" ia tlJepem ttJatmng ©pal) lll:'e'tl,
~1 ·
tulJC 1J1tct1 bp lllith tl}irff.
14 ~lJerefo~ gapetlJ l)ell, an'tl opcnetlJ I.Ju
~utl:J marualoul$ lllt~e, tlJat tl}eir gl?Ji~mut<
attllle, anb "tDealtlJ, \tlltlJ ruc}J aJSretotre inl)cr,
1 s ~u$1 batlJ man a fall , anlJ iSS b:ou!lf1t
lo\llC; aUIJ tl)e IJillJ looflc of tl)e p1oun OJall bet
D '.ll ram airo tlJe JLoine fitting bpon
an 11igl) anD glo:ioull feat, an'tl l)is
traine ftDcn ttJe temple.
2 am about titm tloo'tl ~era'
pl]ims,m]Juor one l)aD nre l»in~, lllitf:I tlllaine
eadJ coumn l;Jiss face, mttlJ t'tDatnc lJill feetc,ann
~ t\naine nin l;Je llpe.
::o'' lapel> bolllne. , 3 ~ apelJ a1ro eacl} one to anotl}cr on
-JJ' I 6 J5Ut ti)e 'JLo:b Of l)OllS 1118\l bC£ eyalUlJ Ul t!Jiss manner, *$olp,l)olp,llolr tstlJeJLo:bcor 8
j,1 tU1Jgemcnt,ant1<11Jo'tl tl)atiSS 1Jolp, i$1 rauctifitlJ in l)ofteJS, U,e llli]Ole eartl} iis full of bi.& glo,t< Aroe •4• •
.1: rigl)teourne[e. 4 gnb tl)e IF11tite!l of tl)e 1>00,e c(Jecf!~moo'
17 ~lJm OJall tl)e 11Jecpe eate as tlJcp \\'Jere uen at IJis erring, anlJ tlJe 1Jo1ne ma,u full or
1Xl011t,an'tl t[Je rid) mm$! \llalle$1 ftJal' Branguss
"'.Jct~; beuoun.
~ ~en rsrn 1, neoeiss mr~ fo, ~ am 1oa, in
;') :Ai 1s 00oe be bnto tlJrn1 tl)atlJtame 'midlcbntfrc a11 mutlJ a~'] am a man of bncleanc ltppe)l,ann
~ :--· \t'Jit11 co:'tls ofbanitie, anb unne a$1it \tlm \llttlJ btllell among. people tl)at l}atf:I bnclcanc ltppcJ:i
,:;-• acartrope. . atro: ro, mine erc!l IJauc rcene tl'lc king tfJc lLo,n
!~1.i:r , 9 t19lJidJ bfc to fpeatte on tIJunnancr, let oftJoaess.
,~ I.Jim make rpcene. anl> [Jallcn l}iS lllo:llc, tlJat \llc 6 ~en fle\Ile one of tlJe ~erapf)imss bnto
:an mar fee tt: let t[Je 'ounfeU of tbe l)otp one of
.,(t, ..: ~ftad come ann t1Ja'1Jc niglJ ~ tl)at mee map
me, l)autug a lJOt colc in lJi!l l.Janb, tol.Ji'lJ l)e lJall
taken from t1Je altar \IlltlJ tfJe tongs,
7 ann lapbe it bpon snr .moutl}, an'll fapnc,
knO\W(t, .
~' 00oc be 1mto tl)em tlJat can eml ~oon,ann
'' (""" ·
20 JLoe,1his l}atf:I tOUd1eb I fJt' alippes,an1J tlJine bn' a eo~• rar,..
·~, UQol> euat, llllJitlJ make namenell"e ll~t, attb rti;W~toufnetrellJalbe taken alllap, anb t1Jr finnc ~;·:;'~;.;~:~'
r liU!JtblltllmctTe, tl)atmafic fn\D1ef\11eete, anti Coigruen. . ~·~~,~~~;~ct:c
~I ffileete fo\D1c. . s ~uro 1 IJcarb t]Jc bopcc of tlJc JL.oitie on '"-.,,,,,,, "'"'
1"//~\ u *moe be bnto tl)em tIJat an \Ilnein tlJtir tlJilltnannir,mlJo~e 11Jall] rcnn,anll 'dlbo '1lill :~;fL'.':;·;; ;'.'.,
oblnt fi!.Wt, aUIJ tlJinke tljc\nretues to l]aue tin, bee our metrengcr. ~en 1 rarbe, ll)cre am J, ""~ 1111 :.
•;-' mthmbtng. rennme.
r~ u n9oebeebntotlJem thatareato~to fup 9 a~n l)ee ratnc.. IBoc ann ten ttrtss pcopll',
I" out 'mine.~uwm men to rct bp t11un11tnneire. *$care mlJe~D, rctbllnttttan1>noc:rccpI11m1r,
2 3 neoe be bnto tl)em tl)at iµue rentmu \llttlJ annretperulucnot. · ~!Jr n.~ ·-
tile bnmollll:' roi re'lllarb!l, but 'onl>tmne ttJe 11111 10 ~arnent[JefJcartof tlJispcoplr llop tlirfr '.""i-, · I
caure of ttJe MtJte~. ems, ann 11Jut tlJeir cress: lea It tnrr rrc mi ai ·1
t11e1reres,1Jcaremit1Jtf:lcirearcJS, l'fb1H1rrftanu' _ ~,__-
1· 24 QJerefoie lflle a$1 &re licketf1 bp ttJe ,
~I )l!la ~ -1111:1- -f-~
Chrifi: prornifed. Efay. Hierufalem chreatnedJ
\Ditl) tl)eir lJeart•,onD c:onuert.anD be l)uleD. 16 1oJ oi euertl}e dJilDc come to fmo\DleDge
11 ~(Jen rpake '.J!,JL.o1D,l)o\D long:''e ~nfn>e• to efdle\D tl.Jeeutll,anb Cl)oore d)e goon. tl)c lanb
ren, GntiU tlJe citi~ be bttmp :tua«c'D \DitlJout tlJat tl]ou fo &blJo~reti, n1anm oerolate of bOtl)
inlJabitont~ an!J tl}c iJoUCc• nnti)out mm.anti IJer liinp.
till d}c 1anD be bttcrlp Dcfolotc. 1 7 ~~ '.4.o~ alfo II.Jal fmb a ctme 1Jpon tl)et,
• u f O~ tl)c )LOJD (lJalpUt tlJe mtn farre atDap, bpon tin' people,' bpon tlJt fatlJtt• IJourt, rUQ)
ana there Iba Ibe great \Valle in tlJe miltDel! oUiJe a• neuer '8me. rince tl;Jctime tllat lfplJ181m lie•
lanll. ... ,. psrtebt'mn ',Juaa, nametr tlJ~\Dtl;Jefltnior
~ l!>b111n..,. 1 3 !?etintt11Janruccecbtenmn~,atlb ... 11Ja1 tl]e.aH'piians.
~';~~,~:cr:~t~· retume. anb bee aftci;UlarD toafteo: ~ut ass tl;Je 1 B 101 at tl)e fame time man tl,Je l.i»b f1t[e
f~·.~:;~::.~1~ ~eple tree,$ ti.Jc ili>lte ~n.tIJe. fall ortl]errleafcuess, foi tlJe flies tt:Jat an about tl)e \Dater of egppc.
""''" oflhl• IJOUC pet tlJe rap rcmammg mtbem, cucn o, d]e ant> fo~ tl]e ll5ees in tl,Je atrr~nss Ianb.
~~~ 1~re'~~~ l]olp ree!le llJall lle tlJc bftap tl)mof.
19 ~ere OJall come. ant> OJaRfill)t an in tfJe
~.~i~~I.~'' ThniJ'· Chapter. · bcfolate ~a~,int'1e1Jolcsofllont-,1U111tipon
au tf:Jo1mc an'O llulIJn~ plares.

+IG11.16. 5•
The Syrians moue battcl13gainll Hierufalcm. 14
,,,.,, """ b'""
- -
•~-·i"" ~ b. lll1b
t1Jefonneof'.]!ot1Jam,'tll1Jtcf)\tla,, ronb~IJe
.. ""ru...
2 ~ !lt t(Je Came time 11.Jall tl}e ',d,oJbflJaue *"'n
lll1b . . . . .
-m;*lJappenebint(Jetimtofgl:1al cleaneoff, \Dit(JtlJe *raroitl)atl]eftJaQIJinbe- *
\Vaterss: nameJp, \lrttf;J tfJclltngofd]e "
I .i

.tlJefonueofillJ.lialJlringof']uaa. ~ar:ian,,, =ll

, ' !tlJat ma!in ttJe bing of ~mta, 2r .gt tf:Je fame time 11Jan a man noUrillJ a "r"" ;1
.anti l&ecaIJ t{Je fonne Of lliome' pong CO\D,11ntl t\DO 11.Jeepe, ~ rg.t-
-- Ilial.Jhtngof]Crael, \Dent bpto, 22 ~e~ becaufeof tfleabUnbance of milk if• SI
\Datll ~terufal£m to beliege it: bUC R azin 'lllafl tlJat tfJep gJUC,l)t IJ)all eatc buttn: fo tlJatmerp .
not abk to \Vin tt. one \tllJtct.J r~tnettJ in t~e lanb, OJaBeattbut• ~l
• :oauio• :z ~o'llle \lJIJen tf:Je •f)oure of ~auitJ (Jeartl ter anb l}onte.
~b'i~:t11•r ••· \tlo:n t{Jerof, tlJat ~~ia anti CfJllnatm \\:las con, 2 3 it tIJe fame time all tifntparal$ tlllJmin
ret1cratc togetl)er,1Jtss 1Jeart qualu!LI, rca,ano tfJc tl}ere niau beca t(Joufantl bine1, w~ a d)ou•
(Jcarts alfo ofl]iSS people, like as \Dl]en t(Jc trees ranb filumingss, 11.JaU bee tumeb to 111ter• 11111
of ti.Jc \Doo?J arc moouen \Ditb tlJe tDinbc. tlJomess.
3 ~l)cnfapb 0on bnto <ffap, C!Joe mcete g, 24 ~ep fl]aU come into tl)c lanb tJJitfJ er•
IJ&i, thou, ano ttJr fonne ~rar ]afub, attt}c ro\Dessannbo\Dess, bccaUCeaUtlJclallb 11Jallb£;
l)ea?J of lfJe ouerpoolc,in ti.)e footpatl:J bF ti.Jc !1ful' come bmri anb t1Jo1nes. ..
Icr.IS!!fOunn, 25 !a~fo:alllJils tlJepfl)albe bigtb\Ditl,Jtlje l~
4 .ann far 1mto l)im, -m;aflc IJ.tctlc bnto t.IJF mattocke, tl)m tJJall not come bpon CIJemanp ..;
relic, anll bee lllll, fearc not, nctt(Jer becfamt teareofbitcr~an!ltlJom~: butt(Jecattdfl}ab
f)cartctJ , foHIJefe t\Do taiicis, tl)atiis, fOHl.Jdi n11um tl}ttl}er,anb tl]e PJtepc OJall fU'De t1Jm, .....
t\llo fmofiing fircbian~s,tlJe \l:l:atl} a~b furtouf•
nc.isoftlla!int\Jc ~t':tanan~ momcltc~fonne:
Th ··· Ch
evu1. apter.
5 l)cc:aufe tl)at t(Je~F~llll, CfplJ:at~, onD The ccliucranceofthc land by Emmanuel. 14 lbc
mom cites fonnc, 1Jaue \Vlcfttb11' confp1rc11 a' fionc of offcncc,:1twhich manyltumblc.
gainn tt)ce, . • ~1touer,d)e )Lo~bfaib bntonw.
6 ~aping, tl9tt'U>tll goe b)I agamt't 1ut111, ¢affe tl}u 8 lftlt roure. an11
1:1ei;ct1Jem, anll biing tt.Jcm 1mt1erbSS, anb rcta \1J1itc tn it, ass mm Doe b>idJa
liing tlJere,cutn tlJc ronne of ~abel: pen, S)alie IJalfie fbcetle torob.
7 ~l.Jus CaftlJ t(Je Jl.0111 0oD t(Jcrrto,lt tl)al anb l}afleto tl)e Qn>ifc.
notfogocfoo:tlJ,ncitlJcrfocomrtopam\ 2 9nD~ canc11tintomefaitf1:
s ofio: tt}e I] can citic of tlJe ~nia~-. is ~a, rut 'tllttncH'es to reco:n.uriatJ tl)e p~ anD fa•
mafcu.IS, but ttJc l.)eotJ of ~amarcui, ts llla!m: cl)ariab tlJe romlC ofl5aracl)ialJ.
Billi attct tlJ:eeCco:eanD flue pccrcs, 11.Jatl ctpl}Ja' 3 after tlJat ll>ent '.JI tinto t(Je P'DPIJetdt.,
imbenomo1enproptc. an1111Jecomciuc!I, anDbmaronnc: ¢1Jcnfal'D
9 ann ttie l}eab of CfplJ:atm ts ~amarta,lmt ti.le JL.01n to mce, 0iue IJim l}issname, .a fpecDie
tl)e IJrab of~amatia tss lllomelics ronne: if pee robber, an l.Jaftiefpoiler.
bcl~rncnot, fUrrll'rccllJallnotbeeltablill.Jell. 4 fo1 \DlJp-:' oL_euet ~ a,il?le 11Jall 1Ja11c
•The E1•i. r o , !ll)oicoucr 001:1 rpal1e agatne tinto a11a~, fmo\Dlellge to me, SJt fad}cranb motfJrr, lIJaD
rn, on ihr fn)'in~, ' tl)ericfJcSOf.i0amafcu•, anbtlJe Cpoilcor~a·
;~~~~~~;;. , 11 mcqtiire to tlJr felfc a toflenort:IJe 'JLo1D mariabetalienatDapbefOJefllfugofatrp~ianss.
••e. tiJv 0oll, ml)etl)cr it bee towarn d)c lleptlJ be• s ~ )LOJDc f}lalie alf'o tmto mce a_glllne,
neat(), o~ to'l'.Datll tl)c }Je!gl)t abouc. faptng, ··
tlJ 12 ~llcn fopll !ll)a~,] UJill require none, net• 6 f o' ro mudJ 11• tl1ifl people reruretIJ tfJe ~"'
ct 'lll1U ·jj tempt tl)e JLo~D. lhl runningll:latci offl)il0.a111>puc tlJCir llcli'1\Jt :~
13 ~lJc ll!l~oµl)ct anf\lJeteD, qm l]eare re of in mann an!JJ!romdtesronne: · -.;.\'
tile IJOU££ ot JeauiD: '.lls it not enougIJ foi pou 1 )6eiJolD, tl1C ll,.01D 11Jallb#n1mig1Jtp anb ~
t}Jot )!cc bee ~naouss bnto men but pee mua «teat ftoat11 of water bpon tIJem, namelp, tl)e c.~-~~ :
~nrue mp <13ob alro:' , llin11 of tl)r Q[FJi&nS. \Dit!J aH IJi.G PO\Dcr, \DIJid) ~'\"l
4 ~lJttcfoic ~01. .01n 1Jtmre1re llJSD giue flJaR c:ltme 1lP bpon au 11'• ftooDJ, ano nm oucr ~
Moc. u" rou ato lien: * ~elJoUle a birgtne RJallc:onc:tiuc alllJi.G llanllef. 11..
1 )<ikc ~·J'· c:nt1brarearo1mc, anbibau tall 1Ji15nameltm• s ant1aialbJeafltin1Jpo11~uba.1Je11Jalflo\D ~\
·~ mnnuel. ano paQ'e tl}o1o•ta11Jee comet1p totteneme '\
. '1 1 5 '3Utteranbl)onitflialll)eua..,b.-nr1Jce t1Jereof· 1Jee ""aUllUalfo ""e\Dl..."mtdli r- . I~-

\ - - ~~~i.. lanb\DidJIJiftv~tD ~ma~~rl. ea ..,, \ ·~

\.11oncof offence. Chap.ix. The maiellie ofChrifh 232

~""' 9 l31earre Dolllne, sD re people, •anb pc lbaU

p•I'· 4 anb tmclp euerp batta11t tl)at tl}e \\Jani•
'1\:i~~·:~~ bee b~ken 11otnne1 l}caihcn to, all pee of cane ourmaJtetl), 11 Done lDttlJ ronruret1 nopft, \t brfi•
1 d!nb ""'· countritf. mut?cr pou, anti pou !hall be b1~1 fin« t()tir 11anmn~ tuttl) bloob, buc this b3m1ilc
~' ti~·ame. p1CJJ&n t?OU. anb pou tl)all bcto1ne m 11.Jall be 'lllitl) burntn« anti conCunringoHirc.
~. ..... ~ • ~1 bnt~ bJI .a• €1.Jilbe i~~:OJnoulc.~ntl..11"!:! i.~~~~;:no
u,. 11 ;>al'onneiS !JlUm,bpOn.,IS
~\ Io iat"lllil't'OUtCOUnfclltOgttl)er,petOJafpOUr uttuOC....., b:onainu,
\ c:ounftllcomctonougbt:bttmntnctlJcmaettt, tbc rule lte.UanD beets calleb lDttl) l)tl olllnc 1,0 h+ 16•
~' pct ll)altit not p1ofprr :'Co~ 0ob ii tot~ tis. . n~mc. Donbcrfull, ~c gluer of Gtoutitell, itl)c 11°•.ond h,,
11 ijf01 ti.Jc JLo~b fp111tc tl)UI to int ma rm!llJ• ml«fJtp (J[5ob.~t eutrlat'ting fatl)er, ~c p~incc name 1t'hall
~~~..1111 tic piopl)efie, b anti 'lllameb me tl)aC'.]l ff)oulb not of peace. . ~·r~:~ ~~:1i,
~f.~'~., \llallletntl)ebJapoftlJfspccplc,faring,_ . . 6 $e flJaUtnal'l£ nornbtomcnare tl)crult holy gh'o11;
~ "po~· 12 .Fe llJaH notfpealle wordsof confp1raae;,m anb pcac_e,ai:it1 llJsU fit bpon tl}e reatcof wauib, t'hall e>ll
\~-IP•· aH tl)tngS tt>iJtn tl)Jf$ people ff)all fap, <ltonfplrS• anti lfl lJ.IS fl~tigb0~£, tO O~btt t{Je fame, Bnb tO his name.
• ctc:Ccare tl}cmnot,ncttl}rrbcaf\'aib oftl}cm.. l!ablt11Ht\ll1tl) cquittrantJ rt!llJtcournetre from
l~ 13 l5ut ranctirtc tl)c )Lo1t1eof 1Joac1, lct_l)1m 1JcnccC01t1J fe1 eucnno:e: ~iJbl flJall ti)c 1ealc of
~: bcpourfcareant1t11eao. C1JcJL01t1oflJottc1b1ingtopatre. ,
~'-l4· i4 fo,llelbalbctl}elJolppfacctoflccto, *anll 7 itiJe lLoit1e Cent awo1oetnto1ac.ob, tlJe
~ ~~:a.1· aaoneto !tumble at. tl)crom£ to !all bpon, anti came iii come into ]lfracf.
afnare anti net to botlJ tlJr l)oure11 of '.3]frael,anll s in11 all tl)c pcoplt of {fplJtaim lbal kno\D,
tlJc inl]abtters of lt)ierufalcm. a~b tl)cr tl)~ttl\Dcll in ~amalia, tl)at rar bJttlJ
ls inti manp among tl)cmflJSll tlumblt anti Pllbt antll)l!llJ tlomackts on this manner.
·~ Call., anti be b1obm, rea tlJtr OJall bdnarctJ anb 9 'Ctl)e tpfc \Do:kc ts caum tiotonc, but bJee
..., tali en. \Dill builtie tt bp bJitlJ fQuarctJ nones : tlJc ~ul•
->•lllf• 16 ' l5inllt Up tl)e ttfti'lnont£.feale tlJda\D in IJrric Umber ii b:orttn, but 'l.U£e bJill ret it bp a•
-.. ~. mp birctplcJI. . . gatne bJttl} Grcbar.
1 7 anojj 'a11ll'llla1tcbpontlleJlo~t1rtl)atiJ~· 10 '5ut t()c)l.o:lle (IJaU ctnngt()cn tl)c me•
:21!! betl) ()is fac£ f\'om tl)c ()oure of 9]acob,ant1 '.ll \Dd mie11 of iaann, anti tome lJis alluerfarits toge•
::~. loolic fo1 bim. tl)tt againlt (Jim.
::~.1J. 18 *l6utloc,a1fo1mcant1tl)ecf}ilt1~cnbJIJiclJ 11 ~e~ntmnlbtfoJC, anb tlJt 101)iliftine11
tlJc JLoitie l]atl) gtuen me, \Dee arc to be a to lien bcJJinDe, anti ll.Jall beuourc 1)frad ltlitlJ open
:::i: anti a \'DonlJer in ]fracl ftotn tlJc JL01t1of1Joft)1, moutlJ: 9Jter all tl)iJ ii not ti.Jc bJ1at1J of t!Jr
:::. 'llll.Ji~ tJbJclletlJ bpon tlJc IJfll of ~ion. lLo:tic ceafci:J, but re:t IJtJ l)antl is ttre:t~cll out
: 19 anoiftlJfl' lap bntopou, !lllie counfell at rttll.
tlJt~ootl.Jfapcr/$, iwh itclJhes, <ltflJanuc.;s, ~on,
inrcr)1;thcn make I em t IS an were, .31S t.,Cft 8
m~1! ~2!!Jtp£op~~tlJ notbnto~m.,,tfJat
~.,-.,"'~"JHJ£1n, ntlt.,CfbOttlJtpCtCflC.....,t~01b
people anr bJl)ere tl)at affietl} not counfcll at 1Ji!1of lJollts.
~;:: eob 1OJoulb men runnc bnto tl:Jt bean €o1 tl)e 13 'lU)erefote IJatl) ti)£ l!.01be rooteb out of
~ ltutn~1 j]frael botl} 1Jeat1 anti tade,bougl;Janbmtlcin
:= : , io (J[5ett1J~tot1Jcdfa~c,tl)ctctltmontc:ant1 onebap.
-:::/:''" tCtlJtl! fptallenotaftttt1J111 \llo1bc, ttJtre J)1 no 14l5t?tfJe:1Jrat1i11 bnt1erlloot1 tlJ£~cnatour
~ 1 .::;. lilllltintl)em. antll}onourableman, anbbptl)e:taile, t1Jep10•
',_(:".." i 1 ~nb tl)cr flJaU tuanbert110101Dc tl)il lanb pl:Jet tlJat p:e:aclJcta lttJI.
~,. · tJartll1!be1ltabanblJUn~ ann'tDl}cntl.JepCufs rs tjfo: ttJe guibcJ of tlJiJ people are bccti,
:3 ~ fer bunjet. tl)Cl! bJillb£ out of patim,r, \t ctlffe uer1, ~ tl)ort tt;Jat be goucrneb, are btterlr Iott.
,~, tlJeir Jun~ anb tl)tir 11!5otl, anb 11.>all lookc bP' 16 itiJcrdotc ft.Jall t1Jt lL01bt IJauc no plea'
ji:ti 'roartl anDbo\'Dnc\'Dartltotl)uartl). rurctn tl)ctr ioungnim, ncttl)cr l)auepttic of
•.,. 22 anobd:Jolllc. t1Jttet11 trouble anti name' tlJtir fatl)erlerre anti \'Dillo\Des:ro: tiJcrareal·
~~ ncrrc, t1imnctteisrount1about1Jtm, anblJeflJaD togetl)er l)ppocrites anti wimetl, anb an tlJtir
~; bct11iuentntollarltcntlte. moutlJtl (peaftcfollp:afteralltl}t11. tis not tl:Jc
2 3 ~eucrtl)elcrre, tbe tiamcnctrc fl.Jail not be
; JL01t1cs m111tl) ceaCttl, but pct 1Ji)1 l.)anll ts llrct>
,} fuc;IJaS1ll8Sil11)Cfbt:ration, bJf.JcnattlJtfirftlJt 'i)Ctl outftlll.
~l ltgl)tlp afflicteb t~e lanllc of-~llbu~n, antJtl}c 17 <Jf1»bngot1finctrcbumct1J aisafire, anlJit
';~ lanlJ or@eplJtlJal1,ant1 afttt111art1 btb mo:e git£• OJall bcuourc b:pers anti tlJoins.anD flJallburnc
uoufip afflict tJcr br tl)c 1llar of ti)£ fM beronb as in tl:Jct(')imtt of\'Doob,anb the wicked atiuancc
]o~banc tn ealilee or tlJe D)eatl)cn. tlJ£ tbc finokt i- carteb tip.
· Ch
The x · apter.
18 ~~ouglJ tlJc bJ1atl) of t()e JLoib of IJolfe~
ts tl)r lanb full oftlamcntfi'r, anti tlJc people b£c
Hee prophefieth of Chri!lcs natiuitie and dominion. conrumctl as it \llcrc toltlJ fire: no man tloe:tlJ
D)e people t()at \tlalflell in llarflneffe fpan lJis b:otlJrr.

D 1Ja11c femc a great liglJt : is ro~

~ou batl multiplpttl t(')e pcoplc. anb not
19 l3ut IJc robbetlJ on tbc riglJt (')anlJ, , botb
tl)cm tlJat tJmelt tn tl}e: lanb of tlJ£ famtfb, l)te catrtl;J on tl}t leftl.JanD. anb l)ee llrall
ll)abo'llle or. t1cat1J, 11pon tl)ctn IJatlJ not IJauc rnou!llJ : nmr man OJall catc tl:Je ftcllJ
of bi~o\lmc anne.
2 o Sl@anafrel lhall cate Cfpl.J:aim,' lfptuaitn
mcnarct1 tlJCtr tore: tlJrr mopce bcfo:c t{Je£. ~anarreis.ant1t1Jeybot1Jtogttl)erll.Jallcate'J:u,
turn as men tttake mcmc in l}arurrt, anti tl)ep lJa ! after.all tlJtal _is not tlJt l-o:i)S b.l18tlJ ccarcn,
briorrun.. as mmtl,Jat bot t1iutbc t1Je!porlt3f- butpct1Jo~1Janb1sttrtte1Jcboutatll.
tcuhevietorie. Th b
1~1 3 1fo~tbou(Jdb:ofltt1 tl)epoke ofl)i~ bur· ex.C apter.
~I.. bm,tllc ftaffc of lJiJ ll)OUlbtt, anll tl)c rob of lJtl I He threatncth t~C opprc{fors of the poorc, 12. and
jf ?2::_1. opp:etrour, *in tl)r Dar of ~abian. prophcfierh againfi Sennacherib.
Aifur Gods rod. Efay. A remnant fauedt

©e be tinto tl)tln tiJat matre bn• 19 iQe tntUU'o of(J(s 'aloob 'mbtdJrematne,
rlglJttous lall£S • anti tl}at aiure
tl)eif aauatieis to ~itt ltittJoUC.
flJall be of ructJ a number. tl1at a clJftlle 11181! tdl
neJre. 20 .iftn:Cl)atbilf,_lballtl}ertmn1mtof1tta' ~
• i •I.JcretfnoulJI} tbt poo:urc rl,anl>fucf;J aurc efcapcl:I out of tl)c houft of~a· ,
put from tt,)ctr tig(Jt.a~ mr rt.ell' people robbeb cob, !edit no mwe comfoJ,t at l)im tl)at tmott r
ohUZJgcment. tl)at tv10o'meS map be tl)elrp:l\l', tbcm: bat bnfainel:llr_ OJall tl}tp tncft bnto d)e ~
ano t}JattlJ£F map rob t~e fatl)~le1fe. . . 'll.o:o. tl)elJOlp one of]liael.
21 *~emnnant. rumtl)cpoatttttc of1ja, R ~
ann3\lllJCll ocarucnon mall come from fam:' ~ cob,OJaUconumtmto ll!5oo tl)e milJl)tie one. oai.p,:~
wllbm wtupcnrnncfo~l)dpc:' an11 \ll)Jmwtll 22 foitf)ou!&l)ttwpcoplc.,~'.Jltaet,bca~U,e /·
re 1caue rom gto:r :' ran11 of ttJe r~a,fet OJal tl)e nmnant of tlJem con, ~~
4 ~IJat\llben '.] mtt:l)n:atu lt1l'IJanl1,pe come um bnto ~am:, tl)e 11ecree11 conrumption oacr• •
not amon~ tl;le p~ironms,noi lte amog ti:Je 11eall:' flomcttJ UrttlJ rt«tJtroutnelic. ~-
'.After all tilt~ lloctl;I not tile 'aJ~tlJ of tl)e JLo~llc 2 3 *.anb tlJtt£fote tl)elLoJbOflJotltss(f)alpcr• . 1 l~
ccafe,lmt rct is lJiS 1Jant1 llrcttl)eb out lhll. ~cctlr fu~flll ti.Jc t(Jing t(Jat tJc l)atlJ betmntnell EW. ii..~
5 ll> arrur 'aJIJicl) art tl)c Ila& of mp miatl), in tl)c mtllbctJ of tl)e 'allJole 'mo1111. ,i
i11 \UfJofc f]anb i~ tf]eroo of mine inbignation. 24 a,mfinc tlJU~'8itl) 'lLo:b 0ob ofl}ol~ ·fl.
6 '.ll \llill renb IJim amon~ tlJCfc IJppocrititlJ ~o~ mr pcop_lc t11at 11\DeUca: tn ~ton, be not -
pcoplc:among tl)e people t:l)at l]auc 11crcnut1 mr af'ra111 f~: tl}c tung of t:l)c g[fJian~, IJc tlJal fmitt ;:tl
lliffauour 'alill 'JI fmll l)im: tlJat IJe bttcrlp rob tlJcc 'GlttlJ a roll, an11 tlJal bftbp IJiSftafl!agama 1
ti:Jcm, fpoplc ttJrm , an11 trea11 tl)cm t10\ liflc tl)ee, as tlJe Cf!Jl!ptian,6 llill rometimc. ~1
ttic mire In tl)e ttrccte. 2 ~ l6ut roone after OJ al mp \DJatlJ anti tnzlf«• Oil
1 ~ombcit, lJiS meaning ts not fo, ncitlJcr natton be fUl6llell in tl}e trctlruction of ti:Jem: Olfl
tlJinlittlJ IJi~l)eart on tlJiss fallJion: butl)c ima' 2 6 ~oieouer,_ t)Jc )Lo~ll of 1Jott.e1rniaRllim ill
gine tfJ f]om lJe map roote out ant111et?rop mucfJ bp arm~rge fOJ ~nm,* lil!c as was tl}c aaugtJttr Iudg.7•1 1•
people. . nf 'lJllJalltan bpon tl)c rocltc ~cb, anb ass tl_Jelle> •
s f o~ IJc ratt:l),!lrc not mp l&itnce; allttn~: itrmtion of t!Jccfg-ppttanss,\\JIJcnte ltftcD 11p1Jt1 ~
9 'J)s not ~galno as eafie to 'alinnc, ass ~}Jar, roll bpon tlJc fca. ~
ctJamis7'1l!SitlJatllcrtotonqucrell)amatl}tl}m 27 ~~en UJallJilS burbrn bctalim fromd)p i~
!lrplJat>: 01 is it ltgl,Jter to ouncome wnmari;us l11ou1ncrss, ant11Jisrolic from ttJr nemc, an11t11e
tl)m ~amaria:-' fame robe n1albc llcitrorcll bccaufe oftl}e bnmo. ill!Dl
JO As who fay.']\ tocrc able totoin tlJe bing' z8 ~efl;alcometo aiatl},anllgoet1Jo101Dtit-
wnr:i i!l:)t~on, at ~icl)mas 11.>aU tie lal' »p.,_
llOmes of tl)c illolatms anll t{Jeir gobs, but no.
l~icntfalcm anll ~amarta.
~1Jal']Jnot11oebnto ~icrufalemanllter
tmagcl"l,as '.]1 llill bnto ~amatia ant11Jttibolcs~
29 ·~lJepOJalgoeoucrtbef'oinb:~ebsffJdlt
tlJctr relling ptar.e, 11i1Jama OJalbcafrsto, cBaa
· .
11 tWlJcrcfoic it OJaUc.omc to pa!Te, tf1at ae ~aul OJal 11cca\llap. · llJ
roonc ais t{Je ·JJ.,0111 batlJ pcrrourmell l}is to(Jole 30 ll.itt bp tlJl' horce, © lJaugJJm c!3al!imi lll
tllo~fie • bpon tl)c IJfil of ~ion anb l!)teruralcm, gtue care to )Lairs, tl}ou pooic anatl}otlJ. . t.'l
tl}cn roill 1 biUtc tl}c frutte of tlJc tlout lJeart of 31 ~allmma amu tremble roi feare: but dJB iti
t!Jc liini;i; of ~riia, toitlJ lJis p~oull loofics. cit11cns of <ll5atnm are manlp. ~
q <jfo:J.Jeftannetl}tl)~in lJisso\lJneconccit, 31 !?et OJall ~cc rcmainc at ~ob t11at1:1ar: ~
~blS llo '.]] tl}~ou~l} mr \lJlfellom: fo~ ']am 'alifc. after that , 11Jall l1c Urt tip 1Ji1'11Janll agaln# tfJt I:~
~ am IJetlJat rcmouetlJ tl)c Ianllf; of tl)c people, mount of tl)c llaug!Jtcr of ~ion, tl]e iJiU of tu. 11 ~

'J\ rob tlJtir trearme,anll IJaue pullcll bo\llnc tl}c rufalcm. -..
mIJabitants ltfre a baltant man. 33 l5utrcc, tlJt lLotD ®'oll of l)offS llJal bJtalie Q~
14 ~r 1Ja1111 batlJ founll out tl)c ttrcngtlJ of llomnc the bougl,J 'IDttlHcarc,IJc IIJall]cm llO\lJll! •:•
tl)cpcoplcas it tocrc a ndl: anlllifle as eggess tlJep:oub,anbftlltl)c1'tgl:Jmtn11r11. -~
ttJat.mcrclailllJercanlltlJmangatlJmbtogc, 34 ~c tbimct~ alfo of tl1t tuooll «ian l)ee ·~a
!t<'4141 oo ']\ gatl)crnn tountrtc~.anb tlJerc mas rootc out mttlJ r~on, anll lLiban11' fbaR f}aue a ~:~
none fo boldc as to moouc tl}c ming, tl.Jatnarc o' fall tlJ:ou@ tl)c mi~ti£.
penl}i~mout:tJ,01oncc'tXllJ~cr. Th · Ch t- \.,.
1s ~}Jail tl}e arc boall 1tfdfc agalna (Jim c XJ. ap .... . ~I
tlJat lJc'mcti} tt}crc'alitl) ~ OJ flJ&U tl}c fa'alcmaflc r He prophclicrh of the nariuicicofChrill,and of his ,~!QI
anrbing11tn11a~ainit}Jimt1Jatmlctl)it:' ~(Jat people. 6 Oftheremnancoflfrael. IO Andofthe ~
"mere cucn tihc a~ tf tllc roO?IC 0111 eya[(; itfclfc a' faith ofche Heathen and Gentiles. ~-
1iBinlll)tmtfJat btarttl) it,o: 81$ tl}OugiJ tl)e ftafe • fa J2) tfJcrt flJall COnTt a * rp,tng A6.1~..._
~OUl"il ma11ntftc itfclfc, as who fay, it tom no foo:tl1 ot d1e •'1lcmmc of 11 '.]ttre, ·~~.,
wOOb, 8nll8 poungflJQatllJaJ(gtO\lJCOUt ::11
ft~: ~herefoic ll)aU tl)c )l..Oille Cl5oll ofl.Jotles oflJt•roote. . IJOr,lfa
iJii! ~::;~~~':i~~=~~~~e1fe,aaobumcbp HJall na bpon~m~ ~~}e:rc~~~~ ~:
7 .anbtlJtliglJt of 'J\frilcllballbecdjat an, bnbetflanJrin!I, dJe IPtnt of counra11e ano
anl:ll}t~l}olroncllJallbc tl)c flamt: 8nlltt 11Ja11 flmqJdJ-~o.fflnO'ml~anoortfJefcarc ~"
ktOlnl"i)i)laC,,anb bUtnt bp 81$ tl}01Jlt# 8111) b1fttlS in OftlJi)Loz'D, . ". f ""'°"" . ~·h
.. '· 9:m. fl)tdl mafJ! 11lm a .......,.. IUlllJtment
18 Pea au ttJc~oir of IJis moonl!I anll ftel'bes in 3tfJc feare or clJOl:I: fo: IJcc tlJallnot gruc fen,

ll)all be confumr.b 'o.lttl) bol>l' ami rou1t, 81111 tf1ep tmc.t •bi ti.It*'* dJat ft1al!Je IJ;!ougljt bero~r

\ _:__·~--in-Ja_n_bc_a_s_ai_11J_o11_e_o_rmm
_=. rerfailrtll. __ ' 'OJ_1_~_·_1tantNdb
_ _t1ta- tJt•earef: _ _~
_ _•:::::..cre:.:::.::•::::.·:...mtt!Jd' __~_atur __t1J_e_11tartn_-=-gof..,..,....___,~
·~ I
The xiij.Chapter.
He prophelicth the dellrull:1on o(Babylon, 1hc capti-
uitie and the conutiing againe of the people.
~IS tss tlJe • llut'llen of l6abrlon, • JiJ•<"••.thor
ml}ta) <ffa! ttJe fonne of amoss niD 1
ii':'. ' viJ~' ''

2 ll.irt bp tl}c banner bpon d)c
• IJi«lJ (Jtll, call tmto tlJcm , 'nl89;gc
pour IJanb, t(Jat d}cp map goc into the gattl3 of
tlJc p1muss. ·
3 '.Ji fJauc commanbcn mpfanctifieb, lj IJaue
alto calltll mr baliant ones, iortn11 in mp ~o,
nour to c:rccutc mp miatlJ.
4 ~~ttc fss a norft of a multitullc in tfJc
mountames, ltkc ass of a great people, a m11Jing
ass ttJougIJ tl}c litngnomcs of t1Jc nations came
tuJctlJcr: ti.Jc )l,01nofl}otlcss mutkntf.J l}tis ar,
m1cto batttll.
5 ~er come out of a fam rountrcr from
tl}c ct1ll of d)t 1Jcauen, men tlJc JL.oin IJfmfclfc,
\llictJ ttJc mintttnis of 1Jil5 unatt.J , to l>eth"ot: tl}e ,
tul]olc lann.
6 Sl@o11mc re, foi dJc ?lat' of tf:Jc :d..o~ll tss at
(Jann, anb fbaU come a1 anctttorer from ttJc g,1,
7 ~IJttfotC fl)llU aR 1Janbl5 be letten llO'Wnc,
ann at1ntmss1Jcatts llJall melt awap.
8 ~£1' tl)all ttann qi feare ,carerulnclfc,a11n
roio\D fl)all comc bpon dJrnt,anl> tl.Jcr 11.Jall l}auc
patnnutvoman ~trauailetlJ 1DitlJ tlJilbc:
one llJall be aball)cD of anotlJcr, ann tIJcir faccss .
OJaR btlme Jill£ t1Jc flanu ornre. .. ~- ~ttL:·
, l5cl)olllc, tl}c bat' of tlJc 'JLo.rtl OJall come ,·•. ,.: ,;...
tmiblp, anti full oflt1llignation.furi£. ~ wiattJ, vtt-~ ·-
ro make t1Jc lann \\latte , an11 to roote out tlJc rm· ii~;;;,--;;
ncrss tIJercof. (i~n.. '"'" ''J
1 o foi dJc llamd tlnll planctsoflJcaucn 11Jnll ::~:;:;..*!j'"
not giuc tl}cBtlglJt, • tlJc ~unnc 11Jall be llarfie, Eu c.'p·1,'
ncll in tl}c t10ng, anll tl}e ~oone llJall not il11nc ioc:I. 1,, ~.
'tllit1Jticrllg1Jt. mat.24.19.
JI ~lttll I) 'Will btntc tl]e micll£bnt[C Of ctJc mor.13 .14.
'tllOJlb,anDd}efinncl!IOf tlJCbngonir. ~elJi!Jfl lukc 11, : 5.
aomatll£dofCbc woUJ> mill 'J tafle amar, anti '
1PCU 1111 Dol»nc CIJc boatllng or tl)c tr iant.
n 'J 'tlldl mallC Rm11111carctt1Jm ftnc~.
'a man to bt moic \lJonfJ tlJm a JJOlnm blebge
1 3 ~crcf9Jc 1 \'OtU llJake tlJe. IJcauenss, ann
tlJc carc:IJ D.Jall rcmoouc out 8f 1Jtt pJau, fn the
•1atlJ of t1JcJL.01n oftJolefS,anoin t1Je bap oflJti:s
. feartadl lnllignation.
14 ~nb Babylon flJalbc ass an l)unttll OJ cllafeb
•oe..ann a" aft]eqlc tlJ~t no •nan tallCtlJ bp:mc·
rp man"-" t~ to UiJ o"c»ncpcople, an11 ftcc
15 Dl)ofoi• folllJ,fbalbc01ot ttiotol»:tt tt)Jo f o
ra11t.d1 .-rpart. lbalbe ~II \utrtJ f fitlozt>.
The pride, and Efay. fall of LuciferJ
P1a1.1 3 6.9. 16 *~etrcIJilll~cn OJalbc~nebcrolC ~dt mcntis.•otmes be latD bnllcr tl)ee,allb \11oJmeS
eyes, tlJctr 1.Joufc rpoilcb,~ tl:}m utues ram~b. be tlJt coumng. .
1 7 ijf oJ Joe, 9) 0Jal tntng tip tlJc ~ebes again~ r 2 l.)o'ID atttl;Jou fallen from IJcauen.ilD JL.U•
tf1em, ml)idJ OJall notregarb mucr, not be l:lefi, ctrer, tl)ou faire moming d,JilD. :' l)olD l)a1l tlJou
rous ofixolb. gotten a fall, cum to tl}e iiiounb, \DIJUl.J 'bllllldl
18 oottlJ bo\UcS llJal tfJcr i:JCtror tlJe rounix '11.leaftm tl}c nations:'
men, anti l)auc no pi tic on women l:l'itlJ d,Jtlbc, 1 3 1foi tl}ou fai111l tn tl)int IJeart.1\ 'IDtl clime
anb t!Jdr caccs flJall not fparc t11c dJtlOJcn. bp into lJeaum, anti e~alt mp tl.J~one abouc be'
1 9 .anb :16abplon, tl.Jat glotr of kinl!llomes, fillc ti.Jc aamf!I of ©oil, '.JI \11ill fit atro bpon t11c
anti bcautic of ti.Jc Gt1Jalt1ecs IJonour, fball be lie' mount of tlJc congregation to'alaril ti.It ~OJtlJ
c~n.19.15 tlrorcn. "'nrcnas<!!Soil l:lettropeil ~ol:lomc anl:I 14 ] '11.lill dime bp aboue t11e cloUlles,ann\Dit
im.5o.4o, ~omo,. be like tIJctJtgt;Jea of all.
20 jjt 11Jall not cnilure Cot eucr, ncttlJcr tl)an 15 ~et ti.Jou ft)alt be bJougl)t bOb>nc ta tl;Jt
ti.Jere be anp mo1c i1'1ucntng tl}erc, Crom genera' ilctpc oflJell, to tl}e Ci1>e1;1 oftl)e lake.
tton to generation: tlJc 2.rabtans llJilll pitdJ no 16 ~l:Jep tl)atrectlJee, ftJall narro\llfy loollt
tents tiJete, :ncttl.Jct uiall t{Jc fbCIJlJtarois mabc bp~n tl)cc,anil ti;linkc in tlJtmfelue•, faying, ']is
t{Jctr folbestlJcrc anr mote~ t1Jt"1 tl)c m~n tl)at biougl)t al l~nns in featc,anlJ
11 l13ut fearefull mlltle bcatlcs 11Jal lit tlJerc, maile tlJe fnngtlomeis atraill:'
anll tlJe lJonfes llJaU be full of great ©wlcs, If, 17 Is this hetIJat mailetl.Je\Dotlilin a maner
lh"icl.Jcs 11Jall il'roell tlJerc, anti apes ll)aU l:launcc 'Walle, a~l'l laiile tl)e cities to tl}c groullil, tDIJt"'
tl)crc. let notlJts pi1romrs goc out:'
22 twtll:le Qtats fball c:rtetntl.Jfpalace~ attn xs 'Q[;l)c kingis or tl)e nations liceucrp one in
W~agons ibalbe tn tl)e plcafantl)oures: anil ais 1Jt1:1 omne l)oure witlJ \tlo~flJip.
fot l5abplon1;1 ttmc, it is at lJann, anl:l IJer l:lareis 19 ant1 ti.Jou art caft out of tl.Jr graue lifle a
OJaU not be p~olongeil. llltlJr abominable btantlJ,liffe ass Dean menis rat.
The xiiij. Chapter. mcnt t{Jat are 11Jot ttJoto\11 'roitlJ tl}c f\1101'11, l1ltll
1 The rcturnc of 1he people from captiuitie, the pro- goe ilo\llnc to tl)e ftones of tlJe 'lleepe, as a lltab ..·..

fpc:ricic ofthe people o( God,and aftlidion of their

coarrc tl}at i1;1 tronen tmiler feetc. .
20 ~ou artnotburicll mitt) tljem, cuenbc<
cuemies. i; The prideofBabylon.
caurc tl)at tlJou lJaft lDaftell tl)p llltlb, ~ tleli'oidl
!lilt tIJc )l,oin \Dill bee merctfull tl)p people : t11e generation of tlJe brtdieil flJalbe.

bnto 'Jia,ob, anll mill ret ci}oofe out of memoiie tot eucr.
'J)fracl a~atnc, ann fct ttJem in 21 :a..ettf1cre a map befolJl()ttobelfropt:IJeir
fiJctr oro1:c lann, arangcrs ft.Ian tiJililten t11at be in ttJeir fat:l}crss lDt,IieDne-.UJat
cieauc anil get tlJcm to tIJe IJOUfc tlJep come not bp againe to potretre tl}e lanlJ,IJlll
of'.Jacob. ftU tfJe 'IDoJlil full ofenemies. ,._
i ~e people 11Jall take tIJem anti carr tl.Jcm 2 2 '.]! 'nlill ftanl:le bp agatntl ta,em , faptlJ t1Jt ......
1Jome to tl.Jetr ownc lanil: ann tlJel)oure of]fra• Jl..otl:I oflJofls, an11 tootc out tl)e name ann ms<
cl 111al poa'elrc tl)cm tn tlJc lantl of tl)c JL.a~ll. t11at nant, ronnc,anil ronne$$fonne of:l5abplon,raidJ
tl)cr map be rcruant1:1(I1Jant1mainmis: anil tlJcy tl)e JL.oiil.
111all take tlJofe p:troncrs, mIJofc capttues tl)ey 2 3 11 wm ~e tt to tl)c ®tters 1•111111 tDill
l)ail Ilene befo~e, anb rule tt.Jore tl}at ball omef malu~\11atei pUllllkf!lof tt, anti~ toiU nDttJC
f2btl)em. d}em out toitlJ tlJc bcfomc of bctfructton, faicdJ
3 twtlen tl)e JL.o,il now 11Jalb~tng tl]cc to rea tlJc 'JL,otil of l]otlc.IJ,
ftom tlJF ttauailc, fcarc, anil l}arl:I bOn'llagc tl)at 24 ~l)c JL.01'11 oflJolfest lJatlJ rmoinun odJc. .......

tl)ou 'olall lallen ro1tl)all: raring,1it llJaU come to pa«c as 91l;Jaue11etmnis

4 -m:;l}en 11Jalt tlJou bfc tl)is tuodu1;e tJpon ncn, anl:l 11Jalbe Mlllleil ais '.JI f.)aue l:lcuifcll.
tl}ching ofl6abrlon, annfap, ll)olD l)appmetf;I 2 s ~o d}at tf1e atTpJian il.Jall '.) ileffrOF in 111\1
ittl)at tl)c opp:errour lcauetl.) off~ '.)s tl;Je!IQlbcn lano, anil bpon mr mountaincs Dill 91 trCl1be
tribute come to an cnll ~ IJ11n tlnller foote, ml)erctf.J:OU@ IJi.f polie l1Jall .~,.·
5 'Ql;l)c )L.O~ll l)atl) btolicn tlJC fceptct OftlJe come from tbcm, anil lJilS burl:lm llJllD be taken ·~
bnixontr, anti tiJetoll ofti)e lo1t1lp. . Crom tl)etr tl.JoulOer. \~
6 m'llJ1tlJ rod in anixcr finitetl.J t1Jcticoplem1t11 26 ~tf!l lleuicel)atlJ 0oll taflen t1101ow$ .·.~;·1:~,:
conttnuau lttokes, anti in \u,atIJ reignctl.J oucr 1lllJole 'IDoJlll , anil tlJis IJi-IJanll "aretc!Jctl out ~
tl)c nations perfccutcl:l 'olitl,Jout compa«ion. oueran people. , •...
7 ~nil tlJcrefoic tl}c m{Jolc uio~l'll if!I noui at 27 fOJiftlJCJl.,QtbOflJOfl.IJbe~UtlJtng,
teltann qutetnt1Te, anll men Ung ro~ tor. '11.ll.)o if.'I able to llifanull SC:' a~D &f ~e ftretr.{1
. .8 ~ea cuen ti.Jc ijfirre trcef!I, an'll ctel:latf!I of AJ ~
ro1t1J lJis 1Jan11, wl)o mar cumr u aga111c :' .
%tbanus reiorce at ti.Jr fall, raping, fao'ID tlJat 28 ·~eramermt11atflin1~a101t0,\Dal ·~~ . .
h~~ attlarn tio'Q.lnc, tlJerc c;ome no mo~c tip to tlJis burl'tcn : 17. :' <
':l""'bo'n:lne bS. 29 llieiopce not tlJOU tDfJolc -aleaina , be' :,"C
at 51ti:) l&cuau~ bcncatl) ttcmbletl;J to mecte tlJcc caure tlJe roooe of IJtm tlJat btatctfJ ttJec tJ b10' ~~~
ms nLt':"!~m~ , ~nll fo~ tlJt' fabcl;Jatl) ra1ret1
hen: fot outoftfJt ~tntf.'I roott tlJ~ n,a1i :~'·~
rartl) aii11 .1 m1iWttc men , anll p1in,es oi ~e comean~.anD)1UlfmttRJalbca fimellrttJi ~-~~
feate~, tn!&!Softl}ceartl)flanD bp frolntlJClt 'alo1me ·· ' ·'-
io ~att'!Jctm8 I
so :Zut tl)e lldt botne of tlJe IJDOJt 11Ja11 be ~)~
to tlJct.. art tl)ou b 1' a anctDere anl:I fpealle tin• feb.anD u,e lfulple QJal D\Dcl in fafctic: tl)p rootl' .,' :~;.
tl}ou become ltk•.. become 'IDC&kt alro 8jl '" art alfo 111101 bettrol' 'alitlJ IJunpr, aa111 itf.\JaU aar: ~ \:
ntotis~ tlJercmnant. , \,
· u ~IJV pompeanb tl)p Wille t• latD bobme gf)oumef.tOlllJOJt. bl£qJUfJOUcitie, fOJ,: :~:~
mto tile pat, anb ro ts t:l)t melobp of tlJp inftnl• ii> 31 llll.'lole fanDof-aldltn& tlJou art laib tlNill~ \' ~:~
CoJI ~\~
'VF!: -- Jr

~gainfl:Moab, Chap.xv.xvj.xvij. andDamafcus. 134

ro~ tl)crc llJal come rrom the mo~tt) a rmoficjtlJat berp pJoub,, arrogant,anb fut of
, not one alone mar abine st f}ome in "is times. lllilignation, anb baine arc IJi.IS lie.IS. . .
S ri DJl)ac man Dnc tIJen anrwere tl,e nutren• 7 * ~t)erefo1e llJall ~oab mafie lamentati•
~ gers of tlJe <l!SmttleS '1 ijfo, tlJe lLo~b f}atlJ ftablt• on, becaurc of tlJe ii@oabites that flia.11 bt' flaine, Icrc.4S. 10•
:.;, 11Je1>~ton,.an1>tt)e pooieoflJilS pe"ple tl)at1'e pea tlJep fiJaU toaple togetl}er: became of .tlJe
~' tlJerein, fl)all put tt)etr trult in it~ founbstionss of tIJe ci~ie tlJat toi1!3 mane of b~tcfle


D The xv. Chapter.
A prophccie~gainltMoab.
l\)i.IS is tl}c burbm 1'pon ~oat:
ar or ~oab was betlrorell anb o,
uert{Jioto. en in t!Jc ntglJt fearon,
l!lir alfo in ®oab \tJaS lleltroren
llJaU recomplaine, cuen re lame people tlJat are
s ~o~ t~ei;>incl5of ~cfbon are cut 11otone:
as fo~ tlJt bme of ~ibma , tt)e 10 , of tIJe
IJeatIJen IJaue b~ollen no'rone l)crwtnctpal b~an·
Cl)es , t!Jep are: co1ne cum unto '1,a1cr, tlJcr
\llcnt on \llanllitng tmto tl}e wtlbcrnclfe, l}cr
anb per&nJcn in tIJe ni1JIJt. gooi:lll' b~antlJcjS 'Ulm tl}~o'men nownc tl)cy
~: " gJ\)oab toent llp to tlJe iDole!l }Jourc, euen \lJcnt otter t1Jc£ea.
:: · to ~ibon to ttlc IJiglJ placrs to 'roeepe: fo, JF.?e' 9 . ~~mtoie ~in'.] moumc ro~ 1a~Ct, anb
' · ba anb ~oab O,at mournero, Webba. au tlJeir fo: tl)e time of ~tbma, '.Jl 'roJII ponize mp teare~
~ lJcallCJ$ tom balbe ; anb all tl}eir bearncs OJa' upon ~ee, © ~efbon anlJ <Jelenle ·= ro~ tl)e err
~: um. . . . . of ~lJtne cnenne~ t.IS fallen bpon tl)p s@ommer
~ ·s. s. ; * 1n IJcr arc tfJer!lletl about frutt$l, ann bpon t!Jr l)aruc<t.
: '1 anti llteetcs n1albe notf}mg but mounnng ano
~, , 1s. uitlJ racbclotlJ : in au tf!e toppeg of gcr .1.Joufcll 1° ~IJc mirtfJ ann r}Jcare I.IS taken a\tmr out rm: s. 3J.
of tije plc~tifull ftellJ,ano in tl)e binerarlJ$l t1:1ere
:?· UJccping. , flJatbc no t.or no~ glalJnctrc: tl}e trca~er ll)al ttcall
· 4 ~croonann~Ieaialcrr.tflattlJhrboice out not1.Jtndn tl)eir p1ctres, tt)e fong oftl}elr
''~ ll)albe llearll tmto :Jlal}af: anll tl)erefo1e tlJc ar' menie ctleart l)aue 1 ls1D bo'rone.
•i1 men roulDierg atro or \lll.3oab flJall blcateout anll i 1 b t19lJttfo~e mr bowels fl)al rumble Ulie an b !:bi r,, 111 r.
i~! crp foz berp ro:o'ro of tlJeir minlJ;. . IJaqie fot ii@oabll fain~, anti mine fn\tlarn parte;i qtllmia "'°
~ ·DJoe 11Jall mr l}cart be fo~ !Woabs fake, fo~ tl)uittcSSfalfe tl}attsmabc ofb1irfJr. ~~:1:·,'.:.:1~;."'
tl~ tl,lcr fiJalflce unto tiJe citie of-Soar, 'rolJictJ ill lifte n gm1 it OJall come to pa(fc, tIJat w{Jcn itl~ ~;\!;,;J'.~.;

:::i afairerong bullocltcof ttuee recrcs olll,fo~ tfJcr reenc tl)at ~oab llJai be malJe niearic of IJt~ IJill t.~·~','.'i:'.~.~~·, 11
~ UJal all goe !JP to JL.,uitlJ \llecptng: cucn ro bl! tIJc <lrl)appcl.6, IJc llJall comc to lJl.6 temple to p,ar, "'""''"·
mar tomarb ~01onaimtl}er11Jallmalielamen, <bntl]cUJallnotbe able. 11
cb bl
1: tation fo2 tl,Jcir btter ncarmtiom 1 3' ~o tl}tn , tlJt:G t.uf,Je raring t(Jat tIJc ;b1°~M ~ .. ,;.
':' 6 1foi tl)e maters of ~intrim n1albe ll~ie'll bp, lLoib IJatlJ fpolten concerning ~oab ance tl)at ::~~·.;1~d~ ~~~
bf rcafon 'rol)mof tl}e ~raffe i.6 mitIJereo, t!Je t'me.
:t f:JerbclSl>dlropcb,anbtlJe~remctf.Jin~.egone. 14 li3utno\,le 11.,o?b (lat(J ('poben,raring,
n 7 ~l)ere:fo:e t!Je goob.6 t{Jat remame tn ~o· 'Jin ti)~~ rcres, \DlJitlJ mall be as tlJcrcrc~ ofan
ri ab, anb tiJericf,Jes tl;Jercof, tlJer 11)all carp to tlJe tmeb feruant,OJall tIJc glo~p of ~oab be turnell
~oolJC oftoillo\lle~. into contempt t1J1ougt)out all l}i~ multttuDs,
·1' s cf,o~ t1Jc err roent oucr tl)e '1lf1olc lanll of 'rollftlJ t.6 bm' great: anlJ tlJat \tll]itl.J remainct:IJ,
~oab, bnto <fglaim,anb llnto '8eer-lflim \iJa.6 n1albe berp fmall anll feeble.

9 lBecaurctbewatcrSof ~tmon \Derefull
of bloolJ, ']1 '1ltll allbc mo~e bpon ~imon: ann
JLion;bpontl}cre.mnant ort[Je lanbc, anll on
tl)em tIJat are cfrapell from ~oab.
D Th • Ch
e xvij. apter.
A prop hetie againll Damaf(us.
f!)i.IS is tf,Jt lmtllcn bpon 39amaf,
9 cus: bel}olb, ~amarc:us is tafien a·

. · •· .
,, The xvJ·. Chapter. toartobenomo.1eatitf,but11Jalbc
~ ., an IJcapc ofb101ten nones.
I,~ The dclhudion of Moab, 2 '4rl}c matle titicS Of 9rocr fl)al

;,1 ~lle tl)e J]..o~lJe of tbc woilnt a be fol!J~ ro~ 'attd 'rolJlcl) ffJal lie tl)cre, anlJ tl)m
'j: ·JUtmbe from tlJe roche tlJattreth a1aubenonctoftartUcmaniar.
,~ tomar1>t{Jeilcfert. bntotIJelJtUoC ~ lfpl)iattn alro (!Jail no mo1c bee tfrong,
ti.Jc nauglJtcr ~ton. anb ~amarcuis ilJall no lonctcr be a flingbome,
(I 2 1f o~ as fo~ ttJe lJaugl)ter; of anb tIJc remnant or ~r1ia ll)all br as t11e glo,
~=rll'• Ql;)oau, tt)ep n1all be as a• trembling bitll tbat rie of tl)c t1Jit1>1mor '.3\{racl, rarctlJ tlJe J]..oin of
•,/' ts put out of f.Jcr nelt: foJ tlJcr ilJall came tl}cm l)oftcss.
~;D bnto ~mon. 4 anb in tlJat nar it OJ all come to patrc, tfJat
~.. 3 <1!5atIJcr rourcounraile, romctogctIJcrtn
=~· iUbgement, \llitlJ rour 11Jabo'ro in tl}e
if"'· mtbDap, ass t{Je ni~l)t noetl) htbc tlJe c(JaCclJ, anll
t1JcgI01r of4]lacobfiJallbemalJeberptl}tn,anll
tiJe ratncCic oflJi.IS ftcllJ OJall 'roa~e Jeane.
s 9nll 1Jc fiJall be a.IS one tl)at gatlJcretfJ bp
beto:ar not ttJcm t{Jat are tlcll. come in lJaruell , euen lilic l)im tolJofe annc
4 "JLet mr pcrrccutcb people ll'D:left a~ong r~apetl) tl}e cares of come: Ile llJall be alfo hlic
tiou: ~oab, 1.1e tl)ou tl)cirrefuge agatnft tt')e be· l}im tfJat gat{JcretlJ eares of coJne tn tlJc baller
llrorer: ro: tl}c abuerrarie is bJo~glJt to nougtJt, of 1&epIJa1m.
tl)crobberisbnbone,t1Jetr~antt.1S'roaftclJoutof 6. ~omc ga~mng in llccllc fban tl)cre hr
tlJe lanb. left in it, eu~n ais tn tlJt llJalitng ofan ~hue tree
~ anb in merer 11Jalt1Jc feat be p1cparellanll ttJere remamc ttoo o: t1J1cc berries In tlJe toppc
(Je llJal fit bpon it in ttJe trU~tlJ ii:t tiJc tabernacle of tlJe bpp_enuoft bouglJ, ann foute o: tue in tf)r
of~autn, 1U1>gmg anb reelnn~ iun1:1einent, anll bioab rruitfull b18ntl)ess tf}crcof faitl} tl)e :a,0,n
tnalitng{Jaltc bnto ri!:llJtcoufne[c. . ll'!Ob ofj\t\'acL '
_ 6 me11aucbeariaoftlJcp11Deof~oab,lJet~ 7 ~enflJalmanturnea(.lainetobiffmakrr,
bamafcus defi:ruccion. Efay.. Egypts burden+·
llnb fJi• tt'CSJ fl.Jall 1Jaue rcfput to l:IJc IJolp one Of
]thUL . h" - .. i.-
8 gss ~J tl)e altafSJ,'ali1Sd1 are .,,. o....M- ._,.....
Die'alo,tfle, l)ee n,aR not iegarlte l:IJem , ll11ll tfJt
tlJi~tlJat I.II• ftngn:JS 1Jaucma1te, ~ !;lfOUtl
anti rtnagejJ , tlJOCt IJ}BU l)ce not ma1Jil5 eytSJ
bnto. ')ntl}attiarflJa11 ,... . ,._. "". ..... ,.
~.,e1t1nung Htiel5 ~a,,
The xix. Chapter. ~
9 1 He prophelicth againft Fgypt: I 8 and the vocati '/,
tl)ef01fafienonubbeisanlt bJantl)elS, tDl)idJ d)er on of tl!c Gentiles to Chrift.

1eftbecaureot'tl)e $lt11en of ]ftael, ant> tl;le


lanD ft}albe Defolate. l)ebt~cnof ce~pt. ~olll, d)e
1 o JBet:aufc ti.Jou IJall foJgotten tl)e ~Oii of Jl..o11> rtllettJ bpon a J\Dift rlDUDe,
tl1F ra111ation, anti l)aa not bene mitmtuU of tlJ! anll flJaH come tnto ce~ an1t t11e
atong ro'lle: t11ercfoJc OJalt tlJou Cct plearant iDolcs of lf~t PJal tremble at t11e
plantJS, anb a1alt graffe tlJe b111nc1J of anotlJer p1cCm" Of l]tm , Bnb tl}e 1Jcart,of
man.t bine. ctcgrpt OJahualie in tl)e mtbbell or IJtt.
11 '.)lnd}atbapfl.Jalt tf;Joumalie t(Jp plant to z ~nb jj tDlll !ct tlJc CfgpptianJ one amainfl
groto,anb earlp mtfJe moming 11Jalt tl)ou mallc anotlJcr, ro t(Jat one b1ot1Jer (ball figl)t againfl
tlJl' fre1>e to ftoJiOJ: tlJc 1Jamca 11Jalbc gone tn tl)c ~~tl]cr, anb one ndg!Jbour againft anotiJcr,
Dar ofinl,Jeritan,e, anb tlJCrt ll)albc coiom \DitlJ' atre agatnft attc,ann realmc agatnl natmc.
out I.lope of 'omfoJt. 3 ¢1Jc minn alfo orcegrptfl.Jalbc Cleauc mitlJ<
I z U9oe (IJalbC to tlJC nwltitunc Of mua, IJCO• out counrcu 'mitl)in ft feltc, an1> tl)e beuift tlJat
plc, \DIJid,1 fl)all malic a fount> like to tf1e norfc tfJcp taflc mil~ ncator:ann tl)er flJal fceflt c:o11t1<
oftlJe Cca,anb tl)c btolttuc of t{Jc nation15,'llll)itlJ r~~ttltoies, anb atro1,mr15, at tD01flcrJ'1Jiti.J iiu
11Jal rage like tl)c mfl.Jtng in ofmanp materss. fpintJ. ann atfootl}rarnis. !IC:
1 3 ceuen like manp \llatcrts IIJall ·tlJe pcoplt 4 gnb tl)e cfmlttan15 'miU] !,liut oucr tnto :! 1
ragt: <IJob l1JalrebuJtc lJfm, ann (Jc £1.Jall tlcefane tl)cfJanbofamaruti1.DU15mie11o1n.an1>amijiJ. ;::
oft, l}e UJalbe clJafcb amar liftc iun~r tlra\D bpon ttc lling OJal 1.Jauc 1101ninion oun tl)em, falcd}
tl;Jc mountaine!S bcfoJc tl)c minbc, ann like a d;Je JU>1n ~ob ofl)otklf.
tlJin« ttJat tumctlJ befo1c ttJc llo1rne. . s ~c '\Dat.trf orti.le rca llJaU faalc, anb tl)e ;~
14 at cucn bel)ollltl)cre is trollblt, an11 oi c' numi ffJBll nemarc anlt be tiJpcb bp.
ucr it be moming, loe, it tss mane: tl)iss is tl)c ~ ~IJc\Dateris £1.Jalbt t11amm outd)t rtum ~ ,:
po:tion of tf.)cm UJat opp:drc b~, anb tl)e lot of of Cfgrpt fbalbc cmpticb anb t11pcb llp,tlJuedlell t~
t1JCm d)at rob llSJ. anb ftaimcis ftJalbc cue bo\Dnc.
1 ~c gratrc tn tf1t nun anb b1' tfJe r.iuml i:r:
The xviij.Chapcer. banflc, anb all d)at gro'mctfJ b1' t11c riucr, flJaD
1 An exhortation to the Ethiopians, and the coun-
'mitlJrr a'map anl:J be t1oug1Jtto nou!,ll:Jt.
tries nigh adioyning to them. 7 The vocation of s ~c ftR1eris alCo fl.Jal mcumc, anD alltlJq
the Gentiles. · tl)at caa angle into tlJe 'alatcr lllal malle l8111m< ~
tation. anlt dJep tl)at lap foo1t1,J tlJcir net~

~at lanbe ttJat truactb tm11er • ""
tlJe 11.Jatlob>e of \llingSJ, tbatland · tf;Jc\1latr.rJS,OJalbcrootcD out. :•..
\DlJitlJ iS$ beron11e tIJc \Daters or 9 ~01coucr, tlJcpdJatbJO:llcmllaJe, anD ~.J'.:
lftl)iopia. make tine uo1flcl5 , 11.Jan be confounncn, an11 ro "11
" ~cnbing mctrctl!,lcrss bp 11Jal tf)ep tl)at 'alcauc open \DOJllcs. ~-'
tiJc rea, cucn t1crrc11 of rcc1>c1 1 o 11'01 tl)cir open wo~kl511Jal cum bell~ ~~
oucr t\Jc \l'latcr: <13ct rou l)Cn" rec fpecbp mcf, en, anb all tlJcp tl)at ma lie pontlJ anb ~ fa: ~·
renmns,to a nation tl)at iss fcattcten alnoab,anti flOJ, ilJal come to nougIJt. tt ~
robbcD Of tl)at tlJCl' l)atl , 8 futcfuU people from I J l3ut fOll foolilJ) i)1iRCCj5 Of °508n, fC \DfCe
tl.lcir bc«im1in1,J l)itberto , a nation troben counrcncrsof191)arao, 'lll(JoCc\Dit is tumtllto . ~~
bo'lllnc bf litlc anb title , \D{Jofe lanb ttJe lloobs fooliaincac, l)otlJ CST rce bnto l&IJarao. '.) am • ~~
l)auc tpoplell. come ofb:liCc mm, an'll ofancient IJi~ ~ ~'ii
3 au t1JcfulJabittrsoft1Jeb>oi111e. anb in· 12 1191Jm are tiJl? mtft mm '! JLet d1em tell
l>'mdlers o(tlJc cartl) , loolle bp bllJm IJe CcttctlJ ti) cc if tl)ep can, lDIJat dJe )l...01D of J}ol~ l]atl} lit' ~~
bp a tollcn in t1Je mountainess. (I l)eamen ml.Im uiCeD bp on e~iit. t.. !
\Jc b1o'lllctb 'lllitlJ ti.le ~rumpe. 1 3 ~c 111mress of ~oan ue tJecomc roo~ .:--_~
4 !tfoifot1Jc'Jl,o:bC11pb bntomc,as forme:J tl1ep:inceufJaopl)arebectimll. t1Jcr IJaue De> \:
'mill tafle mp reft, anl:J loofle bpon tl)c mamr m mueD lfgppt, cucn dJC1' djat tom taken ro1 tl]e ~~
m~ l)abttations , bite a faire (Jcate afttt tl)e "Jicfe liar tlJmof. ~1
ramc, anb lifle a 'loub of 1>eamc in tljc l)catc of 14 'Jn d)e nnllllel or tt l}atlJ t11c 1-0:?J po\11, 'l~
lJBtUell. rcD tf:Je tpint ofb:ltaitDnCJre: 111111 tlJcp IJauc be, ,~ ~
~ foufo~c tlJc l)arucll \Dl)en tl)c b:anclJ ts 'ttt1ell ~gppt in eUft'l' b:!OlllCP,ercof. cucn 11$ a ~t~
~en, tlJcn ll)al 'omt ripe frutt of tlJe ftourc: DJUUlltn man taamtlJ mfJil5bomitc. ~i
anb \Jc n,an cut bo\llne tl)e inmafc lUitlJ fpl:IJess: 1 s jflcitlJei Oidl tlJe • IJtall 01 taplc. t11c :..~"1·
~ tl)~ancl)e1111Jal l)c tafle amar b:litl) 1)00111. bJant)J 01 reeDt, be Ible to llOt anr tllo1bc in ce. ~~
-o.iuss n,au tl)q be left to1rt1Jer bnto UJe !ll'pt. . 1111111 ..
foultB ot ~c mountaine1, anb to tl)e beatltl5 of I6 -Jn UJat blP IY,Jlll mi>t bee litre bnto 'alo• ::: I:
ti.It ~attl) · ~~ in ~ommtt tllr bil'Drt OJaU re• mm: ft fbalbe afraiD, arib-ftanD in uan: at tl)c :=a .
main~ b_pon •~anb tucrt beall of tlJe lallD Qialbc motion oft1Jel1111111 oft1JcJLo10 of JJoltel lDIJia.J :..,.,,,~,,
bpon it m119mttt. l]e llJl1flet'1 ouer tt. "N·
1 Jn tl)at time OJall tlJm a piefmt bee .anll cemitnialbeatnt11ort1Je1anllor1u• ~:;!'
biouglJt bnto t)Je Jl,ojti of 1Joftc1. rum a people b8 x7 : ro tlJat cucrr one tlJat 1llt1flCtlJ mention of it ·. ~:
flJalbCI ~~
~fay goeth naked. Chap.xx .xxj .xxij. AgainfiArabia. 235
IJ)albc afmillt, btcautt of tile aiunftl of
tlJC )l..OJb or11Dlls, '4ll)idj IJC beUifcb {OJ it. .
18 gjn tlJaebap ll.J81 fill£ citie,!!I in tlJt limb or
Cfm'pc 1'Je8lie tlJc lan!Pmge or Qanaen, anb
rmean bt' tlJc JL01b of IJi>I!~: t1Jecitiuf1Jtll:lla•
non ll)albe calleb one of tlJtm. ,
z9 l)lnt1Jat11avn1all t11tilltarort1.Je l.cnbbe
tn tl;Jc 'niDI! or tl)c lanb or i%lwt, anll t~i• title
beriDe it, lltUo tl)e JL,o~D·
20 Qnbitn1albe a tobtnanb awitntJTebnto
tl,Je JL,o~IJ of(Jotl~ in Cl.Jc lanb Of cfg£Pt: fo.t tl)cf
lbali CfF bnto tlJt JL,o~b , becauft of Cl!c!J 8' trOU•
ble tl)em , anb f)11 tl)al fenb tl.Jtm a fauit1ur, ann
a great man to bcliuer tl)tnr. .· ·
21 ano tl)e Jl..o~ 11Jalbc lmowen inifgppt,anb
tl)e CfgFptian.e111Jallknow tl)e ·ii.,oib tn CIJat D8p,
anb Doc facrdice anb oblstion,pc&tlJtfQJalbObl
a bo\U bnto tl}c JL,o:b, anb pcrfo~mt ie. ·
22 ~eJL.oJbalfofiJallfmtcief\n'ptfOic. anb
l)cate tl}cm againc : am ttJcp 11)8U be cl'lnt1ertcll
bnto tlJe JL,0111, 8t1b l)e n,albe mtrtatcb of tl)Cm,
anll {!Jal l)eale u,mi.
2 3 ']ln tlJat bar Cl)antl)crc bell connnon \1Jap
out of Cf!Jppt into .llfifjia, anb atrp:i8 9.)81 com£
into Cfgppt, anb lf~ppt into atrriia : ro tl)at
tlJc Cfgpptiansanb tl)e atrr~ian~ 1lJ8l feruc tl)c
Jl..o1b to11ct1:1er.
24 ']ln tlJat oar OJ8ll tl)c nation of ']frael be
tIJe t111ro ttlitlJ ~t anb all"uia : anti tiJrr a1al
be btcll"cbin t(Jemtbtloftl.Je Janb;
.'•., 2 ~ Dl}idJ lanb tl)c JLoJb of (Jotlt.el }Jatf1 blef·
fel), fapiR1J,l6letleb iS IUF people gf eg-ppt, atfur
8lfo is tl)e U!o~lle of mp l)a1111cs, anb ]frad iis
mine inl)critance.
The xx. Chapter.
Againll Egypt and Ethiopia.
Ja tl}e pm tl}at ~artl)i camebn,

D to .arbob, U!IJcn ~argon tl)e king

of .a:rp~ia !Jab lmt lnm, anb l)ab
fougtJtaiamlf afbob. (ttaktn tt:
i at tl)c fame ttmc fpahe tl)e
·Jl,0;11 bp tl)e uanb ofcierar tl)c ronne ofamo.e1. rap,
tng , (J[Joc ·anll take off tl)e fackclodJ ftom tlW
~r- ..,.r oincis, anb put i:iff tl)p flJoc fro1n tlJp foot.c. anb
;;~/6 l)cllillfo, \Ualktngna11co anbbarefoote.
:..._ 3 gnb tlJc )l.,o~b fapbe, JLikc a.e1 mp Ceruant
~11-n> Cffap l)atlJ 'l»alkeb naltebanb barefoott, foJ a
Cig1ic anl:I lDon11crt1nce pcerrJS bpon lfim>t anb
+ !fmnfo OJal tl)cliingofa[p1ta tak8"'8p
out of <egppt anb lftl)iopta, cl)illl.icn anll olbc
men naliell artb barefootc,'lDitl) tl)cir lopnt.e1 bn,
coucrcl:J, to tl}c great llJamc of <fgppt.
s ~(Jepll}albeb~ou«l)ttn fearealfo,anbbe
afbamcll oflletl)topta tl)ctr l)opc, an11 of.lfmlt,
U!l)ercin tlJcr art \Dont to glo~p.
6 ann tl)cp tl)at b'IDeU in tlJe came ~oe,
aiall rap in tlJat bap, lDcl)oUI, fuclJ iJOm IJope:
\DlJitlJer 11)811 toe nee fo1 l)ctpc, tlJat '\Drtnst' be
bdiUtrcb from tl}c king of acl"pJta t anll IJO\De
llJal \\le efcape '!
The xxj. Chapter.
Again!\ Babylon,ldumea,and Arabia.
.l'B1:~ i ) ' C bUfl>CUOftlJC•\U8aCfcJ, ceuen
;re." 1• as tl)e ttoimie toeatIJcrpall"etlJ tlJo,
' ro'l» at tl)c no one bap from tl)e \Vil,
llemcll"c, ro tl)all it come from tlJc
terrible lanb.
i a i;trieuouiS billon \lla6 flJCU!tb bnto me:
----:.--------------------::::lR:....::r:.____ _ _l. -:J,..,-1~-=-I-=--=----- I
Fealling for failing. Efay. The burden of Tyrus
3 gnl)aue
tlJl' captiucs arc ~mue togctlJer,tlJe 2 J atui i uiU raam IJ~m au nailc in a ran
tabm tl]em wffi:!nms: .au '1.Jet '.J pkKe, anD l)e f1Jaltlt dJe g101(ouis reatc of triS fa,
rap tl]at an fOunD in t11ce,are m captilJ#ie toge• ~IJOUfe.
t11cr ann d1Cl' a1ro tf.Jat fltD farrc of. 24 i1Jo1roucr,aulttUfationf!I anb pottmtfcs
4 ' ~crcfoic raiD ~. JJ.,ct mtc alone, anb 'l1 ~al IJang tJpon (Jim au u,e i;Ji~l' of tl)dr fatl)cis
'alftl ma he lamentation: pc t1JaU not ~c able to ~oure, au bdfclss botl) great anb tmall, anb all
comfoit mec. bcmufc of tl}c bcllru,tton.oftl,Jc 1nllrume11~ofmeafmcanbmuac11c.
oauptcr of mp people. . . 2 s ~n tl)at bar. faitlJ tl}c 'Lo1b of1Jo£f~.1bau
s foit1Ji!1i!1a 1>aroftroublc,orru1nc, anD tlJc nailc tJJatt!!I raacncb tn t11c Core pla", be'
ofoearuaion, tl}at tl)e )l.OJD tlJC ®ob of l)etles pen anD be biorten, ant> fall : anb tl)c llurtJen
\\Jill b#rta to pall'~ i_n tl)c ballef ofbifton, bica• tl)at \Dalil bpon tt UJalbc pluclit a'map, fol ro tl}c
king Do\1inc tl)c c1t1c , anb crpmg tmto moun, :Jl..011> l)atl,J ljJoltcn.

6 (ffambarc~c11uiucr~it1Jacl)arctoff0ot•
Th ··· Cb
cxxn1. apter.
men anD 1Jo1femcn. anb tl)c citic of ~ir fl)c\lleD I A prophecie again!l Tyrus: 1 7 and a promifc dm
t~cflJiclD open. it /ball be rc!lored againe.
7 ~c cl)teft ballep atro \Uaf!I fUI of cl.Jaret~, f)e burtlen or ~p~e. iill;loume re
anti ttJe lJOlkmen fct tl)cir rac~ lltrc,tlp te\Uarb fl)ip~ tlJcn commctIJ 1
tl)c mate. fuel) l.ldlnmion, tl)at pe fl.Jail not
s .anb in tlJat Dal' bib tl)c tncmtt tahc a'mat' f:)aue an 1JoUCc to enter mto, anti
tlJt toucr of]Uba, anti tl}en DiDa tl)ou loollc to' tl)atttJcre 11.Jallbcno traffike out of I:
b °P'""""' toartl tIJe b armour of tl)e 1Joure oftlJc fo~ea. tlJc lanbe of ~ittim , tl)cp l)aue fmo'tlllelli&c of
::!~."::J·r~r~" 9 ~ce {Jauc recne alfo ti.Jc tnoken place~ of tl)t~ ptam;ue. ;
=~:~rb tIJc citic of wauill,l)oto tl)at tlJep arc 1nanr.anb 2 l5e fttll re tl.Jat nwcn in ttJe ']lie, tlJc maT,
u' 111 6' 7· pee gatl)mll toget{Jcr t1Jc 'roatcrss of tl)Clotoer ctJan~ of ~itlou, anb rucIJ a~ palfe oucr tfJc cu, L
poole. 1Jauc maie t{Jec plcntcou~. , r
1 o ais fo: tlJC l)oufefj Of ll)itrUfalcm., re l)aue 3 ~l)C CQ111C tl)atgro\lJctIJ bl' tlJe ~cat'tlltl• ~
numbJCb ttJem, anl:l tl)e IJoufcjj l,Jauc re b~oflen tcr~ of Rlill1ss, anti tl}c fmttc~ of tlJC riuu, \\Jere a
wame, to matte tlJc mall arong, l}cr bi~ual.U, Co tl)at it became a 'ommon man ~~
u 2 pit alfo {Jane l!C mabc bct\l.'lcenc tl}e tlllo or natton~. !in
c 1t~rl.oib \11alisfo~tllctoatcr~oftl;eolllpoole,canll(Jauc 4 l5cc a(bameil tl)ou ~ition: ro: tl.Je. res, •'llr!W•nn
~:~~:: ~:~:~ not rcgartleb tl}e maim tl)mof, neitl)cr l)ab re' cuert tl)c ltrcngd:J of tl}e Cea )Jatl) lpolte.n , rap. ~ ,tr:': ·.

~1: 1.~~',:1 ~ 1 fpc't tmto ~im t(Jat raa~ioncll it long agoe. ing, ~ l}auenot traua1lct11101 b'ou~t fo~tl) dn1• -1111,;,
tD• '"''"'"· r
0 12 9.nb m tlJat tiar n1t1 tl)e JL01ll ©ob or l)ot!s bzcn , noi nourilbctl bp poung men, 01 blOugl}t '''
~·:.:r'~t~~. call mcn lmto weeping anb momntng, to baf!J, bp birgin~. :i:
~~~.~~~.~~' ncil"cant1girt1ing about'\llitlJ fatfl,lotlJ. s ue(Jcn tit>tn~ come to t(]eQfgpptirous,tIJcv :;;
nr ..11bolot. 13 :d.nDbel.JOlD, tllcpl}auc iopanD glabncl!'c, 11Jalbcfo1pf01tl)cmrnomof~pir.
aaptng o~cn,antl flilbng flJtcpc, eating 6Cfb,ant1 6 cl5ctrouto~arCi~,moumc rou tl)ati>\Vd ::!.
1.Cor,1s. bJinlting'roine: "'lctb~catc anb D1inlie, fol to intl)c1Je. .,_
1 2. rnoioto '\llc 11.Jall Die. 7 1ss not tl)ts tl)at gl~touss ctpc or l'Olllf, :~
1 4 anti it came to tl)e cares of tlJe )l.otnc of 'all)ia) IJatl) belie of olbc antiQuittc '! (Jentouc "·
l)oncis. ~lJi~intquitic 11Jallnotbcpurgc1> from f'ectcUJafi cariel;crfo1t1J,tobca foioumcrtnto ,...
rou ttn re nic, faictl) tlJC Jl,,o)b 001> of{Jolle~. afnrrccountrcr. :~
1 ~ ~uss raitlJ ttJe Jl,,o~b 0011 off)oll!1, ©ct re s DI.lo f)atl) beutfell tlJis againtl ~r'e tJJat :;:
bnto ront1cr trcafurcr.~ucn bnto~ebna,n>IJtctJ b cro'IDnetl) l)cr Celft'!~ore marctJant!1 arc PJDI' :.c=~~
iii tlJc ruler of tl}c l.'loufe. ccf.), anD \DlJoCc fattourss are l}onourable md)c ~~·r
16 ual)at {Jall t1Jou to no l)crc'!antl \tl(]om [Jaa UJ~U». r.111" 1cr
ti.Jou IJcrc,tlJat tl)ou moulDell lJm IJe\tl tiJec out 9 ceuen tlJe "Jl..oJbe of !)oats l}atl) t1euirtD ~i:::.i:.~~
afcpulctm; a~ it \llcre one tl)at fJc\DctlJ l)tm 1?Ut t~ilil, to put botonc tl)c p1iDe o~ a!I fuel) a~ be glo' r.=·~
afepultl)1c on uigl), 01 tl)at ~rauctfJ an 1Jab1ta' rtou~,ann to minillJ au t1.)cnUl)atbcp,oun bpo11 ~-
tion Co~ l)imfclf~ on an {Jarb rocflc :' tJJctartlJ. :::
17 :iac~oUI, ilD tl)ouman, tf:Jc JL.oi1111.1an cam 10 0ettl)tt out or tlJp lanb IiTic a ftoob bnto ·•:
tlJtt abla'f! into captiuitic, anti fball fur:clp coucr tJJc Daugl,)tcr of ~arrt~, fO~ d}ou f.Jd no molt :
tl)ce 'nlitlJ confufion. ttrcngtlJ, ~;
18 ~lJe ·JLo~b !\Jail turne tfJct omt lifle a llaU 11 tl)c t11at fmotc t1Jt liing?Jome!1 togetl;ltr. ~.
~itlHJilS l)ant>~ and lb all fend thee into a fam l)elDttlJ out 1Ji!1 l)anll oucr tl)c rca:cuen tl}cJJ,.o~D
counttep:tl)crc UJaltttJoutlit, anbtlJcreinfteab l)imfcltc l)atl) gium a commanbemmt againtl
~f tlJc ctarct11 of tlJp pomp£, R.Jal tlJt IJaUfe aftl)c tl}c fame tommon v111cc of mar,1J1mnifc, ttJat
~o~b l}muc conl'ufion. t11cp f1Jall btttrll' D~p d}c migl)t t(Jmof.
9 'll \llillb~iuetl)cefromtl)pplacc.anllout u ~nbl)craiD,~affcnomo~ctlJp boaft,©
of tlJ11"ll'alc~ing11Jall IJe oucrtlno\tl t(Jee. birgin, t11ou baumlJter ~iDon , tl}ou (bait be
lia~m~b1im tlJat bar ll)all ')call mr rcruant If• b~oug(Jt bo'alne: l!JJP, get tl}cc oucr tJnto €ttttm.
••,c onnc of ll)elcta • 'allJcrc ncuerthclcffc tl}ou tl.Jalt lJauc no retl. ~~
!lttb\ntt1Jtt1rga~m'111!,1Dt111Jfm, 13 '.13~ouic, dJi!S people came not of tlJr ~1 :
anb 'nlttl} .tlJ?. l,\trblc 'altll 'll l!rm~cn (Jim~ t:l)p ~albees • but .all'ur mane tl;Jcin arong \tlitlJ t>.'~
po\'Dcr \lltO JI airo to1111nihnto {)rs fJ8t111, an111Jc gnat OJtpii: t(Jey fct bp t(Je ffrong (Johe• ttJmof, '
ll:Jall_bc ratl}er of tlltb 8lS ll\tleU tn l)imlfale\u, anDbeftropCb (1ispalaceis: ann l)c b~ou«Ot tt in
8 .~~
anb rn tl)c IJourc of 'ltiba De'8 )'<
Ioh.u.' + 22*an~ tllt Iler of tl)f ~re of~auila Wtl l 1!•SfJourne rte lbipl Of ~at'fi', foHOUr :~:
apac.3.7. lal'bpOll1'iS flJOUltler: Cot1Jat1Jt OJa11 open, anD llrengt:IJ ts~ugl]tbo\llne. '~
no man O,ut. l)c l1Jal lbtit, anb no man opm. 1 J anD mtl;Jatl:lll' fball ~nc llcfo~ttcn 1'
~\ curfe for fi~nes. Chap.xxiiij.xxv. Feare,pir,andfnare.
reucntit fccres, •11cco.1t1ing to tl:Jt reereis of om: 16 ijffom the i>ttcnnoft partoftlJc eartfJ l]aue
ldni.t. anll after tI:ie cnll of rcuentie pemss, RJafl 'me iJeam p~aifc!S anll mirtlJ, becaure of tl}c riglJ,
~~cfing111J t1ot1Jan1Jarlot. .. tcous: ano] faill, 1 fmow a tIJtng tn fernt, 'J
16 ~alic an (Jatpc, ano goe about tlJe e&ttc, linomc a tbtng tn react, \lloe iS me: tlJc tranr
UJou 1Jarlot .tlJat hall beene foii.tottm , tnt!fie gr~lTers {Jauc offenllcll , tl)c tranfgrcCferJS l)aue
C\llcet~elollie,fmg moe r~, ttJat tl)DUmaiea gttCUOUfiF offcnllc1J.
be i)atl tn rcmcmbiame. r 7 !ffeareruineffc, tlJc ptt,ano tlJc fnare arc bp,
17 an1>aftcrt1Jccn1Joftl)deue11tprere~,fl)al on tlJcc, fD t1tou ttJat 11\llcllea on tl]c eartlJ,
btfttc ~t:'Jt, anti flJe llJal~ conucrt ~n·
·ti)( )LOJIJ 18 *'.lit \llill come to palTc tlJat \lllJofocuer Ie1c. 4s. 41 .
to l}cr rnuarlle, anti 6,Jall conumt roimcatt~n ct:mpctlJ tl)e fcarefull noprc, l1Jall fall into tlJc
\llitlJ an tl:Jc lltngt1ome~ of tlJc cattlJ tl}at are m Plt,an.ll I)~ tl)atcontmcttJ bp out oftl)c ptt,lbalbe
ttJelDOJlll. . takCJJ blttfJ tlJc rnarc: fo~ tl)c 'IDin!lo'll'JciJ from
~8 ~(Jcir occupptn~ alfo anlJ tlJrir re\Darllc on lJrglJ arc open, anllt(Je founllattons of t~c
11Jalbe golp bnto tl}c )LOJll: tlJcir gainelJ RJal ~ot cartlJ aremoucll.
be laill tp noJ kept tn 1to1e, butit t!)all be tlJttrfl 19 'ltf}e cartl) t13 .bttttlr biobcn llo'wnc, tlJc
tlJatotucll bcfoJttlJcJl,oJll, t(JattlJC1? map eate c~rtl) IJatlJ afoJc mane, tlJe cartl) quarretf,J crcrc,
pnougtJ, ano gauc clotlJing ruffiamt. llmglr.
2 o '4i:IJc eat'tf,J lbal rccle to anlJ fro lific a ll~un,
The xxiiij. Chapter. lla~ll, anll fiJallJc rcmoouell Iific a tent, anll tile
A prophecic of tribulation ro come vpon rhc world, m1<1mtte tl]ettof 11Jalbc 1Jea1:tc bpon it, it flJali
bccaule of linne. fall,an!J not rife agatne.
fl,Joltl, tl]e )L,o~IJ maltetlJ tlJe ear~ 2 I 9.~l) tn tlJ~t !lap ~Bil tfJe Jl,OJlle blfitC tl)e

JI waac anll emptie, l)ee turnctlJ it

bpfille llo\llnc , anll rcattcrctlJ a,
bto111J tlJc in1Jabiter1J tlJcreof.
people, \I tl)cmacter alJ tlJcfcrnant, tl]e mtll:relTc
liliet)Jemaille, t1Jefcllerllkctl)ebuper, IJc tlJat
1enllrtlJ bpon bfuric, liflc IJim tlJat bOJO\llCtlJ bp'
IJoilaboue t1Jatl!5on IJtglJ, anll tlJc llill!f.i of tljc
'lllo11ll ttJat arc bpon tlJc cartlJ.
22 9nll tl)cp fiJalbc gatllcrcb togctlJer as ttJci•
tlJat be in p~ifon, 11nll tlJcr 11.Jall be fiJUt bp 111
:a • !!nlJ tlJc l&Jiell: ll)albe alJ tlJe
\llarll, ano after manl' 1Jates 11Jal t(Jcr be btfttco.
z 3 ~IJc moone ll)all bee aban1e11 , null tt1c
runne a11J11mcll, '1llJcn tlJe Jl,oJbe of IJolle~ llmil
on bfuric, tlJC crcllitoi ail ttJc !letter. retgnc tn mount ~ion anl:I in ~icrurarcm ·tDttb
3 ~lJc Jani> nialbc clcanc ttiatlcll, anlJ btter' \l)O~{lJtp, lllllJ in tlJC figlJt Offuel} 813 llJallbc Ori.Ji~

l!' tpople'O: fo~ fo tlJc JLo~'ll (JatlJ fpohen. counrcu,
4 ~c cartiJ ill foiy anll conrurnetlJ attiap, The xxv. Chapter.
tl)c 'IDO~ID ifS feeble anll pcritbttlJ •tf]C P~OUll PCO' Athankcfgiuin gco God for his workes.
···":' pie of tllc eartIJ arc tome to nouglJt.
s ~IJecartlJ alfo ilJ become b~10Citable bn' 'ou art mp JL.01ll mr 0oll,] \lJill
DU ttJe tnlJabiterJ t(Jercof, 'IDlJ•Ci.J IJaue tranf, magniftc tlJec, 'JI.Will giuc tl}anlfll
grclfclltl.Je la\llc!f, c1Jangellt1Jco1otnancc, b10' bnto tlJp name, roi ttJou lJa'.l
ken tIJe eucrlafhng coucnant. b1ougt)t \lJoonllerfull tl:Jingcll to
6 -a:"berefo1c l}atb tl)e mrft confumelJ tl)c palTc, atco~otng to tlJinc olll coun,
cart1J,an1JtlJcpt1Jatll'aJdl tbenin ardallcnin' . fell, tmclpano faitl}fullp.
to tntpatre: OOIJmfoie tIJe inl)abitms of tl)e , .~oul)aamallcacitican(Jeapcoftlonc~,
cartl) attptriflJCIJ '1Jit(J 1J1ougl)t, anlJ fewcmen anlJ inouglJt allrong to\llnc into Dccap: ti.Jc iJa'
arc left bCIJinlJ. bitation of llran~erlJ l)aff tl)ou mane to be no ct,
7 ~IJc 'mine failetlJ,tbe bine l)atlJ no migl)t, tic, nettl)et fiJall tt be builllcll anp mo.ze.
allt(JcrtlJ.atl)aucbcnerncrp iu l]cart are come 3 ~lJmfo1c illall tl}c nng(Jtie people giuc
to mourmng. g[o~p btito tfJc:>, tl)e cittc of tf]c baliant l)eatf]cn
s ~be mirtlJ of ~abietlJ i!S lailJ IJo'IDnc, tl)e {ball fcare tl}cc.
norrc of ruclJ a)l IJauc mabc metl? is ccarc1> , tlJe 4 ijfoi tl]ou IJatl bccnc a rlrcngtlJ tin to ti)e
iopoftlJclJatpei~at~nen!l. . . poo1c,anll aruccoutf'o~ tile nccnie in IJiS u·ou'
9 ~l]Cl! {ball ll1m11e no mo1e '!Dille \tlitb ble, a refuge againff cum \lleatf)rr, a n1allo\ll a,
mtrtlJ, ltrong ll~inhc fiJall bebittet to tIJcm t(Jat gaina tlJc l)catc: fo~ tlJc blafl of ra!,ling men t13
llJinkcit. . . . b ... libcallo~mctl)at catlctfJ~owncattiall.
1 0 'ITI]c citie of tiamtic •~ ~oQcn llo"ltlne, ~ Jl.ific alJ t(Jc IJcatc m a im' place \llallcth
cuerp l)ourc i!lfiJUt bp, t)Jat no man mar aJme an tl)ingiJ: ro OJalt tJ)ou ruppiciTc t~e norrc of
l·n aliant)1, tlJ.e IJCatc is abated lllitlJ tl]e llJal>o\tl or
' 11 9\ntlJetlrcetcisi~tiJ~rc a crping,becaurc tlJcclou'O,cucnfo 1ba.ll God alT\\1agctl)cnopfcof
of \Dine, all dJeerc iil bamll)ell a\llap, tlJc 1u1rt1J tl}c mien tr~ant'.
of tl)clanlJ ilJ gone. . 6 anll in tbiis mountainc n1all tl)e ·.ILo?IJ of
u 'lln tlJe cttie ifS left 1>erolat1011,anll tlJc gate IJoacis n~affc bn~ au pr.ople a fcall of plcnceou))
tsrmittcn 'witlJ 1>e1tru~tion. an~ belic~te tlJtnw:i, cueu of moll plearant an1>
i ~ 1fo: in tl)c mill« of tIJe lanll , cucn am~ng namttc 1>1fl)e1J.
tl}epeoplc.,itOJallcometopatrcassattlJcflJafn;ng 7 itnll in tlJ~!S mountatnc fl)aU tf)c llozllc
of QDliucs,anlJ ass tl}c grapcis arc \lllJCll t!Jc wine lletlror tlJ ecoucr~n!.l tl)at all people arc ·ona;.ipcn
IJatUC(t i!1 llll11C. . .
1 ~CF 11Jallltft bp tlJ~. botee, alllJ mar1e a
in' ano ti.JC (Jangmg tl)at i!S fp1£Sll bpon l i <1
mcrp nopfc, ano tn mf11fymg of tIJc )Lo11J l1Jal s afi~~ llcatll be batl} tle!lropclJ it ro~ ru»r,
tl:Jefet'1?0Utoftl)c10c. . "'"' .. U 2'llta1JUc"a~2~1JclJ<k!~IJflJall\lltpca\J.111rt<arc·iJ '~"';.•;-.
i 5 ml]crroJc p111trc pctlJe)L,oJIJ'" ~.,eua er~. • ~I", an ..,uebulic ofbiis µrop!c niall ."J "·~
1 1
cuen ttJc name or tl)e -...0111 ~ob or1rra£1 tn tlJC IJc talica\lJap out of all tl)eeartl), ro~ ro tt;c :i.. o:n 1 1
']lltisott(Jcfca. ___·;__c__lJa_tlJ_fi_a_ill_._ 1
The faichfull reioyce. Efay. The refurreCl:ion •.•
9 !ln!I in ttJat nap it lblllbe r~ :Loe. ttJtf!I ti
our \!Joli, toe 11aue toa«:tb fin IJnn. anD IJe ft.Jail
raue \l~, tlJiJS i5nl:1e 'UJD m '1;1'10m. toe l:)aUe ~·
pell, tDemm bemtrf.anDmopcnntl)efalUatt•
011 thatcommcth orIJnn. .
i o 1fOJ In tlJil!I mountatnc OJBll tl)e IJatlD of
tl)c JLOJb ccafe,. anD SllJoab ft)allbe tlJ:eDJell im'
ncr lJim, eucn af tiawe iJS tro!len to Douq on
tiJe 1:1oung(J11L
1 , .a11111JC fJJalI ffrctd:t out tJts IJ&nb mtlJC
mina of tfjem, Bf lJe tlJitt ftoimmcdl catlrtlJ out
IJits (Jnnos to funm: am wit!) tilt lltrngtlJ oflJiSS
IJanD~ llJall btWing l:lotDnt t1Jtirp1ibe.
12 ~!Je ttrong IJoloe atro, anl:l t>efmcc of tlJr
W!lllCSI f]atlJ IJce ouert1:11o'Wen ant> td Downe,
ano b10ug}Jt tl)Cm to tlJt lifOunl:l , eucn 1mto
The xxvj. Chapter.
A fon g ofdcliucr'-l!cc of the people.
@ tfJat llap fl)all tl)ilS fon!! brc

D Cung in t11e lll11ll of '.)Uba,1Wc f]aue

a. ftrong mtc, flllUatlon OJaU ~oll
appoint tn tlcao of 1Da~ anll bul,
2 ~pm pc tlJc gatelS,ti)at tl)t ngl)tcouis peo'
pie \tJJ:riclJ fm:pttlJ tiJettuctlJ 1nal:' mttr in.
3 :lDp an atlilrell pUfPOfc toilt tl)ou p~cfmrc
perfect peace' becaurc tl}qi put tfJeir truft m
4 ~ut rec l:'Our trull al'»al:' tn t11c lDille:
ro1 in tIJr. )L.o~ne <11501:1 tl)ere iss llfcngtl) ro~ em,
s ijfo~ IJe l)atf,J b~ou~t llo'rone tf,Je l}i!llJ min'
nen citt!cnSS: ais Co~ tl)e p1onbe citte, llee l)atlJ
b~ougl)t it low. eucn to tIJe ttrounb ll>all l)c cat
it notone, ann bitng it tmto nua.
6 ~l)e footc,eucn tl)e foote of tlJc pocic,anll
tl}c aepis of ru,I) a- be in nccetrme tlJall man it
1 ·at:f)tp11t1tof equitic'ro1lttl)ou mrant bnto
tl)c iult. 0 thou moll iighrcous, tl)OU OJalt 01btr
tqcpafl) of 1JimtlJatiS1rig\)teou15.
s pea in tl)c 'roar of tlJr magmentfJ,flD )l,o~'ll-.
IJaue'IDcput ourtrua in tl)ec: tl)p name atro,
a1111 tl)c rememb~nce or t!Jtt, ts tIJc tlJirtl tl}at
our route lon~ctl1 fo1.
9 ~P ronlc l)atlJ lon~cll fo1 tlJee al t{)e ntlf)t.
an?n:oitl)mrfpmt\111Jt~i11 wi~nmc, tDill 'l
re cm tl)ec carclp in tl)c mo1ninm: fo1 to()cn ttw
iuD~tttttnts are in t)Jc eart(J , tl)c tnl}abiterss of
tl}e 'o.loilll OJall lcame ri~btcournetrc.
10 ~ball tl)c tin~oD(p man bee fat1ourell,
\'O~icl) IJatl) not lcarncb rtglJtcouruelfe,but notl)
\ntcltelllr tn tl)c cartb, Wilm notlJing oUgl)t to
oe bom, but tl}at 'mlJitll i~ ripteous:1111ec llJall
not fee tl}c ~IO~f of t!Je J,,o~b.
'lL~~b, 'all}cn tljp banll is lift bp to llrrllc,
~~~~t not, but tl)cp llJall rec it,~ be conroun·
i .., tlJe ~tale orttc pcop!i, an1:1 tf)c flrt t}Jat
' ~~ "£tlJ tl)ine mcmtts lbatDeuouretlJem.
foi tl)~~:w bnto bS tl)ou ll)alt PJOUille peace:
bS. 0
llafl tDJDU«IJC an our ll:l01flelS in
© lLoibottt <Bob, Ott)tt lo~bl!l be<iZle• ttJee

{Jaue fubnucb bB: but toe ll:ltl be minllfuU ondp

of tf)et, anb of tb! name
14 ~lJtlleall \llillnot'li•~""" "" .... out of
life'WtllllOt rift annj.... "'......,.....,tp •.,atui<
. .,.. ·~,..,~l}a(ltfJOUtlUi•
t£b anb root.ell ~em out, an1:1 btftrortll au tlte
mcmo~tc of tl)mt.

~fhe cruvvnc of pride. 37 . Chap.xviij. Acouenantvvirhdearh. i
~ 11 JW'bcntiJeb~an~e~ofitareb1te. ttiqart \mto tlJem fctronbpon lctron. commanl:lemrnt'
~ b~olicn ol,~l:I tl}c women come anll r~ tl,lem on bpon comman?Jemrnt, rule bpon rule, inllructc,
~ fire: fo~ ct us a people of no bnberftanllllll. anti on bpon inflrUction, t1Jct'£ a ltttle, ann tl1ere a
' tl]enro;c tJee tl)at ma?Je tlJtm. HJaH notfaUour little: tl}attl}cp map goc on. ano fallbachtoarll,
\ tl}em,an?J I.Jee tl}at crcattiJ tl}em a,au giUe tl)tm be b~utrcuan!Jfell,anQ rnarcn.
~' no grace. 14 ll9(.Jerefo~ct1carc t(Jc \tlo~tl of tlJc ll o~tl rec
'' 12 an?I tn ti:) at ?Jap RJal tl)e :to1b mallt a tine• mocliet)~.!re tb,at (.Jaut rule or tl}i!l people UllJicll
'i ll)ing from tl)e m1Dl5 of tlJc rtuer ceupmateSl, bn• ·~at ~1cruralcm.
1 s l5e~ure pc(Jauerar?J.
t; to tl)e riutt of Cfgppt. ano re ct)tlDzcn of'.)rracl me (Jauc matlc a co
~ ll.JaU be gatl)crcn togetbcr one to rinot;IJrr. ucnant tott(.J Deatl}. anti toitlJ (Jell arc wee at a,
\! 13 '.3\n tlJat tlap fiJall tlJc great trumpe bee grcemertt: ann tlJoug(J tl}cre goe roo~t(J a ro~r
~' blo\!ien., fo tl)at tt}ep to(JiclJ tom loll _in tl)~ lanD plague, at llJall not come bnto bSl. fo~ wee }Jaur
~ or.acrnia, anD t(Jcl! t(.Jat toere bantll.JeD m tlJe ma11cra111.JooD ourreru11c, anl:J bnDcr banittc arc
i~' lantJ of llel!l'Pt , fiJSll come anti \lJo;OJiP tlJC lLO~l> IJitl :
,': in tl}e fJolp mount of lt)icruratcm. 16 ~crcfo1c tf!us faptlJ tile Jl,o~tl ©otl,* l5c• 21 1·
:~1 lJoltlc, jl lap in ~ion fo~ a fountJation a none,
~ The xx vii j. Chapter· men a trleb ltone.a p~cnoui:s comer llonc, a rurc
Againll 1hc pride of Ephraim, 9 and :againll falfe fountlatum: tol}o fo belceuct(J, let lJim not b~£
priells and preachers. too' f)attic •m•i• ro
lll>clm bnto tlJc cromnc or pzitlc, . 17 '.)ubgenuntatfomill'.]]lartot(Jeru1£,ant1 //t~~i~·,~,:
cum bnto tfJe tJ~unkcn people of ng{JtcoufnctTetotlJe balantc, rottJatttJc"lJmlc '"'''1,,;b.rq·
<fplJ~atm, M1ofc great pompe ts llJallCttltcpe atoap au b1oomc rouoatnccon, ~;;i;'~,;·:~~,"
asa fto'tllcr tl}atranctl) amapbpon rttJence, anti tlJe p~iuie place of rourrctugc 11Jall ~';~'r,,;~;;:i
• t(.Jc l}eal> oftl)e ballcp oUml) asbc tl)e \lJatcrsrun oucr. rr·r.r. :npct~
111 wealtfJ,antl an outtlatlcn mitlJ \tltne. 1 s ann tlJus ti}e coucnant ti) at re rnatlc \'DitIJ :\c_~;;''._ '., ,.1
2 '3c1Jolt1e, tlJttc commet(J a bc(Jemcnt anll beat(J, IJ.Jall be tJifanullcD, anD pour a~rccmrnt :~ ;:,;,;;~~'~
ro~e Dap from tfJe JLo~ne, like an bnmearurablc tlJatpe mabe \lJitlJ f)cll.lball not ftanb, pea 'W~cn ;: ~'.~ ;:,~%'b"
(Jailean?Jperilous tempcll, cuenllfictIJc ro1ceof t1Jefo1eplaguc!loct1Jfoo~tlJ, rec11Jalbcc troorn '·'"' ,"'"
mlgl}cy anti (JoJrible 'lllater~ t{Jat btolcntl-p bea, Downe bntlcr it. ~~~:~<,~ ~"'~~
retlJ l:Jomne all tlJill!l~· '19 !fl'rom tlJe time tlJat it goctlJ ro~tlJ, it a1all ~;;:;,':',;;';,
3 ~c crotame of tl)c p1inr oft}Jetl~unlten It• take i:on a\Dap: fo1 carl.F in tlje ~1omi11g cucrtc ~~~1 :;~'1 m
plnaimitcs l!)all be trollcn bnller roote. i:Jap,i:r.a botlJ tJap ann mglJt, llJal it goe tlJo~otoc,
4 ~o tlJat tl)c fio\lJie of (Jis fatrcncffe anb ann \VI.Jen tt}e nolCc tl)ereorti:s percccueb, itnJlll
beautp,tolJiclJ is in tiJt IJeall of t(Je ballcp offat• gentletberation.
netrc, llJall rat1e.a\11ap a~ t1oct1J an bntimclp ripe 20 to~ t1Jcbcll is narrow. anb not lar~c. anti
figge bcfo1el)aruelt: tolJiclJ tolJcn a man cfpie ti), tIJc couering ro fmal, tlJnt a man can not mmo c
l}ce looket(J b_pon it, anD tol)ile tt IS pct fn lJtS (Jtmfelfe vndcr it.
(Jani:llJtcStetlJttbp. 21 •1fo~tfJC)l,01llf1J8l ftanb aSinmottntlDC' 1.Rog.;.20
5 ~11 tlJatbap OJaU tlJe JLo~D off}ollts be tl)e ra11tn, anb OJalbe to~otlJ lthe as In ttJc baller of 1.c11;. '+
ao'IDnt of;to1ie ann t1iamont1 ofbeaufl! bnto IJl5ibcon.t1Jat1Jeemapt1oc1Jis\Doil!c,l)i~ltrangc 1"·
tlJC nrt?JueoflJt~peoplc. mo1kc,anb b1in!l to patre l}t~ act,lJi~ llrangc act. 12 •
6 l)e mil be alfo arpirit orpcrfectkno'IDlcl:l~c a Jao\ll t(.Jerefo1ercetl}at pc brno motltcrs,
to l}im t(Jat ftttetlJ in 1u?Ji:tement, anl:l l!rcngt:IJ ldt rour puntflJment rncrcarc : fo~ JJ tirarb ti}c
bnto tl)cm tlJat turne atoa11 tlJe battcU to t11e lL01D ofl)otlcss,tlJattlJere llJaU come a 11.Jo~t cn!lr
~ate of the enemies. bpon tlJe tol}olc cartlJ.
1 '3ut tl)eyarcout oftlJe'mapbprcafon or 23 l)earerethen,ani:Jllcamcnbntomptioicc,
toinc, rea.Jarrcout of tIJe 'alap are tiJey tlJ1ou(JlJ confi?Jcr anD pontler mp i:pcecl].
arc ng t1iinlie : tl)c p1ictl atCo anD tlJe p1opl,let arc 24 ~oetlJ not tl)c 1Jnroant1man plo\lJc an tl1c
!lone afirap bp t{)e incancs oftlrotl§ l.1Jtnkc,ti:JC1? ?Jap, antJ opcnet(J anti b~cakct(J tl)c clot.a of l)il5
arc bmnkcn toitlJ \tlinc., tl}ep go amitre ttuougl) grountJ,tlJat 1Jc map Co\lJt:'
arong ll1inbe,t1Jcr fall In p:op1Jefping,at1D llllm• 2 s DlJen lJrc (Jat(J mane it plaint, mil l)cc not
bletn mn~ement. fp:catl ab.zoan t(Jc fitcl)es.antl fob.le cummtn,ttnb
s ~oialltable~arcfullofbomittan?Jfilt(Jt• calt tn tol)catc bpmcarurc, ann tl)cappointeo
netre.ttJat no man is clcanc. banep anti rie In t(Jcir place:'
9 1191)omc t(Jen !ball Cuti) one tcadl Imoto• 2 6 <!!Joli toll inllruct 11im to lJaue bifmtion.
lebgl':'anb mlJom lbal be make to b11oerfl1111t1 t(Jc eucn 1Jil5 ©on mil teaclJ IJim. ,
tlJill!l tlJat IJe (JcaretfJ :' ro~ tl,lep arc a~ tgno:ant 17 1fo1 litCIJel5 llJall not bee tbJtllJC?l 'mitlJ an
as ron« ,lJiUl~cn tl)at arc taken ftom tlJe mtllie, (Jarrotoe. ncitlJcr OJ al a cart Uil]cclc bee b•ou~t
I ano arc toeane?J. tl}o:o~ tl)c cummin: but t(Jc fitclJc~ arc beaten
1 o cjfoJ tl)ey tllat be futb , mull tafle after one
~ out Ullt(.J a tlaffc,a1tt1 cummtn \tlitl) a rob.
~ letron,anot(Jcrldfon.aftcronecommant1ement. 28 l5ut tl)cfc~De tlJat b:cao is mabe or, i~
anotlJcr commant1cment, r01 one rc~le. ano~er tiJ1ell.Jct1,tl)oug1J tt be not altoap a tlnCfbing, anti
J rule after one tnllruction. anot)Jcr marunwn, a C!Ift ~IJerfc ~a bre b~ott(JlJt ourr it lea l)rc
tIJcre a ltttle,an?J ttJerc a little. . !.1ftnl.I tt \lJttlJ IJ•s tcettJ. ,
,~.11. 11 •1foi1Jet1Jat fpeabetllbntotl)1spcople, i~ 2~ ~is alfo c~m1netb of tlJc'Jl..otb of(Joaes,
euen as one t(Jat bfetl.J ru?Jenetrc or fPeetlJ, oi a \'D~idJ too:betlJ blttlJ toontlerful mirrno1nc, anti
llrange tani:tuage. . . b1tngttl;J e.rccllent \lJ~llcs to parre:.
12 ']fanrmanfaptmtotlJ~rc,lLoe.~s1~t1Jc Th
nCltolJm\llitlJl'Cetnap cafel]tm tl]aus toeanc, e nix.Chapter.
tfJi~ i!S tl}c nfrell)in«: tlJCl' mm ll~tl)camen~ Aproehefie againll: Hierufakm,and againfi thc:vainc I
Blind guides. Efay. Rebellious children.
~~~~©c bnto tl]ee, ©anti, and, fapofl}imtlJatmanctt, ~cmat1cnotmtt:' gno
tlJOU atic t{Jat ~auib b'melt in : noctl.J an cartl.Jen tlcfCcl Cap oflJim tl)at fafiJioneo
<JtJoc on from reerc to rccrc , an?J it, $c lJalJ no tmlletaant>tng :' .
~\lJ~-"'V~lettlJe lambe.G be 6aine. 1 s '.ll.G it ~t IJarn attJano tl)at lLtbanu~ a.iau
:t '.]l 'mil lap fiegc lmto Qricl, turncn Jnto a lowc f&clbc, ann tl)at tlJe Io'ale
. _ rot1Jat t1Jcrc11Jall1Jce l)ceuincifc ftc!o 11.1a1be tofien as tl)c \Doon:'
anll ro~o\v 1u it : ann it fiJalbc tmto me cucn an 19 ~nntnt11at napnJall t>rafc men l)caretl]c
altar ornauglJtcr. . uio~ll£SS of tlJe llooric, anl> t(Je Cl'd OftlJe bltnbe
3 ·'.1 will bcfic~c tlJec rounb about, ann hl~ll 11Jal rec eucn out of tfJc dounc, ant> out ofbarfte,
rtgt1tagai11ll t(Jee c(Jo)o'al a bulm1n~fic, ani:J mill nctrc. ·
rcarc 1Jp l:Jitct)c.G agama t(Jec. 20 ~c mcd1efpiritct> a1ro11Jalbemcrteint1Je

4 ~ouo1altbecb~ou~t nowne, ann £1.Jalt JL.oizi,a~~ ti)~ poo~c amon§ tJJem t{Jat bee lo\lllp
rpca!ic out of tlJe grounb, ant> tlJr fpcedJ t1Jal goc OJ all rciottc m tlJe IJolr one ofjjfrael:
Io'O.Jc out oftlJC Zlull: 21 1J'o: l)cc tl}at t>ill biolentc i.G b1Gql)t to
5 -m::or 1:1otcc alfo t1Jall come bp out or tl)c nouglJt,anil tfJe rcoincful mani.G tonfumeo,ann
grounn. llfie tlJe boice of a hlttdJ,anb ttn tallnng tIJer rootct> out tlJat maoe (Jaltc earlp to bnrigl),
HJ :ill t.Jliirper out of tIJe l'Ju~. teoufne1Tc, '· ~
6 sneozeoucr, ti}e noire of tlJe «range ene, 2 2 ~afif1_1g ~man to finncint}Je '4'10111, anb
mfc;:; tlJaU be lilie tlJin oua, anzi tlJc multi.tune _of ~tat tool!el;nm ma 01arc, 'all*lJ rcp~ouen tl.Jem
tt·2,rnt£l fiJall be a~ i:J~te llratue tlJat cannot tam: m tfJc open place, anti th er tlJat f)auc tume1> tlJt
c1icn fui'ltJenlr ann tn IJallc llJal tl)etr blall goe. caure of ttJe riglJteouss to nou§l:Jt.
7 ~ouaJaltbcbifttel> ortlJc)L,oinoftJOll!-1, 2 ~ im;lJcrfo~c tllu~ faitlJ tlJc )L,01n to t1'e boUfe
mirf) ~IJn_nlicr, cartl)qualie, ann tutt!J a. great of'.l]acob, cucn tiJUS rartlJ f)ee tlJat rcoccmeil a.
noire, \Uttl.J lloltnC ano tempell, ant> 'allttJ tlJC b~al}am, ]acob llJal not no tu be cor.founbell, noJ
ft ame of aconrumtug fire. lJt}l fate pale. ·
s ~mi ti.Jc multituilc of all nationf$ tfJat ~gIJt 24 :>3ut 'mlJen f)e fecti1 lJi.G c:1Ji!ll1en tlJc mo~e
sgoin lt artcl, llJallbea.G an~eamcfcenbr niglJt: of mp l}antl.G tn tl)e mins oflJtm, tl)ep 11Jal ranc:ti'
cucn ro niau t()c,: i:le tlJat main~ \llam agatnfht, fie mp name, ann pJaife tbe f)olp one of '.)Jacob,
an:: nron~ notn~ to oumome tt, ant> tlJat lar anti feare tlJe <l!Jot> of'.l)frael. ·
rmr flc~c lmto it. 2 5 ~cp a1ro tlJat IJauc bcnc of an monrous
9 3;11 conc!ufion, itllJalbe cu~na).1~1Jenan fpirit,fiJal come to bnneraanbing, an!> ti]ep tl}at
1;ungm man n~camctlJ ttJatl,Jccis eatmg, ant> 1Jauc bme rcom«nl H.Jalleame 1>oc;mne.
\Ut1c nc aw:itctlJ,lJis foule t~emptp, oiafl tol)en
f! tijirltic man uicamet(J tlJat l}ee tss llJinfting,
Thexxx, Chapter,
1 Againfl them that forfake the counfel ofGod,and
\\l::m lJc ntoafictl:), IJc tssretfaint, ant> lJi~fou!c 3 ThePropheta!IO
IJ<itlJ oµpctitc: cucnfoft)all tl)emultitut:cofaU .....
n::tion}j be tlJat fig{Jt a~atnltmo~mt ~ion;; thrc:uneth the remnant of the people, that afrc:r
the dcfirullion ofHierufalc:m went inco Egypt. ....
10 ponncrtl}cfe tgmg~onc:etn rourmmt>~,
ano \llonncr: :n>ltnnen are tlJer tlJemfclucss, ann Jl,assfo: tfJofe t>ifobeziientcl.Jilt>Jen,
hJc t:;a:; gutncss of ot{)er, tlJer arc tJJUnllen, but
not tnitlJ 'Oline : tfJCl! arc lmllable, but not
t[J~ougl1 Uron~ nitnhc :
11 to~ t!Je JL.o~t> IJatl) c:oumn fOU 'lXlttIJ a
numb~in~ fµirit.ann tJntlJ clofcntour eres: rour
1;~cp;i~t1£ a!Jo nnll ruler~ t(Jat f!Joult> fee, tiJcm
iJ,it!J i)c c:oucrcn.
II faptlJ tlJc JLo:n, ttJat tl)er mil tafle
counfcl, annnotofmce, tIJattIJcr
wtl take a reaet ai:Jutcc, anti not
out of mp fpirit, ann tlJerfo~c anne
tt;c pun ne vnto finnc.
2 '1'.ucn tlJcp tIJat walfic to go notunc into Cf,
g;ppt, a11n l)auc afbrb no qucChon at mp moutlJ,
12 :ani'I tIJc bifion or an tfJe p:opfJetss, i~be, but fcelic ttrcngt'tl tn tlJe migl]t of i&)Jarao, an?I ~':
•omc l.mto pou ass tl)c wo~nes of a boofle t1Jatis trull in tf)c (lJabo'llle of lll!gppt. ..
vourcothuuon, ant>tlJetrnu.m •..,c.._0 ... o ""''
fcillcti llµ, 'rollic:(J mm ncliuer to one tlJati.G lear, 3 rQrfJcrcl'D~c 11Jall tIJc a~t,i~ o!ItfJ~aof~e ;.:;
n:o,f,wmg;,filca~c tl)outn it: anntJc!aitl),] can ;.-;
not,fo~ it 1~ rcalcn. gpµt, pour llJame. ,'<~
1 ; '.lnl:l tiJc booJtc iSS giuen to l)im tl}at iss not 'I: ijfo~lJiscaptaincs mcrcat~an, anbl)is ·~
lc'4rncn ,fnrtnQ:,1Reabe tl:Jou in it: ant> l}e faitl;I,] cmbalraDOur~ came tinto )9anes. \;:;.
am not lcamco. 5 ~lJcp 'Wm af(Jamcll of tlJe _people tl)at \',
mJq.6. ~· 8 • !':~ 14 ·l!CiJcrcfo~c t"'U"'l•at"'
"1 ,. J •J f-11c
•"1 -.i
~ ~
o•bfafn, *:II-60 ~1 coullJ boc tl}em no gooll,anb tlJ8tm1glJt not IJclp i ~.
ii ~utlJ nz tl)tz pcoµJc,wl)en tlJcp be in trouble, tl:Jcm, noi fbe\\le tl)cm a11p wortt, but'Wcrc t(Jcir ·~~
o·11onour me 'o:ntl) timr moutiJ, anlJ witfJ tfJeir confufion ant> rcbuflc. :.:-
Itpss, lJuttl)m l)enrtiss ram ftom mec, anlJ tlJc 6 ~lJe burllm oftlJe bea~.Gof' tl;c ~ontlJ. i~:.:i.
rcarc 'mntcl) tlicr l)nuc bnto mec, p~ocect>etlJ ofa ')n a Ianll of troUblC atllJ anSJUlt'b, fr~m \lllJmcc ~~-
commani:lcmcnt tlJntiss tau~t of men. 11Jal come. t1Jc ran1an1J o1D lron,t1Jc b1per.\t fierce ,~;
s ~tttfo:c 'Will '.J] lloc maruellcs among fcrpcnt,tl1at flietlJ againft tl}em that bpon colts ·~~
tl)tZ pcoµ1:t..' nicn marucilouis tbingss lfayano bearc ttJdr tidJe.G. atllJ llpon ramcls tl)rir trca, :i.~ ·,
, .cor.i ·1 9 ,1 \llontJer · fo: tl)c to1rcnome of tl}ctt \Dire men rurcs to a people tl}at can ~oe tl)cm no goon. .~
l1Jall pm llJ,_nnil tlJt bnllcrllanlling of tl}cir \llittp 1 ijfo~b11inean0not1Jmg'alo:t1J11JaltbelJelp ~~
mm ll;allmoc tt.fclfc. of tlJe cem:iptianS IJcc : tlJercfo:c IJaue ] mcll ~·
Abd1.1.s. . '~ "naoc tn~to tlJcm tl)at iteepc cc~ct t1Jdr bnto l!}tm1ra1em, ~CF llJaU IJaue ttrengt~ ~~
tlJcuglJtl'l, to ~u:ic tlJ<ir t~unrcn from tl}c Jl,o~l» pnoui;m, irtlJcr 'alil fettle t1Jc1rnnnoc.G in qui· •:~,:
1Hl.l to tlOC ttctr \llO~IiCl'l lll barlitllClfC, faring, ctne:«e: '
Eccl. 2 3.1, 'lBtJo feet!) b~ '! nnil Ull;o hno'roctl} tlJS'! s ~o1D tlJerd'oie go tlJP blap,anb 1D:itc tlJil \~
17 :Woubtlctrc rour lie Cf ruction is tn rcputa• bcfo~ tf:Jcm in a table, \f note itin a boohc, tbat !~
.' ttott ap tile l1)cttcrl'l clnr: nnn boctb t11c 'Wozkc itmarftnallp remaincannbchrpt ameo:cuer. ~

' 1001 =_a~'~~

'o vvaireforGod. Chap.xxxj. Vaine trufl: in mJn. :qS
1 9 !1foJt(Jtstunobllinatcpeoplc.anDDt[em• 2 ~ g)!}oicouer,tlle liglJt of tlJC ~oonc llJfll tc
b!ingcl)il!l~cn. clJitll~cn tl)at rcfufc to 1Jearc
t(Jc a.B tl1c ltg!Jt oft(Jc~uunc,anb the ~unnc ligl)t
lato oft(Jc 11.. D)ll. lbal be feum foll:!, anti llaue a,GmuclJ llJinc ais tllc
1 a '1foi tl]cp rap IJnto t(Je rceri.1, ~e:c not: anti rcucn l:Jape.B bcflnc, w~cn tlJcJLo~D bt11Dctl1 bp
to t(Jcm tlJatbe: clr:irc ohungeme:nt, JL,ooftc not t!Je fo1e or ti.Jc people, anll IJcalctlJ tlJe arolic of
outrtgljt tlJings ro~ 11s: butCpcalie: faire \l.lo~brs t~c1rtoomn1.
bnto bS, loolic out crrours, 27 J5c1J0Inc, tl)cfame or tiJcllo~il rommcth
11 dl5ctpou out of tl)c toap, t1e:part out of t(Jis fyom far, anti l)iSI p~cfcncctisfo llot,"tlJat no man
pat(J,anb turne tlJc (Jolp one of'j]fracl li'omlls. 1~abl~ to abi!lc: IJi.Blips arcfullohn'Oi!,\natio11,
12 tWIJcrcfo~c tlJUS !aptl) t(Jc lJolp one of '.]£ 0
anll btS tongue is as a conruming rm.
racl.:Jeecaure rr.ur uearts rife againrt tl)is too,1:1. 28 l~i$ b~catl} tsa 11cl)cmcnt Hoon ofb)atcr
an!J becaure pou ttull in to~ong ocaling,antl per' tl)atreacJ;JctlJ bp to tIJc tmlic: tl)at l.1c mar ftft a
ucrfc tullgcment , anll put pour confibe:ncc 'Wap tl)c tJeatfJen mtl)e ftcuc orbanitie, anll hi!)
t(Je:rctn: b~tatlJ i~ a bJitJle of crrour in tlJc ia\\lcs cf tlJC
x 3 ~[Jcrcfo~c 1111111 re lJaue: t(Jis mifc(Jicfe: roi pcoplt.
rour nellrumon anll fall, lilie: as an lJigf.J toall 2 SI .Intl re 11Jalfl11g ltlic 11.!S in tl1cnig1Jt m1Jen
tlJat faUctlJ bccaurc or romc rift o; blall, tol}ofc tiJc {Jolp folcmnitic beginnetlJ, ann re flint t:Jauc
b,ca!ling commetlJ f11t1bcnlp. glabnc[e of (Jcart, ltlic as \1JIJrn one commetlJ
14 anti tiJc l}urt t(Jcrcof is lilte an cartIJm tllitlJ ~ipc 11nto tlJe lJtll of tl}c JLo~lJ, nnb to tlJc
11cfidl ·.:o(JictJ tneahetl) lllit(Jout (Jclpc, fo tlJ~t tn moil miglJtr one ofjjfract.
the l.lurlling of it, t(Jerctsnot foun~ one t1Jmcr 30 .\?lnb t(Jc )Lo~ll ninl caure lJi.B glo~iotr.B 11oicc
to fctill ftre: in, o~ to ta£ie lJJatet toitl}all out of to bee iJcarb, anti flJall ncclarc lJi.B llrctcl)cll out
tl)cpit. arme mttIJ a terrible countenance, ani.l 'nntl1 a
15 !Ifo~ dJuMartlJ t(Jc )l.o~tl 0ot1,cucn tl)c (Jo, flame or courummg fire, tlltth noifomc l1glJt'
11' one of]fracl, '.3111 rcpmtancc anti inrcll lball ntng, \\Jtt(J fiJO\D~c,antl witlJ IJatlcctoncs.
rce bee: rare, in quietncifc anti !ure: confitumcc 31 11'0~ tlJ~ouglJ tl)c 11oicc of tile llo~!lc fiJaU
tlJlll bee ~our iltcngtlJ, but pee l}aue (Jairno lull acrur be lleltropcll, tol;ltclJ rmotc ot(Jcr mm wi ~-o
tbcrcto. t[Jeron.
· 16 !Jfoircl}aucfapb, @o,but\Dcc\Dlllcfcape 32 anb it 11.Jal come to palTc, tbat\Dl1itl1crfcc,
tlJiouglJ bo~re:s, tlJmfo~c tlJtlll t'CC flee, anll lJJcc ucr fJC goctl], t(Jc roll fiJal clcauc tmto t:Jim, \1.lllirll
. totll get 11s 11p bpon ftoift bcalliz, anti t(Jercro~e tile JLo~ll llJall Iar 11pon IJim lllitl} '(J!;ab:ct$ m1n
flJail pour pcrfccutcr~ be f\Dirtcr. l}~rpc~: anb lJJitlJ grrnt\\lar tlJal l}efiglJt ar!ainct
i 7 a tlJouranl:l 11Jal flee at tlJe rcbuf!c of one, l)1s [Joete.
ann at tl}c rcbulrc or fiuc, flJall re all tlcc,til re be 33 <j,'o~ t{Jc fire of lJcl i~ o~ilninc!J from tlJe be'
left aiz a tl)ip mall 11po11 tl)e top or a mountaine, ginning, rca cucn foi ttc liing is it p~cparcil:
anti a$ a beacon bpon an IJilf. tlJis {JatlJ tl)c )Lo~tl fct in tlJc necpe, anll rnabc it
18 ~crcfoic noctlJ tlJc lL01lle caure rou to tllille, tlJe burning \\llJercof i~ fire nnll muci1
\Daite, t(Jat l}cc map l}auc mcrcic 11pon r ou, to lllootl: ti.Jc bzcatl) oftlJc )l.o~tl, llll)itlJ t~ blic a rt,
tl)c intent tl)at fJcc mar l}auc tl)e piecmmcncc uer ofb~iintlone,bottJ liinblc it.
llll}m IJtt is gracious tmto pou: fo1 tlJc lL01t1 lss The xxx:j.Chapter.
tl:Jc ©oil of inllgcmcnt, blttrcbarc au tfJep tfJat
oopc in l)tm. He curfeth them that forfake God, and fecke for the
19 '] people rcmainc in!> at 'it• hclpeofmen.
rut::llcm, tlJoullJaltnotbc inlJcautnctTe: but at $l!>c be 11nto tl)cm t(Jat goc !lo\tmc
tl)c 11oice of tbr complaint flJal tJcc l)aue mmie into cle!n'ptfoJ IJclpc, au!I tmfhn
bpon t(Jcc,anll llll)cn l)c l)earet(J it, l]c ll.Jall gtuc lJoircs, anll put tl}cir conlillcmc
tlJtt an an f'rocrc. in c[Jarcts, bccaurc tJJcr be manr,
20 a11b tl)oug{Jtf,JC'J!.,O~b «(ucpou tl)C btell!l • anti inlJoiremcn, llctaufc tfJcr I.Jee
ortroublc,antl t(Je toatcr of abuctutic, tl:JF ratne Iutlic anti ftrong : but tgcr rcgari) not tile Uoir
OJaU be no mo~c·ro rcant, bUt tlJinc cress tl;lall rec one of'.]!fracl, anti tlJcp afflc no quection at tlJc
tlJP rainc, ',tl.o~li.
21 ~ca, ann t(Jinc care tlJal {Jcarc tl)e taUting 2 anti I.Jc ncucrtflelclTc ts wife, <J tllil plague
tl)e lJJitketl,nnD goctlJ not from lli~ lllo~ll, fJc 'Wtl
oflJtm tbat botlJ fpcahc bclJintl tlJcc: ~is ISi t(Je
toap, \tlalftc rein it, turncnot aut1c, ncitl;Jcrto arifc again ft t!Jc 1Joull1ol!I of t(Jc fro\llarb, anb a'
tlJc rtg1Jtlm11il, no~ to tlJc left. gafnll tl)c l)clpc oreu111 bocrs.
22 ~cc tlJElll t1cllrop affo t(Je couertng or rour 3 · ~o\D tile !fgpptian~ arc men, 11 not d5oll,
ftlucr images , anll tlJC necking of rour golncn anti tlJcir hoires llclli,anil notfptiit: anll aGfoon
illolcss, cum a~ filtllinccrc f!Jalt rtJou put tlJem a• a$ tl)c JL.oJtl arctcl}ctl} out l:lis I;antl, t(Jcn IIJall
'll:lap,anll tl)ou tlJalt fap unto it,©ct tlJte be:me. ttc IJelpcr fall,an!J IJe ttat 11Joult1 l}auc bcnc (Jc!,
2:; ~en tliall '3o!J giuc mine 11.nto tlJl! rttbe peo,anl:l t(Jei' OJ aI au togettcr be ilcftrorco.
tbat t(Jou ma1tro\De tl;Jc grounll u11tl)all,(t bJcab 4 1fo~ tb,us l}atl) tile 'JLo:n fpolien bnto mec
of tl)c cum are or tl}e carttJ, tolJictJ flJalbc fatanb JLiliC as tlJc )Lion anti t(Jc ',11.ions\DIJelpe ronrcn:
berp plenteous: in tflatnapalf.o 11Jalltl)pcattd bpon t(Je p~ar ttJat lJc f}atlJ gotten, anb is r.ot a,
be fell in large palhn'cs. frml> tl}oug;tJ tiJemultttullc of ~lJcplJrarii~ ctic
24 ~c o~en lilletoife,an!J tlJc pon~affcss tl]at out 11po111)1m, nc1tl)cr abatlJCb fo~ all tbc he .1pr
care tl)c grountl, flJal ceitc tlJ~ clcane p1oucnncr, of tlJcm : fo f!Jall tbe ll.mnc of lJolfrl'.S romr
bllJicl) iss purgetl toitlJ tlJc lllJntl anb t(Jc ~anne. !l~lll~c to figl}t fOJ mount ~ion, ani) ilcfr:;::-i
25 finallp, bponcucrrlJtglJ mountamcantl IJtS 1)111.
l)tu llJSll tlJcrt be num ano ftrcames of \Daters 5 JLifiC 2fS tfJC bfrbS fluttrr abcut tJ;r!r mlli:J:
!11 _tlJi;. ~~r of tlJc great naugl}tcr \DJ;Jen tl}e to• ..,,,!·11.o~l:J
Co llJal tlJc _____ •of fJolls 11c~c. f,mc, i:drn11,a11l!
"'--11.: ......... ~
Of good Magifl:races. Efay. The defl:royer defl:roye&
6 ~ercfo~, fl> re clJili11m of 1rr~ct,tume be a fruitfull fielll,ann tf)e plenttouf!I fidll llc rte•
againebntolJim wl.lomroul,'lauc ofttimes ro:, tumeb ro1 a bJ001>.
fahen. 1 6 "' 'i1t(Jcn llJBI cquttic llWcl tn tl)c t>cfert,anll EraL
7 ~o~ tn tlJat Dl1! ~man fbaU ma o_ut ri{Wteoufncac in a ftUltfulllanb.
17 ann tl]c bJ01ke of riglJtcourncll'e '-au be
(Jts tllolct$ of filucr.anD lJtS •Dole- of golb, '1.llJttlJ
re 1J11ue malle l»ltl} rour o\lme IJanb- bnto pour peact., anD i;ler ftuttrell ann ctuictnctrc fO~ cuer.
li110c. a. ..... •a anll mr people tl)all t>bJeU in ttJc ]nncs
s rururalfo f'!Jalbc atne\Da...,, t1JcC\Do1b,not of peace, anti in fun lllDcUings , in fare places
tvttlJ a mans ftoo1t1 , ncttl;Jer fball ttJe ftvo:t1-0f of comroit.
anr man Deuoure IJim,anb I.Jc 11J11ll llcc ftom tl'Je 19 an1> tDIJcn tl)e f]aplc falletf] , tt OJaU fall
aaugf1ter, ant11Jis cl)opfc ro11ng men nmll.Je llif. in tl)e bJoob, anti tl)c cine ll1aU be fct lo'al tn tl)c
c.omfircll. balltr.
9 $e UJaH goc fo1 feare to l)tis ftron{JIJollleis, 2 0 © f)o\D lJappic fi)al pc be wl)cn re O,al faft,
anD l)il1 µ:imeis lIJall tlee froml:Jiis flanl>arll.faitl) Ip row pour fccb bcrille au \Daters, ant> l)Jiuc tl)i,
tlJe :tLo:o,\'IJlJofe rtre is in ~ion,antl l)is furnace tt)er tl)c fectc or pour ©~11 anll acres.
tn ~terufalem. The xxxiij. Chapter.
The xxxij. Chapter. 1 ThreatningagainlttheAlfyrians. 20 Adcfiruai-
The conditions ofgood rulers and officers. on o( them chat lball fee the Lord.
<le(JolD, 11 kin« fball after 1~~~~ ©c to tlJtt tlJatbc!?rol'df, \Di;lm

II tiJe rule of rigl)tcournecrc, anl:I ttJe

piin,c11 a1au rule 8"0~lling tmto
tl)ebalanccof cqutttc.
2 9nlltl)at man fballbc bnto
mrn ul3 d ocfencc fol tlJc\DtntJe, anll a11 a refuge
fo~ tfJc tcmpctl, ltkeau nucr ofwater in atl)tr'
Ilic place, anl:J tl}c fballow of a gnat roche in a
tf;Jou \Daft not ncttropcll , tIJou
b~calicft tlJe league , \DIJcreas
· none l)attJ bJoficn It tDitlJ tlJtt:
~01 Wl)l tfJou llJalt lcaue llcftro!•
mg,tl]outIJp !elf llJait bi llcttror•
ell : allll 'ali;lm ttJou ceafclt from b1caliing tlJt
league, t11cn llJall tIJcr b~allt it to ttJcc.
n:fe Ian~. · 2 © JJ..o~ll.lJauc merer bpon \111, 'roe l)aue put
3 ~l)ccrc11oftl)cfccing11Jal notbebtmmc, our\D}Jole trutl:in tl,Jcc:bc an armc to fuc.f) eadp,
an1> tJJe carcis of tl)em tl;Jat l}Carc llJall take lli11' anti our lJcalttJ in t:lJe time of trouble.
gmtl]CC!IC. ; ~t tl)at conCUfe nopfc tlJC people flcti.anll .
4 ~{Jc l)cart of tlJe bntoiCc tlJaU attatnc to at tt,JttTC eralti113, tlJcl)cattJen tverc ftattenll.
iino\ulcilgc, anti tfJcbnperrcct tongue ll)alfpeak 4 .anll tlJc fpoplcs fJJal! be gatf)cm, tol)fcl)
µlainclp ant> lliChnctlp. {l)all be are tlJc gattJertng of~JUCIJU'1
5 ~licnfiJaU tl)c foolillJ ni11art1 be nomoic anll tl)c multitullc going to tt flJ8I be~ :t.orutl-
rnUcil ~mtlt\ no~tl]c tl)urlc liberall. running to anllfro.
6 J3nt tl)c ni11arll 'altll fpcafle ntprl:Jlp. anl:J 5 ~tJC )l.,OJtl t~ CJ'8UCtl ) fO~ it ts l)ec tl:Jat
I iJis ~cart \'IJtll lDo:fle cum, anb plat' tl)c lJt'PO' lltDcUct{J on lJiglJ , iJce l)atlJ rtlltb ~ion \IlttfJ
crtte, anl> imagine abomtnationss againft ~oll, iu1>1Je1ncnt ano rigl)tcoulnctre.
to malic tl)c ilun!,ltl leanc, 1;1 to tottl}lJolll ll1in1tc 6 anll a rurc l'tabliflJtng of ti.Jc tin1c11, tlJall
from ttie tllirllic. be ftren!Jtl;J. bralt(J, bJifetlomc, anll knotDlcD!Jt:
1 1 ~c 'roeaponis of tlJe cl)urlia, arulilll, ~c
b£UifctlJ notfomc t1cuifc11, tlJat lJc ma~ bc;utlc
anti ttJe bcrp fcare of tfJe Lo,ll llJall be tlJc trea•
ti)c vooic 'rottlJ ncccitfttll wo,ns, pca,cuen tl;Jerc 1 ~cl)olb , t}Jc mctrengcrs OJtlll cric tutti)•
a;) lie n1out1> giuc fcntcmc \'DitlJ tl)c poo~e. out: anti tl)c ambatTabour~ of peace {l)al 'Qlccpc
s )l3ut tl)eliberallpcrfonimagincttJ l]oncll btttcrlr.
tiJi11g15,an1> commetl) bp fot ltberalttic bnto p~o, s "1tf)cir anctc~ an mane, tl:Jcre tDRlhetl)
motion. no man t{Jcnin: cl3ot> l)atl) b:oflcn tfJc appoint,
9 mp pee ricl) anb tnlc women, fJtamcn bn, mrnt, t(Je cttiel1 arc. mil amar, anll men arc no•
to tnp bop'c : pc cardc«c t1augl]tct11, matkc mr t(Jing rcgarllcl:I.
'WO~tl~!S. 9 ~lJe Defolatc MrtfJ ijj in {Jeat!inefl'r, l!.tba'
. 1 o ~anp rcres ann bare~ (IJal re be tnougl)t nus ts lbmncD at1b lJc'17m botvnc,~aron is lifte
mfearc, ©pc i;arclcll'e tvomcn: fo: ti.Jc bintagc 11 tllllbemetrc, l6afan anl> <ltl]armel are fpoplcll
nial! fattc, an1> tlJc tJaructt ftJall not comt. of tlJcir frUitis.
15c abaOJeb , rou tl}at liue in abunbancc, 1 o .ann tl)crcfo~c faitlJ tlJc 1UJ~D, l 1Dill t>p
ttctnb\c l'OU tl)at ltue carclcife, calf olfrour rat' notD, nom lUill] be al:luantrb, now \lJtll '.J be
~11t •;naltt rout rctucis ban, anll putfackclotl,J CJ'8ltCb.
iwoutrou. . r 1 ~c a,au concciur flubbk,t'ftlb b~are lh'atll:
110~ as tbc infantl!J toeepe tDl)cn tl)rtr mo,
ant> pour fpmt llJallbe tlJc arc, tlJatit mar con'
tlJcr~ateis an 1>1teb bp : ro UJall rou ucipe fOt rumerou. .
l'OUt tt fitlbisanb fniitlull bineparb$1. • 12 .Qnb tlJe pcoplr Dial be burnt llr;e lime.ant>
l . l' Ptoptes fltlll ft)al bting tlJouus anti
tlJiLleii. nn!lroniautbc tneuttp IJoufeofbolup,
as tlJomts burnt t11at arc'lllcn off, anb ma in
tuournell'e, Billi tn CUttp cltic tt)atrdopcetlJ. 1 3 ~otv (Jeanm to, re tIJat arc farrc off,IJoto
14 ~l)c palaces alt:oRJallbtb~oken,anbtl)e
']I IJaue bonc,anll confilltr. Ull' po'lller,re CIJat art
great lr occupteb c1ttes befolatc: tl)c to\Dtrs anti atfJanll.
uull1nrliel5 flJaU become bmness eo; cumno~c, 14 ~c annn'lS at ~ion art afralDe, a ful>,
lDlJm tn1ll:Je alfc15 take tl)ctt ptearutc anll IIJcep Dm ~rfulnelfe ti come bpon tl)c IJrpocritcs:
tl)c1rpaaure, ' is car
119l,'lat l}c among ti#. tlJey , tlJat O)all 11\\lcll
r 5 1111-nto tl)e time tlJat tl)ctpttit bee potD~til bp t11r conftnning fire~ 1191Jicl) of tis map abil:lr
tipon b9 from aboue. anb tllat tlJc tDllbcmrlTc tl}c encrlaflin« (Jeatc 1
_GAi. tt 1~ l@j~ .J
f hreatnings Chap.xxxiiij .xxxv. againftldumea. 239
ney• or \llettJtr• : 1'fo: tf.Jt t.o~D ft)all frtll a pat,
otrmng tn ~otra. ano a §teatGauglJter in tlJe
lano of 1bumea.
7 ¢1Jm11Jallt1Je1Unt,~n11fan 'mftl) tlJnn,
anb tl}e ~uu:rs 'ltlitlJ tl:Jt <115pantl5,anb tlJeit lanti
OJalbe t1.J1ougl.Jlp Cobell 'mitlJ btooD. anb tl)eit
grounb '~nipt lllitl) fatne[e.
8 fOJ it ii tl)e ' llap Of <115oD• bmgeance, • em1c1,.
an~ tf:Je peere of mompence foi tlJe rcuenRt of ~:,'~ ~~~~~':'
~son. . ~~~:\::~\,,
9 ant1 IJl• flOOlll511Jalbe tutntll to tti""", anb ,,.... pUIUil>•
'h • 'h b · . f'••WJ ln~of t~r '"'
1:1lf tart., to imlllone, anb tl)ete\lJlti,J ti.Jill tl}e '""" ··~1a
Ianb be hinDICD. iCIJW'°'
10 ~ot1Jatit11Jan n1t be qucndJeb 11ar no:
ni«!Jt, but fulolie eucrmoJe, It ro fo~tlJ lpe wane :
ano no man ll:JBll l\Oe ttio:o'al it fo1 mer.
u * l6ut l&elicane11.~co:11cr;,~eat jjl}\llle•, soph. 2.14
anb 1!lauen111ball 1Jaue it in potremon,anb Dwell
tlJ~ein: fot <l!Jol> ll.JaD t:weab out tl)e line ofbefo•
latlon bpon tt, anb tl)e none11 of emptineil'e.
12 l)er nob1Cs 11Jall can, ano tf1m t11no ki~·
Dome: anl> an l)u p1inces ilJall be nottJtn!;l.
1 3 ~o:ne~ HJall «ro'm in tl}eit pataceis. net•
tltUnb tl)illle!1 in t1Jcirflro~1Jolt1e~,tl)attl)c
~ms map l)aue tlJeit plearure tl:Jmin, ann
t;IJat tlJCf map be a court fo1 <etlttclle~.
14 'll&l,lm OJall aran!,Jt bitun• anb rnonllc•
rou•bea«e11meettone anott:Jer, an'b tlJc 'tlltll'.lc
heepe compante togetl)er,tlJtre 11Jall t1Je )L,am1a
lpeann l]auel]erlobging.
1 s QJm ilJal tl)e ©\DIC mafle IJtrnell.bmlb,
be tl:Jere at IJome,anb b1ing t'o~tl) 1Jcrrong one~:
ttJete 11.JaU tlJC fiitess come togctfJer, eac{J one to
1 6 ~eellc tl):ouglJ tl}e book of tlJe 11..o:l:I, anb
rtab it: tl)ere CIJall none of tl)cft tf.Jmp bee left
out,tl)ere lball not OAt noi !UclJ lille mite: ro11Ji!1
moutti connnaunbe.tlJ, anb tl:Jat ranw boetlJ l)i~
fpirit igatlJer toigctlJu,o~ fulfilL
17 'ee l)atl) '8ft tl)t lot r01 tfJtm,anl> to tlJofe
beaflsl)atlJ 1Ji1 l}anb biuibeb it bp tl)t lint:t{Jcrc,
f01ttl:Jofel1Jallpoifttre tt ro:cuc,, from genera,
tion to generation flJall rtJep b\llell ttJercin.
Thexxxiiij. Chapter. The xxxv. Chapter,
,., :> The lall dellrutl.ion ofthe S~agoguc, in whieh the Ofthe time: and kingdome ot Chril:t.
·.,,; kingdorne and priellhood of the people was cranf. ut • tiJe llefert anb \ll&lberndTe • t:rr bl•nn
:/ lated to the Church and congrcg:nion of Chrift. 11Jall teiOfcc, tl:Jc wa1lc groun'b ~~.:~~~~~ii"'""
,~ . © m e r el)eatl)m.ant1l)tare,ta11e OJalbt glaD, ~ flo~ifiJ as tbe "Jl..ilie. Wc' '~.;~~~' r~J'.
··; 'c betbr pou people: bcllffltn CIJOU 2 '91J~ OJall fto~illJ plearant, ~·;~~r,;~·;~·
:f:.~ earttJ, ~all ttJaU• tbcmu, tl)ou [f, Sllb be IDrfUll,anb Curt be gt• <ll"bull,Drut.
.~ rounb rompatre, ~SUtlJatlr'IDd< • uin!l tl:)anhc~ mo~c anb mo:e: 10• 1"n 3•·
' !~ letlJ tlJmupon. fo~ tbe glo1p oCJJ.,tbanu~tl)e bcautie of <ltannel
J;~ 2 ~01t1JcJJ.,0Jbi•angrptuttb ~ ~aron l'balbe gtuen l)er:~IJtCc ll:Jall tmo'm tile
; ~t i•
au people, anb l)i• bf rplcafun frinDlt'b a{Jainll
aft t:bt multitul>t of tl)C1n. IJt.t IJatlJ 'bettroreb
l)onour or tile )L,o~b,anb tlJc matelhc of our ~ob.
3 !;ln'b tl)trl?WJe bQrttlgtl} t{JC \DCafle l]Rttb!S, b eon ifUtt!i
;~i tl)em,attb btliuereb ttJcm to tl)e aau~1)trr. · anb comfcnt tl)deeble flner11. ~;·::: :~.
;..JJI 3 ~oU,at tl)etrllaine 11Jallbccactout, anb 4 ~ar bnto ttiem tlJat arc of a fearefuQ 1 ~,b,r: ~~·~r:::.
:· tl)eirbo'bte•fballllinfte, tl)ateuenttJe tlerplJtl• fJtatt,l6C or IJOO'b cfJttre,anb ftart not, bei)Ol9t, tbin11b111Jo10
"'~ ftJalbe blet \llitl) tlJC bloob or ttJtlU. rous '5ob commttl:J to talte ben11ranct, ana rou
,,. 1 ' 4 an tlJe «am• of tJeaum flJSU malle, an11 l1)all fee tl:JC rewarb tl)at0ob iPuet)): cl5olfom,
1~ ' tl)e l)eauen11 niall folb togttlJer a11 a role. anb all metlJ 1)1!1 D'mne felfe,anO 'Wtn Dtliuer f,all.
{ tlJt tane11 ttJereor fl)all fall, lille a• tl)e kaue11 5 *~en CIJalltl:Jeeprsoft=·b beliglJ• Mar.1 5. 3 0.
r~J; falUrom tf.Jt t1ine11 anb figge tru~ tcne11,anD tbe cares ot' tl}t Ilea.fc op eti.
r;~· ~ foi mp f\llDJ'bt OJalbe batf.Jtb ~n l)eaum, 6 QJcn11.Jaltl)elamemen1c eaun~art.
· anb ft)al imme'btatlp rome 110\llne to lUb!,ltment an~ tl]e llUm~e mans tongu~al giue tl)anl;cs :
it!; bpon ]bumea, anb bpon tl)e people ml}klJ ~ fot m t]Je w1lbernefl'e tlJmAJall \llellu fp~ing,
an'll floob$1 of water in tlJetirtcrt.
·~ l)auemrftb.
IJ! 6 an11 tl)e )L.o~b• f'aloJb ll)albe full of btoob. 7 ~IJt bJic 11tounb 111au turne to rt urn~. anb
.1 anb bt ruttie \llitlJ tl)e fattmetTe anb blooD or tf.Jt tl)irllie to l)J2ing~f water: tulmcnf.i li.o'ia
........._ ' lainbeunn !;loate•. 'mttb. tl)e fatne[e ofd}e lltb• gon• b'IDC[t afote ~ tl)rrc llJali qro•w f\1wrtr
I Hierufalem befreged. · Efay. Rabfacehs blafpherr1iei
Houresi anll grttne ruf1Jes. lpe bpon tlJe 'IDSU,tt.Jat tlJep map be c:ompelleb to
s ~ere man be foot:cPatb~. anlJ tommon eatt tf:Jeit o\tlne Doung, anlJ D1inrtc tl)eif omitt
ilrcctis,tlJiS 11.Jalbe ,auen, ~f:Je: l:l!)ll? toap, no· bn, llale \llitl) J:'OU 1
cleancperfonaiaHgoctf:J~ouglHt, fo~ tlJeJL.o~llc l J anulabfaccl) tool> litfe. anti Cfl'ttl tottl)
1.Jimfclfc OJllll goe hlltlJ tl)ein tf:Jat map, anti tl]c a louDc botce in tiJe ~c'IIJe~ tongue, anti raroc,
\uaftarcr noJ rgno~ant lhall noterre. ~o'IIJ take lJeelle l}ow tl)c 1tcat fling of tl)e ruTr•
9 ~crcOJalbeno Jl..pon, anti no raumtng liiin~ giuctlJ fOU 'IIJaming.
bzalls flJaU 'ome tl}erein, no~ be tl)crc, but men 14 '<ltl}uis raptlJ tfJc bing, lLet not <f!cciatle•
icoccmcll n1all goe tiJerc free anll !af'e. c:eiue rou,fo1 IJetJJall not be able ta !ldfucr pou.
1 o 9nll tl}c rcDccmcll oftlJc JLotll, 1 fap,\l.Jall 15 ~01couer; not lf~c'1a comroit rouin
,onuert,anll comc to ~ion\llitl) tl)anlifgming: tl)e Jl..o~J>e, tDIJen IJc faitlJ, ~e Jl..o~bc tDitl)Out
~uerlaUing ior tl)all tlJcr l)aue, plcafure \1 glall, 1:10~~ fb~U l>Cfcntl bl5, anll OJltll not giue ouer
nciTc OJalbc mnong tf:Jcm, anll 1113 fo~ anroio111c t~1.1rnttunto tl}et;anD~of tlJc liin«Of tlJe atrr'
anll l}eautncL!c,tt 11Ja1111rmiOJ. rians•
. 16 $carflc;n notto f!?teda,foHf.Jus faptlJ tl)e
The xx:xvJ. Cb apter. Iring of atr1ma, ©btame mr fauour, encline to
Hierufalem is belieged by Sennacherib, in the time
of king Ezecias. me, ro map euerr ~an cntor IJts bincparlJs a111t
ngge trces,ann !l~~nlic tl)e water or IJis cillmtt:
'i:t!f:~~~~ ~ • tfJc rourtrrntfJ fct'C of r1tng. If, .1 7 illlnto. ti.Jc time tlJat ')! come mp ftlfe., anll
I ;.~.chro, iectas, came~; cnnaclJerib fiin~ of b:tng ro~ mto a lan!I tl)a~ is Jilie pour OtDne,
j l. I. tlJc 91fr~tamn1oume, to lnp uci;;c 'tlll)mm ~15 wtcate ano mmz, 'ai~ic:I) i~ botl.J
bnto au tbc ftrong cine~ of '.J)una, fo\Den blttl} ree~, anti plantci> tDitlJ bineyarllp,
.~~~to conquer them. 18 Jl..ct not IJi;fe&ia lJec:eiuc pou, \Dl}cn fJct
2 ~no tiJe u1ng or tI1c .~mr1tan~ rent mabra· fapctf1 unto pou, ~c l..o~tc lIJall tlcltucr b13:
cei) from JI. ru;l)1r, to\llarn ~ierufalcm, agatna migl:Jtti)e goil or tlJe l.3cnttless lieqie eucrr man•
,;;: iCCia~, \lltt{J an mccotng lJo ae, wl)ic:IJ rec I.Jim l~nDe from ti}e potDer of tl}c bing of tl}c .all'p•
bp ti!£ conDuit of tl1e ouerpoolc,in ti)c mar tf)at nanss:
goetli tlnouglJ tiJc 1FuUcr~ lanll. i 9 tmf)ere iS tl)c goll Ofl\)cmatl,J anti lrpl,Jak'
3 ano fo tIJcrc came foo~tlJ unto {Jim lflta, 1tll}erei~t1Je gotl of $?llcp1Jaruaim:' ann -~
:im, ~~clcia~ fo1111e,t1Jc c:lliefc oucr tlJe l.JoufiJolil, able to llcknll ~amaria out or mp l)anb't ,,
~01ma tf:Jcfmbc, a111> '.jjoalJ araplJIS fonne, t(Jc 20 ©1 tol)idJ of all ti)c gotJs of'tl?cre 1mt11e•
lccrrtarie: IJatlJ J>cliuereD t(Jctr countrey out or mp po1m:'
4 !tlnll l!iabracelJ fapn bnto tlJcm, ~ell <Jr~c, '.Jiss tlJC JLoiD inllectJ able to tlcliurr ll}ierufalem
cia tliat tl}c great lling rarctlJ tlJU~ bnto lJim, rcommpl)antl:'
1@!iat pierumption tis ttJiis tt)at t1Jou rruttea 2 1 ill.Into tlJi~ Cf~ec:t~ melfml\rtl lJCl!I tf]eir
\lnto '! tongueis, anll anfttJcrell not one ttlo~lle : foi ttJe
s 'Ji rarll furelr tbat tlJou truaell in bainc liing lJlll:I c:IJargell t1Je1n tl)at tfJep flloulll gtue
'wo~'ilZ, \tillen counfell anll arcngtlJ arc ncc:erra, tJim no anr\Derc.
ric to batten: but 110\ll \lll}creto trulfea tl,)ou, 22 ~ocamectliac:im,efc:iasfonnet1Jec(Jicft
t(Jat tl,lou rebeuca againa me: on£r ctJe l}OUllJOlll, ~obna tf)c ~cribe, an!I ]os
6 ·,11.,oc, tl)ou puttca tlJt? trua tn a b~otacn al) .llfapfJS ronne tlJe ~mretaric, t'lnto Cffec:J&
anftc of recil, (meanc lll!gppt, \Dl}ic:IJ fjce t(Jat fCa, witlJ rent c:lotl,Je~, anll toloe i,im tIJc tue~be.G or
nctl1 ui.;on, it goctl) into I.Ji~ (Jann, anll lbootetl,l l!iabfaccl).
it tlJo~om: eucn ro i!!l JDIJarno tlJc fiing of <egrpt, Thexxxvij. Chapter. .
unto cu them tb.:tt trua in IJim.
7 A)ut if tbou 'll.louln~a rartmtomc, mm 1 Ezccia lmmblcih himfelfe before the Larde. 3S
trua in tlJe ·ll. o~ll our ©oil: 9)!!l notl)ce tlJat ©oD The annic of SC'nnachcrib is llaine of 1hc Angel
\Dl)ofc lli«l:J pl.iccii ~altar~ '1e}cc:ia tooltClloume. ofiheLord, 38 AndhcchimfclfCis Jcillcdofhis
.nti comm1111llcv ']\uM anll l!}teruralcm to \Do~, owne fonncs •
iiJ111011ctrbcfo~etlli!!laltar:' · $ct1«!fcc:ia1JearDt1Jat. fJtrent~
s @om tiicrcfo~c !lcfiuer(Joll1111t~;t1Jattl)ou dotlJesi, anll put on rameclodJ,
rcbcn no mo~c cmnina mp lo~b tljc Jttng of tl}e anll \Dent into d)e ~emplc or t1Jt
~-tlTpmm~, anll j1 mil! lJiuc tl)ec t\Do tl}ourann :tl.OJtl. . .
·.loifcSl,ifttJOU be able to CCC mell bpontl}em. • 2 ~ut~Cent~mtl,lctlJiCfc
9 li)om tianct tlJou refift tlJc po\\Jcr of tlJe oucr we uoull.Jolo, anll ~na t{Jc rcrillc, mittJ
i\uaucu piince tl)at mr ·.ILo~ne IJatlJ 1IJo\ll iJarcll tlJe clllcO: pzirlls, c:lotf1ell mfacllc, tmto tlJc 19111'
tt1ou trult in tlJc cl)arct~ aull l}o~remcn or e, p~cc \fear ttJe fonne of .amo-.
~l'Pt:' 3 an11 tl]ep fal?D b""' lJim. ~us rarctlJ ct1c-
~ 0 £lllo1co11er, tl}inltcft tllou that']! am come cia, ~t;Jis ts tl)e Dar of trOUble, or plague, aull
~P imlm to ticllrop t(Jis lanll \llitl)out tlJeJl..o,ll~ or blaQJIJcmie: f01 tfje clJiµllttl arc come to tlJe
~~; i:t)c lLo~llc rapti bnto me, ~oe bp againll place of blrdJ, bUC tlJere bl no po\llrr to b~lng
11 ,~t1,nn1Hlctlror it. tlJem foitf:J.
unto :a~r fapne <f!iacim., ~obna, anb 'jjoalJ, 4 ~e )l.,01lle CfW c!ISOtl no doubt f.JlltlJ 'mCH
.l.\Cel), ~peake to usi tl}p fcruant~, \De confiDereD tl)e'IIIDIDC~ or Jaabfac:c(J, \ulJomel}iS
p~aptlJrc>.tnttic ~l'iianslanguage, fo1\Debll' lo~ll king oft~ .adfn11111 IJatlJ fcntto brftean!I
~crltnnti tt '\Xlm, an11 fpealtC not to bS in t(Jc blal}ll)eme tl.Je lUPnJ ~ll. \DitiJ fucIJ \Uo)be' 8'
]cu;c~ tong~ic, l~all; tl)e follte(Jcare \DlJia,J lpctl,J t(Je JL011:1e tiJP ~ob 1Jat1J IJearD rigbt wen: anb
upon tile \nail. tl}erefo~c Ifft bp d.1!' p1apei ro~ tl}e remnant
~lJcn anf\nmti lltabfacdJ , IJ)atl} mp ma' tl)at fet are left,
Iler fmt mee to fpcalle tlJil!' onelJ? to ti.JP mallel: ~ ~o tl)e remant-of tf.Je fling cfyeciG c:amc
______ .nntl tlJcc :'hatl1 lJcnotrcm me totl)emalCo tbat toerap,
.zecias prayer. Chap.x:Xxvij. Sennacherihfiaine. 240

l, 6 !lnb ersr gaue tl)em tl)ls anrmtte. ~ap looflc' '!cum againft tiJc l}olp one of ')fracl.
\ t'1U11bntoroutloJD. ¢1,tUJfapti)tl)e :t.G1D.. '6c 24 ~ou \DitfJ tin' rcruants IJall blafpbcmcb
, notafraill oC t1Jnuo111es flJat U,ou l}d 1Jeat11, tiJC JL011:1c, anti t!JU~ IJoli:ldl tl)ou of tb1' felft: 'J
-: \DIJanuidJ tfJe king or tl}c atrfµans reruants toill couer tlJc IJigl} mountainc~ anti fibc? of JL.1•
1:.1 [Jaue blarplJemci:I me. banuJ 'lllitlJ mp gozrcmm, anb tlJcrc \\1111 ]! cut
'.l\ 1 '3rf)olne. ~ \DtU raife tip a \llitlbc qainll bo\llnc tIJe IJigl} ~ebar trees. ann tlJi fairea
~1 IJtin,ani:I IJc llJBlllJcare arumour~D IJc OJall go jfirrc trees.:] \Din bp into tfJc l]ct!P)t of it, anll
~'. againc.!!!~lJt~om~tr~, i'fJtre,..,!~ '.) lldln>F mto tlJc clJicfc!f,; timbcruoobJ.
\l\ mm1ll1 ••, •1;1C u1.10~i:lm1Jil5ototuum"• ~5 '.llf tlJrrc llccno \Dater, jj mill grauc anb
~) s · f,!o\ll '1111Jen mabfiicclJ rcmmci:I, t,Jc rounb Dnnkc : ann a15 ftJ1 \Datctl$ of1Jcfe1uc. 'J \DiU i>JP
,.~ tfJc lltng of Arrr1ia tarin11 rqc to )l..ibnal5: fo1 tIJrm ~p tottlJ ttJc rcctc of mine IJollt.
1" lJU l}ai:I bni:lcntanni11g it}at IJet 1llal5 Drparctll 2~ li,!ca, l,)altt11ounotf)caroto1J11tj! l)aueta•
'~: riont 'UciJi~ . lien m l}anll, ani:I b~ougIJt to ll!lffc of olllC time:
'l< ~.19.9 9 * ann tl)crc came arumomtf}at ~ata• ~(Jat fame toill '.Jj !Joe no'al alfo, ani:I toallc, tic•
~~ mi, king of lli!tfJtopia toas come rooitlJ to toarrc rtrop, ani:I ll~ing llrong citic~ bnto lJrapcJ .of
~ agilintl t)im: ano tolJen tlJC lting of 9lfr11a (Jcari:I nones.
~. t1)at, l)cc rent ottJtr mcUcngers tD flmg ceima 2 7 f oz tfJdr inlJabitcrs l!Jalbc ltlc lame men
·~· \DitlJ tbis 'ommaunbcmmt. ..· · b_~ougtJt in fearc anb confounoco: tlJcp llJall be
~~ 1 o ~ap ttJui:; to cffccia J1ing ofj!Ui:Ja;)l;,ct not ltkc gralTc ann grcc11e l)carbes in tl}c uclo, litre
~., dJF cl5oll bC~riuc tl)e.e in \lllJOIU CIJO~ lJOp_ctl, 811ll ~np bpon tlJc IJourc tops ttJat toitl)crctlJ bcfozc
~~ fapcft, l!}icrufalcm tlJall not bee g1um mto tl)c ttlle gro\Dmbp.
~ l)allOJ Cf tlJC fitng Of .Q[pJia• . 2 s '.Ji lmo\lle tlJF toarcs, tfJP gofn~ f'oztll, anil
,::: 11 ctoHoc.d)aursno'alcfttodl~o\XltlJtllm~ tf)~ commmg lJome, pea anll tlJp maimecre a·
"~ of aapila l)aue IJanbkll aII t1.J2 lant1tS tlJat ttJep gamamc.
.:;~: IJauc Cubuertci:I: an!J 1Jopca tl)ou to crcapc1 29 '4CJ}mroic tlJ!? fm.iournelTc again!E mec,
~: 12 lWttc tl)c people of tl)c <l!Jcn~ilcJ, \lllJomc anb tlJF PZille tis tome bcfoic me, '] \u1U put mp
1:: mp pto§;cnttom·• tOllQttcrcD. Delmcrci:I at anp ring in tfJt' nofc,ani:I mp b)iillc bit tn tlJc c~anic~
tiim tfJiougl) CIJctrgoi:IS t' As namcly,llfSofan,\!)a' of tl)u,ann turnc tfJce about cucn tfJc fame \Dar
:1! ran, JllmplJ, anh tlJc cl}ili:IJcn of lf!Jcn, \ll(J1CIJ tfJat Cilou camca.
~· \llttc at ~IJalntrar 1 3o ·:ll \Dill giuc tl}cc alfo ttJiS tofien, o Ezecia,
::.~ 1 3 1l9f)crc i~ tl)c king of l\)cmatlJ , 1111?1 t{Jc tlJIS pcm OJ alt t!Jou catc rud.J as gro\Dct!J of 1t
-.:" king of ~rplJai:I , ani:I ti)c bing of tlJC dtic ~c' fdfc, ann tlJc fcconn recrc tl)at \lllJiclJ fp~ingctll
p1Jarnaim,<il'.11a,anll !Ana t agatnc of tlJC fame, anll tn tfJt tl}irlt rcerc rec
~ ~; 14 ~otD \lll}cn 4f!ccia l]ab rccciueb tlJc let• llJaU fo\ll anb rcapc, pea re fl.Jal plant bincraro~,
tttoftl}cmclTcngcrs, ani:lrcabit, IJcc tomtbp anb cniop ti.Jc fruits tiJmof.
--~ into tfJc l]ourc of t(Jc Jl,.o)ll,anll opmcll tlJc letter 31 fuel} of tlJc l}ourc or ~ui:la a15 arc cf,
· bc[OJC tl}C Jl.OJtl • capcn, llJall come togctlJer, anD tfJe remnant
....,~: x5 !Ani:I 1t2cciap,apcb lmto t{Je ·A.01l:lc on this 11Jall tat.c rootc bcneatl),anll b1ing roo1t1J Ctuitc
::;;; manner. abouc.
J 6 ilD JLQ111e: of 1Joacs, tl}ou cl5ob of '.]!Cracf, 32 foi tl]ecrcapc?111Jan goc out or ~icrufa,
i:!.1' \tllJiclJ 1:1wcuca bpon 4a;Jcrubim, ttJou art tlJc lcm, ann tl]c remnant from rtJc mount ~ion:
:1-~ cl5oi:I tlJat oncll? iJ <15ob of au tlJc liingllomcs of anb tl)is u1all tl)e 1calc of tl}e JL.011:1 ofl)oilJ b#ng
; r;: tl)c tDoJlbc, f~ t1Jou onclr l}aa mate!> (Jcauen toparrc.
,,~ a1111 cartl), 33 'i1tberero1c tlJUS fapctlJ ti.Jc JL.0:1:1c, conccr·
17 lfmlinc tl)inc earc, 1-oJbc, anb conCiocr, ntngtl]c king of tlJe .ilfrztans,l!}cOJall not come
oven tl:Jinc cics,JLoJll,anb rcc,ano po111:1cr au tl)c tnto tl)ts citic, a111111Jall moot no arrowc into it,
::;:~ \lloztic~ of ~cnnacbcrib , \tl9iCIJ l)atl} Cent IJiSI tl)cre (ball no ll.Jiclllc i:Jurt it, ncitl)er O.Jall tlJCF
<-' cmbairmxc to blaflJi,cmc d)c ltUing <l!Joi:I. call i:litcl}C!l about it.
10 1tt~truc,©JLoJ'O,tlJatd)c litngJofatrr• 34 ~c fame\DarlJcc came1Jc11Jallrctun1C,
:•,. : rta {lauc conciuttci:I all flingDomcs antJ lanb~, ann not come in tl)is cttic,faitlJ tlJe lL011:1.
·)' 19 an1:1 caa tl)tit goos 111 tl)c fire: fat t1JO£c 35 an1:1 '31 \llill llccpc ani:I taue tlJts citie,fayeth
1' \Dttt no gob~, but tlJc \llo1rscs of mm11Janbcs, hee, fo~ mine o\Dne, anil fo: mp rcnrant ~auibS
/P ~ \lloob,oJ llonc, tl)crcro1c IJauc tlJCF i:lcftropei:I Calle.
36 *~usthcangeloftfJcJLoJll\lltntfo1t11, ".Re.19.25
1::t~ ~ ~o"ro tlJttrfOJC bcliucr bd, ilI>:loJbe our 8Ull De\\l of tlJC ~FJianS f)oltt,an l}Ullll1Cll foure ccclus.48.
1 i <15ob, rromtl)clJanltsor ~cnnaCIJcrib, tl)at all rco1c ano rtue tl)oufan1': ano ll.'llJcn men arorc bp 1

.~. 1 $ kingboms of tlJc cartlJ mar rmo'lll d;lat tfJou eartr in tl)c moming, belJoli:lc, ttJcr \llci·c nainc,
• .11i onclp art tl)c )t.01t1. ani:I all lap full ofllrab bollies.
fJl 1' ir ~en erar tlJc fonnc of gmois rent bnto 37 ~o ~cnnadJerib tlJc fling of tlJc !Atrp:i•
~ccia,faping, ~us rarctlJ ti,c JL.ozllc<l!Joi:lof ans b:alle bp,ann 'OtoeIt at f!incuc.
~uri:; 1Jfracl, 119lJcrcaJ tlJou lJaft matic ti)F pzarcr bn• 3& aftcr\llari:I it CIJancen as l]cc warcb in tlJc
it, to me as touci,J1ng ~cnnac1Jmb tlJc lnng of ac. ~cmplc of v,2cr~ocIJ IJts gob, t1Jat .an:amelci;l)
(i•~- fpiia. anb ~ara~cr 1J1~ o\D11c .ronncs lleUJc 1Jt1n lDttlJ
~:" . 22 ~is iJtl;lcanrtocrc ttatt~cJL.oJbc IJatlJ tl)c rmoinc, anti fleili:lc ~nto ttlc lani:lc of .9rmc'
.f ~uen conccn1tng l)im: ~c b1rgi11c tlJe l>aUgf)' nia: ani:I ararl}lllli:lon IJt~ ronnc rcignc~ in lJts
ti tcr of~ionlJatlJ DC£ptrci:I t1Jcc,anll IauglJcb tlJcc llcai:I.
,';f; tofcomc: tfJc 1:1aug1Jtcr of l\)icrufalcm IJatiJ Iba• The xxxviij. Chapter,
•f ken IJcr l)cab at tlJcc.
~~· 2 3 '3ut tl)ou ~cnnacl}mb, \ll(Jom l)atl tbou 1 Ezecia is fickevnro death, 5 bur is yet rcuiucd by
~~:I btfitb 8nb blafp{Jclntb; !A!,lllinil tolJome IJaQ thc_Lord, and liueth fifrcenc yec:res after, 1 o For

~ ~ ~ tfJou lifteb bp tfJp boice. ani:I craltcll tiJF piOUbe
winch bcnc:fitc he giueth 1hankes.
Ezecias fickneife. Efay. Oflohn Baptifl:.
· 24
~·.-v-V__,h,-0-1-.s-li_k_e_to~G::--o-d~~------::C::::-;h-a-p~.x-=1:-:-j.------:Gods care for-his. 2 1·
\.' tJJmof tis 111 tl}e llourc of tlJc fidb. namts:tlJm if!I nodJtng l:)lb from tlJt grcatndlc
;' 7 Qc«rafrc IS!l 'fDttl)ertll, ttJctlounfallcttJ oflJif!lpotoer,~anllmigl:)t.
I~ amap, rw tlJC bjeatlJoftl)C~llblo\DCd}bpon 17 l!)o\Dmaptl}m~tKObtlJinbc,01 map'.]lr,
~1 tl}c1u: of a ttutd1 Cl:)c prople arc gratr£. racl fap, ~P mares are 1)111 from tl)c :JL,0111,am1
: s ~c gra[c 'mitlJmtfJ, \f tl}c tiourc fabctlJ a, mp <l3011 llno\DctlJ not of mtt iullgemmtis:'
~ ih.n. 34· tllap:*fettlJC'm01bOfOUt0011Cnl>Urctl]foJCUCf. 18 Jano'mcil~OUnOt, 01 l)alltlJOUnotl)earll
\ 9 eoc bp l:lnto tlJC IJiW. 1J1l, £1> ~non, tl}ou tl}at UJuumafling 0011, tl)c JL,01t1 'mlJitlJ mabe
\\. d}at bJingetl gooo tillings, lift bp tlJl' bot~ ~itlJ at~ tIJc co1nns or tl'JCeartlJ, if!I ncttIJer me arr no:
~' pomer, ill> tl)ou pzeacl)er 'ieruCatcm. hfut\lp famt:'an11tl}at1Jistllifc11omccannotbuom1m•
~,\ tllid}outrcare.. an11 Cap tmto tl)c cittcsof'.)luna, IJenllcll :'
~~ ltlel:)olb pour <l!Joll. 2? 1;t islJe tIJatgiued;J llrmgtlJ bnto tl)e \Dea'
~ \\~ 1 o l8ciJolllc, t1JC JL,oJll 0011 fl:Jal come; 'mttl) rp,anll powcrbnto tf)c faint.
\~' po\Dcr, anllOJal oflJimCClfe bearerulctllitlJIJ•S!I 3° tlt)tlllien arc \Dcarr ano faint, anll tl)e
1 ~, armt : bcl)oIll IJiS!I ntllarll \Did) l)tm, \f 1.JiS \Doi&s llrong men fall:
~ ; befOJC IJim. 31 l8ut bnto tl)cm tJJat IJauc tl)ctr trull tn
, ~·J+ 1
l· 11 *'ell.Jal fccllbtsfloeflclmean IJc~ma~ ti)~ lLo~b, t'IJaR llrcngtlJ bee cncnacco: <f~les
·~ 10
• 11· be flJal gatlJer tl)c JL,ambestogctlJer ui1t11 lJtS \lJtngsflJaD groU'll:lpontl)cm.. \'DIJcntIJeyrunnc
t~. amtc,\f carp tlJcin tn (Ji,i boCome., anti lbal liinlllp t{Jey tlJan not fall, anb \Dl)m tlJcp goe d}cp OJall
~: entreat tl)orc tl)at bean pong. not be tocarp.
~ u llBi)o lJatl:J meaCUTCZJ ttJc taster~ in (JtfS fill:'
~ t»l)o IJlltlJ meaftn'cll l]eaucn \\litlJ lJfl! £pan, a~b The xlj.Chapter.
·~ IJBtf,J comp~C'l)mllell all tlJC eartlJ of tl)e \UOJlb tn Of the goodnes & mercy of God coward the people.
q' tlJ~ec mcan1res :' lllf.Jo IJatlJ ~en tIJemotln' • "fhl pou • ]lan1115.,anll l)cark£!1 ~.,-:,rgit
"' fia taincs anll IJtlkS!I in a balance:' tmto me: lc.t tl)c people 1av tl)e1r i:,~~:;r1.b.1."
~~~9'•J· 13 *DlJolJatl) llircctcll t1JcCptritoftfnl-O~b:' llrcngtl) togetl)er,lcttl)cm come lD!J•mb111·
·~l'u.14 O~\D(JogauclJlmcounfcl,anllflJC\DCtll]im:' IJitl)et, (t tbcn tlJC'fD tl)ctrcaUCe: rh;~•t:::~~rr.
.:., r,i.i 6. 4 DBIJO iS!I of(Jis c:ounCcl., anll giuctlJ l)im l:ln'
1 tDc tDil go to tl)e '1-8\D togcti)cr.
l\t'l . · berllanlltng, anri l)at:IJ taugl:)t IJnn tl)e patIJ of :a m(Jo rat•feb bp tIJc b tua ~.:.~~~,~·;~,
r~ · ·. iUllgemcnt:' ml)o tauglJt 1J1m cunntng,antl op~ man from tIJc <eaft, ano caUell l)tm to go rooJtlJ:' :.~.~~11 ;·;~~;~ 0 •
er.:·.'. ncll tol:)imtl)e\\Japofbnllc~anlling:' \Dbo call 110\D~c tf:Jc people, anll CUbllueo tlJc ~;~~b~~;:
-.?; 1 s l8el]olllc, all people are in '01npartfon of llUngss bcfOJC 1J1m :' tlJat IJe map ttnoto tlJem all '""·'"n bctns
~ ·mas a riiop of a bucket fnl., anll are countell as to tlJc grounb \D1tlJ (Jts f\Do1b, ann Ccacter tl)cm ;:;~,b~~~'~m•
.... · tIJc leafl Cl:)ing tl)at tlJC balance \'DciglJctl! : pea like flubbtc \Ditll lJtS!I bo'm. ::;!,:; 1 ~!: 1 :;.,,
c;:.;;~ anll d}e 'J,Jcs lJc take ti} bp as a berp litk tlJing. . 3 ll)c follo\DctlJ ~pon d:Jmt, anti goetl) Cafdp :;·~,r;':~.~:·
l!J,. 16 lLibanus ts not Cutficient tonuntfterfin 1J1mcem, anll tIJat ma \Dap totJcre befo~c 1J1~ ,~,1na•11b1•
r :dl to l)is olfring, ann au tlJc bcaacs tl)ereof arc not root l)ao not trollen. "'""""·
~; pnoto toi one cacnfict. 4 ml)o l)ad} maoe anti creatttl tl)cfe tlJin~:'
~r.1 17 an people in compariron ofiJim arc mfio, cucn(Je t"lJat caOell tl)c generationss from tf.Je be,
• nct1aisnot1Jing: if ti.let' becomparcll'Witl)lJllU, ginning, .. cum'jJ t:lJe JL,010 'mlJUIJsm tlJtfirtl, Apoc.t.1 7.
~: ~J lcfl'e tl)cn notl)mg,antl as It tl)at t~ not. anti toitlJ ttJe lall.
~ 7 • i9. 18 *~o tol)om tlJcn tDil pc lillm 000,01 ml)at 5 ~c 'jJlcf!I rato anb bill reare, anb tl)tcntls
~- nmilittlllc \'Dil pc fet bp to !Jim:' o£t1Jc eanl) to ere abatlJcll, b~e\lJ nigl.J, anti came
p!"" 19 ~l)al UJc GI:aruer maflc I.Jim a caruell i< 1Jtt1Jer. ·
~~·• mage :' anb OJal tlJc 0oltlfmftlJ coucr I.Jim toitlJ 6 ~err man 1Jclpcll lJiS11ciglJboJ, anti faii>
~pl ~lll,oi call l)tm into a fo1me offlluerplatcS!I:' to IJllS biotlJer, l6e llrong.
¥ - 20 ~OJtourr,UJaltIJcimagcmallcr(tl)attl:)e 7 ~cGrarpcntcrcomfo1telltlJt©olbfmit1J,
~i" poo~c man \'Dl)kl) i!l llifpoteb, maF l)aut Come an11 tlJe e5olllCmttlJ tl)r ~ammc:man , raping,
tlJ1ng to Cet l:lp atro) reekC out anll clJoorc a tree ~oorr 'Wd oo brrp \Del tn it: anll tlJer Caettneb it
· .~ ttJat is not rotten, ano came t}Jereouc: an image tDltlJ na1lc1S. tIJat it tlJOUlll not be moucll.
,. 7 i tlJat moued) not:' s ;15utt1Jou j!ftael art mp reruant, thou ']la'
:~~;.1 .u tano\Drcc notl)tng:'IJrarllpcmuttofit:' cobb>1Jom'jj1Jaucc(J0Ccn, tljou art tl}c Cecile of
~ 'JT,~ l)atl)ftnotbcnc pieacl)eb l:lnto touClncttl)cbc• abJ8f)ammpbdoucll.
r,1-~ltJ ginning:' 11auc pc not bcnc cnfo1mc1J of t:lJiS!I bp 9 ~ou art iJe'l»l:)om 'lJ lctl from tl)c mils of
.,-,1 tl)c rounbation ortIJe carttr.' tlJctartlJ: foJ '.) callcD tbee cncn from among ti.Jc
:.·~f ;,'Ill 12 ]t ifS l)e tl)at OttctlJ bpon ti.Jc circleoft:lJe g1oitou1Smcnoftt~ anoCaill \lnto tl)cc, ~bouan
rt:¢ 'alOJlb, 'Wl)ofcinl]abitersareincomparifonofhim mp Ccruanc, '.) (Jauc cl:)ofcn tl)ce, an"D not caa
I, I~~"' but as grallJopperS!I: l)c Cp1eabet1J outtl)cl}Cll' tlJeea\llap.
, 'IP," ucnis ais a couerin11. IJt tlr~etl) tl)em out as a r o l6c not afraitl, roi '.JI am \Ditl) tl)ce: il@elt
'fJlfP ttntto 11\Dclin. . not a'tllay as \\Ja~e,ro~ '.ll am tlJl! <!30~,to llrcngtt,1
r~, 13 tc bJin~etl} Ptinceis to not(Jing, l1Jlb tl)e tlJCC 'lJelpc thee, anll liecpc tIJee \D'tlJ ttJe TIWJt
~ All'~ 1U11gcs of tf}ccard} as tJJouglJ tlJ~ \Den not. lJantl ormp rt§l)tcournctrc.
~!~~- 24 ~O tl)at of ttJcm it CAill~, ~cp ~C n l6e1Jolll, aU tlJCl' tlJatrrfift U,ee flJall comc
~,. , notplantttl ~ Co\Dm aga1nc, ncitl)er tlJnr toconfufionanb flJamc, anti tl)incatiuerfarieJS
( .rd , , 1
llotliuootcD agatnun tlJe eattlJ: ro1 as Cooncais llJalbc ocflroren ano1>1ou~tto nou~c.
•r~lt, l:)eblo'IJ)ctl)bpon tlJcm, tl)cp\Dl.tlJcrantlfabea• n ~ottJat\lJl)O Co frl'kctl) after tlJem, flJall
0 rA:v 'alati lific t1Jt flratll in a \'Ol)trlc\DmDe. not ffnDe tlJcm,tllp nellrorcrs aialt pen llJ: anb ro
~*"".J 2~ ~o Ull)om nom 'l»il pe liken mu,~ 1Dl)om llJal tlJey ttJat 1:11.1timaflc to malte batten againU
, --'".' ll)all)l tel1llc..falt:l)tl)ef)otpill>nc1. t1Jce,IH1St1Jausnot. ant1ais a tl)tngofnougtJt.
l"A 26 JLift bp pour cpcf!I on IJiglJ, anb conCillcr 1 3 1fOJ '.ll ti.JC JL,o~ll tl)r 0ob 'min am~tl)cn
'· 1~~.J 'al!Jo IJ&tlJ mabetlJOfttlJingsnol)1c(J c;ome out bp tln'ti!JIJt.IJanb, euen '.Jl t1Jatrar l:lnto ttJcc,:jfrarr
- ~·rt--Jro gnat 1:Jeiq>c11. an11 l)e cauetlJ tl)cm an bl' tlJcir not.'J mtll lJelpe tl)ce.
j~(}. ---'-------------------L~~'--~'-· ~rl
Images are vaine. Efay. Chrifl:s humilicie.
1 4 l6c notarrar11c, tl)ou lttle tuoime '.Jacob, :a tl)c RJall not bean outcncr, noi lift bp l:Jt~
ann ti.Jou Defptfcll 1trad: f01 'l! tutll l:JdpUl)tt, bokc,l)ts bora llJal not be hrarll tn tl)drcctis.
rartlJ ti.Jc )Lo~ll,anll tlJC iJolr one of'.)frad tire re• 3 9nna bioiftn rer1> llJall l)cnot biea11e.an11
11cemrr. . tlJc lmotiin!l flan llJaU l)e not qumctJ : but faitl)•
5 l5cbof11.1 tom maflC tlJtt a trea111ng c~rt, Mir ann trutlr fl.Jan l)e !;liuc tuD!;letnent.
tlllb a JU\l) fla•1£. tt;Jat tlJ;1>U marctl t1J1eflnt grinll 4 ll}e llJal not be pcnfiuc noi canfUl, tlJat l:Jc
tl}e mouncaane~ann b~mg ttJe lJ•lS to pomncr. mar reOo1e rtgl)tceufnctrc tmto tl)e cart(J: an11
l 6 ~lJou lbalt fannc t:l)cm, anll tlJe tuinll llJal tlJe <!3cntiles alfo 11Jall loo11e fOi l)ts lLatoes.
c:arrp t!Jcm a'tl)ap,ann tl)c ~l)irl~\Dtnll ll)all feat• s 1fo~ tl)us faitl) <1'3011 tlJe lL011> bnto lJim, r•
tcr tlJcm: but tlJou llJait retopce mtl)c lLo~ll,anll ucn l}c tbat malle tl:Je l)eaums anll fp~eall tl:Jem
11Ja1t nclig{Jt in t{Je ~ol~ one of']fratl. ab~oan,anll ret fo~tlJ tlJc cartiJ toitlJ I.Jn increarc,
17 tWIJen tl)c tl)trtlte anll poo~e feelie mater tul)itlJ !;liuetlJ b~eatl) bnto tlJe people tl)at is in
anti finll none, anll \ul)en tl:Jeir tongue is ll~P or it,anll !Pirit to tl)em t(Jat ll'roel tlJcrein,
rt1ira, '.Ji glue it tl:Jcm, fait(J tl)e lLo~ll, '.]] tlJe <!3oll 6 '.ll tlJe lLo~ll l)aue callell thee in rtgl)ttoUf• 1
or]rraeH01fake tl)em not. nclTe,anll toil bolll tl:Jee br tlJe t.Janll, anll toilalfo J
18 '.) b1ing roo1t1J tloollss in tlJe l)ilss,anll 1llelS llefenll tl)ec: *anll. «iue ti.lee foi a couenant of t{Jc Efa4~l
in tIJe plaine fidlles : ] tume tlJe toillltrntffc to people, to be ti.le 1•g1Jt of tlJe <13cntiless, s
riuerss, anll tl)e ll~r lann to conlmitis ofblater. 7 ~at tlJou maiell open~ cress of tlJcblinll

19 'J1 plant in tl)e 'roalle ~ounn trecssofGre' lctouttl)ep1ffoncrssfromt1JeirbonM,anlltlJCln
llar,l5ore,S3ll)p,r{Je,ann ~ltueis,anll tn tf)e llJP '3l tl)at CitinllatbnclTeout or tl)C lltln(l;£Onl)ourc.
fct 1firrc tree~, lll!Imes, ~ ~amtIJomeis togetl)er. s Ifnen '.]I a1~ tlJe J!..oill, ~ tfJiSJ iss mr ~ame: !
2 a an tlJiSS llo 'Jl, tl)at tflep altogetl)ermapfec *~ntl mp glo1p \Dtl] gm.c to none otbcr, neitlJer Erai.,.s,1 ,
anti marfle, percciuc \uitlJ tl)eit l)eartis, anti ron· mmc l)onour to ~auen una{tess.
m:icr tl)at tl)e l)anlle of ttJe lLoill makctlJ t{Jefe 9 l6e{Jolllc, olll t{Jtngs arc come to patre..alll>
tl)ing~,anil tlJat t(Je l)olrSJDne of ]fracl b~ingetl) ncttJ tl)inms tioe '.]! nedare,anll o~ euer tl:Jer come
tt,mn to paffc. ] teH pou or tl:}em. I '
2 l ~tanll at pourcaure, raitlHIJc lU>1t1, anti 1 o ~ing lmto tl:Je JL,o~ll a ne'roe rong of ;
Mng fo~tl) rour llrongel! grountl,faitlJ tl}e fling tllanhefgiutng,bloto out l:Jis p~aifefromtl)e mn '
or]acob. of tlJe'\D~li:I: tIJcr tbat be bpon tl)e ~ea, anti all ! :

2 2 JL,ct t1Jcm b~ing foo.ttlJ tlJdr got1ss , anti let tl:Jati~ therein p1aire l}im,tlJe ]lelS anll tl:Jcr tl}at ltl!
tIJctr goM tell bSS \ul)at tl.JaH clJanccl)ereal'ter, lltoehn tl:Jem. ihtt
retl, let tl:}cm fl:Jt'\De bSS tl)ett.Jin!,t.!Stl)atarepaO: 11 JL,et ti,JeblilllentctTe'roitlJtlJecitie~lirtbp iwrl
\Dl;Jat tticr bee, let tl)em tleclare tl)cm bnto t:Jss, l)cr tiorce, tl)e totoness alfo fi1at tlJcr of ~ellar xrll
tlJat toe map talie tl}em to (Jcart,anll rmow tl}cm lltoelhn: let tIJcm bee glall t{Jat Citbponrocflts
l)ereaftcr. of none, anll let t{Jcm crr llo\llne from t{JelJiglJ fit
13 ~it{Jer flJc'ro 1:1is tl)ing~ roHo come, anti tel mountafness, .:ir.:
11~to1Jatn1albc none IJereafter, fo t1Jall toe Imoto 12 .arrnbing glo1r bnto tbe lL01ll, anll mag' :ar
tlJat 1•cc arc gollis: lloe fomt tljing eitlJtr gooll oi ntfytng IJim among ttJc <!3cntilt~.
ball, fo 'UJil tue botl) kno'rolcllge t~efame, anll tel 13 ~fJe JL,01ll OJal cotne foitlJ bric a giant,anll a.
it out. take a aomacke to IJim lilie a frelb man of to am: 'tijt
2 4 '.ll\cl)olllc.. re are gotis of noul!fJt, anll pour l)e Cbal roare anll crp,anll ouercome IJiS enemies. .~'
mal!in~ ts of nouID.Jt: rea, abommabl£ is tlJe 14 'JI l)aue long IJolllen mp ptace faycch the .··t
man tiJat l)atl) cl:}ofen pou. Lord,• 'JI (Jane bene atu anll refrain@ tnt' fclfc, ~~\
Cyrus, 2 5 ecuertl:}clc!Te,] l)aue \Dakell bp one from but noto ~ mill err ltlie a trauatling bloman, ::=~
tl)t'. flo~th, ann l}ce fl:Jtlll come from tl)e lleall,t.Jce anll at once 'UJil '] llcllrop anll lltt1ourc.
llJaU Call tip OU mp ~ame, Billi flJSll treall bpon I 5 ] 1llill malie \llafte bOtlJ tUOUtttafne anti
p~inccs as tipon clap, anll ass tl)epotttr trtatlet(J IJil. anll ll1r tip euerr grecne tl}ing tl}at grometlJ =:;~ 1
~~ ·~'.l
a 1

11o'ro11etticmr1e. tl:}creon: 'JI toitlllJ!:' bp tIJc fioollsstobeco1nc'.J• .....~~

26 tml)o lleciaretlJ t1JirH'rli tl)c beginning,antl lanll~, anll ll:inke bp tl)e riucris, :::::.;ii~
'1:emtn1ino'W1Jim:'o1fromt1Jcollle times, anll 16 'JI totll bJing tl)e blinlle intoallrecttl)at :;:.i;:~11::
me 'wtl confcU"e anll rar tl:Jat fJe tis ngt.Jteous:'but tl:Jer lino'ro not, anll lealle tl)cm into a footcpatlJ ~.h
liJITeiisnone~fuc\\letlJ 01 llcclaretl) anr tl}ing, t(Jattl)crare ig1101antin: 'Jl fl:Jall ~afie lla~' ~t;~
tl)crc tz none alfo tl)at 1Jearet1J pour'alo1llS. nerre li~t befo1e t1Jcm, ann t(1C t,IJing tf]at t~ '. ~~
2 7 ~lJe udt is l)ec tlJat n1al rap to ~ion, 25~· croolirll to bee ftraigl.Jt : ~ere d}a1gs l)aue '.l1'tlolll, t1Jcr arc piefent:anlltoll)ierula· llonebntotl:}em,annnotf~flCPtl)etn.
lcm it f£lfe 'roil 'Jl giuc an <euangelift. 17 ~er are fallen bacbc,pc&Allll let tl)cm be

·} ~
t' 1

2 8 '.ll>ut 'nllJm 'JI conft'Der, tl)ere '" nota man allJamell earnelllp tl)at l)opemtDotes. an11 fap to ~~'Iii
aiuong tl)em •no~ anr tl)at can giue counfel, no: t~e molten tmaixts. peareoai1011s. b 1!•.5.~· ~
t\Jat 'nl!Jcn 'Ji e~amtnc tIJem tl)at can anf\\lere ls tl)earc '. ©re llCSfe men. anll lbarpcn pour =!i;;;~~
one2 \:oo~11. epes to fee..© tie blmllc. =.~'no:
9 ll.oe toiclicl:I are t1Jep, ann 1:1ainc, tDitlJ tl)c 1 9 DlJo ts blinJJCbUtmP ftt:uant :' o~ ro lleafe '~=)~
tl)mgssa1ro tl)at tbcp talie in (Janlle, res, tlJeir a~bmpmeffmitr,tDIJ01njlfentti11to t{Jem:'fo1 ~..ti~~-~
tma11core but 'o.litllle ann 1iatne ttJtn;s. 1ll1Jo is robUnDSS u,e pmc,tman, an1:1 ro blinl>t ~r;~ •-
Th I h 111StlJelL01D-fmaant:' . ::tti:~ J.
C X ij .C apter. 20 ~OU f}al funt 11lUd}, 81tll llccpcli 110' r~~:~~:

The com ming of Chrill. t(Jlng: t(Jeeard are~,anll no man (JcarcdJ, • 111s~
~~!b,tlJi~iSmpfmlantbpi\DIJom 21 ~el.01Dt-nwm~ll 1:1nto tlJcm fo~ IJt• ::."\ ~
Mmh.a z. ,,1 '""'~ • mr clecttn tul:Jommt foule tigl)teournc,ifalic. tlJat 1J1s \Do1D migl:Jtbe 1nag• ~· ~
tis pac111e11, 1 l:Jauc gmm mp q,mc mfit11an1>watrtD: 11111 ~~
18 1

~pon (Jtln. t11at l)ce map 11.JetDefao.iGJ 12 • :Jtlut t1Je IJl!OP!t tl)anCcfucs are robbell ,,..
tUl:lgemcnt among t1Je C!fkntifef, ann ttot1et1 bnDn dJe foot,clJaindl in DUR«ton-. :n-~ l
~~--'-1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~n~ll.LI~11~«
'.Gods loue to\!vard Chap.xliij .xhiij. his chofenpeople. 242

:illiltJ1epall, ]rap, areamtantop:ironl.Joufes: ginning, anb ti.Jere ts none t11at can talK anp
tlJep be caritb atDap captiue, anb no man boctlJ tl;Jing out ofmp l;Janb] Doc tl.Je \l'Jo~llt, anb \l'Jl.Jo
loon~ tlJmt: tlJep be tronm bnber Coote, ann no OJatbe able to let it'!
manDoetlJlabourtob:ingtl;Jcmqaine. 14 qus faitl.J tl;Jel.01b tl;Je l.Jolp i!Dneof]f•
13 :muc ml)o Is l}e a1110ng rou tl)at ponneretl;J rael pour renee.mer, 1fot rom fafle 91 IJaut rtnt
,,~I tlJis. tl;Jatconuneretl) it, anb taketlJ it fo~ a mar• to :J5abplon, anb biou~t 1tbo\l'Jne: au tlJep are
nin« in time to come~ ~gttiun:oit~ tl.Je ~albceJS, llllJOCe fD~olllCUI crp
24 tll)lJo gaue ']jacob to be trobm tmbtr Coott, 115mttmr11J1µ15.
anb ]Crad to be (popleb '! JOO! not tl)e JL.o~b, be• r 5 'Jam tl.Je JL.o~b rour l)olp ©nc,'IDJ;Jtd} IJaue
caure \De l)aue Onnen againlf l)im, anb IJaue l)an mane 'Jifrad, ant> am rour llling.
no beltgl}eto \Dalflc in i)iJS ll!apcl!I, neitl.Jtr bcne 1 6 qu15 raitlltIJc:i.oin,euen IJt tf.Jat malirtlJ
obebicnt bnto IJiJS ·JL,a\l'J '! 11 \nap in tl)c ~cs,anb a foocepatlJ in tt:Jc mlilJtt'
2 5 mJmroie l)ec l)atl1 pom:r?J \lpon IJim IJil!I \l'Jaters. .
tll~11tl)CUU lltcplearure anb ftrong battcll, anb 17 9ltiJS 1Je \Dl)iclJ btingetlJ ro:tlJ tl)e d}aretl!I
1J11t1J fii;eb l)im on euerp fibc, pct \l'Jill llec n~t bn• anb l)o:ftJS, tl)c l.Jotte ann potDer of mane, ttlat
Dtrtlanb: l}e bUrnetlJ l)im \lp, ret finfletlJ 1tnot tl)cp map fall togetl)er, anb ncuer riCe,anD be e.r•
into l}i15 l.Jtart. timt: ltlie as to\l'J arc tl)ep qumcl}eb.
The xliiJ.. Chatter. 1
8 lllemcmbernot tl)ingsof oibe, anbrcgarll
notl)ing tl;Jat ts patt.
z God promiferh ro fcndehis hrillwhichlballdc· 19 "l6C!Jolllc,'.]\0JaRmafieanetoctl)ing,anb ,,cor.6,17
liner his people. 7 Hee forgiucrh finncs for hi 5 llJOttll' 1balit appeare,anD lblll poU not 11110\D it'! rcucl. 21.5 ·
owncfakc. !"'!!,ll~~e~~apinllitl)cllefart, anD rlUEfSSOf ;.~~t~~::.,w:
llllt noble tlJe )l,o:b tl)at mabc ... a...r m •yt ...huctne e.

tl;Jce,Q> 1jacob,~ l)etl)atcaaiion' z o 'G[;l)c \Dillie bcsttes 1ball tooil1J4'_mec, tl)c ~:: ~~1;::·~: 1

eD tl)ee, © ']rratl, raretl) tlJuS, ~iagons ann tl)c ron~ ~cl.Jes: fo~ 1 aia1 giuc =:1::~1!~~.
fcarc not. Coi 1j (Jaue rcbetmell mater tn tl)c \l'Jilllcmctre.,ann ~names in tlJe ne, r~~:~~i.~~
·~ tl)ee, 'j l)auc callell tl)cc bp tlJP rart , ttJat tl)ep mal' g'ue tmnlle to mp people 1nt{bc1n111u.
name,U,ou artmincotone. \l'Jl;J01n1! d,Jofe.
i 1fttJougoclf tl)o10'1ltl.Jc'1lattr, '.JI tlliUbe 11 ~msspeoplelJaue') mabcf~mprcifc,anll
\DttlJ tl)te,tl)e Urong floobs 1bal notouerll!l)clme tlJep 11.JaU flJctll foitt:J mp ~aire.
t{Jee :anb if tl)ou \Dallitlf t!Joiom tl)e fire, it fball 12 1foi t(Jou 'Jacob \Doulbetl not can bpon
not bume ti.Jee, anb tlJe flame 11.Jal not lrinble bP' mee, but tl)ou(JaDDctt an bnlutf to\l'Jarn mee,®
ontl)u: ]ftael.
. --
~-· 3 foi 'Jam tl)e lLotb tlJp 13ob. tl)e IJolr !lDne 2 3 ~(Jou gauell me not tlJl' belltfel!I Coi bumt
of']Jfrael tl:Jl' ~auiour: 'JI gaue ~grpt Cot tlJ1! offerin_BSS, neitl)erbibbcttl)onourmcmttl)ram,
beltucramc , t(Je CIUIJigpianis ann tlJt ~abccs fices :'J\ l;Jaue not bme cl.Jargeable bnto tl)ee in -
ro1 t(Jce : offerin«S,neitlJer grtcuouis in mceurc.
4 l6ecaufet(Joutoallbcarein mpfigl.Jt, anb 14 ~ou bou~tetl mcc nobearcfpice\TJitfJ
buauCc 'J fet bp tl)ecanb loueb tt1ce: ] '1lil giue tlJ?. monep , nettl}er po\llielllt tl)e fattc of tl)yfa,
ouer an mm ro1 ti.Jct, anb llcltuer tip au people mticcs \lpon mee: but t(Jou l)aa laticn me \lJitl)
roi tlJr rane. ttw finncl5> anb tocaneti mcc '1lttlJ tl)ine bngon,
5 1feare not,tin 1 am<o.litlJ tl)ee:.'] \Dtl b1ing ltnelfe.
tl,lf fttt> from tlJc !fall, anb gatl.Jtr ti.Jee togetl)er 15 m(Jura.s 1 pet, euen 1 am 1Jce ontfl' ttJat
from tl)e: Dell. fo1 mine otDne retrrss falie noe: atDattlJine ofltn,
6 ] \1l1l far to tfJc J'flo~tl), ".Ut go: anb to tlJe ccs, anb foiget tlJr linncJS, ro tl.Jat 1 \Dill neucr
~0Ut11, llite:pe not baclic : but biing mee mp tl)inke bpon ti.Jeni.
ronnes from farre, ann mp naugl)ters from tl;Jc 2 .s l&utnu noto in rememb~ance, ro1 me \DITI
enn,softl.Jc\DoJlb, rcaron togttl)er: ann ll.Je\Dc '1ll)at tl}ou1JaUfo1
7 Namely aU tlJofe tl)at bee calle'O attcr mp ti.Jee: to make tl;Jee: rigl)trou,s.
(rlame: 1foJ tl)em lJaue: 'J R:caten, fall1ionrb,anll 2 7 ~ llrlf fatl)er otrmbe'O ro~. anb ti.JP ru,
~-~ '_.; ma'Oe foi mine lJonour. ttrJS lJaut finneugaintt me:
8 '1'hing fOOJtlJ tlJat people \DIJicl) il!I bUnbc 2.8~£refoie1 npJophane:b tl;Jc p1ince1Soft1Jc II'
:~ J anD pet i)atlJ cpe,s, llll)iclJ are neare, altlJouglJ ~anctuarr. 'Jl Dib rurre: ]acob, anb 11auc 9\frael
'.'.:rti' tl)ep l;Jauecarc.s._ . into rr:p;oore.
~;r.v 9 1\fallnatroniscomcanone:, an'Obegatl)e' ThexliiiJ..Chapter. Jll
., ren togetl)cr, \lllJiCIJ among tl)em ilJaU Declare
·j~ lUdJ tl)i11i15, anb tell bts tl)c tl.Jtnp tl;Jat are pall:' Ch rill promifcrh to dcliucr his Church without t:°!'f
:¢~ lettl)embJingt(Jeit\l'Jitnelfe.~ tlJ8ttlJC1!bCiutl: her defcrcs, lwnu.
I c1S11ttt11em1.Jeare.anbfap,']\tl1Structl), m©*(Jeare no\De:, S!D'.)acobw'lWll1'
!·'{Ii~ 10 ~ou arc mp mitnC([cs.raitlJ tl)e JL.oJD,anb uant, anD 1rrad lll(Jom ?1:.Jalt no
: l11! Ceruant tll(Jom 1 IJaue d}ofe:n : tlJtrefoJt be '1Jofen•
' ~'
ccrttficb, anb giue me faitl:JCUI crcnencc,anb
fillertl;Jat1 am!Jee bcfoJc w(Jom tlJtrc \DaJSne<
'°"' :i f 01 tlJllJS faitl) tl)e JI,~ mealt,
mabetl)e:e, fa11Jione1> t(Jee: 1.11.Jooc,s,
~ . 1~ uer anp 115ob,ndtl)er iJ)allbc 11nr after me. pcb tl}ce wen Crom tlJp motl)e~momb£:. tl.Je \lla•
f· ·1H· u *1 am. cum 1 am tl)e ondp 'Jl.,o~n,anb be. afraibe, d> ']lacob mr cmianc. t(Jou n
J' Ci'Oemetl)err:il5no~auiour. \l'Jl)om']llJaueaioren: Teb, ann Naum 1•5,
~~ 12 1pue'IDaming,1mabe'IDIJole,~taugfn: 3 *fat ']I fl.Jan pom:e toate:r bpo;ll aucn~c
1i' (·' pou \lllm tl:Jtrt mu no ttrange !.JOD among rou: ~:~ riuerJS bpon tl)e: tl}irftie: 91 it>' tl)ec, a~ '.JI
:~.~ ann tl}is ruo:n mull 11c be: are taee pour fdur$, !!!! f&li!!_t..~.n dJt' CUDe, a111> mr b. lcS,n or l)oa"',
p, · faitl:) tl:Jc 'Jl..o:l),tJ1at 1am115ob. ~t tto..a.. ~ /1
·fi- 1 J !lnbmrn IJe am4) '1!1Jotoa11fromt1Jebe• 4 ~epCIJalgto\Dtoi;Je:tlJtrlih.._~ /
d~'.-L ---------------------'-~~r 2 _HJeelnto..~°,!;,~ _1
\!Vicked fciences. Efay. God crieth his. :

Datfleco~ncr,© naugl;lter cRaR1ra:fo1d.JOu O,Jalc s ~less, !JI l)aur mer fince tl,)e begin•
no mo~c becallcb,Jl,abic ofrRnlDomef, nil1I OJe'aleD tl,)u oftl)i"" fD: to come, anb be•
6 '.JI 'ala~ro w~otlJ witl)mr prople, tl)at~ dareDtl)emtmtotlJero~rmrttJercametopalfc:
punillJcb mine inl)mtamr, anD gaue tlJtln tnto Cl.Jat ~ou flJoUUletl not fap , gi)ine ibolc IJatl)
ttJppowcr,neucrt1Jcl0ot,t1Jou11Jt'alrbltlJr~no bone tt~ mr carucb o: moultcn imaige l)atl,)
mcrctc but cucn tl)c tmr agcb of tl)em bl?lbell OJr'alcb it.
tl,)ou opp~rtre riglJt ro~e 'alitlJ tlJr t_ofle. 6 inJOU IJrarDtll it befo1e, anb be1Joll1, it iss
7 .an11 t)Jou ttJougtJtcll tl)uss, '.JI llJaD be lat>ic come to pam~. Slnb it all not re rour retues llJcblc
foz cucr, anll befibc au Cl)at, tlJou (Jatl not rcigar• fD:tlJ o: confctre t(Jc ra~c '! _l5ut at.'S foi me..~ tolll
bcil tlJefe tl)in~. ncitl}er rcmcmb:cll \DIJat'ala• tlJtt btfo1c ac t)Jc begmmng nettle anti remtc
tl}c cnll of tl)at citie l!)icmfalem. tl)ingss »Jl.JiclJ tl)ou ftncniea not of,
s 'care no'O> tl,Jcrcfo~e tlJou llelicateonccl)at 1 ~nb romeDone of 010 time, 'allJcreor tl:Jou
attelt ro carclelfe, ~ fpeabcft tl,Jus in tf1inc l:)tart, mucr (Jcarbcft bcfo~e ttJcy 'mere biouglJt to
] am alone, anbll'ltt1.Jout1nec tlJm tis none, l patrc,tl)at ttJoucanftnot fap,~clJolll,'.]l knell'J of
tIJal mmr be »Jibo'lll no~ lJcColatc againe. tlJetn,
Efa.p.t9. 9 *ano ret bot1Jt1:1cre tl)tn~ OJan C01ntto s ~o~couer~ tl)crcbce rome\D(Jcrcoftl.Jou
r<Uo.18,7. ti.Jee, bpon one t>ap in tl)e t'lllintkling of an ere. (Jaft l1t1 ti.Jct l)earb 1101 fmo\llen, neit(Jer IJaue I
namdp, tuibo\:Ul)ooll anll t>cfolation: tf1erOJaH bcneopenelJbnto ttJtneeareis afo~etime: 1foi'.)
mi_glJttlF fan bpon tl}ce, foi ti.Jc rnulticuoc of tlJr,anll fo1 ti.Jc great I) cap ofCIJ! contumj5.
knc'ale tlJat ttou woullJcft maliciouap offmlJ,
tl)erfote l)auc 1 caHell tl)ee a tranfgrclfOur,euen

1 o <f oz ttiou {Jaa trulleb in tlJr 'alickclJnetrc, from tin' motlJerfJ 'alombe. iill
ann IJall ratD.~o man rectlJ me: tl)tne o\Dnc'llltf, 9 jf.}cucrt1Je1cll'c, fo1 mp namefJ fafic] \DIR
llome ano cunning (Jatl)t>ecciucll ttJec, tntlJat 'alttl)t11ammr'al1at1J, anllfoJ mr r,onourSJfallc oot
t11ou gait raib in ttJine IJmt, '.JI am alone , anlJ '.)\Dal patimtl! fo1beare tl}ec, tl)at '.]J 1.10 not root
'alitlJout me t(Jcrc iss none. tl)ce out.
i 1 ~t.Jcrcro~e tl)all trouble come bpon tlJec, 10 '6c1Jolb,') 1Jaucpurget>tl)ee.,petnotaful
~ t(Jou n1alt not lmo'nl from 'lll(Jencc it 11.Jal rife: uer,']l 1Jauu1Jofcn tl)ec in ttJe fire of affiiction.
mtfct.Jtefe ll)al fall bpon ti.Jee, \D(JiclJ tl)ou tl.lalt •1 ano tl)at ontlr fo1 mine ottJne faflc, pra,
notbc:c able to put off.a fubben btter belfruction eumfo~ mtne o'lllne fake 'llltll '.I boc tlJiss: o~ cl.a
OJ al come bpon t(Jee oi eucr t(Jou bee ware. ml) at btOJonoui: tooulb tlJcr boc to mr name:' 1 ·'
12 frlo'W go to tlJr coniurcrfJ, anlJ to ti.Jr mul' eurc1, '.]I 'mil not gtuc mr" gto~r tmto anotIJcr. Efi,4s.a...·rte
titutic of tllP 'Witcl)ess'lllitlJ 'llllJom tlJou (Jd'mca~ n $earltm tinto mce, ill> '.]lacob, anb '.]!t"racl .E•H
r1cDtlJr fclfcfromtl)ppoutf:J, if tlJcrmarlJelpc 'llllJom']! l)auecallcb:*'.)lameucn(JcetlJattS.'.J E~•'t Lllil
t1Jec,Ol nrengtlJ tlfce. am tlJr ftt:ll: anlJtlJe 1aa. a .... IWI~
1 3 ~IJou tJaU lJitlJerto ball manr counfcls or 1 3 ~ l]anbe l,JatlJ latcl:l tlJe fDunoatton of ::.~
tl)em: ~o let tl)e (Jcauen ;a1crss. anb tl)ebcfJoJ. tlJr cartl).anll mp rtllf}t l]anb l)atlJ fpanncll oucr · !.
l:ietll of aarrrss , anlJ mo one p1op1Jetis, come on tl)e (Jeauen!S: 8j5 roone 8!5 '.Jl call tlJC1n,tlJcr tfanll rr:
no\lle anb Deltuci: ~ec, rca. anb let tlJetn OJe\lle to11et1.Jer. ::rJi:,:
w~en t[Jere ne'al C(Jmigs ll)all couie bpon CJ,Jcr. 14 cllJatfJet: pou an togctlJer, anlJ IJrarllm: :;,.":~
r 4 '5clfolb,tl)er nian be ltfle at:amc, 'lll(Jfc(I if DIJl£1J of ponber «OllSHJad) lle,Iarell t1Jit.'S1 ~f)c :~~
it bee liinllfcl:l \DttlJ ft re, no man mar rillDe tt tot )1...011> 1.Jatl) a loue bnto l}tm. anD IJetbal pcrfo~me ~:~
tl)c bct.Jemmcie of tlJe tlame,anb rec It {tiuctl) no IJt~~'!!.a~~,?6abcf, anlJ bcclare lJiJS po'aler a' :.:~,
finbCTIS to \llatmC 8 man bp, nD) '1cat:e fire to 11a1m..,._.C ...,._.aweCJJ, ·'
Utbp. 15 '.)Imp fdfc alone, euen11Jauc tolbcron i:tt
l)auc bene \DitlJ tl)cc from tl)1! poutl): euerp one
=~~~~~~rJ:;rr:~11P~~~~::~~o1t1J, anb
16 Gtomt to mt. anlJ IJrarc tlJtss : l)auc 1 fPO'
1.1ce ~~
.·~ :i
l)atf1 tall en IJi!S o\Dnc 'alap,anll none of tl,)cm a.ial ken anp t11in11 barlilr fince tl)e bcigtnntng'! "1'rom l:l. ~,
Defcnt> tl)ec. t{Jc time tlJat tf:Jis tl)in; bcginnetlJ,1 am tl;cre: '
The xlviij. Chapter. n&bcrefoie tlJe )L.0111c ~ob anb IJis l)Jirit l;latl,) ,y~
·rh h ,,
c ypocrine of chelcwes isdrcprooue
d Th frntmc. ni b ~U"' " ......, """" -wr ,..,. ..wob """" rcllcC
L rir d alonewi lb ewor111ippe h'hh . hJIhr. e 17.:all ...,,.18r~.,...,.,,..,,ul>"w Mic ' 'It..;
,W IC 3t C 01Cn met,tlJdJO)J?DnCOf'.)fraeJ, ~Sm tl)~;IL.O~btl}f ~.,
vs, 10 and which fuccourcth vs,for his ownc fake. <35ob, Ul(Jtd} teatl) tt}CC p:ofitabletl)mgs, at1ll , 'Chi~
Cfare tl)it.'S. ii!) tlJOU boUfe Of ~8• leabc tfJCC tl)e 'alfft d;Jat tlJOU flJOUlbcft goe. :'~~~
cob, rec tl:Jat arc callcb bp tl)c 1 s ill> tl)attllou l}allft rcgarlldl mp 'omman' ~~~j
name of]fraeLtmll arc come out llemen~. t1Jcn I.Jab dW t11e4ldJtnctrc bcnc ais UJc <11~
of one flocbc 'alitlJ ]uba: 'albid.J 'alater tma1nc. anD tlJr rill.Jtmdhelfe as tl)c 11:l ~~
C'weate br tlJe name of tl)t :G..oib, \:Uawss flo'aling tn t:l,Je res. '~ ·""
~~~~r..~0 ,.bu;!d~lJ!- atlbbearc'O>ttne[c bptl)ecPobof 19 ~fetD alfol.JaD bmelikraJS tl)c ranbln ~~~
~ .._., t not 'O>ftl:J truetl) anb rilll1t. ttJc rta, llt1b t:t.Je fnritof dJP boDP lihetlJc graucn ·~ 2 ~
at; ~0 1t1Jepan11amet1oftl}el)oliecitie, anb ftoneis tl)enof: "''name llJDUlb net bcrootcb :~ 1'.:'t~
name i ..~bell bpon tlJe Cl3oD of '.)ttael, \Vl}ofe out no~ t1cth'o!ell bdoie me. i:~ i
"·~t1L~Jll oflJollcs. 20 cll5oe a'al&! fi01~ ~~. flu fromt(Jc l~, ·.
. ~lJe tltin~ d)at 'J lJaue flJc'alcb pou eucr 4tl,Ja1Dcess, 'alttl.J a mene boau q,eae of tbit.'S. be• ~·~
Once ~e be~nntn~,IJauq not ~!llJt tl)em t.o clafc tt alnoab. anlJ pc fo1tlt anto tl}e CUD of tljc t ~)
palfcimmelltattp.utl)rp'8meoutofrntmout:l,J, '0>011D. fap, *~c JI..~ IJatl) rcllmtteb ms fer• E10,1·,~~~
anb tlcclarcll t:tJem,anll tl)cp are comc1 uant Jacob. ~~~ 1
4 ll)o'O>but.11mobltlJattl)ouciobftinatt., 21 eJ,JeptUleftbnot(Jfrtf, l.Jecldl tbemttJo• '~'~
an11 tl,)at tlJ? necllc l'latlJ an mm anetv lll1b tl)at ro'm tfJe'aldllmldfe. anb cauren tlJc • \Jlatcr1 to Nuin. '~~\ • 1
\- tlJpb~o\tle •~ ofb1attc. ' fto\'ue out1mto tl)cm from outoft1terod1e: I.Jee 11. -~~~~
·-- =-------- Cl8UC• )~~~~
Chrift a fauiour. Chap.xlix.I. Godsloue to his. 244
aaue tl.Je rocae in flml>cr, ar11> tlJe 'lllatcr r;JUl1J£ll 16 l!SdJolb, '.) 1}11ue tt11itten tIJce tip bpon mr
out. 1Jan11~ttw \\lanes an eucrln mr Cigl.Jt.
Efay.s7.a1 :u !&$fo~t1Je tlngoblp, * tlJepfJauenopea~, 1 1 -atl)cy mafle IJaflc \IJlJo buill>e tIJce bp a·
'f11pd;J e1)£ JL,o1b. gsine: as roi tl)ofe t{Jat ouertIJ10\lJ tl)ce, ~make
The xlix. Chapter. tl)ee \Valk. tlJep lball llepart from tfJec.
1 s * Jliftbp tl)inc cyess,anil loohcabouttl)ec, Eray.6o.+
6 C hrifi lhall gather together all oations,bc they ne-
ucr fo farrc of[
all tfJefe gatlJcr t1Jem togetl)er,anll come to tl}ce:
Qsstruelr ass] ltue, cartf.l tl)elLo:IJ, tiJou flJalt
Cf '.)lef51.Jearflen1mto nu, anb take puttlJem allbpontlleeassan apparell> anti gm1

B i
1.Jee11 pe people cram rar: ~IJe JLo~ll tlJem bnto ttce as a bnbc botlJ bet ie'Wclf5,
1Jat1J callell me from mp bird],. anll
mp mottcrss mombe:
19 as fOJ tlJp lanll t(Jat lictl} llCfotate, t»alfcb
mabe mention of lnt' name Ctom ann l.'lcllropeb, it llJalbc too naro'W ro: tl)em tl)at
11.JaU D'lDcU in it, anb tter ttJat moulD ncuoure
$ce f.latlJ maile mp moutlJ ltlle a fbarpe tf]ee, tter 11Jalbc farrc amap.
Cmo~ll, bnllcr tl)e OJallo'm of1Jil51.Janll 1J11t1J IJe nc' 20 ~entlJp cl:J•1D1en'W1:Jomt1Jebarren11Jall
frnllell me, anll IJilll:le me in IJiss qui1uuss 11 goon b1tng ro~tlJ, 11.J~ll rap in tlJine eare, ~l)iss place ts
~ mom, too narro'lll,giuc place tlJat] map {Jaue rounu.
~Ef•Y·P· 16 3 an1Jfap1Jbntomc,*O,ouartmpfemant 2 • O,en 11.Jalt tl}ou tbinlie br tlJP relCc, 1»1Jo
, ~fracl, ']I 'mill be bonoureil in ti.Jee. f.latl} begotten me tl)efe,reemg '.JI am barren anll
" 4 ~cn9lanl'nlcrell,]!l.laueloflmplabour, alont, 11 capttuc anil an outcalt :' anil \lJIJo l)atl)
']I IJauc fpent tnf llrengtl) m bainc : Jacuertl.le' nourta1eb ttJem bp fo1 me :''JI am t1cro111te ann a·
lelfe, 'JI 'mill i;otmnit mp mure anll ml' mo11te l)n' lone, but from 'WlJence come tl)cfe :'
to t[Je JLo~ll mp <Boil. :u anti tl)crCO~£ tlJUS faitlJ tlJC Jl01l.'I <130b,l8e'
5 ann no'm faptl.J tte )Lo~ll, euen (Jc tflat r&· l)olne, 'JI 'IDiU llretcl:J out ml' l)anll tmto t}Je <115en•
...... 11Jionel11nce from mp mot1.1er~ 'lllombe to be 1Jil5 tiles, anb Cet bp mp tofien to the people, tlJcp ilJat
fcruant, tl}at 9l map bJin!J j\acob a1,Jaine tn~to b~in!J tl.Jee tl.Jp Conness in ttctr laps, ann csq tlJP
l}im, albeit ]frad \Dil not be gatl}crell bnto IJtm llauglJteris bnto ttJce bpon tlJctr CboulDerfS.
111,Jaine,retin 15olll5 fiiJIJt Cl.Jail 'JI be glo1iouss, mp 13 f OJ kingl5 ft)albc tltp nurCing fatl)cris, anti
<115oll flJalbe mp ttren1t1J. qucencss l!Jalbe ttw nurfitl\l motl)crs : tlJcy ll)all
·' 6 ant11Je rapll, ]t il5 but afmaR ti.ling that fall befo~ ttee 'WitlJ tl)etr facct1 fiat bpon tl)c
tl)ou art mp reruant, to fct bp tlJc kinrcnss of]a' eartl), Rnl:l liefle bp ti.le null oftfW fttt: tl)at tl.Jou
•f•y,..i.6, cob, anll to rcllo~ tl)e llellruction of]ftael: ~ fo~ mapetl kno'ID l)o'ID tlJat ~ am ti.le :JL.011:1,snti t[Jat
~·'H7· ] IJaue mane tl)ee tIJe liglJt of tlJe <13entites,tl)at 'llll)oro puttetlJ tl]eir trufl tn me,Cl)all not be con,
t1Jou mapctt be mp 1Jcatt1J tmto tlJe enll of tl)c foun11cn.
\\lO~lll. 14 ~ball tl.Je fpoile l:Jctafien from t[Je mf!Jl)·
7 ~o~eoucr, tlJUS faitlJ tlJe JLo~I>, ti.le rcl.'lc c' tr:' o~ tte la'lllfull p1ifoner from tt.Je tali er:'
mer anll IJOIF one of '.]lfracl, concerning t[Je ab: 2 5 l5ut tlJUfS raptl) tl)e )Loib, '4t:IJe p1ironcris
l}o~ren anll llefpifell among t[Je ©enutess,and tl)e ll)albe taflrn from t[Je migl)tp, anll tlJe 1\1011.c ll)al
reruant of tlJem tlJat bearc rule, flings anll ~in' be mouere!J from tl)c btolent : fo; 'J1 \lltll main'
ces lbaU fee ann arffe,anll llloilbip,bccaure ofthe taine tlJp caure againtl tl.Jtnc abumarr, anl:I '.3l
JLoi11 ttat iss fttitlJfuU, anl.'I becaure of tte l:lolp tuill faue tl)p fonncis.
~ one of']\f\'ael tl)at l)atlJ cl)ofen tIJce. 26 anl.'I] 'lllillfteb tl)ine encmiefS'lDitflt[Jdr
~!'.Cor,6.2. s ~nll tl)uss faptlJ tte JL01ll,* '.Jin tile timeac' otone tlcfl:J, ann make tlJrni n~unbcn 'mitlJ ttJcir
cepttl.'l l)auc') 1Jear11 ttee, anl:I in tiJc bap or fal, o\Une bloob, ais 'Witl) f\\lect 'Wine : anti all flcllJ
nation l}aue '.JI IJdpell t1Jce, 1 'mill pieferuc tbec, flJall kno\lJ, ~ 9jacob, tl]at :Jl am t()e Jl.0111 tlJF
anl> make ttce to be tl)e atonement o' tl)e peo' rautour, tlJp noble retieemcr.
pie, tl)attlJou mapeit l)elpe bp tlJ ceartf.l againc, The I. Chapter.
anll polfclfc againe tlJe l:Jcfolate l)eritagcs:
9 ~at t1Jou mapdt fal' tmto tlJe p~ifoncris, The Iewesarc rcproued:ind alfocallcd.
<i>o f'o~tl):anl:I to tl)em t(Jat arc inbat'fme.e,~ome ~u• faptl)tlJe )Lo~D, awl]ere ifStlJe

into tl)e liglJt : tlJcp 11.)all fttb tlJee in tlJe lJi!ll;J
mapess,ano get tl)cir patlure in all IJi!JIJ plauss.
1 o *~ tlJal ncitl}cr l)ungerno: tl)trtl,IJtat
no: runne Cbal not l)utt ttem: fo~ l:le tl)at fauou• "'
oftl)e \\lcll 1Jmngl5.
11 ~ \\lill tnahc 'mape~ t:ipon an mp moun·
Utl:Jcr ~Callen.
bm of pourmotl.JerfS l:liUo:cemcnt,
'IDl)om 'JI rent a\IJap :' o~ \\11:10 is tte
bfurcrto tolJom '.])Collie rou : l6c,
l:}olb,fo;t rour offences are rou Coln,
retl) tl)em 11Jal.leabe tl)cm,anl> giuc tlJem bJinllc anl.'I bccaufe of pour tranfgrclfion itl pour mo·
z fo: 'IDlJP <moulll no man rcutue tnc 'lll(Jcn
taintf5, ann mp footpatlJSS 11Jalbe cyaltell. ]mme :' 9nD'llllJrn']\callcD, noman gaucme
12 anl.'I bellolnc, tlJcCc OJaR come from fane, anfume: *']!ssmp1Jan1J11Jo1tencll tl]atitmigl)t Efay s9 8
loe, romefromttJcflo1t1Jann1Wetl, fomefrom not l:Jelpe :' 01 l)aue] not po'IDrr to llCliucr :' loe, · ••
t:IJC lanb of~iniss, which is in the.South. ata '1»0111'JI111inlle bp t}Jc fca, lt of \\1atcr tlootiss
1 3 Beiopce pe l)eauenp, anll fing Ptairt• ttJou 'JI make b1l? lann : fo tl)at fo1 'lllant of mattt tl)e
eartl), talkeofiop pe IJillcS : fo~ 1115ob l:latlJ rom• ltllJ notIJ co1rupt,anbllie fo~ tlJirft.
fotttl> IJi•peoplc, ann mtn l)aue mmp »pon IJiJ!I 3 gss Co: l)cauen, 'J1 clotl)c it 'lllitl) l:larfme!rc
tlJat be in trouble. anb put ass it mnc a facile bpon it. '
14 l5ut~ion fart,, 00111:1at1:1ro1ra1tmmc, 4 ~e JLoill <Bon l.latl) giucn me a'lllell fear·
anti mp JL01t1 IJatiJ fo1gottcn me. . nel.'I tonguc,fo ttJat 'JI. can comro~t tl)cm tl)at arc
15 IWill a 'llloman fo111et l:Jer o\»nc mfant, tr~ubleD, ~at·~ nue rearon: l)c lllabcnettJ
ani. not pitte ttc ronnc of IJer o'tDne 'tDombe:' ~nu c~re tJp bctt~ess tn tlJe 1no1ning. 1 car be•
ani. tlJOUilJ d:Jep noc fo:get, pct 'mffi '.)!not f01' titncS ll1~emoJmng1)£ \Dill \llaliCll mine tare,
gettt;Jee. tlJat'] m1g1Jt l)eamen ass to tl)efctJoolcmallrrt'.

Comfort co the Church. Not to feare man.

Tnc Ep1filc 5 ~l' Jl,cnb IBOD IJStl,J openeb mfm £an,
on the 1ucf- Rnb ~ 1Jauenotgaincrai1Je,no1'alttl)DJS\Dmmt'
day before rc1rc.
t-..ft.r.6 6 * lBut ~ oftrtD mp bl!Cflt lmtO ~ nnite.t'f,
Mac.i ' ' anb mp c[Jce11cs l:lnto tlJcnipp.rrS: 1 tumcD not
mp face from OJame anD Cpttting,f,
7 gnD tl]e JL,~b <!!Job t1Jal IJdpe me.U:Jmfcne
fl.Jal'.]) net be confounDeb:'.}l l}aue tl}mfo~ lJllfD,
ncb mp face lrffra flint aone:, foJ 'Jam run d)at
] f!Jal not come to conruoon.
Rom.8. 33- 8 *We iS at (Janb tl}at iutlifictlJ me, tol)O 'mil
then go 'alitlJ me to la'al '! JLet tis tlanb togctIJcr,
ir tlJm~ be anp tlJat 1lltl rcaron mitlJ mu,tet (Jim
come 11crc roo~t(J to me.
9 :13c{JolD,t1Je JLOJb d3ob \ll1l lJdpe me,tolJat
is he tllcn tlJat c:an conbemnc me'! IOC. tl)ep an
llJaU •are olbe lifle a clotl], t1Je motl} 11.>aU rate
10 ~mfo1e\lllJofofearetl}tlJeJLoJ?Jamong
vou,!ct lJim 1Jeare ti.Jc bop~ of1Jil3 remant: \lll]o
fo 'Wallictf,J in barbenefi'e, anb no liglJt tbtnetl}
bjJOll IJim, let ltilU pUtlJ~trul!intlJl'~Blnl'Of
I ttJC llozD,Rlll'l IJOID l)imbp1Jil3130b.
11 leut take 1Jccn, pc al liinl'lle a nrc,ann l!trrc

1\ip t(Jc coatra: toalfic on in tlJc gltftcring of pour

o\llnc firc,ann in tlJc c:oaica tlJat re l)aue lrinbll'b:
~lJts c:ommetl} bnto roufrom mp lJanb, namely,
Itl)at re fiJal oecpc in foJrow.
Confolation & comfort is promifcd vnco the faithful
lll!amcn bnto mccpeet1Jat1Jol1Jc
or rtgf)tcournctrc, anl'I pee tl}at
fccfie t(Je JL,o,n :talic 1Jcet1e to tlJe
none \ll 1Jcreottt pee arc 1Je'11m,
anti to tlJe graue \lJIJcrcout rec
2 ~onrtilcr abia\Jam pour fatlJer, anb .,a,
ra tl)at bare 11ou, 1Jo'1l t}Jat 'Jl c:alleb I.Jim alone,
nno blcOell IJim,anll cmrcafcl'l (Jim.
3 ~l)crcfo~c OJall tlJc ·JL,0111 comfcnt~ton,
anllrcpatrcal(Jer ocrap, making l}crbetertaisa
\parabtre, anll tJcr toilllcrnelfe ais t(Jc garnen of
~o~b : ~irtlJ ann top ll}albe founoe ttJcrc,
tl.Janhcfgiutng, anll tlJe bopte orpiatre.
4 l!)aucrcrpcctlmtometl}en, ©mrpeoplc,
botl) titglJ anll lo\l.l, anll lap tl)inc earc bnto me:
roi a·.llalD ann an o~ninamc !lJal go foo~ rrom
me to IiglJtcn tf)e <n:5cnttle11.
s ~t ia IJarb bl' tl)at mp IJealdJ ann mr rfl1J'
teouruecre ll:Jal goc foo~tl). anb tl)e people tIJalbe
o~llmDmtttJ mtne armc: t(Jc')latlll,,.th:itiuhc
G~nti!es, OJallJopcinmec, anDputtJJetrtm8m
6 lLift bp V.Otlt £tel$ to\Dar'll IJCIDm, ~ (OOll.e
bvon tlJc eartlJ bcneatlJ: fo~ ttJe IJcaucrtil llJal ba'
\: a\'Dapiifte rmo'hc,anb tlJe cartlJ t1)al'alarc ol'D
~gannmt, anD t1Jcptl)atb'mdd1mtnfl.Jal
nurc f '" ltlic nianer : but mp ratuatton tl}al en'
oicue:r, ~mpri~Rialnotceafc.
in~:~a~en bnto me 11c tl)atl)aue Jmo'allr.llge
J!.. 'a.l . 0 ~trrc, tlJOU PCOJ!lr, tl)atbcat'dmp
a cm tl)tnel)e.att:fearenottl)rreutltnpof
men, be not aftatll Oftl}eitb~
. s form~mcisant1motl)ejll1Jaleat*'11bp
l1fte clotl.J BllllboOI: bUt '"' rill)ttoufntJ5 lllall
e.nbur~ ro, eutt, anb mp filldnj IJ£aUl1 fcotnp
nmnwn to mmetaUon
9 t10afi£bp,'alldltbj, are1>e- t D
mncoft1Jel.01b 'alllk ·~ Ufse ...u,.,,
eUtt,ant1 finct tlJc \noi1b befum, umtiapd,
The Prodain1erofpeace. Chap.liij .Iiiij.
3 ~01. *'s
rartlJ tl)e 1Lo;i11, ~ee are: ron1e fo~
noug!Jt. tlJmfoie llJal pe be: rcllcnnell aU'o 'ClitlJ·
netre: fo1 tl)epaine orour punillJment lllas Iaiell
bpon bim,anll 'aJttlJ fJis thtpes are tile l)ealell.
) out anr money. 6 as roi bjS, U!e are al !JOUC allrar libc IIJeepe,
~:::;rne.46.(, 4 *~O,tl:Jt$faitlJt1Je:JLo~l1'30ll,~1lCOple euerp one l)atlJ tumeb fJt'1 otDnc lllap : buttl)e
went into ~gppe, tl1ete to be lLo,ll lJatlJ t11iowen 1:1ponl)im all our nnnes.
); arangcrs, anll tlJe bing of tt;Je atrr#ans opp1ef• 7 *~efuffe:reD btolence, anb 'roas eUiU tu. Ioh.10.17,
.. &:ell tl}em \!litl}out anp mufe:. . treateb, anll Dibnotopenl)IJmoutlJ :l)cOJaUbc mac.16.63.
i\1i:e.~ ·
6 20

5 ann nobJ, ml) at p~ofit i'1 it to~, fal'tlJ
tl)e JL01D, •t1Jat mp peoplt is rredp canell a\llap,
le:D au llJeepe to be flainc , ret DJall lJe bus tbn
asa lambebefo,etl)eflJrare:r, *anbnotopenl)i15 M.s.32.
:~"m· • +·
1 1
anll wouglJt Into l)cautnetre: bp tl}cir nders, moutlJ.
~: anD mp name eucr ltlU blafpl)emei:I, faptl.Jtl}e s frem~l:Je p1tron anb tuDgementtllas(Jce
~l Jl.,o~ll'." taficn, anD l:Jas gencrattonllll:Jo mn bedarc ~ Coi
~ ·. 6 '5ut tfJat mp people mar know mr name, (Jee .tDas cu.t oft fro~ tlJe ~ounn of tlJcliutng,
~) 'JI mv. fclfe wtn fpcabe in tl}at bay. '5Cl}olD.IJcre tDIJtc~ pum11>me:nt Dltl mo llpii lJim fo: tlJe tranf•
~emon of mp people.
·' 1 1 am].
·tum. · 5· 7 *0 lJOU!bcauttfuOarctl,Jefeetoftl)Um•
~\ 111• 10• 1 5· balfallour tl)at b,ingetl) tl)e mellage from.tlJe
9 $ts grauc 11Ja15 gtuen IJtm tllttl) tl}e '°"'
Demnell, anll \tlttlJ tlJe ticlJ man at 1Jil5 oeatlJ,
·~. mountatne, anD p,oclaimetl) peace: tl)at b11n11• *tl:lbcreas l)ec ball ncucr biolence no1 bnn'glJt, 1.Pct,2.zz.
~ ctl:J tl)c goob tilltngs, anD p:~actJetlJ ~ealtlJ, anD neatl}cr l)atl) tl)cre bene any Deceitfulnelle tn 1Jtl5
~ faptl) bnto ~ton, '4tl}p <l!JOD IS tlJC lung. moutl).
~ s ~1' tDatd]mm t1)all ltft bp tlJdr boicc, ~ o .~et fJ~tlJ tt ple:afeb tl)e l!..oill to rmttc iJtm
~ U1itlJ loWI botce tlJer il:Jall rctorce togctl)cr : co, tllatlJ rnlinnttr,tlJat tl:lf]en l)e ball mallc 1Jil5 foule
t· tl)ey lball Cee ptatnlp llllJen tl)e lLtnD a,,au con· an offering r~, finn~, l)e mtgtJt fee lonig lattin!!
' ucn~ton. reell : anll tl)ts llcmce of tIJc Jl.,01ll 11Jall p1ofpci in
9 :We glab,© tl)ou llefolate 'tcrufalem,anll 1Jis 1Jant1s.
retorce togetl)er : co, tIJe JL,oine l)atl,J romcoitell 11 sor tf]e tmUcll anll labour of bil5 reufr
l:Jtl!l pcoM._Ie:,l)e l}atl) lletiucreb 19icrufalcm. llJalllJe rec tlJe rrutt, anll be fatimen : mr riglJtc,
1 o ~c lLoill lJatlJ mane barelJislJolp annc, ou'1 reruant IIJal \l>itlJ 1Jil5 fiuo\»lenge iutlifle t1J c
:t-.: anll OJ£tllell it f001t1J tn tl}e fisl]t of au tl}e cl!5en• nwltimlle,fo~ )Je llJall bearc tl}etr finne11.
~ 9 s,2, ttlcs, * anll all tl}e enlle'1 oCtl)e cartl}l)audcenc 12 ~cicro1e tllfll ] giue l)im among tlJc
~l! tlJefaufugl)e:altl:J of our ©ob. great onesl)ispart.anll l)e 11Jall lliutllc tl]cfpotlc
~or.6, 7. u amar, awar, *get pououtfroml)enu, blttlJ tl}c mflJl)tr, becaure l)cc giuetl) ouerl)is
~ anll touclJ no tmclr.ane tf;Jing : goe out Crom a• roule: to ncatl), * ~ tnechonell among ClJe: tranf• Mar,1 p s.
mong fucfJ,anll be cleane tl)at beare tl)e be:lfcll of
tlll' lLOJll,
- 12 fon1e11Jallnotercapebprunning, no1br
grelfour15:tllbicl:J ncucrtl}cleft'e l)atlJ taken awa1 !uke iz.n.
tlJe finnel5 of tl)e multttullc, ann malle intcrcelfi•
on foJ tl)e milboms.
~ fleeing awar: but tlJe JLo~ll tlJall goe beCoie poU, · The liiij. Chapter.
11A.... anll tl)e $011 ofl]lfrael tlJall gatl}e:r rou togctl)er.
~ :i r.1i~:::1 • 13 '5CfJolDc, mr • reruant llJaU ~eale p1ofpt' 1 _0fthegreatdominionofChrifl. 7 Theindigna-
~ti"ib rouar, tf)efe:fo1c HJall IJc be magmfico, cralteb,
rion ofGodcndurcth butafhort fpacc,buc his mer
,,.."""in anti gnatlp l)onourcb. cic is cucrlall:ing.
:::?;':~.'' 14 )L.itlc a15 tf]e multttullc lban monDe:r bpon -~v;~ce~glall no\11 tl)ou bamn tlJat Luk.oi.2 9.
~,-.....* l)im, becaure llil!lface llJalbcfo ncrcnmet1,ant1 not bcarellnot, rciopcc, ling, ani:I be s•I+• 7.
1115 man15 face,1Ji'1 beaune lme no man: mcrte, tl)ou tl}at art not tD1tlJ
~~ 1 5 tfucn ro RJal tl}c multi tulle of tl)c ~enttlelS cl]tlDe: fo1 tIJe Defolate l)atlJ moc
•~: fpeake ofl)'im,anD mugs ilJal 11Jut tf;Jelr mcutIJess c1Jt11>m1 tl)en tl)c maricn wife,
·~ 1 s. beC01e l)im: *foJ tf:Jet l)aue re enc tl)at 'o>lJiclJ llla15 ll!;;~p=qi faptl) tte '.ILOJb.
not tolb to tl)em, ~ l)auc tmbertlootl tl)atto(Jm• z atlc tt)p tent \tltllcr, anll fp~call out tl)e
l of tIJep (Jauc not l)carll. · 1Jnngtng1J of tl)tne f)abttatton : fpare not, lap

~, The liij. Chapter. rwtlJ tlJ1' 'o~Ds,anll mafie raa tlJP 11a1ms:
3 fo: tfJou tlJalt be multiplici:I on tl}e riglJt
,, -; He prophefieth cuidcmly of the paffion of our Saui- finle, anll on tl)clef't, anb tbr fcell nJall l)aue tlJe
~;; our lcfus Chrill:. ~tiles in pollelfion, anD i:llllell tn tl}c llcfolatt
Jf;.u.18. m!J!lt*tlllJO l)atl)llitJtn etcllCUUbU• dt:iess.
: .~.10.16.
lit to our p~eadJin1 ~OJ to t111Joml15
tl,Je annc of tlJC ~oill lmoblen:
4 !fl'earenot, roi t;fJouflJalt notbcconroun·
bell : be not albamell, foi U,ou !bait not come to
rp ~ 2 cjfo~ l}ee Dm ~o\D ticf01e tl)e conftJfion : rea,tl)ou tlJalt ro~get tl}e lbamc of tlJF
~~ ~ JL,oill llhe a b1ana, , anb a15 a root roDtfJ, anbllJalt notrnne:mbcrtfJe bttlJonour or
~~~ in a ime ~unll, l}e l)atlJ nct~e:r bcautr noHa· tlJ1' tllillo\Dl)ooll.
i uour: bJIJentoeloofic bpon1Jnn,t1Je:rcOJ8U:Jeuo 5 fo~ l)etl}at mlllle f:lJce, tl.Jalbc tl)p JI. 0111 anll
faircnctre, toe {IJaft {Jaue no lull tmto l)tm. . (JUfbanll(llllJofe *name 115 tl:Je ll..o~ll ofl.)olfr. ianll 1 1
3 • 'e ts llcfptrcD anll abl,Jo~rco oCmcn, )Jc 115 tlJ1' nllecmcrtl.Jalbe:euentl)el:Jolr oncof'.]Jftacl Luke • s.
11•9· 11.
.:- Cua, a man as l)atl) gooll eypcnence o~ roio~e15 an11 tf]e JLcnll Of tlJe 'o:llJoie: \l>oJlb. '
:·.A~ ann tnfinnitie:IS : uee i,aucreck0nell 1J1m !o bile, 6 fo1 tl)e)L.~lle l)atb callf.ll tl)cc bcin~a'! a
r~•c.a 1 tl,JatbJefJiDomCace15from1'im. llcfolatc fototllfum.iioman, an11 ass arooug t-.;1fc
f~pci.~.?·. 4 *~o'IDbcit, bee onclrlJa~takmonlJi~ tl}at toas fo1ra1ten, raru, ttw cl!Job.
f''. " our inftmritp, anll boinc our pamcl5 :pee lllellall 7 a little 'o:l~ile: l)auc '.l ro_ifalirn tllcc : but
~~( iUllgC IJim 815 tl)Ollgl} l)C llltre plaguCIJ, 8U1l call tllttlJ greatmcre1fulne:lle OJaH ! take tlm bp tm,
f llo'umc of 1115otJ. to inc. -
icor.1s.3 ~ *18)Jcnall 1Jenotwith!tanding 'IDaJtllaun< 8 IWIJ~n] ma~ angrp, ') bitl mp race from
'~ _ bell fol our oftnus, anll rmttten c~ our toicliell• tl:Jce fol a little rcaron : buttlJ~oulllJ eucrlalhug
r .. I gooilnrtir I
Grace freely offred. Efay. Blinde '\!Vatchmen.
gooDncll'c l)aue '] parllondl fl1U. fal'tlJ tlJe :Lo1n s ~oi t1Ju• rart:IJ tl)ll Jl..oib, ~P t11oug1Jts
tl)p reoccmcr. aie noc totn: tl;JoUllJtlS. anll pout b>S!tl!I arc not
'''"'·9· •1. 9 * anll tlJt.11 istmto me 11.11 dJetD~ter ofJa_oe: mptDaiics.
fo~ like as 'J l)auc 1wo,att tl}at ~ \lltll not b1mg 9 '6ut a.ei farre as tl)e lJrauenl!I are lJlgl)er
tIJc \ll11tcr or ~oc anr. mo~c bpon tlJe b.l01U. :. Co tl'lcn tf;Jc £artl.J : fo farre boe mp b>a}!el!I cymb
{Jauc] raio~nc ttJat '.ll \lltll ncuer be an~ b.lttlJ pourJ, anb mp tl)ougtJt• rour•.
tIJcc,noi rcwouc t11cc. 1 a ann ltfle ais t(Je ratnc ann rno\De <:ommetl)
1 o 'ilW]c niountatncis lball rcmoouc, anb tl)c Do\1111e froml}eaum. anb returnctl) not tl)it(Jcr
(Jill£s ll)all ran Downe. bUtmr louing kinDnctrc a;atne. but tDatmtlJ tl)e cartlJ, makctll it rrutt,
OJall not moouc. anb tfJe bontl or mp peace OJall fUU ann gnenc. tlJat it map giue coine tmto t(Jc
not raa llo\llnc from tl;Jee, Capetl) tl}e )l.,0111, tlJF rotner.anb b1Cal> to lJlm tIJat catctlJ:
1n£rctruu rouer. 1 1 ~o tl}e "moJl>a«o tIJat commct(J out of mp
1 1 '3e11olDe, tfJou po01c, tleteb, ano DdpiCeb, moutb,OJall not turnc againe tiottl bnto me, but
'J will ma he tlJF b.lalles of piecious aones, anll OJaU a"ompliflJ l_llP lUil,anb pioQ>er in tl)e tl}tng
tlJF rounMtion of §.9aptmcs, 'al(Jcreto 1 rent> rt.
12 'llrlJF tDintlo\tlcs ofGCl)~paan, tfJpgates of a2 ann ro 11Jal pe go fott1' b)itlJ iop, anb be let>
fine cl£arc llone, anb au t(Jp bo~erurpleafant tD~tlJ peace: t17e mountaine~ anti l)illel!I flJal Ong
aoms. \llttfJ pou foi 1or, anti all t(Je trtcl!I of tl}c fieltll!I
1 3 * ~ tfJtlbicn 11.Jalbe an taugl)t of~ob, '.) OJall clap t(Jetr l)antlll.
wm ~iuc tIJcc plenteoufnell'e ofpeace. 13 cjfo~ tiJoincl!I tf;Jere 11.Jall grctne «rrc trte#.
14 '.]Jn rigl}tcoufnctre f!Jalt t1Joube grounbeb, ann tlJe mnrlJe tret in ffean or b~irrrs : l1Ub tlJi!'l ·
anll be farrc from opp~cll'ton : fo~ tl)e tlllJicl,J tfJou 11Jalbr none to t(Jepiatfe of tf}c )Lo~tl, anll rot an
ncrnca not to be afraro. neidJer fo~l)inbctance, euerlalling tolicn tl}at flJaU not bt tafien a\l.lap.
rot it man not come niglJ t11ee. The lvj. Chapter.
1 s JL,o, tD(Joro gat(JeretlJ togetber againll thee,
doch ic tDitlJout me.ann tlll)ofo tllid}tn tl}ee,tiodJ 1 An exhonation to iudgemcnt and righteoufneffc,
tornc togct'(Jer agatnt't t(Jee,1111111 rurelp fan. 11.nd 10 thcfpiritual keeping ofrhc S;ibboth. 10 A-
1 6 J6e(Jolt1, ']\make tl)c ~mitfJ t(Jat blo\tletlJ gaiuft ilicpheards that deuoure the Rocke.
t(Jc co ale~ in ttJe fire, anb (Jee maliCtlJ a tlleapon 'usfattiJ t(Jc ll.otl>, *llleepe equi< wifd.1,1.;
after IJis (Janbt tno~lie : l mabe alfo tfJe tnaller
17 '.l5ut alt1JetDeapon~t1Jataremat1eagainft
dJce,nial not p~oiper: ann as w: an tonguesst(Jat
OJ all rcfta tljee m iungcmcnt, t(Jou fiJalt ouet•
come t~cm, ant> conbemne tlJem: tlJtss tss ~c f)e'
ritage or ti.Jc ·JLo~ns rcruantss , ann dJtir ril)Jtc•
D tp, ~ bo rigl]t: foJ mp fautng lJ ealtb
11.Jall come fboitlr, anti mp rigl]tc'
Ollfnr.ll'e llJalbe openeb,
~ '51e1Teb is t(Je man tlJatbotlJ
tf;Jaf5,\I tt)c manlJ cl)ilbe b.llJitfJ fleepet(J t(Jc fame:
(Jee tf;Jat ta&etlJ (Jeen t(Jat (Jee tm(Jallo\D not dJc
~abbot!) , 1hac is, (Jc tiJat heepetfJ IJimfelfe tl}at



oufnelfc commctl) orme,rartl,J ~e )l..o~b. (Jeno no eutlL

The Iv. Chapter. 3 ~ben fiJal not tl}e arangcr wl}tdJ <:leauctlJ
bnto tlJ eJLoJb,fap, ilas, tl}e lLOJI> l}atl) lbut me
I An exhortation and comfort ofche people. 9 The cleane out from IJis people: ncitlJer!ball tl)c gel:
fruit and profit that commeth of the word ofGod. bcb man fap, )Loe,'.]! am a ll1P tree.
~~~R EDme to ti.Jc tllatcrf, * aU pe tlJat 4 1fo1 d;Jus fapctlJ tlJe JI. 01t1 bnto tlJe gelbeb
Ect1,5i,34 beU,irtlp, annree U,atJJaueno d;Jat heepet(J mp ~abbot(J, namely, Cl}atl}ollleCIJ
money, comt, bur, tlJatrcmap greatlp of tl)e tl)ing tlJat p1£afetl:J me, anti flee<
l)aue to eate : come, bur \Dine. pet(J mp coucnant:
~~~g)ann mtlhc wttl]out 11111' momt'. s mnto t(Jcm \tllll ~ gtue tn ln1! f)oUfl.Jolbe,
1.;: ~ o~money\DOJCIJ. ann txJitlJtn mp tnalles, a betttr lJmtage ann
2 1W4cno~cno pelaroutanrmoneyfo~tlJe name, U,en irt(Jcp 1)111> bccnc 'alleb ronness anb
tlJing tl)at fecncf[J not, anti ipenD rour labour 11' nau~()ters : ~ tlltll giue t(Jem an eucrlding l:i
bout tl)c tlJing tl}at rattmetl.J rou not.':>5nt lJear• namct(JatllJaUnotperiflJ. ·;:::
licnratl)cr bnto me, ant1pea1alleatofd;Jebetl, 6 !Clgaine, tl)e arangers tljat ftic8e to t(Jc :;~,
anb pour roulc 11Jall l]aue l}er plcafUre in plmtt• lLo~b to fmle (Ji1n, anb to louelJi-namt. 81lZI to ~fi
curnctre. be IJis rcruants. ann an thCI' tJIJidJ aeepe tlJnn. ;D1
3 -lfncline pour care.IS, an'b come tmto mee, fclUllfJ tl)at tlJl'1' bnbaDo\11 not tl)e -abbotlJ, ,.,,
tahe lJcell , r fay, ann pour roulc 11.Jan liue : fo1 '.]l namelp, tl)atd]cr_ful611mpgiamant: . :~'
Att. 1 '.!Dll1 malie an cucrlathng couenant \DltlJ rou, 7 '\lrlJnn mil')bJUia:tomplJefFmountainll, ~~
H1· eucntl)trunmacicsof~auill. 11111> make tl)cm torrwf tn mp tJc>Utc of p1arer: -, t
4 l6Cf}olat , 1 gaue l)im foJ a tDitntffc a• tl}etr burnt olfertna;s anti tadke• lbalbe accep' ,, 'l
~oni tl)c folht,fo~ a pJince anD teacl}er lmto C(Je
.,eop1£, tell bpon mine altar:~ mp IJODf£ IIJalbe c:ancn M1t.i1.1: ~.j
an(Jollft Of ~p!Cfol aDpeop{!. mA.11·".~·
~ Jl..ot, tllou l'f.Jalt call an bnfmot»en people: s ~us Csp~'t~,m CIJotl trlbid1_gatf,Je• tukc •9" ~ ~

~~~ ~~~~~ fl}at IJab no kno\Dkb11e of ~ee, ft)al ret(J togct(Jer t1Jt . of'Jlftael, 91 lllalb#ng ~-.
tl,Jc l)ol~ oni~~caurc of tl)e J1,.oit1 tl)p4'0D, an11 petanot1)er~onto1J1m. \~
6 ~ttk£ 31Cfae1 \DIJtclJ l,Jlo~ifletl) tl)ee. 9 ~omeallpeb£allUft1Jdidb,tlJatremap ~~·:
anl> can bpon~l..o~ll "ml:J11t IJ~ map bll f.olmb, llcuoure,andalfoaUpebed•oftl)c\»ooD. ~~
7 l.ct t\Jt b "mlnl£1JelftriglJ. 10 fOJl)il'OJ8U'1Qltn~reallblinD,tl)epIJaue 1 ~~

'll!apes,an?J tile i:::~11tt man fo1faflt ~ii o~nc alto~notmbmtanDtng,tlJepanalbmnbe ~t"

tion111 anll turne ~ltOUJflJ'S o"mnc amapna' none•, notbl'inJ able co batll~f.111ll' arc Ocqiie, <i~
he be mmifu[I b~~re ~nto tt)t Jl..o,m. (0 lball Qqp11.Jaret1Jq,11t111lidt10J«ng. \:~ 1
ii! t£tT rca?Jr to fD'ITTUt~ • lll'lb to OUJ llSoD.fD1 J;Je 11 Qel'aw~~ft(Jatbllncucr ·~~1
fattmitl: tl}c ~ alfo infiflemanetl)aue _:~; .'
no1 \'~.:

~Spiriruall 'Vvhoredome. Chap.lvij .lviij. The crue fafl:. 24 6

rc.6,13. no bnDcrftanbing, *butcuerpman tumetl) lJiS 16 f o~ 'JI CIJiZle not euer, anb am noc w~otl)
otnnc tt1ap, eucrr one aftttlJilS ob.mecouetour· '1.iitl}outmll: butt1Jeblaftin1,Jgoctl)from mcc,
nefl'e mitlJ an IJiS po\JJer. an11 is intIUlletl tn tlJe bollie, an'll '.l\ malle ti.Jc
I 2 * cJI:omc, fay rhey, ']] mtll fe«IJ mine.Co fl.Jilli btcatfJ,
tt1eflTiourre1ues, tl)attt1emarbcrnunken :ann 17 '.ll am 1Dtotl) 1DitlJ l)im foJ l)iis couctour,
to moiott1 like as to nar, rea.ant1 muciJ mo~e. nctre, ']] fmite ~im,'.JI l)ibe me,antl am angrp,ann
b~e tumetl} lJtmfelfe, anll follometlJ ti.Jc \Dap of
The lvii, Chapter. 1J1s o\Dne l)eart.
1 The good men arc taken away. 3 The wic~ed ones
18 '.JI lJ!Jue rcme lJiis marel!l.anll 'Jl {Jeale l)tm,
take plcafure in idolatry, 1he godly reccme com·
forr,thc wicked doch perilh.
'.ll leallc lJtm, ann rcao~eto Uim 'omr01t, ann to
ttJofe tlJat were ro~r roi I.Jim.
~ ~ rig(Jttouis peti11JetlJ, anll no 19 'JI make tl,Je fruits of tlJanltrgiuing , tlJat

D man ngart1etl) it in l}iS l}cart : lJefap, ll)eace, peace, bnto tl)emtlJatan rar off,
gooD gobll:' people arr taken awar, anll bnt.o tlJem tlJat are nigl}, fartlJ tl}e )L.OJtl, '.ll
anti no mam;onuDerctlJ it, name• makefJtmml,Jole.
1r, tl)attl)e tiglJteouis ti;1 com1epct1
a\JJartrom ttJeb:litkell.
2 ~ce co1nmet1J into peace, anti gotllpmm
rcllin tlJeir cfJambcris,anll befoie tl)e golllt? man
20 l5ut tl)e mttkell are lmc tlJe ra~ng rea tlJat
csnnot rca, 1DlJore mater fomctlJ \DitlJ ti.Jc mire
snn graueu.
21 *lfucnCotl}emi~el>l)aucnopeace, rartlJ ECaf-48.11
goetl} peace. <13011.
3 cJI:ome IJitlJer tlJercro~e pee ctJsnucrss CIJtl• The lviij. Chapter.
tl~en,re ronneii or tlJe an utterer ann tlJe wl)o~e. I The Lord (by the mouth ofthe Prophet) reproo-
4 tIDlJtrein take }?Ce rour plcafun ~ bpon ueth 1hc people for their fafiings, 5 which were
\Dllom gape re 1DitlJ rout mout1J,ant1 blcarc out full ofhypocrific:,
rom tongue ~ arq1e not CIJilll:en or ttanrgrcm•
on,anll arretl ofllttrimulation '1 mte nome ais 1oun ass t1Jou cattll,
5 1J?e mafie 1our fireis tmtltr tlJe okelS, anti leaurnot off, lift bp tlJr boice lihe a
bnller all greene ttceii, ann re offer CIJiltl~rn in trumpet, anll 11.Jem mp people tl)etr
tlJc ballcyfS ant11>ennris ofllone. offences, ann tlJe l)oure of '.)acob
6 '4f::lJr part fl)all be mitlJ tUc aonr rocliis br • tl;Jeir finneis.
tlJe riucr, rea, euen tlJefc fball bet~r part : ~oi 2 1fot tlJcpCecfie mellst'fr,ann \tliUmom mr
tlJm: ti.Jou I.Jail po\lnell meat anti ll~mlie offenng wares, euen as it mere a people tl;Jat llib riglJt,
bnto ttJem: n,oulb ')\ ncltgl)t in tl}at '1 anti l]atl not fo1C11ltcn tl}e «atutts of tlJeir <5oD:
7 ~ou 1Jall mane tlJr bell bpon IJigl) moun• tlJl'l' affie of mce concerning rigl)t lungemcnt,
tames, tlJou 'roentttl bp tlJitlJct, anll tl)cre tl)ou ant> mtll be niglJ bnto ®on.
bal1 fiaine ra,tifice~. 3 1101Jerefo~e ran \De, fay they' tlnl> tl)ou fee a
8 '.l3ebinll tl}e 11ooic~ ann pollis l)atl ttJoo Cct ttnot-1 \DeputourUueistoaraitnclTe, anntl)ou
b1J tlJr remciuwance, \JJben tl)ou batltl bncouc, rcgart>ell ttnot.
retl ti.Jr Celft to anotUer ti.Jen me, ml)c tl)ou men• 4 l5el]olll, ml) en reran,rour lull remainetlJ
tea bp, an!> mane tlJP beD miner, anll mittl tl)ore am, fo~ re Doe no lefl'e 1.Jiolcnce to rour llcbtcr~ :
illole,s l)atl tl)oumane a coucnant, ann louena loc, re fart to artee an11 t1ebatc, anuo £mite \llitlJ
tlJetr couctJe,s wtJm tlJOU Camell tl)em. rourfillmitl}out mmr: nom rec fl)all notf'all
9 ~ou wentell llraigtJt to kin~ 1DftlJ otle tl)UfJ,tfltttrour boice migl}t bel}carl'J aboue.
anll lliucrs otntmcntis, rhac is, tl]ou l}allfent tlJr 5 ·~tnlleree tlJil!lfallplcafetlJ me, tl)ata zac1i.~/•• 5
mcrrcnger11 ram off,anl> rct art tl)ou fallen into man 11Joult1 clJallen 1J1mf£1fe roi a Mr-: 111111 to
tl)c ptt. l]ang nomnt lJilS l}ctlll like abulrufb , anD to fie
10 ~l)ou art\Dearr fo~ tl)e nmltitul>e oftl)inc bpon tl}e eart:IJ tn an l)atrie clotl) ~ ~lJoufD tf}at
ownc \Dare I$, pet rarnett t{Jou ncucr. '4f;IJcre ts be caUcll raatng,01 a bar tlJat pleafetl) tl)e Jl..OJI>:'
no 1Jope : tIJou I.Jail tJab tlJc lire tl)at tlJr l)anneis 6 woetl} not tlJts railing ratf}cr pfeafe mr,
wiouglJt,anll t{Jcrefo~e t1Jouartcarclcffc. '4f;l)at ti.JOU loofe tlJe miclicll l:lan!le~, t{Jat tlJOU
11 ijfoi wl}om\Dilt tl}ou be abalbcllo~feare, talie offtlJe oucr l)eauie burllcns, tf}at t{Jou let
feeing tl}ou tJall b,oficn tlJl' piomtfc,annremem• tl)e opp1crrel1 goe free, anl> 1:1,caficaumancr of
b~cfl not mc,nctt:tJer {Jail me in tl)inc 1Jcart.>t1Ji11· rofle-1
f!ell ti.Jou tllat gi alfo wtl l}olll mr peace as afo~e· 1 ·~olleale tlJr bt~aD tot1Je.1Jungrr,a11t1 to Eze,rB.16..
time,tlJat tiJou rcarcft me not:' bitngt1Jepoo~e\l1anlltmgl,Jomrmtot1Jr1Joufc:' mat.lf.35·
u !?ea \mill? '] \lldl 1>cdarc tlJr gooDnclTe \l11Jcn~ou fccff tl)enaftcD,tlJattlJou rourr !Jim,
ann tlJr 'roo~fi~.but tiler flJallnotpJofit tl)ee. ann l)tDc nottlJr fdfc from tl)ine o'Il.1ne flenJ :'
1 3 ne1Jen tl)ou cricrt , let tlJp cl}oren IJcape De• 8 ~en f!JaU tlJp ligl)t b~eafie foo~tll a~ ti.Jc
ltucr tl)ce: but ttJc ttiinDc tlJall blom tlJcm fAJ'tlJ, momtng, anti tlJr l)caltlJ tlourtllJ riglJt flJo~ttl' :
anll banltr fball taJtt tl}cm al~ amar : nc~ertb~· riglJtcournclfe n1all go_ bCfoJe tlJee, ru1t1 tlJc glozr
Ietrc,tl)cr tlJatput tl)cir ttltll ~n me, f!}cnt oft1Je)L.~bll1allcmb~acc tl}ec: ·
l· tl)c ltlnll,atiD l)aue mr lJolp IJtll tn potremon •. 9 QJen If ttJou callell,t:l)e 1LoJZI llJalanf\tlere
fl~Y·.40.4, 14 • .Qnll tl)erf~e tlJUlS l)e fattl.),~ake platne, tbee, if tl;Jou mea, lJe 11.Jall rar, ~ere '.Ji am· rca
.}~i,10. make pltline, ant> clcanfe tl)e arcct, t:alic bp tlJe iftl)ou lapetl a\Dap from tl}ec tlJr burt1ens ~ ann
.,.~. thnnbltngblocflS!I out of tl)c war ormr people. lJoUl~ll tlJl? fingeris, anti ccarea from bnttracious
· 15 1'fo~ tl)us rattlJ ti.Jc IJiglJ anD e~ceUent,eurn talfnn_g:
~f, bt tl}at ll\l)Clletl) in euerlaftin~neS, bl1'0fC name 10 ']rtlJou f)aa compalfion b!Jon ti.Jc hungry
.~ is tl}e 1Jotr om:')\ 1>'lllell 1Jtg1J abo~e, anll in ~e a~tll refT~f!Jcll tlJ.e troUblell filule, tllen fball ttJp
fl fanctuarp, \t'lllitlJl)im alfotlJat tisoracontnte liglJtfP~mgoutmtl}el>amenct:re,aril>tlJrllarlirl
..t ann )Jumble t\lttitllo 'JI l>\IJell, tlJat'JI map l)eale nclfellJalbeassttJenoonebar.
~~ . - atroublcD mfnnc, ann a contrite l)cart. ___
11 QJc lL0111 fl)al euer be tbr gutllr,nnn olo,
- Jr
~/i1 \ =-._l.'_C~----·--
Gods hand not fhorcened. Efay. The iufia fpoile./
fietl)ebefireoftl)pfJeart t11 tlJettmeof~t,
anb rm Cl,Jp bone"" \llltf1 marolD : tl)ou llJlllt b~
ltlie a freOJ matreb garbm.ann Ii~ tl)e: fountain
of'tDater tfJat neucr 1eauet1,J mnmng.
12 ~ ~en tfJe places t11at t.Jaue mu beme
waae,aJalbe builDeb of dJ~,tl1er£ llJalt tl)ou lap
11 rounllation co, manp rrtnrebSJ : ~ malt ~c
callcb tfJe maffer bp of tfJC lJtea~fJ , anti tl.Je: bml•
ber againe oftlJe lDSl' to ll\Dcll tn.
r 3 ~ca, tf tlJou tume t1Jl7 feet from tfJe -ab·
botfJ, ro ti)at tl;Jou lloe not tl)c tfJtng lDIJid:J pies·
retb tlJP rerre tn mp l,Jolp lisp. anti t1Jou call t11e
pkitfant, l}olp, an1> glo~iouSJ ~abbotlJ or tlJe
JL,01!>, 11nll tl,Jst tlJou _giue IJim tl,Je l}onour, ro
tlJat tl)ou 1>0 not artcr tl)ine ottme imagination,
neiCl,Jcrfuke tl,Jine O\lme\lltll, no~ fpeaflethinc
owne Ui~SS:
14 qcn malt tfJou l)aue: ti.JP ple.aru?e in ti.Jc
'JLo~ll,anb] \D1ll carp ti.Jee IJtglJ aboue ti.Jc cartlJ,
anll feel> tfJee \DitlJ tl]e lJmtagc of '.]lacob tl)p fa•
ti.Jct: : ro, tlJc JLoinss o\llne: moutl) l,JatlJ ro pio•

The lix, Chapter.
r The Lord is mighcytolauc, andrcadytohcarcour
requclls. l Our finnesarc the caufc why Godhca-
rcth not vs,ncithcr granteth our rcquclls,
Efay.50.i. cetolbe, *t1Je:t..o~ss()aubi1Snot
num.11.i3 . ~ fotl)o,tnetl tlJatitcannotl,Je:lpc,
~ nctt11er iss IJtss care: fo lJoppe:ll
~ tl}atttmapnot1Jeatt.
~ 2 '5utpourmfflleet1ssfjaue:fe>
parateb pou from pour Cl!Jotl,anb
rout: anness lJtl>e IJtss race from pou, tl.Jat l}e l}ea•
.ref(J pounot.
Efay.1.1s. 3 "'1foz rourl)a~btUrt. lleflleb \llitfJ blootl,
anl> rour fingers to1tlJ bnrtgiJttoufnetre: : pour
itµµess fpeallc teaungss, anb rom ton1Ue retUtl;J
out \llickebnctre.
4 jl;lomanregarbefl)rigl)~ano~
man fu'llge~ trutv :eucrr 1~anl)ope~ mbame
Iob.1 s•1S· tl1tn~s. anb 11~agrnet1J beret('..· conmuetlJ tDea•
pfal.7.1 S· rinclTc,anb bimgetl) foitl;J eutlL
5 ~iJey bieell cockatrice cggeJ. anti \Veam
tlJc fptccris \Debbe , lDl)ofo catetl,J of tl)etf e;gcss
llfetl): but ir onetre:atl bpon tlJe:m, ti.Jere com•
metl] \lp a ferpent.
6 '4[;fJeir \llebbe malletl'I no dotl,J. anti tl.Jep
map not coucr tl)em \DitlJ ti)e:ir labourss : tl}e:tr
llrrtiuretl)e 1>ee1>ssof\llkhe1>neae, $d1tB~
ofrobbetti iss tn tllcir l)ant>IS.
Pro.1, 16. 7 * '4[;l)etr re:et mnne to cmll, 8t1b tl)epmafie
' ·3• s• l)aae to n1eb Innocent blooll, t11etrcounfel,IS are
0111 1

'altmet> counfdlS, l;Jannc at111 lletlrmtion are tn

tl)etr 'alapes. .
s. ~ut ~e \llapofpeautl,JcpJmo\Dnot, m
Umr goings ii!! no equitP : tl)etr \ll!lfe).'j are fa
troottrb , tl}at 'ml)ofoeucr goetlJ tfJerean. lmo'ro•
etl) of no peace.
t 9 ~nll tl)il!I ii!! tbecaurc tlJatequitpiSSfofar
rom \lss, ant) tl}at ngtJteoufmlle commetlJ not
rlgl) bs: 'rot looke fo~ li«IJt, loe, it us batlltndfe:
oi tt)e momtng nitne.rtt,\ne \llalke tn dJe b8dre.
,.,..:c~e \\tOpelifle UJe blinl:I bpon tl)e 1Dall. lllc
'°•wr um ass one tl)at IJat:I) no epef,toe lamble
a~ tl)e ~oone bar , as tlJougl) it \llm totuaib
nigl)t • tn tl)e faUtn11 ptaus ltlle mmt:l}at are

l)alfc beab. •
1 i uero~ean lifle heart• IU1b 8tll
lJt. boueis : 'Wee loOke foi • mourne .
, .11 tt : foi iJealtl),but it
_ ___.:..I_ _
CIJm us
6 'atb I - \ ~.
('he Gentiles called.
>- 6 ~multitube of camel!S ll)all '°11tt tl:)Ce,
Chap.lxj .lxij.
tl)c l>~onwDantl5 of Sll!Jal>ian anl> lfpl)a: all tlJep
of~ lball anne., b#nging goltle anll mmire.
anll 11.Jt\Ding tl)c p~aire of tl}e )l.,o~ll.
D fo~
The Churches ioy.
tlJe )l.,o~n l}atl) anointcl> mee.,
ann Cent me to p1cactJ_goob titltngs
tJnto tl)tpoo1e. tl}at '.]) mtgi}t binb
'c fpirit oftl)e Jl.,o~b *tis bponme : Luke 4, is .

~ 7 . all tlJ£ catttl of €cnar RJalbe 11at1Jmb tin, tip tlJe motinbcb l)carts , tlJat 'J

to tlJtt.,tlJerammeis or f)abatotl) n1alfcruetl)tt,
to be offereb acceptablp bpon mine altar:ann-tl)e
1mg1Jtp~cac1J ticliucrame to tlJe captme, nnb
pen tl)e p~iron to tlJtm tl)at are bounll :
~~ IJouCe ofmp glo111 \Dill] gamtlb. 2. ~at]] migl)t lleclare tlJe acceptable ftte
\\ s :16Utl.ll1Jatare tl)efe dJattlee IJtt,elilletl)~ oftl)e JL,o~b, anb tl)e nap of bengeance of o~r
~~\;1 doUOs.\t astlJe lloucs fifing to tl)en: l.lltnbol.lls: IJ30l>: tl)at'.J\ migl}t comfo~t all tl)em tl)llt arem
~ · 9 ~IJc]lcsalfoll.Jalll.llaitfo~me, annfp~n· *l)eaumcO:e: Mm.5.3.
~.\,.~ allp tlJe 11.Jippes of ~l)arus, tl}at tl)ep mar tm~ , ~at] migl)t giue tinto ti) cm tlJat mourn
, · ttJl ronnes from farrc. anb tlJeif ruun anb u,m tn ~ion,tl}at 'JI migl)t gtue, I lay,bcautr in neati
~ \\ golbe tuitlJ tlJcm,tmto tl)e name of tl,Je JL.inll tl)f of a«Jes, iopfull ointment foHigl)ing, pleafant
~ 1
<5oti.bnto tlJr ~olr one of '.llfrael ti)at 1'atlJ il011' raiment ro1 an l)eaur minllc, tl)at tl)ep mtg!Jt be
~i~ ftell tl}ee. callell tree~ of rigl)teournclTc, a planting oftl}c
~~ 1o $'!i>trangm111.JaU builll tip tlJr \Daile~, anll JL.oJb foJ lJim to rciopce in.
._\, t(Jeir l1in~s 11Jal llo tl)ee feruice: foJ \Dl;Jm] l.ll8l5 4 *-W:IJer RJall builll tl)e long rouglJ l.llilnet' Efarss. n.
~" angrp, ] rmote ttJce, anll of mr mmr 9l parllo, nctre, anllfet bp tl)e olll llefert: tl}ep 11.Jallrepaire
' ncll tl)ec. tlJe \Dalle placcis, ann fuel) ais (Jaue bcne boille
~ u,4. 11 * ~1Jpgatc15 «Jail flanb open (ttfi botl) 1>ap t(Joiomout manp gcncration15.
~ anti niglJt, anllneuerbe«Jut, tl}at~e~otloftl;le s ~tranger15 llJaUilanll anll rcellpour cat,
~~ ®en tile~ map come, anll tl)at tlJen:Jitngs mar tell, anll tl)e aliantis 11Jall be pour plotomen, anll
~· •· be bJougl)t i'lllto tlJce. l>Jetrcris orpour tiines.
:1 ~ 11 :jf oz euerr people anl:I fiingMme tl}at fer• 6 '5ut re RJaU be namcll tl)e 10~ietfl5 of tl)e
~ uetiJ not tl)ce, RJallpttillJ, anll lle lletlropell to1tl) lLo~ll, a111l 1nen HJallcan rou tl;lcfcruantis of our
,.::'l;: bttcr lleftrUction. IJ30l:I : fl?e llJalleniof tl}e \lOOtli5 OftlJe ©entilCJS,
..: ~ 1 3 ~i,ec llfo1r of 'lLibanus mall come bnto anl:I mumplJ in tl)eirfubttance.
=. tf}cc, tlJt nm trec15, bo~cs, anti cellaris togetlJ~, 7 tjf 01 pour great rep1oorc rou llJaH lJauc
~. to gamifiJ tl;Je place of mp ranctuarr : foJ l l.lllll bouble iop, \t foJ f!Jamc HJ al tl)cp (Jaue tor of tl]ctr
~~ glo~ifie t!Je place ohnr feet. , poJtion : fo~ t~cp llJall l)aue Double polTcU"ion in
:::i·· 14 ~01eouer,t1Jofc flJaUcome lmeeling tinto tlJeir 1anb,anll euerlatnng iop RJalbe \DitlJ tlJcm.
- .:.: l)aue tiercn tIJec, anll all tl}ep tl)at lie' 8 1fofl tlJc )l.,OJD l.lll)tctl lour rigl)t,anll l)atc
~- "" fpife tl)ce, llJallfaU llo'nlneat tlJr fo~t: tl)ou.fiJalt robberp (ti'jougl} it 'D:lrrc otfcrcll me) 11Jall maflc
be caUell, ~e citp oftlJe JL.o~, ~ton the cmc: of tl.Jeir mo~lis ruu offaitl)fulmife, anb malic an c'
~nil tl)e l)olp one of'.]]frael. ucrlailing coucnant toitlJ them.

-.. 9 ~lJeir fcctJ alfo anll tlJeir generation mall

:: :i 1 s lBmrufe t11ou l)aft beent foJfaficn anll l:}a'
tell, ro tflat no man \l!ent tl)o:ol.ll t(Jce : '.]]tum be Jmo\Den among tl)e <l3entilq$,anD among tl}e
r~'· mafle t1Jce gio:ioui ro:euer ann cucr,an1J 1opful people : all tlJer tgat fee ti)em , 11Jall flno'm tl)llt
ttJoiotoouc allpoftcrities. tfJer aretl}elJigtJ blefi'eb rcell oftl)e 'JL,o~b.
~ 16 ~ou 11Jalt rucke tl)e milfle of tlJe $en• 10 anb tlJmfoJe ~ am iorrun in tl)elLo.111,

l!l::li'. tiles, anti fiin!J!S bJCrtS llJall feell ClJee, ~ntl tl)ou
llJalt Jino'm tlJat'] tl)e )l.,o,tl nm tl)p rautouranll
anll mr roulc reiorcetl) in ©ob : fo~ IJe lJat:IJ put
tipon me tl,le garmcntoffaluation, anll couerelt
;ci: tellcemer,tlJc mig(Jtp one of ]acob.
17 <jfo, b~alTel.llill 9lgtuet1Jeegolt1c, anttfo:
. m~ wit() tlJc mantle of ngl)tcournetre : ~e 11Jall
ll~cfteme ltfteab:tbegrome, anb a15ab~i1Jct1.Jat
tron,filuer: fo: \\looti,b:attr: anb fo~ aoms,iron: 1Jatl) l)er apparell bpon lJtt.
·::. l 'Will mmc tlJine OJip~ctrion into peace, anb 11 1f01 lilic af5 tl)c grounti lntngetlJ foo:t:IJ lJtt
~ .p:.. tlJinc eractions into rtgl)teournetrc. rrutt, anl:I as tl)e garncn flJcotetl;l foo~tlJ fecll: ro
-f-~ 18 muolencc anll robberp (ball neuerbe (Jearll mall tl)e JL,o,ll ©ob caufe riglJteoufnc1Te ~ p1mrc
(.·. ;;• of tn tlJr Ia nil , ncttl)er l:}arme anl> llcftnlttion to flounflJ ro:tlJ bcfo~e all tl)c l)eatl,Jcn.


\DitlJin tlJp bo~l:lcris: t(Jp \Daile~ tl)allbe caUell
II IJealtl),anll tllr gatcis tl)e 1na1fc of ©oil.
~f~•.u. 19 *~JC ~unncll)allneuerbetl)rbllt'llllJt,
anlltlJcligl)toftlJc~o~nelball neuer~1ntbn'
to t11ee: but ttc JL.o~tl lJimfelf'C fl)albe tlJtne eutr'
Im": Thelxij. Chapter.
A prophcfic ofchc commingofChri!l.
$'!i>tonf5 fake 'nliU 'JI. not IJolbe
mp tongue, anti ro, l~1crufalemis
Calle ] wm not ccare, bntill tlJtit

lalling li111Jt. anll tlJV. ©ob OJalbe tlJv glo~r.
io ~l:IP $'!i>tmne 11Jal ncuergo bo'alnt,anll tlJr ngl)tcourncrre b~eake fo1t1J ais tt)e
Slll)oont 11Jall 11ot be l:lilltlc,: fo~ tl)e lLOlb l}imfclfe flJining ligl)t, anll t~eir faluation
RJalbe tl)ine eucrlall:ing t1glJt,an1> tlJp roiowfUllais a burning fampt.
1 ; ?Japes O:Jalbe cntlcl:I. , i ~en «Jail tl}e ©entilc~ rec tl)p rigl)teoUC.
!°flt 2. t ~epeople OJaU be all ngtitcou~ a,nb pof. nerre, annall litngs tl)r 1110,p: tl)ou ll1altbe na,
'A!a.v retre tl)e IantJ euer. tl)e ftotoJc of mr plantmg,tl)e
men 'mttb a ne\D name, l»l)tclJ d)c mout[J of tl)e
" ~ 'ID0111eofmpl)anb!j\Dl)mor'] \\'ltllrc1op~. JLo,blballll.Je\D •
.AYr 22 ~e poo~ett anl> 1ean OJ all grow mto a 3 ~ou 11.Jalt bea cto'tllne in tl'e l)anl:I oftt,Jc
~#' tlJOUfantl, anl> tl)e fimplclt into a «ro:ngpeople: JL01b, anb a glo1iouis garlanll in tl)e IJanll of tIJp
~-ti!~ 1 tl)e J1.,01bl1Jallf1Joidpbiingtl)ti5t1Jmgtopa1Tc <5ob.
~~ m()tis time 4 1from t:IJi~ time fooitt,J ft)alt tlTou ncuer be
f'. • callel:I, ~l)e foJraken, anll tlJr lanl'l ilJall no mo1r
~ Thelxj. Chapter. b~caUeb,~etoilbemetTc:butt1Jou11Jaltbecal•
I~~ He prophcfietb tlm Chrill:fhall be anointed and fcnt lcl'J, ~ pleafurc ts in IJer: anb tlJl' lanD llJall bl'
'Ji, om; t t~rrrb'""--1_
The vvarchn1ans duery. Efay. The Church deliuered.
uetlJ tf)ce~ anti tbr lanD OJall be iorncD in marri• 9 ~" tl}cir troUblts. l)ee 'tllaJS atro troublcb
agt. .... . . \Uitl) tl)em, ann tl;Je angel tIJat 'lllent fo~tJ;J from
s ann ld1eas a roong man tarn..., a.t11r1,Jtnt IJiJS pJefenu, beUumtl t1Jem: ©fbecy IOue ann
to marriage, ro 11Jall =m:n~sbc m~D tl~to liintincffe tIJat IJc IJab bnto tIJem, l)e nt1cemcb
tl}ec : anD as a 1ni_De eis gtao of lJUS b~&Dc, t~em. l)c bad) bo~nc tIJem anD carrteb tl)em bp
ro fbalf tlJr <IPoD morce oucr tIJee. cucr Cincc tf.Je \Uo~ID began.
6 ']I IJaue cct watcl.J1ne11 bpon t'br waues, © 1 a lnut after tlJcp piouohel'l lJim to 1.ll1at1J,
~ieruraicm, roIJiclJ niau ne1tl)er ceafc Mr noJ anll bc,rcb IJis lJolf fp1rit, ~c \Vats tl]cir cnemic,
nigIJttop:eaa.J tlJt lL~I>: anti rec alro tf.Jatre, anll fougl,lt againtl t{Jem IJ•mfelfe.
member tfJt·JL,o:D, re OJall not hcepcl)im ctore, u Pct rcmembien ]fracl tl)c oln time of~o·
7 ~o:Ieaucto Cpcaheofl)im, bntill~tcru, fesanlllJtspeople, faPtng, * Dl)crcis l)ett1at Exo, 11'1
ratembefet bp,anl) maoe tl]ep:atre of tl)e \Uo~ID. bzougbt ttJcm from tlJe'roatttoftlJefca, mitl,J '
8 ~(Jc JLe:n ijat(J n.uo:ne bp l)ts riglJt i]anll t~cm tf.J?t fcen bi~ (_llecpc:' DIJere is l)e tl,Jatl)attJ i.
anti bl' iJtS arong arme, tIJat from l)encefo:tb lJe g1umb11Sl}olpfpmtamongtl)cm:' · "
\lltllnotgtuc tlJr come to be meatfo~tl)inecnc' _u l\}eelell .tf.Jcm br t{Je ~~lJt 1Jant1 of !ill!)ores
mies,noJ tii,r llltne tol)crcin ti.Jou 1.1aa labourell, 'rottlJ l]iss glo11ous anne, ?Jtutlling ti.Jc matcrbe'
to Ile llJinfie fo: tl)earangers. fo,zc tf.Jcm, 'WlJercbp IJe ~ate IJimfclfe an euerla·
9 '.l5ut ttJcr tl)at fJaue gatl}ereD in tl)e come, (hngnamc.
OJal eat it,ann gtue tIJanhs to t(Je lLo:n:ano tlJev . 13 'c ~ell t1.1em in tlJe llecpe as an l)oire &is ltb
that llaue bomein tfJe wine,Oiall ll#nhe it tn tfJe mtlJc plame,tl}at tlJer lhoulll notttumble.
court of mr fanctuarr. .1 t :ass a tame bcaft goctlJ in tl)e ficlll, anti tbt
ECay 17.1..,. 1a * l'.5oyou, go routf}o~o'rotlJegatcs, maflc ('pmt of lli5oll g1uctf.J lJnn re fl: tfJUs (ilD ©oll) l)att
clcane t(Jc \lJap fo~ t(Jc pcoplc,mafle plaine.mahc tlJOU fell tlJp people, to malic tlJr felfc a glo,:.iouis
piainc t(Je footpat(J, ano tahca'roaptl)c aoncs name 'roitlJall. ~
out orit,anll fet out a tollen fo~ ti.Jc people. 15 * JLoolic llo'Wtle.tlJett from ticaum,anti be· Dru.26.
11 l5clJOltl!:, tl1t Jl,o:n pJoclatmctl) bnto tl)c l)olDc from tl)e l:l\UeUt~~ place oftill' fanctuaric bam,i. r:
Zach.9.9. cnDts oftbc wo.llll, * ~ell tf:}c naugl)tcr~ton, anti tlJl' f!lo1p : l}ol!J ts tt tl)at tlJP refourie, tbp
mac.11. 5. $CC, t(Jl:' ~antour commetlJ, bclJOll:Jc,lJe ll~ing• llrmgtlJ, tl)c mulUtubc ortIJp mercies, attll tl)p
ctlJ IJi~ rccompenre 'lDitlJ l)im, anll l;Jts \Uo~hc be' touing hinnneffe \Uill not be intreateD of b~ :'
fo~e IJttn. 1 6 ~ct art ttJou our fattJer : fo; lb~a(Jam
12 1fo~ tlJer 1.ll{Jotn ti.Jc Jl,o~?J tieltucretl}, n1all rmo\lletl) tis not, ncitl)cr iJS ']fratl acciuainttll
be caUci), ~(Jc l)olp people: anll as fo~ tl}ce,ttJou \flttlJ bS : but tfJou Jl,o~b art our fatl)er anb re·
flJaH be namen, '$lJC grcatlF o"upteo, ano not, llccmcr,ant'I tlJF name is eUttlaatng.
~!Jc fo~falicn citie. 1 7 !lD Jl,o~ll. \UlJmfoic t)afl tlJou Icll bS out of ilil
Thclxiij. Chapter. t{Je map '! tDIJcrefoJe l;Jall tt)ou tJartlcncll our
7 Of the redemption promifed co the people.
f)eartrs t{Jat 'We fcarc tl)ecnot ~ lac at one \Ditl}
uss agatne foJ ti.JP remant.\1 carte,to1 ttJe generatt•
ThcEpilllc .~atis l}etl}tss tl)at,ommctl}from on of tlJtne l)erttagc. ,,.
on chc Mii- llCDOm, \UitlJ rcll COIOurCll Clotf)CS 1 s ~F fJolp prop le l]auc l)all but a litle tDIJile
d'ybcfore , from l6ofra '! f!)e ir> l)onourablp a, tl)r ramtuarr in pofi'etTion , ro, our encmir•
falter. rarco, anll commetf) in miglJttlp IJaue trobcn llo\Dnc tlJp l)olp plllce.
nntlJ lJis po\Ucr. jl am IJc tlJat tea· 19 anll \UC \Uerc tf}ine from tlJC beginning,

ApQ 11 12
ciJ'etIJ riilJtcournelTe.,anll am or power to IJclpe.
:a * JWlJcrefo~e. t(Jen tis tl.11' clot(Jing reo, onD not 'allcll bpon tf)r name.
tulJen t(Jou wall not ttJeir Jl..o,b, rtJtp l}aut
· · · tl.Jr raiment lific l}i~tl)at tteaoct(Jtn tfJc mine The lxiiij. Chapter.
3 '31 baue troncn tlJe picrre mp fclfe alone, 1 The Prophet (vnder the pcrfon ofthcTc1Vcs) bc-
ann oC all people tlJcrc i~ not one \UittJ me: t{Juss wailcth rheir exile: and b:milbmcnr. 6 Mans righ-
'111ill ']\ mall tl)cm no\Unc m mr tuiatlJ, ann fct teoulndfc is like a clothdelikd.
mI:' feet bpon tl]cm in mine inlltguation, ~ tfJcir ~lJat
tboutooulllff acauc tf)e l)ca•
blooD l11atl.1e fp~ung bpon my 'lotl]es,anllfo\Dill
'l! !tni11e an mp raiment.
4 iJf o, tbc llill:' orumgcancc tsall'igncn imnr
lJcart, ani) tIJe rcere tulJen mp people OJalbe brli·
uerell, ti!! come.
5 l Ioo11eo about me,anb tf}ere ma~ no man
to nic'tl'l me nnp {Jclpc, ] marucUell tIJat no man
ll uens in funner, anb came llo'ronc,
tl)at t(Je n1ountaincss mlgIJt mdt
atDar at tlJr 1ncrcnce.
2 'J!..iflcautanlJotefirc, ann that
che malicious might boilc: away a,\1 tl]c \Ua.tcr llodl
bpon t1:1c fire : \Ill)ercbl' tlW. name mtgl}t bee
hnotum among tIJint cnemrtf. anti tl}at tlJt
' :,

~elri me bJ.l: t{Jen 'JI lJcllJ me br mine ownc arme, ~en tiles mittlJt tremble beft>JC tl]ec. I~
anri6 mp fcrucntne!fc fu!latnen me. 3 Dl)en ttJou lll!OUllJtl!tDonl'l:ousnrangc !.."
. \tlOdlSS, \llte looflell not fo" tl}cm : tiJOU camca
'.ln!l tiJU13 '111ill 'JI treao Downe tl)c people ~;~
m~l' 'tl'l~atiJ,anD batlJe tl)em in mp llifplearurc, Do'liinc.anDtl:JetJilUS.111~1te~attiJrPJci'ence. . l '~
anu bpon tl)e eattl) \oill ']\lap tlJrir arcngtl]. 4 * f oHincc tlJI! begtnnUJ« ort11e .tuo:lb, tt 1,Cor.~~1
7 1 tom tlcclarc tlJe goobnclfc or tlJc )l.o:b, IJatl) not bme i,earll o: pcrccrueD, 11c1t1Jcr IJati;J ~!~
pea, anb tl)c p~aifc ortlJe lLo~b , fo~ au tl]at IJee Bill' ere rccnc anottcr C3oD bcfillc tl)ec, tDIJiclJ ~
lJ!ltt) gmen bi:s, fo~ tbe great goob tbat IJec l)atlJ Doell ro mud) roi ttJe ttJat 1mt tfJtir trul! in tl)ec. 1~11(
!lone lo? 'lfrac1, 'llllJi'IJ IJcc l)attnuuen tl}em or s ~OU l)etpcll IJim fl;Jat DOCtlJ riglJt\llitlJ ~
lJt13 o'tl'lnc tauo~, am1 acc~Ding co tIJe mUltitube
d)cerefulnctre, anb tl,lem tlJnt tblnl\e bpon tbee ~·'
8 11' 0 ~ lJc ra.l?ll ,. 'JL:l}efe no Doubt on mp peo•
in tl}p \Uape- :but loe, ttou l)a~brnc angrp, fo~ ~
\lit otfmbeb, lt f)aue benecucr tn llnne. tIJougll ~
pie ~ nnD no nmnflt~ 'iJllb~m : a111> ro \DaJS l}ee tl)e 'tl'lo~UJ IJauc dhlUtll to tiJe1n, pitfban \lie be \~~
tlJc1t ~nu1our.
I raucb. 6 1191!1
Chap.lxv.lxvj. Theioyofche cleB:. 248 I
6 UN are an 8JI an lmclcl1nc tl)ing, anb an rm, Dtinke offmn~ lmto tl;Jc plantts:
eui rtP.Jteoufnc!fc is as flltlJr rap: wefall cu~ 1 i ~erfoJC1llJI '.)number rou to tlJe f\tloJti.
rr one 8JI tlJt Ieart, foi our anncss cam bs 111llap tlJatpe OJall be llt1troreoaUtogct1Jcr : * foJ tlJat Pro.1,2 J.1
Idle d]e 'lltnl:lt. 'llllJen] '8lltD1 no man gaut meanrrocri,'llll)cn ,.... 7· 1 •
7 ~~el'C iii no man tlJ8t caIIetfJ bpon tlJl' ']lfpalle,pel)eameneDnottintotne.,butDID\lliC, ofay 66+
~. tl;Jat lanlletlJ bp to t.akcl)olDebptl;Jce: btllne!febero~c mincepcss, iu10~oret1Jet1Jingf!I
tlJmfoJC l)iDca tl]ou tlJl' race Crom~, anl! con, tl)atpleafcll me not.
1: runt.etlbs,buaurcofourrtnnt•·
8 '6ut no'd>, i> )Lot'b, ti.Jou fadJcr ofours.
\tic are tl)p ctar, an'b t11ou art ourpotter,anl> we
13 ~mro:ctl}uss faptl:JtlJCJLotb00'b, 161!'
IJolD,nq' femants 11.Jal eat,butrc ll)all IJauc lJun,
gcr: belJolD,mp reruants llJall nitnflc,but pc fl.Jal
arc all t1Je'1>0111e oftlJl' l]anDs. ruler tl1inl: bcl]olnc,mp rcruantss llJall bcmerp,
~- a1.7s.9• 9 • :J5enot too ro~ Dtrplcllfc'b, O JLOJ'b, anl> but re llJalbc confounDeD:
ftcepc not our ofenccs too longin tl;Jp rcmcm• 14 :16e1Jol'b,mpremantss11J11llmorccCo1herr
btancc: but conrtbcr tl)at \lie all arc tlJF people. . QUictnecrc of l]eart, but pc fl.Jan err foJ roio'm of
10 ~IJc cittesoftl11'fanctuarplictuaflc, ~'' l)carc, anD complainefo1 tJeyationofminDc.
on is a \llilllcmcfi'c,anD 'icrufalem a Dcrert. 1 ~ }!?our name OJall pe lcaue accurrtn among
11 ®ur l]olp l]ourc, 'tDIJid;J t~ our beautic, mpcfJofen:fo1001>t1JeJL0~1>nJ11Uaarpou, ano
\tll)m our fatlJm pJaifcD tlJcc,is burnt bp : pea, calllJiss rcruant~ bp anotl)e:r name.
all our 'ommobittcs an'b pleafure~ arc \llatlcl> . 16 1191Jofo rctormlJ bpon cartl], flJaD rciopce
a\llap. m t11c true 0011, \l 1ll1Jofo f\llearetl) bpon eardJ,
1 2 neilt tiJou not be intrcatel>, ii[) lLotb, foJ iliall £\Deare in tIJe true <!3ot>, fo~ t(Jc on1c artli'ti'
an t[Jiss 1 ttiilt tiJoul}Olbe tlJt' peace, anb rcourgc on.s fbalbc fo~gotttn, anD tafim a\llap out ofmp
":::: ts co ro~e 1 . ag1Jt. P
:.~.. Tli• lxv, Cha~tc•.. 1
7 *~o~ loc, 1 fl)ahnalica nrtu l)eaum an'ba 31 · 0 et+ll.
- "' ' netDcartlJ: anllaS fot tl)C OIDll!, tl:Jep ll)all ncucr 1' '· 11 • 1 •
>· The reiclting of the Iewcs,and 1 e calling of ihc Hca· be dlouglJt bpon,no1 flqlt in mtnbe:
~:: then. 18 But the: Lord fayth, l3e glall, anll cuenuo1e
-~~),10.1 o • Iller• fccfle 1ne, tl)at bitlJerto IJaue uiop'e foi t()c tilings ti]at IJ1 OJall Doc : fot \\ll.JF ~
:: not amen fo~ ttnb me, t(Jat be11olllc, '.}l b>ill malie a iopfull ~tcmfal£m, anb
~ ··: • · IJitlJcrto lJauc notrougIJtmee : '.Ji IJis pc~ple iopfun.
~::: · (Jaucfapll, 'JI am(Jcrc,'Jl amlJe:re,j\ 19 ll?ea:]l mpfdCc\lltn rctopce'\tlttfJ$ttr&rra,
:.:: f'; am founll of a people tl)at ncucr lem, anl>bcglal> \llitl1 mp people: anll tiJCboicc
rallcb llpon mp name. of\llceping anl> \llailtng flJal not be l}carll in ~er
i <Jfoi t11u~ long {Jauc ']! cucr l)olllen out from t11encefo~t1J.
mine tmnllis to an bnf'aitlJfUU people, t(Jat goc 10 ~Jere !ball ncitlJcrbe c1JiR1eno~ ol~e man
not tiJe rigl}t map, but after tiJelr owne imagi· tIJatl}auc not tl)m fulllapes:but \lllJcn tlJc cl)illl
nation: commetl) to an 1Junll1c1> pc ms olllc, it fl) all !lie,
3 €oapcopletf)atiss eucrl>cfpingmctomp anll if l)cc tl)atis an IJttnDµ:Dpmc~ of agelloc

face, tl)ep marre tiJetr oblation- in garllcnss, anl! •anong,(}c fl:Jalbc mrrcn.
t(Jcir rmoalle bpon altar• orb#Cflc. :u ~tJcr llJall b1rilll l)ouCC$S ~ ll1llell in tfJtm,
4 ~er lurhc among t11c grouc$S, anb lie in dJCF fl.Jail plant titncpartls, anll cat tl}c fruit of
tlJe ncnneun nigl:Jt: tlJCF eat £\llincis flcl'IJ, anl> tlJcm.
bnclcanc btotlJ ij'I in tl:)ctr bctrclS. zi ~Cl' aiall notbUftb,anbanoti]er potTctre:
s ']f tl:)ou commcll niglJ tl,Jcm, tlJep rap, t1Jcp11JaUnotplant,anllanetl)ercat:buttl)clife
~oucIJmenot, fof] aml}olier tl]mtlJou: ~m of mp people iliallbc ltbcatnc, anl> min:cetect
tlJefe men 'lll(}m 'Jam angrv , OJ an be tumcll to flJaD mtop fhll tl}c \llo11lc of t9etr l}anDis.
nuoalic anb fire tl}at OJall bumc ro1 eucr. 2 3 'G:l}ey OJall not labour tn tatne., no1 beget
6 lacl)otoc, iti1ttDJtttmbcro1e mp face, an'b \llitlJ trouble : ro1 tlJep arc tIJe l)ilJlJ blctrrll feel>
UJaU not be ro~gotun, but rccompcnrcn, '.ll tuill of tIJc JLo~ll,anD ttJcit fmitlS 'rottl) ~cm.
rc\Htll it t(Jem intotl:Jcirbofomc. 2 4 *ilnl> ttllJallbc, tl)ato: cucr tlJCF call, '.ll Pfal.Jr·s·
7 I mcanc pour mtroccDss, anll ti.Jc mif'btt'b.6 mtllanf\llere tl]cm, 'llll}ile tl)ey arc pct but tl}in'
of pour ratters cogctlJer, faptlJ tl)c '1Lo:ll, \ll~icl} king l]o'lll to fpcafle, jj \llill I) care tl)cm.
l}auc mane tIJctr rmoaltcs bpon the mountams, 'l 5 *~IJc \llolfc anD tiJc lambe lllall feell toge' Efay 11.6.
anb blaCpl]emel> me \'lpon tlJe lJillcS : t1Jertfo1c t(Jcr, anll tlJc lton flJall eat (Jar lilic tl]e bullocbe,
mill']! mcarurc t1Jcir oltic !Jccll~ into tiJcir bo· butcartl:JOJallbc tf1cfcrpentsmcat: tl:Je:rcll.Jall
rome a~inc. no man ()urt o: aap anotl)er in all mp 1101r 1}111,
s ~o1Couer, tf)u~ captlJ tl)e JL01b. JLw as r11rt11 tlJc JL01ll.
'1111:Jen ne\\l mine ts wunl> in tlJc tlutltr, anl> one Th I · Ch
.1<( faptlJ, )Loorettnot. ro~ t1Jcrcissblc1Tinllt11mtn: e xv1. aprer.
,,,. cucn ro 1llil 11 DO alfo foJ mpfcruants Calte-,t:tJat I God dwc:llcth nae in rcmples mad.: by mans hand.
~~ ] \Dill notDcltroptf1ctnall. 3 Hcdcfpifc:ch facrificcs done witbou1 mercy and
~~ 9 ~Ut~ blilltalic a feel> outof')\SCOb, anl> lairh. 5 God comfortcth chtm tha1 arc troubled
f". outof 1Ju1>a ouc, to take potTe[ion of mplJtll: for his fake. 2 3 Among the Chrific:n the Sabboih
ii~ Ql)p cfJoCen OJall potTctTe it, an!J mF Ccruantjl fi)al is continually·
f~ 11\llcUtIJerc. Jl"!:::~==="""''usraFCt1JtfJe'4,,01'b, • 'eaumis Aa. 7."s.
~;.• 10 ~aronl1)'bt1Jcballcp mpCeat, anl>tlJc cartl)tss mp foot,
1, oractJo~ 11Jalt gtuc tlJe aa11tng roi tf1c 'attcll of ttoote : mlJcre flJaU notD ttJc 1Jourc
·:1. 1np people that fedie after me. ftan'b tlJat pc '1>1lt bu1l11 bnto mer~
11 ~ut a!!I fo: vou, pc arc tlJcp tfJat l}auc ro,, ~~~~ ann \lll]m OJatl be tl}c place tlJat
'~' ralicn tbe·JLo~b. anti foi~ottm mp l]olp IJiH.: pc 'JI 11Jall ll\llclhn1
1:• baue ret bp an altar bnto ']\upucr, anti giucn 2 !.lss foJ there t(Ji~, mp llantl l)atll tttal>t
\IVorks vvirhout faith. Efay. The ioy of the Church.
tIJcm all,anb tlJer arull msttb.fattb tlJeJL~b,
\tllJidJ of tt.Jcm OJaD gi tl}£1l regatD 1 ctu~ ~m
tlJatt~ poo,unufa lo\1Jl1:' tioutlleD 1'Jmt, at1ll
llannctlJ in a\tlc of mr \IJ~DI.
3 '101 tulJofOOapedJ ano~eforme, doth mefo
great di01011our ~IJC t(Jat fnlletlJ a man: IJt dJat
Cuntth ltiHetlJ a OJcepc foJ me, /J ~et"'1ctlJ a bog :IJe ~at
off• dogs b~ingct(J mec meat otfmnd, ·offmdJ f'mmess
ncckc. blool>: \tllJofo mabedJ me a mtmoiial ofim:mfe,
i purifctfJ tf}e tlJing tl}at iSS bnrilfJt: l!?et tabe tlJcp
Ci1a,, waress in IJanD, anti tiJeti rou1c bclilfJtctlJ
in t(Jefe abominatfonis.
4 ~ercfo~ 'Will '.) alfo l)auc plcafmc in
lau!PJing tlJcm to rcoine , anb tlJc tlJing tlJat
Prou.1, 1 J. tlJer feare, UltR '.JI b1ing bpon d)em: * f'ofmtJm
efoy 6 5.11, '.]! calleb. no man gaue an1'Dlcre, \DIJen '.) Cpake,
im.7,13. ttJer\lJoulll not IJeaie: butbill Ulickebtwlrebe-
fo~e mtne ercss,IUllJ dJofe tlJetlJi~ tl}at D1lPlca'
s ~caret1Jetl)oit1 or cJ3011 au rctlJatfearttf)c
t(Jing \D{JtclJ I.Jee fpeakctiJ : rom b1etiJim tl)at
IJate rou, \t caarou out foi mr namcss '8be, rap,
~IJe JLo.ill iS51JatnouS5 agatna bS5 : but rou tJJan
rec {Jim tn io);l, 'llJIJcn tlJCF 111albe confoun1>c11.
6 ~l}en 11Jalbe IJearb a !,lt'£8t noire from tlJe
citF anti tlJe temple , tl)e botce oftl)e lL 0111e tlJat
\lJill re\lJaro anti recompenfe 1JiS5 enemieSJ:
1 JL,ilie aS5 tl)lJen a \tlife bimgctlJ eo,tlJ a man
cl)ilb, OJ euer tlJe ruffer t1Je paine of tlJe bi"1.J anD
angutUJ of tl)e traueu.
s neIJo euci lJcarb o~ tm fUd:J tlJingsJ :' Zlotl)
tl)e grounll bearc in one bar 1 oi are tlJe people
b01ne all at once , rus ~ton ttauelleZI in a,tlOe
tirt{J,anb bare l}cr fonness ~
9 1foHIJUS5 rattlJ tl)e JLoi11,im ~ IJe tl)at ma•
hctiJ otlJcr to bcai:c, anb beare notmrfclfc :'am
not']\ l}e tl)at bcaretl;J anD mabetf;1 barren, '8ttlJ
10 metorce 1llftlJ l)ferufatcm, an111>e glab
\tlitlJ l:lcr au re tIJat lone !Jet, be torruu \llftlJ lJ£t
aft re tl)at moumc fo11Jer.
11 f OJ re 11Jal ruc1u: romfo:t out ofl]er b1£1f5,
anll be fatdftel>: petball tatle anb 1Jaue llcti;t.Jt in
tlJe b1tg~tnctrc of !)er gloJF.
12 ljf OJ tlJUS faptlJ tlJe lLOJll, '6d}ollle, 1 \l)ift
let peace into IJcr libe a watet ftoob, anb t;IJe ;lo•
rr of tlJc l)eat11en like a flolDing ftrtame : tf)en
fiJaU refucke.t'C fl.Jalbe bome bponl.1et CibeS5. anb
be iorrull bpon I.Jn: knees.
1 3 '1!'01 lillc as a clJllDe i15 comro1tib of1Jif$ mo•

The end ofthe booke ofthe Prophet Ef.ay:

:Afeeching pot. Chap.j.ij. Gods benefits. 249 I

. . ~ .. . .. ~ ...

~·~~ I .. ~ v-." , 'J "" (

W The booke of the Prophetleremie.

The firll:Chapccr. bauc roirarten me, tl)atl.)auc bumtincenfe bnto
I Thcllockc of Jeremie, andan what timchepro-
tlrangc golls, anll wo111.Jippe'D tJ;Je m01bJ of tl)cir
ownc I.Janos.
phelied. 6 Hee excufeth himfclfe, and would rc- 17 ann tl)ercroic Qirb bp tbr IoineJ,ariCe,ann
fufe the office ofa Prophet, bccaufe he is yongand tel tlJem all ttJat] glue ttJec in connnanllement:
vncxpcrt. 8 He is taught ofthe Lord,and becom· cjfcare tfJcm not, lcfl 91 ocaror tIJee bcfo1e tl)cm.
methbold. 18 cJfoi bcl)olb, *tlJiSllap Doe'.]\ make tlJeea Im.6.17.
~!!~!:~~crcarttl)c~mnon~ of']e• tlrong re~ceb towne, an p~on piUar,ano a biafcn
II: muie ti.JC fonnc of eel"81J \llalla~a1nllt1Je\lll.)olclanD, agatnll tl)e liings
t1Je P#elt, oneof tlJ~ tl)at anD mrg!Jtp men of'.l]Utla,againll tfJe p1tells anll
DtDdt at ana~otl1 m tl)e peoplcoftl)e lanlJ.
lanll ofl6cniamin, I 9 ~IJer f1J8 ft fig[Jt agafnif tfJCC,bUt tfJCp llJaJ
,. WI.Im ti)t :A.-01'11 IJall fitll
not be able to ouercome ttJec:fo~] am wttlJ tf.:Jee
fpolicn wit!) lJim in tl)e time to ncliucr tlJee,faitl) tlJe :JL01n.
EL:~i::l:i!:l2l:=11ofjlofialJ ttJcfonneof amon
kin1.1 or]U'lla,itttlJc tlJirtemtlJ rm oflJtJ retp: 2 God rchearfe1h The ij. Chapter.
3 anD fo During t>nto tlJe ti1nc of '.l\d}oatim his benefi:s done vmo the !ewes.
tlJe fonne of'.lloCialJ bing of ']luba, an'll bntill ttJc 8 Again!l: pricfis and prophets or preachers that
elcumtlJ rem of ~e!Je,tal) tl)e fonnc of '.]lofial) contcmne and dcfpifc God. n Thclewcs arc de-
·........: fling of '.l\U!la '1lere cnDc!J, ml.Jen l)temralem firoyed becaufc they forfooke God, and bccaufc
\ll!1Jtakm.cumtllefiftlJmonet;l1. 1hey ran a whore hunting afccr ido!cs.
--- · 4 QJe\l>OJD of tl)e "Jl,01ll fpabc tlJU~ bnto me,
~ l6cfoic ']I fallJioncD tlJcc in tlJr motlJttJ
©:coutt, tlJc wo:ll of tlJc JL01D
camcbnto me, faptng,
\\'Jombc, 'Jl tlill bnow tlJee: anll 01 cutt tl)ou wall 2 ©oe tiJr 'll>ap. cric tn tlJc carel$
boJne,1 fan,tifietl ttJcc, anti oinetncD t(Jee to bee of$ittllfalem,a11'1> fap, ~IJUSS faitlJ
a 1&1op1.Jet bnto tlJe people. • tl)e JL0111 , '.]] renumber ti]ee, tl;c
6 'ltl.Jm faiD '.lj.lll> "Jl,01t1 dllol>,'.ll cannotfpeafic. flinDnes of tlJr routlJ, ant> ttJe tom~ of tlJr nnpou·
ro1 '.ll am ret but rong. tIJat t1Jou follo'll>rllll me t1Jo1ow tlJe \Dtl
1 anD ttJe )L.,o:unnueren me tl)UJ,~ar not llernerrc,in an bntiUco lanll.
ro, '.JI am too rong: fo1 t(Jou ilJalt goe to an ttJat 3 '.l\frael waJ an l.)aloweb tl)ing 1mto tl)c
'.JI tlJall fcnl> t1Jee tmto, alll:I wIJatfocucr ']I com' JL 0~11. ant> \DaJ IJts firfl fruitJ: all tiJrr tllat nc'
maun'D ttJee,tlJat OJalt tlJou fpeakc. uoure 1frael fl.Jal offenll, mtffo~tunc llJal fall bP'
s J5e not aftai'D of tlJeir faccJ: fo1 ']J am \llitlJ on t1Jem,faptiJ dJe )l,o:ll.
,~ tl)ee to bcliuet ti.Jee, faitl) tl)e 'A-OJb. 4 ll)care d}erero:c tlJc \llo:ll of tlJe llo1D, ©
!~ 9 !anb 'll>itlJ tlJat tlJe Jl,o,!J tltttdJcb out 1.)1!'5 tlJou l)oure of]acob, anll all tl}r gencrattonJ of
~! l}anb anb toucl}eb mp mouttJ : anb tl)e fame t!Je l)oufc of'] rrad.
:.ia.7• JL01t1fait1bntome,*:0el)olb,'.llputmpl:Do10Jin 5 ~bUS raitl) tbC lLOJlJC, U9fjat tmfaitl)fU[•
s' tlJr mouttJ. nem: founil rour fattcrJ in mcc, tiJat tlJcp lliCllt
~ 10 anD b~ln, tl)iss 'Dar Doe1 rettlJeeouer fotilrrc amap from me, falling to Iigl)tnclfc,ano
#% tl)e people anl>}at tl)ou maiellroote being fo t>aitte1 l
;!i out,anll bleak£ off, betlrop,an!J make\l>alle, anti 6 'lln)cr tl)ougiJt not tn tf)eir lJcartss. 110llcre
r tlJat tttou mapett builb bp an?I plant. iJ tiJe "Jl,o:ll tl)at biougl)t bi$ out of tlJe tano of <ii!'
u S:tftcr tlJiJ.t1.JeJLo1b fpalic bnto me,fartng,
:_~ 1\emnie, "al bat Cceft tlJOU ~ anb '.JI fat'lJ, '.JI• fcea
1nimon ,, roll ofan ~Umonb tree. ·
gppt,tl)atle!I bl$ ttJoto wttJc 111tli>zrnc!Tc,tlJo~o\\'J
a llcfcrt ann rouBi.I lanD, ttJo:ow a o~tc ann oca11,
Ip lan!J, pea alanl:itiJat no man IJall gone tlJo' ,
~t 12 €l)cnfaptl t1.1e·JL01bbntomee, QoUl.)all row, anll \llf)cretn no man IJall t>'Welt~ ,- !
/i1111111 ccenc rigl)t, f01 '.ll mm make lJatle fpee!J1lp bpon 7 anll 'll>l)en 'J\ f)atl ll:ougl)t rou into ap(tit,
mrmoin toµmoimeit. fantfcrtilc lanll,tl,)at rec migIJt en top tlJe rtuit!'S
r ~ ]t 1,Japprneb aCterb>arll tl)at tl)e lLo1be anti all tl}e commollttlcss of tlJe fame, per went
fpllflt to mee againc, anll faP'D, 181.)at feel tIJou~ roo:tiJ anti bcfilell mp lan!l,anll b:oU«f.Jt mine IJr·
/ ann ']I fBl!ll,1 Do fee a Ccetl)ing potloolltng from ritage to abomination.
out of tlJc @oitl). s '4n)e l&:tcllss tIJemfdm:S fapb not, IWlJcrc
:t•+6• 14 ~cnfarnt1.1e·A-oi'Dt>ntome. *!lI>utoftlJc tss tl)c "Jl,01lle 1 ~er tlJat l.laD tiJe la\tle in tl,lm
JaoitlJ lball come a plague bpon all tlJc '11\DellcrSS l}a~bSS hne\D mee not. t1Jc ll!£PllearllJ offenoro a,
I oftlJelanO. . gamll mce, tlJe p:op~etJ lltll p:oplJcCie in :l5aal,
1 ~ cJfoi toe,] mm can all tlJe llinreb~ or tlJc ana follo\llcb ru'IJ ti.I'"~ aJ n1all b1in~ tlJcm no
king11omc!'5 of tl)e Jaoitll, faptlJ tl)e JL.o1~, anll p1ofit.
tlJcpllJallcome, an!J euerron~fl.lall Cet~1~fcatc 9 D1Jmt:o1e 1 am contlrainen, rartIJ tile
in tlJe gateJOC$ierufalem, ~ 111 aU ttm \Dalles5 lLoiD, eet ll!l\atnc to contenll in tuDgrnicnt \liitb ,
rounb about. an!I in au ti tic~ of]Uba. pou,anl> 'll>~ttJ rour c[Jtlllims cfJilll~cn.
16 ant1 ttnou111Jt1Jcm lbal 1 tleclate mr illbg• 10 <ll5oe mto tl)eJleJ of @tl)im, anti Ioolie
mmt bpon au tlJe \Dickellndfe of tl)ofe men tlJat wel: fenll bnto ~etlar, take biltgrnt l1cct1c, alli.l
I~ 'Gtt 3 ree: 1
(lfrael beingvngratefull, Jeremie. are called to repentance.
fee 'all]etl)rt rudJ tl}in~ bnonc ttJm: loohc 1Jo\1Jcm11np dtieUl}ou l]aB, jj[) ]Uba. *Co lrrc. IJ I
11 ml}etf:.Jcr rtJe (J!'Scnttle!S t1Jeinrc1uc1 IJauc manr c.iot11S 1}11ft tl]ou atro. ·l
clJangcb tl)ctr golljJ, mbtclJ pct arc n~ IOlllS in 2 9 Dbucfo1e tl}m 'altll pc goc to la\De 'mitt)
'"''""ur,tb•t t1cct1:butmppcopte1Jatl:Jc.1:Jangtt1•t1Je1rl}onour me:' feeing re aieaUrtnnert¥ againamc,rartl)
~~.·~bt'n~~n~r~·~ foi a tl1tng tl)at map not lJclpe dJem. . tl)e lLoJll.
illon,1n111bo•n 12 ""calloana,ct1.ilDPe1Jc11uen1,beafra1tJant1 30 ]tit¥ bUtlotl labour tl)at 1 finite t1our
t• •'•n
J4J ' • (i .._ 1411 "1 ,..
aba11Jc!I atruclJ a tlJmg. ap.., ..,e ,..,o~u.. i. ·
c.,tlll1£n, fo 1tlJ epreceaue
· nocmr 'oJrection:pour r
3 '.ffo~mrpeoplc b atlJ bonet\Docu11ss: tl}ep o\\ln~C\\l~Jb bcllropetl) rourpJopljetis lifleabt'
l]aue foJfallcn mcctIJe \Dell of tl}e 1\'latn omrc, uounng Iron.
anti Dtggeo t11em pit;, rea bile anti bJoken pit!S 31 ©lJ generatton, l}eatlttn bnto tl)c 'mo1b of
tl)at can IJOlll no \Dater. tl]e JL.~ll: am 1 become a tnalbea:netTc bnto tl)c
14 '.J!SS 1rrae1 a bonb reruant, ot one of tl)e people of]Crael: ot a lantl tl}at batl;J no 1tpt j

(Jouil101n:mlJptis1Jet1Jcn ro fpoileb:' 'Wl)cr~roie rartlJmrpeople tlJcn, 11&cean1oit1~·

1 5 'dl;{lcp roarc anb crie bpon l)im s~ )!.,ton;, \\Jc 'a111l come no m~~e bnto tf}ee~ '
tlJrp l)aue mane l)i~ lanb \\'latle : IJi~ cttte~ are ro .3 2 J21oetl;I a maibe fo1get ()er ratwnt, 018
burnt bp, tl]at tl]cre it no man b\\leUtng tn bt1be1Jerllomacl)er:' butmrpeoplel)atl) fQ1got,
1 them : ten me a bctF Ion~ \Dl}tle. . ·
· 1 6 !1c 11, tlJt clJslt11en of ~opf) anb -at"aplJne~ 33 nel)r beaun«rt tl)ou tl)p 1Date~ ro 1:1i@lp
fl.Jal! cracfle tl}etr cro\\lnc. to obtait1e fauour tl)erettnou(JI) ~ ttrrcfoje al:
1 7 ~ommetlJ not ttJtis bnto t1Jce,becaure t{Jou Co IJalt ti.Jou tatJilJt tutaict1nrae tbtougl) tfJr
11aa roifakrn tfJe )L,oJb tbF <3ob, cucn tnl)cn IJee 'Wareis. ·
lrl:lttJccbrtlJetnar~ 34 ~pon tl)r \llin~• t- founb ti.Jr blooll of
i S 9110 ml] at )Jail tl]ou nob.le to bOe tn tlJe pootc anb Innocent people, tDl}ome tl)oublbllel
~.~~i:'::::i, tlrcm of lfgppt, toJitfnketDatcr out of b@j,IU:'S~ not finll in cotner~ an?l IJok- : but ttJou tletllttf
r... ~., •b<i rttl)cr tolJat mafleu. tl)ou mt1;1e war to a,4,1ia, tl)e P1~pl}et~ foJ rcpioouing all tf}efe tl)tn11'. I
~ .~~~~-\~r\';" to bJinliC mater of tl)e floob~
3s ~etllarctl t11ourar, '.)am withom finneand
~~~;·: ~rn~. 19 'dl;tJim: o\tme 'Wicfieone[e 11.Jall rcp:ooue IJUtltletre. ~ull), lJiis 1D1atl) cannot come bpon
~~·.~'.·~;~,~n tfJcc,nnb tlJl' turnin!I amar «Jal conbcmnc ti.Jee: mee. l5el.Jolt1. '.JI tnill rearon \\'lttlJ tl)ce, becaurc
·~•iuu111 •· ttJat tIJou mmcllfillo\D anlJ tmlletftanb tJotll eml tl}ou barcllfap,'.]J IJauenot offcnllelJ,
~~,~~~0:. .'.~~ ann tJurtrull a tl)ing it i~,tl}at tf.)ou I.Jail fo~faken
36 n&IJr galll:lell ttJou ro mu'IJ l.Jitl.Jer anb tl)t•
~~r:~~·:~ii"' tl]e ·a.o~n tlJF ~on,anb {Jaft not reareD mee, faptlJ tlJer, to cl)ange tlJp \Dare-:' to1 tl)ou flJalt bte
f,~~1 ,b;~:~.'~~, tl)c :£.0.11:! ~on off.)octl$. confo~nbcll a~ \llellor<rgppta~tl.JoutnalloftfJe
b11ro '"' l.•1» buru. tlJp bonM, ret rare 11 tf.)ou, .JI 'Wtl1no mo1e
2 ~ ] IJaue cucr b~ohen tlJr ro~e or oIile, anti aJrrnanl$.
31 !?ea,tl}ou llJaltgo tlJP tnar from tl.Je1n,anb
~~~. 'i~~.~~ tranrgl'c!Tc: but lifie an l)arlot tIJou runnell a'
flni1 e tl)ine Uanb~ to1.1et1Jcr bpon tl.Jr 11eab, be.
Jere .3 .6, bout bµon all lJiglJ l)lll$, •ant> among all greene caure tl)e JL01b 11Jall wing tlJat ronfibence anti
tree~. hope oftl]ine to nougf}t, anti tf}ou ll:Jalt not wo,
Hay p. 2 1 • iwIJcreal$ 'Jl planttb tlJec a noblebineanb fpenvirl}an. · ....~

mar.11.11· \D!Jollp a riglJtfceDe: l)o\\l arttl}ou turneb tl.Jen The iiJ'. Chap terr :J:
into a btttcr bnfruitfllll anb ftrange grape:' -.
22 Ye:i and thado fore tl)at tiJOU~ tfJOU tllaflJ
1 God being mcrcifull,calleth 10 repentance his peo.
tlJp frlfe '\DitlJ f)itml$, anMnafle ttw felfe to fa, pie which he had forfaken for their whorcdom with
uour mitlJ tl)at fttieet fmelltf!g l.Jtrb~ ofl5o~it!J: idolcs. 20 Hee eKhomth lfrael vnto repentance,
ret ill mp ftgl)t tlJOU art itameb \\lttl.J tlJp 1\')tc' promifing them lbepheards that lbould haue the ~-

llel:!neffe, rapctl.J ti.}C JL.,o~ll tl)p <3ob. true knowledge of God. 2 3 The rcturnc of Ifrael
2 3 ~Oto fape!l tl)OU no'lll. '.ll am not bncteane. vnro God,confdling their offence:.
anb 'Ji l)auc not follo\llcll '.15aalrm :' ll..oofle: bpon • ©mmonlp tnl)en aman puttttlJ
tlJinc otDne mareis in tiJe ballercis \lllJat tl)ou amar IJt~ 'Wife. ano 11.Jee goe:tlJ ...
IJaU !lone: tlJou art lthe a f\tJift btomcoorie t(Jat from IJim, anll marrict(J tllitlJ
goetl)eafllpl)ermap. anotl)er, rl}en tl]e queaton i~,
24 anlltf.Jp mantonneO'c i!Slifre:a'milbe: !ilO'c ~IJottlb I.Jee: rtfo,tbnto l]eranr
t(Jnt bfctlHtJc tDilllernclTe,anll tlJat rnuffcdJ anti mote after t(Jat :' ( ~- not tl)at '
blo\'oUlJ at l)er mill: 'WlJO can tame l)cr:-'~UI tl)ep lanll tl)en bcftle:b anb bncle:an:') '6ut sis fo~ tl)ce. .""~
t(Jatrce11el)et, il)allnotfatlcbutfinDcIJer tnl)er t(Jou l)allplapel:! tl)e IJarlot ttiid}manploueris, "t
1f.1)11ttlJ, retturne: againe to me,faitlJ tf.Jc~'D. .:~.~
2 ) laccpe tlJpfootefrom naflebndfe, anbtl)p 2 't-ift bpdJinc ere.a totfJe 1J1e places, anri ::\
~iotc t"tom t11irll,ant1 tl)ou t(Jint.ea in tl!p fclfe, loolic 'all:)ere d}ott l.Jall notbme Delllell:tl]ou (Jail ~~
, ~~· P"~"· t~~~ 1 "'ill take no ro:o\\le, foi 1 haue loueb \\latteb fo: tfJem in tl)e are:ete.a. anb SI a mut'bt, ~<
:~·:;::~~Wf! 6 •• ~ngc1l!l,anb tlJcm 'Will']\ follo\De:, rer in t(Jc \DilDmiell'e:, tl}1otrltl1 tlJr \DIJ01enome -~
~·.~~:·~r"~~· cotni;111cill'S a t\Jiefe tl}at i!S taben \DitlJ tl)e: beeb an!> 01amefull bla()JIJemtef if tl:JC lanll Defilell.
:,·, ·
""'b"'•'· clcoit ctl}to«Jamt~ e:ue:nroistl)el)ourcor']lrra• ~(Jil!I tatl)e canre: d}att(lerarncanb cut• i'~
u,,. tb•m '"
"P'""""' hinrrstcanllto conruaon , ~ ..,e common propIe, ... ..,car. nmg. 3 bea\D IJa""" ~ b:""'OU
•., ua.e h - trottcn tlJ
•11 .,au.1' cc an h:~
~:~~:::i:~l,'!· 2~ ru1tr11,tl)cir pitttl!!l anb p7op1Jetis : \IJl)o1e• fo1e1Jeat1,al1'b \lllltnot bt afbanteD. "1~
of0r&l1• t1J"r·a1f~~tl)epfap
O<rllllbtbt • nutoau toa --- -hou a..• tm"t''•a,
°"U-.:,.....,., 4 """t'tthounot1Jercafterfat1bnto1ne
""" OJ C ""'I'"'
,;qv,,C ''.·,·~,'
r•U•lD••1•1 tlJcp.lJauctu onMtl)ouIJallbe§ottcnme::rca, fat1Jer,tbouart1Jct1Jat1Jall tnou(JIJt ntcbp,anll ,~
:~:~!~~;~ ttJeir race. b:f~ :et~ bache hpon mce. anti not leb me from mrtoutlJ: . '\~t
r.~1r~.:i~~:1· tl)cv rav ~tanll bp ~~~ ~f ttJcir ttouble,'lllben s net11 <3ob continue IJtf \11Jl1tlJ fo~ euW.'anll ~~
~~~~~~.. 28 I fu3!1 anl\vcrc the .,e J!!.?'S!I: IJe kerpe our raulttsin memotte to tlJe eno :'Jae• ~ ·(
111r1101ont••· rrollS5 """at thou "'all- m, ...,..,ere are no'IDetlJp uerdJClell'e..t1Jou~aflellf11dJ\Do1llef,bUtt(Jo11 i~.~·
"""· "' "
•i ., . mabe tl1e£ :' btb tlJem lan'b artcuer llotng \Do~fe anD \\'IO~fe to tlJe bttcnnol? .\~
·c~,~-~b_p,_a_nll_be~lp~c_tb~e_c_1n_t~lJ~c~ti~m~e~of~tlJ~p~n~c~et1~e~:~m~~~e~f~tlJ~F~P~O'l»~et~.--~------_J!_____. ·~~~'
-. -~ I
·-----~~------_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___:6~~E!b!!£!_1--·~l
- • ~
11 frael backfliding, Chap.iiij. is exhorted to returne.
6 ~ge JJ.,o~l> fail> alfo bnto me in tlJe time or tlJer (Jaue lle6lell tlJein:1ap, anb fo1gotten <Doi>
lerr.2,10, ]ofialJ tl]e flini;J, * ll;lalt tlJou reene wl]at tlJat re• tl:)eir JLo:"·
bcllious ]rract tJatl) Done:' bo\D lbe l]adJ run bp 2 2 ilD pcelltrob£lllmt cl]tlll1m, turneagalnc,
\lpon all tlJe hmes, anb among all tlJidit trees, ano ro 111all pee l]eak pour bamturntnp. JLoe,
ano tlJm plapell tl)e IJarlot :' \Dre cometmto tfJtt, fo1 ti.Jou art tlJe :JLo:b our
7 f)alt tl}ou rttne alfo tol)en mce I.Jal> Done '3oll.
au tl.Ji~, (Jo\De '31 rapll bnto i,er, ttJat 11.Jee 11JoulD •3 ~tuelp in bainc is l)ealtlJ l)opeb fo: from
tume againe bnto me, anll pet 11.Jee is not retur• t(Je l'Jtls, be tlJer neucr ro manp: but tlJe (JealtlJ
neD:''.lluoa tlJat bnf.aitlJfull lilltt of(Jcrs alfo raw of'llfrael aanlletl) onelp bpon 000 ourJLo:b.
tg1s: 24 Gtonrunon )JatlJ lleuounlJ our fatl]cr.IS la•
s ~nmelp, tlJat after'.) lJa'll \Den recne tlJe bourfr~ourpouti, bp, pea ttJeir llJeep anll bul<
allultcnc or tl)e OJ:inlling (Jarlot '.J\fracl, '31 put locrts,t1Je1rronneun1> oauglJtcrs.
(Jtra'tllai',anogaue(JerabilloClliuo:cement:fo: 2 5 ~o l>oe \llrcalfolleepe in our co11rurion,

all tbiUJcr unraitlJfUI Ciltcr ']Juba \Das not allJa• anll OJame coucretlJ bS: ro1 \Dee anll our fatlJcrs
men.but 'alent bacl!e anll plapell tfJe wlJo;ie. rro~n ourroutlJ bp bnto tfJif5 llap, IJaue finnell a·
9 Pea.~ ti.Jc \llantonneae ofl)er \DlJo:ellot~ gama tfJe lLo:ll our ©ob, an1> IJaue not obeiell
l]atl) l>cftlell tl)e 'llllJole lanll: ro1 llJe IJatlJ commit, tl}e botu of ttJr JLo1ll our 0011.
ten fomication \DitlJ aockt.6 anll ftoncs. Th h
ro ·ii}euertl)cle!Te, (Jer bn~it(Jfull lilltt]Ulla e iiij. C apter,
ts not returne?J bnto me a1.t1nne 'lUJtlJ l}er \tl(Jole i. The true repentance or rcmrning co God. 4 Hee

(Jeart,bUt fainc!Jlp,faitl) tl}c :ll.oill.
1 I an'IJ tlJC)LO~lJ fapll UtltO me' ~~C baCfl«i'
ller']frael. issmo~c riglJUOUl!ltl}entbebnfaitlJ•
full ]uoa.
12 an11 tfJmfoie goc p~eacb tlJcfc moibcs to'
'alarll t(Jc Jao:t(J,ann rap, ~ou lltfobcllient ]f,
rael,turne agatne,rattlJ tl)c JLo:l>, anll ~ 'lllil not
rllexhorcech to the: circumcifion ofche heart. 5 The
detlrucbon ofluricis prophcficd for the malice of
their hearts.
'.]lfracl, if ti.Jou 'tlltlt turne ti.Jee;
t(Jen cumc tmto mcc ratetIJ ttJc

lLo:n : anti if tlJon 'alilt put a'tllar

tfJine abominations out of mr
•• Mn1.tmr \lJ~atlJIJponrou: fo~'ll am merctfull, figfJt,tfJoutlJaltnotbemoouell,
I rattl] Cl)c JL o:n, ann 'JI \tltll not altoap bcarc bif, 2 an11 llJt11t f\tleare. ~e :ll.o:ll liuetlJ tn trutlJ,
..... plcarure a11atna tl)ee.
1 3 15ut on tl)tss conllition, tlJat tlJott fmobJe
in equitie anll rig(Jtcournetre,anll all people llJal
be fo:tunablc anll topful in IJint.
~ tl)pgrcatblafplJcmie,namclp,t(JattfJoUIJaabn• 3 ~o~tl.JUS faitlJ tlJe Jlo~lJ to all ')lUllaanl>
faittJfullr foi£at1rn t(Je ·,11..0~1> tlJy C3oll, anll (Jaa 'i~rufalem, * 19lo'tll pourlanl:J, an!J rowc not a· Q(oc ro.I:
maoc tbp rctre partaker of arange QO!Jl!I, bnllcr mong ttJe t1Jome1.
au {Jreenc trees. anll IJalt (Jal> no 'lllll to l}eare mp 4 '3c circumcffelJ fntlJe 'JLoib, an!J cut awar
tJoice,faitlJ tbe ·.fl.,0111. tlJe fo:errdn or pour (Jeartss,an re of'.lu!JS,anll al
r.r 14 © pe llifobrllicnt dJ'1lllen, turne agatne, ti.Jr inll'lllellcrf5 or~ternralem: t(Jat mme inotg•
rattlJ ti)c 'JL01l'l, anll '31 'tllm be marrtcll \DitlJ pou: nation b~cabenotout lilie fire anl:l llinlllc,ro ttJat
roi '.Jl 'alill tafleone out of tbe citic, anti t'roo out no man mar qucnctJ it,becaure of t11e 'tllic1te1>ncf5
or one 11enrration from amon~ pou, ann b1ing orrour imaginations.
pouinto~ion, · 5 ~:eacf)tn'31ullaan1>~icrufalcm, crieottt
1~ ann 'tllill gtuc roul]earnmen after mine au11tpcahe,blo'lllctlJettumpct.aintl)cla11t1,crtc,
o'tllne min'be,\Dl)tcl) tlJall feel.I rou toitb learning t(Jat cuetf man map l]care, ano far, ©atl)cr rou
ann \Difellomc. to11etl)er.anll \De 'tl'lil {toe into arong cities.
16 {lll)o~eoucr,'rol)cn rr be tncrcafel> anl> mui. 6 ~ct up tlJc token in ~ion,fpceb rou, anll
tipltcn in tl)e lann, tlJen faitlJ tl)e JL0111e, ~ere make no tarring : " fo~ 'JI \nil b~ing a great krr.1.14.
ll)all no mo~e boaa bee mabe of ttJe arhe of t{Je plague,anll a great llcftraction from tfJe Jao~tlJ.
·.11..01nis ·~ctl11mcnt: no man llJall tl)inlle bpon it, 7 ~o~ tlJc fpmkr of tl)c ©cntiles is bJolicn
neitl)cr llJall anp man make mention of it : fo1 bp from IJil place, as a )!.,ion out of IJiS !Jenne,
from tl)encefoitb it 1lJall neitl]cr bee bifite!J, net• tlJat i:Jee map make tt:Jp tanll 'alailc, anll llcilror
tlJcr llJall fudJ tbin{t be none anp mo1e. tl)e cittes,ro tt:iatno man map l>\Def tlJmin.
17 QJcn lball l!}ieruralem bee caOell, ~e 8 11Jl]trero1c gir!J pour frlucs about \llttlJ
'JL01lll feate.anll au tl)catlJen ll)albe gatl)ercn bn, racrtdotlJ, moume anll weepe: fo1 tlJc rtarerul
to tt roi tlJe name of tlJe '.fl.,o~bS fa&e'all,JiclJ lbalbc 'al1atfJ or tl)e JLo:!J is not \llitlJll1a\lJcn from bs.
ret at l~icrufalem: an'b ftom tfJs~ til~e fo:tlJ tlJep 1 at tbe fame ttme,raitfJ ti.Jc )Lo:n. tfJc l]cart
ll)all follo'alenomo1e tlJe imagmation oftl]etr oftl]eking anllortlJe p1incef511Jalbc gone, tl]e
oUJnc fro\l'Jar1:11Jeart. p1tetts ilJalbeaaomllJell, anll t1Jep1op1Jcts ll)albe
18 ~llen thofc ttJat bee or tl:)c (Joure or Juba fo1e afraill.
11.Jal goe tnto tl)e l)oule of ']\fracl, .anll tlJer 111all 1 o ~en faill ']l,© J1..01!J af5oll, (Ja(t tl)ou tfJm
come togettm out of tl)c f.)o:tl:J , mto tlJc fame lleceiuell tlJii! people anll ~icrufaletn, raring, !?c
lanlltl:Jat'Jji:Jaucgiucnpourfatl)ers. 11.Jal(Jaue.peacc, anbnom t(Je f'tDOJll goetl}tlJO•
1 9 ']!(Jane tl)ou~(Jt tl.}us, $0\n llJall jl take ro'tlle tl)etr lme~1
tf]ee among mp c\ltUIJCtl, anti gme a pleafant 1 1 ~en UJalit bee fai!J to tfJe people anlJ ll)(c,
lanl> ro: t(JtnelJcrit~e. rea,anb a goolllp I.Jolie of ru~alem, a llrongwinll in tfJe IJiglJ places of t(Jc
tlJe i,eattJen :' an1> 'JI rapll, Cltall me fatl}tt, an11 \llllllcrnecrc c~mmetlJ tlJJOUgl} tlJe \tll}P'Of mr
llJJinhe not from me. . pcaplc. butneittJer to fan no: to ckanft'.
2 o ~tudp, ltbeR!S 8 Uloman fatletl.J IJttl)Uf. n ~Utct tlJat 11Jalt1Jtte come blltD me a th'ong II
ban'b,foan re bnraitl}full unto me,Sll> pee 1Joufe w11111e from tlJofc plactl!I, an'lltl)en wiH '.]] a1ro
of'.)frael.Caitl;J tl,Je ·Jl.,oJll. giuefentence bJJOU tf]cm. .· i
2 1 ~c ooice of tlJe d1ill1Jen or ']lfrael 'tllais 1 3 1foi lot, IJ~ a~ ti cloul:le , anll IJ1.a
IJearll on IJiglJ, \Deepin« an!J toatltng, . fo~ tl]at c~arets are liW a ttoilll(e \llin11e, l)iS (Jo~f£S arc I
~-...,I,---__:....::..:.. _ __:_--=---....::;_------- f"rotftrr1 i
\IV ife to do euil. Jeremie. In Iurie none righteous.
f\lliftcr tl)cn ~e ~agk: 11&0 bnto 11,s, r~ tile are ai,, tDo ts mee, IJo\D f01e ~el> anti ratnt tis mr
~r!lrc.rco. . 1Jeartf~rcareofd1ennmimTIS1
14 iaD l!)fmrfstnn, 1Dalb d]tne l)eart rrom Thcv.Chapter.
\Dtdiellnes,tlJat t1J0t1maidl ~ l]elp~D:l)Obl lottg 1 Jn Jury i&rhcrc no righteous or faithful man found,
fiJill tl'lp bS'ine tl]ouglJtS remame\Ditl.J ti.Jet:' . either :imongn rhc people, or the Rulers, forwho!c
Is .fo, a bolre from ~an, anb from tlJe IJtO
of cfptnatm fiJeaflrtlJ out,anl> telktlJ of 8 bellru,
16 Jiiemmtbert1Je$eatl]m,allbgmel,liem'
falcm \llarning. anll 111cac:1J tmto i,er, t(Jat \llat,
rlJers ouer JJer are i::om1ntn11 from farre c:oun•
fake the Lord lhould fp:ire diccitic. Is Wherefore
Iury is dclhoycd of thC Atfyrians.
tlJDJDUl .,temra1m1, be:
lJollle, anll rec, feme tlJo~o\ll l)cr
ftncts alfo wttl)in,tftc mn finbe
trers, tJ;Jcr l]aue meb out agatnll tl]e nties of one man tlJat botlJ equal (I ngl.Jt,
] uoa. o, fttlictl) foJ tl)e tmctb, anll ~
1 7 mm tfJcr IJaue beret IJcr about fn cuerr llJal fpare tlJet:ttp,faitl) tl)e :n.oil:I.
place, lihe as tlJe tvatmmen tn tl]e fiell>: foi ti.Jet 2 ~01 t1Jougl) tlJep ~an rap, ~e JL,oib liuetl):

11auc p~ouoheb !l'eto tv:RtlJ, fattl] tl)e :n.010. t'cttlJet' f\Dtare tottecriue.
Wi(J,1.8. 18 *-<XlJF \llcncis \l tlJp ttJouglJts IJaue b101ig1Jt 3 .tl9l]ereas tl)ou (© JL,~) looJietf onel! bp•
tIJce tmto ti.Jilt, rue() is tl}tnc omnc wtrlicllncllc on faitl) anti truetlJ : ~l]ou IJat"t rwurgeil tl)em,
Cllli.l zitrobc1>tmce: anb bcc:aure tc tlt a bttm t~tng. but tlJep tool'ic no repentance, tl]ou IJat"t i::o:rrci;.
it i)atIJ artclirn ti) cc to tl)c f;Jcart. teb t1Jc1.u fo~ ammllmmt, but tlJey rcrufcb tlJp
19 g{Jmp bcllr, al)mpbellp, fiJalt tl)oucrp, com~mon, tlJep mabe ti.Jew faus1Jar11ertl)ma
(Jo wi)1 mp I) cart fo ro,e1mr I} cart pantetfJ \llitlJ' Uone,anb \lloulb not amenb.
in me,'.]] rannot be llil, foi '.ll IJaue l}earb tlJc '"1' 4 ~IJereroie ~ tl)ougl:Jt in mr re1rc, lSeran.
inll of tl)c ~rumprts anti peak~ of \Dam. uenture ti.Jet' arc_ro fimplc anll roolitlJ, tIJattl.Jep
2 o ~lJcr err murller bpon murller, tlJe 'ml)ole bnlmtlann notl;Jing OftlJe :n.o~bS 1\lar,anll iuDl.t'
Ianll tlJal peritb: '.)mmcbtatlp mp tent15 \llm be• mentl5 of tlJeir <ll5ob.
tlroreo, anb mp l)an~tngiHn tl]U\llincfding of s ~lJttefo~c \lift 11 goc bnto ttJeit lJeall.Unb
an c~e. ruler15, anci talftc blttl] tl]em, ff tlJep lmo\ll ti.Jc
21 l9oto long Rial '.JI fee tlJe to1tm15 or'marre, war or ti.Jc ll.oill, anti iullgemcm15 of tlJetr <!!5011!
anti lJcare tl)e notfc oft(Je trumprtJ51 ~ut tllefc in like m:iner l)auc b~otren tl)epolte,attb
22 Ncuertheldfc, chis lhall come vpon them, be• bUrQ:tlJebonbl5infunllr.r.
cauremr people are bccomcfoolia.J.1Jnb l)atfJ not 6 ml]erero~c a l..ton out of tlJe \Doon l)attJ
tmomen me: tlJey arc tlJe dJilll~tn offooltamess, IJUrt tlJem, anll a \Doire in tl]e eucntng a1alf DC•
nnll miflJout anr bifcretton : to 11oe ruil tlJep aror tl.Jem,tl)c:Uop1tr11DottJ 11e1urmngbrt1Jm
l}auc 'wit rnougt) )but to noc \llcl tlJer lJaue no t:ttte15,to teare tn pteu15 al tlJem tlJat come tl)ere:
'wifellome. out: roi tl}tir offem:cs Rre multtplirD, ann tf.Jcit
23 ']l)aucloolie'ilbpontf)e cartf1, an'il ftt, tt bepattin~a\Dapisini::reareo.
'alas tontle anll tioibe: '.] tookeb tomarti l}eaurn, 7 ~l)outn ') tfJen Co~ al tlJil l)auc mmp tip~
anil it bab no fl)ine. on tlJtt-! ~P i;IJilll~en IJaue fo~faflm mrc, ann
14 1 bcl)ellle tl)e mountS'incis, anl:l loe, tlJey f\Dome bl:' tl)em tfJat arc no <&Jons: anll albrit
ttrmblell,antl all tl)c lJil~ were in a rtarc. t~at'.) fell tf;Jem to t(Je ful, pet tlJcr fall to atiutte•
2 5 '.]I lookcll about me, anll tl)ere waisno bO• nc.ann bauntl:JarlotS l)ourrs.
nr: anll altl)e birbS ortl)e aire were awar. 8 *'.]In tfJe orrrre or bncteanclp lull tl]ey are Eu.u. 11 .•
2 6 1 nurltrb wcl, anb t(Je tJlOblctl fieloe \Dass become lihe tl]e ncncll 1Jo~f£, cu err man neiglJ•
become walle, fta, al t{Jetr cute15 \llei""Cb10Jren e"1at1Ji15nei@bourismtre.
llo\lJnc at tl)e pir.remc or tl]c JL.o~b. anb tnbipia• 9 ~l)oulll 1 not cozrei::t t)Ji!S.faitl) tile iLo~tl1
tion ofl)i~ \lJJatl). 11.Joulb 'Jl not bee aucn~cb orcuerp people tl)at ts
17 f o~ tl)ul5 tlatl] tfJc Jl,oJll faille, ~c \lll]ole lifle bnto tlJtlS -: ,
lanb fiJall bee l:lefolatc, ret mil 91 not tl)m (Jaue 1 o ~ime bp bpon tbeir wanes, beatc dJrm :
none. llO\lJne, anb •llcllrop tlJem not btterlp: tafic a• :,f.':['..':" '
2 s ann tl)mfote fl.Jal tl.)e eartl) moume, anb map tfJtir battlements, tcc:aurc tl)ep are not tfJe :'ct'::" t
tl)e l)cauen bee foj11 aboue : foi tlJe tllin~ tl)at '.]! ll.01bs. •"" 1'
haue fpohen to tl.)e ~Jopl]ctlS, purpofetl, anb ta• 1 r fOJ bnfaidJfullt' hatlJ ti.Jc 11oure of'.]Jfrad :~;•• ~
fien bpon me to no,llJal not repent mt, anti '.]I \»ii anb ']utla fo1faflm me,faitl) tlJe 't.D1ll. . m:.=: l
not!_\oftomit. 12 qerl)auenmtc6 ttJeJL.~n,anD fatll, 9!t :=::. t
2 9 ~l)C\DIJolelanb fl.Jilli flee~ tl)e norfe of tssnotl)t th:ulookcthvponvs,t'U1JJ, dJm flJaUno t::::S,
l,lo1fe1nen anti bo\llmen, tl)ep llJall runnc into mirro1tune i::omcbponlllS, tvee fllall fctncitl:Jcr ... =~:
o~nneis~tnto \lloobs, ~titme bp tl]e aonp rochcii: C'ttlotll noi IJunger.
~!~~t'ntti. eis ll.Jatbeb011t1c,anbno manll\llelltng 13 aisroit1Jetoamin1oft1Jel&JOPl:Jet~ itis :i-11111.irt
:1~·111 ~
•J..... bUt tvilllle, rea, tl:Jere QI not dJe lll01b of ©ob in ·
3° ~ll11t 'tllilt tlJou no'tll boe, tl)ou brinl be- tlJrln:fucl) tl)inp IJ)lllJ&ppen1Jnto tlJcinfclues.
~toteb. <Jfoi t1JoU«bt1Joui::lot1Jelltl:Jrfetrt\Dttl) 14 1191:Jmfo.ze t.IJU#fat'ttlJ ttie Jl.OJll <&Job of
cartrt, ann bttlitlffl)ee '1lttlJ goID. tlJOUliJ tl}ou fJoftJ, '5uaufe pc fiJtake CudJ *»l>JbS,belJolt>, ttJc
paintt~ tl}v race '1lttlJ coloUis notDe fet f1J81t 'mOJll• ttJat ate in d1l' moutl:J 1\ll'l] turnc to ftre,
ru::~~t!"dfe in bat112 : ijfDj tlJofe ti.Jilt I.Ji: a111> make t1Jt pdllle bee 'mDDll, tl}at tl;le fire
anb go about~~ tlJ!!outtis, ll>aU a1J1101re tIJee. 11181:' conrume tlJcm.
,. l"Jlk av •.,ee. 1 5 J..oe,~blillninla~oplcbponpoufrom
3r :11OJ -'~"~ea noifUike astt \l.lm of1111!0, fsm, ~ l;loUfe of1ltatl. fattlJ tl)e J.,oJD,a migt)•
m~n trauatlm~, ~bone labourtnmoe 1)er lid tit people, anoloe people,apeople\DIJDfelpeacl)
clnlo, tum tlJt bo1ce t.ttl)e" ..,at ..-.. flnolll-not ntitlJtr bnDmtant>ell - t ~
. , _____i'_a_~_ctl)-o-ut IJet anncs, attb l"a:lo~_";a/_,_G.Pm,-=---...,~·_,_tf:-er.=....ti_·llt'-=-·----·-·-;_.------=-=-~·JR...!---~
-'-. 16'G[;l)e1r1 -~
16 ~11etrarrowe• ~ttfutlben bead}, pea, tl}cp
tl} bcrp <5~.
an1> t:ellll~ 110~11, 'to IJct lbal come d}c •tl)ep' ~,;i;~~ :~·t
1Jcar1>s \llttlJ tl}ctr tloclles. '~'ir M ..,
17 ~IJt• people fllaleatebptfWfmitanl>tlJl:' 3 ~IJmtcntsfl)aH t1Jer pttd) roun1>about f~:1~.·,·.;~~.~
mr.att.rca,tl.Jct' II.Jal l>etrotitc tlJF fonne• ailb ttw 1Jcr,an1> eucrp one tIJaO feeb in lJJJ place. ~.~r,;ii.~~~,.
llaulJl)terlS, tfJt' OJecpe anll tlJ1' bUllocltlS, tl)ep 4 ~ahe battell aiJainff f)er, lh:dl they fay, a, 1111 ••·
IJ)aleat bp tlJr !Jfapes an1> figs: ad foi dJF ttrong rtfc,let bd go bp \UIJile it is rec 11av: alas tfJe t1ap
~ anll wen befenceb cities wl}crein t!Jou t111>t1ell goct}J awar. an1> t(Je nig(Jt lbal>o\Ues fat bo'ronc.
~" mill. tlJer tlJallniniJ to poucrtie.,' tl}atttnoug(J 5 artrc, lctbJ go bp bl:' nig(Jt,anbl>eftrol? IJer
,,1 tl]ef'roo:b. ftrong{Joltls.
\·; 1 s JeeucrtfJdeffe, 'JI \lid not tl)en 1Jaue bone 6 \11'0: tlJus IJatlJ tlJc :t,01t1 of f)o«e; com,
'.l~ tuidJ pou, faidJ t(Je JL,o:t1. manbcb, 'e'ro bo'rone (Jct cm;, anll fct bp bul,
~~e.16. • o. 19 • '.lButtr tlJer fap,ueberero:c botlJ tlJc JL,011> warfls !Jgait:tlll~ierufalcm: ro: tl)ctime ts ~ome
\1 otml3ot1 an tlJtnnco bl'51 ~en anrwere t(Jem, tlJat tl)i1H1tte mutt be punill.leb, fo~ inlJer 11S au
.l ~ l5ecaUfet(Jat ltfieaispelJaue fo:faken ntte, anb maltctoufnclfe.
:~k ferUCI> ftrangc gobs in pour tantl, euen fo ilJal pc 7 l.-tke ais a co111>uit fpo\lltetl} out mam;,ro
tf' cerue ftrangeris out ofpour tanll. fl.le Cpo'mtctlJ out IJct michelme(('e: Eobbcrp anti
~~ io ~:eac1Jtbi1Sbntot1Jc1.Jou£eof '.)acob, anti 1:1nn:gl}tcournelfc is l}carb in (Jcr, ro~rome anb
: 'I ap it outin '.)lu'lla, anb fap tl)u~, · . mounois are euer tl}ere in mp OglJt.
, ~~6.9 •
21 *$care: tl}iS, tlJOU fooltfl:J anl> blllllfcrCCt 8 amcnt1 tlJee ( SD $ierufalem) (ell jj \llltlJ'
t ~ people, f e{Jaue cticis, but re rec not, ean151Jauc
pc, but pc IJcarc not.
1>1am mr IJeart from tlJee, anb malie t(Jec nero'
late, ann tl;Jp lann alfo, tf:Jat no man '!Imel tn it.
2 i 1fearc pc notmee, faitlJ tl)e Jl.,o~b 1\tlil pee 9 1foi tl)u,s ratt(J tf:Jc JL,o~t'I ortJoftcf5, ~I.Jc re'
not tremble atmpwermce 1 'mlJiclJ btnnc tlJe rca fibuc oCj\fracI 11Jall be gat1Jm1> as ttJc remnant
mitlJ tl}c ra1111e bp a 'ontinuaU nccrct. £0 tlJat tt ofgrapc,;i: anb tIJeno:e turnc t(Jinc lJann agatnc
cannotpatrc IJiS bOUnlltl: fo~ t(Jougl) it rage, pct into ti.Jc baflict.liftc t(Je grape (atl}mr.
can itbocnot(Jing,anb tlJou!Jb t(Jc \llaueis tl)erc' 10 '.lBnt bnto 'rolJom 11)aU 'j fpeaitc 1 tul)om
orbo ftDcl,pct map tlJCl:' not goc oucr. flJall] mamc, tl}at (Jee map tallc 1:Jeet1e 1 '4t.l}eir
2 3 '6ut tl}iS people (JatlJ a ram~ anb oblli, eareis are ro bncircumdren. tl)at tlJcF mar not
natc l)eart, tlJCl:' an 1>eparcc1> anb iJOOe a'\Dap (Jearc: bcl}olt'I, tiJcr take t(Jc \11011> of©ob but co:
from me. a fcome..anb IJaue no lull tl)Creto.
24 ~IJcp tl:Jinke not in tlJeir !)carts. SD let bl! 11 anb tl)ercroie ']I am fo ftd ortl:Jtne inbiiJOa'
feair tl)e JL,o:n our <iPon, \UlJo giuctlJ blS rainc tton, ®Jl..o~n. tl)at']I mar rufferno longer.but
carlp anb late. \DI.Jen necb ii>, \ll(JiclJ heepctIJ euer '1Jcb it out bpon tbe c(Jilt'l~en t(Jat arc '\Dit(Jout,
llil tl}e l}aruell ro: 1:1ss rcerclp. anb upon at pong men: pea, t(Je man nmll be ta,
i5 Jaeuertl)elelfc, pour mtfocc1>et1 (Jaue tur, rtcnp~ifonertoitl) tl)c \llifc, anb tlJc ageb mttl)
ncbtl}efc frompou, anb pour frnness l,Jaucrob, tlJecrccple.
betl rou of goon t(Jingis. 1 2 -m;l}rn (Joures '\DftlJ tlJtir lannss anb 'mtuc:Sl
26 tjfo~ among mp people are founbe 'mickcb flJalbe turne'll into flrangcrs:s : foi 'JI mil llrctch
PCf(onS, tlJat pitutlp lap fnaress anti \llattc fo~ ou.t mtnc (Jann bpon tl)c inllabttcr,;i of tlJi~ lano,
mm to tallc t(lem,ant'I 1>elfrop tl}em. raitlJ t(lr. JL,0~1>.
27 anntillca•anettsfulofbtr1> aretf)cir 13 *1fo~ from t~e Ieall totl}emo!f tl.)epIJang u,;·> 6•11 •
llout:eis run of t(Jat 'ml)icl) t(Jep l)aue gotten mttl} al bpon 'ouctournelfe, ano from tl)c p~oplJct bn, 1"'· 8· 10 •
.H.' fallbool:I an1> Deceit: ~mof commetl) tiJeir great to tIJe p:icll,t(Jep go about ralllJOO'll ano lie~.
;i:i.-; fubllancc anb mlJcs. · · 14 aniJ bcribc tl1at, tlJcr (lcalc tlJc llurt of mr
::ii' 28 $crcofare tlJtl:' fat anti toealtlJp, anb arc peoplcmitlJ rwcet\1101t1s, raping. l0cace, peace:
1.11. moie 1nifcl)ieuous tl)en anp otl}er : * tlley mi' 'W(Jen tl)ctc iSS no peace at all.
.,;M.1o. ntltcrnot tl}e 'JLam , tl)cp mafieno cnbc ortl.)C fa, 1; 110ere tlJCl:' aU)amcll 'llll)en tlJCl' IJab com'
&1 tl}erleffc caurc. rca anti tl)ep p:orpcr: pct tl)ep mittc:b abomination :>-m;ruclp nap, t}Jcp be pan
., iut1ge nottlJc poo1e acco:btng to cquitie. fiJamc, anb tberefoJc tbcp fiJal fall among tlJe
A 2 9 ~(louln 1 not punifl) t(Jcfc tl)ings, raitf) aaine, anti tn tl:Je iJourc 'rolJcn 'JI tIJal bifitc tl)cm,
·¢5) tlJt'Jl.,o~l> :' llJOUlb not '3l bee auengcb of alUucl) tlJep llJalbc b~oug(Jt bo'mne,rattIJ tbe JLo~n.
-~.,1~ people aistlJefe be:' · 16 ~l)usfaitlJtlJC JL011>, <IESn into tl}e llrccts,
'l 30 1901rwtc anb iJticuous tl:Jin~ are 'llonein conntier allll mafic tnciuifition io~ t}Jc 010 mar,
i' tl.)e lanb. anb trtt bee tl)e goon an1>rigflt'Wap, *tlJcn goc Mar.u.~9
31 ~e p:opl)c~ teatl) fatar, anb tlJe wea, t(Jercin , tlJat re mar finbc rell ro.i rour rou1c~ : •
d)eris meiue gtftfS, anti mp people batlJ pleafure but tlJey rap, 110e \1111 not '\Dallie tl}ercin.
t11erctn: to(Jat mil 'omc tgereor at t(Je taa '! 11 S!@o1couer, 'JI \Uil fct \Datcl)mcn oucr rou.
The vj. Chapter. anb tlJerefo1c tafic l)ecn bnto tl}e bop cc or t)Je
r The finncs for which Hicrufalcm is alflieted. Jo ~rumpct:buttIJepfar,l10c'roilnottalicl)ecb, / i
~: 1 s ~care t1.Jmro1c , re <IEScntilcs, anb tlJOU ,. /
~~~ Vncircumcifcd eares, 1 3 coueroufneffe, 4 de- 1 coniJtcgation fllalt lmom \tll)at '.JI l)auc ncuifcil
~~~ ccit, 2 o The Lord reiedeth the facrifices of the roi tl)em. •
J'l"'t.i; Icwes. :u The comming of the Babylonians is 19 $care tl)ou eartl} alfo: l8el)olb, '.)l mt 1
~SJ prophecicd againc. . caurcapla{tlle ~o come ~pon tlJiil people , 1 ,
,._~ .~ln£ out or, ffr5g tl}e fnnt of tlJetr omne 1maginationis, at I
~~ d)ilnico of l8entamin, b~'m tip tl}ey taut not bene obebient bnto o.zt1s, H ... "' 1• I
~l tl}e ~rumpctis pc ~ccmteis, fct anb to mp l.a'W, but abl)o,reb tl)et ~·~~:.r..·,:" !
J. bp a tofm1 unto '.lBetlJca!an : foi 20 *1101Jmro1e b~tniJpe me re from ~a, """'''"'"lh ;
.tf,. aplaguc anb a ~eat m1rcrp ap, ba, anti f\Dcete findling € us from farrr b;~;.~:. ~~~~' !
1ri~ pe.audJ out from tl)e Y,lo:tl}. countteis7 tirour 'ml)ole "'" ofthngs oifptrarc i::::t~.~t!.'.,";' '
~Ii~_ 2 '31 \llll lttten the nau~l)tcr ~ton to a fairt me,11n1>']l rciorce notfr~ur famficcs. ;",~.r.:~:'." 11' i
'J" ~--'---~.:.:.:_:_::_:_.:.:....:..:.:..:._:~~_..:_----'------'-'---';__-;rz 2 J ~lllJ I I
Hypocrifie reproued. Jeremie. \IVhat God requireth.
:i.1 gno tl)crcro1c tl)uJJ rarctlJ ttJc JL.wb, '.15~· beguile rou. anb bo eouno goon.
IJoU>e, ~'Williar aumbling blomcs among tlJl'5 9 cJl'o1 ml)cn rce l:)llUt llolen, mmbereb,com.
people, ann there tllall rail. at tl}em tlJC mitt.ell anultctie, anll pmulit, 'dll)cn re l:)aue of
wit() tl)e cl)ilD1cn, one nc1~bour lbaft Petifb fmbbnto:>5aal, folo\llingftrangobnlmo\tlm
tllitlJ anotlJrr. gotJJJ: OJal pc be tmpunttlJeb:'
2 2 -m-tJus rattlJ tl}c JL.011>, '.15C1Jolbc,tl.Jcrc 01111 10 }!?ct ctJcn ronu re , anti ftanb bcroic met In
come RJ:!Coplcfroni t1JeJF.lo1t1J,anna great people tl.Jis IJaufe(\lllJiclJ lJatlJ mr ~amc gtum bnto it)
llJat anfc trom tl}c cnns or ~c card]. ann far, ~utlJ,\tic arc abfolucb quitc,tl.Jou@ \De
3 witlJ bo\llcS anti \ll1t1J nart- IIJaD tlJey be l)auc none al tf:lcfe abominations.
tncaponcD,it is a rou~ anti ficr'e peoplc,ann an 11 1t91Jat/'t1Jtnlie rou tlJi~ lJouretl.Jat braretlJ Mar,z 1, ;
bmnmrfUll people, tlJcir boice roarctl) lifle tl)c mr jf)ame,_tU llcnnc Of tlJICUCS. ~lJ rct] fee mar.1 1.1111:.
'31ca,t1Jcp title bpon 1Jo1Ccs \\lei appointclJ to tf:le what you thmke, faft{J tl}e JL.oilJ. lukc 19,._
battclagaintltfJce,SlDlJauglJttt~ion. u dJoe to Ill\' place tn ~tlo, b:IJ1crcunto ji ;
2 4 G;(Jc rame oftlJein l'laue \\lee l)earll, our 11_auem11f.lameafo~ctimc,*anblookeb:ldb:llJat :
~~~~v~·.~~,!' armcs arc feeble, 'tJeautneffe anlJ ro,ro~e il'5 IJl 1Jib to ~famt plR~ foi tl)e lllickelJnelfe ortm. Pfi~u6· 1· 1~· 1
1 """" 11 '~.. romc bpon b"' 8"' bpon a woman trauatlln" peopltof fraeL MC c ai, S·I:~
0o~a move· '1 • • 111 ~ 2'
~~~~.i~i:' \ll1t1J clJtllJe, . 1 3 9nll no\D feeing ree f)aue !Jone all tlJcfe ~
bra rt t•ilrrb. 2 s Jl,et no man goe fo~tlJ mto tl,Je &Ille.let no llee~JS,faitl) tl)e JL.0111,anlJ 11 mp fclfe rore bp cucr
t~;~;~~u .r man come bpon tlJt l;Jt_gl;J ftrcct: f~ d,Je fUJoilJe bcnmc~ to 'Warne rou, anlJ to commune \DitlJ iJ!
anti feare of tlJc mcmr us on cucrr anc. rou, ftt b:loultJ rce not l}ear.e mee, '.JI caUclJ, pct !\".
16 tWl)crefo~e ~rll a CacltclotlJ about tl)ee, !lI> b:loulll not an rm ere : ~:
t{Jou oau~(Jtcr of mp people, QJztneflle ttw fclfc 14 ~l;Jcrero,c, *cue~ 111'5] l}aue llone bnto ~i' 1.Kiag.+ r~
\DitlJ aflJtts: mourne ann b:lcepe bittcrlp, i$S bp• lo, ro b:ltll '.JI noc to tl)1JS (Joure tl)at mp ~amt ts 1 j. :
on tlJine onclp bclouen ronnc , eo, tl)c llellrorcr gium bnto, ano tt.Jat pee put pouc trull in: 1'ea. ~
llJBll ruonenlp fal bpon bf5. bnto tl)e pla~ tl,Jat '.]l l)aue giuen to rou, ano ~'
1m.1.i s. 2 7 * '<lrl)ee {Jaue 'Ji Cet fo~ a ftrong tob:l~c.. o rourfat11cris: r·
chou Prophet. anll a "Wellfencen b:lall among mr 1 s anti] fbal tlJJUt! rou out of mr Cigl)t.alS '.) ::;
people, to fceke out ann to trp tf.Jeir b:lapets. l;Jauec~ft out an rourb1etl}1en tl)c'al~olt fnb of nr.
2 B 1fo, tlJep are all aubbome gpollatel'5, ann ~:aim.
raucnatoap,'tDalflingneccttfullp,tlJeparecleanc 16 * ~mro:e tl)ou (bait not p1ar foi tfJilS rcrt.1+1 •ir
b:affe anlJ rion, co, tl)cp l,Jurc ann nellrop euerr people, tl)ou OJ alt neitl,Jcr gtuc ~fies no1 btb ;r~
man. Plarer fo1 tl)cm: maflc tl)ou no tntcrceltton ro~ ::::
2 9 ~e bello\lles are bumt tn tlJe fire, tlJe tl)em, fo1 in no tlltfe b:ltl] (Jeare tfJte.
lean i~ not moultcn,tl)c melter meltctlJ in bainc, 17 ~eta tl)ou not 'WIJat ttJep no in tl'le cittefl ,_.
fo~ tl}c cuil its not takm awa'r trom tl)em, of'.]una,ann '" tlJc arcctts oftieruralcmt · :~::
30 ~l.Jcrcfozcnoctl,Jep calltlJcmnaug~tJQ1' 18 ·~ccl)ilblrngatf]er tttclies.. tl)efatlJcrs rcrr..+•:7~
ucr,bccaure tl)c Jl,0~1:1 IJatl) taCl tIJcm our. kinblc tile ure,ttJe \Domrn finean tf:le bougl:J to ~~
The viJ·· Ch~tcr. babe caftes fo~ t11e quccnc of f;leauen: tl)cp po'm.zc
outnzinlie offnin~s bnto llrange «obs, to p10•
2 Jeremie is comm1ndc:d to cwcvntorhepeoplc uoficmebnto1D1atfl.
the wordc of God, which rru(lcth to the outward 19 l!)o\Dbctt tlJep l)Urt not mc,fattfJ tl)eJL.0111,
fcruicc of the Temple. I 3 1 he cuils that lhall bttt rattler confollnll anll ll)ame t(Jcmfelucs.
happen to the Iewcs for the defpiling of their Pro- 2 o gnlJ t1Jmfo1c tlJUS faitlJ tlJc Jl,o~tJ <i!Job,
phcts. 21 Sacrifices doerh not the Lord chide- l5tlJO(ll,tnp l\1zatl) anll ttfbignation llJalbt po'W•
ly require: of the Iewcs, but that they fl1ould o- rc11011tbpontl)iSplacc.bpo11menant1cattd,bp•
bey his worde. on trees mtl)e rtclb anll rt'uit of t(Je Jann : anlJ it
ll)cfe arc tlJe b:I01l'lf5 tl)at <!5011 Cpaflc 11Jal burnc, ro t11at no man mar quenc~1 it.
\mto '.lJ cremie,faping, 21 ~us faitfJ tlJc JL01n of l)otl~ tfJe ~ob of
:i. ~t.ann bnner tiJe gate or ]ftael,~capebprourburncotfrings'WitfJpour
tl)e Jl,o~ns tJoufc, ann ~ outtl:Jrfc cacrift"s,ann eat tlJc ftclb.
• -- mo~ncs ti) ere "Witb a loun tiopce, n foi 'al(Jm '] b~ouglJt rour fatlJtrl out of i:.:~.
anlJ rap, fl:)earctlJelllo~nc oftl)eJL.oinaUfccof cf~ppt,~fpabc no too1t1bntotl)emofbun1tof• ;,:~
'Jluna, tl)at goc in at t1JiJS 1Joo1c, to 'alo111Jip tl)c frings ann racrificcs. . ~>:-
JLo~n: 2 3 '.15ut tlJiSS '.) 'ommanlleb tl}cm , fapang, \'\
3 ~us faltl) tlJe Jl,o~l'I ofl]oaeg tlJc 115011 of $earken anll obey mp borcc. anD ~ llJalbe rour ,, ·,
•re· · 1 i. 'l1frae1, *.i11ncnt1 pour mapcs \t pour counfatle~ <30D,11nt1 pc OJalbc mp l', CIJatpc'alaUtc in
1 16
anb 'Jl \nrlletpou trmclin tlJiS plt1,c. an tfJc 111arc11111~r'1J 11 l}aue commantJelJ rou. · ,
~ 4 .~ruft notin falfc IF(ng wo1t1efS, fat'it11. t11atfe1t1arpiofper. . . . j;:',:
..,ere t~ tl)c ~emple of ttc l.otb, berc its tfJt tem> 24 )But tlJCF mclinr.ll ~ .
µle of tbc 1Lotll,1Jcre is tl}c ~emple of tte JL.01b: nottl}etr ea res d)crcunto : bUt 'Went a~tl)eu ~ ~· ~
5 l3ut ratl)tt in Dcebc amcnnc1:1our\Vares o'tllne 11naginatiOITI. anD after tfJe mononJJ or :~~':--
:~b 1Jco~nr~11es, anb iungc rigl}tbct'Wiie a man tbctf o"!Dnc 'tllicflCD IJcart. anb Co tumeo tlJmt• '· ~· ·
1,.ne1gt)bour. rc1uessauap,an11conucrttbnottinto1ie. \· ,~
an6... ©P)>Jelfenottl}cftrangn, tl)efatl}erltll'e, 2 5 ann dJiS l,Jauc ti.Jet' Done from tl:Jt time ~, ·>
plac~e,!»tbo\ll,lbcab notinnocmt bloob tn tlriS that 1:'0ut ratf)crS All1U out of <fgnic, bnto tbiS .~, :;
ncitruct~~! not to llrangc goDss, to pour otllne bar : lleucrt1Jele1l'C , i rent bnto 1011 mr (er· \ \.
7 ~lJC'1 uancss tlJe 1&1oplJetJ. ~rofetip carelp, annrcnt '. ~\.
-res, in tl)c 'ii"!l '1ltt1ou b'o>cU in C1JU1 p~. rou "!Doib. .,' t,·
fatlJer& fo~ CUC\' ~lJat: 31 gaue 8CoJCtt1t1et.Q pour 26 *·Jet ~oulb ti.In' not IJcarflcn, no~ offer lcrr.1 1', \ '
s )5ut:taflc l)rt. mec t1Jurean1. bat ~creobatnate, anb "!Doire ·'
- - " - - - - - - - -.trull: inl1:1in\ttaftf t1Jat ttJcn tlJttrfa_.,
_ _J__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----.:....-=.....;._,;:;..:;::~~;__~;.;__---...;_.------:::-;=;:;;;:i--~·\'.

-----------------........:2~7-=.a:.:.::n:=..!111__ ,'. ·"

The levvcs rhrearned. Chap.viij. Coueroufneif~Tn aIC--;--5--;-f

:i 7 anb tJJou RJaltno\11 f4Jeaiital tl)£Ce Ul~bJS but cuerr man turn£tlJ to 1'iJS o\llnc courrc, lthc
bnto tfJtJn, bUt tlJcr \110l not 1Je11rc tlJet: tJJou a fierce 1Jo~ret.1c11blong to t(Jc battcl.
11Jaltai?bp0nt1Jnn, but tl)cywlllnotanf\tlcre 7 ~e~to:hein tlJe aire Jmo\llrtl) 1Ji15ap,
t11ce. pointcll ttmc, tl)c turtlr J2)oue, ttJe ~\llalfo\llt
is ~crcfo:e RJalt tl)ou rap bnto tlJem, m,ti:; anll tlJc cirrane con Ober t1Je time of tl}cir traucl:
t~tiJe people mat ncitl)er 1Jearetl) tlJc llopce or butmppcoµle\llilnotfmo\11 tlJe tuncoftl}cpu,
tIJeJL.oJb tl)nr <iJob,no~ meiuctl) lJiS co:rcction: ntfl:nnmt orttlc JLo!ll.
taldJfillnttrc anb ttuctlJ i~ cleanc rootell out of s l!)o'lll bare pc rap tlJCn, we are 1Difc, \Der
tlJeirmoutl). tJa~c tl)e JL,11\ll of ttJc '.11..o~b among bJS:' ~melp in
2 9 119l'lenfo~e rut olftl)ine l)airc o Hicrufalem batne l}atlJ IJ.rc p~cparrblliJJ pmnc, anll llamclr
anb call tt awar, take lip a complaint on l)iglJ : llauc tl)e u1~1tcr13 w:ittm it.
to: the JL,o:n IJatlJ call a'lllap anti fo:rakm tl)e 9 ~l)erefo~c !ball tf)c mife brr c:onfounlleb,
people tl)at 1Jc i~ Zlifplcafcb 'alitljal. .. tlJep llJalbc afraill anb ta hen: ro~ loc, tlJey 1Jauc
3o ojf o: tl)cd}illl:en of']JutJa l)atte bone cutl t!' call out tfJc \lloib of t(Jc JL,o~b, 110l)at'alirtbo1nc
mp fi«IJt, rattlJ tl)c JLo:D. tlJcp (Jauc fctbp t(Jetr can t(Jm bc among ttJem~
abontinattonis tn tl)e (Joufe tl)atlJatlJ mp ~amc, . w 1101Jmfo~e 'JI 'lllil giuet{Jeir \Diue~ bnto a,
anll l)aue befilcb it: hants,anll t{Jcir fietoctl to lleflrorcrs: Jfo~ *from
31 ~CF l)aue alfo butl'Oeb attarti at <Gn)o• t1Jelo'a1cllbntot1Jc 1Jig1Jellt1Jcrfollo'alfiltlJFIU•
p()ctlJ, '111JiclJ is in tlJc baUep of t(Jcc~tlD:en of err, anb from tl)e p~oplJet bnto tl]e p~icft, tlJey
l'ennom, that tl)ey m1~t bume t1Jc1r fonncs ocalc al hlitlJ ftcs.
ann baugtJteris in fire: 'aJIJiclJ ~ ncucr comman· 11 .0cucrt11c1crrc, tl)cp he ale ttc (Jurt or mr
nelltlJcm,ncitl)crcamcttcuermmptl)ougl)t. people bcrp ambcrlp, rartng, tDcace, peace:
32 !ilno tllcreroie bcllolll, tlJc lllll!C~ II.Jal come UJl)cre tlJcre is no peace at all.
( faitlJ tlJe JLo~o ') tlJat it il)al no moie bee callcD 12 ~ic fol f1Jame, tJo\tl abominable tbings bo
~IJopllctlJ, Ol tljc baller or tl)e c(Jflll~rn .of$cn, tllcp, i:t rct tl)rp benot all)amcll, pea, tl)ep hno'11
nom, but tl)c baller of aauglJtcr : ro: m ~lJo, of no OJamc: 1101Jerefo:c tn tlJe time or tlleir bifi,
p!Jctl) tf)ep ll)all be buricil, bccaUfe tlJCF 11Jall elis tation,tlJcp llJal fall among tl)c beab bcbictl, anb
IJauc no roume. be oucrtlJ~omrn, faitl) tlJc Jl..Oltl.
33 ~ca, tl)c beab bollics of tlJiJS people {!Jalbc 13 ~o:coucr, jJ \Dill conrumc tf)cm in Dcrilt
eaten lip of tlJe rouks of n1e airc, anb \llilbe ( l'aitlJ ttJe Jl..oib ~ ro t{Jat tlJcre 01al not bee one
bcallcf.S of tl)c cartlJ, anll no man llJalfrap tl)cm grape bflon tlJC bine, nritlJer one rt~rnr bpon tfJr
nluar. figgctrce, anti tl)c lcaucsnialbcplucfitoff, anti
34 *anti as fo: tl)c borre of mirtlJ anb glall, tl}e tlJing tl)at '.Jl gaue giucn t(Jcm, fiJalbc tabrn f
netre or tf)c citieis of '.]Juba anti l!)icrufalcm, t(Je from t(Jem. /
borer of tile bliticgromc, anb of tlJr bitne, '] \llil 14 OOIJF PlOlong 'alee tl)c time~ let bs gattJcr
mahc t!Jtm ccafe: fo~ tlJc lanll n1albe oerotate. ourrclueis togetl)cr,anD goc into tlJe ilrong citr,
·· Ch
Th e vuj. tf)ere D.Jall 'lllee be in rell : foz tlJc llozb our ©oll
apter. 1Jat1JputbJS to ftlcnre, anti giucn bS 'roatrtmttt
1 The dcnrultion of thelcwes. 4 The Lord moo- \DitlJ gal to t11infie, bcraufe '1Jccl)auc OnnclHI•
ucth the people to imcndmcnt, reckoning vp their gainll IJim.
finne,, JO He rcprehcr.deth thclyingdoCl:rinc of 15 *119cloollcllfonn~acc, anll1Dcfarcnottl.1l' !ere. 1+ 19.
the prophets :ind priell 5• better, \\le \llaiteb foJ ti)e time ofl)caltl], anll loc,
~ tlJe fame time, fait{J tl)e't-oJb, l]creiisnot{Jingbuttroublc.
tllc bones ot tl)e J!\ingsi of ']\Ulla, 16 ~e notrc of(JiS (JoJfcSiSll)carb from ji)an,
the boncis oU)ts pJinceUl)c bones the hlllole lanll tis afratllc at tile neighing of IJi~
oftlJcp~caclJ«S ann p1op1Jcts.rea, rtrongl)o~rcis: fo? tiler areco1ric in, anil tJaur nc,
• anti tlJc boneis of tl}e citi~ens of uourcD ti.Jc lanD 'alitlJ al t1J11t is in it, tlJc cities,
~ietuialcm, lt.JaU bee bJoum>t out or tl)cir anll t(JorcttJatD\llcltf)min.
graucis, 17 ):l!)o,eoucr, 91 hlil renne 4rocl'iatriceSI anll
i ann lapllc againt't tl)c ~unne, anb tl)e fcrpcntisamo11gpou~'111Jicl:)'1lilnotbrc1Jarmct11
Gl)oonc, anti all t(Je l}caucnlp l}otlc, 'llll)om tlltr ano tl}cp lbal bite rou,ftlitlJ tiJc ·lLo~ll.
fl louc?I, \lllJom tl)cp rcmeD, '1ll)om tlJcp ran aftct, 18 91 'llloulll l)auc 1Jat1 comf0Jt againfl fo~o1D:
~i tol'lom tl)cp rougl)t anti 'alOJOJippeD: tlJey OJall but fOJO\ll iSI come bpon me, anll IJcauincfi'c bc;r•
·. neither bee gatlJcrell togcttJer noi burtcll, but etlJ mp l)cart.
llJaIIiea~ tioungtlpon tlJc cart!J. 19 ~01 toe, tl)c borcc oftlle ccyin~ of mp peo'
3 !ilnil all tlJcp tl!at remaincortlJts\Diclicb pleiSl}carllforfeareolrhem 1har come from afar
~1cration, ttJal ncflre ratl.1•1· to Dte tiJrn to hue, rountnp: ']is not t(Jc JLo~n in ~ion1 ']Js not l)rr
'mlJcrefocuer tlJtl' re ma inc, anti \Dl)crca~ '] frat• tliing in l)er 1119(JcrefO~e tf)en l)auc tl)ey grteucb
tcr tl)cm, faitiJ tl'll' ·A..oftl ofl)oltcJS. me <hall the Lord fay, '1litlJ tfJeir images anb foo,
4 ~lJuis o1alt tf)Ou fa Fbnto tiJcin alfo, ~ms llfl.J llfange falbton~ of a fomine goll1
faitl) tl)c JLoJn, woe mm ran, ro t(Ja~ tlJcr nrc 1 o ~c l)aruell tis gone, tfJt ~umnm lJatl)
not bp againc:' o~ if'Jifracl repent, ttitl not $ob an cnll, anll 'roe arc not l)clpeb.
turmagainetot1Jcm1 . 21 jlamro~ebmll bcraalfc oftl:JclJurtofnrp
s l@l)crefOJC tl)en if.S t{Ji~ people or i)imlfa• people,']\ am l)cautc anb aba11Jet1.
lringonero farrc bacllc, tlJat tl'ler turnc nota• 11 9\JS~mnot~riaclcat<l5ilcab:' ']~ tl)crc
gaine-: 'lltl)ey are cuer tfJc tonl!er tl)e mo1c obfii. no l&fJFOcton tlJcte'! \Dl)p tl)cn i~ not tIJe l)caltlJ
nate,ann '11il not be conuertrn. of mr people rccouercb-:
6 '1fo~ '.Jl l:)auc 1001tcn ann conrtllcrcb, bUt Th · Ch
ttJcre ts no man tfJat rpea1;etf1 a goon tnoiDe, c ix. apter.
,I. tl)eretsno man tl)at talieti:i rcpcntanrc foJ ))ts 1 The complaint :and bc:wayling ofrhe Prophcr. 3
f'-. unnr,tIJat'alilfomuc]Jfap, 1191}11tlJaUe'] Donc1 The malice of1hcpeople. 24 In theknowlcdgeot
;,;· _ _1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,...--~---------........::(!fj:..::0:.::.0.!..1_ __
The peoples \!Vickedneffe. lerernie. \!Vhere1n to re1oyce. l
God ought we oncly ro rcioycc. The vncircum- I tiOU. anb '811 to: mourning toiue~ alll> fmnefo1
di on of rhc hcarc. ' 'Gire "30111tn. tl)at dJC1' mme t1Jo1t1r,
- -· twIJO mil iJilre mp IJeab toattrP' ' . 1 s anil fin; a mourning rong of bl$. tl)at tl:)e
~ 1 Y'"'~ ·) noug1', anl» a men of ~foJ ttllrel!lmapfaloutofourepel!I, anl:l tl)atouupe
' 1 '~~· ~~ mine rpe• , tfJat '.) 11181' tDeqit lil:JS map guflJ out oftoatet.
~ ~IJ
ntgbt ann nap fol tl)e aaU§IJm 19 ojfo: tlJen ts a lammtabk noife IJcar'll of
~ion: il!> IJo\\l are tot ro ro:ebcfttopeb ~SID l)o\D
i.! ·- 2 awoulll ~on tIJat '.) lJal:l a are toee ro piteouOp 'onfoWtbeb ~Dee mull foJ• . j
cottage fome 'Wl]ere fam from folfie , tljat ~ rahe: out o\llne naturall countrep , ann \Dee are
migl1t1rautmppcoplt ann goe from d}em, foi UJut out of out oume lob~ngs.
tlJCF be al anultmrs, ann a antnlringroic. 2 o ~ct tJeate tl}c too:b of tlJe JLo:b (SID re too'

3 ~epbmlle tl}£irton!.1UCIS liht bo\\leis to men) anti ltt'EOUttatti:!tegarn tl)e \Do111s0Chis

OJoote out lie~tlJcp toa7:e llrong tlpon eartl) : as moutlJ , tf)at rce map Icatnc rout ?Jaugl)ter!l to
ro.2 tUe ~ruetlJ, rtJcy map notlJtng atoap tottlJ• moume, ~ tIJat cuerp one map tea'IJ lJet netglr-
all in tl)c \\loJlll, fo: tlJep goe ftom one totd1e'D• bour to make lamentation.
ncrre to anotl)er, ann \Jiil not Imoto me,fattlJ tl)e 21 Namely th\ls, WeatlJ ts 'ttming bp in at
Jl,O~ll. out totnnotocs, ~lCe is 'ome into out l)oures, to
4 Fca,one mull keep IJimfelfe from anottJet, 'Detlt~l' tlJe clJillle befo1e tIJe oooic. anll tl)e rong
no man mar fafelp ttutl lJtlS o\lme b1otf;Jet : fo1 man tn tl)e tlrcete.
one b~otlJcr tln'DcrminctIJ anotl;Jer, one netglJ• 2. i. '5ut tel tIJou plainelp, ¢1Jus fapct:JJ tIJe
bout bc~uilctl) anotl)cr. JLo:n, 'itl)c neall bolltes of men HJall lie bpon tl)e
5 }?ca, one lliffemblctlJ tDitl) anotl)er, aUlJ grounll,as tl)e lloung bpon tlJe fidlle, ann aSil tl)e
tlJCl' ti mfr \uiti1 no ttuetlJ : '(iI;fJep l)aue piai;ttren l)anllfull after tl)c mower, anll ttJm l11albeno
ct.ctr ton\_\uc~ to Ire, ann tabcn gr&atpatnCIS to 1nan to tal'!e tlJem tip. ~
llo mtfciJicfe. 2. 3 ~lJuis faitlJ tl)e JL,o:n, • )!.,et not tlJc toife r .c ,.. ~
6 ·&IJou uttctl in ttle minne~ of a llereit£ull man reiop'e tn 1JiSS \llirenome, noi tl)c lfroll;U J,cc~1&:
µcoµIc, w[JiciJ fo~ ti•rp tiiifembling falfiJoolJ tom ~antnl}tss llren~tlJ, neitl)ertl)crii;}JmaninlJifil 17. .
notlmotu me, faitlJ tlJt Jl.,oJZI. ml.Jes. "1
7 4C:l)erefo~e tl}us rattlJ t}Je JLo~b ofl)oftess,
24 l6uttotJofototlreiopce, letlJimt:eiopcciu m;I
• JSclJoll>, '31 'oJilmelttl)cm,~trrtl.Jem: fo1tDIJat tblSJ, tl)at ~eel:lllberttanbetl) anl> Jmo\llctl) met, 411
fiJoutn '31 ti~ no to mp people~ tl}at 91 am tIJe JL.o:n, \»IJ1'lJ ?Joe mmte, equitk,
8 ~lJeir tongue~ are llrte tlJarpe arrotoes to ann rigl)teonfndfe bpon tlJe eartlJ : t{Jercfo~
Pfal, i S. J. fpeaite i:leccitc: * \llltlJ tl}eir moutlJ tlJtr fpealiC l)aur l plearure tn fmtJ tlJings, raitiJ tl}e JL.0111.
i;camiblp to tl)cir ncigl)bour, but piiuilr tl}ep 2 5 l6e1Jo1ll,tl.Je time commctlJlfilitlJ tl)e lLOJll)
lap watt fo~ l)im. . t~at 9\ 'Wil bifite al tl,Jem \Df;Jofe fo:dlltnnc ts b11>
9 ~l)oulll '] not pum{l) tlJtm foi tbefe arrunutren,ann tf;Je n"umaren,
tttng!l, faitlJ tlJe "JLo~b: o~ fl)oulb] not be aum' 2 6 ~e <egpptians , tl)e '.J!etocs , t{Je lli!lla>
!JC'O of anp Cud) people al) tlJi' 1 mttess, ttJe .ammonites, tfJc ~oabite,a, attll tl}e
1 o ill!pon tlJt mountainrs toil 1 tafle bp a la• a,auen ~antamtes tf}at ntoetl in tf}e \llilllci:<
mcntation, ann a foiowful Cff.,anl:l a mourning netre: foi all tIJe <l!Jentile,a are au bnctrrumcifcil
bpon tlJe faire places of tl)e toill»ernetrc : name' in theflellJ, but all tl)e IJoufc of]frael are bn&:tr' ·-
Ip , l)o'\l'I tlJep arc ro burnt bp tl)at no man gott1J rnm«rcn tn tl)c IJcart. :2:;
tt1crc anr mo~c, rca, a man lball not (Jeare one Thex.Chapter.
btait crp tlJm: birn~ ann i;attet arc al gone from 2 The confidbtions of the fiarres are norto be fca-
· -'.:~:
ti.Jenee. red. 5 Of the wcakncs ofidolcs,andof the power ....."~
1 r '3J will m~.Tlc ~icrnfalcm alfo an{Jeapeof
of God. 2 I Ofeuil Curates. ~I;~
liones, ani:J a Dcrntt o~ tcncmouis tooimeis: ann
'Ji wm ma~c tlJ• citi~!l WJ1ullllfo toaffe, tIJatno lfare tlJe 'lllo~nc Of tl)c JLo:ll tl)at :);r~

man ll)al il\llcl ttJerem. l)ccfpcafietl) bnto tl:)ee, SID tlJou ~ \~
1 2 ual}at man is ro 'lllife a~ to t>n'Dertlanl>e l)oufe of'.]lfraeL ~·;)::
tbi!l:' 01 to '\Ufjc.m l}iltlJ !! :A-oin rpohcn hr mouti,, 2 ~l}u,a faiti, ti}e JLoill, ~u ,;;-,
ti)at l) flJe'lll tiJi~.ann rar,Sll>tl}Ou Ianb,tolJF 11.Jan not learne after tlJe maner ~'<~
pert11Jell ttJou lo:' 'W}.Jercfo~ art ti.Jou ro bntnt 0£tf:Jcl;Jcat1Jcn, annreflJal not be ~
bp, ann lilie a \tlililcmelfc tl}at no man goetiJ afTain Co: tohcn~ 0£ l)eaucn: ro1 Cf1e1Jcati}cn are ·I
tl}o~o'm:' arratD offuclJ. . "'~
1 3 ~ea, tl)e 'A-o~'D l)imCelft tolbe tl)e fame tln< 3 ~ea, all tl}e cullomes ~ lames of tbe .~ ~~
to~ tl)at ro~roolic lJilS ~to. ann llq>t not tl}e ~entites are notl)ing but 111ndtte: ~l)ep l:lc'We ·,~
tl)1~i tl)at bee gaue t~em in commanmuent, llomne a tree tn tl)e 'alGGIJ~ d]e IJanlles of d}e 1:ra~ 1
ntttlJtt liue1> tbettafter: \tlo 1 (;eman,anbfi""n..i..... U;m1tlJ. tl)earc. ~.
4 l3ut roilotoeb tl}c wiaic'Dndfe of tl)tir : ~Ct' w•um.~ 'O>itlJ gollle oJfllucr, ~.·~~

~~1!2 l)earta, anl:l Cctue.b lttan«e 8' tl)etr dJep faftemc \lJttlJ aatre.i anil !Jammer.a, tlJat it '"'~
...~e.atl')ttf:! taul!\)t tl)e1tL . mouenot. . . ,..._ ...... ~ :~lbt..
5 'mlerero~e ttJuJ faitb d)e 1A111t o(\lol• U)e 5 ']Jt «anllttf;J «ll .... ff •.,.. ""abmtrec,it ~1.,1
Icre.15.15. <!5~ll of'Jiftatl, *~cl)olbe,] '1>i1Cee'ltt1J1Speople '8n nttd)Ut\Je&lfe11DtOnfoote,butmutlbe \'~
'mltl') 'mo~~t'l»oob, llllll gtllt tbemgal to DJinfle. benll8: bf not pe arr~eof fuel}, fo: tlJrp can noe :~~;
'JI 'W&U rcattn: tlJrm a1ro anum1 • • nettlJtrllOOOnoJrlliL I\~~
tilcn, 'm~om neitl)~tlJep,noJ t!Jeirfatl)e~ l)aae 6 *l5utt1Jere isf nont lffrt bnto tl)ec,il!>JL02t1. Apoc4'~ ~
rtno\lXn. Bllb 'JI \l11lfenll a nuo~amotll tl)tm to anDg;natt1dJe.-oft1Jppomcr. · - .~. ~
perrccute tiJl'ln, bnttl ') 1>1tng tiJtln to fioull)t. 7 119f,Job>ouloaotfrarc tlJre, liI> Bing oftfJC :~~~(
17 Sllo~couer, tl:mlJ taitl} t:IJelAJD ofl)olcf. ·
lBe'mare or tlJe bcngcanu tf)at l)angid) ouer eendlr$." 611 *""-' dJellomimon: ro: amon~ .\~
aUt:IJe 'GIU'emm ofdJe cBmttlea, llllll !"au ttJnr J\ '}
rnngl>ome~, 1 ~~~~'
~;Vhac id oles are •. Chap.xj~ The peoples idolatrie. 253
~. llinBbameS. t11m IJ none tl)at map be liflcntb Thexj. Chapter.
'· bnto ~er. 3 Acurfc ro them that obey not the worde 0£ Gods
· s ~l}rp an alta«rtl)cr biUtilb anb tJn\1Jifc
~\ ~.:,:D in dJifS one dJ(ng: •\1Joob iJ tl}c tcac:l}ing of ba, promifc. 1 o The people of luda following the
;:~ .:::;... nttte. fieppcs of the;r fathers, worfhip firangegod.. 1 s
·~ \:.::""' 9 ~1lnrr f!J b~ouglJt out or ~s, anb The Lordc: faycrh that heewill not heucrhc Icwcs,
~ ~ 1 .....;.."'bcatnnoplatc.s, anti golllfromi)plJir. a\1Jo~ll£ and torbiddcth alfo Ieremic to puyfor them.
., ~·~~l~. t11at ~ malle l'Oitl) t)Jc IJano of tl7C aartcrman, J!)tss iss a rcrmon \1JIJicl) tlJc )l..011>c
'.·<~~";'.!. an1>t1Jcpan clgttJetl witlJ rdlo\1Jc Olllc anorc:ar•
~:. ·:~~. let: all tl)cfc arc tl)c \1Jo~bc of c:unnin1pncn.
·." .- i.r>

. ~rib•
1 o 15utthe '.ll..01b ii a true Q!50ll,a l&uml_l '50tl,
~' ,:::~"' ani:I an cuerlaalng kin1t : if 11cc be \1J~ottJ tlJe
cartlJ lbalict(J, all t!Je C3cntilcJ map not abil>e
• ~ • J1JU1 IJitl inbignatiou.

11 As forthc:-ir gods,tl)US 01al fOU rap to tlJnn,

0 commannctJ ]mmic fo~ to p~cacl),
2 !!}care ttc \1Jo~b.G or tlJiS couc,
1nant, ani:I fpcahe bnto ttJc mm of
1u1>a,nno to all t(Jem tl)at ll\tld at ~icrufalcm,
3 2ntJ rar lmto tflem. ~Utl rartlJ tile ·Jl..011:1
<3oll ?f ]fracl, ([urfei:I be eucrr 011£ tlJat ill not
\ ': ·~brr arc no gol>tl ti:) at mancncittJcr1Jcauen no1
obc!ltrnt bnto ttJe \1JoJtlcs of tlJitl coucnant,
cartlJ,rlJerrfo~e llJaU tlJer pcrifl) Crom t11c cart.11.
4 llDl)iclJ '.]] rommanticn blltopour f'atl)crs,
·~·. ann from au tlJingJ b11ocr1Jcaucn. tolJat time ?..G '.]\ b~ou111Jt tl)cm out of <fgppt
·,·:.6. 12 ·~ut as for our God,IJC batl) mabc tl)tcartlJ
from tlJc l'.!!lll rurnacc,raring,l5c obt1>1cnt tinto
::-'. u.1 · 'nlitl) lJi~ po\1Jcr, anti U!itlJ IJiJ'OJtrdlomct1oetl1
tttF bOirc, an!> l>Oc accDJbing to all tl)at '] com'
·. " be o~brrtl)e UJl)olc compaU'c of tlJc'ct'01lb , 'mitt)
num111> rou, fo flJall pc be mp people, ann j\ '111111
·~ :~ lJitJ blfcrction ~atfJ l)cfp;cab outtl} rour IBotJ:
I 3 at(Jil:SlJ0iCCti)C\1J8fCfjJ gatl}trcbt0g£tl)£r5 .ani:I tDill kcepc mr piomtre tllat 'J\ ilaue
, :; in ttJc aric, l:)cco:a'lllctl) tip tl)uloUbc.G rrom t!Jc fuloinctmto pour fat~mJ, namcly,tl)Bt'J, \lJOU[t?
.~ :;"'7· bttmnotlpartl5 of tl}c cant):* 'c tumcttJ ligl)t, giuc tl)cm a fanll \1Jl)icl) Ho\lJ&tlJ \1JitlJ mime anti
-~, 11011p,a~ rcercc ititl come to palre bnto tlJi~tiar.
ning to rainc. anll bJingftl) fo1tlJ tl)c \1Jinb.G out
of tlJtir treanrrcs. ·~en anftocrci:I ],anti ratn,amrn: 'ict itbc cum
·>- 14 l!)trHDifcnomc maltctl) an mm roolcs,anllro JI. o~b a~ tl)ou rarelt.
~ confounbcll be caams or ima~cs: roi tlJat tlJer 6 -ai;hen tl)c JLoltle rarllc bnt,,mcc againe,
. caa is but a bainc tlling,anb (Jatl) no lik. l&:cacl) tlJi.Sin tile citic~ of j!una, ann roimn a·
·· i.~: 15 ~lJc bainc crnftrmcn \IlttlJ tlJcir wo~lics
bo~t ~icruralcm. anbfap, l!}carc tl]c \Do.11>ril of
tbl.G coucnant,antl krcpc tf.Jetn.
tlJat tlJcr in tl)cir tisnitic l)auc ma'Oc {ball pmllJ
~ ·-~ oni \IlttlJ anotlJcr in tnnc orbifitatton. 1 fOJ 1 lJauc lliligcntfp rrl)c~tcll rour fa,
:.T::: 16 Jacuertl}cic!Te, 'jacobs po1tion i" none tlJcrs, furn rmrc tl)e time tbat ']\ b~ougt1t t(Jcm
out or tl)e 1a111> of lfgppt bnto tbis oar, 'Jl ~anc
::;;; tbclJ : but it is (Jc tlJat IJatl) mallc all tl)tng.G, anti
·:; ttcm \'Uarning betimes:, raring, t\}carf1cn bnto
']lrraclis tlJc rob of IJt.G inl)critamc: tlJc :A-01t1 of
.. . l}ofteis ts (Jii:s nnme• mpboicc.
..c::: 17 <flatl)crbp tlJr mares outortl]clantl,tfJou 8 Jacucrtl)elc!fc tbcy \Douin not obep me, 1101
.<~ tlJatart tn t(Jc llrongplacc. cncline tl:Jcircarcs bnto mcc: but follo'lllei:I tlJe
:.-.;i 18 f,oHlJU.G fafCtiJ tl}c l.0111, '3CfJOlll, 1 \1JtU
\1Jickcll imaginationtl or tllcir o\Unc 1Jcarts,ano ·
:.:~;'Ii no'lll ttJ~o'OJ aJS U!ttlJ a llontaing rt;c inlJabitcrstlJcrtfo1e ~ l)aUe bJOttgfJt bpon tl)cm all tl)t
\llo1t1ess or tl:)i.G couenant tlJat 'JI gauc t{Jcm to
of tlJis tar.ti at tl:JiS once, anti 'JI 'mill b:ing trou,
flecpe, \1Jl:)iclJ tl)cr notwithfianding l.Jauc not hcpt.
; bfe tipon t(Jem, tl:)at tl)cp OJBll pioouc true tlJC
-: · \no2nist1Jat']l,1:Jaucrpollmbrthc ~iopl)cts. 9 ~ni:I ttJc JLoJbe rarn bnto me, 'J!t is foutU>
/ · 19 :dial! lJO\tl am )I lJurt:' alass fJO\tl painfUn
out tlJat \1JlJo le '.]Jrrael, anb an tl)c cities of ~tc,
art mr fcourgcs bnto me:' foi 1 confiner tlJiJ re,
rufalctn arc gone bac!1e.
ro\1J tJ r mp fctf'c, ann ~ muarulcr it. 1o QJcp lJauc turn en tlJcmfclues to tlJc lllaf,
10 ~F tabernacle is lldlrop£1:1, anti an mp ptcmietl of tt.Jrir foJef'atf)eris. \UlJtcb (Jab no lull
... ( co:'Os arc tiio11cn,mr cttU>~cn arc gone from me,to l}carc mp too:tJcs : eurn lilic'lllife alfo l}auc
;·(.. anll catmo 'lllbm~ be founb: flob> l)auc 11 none tl)cfe follo'lllell Oraungc gens, ann mo.ill)tppci:I
-: . to Cp1cat1 out mp tcnr.noJto rct bp mr IJangi~. tl)cm: ~l)c fJoufe of ')lfr11£1a1111 '.]luba l)aue b10'
· :~..~.. 11 b f oi t~c IJcarllmcn arc become fooUllJ.,
bm mp couetunt UJl)iclJ 'Ji mane 'lllitlJ tt}ctr fa,
:', ,,.... an:i tl)tp l]auz not fouglJt tlJc lLo:llc: tlJcrcfo:e
-:/~;tr: l}auc ttJcr tJcaltbntoifelp \llitlJ tlJcir c:atten, anl> u Qcrcfolt tl)us rsrtlJ tl)c JLoJbc. '.J5ctiol1>,
~; • all arc rcattcrcb ab~oatl. 1 \1Jtll rcnl> a plague bpon tlJcm,U!l)iclJ tlJcr OJal
;, . / u ~cl)olb, tllenorfc IJartl at IJan?I, a great
not be able to crcapc,anll tlJcp OJ all crie tmro me,
r·· , anti 31 b>lll not lJcarc tl)cm .
rct1ition out of ttJe Jao~tl). to mallc d]c cincss of
. :~~~; lulla a U!ilDernc!fc, anll a ll\llcllin,ll plate fo1 n ~en lball ttJe to\llnes of'.J)una, anti tfJe
· .~;¢' ~'lllT""'SS citi~cns or 'irmraltm goc ann call tlpon tl)ctr
,(. .t rf'~ob,11mo\Dc (~ JL.o~tlc)tl)atitisnotin gollfJbntoUJf.Jom tl)ep mane tl)cir oblationss:but
,~i· • ntanss potllcr to 01ocrtms o\1Jnc ma11cs.01 to rule tlJer (ball not be able to l}clpctl)rm tntime of
~r ~iss o\1Jnc «cps a111:1 goingS. tl)cirtroublc.
·.' .·•· 24 *~IJcrcfo:cc:tJatlcntlJoumc,~ .li..oit1,but 13 *~o:asmanpciticis ast'houhat?, ©'.]lu' lm.1.~s.
¢'.~' \llitl} fauour, an11 not in tlJr \U~tlJ, lea!! ti.Jou lla, ro ma1?p gotis lJaa tl)ou l)atl afro, anl> loolie
'If"·1 b:ing me btterlr to nou111Jt. . l:)o\Dmanranct.GtlJtrrbc int~cc, l.©~ierufa,
r:• f M· 2 s *l&o\ll:e out tlJinc tnDignatton tlpon tIJc le\n) ro manp 11Jamttuna1tars l)aue rec rec bp,
l · ll!JtntilcsstlJatftno\DtfJccnot. anl>bpontl}cpco· altar•} fly. to offrr bpon tl)cm bnto '3aaf.
"'·~:·) pie tl)atwrU notb~on tlJl? ~amc, anti tl}at Ile, . 14 ~1Jercfo1cp:arnottl)oufo: ttJis people. 1m.i4 ri.
,. , caufe tl)cp l)auc confUmcb , ncuoureb, anti tic• btbl>£ nc1t1Jcr J!:Rtfe no: 11~apcr fo1 tbcm : ro:
:/: llropeti 'Jacob., anb l)auc mane lJiss tJabitation tlJ~Ugl) tfJtpmr !Jntomc lll ti}~r trouble, frt
..J;~--.lllalle• 'lll&ft 1 not bcarc them•
.~;· -l_----------------------~-u---~--lmtint -
The '\lvickeds profpericie. Ierernie. The Iewes forfake~
1 1191Jat part IJatlJ mr bdoueD tu mr l}oure, IJtnfelS:' ]n a peaceable Cure lantie tl)ou marett
feeing IJe IJatlJ \1JJOUif1t abom~atio~, Cttutng be .rare: but IJo'GJ 'GJilt tt.Jou Doe in tlJe fun0u15
many goDS,, -ai;IJc IJOll' fldl.J o&rm~ in tl)e tem• ~. PJIDe of ')o~ane :'
pte are gom rrom ti.Jee, o Iuda, ann tlJo~, tulJen 6 fin ttw. i>JtdJJm anD dJl' lrimeD IJam alo
t1Jou IJall Done eum.ma11et1 tlJl' boall oftt. togrttJenefptctD tl)ee, anD ttpeD out bpon tl)ec
16 qe :Jl,,o'D aiUcb ttJec a grrme !ll>liue tree, altogetl)tr : l5eluue ttJem not dJouglJ UJep
a ratre one.a cnntrulone,a gooblp onc:but toltlJ Cpealiefam\DoJDS to tl)ee. l
great'1amOUTIJlltlJ tlJeenemie fetftre bpon it, 7 QssfOJme,Ifay/JIJauefOJfafimmineo\Dn -
anti dJc btandJ~ of it are btaropetl. Dtuemng pl~ue, anti left mine l:Jmtage :jl l:Jaue '
7 ~01 d)e :Jl,,oJD ofl.Jofles t!Jat plantctl tlJee, Ilium tl.Jat mr fotde b loueD ro tuehnto t}Je 1Jant1 b "' ·
IJatl.I beuifeb a _plagur foJ ttJee, (ll1i) tl)ou l:Joure of tJer enetu1e15. :t
of jrrael anll 31ut1a) fin ti.Jr will tl;latyeel)aue 8 •me l)mtage iSI become tmtomeea15 8 "'
Done to p:ouolle l)tm to tu~atfJ, in tl)at re bib fer, )l..ron in tJ:Jetuoob : it areb out bpon mt: ti.Jett· •
mce to l5aaL fo1e IJaue ~ fo1ra11m it. /
18 ~is(©JL01be) l)aue 1 lcarneb;ortf}ee, 9 '.)IS not mine IJetita«e bntomeu a rpec.
anb tmbertlanll it: fQ~ tl)ou l)aft OJe\DeD me tlJclr fdtb bttb ~ ate not tlJe bitbsi rounb about agaill(f
tmaginations. l)et ~ Come anII ga~ t'e togetl.Jer all pee bealbl
19 l6ut '.ll am ais ameme ll,,ambe,an iD~c tlJat of tlJc llefll,tome.tIJat pe map eatt tt bp.
ts carieb atoap to bee tlaine,: not lmotoing tlJat r o ~tucrss l)earllmm l}aue b10ken llo'cDne
tl)ep i)all l>emfci'.I CttciJ ~ counreu aptnlt me , lay- mp btneparb, an~ trobm bpon mr poition: Of :%
ing, 119r \Dill l>tllrop (Jus mcate \DttlJ \lloob, anb mp plearant p0Jt1on tiJep l}auc mlllle a totlbtt•
b~tue IJtm out of tlJe Ianlle or tl)e liuing, tl.Jat l)iss nclfe anll llefttt. z
namcOJaUneucrbetl;JouglJtbpon. u ¢llep l}aue lart1tt\DaUc,ant1nouHl)atit j
1.Chr.18.9 10 *1(1[;1Jerefo,e '.l) Will befCCciJ tl)CCtlO'CO, (© i)'S tuafte,it ugl)etl) l.mto mt: pea,tf:Je tDl,JOltlanll '.1:
i•rc.17.10. Jl,o,i'.leor l}ottess) tlJou ri!Jl)teous jju?lgc, tlJou lfetf1blafte,anbnomanrcgar11et1J tt. ::i1
~nd 10. 11. tiJat trpetl ttJe retness ani'.I tl)c l}earts, let me fer 12 ~e l>efttoters come ouer tl)e bo,bttf in ;;i:
pfal. 7• 1°· tl}ec aucngeo oftl)em:ro~ tmto tl)ce l)aue ~tom, tl;Je 11ererteuerp tuap: fo1 tlJe rmo1t1 oc tfJe )Lo~e :11
mttteD mp canrc. Doti) confume fromtl)eone enn of tl}e tanll to d}e ;:
2 1 ~c l-o~b tl)ercro,e Cpaflt tf)uJ of tf:Je titt' otl)er,anD 110 llcai l}atl) reft. t,
yens oranatl)otlJ tlJat rougl)t to aar me,Captng, 1 3 'iJl;l)Cp 1Jaue ColJJcn \Dl)eatc, an?J reapQ i1~
10ieacl} not tmto bSS in tl)e J})amc Of tf:Jt l.-o~D. 01 tl;Joi,ne!S,lltlJep l)aue takml)eritagetnpofl"efl'ioll, llSome~i:
cue tl}ou OJ alt oie ofour IJanb~. but it ?JoetlJ tIJem no goon: ano tl)ep. tom allJa< iMy...:a:
2 2 ~ul5 I fay fpakc tl)c Jl.oJllc of IJolfelS. l6e, meb or pour fmite5J. becaureoi tl)egreat to11dJ 6dca .
fJOlll,] '!Dill btrlte POU, pour poung men f'!Jafi pe• Of tl)e )L,o:ll. . 00 ~:
ritl} toitlJ tlJe rtoo:o, rour ronncis \t pour bauglJ· 14 ~ussraredJ dJe JLo:lle bponall mp ruftl ::.~:
ter~ tl)all btterlp nieoflJunger. ncigl)bo:s tf:Jat lap IJanb on mr l)eritagetol)idJ t~
1 3 ~o tl)at none OJaTI remaine: fo1 bpon tfJe 11.Jaue po[clTeb, euen 1111' peoplt of '.)frael, l5es
cttilens or :.lnatl;lotlJ \1Jill] b:ing a plague, l)oill,]toiOplumtl)emnamelylfracloutofd,Jeir !::!
eucntl;lepeere ofd:Jetrbtfitation. l11nbe, anbput out tf}e l}oUCe of ]Oba Crom a- z~
Th CXIJ. .. Ch mongtbem. :-.
apter, 15 anlltol)en~IJ8UUOOfClltlJetnOUt,! t·":
I The Prophet marucilcth greatly mhe prorpcritie totl be at one tlritlJ tl:Jem againe, ams l tDll b&IR ll '
of the wicked, although heeconfdTi: God to bee merctc bpon tlJtm, anb biing tf1em S(tairfee•
righteous. 7 The !ewes arc forfaken of the Lord uerp man to IJiJ o1Dne ~etitage, anb mto l]iS
10 Hcfpeakcth againfhheCuratcsand Preachers lanll.
that feducc the people. 14 The Lord threamcrh t 6 gnb if tl)r.r, namely that trouble my pcopk
dcftrull:ion vnto 1hc nations that bordered vpon \llillleame t1J£ 'COl!?eS oftlJem tof\'oearebp mp
I uric,which troubled and vexed it. Jt)amc, ~e JL,o:t> 11uefU, Idle astl1et' 1earneb mt'
Ellll~a"I ll,,oJbe, tl)ou art 1no:c rtgf)trou~ people to Ctoeare bf ~aal : tl}en 111au tlJee be
tlJm tfJat '.]\ f!)oulllr. Difputc toltl.J built amon~ mr peoplt.
tl)ec : neuertl)eleffe, let mu talhe s1 ~ut tf tl)ep wiU not obep. dJen 1:Dt0 ~
\1JitlJ tl}ce in ttJings rearonablt. root 011t ttJtfame f'ollle. annearor tl}em, cartll
t b11.7. ~~~ • ~o'ro lJappenetlJ it tl)attl)e Ul4'F tl)cJL,o1b.
•bac.i.J. ofttJe bngotllp tis fo p1ofperouis :'ano tlJatitgo, The xiij. Chapter,

ettJCo tocl \\lttl) tl)em ml)iclJ toid}out anp fi}a1ne I The dcAruaion ofdie I ewes is prefigured, & 1hcir
otten?J anD liue tn \Di,hctincrre :' lli 1 d
~ ~DU plantea tl)em,tlJCl' tafletOOte, tl)ep fparfin~ abroad. I I W1J, rac was recciuc to
, ,.h,
~0'11, ano b~in« fooitlJ ftuite; tlJep boaft muct,J be 1he pe<;>plc ofGod, an why rhcy wc:re forfaken.
:~ :t
~~·~·:b~'[:.'" oft1Jtr,-pctartt1Jouf1.1rrefrom tl)ctr•reine1. J.)u15fa!djt1Je:G..o~llebntomt,eoe :~-;,:-:
:::.~:i:~·.. k 1 ~ut tl)ou ll..011>e to \DIJomc '.) am Ulen CIJP tDlll'·~•ttlJcealinnm~· ~~~
''"1t~1111no. l)no'Q)tn, t'l)ou tlJatllaft rccne anb rnooueb mp
bit, anDl:tifbtltabouttf1plofAtf. \.~
toc~~,J~ltttlJtma\Da", lillcasaflodleilS utricb
bap.,;f'Uauu~.!l~!!rlJ.ourc: anb appoint d.Jem ro1 dJe
:a ¢1Jen '.J got mt a lltl'Dk. 4"
• .,~ co~bin«tot1Jecomman11ementoft1Je:Lo1D, anD
4 ~0'1llonia.iantl)uanb moume, anun
puttt8boat~lopnc1S. . 1'\
tl)f~tarbe15 of tlJt fttlb pcti'1J roi ....c Ulialtllneat
3 arm dJQ. ttJe recona t11ne tlJt :l-o$ r..a1rc :~ ~'
110 .....11 *""
•&}tin tl)at b.....
bifDUrc WjO
..,uem.. ,, ~ '4ttell anll tfJc
bnto me qame,
• ... ,'.•~:.\
, .,
DcftropbJSb~ctfattl:Jcp, ¢Ull),!JS01t1Dlllnot
4 Galle t11cllit*t1Jat tl)ou lJa81>1qaart0, ·~. ~
~ · l'. a11Dputaboutt11u.ant1mettlJUbp,an11aoebn• ·~
tlJ~ foon!~~~\t~~~t~~~~::'::.'::~::: to Cfupl»atd. anlllJibe it tl;lere in a l}ote of tlJt ~' ~
1 _________~...,..4ii-ol..1--\'~
-- ·~.- ·=---,-- ----------------------.52!~- ~ ,,
''~~~~~--:~~~~~~~~ ......

~'.he Je\tves exhorced. Chap.xiiij. to repent. Adearch. 254

~ ~ ~o t11ent 'JI, a11n IJiD It at cttlplJ~tts, as 22 ~nn ir t11ou tuouloett flJm cap in tl}ine
~ tl]e JL,0:11,ommaunllell me. l)eart, llD(Jerero:e c:ome tl}ef£ tl}in~ bpon mee-:
:\~ 6 illlD itlJappencD long aft.ti tilts;, tlJatdJe <fuen Co: tlJemultitubc of dJp blafplJcmies 0.JaD
~~; JLo,Oefpahe, up, (t get ti.Jee to ~IJ~· tlJr ()inner parts anb tfJpftet be 1>tfcoum1>.
~i us. anD retd.J tl)e girlllC fr01n tl)tnce. tu1J1c1J '.JI 2 3 Ql}ap a man of 1]n1>u1Jangc IJil!l lbin, anb
,, commilnllcD tl)ec to l}ibe tlJm.; .. · . tlJe Cltat or ttemountainc l)ertpots ~fo,manee
~· 7 ~m tllcnt 31 to Cfuptnates. anD lll!Jltl> tl)at be erercirel> in euiU,l>ot !JDOI>.
~1 bp,anll toolie tl,Je girblc from tlJe plaeic tulJm.l 2 4 qercro:c tulll '.) rcauer tllem like as tlJe

1\ 1 l)SD I.Jin it: ann bel}olnc, tlJe ;lri>le t11as c:o1fU)Jt, ffnbble tl;lat is taken a\Dap tuitl) tl)c ~outl)
Co it '1lal!I piorttable Co: notlJing. tu1n1>e.
~~: 8 ~cnfapbtl)eJL,o:bbntomc, 2 ~ ~is fi:Jalberourpo:tion,anlltf)tpiJ1tion
' 9 ~IJuss fapetlJ tl}e ·.IUJ1t1c. <rue~ fo ~m 'J of pour meafun 'lDIJmtlltt() re flJalbe ntuarnell
~~; coJrupt tl]c p1it1e of 1lun11, anl.J tl)c (JtglJ mmll of of me, rartlJ tl}e )l,,o:ne, becaure pee l)aucfO:goc• .
$im&falem. . ten me, anll put rour tn1a in bcceitfull tlJinp.· ·
~ 1 o ~l}is people is a wickeb pcople,tlJer ~m 2 6 -m:;l)£rero~e 11Ja111 tumc tlJr clotlJts ouer
~' notlJcare mr 'lllOJtl,tlJer follolll tJ1e tlltckclnma• tlJp 1Jea11,anb ?11rcouertl)l' lbame.
~1l: gtnationsoftf)eirotllne l)cart, anD l}anSJ bPOtl 27 ~1Jpabulterirs,t1Jrneig1Jinp,t1Jp11Jamc-
't~ !fram1c gons . tlJem tJ,Jep rerueanll tuo10Jip, anb run 'lll~ebome on tl;lc IJils in t(Je lietns, ann ti»!
:"~i t(Jercro1c tlJer niau beas tlJiS girble tl}atCcruetl} abom~nations taue 1 rernc: iwoe be bnto t(Jee '
·~~~ fo1notl)ing. ~flDD,)temfalem) \Dtlttl}on neun:bc cleanfella<
11 1fo1 as traitlp as a girtlle trctb bpon a nr mo1e :' orni(Jcn 11Jallt1Jat be:'
~· mans lopncs, fo llraitlp bib 'JI binlle tb,e tul)olc The xiiiJ.. Chapter.
~:,l: (Joufcof 'J\fracl, anti dJc tubotc 1Jou~eor1una Of
~· bnto me, faptlJ tl)e dJey mtglJtbc mp rhe dc:mh char lhould come in I urie. 7 The pui-
:~:_ people, t(Jat tl)ep migl;Jtllaueaglo1iouS name, er of ihc people asking mercie of rhe Lorde. 10
·: ~~·..
tl)at tl)cp miglJt betn )Jonout': but tlJcp \DoUlb
12 ~l)mfo1etartlJisriblllcbcfo:ctlJcm,a~
ray, 'liW)us faptlJ tl)e ·JL,o~D <lfSotl of '3\ftael,Cfuene
potfiJallbclillttl\llitlJ wine. !anD tlJer 01allfap
bnto tl)ee, ~(Jinflelt tIJou toce Jmomc not tIJat
cucrp pot O:Jall be fillcll \Ditll \\line:'
D •
e~h£:n!na~hfiaunlldpefo£pllfce arc nochheardh. dofpraby-.
o " e prop crs t at 1c uce 1 e
l9c blo~ll of tlJe '.fL01t1clbcblc~ 1mtD
91eremte. conccrningd}cl>eartl)of
tl)c ftuitcs.
1 9\Utla IJatlJ mournetl, bis
::;: 13 ~IJen O.Jalt tl)ou car bnto tlJem, qus gatesarenefolate. t)Jeparc bto~t
fapetlJ tl}e J!..01nc,l6c1Jolt1, '.jJ O:Jall lill tl)c in(Jabi, to lleautnelTc, cum bnto t(Je grountl, anti tl)c err
a.:s tcrss of t)Jts lanll mitlJ ?11unflennc[e, tlJe kin~ of ll)ierufalem gocdJ bp.
~ra tbat ftt bpon ~aultls aoole, tlJe p1ieffs anll p10• 3 rQI::l)e lo1Ds Cent tl)eir fmrantis to fctcl) 'Illa•
~:~ plJcts, \llitf) all tl)at b\Dell at D,)icmraicm. tcr,anl> 'all) en tlJer came to tlJe 'lllelks, tfJep Dfb
· 14 9nb '.J: toill rec tl)cm one againa anotlJrr, fintlc no blater, but canen t:IJetr beads IJomc
r.: .:t pea, tl}e fatIJer~ againa tlJcfonncs. fapetlJ tl)c rmptie: tlJer be aO:Jameb anti confounl.lctl, anti
11J= JL.01D, '.JI tom not part1011tfJcm,1 \\'lift not fpare couei: tl}eir l}eans.
tlJem, noi baue pitic bpon tl)em : but. tleatop 4 cjf 01 ttJe grounb tis l.l1rct1, brcauf£ tlJcrc
~~~. t1Jrm. commct(J no raine bpon it: tlJe plo1\1mcn alCo
~:!I~ 's ll)cair, gitte care. talie not bit'oatnc at it : be allJamc'b anti coucr t(Jcir l:Jeans.
::s.~: fo1 it trt-.tlJe JLoib IJimfelfe tl)a~ fpeakctlJ. . 5 ~lJe ~inti alfo fo1Cookct1Je pl.lung rawnc
~,. 16 ..,,onourttJe Jl.01!1 rour ~ob o: (Je taliclJts tlJat lbe biouglJtfo:tlJ int~ fieltl, bccaufl' tIJcre
ligl)tfromrou. anll 01 euerpour reetffUmblein \llasno graU'e.
,,.-/ llarhenefi"e at tlJe 1)111: lean 'IDl}en pou toohe fo: 6 ~lJe: blillle afl"es bib lfanb in dJe (Jigl) pfa,
: -··.j tl}e liglJt, IJe turne it into tl)e ~atlo'ID anl> name, ce$1, anti t11cwe in tl}eir \llinbc like tlJe ll~agons,
~~ neil"eoft1eat1J. tlJeirerest1it1failef01 \llantof gratre.
~i ; 17 lButffrcwillnot ljeanmc tlJatgiucrou 7 ~oubtlefi"e, ouromnewicflrDnea-e t1oet1J
~1 femt tuaming, 1 to ill mourne from mp \DIJole fe'O>artl bS: but 'JLo:ll t1oe tlJQU acccnoing to tlJp
~ ;!1,. 1, l}eart fo1 pour lfubbumnetrc: *~iteouar 'lDtll name, t{JouglJ ourttanfgretrionunll fl:nnesbe
., 1 ~~ ~ wepe, anb tl)e teans ft)all !JUllJ out of mine manp,aqb againa tl)ee IJauc 'Ille finnrtl.
~/ epcjS? r.oi ttJc JLo:ness tioclie OJall be canetl amar s '.ffo: tfJou art tlJc comfo1t anll l)clpe of 'Jf•
r captaue. rad in tlJc time of trouble: IWIJr toilt tl)ou be as
18 ~ell t{Je ll\ing anti tl)e ~ucene, D,)um~~ a ftt'angcr in t(Jc Ianlle, anti ass one ttJat goetlJ
.~r rourfelues,fitpounotone lo\ll, fo:rour1>1gmtte IJistournep,anD commct(J onclp to rcmaine fo1
;~ lhalbe tlJ:omen t10\llne, anti tlJe crowne of rour a nig1Jt1
,t-" !J(o1ie ftJall fall Crom pour IJealJ. 9 IWIJP bl1lt t)Jou mallc tlJ! fclfc a coblarb,
·.1.#·: 1 9 ~e cities towarll t(Je ~outlJ OJalbe flJUt anl> as it Ulm a g~ant ti:) at rrt map not (Jelpe.,
,~~.A bp,anll no man 11J al open tIJem: an ]una tlJ~lbe ~ut tl)ou,t!D JL.01t1,art in tfJc milltlefl or bs,ani>
~l~ catien awar capttue, ro tIJat none O:Jall remaine. tlJr ~ame tS' calletl bpon of b~fo:fahe bSS not.
~~ 20 JL. tftbppoureres,antl belJollletl)em tl)at 10 ~1Ju~1Jatl)t1JcJLo;t1 fattlbnto IJispcople,
.A come from tlJe ~o~tl): w(Jen is tlJe Hoefle o thou ~ecing ttJcr l)aue 1Jat1 fUCIJ a lutt to \1Janbcr a•
-lf~J land,tlJat was giuen tl)ec 1anti tolJcre are tlJr fat b:oaunn l)auc not nfrainetl tlJeit feetc: tlJm•
1~v ann rid) O:Jcepc :' ra~e tl)e JLo~tle (JatiJ .no plcarure m tlJmt.,but l)cc
' ~
21 ~o w{Jome blilt t1Jou mafle tlJp moane
'oJ(Jcn tlJe memie tl)all c:ome bpon tl)ec 1 fo: t1Jo11
IJalltatt«IJt tbem tlJpCClfe, ant11nat1ctl)em ma,
lltts ouer tlJte: OJaH not ro1ot11 comc bpon tljee
as on a \lloman ttaua1ling 'lDtdJ cl)1lt1 :'
\1111 now b:ing agamc to remcmb1ancea11 their
mifbcct1s,ant1 punm1 all tl)eit: unnes.
11 l]?ea. euen t1Jusrai1>t1JeJLo:t1t bnto 1nce,
* -ai;l)ou ll)alt notp:ar to nee tlJis people goon. 1.,._,...i4·
n fOJ tl)ougIJ tlJep fall,1 toil not (Jearc tl)etr -7 _
l 1

,,.. t - I ~u1 2 vJarrr/.< --

~:apciuicie chreatned. Chap.xvj.xvij. Recurne fron1 capnuitie. 1 5.,
ltuetfJ \D]Jtcl) b.iougl)t d;lc '1)illl1cn of ]frael our
of tl)e lanll or Cf!JPpt : . .
IS lOutit lbaObc ca111,~eJl.,0JllltUctl)tl1at
bJouglJt tl)c dJilbJen of '.]jfracl from tl)c ~OJtlJ,
antlfroman lan?ls\Dl}el:c t}c l)all Ccattcrell tl}em:
foJ '.3l \Dtll b~ing tl)em aga1ne Into tl)e Jani> tl)at
'.ll giluc tlJcir fatl}er!S.
16 lOCbolDe, faptlJ t1Je lL0111, ') \Dill renll out
The xvj. Chapter. 1nanp jfif!Jcrs to ta!te tl)em, ann afttt tl}at \Dil '.J,
1 He prophdicch chc mi(c:rie ot rhclcwcii. 2. Hee fclllloot~anp~unters, tol)unttl)cm from all
lbcwcch char chc worfhippingot images, and chc mountames ant1 IJ1llc!5, a1111 out of tl)c caueis;of
concc111pc of Gods la1vc is cau(c of cncir mifcric, llonc.
Ii Her rophcficth the captiuitic of Babylon, and 17 foJ mine crci:s bcl)olb all ti.Jett waves, anti
their dcliucrance from thence againc. 19 The cal- tlJefcannot bee l}itlfrom mp face: nciilJer can
ling ofrhc Gentiles. tl,Jctr \Dicbell llcens, be hept ciore out of mr figl'Jt.
~~~ t9u~ ratt~J tlJe :a. OJ!I tmto me, . 18 ~utfirll \lltll'.Jl fnflmcnttrrctoartl tl)tir
- ct'· , 2 ~llou ~Jalt t~kc t~ee 110 \Dtfc, flJamcfull blafpt;cmlci:s anti flnnei:s. bccaure tbcp e r ,
~· .~ noJ brgct clJt!DJCU u.11 lJu~ place. t)lluc tlcfilctl mr lantl a \Dirt) llJcir lhnfring cari' ~,,,:~:.:,~,'.'
. ~: -.~ 3 ~oJ of tl)c tnilll~en tlJat arc onis ann ti) ctr abomtnation11, 'Wl}ercniitotIJey ~.~~::,~'/,~~:·
'~ .~lt bomc in thl15 place, or.ttJetrmo, tJaue lillctl mine l)crttagc. . };;b'~~~·;··;~~
tl)eriH [Jat lJSUC bO~lle'tlJCtn' ~Of tlJm ftlttJ~r!S 19 © :JLozb mr ftrengtl).mp po\ller anti refuge 6" • luurrc
tt)att)aue begottcntl)em in rl)t!Slanb,tlJU~ rattll in time of trouble: tl}c ©cnttlc!S llJaU come bnto ~;~~~:I~':
tile ll.ozll, tl)cc from tl)c en'DS:S of tlJc \Do~ln,antl rar, tmrclp ~.~~?.; ~.~;~,.
· 4 ~!JcpOJllllllfesnlJo?rtblclll'atlJ, noman our fatl)er~ uaue cteauc'll bnto llc!S, tlJcir illoles ~~l;~·,;;~~ ~~:"
OJaU niccpc foJ tl)cm, noi burte ttcm, lmttlJ~ are but \lame ant11mpiofitable. """ offolra·
OJ all lie ~ bUlllJ bpon tlJt cartl} : tbcl? fiJall pmllJ 20 ~o' can a man mabc tlJofc l)iS goDS, rub.Coil,
tfJzou~lJ tlJc rtuoJl.l anil fJtmgc~, an~ tlJctr bobiei:s \D'!Jtcl) arc not able to be goD!S:'
£1Jalbc meatc foJ tlJe foulei:s of tl)e atre.;anil beaas:s i r ann tlJcrcro~c f1J \Dill once teac(J t1Jem.
oftl)c eartl}. faptlJ t{Jc JL,o~I> , '.]\ 'Will fiJC\D tlJcm mr ban;, anti :
s f,oJ tl1u!5 faitll tile :a.o~tl. ~oc not tlJou in' mp ponicr,antl tl}epf!Jall lmo'W t(Jat mp name t;; i
to tl)c ljoure of mournin~, noHometo mcurnc ti)£ :JLOJtl:
ani:J \Derpc fo~ ttJem: ro~ JI !lane taficn mp pracc , Thexvij,Ch.apter,
:.:n from thi!S pcoplc,ratt~ tl)e ·.11.o;tl, yea, my fauour
r lhc frowardncllc of the !ewes. 5 Curfcd hcthofe
arn en~mrmcmc~.
thar puc thccrconlidcncc in man, and tho re bldlcd
Id• 6 gn?> In tlJl!5 lant1 IIJall tl;ey lite olllc anti char uull in God. 9 M3ns heart is wicked, 10
~ pong, anti tlJnll notbcc tumt1: no man niall llc'
tld' '1Jttpc ttcm, no man lball tltp o~ UJauc l)i1nf£lfe God is the fearchcrof the hcarc. 13 lhc huing
wacers arclorlakcn. 21 The hallowing olthc Sall·
1P.' , fOffl)cm. both is commindcd.
~!'! 1 'Gitn~rt11alnotm~ingt1teirl,Janll!5 in mour·
~ ning 'nltfc on tl)cit llCilb,onc to tomfoJt anotl)cr: ilDurunne,Oyeoftherribeof Iu-
:.,1: 01te tl)all nototltt anotllcr tlJc cup of confolation da,i.S Ullittcn in tlJC table Of fOUr
.,. to fo~gct tl)eir l)eauinclTc foi tl)ctr ftltlJtt anti 1Jrarts, anti grauen ro bpon tte
• motl)~r. etl{!es of rour altaris \llitt} a per.
1iJI , 8 '\itl]ou llJalt notgoe into tl)eft featll)oure, of t'JOn, anll \Viti) a anamant
~, to fit iloume to eatt oi tl~inlie \DittJ tl}cm: • cia\De:
.~tfrl 9 fo~ t'(Juis faitlJ the lLo~t> of lJollci:s the ~ob i ~at ass tl,Je fatl}er~ tl)infle llpon tfJcfr cbil,
.,,;1, of']ifracI, l3c(Jolll, 1 flJR\I talic a'may out of tl)i~ tl)inb FOU alfo bpon vour altars, \r;COO~•
~v. ptacHlJr bo cc of mittlJ anti ~l~bncife, tlJc botce tl)iclie tm!S,l:)tgl) lJilS:S, mountaincs.ann ficllits.
fP;J of tile b~tllcgrcmc anti of tlJe bitbC, pea, anll tfJat 3 nattcrero~e, © mr mount tllat fiani:lc ·!Ji~
~)~ inrour naprJ5,tlJatrc mar rec :t. tlJc fie Ill, '.])'mill mar1c au tlJP fubaance anu t•~"'
~~I~, 9, 1 o *Jf:? 01u c\UlJCll tllou fl)e'Well tl)i!S people all fureto be Cpoilell, fo~ tlJc i;Jreat finne ttlat H10~.
/ J·•: tl)rfc '1Jo~tlc!5,anll tller far bnto tbc~. Dlmefoic [Ja!t tlonebpontlJP l)tgl}placrs, tljoJc~out a:l
" l)&tl)tl)e '.ILO~tl llCUifrb SU tl)i!S ~C!\t plaguefo~ tlJe coaas of tlJp 1anll.

J.,jf,. bll~ OJ\DlJat t~ tl]coffcnccantl fmtl)at"Wcl,Jauc 4 ~{Jou OJalt bee cn!t out alro from t~c trrt'
,;.,,,. t1oneag<linfttl)c·Jl,o~llour Cl5ob~ , ta~e fiJat 'Ji gsue tl)ee: anti 'Ji Will fubt1uct1J•e
r r ~bcn matte t!Jcu tbrm tl)tis anl'\llcrc, l3e' bnl'lcr tlle teauic bc;nMgc of t{Jinc encmie,a,m r.
:-A' caurc rour ramrns IJaue fo~rarim mee, ranlJ tlJC • 1ant1 tt:Jat rec rmo\ll not: to~ pre l)auc mtniltnll
' fire to mine intiignation, \lllJirlJ lbaU turnr
',,.'.it/Jj lLo~l.l, ~ l)auc walltcll after llrnngc goni;s, to}Jom
,._.,, t1Jepl)o11ouret1 nnb \DOJflJtppetl, but mee IJauc euenno,c.
tlJepfo1ra1tcn,anb t)aucnot 11eptmp JJ.,aUJ.: . s ~IJU1'!faTtlJtlJclL0Jt1, ctut'fC'llbe tl)eman
,,i1 i6. 12 *anti re 'Witb pour OJnmefUU bla{piJcmtcis tlJat puttetl:l IJ•S trult m man , anti that tali£tn
~~~ ~auc mcclleb tlJe tutc1tconcrre of rour fetlJers: fiel1J fo~ htS armc, ant11Jc '1ll)ofe l)can llep,m ut1
~~~ fo:euttp oueofpou l}atfJ folto\UelltlJe trowarll fromthc'.ll..0~11.
• ~ ~c 11JalbcliI1e tl,Jcl,JratlJ tl)atgro'roccij in
-~~~ an11eum imagtnatioms of 1Jlsownel)Cart, anbi
is nbt obellimt bnto me. . · · \DtlllfmeS: ass fO~ ~C (!;00?1 tlJtng that t)'S [OJ ti I
,i~i1.a. 13 *~crfoze\Dtl l]JcallrououtoftlJnilanll~ . comc,l)c !ljal not.fee tt, but b\llcl in a b~ic placr e:
d!i~ into a1ant1 that vee anti rour fatIJcr!S lnto\D .not: tl)c 'tl.lllDrrntlfc..m a felt ann buorcup1eiJ tanti.
-~~~ ann tlJere tbal re rerue ltrange gollS !lap $ mgl)t, , . 7 ill> bletfcll ti:Hl1cma11 tt1atputtct11 IJil'l tru~
~~ r tl)cre \Dill 1 fl)c'm rou no fauour. . mtt:ic lLo:b, anb 'tlll)ofcl;opc ism tlJc l!.o~l.l !Jim
r I 4 )Bel)olb tl)ttfO~e. flJt!tl} tlJC 'JL,o;ill,f{JC !JRJC~ , Cclft.
~i are 'ome tl1atit tball no mozc befapll, ~el..OJtl · 8 * fot tire fiJGU b~ al$ a trccthat frrntmtri', ,. ·" • •·
God fearchech the heart. Jeremie.~ The potters pot.~
bp tile 'OJatcr lioe. 'OJ\Jicl) rp:caD~ out tl)eroatt ~nee•: pea fDIJolt 'Juba, anb all tl1t dttmui of ;
bnto moillneac, 'OJl)otn ~c IJe.atc can nae IJimm t}ie:rufalcm HJaD "°c l)mdJ01oto, anb tlJif!I nae 1
tolJcn it ,onnnctlJ, bUt IJ•l!l lca~ a,au b~ giccnc: OJal niu be tn1Jab1trb.
anlJ t11oug1J tfJcrc IJl'O'OJc bUt little fmltb"8Ufe 2 6 ~ OJall ,omc mm alfo frOm t1Jt ctticss
of o:outlJ, rct i51 llc not '~cful, bUt l.Je neucr lea~ of1Ulla,from a\1out 'imlfalcm, anti from tl)e
uctlJ off to b#ng fo1t11 Cnnt. lani> ofl6etrianrin. from tlJc platncfielllc15, from
9 .among an tfJin~. man t;Jatf;J d,1c molt lie• tlJemountatncJ,anll Crom tlJc toilllemess,1!11Jk1J
ccitfull ano f!ubboine l}cart : 1191.Je ft.Jail ttJcn 11Jal b1ing \D~olc burnt otrmn!I'- ramficcss., ob,
Jmo'OJ it!' ~tton~. an11 mn~nrc,an11 otfcrbp tlJankefgtutng
Reuc.i.>~· 10 lfucn'.)ltl)cJL.,0111 *fcard,)out tf.1tlJl'OUnll mt11e1JOUf.coft1JcJL.,o;D.
pfaL 1.1 o. of tlJc IJeart.anD ttie ttJereinel!l,anD rc\Daro cue. 2 7 l6ut tf re 1Dft not be obcbfmtbnto mtc to
rr man acco~llingto IJiS \\lapcss,anll auo;11ing to l)alo\tlc tl)e ~abbotlJ, fo tlJatpetoil bearc pour
t1Je Cruit oflJif!I too1ke,, burnenis ttro:o\D d,1c gates of ll)icmf'alem bpon
11 ~e parttidJ martctlJ ancft of~. ml.Ji~ tl)e ~abbotl): t:IJcn ftJal '.)rec fire bfon tl)c ptes
flJcclarcD not: l}euommctl} bpriclJclS, butnot 0Cll)1~rura1em. anbtt ftJBlbUmebp~el)ourtis
rigl}tcouap. in tl)c min11ea oflJtis life mua (Jee of ~1~lfalem, anti no man ti.Jan bee able to
lcaue t1Jcm bcl)inlle IJim, anD at d}c lat? bt founb qumtl) 1t.
abcrp f oole.
n :13utttJou (SlD JL.,oit1) \tllJofe t1J1onei)1 moll
gio~tous,e~ccllcnt,anD ofmoft antiquicr,\DlJidJ
b\Dcllclt in tlJc place of our l)olp rell:
1 3 ~I.Jou art ti.Jc comfo~t or '.3\frael. all tlJtf
tlJat fo1Calie tl)ec 11Jalbc conrounlleb, al tlJcy tl)at
, noe Depart from tllce fiJalbe \D~ittm in eartlJ : fo1
tl)cy l,Jauc fo1ra11m tl)e )l,,o~b, t:IJc ti err 'otlbuit ot
, tl}c lDatcrs of life.
14 'calemce,SlDJL.,o~ll. anll] OJallbe\Dflole:
rauc t1Jou mer, anll '.;l Oialbe rauctl: fot ti.Jou arc
1 i '6C1Jolb,t1Jefe men Cap bnto me, Jl1)1Jtre i!S
tl)c 'm01D of tIJe JL.,01t1 ~ letit come now.
16 1191Jerea)1 j ncucrt1Jc1£ne obcllientlt' fol•
lotoeb tlJec a)1a11Jepl)crll, anb ltaue not bncallcll
tallen tl)il5 office bponmcc, tlJiS Jtno\llct'ttl)ou
\JJCU: mp \IJ01b1S alfo \JJcre rigl)tbefotc ttJee.
17 :USrc not tlJou terrible bnto mee, © JJ.,011.1:
fottl)cuartl.)ccin\Dl)om~ toi;eb.ll)en'.J amin
18 JL.,ctmppcrrecuto~)1 bccconfounlleD, but
notme:ltttl}em be afrnill, anllnotmcc: ~ou
ll)alt bting bpon tIJcm tlJt time of plague, anD
llJalt nearop tfJC1n rig1Jtro1c.
19 ~lJU)11JattJt1Je JL.,011.1raiD bntomc.~o an11
ftanll bnllcr tl)t iatc \\ll1cret1Jo10\D tlJc people
anlJ tlJe lling)1 of1iuba goe out anll tn,rca bnner
au tl)c gatc)1 of~1erufalcm.
10 .an11 fapbnto d.)cm, ll)caretl)c \\loiDoftlJr
lL01n, pee bin~ of')uba, anD alUIJou people of
~u'lla,anb all tlJe citttenis oUIJicmfalem tlJat go
t1Jo10\D tlJi!S ~ate,
21 ~UIS t1Je JL0111 commanllctlJ, ~&fie bcclle
ro~ pout Uucs ttJat pee c;atic no burllm bpon pou
in _toe ~abbotlJ, to bJirig ittt,Jo;o\\1 tlJegatt!S of
22 !'retl)al brarcno butDcnalroontofpour
IJou~eii in tl)c ~abbotlJ, pou OJal Doc no labour
~l}enn: but l)nllolll tlJe ~abbotl),a~ '.]l 'omman•
uCb 'eOUt fatl}CTIJ,
11 c:i~b~..!!\nbctt tl}cp obcpeb me not.nci~ttlJear,
••,cp bnto mce : but 'OJerc oblhnate anti
llubcbomc, an11 neitl)er obcf eD mcc, no1 ncciueD
mp oitcctton. .
-~~ frl::tbttJCICII"C,t[ pc 'OJ1l ()cart mc.(aitlJ C tfJ.
•. care no burbm into d)c citle tbo•
~g::?:J!~~Jo! tl}c~abbotlJ, ifpee'OJill)a,
tl)crcin: o••, • Co t11at rec Doc no m0111e
~ 5 .~r:n llJa\ tl}cn !AOC U,010\n tbc gated ot
dni5 citp hmms _an11 Pitncc~tlJat OJa1nt11pon tlJe
ttJ~onc orwamll, t\Jet> fl)albc carie?I bpon CfJa·

- - ~ .::-_.___:,--. -. --
rcts, Rnll nbc bpon l}oifeliS, botlJ they am their

~:uiil for good. Chap.xix.xx. Hierufalem thre,:atned. 2 56

~ mallt tl}cm ramn dJeir \llape1 Crom ttJe asuimt ·~op1Jet11,110zt1Je balkr oftile '1Jil1>1m ofl!)cn•
1..· patl}1.an0to11oetntoa\1Jap not bfeDto be tro• nom:buttlJeballqofOauglJtcr.
~. ncnofiufl men. 7 f,o~ in tlJi!S place mill 91 b~ing to noui!iJt
~1 R 1 ~ • ISIJmtinougl) tlJtv. IJm bJGU111t tlJttr tlJc counrcu of 1una an?J f!littufalml, anb kill
~· ;. :o. laitD into an eumaO:ing \lltulmufft an11 r~ne: tlJlllo\lJnc \llitl'J tl)d'\llo,b bertJJetlJcir rnmnc•,
~~ ro dJSt 'allJiJComtt trauailtd) tlJerbf OJalbt aba· anb '.ll 'mill i>tltutr tlJrm into tlJc 1Ja1tb!S of ttJcm
~~ OJeD, a.-n. ~eaos. tl)at time tl.Jetr liucii, anb· tl)elr 1>ca11 carlfcifc~
I,\ •7 119itl) an eatl umnc 'Cil1U ~ rcattcr tl1em \lltl ~ gtue to be meau ro, tl)e rouieii of tl;Je arie,
~\ befo1e tl)cir tnemte11: anll 'iDIJtn tt;Jctr b£1Jnuti• anl> dJ~ beallc1 of ttJe ficl11.
i:.\.1 omomm£t1J,jjwtutumemrlla,kebpontl.)cm, 8 • ~nD ~ \llill make tlJecitie fo Dd'olatc Iorc. 18• 16 .
•~ bUt not mr race. anD Dcfpifell, ttJat 'IDl]orocun goetl) thncbr llJal
~~,: 18 '4t:IJm ratnc tlJtf, ctome, ltt 1'• tma~c be abaflJell , OnD itll bpon IJcr, bccaurc of au l)cr
: ~t come tlJing again« tlJilS 9\ttemie: fo, tl)e p11efl1S plagues.
~~ l!J811notbebcftttutt ortl)e la\ll, neitl)n fl)aU tfJc 9 'J b:JiU fcetlc tl)cm atro witlJ tl]c flclll or
·1i Wt men be tletlitute of counrc11, no1 tbe p10• tlJcirfonnet1 ann tlJeir 1>augl)tcrii,rca,euerr one
· plJetlS lleattute or tlJt 'alOJb of ~ob: €ome, anb fl)al~ rate bp one anotlJcr ~n tl)c bcl'itging anll
•· letblSfmitel)im \'OitlJ ttJe tongue, anD let bl not ltrmtnelTe 'o.lllttc\ll1tl) tl)c1r mcmiclS that fceke
'~ markealllJilS'\DOJllelS. . :heir liucs IIJllllflttpc t!)em in.
\~ 1 9 ctonCibcr me, ilI> )..DJb,anll IJeare tlJe botct . 1 o anti tl)e pitcl)cr 11Jalt tl:Jou bJcalic in tl}e
":· of mtnecncintc!5. Cigl)toftlJc men tlJat goe tutti) tbec,
~~; 20 ~lJaUtl)eyrtc;ompcnfecmllfo1goot1t fot 11 9nllfar bntotl)cm,~IJU1Sfait1JtlJeJL0Jll
~. tl)ep tJaue Dtg1,et1 a pit foJ mr route : metnem• o~~o«.es, ~ucn ro \llill ']l nrttror tlJiii people anll
~·, bet tJOto tlJat 1 ftODD befo~ tl)et to Cpealt£ 1oob cttie ~as aman b~cat.etl;J an carttJen tietltll tlJat
ro1 tlJcm, anti to tume a10ar tl1F w1at1J from cannot bee mane \lll)olc a11aiiu : in ~oplJttlJ
,..-:t~ tl)cm. llJall rtJcr be burt ell, fo, tl)cy 11Jall }Jaue none 0°
~: 21 ¢tercfo1e let tlJdr cl)tlt11m ntc ro~ l)tm• tfJcr place.
• !JEr, anb let tlJtm be oPWt[el'I 'alitlJ tlJC f\llOJll: I :z ~UIS mn ~ llO tin to ti#~ place alfo, faith
~ let t1Jeir'aliuc!5 be robbtll of tlJctr d)lll'IJen anti tlJc Jl.,OJtl, anll to tl)cm that llwcn tljcrein,rea,'.l
... · become \lJillo\llCIS, let tlJetr l)UfbanDIS be natnc, \lltll mafie tl)ilS 'inc aii ~oplJcttJ.
kt tl)cirroung men be fnlleb\llitlJ tl)c f\Uo~ll m 1 3 !ffoi tlJc l)ourc~ of~icrufalcm, \t tIJe 1Jou 0

:;:-:: tl)dctn. re~ ortl)c liinllf$of '.)ulla, fl)all l.Jc~rfilcll fike a~

:ii:'. u Jl.,ct tl)c norrc be lJtarD ou.t of tlJeir IJowis ~opl)cttJ , anbfo ilJnll au t}Jc (Jotll'clS in \lliJLfc
\lJl}cn tlJou b1ingcll t(Je murncm fUDllcnlp tp, roore~tl)cr bill Can-lli:ce tmto all tlJc l)oae ofl:}ca,
on ttmn: fOJ tl:lcy ()auc lliggell a pit to take me, uen, It potu~cll ll~ink offri nllf$ bnto ttran~c go1115,
anlllail>fnarcsf'o~mpfcctc. 1.+ anti ro 'Jeremie came from '4tl)op1Jtth,
2 3 Fet JL,o~ll t1Jo111mo\llcli an tf;Jeir countcn, \lllJcrc tl)c Jl.,o~ll l)all rent 1Ji1n to p1opl}cuc, ann
tlJat ttcr hauc llcuifcD to nap mec, fo;giue not flootl in tlJt court of ttJelJoUfc ef tl)e JL.o:llc, anll
ti.Jeir wickCZmetrc,anil let not ti) cir finnc1 be put rpallc to all tlJc "cople..
out of tbr fi~t, but let tlJcmbe iullgcllbcfon 1 s ~us fattlJ tl)cJl.,e~ll of l)oft~~ttJc©ollof
tlJtt ais gu1ltte: t1Ji£S boe tl)ou bnto tl)em tn tlJe ']lfracl, '5c1Jolllc, 1 \lJiU b1ing bpon tlJilS citic,
time of tl.)iiu tnbtgnatton. enll bpon cue~ •c
townc about tt, all ti.Jc "laguci:s
IJtbaaut..~bl)ecnau! oDb~Ccnailt~ga~!: e!~~~ bnocc:oubc~!~l'r

,...,.-; The xix. Chapter.
:..::s I He prophetieth the ddlrud:ion of Hicrufalem. for
· ..
.. "° 1
' w w c
~,:~ the contempt and dcfpifing of the word of God. The xx. Chapter.
,;,i)1 l!)U~Csitl) tlJcJL,o~D'
allb bur t{Jcc <!Sot tlW\lJar :i. Icremieisfmittcn,8.:call into prifon,forpreaching
an e1ttttJm pitcl}cr,
A allb bitng foitlJ tl)c fenatoUtii,anl> of rhc word of God. 4 He prophefieth rhe captiui-
j'Y d)iertpJlefllS, tie of Babylon. 7 Hee complaincth that bee is a
~ ,. 2 ii!!ntO tlJC balkr of t(Je clJj{: mocking fiockc for the word of God. 9 He is c::cm.
~{;t t11cnorl;lcnttom,\lll}icl) littlJ \llitlJ• pcllcd by the fpirit to preach the word.
'.J. outtlJe Ital! gate, \t fl.le\» tl)em tl)ne tlJe \llo1lll5 • l)m 10lJafiJurt1Je 10~iclt, tlJc fom1c
·'?~ tf;lat]flJalltellt(Jee, of<fmmcr, cgiefc tu ttJelJourc of
~· ~ 3 anll ftlt' ttJU~ bnto tl)em, m,eare tl)c \lloill • • • tbe 'Jl.,oill ' l}carll ']lncmie PJCBCIJ
•~i~ of tl)e JL,01D. re fringlS of')uba, allb re citi,cn15 of tl]cfc wo~llfi ro ficdfaUiy,
. ~i;, l)tmifaltm, ~IJuS faitlJ dJe JL,o,D of.lJollcis dJc • ~· . 1 ~c.r~otc '.])e~cmic, anb put
'8ollof')frael: l6el)olllc, l lDtH b~1n11 fudJ a 1:Jtmmt1Jcp~1C011tl)at1~mtl:}cl)lg1Jgatco08cn·
~~ plague bpon tlJilS place. tiJat tl)cearcs ofaUtlJat iamtn, to\Darll tl)c gourc of ttc ~o:ll.
II"' l1carc tt llJaU utom: 3 QJe nc,:t nap ronotumg , 101)afl)ur
'f 4 anti tl)at bea1urc tlJer f)auc fo1ra11m me, b:ouglJt'.)l~nnic o~ ofttJep~ifon tJgainc: '4t:IJen
~~I ant1 bnl)alD\llell tlJts place, anll l)auc offercb tn ratD 'J'1crPfntt tmto l)nn ,~eJLo:t1 oian can llJtt
~~11 it bnto ftrangc gollJ5, \lll)om nettlJcr tl}ey tlJcir no mo,e t&IJaOJur, th~t is' eiicellent and cncrea-

~ fatlJcrs, no: tl)c kin~ of '.]luDa ~auc kno\llcn: fin~but ~a~o:, that 15 fearcfull and alraid cucrv -<
' t1Jcp[JaucftUebt1Jt1placcalfo \lltt(Jtl)e blooDof 'rof' ·e. 1
'h tnno,ent1. . · · -;;.. , ijfo~ tlJUIS_ faitlJ t1Jcllo:t1, '.J3el)o1Dr, ']! b:JiU
:~ s !lnll dJCV l.Jauc rct bp an altar bl!.. aal, mane t11ecafra1.t1, euen t!W felfc, ann all tlJat fa•
1"J to bume tllcir d)iti:m:111'01 a Lurnt o~ · !11~ lmto uomtl]ce' :Wt.J1c1J OJall pmilJ toitl) ti.Jc f'alo.?ll of
~' l6aal, 'IDl)ictJj ncit~crco:m1nnll(io .c1 cl}argell t11e1renem1es, cumbcfo:c tlJp face. anll 'Jl will
ir.J tiJtm. neitt;er tl]ougtt oncz U!erra c.11. g1ue \lllJolc ]uDa mto ttJc 1Janll1 or the lting of
(I 6 l5e1Jolll tlJCTefo1e.tlJC timco1 mr.rt.:1iaitb J3~brlon, hl!Ji~!1 fbalrnmc fomc bnto J3abrlon
A- tl,lc lLD!ll) ttJat tlJt~ place OJal! 1 no~c be callcll p)ifontt~. mtll 011!' fomc mith ttic f\lloiti.
Jererr1ies impaciencie. leremie. Life and dea~
Yhe Kings du tie.
. Chap~xxiij. Chrifl:s kingdome. 2;7 '
~ r.23.•" 3 qui *lLo.iD commanbetl), *•cepe,r• tf;Jat ti.Jou tlloullJcfl ncucr I) care mp boicc.
~ quitic anD dgl}teournetre, Ddiuer d)e ~cb 2 2 Qll tlJf (Jcarbmcn OJ all be D~tucn 'tllitlJ tl)c
~ ~t1Jt:pomeroft11ebtoltnt1 llOnotgrieueni» tllinbt,anb tfW batlingii (IJalbe cartel> ab:Jap intc
OpWdfe tl)e lfrattF, tlJt fatlJttktl'e, no1 lll1,
bOlD, anD 11.Jeb no mnountbfoob in ~place.
* captiuitic : tl}cri fbalt tl}ou be 1>1oug1Jt to fiJamt
~nb confUfion, becaure ofan tlJP \\Jttltct>ncffc.
\ ". ant> if ru rrttpe r1:1ere dJi~taftf1f'ulll', 2 3 ~ou t{Jat bb:Jellcfl bpon )1.,1banuis, anb
~ d,JrnllJ11ld:Jm come in at•llDOJtoftfJt911ouft. mallctt tl)p 1icfl tn tl}c ciret>ar tmi:s, © tJo'W ltttr
~~. flfnp co fit bpon Jeautll reate.tlJetr llJ81be aJrieb CIJatt tl)ou be rcgarbelJ wl)cn tlJp ro:oUJ ti pan!U!
"'..\\ in CIJartts, anb ribebpon l)OiftJ,botlJ tlJer, anb come bpon ti.Jee, a!I bpon a moman trauailinQ
l. ~' tlJtit rtruantis, ant> tl}etr people. lllitlJ cl}illJ '!
~~\ s '5utifft lllill nocbeobebimt bnto tlJtfe 24 as.tmlp al5'.]I liuc,raitl] tlJt 'Jl..oJlJ, ~ougl;
\~ conunant1emmt1,~ Cmearc bl' mine olllnereire, IJ~ononlll.ttJctonneof')l,rlJoatimlringof']tliJf. 'Or,kcho-
·. ·~ f~tl;Je J.o1b, tl)iJ llouft tl)albe \tlaflt. Ulert tlJ~ C'ignet Of mp rigl)t IJaniJ, pct toill '.], 11m.
': 1 6 foi tl)UIJ l]atlJ tl)e JLoJD fpoflen bpon tlJl' plu'11£1)11n olf.
}1 Iring, of 'Juba , ¢f)ou <1!5ilmbartbnto mtt tl)c 2 5 anlJ] \\Jil giuc tl)ee into tlJc l}anD of tlJcm
~~ 1J£a1J ofJL1banu1S: OJall 'J notmalfe tl)tt Co ll!afte tl)atfctllc tl)p lire, anll into tlJe po\Der of tlJc111
~~~ 81 tl]e cities tlJat no men bmtU in'! tl)at tl)ou fcarca.. cum into tl}e power o~fr)abu,
•' .:t. 7 1 'Will pJepare a bellroper UJitlJ IJtl tllta• Cf.Jobonoeo: tl}c llmg of '5abt'lon, anti into tl)r
:t.,~ ponis fo1 t(Jcc, to l}e\\J bownc tf;Jp cCpcciall 4tct>ar power or tl)e <ltlJal?lceis.
, ~~ trttlJ, anb to mil tl}cm in tlJt fire. 16 geoJeoucr, ')] b:Jill CtnlJ tl)ee anb tlJp mo 0

. ~~: s gniJalltt.JcpcoplctlJat1obrtlJfSJcitt', fl.Jal tl]cr tbat bare tlJec into a ttran1i;e lanil 'WlJcrc rr
: ::ti9.2 4 fpeafte one to an1;1t1Jcr , * m1Jcr~f!J1c l]att,) tlJt wm not bo:rtc, ant> tf;Jttc fi)all pe bie.
'~to· 9.s. JL01b bone tlJUS bnto tl)il noble anc '! 27 l3ut a)S fo1 tl}c lann tl)atpec 'Will nefirc tc
~" 9 nJrnOJallit bcanfUlcrcD, '5ecaurt tl]cp rctumc bnto, pc ~all ncucr come at it againc•
. -:.: IJaue b101ten tl)c coucnant of tl]e JLoJbt tl}cir 2 8 ~i~ man Gtononias llJalbc Itile an image
-· ·· <3oiJ, anlJ l}auc lllo:lliippctl anti rcmcb ttrange robbet> ann tome tn piecclS , anti lil!c a tictTcll
;;:; gOlJlf, 'Wl}crein tlJcrc il!I no plcature : twlJercfo1 cbotl;
1 o ~umc not outr tl)e beab,anb be not tllo l}c anti lJis CeclJc 11Jalbc fmt awap , anti can tntc
- roi tl]nn: but te fOJP fo1 lJim tlJat DtpartetlJ a• a lanll tl)at tlJcr lmo\D not.
___ map, fo1 l)e commetlJ not agame, anb CtetlJ IJiJ :9 ® tlJou cartl],can1J,cartfJ,1Jcare tl)c '11ofo
· ....... natiuc countttl' no mo1e. oftl)e Ji.,01b.
- . 11 fo1 tlJu~ raptl) tl)c JLotb as toucl)tq ~el' 30 Q.Jus rattlJ tile ll.01b , mi1itet1Jtµman lie
·· lUm tl)c fonnc of 1oaa1 lli111or1a11a, tlll)idJ llitutc of clJiU>~l'tl : fo1 no pJofpctitic fl:iaU tlJii;i
1.:-:;.: rctgncD after l)is fatl)cr, ml)m l)c 1s mriclJ out man IJauc all l#JS Darell, ncttbcr u1all anp ofl}i!'l
. :--t:: ofttJts plate , IJc 11JaU neuer come l)ttl)cr agatnc• CCcbbcfo lJl.iJlPl' a!'lto Cit bj.:Oll tl)cfeet of ~auil.l,
.. ~;:. 12 ~DJ ~e flJall l>ie in tl)c place tol)creunto IJc anb to bcarc rule anr mo.1c in ]ulJa.
__ J:::: ($1 leO mptiuc,ano £1JaU rec tlJiS lanb no mo:c. 'The xxiij. Chapter.
l 3 119oe mo1t1J IJim tl)at butlOetll IJis IJoure
mitlJ bnnglJttouCnclfe, anti (Ji~ parlours \\Jttt.J 1 He fpeakethagainft eidl Cmates that make hauock
U,c goob tl)at be batl) gotten bt' biolence, tol:JidJ of the tlockeof 1he Lord. s The commingof the
neuerrtcompcnfetl) l)ilS nt111l]bour~ laboJ, noi uue fhcphcard Chcill is prophcficd. 9 Againft
papctl) l)im l)ilS iltrc: falfeprophets. 3:1. The mimics offalfe prophcrs.
14 1191Jo tl)inllctl) in timfclfe, '.JI \»ill buillJ ilDc t>nto thc*~IJrpbrarb.2! tIJat iJc, Em. 31 ,1.
men mine l}oute anlJ gorncous parlours, 'WIJo arop anti ftattcr mp flocfl,fattlJ tl)e
caufetlJ \tlinlJotoeis to be l)ewen t}Jcrcin, anb tlJc Jl,o,lJ.
rceltngis ~ iopllcs mafltt1) l)e of 4tebat, anlJ pain, 2 ml)erefoJe tiJi!S i.2! tl)c raping
tctlJ them \\Jitf;J ~inO)lcr. • of tIJe ll..OJlJ <!!Soll of '.J,tra£1 conccr,
1 s ~l)inllcl! tl)ou to rti!Ptt nom, ttJat tl)ou ning tl]c ~l)rpl)earDi:s ttJat fcclJe mp people, Fr
lJall intlofclJ tlJp felfc toftf;J Gtcbat '! ~ill not tlJp rcattcr ann ttJ1un out mr tloclle, an!l looflc not
father eatc anb l>Jinfit ann p:of\lcr 'llldl ,as long bpon ttJcm: ttJercro:c now \Dill] bifitc tl)e \tlic,
a~ l)c lJcalt wttlJ equine anti rigl)tcoufncflt: bconcrrc oft'ourimaginattonl!, rattl,1 me JLo.iD.
16 !!ca: \\Jl)cn l)ec IJclptll tt;Je opp1eire11 ann 3 * ann '.]\'Will gatl}er togrtl)cr tlJc rcm~ant Eu.; 4. 1 1 •
poo1c to ttJctr ri~t,t1Jcnp1ofpml11Je tod: from of mr flotlic from alllanlJcs t\lat 1 llalJ lJJtucn
\lll)CJ1cc came tlJilS, but onclp btQWCe l)e fmclllr tl)cm bnto, anll will b#ng tlJt1~ anainc to tlJetr
me, taitt) tl)e -.iL01n 1 . . follies. tl)attl)cp map gro\l.J anlJ mcrearc.
17 ~cuertllele[e,ais ro1 tl)ine Ct'~ anD t1J1ne 4 '] b:Jill fct ~lJcpl,1carbll alfo oucr ttJrm,
l)cart ttJep loobc bpon couctourn~. to 11.JCD in• tol)idJ «Jail fcc!le tIJtm: tl)ep fl:Jall no mo1c frarc
notcnt bloolJ, to iJoc w1ong anb btolcnct. anlJ l>Jcal>, anlJ tlJcrc fl:Jall nonc or tl)cm be loll,
l 8 !ilnlJ tl}crero1c tlJulS Cai~ tl)e 1otb againtl faitfJ tlJC Jl.,OJlJ,
1ctJoacim tl)efon of']oua~rnng of')uDa, ~er 5 •)6~1Jolt>,t:l)c time cometl], fa it~ tlJc Jl,otb, The Epilllc
llJall not mournc fOJ lJim as they vfc to doc, !illaS tl)at'.Jl '1)tl! rairc bp tIJc ngtJtcous b~and) ofWa, on chc xx.
btotl)cr, alai:sfttlcr: ncitl)erfl:Jall tlJ~P rap bnto Utb, to~ttlJ ltmg flJall beare rule, anb (Jc UJaI p10, sund3y .r.
lJtm, !iilas Cp~. alas ro1 tl}at noble p~mce. f\ltr \\JttlJ 'WtfCDOlll:l', atlb OJallfet bp CQUitiC anti en Trmiric.
19 l6ut as an a[c fl)al IJc be bur~elJ, coirupt, rigl)tcoutnctrcagamctn tl]ecartlJ, Irr•. H·•-t·
anb be call wttl)out tl}c gatclS of tl}icrllfaltm. 6 • '.lln l)i!l time ll:JaU ']\utia be faueb aniJ ef•H 2 •

j bJ!tic
2So. lltliml}t IJbtl ofCCJL!pbOatln~!a?anthoC~afiurogmh- ']ltracl OJall D\\Jcll \Diti}out feare : anlJ tlJiS is tlJr Druc.1J·1 8
,;.·:·~;: tc[ 1011, k "t' ...,p op u ""' ' •r ~me ttJat tlJc)? fl.Jan can I.Jim, ~c Jl,o•b our
·~ •:- . all patt!I: fo~ all tl)p toucrs arc ~cttrorelJ. nglJtcoufneffc. •
··....5 21 l'Jl,,.auctl}cc'IDaml11"\Dlltlcthouwallpct 7 anlJ tbrrefo1cbe1Jolb, tl)e timr commctfJ,
,~f~ inPJO~ehtic: buttl)oufaynn,'JI aial notl}eare: rsrctlJ tl)c JL0:1>e , tl]at it llJaU bt no mo2c raitJ,
".~J).i a.ill tm1Jma11cr [Jalt tl)ou bfelJ ftom thp routl), ~e JL,01lle ltuctl) 'IDl!icl} tuon~l,1t rt1c ci;dil~-- __
' _.
::,'./-.:...!- - - - - - - -
Of falfe prophets. Ieremie. Chaffe and '\lvheatq
of']ifradout ortIJclannofefgppt: .
krc.16,1 3. 8 l5ut. '"~CJl,01D liuctfJ, bll}icf,J bJougi)t
roo~tlJ ann 1cn t!Jc rccnc of tlJc IJqurc or31crae1 out
ortl)c v,lo~tlJ 1ann.ann from aUtountrm5\llh~
'.ll lJan rcattcrcn flJcm : ann tlJcr fiJaU l>b>cll in
tlJcfr oblnt ianll agamc.
9 ~F lJcart bJcaflctf.J in mp t ollf becaufc or
t)Jcfalfe pioplJets, au mp bones fi.Jartc .1 am be•
cont£ ltfic t1 n~unlicn man. tlJat br tl)c rcaron of
wine can tal'ic no rca, roi bcrr f£arc ort}Jc :.O..o~l'I.
ann lJi~ f)olr \llo~ns.
'o :13ecaurc tf.Jc lanb itJ full ofat1111tcrerss,antt
ctnoug{J rtocarin!J it mou~nctIJ •. anll tl)e pita•
rant pallUrctJ of tlJc ncrcrt arc n11cb bp: tea tlJc
\llay tlJat men take iis \llicltcn,tl)cir poto er iJJ no•
t)Jing ng(Jt.
1 1 <f OJ the p:optctss ~ tl)c 1ntcass tIJrmfclucis
arc po Uutcl> lJrpocritcs, anti tiJcir \Dic:hcllnetre
l]aue '.Jl rounn mmr l)ourc, faltlJ tlJc ·a.o:n.
1 i UBIJcrcro:e tl}cir 'Wap (balbc fiippcrr in tl)c
narlJnetre 'ro)Jcrcin tl)ey mar llacllcr ann ran: fOJ
']] 111 mbitng a pla!JUC bpon tIJcm,cucn tlJc rem
or tl)cir btritation, raitl} tl)c )Lo:n. '
1 3 ]l lJauc Cccnc follr among tl}c p1op1Jtt!S of
~amarta tIJat p:eaclJcb foJ )5aal, anl> ncccittcll
mp people or ]rracl.
14 ] IJauc recnc alio among tl)c pJoplJctis of
~ieruralcm foulc atiultcrte, anti picrumptuou~
lie~: tIJrr ta!1c tl)c mon 11.Jamcfull men llp tl)e
l}ann, tlattcrtng tlJcm, fo t(Jat ttJer cannot r~,
turnc from tbctr totckenncss, an tf)cfc \Ditl) tl)m
citiicnis are unto me a~~ollomc, anlJ ais tl)c ill'
l]abitcris of ~omoirl)t.
Ic:e.9. 2 ! . 15 * ~crcfo~C tl}U!S faitlJ tl}e JL,o~lJC oflJO(!C!S
concerning tl}efe p~opl)ctis,l5clJol!J,] tom ~enc
tf)cm 'roitl) woi1nc\Doo1>, anll malic t~cm ?mnlic
tlJc mater of gall: roi from tllc p~oplJctis or$tc•
rufalcm t~ IJppocrtric come into all tl}c lanl>_.
16 lnll tl)mfOJC tl)c"Jl.,OJ'bCOfl)ollc~«JUCtlJ
rou tl)iSJ \\laming. ~care not ti.Jc \DOJl:l~S of tl)c
piopl)ct~ tIJat p~cacl) tmto vou,an'b l>cmuc pou,
ttuctr tl)cp tcacl) pou banitie:ro~ tl)c~ fptake tl)c
mianin~ of tl)cir o\\lne l)carc,anlJ not out of tl}c
moutlJ of tl)c JL,o~ll.
i 7 'Ql:l)cy rap bnto them tl)at1:1crµtrc me, 'itl}r
·.n.o~ll l)atf.J fpollcn it. ~ul1J, pc 11Jal1 piofpcr ngl)t
\Dell: anll tmto au tlJcm tl)at 'Walftc after tlJc lull
or tl)ctr o'lllnc lJcart,tl)cr rap, ~ullJ,tl)ctc fl}al no
mtffo~tune tiappcn pou.
18 !ffo~ tol}o IJatl} Otten in tf:]c co11nre11 of the
"£..o:n , tl}at b£ iJatll l}carll anll bnllerflano to~at
l)c tis about to lloc ~ 'rolJo l]at:IJ ma men l)i!S llcmfe,
anti l)cartl it~
19 )L)el}olb . ti.Jc no~mic weather of tl)c Jl.,o~lJ,
1har is, l)iiS tnDi!lnation {IJall goc fo~tlJ, anll a blO'
lent'ml}irle'lllmlle fiJill fan no\llnc bpon ttJc l]eall
O[tl}c bll!;!Olllp.
1 0 !Ann tl}c \DzatlJ of tl)c Jl.,o~b 11Jal not turne
aga~ne, bnttl l)e perfo,mc ann fulfil tl)c tllou!J(Jt
t1Jf ~is l}cart: anti in tl}e latter Daie$$ pc aial kno\ll
tl!S mea111ng.
Im. i4.q. L , r • 'J\ l)aue notfent tlJefc p:op)letSJ fai1h 1hc
and •7· 1 1· ord, anbrct thertan, 'JI l)auc notfpokcn to
anb ret tl)er weacl)cn.
)6ut tf tlltr lJab continucl> in mp 'ounfefl,
t(Jcp (Jab opettcb to mppcopte mp 'Woine s. anll
~er llab tu~ncD mr people fro tl}ctr cuiD \lJapcis
anb totdttb nnagmanons.
~ ~m 'Ji tlJen IBob ttJat fcetl} but tIJe tlJ&nm
'nl~tclJ tl!l_ni~l:J at l)a1111, ammot that is tarn olf,
fattl) the lJ.,01t1 :' · . '
i_~unds offigges. Chap.xxiiij.xxv. The cupofindignarion. 1 58
~~~'\'\:· $e JLD1D lbt\Veb me a bifion: l6e• ~ ~ee rarlle , • 'lltun1c agatnc cun-e man .
l)olD , tl}ere fleolle nno ttlaunDs of fr~m ~iss euill lDap, anD Crom pounoicl!t~ ima, ?·King. 1
ftp beCoJt ttJe temple of tfJe 'l.01b, \J[nanons, anll ro 11Jall pee ll'tDdl fOJ euer in ttle 1.!hn 3 3
r\i aftert1Jatfrlabut1Jooonoro~ fling_of 1an11 ttJat tt.Je llo111 PJi:>mtreD rou anD rour foJe' ··
J ~ • l5abplo111Jall ICll awar capt.toe ]C• fattJers.
c11onta11 ttJc ronne ot ']el)oai;im rnn1 Of')Wla, 6 gnll ~o no tarter nra~e gonis, Ctmett}em
ttJe ntt~tr mm alO> or '.]\Ulla, \Ditb tlJUDOJllC• not, '1>0111Jfp ttJem not, anll anger me not ~ttlJ
mallet• allll cunning men or 'terufalem, lmto tlJc"dloJllcsor rour o'lllhc (J11n11e~, tl)eu \lltll '.J,
'5abrlon. not puniilJ rou.
:a ~nt1Jconcmatinll\\'ltte1Jf!t'el100'll tiggc11, 7 @cucrtllt!elfc, rec \11011111 not IJcare mee.
cum ltlie tlJofe t(Jat bt fir(f ripe : .m ttlc otl:Jer faictlJ .tiJe ·JL01b, but iJaue p~ouof!ell mce to an'
mauni:J \Uerc berr nauglJtr figge~ 1DIJ1clJ migl]t ger \D1tg tlJe \llo~fl13 of rour l}anlls,to l'.OUr grea$
not be eaten, tl)cp were ro tuilL l)arme.
3 ~l)enfaiDtl)eJL,o'll bnto me, 119l)atfedl s twlJcrf.oJc thUis Cllitfl tlJe JLo~t. ofl.)olls, '5c'
tl)ou, 'Jimmie:' 91 ratt1, f,i!Jges,'Wl)etcor romc be raUfe re (Jaur. not (Jearlienrll tmto mp U.oJll,
betl' gooll , anll romc ro eutll tl}at no man mar 9 Jl,oc, '.ll \Dill fcni:J out, anll can foJ all t(Jc
catctl)em. people tl)at ll\Dcll in tl}e @01tb, raietl) tl)c JLOJD,
4 ~lJcn came tlJe \llo:D oftl)e)l..o~D bnto me, anti \Dill pteparc @abuctJot1011oroJ tl:Je fling of
after ti.Ji~ mancr: ~~brlon mp rcruant, anti \Dil bJing tl:Jem bpon
s ~U$$ rattiJ tl)c JL.o:ll <ll5oD ofj\ti'aeI, JI.the tlJU3 lani:J, ani:J bpon all tlJat ll\llell tl:Jrnin ~ anll
a• tl}ou fmo\llctl pgooi:J figs: ro OJall '.) lmo\11 tl]e bpon all ti.le people t(Jat are about tbem,ano \llil
:·· mrn lei:J a\Dar;rol)ojj tJaue rent out of tl)iss lla~. btterlr roote tl:Jem out: 1 ttllll malle tlJcm ama·
·i.~.o:; into tlJc lanll oftlJc <ltballlee11 fo1t1Jeirp10 t: !Ci:I, a mocfiage, anll a continuan i:Jcfart.
6 9ttll 'Jl \Dil rct mme cie!1 ~po_n tl)en~ foi tl)e 10 ~OJeouer, '.) \Dtlltalle from tl)em tbe
-- brft, fo~ '.11 \Dil Mng tl)C1n agame mto t:IJl.l'S lanll, 1Joicc ofglallnelfe \t folace,tl:Je boice or the bzilie,
. •. . 'J1 \llill builll tl)C1n bp,\t not b~cahc tl)mt llo\llne, grome, anll ti.le b~ille,tl)c norre or tlje milttonei;,
-... 'Jl mm plant tl:Jcm,ani:I Hot rootc tiJcm out. anD tlJc ltgl)t of tf.Je crclfet11.
:~, 7 • 'Jl \llill giue tl.Jem an l)eartto bno\D l]obl 11 :Anll tl)tis \DlJOle Iani:J 11.Jnll become a \Dft,
·~ · diat'.]l am t(Je J).,0~11, tl:Jcp [IJalbe mr people, anti llerncffe, ano aaonifl.Jcll: anll ttere natio1113 fiJnil
:·!: ]l Ulillbc ttJcir '13oll: fo~ tIJer OJaU rcra.m1e t:Jnto rcruc tl)c flina or '5abplon tlJ:terco~c rcm!i ano
me "lllit~1 tt,Jcir \DlJolc l)eart. . tenne.
. • 7• s • ant1 llbe a11 ti.Jou f!no\Ue!l tl)c naugl)t1e u *D01Jcntl)c t1J1eefco1c anll tcnrecrr~ arc rcrr.26. 1,.
::z: figges \lll)icb map not bee catm, tf.Jer arc ro e, e~irell, 9'I \Dlll bifitc au tlJe \lliclicnnctre of tlJC •.•hq6 ,,
. ~ i:; u.tll: \llill 'JI, faptlJ tl)c JJ.,01t1, c~urc.~ellc, king or:JOabplon,antl lJiS people, faltlJ t1Jc 'JLo~ll, 1,dd.1.1 •
· ,....,; ttaJ tlJe Jung or ']lulls, rea, anll au1.1111p1111cc11, rca, anti ti.Jc lanll of tlle lltl)ali)cc)l, anti 'Wit mahc dan.9.2.
->::. ani:I ti.Jc rcfitiue of ~ieruratcm t1Jat remainc o, it a pcrpetua~ \Dilllemcfi'e,
: ~-3 ucr in ttJiis lantl, anll tl)em alfo tl)at ll\D~U in ct• 1 3 ann 'Uiill rumu all mp \llo1ll11 bpon tf)at
J',. gppt,to be tie~cb anu piagmll 111 kingl10111c~ anti lanll'rlllJtcl) '.J1 l)aue oeuifell a~ainft it: rra, all
..:'" lanOs. tl}ati1S mJittcn in tl)iS bool!e , \llf.Jicl) '.3]mmic
.;.;. . 9 ~nD~ \UtllmaflttlJcm to bearcp~oorc, r. I)aiti p2op1JecicD of all pi?ople.
'. ;.;~ common bf'o.lo'llC, ataugl)i~ftomc imo nmn~ 14 ~O tl}at ti) fl' aifo fiJalbc CubllUCtl tmto lli 0

·.: : : si. tn au tl:Jt plate• \lll)ere '] 11.Jall rcatm tlJe m. ueris nations anl> great hingss: fo1 'Ji \llill mom,
:-.;~· 1 o ') \llill fttlll t1Jetmo:1:1, IJUU§et, ano pcff~, pence ti)cm acco;i:Jtng to tl)c lleeoes ani:J \lloikcss
lcnce among tf.Jcm. bntill ') l)aue cleanc confu, of tl}etr o'lllne l)anll!1.
.-;;::· men tl}cm out or ttJe lanbe tl)at j\ gaue timo 1 s !fl'oi tl)ws (JatlJ the JlOJ!l <!!Joli of']f\'ael Cpo'
· <" Ff;
tl}cm anti tt;Jcir fatl)ctll. lien bnto me,• <aI;afJe tl.Jinuinc cup oftnlligtmti' Apo. 16.19
.;.·J ·rh Ch on rro mr l)anll, tl)at tlJou marca caure all peo,
c xxv · apter. plcto\lll)om 91 ftnll tbcc, fo:to ll~inflcorit:
.=),I Icrcmie prophditth thac they 1ball be in c:iptiuitie 16 '4n]at \lll)en tlJer tJnue immflcn tl:Jttrof,
' thrcclcort and ten yercs, bccauk they comcmned tlJer mar be mall, ani) out of tlJtir \Dits, \lll}en
anddcfpifcdrhcwordofGod. tl.)c f\llo~i:Je commetl) tlJat'.]I \Dill fcnlleamong

~ermon tl)at \llas ~um 1Jnto ~e, tt)em.
remietiponalltlJepeopleof1\ulla, 17 <aI;IJm toollc 1 tlJC mp ftom tl)e Jl,o:t1ess
in tl)c fourtlJ ftte ot'.]Jel)oactm tlJe IJani:J, anl:J malle all people to l:l~inhe tl}erof,bnto
fonne o'']lor.tas hingor]utla (tiJat \Ul)om ttJe Jl,o;t11JaD rent me:
\llas:sintl:Jcfir«recrc of frlabucl}o, 18 '.ll3utflrlt tl)e citicof ~ieruralc1n, anti all
i:lonoroi bing of16abplo11.) tf)e citie11 of 'l;u!la, tl.)eir btngs anll p~incrs:s, to
2 ml)icl) rcnnon '}mmp t(Jc l&JOp(Jet~l:!c mabe tl.Jcmllcfolate, ama;en, nefpifell anlllJiCfcl>
b~tto 1111 tl}e people of ']ullll ~ anll to au t11e tnlJa' at,_ anll curfell, acco~i>ing as it i.l'S come to palfc
btttrJ! of~ictufa tcm, on tbtS maner, tf.Jl!1 llap:
3 1from tile tl)irtrentlJ rem of 'J'101Iais tl)e r 9 Ect1, ~nll l[)l)arao tl:Jc fling or lfgppt, l)is
fonne of am on king of 'Jl uoa , bnto t1J1s PJefent reruant.l'S. Qtl1 p~mce11, anll l.Jts peopk, all toge,
bill? rtbat is euen ttocntie anll tlJ,ec pecres) ttJe tl)cr one \DltlJ anotl)er:
\vo,ll or tlJe'.ILoin lJatb bcne comnuttell b~to me, 20 gno all kings of tlJc lanb of 11;)1u1,au flings
llnllfo lJauc 'Jl fpO!ietl blltO £OU, 'J1 ~aucnfm bp Oftl)C~lJtl11l111e1Slal1i), aU:alon,a!alJ,Q"aron
cartp, '.]\ l)auc gm en pou \Uammg mrcafon: but ano tl)e remnant of aroob, '
re 'Woulll not l}eare me. . 21 . ~c lfbomiteJS,tlJc ~oabites, ~ tl}e gm,
4 -m;11ougb tl)c "JL.o~ll l)attJ rmt IJt.l'S Ceruants momte.l'S,
antl)c10~opl)ct,l'Sb11to pomn reafon: pet \Doulll "22 au tlJC trtn~ of ~l'JUS anti ~ibon, t(Jc
::. , pee not obe~, re tooulll not cnclmc rour cares lung.I'S!!' ~Jc Flt.I'S tl)at arc bei·onll tl:Je rra,
_,. -..,..to_IJ:_ra_r_e._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2 _>_.,,,,_c_ua_n_,_tij[;_IJ_ema_,_13_u...::.!_,a_n:.:. i:J:.:. a:. :. 11:.:. tlJ:.:. c:.:. m:. . :tlJ:.:. a:.:.:t_ __
,;..-._ I l'l\nPll:
The earth plagued. leremie. ler
11\Dcft in t{Jc bttfrmoll part$!1 of t{1e b>o~Jti.
14 alltlJc ht~~f Qrabia,anD generally all
t{Jc kin~ tlJat llb>CR an ~c ~cfart. .
2 ~ !!Ut(Jdfin~of~,nm. aUtlJctnn;ilof cf,
lam, aR tf1C hillgSJ ofd.JC ~£tlCJ1,
2 6 au tlJc hlngjS to'IDarll tl)c ~~~tlJ, ~1'c~1Jcr
tl)cp be rar o~ nig(J. CUCft' one agamll 1J1ss nc1gt1'
bour, rca. all t(Jc hing~omeis tlJat are tlpo~ tlJc
\DfJoJc cartlJ: anti tiJc kmg of ~crad} ll)al tmnlic
a1ro after tl]nn.
· ~7 ~f)crcfo~c rap t~ou tmto tl)cm, ~ilS iSS
tiJc commanl:lement of UJc:to~b oflJollss t11c <5oD
or jlfracl, ;101inf1e, anti be t>1unhc11: qJc\Dc, anb
fall, t!Jat re nrncr arffe. anll tt:Jat tlJ~ougtJ tfJt
Ctoo~b to(Jtcl)] ttltll fcnll among rou.
18 '5ut if tfJcp \Dill not rrmue tIJc rup of tl1!
(Janll,anll llJinhe ic,t(Jcn tell t1Jcm,t1Juss l>Otl) tl)c
)L,o,ll offJolles tlJieaten rou, ~Jinhc itrou 11JaU
ano that fl)o~tlp.
i.Pcr.+ 1 7. 19 f o,io,* ~ begin to plague t11c ci~ tl]at Inf
name ij5 ntu en bnto , tl)inhc re tl}en tl)at] \»ill
lcauc rou bnpuniflJcll ~re OJaU not goc quttt:fO]
'lll~r ~ '.]; call fo~ a rwo~n bpon all ttJc t~abiter15
of tl]c carttJ, faitlJ tlJc JLo~ll ofl)oltcss.
3o ~IJmfo~c tell tl)em all t!)efe \JoibcJS, anll
1oc1. 3•16. rap bnto tl)cm. * ~l)e JLo~ll fiJaU err from aboue,
arno1 1.2, anll IJ[)l borcc 11Jalbc IJcarl:l rrom l)issbolr l)abita'
tion, 'tDitlJ a great norrc OJall l}c err from l)iJS
court regal!: l)c OJaH gtuc a great boice lille t:l)e
grape gatIJcmss •anb tl)c founb ti) ereof llJaD br
l}carn bnto ttJc ent1ess ortbc uio~ltl.
31 1fo~ tl:)c JL.oibe tJatl) a iullgemmt to giuc
bpon allproplc,anb toill lJolll l)iJS court ofiulticc
lllitl} all tlcllJ, ar.ll toil belluer tl)c bn11Qblp to tlJc
C\Do~ll, cartlJ tllc JLoin.
32 :f,o~ tl:JU~ raitlJ tl)C JLoill OflJoncss,l6cl)oltJ,
a miferablc plague f11all goc rrom one people to
anotl)cr, ann a great ao1m!e UJater flJall atirc
from au t!Jc mDis orttJe cartll.
33 ann tlJc fame nap niall t1Jc JLotb IJimfctft
t1ar tl)em from one cntl or tl)c carttJ to anottcr: !\,,.
ttJrrc fiJ(lll no moane be mane rot nnr of them,
nonq~atl:)crcll bp, none buticll: butf)JttU lie ll.G
'Doung bpon ttJc ~ountl. . . ~ ·:
34 ~ ournc, tlD r caicpl)eartus. ann ct1' ,rp~; 11• :~::<
file rout retuc15 'alitlJ a11JcJ5, tlD re rammes of ttJe
llocllc: foJ tije time of rouraaugl:)tcr anll b~ea:1)
iB fulfillct1,ann re OJaU falllil1£ 1:1ctrci. t~at mere
mucl:) Cct bp.
's ~Ile ilJepl)eartlss DJBll l)auc no \l!BP to flee,
anti tl)c rammel5 of tl1t Hocke OJal not crcape.
36 ~t:Jcn ll:Jal tl)c ll)cpl)cartlts mi i,oJriblt.antl
tl}e ramtneis of tlJc flocl1c UJlll moumc: foJ tf:Jt
lLo~b lJBtlJ confumell tl)eir pallUrc.
31 !lntl tl)ttr bell fieltlS Uc t1eat1,becaurt of tl)c
l)o~rtblc 'al~atl) of tl)c JJ.,o,tl.
,38 ~l)ep l:)auc fo~Calien tl)cir wlDeJS like 815 ~
lLton: to: tl)eir lanD iss matlc,becaufe of tl)c (poa.
lens futiouss ctueltic • aRD of lJilS rtarcfulC in•
The xxvj. Chapter.
~cremic moucth the people ro amendcmenc. 7 H c
~s ~aken of the prophets :and priefh, and broughrro
;u g~mcnt. ~ 3 Vri:i.s the prophet is killed of Ic-

io:acim, contrary to the will of God.
Ja ti.Jc bcg(nninig of tJJc reign£ of
l~boacim ~c fon!le 0~0ClaJ5 llin1
or lulla, came tl,Jt• 'ID01D from tJJc
l..0111. Caring,
'.rias rri urdered. Chap.xxvij .xxviij. Falfeprophers. 159
I j 9nl'I tlJmfoJC follo'lllnotpout WUJ!l)Ct!5,
faotl)fapu.s, eq:iounbtt!5 ofb~eame,, d)anncr15.
~. anll 'lllittl}eis, \DlJiclJ rap tmto rou, }ge llJaU not
ftrue ttJe bing ofl6abplon. ·
1° foHlJer ~cadJ TOU licltto b.!ingrcu fanr
rro1n pour lanll, anll ttJat '.]! mi111Jt ",. l'Oll out,
anll Delfrop pou.
11 l6ut tl)e prople tl)atputtlJrnncckCSJ bn,
ll~ tl)c pobe of tl}e fling or l6ab\'IOn, anll fcruc
f;nm, tlJofc ttnll ']let nmaine fllDln ttJcit olDne
lanb, faitlJ tl}c JL.ozll, anb tl;Jep 11Jal ouupr it.sub
ll'lllell therein. ·
I 2 au tl)cf£ tlJfllgs$ tOfllC 1 'J£ll£ci8!5 tlJC king
of ]Ulla, an~ faille, ~ut pour ncckcis bnllcr tl}e
F~keoftlJtlnngoflBabrlon, anllfcrue IJimanll
l)J!S people, tlJat ~c map litre.
1 3 t10f;Jp to.ilt ttJou anll tlJl' people pcrifb \Dttb
tlJe fulo~ll, 'lllitlJ ()Unger, \DitlJ peflitence, ltlit ass
tlJe ll.D~ll l)atlJ llcuircll fo: all people tl)at 'roil not
1 4 ~crroie gtucno care bnto tl]ofcpzopl)ctss
tl)at tell pou, Fe a1al nctfcrue tl}c fling ofl5abp,
ton : fo~ tlJcr p:catl) rou licis.
15 "Jr.leit}Jer tiaue 1 lent tl)cm, farctl) tlJe rm.1 4.r 5.
l.o:ll: b,o"a:Jbcit tlJCl' arc boUle falfclp to p~oplJC'
tic inmrname, tiJat 1 migl,lttlJc rooncr tniuc
rou out, anti tl}at rec mi~IJt peTiflJ \1.lttlnour
16 ] fpakc to tfJc 1Jll1icll.e' alfo, anll to alJ tf!il!
pcople:tlJu~ faitlJ tlJf.IL01ll,,can not ti]c \llolDil
ofroutpJopl)et!5tlJatp:mlJ bnto rou, am: fap.
l6r.1JolD,t1Jc bead~ oftl}c ".lloillislJoufc 11J1tl fi;r~t,
ll' be bJouQ{Jt l)itl)cr againe from l6abrlon, fo~
tlJcr pzopl)ccfc lic!5 bnto rou.
17 'can t1Jcm not. but £cruc tl)c fling of:l3a,
bplon,tl'lat pc map hue: m1Jcrcto1e \Dtll re malic
tlJi,e' Rtic to be bCfltOl'Ctl 't
18 J5UtiftlJcrbe truc~iopl)ctisinbeirbecn.
anti if tlJc UJOJlJ of tl}c JL01n be committtll bnto
ttmn,tl)m let ttJcm p1ar tl}c Jl.oJll ofl)oftc,e',ttJat
tl)c remnant of tlJc 01nament~ 'ltli}ttlJ arc in tl}c
houre of tlJt l-tJJl), ann in tlJt l)oUfc of tl)c king
of']!ulla antJ at@tmrratcm, be not carten to lea,
19 "~01 dJUIS l)atl} tl)c JL01ll of l]ot?c.1$ Cpoflcn " King. 2 5.
tontcrntng tl}c pillar$1, tl)c laucr. tlJt rcate, anll 1 l ·
tl)c rcfi!mc of tl)c oinamcntss tl)at rct rcmainc
in tbi.e' titic,
2 o 1191)icf:J @abuclJollonofoJ tl]c bin« of l6a'
bplon toobc not, 'llllJen l,Jc cartcD amar j\ctl)ont,
a$1ttJc ronnc of'llcIJoacim kingof'.]!utJa, \llttlJ an
tl)c po\licr of]Ullaanb ll)im1£alcm bnto :16abr,
Ion tap_tiuc, .
21 l!?Ca, ti)U$1 IJ&tl) tile ')LoJll of (Joft.e' ttJc li30D
of~rracl tpolitn, ais touc!Jing tl)c rrfiiluc of t(Jc
o:namcntlS of tlJc Jl,OJlJ!S (Jourc, of tf,Jc liin~ of
')UllalJijj l)ottft, anll of lf,}icrUfalcm:
:u • ~cr11Jalbccaricll bnto'3abrlon, anll 1 .~fJr.i.
t11crc OJaU ti.JCT rcmainc bntill 11 biCite tl)cm,
car~ tl}c lLOJll: ti}cn \11111 j! bJ1ng tf)cm l.Jitf,Jcr
The xxviij.Ch.aptcr.
1 lllc falfc prophc:cic of Hananias the prophet. 12
Jeremie fhcwcih that iheprophccieofHananias is
fallc, by 1hc: example of 1he ocher Prophcis.
~ ~ Ji:l'bit~mctopatrctl]c ramermr,
-~~ ; cucnm~e bcgmningoftl)cmgn
. or %'cllctt111S ltmg or ']lulla, in tlJr
fourtll rccrc,tl)c fiftl) monctt1, ttJm
{9anania~ tlJc rcnnr of <J lT11r, ttu
.I ' , ,"\ ..... ~,
Hananias ambicion. Ieremie. Ren~rne from captiuici
l)efe art tlJe too,beS!I of tl)e bookc

1,King.1•+ 1&1op1Jet of eibean,Cpaltc to me t1,1 tl)c • tJourc of
d.Je JLo;ill, in tl]c p~crenu of CIJC p11e1t1, a® of all UJat iemnie UJe 1&1opl)rt rmt
tlJc peoplc,anll raio. from l)ierufalem bnto the pnfg.
% ~us CaictlJ ttJe JLo~ll of IJoltCS, ti)~ <!Joli ner•, tlJe fcnatours, p1ieltl!I, WCI'
of]rtael. jj 1Jaue1J.io11m tlJe polie of ti.Jc lnngof Pbrtl!I, anti au tlJe people, b>l)om
'6abrfon, nIll b . . flabuc::11onon0Co11}ab leb fTilm 11)1mafalem bnto
3 gnn after tt\'lo pcereis 'alt ,.,1 ;img agamt
into tlJt plau au tlJt 01naments of CIJe JL,o11m1 2 after u,t time tlJat ftin; ]ccl)onias anb
l]ourc, t1Jat ~abuc::tJononoroi fling of l5abrlon IJ~is quecne, IJtlS Q)ambnlainel!I, d]c p;iinccis of
c::ancD a'alal? ftom tlJisptace tmto '5abrlon, ')ubaani:I ll)imafalcm, dJc \Do;iflmatlers of~ie'
4 Fca, ~ \tlil bitng agatnc ]ec;IJontas tlJc con rufalcm. tune ncpartcb dJidJcr.
of1]et,1oamn t{Je litng ofl]Juna l)tmfelfc, \tJitlJ an 3 Dl)idJ boolic Cflafa)J tbc fonnc of~aplJan, ~
tlJt p#Coners oC '.]luM tl)at are c::arteD bnto l5a, \f <58lnarial] tf}C Con or 19dcia tlii:I beare,tul)om ;:
brlon,cum into tl)iS plac::c,faitlJ tl)e Jl.01n: fo;i ') '3'enectas tl)e liing of l]Julla fmt bnto l5abplon -~
\tltll b1cahe tl)c po rte of tl)c liing of '5abplon. to ~abuc::l)obonofo;i tl)c bing of :l6abrlon: tlJefe (
s ~lJen tl}e 1&1opl)et ]mmte gaue anC\tJm were ~lJ\lJo~ns of'.]lcremicss boolie. ;~
tmto p10.topl)et $anantais befo1e all tl)e p1iclls, 4 ·oi11 USS IJatl) tf}c JL.01t1 of l)ollcis tfJc d3otl of ..
anll brfo1e al tl)c people tl)at \titre p1cfmt in tl)c ']Jfratl Cpokenbnto all t1Jcp1troncrstl)11t tom ..i
l)oureof tt1e·Jl,,o:Z1. fien from ~iernralcm to '511bplon: :~
6 :AnlJ tlJe ll)~op(Jct ]cremie cat1:1,amen,t1Jr s :l6uilb rou lJouCcJS to tl\llell t}Jcrcin, plant ;>
Jl.o~IJ IJoc CIJat, ann grant tl}e tl)tng 'tlllJic::lJ tl)ou rou gart1enss, tIJat rou mar cnior tlJc fruitef5 ..•
l)aa p~opl)ectelJ,tf}at l}emar b1ing againeall tlJe tl)creor. ·' ·
omamcntis of tile JL,o;itlss l)oure, (t retlo1e au tl)e 6 ~afic rou \lJiueis to bcare rou fonncis anti .•.
p,1ronerss from l6abrlon into t(JilS place. tJaugl)tcrii, p~ouine \lJtueis foi rour ronncf5..anll ·''
7 ~cuertlJelctre, (Jeer ken t}Jou alfo \lJlJat '] lJu'1lant1ss fo1 rom naugl)ter15,tl)at tl)ep mar get ;'
totll Cap,tlJat tl}ou anti all tl)e people map l}care. ronncis anti nau!lfJtcrS!I, anti tlJat re map nmltt,
8 ~1Jel01opl)etis tl}at \llerc btfo~e blS tn time plr tl)cre, anti t1cm11re not. ;~
part, tulJtclJ p1op1Jecien of \llarre, o~ troUble, 01 7 ~ccllt after CIJc peace anb p10Cpcriticof
peatlenc::c, tlJe t::itie tol)eretn re be piifoners, anti p-~apbnto ~:
9 lftcl)cr or peace bpon manp nationis anb dJe 'Jl,,oJ.b fo1 tt: ro1 in tlJe pcac::e d)mof OJal rour
great ltingl:lomcis, to ere p].oouctl br tlJiis (if ~oo peace be. i::r
l)atl) rent tlJcm in llerp tlccnc; tul)en tl}e tlJing 8 ijfoH()uss Cai~ tlJe JLo~b of (Jolltf! tlJe 4'011 ~~
c::ame to patrc tul)tcl) tlJc 10Jop1Jtt tolnc befoie. of ]Crael, •1£tnot ti) ere p~oplJttlS anti rootl)faf• Ieie.i;
10 anti ~anantaJS CIJe 10J.optlct tookc tl)c crsstlJatbeamongroutJct::eiuerou,anDbelemc ierc.i"~
cl)atnc Crom tl)c 10~oplJet '.l)mmieJS necfle, anti not rour o\lJnc tneameis: '".
bJ.&lictt. 9 ~01 tolJp:'d)cp wcadJ rou licss in mp name. :~
11 anb tuitl) tl)at fatb ti.)ananias t(Jat au tl)c anti'.)) l)aue not fmt dJctn, faitlJ tfJc JL01ll. · ..
prople mi~t IJeare, ~us l)atlJ tlJc )L.oJ.D fpokc, 1 o :l6ut tl}UIS raitf.J ti.Jc lL011J. * ue11m pe l]aur 1ar.siC:
lfucn Co \llilt 'Jl b].calic tlJc pobe of flabuc::lJobo, fulfil!tll reucntie rercs at '5abl?lon. jj \lJil b.ima I.di.!:::;
nofoJ. fling of l5abrlon from tlJe neckc of all na• vou l)ome, anb or mine ot\'lne gool:lnerrc ] 'alftl ~~
ttons. rca,anl:I tIJat\llitlJin tlJis t\lJo tere.a® ro cariqou bitlJeugainc into dJiS place. ~:::::
tlJc 10J.o~et ']leremie to enc IJiss \lJap. 1 1 <JfoJ 1 lmo'W \tJlJat '.) l:Jauc neutfcll ro~ roa. .. •
12 ~otu arter tl)at~ananlas tlJtpJ.QPlJct f]aD raff!} ttJc JL011:1e : mp tl]ougl)tis arc to giue rou ii:.S
talfcn tIJe c{Jainc from tl)c 10zop1Jct ]ercmtes pcace..anl> not trouble, ann to giue rou an cnllt •~-
netke, ann b~olicn it, tlJc toOJ.D ofttJe)L.oJ.b c::a\ue 11is tiou \tJtOJRnD l)opc to 1Jaue. ::::~
bnto tl)c 10J.OplJtt ']crcmie, farin!;l, 12 ~c ftJall ap tinto me, re !ball goe a111:1 ,au ~
1 3 (160 ann tcll ll)ananiass tlJefe '\UOJ.b$5, 'Gtl)uis bµon me, ann '] \tJill lJcare rou. ::':!::
ratetlJ ttJe JL,o~tlc, tlJou (Jan bJ.okcn tlJe c::l}aine of 13 ~enJallfeefmne,ant1fin1:1mc:rca,iffobe ~r.
\tlootl, but in ileane of moon tlJou OJalt mahe tlJat rou fecfic me tuitlJ rour 'lllbolc lJcart, "'
c;gaincJS of l'J.On. r 4 ] \tlill be founn of pou,caitb tlJt 'JLOJD,anll ~: ~
mill ncliun pou out of 1>1iCotr, anll g~tlJcr rou •ti·
I 4 <jfO]. tl)US rattl) ttJe Jl,.O].D OflJolltf, tlJc c3ob
of '.]\Cracl, 'Jl \tlill put a rolic of p;ion bpon tlJc togctl)er againt out of allplac::e••lJnm _'.j f}aue '~
necfle or au tlJiS people, tlJat tl}cp mar rmre ~a, fcatt ereb rou, raitlJ t{le lLoJD, anll \tlil bJ mg pou ~ ,~
bucIJononoroz tlJe bmgofl5abplon, pea, anl:I ro ai.taincto tl;Je fame plac::e fr.Om \tlfJence] c::auftll ~ ;,
ll)all tl}ep Doc·: anb 'Jl tom giue IJtm tl}c bean, or rou to be c::aricll a11al? c::apnue. . ~
tlJc ficUI. ;, 1 5 '5ut to{Jereais re rap tl.Jat 0oD IJat(J raifell ~
1 s ~cnJaill tlJc -iopl)et '.Jeremie bnto tlJc pou tlpp~op1Jct1Satl8abrl01T, ~.'I
~1opl)ct ~anania", ~care mc,l)ananta15,~l)e 16 ~IJuss IJatb fbe JL.01D woJtcn to t~c fltng ). ~
Jl.o~b lJ~tlJ not rent tl)cc, but tl)ou b#ngea t)Ji,i tlJat flttetJJ in tl;Je d»O~ ot ~,amn , anti to ~~
people tnto a faire beliefC. all tlJcpcoplctlJatD'&lleDmtl;Je ~tic, an~ to four ~
'l'. ~. ~nll tl)erfo].e tl}us CaitlJ tlJe Jl.OJ.b,26c(Joltl, b,c~Jen dJat are not gone toitl} rou mto C::SP' ·~
.31 wt 11 rcnb tl)ee out or ti.le lanll, anll \tlitlJin a t1wt1e: ..i. • .~ ·
rkmc tlJ~u 11Jalt llie, bcc::aurc tl}ou (Jaa f'alO" Cpo• 1 7 ~- I fay Q>callctlJ ...,e :tI..011> ofl}oac,a, ~ !_~
cna~atnlltlJeJLo~b. - * l8c(Joltl, 1 \DIU fenD a f\tJo~ll, l)unger, ann f!C' Jere.~~~
r. I 7 ~0 ~ananiaJ lljl?'IJ tl)C flltne pCtt£ tn fl.JC ftilmce bpon t11em. anll \Dall make ttJnn ltfie :J~
.eucn.., monctlJ, bntimelp ftgel5 tl)at map not be catm fo1 bit, I~~
. Thcxxix.Chaptcr. ttmdl'c: ~
18 anb ~ mil p~rtc tlJcm t\'litlJ tlJc nvoiD. t
I The ~~il\lc oflercmic fcnc vnco chcin that were in \tlitl} bunga;anD ~kme, ~ 'alil llcliun tlJcm
capuuaym Babylon .. 10 Hcprophecictluhcirrc- bp to bC11- ord kingl)ome15, to be currcZJ,ab, ·\ .._
turne from the capimme after lcucncie yeeres. 11o~re11, Iau;l)r:ll to rcomc, anll put to conrurton ' '
'---~- Ofl \~~.''
~ prophecie lies, Deliuerance prom ifed. 260

~~ of all ttJe people amongbJl}om :J] l]aue fmttcrell ~~~ ~ere an tlJe wo11>c15 tl)at ti.le JLotD
~ \. · d)em:. llJe\DeCIJ bnto '.)emnic, rarini;J, ·
·\~ 1 9 gnD t11at becaufc tl)ey (Jauc not berte obc, 2 ~lJU15 raid) tbc Jl,011> <l30D of
~:. l>ient tinto mp commant1cment15,rait1J ttJelLO~ll, '.]JfTael, ne#tc bp 1>mgentlp all d)e
\ '\; tDIJiclJ'.]Jfcntbntot{JembptnFfert1antl5tlJ£1!)tO' f ><tbJ01ll£15 t(Jat ~ {JSUC fpohm bnto
~·! pbetl5: '.]] flooll bp carlp, anlJ rent bnto tl}em,bUt ti.Jee, in a boo fir•
~~\ tlJeybJoulD noti,eatt,rattlJ tl)c lLotlJ. 3 1fo~ lo, ttJc time commet(J,ratt(J tlJe Jl,0111,
~~: · 20 19eare t1Jcrcfo1c d)c woio of ~e lLo~l:I, au tlJat '.Jl \lltl bting againe t(Je wtroncr15 ormrpro,
~'' pc p1ifoneris, \Dl}om 9] rent Crom ,tcmralem to pie of']fTael anlJ ']uDa,raitlJ tt)c Jl.,0111: ro1 '..1 \tJ~l
." · )6allplon, rcito1c tl)cm bnto tbe lan!J tlJat '.]) gauc to tl]cir
z 1 ~mH1atll tlJc JL-0211 offJoflel5 tt)c $oa of fat1Jcr15,an11 ttJcr n1alll}auc it in polTctrion.
':: 'l
-; ~1
'.]Jfratl [pollen of a(Jab ttic fonnc of ~olaial), \I
af5ellccial5 tbe ronnr or11!laaCialJ, \lJIJiclJ p1oplJ~'
4 9galnc, tl)cft>. 'lllo1llrl5 fpake t(Je Jl.,Q1!J
ccming '.]Jfraelanll ']Julia,
<~~: ac lieis 11nto rou tn mp namc,ll3cl:JolD ]l'Wtl Deli, ~ ~nii faitlJ tl)c JL01t1, lll!lcc l)aue l}cat!J a
•~ '~ • uer tbcm into t(Jc IJanll of ji;}abucl)ollonofoJ tl)c ternble crp, f earc, anll lllfqufrtnerre.
,·,-.:~ king of lt>abplon, tl)at lJc map oar d)cm bcro1e 6 1f01 'llllJat elfe l:lotlJ tlJis flgniflc tl)at'.] rec~
.··~ pour cpeis. . namc:ly, tl)atall llrong mm fmitc cucrr man lJiS
~~· 2 2 gnll all tl:Jc p~ifontt~ of jlu!Ja tl)at arc m l)anl:J bpon lJi11 lopncii, as a \l.loman in d)e pamc
·~·~ :l5abrlon, tl)all tattc tl:Ji15 termc or curring, anll ofl:Jer trauaile ~ miIJo cuer fa\ll a man trauailc
: :~~ rap, ~o\ll <!301> 110 bnto t1Jee as !Jc DiD bnto '5cllc' '1.lltb cbiln '! <fnquirc tl)crcaftct anll rec, rca, au
• eta is ano g1mb, tohom t(Je fting of lt>abplon roa' tlJeir race is arc marucilous pale.
~{~ t?e~ :n~~~!~~~ tlJ~ rinnell nJamcr~nr i.n ']lbrracl: t11It r.~~::!~i:~Wtt~~~j,~~~~~ti~!~~~.~~'~ ~:;:~~: ~ .
...._. fo1 tl)cp {Jauc not onclp DefileD t1Jc1r nctglJ. ours tl}c time of '.]jacobs trouble, from t(Jc \lllJitlJ I:Je topn. 1. 1 5.
'-.<: \l.lmc)l, but alfo picacl:}cD lpmg wo~1:1rs m ~P f!Jall pct be llcliucrell.
:· ::-: name, mtJitlJ 3J l:}auenot commanl:lcll tl:}em:tl}is s 1fo~ in tlJat l:lap,fattlJ tlJc Jl.,o~ll orIJoflcs,'.Jl
·.:..: '.Jl telhfic anD atrurc, faitlJ t11clloi1:1. witl tabclJilS poke from olftl}p necbc,anll b,ealic
.=-: .~ 2 4 lBut ais ro~ ~cmcinlJ tlJC ji;}ct.Jclamtte., tl}ou tlJF bonll15, anD llrangcrss OJRll no mo1e l}auc 1>0'
::~ HJalt rpcake 11nto l)im: minion ouer lJim:
·~. '.Jl£~~el~~~~J~:~~~~i~~r~~1?fe~~:r~fnltt7~~~! lL~l:I .~~~ ~~i~~~D~JrTt~~.b~i0:1 C:A~

onmc name 11nto all tllc people tIJat il'$ at f!)il> rairc bf bnto t(Jcm,
rufalcm, anD to ~opf:lonialJ tl}c ronnc oHl@aa, 10 an1:1as fi» tfJec, ~ mr fmlant j)acob, Efai,44 .,.
_ -· fial:I t{Je p,icfl, rca anD rent tlJcm to alt(Jc Mefl'1 ffarcnot, faitl} tlJc Jl.,o1!J, anl:J be not afrato, ~ tukc 1.70'.
- - · faFing, 'j\fracl: toi loe, '.]) \llill l)elpc tlJCC alfo from farrc,
-· l 6 ~c Jl.,o~l:J l}atlJ o~ZJeinclJ t{Jce to be t0iiea anti t9!' feel:le fTom tlJclanD of tlJeir capttuitte:
.:;;-:::- in tlJc acaDc of ~e(JoiaM tflc l&itca, tlJat d)ou anlJ '.]lacob fiJaU tame againe, IJe f!Jall be in rca,
-t::: OJoulDcllbeclJiefcintl}clJourcortIJcJl.,0111aboue an1111aue a wofperous life, anti no man llJSll
:...; if al p1op1JetsanDp,cadJcrl5,~t1Jatt1Joumtg1Jtcit maliclJimafraill:
·-·; Cct tl}em 11pon tl)e pilloiie,o~ in tIJe llochcl'$. 11 foi ') am bJitlJ tl}cc, to 11elp tl}ee,fattl) tl)c
;;.z; ,.
7 ~o'al IJappenctlJ it tl]cn tlJattl)ou l:}aft not JL,o~l:J: anti tl)ouglJ 9\ llJall llcfh'op all tl)c people,
:i~ . among bJIJom 91 IJauc ftattcrel:I tIJu, rct 'mill '.]]
rep~ouell 1cremtc of anatbotlJ , \D1Jicl1 neucr
leauet(J otf lJtiiptoplJcCfing:' notDetlrOI:' t{Jee, but comet tlJcc, anll tl}at witlJ
:;:t> 2 s !lnD befiDc au tl}iii, IJc IJat(J rent bti wo~lJ Diractton: fo~ '.l\ '1llill not bttcnr aetror tl)cc.
:.:;i'..- bnto '.l5abplon, anti tolllc 1115 plainelp tl]at our u. ~1Jcrefo1e t1Jul5 faltlJ tlJc JL,o~D, ~lJP bJU'
··· mptiuitic ilJall Iong enl:Jurc, that \llec flJOUllJ ring15arcpcrillou15, anti tlJI:' \llotlnDil rcaDit to
;;. .. buill:Je 1111 IJoufc~ to b\llcll tl)ercin, anb to plant call t1Jce into Ciclmctrc.
<~' 1115 garlltnl$, tl)at \\lee map mtor tl)e ftuitc~ 13 ~mil5nomantomebl:llebJttl} tfJpcaurc,
(,, tl)ercof. · 01 to lap a plaifler bpon tl:}ec, e~ te bin!Jc bp tlJp
~~.. 29 tWIJtcti letter ~opl)onias t(Jc p1ielheaD, \llou11Mto(Jca1£t1Jee
.-;;~} ant1let'J,cremietl)el!)~op1Jct(Jcarctt. 14 QUI tlJr Iouerl51Jauc foJgotten tfJcc, anlJ
-.,;~ 3o ~!Jen came tl}e \\loiD ortl]elLotlJ bnto_'.)le, care notIJing fo~ tl)cc: fo~ jj l)auc giuen tl)ec a
'.1,1j rcmte, raping, cruell fh'okc, anD dJallmcn d)eerougl:Jlp, anti
.· ·..- 31 ~cnll lllO~lle to all t(Jc1n t(Jat bee in cap, tl)at ro~ tlJc multitullc of tl)p mitllctl:le~: fo~ tlJI:'
·;'v,~ ttume,on tllilS mancr, ~is IJatlJ tile Jl.o~l:Jtpo, Cinncis l:}aue IJal:J tIJc oucrl)anb.
:~J lientoncerriing ~cmctalJ t!Jc ~clJclanrltc: lBc• ts "1191Jp makell ttoumoane fOJ t(Jp f)armc'!
..i1<t caure tlJat ~cmctalJ IJatl) p~opl)ccieD 11nto ~ou ']Jn 1:1cet1c tl)ou art fo~c bJounl:lell \I in leoparllie: 8
lcrc. 'S· 1 •
j"" \\lit(Jout mr commtmon, anll biaugI:Jt rou into but roi tl:lc multitubc or tlJp milbce1:1c~ anll fin~
afaire IJope: "' . . '.J l)aue !Jone t1Jil5 bnto t:IJcc. .
32 ~crero:e tl1uis tl'Je Jl.,o~tie ,1:1oe~1;1 cmt6c 16 9nll tl)mro:e all tlJtp tl)at acuourc tlJee,
1ou. ll3cl)olb, jj bJtll btfitc ~mietalJ ftl~ ~cl)c' f!)albe b~o~ir_ell,anl:I al tlJinc cncmie1511Jalbc lcl:I
lamin anb IJllS recoc, fo tl)at none or bis HJall Into capttmttc: all t(Jcp tl)at main~ tlJec \Datte,
rcmatncamongUJil5 people, anD none of tl)em f!)albc toaflcll t1Jcmrc1ucs, anllall tlJOfc tlJatrob
llJall fcetl}cgoob tl}at '.]) wt111:1ocfo1mppeopk, tt)ee, \!lj\ mabcalrDtobcrobbtl:I,
~': fllitlJt1JcJ1.,o1MoiIJe1Jad)p1eac1;Jct1falfelroftl}c 17 1fo: '.Jl \\!ill !Jlue tlJec tlJp l)ealdJ againe
t l.oiD. anb make tlJl' ltl_ounDis lDIJoic, rattIJ tl)e ll.OJl:I'.
:~ The xxx. chapter. btca~ctlJcr.rcut~l>tlJc~, aisonecalla\Dap anti
~: llefpifel:I: sa>ton fa1d they t~ RJC,\lll.Jom no man tt'
I Thererumc of the pcopk from Babylon .. 8 God garllCtlJ; .
~·) . by his chaO:cning tncwcrh that r~e people 11 finfull, .1 B foi tlJilp fatctlJ tl)c Jl.oJ'llC • l5ctJolllc, 'Ii
~) 16 The dc:RrutUon of the enemies of lfrael. \Dll bJing &game tlJe captiuttie ofl)a,obl5 ttnt~.
Gods euerlailing loue. leremie. lfraels deliuerance.
I anti nertnb biOtuellin!i piste: tl}ecitie fl.JaU be d}at l;Jad} Cmttmb 1!ltael OJa~ gatl}erlJim toge:
bUilbell in tier olD etlate, \1 tlJe ~°* RJ&U l)aue tl;Jer againe. ani» OJall beepe 1;J1m al!! a flJepl)catb
tl;Jdr rigIJt founDation. . botl;J l;J&l!I flotbe. ·
1 9 ann out of tlJtm flJ!lil !JDC tlJanfltfgiuinf& . 11 . !ffoi tlJe ~b l)at:IJ ntl«:tnell ')iuob, anb
ann tlJe boru or tor: 'J tud multtplp tl}ean, anll nll lJim from tlJe l;Jano of tfJe baoll'nt.
tl;Jer 11Jall not befcwe, 1 tutll enouetlJrnnuitl) . 12 a~n tlJe! flJall come anb rei~e bpon tlJc
l)onour. anti no man flJall Cublluc tf1t111~ l;J1l ~f~ron,11D1al1;Ja~ Plmteouftwll'c of !IOOi:IS,
2o ~eir tl)i1D1en n1allbc ais ato1ettme, anb \Dl;J1cl) tfJe)l.011111Jall g1ue tl;Jean,namcly \Dl)cate
tf'lm congrejation a,an continue tn mp CiglJt: llline, 01'le, poung llJcepc, anb mlues: antJ tl;Jek
anD all tlJofe t11at beyc ttJcm tutu 1 bifite. roule OJal be al!! a \UeU 'matmb garncn, ro1tlJCT
21 g captainealCo llJall comc of t11em, anu fball no mo1e be l)ungrp.
p,lnu aiau Cp#ng out from tl;Jc mi'bbcl of tl;Jem, '3 CJJm llJan tl;Jc matncretopce in tl)c bance,
l}im 'IDill 1 tl)allcngc to l11l' Celfc, ann l)e a,au pea ~otl;J p~ng anb olb folllcis: foJ ~'mill tume
come bnto me: fo1 tDIJat ts bee giuetlJ ouer tl)crr roio.m mto glatlnel!I, anb \Uil comfoit tlJem
IJiJ! (Jcart to come bnto me, ratt.IJ tl}c Jl,o~D '! from tl;Jc&T fo1ou15, anb make tl)cm ropfulf
22 ~cc llJalllcmp pcoplealCo,anll '.l\ mtnbc 1 4 1 \Dtll po\D1c plmttourncll'c bpon 'tl;Jc
pour <i5oll. ~cart~ of t(Jc p:tcas, anll 1np people llJalbc rattr.
2 3 l5c1Jolb, on tf:Je ottJcr Cibc Qian tl)c \l'IJ&tl;J
ft:cb mrtlJ mp «oolmctrc, ratttJ tlJc JL010.
of t.tJc JL.01b bicakc out a15 a tlo1mp \Dater, as a 1 s ~1Ju15 faitl} t(Jc lL01t1. * ~c bopa of f)ca.
miglJtp \DIJitlc\tJinbc , anll llJall faU llpon ttJc utne~c, \Dccpfng, anll lamentation \IJ11'5 IJcarb Mii.i.1
geabs of tfJe llngoblt'. on IJqw, cucn of macijcl mourning foJ J;Jcr ~al<
24 ~l}c terrible IJifplcafure of tl)c ')l,oJb tl}all Dien. anb hloulll not be comfO~tcb, bccaure tl.Jep
not Icauc off, tmcm lJc l}aue bone snb pmo1mtb \tlcrc not.
tfJc intent of IJis lJcart, \DlJiclJ in «Jc latter bates 16 ?6Ut 110\U, fafttJ UJc Jl.0111, lcauc off from
re flJall llnbei:aanll. \Uccpmg ano crptng, toitl)IJolD tlJtnc epcs from
The xxxj. Chapter. teares: foJ tl)p labour OJalbcrc'Watlleb,faitfJ t:IJt
I He prophccicth thatthc people of Ifrael !halbe re- ".fl.,0111 •. anD t(Jcp flJaU comta'18ine out of tlJel&llD
of tl}ctr enc rm cs.
fiored againe vnto chcir profpcricy. 18 To be tur- 17 II?ea, euen tiJF polfmttc fba[ ~aue COnfofa•
ned from finnc, is the gifc of God, 2 7 The birth tion tn tlJ~S,f~itlJ tlJC".!J.OJlJ,tfJat tlJ1' a,ilD1m~
of Chrill is prophccicd. c.ome ag~unc mto ttmr o\\lnc lanb. .\

~ tl)cfamctnnt, faitl) tlJc lL01b, 18 ~oieouci:, ']l IJearb ~l)~im tl)at \DU _.
fball~ bUIJc<5olJ of all tl;Je gene• lcbamap captiuc compiaineontl}is mam, ii> l
rations of ]fracl, anb tlJey 11,Jall be ·,t.,01?1, ti.Jou ~aft coirectell tne.,anlJ tlJP tl)aftminA
mp people: IJaue '.31 reccrueb SJ! an lmtameb calfe, conrurt
2 ~IJus rattl) tl)c JL,0111. ~e tf}ou me, anb 91 IJJalbe ronuertcb: fin tlJou art
1Jeoplc of9\fracl \UlJicb efcapeD in tiJc\Dilbttne~ mp JLo~b <!5ob.
from tl,)c raio~nc, fou~ ~a~ to i;omc into tIJctr 19 Fea,as Coone as tf1ou turnef inc, 'J fl14ll
rcn. rero1me mp fclfe.,anll mlJen] bnnertfanb, '.) fb8I
3 chtn fo !ball tlJc :t.oJll no\IJ alCo appurc £mite bpon mr t1Jig1J,fo1 bmlp l iJauc commit•
bnto me from fam, and fay,] loue t11cc tDitl.1 an tell ft.Ja1nefull t1Jt11g11: fo: ] l)aue bo1nc ttJe"'
eumatltnig loue. tl;Jcrcfo~ bf mp meuie'.) IJBue 1n0Qfc ann confufion of mp poutl}.
tna\tJcn tl)cc bnto me. 10 ;npon tlJiHomplaint ] t1Joug1Jt tlJU#be

4 l \Vil repme tl)ee ai&alne. © tl)ou baug(J< mr fctfe, '.JI~ not lt!plJ:aim mr Deare ronnc 1 '.J•
ta of]fraet, tl)at t{Jou map ell be fatl anb furc: (Jc nat tl}c tlJtlll \tJitlJ \VIJom '.Ji lJauc gall au l11f
t{Jou !bait take tl)p tabJet!!! againc,ann goe fo1tlJ mirtl) anll pailimc 111'01 fince tlJe time tl}at '
\UitlJ tlJcm tl)at lean tl}e nam:c: lint communell \tJttlJ (Jim, 'J IJauc iJim mcra1
5 ~hou fbatt plant biness againc bpon tbc rcmcmbtancc: tl)erefo~e mp l)eart b~iutd) mu
1Jil'5 of ~amaria, anb tl}e '1t~c "a~ereis ll1t1ll bnto l)im, glalJlF anb loutnglp \Ulll 91 l)auc mtr<
plant, anlJ commonlp eate of 1t. tie bpon IJim, faitl) tlJe JLo:n.
6 1fo1t11c 11apess11Jalcomc\Ul)cnt1.Jc \UatdJ• 21 g)l)akc tlJr fclfcmar11c-.ret lllJlJeapr.•of
minbpont1Jemountorcei>1J1ai1nfbalcrp,.anrt., lfonc, fettlJtnc lJcart bpontlJC WP tl)at t1Jou
let bl5 gee bp bnto ~ton to out lLotb <Bob. Dibft \Ualhc , ann tumc agaitf8, ~ tfJou nauif1'
7 !ffa1 tlJml raitt tl)e".ll.DJll,lie'iotcc 'mitlJ glab• ttr of '.]ll'racl,tum againe to t{Jde cities or tl;Jint.
nell'c becaure of')acoll , crp bnto tl;Je IJcab of t(Je 21 ll)o\U long blilt ti.Jou !JDC aftrap , © tlJOU
llrienttll's, Cpeahc out, rtng anb rap, ill> J1,,01ll rauc llJtirlfrirll naulJl)ett 1 ~ tfJe l.01D \t!Jll tuo~c a
tl)p people tl)e remnant of9\l'rael. ne\11 tlJirlg bpon eartl;J:.a tvoman ~au compd
s '5el)olbe,] \tJtn b;inl tl)em agatne frOm a num. · ··
out of tl)cv.lo~tl) 1ant1,anb gatbcr tl}em from ti.le 2 3 1foi tl:lu• fattlJ tlJC i.c>1b orf]o~ tl:lc d!Job
~e15 of tln tooilb. toitlJ tl}c blinne anb lame of '.Jj~ad, ~t \DiB come ~"mto.. tl)at bll.Jm 1
•.,at ate among d)cm, \uitl.J tlJc \\lomm tlJat be IJaue bJou(Jl)t iuna aut of captiuitte , tfJrCC
great'alittJ c)Jilb, ann r~ as be a1ro bdtutrcb: blOJb# DJalbe IJtm in tlJC lanb anl) in f.Jis 'iticl!I.
ab~!r~aetc.ompanp of tlJem t11at come a1,1aine OJal ~£ JLO.Zb bleffe tlJce. 4> tl)OUb\tlcllinJ plate of
,. .. npteotlf'nde, 4> tl)OU l}Olt' IJlll.
9 ~trll)aUcome'alcqrin1,anb tuitlJmer• i4 ~nndJmlb&lll»tDeU1Ulla anun &Jttct•
ct run Plttn~tU 'll b~nm tl)em IJitlJer qainr : ') ties, tl)e f1JePl)earD0111> l)UCbanbmen:
'WllleaDetl)c to t1Jtriuet111 of \Datri in a tlraigl)t 2 5 f 01 '.JI \Dill rt@c ti.Jc l)ungrp roulc, anll re•
\Dap \DlJtre UJcp !\Jan not ltundile: toi ~ 11111'.IC· freflJ all faint~·
radii fatl}et,an1:1 Cfplnaim ~mp firtl b~nc. 16 INJm 111tat? dJtJ. ] came allJinc to lt1l' '<
l)caretl)e'alo~ofttJe'l.oil>..tlDF1<Bcntftf, rtU!e, l)fftllillei# !f14Dbcme 1uaieaout of a ~
picadJ '"tlJc 11t111 tlJat lit fmeoft. a111> fl!. l)t ftueete aeq,e: 1.

......,....~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i1l6i6~~0ib~,Ll-:j 2
Ieremies prayer. Jeremie. Godspromife.
anD mttlcnt in eieJ!l looke bpon an manDeb dJf: tlettlJct came it mer in mt tQoUgJJt
tl)e\DapeJ!I of mens dJiHlzm? to rc\DarD~uerr tomafle1!Ubaflnnt1Dttl)ftldJabomtnaaon.
one after IJtSJ war, anD aao~11m1 to ttJc fiWtlS of 36 ano nome tlJmfOJe tlJUSJ IJ&tb tl)e 'Lotb
l)i~ inumtions. <8 SII> •of !ftlld ftiollm tonmnin1 t17tJI tCtie,
20 QJou l}alt Done gnat toflm' an~ 1Don• \DIJiclJ 8JI !C t'Gm tdu~ mnreire, RJalbe beliue'
l>eisin tl)c lanD of <flm't, a'\Dee ree tlJtOap, re1>intotl)e1JanD ofttJe flinlor ~pion, when
bpon tlJt people of ]Crael, a~ll ~pon tlJofe men, it is wonnc lDitlJ ~e f'Qlo~l>, toitl) IJUn!ltr, 8t1b
to ma11e tlJP name great 8JI tt •l!I come to patre 1Dit1Jpethlentt. . · . ~
tl}iS Dar, 37 l5elJoHI,1 tD51 gattJn tlJtm to1et1Jn from I
u ·~IJou l]all ~ougl}t tlJr people of lCrael all lenl>~ \Xll:Jmtn'.) IJaue r,attcrel> tlJeminmp
out oftl)c lanl> of<fgppt lDitl;J tobenl!I, \DitlJ 1D1at1;J,in&arefulan1>gnat1>trplearun,an11'mil '•1
\llonDm."midJ 11 migl}tti IJanb, lDttlJ 11 lltctt:1Jet1 bting tl:)em a1lllnetmto tlJil!l .Plat:e, \D'l)ere ttJer -
out mnt.antl \DitlJ 1ttat tmiblmelfe: llJal tltDd fafelp: ,
:ii .an1> l:)altgiucn tl)em tl)il!l lant1,lille al!I tl)ou 3.s * anb ttJet fl.lalbr. mrpeople, anb~ \Dtlbe Ez« ~'
~ant? p1omifeb i>nto tl}eir fatl)erl!I, namely, tlJllt t{Je1r<l3ob. •llol)'
tl}ou moultiell ;tue tl)nn a lanb tl:)at tlo\tletl.J 39 gntl ] 'mil gtuc t'l)em Ont lJeart anb one .~
Ulttl:J milbe anb l,Jonit. ~Bf,tl;Jat tl:)ep map feareme al tl;Jebait~ ofttJetr 1-
2 3 .taom mlJm tl)ep came tlJtrein anb poirer. ltfe: tl)attfJey anti tlJeir t:IJ1101en after t11em map
rcn it. tl)ey follomeb not ti.JP tioicc, anl> toalfltl> p1ofper.
not in tlJP lato: but all tlJat ttJou commanbctlft 40 !anti l t»tl rct bp an eumaatn~ couenant
tl]cm to tloe.tlJat l)aue tlJep not bone, anl> tl)crc• tllttlJ ttJem,namely, tl)at '.]] b.Jifl neuerceare to Do
ro~e come all tlJefe plague~ bpon t'l)em, tl)e~ goon. anti tIJat ] \lltn put mp reare in
24 l5e(Jolb, tl]ere are bul\tlatliess mabc no\lJc tlJetr I)cart"', ro tl]att{Jep ft.Jail not runnea\\lap
agatnll ti.Jc dtie to talie it, anb it llJallbc b.Jonne from me.
or t{Jc Cltl,Jalbecss tl}at bcficge it "mitlJ rmo1t1, \DitlJ 41 Fea, '31 'mtl l)auc a lull anb pleanmto Doc
f}unger, anb neatlJ: ann loofJc \Dl)at t{Jou I.Jail tl)emg~otl, anbfaitlJfullpto planttlJemint1Ji"
fpolicn, t{Jat fame fl.Jal come bpon tt}em, ro1 toe, lanb \Dttl) mr \DIJole l)eart, ano mitlJ mr \DIJOle
all tlJinlll!I arc werent tmto tl)ec. roulc.
2 5 ~ct rapeft tlJon bnto me,© JL,011> <11Jot1,ant1 41 fo1 tbtlf:I ra11t1,J tlJe JLo1t1, lL illca' ~ lJatit
commanbeft me tlJat 1 llJaU bur a piece of lantl b1ou;l)t all tlJil!I great plague bpon t11ts people:
bnto mr felf fo1 moner.anti tnfie mttnc[cts tlJm• euen fo 'mil 91 alfo b1tng bpon tl)em all tl]e poll
to: ano pet in tt,le meane ftaron tl)e £itie tss lldis
ueretl into tl}e po'tllcr of t{Je €1Jalbee~.
tl)at] tJauc p1omirtb tlJem,
43 !lnl> men l)Jal l)aue tlJeirpofl"etrions mtfJil

26 ~en came tl,Je \tlo1t1 of tlJc JL,~tl bnto '.)le' Ianb, 'tDIJmofre rar notu tfJat tt fbal netti}ft be
rcmie,faping, in(Jabitel> oftlJe people, not ofcattel; but be lleU.
17 l5e1Jolt1,1 am tfJe'.fL01b <13otl of alltlea1: iss umtl into t1Je1Janb"'oft1Je Cltl,Jallleess: · ·.
ti.Jere anp tl)ing tlJcntoo IJarb fo1 me~ 1-4 Fea.lanb flJalbe bougl}t foi money, anb,,
28 ~erefoie tlJUl!I Capetl) tl)e JL0111.l6el)ol1J, utoemes matle tl)ernrpon,antl fealetlbdoJe~
] fi1all beliuer tl)i.IS dtie into tl)e po\lln of tl)e ndl'efS tn tl)e countrep oO&eniamin, anDrounD
CltlJalbee~,antl tnto tl:)epo\tlerof ~abuc1Jot1onc• abouc 'ierufalnn, in ttJe cities of ]u1>a, tn dJt
ro~ t{Je Iring ofl5abpl0n, tlJer fl.Jal talie it:. . ctticis tlJat are bpon tlJe mountainris, anb tl]nn
2 9 1fo: tiJe cit1Jal1>ee~ t1Ja0 'ome an~ \tlm tlJ•l!I tl)at lie beneatl}, rea,ano in tl)e t:itie"' tl)at are in
t:itie, annfetfirebponit. anl> bume1ctottlJtl)e tiJe~outlJ: fo) l \tltl b#ng tl)eir p#fontrlil bf.
go)geouis l)oufelS, in b.Jl)ofe parI011S tlJef l:)aue tl)etagatne,raitl,J tl)eJL,01t1.
ma lie fat:rtfic:e unto :Waal, anl> pom:e!J b:mlie of• Thenxiij,Chapter,
feringis lmto arange go1>1S , to p~ouolle me tmto I The Prop bet is monilbcd of tne Lord ro pray for
t1nat1J: the dcliuerancc ofrhe people, which the Lord pro-
30 <jfo: tl)e t:l.JilD:en of1frael anti tlJe cmll>:en mifeth. 8 God forgiuerh finnes, :znd doeth gracic
or ~u1>a1:1aue ondrbene notng\tltmelmrlfebe' oufiy to the people for his owne rcnowmc. 1 s Of
foie me from tlJeirroutlJ tJp, tl:Jer (Jaue bene one• the birth of Chrifi.
~ piouoking mee to "m~atl.J toitl} tlJe \»011te- of
tiJcir o'rone l)an11is, ra1t1J tlJe JLo:D. Sil>JCOUcr, tbe 'mO~l>COC tlJe JLo~tJe
3 1 foi \tll)at l)atl) tlJilS citic beencclre t bUt a 'ame tJnto '.l]erenuc agamc tDlJm
Piouoliing of mp \tl1atl) euer fmce tl)c nap tl,Jat be \Da~ t'ft llomll> in tf}e court of
~ep butllleD it, tJnto tl)ilS l,Joure ml}eretn '.)J call tl)c p~iron.
tt out of mp figl)t ~ • 2 ~TJU• fSt'dJ tl)e lL01b, 'mlJO
""12 '3ccauJc of tl)e great bla(plJcmiel!I of tbe mal>ell)ierufalem, tvlJo fallJtoncb tlJe Came to
...,tLllJm of 1Crad an11 ')ut1a, tolJit:IJ tlJep l)aue dlablill.J it, tu1.1orenamtll=lL01b,
lloµc to wouoke mee,pea,tl)cp. tl)eir,mngs tl)eir 3 Gttie tmtome. anD b!iUanftom, 81111
~~nctis, tlJetr pitells, tl)etr p:oplJets, ti.Je men of
'll 11 a.allb tl}e tithenis ofll)ieiiltalcm:
fl)cl.ll tIJec grcatanDl}taO \DlJUIJ \Dcreb11<
hno\tlcn bnto tlJee.
33. l!Bl)en '.j\ llooti bp eartr an11 taugfJt tlJcm, 4 ~uis 1rayQJedctl.J tl)e lL.01b.~01> of'.)fi'a•
sn11 tnlltutteti ~em, tlJep tumel> tlJcir bat:llc- to cl, 'onccmingtlJe l}ouJcJ!lof tl)is cttre, anb tl}c
me,an11 not tbett fatess, (Joufef$ of t1Je flinlJ of 1UDa tlJac are b1011m
34 -atl)£? 'Clloulti not lJeare to bnerozmeun11 t1J1oug1J tl)c 01bt~nce anb t;IJe ~~b.
1.Reg.n.4 ~imtetl: butftttl}eitib0l£1Hnt1Jc l}oufctl)at , ~efnlJab~ of'tlJilmie(Jaue 'ometo
tis {Jalolllell to mp na!U£,to befi:t:e it. flglJt amatntl t11e Qalbtcl, anb tlJey are tlleD
3S ~tier lJaue butll>etl IJte plattj!I fo~ l6aal in 'alttlJ tlJe 11ea11 iarfleiftl of men, UJIJom ~ l)auc
tl)e ~allep oftlJe Cl)tll>Jtrf or~ennom, to '8Ufe OSinc mmp \1!1adJanD D~Ica(un, 'oJbCri '.) tuf'
~}Jet.r ronncis anti llaugl)ter• to paire tl;JDJOtD lire ne11 mp f.acc trom f;IJiSS nae, beWICe of au l}ei
~ ·~ - -
tn thcl)onouror ~010~, tDIJiclJ '] neueicom•

--~-=-=== __, llltc:flttmelTc.

~ ·. ·. \
~)f Ghrdt. · Chap.xxxiiij. Godspromife true. 16i.

~ 6 l3elJoa.raitfJt11cJUJ1t1/Jitoilrepail:ean1J 21 !ffoi like a1d}tftanc1or1Je4umtnarnct

.,,11 {)oak HJnitoounb-. anll make tl)cm tDl)Ole 1 3l be numt.ieo, mitl;lcr t1Jt fano or fl.le re:a memo,
~,S..~ ~if. mtlJt~tiJt.'.largc mnrurc o.f.·pcau ... a.nb. rco: ro 'ttlill ~ multqll'Ptl.JC rcctJcof ~amt1.t1ir
,S ~
~ w,
7 gntJ \Dill rctumc tfJe captiuiticof ~Ulla
rcmant, anb tl)c lLm1tt11l1t' miniacrf!I. · · '.· .
2 3 ~o,icoucr, t)Jc nioio oftl}e )l,OJb came to ••

anD1ft'ad,811ll1llill fettl)emUpagameaistlJcp '.J,eremic, raping, "
tumbefO~: · 14 citonnnttcll tIJou not UJl,Jat tl)ijl peoplc fpea,
~' 8 · ~om au m#oeene1 t»bttrin tfjcp offmbetJ ftctlJ:'~\tlo mnrclls fay chcy IJBD tl)e )L.o~o cl)ofcn;
~\ =me, '.JI 1DiUcleanrc tl)em: annall tl)tir anot1Jofe~amet'1101Jat1J1Jeca1tawap:fo~fot1Jer
~\i· emies \tll]l'tlJ tlJcr IJaur bone a\18intl me, IJauc Dtfp1rcz11nppeop1e., ann tlJep rcputeb t!Jcm
\.. ; \U[Jcn tlJcp regartJctJ mrnot/J toil fo~giuctl)em. ais tlJougtJ ttJcp \Ucre no people•
•,· 9 ann t1J ilS OJ all !Jct me a name, a p,iaire ano 15 ~IJncr~e tlJUf!I faitlJ tlJc 'JL.Dit1, ~r~ tJaue
, [JoPoltr amon!Jall tl)e ).Jeople of tl)e cart(), "llllJltlJ mallc no couenant \lrlttJ llap anti ni!Jl)t, anll §i•
t~t ' 1t.1all l)care au ti;egoon tlJat] mill tl.Je'tlle imto uenno aatutc~nto lJeaucn ami cart():
~~ tlJCIU, pea, ttJey IT)all be afraitl anti alloniell at an 2 6 ~!Jen 'IDJll ] alCo call a\lla1' tile fce'De of
~: tlJegoo'D ncctiess anll bcm:atc~ t!Jat 1 niiu 11oe ]arob anb m>auin mp rcmant,fotl)at] tuil take
~ fo, t}Jcm. no p:imc out o'1Jif!I fettle to rule tlJe pollnitie of
10 Ql)o~couer, tlJu~ fait(j tllcJl..o,~, ]n this ab!a1Ja1u,.1ra1Ja~, anti '.Jlarob : but rec 1 nim
~ place (\U1Jcrofpefapt1Jatttaialbeaw1ll:lemetre, tume aiJmne tl]eitcaptmttte,ann bemmifUll
•1... \UIJeretn neit[JcrpeoplC noi cattcll. ltJal tl'lllCllJm bnto tl)cm.
r,;, 1mcmanerint[Jecitiesof]una,\'ttnttle.1treetes Th h
~i;.· neitlJetof ~iemfalem (wlJtctJalfo ft)all befo botbC.)tlJat i Hi: chtearnech Zedeci"•

pcopleno1 cattcll fiJall tl'lllcll t}Jcre:,
I I ~l:Jall tl)e bO)?CC of !Jlal111ette be l)earb a'
' ' Baine, tl)eboiccoftl)eb1it1t!JfOlUC~oftfJeb1itJe,
tJ:Je tioice of tlJcm t1Jat 11Jall On~, ~1a1re tlJe JL.oin
of IJollclS, fo: IJe ilS louin~, anl:J IJiS mcrcir enl:lu'
!Jiftesin t[Je IJ'DUfe of tl)e )l,01t1: fD1] b:Jill rello:e
D alfo lhall be giuen imo the hands of the kino ofBJ-
bylon. b

l)erc are tlJe\tJQJtl~ \»lJicl) tll(ll,oJtl

fpaftc 1'nto '.Jlcremtc , \Ul)at time
a~ fr.labu~ollonoro: tl)e kin~ of
'3abplon,anil all (Ji~ [Joffe, anti an
:::i: tlJc captiuitie of tlJilS lan'D, Mit \UalS afo~e,fait(J tl]c rling'DomS1 tlJat ttcre bttllcr 11iS1
·.?:: tlJelLo:il. po\ller,annall l)i~ pcople,fou!J!Jta!Jatnll i.}ittu•
12 ~Ul$faictlJ tl]e JLo:'D ofl]oae~, 1tt1Ja0 ra1cmant1allt1Jcciticist1Jereof.
~ come pet tl]ercto,tlJat in t(Jis Ianll tolJiclJ is boib 2 'itl)u~ raitlJ t[Jc JL0111 Q3ot1 or ]fraeI, <Zoe
~-:ii rrom men anti cattcll, anll in all tl)ecities of tl)e Rnb fpealie to·~etJectas tlJe fling of '.jju?Ja, an!l tel
lann, tl1m tbalbe ftt bp 11JeplJeart111 cotta1Jc~ to bim, -atlJe JL,010 fcntietlJ t1JcctlJif!l lllO)!l,16el)olD,
..-,:;. mtt!Jcir tlocflf!I, '.)\toil l:lcliucr tlJIS citic into tl)c !}anti of tl}e liin!J
~;, 13 ~n tl)c cmeis1'pon f;fJtmotrntain~, anlJ in ofl3abplon, i,c 11Jall bume it t»i!f1 fire. '
1:fl1. tl}ecmest1Jatlit1>pontl)eplaiue,ant1 in tl)eci, 3 anntl)oumaltnotcfcapel:JlS l,lanb~, but
~ tie~oft1Je~out1J,intl)elant1ofl5miamin,ant1 llJSlt be taflcn p1troncr, anb ilcliucrctl intolJiS1
-~~ rowb about 'iemfakln, an11 in tl)e citief!I of po'11er:~ou11Jaltloolietl)elttngof:i5abplonin
13J '.)luila,flJa\tlJe ft)eep pafi'e againc bntler dJcl]ann tfJe face., (t IJe OJ al £peak to tlJec mout[J to mout~,
~1 orIJim tl)atte.Dctl) tl)e1n, raitlJ Cl.Jc JL01b. ant> tfJen ll)alt ti.)ou goc to l5abplon.
i~·S• 14 *~l}oltJ.t[JctimuiimctlJ,faitlJ t!Jejl,01'D, 4 ~ct {Jcare tlJctdo:n of t(Jc )L.OJtJ, ~ '.JtJ>t•
~i~ tl)at1 U'Jillpcrfo:metl.Jat !JOO'D tf:Jing bJl)itlJ 1 cia!S tl)ou fling of jjuna. flJUl.1 faictlJ tf:Jc lLo~ile
:' l)auc p,iomifcll bnto ttJc tJourc of]rtaei. ann bn• bnto tl)ec , ~ou OJ alt not be Oainc \Uitl} tlJe
~ to tlJc IJoure of]utltl. ntio:o,
y_ 11 jjntbofe nareis, an'DattlJefamctime, 11 s lButOJaltnte in pracc: • ann a1ttw fo~e· ,.c1110.16.
:·;' \tlill bJtng fo1t1J bnto ~atli'D tlJeb,iand,J of ri!Jf)· fatl)ers tl)e liin!J!S tl)p •p1ogcnito1l.1 were burnt. •+
~·, trournclTe,antl IJe OJalltJo equine antltigl}teouf. ro flJalt tlJou be bumt alfo,anl:I in tlJp moumin!J ~,;,~~~~,;~~.
, ncfi'e in tile lano. tlJcp lb~l fap, © Jl,01il: ro, tfJtiis IJauc] l:letcmn• ~~!~'~.~:'.::~~:·
'. pl!. 16 'jjntl)ofcbapesniaU'.]jut1abcraucb, *an'D nct1,fa1tl)tlJeJL.0~1:1. "b""'~"r".
··· ,.,. tl;)icrufalcmtlJaDD~cllfafe: anDtlJfl!llllalbclJer 6 ~1Jenfait1jjcrcmietl)e l91op(JctaU ttJerc ~!~~·a'~:::~··
,~~ii. name,• ©on ourrtBlJtcournetre. . 'lno1t1t1S bnto '5elltcia~ llin!Jof '.)Ulla in ~icru,
t#Pit~. I 7 ~oi tl)U).1 tlJC 'lLOJtl p1om1fetl), ~aUltJ fiJal ralem1
1 •• t~• IJoUfe of9\frael:
1 ;:.z~ ncucr \tlant one to fit bpon t[Jc t1J1onc of tl)e 1 1101Jat time as tlJc l!ttn~ Of '3abt?Tons
l)oae befie!JeZI [9temfalCJ_n, anti tl,Jc remnant of
, ~·~~ I 8 JF,!citUtt fl)al tfJcl01iclll!I anbJl,dlitrl!I \Dant t{Je cities. namely' Jl,adJt).1, anll a1ecat1J, \Dl)ict.J
/J~~ onctoo1Jcra1uiarbcfoicmebumtofteritl!JlS, to ~t rcma. intb or tJ:Je nrong ncrcnceil cttiel!I of
~ :.,~ kintllc t[Jc meatc offttlll!JIS, anti to ~epare dJe 1Uba
f..t ~.:- facrificc~. s €1Jcfe arc the U'Jo~l>~ tl)at tlJt )L.01t1 qJaJre
P'.f'11111 19 ann tfJe \1'011> of tl)c )l,oin came tmto ')e: bnto 'Jeremie ttJc l91op1Jct, \tllJrn ~cl:lccias \»al!I
~ remie after tlJi~ maner, B!Jfte'D U1itlJ all tl)c people of ~temfatem, ttJat
:. 20 ~IJulSfaitlJtlJe·t.oJtJ, ~ap tl)ecoucnant tl)crcfboulllbep,ioclaimetJalibertie:
~~~: \tllJi~'Jl l)aucmanetoitlJ DapanI1ni111Jt.bcb1.o• 9 ~o ttJat e~ecy man 0Jou1n let hiis fer•
f~ lien, tl)at tlJcrefiJoulllnot be nap anll nilWt m uantant11Janoma1be !JOCfrce, l!)ebze'm,ann~c,
,(' line fearon 1 bteuietre, (I no 1e'm IJolll lJilS ~otIJer au bonb,
~ i. 21 ~en mat' mp coumant alfo be b1oflen man.
'I. e 'b)l)iclJ ']\ tw1t1c UitlJ ~au~ iur ~cru!Ult, anll ro 10 ~o\tl ais ttey IJab confmtctJ, an ttJe p1in,
f 1~ IJe not to 1Jauc a ronne to rc~ne m1)11!1 tlJ~one, ro ccs a~D all tUc people wl)tclJ !Jail 1Jat1Jcrct1 bn•
~JI n1al11ICot1Je101tc1tssanll)l,emt:e~ncuerfaile,but to tlJlS agrwnent, t[Jat cuccy man D>DUlll ret I
~JI fmleme:. at Ubertit IJi!S bonnremant anb bontJ\Uotnan,,
rl ~ I nnn1
Reformation repented. leremie.
anil no lonF to l,Jolil tlJetn boUnb: cum fo.t!Jtf
'1lmobe111mt.11nb1et=oe~:- .......
11 ~lft artir\JJarb npm.......
llHU HIUae

agatne tlJe reruantd 11nD bn18toms'111Jontt

tl:Jep IJail let goe rree. anD fa maile tlJetn bon11 a•
12 1f01· '111.JtdJ caufe dJe tooaie of tlJe :t.oJl>e
came tmto 1jeremie from tl,Je '.JLo~b l,Jimfelfr,fat'•
1 3 ~s rarctlJ ttJe ~be~ of ]~ael. 11
mane a couenant \llitl:J pout fatlJ~, \Dl,Jm ~
biougt;Jt tl)emout oftt.1e1an11eot emipt, out of
tl}e l,Joure of bonbagc.rsrin1. "
Exoch1.2. 14 *~l]en feuenpeeteS ateOUt, CUttr man
deui.1 5.12. ll)allletlJts bou«IJt retuantan ~togorree,
if IJee 1Jaue rerue11 IJtm a~e rems: butpourra·
tlJms ebepeb mee not, anll l,Jearllmell not 1>nto
1s a~roi\'OU. "Ptt\'Dereno1XI tumcb, anllbtb
rigf)t befo;e me, in tl,Jat re pioclaimeb euerp man
to let l)is neigl]bour goe free, ann in tl)at rec
maoe a couenantbefo~emccintlJe temple UJat
bearetlJ mp name.
1 6 :l6ut ret re turntb tiour felutfS againe,anb
biaCphcmeo mp name. In tl:)is tlJat cuerr man
1.Jatl) requireb (Jis fcruant anb IJanbmaib agatne
tol}om fe lJaD let !,10£ qutte anb free. anb wmptl•
lel:I ttJem to rerue rou agatne, ana fo to be bon~
men an11 bonnmomen.
1 7 ano ttJerefo~e d)UfS faitlJ tlJt JLo~be, 1!1ee
f)aue not oberen mee, eueey man to wodalme
freetJome bnto lJifS b~otl.Jer anti ntig!Jboi: tDIJet'
ro1e l \Dill call ron bnto freenome. faittf.J tf.Je
ll.OJll,euen bnto tl)e f'alo~,to tl)e pdlilmce, anD
to l)unger , anti mill mafle rou to be plaguen m
all kingnomel5 of tlJe eartf).
18 ~ca, tlJofe mm tl}at 11aue b~ollm mr cottt.>
nant, an11 not kept tl}e tiloibel5 of tlJt appotnt'
ment \\'l{Jtcl) tlJep mabe bef01f mee ml)en tlJey
l1r.\lleb tl}e calfe tn t\\'lo, anb \Dl,Jm tlJer 'lllmt
tlJOJ0\\1 tl,Je ttoo {Jalfel5 tl}eteof,
19 ~e p~incel5 of '.]luba,tl.Je piinces of fies
rufakm, t{Je gclbeb men, ttJe pJitfl~ anb an tl)c
people of tbc Ianb tDl.JtcIJ \\lent tlJoWai tlJe t\\lo
fines oftl.Jt calfe:
20 ~l]ofc men \tltll] giuc into tt.Jtpo'a>er of
tl.Jeir enemies,anb into tlJe IJanns of tlJem tlJat
fOllo\lle bpon tl)eir liues: ann tlJeir neal> hollies
tl)albe meat foJ tlJe foulcs or tl)e atn, anD beatl.s
or ttlelicl'l.l.
2 i as foJ 'Jcbeciass Cl.Jc kin~ of ~nna, anti !Ji~
p:intel5, 'Jl tam netiuer d)em into tt,Je pomer of
ttleit memir.l5, anb of tl)em tlJat befire to llar
ttJem.. anti into tl.Jt l)an'l.le of tl)e lit~ of ~ab?'
Ions 1Jo'1e, \\'llJid:) (l5 no'11 br.parteb from tou.
u '6uttl)1oug{J mp commanbemmt (~8fetlJ
U,t ·JLo:bc) QJey CbaH come spine btfo1e tfTts A•
ht, ttJep llJall figlJt againf!it. tam it anD bume
!!,:~OJtOUtt, '.J: \Dill (8f tl}e citiel5 Of ]Ubll fo
a-,tlJatno man 11.Jall l)b)ell tJJeretn.
H The xxxv. Chapter.
cc ~rhpoundeth the obedience of the Rechabires,
an 1 crcby confoundcth the pride ofrhelewes,

{9t 'm0jbt1S 'allJlclJ tl)r. Jl,oJDe fiNdle
bnto .'JCTemic in tl}ereigneof je•
lJoanin tlJc fonnt or ]!o~ fliRI
Of ']\Uba,an tl,)efe:
C8oc bnto tl,)c (Jourt
1Reel}ab1tess, &nb taHtlJemout. anb tniuld)ma
to tlJc l)oUfe of tl)e "Loib.tnto Come c:ommobrO&UI
te booke wriccen; Chap.xnvj. and read by Baruch. 263
buttlJeybloulllnot flJHo'mc, 1!1Jaurcallcb bnto ronne of ~cmci,cfln11t1Jan tl;lc ronne of!lclJbot,
tlJcm, ncuert1Jclt1Tc tlJcr 'tlloulD gtuc mec no an' ~amartal) tlJc ronne of ~ap1Jan, -Sttie.::ta.s tl}e
rwcrc. - ronne of )!}ananiais,'IDitb all tl;lc p1inus.
1 s ~crcmtc alro fpakc bnto tlJc lJoulbolb of ' 3 anD ~i.::IJe~ tolnc tl;lem all tlJe 1llO~lltl!
tIJeBcdJabitcf, ~.s rai£tlJ tl)c JL.o~D oflJolf.c.s tlJat be l)csrt> l5aruc1J reallc out of tIJe boollr be,
ttJe ~011 of l rraet <JfOJ as m11£lJ a.s pe l)aue obey' fo1e tbe people.•
cotl]e a:Jmmanbement of '.]lonabab pour fatl)er, 14 ~1Jena1tl}epitnce.srcnt'3)elJUbitlJcfonne
anbfleptall lJtspiecept~. ant111oneauo~btngto of@atl)anial),tlJe ronne of ~etemtalJ,tlJe ronne
au ttJat lJe IJatlJ billDcn: Of ~IJUU, bntol5aru.::1J, faping, ~alie in tlJinc
J !J ~ertfo1e tl}Uf faptlJ tlJC )Lo~c Of lJOftC.S l]ant1 tlJe bookc 'ID(Jtrrout t(Jou haft: rcall btfo1e
tlJe <3ob of'])rrad,'jjonallab tlJe fotme of1Red)ab all tlJe people, ann .::ome. ~o '5aruclJ ttJc ronne
tIJall not fail£, but l,Jaue one out oc lJf.S aoaie to of @crial) tooke tl.Je boolic in IJij! 1Jan11,ant1 came
tlanll al\llaF befoicmc. bntot(Jem.
1 5 aoo tIJer fafDe bnto IJim, ~it 110\Dne anti
Thexxxvj. Chapter. reaDe tlJc bookc, t1Jat1llec map l)eare alfo • ~
Baruch wriccth (as h:rcmiccnditcth) the bookc of the l5atuc(1 rcab,tl)at tl.JCt' miglJt l]earc.
curfcs againft luda and lfrael. 16 @o'al \Dl1m tl}ep l)atl 1Jcar11 all tl}c \D011'1$1,

Ja ti.Jc fourdJ rem of 9JctJoactm tlJep wm abaOJeb one bpon anotlJcr. anti ra~e
tl)e fonne of 'J\oliais tile lting of bnto '3amcl), wee 'altll cent fie tl)e fling ol all
'.Jiuna, .::ame tlJc t1101b of tl)e :A-01bt tl]rfc \DOJ?ISS.
tmto ]ercmie, raring, 17 anti tlJcr cramincn '5arud], raring, ¢ell
i ~afie a bookc anb 'tl!Jitc ttJerc• 1>~,IJom DiblltiJou 'ID,tte an tl)crc moJllC.S out of
in all tile mo1t1r.S tIJat 'JI tJaue rpokm to tl)ee a· 1J1.s mout(J ~
gaina ')\frad, agatnll ']utla, anb agamll all tl)c 1 s ~en '5aruc1J anf\llcrcll tl}em, ll)ce fpalie
prople, from tlJc time ttJat 1 began to f_pcartt 1111• an tfJefc 'ID01t1is tmto me 'IDstlJ 1)1$1 moutl), anti '.JI
to t~ec in tl]c ntgnc of 'jjollass,tmto tlJiSS bap: 'IDJOte tl)cin in tl}e booke.
3 ~(Jat 1ll(Jcn tl)c l)oufc of 'jjutla (Jearcth of 19 ~en faille tlJe p1inceis bnto l5arucl),llf5oe
tlJc plague \lllJidJ ] (Jauc bcuircb fo1 ttJcm. tlJey tlJr \llap,IJille tf}cc\llttf;J ']mmp,ro tIJatno man
maF peratlucntur.c tumc cuerr man from l)i.s knom \lllJere re be.
'mickrll'alatt. tl}at'.J map fo1giuc t)Jeit offcnce.s 20 anD t11cr \Dent in to tl}e ritng to t1JC court,
anti Cinncss. (but tIJcr licpt tile boofie in tIJe cIJambct or <fli•
4 ~en tlill 1,eremic 'an '5amd) tlJe ronm: rama tlJe ~mbe,) anti tolb tlJc fitng an tlJc 'IDOJZl$1
of ~erialJ, anb '5atuclJ 'ID1otc in tlJe bookc at tlJat (Jc m1g11t l)eare.
tlJc mouttJ or'J,crcmte,all t(Je 'ID01b.S oftl}eJl..oJtl 21 ~o tl}c fling rent -Jel)ubi to fetctJ (Jim ti.Jc
'IDl)iclJ l}c l)atl fpokcn bnto IJtm. boolic: ml}iclJ (Jee b1oug1Jt out of <flifama tlJe
s ~nb'J;eicmiccommaunbeb :i;smdJ, far• rcribcss ctJambcr, anD 'J\tiJUtlt real! in it, t(1at tlJe
tng,9J aminp1tron,fot1Jat] marnotromcinto bing anll an ttJe p1tnccis 'llllJidJ \llcre about lJtm
tl}cl}oufe of tIJe l.-o~b. nngt)t IJ~are.
6 ¢1Jcrcro1e goc tl}ou tfJitlJer, anb rcabe tIJc 22 ii}O\ll ttJe king Cate in ti}C \Ufntcr IJOufc
boolle tl}at tlJOU ball 'IDJittcn at mr moutlJ, (fo: it \Dass in tl)c nintlJ monctl)) ano t(Jcre 'tlla!3
r. namely, tl)e 'alo:blS of tf:Je JL.oib, anb rcall ttJcm in al'ircbefo:el;Jim. . ·
:: tlJe l,OJbel51)ouft bpon tl}e •fafttng bap,tl)at t1Jt 2 3 anti ml)cn ]el.JuD1 IJab re all ttnee o: rourc
iura people, tDIJDlc '.Juba, at111 au tlJCt' ti11Jt come out lcaues tIJcrcof, lJe cut tiJe boclic In pirccis UJttlJ a
,:~ oftt)ccltic.s.maplJearc. penimtre. 1uatl it into tlJc fire bpon t(Je fJeartlJ,
:~ 7 -cranumturetl}ep\llfllp:armttliclv be· bnttn tl}e booftc \Dais au bllrnt in ti.Jc fire bpon
~- foie t{Je fa.::e of tlJe JL.01t1c, anb turne cuctp one tlJe IJeantJ.
• from IJi SS bli.::fleb \llq:fornreat tis tlJe \ll1att:J anb 24 !let no m11n \Dais abaOJell tIJercof,no: rent
ft.111 DifµIiaftlrc tl)at tl)e lUl11le IJatlJ taken againtl lliisdotl)e,s, ncitl)er tl)e king lJimfelfe, 1101 l)i.S
• tl)i.S people. rcruant.s,tlJougl) tlJer l)eart1 all t(Jcfc mo1Z1~.
f'~c 8 ~0 '.el1tudJ tlJC fOnllC of f)erfal) bill 8(;• 2 5 ~eucrtf.Jcldfe, Cll!ln11t1Jan, jillalaialJ, anll
~ co:ning to au tl}at 4]eremic tlJe l91op1Jtt com• '3amartal} btfougl}t tIJe bing tl}at (Jc \tloUIZI not
manlleb l}ilu. rcabing tlJe \llo1bl5 of tl}c li..01D out burne tl}e booke : nottoitl)ftantling tl)c fiing
oftlJe booke in tf:Jc 'Jl,,011115 t)oure. 'Qloulnnot IJcare tfJtm.
P:: 9 ~n11t1Jist11as boncintlJe fiftvecreof ~c· 26 l6uHommaun?Jcb1crabmdtfJcronne of
1 ~ ~ 1JoacimtlJcronneor 1011asftingof '.}uba, tnttJe
... ameledJ.~araial1 tlJc ronnc of lf!ricl.ann ~c,
~ ntntlJ monctl), \'Dbcn tt wa.s commaunbeD tlJat lemtal] tf;Je fonnc of abllecl, to lapl)anDc.S bpon
Ir. an ttJe people of ~lcrufalcm ll)oulb falt befo1e l5aruclJ tiJc $S>cribe,a11t1 tipon ]eremic tlJe 10:0,
't n· tl}e JL0111,an11 tiJcy alfo t)Jat \llcre come from ti.Jc plJct : but tlJc JL.0111 kept tlJem out of fi~lJt.

citic.S of ')u11a unto ~ierufalcm. 27 f,lott>c aftci tIJat tlJe kin~ IJaD burnt tl)e
- 10 Q)m rca11'5aruc1JtlJc1llo1bSSDf~ettmic boofic, ann tl)c rermon~ tt>lJiclJ '5arucl} 'lll~ote at
'. out of t)Je boOlle \llttlJtn tl)e IJou~e of tlJe ll.0111e, tl}emoutlJ of 'Jlcrcmir., tl)c'aloJlle of tlJtJL.o~bc
r. out of tlJC ttca!Uttc of ~a~ana~ tbeCon~e of '8me tinto ']crrmie,raring,
I' -aplJan tlJC ~mbe, \lll}idJ IS lJCQllC tlJe bt(Wtt 18 ~ake anotl)cr boolie, anti \UJitein it all
,. Iott oftIJc ne'ID 11001e of t(Je .ll.o:lllS l)oufe,tl.Jat au tl)e foJC!allJ f~OlllS tl)at .'were 1llJittcn in tl)C
r tl)epioplc migl}tl}tarc. firltboollc, bl(J1.::1J ]c(Joaum tlJe kin; of '.)lut1a
f 11 flo'ID \Df1cn getd)ea.S ttJefonne Of ~ama· (JatlJ bumt.
1' rial:J tl}c conneof ~aplJan,IJearb au tl)e \1lo1De1 29 ant1tcl'.)c1Jo11cimt(Jtmngof '.)luba.~u.s
of tl)e JL.o~ out oftlJe boohc. rapt:IJ ttJe l-0111~ ~ou IJafl burnt tIJe boohc,allb
11 l)ee 111mc bo\'Dne to tlJC flingst paWe..into tlJOUgl)tcll 1llHIJm tlJF felfc , tl9bp IJaa tllou
tlJe ~crtbCIS c1Jambet, fo~ tl}cre aU tlJe PURUS toJtttcn tl)eteni, t)Jat tlJCJdng of l5abplon O,au
'Giere ret, cfttfama UJe §!Dmlle, )0a1alah tlJe come,anb make tl}i.S lanb tlJat l,!cc A>all
ttldlie I
I Another booke \!Vrirren. leremie. Jeremie imprifone~
14 ~m faibe '.]!mmi~ 1t i• not ro.1 aoe
not to tlJe 41Jalbee•: fleutttl)eletre. 1malJ
'Qloulb not bdttuel)im, but biou~l)t ')emnte
bounb beroie tlJewinceJ.
15 U91Jmfo~e tl)e eiinttJI 'Qlett anigrie \'oitfJ
]leremie,ant1Cmote IJim,anblai'Dl)tm inpncon
in tl)c l)oUfe of ~onatIJan ttJe ~mbc: fo~ tlJer
l]al:J mabc tl)at l)oUfc tl)c wtcon.
16 ~u• ma• ']ercmtc put in a bUngcon
anti p#ron.anb ro tar tbcrc a long time.
17 ~en ~C'DCCiQ tlJC king fcnt fO~ l}im, 811b
rallctl IJtm. an'D arnto 1J1m quictlr in IJis o\'one
t;oure. raring.~inkdt tl:,lou tlJis bUllntffe that ·~
now is ia hana, commctl) Of tlJC JLoibc 1-~ttemie )
anf'1lcrc1>, !'ea tlJatit boetl:,l: anti t1Joucrart1 IJe) r~
fiJalt brc beltucrelJ into tfJe king of '5abplon~ l
potDcr. · 1'
18 !l@oJcoucr,'.]Jernmerarb bntolsing~ebe· :'
ciaS!I, * uauat (Jauc '.JI otfenbeb againa ~cc, a• '"e.9 ~
gainft tlJr fcmant!!!, o~ agatnll tfJtS people, tl}at ·~
rel]aueputmeinp~lfon1 ·
19 ual)cre are rour p~opIJet• 't»bid,J IJIWC ,~
1nopl)ecirb tmto rou, anti rail:J, ~at tfJe king or JI!
l5abFlon11Jou1Dnotcomcagainftrou.anb ~ ~a
lanlJ ~
20 anb tfJmfo~c llcarc nom, ill> mr fo~be u,e
king, letmr p~arcrbcauepttlJ befo~e~e,a~
renlJ mec nomoic into tbe f)oure of '.31onat11an i!
tl]c~mbc,tlJat'.]J lJtcnottl;Jcre. jilt!
21 ~en ~clJccias commaunbeb to put ')e. :er
rcmie in tl}c foie entrie of tfJc pilfon, anb b8il!
to be gium IJtm a cake of b~ealJ of tbt bafler)S
llrcct. tmtill all tfJc ~cab tn tl}c cittc tn~ eaten
bp: 'IEl)USj ]ercmic rcmainel:J in tfJdD1£ mttit 1n::
ortl)c p~tron.
'.he kings excufe. Chap.xxxix. Zedecias taken. i6i
~ being a cfJamberlaint in ttJc mngss coUft.. llnilcr' tile king of l5atJFlo~ p1ifoner, anD tlJiJ '1ttc
i llool)C flJat tlJrt l}all call ')mm1e into ti,c 11un, llJalttl]ou c:aurcto be burnt.
~ geon, :4 G::IJcnraiD ~ellec:ia15llnto'1!cmnic. l-oolit
·~I s l)e\llcntoutefti,clri~l)oure,an11rpafte tlJatno bDi:lp kno\lleoftl}cfe\lJOlb~S. anll tlJou
~·· te tlJefitng, 'IDtJic:I) tlJcn rate 11nller tl}e po1t of ll)altnotllie.
· l5rniamtn tl}efe 'aJOJll15, is l5ut if tl)e p1ince15 perceille t(Jat 1 lJaue
\ 9 ~t' I01lle ti,c_king, bllJUtSl5 ti,efe men tallicb'Wit1Jt1Jcc,an11comebntot1Jee,fapmlJ,ill>
'\1 meDble\ll1t1JjJerc1met1Je1&1op1Jet, tlJcyllofJun fµcahe, \lll}atraplle tlJcbing totlJre, l)ille it not
~ 'aJJQng,namely, in tbattl)ep 1Jauc putl:Jim in µ:i, from bS, an1:1 toee 'o.lill not put tl}ec to 11cat1.1, tell
~: ron,tlJ_ere to ll~e fo; 1Jt1nger: foJ tl]ere il5 no mo1e us (tor piap tl}ee)tol)at rar11 tl)e fling tmto tl)ee:
~, b1ea11 m tl}e ctttc. 2 6 ~cc tfJou giue tl)em tlJiS anf\Ver, '.J: l)aue
·:: : 1o ~IJen tlJC liing commaunllell abellmekdJ lJumblp befougl.Jt tlJc ktng t(Jat l}e 111oul1> let me
~ ;, t(Je Ql)o~ian,anll fapll, ~ahdrom 1Jmcct1Jtrtie ti·e no mo1c in ']el}onatlJ anJS l)oUfc, tfJat jJ llpe
::: mert,\lll)omctl)ou\llilt. an1111~a\tlebp j!emnie nottiJere.
' tlJC 11)1op)Jct out of tiJc 11ungeon bcfo~c l)e l:lie. 2 7 -atl}encame an tlJe Wincc15 llnto '.]crcmte,
11 ~o ~bcllmelecl;J toohc tl;Jc men \llitl11Jim, anll arlitll ()im: anll IJe toll! tbcm after t11c man'
anll toent to tl}e IJOUCc of t()c bing,anl:I tl)erebn' ner as tl}c f1ingbane IJim. ~tjen tl)cr IJelllc ttJcir
11erttJe trr11£11rtcl}eegacc olll raggcs an~ wo1nc pe~ce, ann let IJim alone: ro1 tiJer perceiuc11 no'
clouts, an11 let t(Jem 110\lme llr a co111 into tlJc tl}mg.
Dungeon to 'Jeremie. 2 8 ~o ]crcmie abolle tlill in ti.Jc fo2c tnttic
~: 12 !ilnll !.lbeDmelctf} ti,c g!Jo1i11n faille bntO Of tl}e PJifon, llntill ti}e liar t'a}at l)ic.rufalcm
:!~ t1Jc~1op1Jct '.]lcremie, i!Dputtl)efcraggcsanll UJ~\llonne.
~ doutcs bnDertlJine arinel.Jolcs, llct\tli~t tl}cm The xxxir. Chapter.
anl:I tIJe co:1:11: an11 ']lrrcmr_ llill ro.
~:: 13 ~ 0 tl}eyllie\llc bp ']lcremie\llitfJ CQ1llCJ, 1 Nabuchodonofor bcfiegcth H1erufalcm, 4 Zede-
:::, 811ll toolic l}im out Of tfJC llUngeon: anll l}ttre• cias Aecth. 5 l-lc is taken ofchc Chaldccs. 6 His
~ · h ~ · f tlJ ep11·rion. fonnc:s ue flainc. 7 His cycsare thrufi out.
::!·· mamellmt.,clo~cnmco
_.. 14 ~cn'5ellrcias tlJc fling fent, anllcaurtll .!ID\lle*\lll)en ti,e citic ofll)icrura, 4.Kin.ip
~: jicrcmie t(Jc l01op~ct to be caUell bnt:J him, in, !cm was taken ( foi in tlJe mnt!) 1ere.p+
to t)Jc tl}irll cntrie tlJat i~ in tlJc lJourc of tl)r rcre of 3'ellrcia15 bing of :.l)ul:la, tlJl'
lLo:ll, anll tlJcking fapllc bnto ·]mmie, '.]l 'o.liH tentlJ monetiJ, came JF.!abuc:l}ol:lo,
allic tiJec romctolJat, butllillc nottnngfromme. noro: tl)e h!ngof l6abrlon, anll au
15 -cr:1Jm '.]lcremie anl'rocrcil 5coenas, j]f 'jl ~1--~~Joite,..inll b~ue~tll ~ierufalem, anll fougl)t
:.::· be plainc bnto t)Jce, tl)ou 'ttlitt taurc mcto fuffcL" ai;Jatn!t it:
11eat1J: 'llf] giuc tl}ec counrcu, tl.J1lu \ll1lt not 2 an11 in tl]e dcuentl) rcere of ~c11ccra~, in
Collo\n me. tlJc Court~ monctl},tlJe nintl.J oar of CIJC monctlJ,
16 ~o tlJc t.tngf\llo:e an otlJe rcm.'tl vto 1£> l}ebµihc mto tl1ec:ttie.)
;:.:; mnie,faping, 9.JS tl;Je JL,oille liuttf1 tl1atniatie bl! 3 1El)en all t(Je: pimce~or tl)e l!ing or l5abf'
tlJcfe:foulcl!, '.)\llillnot flaptl]cc, noi giucttice Ion rnmcin, ~fatct)Jcm11ownebnllcrtlJepo1t:
into t1Je:)Janll15 of tl)em t)Jat feeflraftert(Jp hfc. ~ercget, ~are~er, ~arngamebo,~arfacnim.,
17 -at\JCn rapn ']!mmie bnto ~ellec:ia15, ~us mabfari15,Jaeregel,~arqcr, lliatmag, 'ttlitl.J all
rarti, ti.Jc Jl,oJDeof l)otlEs tbe (1!5oll or jirracl, '.]If tl)c otl)cr p~mce~ of tl)e ~ing of lBabrion.
care be tl)at tl)ou lllilt goe foJtlJ bnto tl)e fli"ll of 4 an11 \n(Jcn ~cllcctal! tlJe bing of ]Ulla \llitlJ
l5abploms PJU1ceJ, t11ou !halt raue tl1l' life, anll IJfl! rirro tl)cm, tlJcn tf.Jtp flcllilc, anll llc,
tl)is citic 11Jall not be burnt. pea, botl} ttJou anll partcb out of ti,c citic llp nigl)t , tlJoJo\llc tbr
tlJpl}oun1ol1>UJallcrcape\llit1Jtout1tues: kingsgarDen, anll tnowm tile poJt tllat iis be,
i8 :13utiftl}ou\lliltnotgoe fo1t1Jto t1Jeking tmecne tl}e tmo \llallcs, anllfotf}c liing 'Went
oC l5abrlon15p~incrs, ti,rn 11.Jall tlJiS i;itiebe be' to\llarD tl)etoilllemetrc:
ltucrell into tl)e llanDes of tl)c ~IJallleess, \tllJiclJ 5 l5ut tlJe ~alDces l}oae follotoell raa ar,
llJall rec fire upon it, anb tlJou OJalt notbeable ter t1Jem,an11 tool1c ~cimias in tl)e ttclD of l!}ic'
to Cft:ape tllcm. . rii:l;Jo,anll bJOUgl)tlJimp~tfoner to ~11llUcl)OllO'
19 gnll ~cllcc:ia15 faptle bnto jicrcinte, jl am nofoJ t(Je king of l5allplon, bnto llicblatlJ, tlJat
'.~~ afraio roi t11c'Jlc\llcS t)Jat are tlcll bnto ttJe C"Jal, lpe:tlJ in tl)c lan?Je of ll)cmatl}, \l31Jere l}ce ~aue
~ bce15,lran 'Jl come into tbeir (JanlleJS,ano ro tbep iullgcmcnt bpon l)im.
,~i tol}aue me in llcrffion, 6 ~o tIJe bing of l5abplon caurcb ttic mil·
r~i· · :io :13ut '.]crcmie anftDcreb.~o,t(JcyaJall not llJtnof '5tDcciais, anll all tl)c nob tel! of '.]ulla; to
·P. betrap t)Jec: ilD l)earl1en bnto tl)c uoice of tlJe be Qainc bcCoie l)i~ face at Jacblat11., '
i~ :a.o~ll. ']\ befcei;lJ tllee, 'aJl)tclJ l Cpeallt bnto dJce, 7 .Qnll mal:le '5cllecias ercl! to be put out,
~~ ro 11.Jalt tlJou be \lldl.antl raue tlJl' life: llt1ll bouno l)im 'alitlJ t\llo q)alnes, ano fentl]tm
1' '. 2 1 l5ut if ti,ou 'aJtlt not ~oc ro~tlJ, tfJt ~ibc to l5abF{on.
~:' lJatf}tolomttlJiSplainelp. .· . s ~o~toucr, ttJe 11t1Jal11ecs bumt bp tile
2 2 l5e1Jolll,all tlJC 'Women t(Jat arc lrft 111 ti.Jc h1ngs palac:e, \tlttll tlJe otllcr (Joures of tl1e peo,
hingof l)ullaes1J0Ufc, tIJall be lc1111e foo~tl) bnto plt,anll bJahe llo'ttlnc ttJe lllaHcs of l!}ierufaltm.
tlJe hing of l5abplonis Plimcs: anll .t1Jcy lball . 9 !ll!~OJt1Jeremnantoft(Jcproplct1Jat'o.lcrc
fat'. ~llou art 11cce:iuen,ano tlJe men m tt>l)ome m tlJc i;ine, anti fUclJ ius were come to lJmt, ant
ti,ou lltl:llltllput tlJP crua l}auc gotten tfJte un, lDIJatfocuer 'ttlas l~ft or tIJe _i;ommon rolt, J~a,
lltt. an11 ret t1Jr fccte raa in UJc mp~e, an11 gone buiarallan tl.)e c)Jaerc cap tame i::arico tl}cm to
t!Jett \llap from t1Jce. l5abplon.
2 3 ~lJcrefoic au tfJP tntucs, tnith tlJp ctJil, 10 ~ut ~alJU!atallan tl)c c)Jicrc captainc
lnen,nian tlJep Ii' .ll fDltb bnto tfJc ~1Jal11cess,an11 lettfJeraf~llpeoplc, (I t)Jore t1Jatl)a11 notl)ing.,
tl)ou fualt not ct,ape tl)etr f)anbelS, but OJalt be i:lblell t111t m tiJc lanlle of ']\Uba, anll gauc tlJrm
I nmr'
Jeremie fee at libercie. leremie. Gedaliah fiain<-t
t1tnttans anll coine fie'IDS!I at tt,Je ~ ttme. abioaD on euerp CiDe tn dJe lanl>.1111btrloob tl;Jat
r 1 ~abuc1Jot10nof01 alfo tlJt fltnl of ~· tl;Je kin; of l5abtl0n lJ8ll mane 0el:JalialJ t1Je
Ion, gaue ~abt11araDan ~e CfJiefe '8ptame a ronne of al)Umri gouemom tn tl)e lanll, tt
,l)arge con,emtng '.ll.~.faping, man.utft.anll cll•lDe. pea,anb tl)e pooie mm in
12 ~akc 1mD ctJmllJ 1J1m,ma~e mud) o~f)fm, tlJt lanb ti.lac 1Den not leD '8pttue to '6abplon,
rec tlJou ooe l}arme,buUntrcate IJ•m af" 11Joulll be tmbn IJil!I iurifbtctton:
cer IJil!I ottme ne«w, 8 _,came to <15ebal~ bnto jll)tfpa,name-
13 ~oJaabu1arat111nt1Jul)iefccaptainc.~a· ly, 1\flnael t~e ronne of flatf:Jantal), gJolJanan
butarban. Jllabfa~s. f,lcrcget., '5>areter, 11lab• anti ]onatf:Jan t11e ronnes of 4tarc111J, ~areal) 1/.
ma(. anll !!H tlJe tong of '3abplonis lollies rmt tl;Je fonne of'QanclJUmctl) tf;Je ronneof epl)ai •i
to11nmnr, tlJe~e~plJantc, 'lctamalJ tl)e ronne of ~aa, I'
14 .anll '8Ufeb l.Jimtobttftt out of t1Jdo1c• d)aU,\D1t1Jt1Jetrc:ompanion111. · ,.
cntne of tl]e pnron, anb wmmittcll l}im tmto 9 itnn <15ebaltalJ, tf;Je ronne or aJJtcam tf;Jc (
d!JeDaltal) ttJc ronne of al}icam tlJe ronncof ~a· ronne of ~aplJan, f\'Dare tlnto tf;Jem 111lb tl)m ~
p!Jan, tl]ae l)c 11JOUlll '8ric1Jim l}ome: anD fo (Jee fcllo\lles m tl;Jll!I ma~tr, *'3enot afratb to rcrue IC .
o'IDelt among t(Je people. tl}t CICIJ11lbccs,b\'Dcll Jn tl}e lant>,anb ooc tlJc mng 11. ag.:11
1 5 flo\D rol}cn '.Jeremie tap petbounll in tl}c of l5abplon rcruice, fo OJagrc p10£pcr. ~·
fo1cmtrieoftl)eNffon, t1Je\Do1llcoftl}eJL.o1Dc . 10 :l5c(Jolb,']ll\'Dcllat£DJiCpa,tobeanofftm 1~
came tmto l)im, rartng, mtlJe C,al!lees belJalf'c, anb to fatiatt ftKIJ 11• ·
1 6 ~oe anl> tell abel:imrlccl;J ttJe ~o~ian, come to bS: tfJcrcfoJe gatfJcr 'tlJinc, a>Jne. ano :it
~IJus rarctlJ tlJe Jl..01oc or lJollcs tlJe ~01> of ~r, orlc, ant> hccpc tlJem m rour \'Darc1Jouecs, 11n11 :c
racl, :16r1Jolll, ttJc crucll anll ll)arpe plague tl]at b'lDellin pour cities tlJat re 1Jaue in lieqling. .,
'.JI IJauc lleuifell fo1 tlJis c.itie, 'Will] biing llpon 1 r } tIJe ]e'lDel!lalfo tl]at b\1Jcllin~ 0 , :.·
t1Jent,anb tl]oU 11Jalt fee tt: ab l>Ubcr tlJc ~mmonttct(, ']bumca, BUD in BO
17 l5ut'.) mm lldiucrtl]cein tl}atllap, faptfJ tIJecountttpl!l,\ll]Jen tl)cplJearll tl}attlJcflinJof
tl)e :rL0111, anb tl}ou fl;Jalt not come in ti,Je l}annes l5abtlon I.Jab malle <acl:lalial) tl)c ronne of~
of tlJofc men \DI.Jome tl,Joufcareft: cam tl;Je ronne or '5>apban goucmour bpon au
18 tjfo1 lloubtk[e ~\Dill raue tl;Jce, ro ttJat t1Jcmtl)at\1Jcrclcrttn'.l)una:
tl}ou OJalt not pertlb \llitl) tlJc rmo~~:but tlJp life 12 au tl)e ]c\lleis I fay tttumcll out or all
llJalbe rauen, altll tl)at becaure tl}ou l}al'tput tlJl' places \Dl)crc tl}cy fiellbc tlnto,anllmme intod)e
crua in me,faptlJ tl)c Jl,OJll. lanb of ']\uba to ~ellalial} tlnto i10ifpa, allb ga,
The xi. chap[~r. tlJercll\'Dltlcann otlJcr fnlites, anll tl)at IJerie
l Tcremie hath licence to goc whither he will. If Io- mi:?~DJCOUtt,;lJ01Janant1.1efonntof~111J,
hanan prophcfierhdcach vnco Gcdaliah. 11nb all tf;Je captamcs oftf;Je IJofte tl)at \'Dmfcat<

g ll:)i-id tl]e \'DOJbe tlJat ffle :Lo1bc

fpake tmto 1ercmie, \Dl}en Jaabu•
,aranan tlJe tlltcfe captaine IJab let
t)im goc free ftomSamatf], b.ll}l>
tlJcr l}c IJab lcll l}tm bounll among
all tt)e pJifoncrs ttJat \llcre caricn from ~1cru,
ralcm anti ]uba.tmto '5abplon.
to il)ffpa,anb fapb bnto IJim,
14 l!lno\Delf tl]ou not ttJat '5aartd ttJefri111
tl]citmmonitCS IJ&tlJ fmt]fln&d dJe fonne DI
Jaatl:JanialJ to Dap tf;Jcc1'5UtltlCbSlialJ tl}e foa
of W1ic:am bdcmcb tl)em noe.
1 s ~(Jen raib 1 otJanan tl)e ronne of ~mal)

2 ~ile tl}icfe 'aptaine calleb fo~ 1ercmie, bnto<li5ri!alial) ingJ)ffpa tlJefe b>O~bCS ftcredr,
atlb rarne bnto IJim, €l)t 'JL.oibe tlJF <l'Sol> r11a11e Let me goe,1 pJap tl)ee, anb j! 'l»ill oar ]f\nael
migl}tilF befo1e of tl)c mifcrtc bpon tl)iS!I place. tl]c ronnc of flattJantalJ, ro tl]at no bolltc lb8ll
3 Jao\'D tl)e :t1mne l}atb rent it. anb pcrrour· Imoto it: nal)mfoie \'Dill be fttn t1Jce,t1:Jatantt.1e
men it,aJ! (Jc IJatlJ p1omtreb : foi rec l}aue finnell '.]lc\l!CJ! \'DIJicl) rcroit l>nto tl.JC[( migl.Jt bC falttc,
r.1111tna tlJe :rL01ne, anll l)auenot berne obenirnt rcll,anll tl}e remnsnt in '.)!Ullapmflr.'
nnto l)is boi'e, t1Jcrefo1c c;ommctlJ tlJ~ plague r 6 an11 <l'SeDallalJ t!Jc ronnc of QIJi,am fapllc ~,
bpon you. to ']ol)ansn tlJc fonne of Gtarea1~u flJalt not "
4 )l}el}olb,1loofetl)ebanb1Sfromtfn!1Jan11s Doc it:foi ttJer arc lJUtlrest11atd}oU fafeti of ~:
tl)is bar:tf t!Jou \'Dilt no\'D go \llitlJ me bnto l6a' ]fmacI. ~l
The xlJ'· Ch~tcr. . ~t

bplon,bptlJen.fof]\ \'DiOfcetott.Jcc,anllp;zouibc
fo' t1:1cc: but ift!}ou \'Diltnot '10\'D'tlJ 1ne to l5a' d ,~
IJtlon,tl;Jenremainci,e:rc:'6el}olD,alltl)c lanl:le 2 Ifmaelkil!cth Gedaliab guil ~-,
lly,an many other
ll!I nt tl)p 'Will, loohc \Ul)ere tl)ou ttJmfieft conue• with him. J l lohanan followeth after l!macl. ~
n1ent ann goo1:1 roi ttJce to abille,tlJcrr D\'Ddl. mt tn tf1e ~ mon~, it 11111" ·)~
5 1fo~a11111r:t l)ewasnot igoncbame agatnc pmeD t:IJI& ~Oniel tile ronne of \!;
to IJ!Sc'balial) :tl)mfo.ze l)e rain to 1Ji1n. c5o IJadie Jaad}arliaQ dJe ronne of cflirama,
2_l!Bc'balial) ttJe ronne of aIJicam tl}e fonne of one Of tl.Je flinP bloOb ca1ne, anD
;:>l'apl}an,'nlbom tlJc fling oflf5abplon l}ab ma'bc dJe grraetlt abou~ tl;Je king. anD ~~
~~tnour outttl)c dtiefl of]W>a, anll b\'Dell tcnmml»id11Jim, bntO c5el:J!'IW1 tlJtfonne of ,~1
Co~~1}1Tamong tl}cpcoplc, OJ rematne \'Db~· ~bi'8m co •iQJa. anbCIJC! IUll eate ~r in \'
~ ~ PltaCctl:J tl)u, '510 tl}e CIJitfe '8JIUUne Ql)iipa. :\
g~uc.,im1J1sscqimtc~ 'mitfJ ue\'DarD anb a ~nb1\tlnadt1Je~of#.}a~ia!J,\'DtUJ ~~ 11
lJUn goe. • t1Joftttnmmt1J1Uwete'mltl}bim,ctan11p, anll ,\~
6 €l)cn. 'mcnt '.l\eremie l>nto clJeDaltal) tlJe nnott <8ellalialJ dJe fOlllle Of -team dJe fonne 1 ~~
ro.nne of atJ1tam, to ~iCpa. , !)'melt dJm 'l»itlJ of §!Dap(Jan \lid) ttJef\DGJb.anll oue IJim.bllrom I~~
lJim among tl}t people tl)et'mm kft tn t:l)e 1ann. tlJc ldn1 of )l5abploli·IJab mane • IUUUnollr of ~~
7 jf.lo~ 'lDIJm tl)e captetness Of ct,ie(Jotle or d}e lanb. . .••,
'.]\U'ba,'lDIJICfJ \tiltl) tlJCit ftfiO'mt'" ..__., r,A...._,. '11"-a.S•I•- au-'4...--fh t .._ ~~
~)hameful murder.
\Dttl) 11!5ell8lial.J at ~fPa. anti al tl)e GttJaUlees . Thcxlij.Chaptcr.
ttJat IJCC founll tl]cre \Dapti~ bpon IJPn, anll

1 Thecaptaincs askc counfell at Jeremie what they
tlJOfe tf11ttbJ£tCabfe tO CijlJt,IJe fiUC \DitlJIJitn. ought to doe. I 9 Jeremie admonifhcth the rcm-
4 ~e nenDap tlftcttlJat 1Jec IJall Oatne<!3e' nam of che people notto goe into Egypr.
DalialJ,tlJc matm \llaJ!l pet bnlmo\Dm:
~ anD tlJm came certainc mm from ~i, ©an tl}e captaine~.anlJ jlolJanan
clJem, from ~tlo anD ~amaria, to tl}enumber tl}e ronnc of 4tareal), '.]le~anialJ tl)c
of Coure:f'o~e. \DlJicl) IJaD lbaum tl]nr bear'Def:S, ronne of ©rtal), 'ame, \DitlJ all tl)e
rmt tl}l'it clotl)es, anll tum al l)eaup, lningin~ people from tbe leallbnto tl)c moll,
meat offerin!.l.6 an!> incmfe in tlJdt .-ianlle,,, to 2 9nll faille bnto ~ eremic tl)c
olfer it in tbc l)oUfe of tl)c Jl.,oin. l&~opl}et,'31> (Jearc our petition, tl)at tl)ou mat ca
6 anll 1fmad tl)e fonne orJaatl)anial) \Dent Ptal' fo~ bS bnto tl)e JLo~b t1W <!3oll,namcly,fo~all
fOJtlJ of ~ifpa weeping to meete tl)cm: ~o\De tl)e remnant 'm(Jercof tllm bee fc'mc ofb!:! left of
'aliJen l}c mu tlJem,he faiD,l!Joc pour \Dap to c5e• manp,as tbou recti bS: ·
DaltalJ tile fonne ofQl)icam. 3 Q)at. tl)c )L.o~D tf:)r 0otl map flJemc bJ!I a
7 anti UJl)cn tlJCf annc in tlJe mtllll of tl)c d, map to goe in, anll tel bS llll)at \De fiJoulD llo.
ttt.']1rmactt1;1efonneofJF.h1tlJani811, mitl)tl)cm 4 ~en 'Jeremie tl)c lt)~oplJct faille bnto
tl)at UJerc mttlJ IJtm,ac\D ti} em eucnat tl)c milJa tlJm,11 tJauc l)earD rou: belJoI!l,] mil p1ar tlnto
ortl)e pit. <!3oll rour JL01ll ai:sre IJaue rcqatrco me:~ looke
s ammg ttJerc fourettoie nten tlJtn mere \lll}at anf\llm tl)e lL01t1 giuctl), 91 111all 'erttfic
untl)atraillebnto 9\fmad, ©b6apbsnot, fo1 routl)errof., anlllmpenotllingbacbe fromrou.
lllec nauc pct a great trearure in tl)c liellle, of s anti tl)ep faille bnto 1mmie, ~lJe lL~ll
\llbeate, barlcp, oplc, anD l)onle: ~o l)ee fparctl be a true anll faitl)full \llitnctrc bct\llin: bS,ttJat
tl]cm, anti aue tlJcm not mitl) tl)l'ir btetm£1t. \\le \Dil tloe all tIJat tIJe Jl.,o~tl tlJt' 11!5otl comman,
9 Jaomctl)epit\lJl)ercin']lfmacl 1>tt1caat1Je tlctlJ bS. •
beall botiic~ of tl)e men tol)om l]e tll'\D bccaufe or 6 IW(Jctl)erit be gooti 01 cml, \Dec mil tJcar·
c5ellaliab, l)all lung ara caUfell to bee ma be ro1 ken bnto t:IJc bot~ of tl)cJLo~ll tlJr ©oti,to \lllJom
feare ofl6aafa tl)c llling or'.]lrract, anti tlJc fame \De fentle tl)ec, tl)at mcc map p1ofpcr lllt)en to cc
pit Dill 'Jlfmad Ill \lJitlJ tlaine mm l]aue fOlolllctl tl)e borce of tl]e JL01t1 our ~otl.
1 o as CDJ tbe nmnantof tl)cpeoplc,tl)t ftings 7 Qntl after ten bapcJ!I cametl)e \Do1b of tl)e
tiau!l(}ttt'f:S, anti al tl)e lJCople tl)at tocre left at J!.,01t1 bnto ]eremic. ·
~ifPa , bpon ttJl)om .ti:labU!arallan tl)e cl)icfe s ~en calleb l)c '.)lol)anan tl)e ronne of 4ra,
captatne IJab malle <!3c11alla1J tl)e ronne of Qt.Ji• rcalJ , anb al tIJc captaines of tl)e people tlJat
cam goucmour, ]fmacl tl)e ronne or .ti:lat:l)ant• 'rocre mitl) IJim. pra, anti al tl)e people from tl)e
alJ carictl t:1Jt1n atoap p1troncrss totoarb tl)e am· lrall to tlJe moa,
monitts. 9 .anti raib bnto t(Jetn, ~DJ!! fattlJ tl)e :t.o~tl
r 1 l6ut 'O.ll)m ']lol)anan tlJC fonne of ~are81J, <5oll or')l\'.acJ, bnto ml]om pee rent mce to lap
anll all tiler m~ l)atl brnc captaines ouet tl)e fo1tlJ pour p1aperss bcfo1el)tm:
fttngs boll 'lllitlJ IJim, l)carl.I of al tl)c 'O.lickellnctre 1 o ']f pou 'lllll tl'alcl in tl)is Ianb, ')'II.lit buiUlc
tl)at1l\nacl tlJe fonnc of.ti:latl)anial) l]al.I bone: pou bp, anll not b1cake pou llo\llne., '.]! \Dtl plant
1 :i.. ~Cl! too kc ttJetr companion~ anti \Dtnt you,anb not root pou out: foJ '] •repent as con• • e.o~• rtpru·
out foJ t.ofi«l)t\DitlJ ']fmacl tl.Jefonncor @atlJa• cmit~tl)e ttoublc tl)at 11Jauct1011e to vou. ~~~:~1:,'b.,1
nial), llt1!» folh1111Jim bl' tl)e great mater~ tl)at 11 ljfcarc not tlJe fling of l5abplon, or\lllJom :.~·:·p~:,~;.:~~
arc Bt<!3ibeon, re aanll Jn ftm£, ill) b£n0tafraill Of(Jlm,faitl) tl)C 10 fftC UfUC•

1 ~ tao\D 'IDIJen all tl)c people ml)om l]ltmad lAJl.l,{01 '31 mil bemttl) rou to IJdpe FOU, anll tie• ~·;~~'~i~:'/."'b
{ell capttue, fa\D ']iolJanan tl)c ronnc of 4tarcab, liuct rou from tJiislJanll. :~:.n;;;~'1 : ~r
anti al tlJc od}ft captaincs of tl)e l)otlc,tl)ep \»ere 12 ] mil part1on FOU, '.) 'O.ltl l)aue mcrcte bp,
Ulall. on p~u,!lnil murc l)im to ptrp pou,anll b1ing rou
' 14 ~o al tfJC people tbat 1fmad(Jal> carielJ agamunto FOUT o\llne fanll.
amaF from §5)ifpa, \Dm biou!l(}t agatnc: anll 1 3 J1:}euertbele1Ie, If re purpore not to l:lmel in
"mIJm tlJcr retume'll, tl)et' amu to '.JotJanan tlJe tl)is lanllc, noi to rolome tl)c bopcc of tl)e JLOJll
romu of QtareatJ. rout <5oD,
1 5 l5ut 'J1 l\nacl tlJc fonnc of ~atIJanialJ fleb 14 l6ut mtl car tl)us, me mil not l>m ct IJtre,
from '.)ol)anan mttlJ e4Wt tompsnion,s, an'll bucgoeinto lfmt, ml)ere 'b.lee 11Jal neittJcrfee
'\Dmt to t!Je !lmmoniteis. mane,l)care tl)e notft of tl)c ~rumpe, noJ fUffer
16 ~en ']lolJanan tl)e ronnc of ¢areal), anD 1Jun1ei..t1Jert \Dtl \De llmd :
.al tl)e captaineis of ttJe l)olt tl)at'lllete mttlJ IJim, 15 D&lJmfoJe beare nome tl)e \Do~tle of tlJc
tooflcat tl)e re1nnant of tl)c people, mlJom 'Jlfma· JL01ll, sir> FCC remnant of']11t1a, tlJus rareth tbe
1~ el tl)efOn of Jaatl)anialJ IJall ll'D ama1:1 ml)m lJtt Jl.,OJb ofl)otteis tl)c <!3oll of']\ftacl,] rre be '11.ll}olp
1~ IJaatlainc (!Stbalial) tl)cConne of Wricam.b>lJom purpofell to go into <legppt, anll to ll'alel tlJm as
117 tiJet' alfo l)aD tefmfcll rtom IJitn, fl~ mm, ftrangers,
f~ 'c»omm, anll cl)illl~en.. anll gdl.leb men, 'IDl.lom 1 6 ~bt fUJOJbc tlJat rec feil\'etl flJal omrtafte
~ tlJcr bJouglJt againc rrom 0tbcon : ro~ in ctgrpt: an1.1 tlJe IJUnger lDlJertof rec be a·
V' ,7 ~nlltomtfromtlJcnce,~ratctlJembo\t'IUe fra111t, ft.Jal 1Jan1,1bpon r~u, anllfolomrouinto
"' at c8erutl) C,Jamaam, ml)iclJ lictlJ bclille lel'tl;J• Cfgppt,anD ti) ere tl:Jal t'l' bte.
If' ld)tln, tl)at Cl)ermigl)t «13c tnto Cfgppt foHcarc 17 annal tlJey tl)at offct puiporc bntlertahe
oftl)c ~IJall>ceis: . to SJOe into <egrpt. to foiourncci,m, D.Jal pcrtflJ
18 ill)fb>IJom tlJep 'O.lm afratllt,becauft tlJat toitl)tlJrtdl~b,lmd) lJtmgtr,anlJ pelhlmce,not
1~ 'Jlfulad tlJe ronne of .taatl)antal) lJ.alJ Daine C!Je• one of tl)cm llJal rcmatne., tl)erc flJal none crcapc
't tlalfal.J~tnSConne,'al~omttJellin;Dfl5abt', t11eplaQUtt(Jat')mtlb~bpontl)cm.
~ Ion !Jail mall£ {Pnamour an tlJe lanb. rs foi tbuSSfaitlJ dJe Jl.,o:b of l)otles tile <8""'01'<~--
,~--.;.'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PLlfL -~~0 t~-1 ~~
j. Rayling and {lander. Jeremie. Egypt threatncd.
of ']frael, ·JLiflc as mr \tl1at1J anb l~nignattonll llonef!I tlJat '.) lJaue l,JIO, ann l,Jee l11al fWeatl IJii:t
mouell againfl t)Jc in)Ja~ttersof~1erura1ctn: ~o tent ouer tlJem.
fiJal mp ntrplearurc be rnnlllcll againll rou a~ro 1f z z !Anb bllJen lJc commetl}, l)ec 0ia1 Cmite tl)e
rec goe into <Jegrpt, anll t(Jere re 11.Jalbe rcullell, lallb of <emt, fome wttfJ naugl)ter, romc \tlitlJ
ablJomn, b1ougt;Jttotbame anll~onfurion, ann baniaiment,annfome \llttlJ tl)e C'1>01t1.
a~ fo~ ti)ii:t place re lbal ncuer fee 1tmo1e. 12 l!)e 11.Jal rrt fire tapon tl)e temple of tl:Jc CJe,
1 9 'it)Je JL,o.zll foJbtllnetlJ po~(© pe remnant mttan.G gob.G, anb btime tl)em bp , an'O tallc
of]u!la l ttJatrcc lbal not goemto lfgppt:ann tl)cmfeluefl p1lfoncrs: mo~coucr , tJce fl.Jal arar
ro1get not tfJat '.J l]aue warnen rou camemr IJimfdfc\llittJtlJe lanll of Cfgvpt, lille asa11Jqi,
tlJi.6 ll8l'· 1Jeart1 puttetl} on.lJi.G coate, anll llJal btpnrt 1Jis
2 o tjfo~ pe (Jaue niffemblcll wittJ me: ro1 re rent wav from tIJence m peace.
me tmto t)Je :t..01t1 pour <!!Jon, ann fatne, © Plat' 13 ~c pillarfl alfo of tlJe temple of tl)cfunnc
tl]ou t)Je :JL,01n our <!!Joli fo1 b.6, ann loolie 'llllJat tlJatiS in Cfgppt 01al l)ce bicaite tn pieces, anb
anf\\lcre tlJe Jlo111 our <ll>oll gtuetl} tlJte, tlJat bume t(Jc temple~ of tlJe Cfgpptian.3 gons.
bJing 1:1.6 againc,ann we mil llo tl)ereaftcr. The xliiij.Chapter.
2 1 ~otoe IJaue '.ll {l)c\llell ann neclarcll bnto
pou,butre l]auc not obepell tt)c boice oftl)ello1n 1 Hee reprooue~h the people for their idolatrie. 1 5
pour ©oll, fo1 tl)cwl}id;J caure {Jc {JatlJ rmc mec They thatfet light by thcthrcatnings of the Lord
topou. are challened.
22 ~olllt1Jerefo1c bee rerurc t1Jatre11Jalpe' $tstst1Je \\lo.zb tfJat 'llla.311Jemet1 ,.
rtflJ witlJ tlJefllloJn, '\tlitlJ (Junger anll peailm"~'
cum tn tlJc ramc place \tll)cre pour lull i~ to goe
to ~mmtc comeming an ~e .....

~e\lles 'mlJidJ nwdt tn lfgrpt, at

ann nwcl. e&.li~bol, at '4!:1Japl)nt~, at ~oplJ,
The xliij.Chapter. •.r. anll mtl)e lann o!tD11t1Jurefl.
1 Iohanan caricth the remnant ohhe people into E- ,, ~us ratttJ ttie JL,0:11 of (Jones ttJe <!Doll or
gypt contrary to the mindc of lercmic. 8 Ii:1emie ]fr11e1,!?ce IJauc reenc al tile mifrrr t(Jat] IJaue
b~ougl)t bpon ~ferµfalcm, ~ bpon al t11c' ctti~
pro;~ hccicth the ddhuCtion of Egypt.
of']uoa :fotfJat tIJ•s nar t1;1er11rellcroJatc, ann ..
©'me \lJIJcn 1ernnte 1J11b cnbeb no man 'Otoelling t(Jerein,
'~at tl)e \lloo~bc.6 of tlJt JL,010 f:Jt.G 3 s.lno t1J11t bccaure of tl}e !JTCat l:Jlafp(Jrmic~
~ ©oll 1mto t{Je people, \tllJiclJ to \llbicl) tiler committel:l, ro p1ouo11e me imto m
ncclnrc, tl)e ll.O)ll tl}etr ©oll fJall gcr, tntl)attt)ep'mcntbactte to nocramficeanll ·-_,
rent IJim bmo tl]em,eucn al tl)erc wo111Jip bnto arangc gobJS, \UIJom neitl}er tl}ep
~~~~\llOfD.G I fay, no~ rt. no1 rour fat{Jers 1J11ue rmowen,
" ~iariaiJ tiJe ron of ©rata{J, ann ]ot111nan 4 ~owbtlt, 1 ftntbntotl)emtnl'fcruants
tlJc ron~c or IJtarcalJ, mitt) al tl}e aubbo~ne per' al tl)c ll)ioplJct.a, ']l rofe lip rare Ip, ']l fmt bnto
ron.G, fatll bnto '.]lemur.~ou Itett, tl)e JL,o~n our tlJcm, ann gaue tl)cm \Uarning, iD tioc no fuel}
eon l)att) not rent tt)ee to fpealic bnto b.G, tt)at abomtnable tbings,anll ttJings t(Jat] (Jatr.
ll>C n1outo not~ into <fgrµt, anb ll'OJel tlJcre: 5 '5ut tf,Jcp \tloulll not foio\U no.z )Jcarfmt,
3 l5ut l5aructJ tIJc fonne of ~malJ p~ouo' to tume irom tl)eir \\ltckrllm:lfe, 11111> to lJoe no
t.etlJ tlJce again« bS,tl)at IJe migllt b1ingbs into mo~e racriflce bnto arangc ~o-os.
tlJe captiuitie of tlJC atl}alnces, tl}at ttJCl! mtgl)t 6 m1Jcrefo1c mine tnllignation ann m.1atl]
aarb.G.~carp bfl awar piifoners bnto l5abrton. maflflint11c11, anlJ ttbumt tip t11e cttiefl of'.]luna,
4 ~o '.)lo(Jenan tt)c fonnc or IJtarea(J, anll al tnitl) tlJe nrcets of~icrura1cm,ro tl)at tIJer\tlcre
tl)c i;aptames ortlJc tJollc, an11111t1Je people, fol' ma lie maae anll llcfolatc, tlS$ it tfl coinc to patre
lo\tlcll not tt1e commnnncmmt of tf:Je JL,01n, ttJifl 11ar. ........
n:imcly, to llttJel in the lnnn of']luna: . 1 ~o\tl tf)ercfo1e tlJU.6 raid) dJc JLo~n oniorts .
5 :z6ntjJoIJannn ttJe ronne of ctaresi,, a'1tb t!Jc ~on ofjfracl, ~o"\ll IJappmetll it t11at pe 110 · •..'
altl)c c:aptainci:i oft!Jc IJollc, cartcb awar altlJt ro grcateuil bnto rour o'\tlne route~ ttms to bt>
remnant of j\ul:l11, tlJnt were come togetl)n a• llrop t(Je men anll women, cl)dtJ~m anll babes
gatnc from al tl}e ~eat11cn, among \U(Jom tlJep of] ut>a, ro tlJat none or rou ifl 1crt,
l)all bcne fcattcrc!J, to i)'roel in tlJt Jann of'.)lulla, 8 l5ccaure re p1ouolie me to \tl~atf) \tlidJ tlJt
,, ~en, \tlomen, clJillucn,ttJe l!ttn~nauglJ' \tlo111es of pour o'dlne IJanl:l.6, \ll(Jm pc offer tmto
tens, al tl)ofc tl.Jat Ji'.labU!arallan tl)e ctJtefc cap' llrange golls in tile Iann of (fgppt\llljm~fl re be
tlltnc IJnll lcft mit}J <ll>cMlialJ tIJe fonne ora{Ji• gone to nwcl, tIJat re mtgl}t l:ltmfP pmfiJ, ano
rnnt,tlJe ronne of ~apllan: t{Jcp c:arten R\tlar al, tt)at re miglJt be remlell, a111> PJameruHr entrra,
ro t\Jc ~~oplJct 9Jmmte, ann l5aruc1J tl}e Connc tell of al nations:'
of flctinl), 9 fDi l)aue re tto\U ro~ptttn tfJc ~irkcl1°
7 . ~nbfo came into Cf!,Jppt:ro~ tbcr ttlmnot ntlreorrour ro1cfat1Jerf, ttJt1»tcffCZ1tn'llc or tlJc
llbttlttnt \mto tlJC C:OIU011bCll1£J1COf<30lt. ~ll.G ktngfl of~unt111nll tl;Jeir\Diaa#, ~c 'IDimctmeOl' ·.
crurc t\Jrl' t_o ~lmplJniis: tIJatrrevour fclu~anD pour \VIUCfltlaucnonc ~.:~
lJappc~~~~n ~l'laplJni_.G t(Jc .mo1be of tfJC JLo~n intbe Ianb or~. anD tn tlJt nrcctti of~rc. h
unto 1erem1e,raping, nifatcm :' . '"' b · ..
tlJ:.U ~altc i&tc_at llonel!I in tlJllu lJanb, anb lJUJc 10 Fctarcprnotfl>tlet11•• ar. rrfrarrnot, -~
raolJB &o~~ ~~eke \\'Jal ~llbcr tlJe noo1e ofll)lJa• ncttl}n \tJalflc pe tmnp 'JLa\ll ~ ano in mp Gton1> .. '
']ulla mar rec, ~aplJml!I, tl)ac al tlJe mm ot mannemcnt.6 d}at 1 IJSUC g1urn bnto rou ann 1· :
10 gnbfapbnto'"'- .-..... . four ro~cfatIJcrs. ~~:
of(JoQel!S tl)e 13oti Of~"'em, ...,.,.u1 faitlJ tlJe l.OJb u ¢11ercfo,etht11SrattlJtbeX..o~bor1JollisttJc :-'~
anti cal fo~ Jflabu"' \li'aet, 1'ebol0e, '.J 11111 l'enll <IJotJ of ]ftacl, * ~ am tiofaftlp aDUiftD 'tictcr, Anio• 9·' 1.\
fl ••,o..onoroi tl)e llmgof$bp• mtneb to 1mnilb pou, 8nb to rootc outal '.]luba. ·~
j_ 1 11
on mr mrant, anti '»il ftt lJtl!S reate 'bllOn tlJefe 12 ais ro~ the remnant or')una tlJStpurpofclp ;~
' mrnr1 ·~
~herageofidolacers. Chap.xlv.xlvj. Baruchsinfirn1icic. 166 I
went tnto ~gypt tlJm to tl\'Oel,] \'Oil tafle tl)cm, pour o'mne nteantng~, l.f pcrroime rour bo'me.s. I
ant1t1Jcr11Jalall bre tlctlrore1l, in tl)elantlof<l, 26 an11 tbcrcf'O~elJcarc tbc'mo~tl oftbe 11..0211 '
grptllJal ttJcp pcrilb, being courumc11 wttlJ tl}c al ]uDa tl)at 11wel in tiJc lanll or ci:grpt:l3eboln,
fwo~ll anll lllitlJ J;Jungcr: fo~ from tfJe Icall buto '.JI tJauc fwomc bf mr great ~amc, farrtl) t(le
tlJc molt, tiJcr flJal pctilb witl) the ftoo~lle anl:I JLo~l:I, tlJat mp Ji:fflinc flJal not bre rc{Jrarfcb
witlJ l,Jungcr: ~o~eoucr,tIJcp fiJalbc rcutlcll,ab' tlJ~ouglJ anp mans moutl) ofj\uba in al tlJc
l)0Jre11, t1Jamell, anti confounl:lcll. of lfgppt, to rar,-m::{Je Jl,0111 $oll liuct{J;
13 11'01 '.Jl 'tDtltJtfitc tl)em t\Jat11weltn€gppt, 27 1fo~ 'JI mtt watc:tJ to p!ague flJem, an'Dnot
a~'.]J (Jaue l:liCiteb ~terufalcm, 'IDitlJ tl)c Ono~ll. ~o~ tl}eir'IDcaittJ: anti altlJc men or'J;uba t!!at be
'tDitlJ l}ungcr,nn'llwitlJ pclhlcnc:c: tn ti.Jc ~n'D of <lL'gppt flJal pmllJ \Ilitl) t{Jc f\))OZll,
14 ~o tlJat none of tl)e remnant of ']uDa a1111 witl) l)ungcr, bntil tlJcp be bttcrlp tJctlroicll.
1111Jicl) arc gone to lllDcl in <lf~t, OJalbc left to 2 s ~eucrt11e1ccre, t{Jofe tfjat tlcll a\tlaf fo~ tile
come againc into tl)c Ianne of '.jluba, a1t11ougfj fwo~llc, flJal come againc out of <fgrpt mto tl)c
tlJcr tlJmlttto come tlJttl]cr againr, anll tollwcl !anti of']Juoa, butttJcrc 111albe ncrr few ofttJcm:
tf)cre: foi 11011cl11alcome agatne butfuclJ a~ are anti al tile remnant of '];ulla tt)at arc gone Into
flel>awap. (fgppt tl]ere to ll'rocl, flJallmowcwl)ofe wozllc~
1 s -m::{Jcn al tl]e men \'Ol)icl) litte'lllc tl)at t11eir ffJalbc founll truc,tl]cir~,o~ mine. '
\tlitic~ t:Ja'D oflreb \'Into tlrangc goll~, an1111 great 29. -m::~Jre tlJi~ ro,i a toltcn, tl)at '.]] wil \'Jifitc
folt or\))iuc~ tl)at aooll t{Jerc,pea anti al tlJe pro, rou mtlJ•~ place,faitlJ tlJcJLo~ll,an'D ttmt re mar
pre ti) at Z>toclt tf)erc In rtgppt in tlJc ci tr of lt)a' lino'ID {Joto tIJat 'JI \'Olt(Jout lloubt toil pcrfo1me
tl)urc~,11nf\tlcrcll '.jjet'emic,an'll fail!, mr purporc bpon pou, to punillJ rou.
r 6 .a~ fo~ tl)c wo~ll~ tl)at tl}on (Jallfpoflcn b.n' 3o Wellolll, faitl) tl)c JLo~ll, 'JI '11.1il llciiucr l!)lJa'
to b~ tn tlJe @amc ortlJcJLoJll,we wil tn no \\life r~o ~opl),ea Jtting or <irgrpt , into t{Jc (Janbc~ of
l)care tl:)cm: 1)1~ cnemicSl tfJat recite after IJi~ life : cum ail ']l
1 7 Wut wIJatroeuer goetl) out of om o\'Onc gaue '5rllectag tl)e }a tng of 'J, una into tile IJanll~
moutll,tbat\lltl'mello, '11.1e'milllocfac:riffce, anll of@abuctJollonofo~ taing of WabFlon lJi~ enc'
... offer oblition~ unto tlJe ~uccnc ofl]eaucn, like mte, \tll)id} fougl}t after IJi~ life•
a~ \llce anti our fOltfatf)cril, our llttng~ anll our
IJcall~ l)auc none in tl)c citie~ of]Ulla,anll in tl)e
The xiv. Chapter.
nrcetl!! of~icrufalcm: fo, tl]cn 1Ja11 wee plcnte, Baruch i~ reproued of!eremie.
ourncl!! ofbtctuall!!, tlJcn were we tnp~ofpcrttie, $cfe are tl)e wo~llc~ tl)at '];ercmir
ann no miffo1tune came bpon b~: tl)c 10~opl)ct fpafle \'Into l5anic1J
18 l5ut fincc we left to offer anll to 'Do racrificc tl)c fonne of~crta[J, after t}Jat Im
bnto tl)c ©ucene of{Jeauen, \De {Jaue l)all rcarce' l)all 'ID~itten tl)efc ~mnons in a
netrc of altlJtnrus,anll pertUJ witl} tl}e f\DOJll anll • boo11c at t!Je mouth of'.)Jcrcmic,in
l}ungcr. tl)CfoUrtlJ -pcrc Of ']jcl)oacim tlJe fOl111COf'.J,ofia~
19 *La rt ofall, \tl(Jen mcc women llill facrifice, ltling of'.]]utJa,faptng,
anll offerc'!I \'Into tIJe ilOuecne oflJeaucn: llin wee 2 -m::tml!! CaitlJ t{Jc JLo~n C5oll of '.] \'Into
maliC IJtr cahc~, anll vow,c bnto tJer ll1inlic of•
mnrus,to toe l)cr renncc, \'Oit1Jout our1Jul1Jan11~
t}Jcc,® Warucf):
3 j)nromutlJ al! tf1ou ti)ougI1ta tl)Ul! \\'hen
'lllil~= thou wall: writing,lttlOe iS me,tt)C ".ILO,Zll i)GtfJ gium
..."' 20 -m::l)cn fa inc ']crcmie bnto at tl)c people, to mepatnc fo~ mp trauel/] l)auc wrarlcll mp rem•
t{Jc men, to tl)e momcn, ~ to al tl)e foUic \'Ol]iclJ \'OitlJ figfjtng,anb l)aue founn no rr ll:
l)atl wucn t)im tl)at anfwerc, 4 -m::IJcrcfo~c tell lJim, © ]mmic, that t!Jr
•' :z r ~tD uot tl)e JLo~'ll tcmember tlJc facrtffce~. ILo,ll faitl) tlJus: l5el)olll, tlJc tl)ing t!Jat '1 f)c.uc
tl)at rec, rour ro~cfattJers, rour ltlm~ anti ru, builllcll, 'mil '.JI b~calic llo'mncagame, anti rootc
lers:i, \tJl1U:lJ al tl)c people l!aue offmll in tlJe cf, out t{Je tlJing t{Jat jj {Jauc plantell, rca, tl)c
tics cf'.J\nllfl, in tlJc ltrcetes:i or ll)ierufalem~ ann WIJOIC lantl:
I l)atl) l)c not conOllmb tb1s:! in lJil!! mtn'De ~ 5 .\lnb fcrricll tl)ou rct piomotion: looke not
2 2 'l n ro mucl) tlJ<lttl)c JLo~ll mit\IJt no longer
forit,and llcOre it not, ro~] 'milbnng a mtrcrablc
fuffer tl)e mic.ficllncffc of rour tnuentionis, an11 plague bpon all ftcllJ, faittJ tile JLo~l:l : but tlJr life
tl)e abl)omtnable tl}in~ w'{'Jtcl) rec llill : 'Jls:i not 'a.lll '] giuc ti.Jee fo~ a p,arc, in alplacr11 Wl)itlJcr
rour lann l:ltfolatc anll bopllc, fta anti ablJoircb, rocurr tl)ou goclt.
ro t[)at no mrm 'D'llJelktlJ t{Jercm 1111r moie, as it The xlvj .Chapter.
if5 come to parre tlJiS t1ar: 1 HeprophelieththedellruCl:ionofEgypt. 27 DcJi.
2 3 ~tu not altlJi~ (Jappcn\'Jnto rou, becaure
rec mabe ruclJ racrfficr~ anll ~nnc'D againlt t{Je uerance is promifed m Ifrael.
Jl,o~ll~ pc IJauc uotfoiotoell IJts:l bopce, to 'QJalric €re folo\\1 t{Je \lloJll~ of tlJe JLo~b
in IJis:l Jl,11111, tn 1Jif5 otDinanccs:i anll ftatutel!!: rea. to tl}c l0~opbet 1,crcmic, \'OfJicl)
ti.Ji~ t~ tiJc caufc tl)at all miffoztµne IJappenetJ IJcfpaflcagatnll all t'fle $cntilcj!!.
\'Jntorou,af;itt~ comcto.paffc tl)tf5 illl1'. 2 -m::l)cfc uio~lls:l foloming P1!~8'
24 Sl@o~eou~r ,'.Jjeremtc fpalic bnto al tl)c peo' cbc'll .IJrc to tt)c Eri:Jrptian~ , ton,
plc,anll to al tl)e to omen, ll)eare tlJC moi11 of tl}e • cemmg tlJc IJollc of }t)IJamo J'.k
:.toil! al ']\u!Ja tfjat be in t{Jc lanb of 4l?gJ?Pt, "'ohmg or <tgppt, \"OlJm l)c \Da~ m CITT1arclJamts
2 5 'i:IJu!S faitl) tlJe Jl,o~ll of l)oile~ tl)e <5oll of beulle tl)e 'mater or ~uplJ~atc~, \llIJat time PS
]Cracl, ~ccanb rom wiues:i lJaue fpollen lVitlJ jf; tl)e i\ing Of Watplon flru;c
vour own moutl,J tlJe tl}tn~ tl)at re l)ane fulfillco IJ1m, mtl)e ~ourtb rem of ]clJoacim tlJc ronnc
mllccll, rea, tl)u~ llaue re ratll, we \'Oil not failc of'.]louais l'tmg of']uba.
b~t perfo~m tl)C\'Jcib:lef5 tl)at we lJ!111C bo~ell,'me 3 ~afle rcanr buckler anil 11.Jiclllc, anti goc
'Wtl !lo facrifii:e.. anb po\'O~c out ll?rnkc offtmg~ to ro~tlJ to figlJt.
tlJc ilDueene or{Jeauen: lt)urpofclr \'Oil re fet bp 4 ~armlTc pour (Jo~Cc~, anti frt pour rctuc~
~p 2 lll!Oll:
The defirucbon of Jeremie. Egypt is prophecic~,
\Jpon tl)em,fet rourrallets raaon, b1ln; foo1t1J anti not abine : to: tl)c llal? of tl)eiT GaU§}Jter.
fpcarcs. rco\l'l~e pour f\l'lo~DUl; 1111bputonrour · anti tlJe ttme of tlJctr biCitatton lbal come bpon
bJeaa plates. . tl}cm.
~ )But ala~. [Jo\De ~appcnttlJ lt ~at 11 r~c 2 2 -m::l}e Uf of tl)cm ~ ma'ht a noire aJ tl)c
pouroatraibc:' tolJP n.mnllc ree ba&lie. ~betr lJllftnq of rcrpents: roi tl1tl? 111au enter in 'GltttJ
woztl)ir~ arc oalne. ro .rail a1Da11. t}Jctrl)otlcJS, anti comt B!JatntllJe.r'lllitl) a,:eJ,aJJ
tl)a.tnonc ortllcm looJtett.J bc}J1nbe lJtm : fca~e' it tDtre l)ctDerJJ llo'mne oflllooll. ':
futuclTc iS fallen tipon cuerp one of ttcm, fattf:) 2 3 anl.l t{Jep IIJBI rut tlo'mne IJcr • \l'loo'll,fa'ltlJ , "" ~
tlJC)i.,O~i). the JL,o~n, tIJep llJalbe innumerable: foi tl)cp llJal =:-~
6 'if;fJe ItlJl)tctl ofroot flJal not flee a\Dati,an'O be moe in number tl}en t:l)c ~aOJoppet$5, ro t{Jat ,.., •
tl)c \Do~tlJie~ ll1al not cfcape : to\l'larll tf,Je f(}OJtlJ no man 01albe able to td tl)cm. ::"iii
bp tIJe Ulatcr of ¢uplnatess t}Jer bib ftUmblc 24 ~e lla~gl)ter of (fgrvt is confoun'Oetl, 11111 .~
anDfaH. anti t>elmetell into t}Je l)anDS5 of t}Je people of t{Jc .:=
7 lButw{Jatis{Jee tf:)ts t}Jat f\Dellet}Jbpas t.loitlJ. ~
it \1Jerc a flooll, roaring ano ragtn11 ltlic tl)e 2 s ~uis rattl) tlJc JL.oill of IJofftS. tbc ~Ob of ·
areames of\l'latcr '! '.}Jfrael.. :Wegolll, '.11 \oilbtritetl)atrcale:lTepeople P,
s 'Jl tis <egppt dJat rifedJ bp like dJc ftoo'O, of a1e,:anl.l~~) -.~rao, \l ~gppt, pea botl) tl)cir
ann ca«etlJ out t{Je tDaters tDitl) ro great noire: gollis ano tlJetr Illm~,cuen J)l}arao anll 81 tlJcm
anD {Jee Catoe, '.JI \llil goe bp, ano ml coucr dJe tlJat put tl)eir truft m!Jim: !II
cartIJ, '] wtl llearor tlJe citte \llttlJ t{Jem tfJat are 26 ~ea,'Jl tllilllcliuertl)emtnto t{Je1Jann9or
tl]mtn. ti)ofc tl)at rccke after tl)cirltuess. namdy into tlJc ~
9 ©etbprelJoJfes, route foo:tbred)arets, potDer of 1~abu,l)ot>onoro1 the Jlltng of l5abp. '.ll
come roo1t1J woitl)ics, re cftl)topians. ve )L,ib1'' lon,anb into tiJe po'ctler of IJiJS fmiant)'! :anti af< 1m
anis \llltl) rour bm:Jilcrss, re )L,plJaa~ mttlJ rour tcr al tlJcfc tiJin!JS, it fbalbe inl}abiteb~afo1e: ,·
bomcs. time,fllltb tIJe 'Jl.,OJlJ, t:
1 o lBut tl)i~ liar of tile )L,o:'O '15ob of {JofftS' is 2 7 *:We not tl)ou afratbc, ilD mp rcruant l!a• Efa' •
aMr of bcngcance, tl)atIJee map aucnge bfm of 'ob, fcare not ttJou, © ']]fracl: fo~ loe,] llltl icrc.i! :c:
!)t~ enemtcis : ~c f\\IOJtl llJal lleuourc, it aialbe ~elpe tt)ee from farrc..ano ttJr liell from tl)c lanll !!'..:
fatffftell ano batl)en in tl)eir bloon, ro: ttJe )L.o:o of tl}ri~ captiuitie : ]acob am1 OJal ccmr. againe lit
of iJollclS ll.Jal {Jauc a Oaine offering totoaro t{Jc ann be in rell, l)e OJal p10Cper,ano no man flJal bo
~o~tl),bp t1Je toater or-<euplJJate)1. I.Jim harmc.
11 ©oe bp bnto (![5ifeat1,ami bzin« ~riacle,i!D 211 fcare ti)ou not C!l> ']a,ob tnl' feruant)
bfraitte, ttJou 011ug1Jtet of <egrpt: but in balnc fapetl) tl)e JL.o:'O, ro~ '.)am \DitlJ t11ee, anti Wllbe:
llJRlt tllou i;toe to ~urgcrte, fo~ tlJl' tDounn flJall tlrop au nations among tDIJom 'J llaue rmc.
not be lloppcl:I. tercll tl)ce : nmertijrlctic '.Ji 'ctlill not conftmtt
12 ~catllen lJauc l)carb of dJP U)8me, tl)ec, but ctJallen tl)cc ano co~mttf)cc, pta.1\1111 Z.,
a11t1 tllc Irmo if:l rut or tllP 'ofufion: foJ one tlrong tl}at 1Ditl.l llitmtion, neit)Jn llltl l llttmroc, .:.,,
man Ilib llumblc bpon anotl)ct, ann t}Jep art l!rortlJet. ••;j

fallen l10tl) tottctlJer.

1 3 ~lJrfe are tbe tDeJ'OC~ tf,Jat ~ JLoJll fpal'tc
to tlJc l01opl)et t]lcremie, concemtn11 tlJe com,
ming or aabUc:l)OllonofOJ tl)e Bing ofl!Sabplon,
'll.lIJiclJ 'll.1M rent to bcllrop t{Je lanll or lfgppt:
14 tu:caclJ out tl)~outtlJ tl)e lanoe of Cfgppt,
anti caure it to be p~oclatmcn at ~igbol, JaoplJ,
anll ~aplJni~, anti rap, ~tanll fhl. mabc t}Jec
reaop, ro~ tl)e rroo~ne OJall 'onrume tl}ee rouno
15 ~ot» IJappeitetl) it tl)at tlJp mig{Jt:te 'aloi·
tl)ic~ are fallen:' \»1Jt' aeon tl}cp notfa'11euen
bccaurc tl)e JLoio tIJiun tl}em llo1Dne.
1 6 '([;l}e aaugl)ter tea~ great, fo1 one felt euer
no tip on anottJer: anti tIJer rato, iilJp,letbS go a,
qainc to our o'mnc people, anll to our o\l'lnc na,
turn1 countrep,from tl}e rruel ft»o~ll.
17 '<itlJCl:' llill crp cuen ttJm, 101Jarao tl)e r1ing
of lfgppt tis a latni,t of troublefomnelfc: l)c lJatt.J
ounpall tbc nppomteD timr.
~ ass '3\ liue ~faitl.J t1Je l!ltng \l'llJofe ~anie ti
tlJe .!Loin otl)otlcss) ro ruretr a15 Qaboi t?anbetl)
~long ttJe mountainess , anD G:IJannd in tt1e
euen ro 11[Utelllt' (bal tlJi• mtrcJJwk come
i 9 © tlJou bau!iJIJter of cemipt, mak rtabp
tl1ncare to lltt : fou1lopl) IJJalbe tiopb anti befo•
latc,ro tllat no man fbal tl'Ulel tbmtn.
. ~IJelanll o~ lll':gppt is lilie a goob~faire

catrc,. but bcctruct1on llJalcome out of•he o•...,

I fay 1tcommct)J. ..., ~...,•
~ei:toagclll'outllterstl)at btblftlJIJcrm
liJte f,1t atro lball lltt a'Ulap togetlJcr,
~oabon her lees. Chap.xlviij. Nloabs pride. 267

Thexlviij. Chapter. moume anti me. tellit out at amon, tlJat ~o·
The word ofchc Lord :again fl the Moabi1es.
ab t.nearorell:
21 'fo: iUllgcmmt fbaU come bpontl)e plainc
tuJfaptl:J tl;JeJl..01t1 oflJofteJ, tf1c lanD, namely, bpon )Jolon, at11:1 jjatna1J, anD bj.1•

D ©oll of '.]lfraet,aptna ~oab, Doe

bcctotlJecttie~ebo, fo1 tt iJ lapeb
'Wa1le, b101Jll;Jtto ronfUfion, anb
11\iriatl)atm tJ taflm : ~ifgab tsi
b1ouiwt to 11.Jame ant> afratll.
:J ~oab can boart no mo1e of1)cfbon,fD1 tlJcr
(Jaue lleutfeb a inifcl)iefe a1aintt it: €ome, fhall
on ~eplJaatlJ;
2 2 gnn bpon ~1bon, tpon ~abo, anll l6etl)
2 3 mpon lltiriatl)aim, anb bpon l6etlJ <!3a•
mul,bpon'5etl) ~aon,
24 anti bpon GtariotIJ, bpon l6o!fll, anti an
tlJe Rtitl!I in tl]e Iano of ~oab 'Wl)etl)er tlJep Ue
they ray,let ti• roou tl:Jem out: tl;Jat tl:Jcp mar bee farre o: ncere.
no mote a nation, ti.Jon alfo ftJalt be lleltOFell,ilD 2 S '4t!Je l}o:ne or ~Oab il?I f1nitten bO'iDne,
S!)aomma, anb tl)e l\tl01b tlJaD perferute tl:Jtt. anll IJet arme btoken,faptlJ tlJe JLo:b.
3 a tioice man crie from l)oionailn: 18reat 26 ~all£ btt l:IJun'llen, fOJ niee magnifiell l)n
maatng ant111ertructio nfbal come tipon tl:Jem. felfe aboue tl)e )1..0:11, tl)at men mar clap tl)etr
4 Slll}oab iJ ma lie 11erolate, l}n little one$S 1Jan1>1?1 at IJer tlomite, anti tlJat l1JC alfo map bee
~ (Jaue crieb out. laugl)eb to rco~ne.
~' s 1foiatt1Jegoingtpl1ntoJLutdJ JJtearore 27 ~ibbea not tl)oulau!JIJ ~rraelto fco1ne,
;:~ 'alit() l~mmtation annmouming, anobo\tlne al?I tl)ou~ (Jee (Jab beene taken wi1h 1hcft amoni;1
·~ to'Warll 11)01onaim tl:Jcr 1Jear11 a crud ano bean' tl:Jeeuel!l 1 fOJ ro often Sl?I tl)ou ma'lleft mentton of
:~ lpcrte: IJim, tl)ou r~etl fo1 iop.
. ·1.6. 6 * <!3et pou 111Dap, raue rourliuel!I, anb bee 2 s Fee ~oabiteS,leaue tl:Je t:itiel?l,anb b\\'lcll
~. lil!e bnto tlJe ()eatlJ in tl;Je \tllll>mttll'e. in roclles of llone, ant> become lllie DoueJ tl;lat
: :. 7 11'01 becaufe tl)ou l)att ttullell in tl;Jine omn malle tlJeir nett• tn 1J0Ie15.
~-'~ ::119 al?lfoJ ~OabfS p:tDe\tledJllUebearD ofit,
mo• \tl1tl:J .,1s pi1eu.l!I anb pimcel!l •Y81 goealllap
\llo~fie~anvreaf~· tt)ou~altb!_ta11m: ctt.Ja,
, RJe il!I b£!V f;JtglJ minDeD, ~ tmo\\1 bet aoutnetre,
.. ; into captiuitie. l)cr boatllng,tJer arroganctt,ann UJe p:ine oflJcr
..:: s ~e bellr01tt OJaU come tipon an ritiel. llomaclle, faich the Lora .
none tl)aU ercape: ttJe baUei• 11Jalbe lletropeo, 30 ~tmolll (fattlJ t:1JeJL01'D) IJetinbignatton,
.. , fl)e boecg not rigl)t, IJer \tlOJbl!I are ltel!I, ann tl)ep
anb tlJe fidbl!I flJalbe lapb \tlatle, lifle 8' tl;Je :a..0111
... lJatl:J fpol!en. l}aue not Dealt truetp.
9 <!3iue\tlin~bnto ~oab, tl;Jatft.JegetlJ£r J 1 · -atllcrefo:e 't\'lill ~ moume fo~ ~oab, fol
.• amap {pcelrilp: foJ (Jet cttit~ OJalbe mane ro De:: tt!IJO(C ~oab~ fa'llc: mr IJeart flJ8ll lament tl}e
~-~ folate, tlJat no man fl.Jail D\Del tl]crein. mmofbirc(Jattl?I.
;( 10 <lturfcb beheet(Jat11oet1J tl)e\Do1fleort1Je 32 ilD ttJou bineparb of ~abamal}, 1 tti1ll
1Lo1b fraUllulcntlp.anb curfell be l:Jttl)at l!eqietlJ \tleepc f01 t~ec al!I fo: ]ater: tl)p bine biamIJc•
bacl!e (JiJS fttJ011:1 from a.iet111tni;1 ofbloob. OJall come om r tlJefca,bnto tlJefca of'Jlattr,tl}e
.• 11 ~oab (JatlJ euer beene ri£1:J anD carelelre ticrtrofet flJaU b:cabe into tl:Jr IJaruea anb grape
c.. from her poutlJ bp, llJe lJatlJ bene 1l111 rttleo bpon «atl)ertl!\1·
tees,ll.Jen1:1a;neuerpet putout of one beffcltn, B •!Jll}trtlJ annc{Jeere IIJallbeetalien awap toc.y 16.10.
,~'. to anotl)er,rhat is,DJe neuer ment a'O:lapinto cap, from tlJt fertile fielb,anb from tl]e IanD of ~oab:
':! tiuttt~tl)ttefi>1c1Jertafterematnetl), anl:l (Jerfa• tlJere fl)allbeenof\tleete toine in ttJepJelrc, tt~
~J uounisnotpctcl)an;ell< tteabcrll)allJaue no ffomarne to enc, pe11, tl)crc
;z:: 12 J5ut loe,tlJc time conunctlJ,faitlJ tljc JL01t1. QJalbe nom to me bnto IJim.
ci1 tlJat 1 OJall reno ()er ttnlTer!S ta trulre l)er bp, 34 D91Jic() afo1etime \tltte IJtarD fromll}tfbon
,.~ '1.ll}iC\l llJaU remoue l)er from l}er b\tlellin!.J, anD to Geiealc,enD 9181Jat, 1»1}icl)lifteb bp tl}eir tioice
;1 ~
emptte tJer belTclis.anb b:eal!e l)er \tline potJ. rrom ~oar tinto !1)01ona1m,t1Jat bU!lo'fJ of ttnee
13 anb~oabOJall beeaf1Jamellof€1}4mol!I, rcereolll: dJe \tlaterl!lalro offlcmmu 11.Jallbee
!i.g.u. •1tke as 'J)ffael 'Wa1saf1Jamell of )5et1Jel,\Dl.Jttein n:ieDbP.:
vp fl)eput(Jertrufl. 3~ ~o:eoun..'.]I mu malre ~oab ceafe,faitl:J
i 16.7. 1 4 ll0l)erefo:et1oe veetlJinfletlJUl!I. *aeeean t{Je JLoiMrom tbe otferine£1 ano cmung tl)at n1e
,~1 mi~tr ilnD llroni;J men of'Wam1 IJBtlJ malle tinto I.Jet gobs mlJigl:J place•.
,. 1 5 QIJoab is nettropeo, ann (ler dtie; bt1mt 36 DIJnefoie mr l:}eart mournctlJ fo: Ql)oab
~ bp,l.Jtt cl)ofen pon!J men be Oatne,fait()tl)e bing, lftle a n-oune plaping an lJeaute fong. anb fo: tlJe
r;:· \lll}ore name i$S tlJe Jl.o1tl oflJolles. menf!I fake of ll\ird;Jaref!I mr IJeart mourned} al•
16 ~IJe 1:1e11rUctton of ~oab commttlJ on a' ro, eum ass a pipe tl)at pipetlJ a DolefUll ron!J: f01
pace,anb lJer fall is at IJanll. tlJm rtcl)ess \tllJiclJ t(Jef IJaue gatl)tteD,ClJallle 11£•
17 an pc netglJbonrfS mourne foi bn, anb an llrOpell.
pc tlJatfmolD lJet name, rar, ii> (Jo"ID IJappmetl:J .37 *all f;)eabssff.Jalbe OJauen, Snb aUbearbfS E<•y1r.;.
it tl}at tf}e arong llalfe anD tljcgooblp roDbe us dtppcll off,alllJanll• boun11.ant1 aH loinejS girbeb ecclc.7. J 8.
tlJatsbiOl!en 1 about '1.litlJ faefleclotl:J.
18 at11:1 tl)ou bmuabter Ji!ibon. rome bo'cDne 3s upon au tl:Je lJoufe toppcs anti ffrtttef!I of
rrom tlJp gJo1r , anb fit in tlJirl : fo11Jee tlJat bes ~oab,tlJere 0Jalbelamtntableinouming,fo1 l
rtrorettJ S!)oab, QJall come bp to tlJeeall'o, anti \\1~0 bJealle Sll,loab liflc an bnp1ofitable tetrel,
b:tafle bo\tlne tlJP ttroni;J IJolilJ. fattlJ tlJe JLo:b. .
1 9 anb t11ou tlJat b\\'lellell in ~roer, get tIJee 39 ilD(Jo'lD iJSR1e1>eUroreb~~fJ0'1JmoumetfJ
totl}e 1lreett, anbloo'lle abouttlJee, afketl]em 11.Ji '! :® l1o'a.1 boetl) SIJoab I.Jang t>o\llnc 1Jer1Jrab,
tlJat arc lleb anb crcapeb,ano rae. DIJat tl)tng t• anti t~ al1Ja1ncD:'~Ul!I RJal ~oab be a Iaugl)ing
l:Jappene111 aoclie, anll lJab in nmaon of au tlJem tl)at bee
_ 20 ©lJ, ~oab is confounbeb anb oumome: rounb about IJer.
1D.,, : 40 1~0! i
Feare, pit,and f nare. Jeremie. Damafcus, Cedar.;''.
4o f'o~ tl)us raidJ ttJc JL,0111. bdJolbc, ttJeene• fboulb tlJep not leaue Come grapes: ~UlJc niglJt
mtc l!)allcomc fltcln11aon"'lllle· anDfWCab robberJcomebpontlJce, OJoullldJernottallefo
IJiJ wings npon ~ollb. . . nwd,J u tlJep tl;JoumtJt mere r.nouglJ 1
4 r 'ltl]ey llJaD tabc tl)c ~tJtlS, anb 'lDtnnc t11e 1 o '5ut') mm mabc ca:rau bare, anti biCcoucr
lfroni1 fJoUJs: ttJent(Jc m1!11,Jtr mmss IJeartJ•~ 11'JfectetcJ, fot1Jatl'Jee0iat not be able tohinc
~oab 11.Jalbc Jibe tl)c !Jean ora blo1nan trauai• tl,Jcm: lJilSftcllc fi.Jalbc \llatlcll a\llap, pea tJt~ bJt'
ltn~ \\lttfJ r11tmc. t1J1cn anb 1Jil1 nci~bours, anll IJc IJimfdfc OJall
4 2 an11~oab0Jall bcmabefo befolate, t(Jac notbelertbel'Jinlle.
l1Jc11Jallnomo~clleapcople,bccaurel1Je1Jatl)kt n ~ou 11Jalt lcaue tlJpfatlJcrlccrc clJilb~cn
bp f}cr fdfc againa tfJC )l..o111. bd,Jinbc ttJec, anl> '.]\ 1:Dilkcepetl)cm,ant1 tiJp \\1&.
4 3 f'carc,pie,anl> Olarc n1an come bpon d)cc, bo\llefJ OJ an talic tl}cit comfoit in me.
© ~oab,faptfJ tl)c JL011>. 12 foJ tlJUfJ IJatl:J tlJc JL011> fpolicn, ~el)olb,
Ef.ip 4 .17· 44 * IWIJo ro crcapctl:J tlJe fean, OJal fantnto tlJcp tlJatmen tl)oU!JlJt 'Were bnmcctto tiiinlle of
tIJe pit.an1> 'WlJo ro gcttctlJ out of tlJC pit, fl.Jail be tlJe cup, lJauc 1>iunben \llitl) tl)e firft: an1> tlJin,
tahcn in tl}c fnarc : fo~ 1 b!il Mng a pcrc of ttrt• licft tlJou tl}cn to be ftte 1 ,flo, no, tl)ou 11Jalt net'
ration bpon ~oab,faptlJ t~e JLoi'll. tl)cr be quu noi fttc-t but tl)ou mull tiiinfle alro. ~~
4; 'lEf)ep tl)at arc able to flce,llJal aanb bnbei: 1 3 1foi \DlJJ?'t 1 IJaue f\Doine bp mp Cclfe,faitl} ~\al
tile OJallo\l:J of ~cfbon, fo~ tJJctc (ball goe a fire tl.Je JLoit1,t1Jat :J6o~ralJ OJal become a \lltlllerncsi, i~I
out o' l~cfbon,anl> a flame ftom ~ion, anb OJaU an open IJJamc, a lauglJmg no eke, anti curring . ,,.~
bnrnc bp tf)at p~oUl> people ofga)oab,anb tlJe top anl> an IJer citic llJalbc a continual ticrert. · :1
oHIJofc fcllttiou~ cfJtl'!J~en. 14 *!Jfoi 'll am pctfc,tlr infoimel> of ti.Jc 'Jl.011>, Abdi.1 ll!til
46 Utioc bee bnto tlJcc, © Ql)oab,ttJou people tf.)at (Jc lJatl) rent ame ffage alreanp unto tl)c (Jea' · j[t!
of ~l}anro~ llJalt pcriflJ: pea tlJ1' ronnc15$11au~· tlJcn: <IJatl}er pou togctl}er,an1> go foitlJ agatna ,.
tcr~ 11Jalbc lcl>amap captiue. IJcr,make pourcal>p to battcl: J:lOI
47 ~ct at tl)e tall \llill 4) bJing SJoab out of 1 s foi loc,']l bliltnakctlJcc but rman among ibdt
captiuitie agamc, raitlJ CJJc )L,011J, ~UIS farrc tis tl)e l)eatl)en,anb little regart1et1 among men. ~ii
ort~c plague of ~oab. 16 ~1' IJiglJ tlomackc, ani:J tlJe P1i'!le oftfJr U1:
The xlix. Chapter. (Jcart r,atl) becciucll tIJce, bccaure ti.Jou oocll ~i:
bb>tl in tl;Je l}oleis of nonic rocricis, ant11Jaa t11c
I The word of the Lord again!!: the Ammonites, 7 A· IJiglJ mountaines tn po[ecrion: f}eucrtijcleJI'c, Jj~;
[ gaioll Idumea, i 3 Damafcus, 2 8 Cedar'34 Elam. t11ougl) tlJf nctl 1DCrC8$JIJigfJ SIS tl)c cfaglc,e:, pct ~t
i~ ··~l) ~ concerning tlJe ammonttcis, '.31 mil call tlJec bo'Wne,fattt,J tl,Jc JLo:ll. it

. 'Yh.' i~ ttmis tlJe Ji..o~l> rattlJ, ll)atlJ '.]rracl 17 SJllJ01eouct, ~ntnnca fl)albe a 1Dilbcmtll'c, ::;
~ ., no cl:)ilo~en-: 01 tis IJc 1DttlJout anp \DlJo ro gocttJ bp it. HJalbc abafJJell, alltl \l1onner :1':
rt. .[) .G' 1Jcirc1 OOIJ'P IJatlJ pouri\ing tf;Jen ataur,mntrcrabltpJagueg, :::;;
~- ~ 'If' tali en ©all tn1 Jl0qcrefo'e llotlJ lJi.e: i 8 *JLtkc 8fJ ~ooonw, c5omo1, anb tfJe cttic~ Gcn.19.: ·. ;;
pcoplcll'OJ£ll inlJi.e: cttte.e:t tlJatlaptf:Jcrcabout'Wcre tumen bpQllellotum, :ms
i lBclJoll> t1Jetefoic,t1Je tfme rommetlJ~faitlJ fattlJ tlJC JL0111: ro II.Jal no bollp b\Dcl in '.)llumca, ll:i
ttJe ·.a..o~l>,ttJat 'l\ 'mill biin!l a noire of \Darrc into anl> no man llJal iJaue lJifJ lJabitation tl:Je:rc. i:·
lliabbatIJoft'l}cammonitc.e:, ant1it11Jalbelaie1> 19 l6ef,)ollle, ltkc a.e:tl]c JLton, ro flJallallC• ::;~:
on a l>efolate lJeapc, anl> lJct ctticlS bUmt bp, anl> llroper come bp from d]c plcafant mebo\DefJ of -;;.
ti.Jc ~rractiteis lbalbeloJl>S oucr tlJofc tl)at l]al> Jo11>ane,tmtot1Jcarongnwcllingplacc.\ftrltcn ~-
tl}em in po((C(fion aroic.rattlJ tlJc :t-011>. '.l! l]aue ma'!Je IJim quiet, jl \llil ma lie lJim to Bee ~~
3 l\)efbon n,au mournc, fot at ClJalberootcb from lJcr,anb au clJofmmen 'Wtl] ret in arap a· .~~
out of tl)c grounlJ, faith the Lord, tlJe '1tic oflaab' gainl (Jer: 'Wl)o tis ltflc tmto me-: \DlJat iJ lJe tl)st ·~.
bat{J OJall crie out, anl> !Jitl> t1Jcmfeluc15 toitlJ 'Wil thine 'Witf1 me:'* \\ll)at '1Jep1Jeart1 mar llan1I Iob •'·' liltt
raclietlotlJ, tlJCl:' flJal mourne an'!I run about tl)c in mr 1Janb~1 ~
wauc11, foi ti)c1r liing OJalbc lcba\Dap p#foner, 20 ~crcfo~c lJCatc tf:Je counfcl of tfJ~ JLo)ll ~
'l pea i)iJ pJietls an'tl pJtnCCfJ \DitlJ l)tm. tlJat IJt l]atlJ tabcn bpon 91tiumea, am i,111 pur' ., ·
iu1n'~'~tr,~· 4 tml)crero1c gloitell tlJOU tn tl)c •ballers-: pore tl)at 1Jcc IJatlJ 1>eutrc1:1 bpen tl]e ctn1enis of ~~l1
ll'::!~~.~·r·,~,~ tl)p baller IJatlJ tlo'mclla\\lap,i!D tlJou rebelltous ~cman: tlJe leall oftl]e floclle lbal trailctIJcm, ~ I
=~~'tt'~~t llaugl)ttt,anl> tl)inlttll tl]ou tf:Jat tl}ou artro rare anl> loolie \lllJat rairc l)abttatton tl}cy f;Jaue, tl:Jep )~
•aullb '~• 11.m. Ire rearon oftl}p trcafurc,tl)at no man fl.Jal 'omc lbal mallc it \Daile.anti tl]emreiuesalro. ' '4l
=~~:i:.~. to tl)ec~ :1.1 at tl:Jc noire or tlJcir ran d,le eartlJ IIJan
:r~:~ :g, 5 lBCl}Olb,'JI '1ll11 b1tng afcarc bpon tl}ee.faftlJ quake, tlJC me Of tl}ctr bOice llJSlbe l}earll bnto
~~~r::~t tlJe11.ol'll <115ob orlJolless, from au UJoftd]at bca, tlJncD rca. :~~
~~."t ~outtl)ee., ~
i:i:: ro tl:Jatpc lbalbtfcattcrtl>cuctrman 22 l5cl,Jolt1, tflccncmie OJalt:ame attllflccbp
~rom anotl}er, an'!J no man a,all ;atl)er tl}em to• IJitfJcr ltflc ass it 'Were an .tlllfc. ana fp1ea11 IJiis
;. ".. -.\·~:·
\!ttlJtt B\!lline tl}at be fle'IJ, llltngJ bpon '50tf8fJ: tfJCll IJJal tl)c IJtattS or t(Je
'5ut after tlJat, jj \1lil bJing tl)c ammo· \\lo~tl}tt$S in Cfllom llet" d)e 11eart ora \Doman
mteis alro out ot ~tiuttr aptn, faftlJ tl)c 1.D1'11. trauailtng of cJ1&1Dc.
r... ., tapon ~c lf'l:iomtttsl)atl} UJtlL01boflJollJ
7 2 J ~on 1JNm8fal~ .,cmatl), anll arpl}ab,
...oa~on tl;J11mancr, 'Js ttJerc no moiettitre• OJalcomc confUfiOn: fD1 ttJetlball l)can cu1ltt•
~~me m~e~n ~ '.l\l!I tllerc no moie goab mun• l>in~ , tl)cp OJalbe ~otT~ to alll> lfo lilic tl)c res h~~
amon!X tnsp2op1t1 ~IS tlJcir'WtrcDometfJen tl)atcannotffanlllfiL \~~'
ttrmebcteanetonou!J)Jt.. , 4 ~amarcuslllaDbeefo1earratn. anblbaD :~
~ct POU IJence, tuine t'OUt baaicSS. crupc llec: tmnbltng ccnnmed.J 1Jpon IJer. ro1ro'm anll i~i 1
llo\\lnc ~nto ~c b~e,iD pee att,mt o00c'llan • patnc fbal ouertaflC 1,Jef, 8' a \Doman traua1ling \~
..., .....
0 ft>z!~~
.,,... u ...wa.......
bpon cerau, pea anii ofd)ili:lc.
25 ~utl)otu~fttlJattlJeramoussct•
Abdi.~. 9 •1ftllc grapcgatlJtmll«nntbpontlJu. ttt.t1Jcmt2ormjifoP.t1motfpar2111 It·~
----------------------------=2~6~er~r _ __.,.'~~~,

~~lam,andBabylon Chap.1. are threatned. 268

\ 26 l!)crpongmmllJal fallint1Jettmtc1.an11 JL.o,lJ,tlJec1Jil11tm of~fradll)alcome, tfJcranb
~. an 11ermen of mane Oialbe tallcn a'alap In tl]at tlJe Cbtlb:cn of 1juba, 'aleeping \1 mallin11 lJnne,
'' tunc,rattfJ tfJe JLo:b or1Jottes. am ll)al feelie ttJe Jl,O,!J tlJeir 1300.
t1~ 27 1!tvtllltnblea fireintfJe\'Dali1 oO~amaf• 5 -atl)eyllJal affie tfJe 'IDapto~ton, tlJitf)er
~ cul. t111Jicl,J11Jalcormnet1Jepalauofl5mtJabalJ. flJalttJcpturnetfJetrfaces,rartng,Cltome,annwr
1. 28 ~sfoJCltellaranotf;Je tdn~omeofl)aJoh 'mtlcleanetotlJe)Lo~b inacoucnanttl}atncutt
~' 'IDl:Jom Jaabuc1Jooonoro1 tl)e llltn11 of :J5abplon £1Jalbe_1!1oltm.
~;. rmotc,tlJe JL010 lJatf;J fpollcn tl)u~ bpon tf,Jem:a• 6 ~F people IJaue bcnc a loll flocke,mp OJCP•
~1 mc,anogetpoubpbntaGteoar, anbbeflroptl)c 1Jcar1>s1Jaueoecciuelltf;Jem, (l (Jaue maoetfJcm
~I people tob>arlJ ttJe cieaa. · 11oe allrap bpon tl}e lJillei:s , tl)eJ? IJauc 11one from
:·\~ 2 9 ~lJeir tenns an'D tlJeir flock~ OJ al tl)ep talie tfJc .mountame to tl}e little IJill, an'D fo:gotten
;~,\ awap,rea tl)eir IJangin~ ano bC(felSJ,tf;Jeir tfJm rotoc.
\~\~: Cltainet11 alfo fl)all tf,Jey carp atvap b>i~ tfJcm: 7 an tl)ep t{Jat came tipon t(Jetu, i,aue be•
~~ tfJtp lbal err to tlJcm, f earc iSJ on euerv aoe. uoureo tlJem, anll tlJeir memie11 ratlJ, l19ce l)aue
·~h 3o f Ice, get pou farawap, crcepe into caue15, mat1rno rault againtt tl}em, fo~ tf;Jep 1Jam tiif
\· dlat pc map b'IDel tl}tt£, ©pc tnlJabttant~ off!)a• pleafc!J tlJe Jl.01b, yea, cuen the Lord which is t(JC
~~: 101.faitl} t(Jc)Lo1t1: roi Jaabml)ollonoro: tfJc li~ng l)abi~tion of ti} cir rigl)teoUfnctre, anb t(Je IJope
::.;I o05abplon l)atfJl)olllen a counfcll concermng oftl)e1rfat1Jcrs.
~t pou,anll conctulJell lJi'5 'Oeuife agatntl pou. 8 <jflee from l6ab1'fon, ano tiepart out of$
. -..;; ~ 1 arnc,netpou bp agatnll po~llenicl) an~ lan'O of the <[l)altices,anti bee l'te aiHIJe rammes
~~ caretctre people, faitlJ tlJc JL,o:o, 'all}1cl) haue ne1• tfJatgoe bero:e tl)e fiocfw.
"~ t1Jcr gates no: 'Ooo:e barrcs,but'D'IDel alone. 9 ~01 loe,] wil \\lallebp an hone of people
~ 3• ~l}cir ~amcl~ f!Jall bee a p:a~ anti tl)e from tf;Je Jao:tlum lanne.. anti b~ing tl)em bpon
~ t11oue~ or tl}cir cattel llztum atvap: W;Jo:coutt, l6abplon, tf;Jefe OJ al lap uei:se to it, anb 'alinne it:
~- tlJofe ll>il] rcatttt to\Varb all tl)e wtnt111, an'D to tlJcir arrob>cs f!Jafl not mitre, lilie ® a cunning
~ ·~ the raitlJelt parrlS ef tfJe 'lDOJlll, pea from all tf;Je arcl)cr flJootctlJ not w1ong •
•'. :: noes tl)creor tDft ~ b:tng tl.)cir oellru,tion, rattl} 1 o anti tlJc Clt(Jalbee~ fl)albefpoikb, (tall tfJep
:~: t}Je Jl.010. tl)atfpoilct(Jeiu flJalbefatiffiell,faitlJ tlJe ·JL.o:n.
,~· H l!)ato: atro filalbe a lJ~enin~fo1 ~:agon~, u 9.ltfJougl.J pc b>cre fo cl)cereful anb glalJ to
.. . ._ ann an eucrlalting \Dilllernerre, ro ttiat no bo~p treat>e botDn~ mine IJcritage, anll fullUlcD pour
·-. flJal bb>el tf;Jcrc, Billi no man 11Jall l)}ttc l}1i:s plcafure~ a11 tl)e ~alues in tlJe grafi"e, anl.l tti•
IJabttation. umpl}eb oucrtl)em 1ifle'5uJ~, when yee had got-
:~ 34~ere are tlJe b>o~M t{JattfJe Jl.OJb fpallcto ren the vitlory,
:a thc t&:oplJet ']cremie cocerning cflam,tn tl)e be· u !?our motf;Jcrsfbalbt ro:c conrounbe1>,an1>
~ gittning of tl)c reigne or ~elJectais taing of'J)ulla. tlJep tlJat bare pou OJal come to mamc, file llJal be
,.ti ~ s ~l)us faitl} tlJe JL,o~ll on;iotte11,l5e1Jol'De. 'Jl tlJe leattret bp among tl}e nationis,tiop'O, tDattelJ,
~:i; 5 tDJI btearte ti.Jc bob>e of <etam, tl)eir p1incipall ano 01icb tip.
ttrmgtlJ. 13 ~o man 11.lalbc ablt to llb>tll tl)crc foi t(Jc
36 .ant1 bpon <flam '] b>tn bJing tfJe fottte teare of tl)c JLo~b, but Cl.le llJalbe 'lDlJolc nefolate:
tDtn!Jel5 rrom tlJe foure ciuarterl5 oftJeaucn, anb all tllep tf;Jat go bp :l3ab-plon fiJal aanb tlif an!> be
mil Ccattcr tlJem agatna tlJe fame f'ourc 'lDinlJJ5: abatlJeb,ann ff)al tvonl:lcr at al IJttplagues.
anbtlJmOJalbc no people, but rome of ctlam 14 1!!5oefoo~t1Jin pouraral'againtll6abplon
£1Jalflee bnto tl}em. rounl:labout,al pc t11at can 1Jan1>lc bomeis, flJoot
37 cjfofll \Vil caurc Cflam to be arraio of tf;Jdr at IJer, rpare no arrob>e~ : foi 11.lee IJatlJ finncl> a·
encmiclJ, an11· of tlJcm t:IJatfccll~ ttJeir liueis,anll gain II tlJe JL,o~lJ.
t111l b1ing bpii tl}cm a mtrcUicrc,euen 1111' to~atlJ, 1 5 (Jtrp out againtl tJer rouno about: OJe lbal
faitlJ tlJt Jl,oJ!J: ''JI b>il pmccutc tf;Jem lDitlJ tf;Je peelb IJct fclfe, (Jcr foun1>ations 11JaHal, anD l)cr
ntlOJD,fo long til') IJaue bJogl}t tl)cm to nllugl)t. UJalis rual come oo'IDnc, foJ it OJallJc tlJc llengc·
3s 'JI 'IDtl fct 1111' t1J1one in Cflam,')'mil llcllrop ame of tfJe JL,011>, pea bcngeancc OJalbc tall en of
botfJ tl}e fling anll pJincess from tlJence, fattlJ tlJr l)cr: ano ais Cl.le l)atlJ llom,ro Deale re witlJ IJer.
JL,o:ll: but tn piocefi"e ef time 1 b>ill bJitJ« cflam 16 Jfloot out tf;Jc fob>er from l6abplon, anti
out of captiuttic againc,faitlJ ttJe J..o:b. !Jim tfJat l)anllletl) tt)e fickle in l)anrcll: fo: rcare
~Th 1ch or tl}e rwo11> of tl!e enemp, cuerr man fbal get
e · apter· l)im to IJiis oll>ne people, ano eucrp man ffJalliee
He prophdieth the ddlruetion of. Baby!<_>~·. :ind the to lJfS otvne Ian!>.
ddiucrancc oflfrael,wh1ch was in eapuume. 17 'Jfrael i!S a fcattreb flOclic, tl)c JLionis l)aue
1!)e \tlOJll~ tl)at tf;JC"JLOID fpalle bn' l>iQJerl'cll ttJcm: *ffrlt tl}c llling Of tl)e aU'P:illnlS

D to tf;Jc ~Jopl)et '.Jeremie conccr•

nn1gl8abrlon anti tl}e lanb of tl)e
2 ~:cacl) among t1Je<l3mtilc1S,
let rour 11oicc bee l)carl>, mafle a tofieu, err out,
11ttpeno ramce, butfap, JBab~lomstDon, l6cl
us conrounnen, ano ~erooaclJ 111 ouer~o~e, pea
tl)eir gob~ be biouglJt to (l)amc, ' tf;Jcir images
oeuourell ttJcm, lalt of at tf;Jil1 ~Rbucl)ol'Jonoroi
fling of l8abplon IJatl) b~utreo at tlJtir bone11.
is ~erero~e ttJusfaitlJ t!Jc JL01t1 ilfl)oflis tIJc
d!Joll of 1rr11el, '5e1Jolb, 91 'alil biOt tlJc 11\tngof
'5abl'lon ano l)ti:s liing'Dome, a~ ] l}auc blfltcll
t1JclllingoftlW'lil'p1ian11. ·
19 ano 'lD1I b~mg ]ftael a«aine to l)is pica•
rantpallure, tl)at IJee mar feelJe bpon Clt(Jarmcl
butfl in pftecis: anll ~aran, anll bee ratitrten bpon tlJc mount ae,
3 foi out off .@o:tll tl)cre lJOtlJ come a people p1Jia1m an'D 1!!5alaab.
agatnll l)tt, tDl;Jid) 11Jall maJICIJcr ~nll fo malfe, 2 ° 1n tlJoreoaies,ano at tl)c rame ttme,fattlJ
ttJatnobo0plbalb'IDelt1Jernu, ne1tl)ttmanno, tl)e :n..oioe, if tlJe offmct of]rtael bee fougl)t,tlJel' £1Jalt1ceanllllt!pattfromtl)mcr. fo1, tlJtte llJallnonebcefounb, ifmm enquire
4 ')ntlJOfelJR'FeS, alll'Jattf;Jattimc, faithtl)C fo~ tl)efinneof'JlUl>ll,tl)ctcllJallbecnonc: CW]\
A prophefie Jeremie. againfl:Babylon.
UJill be menifull bnto d)em 11ll}om '.I n&trir to
rcmainc. . _
21 <J5oc bo\Dnc, O chou auengcr iUtO ...,.. ~
mies lant,., anb blfit t11em ~at DtllelltlJercm:
nomnc bJitf) tfJem , anb fmttt ~em DPOll ttJe
barh_g, faptl} dJC JL,01D, DO 8'WJbJUI CO BU tl)at ~
(Jaue commanDeb tt;Jee. .
2 2 ~ere is gone about tIJc lanb a me of a
aaugl}ttr anb «f£8t murber, namely. on this ma·
2 3 190\D lJappmrtl;J it tbat tl)e IJammer of
the \lllJolc \llOJIO id tlJUJS b:oken anb b:utfcb in
runner '! $ottl d)ancctll it ttJat l6abplon tJS be'
come a ttlilocme1I'e among tlJc 1Jeat1Jm on this
manc:r ~
24 '.]Jmp fclfe1Jauc1arurnarcfo1t1Jce, anb
tl}ou art talim bnatt>aress, t1.1ou art trappcb anb
rnarell : fo: tDIJF 1 ti.Jou l,Jaft wnttnben agatnll
ti)e JL.o~b.
z 5 ~lJe JL.o:b lJatlj opcncll f}iJS l)oUfc of o:JJf.
name, anb b:oug(Jt foo:tl} tl)c \Deaponis of lJiss
WJatlJ : foJ tlJe tlJing t11at is none in tl)e lanII of
tl}e Qt{JalJJeess,it tss tlje Jl,o:n oflJollss uo:kc.
2 6 ~ome agatnft l.Jer • Co: tl11JS tss fJtr mllc,
b~cake bp IJer tl)cll!S, ttnelh l)er as re tlncOJ w:n,
llcllror t:1cr,t1J11t notl)in« llJalbe left.
2 7 ~lap an d)eir migf)tr fouJIJierJS. anti put
tbcm to Ileatl) : ttloe be 1.lnto tl)em, to: tiJe bap
m1n time or tlJtir btCitation t55 at I.Jann.
2 8 Mee thinke jj 1.Jeare already 11 crt' of them
tlJ at be Hell anb cfcapclJ out of t(Je lanb o03abp'
Ion , ttllJiclJ l1Jt1D in ~ion tlJc ben«can'c of ttJc
·JL,oJbe our <5oJJ, tlJc 1.lengmn'c of l.Jil5 ~emple,
yca,a voice of them that cry againft Babylon,
. i9 ~au bp all tlJcarcberis agafnlll5abplon,
pitclJ pout tcntl5 rounb about tJer, tt,Jat none e'
fcape, ant:mcompenfel.Jer a15 fl.JtlJatlJ bcferueb,
anD acco~bill§ ass flJcc l)atlJ bone. ro ncalctDitlJ
~er agatne : rai OJce 1Jatl1 kt bp IJerfelfe agatntl
t!Jc 'Jl.,01D,apinct tiJc IJolp one of ]fract.
30 ~crc~ie OJaU lJn roongmm fall notone
lntl.Jellrcctss, anJJ aftl)crmenof\Darre 11.Jallbc
rootcD out in t{Jat bap,faptlJ tlJc :C.,01D.
31 l5cl]olt:1,'J fpellltt bnto tl;Jee.lll> tl,Jou pioub,
raretfJ ttJc Jl,o~l:I <l5ol:I ofl)oftc15 , Co~ tlJl' nap HJall
come.wen tlJC time oftl)p 1.llCftation.
3i ann t{Je p:oub 11.Jan lhnnblc anl:I ran, anti
no man flJall (Jelpe l.Jim bp, '] ttliU burne bp IJilS
citieis \DitlJ fire. ann it UJaH 'onrumc an tf.Jat il5
rounll about bim.
33 iJI;IJuss rartlJ dJc Jl,o~ll oflJollc55, ~u1J1l,
b~cn Of ']\ttacl ~ ')U'ba fuffcr t>tolenee tountJcr,
au tlJey tlJat l)aue ttJcm in "PtiUttF kUpe tl)em
fall. anll ttlill not let tl;Jem go •
. 34 l6utt{Jeirauengeranllre.JJcemttii1mig1J'
tit., .'allJ~fe name iSS. ~e JL,~l:I ofl)ollss. I.le llJall
ma1nteme tf?eir raure, IJCC tJ;JaD marte tlJe lanzie
flJ?he, anb tubgc tl)cm tl)at l:l\Dell tlJcrdn one
wnh another.
3s ~e rmo1b t'IJaU 'onu bpon tlJt qallleess,
tloapt~ tl)e 'JL.o,b ~ bpon tl)em d)at D\Dell tn l5abr•
n, bpon tl)eir pJtntef, am. 1>pon dJeir tlliCe
3 ~cnuo:nlJpon t1Jcirfootl)farcrss:a$!1fo~
tl:lo!"£, tlJtrOJallbuometoo1c1: tl)el"aloin bpon
tl)etr \ tlJat tlJep 9,Jall aan11 feare.
37 ~lJc l\llotb bpon tbcit1Jo1rcmm anD tlJa,
rctss, ano bpon allttJe coriiluonpeoplc ~attl\llcl
amongtl)cm, ro t:IJat tlJett OJaU allbecomUdlc
'!Domcn : tllt f\Uo1b bpon UJetrtte.aiun ro tlJat
lt llialbe ltollen 8'Dap, •
~Theddhucrion Chap.lj. of Babylon is foretold-~. -;6 9 ·
~ ttroFtll : moume fo~ l)er, tnmg plafters fo; IJcr flJalt ttJou lte fOJ cuer1no1e. fart)) tlJc JL,o~ll.
' 'tllounbll, tr IJJe map pe:r@uemurc be l)ealell a, 2 7 ~ittlp a token in tl)e lanll.blotD tf:Jetnnn,
~. gaine. pctis among tl)e 11cat11cn,wouo11c t:l)c nation~ a•
~l 9 ll@ee uoulll 11aucmalle '5abplon\\ll10Ic, gainlll)cr, callt1Jcliingt1omcsofararat, Slll)cn,
~ faF tf1cp: but llJc is notrecoumll : tlJmroJc \:Jlll · nt, anb arcaf1C!, ai&ain(I; i,cr, !et tlJc p~fncc a·
.i \DetlctlJtt:alone, anll goc cun:p man into IJiis ~lll)tr,b~tngas!Jfcataro~toftmfblel)oircs
\ ownc countrep :foJ (Jenubi&cmcnt ts come mto qaint lJtt, RS if tl.Jcp 'Were i&raoioppcrs.
~ f)caum.anb is gone tip into tl)c cloUlJS. 18 l&Jeparc againll tl]cm tf:JC people of tlJe
~ 1,,.ro ••" 10 ~lJc JL,010 (Jatl;) bJ~t fo.ttlJ 011t b ti!JIJtt• ~elles, mttlJ tl)c1r hin~, pJinccs, anll au tl)c1r
~'.,~~·:. ';: o~ndfc,ano t1Jcrcfo1c romcon., \De tDill ftJC\D tn
'1}1cfc rulers, rea,ano ti.Jc 'Wl)olc lanll tl)at ts bn,
~· ,~·:.~~. $!non tf:Je b.'lo~bc of t.IJc :S..OJD out <115oll. . . Der f11m.
~\~1~~~·". 11 g/)ake fiJarpc t(Je arroll.'le.B" anti multtplre 2 9 ~(Jc lano alro fiJall lbahc anti be at'rapell,
~\~, onrbm pout flJtelOS: fo~ ttJc l,o~'O RJall ra1re bp tlJc fpmt 'W{Jen tlJc bculce of tl)e "Jl.,O?b ll)all come fooztf:J a'
~~: ~~~~l,, of ttJC bing or ttJc ~cnc.s, ml)iclJ IJatlJ alrcallp a gaintt 15abplon, to make· t(Jc lantl oO~abFlon
~ 1r!~':'i: n• bcfire to llcl!rop )l)abplon: dJts fbalbc tl;Jcbm!JC• Co 11>~ , tl}at no man llJall llb.'lcll anp mo Jc
~:~~~!;\!', ance of t)Jc l,,o~l>. \! tl]c bmi&rancc of lJiS temple. t{Jcrcm.
~'1rpcr1 ,. 12 ~et bp tokens bpon tIJc wanes of15ab1?' 3° ~c \llooJtl}ics oflBabplon llJall Icauc tl}c
~ =~~· Ion , make pom 'tllattfJ fh'ong, rccrom t»atcl)' batten, anll liccpe t1Je1nre1ucs it1 llrongl)oUles,
t\,.~;:~: • men tn arap,pca,f1olll pitur 'tllatctJ~s,111_11:1 pct .fo1
1 tlJctr llrengtlJ f1at(J failell tl)cm,tlJer fbaU be Ukc
~~"· au tl)at fiJall t(Je )L.o~b 110tooitlJ11>ttlJ IJis Dcutec, b.'lomcn, t}Jeir ll\llcning places n1all be burnt bp,
·~~ b:llJictJ {Jee (JatlJ taken tJpon tiJcm tl}at lltucll in tl}cir barres n1albe b~ohcn.
• ll3abplon. 31 !lDnc purrutuant llJall meet anotlJcr, pra,
1 3 1!> t(Jout{Jat ll'll'lcllcll bptl)c grcatb.'latms, one poll 11)all come bp anott1cr, to bzini& t{Jc !ting
© ttion t(Jat (Jail fo great ttcarurc anti ricl)e.s, of l5abplon tillings tlJat lJtS citr ts taken one,
tl)inc eno is come. anb tl}e rechontng of tlJl? \Vm' ucrp ftDc,
nings. 32 -atiJc rooJ!)s occupie?J,tlJc fctmcn bumt bp,
14 *QJc Jl.,011:1 of l)oflcslJatlJ rwoJne brl)im' anll tlJc roull>icrs ro~c afrafl>.
f£1f.e, CJ;Jatl)c mill oucrb.'llJclmc tt}£t 'llliti, men, 33 ~o~ tl)Up fapth tlJc JL,o~ll oftons, tIJc <ll5ob
lthc!Jtafl)oppcrs, in number, ll.'ll)itiJ 'WitlJ a rou, of]lfracl,< ~ebilug!Jtcr o05abploni,atl} bmc , <i:'wm·
rage flJall crp :<llarme S«llillll tl)CC, in {Jct time liliC 8.S Ii tiJ~CllJing fi001C, but flJOJtlp P~~'"1', or eoni
~c,1,6. 15 *}l?ca,cucnt11e·JLoJDOflJollSt{Jatll.'lttfJ1Jis 1IJaut.1cr1Jantcllcomc. P P ·
- 1 n ,c • µob.let mallc tl)c cartl}, b.'lit'.J IJiS \\'lifcl>omep~c, 34 :0abuc{Jooonoroi tl}c king of l6abpion
:·,~io.r,, parclJ t{Jc rounb moJtll, anll lDttl} l)iS i:nrcrction l)atlJ 'Oeuourcll anb bcllrofcb me, lJt l)ath mnbe
•· ·: fp:cll out tl}c i,caucns. me ancmptp bclfcll, lJe f'tllaUo\\'le'O me bp like a
::i: 16 arroonc a~ [Je tettetll his boice be {Jcarb, lJJagon.anll flllcb IJis.1 beUF 'alitlJ mp bclicatc.B,IJc
CSi tlJc waters in t{Jc airc b.'lare&crcc : tire ll~b.'lctlJ gatl) call me out.
tip ttJC c!oulJl!lfromt1Jcent1soft1Jecart1J, l)ctl1r, 35 ~P fubllanceb.'lf1crof f)elJatllfpoilcb me,
nctlJ t(Je liglJtntngs to rainc, ~cc b~ingrtlJ tl)e anb t{Jc tiling tl}a~ b.'lal!l Icft me, ll.'llJiclJ tJr lJntiJ
\\ltnlllS out oftl)cir retretptaccs. cartcll ab.'laF, crp out a!!aina '5abrlon,raptlJ t:l)e
17 If they be cfiecmed bp tl)cir \\'lifCllOtnC, all baUgi)ttt tl,lllt ll\l1£11Cth in ~ion, rca, anti IU!'
mrn arc become fooles : confounl>e'O be all tlJc blooll atro '1gatnlt tfJt <ltl]albc~~. rartl) ~icrufa,
tallcu ofima!,lcS, foi tl}c t(Jini& tl}at tIJep maflc, fem.
i1SbUtllecctt.anlll)at11 no b~cattJ. 36 ~crcro,ct{JusraptlJ e'qcll.oJll, '5rholnr.
18 llllaincistt,ant1ancrroniousll.'lo1fie,ann 'J '\Dill bcf£nll tfJ!' caut:c, a11n m:rn~c t~rc, 'I
in t{Jctime oftltritation it llJaUpenai. \lltll t11ttmc bp tcr ~ea, an!l l:l;ic bp l)cr 'Water
19 G;lJc poitton of~acob ts nom ructJ: but IJe fpJm!,ls.
that maDc all tl)tngs, 'Wl'lofc name ts tl)e Jl,o~ ot 37 '5abplon f'IJaU become en f1t ape or floncg,
l]ofls, l)c ts tlJC roll ofl)iS tnl)tritanct. a ll\Delttng place ro, ll~agcn.s,s fear rtutrcffe anb
20 c ia;t]oul)all bcncmim ~ammcrann\llca' tDoonb.zin!J, anllnoman!l)allbille!!tlJm.
pons fo~ \llarrc: foi b.'lid) tlJet l)auc '.JI b~licn ~e 3B ~IJCF ll)all roare togctl}rr l:f;r Ii on~, nr:l:i
people in picccs,anll l»i~ tt,Jcel)aue jl JJCftrotcll as t1Jc roon!,l lionl:l ml)cn tlJcr Ile nngrr, ro tlJall
liing?>ome~. tlJCF benll tlJetnfrluc~.
2 1 iaJ;f)_toU!JIJ t{Jec )Jauc 1 beaten to polDbcr 39 '.]In tl)eir l)cat 'J1 will giuc tl;cm a bfnner,
l)o:re anll l)o~rcmcn, pea, t(Jc 'IJLucts,anll l'uel;J as anll t{Jey OJall be ll.t1'nlicn ro: to F: then !IJall tbCf
rate bpon t1.Jm1. «eepc an cucrlalttng tlecpc,anll nmcr waltc,rar•
12 iai;IJ:onglJ t{Jee 'J1 l)auc b:Olml 1nan anti et{J t{Jc JL,o:n.
tuoman, olil anll pong, bacl}ctcr anb ma1bcn. 40 '.) \Dill carrp t{Jcm Downe to be l!amc hlte
2 3 ~tnou~l} tl}ce 1Jauc 'J. llcttropetl tlJc f'IJcp, ttJcepr,ltkc \'Deatllers anll goats.
i,earil anti IJi.S ftoclic, tlJc l)Ufbantl\nan anll l}t!S 41 © {Job.'l 'Wa.S ~craclJ moon!' © l)ob.'l llla!!I
cattcll. ti.Jc p:tncc.s anti tijc ruleris. _ tl)c ~lo:r of tlJe ll.'ll)olc lanb taken~ l)ow i,apprn'
2 4 ~mfo:c mill] re\llarll tl)ccttp of~a' ctl)1tt(Jatl5abrton i? fo'WonlJ~cilatamonitlJc
twwn, anll all t(Je tnl)abttantis of Cltl)al~, 'WttlJ 11eat1Jen!'
atl t(Jc cutl 'WlJid) tlJCl! IJall'llonc t1nto ~aon,rca. 41 G;f1c fca (s rifcn ouer '61:1bplon, anb 1Jatl1
t(Jat pc roar &lurs fl)all rec it, raptlJ t{Jc lL~:ll. couctcb IJct w1t1J lJct anat 'lllauc~.
z s ~el)ol'Oc. ] come bnto tl;Jce,tl)ou nottomc 43 ~ct~ cl tii.s a~e l~F~b wattc, tl}c Ianb IictlJ
d {Jill, fapctlJ tllc lLo:ll, tiJou tl;Jat bctlro~t au bnbut111et1 anll botb, ttts !l Ian~ 'WlJcrcno man
lann.s. 'J1 lDIU ttretclJ out mp l]an'D oucrtl)ec. anll blDeHetll, anb ll.'llJcrr no man trauctlcth.
call t(Jec l>O"ronc from ti.Jc ltOllF roc&s, anD ll.liR 44 !ll9o:eouct, l \Uill bifit ~ct at ld abrion,
malittllceab1mit(JiH, anlld:JctlJtng tl]at{Jc (Jatl)ftoallo\llcil bp, tlHlt
2 6 ~o tl)atnettl)cr comer aones flJallbe ta' r~mc RJall] plucitc out on_n.s moutlJ: t11e c;cn,
rtcnanl' m~c out of tl)ee, but 'alalle anll bdotate ttle.S Alfo fi)all runnc no mo~~ bnto 11im, rrn..~ 11 ll
--Babylon rhreatned. Jeremie. The bookedrovvncd.
the \»alien o06abplon OJall fall. 62 r.ln?I Cap. © JLo~'b. t(Jou art 'bctmnincll to
· 45 ©mppcoplc, comcouto06abplon, tIJat root out tlJts plate. ro tl,Jat ncitlJcr pcoptcno~
cucrp man mar rauc 1_1is life from tl)e rearefull cattrll llJall ll\tlcll tlJm anr mo~c , bur to Uc
\tl,atl} of tlJc JLo~D. \tlaac foi cuer.
4 6 ll3cnot faint 11cartcD,anll fcare not at cue' 6 3 gi1t1 \lllJrn tlJou IJatt natl out ttJc boohc,
cy rumour t1Jat11.Jalbc~cart1 in tlJc.lanll :fo: euc' binl:ic a none to it, anti cattit intlJc mtbll of <fu,
rp rcrc b~tngct_lJ nc\D ttllmgfl,ttn~ m~lJe pere fol, plnatcf!,
lo\tling nc\D t1D111gsS, anll robllmg m tl}e la11D, 64 in11 rap, <JCum tlJttS a,au ll3abrlon finite.
anll Iozll 11pon lo~ll. anll bctllm'1 riotonc\1.11tlJ tl:)cburocn of trouble
47 gnllioc,ttJctimccommctl),ttJat] mtnbi, t{Jat'.] u'iillb:tngbponlJct: rotl:)atniecllJallnc,
fit cur tmagrs of :l5abrton, anb tl)c \»(Joie lantl ucr come bp agatnr. ~IJUll farrc arc tlJt p:car(J:
OJalbc contounbcll, pea, anll l)cr name ll.Jalllic in tnp of j)crcnne.
tile millll oflJcr. Th 1·· Ch
· 48 l!}caucnanbeartl)\tlitl)aUtlJatiStlJtrein e •J· apter.

man rciopce Oller ll3abplon, mfJrn tlJe llelfropcrs I He rcpeateth the taking of Zedecias. 4 Hicrufa.
flJaU comcbponl,Jcrl'rom t(Je~o:tlJ, rapct(J tlJC !em is c~ken of thcChaldces. i4 The Temple is
)l,o~b. fpoiled and robbed. ~
49 ',IL,illc as '6abplon IJatlJ beaten bo\Dnc anll <fl>cctas * was one anti tblmtic +Kin •
aai nc manp out of'.llfrael, fo ll.Jall t(Jcrc fall ma• percs olll ml)en IJc ma~ ma1>c bing, 17.1.f~
nr, anll bcaaincinalll)crllingDomt. an'O rcigncl> cleucn. rrerc~ inl!)tc, 36,11, ~
5o !Pctl)8t1Jaueefcapclltl)ef\no:ll,1Jallcpou, rufalem: fliJSmotllcrs namc'nlas 1:

aanri not lltn,rcmcmbcr t(Jc JL,o~l> afarre off,anl> ~amutal, '.J]crcmic~ ll:mglJtcr of .ii
tl)inlir bpon ~ieruralem. JLibna. )JI
51 ~o~ mee are afiJamc'O to l)eare tlJe blaCplJe' z ~c ltue1> \Dicflct1lr bcfo~c tlJc lLoJl>, eucn ~1
micl5, om: faceJS mere coumtl \tlitlJ 11Jamc, be' a151\cIJoactm llib. !'.!!
caurc tl1c ctrangc aiiantJS came into tlJe rancnrn, 3 1foi tIJc ',IL,o~tl 'nlaJS angric at l!)icrnfalcm '1

r~ oftl1c 'li..o~'O. anti] Ulla, ro Ion~ till (Jc IJaD call tlJcm out off) is
5 ! twl1crcfote bcl,ollJ,faitlJ tlJc JL,oin,tlJc time p~cfencc: anll '.Jc'Oc,taJS fell from tl)c fling or Jaa• ~
commcttJ ttJat'.Jl \\Jill bHittlJc image~ of:l5abp' brlon. l1I!
lon, IJ tl)o~ow tl}c \l.11Jolc lanll tiJcr fiJall mourne 4 *:l5ut in tlJcntntl) pcere ofl)ts rcigne, tn 3.Kiu.1s,1 :
anrirau. t1Jcteut1Jmonctf}, tl)etcntlJMr oft1JcmonU1), irn,9,1Jiim
53 ~llougb :l5abplonc1imctl bp into l)caucn, it lJappcnell tl)at ~abm(Jobonofo~ tl)c liing of 1t!i
ami firpt Iler power on IJiglJ, ret ll.Jall '.Jl fenll IJer l!Sabplon U'JitlJ all IJiJ5 (Joa came bero~e il)irrufa• 'ill!
ocfiro1'cr~Jart1_1 ti)r '!Lozo. lctn, anl> beficgcl> it, anll Htallc bulwnrM rounll
54 a piteous crp !ball be heard from :l5allplon, about it.
anu great miferic from t(Je lanb or tl)e <itfJal, s 9nb tl)is bcCieging of tfjc citp cntlurcll bll•
ilrc~, to tlJc clcuentl) pere ofking '5cllccia~.
55 tIDlJCll tl)c JL,oill llclh'oret(J :l5abplon, anti 6 ~nll in tl)c fourt(J monettJ , tl]c nintlJ llaF
'rolJcn IJc b~iuetlJ out tlJc (Jic aomaclic anti p~oub of tl)e monetlJ, tl}ere was a great IJtmgcr in ti.JC
boatting, \tllJcte'roitlJ tl)rpl)auc bcnc as f'uriOUfS citic, tl)11t t(Jere 'rocre no mo~e bicttralJS fo~ t{Je
ais tlJ£ 'roaucis of tl)e great mater floollfS, tt mallc people of tl}e lanll.
great craficJSU'JitlJ tlJeir 'roo~lli:t 7 ~o all t1Je foutriter15 bJalie amap, Anll flcb
561fO1 tlJc ocarorer 11Jall come bpon IJer,cuen out of tlm;itie bp niglJt, tlJo~o'ro tlJc map of ti.Jc
bpon JJ.;abrlon, W{Jic(J fiJall tahe ti)cir UJoJtlJics, po,t,bet\Decnc tlJe tmo \tlaUe~.lJp tl)c liing):S gar'
anll b~cafictlJcir bo\1.'lcs : fo~ tile <115oll of recom' llen: (0om t(Jc GC(Jalbce):S IJall compaITcll ti.Jc citr
pcnfc, cucn tl)c JL0.111c llJaU fuffictcntlr recom, rounb about)rct \»cntt(Jofc men tl)cir \nar tlJO'
pcnfc tIJcm, ro\'tl tl)c 'roilberncm~.
57 pea, faych the Lord,] mill maket[l~rpifn, 8 .Qnll fo tl)e ct(Jalbrc~ rollo\Deb bpontl)em.
cc~, tl)eir mire men, t{Jcir t(Jiefc rulcrJS,tlJetrno' anb tooltc '.Jellecias t{Je king in tl)c fic!ll of'.J.ert,
blcis, anll tl)cir \tloo~tlJic~ l>JUttlien, ro flJat tljcp ctJo, \lll:Jcn (Ji~ l)oll UJais run from flim.
OJaUnccpcancucrlallingaccpc, \lncucrmafie: · 9 ~o tfJcpcarriell tl}c fling a\vap pJifoncr
t!lu~faptlJ tl)cliing, mIJofe name i~ ~eJL,oJll of to JacblatlJ, lmto tl)e king of :l5abplon in tlJC
!Jolls. tanll of~rmat(J, tul)cre{Jc ;gauc illi::gcment llP'
58 g(!)o~eoucr, ttJu~rartlJ tl)elL.o,D of(Joas, on IJim.
a:!Je ti)ufic 'Walt ofl5abplon lbaU be lJ~oficn,anb 1 o ~IJc Iiing ofl5abplon alfo caufell ~ellecias
IJcr bic gate~ ll.Jafue burnt bp,anll tl)c tl)ing tl}at ronnes to beaalne befoie IJifl face, pea, aitll put ,. \..-.
tbe ll!>mttlcs anll tl)e pcoplelJatlc m~ougiJt \tlitl) all ttJe p~inccs of]ulla to oeatl} at11tebJattJ. . -
!!teat traucu anti labour, mall come to nougIJt,
anti be conrumcll \!litlJ ftrc.
11 ~o~eoucr, IJc put out tfJe epc15 o(5~Dccr'
as,\l raurco IJi1n to be bounti untl) t~o c!J~mc~, ·~~
11 59 ~ta i'1 tiJr cIJar~e t(Jat ~eremp tl}e-10, to be caricll bttto :l5abplOn,anD let IJun hem P1'' \,·~
p.,ct 11anc bnto $15>ara1al} tl)c ronne of ~crialJ fontilllJeDicll. ,'\
tile fonne of!rl~aaual) , ml)en l]ee \tlentto'roar!l 12 Ji:}oUl t!Je tentlJ nap of tbe fift[J monetlJ, in ,
~abrlo~ \l>ttlJ '.5~llccias t(Je fling or']lulla,in tllc ttJe nnutccntlJ perc of ~alluci,ononofo~ liing of ~~
founl) r~cre orl)1s ~ctgne : no'roc tlJiS ~araial;J 1Babplon,@allu1aranan tlJe ctJrcrc captaine,ann J.'~
\Das a.Ecaccablc piincc. tlJe fling of'15abl'IOn1» rcruant1, came bnto $ie, :t,~
Jicrcmic\l>µJtctn a booltealltl)e mlfmc rufalan, i~
tl1at OJoutb come bpon l5allplon, pea, \I au ~re 1 3 anti burnt bp tlJe {Jourc or t(Je 'Jlo~o : IJe
fcrmons t:IJat be 'm~itten a11aina l5abl'fon burnt bp alfo tlJC tnall p~la~ '· an ~c IJourrs, ,~
1 '.llnll 11auc $15>aratatJ tIJts CIJarge. D1Je11 anball tl)ego~eous1Mlb111~11111;)iernra1£m. ;
HJcfe 'IDo~bs,
4.::.::a.::nb~tlJ''...'..'.s::.tlJ~a::it,___'. ;).
\llttebJitlJ tlJCdJief.e roptrune. b:alic bo'IDne au
--- ----

""be capciuirie ofluda. Chap.j. vnder Nabuchodon;!c;~.-2 7-o

t!Jc 'alall£S or ll)tmlfalcm rounll about. bJIJtctJ 'alas captaine of tlJe roulllicrs , an1> fr,
•s gs ro1 tlJe poo~e people, anb fu~ rotke as um men tl)at 'mere tl)e lttngs feruants, 'nibic(J
'alas ret lert in tlJe citp, 'nllJiclJ atro 'alere fallen \Derr founn in tl)e cttie : anl> ~opl}er a mptaine
to tbe frmg ofl6abplon, rea, anb 'mbat people as tlJat bCeb to muller t(Jc men oC\llam, \IlitlJ time
rct rcmatncll, Jeabuiaraban t1Je clJierc captainc of t{Je countrcy, tlJat 'lllere taken tn
cariell tlJem a'map p~ifoners. tlJe cttte:
• 6 15ut tIJe poo~e people or tlJe counttcp l>ill 2 6 ~(Jere Jaabu1aranan tl)c c(Jiefe captatne
Jaabu1aratian t11e cl}icf.e mptaine leaue in ft1e tooke, anb carrteb tlJem to tlJe king otl8abplon,
Ian!>, to ocrupp t11e binepar1>s anll t[Je ficllls. bnto JJttblatlJ :
•7 ~e <lt1Jal1>ees alfo b1afie tfJe b:accn ptf, 2 7 Qnl> tIJe king of )Babrlon caUfcl:I tIJcm to
lar.G tlJat 'mm in tlJc l}oufe of tlJe JLo~lJ, pea, tlJe be put to l>catl) at llieblatf) In tbc Jani>c ofl~e'
reat anti tl)e b,aren Iaucr t(Jat was in t11e (Joure matlJ: anb tl)us ]ui>a 'alas lcll aUJap capttue out
oftlJe ll..o~l:le, allll carricll all t:l}e mettallof t1Jem oCIJis oume lanti.
bnto l8abplon. 28 ~IJis ts tl}e rumort1Jepcople\lll}om~a,
18 '4tfJcr toofte awar alCo tlJe catn:ons, ff:Jo, buc(Jobonoco~ lei> a'alap captiue: 'Jin tlJt rencntlJ
ucls, tlcff:JIJoofis, fp:infilers, fpoones, anll all tlJe rerc .PflJiS ret{ttle.. IJe cariell awar of tlJe '.]le'nlcs,
b1aren belfets ti) at 'al ere occupicb in tlJe reruice., t1neetl)0Ufan1> raientr anb tl)~ee.
19 119itlJ tlJe barons, colcpannes, fp~inklcrs, .i ~ ]n t{Je eigl)teentlJ pere, flabucIJollonofoJ
pots, can1>lelficks, fpoones, anll cup.G, t>J(Jereof ca~elJ a'alap Crom 19icrufalem, etg(Jt IJunlJ~cl>
rome \tlm ofgoli>e, anll Come ornluer. tlJtrtr anb nno perfons.
2 o ~(Je cl)iefe captaine tooke alfo tlJe raio 30 '.Jin tlJe tti~ee anll t\llcntict(J rcre or.flabu,
pillau, tfJe latter, t1Je t'roelue b~aren bulloeks cl)o!ionoro~, faabU!arai>an tf}e cl)icfc captainc
t(Jat lfoob tinner tlJc reat \tllJicl) fling ~olomon to~lie awar Cr.uen l)unb~clJ Co~tr anb liue 'jlewes
IJa!>malle in ttiel}oure oftlJcJL,o~b: annalt t{Jc pitfoners. 'iirlJc wlJolc fummc of t11e p~ironers
belfels conteineb co muCIJ mcttaU, tl)at it miglJt ts foure t{Joma111> anb fire 1Jun11icn.
not be 'aleig(Jeti. 31 ]n tl)e tlJirtie anl:lfeucntl) rerc artcrtlJat
i 1 1f01 euerr pillar mas cigl}tccnc cubits l)ie., '.JletJoacim tl}elttng or ']luna was camcll a'alnp,
anll tl}erope t11atbJentaboutlt'roa!3t1Delue cu, in t(Je liue anll t\llcntietlJ nap of the t\DclftlJ mo'
bits, anti roure fingers tl)icke,anll rounll. nett) , QEuilmero11acl) king of l5abplon ( t11c
22 ~owebpon tl)erope wereb:arenJmops, fame reere tl)at IJe reigneb) gaue ]ctoacim tIJc
anlJ tucrr linop 'lllas fiue cubits IJiglJ, anl:I bpon rting of ]ulla (JiS parnon , anti let !Jim out of
tlJe lmops \litre 1Joops,anb pomegranats rounti p~ifon,
about or cleane b~alTe. 32 !'Anti fpaftc louinglp to IJim , anl> fet IJiS
2 3 Stifter t(Jts maner \llere botlJ ttle pillars fa• tIJ~one aboue t(Je tlJ:oncs of tlJe otl)er mng,e
llJtonen 'tDitlJ tIJepomegranatcs, ttJIJcreof tl}ere tl}at were 'roitl) IJim tn l8abplon.
to ere an l}UnllJelJ ninetp anlJ rt~e, \llf.Jtcf.J IJangcll 33 ~e cl}angeZJ alfo tl)e clotfJeJS orl:lfsp~ifon,
bpon the fJoopcs rounb about. rea, anll bil:l eat b.'litl) IJim au IJis life long.
24 ~e cl:ltcf'e captaine auo tooke ~araialJ 34 anb l}e 1Ja1> a conttnuan liuing giuen l)lm
tl)el)ie 10#Cll, anb ~op(JonlaIJ tfJatwas cl)iefe or t1Je litng or )Babrton , cueni l:IAF a certame
~IJlm,anb tl)e tlJJtC licepers of tfJe noo1e. tlJtng allo'tDeD l}tm, all tlJc napes oflJis life, bn,
2 s l)ee tookc out or tl)e cttr a cl)amberlaine, till l)e l:lfeb.
The end of the booke ofthe Prophet Jeremie.

Thefirfl:Chaptcr. ctJeeflS : foJ amon!l au l}er louerl'l, tl)ere ts none

It happened afrer lfrad was brought into .capciuitie,
tlJat !,liuctlJ IJcr anr comfoit , rea , 1Jer ncrt
and Hierufalem defl:royed, that lerem1e the Pro-
fricn1>15 tranCgrctrc agatna l)ei:, anl! are becomt
l}er enemies.
phet face weeping, and forowfully bewailed ~icru­ 3 ']Juba went a\Dap bp reafon orthe attlicti,
falem, and fighing and howhngw11h an heau1eand on anl:I great bonbage : 11.Je l:lmclletlJ amo~ tl)c
wofu 11 heart ,fayd. l}catl)en, ff:Je linDetlJ no relf, au tl)ep tlJat pcrfc,
- Las, lJOb.l (fttctlJ tlJ~ cttte Co cute l)er, too ft l)er jn nrait places, whe1c {he could
~~!~ l>Cfolate,ttJatfotttl'tlmetuas ooccfcape.
full or people'! ll)ob.l ts aiee 4 14[;1Jc ftrectl'l or ~ion moume , becaure no
become lihe a \llt!>ob.l, \lll)tdJ man commctlJ no mo~e to tl)c folemne fcalff5 · au
wrus great among nations'! Iler_gates are ~efolate , lJer p:iclfl'l make tam en,
'll)o'al is fl:Jtt b~on~t bnller ~auon, l}erm~1t1ens are carefull,anl! fl.Jc ~crlclfc
mbute,tfJatruleti lanlJs '! m11reat l}eaumetre.
3.17, ":&..'<;'!~~_.] 2 *~l)ebJcepetiJfoJ£in 5 'er enemfcl'l l)aue beene mlcrf5 oucr btt,
tile nfgl)t, ro tl)at tl)e teares runne bob.lilt IJiit anb IJer cncm1c~ l)aue piofpcren, brcaurc ttJc
l Jl..Olll-,---
Jeremie n1ournerh Lam en cations. for Hierufalcm,
·JLoib IJatl) ct)atlmcD lJcr ~ l]er gna~ toicln?D' 20 ([onflDer (ilDJLoioe) l]o\D'.]am ttoublcD,
nt[c : J.Jcr chm1~rn are leD alD81? '8J1UUC b~ mv mombc i• Dtfquieteb , mp l]eart tumctl) a·
tl)rtr enemies. . . bout in nu, mu>1 am wlloflJcauinefie, bccaul'£
6 an tltc braUft' or tl]c Mug!Jtcr of ~10n as '] rebtlleb ftubbU?nlt_: tlJe f\DoiD lJurtctlJ mee
a\Dap • brr p~tnccs an brromc llfse l)art• tlJat 'alttl}out, anD \llitl)in '.Jam lille tmto bcatl.J.
finoc 110 paaurc, tl.Jtp are b~1ucn a\Dap bcfo1e 11 ~lJcp 11ean mp moumi111. but tl)Cre is
ti] cir cncmr, ro that tl]cy l)aue no mo:e po\ller. none tt:Jat 'Will comfo~t mee : au mine enemies
7 ~o\D ll.}icrufalcm rcmcmb~b in tl)ettme bauc tJcarn of mp ttouble, anl> ate gtab tl}crcof.
ortirrmfftrp anl> bare ellate.all l)er 1op anb pita, becaure tl)ou lJall none It, anl> thou !:Jail b~U~l:lt
rurc tl}at lbce l}atlJ l)ab in ti1nrs pall, feeing l)rr rooJtlJ tile time \lllJiciJ tf}ou callellll, 'o>IJen tt.1ep
prople is bJOU!JiJt Do'tDm bnbcr tlJe po'tDer of au:o fiJalbt lthc tmto me.
tlJCtr enemies, anb tl]en is no man to: to iJelpe 2 2 )Let all tlJeir \Dic:l1ct111clfc come bcfO:e tl:lcc,
urr : Iler enemies llanl> looking atl)er, 'lsugl) anb boc tiJou to tlJcm as tiJOu l]all llone tmto me
(J~r ~abbotl] Dapcs to fco:nc. Co~ all mp trerpatres : to: mp CoWw is berp great,
s l!)irrufalcln l}atl) Cinntb Bficuouop,tl}en' anD mpl.>fartts IJcaur.
ro~e is lbccome inllec:ap: all d)tp tl}at l)all l)er in The iJ.• Chapter.
bonour, l>cl"ptfe l)n, foJ tl)ep l)aue reenel}er ftl,
~Or, and tbfn<!T<, rea. llJ< UllllttlJ, anb(ll U-•1"'1:• • L", ~'"'1• (Jat!J t!J< :to>& badlt·
!S turned rem~. ~~ nrll tl}e t>augl}ter of ~ion 1n l)ts
bockwud, 9 $er fhirts an llcflleD. fbt rcmemb1Cll not tn1at1J '! as ro: tl]c l)ono1 or']lrrae(, , r.
bcr latt cnn, tl)mfo:e iSiJcr rauro 'tDoont1crrun, tJc l}atl:J catl It ll0'1lnc Croml)eRuen
anll tllcrc ts no man to comfo~t l]cr:llD l-o~D con, bnto tlJt eartlJ, anb l]c remcmb1r11
filler mp trouble.Co: mine enemp l)atl] tl)e bpper not IJ•ti o\Dne, footltoole \ll}Jen l}c 'o.lU angrp. ~I:·
l)an~. 2 '1tlJC JL0111c l}atlJ nil out all tl)c l)abitati' ,..
'o ~e cnemt' l}atlJ put l)is lJanD to all ttJe oms of')acob U'litl}out anp tl)e ttrong
1nccious tl)inlJSS that tl)e t.JaD, rca, cue bcfoJc l)er place~ of tl}c baugl)ter of ']\Ulla l}atl) (Je bioken · J!
ereis came tlJe (JcatlJrn in anll out of tl}c ranctu• bo'tDnc m IJiS '1l1atlJ, anD ttJ~ouien tbem bo\Vnc 1
arp , \lllJom tl)ou neuenhclcffc l}att fOJlliDncn to to tl}e grounll , l}cr llifllbome anb l}cr p1ina1 ·. 1
come \llitl)in tl]p congregation. l)atl) l}c piorancl>. mi
11 au b2T peoplcfcelle tl)eirbica'll'tDitl)IJca' 3 jjn tfJe\01atlJ oflJi~inllignationl}c~affJ ~;
ttinccrc, anil loofic 'nllJat p1ccious tl)ing cucey bJOkC1l all t(Je b 1Jo1ne of '.]!Crael, be l}atf1 'IDitlJ< b . ,...1
man lJatlJ, tl:Jat giuctl] l)ec Co~ meat to raue 1Jil5 t11atucn IJis ri«IJt l}anb from tlJe mcmr, rca~ a 111- ; • r
lire : confillcr,© JLo~D.anD rec lJo'tD tnlc 'J am be' flame offire is kinl>leD tn lerob,anll l)etl} cenfU: C:.. rn
come. meb bp all rounll about. .lif.
12 l\)aue re not rrgatll all pc tl}at gotfotebr, 4 ~e l)atlJ bent l}is boU'leliflt an enemr, l)r rJr.
bcboltiz, ann Ctt if there be anr ro1o'tD lifie imto 1J11t1J fallcneD IJis riglJt '1anl> lific an anueream. ::=
mine, \Dllerc'tDitlJ tl)e lL01D lJlltlJ troUblcD me tn anll euerp thing tl}at bJaS!I plea'8nt to fee, l}e.e :::
tlJc bap ofl)ts featcfull \D~tlJ. l)atl.J oaine : (Je l)atl.J po\D,cll out iJiSJ 'nl1at1J liae
1 3 1ftom abouc l)atlJ IJe ftntllo\Dtle a fire in• a firt mto ti,e ~emacle or tl}e iaaugt,Jter of
to mp banes, anlJ it burnetl;J tIJtm mttllp : l)ce ~ion.
{Jatl) lain a net foi mp Ccet,anb tlJ:o'alenme'tDillt s ~ :to1D ts bcromc liflrats tt \llcm1ne'
open , IJC l)atlJ mabc me Dcfolate, ro tl)at '.)mull ncmp, l)c l)atlJ 11cuounll ']Jfracl anD a1111ts pala·
cuer be mourning. ceS!I, rea, au l1iSS «tong l]olllSJ l)atl) l}c ncaropell,
a 1tbrbon• 14 ~I.Jc, pohc of mp tranfgremons iflbounn anD fiUen tlJe 11augl)ter of ']uDa 'nlitlJ mucl) co.
bli~r riuou~b
fi11nc1smoll fall to IJiS l)anb, tl]ep arc 'tD18PPCD or wrc:uhcn, ro'lll anll l)cauinefi'c.
tDlmb (brrc" ano comc tip about mp ncmc :l)c IJatll muren mr 6 11.}is ~abcmacle as a gar11en IJatlJ 1Je ~e·
t.1J: i!UlllD
r 1:t'POlr.tef
!lrcn!ltlJ to raile, tlJc JLo~b l)at:lJ bcliucrcti me tn' atopell , lJiS Colcmne meetings l)atl.J )Jee put
(h1;11fatlc• to tl]ofc I)ams \Dl]erout '.) can not Quit mp Celft. botunc, tl}e JLo:b l)atlJ biouitl)t itfo to pa1le.tl18t
:Htltn OJtO
flDtll'l~olnD, 15 ~c JLo)ll IJatl) l!Cftropell all tl]c migl)tic tiJC (JigIJ folcrnne ieaas anlJ ~abbotlJS!I iri ~ton
'J1f,111Ull[81' men tl}at 'tDcrc in me.~(Je l)atl) p1oclaimell an 8P' arc cleanc fo1gottrn : In l)i151Jeaup llifpl£a!urt
~1 1H:utt1cl",
pointcb time to aaugIJteran mrbcllmcn: tlJe l)atl}IJcDnpifenttJeflinganDp)ittlSJ.
l•:1: Or1tl)70f .11,.,0~0 l)atlJ ttot>cnnowne tf;lc11aug1Jter of']Juna, 7 ~{Jc JLo~D lJatlJ fo:Cakcn I.lits omne alt11t',
al~ ~ra{t au;;i Iifie a~ it \\'Jere in a \Dine p:cfi'e. anD l}atIJ abl)o~rcb IJIS o\llne ranauani, ~ 1,Jadl
1 6 * ~{Jmro~e ooe 1 'tDcepe, anb mine eyes
ktt,l.\.17 ~ucn tl)e \DalleS!I oftl)eir to\Derts tnto tlJe (Jalll>s
iau!lJ out of water : fo~ tlJc comro~t tbat 11Jou1t1 of tl}cir mcmp : tlJeir cnemieS!I millle a noifc ill
ciutclim me , is ram froin mte: mr clJflD~m an tl)c iJoure of tl)e JL.0111, ass tt l}aJ> bene a folemnc
tl2iucn a\llap, ro: \DI)! ~ tl)c enemp l)atlJ gotten Ccall bap.
ttle \Jpµer l}anb. 8 ~c :tinD ~ to· lnafie llo'llmc dJt
i 7 ~ioncatlttlJ out1Jcrl1an11cs, anDCIJmiS mol~ofttJct>augl}trrof_,., IJe;tfp:caDout

mtmtcs roun11 about ']ac:ob,anb ll)icrufaktn

b£come abomination in tl)e mlJJ1l ofU)cm.
no m~n to comfoit l}tt: tl)e JLoJll IJatl) lapeDtf:le IJis line. anD lne'lD netin • flanb till I)£ lJaD Dl'•
ltrortb t'l)em: tl1Rrfotr.xmlt *turrets, 11111
tl)cb:oken \llallel f'aUZlo'lllnetogttl}n',
18 .qe:JL.,oJbiSTI!JiJtcOUIS.~] baut~' 9 t.m-••flmfltD0~t~tf1e:grountl,
litlllJtlS countenanct bnto anger: llD ta11t (Jab IJcrbanuaretndlCflllllZlfmtttcrnnfuriDcr,IJtt
Bfi ~Ce ptople, anb C:onflller Inf 11mUtndfe, mp fling 81111 PJtnuf al'C aricd aw~y to tl)t (Bmalts:
mat~~IS l1tlb mp roongmen arekll abl11Pinto t1J£r l)aue not u,e lawe, nntl)cr l)cfp:optJets
cap uni tr. 118Ue anr tnfiOrl rrom dJC l.oZtJ. '
19 ']c:ailt~fO~tnl'loatrS, buttlJtp l:J~ZI --~!Hnatllll#eftl)tDall@ttf-nat
ro ~!;:,, mti Pitells anti counr~ bUttlJC!llCfi< bpon tfJt aiount ill Mmc:e , ~ llautftrn'llltn ,~
lbco , cucn 'IDIJtle tlJev foU11Jt - meat to raue aft)ef 1Jpcm d1t# IJtaDS!I • a~l> lil'bell tlJemfelncl! 1

1_ _ _:~tb~r~1r~ll~m~f'.'..._·----------~--~!!!·'!_«i~·~-~i~l!~lltl~i.!...'~-~m~albm~!!!l~of~f)~lcruralein~~~--11 ~~
·' \
]acre ring prophets. Chap.iij. The yoke in youch:~~7~-
l)angDo'alnc ttJeirl)e.aDs to tl)c grounD. nctIJ IJits IJanl! Daplr againf!: me.
11 ~inc eyes DO fatlc tl)~ouglJ toeeping, mp 4 ~r tlcOJ anb mp Cliin IJatlJ IJc maoc olDc,
bo'alcls ooc rwcll, mp Jiucr is po'al1cD bpon tl:Jc anll mp boncts l}atlJ [Jc bJuffell.
card}, fo1t1Jcgrcat IJurtof tl:Jc Daugl)terofmp . 5 . 'c IJattJ bmUlell againfhnc,anll dofCD me
~ ~coplc, rccing tlJe d)tlt11rn anD babess DID f\lloon m'lllttll gall anll traucll.
(1: m d}c «rccts of tl)c titp. 6 ~elJatlJ fetmeinllarflcnelfc, ~ tlJCp tl)at
~ 12 qey IJauc rapb to tf'Jcirmotters' 119lJerc be lleall for cucr. •
\whm its II b~call ano t11inkc 1 tolJrn tlJcp fell botonc as 7 l!)e IJatlJ 1Jct1gct1 me in, tIJat ']l cannot get<. lllOUnbCll in tl)C lltcetSllftl)ecfty,anb toiJen tl)cp out, anb lJc IJatIJ lapD {Jeaup linflS5 bpon me.
~: llico tn tIJcir motl)ers boromc. s ~tiglJ :Jl err ant> call piteouop , pct l)ca•
\~ r 3 lli\lJat llJaH ']] tahe to toitnrtrc agatntl tctl) IJc not mr p:apcr.
; tlJce, 01 'lDIJllt OJall 'Jl lllicn to tl]ec, © DauglJter 9 l!)c {JatlJ tloppcll bp mp toapets toit~ fqua•
~icruralcm 1 ~o 'allJom OJaH '31 compare. t1Jce, rel> tloncss,anll mane mp patl)ts croohtll.
f!DtlJou llauglJtcr ~ton, to comfo1ttl)ce'lDitlJ, ~ 0 ~c laretlJ wait fo1 mce like a bearc, anD as
~. all1 tlJp IJcart is like a maine rca, tolJo map IJcaic a lion m a IJoJe.
., t1Jec1 • 1 r l!)c IJatlJ mamt1mp1X1ape11,anD b~olicn me
-i~., 14 ~IJp ' inopIJe~ (Jaue looficll out bainc ano mP1£CCjS, IJe 1Jat1J lapell me watle.
~~~ foolitlJ tl)tngs foHIJec,tl)cp tJauc not llJC'alC~ t_IJec 1 z ~e IJatlJ bent IJits bowe, anti mane me af$ it
~:::;": of tlJp kecpc tlJcc from capttmtp : were a marke to 11 llJoot at. IJOr, for 1hc
~::: but tl)cp l)auc reene outro1 ti.Jee Ubtitllrns of ba' 13 .~tJcarro'lDCS Of{JijSQUiUerl)atlJlJCCfiJOt, arrow,
ct:,':r nity anti banitl)ment. cucn mto mp remets.
~(!: 1 s au t1Jcr tlJat goc b!' tIJc mar, d~p U,cir 14 '.JI am 1aug1Jet1 to ft:ome or an mp people,
~"''"' 1Jant1s at tl)CC, lJtlr&ng anll 'lDqgmg t1Jc1r 1Jcat1ss tlJep malie rongs bpon mean ttJc llap long.
;-., C bpon tl)C Dl1Ug1Jter Ofl~tcrufalcm, and fay , j\S 1 5 'c lJatlJ fillcD me witlJ bitternctTc, (t maDc
't:.= tl)its tl)e citr tl)11tmcnmllfofatrc, and tlJtiop of mt D1Unkcn \'oitlJ 'll)ozmmooll.
tl)e tolJolc cartl) 1 16 'cc IJatlJ rmitten mr teetfJ in piecc11 'lDitlJ
111 •• •
-·~me 16 ant1Jincrncmictsg~ebpot1Jcc, tl)cpl)itrc tlonc~,anl> roulcll me in tl)c null.
.ftcs. ano grtnoc tlJcir tectl), fapmg, 'Jl..ct b!S Dcuoure, 17 SJl!)r roulc 1>cpartct1 from peace : '.) roigat
~ fo1 tlJc time tIJat toe lookcll toi its t:ome, \\le l]11uc 11n gooll tlJin~.
: ~1 founll anti rccnc it. 18 gnD 'Jl fapb, Sl@p tlrrngttJ anl> mr I]ope its
:x~ 17 iar(Jc JL,01t11Jat1J fulftllcll tf'Je tlJing t1J11t IJc pcritl)cll from tl)c JL,0111.
::wi 1Datspurpofct1to Doc, anti pcrfoJmcll lJits too1t1 19 ©remember pet mp mtrerp anD mp trou,
' m· tl}at IJt l}al! jj DCUikll long ago: I.JC l)atlJ llc1frOpCll ble,tlJt too1mwoot1,ant1 tl)c gall.
mif anti not fparcD, IJt lJatlJ mufcD t{Jine anucrrarp 2 o Fca, in rcmcmMng mp route llotl} tllll re'
'Si~ to trinmplJouert{Jce, (tfetl.lptlJcfJomcoftl)mc member tIJem,anl> it i111Jumbl£D 1Xlit1Jin me.
1.0;: 1 cnemr. 11 'jJ confiller tl)cfc tlJings in mp 1Jcart,1111D 'J:
~,1 , 1· 18 *~eiT1Jeartmct11lntot1JcJL.01t1,©tlJou get IJepc againe.
~l'f00 JJ 'it! of t(Je t1aug1Jtcr~ion,Jet tlJp tcaresmnne 22 Namely,itil!I oftIJe JL,0111s mcrcicsHIJatmr
· oomnc lifte a rtuct'llap anti niglJt, rctl not, anti arc not btterlp c:onrumcll , foi tmclr IJtts ptttrull
let not tl)e apple of tIJinc ere leauc off. compatTion l)atlJ notccafcD.
. 19 ~tanll bp, 'rr in t{Jcnigl)tinU,ebegin• 2 3 ~cmc mcrctc1.111Jall tl)e JL.0111 !l.Je'lDc bpon
mng of tlJc toatclJ , pomic out t{Jinc 1Jc11rt ltlie t(Jec carlp in tlJc nap fp1inging, (© lloJll) great
\'oater llcro:e tl)e JL,01D : lift bp t(Jinc l)anDs t9• i~ tlJr faitlJfulncrre.
\lJarll.a IJim , ro: tlJt liuc11 of tlJF roon!l d;iilo1cn 24 €1JeJL,01t1issmr poition, f11ptl)mproulc,
t(JatDie oflJUn!let in tl)e tlrcctts. t(Jmfo1e totll ~ lJope tn {Jim•
....n~ lo lBc{Jolllc, ©:lo:D, anllt:onfillcttoto"'om 2 ~ © IJo'lDe i,tooll its t(Je LoJll bnto tIJcm tlJat
.. 1
tIJou tiatl Done tlJUts : llJaH tile \\lomcn tl)cn" eat put t{Jctr trUff mIJtm, anti to tl)e toule tfJat rec,
~~ tl)eir otone fruit, eucn clJllil~cn of a fpan long 1 kctlJ after l)im 1
!~ a1an t(Je p:iellts ano,Jctts be Daine in tl)efan, 2 6 ~IJc goon man \Ditb atlnetTc anti patience
~~~ 'tuarp oft1JcJL,o:t11 tarietlJ fo1 ~el}ealtl) oftl)eJL,0111.
:~ • : r ~oong anti ollle 1.ic t1Jo1oto tlJc tfrect!11lP•
,,... ,.1
2 7 cll50011 tt its ro~ a man to take tfJe poke bpon
ont(Jcgrounll, mrma111cnsant1roongmcnare IJim l'rom IJiss routlJ bp.
'If 1: Daine 'lDitlJ t{Jc f'lllotll , tol)om tlJou in tlJc liar of 2 s 'c fittctl) alone, (Jc (lolllctlJ I.Jim thU, Ile•
,1 ·'~ tl}p\\l.iatlJfttl tnlli!lllation IJallput to Dcat{J, pea, t:allfe }Jc lJatlJ tafim rhe Lords yoke tipon l}im.
(1ir~ cucntIJoul)act putd)cm to DcatlJ, anllnotfpa• 29 11.)e lapctl) II IJil!I face bpon t(Jc eartl),if tl)cre uor,mou1h. !
t~i~· rcb t(Jt1u. l}appcn to be anpl)ope. )
: · "· 12 !i!ll)r II tcrrours tlJatarc rounll aboutmc, 3o 'c offretlJ lJffj c{Jccflc to t(Jcfmitcr,IJc totll
· ~hOllJ 1J11tl tIJou m\lell a~ it tom to 11 fcattnar, ro t(Jat be 'ontcnt toitlJ rcp1oc1Jel!I. I
~~ intl'lc liar oftlJc JL,o:llts \lJJadJ none ef,apell, mi, 31 fo1t1JcJL,0111to1llnotfo1falitfo1cuer. ,
~i' tlJtt mais anp left bcIJinDc : t1Jorc.t1Jat] IJaue 32. lBt~t tl)outro ~cc puniflJ, pet accozlltng to
b:ouglJt bp anti notni!l.Jell, l}atlJ mmc encmp lie• tl)c mul~ulle of lJiss mcmes l:Jcc rcceiuctlJ to
-· . , tlropcl!. gr11c:c agame.
~£ Theiij. Chapter.
33 1]'011Jcc t>otlJ not plague mminglp, no: af.
fltct tlJe clJilllten of men,
l~ 1
~o· rot10UJttsto1at1J1J11uc~pcriencc
am t(Jc man tlJat t111ouglJ t:l)c 34. 'Ito tteaD au t(Jcp1ironer1.1ort1Jc eartl) lln•
lier IJUI feet,
~f'' I ~ of nnferr. 3 s ~o ~cdinc U,c iubgcmmt 0£ man bcfoie
fi: . . 1. 'Cl!JOUemcf~tlJ, anlllcll tl)c moll IJiglJ,
& 'IJ
_ ··
mt..~ into D11rli£tletrc, hut not
~~·-...:... 3 ~uretp againftmtissl)ctumcb, i,cctur•
36 -a;o t:Otlllcmnc a man in IJttscaurc: f tl)c tTheLord '
llOJll batlJ no plcafurc in fuclJtlJings.
37 U9{Jatt~ I.Jc tIJcn tl)at ratttJ,ano it com1nct1J
feerh ii nor,

j~1( I
A prayer ofleremie. Lamentations. Horrible fan1ine
to patrc,ann tile Jl,o~D commanDtll it"C!t:' l)onour, anb II dotbtll tllitlJ tl)e mi; ft p~cciouis 1:or,c()
Amos ;.6. 38 * ilDut of tlJc nroutlJ of d}e moa l.J1;'1,goctl) golbc: lJo'alearttl)cp no'm bccomcllkeeartl,lrn porcdh
not cuill 1m1> ~ooD~ . . ,) be[cJl,tfle \tlo1be of tl)c pottersl)nnb '!
, 9 na11rrfotc tl}en motmtetlJ tlJc limng man. 3 ~c!l~agons giuetl)cirroongoncsrucr1c
Ice ()im mounre foJ l)iS owne finnc. '1litl} bare bJcalls.but tlJe baug.l)ttf orntFpcoplc
4o JLrt loollc 'tllen bpon our mares, anll i~ cruell,lilic tl}t rltrict1c~ in tbe milllernctre.
remember our rt1ues, anti tume againc to t)Jc 4 €(Jc tongues oftlJc fuciiing cl)illl~c11Clcauc
JL,ozll. to tlJe roofc of t11eir moutl)cs fo~ bcrp t{Jirll: ttir
4, Jl.d tis lift om !)carts midJ out I.Janbs bit' roong ctJilD.1cn aflie lncaLI, but t{Jerc ts no man
to <60b rhat is in tiJC (Jeaurnf, tllat giuctlJ 1t tlJrm.
4 i nae )Jaae rinnell anb rcbeDcD, chcrforc I.Jail s ~er tlJat\Dmmoonttofarellclicntcir,
t(Jou not tparell. prrifl.J tn tl:Je flm:ts :-t{Jer t'()at afore \um b~ogljt
43 ~ou IJall rouerell bS in tiJl' m~ad1, anb bp in purple., matte now mudJ of Doun~.
pcrremttD bJS : ttJou l)all aaine 'tllttl,lout anp fa, 6 ~(Jc finne of tl)c llaugl)trr of mp pcoµle tis
uour. become greater ttJen tl)c • 'mtcficnneuc of ~o, •
44 ~ou1Jal!IJilltiJpfdfeinadouD,tlJatour nom, * tl)atfuDbmlp ' llrftrorcn,anll not II ta• 1111
wapcrs RJouin not go tlJoioto. hen mitt} {Janns. :
4 s ~IJou (Jal! malle bS ~ tlJc off1:0\D~ing anb 7 ~crllablleincr$$'rocre 'mlliter tl)cn tl)c 010\D io
refute in tlJe milllloftl.Jepeople. 0.1 millte, ti) cir colour 'alas frrflJ, rc?ltle as co11111, ~
46 au our eUC1uics gape bponbs. tl)eirbcautpitflctlJcfapl)irc. ' ~
4 7 :ffcare imll a rnarc is 1:01ne bpon b.Mea,bc, 8 But nowc tllrir faces be berp blaclic, info, r~::.r l
folation anb DeffrUction.
48 ll9lJole nuerJS of mater gull.I out of mine
eyes, wi tiJc {Jurt of tlJc i:JaUgl.Jtcr ofmp people.
49 ~inc ere runnctlJ, anb t:an not ceafe, foJ
tlJcre is no nil,
mudJ tlJat tlJou lboutncll not lmow tlJcm in tlJc D~•
arcct.G : t{Jcirfliin tlcauct!J to tIJeir bones, itiS ~d•~I
\Dttl)crcil,anil btcomc ltltc a ll~F aoe11c.
9 ~tier tlJnt be Qainc 'mitlJ ttle f'roo~D, an !;..... I
{lapptcr tl}m fuch a.a nie oflJungcr, to: ti1cfc µc' ~:11 l
50 ~ill tl}cJL,o~tlloolic bomnerrom(Jcaucn, rifiJ a\Dap a.G tiler \1Jere ilmficn tl)OJO'm roi t~c Geor,rg
a1111 conunrr. lackC' oftbefruits ottl)e fielb. 11, ffi
sr £@inc cres bJraftc mp (Jeart, bccaurc of all to ~lJe'tllotncnmlJti;lJ of nature are pitifuR, 110r,ao
tl.Jena~IJtcrsofmpctcp. . {Jauc foDbcn tlJcir o\Dne c{JilnJen mitlJ tl]eir '~ ~
52 £@me enemies l)unteil me out 11.Jarplp lllie IJanb~,tiJat ~er mi@t be ti)cir meattn t{Jc mife- ~':.:!"
a birll, pra,ann t(Jat \DitlJout a raurc. rablc bdtruction Of ti;JC baUglJter Of mppcoplr. gaioll
s3 <in)ep (Jaue t1JUt bp mp liftinaliungeon, '1 ~c 'JJ.,o~tle f.JatlJ perfo~mt!I ~ts l}cauic 11cr. ·
ann call ltoncs bpon me. to~atlJ, te~atlJ .POtl>~ell out tile runoufnecrcor 110r,N11
54 -m:;iJc \Daters fiowcLI ouer mr lJeall : tiJcn (Ji~ lli(p!tafure: IJee (JatlJ tiinlllelJ a fire in ~ton, rm.
ti)ougllt'.]!,Now am'] t>ntlone. · \D~ic(J l!atll confumcll tlJc fotmnations tlJcrcof. -
55 Jl c111Icil bpon tlJr name, © l!..o~e, out of 12 laettl)tt ttJc fiings oftl)c eart{J, noi all tl)c ~
t{Jt nccpe pit. t~abi~ of t(Jc tooJfD 'tllOUlb f}aue belccuc~ ;;
56 ~lJou t.Jafl l}catt mp t>oicc, mit(Jb~am not t(Jat tlJe mcmp ann anucnary llJoulll l}auc c0111c ,:.~
tlJinc care from mp CiglJing anb aping. in at ttc gates of $icrufatem. ~
57 ~lJOU b~e\Dcfl ntglJ bnto mer \DlJcn] cal, q Which ncuerthcldTe is comctopdfefOHbr
ltll bpon tlJrc: an?> l)atl rapll,<jfcare not. unne oflJcr~opl)ct.G, anll foJ tlJc \ni,fieDn£1Ic of
58 ~ou (!l:> Jl.OJ?I) l)all maintainen tlJe caUCc f}er~icll~, tIJat (Jauc a;rl> innocent bloon itttl.)e
ofmp roulc,an!I (Jail rcDecmell mp life. miotloflJer. .
59 ©ll.o~n. tlJou(Ja!menemrm~ong, tarte 14 :A~ blinllc men \Dent t(Jcp «umbling in
tl)ou ~ caurc bpon tt)cc. ti)c ftrr etis , ann llaincn tl)cmfclue~ blttt ~loon,
6 o ~011 l)all rccnc all ti) cir bcngeanre, an?J fo chat the heathen \!JOU[ll not toucl) tl)e1r gar'
an t{Jcit ncmcct againll me. men ts.
61 ~oul)atll)carlltl)etr 11cfpi;l1tful1:l101D;, 15 l5utt1Jepcriebbntotltcm, 1f(£c re pollu,
ID "JLoJti, rea,ann all tt1elrimaginatioru1 again1! tcil,a\tn1r. gct11oul)ence,touc.1Jnot:fDi tl;cp arc
IMC: bncleam:, anl> bcremoouc!I, pea, tl)ep IJauc rarn
62 'm)elip~ofti)cm t{Jatmea~a:inllme. anb amongtl)c{Jcati)en. ~l.JepilJall no mo~crrwell
tt)ctr bcuitcs tl)at tlJey c:alie aga111tl me all t:(Jc tf)ere,
narlong• 1 6 ~e IJ countcnance eftl}tl-OJ?I IJatfJ banf.
. 6; )3ctJolbtalfo tl}cir fittingllomnt anb tiJcir II)eb tl)em.anb fl.Jal ncuer 1&:1ofit11101e bpon t~cm:
nrmg bp,how] am t{Jeir rang. fo~ tl)ep chemfclucs ncitl1er I rcgarneD t1)e 1mettP, I
64 lRt'llJa~n t{Jem, © l.01b, acco~ning to tfJc 001 pitiell tl)eireflltrf. · , ·
'mo~hl5 of tl}etr l)anllf. 17 110l)crefo~ourqidta&bbl5, 'tlll)1fetltncc
~ 115iu£ tlJcm Uan obflinate f1C4t't, cucn tlJr pet looheb t'orout baine fJdpC, feeing 'alee euer
I ofhcut. cu ..c. toaitcn llpon a people dJat '~ID lloe bS no gooD. ..
~eirccutetl}cm, © :to1t1, mit:IJtbinrtn, 18 ~l)ep far ro a,arpe 'ala1t fot bz, tllat wee .t~~
b~nanon, ann root tl]cm out from bnilcr tl}c can not go rare bpon tiJe llrcets, foJ our cno ts at ~ .~. 1

btaum. l}anb, our napes are fuUiUeb, o~ cnn is come. r·1~:
19 ©ur p~ arr fW!fti:r tl}en t!Jt ca' -~\ ~,
Thciiij. Chapter. 111ess of tl)e natre ! dJrF rouo~eD bpo.n bS on~ ;:.~,~ ~

tillj •
l!lo'm tss tl}egoUI become fO Dtmmc: tl)t 1nountatnr1S.l11D tarD 'matt fo~ bis mft)c 11:111' ~ ~:.~:
.. • • . l1llb tlJc moll fine gol!le ro djangelt:' Dmldfc.
v · arm tlJc ftoncS5 of t1Je ~nctulltit 20 ~vny~bofout/Jmoud), c~tlJC '* 1 111..~
~~lnd)tcoinerofcucrtc anotntrbofd)e...,_ himfdfcbJ!UltaltcnintlJnr
1 2 'filltCbil~mof~iontlJat°Glmal'aJarin net, or \tllJom '1IU rarb, QlnDtt IJis llJallo'&D tocc I ~l ~.~

OJalbc ~d'mrCD altue amon11tlJe l)eatllcn.


-~~niJI \~~
'hemiferie Chap.v. of the Iewes. 2 TL .I

21 9nli ttJou. Sll> tl8llgl)ttt Gt!OOm, t11at btDcl• 9 110CC nwll get OUt/lliUingtDttlJtl)epmll liOr,brud·
ktl in t1Jc Lmll of'°!,be gJan ano tttofC;e.fo1 tl}e ofourltuc~. becaul't oft(JC/lb~eutlJ oft1Wo.1tl• 11or/word.
mp t1)l11l come tinto tlJee alro, t11ou 11Jalt be b1""'
,chou Jim, anD /j llifrouer tfW nallel>ne[e. 1 o ©ur fkin is mane blaclic lifie a~ an ouen,
cva- 22 '<tiJF finnfS arc fuftp puniflJCll, g> tlJOU roi berp ro~c l)ungcr.
oaugl)ter ~ton, l)e \lllU no mo~e carp t1Jec atuap 1 _1 ¢1Jep rautfbe!I tl)c tniues in ~ion.anb tl)e
into mptiuttp: but tlJF tu1£11conefl'c,ID oaugl)ter mau1ens in tiJe cities or'.]Juoa •
<f11om,11Jan IJe tJirttano tutu otrcouert!Jr Cinnes. • 12 ~l1e p1tnccs are (Jangcb tip tDitlJ tl)eir enc:·

The v, Chapter. mies l)anb, tl)ep l)aue not (.Jonourcll tl.Je olbc rage
mens faces.
The: prayer of Jeremie'. 1 3 ~l.Jer ~aue tahm rong men to grtnl>, anll
lU to rcmcmb~ame (il!>)L,o~'bC) tlJebores famteb Imber tlJeir burdens oiwoo!I •
tuf)at is come bpon tis, 'onCioer '* 14 ¢1.le eU>crs l.Jauc ccare~ from tl)c gates,
ih',e· anll rec out II confuCion. anti tlJe rong men from tlJcir rongs.
2 ~tnf)mtanctistumelJ 1 s ~h~ to~ of our (.Je~rt is gone, our II mclobi' II Or, our
to t11e «rangers, and our1Joures ous meeting tS turnell mto mourning. d•nce.
• to tl}e altancs. 16 ¢1Jel/gatlanll of our(JcalJiSfallen: ala~ l!Or,our
3 we ate bnllerltngs tuitlJout fatlJeris. an'b tfJateuet\llectnneb. <Eowne,
our motlJers are as \llil!otucs. 17 ¢1.lercfo,e our ~eart i~ run of (.Jcautnctrc,
4 ooce 1.1aueb1unflen ourtnamfo1money, anb Cot dJCfc tl)ing:s our epcs are Dimmt.
anb our wool! (Jaue tue bl? Cale. 18 l6ccaure or the 1)111 of ~ton tl;Jat t~ be,
s iDurned1s are bnocr perfcrution, \Dun «roreb : info much that tlJe fores run bpon it.
tDearp, ano ~aue no retf. 19 l5utt:IJ0U,ill>Jl.o,11,nmainettfo1 cuer,anb
6 Aforeumr: \Dee peelbeo our felues to ti.le If• tlJp feattuotlll \llitf)out tnb.
IJ'Fptians. and now to ti.Jc atrr1ian•, ouelp tl}at 20 U91Jerfo1e tuilt tlJouatn fo1getbs,anll rot'
we migl)t IJaue b~ enougf1. rarie tis ro long 1
1 ill>ur fadJers (\DIJidJ no\ll are gone) IJaue 21 ill> JL,01!1,tume tl)ou bS tlnto tiJec,(l fo IIJllll
finne'b,anl> tue muft bcare ti) ctr mtmebnetre. 'roe be turneb,rcnctu our bares as tn olb time~ :
8 ~eruants1Jauu1Jnuleoft11$, (l no man u l5uttf)ou IJaft banill.Jcb bis btterir,anb ~aft
bdiumtlJ tis out ortl}eir l.Janbs. bme ~eebmglr btrpleafell at b~.
R. w.
The end of the Lamenutions oflcremic.

~~,~~: ;;~
,~ - . - ~~:


AA The PropheGe of Ezechiel.

The firfl Chapter. fo:me: ~er fJai. tl)c ltffcnc[c ofa man.
1 The time wherein Ezechiel propheficd, & in what 6 ant> cuccy one l)ab roure races, anb cuerr
place. 3 His kinrcd. 5 The vifion of the: foure one7 oftl.Jcm i,an foure tuin~.
~fJciT feet 'were fh'aig(Jt feet, anlJ tl)efofc
bcails. 16 The fa Ch ion and workc ofthe whceles.
2 6 The vifion of the throne, or tlJctr feetliftc tl)c role ofcalues feet. llllb tlJcr
~ltflcrell as t~c appearance orbiatrc bumifbcb.
ni-. ~came to patrein:tl)e •tl)ir• s from tJnocr ti.Jett \llings upon al tl)e rourc
~Df tict(.J pcrc, In ti.JC foUttlJ mo- I 'o:ncrs tl.Jer IJab mens IJanns : anb tlJcr roure
::', ncth, tn ti.Jc liftlJ !lap Of tf1e IJall tl.Jritfaces anb tlJdr tDtng,. iOr,quu.
:'if moncd1. tl.Jat C'.11 b~ m 9 ~rirtuings mere iorneb one to anotl)er: cm;
11 1.a. tl)e millft of tlJe captiuttie, tul)en tlJep 1llmt, tf)cp lookcb net baclic, but e&JJ
_. . bf tl.Je riuer O)cbar) ti.Jc one \Dent aratgl:)t ro:war11.
l)cauens mere openen, anb
~ 1 o lOutrouchin g tlJc rtmilttube of tlJetr faces.
::;:• 2
']J fa'al btrion~ of ~011 : tl}cp fourc lJa?I tfJc c face ora man; anb tlJe face
']Jn tlJtfiftfJ datof t~e monct'IJ,~l.Jtel.J tD8' a lion on tlJe rtg(.Jt fibc. anb ttJcr roure I.Jan tlJe
or •~=~:~ 1
eatrP ~· •
't"D U,e tifth rm of bing 31oaetms capttu1tp, face of an o,:e on tlJc lcftriDe, tlJcr roure alfo t)Bn :i::r.:_::, 1
~'-" 3 ~"c '1'J01ll of tlJc )L.otb '!Jme to cetccl)id tl]efaceoraneagle, rlpt~ i
gna!Wt ttJe1&1telt, tl)cfcnneofl6U!(. mtl.Jelanboftl)r 11 ~us were tl)cirfaces: Rnbt(Jeir\nings [!"n l
" ~l.Ja111cans bp tl)e riucr cttt.Jcbar,'ll'll;Jete tl,Jc !;Jani. tucre(Weab~Utaboue, fo thatt'roowingsofrnc' ~:id&~ i
of U,c JL,oJb was bpon (Jim. rronetucre1ornc!lonctoanot~cr, (I t\llowings i
4 an11 '] loolielJ, anb bel)ollJ,alo:mp 111in'bt COUCfCb cucry one Oftt)eirbOIJitSJ, I
came out of tfJe ~o:U, , a girae ~ui., ani. a fire u CfUet"F one 'wcntitraigl.Jtfo1marri • J tnbi· d anr•tbr•
folllingitfelfein rhccloud, lja b:qwtne«eroUnl> tl.Jcr as tlJc Cpirit_lelJ ~cm' tbitl)tt 11JrF \\lent., ::,~;-:."'
"""'" about it, anDtoidJoftlJtmlbitttJereofassttJeco• anD retumcb nott~ ti.Jett going. ·• ....
:..~· tout ofamber out ofti.Jc mit>ll of tl;Je firr. q anllt1Jefa11.J1onoftlJebcaa~. tfJc(rapp~a·
i:r:.- ' ano out ofdJe mtllS tlJcrcof. tl,Je ltflrnc1fr ranee tuaf!l lifie co ales ornrc,burm ug lihc tlJ cap,
~.,.. of roure b brats appeared , aoo tl.Jt• tuais tlJeir pearancc or crclTcts,it ran amon~ rue 1.Jralt~.111111
I ·~l 1. - - - - -t-,~7-:;; --
, The foure beafl:s. Ezechiel. The booke eaten.
ttic fire ~auea glillcr, annoutoUl.Jetiretl)ere fetmeet>ponmvfect, fo tl)at '.]l lJcatblJimttJat
tocntligbtning. . fpal!e bnto me.
14 !!nil tl]c btlllll3 ramte, an1' rctumeb ltbe 3 anll l.)c faib bnto tne,~ou fonne of man,
ltgl;tntng. , 1 ~nb tlJcc to tl)e ~ilb~cn of1jftad, to a rebel,
1 5 1191)cn '.JI l]ab c::onfiDer~ tlJe beaft~bef]o1b, liouss people, \\l(Jicl) l)aut tcbclkll agatnll mcc,
a \DlJcele bpon tl)c rMtl.J ~1g1J to tl)e bealt~ , to botlJ tl)cr anti tlJeir fo~efatl]cris l)auc 'Q)iclietJlp
qar h•uino II cuerpoft1Jcfourcbefo~e1J115fac::e. be1Jauet1 ttJemfclncs agama tne, cum tmto tlJis
tour~ fam~ 16 ~c falbion (I \DO~ke or tl)e \1>f.Jeele!,1 '0J8!S berpoap.
, ~~at i., • liflc tlJe colour of c-m;~arfi!S? anD tl)e fo~re l)ab 4 fo: tlJef are c1Jilt11cn of a 11 lJarll face, anti 1101,iin
~'~'~':~~~:;~. one rallJion, anl> tl:Jetr fall)ton anb tl)e1r\Do1fle Iliffe (.)cart, 1 tloe fmlltl]rc bnto tl)cm, anti tl]ou dcnr.
to bct~c '""r·
1Vas a" ""OU"'h it \btre 8 b:Jf]CelC in tfJC mibll{C Of llJalt Cap t>nto t(Jcm, ~uis rartlJ tl)c Jlo1t1 ©ob.
" •&;1 »"I ·''
k11•. a tDl)crfc. s !ilnD \DlJetl)cr tl)er 'llJill l.)eare OJ tcfUfe(fOJ I· I
1 7 tWl)m tf1er tuent, tf1er tuent t>pon tl)etr tl)ep area rcbelliouis l)oure) pet tl)cp mar fmo'l:D
fourc fines: tl}cp tumeb not \11\Jen tl)cr \Dent. tl)at tl)cre IJatl} bcnc a J)ioplJct among tl)cm. ;,
r l!rh• """ 18 ~IJCF IJan r rin~is, anb l}ei!,lf]t, aub \lJcre '6 atlb tl)ou ronne of man rearet:lJcm not, ''
rhrwt1ult!5', rcarcfUUtobel)olb: anbtl)cirnngiswcrefUUor neitl)cr be arrarD of tl)cir t:oo~tls, fo1 JI b1ttts anti IJOr,rcL.J;
co:I Utakea. rrcl3rountJabout tl)emfourc. t1Jomel5 are t:oitlJ tl)ee, anll tl)ou Doc« ll'O>ell a' ""'!
19 mtJcn t{Je bcall~ tuent, tl)e \Dl)celers tuent mong fco1ptonis: !care not tlJeir \Do~nes, no: be l12
alfo L>r tlJcm : anb \Dl)en tl)e beatlss \Dcre lift bp aban1ell at tl)ctr lookeis, fo~ tlJer arc a rebellious ,
rrom tl)c cart{J, tl)e t:olJeeleis \Dere lift bp. IJOUfe. i--
zo JWIJitl)crfoeuci tl)eCptrit wastogoe, tf.Jcp 7 ann tl)ou OJaltfpeal!e mr t:ooinl!l bnto tlJe,
U'lrtit ' anb tl]itl)er was tlJe tptrit of t{Je ll'll)cetes t:ol)etf)cr tlJtf \Dill l)careo~refurc, fo1 tlJerarc x
to go,anll t{Je 'OJ(Jecleis tu ere lift bp befoie tl)em: rebelltous. ,
fo: tl)c fpirit of tl)e bea!tis \Dais tn tl)e tul)ecltJ!I. 8 "1t:IJcrtfOJctl)oufomttofmait,Hobeytbou IOr,heaie.. ~
2 r tIDt)m tl}e bealtis \Dent,tl)ey \Dent, (I \D{Jen anttJtnptlJat]faptmtotl)ee, annbenottl]ou ·
ti)er lloon,tl)er tloob, anb 'Q)f]entl)ep\Dereliftell rebellious like ttJe rebclliouis l}oure : open tlJr ,
bp from tl)e cartl), tl')e 1D(Jecle~ t:oere lirtell bp be, moutIJ,anll• eattl)atjl giuettm. ;i:.:"' ' '
fo~e tl]cm : fo; tlJe fptrtt oftl)e beatlrs tua11 in tl)e
9 ann '.ll loohen,antl be(Joltl,a l.)ann \\lass rent
bnto me, ann loe, in it tuais a route ora boolic. =i:.'"' ,;
2 2 .ann tile fimtlitutle or tl;Je firmament bpon 1 o an11 l)e openell it befo;e me, anll it \Daf ;;'~~ !
tl)c I) calls of t{Je bealts, 'IDais like tl)e 'olour of 'llJ:itten \Ditmn anb 'roitl)out , anti tlJcre \llllf ,
ctnpllall, \DoonllcrfuU, Cp~eatJ oucr tl)etr l)eabJS 'Q)~ittm d}trein b lamcntationis,aoo mourning. ~~i:. . ,
2 3 2nll 1.mner tl)e firmament tl)eii tutngis
anti \lloe. ;i:=- ~
The iij. Chapter. ::
\l:Jcre araigl}tfonh one to\lJar11is anotl)er, euerr
~j]~~~:,~:~'~'r one l)ati nuo coucttng tl)etn~anTJ g euerp otttlJaD I The Prophet bcingfc:d wi1h 1hewordofGod, and
wi1h the confiant boldnclfc of the fpirir,is fcnt vnto
"111rln~·· t'Wo couering t{Jem,euen tl)ctr boDieJ!I,
~~n°:: ~~~ r~
24 ann \Ul)en tl)ey tuent, ~ IJearD tt.Je nofft of the people that were in captiuicie. 1 7 The office
~~~~~c~~::,~ tl) Uiin~t3., ltlit tl)t notre ofmanr uiattts, a• oftrue preachers.
tl)e bof~e of tl)e almlgl)tp, tl)e bolc::e of fpeec::IJ, as fttr t~il1 fapbf]e bntome. -mJou
n11tbet Mn so tt)C UOtfC Of Bil l)Otl : Ull)en tlJC!' ftOOb, tl)Cf let fonne ml)atrocuer tl)ou .....
~·.~:~~· ~ ' llo\tlnc tl)tir \llfn~.
1 11
· finl>elt, eat tlJtis roule, anb goe tlJF
2 s .an11 tl)m \Dars a boi'e from tlJe firma, 'mar, anb tpcalie tmto tl}e l)ourc or
mcnt, tl)at \Dal3 ouer tl)efr IJeallJS, ml)en tl)er • ]ftael. i:·
ftooll, illl:J l)all lct Do\l:Jne tl)eir \Dinp. 2 ~o 3\ openeD mf moUtlJ, anb l)c fc!Jtle me l~
2 6 an11 abouc tl)e firmament tl)at \DIJS oucr 'O>ttl) tlJi!S tOU[C, ~
t!1eir {Jeans, tl)cre \lies tl)e fall)ion of a tl)~one, 3 ~nlllJefalbbntome,~ouronncorman, ~
libc a ~apl}tre llonc: anll bpon tl:Je fimilttuDt of tlJpbcU~flJaHcat, antlt~rbomclJSfbalttl.)ouliU ~
tl)c tl)~one br appearance, ars t!Jc rtmil1tube ofa 'nlit~ tins r~ule tl)at '.) 1i1ue tlJet: tlJm DID'.)) eat, ~
man aboue bpon it. ann u mas mmptnoutl) a~ nutet a~ f]onr. ~,
27 9:nl> '):fable al1 tl,Jeappearanccofamber 4 gn11f]eratllbntome>~1Jouranneorman, ,1
and SS t"l,JC fimilltubc OfftrerounDabout 'rottl)irt go, get tlJee bnto tl)e (1oure of~tml. atlll l>ttlart :t:·
a111:1 from tl)c appearance ofl)t~ loineis bp'marD : mp 'Wo~llS llnto tl:Jem. l~
an11 from tl)e appearance of l)tis lOtne~ Do'Q)nc, s ljfoi not toapeopteof*PJOfOUnll lip~anll tScnof ~"
\"Oarb , ') fa\D ass tl)e likenelfe of fin, anD ll~i~t, l)atll language art tfJOU Cent, llut bnto tl}e l)oufe fpcecb. !~
nctrerounll about it. of'.]rrael. . .,
, 2 s ap tl)e lihenrfi'e or a bo'ro tlJat ts tn a c::loun 6 iaot to tnatlt'natiOIW of a atangcfpced,J :.'
tn ~l)e llal:' of rainc, ro \Ila~ tl)c appearance of tlJe anb har11 lan1i1rageis. tulJoft \llo,bs ttJou bnllrr' ·1'}
b~'~lJt11etre rounl> about : tl)t!S \lJass t(Je appea• aanllell not: artat11elp if911Jallfenttl]rcbnto ~t~·
h &o•ft•rrtn~ ranee Of t:l'Je fllltilttulle of tlJe «lDJF of tl)e )l..o~be, tl)em, ttJep \lJoulll l}autlJeadlmc.b bnto tlJce. : ,~:
~~~~·!~~ :b~ nnll \Dl)m '.J rato it, 'JI h rcu bpon 1t1l' face,~ IJear•
1 1
1 l5tMlJe lJouft of -J~ael \DUI not l)eamen \ ~
~:.~~·o:• 1 flene11 bnto tJJe hoke or one; tl)at Cpalle.
btlto ttJce, fo~ tlJet' 'roill not 1Jcar11en \into mre: ·\
• it ~.n,,t~1 T .. 'Jfoi all tlJe IJoufc or~~acl lJaue Iliffe foJclJraDlf. ·, .~
he •J. Chapter.
Lo1D. •
The Prophet 1s fcnt to call die people from thcircr- anb ftubbume 1Jeartis. \~
\~ ·~ ~b tl)m fapb lJe tmto me. -tanll a a«111ntl tlJetr fO.teb_,.,
~n~~::aeg:e:', ~~a;'~~':~~~~~i;:~ ~i~
,11 ••
li .~\'~bpbpontbpre~t(©tlJouronneof 9 !!J!lana11amant.1Jarbctt1Jmtl,let1intaonc , ~
• · · , man)at1lJ9i'tDilltalliel»ttbt1Jet. 1Jaue1ma11etl)pfo1d)eall :.tlJou fbaltnotftarc ~ \'
, \ G",..;. , ~ · . anb ttJe fpmt mtntJ mto me tlJcm, noibe aba11;Jt11act1Jr1t loo~, foi ti.JC! are
2 '~
~, ·.. -~ • 'f. \'l'll)tnl:Jel:)allfpokmtmtomc, anti nbeniouJ!ll:JoUfe. ~~,
~ ....._ _ _....,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~1o~~CI ____..,~~
~·fhe Prophets charge. Chap.iiij. Hierufalen1 bef1eged. 2 73
. :\ 1 o ll)c fapb nuncoucr bnto me, ~ou ronne anb not be ais a repioucr bnto tlJcm: fo~ tlJer are
~' of man, au mp mo~bis tlJat ~ OJaR Cpcalle tmto a rebdlious 1Joure.
~. tl}ce, reutue in tlJine IJcart, an1:11Jeamm mitl) 2 7 lBut mlJm] rpcaflc bnto tlJce,'J1 toil open
~'. ttJincmcis. tiJt' moutl), anl:I tlJou 11Jaltfap bnto tl}cm, ~l}u%
I I an1:1goe, gtttl)ecto tfJc captiuttic, to tl)c fartl) tf:JCl.OJb <5ob, DIJO ro l}earetl)' let lJim
a,tllnenof tlJt' peoplc,anl:I tl)ou OJaltfpeafletmto (Jeare,to(Jo ro tcauetl) off,lctlJtm lcaue: foJ tl}er
tlJem, anl:I fl.Jalt rap bnto tl)em, ~us Captl) tl)e arc arcbdllouis JJourc.
)L,olb eob: but rurelp tlJCl? mm not tJcarc, nci, The iiij. Chapter.
IC' tlJcrtDil tlJcplraue ofr.
u Dttl) t1Jatt1Jefpmttoo11emcebp, anl>'ll I The ficge of the citie of Hierufalcm is lignified. 9
IJrarb bctJtnb me a boi~ of a great wit1 The long continuance ofchc captiuiry oflfracl. 16
lBletfeb br tl)e !,lion• or'.)ctJoua11 from IJU!place. A hunger is prophcfied to come in the captiuitic:.
$ou ronnc of man, take tl)cc a tile,

1 3 I heard alfo tl}e noile of tl)c min!,JlS of tfJC
bcaftis iofntng one 'alittJ anotlJcr.ano tlJe ratltn!,J !tone, anb lap it bcro~c tl}u, anll
oft1J2 to)JctlelJ tl)at mere tero1e tfJC\u, cum a purtrap bpon it tlJC citie of ll)tmt•
noift of greatruOJtn!,J. Calem,
14 ~o'al ml)en tfJe Q>irit lift nu bp anb tooJrc ~ 2 inb lap ficge agatnll it, anb
me amap,] lllcntin bittcrnttre anb f'Urie of mp ~u1Ul a fDJt againll it, anb call a mount agatnll
· Cpirit: but tlJelJanll of tlJe JL..011> bpon mee 111813 1t: Cet tl}e campc alro againlt it, anb lap cnmtne)1
tfron~. Oflllarre againll ttrounD about.
1 s ·~m 1 came to tf:1e captainetJ in Q.Jela, 3. ~01eoucr,tallcanironpan,anlJCct ttbc,
. bftJtlJatllmelt bf tl}e riucr 4!:1Jebar , anb ~ rate t'alin tl)ce ann tIJe cttic fo1 an tron lllall,tl)cn rec
~~.· toI:Jere tl}ep rate, anb '.) remamcll tl}m reuen tlJr fa'e totoarb lt to bcficge it, anD make an af,
~_ l:laieis allonto.Jeb amon!,J tt,Jem. fault a11ainl1 it: tl)iss ll)aU bee a tOflcn bnto tl)e
.... 16 gnl> llll)cntl;Je reum bapcismcre ~pir£ll, ~oUfe of'.)!Crad.
.... t1JeJL..01orap11tmtomc, 4 l5ut tl}ou fl)alt tlecpc bpoti tU1' left fi1:1e,11nl.l ·
::'..:~•JVi· 17 QJouConncofman, •'.ljl)aucmabctf:1cca l~p tt)e an IOfttJe lJOUfC Of'.)\Crad bpon it: accor- ~.~~:~:~bl
<'!· 'alatd)mau 11nto tIJcl)ourc of '.]!Crad: t1Jcrcro1c ding to tl}e number oftl)c 1Japc13 ttJat tl}otHbalt ••0101r11 •no
:1- tl)ou OJaltl)earetlJt lllOJll atmr moutl),ano giuc Qeqle bJJOU it,tl)ou tl,Jalt btarc tlJtlf iniquitic. ~.~~:.~rl~~ ''"
-~ tl}cmmarningfromme. s iJroi 91 lJaue lapel> bpon tlJCC tlJc pecre13 of ~. ;;1~~~[:>4 • 11

- .~ 18 03)Jen 1 UJall rap bnto t~e \Diclleb, ~ou tIJctr iniquitic ' acco•llill" r- n to""'c
. "'·JI b•norromlil•·
bplon) ano
llialt rurelp llic, ~ thou giuell not (Jim marning, llt1pe~,cucn tlJJee f;JUUJ:IJ£D 8111> mnettC f ll8t'C)1, fO M• t&•rb••
1101 fpeaftctl to allmonillJ ttJe 'ID icl!ell ofl)is cuill flJalt tl}ou bcarc d}c inCquitic of ti.Jc 1JouCc of f,:'r;~~~·g~:!''
\Dap, anl:ICo toliue: tl)m11JaltlJcfamc11ngoDIF ]frael. ~tr':~~~-" 1" 1 •
ma111>ie in l)iis omne bnri~tcourncs, but l)is 6 119l)en tf]ou IJall fulftlleb t1:1crc bafC.!$, lie *Vnder-
bloOl:I mill ']j require of tl)ine l)anll. downeagaine, anl:I tlecpe bpon tlJp b rigl)t ribe, lland,fholl
19 ~euertl)elctre, ift1Jou ~uc "Warning bnto *anllbearct1Jertnncisoftf)e1Joureof:Jluna:four, ~h~b~. 11

tl)c 'alichel:l,anll lJC pet tumc not from l)tsbngoll' tic batc13 l)aue] appotnteb tf)ce, ca oar foi 11 rcrc, cl1rro ]0~.::b.
lineffc,8Ub from l.Jis lllicltcD 'alap : l)c llJaU llic in cuen 8 bap fOJ 11 }'trC, t'.'!:1 ;~ ~!;.,~1

io"''" lJilS oblnc micflellndl'c, but tiJou l)ail Dcliuerco 7 ~1Jcrtf01£ fet noto tl)p faCC tO\l>StlJ tfJC CieQC f,; tb•/~~.~~~·
:ft: tlJP roulc. of ll)ierufalcm, anb Dircoucr tl)ine annc, tl}at rourrtr ""'·
Ht U t1 a • tJ 't
20 againe, ifa ft§l)tcou~ man tumc from ...,o m re p1o~"cuc 1t ,.;
agamu.1 • ,Num.r+H
~b"" ,,,
lJiS ri~teoUCnctre,ann 1>0 tl}e tIJing tl)at is ~utl. 8 ~e"olb, "l mill la"~ U11 cl}aine11 bpon t"cc
~ ' ""'' iw~.
tblP baudlri•
1 mill lap atlumblingbloctle befo1e l)un: ann f,lc t1:1at tl]OU tl.Jalt 'U0t tume tlJ£C from 0Uf 00C fO n!D,Co CT!I~<
llJal t>ie, becaurc tl)ou l)all not giuen l)im '\Dar, anotl]tt, till tl)ouIJaa cnbcll ~e Dapc11 oftlJF be' l1o~·b~ods.
ning, llic OJall [}eein l)is o\tlnc finnc,ro ti) at lJiS ficging. · '
riglJttoUCne[c 'allJitlJ bee lJat(J Done fl)al not bee 9 1101Jcrefo1ctalrcbnto tl)ce 'tDIJcatr, barlep,
ttJougl)t bpon: bUt l)il!I bloob mtll '.11 rcquircat beancis,1cnt1~,millot.anb fitctJcs. anD put t[)rfe
tf}ine t1anl>. togctl}cr iu allctreu, anbmafle f;fJcc 1oaucs of
2 r ~eucrtIJclc[c, irtf)ou ab11ionio1 tl)at rigl)• b:eab tlJmof, acco:bin!,J to tfJc number of tlJe
teous man,tlJat ttJC ri~teou13 finne not, anb ro natc~ lltlJattl}oumufl lie bpon tlJt' Ollc,tl)at tlJou l[Or,rhou
dJe riglJteou~ boc not finnc: tl)cnoialll)cliue, n~apelll)aue bJ£8b to catc foJ t1J1ce IJUUllJCl:I anll mull llccpe
bee.sure l)c IJatlJ rccciueb tlJP 'alaminm,ann tf:JOU mnetl' bapes.
l}a(t l.lcliucrcl:I tlJP foulc. 1 o .Qnb tlJt' mcate tl)at tlJou eatcll <hall be br
;:> 2 2 9nl> tl)e l}ani.l or tlJc JL..oJb 'mas t1:1eretipon toei!,JIJt, namely, t\Dmtl' Oclcs eucrr bat': anl:I
:~[(;>,, arife. mc,anll IJe rap!> tmto me, II ~tanb bp, anb !,JO in' from time to time OJ alt tl)ou eate tlJmof.
. to tf)e ficln, tlJ at ']] map tlJcrc talke lllitlJ d)ce. 11 ~ou OJaltD:inlle alfo toatcr bp meafun,
.-1~11 2 ~ ~o tolJcn '] tall riCcn bp, anb ~om foJtl) namcly,tl)C fi:rttJ part Of&19in: from timeto time
~~..:-·~"' into tl)cficlll,befJolll, tlJe •lJlo~l' of tl}c lL DJD aoob fl.Jalt t:IJou ll#nlte.
~/1 •'1:'..' tlJcre, "like t11c !,Jlo1P llltJtd.J 'JI fall! bl' tl}niuer 12 l6arlcp ca11es tl.Jalttl)ou catc, tt tllem fi.Jalt
1 t ~ih· • • ~1Jebar:t1Jenrett'311:1otonebpon mp
1 1 t1:1ou batle in~ mans Dun!,J bcfo:c tlJtir errs. ~::i,rr,:••
i '!:' 14 anbtl)cCpmccamcintonu, 1Dl)ic1Jfctmc
~~they bp bpon mp fcctc, anlJCpallc 11nto me. an~ flll?l>
I 3 !Jilli '\DttlJ tlJat fl;b tl)e )L,Oll:I, cftltn ""'U" 1r111 1camtt1
R *"' ..... 'I
...,e .,.,, i.lJCU 0
r Ao • HJ ,, otr111111 11111
nSCl catc tl.Jcir beftlcll mmmo
,..JPllll pu1 llnto me.II cll5oe tl}p 'alap,anb llJUt dJ1' Cdfe mtin bJCall among tfJc <5entitcis, lllbit\lcr '.]I lllill catt tiurnc.
• ondJ 'P- ~OUfe. tl;Jem.
;)A•bee. 25 l&ClJOlb, ilD tlJOU Conne or man, II tlJtffJ~Ue 14 Q.Jm fapb4JI, ilDlJJLo:b<UJob, bCIJolb, mr
1;~~ M:= p1epateb bonns qainlt t1Jee, anll tlJcptoill bml> roule m~is pet neucrllai11c1>, foJ fro mnoutlJ bp
v ~,.it. tlJcc 'alitlJ tl;Jem, 11n1:1 tl)ou O.Jatt not goe out a· tJnto dJljS lJourc, ~ i.ltl>neucr eate of a 1:1eab car•
ri='* mong
f~;111a ~·
26 an. 1 mill make tllp ton!,JUC bcltauc to
lleife. OJ of tl.Jat 1Dl)ic1J \llllS Oainc of \Dill> beall-.
ncttl)cr came tlJcre mer anp tJnctcanc Hca.i inl
1;1=: J~':: tl}erooreofti)pmontl),~attl;Joufl.Jaltbcbumb., mp moutl}.
- - ' ' ·1.- .... l -1
·The f1gne of the haire. Ezechiel. Idolaters rhreatned.
Is Whereunto IJC anrwereD mee, )L,Ot, '.]!'min miDDc1l oftlJet, anotber tlJirD patt OJaU beflaine
•'Ill:•&... ~.. grant t11ec c cowcartnfS in fftaD ofmansnung, Do1Dne rounbabouttl)ee \Ditl)tlJcf\Do:D, tl)co,
~~,:~~,:g~ anDtlJouflJaltmahctlJl:'b:eRD\llitlJ tlJem. tl)er tlJirtl part that remaineth blill '.JI rcattcr a,
Em.s.•J. 1 6 ant111erarn1mtome, .. '5e1JolDd]ouConne b:oal> toblarlla11 tlJe\DinDe~, ann D~a'lDeouta
r 11: ~., tt,thc of man, '.ll wlll btcallC tl)e rtlaffe of btrall m ~te' C'motl> after tl}cm.
~~:,?:r;;•,r 0 ruralem, anl> tlJCF 11.Jall eate t1Jetr btea~ \llttl) 14 '(ilJUSS 'Will mine inbtgnation beeperfot'
111•u1D ~ur1111. 'meigl)tanl> wttlJ care, anl> tlJnr 1Daterm mca, meD, anD ']] 1l>tll caure mr'tDtatlJ to ceare among
cure ann aaonifiJment llJall tl)cy Dttnfie, tl)em, anD] mm bed comfo~teD : ro d]at 'tlll}en 1 ~f"'
J 7 -$l]at tl)ep l}auing 8facfte Ofb1C8Danb ma' lJaUe fulfilJeD mincanger again ft tl}ern,tl.Jep fl.Jal rrlil~ac I
tcr, mar be allonieD one at anotl)er, anb be con' ftnotu tl}at 'JI tlJe JL,o~D tutti) a feruent teloune ~C..?'i
rumen tn tl)etr tniquitir. l)aue Ci!_Qlim it.
1 ~ SlllJo~eouer, j\ \lltll marte tlJee 1Datft. anb a
The v. Chapter. reptoclJ among all tlJe IJeattJen tl)at D'mell about
I The ligne of the haires,by w fiich is fignilied the de-
firuelion of the people. 6 The caufes of the anger
tl)ee,in tl)c fi!Jl)t or all ti.Jent tlJat goe bp ti.lee.
I 6 ~o tlJOU 11.Jalt bee a rrp~clJ anti il1eme, a '
ofGod toward the people. ctJafttCcmmt anD a tuonbering bnto tl}enattonii
Ja ~ tfJou Conne of man, taflc t!Jee tlJat are rounll about ttJee, 1DIJen '.3111Jall ei;erute
tlJen a OJarpc bnlfc, namely, a bar' ~uDgementss in tl)ee, in anger anti tn \lliatlJ, anl>
bcrs raro1, take tf,Jatto tfJee, anD m11Jarpereburtes,'.]J tl}e ll otD 1Jaue rpolim it:
~ 1~·i~~:~~r caure ttto paffe bpon tlJp IJcan anD
17 nel)en 1 llJall Oiootc among tl}cm tlJepc·
•,.. bpon tlJF bearn: tl}cn tafle tl}ce nllouscDartsofl)unger, to~id)flJallbcfo1t1.Jeir •
\1Jc1g1,Jt rcatcss anD lliuloe tl)e haire. oettrucnon,tl)erefoie 11.Jall '.ll fiJoot tl}em,bemure ~1
z ~ou 11.Jalt bumc toitlJ fire tlJe tfJirD part '.JI U1tll 11c1lrop pou, *JI \Dill mcrcare IJunger bpon :,n
~h'~'~'~~~fc~ in ti.JC miDa OftlJC bdtie, 'llllJm tlJe bape,6 Of tl)C POU,Blltl \lliH bJCSfie pour l!affe Of bJCalJ, arr._
~~w.~·;1~~.,. ficgearcfulftllcl>, anD tl}ou tl)alttatletl)e otl.Jer 18 Ul0lagues'lllill '.)CcnDbponrou, rca,anll 110r..r.m..;.
~""'·'".. 4· t1J1ropart, anDClntteabontit'lDitlJaflnife, an1> 'tllitbeD beatl.6 alfoto (poilctl)ce, pctltlenceano ·--, ·
;:.'.~~g~~'~ln me fall tl)irD
""" orn11rncr, u;1 . l
part tlJOUf 11Jalt fc:attcr
~ ~
in tlJe tuinD, bloOllffJCl>Dintr
. fl! »
{ball come bpon H<cc, HJ
\f H<c

u brrct1mh '"' anl> :Jl 'mil D1a\l1 out a \l101ll a~~er ~"em. 'tllll ~ b1ing oucr tfJce:] t!Je )LOID f)aue fpolie it.
~~g;~·g•«:, 3 ·dn,Jou DJalt alCo take t11mor a re111 in num'
~~.~~~~;:;~"" ber,ann binD tl}em tn tlJF tap. The vj. Chapcer.
rm010 rboli 4 ~f tl)em pct O)alt tlJOU taltt,anb caa tl)cm I He lheweth thn the people thall be plagued for the
H'·~~.~~1:rn into ti.Je mt1>a of tl}e r&re, anb burne tl)em in tl)e finne ofidolatrie. ,,
~~.~'ib:r.~~~; ft re: tl}ercot OJ all a ft re come f 001d} into all tl}e .~ eu~e \»01b oC tf)c )Lo1b came 11~ :
::~·;:~:.~:; l)ourc of'J1frac1. ~~.\~to me,faptng, ·
nno b1rorrCJt· S SJWoieouer,tl}USS CaitfJ tlJe Jl.,o~b 00b,~ts 2 ¢1Joufonne ofman, *Cettf.W Ezcc. ~1.1; ::
~~~~~~~:,~~\ fame is IJ3icrufalcm, 1Dl)id) 'JI rec in tf)e mtnaor race to tl]e mountatnes of jjfracl, ::r.
~;!.~~~o ~'" nationl! anD countrepss rounD about ber. ann wopl)efie agatntl tl)em, 1
~:~·~.~';1\:: ·
6 )But llJe l)atl) ct)angcD mr iuDgments into 3 ~nblap, $eare tf,Je\llozn oft(Jc lLOJb <l!Jotl, ': :.:·
l!Utau•. \llicliellnclTe mo Jc tlJen tlJe nations, ann mp fta, © pc mountains of ']]frael, ~us l)atlJ ti.Jc JL,otll t: ~

tutcs mo Jc tl)en tl)e countrcrss tlJat ~re rolinD a· 000 Cpo'ken to tlJe • mountains,IJilS, riucrs,anll •11r • ,,
bout l)cr: (OJ tl)cp l)OUe rerufetl mp tUDgnnent,6 DalcSS, laelJolD, euen I \llill bting a fttlOJDe bpon ~= ~
anti mp tlatutess,anl> IJaue not \llalliell in tl}em. rou,anll ~ 'mill ocfltor pour IJiglJ placrs.
1 ~l)creroJe tl)u~ Captl)tl)e )l..OJD(![50?1,!fi'oJ 4 Foura1tars11JallbenrllropeD,\fFOUrima• ::.. :.-:
~ ••:,...:!r!~ rour' multiplpingmott tbr.n tlJe (![5entileSS ttJat ge~ or ti.Jc runne OJalbe woken Do\lln,rour oaine :,:. :,;.
= i~

~~:;~:~·~0 D\lltU rounD aboutpou, anD becaufepe l}auc not men tutu 'JI call l>o'mnc befoJC pour iDoles. ·
~~:~~~"·· 'tllnlflcD in mp lames, neitl)cr l)aue pee bcpt mp s .QnD tl}e Deai:J rarlieifeii of tlJe Cl)tllltctt or :::
~mt1111. ~ 01bmnnccs, no, rec llaur not none accoJbmg to 'Jlfrael 1Di1'1 Ucatl llcfoJe tl)c1r il>olrs. rom boneSJ 101~
ttJc iuDgcmentis of tl)c natton~ tl}at are rouno a· mil'.]! rcatter rounb about rour altar~. ~::
boutrou: 6 ']nallpourb\llcllingplate.6rourrittct11IJ!tl
s -m;!)erefo~e. tl)uii cartlJ tlJe. JL,o~b (![5olJ, l5e, be Defolete, anti tile l)i!JIJ pla,cs lapb 'alaae, ro · "'
lJOli), ']\ \llill alfo come &gainll tl)ee, 'Jl mp fetrc,'J tf,Jat pour altars 11Jalb£ mane 'lDatle anll Defolate, ;-.:.
rap: fo~intbemtnaoftl)ee'm1D')eye,ute.iu11gc, po11rt1>oles11Jallbe btolien l/anDabolillJC!I, ann l!Ot: , ·~
ment in t[Jc figlJt of t[Jc (JeatlJm. rour images oftlJe funne OJalbc mt Do'lDne, anll ,c.Cr. , .:::~
9 ann '] 'mill boe in t[Jeeaii ~ ncucr DiD be- rour \llOJltts quitctalicn awap. \, '~,

1 ~re,ann as 'll\llillneuerooe. tlJe ltbe fromtl)at 1 ~lJc nat11en1al fall aanon1 rou: an1> FCC \,"-

timefo~tlJ, nnll tl)at becaure of all tl;Jine abomi, 111alhno'lD tl)at ']am tfJe i.0111. \"
nattons. s 1!?etwill '.]1 teaue a mnnant,tlJatroumar ·' •'" ....
11'oi in tl)e mtDbefl or tlJee tl}e fatl}erl!I flJaU IJaue fome tl)at 11Jalefmpc dJd\voib among tile ,,\.•
ctlJnt~ t\Jeit owne ronnes, anll tl)e Conness tl)al eatc nations,\Dl}en ree man be ffattcrel> tlJoio'lDe tlJc
etr o:mne fatlJers, anti] \Dill ere&ute iullge' 'ountrcrs. :~~
~m~t: tl)ce~ an11 tlJe 'tlllJolc rcmnantoftl}ce 9 anbt1Jcyt1Jatd"c11Peofrou,fl.Jalt11i11kebp,
31 cattermtoaUtlJe'minDs.
' 1191Jttfo~e~ass trulp as 'J liue,fattlJ tlJeJl..oitl
onme amon11t1Je (Jeat1Jenbl1Jertt1Jcyn1albem
cap?uttte , becaure. 'J IJ?Ue beenc II b)olien : fOJ ![O•. ~~
<3o'!l,turelpfertngtl)out1allbd0l'Dmpfanrtuarp tl}ttr 'mlJoiillJ ~eart\DlJJd) IJatl) DeparteD from ucd. ~:
'ontl) an maner of abominations anb 'lDitlJ all mr..anb fo~ t11e.1r eyes tl)at (Jane gonc a 'lD(Jo~ing .\
n1amerun olfentts: ' arm tlJeir tbo~: anD gtlJcy~au be abboJreD be• 1or.chc7 ''~
cfouIJtis caure bltU 1 alfo bdfror_ tl}ec, fotet(JciroblneiesHo:tlJeeu~~'«»IJKtJtl)epl)aut lhalb• .. /~
mme ~e llJal not Cpare tl)ee neit1Jenvlll 311Jaue commttteD tn all tl)eir abOnunations. lhamed"' .':.
anrp1t1e. ' 10 anb tfJcra.ian~:ai tlJat 1 am ti.Jc lLo:b, chcrofciLll' ~~:·
3 flDne tbtrb part of tl)ee fbaU bie or tfJe pc' ano tlJat '.11 baue noc ra1D mbame, tlJat 31 \\loulll ·
tlitrnce, anb Dian be conrumc11 of IJunp;er in tfJt Doe ff1i 15 euill bnto t1.1em.
--11__.;____;__:_.::_:__:~=.:.::~~~~~~~~·~.,.~~~~~-------1---· '\
~-;:_:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;,;;;;;::,:;;*""'=~:;_::;_;:::__::;_=;;;;:;;;:::::;;::::;;:::=-======::""""---------~I~IJ~~·!!!.lU!!IS~I- - - ~.~I
,:\n end oflfrael,
Chap.vij.viij. and caufe thereof. 2 74 '
~· •r,finice 11 ~Uf fattlJ tl]e JL,0111 '300,IJ b~mite tlJine 1 3 ~o tl}at tl)e rrucr OJal not come a11atne to
~· Lh chine l)antle:f tOIJCtl}Cf , 8Ub ftampe \lJjtlJ tlJ1:' frete:., tlJ~ tl)tnn t~at l)e rolb, altl)ougll tl)ctr life ~e dpct :b,t;.~;: ~~·'"
'\nd,and anll rar, naoet1)o1tf;J all tl)e abl)omtnationf anll \DJtlJ tl)c lmm!J : fo: \lllJen tl)e p:oplJecic ' 1ub.1e, mbrn
'\~~:;'.1 h \Dtdiebndfes oftlJe l)oufe or'])rracl:Joi tlJ~ llJal picad)cll bnto al t(Jc people, none rcturnco, no ~~:~.r~~~·r~,'1;
1 ~\,,111.1111D fall \llitlJ tlJCf\DOJbe, \DltlJ (Jtmgcr, anb \llltlJ pc• ma~ llJ~ll carcngtl)cn l)imretre in tl}e intqmtte ~t~.g'b~;~:.:
~1\~i~~bi!,;,h lliltt1'C. . . ofl)t~ ltfc. · ~'i':.\i.~;,,
:i,'l11 b11ratru i 2 JW(JO fo IS fam Otf,{!Jal bU? OftlJepelftlmce, 14 r'ai;IJC" "'aue
blo\tlen """e
trumpet, anti llJ•llm•i•••
~~'!::." IJee tlJat It> nigl) at (Janbe, OJall pmlb \DitlJ tlJc
C munO:ronB "'
mabeanreabp,bntnonei.toettJto ttJebattel:ro, ~''"a~ ••.
~:;=:.: fmo~ll. anb tl)e re:mnanttlJatarebeficgeb, llJaH mp toiatb ts bpon tIJe \tlfJofe multitube. 1..:i;~.~~':"
). •· bit or(Jungcr: tl)us mil 'Jl raticrte mp m~atl)fUll 15 ~{Je f\llo,o !halbe \Dttl)out, pelltle:nc:e anll ~;:~,~~~:,~~"
~> IJifple:arure bpon tIJem. lJUn!JCr \tlitl)tn: Co tlJat 1lllJO fo IS in tlJC ficllle c~nu.
It 13 anllfollJall pc kno\tlflJat']amt(JeJL,0111, Dia_lbc fiaint\llitlJ t1Jd\llo~t1,anll 1Jc tl)at t~ in tl)e
"~ ml)m tl)etr tlaine mm fl)al be among tlJe:ir iboll cihc flJall bee lleuourco \DitlJ fJUn!Jcr an!> pelti,
~t.n1n1n, rounllabout tlJeir altars, bponeue:rpl)lgl)l)ill lencc.
;~.U,:. ~~1'.' anll tops of mountaines, anll bnbcr e:ue:rp ~em
1 6 l5ut tl)cp t(Jat flee a\nap rrom tl)cm , fbafi
::~1·~~.~ 1 b· tree, anb tmbcr e:ue:rp tllithe ©ake, euen mtlJe cfcapc, anll itall be m the mountainc~ Ufle ttJe
;.·~,:.~.i., pla~e~ \tll)crc tIJep l>ib otrn: rmeete rauour to an ooucs of tl}e ballcp11, all tf)ep flJal moume,euerp
·~urr•d• tIJetr tl>Oles. one fo~ lJis iniquitte.
~;':.lTr.. 14 ']) \tlil ffrctd)rntne(Janbe outbpont(Jcm, 1 7 :lll l)anoes ll.Jalbe let l>o\llnc, anl> al rmce15
ci;•::.'" ann mill mahe tlJe 1an11e maae anll befolate, iIJalbe 111ca1teas tl)e 'a.later.
:::~:~~~ 1 'from tlJe \lllll1crnes bnto WiblatlJ. tt1010\ll all 1 s * -m..(Jep 11Jal giroe tf)emfelucs mitlJ rack' EC.i. 1 5•'.
:::;..._~.•b, tIJeir l)abitation~ : ano tlJC!! tl)all lino'w tl)ac '.ll clot(J,feare fl.Jal couer tf)em, llJame IJ)all be bpon ..... 4H. 37·
-•be h
~::: -~ am c.,e l!.oJll. al faces, anti balonetrc bpon tlJrir I} cab~.
19 ~ctr ftluer tl)all tl)ey can foo:tlJ in tlJc
Thevij.Chapter. ftrcets, * ano tlJcir 110111 ilJillbe tJefpifctJ: pea, tl)cir Prou. I I. 4•
2 The end ofall the land oflfrad !ha! fiiddcnly come. mucr anll gol!le tl)al not bee able to l)cliucr tl)cm reel, p l ·
20 The caufe of the ddlruction rhcrcof. 2 3 The
intlJt!>apoftlJe\\J~atl)ofttie 11011:1, tIJepOJalnot foph. 1.18.
Prophetiieommaadcd to t11cwthe (ummc ofthc raticrte tlJcltfOUl~ ,neit1Jcr Ill tfJCir lbcllie~ tl)erc'
cuils that are at hand. \llitlJ, bccaure sit II \lla15 a 1llimbling blocltc of ~ Or,bow.
~~~ I!)~ \»o~ll of tl)c JLoill ,ame bnto els
..,ctr tmQUtttc;
""1 • • · · •
g ibnr 10 ,
me, raping, 20 $CC l)all alfO fet tl)C bCSUtiC Of'l,JfS h omil' Olurr bio~~'JC
2 ano tIJouronnc ofman, t1Jus ment in inaieftie: but t(Jep matJc images of tllcir :~:~.~ ':. •.h;~
~ · · ~ rarctlJ tfJe llozo ©oil, an cnlleis abomination"' '~ anb II lll""inccre
HJ in it JH)"""crcfo•c
~ ''"'"''""
~~ come bnto tl)e lanb of'])frael : re11 (Jauc '.Jl fct It rarre fro~ tIJcm., . rnine is for
bcrtlp, tl)e cnll commetl) bpon t(Jc roure comersi 21 ~01coucr,'] \ll1lgtuntmtotlJe(JanM of 1hcir ini.
of tl)e lanri. arangrrs to be fpotlell, anl> to tlJe \1.licke!l of tIJc qui11o.
3 t:lo\ll OJal tl]e cnl>e come bpon tl)ec: foi ']J cartl) fOJ to be ro~bctJ,anb tlJcp OJal pollute tt. ~:~:,~:;;,,~~,
~.udze t»tl fcnl> mp m~at(J bpon t1Jec, an!> will I punillJ 22 ~pfacc\\Jtl]turnefromtlJcm,mprccret '!Or,1doh.
;, ~e acco~lling to ttw wares; ano II rcmar!J tl)ce place UJalbe !lcfiletl: foJ II bur11lar11flJal110 into it, ~ o,, de-
... ~Y'P- after all tIJtnc abominations. ano pollute it. ttwyers •
;~cc. . 1 4 Sl@ince)!cll)alnotfpare tlJce:.. neitlJcr\tlill 2 3 ~afie a d)ainc: fo~ tlJe tnnl>e t~ full of tl)e
.~~ wil
:: , ~pon
']J IJaue pitic, but 11 remarll tl)ce atco~l>ing to tlJr
warts, anll bcclare tlJine abominations : tlJrn
;iuo11ment ofblooll,~ tl)e citie is fill of c~to1tion. r.,~~·.v:,
a 4 lli)lJCTcfO~C ~ \llll b~ing tl)C moa U'JiCflCll Of rcmDmb.
~:::,aud IJ)all re llno\ll tfJat ']Jam t(Je l-0111. tl)e l)cat(Jen to taltc t1Jeir (Joure~ in pocrcmon, '.l
:r.-::-~ abo. 5 ~[Jus fattlJ tl)c JL,ozb 001> , '5c1Jolll&, one 'mil matte tl)e pompe of ttJe tttiglJtp to ccafc, anll
•:;;: 11ions cud fball come nfttt anotl)cr: t1Jeir k rannuancs 11Jalbe befilco. k 1ll•rl-.
·,~bein 6 ~eennci~)Jere, tl)emllelfayiscomc, it
is JWl)m llctlruction i~ come, tiJep 11Jall reme a1N:n lnb«b l»a1D1•
'.~nsdft 'roatd)rb ro~ tl)cc :bcl)olb, it is come already. peace, but tlJepllJall hauc none. fnro
t~'rrpartf 1
S~~·j, ·~· 7 ~l)c • momtng is come bnto tIJcc tl)at :2 6 ©ne mifcl)tcre 11Jall follo\ll anot{Jcr , anb Jlm,6.t,
~: =z."' ll\lleUelt in. tile Ian!>, tl)c time ts at 1Jant1, U,e oar
one rumour llJall come after an other: tlJen fl.Jail
::_........ ortroublc1111Jarll bp, an!> not tlJe bfounllmg a· tlJep fctlte a bifion in vaine at tlleir f;)Jop(Jcc' tlJc
~., ...... gaine ortf)cmountatnes. JL,a\D 11.Jall perillJ from t(Je 19#c!t, anti counfell
·~~-: 8 ~o\D 'Jl \Dtl11Jo~tlppo\ll~eoutmpro1cbtf. from ttJe ancients. .
~ ~.. plca,urc ouer t!Jee, anll fullil mp \ll~atlJ bpon a7 1ltl}e laing fuall moume, tIJe ~~mcc OJalbc
·' tl)cc: ']J mil iUlJgc t1Jce after ~P 'mares, anll re• dotl)ell witl) llcfolatton, ano t:lJe f)antlc~ of tlJt
•l r. compcnfc t1Jcc all t1Jtncabom1naho~s. people in tl)e lanll OJalbe troubletJ : 'JI mill 110 tJn,
' · 9 S]@tne cpe OJall not fparc, nc1tl)cr will '31 to t{Jem arter ttJcir o\Dne mares, aaoJlling to
,lJ:c'vp- 1Jauepttie,butllrc\llaro ttJce ~l'tcr tlJ1:' ~aics.anll tl)eir o\Dneiut1gcmcnt11 \Dil 'JI iutJgc tl)cm: anll
~;, c. tl}incabominations OJal be mtlJe m111a oftlJec: tlJep niall lmo\D tlJat '.JI am ttJe JJ..o~o.
f!; anll pe OJallmo\D tl)at'J\ am ~JL,~~b il)atanitet1J. Theviij.Chapter.
•~ 1 o l5cl}ol!l tl)e nap ,bel)olll IC tS co_mc,tl)e mo:'
:f::::: ntng il5 gone foo:tlJ, tlJe roll ' tlounllJetlJ, P1lllC 2 An appearance of the fimilitude of God. 3 Eze-
chiel is brought to Hierufalem in the fpiric. 6 The
~::::-. l)at(JbUll!JCi), . Lord (hewer& the idolatries of the houfe of Ifracl
~~;t!· 11 crruettie tis \tla~n to arol> of\lltc~ell~C(fc, and chic A~· of th~ priell:s: ' j
-1.. ' none oftlJCln 11µ11 remaine, none of tl}e1r. r1c;1Jess,
:~zone II not one or tlleir recl)C,anll no tamentat10n ft.Jail Jllloitmasm.tIJe •firtpeere, tn t(Je , 1Dtt0t1111.. I
~iar. be mal>c fo~ tlJetn. . fi~t moneth~, m tile fiftlJ day of ""c utm •rJ<1r 1
, WJ n1a.,fo1~
~· 11rcs. 12 ~Jetimccommctll,thel>ap!l~a\lletf)m~: monetlJ, .ll fate m nt" lJoufc, anti cone,...
:1 \lll)o ro bup~tlJ ~let lJim notrciopce, l}ee ~at rel' •"".,e ... I
Iii' oers o .3JUba fate bcfo.ic tne. "'"':f11:1ro I
< ,..., ...., .....

lctf),lct f)im not be row: foi wlJrt m~atl) 115 bpon • ano tlJe IJanll or tl)e JL0~11 (;15ob rr.11 ~~ ~i''0o" I
an ttlc multttubc tIJcreof. tl)ere tlpon mec.
2 ~llr11I I
Vile idolatry. Ezechiel. Themarkedj
2 ~IJm 1J lltl)dD,8nD Jo, there was a lillmtlrc ons b'llJiclJ tlJC\' bO l)CTC ~ 1j'O~ tl)ey l)auc fiUcD tiJC , ~~
as tlJc appearance or fire : rrom tlJC !PP,Ur~nce lanb fUll of \DickcDnetrc, anb tJauc rttumtb to l•b ra'
of tJis loineii Do\'lln'lllarD. fire: a11t1 l'ro IJJS lo~cs piouofle me to an~cr, anD loc, i tlJC11 arc puttinig ~'
bp'lllarb as tljc appearance of bitgl]tntll'c. ltflc tl,Jc II b1ailtlJCl'$ to tlJtirnores. ~.~
the colour of 1unber. . . 18 ~crefOJC 'mill 1 alro Do fomctlJing imnt r':':':;
Dan.11 ,is *.llnDIJeclltctclJebOUt tl)C ltlimctrcofan 'ID18tlJfUllbtfpleafurC, fott!atminecpcll}allnot t..,
b ~11i.11iu
anD toofic me bp an IJatrf loellc of mp ()cab,
anD t!Je tptrit lift me bp .bct\11_1~t ca~ anb l1f;B•
ucn. antJbb1oug1Jtmc inatn~ncbtOonto$t~·
Cparc tl)cm, neitIJer 'llltll ']J bauq1itl:' : rea , anb
tIJougl) tl:Jct crp tn mtne caress 'lllttlJ a loub boice,
[=- :
1101, ·
!~~ ~.T:'· rufalcm,into tlJc cntrr oftl)c mncr' gate tlJat ~·
The ix. Chapter.

~·&\. ,...,o ctlJ to-warD tl)e ~01tlJ, \DIJm rcmamcb tl)c U''
~~:~:~'::~'.' magc or d emulation and ofgaine. 1 The ddlrucuon of the citie. 4 They that !ball be
.llnD btl)OID, tl)cglo1p oftl)c«5ob of')ft'ad faued,are marked 8 A complaint of the Prophet
r~r~~:~i~'. was in ti.JC fame pla~,euen a15 '.]l lJab fcmc it afoJC for the deftrullionof the people.
r1on, bcc.auec in tlJe fielb. Cf mcb alfo toitl) a Iotlb botce tn .•
~~~~~·~~"'· 5 ant1 IJcfaib bnto mc,-an,ou fonnc or man. mtnc caress, raping, J2)1a'ID necn ~
r.t~·~ ~~'::1• lift bl.' tlJinc cpcSJ nollJc to\DarD tl)c Y.lo:tl): tl)cn
pc• btri~attonss of tlJ~ citic, mcrp :,'iJ:..""' i
~~:.·~.~1.. life 'JI bp mtnc creSJ towartl ttJc ~o~tl), anD b~· 1_11a~ \DitlJ a t1c«ro10111 \1Jcapon ~~
ma[e:of CDctr 110lllc ~o:tlJb'larD at ttJe gate of t:IJC c altar tlJl)'$ mIJ•SS IJanb. Dllllflll'- I

;~~·~~1~&·. ,~nb II image ofemulation was in tl)c cntrr.

:z. anti bcl)olD,f1:1cn came tl)ttc ~.. ·
~~~D[~bri~~~:~ 6 ann1Jcfilpbfurt1Jmuo1cbnto me, ~ou bfii;c men out oe tl:Jc Urcetof tl)cbppergatc to, ~=.•i
~"'.I~.f~~~·· ronnc of man, fcctt tl.)ou uot tol.)at tIJeCt boe·~ 'marb t1:1uao1t1J, ~ euerp man a DatJ«1'trr toea· u1111111.
~:~;,c,00·t~... naf~~ly. tlJ c grc~t .a~~inationfJ tblJ?t tl)c IJfrourc
p1romnaoc o 31 .rac1comm1tm...,1sp cc, to imcmc om 18 pon in l)il'$ IJant1: qcrc \1J8)'$ oncamonllft tlJcm
tl)at(Janon IJimltnnmraimmt, anba'ID1itcrs
~.~1:" •• mp ranctuarr ~ l6ut turnc tl)cc about, anb tl)ou 'inhcJJomc bp lJi~ ribc: tl)efc tome in, anb aooll :,~-:i 1
iOr,idole, OJalt rec pct gnatmlbomination15. bcClDctlJe biarcn altar. "'"•1111111
1 anb'mitl)tl}atbioug1Jt1Jcmetot1Jtcoutt 3 anb tl)c glow of f1:1c<3ob of]rrad toass DllllWUI& ;
gate, anb tolJm] loobcb, b~olbetfJm lDSIS a gone from tl)c 4Cl)crub 'mlJcmpon it \118)'$. to tl)c 1
l}olc tn a toan. t1001c of tl)c tJourc: anb l)e calltb to ti.Jc man tllat
s €l)m fapb (Jee bnto mu, ~ou ronnc of lJall tl)c linncn raimmt bpon lJim, anb t{Je ~t·
man,lligge no\D tn tl,Jc toaD: anb to(Jcn 31 biggeb ters mliclJoinc bp IJifJ ffbc.
ill tlJC b'lall, bcf1olll there was a b001C• 4 anb tl)C ll..oitl fapb bUtO IJ(m, <l30C tlJ010\1J
9 .ant11Jc faptl tmto me, «50 tlJp 'map tn, anb dJc miDft of tl:Jt citp, cum tl)o1om t{Jc mtllt of 1
Ioobe \DlJat 'lllickeb abomfnatton11 tl]ep tlo !Jere. 'imafalem, * ~ fct a markc bpon tl)c foJcJJcab; Ei1D.n.u :
1o ~o '.]\ 'lllcnt in. ann fato, anb bCIJolb, there of tlJcm tl)at mournc anb fl arc ro1p roi au ti.Jc a• 1p«.1,.1- ~
r cah1c11111m were all mancr of crccpin~ t1Jingl'$, r anb abomi• bomination• tlJ«t be bone tIJcrcin. 10r,gx, '
~~'i.~b:,L~· nablc be~, anb all tl)c illo!S of tl)c IJoUfC of'.]lf, 5 ~nb to tfJt otljcr l)ee fapb, dJat ~ mfpt "
mc.u. raclpaintcllbpontl)ctoallroUnUbOUt. l)carc, ~OC pcaftcr l}fm tlJ010to tlJC citp, Billi
11 ~m lloob alfobefo1c tl)cimagcst!J1ce rmtte,letpourerc•fparcnone, nnt1Jcr1Jautrc "·

rco~c anll ten men of tlJc ancimtl'$of tl)c IJOUk of anp pitr: •.
']fracl, anbint1Jcmitiftort1Jcmftoob '.)aa1ant, 6 11\tll anbbcl!ropbotlJ olllemcnanbpong,
a.11 tl)c fonnc of ~aplJan. \Dftl)cucrpmanlJiSS msibcns, d)illl1t'n. anD lDomrn: but~fo1au
ccnro~ in tJts 1Jann,ant1 tl)e rmoafic of tl)c 1mcnrc tIJofc tl)atIJauc tl]c mamc bpon ti.Jcm, fee tl,Jat
afccnllcb a11 a cloUll. re touctJ tl)cmnot, anb bcgtn at mp ranmmtc.
12. ~en fapll hcc bnto mce, ~ou fonne of ~en tlJcr bcgannc at tl)c anctcnt men lPfJtdJ
man, t:Jall tl)ou fccne \'IJIJat tl)c ancf mtfJ of the 'mere bcfoie tlJc l)ourc.
\[Or,inthc lJourc or ']Jfracl Doc II recrctlp, cucrp one in tl)c 1 anb IJe fapb bnto tlJcm, Ji!)cfllc re tfJe tern•
<lnke, ~ cl) amber of l)itS imagerp '! roi tlJC\' fill:', '4t1Jc pie, ftTI tl)c courtSJ lDitlJ tl)e Daine, tlJm goepour .,
f111 brfib1:
tbttrcommm lLo~b fectlJ bfJ not, C:l)c JLo~ l:)atlJ foJfaflm ttJe \liar fo1t1J. ~o t:IJCl' tDmt out, anb CIC\D Do\tltu
ncotar r1nuu
cartl). t1101olD tlJC citp.
tntticlr!c<m 13 !lnbl)cfapb bnto mcc, €urnct11ccr~ta• s ~olD\Dl)en tbct f;lab bone tf)eflaU«f)ter,
itlatU OJ
pr mu. game, anb tlJOU OJ alt fcc ~cater abominatton• anb] fCt cfcapcD, '.) fell Dotvne tJpan mp face,
ttJat tlJcr Do. anb men, raping, «1J ll..01D c5oa, tvtlt tlJ~u tl)cn
1 4 anti \tlitlJ tl)at l)c b1ougl)t me to tl)e ll001£ bcllrop all tlJc natJuc of'.)l\'acl, tn po\1J1mg out
of ttJc gate of tl;)c JL.01Dcs 1Joufc tollJarDc tl)c tlJP 'm~atlJ bpon 'tcrurarcm '! .
floitl),anD bcl)olD,tl)crefatt\»omm mourning 9 qrn rata (Jc bnto me,qe \1Jtcficbnrrrc of
~~,\;!=: roi h ~annnuy. tl)c (Joufe of')l\'acl ~ '.)UDll ,_qcccbtng great, ro ·(
rJ:r.~~\::!~. 1
~ ~m rarD l)cc bnto mu, l)afl tl)ou rcmc tl)at tl)c lanD t~ fUU of'blooa, anD tIJccitr full ot
:::~·.~·!" ~~'~ou~nncofm11nt~umtt1Jccpctabout, rcuoltingfrom<iod: f"Wtl)£Ffap,~clL~lllJatlJ
1:;;•momm11 ""'ou '"alt rec greater abominatio1n1 tl;)cn foJfakm tlJr eartl),anll tl)cJLoJb.fcetlJ ttnot.
..::.7:.::.~~: tlJcftatl'. ro as toud.Jfnlmt.alfo. nanr_cyc fl:Jallnot
:,~:~~~~'. 16
anD fo IJce bioU{tl)t 1ncc into tf;Je in\tlarD fparc M;Jcm, nett1.1cr tv1U l f1auc ~tfl' : but \tllll
~.~.~:;•· court of tlJe )l,,o1tJs IJotlfc, , bcl}olllc,at tlJc Dooie rccompcnre d;)cir tvapcstipon tlJe'r !)cabs.
r111n'' ' lDIUI of t\JC Jl.oibs lJoUfc.bct'lllt~ tile po:aJ anD tl;)c al• 11 ano bel)otzle, tl)e man tlJa~ (Jab ~e ltnncn
~lr'.t.:~J:. tar, tlJtte 'llletc about t\1Jmtv anb flue men tlJat ratmrnt bpon f1im, anb ff:Je \llJtms .mbC(Jomc
~l!llll. tumcil tf)ctt backs bpon tile !tmPlt ofd:Jc JLo1D, bp ms libt..repoJttlt C(Je matter,anD fa&D,.ais tl)ou
al'!ll tlJt1t races to\Darb tlJe Cfalt, anD tlJcfcb'l<n• !Jal commanDeD mc,ro (Jaue l Done.
llJippeb tlJe funnc lfall\Darll.
17 anlll)tfat'bbntomr, l)a«ttJoufttnetbis, Thex. Chapter.
tlJOU COryn_c or •nan t 'CtlJinkrtlJ tl)ClJOUfe of'~U• Ofthe man thauooke hote burning coales out of the
- _ _ ll_a_tl)-'-a_t_1t_1s_bu_t_a~trif1:..:.·:.:.:e:..:to:..:D::O::C_:tl)eft=::...:abo=t~1&:::'"~a~nJ.'.....!........:m::i:.:d'.:'.'.dl~co~f~d1~e.:w::hc=e::le:.:so::_ft:::h:::..cC=h::e::ru::b.:::im::s:._·_=--"'_!,.__ _ ;·:,
11 ilnlll ~:i
:Thefoure'Vvheeles. Chap.x.xj. l\!lockers punifhed. 27 5
~--------~-~-a-s-=]-lo_o_Ilc_n_,b_etJ_o_l'D_c_,-in_t1J_c--1s-~-cn_t1J_e~-o-i-1'o-:f:-tlJ-:e-:JL:-o-11>-1>-cp_a_rtc_'D_fr_o_m_ _ _1
~ firmament t:IJat 'Illas aboue tl)c abouctl)e 'Doo1e of tl)e ia&'cmple, ano mnaine'D
~llllri"'"' l}cal:I Of tl)e • Cltl}crub~, BS it bpontl)c C[l1cmbimS.
~!!.':6~:- 'aJct"C a ~apl)irc ftone made lifU I 9 an'b t{JC C[l1crubimS fladitrCl:J 'tllttlJ tlJtit
~~~11110 tfJe umiltttroe of a ~one toss 'aJing~, an'D ltft tlJemCclucs bplrom tlJe cart{J tn
~· ·. reenc oucr t{Jcm. mp Ogl}t: tDl}rn tl}ey \Dent, tfJe \lllJmcs mere
' 2 ~en fpafic IJec to l)tm tlJat l1ab tl)e linen bdibes tJJcm, an1> tl)ey aoon at tlJc noo1c of tlJc
raiment bpon IJim.anl> fai'D,llC!trupc in bctmeen <Jeaa !late or tlJc tJourc of tlJc :d,,o~n :Co tlJe glo1p of
~. 1r,goe, tl)e tDl)eelcs tlJat are bnl>er tl:Je citlJerub, anl> tl)e<l3ol>of']Jftacl'alasbpont1Jcmon1JigtJ.
take tlJine (Jannrun or l)ote cofes out from b~ :io *'CZIJts ts tl}c cbeaa tl)at ']! fatDe bnber tl)c Ezcch.1.
~· twccne tl:Jr. C,erubims, anb fcattcr tl)em oucr <13ol:I or'.]lcrael bp tlJc rtuer <ltlJebar, anb] perui, :tbar '"b•
·~ lr,wcnc tl)critie. ann IJe II crept in, tlJat 'Jl mi~t fee. uel> t1Jat ittDas tlJe C[l1r.mbims. lllb•I• boopo!
3 (Jl:lotD t{Jc caJcrubims aool> bpon tl)e ri!.J))t :i 1 <tuerp one lJab roure faces, ann ruerp one ~~·J~~~:.t:~'.
lli>e of tbc lJourc \lllJen tl)e man \Dent tn, anl> ti.Jc foure tDings, ann tml>cr tl)etr min~ ti.Jc like,
cloUl>c ffllcl:I tl)e inner court. nc[e of mens 1Jan1>s.
4 :Anl:ltbeglo1p of t1:JeJL01nrcmoouebfrom 22 ~lJe fimilitul>e or tlJeir countenancts,
tl)cCltlJcrubims, anncamctipontl)el>ootcoftl)c \llcrc tlJI~ bcrp fame countenances \lllJiclJ ']!
l)ourc : ro tlJat tlJe ~emple mas filleD \DitlJ a CatDe at tl)c riuer C[l1ebar, ann ~e fdfe rame ap·
cloune,ann tl)e court ma- ful of d)e tlJine of ti.Jc pearancci:s, eucrr one in (Jti:s gotng \Dent ftratgl)t
Lo~osgio:r. fofwaro.
5 Fr.a, ann tlJe rounnc of tlJe fltlJerubims Thexj,Chapter.
'1JttlgS\llaJS l)el1fl> intod)CfO:CCOUrt, like as it I Who they were that feducedthepeopleoflfracl
I.Jal> bene tlJe bopce Of C(Je atml~tie <i300 \lll}cn 5 Againll: thcfe bee prophccieth, !hewing them
lJc fpeahettl) b
6 ~o\D 't»(Jen (Jee I.Jab bfl>bcn tl}e man tl)at how 1hcy lfoil e dilpcrfed abroad.
tDas clotlJel> in linnen, raping, ~alle fire from • gD:eoucr, tlJe ~pmtlift mcc tip,
tl)cmtoll oftl)ctlllJcclcs, anD from tl)e minllof an'D btou~t mee bnto tl)c lfa!l
the CltlJerubims, l)cc went anti tlool:I bcfitle tl.)c ~ace of tl)e JLo~l>.6 lJoufe, \llfJiclJ
ml}eelcs. littlJ <fatl\llarD: anD befJolllc, at
7 ~en one fltlJerub rcacl}eb foo1tf) (Jis tlJe entric of tlJe gate were fiuc
IJantl from bet\llcene tl)e C,erubims, bnto tl)e anD tmentie men.among \DlJom
fire tlJat mas bct'aJeene tl)e CltlJerubims, anD '1Jfatu']!aaJanialJt1Jcfonneora'11Jr, ann]91Jcl,
:::: toobc tl)ercof, ann gaue it into tlJc banns ofl}tm tial) tl)e ronne of '6amual,Ju, tlJe rulers of t{Je
tlJat IJ11'D on tl)e linnen raiment: ~icl} too kc it, people.
antl\llmtout. 2. ~cnfaib(Jcbntomc, ~IJoufon ofman,
8 ann bnncr tlJe \Dings of tl)c C[l1erubims tljefemcn imagine mtfcf}icrc.anl>a miclletl coun'
tlJcre appearctl tlJe Itkcne[e ofa mans I.Jann. fcl talic tlJcp in ttli.6 citie,
9 '.Jl loolleb alCo, ant1be1Jol1>r, fourc'Wl)eelcs 3 !S>artng, ']lt is not necrc, let b.6 builbt
be!inetlJC CltlJetubimS, one tol}ccle bp one C[l}C' (JOUfcS: tlJ~ Hicrufalem iS tl)e •calb~Oll, anil \llCC • mi lb•ll net
mb, arm an ott:Jcr bp anotlJer C,erub, anti tl}e be tl)e flclb. r;.~.~t:r.~:: ,'tl
'(Ol)celcs \llcre to lookc \Jpon after tl)c fatl)ion of 4 ~lJertfo:e fl.Jalt tl)ou ptoplJcctc againft :~~ ~i~::b r 0

tlJe p~ectous Rone ~arus. tl)em: pca,piopl)ccte.© fonne or man. ~°Jii'i.~:~~•.

l 0 as toutl)ing tlJeir 1111pearance ( tlJey b;lcre s .anl> \DitlJ "'•at fell tl)e ~pmt of ttJe lLotb km out of 1<b•
al foure of one fa~ton)aifr one tolJcctc IJai> benc bpon mc,anb faintmto me, ~peaflc, ~us trtttJ r:~~'t'·" ''b'
in an otl)cr. tlJe JLo:n, ©n tlJts maner lJaue pe (Voflen (©pc
11 nal}cn tlJcp \llent foo~tlJ, tl)ep \Dent bpon l}oUfe of 1rrac1) anb '.JJ know tl)c imaginations
tl)tfr foure fines, not turning bacflc in ti) cir go' of pour IJcarts.
"' tng: foi \lJIJiclJ \Dap tl)c heid ofchefirllloollel>,af, 6 Sll!)anp one l)aue pe murtlercb tn t{Jis cttie,
'":, tcr it tl)cp went,fo tl)at tlJcp turneD not bame in anti filkb tl)c areecs ful of tf:Je aaine:
~·1 tl)eir~oing. 7 ~crcfo1e tl)us faftlJ t{Je Jl.,o)tl ~ob, tlJc
JI :ch,1.8, 12 *Anilt(Jeir\lll}olcbol>ics,tlJmbacfls,tlJctr Oatnemrntbatpce l}auel~pl>in ~1Jcminttoft1Jc b is:cnir1...,tc
tlf l}anbeis, an'D \lJtngiJ, rca, anti tl)e llllJeefe!l alfo, cirie arc ttJe 'b lleUJ, ann tlJis cttac i~ tl)e c:aID1on : 'b"• u.....
1~ tDcrc ful or eyenounb about tlJe fonrc \lll)cctes. but 'Jl mflb~ing pou out ofit. ~;~~::';~~·
~ar 13 !lnl> to tlJc \D}Jcelcs,IJe crieb to ttJem tn mp s f cf)aue fcarcl> tl)cftxio1b,llnb '.) \llil b~ing ~,~:~~·:\~~"
~~ !)earing, ilD \lJIJrelc. a CtDo:l> oucrp~ub,faitlJ tlJc lLo:n G3ob. . :::::~~1::1
~ 14 ~crp ont of tl)em ()ab fourc races, fo ttJat 9 !l11tJ] tDll :in~ pou out of tIJc mttltl tl}crc' •b• oc•Db•·
tlJc face of tlJe fir!l \Dli.6 tbc face or a CltlJerub, ann of, anD beltuer pou into tlJe 1Jant1cs orarangcrs, ::w~~'r~~
tlJc face of tl}deconn tlJ~ face of a Slll)an, ann of anti \Dtl e~ccute iu1>1,lcment11111non1nou. ~~~ ~!'1~i~;
tl)e tl)irl:I tlJe race of a )l.,ion, anb or tlJe fourtlJ tlJc 1o ~c flJal faU bp tlJe f\Dozb, tn ttJc bOJbcrs or •bi &QI'" •O•
race of an !Cagle. . . '')ttael mil 'Jl iul>gc pou,anD rec OJ al know tlJat ~· ~i ,., in
I 5 an1> tl,)e fltlJerubitn!l \llcre lafteb bp: tlJlS '" jj am tl)c JL01D. ~21iU~,>.kln.
tl)c beatl tl)at 'JI fa\U at tl)e toatn; ofC,ebar. 1 r ~~ citp flJ~I not berour caln~on,ncitller
16 ~o'ale ml,Jen tlle ~l,Jerub1ms \Dent, tlJc flJaOpebcttlcflctlnnttJemtt11ltl)ercor:butint1Jc
\Dl.JcelcS tDent bp ttJein : anb mlJtn tl)e C,eru' bOJtlct.6 of'.llfracl \lltl j II puniflJ pou, UOr, iudgr.
btmslift bptl)eir 1Di~ to mount\lpfromtl)e . n ~at'alemapJmom tl)at ]amtl,Je'JLo~b, d Jtf'rfmt•·
eartl),tl)e fame tolJcclcS a1ro turntl> not from be, m\DfJofr ~ommanb£mCUts pee l)auc not tDal, ~~::~~~!~:""'
llbes tbem. keD, n0ii flept tut Jl.a\lle~, but IJaue bone after ~::~~~·..:,:h,
17 Shortly tol)cn tl)ep (loob, tfJcfctfoob alfo, tl)ecuftomclS OftlJC eeatl)m tl)at lie rounnca' :~.'r~~t;~'
anb \lli}m tl)ey \llerc littel> bp, the whee[es lift \lp boutpou. ,.,...., tu•r;t·
tlJeml'dueis allo witlJ tl)cm: ro, ~c b fpmtortlJc 13 flo\Dc 1:DIJen ~ p:opl,Jcticb, d t&lJdtiaIJ ~ ;:;::~ ~:·
bcalltDastntl)ewheelc~. foRne of l6anatal)u bictl: tlJm ffll ~ nownc- ~~~.~~.m•
eart offlefh. Ezechiel. Ezechiel a fhewcoken.
bpon mt' rac::e., ann min tDjtlJ a iotlbe tJopu, rap. S' •flge tlJ~O\» tlJe '&Dall in tl)tR: CillJtarm'll.-o~b <5on. wt1u11ou tlJen bttmr Dtftr01' c::8Te out tlJetebl'.
all tlJe remnant of']Crael :' 6 '.Jin tlJrit (iglJt OJalt tlJou bem bpon tin
1 ann ro tlJ£ wo,n of cl}c JL01b came bnto me «JoUUlerss.anll carp itfo1t1,J in tl)e 11ame: l)i'bc tl)p
011 tl)tS mancr. fac::e,tl)attl)oufte not tl;JUSftl,J, fo~ '.) IJaue matJe
1 5 ~ou ronne of~,tlJl b~ct'bten.cucn flW tl)eea • ft)e'lll token bnto tl)e IJourt of '.)fracL • ~'"• i
b~ctlucn tl)e men of tlJr fnnre11,ant1aU tl)e IJoure 7 !Clnll jj llill ro al!I ') '&Dass commaunbel'J.. gj ~'11~~
of ']frael, tDl;Jollp arc they bnt~ l:DIJOl'!I tlJe inlJa• btOuglJt foo~tl;J mp autre hp ll8p, 81!1 tlJC ftUffe Of :'~.'.,.~
• ti:b•rlb.11 bitant~ of~ierufaleml;Jauc fatll, • 119tt1Jll~awve one tl)atioetl) into c::aptiuitic : an11 in tl)e ci1e' ~~~­
~:·~~:~~,.'/::!.. ram crom ti}e lLotlJ, f01 ttJt lanll tl!I giuen bl!l m ntng ~ lltggelJ tlJo~om tl)e wall tDitlJ mr 1Jan1115, :.~ ~
:~:~~m":.~~~ polfctrion. anlllJtouglJt itroo1t1J in tlJellSrfie, anlJ bare it men~ •
~:'.\'~~':!•i· 1 6 ~crefo~e tell them, ~Ul!l'.fapetl) tl)eJLoi!I bpOR mp flJOUltlet tn tl)eitfiglJt,
•boocb ·o~ d3ob, a1tl)oug1J '.) renll tl)em farre off among tl)c s !Ann in tl)e moming came tt:ie \ll~b of tlJe
~.~~~;~... n'or <5enhleJ!I, anll rc::atter tl)em among tlJe nationl!I, JL011J bnto me,fafing,
r:r," 111.u pet wtll '.ll bee to tlJem al!I a littler~anc::tuarv in 9 ~ou Conne orman, l)atl) not tl)e l)oUfc or
~rr;~,i'.~~:m tl}elanllstD!JttetlJerflJaUco~. 'll!rael, tl)e rebellious 1Joufe faibe bnto tlJee,
h" '"'' •1•· 1 7 ~en tlJem alfo, .mtt•f$ faitlJ tl)e JL01b C!IJoll, b 1191Jat ?Joni tlJOU ~ b "'•• • ::·
rrmr,tbo•«b , ._.,.. f ""'
r~rp ht oUpn• '.]! \11111 gatlJtt pOU 8gl1111£ OUt 0 ...,C na ...onJ,
..,; dll".lt
I 0 ...,.,en te
...,em, - .
""llJUf5 .,
fapetb tlJt l.-OJb ~~Dnlli
::.~;::r~:~~t anll b:ingroufrom ttle countterel!I \llfJtte-pee be C!IJoll, ~1Jif5 II buroen touciJetlJ tllel&iinceat ~ic, ..,.:-•.
rcatcmb, anlJ '.JI tDtl gtue rou tlJe 1an11 or'.]lfrael ntfalem,ano all tl)e boure or ]trael rt]at b\tJeJa, l1~r.~ :~
agaitte. mong tlJem. p crrr. -
18 anl:I tter OJaD come tfJitl.Jtt, anti tlJer lbaU u ~di d)em, ~ am rour fbe\D token, liflt a~ ~
take attJar all tl)eir iDolef5, anb an tl,Jeir abomi• ] l)aue bone, Co 11Jall it bee none bnto tlJCm, tlJey ~
natienrJ from tl)ence. QJaU goe into bonllage anll raptiuitir. f:
rm.p.i 9. 19 *9nll']l\Dilgiuctl)emonef)cart,at1ll')\llil u ~epiincetlJatil!lamonutlJemflJaHloabe u_·

czec. 36.1 7. put a nc\D Cpirit\DitlJin tl:Jeir bo\Delf5: tl)ataonr IJis RJoUlllers in tlJe llarlle, anll get IJim a\llar, i
~eart mill ~ talie out of tl)dr bolJp , anb ~e · tlJtt' ll.lal b:eartnomne tlJe tuall, to carr tl)oµ>'al
tl)em afletlJie f)eart. bl' it: l)ee fl.Jan c::ouer l)if5 face, tlJat l)u fee not tlJe ·'~·
20 ~l)at ~ tnal' mallle in ml' Cltommat1lles groun11 mit1J IJil!I et't~.
mentrJ,anll heepemine oi11inam;ef5,anll llo tlJend. 13 ~r ntt mru] c 1P1ean out b)JonlJim. anti •
tfJat tIJer mat' be mr people,anll] tl;Jeir C30lJ•.:'' l)ce OJalbe c::aupc in mp *net, ann ~ 'mfll b1ing :=11~ ;i
='·: :
2r '5utto tlJel)eart of tl)nr ilJole.Sanb tl;Jeir IJtmto '5abrlon in tl;Je fan!le of tl)e 4n_Ja~ ~- ,
abominations tl)eir IJeart goetfJ, tl;Jeir \Darci!! \DlJidJ IJe fball not ree,anll ret HJ an lJe bte tl}ere. : • :
\ntH '.JI b~ing bpon U,cir otune l,Jealls, faitlJ tl)e
i 4 g15 foi al IJil!l IJtlpcrss anti 81 l)(fS banllfS tiJat
!Jc about l)im, ~ \»11fmtter tl]em to'alattl aDtf)e r :
1 :

2 2 arter tlJil!l llill tlJe lltl)erubim~ lift bp U,dr 'altnlls.anb ll~atD out a rw~n after tlJmr. ··
\ning11, ann tlJe \DlJeetess befibeS tl)em, anb tl;Je 1 s ~o \D}Jen 'J IJauc rcattttetl tf)CIU among
glo:ic ot tl)e e5o?J of '.3)frael ma~ bpon tl}em on tt:ie ecatl;Jen. Et ftra\lleb tlJem in t(lc lanll-, tlJer ...

l)iglJ. lballlmoni tl)at']I am ti:Je :to:ll.

2 3 ~o tlJe glo:r of t{JeJLo:o -ment bp from tl;Je 16 l6ut '.ll tDlll leauc a little numbtrDftl}cm
mill~~ ofdJe citic, ann aoo11 i,pon tl)e mount of from tlJe rmoib. l)unger,anb peltilmce, to tel all ·,
tlJe cttte to'lllarn tlJe ctaa. tlJeif abominations among ti.Jc l)eatbcn 'CDl)cn
24 ~!1Dt1Jcfpirittoollemrebp, anll bJoU~t ttJcpcomc, tl)att1Jepmapfmotu1Jomt1Jatl am
me agame to ~au.ea to tlJe c::aptiuitie tn a bifl, tIJe i.o~b.
on br tlJe ~pir1t or e5oD: tlJen tl)e birion t(Jat jj 17 Qlloieouer, tbc "mo~?J of tlJe )1.,010came1>11,
l)all reenc l:Dcnt bp from me. to me.raring,
~~,::.t~ 15 ~o 11 fpake bnto tl)e g captiues an tfJe 18 ~ouronneofman, 'mitl)afcare!ultmn'
capuar• mQ \DOJbCfS O[tl}e Jl,,OJll \lllJicl) l)e l)a'IJ 01e\llclJ me.
11111 111
b(r.!'J Cate tlJF b:eab, tDttlJ f)nqirittndTt anb fO~·
• • ro\D tlJ1'rlliet(Jp \Dattr.
Thexij.Chaptcr. 19 anll tmto tlJe people of tfJe lanDt ()lrafle
t The parable of the captiuitie. 10 The expoficion tlJOU, ~IJU!S faitlJ tlJe LOJb <JLJob bpOn tfJem tiJat
ofI he p:uable, by whkh 1hc raking of King Zcdeci- ll\llell in ~ieruCslem,anlJ bpon tl}C lanb or~rra'
as is lignificd. el. ~l)ep 11Jall eatc tl)Cir b]e.ab '&D(tlJ ronom, Ollll
~ ce \»o:be or t'(Jc )L.01b cametmto llJtnflc tllcir '&Dam \»1t1J llcfolatton. pra. d)t lanb

g mt,fapin11.
b'nldlelt in tlJc mtbll or a rebclU'
after plentifUlness HJalbe laib toatlt•. fOJ tl}c 'lllte•
qou ronne of man , tl)ou 11cnnc1Ic of au tl,lem tl;Jat lltDel dJeren:i:
10 ann t1Jetttief5t1JatnotobetDeltnhab1teb,
oul!ll)oure, tDIJic::IJ (Jaue epcfS to fee, lbalbc bopD, ann t:IJe lannc befal8te,dJat pee mar

ann tct ree not, cares l)aue tl)ep to bean.anll pct bnotD ttJac 11 am tlJt 10:11.
l)care t!Jcr not: ro1 tlJcy an a rebeUiou§ l,loure. 21 J?et<:amc tl)e 'lllO'b of tl1t JL,oJb bnto me a•
1Malce 3 ,'mJcrcro~e(© tlJou fonne orman)*p~eparc gaine, raring.
thee vdfels ~ee~nlltumentstollit\DitlJ,anllnmoucontl)e n Qou fonnrorman. tDIJllt manttof~g,
10 goe !mo ap me tl)at tl;Jcp mar fee, pea, cucn tn tl,Jeir uerbc is tl)at\»l)irl) re bfe in ~c lann o~'.}ftacl,
' coptiumr, figl)tOJalt tl}ou ~e from aw plate to anotl)cr raping, cl-at'l)cbapcsant18'11C lncommmg, anb :.., (
place, lf Pttlltl~ICnture tlJCl? '&Din 'OIUUlef tl]at all bifconsfailc:' rn~ 1'

\ tl)c! be.:!~'::(~.oaultl!l lJ~t~n~· foo•""" ""t- ,_,,,.,..., J J -at'ell tlJem t11mfO:e. <ttJusb CaitfJ tlJt l.o,b ;;,.!flfr::
V"'J b~ ,., ••., •., •H- mu.H•' <llJob, 1 '1>iU make CIJ•t p:oucr e to ccarc. ann ~ :1
ments as lluffe to flit '1>itl;J hp tl)c llap time in tlJtrll)aOnomo~llfettd ap~ouerbein]rtael: -·iii!\'.~
tlJctr fii;JIJ~ anb tlJou tlJr fdfUbalt 1,Joe fooitl) al• bUtrap bnto tl,Jem. •oapl'Ure at l}ano,ann 1i1iiriliUI' :. \;
ro at mrn~ng bcC01c tl)clr cpe~ u tl)cp tl)at goe ti}e elk« ofeurrp biDon. ''~.
~tlJ to fltt. , :a 4 '<![;l)cre no btflon bunt moic in bafnc, •. ~
~-ophets like foxes. Chap.xiij .xiiij. V ntempered morrcr~ ·~ 76
~ neitfJu anp flattering 11tutnatio11 'Witf1in tfJe blltcmpcrci:J mo:ter , l \lltll b:cakc it llo'ame,
l~ 1Joureofjlfracl: an1:1ma11c it euen\lliti, tlJcgrouni:I, ro ttJat tbe
,~\ 2 5 fo, 1 tlJe )l.,o:Dfpeakc it, anb 'oJl)11tfoeuer founoation tl)creofflJall bee i:llfcoumll, anll it
~ '.]J lball fpeakc. .it lbalbe pcrfo:mc1:1, anD ~ot bee ll)al fall : rca,anll re pour rc1ues 11Jal perillJ in ttJe
~ aacflc tn t:omming anp mo:e, pea, cum mpour mibft tlJereof, anb Ftt llJal lino\ll tlJat '.]!am tlJe
\~ 11arcs, ilD rebclltou.6 tJollfe, \lltll jl Cpcahc tlJe ll-o~D.
;~:~ ·
tlJing,anb b:tng it tO palfe, faitlJ tf)e JL,o:i:J Ql50b. I 5 ~U.6 \Dil 'Ji pcrfo~mcmp \D:atlJ bpOll tlJi.6
2 6 !!nil tl}e \llo11> of tlJe )Lo~ll mmc bnto mec. \llaU,anll bpon tl)cm tlJat l)aue 1>aubell it \llitlJ
t \~ raping. c bntempcreD mo:tcr, anll tfJcn \Dill I) far bn' ~:.~::~;~
, 27 l6e{Jol1>e,tfJoueonneofman, t(Jc(Joufe of to J'OU, '4!;lJc 'alall i.6 II 11onc, anll tl}c nauber.6 r,11i~r.~~:'ri
~:. ~fracl faitlJ on chis maner, t4[;1JC bffion tl)atl)ec Oflt: rooito unocr
r~ct}J, it\Dtlbe manp aoero~ it come to palfc : it 16. Towictl}cp:opl)et.6 of 'Jifracl, 'oJ(Jicla1:0' ~~,~~~~ ::0,

itJ farre OlffCt tile time tl)at lJC p:optJecietlJ Of, ptJc(ie bpon .~l£rUfalcm, anll IOOlte OUt biOOU.6 r:~,~,1~ ~~t.
:8 -m;IJcrefo~c fap bntotl)cm. -m;gusrattl)tlJc ofpeacefo~ tt, lllIJereas no peace i.6, Capetl) tl)e Jlor,isno
'l-oib ©O'O, all mp 'al01lll'S llJalnomo:cbeCl>t' Jl.,O~ll©Otl. more.
larell, loofie 'DJbat 'JI fpeahc. tl)at ra1ne llJal contt 17 119{JerefoJe, © thou ronnc or man, ftt tlJr
to patrc, faitlJ tlJC )Lo~ll df5ob. race agatnll t:IJe 1>au!I1Jtcr.6 of tl)l? people, 'tllllicl)
p~opJ:JeOe out of tf)eir owne }Jeart.6, anb pJop{Jr'
The xiij. Cha peer. ue againll tl)em:
The wor<le of the Lord agaiull taffe prophets, which 18 ano rap, ~usraitfl tlJc ll-oJll dI5ob,tIDo be
~- cc ach rhe people chc counfds oftheirownehearts, bnto t(Jcm tl)at fo\llc d pillo'tlles bttlJcr all armc d '!th•r'~'P"·
::i~Jli•9• iE;:~~'ll~rf *'fllo~1>oftl)rllo;t1camebnt0' l)olc.6, anti put licrcl)iefcl!l upon tl)c lJcaill!l ot eur.' ~~~,i~ ~~;,
?::. . mc,fapin!J, rr l)unt foulcs, nail t'C hunt ti1e {OUltS W'"'?1 PJOPb<·
~ . •• · 2 -m;{Joufonneofman,p;~{Je, or mp people , anti gtuc life to tlJe roulc~ tlJat .::;~·~.~!~:.'
=:; , cieagainll t(Jofe p1opl)etis or'.!]fra' come bnto t'CU:' ~:;~'.~i~·,·~:"
l'i.' ·· et, \ll~iclJp1opl)ecie:ant1 fapbnto 19 .Qnll 'Wil pee pollute mec to mp people ro.? ~~~:~:'.'r:~·.~· 0
ii: tlJcm t{Jat p~ophec1e out of t(Jeir olllne {Jcart.6, bani:lful~ of barlcp, anllfo: pieces ofb~eall,to liil t'"~"11i'"
19care t{Je mo~i:I of t{Jc ·JL,011>, tl)e fouies of tbem ti) at Ilic not. 111111 p1omife c life 11~~;~:,~i; <!Jr
3 t4[;1Jus faitlJ tlJe ll-0111 <ll'oll, moe bee 1mto to them tl)at liuc not, tu lrti:g to mp pecp!c t!}at ::::~ i~ ~;~

~·~~;r:1:; ...
r·· .. tIJofC fooliOJ p~opl)et.6 tl)at folo\1.1 tl)eit otonc rpt, l)earetlJ pour lte.6:'
m,anll lJauc rccne not}Jing. 20 tWtJerero~e. tbt1S fa~tlJ tl;lc 1LOlil <13otl~ ::E.'c, ~:;~;n~ 1',:~,~
4 ilD ']frael, tlJF p1opl)ct11 are lllie tl}e foi;c~ (JollJc, 'J \ll1l llpon rour ptllo'tlles \ll1Jerc\\11tb re '"" ""r "":e
in• t1r.rart plr.ccl!l. lJUnt tile route~ to rmaf1e t1Jcm flee, antt '] n;m ~~lt ~:~',::;;, ~ 1 0

5 1fot pee l)auc not llootl bp in tl)c gap.6, not tearc tlJC111 from rour am1cl!l, a111> mil let ttJc ~~;,\;;~~~:~,
malle a (Jcll~e foJ tl)e tJourc or']litael, to ltanb in routes goe, euen tIJe roulcis tlJat re IJunt to mal;c :~~~:;0~~·r,.
tl;c tattel tn t}Je ilar of tl}c J!.,0~1>. ttJem flee. nt~-
6 -m;tJcy (Jaue rcene banttie anl> Iring Lliui, 21 !?our ficrclJiefr~ alfo toil 'Jl tcare in ph> :h~},~~~~
.. nation, raring, ~1Jc JL,otb faitlJ tt: ano tl]e JLoJD cejS, anb 1>ebuct mp people out of rour l)anlles, ~~·;~.~~~/:'~'~
... ~

(JatlJ not rent tl)em, anll tf..ler (Jaue mane men fotl1att1Jcyll!al come no mo1c in rour tJanocs :~;;;,':;:~~h: 0 ,
.... [lopet)Jat~p \lloul1>confirme tl}c 'alo1t1. to bee 1Juntcll: ann re 01al rmo\ll tJ,Jat 'J] am t~c b""' ."'"
-· 7 ll)au'e:rc not reene bainc tiifion~, anll fpo, ll-01b,
lien faire p1op1Jccics, \lll)en rec fap, ~e JLo~tl 2 2 ~eeinlJ ttJat \uitl) 1'8llr lies rec llifcomfitc

iJatlJ rµolmnt.. \Dbtreais'] nrucrfatll tt~ tlJe IJcart of tl}e rt1J1Jteou.G, 'allJom jj hauc not
s ~l}crefo~e tlJtts faitlJ tlJe ll,,o~ll Ql5ob, '5e, llifcomllteb: fo muc!J a~ re encourage
caurereelJauefpllfienbanitie, \ff)auereenelies: tlJc l)anl> of tbe \Dtcliell, fo tlJJ t l1c map not tun 1c bctJOll.le, JI am againft rou, rattlJ tl]e from l)il!l mickcll \llal?. in piomifmQ; llim ltfc:
·lloio <!Doll: 2 3 t4[;tJereroJc IIJal re frcno moJc bani tic, net,
9 Sll)tnc (Jann ttialbe bpon tlJe inop(Jcts tbat tiler flJal pc otutne niutnattonz, fo~ '.3i lvtr Dcliucr
reebanitic, anbtJiutnclies: tiJep flJall'not befn mr people ottt of pour 1Jan1>, tlJat rec map l;no'tll
~ t!Je couttfcll of mr people, noi \lltitten tn tl)e l)oto tl)at] am tl)c Jl,oi1>.
J boor1c or tlJe f)ourc of ']ttacl , neitl}cr flJaU tl)ep The xiiij .Chapter.
% come in ttJe lan?Jc of ]fraet, tl)atrec ma17 lmol.ll
i~ l)ow ti) at']\ am tile "A.-~ll c3oll: The Lord dc:nieth his worde to che people for their
F I 0 a11'0 tl]at fo~ becaufe tbCF l)aue tleceiueb

linnes fake.
~ mp people, anti toltlc ttJem of peace, \ll(Jere no ~ere rcroitel> tmto mce ccrtaine
-=.-: vcace was : one r£ttctlJ up ab \Dttll., ~ tlJcp llaubt or tl}e €fDet·~ or '.Jlrtael, am1 fate
"rm:' tt 'oJitfJ bntempcrell clap.
11 -m;(Jcrcro:c tel tl)cm \lllliclJ bllubc \DttlJ bn'
~:.. tempcrc11111oitcr, tfJ3tit11Jallrall:~o1tf..lm11J~n
110\lme bl' me.
2 -m;tJcn came tlJc \11011> of ti.Jc
ll-OJb bnto me, faring,
r=:: c.omc a ~teat lbo\ll~t of rainc, ']\ 'altl fl'llbe l)atle, 3 ~bou fome of man, tl)cfc mm l)auc fct
ttonc~ to rotifc it to fall, anil a great no:me of bp dJcirttloleis in their hearts, anti µut the ftum'

= &::111" \llfn'Dc 11Jall biealte it.

12 anlllo, \ll1Jentl)c'O:lallt£1fa1lcn.lbahtnot
:.,.._ tlJen be faitl bnto rou.m11erc t.6 no\1.1 rour Umo~·
. bltn!Jblocke ofiniquitie bef~ie tl}e1r face: flJOllli>
'JI tIJcn anf\lJere tl)cm at tl}ear m1uca :'
4 -m;tJeretoi~ fpeafie bnto tflem,nnll fa!? tnto
' tcr ttJat re t1aubell toitlJ~ll 1 . tl)em, -ar:l)u.GfaitlJ ti)£ JLo:il <1301>, cfmrr mm; of
. , 3 ~lJercfo:e tfJUS ra1t1J tl'!e J!.,01~ li3ob, ') 'o:tl t~e l)oufe of ]Crael tbatfettctlJ bp i)i)"S :oclr.r; tn ·-
c:turc a no:mic 'tlltnll to b1eabc out tn mp 'tll:atlJ' (J1jj ~e.art_, _anll puttc.tlJ tl]c fium!Jlilll;;ll:oclicof , 11,&1,,!Jtr.
fUl blljJkaCmc, ro tl)at tn mtne anger ~en OJall 1Jts 1mqurt1e bcfoJc IJt~ fac::-,anil commctl1 to u1c """"'"' :i.•t
come a migl)t? lbo\ll~ of rame, anD lJatltltone~ p~op}Jc t : bntof'h .,,at man \lltl· '-'l'II t11c ·£.o.?ti mr f~lfr ::"""''"·'t••
0",;,:;i::~ •.
in mp \D:atlJ to Dellrop ft. guie anf\tlcrc \utJm l)cc rommcrll, am.11::i111g "'"'~'"a"'b· 11

14 as roi tl)e wall t(Jat rec {Jaue llattbell lllitlJ to tl)e • multitune ofllts foolr~: · · I ',· 1'~.~;.m ,
~-------- - ). (~1--~~-·---.-=-=~-1
A fl:un1bling blocke. Ezechiel. Of the vine.!
5 ~attl)el)ourcof']lrracl marbcfnarcll in tbcretn, \\llJi~ UJal tning ro:tlJ tl)eir ronncs anll'
b ..:h11i.,
,...cit b o\llnc 1-ocart~,bccaurc
.., '·'
tl)epbe aeanc gone
nf1 t .. , ... fA"1•
naugtJtcrs : belJoloc, tl)cr flJal come foo1tlJ bnto
br•bm•llln• rrom me all oftIJcm ttJ~ou»'' "ctr luo~,,. rou, anti 1'ee ttJall fee tlJcit map, anti tl)cir enter,
conrc11nm. 6 tl9l)crcfOJe tell tlJC lJOUfe or']lfrael, ~US 1ntfc, \t re fl.Jalbc tomfo~m1 concerning tl)e cuill
, a111111h•
b• pourr~1n·
'""i.f.h t(Jc "1,_,010
111 ...,, •
. Imetume,
,. t anll 'aufe c ~to re' tlJat '.JI l)aue b~o~IJt bµon,icrufalcm,euen con,
»l1bB111D1th· turne from pour IDO CS, 8Uu UrtlC rour •IICeS ccming au tlJat] IJauc b~ougl)t bpon it:
nco fl'Olll IDOD ff01118( 1'0Ur 8bOtniU8tfOUS: 2 3 ~lJer tlJall comro,t rou llllJen rec OJaU rre

7 1fozcucrp man, \1l1'etl)cr IJc be or ti,c lJoufc tlJeir \\lap anti \llo1llcs, anti rec OJall lino\1l l)ob.1
or'.3;rrati. o~ a arangcr tl)at fotoumctl) in'.]lfra' ttJat it is not \\litlJout a caure ttJat '.]J l)aue none ,~
c1, wl)tclJ !lcpartctl.J rrom mcc, anll rcttctl' bp lJiS all agatnft 'ierufalem as '.JI tlitl, faitl) tlJc llo~b
illolc~ in IJtS tJcart, anll puttcttJ tl1e aumbling 0oti.
bfocltc of(JiS 'tllichcL>nes bcro1e l)iS racc,anll com' The xv.Chapter.
mctlJ to a p~op(Jct ro 1 to afke counfdl at mce As the vnprofitable wood ofthe vine tree is elf!: into
t1J2ouglJ 1J1m : bnto t{Jat man \lltll '.]I tl)c JL.o~tl the firc,fo faith he that Hierufalem lbalbe burnt.
giiic anf\llcrc br mine o\llnc felfe:
s ']l '.WiU ret mr face againtl t{Jat man, ann

I!)~ 'IDo~n of tl}c JL,o~tl came bnto
wtl maf;e him to be an erample for other, rea,anb mc..fartn~,
a common b}!ttJoill,anll \llil roote lJim out or mr 2 ~}Jou fonnc or man, b.ll)at
people, ttJatrec mar kno\ll l.)otoe tl)at '.]! am ttJe commettJ of the bine tree mozc
JL.o~ll. tl)cn of euerp otl)ertree, anti ort6r
.llnllirt11atp:opl)et be lleceiuelltolJml.)ee
9 b>illle binc amon11 otl}er tms of t(Je fo1ell~ 13,1. tcUctIJ at{Jing, tiJcn] *tile )L,Q1b mr felfc l)auc 3 ~oc men tafie moon of tt to malre anp
!lccciucn tl}at p1op1Jet, anti l»tn aret~ out mr mo1hc mitl)all 101 \\Jill men tarte apinnc ortt to
(Janll bpon lJtm, to ncaror lJtm out of mr people (Jang anr bcffel t1Jctcon1
or')]rract. · 4 lf.\el)olbe, it iSS caa jnto d)e fire to be burnt, I
Io .\Intl tlJClJ llJBlbC pUlllllJCb roJ tl)eir \\liCfletl' ttJe fire confumctl) botl} t{Jc cnns ortt, ttc mltlll
ncrrc, accoining to tl)c finne of l)nn t!Jat art1ct1J, ortt 1$5 tumt: is it mcetctl.)cn CoJ anr \Ilo1kc:'
llJal tl)c flnnc of tl1c p~opl)ct be: s ~eetng tl)cn tlJat it 'Illas mectc fo~ no
1 1 ~at ttJc l)oUfe of 1fracl mar manner no toooillebctng \\ll)ole, mu~ Iecrcmartl)crcall1' lf
mo Jc frflmmc, neitl)er be anr n10,ellcfllct1 in all tl)ing bee mane of it, \Dl,Jen tl,Je fire l)atb conru,
t(Jcirttanfgrc[tons: buttl}at tlJepmar bccmr mc1' anti bum tit.
pcople,anll] tl)eir dl'JoMaitlJ tlJc )L,o,ll (J5oti. 6 anll t!Jerefoie. tlJUSS raitlJ tlJe lLoJb ~on, ·. '''!r
1 2 ann tl)e \llo~n or t(Je "JL,o:n came bnto mee, :listlJe binctree that is amoni;J tlJe trccsoftfJt rD>
raping, rctf. ml)tclJ '.JI l}auc gium to tl:Je fire to bee conru.
13 ~l)ouronncor man, 'IDIJm tl)c llln1'effn• mell,Co b>'l l ~ue ~ tt11Jabitantis of i)terufalcln.
net!) agatna mce bl' committing a ttefpatre, 1 7 anti '.JI b>ill fet mr face againa tlJcm, tlJcr
Em.+ 16. 'Will ltrctcl) out mr l)ann bpontt, *ann bieaflt lhaD goc out from tl)e ftrc, anll rct tlJt •fire lbaD • 5.17. tlJctraaffeofbiean, anll ftttl) neartl) bpon tl)em, conrume tl)em: tllen fl.Jaft pee hnottle tlJat ~am
to llctlror man anti bean CoJtl) of tt. tl}e lLo~b,'IDl)cn '.]\ fet mp again atl)cm, ·
14 ann tIJouglJ Jaoc, ~anicl, anll ']lob,ttJcft s anti \U(Jm 1 mafJc tile lanb \1lafte,becaufe
ttucr men tom among them: ret fl.Jail tlJer in tl:Jcr l}aue fo CoJc ofrmt1cn, raitlJ tlJr. :LoJtl ceon.
tIJctr riglltcournclie llcliuer but tl)eii: otonc The xvj. Chapter.
routcs. faff!) tlJe :lLo,n 0oll.
1 5 'Jlf 'JI bitng m:Jifome beaacss into tl}e lan?I, 2 The Prophet dcdarcth the benefits of God to·
anti tlJer fpoilc it, anll it bee fo 1'efolate ttJat no ward Hicru!alem. lo Mercie is promifed to the
man mar pacrc tIJoio\\l it fo1 bcaas, repentant.
16 '.Jlftl)cfe tlJ,cemcnb>crc atCo in tl}c mtna ©ainct!Je\lloJb ortl,Jc'.ll.o:D,amc
tlJmof, as tructr as 'JI ltuc,faitlJ tbc JL,oin <3011, bnto mc,faptng,
tt)cp OJall rauc nettlJcr ronneis no, 1Jau1Wtcrs, 2 ~l.Jou fonncofman, 11Jt'1lc ·
but be onlr llcbucren tl,lcmfclueis: ill1ll a15 fo1 tl)c IJ)ierufalem tl)eir abomtnanons.
Iant>, itoJalbe mallc. • 3 !lnll car, au~ r~tlJ ttJc
17 © ~. if 'J1 b,tng a cwo,ll bpon tl)e lanll, anti Jl,oJtJ (JElotJ bnto l)icrufalcm , ~ .,abnatton
fap, ~\lloin goc tlJo~o\U tlJiis lanll, fo tl)at ~Rap ann hinren is or tl)c lan'llc of• ~~·~· ttw fa, :...
. . 1Jonme1nanan1>bcalhntt, tIJer 'Was an amoitte,tlJr mod;Jcr an l!ltttitc. 1111.r
~~ill:~~~· is ann iftl}cfc tlJ~ec mmtocrc HttJerctn : as 4 '.)n tl:Je llBP of tlJp birtfJ, b 1111Jen tl)ou 'Wall ur
r- ruclp ~ ']\ llUc,faitl) rl)c ",(L,01tl CiSOIJ, tlJCP 11,Jal be' bome, tlJc «ring of tlJf naml 11111.fS not cutoff, :

d . b1ucr ncttl)cr fonnc~ no11Jaugt.Jtcn~, but onelp tlJou \Dall not batlJctl m \Dater to II mahc tl)cc -·
110 r' C1lUC· l' 11f8UCb tf}CtnfCWC~. cleane, thou \\!aft not CalteD tuitb falt,nOJ f"i»a, _,.. . '
1 9 ]f'J\ fcnne a pcllilcnc!fnto tlliS Jantlc. anll
reel. Dtell in cloutcs. . :-'~
~O'llll)~e out mp roic inl:ltgnation bpon it in blootJ, , lf)o eye pitUD tlJ•"oDOBllP oft~rre 1111nu;
• •0 t at J, ro.otc out bottJ man anti bcatl, foJ ttJec, foJ to l,lauc co1npafRon bpon tlJec : but ll""' ~~
llOr,1n1hc . 20 an'tltff}oc,}Elanicl,antl']Ob\lll'nild!l'tc, t(Jou mall lltttrlF '8tt out bpon tttc fi~l!l, tn con• ::.. '
midi! ofit. i m: ass ti:uclp a~ 'JI liuc faitl) ttJe'LoJll CISOD tl)cp tcmptoftIJppcrfbntnt1Jet1apoftllt'b1rttJ. •lf&.
11or,dcli- ll)all lld~uerncttlJ~fon noJ naugl)tcr, but 1iraue
tl)Clr o\t llC (OUlc~ tn tlJtit tiglJtl'OUlUC[C,
6 ~c 11 ,amc 'J bl' tlJtc,at~tl fa\U ti.Jee tlcftlcll 1 ...11.,
21 Sl3orcoucr,tl)us rattlJ tl)c l.-oJtl c5otl, l,lo\ll
in tl)inc o\llnc blootl, anti l farD bnto tl)cc wl)cn lfO~o~~,
tl}ou 'mallfntlJpblootJ, l.-me, cucn llllJctl ti,ou ccnthcc••'\
~~;·f~~~". muct) mo,c 'lllf'Jcn 1 rcnbetn1' route II ttollbloUS ttJatl in tl)11 blooD,'.J faill bnto .tbcc,'.ILiue. ~l
menu. plaguets bpon \l)tctufalctn, tl)t l"IDOJbC, )Jtmger, 7 'J '8ureo t1Jcc to multtplF as tl)t bull or ~
pmiouss beatlc~, ann pelltlcncc. to bellrop man d]c ftcll:I, tl)ou art grot11t11 bp, anb \:Dann gnat. \\
nn'll bznll out oht1
. 11
ttioul)att gotten a 1nanrtflous plearant brauttr, ~1
n lB<bol!lc, ttJetc flJatbc a rmmant raueb ttlP b~af&-are falbtoncb, tllp bairc i~ gooi:llF

·--~~ ~ !µ"O'roet1,I -'I
The f1nnes of Sodom. Ezechiel.

:\~ ri uri e punifb.ed. Chap.xviij. Sovvre grapes. :z. 7 8

~ 13 ~re toohurtl}e hingsHrcllc, anD mabca s :16nt if a man be iutl, annoc tl}at \llfJictJ
~~· 'oumannuttlJ IJim, anll teohe an otl)c orlJim: ff! la'alfull anD rt!Jl;lt:
1 tl}e ~tnus of tlJe lanD too he l)e 'lllitlJ (Jim alfo, ' anD IJatl} not beaten tJpon tIJc l}illt!J, anb 'Cbat lf,tr,.

1 4 ~t tl}c btngllomc mtglJt be in fUbiccti, (JatlJ not lift IJilS creis to tlJc tootes of ~e l)oure ~~~;.~:.·~~;
~\. on, anb not ltftbpit fclfc, butkccpct(Juoue, of 1rrad, ncitlJer lJatlJ llcfiMllJts nctglJbours ''"•mfic.,01
.;., nant anDtlaubtott UJife, ncitlJei "atlJ come necre a ctooman re' ~D;:;..1ng,
~~ Is,1\UtfJUCbCUcbagafnfl (Jim. anll ftnt IJis moouell: ., \~: 1~::::r:~' 1
\ ambatrallours into lf~rpt, t(Jat l)ce miglJt l)auc 7 ~citlJer IJatfJ opp~caell anr man.but lJatlJ ~~ri·.~~~::~~r;
:~ l;Joires anll muclJ people: ~IJoulb l)ce p~orper :' rcflo1cD to tlJe Dcbtcr IJis plcDge : (Jee tIJat (Jatil ~;~~~:~.~;~":'t
~\. 11;Jall1Jccfcapctt}atbot1J£uctJ t(Jin~:'oiOJalllJc nb~!..!.J'tOF"!!D .!!?'F bp bio~nce, l}at(J gtucn IJis ~;~,1~~:,'~·\:;,b
~\· b~ahc tlJe couenant anll efcapc free:' ~"'u o •..,c .,.. ngrp ,anll .,atlJ ,fotlJell t(Jc naltr'D: l•k•,u11.cur1.
~ 16 ai:s tmlr as '3\ line,faptlJ t(Jc ·M1D d5ol:I, l)e s 9nD l]atlJ not gtucn fo:tlJ bpon t>fucy,nct, 20•
~~ tballbte at l>abplon in tl}cplacc 1ll1Jcre t(Je ldng ~crtahen anp .ci~aca~c, ann (JattJ toittJniamcn
}~~' b'dlellctt} t(Jat mane l)tm Iring, \llf)ofc otl}c l)ee 1J1.ei tJanb from m1qu1ttc, anl:l IJatlJ ci;ccutcb true
~~ IJat(J Defpirell;\l UJtJofc couenant l)e l)atlJ biofifn. mllgcment bctUJeene man an1:1 man:
17 ~ ettller niall 191Jarao UJittJ lJtis ~cat }Jolt 9 . ano l)atlJ blelhell in mp lfatutes,attl:l ltept
anll multitubc or people maintaine tum in tlJc mp tUD~cmcnts to llealc truelp: tlJis t~a riglJ'
~': \llarrc, UJl)cn tt}ep l)aue call bp mounts, anb teouisman, ~tce!l)aUrurclr hue, rarttJ t(JcJl.wn
' built a foit to lltftror manp perronis. <!!5on.
~: 1 ~ 18 1foi rccm~ (Jc(JatlJDcfptfell tl}e otlJe, anll 1° '.]lfl:Jeeno\\J gctafonnc tlJat ts a robbtr, a
~ ' bio11en tl)c couenant (\llbcrea.ei (Jee rct.gaue lJi~ llJCll'Dct ofblooll, anll l:lo anr one of t(Jcre t(Jmgs:
~~~. i1:Janllt{Jcrcupon)anbboncallt(Jefct1Jm~,1Jcc . n ~ougl) (Jee boc notalHflefetIJin!!!S.but
~~, lbn!I not efcapr. Ct~cr 1Jat(J ea~en bpon t(Jc lJinci:s, o~ llcfttcll IJiS
~.b' 19 ~bcrcfoic t(Jur; fapetlJ tlJe JLo~bc <13ob, ais ne~l)bours wire:
~"fr! trutlp MJ] liue, ']Will btingmine otlJ tlJat tJcc n ©1 IJatlJ opp~elTell tlJe poo:e anll ncebie, o:
.;:";." {Jat{J ncfp1CCb , anD mr c:ouenant t{Jat (Jee IJatl) f'poplcb bp biolcmc, o: IJatlJ not rctbneD tl)c
~~1 btohm.. \Jpon IJi.el o\llnc 11ea11. plellgc,01(Jat1J lift bp (Jis cpes tmto t(Je iriole~,01
:r 1~,. 2 a '.J1 will rpiea'b mr net bpon {Jim, anll lJce (JatlJ comm1ttcb abominations :
!!ti• fl1all be caug{Jt in mp net: tml:I 'JI \'Dill b1inglJim 13 ~HJatlJ ~men fOOltl) bpon bfurie,o~ l)ath
::t)· to '5abplon, anl:I enttt into tungcment toitlJ taflen incrcarc : ~IJall t(Jtis man liue :'(Jee flJll!l
I::: IJim tl)ere, roi tlJc trcrpatrc \\Jl)itlJ (Jee l)at(J 'o® not liue: feeing IJc (JatlJ none all tlJCfc abomina'
~t: mtttcnagaina me. tion~, l;Je 11Jall llic tl)clleatl),IJtsblooll flJalbc tl!J'
z 1 as fo~ tIJore tl)at !lee from IJim, toitlJ an on 1J1m.
~ IJiislJolle.tlJcr lball be aatnctottlJ tfJefil:Jolb, anll 14 ~~o\lJe it t{Jtl5 man get a ronne a1ro, ttat
~~ tlJc rtrtDuc llJall be rc.attereb to\Darocs all ttJc rcctlJ alll}i)1 fatl}ctsfinnc~\tJl.JtclJIJctJat(Jttonc,
~ 'alinlls: ann pc OJall hnoto tlJat '.]\ t(Jc Jl..01ll 1Jaue anti fcarettJ,nettlJer llottJ fuclJ blic:
: :i: f&!Obcntt. 15 Namcly,tl)atl)atl)notcatcnbpontlJchilS,
2z ~IJusraretlJ t(Je JLo~lle <13ob, '.]ltoma1ro neit(Jcr(JattJ ltftbp lJi.el cpcs to tl)c 'J:Doles of
~ :~ tl1flc off tfJc top of tlJts lJiglJ <ltebat, anll UJiU rct ttic l)ouec of '.]lfracl, no~ llefllell l}i!S ncigl)bouris
;;111 it,anb cut offt(Jc top of tl)e tcnller plant tlJcrcor, toifc:
¢; IUll:l toill plant it bpon an l)igl) !Jill anb a great, 16 ~cfti) er l)attJ oppic[tll anr ,noi lJatfJ \l.lttlJ,
·~o. · z 3 Namcly,1.lpon ti.Jc l)i~ tJtll of lCtad tom l:Jolllcn tlJe plcl:lgc, ncit(Jrr tatl) fpoplcll bp \1io'
~% 'll plant it, ttJatitmap bit~ fo'tlJ bougl)cs, ann Cence : but (JatlJ gtucn IJiis b~call to t{Jc IJungric,
'""i ~iuc fruit, a~.bc an crccllcnt €ebar,anZ> bnllcr anb l)adJ coueno tl)e nabcll UlitlJ agannmt:
!" ~ tt llJal,l rcmatneallbirncis. anZ>mcrp route llJall 17 ~eit1Jer tJatlJ 1llitlJDiamcn IJis (Jann Crom
~~r rcmamc bnbct t()e (l)allotoc of tl;Je b,aun'1,Je15 t(Jc afftictcb,no1 recetuell bfurtcno~ enmafc,buc
..~ ~ t(Jmof. batl:J e~ecutcll mp tullgemcntis, anll \llalhrb in
v. 2 4 anb all tile ttee.ei ortlJt fidbc ftlall knotoc mp ft8tutcS1:tlJi.el man OJall not ote in lJi.el Cdtf]crs
:!~ tl)at 'JI tile llo:ne 11auc b~ougl}t Dotone tlJe IJiglJ Onnc,but 11)aU liue \Dit(Jont fatlc:
' ' tree, anb q:altel:I tl)e lolD ttee, t(Jat ']! l)aue bzpell 1 8 !as fo~ (Ji.el fatl)er, bccaufe l}ce tatl) cruelly
·-·.·,· opp:rtren anll fpoifel:I }Jis b~otl)ct bp btolrnc:c,
bJ' tt:Jc grecne tree. anll maoe tfJc nitetree to tlo'
r10J, cu en 'JI tlJe 1Lo111c t(Jat fpalle it, l}aue atfo anD {JatlJ not llonc goob among (Jlf.l people, loe,
JJ;ougl)t it to pa[e. IJe bpet(J tn IJie oume fmnc.
i1-A Th ··· Ch 19 annrctfappc,iw1:1crcro:ct{Jcn111ou111not
~~ t1Jil5 ronnc bearc lJi~ ratIJcris finnc ~ l5ccaure ttJc

e 1 v11J• apeer.
{.,. f Hee lbcweth that cueric man iliall bcarc his ownc ronnc l}atlJ llonc tullgcmcnt anb riglJtrournctTc,
~ finne. 2 I T0 him th:1t amcadcth, is fa!uation pro- (Jee l)atlJ liept au mp ftatutcs, ano bone tl}cm:
1f j mifcd. tlJcrtfoze OJall l)c liue inbeco.
~; ~ ~ tool'b of tlJc JL01llt ca1nc bnto 2 o * im;IJe fame roult ttJat finnctlJ nian bic,tl)c
1 i~ . · mcJartng.
:z. tWIJatmuncpc bptlJfscom'
ronne11JaU notbearc tlJe fatl)cr• ikliqt~tie, .ntt. ~~~~~:· '.:
tlJct !lJall t1Jcfat1Jerbean;t1Jcronneis111111mtie: 1 .cht1 ~·-i'
~"-· mon p1oucrbe, ttJat rec bfc in tlJc tlJc ng(Jtcourneac oft(Je ngl}tcous lhall be tip on
_,,,..., 111nne of 'Jlfrad, feting, ~c • ra, {Jim, anb tlJc\llicltellneac or ttJetoickcll lhall br
~~i:~. dJcrs )Jaue tattn Cotoic grapeis , anll t(Jc c{Jtl, bpon IJimfclfe affo.

~ t1~istcct1Jarcfctonellgc. 21. ~utif!J,Jebn~oblp\l.lin tumca\tlapfrom
p·, 3 aii trudp ass']l liuc, CSitlJ.tlJc li..010 cl5ob,
1.-.; au 1J1is rtnncstfJatl}celJatt} ll~nc, anb lrcqie au
... fClballbfet(Jii;sbp1101t1nomo1ett_1]~ael. mp llatutc.ei.' anll boe tbe tlJmg tl)at i• tUllge,
-'~ 4 :6cl)olbc. au rouleis are mmc tihe as tlJc ment. anD r1g1Jt, boubttctre l;Jce flJall liuc 81111
~~· Coult of tlJe fatlJeriis mine, fo tis ttJc route of tlJe netl:l1C1 '
f,11r'·JL' fOnntmiUCl\lfo:tl}CfoU{ct):Jatffnnet(J, flJ&lJ1JjC ll as f01 aft l)il$ finrieis tl)Qt):J£C l)i!;I IJCfOJr,
~ it reue. tlJct' tJJan not be mcntioneo bnto IJim: but 111
-,. 1 aaa 2 tmH
A ncvv hearc. The Ezechiel. lyoneifes cvvo '\lvhelpe~
9 ~ot1Jiipputl,Jimtn~tronind1atneis,an1J
b.uJU!i\IJt IJim to tl,Je king of l6abplon :. tlJer put
lJim m iJolt:es, tl,Jat iJist>opu ('!JoUID no mo1e be
l)earn bpon tl,Je mount.ainc.l!I or ~rrae1.
1 o as ro, tlJF mot1ter,nic is l11ie a t>indntlJr ,

blooll, ptantcll bp tl,Je 'mater•: l!)c tJioullfjt ~tiJ c111,

fmtte anll b1anc1Je1S br tiJt abunDant 'alattrf. ""
u anllfi)C{Jat>tlton1iroD1S~tl}efcepttr10f 11
t11r.1~ tlJat bare nilc.anD iJer llature 'Illas CJalteb ~
on lJtgiJ amonii t11c b~unCf1e1S, anb ft.lee appca. 1
nll in lJcr i,et11Jt tuitlJ U,e mulcttnl:le Of IJer •
b~amiJcs. ~
1 2 :16ut ll.lce 'a>afSplUclit bp in\1!1at1J, '4ff out
bpo_n tl,Je grotmb, * t)Je ceatltuinl>e bJpell bp t11e
fnntc, her braunchc:s tom bJDken otfanll tuitl,lb ~
rcll, ai. for tl)c rob!J of lJer ftrenllfl,), tl)e fire conru.
. • 3 ann no~~ ifl plantcn in tf1e \llilllmtctrc,
ma nir anl:I ttnrftit §rOuntJ.
14 :lnll ti.Jere ts a fire gone out or tl)e rollllc
or l)cr bJauncIJcs,tt IJatiJ lleuourrll lJer fruite, eo
ttJat llJee .IJ~tlJ no ftrong rotrne Co~ a fcepter to
rule: ~IJt~ t~ a lamentation, aull fl.Jan bccCo1 a
Thexx. Chapter.
The Lorde denyeth that hee will anfivere them 1\lhen
theypray, forthcoffcnceof vnkindnetli:whicbhc
here obietterh. . 1i
.m t!Jc •reuentlJ rerc, t~etent1111ar •n.J

B 2
or ttJe fiftl.J monctJJ,cmainc oftl]e
lflllcrs of 1rrae1 came roi to amt
counrcu at t!Je )l.oillc, anb raae
llotDne llefo1e me.
'4F1Jen mmc tl}e \lJ01t1eof tl)c i.01lle bnto
3 ~ou ronneof man, IPeaJretmto tl,Je 6

J:>crf5 of ~rraetanb rar tinto tiJem. €f1us caret(!

tf)e JLo~ll '3011,.are re come to enquire of me:'iJ
truelp a~ 11 liue, 9111 tutu not be Cougl}t or pa,
faptlJ tfJe JL01b '3oJ:>. ,
4 .iw11t tl,Jou tut>ge tl)em, ronne orman,1"11t .
tl)ou mllf!C them ? caure tl,Jem to tm'Dmlanb dje'
abomi1,ations orttJtir fatf]er,a.
s gull tell tIJem,~lJU!Jfaptlj tl)ClL.otllCIJoll.
. '.3]n ttJe nar \1J(1cn 1 cl.Jore jjfrael, anb b ltft 11p ~
mine {Janll bpon tl)e fceo of tl)e fJoUfe of1!acob.
ann tuas fmo\llen bnto tf]em in tJJc tanllc of ,.
grpt, rca, U'll.Jen jJ lift hp mtnc IJanb ouer fiJem, •
ano rapll, 'Ji am tl,Jc )l..o~o rour '3oll:
6 ceuen in tl,Je llap tlJat '.) ltft bp mine lJanD
bnto tl,Jcm, to bitng tl,Jcm out oftlJC tano of~ ~
gppt, into a Cann tl)at ~ iJall p~DeD fo1 tl)em. tt'1
lDlJtctJ tloU'letlJ U'litlJ milhe anD 1Jonr,an11i,ap1£8• ~
rant among all otl)er 1an111:
1 ~enfapo] bnto tlJcm, ~aaatllarcuere
man tlJc abomtnation1' offJJI erc1. anDorfile ~
notrourrc1ue~\\1idJ tl]eJDOleSS or ctgrpc:ro~'.J ,~
am tlJ£ JLo~b rour Goll. · ·( ·
s 15ut tlJcp rellcUcD ~lfmc, ant1 moulb ~~
notIJearflenbnto~. ~er D~ n~t caa a\llsre· :q
uerr man tbc a11onnnatton.l!I of1J11 cpe",neitlJtt 1 k.
bill tlJey ro1'81te t1.1c ibol~ of ~grvt : tf:Jen '.i riiJI ·.< ,~
'.JI t\loulD po• !?UC nnne m1ngnatton ouer . ~
ttJmi,anummiplifl.J mp'm1at11 tJpon tl.Jein,rea. · : ~~
eum tn t1Jt nribldoftlJe llmD of cfil'Pt. . · ~i1
9 9nb 1 wote fD1 mr names r~ tlJat it t~
·, 1
flJoUID not bet polllltcb befo1e tiJ£ IJcatl,Jen. a. ~
mong 1Df1omt d)eriur;a... to hlbomc ~ iv~mll'
nifdHpfmo'mm,.in~tfJnnfo01t1J oftl}e \S
lantl of Cflppt.
1o .Mow I -:~
9ods greac inercies. .
Chap.xx. Children offered .. 279

(~ .10 f)otD\Dl)m~ IJaDcaufeD dJmitomoeout uouap tranfgrcil'£tl againll me:

~\ ortl)e lanD or <fm'pt, anD b'ougl]t tl}em jnto tl}e 2 s 1fo1 after l! {JaD biougl) t ttJem into tl)c
' \DJlDemdre:. . . lanl>,fo: tiJe wl}td.} 'JI liftctl tip mp lJantJ to giuc it
~.iH·s· 1t *jj.pue tl1nn mp t;fatt•te~. an!lfb£lDeD bnto ttJnn, tolJm tlJcp Ca\D cumi tJiglJ l)lll, ann
~~~1\f.10.s. :=i::=.gcmmtJS: tol.Jrd} \Dl}o Co toed),OJaH an tlJi'be trccis, tl)ep otfrell tl)m-~ctr rarnr.:ces,
anti tl,Jcrc ttJcp p:crcntctl tl)eir otfrmg orr an{lct, ~:-~:~~~:~·g
~io,8. u *9l 18UUlJtm a1ro mp ~abbod.J ~•rc~to t(Jctc alro tl:Jcp ~al>.c ClJctr ~cctefauours, anD ~~~~,~·ag:~i.
~~· 13 1.1 J be a token bcttDtn meant tl)tm, anll tl)trd>l' to potu:el> out tiJctr \\lmc otfrmgs. M '" h•1~
l\~s.1 a. flllo\D tl}at j\ 8111 tl)e JJ.,o~D tDIJii;l) l)alollJ tl}cm, 29 ani. '.ll fap11 bnto tl)cm, llJl)at iSS tl]at l)iglJ r,'~~·ib~·«:~~?
~ ~ r 3 inti pct tl}c l}oureor'.llfrad rcbdltD qainft ~la'c to(Jmunto pc rero~t:' anti t1.1e name of it ~1;•;:~/~t:~;
.\ me in tl)ctDilllcmctrc, tlJcp \llDUID not tlialfle in rss,allcD Sl611ma1J bnto t1Jist1ap. ~::;'~:~~~,
~l mp ftatutcis, tl)cp l}auc call awap mp iub!,tC' ~ D(Jraer~o:~ rpcake bnto ti.Jc l)oure of]fra· ~:~~i·g:~·
~'. mmt$5, tolJiclJ 'IDIJo ro t1eetlJ, 11.Jallliuc tn tl}em, ~I ,....,.,uJS p..., t.,c:JL01t1Cl3ol1, .\lrcpcnotDttilcl> h•otomm••·
'*dii& *81111 mp ~abbotiJ bapcJS l}auc tl)ep greatlp pol· mtlJc UJapcis or rour fatlJcrs, ant> commit pe not ~~:, :~:;r~.i,,
\ lutclJ: ~en 'JI CaiD 'll 'IDouID po'W1e out mine in• tu1Jo:ct1omc after tlJeit abominations:' ~~:'.'o"::~~·
\. · Dignation bpon tl)cm, anb confume tl)em in tl)c 31 fo~ to{Jenpce offerrourgirtis. anD meflc ''gbb~aaim,
~·· pour(o~nesto i1a[~t1Jo:o\tJ tbe r.:re,rouarcpol· ~r•. •
:, 14 anb]ttl1oti~tro1mrnamcisfafie. ltftit IUtcll 'l»tt:lJ all pour 11loles bnto tlJis llap: fl.Jail 'JI
~t: llJOUlb be DcfticD btfOlC tlJC ~at{Jen, in tolJOfc anC\llcre rou 'ml.Jen 1 am afllcll, Ji> {Jourc of ~r,
:'~ figl)t '] b2oug1Jt ttcm out. rael:' as'.) ltue,faitl) tl)e )l.o~ll ~ol>,'.J; II \Dill not iOr,I will
~~: 15 Utt ncucrtl}cltffc 1 liftbp mpl)anbbnto be rougl)t orpou. notanfwm
.. ; t{Jcm in tl)c wilDernc[e, tl)at 'll tooulll not b~ing 3i anb thmvhichcomtnetl} intorourminllc whcnlain
tl)cm into tlJc lanl> tolJich ~ gauc ttJcm, tl)at fl.Jail not beat ell, \DlJiCIJ rou rap, tile \\lill be a.e asked,
ftotoctlJ toitlJ milfle anl> l.Jontc, anti iss a plcafurc tl)e Ci5entdeis, ais tl}c binrcllss of tlJC 1:ountri£1S to
of alllanl>JS: rcruc \\'loetl anti none.
1 6 anll ttJat becaure tIJcp call a\Dep mp iutige• B ~tmclpass '.)!Uur, faitbtlJcJL.o~l><i!5ol>,1
-:· ~ mmtis,am> tDaU1cll not in mr aatuttl'l1but1Jaue mp Cclfc \Ddrule rou \Ditb a mtgl)tti l)anb, \DitlJ
l>cftlcll mp ~abbotl:JSS: fo1 t{Jcir tJcart \Dass gone allrctd,Jeb out ermc,anll tDitlJ inllignation po to·
>- after tl)cir ibofcl'l. rell outoucrpou.
1 7 ~cucrtl)cldfc mine ere CparcD t11em fo 34 anlljjtoilbiingpourrom tt.Jcpcopte,arui
·:::- tl)at '.]! \lloull> not lltllror tl)Cln, noi 1:onrumc !,lati) er rou out or tl)c countrcpJS, tolJcrcin re arc
- ·· tl)cm in tl:Jc 'IDtillcrnerrr. rc:attcrcl>, "mitlJ a mtgtJtr l)anl>, 'IDitlJ a arct•
18 s:J!)o:coucr, ']J rapb bnto tl:lm Conness in ct)cll out armc, ant wttl) inllignation po\D~tl
tl)c toilbcrne15,U0alhc not in the flatutcss orrour out.
: :;::rlk c ratt.Jcrss, hcepc not tl}cir iut11,lemcntis,anll llefi1t n anb]\DillbJiUgpOU infOtl:JChbJilllC\'llC~ h 1i:btll,I•
...- not pour Celucis \DitlJ ti) cir itlolcis. oft{Jc people, anti tfJcrc '.]l •toill bee iutlgell toitlJ ~::,~·:.~'.'" '

-::zft 1 9 j] em tl)e JLo~b pour '5ot1, \Dallic in mp pou face to face. ~"~~1:~~~·~.·:
·':.t!'!J ttatuteis,kecpemp mllgcmmtss,anll lloc tl:Jcm. 36 JLiflc ais ~ plcallcD mitl:J rour rittberss tn ,.,,r,
11 1
,,,.~~ l'"
~·-...... 20 'elotoctnl:' ~abbot(JJS, ro~ tl:Jcparcato• t{JeU1ilt1emtil"c of cfgl'Pt: ro \tlill 9; plcal>c toitlJ "' ' r•.
~:;;: ken bet\lli.rt me anti pou:tbat pe mar lmom l)o\\J poualfo,faitl) tl)e 1-o:n Cl3oll.
··· ·:; t1:Jat]amtl)cll-011>rour<ll5oll. 37 'JI toill caure routo pail'c bntlcr t{Je rob,
~· 2 i ~ot\DttlJlanl>ing, tlJcir Conness rcbcllcb anll '.JI totll bJing pou into tl}c bontl or tl}e coue,
:;:;• agmnttmcal£o,tt)~ toalkclJ notimnr llatutcss, nant.
;:,,.... tl)cp htpt not ml' tullgcmcntJS to fulrlll tl)cm. 38 inti '.]'rotll II purgCOUtOfFOUtl)ercbcl.S, ~Or, cull,
1- • \\11)1dJ (Jc tl:Janoctl), RJallliue in t{Jem, tiJcp pio- anti tl}cm tl:Jat tranrgrclfe againtl me, anl> bJing
~ :;; p\Jancl> mr ~tlbbotlJ bareis, anti 'JI fapll, 1 ttJem out or tlJC lann or tl)cir lJabitation: a.e f.:;7
~ ~..-., \lloulb pow:c out mine inbignation oucr tl)cm, tfJe Iantl or '.]lfracl tlJcp 0iau not come in it, ttJat
,.p- anl> accomplil'IJ\nf "a>µttlJ bpon tl)cm in t{Jc toil• pou mar lmo\D IJo'lD t{Jat 1 am tl}c ll.01t1.
·1 "crncrre. 39 .as fo: pou, © IJoufc of '.jjfrael, tlJUSS faPtlJ
·.f' u 22 QcucrtlJclell'e.'J \Ditbb~\D mp l)anlJ, anll t!Je JLoJl> <13ot1,<i!5oc rou an!J fcruc cuerp manlJi.e
·{i: tD:ougl}troi mp namcis fake, lcthttl)oull> be l>C• ibolcis, feeing tl}at re obey not me: anl> pollute
, ., ftlel> in tl)c fight of tlJc IJtatl)en, bero:c tol)om '] no moie mp l}olp name \tJ1t1} pour gife15 anll rour
··f'::: (JalJ b~ouP,t tf.Jetn fooit~. . lllOICJS.
>:·:~ 2; ']) ltft bpmpl)anbtotl)cma1ro 1ntl)elllil: 40 cjfo~ bpon mp IJolp IJtil,cuen bpon tl:Jc IJigh
.~ ;;;: ~rnt[e, t(Jat ']J tooultl Ccattcr tl)cin emo~ tl)c bill of]fracl, raptlJ tlJc JLo~tl ClfJoll, lball au ttJc
{" ~. ·: 1Jcat1:Jen,anll arato~t~etnta~~ont g tl:J~~attonsst~ lJourc of]lrecl, anti ell ttJat il'l in tl:Jt lantl \llo~·
~· · 24 ~ccaUfC tfJCl' .,au 110 ucp mp luuguttn ,., llJip mcc: anll in tile fa inc place \lllll '.ll fauour
:,·'~;: bUtmllafit1cmrtt11tutcss, a11t1bJobmmr~ab· tbcm. anll t{Jcrctoill '.]! m1u1re rour {Jcauc offc,
'.1{ botl}ss, anti tl)eir cpcis tocre after tl)ctr fatlJcr~ rtngis,anl> tlJc ftrfllinltS of pour oblations, \Ditl)
' ·' illo1tss. all rour l}olr thinlt15.
1:~~ 2 51J01Jcrcto:c '] J gauc ttiem alrottatut~JS t{Jat
~ ~~=-- tum notgoot1, anll tut1gcme11t1S wl)emnttJcr
41 9\'ll.ltllacccptpourfmcctecauour, tolJcn']J
b~ing pou from tlJC nations, anll gatl)cr rou to'.
~".:"=._ 11JouU1not1tuc. . 'ft . gctl)cr out or tiJc lanllJS tolJcrcm pee l)auc bene
~lf!Y;~' i6 ant11]1bmtellt1Jcmintf)eiroumcgi 11,an fcattercll, ti.JIU 9J mar be lJBlo\\lell in POU bcfozc
Ill~ :S~';t tl)at tl}ep c caufcb all tl)at openctl) tl:Je ll>O~eto ttJc l)cattJcn. ·
tii~f.:- palTc,tllat'J migtlt tlellrop tIJcm,tlJet tf1cp nu~t 42 ano rc II.Jail lmD~ tl}at ] inn tlJc JLozb,
f, •11 lmotol)o'WtlJat]amtl.JcJl,otlJ. rohcn '.J llJ8ll bJmg l'OU l~to tlJe ltlnll Of '.)!
mto. tile. Ian!> ro1 ttJc tDIJtclJ l l1ft bp mp l)anD
tf,~~ 2 -m:l)crcfoJcfpcallebntotiJclJourc ofg\Cracl,
tbou fOnuc of man. ann tl)ou fbalt ~ bnto to gruc tt bnto rour fat1Jer15.
~I dJmi. ~!l{aftl)tlJtJLOJll Cl30D, l!?ct1ntl)tis~l· 4 3 ~m n111ll pee .:all to rcmcmbJance pour
~l I co poui fatlJttlS IJIW£ blat\Jl)cmct1 mec, atlll mm• o\\lnc toapess, enl> all rour tooikris tolJcrcin rce
~·- I .llaa ; trdUl'
The fword dravven, Ezechiel. fharpe and fourbiibed.
IJauebcne 11cfiltll, anll rcfi?aUbe mtotf tnroUT
~J:i':"~::"::u k o•ame figl)t f01 all pour \tl1'8cllncf.'I d,Jat pcl)aue
'""~''"' llOnc.
: ...~M.~':a 44 an11 rec fl.Jail rmom tlJat r.s31 am ...., ...
."c ...0111.
th mt~. ml)cn 'J 11cak nit~ rou f01 tnl' namcf.'I fa~ 81111
not af'tcf rour tD1c:1rtD \Dapef.'I, no: B«DJ'btll(J to
rour c:oirupt nio1flcf.'I,© re 1Jourcof'.)ftac1,raitl}
ti.Jc Jl,o~D 0o'D.
4 5 Sl@o:coucr, d,Jc \l)O~ll of d;Jc i.o~ll came bn'
to mc,fartng,
~6 ~ou ronnc or man~ rct dJr race to\tlar11
~~~!DI tlJC \'081' Of 1'itl)CmBUSIJ, ~ 'b1op thy word t0\tl8t:tl
..~..r:i~i;ti!: dJC m '9oUtlJ, SUll ~oplJCfiC to\Darll tlJC fo~cft Of
1naimn Jueo, tlJC '5>0UtlJ ftClb,
:~:~,bb'l'::.n 41 ano rar to tl}c roictoc tf)e ~outlJ, ~care
1B bPIG11. tlJC lDOJtl Of ~C ll-01tl, ~Uf.'I fSitlJ tlJC Jl.01tl <115011,
l5c1Jolll,'J \D&l flinblc atire in t1Jcc,t1Jat OJall c:on,
n ~~al IS.both rumc an tlJC n gremc trrcf.'I, \'llitlJ all tl}c D1ie: tf)C
?..'°.;l~~~f::.'. contfnuaH flame {IJaU not be QUCnc:l}cb, anb CUC'
1Bcoarcr~• r"t face from· *"'e
pcopllllPDC •'J s..outh
,.., 'l to ""'C
•OJ Jl:lo~tl}, n.ianbee
•hmh•l:l1.. barnttl]crcm.
~~;~.\~~~·"" 48 gn11 all tlefb fbllll fee tfJat '.JI d)e i..o~b l)aue
:~1,'~!,~·~: 1 rb fiinlllell it,anb ~OJ all not be quenc)Jcb.
;~7.~~:~r.,.. 49 ~en ra1b 91,alJ JLotb '13eb, t1Jcr rar of inc,
11011 r~mor. ~otl} not (Jc fpeafie 0 parable$$:'
The xxj. Chapter.
;; He threatncth thcfword,chatis to fay, dcftrull:ion
to the citie ofHicrufalcm.
l!)Cf\llotb oftlJCJL.o~b came bnto

a Q11noc.wni
(O IJCtC't;a)Otl U me, raring,
:a ~ouronnc or man, ret ti.Jr
face to\llarb 'icrufalcm, ~a ll:op
thy word to\Dar'b tte f]olr plcUCfS,
artcompanD an?J p~opl)cfle againff ttc lanb of '.]lfracl.
3 ~ar to tl)e lanb of j]ftacl, ~f.'I raitlJ tl)c
JL01ll,)5el)olb,1 am again« ttce, anti \lllU bta~
mttf'tDoJll out of t)Jc fiJeatl), an11 rut off Ct'om t)Jce
~.'f.~~1 :~~~~ llotl) tlJc b rtgl)teouf.'I anb tl}e \lliclictl.

~~:~::'~:". 4 ~ceing tlJm tl)at ~ \Dil cut otf Crom tlJcc

~;~~:~~~~r ;r,; llotlJ ti.le rigl)tcouis anb .tlJc \lli,keb,f11£tfo:t 11Jall
m1man111 DI mr ft.l:JD?tl goc out of lJJl5 l11cat1J agamtt an lletlJ
~~*.~~in~. fro1u tl1 ~outlJ to t)Jc Jl:lo:tlJ,
irn~~lD •11 tb• 5 ~at an tlcfiJ ma? fmo\Dc l)o\D t1:1at'.JI tlJc
lL o~~ l)auc tl~a\'llcn mr ft.l:Jo:~ out of tl]c tlJCatfl,
anti ttl1)all not be putm agatnc.
6 ~oumc tlJcrcfo:e, © tl)ou fom1e of man,
d ll111Jau1b
thoulDCrc In t'CS , cuen \Ditl} ti.Jc J biearrlng of tlJr topnt$S,
llM.ct),lllbtU• moumc bitterlr in tlJcirp:ercncc.
mttll CbJ loh1•
llJcNIOb/llkl. 1 anti if tIJer car bnto t1Jec,U9)Jcrro:e mour•
ndl tl)ou 1 CIJtn tell ~, <jfoJ ti.Jc t111ingl!I tf]at
'ommetll : !lll llcartf.'I (ball melt, all ~antlf.'I fl)all
be' ftomactms O:Jal famt, an11 au
fmcel!l n1aU goe al!l \llatet:: bd]olhe. it 'ommctlJ,
ann OJal be bioug{Jt to pafi'e, faitl} tile l.-0111 <115011.
8 agatne, tl)c wo1t1 of t1JcJ1..01t1 came bnto
9 ~ou fonne of man.wop)JcCie anll tPealfc,
~Ul!l fattlJ tf]e J..oit1 <l3oD, ~pealle. ~e t\llotb,
tile f\oo~ll iis llJarpencn,anD \Dell furblOJeb.
1° ~lJatpmcb is it to mallca great aaualJ·
,rountnr.rbr ttr,antl foUtbillJtb tlJllt it map (llittet: ~l)alble
rccim,n,,lD· tl}enmatcm1rtl}" ltconttmnctl,Jtl,Jc crotlllCOf
:~~ f;:::: ~· mp fonne as ran oilJn: ttecs.
=-~~:. 11
~ce ~ti:) ;iucn it to brc fourbffl.lell, to
~:~:;:;.:.: ~oloe tt m.tms l}anll: _tl}iss t'1>01t1e t15 OJaqiencb,
bt•~'"'· anb foutbtllJtb, to IDUttt into tlJt ljanll oftl}c
:.f~~:·•b• gQaptt•.
!~~!a.u.1mra 12
~r1eanb1Jo'lllle, ronneofman. roittcom•
1burmro1r11< metlJ bponmp people, u commcth i>pon aDtl}e
c;..1n...... pitnces of'J,traet :t1Jettttourl5of t1Jef\lloJD llJl1R
~HierufaJems f1nnes. Chap.xxij.xxiij. Ifrael as droffr. 18 o
30 '1!01JOUUI '.) Qturc it to retume into l;Ji~ titancc in tf1c figl.Jt of Cl.Jc ll)eatl}en, ttJat tlJou
\ a,eadJ~~n tl)cpla~ tul;Jttc tl;Jouwaft mam1, marca frnobl tl)at '..JI am tl;Je 1-0111.
I\' in dJt laHDC of CIJtnC {Ji'lbitatton lJJiU 9l iutlgc i7 9n11 tlJt blDJll of tl}e Jl,o~D mme bnto me,
~ tlJ~ QnD 1 tufllpo1il1c mine fnDfgnation bpon 1 s qou ronite ofmart,tfJc l)buft ofjifraclt)'l
~.·.1.1 er,er.1 anD btlfl blo\ll bpon dJcc in tlJC fin of mt bnto meas t11olfc:allt1Jep artb1aU'c, tin, p~on,
\' m~tlJ,anD Dcliucr tlJtc into Cl)c IJan~ of Dcrpc. anD lcab in tl}c millft of tl}c tuma,c, cum lltolfc
~ rate people. \lllJidJ arc fflilfuU to DcflfOt'• ofrtlucr arc tl)cp.
~ 31 ~l;Jou flJalt fccll tQdire,anb Cl;J'pblooD flJal 19 ~l}erero1e tlJUl5 farctlJ ti.Jc J1,01b 0ob, f;o~
t~ btOJi!ll indJe miDDcft otdJc lanD:dJon fl)altbc al5 muc1J H an arc turncll into 111olfc, tlJrrc,
~' putout of rcmcmbJan,c,fD1 '.) d}cJL.01be i,auc fo1cbcl)olt1)'Jl tlltnb1ing routogetf.Jcrimto ~ic,
~, 1Poflcn it. ruCalcnt.
20 'Jl,,tfle a~ tlJrp glltbcr mucr,bJafTe;non,tin,
~~I Thexxij. Chapter. anll leab into t[Je mtotlcft or tl)c furnace, anti tlJC
~ \ ThcwordcofthcLordeagainllHiei:ufalcmfor man- tire ts blo\llm tl)crcunncr to melt tl)cm : cucn ro
..~ . flaughtcr, and denying du~ ho!)ourcotheir fathers \mll 9l gatl;Jcr rou in mine anger anD in mr
"'' and mochcrs, :tnd other w1ckcdnclTc; \l!Jatl}, an111et rou rcmatnc there, anti taufe rou ~ "'°"'"«
·~ • ~icoucr, tl)c tD01Dc of tl)c 'Lo1Dc to smelt. rbcRbp,rb••
~ camcbnto me, anDf&pD. . 21 ')I 'l])J1J b#n(UDU tog£tl)Cr, anti bfOt(IC tlJC l::J~~~ rM.
2 ~IJou ronnc of man, nn1t fire ofm~ tD1atfJ bpon pou, an11 re OJalbc molten :~:::;.i::••"
l.. • tlJOU not • iu'bgC, 'mllt tf1DU not m tl)c nnlllteft tl;Jcrcof. .
~;:~~':':' tUDgc dJi15 bloollic Atic ~ bltlt tlJOU 2 i ·.tmc ass tl;Jc mucr ts molten tn tlJe miDlldl
~~~:.c tult lbrblc IJCraUl}cr abominationl51 of tl}c futnacc, ro 11Jall rt a1ro br molten tiJctcin,
:iS.H 3 !Anlltrlltl;Jcm,~15rart1Jtl;Jcl-01bc50D, tl)at re mar fmo\llc l)o\ll tl)at ~ tl)e JL0111c l}auc
• ~IOO~f t ~Ctit'ic O)CDtlrtlJ bloO'bin tlJC ~'bcft oftt.t!Jat po\ll1ct1 mp bl14tl) bpon rou.
i1J..,1111~D:. IJtt btime mar romc,ant1 mallttb t001t,scagam1l 23 .anti tfJc \llOJDOftl)tJl,o~mmctlntomc,
• "::'i 011n l;Jcr fclft,to llcflte l;Jcr Cdfe. raring,
·~"· 4 ~on l}aa ma11c tlJ! fdfc 11ultic in ti.Jc 2-f €f:]on ronnc of man,tcU l)er, ~ouartan
~ blooll tl}at t1Jou 1Jatl OJell, ant111cfilc11 tl;Jcc in tt1c bncleanc lan!I,tolJiclJ iS not hrain ell bpon in tlJC tk~.h~~r~:~
t:'lt1:; iDoltl5 bll)icl} tl)ou l}atl ma11c: tl]ou l,Jaa cauftll Dap of 'ro~aCl). ~~~.'"~~·~~.~.;
':n:: tlJr 11aitl5 to 11ia\1l niglJ .anb malletl)ettmc of dJr 2 s ~lJcrc is a i ronrpiracic or 1Jttl0Jopf1cts in "'"~ •• 011 1br. •
2i?i rccrc15 to come: tlJercfo~c ll)ill '.3\ mane dJee a re· tlJc mi111l tf]crror: aii a roaring 'Jl,,pon raticning ;.,;p;:.~·;·:"'
~ p1ocl} amongtl)c l;lcatl)cn, anbtobcamocfling IJis p:ap tt:Jcr 11euourc CoUlc~, tl}cp l,)auc taben ~~~~;':i.~;;k,
malllanDs. tl)e rtGIJ anti p:cctous tl)lngs, tlJcr f}auc ma11c ~.~:;: :~~i~~1~
:ur. s U01Jetl)tt d}cr be nigb o~ farrc from tl)cc, ~er mane 'lllibo'»cs in ttJc 1ntDDtfl tl;Jmor, ·
· tlJcr flJaflaugl;I ti.Jee to rromc,tl;Jou that 1Jaft got' 26 ~erp1icas l)auc btoken mr la\ll, an1111cfi,
ten tl;Jcc ro foulc a name, an11 art cun of trouble. lcDmp l)olp t[)ings, tl}cp put no bdfttrncc be•
6 l3c1Jolllc tl)c rulers oC'.]Jfracl. cuccy one in t\tlccnc tl)c [Jolr anll tml)olr, ncitlJcr Difccrne
t:IJCC was rcadic to l)ispo\llttto flJCllblootl. tber bet\llccne t(Jc dcane anti bnclcanc : tl)cr
1 '.]Jn ti.Jee l]auc tlJcr tlc!'pifcb fatl}cr anti mo' tumc ti} ctr crcis Crom mp ~abbotlJss, anll '.3\ am
~ tlJcr,tn tl)cc 1Jauc tlJcr opp1Cll'cll ti.Jc arangcr, in tlcfilctl among tl)cm.
J2!ll tl}ccl}aue t1Jcr tlc~cb tl;lc \lltbo\1l anti tl}c fatl;Jcr• 27 ~ptulcr~ tnttJc mitltlcllortbccare lific
; • lelfe. 'rooluc~raucning tlJc p:ap,to flJttl bloon, anti Ile'
~ s ~ou l)aft bc(\.liCcb m~ i,otp tlJinQ15, altb ftrop ronlrs fot tlJcir otonc couctouss tum.
~i~ brftlct1mr~abbotl)15. 28 as fOJ l)tt kPtOplJct~. tlJCp tlatobe 'alitlJ bll' ~,.~~t~~bl:i!
~,~~eke- 9 II_ ~ale tellers arc ti.Jere fn tl)cc to 11Jeab tcmpcretl mo~tcr, rec ba~ttics, an'b lliuinc ~,~:~:.·;~~'::..
~~? • ~loob,m.tttcc arc fuCIJ as catc ~pon tl,Je lJil~antl tress bnto tl)cm, fapmg, ~e )!,,o~lle rarcdJ ro: 1111tuut1u,
~ mtl)cmtntloftl}cctl)cpcomm1tabomination, \lll,)creass tl,)e 'Jl,,ottl l}atl} not fpoltm. ~r.~:·::.~·:.
, ·*' 1 o ']11 tlJct tlJcr tlifcoucrcb tl;Jcir fatl}crs 29 ~cpcopletn t1Jclan11tircnwicflcll e~ot' :;~.~t'.':i.
: ~f· llJamc, in tl)ec tbcr. (Jauc IJUmbltb IJcr d]at tDa• tion anl:I robbcrie, tlJtp bcrcll ttJc pooie 111111 nee, ·
:'Y. CctapartfoJpoUuuon. Dp,anll opptctTrll tl}c aranger againft rig(Jt.
,ik.s. 11 * ttucrr man l;Jatl) t1calt 11Jamctu11r blitlJ 30 ann 1 rougl)t among tl)cm fot a man tlJat
~~J:rm IJi15 ncigtJbois blifc, anti abominabl1.' 11cmct1 l}ts mou1111 mane bp d)c fJebgc, anl:I rct l)imfclfc in ~C:::~1~'l:'trin
.i Des II baugl)ttt in table, in tl.J~c IJatlJ cucrr man ro1• tiJc gappe befote m~ in tIJe lan11s bcIJalfe tl)at j\ i~~~:·i,~ ~~b~'
" ~~ cctl l)ts o'ronc Ciftcr,eucn IJtS fadJernaugl)ter. ll:JOUlll not llcflrop it: but 'Jl coulll ftnll none. 111nuur .era.
/if-: 12 1Pea, giftcss l)auc bccnc rcaiucb in tl;Jec to 31 ~erfo;e [Jaue '.Jl po\11:cn out mp crnclbif• ~r.;·:. ~J~~b
:~;~~ 1tiellbloo11, t1Jou IJafttaliet~ t1rurican11tnc:rearc, pltafurc bpon tl)em,(l conrmmb tl)cm in tl)c tire :~::,\~'=~
>' tl)ou l}aft opp1cae11 tl}r nc1gl)bour~ bp crto1ti• of mp 'rotatl;J: tlJcir o\llnc \llapcs \lltll •] recom, l:l1aL100.'
1~1o11 011,anD ro1gottcn me, rapt() tbe JL,01MJot1. pcn!c bpon tlJrtr 1Jcat1s,rart1J tlJc lLoJb ~on.
r.,~~~ 13 l3el)olb, 1 IJauc d fmittrnmfl)antlsbpon The xxiij. Chapter,
~'. ii11r.o. tlJpcouetoufnclfctfJattIJou(Jaftb~ell, anb~pon
~'rt:.' ...· ,. of tlJec.
tl;Jc bloob 'rolJidJ l)atlJ bccnc l11ed m tlJc mlllOct! 3 Of cheforniCltion, chat is to fay ,of the idolauieof
S3mariaand Hierufakm, vndcrthc name of Aho-
lah, and Aholibah.
~ ~ca•• 14 1~ tlJrlJeart able to cnt1urc~0Jmar fl1l'
~~~1l.1t ~:. l)ant1s be arcnBtl}encD in tl}c 1:1apcs tl)at 'J 11.lall ll) Q? bl~Jbcof tte ')l,,o~tl camc tlnto
~!~''"'· IJauc to noc \1lltfJ tl;Jcc-: <flten'J\ tl}c lLoi11e Cl)at
~ 1·••11'
~ l!f~~:"'
fpcahc it,'roillb1ing it alfo to palTc.
1s '31 lDill r'attci: tl;Jcc amontt tl'Jc l)catl)en,
'fli~1 '"' tl)11 filtlJinclfc to c c:care out of t1Jce.
16 ~ca.ant1t11ou 11Jaltbc tlJincrownc inl)c'
D were
mr~ fafm!J,

of 3 onctnOtlJcr
, {811111•11r.
'at:l}ou ronnc of man, tlJcrc ~~~~:·~.~"~,.
b101mn tIJc baugIJtcrss r::"~'~.~· ·, ·."' \
'iitl}trbmmr I
3 ano tt)cp committcll iomication tn be, ~~·~·~,~~.~~')' I
grpt' tlJep plaprll t~e lJarlot~ in tteir routl1: I '~'ie'"µ'"'"' i
1! ,: I rnor ·
The-idolatry of Aholah, Ezechiel. and Aholibah.
tlJcte 'l:Dm tl)cir bJcallS p1ctrc~ •. a~b tlJtre d}ep ~from tu.l)om tlJl! t1cart iJ b£118rt$.anb ga<
b1Uifeb tl)c teates oft1Jctrt11rgini~ la"'... ... tl)cr tl)cm togetl}tt aptnct ttJcc on cucrr mic.
~ 1 :,~i1:~D;s~. 4 Qe' names of tl!tm were '-''o 01 •01~ w 2 3Namcly,tf}el6abl?lontan,i anb all tl,Je Gtbal•
non DI b't!J<l· bCt;&nbal)oltbal) )Jct aan,anD tl)ef 'l:Dctc mine, btcis.11ru1cris, 'roealtlJp,anb millJtf mm:11nt1J al llOr,Pc
~~·.~~~b;~~!· anti tlJcy bare ronne• a~D.Daugf)tcrs: d'IUS ~vere tlJt airriians,anll pleafantpon11 mm,captaines ands
tu11 rhe roval
nained.~ " ?~amana is 9l)o1a1J, anti 'icru• 81111 p:inUJ, aU baliant a1111 rtnolDmCtl , nbinl and Koa.
' 111101 Jlfml, fakm a(Jolibal}. bpon 1Jo1rcis.
~~1~~~:~~ ~ at]otalJ plapcb tl)c l)artot d'\UfJcn OJc \Das 24 ~lJtfe a.iancome\lpon tlJeeblitl)d)aretJS,
:~,1 7,bn. mtnc.anD flJ£ tD• f£t on fire \Uitl;J I.Jct louerSJ tfJe 'l:DeaponJS, anD 'tDIJtcltJS, anll gnatmulntubc of
~~.".::'. :~.~· atrntanis. tier nct~bouris: . people, '«8itIJ buckltt,llJ&elb,antl !1clmct t!1rp llJal
e>o11 ump11 6 DIJif;fJ tl'lcte '1otl)cb UlltlJ bltb:l fllfle, both bcfct t11ee on CUCfl! fine: II ~ 'roill giuc tubgemcns llOr,I will .:
~~"""" '8ptaincs anD piimris , tl.Jcr 'rom all pleafant bcfo1c tl)cm., pca,tlJcr tl)emfelucs ll.Jal iungc tl1e.e lcauedic .:
;:r,:,~~~ poung men, anD IJOJfc~cn rioing bpon l}oires. a«o1Ding to lfJclr o'rone iungcmmt. . 'PUailh 1
:"::4:";.~::i. 1 ~tJuis fl.JC comm1tttb 1.Jtr tl11Jo1et1omc 'rott(J 25 ] 'roiQlapmincintlignationtipontl}ce,fQ ln1olheai. l
~:!:,~·1 ~~:. tl)rin, being all ctJofcn men of afll)ur, anb \D~t(J tl}at tlJCJ? 11.Jall bcale cruellr 'roitlJ tl}rc: tlJt1' A
m1,1oi1ook• all on 'ro(Jom flJt botcb, anb bcfiltb l}cr fclfc \Uitl} cut off tlJ'I? nofc anb tl)tnc earcs.anb tlJr raiment '
;t,!'~11~ alllJcrinolts. llJaU fall bl! tfJc f\DOJb, tl}ey fl)all carica\\lap ttr
:b&~~~!r·-· s ~eitl}cr Icrt llJc tbc roJnitatton that lbc ti• ronne~ anl> naugJJtcrJS, anb tl)e rcfibue llJall bee
eboa "rnt f£tl. mitlJ ~ «Jegpptians:
!ttll!n1NI .,.,
fo1 tn l}crn: poutlJ
tl.Jcr ••lap lleuourcbbp tl)cfirc.
111bt•b crrms b:lttlJ (Jcr,tl)ey bJUhetl tl)c biea...s o~.,cr mat11cn· 26 ~er 11Jal artp tlJce out of tlJl! clotlJcJS,aUb
~~:at:.~~.... (Jcan,ann pom~eo tiJcir 'rol}o1eoome bpon l}cr. tallc a\llap tlJ'I? faire ictocls.
~~~~1·,~:11:';~~ 9 nol}crcfoie '.) tleliumo (Jct into t(Je l}anl>S!I 2 7 ~UJS mill '.1 make tlJF \UiCfil'bt1Cjl to~
~~~:~.'.~~: of1Jcr1oucrs, eucn into ttJel}antllS of tf)c atrr1i• from tl}cc, anti tlJl! fo1nt,ation out of tl;Jc lanll of
l:.l~b.':::~r ans bpon 'tDIJom OJe botell. <fm'Pt: ro tIJat tl}ou IIJalt turnc tl)ine cpcs no
'""'""'~' 1 10 ~IJefc btfcoucrcb l}cr tlJame; toofie l)cr moic after tl}cm, anb mft tl;JJ? mtnbc no moic lllJ'
~~~:1~~~\:.' fonneis anti naugIJteris , anti (Jc'roe (}er \UitlJ tiJe onlfgypt.
rwo1n,an mill name l)ab fiJc among women: rt11 2 s foi tl)usffattl} tlJe l.oib 0ob, l5cl)oltl, ~

tl}cp I.Jan e~ccutcb iuogcment bpon l}ct.
I I fiaer al}olibal) fS\ll tl)lf$,8ntl tletlrOW?J
(Jcr rc1rc 'IDitfJ tno,oinatc Ioue mo1c tlJm flJM1111
U'Jtll l>cliuu tl}Ce into tl)c JJant11 or tl)cm 'tDIJom
tl)ouf1atclf, pea, wen into ti.Jc IJanbs of tl}em
from 'rol)om tl)ine l}eart iS lJcpartcn.

tuitlJ l)tt fomkationis, mo1e tl)cn l}cr fiacr \llitlJ 29 anti tl}er 11Jallbcsle !1atcfullp'roitl.J tl}ee., ind - ;~~(
l)er ro~nications. anncakea'roap aUtl}p s labour, an1>1cauet1Jce t,n,,~ -,
11 $tll)cc tlotcll bpon t{Jc affpJtam~ captatnCIS naflcb.anbbare,ano tl}etJJameoftl}pfo1nicati• C' :t;.
anll p~tnceis l)er neigl)bo~s, clotl.Jetl 'roitb all ma• ons b 11Jall bee nmoumn, botlJ tlJp wickcbnctrc ~ u ::c::
ncr of go1gcou15 apparcll,1Jo1femcn rilling bpon ann tl)p 'rol}o1ct1ome. ::::,
l)oircs,bcin'il_all plearant roung men. 3o ] \\lill tioc tl}cfc tl)tngs bnto tl}cc, becaufe ldlal" :, :-
1 3 Qcn l fau tlJat fiJC \1.la15 oemen.iinll tl.Jcr tf;Jou l,Jaft o;onea 'tDIJeitng after tl}c l,Jeau,m,anb •bl& tt'~
tookc botl} one roar. bccaurc t1;101111\'tpoRutcn 'roitl;J tlJcir illo1t1.
14 l5ut llJce cmrcafctl lltll in b:llJOJCbome: fot 3l ~ou 11aa \tJalfleb tn tl}e\Dar of ttw filler,
'ro)Jm fl)e fa\lle m~n paintetl bpon tlJe mao, ttJc tlJcrcfoJC \Dill] giuc l}er cup into t)Jinc l}anD.
1 u11111.1· r image~ of tlJe ~alnee~ paintcb 'rottl} llmni, ~ :t QUI faietl} tl}e l Olb IJl5ob' ~OU tlJalt
:h~:-1:,~:b" lion, n1m11e or tl.Jl! riactis cuppe becpc ant> large, t1Jou
1nlt"""' .1' "
t~pJdf'c: PfllU 15 !lnb :D.,
mrlJeb \\:Ii"' n-irbleo1p bpon
HJ~ , "'eir
1;a.J Joinco1~' nJalt be lau~en to rco1ne, anti I.Jab tn nc~tfi'on, ..'-l,
~b:;~1:::::;' anb \Di~ bpcn. atme bpon t1Jc1r l)caois. too• be,aurc it 'ontatrtttl} mudJ. · ;· · ·
1io1t"l'b•11 hm tnng all ltlic pzmce15, after tiJe manrr of tfJe l3a 0
33 ~l}ou OJalt becfillcb \Uitl} i t11unflcmlt1Tc ;11 ~ f"
:::i~:~~:~: bplonianlS in~l)alllca,tl)c Iano tDIJcrc tlJet'rocte anbfOJO\DC, cuen'roitlJ tl}cruppcofllcllrumon ... ~~I/
anti ?JeColation, \UitlJ t1Je '1IP or tl}p filfcr~a·
;~~:~.'oi1'~~ bome:
••ba ..... •P•" 16 91$ Coone a~ {lje Ca\\1 tlJtm,llJrburnttn louc
"''"'"''' of bpon tlJtm.antl fmt tncffengcrs bnto ...,cm,mto
~~~~~:: tl)c lanb of d}c ~l)altlte~.
1f41i • ~*
3+ ~lJou tlJalt b#nfle ft, anb fume it out, anb •
tl.Joufi)alt b:rarsc ctJc 11Jcarb1S tl)crcof, enbttare
= ,

"'~· 1 7 sr.:tobl 'rol}cn tlJc l5abylonianJS came bnto tlJin£ otonc b:caft~: fo;] !1auc fpoflmit,faitlJ · ~t~
IJcr tn tl}t bell ofloue, tl)cp befilcll l)cr tDitl) tl}cir ti.Jc U-0111 cl5otl. .. , i-(;
'llll.JOJCbome:antl fo 'Q)SjS llJC pollUtCb 'IDitlJ tl)cm, 3S Qcnfou t1Jusfaitf;JU,e:C..01b0'ot>. foi• ·if~"'
anti l)cr lull \Da15 abatet1 from t!Jcm. armuctJ af ti.Jou (Jaa fo1gottm me, anD call mce ;i:-:._"
18 !lntl n,c bifcouerrl> 1Jcr'rol)o1c1>omc, anti aa~cbcl)inll d)pba,llc.1ollearenot» tl)tne o'rone '1,: ""
t1irc1orct1 l}cr fi>amc : tl}cn mr: l)cart fo~foolle tl11'11cllncae anb wl}o1rt1ome. ! '"
IJcr, lille aismr l)cart'COaS gone from{lcrfi'lter 36 'at'IJcl-01t1fapb mo~ucrtintomr, qou :~'-l~~
airo. ronne of man, wilt tl)ou not iutlgt a(JolatJ, ~~:
9 flcucrtl)clclfc, Cl.le mmarcb bet \\llJo:c' anti atolibal11 OJebl t11emt1Jetr abonnnations. :~ ,~
bomc mo~c, ant> remcmb1rt1 tlJe narc• or l)cr 37 N:amclytlJattlJCf f}aae b10lim ttictr \DCD• ' :'\,
routlJ, '1l1Je:rein II.le l}ab plapen tl)c l}arlot in tlJc 10,flc, anti blooD ii in tfJCii 1Jan11es: ann \DitlJ :'~,'
1llTUl or ~pt. tl)cif ibolc• IJtlUC tlJt!l' ~omm1tttb abultcrtc, . ,·~~,
1° 9s>l)cc burnt in luft bpon tl)ctr IcctJeris, anb l}auc alfo cauftDtl)m fonncs \Dl)om tl1C! ~~·:
~1Jo£i~ tlcll.J tl'la!f Idle tl)c tlcllJ of airc,i, anti tl)eir i\~Z
"'ue 1llle tlJe 1rrue of IJoircs.
bare tinto met, to paae by the fire to Im d]cir
k meatt. ~ ~:)\~
..., n .. ~usrntl}ou )Jatt calleb to rcmcmb1anu 38 ~ea, 81111 t!Ji# l.Jaae tlJCF bone 1Jnto meals Ir-. \, '
wtC u 1..,.~c c of tfJl! poutl;J , "ml)cn tlJP uatts}q l)auoeflleb mt' ~nctuane in tlJe rame , \·1:~
\Dcre bJmfcb bp tl)c lf!;lpptianJS fo• ...,cpap" of
tl}p poutl}. ' ~ .., · . " ""·"'ll'-~~~bt1Jbo~11.
39 11.01 \llJm ..,.... me ett ci)ilbJcn · .,\'
. \ ,,,
22 «:l)cr£fo~e . 0 al}oliba(J' tlJU, fa!tfJ d)c fot tf1eir Rio.,_, ~ tlJe fame bar into ,,~\~;;;
l..01b ll!Sob , '.Jl tl'lall ratrc bp tlJl' 1oue:rs agatnct '111' fanctualie to tt: at1b loe, tlJu• 11aue .~
Marablcof Chap.xxiiij. chefeechingpoc. 281

~ tl)cp l!One: t11 tf;Je: miol:lcft of mine l)oure. l)igl) dric rodie:, tf;Jat tt a1ou11:1 not be: coucre1:1 •
.: 40 anl:llJO'tllCmudJ IU01Cis it tl)at tl)cpt'tnt 9 De.l}erefo1e:t1JUisfaitlHIJC)L,01ll ©Oll, "'~ Na~um+r
~ rmr fo1 men to comdrom 1farrc, bnto \lll)om a mer• 'moe: be: bnto t(Je: bloobtl}irllie t:itie, fo; llll)om c• h.b.,.i.1 •·
1i:.. fmlttlJJSJ fmt, an11 Ioc. tl)cp 'amt':' fo1 tolJom ucn ~ mr rc1rc mill mallc a great fire,
\:;; tl)ou btllbeft 'mSfiJ tl)p fclfc , anll paintellfl ttJine 1 o ant> (Je:ape on muctJ blooo,anl:I h llinl:llc tl)c h tlil•'"'"'·
\::."' qcis. an111:1c,11e:Dft tl)ce mitl) 01namcntis. ' fire, an11 rctttJ tf;Jc flc11J,anll I/ 1Picc ttJe pot,fo ttJat ~~.:,~~.'~~:
\' ,n 41 ~oufatdlbponanatelpbcl:l,anb amta• tl)eberpbonrs11Jalbrbumt. ':~~,~~~"~~·n,
::':ria1 ble QJ1Cll
,. be:f'o1cit,\lll)er.,,™on t-1.ou l)aflfet mine u ~01e:oucr >.:JI 111 mm fet '"""pot -tte: bpon "'(ntnma
011 1n gruu 111
,,.r1D · I .. _,., "V It ""~ .......... 0:11ap.
i11«111canD mme or c. t.,uoatcis, ro ttJat ttJe b11lffe tl}ereof mar bclJot v•· ""~"'·
~"'c 42 anll anopfe of ammic companir at II it, anb~t, anl:I tlJefiltl)inetre: of it mar be mol, ::~;,,.fl 11 ,
-~ anl:I toitl) tl)emcn, befibctl}e: multitulleor tf;Je tcnmtt, anbtl)efmmofitflJalbHOnfumeb. ipice,
~· people mere b10Ugl.Jt men or~aba out of tlJe lie, 12 ~IJc IJatlJ b.leariell IJcr retre witl) II labour, .
'~ fcrf, b)lJiclJ gauc tl)e:m bJacelcts bpon ttJeir pet bcr great fcum tis not gone oft l)cr, in tlJC fire ~ or,hcs.
~I . 118Jlbl, Billi beautiful n:o\DUS bpon tlJc'ir l}eabl5. l)tt fcum mull: be confirmed .
., 4J anll 1 ratb bnto l)cr tl)at \lJas woim~ in _13 ]ntl)rfiltIJtncfi'ets toiclicllnctrc: bccaure
~. l)cr amltcrieis,Jaoto OJaU lJcr fo~nimtionis come '3l •\lJoulb {Jaue put-ge!I tf;Jte, anl:I ttJou toatl not ; 1 r•M"""
~ to an cnll, ano UJC alfo. purgcb from tbr filtllinetre, tl)ou flJalt not bee ~J~\;~:"ri.'i~
44 ano tlJep tocnt tn to IJtr as tfJepgoe: bnto purgell anr mo1e, till '3l 1Jaue caure!I mine inllig· :~~.~:'. ~~ ':~.
~~ acommon lJarlot: eucn ro me:nttlJcp to at.JolalJ nation to re« in tl}er. 1110010.a '"·
ano a{JolibalJ, CIJofe \lJiclicll blomen. 14 lfucn '3l tl)e llo1t11Jaue fpolien tt: rca, it il5
~ 45 ano ti.Jc rig{Jteouis men tfJcp fl)aU tUbgc come tl)cre:to alreabie tlJat '.JI 'lllill lloc it, 'l 'IDiU
L~ tl)emaftcrtl)e manncrof1Jartotis,annaftn:t1Je: not goe:bacfic, '3l 'tDtllnotfpare, '3l blill not w
t mane:i: of murllmris: fo1 tlJer arc l.Jarlotss , anD P~: butaccoJilin{J to tbr l?lareis ano imagma'
1,, blooll tis in t1.Jeir1Jan1:1is. uonssf!Jaft tlJCl' iUllge k tl)ec,faittJ tl}e llo~ll. ~'.[;;;;,.;~.;~ i
., 46 llBIJere~c tl)us rattlJ tfJc ',IL,01ll <!30!1,'.]l \D1l 1 _s ant1 tl)e 'lDOJDc of ti.Jc lL<l1ll came bnto me, I
,• b1ing a great multimllc of people bpon tl)em, f11p111g,
:: nll giuc cl) em to be f'8ttcreil anllfporlell. . 16 ~ou ronne of man, bc{Jolll, ~ tolTI tt1frc
.... 47 a11Z1 t(Jc multitllbefl)all!One tl,Jcm toitl) a\Dapfromtl)e:cttJc 1pleafureoftl)incepe15'1D1ti} 1 :Jr<n '"·'-
~: tlcnc~,anocuttlJcmbo\tlnt 111itl)t1Jnrf\11oi11', a plague, ret tlJalt tiJou neltl)tr moumc no~ ~·~l~~~~~·c·~. ;

tlJcp llJall oar tl)ctrfonne:is anll llaugl:Jtcrfj, anll mee:pc.. neitt)n:flJall tlJP tearess run t1011Jnc. •• """ '°"
t. btrrnc bp t!Jcir l)oufcl5 blttl) fire:. 17 ~oumc in filcnce. make no monmi~ of
:: · 4s ~iJUl5 \lJill 'Jl cauretotclletlnel!lto 'care out tl)e bcab,binll tlJetnc oftbrbcab bpon tl}cc,anil
:~ of tile Ianil,t{Jat all n women mar be tauglJt not put on tlJr 11Joocs:1 bpon tl)p fe:tte, couer not tiJF
~ t0tJOC8ftl't}'OurtoiCktll11C[C, lipl5,8Ubmcatenomanisb1eal1, m F'!'""·
. · 49 anl:lfott.Jcr 11Jalllappourmit:kellnetre bV' 18 ~o '.JI fpake bnto ti.Jc people betimes tn ;;:~,;,\·:'~~"
r~ on t'OUr oblnt fducl!I, anlltlJcHnnessof pour t• tl)cmoininlJ, anllat ctucn mp uitfclltco: tf;Jcn ~~:.:~,':,~,,'
;.; ooleis fl}all re beare:: an!J pc fiJal knoui tl}at 9l am bpon tlJc ncn m01fO'lD 31 DiD ais 91 wa.s com• nrrQtbour• •
t~c llOJ!I <!Son. manllell. ~';~~." "'""''
19 anll ttJc people faiD bnto me, U0tlt tl)ou
The xxiiij. Chapter. not tell bis Ull)at tl)tis fi~ilte:tl) to\Darll tis, tl)at
He prooueth the firing of Hicrutalcm by a parable of tl)ou Doe:fl fo '!
:t a fecthing pot. 20 ~ anruicreb tl)em, ~l)c too1t1 of tl)c JLo~n
•..11onr• •~ tl)c • nintlJ rme, in tl)c tmtiJ came bntome, rartnll,
"=:, monetl), tf;Je: tcntl) !lap ofd;Jc b mo' :a 1 ~ell ttJe l)oure: of '.)fracl, ~us faietb tl)c
,?> 2• netl}, came tl)cuio111coftl)cJL0111 llo1ll <115oll, 15e1Jolll, '3l '1lill pollute mp ranctua,
;!au bnto me, faptng. ric, eucn tl)e glo,r ot rour po\Dcr, tlJc plcarurc
~ 2 ~ t)Jou ronnc of man, tDitte: of pour e:pel!I, ann pour tJe:artis Dclite:: ann rour
-;::: d;Jce: t(Je name: or tbts Dar , rea, cucn of tiJis p1e:' tonne~ anb llaug(Jtcris 'tDl)om rou {Jauc lcrt,flJal
:i::, rent Dar: fo1 tl}e lltng or l6abplon rct IJtmrctft a· fall tl)~ouglJ tf;Je Ctoo~ll.
;,,... !JllfntU~icrufalcm ttJts fd.ft tame bap. 2 2 JI..ille as '.Jl l)auc Done, ro 11.Jall re !lo alfo: re
~ 3 .anll a1e\U tl)c rcbelliouss 11ourc a parable:, flJSll not coue:r pour liplS, re 11.Jall eatc no man!S
' anb fpe:ake bnto tl)cm , ~l!I raietl} tl)c llo1ll b~eall,
2 3 !Anll pour tr1e tball be bpon rour l)rall~,
,...., i. <II5oll,l&~eparc a' pot, rct tton, anD pomie \»ate:r
'QJnu .
; mto 1t.
. .,.. f . . ami pour u1oocis bpon rour fcctc: rec f!Jalt nei•
• ::;DllJ• tl)e:i:moume noi 'a.lccpe, but pc 11.Jall pine a\llap
4 <II5attJcr d;Jc_ ~ pttces •..,e:reo 1ntoit, e:u~
f.. llOOil piece, tl)e tlJtglJ anl:I tl)e flJoullln:, anb an 1t
in rour iniqume:is, anll mourne one tomarocs
'tDitl) tl)e d)icfe bones. anotl)cr.
l,ca 2 4 ~l}uis Cll!1ecl)icl tis pour OJe:\D-tofien: accOJ•
~ ~alle: one of tiJe be:tf fl)ecpc.11 anll bume al,
bing to all tl}at (Jc lJatlJ none, re flJall lloc : \UlJen
v pc. ro bonci:4 bnlle:r it, let it borte uicu, let ttJc boncss
: t{JcrroffrettJ toell tl)ercin. tt commrtlJ, tl)en 1?£ llJalllmo\D tl)at '.ll am tlJe
1 J]..O,b(J!50l).
6 iwitlJ tl)at rain ti.Jc llo1il <!3ob on tlJtsma,
I 2 s a1ro, tl)ou ronnc of man, ll:JBll it not be in
ne:r, 110oc bnto tl)c bloollic citie,to tlJc. pot 'tlllJofe
::n.:i1 raimmc is tlJetein, allll '1111Jofc Crum WI not gone
tlJe !lap wlJcn '.Jl talle: from t(Jcm tUcir po\Dcr,tlJc
ior of t{Jei_r ~onour, tiJe pkarure of tl)eir err~
~~ out or it: b;in{J tt out c piece bp piece. let no riot
~ra:· fall bpon it. anD tlJC" llftmg bp Of ti)e1tfot1leis, their fOllllC~ "UnrQtom
" f.
8nll t{J£tf i)8Ug\Jte:tl5 ';' . . c1U1Dr.
"• 7 f,011Je:i:bloobis in tl)cmilltle...o it, bpon
2 6 '.)n tiJat lJap fi!40. come one tl)at ii:4 cfcr:.-
• 1111. a l)iglJ inic s llone l)atlJ fl)e poui1cb 1t, anb not
.... pc!I, bnto tl)ec and bung u to tl}e: l)earln~ of tninc ~ , ~~fi~:
bpon ....ctn"tlUIUI, d;Jattt mtg!Jt be micrcn 'tDttl) 0

~ .... "'.I»·· cares. ",. oc rl.: nt•

=::,· uw;: Cat itmig!Jt mufc\1l1atl) to atiCc, anb 2'
~n tl.Jat liar flJall dW tnoutl) be o.pc1tt1> to ~'.:::L:1~~.
'"' talie btrigeanu: 11Jauerct1Jcrblootl bpon an l)tmtot:tfclJ is e:fmpcll, t1Jattbo11mat'ell Q:cafit
Againil Ammon, Ezechiel. Edomand-Ty ,
ann be no mo~e oummc: rca. tl)ou 11Jalt be tlJetr lJeflror tc rot tlJc olnc enmitit:
11.Je\lJtolfcn, tl}at tlJer mar kno1» IJO\ll tl)at ~am • 6 ~ere101c tl}Us ratt:lJ t11e )l.,wb c8otl, ~c'
tl)e )L,OJb, lJollJ,] 'GliUBreut,Joutmpl)anll oucrtl;Jel&l)tli:
tttne~ anb Delfor tl;Je r ~eretl)itel!I, anD '4Uft aD ,
The xxv. Chapter. tl;Je rmmant of tl)e Cea coat to__pmOJ :
2 The word ofthe Lord vpon the IOnncs of Ammon, 17 ~great t>eqeanu tlltl '.J tallt t>pon tlJtm,
which rcioyccd at the fall ot Hicrufalcm. 8 A· 'o:JitfJ puniflJ\TICRtl!I Of In! UltatlJ •tf18t ti,ep 11181'
gaintl: Moab and Scir, again!l ldumea, againft the bnotu c~at 11 am ft.le JL,11;11, 1»lJcn] 11.JaDlap me
Philillines. bengcancc t>pon tl}em.

'e moibe of tl;le. lLoib came tnto The xxvj. Chapter.
2 ¢1Jou ronne of man, ret tbr I He prophecicth that Tyrus fhalbc oucnhrowen,bc-
race to'alarlJ tbe ammonite$5, anD caufc it roioyced at the ddl:rulHon of Hicrufalcrn.

~~ ~ ~~~=~~:~~tt=.'
p~op1Jecte bpon tl)em,
3 anti rar bnto tlJc ammonite$5, l;learc tl)c
moJb of ttJe )L,OJlJ ©on, 'Gtl)u$5 raictlJ tl)e )L,o~n .. tlJe 'alo1t1c or t1Jc JL.01b came imto <Iii
• 'lllrcaurc
!'( $otl.1fwarmuc1J a~ tlJOU ratl>c11, , ,a, l)a, oucr y me, faptng, 1~
m·:.~:~~~~ mr ~anctuarte becaure it 'ala~ pollutelJ , anti ,, - 2 ~ouronncofman.bc~
~~~~: :~.~~\',. omr tlJc lanlJ of 1fracl bccaurc it tlJBl!l lJclblate, t{Jat ~p1e i,atl} fpolien bpon ~ierufalcm, l)a ~f
anti oucrtlJcl}ourcof ]una becaurc tl.Jer \\lent lJa, ti,e gate~ of tl}e people i• b1oben, b.itistur: btir ·iii
into captiuitie:
b ~bat tg,ro tlJC people Of tfJe b !fatt, tl)at tl;JC}' map f1RUC tlJ~C
nell bnto me, ro1 no'ttl t1Jat 11.Je t~ llctlroren '.) 11.Jal ~:,'Ii
4 l5Cl}ol1> tl}crefo~e. 91 \Dill bdiucr tlJec to bc<ftlleb:
~~'/•br • inpolfelTion: tlJefC 11.Jall fettle tlJcir 'palacel!I m i,0111, tlD-ar;r1c. *JI 'lll.m bpon ~cc,'] lllill r~ 11p
;. ;r;%~:'1.~n tl}cc. !.t maflc tl)cir n~rntn~ in tlJ~c, tf1cr 11.Jal manr nauons agama tl;lec, ltfle a~ \lllJm dJerta 111 . ~
~\;~~i!.~~~~~~c catc tlJl! fnntc, anti tmn11 cbp tlJr nnlllc; 't "
uoii[tl ro 5 a$5 W1 d lft8bbatlJ, 1 \'oJ11IUafie 0l 1 a"'il'
arifeCIJ tllitlJ lJiSS 'a.laue•.
4 iEIJer 11Jall btcabe tl1e \Dalle$5 of ~1'1C.8llll
. ··~1
3 ~btrcroie tlJU~ faitlJ ti,c JL,o~ Cll5ob, 15e. I::~

.... ·.

. ··
:ID£!/r~~ atro btc foi camel~, anlJ Of tl)e ammonite)!I a fiJC£PC'
e::~:n~~~~~' fOlll: anlJ pe llJall
Jtno'a.l tl}at] amtlJe )L,OJlJ.
?\r~,~~~~~.. 6 f o~ tlJUlS faie tl:J tl}e ~J!e !olllJ, 1n"f2'
c:aa llo\llne i,cr to\D1es, 'l mill rcrapc .,er DUa Ill! :
fi'omi,cr, annmaflei,erantiemmc.
5 ~lJe 11.Jalbe fot a rp,cantng of nets in tl)f ·. ~:

•'D foll of con· mUdJ 81$ tlJOU l)aa C 1appelJ UlluJ t.,mt an ~,., fea,fot] lJtlUC fpoflen it,faitl} tlJC)L,01ll 00b,anll · ~t
~~~~i~? • anlJ aampell tllitl:J ti.Jr feetc, pea, anlJ rciorceb 11.Je fl.lalbc fo~ a Qlorle to t1Jc nation~.
i;or,rick- oucrtl)clann of'.)lfracl tllitlJalltlJr llllcfpite tn 6 'er d naugtJtcr~ tf:)at arc in tlJc fielll Oltllbe • '
l111g of l}eart: fiaine tllttlJ tlJCfmotlJ, tf:)at tlJcp mar bno\1'1)o\D ~:
hrn t. 7 '6cl)olbe tlJerefoJe , '.]) \Dill ilrctclJ out mr tlJat '.]I am t:lJe :Jl,oJlJ, .,. ··•·
1Janb ouer ti,ec, anti lJeliucr ttJee to be fpoplelJ of 7 f OJ tlJu~ raitl1 tlJe JUJib '3olJ, :lBn,oJlJ, 1
tlJc ll:)eatlJcn, anll roote tl)ec out from among mill tntng bpon ~nu$5 ~abudJ0Donoro111tn« Ullo r·~
tlJe people,~ caufe tl)ee to pcrillJ out of ttJc lantl~, of)5abplonfr6 tlJe ~oJt(J,a fiin~ ofktn~. \1JidJ :.
tea, 'J \1.lill mtllle t1Jee to bt nearoreb, tl.Jat tl;lou ~oircss, c:IJaret~, IJo~reimu, mttlJ a multitulle, .·
mapdt hno'a.l tIJat 1 am ttJc ·a-cnn. anlJmuclJpeople. ~
s ~uis raitlJ tlJc JL,o~ll 113011, <Jfo~armucb a~ s ~P 11aug(Jtcr• t1Jat arr in tlJcfffllltflJ fWi
~oab anlJ ~cir noc rar, lBcl)ollJ, t(Je lJourc or IJe oar toitfJ tl}e rmo1b: but agatni tl)ce i,c n1 ~\
']\ulla i~ lihe a~ all 13cntiles be: makebulmarll$5,anlJcaaa mountagatnatlJd, ~ft
9 ~l}crefo~c bctJofll, 'JI mill open tfJc fille of anllltft bp lJiS t'peareagatna ti,ee. ·~
~oabfrom tl}ccttie~, fromtl)e cities I fayortli~ 9 $e ilJallretcnginl!I of \Dambefo2c1Jim• . · l!lJi·
fronticrS,tl}eplc8flltC~ Of ti.JC t:OUlltrCp;as nlme· gainQ t1Jp \\Jal~. ann miti, IJtl!I tt1eapon~ b1edE "ti·
ly lBetl}icfimotIJ , l6aalmeon , anlJ JairiatlJta, llo'a.lnetl:Jr to\D1c$5. ~Ii::~
rtm: 10 ~1Jct1uaofl}i~lJ01rcs11JaHcoucrtbetdJef ~~
• ctnnrrnann 10 •ianto tl)ccl:lill>ieno~tf)c<fall,againlHIJc ll)all be Co manp, ti,p toaUCl!I fiJaU OJalle at dJe 1~
l~'lt~~~~~~r~:t ammonltclS, anil mill giuc it into potrcil"ton., ro nopfc of tl}e l:loiremen, tlll)celes, ann c:bmtJ, ~
~· •~
11 1 1
1 " ·~ "·'~ tlJat tl)c ammonites 11.Jaft no mo~e be lJatl in r~ ml;Jm be aiall enter into tlJP gatcss, 81!1 into d]e
membtancc among tl)e ~eatlJcn. cncmof ac:ttieb~ollenllotune. ,, .
11 ann ~ 'altl erccute tungsmcnt• bpon ~o, 11 tIDitf:) tf:)c IJoofc~ oflJil!l IJOtfc~ llJal l]c tm1ll
ab: anll tlJer ll)all kno\lJ ttJat 31 am t1Je llotlJ. 11owne au tbr llrccte~: 1Jec OJaU aar tlJe people , .~
2 2 ~IJus faitlJ tlJe JUJ~b <llJoMfoi ttJat lfD om mitlJ tlJe f\DoJb, anll ti,e pillar.l!lof tlJp arcn«t{I ~i
batlJ none in aucngtng reuengcmcnt bpon tl}c Q1all fall llo\1'ne to tlJe ~unb. ·' ~~
l)oure of 'J] u11a, anlJ IJatl) !lone great offenc:e, anll 1 2 ~lJcr O.Jall robbe dJr itcl}Cl!l.antl fpoile dW · . .~:
aucngelJ bimfcll'e bpon ttJcm: martiJanlJife, tlJP tvaltl ~ tlJe1' btcafte lJo\tlm. 1..~~
~ 3 ~bertfo~e tl)US fatctl) tl)e )L,01t1 ·$olJ, ~ anti btllrop t(W i,our~ or pleafurc, tlJp aond. ·~~
\'DtU reatlJ out mine IJanb bpon <fllom, anlJ lie' tlJp timber, anb IJldl QJall tfJer call into ttJc mtu ~~
llropmana1111bealloutofit, ') tllill makettlle' of tl,Je \\later. , ~
folate from ~l;Jeman, anti Jfllellanai, 11.Jall fall bp 13 •¢1Jusn>ft1 camui,erount1oftlJrfongf Joe.~.;~
tl)tf'\l')O~ll. toccarc,an11d}eaoifeoftl;JP11arpc~ll)alno..- \"(:
4 an11'] toih~cuttttll'teut111mtentbpon bcl)can. \~
tTicklin;; ~llO~bptl)e1Jan11ofmppcople'.)tracl,tl;Jep11Jal 14 ] \lltll btntg tlJet tnto a ll:ic roclic, t11oa , .. ~
hcarr, as!lot m lfllom acco~tn11to mrm~atIJanninlltg' ll)alt Ile fDJ a1)>1£111inl of net1, tlJou flJalt never . ':<:!
thry ofccn nation' ~o tl)at tlJcp l'ball ltnom mp bcngeanu, be buat againe:foJ eunt.J tlJe JL,01t1 l)auc fpoJun .1~~.
l11ue whoch rattl) tl}e ll.01bel3ob
dcl:ghr in 1 5 'iltl}u~ faitl) tiJ )L,D .... ,...
it,raitl) tl)e :LoJD eon. ~· ~
:·ckmgr•- ~IJtliltintSDibtnb e ~ <115ob, ifo1....,at •.,e • 1~ C'1WllJ&tf,JdJel-OJll <1150'11 fpoftm conccr• . ~~·
\ u<ogcmcnc.I tn11re11engement, iii'tt,ea~~b~~~i=~
nmm~rJC,.._unoctl)c ~le• treinblcat tl;Je '"
n011reoft11P~.1111Datt1Jecrpoft1;Je\llounbeb. 'I\\
\l)IJmj ·~:I
rrus defolacion. Cnap.xxvij. The riches of Tyrus. 282

\tJ~el1 tl}CF mall be oatm anb mnrlltrel> tn ti.Jc rounb about tlJp 'O.talle~, anll tlJe dt&tglncnians • c:•·•••h••
m1111>ea oftlJu !' lllcrc tlJp '\l!atc(Jmm bpon ~IJf to'al~es : tlJtfc ~1~':::~0c'~!.
16 an p~inmt Of t11e •res l!Jall come 11otrlne ~c:.r~~"J'.~.

••· 1Jange11 bp tl)cir *quiucrs rouo about ti.It' \llals,
~i:::- from tl}ctr tl}Janris •.dJep fi)8ll lap a~at tl]rn tUcp ma'be tfJF beautte perfect, !'.~o~~~~~b
ti.':.. robes,> put off tl]nr b~ol>mb gantttntl5, pea. J2. ~Qf~arfiswere thl' marcl;lantl!I fol iO"'l"lfllp
/'S't;,~\·~ ;
tllitlJ trendJling RJall ttJcp be c:lottJeb ~ tfJep ffJall tlJe multi tube of all nclJes,in mucr, won,trnnc.
:: Cit t>pon tl}c grounb , tlJCF tl)albr alloniOJel> at C• anll lelbe, 'allJim tlJcp biou@t to their "1ircl!I. ·
1111 r ucrpmommt,anbbeamafcbattlJec: 1 3 '.)auan , ~ubal , anti il@efectJ \llrre tlJp
:.. 17 ~lJCF OJan mournc ~ d]ce, anbfapbn• marcl}antl!I ronccming tl}e • uuel!I of men, anti •1;• r.111"~
\ to t1Jce, 'om art tlJou bcltropel> t)1at 'a.tall inl,Ja• tl]er b~ouJl}t befl'cls of b1aae foJ ttw mara,Jan, ~:~~;.";,:~"·
t•• b1ttl> of tl,Jc r Ceais , t(Je renowmcl> c:ttic \llllic(J bJtC1 "•""·
:~, mas tlrong in tllUca , flJc anD l)cr inlJabitants, 14 ~etoft(Je~oureof~o~arma b1oug1Jt
.: ,,; \Ul}idJ cau~b dJcir fcarc to be on all tJJat l}aun· bnto dJtt, at tl)ettme of tlJr mart, 1]01fel!I, cour,
,;: tel> d]ercm. fcrl!I, an'b inultl!I.
' 18 ~o\ll flJaH tile inl)abittrl5 of tl)e 9Jle15 bee 1 s ~epof~ellanwrrettw marctJantiJ,ani>
alfoniflJeD in t11c l>ap of tlJF ran: rca, tl)c j!fles manp jjflcs t{Je marcl}anni~e of tlJr l}antll!I, ann
·~ tl_Jat are in t(Jc fea flJall be troubkl> at dJr bcpar• b~ougl)t t{Jec f 1Jo~ne15, tettlJ, antis ~cbenul!l,fo1 r 11''"" •f
~ ture. p1ercnt~. [;i;~~~}·:g~.
,, 19 fOJ tl)u15 -raitf) tl]c 'Lo~ne eo11, m(1m I 6 ~Cl' oriram were dJt' marC(J8Utl$ fOJ t(JC ~~~;;:: collcD
·, ] make tf)ee aDcfolatc citic, 8IJ odJei cities be m~ltitu~e of tl)r 1llo1fiel!I, anl> occupiell in tlJp ~.;r,•:.::::,.
tl}at no man nnieu in, anl> Wl}m 11 bJingbp t11c faltel!I \lllt(J CfmetalllS, purple, b10bCtCb \U011ie, bJl!b< 1nD
·, Decpe bpon tl)ec, tl]atgnan11acms mapcoucr fine linen, c:o1aU, ann pearl£. blA<ke.
:. tl)ee: 17 jluba an11 dJe lanne or ']lfrael occupitll
:: 2 o -atl]cn lll1ll '.JI call tl)cc bo\Dne tmto tfJem mttll rtJee , It b~oug(Jt bnto tlJr ma mets \lll,Jcatc
. '" tlJat 1>ercent1 into tl}e pit, tmto a people of c olllc of h ~innet(J ano l&annaf!, l)onie, orlc, anll ~"'~~:!~~·:'
t:"" time, annrettl}eeina lanbtl)atisbc:neatlJ, lifle crracle. 111nm ·~· brfl
1:) tf)e oloe rutms, ttJitlJ t(Jcm mlJidJ goe bottine 18 l0amafCUSJ alfo 1\fcD marc}Janni1c toitlJ ~~'.msrolJlo
to tlJe grauc, fo dJat no man ll)all ll'O.tdl mo1e in t(Jee, in tl}e niinc of 'elbon, ano \D~ite \tlool!,
~~ tlJcc: but '.ll Will rercrue l}onour fo1 t:IJe h lanl> or becaUfe t(1inc ocrupptng \llaSJ ro great, anD tl)r
:;~· t(Jc liutntt. wares ro manv.
~ 0 2 1 91 'a.till :i: mafle dJec terrourl!I , anti tl)ou 19 WSn,jauan,anD*~eUfal{Jat1eb1ouil)t +wandrino
- g !bait be no moJe: tf)ougll tUou be fougl)t foJ, pct lmto tl)p marl!Cts \D~ougl)t pion: Qta[ia an!l 4ra' to aad fro,~
.:: Ill alt tl]ou not be founll fOJ cumno1e, faitlJ tlJe lamus t»crc among tfJP marcl}anbi!e.
·· Jl,o~ll ~ob. 20 ~£1! of Jl!lel>an were tlJr marc(Jantl5 tu
piectoul!I dodJeSJ fo~ c}Jariotl!I.
21 irabia anll an tl}e p1incrs or ¢charl)auc
occ:uptcD 1llitlJ tl)ec, tn \llctl}crs,ram15, \l 1toateis:
in tl)efe \llcre t(Jer tlJr marctJantl!I.
s 2 a,e marcl;lants of ~cba anb lllema (Jaur
oc:cupieb alfo \lJidJ tl)ee in alt d)ierefpices, in all
p1eciot11!1 aoms anll goltlc , 1lll}ic1J t(Jep b1oug(Jt
bnto tlJp marflctl5.
:i. 3 l)aran,lltl)ennc..anb ce?lcrl.tf1emarc:l)ant11
of ~eba , ~urr1ia, an11 €l]ClmaD , were llocrs
'O.tidJ tl)et.
24 a,crc \t!ere u,r marcIJantsin an ro1tso1
thin gs, in raiment of blue filfie, anD of b10FlllCll
mo1fic.ann tn Gtorer15 ro1 tJJe rtcb apparel, WlJiclJ
mere truur.n \llftlJ co~nes, anll U~ensr boarn a· !! or,ch•inc>
ntong tl1 r manl)Btllll!C. were.
2 ~ ~{Jc flJippes of ~arfis \\lere t11e cfJicfc
of tl}inc occ:upping: t(Jus t(Jou \tJalf 1·ep1cnil1Jcn
&nil in great woiflJip, eucn tn tl)c mil>bes or t(1e
16 ~rllro1llcrsl}auebiougllttl)eeinto great 11 or,rob-
\Dattt!', tlJe ; !fall minne (JattJ biorrm t(Jec m bm,
tl}e mtnnes o~ tl}e Cea. . ~.~~·:~:~~··
l 7 qr m(Jes, ant> tlJr faires , tilt' marc(Jan' ~a·g •r 11,b~
Di!e, tlJt matiner15 , anl> tlJipmafters, tiJr caf, ''"·
11er1, anll tl}e occupiers of tllr marc:l)an1>t1e,
anb an tf)p men of \llam t(Jat are in tlJee. an11
an ~ m~ltitulle. tl)at ts in tile mtn1>es or ti.Jee,
man rau mtlJe m111ne15 of tlJe rca, tn tlJe bap or
2 s ~e k ruburbe~ ll)all 11Jafle at tf1c1ou1>c err k ~hrr•. ,n.
Of""°' fi>qnnen. ,.,.,...
..,t 111ftth~th b( ""' '
l 9 "' ..,.. .,an e ...,,e 01e, manners anll an
.....'""'" ....
lbipma~• of t(Je rea, ll)nll come tiowne fro1u
ttJdr llJips, anti tlanll bpon tlJe lanl>.
r:.~ ........
30 an~ tlJcp OJall mure dJdr bOF'e to bre
f)CSrll agatnfttl}Ce,anl> tl)al ctf ln'ttqj.anil {ball
The king of Tyrus Ezechiel. threacned for prid
.,5,., •
5ypt aHaffe ofreede:
tl1e a tcntlJ fUN , ~- tlJc
tmdftl1 llay of ttJc tcntlJ monJtlJ,
tf}e 'IDO~lJe Of tl)e )i,,OJb (lllU •nto
mt, fat'mg,
, ¢1Jouranneorma~ ftttlJF
.· ·· ·
lLo;D bnto me, Catrtng,
HerdefiruE'rion. 283
1 s ~ou ronntofman,jlabucl.)oDonoroJ tlJc
fling of l3abplon caufcll IJiJS amde to ferue a
~reat Ccruice againll ~t'Je : eurtf )JcalJ ll.lais
mtU>c balll, anlJ rucrr flJoulDtt barc. ret hall nti•
\~ ::"b face a«aintt ~i,11rao d)c bing of emt , pio• t(Jer llr noi IJiss annie anp toage• foJ ~t"p~l5 foJ
.~::.\~' plJC'tc again« (Jim, anb againlU11e•le lanlJ t(Je frruicc 'IDl)iclJ lJc reruelJ a1ainfl it.
.,.&·:~. ofqppt. . . 19 '4t1Jr~ctoie ti.Jus raitlJ tile t.oJD 0ob, '6c'
~ or•b• 3 · ~pcakc anll tell l)iln , ~- faieti1 dJc IJollJe, 'JI totll glue tlJt lanD of Cfgrpt bnto {rla'
lt".;.1 JL.o~b eolJ, '5c[JollJ, flD 10tJarao. ttJou llin« of<?, bt1c1Jo1Jonoro1 tl:)e king of lBabl'lan, tl.Jat i)e mar
~:: ::. l.Jt'Pt, 91 '1>ill bpon tlltt tbOll great J0~agon, take a\l:Jap l)er mtlltltuDe.anll q.ioilcl1~rfpoilrJS,
~ ~·· b tlJat lirtlJ in the mtoors oflJilS nuers.d)ou tl)at an.ti talic l)er P~F to pap IJIJS t)olle tiJCir llllll~
~ fafett, ~enucr 115 mine, 'Jl l)aue mallc ttfo~ \1.JtttJan.
~·~ mpfelfe. 20 1foi tile* 'lllo~lie \DbtctJ he "m~ougbt about *The rrauel
t-::· 4 9\ 'IDtnput•{Jooftc~intbrclla'me15,ttbang
~:~' dJ1' fill) tn tht' riuers bµon tiw fllalt15: aft£~ ttJat,
tt, '.JI l)aue ~ucn}Jim tl)e Ia!Ulof Cfgppt, bccaufe
t[Jcr 'W~ougl}Uo~ mee, faitlJ tlJC JLo~'D <30lJ,
about Tyre.
·. :~ .. 1 'IDill inato tl)rc out of tbe mioo of thr nuns. 2 r ]n tl)at liar '.ll \Dill <:aure t11c (Jome of ttJc
. '°' rc11,anll alltl)e filli of t~F riucrs llJall(Jang bpon f)oucc of'.]lfrael to bull fo~th,anll ']\ lDil gmc tl)re
·l.f. · rtJr male!!. tl}c opening of tl)p moutb tn tl)e millll of tl}cm:
q:,r 5 'l \tlill lcaue tl)ce ill ttJc unllJemc!fc.. both anlJ tiJCl! niall lmolll tfJat '.jJ am tiJe JL01t1.
\.. tlJce ano an t!Jc fttlJ of t1Jrnutt15: ttJou HJaltfall The xxx. Chapter.
::. bpon tl)c open flclD,tl)ou n1alt not be b~ugtJt to•
i gctl}rr, no: gatl)ercll : j! l)auc g1ucn thee foi The deOrullion of Egypt, and of his cities is be-
~·,~~ meate to tl)e bcallisof Cl.Je fidlJ, anti to tl)e foulc'

:;:our of tfJt 11 ar~r, ll) ~ 'moib
of ttJe Jl,0111 came bnto
> 6 ~tlat nn tl)cp 'IDbith b"ID£U tn Cfgrpt, mar me, raring,
-:.;ca- kno"ID tl)at ~ am tl)c ·t,o~IJc , bctaure tl}er 11auc
:, bcnc a ttaffe of rccoe to tl)c IJoufc of 1\frad.
'· 7 119i}cn tl)cr toolte }Joll:Jc of ttJee bJitlJ tl)eir
• l ~tJoufonnqofinan.p~op1:Jc 0
nc, anlJ fpeafle. ~tJu~ faictl} ttJc
)L,o:llc 15olJ , l!)otole, \l:Joe \1.Jo:ttJ
.,... lJanll, tnou bJaliCtl anlJ rent all tl)cir 11JOUl1lcr: tlJiOar:
:~ ano \'Ol}cn tncr lcanco bpon tbce, tfJou bJallctl 3 '101 tl)elJap iisncere, ttebap of t(Je Jl.o~IJc
.•• anl:l mallctl all tl)cir 1or11c15 to tlan1l 1Jp1igbt. is atlJanlJ, t)1c *DamclJap, d1etimeof tl}enan' t A cloudic
:..:: s ~llmfo1e tl)us Ctlittl rte lLo~IJc ©oll, ~e· on1111Jallbe. d;y.
(Jol~, '.]] toil b~ing a Ctoo~n bpon tl)ec, anti llclh'op 4 anll tl)c f\l:Joibc fl.Jan come bpon cfgrpt:
out of t(Jrc both man aniJ bcatl. anlJ fcarc 11Jall be m ietlJiopia 'IDl)en tl)c aaine
9 pea, ttJe lanll or <f~pt fl)albc btfofate anb llJaUfall in Clfgrpt: anD ti)£ FllJaU tallc a\Dar l)tr
:~; wattt, anlJ tlJer man hno'ID tl)at'.1 am tlJc l.o~IJ, multttul:Je, anlJ lJtt founllations OJaU be b1olien
becaurcl}e ra111, qcnueri,minc, '.l\ mpfelfe 110111nc.
:.« 1Ja11c tnalJc it. ~ 1!1ca, Cl?tlJiopta,JL.ibra,ann ·JL, tf:leir
~le ro ~Cl)ollietfJCrtfo,!c, ]'mtnbpontl)cc, anll rommon people, anlJ ¢1Jub, anb all tl)at be co11°
::' bpon ttw riuers, l 'IDlll maflc tl)c ll1l1l> of ~grpt fcllttate tinto ttJcm,PJalfall toitl) tl}em ttnouglJ
~t· bttcrlp toaac anh ncroratc , ftom ttJe to\llic of tl}e ftoOJlJ,
: ~: ~cucncl.J, bnto tl)c bOJIJttlS of CftlJtopia. 6 ~u~ faitlJ tl)c lLo~lJ. ~c maintcincr~ of
11 {rlo footc of man llJallpad'c bp it, noJf'oOtc tl}e lanll oflfgpptllJal fall,tl)e p~ilJe of 1.Jcr po\1.Jer
•. of beall ll:Jal paae bp it, ntitt)tt fl)alltt be l.nlJabi· llJallcome llo'alne, eucnfrom tl}e to'Wcr of•~£· • .,..,
="' ttbfourttcrceres. ucnt11 PJall tl}ep fall ootone in it taitlJ tlJc rwo~il. :i'C'"' :11:c
::~:. 1 2 'J. \1.Jill make tl)e lsnb of G!!grpt to be befo• raptlJ tbc :tLo~ll ~olJ. . "" ·
f lilt£ amon~ otl)cr 'roafte countries , anb l)tt ci' 7 ~mon~ otl)cr llcCotate <:ountrie.u tf.JCF flJal
; tirJSlJcllroyclJfourticrmsamongo~ttiletlroi, be malJe lJcColatc, among otl)er \1.Jafte titic ~ tiJcp
rb 'dirJS: ~ ] \lltll C<:attcr tl)e lf«pptians among ll)albc 'Qlailco.
~ dJe natiOllSl) anlJ th'a'mc t\JctUtt]OJOta tlJC COUil• s anll tfley ftJalllmo'al t(Jat '] am tl)c JLoit>,
:.t:;, ttcpJS. 13 ~gatnc, tt:mi> faitlJ _tl)e "L.o~b 11301>. •!Jen
tolJcn '.ll (Jauc frt a fire in lfgrpt, nno rol)cn au
l)cr l)clpcrs flialbc 11caroret1.
tile fourtic rccrcs arc erptrcll, ']) \1.1tll gather die 9 'Jin tlJat oar tlJUll mctrcngcr~ goe roo~tfJ
from me in fl)ip~to ma lie tile carclc[c ~o~ians
' 1· among 'rolJom tl)rr ~ rwtterclJ. . .
,~ crm;ttan' togctlJC?: againc out of t11c notions
afraio.ano feare n1al come ti~on
~~ lt anb']l totubµng t}Je captiait:tt ofcfm>t tod)elJap of cflJFPt :fO~ lac, ttcommctl}.
~· &gatne, ani> cauCe t{Jem to rccumt1nto t11e lanb 1 o ~!)Us faiti:J tl)c JL.o:il ([5oll, '31 mil caurc dJe
:f, of~ttnol5, tile tantl of ~eir l.Jabitat:ton, anlJ 1nultitulJe ofeflJfpttocearebptlJel)ann of Jea•
~':... ~ep (lialbe tl}erc ad {mall ftmglJonw. bucl)oDonoro~ ftmg ofl5ab}!Ion.
'":a· · 1 s ~ca, it fi:Jall be tl)dmall£1tamo111 otl)cr 11 l)c. anll lJiS people \1.JitlJ bnn, tlJc terrible
~~t kin~omc11,ncttbtt OJ al it era_lt tt frl~ anr mo1e nations tl)al be b~~ugl.Jt to IJcllrop tl)c tanti: tiler
.P.I i!' aboilc tfJc nationJS : fo~ '] to1H ro t!ltntDJ t'l)em, 11.Jall D~ato out tlletr Cmo:ois bpon Cfgrpt,ann fill
'-ir;,,.'" tl)at ttJer ClJall no mo,c rule tt)rnattons. . · tl}c Iano run orn:nnc mm:
12 .1 lDill ma'he tl)ctr ~tm1111 1 ie, 1n11 rcn tbe
r 16 Qnbtl)eylballbt no mo,e bntodJc (Jeurr
· ·

~; of 1fratl a trull' '\l:ll)i<:IJ bJin\1etl) tiJeir intqui· Ian'D mto tile b,anbl5 of 'IDKkclJ people: tbc 1ant1
~ tie te rememb1ana, 'rolJcn tlJCF ll)aU 10011£ af, anD all tbat tis tl)ercin 'Jl 'mill Dctlror tl}~ou!rtl
• ta t'(Jt\n: anll tlJ~ 01all kno\llc tl)at l am tte ti}~ ~anD or llran~cr11: cuen '.JI tl)e )lo:oe fJauc

"'• "A,,o~b"<Bott. · . ·· C8&ll It, Z•ch. r ; . 1•

.mo fi
b \SJllro am1
11 ')n tl)c • t'tlintft anlJ rcucntl) recrc, u,e 13 -.,u~ artlJ tlJc llotlJ <!I5olJ • 1 wm oc 11.:ia""P'"" •1

~l firll liar ortl}e fidlmonett). c:ame ttJe 'mOJ'D or ttJe tlror t11e illolca, anD b,ing tile lnu1gr~ of b ~optl i11o1, ••
' I lBub _l_O_I~
Pharaosarme broken . Ezechiel. Affurs profperici

• ll11t.apb-
d WDlcbi.
l'appolrD of
bbln• tt bl
rltcuflr of
'..:he fall of Pharao, and Chap. xxxij. Egypt,isforetold. 184
t T

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