100 Strange Sights To See in The Hedge: Neal Litherland

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100 Strange Sights

to See in The Hedge

Neal Litherland

A Sourcebook for
Changeling The Los t
Hedge Sights
Jacoby had seen the wizened’s reaction too many times to count. Daniels
was competent in the world they’d come from, in his smart suit tailored to
hide the guns he’d crafted in his sleep the first night after his escape. But now,
away from the pavement, the noise and the realness of the mortal world he
was trying to look everywhere at once, jumping at every little sound, and
he seemed terrified and mesmerized in equal measure. Like he’d come back
home, but the slender gunman was quickly remembering exactly why he’d
left that home in the first place. Off in the undergrowth something was
eating... it wasn’t a pleasant sound. As long as whatever it was had food in its
maw, though, Jacoby wasn’t overly worried.

“Is that normal?” Daniels asked, his voice a shaky stage whisper.

The ogre leaned on his staff, and rubbed the bridge of his crooked nose. It
never failed. You couldn’t explain what the Hedge was to people. You could
tell them the stories, show them the trinkets and the harvest from the Thorns,
but they just didn’t get that it was like a river; you couldn’t step in the same
Hedge twice. It was one thing to know that this other world existed, or to
remember it in some half-forgotten dream of running. It was something else
entirely to be swimming in it, far enough from shore that you don’t know if
you could get back.

“If I hear the word normal come out of your mouth one more time, Daniels,
I’m going to hit you with my crook and let you think about the goose egg on
your head until we get to the market,” Jacoby said, narrowing his good eye
at the Spring Courtier for good measure. “I told you this before we left. That
word has no meaning here.”
The two of them walked on for a time, the silence between them filled by
the sounds of the Hedge. Leaves swayed, whispering as they passed. Birds
cried out off in the distance, sounding almost human. Something big roared,
but it was far enough away that Jacoby calculated it wasn’t an immediate
concern. Then Jacoby heard one of his least favorite sounds in the whole of
the world between; the strident braying of a phone ringing.

“What the hell is that?” Daniels asked, his pistols clearing leather. They
glinted in the sun, the hammers cocking with the sound of someone politely
but firmly clearing their throat.

“It’s a phone,” Jacoby said, turning his head and listening. On the third
ring he saw it. Partially hidden by a low-hanging branch was the scratched
and faded blue plastic and scratched steel of a very old phone booth. The
door hung open like a broken jaw, and the receiver vibrated in the cradle
with every ring. Once he’d located it, Jacoby stalked toward the booth. His
single eye roved the greenery, and his hand tightened around his staff.

“What are you doing?” Daniels hissed, leveling his weapon at a flower that
turned its face toward him.

“Somebody might need help,” Jacoby growled. He snatched the receiver,

gave it a single glance to be sure it wasn’t immediately dangerous, and held
it close to his ear. “I have neither time nor desire for foolishness, so don’t
make me regret answering.”
Author: Neal Litherland
Editing & Layout: Adrian Kennelly
Published By: Azukail Games

© 2019 White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved. Vampire:The Requiem,
Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil,
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Promethean: The Created, Chronicles of Darkness, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers
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For additional information on White Wolf and the Chronicles of Darkness, please visit:
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4 100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge

100 Strange Sights to See in
The Hedge

Table Of Contents

Introduction 7

100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge 5

I nt r o d u ct i o n

100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge

The only thing that stands between the mortal world

in the True Fae is the bizarre, ever-shifting realm known
as the Hedge. A place of magic and danger, no one knows
just how big the Hedge truly is, or even what its true na-
ture is. The one thing that all know for certain, though,
is that nearly anything is possible within the Hedge.

As a storyteller it can be difficult to really drive home

the otherworldly nature of this realm. Because while a
gateway into the Hedge might look like an unexpected
patch of forest, or an overgrown alleyway, it rapidly be-
comes its own beast the deeper one goes. The experience
can best be described as surreal, with impossible crea-
tures, talking animals and magic pulsing through the
very air one is breathing.

The following list of strange happenings and bizarre

sights can be used to help Storytellers keep players on
their toes. Because creating a feeling akin to Oz, Wonder-
land or just the mythical forests full of goblins, witches,
talking wolves and lurking dangers we find in fairy tales
isn’t easy, but these tools should help!

100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge 7

1. Off the trod several topiaries have been cut 5. Alongside the trod is a notice board that’s
from seemingly random bushes. There are hors- hung with scraps of paper, parchment, vellum
es, a pack of wolves, reclining big cats with flow- and less-identifiable media. From Wanted post-
ery manes and even one or two human-shaped ers looking for “lost pets” (many of which feature
figures standing in thoughtful poses. Those descriptions of beast changelings), to missed
who take their eyes off the figures, though, no- connections, to bounty offers for notorious in-
tice that the topiary bushes seem to shift when dividuals (as well as who’s paying said bounty),
they aren’t being observed. Those who look away there’s a bevy of items on the board. While some
for too long may find some of them have nosed changelings are known to review the occasional
right up to the trod, one foot raised to step onto boards like this that crop up as a way to keep
the road and approach even closer. their fingers on the pulse of a local area, others
2. Sitting atop a small table at the side of a avoid them as little more than baited traps set by
path is a simple wooden bowl that’s filled with hobgoblins and privateers alike.
a variety of goblin fruit. Hanging from the table 6. A tree stands off on its own, its bare
is an immaculately-lettered sign that reads For branches like skeletal fingers reaching for the
guests. Please take no more than one. Those sky. Hanging from those branches are hundreds
who take a single goblin fruit and eat it gain of pairs of shoes, each pair tied together with a
one point of glamour. Those who say, “Thank short length of creeping vine. From tennis shoes
you,” also heal a level of lethal or bashing dam- to work boots, from pumps to loafers, there’s a
age when they eat the fruit, or gain 2 points of staggering variety of footwear in the tree. Those
glamour if they have taken no damage. Those who look closely also realize the shoes vary in
who take more than one fruit from the bowl lose age, and while some are fresh others appear to
1 point of glamour per fruit taken, and suffer have been hanging there for decades. Anyone
a -1 on all dice pools when they are within the who takes a pair of these shoes immediately
Hedge for the next day. feels sick to their stomach, and they can smell
3. A cherry red 1968 Camaro is parked in grave dirt and decay that no one else can. Those
a small clearing. At a glance the vehicle looks who actually try to wear these shoes find them
pristine, but those who examine it find that it damp and uncomfortable, but what’s worse any
gets stranger the closer they look. There are no fae creature hunting the changeling receives +2
tracks in the grass, for one thing, which makes bonus dice on all dice pools involved in locating
the car look like it was set down in the clearing them as long as the changeling wears the shoes,
by some gigantic hand. The doors are unlocked, and for 1 day after they take them off.
and the leather interior is soft and warm. It feels 7. A wind chime hangs from a twisted pole.
strange, though; almost like it’s alive. In the It sounds clunky and wooden, rather than the
glove box is a small drawstring bag filled with sweet, metallic notes many are used to hearing.
bloody, copper coins. Those who pop the hood Those who look more closely realize the chime is
find pulsing, organic-looking cables and throb- made from tiny, human bones, and in the center
bing, sparking wires joined by gaskets and bolts. of them is what looks like a child’s skull. As the
There is no ignition, but if the vehicle is dam- wind blows over the skull it sings in a haunting
aged in any way it awakens with a roar, tearing voice that’s an eerie counterpoint to the clatter
off into the Hedge at top speed. of the bones. Those who speak with the ghost
4. A cheap, plastic clown mask hangs from attached to the skull are asked to wrap the boy’s
a tree above an engraved slot in the trunk of bones up, and to bury him beneath a Juniper
a nearby tree. If someone approaches it a small tree. Those who do as he asks find a feeling of
note card pops out of the slot with a fortune calm settling over them from their good deed.
written on it. Those who heed the fortune gain Changelings gain +2 bonus dice the next time
a +1 bonus die to any single dice pool that’s ap- they have to make a Clarity roll.
plicable to the fortune in the next 24 hours. *If playing the 2nd edition, instead reduce
Those who attempt to damage the mask, the slot the dice pool of your next Clarity attack by 2
or the tree, instead receive a dire warning on a dice.
second card. If this occurs then at some point in 8. A stage sits near a collection of wooden
the next 24 hours the storyteller may cause any 1 seats that appear to be growing straight out of
action to automatically fail in conjunction with the ground. A sign at the border of this odd little
the warning. place reads Shadow Theater, Please Take Your

8 100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge

Seats. Those who sit down watch as their shad- campground bathroom, it seems oddly organic;
ows detach themselves, taking to the stage to act as if it were grown here rather than built. Those
out a silent, grandiose play. While a changeling who venture inside find outhouse-style toilets in
may leave if they wish to, their shadow is bound separate stalls, with fat leaves in stacks that can
to the production and won’t be released until the be peeled off the walls and used as toilet paper. A
play’s conclusion. Those who leave their shad- basin of washing water protrudes from the wall,
ows behind lose a permanent dot of Willpower along with a strange pod that can be squeezed
until their shadow is regained. Those who re- to shoot out sudsy, cleansing sap that’s exactly
gain their shadow after the performance is over like soap. Though not actually dangerous, the
feel invigorated, gaining a +1 bonus die to dice entire place feels almost like it’s trying to tempt
pools involving Socialize, Perform, Presence or passer-by inside... which it is. However, rather
Manipulation for the next 24 hours. than devouring individuals like a Venus fly trap,
9. Thrust into a wide tree stump is an im- this structure feeds off their waste. And, used
pressive ring of weapons. Daggers, axes, swords, regularly enough, it will expand and grow larger.
spears and other melee weapons bite into the 12. Strange music appears to be coming
wood, and carved in the center of the stump is from nowhere. Those who attempt to find the
the legend Here There Be Monsters. Guard Thy- source realize that it seems to be coming from
self. Those who take one of these weapons (a a bed of flowers, their petals acting like speak-
1-dot hedgespun item) find them serviceable, but ers. Those who come upon this location at night
there always appears to be flecks of blood on the find the music played in the Hedge is louder,
blades. Additionally, the equipment bonus for and faster, and that it is in perfect rhythm with
these hedgespun weapons is 1 dot higher than the pulsing lights running through several vines
that listed for a standard melee weapon of its strung around the area. Hobs of all sizes typi-
type. However, these weapons seem to draw vio- cally attend these night-time flings, but it’s not
lent conflict toward them, and at least once per uncommon for the Gentry to be drawn to the
day a hostile creature will approach the bearer as energy (and the debauchery) found in these lo-
long as the weapon has been drawn (or hefted, cations as well... which makes them a risk even
for weapons that have no sheath). This is a dan- the greatest thrill-seekers among the Lost aren’t
gerous situation in the real world, and an even always willing to take.
more dangerous one in the Hedge. This curse 13. An old telephone booth sits beneath a
ends for 24 hours as soon as the weapon tastes lamp that appears to be melded with the Hedge.
blood (requiring it to inflict at least 1 point of le- It looks relatively clean, if a little dusty and
thal damage onto any living creature, including disused. There is a telephone book on a chain
the bearer of the weapon). These weapons also inside the booth, but its pages never have what
have a Mask that makes them look deliberately someone is actually looking for, and the ads are
fake when in the real world; like theater props or for products and services that could only exist
costume weapons rather than dangerous tools of in the Hedge. Those who look find the booth’s
the killing trade. number is nowhere to be seen, if it even has one.
10. A roomba rattles through the Hedge, When that phone rings (not if, but when) the
beeping and booping to itself as it goes. Those most likely thing one will hear when they pick
who approach it receive a grinding growl of up the receiver is a changeling begging for help
warning from the gears as the display light on the other end. Whether it’s a fellow Lost des-
changes from green to red. Making either an perately looking for help, a hobgoblin playing
Animal Ken + Manipulation, or a Computers + one of their little tricks or a member of the Gen-
Manipulation roll at Difficulty 8 can return the try laying bait for a trap, none can ever say. Most
light to green. Offering the roomba a bit of lint avoid these phantom phones whenever they can,
or dust bunnies provides +2 bonus dice on the tiptoeing past and hoping they don’t ring... be-
roll. Those who manage at least 3 successes can cause no one wants to have to make that deci-
earn the roomba’s trust, and if they have a hol- sion if they can avoid it.
low, they can lead it back there where it will take 14. The sky above the Hedge is rarely stat-
up residence to keep things clean while chasing ic, and those who watch the clouds will often
out bothersome sprites. see strange, fantastical sights within them. One
11. A low building peeks through the sur- might see wars between storm clouds shaped
rounding greenery. Resembling a park or like battleships as they fire heat lightning at one

100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge 9

another, the swirling face of the North Wind made of stone so perfectly fitted that there’s
as it blows cold air through the Hedge, or even no mortar necessary, or carved from oak with
messages spelled out in the clouds for just a mo- lovingly-engraved roses and vines complete with
ment before they vanish. Some changelings have a carpet runner, or made of expertly shaped
developed theories about these so-called sky bronze that twists up in a spiral, there is an air
writings, but as with anything else in the Hedge of wrongness to these staircases. It’s as if, accord-
it’s often impossible to tell fact from fable. ing to those who’ve seen them, they might lead
15. What looks like a cabinet on the side to places even more bizarre than the Hedge it-
of the trod is actually a small, lending library. self. Those who ascend these stairs feel a sense
While there are dog-eared copies of pot-boiler of mild vertigo, but nothing happens until they
detective novels, and more than a few bodice-rip- descend once more. Once someone leaves the
ping romance stories, there are odder books in stairs, they find themselves in a completely dif-
the collection as well. Leather bound cookbooks ferent part of the Hedge than they ascended
written in a spidery hand with instructions for from. This has, rarely, been a boon for those lost
preparing Hedge creatures for a feast, and illus- in the Thorns. It’s impossible to say how many
trated copies of fairy tales with little notes in the changelings ascended these stairs only to never
margins regarding veracity and suspicion regard- been seen or heard from again, though.
ing the origins and natures of certain figures. 18. A flickering television set with a large,
Those who take a book without leaving a book old-fashioned screen sits in front of two over-
will find that a random book in their posses- stuffed armchairs and a sofa. A bizarre figure
sion will vanish into one of these lending librar- in a plain white mask and a baggy black suit is
ies scattered throughout the Hedge. Since many featured on the screen, entreating passer-by to
changelings collect rare, odd or esoteric books, sit and listen for a while. The voice of this figure
those who use this system on the regular always is oddly compelling, though it quickly grows stri-
make sure they have a trade to offer to prevent dent if someone walks away. Those who attempt
this from happening. to harm the set find that it breaks easily enough,
16. A stump has gathered dew and rain for but that as they walk identical televisions featur-
days, and the water has grown thick and red like ing the same, eerie figure follow them through
bloody soup as it leeches sap from the remnants the Hedge as soon as the wreckage is out of
of the tree. Those who take a whiff find that it sight. The loud voice of the figure on the set ren-
smells spicy, the perfume reminiscent of apple ders any attempt at stealth useless. The only way
cinnamon. Those who drink the water find that to evade this creature is to return to the mortal
it’s quite thick, but that a single mouthful elimi- world and remain out of the Hedge for at least
nates thirst, hunger and fatigue as if the indi- 24 hours. Those who choose to sit and listen to
vidual had eaten, drank and had a restful night’s the box, or who give it some variety of offering,
sleep (this does not reduce bashing damage or will receive a piece of information useful to their
restore Willpower, however, only removes any current endeavors as part of its rambling discus-
penalties accrued for not sleeping, long-running sions, recitations and word from its “sponsors”...
physical activity etc.). Those who take a second whoever they might be.
drink, though, must achieve at least 3 successes 19. The sound of splashing water leads one
on a Stamina + Resolve roll at Difficulty 8, or to a pool boasting a strange contraption. A com-
else feel queasy for the next 12 hours. The Hedge plicated water clock the size of a small building,
often gives freely, but punishes those who are assembled from brass, bronze, wood, bone and
greedy. This “Hedge soup” as some rangers call even more unusual components, it’s an unex-
it cannot be transported very far from the stump pected sight even for a place as seemingly ran-
it steeps in, and it must be consumed quickly dom as the Hedge. There are faces all along the
after it’s dipped out of the bowl. This effect re- front of the clock, each one leaking water from
sets after 24 hours, at which point someone who weeping eyes and open mouths to fill the pool all
consumed Hedge soup before could safely do so around it. Above the actual faces are clock faces,
again, but the stumps (and their contents) rarely each one odder than the last. Some of the clocks
remain in the same place for long. barely move at all, while others spin at a rapid
17. Those who have wandered in the Thorns pace. Some have 13 hours instead of 12, and
often talk about finding immaculate sets of stairs some have as few as 3. Some have seven hands
standing in the middle of nowhere. Whether on them, and others bear marks that represent

10 100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge

no mortal letters or numbers. The clock runs to resist their passage less. Chases through the
constantly, requiring neither maintenance or at- Hedge, and Hedge duels, give the individual a
tention. or so it seems. Where it’s keeping time +1 bonus die on skills, attacks, hedge shaping
for it something many changelings have theories and similar dice pools. Those who disrespect the
about, but thus far none seem to have any real, altar, or who steal offerings, find the Hedge far
definitive answers. more hostile than usual. This imposes a -2 dice
20. Obscured by some low-hanging branch- penalty on all dice pools while one is within the
es is a wooden sign in the shape of an arrow. Hedge for the next 24 hours.
Carved into the sign is the phrase To The Rum- 23. A toad the size of a small dog sits on a
pus Room. Hanging from the arrow are the lily pad in the basin of a large, cracked fountain.
severed heads of dolls, each one strung up by Those who walk past hear him croak, and then
their hair. Those who attempt to make their way the toad asks them for something to eat. Those
down the overgrown path hear mechanized gig- who refuse, or who move on, have no negative
gling, and singsong voices excitedly repeating, repercussion for that action. Those who give the
“The wild rumpus, the wild rumpus, come sing, toad a goblin fruit (which he promptly gobbles)
and dance, and play with us!” Those who con- are given hearty thanks before he hops away.
tinue on through the path find themselves in Those who chose to help the toad have broken
what looks like a decrepit, broken-down summer the curse that bound him to the fountain, and
camp filled with broken mannequins and rot- he will repay them in some way at a later time. If
ting dolls. Those who explore are likely to run an item is lost in water, they find it returned to
afoul of a True Fae hunting party as if the goblin them unexpectedly for instance. Alternatively, if
contract Call The Hunt had been used. no opportunity presents itself within a week, a
* For 2nd Edition the Rumpus Room should small basket of goblin fruit arrives with a note
boast several huntsmen, or privateers using the that says all debts must be honored. It is signed
area as a headquarters. Lionel “Lily” Pad.
21. A quaint cottage sits off to one side of 24. In a small clearing a sight of the bizarre
the trod. While it’s half-hidden in the shade of mundane that defines the Hedge presents it-
the Hedge, those who’ve traveled this way be- self. Several brick grilles, each one with a rack
fore have never noticed it. Those who approach of tools, are scattered among mismatched tables
find the shades are drawn on the windows, and and chairs to form a kind of picnic area. Torch
while there are creaks and groans from the cot- poles are driven in around the perimeter to pro-
tage it’s impossible to see what’s going on inside. vide regular lighting, and a sign tells people to
Those who knock at the door see the shades roll please dispose of their leftovers. Closer inspec-
up abruptly, and huge, avian eyes staring out tion may give some passer-by pause, as most
from inside the house. The door bursts open, a of the grilles are outsized, and outfitted with
snapping beak and tendril-like tongue lashing. scorched manacles. If there are hobs present,
Once awakened the cottage rears up on massive, they’ll invite the changelings to join them in ex-
clawed chicken legs, rattling its side doors like change for a small contribution. Goblin fruits, a
wings and screaming. It turns and bolts, with story, a riddle or even offering to clean up after-
the Hedge parting to let it pass before closing ward are all acceptable bargains. Those who ask
over the runaway cottage’s wake once more. are assured (truthfully, for those who attempt to
22. A stone idol lurks in the foliage. Loom- discern any lies) that the meal was merely a beast
ing to the height of a tall person, the figure is of the Hedge, and is not the remains of a speak-
skeletal, though its face is obscured by the hood ing hob (as they call them), or any changeling.
of its stone robe. The idol’s hands, with their 25. Hanging from a tree is the body of a
too-long fingers, are spread wide in a gesture hobgoblin. His hands are bound behind his
that’s both welcoming and threatening at the back with cord, and those who succeed on an
same time. It is impossible to say if this figure Intelligence + Medicine roll at Difficulty 8 can
is one of the Gentry, a potent creature of the tell the hob was strung up and choked to death
Hedge or some kind of Saint of Thorns. Those rather than being dropped to break his neck like
who make a sincere offering to the idol (a point a proper hangman would have done. Affixed to
of glamour, an offering of blood that causes 1 the body is a wooden sign listing his crime as
point of lethal damage etc.) feel like the Hedge Ironmonger. Next to this crime is a red hand
watches them more closely, but that it seems print that’s missing the little finger. Those who

100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge 11

make an Intelligence + Occult roll at Difficulty water. From a day-glo legend that screams Burn
8 (or who make an Intelligence + Investigation the Bridges! to a bloody smear that declares sim-
roll at the same difficulty when conducting a ply I’m Sorry, the fragments of lives that have
more extended search for information) discov- passed through this place practically sing with
er this is the mark of the Keeper known as the the echoes of those who made their marks.
Bloody Queen. According to Hedge legend one 29. A field of small toy soldiers has devolved
of the Lost beat her nearly unto death with an into all-out war. Various factions of plastic and
ironshod cudgel, and forced her to cut off part lead figurines have dug trenches and established
of herself to seal a pact to leave him and his cho- artillery emplacements, and some of the more
sen people alone. Her huntsmen still wander the archaic factions prepare cavalry charges while
Hedge in search of retribution, and there is no rolling their cannons up to a firing line. Those
worse crime in this True Fae’s eyes than one who who listen to their battle cries, or who see the
deals in the very weapon that laid her low. symbols on their banners, may feel a shiver of
26. A crossroads boasts a disturbing sight. A recognition if they filled a similar role for their
dozen different arms jut from a central column, Keepers in the past. These toys were once owned
their flesh merging with the living wood of the by the Gentry, it seems, and even with their mas-
Hedge. Hanging from the arms’ wrists like par- ters departed they still fight for their glory, and
ticularly gaudy jewelry are signs that indicate their favor.
what is in the direction the arm is pointing. 30. There is a plain, wooden door set direct-
Those who come across this particular guide- ly into the dense greenery of the Hedge itself.
post more than once notice the signs change, Those who open the door find a small room
or that the arms now point in different direc- with a single bench seat. If one sits in the dark-
tions than they did before. Those who wonder ness they hear a slight breeze pass through the
how the arms know where to point, or where Hedge, almost whispering to them. Telling them
the arms even came from, often do their best to to unburden themselves. Those who make a
drop that train of thought lest it interfere with a confession to the Hedge receive a point of glam-
good night’s sleep. our in exchange, as well as a bonus die on the
27. The stench of blood and rotting meat next Clarity roll they have to make. However,
hangs on the air, and the buzzing of flies leads as relieving as it might feel to lay down a heavy
those willing to follow it to a poacher’s pit. A burden, only a fool tells their deep secrets to the
hole dug in the ground, this grisly location is Hedge. There’s no way to know for certain how
filled with cracked bones, severed heads and un- far such a confession would travel.
identifiable viscera. Those who look more close- * For 2nd Edition players, remove 1 die from
ly can see the roots of the Hedge plunged into the pool for the next clarity attack.
the slurry from the sides of the pit, the woody 31. A field of broken shields stand defiant,
veins pulsing and throbbing. The trees are slow- planted into the ground like cracked, leaning
ly eating the meat tossed into the hole, grow- gravestones. Some are made from battered steel,
ing stronger and stranger as they consume. The others of splintered wood and some of things
surrounding foliage groans and creaks, as trees that could only have been crafted with fae magic.
turn to face those who approach, but who have All of the shields face the perimeter of the field,
no offering to give. A sense of threat looms over as if keeping watch against unseen foes. Every
the area, and bones crack in the pit seemingly shield bears a name and history of the one who
as a warning that those with no business should bore it, and while each is different, they all end
move along quickly. with the words, “Duty never ends.” The Praeto-
28. An old stone bridge crosses a babbling rian Field, as it’s sometimes called, is where the
brook. Those who get anywhere near the bridge, great champions of the seasonal courts are often
however, find that it is absolutely coated in lay- interred once they finally fall. It is, perhaps, the
ers of graffiti. Some of it appears to have been one place in the Hedge that the True Fae will
done with spray paint, but other messages are not venture; some out of respect, others out of
too vibrant, or too surreal, to have been made fear. Changelings who seek wisdom, or even aid,
with anything that had its origin in the mortal from the dead may even find it there.
world. The messages and tags all seem to shift 32. Tiny doors are worked into the bases
whenever one blinks or looks away, creating of several trees in the Hedge. Some have small
an unusual experience as one tries to cross the gardens around them, or mats bearing messages

12 100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge

like Wipe Your Feet. None of them say Welcome, obligation. Changelings who continue to reward
for that would invite anything in the Hedge to them, offering incentives for continued service,
enter. Those who knock at one of these doors may be able to persuade them to remain loyal as
get a response from a voice that’s far deeper and the chronicle progresses... particularly if they are
far larger than should fit in such a small place. given room and board in a changeling’s hollow.
A Presence + Persuasion or Manipulation + Per- 35. A team of hobgoblins in overalls and a
suasion roll at Difficulty 8 allows one to ask one large cart of tools being hauled by a gleaming
question of the resident per success. Directions, white horse are trimming back the overgrowth
local happenings and news, dangers and threats from several little-used connecting paths to a
etc. will all be known to the Hob in the Hole, trod. Their tools vary from old-fashioned sick-
and that information can be very helpful to les to chainsaws running on some sort of gob-
those who ask. lin fruit juice to judge from the sweet scent of
33. An old-fashioned gumball machine sits the exhaust. Though the hobgoblins note the
in the long grass. Rather than a coin slot there’s changelings’ presence, they stay focused on their
a pad in the shape of a fingertip. Those who put task unless accosted as the Hedge tries to swipe
their finger on the pad and turn the crank are at them, attempting to grow back over places
jabbed with a needle, and a taste of their blood that were just cleared. Those who get at least one
is taken as payment (dealing 1 level of bashing success on a Presence + Persuasion or Manipula-
damage). A gumball rolls down the inner spiral, tion + Persuasion roll at Difficulty 8 find out the
and depending on the color it will have differ- hobs were contracted to clear certain trods, and
ent effects. Red gum heals a single level of lethal to make sure they’re passable again. Those with
damage, or two levels of bashing damage. Blue at least two successes hear from Dozer, a huge
gum grants a dot of glamour. Green gum grants troll with a wad of chewing weed in one cheek
a temporary insight to the Hedge, allowing one who’s manning the chainsaw, that it was one of
to always find a reliable trod for the next hour. the Gentry that commissioned the job. Dozer
White sweetens the tongue, granting a +1 bonus doesn’t know why, and doesn’t particularly care.
die to Persuasion or Socialize dice pools, and al- The contract was good, and saying no isn’t some-
lowing one to ignore untrained penalties if they thing you do when one of the Good Folk comes
normally suffer from them. Orange restores calling on you like that.
a point of Willpower, or provides a phantom 36. An old camera hangs by its strap from
point of Willpower that can be spent just like a branch. The nylon is frayed, as if it rubbed
regular Willpower though it provides no other hard on the branch before the strap was torn
bonus. Yellow gum calls the attention of dan- off of someone. Those who take the camera find
gerous creatures, ensuring that a confrontation there’s still film in it, and if they develop the
will happen before one stops chewing, but it also pictures, they find a previously-unknown gate-
replicates the effect of any other color. An Intel- way into the Hedge through a mausoleum. The
ligence + Occult roll at Difficulty 8 allows one pictures also show a beautiful, ethereal woman
to discern the effect of a given color, and any in white who appears to have led the camera’s
specialties in either oddments or goblin fruit ap- unlucky owner through the gate. She’s unlike
ply to this roll. anyone known to the local changelings, and it’s
34. Two sprites streak through the air, each uncertain if she’s actually a spirit, a loyalist or
vying for advantage over the other. One is rid- something else entirely from the pictures alone.
ing a vicious-looking hawk, while the other sits 37. A bird bath that looks like a carved stat-
astride a slightly smaller, sleeker falcon. If ig- ue of a beautiful woman holding a bowl sits in
nored they simply fly past, but if a changeling a mostly abandoned clearing. As a bird settles
engages the sprites at all they wheel and land on the rim of the bowl a large, black tentacle
on a nearby branch. They’ve been arguing over covered in spines and suckers snatches the bird,
whose mount is faster, and they ask a changeling yanking it into the water. A few feathers settle
to stand as judge with a small favor from each of to the ground, and a moment later the water
them as the reward. An honest judgment puts is calm and placid once more. Those who ap-
the sprites, Zaren the hawk rider and Felinor proach the bowl see a huge, yellow eye looking
the Falcon, in the character’s debt. The sprites up at them, as if the bowl is merely a tiny hole to
can deliver messages through the Hedge, scout a vast, watery realm beyond.
and perform other minor duties to fulfill this 38. Leading off the trod is a wooden gate.

100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge 13

The gate isn’t attached to a fence or barrier of gain a floating, phantom point of Willpower
any sort, but hanging from it is a sign that says that adds +1 to all Resolve + Composure rolls,
Please close the gate behind you. The gate is and can be spent the same as normal Willpower.
slightly ajar, as if whoever last went through it This phantom point lasts for 24 hours, or un-
didn’t properly close it. Anyone who closes and til they next leave the Hedge, whichever comes
latches the gate finds a letter waiting for them first.
in their dreams. It’s on plain, white paper, and 41. A gallery of bizarre art hangs among the
sealed with pale wax, worked with a set of scales. branches of the Hedge. Stained glass mobiles
It thanks them for their kindness, and tells them that depict a taking, and an escape, spin slowly in
that as they shut his gate, so too has the letter’s a light breeze. Paintings that seem to move and
sender shut theirs. The changeling now has a change when one looks away are held delicately
“dream gate” which acts as the Danger Sense at perfect viewing height. Sculptures of men and
merit whenever they are in their own dreams. women with glimmering veins of crystal seem
If an individual already has this merit, then the almost real until one touches them and feels the
dream gate provides an extra +1 bonus die. hard stone beneath their hand. Whether left by
39. A figure is drawn on a tree in chalk, an a reclusive changeling, created by a talented hob
iron nail driven halfway into its heart, and a cir- or crafted by the hand of the Gentry, it’s impos-
cle of salt is spread around the trunk. The figure sible to truly say who the artist is... or was. Those
is roughly humanoid, though the arms are far who visit this gallery more than once find that
too long, and the fingers end in wicked claws. the art on display does change over time. Those
Written below the drawing are the words King who damage the artwork find that the gallery
of Beasts, Master of the Hunt, Lord of The Kill, grows hostile, and the Hedge pulls the treasures
I bid thee keep thyself from my trail. Those who away, secreting them deep within itself. The
make an Intelligence + Occult roll at Difficulty Hedge refuses to heed those who are disrespect-
8 recognize this as a binding ritual to keep the ful of the gallery, imposing a -2 die penalty on
subject away from the caster. Three successes al- all pools to navigate the Hedge until one either
lows one to realize the target is a True Fae. Five makes an apologetic offering of their own art, or
successes allows one to interpret the ritual, and a year and a day has passed since the incident.
to understand that while it isn’t completely suc- 42. A four-post bed sits in a small clearing
cessful, it does seem to be having a partial effect. with the bed curtains pulled. A soft carpet of
Those who drive the nail deeper hear a roar of moss surrounds the bed, and a nightstand cov-
rage and pain echoing from somewhere deep in ered in chips and scratches has a half-full glass
the Thorns, rolling over the entire Hedge. Those of water sitting on top of it. Only someone truly
who remove the nail hear the blast of a hunting mad would lay down to sleep in the middle of
horn, as the last link binding the Beast King is the Hedge... but there’s no shortage of madness
now broken. If the changelings come across this among the fae. Those who look under the bed
member of the Gentry they might be able to beg find small, hopping puffs of dust in the shape
a boon from it as per the merit Faerie Favor... of rabbits. The bed itself is empty, and if one
but was it worth the cost? lays down in it the curtains close of their own
40. A fireplace stands in a clearing, complete volition and sleep comes quickly to them. A Re-
with a mantle, chimney, throw rugs and wing- solve + Stamina roll at Difficulty 8 is required to
backed chairs. A scrimshawed skull sits on the stay awake in this instance. 2 successes means
mantle, and next to it is a sign that reads Stay one stays awake for several minutes. 3 successes
awhile, and share a story. Those who sit and allows one to stay awake for 15 minutes. 4 or
tell a tale feel as if there is some unseen pres- more successes allows one to shake off the need
ence listening to them. Those who tell a story to sleep. Those who do sleep in the bower heal
must make a Presence + Expression or Manip- 1 level of aggravated damage, or two levels of
ulation + Expression roll at Difficulty 8. Once lethal damage if they had no aggravated damage.
success earns the teller a point of glamour, as if However, without someone standing guard over
in thanks. Two successes earns a point of glam- them while they sleep it’s likely something will
our, as well as removing any bashing damage the come along and ensure they never wake again.
teller is suffering from. Five or more successes 43. An old water fountain carved in a fanci-
also restores a point of spent Willpower. If the ful pattern sits atop a stone base. Water runs
tale teller hasn’t spent any Willpower then they cool and clear from it, but there’s seemingly no

14 100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge

connection to any pipes. Where the water comes almost like it’s laughing. The spouts move off
from, and why, is something only those who into the Hedge, occasionally edging back as if
understand the logic of this strange place will trying to tempt those on the road to follow them
grasp. The water is harmless, though, and can to see where they’ll lead. The answer, in this
be bottled and taken with if one is of a mind to case, is deep into the Thorns.
do so. 48. A set of old-fashioned fun house mirrors
44. A trio of vending machines sit in a small are set up along the side of a trod. Most of the
clearing. At first their offerings seem relatively mirrors simply a show a distorted view of those
normal, but the names and packaging of the who come too close... but there’s something off
familiar-looking products aren’t quite right. about the reflection. It seems to hesitate, as if
Whether one wants a can of “Mountain Storm,” it’s someone copying the onlooker. Those who
or a pack of “Keeper Elf” cookies, though, all get too close are attacked by the creature in the
they have to do is put an offering through the mirror as it lashes out (with an attack pool of 6
slot. A whispered secret, a coin found in the dice, dealing lethal damage). Those wounded in
Hedge, an old key or a point of glamour are all this attack are marked by the creature, and they
options depending on what one desires. The find their reflection is distorted everywhere they
food, properly paid for, is delicious. Some even go as it stalks them... both in the Hedge and in
come with trinkets, toys and unexpected prizes the real world. The only way to end this threat is
in their packaging. Those who attempt to reach by catching the creature in a mirror (its original
inside these machines without paying take 1 one, or another mirror entirely), and breaking it
level of lethal damage as they’re bitten. Once (dealing a single level of damage) with a thorn
the blood is taken the machine gives them some- cut from the Hedge (which can be used in me-
thing for the offering, but the food is always bit- lee, or made into an arrow or crossbow bolt so
ter; tainted by the attempted theft. the mirror creature can’t attack again once the
45. Half a dozen rainbows streak through changeling is in melee reach of the mirror).
the air after a rain squall. Those who try to 49. A large sign, lit from within, stands off to
follow them with their eyes find the bands of one side of the trod. Those who approach find
light bend in impossible ways, making them dif- that the sign simply shows a large green space,
ficult to perceive as they truly are. Those who and in the center is a bright red dot that says
look closely also notice creatures of the Hedge, You Are Here. If one presses their finger to the
from white-maned unicorns to fiery nightmares, dot, spending two points of glamour, the green
running along these rainbows as if they were area shifts and swirls, turning into a map similar
bridges. to the ones found in shopping malls. The map
46. The remains of an old-fashioned auto shows the immediate area of the Hedge, with
mat, along with a few cracked and peeling booths strange locations like Candy Cave, Jack Bin and
and their tables, sits at the end of a short path. The Straw Yard picked out by dark green dots.
Behind the small, glass windows one can find Those who follow the map’s directions receive
everything from bowls of fresh soup, to cups of +2 bonus dice on their next attempt to navigate
jello, to slices of cake, grilled sandwiches, burg- the Hedge.
ers and more. Any sort of coin will be accepted, 50. A small well with a covered roof stands
and the food is always fresh and filling... but try innocuously off to one side of a trod. There is
as one might it’s impossible to see where these no bucket in the well, but those who look down
meals actually come from. Sometimes there’s a see the glimmer of coins beneath the water at
glimpse of a scaly hand and the stained sleeve the bottom. Anyone who asks, “Is this a wishing
of a cook’s jacket, or a shadow slipping a plate well?” hears a sibilant whisper from within an-
into its place in the window, but beyond that swering yes, it is. Those who toss in a coin and
there’s never a sign of who (or what) keeps the make a wish are judged by the well. Small coins
place running. Those who walk around behind buy small wishes, while rarer or more valuable
the cases find that, seen from the back, there’s coins buy grander ones. However, if one makes
no food. As if all the little glass doors each go to a big wish on a small coin, that is when the well
their own destination. twists things out of true. A changeling who says,
47. Spontaneous water spouts erupt from the “I wish the Spring Queen would notice me,”
ground, seemingly chasing one another back and might mean they want positive regard from the
forth as they arc over the trod. The water sounds monarch... perhaps even a budding romance.

100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge 15

Such a wish is a large thing, and would require asks around, the same hobs who were utterly
a large offering. If given with an appropriate of- convinced the mountain had always been there
fering, they might find they are called upon to have no idea what mountain the changelings are
provide expert council, are asked for a dance at talking about.
a gathering or otherwise given an opportunity 54. A seemingly insignificant rabbit hole
to make a positive impression. Those who offer actually leads to a sizable underground cavern.
a petty coin, though, would come to her atten- There are beds, a common eating room, what
tion in a rather negative way; called to task for a appears to be a chapel of some sort, a wash-
mistake they made, violating court protocol in a ing room and an old armory. The whole place
public way or otherwise earning the Queen’s ire. is filled with glowing moss, though there are
Regardless of whether the well intends to grant dead torches along the walls as well. Musty hel-
the wish’s intention, or a twisted version, it al- mets and old swords can be found, though little
ways whispers, “As you wish.” enough is serviceable. The walls are covered in
51. Muzak carries through the Hedge, and carvings made by many different hands, includ-
off between the brambles one can see what ing names, dates, prayers, poems, fragments
looks like an old-fashioned elevator. The brass of memory and warnings of dread figures who
interior gleams as if it’s been recently polished, sound like the Keepers. In the chapel in large
and the tiles on the floor are soft earth tones. If letters reads the inscription Blessed are they
one steps into the elevator, the doors snap shut who break the chains.
behind them. The muzak turns off, and a soft, 55. Overhead vines crisscross a section of
feminine voice asks their destination. Once a lo- the Hedge. They seem random at a glance, until
cation is named, the elevator demands a price to hobgoblins on ziplines go rocketing along them.
be paid. Those who pay the price (or agree to the Those who manage to trace one of these vines to
terms if the price is some future task), feel subtle a solid support, and to climb the tree to the plat-
shifts all around them. A few moments later and form where the vine is anchored, find they can
the elevator doors open, and the changeling is somewhat make out the immediate area of this
near the destination agreed upon. Those who transportation network. As they watch, though,
cannot (or will not) meet the price named find the Hedge shift direction, altering where the
some of their essence drained away from them vines are going. It’s impossible to know if that’s
(taking a level of lethal damage), and they are part of the overall design, and the vines always
spat out in a random place in the Hedge. This go to their initial destination, or if the whole
location tends to be hostile, as well, acting as a thing is one big gamble. Those who try using the
lesson not to waste the elevator’s time. lines must make a Strength + Athletics roll at
52. A field of boulders that dot a clearing Difficulty 8 to hold on, as well as a Hedge shap-
actually turn out to be gigantic puff ball mush- ing roll if they want to try to control their des-
rooms. Colossal bites are taken out of some of tination. Those who fail either roll are dumped
them. Those who are brave enough to take bites onto a random trod. Those who fail both rolls
from different mushrooms actually find a variety fall into the Thorns, and must carefully navigate
of flavors among them. Pieces of these unique a way out.
mushrooms can be carved off and eaten later, as 56. At a branching of the trod anyone who
with any goblin fruit, but for some reason they succeeds at a Wits + Composure roll at Diffi-
simply will not take root and grow no matter culty 8 spies a silver fork stuck into the ground.
how hard a changeling tries to transplant them. Those who take this literal fork in the road find
53. A mountain seems to have appeared over- it vibrates slightly, as if to guide one’s way. The
night in a familiar place in the Hedge. Any hobs fork indicates which of two paths will have less
questioned about it say it’s always been there, danger, though less dangerous is not the same as
and they seem confused as to how any change- not being dangerous at all. One who plants the
ling doesn’t know such an obvious fact. Those fork at another crossroads before they leave the
who attempt to approach the mountain find the Hedge receives +1 bonus die on dice pools to de-
Hedge resists them getting too close, with routes tect ambushes for the next week. Those who try
curling away and turning back on themselves. to take the fork with them back into the mortal
If one manages to force their way through the world find that it vanishes from their person,
Hedge’s resistance, they find the mountain is returning to wherever it came from.
gone as if it had never been there at all. If one 57. Off in the Hedge there’s an odd clearing.

16 100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge

Mushrooms grow into fearsome shapes, mov- sit down on the bench find their fingers drawn
ing along tracks of fungus in the ground. These to the keys even if they don’t know how to play.
fungal statues never cross a particular line, Anyone who sits on the bench needs to make
though. The ground is littered with torn feath- a Presence + Expression roll at Difficulty 8. If
ers, snapped bowstrings, empty shell casings and a character has no dots of Expression they ig-
other detritus, showing that a large number of nore the untrained penalty for this roll. If they
creatures have been using this place for target have at least one dot in Expression (or they
practice. If one digs through the remnants of the could already ignore the untrained penalty) they
smashed myconids and loam, though, they find gain +2 bonus dice on this roll. Once the song
silver bullets, fanciful arrow heads and scorch is complete the individual feels filled with the
marks left by lances of fire and lightning... and song they played. They add +1 bonus die to all
some of them seem to be quite recent. dice pools involving Expression or Presence rolls
58. A No Smoking sign hangs over the trod, for a number of days equal to their successes on
pulsing with red light that’s akin to flame and their performance. When they get up from the
cinders. Those who ignore the sign and smoke, bench, the sign has changed to simply say Thank
who use fire-based abilities or who are fire ele- You For Your Song.
mentals, set off an alarm that seems to blare out 62. A small ring of marbles is set up in a clear
of the flowers themselves. The sky opens up with patch of dirt. Those who shoot one find that
heavy rain, drenching the area. Only retreating the marbles on the other end take their turn of
past the sign, or walking past the arbitrary no their own volition. The player makes a Dexter-
smoking area, ends the downpour. ity + Athletics roll at Difficulty 8, compared to
59. A bucket sits off in the tall grass, just the phantom marbles which have a dice pool of
barely visible above the swaying stalks. Those 6 to roll with. Players who win this match find
who look closer find the bucket is filled to the an unexpected good turn of fate sometime in
brim with teeth. Some of the teeth are small, the next day (a +4 bonus to a single die roll),
clearly having belonged to children, while others while players who lose will automatically fail an
are large enough (and have the cavities and fill- action at some point in the next day. In both
ings) to indicate they belonged to adults. Those cases a cat’s eye marble will appear seemingly at
who examine the teeth also notice that many random, letting the individual know this is their
of them have what look like tiny claw marks on comeuppance from their game.
them, indicating something took a firm grip and 63. A huge, stuffed bear sits on a bench near
tore them loose rather than waiting for them to a trod. It looks forlorn, abandoned and waiting
come out all on their own. for someone to be its friend. Those who are kind
60. Near a well-trod path sits a wooden to it, or who say something along the lines of,
strongbox with a wide slot in the top. For those “I wish I could take you home with me,” find
in need are the words carved into the lid of the this bear in their hollow (if they have one) when
box. Individuals can leave money, goblin fruit they next return. Its position often moves, as if
or even offerings of blood and glamour. Anyone it wanders about when no one is around to see.
who leaves such a donation finds that, in their In this case it generally helps out, keeping things
own time of need, the act is repaid to them in clean and put away, and providing a general air
a meaningful way. Those who left money find of safety and security. Those who are unkind
a bill has been paid by a mysterious benefactor to the bear (striking it, saying mean things etc.)
when they can’t cover a payment, while those find he follows them back to their hollows to
who left blood or glamour may find unexpected cause mischief; eating goblin fruit from their
aid when they are wounded, or have run dry on gardens, leaving the place a mess and causing
magic. Those who put garbage in the box, or other issues. The only way to stop the bear from
who attempt to break it open, find bad luck dogs causing problems is to make a heartfelt apology,
their steps. Merchants drive harder bargains, un- and to give it some kind of meaningful offering,
expected fines are levied on them, their homes at which point it leaves. Any damage done to the
are vandalized etc. When it comes to the box, bear is undone as soon as one leaves and returns
what goes around really does come back around. to their hollow, with the bear back and causing
61. Off in the weeds sits a dusty, yet service- mischief the same as before.
able, piano. A laminated sign with fanciful writ- 64. A game of nine pins has been set up on
ing reads Know a Song? Play a Song. Those who a flat patch of ground. Those who play find that

100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge 17

time moves even more strangely in the Hedge a vineyard owner who immigrated to the United
than usual. Players must make a Dexterity + States, Gregory still resides on the east coast in
Athletics roll at Difficulty 8. 0-1 success means semi-retirement.
the game took a week of time in the real world. 67. A wrecked ship seems to have run
2 successes means it only took a day. 3 successes aground in the middle of the Hedge. A three-
means this journey through the Hedge will last mast gunship of the sort favored by pirates and
only an hour once the player returns to the real privateers in the Caribbean, it looks like it’s
world. 4 or more successes means that no matter been through hell. The masts are splintered, the
how long this trek through the Hedge lasts, the hull filled with breaches and the cannons that
player will return to the real world one minute are left are skewed and broken. Faded letters
after they left. If multiple people play, their re- along the hull proclaim this ship The Devil’s
sults take effect when they go back through a Reach... while such a vessel was mentioned in
gateway into the real world. song, no such ship ever sailed the seas of the real
65. Next to the trod is a billboard with an world. Is this a recreation made by the Gentry
advertisement for the Tinker’s Treasures goblin playing one of their games? A manifestation of a
market on it. The board shows a huge, grinning tale taking on a life of its own? And how did it
hob with her arms spread wide to indicate an wind up here, in the middle of the trees, in such
array of treasures all around her. Beneath the a wretched state?
billboard is an old-fashioned ticket dispenser, al- 68. The roads of the Hedge are varied, and
lowing passer-by to tear off red Admit One tick- they seem to alter themselves without rhyme or
ets. Anyone who has a ticket finds their steps reason. A cobblestone lane shifts into an ancient
pulled toward the market, even if they know the Persian highway, complete with divots in the
trod they’re on leads somewhere else. A small stones to collect rainwater for animals to drink.
market, by the standards of the Hedge, there Those bricks give way to poured concrete slabs,
are still several dozen booths, stalls, tables and which become smooth, black basalt. The basalt
one or two storefronts for customers to peruse. blends into asphalt, complete with the painted
While nothing truly rare exists here, most of lines one would see on any modern highway.
the time, information, goblin fruit and miscel- Some changelings think the Hedge just swal-
laneous hedgespun items can be found with a lows up whatever it can reach, building itself
bit of perusing. out of the conglomeration of parts and pieces it
66. A series of trenches span the length of rakes in from the real world. Others have theo-
a nearby field. At a glance one can see they’re rized that these paths allow individuals to move
quite old, the wounds dug into the ground slow- through time as well as physical space, as there’s
ly healing. Though grass has grown back over often no way of knowing how the Hedge is going
the edges, the trenches themselves still stink of to distort hours and years along with distance
blood and corruption. Those who get close hear and direction. How much truth there is to that
the rattle of machine gun fire, and feel the whiz theory is unverified, though, as most change-
of bullets (though at least two successes on a lings who wander off into the Hedge don’t re-
Wits + Composure roll at Difficulty 8 reveals the turn... and if they do, the things they say rarely
sounds and sensations to be illusory echoes of make sense to any sane mind.
the past). Down in the trenches are rusted tools, 69. A penguin in a Hawaiian shirt trundles
half-buried tins, empty shell casings and some along a path, its wings occasionally flapping to
very old uniforms. In the pocket of one of these help keep its balance. The red crest of feathers
is a letter written in French. The letter is from a atop its head marks it like a crown, and it grum-
soldier named Philippe, who was separated from bles and squawks from time to time. Those who
his unit. He writes to ask that anyone who finds watch see a briar wolf leap from the brambles,
this letter locate his wife Charlotte, and tell her barreling down on the bird. The bird screams,
that he did not die a coward. Those who take and burning magnesium-bright fire leaps from
the letter and spend some time searching (mak- its beak to engulf the predator. The briar wolf
ing either an Intelligence + Academics roll or slumps to the ground, little more than a lump
an Intelligence + Computers roll) find Philippe of charred, smoking meat. Beak still smoldering
Gascogne was listed as missing in action during from the blast, the penguin awkwardly bends
the Second World War. His wife never remar- down, taking bites of its crispy kill.
ried, raising their son Gregory on her own. Now 70. Those who make a Wits + Composure

18 100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge

roll at Difficulty 8, and who achieve at least 2 Those who choose to pull the slot machine’s le-
successes, see a huge fin cutting through the ver roll a single chance die. On a 10 they hit
grass in the rough past the edge of a trod. It cherries on the machine, and it pays out a jack-
looks like a shark fin, moving through the soil pot. The coins that spill out are golden double
like it was water. It vanishes below the trod, as eagles, unevenly milled and bearing an unfamil-
if the road is too solid for the creature to move iar, featureless face on the tails side. These coins
through. The fin rises on the other side of the grant a single dot of Resources that can be spent
path, still stalking. The fin follows those on the in the Hedge (allowing for purchase of up to 2
trod, as if it’s waiting for something. Those who dots worth of Hedgespun items, or to increase
step off the trod, or who lean out over the edge, any aspect of a Hollow by one dot up to a total
are attacked by a huge, green shark with thick, of 3 dots, as this allows the changeling to pay
brown stripes (attack pool 7 dice, dealing lethal hobgoblins to make upgrades that would take
damage). Once the shark takes its bite, it swims them significantly longer on their own). Those
off. If no one steps off the path for a while, the who don’t hit the cherries on their first, free pull
fin peels away to look for easier prey. Offerings feel compelled to play again, and must succeed
thrown off the path (fish, meat, goblin fruit etc.) on a Resolve + Composure roll at Difficulty 8
will distract the Hedge shark for a time, but it to resist. Those who fail must pay a cost to the
will come back. If one feeds the shark, though, machine in the form of promises/favors, blood
it is now escorting rather than threatening those or glamour to keep playing. Every round they
on the trod until they reach their destination (at fail to either hit the jackpot the roll to resist the
which point its debt is considered paid). It will compulsion goes up by one necessary success (1
attack those who threaten its charges, though success after the free pull, 2 successes after the
once injured the shark vanishes down beneath second pull etc.) to a cap of 5 successes required.
the ground, leaving the area. The cost to play also goes up, with more glam-
71. On most nights the Hedge boasts only our, more blood or bigger promises required to
a single moon... but that isn’t always the case. be able to play again. Those who are restrained
Other moons, from the small, yellow orb with from playing for a number of minutes equal to
a dark blue lake on its face called Hali, to the the successes they would need to resist the slot
large, reddish-purple satellite known as the Lov- machine on their own find the urge to play pass-
er’s Shadow, have been seen and documented by es. It leaves them feeling sick, unpleasant and
those who study the Hedge and its happenings. with a dull throb in their heads, but it passes.
While some say these alien elements give a hint 74. A huge, saurian roar fills the under-
to the Hedge’s true location and nature, others growth, and the ground shakes as the footsteps
maintain that the celestial bodies are as mutable of some gigantic beast run through the Hedge.
as anything else one might glimpse in the world Glimpsed through the brush is a massive, feath-
between worlds. ered lizard stomping across the trods, vanish-
72. A heavy rain left the trod covered in ing into the green hell. Those who investigate
large puddles. Those who don’t pay attention to find colossal footprints that an Intelligence
where they’re walking find they fall up to their + Academics or Intelligence + Science roll at
hip when they step in a puddle, as if the Hedge Difficulty 8 confirms as belonging to a Tyran-
is merely a layer of topsoil over a bottomless sea nosaurus Rex. Sitting in the dirt is also a huge
beneath. Those who reach into the puddles (ei- collar, with a metal tag the size of a shield that
ther accidentally or on purpose) feel something reads My name is Rex on one side, and on the
unseen brush against them. Something rubbery, other Please call the Lord of Lizards if Found.
and fibrous. Those who wish to move safely No instructions are given on how to do this, but
through the Hedge must make Dexterity + Ath- those who investigate at the local markets can
letics rolls at Difficulty 8 in order to avoid slip- set up the proper channels to return the collar
ping into the more saturated areas. If the water if they wish. However, doing so might mean this
dries, no holes in the trod are revealed. Digging creature wants them to find and return his pet...
in a place where a puddle previously was reveals something that could have seriously negative re-
nothing, either. percussions if it turns out that Rex is more than
73. A slot machine sits under the shade of just a mere beast of the Hedge.
an overhanging branch, with a back lit sign that 75. A very large tree covered in rough bark is
reads Test Your Luck! Your First Pull is Free! playing host to some two dozen cats. Some are

100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge 19

black, others white, a few of ginger color and at on the head by one of its huge paws. At some
least one tortoiseshell, they’re crawling over the point in the next three days an individual can
limbs, popping out of the tree’s boles and gen- use the Sphinx’s Blessing to gain +4 bonus dice
erally alternating between playing and relaxing. on a single roll. This blessing may be invoked af-
Those who approach find the cats each turn as ter an initial roll is made, as well, adding the bo-
one to fix them with unblinking stairs, all mo- nus dice after the initial dice have stopped, but
tion ceasing. The cats each open their mouths as before any other actions or results are declared.
one, and though their jaws don’t move, a rum- 78. A series of wooden signs hangs from the
bling, purring voice echoes from them. “What branches of the Hedge alongside a trod. The first
do you seek of the Cat?” it asks. Those who seek sign says You Will Be All Right. The second sign
a favor of the Cat (a powerful entity connected says You Will Survive This. The third, and most
to all cats but who typically exists only in the ominous, sign says You Have No Choice. Those
world of dreams) may find they are tasked with who walk the other direction find the signs have
helping strays, or fostering one of the many cats rearranged themselves into the proper reading
in the tree as a form of payment. These cats can order once more as soon as an individual took
even act as guides out of the Hedge, should one their eyes off of them. No one who’s seem them
be lost, lending credence to the idea that “cat has any idea what the purpose of the frightening
space” may just be feline entrances and exits positivity is, or who put these signs up to spread
into the Hedge. However, if the cats leave the it.
Hedge, they simply become normal felines once 79. What looks like a huge zen garden, com-
more, losing the guidance provided by The Cat plete with massive boulders, sits some three doz-
that let them navigate the Hedge. en yards down a little used game trail. While
76. Off in the middle distance a radio tower such a tranquil sight seems suspicious in the
juts out of the foliage. Wreathed in vines, those Hedge, those who look more closely find that
with portable radios or cell phones can pick up all is not quite as it appears. Small messages
the broadcast. After some static, some toneless are written in the sand, fading, but still legible.
muzak and a channel that appears to be made Confessions of crimes, adultery, envies, memo-
up entirely of screaming, listeners hear an in- ries from a durance and more. Those who walk
tense voice preaching a hellfire and brimstone across the sand leave no footprints, but their
style sermon. Those who listen closely, though, worries and secrets bleed out of them, taking
can tell this mysterious voice is talking about the shape in the grains. Only by raking the sand can
Gentry, how to avoid them and signs of danger they once more cover up their secrets.
in the Hedge when they’re about. Those who lis- 80. A black pond sits beneath the out-
ten gain +2 bonus dice on dice pools for avoid- stretched branches of a weeping willow. The
ing the True Fae and their servants for the next pond looks smooth as glass, with no movement
day (including dice pools to spot ambushes). from the wind and not so much as an errant
Those who approach the tower intent on finding leaf on the surface. Nothing seems willing to
the mysterious voice find that this is just a relay fall into it either, as leaves actively spiral out to
station rather than the location this mysterious fall to one side of it. Those who lean out over
voice (whoever they are) broadcasts from. the pond and gaze into it receive a vision of the
77. A large sphinx is lying near the road. next time they will cross paths with death; as a
Rather than asking passer-by to solve its riddles, potential victim, a killer, or merely as a witness.
though, it instead asks deep, philosophical ques- These visions aren’t absolute, but forewarned is
tions. Those who can give interesting answers forearmed. Those who are bold enough to gaze
will receive the creature’s blessing. For example, into the black pond receive a +2 bonus to their
it might ask, “Which came first, the mortal Initiative when the incident they witness occurs,
world, or the Hedge? How do you know?” or as well as +2 bonus dice to notice ambushes in-
“How much of you can be scraped away and re- volving the foretold incident. Those who touch
placed by the Gentry before you are no longer the water from the pond feel it sucking away
who you were?” Replies can be made using Pres- their life essence, dealing 1 point of aggravated
ence + Expression or Manipulation + Expression damage per round of contact. The water will not
rolls at Difficulty 8, though storytellers are free leave the pond, and cannot be scooped or car-
to judge these answers on their own merit as ried out. Those who fall in emerge completely
well. Those who please the sphinx are bopped dry, and buckets, spoons or even cupped hands

20 100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge

cannot remove the water. of lethal damage, or provides 2 glamour if one
81. Half hidden by the brush, a sly-looking is not suffering lethal damage at the moment.
fox follows a changeling’s trail. Those who ad- While these eggs seem to have no downsides,
dress the fox politely find that it approaches those who mistrust the Hedge and its “gifts”
calmly. His name is Reginald, or so he says, and rarely make use of these unusual items. Only
he would prefer not to travel such a dangerous one egg can be taken per individual at a time.
place alone if he could avoid it. Those who allow 84. A small explosion signals fireworks in
Reginald to travel with them find themselves the sky. While they start rather mundane, the
accosted by angry hobs looking to skin the fox display quickly grows more fanciful. Those who
for supposedly stealing from them. Reginald watch see the lights take on form and figure,
denies stealing anything, insisting that he was imitating changelings staging a revolt against
given eggs in good faith which he ate (contracts their True Fae masters. The Fae, forlorn in the
that detect lies reveal this is true). Those who sky, begins changing. Every fresh explosion of
protect Reginald, whether by fighting the hobs color and sound causes the beautiful figure to
or by running them off with an Intimidation or darken, growing more twisted until a burning
Persuasion-based roll, earn a favor from the fox. red skull glares down. The last thing to vanish
Reginald is surprisingly well-connected, able to are the coals of its eyes, hanging in the sky like a
find gateways into and out of the Hedge, to lead pair of malignant stars.
one to trods or to find secrets... or at least to 85. A monolith of black volcanic glass stands
locate merchants who deal in them. in a field of tall, swaying grass. Carved with pic-
82. At the end of a short path lies a ginger- tograms the stone is imposing, and feel other-
bread house with licorice gutters and pepper- worldly even for the Hedge. Those who touch it
mint bark siding. Fragrant smoke rises from the hear wind roaring in their ears, and they watch
chimney, and the front door is invitingly open. as a vast heartbeat travels through an impossibly
Those bold enough to approach find themselves convoluted system of roots and veins. A thou-
in a bakery, surrounded by racks of donuts, sand times a thousand voices from untold years
cakes, cookies, fresh bread and more on dis- ring in their skulls, and an eye like a bloody
play. Through a set of bat-winged doors comes moon regards them from a black, uncaring sky.
a wide-bellied, heavily-bearded man with the Though the contact with the stone only lasts
tips of large fangs poking up from his lower jaw. for a moment, it feels nearly eternal. Those who
He’s carrying a tray of croissants and danishes, touch the stone must make a Clarity roll as if
which he slides into a display case. The ogre is they’d committed a Clarity 2 sin immediately
Hansel the Baker, and he’s more than happy to (as opposed to when leaving the Hedge, as is
trade his delicious creations for news, favors and normal). The insight they gain from the stone
especially hard-to-find ingredients. Those will- makes it impossible for them to get lost in the
ing to pay higher prices can even acquire cakes Hedge, allowing them to negotiate it with rela-
and sweets infused with goblin fruit, which pro- tive ease. However, when they attempt to leave
vide all the effects of the fruit used to make the the Hedge they must achieve at least 3 successes
treat in question, but which are usually far more on a Resolve + Composure roll at Difficulty 8 to
pleasant to eat. actually make themselves go through the gate-
83. A wooden rack of beautiful, golden eggs way. They can be forced through by someone
sits near the side of a trod. A sign reads An egg else with an opposed Strength roll, but doing so
can be of great help in your most trying times. causes great stress on the individual’s mind and
Those who take an egg must treat it gently, and body alike, dealing 5 levels of bashing damage
keep it close, because when the egg is broken it and sucking out 1 point of Willpower per day
provides a minor aid in the situation one finds since they touched the monolith. After a week in
themselves in. If someone needs entry into the real world the insight, and the Hedge’s hold
a goblin market, for instance, the egg will do. over the one who touched the monolith, fades.
If someone throws the egg at an attacker it ex- *For second edition, treat touching the
plodes into blinding smoke, imposing a -2 dice monolith as a Clarity attack with 5 dice.
penalty on the attacker’s dice pools for 2 rounds. 86. A trio of hobgoblins stand off to one side
If crushed out of fear, the egg allows an immedi- of the trod near where it branches off onto a
ate re-roll on a Resolve + Composure roll with +2 side path. They’re dressed in blue security uni-
bonus dice. If the egg is eaten raw it heals 1 level forms, with gold brocade on their shoulders,

100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge 21

and duty belts filled with tools. They make no they were left. If the carvings are to be believed,
effort to hinder those who pass by on a trod, this place goes back at least as far as the 1890s
merely watching them go. Those who stop and or so. Those who stay briefly experience noth-
ask the hobs what they’re doing are told merely ing in the tree house, but those who sleep there
that they’re watching this part of the Hedge. If find they’re plunged into dreams of adventure,
pressed about why, or who they’re doing it for, friendship and overcoming adversity alongside
the hobs seem genuinely confused. So they ex- people they’re sure they know, but have never
plain, speaking slowly as if the one asking the met. It is as if the changeling found themselves
question was having trouble following the words, in someone else’s dreams as they slept. At the
that they are watching. That is what they do. end of a night’s sleep in the tree house a change-
87. A set of five scarecrows stand guard over ling regains a level of Clarity as long as their
a small orchard. The figures are raised up on Clarity was at 5 or below, as well as 2 points of
crossbars, dressed in ragged clothes and wide glamour.
hats that hide much of their sackcloth faces. *For second edition, heal a level of Clarity
Those who look closely find small charms of damage, or all levels of mild Clarity damage as if
bones hung round their necks, and an unpleas- interacting with a touch stone.
ant smell like rotting meat that hangs over them. 89. Three dozen pixies are held hostage in
Those who take anything from the orchard find cages held high above, tied to the branches of
themselves stalked by the scarecrows. They’re the Hedge. They beg passer-by to release them
always just out of sight, lurking in the Hedge, before they’re taken to the market to be sold as
but they mark out the thieves to everything in lanterns... or worse. 3 successes on a Strength
the immediate area. All attempts at stealth in + Athletics roll at Difficulty 8 allows one to
the Hedge are ruined, as the scarecrows draw climb the Hedge and break open the cages. Fail-
threats directly to the thieves they’re stalking. If ure means the Hedge snares and scratches the
the changeling has a hollow, the scarecrows sur- climber, dealing a level of bashing damage per
round it, sitting motionless as they await com- attempt. Those with ranged weapons can shoot
pensation for the damage done. This reduces the cages down as long as they get at least 1 suc-
any Wards the hollow has by 1 dot for every day cess on an attack, but the roll is at a -4 die pen-
the scarecrows are present, to a maximum penal- alty for the called shot. If the cage isn’t caught
ty of 5 (this negative is temporary, and goes away when it falls (a Dexterity + Athletics roll from
when the scarecrows depart). Equal value to someone on the ground), the pixie is harmed in
what was taken must be rendered, along with a the fall, taking 2 levels of bashing damage. Those
sincere apology to the guardians of the orchard. who free the pixies without harm (or who rectify
If the scarecrows are treated kindly when one that harm through contracts, goblin fruit, etc.)
initially sees them, however, and small offerings are given a boon by them. If those who freed
are given to them, then a basket of fruits from the pixies are captured in the Hedge they merely
the orchard is left for the changeling at their hol- need to say, “As I broke the cage, come break my
low, the freehold, or anywhere else they tend to chains.” Such a summons will bring the pixies to
frequent. aid in their escape.
88. A tree house sits in the branches of 90. A lone flag flies at half mast in an other-
the Hedge. A small, ragged curtain catches the wise empty field. The flag is ragged, and seems
breeze, fluttering through the open window as if to have been there for a very long time. The her-
in welcome. The rungs to climb up have mostly aldry on the flag matches no nation recorded on
fallen off, but the trapdoor in the underside of earth. Flowers from all over the Hedge are left
the tree house is fairly easy to reach. Those who beneath it like offerings at a grave site. Those
enter find a sturdy, cozy spot filled with salvaged who wait for someone to come, or who ask at a
furnishings that seem almost childlike. A chest goblin market for information, are told that flag
holds old, oft-read comic books and a few pulp flies to commemorate the sacrifice of the Com-
novels, along with some thick, stubby candles. panions. The Companions were just hobgoblins,
There’s a twin mattress on the floor covered by press-ganged into service alongside changelings
an old sheet, some stolen cigarettes and a box in the service of one of the Gentry. When the re-
of matches. The whole places reeks of nostal- volt happened it was the Companions who stood
gia, and of lost childhoods. Carved along the at the gate, holding their position so the others
roof beams are dozens of names, and the years could escape. Proof, if proof were needed, that

22 100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge

even small creatures can challenge the might of and there is a pile of numbers on the ground.
the Gentry, and snatch victory from them with The sign itself has a spray of blood across it, as
their dying breath, if they refuse to flinch. The if whoever was putting up the numbers was at-
flag was raised by the changelings who escaped tacked by something, and then dragged away into
to honor their friends’ memory. the brambles. The dirt is muddy with blood, and
91. Somewhere in the depths of the Hedge there are a few shreds of cloth. In one of those
an old warning siren starts blaring. The ground muddy spots there’s a cloven hoof print the size
heaves and buckles, and trees splinter as the of a dinner platter. Those who make an Intel-
surrounding greenery drastically re-arranges it- ligence + Academics or Wits + Survival roll at
self. The Hedge rolls an attack against everyone Difficulty 8 can extrapolate that whatever this
present with a dice pool of 6, which will deal creature was, it was roughly the size of a moose.
bashing damage. Those in the Hedge should 95. The droning hum of mosquitoes is loud
make a Dexterity + Athletics roll at Difficulty in the wetter areas of the Hedge. Those who
8, with each success negating one level of dam- hear their whine, though, can also make out
age. Those on a trod receive +2 bonus dice, as high-pitched whispers coming from the irritat-
trods are more solid than the rest of the Hedge, ing insects. The Shadow Count is a lie, one says,
but only marginally so. Once the quake is over claiming that this powerful True Fae is merely
individuals will find themselves in a different a changeling forced to wear his master’s mantle
part of the Hedge than they were when it began, while his Keeper hides himself among the king-
and they will need to navigate their way out as if dom’s populace and pretends to be one of the
they’d been lost in the Thorns. Those who were common folk. Another whines that the tinker
on a trod should be able to simply follow it to toys sold by Lazlo Mumps in the goblin market
find out where it goes now. are made from stolen dreams, and it’s why they
92. A patio sits in a small clearing, partial- are always so desirable even if they seem silly or
ly sealed off like a screened-in porch. A sign childish. Another says there’s an ocean in the
near the door claims this is the Three Seasons Hedge, and those who sail it are some of the fur-
Room. Those who enter find they can request thest traveled in all the realm. No one knows
any season but the current one, and the patio how much of what the mosquitoes say is true,
will mimic it. From the refreshing warmth of but someone had to say it somewhere for them
spring while the patio is surrounded by the cold to be able to repeat it.
chill of Winter, to the crisp bite of Fall while the 96. A group of crows sits on a branch, talk-
Hedge is gripped by Summer’s heat, it’s a small ing among one another in low voices. Those
refuge for those who need an escape. Addition- who make a Wits + Perception roll at Difficulty
ally, those whose season matches the one in the 8 overhear that the birds are discussing rob-
Three Seasons Room gain a +1 bonus die on bing a hobgoblin vendor who should be coming
all dice pools while on the patio. Those whose along the path shortly. Apparently, he special-
season is currently reigning outside the patio re- izes in unique and rare fruits, which the crows
ceive a -1 die penalty on all dice pools, as they are eager to get hold of. Those who approach the
feel oddly removed from their season when by birds, and offer to help them by providing a dis-
all rights they shouldn’t. traction when the vendor comes along, receive
93. Gradually the Hedge grows less plant-like, a single fruit from the crows as thanks for the
taking on an unsettling, fleshy quality. Veins help on the job. Those who keep traveling, but
pulse along fat, sweaty fronds, and branches who warn the vendor of the upcoming danger,
grow into hands with dozens of fingers, and far are given a goblin fruit of their choice from his
too many knuckles, with sharp, talon-like nails stock as thanks.
curling from the tips. Eyes blink from whorls 97. Hanging from a set of branches are sever-
along the trunks, and chattering teeth snap and al items of clothing; hats, scarves, jackets, shirts,
clash, tongues lolling wetly from lipless mouths. pants and even boots. Tags on each of them read
The Hedge moans, whispers, cajoles and screams For The Lost on one side, and on the other they
in a hundred different languages. Those who say You are nearly home. Take what you need.
pick up the pace leave the flesh forest behind No one knows if these offerings are left by hobs,
quickly enough, but it isn’t a sight that witnesses by other changelings, if they’re a trap from the
are likely to forget anytime soon. Gentry or if the Hedge itself (for whatever rea-
94. A large sign reads Days Without Incident, son) is ensuring those who fought this far have a

100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge 23

little piece of comfort. Changelings who are gen- and they’ve become completely enamored of the
uinely in need often find small trinkets and use- idea.
ful items in the pockets (bus tokens, coupons, 100. A copse in the Hedge is completely
area maps etc.), while those who take these items filled with black falcon statuettes. They sit on
out of greed find the clothes uncomfortable, un- perches, lean against trees or are half-sunk into
pleasant and with nothing but sticky spots and the ground. Those who try to lift them find
crumbs in the pockets. these black birds are incredibly heavy, as if
98. A glass coffin of breathtaking craftsman- they’re made of lead... or gold! If an individual
ship sits in a clearing, a small ray of sunlight il- tries to cut or scrape away the outer layer to re-
luminating it like a prized piece in an artist’s veal what the statuette they’ve chosen is made
showroom. The coffin stands empty, however. of all the others immediately take to the air and
It’s impossible to know at a glance whether it has fly away. Regardless of the material the chosen
yet to be filled, or if its resident decided to get bird is made of (roll a single die, and on a result
up and walk away. Those who attempt to harm of 10 the bird is made of gold), that bird now
the coffin find that it’s nearly indestructible, belongs to the one who chose it. While it can be
with an equivalent hardness double that of steel. altered or sold for the inherent value of its lead
Those who attempt to lift it to take it with them or gold, when placed in a hollow the statuette
find that it quickly grows brittle when removed acts as a guardian. A lead falcon treats a hollow’s
from its resting place, shattering once it’s taken Wards as 1 dot higher than they are to a maxi-
out of the clearing. mum of 5 dots. A gold falcon treats the Wards as
99. Small, colorful birds can be seen flutter- 2 dots higher than they are to a maximum of 6
ing throughout the Hedge. They often alight on dots, and provides +2 bonus dice for the hollow’s
branches, walls, posts or any other perch that owner or owners on rolls to spot ambushes or to
happens to be near individuals. When the birds investigate trespass on the hollow grounds.
land, they will speak a short phrase, before flying 100. A copse in the Hedge is completely filled
off again to take their message to someone else. with black falcon statuettes. They sit on perch-
This has been going on for some time now, and es, lean against trees or are half-sunk into the
several changelings have theorized that someone ground. Those who try to lift them find these
badly explained Twitter to one of the Gentry, black birds are incredibly heavy, as if they’re

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24 100 Strange Sights to See in The Hedge

100 Strange Sights
to See in The Hedge

The only thing that stands between the mortal world in the
True Fae is the bizarre, ever-shifting realm known as the Hedge.
A place of magic and danger, no one knows just how big the
Hedge truly is, or even what its true nature is. The one thing that
all know for certain, though, is that nearly anything is possible
within the Hedge.
As a storyteller it can be difficult to really drive home the oth-
erworldly nature of this realm. Because while a gateway into
the Hedge might look like an unexpected patch of forest, or an
overgrown alleyway, it rapidly becomes its own beast the deep-
er one goes. The experience can best be described as surreal,
with impossible creatures, talking animals and magic pulsing
through the very air one is breathing.
The following list of strange happenings and bizarre sights can
be used to help Storytellers keep players on their toes. Because
creating a feeling akin to Oz, Wonderland or just the mythical
forests full of goblins, witches, talking wolves and lurking dan-
gers we find in fairy tales isn’t easy, but these tools should help!


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