A Clash of Titans - The Heroes Meet Draius

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A Clash of Titans - The Heroes meet Draius

(A little backstory and side not before we begin. As always anything in parentheses is OOC and
typically real world out of game knowledge. Second, below I will list the characters in this
session whom encounter Draius as well as who played them and they're class level.)

Hildr, played by PhantomJunkPuncher.

-12 Haunted Oracle

Ralven, played by Yacode

-4 Barbarian, 8 Two Weapon Fighter

Jannah, played by Snapple.

-12 Bulwark Cleric

Jalahim, played by Torchy.

-10 Fighter, 2 Druid(Weird Archer Build, but it worked)

(Soule and Keon are two GM controlled party members who were instructed to wait outside.
They are mentioned in dialogue briefly)

It is dawn, and the four Heroes find themselves at the entrance way of what was once
known as ‘The Blood Pits’. It since lost its name once the late King fell and the practice of blood
sport in the kingdom was no longer what it used to be. However, the man known as Draius
made his legacy here. So it's only fitting that he now calls this place his home. A wooden sign
hangs off to the left of the arch before the tunnels entrance. Scrawled in black tar like paint, it
reads “Grim Reaper's Gateway”.
“This guy really takes his image seriously.” Ralven says with a chuckle.
Hildr responds in a matter of fact tone “This was not written by Draius, he wishes for his own
death, not the deaths of others. This was more than likely written by those who heard the
legends. Or perhaps, a survivor?”
“I thought all fights inside were to the death, you think Draius went soft a few times or
something?” Asked Jalahim from the back, still scanning the desert horizon.
“It's hard to say” said Hildr. “But if that's the case, I hope he hasn't gotten soft all together. We
came here for a real fight. And I will be most displeased of we don't get one. Now come on,
enough chatter. I'd like to see this 'Demi-God of Slaughter’ with my own two eyes.
The group unanimously agrees and marches forward, in their typical marching order. Jannah at
the helm, with Hildr and Ralven in the middle while Jalahim brings up the rear with his pet rock
familiar on his shoulder.(He gave a rock sentience on accident, now he carriers it with him and it
evolves slowly the more it's around wild magic. At this point it had three eyes, and could speak
telepathically.) They created through the opening of the Blood Pits, into an open arena much
like a coliseum. A rolling patch of flat dirt spreads out all directions across the oval shaped
arena. Scrawling outward toward an crudely shaped iron throne, which gave the appearance of
being designed by goblins but sturdy enough to be built by dwarves. It's seemingly random and
jagged edges splay in every which direction, covered in small parts with hides and scales of
local creatures of the desert, assumedly for comfort reasons.
The man on top of the 'throne’ however did not appear as run down as the pedestal in which he
lay. As the heroes approached he slowly lurched to his feet, a low groan echoed as he came to
his feet. He stood about 6’6” and was just as thick to match. His face was absolutely pristine
regardless of the tales told of his battles, and his jet black hair that came down to his shoulders
appeared to be freshly washed. He took two massive steps forward and off of his chair, the
plated grieves he wore gave off a heavy 'clunk’ with each step as his armor twisted with his
muscles. It was obvious this plate was forged just for his body, as it gripped it tightly but allowed
him to move nearly unhindered. Other than this though, his garb was rather, unremarkable. No
crest, nor cape. Not even a badge or sash, or for heaven's sake a single marking to set it aside
from any other shop bought plate mail from the human kingdoms.
“I assume you lot have come to claim your glory amongst the champions of this world,” bellowed
the man. “Or have you simple come to throw yourselves upon me in search of your own diluted
since of honoured suicide?”
“I can assure you we do not intend on dying here today.” Chimed Hildr in her usual cheerful and
put of tone. “In fact, we hear through tales that it is you who wishes death for himself.”
Ralven stepped forth to complete the line, and stared down the hulking man that stood across
from them(roughly eighty feet). He yelled out in a somewhat excited manner “Yeah, we heard
you can't be killed. So we're to test that legend!” Jannah and Jalahim simply nodded in
agreement with Hildr and Ralven.
“So,” sighed the man “you're here for glory then. The bragging rights. To shout from the highest
mountain of the Red Summit 'We have slain Draius!’. Is that it?”
Ralven and Hildr laugh audibly as Jannah merely cracks a small smile. After a moment Ralven
finally speaks up “Hey, uh, not to rain down on all your little assumptions or anything but we
haven't been in it for the same since the beginning.”
Draius’ face finally changes from the dead eyed stare towards the party. “Oh? Well why have
you come here then? Why do you fight?”
Hildr cracks a pleasant smile before belting out “Why do you fight!?” And one by one the group
sounds off.
Jannah; “So the Good Lady's(his deity) word may never perish!”
Jalahim; “To deliver justice for the ancestors of our planet.”
Ralven; “To ensure no innocent family needlessly perish as mine did!”
Hildr; “So the Skellige Clan may be at peace once more!”
A few moments pass as the heroes continue to stare down the man they now know is Draius.
Before Hildr speaks up again, “Nothing that we aim for has to do with glory or reputation. We all
chose our path years ago before we even met. We've got a goal in this world, handed down to
us by the Matron herself. To do this, we must be as strong as possible. A strength to rival even
the gods. So the way we see it, this evening ends one of two ways. Either we take you out once
and for all, proving to ourselves we are ready for the next step in our adventure. Or you slay us,
here and now, meaning we were never meant to reach our goal in the first place.”
Draius’ lips purse in what could loosely be described as a smile. His hands visibly tighten as the
leather and steel surrounding them twist and stretch. He takes three more lumbering steps
forward before raising his shoulders and standing at attention. His gaze glaring down onto the
heroes, while the smile fades. “Your tales amuse me, and though it has been sometime since
warriors such as yourselves walked through that corridor I will not revel until you prove your
worth. Of you have come to slay me, then prepare yourselves for battle.” And with a massive
stomp of his right foot his stance adjusts to his combat ready position. In an instant, a blinding
white light fills the arena walls and fades just as quickly. Draius' now stands before them, with a
full plate helm though his hair still wavers out the back. And a massive battle-axe, and still
nothing spectacular in appearance about any of his gear.
The warriors brandish their weapons as well. Ralven giddy with excitement rips both his
broadswords from their sheaths, and sizes up Draius for his first attack. Jalahim notches an
arrow while studying his surroundings carefully. Jannah shifts forward before slamming his
tower shield into the ground before him and drawing out his mace from it's compartment inside.
Lastly, Hildr extends her spear from her palm(mechanical) and assumes her position. She
speaks calmly to the man, “Draius. Should we perish today, know this. We would have given it
everything we could muster and more and never once did we hold back.”
Draius' nods.

--The Fight--
(The fight itself obviously takes place inside the game of Pathfinder and does have to follow it's
rule set. I've done my best to be coherent in writing put battle sequences and will even be
numbering out the rounds. There are also a few magic item uses I will be calling out as well.)

(Round One)
The dry air of the desert whips its way through the empty arena Chambers and stands before
kicking up dust around the feet of the soon to be combatants. Draius holds steadfast in his
defence as Ralven is the first one to make a move. Leaping forward in an elegant stride towards
his target he raises his main hand blade for the first blow. A solid hit, but the hulking man before
him doesn't make a sound and doesn't so much as flinch. Instead Draius raises his own axe far
above his head before pulling it to the Earth with such ferocity Jalahim notices the swipe quite
literally burns the air around it. Jannah sees Ralven's exposed stance and realises this to be a
doing blow if it strikes, so he makes a quick prayer using his amulet and switches places with
Ralven. Jannah is struck, and hard. But he can shoulder the blow far better than Ralven would
have been able to, and losing Ralven this early on would surely mean dise for their group.

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