Mbe Job Description Lesson

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MBE Lesson 4-4-22

Teacher Name: ____Collin Whitehead_______________________________

Lesson Title: ____Job Descriptions___________

Grade/Name of Course: ____10th-12th / Marketing Business Enterprise____________

Link to Standards: https://drive.google.com/drive/search?q=marketing

Curriculum Framework Unit: ____Managing Human Resources______________

Standard(s): _4.1.1 Describe the purpose of an effective job description. Analyze

effective and ineffective job descriptions_

_4.1.2 Define and develop recruiting & hiring procedures_



Materials and equipment needed for lesson:

Microsoft Word/Google Docs

Objectives: The learners will be able to…

1. Compare and contrast job description examples

2. Develop a job description for a role at the company you created your business plan for

Introduction to the Lesson/Hook:

Hey everyone! Today we’re starting a new unit after we completed the business plan last week. In

the standards for this class, human resources follows the creation of the business plan, so I figure
we can dive into that. Today we’ll be going over what makes a good - and bad - job description,

and you all will be making one of your own. This should be a good next step after you all got into

the intricacies of a business plan!

Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Questions:

Look at the poor examples given in article 1 and demonstrate how one could fix these job

descriptions. For example, with #1, how could you alter this description to cater towards the candidate?

Why would writing a job description that is too long be a major deterrent to candidates?

Wouldn’t they want to know every possible thing about the role they’re applying for?

Content to be presented in lesson:


Alright everyone so to begin this unit let’s talk about job descriptions. These are often the first

introduction a future employee gets to their job. People nowadays will go on sites like Indeed or a

company website and see everything laid out for them. We’re now going to look at some bad examples of

job descriptions to show you what not to do on them.

*Look at examples*



Okay so now that we’ve looked at what not to do, let’s turn to the opposite. We will now as a class go

over an article on Indeed.com discussing great things to do on a job description.

*Review Indeed article*

You should now have a solid idea of what to include and not to include on a job description. On

Schoology I have a template for one - I want you all to fill it out for a role at the company you used for

your business plan. It can be anything from CEO to a cashier at your brick and mortar location; you

*Students fill out job description*

Learning activities/procedures:

 Stating objectives

 Reviewing do’s/don’ts of job descriptions

 Developing job description for role at your company

 Questions

 Closure

Summary/Closure/Review of Content:

That’s all for today! You all just completed the first part of our human resources unit. Again, a job

description is often the employee’s first impression of a role and company. It’s important you include all

relevant information, make it clear and concise, and tailor it towards the candidate’s viewpoint and not

the employer. Next class we’ll get into the hiring/recruiting process, which is arguably the most important

part of this unit. Have a great day everyone!

Evaluation/assessment of student learning:

Evaluating their job descriptions

Modifications for exceptional learners:

Monitoring their work

Allowing students the freedom to choose the role of their job description

Allowing students extra time to complete work if needed

Following their IEP or 504 for any additional modifications needed

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