#3 at Forest Park: (30 Minutes) Rehearsal Threadlines: Kinesthetic Awareness, Interval Training, Diction

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#3 at Forest Park: (30 minutes)

Rehearsal Threadlines: Kinesthetic Awareness, Interval

Training, Diction
1/1/30 Activity 1: Welcome
1s) Good morning class, I heard that today is the end of the benchmark for you?

1s) How many of you have tests today?

1s) Are you glad it falls on a Friday so you can fully recover this weekend?

1d) Today is going to be a fun Friday and we’re going to be working on your district choir
audition piece “Where’er You Walk”

Transition Sentence:
1sd) Let’s move to standing position begin warming up with some body warmup exercises!


1/2/30 Activity 2: Stretching

1d) Let’s start by reaching up really high, almost on our tippy toes, and really stretch your back!

1d) Continue to stretch your back vertically as you bring your arms to an extended to a T

1d) Bring your hands by your side and gently, vertebrae by vertebrae, bend down and try to
touch your toes.

1s) If you can’t touch your toes that is totally okay!

1d) Fall to a comfortable position and just hang there for a few moments.

1d) As we start to come back up, stack each vertebrae on top of each other and slowly rise to a
well-supported standing posture.

Transition Sentence:
1d) Let’s get some adrenaline running through us by doing our body shake out game from


1/3/30 Activity 3: Body ShakeOut

1s) Just a reminder, you’re going to start with 8 counts on each limb and shake it out, then 6
counts, then 4, then 2, then 1 and we clap together at the end!

1s) Let’s do this together!

2p) students do exercise


1/4/30 Activity 4: Visualization of the breath

1s) Now, let’s bring it back in and center our breaths.

1d) I’d like for you to put one hand right above your belly button to feel your diaphragm, and the
other hand on your back to feel postural support.

1d) Notice your breathing and visualize how your lungs are working right now.

1d) Keep your ribs expanded, your spine elongated, and your chest lifted.

1s) Notice how your lungs are expanding as you breathe in and compressing air as your breath

1s) Now, move your hands to in front of you try to model your lungs with your hands.

2p) Students replicate feeling/space with your hands.

Transition Sentence:
3sra) Great job at keeping your ribs expanded and focusing on the breath! Keep the expanded
ribs, elongated spine, and lifted chest as we do some fun vocal warmup.

3/7/30 Activity 5: Vocal warmup: Okerlund Evil Angry Oxen

1d) Repeat after me: (spoken) Sol Sol, Sol Sol

2p) choir repeats

1d) (spoken) Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Fa Mi Re Do

2p) choir repeats

1a) tonicize (Bb Major)

1d) Model Okerlund Evil Angry Oxen on solfege

2p) choir repeats on solfege

1d) Model Okerlund Evil Angry Oxen on text

2p) choir repeats on text

1d2p) Okerlund Evil Angry Oxen vocal warmup Bb-F


3/10/30 Activity 6: Vocal warmup

1d) Repeat after me:

1a) Speaking: Do Sol Do Sol

2p) choir repeats

1a) Speaking: Sol Fa Mi Re Do

2p) choir repeats

This next one is long, so I will model it for you two times.

1a) Speaking: Do Sol Do Sol Sol Fa Mi Re Do

2p) choir repeats

1sd) While we are singing, think about your posture, expansion of the ribs and lungs, and
engaging your diaphragm.

1a) Play chord and model exercise (Bb Major)

2p) choir repeats (Bb Major-Eb Major)

3sra) Yall are doing such a great job at keeping the diaphragm engaged and
your ribs expanded!

1a) Can I have 1 person share how it felt to sing and model with your hands at the same time?

2v) student shares

3nsra) Thank you for sharing!

Transition Sentence:
1s) I have one more vocal warm up that I think y’all are really going to have fun with!


5/15/30 Activity 7: Do, Do Re Do, Do Re Mi Re Do

1s) For this activity, it is a vocal and body warm up.

1d) We will sing up the scale, adding one note at a time like this:

1a) Models: 1, 121, 12321, 1234321, 123454321, etc.

1d) Sing it with me!

2p) choir sings exercise

1s) Great job, it can begin to be a tongue twister!

1d) We’re going to do this one more time, but I want to challenge you to clap on 1 and stomp on

1s) If singing and body percussion is too difficult, that is totally okay!

1d) Focus on your posture and engagement of the diaphragm.

Transition Sentence:
1s) Now that we have warmed up our bodies and our singing voices, I’d like for us to warm up
our ears.


3/18/30 Activity 8: Interval Training

1s) tonicize Eb

1d) Please sing a descending scale with me: Do Ti La Sol Fa Mi Re Do

1d) Please repeat after me

1a) Model:Do Mi
2p) repeat

1a) Model: Do Sol

2p) repeat

1a) Model: do do
2p) repeat

1a) Model:Mi Sol

2p) repeat

1a) Model: ti re
2p) repeat

1a) Model: re sol

2p) repeat

1a) Model: La Do
2p) repeat

1a) Model: Ti Mi
2p) repeat

1a) Model: Re Sol

2p) repeat

1a) Model: Sol Fa

2p) repeat

1a) Model: La Fa
2p) repeat

1a) Model: Ti La
2p) repeat

1a) Model: Sol Do

2p) repeat


1/19/30 Activity 9: Interval Reflection

1s) So this was our second day doing this interval training, show on your hands of a scale of 1
being easy and 5 being challenging
1s) how much did you improve since yesterday?

1s) where you able to audiate the intervals before singing?

1s) where you able to audiate the intervals while singing?

1s) Do your brains feel awake now after that!?

1s) All of the intervals we just sang were the hard “jumpy intervals” from “Where’er You Walk.”

Transition Sentence:
Please return back to sitting position and grab your district chorus music and a pencil.


6/25/30 Activity 10: Where’re You Walk Score Notation

1d) We’re going to be moving fast in this activity.

1d) We are going to underline voiced consonants and circle unvoiced consonants. Ready?

1d) On the first system of the page, Circle the “wh” in where and walk, “K” in walk and cool, “f”
in fan. Underline the “d” in glade, “g” in glade

1d) Speak text measure 2-3

2p) Choir repeats

1d) Sing on text measures 2-3

For Measures four through six:

1d) Circle the “T” in tree, sit and into; “Wh” in where, “S” in s, “sh” in shall and shade, C in
Underline the “D” in crowd, “n” into.

1d) Speak Measures 4-5

2p) Choir Repeats

1d) Sing Measures 4-5

2p) Choir Repeats

1d) Sing 6-7


1/26/30 Activity 11: Consonant Reflection

1s) So looking at your score, do you see more circled unvoiced consonants, or underline voiced

1s) Does being aware of the different types of consonants help you sing the text more clearly?

1as) From 0 being no improvement, 5 being super improved, how has your diction improved for
the first page?

1as) I currently am working on learning and memorizing repertoire for my senior voice recital,
and I personally like going through my music like this as it helps me memorize and pronounce
the words better, and helps me know how to spend my air.

1/27/30 Activity 11: Closing

1as) So today we did some fun vocal and body warm ups that helped remind us of our postural
support, expansion of the ribs, and the engagement of the diaphragm.

1as) You have the hard intervals for “where ever you walk” in your ears and have groundwork
on crisp diction.

1s) Thank you so much for this opportunity, you have been so wonderful to work with!!

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