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Pipe-To-Soil Potentials
The electrical potential between the pipe and the soil is measured using a high resistance
voltmeter connected to the pipe at a test station. A copper/copper sulfate half-cell electrode is
located directly above the pipeline in moist earth and the voltage between the half-cell and the
pipeline is recorded. Typically the pipe to soil potential with current applied will be between
-0.850Vand -2.00V with an impressed current system.

PCM (Pipeline Current Mapper) & C-SCAN

These are commercial electromagnetic “alternating current attenuation” survey techniques that
have been in use since the early 1980’s. The basic unit includes self-contained signal generator,
which is connected to the pipeline, and a detector unit that contains an antenna system, computer,
keypad and display.

Each system is different and needs to be applied under the correct conditions. PCM provides a
very quick overview as does C-SCAN however C-SCAN provides much more accuracy when
locating defects.

Description of AC Current Attenuation Surveys: PCM & C-Scan:

The basic principle of both C-SCAN & PCM is to use inductive coupling between the pipeline
and the antenna to measure the strength of the signal current remaining on the line at each survey
point. From this, the rate of loss (Logarithmic attenuation) of the signal from any previously
stored survey point can be determined to give an indication of average coating condition on the
section between those points. The attenuation value is independent of the applied signal and is an
“Absolute” index of the coating condition. It can provide a clear indication as to whether faults
are present in the section without surveying every foot of the pipeline. Rapid assessment surveys
can be carried out using widely spaced survey points, covering up to 20 miles per day on lines in
generally good condition with ready access to pipe contact points.

Both Pipeline Current Mapper & C-SCAN (Dynalog) incorporate features to ensure this
accuracy, including computer-controlled signal current, large multiple-coil antenna system with
extremely fine signal filters, and a compact built-in computer for sampling and processing data.
Information is automatically stored in the detector’s computer and can be printed or transferred
to another computer for further processing whenever required. In addition, the operator can call
up a wide range of information in real time on his display. This includes plots of the survey
points stored showing: depth of cover and a map of the pipeline showing all survey points, plots
of current or attenuation against distance, and a plot of average coating conductance for each
section of pipeline.
Because both PCM & C-SCAN use an alternating current signal rather than a direct current
signal, it has been shown to be sensitive to defects that are not being protected by the direct
current Cathodic Protection system. In addition, PCM & C-SCAN have identified areas of
damaged coating that have not been found with techniques that measure pipe-to-soil potentials.

A major difference between the PCM and C-SCAN techniques includes the accuracy of locating
defects. As a result each of these tools need to be used properly and based on the clients
objectives. Polmaz has no alliance with either manufacture but believes the selected tool must
accomplish the clients goals and when determining which tool to use, Polmaz makes it’s own

Close Interval Potential Surveys

Same as Pipe-to Soil Survey only the placement of the electrode is moved along the earth.
Readings are taken at close interval distances along the pipeline route. The survey may also be
set-up to include instant off potential readings by interrupting the current at the rectifiers that
influence the pipe-to-soil readings of the pipeline at that location. The data collected enables the
evaluation of the Cathodic Protection system and helps to determine areas that may be
inadequately protected. The technique is effective at determining specific areas of the Cathodic
Protection system that may need maintenance or upgrade.

Close Interval Potential Survey (CIPS) Methodology

Point measurements at test posts have been found to be insufficient for judging the overall
condition of a pipeline. The only way that a complete evaluation can be made is by measuring
potentials at short intervals along the entire pipeline length. This technique is generally called a
“Close Interval Potential Survey”.

Polmaz performs CIPS using commercially available data-logging equipment, which is state-of-
the-art in the industry. Synchronized interrupters are used to ensure that all DC sources are
interrupted at the same time. The minimum “ON”/”OFF” ratio used by Polmaz is 2.3:1 (i.e.
0.7sec on, 0.3 sec off) to ensure that no measurable depolarization occurs which will taint the
results. Further, corresponding “ON” and “INSTANT OFF” measurements are recorded at each
point. The higher interruption frequency improves overall survey resolution by collecting more
data points per unit time. If requested by the client, the interruption rate can be modified (e.g.
4:1, 4 sec on, 1 sec off) because the solid-state interrupters used are programmable.

The data logger also has a “waveprint” capability to view the interruption wave and ensure
proper operation. It is thus possible to examine the influence of interruption frequency and
investigate the presence of an anodic spike due to current switching. It has been noted that the
occurrence of an anodic spike during interruption of the CP system is a function of a number of
parameters, namely coating type (capacitance discharge), rectifier design and interrupter
switching device. As a result, this phenomenon does not always occur, and the most
advantageous interruption cycle can be determined.

Interrupting the DC current immediately before potential measurement and recording the value
before significant depolarization occurs eliminates false readings caused by voltage drops in the
soil. If more than one source of protection is present, GPS-synchronized interrupters are installed
at each source to switch all sources simultaneously. A two or three man team generally carries
out the surveys; one experienced Cathodic Protection engineer and one or two technicians.

Firstly, existing records are examined and the route maps are studied to determine the locations
of any of the following:

 Transformer / rectifier locations

 Sacrificial anode installations
 Test post locations and intervals
 Isolating flange / joint locations. Pipeline spurs, valves or other unusual characteristics

At the start point of the survey, connection is made to the pipeline structure at a test post via
coated/insulated cable. The initial pipe-to-soil potential is displayed on the data logger in
negative volts. The operator will ensure that complete synchronization of all rectifiers is
achieved by recording a waveprint at the beginning of each run. Once the operator is satisfied,
the team will begin the survey by walking along the pipeline route, placing the mobile electrode
at intervals of 1-2m along the route, and recording the continuous potentials. Alphanumeric data
will be entered to mark the actual location physical points of importance (E.G. Road crossings,
test posts, valve pits, etc) and associated with GPS data. As the operator progresses along the
route, a reel on his back pays out the survey cable, ensuring permanent connection to the
pipeline. The survey continues along until the next test post is reached, where the team will
disconnect the trailing wire from the previous test station and reconnect to the present location
test station. If the end of the line or section is reached, a further waveprint is taken to ensure
synchronization is being achieved.

The “waveprint” capability also allows the operator to view the data as it is collected during the
survey. At the end of each day’s survey, the data is downloaded onto PC computers for further

CIPS Data Interpretation:

On the CIPS plots, there is normally a difference (however small) between “ON” and INSTANT
OFF” potentials, called the IR factor (From Ohm’s Law, V=IR), and this information can be used
to make general conclusions about the pipeline’s protective coating system. Due to the length of
a pipeline, the resistance of the soil can be assumed to be negligible in comparison with the
pipeline’s coating resistance. Therefore, the better the coating, the greater the IR factor. The IR
factor will also increase proportional to current density, and this can be seen at the CP drain
points, where the IR factor will be large. Using the IR factor, therefore, it is possible to make
general judgements on the condition of a pipeline coating with a reasonable degree of accuracy.

Where a coating defect or other anomaly is present, one would expect a lower coating resistance,
resulting in a net positive shift in the “ON” and “INSTANT OFF” potentials registered. Where
both of the potentials are more positive than -850mV, the pipeline would be considered
unprotected at that particular point or area. This type of anomaly would require a significant
increase in the output of the CP system to achieve protection. Unfortunately, this increase will
more than likely result in overprotection in other areas, namely drain points. At these areas, the

environment surrounding the pipeline becomes excessively alkaline, resulting in a further

deterioration of the pipeline coating. To break this spiral, Polmaz provides recommendations to
repair major defects, while leaving smaller defects to be protected by the CP system. In this way,
equilibrium between CP and coating is restored and maintained. To facilitate this approach, all
anomalies are categorized as follows:

Type I – Reduced IR factor; “ON” and “INSTANT OFF” potentials shifted in a

positive direction over a short distance; both potentials more positive than
-850mV; probable coating defect.

Type II – Reduced IR factor; “ON” and “INSTANT OFF” potentials shifted in a

positive direction over a short distance; “ON” potential more negative than
-850mV, “INSTANT OFF” potential more positive than -850mV, possible
coating defect.

Type III – Reduced IR factor; “ON” and “INSTANT OFF” potentials shifted in a
positive direction over a short distance; both potentials more negative than
-850mV; possible coating defect.

Type IV – Step shift in potential; sudden “step-like” shift in “ON” potential in

either positive or negative direction, with or without a similar shift in the
“INSTANT OFF” potential; generally due to survey technique and not indicative
of a coating defect.

TYPE V – Single spike in either or both potentials; generally due to poor soil
contact, and not indicative of a coating defect.

TYPE VI – Long-term span effects, usually with a characteristic “saw-tooth”

pattern in both potentials; generally caused by telluric or stray current effects, and
not indicative of a coating defect.

Of these anomalies, types I through III are worth further investigation. In general, types I and II
anomalies are recommended for additional DCVG survey to examine size and nature of the
defect. Based upon the results of types I and II and proximity to CP ground beds, type III
anomalies may also require further investigation. Grounding or Metallic Shorts to Other
Structures- Unusual anomalies or readings will be noted in order to determine the root cause of
low pipe to soil potentials or any unusual current pick-up areas.
DCVG (Direct Current Voltage Gradient)
This is a powerful technique for performing coating surveys on buried pipelines by examining
the voltage gradients in the soil above a pipeline that is Cathodically Protected. The technique
requires an analog strap-on voltmeter, connection cables, two probes with electrodes filled with
water, rectifier interrupters. When walking the pipeline the DCVG system detects current pickup
at coating holidays.

Direct Current Voltage Gradient Description:

DCVG is a method for detecting Cathodic Protection current pickup at coating holidays. The
DCVG system consists of an analog strap-on voltmeter, connection cables, two probes with
electrodes filled with water. The technique is accomplished by installing a current interrupter in
an existing rectifier unit or by using a temporary groundbed. The interrupter is set to cycle at a
very fast rate with the ON period less than the OFF period such as 1/3 second ON and 2/3
Seconds OFF. This short cycle allows for a quick deflection measurement by the analog
voltmeter. While walking along the pipeline route the probes are used as walking sticks making
sure one electrode tip is in contact with the ground at all times. One probe is always kept near the
pipeline centreline while the other is held laterally at 1-2 meters. Where there is no coating
defect, the analog voltmeter needle does not register movement. When a coating defect is
approached a noticeable swing will be observed on the voltmeter at the same rate as the
intetrrupter switching cycle. The amplitude of the needle swing will increase as the defect is
approached and decreases when passed

Since Cathodic Protection results in the flow of current to exposed areas of metal on pipelines
where either the coating is damaged or failing, the defects can be individually located and
characterized. The high sensitivity of this technique permits even the smallest defects to be
located within ± 4in accuracy. Once located, the importance of a defect is characterized by
measuring the potential lost from the defect epicentre to remote earth. This potential difference is
expressed as a fraction of the total potential shift on the pipeline (i.e., the increase of the potential
of the pipeline due to the application of CP) resulting in a value termed the %IR.

As discussed above, the DCVG will accurately locate and characterize individual defects at
anomaly locations. The defects are then further broken into four groups based upon approximate
size, as follows:

CATEGORY 1 - 1-15% IR - Defects in this category are considered of low

importance. Repair is not required, as a properly maintained CP system will
provide effective long-term protection to these areas of exposed steel.
CATEGORY 2 - 16-35% IR - Defects in this category may be recommended for
repair, based upon proximity to ground beds or other structures of importance.
These defects do not pose a serious threat and are likely to be adequately
protected by a maintained CP system. Fluctuations in the levels of protection
could alter this status as the coating further degrades.

CATEGORY 3 - 36-60% IR - Defects in this category are considered worthy of

repair. The amount of exposed steel indicates that this defect is a major consumer
of protective CP current, and that serious coating damage is present. These defects
would be recommended for programmed repair, based upon proximity to ground
beds or other structures of importance. They may pose a threat to the overall
integrity of the pipeline. Fluctuations in the levels of protection could alter this
status as the coating further degrades.

CATEGORY 4 - 61-100% IR - Defects in this category are recommended for

immediate repair. The amount of exposed steel indicates that this defect is a major
consumer of protective CP current and that massive coating damage is present.
Category 4 defects indicate very serious problems with the coating and more than
likely pose a threat to the overall integrity of the pipeline.

These categories are empirical in nature and are based upon the results of several thousand
exploratory excavations at defect locations determined by DCVG survey.

The DC Voltage Gradient technique provides additional input for determining the importance of
defects by examining the status of corrosion at each fault. As noted above, the DCVG technique
is able to distinguish the direction of current flow in the soil. Since corrosion results in current
flow away from coating faults and Cathodic Protection results in current flow to faults, the
electrochemical activity on the exposed metal surface can be determined. This behaviour is
recorded both while the CP is "ON" and "OFF", and is shown as the characteristic of the
individual defect in the results. In principle, there are four possible categories:

- C/C - Cathodic/Cathodic - defects that are protected while the CP system is

"ON" and remain polarized when the CP is interrupted ("INSTANT OFF");

- C/N - Cathodic/Neutral - defects that are protected while the CP system is "ON"
but return to the native state when the CP is interrupted ("INSTANT OFF");

- C/A - Cathodic/Anodic - defects that are protected while the CP system is "ON"
but become anodic when the CP is interrupted ("INSTANT OFF");

- A/A - Anodic/Anodic - defects that receive no protection whether the CP system

is "ON" or "OFF".
The most severe defects would be the A/A group because they are most prone to active
corrosion. C/A and C/N would be the next step of priority because they would become
potentially active corrosion sites if the CP system were to fail. Lastly are the C/C defects, which,
based upon size and proximity to anode ground beds may be major consumers of Cathodic
Protection current. Consequently, C/C defects may act to prevent the flow of current to other
areas requiring protection.

It is also possible for the DCVG technique to distinguish between isolated and continuous
coating damage. The shape of the gradient field surrounding a defect provides this information.
Isolated defects (such as rock damage) produce fairly concentric gradient patterns in the soil,
while continuous coating damage (such as disbondment or cracking) produces elongated
patterns. This information is included in the results as “I” for isolated and “C” for continuous,
and it is very helpful in calculating the extent of required excavation for repair plans or recoating

In summary, the DC Voltage Gradient Technique will locate defects, provide an approximation
of the size of the defects, indicate whether corrosion is occurring at the defects, and provide
information regarding the effective magnitude of the defects.

From the above categories and correlating the defects with the CIS Potential graphs/DCVG data,
a rehabilitation program can be implemented as below:

A. Immediate Repair 0-12 Months:

All Anodic defects & any continuous category 4 defects. Also from the CIS data
any defects in areas where the “On” and “Off” potentials are more positive than –
850mV and/or any defects that are larger than 61% IR.

B. Repair 1-2 Years:

The remaining category 4 defects (>61% IR), and any continuous defects from
category 3. From the CIS data, any defects in areas that show the “On” potential
are more negative than –850mV and “Off” potentials are more positive than

C. Repair 2-3 Years:

The remaining category 3 defects (36%-61% IR), and any continuous defects
from category 2. From the CIS data, any defects in areas that show the “On” and
“Off” potential are more negative than –850mV showing the typical graph of
possible coating damage.
D. Repair 3-4 Years

The remaining category 2 defects (16% -35% IR), and any continuous defects
from category 1.

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