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EDU 280: Cultural

identity and
• Ms. Garcia: Okay class today will be learning about, gender, race and culture for todays class.

So Everyone please take a seat.

(Everyone takes a seat)

Ms. Garcia: if you guys have any questions about the lesson, please don't hesitate to ask.

Student 1: What will we be learning on your assignments for this lesson Ms. L?

Ms. : for our lesson ill give the following explanation to what we will be learning on
our assignments.
• Ms. Garcia: as an explanation we will learn to define what is the meaning of
gender, race and culture and how it defines us in a cultural way.
• Ms. Garcia: Then second we will learn to identify any specific characteristics
that may involve such as behaviors and qualities that make up a person
towards culture, ethnicity, gender and race.
Student 1 and student 2: Is there anything else we will learn last on our
Ms. Garcia: The last thing we will learn is how cultural identity is important and
how it impacts others culturally by asking questions related to the topic with
your classmate
• Ms. Garcia : Okay class, before our actual lesson starts I have prepared a video about
cultural identity where you guys will be asked to answer three questions in relation
towards cultural identity.

• Student 1, 2 and 3: Okay Miss L!

• Student 3: What's the name of the video that we are going to watch?

• Ms. Garcia: The video we will be watching is called "Wellbeing for children: Identity
and Values"

• Student 3: Thank you miss Garcia

• Ms. Garcia: your welcome!

• (sets up video by turning on the screen projector)

• Ms. Garcia: Okay class I already set up the video so now we should be ready to watch
• Ms. Garcia: Please don't talk during the video class because its important that we pay attention first
before getting distracted.

• Student 1, 2 and 3: Okay Ms. L!

• (all the students proceed to stay quiet and try to pay attention to the video)

• (Video starts)

• Ms. Garcia: (Pauses video at 1:11) before you watch this part of the video I want you to answer
question 1

• Student 1: What's the first question?

• Ms. Garcia: The first question is, "What creates Cultural identity?" As you will answer this question from
the video that will give a brief discussion about "Identity" in the video.

• (Students wait patiently for video to play and answer their first question)

• (all students proceed to answer the first question)

• Student 1: I think what creates identity is our ethnicity

Student 3: I also think our values are very important
Ms. Garcia: Nicely done job students, these are exactly all correct for question 1
from the video learned.
Ms. Garcia: for the next question, "How can you learn more about your values?
(video starts from 2:25 stops at 3:08)
Student 1: I think what helps us learn more about our values can be our favorite
Student 2: I believe our values come from exploring the things we like to-do.
Student 3: Something I can learn about values is cooperating with others through
sports or an assignment.
Ms. Garcia: Exactly, all of these come from our own values that help make up who
we really are as people as it can come from the things we are interested in.

(Video starts from 3:12 video stops at 3:44)

Ms. Garcia: (Pauses Video) The third question is "Why cultural identity is
Student 1: I think its important because cultural identity is about our culture and
Student 2: Cultural identity is important because it helps define special traits and
Student 3: I believe cultural identity is important because it helps reason with our
religion race.
• Ms. Garcia: Correct! All of these parts of cultural identity is what helps create the importance of our
gender, race and culture altogether as whole.

• Ms. Garcia: Now its time to prepare for the actual lesson we are going to learn today!

• Student 1: How will we work on this lesson?

• Ms. : Each student will receive a work sheet where they must write their name on the circle of
identity and then add the following through the rest of 6 circles connected to their name that involve
their gender, race, and culture as to everything else included. So ill be handing out the circle of identity
work sheet to each of you.

• (hands out worksheet to each student)

• Student 1, 2 and 3 all receive the work sheet from the teacher.
• Ms. Garcia: Okay class now that I explained how we are going to work on this assignment, I will provide some
examples that you can use to help assist you on your assignment.

• (all students pay attention to what the teacher is explaining)

• Ms. Garcia: What you can add on your circle of identity could be about your race, family, religion, gender,
interests and beliefs and values on your circle of identity worksheet.

• Student 1: Oh okay then that shouldn't be too hard

• Student 2: So then all of these are our identities?

• Ms. : Yes, identities that can be used for your circle of identity work sheet. And after you finish this
assignment I hope you and the rest of your classmates learned something about yourself culturally
(All the students begin working on their cultural of identity worksheet
independently )
(All students finish their work)

Ms. Garcia: Now that you finish your work independently, was there anything you
learned about yourself?

Student 1: Yes Ms. L one of the things I did learn about where I'm from culturally.
Student 2: I was able to learn what my actual beliefs and values are and how
important they are to me
Student 3: The importance of how my family is part of my cultural identity.

Ms. Garcia: Good Job everyone!, I'm glad you were able to learn a little more about
yourself through this cultural identity worksheet
Ms. Garcia: Okay class the next assignment we will work on is about identifying out
characteristics. As explained, Each student will be given a note card and choose a
cultural identity characteristic of their choice by writing it down on their note card by
identifying what it means culturally to other people

Ms. Garcia: I will also provide you guys with examples of characteristics to choose from.
One of the examples ill point out as the following are is our culture, religion, race and
gender. These are characteristics you can choose to write on your notecard as its similar
to our cultural of identity worksheet. So ill give you time to work on your note cards, and
after you have finished please raise your hand when you are done.

Student 1, 2, and 3: Okay Ms. Garcia

(Students grab a pencil and choose a characteristic of their own to write down on their
note card)
Ms. Garcia: Now That you have chose a characteristic of your choice
I want you to present to the class with a brief explaination why you choose that
characteristic that you wrote on your note card.

Ms. Garcia: Please raise your hand when you are ready to share
Student 1: (raises hand)

Ms. Garcia: Okay, you may start first student 1

Student 1: The characteristic I chose is race. The reason I chose this because
race helps make up who we are culturally.

Student 2: (comes next) I chose Culture, because it’s a characteristic that helps
learn more about a persons traditions and where we grew up from.

Student 3: I chose religion as a characteristic because it shows how important

it is to other people and what it means to them on a personal level.
Ms. Garcia: Good job everyone!
Ms. Garcia: now that everyone from each of the characteristics chosen we will start
on the third next assignment which will be about "Why is cultural identity

Ms. Garcia: So to work on this assignment, you will be asked to write on your
notebook with at least a minimum of 3 sentences about why cultural identity is
important to you and how it as impacted you in a cultural way. Then next you will be
provided with examples about why cultural identity is important to help guide you on
your writing processes.

Student 1: Ms. L can you show us the examples of why cultural identity is important?

Ms. Garcia: Of course! Here are the examples to help you and your classmates work
on their assignments.
Ms. Garcia: Here are some examples about why cultural identity is important

(all students start to pay attention to the teacher)

Ms. Garcia: These Examples show why cultural identity is important because it defines
who we are as a person through our cultural beliefs, Religion and race.

Another is that cultural identity can also bring greater importance with our
experiences, culture and families altogether

It is also important that you all keep in mind that Cultural identity may also help
strengthen our unity with friends and families in a cultural way. And these examples I
hope can help you start your writing process.

(Students start writing on their note books after using examples provided from
Ms. Garcia: Now that everyone has finished working on their assignment I would like the whole class to share
what they wrote on their note book about cultural identity. So who would like to go first?

Student 1: (Raises their hand)

Student 1: ill go first Ms. L!

Ms. Garcia: you may go first then.

Student 1: The reason I think cultural identity is important is because culturally it helps identify and strengthen
our cultural beliefs as people.

Student 2: (decides to go next)

Student 2: Cultural identity is Important because it helps us learn more about our history culturally with culture
such as our families and ancestors from the past.

Student 3: ( third student goes last)

Student 3: uhm I believe cultural identity is very important because it helps us learn and value our cultural
identity more by being proud of who we really are as people in a cultural way.
Ms. Garcia: Good job Class! I appreciate the effort and work put into your assignment about cultural identity
and I noticed how all of you had a better acknowledgement of how cultural identity is important to other
Ms. Garcia: The next assignment will be about asking your partner cultural questions about
Ms. Garcia: So, class each of you will be assigned a partner by me and you will have to work
together with your partner on the assignment as a group of two people. From this assignment
both you and your partner will have to ask each other questions about yourself. Keep in fact I
will also give you examples so each of you can gain more ideas for your cultural questions.
Then last ask what you learn from your partner to the class.

Student 1: Ms. L what questions can we ask our partner?

Ms. L: Before that ill make sure everyone has a partner to work with. So Student one you will
work with student 2 and student 3 will work with student 4. And now that everyone has a
partner I will give you some time to think of some questions for your partner but before that ill
provide the examples first.
Ms. Garcia: Okay class, one of the examples as questions you can ask your
partner is what is one of their favorite cultural foods?, where they are from?
And favorite holidays to celebrate? And anything else that applies culturally
about them.

Ms. Garcia: As you learn from these examples, make sure these questions help
you get a better understanding from it.

Student 1: (Starts to ask partner about where they are from)

Student 2: (Starts to ask partner about their favorite holiday)

Student: 3: ( Starts to ask their partner about their favorite cultural cuisine)

(Students finish asking their partners their questions)

Ms. Garcia: Okay, now that everyone has finished taking the time to get to know
your assigned partners, only of you as students will be asked to share what they
learned about their partner.
Ms. Garcia: Who would like to go first?
Student 1: (Raises their hand)
Student 1: Me, Miss L, ill go first.
Ms. Garcia: you may start if you like student 1
Student 1: Something I learned about my partner is that they told me they were
from Mexico, which is a country is known for their Mexican food, friendly
people and diversity of people.
Student 2: (comes next)
Student 2: What I learned so far about my partner is that their favorite holiday
is Christmas. The reason why Christmas is their favorite is because after having
their Christmas meal they go to church in Christmas eve. Which is a custom
tradition they do in Spain as explained.
Student 3: (comes in last)
Student 3: What I learned about my partner was about their favorite food
cuisine. And they said their favorite food is home-made ramen from Japan were
they used to live. As it’s a popular food to eat there.
• Ms. Garcia: Now that each of you have learn something about your partner. I would like you all to start
working independently with a sheet of paper and write down any important cultural facts that may
connect to cultural identity as independent practice

• Ms. Garcia: (Hands sheet of paper to each student in class)

• Since everyone has their own sheet of paper you may now begin your assignment.

• Student 1: (Starts writing on paper)

• Student 2: (Starts writing on paper)
• Student 3: (Starts writing on paper)

• Ms.Garcia: When you are finished with your assignment please place your pencil on your desk
• (Later all students finish their work and proceed to place their pencils on their desk)
• Ms. L: now that you finished writing on your paper, was there something you learned from this
• Student 2: (raises their hand first)
• Student 2: Something I learn so far about cultural identity is that cultural identity can be a persons self-
conception and uh. Self perception.
• Ms. Garcia: Good job student 2! Also would anybody else like to talk about what they learn from cultural
• Student 3: (raises hand) One thing I did learn is that cultural identity may also be based on being part of
group in a social matter.
• Ms. Garcia: Good job student 2!

• Ms. Garcia: Now that everyone has a better understanding of todays independent
practice I hope by the end of the lesson you will have a more opened mind-set about
what it means to be culturally identified by the aspects of race, gender, and specifically
your own culture. Because without cultural identity how will you be able to learn more
about yourself culturally? and that is why I provided these lessons to you so you can
have a better comprehension of what cultural identity and values mean to your
classmates and you.

• Student 1: Thank you for teaching this lesson Miss L, I have been able to learn a lot from

Student 2: I was also able to learn as well from your class! Thanks Miss L!
Ms. Garcia: Now that this is the end of my class I hope my lesson was able to help give
a greater connection towards cultural identity and values. Because it is important that
we learn more about other people culturally in order to better understand them as well
as ourselves culturally too.
Ms. Garcia: Class please wait patiently until the bell rings before you are dismissed
from the class.

Student 1,23: Okay miss L!

(Students wait for bell to ring)
(class ends)
(Students 1,2 and 3 leave the class)

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