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Behavioral Health

During COVID-19
Pre-Meds Without Borders
Preventative Health Seminar 2022
Activity 1: Word Cloud
Go to
Use code: 5139 4835

Write down some words or

phrases describing how
COVID-19 has impacted you.

1 COVID-19 3 Guidelines 5 Importance?

What is Physical Activity, Why should

Covid-19? Nutrition, we care?

Impact on Motivational
Physical & Tips
Mental Health

Effects of
2 4 Solutions
● Respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2
● Spreads mainly from person to person through
respiratory droplets produced when an infected
person coughs, sneezes, or talks
○ Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after
being exposed to the virus
○ Symptoms include fever, chills, and cough
○ Infected people may not have symptoms
● Adults 65 years and older and people of any age
with underlying medical conditions are at higher
risk for severe illness
Background: The Pulmonary System


● Provide oxygen to our cells (gas exchange) in the alveoli

coronavirus How does COVID-19
disrupt the
respiratory system?
● Can lead to pneumonia or acute
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
● 3-17% of COVID-19 patients develop ARDS
● For COVID-19, the virus infects lung cells
and damages them → inflammation
● Inflammation = immune system fighting
○ Lead to swelling, increased fluid
moving to the site of damage
● Alveoli cannot perform usual function
Myths Facts
Alcohol / hand sanitizer / chlorine Hand soap is the best disinfectant to
spray will kill the virus fight COVID

You can only get COVID once Reinfection is possible after you
recover from it

COVID vaccine will change our DNA mRNA vaccines function like a recipe

There are preservatives in vaccines Kept in cool places in order to stabilize


Warmer/cold climates decrease Body temp is the same regardless

the chances of contracting

Having a mask on all day will lead Dyspnea!

to CO2 poisoning/sickness Masks do not significantly block us
from breathing in O2 and do not
keep CO2 inside
Activity 2: Put a Finger Down
Raise a virtual hand if the following applies to you
Effects of COVID-19: Online Learning
Less engaged
Independent learning
Students can become less active in
expressing opinions and thoughts
Less motivation when they are not engaging in the
Students have less motivation to
learn online, especially if they do
not actively participate during Quicker & less biased
classes test results
Evaluations are faster, more
accurate, and objective
Can study anytime and anywhere More educational
More reference teaching materials
(video tutorials, practice
Effects of COVID-19: Mental Health
● COVID-19 has caused disruptions to our everyday lives
○ This can lead to the following feelings:

Hopelessness Loss of purpose

Despair Fear

Effects of COVID-19:
Mental Health

COVID-19 is associated with the following:

Increase in anxiety, Increased risk in

depression, and stress suicide

Self blame and guilt in Increased substance

those infected abuse in youth
Mental Disorders Infographics

● Students of all academic

levels show lower energy
levels and more negative
emotions during
● Most common feelings
● anxious
● overwhelmed
● tired
● depressed

Top 15 feelings and levels of energy as assessed by the participants/students.

The bubbles are size-proportional to the number of counts.
Effects of COVID-19: Mental Health
The importance of feelings;
what do positive and negative emotions mean?

Positive feelings: Negative feelings:

- Attention - ↓ cognitive resources
- Concentration
- ↓ school performance
- Engagement
- Persistence in learning - ↓ academic achievement

What COVID-19 has done:

● Increased feelings of loneliness

● Decreased mental health
● An increased feeling of guilt
Effects of COVID-19: Physical Health

01 02 03

Physical Increased sedentary Worsened physical health

training centers lifestyle
closed ● 48.6% of individuals
Increase in sedentary gained weight
lifestyle (spending time on ● 39.5% of individuals
social media, watching TV, did not exercise at all
Effects of COVID-19: Physical Health
Watching TV/using
computer/phone for over 6
hours a day increased from
16.14% to 43.6%
↑ Screentime Average of 6 hours of screen
Screen Time increased time (4.85 hour increase)
dramatically during the during pandemic in children
pandemic, affecting physical 9-15 years old
and mental health
Effects of COVID-19: Physical Health
Covid-19 symptoms are much worse and require hospitalization with comorbidities.
The CDC recommends patients with comorbidities to:

● Carry alcohol based hand sanitizer

● Wear masks when going out

● Practice social distancing

● Limit interactions
Why is physical activity
so important?

A healthy lifestyle is proven to:

Increase life expectancy

Decreased disease-induced mortality

Increased overall well-being

Boosts the immune system

Why is physical activity so important?

Physical activity boosts the immune system:

Moderate-intensity PA boosts your macrophages’ ability to fight against

Macrophages fight pathogens by circulating immune system cells such as

immunoglobulins and cytokines

These cells work together to reduce the flow of inflammatory cells in the

This counteracts pathogen load in the body, reducing your risk of

contracting illnesses
Positive Effects of Nutrition on Immune System

Physical health

Mental health

Immune health

Vitamins and Minerals

Effects of Nutrition on Immune System
Foods high in necessary nutrients, especially ANTIOXIDANTS

Citrus fruits Nuts and beans

Dark leafy greens Dairy products

Activity 3: Simple Desk Stretches

Try out these stretching exercises!

CDC: Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Physical Activity ★ Children and Adolescents (6-17 years)
○ At least 1 hour a day of moderate-to-vigorous intensity
physical activity
○ Need activity that strengthens bones and muscles
★ Adults (18-64 years)
○ 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week
○ 2 days/week of muscle strengthening exercise

Nutrition ★ Eat antioxidants

★ Focus on food groups with nutrient-dense foods and beverages
Nutrition ★ Stay within calorie limits
★ Limit foods and beverages higher in added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium

American Academy of Pediatrics

Screentime ★ Avoid screens at least 1 hour before bedtime
★ Limit (leisure) screen time to 1-2 hours per day
Solution and Motivational Tips
Manage media consumption Reach out for help
● Check for credibility of the
● Look to resources such as
source video counseling,
● Misinformation can telemedicine and
perpetuate fear telepsychiatry services

Stay connected Healthy expression

● Regular phone calls/zoom of emotions
calls with family/friends have ● Ex. through exercise,
positive impacts on our yoga/meditation
mental health
● Facetime
● Video messaging
Intrinsic Motivation and School
What is intrinsic motivation?
Intrinsic motivation is simply the idea of performing a
task or activity for enjoyment or interest rather than
for achieving a secondary objective.

● Engage In Class
● Turn on your camera
Increasing intrinsic
motivation at school ● Ask Questions ● Participate in
breakout rooms
● Get help from the ● Take Breaks!
Why is it important?

By taking care of yourself and your community,

you can help protect the world!

Ways to do this at different

levels on the table to the right
Physical Health
Exercise website:
Easy nutritious meals under 20 minutes:

Mental Health
Suicide Hotline Number: 800-273-8255
Hotlines and Websites:
Thank you!
Physical Health and Nutrition:


Mental Health:

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Physiological Needs Air, Water, Food, Shelter, Rest

Basic Needs
Safety Needs Security, Safety

Belongingness & Love Needs Close Relationships, Friends

Psychological Needs Prestige, Respect of Others, Sense
Esteem Needs of Accomplishment

Self-Actualization Becoming the best you can be.

Self-Fulfillment Needs


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