2Gornot2G: Current Affairs Quiz

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Current Affairs Quiz - new

2G or Second Generation Spectrum Scam or the ‘mother of all scams’ as Christened by the media, has
washed out all the other scams so far in the history of Indian politics. With the opposition crying for a JPC
(Joint Parliamentary Committee) probe into the biggest scam ever, media has had a tough time covering
all the allegations and forced adjournments in the Parliament this winter session. The Government, on the
other hand, has been asserting the adequacy of the Public Accounts Committee for a probe into the

The standoff between the BJP-led NDA and the other members-the left parties, AIADMK, Samajwadi
party, BJD and TDP got another spurt with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) report that
disclosed a total loss of revenue to the exchequer by Rs.1.76 Lakh Crores. It the biggest ever in terms of
the tax-payer’s money ever laundered in the Indian History and is also termed as independent India’s
biggest financial scam.

This was followed by the exit of the then Telecom Minister A. Raja who was allegedly involved in the
misappropriations of funds during the period. In a nutshell the 2G Spectrum scam, apart from the funds’
mishandling and eventually loss, has diverted licences to private players at throwaway prices in the year
2008 by flouting all rules and regulations. The entry fee for licences were pegged at 2001 prices even
after 7 years in the year 2008 despite the subscriber base increase by almost 10 times over that time
frame. With the licences being issued without proper auction on a first-come-first serve basis, the minister
is alleged to have ignored the advice of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and the relevant
ministries and shown favouritism for companies, namely Swan Telecom, Unitech Wireless, Loop Telecom
etc, with no prior telecom experience. These firms have been accused of later selling these licences at a
much higher price to foreign telecom companies. High-tension political drama has since become the order
of the day putting even the Prime Minister into the limelight by pulling him into the scam for his silence in
the whole 2G Spectrum bidding. With the BJP alleging that nine private operators were granted licences
for Wireless Radio Spectrum in 2007 using unethical methods like different dates being given for
application to different players. The UPA was held responsible for giving away the scarce spectrum at a
price much lower than the market price leading to heavy loss of revenue to the nation as a whole.

These two papers are the only changes that have been introduced by the government which will be
enforced from next year onwards that is 2011. The rest of the pattern will remain the same as before. The
aspirants clearing these two examinations will then be short listed for the main exam and then the
interviews which will be followed after giving the main exams. The pattern for the main exam and the
interview will remain the same until next year or in other words next year would be more or less a trial
basis for a new pattern.

If the government feels that there is a need for change in pattern of the main exam as well as the
interview then it will be considered after next year. As of now the two aptitude tests are the only main
changes in the civil services examination. These changes are definitely for the better as this pattern will
give more people the encouragement and hope that civil services is not next to impossible and there is
chance for even the average hard working people. It is hoped that more number of people will be able to
clear the papers so that a fair chance is given to all of them to prove themselves.

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