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table of
3 Executive Summary
4-5 Client Overview
6 Client Needs/Problems
7 2022 Business Goals
8 Social Media Goals
9 Overview of Work
10-14 Organic Social Overview
15-20 Paid Social Overview
21-22 Metrics: Paid & Organic
23 Conclusion
24-25 Next Steps
26-29 Appendix
The HyrdoQuenchers paid and organic campaigns ran from Future Recommendations
March 31st, 2022 and ended April 28th, 2022 ultimately For the future success of HydroQuenchers, Ruckus
increasing brand awareness and consideration as well as drive recommends creating a brand style guide,
overall conversions to the storefront. Adjustments were made implementing the website wireframe that was
from the previous proposed schedule to accommodate the late introduced in the initial proposal, as well as investing in
start date as well as the changes to the budget structure. The more content management platforms, such as
campaign maintained the same paid and organic content yet Hootsuite, to help manage the posting schedule.
adjustments were made throughout the 5-week campaign to
accommodate client and agency bandwidth. Overall, paid and
organic metrics performed above average and business goals
were achieved outside of the social media campaign.

Organic Posts Overview and Key Results

The organic campaigns that Ruckus ran were HydroHeroes,
Quick Quench, and Double Punch Tuesday. HydroHeroes was an
awareness campaign with the intention of introducing HQ’s
Zombie product line to followers. Quick Quench was a
consideration campaign aimed at increasing store traffic
through a “happy hour” special. Double Punch Tuesday ran as a
consideration campaign incentivizing customers to revisit the
store for a drink. With the organic posts being shared there was
an increase in engagement on Instagram with the average
comments and likes being 7. There was an organic reach of 156
on Instagram and 56 on Facebook. Brand awareness and
consideration were achieved through these campaigns
simultaneously increasing followers on both Instagram and
Facebook. There are 88 new followers on Instagram and 11 new
followers on Facebook.

Paid Posts Overview and Key Results

The paid advertisements that were created through
HydroQuencher’s Meta Business Suite performed excellently.
HydroHeroes Unite ran as an awareness campaign during the
first 2 weeks of this project. The purpose of the campaign was
to reach a larger audience, beyond the current followers, and
introduce them to HQ’s product line. The final 2 weeks of the
project were focused on the Quick Quench consideration
campaign. This campaign promoted the “happy hour” that ran
Monday-Thursday and gave customers 30% off their purchase.
Through these paid advertisements, Ruckus was able to reach
40,824 people with the impressions being 134,117. There were
167 click throughs that occurred during the Quick Quench

campaign, which redirected viewers to HQ’s menu.
Business Background
HydroQuenchers (HQ) was opened in 2021 by Jonathan Lopez.
While living in cities whose culture centered on specialty drinks
and the celebration of caffeinated beverages, Jonathan wanted to
bring these inspirations back to the Shenandoah Valley and
introduce the area to Zombies.

An East Coast rendition of the popular beverage

native to the West Coast, a Zombie, is a
customizable caffeinated cold beverage. The most
common variation is made with a Red Bull base
that is infused with unique fruit flavors such as
mango or huckleberry. This product gives HQ it’s
competitive advantage and is the business’ best
selling product. Other items on the
HydroQuenchers menu include specialty coffees
(iced or hot) and mini pancakes (pastelitos) that
have a selection of toppings.

Facebook Insights Both platforms have the same
content; they use the same
Page Likes 215 likes graphics and text for each
post. Content mainly focuses
on the use of graphics that
Page Followers 270 people advertise products and events
that are taking place at HQ.
Organic Reach Engagement is low on both
April - July 3.8kpeople platforms with the majority of
posts getting one to two likes.
Paid Reach However, it is important to
August 2021 8.4k people note that posts that are about
the Harrisonburg and
Shenandoah Valley
communities do receive
Instagram Insights substantially more comments,
likes, and shares than regular
Followers 275 accounts product posts.

Organic Reach HydroQuenchers is working

April - July 1.1k people hard to communicate with the
2021 community, share what they
Paid Reach have to offer, and show that
August 2021 3.8k people HQ values its consumers
through these posts.

HQ’s current posts on both Facebook and Instagram reflect the
brand’s energy and excitement, but lack consistency in content,
style, voice, and posting times.

Engagement is low across Instagram and Facebook. For the amount
of followers HydroQuenchers has on each platform, the brand
should be receiving more than 1-2 likes, comments, and shares per

The current content also lacks an incentive to share it with others.
This lack of user generated content and promotion means the
business is not fully engaging with its customer base.

These inefficiencies have been with HydroQuenchers since its opening in 2021. HQ hasn't
been open one full calendar year, so addressing these problems are a matter of growing
with the business. Jonathan solely runs the business, meaning he is responsible for
content creation, marketing, strategy, operations, accounting, and running the physical
store. As a result, marketing and promotion are the last tasks he allots time to in his busy

Due to the lack of consistency, engagement, and promotion, HQ’s intended audience is
unable to get a clear understanding of the business which generates confusion around
product offering and the business mission. Audiences connect with brands they identify
with; if they are unable to understand who and what HQ is, they are unable to connect and
consume in a meaningful way that Jonathan hopes to create.
Since its opening in 2021, HydroQuenchers is
looking to develop a strong footing in the
Harrisonburg community. This initiative comes with

the ultimate goal of expansion; whether it be at the
current location by hiring new employees, opening
up venues at local events, or expanding their product
offering, HydroQuenchers plans to grow in the
coming months.

Hire more employees to enable
Expand business operations
HQ to fully expand their to include more events
business operations and extend during December, January,
their business hours. June, July
Hire two part-time baristas to help with Plan 2 events during the “J/D ''
HQ workload by May 31st, 2022. months (December, January, June,
July) that engage the Harrisonburg
community throughout the

Optimize food menu to have a thematically consistent and aesthetically
pleasing menu.
Optimize menu to create consistency in product choice and brand message, ultimately
creating a more visually appealing, error-free menu to ease customer usability.

We implemented these goals as a way to increase brand awareness and consideration for
HydroQuenchers. Reach and engagement (likes, comments, shares, and saves) serve as
brand awareness tools for HQ. Hero following and click through rate engagement on
advertisements serve as metrics to track customer consideration. Below are these goals
enunciated in a specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound manner.

Increase reach by 20% (1,800 accounts) on Facebook
through the paid advertisements that are implemented
during the 5-week marketing campaign.

Increase the number of likes to 10 per post by April 28th,
2022 on both Instagram and Facebook on organic posts.

Increase click through rate (CTR) to 10% (10 clicks for

every 100 impressions) by the conclusion of the 5 week
campaign on April 28th, 2022.

Increase followers by 15% on both Instagram (44
followers) and Facebook (41 followers) through organic
and paid content by the end of the campaign on April 28th,


Summary of Content
The three organic campaigns that ran during the four week period were the HydroHeroes
campaign, Quick Quench campaign, and the Double Punch Tuesday campaign.

The HydroHeroes campaign showcased HQ’s’ signature Zombie drink with the posts
showcasing a featured drink (such as the Captain America) which included the base
beverage as well as the additive flavor that made the drink unique. The content was
organized in a carousel format so that customers could swipe through to see the
attributes of each drink.

Quick Quench organically highlighted the “happy hour” special that HydroQuenchers ran
Monday through Thursday from 4pm-7pm, enticing customers to stop by for 30% off
Zombies. This content was posted as a single image. Both the HydroHeroes campaign
and Quick Quench Campaign were posted on both Facebook and Instagram organically.

Finally, Double Punch Tuesday was an Instagram story post that highlighted the double
punch deal customers receive on Tuesdays. After receiving ten punches, they receive a
free drink. This deal allows customers to get two punches for one drink on their
HydroQuenchers punch card and get a little bit closer to the free drink.


Quick Quench Double Punch Tuesday

Organic posting started on March 31st, 2022 and concluded on April 28th, 2022. The
calendar for the organic campaign was run on a Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Friday schedule. Quick Quench was posted on Sundays. HydroQuenchers was posted on
Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Double Punch Tuesday was posted on Tuesdays.

Instagram Results

Average Organic Reach Average Likes

155.7 7
Facebook Results

Average Organic Reach

Strategy Evolution
The evolution of the HydroQuenchers organic strategy was changed a couple of
times throughout the duration of the campaign to accommodate Jonathan, as well as
the team, throughout the posting process.

The first change that we made began with the Community Heroes posting schedule.
Due to the team not being at HQ during business hours, we were unable to capture
customers indulging in some fresh Zombies/yummy food and allowed Jonathan to
post stories for the Community Heroes campaign. This allowed the team more
flexibility with the other campaigns running and let Jonathan engage with his
customers more, ultimately creating a sense of loyalty.

Another issue that came to be the most important was the copyright issue with the
HydroHeroes campaign. Originally, the creative featured fan favorite superheroes
like Captain America, Black Widow, and Wonder Woman on all the posts. While the
creative would’ve been awesome to implement, Disney owns the rights to those
superheroes and if we were using them to promote HydroQuenchers, we could have
run into some legal issues. Instead of featuring the superheroes' pictures, we used
the colors that were associated with each superhero, which in turn was the same
color as the drink, to give the same aesthetic.

Summary of Content
HydroHeroes Unite took the same organic posts from before and transformed them into
a paid carousel ad of the three drinks posted from the week. This allowed the audience
to view all three of the featured drinks in one place. They included a call to action, urging
the audience to view HydroQuenchers’ website and focused on brand awareness to
spread the word about Zombie drinks. The headline specified the drink name and the
drink flavor with the call to action (CTA) linking the audience to the website through the
“see menu” button.

Quick Quench paid campaign had a different ad format than the organic posts. It
features a comic book-like post with the drink featured at the bottom and a call to action
urging customers to click through to the website. Although different in format, it remains
thematically inline with the other posts. The CTA promoted the menu with a “see menu”
button. This ad focused on consideration and encouraging customers to click through to
the website and view the HQ menu. The headline differed between the local and JMU
Duke audience as there were issues with ages and promoting ‘alcoholic beverages’
through Facebook (see below). For the local audience, the headline specified that Quick
Quench was an” HQ Happy Hour” saying “hope to see you soon!” in the body copy. The
JMU Duke headline said “HQ Quick Quench” with the same sentiment in the body.

HydroHeroes Unite

Main Zombie Slide Zombie Flavor Slide

Quick Quench

Locals JMU Dukes

The HydroHeroes Unite paid campaign began on March 31st, 2022 and ran until April
15th, 2022. The Quick Quench paid campaign ran from April 15th, 2022 to April 28th,
2022. The advertisements were shown to both audiences throughout those time frames
based on Facebook's metrics and when the system decided to share them.

HydroHeroes Unite
Week 1 (3/31-4/7) Week 2 (4/7-4/14) Week 3 (4/14-4/21) Week 4 (4/21-4/28)

JMU Dukes $125 Lifetime

HBurg Locals $125 Lifetime

Quick Quench
Week 1 (3/31-4/7) Week 2 (4/7-4/14) Week 3 (4/14-4/21) Week 4 (4/21-4/28)

JMU Dukes $125 Lifetime

HBurg Locals $125 Lifetime

HydroHeroes Unite Results

Ad Recall
JMU Dukes 770
HBurg Locals 1,320
Total 2,030 people

JMU Dukes 15,272
HBurg Locals 18,728
Total 33,304 people
JMU Dukes 40,355
HBurg Locals 46,698
Total 87,053impressions

Cost per Result

JMU Dukes $0.16
HBurg Locals $0.09
Total $0.12 on average

Quick Quench Results

Link Clicks
JMU Dukes 71
HBurg Locals 96
Total 167clicks

JMU Dukes 7,224
HBurg Locals 7,802
Total 14,756 people

JMU Dukes 23,533
HBurg Locals 23,531
Total 47,064 impressions

Cost per Result

JMU Dukes $1.76
HBurg Locals $1.30
Total $1.50 on average

Strategy Evolution
The main evolution of the paid campaign strategy revolved around the posting
calendar. Due to all the campaigns starting a week later, we adjusted the schedule to
accommodate this change, as well as adapted our strategy to meet the $500 budget.
Previously, we had each audience, the JMU Dukes and the Locals, alternate between
the five week campaign, with one being turned on and the other turned off
respectfully throughout the weeks. The updated campaign calendar showcased the
HydroHeroes Unite campaign running throughout the first two weeks of the
campaign, and the Quick Quench campaign running for the remaining two. This
change helped solve confusion while setting up the lifetime budget and ended up
being a lot easier to manage after the adaptation.

Another change that happened throughout the overall campaign was an update to the
copy of the Quick Quench advertisements because they violated the Meta/Facebook
community guidelines. It broke guidelines due to the term “Happy Hour” leading the
AI to believe that we were promoting alcoholic beverages to our younger audience,
JMU Dukes, on the platform. After multiple adaptations to the layout and the copy,
we ultimately had to scrap the word “Happy Hour.” After it was removed, the ad was
then approved and the campaign went live for that audience. Comparing the Quick
Quench “happy hour” copy with both audiences, we found that the word “Happy Hour”
actually boasted more impressions and led to lower CPC’s and an increase in click
through rate.

Instagram Followers - 88 new followers (total of 363 followers)

Facebook Followers - 11 new followers (total of 281 followers)

Facebook Page Likes - 11 new likes (total 226 page likes)

Facebook Reach (includes paid and organic)

Instagram Reach (includes paid and organic)

Advertisement Insights

Goals, Objectives, and Needs
Our goals included:

Increase reach by 20% (1,800 accounts) on Facebook through the paid advertisements that are
implemented during the 5-week marketing campaign.

Increase the number of likes to 10 per post by April 28th, 2022 on both Instagram and Facebook
on organic posts.

Increase click through rate (CTR) to 10% (10 clicks for every 100 impressions) by the conclusion
of the 5 week campaign on April 28th, 2022.

Increase followers by 15% on both Instagram (44 followers) and Facebook (41 followers) through
organic and paid content by the end of the campaign on April 28th, 2022.

We met our Reach goal as our reach exceeded the 1,800 people we hoped to spread brand awareness to about
HydroQuenchers. We saw a trend in our Engagement goal that if we had continued the campaign for a week or
two longer, this goal would have been met as on average each Instagram post had 7 likes. However, for
Facebook, while we increased overall page likes by 11, each individual post did not reach this goal. Additionally,
after seeing the results of the impressions and reach, Ruckus acknowledges the ambitious nature of the click
through rate goal. We did not anticipate the impressions being so high and so for the CTR to be 10% of these
impressions, we were expecting a lot from the selected audience. Finally, for our Hero Following goal, we
surpassed our goal by increasing following on Instagram by 88 followers. However, following the trend of
Facebook needing some extra TLC, we only increased the HQ Page following 11 people. In the future, we
recommend that because of the explosive nature and relatively high engagement rate on Instagram, HQ should
use this as its main platform for communication to its audience.

Was it Worth It?

Overall, through these campaign goals, the needs of the client were met. We provided HydroQuenchers with a
consistent posting schedule as well as marketing collateral that helped properly reflect the brand and its
products in a cohesive format. We also started to build a larger community around the HQ brand that Jonathan
will surely grow in the future. Conclusively, the brand awareness objective helped promote the brand and garner
brand recall among this audience. With all three of the needs being met, the campaign was worth the efforts put
forth by Ruckus. We think that HydroQuenchers now has a solid social media presence to build out and continue
to grow as the small business gains a reputation in the Harrisonburg area.

Organic Recommendations
After running HydroQuenchers’ organic posts, we have some insights and recommendations moving
forward for the future of the business . Firstly, stick to a consistent organic posting strategy that
highlights both the Zombies and food that HQ offers while simultaneously engaging with the
Harrisonburg community. Additionally, it is important to stay consistent in tone, message, timing of
posts, and creativity in order to boost organic reach and appeal. Second, we recommend that
HydroQuenchers continues to engage with the Locals and JMU Dukes by creating a sense of
community on their platforms. This can be achieved by continuing the Community Heroes series as well
as responding to comments and reposting stories from customers. We also recommend planning posts
out weekly to create an aesthetically pleasing feed.

Paid Recommendations
If a paid strategy were to be implemented in the future, we recommend targeting more of the local
Harrisonburg community. This strategy would build a customer base that would be present year round
due to the summer and winter breaks that JMU students are not in Harrisonburg for. The insights from
our campaigns revealed that the Locals generate a larger reach and impressions base which leads to
more possible foot traffic and thus conversions year round. Prior to this campaign, HQ did not utilize
paid social media ads. Paid ads can advance HQ’s reach and promote the business far better than
organic posts. HQ should invest with any available funds and grow HQ’s presence online. Allocating a
select budget per month would increase overall awareness for HQ. Once the website is up to date and
aesthetically changed we also recommend adding a conversion tracking pixel to the business site so
that clicks and conversions can be more easily tracked. Implementing a pixel will bring back more
information so that HQ can cater more towards specific audiences in the future.

Other Recommendations
Style Guide
As previously suggested in the initial proposal, we recommend creating a style guide for the
HydroQuenchers brand. Throughout the campaign, we used bright, vibrant colors that sparked a comic
book feel, catering towards the overall appeal of the brand. We recommend implementing these styles
in the future as it gives the brand more pizzazz and makes it more easily recognizable. Implementing
tones, missions, fonts and style is the first step towards a successful business and we hope our
graphics/creatives serve to be a good benchmark.

Website Optimization
Implementing the wireframe and improving the website as a whole will greatly increase the overall
appeal of HydroQuenchers. Moving forward, we recommend tackling this right after the style guide is
completed so that the tones and styles are consistent across the brand. Improving the website is a
crucial step for HQ’s success and we think it can bolster great brand awareness and generate more
foot traffic.

Hootsuite can assist in posting on social media by scheduling when to post without personally posting
each time. This will take out the stress and time-consuming process of having to post. Investing in
Hootsuite can be worthwhile for those busy small business owners who manage their own social media


Call to Action (CTA): refers to the next step a marketer want its audience or followers to
Click Through Rates (CTR): the number of clicks that your ad receives divided by the
number of times your ad is shown
Facebook Carousel: allows you to show 2 or more images and/or videos in a single as,
each with its own headline, description, link and call to action
Impressions: the number of times your advertisement is displayed
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): measurable metrics that gauge overall performance
over time
Page Recall - estimate number of people that will remember seeing an ad if asked within
2 days
Reach: the approximate number of potential customers who see a specific advertising
SMART Goals: guide for goal setting that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic,
and Timely
Typeface: set of characters of the same design these include letters, numbers,
punctuation marks, and symbols. Some popular typefaces are Helvetica, Times, and





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