Key Activity 2022-1

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Your favorite sport is hiding something… It´s a Parabola!

There are a variety of sports that, when practiced, trace a parabolic path. In this
project we invite you to think about a sports activity that you enjoy practicing or watching
and look for images on your own picture library or the internet that depict a parabolic curve
in your sport of choice. With this image you will propose an equation that models this real-
life situation.

Once you have found the equation you will play the role of coach or trainer of the
person you just found the equation for. The challenge is that as coach you have been hired to
increase their performance by achieving an increase of 25% on the maximum distance
covered in the original equation. Based on the acquired data you will answer the questions
included below.

Phase 1
 Form teams with 3 members, as a group you will decide on a sport that you all enjoy
either playing or watching as spectators.
 Search your own pictures or the internet for images of the chosen sport that depict a
parabolic curve.
If using the internet we suggest that you search for an image in sports sites (ESPN,
Sports Illustrated, etc.) you can search sports like tennis, basketball, soccer, archery,
etc. Make sure you credit intellectual property in your work (use references).

Phase 2
 On PowerPoint, Desmos (or any program you like) you will paste the selected image
and you will place a cartesian plane on top of it. (We suggest that the “x” axis is
located on the ground level and that the origin is located at what you agree is the first
root.) This will allow you to identify the key points of the parabola (vertex, y intercept
and x intercepts), as well as select additional coordinated points so that you can find
an equation that represents your parabolic curve.
 Build a T table, with a minimum of 8 coordinated points. where you will clearly
identify the Independent and Dependent variables. Use the appropriate measurement
units (meters/feet). Making sure your cartesian plane is proportional on the x and y
axis (that they have the same distance between them).

Phase 3
 Continuing your work from phase 2 use your picture on the cartesian plane with your
8 coordinated points (minimum) on your graph, these points will be copied into an (x,
y) T table so you can trace the appropriate graph and find the corresponding
 Your image must include the equation generated, its graph, as well as the key
elements of the parabola and their coordinates (include at least 4 additional points).
 The key elements of the parabola that must be included and labeled in your picture
a) Vertex
b) Roots
c) Y intercept
d) Dependent and independent variables
e) Units
Phase 4
 Now that you have modeled the function that describes the practice of the selected
sport, you will assume the role of Coach.
 As mentioned in the introduction you have been hired to increase by 25% the
maximum distance covered on the original equation. You will find an additional
equation that considers this increase.
 In Phase 5 you will compare both equations based on a series of questions provided.

Phase 5
 Once you have successfully completed phases 1-4 you will design an infographic that
a) an introduction to the topic of “Parabolas”
b) labeled picture with scale, cartesian plane and required points
c) the excel table that you used to find the regression that resulted in your graph
d) the graph and equation obtained through excel.
e) the equations that represent both the original situation as well as the 25%
increase in distance covered (consider that the 25% improvement on distance
covered implies a 10% decrease on the height of the vertex)
f) research how math can help athletes excel in their sport, this should be
supported with data; we are not asking for an opinion
g) verbally describe in what circumstance (jumping, throwing, kicking, etc.) a
parabola naturally occurs in your selected sport
h) mathematical procedure used to arrive at the new equation for the 25%
improvement in distance covered
i) include a conclusion that considers whether you relate to parabolas differently
after doing this activity than what you did at the beginning of the course (be
j) include at least two references

Phase 6
 Individually record a personal reflection with the following information: (Recordings
should range from 2 to 3 minutes)
o How did you collaborate with your team to successfully complete this project?
o How could you improve your team interactions next time you have an
opportunity to work collaboratively?
o Describe the process you went through to go from a still image to a
mathematical model?
o Explain how the variables (dependent and independent) described in your
image are related.
o When you had to work without technology, describe how you found the
equation for the 25% increase.
o Reflect on the evidence you uploaded on your “Diagnostic Exam Report” and
your current standing on the “Pie Report”. How do you feel about your
progress? Is there anything that you would do differently?

Phase 7
 Answer the self and co evaluations

Final considerations:
 The infographic self and co-evaluations should be uploaded to Canvas.
 The Individual video reflection should be uploaded to Elumen.

Here is an example of what we expect you to include on your infographic. Remember

you should also include the answers to the questions mentioned above.

Horse Jumping

Original Equation:
f ( x )=−0.2107 x2 +1.9271 x+ 0.1827

Improvements on Distance Covered:

(you should work with 25%)
Original vertex: (5, 4.45) ft.
35% improvement on distance covered:
New vertex calculations:
Original distance: 8.95 ft. 12.08/2= 6.04
4.45* 0.9: 4.01
8.95 * 1.35 = New maximum distance: 12.08 ft. New Vertex: (6.04, 4.01) ft

New Equation Calculation (based on the standard form of quadratic equations)

New maximum distance: (12.08, 0)
New vertex: (6.04, 4.01)

0=a ( 12.08−6.04 )2 +4.01

0=a ( 6.04 ) + 4.01
0=a(36.48)+ 4.01
−4.01=a( 36.48)
f ( x )=−0.1099( x−6.04) +4.01
f ( x )=−0.1099( x 2−12.08+36.48)+ 4.01
f ( x )=−0.1099 x 2 +1.327 x+ 0.00067

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