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Claire Morris ° ° leader ship % ° , * . ox¢ * oa a x ° ° ° . ° - | Leadership « - ' * Procedure Form .* ° Activity: T- Shirt Sales Person(s) in Charge: Freshmen Reps Team Members: x imenn, dia Nathane Sofia, abby,nathan 4 Names thie Date of Event: Qugust S**- pagistration dey (Pow wow) He 1. Procedure form is to be completed and turned in the Activities Director one week after the Cush) event. It is the responsibility of the student leader to meet this deadiine without a reminder. al Grade: | |e “To be completed by the AD. Note: signatures from the AD will not be completed the day this form is due. Signatures must be completed prior to due date. ‘Team Leader Check in Form: 160 RHS Paperwork Procedure Form Score:_|' |. AD Evaluation of Execution of Event Score: How Total Points/Final Score: L\He0 |\2, Po step Your Responsibilities Date Point Value Completed | (robecompietea by AD) wednesday overview active Leadership: Asa lass/group discuss he overall ‘ren theme/ gat of acy “Ataeh minutes ornate Julgas™ | 4/4 Explain the messaye/purpose of this activity here: nese to Sell our Freshman Class — [Wednesday mime (Shiets ancl earn money For July )O m0 Our class/grade budget. ay apn ow tis evenly wil low te GIVE-ASK-GIVE tml by Envolve Sado! Leadersbip erre First giving by informing anne Wednesday Give Gout Gales. whetner it; on Social media, . on lemail , Or potters. We os Students +o sutpert| July lOno lour Class And Show & it oy durchasieg 5 dy at. Prrovgh Social media aad inpersen. last, niet. Yoroegn Sein oeiied oy Providing the ¢ | MEP St oe ent y” “process. revide 3 ways hat want he dens oF RES to TT ag wcige: “Lite Start off the yeor and show |(Wednesde Lextited : Sei 9 w o 2 involved: 9 SvPrerting the School vuly 58 : sat how easy the buying process aSatistiogds Te yee se ers | dat come our campietne | Soran chest ote epesttintyatcenteden. | monday rent $ pins Breakdown age 5 pons check, 10 point Haw To Breakdown, uous Chess How oa Qoro Complete Complete the Leadership Activity Event Procedure Form according |Qugust 1 Leadership the regulations and required paperwork alongwith sigatares for Procedurerorm | Ris Jaqust son) 1 Gratiude | Team tiem at tnt tsi (| Cs \ the prcedre fom de dale. ) me There gee aluitus aenple Needed / Honk vod Tolocua “| Evaluate vest | Complete an Ate Acton Repor (AAR). Pers august yh cut you Fables, “Total Point ¥ tnuirs? ous ae Event Planning Outline (Breakdown) Event Name: “T- Shiet Sales Event Date: angus S* 1921-9 8) Goes Event Location: north gyrn foyer Brief Description of Event: Setting Sreshrnan class +-Shiets ‘Toolbox for event (supplies needed) table, decorati. Compy! picture of Completed shirt, and a cash box. Welcome / Greeting Close/Shut Down BUILD TRUST GIVE BENEFIT Set up decorations | Sell t-shicts, promote | clean up, Finish Welcome Sign, Jas , meeting people | soles, bring deco welcome Students Wome Make sure Shift is on Check in cash boy Schedule Count money retry Cash box ‘TASK WHO esponsible DUE DATE pone? NOTES (only 1 person) No —_———— qo. table nathan ¢ B/s | yes \alloons gion 8/5 lyes Order Form [Ximena 2/s (yes Cosh box Clave. Z/& |yes poster Sofia V5 lyes Chairs Nathon J B/5__l|yes toble cloth die o/5 lyes [erercete Computer #eL | Ximena Bs lyes ly Compvterdi2 | Cloive a/5_|yes | & at ee Compuieen3 | hothan c | 8/5 [yes |) fom Streamers Nother © | ls |¥es extra Masks | Sofia ges Pens Sofia yes Procedure £] Claire. Jes Heghict (eference | Abby ges Ines extra Compuler | Jame 5 e ‘yes Ho-do list | Ximena. B/a_ yes XY Step 6: How To... Create the steps in how your crew completed this activity. From the start til the end, what steps were taken to ensure this event was a success. Depth and detail will be very important in this task ahead and will be used as a reference for future leaders in this activity. **Exampled Provided: Class T-Shirts weeks Create tshirt(s) design(s) and/or crew neck/ tank top Get approved by class officers Create clothing on iza design Create a unit price Send out class text with pictures of designs Have all class officers create social media posts with clothing Create shifts throughout officer team for the day of Create a spread sheet to keep track of orders and kids’ class schedule Create a poster with pictures of the designs on them Create another social media post Create another class text Bring tables/chairs/ music Bring poster with images ee. HowTo. Sell Your Class T-Shirts *You can type up this document and add here, or add another piece of paper as needed. at Weeks Prion = A create t-shict design (we used Iza design) %& get design approved by advisor X%Cfeate a unit price | week prior, -—S— — * Meet With those in cha. ¥ discuss who 0 “ge To go over Selling Schedule | shif +5 is loringing, what Supplies * Cfeate & poster to promot your shirt Sales ond inform *# create orde- form to have Students fill out ¥ Fil) ovk Cash box request form day of — * Nove crew set up and decorate table | station 4% PpoSt oabout event again ana re-inform make Sure all supplies Needed is brought * have the Cash box ready and preporect + order forms % Work shifts ¥ Clean up Ofte Event and complete procedy, — — re forms Offer event ent * Finigh procecure Lonm, ¥ Check dates to recieve shicts fle!" puchare orden * Make sure al money is counteol K be Sue eveyone Who brought Supplies got it boc k, Leadership Activity Event Procedure Form Directions: Any time our class has an activity for our student body there are multiple forms and steps to accomplish in order to have a successful event. This form will assist to make sure all components to an activity are completed and done so in an efficient manner. ‘The overall grade will depend on the completeness of this activity and will be applied to every individual in the class whether directly involved or not. We are a functioning business and family that must help one another be successful. Working together is a key skill needed in this course and out in the real world. This process will help everyone with their responsibilities and cooperation with others. b. Date Activities Director signed the form & ASB Treasurer «, Date form tured into the Bookkeeper p.dugusd 2.908) gure 2° 9024 Procedure Individual(s) Responsible Point | Points | Comments/Notes | Value_| Received . ‘ s Name of Event: freshaian + Shict Date of Event: (tv 5" ~ Qug 26-27” ET 1, | Facility Form: Student wil printa | Student Leader Tpoint | /I con tac he confirmation of | Activities Director (assist as ‘event through the following site: : hutps:fhverw.sponhighnetluse- | needed) otfacilties ,_ | Purchase Order: Purple form 4 points | | found in Morty’s office or withthe live “ Miao tncamee” |*-Claice. Mortis / Office 04) ra 2 oie fom ot 2 aught 30m b. Date Activities Director signed v9U5 as the fom ASD Thessuer 9ST 39 ¢. Date form tured into the ASB | Myst he signed off by the ASB Bookkeeper Book ies. =A copy mud te provided an atached 0 9% | his form _— | 5, | Announcement(s) Spoints | 0/5 a. Date filled out & by whom | +». Date signed off by Activities — Director and/or Head Advisor € Daerumedinto¥s Vallee |B x d. Date(s) announcement (s) will * A copy of all announcements must be 0 tome! wy Didn't you ain |, yw Qnauantenrents? \ \cecal\ Signing d. _ | one x __! Publicity 2points | ) 2 a. Form of publicity used a — b. Date publicity put up & by . — whom 4 + b. dug Femel 7. | ai Bs Ravan J Spoints | 23 | Ximene. forty's office or with t a - Bookkeeper in Attendance Office | *™ tiled out a. Date form is picked up cosh bor for clue Yush tages? 4 Ion “Must be signed off by the ASB Bookkeeper here: &._| Dance Forms applicable) Gpoints | _/6 Dance Procedure Form: Get from the Vice Principal a Xo ‘Date form ie picked up ho . Date form is complete A ¢. Date tured into the attendance | b. oe office yet X | Seesomraieasw apy of eomplaad tr ‘please include a copy of competed form = DIE Sounds in Motion 522-5999 a. Date called & by whom a +b. Date contract is filled out and_ \ retuned to company. To be ye completed by AD or Head Advisor, | B-__ a omimunication is key! de €. Date of eal back one week prior | ¢, e ¥ 1. Date of meeting & location ». Date minutes emailed to AD a June AY august 43 200 August tte ofthe minutes must be pssent ‘on completed procedure form. b. D to Sign: to the Activities Director: ‘Completed form to be verified/signed byAhe ASB President: 3 points | 3/3 Completed form to be verjfied/signed off by the Ac Direct Spoint | > /3 ‘Total amount oP point value and points received: 30 Grade: _ After Action Report ‘What worked... What we liked... What we should do again... **What were the benefits of this activity? ‘Did you GIVE - ASK- GIVE? Did you build trust amongst the student body? ¥decorotions looked Qrear eyes we dideo Feat Joo of Communicating J IK Schedule Wworkeel ond Sollowing Phrougis Nicely Wh bag Wwe Sr IK Tesponsibility bist bu Lae. think Hhatr Was a bi9 help Lalas Sinitely 0 9 eect 9000 Communication bondi 7 € xperien ce Sor us. We Nelped & got to see how we cock other anol Were Sore +o Clorify With all Worked tegethe v ¥* got to ger + eam, know €o¢h Wher bet}er K Vaised @ lot of Money * Score your event - 1 being poor, 10 beinggreat 8/10 ; the eveny Went Peelly meottonce we jet incre practice it ll geteasier | where 145 kHhiAk aboot bein; \ te big enough toble to ethave Sn bo Know Giheee Fo Crawdleck cK , ney, 5 out recpit Freshman Representatives July 28th, 2021 *Meeting called to order at 1:00pm* ‘Two members were absent. Those members being Abby Hendley and James Wilkins. |. Went Over Responsibility List: Made sure everyone was signed up for a task so everyone was helping out. Clarified that everyone knew what their job was and confirmed that they would be able to complete it. u i Would Be Brought: We went through the list of what we needed to bring and took out anything that would be unnecessary, decided on exactly what we wanted, and how we would put it all together. Ill Worked Out Shift Schedules: At this time we figured out how many people would work at a time (four), when we would start and when we would change shifts. Then we figured out who would work at what time. IV. Scheduled When we Would Post On Social Media: We talked about when it was a good time to post our reminders and announcements on social media. V. Made An Agenda: Worked out a list of what time to get there, who would work first, who would work second, then when we would clean up. * Meeting adjourned at 1:30* Freshman Representatives July 22th, 2021 *Meeting called to order at 3:00* Not all members were present. Those members being Nathan Curless, Nathan Gaines, James Wilkins, and Abby Hendley |. Decided Responsibilities: Made sure we knew who was going to be bringing what, who was going to do paperwork, and who would create the online forms. Our system was organized with a list of who would do what job. V. Discussed Who Would Run Publicity: Decided the roles of online announcements and social media posts as well as when they would be released. VL Discussed Next Meeting Plans: Talked about when we would meet with the entire group for the last time before the event would occur. * Meeting adjourned at 4:00pm* Approval Of Minutes: Chin Movi MAW Gio Freshman Representatives June 24th, 2021 *Meeting called to order at 2:30pm* All members were present. Those members being Nathan Curless, Sofia Grewal, Ximena Del Toro, Nathan Gaines, Gia Grewal, James Wilkins, Abby Hendley, and Claire Mortis |. Designed and Created Our T-Shirt: Looked on Iza Design and agreed on which patterns, colors, and prints would be best for the shirt, ll Had it Approved With Our Advisor: Confirmed the design and final shirt was satisfactory with Mrs. Mortensen and Naomi Wilbur. Discussed Ideas For Social Media Publicity: Talked about when we would post, what we would post, and what information the post or story would contain, IV. Talked to Peers About Future Meetings: Talked about what we would do moving forward and when we would meet again. * Meeting adjourned at 4:00pm* Approval Of Minutes: Chine tert A i Qindod— Approval Of Minutes: VAAUMM —Gerfet—___

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