Chapter 7

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1 Conclusion
Consumers have the social responsibility of exposing the manufacture/supplier or the service
provider for resorting to illegal trade practices. Unethical notings like “Goods once sold will
never be taken back” are in sharp contrast to the practice in some of the developed countries,
where the sellers declare; “In case you are not fully satisfied with our product, you can bring
the same to us within a month for either replacement or return of your money.” This is the
result of consumer consciousness. Consumers have to realize their role and importance. The
consumer movements can be winner movements only with our active involvement by
knowing our rights and enforcing them. Formation of consumer associations in every town
would be the first step in this path. It requires a voluntary effort involving the participation of
one and all. If the consumers remain passive, they will continue to be exploited. It is
necessary that consumers take action with solidarity to get a fair deal and timely redressal. An
alert consumer is a safe consumer! There is need for a fresh look at the machinery already set
up to protect consumer interests. Establishment of more number of mobile consumer courts
and fast track consumer courts to resolve minor issues should be done to make the judgement
procedure fast. In the coming years, every consumer in his own interest has to realise his role
and importance in the right perspective. In a competitive economic environment the
consumer has to exercise his choice either in favour of or against the goods and services. His
choice is going to be vital and final. He should realise his importance and prepare himself to
exercise his rights with responsibility. It is very often stated "Customer is sovereign and
consumer is the King." If that is really so, why do we have the Consumer Protection Act?
Why is there a need for protecting the King? Should it not be rightly called "Consumer
Sovereignty Act"? It is for the consumers to decide. After all the dictum in democracy is, the
citizens get a government they deserve. Similarly the consumers in society get a position in
the market depending upon what they do or do not do. It is agreed on all hands that
"consumer empowerment" in India has a long way to go. This is the right time to act.

1. Don’t Buy goods to impress others.

2. Buy goods to Satisfy yourself your family members.

3. Don’t imitate the stunts of bad people to get easy way of money.

4. You must have proper information regarding consumer rights.

5. You must fulfill duties and find out your rights as a consumer.

6. Do follow the whole procedure, in case of defaults made by the manufacturer.

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