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Aesop was one of the great Greek writers.

He is best known for his fables, stories that have a moral.

They teach us Something about how we should live one lives. Aesop wrote thousands of these stories.
Here are a few. Once upon a time, a wolf decided to the way he looked. He thought it would help him
get food more easily. He put on the skin of a sheep, then he went out with the flock into the pasture.
Even the shepherd was fooled by his clever costume. In the evening, the shepherd put him in with the
rest of the sheep. He closed the gate and made sure it was secure before he went to bed. In the middle
of the night, he came back to the fold to get some meat for the next day. Instead of a sheep, though, he
grabbed the wolf, killing him instantly. Those who look to harm others will be harmed themselves. This
is India's first national park, named after Jim Corbett, hunter turned conservationist, who was
instrumental in establishing this park. It has a healthy population of the majestic Bengal Tigers. This is
where the Project Tiger was first launched to protect these endangered species. It is also called a
birder's paradise as it is home to more than 650 species of resident and migratory birds. With an
abundant wildlife and picturesque location, you can enjoy the safari on a jeep or on an elephant. Band
National Park- It is most famous wildlife sanctuary in southern India and is especially recognized for its
Eco-Conservation efforts. Band is also considered as one of the most beautiful and well-managed
national parks in India. Apart from tigers, which are in huge numbers here, you can also get a glimpse of
gaur, sambhar, chital, mouse deer, jackals and many more. Once upon a time, there lived a wealthy
merchant named Jak in a village. He ran a big business. His village was situated near a river. Once, due to
heavy rains the river was flooded. One night, the whole village was submerged in neck deep water. The
crop, houses and factories in the village were destroyed and hundreds of people and cattle perished in
the flood.

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