Readings in Phil Lit. Lesson 1

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Readings in Philippine Literature 1



LESSON 1: Imagery, Diction and

Figures of Speech
Name: _MARK ARVIN O. VILLANUEVA_________________ Date: _OCTOBER 11.2021
Course and Year: BSE-Social Studies – 3

Activity 1

Direction: Identify what type of imagery is present on the following texts.

1. “The cold water touched his skin and he felt a shudder run down his spine. Tactile
2. “I was awakened by the strong smell of a freshly brewed coffee”. Olfactory imagery
3. “James served the bland sea-prawns pasta with sweet mariana sauce”. Gustatory
4. “She smelled as sweet as honey”. Olfactory imagery
5. “The rumbling sound of clouds, indicated the start of monsoon”. Auditory imagery
6. “The wild guts of cold wind pierced her body”. Tactile imagery
7. “The starry night sky looked so nice that it begged him to linger, but he reluctantly left for home”.
Tactile imagery
8. “The chirping of birds heralded spring”. Auditory imagery
9. “The stone fell with a splash in the lake”. Auditory imagery
10. “The burger, aromatic with spices, made his mouth water in anticipation of the first bite”.
Gustatory imagery

Activity 2

Direction: Below are excerpts from different literary texts. Identify what figure of speech
is exemplified in each number.

METAPHOR 1. “Ebony and ivory / Live together in perfect harmony” (McCartney &

OXYMORON 2. “Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health, Still-waking sleep,
that is not what it is!” (Shakespeare)

PARADOX 3. “Pity, you ancient stones, those tender babes Whom envy hath immured
within your walls” (Shakespeare)

SIMILE 4. “He watches from his mountain walls, and like a thunderbolt he falls.”

METONYMY 5. “That I may rise, and stand, o’erthrow me.” (Donne)

METAPHOR 6. “Even at night time, Mama is sunrise.” (Hunt)

SYNEDOCHE 7. “The western wave was all a-flame. The day was well nigh done!”

APOSTROPHE 8. “A day was twenty-four hours long but seemed longer. There was no
hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy and no money to buy it with…” (Lee)
Readings in Philippine Literature 2

ONOMATOPEIA 9. “…the glish of squirting taps plus slush of foam knocked off and a
faint piddle of drops...” (e.e. cummings)

PERSONIFICATION 10. “Fall had barely touched the full splendor of trees…” (Knowles)

Activity 3

Directions: Explain briefly the following questions. Write your answers on the space provided
under each question.

1. How does figures of speech influence a piece of writing?

In figures od speech are used to bring the story to what would otherwise be just
words, phrases, and sentences. It convey the author’s intention and carry the reader on a
journey across what he or she learned, imagined or seen at a specific time or moments.
2. What is context and how does it help determine diction?
Context in writing refers to information that actually helps readers correctly
interpret a text’s meaning. Background info or specific about the scenarios, environment,
or timeframe wherein a process takes place are illustrations of context. As a result,
analyzing a piece of literature’s style is an attempt to identify and comprehend diction.

3. Discuss the importance of Imagery in every literature?

The use imagery can help the reader understand something abstract, such as
thoughts and feelings or a concept. Writers can elicit the emotion they want to discuss in
their audience by using imagery, so that writers can make readers engage with the content
in their piece by making their readers feel.

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