Classroom Management Plans

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Classroom Management Plan

The purpose of this section is to help you think through not only general classroom management goals but specific practices you
would like to try in the context of a complex classroom situation. After reading the assigned homework, considering what we talked
about in class, and all the things you have seen in your years of being in school, what do you believe about Classroom Management
and how do you want to implement it in your own classroom?

There are 3 sections to this assignment:

1. Philosophy on Student Behavior Management: Personal Inventory: Please use the document provided to answer questions
and reflect on what your beliefs are about supporting students and addressing challenging behavior.
2. General Classroom Management Plans: In light of your philosophy of classroom management, what are the basic, ongoing
classroom management strategies that you plan to use in your classroom year-to-year? What will you introduce your students
to at the beginning of the year in terms of rules and procedures?
3. “A Day in the Life” Classroom Management Plans:
a. Using the template provided for you below with the basic lesson plans provided for you, develop a detailed (every 15
minutes of the class day) explanation of how you will manage your class at that stage of your day.
b. Make sure to includes what each 15 minutes means for your special needs students, your (bored?) G.A.T.E. or ADHD
student, your ELL students, and your regular students and/or general population. (Hint: for your G.A.T.E. student,
having them tutor other students is not the only solution. How will you engage them in higher level thinking skills or
activities?) How will you keep them engaged and on task through each stage of your lesson plans? How will you
integrate your differentiated learning and your summative and formative assessments with your plan to positively
reinforce your students or maintain a classroom that is engaging but also not distracting? This is a COMPLEX task,
and helping you process how this might work is the whole point of this assignment. PONDER, critically think, be
c. In the midst of the template there is a special scenario where your classroom management plans are challenged. Please
consider how you might respond to this challenge in the most positive way possible.
Philosophy about Student Behavior Management: Personal Inventory
Directions: Please reflect on following questions as honestly as possible. Then write a 2-3 paragraph explanation of your philosophy
(or beliefs) about Classroom Management and your goals for your own classroom.

1. What is your understanding about a teacher’s role in managing a classroom and addressing student behavior?
2. What do you believe are the most common causes of a student misbehavior?
3. When students misbehave, what type of teacher response or consequence is the most effective? What are the best ways to
foster positive behaviors?
4. How does what you believe about preventing and responding to disruptive classroom behavior relate to those that were used
when you were growing up?
5. How do you anticipate you will naturally respond to behavior problems (including if it matches what you think the best
response is)?
6. In what aspects of classroom management do you believe you are most skilled?
7. In what aspects of classroom management do you believe you are least skilled?
8. What do you believe to be the best approach/understanding of how to develop a classroom culture? What are the three most
important things that you want to establish for your classroom?

Your explanation:
General Classroom Management Plan

Creating a
Culture and
Forms of

(How will you call
your student to
give you their
attention, stop
students from
conflict, what
consequences and
rewards will you
use to incentivize
good behavior and

Turning in
Grading and

(paper passer,
board cleaner,
errand runner,

(open seating,
groups, rows of
desks and any
necessary rules
for how your
A Day in the Life
Classroom Management Plan
Class Min. Classroom Management Issues/Rules/Plans
Schedul Activity Classroom Management Strategies
8:00- 8:00- Come into class, distribute breakfast,
10:00 8:15 and engage in writing journals,
ELA check homework
8:15- See above. Some students get done
8:30 early. What will they do?

8:30- Literature Circles/Guided Reading:

8:45 Students need to get into their
groups while you pull students for
Guided Reading. What procedures
will you use to dismiss them, make
sure they have the materials they
need, and stay on task? How do you
keep all students on task while
giving individualized attention?

8:45- Literature Circles/Guided Reading

9:00 continues, two groups finish their
books. How will you have them
clean up their area and go back to
their seats?

9:00- Explicit Teaching on vocabulary.

9:15 Student need whiteboards, markers,
and erasers. How will you allow
them to respond to your questions?
How will you release them to Think-
Pair-Share? How will you send
them back to their desks to do
cooperative group work for their
vocabulary a lesson?

9:15- Cooperative group work around the

9:30 vocabulary assignment where they
have to do a word sort with Latin
roots and their definitions and then
create words out of them. How do
they go back to their desks? In teams
or to their normal seating groups?
How will you set up getting the
word sort cards to them, what rules
will you establish for the
assignment? How will you monitor

9:30- Centers: Students will engage in

9:45 small group cooperative learning
around 5 centers that support them
in several areas of ELA. Students
are already familiar each of the
Centers. Will you create group
work where they rotate together or
allow the students to work alone or
in pairs that independently go to
each Center. For either choice,
describe the necessary procedures
you will establish and how you will
monitor them and hold them
accountable to engaging the
assignment appropriately?

9:45- Centers continue. What is your plan

10:00 for G.A.T.E. students who get done
early, students who have a hard time
staying on task, and groups/pairs
that aren’t working well together?

Recess 10:00- How will you release your class for

10:15 recess?

Scenario 1: At the end of recess, three students

come up to you upset, claiming that a fourth
student with a pattern for bullying pushed one of
the three down and stole their ball and only gave it
back when the bell rang. One of the students has a
long red mark down his leg where he was pushed
and is acting like it hurts to walk on it. He has
believed that he has sprained his ankle three times
in the last month. As the rest of the class comes to
line up, half of the students are telling you what
happened all at once. How do you respond to this
conflict while also getting your students to line up,
go to the classroom, and start the lesson?
10:15- 10:15- Direct teaching of math lesson on
12:00 fractions using 3 different forms of
Math manipulatives to show ½, 1/3, ¼,
and and 1/8. How will you have students
Science come in from recess, get out the
Block necessary materials, establish rules
and explanations for this lesson
(especially since you are using the
manipulatives), pass out the math
problems, and require them to
engage the lesson and respond?

10:30- Fraction lesson continued. The

10:45 students are now to work with
manipulatives in cooperative
learning groups with their table
teams to demonstrate answers to five
problems you have given them: How
will you provide an opportunity for
students to have times of Guided
Practice? What will the rules be for
students to interact with each other
in this process? How will you
monitor and glean formative

Scenario 2: About 10 minutes after your students

started solving fraction problems using
manipulatives in their teams, the order starts to
break down in two groups as they start to throw
fraction tiles at each other. You were busy helping
students on the other side of the room and had
your back to them, so by the time you see the
problem and get to the two tables, there are
fraction pieces all over the floor and the work the
students has been ruined because they took apart
the fraction tiles that were their answers in order
to throw them. What do you do now?
10:45- Fraction lesson continued: Students
11:15 move into Independent Practice.
You want to see the students to try
to solve the problems on their own
with the manipulatives so that you
can assess their levels of mastery.
What are the students allowed to do
in communication with each other
during this time? Can certain
students tutor others? What will you
do with students that get done early?
How do you communicate these
expectations to them?

Scenario 3: As your students are working

independently, you realize that while 30% of your
class has a strong grasp of the lesson, about 30%
have a basic grasp but still need support, and
another 30% are actually quite lost and need to
have another lesson. You still have twenty minutes
of class time before you move on to Math Centers.
What do you do?
11:15- Math Centers: You have 6 centers
11:30 that each spirals back to lessons your
students have already learned and
gives them a chance to revisit
concepts and solidify them in their
understanding. While you had gone
11:30- over all of the concepts before, your
11:45 students might need help
remembering how to engage each
Center. How will you manage that?
Will you put them in heterogenous
or homogenous groups that rotate to
a different Center every 15 minutes,
and if so, how will you manage that?
Or, will you have the students work
in pairs or as individuals who can go
in whatever order they want with the
Centers and take as long as they
need? (Or some other format?)
How will you establish the
boundaries/rules and maintain them?
How will you ensure the students are
on task and working at their best?

Lunch 12:00- How will you clean up from your

12:40 Math Centers and prepare the
students to go to lunch? How will
you have them line up? You must
walk them to the cafeteria. What are
the rules for the line on the path
from the classroom to the cafeteria?
P.E. 12:40- For your PE lesson, you are going to
1:00 train students to play basketball for
the first time. Some of your
students are already strong players,
and some have never held a ball.
How will you handle training
students at the different levels? Will
you have student coaches? How will
you handle getting the balls out,
break them into groups, walking to
the basketball courts, and
maintaining a high level of student
engagement? How will you gather
the students together from across 3
basketball courts in an orderly
fashion and walk them back to the

1:00- 1:00- Now that you are back in class, how

2:00 1:15 will you bring your students back to
Science focus on Science? You are in the
middle of a collaborative learning
unit where students are in the middle
of projects. They have been broken
into groups to explore subjects of
their group’s own voice and choice
related to geology. Today, most of
the groups are still in research mode
1:30- on their Chromebooks, but one
1:45 group is in the corner creating a
video where they are using the class
rock collection to explain different
kinds of rock and how the form, and
1:45- another group is developing a
2:00 diorama of the Grand Canyon. How
do you start the Science lesson?
How do you have them get their
Chromebooks from the storage cart?
How do you explain the lesson
objective and your expectations?
Do you have any incentives to
support their motivation levels?
How will you hold students
accountable to focusing on their
work while using Chromebooks?
How will you have them report on
their progress?
Classroom Management Plans
Insufficient Poor Satisfactory Good Excellent Total
20.9 and below 30-34.9 35-39.9 40-45.9 45-50
General Failed to create Developed Developed Developed strong, Developed extremely
Classroom meaningful plans minimally thought- adequately realistic, realistic, and well strong, realistic, and
Managemen out plans without and well thought out thought out plans well thought out plans
t Plans potential to create a plans with potential with potential to with potential to
well- structured to create a, well- create a thriving, create a thriving, well-
classroom structured classroom well- structured structured classroom
where students might classroom where where students
understand the students understand understand the
boundaries the boundaries and boundaries and can
can work well within work well within
them. them.
A Day in the Did not create Created vague or Created somewhat Created detailed Created detailed and
Life meaningful unhelpful procedures detailed procedures procedures that will thorough procedures
Classroom procedures for each section that that will give students give students strong, for each section that
Managemen will not give vague boundaries so reasonable, and clear will give students
t Plan students strong, they will have some boundaries so they strong, reasonable,
reasonable, or clear understanding of know exactly what to and clear boundaries
boundaries so they what to do and when do and when at each so they know exactly
will struggle with at each point in the point in the day what to do and when
knowing what to do day at each point in the
when at each point day
in the day
Scenarios Did not developed Developed a less Developed a realistic, Developed a realistic, Developed a realistic,
a realistic, likely than realistic, likely likely scenario and a likely scenario and a likely scenario and a
scenarios or plan scenarios and/or did plan to address it in a creative plan to robust, creative plan
to address them in not develop a plan to manner that has a address it in a manner to address it in a
a manner that has address them in a chance of being that has a good manner that has a high
a chance of being manner that has a effective chance of being very chance of being
effective chance of being effective extremely effective
Philosophy Did not express a Expressed a vague Expressed a Expressed a coherent Expressed a strong,
of meaningful philosophy including philosophy including philosophy including coherent philosophy
Classroom philosophy or minimal views limited views views regarding with clearly thought
Managemen include views regarding regarding establishing out views regarding
t regarding establishing establishing classroom culture and establishing classroom
establishing classroom culture classroom culture and procedures, the use culture and
classroom culture and procedures, the procedures, the use positive procedures, the use
and procedures, use positive positive reinforcement, and positive
the use positive reinforcement, and reinforcement, and creating healthy reinforcement, and
reinforcement, and creating healthy creating healthy boundaries and creating healthy

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