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grade. This whole year we haven’t gotten the help we need from our reps. I’m sad to see this and hope it gets better now that we are coming to an end. Positive Comment: I’m glad to see the class come together as one. When I walked into Leadership on the first day of school. We were all separated by grade level now we are just one big happy family. I’m sad to see it come to an end. One Change: I would like to see my grade have equal workload. Some people in my grade are just going into class and walking out. Not helping MOL e etme Ce Ol mM ROMINA (od the radar. My Impact: I have helped a lot with the Student Vs. Staff Basketball game. I have been in charge of getting players and we are going along pretty well with little to no hiccups. Hopefully it stays that way. Mentorship Evaluation: I couldn’t be PCR Ey Ome L Nate ee SC opin store comes to school, leadership, and even sports. We have created such a good relationship and bond. Sermon mem conor) CeCe Beinn sieConten Concerns: My main concern right now is not getting full participation from everyone sTembOhA Prema WITCH) (OR oe Co a eC the help we need from our reps. I’m sad to see this and hope FTmeereM fem AIRC RCe LETT COL end. Positive Comment: I’m glad to see the class come together as one. When I walked into Leadership on the first day of school. We were all separated by grade level now we are just one big happy family. I’m sad to see it come to an end. One Change: I would like to see my grade have equal workload. Some people in my grade are just going into class and walking out. Not helping or even asking if we need help. They just fly under Standing Committee: I was put on the fencing committee with Kade and we made sure we had enough rolls and we will need help from other people in the class when we actually have to put the fencing up. We got all the stuff we needed to get done very quickly and efficiently. I have high hopes for the committee that I am a part of. Special Committee: I was put on the committee to get all the boy players for the Basketball Game. I have gotten a couple. Others , we are waiting for their response. I got to work STATIC @ WAAL UM I CRC a ot COM LIOR UCC R CaE-LKG getting a lot of Yes’s which is good. I have done a very good job given to me by my peers. Mentorship Evaluation: I couldn’t be more happy with my mentor. He helps me Soret err teee cones ete MB CCC NMEA conn eS have created such a good relationship and bond. ened CRC) cmon mini. friend. Nathan Curless Freshman Representative ASB Report Ie March/April Report Position Assessment: Over the last couple of weeks I feel I have done a very good job following my job description. I work hard on the Nea CR R MST BORON Naomi with whatever they need help with. I have packed string bags with a notebook for our CASTL event that we are putting on. I have been working very closely with the rest of my reps to make the Student Vs. Staff Basketball game is a fun event. ACRE R TE Tace RHO com RSE Tame MIU ETO Neel have had a lot of planning. I expect a good turn out scout Standing Committee: I was put on the - ‘ — ct a *€ = a

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