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SARATHKUMAR R (RA2052001010203)
VISHAL NP (RA2052001010174)



Automobile Industry basically started from World War II (1938-1945), for supplying vehicles
used in the War since then, the industry keeps on flourishing day-by-day by leaps and bounds
of innovative idea and introduction of new technology. At the same time, innovations in today’s
“globalized” world are hardly feasible in isolation.World-wide economic reforms and far-reaching
technological advancements have brought to fore new economic powerhouses, such as China
and India, which possess strong scientific capabilities. Products are marketed internationally
which often necessitates adaptation to specific needs of targeted markets. All these
developments are leading to the “globalization of innovation”. This Paper presents the
Technological Innovations by the European Automobiles makers.

Advances in technology range from cell phones and laptops to great macro computers used in
the most detrimental and delicate of military operations. While these technological advances are
speeding along the evolution of man’s industrial greatness, some people believe that they are
greatly impeding the fostering of emotional and psychological integrity among the human race.
Perhaps we lose touch from behind screens and bolt irresponsibly through moral challenges at
the speed of light with faceless services such as E-mail and the Internet. Jobs once performed
by muscle and since, are now performed by streamlined computers produced by computers
produced by computers.Innovation, The biggest secret of innovation is that anyone can do it.
The reason is simple: It’s just not that hard. Look up the word “innovate” in any dictionary and
see what it actually means, instead of what you think it means. You’ll find something like this: To
innovate is “to introduce something new.” That’s it. It doesn’t say you need to be a creative
genius, a workaholic. It’s just three little words: introduce something new.“Anthing that won’t
sell.I don’t want to Invent.” Thomas Edison.The Wright brothers, the inventors of powered flight
in the United States, spent hours watching birds. As boring as it seems, we have bird-watching
to thank for the supersonic jet planes we have today. Picasso’s development of cubism, one of
the great artistic movements of the last two centuries, was heavily influenced by his exposure to
African painting styles, as well as the work of an older French painter, Cezanne. And Thomas
Edison did not create the concept of powered light: You’d have to talk to the thousands of
people who died before Edison was born who turned wood, wax, oil, and other fuels into
controllable and portable light sources (not to mention Joseph Swan, who patented the electric
light before Edison).


TECHNOLOGY: This refers to the theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and artifacts that
can be used to develop products and services as well as their production and delivery systems.
Technology can be embodied in people, materials, cognitive and physical processes, plant,
equipment and tools
INNOVATION: The biggest secret of innovation is that anyone can do it. The reason is simple:
It’s just not that hard. Look up the word “innovate” in any dictionary and see what it actually
means, instead of what you think it means. You’ll find something like this: To innovate is “to
introduce something new.” That’s it. It doesn’t say you need to be a creative genius, a
workaholic, or even have on clean underwear. It’s just three little words: introduce something
new. And I promise that by the end of this essay, you’ll have all the secrets needed to do it
INNOVATION MANGMENT: Innovation management is the process of capturing and managing
organisational innovation. It describes the decisions, activities, and practices that move an idea
to realization for the purpose of generating business value. It is managing the investment in
creating new opportunities for generating customer value that are needed to sustain and grow
the business or company.“Without change there is no innovation, creativity or incentive for
improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change
that is inevitable.” William.G.Pollard( 1911-1989), American Physicist


 Hypothesis
1. Technology and Innovation keeps the Automobile Industry cost effective and competitive.

 Objectives
1. To Study the about new Technology and Innovations in Automobile Industry.
2. To know the impact of Technology and Innovation in Automobile Industry.
3. To Study the Innovations used by European Majors.

 Coverage of Study: It covers the whole area of Automobile Industry. The Study covers
the Automobile
majors of Germany (Audi, Bmw, and Mercedes)

 Data Collection:
Secondary Data: It is collected through Automobile websites, and monthly magazines.


Since World War II automobile design experienced the total revolution changes. Automobile
design and production finally emerged from the military orientation and other shadow of war in
1949,the year that in the United States saw the introduction of high –compressor V8 engines
and modern bodies from General Motor’s and Cadillac brands.European Automakers are ruling
the world after USA carmakers. Even in India they are engaged in neck-to-neck competition
offering newest technology and new innovation in their car models. Every company is unique in
their product segment. The researcher has put up unique features of these three companies
BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke), Audi and Mercedes-Benz.


Audi design, engineer, manufacture and distribute automobiles and motorcycles. Audi oversees
worldwide operations from its headquarters in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany. Audi-branded
vehicles are produced in seven production facilities worldwide.


Audi ultra is at the spearhead of automotive lightweight construction. At Audi, we do not view
lightweight construction as being the sum of individual components but as a highly-integrated
overall concept: from innovative materials and intelligent design principles to resource-efficient
production processes. All of these factors already go into making every Audi – but the
development is far from complete

1. The Audi Lightweight Design Centre

With Audi ultra light weight technology, Audi is setting the tone for the future in terms of
lightweight design. Such innovations from Neckarsulm have already been honoured with
numerous patents and awards in the past. Dr. Ing. Lutz-Eike Elend, Head of the Audi
Lightweight Design Centre, explains how Audi intends to keep working successfully in the area
of lightweight technology in the future.The colors and materials in the interior support the
impression of lightness and functionality.The large areas from the door top shoulders to the floor
are covered in a tough material with a neoprene surface feel. A ribbed material made from
recycled polyester covers the central floor area. Aluminum elements accentuate the cockpit.
Cutouts in the backrests of the four individual seats in the Audi A2 concept give them a sporty
look and make them incredibly light. They have an aluminum chassis and the developers used a
polymer blow-molding process for the shells. Three struts connect the seats with the floor for
more foot room in the back, and there are storage bins beneath the fold-up seat cushions.The
18-inch wheels are fabricated using cladding technology. The alloy base wheel and the cladding
are manufactured separately and bonded together, greatly reducing the amount of material
used. The new hybrid technology, which Audi already uses in some production models, saves
roughly two kilograms (4.41 lb) per wheel. The wheels of the A2 concept combine the blade look
of the e-tron family with Audi’s classic spoke design.
2. Carbon fibre-reinforced polymers (CFRPs)
CFRP are extremely interesting; they can be processed in a variety of ways and can be
moulded into virtually any form. In addition to the variety of processing options, the weight is
also a key advantage: CFRPs are approximately 60 percent lighter than steel.
3. Fiberglass reinforced plastics (FGRPs)
FGRP are of particular interest for lightweight construction when used in combination with other
materials. However, FGRPs are also extremely strong even when used alone, for example in
the form of seat pans with undercarriage made solely from FGRP – they are 31.5 kilograms
lighter than the standard production seats.
Audi connect technologies create a network between the driver and the internet, the vehicle and
the infrastructure. With sophisticated infotainment and entertainment functions, Audi connect
takes comfort, safety and automotive enjoyment to a new level. The world is becoming
increasingly interconnected, and so is Audi.
Now, tomorrow and in the future.
1. Ideally networked by Audi connect
Just below the tornado line is a characteristic feature of the Audi A2 concept – the Audi dynamic
light: a band of light that connects the headlights with the tail lights. Light-emitting diodes and
light guides produce the Audi dynamic light. When in standby-mode, the several centimeter-
wide band appears black. When the owner of the Audi A2 concept approaches, it lights up blue
in welcome and focuses on the door handles, which are inset into the band and extend when
the driver swipes a hand over them.
2. Wireless networking
Interconnectivity like you’ve never experienced before. Information, communication and
navigation – with intuitive operation. With Audi connect your vehicle can now go online at any
time: with UMTS speed and with integrated WLAN hotspot. The driver can then enjoy news,
traffic information and weather reports etc. Destinations planned on the PC can be saved in
myAudi and Google™ Maps and called up again when the journey starts. Navigation is based
on images from Google™ Earth and Google™ Street View, and photos, reports and listings can
also be accessed. “Audi traffic information online” presents data on the flow of traffic on the
navigation map and detects traffic jams, even while they are forming. The driver is therefore
always shown the ideal route.
3. Intelligent assistance
Numerous little “helpers” change the way we drive. We can rely more and more on innovative
technology that enhances comfort and safety when driving.
4. Intuitive operation
New technologies and services require new operating concepts. We used to turn, press and pull
buttons and knobs; now we scroll, tap and speak. But the most important thing is intuitive
operation.Clearly structured,intuitive and easy-to-understand operation is one of the main
standards set at Audi. In all our vehicles, the driver is incorporated perfectly into the cockpit and
can safely read and operate the large instruments at a glance.This manifests itself in particular
with one of the latest Audi connect services – the Audi point-of-interest search with voice
control. The integrated speech recognition system that can be activated by means of a button
on the multifunction steering wheel makes operation even more convenient. Position-
independent access to internet databases is based on conventional internet usage. Audi
connect thus combines the latest technologies with enhanced safety for the driver.What is
accepted as the norm at Audi is actually the result of extensive development work. Several
teams develop and optimise the specific control haptics and ensure that the appropriate
acoustic feedback is given. In doing so, our engineers do not rely solely on their own knowledge
but also on the know-how of our customers: the findings from driver and user surveys are
directly integrated into the development process.Intuitive operation can now be experienced in
Audi vehicles, for example with the Audi MMI and MMI touch with voice entry.

For many years, we have been working on making the data in our navigation systems as photo-
realistic as possible. The work has now come to an end: Audi simply uses real photos – from
Google Earth and Google Street View
Audi connect enables you to navigate into a totally new dimension – with the UMTS module of
the Bluetooth online car phone you can navigate using true-to-life Google™ Earth images. High-
resolution aerial and satellite images, photos, geological formations, roads and their
names/numbers and business listings make the data even more useful.
C.E-tron the future of Electric mobility
Audi e-tron is a holistic concept for the exciting driving experience of the future – without the
need for compromises in terms of driving pleasure, design and comfort. Audi e-tron combines
electrically powered cars with innovative lightweight construction technology and networked
assistance systems. It thus ensures that today’s standards are carried over into the future of
individual electric mobility.Electric driving in the megacities of the future.With the A2 concept
technology study, Audi is offering a peek at electric driving in the megacities of the future.The
Audi A2 concept is a purely electric vehicle. The lithium-ion battery mounted in the sandwich
floor stores 31 kWh of energy, 24 kWh of which are usable. The electric motor is transversely
mounted in the front of the vehicle. It delivers 85 kW (116 hp) of peak power (60 kW continuous)
and 270 Nm (199.14 lb-ft) of torque (160 Nm (118.01 lb-ft continuous) to the front wheels via a
single-speed transmission.
1.Audi e-tron drive
The concepts is there a single, right pathway that leads to a future of electric mobility? We don’t
think so. When we reflect on the individual mobility needs of Audi drivers, we realise just how
diverse their requirements are.A perfectly tailored vehicle concept is needed depending on
where someone lives and the trips they make – whether they drive every day or only
sporadically. It is our aim to cover as many different requirements as possible with the Audi e-
2.Plug-in hybrids
A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) is a hybrid vehicle with a battery that can be recharged
from the grid. It combines a combustion engine with an electric motor; because it has a higher
battery capacity than a full hybrid it can also cover longer distances purely on its electric motor.
The Audi e-tron Spyder is a plug-in hybrid.
3. Range extender
A range extender is a device that increases the operating range of an electrically powered
vehicle beyond its range on only its battery (extended range electric vehicle, EREV). The main
forms taken by the range extender are efficient, smaller combustion engines that charge up the
battery via an alternator.
4. Battery vehicles
Battery electric vehicles (BEV) have a battery as their sole energy source, so they travel purely
electrically. The Audi e-tron showcar from the Frankfurt Motor Show is such a BEV vehicle.
4. Driving pleasure that electrifies
Audi brand is the embodiment of Vorsprung durch Technik. Of cars that offer the prospect of
pure, efficient driving pleasure. Of emotional design, outstanding quality and a fascinating
driving experience. These are all aspirations that Audi e-tron will transfer to the future of electric
mobility. An automotive future in which the emphasis will be on forgoing fossil fuels, building
vehicles sustainably and minimising the emissions generated during the operation of vehicles.
5. Maximum mobility
Audi e-tron vehicles offer range and convenience. Modern planning assistants are employed to
maximise both of these factors.The navigation system, too, is matched precisely to the
requirements of the Audi e-tron and its drivers. The integral planning assistant assesses the
driver’s individual driving style along the route calculated and displays the remaining range in an
intuitively understood, clear-to-read way, along with showing the locations of charging stations
along the route.
6.High-voltage innovations
Electric transportation equals progress – if it is based on the needs of the person. This involves
more than just CO2-free driving.With its plug-in technology, Audi demonstrates how convenient
electric mobility can be in everyday situations; the Audi e-tron Spyder study proves it can be
extremely sporty.Low-emission, entry-level technology is now on the road in the Audi A8
hybrid4, Q5 hybrid4 and A6 hybrid4 full-hybrid vehicles.Range extender technology also
ensures the reliability of the e-tron: a compact and lightweight petrol engine recharges the
battery during the journey – thus increasing the range many times over.
7.A quattro for the future
Audi e-tron quattro – the name says it all. In a new prototype, Audi unites the advantages of the
quattro drive with the possibilities created by electric mobility.Wet roads are not exactly the
favourite surface of drivers. Water on the road decreases visibility, increases the braking
distance and reduces grip on bends. But this can also be an advantage, for example on test
circuits such as Handling Course II at the Audi testing track in Neustadt, where rainy weather
can be simulated.
Audi e-tron Spyder.The e-tron Spyder accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h like a rocket – with
dynamics that are rarely achieved by combustion engines. Audi’s thrilling vision of the future.
Under the bonnet of the e-tron Spyder, designed as a plug-in hybrid, is a drive concept that
takes optimum advantage of the strengths of both engines. Two electric motors, with 87 bhp
combined, power the front suspension and a 3.0 TDI engine with 300 bhp and twin
turbochargers moves the rear wheels, controlled by a 7-speed S tronic. The driver themselves
decide whether they want to use the energy from both sources of power together or separately.

From the above research the researcher concludes that New Technological Innovations is one
of the major force to make the industry competitive and cost effective. Also to face tough
competition these companies are trying hard to innovate and technologically sound and ahead
of others giving its customers wide array of benefits.Due to limitation of the paper only European
Carmakers are taken into consideration. But the automobiles carmakers of the other

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