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20023 ECO-001


Term End Examination, 2019




Time : 2 Hours Maximum Marks : 50

(Weightage : 70%)

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal


1. What is capital structure ? State the various factors

responsible for deciding the capital structure of a
company. [3+7+10]

2. Distinguish between Entrepreneur and Promoter. Explain

the characteristics of an Entrepreneur. [5+5=10]

3. What is foreign trade ? Write its importance and common

problems of foreign trade. [2+4+4=10]

( 1 ) 11111111111111 1 1111111111
4. Mention the concept of channel of distribution. What are
the various factors affecting the choice of the distribution
channel ? Explain. [5+5=10]

5. Distinguish between the following : [5+5=10]

(a) Partnership and Company

(b) Equity shares and Preference shares

6. Write short notes on the following : [5+5=10]

(a) Rationale of public enterprises

(b) Trade credit

7. "Advertisement is a social waste." Comment. [10]

8. Explain the factors determining the choice of the form of

business organization. [10]

ECO-001/24000 ( 2)
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1. TEIT cuc44 ? ft-fit 4441 t "141

* .FAPtT 4 fultr Ergi 1*-ff ftlr- cw471 ullff 4
1124q ? tf*i [3+7=10]

2. ■ici41 (entrepreneur) MT ITTc i (promoter)

WTVI %.1E4411 * EIMER' cifkgi [5+5=10] •

3. ,f4ut c11c4
? q4 wrizira.
Tif 7-Aer [2+4+4=10]

ECO-001/24000 (3) [P.T.O.]

4. ft 6-(171 IlTufff t ticIr4-11 t ce.iltsi41 tft7I f4-dtur

ffrafff z1 41-1 511Trf'47 q qzrr ?

Tcrt trftql [5+5=10]

5. f*-111Zqo 4 at-d7 Tdr-v : [5+5=10]

(a) Tfltqlt 7 1T 4;441.

(b) f4zra c1t11 tpiRRIT &tzTT

6. 1.-Al2.1ti ITT #irtu : [5+5=10]

(a) tilcivAct) Wit t ZILY 4 qtR

(b) a141Rct7 1714

7. "ft-CITff C1T (-11+11 -4it (social waste) V' t-191c;1) .c1•11

t1t71 [10]

8. c411cItil fl416.-( zig-t f -tifizr ctA (IIc4 tic@

arruTEtritql [10]

ECO-001/24000 (4)

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