Making Plural: Adjectives Adjectives Must Agree in Gener (/) & Number (Singular/plural) of Noun S P A & B

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Fecha Guided Practice Activities 3B-1

Making Adjectives
The plurals PLURAL
of adjectives (p. 156)
• Adjectives, just like definite articles, must match the noun they accompany.
ADJECTIVES Singular adjectives go with singular nouns, and plural adjectives go with plural
Must Agree • Adjectives that end in -o or -a must also match the noun. Masculine (-o) adjectives
in go with masculine nouns and feminine (-a) adjectives go with feminine nouns.
• Adjectives that end in -e do not change to match masculine or feminine nouns.
GENER {M/F} They still change to match singular and plural nouns: el libro interesante,
las clases interesantes.
& Number Definite article Noun Adjective
{singular/plural} masculine singular el pan sabroso

feminine singular la sopa sabrosa
masculine plural los jamones sabrosos
feminine plural las galletas sabrosas

Write M forA.Masculine.
Look at each "F" for
Writenoun. Feminine
Write M if it isthen... write "S
masculine or" Ffor
if itSingular . Write "P" for Plural
is feminine.
m m
s pan
1. __________ s jamón
6. ___________
Part f p sopas
2. __________ 7.
p huevos
A&B m s yogur
3. __________ 8. p quesos
f p salchichas
4. __________ 9. p galletas
f f
s pizza
5. __________ 10. s hamburguesa

B. Now, go back to part A. Next to the M or F you wrote next to each noun, write S if
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the noun is singular and P if it is plural.

Part C C. Here are the nouns from part A. Now there are adjectives with them. Circle the
correct adjective form for each noun.

1. pan ( sabroso / sabrosos ) 6. jamón ( sabroso / sabrosa )

2. sopas ( sabrosos / sabrosas ) 7. huevos ( sabrosa / sabrosos )
3. yogur ( sabrosos / sabroso ) 8. quesos ( sabrosos / sabrosas )
4. salchichas ( sabrosas / sabrosa ) 9. galletas ( sabrosa / sabrosas )
5. pizza ( sabrosos / sabrosa ) 10. hamburguesas ( sabrosos / sabrosas )

WEB CODE jcd- 0313 Guided Practice Activities 3B-1 109

Realidades Nombre Hora

Fecha Guided Practice Activities 3B-2

The plurals of adjectives (continued)

D. Fill in the missing singular or plural form of each masculine adjective in the chart.
singular plural
divertido divertids
simpático simpaticos
atrevido atrevidos
serio serios
artístico artististicos

E. Now, fill in the missing singular or plural form of each feminine adjective in the chart.
singular plural
divertida divertidas
simpática simpaticas
atrevida atrevidas
seria serias
artistica artísticas

F. Choosethe
adjectiveADJECTIVES : SERIO:of___________
from the group ATREVIDO:
words. Write ____________
its correct ARTISTICO:_________________
form in the space
Using the vocab, sCHOOSE the CORRECT FORM of Adjective.

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serio seria serios seriO
serias atrevidO atristicO
atrevido keeping
atrevida in mind: GENDER (M/F) &
atrevidos atrevidasatrevidOS
seriOS atrtisticOS
artístico artística Number {artísticos artísticasatrevidA
Sing. / Plural}
seriA artisticA
STUDIES A LOT seriAS atrevidAS artisticAS
1. Laura y Elena estudian mucho. Son ______________________.
2. Sandra monta en monopatín. Es ______________________.
3. Mario dibuja. Es ______________________.
4. Tomás y Beatriz trabajan mucho. Son ______________________.
5. Lorenzo y Fernando esquían. Son ______________________.

110 Guided Practice Activities 3B-2 WEB CODE jcd- 0313

Realidades Nombre Hora

Fecha Practice Workbook 3B–5

Las descripciones
A. Fill in the chart below with the singular and plural, masculine and feminine forms of the
adjectives given.

Masculine Feminine

singular plural singular plural

sabrosos sabrosa
practico prácticos practica
facil fácil faciles
aburridio aburridos aburrida aburridas
dificil dificil difíciles
divertido divertidos divertida
artistico artisticos artística artistacs
bueno buenos buena buenas

trabajador trabajadores trabajadora trabajadoras

B. Now, complete the sentences below, using some of the words from the chart above. There
may be more than one right answer.

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1. La ensalada de frutas es _________________________ para la salud.

2. Me gustan mis clases; son faciles,practicas,divertida,bueno

_________________________ .
3. La tarea de matemáticas es _________________________ .
4. Te gustan las computadoras porque son _________________________ .
5. Mi profesor no come pescado porque cree que no es _________________________ .
artisticos DRAW
6. Mis amigos son _________________________ ; dibujan muy bien.
trabajadores WORK
7. Tus amigos son muy _________________________ ; trabajan mucho.
S KI & SWIM divertidas
8. Esquiar y nadar son actividades muy _________________________ .

62 Manos a la obra Gramática WEB CODE jcd- 0313

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