Pathophysiology of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

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Pathophysiology of heavy menstrual


Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) is a common gynecological complaint with multiple Dharani K Hapangama*,1
etiologies and diverse pathophysiological origins. This review discusses HMB with & Judith N Bulmer2
reference to the recently proposed PALM-COEIN classification system for abnormal
Department of Women’s & Children’s
Health, Institute of Translational
uterine bleeding, initially describing the endometrial events in normal menstruation
Medicine, University of Liverpool,
followed by discussion of the perturbations of normal endometrial shedding that can Liverpool Women’s Hospital, Crown
result in HMB. Our present understanding of the mechanisms of menstrual bleeding Street, Liverpool, L8 7SS, UK
as well as many of the pathological aberrations of HMB is incomplete. Further 2
Reproductive & Vascular Biology Group,
research into the pathophysiology of HMB is urgently needed, as clear knowledge Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle
University, Newcastle upon Tyne,
of the mechanisms of this disorder will provide new therapeutic targets to formulate
more effective treatments. *Author for correspondence:
Keywords:  endometrial cancer • endometrial hyperplasia • heavy menstrual bleeding
• leiomyoma/fibroid • polycystic ovarian syndrome

In the developed world an average woman In this review HMB will be discussed with
undergoes ∼400 repetitive cycles of monthly reference to the recently proposed polyps;
menstrual bleeding with shedding of her adenomyosis; leiomyoma; malignancy and
superficial endometrial functional layer. In hyperplasia; coagulopathy; ovulatory dys-
as many as 20–30% of women, this bleeding function; endometrial; iatrogenic and not
is excessive and is termed heavy menstrual yet classified (PALM-COEIN) classification
bleeding (HMB) [1] . Apart from the physi- system for abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB),
cal symptoms of anemia (fatigue, lethargy approved by the International Federation
and exertional dyspnea), HMB can interfere of Gynecology and Obstetrics [3] . HMB
with normal daily life and may affect the can present as a chronic disorder of over
social and emotional well being of women, 12 months duration or as an acute increase
reducing their productivity in society. HMB in bleeding over a short time period. The age
commonly presents to primary and second- at presentation can range from adolescence
ary healthcare providers, with over 1.5 mil- to the perimenopausal phase and HMB
lion women suffering from this problem in may occur in the context of either ovula-
England and Wales alone [1] . It is the fourth tory or anovulatory cycles. This review will
most common reason for secondary gyneco- briefly describe the endometrial events in
logical referrals and each year over 30,000 normal menstruation followed by discussion
women in England and Wales undergo surgi- of the perturbations of normal endometrial
cal treatment for HMB [1] . The annual cost shedding that can result in HMB.
to the National Health Service in 2000 was
estimated to be over GB£65 million [2] and Normal menstruation
with the spiraling cost of healthcare provi- The purpose of menstruation is unknown
sion, it is clear that the current cost of HMB but it is a phenomenon confined mainly to
to women, society and the National Health the upper order primates and humans [4] ,
part of
Service is huge. suggesting an associated evolutionary advan-

10.2217/whe.15.81 © 2016 Future Medicine Ltd Womens Health (2016) 12(1), 3–13 ISSN 1745-5057 3
Review  Hapangama & Bulmer

tage. The morphology of human endometrium, rela- nalis layer followed by the instigation of acute inflam-
tively greater quantity of menstrual shedding/bleed- matory changes including the influx of large amount
ing, larger uterine size relative to adult female body of leucocytes and immune cells [7,8] , launch of the
size and the design of the endometrial microvascula- inflammatory cascade (increase in proinflammatory
ture suggest that women have higher resource allo- cytokines, prostaglandins and destructive enzymes
cation to endometrial function than many other pri- of the extracellular matrix such as MMPs exclusively
mates. The average menstrual cycle length in women in the endometrial stratum functionalis) [7] and the
is 28 days and most women have bleeding for approx- activation of stem/progenitor cells that are postulated
imately 4–5 days associated with shedding of the to be resident in the endometrial stratum basalis [6] .
superficial stratum functionalis of the endometrium. The shedding of the ‘old’ stratum functionalis usually
The endometrium is under the regulation of ovarian happens over 1–2 days yet the menstrual bleeding con-
steroid hormones, mainly estrogen and progesterone tinues during the proliferation and repair of the sur-
and their involvement in the monthly endometrial face epithelium of the damaged stratum functionalis
cycle is well established. These ovarian sex steroids which takes several days. The endometrial hemostasis
exert their effects on the endometrium via the respec- which is responsible for cessation of menstrual bleed-
tive steroid hormone receptors [5] . Ovarian androgens ing involves platelet aggregation, fibrin deposition and
and glucocorticoids of adrenal origin may also play a thrombus formation [9] .
role in this process, although the actions of androgens Studies of myometrium have traditionally been
on the endometrium are yet to be elucidated [4] . limited to the pregnant uterus and labor [10] , although
After menstrual shedding every cell type of the stra- myometrial contractions felt as menstrual period
tum functionalis (epithelial, stromal and vascular), associated ‘cramps’ are a symptom that is commonly
under the influence of estrogen, is regenerated from reported by women during menstruation. This dra-
the cells of the remaining stratum basalis [6] . Estro- matic increase in the amplitude (labor like, and
gen, via estrogen receptor (ER), increases the endo- increased from a base line of <30 mmHg up to 50–200
metrial responsiveness to all ovarian steroid hormones mmHg) of myometrial contractility, particularly seen
by upregulating ER, progesterone receptor (PR) and in the inner subendometrial zone of the myome-
androgen receptor (AR) the net result being cell pro- trium during menstruation, is likely to be induced by
liferation with consequent rebuilding and increasing increased endometrial production of prostaglandins
thickness of the endometrial functionalis layer [5] . such as PGF2α and PGE2  [11,12] . These contractions
After ovulation, as the production of progesterone by may play a role in emptying the uterine cavity of men-
the corpus luteum increases, histologically the endome- strual debris and may also play a haemostatic role by
trium assumes secretory phase changes and undergoes providing a pressure effect on the endometrial vascu-
differentiation. Progesterone, acting via PR, reduces lature. Although the pivotal role played by myometrial
endometrial ER, PR and AR expression, and gener- contractility in preventing uterine bleeding following
ally counteracts the estrogen driven mitotic activity of parturition is well established [13] , very little is known
endometrial cells. As well as secretory changes in the of the contribution of myometrial contractility in
endometrial glands, the progesterone dominant effects regulation of menstrual bleeding.
of the endometrium include predecidualization of the After menstrual shedding, the subsequent repair
endometrial stroma which prepares the endometrium process has been traditionally presumed to be due
for implantation of the embryo, although decidual- to the action of estrogen [4–5,14] . However, the very
ization of endometrial stroma is seen even without early repair process is not necessarily dependent on
embryo implantation. During the secretory phase of estrogen, as the level of estrogen is at a nadir when
the menstrual cycle the spiral arterioles within the the re-epithelialization of the endometrial surface
stratum functionalis grow and acquire muscle and spi- occurs; a process that is not impaired in the post-
ral arterioles are easily identified histologically by the menopausal hypoestrogenic state [5,15] . The activity of
end of the secretory phase. stem progenitor cells, either solely from the resident
As the corpus luteum demises at the end of a cycle endometrial stem progenitor cell pool or from the cir-
where conception has not occurred, the stratum func- culating hematopoietic precursor pool, is involved in
tionalis is shed in response to the plummeting proges- this regeneration process [6,16] . Therefore, a series of
terone levels. This withdrawal of progesterone with complex, orchestrated interactions between endocrine,
luteal regression has been postulated to be the trigger paracrine, immunological and hemostatic factors on
for the initiation of menstrual bleeding [4] ; with the the endometrium results in normal menstrual bleed-
induction of stromal shrinkage and spiral arteriolar ing and aberrations of each of these characteristics may
vasoconstriction with relative hypoxia in the functio- result in HMB.

4 Womens Health (2016) 12(1) future science group

Pathophysiology of heavy menstrual bleeding  Review

HMB polyp may be difficult in a fragmented specimen but

Traditionally HMB is defined as bleeding in excess the presence of thick walled vessels, altered fibrous or
of 80 ml per menstrual cycle when measured objec- collagenous stroma and irregular glands will be help-
tively  [17] , although among women who present with ful. Endometrial polyps respond variably to estrogen
the complaint of significant HMB, fewer than 50% and progesterone and lack the cyclical changes seen
have been objectively shown to have >80 ml of men- in the adjacent endometrium. They may present with
strual loss [18] . HMB is a relatively uncommon com- the symptom of an irregular and intermenstrual HMB
plaint in younger women, yet has a prevalence of one pattern. Up to 2% of endometrial polyps may have a
in three women in the perimenopausal period [19] . The premalignant or malignant potential in premenopasal
pathophysiology of HMB may be discussed in the con- women and according to a recent systematic review [23]
text of both ovulatory and anovulatory cycles. Ovula- this risk is increased when the patient has presented
tory HMB is heavy, regular menstrual bleeding occur- with bleeding irregularities.
ring between 21 and 32 days, whereas in anovulatory Endometrial stimulation by estrogen is postulated
cycles heavy, often prolonged bleeding occurs 35 or as the main driving force for endometrial polyp for-
more days apart [4] . Adolescents and young women mation and this is supported by the observation that
presenting with HMB dating from their menarche are use of tamoxifen, which acts as an ER agonist on the
termed as suffering from primary HMB, whereas rela- endometrium, increases the risk of endometrial pol-
tively acute onset HMB occurring in later reproductive yps [24,25] . In addition, genetic mutations and the over-
life is referred to as secondary HMB [20] . expression of endometrial aromatase, which increases
According to the Federation of Gynecology and the local estrogenic signal, are also thought to be
Obstetrics classification of AUB, nine categories are involved in the formation of endometrial polyps [24,25] .
listed according to the acronym PALM-COEIN [3] . Small (<1 cm) benign endometrial polyps often regress
The PALM group consists of structural abnormali- but larger lesions are likely to persist [23,24] .
ties that can be visualized using imaging techniques Endometrial polyps are the commonest endome-
or diagnosed by histopathology; whereas nonstructural trial pathology associated with tamoxifen treatment,
disorders that cannot be imaged or diagnosed with with an incidence rate of 8–36% [26] ; this frequency is
­histopathology are included in the COEIN group. much higher compared with the incidence of 0–11%
which is seen in untreated women [27] . Compared with
Mechanisms of HMB women not taking tamoxifen, these polyps are likely
Any process that interferes with the normal endocrine, to be larger, more fibrotic and to more frequently show
paracrine or hemostatic functions of the endometrium mucinous metaplasia. Histology may also identify
as well as possibly any interference with myometrial hyperplasia with an incidence of malignant transfor-
contractility may cause HMB. mation of 3–10.7% in tamoxifen-related endometrial
polyps, a much higher rate than in healthy controls [26] .
Polyps The exact mechanism whereby endometrial polyps
Polyps are defined as abnormal outgrowth of hypertro- cause an increase in menstrual loss is not fully under-
phied tissue and in the endometrial cavity can be either stood. An abnormal microvasculature is a feature of
endometrial or myometrial in origin [21] . Myometrial endometrial polyps with the presence of thick muscu-
‘polyps’ are submucosal leiomyomas and will be dis- lar walled blood vessels being an important diagnostic
cussed in the next section. Endometrial polyps are com- feature on histopathological examination and this may
mon outgrowths of endometrial lining consisting of a provide some explanation. Incomplete shedding of the
monoclonal overgrowth of endometrial stromal cells endometrial covering has been described in endometrial
with inclusion of a non-neoplastic glandular compo- polyps and this may also potentially contribute to HMB.
nent [22] . They may be single or multiple and one study
reported endometrial polyps in 28% of women, with Myometrial dysfunctions (adenomyosis
the highest incidence in the fifth decade [21] . The size & leiomyoma)
can vary from a small rounded protruberance within Leiomyomas
the endometrial lining to a large broad based or pedun- Leiomyomas, commonly referred to as ‘fibroids’ are
culated lesion that can fill the uterine cavity. Endome- benign neoplasms of the myometrium and are the
trial polyps are usually benign but careful histologi- commonest tumor in women of reproductive age. As
cal examination is required to exclude the possibility many are asymptomatic, the prevalence is difficult to
of focal atypical hyperplasia or even adenocarcinoma, determine. However, after histopathological examina-
although these findings are more common in post- tion of hysterectomy samples, leiomyomas were identi-
menopausal women [21,23] . Diagnosis of an endometrial fied in 77% of uteri [28] . Leiomyomas are monoclonal

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Review  Hapangama & Bulmer

arising from a single cell. Various nonrandom chro- Early studies also noted an increased vascular supply
mosomal abnormalities have been reported, including to leiomyomas; fibroids are very vascular, contain-
deletion of portions of 7q, trisomy 12 and rearrange- ing thick walled muscular vessels. This dysregulation
ments of 12q15, 6p21 or 10q22 [29] . There is a familial of normal vascular function in leiomyomas may be
predisposition and having a first-degree relative with attributed to abnormalities in expression of angiogenic
fibroids increases a woman’s risk at least two-fold [30,31] . growth factors and their receptors [39,40] . In a recent
The prevalence of leiomyomas reduces after the study, blood flow and angiogenic gene expression was
menopause and they are not detected in preadolescent investigated in fibroid, perifibroid and distant myome-
girls. The incidence increases in reproductive years and trium. Blood flow in tissue around leiomyomas was
peaks in the fifth decade. Obesity is a risk factor, while higher than within the leiomyoma, although there was
increased parity and cigarette smoking are protective [28] . heterogeneity. There was no difference in angiogenic
Compared with normal myometrium, leiomyomas have gene expression between perifibroid and distant myo-
a higher concentration of ER, PR and aromatase [32] and metrium but expression of nine angiogenesis related
they grow in response to estrogen and progesterone. genes differed significantly between fibroid and distant
The majority of leiomyomas do not cause clini- myometrium and two genes were significantly dif-
cal symptoms and even when symptoms are present ferent between fibroid and perifibroid myometrium.
it is sometimes uncertain whether they are due to the However, there was no correlation between blood flow
fibroids [33] . The reason why many fibroids do not cause and any clinical or molecular parameter [41] .
symptoms is not known. It is estimated that 20–50% The presence of leiomyomas may also affect the
women with fibroids will have symptoms that can composition of the overlying endometrium. When
directly be attributed to the leiomyoma(s) [34] . Various endometrial leucocytes in endometrium near to leio-
symptoms have been reported, including AUB, pelvic myomas was compared with distant endometrium, the
pressure (also causing urinary incontinence, dysuria, number of uterine natural killer cells was reduced in
urgency and other bladder symptoms), bloating, con- endometrium overlying leiomyomas during the mid
gestion, heaviness, dyspareunia and constipation. The and late secretory phases, while macrophages were
commonest symptom is HMB. An ultrasound study increased in the same area throughout the menstrual
reported that premenopausal women with AUB had a cycle  [42] . Both uterine natural killer cells and macro-
higher incidence of submucosal leiomyomas (21 vs 1%) phages are potential producers of angiogenic growth
and intramural leiomyomas (58 vs 13%) compared factors  [43,44] which may influence vessels within the
with asymptomatic women [35] . A more recent US based endometrium overlying leiomyomas.
study reported that women with leiomyomas were more Despite advances in understanding of the molecular
likely to report excessive bleeding (46%) than those changes in leiomyomas and associated myometrium
with no leiomyoma (28%). Risk of bleeding increased and endometrium, it remains unclear why clinical
with size and bleeding symptoms were similar in those symptoms are so varied. HMB is seen in some women
with submucosal and nonsubmucosal leiomyomas [36] . with leiomyomas but it does not correlate clearly with
Several theories have been proposed to account for the size or location of fibroids or with the expression of
the HMB that is seen in association with leiomyo- angiogenic growth factors or blood flow.
mas. These include an increase in the uterine surface
area, increased vascularity and vascular flow into the Adenomyosis
uterus, reduction in myometrial contractility particu- Adenomyosis is a common disorder that is charac-
larly of the inner junctional zone, endometrial ulcer- terized by the presence of endometrial glands and
ation over a submucosal leiomyoma and compression stroma within the myometrium, usually surrounded
of the venous plexus within the myometrium leading by hypertrophied myometrial smooth muscle [45–47] .
to congestion of myometrium and endometrium [11] . Until recently the diagnosis depended on examina-
There is limited objective evidence for many of these tion of hysterectomy specimens and the reported
suggested pathogenetic mechanisms. Location has prevalence varied from 5 to 70%; this variation is
been suggested to influence symptoms, with submu- partly related to the number of histological sections
cosal leiomyomas having a greater association with examined, with the incidence of adenomyotic foci
HMB, although objective evidence for this is limited; increasing as more sections are examined in hyster-
there is no consistent relationship between the size and ectomy specimens [45] . Variations in prevalence may
l­ocation of fibroids and HMB [37,38] . also be explained by inconsistent histological defini-
Early studies revealed that the myometrium in leio- tions of adenomyosis, with some specifying a mini-
myomatous uteri showed an increase in the venous mum depth based on myometrial thickness, while
plexus, especially at the edge of the leiomyomas [39] . others make the diagnosis based on microscopic fields

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Pathophysiology of heavy menstrual bleeding  Review

beneath the endometrial–myometrial interface, with transport in diffuse adenomyosis [54] . However, endo-
variations from one high power field to two low power metrial leucocyte populations are also altered in women
fields  [46,47] . Diagnosis can now also be made using with adenomyosis, with reports of increased endome-
imaging techniques such as MRI or transvaginal ultra- trial macrophages and uterine natural killer (NK) cells
sound. A recent ultrasound study of 985 symptomatic in luteal phase endometrium of women with recurrent
women attending a gynecology clinic noted adenomy- implantation failure and adenomyosis diagnosed by
osis in 20.9%, with good correlation between ultra- pelvic MRI [55] .
sound and histological diagnosis in the 45 women who The pathogenesis of adenomyosis is uncertain and
subsequently had a hysterectomy [48] . Adenomyosis is various explanations have been suggested. The most
commonest in women of late reproductive age and the popular hypothesis is that endometrium invaginates
majority of women with this condition are parous [48] . into myometrium from the stratum basalis during peri-
Approximately one-third of women with adeno- ods of regeneration and healing. This could occur due
myosis are asymptomatic. The commonest symptom to trauma such as pelvic surgery or after repeated sharp
is HMB, with other symptoms and signs including curettage following failed pregnancy that disrupts the
dysmenorrhea, an enlarged tender uterus, dyspareu- endomyometrial border [56] . Adenomyosis is influenced
nia and metrorrhagia [45,46] . A study of hysterectomy by steroid hormones, although reports of expression of
specimens has suggested that the extent and spread of ER, PR and AR vary. It has been reported that foci
adenomyosis may relate to the clinical symptoms: the of adenomyosis express higher levels of ER than the
degree of penetration of adenomyosis into the myome- corresponding eutopic endometrium [51] , suggesting a
trium did not affect symptoms but spread of adenomy- high estrogen responsiveness in adenomyotic lesions
osis correlated with both pelvic pain and dysmenorrhea resulting in mitosis. However, there are other reports
but not with HMB or dyspareunia [49] . The symptoms suggesting that the expression of ER in adenomyosis is
reported by women with adenomyosis are nonspecific lower than in adjacent endometrium [57] . Adenomyosis
and as there is often co-existent uterine pathology such tissue also express aromatase, leading to local produc-
as leiomyomas, it is uncertain whether the symptoms tion of estrogen that may contribute to further growth
can be solely attributed to the adenomyosis. stimulation [45] .
The cause of HMB in adenomyosis is unknown. An alternative suggestion is that adenomyosis devel-
In common with leiomyoma, adenomyosis can affect ops within the myometrium from Mullerian remnants.
normal myometrial contractility and this may con- This is supported by studies of eutopic endometrium
tribute to the HMB [11] . Although diagnosis of super- and adenomyomatous endometrium which show dis-
ficial adenomyosis (within one low power field of the tinct differences. Compared with eutopic endome-
stratum basalis) is disputed, this has been reported to trium, the endometrium within foci of adenomyosis
have an increased association with HMB compared did not respond to hormone changes, rarely showed
with deeper adenomyosis [50] . Superficial adenomyosis secretory changes, did not exhibit cyclical changes
with associated myometrial hypertrophy may lead to in the apoptosis regulatory protein Bcl-2 and showed
compression of the overlying endometrium, resulting altered expression of cytokines and growth factors [58] .
in heavy bleeding similar to the effects of fibroids caus- More recently, it has been proposed that adenomyosis
ing HMB [51] . The proportion of endometrial glands arises from bone marrow derived stem cells that are
within adenomyosis has also been reported to be asso- displaced through the vasculature or from stem cells
ciated with HMB [46,50] . In contrast, a further study within the stratum basalis of endometrium. Although
that related HMB to increasing depth of myometrial still largely speculative, this has also been proposed as a
penetration did not find any association of HMB and pathogenetic mechanism in endometriosis [59,60] .
superficial adenomyosis or with glandular density It is not known why some women develop adeno-
within foci [46,50,52] . Adenomyosis is often associated myosis while others do not. There is a familial predis-
with other uterine pathology, including endometrial position and several studies have investigated genetic
polyps, leiomyomas and hyperplasia and these may abnormalities in adenomyosis. Various chromosomal
also be associated with HMB [51] . and genetic abnormalities have been reported in ade-
Although the majority of women with adenomyo- nomyosis but results have been variable and studies
sis are parous, adenomyosis may be associated in some are limited compared with those for endometriosis [61] .
cases with infertility. In a group of women who had There is an association between adenomyosis and
bowel resection for endometriosis, women who did not endometriosis; in an MRI study of women with deeply
conceive spontaneously or after IVF were significantly infiltrating endometriosis, an irregular junctional zone
more likely to have adenomyosis [53] . The explanation is was observed in 39.9% of women with endometriosis
uncertain and has been related to abnormal uterotubal compared with 22.5% in the reference group [62] .

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Endometrium in adenomyosis may also display evi- that hyperplasia without cytological atypia is not asso-
dence of increased invasiveness; stromal cells from ciated with genetic changes, whereas hyperplasia with
adenomyosis exhibit greater invasiveness compared cytological atypia is a known precursor of endometrial
with normal stromal cells when grown on collagen or cancer (EC) and exhibits many of the mutations typical
in co-culture with myocytes from both normal uteri of invasive endometrioid adenocarcinoma [64] . Unop-
and those affected by adenomyosis [62,63] . posed estrogen stimulation, usually associated with
Despite its prevalence in women of reproduc- anovulation or occasional ovulation in premenopausal
tive age, our understanding of adenomyosis remains women, is a common cause of EH which may be seen
incomplete. The pathogenesis remains unclear but the in 20% of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome
detection of stem cells in endometrium has opened up (PCOS) with oligomenorrhea, and when present with
new possibilities. Many cases are asymptomatic and cytological atypia may carry approximately a 30% risk
there are conflicting data regarding the relationship of of developing into or co-existing with EC [66] . Fur-
depth and extent of adenomyosis to clinical symptoms, ther risk factors include obesity, nulliparity, infertility,
including HMB. Recent research points to distinct unopposed estrogen therapy, selective ER modulators,
endometrial abnormalities in adenomyosis, including diabetes and Lynch syndrome [64] . The mechanisms
potentially altered local immune responses, increased by which EH induces HMB are not fully under-
capacity for invasion and altered expression of steroid stood. The plausible explanations include lack of the
hormone receptors. usual reduction in progesterone to initiate shedding
of the thick and excessive endometrial tissues; ongo-
Malignancy & hyperplasia ing proliferative activity in the endometrium even at
Estrogen, via its cognate receptors ERα (ESR1) and the time of shedding and possibly generous blood flow
ERβ (ESR2), signals normal endometrial epithelial that is established to support the enhanced endome-
and stromal cell proliferation and hence when present trial growth; all of which may cause prolonged, heavy
in excess estrogen can promote endometrial tumorigen- bleeding as well as incomplete cessation of bleeding.
esis  [5] . Conversely progesterone is the natural tumor Endometrial carcinoma is the commonest gyneco-
suppressor for endometrium, counteracting almost all logical malignancy in the western world. Two types
the pro-proliferative actions of estrogen, arresting the of EC have been described. Type 1 tumors are usually
cell cycle, inhibiting inflammation [5] ; and promoting endometrioid in type and arise on a background of EH
differentiation and apoptosis of the glandular epithe- associated with excessive unopposed estrogen secretion,
lium. Therefore any condition that alters the balance often with cytological atypia. These tumors are seen
between estrogen and progesterone, either factors caus- in association with obesity and PCOS, as well as other
ing excessive, prolonged estrogenic stimulation or pre- causes of excessive estrogen. In contrast, type 2 tumors
venting the counteracting effects of progesterone will arise on a background of atrophic endometrium and are
promote excessive endometrial growth with potential not estrogen dependent tumors. These tumors include
development of endometrial hyperplasia (EH) and uterine serous carcinoma and clear cell carcinoma and
carcinogenesis [4,5] . typically have an adverse prognosis. Despite the differ-
EH is histologically defined as the abnormal over- ent associations with hyperplastic and atrophic endo-
growth of endometrial glands in relation to the endo- metrium, mixed endometrial and serous/clear cell
metrial stroma [64] . Several classification schemes have carcinomas are not uncommon [67] and recent molec-
been proposed and reproducibility is variable [64] . The ular studies have suggested that the classification of
WHO (2003) classification includes six categories: endometrial carcinomas is more complex [68] .
benign cycling endometrium, simple hyperplasia with- Most women presenting with EC are postmeno-
out cytological atypia, complex hyperplasia without pausal [69] . EC is rarely seen in premenopausal women,
cytological atypia, simple hyperplasia with cytological particularly in women below the age of 40 years, and
atypia, complex hyperplasia with cytological atypia hence EC is a rare cause of HMB. The carcinogenesis
and carcinoma. This classification led to confusion and process is common in highly regenerative tissues and yet
diagnostic difficulty and interobserver agreement was the large number of repetitive regeneration cycles that
poor, leading to other classifications being proposed, the endometrium endures does not appear to increase
although interobserver agreement remained relatively the potential for endometrial carcinogenesis. However,
low  [64] . More recently the WHO has simplified the EC is a hormonally driven disease and the continuous,
classification of EH to hyperplasia without atypia unopposed effect of the mitotic action of estrogen is
(including simple and complex hyperplasia) and atypi- thought to be the primary oncogenic promoter in at
cal hyperplasia/endometrioid intraepithelial neopla- least 80% of endometrial cancers [5] . Therefore, condi-
sia  [65] . These categories are based on the recognition tions that dysregulate the sequential exposure to pro-

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Pathophysiology of heavy menstrual bleeding  Review

gesterone of the estrogen primed endometrium, such VIII inhibitor); disorders of fibrinolysis and thrombo-
as obesity, PCOS, diabetes, estrogen secreting ovarian cytopenic disorders can in theory cause HMB but are
tumors and tamoxifen use, among others, will increase extremely rare [9] . Platelet function disorders (PFDs),
the risk of EC [69,70] . The usual pattern of the bleeding a heterogeneous group of inherited, qualitative platelet
associated with EC is irregular and continuous rather defects have emerged as an important cause of HMB,
than regular HMB and is thought to be secondary to particularly in adolescents [27] . Women with PFDs and
disruption of endometrial vessels due to invasion by HMB have been reported to be a clinically distinctive
malignant cells and abnormal neovasculogenesis [37] . subgroup of women with HMB, with significantly high
incidences of blood group O and the δ-storage pool defi-
Coagulopathy ciency with a PFD diagnosed well after menarche. High
Disruption of the endometrial vasculature at menstrual false negative standard platelet function study results are
shedding is the reason for initiation of menstrual blood reported therefore additional diagnostic strategies, such
loss. Spurting of blood from gaping exposed vessels as electron microscopy to detect significantly reduced
has been observed at hysteroscopic examination of the platelet δ-granule numbers should be considered [27] .
menstrual endometrium. The cessation of this bleeding A decrease in clot strength and integrity due to the
requires platelet aggregation and clot formation; dam- breakdown of fibrin results in an increased blood loss
age to endothelial cells causes secretion of von Wille- during menstruation. Plasminogen activators are fibri-
brand factor which initiates both events. The deposition nolytic in that they induce lysis or dissolution of blood
of thrombin adds strength to the clot and seals the vas- clots and endometrial and menstrual effluent levels of
cular lumen preventing continued blood loss, followed plasminogen activators are increased in women with
by fibrinolysis of the clot and sealing of the open end of excessive menstrual blood loss [73] .
the vessel by PAI-1, urokinase and tissue plasminogen
activators (uPAs and tPAs) [9] ; this process is likely to be Ovulatory dysfunction (hormonal causes
required for the end of menstrual blood loss. Conversion of HMB)
of plasminogen to plasmin by PAs initiates fibrinolysis Normal menstrual bleeding depends on the sequential
in the clot and this process is inhibited by PAI-1. The exposure of the estrogen-primed endometrium to estro-
equilibrium between activation and inhibition of the gen and progesterone, followed by withdrawal of pro-
fibrinolytic system plays a major role in the maintenance gesterone at the end of the menstrual cycle. Any endo-
of the intravascular clot. Increased endothelial cell tPA crine irregularity that prevents these sequential events
activity may be associated with the dissolution of the may potentially result in HMB.
clot found within 24 h of menstruation [9] . Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common gyneco-
Leucocytes are a prominent component of endome- logical condition presenting with anovulatory cycles,
trial stroma throughout the menstrual cycle but num- obesity, features of excessive androgens and HMB.
bers increase dramatically in the mid and late secretory Androgens are converted into estrones in peripheral
phase so that in premenstrual endometrium >30% of tissue, resulting in prolonged periods of excessive and
endometrial stromal cells are leucocytes [71] . Infiltration unopposed estrogen action on endometrium during the
of stromal leucocytes is a feature of late secretory phase anovulatory cycle. Anovulatory PCOS endometrium is
and premenstrual endometrium. These leucocytes pro- thick prior to the start of bleeding and also lacks the
duce a variety of cytokines, chemokines and proteases drop in progesterone which is the trigger for the normal
that may play a role in initial disruption of the integrity but highly orchestrated cellular events ­associated with
of the stratum functionalis tissue including blood ves- menstrual shedding [74] .
sels. The vasoactive prostaglandins that are produced in A further increasingly common condition that inter-
the menstrual endometrium also induce vasculogenesis feres with normal hormonal equilibrium in the endo-
and epithelial repair via VEGF [4,37] . metrium is obesity. The conversion of androstenedione
The overall prevalence of a laboratory diagnosis of von secreted by the adrenal gland into estrone by aromatase
Willebrand disease in women presenting with HMB has in adipose tissue provides an important source of addi-
been reported to be as high as 13% [72] . Abnormal plate- tional estrogen for the endometrium [75] . This results in
let aggregation has also been reported to be common excessive estrogen driven endometrial growth and often
and these two conditions should be ruled out before produces HMB associated with shedding of the thick
embarking on investigations for other haemostatic dis- stratum functionalis.
orders in women presenting with primary HMB [9] .
Other conditions such as disorders of deficiency in clot- Endometrial causes of HMB
ting factors (inherited or acquired hemophilia A and B, According to hysteroscopic observations, menstrual
chronic liver disease, vitamin K deficiency and factor shedding of the endometrium does not occur as an

future science group 9

Review  Hapangama & Bulmer

orderly process; rather there is patchy loss of the Iatrogenic

superficial functionalis layer [76] . There are focal Agents such as tamoxifen that have an estrogenic effect
islands of epithelial denudation, stromal breakdown can induce endometrial growth and may be associ-
and loss of vascular integrity, which cause isolated ated with HMB. However, women on progestogenic
areas of bleeding, while simultaneous tissue regenera- hormonal therapy such as the contraceptive progesto-
tion is initiated in other areas. With this seemingly gen only pill, implant or Depot may also experience
chaotic process of contrasting changes that occur in paradoxical HMB, which is thought to be secondary
different areas of the endometrium during menstrua- to the abnormal vasculogenesis associated with pro-
tion, it is not surprising that aberrations are wide- gestogen action [37] . Although progestogens are a com-
spread. However, consistent HMB with every men- mon treatment for HMB, bleeding irregularities are a
ses is only reported in up to one in five women [1] , common reason for discontinuing progestogens, with
suggesting that in healthy women a tight regulation 2% of women on Depot injections of medroxyproges-
of this process exists, whereas in persistent HMB, terone actetae suffering excessive bleeding [37] . By con-
abnormalities in the endometrial progenitor zone in trast, preoperative treatment with the PR modulator,
the stratum basalis may produce an abnormal stratum ssoprisnil (with antiprogestogenic properties), is asso-
functionalis and abnormal regeneration process. ciated with development of aggregates of thin walled
Regulation of menstrual shedding and cessation of vessels as well as and thick walled muscular vessels in
menstrual bleeding is not fully understood. The previ- endometrium, suggesting that progesterone may have
ously proposed theory that re-epithelialization of the an inhibitory effect on endometrial vasculogenesis, and
luminal epithelial surface is the primary factor in ces- therefore should reduce HMB [82] .
sation of bleeding [73] is not supported by the histologi- Administration of a foreign object into the uterine
cal observations that complete re-epithelialization is cavity, such as inert copper contraceptive devices, is a
frequently seen on days 1 and 2 of the menses, despite well-established cause of increased menstrual loss and
continued menstrual bleeding. The stratum basalis is possibly due to interference with normal endometrial
of the endometrium maintains tissue integrity during development and myometrial contractility.
menstrual breakdown of the stratum functionalis [5] .
The differences between the cells in the two function- Not yet classified
ally and possibly phenotypically different layers, are The PALM-COEIN classification has allowed this
only beginning to be understood [6] . category to include some rare uterine abnormalities
Angiogenesis is development of new microvessels of HMB and any potential future entities which can
from existing blood vessels. Human endometrium is either cause or contribute to HMB. This includes some
one of the very few adult organs where regular physi- poorly defined entities such as chronic endometritis,
ological angiogenesis occurs; in the basalis layer during arteriovenous malformations and myometrial hyper-
menstruation and in the stratum functionalis and sub- trophy  [3] . This category also includes rare conditions
epithelial capillary plexus during the proliferative and such as the glycolipid storage disorder Gaucher disease,
early secretory phases. Mechanisms of regulation of in which HMB is a common symptom [83] .
endometrial vascular growth remain to be fully deter-
mined. VEGF produced by intravascular neutrophils Conclusion
has been suggested to play a role in the development of HMB is a common gynecological complaint with
these vessels by intussusception and elongation in the multiple etiologies and diverse pathophysiological ori-
endometrium  [77] . Abnormal or incomplete angiogen- gins. Our present understanding of the mechanisms of
esis, resulting in abnormal blood vessels with fragile menstrual bleeding as well as many of the pathologi-
vessel walls may cause HMB and several studies have cal aberrations of HMB is incomplete. Further research
suggested that abnormal endometrial vessel number, into the pathophysiology of HMB is urgently needed,
structure or function may play a role in HMB. Increased as clear knowledge of the mechanisms of the disorder
blood flow has been suggested [78] and reduced vascu- will provide new therapeutic targets to formulate more
lar smooth muscle proliferation and lower expression of effective treatments.
myosin heavy chain [79,80] may reflect altered endome-
trial vascular development in HMB. A recent study has Future perspective
reported that, although vessel number did not differ There is an increasing interest to find novel, non-
between control and HMB, there was altered expres- surgical and fertility sparing management options for
sion of vascular smooth muscle differentiation markers HMB. The future perspective therefore includes the
in HMB, again suggesting altered endometrial vascular development of therapies directed towards new avenues
development which could impact on function [81] . such as endometrial vasculature, myometrium and

10 Womens Health (2016) 12(1) future science group

Pathophysiology of heavy menstrual bleeding  Review

endometrial stem cells. Improving the basic scientific Financial & competing interests disclosure
knowledge in these areas of pathophysiology of HMB The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial involve-
in particular is warranted for timely discoveries to be ment with any organization or entity with a financial inter-
made for the benefit of millions of women suffering est in or financial conflict with the subject matter or mate-
with this distressing condition. rials discussed in the manuscript. This includes employment,
consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert
Acknowledgements testimony, grants or patents received or pending, or royalties.
The authors are grateful to D Edirisinghe and J Drury for her No writing assistance was utilized in the production of this
help with the referencing and formatting. manuscript.

Executive summary
• Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) is a common gynecological complaint with multiple etiologies and diverse
pathophysiological origins.
• Our current understanding of the mechanisms of menstrual bleeding as well as many of the pathological
aberrations of HMB is incomplete.
• Further research into the pathophysiology of HMB is urgently needed, as clear knowledge of the mechanisms
of the disorder will provide new therapeutic targets to formulate more effective treatments.

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