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Document Code FM-STL-013

Saint Louis University Revision No. 01

School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
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1. Writing journal can be handwritten or encoded. This will serve as your personal reflectionlog of your
personal experiences, concerns, and encounters in your venture of NSTP 2. The following guide questions will
help you to accomplish your weekly journal. At least two to three questions that you will be able to answer
after taking up Module 1:

a. What volunteerism activities were you able to share this week/s?

b. How did you enhance or strengthen your faith?
c. What new learnings from NSTP activities were you able to appreciate in which it will serve as a
good application in your practical life?
d. What new ideas from NSTP activities were you able to utilize in your future profession?
e. What challenges did you encounter that you were able to work out?
f. What activities in your community that you were able to join in which it uplifts your Louisian

2. You may use the format for your weekly journal or you can modify the format according to your

3. Reflect on the salient points that you encountered in the module 1.

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Document Code FM-STL-013
Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
Page 2 of 3

Name: Ibay, Pablo II V.

Class code: 7061A
Date submitted: 4/23/22

Weeks 1-2 Week 1 (March 31-April 06, 2022)

DATES This week, I worked totally on our midterm examinations
(Indicate the inclusive dates from the because they are so important because they are one of our
start of week 1 until the end of week semester subjects. After that, I noticed the announcement from
the school about the holy week. I was too excited, so I finished all
my exams and activities and started my vacation early.

Week 2 (April 06- 13, 2022)

As for this week, it was my mistake that I went ahead and took
the advantage of having a vacation for the rest of the holy week.
I did not do any of my requirements since I felt like I would pass
them on time. Unfortunately, my grand mother died, so I
decided to attend her funeral. I regret that I did not expect that
it would happen. So now I’m doing anything to pass my
requirement on time because going to my grandmother's place is
too far and the travel made me sick.

Reflection for the mass: Homily: (All human life has a limit. We do not know when we will
die. Only God knows when.)

The homily is about our lives as we are going through this life.
We need to accept that everything has its end and all we need to
do is to do good and pray to the Lord that one day it will be our
turn to go to his kingdom.

In this homily, I had a lot of reflections about my life. Am I

doing well in life? Am I doing good to others? Am I a good guy?
There are a lot of questions that pop up in my mind, but there is
one thing that I am sure of. One day I will enter into the
kingdom of the lord (heaven).

Reflection for module 1: On what I have been understand in the module. CWTS-NSTP 2
is largely off-campus training that attempts to improve our
understanding of the basis of the service that we must provide in
our communities. It is a program that teaches kids how to be
socially involved. With that said, community service enables
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without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.
Document Code FM-STL-013
Saint Louis University Revision No. 01
School of Teacher Education and Liberal Arts Effectivity June 07, 2021
Page 3 of 3

each individual to live well with others despite their distinct and
individual traits.

SLU NSTP CSI is referred to as a missionary apostolate. And, as

Louisians, we are regarded as goodwill ambassadors, providing
services that are defined by the values of simplicity, loyalty,
availability, frontiership, self-sacrifice and compassion, and
community solidarity.

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transmitting in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, 3
without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.

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