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Institution: Purdue University College of Pharmacy

Preceptor: Rebecca Heinert

Site: Franciscan St. Elizabeth Health - Lafayette East

APPE Student Evaluation of Preceptor

Section Weight: 0.00%

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree

I was adequately oriented to the site, Final Strongly

resources, and personnel. Required Agree

The goals and objectives of the rotation Final Strongly

were clearly identified. Required Agree

My primary preceptor was accessible to Final Strongly

facilitate a positive learning experience. Required Agree

My primary preceptor was an excellent Final Strongly

mentor. Required Agree

I was provided constructive comments

Final Strongly
regarding my professional growth Required Agree
throughout the experience.

The practice site and resources were Final Strongly

conducive to my professional development. Required Agree

The personnel at the site contributed to my

Final Strongly
professional development. (Select Neutral if Required Agree
not applicable)

Section Weight: 0.00%

Additional Questions


I appreciated how my preceptor sent out a form asking

about my interests as well as areas that I am working to
improve on. By gathering this information, she was able
Specific activities that contributed to to personalize the rotation experience for me to
my learning and professional Final strengthen my clinical knowledge in areas that I
growth: struggle with. I am glad when preceptors take the
initiative to make an environment conducive to my
learning. For example, I know my clinical knowledge
lacks in the area of infectious disease; however, she
(my preceptor) challenged me to do a PSAP in regard
to skin and soft tissue infections. This helped me better
understand the concepts and incorporate that
knowledge to patients in the hospital.

Overall, there were not any big aspects that did not
contribute to my learning. I understand that this
Specific activities that did not particular rotation is institutional, and I have to learn the
contribute to my learning and Final operations of an inpatient pharmacy. It was cool to see
professional growth: the amount of different roles that technicians and
pharmacists have to play in order to make everything
run smoothly in a hospital.

My preceptors expressed a lot of care for me, and I

appreciated every moment she reached out. When I
was assigned with a different preceptors, she would
always find me to check in and ask how I was doing.
Describe the primary preceptor's Those small actions speaks largely to her character.
personal qualities or approaches Comment She cares about the people she works with and will
that made this rotation meaningful Only address any concern that I may have immediately. She
(or not): is very understanding and flexible, which will help her
succeed in this role as a mentor. Students, such as
myself, have many things going on and when a
preceptor can understand/adjust their schedule shows
the support and care they have for students.

Everyone was welcoming and friendly. This helped me

Describe personal qualities or
adjust to the work environment more easily. I am glad
approaches of other personnel (ex:
Comment that everyone can spark a conversation and ask
technicians, pharmacists, residents) Final
Only questions to get to know me or other students better.
that made this rotation meaningful
Everyone was approachable and was ready/willing to
(or not):
answer any questions that I might have.

Continue to challenge students and their thinking. Ask

"why" after your questions have been answered, and
ask why after that, if it is applicable. I appreciate the
moments where you take a pause after I answer a
question, and it makes me second guess myself. This
helped build my confidence in my clinical knowledge.
Find those moments where you can continuously
challenge a student's thinking, whether it is asking them
Additional constructive Comment to explain their thoughts or trick questions. I appreciated
comments/suggestions: Only all the moments when you did! I also appreciated your
honesty when you did not know something when I had
a question. It made me relate to you on a level and
made me feel comfortable. You expressed the humility
behind it but then proceeded to look up the answer right
after. It shows me that you are comfortable with who
you are as a person and pharmacist. I know you are
going to succeed in whatever position you land because
of your willingness to learn is always present.

For patient care rotations only:

Please comment on the
Interprofessional Education Final
activities that were available during
this rotation.
For patient care rotations only: Did
you feel as if you were an active
contributing member of the Final
therapeutic decision-making
process? Explain

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