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Global Skill Development Council GSDC

Global Skill Development Council


GSDC is Globally accredited Agile Scrum

Foundation certification validates your knowledge in
Agile methodologies and Scrum practices.


Clear understanding of
GSDC is Globally accredited Agile Scrum Foundation
Understand the concepts of Agile and Scrum
certification validates your knowledge in Agile
including the "Agile way of thinking.
methodologies and Scrum practices. Agile methodologies
are popular approaches in software To Learn Scrum practices including roles, events,

development, while Scrum practices include software the importance of backlog.

development by cross-functional and self-managed teams, Knowledge of the philosophy behind Agile and
producing working code at the end of each iteration or
Insight into the division of responsibilities between

You will become Scrum-qualified, enhancing your ability to the business and IT, and within Scrum teams.
develop and deliver high-quality products and apply Scrum Exploring various agile methods.
concepts on the job is specially designed to shape your How to do Scrum planning and estimation.
professional knowledge for
How to Monitoring of Scrum projects.
Agile Methodologies and Scrum Practices. It is especially
Learn to estimate Kanban boards and Information
useful for those leading or participating in projects. This
certification is especially interesting for professionals who Radiators.
work in areas including project management, software How to implement Agile Environment in
development, IT service management and business
Complex Projects.
How to create an Agile workspace.

Our Accreditation:
The Global Skill Development Council (GSDC) is the leading third-party, Vendor-
neutral, international credentialing and certification organization. The Global Skill
Development Council (GSDC) is proud to be ANSI Accredited Member.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a private, non-profit
organization that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standards and
conformity assessment system.

1. Agile Scrum Foundation - Introduction : 5.Scrum Artificats :

Introduction to Agile and Scrum Foundation Preview Scrum Artifacts Agenda Product backlog
Agenda Preview Why Agile? Preview Product release and sprint backlog User story
Course Objectives Target audience Example user story formal Story card information
Multiple stories may be required to complete a feature
Traditional Development
Epics Writing good stories
Problems with traditional software development
Splitting user stories Splitting user stories (big picture)
Usage of features in a system Makings of a new approach Splitting user stories (user experience) Splitting user stories (Others)
Agile Manifesto Principles behind the Agile Manifesto Quiz End of this session
Principles behind the Agile Manifesto Contd
Authors of the Agile Manifesto 6.Scrum Best Practices :
Agile Project Management Agile Project Management Life cycle Scrum Best Practices Agenda Refactoring
Agile Project Management Framework APM Framework Pair programming Continuous integration
What is Scrum? Certified Scrum Master Practices of continuous integration Configuration management
Professional Scrum Master PMI-ACP Quality in Agile Scrum Quality Home truths
About this tutorial Quiz End of this session Planning for a Sprint Test driven development
Test driven development Advantages of TDD
Definition of Done Quiz End of this session
2. Agile Scrum Methodologies :
Agile methodologies Agenda Agile Methodologies
7.Scrum Planning :
Crystal Scrum Planning Agenda Principles behind Agile planning
Project Properties in Crystal Samples of Crystal Iterations allow for mid course corrections
Feature Driven Development Multiple levels of planning Release planning
Roles in FDD Processes in FDD Project tracking in FDD Steps to planning a release Velocity
Project tracking methodology FDD usage guidelines An example with velocity equal 14 Sprint planning
Dynamic Systems Development Methodology DSDM Velocity driven sprint planning
Planning in DSDM Atern DSDM Principles and techniques Commitment driven sprint planning
eXtreme Programming Find out how much time is available For each story
XP Values XP Practices XP Benefits Keep in mind before finalizing the plan
Agile Unified Process Agile Unified Process AUP Quiz Thank you
Agile Unified Process System Development
8.Scrum Estimation :
Scrum Scrum Life cycle Quiz End of this session
Scrum Estimation Agenda Principles behind Scrum estimation
Estimation techniques Types of estimates Uncertainty in estimates
3.Scrum Roles : Over estimation and under estimation What contributes to size
Scrum Roles Agenda Stakeholders Chicken and Pig roles Measures of size Ideal days Converting ideal days to actual days
Management of stakeholders Scrum life cycle Story points Story points example Using story points
Product Owner Product Owners role Comparing the approaches Estimation techniques Planning poker
Product Owners role Prioritization Planning poker an example Planning poker tips
Cost Benefit Analysis Prioritization based on Value and Risk Advantages of planning poker Affinity estimation
Prioritizing requirements MoSCoW Affinity estimation process Quiz End of this session
Prioritizing requirements Kano Model
Prioritizing requirements Kano model 9.Monitoring Scrum Projects :
Monitoring Scrum Projects Agenda Definition Metrics
Prioritizing requirements Relative weighting method
Types of metrics Metrics do's and don'ts Charts in Scrum
Scrum life cycle Scrum Master
Burn-down chart: Iteration level Burn-down chart Project level
What does a Scrum Master Do Burn-down chart Bar style Burn-up and Burn down-chart
What the Scrum Master Should NOT do Cumulative Flow Diagram Parking lot diagram
Scrum life cycle The team aka Developers Building a Scrum team Escaped defects found Velocity chart Progress Chart
Building empowered teams Role of a Manager Niko Niko calendar Information radiators
Manager 2.0: A new role for a Manager Information radiators: Big visible chart Quiz End of this session
Some specialist roles you may want Quiz End of this session
10.Advanced Scrum Concepts :
4.Agile Scrum Ceremonies : Scrum Advanced Agenda Scrum on large projects
Scrum Ceremonies Agenda Time boxing Look ahead planning Sample Scrum of Scrum
Advantages of time boxing Time boxing Product coordination teams Scrum on maintenance projects
Distributed scrum teams Best practices in distributed scrum
Release High level view of a release Sprints
Structure 1 Team in India PO in US
Factors in selecting a Sprint duration Intensity of work
Structure 2 Team split in two locations
No changes in a Sprint Daily Scrum Sprint Review People practices in distributed Scrum Practices in distributed scrum
Also check during a review Sprint Retrospective Scrum Contracting Fixed Price fixed scope
What is a Sprint Retrospective Making retrospectives effective Scrum in fixed price projects Transitioning a team or project to Scrum
Quiz End of this session Quiz End of this session

GSDC Technical Advisory Board :

The GSDC is the leading certification association which
brings together innovative organizations and founding
thought-leaders as Technical Advisors from over 40
countries to design curriculum on Blockchain, Devops,
Six Sigma & Agile Certifications.

Further Information:
Target Audience You may also be
Certification Available:
Professionals working (or beginning to work) in Agile environments.
Project managers. Ethereum developer interested in:
Software developers.
IT Service Management Professionals.
Blockchain Architect Lean Six Sigma
Business managers. Hyperledger Developer DevOps Practitioner
Professionals interested in developments in IT and Project Management.

Find out more online at

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