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Avaliação Diagnóstica

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Ensino Fundamental




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Leia o texto abaixo.

The Origin of Pizza: Is it Authentic Italian Food?

[…] Pizza exists in many forms around the world; even in America, there are different styles
of pizza like New York and Chicago. There is no single origin for the invention of Pizza. However,
many trace the beginning of pizza back to the 7th century when the Byzantine Empire colonized
the current city of Naples.
The First Pizza
When the Byzantine Empire conquered the southern part of the Italian Peninsula, many Greeks
migrated and built a city called Neapolis, later being called Napoli or Naples. During the 7th century,
Greeks introduced the pita, a thin circular dough that they would eat with olive oil, feta cheese, and
herbs on top of it. It is likely that the origin of pizza was the pita that the Greeks brought to Naples
during this era. Some suggest that the word pizza even derived from the pita. […]
During the 15th and the 16th centuries, the Spanish Empire sailed to the Americas and colonized
much of South and Central America. From these new, exotic lands came a new fruit, the tomato,
that was introduced to Europe. Being native to Peru, Chile, Bolivia, and Ecuador, the tomato had
never been known in other parts of the world.
When tomatoes were first introduced, they were grown as ornamental plants in Spain. In the
16th century, Naples was controlled by the Spanish Empire and was one of the first cities in
Europe to be introduced to tomatoes. By the 17th century, tomatoes were being used in cooking
in Spain, France, and parts of Italy. […]
TEEN KIDS NEWS. The Origin of Pizza: Is it Authentic Italian Food? 2022. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 22 fev.
2022. Fragmento. (LEM080071I7_SUP)

01) (LEM080071I7) De acordo com esse texto, em qual país o tomate era cultivado como uma planta ornamental?
A) Bolívia.
B) Equador.
C) Espanha.
D) Peru.

02) (LEM080072I7) O assunto desse texto é

A) a fabricação de azeite de oliva.
B) as atrações turísticas italianas.
C) o surgimento da pizza.
D) os benefícios do tomate.

03) (LEM080073I7) Nesse texto, no trecho “… cooking in Spain, France, and parts of Italy.”, a expressão
destacada foi usada para
A) apontar conclusão.
B) demonstrar oposição.
C) indicar explicação.
D) marcar adição.


Leia o texto abaixo.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 22 fev. 2022. (LEM080075I7_SUP)

04) (LEM080075I7) Uma palavra em Língua Inglesa relacionada a esse texto é

A) bag.
B) body.
C) food.
D) paper.

Leia o texto abaixo.

Jellyfish facts!
Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Scyphozoa
Classification: Invertebrate [...]
Weight: Up to 2kg
Body size: 2cm to 2m
Top speed: 8km/h
Diet: Fish, shrimp, crabs, tiny plants and even other species of jellyfish
Habitat: Oceans […]
Jellyfish have no brain, heart, bones or eyes. They are made up of a smooth, bag-like body and
tentacles armed with tiny, stinging cells. These incredible invertebrates use their stinging tentacles
to stun1 or paralyse prey2 […].
The jellyfish’s mouth is found in the centre of its body. From this small opening it both eats and
discards waste. And it serves another purpose, too – by squirting a jet of water from its mouth, the
jellyfish can propel forward! Cool, eh? [...]

stun: desorientar.
prey: presa.
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 22 fev. 2022. Fragmento.

05) (LEM080076I7) O objetivo desse texto é

A) convencer o leitor.
B) dar uma informação.
C) divertir o leitor.
D) vender um produto.

Leia novamente o texto “Jellyfish facts!!” para responder às questões abaixo.

06) (LEM080077I7) Nesse texto, os termos “Cnidaria” e “Scyphozoa” são exemplos de linguagem
A) científica.
B) coloquial.
C) literária.
D) regional.

07) (LEM080078I7) Nesse texto, no trecho “These incredible invertebrates...”, o prefixo “in-” em destaque foi
usado para
A) apontar repetição.
B) demonstrar negação.
C) indicar tamanho.
D) marcar duplicidade.

Leia o texto abaixo.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2022. (LEM080086I7_SUP)

08) (LEM080086I7) Qual palavra desse texto tem origem na Língua Inglesa?
A) App.
B) Baixe.
C) Celular.
D) Pedir.


Leia o texto abaixo.

The story of coffee

Many people enjoy a cup of coffee at their local coffee shop, but few people know the story of
coffee and how it is produced. Coffee growing is a global industry. Research shows that as many
as a third of the world’s population are coffee drinkers. Some people enjoy drinking coffee for its
rich smell and taste. Others like the awakening effect of caffeine, a chemical in coffee.
Coffee trees are native to eastern Africa and areas of the Arabian Peninsula. Coffee was first
grown and traded in the 15th century. […] By the 20th century, most of the world’s production came
from Central and South America. Today, Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world.
Most people know what a coffee bean looks like, but what about the plant? Coffee trees can
grow up to nine meters high, but they are cut short for production. These trees have shiny dark
green leaves that grow on opposite sides of each other on a stem. The plant produces a fruit that
is called a coffee cherry.
When the coffee cherries are ripe and ready to pick, they are bright, red and firm. Inside the
fruits are the green coffee beans. After these beans are roasted at high temperatures they are
ready to be made into a drink. […]
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em 23 fev. 2022.
Fragmento. (LEM080081I7_SUP)

09) (LEM080084I7) De acordo com esse texto, dentro do fruto, os grãos de café são
A) brilhantes.
B) duros.
C) verdes.
D) vermelhos.

10) (LEM080085I7) Uma palavra relacionada a esse texto é

A) drink.
B) hair.
C) school.
D) travel.

11) (LEM080082I7) Nesse texto, no trecho “Most people know what a coffee bean looks like, …” (3º parágrafo),
a expressão destacada significa
A) gostar.
B) olhar.
C) parecer.
D) vestir.

12) (LEM080081I7) Nesse texto, no trecho “Today, Brazil is the largest producer of coffee…” (2º parágrafo), o
termo destacado foi usado para
A) apontar finalidade.
B) indicar tempo.
C) marcar conclusão.
D) mostrar causa.

13) (LEM080083I7) Nesse texto, no trecho “... its rich smell and taste.” (1º parágrafo), o termo destacado foi
usado para
A) apontar que o café é uma bebida saudável e nutritiva.
B) demonstrar que os países produtores de café são ricos.
C) expressar que o café tem um sabor e um cheiro complexo.
D) indicar que o café é uma mercadoria que possui um alto preço.

Leia o texto abaixo.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2022. (LEM080079I7_SUP)

14) (LEM080080I7) Esse texto foi escrito para

A) apresentar uma crítica.
B) dar uma informação.
C) fazer um convite.
D) vender um produto.

15) (LEM080079I7) Entende-se desse texto que

A) a menina costuma se divertir com o celular.
B) a menina está se recuperando de um resfriado.
C) os pais da menina estão saindo de casa para um passeio.
D) os pais da menina querem presenteá-la com um urso de pelúcia.

Leia o texto abaixo.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 22 fev. 2022. (LEM080074I7_SUP)

16) (LEM080074I7) Qual palavra desse texto tem origem na Língua Inglesa?
A) Brasa.
B) Churrasco.
C) Quinta-feira.
D) Self-service.

Leia o texto abaixo.

Make a Big Dry Ice Bubble

Have fun making a dry ice bubble that will grow and grow as it fills with fog. This experiment is
a great one for adults to do with kids. Add water to the dry ice, cover it with a layer of soapy water
and watch your bubble grow, how big will it get before it bursts? Give it a try and find out!
What you’ll need:
• Water
• A large bowl with a lip around the top (a smaller bowl or cup will work too)
• A strip of material or cloth
• Soapy mixture for making bubbles (water and some dishwashing liquid should do the trick)
• Dry ice – one piece for a cup, more for a bowl. […]
Safety first! Be careful with dry ice as it can cause skin damage if not used safely. Adults
should handle dry ice with gloves and avoid directly breathing in the vapor. […]
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2022. Fragmento. (LEM080087I7_SUP)

17) (LEM080090I7) Uma palavra da Língua Inglesa relacionada a esse texto é

A) fun.
B) river.
C) shirt.
D) zoo.

18) (LEM080089I7) O objetivo desse texto é

A) convencer o leitor.
B) divertir o leitor.
C) ensinar uma tarefa.
D) vender uma mercadoria.

19) (LEM080088I7) No primeiro parágrafo desse texto, a expressão “find out” significa
A) descobrir.
B) esbarrar.
C) ficar.
D) pensar.

20) (LEM080087I7) Nesse texto, no trecho “... that will grow...”, o termo destacado se refere a
A) bowl.
B) cloth.
C) dry ice bubble.
D) soapy water.


Leia o texto abaixo.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 25 fev. 2022. (LEM080094I7_SUP)

21) (LEM080094I7) Qual palavra desse texto tem origem na Língua Inglesa?
A) Drive-thru.
B) Entregas.
C) Sistema.
D) Vendas.

Leia o texto abaixo.

Jeffrey is a pet camel
Simon Grant from North Yorkshire has a very special friend. It’s not an old school mate, not
even a dog – no, it’s an 11 foot camel called Jeffrey.
Jeffrey is originally from Russia and is thought to be the UK’s only pet camel. He arrived in the
country from Holland seven years ago and was originally brought over as a birthday present for
Simon’s son Tom.
“C’mon then! Come on, Jeff. That a fella. Who’s a big fella?” […]
Jeffrey is a Bactrian camel [...] and he can survive in temperatures of around minus 25 degrees
Celsius. This breed1 of camel can live up until the age of around 60, so the Grants could have
many more happy years ahead with their favourite pet. […]
breed: raça.
NEWS IN LEVELS. Jeffrey is a pet camel. Disponível em: <>.
Acesso em: 24 fev. 2022. Fragmento. (LEM080091I7_SUP)

22) (LEM080091I7) O assunto desse texto é

A) a história de vida do camelo Jeffrey.
B) a temperatura média da Rússia.
C) as diferentes raças de camelo encontradas na natureza.
D) as vantagens de adotar um animal de estimação.

23) (LEM080092I7) Nesse texto, o trecho “‘C’mon then!...’” (3º parágrafo) é um exemplo de linguagem
A) científica.
B) coloquial.
C) formal.
D) literária.

24) (LEM080093I7) Nesse texto, no trecho “… so the Grants could have many more happy years…” (4º parágrafo),
o termo em destaque foi usado para
A) apontar conclusão.
B) expressar adição.
C) indicar explicação.
D) mostrar alternância.

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