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Hidden In Plain

Table of Contents

Scenario 4

Objectives 4
Mission Success/Failure Conditions 5

Diagrams 5
Mission Diagram 5
Pacing Diagram 7
Room/ Adjacency Diagrams 8
Exterior and First Floor of Library 8
Second Floor 9
Rooftop 9
Basement Floor 1 10
Basement Floor 2 10

Maps 11
Overview Maps 11
Approach Zone - Surrounding Area 11
First Floor - Library 12
Second Floor - Library 13
Rooftop - Library 14
Underground Basement - Floor 1 15
Underground Basement - Floor 2 16

Reference 17
Library Exterior and Cross-Section 17
Floor Plans 17

Exterior - Approach Zone 19

Interior - Library 20
Interior - Underground Basement Research Facility 21
Objective Props 22
AI Robot 22
Schematics 22

Mission Walkthrough 23
Stealth Walkthrough 23
Walkthrough Maps 24
Aggressor Walkthrough 27
Walkthrough Maps 28
Pacifist Walkthrough 31
Walkthrough Maps 32

The British Library, situated in London, England, is one of the largest
libraries in the world. In the future, it is purchased by a corrupt
communications and security company called Val-Tech. They have
digitized old books and made multiple renovations to the site.
Officials from the company state that they are still preserving the
rare books within a secured underground archive. But, this is far
from the truth.

In recent weeks, there has been heightened security around the

facility after hours. According to intel, Sophia Bailey, a renowned AI
researcher, has been spotted multiple times walking in and out of
the premises. She has been involved in developing controversial
combat AI robots for private corporations.

Your trusted source says that Sophia works in a secretive high-tech

research facility located in the basement of the library. She has
been funded by Val-Tech to develop an experimental AI robot that
can be used to take down large military vehicles.

It is your goal to retrieve the robot and its schematics before it gets into the wrong hands!

1. Infiltrate the library
2. Find a way to access the basement
3. Locate the robot and its schematics
4. Get to the extraction point - a getaway car located at a nearby street corner

Mission Success/Failure Conditions

Success State
If both robot and schematics are retrieved and the player safely gets to the extraction point.

Failure State
If the player dies or the robots and schematics aren’t attained.


Mission Diagram

The level accommodates three different playstyles: stealth, aggressor and pacifist. There are opportunities for players to make decisions and
dynamically adjust their playstyles as they progress through the mission. For detailed playstyle walkthroughs, see Mission Walkthrough.

Pacing Diagram
Each playstyle offers players unique peaks and valleys of tension as they progress through the mission. An in-depth mission
walkthrough for each playstyle can be found here.

Room/ Adjacency Diagrams

Exterior and First Floor of Library

The player has multiple options/entry points
when approaching the facility. The level
encompasses a “360 approach” towards the
target goal.

Note: The elevator is not accessible on the

main floor of the building. This is due to it being
secured and not freely available to the public.

Second Floor

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