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Hidden In Plain
Mission Design Document
1. the guards approach your position from the
2. Bailey Escapes: As the turrets begin to cool down, Sophia Bailey rushes out from her office and escapes to the elevator. You do not pursue
her as the attaining the schematics are a more pressing issue.
3. Collect Schematics: You run into her office as guards are on your tail. You steal the schematics and update your team.
4. Fight off Remaining Hostiles: You proceed to fight the remaining guards in the area as you move up the stairs towards the Engineering Labs.
5. Collect Robot: Once the area is clear you begin to explore the Engineering Labs and collect the robot prototype.

Objective 4: Get to the extraction point

6. Take Elevator to Second Floor: Going up to the second floor of the library, you avoid the turret by jumping through an open window.
7. Take Stairs to the Inner Courtyard/Combat: You take down the remaining hostile forces outside the library.
8. Mission Complete!: You walk through the libraries main entrance gate to the extraction point.

Walkthrough Maps

Pacifist Walkthrough

Objective 1: Get into library

1. Approach Library: After receiving intel from your team, you move towards the library.
2. Scouting: You climb to the main gate at the edge of the courtyard to scout the surrounding area. You notice an alarm in the courtyard.
3. Disable Courtyard Alarm: Sneaking through the green bush, you disable the alarm without being spotted by the turret.
4. Get to Safety: Overhearing the humming of a patrolling robot guard, you quickly dash towards the nearby tents to take shelter.
5. Stealth Entrance Discovered: You notice storage crates placed alongside an overhang structure and decide to climb it.
6. Scouting: You run across the overhang structure, and quickly survey the inner courtyard.
7. Enter Facility Interior: On the libraries rooftop, you drop down into the Second Floor Maintenance Room through an open ceiling vent.

Objective 2: Find a way to access the basement

8. Collect Key to Service Room: You explore the Second Floor environment and find the service key left in the Janitor’s Closet.
9. Elevator Discovered: You notice a turret guarding something through a window, but decide to sneak around it to get to the first floor.
10. Alternative Path Discovered: Ducking behind bookshelves to avoid the patrolling guards, you use the janitor’s key to unlock a service room
which has a ladder that goes down to the basement.

Objective 3: Steal the robot and its schematics

11. Enter Basement/ Scouting: Upon approach, you are amazed at the size of the facility and notice increased security near Bailey’s Laboratory.
12. Exploration: You decide to make your way to the Engineering Labs to find the robot by sneaking through the backside of the walkway.
13. Collect Robot: Avoiding a patrolling guard, you hop into Engineering Lab II through an open window and steal the robot.
14. New Plan: You report back to your team and realize the schematics are not in the lab. You deduce that they are held in Bailey’s Laboratory.
15. Stealth Entrance: Sneaking your way to the backside of the lab, you stealth climb down a ceiling vent into Bailey’s Personal Office.
16. Collect Schematics: Avoiding Bailey’s detection you grab the schematics off of her desk.
17. Enter First Floor of Library: Climbing through the ceiling vent, you sneak back to the service ladder and climb it.

Objective 4: Get to the extraction point

18. Reinforcements: The guards from the courtyard are called by Bailey (she notices the schematics are missing). Hostiles block the front and
back entrances of the library. You see that the door to the alleyway has less security and hastily sneak your way towards the location.

19. Enter Alleyway: You avoid the patrolling guard and climb over a storage crate and go onto Ossulston Street.
20. Mission Complete!: You run across the street under the cover of the trees and get to the extraction vehicle.

Walkthrough Maps

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