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Guide 01 Types of Nouns

Look at the image. Notice the words in orange.

Good morning, class!

Fantastic! I had great luck. I won a
How was your weekend?
prize in a competition in the mall.

Great! I went to the beach with my My mother bought me

family! We saw a flock of seaguls! a new cotton dress!

We already know about proper nouns and common nouns.

The table gives other useful types of nouns.

Types of Nouns What are they? Examples

Concrete Nouns
Words that name physical objects zoo, mother, prize, mall
that can be seen or touched book, bulb, flag, plate
The names of ideas, concepts, or
Abstract Nouns emotions that you cannot see or
luck competition, wealth,
freedom, happiness, love
class, family, flock, leam,
Collective Nouns The names of graups of things herd, group, audience,
company, swarm

The names of materials frorm cotton, calcium, gold,

Material Nouns
which things are made wood, plastic, cloth, salt

XSEED Grammar Guide 1 Types of Nouns 1

GrammarPractice In Class

Spot the one that does not fit in each of the groups.
A. class/gang/bird/herd/lock
B. restourant/boy/book/computer/group
C. tree/zinc/oil/calcium/silk
D. hunger/wood/intelligence/anger/charm

Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns.

A A of locusts ate all the crops.
B. The of dogs barked all night long
C. The. of bikers travelled across the county on their motorbikes.

Choose the best option from the box for each sentence.

marble plastic cotton silver

dresses are very comfortable to wear all year long.

B. My parents gave my sister a ring for her birthday.
C. The Taj Mahal is made of .
D. We should not use because it is hamful to the environment.

Change the words to form abstract nouns.

intelligent leader loyal educate

Fill in the blanks with suitable noun forms of the words in brackets.
A. My uncle is very shori-iempered. He needs to control his . angry)
B. Pooja goes to the gym every day. She wants to build her strong oo
C. 1 love mouniains, trees, and fresh air. I enjoy looking al the . of
nature. (beautiful)
D. Yash is a great person. I like him a lot. We have a great. (friendly

Choose a famous individual who inspires you. Write a letter to her/him about why
she/he inspires you. Make sure to Use at least 1 concrete noun, 1 abstract noun,
1 material noun, and 1 collective noun in the leter.

2 Grade 4 Grammar Guide OXSEED Education

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