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First Baptist Church, Chico

850 Palmetto Avenue
Chico, CA 95926
Monthly Newsletter
Vol. 30, No.5 - June 2011

We are a richly varied church community celebrating the grace of God through worship, through encouraging spiritual
growth, and by living as reminders of God’s loving presence in our world.

had the opportunity to give the Invocation at the of what is required to get their life on track, and

I recent graduation of those who’d completed the

Phase I program at the Esplanade House. It was
a great event. The fact that the Esplanade House is
need maximum support.
This first Phase includes:
celebrating its 20th Anniversary made it even more • Counseling for addiction recovery, domestic
enjoyable. violence, or other core issues that need to be
“The Esplanade House is designed specifically for
• Learning organizational skills that help navigate
homeless families with children. It began in an old
the social services system, probation, credit
motel on The Esplanade in 1991, and due to
companies and legal and financial entities.
demand has since grown to 60 apartments and
• Case management assignments for clearing up
administrative buildings located off north
debt, court dates, reinstatement of driver’s license,
Esplanade and East Shasta Ave. The main goal of
probation, and other important mandates for
their program is to successfully rehabilitate
homeless families who are then able to reenter
• Accessing work training programs or working
mainstream society with the skills to become
toward a GED and higher education.
self-sufficient, the confidence that comes with
• Classes on good parenting, and “Life Skills101”
education, and the determination to live a healthy
(balancing check books, proper nutrition, job
lifestyle for themselves and their children.
preparedness). On average, it takes clients from 12
“The majority of parents in the program are to 18 months before moving on to phase 2.
recovering from a lifestyle of poverty and addiction
In the Invocation, I addressed God as the giver of
that has led to a downward spiral into
second and third and more chances. Those who are
homelessness. Many have lost their children to a
at The Esplanade House needed more than one
relative or Foster Care, and are reunited with them
chance. But then we all need more than one
because of the safe and supportive environment”
chance. I’m so very thankful that God has provided
provided at the Esplanade House.
these people with a program that gives them a
They have a two phase program that on average can chance to change their lives. I’m also very thankful
accommodate families from 18-24 months. In the that God gives all of us the opportunity to grow and
first phase, families live in apartments on the east improve daily.
side, and fully engaged in the daily program. Most
families are overwhelmed by the shear magnitude
First Baptist Church, Chico
850 Palmetto Avenue
Chico, CA 95926

Every Member a Minister
Rev. Ted Sandberg D. Min.


Sunday, June 5 - Communion
Sunday, June 5 - Sixth Sunday of Easter
Saturday, June 11 - ABW Board Meeting
Sunday, June 12 - Seventh Sunday of Easter
Sunday, June 19 - Pentecost
Sunday, June 19 - Father’s Day
Sunday, June 19 - Missions/Social Concerns serves evening meal at Torres Shelter
Saturday, June 25 - Women’s Retreat

FOCUS Articles due in office Friday June 24

Expediters: Joyce Shannon, Louise Logue, Evelyn Cash, Marta Torres

Date Sermon Title Sermon Text
June 5 Sixth Sunday of Easter
Communion “Glorifying God” John 17:1-11
Worship Leader: Doris Arbuckle

Communion Servers: Alesia Bouvet & Margarita Rainey

Cal Rainey & Louise Logue

June 12 Seventh Sunday of Easter

“They Began to Speak” Acts 2:14-21
Worship Leader: Jerry Brandstatt

June 19 Pentecost / Father’s Day “Making Disciples” Matthew 28:16-20

Worship Leader: Catherine Hendrix

June 26 Trinity Sunday “Abraham’s Story” Genesis 22:1-14

Worship Leader: Cindy Hightower & Robin Robinson

ADULT DISCUSSION CLASS Sunday Mornings at 9:15 am with Shirley Stanley and Jerry Fogle.
Presently in a video series Jesus in the New Testament

Coffee and Donuts provided.

Happy June Birthday Wishes to:
Cora Rae Hubbard (6/6) Kristina Houchin (6/15) Heather Webster (6/29)
Richard Houchin (6/11) Elizabeth Funk (6/19) Kelly Carper (6/30)
Velma Hall (6/11) Andrea Edson (6/19) Peter Bredon (6/30)
Harlan Wright (6/11) Lena White (6/25) Christopher Buzarellos (6/30)
Rudy Miranda (6/13) Shirley Smith (6/28)


Just a shout out

To all the people who helped with
the In and Out yard sale
Thank you!
Chico First Baptist Family Continue to Pray for: The WAR in Iraq and
Friends with Cancer: CAROL: Catherine Hendrix’s neighbor - diagnosed with kidney
cancer; PAUL METTLE - Jill Ramsey’s brother-in-law; FERN MORGAN - mother of friend
of Terre Reynolds; FRANK JAMES - Mary Jane Bowser’s friend, esophageal cancer;
MARGARET BALLINGER’S SISTER - began chemotherapy again; CANDACE - Jill Ramsey’s friend, ovarian
cancer; CHERYL DEAN - Evelyn Cash’s cousin, bone cancer; BOB DEMILLO - friend of Virginia, having cancer
treatments;- ERIKA LUCKETT - singer friend of Terre & Laura, ovarian cancer.

SHIRLEY SMITH: Has Parkinson’s and Palsy SP; AMY: Ed Hightower’s daughter - Parkinson’s disease; RICK:
Jill Ramsey’s cousin - has kidney failure; JOYCE SHANNON - recovering from surgery; RAY DUNHAM - Doris
Arbuckles’s son-in-law, recovering from triple bypass; RUTH WOODS: Calif. Park rehab - recovering from broken
hip; CORA RAE HUBBARD: - Blister on her corneas

Courtyard at Little Chico Creek: HELEN WALLACE
The Inn at the Terraces : EDITH MCCONNELL
Roses & Ivy Elder Care Center: DOLLY SKINNER
Roseleaf Senior Care: PAULA JOHNSON
Feather River Canyon Home: ELAINE HERRINGTON

MILITARY: JASON WILLIAMS - Ed Hightower’s step grandson

WILL DUNHAM - Doris Arbuckle’s grandson
DAN GERFEN: - Joan Hannis Gerfen’s son deployed to Afghanistan

Pacific Coast Baptist Association. Remember those who are grieving.

*If there are names that can or should be removed please contact Ted or the office at 343-3446*
DID YOU KNOW that First Baptist Church has walkers, crutches, wheelchairs and other durable medical equipment
to loan? If you or someone you know needs to borrow any of these items, call the church office at 343-3446 to arrange
To The Members of First Baptist Church: Our mother’s love for her family was deep and unconditional
and matched by her love of her church family. Her faith was strong, and it was kept that way by the
support of all of you at First Baptist. Thank you for your love, prayers, and care over many years. Thank
you for your friendships and for your behind the scenes help at her memorial and reception. Thank you
for loving mom. God Bless you The Pulliam Family.

New address for:

Ann Clark, (The Terraces), 2750 Sierra Sunrise Terrance
Apt. 319 Chico, Ca. 95928
Attention All Women

You are invited to a retreat on

June 25, 2011
at Louise Logue's house
828 Sheridan Avenue
10:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M.
We will have a devotional, lunch
and a volley ball game in the pool
Bring your swim suit and a salad to share
Louise at 343-2196

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To the Members of First Baptist Church, Chico
While I didn’t see the original letter to the E.R., I caught up later and while I was trying to
formulate an answer to the E.R., Doris’s, Kim’s, and now Ted’s letters said it better than I could

So, instead, please accept my financial contribution to assist in the ongoing important work you
do in this community - you stand for all the principles I grew up to believe in and hopefully will
continue to spread the gospel of peace, love, and brotherhood of all to all.

Sincerely, Marica Moore

Attitude of Gratitude

God is the Source of all of Life, it is self destructive to put our trust elsewhere.
If giving causes more pain than pleasure, it is not our money, but our faith that is insufficent.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

It’s often said the church is a crutch, what makes you think you don’t limp?
Report On the Pacific Northwest American Baptist Women’s Conference
The Conference was held April 15-17 in Yakima, WA and was attended by the following ladies: Louise Logue,
Joyce Shannon, Carol Willette, Deborah Logue, Tana Webb. Our journey began Thursday the 14th and we made it
to Woodburn, OR. the first night. We all enjoyed the beautiful scenery and gorgeous flowers along the way.

Friday morning we headed for Portland Airport to pick up Deborah and then started for Yakima. We arrived
around 3:00P.M. We heard the Mission Speaker, Reverend Adalia Gutierrez. She and her husband, Ray
Schellinger, have been serving as American Baptist missionaries since 1994. She is also a medical doctor who has
been working with the Baja Baptist Women in Tijuana, Mexico since 2001. She and her husband run a ministry
called Deborah’s House which provides services such as; crisis intervention, health care, shelter, counseling and
education for both victims and abusers of domestic violence.
At 4:00 P.M. we registered and then had some time to meet the other ladies attending the conference. After a
delicious dinner, we heard a solo by Betsey Jane Mosley and ended with Bible Study by Rev. Jonna Turek.
Saturday after breakfast, there was morning devotion then a morning session with Reverend Gutierrez, who again
spoke on Deborah’s House. We had a morning break, then we had our first workshop. There were many to choose
from, Our group took Deborah’s class on Internet and Facebook. She really did a great job of informing us about the
Internet and how to apply it to our daily lives.
After lunch, we broke away for another workshop and several of us went to a class entitled Drawing and Meditation
given by Sherry Pepke, and others went back to Deborah’s afternoon class. At 1:15 P.M. we had the Banner March,
which was quite something to see. All the different churches walked proudly with their Banners around the room and
we sang while this went on. Reverend Adalia Gutierrez spoke once more and then there was the introduction of the
new officers and nominess.
After dinner we had the final session of the day, a Bible study with Rev. Jonna Turek. The evening was wrapped up
with a talent show. Sunday morning after breakfast we said good-bye to all our new friends and headed for the
Portland Airport and Deborah flew home. The rest of us headed home and spent the night again in Woodburn. We
arrived home on Monday evening. I think we all agreed it was a very worthwhile trip that we won’t soon forget.

Congrats! Carol Willette for becoming an official member of First Baptist Church

Attitude of Gratitude
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above (James 1:17)


I have found through my time at Point Loma, that who I am as an individual has become more clear to me.
I always knew that I loved to help people, but I had not found the means in which that element of service
would play out in my life. I found it here, through my classes and through my major.
During my time at Point Loma I had the opportunity to work alongside the homeless, victims of human
trafficking, orphans in Mexico, my peers, people from the community, and so much more. And it was
during those times, that I found that in building relationships with each individual I came in contact with,
that it brought out a compassion and a love from inside me that I had never known before. Loving people
and serving them truly became an expression of faith in my life as I was presented with the opportunity to
show people their value and worth as individuals and as children of God. In some cases, those individuals
had never known that they were worthy before. What I will take from Point Loma is the knowledge that I
can help people and I can serve them simply through being present with them and building a relationship
with them.
Sent to us by Gregg & Cheryl Sneller (Former Minister of First Baptist Church)
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Hour of

June 2011
Flowers for the Month “Provided by church members”

1 Worship 2 3 4
11:45am Country
Waffle (cancelled) Communications Rose Scott last
9am day
Stewardship 6pm
(moved to June

5 Communion 6 7 8 9 10 11
Sixth Sunday of Pastor/Staff 5:30
Easter ABW Board
Evangelism/ Meeting
Membership CAIC 11:45 am Library 10 am
6:30pm Stewardship 6pm

*J. Rychtera

12 13 14 FLAG DAY 15 16 17 18
Seventh Sunday
of Easter
Children’s Day

*J. Hannis Christian

Gerfen Education

19 Pentecost 20 21 22 23 24 25
sv eve. meal Summer begins Womens
to Torres Shelter Retreat 10-2
Louise’s House

*C. Hightower

26 27 28 29 30
Trinity Sunday Missions/

*Lock up person
*J. Brandstatt F.O.R. 7 pm for the

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