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The role of Electric Vehicles in maintaining sustainability in supply chain

1- Retail Industry *
2- Retail Merchandiser *
3- Production, Supply Chain & Operations *
4- Sustainability and retail + supply chain
5- Communication + retail production house


 Reports
 Research papers
 News facts
 Statistics
 Research reports – Mckensy, KPMG, Accenture
 Retail Industry, Supply chain


 Research topic
 Research questions
 Objectives

- Problem Identification
- Scopes
- Gap


Topic Insights Objectives Link Facts or stats How it’s add value
Impact of covid on supply chain

With the virus still a live threat and a number of regions and economies in lockdown, while
others emerge into a very different world, the disruption to supply chains continues to be
severe. As economies restart, the supply chain will be critical to supplying goods and
services quickly, safely and securely.

The repurposed and reshaped supply chains of the future will need to be characterized by
both resilience and responsibility. These will help communities manage the short-term crisis
and enable businesses to build around their customers and help economies rebound.

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