Rental Agreement Final

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RENTAL AGREEMENT on stamp paper/ bond paper

This Rental Agreement is made and executed at Bangalore on 26 day of February 2022 , As per
TENANCY ACT 2022 ESTABLISHED Year Two Thousand Twenty Two ( 26 -02-2022) between

Mrs Krishna Ghose Wife Of Mr. Avijeet Bhattacharjee Residing at 204, Scion Avenue , 4th A Cross,
Kaggadasapura CV Raman Nagar Bangalore 560093.

Here in after called the ‘LESSOR’ which expression shall include successors and assigns wherever the context
or meaning shall require or permit, on the one part. Here in after called the 'Owner' / ‘LESSOR’ of the one

RAYCHAND AMBRUSHI KADAM, Address: Darphal, Osmanabad, Maharashtra, 413501.
Adhar no. 514710656741 currently employed with Biocon , Bangalore.

hereinafter called the ‘LESSEE’ which expression shall include successors and assigns wherever the context or
meaning shall require or permit, on the other part. Here in after called the 'Tenant' / ‘LESSEE’ of the other
The term LESSOR and Lessee unless repugnant to the context shall mean and include their respective heirs,
successors, administrators, executors, trustees, legal representatives and assigns.

Whereas the LESSOR is the owner of the House Premises situated at No-507 Block 26 VBHC Vaibhava,
51, Chandapura, Anekal Main Road, Opp. Govardhan Granite, Byagadadenahalli, Bangalore-
562106 ‘Schedule Property’

And whereas the ‘LESSEE’ / Tenant, herein is desirous of taking the Schedule Property on Rent for residence
purpose and the LESSOR herein willing and agreed to Rent out the same on the following terms, conditions
and stipulations.
The Lessee has visited & seen the flat to be in good livable condition.


1. That in consideration of the rent hereby reserved and of the term, condition and covenants of the lease
contained and on the part of the parties to be observed and perform the LESSOR hereby agrees to grant
and LESSEE-(Tenant) hereby agrees to accept a lease of scheduled property.

2. DURATION OF RENT / LEASE : That the lessor hearby grant to the lessee herein a revokable rent
agreement to occupy the premises without creating any tenancy rights or any other rights/ title and
interest in favor of the lessee for a period of 11 months commencing from 26/02/2022 and ending on

DATE OF OCCUPATION: 26 /02/2022.

3. RENT: The monthly rent payable by the Lessee to the LESSOR for the schedule Property shall be
Rs.9,000 (Rupees Nine Thousand Only/-) including Maintenance charges payable to the residents
association. The rent should be paid on or before 5th day of the month as per the English Calendar
Month by depositing online payment. ( As discussed with Lessee the rent for the first month of stay which
would be the month of March would be paid on or before 5 th April 2022 and the subsequent process
would be followed till the end of the tenure of the stay of the lessee . The lessee shall pay the rent
for the last month that is January 2023 along with Rent of December 2022 on or before 5 th
January 2023 )
4. DEPOSIT: The Lessee /tenant shall pay interest free deposit of 40,000 (RUPEES Forty Thousand
ONLY/-) by bank transfer prior to commencement of the Rent / lease agreement as a security deposit to
the LESSOR which would be refundable, if no property damage is detected, at the termination of the
contract by either party.

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1. Failure to pay rent on or before the 5th of the month will result in the lessee to be liable
for eviction.

2. The Lessor or his/her authorized agent shall have the right to inspect the Schedule
Premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspection or for repairs within the
Scheduled Premises, as and when found necessary.


The lease shall be terminable under all or any of the following circumstances namely

a. By efflux of time;
b. In the event of non-payment of rent by the Lessee for the period of one month;
c. In the event of material breach by either party of the terms, conditions and covenants here of
d. The Tenant /Lessee shall give an advance notice in writing of Two month any time before
vacating the apartment. The rent for two months will be paid in advance at the time of giving the
Notice by the Tenant/Lessee. The deposit shall be refunded after appropriating any dues. The
LESSOR will also give an advance notice of one month to the Lessee to vacate the apartment if the
LESSOR needs it vacated due to personal reasons.
e. Smoking / consumption of alcoholic drinks or narcotic drugs in the corridors or anywhere in the
common areas in the VBHC Vaibhava premises is strictly prohibited. If the tenant is found with
influences of such alcohol or narcotic drugs in the common areas, the LESSOR have all the rights
terminate the agreement and evict the Tennant / Lessee immediately with the help of Security or
Maintenance personnel. If required the owner can seek help from the law enforcement authorities for
f. Creating nuisance / disturbance to other residence in the VBHC Vaibhava Anekkal.
g. If the tenant involved / associated in any kind of unlawful activities.
h.  Any violation of the Apartment rules will be warranted and fined severally.

1. MODE OF PAYMENT: Whereas the lessee hereby agrees to pay the monthly rent on or before 5th of
every month as per the English Calendar Month by Online payment.

2. ELECTRICITY CHARGES: The Lessee shall pay the electricity,Internet, water charges / telephone
charges as per the bill to the concerned authorities regularly on or before the due date. Original Receipts
of the bills paid should be preserved and be given to LESSOR.

3. TAXES: The LESSOR shall pay all the existing and future taxes such as house tax and other taxes levied
by the appropriate authorities in respect of the schedule premises.

4. MAINTENANCE REPAIRS: The Lessee shall keep the premises fittings and fixtures in good condition
subject to normal wear and tear. If the Lessee causes any damages to the Schedule premises, it shall be
replaced by his own cost and risk.  
Lessee should not drill the walls or anywhere in the structure of leased property, using the drillers or even
with the nails. There are electric and water lines passing inside the walls. Drilling the walls may cause
personal injuries / mishaps and loss of property / life due to shock from electric current, etc. LESSOR will
not be responsible in any form for any damages caused due to the negligence of the lessee or anyone
engaged by the lessee.  

MAJOR REPAIRS: The LESSOR will be responsible to carryout major repairs to the premises such as major
leakage in the sanitary, water pipes, cracks. Minor repair maintenance will be carried out by the lessee

5. USE OF PREMISES PERMITTED: That the Tenant / Lessee herein is permitted by the LESSOR to reside
in the said Scheduled Property. Scheduled Property is for residential purpose only and not for office/any
other commercial purposes and further shall not use or permit the use of Scheduled Property for any
unauthorized purpose or activities likely to endanger the building and neighborhood.

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6. SUBLETTING: That the Tenant / Lessee shall not lease out and shall not sub-let, assign or part with the
possession of the schedule property without the written consent of the Owner / LESSOR, the Lessee have
not right to do Commercial Activities like, Guest-house, Paying Guest, Service apartment, Monthly lodging

7. GOOD CONDITION & CLEANLINESS: That the Tennant / Lessee shall keep the premises in good and
tenantable condition and shall not commit any acts of waste whatsoever. The flat should be kept clean at
all times.

8. INSPECTION: That the Tennant / Lessee shall permit the Owner / LESSOR to inspect the Schedule
Premises as and when the LESSOR desires after giving reasonable notices.

9. ALTERATION: That the Tennant / Lessee shall not have any rights to make any kind of alterations or
additions either temporary or permanent nature to the Scheduled property.

10. The Flat owner / LESSOR shall not be responsible or liable for any theft, loss, damage or destruction of
any property of the Tenant / lessee or the nominated employees living in the said residential flat nor for
any bodily injury to any of the occupants of the said residential flat from any cause whatsoever.

11. LESSOR’S COVENANTS: The Tennant / Lessee paying the rent hereby reserved and observing and
performing the terms, conditions and covenants of the Lessee herein contained shall be entitled to quiet
possession of peaceful enjoyment of the Scheduled Property without any manner of the let hindrance,
interruption of disturbance by or from the LESSOR, here heirs or by any person or persons claiming
through under or in trust from the LESSOR or his representative. LESSEE’S COVENANTS: The Lessee
shall not claim any tenancy rights or any other rights than those specifically mentioned herein and this
agreement thereby gives the right to the Tennant / Lessee to the Scheduled Property for occupation for
the agreed period only. The Tennant / lessee cannot sub-let / Sub-Lease / rent this to the third party.

12. MOVE-IN / MOVE-OUT : It is the responsibility of the Tenant / Lessee to settle the Move-In and Move-
Out charges to the VBHC association in the event of he/she moving in and moving out of the Apartment
complex, immaterial of he/ she moving out to / moving in from another apartment in the same complex
(This is used as a documentations charges). The Said Tenant / Lessee also need to hand over all the
Keys, Vehicle stickers, solar details etc.

13. AGREEMENT OF LEASE: The Agreement will be prepared by the Owner / LESSOR, that this Agreement
of Lease is executed in duplicate

The owners / LESSOR shall retain the original and the Tenant / Lessee thereof shall retain the duplicate
copy. Signed behalf of the payment paid and agreed up to the above all the clauses in the agreement,
The Owner also accept the payment made by the tenant and agreed up to acknowledge the payment and
this agreement mutually.

14. UNAOUTHORIZED PARKING: Unauthorized means both in terms of not have a log-sticker, with Block
& Flat specifications, and Parking in some other’s parking slot, or unclaimed vehicle parked for long time
will be noted. Unauthorized parking & vehicles without the VBHC stickers will be Penalized and fined.

15. HANDING OVER THE PREMISES: The Tenant / Lessee shall deliver back to the vacant possession of
the scheduled property with all fixtures and fittings, more particularly mentioned and described in
Scheduled Property to the LESSOR, immediately upon the expiry of the said term or on earlier
termination, if any, in good and tenantable conditions.

16. The Lessee has to pay one month rent towards Painting and Cleaning for Schedule Property
and Handover Fresh clean Flat at the time of vacating.
The Tenant / Lessee shall provide evidence of having cleared all charges towards usage of electricity,
telephone, water , internet and any other dues prior to vacating the scheduled property to the Owner /
LESSOR.  The Owner / LESSOR would return the interest free deposit to the Tenant /Lessee upon
Tenant / Lessee vacating the Scheduled Property subject to receiving the above defined evidence of
clearance of utility charges. Else any arrears towards rent, electricity, telephone, water charges would be
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deducted from the deposit. 
Should the Owner / LESSOR have to incur charges towards repair of the Scheduled Property including
Damage to the fittings and fixtures (listed as below), provided 
Arising from usage during the Lessee’s lease of the scheduled property, the same would be recovered from
the interest free deposit, prior to being refunded to the Tenant / Lessee.

17. VEHICLES STICKER: It’s the owner responsibility to hand over the vehicles sticker to the Tenant /
Lessee. In case the Owner /LESSOR are not available, then it’s the tenant’s responsibility to get an
authorization letter / E-mail from Owner to hand over the sticker to the said Tenant. The cost of the
sticker is likely to verify from time to time. The Tenant / Lessee is likely to get only 02–02 wheeler sticker.
It’s the responsibility of Tenant / Lessee to return the sticker back on vacating the Schedule Property. 

SCHEDULE: All the piece and parcel of the property bearing at VBHC Vaibhava Apartment , Flat No 507
Block 26, Byagadadenahalli Village, Marsur Post, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore - 562106 consisting of
one Hall 1 kitchen, 2 bedrooms , 1 bathroom, 1 toilet 2 Balconies with water and electricity facilities.
MIRROR , KITCHEN CABINETS AND KITCHEN LOFTS Passage Loft and 2 Tubelights , 1 exhaust fan.

VISITORS/GUEST PARKING. The Visitors / guest will not be allowed park inside the Apartment. They
need to park all their vehicles outside the main gate on their own risk and responsibility for the parked
vehicle. Only elderly people / Children can be dropped and come back to the visitor’s parking lot.

18. NIGHT HALT: Night halt for the vehicles of resident Guest will be allowed park inside between 10.00pm
to 6.00am, with a specific night parking charges.  No Vehicles washing will be allowed inside the campus.

19. DUPLICATES: No copies of the keys can be made without the approval of the owner. All keys –
duplicates and originals – must be handed over at the termination of the lease/ rent.

1. LESSEE has agreed to adhere the following RULES OF CONDUCT set by the VBHC Vaibhava Anekal
Apartment Owners Association (hereinafter referred as VVAAOA):

i. Ensure adherence of the RULES set by VVAAOA by Lessee, Lessee’s servants, guests, contractors
and other visitors.
ii. The Board of Managers’ of VVAAOA shall have the responsibility and authority to implement these
Rules and to amend or revoke them or create new rules for meeting emerging situations.
iii. The Lessee will use the unit for residential purpose only. Any kind of commercial activity involving
outsiders / outside visitors / interference from outsiders and / or involvement is strictly prohibited.
iv. Lessee will be considerative towards other occupants / visitors of THE SCHEDULED PREMISES.
Lessee or his servants, guests, contractors and other visitors must not engage in any action that
may cause damage or nuisance or annoyance or otherwise interfere with the rights, comfort or
convenience of other occupants / visitors / buildings / other structures or articles of the VBHC
Anekkal Apartment.
v. Lessee will ensure to maintain the noise emanating from THE SCHEDULED PREMISES at a low level
all the time and in particular, especially between 22:00 hrs to 08:00 hrs.
vi. Shouting / screaming in night / day strictly not allowed.
vii. No sign or advertisement of any kind may be displayed from any window or other part of THE
SCHEDULED PREMISES. The common / car parking areas of the VBHC Vaibhava, Anekal Apartment
premises will not be used for such sign boards or advertisements, except in the manner approved
by the VVAAOA through the LESSOR.
viii. Lessee shall not carry out any exterior works / modifications to the windows or balconies or car
parking area or generally do anything that might alter or affect the external appearance of the
building or protrudes through the wall or the roof of the building. The installation of any window
guard, external shade or awning and the erection of any external TV Antenna etc are not
ix. Potted plants shall not be kept on window sills or on the parapets of balcony of THE SCHEDULED
PREMISES. Plants which are hung from the ceiling shall be hung in such a way that water
overflowing from the pots will NOT fall outside the premises.
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x. It is prohibited to hang garments, rugs, etc from the windows or balconies or any of the facades of
the building. It is also prohibited to dust the rugs from the windows or balconies.
xi. Lessee will not initiate any new plumping or electrical work without the consent from the LESSOR.
xii. Ensure that Lessee’s servants, guests, contractors and other visitors are not blocking or obstructing
the common areas and the car parking areas. Or using these areas for any other purpose than it
meant to be, such as sleeping, using as toilet, storing any objects / goods etc. The concerned
authorities at VBHC or VVAAOA have the right to remove the objects / goods stored at the common
/ parking areas without prior notice and without any liability to the Lessee.

xiii. Lessee will bear the cost of maintenance, replacement or rectification, in case of any damage
caused by Lessee or their servants, guests, contractors and other visitors to the common areas or
services or facilities available in VBHC Vaibhava Apartment, Anekkal including THE SCHEDULED
xiv. Lessee should not lease or let out or sub-let THE SCHEDULED PREMISES including the parking area
to anyone without the consent of the LESSOR.
xv. Lessee should not use the common / parking areas or any part in the premises of VBHC Vaibhava
Anekal Apartment, for any celebrations, get-togethers, parties or any such activities without the
consent from VVAAOA through the LESSOR.
xvi. Throwing garbage or trash through the balcony / window / compound walls or depositing them in
the common / parking areas is prohibited. Garbage and trash to be disposed off in a prescribed
xvii. The VVAAOA reserves the right to evict any person or deny entry to any person in VBHC Vaibhava
Apartment, Anekkal for reasons of any demeanour or misconduct or indecency or carrying out any
activity detrimental to the peace and well being of the residence of VBHC Vaibhava Apartment,
Anekkal and community in general.
xviii. Lessee’s vehicles to be parked in the space allocated for THE SCHEDULED PREMISES only.
xix. Ensure vehicle are not driven above 20Km / Hr Speed and with beyond the permissible noise.
xx. All Residents Vehicle Must have parking sticker.
xxi. No trucks, vans or any commercial / goods vehicles or visitor’s vehicles should park in the parking
space allotted for THE SCHEDULED PREMISES.
xxii. The parking spaces for the visitors are under the control of the VVAAOA and visitors may park in
these parking areas as specified by VVAAOA.
xxiii. Handling or storing flammable materials in the parking areas or filing the fuel or changing engine
oils or lubricants in the parking areas are prohibited.
xxiv. Lessee or Lessee’s servants, guests, contractors or other visitors must not drive vehicles
dangerously and discourteously or sound horns that may cause nuisance to others, in the entire
premises of VBHC Vaibhava Apartment, Anekal.
xxv. Lessee or their guests, servants, contractors or others visitors using the parking space do so
entirely at their own risk. VVAAOA or LESSOR shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage
to any vehicle or the contents or accessories of any vehicle for accident or injury which may be
sustained by the Lessee or their guests, servants, contractors or others visitors arising directly or
indirectly from or in connection with the use of any parking space.
xxvi. Drivers of vehicles of Lessee’s guests, servants, contractors or others visitors are to wait in the
designated areas as specified by VVAAOA and not to loiter in the premises of VBHC Vaibhava
Apartment, Anekal.
xxvii. Pet dog pop not allowed Inside Park or common area.
xxviii. No trespassers allowed inside the residential complex.
xxix. All Visitors must make an entry in security office.
xxx. Damages to Vaibhava property in will incur severe fine.
xxxi. No Carpentry / plumbing work is allowed after 6pm without permission from maintenance office,
such works are also prohibited on Sundays.
xxxii. No partying / grouping / loud music / Parties / Other Gatherings in public place in common area
without maintenance office permission and
xxxiii. Shouting / screaming inside the VBHC Compound at any point of time is strictly not allowed.
xxxiv. All tenants should submit their agreement copy along with proofs of their identity and the
permanent address to the maintenance office and also one copy to Association of VBHC.
xxxv. In case of any Violation above said rules strict action will be taken by Association or also by any of
the resident of VBHC who may find any of above violations.
xxxvi. In case situation is go beyond control, this rent agreement will be terminated and tenant has
vacate the premises and a complaint will be registered in police station subsequently.
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xxxvii. The whole and sole moral responsibility of the tenant should follow above rules.

2. The LESSOR have the right to terminate rental agreement without serving any prior notice to the
a. if Lessee is directly or indirectly involved in any unlawful activity outside or inside the scheduled
b. if Lessee provides shelter in the scheduled premises to anyone who have involvement, in any form, in
any unlawful activity or allow anyone to carry out any unlawful activity from the scheduled premises.
c. if Lessee or visitor(s) / companion(s) of Lessee indulge in any unlawful activity or create nuisance in
what so ever in nature to other fellow residents/occupants inside the scheduled premises or
anywhere within the apartment complex.
d. The terms nuisance shall also mean and include incidents of eve teasing/ragging, any form of sexual
harassments, narcotic drug abuse/peddling/consumption/stocking/carrying, using
unparliamentarily/abusive language or undertaking/indulging in any sort of unlawful activities
anywhere in the apartment complex, dumping garbage in undesignated areas, consumption of
alcoholic drinks/smoking in the common area/public area of the apartment complex.

e. LESSOR or Property Consultant is not responsible In case of any Loss of life / Theft or
loss of Valuable belonging.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the OWNER & TENANT have set their hands on the day month and year above

Krishna Ghose




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