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Food Blogging


Ms Farhana Islam Tani

Lecturer, Department of English

North South University


H.M. Istiak 2011123630

Section 19

Date of Submission

Sep 09, 2021



For everyone who has helped me complete this research paper, I would like to convey my thanks.

I would first want to say Thank you to the English Department of North South University and to

my Honorable Teacher, Mrs. Farhana Islam Tani. I am also grateful to everyone who took part in

my survey.


This particular research paper is designed to find out if food blogging has influenced the eating

habits of the general public and can it be an emerging career in Bangladesh or not. Therefore,

finding out the interest of people in food blogging and how it influenced our eating habits is quite

important. For this study work, data were collected by a questionnaire survey and the articles, as

well as from research done by many others. The results of this particular research will indicate

food blogging has influenced our eating habits and food blogging can be an emerging career in

Bangladesh will go with the hypothesis of this research paper. I think this study paper offers us

an insight of future jobs and career patterns in Bangladesh and also tells us the emphasis of our

future economy.


Table of Contents




Research Questions.........................................................................................................................3


Research Methodology....................................................................................................................4

Data Presentation and Analysis.......................................................................................................5

Summary of Research Findings......................................................................................................19





Blogs have been constantly evolving since their debut in 2002 and have become a source of

knowledge on all subjects. Blogs have now transformed our view of the world around us. Food

blogging is a new topic in blogs. The thoughts of food bloggers about a certain dish or kitchen

took advantage of a wonderful marketing opportunity. It attracts more and more people to the

business that provides the same meal or kitchen. People have found a new way to share their

views and ideas and receive feedback. The great element of blogging to reach people is that,

unlike the mainstream media, it has a possibility of being heard. There is a huge difference

between food blogs and food sites. A food blog is designed for me to prepare or try new foods by

preparing it yourself or visiting places which offer a unique and distinct variety of cuisine. Food

blogs have a huge influence on individuals. For example, who receives the main benefit from

blogging by learning about a dish, a recipe, or a cuisine? In every minute of detail, blogs speak

about a certain meal-the photos are the faults, the flavor, each component, and one of the main

attractions. Feedback is another vital component, since readers are fond of knowing about

various cuisines, cooking them and testing them by commenting on the particular food blog. The

mass effect of blogs is definitely evolved via the millions of blogs produced daily. Blogs have

managed to redefine "current" and "updated" (2021)



According to (Goel, 2018), “A food blogger is anyone who talks about his or her experiences

with food or cooking and posts them in an online blog. That blog can be a website or a microblog

like an Instagram page. A food blogger doesn’t need to be a food critic, they are generally the

regular consumers who give their honest opinion about food or give awesome recipes.”

“Food niche is an evergreen niche. No matter when you choose to write on that, you'll succeed if

you do everything right. Food bloggers share recipes or they give reviews of a restaurant and its

popular cuisines and all in all it's quite an enjoyable niche for the bloggers.” (Singh, 2021)

“Perceived credibility and perceived usefulness of food bloggers positively influences people's

attitude towards healthy food which later influences their behavioral intention.” (Nathalia,

Kansius, Felicia, & Kalpikasari, 2016)

Most of my earnings come from working with social media businesses. I make content utilizing

their goods that I advertise on my Instagram and my blog afterwards. Promotion of social media

is a huge source of income for food bloggers. I started working with F & B brands, including

FoodHall and Mother Dairy. I began to steadily grow my portfolio by generating content for

technology businesses (laptops, cameras, phones, etc). As long as you are loyal to yourself, your

work and your readers, the options are infinite. (Shivash, 2018)


Research Questions

In my paper I have decided to investigate whether Food Blogging influences our eating habits

and can it be an emerging career in Bangladesh or not, and if so, the reason behind it. The

following questions are given:

● Do you think Food Blogging has become quite influential?

● Do you think they make a good amount of money from blogs?

● Do you think Food Blogging can help general people to grow ideas about different food

and cuisines?

● Do you think Food Blogging can help us what and where we should eat?
● Do you think Food blogging can be a proper career for oneself?



Food blogging is usually correlated with gourmet interest in cooking; it is part of a larger

improvement in forms of food writing. The individual who did the food blogging is referred to as

a food blogger. Both the enthusiast and the amateur may have a commercial audience in which

they are equivalent in the media, books, and television. From my research, I expect to find that

Food Blogging has influence over eating habits of people and it’s an emerging career of


Research Methodology

I have carried out a representative selection of university and university students for my primary

research. I will conduct a survey of how much people like to spend their time on youtube and

also how much people would like to see different cuisines represented by some and how food

blogging can be a proper career for oneself. To that aim, I will create a questionnaire with a

variety of question kinds in order to collect a variety of valuable data that will help me answer

my research questions.

I used the library resources for my secondary study and also examined several publications and

research papers on comparable subjects. I've been browsing the internet and using standard

search engines such as Google.


Data Presentation and Analysis

1. Do you think Food Blogging has become quite influential?

● Yes (87.9%)
● No (6.1%)
● Maybe (6.1%)
● Majority chose “Yes”
● So, the data supports the hypothesis.


2. Do you think Food Bloggers get targeted by public relation professionals?

● Yes (48.5%)
● No (9.1%)
● Maybe (42.4%)
● Majority chose “yes”
● So, the data supports the hypothesis.


3. Do you reckon public relations firms understand about food bloggers and blogging?
● Yes(27.3%)
● No(21.2%)
● Maybe(51.5%)
● Majority chose “Maybe”
● In this case, the data doesn’t go with the hypothesis.

4. Do you think Food Bloggers are pressed to publish a story by a public relations
professional or a corporation?
● Yes(42.4%)
● No(24.2%)
● Maybe(33.3%)
● Majority chose “Yes”
● So, the data supports the hypothesis.


5. When reviewing a food product, do you think Food bloggers separate between branded
and non-branded items?
● Yes(48.2%)
● No(15.2%)
● Maybe(36.4%)
● Majority chose “Yes”
● In this case, the data does not support the hypothesis.


6. Do you think they always get to taste different cuisines?

● Yes(48.5%)
● No(12.1%)
● Maybe(39.4%)
● Majority chose “Yes”
● So, the data supports the hypothesis.


7. Do you think they ever got a job or a promotion as a reward for their blog?
● Yes(48.5%)
● No(12.1%)
● Maybe(39.4%)
● Majority chose “Yes”
● So, the data supports the hypothesis.


8. Do you think they make a good amount of money from blogs?

● Yes(54.5%)
● No(9.1%)
● Maybe(36.4)
● Majority chose “Yes”
● So. The data supports the hypothesis.


9. Do food bloggers suffer public backlash as a result of blogging?

● Yes(66.7%)
● No(3%)
● maybe (30.3%)
● Majority chose “Yes”
● In this case, the data does not support the hypothesis.


10. Do you think Food blogging can be a proper career for oneself?
● Yes(33.3%)
● No(30.3%)
● Maybe(36.4%)
● Majority chose “Maybe”
● In this case, the data does not support the hypothesis.


11. Do you think food bloggers can be biased?

● Yes(60.6%)
● No(6.1%)
● Maybe(33.3%)
● Majority chose “Yes”
● In this case, the data does not support the hypothesis.


12. Do you think they spent money on their blog's configuration or on blog-related
● Yes(72.7%)
● No(6.1%)
● Maybe(21.2%)
● Majority chose “Yes”
● So, the data supports the hypothesis.


13. Do you think Food Blogging can help general people to grow ideas about different food
and cuisines ?
● Yes(81.8%)
● No(6.1%)
● Maybe(12.1%)
● Majority chose “Yes”
● So, the data supports the hypothesis.


14. Do you think Food Blogging can help us what and where we should eat?
● Yes(66.7%)
● No(18.2%)
● Maybe(15.2%)
● Majority chose “Yes”
● So, the data supports the hypothesis.


15. Do you think Food blogging can spotlight underrated restaurants?

● Yes(90.9%)
● No(6.1%)
● Maybe(3%)
● Majority chose “Yes”
● In this case, the data does not support the hypothesis.


Summary of Research Findings

The data which I have been able to gather in most cases goes with my given hypothesis. In the

given results of 15 survey questions among them 9 survey questions go along with the given

hypothesis and 6 questions go against the hypothesis.

The first question about how food blogging influences our eating habits directly goes with the

given hypothesis. Although some questions did not go along with the hypothesis. Although

making food blogging as an emerging career in Bangladesh was a little difficult to find because

not everyone voted about this particular survey questionnaire. But it did go along with the

hypothesis that food blogging can be an emerging career.


In conclusion we can see that, general people are really enjoying food blogging and because of

that, different cuisines around the world are being shown by them to the viewers. Because of

food blogging the versatility of food and taste is shown among the general people. Food bloggers

are also getting enough exposure to get themselves motivated to continue their work.



Bake With Shivesh. (2018, June 22). HOW DO FOOD BLOGGERS MAKE MONEY? From

Bake With Shivesh:


Goel, H. (2018). Who is a food blogger? What does a food blogger exactly do? From



Nathalia, T. C., Kansius, C., Felicia, E., & Kalpikasari, I. A. (2016). Proceedings of the

International Conference on Tourism, Gastronomy, and Tourist Destination (ICTGTD

2016). Atlantis Press. From




Philip, L. (2016, January ). Impact of Food Blogs on The Readers. From



Singh, R. (2021, May 28). What is it like to be a food blogger? From Quora:





Appendix (a)

Research Proposal: Food Blogging

Date: July 24, 2021

To: Ms. Farhana Islam Tani

From: H.M. Istiak, ID: 2011123630, Eng-105, sec-19

Subject: Food Blogging.


Food blogging represents a complex interweaving of “foodie” or gourmet interest in

cooking with those of blog writing and photography. The majority of blogs use pictures

taken by the author himself/herself and some of them focus specifically on food

photography. There are different types of Food blogging; Recipes, Food/Restaurant

Review, Food and Travel (Ethics and Culture), Food Photography. As long as it is about

food it is considered a food blog. Most often a food blog has overlapping elements of all

or some of these elements. A blog is a personal journal and there is no real rule of writing

a food blog. (wikipedia)


Bangladesh is a country where most of the people are not well known to blog. But there

is a great number of bloggers nowadays and it's increasing every day. Bangladeshi

Instagram food blogging scene, the idea that food blogging needs to be about pictures and

stories of expensive food, was the first myth they (food bloggers) wished to dig. The fact

that food is the primary common ground here is indisputable. Regardless of whichever

direction the conversation is pulled, it inevitably veers back towards food. When it comes

to the current food scene of Dhaka, they concede that it has exploded in the last few

years. However, they

are disappointed that most new restaurants rely on the initial hype, but don't keep up on

the quality and service, and thus are unable to sustain in the long run.


In my research, I plan to investigate whether young people of Dhaka are into “Food

Blogging” or not; and if so, the reason behind it. My research will address the following

research questions:

● What is Food Blogging?

● What are the pathways to a career in Food Blogging?

● What Obstacles are present in pursuing Food Blogging?


● What are the current Food Blogging trends?

● What do the young people want to pursue from a Food Blog?

● What influences the food bloggers of choosing a career as a food blogger?


Food blogging is usually correlated with gourmet interest in cooking; it is part of a larger

improvement in forms of food writing. The individual who did the food blogging is

referred to as a food blogger. Both the enthusiast and the amateur may have a commercial

audience in which they are equivalent in the media, books, and television. From my

research, I expect to find that Food Blogging has influence over eating habits of people

and it’s an emerging career of Bangladesh.


For my primary research, I will conduct a survey of how much people like to spend their

time on YouTube and also how much people would like to see different cuisines


represented by some and how food blogging can be a proper career for oneself. To that

aim, I will create a questionnaire with a variety of question kinds in order to collect a

variety of valuable data that will help me answer my research questions.

For my secondary research, I am planning to use my resources to find what type of food

should be presented for the viewers. I will also search and read a few articles about food

blogging and I will also browse the internet for better results.


The most essential areas of my article are the introduction, background, presentation of

data and analysis and the summary. My paper is separated into various areas. My

research inquiries will be founded inside the divisions of my organization.


I hereby seek your consent for my proposal for study. I will submit it after making the

required modifications if you want to amend or enhance my proposal. I would also like to

thank you for your advice and assistance in carrying out my study and completing the



Appendix (b) (modified)

Research Proposal: Food Blogging

Date: July 24, 2021

To: Ms. Farhana Islam Tani

From: H.M. Istiak, ID: 2011123630, Eng-105, sec-19

Subject: Food Blogging.


Food blogging represents a complex interweaving of “foodie” or gourmet interest in

cooking with those of blog writing and photography. The majority of blogs use pictures

taken by the author himself/herself and some of them focus specifically on food

photography. There are different types of Food blogging; Recipes, Food/Restaurant

Review, Food and Travel (Ethics and Culture), Food Photography. As long as it is about

food it is considered a food blog. Most often a food blog has overlapping elements of all

or some of these elements. A blog is a personal journal and there is no real rule of writing

a food blog. (wikipedia)

Bangladesh is a country where most of the people are not well known to blog. But there

is a great number of bloggers nowadays and it's increasing every day. Bangladeshi

Instagram food blogging scene, the idea that food blogging needs to be about pictures and


stories of expensive food, was the first myth they (food bloggers) wished to dig. The fact

that food is the primary common ground here is indisputable. Regardless of whichever

direction the conversation is pulled, it inevitably veers back towards food. When it comes

to the current food scene of Dhaka, they concede that it has exploded in the last few

years. However, they

are disappointed that most new restaurants rely on the initial hype, but don't keep up on

the quality and service, and thus are unable to sustain in the long run.


In my research, I plan to investigate whether young people of Dhaka are into “Food

Blogging” or not; and if so, the reason behind it. My research will address the following

research questions:

● What is Food Blogging?

● What are the pathways to a career in Food Blogging?

● What Obstacles are present in pursuing Food Blogging?

● What are the current Food Blogging trends?

● What do the young people want to pursue from a Food Blog?


● What influences the food bloggers of choosing a career as a food blogger?


Food blogging is usually correlated with gourmet interest in cooking; it is part of a larger

improvement in forms of food writing. The individual who did the food blogging is

referred to as a food blogger. Both the enthusiast and the amateur may have a commercial

audience in which they are equivalent in the media, books, and television. From my

research, I expect to find that Food Blogging has influence over eating habits of people

and it’s an emerging career of Bangladesh.


For my primary research, I will conduct a survey of how much people like to spend their

time on youtube and also how much people would like to see different cuisines

represented by some and how food blogging can be a proper career for oneself. To that

aim, I will create a questionnaire with a variety of question kinds in order to collect a

variety of valuable data that will help me answer my research questions.


For my secondary research, I am planning to use my resources like the library, youtube,

university students and search engines like Google, Opera etc. to find what type of food

should be presented for the viewers. I will also search and read a few articles about food

blogging and I will also browse the internet for better results.


The most essential areas of my article are the introduction, background, presentation of

data and analysis and the summary. My paper is separated into various areas. My

research inquiries will be founded inside the divisions of my organization.


I hereby seek your consent for my proposal for study. I will submit it after making the

required modifications if you want to amend or enhance my proposal. I would also like to

thank you for your advice and assistance in carrying out my study and completing the



Appendix (c)

1. Do you think Food Blogging has become quite influential?

2. Do you think Food Bloggers get targeted by public relation professionals?

3. Do you reckon public relations firms understand about food bloggers and blogging?

4. Do you think Food Bloggers are pressed to publish a story by a public relations

professional or a corporation?

5. When reviewing a food product, do you think Food bloggers separate between branded

and non-branded items?

6. Do you think they always get to taste different cuisines?

7. Do you think they ever got a job or a promotion as a reward for their blog?

8. Do you think they make a good amount of money from blogs?

9. Do food bloggers suffer public backlash as a result of blogging?

10. Do you think Food blogging can be a proper career for oneself?

11. Do you think food bloggers can be biased?

12. Do you think they spent money on their blog's configuration or on blog-related


13. Do you think Food Blogging can help general people to grow ideas about different food

and cuisines?

14. Do you think Food Blogging can help us what and where we should eat?

15. Do you think Food blogging can spotlight underrated restaurants?



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