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Name : Inggil Tiara Octaviana

NIM : 2517085
Class : MRW-C

The Air Before Pandemic

This picture I got before Context
pandemic. My friend took this photo
when my English Education
Department prepare for accreditation.
We felt tired and  exhausted with very
busy schedule for preparation. My
lecturer asked to go outside and found Reason
fresh air. My lecturer said, to get new
ideas our brain needs to relax for a
while, cooling down, then running Emotion
faster to finish our work. It feels as the
same thing when I got writing task.
Sometimes I dont have idea what I
should write for the next sentence, I
feel stuck on full stop. I practice the
same thing as my lecturer said: stop
doing it for a while, take a deep breath,
and my brain cooling down. When I
didnt totally focus with my writing task,
I have another thing that I tought every
time. If it happens continuously, I spent
many times to finish only a page of my
writing task. So I take a deep breath,
allow my brain to focus and being
conscious. Because writing is not only
about what we want to write about,
wider from that, writing is about
retelling what we want others
understand with our opinion.
My Time after Pandemic

I captured this picture on October Context

2020 about at 00.30 am, the lamp
on and I need more coffee to stay
awake. I can’t sleep and still deal
with my laptop also my calculator.
Arranging my mid-term test task
and finishing my extra job at work.
This is just another impact of Reason
Covid-19 pandemic. There are no
boundaries between our personal
time, lecture time or working
time. Emotion
When the class conduct in online,
I never realize before that it is
more difficult for me to manage
my time. I have lecture in the
morning, at the same time I had
just finished my cleaning time,
washing my clothes until I went to
my office and the class still be
held. My friends or lecturer
explained by typing the material
on Whatsapp group while I still
made a financial statements or
had a meeting with colleague.
More complicated happens when
we had a group presentation. I
admit that I’m not totally involve
my consciousness on my lecture, I
divide my concentration to my
lecture and my job, not as face to
face learning that I could totally
heard and pay attention to
lecturer’s explanation. I think this
semester is harder for me than
previous semester.

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