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Kingdom of Bahrain

Ministry of Education
Al-Hidd Sec. School
English Department Eng 302 - Unit 10 ( Psychology )

learning objective :to distinguish words meanings

belong pressure bullying defend self-esteem cyber associating pressurised

☺ Write the suitable words next to the definitions.

1 To be forced or compulsed

2 Connecting or communicating with

3 A person’s sense of self-worth or personal value

4 Be a member of a group or an organization

5 Relating to internet, information technology, and virtual reality

6 Being cruel or mean toward someone younger or weaker

7 The force applied to affect or change someone or something

8 To support or guard against an attack

☺☺ Complete the following sentences with the suitable words from the previous exercise.

1- Jane is a successful business woman she has a very high ______________.

2- I am goring to karate classes to learn how to ____________ myself.

3- To make an effective team everyone should feel that they ____________ to it .

4- We all have to work together to stop mean people from__________ others.

5- They _p__________ him into accepting the contract.

☺☺☺ Choose three of the above vocabs, then write three sentences :
1- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2- ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3- …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

 Done by: Tr. Hafsa Masood 

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Tr. Hafsa Masood

Has anyone If your Do our Do you think
made fun of fiend asks fiends it is
you because you to do affect us? important
you are something to be in a
different? would you group?
do it? Why?
Do you think How many If you have Is belonging
it’s friends do been bullied one of our
important you have? what can values?
to have you do?
Do you Do we have
pretend to an
like organization
something that care
you don’t about this
actually like issue in
just Bahrain
your friend
like it?
1-Do we all want to be part of a group?

2- Peer pressure can happen when we are __________to do something we would

not usually ____.

3- Who are peers? _________ of _________ who are about the same______ and

______the same __________

4-____________ and ______________ especially feel social pressure.

5-________________ is the most common form of social influence.

6-Define Conformity? The tendency ….

1-Peer pressure can influence how people _______, how they ________.
2-__________want to belong and it is hard to belong if you are _________ the
3-Peer pressure can be ________ and hard to ________.
4-People who are low on ____________ are more likely to seek their peers
5-Peer Pressure can lead people to what?
6-Why a student gave the wrong answers? Because _____________
1-What does peer pressure play a role in?
2-If a teenager is seen __________ or __________ they become a safe target for
3-Bullies can __________ and _________ other teenagers over the internet
(cyber bulling)
4-These popular bullies can act __________ towards teachers and adults so the
problem goes __________.
5-How does many victims of bullies feel?
6-Why parents are deeply worried?
1-What do parents need to know?
2-They need to encourage children to __________of situations in which they
would be __________
3- Children should _______to feel ____________saying no.
4-they should choose their ________ __________
5-They should _______ __ ______ they trust.
6-They should think about the ______________ of their action and be _______ to

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