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SECTION 1.1 – Submission Requirements

Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1


GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE ......................................................................................................... 3

GENERAL DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 3
1.1.1 Statement of Intent to participate ...................................................................................................... 3
1.1.2 Tenderer’s Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................ 3
1.1.3 Documentation Format ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.4 Content of Tender Submission ............................................................................................................ 4
ADMINISTRATIVE DOCUMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1 Registration & Licensing ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.2 Company Size and Structure ............................................................................................................... 6
1.2.3 Joint Ventures (JV) .............................................................................................................................. 6
1.2.4 Tender Bond........................................................................................................................................ 9
1.2.5 Current Backlog & Capacity .............................................................................................................. 10
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ......................................................................................................................... 11
TECHNICAL PROPOSAL ...................................................................................................................... 13
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................ 13
METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.1 Project Execution Plan (PEP) ............................................................................................................. 13
3.2.2 Construction Methodology & Technical Understanding .................................................................. 15
3.2.3 Procurement Plan and Proposed Vendors ........................................................................................ 15
3.2.4 Quality, Health, Safety & Environment Documentation ................................................................... 16
3.2.5 Project-specific Commissioning Plan ................................................................................................ 17
SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................................ 18
TEAM - TENDERER’S STAFF ......................................................................................................................... 19
3.4.1 Project Organization Chart ............................................................................................................... 19
3.4.2 Project Personnel .............................................................................................................................. 19
3.4.3 Proposed Sub-Contractors ................................................................................................................ 21
3.4.4 Proposed Sub-Consultants [If Required] ........................................................................................... 22
ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT CAPABILITY ..................................................................................................... 22
FINANCIAL PROPOSAL ....................................................................................................................... 23
APPENDIX A: CASH FLOW TEMPLATE ........................................................................................................ 25
APPENDIX B: TENDER CLARIFICATIONS Q&A FORM ................................................................................... 26
APPENDIX C: CV TEMPLATE....................................................................................................................... 27

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

General and Administrative

General Documents

1.1.1 Statement of Intent to participate

The Tenderer shall respond, by the 3rd of September 2021, providing a statement:

▪ Confirming their intention to participate as a sole entity by providing a proposal for the
Infrastructure Program Phase 1 Works or their intention to participate forming a Joint Venture
(identifying the JV parties) to provide a proposal for the Infrastructure Program Phase 1 Works.

▪ Or declining their participation in Infrastructure Program Phase 1 Works.

▪ Confirming their intention to comply with Infrastructure Program Phase 1 tender process

▪ Declaring the persons (two maximum) which are authorized to be contacted and to receive
information in relation to the tender, including formal tender documents, and can be provided
invitations to register for, and access the Project virtual data room.

▪ Acknowledge that all information in relation to this RFP comprise confidential information and shall
be treated as such under the terms and conditions of this RFP.

1.1.2 Tenderer’s Acknowledgement

The Tenderer shall include within its proposal (under the folder Satisfaction of Eligibility Criteria &
Administrative Documentation) a letter of acknowledgement stating that they have received and
read the RFP, inclusive of all documentation and have fully understood Infrastructure Program
Phase 1 requirements and that any appointment resulting from the Tender shall be governed by
the Contract and its conditions there in as this will be finalized during the Tender process. The
Tenderer shall also acknowledge the receipt of all attachments and agree to be bound by all
related provisions of the Tender documents without any reservations or/and qualifications.

The Tenderer shall further:

▪ State the full name and address of Tenderer entity(ies).

▪ Confirm and certify that the information submitted by the Tenderer as part of its Tender
is complete and accurate in all respects.

▪ Confirm and certify that the Tenderer’s Proposal constitutes its firm, irrevocable and
unconditional offer that is binding upon the Tenderer and will remain valid for the Period
of Validity.

▪ Understand that the Employer is not obliged to accept their Tender and may at any
time reject its Tender at its sole discretion.

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

▪ Confirm and agree that all these Tender Documents and other data relating thereto
are currently the property of the Employer and are not to be used for any purpose other
than the preparation of the Tender and that the information contained therein is not to
be released or disclosed for any other use or purpose. This undertaking shall also apply
to any subsequent Contract, which may result from this Tender.

▪ The Tenderer acknowledges that all information in relation to this RFP comprises
confidential information and shall be treated under the terms and conditions of the
NDA and this RFP.

▪ The Tenderer shall further confirm that the Tender Clarifications (as per the Appended
form) and Tender Addenda have been taken into full account and dully provided for
within the Tender Price, Tender Schedule and in other parts of the Tender Documents.

1.1.3 Documentation Format

The Tender is to be submitted electronically as per the instructions in this RFP.

1.1.4 Content of Tender Submission

The Tenderer shall submit its Tender and provide all relevant information in accordance with the
requirements of this RFP. The Tenderer shall address in clear numbering its responses to each of the
requirements of Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4.

1. Chapter 1- General and Administrative

2. Chapter 2 – Eligibility Criteria

3. Chapter 3 - Technical Proposal

4. Chapter 4 - Financial Proposal

General company profiles shall not be deemed acceptable and shall compromise evaluation of
the Tenderer’s submission.

Administrative Documents

1.2.1 Registration & Licensing Tenderer’s Commercial Registration and Trade License

▪ The Tenderer shall provide an extract of the valid Commercial Registration.

(Πιστοποιητικό Εμπορικού/Εταιρικού Μητρώου).

▪ The Tenderer shall provide a copy of the valid Trade License. (Πιστοποιητικό Μητρώου
Εργοληπτικών Επιχειρήσεων).

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

▪ If not registered in Greece the Tenderer is to provide equivalent registration details for
their home country. Articles and Memorandum of Association

The Tenderer shall provide a copy of the Tenderer’s company articles and Memorandum of
Association, if applicable. Power of Attorney

The Tenderer shall provide as an attachment to this Schedule a copy of the power(s) of attorney
duly authorized empowering the principal(s) to submit a binding proposal Decision of Board of
Directors. Decision of Board of Directors

The Tenderer shall include also a decision of the Board of Directors or other competent corporate
body of the Tenderer, which:

a) decided on the Tenderer’s participation in the Tender Process and submission of the Tender,
in accordance with the terms of this RFP;

b) agreed that the Tenderer has been apprised of the terms of this RFP and that it accepts the

c) stated that the Tenderer waives its right to claim compensation from the Employer, its
representatives, associates, employees and advisors on any ground or cause, in the context
of the Tender Process and in particular in the case of postponement, cancellation,
suspension, repetition or amendment or the Tender Process or cancellation of the outcome
of the Tender Process;

d) stated that the Tenderer accepts all responsibilities and obligations relating to any issue
deriving from its participation in the Tender Process and

e) authorized the relevant individual(s)to represent the Tenderer, to sign the Tender submittals,
including the acknowledgement letter stated above and a solemn declaration by the legal
representative of the Tenderer that the Tenderer meets the Eligibility Criteria. Taxation and Financial statements

The Tenderer shall provide a copy of its existing tax registration certificate.

The Tenderer shall provide a valid tax clearance form from the competent tax authority, issued on
a date after the date of publication of this RFP, confirming that the Tenderer has discharged its
obligations relating to taxation.

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

Where the Tenderer is a non-resident company in Greece the Tenderer shall provide its full address
in the country in which the Tenderer holds tax residency.

The Tenderer shall provide, Company financial statements for the past three (3) years
(2017,2018,2019) and the corresponding audited accounts.

In the case of a Joint Venture the documentation shall be submitted for each member of the JV
(please see section 1.2.5 below). Insurance & social security

The Tenderer shall provide a copy of the Tenderer’s current corporate insurance certificates plus a
list of all outstanding claims from the previous three (3) years and arising under the latest policy

The Tenderer shall provide a valid social security clearance form from the competent authority/
authorities, issued on a date after the date of publication of this RFP, confirming that the Tenderer
has discharged its obligations relating to social security.

In the case of a Joint Venture the documentation shall be submitted for each member of the JV.

1.2.2 Company Size and Structure Details of the firm’s staff discipline matrix indicating:

− Overview of company’s activities, market sectors and related to the infrastructure works

− Key financial data (e.g. turnover from construction activities, EBITDA, Backlog, etc);

− total number of full time staff;

➢ management staff;

➢ construction project management staff, construction engineers, quantity

surveyors, procurement engineers etc.;

➢ engineering management;

➢ other technical staff; and

➢ administration and other back-up staff

➢ Updated Inventory list of construction machinery and equipment

1.2.3 Joint Ventures (JV)

In the case of Joint Ventures failure to provide the whole of this Schedule duly completed in
sufficient detail together with the JV Arrangements – Joint Tendering Requirements, Declaration of
Willingness and Association Particulars may lead to disqualification.

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1 Joint Ventures, the maximum number of entities allowed by the Employer for a JV is two (2)
(‘Joint Tenderer’ or ‘Tendering Entity”).

In the case of a Joint Tenderer, the parties shall provide certified copies of, and any relevant details
in relation to, any joint venture agreement that effect the Joint Tenderer.

A Joint Tenderer declaration stating that the joint venture members shall be jointly and severally
liable for the carrying out of the Works and all obligations under the Contract and that, in the event
that any one of the joint venture members ceases to be a member of the Joint Venture or goes
into liquidation (or an analogous proceeding), then the surviving member shall:

a) be required to carry out and complete the Works;

b) be empowered to use all resources furnished by any party in the joint venture or consortium,

c) be entitled to have any sub-contracts with sub-contractors assigned to it.

The JV company or other legal entity shall be registered at the time of signing the Contract with
the Employer, and such a company or entity shall sign the Contract along with the Tendering Entity.

Where, at the time of submission of Tenders, a Tendering Entity has not completed the formalities of
creating the joint venture agreement and is submitting, a preliminary version of such joint venture
agreement then the Tendering Entity must submit:

▪ A binding joint bidding agreement, entered into between the parties forming the
Tendering Entity, for the purpose of pursuing the Tender, signed by their duly authorized
signatories; or

▪ Signed declarations of willingness from each of the parties forming the Tendering Entity.

▪ A table identifying:

JV Members Outline Role & Responsibilities Participation %

For the avoidance of doubt, the liability of the Tendering Entity to the Employer shall be joint and
several in all aspects of the Proposal and Works.

The association agreement or the preliminary version of the joint venture agreement, as the case
may be, must nominate the lead member of the Tendering Entity (or the joint representative) and
confirm that the nominated lead member shall have full and unfettered authority to receive all
communications on behalf of the Tendering Entity and to commit and bind the members of the
Tendering Entity to the Employer.

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

It must be further understood that during the Tender period and for the duration of the Contract,
no alteration or modification of the terms of the association agreement or the preliminary version
of the association agreement shall be permitted without the formal written consent of the

The Employer reserves the right to reject the preferred Tendering Entity should the joint venture
agreement or the preliminary version of the association agreement, as the case may be, not meet
the Employer ‘s satisfaction and subsequent discussions (if any) that fails to address the Employer’s

A party to the Tendering Entity shall not be permitted to submit a Tender as an individual or as a
member of any other Tendering Entity. The Tendering Entity shall comprise from at least one (1)
member that was issued a formal Invitation to Tender.

Before entering into any Contract, the Tendering Entity shall produce satisfactory evidence to the
Employer of the Commercial Registration of the new Entity to carry on its business in accordance
with the Greek Law. Joint and Several Liability

If the party constitutes (under the law of any applicable jurisdiction) a joint venture or consortium,
these entities shall:

a) Be deemed to be jointly and severally liable to the Employer for the performance of the

Jointly and severally agree that the lead party, or the joint representative, shall have authority to
bind the parties.

a) Each of the party shall not alter its composition or legal status without the prior consent of
the Employer.

b) Ensure that the party establishes and maintains its Commercial Registration in Greece for
the duration of the Contract.

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

1.2.4 Tender Bond

The Tenderer shall submit at the time of submission of its proposal:

▪ An unconditional, first call bid bond at the amount of €1,000,000, addressed to the
Employer, issued by one or more Eligible Institutions (as defined below) which are
entitled to issue bonds and guarantee letters, in accordance with the law of their
country of establishment.

▪ The Tender Bond guarantees the Tenderer’s obligations emanating from the Tender and
must be valid for the whole Period of Validity of proposals, starting from the end date
for submitting Tenders.

▪ This bond will be submitted as a scanned copy and the original copy shall be submitted
separately at the same date at Hellinikon S.A. offices.

▪ The Tender Bond may be forfeited by the Employer for, inter alia, for any one of the
following reasons:

a) the Tenderer withdraws its Tender during the Period of Validity; or

b) the Selected Tenderer having been notified by the Employer as Selected Tenderer, fails to
appear on the date and place so notified by the Employer and sign the Contract.

c) the Tenderer provides false or misleading evidence and/or statements (misrepresentation)

with regard to the Eligibility Criteria required as per clause 2 hereunder.

d) the Tenderer is in breach of any of the terms and conditions of this document.

▪ The Tender Bond shall be issued by a reputable credit institution operating lawfully in
Greece or in other member state of the European Union (EU), the European Economic
Area (EEA) or the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
and any credit institution given an investment rating by Standard & Poors or Moody’s or
Fitch (the “Eligible Institution”).

In the case of a Joint Tender, the Bid Bond must be jointly issued for all members of the Joint Tender
and must contain the full name / corporate name and home address / registered offices of each
member of the Joint Tender.

The Tender Bond shall be governed by Greek law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction
of the competent Courts of Athens, Greece. By way of exception, Tender Bonds issued by an
eligible non-Greek institution, which are governed by another Country’s laws, may be provisionally
accepted in advance by the Employer following the Tenderer’s request.

Tender Bonds not issued in accordance with the terms and conditions of this subsection, shall not
be accepted and the relevant Tender will be rejected, and the Tenderer may be disqualified.

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

1.2.5 Current Backlog & Capacity

The Tenderer shall submit with the Tender the following details of his backlog and capacity.

As requested below, the Tenderer shall provide details of its current and planned backlog as at the
date of the submission:

▪ Existing contracts for ongoing projects in the Greek market (with a contract value >€5

▪ Backlog of projects that the Tenderer is awarded but are pending contract signature
or are pending Contract commencement (with a contract value >€5 Millions).

Existing Contracts

A list of current workloads for Projects with a compatible scope of work (to this of the present tender
documentation) being undertaken at present under the headings shown below.

Outline Project Contract Value Contractual

Employer/Dept. Project Name
Description >5M Euros Completion Date


Projects that the Tenderer is awarded, but are pending contract signature under the headings
shown below:

Outline Project Contract Value Estimated Start

Employer/Dept. Project Name
Description >5M Euros Date

The Employer, as part of the evaluation process, may verify the contents of any or all of above
documents references provided by the Tenderer and may request additional documents or data
at its discretion.

Fraudulent statements, information or references, or missing submittals as per the above may lead
to disqualification of the Tenderer.

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

Eligibility Criteria
Tenderers (including JVs) who meet the terms and conditions contained in this Section may
participate in the Tender Process and submit a Tender. Each Tenderer’s submittal must include all
documents specified in the RFP.

Tenderers who do not meet any of the requirements or submit false data or documents, or
inaccurate representations on these Tender matters shall be disqualified and will not be allowed to
continue to participate in the Tender Process.

1. Technical Eligibility Criteria (ON/OFF)

Each Tenderer must meet the following technical eligibility criteria:

1.1 Must have constructed during the last 7 years at least one (1) underground transportation
infrastructure Project (tunnel or ‘cut & cover’) of at least 500 meters in continuous length, duly

To substantiate the relevant experience the Tenderer must provide a relevant Client’s certificate
(or other formal documentation acceptable to the Employer that substantiates eligibility with
the said criterion).

1.2 Must have constructed during the last 7 years at least one (1) Infrastructure project in Greece
(as defined below), that is either completed or ongoing with a minimum certified value of at least
€200,000,000 under the relevant construction contract.

To substantiate the relevant experience the Tenderer must provide a relevant Client’s certificate
(or certifications duly issued under relevant contract as of the date of the Proposals submission).

For the purposes of this criterion such “infrastructure works” can relate to the construction of any
of the following type of works (or a combination the following types of works):

▪ Motorways

▪ Structures including tunnels, bridges, flyovers, and underpasses

▪ Urban road network (primary and/or secondary)

▪ Power, water, storm-water, sewage, gas, telecommunications projects (including

plants or networks)

▪ Marine works

To invoke the relevant experience for a reference project of criteria 1.1 and 1.2 above a
Tenderer can be the sole contractor appointed on the reference project or a member of the
relevant JV/consortium appointed on that project having at least 50% participation share.

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

Note: In case of Joint Ventures (JVs) the relevant experience for each of the above criteria (1.1, 1.2)
can be satisfied by at least one member of the JV, under the condition that this member has a minimum
participation share in the JV of at least 30%.
Both JV members must meet at least one of the Eligibility Criteria
JVs can comprise a maximum of two (2) entity members.

2. Financial Eligibility Criteria (ON/OFF)

Upon penalty of disqualification, each Tenderer must meet the following financial criteria:

2.1. Average of annual turnover of at least two hundred million euros (€200,000,000) over the last three
(3) audited fiscal years (2017, 2018, 2019).

The Tenderer shall provide a pertinent letter from a third-party auditor confirming eligibility of the
Tenderer with the said criterion.

2.2. Letter by a financial institution which is acceptable to the Employer confirming a Tenderer’s
adherence to their debt obligations and credit capacity already in place for at least
€250,000,000 in total.

The Tenderer shall provide a letter from a reputable financial institution that is acceptable by the

Note: In case of Joint Ventures (JVs) the relevant criteria can be satisfied by at least one member of the
JV, under the condition that this member has a minimum participation share in the JV of at least 30%.
Both JV members must meet at least one of the Eligibility Criteria
JVs can comprise a maximum of two (2) entity members.

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

Technical Proposal
Tenderers must set out in their Technical Proposal detailed construction methodology – method of
construction- as to how they intend to carry out the Works in accordance with the terms of this
section, including the Employer’s Requirements. The Technical Proposal should demonstrate how
the Tenderer intends to use best engineering and construction practices in the execution of the

The Technical Proposal shall include the following project specific information (and any additional
information that a Tenderer may elect to present in support of the evaluation of their Technical

Executive Summary

A brief executive summary setting out the key features of the Technical Proposal, including (without
▪ Outline presentation of the Tenderer (and of the entities forming a JV as applicable)

▪ Key challenges, risks and opportunities concerning the Works identified by the Tenderer

▪ Main elements of the Tenderer’s approach for addressing the key issues and, overall,
for executing the Works.

▪ Tenderer’s adherence to the envisaged time-schedule and prescribed Milestones.

▪ The reasons the Tenderer considers that the Employer should award the Contract to the


The tenderer shall ensure the following deliverables are included.

3.2.1 Project Execution Plan (PEP)

The Tenderer shall prepare a project-specific Project Execution Plan (PEP). The PEP shall encompass
the Tenderer’s management and implementation plan for the Works including but not limited to,
organization, staffing, general approach to engineering management, project control and risk
management, procurement, fabrication, installation, quality assurance and control, Health and
safety, , security, access control, site logistics, storage, distribution, and execution of Works, as per
the Employer’s Requirements, with respect to the identified scope in connection with the
Infrastructure Program of the Hellinikon Project.

The PEP (including scope narrative and any temporary works execution plan) should address, as a
minimum, the following, under the headings noted:

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

− Understanding of the particularities of the relevant parts of the Works including the Design
information provided to the Tenderer and Design elements necessary to be developed by the
Contractor, as applicable.

− Detailed description of mobilization and early works period

− Permitting, approvals, NOCs,

− Project Control and Risk management

− Stakeholders management.

− Construction Management.

− Engineering Management.

− BIM management [TBC]Procurement and logistics management.

− QA/QC Management.

− Health, Safety and the Environment.

− Project close-out, testing and commissioning, handover procedure (where applicable).

− Defects Liability Period and warranty period.

Tenderer’s PEP shall demonstrate that the following control systems are included in accordance
with the Employer’s Requirements:

− Project Planning and Control Systems.

− Schedule of Procurement of critical materials, equipment and Human recourses

− Schedule of Procurement of key Sub-Consultants including designers as needed,

Subcontractors and Specialists.

− Schedule Control / progress monitoring and reporting.

− Cost Control, Reporting and Change Management.

− Document Control Plan including submittal management plan.

− 3D model (BIM) management

− Quality Management Plan.

− Risk Management.

− Interfaces: Management of interfaces with other Projects within the Hellinikon Project and all
other Stakeholders.

− The Contractor shall identify as an experienced contractor a list of permits he will be required
to issue and shall provide a responsibility matrix for this scope.

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

− Management of Perming process, Archaeology and site topographical survey and other
surveys (i.e unexploded ordnance).

3.2.2 Construction Methodology & Technical Understanding

The Tenderer shall prepare a document titled “Construction Methodology and Technical
Understanding”. The purpose of this submittal is to allow the Tenderer to demonstrate, in a concise
manner, its technical understanding of construction competence and compliance with the
technical requirements, of the Works as per the Employer’s Requirements. Technical Understanding of the Project

▪ The Tenderer shall prepare a construction methodology addressing each element of

the scope of Works and shall describe at it the construction methodology for the
major works of the project, for each of the major construction elements of the project.

▪ Furthermore, the Tenderer shall highlight the major technical, logistical and
construction challenges that they have particularly identified and how they plan to
address them.

▪ The report should include a table of the risks and proposed mitigations and solutions
the Tenderer plans to develop. Submittals Register

▪ The Tenderer shall prepare a proposed Submittals Register which shall comprise of a
complete list of each document for the Works (as per the Employer’s Requirements
and the Contract).

▪ The submittals Schedule Register shall include all documents to be produced by the
Contractor as part of the Scope of Works.

▪ Procurement log of the high value materials and Equipment with the proposed

▪ Quantified List of Equipment required for the execution of the works. Environmental Compliance Strategy

The Tenderer must clearly demonstrate their strategy for implementing the environmental and
Archaeological issues of the project, in accordance with the applicable legislative framework for
the Hellinikon Project.

3.2.3 Procurement Plan and Proposed Vendors

The Tenderer shall identify any main prime suppliers/ vendors for any major or critical items of plant,
equipment and material. Each Tenderer shall submit its comprehensive listing of its proposed

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

The Tenderer shall provide for each proposed vendor listed supporting information. The Employer
shall have the right to seek additional prequalification information. Any proposed vendor without
supporting information may not be evaluated. The notification of the proposed vendors’ list at the
tendering process can not be considered as approval by Employer of the vendor.

The Tenderer shall include details of the source of its vendors and materials supply i.e. by country of
origin and country of manufacture.

3.2.4 Quality, Health, Safety & Environment Documentation

Develop and submit in the Tender the following documentation comprehensively and in
accordance with the Employer’s requirements: Project-specific Quality Documentation

Within this plan the Tenderer shall submit the details of its Quality Policy and Quality Management
Plan to be adopted for the duration of the Works and shall comply with and take account of the
Project Requirements forming part of these Tender Documents. The Tenderer shall further submit
with its Tender the following documentation and information:

− Copy of its Quality Policy and the organisation and arrangements for implementing the Policy.

− Copy of any certification/accreditation to International quality standards.: ISO 9001:2015.

− An overview of the proposed Project-specific Quality Management Plan tailored to this

Contract which focuses on the Quality Assurance and Control issues detailed in Tender

− An outline of a Project-specific Quality Control System tailored to this Contract which will
emphasise on the Inspection Testing Plan including laboratory testing and inspections for the
duration of the Works and main activities. Laboratory

The Contractor shall establish and operate on its own cost on-site an approved independent
licensed laboratory which will be accredited to the general statutory requirements for the
competence of testing and calibration laboratories. The site laboratory shall be fully equipped,
staffed by qualified materials engineers and technicians operating in accordance with ISO 9000
and its related documents, and shall comply with the accreditation requirements described above.
The laboratory shall be subject to external audits at four-monthly intervals, by an approved
accreditation body or equivalent independent testing agency, at the Contractor’s expense.

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1 Project-specific H&S and Environmental Documentation

The Tenderer shall submit the details of its Health and Safety Policies to be adopted for the duration
of the Works and shall comply with and take account of the Project Requirements forming part of
these Tender Documents. The Tenderer shall further submit with its Tender the following
documentation and information:

− Copy of its Environmental, Safety and Health Policy and the organization and arrangements
for implementing the Policy.

− Copy of any certification/accreditation to International Health and Safety and/or

Environmental standards.: ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018.

− An outline of a Project-specific Health, Safety plan.

− An outline of a Project-specific Environmental implementation plan.

− Demonstrate the adoption of a “Zero Tolerance Policy” towards conscious safety behaviour
considering that all work-related accidents, incidents, injuries and illnesses are preventable via
safety culture. In that respect, it shall be presented as follows:

1. The immediate identification and elimination of unsafe work practices and conditions
in the workplace.

2. A heightened awareness of individual responsibility.

3. Supervisory attention to detail for the Works.

4. Management of human error, with an effort to eliminate to the extent possible as it is

considered the main cause of accidents, regardless of individual’s rank or position in
the organization.

5. Building a team mentality where each worker contributes to the effort and each
supervisor is fully aware of the capabilities and limitations of their own team.

3.2.5 Project-specific Commissioning Plan

The Tenderer shall further submit with its Tender the following information: An outline Project specific
Commissioning Plan, tailored to this Contract which focuses on the testing and commissioning for
the critical elements of the Works.

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1


The Tenderer shall submit with a detailed time schedule to demonstrate the execution of the Works
in accordance with the methodology as above and adherence to the Time for Completion and
the Milestones as set out in the Contract and as per Employer’s Requirements . The Tenderer shall
utilise the work breakdown structure provided in Primavera Project Planner P6, to logically group
programme activities in a Gantt bar chart.

The Tenderer shall also submit a Time Schedule supporting Narrative and description of their
methods of completing of the scope of Works in a timely manner in accordance with the Project
requirements. The time Schedule and the Narrative needs to be in line with the Methodology of this
Technical Proposal.

The Tenderer’s submittal shall be evaluated for completeness, appropriate level of detail,
demonstration of knowledge of the Works, and soundness of logic and durations of activities. It shall
also be assessed for compliance with the tender instructions.

Tenderer submittal shall be comprehensive and consider all the other relevant factors such as (but
not limited to the following);

▪ Schedule Narrative inclusive of key productivities and related resources to achieve those

▪ Detailed Project Schedule (level-3) demonstrating adherence to the Milestones, with duly
substantiated activity durations & logical sequence and proper interfaces through the
duration of the Works. Furthermore:

− It shall clearly depict the critical path(s).

− The Schedule developed shall utilize the WBS (as per Employer’s Requirements), long Schedule
activities breaking into shorter sub logical activities, logical links, clear critical path, earliest and
latest dates, floats.

▪ Manpower deployment histograms for the Works.

▪ Equipment summary deployment for the Works.

▪ Risk Analysis/ Assessment reports, this input shall be provided for information only and
without prejudice to the Contractor’s obligations under the Contract.

▪ Manpower Schedule as per the below table.

The Tenderer shall submit manpower data indicating manning of the Tenderer’s proposed
personnel to be assigned (including subcontractors at the site) during the execution of the Works
to meet the contract Schedule. The manpower data shall be provided by completing the
attached Manpower Schedule.

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

Team - Tenderer’s Staff

3.4.1 Project Organization Chart

The Tenderer shall provide a detailed Project organization chart showing:

▪ All proposed personnel (including Key Personnel),

▪ Reporting lines and outline roles and responsibilities, clearly indicating the relationship
between all members of the identified Project team.

The Tenderer shall detail to the extent possible all positions that shall be employed for the Works.

Each identified position shall have a unique reference code and shall be accompanied by a short
narrative describing the levels of responsibility, proposed components/ work fronts and resource
allocation relative to the Works.

3.4.2 Project Personnel Proposed Personnel

In line with the Organization chart, the Tenderer shall propose CVs which fulfils the qualifications
and experience that are stated in the following paragraph, for all proposed personnel identified
therein including Key Personnel for the Employer’s Evaluation.

Indicatively Key Personnel positions shall include:

Title of Key Personnel Name

Project Director / (Authorized Representative)

Construction Director / Manager

Work Package Managers/ Senior Discipline
Planning and Controls Manager

Contracts Manager

Environmental Manager

Health, Safety and Security Manager

Risk Manager

QA Manager

QC Manager

Procurement Manager

Engineering Manager

3D Model Manager

Document Control Manager

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1 Key Personnel Qualifications, Experience

▪ The Tenderer shall provide suitably qualified personnel for their respective positions.

▪ All the Key Personnel shall have:

➢ Proven ability to manage or execute works of similar size and nature delivering
quality work on time and within budget.

➢ Proven ability to work with multi-disciplinary team on Projects of similar size and

➢ Proven ability to work cooperatively and effectively with stakeholders and


➢ All key personnel must be fluent in English both written and spoken with an
excellent capability in written technical skills as well as oral and written
communication skills.

➢ Key Personnel must be fully versed with and have had experience with the
applicable standards.

Classification Experience and Qualifications Guideline

The Director will have a university degree, with not less than 25 years’ experience
A. Project Director in similar projects and similar position at least for one project with budget above
200 m €
A Construction Director / Manager will have a university degree or demonstrated
B. Construction
experience in his field, with not less than 20 years’ experience in the required field
Director / Manager
of expertise and similar position in infrastructure project of 200 m € budget
A Work Package Manager/ Senior Discipline Engineer will have a university
C. Work Package
degree with demonstrated experience in his field, with not less than 15 years’
Managers/ Senior
experience in the required field of expertise and similar position in infrastructure
Discipline Engineers
projects of 50 m €
A Planning and Controls Manager will have a university degree with
D. Planning and demonstrated experience in his field, with not less than 15 years’ experience in
Controls Manager the required field of expertise and similar position in infrastructure projects of 100
A Contracts Manager will have a university degree, with demonstrated
E. Contracts Manager experience in his field, with not less than 15 years’ experience in the required field
of expertise
A Environmental Manager will have a university degree with demonstrated
F. Environmental
experience in his field, with not less than 10 years’ experience in the required field
of expertise
A Health, Safety and Security Manager will have a university degree with
G. Health, Safety and
demonstrated experience in his field, with not less than 10 years’ experience in
Security Manager
the required field of expertise

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

A Risk Manager will have a university degree with demonstrated experience in his
H. Risk Manager
field, with not less than 5 years’ experience in the required field of expertise.
A QA Manager will have a university degree with demonstrated experience in his
I. QA Manager field, with not less than 15 years’ experience in the required field of expertise and
holds ISO 9001:2015 Lead auditor qualification
A QC Manager will have a university degree with demonstrated experience in his
J. QC Manager field, with not less than 15 years’ experience in the required field -materials
testing of expertise.
A Procurement Manager will have a university degree with demonstrated
K. Procurement
experience in his field, with not less than 10 years’ experience in the required field
of expertise.
An Engineering Manager will have a university degree with demonstrated
L. Engineering
experience in his field, with not less than 15 years’ experience in the required field
-materials testing of expertise.
A 3D Model manager will have a university degree with demonstrated
M. 3D Model
experience in his field, with not less than 10 years’ experience in the required field
of expertise.
A Document Control Manager will have a university degree with demonstrated
N. Document Control
experience in his field, with not less than3 years’ experience in the required field
of expertise. Key Personnel Interviews

The proposed key personnel must be available for, and may be subject to, interview by the
Employer as part of the Tender evaluation process.

Prior to the award of the Contract the Employer reserves the right to re-evaluate any or all of the
nominated candidates. The Tenderer shall at the written request of the Employer make all or any
of the candidates available for interviews and or provide any registration documentation deemed
necessary for the purpose of re-evaluation.

Acceptance of Tender as a whole shall not imply acceptance of any or all CV’s provided with the
Tender nor non-key personnel whose details were not submitted with the Tender. Prior to
mobilization of the non-key personnel the Tenderer shall apply for written non-objection from the
Employer for authority to mobilize. The application shall be accompanied by CVs. CV Format

The Tenderer shall provide all CVs in the template appended herein (under Appendix C).

3.4.3 Proposed Sub-Contractors

The Tenderer shall submit a list of all key Sub-contractors intended to be used for the execution of
the works (with a subcontract value in excess of 1Million Euros), indicating the element of
services/works to be performed by each, together with the following data for the Employer’s
information (and evaluation at the Employer’s discretion) of the proposed Subcontractors.

For each item the Tenderer shall provide the following:

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

1. Description and location of the Project;

2. Description of scope of work;

3. Performed as prime Contractor, Subcontractor;

4. Estimated Duration of the Sub-contracts, including dates of award and completion.

3.4.4 Proposed Sub-Consultants [If Required]

The Tenderer shall identify herewith the main engineering and design consultants and any
specialized consultants of the Works. The Tenderer shall provide for each proposed subconsultant
the information requested (for the Sub-contractors).

Engineering Management Capability

Tenderers shall also provide details about their Engineering Management function, including the
associated organization chart, staff to be assigned on the Project, processes to be followed for the
review and approval of shop-drawings (where applicable) and as-built drawings by the
Employer/PMC, the IE (where applicable) and the pertinent authorities where necessary (e.g.
utilities, Tram).

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

Financial Proposal
The Financial Proposal shall be expressed as a fixed lump-sum price, which is broken down and
itemized corresponding to the Works components and respective works sections according to the
schedule of quantified rates.

The Tenderer shall complete and provide in its Contract Price Analysis quantified schedule of rates
(the “QSR”) in the form set out in the Employer Requirements (inclusive also an Excel format).

1. Currency of Pricing shall be in Euros.

2. The Tenderer is responsible to estimate the quantities provided in the QSR. The Tenderer shall
populate only the quantity, rates and amounts at the QSR form. Changes in quantities shall
be presented under separate lines items under the section additions/omissions. Addition of
new items or of new information by inserting rows or columns, other than the above, is strictly
not allowed and if happens may lead to disqualification of the Tenderer.

3. Pricing shall be unconditional, without qualifications or clarifications. Any kind of technical or

commercial qualification by the Tenderer which relate to the offered price shall not be taken
into account.

4. Profit, Risk, Head Office overheads and all general expenses including General Requirements,
social security, insurances, bonds and any taxes (with the exception of VAT), duties, charges
and contributions required by the applicable legislation for the execution and completion of
the Works are deemed to be included in the unit rates at the QSR form.

5. The Tenderer should take care not to make any arithmetical errors in arriving at its Reference
Total Lump Sum Price. If errors are made, the Tenderer will be obliged to stand by its quotation
if this total QSR is less than the actual sum of all individual QSRs. However, should the quoted
QSR be more than the arithmetically corrected sum, the Tender will be accepted on the basis
of the arithmetically corrected sum.

6. Payment for the Works will be on the basis of a lump sum fixed price (the “Contract Price”),
which shall be payable in monthly instalments based on the progress of Works complete as
verified by inspection of the Works by the Employer Representative, subject to the Capped
Cash Flow (as defined below).

7. The payment for the Works will be made by using only the QSR items and based on approved
break down. The price for any item of the scope of Works that may not appear in the QSR is
considered as included in other QSR items.

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

8. No payment shall be made for any item not priced in the QSR by the Tenderer. Such items
shall be deemed to have been included elsewhere.

9. The Contract Price shall not be subject to any adjustment unless otherwise provided in the
Contract and shall represent the full remuneration of the Contractor for the fulfillment of all its
obligations in connection with the Works under the Contract.

10. The Tenderers shall also include in the cash flow schedule showing monthly payment
arithmetic values based on the offered QSR. The value of the works performed will be derived
from the cost loading elements of tender schedule. The Cash Flow is to be submitted using
the Cash Flow Template provided in Appendix A.

11. As part of the Contract finalization, the Employer may elect to set a not-to-exceed monthly
cashflow (the ‘Capped Cash-flow’). In that case, the Capped Cash-flow will be subject to
change subject to the Employer’s approval under the Contract (e.g. Variations, Acceleration
and the like provisions).

12. As part of the Contract finalization, the Employer may elect to request from the Selected
Tenderer to supplement its Technical Submission with a cost loaded Schedule in support of its
submitted cashflow.

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

Appendix A: Cash Flow Template

Hellinikon Infrastructure



Works € 0.00
Total QSR € 0.00

Projected Payments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 60
(EUR) Feb-22 M ar-22 Apr-22 M ay-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Jan-27
Schedule based Cost Values (CV) € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00
-M inus Advance payment recovery (AP) € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00
-M inus Retention (R) € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00
Cash flow = Net [CV-AP-R] + 60 days € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00
Total Per Month € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00

Cumulative € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00 € 0.00


Tenderer: _______________________________
1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23

Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1
Appendix B: Tender Clarifications Q&A Form

Hellinikon Infrastructure




TD Category Reference in Tender

No. Clarification Request Response
[RFP , ERs, Contract, Other ] Documents




Request for Proposal

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

Appendix C: CV Template



Proposed Project Designation • [Per Org Chart and Deployment plan]

Nationality/ Visa requirements to • [Nationality / Visa]

work in Greece

Total years of experience • [Number]

Professional Experience (In reverse chronological order / add rows as required)

Project Name:

Position held in the project:

[e.g. Project Manager - fit-out]
Project description:

Project location: [e.g. New 500 key 5-star resort, 4 buildings, 6 floors, GFA:15.000 m²]

[e.g. Athens, Greece]

Company’s role in the Project:
[e.g. PMC, Main Contractor, ELV sub-contractor etc.]
Project value / Contract value: (in
Euros) [€100 million / €12 million]

[e.g. 01/2007 to 12/2014 / 05/2012 to 10/2014]

Project duration / Assignment

Request for Proposal

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1
Project Name:

Position held in the project:

[e.g. Project Manager - fit-out]
Project description:
[e.g. New 500 key 5-star resort, 4 buildings, 6 floors, GFA:15.000 m²]
Project location:
[e.g. Athens, Greece]
Company’s role in the Project:
[e.g. PMC, Main Contractor, ELV sub-contractor etc.]
Project value / Contract value: (in
[€100 million / €12 million]

[e.g. 01/2007 to 12/2014 / 05/2012 to 10/2014]

Project duration / Assignment

Request for Proposal

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1
Company Logo

Project Name:

Position held in the project: [e.g. Project Manager - fit-out]

Project description:
[e.g. New 500 key 5-star resort, 4 buildings, 6 floors, GFA:15.000 m²]
Project location: [e.g. Athens, Greece]

Company’s role in the Project: [e.g. PMC, Main Contractor, ELV sub-contractor etc.]

Project value / Contract value: (in [€100 million / €12 million]

[e.g. 01/2007 to 12/2014 / 05/2012 to 10/2014]
Project duration / Assignment
Education: • [Year completed / University /Country / Degree type Studies Topic
• [Year completed / University /Country / Degree type Studies Topic
(list all higher education degrees in • [Year completed / University /Country / Degree type Studies Topic
reverse chronological order)

Professional Memberships: • [Year completed / issuing body or institute/ title / Reference - reg.
(only list memberships that are still
[Year completed / issuing body or institute/ title / Reference - reg. number]

• [Year completed / issuing body or institute/ title/ Reference - reg.


Qualifications / Certificates: [Year completed / issuing body or institute / title / Reference – reg. number]

[Year completed / issuing body or institute / title / Reference – reg. number]

(only list qualifications that are still
• [Year completed / issuing body or institute / title / Reference – reg.

Request for Proposal

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Section 1.1 – Submission Requirements
Hellinikon – Infrastructure Works Phase 1

Company Logo

Professional skills: • [Description]

Languages: Language [Greek] [English] [Italian]

(choose from: Excellent, Good, Basic

and Native)

Writing [Excellent] [Native] [Basic]

Speaking [Excellent] [Native] [Basic]

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Section 1.1. – Submission Requirements

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