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Asta Powerproject Case Study –

Focus Project Management

Airports Company South Africa
Project management
Focus Project Management, South Africa
The operational readiness and airport
transfer programme of Airports Company
South Africa’s relocation of Durban
International Airport to a new site 50km
away, known as King Shaka International
Key challenge:
To plan, manage and facilitate the
efficient, non-disruptive removal of an
On the Move. Focus Project Management and Asta Powerproject
entire airport and all its stakeholders to a
new location within a strict deadline. Orchestrate the Relocation of an Entire International Airport

uWhy Asta Powerproject? tain clients’ needs, within a short time we had The significance of this huge undertaking
moved our whole company’s software over to cannot be underestimated. The facility was
Focus, one of Southern Africa’s leading Asta Powerproject.” first conceptualised as far back as the 1970s
project management companies, had been but the project was halted in 1982 owing to an
using Oracle Primavera to plan and manage uThe Airport Project economic slowdown. The project was revived
its project schedules but the introduction of Challenge in the late 1990s when the limitations of
newer versions containing more variations in Durban International Airport became apparent.
the software than they actually needed and Earlier this year Focus Project Management
Airports Company South Africa maintains that
subsequent price increases were proving won the Airports Company South Africa con-
the new airport will contribute to the creation
to be prohibitive to its use. This led Focus tract to move Durban International Airport to
of up to 260,000 direct and indirect jobs over
to start to look for other software solutions. a location 50km away. Under the Operational
the next 20 years. It will be able to process
Russell Chappe, Director at Focus Project Readiness and Airport Transfer programme,
7.5 million passengers and 50,000 tons of
Management, explained: “We were looking the relocation of the airport was the final
manufactured goods per year, twice as much
for something that would compete with Oracle phase of a 25-project-strong programme. The
Primavera. We looked at other software solu- airport was due to cease flying on April 30th
“At Focus, we have a philosophy –
tions and kept our eyes open for anything new, and the new King Shaka International Airport
best people, best systems and best
but nothing really came across that would be had to be ready to operate on May 1st. The
service. Asta Powerproject certainly
powerful enough to replace Oracle Primavera. appointments process had been a drawn-out
fits into the best systems category.”
Then one of the marketing directors of a cus- one and Focus Project Management ended
Russell Chappe,
tomer we were hosting introduced me to Asta up with a mere 22 days to complete this
Director, Focus
Powerproject. We downloaded a couple of trial mammoth, some might say impossible, task.
versions and we were very impressed with The success of the project would hinge on the
what it could do. Under further examination I intricate and careful planning of this enormous
came to believe that it’s capabilities actually and complex challenge – exactly what Asta
exceed those of Oracle Primavera, and while Powerproject was designed for.
we still use Oracle Primavera to address cer-
Asta Powerproject Case Study – Focus Project Management

as the capability of Durban International

Airport, and this multi-billion ZA rand is the
first greenfield airport in South Africa.

The appointment demanded that the

contractor ensure accurate planning and
management to guarantee a smooth and
disruption-free relocation to an absolute
and fixed time schedule. With a travel time
of 45 minutes between airport locations
and multiple but limited pick up and drop
off points at both, it would need highly
strategic planning.

uThe role of Asta

The first step was for Airports Company
Slot allocation forms produced using Asta Powerproject
South Africa and all stakeholders to submit
detailed inventories including resourcing, authorisation for the use of the slot in addi- tutorials and the speed of response from the
durations, loading/unloading zones and pre- tion to normal access requirements. UK support. Asta Development has a unique
ferred dates on a standard template. Focus dedicated support service for its customers.
then had to get this information, which it Asta Powerproject enabled Focus to create “When you deal with other providers, you
would use to schedule tasks, into Asta Pow- not only a comprehensive planning summary feel you are almost like a number to them,
erproject. They would then use this to check that would be easy and clear to understand, but Asta Development provides you with
for available slots (loading/unloading zones but a detailed progress and status report personal service. Support from Asta De-
of limited duration) for vehicles, each slot on all stages that made up the schedule, velopment has been exemplary, all the way
having to be treated as a limited resource spanning security, IT, communications, M&E, from the buying process to actually using the
throughout the project, and allocate them to safety and the like. Alongside this, updates software and that makes all the difference.”
the stakeholder. This became a very com- could be given accurately and regularly on
plex task. Using Asta Powerproject, Focus the details of volumes moved, number of In terms of functionality, Russell is equally
was able to create a combined plan showing relocation activities, activity hours in total enthused: “Everyone found it very easy to
information across all stakeholders in minute and per day, the personnel and vehicles em- read, all the reports are clear, the graphic
detail, including combined slot allocation pro- ployed on the project by day and by hour, the capabilities are easy to understand and it
files for each loading/unloading zone, a plan number of companies used and the number produces great presentations. Its cash flow
so well designed that the Airports Company of clients moved. “It’s true to say,” said Rus- tracking is accurate, the tab features are
South Africa M&E Department used it to sell, “that Asta Powerproject was central to useful and easy to use, and we have not
plan its deployment of escalators/elevators, the smooth running of the entire relocation experienced any problems with miscommu-
signage and so on. and the successful completion of the project nication like we did before.”
within an exceptionally tight timescale.”
Focus also had to create a detailed plan of “We were able to install the system our-
the precise forecast requirements for use of uThe benefits of switching selves,” he continued. “It is a really user-
friendly piece of software and I think once
the N2 motorway, including abnormal loads, to Asta Powerproject
to inform RTI/Metro Police of future road you understand how it all works it becomes
All of Focus’ project planners and manag- a very useful tool. We were able to import
activity. The Airports Company South Africa
ers are licensed to use Asta Powerproject. our existing files from our biggest projects
Security, Landside/Airside also needed to be
Russell found that early on, as is expected into Asta Powerproject which has meant
provided with detailed plans of usage of each
with any change, there is always some huge cost savings for us in terms of licences,
loading/unloading area. Slot allocation forms
resistance. However, within only a week, the and with the US dollar/South African rand
were generated from Asta Powerproject
new users were comfortable with the new exchange rate, buying from Asta Develop-
giving detailed access planning information
software. Russell puts this speed of accept- ment has proved financially very favourable
for each stakeholder. The slot forms could
ance down to the ease of use of the online in South Africa.”
then be fixed to each vehicle as a means of

Asta Development plc

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