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House Rental

S. R. S. Report – I

Group No.: 05

Group Members

Ayush Singhal

Chaman Pratap Singh


Yashi Maheshwari

Supervised By:
Mr. Juginder Pal Singh

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................1

1.1 How House Rental Services Work....................................................................................................1

1.2 Benefits of House Rental Services....................................................................................................1
1.3 Aims and Objectives.........................................................................................................................2
1.4 Purpose..............................................................................................................................................2
1.5 Scope.................................................................................................................................................3
1.6 Applicability......................................................................................................................................3

2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................4

2.1 Project Objectives.............................................................................................................................4

2.2 Project Scope.....................................................................................................................................4

3. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................................5

3.1 External Interface Requirements.......................................................................................................5

3.1.1 User Interfaces...........................................................................................................................5
3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces...................................................................................................................5
3.1.3 Software Interfaces....................................................................................................................5
3.1.4 Technologies Used.....................................................................................................................5
3.2 Functional Requirements...................................................................................................................6
3.3 Use Cases..........................................................................................................................................6
3.3.1 Use Case Diagram......................................................................................................................9
3.3.2 Use Case Dependency..............................................................................................................10
3.4 Classes / Objects..............................................................................................................................11
3.5 Non-Functional Requirements.........................................................................................................12

4. ANALYSIS MODELS.........................................................................................................................13

4. 1 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)...........................................................................................................13

4.2 Architecture Diagram......................................................................................................................16
4.3 Entity Relationship Diagram...........................................................................................................17
5. SCREENSHOTS..................................................................................................................................18

5. 1 Home Page.....................................................................................................................................18
5.2 Login Page......................................................................................................................................20
5.3 Sign Up Page...................................................................................................................................21
5.4 Add House.......................................................................................................................................22
1. Introduction

House Rental is a house/Apartment that can be used temporarily for a fee during a specified
period. The individual who needs a house must contact a rental house company and contract
out for a room/apartment. This system increases customer retention and simplify House and
staff management.

1.1 How House Rental Services Work

A House rental is a house that can be used temporarily for a period of time with a fee.
Renting a house assists people to live in a comfortable house when they do not have
access to build their own personal homes/houses. The individual who want to rent a
house/apartment must first contact the House rental company for the desire
House/apartment. This can be done online. At this point, this person has to supply some
information such as dates of rental and type of house. After these details are worked out, the
individual renting the house must present a valid Identification Card. Most companies
throughout the industry make a profit based of the type of house that is rented. The rental
houses are categorized into modern Homes, Colonial, apartment, Rentals etc. and
customers are free to choose any house of their choice based on their purpose and availability
of such houses at the time of booking.

1.2 Benefits of Online House Rental Services

• This online house rental solution is fully functional and flexible.

• It is very easy to use.

• This online House rental system helps in back office administration by streamlining and
standardizing the procedures.

• It saves a lot of time, money and labor.

• The software acts as an office that is open 24/7.

• It increases the efficiency of the management at offering quality services to the customers.

• It provides custom features development and support with the software.

1.3 Aims & Objectives

1. To produce a web-based system that allow customer to register and reserve houses online
and for the company to effectively manage their House rental business.

2. To ease customers task whenever they need to rent a house.

3. To transform the manual process of renting a house to an online and computerized system.

1.4 Purpose

The advancement in Information Technology and internet penetration has greatly enhanced
various business processes and communication between companies (services provider) and
their customers of which Real Estate/House Rentals industry is not left out. This House
Rental System is developed to provide the following services:

• Enhance Business Processes: To be able to use internet technology to project the rental
company to the global world instead of limiting their services to their local domain alone,
thus increase their return on investment.

• Online House/Room Booking: A tools through which customers can book available
Rooms/House/Apartment online prior to their date of using the house instead of walking
around and asking for a vacant house.

• Customer’s registration: A registration portal to hold customer’s details, monitor their

transaction and used same to offer better and improved services to the user account where
he/she can view his/her details instead of the poor existing systems where only the
administrators control their customer details.

• Rentals Notice and Blog: A tool where customers can see and view the details of nearby
available House for rent/sale and also view the current economic design of

1.5 Scope

This project traverses a lot of areas ranging from business concept to computing field and
required to perform several researches to be able to achieve the project objectives. The area
covers include:

• Real Estate Company: This includes study on how the Real Estate business is being done,
process involved and opportunity that exist for improvement.

• NodeJS Technology is used for the development of the application.

• General customers as well as the company’s staff will be able to use the system effectively.

• Web-platform means that the system will be available for access 24/7 except when there is a
temporary server issue which is expected to be minimal.

• Existing Systems: This involves studying the existing systems and learning their weakness
hence developing a new system to cater for the challenges the local and world domains faces
when dealing with house rental issues.

1.6 Applicability

House Rental is a house/Apartment/home that can be used temporarily for a fee during a
specified period. The individual who needs a house must contact a House Rental Owners
Through House rental Online System by first checking the available Houses, after booking it
the system will contact the house owners to check the house and contract out for a
room/home/apartment. This system increases customer retention and simplify House and
staff management. The System can be used by Real Estate Companies to increase the house
rental market around the world. The system will also help people to rent apartments/houses
easily instead of walking and manually renting houses. It is also applicable for landlords who
want to expand their house rental business

2. General Description

2.1 Project objective

The following are the project objectives:
• To develop a rental house management system that allows the user to view customers
data as well as houses record.
• To develop a system that allows the users to add, edit, search and delete data from the
• To study and analyze the requirement specifications of the Rental house management
• To produce the Software Requirement Specification of the system.
• To produce the Software Design Document of the system.

2.2 Project scope

The project scope defines the description of the work that is required in delivering the rental
house management system. The following are the scopes of work during the course of the
1. Study and understand the requirement of this project
2. Construct Software Requirement Specification document of the system
3. Construct Software Design Document of the system

3. Specific Requirements
3.1 External Interface Requirements
3.1.1 User Interfaces
It entailed user involvement and statements of facts and assumptions that define the
expectations of the system in terms of mission objectives, environment, constraints and
measures of effectiveness and suitability. Basically the users:
• A system that improves on the efficiency of information storage and retrieval.
• A system that is easy to learn and use.
• A system that is fast in processing transactions.
• A system that is flexible, safe and convenient.
3.1.2 Hardware Interfaces
• Processor I3 or higher
• Processor Speed 533 MHZ
• Hard Disk Space 20 GB (min.)
• Ram Memory 2 GB
3.1.3 Software Interfaces
• Windows 7 or higher
• Database Server
3.1.4 Technologies Used
Front- End:
• JavaScript
• Bootstrap
• NodeJS
• MongoDB

Tools Used:

• Visual Studio Code

• Chrome

3.2 Functional Requirements

Requirement analysis is a software engineering technique that is composed of the various

tasks that determine the needs or conditions that are to be met for a new or altered product,
taking into consideration the possible conflicting requirements of the various users.

Functional requirements are those requirements that are used to illustrate the internal working
nature of the system, the description of the system, and explanation of each subsystem. It
consists of what task the system should perform, the processes involved, which data should
the system holds and the interfaces with the user. The functional requirements identified are:

•  Customers registration: The system should allow new users to register online.

•  Online reservation of House: Customers should be able to use the system to make
booking and online reservation.

• Automatic update to database once reservation is made or new customer registered:

Whenever there’s new reservation or new registration, the system should be able update the
database without any additional efforts from the admin.

3.3 Use Cases

Actor and Use Case Description

Actor and use case description shows the detail description of interaction between the actors
and their use cases. The description enables to have a proper understanding of how actor
interacts with the system through their use cases.

Actor Use Case Use case description

Customer Register as member This use case describes the activities of the
customer to register online and become a
member. Customer’s details are required as a
part of the registration. Customer chooses his
user details by entering the user name and
password registration.

Customer Make reservation This use case enable customer to search and
make reservation. Non-register customer will
be directed to register before their reservation
can be confirmed. Notification is
automatically send to the customer after the
task is completed.

Customer Account manager This use case describes the event of customer
setting his account and viewing his bookings.

Landlord Add new house This use case is described by the landlords to
add new and vacant house for rent or sale to
the company’s fleet database. Landlord will
needed to activate this use case.

Landlord Update House This use case is used by the landlord to edit
details and modify. House details whenever there is
new renewal (images, fees). It allows the
company to keep up-to-date records of their

Landlord Process rental This use case described the event by which
landlord updates the system when the
customer take the house.

Admin Add new landlord This use case describes the event by which
admin add new landlord detail to the
company’s landlord database. It is invoked
whenever a new landlord join the company.

Admin View report This use case is used by admin to view

transaction report.

Admin Post house This use case is used by admin to add/edit

new house.

Admin Manage pages This use case allows admin to manage

system pages by either adding, deleting or

Admin Manage testimony This use case allows admin to view and
manage Customers Testimonies.

Admin Manage Booking This use case describes the event by which
admin views and confirms house bookings
from the customer and then sends the
customer the confirmation message.

Admin Manage users This use case allows admin to add, edit, and
delete new customers.

Admin Manage Area This use case allows admin to add, delete or

edit country, state, and area of the properties.

Admin Manage listing types This use case describes how admin can add,
delete or edit house listing types.

3.3.1 Use Case Diagram

3.3.2 Use Case Dependency

3.4 Classes /Objects

3.5 Non-Functional Requirements

It describes aspects of the system that are concerned with how the system provides the
functional requirements. They are:

a. Security: The subsystem should provide a high level of security and integrity of the data
held by the system, only authorized personnel of the company can gain access to the
company’s secured page on the system; and only users with valid password and username can
login to view user’s page.

b. Performance and Response time: The system should have high performance rate when
executing user’s input and should be able to provide feedback or response within a short time
span usually 50 seconds for highly complicated task and 20 to 25 seconds for less
complicated task.

c. Error handling: Error should be considerably minimized and an appropriate error

message that guides the user to recover from an error should be provided. Validation of user’s
input is highly essential. Also the standard time taken to recover from an error should be 15
to 20 seconds.

d. Availability: This system should always be available for access at 24 hours, 7 days a
week. Also in the occurrence of any major system malfunctioning, the system should be
available in 1 to 2 working days, so that the business process is not severely affected

4. Analysis Model

4.1 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)

A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation that depicts the information flow
and the transforms that are applied as data moves from input to output.

Functions of Customer:

•  New Registration

•  Login Request

•  Registration Confirmation by the System

•  Reserve House

•  House Issued by the System

•  Email received for Reserved House.

Functions of System Administrator:

•  Add Customers/Tenants/landlords

•  Send E-Mails for Reserved House

•  View Transaction reports

•  Post Vacant Houses

Functions of Landlord:

•  Register in the system

•  Post a New house

•  Send House Confirmation to System Administrator

4.2 Architecture Diagram

4.3 Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD)

ER diagram is a graphical representation of system entities their attributes and the

relationship between them as shown in the figure below: -

5. Screenshots

5.1 Home Page

5.2 Login Page

5.3 Sign Up Page

5.4 Add House


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