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1. The velocity of sound at the sea level in a standard atmosphere is:

a. 200 kts
b. 661 kts
c. 332 kts
d. 1059 kts
2. A pilot wishes to turn right on to a northerly heading with 20° bank at a latitude of
40° North. Using a direct reading compass, in order to achieve this he must stop the
turn on to an approximate heading of :
a. 010°
b. 330°
c. 350°
3. The error in altimeter readings caused by the variation of the static pressure near the
source is known as:
a. Position pressure error.
b. Barometric error.
c. Instrument error.
d. Hysteresis effect.
4. On the ground, during a left turn, the turn indicator indicates :
a. needle in the middle, ball to the left
b. needle to the left, ball to the right
c. needle to the left, ball to the left
d. needle in the middle, ball to the right
5. When, in flight, the needle of a needle-and-ball indicator is on the right and the ball
on the left, the aircraft is :
a. turning left with not enough bank
b. turning left with too much bank
c. turning right with not enough bank
d. turning right with too much bank
6. An airborne instrument, equipped with a gyro with 2 degrees of freedom and a
horizontal spin axis is:
a. an artificial horizon
b. a directional gyro
c. a turn indicator
7. If the static source of an altimeter becomes blocked during a descent the instrument
a. continue to display the reading at which the blockage occurred
b. gradually indicate zero
c. under-read
d. indicate a height equivalent to the setting on the millibar subscale
8. In the building principle of a gyroscope, the best efficiency is obtained through the
concentration of the mass :
a. on the periphery and with a low rotation speed.
b. close to the axis and with a low rotation speed.
c. on the periphery and with a high rotation speed.
d. close to the axis and with a high rotation speed.
9. In the Southern hemisphere, during deceleration following a landing in a Westerly
direction, the magnetic compass will indicate :
a. no apparent turn.
b. an apparent turn to the North
c. an apparent turn to the South
d. a heading fluctuating about 270°
10. In a non-pressurized aircraft, if one or several static pressure ports are damaged,
there is an ultimate emergency means for restoring a practically correct static
pressure intake :
a. breaking the rate-of-climb indicator glass window
b. slightly opening a window to restore the ambient pressure in the cabin
c. descending as much as possible in order to fly at a pressure as close to
1013.25 hPa as possible.
d. calculating the ambient static pressure, allowing for the altitude and QNH
and adjusting the instruments
11. An areoplane is in steady cruise at flight level 270. The autothrottle maintains a
constant calibrated airspeed. If the total temperature increases, the Mach number :
a. decreases if the outside temperature is higher than the standard
temperature, increases if lower.
b. remains constant.
c. Increases
d. Decreases
12. The vertical speed indicator of an aircraft flying at a true airspeed of 110 kt, in a
descent with a slope of 3 degrees, indicates :
a. - 250 ft/min
b. - 550 ft/min.
c. - 350 ft/min
d. - 150 ft/min
13. The aircraft hydraulic system is designed to produce:
a. small pressure and large flow
b. small pressure and small flow
c. high pressure and large flow.
d. high pressure and small flow.
14. Under normal running conditions a magneto draws primary current :
a. from the aircraft batteries via an inverter
b. from a self-contained electro-magnetic induction system
c. from the booster coil.
15. A turbocharger consists of a :
a. compressor and turbine mounted on a common shaft.
b. compressor and turbine on individual shafts
c. compressor driving a turbine via a reduction gear.
d. turbine driving a compressor via a reduction gear.
16. For piston engines, mixture ratio is the ratio between the:
a. volume of fuel and volume of air entering the carburettor.
b. mass of fuel and volume of air entering the carburettor.
c. mass of fuel and mass of air entering the cylinder.
17. Hydraulic fluids :
a. Do not require special care
b. Are irritating to eyes and skin and cause high fire risk
c. Are irritating to eyes and skin
d. Cause high fire risk.
18. The power of a piston engine decreases during climb with a constant power lever
setting, because of the decreasing :
a. engine temperature
b. humidity
c. air density.
d. air density.
19. Hydraulic fluids of synthetic origin are:
a. red.
b. Purple.
c. pink.
d. Blue.
20. One of the advantages of a turbosupercharger is that :
a. it has a better propulsive efficiency.
b. it uses the exhaust gas energy which normally is lost
c. there is no torsion at the crankshaft.
21. The power output of a piston engine can be calculated by :
a. Force times distance.
b. Pressure times arm.
c. Torque times RPM.
d. Work times velocity
22. The compression ratio of a piston engine is the ratio of the:
a. weight of the air induced to its weight after compression.
b. volume of the cylinder with the piston at bottom dead centre to that with
the piston at top dead centre.
c. diameter of the bore to the piston stroke.
23. The crank assembly consists of:
a. crankshaft, connecting rods and pistons.
b. propeller, crankshaft, pistons and connecting rods.
c. Crankcase, crankshaft, connecting rods and pistons.
24. The 'slipstream effect' of a propeller is most prominent at:
a. high airspeeds with low power setting.
b. low airspeeds with high power setting.
c. high airspeeds with high power setting.
d. low airspeeds with low power setting.

25. Specific fuel consumption is defined as the :

a. quantity of fuel required to run the engine for one minute at maximum
operating conditions.
b. maximum fuel consumption of the aircraft.
c. mass of fuel required to produce unit power for unit time.
d. designed fuel consumption for a given rpm.
26. Prolonged running at low rpm may have an adverse effect on the efficiency of the:
a. carburettor.
b. sparking plugs.
c. fuel filter.
d. oil pump.
27. A piston engine may use a fuel of a different grade than the recommended:
a. provided that it is an aeronautical petrol.
b. provided that the grade is lower
c. provided that the grade is higher
d. never
28. To adjust the mixture ratio of a piston engine when altitude increases, means to:
a. decrease the amount of fuel in the mixture in order to compensate for the
increasing air density.
b. decrease the fuel flow in order to compensate for the decreasing air
c. increase the mixture ratio.
d. increase the amount of fuel in the mixture to compensate for the decreasing air
pressure and density.
29. For a given type of oil, the oil viscosity depends on the:
a. outside pressure.
b. quantity of oil.
c. oil temperature.
d. oil pressure
30. Fixed-pitch propellers are usually designed for maximum efficiency at :
a. cruising speed
b. full throttle
c. take-off
31. An impulse magneto coupling:
a. gives an automatic spark increase during high speed operation.
b. gives a retarded spark at starting.
c. reduces magneto speed during engine warm-up.
d. advances ignition timing and gives a hotter spark at starting.
32. The primary purpose of a supercharger is to :
a. provide a richer mixture at high altitudes.
b. maintain power at altitude.
c. increase quantity of fuel at metering jet.
33. "Nose wheel shimmy" may be described as :
a. the amount of free movement of the nose wheel before steering takes effect.
b. aircraft vibration caused by the nose wheel upon extension of the gear.
c. a possibly damaging vibration of the nose wheel when moving on the
d. the oscillatory movement of the nose wheel when extended prior to landing.

34. The purpose of an ignition switch is to :

a. connect the contact breaker and condenser in series with the primary coil.
b. connect the secondary coil to the distributor.
c. control the primary circuit of the magneto.
d. connect the battery to the magneto.
35. The stall speed in landing configuration is abbreviated as?
36. The stall speed in normal configuration is abbreviated as?
37. The maximum speed for flap extension is abbreviated as?
38. The speed at which the pilot attempts to lift the nose wheel of the aircraft for take-off
is abbreviated as?
39. The green arc of the ASI denotes what operating range?
40. The yellow arc of the ASI denotes what operating range?
41. The white arc of the ASI denotes what operating range?
42. The capacity of a battery is expressed in terms of :
a. ampere-hours.
b. watts.
c. volts.
d. Internal resistance
43. When increasing true airspeed with a constant engine RPM, the angle of attack of a
fixed pitch propeller :
a. stays constant because it only varies with engine RPM.
b. stays constant.
c. reduces.
d. Increases.
44. In a four-stroke piston engine, the only "driving" stroke is :
a. Compression.
b. Exhaust.
c. firing-expansion.
d. Intake.
45. A piston engine compression ratio is the ratio of the :
a. total volume to the swept volume.
b. swept volume to the clearance volume.
c. total volume to the clearance volume.
d. clearance volume to the swept volume.
46. In very cold weather, the pilot notices during startup, a slightly higher than normal oil
pressure. This higher pressure :
a. requires an oil change.
b. is normal, if it decreases after startup.
c. is abnormal and requires the engine to be shut down.
d. is abnormal but does not require the engine to be shut down.
47. In the Northern hemisphere, during deceleration following a landing in a Westerly
direction, the magnetic compass will indicate :
a. an apparent turn to the South.
b. an apparent turn to the North.
c. no apparent turn.
d. a heading fluctuating about 270°
48. The altimeter consists of one or several aneroid capsules located in a sealed casing.
49. The pressures in the aneroid capsule (i) and casing (ii) are respectively :
a. (i) static pressure at time t (ii) static pressure at time t – t
b. (i) total pressure (ii) static pressure
c. (i) static pressure (ii) total pressure
d. (i) vacuum (or a very low pressure) (ii) static pressure
50. If the outside temperature at 35 000 feet is -40°C, the local speed of sound is :
a. 247 kt.
b. 307 kt.
c. 686 kt
d. 596 kt.

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