C.E On Preventing Pollution

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(G.E.K) JULY-93: QUES: 1

(G.E.K) OCT-1995:QUES:1



To prevent sea pollution and air pollution C/E must know the following
rules and let other engineers and crew, (E/R personal) understand and
strictly follow.
Oils discharge criteria (machinery operation only) the operation must
be done with the (1) approval of C/E, to (2) inform bridge and must be (3)
used oily water separator.
For preventing the pollution of air, dark smoke shall not be emitter
from the vessel and if on any day, dark smoke is so emitted, the owner
the master or person in-charge of the vessel shall be guilty of an
offence. The dark smoke may comes out from main engine, auxiliary engine
and boilers. It is realized that emissions of dark smoke are sometimes
unavoidable, as for instance in lighting up a boiler when cold, while
soot blowing, cleaning fires and so on. So the sources from which dark
smoke can be emitted from the vessel must be maintained at regular
interval to minimized the dark smoke emitting period, to be within the
allowable limit, the following maintenance must be kept up to date, such
1. Fuel valves overhauling, checked the pump timing. M.E and Generator
2. Suitable fuel oil must be used
3. Burners from boiler must be cleaned frequently
4. Oil fire boiler air inlet duct must be cleaned regularly.
5. In oil fire boiler, correct amount of air/ fuel ratio to be maintained
by adjusting the air damper.
6. Soot on boiler tubes must be cleaned regularly
7. Never allow to overload the engine

Air pollution act

So as to prevent emission of black smoke from ships which can lead
pollution of air space, many countries have there own regulations that
not to be violated (give respect).
Smoke from the vessel is checked for “Blackness” by comparison with
“Ringelmann Scale Chart” or other many smoke meters, such as filter
Soiling spot meters, Opacimeter etc.
The degrees of obscuration listed are numbered 1,2,3, and 4 Ringelman.
On this scale, the white card is number 0 and totally black card is ‘5’.
If the smoke becomes darker than shade 4 is considered to be a black
Sometime, the black smoke is inevitable (ra7SmifvGJEdSifaom) when flashing
up or any problems occur. Therefore, there has been a specific time
limit during which black smoke emission is not penalized.
01 Continuous production of black smoke must not longer than 4 minutes
02 Where there are number short emissions, the aggregate (pkpkaygif;
t7nftwGuf) time must be limited to 3 minutes in every 20 minutes
03 Another part of ruling limits emission to not more than 10 minutes
in the aggregate in any 2 hours period.
Oil pollution act
The MARPOL regulations governing precise effluent qualities of oil
water mixture being discharge affect tankers over 150 GT and other ship
over 400 GT.
Protection of environmental pollution including control of
operational discharge and accidentally discharge.
In operational discharge ship must be -
1. Protected by Regulation for control of discharge.
Consideration should also be given to specific IMCO regulations
concerning "special areas" where discharge of any kind is emitted for
vessel. These areas include the Mediterranean Sea, Baltic sea, Red sea,
Black sea, (Gulfs) Gulf of Aden, Persian gulf and North sea, Antarctic
Area, Wider Caribbean Area and other sea area. The numbers of discharge
rules also appliance on many inland waterways.
Any discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixture from ship shall be
prohibited except the following conditions are satisfied.
a. The ship is not within a special area.
b. The ship is more than 12 N miles from the nearest land.
c. The ship is proceeding enroute.
d. The pumping out with moderate rate.
e. On an oil discharge monitoring and control system, oily water
separating equipment with alarm arrangement and an automatic 15
PPM stopping device oil filtering system or other installation.
f. On oil tanker, the bilge water does not originate from cargo pump
room bilge and the bilge water is not mixed with oil cargo
2. Must have slop tank for tankers
3. Must have S.B.T, C.B.T, C.O.W for tanker
4. Fitted the pumping and piping arrangement.
5. Fitted Oily water interface detector
6. Oil record book and cargo record book.
All leakage of machinery must be stopped and engine room tank tops
keep clean and painted with white color for immediate inspection for oil
leakage. Which can mix with bilge water and cause pollution.
All engine room person must be trained for independently operation of
oily separator.
For accidentally discharge ship must be posses
1. Tank size limitation, use large number of smaller tank is reduced
pollution then small number of large tank.
2. Fitted sub-division and stability tank
3. Also fitted Segregated Ballast Tank plus Protective Location, that
means use doubled hull or wind tank.
For tanker, tank-cleaning medium must be as possible as minimum to
avoid environmental pollution and keep in the slop tank. So now a day
the crude oil washing system is the best method for oil tanker.
The crude oil washing is carried out while the cargo discharging used
with fixed piping to permanent positioned tank cleaning nozzles. Oil
residues are pumps ashore with a cargo. An inert gas system must be used
during tank cleaning.
Crude oil washing must be completed before the vessel leaving port, a
completely different routine form that of water washing, when used is
carried out between ports and these are kept in slop tank and discharge
by shore facility when arriving port.
Regulation for the prevention of pollution by oil (MARPOL) which came
into force and October 1983 is to reduce the practice of using cargo
tanks for S.W ballast alternatively with cargo.
No discharge into the sea shall contain chemicals or other substances,
which are hazardous to the marine environment, chemical or other
substances introduce for the purpose of circumventing (csDK;azguf) the
condition of discharge specified in this regulation.
An entering must be made into oil record book or logbook consisting of
1 Quantity of discharge
2 Service of discharge
3 Duration of discharge
4 Ship position
5 The date and it must be signed by the master and C/E
Detector should be provided to measure the oil content from overboard
waters. It measured the pump of oil at all time 15 PPM and then the oily
water separator should be stopped immediately if the density exceed the
Regular maintenance of oily water separator must be done, filter
elements cleaning photo electric cell cleaning and testing etc. must be
done for efficient separation of oil and water.
Every E/R personnel's must be ordered not to throw oily rags and used
oil into the bilge and sea.
The incinerator incinerates them, the incinerator keep in good running
At bunkering period, care must be taken to avoid overflow such as all
scupper holes are plugged and sealed off, clear the overflow tank. Oil
leakage's from any machinery parts should be checked all the time and
rectified completely.

Sewage plant
Cleaning of the plant must be performed at sea only and not within
economic regions of any country.
For bio-chemical plant chemical used is AMDA-P or Sodium hypo
Now a day used the zero discharge type sewage plants are design for
prevent environmental pollution.
Not for exam:
Untreated faces and sewage removes O2 from the water thus stimulating
the growth of algae (yifv,fa7arSmf) which in turn consumes the removing O 2.
At this stage are life dies through the lack of O2.

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